Random Thots’ open letter to his teachers, educators, and mentors
Dear my Teachers, Educators, and Mentors, 
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, I wanted to write this open letter to all you all. 
I cannot thank my TEMS (teachers, educators, and mentors), enough. Every single one. There have been many TEMS I maybe didn’t get along with. But this letter is still for them as well. Because without those challenges and waypoints I wouldn’t be who I am today. Every TEM has offered me something different to help me on my way. 
For all the TEMs that encouraged me to follow my dreams, and saw a spark in me. Thank you! You have done your job as a TEM, because dreams really do come true. You just need hope, drive, and positivity. A person’s dream really can come true. And has a lot to do with the TEMs that encouraged my dreams and creativity. 
I’m very, very well. I am on my way to greatness, and just want to say a brief thank you! Love all my TEMs
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Random Thots Disney March Madness Bracket
Finally filled out my March Madness bracket. What do you think? What’s yours look like? Reblog or comment with your completed bracket, someone will be chosen at random, and a song from their winning movie will be recorded! 
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Random Thots - Possibly a New Song
Your adventure is right around the corner.
Just open your eyes and see if your journey is there.
And you see it, grab it, run with it, don’t look back. 
Lay your road out in front of you.
It will lead you right to where you’re supposed to be.
Yellow bricks, a red carpet, blacktop road. 
Follow it.
You are on your adventure. 
Take the first step.
Give in and see what happens. 
The time for you is now.
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3 Random Thots of Safe Haven LGBTQ+ App
1. An Old Friend
For starters, she is not old. But an old friend, Darlyn, reached out to me yesterday to like a new page on Facebook called Safe Haven LGBTQ+ App. Darlyn and I attended Carroll University together, and Darlyn was a great resource on campus for the LGBT community. I liked it immediately to be supportive. When I began reading what the app was about I was instantly intrigued, and wanted to know more. Low and behold, they were looking for more people to become Talk Leaders. I instantly said yes! Now I am learning more about how to become involved and where the idea came from. 
2. A Short Presentation
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3. Kathleen Sullivan
Here is a short bio of our fearless leader, Kathleen Sullivan. 
“Kathleen hails originally from Arlington, MA, but currently resides in the Steel City, Pittsburgh, PA. After watching her late father succumb to lung cancer in April of 2014, she realized, thanks to conversations with him, her purpose was much greater than what she was living to that point. Kathleen realized she needed to refocus her life and focus it on traveling and helping others by any means necessary. Kathleen did just that. After helping her family at home following her father's death, she packed her bags and found Pittsburgh to be her new home. She is currently the President of SK Marketing Group & her latest project, Safe Haven.“
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Kathleen, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so ambitious for creating such a platform for members of our community to use. With the presence of the app growing quickly, please like the Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram. Together, as a community, we can make sure no one ever feels alone. 
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4 Random Thots of Folk Wandering
1. The Story
Folk Wandering produced by Pipeline Theatre Company, focuses on three stories of women throughout American History. 1911 - Rosealia dreams of a better life. 1933 - Kai struggles to keep her daughter safe. 1955 - Hannah finally fights for herself. This ensemble of characters play different characters throughout each of the stories, intertwined together through knick knacks in an attic. Set to a score arranged by Mike Brun and Joel Esher, Folk Wander, musically warns America to learn from the past. 
2. The Scenic Design
I am a sucker for a good scenic design, and the moment I walked in, I knew I was going to love this show. The eclectic attic is a perfect arena for props to hide right in plain sight. You start to wonder, what props will be used and which are just there as dressing. 
3. Stand Out Performers
From the moment that Lena Hudson entered the stage, I knew she was going to provide a stunning performance. As Roselia, Lena captured the essence of a young girl, dreaming of what her future looks like, through a career and through love.
Morgan Siobhan Green has a voice like no other. Portraying Hannah, she cuts ties with a James Dean impersonator that a small town idolizes. She doesn’t even have the double maple on her pancakes. Hannah decides that some of these memories in the attic is what holds America back. She starts the movement to chuck memories and rid the group of pain. It’s a proclamation for a better tomorrow. 
