#// looooove him with all my heart and soul
mrshesh · 1 year
thinking about "the distraught father adopting an orphan daughter" trope but with price and ghost :( like imagine, the reader is a younger girl in the task force, and she has kind of become like a daughter to them but they've never really disclosed it, and one day she just mutters "i love you, dad" to them (individually) :(( how do you think they'd react?
"i love you, dad." - simon "ghost" riley x reader
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overview: calling simon "ghost" riley dad for the first time
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x gender neutral reader, platonic
genre: fluff, angst
a/n: hi anon! i looooove this request :( i've actually been thinking of this exact scenario for sooo long! however, i couldn't really think of anything for price. so if someone can help me out by sending some ideas & headcanons to me privately, i will make a price version asap! and, as much as i love the father-daughter trope, i decided to keep this gender neutral, so everyone can feel included. i hope you love it.
TW! mentions of abuse and torture. proceed with caution.
Simon’s father was the devil personified. His dad is the epitome of evil to him, even more so than his captor, Roba. He cringes when he sees a dad and son being affectionate with each other in public - it pains him to think about what could’ve been, how he could’ve turned out. He knows most of his trauma stems from the abuse his father put him through, which has forever shattered the image of fatherhood in his mind. 
That is until you came along. 
Simon immediately felt drawn to you when you joined the Task Force. Being the youngest member had difficulties, yet you took it like a champ and kept toiling while still being so bright, colorful, and full of life. He admired that about you. 
He found himself worrying for you more than he liked. If you were reckless on a mission, he’d pull you aside and yell at you, scolding you for pulling such stupid stunts at the risk of your being. But after every talking-to, he’d give you a gentle pat on the head with shaky hands. “You need to be more careful, mate.” He’d mutter, feeling a pit in his stomach. Why does he care so much? And why does he feel the need to protect you? 
He would keep an eye on you at all times. He’d ensure nobody got too touchy with you and that everybody on base treats you with the respect you deserve. If he saw you getting mistreated, he would use his authority to punish the person hurting you. He would then turn to you, his eyes softening as he stares at you through his balaclava. “You tell me if anyone’s hurting you, alright?” 
The day Simon realizes he loves you like his own child is the day you open up about your past to him. At this point, you’ve known each other for a few years. 
He has always known that he has a special love for you, but he never came to terms with it until this day. 
When you tell him about all your painful experiences in life, he can feel his heart tear open and get shredded into millions of pieces. Regardless of what you’ve been through, his soul aches for you. That day was the first time Simon ever hugged you, and he vouched to care and be there for you as long as he was breathing. 
Today, you’ve had a difficult time falling asleep. Tossing and turning in bed can only get you so far, and the thought of drinking warm milk at this time makes you physically ill. You’re in the comfort of your room, but you don’t feel the amenity. You need someone to talk to. 
You know that Simon is usually up during this time - he who deserves sleep the most gets it the least. Insomnia’s a bitch. 
You decide to send him a text. 
You: “You up?” Read, 3:38 AM.  Simon: “Yeah. Why are you awake?” Read, 3:38 AM.  You: “Can’t sleep. Your sleeping habits have rubbed off on me.” Read, 3:39 AM.  Simon: “Welcome to my world.” Read, 3:39 AM.  Simon: “Is everything okay, though?” Read, 3:39 AM. You: “Yep. Just need someone to talk to, that’s all.” Read, 3:39 AM. Simon: “So you decide to text me?” Read, 3:40 AM. You: “I would’ve texted Johnny, but he fell asleep at midnight.” Read, 3:40 AM. Simon: “What’s so wrong with me?” Read, 3:40 AM. You: “You’re a grumpy, old man.” Read, 3:41 AM.  Simon: “Thanks, mate. 🐶” Read, 3:41 AM. You: “You’re welcome.” Read, 3:41 AM.  You: “Don’t worry, though. I like that about you.” Read, 3:42 AM.  Simon: “Not enough to be your first texting option.” Read, 3:42 AM.  You: “Don’t hyper-fixate on that, I’m begging.” Read, 3:42 AM.  Simon: “It’s funny.” Read, 3:42 AM. You: “It’s not. 🙄 It’s so boring I’m starting to feel sleepy, actually.” Read, 3:43 AM. Simon: “That’s good. Go to sleep, mate.” Read, 3:43 AM. You: “Yeah, might as well. You should sleep, too.” Read, 3:43 AM.  Simon: “I’ll try.” Read, 3:43 AM.  Simon: “Goodnight.” Read, 3:44 AM. You: “Night. I love you, Dad. ❤️” Read, 3:44 AM.  You: “Hold on, before you go! I have a question.” Read, 3:44 AM. You: “Hello?” Delivered, 3:50 AM.  You: “Simon?” Delivered, 3:55 AM.  You: “Did you fall asleep?” Delivered, 4:01 AM.
You sit in your bed anxiously, not knowing whether you fucked up. You know Simon had a rough past with this father, but you didn’t even think about that when you sent that text. You feel an instant regret wash over you, rereading your messages hundreds of times, hoping Simon will open them. 
Your spiral of uneasiness is interrupted by a hurried knock on the door of your room. You can hear breathing, almost panting, through the door - you immediately know it’s Simon. 
You walk to the door, hesitantly opening it, only to be met by Simon’s bare, tear-stained face, and the whites of his eyes have turned a bright red. You stare at him in shock, only stepping aside to let him in your room. 
You close the door behind you after he enters your accommodation, and you turn to look at him right away. Your eyes meet instantly, and you feel a cloud of shame pour down on you, coating you in an aura of grief. “I’m sorry.” You instantly whisper, and your own eyes sting. “I shouldn’t have… said that.” 
He doesn’t respond, only looking at you as if you’re the only matter in the universe. Everything else has become nonexistent - a vacuum. 
“No.” He sniffles, stepping closer toward you. He had a panic attack right after you called him dad - and you know it. “No.” He repeats, his tears spilling out of his eyes. “Don’t be sorry.” He whispers. He reaches out to you hesitantly, his trembling hands gently gripping your shoulders. He holds them there for a few seconds, getting used to the feeling. 
Before you know it, he pulls you into him, burying his face in the crook of your neck and weeping quietly into you. It’s the first time you’ve seen him cry. Ever. 
He’s stiff as he embraces you, his shaking body telling you everything you need to know. Your heart breaks for him, resulting in you biting back your tears - you’ve got to be strong for him. But you can’t.
You let your sobs fill the air, your arms wrapping around him to hold him close to you. 
You stay in each other’s embrace, pouring out your emotions for one another. You don’t even dare to speak until Simon has calmed down slightly, his breathing getting slower and softer. 
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you, too, kid. More than you know.”
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thelov3lybookworm · 10 months
I was listening to hyunjin's Ice Cream and this idea came to me loll. Idk if you do these kinda requests but can you do a fic inspired by the ice cream lyrics? 🥹🥹
Azriel with reader who's really cold but he's still hopelessly in love with her? (I love hopeless romantic az 🫶🫶) but not too much angst please I need fluff and happy endings, otherwise my heart wouldn't be able to take it 😔
Ice to cream
Summary: Azriel has a stoic exterior, and no soul has ever really seen what is underneath.
But then he met someone as cold as ice, and was ready to be her sweet cream.
A/n: okayyyyy i feel like sweet cream sounds weird but my brain thinks its cool so ignore it 😉
also, i looooove you anon, thank you for this ask ❣️
That day had been like any other.
Azriel had been walking down the winding streets of the city of starlight, whistling to himself.
It was rare that the shadowsinger whistled, but that day he had simply been feeling like it. It was also shocking to his own self how carefree he had felt that day and had decided to take a walk instead of locking himself up in his office and finishing up reports while wallowing in self pity since Rhys had banned him from visiting the third Archeron sister.
The day was beautiful, nothing to signal that the shadowsinger's life was about to be turned upside down.
Azriel had been walking past a bookstore, and there was nothing that could have prompted him to turn his head to look at it, but maybe some unseen forces were at work, because he glanced at the storefront, and then decided to step inside for a moment.
The inside was cosy, the light streaming in from the multiple windows not too harsh, dust motes dancing as if to an unheard song. The store was quiet except for the occasional turn of a page or the purring and meowing of a cat.
Azriel had no reason for going into that bookstore, but once there, he decided to see if he could find a small book to read when he felt like lazing about and not writing reports.
Walking through the multiple aisles, Azriel let his gaze wander.
It was some time later, when his fingers were absently caressing the spine of a book in the fantasy section and he was about to leave without a book because nothing caught his fancy, that a loud, irritated meow sounded nearby, and Azriel winced.
A blur of orange fur in his periphery caught his attention, and the moment he glanced to his left, a cat shot out from between the shelves, knocking over some books and racing towards him.
Azriel stood frozen, until another meow sounded, and a black cat and pretty female came into view. She had an annoyed look on her face as she chased the two cats, and, in his whole five hundred years of existence, Azriel had never thought he would experience at love at first sight.
He wasn't one to judge whether people deserved his time and love by their looks. He usually tried to know them personally before he did.
But here she was, chasing two cats as they knocked over books, and Azriel could not breathe.
Azriel's shadows whispered that if he caught hold of the cats, he might be able to talk to her.
The spymaster wasted no time, scooping up the orange cat as the female picked up the snarling black cat.
She panted heavily, holding tight to the wiggling cat. Azriel didn't have to struggle though, the orange cat simply stopped moving the moment Azriel's shadows swirled in front of its eyes.
The female sighed, muttering something about food in the black cat's ear, and that finally managed to get the animal to calm down.
She glanced up at Azriel, shaking her hair out of her face, her face emotionless.
She walked forward, grabbing the orange cat from him with a mumbled thank you, then walked away. Azriel raised his hand to call for her, but she had already left.
Disappointment hit him from all sides, from his own self as well as his shadows, and he was left to wonder why.
Azriel left the store without a book that day, and the pretty female had not even glanced at him as he left, and that gave Azriel a purpose.
He would have to return.
To get a book, of course.
Azriel feared she would beat him in his broody spymaster act if given the chance.
It had been a month since Azriel had first visited the bookstore, and so far, he had come nearly everyday to the store in hopes of getting her to talk to him. And, obviously, to find a book to read.
He had been unable to get any responses from her as of yet that were not one word answers, but Azriel pretended that he was making progress. That he was beginning to crack the hard shell around her.
Currently, she was arranging some books, balancing precariously on the ladder that lay against the tall shelf. Azriel watched, alert and tense in case she lost her balance and would need assistance.
It didn't take long, as she winced a moment later and started rubbing her eyes with one hand, his shadows whispering of how dust had gone into her eyes.
Azriel was next to her in a moment, his grip tight on the ladder as he smiled up at the female, and she glanced down, a frown on her face.
She put the books in her hand back into their place before she began descending the ladder. The moment she touched the ground, she scowled, turning to Azriel.
He blinked in confusion, though he still kept that smile on his face.
"Were you trying to look up my skirt?"
His smile faded, and his eyes went wide as his brain registered how inappropriate his actions might have seemed.
"I- no- I would never- I-" He sputtered, at a loss for words.
The female gave him an unimpressed look, turning away.
Azriel was frozen in place for a moment until his shadows whispered to him about how this was a good opportunity to talk to her. They screeched in his ears, and that finally got him moving as he followed behind the female, tripping over his own feet as he tried to get her attention.
"Hey! Hey wait!"
She paused behind a shelf, half turning to him.
"I was not trying to look up your-"
"Doesn't matter if you were. Happens often enough that it doesn't bother me."
Azriel froze, his brows scrunched. She made to continue walking, but his shadows shot out, the ones next to his ear letting out an exasperated sigh.
The female glanced down at her hand in confusion, to where the shadows were twisting around her wrist and weaving through her fingers.
