#& ares  /  august.
van-dalism · 1 month
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perpetual hera brainrot 💙
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drenmastr · 4 months
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Midwinter's Lunacy
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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(to know more about the story and the calendar on pre-order check out previous posts!)
August’s big thing is actually something they did many times already, but in the comfort of their own environment. This time, Allura booked their performance, one of her favorites, for a party - proud friend as she was, never shutting up about how many competitions they won her.
The standing ovation they get, seems accurate for the work they both put into getting there.
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tityre-tu-scurra · 4 months
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I have always wondered what people thought of such a young guy ruling Rome. Not sure if I managed to explain myself.
Latin under cut.
Not sure of how decent the grammar is. But. I first conceived this in Latin. So.
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soulless-bex · 1 year
i love how ares in the new pjo trailer looked like just a guy but we all recognized him anyway
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pale-opal · 20 days
I Listened to "The Wisdom Saga" and I Have Some Thoughts - Part 2
This is the sequel to this post. I will be picking up right where I left off, starting with:
4. Love in Paradise - I feel as if I've been tricked, been backstabbed, and quite possibly, bamboozled. - I came into this expecting unrequited-love related hijinks. - Do you wanna know what I got instead? - The most emotionally taxing song in the entire freaking saga. - I have listened to this song several times and so far, every time it ends I feel sad. But when the song starts, you have no idea what you're in for. - "Love in Paradise"? More like "Suffering in Paradise" (/j). - We begin with a medley of some of the most iconic songs from past sagas, starting with "Remember Them" from "The Cyclops Saga". After that point, the rest of the songs go by quickly, with Athena speedrunning through a montage of Odysseus' past up until his current point. The remaining songs in the medley are:
Keep Your Friends Close
Ruthlessness (I love how this song was changed for the medley, by the way. The faster tempo puts more emphasis on the drums and I think that's so fun)
Done For
No Longer You
Different Beast
Thunder Bringer
- Afterwards, Athena finds out where Odysseus has been for the past seven years: the ✨Isle of Calypso!✨ - He is not okay. - We will get to that shortly. - For now, Calypso has decided to wake Odysseus up:
"[CALYPSO] Morning, sleepyhead You've been resting for a while I swore that you were dead When you washed up on my isle Did you know you talk in your sleep? Tell me, though, who's Penelope?
[ODYSSEUS] She's my wife" - This man just woke up from being knocked out cold, and the first thing he does is talk about his wife. - I know that he was asked who she was, but one would expect him to be like: "She's my wife - where am I?/How'd I get here?/Who are you?" - But, no. He just says "She's my wife" and leaves it at that. He couldn't care less about everything else at this point. - This does not stop Calypso from ignoring this and acting like her and Odysseus are newlyweds, however. - And I just want to take a second to talk about these lyrics:
"[ODYSSEUS] I'm not your man
[CALYPSO] I'm what you want here I'm what you need here Just you and me, my love in paradise Now 'til the end of time From here on out, you're mine, all mine" - "I'm not your man" is sung the same way as "I'm just a man", which means that Odysseus is saying: "Just because I'm a man, that doesn't mean I'm a free piece of meat for you to make out with." - Meanwhile, Calypso is NOT listening. She is thoroughly convinced that she and Odysseus are in-love with each other, and that they're basically already married. - I would like to bring up that in Greek mythology, Apollo and Calypso are husband and wife. And we know that Apollo is part of the "Epic" canon, because he appears in the next song. From this, we can draw two potential conclusions:
Apollo and Calypso are not married in "Epic", either because they haven't met, or because they are divorced.
Apollo and Calypso ARE married, BUT Apollo doesn't visit his wife... for some reason.
