starblr-diet · 5 months
Officially 10kg/22lbs down!!
Best feeling ever! <3
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starblr-diet · 6 months
This is my first time taking part in Ramadan it’s great!
I don’t usually eat a breakfast and haven’t yet actually taken part in suhur yet, but I plan to soon. The rest of the day fasting is pretty easy considering I fast pretty regularly anyway, but somehow it feels a little more rewarding knowing that I’m not alone in this fast. Breaking fast at the end of the day during iftar has been really nice, having a big, rewarding dinner after a long day has actually been something I’ve looked forward to. Seeing dinner as something other than just dinner, knowing that it is a sort of celebration each time I eat has made me almost excited for the end of the day.
I’m not religious myself, and never really have been but I intend to read the Quran during Ramadan, not necessarily for religious purposes but definitely to learn, to gain a better understanding of the religion and why the celebration of Ramadan and Eid is so important.
I’m also taking part in Ramadan this year as an attempt at showing solidarity to the people in Gaza who are starving, and to the parents who were killed whilst attempting to get food for their children. Although it is small, I hope that if there is a God out there, they see this small sign of support and know that the world is with the people of Gaza, hoping and praying for their safety and peace.
Ramadan Mubarak to all those who celebrate! <3
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starblr-diet · 7 months
Not my usual post but I need a vent real quick:
I’ve been passed from service to service like a game of human ping pong trying to get a referral to a psychiatrist.
All I want is a diagnosis so I know whats going on in my brain because I know something isn’t right, its been weeks of me being passed on from person to person and each of them saying they can’t refer me on to a psychiatrist. In the time it’s gonna take for me to find someone who CAN get me a referral, I could’ve been on the waiting list getting closer to the diagnostic process.
I love the NHS and appreciate free healthcare more than words can comprehend and I am so lucky and grateful to have free healthcare, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have huge faults. The lack of communication between services is so dangerous, not knowing who or how to refer to a service is dangerous.
I’m just so frustrated that its either a guessing game and a 2 year waiting list for this process, or its hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds in psychiatry fees that I cannot afford as a student.
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starblr-diet · 7 months
Guys the fat on my stomach is starting to feel like loose skin and i can see a little muscle definition in my arms.
Today is a good day.
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starblr-diet · 7 months
I’ve lost 7kg!!
I started this little journey of mine on the 27th of January, so in just under 2 months I’ve lost 15lbs or 1.1 stone !!
I’m yet to see the difference but I definitely feel the difference, I generally am a little bit happier each day, I have more motivation to work out more and although I’ve had some set backs I still feel good. Even though I can’t yet see the results of my small weight loss, I definitely feel them and that is what is motivating me to keep going until myself and those around me can also see the results of my time and effort :)
Until a couple weeks ago I had genuinely lost hope of ever losing weight and felt that I’d never be able to do it and I’d be severely overweight forever, but here I am 7kg lighter and feeling the benefits. Can’t wait for the next 7kg!
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starblr-diet · 7 months
My ed girly with PCOS gym routine :)
As someone with PCOS I found that doing cardio and high intensity workouts didn’t work for me at all, I never saw any weight loss and always felt exhausted after leaving the gym. Instead, I did some research and implemented a few of the methods of other people with PCOS’s workout routines into my own. Having a routine planned and prepared before I even enter the gym is so useful to me, it really eases my anxiety and it keeps me motivated, so I thought I’d share my silly little low-intensity but still effective workout routine for my girlies who struggle with insulin resistance and PCOS :)
5 minutes on the treadmill; incline of 4 at 2.8km/hr
Main workout:
Leg extension 4 x 12 (I started at 20lbs to make sure my form was correct before increasing the weight, ended my set at 40lbs)
Leg press 4 x 12 (again, starting at a lower weight and increasing once I’m certain that my form is correct, ended my set at 60lbs)
Calf press 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Seated row 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Shoulder press 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Chest press 4 x 12 (30lbs)
Diverging lat pulldown 4 x 12 (20lbs)
Do whatever works best for you, personally I find that stretching and moving my joints helps to ease any pains I may get. I’d say the most important part for me is doing squared breathing (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4, repeat) throughout the entire cooldown as this lowers the heart rate and blood pressure.
Remember to drink water, stay hydrated!! The most important thing you can do for your body when working out is drinking water so that your muscles are able to work as they should, dehydration can cause you to pull a muscle which hurts like a bitch.
Also, remember to eat (as much as you probably don’t want to) because your body needs food to create energy in order to workout. Whether you eat before or after the workout is up to you, but even something small like a protein bar will help you get through the workout without feeling super low energy and feeling like giving up. Being able to do low-intensity workouts for a longer amount of time is equally as effective, if not more so, than doing a 30 minute high-intensity workout and feeling completely burnt out and exhausted by the end of it.
