#// you might have worked in a more.... spy type job that you can't tell people about (still deciding on that one)
lazycats-stuff · 1 year
could u maybe make a batfam x male reader and where the reader is like trained to be an spy or something and their mission was to figure out what was going on inside the manor but they figured out to much and got roped into the batfams family
Oh shit. Poor reader... He is going to get roped in well. Also, sorry everyone for this being short and vague. School started about a week ago and I'm already tired. Haha...
Summary: (Y/N) is sent to find out what is happening in the Wayne manor for a mission. He gets to roped in.
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(Y/N) was still shocked at the mission he got. He isn't a stranger when it comes to infiltration and undercover missions, but this mission is on a whole a new level. The mission is about going undercover in the Wayne manor.
He had his fair share of undercover and infiltration missions, but he never had a mission of this type. It wasn't just a mission of few weeks, this was going to be take a very long time. Probably up to year or even longer.
He still doesn't understand what Bruce Wayne might hide in that manor of his. Sure, he is considered to be one of the richest and one of the most powerful people in the world, but still.
What type of information this man could have? More so, why are the kids thrown in to equation too? They seemed to be a happy family. He wasn't a fan of long term missions, he hated them with burning passion, but he didn't have any choice in the matter.
He takes what he is given and gets the job done as quickly as possible. You only say yes sir and go get ready.
The plan was for him to spend some time on the streets as an 'orphan'. It was a detailed plan. Every single possibility was considered when creating this plan.
One of the things in the spy business is that you can't get attached to people you are going after.
(Y/N) was going to break the rule very soon.
It has been 5 months since he infiltrated the Wayne manor. (Y/N) concluded pretty quickly that the family didn't have anything to hide. They are a normal family, with all the chaos that normally goes with it.
But what he didn't expect that he got too roped in. He got attached... The burden of why he was really in the manor was really weighing on him.
It felt heavy on his shoulders and he didn't know what to do now. He finally got a family, although through deception, but still, he finally got a family. He was alone in his life, but now he had a chance to be happy.
He was often told by his superiors that he had a natural talent for this line of work. It often grinded his gears when he heard it. Just because he was good at something, doesn't mean he wants to do it for the rest of his life.
He was in his room, sighing for the nth time. He needed to tell them. How was he going to tell them?
After another sleepless night, he ventured downstairs into the kitchen. He saw Tim alone, putting Red Bull in his coffee. They locked eyes for a moment and Tim pointed at his mug with his finger.
" Thanks. " (Y/N) mumbled, walking over to the mug.
" Is something bothering you? " Tim asked, raising his brow.
(Y/N) froze for a moment. Did they catch on? Is this a trap?
" No. " (Y/N) lied, taking a sip of his coffee.
" I don't mean to bother you, but you look like you aren't doing well. You can always come talk to me if you need to. " Tim offered and (Y/N) offered him a smile in return. It took some effort to smile genuinely, but he hoped that it worked.
" Okay. If you need me, you know where to find me. " Tim said, sitting down at the table. (Y/N) heard the others come in and he also moved to sit down at the table.
He tapped his fingers against his mug, feeling something weird. It was a gut feeling, something that came periodically. And wow, did come in strong now. Why would it come so strong now, he didn't know, but he knew that this going to be a hard day to go through.
" (Y/N), are you okay? You look exhausted. " Bruce commented, looking at (Y/N).
" I'm fine, just some trouble sleeping. " (Y/N) said, eyes moving back down to the coffee. Bruce exchanged a look with others.
It was now evening and the others formed a plan. They were going to confront (Y/N) with the evidence. They noticed how he wasn't even trying to fish out information anymore. They knew that he was trying in the beginning, but they were feeding him false information.
But he didn't need to know that.
Not for now at least.
The dinner was over and (Y/N) was ready to go to his room. Bruce, however, wasn't having it.
" (Y/N) we need to talk. " Bruce said, motioning with his head for (Y/N) to sit down. (Y/N) listened. What was this about? Was it about something he has done with the boys?
About the time when they put glitter on Bruce's work suit? Or when they accidently shot the wall and covered it up with a random photo? Or was it about (Y/N)'s true identity?
(Y/N) hoped it wasn't about that. But with all of the stuff that has been on his mind?
He was screwed.
He sat back down, watching as everyone's face turned neutral. Oh God.
He was made. His cover was blown. Gone. (Y/N) saw a paper folder with his name on it.
(Y/N) was exposed.
He raised his head, trying to stay neutral. He can't show his emotions.
" We knew from the beginning. " Bruce said, showing him the file. (Y/N)'s eyes widened for a little bit. What? Then... Whaaat?
" I know that look in your eyes. You are not doing this out of your own freewill. " Bruce continued, his blue eyes looking right into his soul.
" So I'm giving you a choice. Since your feelings were genuine and since the boys bonded with you, you can have an out. Or you can go back. " Bruce concluded and (Y/N) blinked a few times trying to comprehend all of this.
He was never this disarmed so quickly.
" I... I don't know what to say. " (Y/N) admitted softly and so quietly.
" Well, think about it at least. I won't force anything on you. " Bruce said and (Y/N) nodded, standing up.
" I'm going to my room. I really need to think. "
Everyone just nodded and (Y/N) left, letting out a breath. This... This went well.
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lyxurious · 1 year
So you like Luo Yunxi: A drama recommendation list
So you watched "Till the End of the Moon", and all you got is heartbreak, brainworms, and a shiny new lowkey or highkey obsession with Luo Yunxi (perhaps other people from the amazing cast too, but we're focusing on him here)? You want to see more of him, but you don't know where to start? Fear not, for this list is here to hopefully help you out with that.
Here be some (non-spoilery, but might mention if it generally ends well or not) spark notes on all his past dramas with him in the first male lead role, that are currently available with English subs (+ 2 very important supporting roles + 1 bonus). In chronological order, from most to least recent!
Light Chaser Rescue
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Type: Modern, rescue missions, human drama, romance
Episodes: 40
Available at: WeTv, YouTube, viki
What's the deal? Jaded and cynical lawyer meets cute and icy doctor lady who is not here for his bs, and discovers the joys of love and most importantly, volunteer rescue work.
On the one hand: Detailed and extremely realistic scenes of all sorts of natural disasters happening. The production team collaborated with a real life team where anyone can volunteer and get training as a rescuer. They built a wholeass glacier for the final episodes and you could never tell it's fake looking at it even on HD. The side characters are mostly likeable (which is something you can't say for every drama), although flawed and human. FL is a cool-headed independent grownup woman who bottles up her feelings like a fine vintage.
On the other: The pacing is rather choppy and makes it feel like they planned out the disaster scenes/rescue missions first and everything else was added later to link said missions together and give the characters stuff to do in between. Since this is a drama and they have a limited cast, the team's abilities are a bit exaggerated at times (they turn up for everything that happens anywhere, doctor FL is a swiss army knife of specialties). Ending feels a bit abrupt.
Watch it if: You enjoy seeing Luo Yunxi suffer physically, you like stories with ordinary people being heroes while also remaining very much ordinary people.
Lie to Love
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Type: Modern, romance, office, suspense
Episodes: 32
Available at: WeTV, YouTube
What's the deal? Local woman is convinced her one night stand during a mountain hike killed her father, so she returns after 2 years to go undercover in male nerdy Paris Hilton protagonist's glitzy hotel business and cancel his entire existence. Spoiler alert (but not really because this is actually not even the first 6 eps): he is a good guy and didn't do it and they fall in love and together they set out to uncover the truth and take down his shady uncle.
On the one hand: Objectively speaking, the plot for this is on the better side for a drama of its type. It's got suspense, it's got plot twists, it's got fluff, it's got drama, it's got more communication between the main CP than one would expect on a regular day, misunderstandings don't last long, the nice side characters are likeable, and 2nd ML is doing an incredible job at being a 2-faced creep. LYX is serving many a great business wear look in the 2nd half especially.
On the other: The FL is Cheng Xiao. A severely miscast Cheng Xiao in a role that is core in the plot and on paper, challenging. For fans, winner winner chicken dinner. For the rest of us, it's up to each viewer to decide if overall as a drama, the points in the above section are strong enough to balance this casting out.
Watch it if: You have a thing for men in suits and glasses (that makes two of us), you prefer ignoring the FL in dramas so you can make elaborate headcanons shipping the ML with the psycho stalker 2nd ML or the goofy rockstar 3rd ML instead.
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Type: Modern, office, medical research, suspense, romance
Episodes: 42
Available at: YouTube, viki
What's the deal? Spy is ordered to infiltrate a lab and lowkey honey trap his way into stealing female scientist's multi-million research, is uno reverse carded when she fixes his broken heart and trust in humanity.
On the one hand: The rare case where he is a morally grey character in a modern setting. The other rare case where he gets to do action sequences in a modern setting. There's a shower sex scene (sit down, implied and partially dressed of course, this is still a cdrama), and one where he gets whipped on a table. There is a very badass sidekick girl who is just as broken as him if not worse, and very shippable with the FL's perky and spoiled little sister.
On the other: The premise is cool but sadly, there's way more filler office drama (in the lab) and 2nd CP being a frustrating snoozefest than spy activities. It's a drama that was held up for a long while in censorship limbo, and a considerable chunk of the ML's backstory and scenes were left in the editing room, which unfortunately throws the show off balance by a lot.
Watch it if: You are a diehard Luo Yunxi, Victoria Song or Xu Kaicheng completionist (in which case you have permission to come cry on my shoulder), you find yourself trapped in a cave, the rescue team is 48 hours away, and the only thing in there with you is a device that has no other data on it but all 42 episodes of Broker.
Love is Sweet
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Type: Modern, romance, office
Episodes: 36
Available at: iQiyi, YouTube, amazon prime
What's the deal? Local woman applies for a job in huge investment banking company where she runs into her childhood friend -slash- nemesis after 10 years, they both gradually discover time makes people grow and occasionally fall deeply, ridiculously in love.
On the one hand: Sugar and fun and shoujo manga tropes aplenty! God tier CP chemistry! Some of the most epic makeouts to ever slip under the nose of the review committees. Characters that have actual profound growth under the "every romcom ever" cheeky banter. 2nd ML also offers shirtlessness and angsty backstory if you cannot live without those. There's even an adorable and very plot-relevant corgi!
On the other: The tremendous main CP chemistry has made this drama the exception for many who otherwise avoid both modern dramas and romcoms, but if that doesn't carry the show for you, I'm afraid there's not much else to see here. The 2nd CP is fuel for the "2nd CPs are annoying and waste screentime" complaint fire. (although, protip: even on the first watch you can probably skip their scenes without missing anything of value). The tear allergy is a bit of a ridiculous premise, but it's a real thing (who knew!), and it's not addressed much after a point.
Watch it if: You need something sweet and cute to fill the gaping hole Till The End of the Moon left in your chest, you love the tsundere overbearing CEO archetype but you also prefer it when he is more than a dry irredeemable asshole, you love romcoms because you enjoy both the "will they won't they" and the cute "we're an item now" domesticity.
