powerinapause · 1 year
What would I be?
"What would I be if I hadn’t been hurt? 
What would I be without the scars?
Would I ever know the truth?
Would I realize —
How the shadow gives meaning to light.
If the storm hadn’t blown,
Would I cherish the calm?
If I hadn’t been empty,
Would I know the space within my heart?
If I were unbroken,
Would I know how to love?
Would I be real if I hadn’t been hurt?"
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powerinapause · 1 year
“You and I 
Are the creation and the destruction
You and I
Are everything and nothing
You and I 
Are eternal and ephemeral
You and I 
Are forever and never ever.
You and I 
Are the dance
Of the light and the shadow
You and I
Dwell in that space
between absoluteness and nothingness
You are the home 
I — the wilderness.
We’re always together and forever apart.”
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powerinapause · 2 years
Surrendering to Silence
“For aeons  I have wandered like a vagabond  in search of myself, Like the parched landscape of summer, Waiting to surrender to the softness of monsoon rain; And now the noise within my mind  yearns for some kind of silence. Like the tranquility that permeates through the hollow of space. I have been in search for a drop of stillness  for long as I can remember -  trying to quiet the mind.  I’m weary of my senses, Of the wars that wage unannounced. 
I want to embrace rest. I want to wrap myself — in the placidity of the ocean mist  and allow its waters to run over me, and hold me still.  I want to lay on the earth  to feel its unyielding strength and tender care.  I want to stare at the sky  and be awed by its expanse.  And watch an eagle fly over me,  I want to admire the regality of its flight — without being stirred by the desire for wings.  I want to lie down just for a moment,  and be enveloped by the eternity of time and steeped in the silence of space.”
For more please visit: https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 2 years
“I feel like I’m melting into something else I feel like shattered glass floating around  In search of it’s missing pieces, As though I am no longer what I used to be; But know not who I’m becoming. I feel the warmth of fire in my heart  spreading through all the cracks, as if trying to weld the broken parts. But it’s waiting for me to let go of something —  — Things that I have tethered myself to. Will I ever be whole again - as I used to be? Or is this metamorphosis?”
For more please visit: https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 2 years
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“The misty fog settles on my hair Like the tender touch of a lover, And runs down my face Like beautiful pearls of tears.” -d.h. (Inspired by the incessant rain.) ====================================== #poem #poetry #prose #writer #writing #blog #blogger #rain #mist #fog #cloudyday #thoughts #inspiration #random #musings #raindrops #roses #raindropsonroses #photographer #photography #nature #rainyday #foggy #wanderingmind https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnda7XaLG_O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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powerinapause · 2 years
Rest and Renew
“Every once a while, Remember to live a little— Amidst the frenzy and chaos of life. Take time for a moment of breath— To fill your lungs with a cup of crisp air. Just for a moment,  take a seat under a lush green tree And let its soothing shade Hold your wandering thoughts in its cradle; Allow the earth to hold The weight of your life And rejuvenate your tired heart. When the winds are gusty, Set your mind free —  Let your imagination  take a ride on the wild side. And then on a cloud-filled day, Soak up in the rain, jump and splash—  And pause for a moment to reflect. In the humdrum of your daily affairs, Stop for a heartbeat— To listen for a song in the chirp of the birds, Or be soothed by the sweet scent of flowers. Under a clear dark sky,  Hold space for your mind to be awed and opened wide by the wonder of a zillion stars. And slowly let the night wrap you in the quiet comfort of its stillness. When the morning comes, Let the warmth of the sun Enter the deepest crevice of your soul, To rekindle the flame within you And soak you in the brilliance Of your own light.”
For more, please visit my webpage
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powerinapause · 2 years
Lost nor Found
"Sometimes I wish I could — wear the veil of obscurity, And disappear into the web of my thoughts, Deep in the abyss of the mind. I wonder if I would be found  I wonder if I’d want to be found."
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powerinapause · 2 years
Gather yourself, gather yourself All the parts of you— - the part that you buried in the womb of the earth; - the part that you whispered away into thin air; - the part that you dissolved into the depths of the ocean’s water; - the part you watched burn in fire into cinders. Weave them all together With the touch of your healing hands, And wear it like the crown of thorns; Forge new life into it, With the love within your heart And wear it like a garment - an armor - for your soul, - of your soul.