The female's eyebrows rose, and she looked up at him.
He pulled them back hastily, heat rising in his neck and face. "Um. Forgive me. They sometimes don't want to be controlled and do whatever they want."
She turned to him with a sigh, and Azriel had to wonder if he was dreaming when he saw her lips twitch in the slightest.
Master is not dreaming. He is simply dumb. A shadow whispered as it bobbed away from Azriel's ear, swirling around itself as if in a dance.
Azriel squashed the urge to snarl at it.
"What do you want?" Azriel whipped his head to look at the female, finding her staring at him with a bored expression on her face.
He cleared his throat. "I would like to know your name."
"Why do you want my name? Are you going to put some enchantment on me?"
Azriel opened his mouth to deny any harmful intentions, but again he got distracted by his shadows' whispering.
We wish to engrave it on master's skin.
The heat Azriel's face increased.
"I-I just want to know. No reason..."
She studied him for a moment. "Y/n."
Oh it will look beautiful carved on master's chest.
It will look better on his face.
On his forehead. No one would then try to steal him away.
Or maybe on his hips-
Or butt-
To the outside world, it would simply look like his shadows were floating leisurely in the air, but Azriel could barely think straight through their unnecessary commentary.
"A-Azriel. I am Azriel."
She snorted, turning away. "I know."
He followed her as she stalked through the shelves, his mind having stopped working the moment she gave him her full attention.
"How do you know that?"
"You are not really subtle with who you are."
"Everyone knows you are the spymaster of this mother forsaken court."
If anyone else had insulted or even thought something bad about his court, they would be chopped into pieces and thrown into the Sidra before they even took their next breath, but then again, Azriel's brain had stopped working, and all he could think about was the fact that she knew who he was.
"So you've heard about me?"
"So can I ask you out to eat with me?"
She froze in her tracks without warning, and Azriel, who was usually very good on his feet, rarely stumbled, even when drunk, slammed into her, taking both of them down.
She wiggled under him, trying to get him off of her, and he scrambled to follow her wish.
She glared at him as she straightened into a kneeling position, dusting off her clothes.
"What makes you think that?"
"Nothing." He mumbled, embarrassed that he was acting like a young boy who had only learned the concept of reproduction and how it happened.
She climbed to her feet, but Azriel's hand shot out to grip hers.
Master finally did something right without having us guide him.
We must celebrate.
Azriel decided he was going to kill his shadows, but that would have to wait for now.
"Please. I want to take you out."
Y/n studied him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then she sighed.
A sudden burst of excitement took over Azriel, and he jumped to his feet.
"Amazing. Can I pick you up at sunset today?"
She nodded, and before Azriel could even realize what he was about to do, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against her cheek. Then he simply turned away, and sprinted out of the shop, already thinking about what he would wear and wich restaurant to take her to.
As he left, he didn't watch as the female who had captured his attention with a few cold looks, who was as cold as ice, lifted her hands and ran her fingers over where his lips had been a moment ago, her eyes blown wide and lips parted.
She stood there, unmoving, for mother knew how long before she glanced around, hoping no one was near.
And then, she let herself smile.
A shy, unbelieving smile as her face flushed.
And there, in the dark shadows between the shelves, her ice exterior began to crumble.
Cracks appeared.
Cracks in which he would plant himself so deeply, so thoroughly, and begin to weaken the mighty walls around her heart.
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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a018233 · 2 months
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✮⋆˙. Synopsis: Ino takuma x gyaru/gyaruo relationship headcannons
✮⋆˙. Content warning: non yandere, jealousy mention. maybe ooc ino?? He's kinda,, just a guy.
✮⋆˙. A/N: I wish it was 2020 again I have new ways to ruin my life.
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• Ino hasn't dated much, maybe out on a couple of dates and mixers, but it had never led to anywhere serious or long-term due to him being a sorcerer. So he's ecstatic to have a total babe like you into him. Especially if you're the one who's making the moves on his giddy ass. With the way he's head over heels over you, you might think your his first relationship.
• The more time you spend together, the more you kinda rub off of him. If you ever use gyaru slang around him or if he's eavesdropping on you while you chat with your friends, he's quick to pick it up and add it to his own vocabulary.
• You rub off of him so much that he lowkey borrows some of your gyaruo magazine archives. He probably won't dress up in gyaruo unless he feels like matching with you.
• Probably accidentally texted Nanami: "Your little boy toy misses you~~~ (*ゝω・*)" into his dms, thinking he was replying to you while trying to mimic your cute emoticons.
• Nanami did in fact NOT miss him.
• But mostly, it's a cover-up for him to snag a magazine so he can use it as a guide for getting you presents. Even then, he's so into that matching couples thing that it's kinda sick. He knows he bagged a dreamboat like you, and now it's everyone's problem. You seriously got him swinging his feet while he's texting you. (ewwww)
• Would put you in his Instagram bio, and bling up his cellphone to match yours. He's so in love with you that it's sorta overbearing to anyone around you. You guys are the 'IT couple' at that point.
• If you're a gal that likes getting your nails down, he likes tagging along just so he can foot the bill cause one, he loooooves you. Two, it makes him feel manly, and it's an ego boost. (Even if you're a guy yourself)
• If you're a gyaruo, your wardrobe is kinda his now, sorry. He's kinda been biting your style since you've been dating him. New jacket? Mind if he borrows that? Oh, by the way, he took one of your belts this morning. Hope you don't mind!
• I'd argue that Ino is a pretty confident guy who's secure. But whenever you go out to those gyaru & gyaruo hangouts, he feels a little jealousy forming in his stomach.
• Especially if your *super* close with them, his heart literally falls out of his ass. What if you just decide one day to dump him because he doesn't match your style? What if you met your soul mate who matches you completely? Fashion sense and all.
• He always thought of himself as your other half, your cherry on top of your ice cream sundae, your teddy bear, your boo thang.
• PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't dump him, a total babe like you has completely changed his type. Nobody will ever amount to you. Forget whatever his type was before, his literal type is you.
• Ino himself would never admit this or say it out loud, but he lowkey dreams about a stereotypical gyaru/gyaruo wedding with you.
• Even if you mention it as a little joke, or simply just playing around with the idea of it. He seems to be a little *too* interested..
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mrstsung · 1 month
Alan Lee's shang tsung, you deserve a better narrative and script.
😔 *sigh*
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I just hate the story this shang was in. If it wasn't for bad plot. And horrible direction.
This could have been an amazing young/early sorcerer days shang tsung.
Like I'm just sad the more that i think about it.
Like the bad plot,plot holes,simple solutions to a problem that isn't really that much of a problem,the character favoritism,etc.
God,shang,im so sorry.
Mr. Alan Lee,i feel if the script wasn't crap,the narrative didn't screw you over,and this game wasn't filled with useless microtransactions,and shitty gameplay. You would have been a perfect successor.
But sadly. It's not ment to be.
I personally feel if he was given a chance to bring his shang tsung to life more,make him actually intimidating,and add oomph to it. Then i feel like he could shine. Like i just feel he's held back. Like get angry dude! Genuinely,get pissed off! Make shang scary. And not in the cunning sense like they seem to shoehorn him into. Like yes that is a facet of his character,but only one small part. Shang is complex. And so should be his energy and expression. Like i feel mr. Lee was scared doing shang. But excited too going by his interviews. But i feel he was so worried a out disappointment,that he got blindsided by the bad writing. If i had a chance to write something for him. I would in a heartbeat. Give him a better narrative and story for his shang tsung.
I would absolutely looooove to write for mortal kombat. At very least shang tsungs part. And idc if it's "canon" or not. I just want a good story. That treats shang as the badass we KNOW he is. *sigh* alas i have to only share with my fellow shang tsimps. Not that that's all bad. I love you guys.
But i really really wish that alan Lee's shang was done better. I dont mind his voice,aesthetics,i just hate the writing.
I wanna give him a hug and take him away from this horrible version of the game and series.
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Me at all shang tsung's: "my heart n soul sir"
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spottedenchants · 16 days
For the reverse unpopular opinion meme: Shadowgast fanfic tropes!
!!!!! I absolutely absolutely love how the flexibility of their dynamic is reflected in the breadth of tropes people apply to them effectively!! They're readily capable of gritty angst and crystalline doublespeak and marshmallow fluff and impeccable humor and there's so many clever and creative ways to express them :3
Some specific tropes! (thank you @quinn-of-aebradore and @rainbowcaleb for the list :D)
Aeor hurt/comfort: Truly wizards in their natural habitat with all the weird magic and secrets and dangers and isolation and excitement. I consider Aeor wizard dates (round 1 especially) to be the SG equivalent of getting stuck in a cabin during a deadly blizzard, only the cabin is also trying to kill them.
Fugitive Essek/Adventurer Essek: Whether post-canon explorations or AU shenanigans, I love the idea of Essek trying new things, and what's newer than a life of adventure :D shout out to the hurt/comfort variety and especially a hurt Essek turning up on Caleb's doorstep. Let Caleb stretch those caretaking skills \o/
Professor Widogast: SLICE OF LIFE MY BELOVED. I adore imagining Caleb's post-canon day-to-day and love seeing how people blend his past, his present work against the Assembly, and his future working with students. I love the kids people make as his students and I love it when Essek gets written as a substitute or visiting cat or is somehow involved in teaching alongside Caleb :3
Essek knits: I've always loved the thought of Essek having some sort of a string/yarn/thread creative pastime, so seeing him knitting in fic makes my heart very warm and I looooove when Caleb gets his knitted scarves.
Trancing/sleeping together: gimme the weird 'dreams', gimme the threshold of consciousness, gimme the 'I know you're watching over me rn and I'm going to pretend I don't notice so you won't stop', gimme the 'how can you lay down to die every night', gimme the 'Essek reads while Caleb sleeps'. Good good stuff.
Telepathy/shared dreams: it's the drift compatibility of it all... I also really like this when it's taken in a 'you stared into my soul and for once did not flinch when you saw yourself staring back' direction.
Misuse of magic: They're wizards. They're experimentalists. Testing the limits of magic and their arcane abilities is part of their job description and it seems very them to get creative with spells both for utility and for fun :3
Timeline mishaps (and subsequent fix-its): Essek is a time wizard, Caleb wanted to change his past; there's sooooo much interesting stuff to dig through with this and so much can go wrong. Maybe they fix the T-Dock but get stuck in the past, maybe they make a time spell and erase the present as they know it, maybe they're summoning echoes who are themselves from a different point in time or maybe from an AU all their own. I also like it when they can wiggle their way back home.
Thank you for the ask! :D
Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme
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helluvapurf · 1 year
forgot i was still doing this ask meme for a sec my bad lol
13. worst blorboficiation
Do you mean in terms of canon portrayals, or fandom-wise? Hmmm... if we're just talking canon here, then... weeeeell- >>
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-Now before anyone freaks out, no I don't "hate" Stolas... at most I'm honestly just kinda... "neutral"-feeling whenever he pops up on screen these days 🤷‍♀️
Concept-wise, I do like the idea of Stolas being this seemingly aged, powerful figure among the Ars Goetia... struggling to balance his twisted desires with his family/royalty responsibilities. Often getting lost in his own head to focus on anyone but his personal joy/fantasies-
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...but at the same time, not too far gone that he can't reel it back in-time to eventually realize his mistakes, and try to do whatever he can to fix it (no matter how successful or not those attempts be-):
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It was unique, compelling and overall made Stolas an entertaining character from the initial HB pilot to the end of S1. Making me super intrigued of how this crooked, broken bird could eventually grow and learn from all that happened into S2...