And The Winner is Love
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Type: Costume, wuxia, romance
Episodes: 48
Available at: iQiyi, YouTube
What's the deal? Dashing, elegant, fan-wielding dreamboat young master falls in love with girlie burdened with the heavy responsibility of leading a sect with bad rep and protecting a very powerful and thus dangerous cultivation manual. Supposedly.
On the one hand: Luo Yunxi looks like this:
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for the whole drama. Every novel writer who ever wrote about a flirty and sophisticated young master whose beauty made flowers bloom along his path and women as well as men fell in love with him at first sight and all that purple prose-y stuff, has actually written about Luo Yunxi as Shangguan Tou whether they were aware of it or not. He is The Archetype and his popularity among bilibili fmv editors is proof. There's some great wire work in the first half. The soundtrack is pretty solid.
On the other: If you're looking for plot, run away and don't look back. I've watched the whole thing and I could not tell you how the story goes. I went in with a "idc about plot, i just want to look at Luo Yunxi in costume for 40 hours" mentality and I still struggled, make of that what you will. Chen Yuqi is the FL, saddled with a poorly written role and a choice of VA who arguably wasn't the best fit for her or the role. Chemistry is passable depending on your standards, but for most of the 2nd half of the drama it takes a nosedive together with the plot. Luo Yunxi got injured while filming this so they had to cut action scenes by a lot, so in the last 3rd or so it's wuxia without the wuxia. It's the only recent case where he also had to be dubbed (covid didn't allow him to get in the studio and do it himself, as he usually does).
Watch it if: You are a yumejoshi and need material to self-insert into a costume drama FL's position, you are more determined to watch lyx look pretty in costume, all else be damned, than Samwise Gamgee was determined to make sure Frodo throws the One Ring in the flames of Mount Doom.
Princess Silver
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Type: Costume, court drama, romance, some wuxia elements
Episodes: 58
Available at: YouTube, viki
What's the deal? Princess RongLe wakes up one day with amnesia (no, hear me out) to the news that she is to be sent to another kingdom and marry a prince she's never met for political alliance reasons (no, hear me out!). There, she is faced with unexpected revelations and finds herself looking for the truth while she gets embroiled with the aforementioned haughty prince, a shady general, and her (sometimes a bit too?) caring and overprotective brother.
On the one hand: (mild spoiler alert?) His character ends up stealing the show. FL can act and has good relationships with other female characters (arguably better than with any man in this, even in the chemistry department). Story and plot are quite decent. It's one of those rare cdramas that builds up as it goes instead of deflating in the last stretch.
On the other: LYX is 3rd ML in this, so if he's your main motivation to watch, be prepared for limited screentime, especially in the 2nd half of the drama (until the final 8-10 episodes where it's all about). If you're not into the FL with either 1st or 2nd ML, the first half can be a drag, like, personally I started appreciating this drama for real after episode 25-30.
Watch it if: You are patient, you like getting emotionally sucker-punched, you love a good, earthshaking final plot twist.
Ashes of Love
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Type: Costume, xianxia
Episodes: 63 (or 60, depending on the version, content is the same either way though)
Available at: Netflix, YouTube, viki, WeTV, amazon prime
What's the deal? Bottom of the food chain grape fairy who was deprived of the ability to feel romantic love and her life was honestly better and carefree like that, trips and falls into a love triangle with overconfident golden boy Heavenly Prince Phoenix, and his older brother, abused wallflower Heavenly Prince Dragon. Things go very great and not complicated at all from there. :))
On the one hand: Xianxia 101, it hits all the items on the checklist. The lavish costumes, the sprawling sets and world building, the entanglement over multiple lives, mortal arc, immortal arc, demon realm arc. CG that still holds up well for the genre 5 years later. The epic and emotional OST (someone has yet to surpass Sa Ding Ding's 左手指月 for the title of "best cdrama ED song", i don't make the rules). Arguably, The most iconic 2nd ML in a cdrama, responsible for a significant chunk of its long-lasting chokehold on the audience. Even if you've never seen the drama, if you're in the asian media adjacent internet, you've most likely seen this:
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On the other: Xianxia 101, a double-sided coin. All the clichés are here, and if you're not here for them you get aboard the struggle bus. The show's views on romantic feelings can be a bit, let's say, old fashioned, even for the genre's standards. If you're not into the main CP, you're in for an uphill battle of frustration. If you're Team Runyu prepare to hate almost everyone for there is no justice in this land. (In AoL one is either Team Runyu or Team Xu Feng, no middle ground, and if you're reading this, especially because you liked lyx as Tantai Jin, I don't see how you could end up Team Xu Feng, so I'm gonna run with this assumption). (in theory you can also be Team No One, but in practice if you're that, sitting through this entire drama must have been as fun as having a tooth pulled out with no anesthesia)
Watch it if: if you're any degree of a lyx fan, period. Runyu is a mandatory class.
Children's Hospital Pediatrician
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Type: Modern, medical, romance
Episodes: 42
Available at: YouTube
What's the deal? Aspiring surgeon -slash- frustrating disaster girl makes a huge blunder on her first day of her hospital residency, and can only stay as a pediatrician. She hates it and makes her literal saint of a secret husband's life miserable. We watch as she gets to grow as a person to the detriment of everyone else's mental health. Secondary cast has subplots of various dating entanglements.
On the one hand: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hmmm..... well... there's a scene where lyx takes off his shirt for a physical exam, if that's a bonus (ep40, 27:13-28:05, you're welcome)? Queen Zheng Li is in it? I am scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
On the other: It's way too long for absolutely no reason, the FL is the most frustrating and irrational baby I've ever seen (which is by no means a low bar), 90% of characters who are not the FL get their development butchered to make her look better, 2/3rds of the cast are incompetent at acting and the other 1/3rd is being wasted in this mess. I am trying to be as objective I can in these, but I've got nothing for this one.
Watch it if: You have chronically low blood pressure that no medication can fix, you have watched literally everything else on the list and having a manic episode where you will chew on the walls if you don't look at Luo Yunxi's face in something you have never seen before, you want to watch some other mid drama, so you want to watch something worse first in order to appreciate the other drama more.
Fox in the Screen
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Type: Costume, xianxia
Episodes: 22
Available at: YouTube, viki, amazon prime (as The Screen Foxes)
What's the deal? Orphan girl wins by drunken mistake a magical screen that houses 3 fox demon guys, they help her with her screen shop and also with crossdressing to pass the exam for the position of palace screen painter. She earns a grumpy boyfriend with a tragic past in the meanwhile.
On the one hand: It's short and goes fast, and in all honesty, considering it was made on a budget of 3 paperclips and a piece of gum, the story is much more concise and watchable than I, at least, personally expected. You get to witness the caterpillar stage of lyx on this path to guzhuang drama godhood. If you're one for tragic love stories there is one hiding under the DIY production. White Fox and the prince are a solid ship.
On the other: It is very much made on the aforementioned budget of 3 paperclips and a piece of gum, and it very much shows. Everything is rough, the costumes, the makeup, the editing, the acting for the most part. Having even half an expectation is the wrong way to approach this drama.
Watch it if: you have the heart of a mother watching her kids at the school play and admiring what a great job they are doing or if you are like Marie Kondo and love mess in an affectionate way.
Bonus: PhantaCity
PhantaCity was a tv show back in 2018, whose concept was making short plays and having actors perform them live in a single, do or die take for a studio audience. Luo Yunxi and Wu Jinyan, both with a background in ballet, are paired up in a short musical, acting as the hands of a newly repaired clock. If you ever wanted to see him dance, sing and act all in one thing, don't sleep on this. It's short and beautiful, and the official upload embedded above is subbed in English!
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
I'm sorry if this message seems odd, but there's a secret message in this post that you might be exited by! (Just ask me if you can't figure it out or don't want too.) Again, sorry if this ask is weird!
OK SO WHAT I MEAN BY "THE DREAM" is the prophetic Phantom dream that all of us M+R fans seem to be having, in our own ways. It finally happened to me!
So I dreamed I was on vacation with my parents and brother, like the one I just came back from, except this time we were in this weird steampunk version of New York City. There was a lot regarding that I could talk about, but the important part for our purposes is that Ubisoft randomly dropped the third DLC out of nowhere the day I was going to leave, so I decided to take the Switch even though I don't normally take it on trips.
I didn't have much chance to play it because I wasn't able to download it until I got to my destination, and then I was trying to grab little moments here and there when we were on public transportation, or in our hotel. So my dream was jumping back and forth between the steampunk New York scenes and the game.
As for the game, the heroes had landed on this planet that I could best describe as looking like Palette Prime in the spring (similar vibes but a lot more green), and I think my brain forgot this was supposed to be a Rayman thing lol because all the Mario characters were there. When they got there, they found there was a strange cult and everyone was talking about their "new leader" and how some people respected him but others were afraid.
Then cut to a scene of Phantom spying on the heroes! He was in some kind of abandoned church or temple, looking out an ornate window, and he also had some kind of little underling with him. He was infuriated that the heroes had arrived there and he flew threw a wall.
The rest of my experience with the game was mostly just exploring, except Phantom would send up menacing faces/images into the sky to scare the Heroes (like translucent holograms/illusions), but they were just generic scary faces (not his own) so they hadn't figured out who it was yet.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm sure this whole cult thing came from @hostess-of-horror comparing Phantom to Cthulhu with him invading our dreams and us trrying to summon him, lol.
I was super happy but I had vowed not to get on the internet until I beat the DLC so nothing would be spoiled for me, but I just knew everyone would be happy. And when I woke up, it all seemed so real that I said, "He's coming back for sure!" But throughout the past few hours, that wore off and I came back to my realistic and grounded self who never gets her hopes up!
And THEN as I sit down to type up the dream and share it with you all, I see this ask!
What a day!
(Btw I pre-ordered this album a while back lol so I will get it eventually!! And we have the old tech to listen to it on because my partner is a vintage stuff enthusiast)
Ahem but anyway
We were RIGHT this time, friends. The theories, the foreshadowing, the attention that we paid, it will be rewarded!!!
Ok now I have to go back to my job... somehow......... I'm expected to work......
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atbussysparks · 1 year
Tf2 mercs as dog breeds
+Ms. Pauling bc I love her
Dog breeds under cut
Sniper 👁️🐊🎷 Australian staghound
A quick witted as well as long legged
They have a great sense of spatial awareness. gentle, and at all times alert. they can be very loving with the right people, and stick directly at their side
can survive well in a stressful agrarian environment, but not very well with yappy little dogs in homes
tenacious, hunt-minded, pack leader that was bred to hunt predators, rather than prey.