May you be — Strong enough to boast the glory of the crown of thorns, Soft enough to share the bounties of your soul.
For more, please visit: https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 2 years
“I strive to be infinite 
Unbound by rules
Unfettered by desires
Unmarked by time
And transcend my own mind.”
For more, please visit my website https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 2 years
To Take a Leap
Sometimes I don’t want to be brave  I want to let go and scream; Sometimes I don’t feel all of my strength I want to stop running; Sometimes I cannot fully breathe I want break down all the walls.
I feel overcome by a desire — to become fluid — to see the boundaries dissipate I want to become free —  enough to take a leap And to not want to know where I am going.
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powerinapause · 2 years
“I fear that one day
You will cease to yearn for a flight
And the chains you so long eluded
Will find you in their grip.
But I hope —— 
That you will remember
You’re the love that dwells in the heart
You’re the fire that dances in the rain
You’re the light in all the stars. 
And you will rise again
Inevitable like the sun shining within your soul.”
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powerinapause · 2 years
The Deception
The ocean yearns to meet the sky
One is forever reflected in the other
-like mirror images 
-like age old lovers
Is it in grieving that the ocean rages 
with its waves reaching for the sky?
Is it in mourning that the sky pours down as rain?
And the horizon—-
like the deceptive fate
holds them both captive,
Lures them 
Into a false union.
For more, please visit my webpage https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 2 years
Stars are born
When darkness hungers for light
When the vacuum of space 
Yearns for a tangible existence;
I have witnessed this 
As the essence of my own rebirth—
Like the supernova of my soul.
For more, please visit https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 3 years
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The past and the future are intricately woven into the present moment. Every single present moment then becomes a continuum - one which upholds the entire tapestry of our life. If you think about it, the present is also the past and the future. Living fully in that moment establishes a strong foundation for the future to unfold. It is in this moment that we have the power to create and build - not yesterday nor tomorrow. When we are seized with a fear of what is yet to come or the longing of what no longer exists, we paralyze the potential of the power of now. It’s easier said than done. To rise above the fear and longing is no mean feat. But is it impossible? Perhaps not. One of the keys to that is intention, which is not in the same spirit as a new year resolution that gets lost amidst the cacophony of the mundane. It is the kind of intention that we set from a much deeper place - this intention heeds the call of the soul, the kind that once set in motion resists all inertia and continues in its orbit around the sun. It is the kind of intention that has the power to push one through obstacles, doubts and fears which is often an illusion placed by the mind. When we set an intention of that stature it becomes a living source of inspiration in our lives that is internal and certainly more powerful than any words, books or material objects. It is then that we begin to awaken and harness the power within each moment which otherwise lies dormant.
- d.h.
For more please visit: https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 3 years
Stay Afloat
Sometimes life throws us into a tumultuous storm, uprooting everything that we believed to be permanent, immutable. And all of a sudden we find ourselves grappling for the ground beneath our feet. What do we do then? Do we remain unbending and rigid, or do we become fluid enough to remain unbroken?Perhaps the storm is not ominous; may be in its wake we will find ourselves slightly unencumbered of all that we hold on to that no longer serve us. But for that to happen, we have to be willing to stay afloat in the uncertainty of that moment. When everything else goes awry in the world around, we can always choose to turn inwards to that part of ourselves which is untouched by time and space. And may be when the storm clears we can find a little more clarity even in the unfamiliar new reality, a little more strength to tread another mile and a little more softness to accept that which we cannot change.
For more, visit my website: https://www.powerinapause.com/lets-pause/stay-afloat.
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powerinapause · 3 years
Closer to Whole
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“Face to face
With my fear
I find
the courage to love
One more square inch
Of my being.
With each passing day
I get closer
To the whole.”
For more, visit my webpage: https://www.powerinapause.com
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powerinapause · 3 years
Heed the call, See the Light, Become
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“Let all your wounds
crack open to the calling of your soul.
And every inch of your being
bask in the brilliance of your own light.
Let everything in you that’s not you
Forever cease to be.
May you never stand in the way of your own becoming.”
For more, please visit my website https://www.powerinapause.com
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