...aaaaand then "The Circus" & onwards just... idk, decided to do away with all that to make Stolas more like an innocent, pure-natured soul all along... who never meant to come off like a selfish jerk 'cause he's just soooo lonely & sad, having the sweetest of intentions all along~ 🥺🥺
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and its like... usually I don't mind giving sympathetic/tragic backstories to explain why they behave the way they do in the present-day... but with how S2's been framing things with Stolas atm, any and all mistakes he's pulled in the past has become the fault of other people's doing?
Stolas & Stella having a cold, loveless marriage that ended in him getting caught cheating (+Stella hiring a hit on him because of said cheating)? ...Well then clearly thats all Stella's fault for being a raging harpy from birth, so bitch got what she deserved when he dumped her ass, haha~
Stolas having a demeaning, belittling view on Imps (even around Blitz a few times in S1)? ...Well then that clearly was just the fault of his eeeevil dad Paimon, pushing the idea in his son's head from his kid years (who was so pure at heart enough that he wanted to bow to Blitz, when they met, awww~).
Stolas not being the most attentive father to Octavia, ignoring her feelings over & over? ...Well then clearly thats all on Via for not being grateful for the big, noble sacrifices Stolas put into loving her (esp as she apparently only exists to be a “precautionary heir” from his toxic marriage), and the fact that he's trying should be enough to forgive all his faults as the best dad ever~
Stolas being a pushy creep towards Blitz during their S1 dynamic, stepping over boundaries despite Blitz's clear discomfort? ...Well then that's clearly all on Blitz for being the one who put the moves on Stolas first, who was just a flustered bean from the start wanting to reconnect with his old buddy & gained true feelings overtime... why can't Blitz see how much Stolas loooooves him~? :ccc
...Aaaaand yeah, idk about yall but ehhhhh- I just couldn't really get into that angle the more I watched S2 :/. Not to say that Stolas’ last couple appearances were bad, per-say ('cause I did find his sassiness to Striker while kidnapped + his reading-enthusiasm with Ozzie's contract pretty funny)... buuut to make a long story short:
Shady, morally gray Stolas who needs to work on himself >>>>> Sad baby boi Stolas who did nothing wrong ever
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isakvaltersnake · 1 year
first watch was for me, now second watch for THOUGHTS
Act 1:
obsessed with the way they turn into each other when the cake is coming down slash how Henry slips into Alex when getting up
zahra is so hot my goD I want her to top me
Henry showing off in his fuck boy raybans and fancy vintage car YOU WANT HIM TO WANT YOU SO BAD ITS EMBARRASSING
Henry’s soul leaving his body at “Vicky 👊”
Henry being turnt by the way alex smells
Henry’s “I need to get out of here” upon first meeting alex and deeply understanding that this beautiful boy could ruin the charred remains of his heart if he let him
straight up FUCK miguel
Henry using bitmojis is how you really textually understand he has like 1 friend
Henry is so bad at dancing oh baby you would’ve been laughed out of a middle school gym with those moves
why am I mad that everyone got low at the wrong part of the song
Act 2:
the fucking polo scene. Alex so horned up, Henry so sweaty. chefs kiss
henry infinitely smoother than alex wow
Henry playing with that fucking ring like it’s a noose around his neck
this sex scene actually just being a clean demonstration of two people who fill each other with so much comfort and peace engaging in a physical act of love wowwww they invented romance wtf
I do love this alex in texas side quest seeing as there wasn’t time for the book storyline
giggling during sex is peak romance these nerds are IN LOVE
“look at us now” and the way I yelled DIVORCED OSCAR?!
“it won’t even matter if anyone sees us” the way you could see henrys heart shatter in real time jesus
i felt myself getting too close and i didn't want to break his heart. henry, my love, baby girl, boo boo the fool.
Act 3:
BECAUSE IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. No Henry in fact this is costing me everything. Kwjakasnsnkanskamskkaksjmsbwkkss
I will not trade one prison for another SORRY THE ANGST GIRLIES ARE EATINGGGG
sorry but if the love of my life ever danced with me in a low lit museum and told me he would try to be brave for us I would simply cease to exist
low key lmao and well done @ Alex’s grip on Henry in bed cause the last time they slept together Henry snuck out in the middle of the night and ghosted him for a week straight
ngl I hate that they didn’t even get a phone call before the speech
ok so i didn't get america he is my choice but i did get i fell in love with a person who happens to be a man and that man happens to be a prince
baby he says like I haven’t been waiting like an hour and a half to hear it
Alex watching Henry play piano oh honey he is never beating the competency kink allegations
stephen fry Alex already admitted it what’s your endgame my dude
Henry leaning back to talk back to his gramps like he was going into sport mode was v sexy actually
straight up Rachel Maddow with more lines that pez, she should’ve had her own promo
Henry with the hand hold/hand in the crook of alex’s arm combo was so baby girl of him I couldn’t be prouder
they traded the key and the ring back cause it was only til they could have all of each other again and now they can pls kill me this is the end
do you think anyone noticed? I hate him so much omfg
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nightcolorz · 9 months
🌍 and 🔍 obviously for Armand
Fuck yes tysm anon looooove this animal!!!! "Obviously for Armand" is killing me like yes so true he is my brand
🔎: something about the modern era not referenced in the books that you think [insert character] would find upsetting or confusing + why?
This almost feels too obvious but the invasion of Ukraine I imagine would be pretty triggering and upsetting for Armand. For pretty self explanatory grew up in Kiev under invasion slash power of Ghengis Khan subsequent kidnapping and selling trauma.
On a less serious note I think Armand would find combat video games rlly confusing lmao. Ik this is probably a hot take but I have reasoning ! In devil's minion Armand describes to Daniel how he doesn't understand war or violence between men cuz violence to him isn't something he would ever choose, it's not exciting to him and it doesnt like call to him the way he imagines it does to other ppl, he is only so violent because he was born into violence raised to become used to pain and as a vampire violence is inherent + necessary.
So like I imagine if he found out about first person shooters killing games etc he wouldn't understand why they exist 😭 I think he'd really enjoy the technological and mechanic aspects that go into a game and find them really appealing for that reason (I could def see Armand having a gamer phase) but conceptually killing games would confuse him. I imagine while crushing Daniel in call of duty Armand's questioning him the whole time over why it is so overwhelmingly common for mortals to design experiences were they can fantsize about taking life while Daniel is just like oh my god Armand its not that deep ur distracting me 😭
🌍: if [insert character] were human and so was everyone else, what would their life be like? for example: what would their career be? where would they live? what about their relationship to [insert character]?
Oooo don't u dare activate human au brain (excitement). I love human aus cuz it strips away any supernatural justification for the characters being so fucked up and instantly reduces them to guys who r just like that it's so funny.
I could see Armand as an interior designer, smth sort of formulaic but still artistic. Interior design calls to me for him cuz of his passion for designing his loved ones elaborately lavish living spaces as a form of love language (trinity gate, night island). Obvs I have a human au and my Armand live's in New York, so I'm gonna go with that. Interior designer living in New York Lmao whose in the worst ever pseudo polycule with his old friend (derogatory) Lestat, Lestat's husband Armands ex husband (non literal) slash current boyfriend Louis and his bitch he keeps on a leash and does kink with in non consenting public spaces Daniel.
It feels so silly saying this cuz my fic is literally a social media au but I think that in a general human au Armand would not use social media like he'd have accounts and use the Internet but I can not see him blogging tweeting tiktoking etc. having a social media presence requires a certain level of gratification and enjoyment with sharing urself with others and being a public figure that army doesnt have lmao he hates to be perceived + consumed and thats what being online is all about ❤️
Anyways relationship wise I think Daniel is the most interesting to talk about in a human au cuz there relationship is so centrally vampiric like the whole conflict and crazy devotion comes from that, and in my heart and soul a human devil's minion has the same insanity that is justified by Daniel just being very mentally ill and Armand just being very into bdsm and blood play role play shit, love wins. Kidding they r both very mentally ill, I imagine the vampire conflict would translate into daniel being crazy obsessed with Armand and desperately longing for a deeper emotional intimacy and commitment, maybe even marriage, and armand keeps pushing him away cuz for trauma reasons he likes to keep ppl at arms length, so they r just doing bdsm shit but they r in love and army doesn't know what to do with that cuz the vulnerability of being emotionally intimate is scarier then physical esp when u have the power in the sexual dynamic. also Daniel alcoholism plus Armand every disorder and trauma is a formula for big blow out arguments all the time. Maybe they get healthy one day and adopt some fuck ass kid or two (Benji and sybelle wink wink)
Human au Marius wise makes me shudder cuz the most canon accurate stand in would be Marius adopts Armand when he's a kid or takes him in, fosters him, etc which is pretty hashtag disturbing 😭 but if I were to write a human au that's not millennia gate (my fic) that's what I'd do 😊
Armands history with Lestat and Louis I imagine would be pretty similar to canon just to a smaller less vampiric scale cuz queer ppl r just like that they r all exes they r all dating and having casual sex and marrying. I would elaborate more on this but I would just be semi spoiling my plans for my fic Lmao so ig stay tuned
Anyways love u for this anon I love Armand love that animal he is my fav ever shrieks and explodes
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artknifeandglue · 4 months
as shattered stars shine: DVD commentary (part 1/12)
Home, sick, and desperately need to do something other than write, so I'm going to yell semi-coherently about as shattered stars shine, a story that seized my brain in end-April last year and refused to leave until I wrote the whole damn thing.
Will do it chapter by chapter, but post might be long, so cut.
“I’ll risk my life, I’ll give my life to you. After all, you gave me time, didn’t you? If all my desires could come true, if I could attain them, I want to see you I make my wish upon the stars” … If life would only return to you, if it could reach you, I don’t care what happens to me” -Mephisto by Queen Bee
I describe this fic as a Gift of the Magi meets Faust, which it pretty much is. Many thanks to Queen Bee for an emotionally devastating song. Now on to the writing process and commentary! (Note: I’m not going to put the whole fic here because that’d defeat the purpose of uploading it, and also because I feel really weird about posting the full 60k words here. Instead, I’ve taken quotes from it and put them here.)
Meteor showers, Eggsy knows, aren’t actually as rare as people think. Thirty of them in a year works out to one meteor shower somewhere every five weeks.
Quite literally the first line - this was the very first thing I wrote, and it stayed in all the way until the final draft (with some tiny revisions!). Originally, the second line had a throwaway comment about a primary school teacher having given him this bit of information. Also, this damn line alone kicked off a whole lot of reading about meteor showers. Many thanks to the International Meteor Organisation for their assistance.
Deep brown eyes flicker up towards Eggsy, and for a moment he feels as though they might in their intensity reveal his every secret, every corner of his soul. It should be intimidating, Eggsy knows. It should be frightening. Yet a shiver of excitement starts at the back of his neck and darts down his spine, leaves his hands tingling with something almost like the thrill of his escape, but better. How much richer, Eggsy thinks, how much warmer this feeling is, this business of feeling alive.
Kingsman’s story is that of Eggsy starting a new life as an agent, but his new life doesn’t start the moment he enters Kingsman – it starts when he goes to meet Harry Hart. Also relevant: this particular story’s themes of a second chance at life, at being alive.
“About two weeks and many hopeful glimpses up at the Galahad office window later, Eggsy takes a look in the mirror and accepts that yeah, okay, he might be just a little bit in love with Harry Hart…
Which, you know, writing on the wall and all that. Eggsy’s bi, not stupid.”
He’s a clever one, and he’s got his priorities in order. What else is there to say? They’re in looooove.
“…and yet all Eggsy finds himself needing is that rare fleeting moment in which Harry passes by, a stray comet crossing his path.”
Sticking the shooting-star metaphor (though comets aren’t meteors) in various places because I can. Also, though, Harry is the vehicle through which Eggsy’s hope for a better life comes true.