Heavy💪🏻📗🪆: 1/4th Siberian husky, 3/4ths Caucasian shepherd
Intelligent guardians, defending their loved and almost noble
Their appearance is large and imposing
Siberian husky bc when I think of noble Russian dogs I think of the Alaskan serum run my bad
They can take a great care of children, and they're fluffy
Medic🥼🩸💉 doberman, half canaan
Dobermans have very cut features and I swear to god they just exist to scare people
Even with their ears unclipped, even if they were raised correctly with love, they have the sadistic need to scare me and small children and whatever poor souls come their way
Medic would be a doberman with clipped ears. Also, they kinda look like musical notes to me, which is funny bc he plays the violin
Canaan bc I like to imagine medic as Jewish as well!
Scout🏁⚾💥: half Picardy spaniel, 1/4th greyhound, 1/4th xoloitzcuintli
He brags that his shiny picardy coat is simply because he's the next generation of handsome practical boys his ass do not know 😭
Lean, playful, kinda brainfarted, incredibly fast. Greyhounds have been bred for the best racing body in the world
Xolo just bc I am brown and I fucking love projection, nevermind that he is prime white boy he just pale
Demoman🍻🗡️💣: Rhodesian ridgeback
Violence is his passion and it is very easy to forget
He would just look like a greyhound with a shiny coat, bald patches, and a xolo head.
Despite his lazy, flashy, wannabe, artistic personality, He's still a speed demon, and constantly needs a job to do or authority figure to disrespect.
Large, hearty, and loud
The type of breed you can't free feed because they can't do self regulation. they're mainly independent
They're funny handsome fellers shut up I love demo
Great hunters! They love to look at the chaos after their hunt, all the fun mess
They are very much "Dearly devoted companions," loyal as can be
This is a strange CREATURE in a rubber suit. He wields fire, the light of the giver's sun and song of control, as a beacon for his morbid pondering
A macabre display of blood and the scent unfurling through the nerves, thick with iron and gas, laced with the crackling curling charred skin.
This is not dog nor human, he has come from the depths of hell and he cannot see it, for all he knows is to play and frolick. Glitter and stickers trace their surroundings. Humanity envies them. He might just be a raccoon 🦝
Engineer 🧑🏻‍🏭🧰🤠: coonhound
Intelligent, and if they can use that as a means to not have to do a lot of work then by God they're gonna exploit it.
They're good at killing though I tell you that
Pretty darn affectionate, but their specialty is caring. They take care and split up fights.
They're musical too! They can howl and they've got a sorta melody to it. They may not like to share stuff though
Spy🕵🏻‍♂️🍷🎭: Picardy spaniel
I forgor what scout was hold up 💀
They hold themselves to a certain esteem. They are the unseen hunters.
Most of them are good with kids and shit but every french dog I've ever seen was much like their people. Dicks.
Silent and stalking, they'd prefer their own space
Regal and untelling of their true love.
Soldier 🪖🍯🎖️: pitbull
Clownish and patriotic, they're very misread as naturally aggressive and evil. Them bitches CANNOT lock their jaw. There's more to them!
I have a pitbull and she loves running around being free, but she's also fast to act, dumb of ass
For some reason they can smile really hard 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷
They can be aggressive! Loud and demanding! Pure muscles and surprisingly easy to flip over for belly pets
They love to watch stuff break. They love to be squished. They love to love. They're food driven
Ms. Pauling 🩸👓💼: groenendael
Does a lotta dirty work
Highly trainable, and loyal. They can be affectionate. Just, a liiiittle but averse to deep love
Elegant, but much more brawny. Determinate and eager to please
Sleeper build fr
They know more than one would think, and are observant. Workaholics need a break dawg 💀
(as a cat I think she'd be a calico)
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Journal Entry #51 (part two)
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previously - Journal Entry #51 (part one)
The day after Yuri got out of the hospital, Auntie Keiko dropped Fox off at our house at seven in the morning. That left ample time for Mr. Okamoto to go home and get ready for his work day, but he didn't leave until he'd taken Fox aside for a little chat. I didn't know what my father-in-law might be saying to him, and I was worried that it might be an unnecessary lecture about Yuri's extraordinary needs and some thinly-veiled warning about doing a good job or else. Fox didn't need that on his first day. For his sake and ours, I wanted this arrangement to go well, not to get derailed before it even started.
The urge to spy on them was strong, but I resisted.
I tried to act casual when I heard the dining room door slide open. Fox was smiling when he and Mr. Okamoto exited the room, but I didn't want to read much into it. Some people smile to hide their true feelings, and I wasn't sure if that applied to Fox or not.
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It was only after Mr. Okamoto left the house and Fox and I were in the kitchen making breakfast that I found out his smile had been genuine, and why.
Okay... let me back that up a bit. It was Fox who was making breakfast. I was only helping by explaining to him what types of foods Yuri can and can't eat. Fox definitely knows his way around a kitchen, in case you're interested. His mom's a Red Seal chef, and evidently he's picked up more than a thing or two from her.
Anyway, as he was preparing the fluffiest, most tasty-looking scrambled eggs I'd ever seen in my life for himself and me, he commented, "Your father-in-law is nice."
"Uh..." I stammered. "That's... not exactly a word people regularly use for Mr. Okamoto."
"Really?" Fox seemed surprised. "I think he's nice, and he seems like a great dad. I can tell he really loves Yuri, and you too."
It was my turn to say, "Really? I mean, I know he loves Yuri, but... not so sure about me."
"He made me promise to take good care of you," Fox said. "People don't say that about someone they don't love." He paused, as if he was debating with himself whether or not to go on, but eventually he continued. "My dad... he kinda abandoned me here. He didn't ask Auntie Keiko and Uncle Kin to promise to look after me. In fact, he was so rude to Auntie that I think she's convinced he doesn't love me all that much."
"That's..." I trailed off, at a loss as to how I should respond.
"Anyway," Fox went on, "I'm okay now. I've found my family."
"I'm glad," I said. "Uncle Kin and Auntie Keiko are good people. Everybody's auntie and uncle, I guess you could say. If you needed to find a family, they're the best ones you could've found."
"I know. I'm really lucky," he said. "And you and Yuri are lucky to have his dad. He said he'd do anything for you, and I believe him."
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I was still trying to wrap my head around that revelation while Fox kept on talking. I hadn't pegged him as a particularly chatty person, but maybe he's only quiet in comparison to the people he's usually with. Like, Takahiro and his family aren't the sort of people you'd call shy and retiring. I've met Fox's friend Jin a couple times as well, and that guy... Let's just say his level of energy might even rival mine.
Anyway, somewhere in the midst of his cheerful monologue, Fox told me that Mr. Okamoto offered to pay him for helping us, and Fox said he'd accepted. He said he hoped I wasn't offended by that. I told him no. Far from being offended, I was pleased that Mr. Okamoto wanted to compensate him. We might not need his help for more than a few weeks, but despite it being a short period of time, it was still going to be a tough one. He deserved to get something besides gratitude in return for it.
"I would've done it for free, just so you know," he said.
"We appreciate that," I said, "But it's better this way, and I'm glad Mr. Okamoto offered. Yuri and I wanted to give you something too, but we weren't sure how to approach it. Like, we knew you'd do it for free, but we didn't want to take advantage of you. But, we also didn't know if you'd be offended if we—”
"Victor, don't worry. It’s totally fine.” He interrupted me in the politest way I’ve ever been interrupted. “I wouldn't have been offended. I appreciate it too, but I agree with you. I think it's better like this."
With that awkwardness out of the way, we sat down to the most delicious breakfast I've had in a long time, and pleasantly idled over less weighty subjects. I'm pretty sure Fox has more in common with Yuri than with me, but we were able to find some common ground. We both love food and enjoy being creative in the kitchen. He enjoys the outdoors like I do, and he likes camping, and he knows Granite Falls.
“Maybe we could take Taka and Yuri camping when we get home this summer,” he suggested.
I grinned. “Yuri’s been camping in Granite Falls. It was, um… an experience.”
“So, bad idea, then?”
“No, it’s a great idea. He liked it in the end, and now he knows what to expect. This time, we’ll tell him he’s the expert and he can teach Taka what he learned last time.”
“An experience,” Fox said. “I like it. Taka’s into having adventures, so if you think Yuri would be okay, the four of us should definitely go.”
“There’ll be plenty of time to plan it once you get home,” I said. “There’s lots we can do, actually. I’m excited about showing Yuri and Taka around.”
“Me too,” Fox said. “Imagine, we grew up in the same area at the same time, and never met until we came here. And if our partners weren’t already friends, we probably never would have met at all."
"I like how the world's full of strange coincidences like that," I said.
"So do I, although I do kind of wish we'd gone to the same school and known each other before."
"This was the right time," I said. "Things might've worked out for us in a whole other way if our lives had been different."
"You're probably right. In any case, I'm glad we know each other now, and it feels good to think that I’ll be going home this summer to friends who’ll be waiting for me.”
“We’ll be waiting for sure,” I said. “I think it’s gonna be great.”
We loitered over our empty plates until Fox looked at his phone and announced that it was nearly nine o’clock. Mutually concluding that we’d killed enough time at the breakfast table, Fox set to work tidying up the kitchen while I directed him where to put everything. Then, he went upstairs to check on Yuri.
On that first day, I followed him upstairs and basically became his anxious, annoying shadow because I was concerned about how Yuri might feel about being left entirely alone with him. Not that I don't trust Fox — I would never have allowed him anywhere near Yuri if I didn't trust him — but Yuri is sensitive and I wanted to make sure the two of them would get off to the best start possible.
I needn't have worried. Fox is the least intimidating person I've ever met, and he's a natural at caregiving. He had Yuri up, bathed and dressed without so much as a whisper of protest, and before I knew it, he was calmly feeding him a little bowl of soy yogurt and cut-up peaches as if it was the most ordinary and unremarkable occurrence in the world.
It hasn't been all smooth sailing since then, of course. Yuri is stubborn, as I'm sure you guys all know by now. He's also fond of getting his own way, and he has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve to make that happen, and — not gonna lie — even though I'm perfectly aware he's doing it, I give in to him a lot of the time anyway.
I figured Fox would be completely taken in, since he's such a kind soul and quite frankly gives the impression of being a pushover. But, what I hadn't known in advance was that Fox has the same superpower as Yuri; the one where he can bend people to his will so sweetly and gently that they don't even notice it. Except... two people trying the same tactic on each other do notice.
I probably don't need to tell you, this has led to a few very intense conflicts between the two of them. Quiet, civilized conflicts to be sure, but no less fierce than if they'd been shouting at each other.
Irresistible force, meet immovable object.
Not unpredictably, their biggest disagreements have been around meals. For the first few days Fox was here, he fed Yuri all his meals without questioning it, but around the fourth day, I guess he figured there was no need for that to continue to be part of his job description. Yuri pushed back, and eventually it fell to me to referee the dispute.
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Yuri was furious when I sided with Fox.