- Odyessus decides to try to get Calypso off his back by threatening her with death, but she deflects this by revealing that she can't kill her, because she's a goddess:
"[CALYPSO] You're adorable Bow down now to the immortal Calypso, here to entertain But fear not, I bring no pain ... Under my spell, we're stuck in paradise No one can come nor go, my island stays unknown" - Calypso going from flirting with Odysseus to mockingly calling him "adorable" and telling him to bow to her actually works really well. Sure, she's in "love" with him, but she's still a goddess, and Odysseus is still a mortal man that just threatened to kill her. To her, she has to put him in his place, regardless of whether or not he's the "love of her life". - "I bring no pain" is really ironic, considering how much Odysseus does NOT want to be on this island with this woman. - I also find it interesting how Calypso and Circe both have similar things going on with the whole "secluded secret islands in the middle of the ocean" thing. Not only that, but they both had a thing for Odysseus. - Also, the line about the spell Calypso put on the island works as an explanation for why she instantly "fell in love" with Odysseus: she's lonely! - Now then: is this an excuse for what she's doing here? No. The buck stops at it being an explanation - everyone experiences loneliness, and a lot of people do some weird and not always understandable things because of it. But usually, those things don't involve ignoring other people's boundaries and forcing them to accept your company. Relationships are a two-way street, and if someone doesn't want to meet you in the middle, then that's their choice. You need to know when to back off and let it go. - After Calypso reveals who she is and that it isn't really possible for Odysseus to leave the island, he starts to panic (the way the line "No, no" is sung really sells this). - At this point, I have to provide a content warning for implications of attempted suicide, and discussion of PTSD, due to the subject matter the rest of the song deals with. If you don't want to read my analysis of the lyrics dealing with that material, please skip to the section for "God Games", or click off of this post. Your mental health is much more important than some silly essay about some random people from Greek mythology. - Furthermore, if you feel that you or someone else may need help dealing with suicidal thoughts, please contact the national suicide hotline (United States) at 1-800-273-TALK, or the national crisis hotline at 988. - Lastly, I am not a psychologist, nor am I anyone else qualified to be giving medical assistance or help with mental health. Therefore, treat anything I say in relation to mental health with skepticism, and do not use it as a substitute for real medical advice.
Now let us continue:
"[ATHENA] Seven years, she's kept you trapped, out of your control Time can take a heavy toll...
[ODYSSEUS] All I hear are screams
[CALYPSO, spoken] Ody, get away from the ledge!
[ODYSSEUS] You don't know what I've gone through You don't know what I've sacrificed Every comrade I long knew Every friend, I saw them die And all I hear are screams"
- For some reason, I didn't see Odysseus developing post-traumatic stress disorder coming sooner. I suppose that's because he was in "the thick of it" for so long. - PTSD tends to show itself after a person experiences trauma, and is being reacclimated to a safe environment/the feeling of safety (however, it's not impossible for people to experience PTSD while in the midst of a traumatic experience, specifically if that experience takes place over an extended period of time. One example of this is how some soldiers who served in the Vietnam War showed symptoms of what was once called "shell shock" while they were still serving, with one of the most prominent signs being the "one-hundred yard stare" (which we now recognize as a form of disassociation)). - I also didn't expect Odysseus wanting to kill himself. He's reached the point where he just wants to be done. It's not even about Penelope anymore. He's just... tired. So tired that he's forgotten why he let himself go through all that suffering to begin with. - Calypso telling Odysseus that "life would be so much worse/if you had died" and telling her to stay in her "open arms" absolutely hurts, especially since he wants absolutely nothing to do with her. - Odysseus desperately screaming for Athena at the end just makes the whole thing worse.
5. God Games - This is arguably the song that had the most hype before its release. It had a bunch of animatics on YouTube back when all we really had to work with were a few snippets, and that hype stuck around for almost a full year. - And after listening to the song, it's easy for me to say that the hype was definitely deserved. - Another thing that I would like to say is that this song has a really fast pace. At first, I thought this made the song feel rushed, but then I realized something: that's the point. Mr. Rivera-Herrans has stated on multiple occasions that "Epic" takes inspiration from video games. With that in mind, considering how each of the gods has their own themes, as well as how fast the song is, it makes it clear that this song is meant to be a boss rush. The song goes fast because it HAS to. There's no time to be dragging out each debate, because Athena has to make sure she's ready for the next one. - On that note, "Love in Paradise" feels like a cutscene that takes place when "switching characters" over to Athena from Telemachus. - The first verse starts us off with Athena making it clear as to why she was considered to be Zeus' daughter in the Greek canon: "Father, God King Rarely do I ask for favors Now, I'm knocking on your door With hopes to save a friendship with one who's a prisoner far from home Odysseus"
- I did not expect Athena to be sucking up to anybody, but considering how egotistical Zeus is (ironic, considering how "Thunder Bringer" implies that he doesn't have any patience for hubris), this is most likely the best move she could have made. - I also noticed an interesting change that was made in the final cut of the song in comparison to the snippets: originally, Zeus tells Athena to convince Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Hera, and him to set Odysseus free. However, in this version, he tells her to choose between persuading the aforementioned gods or him. Athena picks what is arguably the harder option. Keep this in mind. It will be important later. - The first god Athena has to go up against is Apollo: "You all know I'm a fan of catchy songs So with so many sirens gone, I think Ody's in the wrong" - Right off the bat, I was not expecting Apollo to lowkey sound like a hipster. That's cool, though. It works. - I like how Apollo being troubled by the siren deaths that took place back in "Different Beast" isn't because he doesn't approve of the murders themselves, but because the sirens were good singers. - Fun fact about the sirens: initially in Greek mythology, they were large birds with the heads of women. However, as time passed, they became replaced with mermaid-like creatures. - Luckily, Athena knows exactly how respond to such weird logic: by telling him that this actually helps the remaining sirens to stick around to sing more songs later.