“Everything else, Eggsy thinks, can wait until after then. Later, he tells himself as he lies awake at night, the curve of Harry’s lips on his mind, the leap of his heart in his chest unaddressed. There will be time later…
Then a grenade goes off in a lecture hall, and then Eggsy finds himself right back at the beginning, out of time and alone.”
As seen in the lyrics, time is a recurring theme in this fic: Eggsy runs out of time to confess, Harry runs out of time to apologise, and then Eggsy runs out of his soul-traded time when he gets shot. The Deal with the Devil comes in precisely because of this – Eggsy isn’t willing to accept that he’s run out of time, and later, neither is Harry.
“Two-thirds into a twenty-kilometre night run, Eggsy glares at the stars sparkling in the night and reminds them you don’t do shit…
Until they do.”
Cosmic coincidence or intentional tempting of Eggsy? A little from Column A, a little from Column B. He’s still holding on to the last vestiges of the idealistic notion of wishing upon a star, and having the stars actually grant one (1) wish would push him a little more in that direction, while also setting him up for greater disappointment and resentment later!
“Above him, as though in answer, the flickering light of the stars winks back, hopeful and glimmering, like a promise from a benevolent universe.”
Personification! There’s an excellent reason why the stars seem almost alive and sentient, at least in this fic.
Bring him back, he demands, the words part spite and part despair. Above him, brilliant and blazing, meteors rocket to their deaths and fizzle out one by one, taking with them the emptiness of his rage. I’ll trade you anything if you bring him back.
So my favourite work is The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the corruption/perversion of beauty is something I personally enjoy exploring. How can we take a bunch of beautiful things (the night sky, a meteor shower, the stars) and attribute to them a sort of tragedy/terror in their beauty? Dunno. I like to think I’ve done it somewhat well over this fic.  
In the armchair where Chester King had sat and handed him a gun, someone sits nursing a glass of scotch. “Hello, Eggsy. Care for a drink?”
Why is Arthur’s office also the Devil’s office? Jokes about Chester King being the literal Devil aside, I think having Eggsy constantly revisit the place where it all started going wrong – dare I say his own personal hell? – is fitting. What better way to convince a man to sell his soul than to bring him back to the beginning of the end and show him you can fix this for a small, small price?
But there is one truth achingly, excruciatingly familiar to him, one thing he knows not by training but by a lifetime of hanging in there by the skin of his teeth: second chances don’t come often, not to people like him. Second chances don’t ever come back, and some of them don’t come at all unless bought for with blood the way Dad did seventeen years ago. Seventeen years of snatching tomorrows from the hands of an uncaring universe, and now a second chance — both his and Harry’s — sits in front of him in that stupid armchair, empty crystal glass in hand, waiting.
A central motivation for Eggsy in this fic is seizing an opportunity when it presents itself. His canon backstory makes it clear that opportunities have been in short supply all his life, and I think he’d be acutely aware of this fact. Coupled with grief and love, it makes him all the more likely to accept Mephistopheles’ deal.
It’s like being dunked into ice water, like being turned inside out and torn apart, scattered in a million pieces across space and time unending.
The stranger throws his empty glass onto the hearth, where it shatters into sparkling fragments upon the logs that shimmer and gleam like stars. The flame hisses, roars and leaps out of the fireplace, licking at Eggsy’s calves like a promise, a premonition, burning—
Star references! But also, flames of hell foreshadowing.
Eggsy jolts awake to find sunrays spilling through the window into a house he has no memory of going home to, sunlight warm against his legs where he must have kicked the covers off in restless sleep. It is morning. He is in his bed, alone.
If the stars at night are a dark and terrifying force in the story, surely morning is a positive one? Except the sun is a star too. Hehe.
…an effort that Roxy lays waste to when she bursts into his office at half past noon and slaps his laptop shut just to tell him about Merlin’s latest phone call. A frazzled lady calling in to the Kingsman main line with only the words Oxfords, not brogues to identify her, begging to speak to literally anybody. A previously unidentified person has just woken up in the mortuary of a hospital and demanded that they call this number, but he won’t say anything about who he is or what’s happened to him, and can someone please come get him?
Roxy doesn’t appear all that much in the fic, chiefly because this is meant to revolve around Hartwin and how we get to a point where they’d both sell their souls for the other person, but I love her and want to write more of her. The phone call line was second to be written (after the first line of the fic) and has stayed exactly as it was in previous drafts.
In the half-hour of pre-takeoff preparations, mind trapped between an English manor he has already left behind and a Kentucky hospital he won’t arrive at for eighteen more hours, he wastes the minutes away mindlessly flicking through several social media apps, their content a passing torrent of information that slips past his consciousness and away into the unknown. Celebrity is pregnant. Jamal’s got a new jacket. Bitcoin. Celebrity is dating other celebrity. Meteor shower peaks tomorrow. Ryan’s found a hundred quid on the pavement. Something about cryptocurrency. Personality test about a horse or a lightbulb. Celebrity affair. Celebrity divorce. AI. Bitcoin, again.
Research I didn’t think I’d need to do but ended up exploring: flight times from place to place, but also social media trends and topics in 2015-2016.
Before Eggsy leaves, he fishes out the worn Kingsman medal from his pocket and presses it into Harry’s palm. It sits like a talisman in his grip, fingers curled loosely around it. On some level, Eggsy thinks, it is. It did save him at least once, so what’s a second time?
Lee’s medal! I like to think it signifies different things to Harry and Eggsy – for Eggsy, it’s his second chance, a symbol of hope; for Harry, it’s the sign of one of his greatest failures, a symbol of guilt. Therein lies the duality of this fic and of Harry and Eggsy’s motivations for selling their souls. (More on Harry’s in the commentary on later chapters.)
That night, he dreams of the rooftop again, of sitting under an ink-black sky full of stars. They flicker and wink at him, parties to a secret between him and the universe.
At the end of the chapter, all is well! Sort of. Not entirely.
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cadaverousdecay · 2 years
hiiii leaf hi helloooo !!!!!! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ this is a free space to tell me about your favorite fictional characters from any type of media and/or where you would like to live if you could live anywhere. im bored and you always have interesting things to say <3 (no pressure 2 answer this. its just in case you feel like talking to someone)
hiiiiii nico!!!!! jumping up and down like a kitty cat <33333
well i really like the character spike from buffy the vampire slayer. looooove characters who were meant to show up for a few episodes then die, but instead became a fan favorite and got put on the show as a regular and end up as the most beloved character to a good portion of the audience (see also castiel supernatural and barnabas collins dark shadows)
[spoilers for buffy ahead]
but yeah spike is great, he came onto the show as this badass punk vampire who loves his vampire wife with the most gothic devotion imaginable. cuz at heart what motivates spike and always will is his passionate love. he is self described as “love’s bitch”
anyway, when the fan response gets back as being crazy abt this evil vampire character the creator of the show gets pretty upset cuz he has this thing about good and evil and vampires are supposed to represent evil and be metaphors for problems you face and not supposed to be sexy they already had one sexy vampire and that was more than enough etc etc etc. but he didnt kill spike off. he decided to bring him back to the show
but if he was gonna bring him back and the audience was going to like him, he was gonna have to ‘humanize’ him more. and so he comes back and hes cringefail<3 hes shed his hard shell a little and just becomes this pathetic little guy <3 he even has his traumatic past revealed <3 hes still an antagonist, but then he gets a chip in his head that makes him unable to hurt a living person. and so we have the wonderful arc of “not actually reformed or anything but he’s kinda on our side sometimes i guess?”
and in that time where he cant be his bad old self and is working with (sorta) the main gang, he develops feelings (his biggest weakness) for his mortal enemy, the slayer, buffy. he tries to push them down, then just. deals with them in the most fucked up ways. hes just a fucked up little guy who doesnt know how to deal with his fucked up feelings, hes just like me for real,,,, if tumblr existed when the show took place he would be reblogging “the enormity of my desire disgusts me” and cannibalism-as-a-metaphor-for-desire shit probably. anyway
vampires in the buffyverse dont have souls (there are some exceptions) but spike, even without one, decides to better himself for buffy. and eventually not even to be with her, but just for her. he protects her when she doesnt know it and he doesnt get anything out of it. he protects people she loves because he knows it would hurt her if they got hurt.
he may not be human but his humanity is astounding. anyway, there are definitely slip ups, and writing choices i dont really like, but eventually he decides to make himself something buffy could really love, he decides to go through the excruciating process of getting a soul
and he comes back with his soul suffering bouts of guilt-ridden male hysteria. love to see it. (hes also being haunted kinda) he delivers this one monologue in a church about his soul and guilt and forgiveness which ends with him embracing a cross that seers his flesh. most iconic scene, i memorized it also. for funsies.
then theres this whole sleeper agent murder thing and he thinks hes beyond saving but buffy wont give up on him and her faith in him helps him make it through. in the end, they have moments of reconciliation and spike never believes that she actually loves him but her caring for him at all is good enough
anyway. hes just a really fun guy. theres a lot to him. his characterization can be comedic, passionate, heart wrenching. he contains multitudes. he contains soooo many issues too, i want to study him under a microscope <3 but yeah. i love this weird little vampire from my shows
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seethesunny · 23 days
Tell me the unraveled/undone lore! What got you writing it? How did the idea come up? That shit still haunts me and is why I adore you as a writer.
I always looooove when people bring up the fic™️ (listen, Koku never stops bonking me in the head for it bc I broke her heart, and I still haven't put all the pieces back together) because it was a two month spiral until I anxiously posted it one day lol
I'm gonna rant a bit so fairly warning beforehand haha
I'm gonna be really honest and as transparent as I can be:
I knew that absolutely no soul (except Koku) cares about pregnancy denial as a fic concept, which I understand why that happens for several reasons that are all true and valid and the fic landscape wouldn’t be as varied without it, right.
But this was a personal plot bunny that had been roaming around in my head for some time, and writing it for Tess and Joel felt right.
If you have read it, you know that it's inspired by flutterings written by Raff and AMB. Back when 5 people enjoyed this pairing I got really into their stuff, but flutterings was the one au that really stuck with me and haunted me for years and that's something that they've done magnificently in all their fics I'm 100% giving a fic rec here they’re the reason why I started writing J/T myself. I'm getting off track, so this fic was hitting all the right spots because this is a very specific type of unresolved angst to explore between them, and that's what got me to write it.
It was a very "No one will write this so I guess I'll have to do it myself FINE" moment lmaooo I posted some snippets on my twt account and got a positive response, it won the poll for it to be the next fic I focused on during April (we're not gonna talk about the other 2 that haven't been posted yet) and that's how I ended up actually posting it after years of it floating around my brain.
As for the idea, like I said, it was inspired by the concept of flutterings and how, instead of dealing with their fragile situation, both Joel and Tess walk on eggshells and simply do not bring up ever which puts them at odds.
The first ever scene I had for it was the one when Joel caught Tess, and then everything else molded around the dynamic of that specific moment (Joel being so spiteful while Tess retreats to herself to escape her body, then being flipped by the end), and it wasn't always easy to maintain that tone so I would get frustrated then come back.
I divided it into acts so I wouldn't lose the plot, and the first one is the calm before the storm (the denial), the ice breaking (the reveal), the aftermath (the resolve), the lovers quarrel (the climax of the story, and then closure (the anticlimactic ending/bittersweet aftertaste).
There were some scenes that didn’t make the cut (see: the alternate extended ending) like Joel hunting that's only mentioned in passing, Tess’s nightmares getting darker and worse the more time passed, Joel getting arrested by FEDRA while a very pregnant Tess pulls some favors to get him out, Joel coping with Tess’s absence aka abusing substances, Tess’s giving birth + what she did in the time spent after that, the actual scene when Joel previously told Tess to get rid of it, also another what-if dream sequence that's not the one with Sarah!! I almost scraped that one, but I managed to make it work.