I know what you're likely thinking, and yeah, I do feed Yuri when he's sick because it's easier on both of us if I do. I hate seeing him struggle to eat. That stresses me out just as much as the physical act of eating stresses him. But, I had to concede that Fox wasn't wrong when he said Yuri should be perfectly capable of feeding himself. Besides, Fox is already doing enough for us, and I didn't want to complicate his job.
Yuri made a huge scene, but I gotta say I was proud of Fox for handling the whole thing like a pro. He straight-up told Yuri that he was being ridiculous which, as you can imagine, didn't go over well. I left the room at that point 'cause I didn't want to get stuck in the middle of any further wrangling between them.
As I was crossing the hallway to my own bedroom, I overheard Fox say something unexpected. He asked Yuri if the reason why he didn't want to feed himself was because he was scared.
I already knew the answer, but I was shocked when Yuri actually admitted to Fox that's what it was.
Then, Fox did something else I hadn't seen coming. He started telling Yuri about his experience in the hospital back in the autumn, and how he'd been terrified to let anyone give him an injection.
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That seemed odd to me, considering Fox is an insulin-dependent diabetic and gives himself two shots every single day, not to mention the number of times a day he pokes one of his fingers or his forearm to test his blood sugar. By that point, I'd watched him do insulin injections and blood glucose tests, and he'd barely batted an eyelash at sticking tiny, sharp objects into his skin, even with an audience of one curious wannabe nurse.
Intrigued by what he was now recounting to my husband, I temporarily deserted my plan to gather up my laundry, and lurked just out of sight of the doorway of Yuri's bedroom to eavesdrop instead.
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"They're not really allowed to let you give yourself a needle, you know," Fox was saying. "But, I made a big fuss about it until they agreed to let me. I had to do it because it always hurt so much when other people gave me a shot."
Yuri sounded dubious. "That makes no sense."
"I know," Fox said. "That's the thing. I can see now that it was illogical, but at the time it seemed perfectly rational to me. Anyway, I met my friend Jin when I was in the hospital. He was my nurse, and he figured out that it was hurting because I expected it to. And you know what? It turns out he was right."
"Good for him," Yuri said.
"You know what he told me?"
"I couldn't possibly guess," Yuri replied, and his tone practically screamed, I couldn't care less.
Fox was clearly undeterred. He went on, "Jin said that I need to train myself not to expect the worst, because not everything that seems like it’ll be painful or scary turns out to be.”
"Yes, well... sometimes it does."
"That's exactly what I said," Fox told him. "And he agreed with me, but he also said that if I was too afraid to take any chances, then I might miss out on something good."
"I don't see what that has to do with me," Yuri said.
Fox may have missed it, but I didn't fail to catch the nuance in my husband's words. I knew it wasn't that he didn't understand, but more like he didn't want to admit how this could apply to him. It was his way of saying I get it, but I wish I didn't.
"I heard you like strawberries," Fox said. "And I already know you like rice, so I made you something special for breakfast. It's rice pudding, but with protein powder and pureed strawberries in it, and it's sweet like a dessert. And it's pink. See? Don't you want to know what it tastes like?"
"Not particularly."
"I double-checked with Victor. Everything in it is something you've had before. It's all safe for you to eat, if that's what's worrying you. Or is it something else?"
Yuri's answer was mumbled, and I didn't catch it, but I thought it sounded like. "It's too difficult."
"Yeah, doing stuff for yourself can be really hard," Fox said. "I totally get it."
'No, you don't."
"You might be surprised.”
“I doubt that.”
“There was a lot of stuff I couldn't do for myself before I met Jin, and Takahiro and his family,” Fox said. “I had to learn so much just to start being a normal independent person. At first, I was scared and stressed out and tired every day, but everything I've done so far has been worth it, even though it was difficult."
"It's different for me," Yuri said.
"Yeah, it is different for you," Fox acknowledged. "I've been learning to do things over the past little while that you've probably been doing independently for years. I'm not asking you to do something crazy like learning pretty much every adult life skill within a few months, like I did. All I'm asking you to do is try feeding yourself, because I know you can."
"Oh... fine, then. But, if I throw up, it's your fault."
To my astonishment, Fox laughed. It was the same kind of laugh I've heard from other adults when a child says something outrageous, and I'd say it was more an indication of indulgence than of amusement. "Yuri, you're not going to throw up."
"How would you know?"
"Just start with one small bite. If you can't do more than that, you can stop. it's okay. Here..."
I attempted to peek around the edge of the door as sneakily as I could. Fox had his back to me, and probably wouldn't have spotted me anyway, but I was trying to avoid Yuri knowing I was there.
I was just in time to see Fox turning the bowl of rice pudding around so the handle of the spoon that was sticking out of it was facing in Yuri's direction. Hesitantly, Yuri reached out and grasped the spoon as Fox held the bowl for him.
"You can do it," Fox encouraged. "One spoonful. If you can manage that and you decide you want more, I'll feed you the rest, but we're going to keep working on this at every meal from now on until you're doing it all by yourself."
Yuri's expression was an awful combination of fear and lingering irritation, but I was gratified to see him lift the spoon with some pink-tinted rice on it. And then he put it in his mouth, and for one dreadful moment I thought he really might get sick. Most of the colour drained from his face, and he stared at Fox, wide-eyed.
"Take the spoon out of your mouth, Yuri," Fox said gently, and when Yuri did as he asked, he followed up with, "Good. Now, you can swallow."
It was weird, observing that. I'd never heard anyone explain something as simple and instinctual as eating in step-by-step instructions before. Then again, perhaps Yuri had somehow unlearned that instinct and needed to be told what to do.
He's mentioned to me before that he often doesn't want to eat and only consumes food because he has to. He says he doesn’t like eating most foods, not necessarily because he dislikes the taste or texture of the food, but because he’s hyper-focused on every little detail involved in eating, and he gets overwhelmed. I guess it’s like, he could get so fixated on chewing that he’d forget to swallow, and then suddenly swallow in a panic, and then panic even more when he realizes he didn’t consciously decide whether he should swallow or not.
I don’t know, really. I’m certain Yuri could explain it better himself, but that’s basically how I understand it from what he described. And considering his history of anxiety as well as severe digestive system issues, maybe it shouldn't be too surprising.
As for Fox, I was impressed that not only was he able to break down the process for Yuri, but also that he'd recognized the need for it. It made me wonder if someone had needed to explain a basic skill to him in a similar way in the past.
"That was awesome. I knew you could do it," he said, once Yuri returned the spoon to the bowl. "How do you feel? Is your stomach okay?"
"It's fine," Yuri said. His tone was grudging, like he didn't want to admit that feeding himself one spoonful of strawberry-flavoured sweet rice wasn't actually going to be the death of him.
"Think you can do it again?" Fox inquired.
"If I have to."
"You don't have to, but I'd like you to."
Yuri sighed. "Very well."
Two spoonfuls later, I could see how much of a psychological and physical toll the effort had taken. To anyone unfamiliar with the situation it probably looks like he's playing up for attention whenever he wants someone to feed him, but I can tell you in all honesty, it's not like that. The strain that showed in all his body language was real. He gets that way when he's being fed by someone too, but not nearly as quickly and nowhere near as pronounced.
I could see his hand shaking as he gripped the spoon. He was visibly sweating, and his skin had that pale, washed-out appearance some people get when they're about to faint.
I was concerned enough that I almost stepped back into the room, but fortunately, Fox was perceptive enough to see what I saw and to understand what it meant. He said to Yuri, "Give me the spoon."
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Yuri didn't so much hand it to him as push it in his general direction. Fox placed everything on the bedside table, and then helped Yuri settle back on his pillows.
"You did great," Fox told him. He brushed his hand over Yuri’s forehead. It looked like he was checking his temperature, but it was more likely that he was wiping some of the moisture off his face.
I was a little amazed that Yuri didn’t flinch away from Fox’s touch. He asked shakily, “Can… can I have some water, please?”
Fox handed his water bottle to him, and he took a couple of sips before passing it back.
“Done?” Fox inquired.
Yuri nodded. “Done.”
“Everything all right? Is your stomach still okay?"
"Yes, my stomach is all right for now, but I'm tired," Yuri said. "I need to sleep.”
"Understandable," Fox didn't point out that he'd only been awake for an hour or so. He simply acknowledged that Yuri knew best whether he needed more rest or not. "That was an amazing effort. I know it was a lot, but you did really good. I didn't even have to tell you to take that last spoonful."
"It’s good. The rice."
That admission was spoken so quietly that I almost didn't hear it.
"There's more of it left," Fox said. "Victor and I are going to have it for dessert with our lunch, but we'll save some for you. Would you like that?"
"Yes, please."
"You're going to feed yourself at least one spoonful at lunchtime, okay?" It sounded like a request, but I knew it wasn’t.
Yuri didn't reply, so I had no idea if he was agreeing with Fox's new rule, but he didn’t seem to be disagreeing either, which was good. I smiled. It may not have been a victory, exactly, but I felt safe in calling it a step in the right direction at least.
And now we're at the spot where I’m supposed to say some sort of happy ending thing, right? Like how I’m filled with hope or how Fox is a miracle worker or something?
Well, I am hopeful, but I’m not naïve. I don’t think Yuri had some great epiphany or whatever, or that Fox’s wisdom is going to fix everything. Yuri’s got a long way to go, and he’s not going to recover overnight, especially mentally. Disability Is tricky like that. Even when the body is relatively well, the mind can still be troubled. in fact, I’m convinced that the psychological impact of living with a disability can be even more disabling than the illness or disability itself.
What I can say is, I think it’s good for Yuri to have Fox here. It’s good for me as well, and not just for the obvious reasons. Fox doesn’t let Yuri get his way to avoid a confrontation with him, or to alleviate his own discomfort, like I do. As much as I don’t like admitting it, his approach yields better results than mine, even if it starts out a bit rough.
From watching Fox Interact with Yuri, I’ve learned there’s a difference between sympathy and empathy. I let Yuri get away with a lot because I feel bad for him and it’s painful for me to see him suffering, and I just want to make things better for both of us. But, I’m starting to realize that’s not doing either of us much good at the end of the day. He doesn’t need someone to take pity on him. He needs someone to respect how he feels and to try seeing things from his point of view while also showing him safe ways to move forward.
He needs someone to help him get perspective. That’s what my therapist would call it.
After this, I think I should be challenging him more. And I should be challenging myself more, to be firm with him when I need to be, and to recognize when it's okay to give in and when it's not. I need to challenge myself to remember that the easiest way isn't always the best way, and sometimes there has to be a little pain in order to make progress.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Someone on Twitter said "Your ship inherently sucks when you have to mischaracterize both characters for it to work" and I couldn't agree more.