Seth Clayton has a wide range of skills. From playing a newly immigrated American, to a mute barkeep, to a wacky-kooky radio announcer, he supports each of the stories in a driving way. During group dance breaks, you can tell that Seth knows his moves. 
4. If  You Go
Folk Wandering is playing at the Mezzanine Theatre at A.R.T./New York Theatres, 502 W. 53rd St. The Pipeline production is playing now through March 25th. Click here to buy tickets. 
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Random Thots New Coasters
Recently I bought some new coasters for the Bushwick Mansion. An old college friends mom made them, and I had to have them! I think they are pretty funny, and even a bit naughty. 
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Tabletop Beanbag Games, creates a bunch of different customizable gifts. Below are a few new things they are offering. Check out their Facebook page and website for even more products they offer. 
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7 Random Thots on Charcoal Whitener
1. Buzzfeed Article
Recently I saw a Buzzfeed article about a charcoal teeth whitener. I was intrigued. So curious about it, I wanted to try it out. Here’s Buzzfeed’s original article - https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaylasuazo/holy-shit-this-charcoal-teeth-whitener?distro_platform=facebook&utm_term=.de6k639LM#.sfE52XelN
2. Amazon 
I followed the link via Buzzfeed to Amazon to purchase the Active Wow Activated Coconut Charcoal Powder. Buzzfeed advertized the powder in their article for $24.79. When I began looking at pricing options, I only paid $20. Granted that was for the Orange Flavor. 
3. The Before 
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Here is the before picture taken on February 19, 2018. PC - Dianna McDougall
4. Using It
First off, let us talk about the orange flavor. Honestly, I don’t taste orange in the powder. Going with the cheaper option paid off in a sense, because there really isn’t a flavor. 
The directions are not really clear on its use. “Use a soft toothbrush. Damp the brush, and dip it in the powder. Gently brush teeth for one to two minutes. Rinse Thoroughly. Use once or twice daily. Enjoy a whiter healthier smile, the natural way!” This leaves me with some questions. Do I brush with powder then toothpaste? Or do I brush with toothpaste then powder? I turned to the reviews on Amazon. Some people said do the powder followed by toothpaste. Others say toothpaste then powder. Some even said toothpaste dipped in the powder. I tried them all. Mostly I tried the dipping into the powder after my toothpaste was on my toothbrush. 
5. The After
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Here is the after picture taken on March 1, 2018. PC - Dianna McDougall 
6. My Take 
I’m not sure how I feel about this product. I think I will still continue to use it, but I haven’t seen a huge difference with my own eye. Maybe after continuing using it, results will be more dramatic. I give this a 3/5 star rating. 
7. Brusha Brusha Brusha
To end on a funny note - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFAwSqK3SdQ
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5 Random Thots on Amy and The Orphans
1. So Proud Yesterday I was able to attend Amy and The Orphans, at Roundabout Theatre Company. Since beginning my work in audience services at Roundabout, and moving to NY in this context, I haven’t been able to catch a show with them. I am so very proud that this was the first production I saw. This play had me on the edge of my seat on so many different levels. It also was a very relatable production. As I am coming to the end of my training, I am very proud to say that I work at Roundabout Theatre Company. 
2. The Story After their father’s death, two unhinged siblings reunite with Amy, their movie-loving sister who has Down syndrome (Jamie Brewer, "American Horror Story"). Together, they careen down the Great American Long Island Expressway, navigating strip malls, traffic jams and some serious (and not-so-serious) family drama. An unexpected turn reveals the moment that changed their lives…and the fact that Amy may be the only one who knows her own mind.