That one was nonsensical, and it would've thrown the Canon compliant out of the window, BUT it was sort of an alternate universe where you can understand that they got together and had Sarah AND Ellie, that was a thing that was really going to happen bc I only ever told this to Koku but a hidden Easter bunny was gonna be Ellie being the baby lol if you ignore the dates it could've been a thing, yet now I don't think it makes any sense.
Maybe one day I'll explore those as oneshots, but my idea only extended to what was posted as in their conflict and "closure." I'll revisit this verse when the right time comes, aka when y'all least expect it 🤝
If you do reach the end, I'm sorry and thanks for letting me know my writing is haunting that's 100% my #1 priority when writing. Seriously thanks for all the love <3
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taehyungfirst · 1 year
I've been loving Layover so far but I had days where I was a bit disappointed with the lack of push, not to mention the mishandling from company side (re: hanteo situation, people getting 7 instead of layover, etc). But looking back, i'm happy Tae could do what he wanted. The bear thingy was SOOO him lol i felt annoyed (tenderly) and i wanted to pinch his cheeks. I'm satisfied and happy♡
And yes, we’re all on the same boat because Layover was a perfect album (visually, MUSICALLY, performance-wise, the lyrics, everything) but the lack of support not only from the company but also from the fandom (because at some point we need to start talking about how the fandom didn’t give Taehyung not even a quarter of the energy they gave to previous releases) was disheartening. The amount of sabotage he faced and how the company did not move for him made me sad and angry, but then I remember that Taehyung is super proud of what he created and that he put his whole soul into it so that motivates me into giving him back the same amount of love and support. I will always support him, and atp isn’t better longevity than anything else?
The activies he did were so cute, he did all of them for us tete lovers and my heart fills with love and endearment for him ❤️‍🩹
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 208
Stairway to Heaven/The Day of the Doctor
“Stairway to Heaven”
Plot Description: After a massive attack on the angels, Castiel calls the brothers for help. But Dean’s eagerness to bring the first blade does not go unnoticed
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: if everyone in that ice cream shop died, I would too. I’m not special like that
CAS MADE THEIR FBI AGENT NAMES SPEARS AND AGUILERA!!! And even better, he made it those simply because he noticed they typically choose popular music artists. I love him
Metatron…do YOU have a crush on Cas? And are you doing some weird projecting rn? You’re neither lovable nor funny…the trendy coat is a bit much, my guy
Uuuggghhh Castiel didn’t even WANT to lead an army of angels againnnnnn. Stop treating him like the bad guy, Deeeean
Poor Sam. Getting tossed to Cas’s part of the mission “to help,” but Dean…he shouldn’t be alone right now
Gadreel is not here for the way Metatron negotiates with angels.
DEAN SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN LEFT ALONE!! You can’t let your fuse go off that badly from some snide remarks from an angel. Oooo, are we gonna see Tessa the Reaper again??
Oh…THREE angels going nuclear at…well, two angels and a reaper. But WHY
Oh Cas bb, prime numbers can be intimidating??
“I’m very pop culture savvy now” 💀
Dean. Just leave the blade with them. I’m not convinced he doesn’t have the First Blade on him
Why are these traps all pop culture references and riddles? First “why was 6 afraid of 7?” And now the “Only the penitent man shall pass” from Indiana Jones??
I believe Tessa BELIEVES Cas told her to do this. It he wouldn’t…right? 🥺
I am very confused this turn of events…why did that angel even GO to a place meant for Cas? Why was there so much set up for Cas when the holy oil was supposed to kill him? WHY DID THE OTHER ANGEL NOT SEE AN ANGEL WHEN HE LOOKED AT CAS??
Oh, Tessssaaaaaaaa, she just can’t take not being able to help souls to the afterlife.
Oh no…Tessa killed herself on the First Blade (which I KNEW he had) and now Dean’s in trouble
Oof, Metatron twisting the truth. He’s doing a Moriarty where you give just enough of the truth before lying
And just like that, Cas lost his whole army
Oooooo Gadreel REALLY hates the way Metatron is handling everything. Same, Gadreel. Same.
Not me wanting to “Dean. This isn’t you. This isn’t your heart” amazing that Dean and Sam aren’t a team til Metatron’s dead, but the three of them will be enough because they always have been when it comes to talking to Cas
“The Day of the Doctor”
Plot Description: The Doctor’s dangerous past comes back to haunt him in this 50th anniversary special
I looooove the old who opening turning into present day with Clara
Honestly, more companions should ride motorcycles
Iiiiiii remember when the stills of this came out online, with the Doctor dangling from the TARDIS over London
It cracks me up how many things get explained away just by saying “it’s timelord [thing]” which means it’s OBVIOUS more or bigger than it appears to be
I feel like either or both “no more” and “Gallifrey falls” had double meanings but I can’t recall them
The editing as Billie Piper mocks the War Doctor’s “no more” is weird, but I’ve misssssssed herrrrrr
I forgot Ten married Elizabeth I
Doc, why’s your machine that goes ding so bad at detecting zygons?? There’s no way…yeah, that’s just a rabbit
The way fezzes keep manifesting from time fissures. Of course Eleven threw it before throwing himself through the fissure
As much as I like the War Doctor, I miss Nine
“One of us is reversing the polarity, the other is reversing it back. We’re CONFUSING the polarity”
The War Doctor is entirely over their shenanigans and worse than that…their mannerisms
Like..I KNOW it’s zygons why did I think for even a second “they smashed the statues to hide because they’re the weeping angels”??
The terror that fills me hearing about how they keep Jack’s vortex manipulator away from Americans especially due to us wanting to use it to rewrite history chills me in 2023
The three of them talking about the last day on Gallifrey and how many children were on the planet and how much regretting and forgetting they’ve been through. It is REALLY good
Omgggggg Ten. You are so VERY bad at detecting zygons…
You do love to see them reminisce about different TARDIS interiors
OH!! OKAY!!! THAT was where I got “oh, he redecorated. I don’t like it” every time I see the NEW new TARDIS interior. Ten said it first!!!
I am curious what the ramifications of only one Osgood having an inhaler are going to be, if any
Not Bad Wolf Rose looking forlornly while Clara gets to be the one to stop the Doctor trio from destroying Gallifrey
I’m not okaaaayyyyyyyyyy with Ten’s lost puppy look when the War Doctor mentions Rose 😭😭😭 He wants to see her SO BADLY
IT’S THE FULL TITLE OF THE PAINTING “GALLIFREY FALLS NO MORE” I want it noted that I said this before they revealed it in the episode. Because they’re going to freeze Gallifrey in a painting. (I saw the “GALLIFREY STANDS” projection in the time lord war room and it just clicked)
Omg the one small bit of reused or spare or whatever footage from Nine 😭 I wish they could have gotten him, though I suppose he wouldn’t have agreed to the plot line where the Doctor marries into the monarchy
Ah yesss the first glimpse of Twelve’s eyebrows ❤️❤️
Honestly, love that they kept David’s final line here “I don’t wanna go”…but it does worry me for the 60th
And then…AND THEN TOM BAKER COMES INNNN AND IT’S SO COOL because he gets to reveal that they DID save Gallifrey
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
nsfw alphabet ☆ a k. bokuto birthday special
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Koutarou Bokuto is an adorable, hulking baby boi with the sweetest soul. His heart is made of sugar and sunshine, and he gives the best hugs. He is love on legs, he is precious and must be protected at all costs. He walks into the room and you smile in spite of yourself. Best birthday wishes for the best birthday boy. 🦉♡
tagging: @briokayama @crystal-lilac @yuujispinkhair
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
omg Bo is such a sweetheart? 🥺 He’s so amazing about aftercare, but he’s also such a softie you’ll have to look after him just as much as he takes care of you. Even if he was the Dom/top. ESPECIALLY if he was the Dom/top! He feels so bad about hurting you, esp if he leaves marks. Poor bb boy will be curled up in a fetal position repeating over and over again how sorry he is. Pls hold him and assure him that you’re okay?
B = Body part (favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His - his butt lol. I meannnn he do be walking around with a lotta cake. 💁🏼‍♀️ He’s also quite proud of his pretty golden eyes and his glorious abs. 😮‍💨
Yours - I think Bo likes your legs the most? He’s always telling you how sexy they are. He can scarcely sit within arm’s reach of you without putting a hand on one of your legs. ALWAYS kisses the insides of your thighs before growling “itadakimasu” and eating your pussy so good. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loooooves to give you creampies! Loves to cum in your mouth, but more than anything he loves knowing you’re stuffed with his cream filling. Other than that, his loads are kinda average? Cums a normal amount, but his jizz is a little more clear than white?
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bo kinda feels like a creep for doing this so he hopes you never find out, but…he loves to sniff your panties while he jacks off. Picture him lying on the bed with a recently worn pair of your cute little undies covering half his face, jerking his huge cock with one hand while tugging on his balls with the other. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like Bo gets laid A LOT in college. It’s kinda sad tho bc he’s honestly not trying to? Girls look at him and think he’s hoe-ish and so a lot of them fuck him thinking that’s all he wants. I think he gets his heart broken quite a few times bc of this. Stupid bitches. 😒 But then he met you and you saw him for who he really is - a sweet man with a huge heart and a tremendous amount of love to give who just wants the same in return and he TREASURES you for it. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl. Bo gets soooo turned on watching you use his body for pleasure. Loves watching your titties bounce and the faces you make when you ride him. When your legs get tired, he pulls you down to his chest and pistons into you from below with so much force your eyes roll back when you cum on him. Also he likes to fuck you while standing just bc he can. He’s so strong and big, honey, idc how heavy you think you are, your man’s got you okay?
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It’s Bokuto, okay? He can be serious and tries to be for the most part. But you knew going into this what a himbo he is and he does occasionally say or do something that makes you laugh. He’s so big (everywhere) that he accidentally kicked a lamp off your nightstand trying to change positions. Speaking of positions, his adventurous ass always wants to try the weirdest ones even though he gets stuck in them half the time. One time when he was really drunk, you’d just gone down on him and when you kissed him afterwards, he said, “Gross! Your mouth tastes like my penis!” Then there was the time y’all were going at it doggystyle and when he finished you were laying down with your head near the edge of the bed. Well, Bo’s brilliant ass thought he’d look cool climbing over your head to go to the bathroom but his foot slipped and he ended up doing a sideways backflip off the bed. It sounded like a whole horse falling down a flight of stairs. But the best part was that on his way down he yelled, “HeLp My NuTs!!!” (I can’t with this man.)
