#// anti blackness
sayruq · 4 months
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hussyknee · 2 months
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A Canadian journalist is defending his decision to travel the U.S. in blackface and write a book about racism, after facing a storm of criticism online.
"Last summer, I disguised myself as a Black man and traveled throughout the United States to document how racism persists in American society," Sam Forster, who is white, posted Tuesday on X, formerly Twitter. "Writing Seven Shoulders was one of the hardest things I've ever done as a journalist."
The reaction was swift and brutal, with X users expressing anger, amusement and confusion, and telling Forster he should have simply spoken to Black people to understand their experiences.
"It's hard to simultaneously draw the ire of black people, white people, conservatives, AND liberals… But I think you've just done it," rapper and podcaster Zuby replied on X.
Several Black scholars who study race relations and write about the Black experience told CBC News that Forster's use of blackface is dehumanizing and troublesome, regardless of the context. Forster himself defended the book and the methods he used to write it in an interview with CBC News. [...]
Institutional racism (the anti-Black variety) is effectively dead," Forster concludes in the book. "Most of what's left of racism in this country are the few, socially narrow opportunities for soft interpersonal racism: shoulder racism." [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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nononovaaa · 3 months
really sick and tired of people saying “how can this be happening in our time??” “imagine screaming for help and no one listens” “why is no one doing anything??” “how could I be witnessing a genocide in 2024?” Black people are still going through ethnic cleansing today from colonialism of Africa to the trans atlantic slave trade to chattel slavery to Jim Crow to mass incarceration to BLM to Cop City. We have been begging and screaming and crying for help, for mercy, for people to wake up and pay attention and you guys have ignored us and continue to do so. If you are saying Free Palestine but you dgaf about BLM, you’re not speaking up about Cop Cities or you’re not educating yourself on DRC, Sudan, Haiti, Ethiopia, etc., you are and always have been apart of the problem. You have blatantly ignored Black bodies being murdered mercilessly in the streets, being robbed of clean water at Flint and Atlanta, our Black towns being bombed, gentrification of Black neighborhoods, our lack of reparations and so much more. I don’t want to hear anymore “how could they do this?? why does no one care??” because you guys didn’t care when it began, when it happened and as it’s happening right in front of you!! Where do you think Israel and most Western countries get their inspiration for colonialism and ethnic cleansing from?? Black people across the globe are still going through ethnic cleansing TODAY and have been since white colonialism touched Africa!! We have been on the front lines of most movements and you guys ignored us, called us violent, called us angry, called us ignorant. We’ve been saying we are not free until we are all free and everyone moved on with their lives and said “well this doesn’t affect me.” If you’re not going to check your anti-blackness at the door, be prepared for a failed revolution.
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tiredguyswag · 5 months
indians need to address their ingrained anti-blackness tbh.
update: elaborated in reblogs.
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sbrown82 · 7 months
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I distro a lot.
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freshbeeth · 3 months
Is there anything the average splatoon fan can do to make a difference? to make you feel safer and appreciated in this community? (don't worry about responding if you don't have an answer)
step 1 is to learn what racism is (systemic oppression against people of color NOT boo hoo a black person made me feel bad). and then from there:
call racist shit out as you see it
stop interacting with racists/apologists entirely, they want a rise out of you as a “gotcha”
show up for black streamers/content creators/comp players
never assume you’re immune to being racist
actually interact with black people in real life/outside of splatoon
actually interact with black books/art/films/games/music/ANYTHING outside of splatoon
don’t do the “omg how could this happen???¿?” thing. it happened bc racism is normalized as “edgy humor”
if racism comes up, be quiet and LISTEN to the marginalized group that was affected
also bonus: if you start a sentence with “as a white person” i PROMISE you we’re not gonna read anything else you say even if it’s well-intentioned. not everything requires a response from you and we don’t care about your opinions on racism considering we’re actually living it.
and be mindful that BEING UNCOMFORTABLE DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE BEING OPPRESSED. a black person making a safe space for themselves is NOT the same as being discriminated against for being white. not everything is about y’all.
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redditreceipts · 4 months
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here are some more examples I've noticed:
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sayruq · 4 months
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hussyknee · 2 months
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Vajra Chandrasekera is a Locus and Nebula award-winner and has been short-listed for a Hugo Award this year. You can find his Tumblr here: @adamantine and his twitter here: @_vajra
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Asking black people to fucking die for you is wild.
Conflating being Black in America with being an active part of American imperialism is also insane.
I'm not gonna stop saying Free Palestine and Free Gaza just because some idiots on the internet decided to open their mouth and be fucking stupid.
1. No one deserves to be slaughtered on their on land
2. A Free Palestine is on step to a larger goal of undoing global colonization and imperialism.
But i will not be chastised or bullied because you don't understand the inner workings of American politics.
You are not OWED Black People's activism.
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grimmbunniee · 1 year
A little bit of me dies everytime I see y’all hc Hobie as this mean toxic punk rockstar boyfriend. Like tell me where in the fucking flim was he rude once. He literally helped Miles despite barely know him, he’s friends with Pavitr they even have a handshake, he let Gwen crash in his universe because she was homeless. Also to the people who say he is stinky and wouldn’t take care of his hair. Y’all are so fucking annoying and clearly don’t know how black hair works, especially wicks or any form of locs. Like hobie is the most kind and caring person around. He definitely wouldn’t abuse you, lay hands on you or cheat on you. Also his whole “I don’t believe in labels or I don’t believe in consistency” was a quip, a fucking joke all spider variants make stupid quip’s underneath the mask😭. Stop making that his whole fucking personality and stop using that to undermine his punk values. It’s like with Pavitr’s “chai tea” joke y’all made it that kids whole personality trait 😭.
Maybe I’m reaching with this but a lot y’all’s hc are starting to be Anti-black
To the next person who hcs him as toxic mean person I’m in your walls and I’m stealing your favorite things.
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sbrown82 · 2 months
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“I remember an incident from my own childhood, when a very close friend of mine and I, we were walking down the street. We were discussing whether God existed. And she said he did not. And I said he did. But then she said she had proof. She said, ‘I had been praying for two years for blue eyes, and he never gave me any.’ So, I just remember turning around and looking at her. She was very, very Black. And she was very, very, very, very beautiful. How painful. Can you imagine that kind of pain? About that, about color? So, I wanted to say you know, this kind of racism hurts. This is not lynchings, and murders, and drownings. This is interior pain. So deep. For an 11 year-old girl to believe that if she only had some characteristic of the white world, she would be okay. [Black girls] surrendered completely to the master narrative. I mean the whole notion of what is ugliness, what is worthlessness. She got it from her family, she got it from school, she got it from the movies — she got it everywhere; it’s white male life. The master narrative is whatever ideological script that is being imposed by the people in authority on everybody else. The master fiction, history, it has a certain point of view. So, when these little girls see that the most prized gift that they can get at Christmastime is this little white doll, that’s the master narrative speaking: “This is beautiful. This is lovely, and you’re not it.”
Toni Morrison on what inspired her to write her first novel, The Bluest Eye.
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
Hey, if you’re currently trying to exploit my disappointment with the antisemitism in Leftist spaces to make me into a TERF or a racist or an Islamophobe: fuck off.
My revulsion with antisemitism does not and will not ever turn into hatred for other groups.
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