"They were trying to do him worse All he did was reimburse them Now they'll tread with caution first To live another day and sing another verse"
- Now it's time for Hephaestus (and did y'all know that he's voiced by Jorge's dad? Both of his parents have shown up in this musical in important supporting roles. I think that's neat): "Trust is not given, it's forged Why should I give him my support? He sacrificed his own cohorts" - Hephaestus valuing trust and being upset with Odysseus for being willing to sacrifice his own crew members to Scylla works out so well when you consider that Aphrodite is constantly cheating on him with Ares. Why they didn't get a divorce is beyond me. The ancient Greeks divorced each other quite often, and it was easy for men to leave their wives. And there's even a myth were Hephaestus catches Aphrodite with Ares. So... yeah. Leave her, Hephaestus. You can do better. "Did you forget they failed to listen? He was betrayed and then imprisoned But if you make the right decision He can still build a future with those who miss him"
- What Athena is essentially saying here is: "Yeah, he did sacrifice his own men. But then they turned around and betrayed him right back. Nobody was innocent in that situation. But if you let him go, he can redeem himself with the people he has left." - Hephaestus (albeit begrudgingly) agrees with this. And Aphrodite, fittingly enough, is opponent number three (3): "[APHRODITE] Your little high and mighty Odysseus Claims to love his mother But let her die of a broken heart
[ATHENA] He was busy fighting
[APHRODITE] More like busy spiting the cyclops Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot" - I think Aphrodite's reasoning is highly flawed. Yes, the latter ten (10) years of Odysseus being missing from Ithaca could have been avoided if he didn't do the equivalent of giving the cyclops his government name, legal address, and social security number. BUT. She's acting as if he strayed off the path on purpose. Not only that, but in "The Underworld", Odysseus' mom's part of the song is all about how she died chilling in her rocking chair, willing to wait for her son for as long as it took. If anything, she died of old age, not of a "broken heart" as Aphrodite claims. - Furthermore, the part of the crew members who died heavily implies that the consciousness' of the dead in the underworld are a mixture of their memories and how they felt when they died. Hence why the crew members are confused as to why Odysseus spared the cyclops and are able to quote "Ruthlessness", and why Polities (😿) is still trying to encourage Odysseus to live with "open arms". In other words? Homegirl was not depressed when she died. Her lyrics about how much she loves her son and how she doesn't mind waiting for him is a representation of how she felt in her last moments. - TL;DR: Aphrodite is either making stuff up, doesn't truly know what happened, or is manipulating the situation to make it hard for Athena to argue with her. Hence why Athena pulls her into quick-thought. However, now Athena has another problem to deal with: "[ARES] Really Athena? These old tricks?