Stay safe and enjoy yourselves, exercising is for everyone, regardless of shape and size and you can do this!
(Reminder that this is my own personal opinion and what I find helps me the most, I’m not a professional so don’t rely on this advice as 100% accurate. These are all just things that I myself have tried and found are beneficial to me.)
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starblr-diet · 7 months
Okay, not really ed related at all but does anyone have any moving tips?
I’m moving house at the end of the week and I’m doing it alone lmao, I don’t drive and I’m not in the position to ask my family for help moving, what do I do😭 I’m so stressed lmao
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starblr-diet · 8 months
So a couple days ago I ran out of my antidepressants and I cant afford to go pick up my new prescription at the moment so I’m living without my meds and yesterday was one of the worst depressive episodes I’ve had in years. But, I didn’t binge which is how I usually cope during my episodes, and when I weighed myself this morning I was down to 96.7kg!!
Depression = gone, why? Because im ✨skinny✨
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starblr-diet · 8 months
So it turns out that the scales I bought don’t work on carpet (only found this out today) so I took them into the bathroom to weight myself and I’m actually a lot higher than I thought. This is such a huge hit to the confidence I had in my weight loss and I feel so stupid and upset. But I suppose this is just even more motivation to keep trying to lose weight so I never have to feel like this again. Still sucks though :(
I miss when I was delusional enough to think I’d genuinely lost so much weight.
Back up to 99kg I go
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starblr-diet · 8 months
Breakfast = antidepressants and a multivitamin <3
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starblr-diet · 8 months
This Week’s Meal Prep!
Sweet chilli chicken, rice and veggies, only 165 calories per serving and super yummy and filling :)
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starblr-diet · 8 months
Fast day!
Currently 20 hours into my fast, I’m aiming for 30 hours this time, and slowly building up to a 48 hour fast :)
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starblr-diet · 8 months
Weekly recap!
This week for me has just been about figuring out what I can and cannot do in terms of my diet, I started the week at a much higher calorie intake because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to lower my intake quite so fast, but as the week went on I realised I definitely could! I’ve been eating smaller portions of healthier foods, snacking less and doing more exercise each day, building up a healthy pattern of routine and I feel great!
Every day got a little bit easier and Thursday was my best day yet! I’ve managed to be under my deficit everyday even though I consumed more than my daily budget (I feel so guilty about going over my budget, but that is only motivation to make sure it doesn’t happen ever again!). But as the week comes to an end today I’ve never felt so proud of myself for taking control and being able to do something that not only will benefit my health physically, but also mentally.
I started this week at 94kg and I’m ending it at 92.2kg, slow progress but progress is progress nonetheless! I can’t wait to see the number go down even more next week :)
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starblr-diet · 8 months
Gonna run through my current plan that seems to working for me at the moment :)
So my current calorie budget for everyday is 1,354 (but I don’t eat that much everyday anyways so I’m never really worried about going over that limit). And my goals are to do 10k steps per day, eat smaller portions of healthier foods and to make sure I’m always in a calorie deficit. This seems to be working so far! Also, I’ve been doing intermittent fasting, starting the fast around 8pm and then breaking the fast at around 12pm the next day. I’m starting smaller with my fasts so that I can work my way up to longer fasts, but I don’t want to jump right into the deep end because it can be really bad for your health!
I’ve also been doing meal prepping so that my meals each day are relatively predictable and so that I’m easier able to count my calories, this also gives me a sense of control over what I’m eating so I feel much more comfortable and able to track my eating, whereas just eating whatever sounds good for dinner each night can lead to me binge eating. This has been really helpful for me and if you’re able to, I highly recommend meal prep for those able to do it, I can already feel the benefits of eating a healthy meal each night!
I’ll insert screenshots of what I’ve had this week and the portion sizes for anyone who might want to use the recipe (I’m telling you the pasta I made this week was so delicious!!)
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starblr-diet · 8 months
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It hurts my legs so bad i can't barely walk downstairs
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starblr-diet · 8 months
Hello <3
My name’s star and i’m 19
Im non-binary and i use any pronouns
Im pro-recovery, i’m just not there yet myself
I have pcos and have always struggled with weight loss, so this is just a kinda vent acc and also for me to track my (hopefully) progress :)
Height: 5’5
Sw: 102.5kg
cw: 92.3kg
Gw1: 90kg
Gw2: 85kg
Gw3: 75kg
Gw4: 70kg
Ugw: 65kg
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starblr-diet · 8 months
tw ana
★ving for the way i look in skinny jeans
★ving to be easily carried by another person
★ving for summer outfits
★ving to look good in shorts and crop tops
★ving for the pictures i wanna take
★ving to always be the prettiest in the room
★ving for the feeling
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