It's all fun to headcanon that Elain is a spy, dark etc. But to say It's canon and will happen... 💀
Reading the books, I never felt like Elain could become dark in some ways. Elain had changed since acomaf and she's become quiter, but to me it seems like it's because of where she currently is and with who she's living with. People around her constantly underestimate her and everyone talks to her like she's fragile or a kid. No one in the IC talks to her like they talk to Feyre, or Nesta. Cassian mentioned that he doesn't hang around with Elain, Feyre also thought she doesn't hang out with her like she does with Mor and Amren and she wouldn't go to her to talk about her problems. Rhys may be right, but he's also just assuming "Elain is Elain". Azriel, her suppose love of her life, didn't really talk or hang out with her in more than 2 years. He himself said that she doesn't know anything about him and what he does. I don't even have to talk about Nesta and how she coddles her a lot but the worst of all is that even when Elain herself had stabbed the King of Hybern, tried to help a lot during the war, stood up for herself to Nesta infront of everyone, insisted on going to the court of nightmares when she didn't have to etc. The IC still won't see her as more than a pretty face. Look at how quickly they dropped Elain as soon as Nesta declared she will do the scrying, even though she told them to come get her when they wish to begin. There was no scene or any mentionings of at least one of them, at least the love of her life, telling her that Nesta will do the Job, apologize and invite her to watch. Elain wasn't there they did the scyring thing. Elain wasn't there in the crossover (Mor was not there either but it's most likely because she's still in that continent). They never include her in anything, but they much rather include Nesta. I thought Elain was a part of the IC? It sure as hell doesn't look like it. We have no insights on Elain's friendship with N&C either.
So excuse me if I don't believe that Elain will stay in that rotten court forever when all they let her do is stay pretty, plant flowers and bake bread. They might start seeing more in her and accept her just like they did with Nesta, but Nesta doesn't stay with the IC like she stays with her own found family.
Elain tries way too hard and so I seriously hate the theory that "she will proof to them" "she'll show them" becaus why should she? Why can't they accept her as who she is, why should she be the one to change to be a part of the court? To change so her and Azriel compliment each other? Nesta didn't change or proof anything to the IC either, Feyre went from SC to NC because she thrives in the dark, even though she tried so hard to fit in the SC.. it should be the same for Elain. She shouldn't lift a sword/dagger, throw her comfortability out the window and wear dark dresses/suits and say some badass/ dark stuff when that is not who she is.
If Elain needs to become dark and Azriel needs to become lighter like the sun then that ship ain't working. We have Elucien were Elain can stay as who she is and Lucien can stay the bright sun that he is. We have the BOE where neither Vassa nor Jurian know anything about Elain and both of them seem to be type to not coodle anyone. Lucien also does not know much about her since they barely talk and he barely visits. I think the BOE is a good fresh start for Elain.
Allllllll the things you said!
Elain is in the NC basically serving Rhys and Feyre. Not that they force it upon her of course but she cooks for them, bakes for them, and takes care of their garden. They all like her but no one actively seeks her out as their main person. She's pleasant and not a bother and helpful when it comes to housework but she's not made part of their important business meetings and they always prefer someone else to handle the "dangerous stuff". She's not turned away but she's also not the person they would ever go to first. That's just plain depressing if you're Elain and exactly why Elucien's can't wait for her to go find her place elsewhere in Prythian. She can be the "last resort" in the NC or the "go to" person somewhere else.
If she were to stay in the NC, she would have to change who she is. She would need to become darker, enjoy taking part in their revenge schemes, be willing to hear about who they torture. Just because Elain is there and surrounded by all that stuff now doesn't mean she's truly fine with it. Cassian pretty much tells us she's not. The fact that she didn't want to wear Illyrian leathers or take a weapon in the first place (then immediately gave it back) tells us she's not. She loves her sisters so of course she's going to be accepting of them and their lives but that doesn't mean it's really what she wants for herself. She's testing out a life in the NC because that's where she ended up by default but that doesn't mean she'll decide it's really where she wants to stay after we get her book.
And no that doesn't mean Elain can't do what needs done, just as Rhys and Amren said, but there are many ways of accomplishing that and the way the IC does things is different than the way a lot of other courts do things.
E/riels try to make Az way less dark than he is. You know, SJM could have made Rhys absolutely perfect after he and Feyre got together but he can still act like an asshole to others at times. He's still a bit sneaky with making plans and not telling the others because he doesn't want anyone else to worry. He's still morally gray regardless of finding his Mate and he still struggles with forgiveness. So why exactly do people think Az is going to be a different character by the end of things? Of course he'll overcome his feelings of worthlessness and probably make progress with how he views the Illyrians but he's not suddenly going to be a big old softie outside of his relationship. Just like Rhys still has rage, Az isn't going to lose his rage. He's even darker than Rhys and I doubt SJM wants to give him a personality transplant just so he's a better match for Elain, that's not her style. It doesn't matter that he's "soft and gentle" with Elain because he's still someone different away from her and that's never going to be a match for who she is (whereas Lucien was already well matched with who Elain is even before they had met).
Really, Cassian would have wanted Nesta even as she was at the start of SF. Even at her worst, he would have wanted her. The same can be said of Rhys and Feyre. Even when they saw the darkest parts of one another they still fell in love. The fact that Az already hides who he is from Elain is all the proof we need to know that they will never end up in anything lasting and SJM has said time and again she doesn't want to change who a character is in order to be with someone else.
Edit: forgot to add this but I love the part where you mentioned you dislike the narrative that Elain needs to "show them all". Not only do I agree that she doesn't have to become someone drastically different but also because that makes it sound like she's developed hatred towards them and wants to stick it to them. Elain's arc can be for Elain and Elain alone. Her motivation doesn't need to be proving that her sister's were wrong about her because that just breeds additional animosity between them and I think we've had enough of that.
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sztefa001 · 2 years
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I posted 41,917 times in 2022
That's 20,616 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (0%)
41,860 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,103 of my posts in 2022
#important - 539 posts
#yes - 500 posts
#:0!! - 192 posts
#xd - 189 posts
#amazing - 122 posts
#sztefu talks - 106 posts
#cool - 90 posts
#for later - 86 posts
#aww! - 74 posts
#!!! - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#for context: my parents were working their asses off all the time and didn't have time or strength to whip out a fancy dinner for 10 people
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My boi StarShade, star seeker frametype by @dimorphodon-x. He's the smaller assassin type.
Gave up on trying to draw him properly so just went straight for the colors. Had no idea how to choose them so just used this palette generator. Might dull/darken the blue later but for now that's it.
More info below (not all that much, it's the first time I have name+design before story and background), cursed meme for those who manage to get till the end:
For now his story is kinda backwards - I know that eventually he ends up in a dance group Neon Shadows (based on groups like MPLUSPLUS or Light Balance, more on NS hopefully later) but before that happens I need to marinate him in some good 'ol character developing angst.
Ghost, shadow, phantom, cryptid, camo... many terms for just one guy with one neat outlier ability - super stealth. Combine it with being a massive fraggin liar and you get Starshade.
Idk yet who found and onlined him, what they needed him for and how he was trained. But I do know he lies amazingly and casually so much that not even a lie detector can get him. Because of that he gets tied up in the war as a spy. Doesn't matter for which side 'cuz then he becomes a double spy. Then triple and quadruple and and and in the end you don't know who's side he's really on.
He doesn't know either, nor does he care. All he cares about is himself and to steer all trouble away, to confuse others and manipulate the situation in such way that he's never the suspect.
At first he doesn't care how much chaos he causes as long as the consequences don't reach him. But after some decisions that fucked over some peeps he didn't want to get fucked over he does some thinking and decides to de-escalate conflicts instead of escalating them. Basically he figures he just wants the war to end now more than ever.
Because of his job he's a loner, which is a shame 'cuz he's very sociable and loves hanging out with others. And dancing. He loves music and dance. Sadly he can never be completely honest with others and never feels like he truly belongs to any group.
Eventually I want him to have a stealth car bf and also get him adopted by a flock of stealth seekers. And then join the Neon Shadows. Surely they won't regret taking in an ex-spy-but-acc-just-a-liar-coward-traitor. What can possibly go wrong? You can't tell me those golden eyes can lie. Surely his past won't come to bite him in the aft.
Ahem anyway...
His super stealth includes:
engine and ventilation are very quiet
colors can go from mostly gold/magenta to dark mode (pic above) and he prefers it that way
hard to detect by both cameras and radars
can be taken for freshly deceased even by a medic as his spark is harder to detect as well
naturally moves very quietly without even trying, may spook others by accident by just walking into a room without announcement
For now that's all, have a meme now:
See the full post
20 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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Abyss barely had his first flight lesson when his family had to run away and he got separated from them in the process. Luckilly Knight Strike found him and immediately adopted him.
Abby so tiny he still has some baby fuzz 🥺 Striker will protecc.
Ocs belong to @president-alpine, au idea to @dimorphodon-x (thank you!!). Progress pics and more info under the cut <3
See the full post
41 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Giving this guy his own post because drawing him was the most yolo decision and it even turned out quite decent despite me not even trying much lol
The brush pens were super cheap and the blue one was dying from the start so yeah, idk why I decided to draw him xD First thought was to draw him in his alt, just a flat triangle with some extras. And before I knew it I was drawing this instead.
62 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Ok so regarding this post:
[click here for context]
(tagging @cirilee @im-a-mint and @curious-sootball, thank for insppiration <3)
I didn't draw people interrupting him 'cuz the doorframe was already too small and doing everything anew would be too much effort so yeah. But anyway:
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This is the best pic tbh, the further we go the less effort I put askdjfh
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87 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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149 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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Whoa, what a ride xD
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nrth-wind-a · 4 years
[for fashion!skrael: how did you first get into fashion? is there any particular philosophy that motivates your designs? how do you keep your inspiration? for frankie: what's it like to be behind the scenes of shows? how does it compare to jobs you've worked in the past? :v]
1. How did you first get into fashion?
Skrael grinned. “Ah, my mother used to leave that reality television show Project Runway on for background noise, and a very small version of me seemed to have taken the lessons to heart; I used to draw out the failed designs from every episode, with my own ‘improvements.’ Eventually, my mother noticed enough that she bought me a sketchbook for my... oh, I believe it was eighth birthday? I nearly filled the thing not months later, and it... rather took hold, I suppose.” He chuckled. “Though, I would say that it was my high school art teacher who really started encouraging me to pursue it more strongly. She allowed my final projects to be the clothing I designed for homework sketch practice. It was great experience for my fashion school applications.”
“...I suppose, going back to the very earliest start, though, the first person who should be credited with my interest in fashion should be the great Tim Gunn himself. Without his presence, I doubt Project Runway would have been quite as interesting.”
2. Is there any particular philosophy that motivates your designs?
“Everyone wants to express themselves; I like making clothing for those who seek to express themselves in the ways they are told not to.” 
3. How do you keep your inspiration?
Skrael hummed, thinking about the question for a moment. “I... suppose, similarly to what I said about my motivation; those who enjoy my designs-- the gothic, the alternative, the punk-- they encourage me to keep going. They inspire me.”
His face turned mischievous, “Not to mention... a little bit of spite, too, never hurt,” and he gave a wink.