[ATHENA, spoken] Ares!" - Here we have another change from the snippets. In the older draft, Athena sounded more like she was in pain due to Ares interfering with her powers, but now she just sounds angry. Angry that he's interfering. - Ares' argument goes like this:
"What kind of sick coward Holds back his power While his friends get devoured? He didn't even fight Scylla Didn't even try to kill her Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done Never handles things upfront Pathetic and weak like his son" - Before I lay into Ares' logic, I would like to explain more ancient Greek lore: both Ares and Athena were believed to be gods of warfare (and Aphrodite may have been considered to be one at some point as well). However, they both dealt with different "facets" of warfare. Athena was also considered the goddess of wisdom, and she was more associated with the strategic, "honorable" parts of war. Meanwhile, Ares was in charge of the bloody, tragic parts of war (which meant that not a whole lot of Greeks worshipped him). With this in mind, Ares' stance on Odysseus' methods makes more sense. However. That doesn't mean his reasoning isn't extraordinarily unsound: 1. "...sick coward/Holds back his power/While his friends get devoured": Odysseus willingly gave his friends over to get eaten by Scylla. Ares makes it sound like he was cowering in a corner while his friends were dying. 2. "...didn't even fight Scylla/Didn't even try to kill her": How could he?! Scylla's body has six dog heads, hence the six torches. Each of those heads, along with Scylla herself, are absolutely massive. Not only that, but the heads are attached to tentacles, meaning that they're chilling in the water most of the time. If one wanted to attack the heads, they would have to wait until they came out - and in that case, the heads are getting ready to strike. Fighting Scylla would've been a death wish. If Odysseus tried to fight her, WAY more than six people would've died that day, and it's likely that NOBODY would've been getting out of that alive. What good would a bloody, violent battle be if it was all completely pointless? 3. "Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done": Oh, yeah. As if the Trojans would've just let the men of Ithaca inside. They had to sneak in because Troy was a walled city. If they wanted to force their way in on foot, they would have to either break down the walls or knock down the door. And while doing something like that wouldn't be impossible, they would've been at risk of giving the Trojans enough time to gather a force to confront them once they got in, making the battle take way longer and have much more casualties on the side of the Ithacans than needed, and/or they would've had to face archers shooting at them from the walls. And it seems like it would be pretty hard to break into a city if you have to hold a shield above your head the whole time to keep yourself from getting killed. 4. "Never handles things up front": Convenient how Ares just ignores the Winion confrontation, the cyclops battle, as well as the confrontation with Circe. Odysseus has no problem directly dealing with people. He's just smart enough to not get himself killed. 5. "Pathetic and weak like his son": Telemachus was never taught how to fight. He and his mother have been trying to keep caring for the suitors from putting them into poverty and from forcing Penelope to marry one of them. They have bigger fish to fry than getting into fights for no good reason. Furthermore, the one time Telemachus did get into a fight, he did so willingly, even though he lacked combat experience and was going up against someone stronger than him. He wanted to keep his mother safe that much. And he didn't even mind losing. How Ares could think he is "pathetic" is beyond me. - And don't get me started on him calling Odysseus pathetic. Please. We would be here all day. - Athena also has some choice words for Ares and Aphrodite: "Hold your tongue now His son's my friend And tell your lover that a broken heart can mend You want more bloodshed? Then set him free To get back to his homestead, he'll make everybody bleed" - GET 'EM ATHENA. TELL 'EM. TELL THEM HOW WHACK THEY ARE. - Let's move on to Hera: "[HERA] So many heroes So many tales Give me one good reason why yours should prevail
[ATHENA] He’s got the mind of a genius
[HERA] Try harder.
[ATHENA] He’s pretty skilled with words
[HERA] You can do better than that!" - One thing that can be noticed right away is that unlike the other gods Athena has faced, Hera isn't concerned about Odysseus' actions - she care more about his character, who he is as a person. - And Athena, like the gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss she is, figures out what will convince Hera after a few tries: "[ATHENA] Never once has he cheated on his wife
[HERA, spoken] ...Release him." - Before "The Circe Saga" came out, I thought Athena was lying here. After all, in the original "Odyssey", Odysseus does cheat on his wife. Twice (that we know of), actually. First with Circe (for an entire YEAR), and again with Calypso (even though being trapped on that island made him depressed, he was not above sleeping with her). - I am so glad that Jay cut both of those plotlines. While the ancient Greeks might have considered Odysseus to still be faithful, modern audiences would have had trouble buying that idea. - Furthermore, telling Hera that Odysseus never cheated on Penelope works for two reasons: 1. Hera was seen as the goddess of marriage. 2. Zeus cheated on Hera with a LOT of women, and has a LOT of illegitimate children. Hera has tried to kill some of them (see: The Labors of Heracles/Hercules) (with that said, I think its sweet how Hera's encouraging Athena instead of antagonizing her, since she's also an illegitimate child of Zeus'). - And would you look at that! Athena did it! She completed the task. Now let's see how Zeus reacts... "[ATHENA, spoken] I've played your game and won! Release him!