3. The Set Because of the intimacy of both the play itself and The Laura Pels Theatre, the set needed to be simple. Rachel Hauck achieved this with precision. With the lighting design of Kenneth Posner, the stage was stuffing. The setting being a plain room that is both nowhere and everywhere was fulfilled to perfection. It made me think about Luna Gale at Renaissance Theaterworks. Both productions used wagons to put simple set pieces on to set the location of each scene. Lisa Schlenker designed a beautiful set for this Milwaukee, Wisconsin production. Lisa is an incredible designer, and an amazing mentor. While I was watching Amy and The Orphans, I was suddenly transported back to Luna Gale for an instance. It brought back many fond memories of my time at the Broadway Theatre Center. 
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Amy and The Orphans - Roundabout Theatre Company
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Luna Gale - Renaissance Theaterworks
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Luna Gale - Renaissance Theaterworks
4. Family & Friends As you can see from the story description pulled from Roundabout’s website, this story is all about family. Dealing with the death of their father, many emotions come up regarding regret. The siblings feel a sense of guilt that they should have visited Amy more, and even paid attention more during their visits with Amy at a younger age. Amy likes to play a game, asking people if they are her friend. The siblings are a little confused by it, and remind Amy they are actually family. In Amy’s eyes family are friends and friends are family. Which leads into my next thot…
5. Show Appreciation Whenever you can, show your “friends” appreciation. No matter where in the world you are remind your friends and family that they mean something to you. The smallest gestures can mean the most. Send them notes, pick up the phone, make them a meal, take them to the movies, treat to Burger King, always have tic tacs on you.
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3 Random Thots While Watching the News
1. A Disclaimer
Alright, I am not trying to get super political here. I think I’m just pointing out the absurdities here. So I thought I would start with something heavy, then end with something light. If you want it the other way around, choose your adventure and read #3 next, then #2. 
2. CNN Anchor to NRA Spokeswoman: How Dare You
Click here to watch the original video. 
I think Dana Loesch is grabbing at strings in this video bey saying the media loves mass shootings. DO YOU HEAR HOW ABSURD THAT IS?!? I’m not sure anyone loves mass shootings, so for the NRA to say that people in legacy media love mass shootings for ratings is ridiculous. If anyone can find me someone that has said they love mass shootings for a higher score on TV, I will delete this post. I think CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota hits it on the head when see says that most people turn away from the TV these days whenever there is a mass shooting like this. 
What I don’t understand is how a minor is able to get an automatic assault weapon. Not just minor’s why does anybody need an automatic assault weapon. On the issues of gun I kind of ride down the middle. I understand that people don’t want their guns taken away, especially for hunting. Where I’m from it’s a big part of our community, and resources for food. We live off the land. I think the issue I have with it all is the screening process and how easy it is for anyone to acquire a weapon. 
3. How to Get a Date with Adam Rippon
Click here to watch the original video. 
Sally Field is an extraordinary supporter of the LGBT community! She always has been. One of my favorite things I’ve seen her in is Brothers & Sisters on ABC. I’m hoping for a reboot of that show soon! Ms. Field is a pretty rad mom by using her star power to tweet out to Adam Rippon. The reason, to try and set up her son on a date. I think if Sally Fields were my mom, I would be totally embarrassed. I hope Sam and Adam are able to meet up and celebrate Adam’s Olympic accomplishments. Sally Field, if you are reading this, 1. Thank you for all your support over the years to the LGBT community. 2. If you feel like playing matchmaker, here I am. 
A note to my mom, 1. Thank you for all your support to the LGBT community and me over the years! Where would I be without you. 2. Don’t ever tweet at someone to try to set me up! Love you mom! 
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Random Thots 6 Favorite Olympic Ice Skating Looks (in no particular order)
1. Satoko Miyahara - Japan
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2. Aimee Buchanan - Israel 
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3. Adam Rippon - USA
Well I was trying to just concentrate on the woman dancers, but how could I not include America’s newest sweetheart. 
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4. Wang Shiyue - China
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5. Gabriella Papadakis - France
Despite the wardrobe malfunction, this is one of my favorite looks from this years games.