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Check it, okay one time he got drunk and tried to make the carpet match the drapes 🤦🏼‍♀️ and got chemical burn on his dick. He came running out of the bathroom, dick flapping, screaming about his cock and balls being on fire bc he got hair bleach on ‘em. Akaashi happened to be there and laughed so hard he cried. Bo got mad and was all “stop laughing, asshole, and take me to the emergency room!” I mean, it healed and he’s fine now but he’ll never try to frost his pube tips again. He keeps ‘em trimmed up nice and neat; likes how it feels and how it makes him look bigger than he already is. 👀
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is the sweetest ever! Bo gets so swept up in the moment, he’ll hold your hands and kiss your knuckles one by one while he tells you how much he loves and cherishes you; how you’re the most amazing woman he’s ever met, how beautiful you are, how lucky he is to be your man and he just wants to make you happy so you’ll never ever leave him. All while rolling his powerful hips against you. But he doesn’t come off as cheesy at all. You can even see the tears in his eyes sometimes. Mans is so in love with you he doesn’t know what to do with himself. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He will sometimes, but he’s usually either too busy, too tired, or already fucking you into the mattress. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Two words: Praise kink! Bo’s a switch - he likes being a little submissive for you sometimes. Demand that he get on all fours and lick your pussy and he’ll lose his damn mind. Praise him for being such a well-behaved boy and so damn good at pleasing you and he’ll be in a puddle at your feet. Blindfold him too. Wondering what you’re gonna do next will have chills running up and down his spine. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Basically anywhere? Bo’s just happy to be fucking you at all. Ultimately though I think he prefers the bedroom bc it’s the most comfortable and you can both be as loud as you want. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Kiss him on his naked back and he’ll turn around and pin you against the nearest surface. Trace your finger down his chest and he’ll pull you into his lap. And if you give his bare tummy a few soft kisses? Gods help you, he’s rock hard in seconds. Kisses in general turn him on. Like, if you give him a handjob during a makeout session, there’s a 1710% chance he’s cumming around your hand while knitting his brow and moaning into your mouth. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Degradation is a no-go for Bo. Anything that causes pain. If you’re into pain, Bo might not be the guy for you. About the most you can expect from him would be a hard slap on the ass, but he’s really careful about it. He knows his strength and you DO NOT want the full power of his ace hand. Have you SEEN him spike?? 😫 He’ll pull your hair a little. He might nibble or lightly scrape his teeth against your skin, but nothing that would hurt.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes getting blowjobs as much as the next guy but eating pussy is something of a specialty of his. He cannot get enough of hearing your moans and whimpers and sighs of his name as he wears you down like a feed bag, esp since your pussy tastes so goddamn sweet. Bo is quite talented with his tongue. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Whatever you want. If you don’t voice a preference much depends on his mood. If he’s in good spirits or has a lot of energy he’s more apt to fuck you hard and fast. If he’s tired or in Emo Mode™️ he’s more likely to go slow and sensual bc he needs to be close to you. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Bo’s all for quickies! He’d prefer to take his time with you and all, but if he can sneak you into the locker room before/after a match when no one else is in there, or early in the morning as you’re trying to head out the door, or in your apartment between classes, he won’t hesitate to try and fuck you if you’re both in the mood. And why wouldn’t you be? Have you seen this beast? 🥵😮‍💨
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Experimental, yes. As mentioned before, Bo is sexually adventurous. He’s always down for trying new positions, toys, places. He’s down for public sex as long as it’s not just blatantly out in the open in broad daylight or a crowded place.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Bo can go for two rounds, max, then he’s down for the count. He lasts a while; if you go for more than one round you’re looking at 1-1.5 hrs, including a brief refractory period. He usually doesn’t last more than 20-30 mins the first round, but if he gets hard again he can go for almost another hour after that. Trust, honey, your man will not leave you wanting either way. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don’t see him having toys of his own, but if you do he loves to use them on you. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bo’s not v good at teasing bc he gets so worked up trying to delay your gratification and caves too easily. He just needs to stuff you full of his aching cock already. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Lol. It’s Bo. He’s not great at volume control. Everything about how he fucks is loud - the bed is loud, the sound of his damp skin slapping against yours is loud, you’re loud bc jfc he piledrives that fat cock of his into you so good, and ofc HE is loud. Loves talking dirty during sex, telling you how sexy you sound screaming his name like that; praising you for taking his cock so damn well. And when he cums? Hope you didn’t leave a window open sis bc the whole damn neighborhood’s gonna know he’s about to bust a fat nut! People going for walks just sighing like “the Bokutos are at it again 🙄”. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Bo would be down for a threesome IF you wanted to. If not, he can absolutely do without it; he’s just putting it out there. Another female, another male, doesn’t matter to him. He’s down for whatever; it’s all up to you. I don’t see him being polyamorous tho. Fucking is one thing, but no way in hell would he be able to share your heart with someone else. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
No less than 8”, fight me. Probably 9”+. Above average in girth, but not a coke can cock like Daichi’s, js. I also feel like Bo got his dick pierced (frenum would be hot) on a dare or he lost a bet. His cock is fair-skinned, pale with a bright pink tip and a couple of thick veins. Ugh, my mouth is watering, hold a bitch back. 😩😤
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Honey. Baby girl. Sweetheart. It’s Tuesday and if you’ve only fucked your man 4 times this week, he’s hurting rn and you need to go find him wherever he is and jump his bones. He’s probably worrying that he said or did something wrong or that you’re losing interest in him. I mean, look at you! 😍 Of course he wants to get on that and get his dick wet as often as you’ll let him. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Bo cums and it’s lights out ngl sis. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Unless he’s up for another round, chances are he’s falling asleep during pillowtalk. Hate to say it, but he has even fallen asleep DURING sex after a particularly tiring/busy day. And if he was on top? Oh gods. You’re just fighting for air and slapping him on the shoulder, talkin bout “BO! WAKE UP! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU FUCKING FELL ASLEEP!” And he’s just there like surprised with his eyes nearly crossing in exhaustion looking up at you with a pouty frown. “Msosorrybabe mjussosleepy” while rolling off of you. But you smile and kiss him, stroking his limp hair, still damp from his shower earlier. And you whisper, “I love you, Bo.” “N’Iloveyoutoo, baby, so damn mu-“ and just like that he’s out cold, curled up like the big baby owl he is in your arms as you strain to reach all the way around his massive shoulders. “Happy birthday, baby,” you hum, lips that taste like him curling into a smile as he snores softly beside you. 
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gustingirl · 3 years
zero o'clock | j.kiszka x reader (plus sammy)
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"And you gonna be happy, Just like freshly fallen snow"
- in which three heads work better than two -
request: Hi i looooove your writings! I was wondering if you could write this concept i’ve had for a while on my head (if not it’s okay i’m a sucker for your fanfics) : josh and reader are expecting and it’s coming in just a few weeks; however, sam broke up with his significant other and is really heartbroken, he ends up moving in with josh and reader for a while and he helps around in the house and shopping, keeping reader late night company, they finish the nursery with the guys and it’s just super wholesome
warnings: idk if pregnancy is a warning? also dad!josh as it is the fluffiest thing i have ever written basically
taglist: @starchords @stardustdanny @the-chaotic-cow @obetrolncocktails @tlexx @dreamsoffilm @gretagolden @ageofflowerpower @stardustchorus @thatcatbsong @eeeloraaa
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“You gotta be kidding me”
You didn’t intend to sound so rude, but you truly were in disbelief. As your hand went straight to your growing belly, you watched as your husband’s features softened even more.
“Baby, I know this is a lot to ask but-”
“Josh” this time you made sure your tone was sweet, as you didn’t want to start a fight “It is a lot to ask for, I’m weeks away from having a baby. Our baby”
You had to stop and think for a second, and for once realize what was going on.
In two weeks or so, you were expecting a beautiful baby that God only knew the gender since your husband convinced you to find out as soon as it was out of your body. If we only stay here, then it’s all you could have ever asked for.
It hadn’t been a year since you and Josh had finally settled down. You had been dating for a while and it was just about time before you two finally closed the deal. It was a huge change for the two of you, especially at such a young age. But everything felt right with him by your side and you were willing to give up anything for him.
After what you believed was an accident (it probably was, you really took care of this), you ended up getting pregnant, and the accident soon became the greatest gift you two could have ever received. Josh’s all time dream of being a father was soon becoming true and you just couldn’t wait to have a baby with the man of your life.
However, he was the only one in his band, even in his family, to have made a big decision. While Josh was struggling to build a home that could shelter his future kid, Sam was struggling to stay taken.
And now, he had failed his relationship and had nowhere to go. His heart had been broken several times, and there’s only an amount of times a man can bare such invisible but strong pain. Upon finding himself alone once more and with anguish storaged inside his soul, Sam found comfort in his brother.
Brother who couldn’t have a better idea than invite him to stay with him and his wife. Not any wife, his pregnant wife. And not any pregnant wife, but one who was just days away of bringing a human being to this world.
“I know exactly what you’re thinking, sunshine, I really do” you watched as Josh took a few steps towards you, placing his hand now above yours, while the other held your pregnant belly from below. “This won’t change a thing, I gotta do it for him”
“B-but” you really wanted to argue this but it was harder than expected “This is not a normal thing anymore. I have needs, we have things to do, a lot of things to do”
“And he can help!”
“Josh, I have terrible gases”
You two couldn’t help but laugh loud. You were more than comfortable around Josh by now, and these sort of scenarios really were common during pregnancy. However, you always took care of it around people that weren’t exactly the father of your child. It was fine if you had to keep them in for a few hours but you couldn’t do it all the time while Sam was around.
“I know, I smell them too. Don’t worry, I fart too to make you feel better”
Again, you couldn’t help but keep laughing as your husband joined. Josh always knew how to make you smile and how to make you feel better, like he had said before. It felt right with him, it always did no matter what.
“So? Can we do this for Sam?”
You hesitated for a bit, but the way his eyes were staring at yours was too much to handle. He always had these little sparkles in his eyes whenever he talked about his family and that meant so much to you. Knowing he was raised in such a loving family, one that promoted taking care of each other helped you relax and know for a fact he was going to raise his own family the same way. You really thought about the proposal and sighed before replying.
“Fine, but he sleeps in the couch”
Josh jumped in his place, cheering with the biggest smile as he pampered your entire face with kisses.
“Thank you so much, baby, seriously, thank you so much” he got on his knees just as fast as he was talking and, while holding your belly, he pampered it with the sweetest, soft kisses “And you! You’re gonna meet your amazing uncle. He’ll make you laugh so hard your stomach will hurt. NOW, don’t bother mommy while I go pick him up, ok?”
You felt like crying in that exact place. The sight below your face was heartwarming; just watching Josh talking straight to your belly, as he stroked it with so much tenderness, with the sweetest words coming from his mouth. Your hand went automatically to his head and you couldn’t restrain yourself from playing with his curls. Many months ago you would do this with a completely different reason behind, and Josh was not exactly talking when he was on his knees. But now the scenario was something you had always dreamt on but never expected to live so early in your life.
When he looked up to find your eyes, his heart started spinning as he caught some tears rolling down your face. Within seconds he stood up, feeling a bit dizzy by the sudden move, but quickly holding you tight.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” his hand caressed your back while the other held your neck from behind. Josh began kissing your temple and shoulder, well any piece of skin he could find, really.
“Nothing, I’m just so happy” you were not lying, your tears only contained happiness “I am so happy by your side, I never imagined I could be this lucky”
His embrace tightened around your body, though not strong enough to not hurt you. You felt him swallow and pull away quickly, probably to prevent himself from crying too. His smile was still enormous as he kissed you. It was a loving, passing kiss, but it still contained all the emotions he was carrying. His hands cupped your face, while his thumbs stroked your cheeks, tracing your cheekbones from times and forming circles other times. There was a sneaky tongue at a moment that he kept inside right away, as it was not the moment for a makeout.
“I’ll go get Sam, alright? Can you stay alone for a few minutes?” he spoke in a whisper, still not pulling away entirely from the kiss.
You nodded while licking your lips, feeling the ghost of his lips on yours. It was amazing how he could drive you insane even after all these years, and how your love for him could never change.
Once Josh was gone, you began tidying up the living room. Ever since the pregnancy had gotten quite real, mostly around the seventh month, the house soon turned into a mess. You loved joking with Josh, teasing him about how similar the house looked to that scene in Cat in the Hat. Josh knew why you loved making that joke, as you always would pull out your phone with the pictures of your husband playing the infamous character. Messing around with each other was the icebreaker for a friendship that turned into something much more beautiful and sincere years later. And, to the date, it never changed. Not one bit.
Josh actually took only a few minutes, giving you nothing of time to clean the place. Clothes were everywhere, along with some materials you needed to build the nursery room. It was not any messier because your husband just couldn’t handle a dirty room. But it was still horrible for a visitor to see, and you felt ashamed of it as Sam walked into the house, followed by his older brother who was carrying some backpacks.