1. What’s it like to be behind the scenes of shows?
Frankie gave a hearty laugh, running his hand through his cropped green hair, “Oh man, you ever been on a boat during a sea storm? ‘S’like that, but I get the unique pleasure of keepin’ others from hurlin’ themselves into the storm to make it worse. I don’t usually get directly involved, though; I’m more supposed to watch the door and keep out anyone who isn’t on official business. So, I guess to go off that boat metaphor, I’m like the guy in the lighthouse who has to watch the storm, and only sometimes sees the spray of a wave flyin’ at me.” 
“Although, with Skrael and Bellroc-- my most loyal clients-- I think that metaphor goes out the window, ‘cause I definitely get splashed by waves then. Those two are very good at what they do, and I wouldn’t say they’re difficult to work with. But y’know Meryl Streep’s character in Devil Wears Prada? ...Yeah. They could probably be besties with her, if they could ever manage to hold a civil conversation for once.” His smile gave away that he wasn’t so much complaining, as he was making a friendly joke. “But anyway, they’re not abjectly assholes-- except, y’know, to each other-- so it’s not like I get drowned when I work for them, or anything. They just... are very entertaining sometimes. You know it’s never gonna be a basic or easy show with them. Adds some excitement to life; keeps ya on your toes.”
“Which, I think kinda ties into that second question there.”
2. How does it compare to other jobs you’ve worked in the past?
“Working fashion shows, I gotta be honest, is actually some of the more exciting stuff I’ve done in my life. Before this, I did nightshift security work-- never really had anything truly crazy happen there-- and some odd jobs where I could take ‘em. Construction projects, yard work when I was a younger college kid tryin’ to get by. Nothin’ quite as glamorous as my current field. I got into the fashion business through my nightshift security experience, y’see; I started needed work during the day, cause pullin’ nightshifts five days out of seven started to wear after a while, so I looked into what jobs I could take that were still in the security field, and, honestly, I didn’t even specifically look for the fashion industry-- it kinda grabbed my hand and yanked, y’know?”
“As for how it differs... I mean, for one thing, most of the shows are during the day, so I get to sleep through the night, now. The pay’s a little better, especially when Skrael and Bellroc get involved; just the same way those two bump up the excitement. I don’t always have a regular shift anymore, but I get to stream video games as a side hobby that sometimes pays through donations, so I appreciate getting to do that when I can. Overall, it’s just been a pretty nice gig, so I’d say I enjoy it more than past jobs, too. Plus-- I’ll tell ya what, some of those designers are chronic gossips-- I’ve heard so much celebrity drama that didn’t go public, I could probably write my own book about it all. I would never, of course-- confidentiality is a key part of my job-- but, y’know. ‘S’still fun to listen to.” 
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sugalaritae · 2 years
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summary: on the set of the music video he has choreographed, Hoseok finds himself stressed and frustrated. He can't have the thing he craves so he reaches out to you.
word count: 1365
rating: series rating is 18+
warnings: cigarettes
a/n: after weeks of hating everything i was writing, i was finally able to get this little thing written. this Hobi is killing me and he is a wonder to write! thank you so much to @miscelunaaa and @reliablemitten for looking this over and giving such amazing advice, it truly made the whole thing better. again, @wwilloww made this absolutely fantastic banner (it takes my breath away a little). i hope you all enjoy this this is part of an ongoing series. this is the masterlist tag list: @miscelunaaa @herecomesjoon @neverendingforever
© sugalaritae, 2022. you do not have permission to repost, translate, or edit my work. even if you give credit. all of this is mine. i only post on tumblr and a03.
He can’t remember the last time that he danced for himself. The problem with doing the thing that you love as a career is that if you’re not careful it becomes a job. Hoseok stands behind the cameras as they film the music video. He watches the group of people dancing the choreography that he created and he is jealous of them. He can’t remember the last time that he moved his body because he wanted to and not because he had to.
“Cut!” He hears the Director call and his brain switches back into work mode, a space that he now feels more comfortable in these last few weeks. He’s not sure what that means or if returning back to normal life will be a bit of a shock considering how hard he’s been working for the last four weeks.
He looks at the screen and watches the playback. There was a mistake, no, four. At the beginning he thought it was a humbling experience to be around what the world considered professionals and watch them make mistakes, but they’ve been working at this for a week now and they should be able to have it down.
“They need to do another take,” he says to the Director, who nods in agreement.
“Ten minute break and then another take,” a production assistant yells after the Director tells her and Hoseok excuses himself. He has the mistakes memorized by the playback and he needs a break. He’d love a cigarette but he’s been trying to give it up, or rather he and Taehyung are trying to give it up. Who knows if Taehyung is keeping his end of the bargain.
He pulls out his phone as he walks through the doors to the lot. The sun is hot but it feels so good given that he’s spent the last two hours inside the studio with hot, fake lights surrounding him.
Hoseok [17:39]: Are you sleeping?
Normally he checks the time before he texts you just to make sure that you’re not sleeping. He does this with all of his friends.
His body occupying in the time zone that he sleeps, eats, and works in; while the rest of him, the part that loves and laughs, is stuck with all of all of his friends. 
You [17:39]: Well since it’s 7am I am not. Just thinking about getting up out of bed and getting dressed for the day. Please convince me that it is not necessary.
Hoseok [17:40]: I would love to but you’re talking to the wrong guy. If you want someone to convince you to stay in bed then Jimin is your man.
You [17:40]: Yeah? Should I call him?
Hoseok [17:40]: You might have to.
This is what your relationship has been like for the last four weeks, a strange friendship that lives in your phones and laptops. The two of you typing words of flirtation like it’s one of those online games of pool that he used to play when he was younger and his parents were asleep, not aware that he was using the family computer to talk to strangers online.
You [17:41]: How is the shoot going?
Hoseok [17:41]: I want a cigarette. Have you seen Taehyung smoking when you went out with them last night?
You [17:41]: I didn’t go. I decided I wanted to have a night in.
Hoseok [17:42]: Why? You would have had fun! You’re supposed to be my spy.
You [17:42]: I thought the dad of the group was Jin or Namjoon.
He chuckles to himself as he leans against a wall and closes his eyes as the sun beamed down on his face. He didn’t want to stay too long but he needed to breathe something in that wasn’t recycled air and sweat from the performers. He needed to get out of his head and he needed to just remember what he loved about his job.
Maybe he was missing his friends too much and that was what was getting to him. There is something going on in this head of his; he just needs to get it figured out so that he could feel like he was breathing again. Or thinking again. He isn’t sure which one it is but he needs something. His body needs to do something to get his brain working again. Or maybe it is vice versa.
Texting you provides a certain kind of comfort that even his friends cannot provide. They fuel him but you are the spark to his engine. 
Hoseok [17:45]: You are correct but I still need a spy to be able to tell me what’s going on so if they leave anything out then I can accuse them of doing so.
You [17:45]: Next time they invite me out then I will go out, I promise.
Hoseok [17:45]: They like you, you know.  We all like you and that is why they invite you out.
He watches the notification that you’re typing appear and disappear from his phone, and he thinks perhaps he’s made a mistake by saying that. He doesn’t want to make you feel pressured to go out with the group. Jin told them about you when you first started to build a friendship with him and Hoseok remembers how quiet Jin had described you as. That you always left the office to go on your lunch break and spoke of the television shows like they were your friends. Hoseok wants you to become part of the group but he doesn’t want you to feel like you’re being forced into it. This has to be your decision, no one can make that for you.
You [17:46]: Jin did mention something in a few weeks.
Hoseok [17:46]: Go spy!
You [17:47]: Just call me 007
You [17:47]: But without the killing.
You [17:47]: Or promiscuity.
Hoseok [17:48]: And you call yourself a spy.
He chuckles and pushes himself up off the wall and takes the few steps back toward the door. Ten minutes is not long enough.
You [17:48]: I am your spy. Are you sure you want those things to be included?
Hoseok [17:48]: You do what you have to do to get the job done.
He can hear Yoongi’s voice in his head telling him that is something that he doesn’t want to happen, and his head-Yoongi is correct. He would prefer it if you didn’t get close with any of his friends so that he could be the one that gets to kiss you and wake up in the morning with you. 
He wants to see if that comfort will be there in person. If you will be able to wrap him up and calm his active mind. 
He wants to give that to you. 
Hoseok [17:49]: Back to work for me.
You [17:49]: I have to get out of this bed and go to work myself. Text me later.
You [17:49]: We still need to have that meal together. So think of a time that works for you and I’ll work around it. Maybe this weekend?
Hoseok [17:49]: I’ll let you know what my schedule is like.
Hoseok [17:49]: Have a good day
He wants to be able to tell you that he is looking forward to seeing your face again. Wants to tell you that even this small exchange has helped alleviate the weight just a little. Instead, he slips his phone back into his pocket and walks over to the group that are laughing loudly on the stage. A few of them are practicing the moves but it isn’t the ones that he wants. The ones that keep making mistakes are standing together and laughing. 
He tries to hold onto that feeling your texts gave him as the frustration begins to knock on his mind, threatening to take over. He can do this. He can hold onto the thought of you while he gives them notes. 
“Okay,” he calls and they all turn to him. “We need to go over the second chorus again.” 
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm. DETAILED SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER
No one's POV
(Y/N) knocked on Erwin's door. The ring was already on her finger. Levi opened the door with an annoyed face. His expression brightened slightly after seeing it's (Y/N) as he held the door for her. "(Y/N), please sit" Erwin told (Y/N) pointing at the chair in front of his table. "Now that both of you are here, what's the news that you wanted to give me, Levi?" Erwin asked Levi as (Y/N) sat down. "(Y/N) and I are engaged now. I thought you'd want to know." Levi told Erwin in a bland tone.
"I wonder why I'm not surprised." Erwin sighed as he replied to Levi's statement with sarcasm. “Levi, as her only guardian, I can't allow you to marry (Y/N) unless you get a stable home. We all know that raising a child in the regiment headquarters isn't possible." Erwin added. "Yes, I thought about it too. I'll make arrangements for a house and try to get on with this shit as quickly as possible. After all, this peace won't last forever." Levi answered to Erwin.
"Anyway, I called both of you here for a different reason..." Erwin started but was interrupted by (Y/N). "You called me for something?" she asked with a confused tone. Levi only told her to go to Erwin's office to break the news about their extremely bland engagement. (Y/N) wasn't concerned about the fact that Levi's proposal wasn't very glamorous because she never cared about grand romantic gestures and all that. She was just immensely happy because Levi took the effort to buy such a nice ring for her, that after abandoning his duties. Levi wouldn't do all that if he didn't love her. Erwin looked at Levi and raised his one of his massive eyebrows.
"I forgot to mention that to her" Levi said casually. He definitely wasn't gonna let them know that he was so nervous while telling her to get the ring that he forgot to mention (Y/N) that Erwin called her. "I see. Well, now that you're here, there's a mission I'd like to discuss with you. If you're uncomfortable with it, you can always refuse." Erwin told (Y/N) with a slightly concerned voice. "What's the mission?" (Y/N) asked monotonously.