- Zeus responds to being beaten by striking his favorite daughter with lightning. - The question is: why?! She did what she was told, and she didn't cheat. Did he not expect her to win? Did he really think that the alleged goddess of wisdom wouldn't be able to outsmart her fellow Olympians? And if he didn't want her to succeed, why not add Poseidon to the lineup? He'd be enraged about Odysseus being alive at all. - Not only that, but she picked the harder option. Let me say again that Athena was supposed to be Zeus' favorite. She could've easily convinced her father by appealing to his ego and making a deal or two. But instead, she decided to increase her workload. And her reward for going above-and-beyond to prove herself is getting electrocuted? - Yeah, no. Zeus is now on the priority list for defenestration. And even then, getting yeeted out of a window might be too good for this man, once we take into account his treatment of Hera and women in general. - Ares asks if Athena is dead. A piano rendition of "Warrior of the Mind" begins to play. And based on how sad it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if it was in a minor key. It doesn't look like Athena is getting up. As a matter of fact, it looks like this might be the end. - But this is what I'm going to call a "musical fakeout". Because next thing you know, a small part of "Legendary" starts playing, and then the brass kicks in. We are back in a major key. Athena has remembered Telemachus. She has remembered that Odysseus still needs her. She remembered why she's here. And she's not taking no for an answer: "Let him go, please... Let him go..." - Even after getting struck by lighting and what should've been an easy victory, Athena still finds the strength to get up and continue pleading for Odysseus' freedom. How awesome is that? - Oh, and based on Athena's tone here and the usage of the word "please", we know now why Zeus was so angry: Athena wasn't cowering enough when she told him that she beat him (do you think the Greek gods had windows large enough for a whole person to fit out of on Mount Olympus? Just asking...) - Also, this is the first final song out of all the sagas that doesn't feel like it has an ending moment of catharsis. All the other final songs had reached a place plot-wise that made ending its particular saga there make sense, or they had a brief instrumental at the end that let you know the saga was over. But this song simply ends with Athena asking for Odysseus be set free, and... that's it. We don't know Zeus' response. I was actually shocked (pun not intended... again) by this lack of closure. But I think it was done on purpose. We're not going to be "playing" as Athena anymore. The next saga switches us back to Odysseus, so we need to know how things go on his end (that, and it kills the tension for an answer to Athena's plea to be given explicitly by Zeus, or implied by the music). Final Thoughts - This should've been called "The Angst Saga" with all the emotional damage it has caused (exhibit A: me). - I hope "King" ends with an epic 1v1 fight between Antinous and Odysseus (or Telemachus. Telemachus works too), with Antinous getting knocked out of a window. - On that note, once again, please do not confuse anything negative I may have said about the characters with the actors or crew members of "Epic". I think the cast and crew of "Epic" are all great. Do not think that me talking smack about a character or wanting to see a character face karma is me speaking ill of or wishing harm on the actors, crew, or any other real people, because it is not. Thank you. - Somehow, the "Epic" team keeps making each saga better than the last. I have played this particular one three (3) times so far, and I will do it again.
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hermesseus · 2 months
I didn't expect much comedy from The Iliad but Book V has me cracking up.
I mean don't get me wrong, there was a lot of bloodshed and violence. The whole chapter was a battle scene. But the end though. Ares just can't get a break 😂😂😂.
I mean first Aphrodite's mother references Ares getting trapped in a fucking vase for thirteen months (Thanatos was far luckier when Sisyphus bound and trapped him because the gods don't hate him) which is already funny as is since I'm familiar with that story.
But then Ares gets stabbed and complains to Zeus about Athena inciting Diomedes and his response to "father I've been stabbed, please control your daughter" is "shut up, I hate you and I regret that you were ever even born" geez dude. "You're just like your mother and if you had any other father I'd let you die from this wound."
It's so devastating but honestly I find it so funny.
Also a side note — I waited like two or three days to actually start reading the story after getting home with the book because the preface (version I have access to was translated by Samuel Butler) took me out but despite the preface (written in English in 1898) being confusing as fuck I am understanding the actual story.
Sure it's flowery and long and complicated but honestly I speak not too far off half the time. But "they did not lard a crib with Chaucerisms and think that they were translating" is not something I understand at all what the fuck are you talking about sir.
He kept talking about the Elizabethan translations and I honestly can't tell if he hates them or respects them. The results are inconclusive because his wording was too flowery to understand — far more flowery than the epic poetry of a 7-5th century BCE Greek poet.