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6. Maia Shibutani - USA
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7 Random Thots of a Mini Midwest Tour
1. A Great Decision
I cannot thank EPIC Arts Management enough for giving the opportunity to go on tour with them this past weekend! A great group of guys singing brillant music, providing top notch entertainment, and just putting on wonderful shows. 
2. “Just us guys on this one.”
We had so many great laughs. One of the best ones was at the end of trip and in context (and out of context) I said “Just us guys on this one.” It was in reference to one of our amazing bosses that didn’t get to tag along on the tour. Maybe the delivery wasn’t the best in the world. 
3. Wisconsin Rapids & Batavia
We had the pleasure to play in two high schools. The auditoriums that these high schools had were gorgeous, state of the art, and professional. They had staff that truly cared about everything, and tended to our needs to the fullest! These districts are truly blessed to have the support from their communities and school to reach their full potential every time they walk on stage. Wisconsin Rapids had a totally radical sound system, and Batavia lit our show beautifully. It felt like we were in a rock show. 
4. Bae
Starbucks new name is now Bae. 
5. Gurnee Mills
I don’t think I have ever been in a bigger mall in my life! It went on and on and on. There were two food courts in there, and a Rainforest cafe! The only store we got to go to was Bae. Everything else was closed until 11am, which is when we had to head back to our hotel to check out. Next time we are there, we will have to do some major shopping, and eat in the Rainforest! 
6. Key Lime Cove
Gurnee is pretty famous for being the home of 6 Flags Great America. Associated with them is Key Lime Cove, an indoor waterpark hotel. A few years ago, they had an event there called Heatwave. I was lucky enough to attend this event for some much needed R&R. Though I am not very close with any of these people anymore, I am grateful that I got to experience this indoor pool dance party with them. Seeing the enclosed slide tubes that go outside, brought me back to that time. 
7. Home
One of Michael Buble’s famous songs is called Home. The three men that I heard sing this song three nights in a row covered it and created a magical experience each time. Each night I heard them sing it, it meant something different. 
Wisconsin Rapids - During my time  here I was visited by some special people in my life. My parents, sister, and nieces made the drive to come and visit me at our hotel. Not seeing them since Christmas, we got to enjoy some much needed family time. I was home. 
Batavia - Leaving Wisconsin and heading into Illinois, there was a sense of, “yes this is home, and always will be, but you can more than one home.” I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to travel home and share art in the part of the country that taught me. 
Waukegan - After we played our last venue, I sure was ready to get back to New York, see my friends at home, be back in the city that never sleeps, and get back to work at Roundabout. Don’t get me wrong, these guys are SPECTACULAR, and I will forever cherish our time together on this tour. I also would jump at any opportunity to do another show with them again. It was time to go home. 
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Random Thot at McDonald’s
1. See Something, Say Something
First off, sorry if this comes off as soap boxy, not what I am trying to do. Just have to get this off my chest. On Saturday during my dinner break at work, I decided to go to McDonald’s since I couldn’t decide what I wanted to eat. Ordered my Filet-o-Fish and Diet Coke, headed upstairs to eat. I like to get out of the office during my break to clear my head. So I’m looking for somewhere to eat and have a nice break, but there is a man laying in the middle of the dining area. I glance around to see what other people are doing about the situation, and everyone is just minding their own business. I make eye contact with two girls, and ask “Do you know what’s going on? Has anyone called anyone or told anyone?” They replied with a shrug. At this point I’m a little upset, maybe even more than upset. I run downstairs with my food in hand still, and tell the cashier, “Do you know there’s a man passed out in your dining room upstairs?” No one really even moved, no sense of urgency. Finally they ask a worker to pretend to clean the dining room to “keep an eye on things.” Mind you, I run back upstairs to see how this man is doing. No one else has gotten up to assess the situation. I set my food down, and kneel next to the man and say, “Sir, are you okay?” He immediately jumps up and says yea. I encouraged him to sit down until he felt better. The man informed me that he was diabetic, and his blood sugar was low. He had just consumed a snickers bar. Again, I am the only attending to him. He starts to put himself together and gather his things. He thanks me for showing compassion, but that he was going to leave. I really wanted him to just take a minute and sit down and take a breath. The McDonald’s employee who was sent up to “keep an eye on things” was saying or doing anything. So the man that was passed out left. I start to look around at where I wanted to sit to have my dinner. I realized that I didn’t want to sit in a room full of people that had done nothing for this man. I almost stood on a chair, and started preaching about See Something, Say Something, but I knew it wouldn’t have done anything. I left the McDonald’s on 7th Ave between 39th and 40th streets, and had my dinner back at the office. I will never be back to that McDonald’s, they have lost a customer. Other customers not doing anything, I understand, but when I brought it to the attention of the employees, they should immediately been on the phone with the authorities. Just remember to be kind to people, and if you see something, say something.