“Honey, we’re home!” Josh yelled, unaware of how close you actually were
“Hey guys” you greeted with a smile
“Y/N, you’re growing every day more” Sam’s eyes were as big as two moons, as they were stuck on the belly you were holding on to dear life
“That’s not a nice thing to say to a lady” you commented, trying to pull jokes
“No, I’m sorry but wow! You’re really close to give birth”
It was a bit painful to watch Sam stand there nervously. He looked so awkward as Josh finished entering his stuff, like he was afraid to interrupt something. You could understand what he was feeling, as you thought about how it would be to be in his shoes. You took a deep breath and made sure he never felt weird about it.
“Come meet your niece. Or nephew, I don’t know” you giggled as you approached Sam
“You don’t know the gender yet?” he inquired, not knowing what to do
“We wanna wait!” Josh yelled from the kitchen as he continued the clean up you couldn’t finish
You took Sam’s hand while he was distracted and placed it somewhere on your belly. His eyes left the kitchen in the matter of seconds to land on his own hand, amazed by what it felt like. Josh joined the moment with his most beautiful smile, one hand slipping around your waist to hold you close to him.
“WOAH!” Sam took his hand away quickly, grabbing it with the other as he stood in shock “It moved!”
“Yeah, baby’s practising kicking” you explained while feeling yourself the kicks with your hand.
“The baby just won’t stop kicking lately. It’s so beautiful”
Though Josh’s hand was lying on your belly too, his stare was resting on your face. He was taking in every single detail of your face, something he loved doing when you were focusing on something else. He had never been so in love before and, like you had said before, he could cry of happiness.
He did, actually. Which surprised Sam as Josh picked him up from the coffee shop he was at. His brother’s eyes were filled with tears threatening to come out yet his smile was glowing more than ever. It only took a ‘what’s wrong?’ from Sam to break down Josh into a loud but happy crying.
They hugged for a long while, something Josh had been needing from someone who wasn’t you. He adored you so much, but he needed a third person to open up to, to be able to talk with about how much he loved you and how happy he was. Sam was the first target and was going to be the target for as long as he stayed at the married couple’s house.
With carefulness, Josh grabbed your face and began kissing loudly your cheek. This time his kisses were more wet than sweet but you loved them anyway.
“God! I love you so much” he cried out in between kisses
“Hey! I’m here now, lovebirds” Sam complained, a bit too honest for his liking.
Josh was unfazed but you worried a bit. You were afraid of making Sam uncomfortable but at the same time hated the idea of having to control yourself at your own house in the most vulnerable moment of your life (so far).
However, and for your luck, the coexistence with your husband’s brother was easier than expected. Sam was actually much more cooperative than you believed. He responded to everything Josh asked, as you didn’t feel right to boss him around. It was different to boss Josh around, but there was a limit with someone who you didn’t live with.
It would only require one request for Sam to be grabbing his car keys, willing to travel for hours for whatever was needed. Like the one time you were craving McDonalds while Josh was working on the nursery room.
“Babe, I can’t go now. I’m covered in paint and if I don’t finish this now it won’t look good” he explained as he pointed at his clothes and face
“The baby and I need McDonalds, daddy” your eyes were open widely as you threatened your husband
“I. Can’t. Go. Now” he imitated your expression as he kept on showing his stained clothes
“Fine” you sighed and turned around to leave the room “I guess the ‘daddy’ doesn’t make you do whatever I ask anymore”
You heard your husband cry out a loud “BABE!” as you abandoned the room with a devilish giggle. You were thankful the teasing was not gone after all these years, and not even with a visitor around.
A visitor who happened to overhear everything and who suddenly showed up in front of you.
“Do you need to go somewhere? I can take you”
“Sam…you heard all that?” your cheeks were red as you pointed behind you, embarrassment taking over you
“Y/N, trust me, I have heard you two many times before”
Though his expression was chill, you felt like dying at the idea of your brother-in-law overhearing you and Josh having sex. But the constant noises and kicking your baby was doing shook you off your embarrassment.
“McDonalds. The baby wants McDonalds for some reason” you cried out
“I’ll take you”
“Sammy, the nearest restaurant is like thirty minutes from here” you explained while taking his hands
“I don’t care, I love driving!” his smile was adorable and there was something in it that had you accepting the ride.
You comprehended, then, why Josh had such a hard time saying no to his little brother. Sam just made you want to agree with him, sometimes only needing a stare. For everybody’s luck, he had never used his charms for evil, and now it was actually more useful than you believed.
The car ride was still too silent for your liking, it was just that you couldn’t bring yourself to talk. Sam’s sudden visit and stay had actually ruined a lot of things, unfortunately. You loved him so dearly but these last weeks of pregnancy were always so important and beautiful, and you could feel the postpartum depression even before giving birth. You wanted to enjoy these last days with Josh, cuddled on the couch as you began daydreaming about a future that was each day closer. This was the kind of fantasy you would occasionally have after a rom com but never once believed you could live. Now your fantasy had become real and you couldn’t be any happier. So it was a bit understandable why Sam’s presence was bothering you.
You could never share this with anybody, especially Josh. You were pretty aware of how much his brothers meant to him and if he were in Sam’s position, Sam and Jake, even Danny, would have dropped everything to welcome their brother. So you couldn’t really tell him about how upset you were after losing privacy when you most needed. Sam was not exactly an option, as you recalled then the almost non-existent relationship you had with him.
Obviously, you two had talked before, shared some beers and jokes and more. But out of Josh’s circle of friends and family, he was always the most distant with you. You also didn’t share much in general, and you were not fond of his romantic life that was, evidently, not your business. However, you did grow a friendship with Jake and with Danny, as they had also come to you with their own personal issues and had formed a tight bond over the years.
As you glanced over at Sam, you found him fully concentrated on the road, going slower than he could.
“The maximum is 60, Sammy. We’re gonna arrive tomorrow if you don’t speed up” you finally said something, as a way to break the invisible but existent tension inside the car
“You’re pregnant, Y/N. I don’t want to put you at risk” his tone was quite serious and it caught you by surprise, as it resembled your husband’s tone whenever he wanted you to know he wasn’t joking
“I am pregnant, not a porcelain doll” you tried giggling to relax him but he was not giving up
“I’m not going any faster but don’t worry, you’ll get your Big Mac”
These kinds of things were confusing to say the least. You could never seem to get through him, as if he built some sort of wall around him. You believed this was due to having his heart broken many times before, but it was of no use with you.
You eventually fulfilled your cravings and the baby managed to calm down. The car ride back home was even quieter than the other way, anyways. It was killing you, as you were used to constant chatter with your husband. To your luck, you guys arrived within minutes and you felt relieved.
“JOSH!” you cried, hearing quick footsteps running around the house.
As fast as the wind blows, your husband arrived at your home’s entrance, wearing nothing but pure fear. Fear that vanished as soon as he saw you.
“What is it!?” he was scared as fuck as he gripped your arms, quickly dropping his hands from your arms to let them check on your belly. You giggled as you watched Sam walk away
“I’m ok, baby. Calm down”
Watching Josh breathe out while grabbing his chest was more funny than you expected, though you should feel bad for playing with his heart.
“Fuck, don’t scare me like that anymore!” though he was raising his voice, you could notice he wasn’t mad
“Sorry!” you were still giggling, but you stopped once your eyes found Sam struggling to see what to do next “I need to talk to you in private” your eyes were still focused on Sam as you spoke, showing Josh what kind of privacy you needed
“Oh. Ok, hold on”
You witnessed Josh approaching his brother, indicating to him something that made Sam look at you, nod and abandon the room towards the hallway.
“What did you do?” you inquired, letting Josh guide you to rest at the couch
“Just told him to leave us alone for a second” like always, his hand was stroking your growing belly as he continued “What is it, baby? What do you need to talk about?”
“Sam” you replied sharply, watching his eyes going from your face and your belly constantly. It was endearing how he was always smiling whenever he could touch the place holding his future kid. It was like he wasn’t fully concentrated in anything if your belly was near, and yet you were happy about it.
“What about him?”
“I can’t do this, Josh” now you had his full attention as your voice cracked a bit “It’s like having a kid around. I can’t really feel ok if he’s near, I’m sorry” you started feeling the knot in your throat threatening to make you cry but, to your luck, Josh noticed right away.
“Baby, babe, darling” he called all sorts of pet names as he took your face in his hands, making you look at him directly into his eyes “Listen, I know how hard this is for you and I’m still sorry I brought you this deal during probably the hardest moment in your life. But I can’t keep my own blood on the streets like that. He needs me and he really is going to help. Did something happen during the car ride?”
“No, baby, nothing happened. I just don’t feel like I know him. And he’s not like you, Sam’s way more unpredictable. What if he suddenly goes to a party and come back drunk as fuck? Neither you nor I can take care of a drunk person right now. We’re overflowing with stress!”
The few tears escaping your eyes were not even making it to your mouth as Josh’s thumbs cleaned them quickly. He didn’t interrupt you, knowing you needed to let all this out of your chest. His eyes were fixated on yours and his brain was 100% dedicating all concentration to you. It was not surprising; what I just described was a regular Josh with you. But ever since the pregnancy, this way of acting had been even more intense. It was amazing, though. You loved how he stared at you, bringing you the warmest feeling. His lips were always shaped into a beautiful smile and his little nods as you spoke were signs that he truly was listening. You truly believed it was the pregnancy making you want to cry at every single thing Josh did for you.
“I know, darling, you’re entirely right” he took a deep breath as he thought his own words “Listen, I’ll talk to him, ok? I’ll see if he can work on his attitude, be more welcoming and helpful. But I’m telling you, he will cooperate all we need. We need to give him some time, he’s still dealing with a lot”
It was hurting you a bit that Josh didn’t seem to notice how much you were dealing. You knew perfectly that he was aware of it as he never once forgot about your needs and desires. But right now, you were needing a different answer.
“Alright” was your final answer, anyways.
You truly adored Sam and actually felt awful about kicking him out, especially when he was so heartbroken. You decided, after all, to trust your husband’s words and let him deal with it.
Josh stood up quickly to help you get up from the couch. You finally managed to do it, feeling heavier with each hour passed. Though you were already on your feet, your hand was still locked with Josh’s and you intended to keep it that way for a while. With the pregnancy you had gotten even clingier than before, although Josh didn’t seem to truly mind. After two shared smiles, you let Josh guide you to the nursery room.
Those words he had shared before were coming true, and you found out when you arrived at the unfinished room. Even though Josh had told Sam to leave you two alone, he never expected to find his little brother at your kid’s future room, the one he had been working on for the last four hours.
Sam was painting the walls with determination and with better skills than your husband. It truly surprised you, especially as nobody had asked him to. When he noticed your presence, Sam quickly dropped the brushes and stepped back.
“S-sorry, I got bored and thought of giving a hand” he muttered, scratching his head as he looked in between you and Josh
“You were doing an amazing work, though” you replied, sharing him another sincere smile, which had in response a smaller one from Sam
“Really?” his voice was still a whisper but a bit softer from before
“Y/N is right! And I could really use a hand as my partner over here won’t collaborate” Josh joked as he grabbed two brushes for him and Sam. You pulled out your tongue in response as you got near the boys
“It's not me! I wanna help, but your future kid prefers to kick my insides and beg me to eat sushi” you clarified, reaching your hand out to pinch Josh’s ass.
He jumped in his place while laughing, slapping your hand softly as you giggled.
“Your obsession with my ass is growing and I am scared” Josh commented, making you and Sam laugh “And since when do you even like sushi?”
“I never said I did. Your future kid does, apparently”
“Our future kid” you smiled at Josh who, to emphasize on the word, had turned around to look at you, offering you his gigantic, shiny smile
Sam watched the scene take place with another bright smile, as he started believing in love once more.