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tanis-drawings-2point0 · 11 months
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@herawell asked: on the eyelids kiss for Eiffel and Hera!
sometimes you gotta kiss your bestie's eyelid, you know how it is u_u
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missredherring · 1 year
Misc Characters Masterlist
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🌶️= spice
August Walker (Mission Impossible: Fallout)
Paperwork - Settling Up🌶️
For a second he thought about dumping the files on the floor, pushing you up against his desk, and teasing you with more than just words. 
Charlie Hesketh (Kingsman)
HP AU drabble
The last thing he remembered was cornering the Dark Wizard he’d been tracking all week in an alleyway. There’d been some spells exchanged and pain, a lot of pain, and everything had gone black.
Merlin barely looked him in the eyes when he handed the bag over. “Thank you, sir.” Charlie said, unable to hide his grin. This was going to be fun, after all. “Cheeky.” Merlin muttered under his breath and left the room.
Clark Kent (Superman DCU)
Pocket Full of Sunshine
Two people/One Bed Couch
Darcy Lewis (MCU)
Rainy Day Blues
Darcy was tired of Jane’s moping and sighing after an hour, but after two days? Yea, something had to be done, or else Darcy couldn’t be held responsible for what happened to Jane.
Friday Night at Kellerman's
She grinned at both of them and gestured to the drink. “I helped carry a watermelon.” She said when Max moved the microphone closer to her.
A Sheet of Paper
Darcy looks before she leaps. This time.
Darcy Lewis, Pokemon Master: Part One - Part Two
“I wanted you to get a decent education before you went running off into the wild. People seem to forget that there’s more to the world than those monsters. They get ideas in their heads that Pokémon are the only thing they need and run off without another word.”
AHS Coven + MCU crossover AU Marvel Coven
"She does not see the paths that connect our realms. But you do." It was so strange to hear a voice in her head other than her Supreme and coven head, Cordelia. His voice felt... wicked.
That Would Be Enough (Darcy x Pepper x Tony)
Pepper had stopped mid-sentence and her mouth hung open for a moment, her eyes fixing on Darcy’s face. Sometimes Darcy felt so young compared to Pepper and Tony. And other times, times like this, Darcy was a rock that they both clung on to, afraid of being washed away by everything around them.
Royal AU + Accidentally Married + Loki x Darcy Lewis
Loki x Darcy Lewis Week '12
“She is a diversion.” Loki thinks.
Loki hates the lavish parties that are thrown in the hall of Valhalla. Darcy said to use the word “hate” sparingly because there’s a lot of space between “hate” and a dramatic “dislike,” but Loki is sure that hate is the correct word.
Loki’s words echo back to her and Darcy understands that this is going to be her first move in the game she finds herself playing. She makes herself smile up at Thor.
She lifts her hand and the pages turn until they come to an illustration of Loki. He is grinning at her. Darcy sticks her tongue out at him and scribbles a response.
Darcy was just… annoyed that all the possibilities bikinis provided were wasted on Jane who was happy with the boring suit she was in now. Yea, that was it.
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman DCU)
Lunch Date - Aperitif🌶️
You bring Diana her lunch at work and she thanks you.
Eggsy Unwin (Kingsman)
Ask prompt
“You wanna fucking go, punk?”
Gazelle (Kingsman)
A circle of yellow carnations were surrounded by fish geraniums. Sprigs of cypress and a large cut of asphodel made up the outside. “You have disappointed us and our expectations of you. Death surrounds you. Our regrets follow you to the grave.” And there, Gazelle noted with a sad tick of her mouth, a lone marigold hidden beneath an ambitious carnation. “Despair.”
Gazelle x Ares (Kingsman and John Wick 2)
Two of a Kind
“I'm coming with you; they’ll never see us coming.”
Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Evening, Chief (Plus Size Reader)
“Do you know why I pulled you over?” Jim Hopper asked, looking through the car window. 
Think I Could Take Him? (Plus Size Reader)
You were waiting outside of work, tucked under the umbrella of light from a street lamp, when the bronco pulled up.
Self Defense
A lesson on self defense from the police chief himself.
Summer Nights
Catching lightning bugs with friends and family.
Saving Grace: Part One  - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four 
After wrapping up lose ends you’re back in Hawkins to help your sister, Joyce, after the Hawkins Lab chemical leak is exposed.