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5 Random Thots of Glitter Torpedo
Glitter Torpedo came into play in December of 2016. She help put together a charity drag show in Milwaukee benefiting Courage MKE with the help of Walkers PInt, Fluid, and Skylight Music Theatre. She’s making a comeback folks! Last night I practiced painting with my roommate Dari. Now I also have a baby face again. Anyways, if any queens have any tips for me, I’ll take them!  
1. Eyebrow Glue
I need to comb them up after the glue is on. Whoops! 
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2. Ghost Glitter 
I kind of look like a ghost in this picture.
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3. 1st Attempt at Eyebrows
Last time Glitter Torpedo came out to play, she embraced Jake’s eyebrows. I think this is a pretty good first attempt though. 
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4. Lip Color
Not sure how I feel about the color, or the shape for that matter. I think I need a deeper red. 
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5. Wigless
I think it’s time to buy a wig, because I couldn’t really picture Glitter Torpedo unless I cut off the top of my head on the picture.
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3 Random Thots on the Subway
1. “Seven Wonders”
“Seven Wonders” from the Musical Catch Me if You Can is such an amazing song. The melody is well written, it’s corny and cheesy, and paints such a beautiful picture. Especially towards the end of the song it turns into a duet, but maybe I will rewrite the words and turn it into a solo. 
2. Cute Guy
There was a very VERY attractive man on the Subway. He got on the train at the same stop I did, but unfortunately got off at  my old stop for work. Had we gotten off at the same stop, I would have said something to him. I have this new found confidence, and I am embracing it. No more “what ifs?”
3. Owl Hat
There was the cutest little girl that sat next to me on the Subway. She was wearing an owl hat, so I told her I liked it. She talked on and on about anything and everything. I found out that the adorable owl hat was her sisters, and her sisters red binder doesn’t open when it’s closed. 
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5 Random Thots Watching Willy Wonka
*Disclaimer, these thots are not in order of the movie.*
1. Write More
This is why this blog of Random Thots has begun. I want to share more of my thoughts with everyone. And the blog will be random. There was the Jake Break on Facebook, but I don’t think I was articulate enough about it. I think going into the direction of this blog, it will help me achieve what I wanted to with the Jake Break. Why Random Thots? It’s just a simple play on words; gives it a gay twist. I do want to say, that this is not a blog about random thots, just Random Thots. 
2. Sing More
When listening to “Pure Imagination” it brought a huge smile to my face. I really do miss the joy singing, and telling a story. Hopefully I can join a choir now that I will have a more stable work schedule. 
3. Veruca Salt
Veruca Salt would be an amazing drag queen character. Queens, you are not allowed to steal this idea. Because....
4. Glitter Torpedo
The torpedo has been launched, and drag is coming back into my life. I can use drag to do so many things. This includes writing more, singing/performing more, and feeling free. Glitter Torpedo has decided to pair with Random Thots in this new venture. Hopefully she will be around sooner than later. 
5. Your Thots
I want this blog to also thrive from my readers. Always share your thoughts with me; you never know when I might get inspired by your thoughts to write. 
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