"Well, you see, we weren't able to capture all the lords who worked for the Reiss family and enthroned the fake king. There are exactly three lords who are not captured yet and we got a lead that they have properties in the underground city. Almost all rich lords have properties there in case the wall breaks or for any emergency situation. The documents on those properties are as shady as it can be and can't give us any right information. I was planning to send Levi and Hanji to pinpoint their location by an undercover mission but Hanji, having a curious mind like herself, can attract attention. Levi alone can't do it because in his time, he was quiet popular in the underground. They will recognise him if he tries to spy on people. You, (Y/N), are the most capable person after him but given that you're expecting and your past, I didn't want to involve you into this. But, right now, we don't have much of a choice. If you're uncomfortable with it, we will have to send Mikasa with Levi but she's not as matured as you are and may make bad decisions which could turn out to be risky for us." Erwin explained.
A rush of bad memories went through her mind but at the end, (Y/N) decided that she had to face her past. "I'll go." she answered calmly. Erwin scanned her face before saying, "I see, well, the mission is simple. You two won't engage in fights with anyone. You will only pinpoint their locations and report back. The rest will be taken care of by Levi squad and Hanji squad. You will have to go to the upper class whore houses because knowing how Lords usually are, you probably will find them there. There's this tavern out there where all the upper class people goes to drink. It's called the Devil's Punchbowl.." Erwin was interrupted as Levi snorted.
"I know that place. The owner had a shit load of ego" he muttered. (Y/N) decided that she wanted to hear the story behind that. "As I was saying, (Y/N), you will get inside and get information. You're not too popular yet, at least not in the underground. That's more or less the plan now." Erwin explained. "I see. Understood." (Y/N) replied. Just then, Hanji entered the room with 39 other squad leaders of the survey corps. (Y/N) and Levi looked at Erwin with a confused expression. "Commander, I fetched everyone here." Hanji said before saluting. Erwin stood up and came in front of them. (Y/N) did the same and stood beside Levi.
Erwin then, explained the whole situation, "I was planning to choose the next commander before our next expedition to reseal wall Maria. I am confused about who to choose because I have two candidates on my list. It's either Hanji because of her quick thinking and innovative ideas or (Y/N) because of her quick thinking and ability to see patterns in the enemy and counterattack perfectly. I thought if all the squad leaders here except Hanji help me out with a voting. It's pretty simple, when I call out one of their names, you will raise your hand to vote for her." Erwin explained. (Y/N) was shocked at the whole thing but Hanji, however was not because Erwin mentioned that she was a candidate for the next commander long ago.
"Anyone voting for Hanji, raise your hand." Erwin commanded and 20 people raised their hands. "I see.. I guess it's a tie. This makes things rather difficult." Erwin sighed. "Commander? May I have a word?" (Y/N) told Erwin with a confident voice. "Yes?" Erwin asked. "I don't think I'm fit for this role." she stated. "Why is that, (Y/N)?" Erwin asked, curious about why she was throwing out the huge career opportunity.
"Commander, I am not suitable for this role because, firstly, I'm not the type of person with good leadership skills. My trainee corps records clearly states that I'm not good at teamwork. I will never be able to achieve the trust of a whole military division just by my strength. Yes, I might be able to make quick decisions but I can't ever make actual battle plans. Commander, you yourself invented a whole battle formation. I could never do something like that. Hanji however, made that explosive added with 3DMG within a few hours. I believe that Hanji would be a better choice." (Y/N) explained.
"But... But you outsmarted Commander Erwin that time... No one has ever been able to do that..." Hanji tried to interject but Levi stopped her. "Hanji, that's because you never tried to outsmart the commander." he said to her. Then he turned at Erwin and said, "Commander, I'd like to change my vote to Hanji. I just realized that Hanji will do a better job than (Y/N)." "Well, it's decided then. Hanji will be next in the chain of command." Erwin declared. Then he turned to (Y/N) and said, "As for (Y/N), you still deserve a promotion. I think, as you're almost as strong as Levi, a second special operations squad could be formed with you as a squad leader. I will complete the paperwork for that.".
"Thank you, Commander." (Y/N) replied professionally but a smile crept on her face. This really was an amazing day for her. Erwin then turned at everyone else and said that they were dismissed and everyone walked out of Erwin's office. While going out, Levi told (Y/N), "Congratulations on your promotion." with a smug look. "Thank you. How do you think we should celebrate it?" (Y/N) answered with an equally smug expression. "Well, I have some things in mind. We need to go to our room though. Shall we?" Levi mumbled near her ear, making her the skin tingle due to his warm breath on her neck. "After you" (Y/N) answered with a smirk.
When they reached Levi's room, Levi pinned (Y/N) to a wall and kissed her passionately. He helped her get rid of the survey corps coat that she had on and also the uniform underneath. "Go to bed, (Y/N). I'll be back shortly" He commanded her before picking up the clothes and retiring to the closet. (Y/N) knew that he will fold those up now. After all, he was the neatest person she met. She remembered a day from back when she just joined the special operations squad. She had been given stable duty that day.
"How do you never complain when heichou gives you stable duties? Everyone hates mucking the stables and he is downright unfair to you because you win sparring challenges with him sometimes." Eren ranted. He was walking with (Y/N) to the stable. "Well, he wasn't wrong. I did dirty his uniform this time. I could've been more careful with the tea if I wasn't reading a book while working. I don't think anyone would tolerate their subordinate throwing tea at them." (Y/N) muttered as a reply.
"Well, you're not wrong... But you did apologise. If he made you clean his uniform, that would be more fair. Mucking the stable seems like a bit too much." Eren told (Y/N) with a sympathetic look. (Y/N) shrugged it off and said, "Well, he's the captain. He's the one who makes the decision of what punishment we should get. I'd rather trust his judgement instead of calling it unfair.". "No wonder he doesn't hate you as much as he hates us..." Eren muttered before leaving (Y/N) alone.
Levi came to check how well the mucking was going to find (Y/N) scrubbing the last stall. It had only been three hours and Levi didn't expect (Y/N) to be done with the third stall. He checked the other stalls and found them practically spotless. The horses were tied on a tree nearby. "I didn't expect her to figure that out so soon... Eren took 3 times of re cleaning to figure that out..." Levi thought. The cleaning was above average. Almost as good as him. "You're pretty good at this. You'll be cleaning my room from now on." he commanded. Since then, (Y/N)'s cleaning duties were to clean Levi's room. They would chat while she was cleaning about books they both read. They had many friendly conversations, ones that lead to them having feelings for each other. Ones that lead to (Y/N) trusting Levi with her past.
It seemed stupid to (Y/N), how they denied their feelings for so long when they were there all that time. Levi came back, naked, while (Y/N) was lost in thoughts. "What are you thinking?" Levi asked her before pinning her down on the bed and kissing her neck. "I was thinking about that day. The day when you asked me to start cleaning your room?" (Y/N) sighed.
"Mhhm? That was a good decision. Those brats can't clean as good as you." Levi mumbled before going back to kissing her neck. His hands moved towards her vagina as his kisses got rougher, leaving marks on her neck. She was panting slightly as his fingers made his way into her vagina, stretching it, filling it. When he felt like she was wet enough, without any warning, he positioned himself and plunged into her making her yelp in pleasure. He moved in a rough pace, making her come closer to euphoria.
Meanwhile, Erwin sent Hanji to collect (Y/N)'s trainee corps report card and her so called birth certificate. Hanji, as she had nothing to do due to the lack of a lab in this survey corps branch, decided to get done with her work as fast as possible. She knew that (Y/N) was staying with Levi and decided to go to Levi's office, which was attached to Levi's room. To Levi's distaste, she never knocked before entering Levi's office and this time was no exception. Only, this time, she actually regretted doing it.
After entering Levi's office, she clearly heard the sound of sex and (Y/N)'s moaning from the other side of the door to Levi's room. She thought it would be funny to interrupt them and thus she called out, "Oi Levi! I need (Y/N) here for a second. Erwin sent me to get some documents from her." The noise stopped and after a minute or so, a fully dressed Levi came out of the room with an annoyed expression. "Don't you understand the concept of knocking, Hanji?" he told Hanji with his voice filled with contempt.
"Hey, not in mood for one of your boring lectures. I asked for (Y/N) anyway. Not you." Hanji said casually with a smile. "She probably will kill you when she's here." Levi replied in a deadpan voice. Just after Levi finished his sentence, (Y/N) came out of the room with a murderous glint in her eyes. "You have amazing timing, Hanji." she sneered at Hanji. Hanji deserved it though because she arrived just moments before (Y/N) reached an orgasm.
"Come on (Y/N)! I'd not..ahem..interrupt if I didn't have a good reason!" Hanji tried to reason with her. Hanji understood the fact that (Y/N) did not approve of her little joke at all and she didn't want to make (Y/N) hate her. After all, she considered (Y/N) as a good friend and the fact that (Y/N) set up her and Moblit together proved it. "I'm not carrying shopping bags for you again if you don't have a good enough excuse. What documents do you want?" (Y/N) asked in an annoyed voice. She wasn't as angry as before.
"Erwin asked for your trainee corps report card and your birth certificate. They are required for the paperwork for your promotion." Hanji explained herself. (Y/N) didn't reply to that and retired to Levi's room to dig those documents out from her bag. She didn't get a chance to unpack yet. When she found those, she handed them to Hanji and asked, "Well, is that all?" in a tone that clearly made Hanji realise that she wasn't wanted in the room anymore. Hanji understood why and decided to give them the privacy. "Yep. That's all" she answered cheerfully before leaving the office.
Levi was pounding into me and just as I started loosing all sense of my surroundings and reach orgasm, Levi stopped. "Don't stop! please!" I gasped but he pulled out and grunted with a sarcastic tone, "Shitty glasses is here. That woman didn't knock again and that must be the most amazing timing I can think of". " I'll kill her" I muttered before getting up on the bed. After Hanji was gone, I looked back at Levi and said, "Well? Let's continue where we left off?". Levi looked at me and said, " You know what (Y/N), I'll give you two options. We can either continue where we left off or try something new. You choose." with a smirk.
I decided that something new would be better since I was far from an orgasm right now. "Let's try something new." I answered. "Good choice. Now, go wash your asshole." he commanded. I was confused by his command but I stripped and went to the bathroom and did what he said anyway. When I was back, our clothes were already folded and Levi was putting them back in the closet. He made me suck his dick to get it hard again and then he made me turn around and bend. After that, he fucked me and made me cum. Did he forget about trying something new? Just when that thought crossed my mind, I found him using his fingers to scoop up my cum from outside my vagina and smothering them on my asshole. Then I felt his finger poke at it.