Logan Howlett/Wolverine (X-Men)
Fisting with Wolverine 🌶️
A florist turns to the last local cut flower farmer available for help. No Powers AU.
Mera (ft Arthur Curry ((Aquaman DCU))
Currents: Sea Sick - Message in a Bottle - Testing the Waters - Snowfall - Cozy - Blood in the Water - Undercurrents
“Mera is the one I want to kiss in this relationship, it turns out.” You told him. You looked at your hands and smiled. Holding hands was nice.   Arthur grunted and looked up when you reached the point in the path when you could hear the waves on the beach again. He turned and studied your face, expression warm with memories and a good night out. “I can work with that.” 
Orm (Aquaman DCU)
Overflow: Looking Up From Underneath - Breaking Waves
Orm starts his community service, but why does it feel like you're being punished instead?
Simon Jordan (Alias Grace)
“You’re seeing a new doctor for your condition, aren’t you?” Father didn’t look up from the morning paper while asking the question.
Steve Rogers (MCU)
A Falling Star Fell From Your Heart
Tattoo Artist!Steve Rogers tells you about his tattoos in bed.
Tommy Miller (The Last of Us)
For a Good Time Call... Tommy (Fat Reader)🌶️
He doesn’t do anything else for a moment, just takes you in, blowing out smoke through his nose in a steady stream. You guess this is to let you have the chance to change your mind and leave, only a smoke shared between you and nothing more. It’s nice, but there’s no way you’re letting him go now. With your free hand you slip your fingers behind his belt buckle, grinning when the muscles of his stomach jump at the touch of your cold fingers, and tug him to you with the thing.
Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia)
Hikari: Prologue - One  (Plus Size Reader)
A physical therapist with quirk that allows her to control her body temperature gets a new patient.
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chayscribbles · 2 months
it's august 1st time for me to make my yearly joke about it being Azami’s least favorite month
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thewickerking · 2 months
can you imagine if there was a book called something random idk like "the wicker king" and it was about this guy named august and he was just like me for real and lied easier than he breathed (hes a smoker btw) and through a series of traumatizing events he learns its 1. possible to be in love with his best friend 2. polyamory exists and he can do that too 3. hopefully later in his life figures out better ways to be in a d/s relationship with his best friend that hes begun to revere as god instead of a person because he was raised with parents screaming at each other instead of taking care of him and leading to having a technically "present" mother but she was extremely absent and he had to get a job through whatever means possible to pay bills as a high schooler and had to control everything and could only let go of control with his childhood best friend owning him because all he wanted was to not be in control but it only ever felt safe with his friend (his name is jack btw) and he gets hospitalized on suicide watch and intentionally tries to make himself stay there longer and spends the entire time missing jack and he has other friends but jack is such a blinding intense all consuming concept in his life that they may as well mean nothing to him but they care about him and try to help him as best he can and he knowingly gets worse for the sake of being closer to jack and has unexplained disordered eating and at some point chooses to date someone he knows he probably shouldnt and jacks parents dont fully see or treat jack like a person and doesnt give him the support he needs so august feels the need to be with him even more and replace his parents and its not enough bc hes too young and has too many of his own burdens and what if all blows up in their face (literally) and its seems the worst its ever been but despite it all theyre able to rebuild and years down the line theyre happy and its never perfect but its good and healthier than they couldve ever have dreamed and they have a nice house and its all okay. despite everything its okay and theyre okay and theyre happy and everyone can achieve this and there is good in the world and everything will get better no matter how bad it gets.
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haha wouldnt that be something. my imagination is soooo crazy 😝
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wimbu · 3 months
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Guy prepare because tomorrow is going to be insane
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decadennce · 1 year
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Gone fishin’
also, it’s probably a bit hard to tell but he’s sitting on a defeated fishstick. Here’s a dramatic rendition of what happens 5 seconds later:
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flickynightdarkness · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes with my Disney/House Of Mouse OCs Ares and his bed of lambs
Ares: What? Not my lambs. [hugs his lambs] They've always been so loyal to me!
Daisy: But do you want to stay at this club?
Ares: [narrows eyes] Yes
Daisy: Then I'm afraid they'll be no more lambs
Ares: [tears in his eyes] All right, my children. You've got to go. I [sobs] can't keep you anymore!
Unnamed lamb of the bed: Ok Ares sir!