The following days were nothing but pure fun, actually. You were not expecting to laugh so much but, what truly surprised you, was seeing Sam working so hard on the nursery room. It was fun to supervise the boys, bossing them around about colors and how to build furniture. For being too bossy, Josh would constantly run to you to stain your face with paint, even once drawing a big smiley face on your bare belly. He never missed the chance to place kisses on it, sharing with it some beautiful, warm words and ending his moments with passionate but calm kisses. Soon, your coexistence with Sam became feeling more natural and nice.
You knew, anyways, that you still had unfinished business with yourself. Though everything was working out well, you still could feel a bit upset about Sam’s presence. The fact that you barely shared words with him, at least privately, was an obstacle for now. However, destiny had different plans one night.
Like usual, you couldn’t sleep. The bigger the belly, the bigger the issues. Josh had started to help you shower, even go to the bathroom, as you could barely move alone. Your husband was the greatest company you could ask, but mostly for the day. As soon as the dark took over the sky and dinner was already finished, Josh was asleep. Poor man was spending every single hour of the day working on you, the nursery room and obviously his own job. By the time the clock hit 9 o’clock, Josh was already snoring on your shared bed, facing down and still dressed in his everyday clothes.
While your husband was deep asleep, you found yourself sitting at the couch, trying to find something interesting on the TV. Your alone time, one you needed a lot but didn’t exactly enjoy, was soon interrupted.
“You can’t sleep?”
Sam’s voice echoed around the living room, making you look at him.
“Baby won’t stop moving” you answered with a sigh.
Though his body was directed towards the kitchen, you watched as he hesitated in his place before joining you at the couch.
“You don’t need to make me company, it’s fine” you commented at him
“I want to do it” Sam replied “Besides, I can’t sleep either anyways”
You could only smile at him, diverting your attention again to the TV. The low sounds of it were the only thing that could be heard. Your mind was still thinking, still working hard, as well as Sam’s. He couldn’t seem to keep it quiet, and felt like it was the best moment to talk.
“I’m sorry, Y/N” he suddenly spoke, gaining your attention instantly “I came here to break your peace, I mean, I know how special these weeks are and I’m here ruining it”
“Not at all” you tried arguing, knowing deep down that he was right
“Don’t deny it, ok? I am a grown up, I can take it” he giggled though a bit sadly “I know how uncomfortable it is right now, for both of us really. I wish it wasn’t like this. I want you to be comfortable, especially in your own place. I wanna help as much as I can, driving you around, shopping for you, finishing the nursery room. I don’t wanna be a burden anymore”
You never expected to see Sam cry. It was never an image you thought you would see and yet, here he was, letting his vulnerability out. And there, for the first time since his arrival, that you felt like talking.
“I didn’t want you around, you’re right” you didn’t make a pause, only a small one to be sure he was paying attention “I told Josh; I love you, but I’m not in any position to be around someone who’s not my husband for such a long time. These last weeks have been hell for me, especially since it’s summer and I’m feeling the weather three times more than everybody else. The kicking intensified and I feel some pain that I can’t seem to endure much. I’m carrying so much stress that I’m sure I had never felt before”
You did make a pause now, just to take in Sam’s reaction and to let him swallow those words. It was killing you, to admit all this after he had opened up to you about his fears. But this was like a band aid; you had to pull it out fast so it was less painful. As Sam nodded slowly, you continued.
“But you proved me so wrong, Sammy” you watched as his head looked up quickly, with a little sparkle in his eyes “You had been the greatest support I could ever ask. We could ever ask, actually. You are helping Josh relieve some stress, since I’m sure he’s feeling a lot of things that he won’t talk to me about. Don’t ever once believe you are a burden, sweetie, as you have been our little rock that’s getting us through this whole thing. You helped with the nursery room and even sped up the process, you listened to all my complaints and even helped me avoid fights with Josh. You’re literally our guardian angel right now and I feel terrible for ever believing you could ruin something”
Now it was your turn to shed some tears. You weren’t surprised as hormones had been taking over your body like crazy in the last weeks. One hand reached out to clean your face but, actually, it wasn’t your own hand. You glanced over at Sam, whose tears were still staining his face. However, he was wearing a smile as he removed your own tears.
“I understand, Y/N. I really do” he bit his lip, probably to prevent himself from crying more “But I only wanna be of help. And not as a thank you for letting me in. I would have helped you out no matter the circumstances. I know we barely talked all through these years but I truly adore you and I can’t thank you enough for making Josh the happiest man ever. He deserves you as much as you deserve him. I only wish you the best and, if anything is missing, I will always be here to help you out”
His words were as sweet as his voice, and you felt your heart beating fast. All sorts of concerns had left your body within seconds and you opened your arms for him. You would have jumped into his arms if only you weren’t feeling so heavy, but Sam understood instantly and did it for you. You hugged for a while, letting go some air as you felt like your last unfinished business had been finally solved.
“This movie sucks” you suddenly commented, mostly in an attempt to change the mood around
“God, I’m glad you said that. I couldn’t even watch it” he spoke back with a giggle, making you laugh too.
You heard him yawn and felt bad at the moment for keeping him awake.
“Go to sleep, Sam. You’re tired”
“No, it’s fine” he got up to smile at you, sitting closer so he could put an arm over your shoulder “I wanna keep you company”
You could only smile in response, as you grabbed the remote control to change the channel.
The night felt endless, really. You couldn’t even feel tired as the baby was moving around like crazy. Sam’s eyes were fighting to stay open as you two chatted about everything. At times, you talked about music. Other moments, you complained a bit about Josh. Several moments happened where Sam would crack jokes and share anecdotes to make you laugh and you did, feeling happy to finally be at peace with your conscience.
You could hear a voice softly speaking, as your body was being shaken.
“Y/N, wake up”
Your eyes struggled to open as the sunlight was burning your eyelids. With strength, you managed to do it, your eyes finally meeting your husband’s. Josh was smiling as he removed some hair from your forehead, watching over your face as he took in the beauty that had made him fall in love instantly.
“Hard night?” he asked while caressing your face with tenderness
“I must have slept an hour, if I’m lucky” you complained, trying to get up but failing as you, for some reason, were feeling heavier than ever
“Watch out!” you then realized how low Josh was speaking and you finally understood why as you glanced to your side to notice Sam asleep on your shoulder “He made you some company?” Josh continued
“Yeah and we talked” you looked at your husband before adding “I told him everything I felt, we cried, we made peace and now everything’s ok” you were wearing a small shy smile that Josh only managed to make bigger with his own smile
“I knew you would do it. You just can’t keep your opinions to yourself, you stubborn baby” he made you laugh softly, then placed a kiss on your lips.
Josh woke Sam up as the day had already started and things needed to be done. You were right when you said before that Josh really needed Sam, as you could barely help with things that basically required being on your feet for too long. As you let Josh and Sam continue with their stuff, you took some time for yourself as you really didn’t feel like getting up from the couch.
Without realizing, you had fallen asleep right there. By the time you woke up, it was almost lunch time. Thankfully, you managed to stand up on your own. You checked the time and found some noise in the distance, indicating the guys were working on the nursery room. You took a deep breath and made your way to the kitchen, whistling some children’s song as you prepared a quick lunch snack. Once the sandwiches were done, you put them on a tray and walked slowly towards the room.
You were about to walk in when a scream made you stop.
“Y/N, DON’T COME IN” it was obviously your husband the one who could scream like that for the entire country to hear.
You waited patiently for a few seconds until Josh came out of the room, face covered in white with a huge smile plastered on it.
“Baby, I’ve been thinking” you started as you watched him walk towards you “We don’t know the baby’s gender, how can we know what color to paint the nursery room? Maybe we can stop it here and finish it once-”
“Too late for that” Josh interrupted as he grabbed your face with his hands “Now close your eyes, I’ll guide you”
You couldn’t do much as Josh took the tray off your hands to put it on the floor. He walked behind you and covered your eyes, putting one hand on your lower back and whispering into your ear to take small steps. You let him guide you, knowing you could trust him perfectly. Suddenly, he signaled you to stop, and you held yourself from the door’s frame, waiting for Josh to walk around to stand in front of you.
“Open!” he yelled from the top of his lungs.
Your heart stopped beating as you obeyed his order. If it wasn’t for Josh’s cute ‘Ta-da!’ you would have started crying like crazy.
In the hands of your beloved husband and your brother-in-law, the nursery room had been finished. You loved how genderless it looked, as it felt like Josh had read your mind before you could even worry about it. It was literally perfect and just the way you and Josh had been designing it for months. The walls had pretty good drawings of different animals, the furniture looked exactly like the pictures in its boxes, the animals’ mobiles above the crib were cute and not terrifying, and the room smelled like the best type of vanilla. It was all so perfect that it made you start crying. Josh was not even surprised anymore, and he just giggled as he approached you to hug you tightly.
“It’s beautiful” you cried into his neck, still admiring the finished job.
Sam stood in a corner, smiling at the scene as he too observed his well done job.
“It was meant to be beautiful, mama” Josh commented into your ear, and you could swear you could even hear his smile in it
You pulled away as you stood in the middle of the room, spinning on your place trying to take in every detail put into the magnificent job Josh and Sam (and you the first few months) had done. While Josh made his way back to the hallway to pick the tray you had left, your eyes landed on Sam who was already looking at you. You shared a complicit gaze with your brother-in-law, as a sign that everything was good.
And it was; you felt it right for the first time in weeks. As everything seemed to be perfectly back in place, you couldn’t help but smile widely.
This was going better than you could have ever planned, and Sam’s visit was the true cherry on top.
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this was so cute ngl thanks for requesting and reading, love you and merry christmas if you celebrate <3
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
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Volume 3′s Call.A and Call.B present CLAMP’s commentary on Subaru and Seishiro’s deep compatibility + the value of “ordinary” people who fulfill their unique dharma through being grounded in their “work”.
When it comes to the issue on compatibility, despite their hearts being the direct inverse of one another’s, Seishiro and Subaru are compatible about very interesting details--aside from showing that they are both weird af, this chapter in particular highlights the fact that, despite their exalted roles as onmyōji, neither of them considers themselves “special”.
Quite the opposite...
Given Subaru’s selfless dedication to his work as demonstrated in these two chapters, Seishiro’s little “all-too-real” speech is a shoutout to the people who are following their destiny and dharma precisely because they are very much grounded in their everyday reality.
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More importantly, however, I dare say Seishiro is admitting that he admires acknowledges Subaru for the same reason. To me, the first speech bubble is very descriptive of Subaru’s astrological Moon sign in Capricorn--someone with his feet on the ground who works hard every day.
Subaru, on the other hand, struggles to see himself as someone of value. 
And like... this, as per usual, is so relatable?
Especially at this particular point in my life in which I find myself asking, not necessarily whether I am doing enough, but whether I could do a bit more than what I am already doing towards reaching my goals.
And we all know what Yuko would say: There are no coincidences in this world, what is there is hitsuzen 必然.
Fangirls in CLAMP!
OMG I had forgotten how much I looooove Tokyo Babylon and Subaru!
I just absolutely adore him sooooo much! Subaru captivated my heart and soul since the very first moment I read TB. 
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Anyways... I’m supposed to be reading xxxHolic along with ma 🍒, but since I got my TB omnibus volumes out of storage I couldn’t help myself and started another TB re-read. What can I say? I have manga ADD. 
And I have to say: It’s sooooo delightful to read TB on paper again!
Having just finished reading Tsubasa not too long ago, it’s cool to see how far CLAMP has come as mangaka. TB is a great manga but compared to the monster that TRC is, you can tell how much more nuanced and intelligent CLAMP has become since TB.
Again, not that TB isn’t any of these things, it’s just that TB is the beginning of a 30-year-old journey during which they have perfected their craft.
Ah... seriously, CLAMPism is a mood.
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