[The children all follow Minnie Mouse]
Ares: No, don't resist. This is how it has to be
[Ares begans crying as he watches his lambs walk away. Mickey, looking awkward and pats him in the shoulder]
[Hades and Dr Facilier get into an elevator, the lamb bed, Pain and Panic attempt to follow but Faciler blocks the flock with his cane]
Hades: Hold it here! [to Pain and Panic] You both are gonna watch those "cheerful cuties" and have em guard the front until i return
[Pain and Panic both salute and the lift ascends]
Unnamed lamb of the bed: Oh look. August is up here [points to the lift which August is inside, pounding on the glass]
Unnamed lamb of the bed: We have names?
[The lift reaches the top and opens, where Hades, Facilier and August walk out. August sees two other villains being Maleficent and Jafar enter. August watches in wonder. Chernabog stomps over her, which makes her move out of his way and falls over to the floor. August follows them in and stands near Hades' seat. Grimhilde, who was sitting next to Maleficent turns to look at August who is staring and waves at her with a smile]
August: [waves at Grimhilde] Your really pretty! By the way, why do you have a crown on your head? Does that make you [gasps] a Queen?
[Grimhilde transforms into an old hag and then cackles at August. August becomes startled, then hides behind Hades' seat]
[As many of the villains leave except for Hook, Smee, Shan Yu, Jafar and Maleficent, who go to an another room. As for August, Hades noticed her walking up to the lift]
Hades: Hey fuzzball. Yeah you, I'm talking to you, c'mere. I got a small job for you.
August: Oh. Yes dear god of the Underland!
Hades: Go follow those villain fellas here and fetch out this gold scarab beetle in here
[August salute and gives chase to the other villains who are in the other room]
[Scene changes to rest of the lamb bed attacking Pain and Panic while their yelling in pain]
[The elevator door opens and Hades is waiting for the lamb August to return after grabbing the gold scarab beetle. She was about to join the others when Hades stops her]
Hades: So, did you get the beetle
August: First, I manage to grab onto it, but they all saw what I was doing so, the pirate grabbed his sword, swiping it at me. Then I jump on top of the pirate's hat and ran fast to the lift, but i was stopped by a staff, but the top of it looked like a snake with red... eyes, and while i stare at the snake's eyes
Hades: And what was the last thing you did
August: ...tried to snap out of it–
Hades: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Let's just keep this whole gold beetle thing [grabs August by the chest] between us. You... and me. Deal? [reaches his hand out]
August: Deal, dear god from the Underland! [reaches her hand out]
[Blue flames rise from Hades' arm, then it surrounds the entire place until it goes out]
[Scene changes to Ares getting ready for bed in his home with his bed of lambs in pyjamas]
Ares: Ah! How was your day with... Hades, my lambs?
August: It was awesome Ares, I went to this meeting and there was a Queen, a pirate and a literal demon!
Ares: Mmm, that's nice!
August: And the pirate grabbed out his sword when I grabbed a golden beetle from the top! And I... was not supposed to talk about it.
[Ares clearly doesn't understand about this]
Ares: Oh. I'm pretty sure that you'll might see the club tomorrow, but now is time for sleep. Goodnight my sheep.~
[The lambs walk to Ares and cuddle together as August yawns to sleep]
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llaresll · 7 months
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Let's go to The library.
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books-in-a-storm · 1 year
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Snowflake Book Review’s
Title: Ares Infidels MC #11 Ares Infidels in New York
Author: Ciara St. James
Pages: 223
Snowflake Rating:❄❄❄❄(4/5)
The Ares Infidels, along with their half of the Crazy Coven, are off to New York City for a rich, high-society wedding. They’re going to enjoy the wedding of their friends, Santa and Frankie, from the Time Served MC. It’s not just any wedding either. It’s a huge event put on by and attended by some of the biggest mobster families in the States.
They expect to see the sights, eat good food, meet new people, and have new experiences. And boy do they! Some of those things are almost more than the guys can handle when it comes to the plotting of their Crazy Coven wives. Join the club as they navigate New York and get introduced to new friends and a different way of life.
However, it wouldn’t be the Infidels without a few surprises, some danger, and new possibilities revealed, for more than one member of the club. See what might be in store in the future for those not yet lucky enough to have met their soulmate and gotten a happily ever after. New York City might never be the same once this club and their friends leave to go home to Texas!
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