Suddenly, I understood what this was about. I read about it in books. He was going to try anal. I blushed furiously at the thought. I felt one of his fingers getting inserted in me slowly and a satisfied sigh escaped my mouth. He moved the finger to and fro slowly making me feel the weirdest sensations ever. More fingers were inserted, the sensation increased gradually by time until I felt his dick poking on that hole.
"Levi, it wont fit..." I tried to tell him but he suddenly plunged it all in, making me yelp in pain and pleasure. He didn't move for a while giving me some time to adjust to his size. "Tell me when you're ready" he muttered as he pulled my hair to get my face close to his. After a while, when the pain subsided, I told him, "You can move now..". He didn’t waste a second and started out moving slowly, increasing his speed rapidly. The amazing sensation was numbing my legs and blurring my mind. Suddenly, I felt something warm flowing inside me.
"Do me a favour and clench your ass." Levi muttered to me before pulling out. I did what he said and after pulling out, he picked me up and went to the bathroom because he figured out that my legs were jelly at this point. After getting me to the toilet seat, he commanded me to wash myself before leaving the bathroom.
No one's POV
It was time for lunch and (Y/N) was already dressed. Levi, however took time because the smallest crinkle on his clothes were unacceptable to him. (Y/N) often wondered how he managed to notice such small details on his clothes. Even during combat, he always tried to stay as clean and tidy as possible. "Levi, when are you buying that house that you talked about to Uncle Erwin?" (Y/N) asked as Levi was ironing his shirt with a metal pot filled with warm water.
"I'm planning to buy it before going to the next expedition. We will have to order the furniture too. Those will take a few months to be ready..." Levi muttered as he tried to get rid of that one crease which didn't seem to be going no matter how hard he tried. "Well, do you have any plans about where we should get the house?" (Y/N) asked. Levi paused at that. He didn't make any plans as he never thought he'd be in a situation like this. "Well, we could think about it later" he replied before wearing his shirt. As they were walking towards the canteen, he told (Y/N), "You're not seating with my squad today. You're a squad leader now so sit at the squad leader's table." (Y/N) nodded at him as they went together towards the squad leader table.
"Hey, maybe I should let the squad know about my promotion. After all, we will still be working together and they deserve to know why I'm not sitting with them.." (Y/N) started to say before getting interrupted by Levi who simply said, "Go ahead" before walking towards the leader's table. (Y/N) went to Levi squad's table and before she was able to say anything, the team started congratulating her on her promotion. "News does travel fast" (Y/N) thought. "I'll be sitting at the leader's table from now on but I'll see you guys during training. Our squads will be working together you see" (Y/N) started but was interrupted by Sasha.
"(Y/N), don't worry about us. We are your friends. We will find a way to spend time with you. You better become a better squad leader than Levi Heichou" she said but before (Y/N) could reply, Connie said, "Pretty sure that squad leader (Y/N) is scarier than Levi heichou sometimes." "Oi, call me (Y/N). You're not in my squad and we graduated together. By the way, how am I scarier than Levi?" (Y/N) asked, completely confused. "Well, you see, you're scary enough yourself but if anyone tries to hit on you or mess with you, that's basically picking on a personal fight with Levi Heichou. I'm surprised that horse face is still alive" Eren elaborated with a protesting Jean muttering "Shut up you suicidal bastard!".
After having a small talk with Levi squad, (Y/N) went to the Leader's table with her lunch. Hanji was already there and Levi was absent. "Where's Levi?" (Y/N) asked Hanji as she sat down beside her. "Oh, well, Queen Historia came to visit Erwin on some business. She called for Levi. He will be here soon." Hanji explained. The squad leader's table in this scout regiment branch was a long table that went horizontally to both ends of the canteen. It was placed at the end of the canteen, conveniently near the buffet table. Squad leaders were still coming in.
As (Y/N) started eating, two male squad leaders that she didn't know sat in front of her and Hanji on the other side of the table and one of them said, "Well, it seems like we have a new face around here. Weren't you a cadet only like a few months back?" "Yes. I got promoted today." (Y/N) answered politely. "Yes, we know that. We were there when it happened. You're sleeping with Levi aren't you? I don't understand why Commander Erwin gives a shitty thug so much importance. I heard you're even carrying Levi's bastard. Is that how you got the promotion? Just asking cause you don't look like you can take down a fly. Strongest woman my ass" the other man said with a smirk.
"For your information Steve, (Y/N)..." Hanji started with an angry expression but was interrupted by (Y/N) as she said, "Oi Hanji, don't you think the stew tastes amazing today?". Hanji was surprised by (Y/N)'s extremely calm reaction and she figured that (Y/N) had a plan and thus, didn't talk much on that matter. The guy named Steve, however, did not understand and continued, "Oi Tom, she isn't even denying it. Heard she calls the commander 'uncle'. The commander isn't her uncle for sure. Heard she's from the underground and was taken in by the (L/N). Pretty sure she has an affair with the commander too. What do you recon she'll do to the bastard?" he asked his companion who was named Tom.
"I dunno, probably sell it to some lord or something like any whore would." Tom chuckled but stopped immediately to find (Y/N) looking at him with a calm but piercing look. (Y/N) gave him a small smile and said, "You see, Steve and Tom, you are wrong in three places. You're right. I am a whore. Judging from how nosy you people are, I'm pretty sure you two know that I was found in a whore house in the underground. Here's where you're wrong. Firstly, you clearly didn't do much research on anything from after I got out from the underground. If you did, you'd not question my promotion. Heck, you'd not try to mess with me. Well, as you two didn't do your research properly, let's start with a fist fight. Practical classes are always better than theoretical ones right? Oh, and I don't want to fight Tom. Steve, you're the big guy, let's do a round. If I can't get you under my feet in 30 seconds, you win.".
"You'll fight me? Sugar, I don't hit women" Steve smirked. The whole leader's table were looking at (Y/N) and Steve. Levi arrived the scene just a while ago and heard most of what (Y/N) said. "(Y/N), I'll take care of him.." Levi tried to say but (Y/N) stopped him and said, "Let me do this by myself." "Do you happen to be afraid, Steve? " (Y/N) asked Steve as she stood up from her chair, rolled the sleeves of her shirt and walked in front of the seated Steve. "Steve, she's asking for it. Just beat her ass" Tom told Steve in a bored voice. Steve didn't answer to that and stood up. There was quiet a bit of space between the buffet table and the leader's table. The whole canteen was looking at Steve and (Y/N) now.
Steve charged at (Y/N) but (Y/N) simply used her hands to use Steve's height and weight to knock him down. She saw Eren do that to Jean multiple times and practiced it with Levi back when she was getting knife training. Of course, most people weren't surprised by such a feat from (Y/N) because they all trusted Erwin's decisions. As Steve was trying to get up, he saw (Y/N) casually walking towards him and kick him in the face with an extremely accurate amount of speed and at an extremely accurate area of the head which knocked him out.
"Well, Tom, do your research better next time. By the way, your second mistake was to think that Uncle Erwin isn't my uncle, because, he is. Thirdly, you shouldn't have said that thing about me selling my kid. I wouldn't have given lowlifes like you any attention if you didn't do that. Now that you succeeded in attracting my attention, help your friend to the medics. He'll have a concussion." (Y/N) told Tom, who was speechless by (Y/N)'s abilities. After Tom left with an unconscious Steve, (Y/N) sat back at her seat and started with her stew.
"Those are the bullies among the squad leaders. There are three types of squad leaders around here. Bullies like them, the normal ones, and people like myself or Levi, the ones who actually are assets to the Survey corps. These bullies thought you're one of the normal ones but they didn't think you'd be with the elites. They don't usually sit with us. They just came here today to mess with you. You'd not see them around usually." Hanji explained. "I reckoned you'd find this type of divisions in the military police. Not the Survey Corps." (Y/N) muttered as she slurped down her now cold stew. "(Y/N), every military division has shit like this. Some more than the others. None of the divisions are perfect." Levi answered to that before looking at Hanji and asking, "Hanji, where do you reckon we should buy a house?"
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Remember how (Y/N) walked on to Petra kissing Levi while getting to her cleaning duties before the 57th expedition? Now you know how she got the duty of cleaning Levi's room in the first place.]
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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chenles-moonpies · 5 years
Mission, failed
• An nct mafia au, chapter 1
• 2k words
"You go to china, find the boy, bring him back. Plain and simple."
"Plain and simple my ass. Does he know how many people are here!?" Winwin cursed as he looked around the corner from a fight they were observing. Taeyong, leader of his gang NCT, had sent him and Yuta on a mission to track down someone that fancied his eye. Normally Winwin did an exceptional job at spy work, but being paired with Yuta lately has had it’s consequences. "Also why am I with you?” Winwin complained,  “You don't speak a lick of Chinese and always mess up important details." The two had been paired together recently after Yuta begged a reluctant Taeyong to do so for weeks without consulting Winwin. He agreed eventually, “Fine. but I'm not sending you in the private jet when you go to China. Just Business class.” He had told Yuta.
"I'm offended. You know the rules! No solo missions." Yuta reminded his friend, "Unless you're in-"
"What's going on over there?" Cheers, or rather yells, were piercing the air around them. Citizens flocked to the middle of the bustling shopping roads where a fight broke out. Winwin and Yuta looked at each other before racing over to see as well. 
"I think that's the one." Yuta whispered. The crowd was rather large so it was a bit difficult to see, however Taeyongs words echoed loosely in his mind. "Short hair, gets in fights, Winwin I think we're done!" Yuta smiled brightly at the taller male. His response was a bit delayed. Could it really be him? Wasn't he a bit… small? 
"You IDIOTS!" Taeyong yelled, hands banging down on his desk. "I told you exactly what he looks like and what do you do? Bring me someone not any bigger than a Dream member!?" 
The man scoffed, "I'm not that small-?"
"Look, you want us to do well? Stop sending me with him!" Winwin fought back, pointing back to his partner. Yuta's face grew rather disgusted, if not disappointed. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "You always mess around and distract me." Winwin huffed. 
"Then stop getting distracted. It's not hard!" Taeyong bellowed. The room grew quiet until the tied up boy spoke, “You guys seem tense. Maybe you should take a bath or something, some tea might help, maybe some Vodka-”
“Shut up!” Taeyong shouted, cutting him off. The four men stood in Taeyong’s office for a moment, unsure of what to do. “I’m sorry, sir. Should we bring him back to China?” Winwin spoke sheepishly, suddenly aware that he should probably just comply with his boss.
“Are you insane or did you break into the drug stash on floor 15? We can’t let him go now. Leave him with me,” Taeyong sat down onto his chair and spun to face his back to the other three men, “I’ll talk to him.” Winwin and Yuta promptly left while bickering quietly. The door shut quietly with a click. “Ok, let's get to it,” Taeyong pulled up a pen and paper, “Name, date of birth, nationality, family and blood type please.” The man shuffled out of the ties restricting him, 
“People call me Ten. I was born 27th of February 1996, I have a mother and father and sister and I don’t know my blood type.”
“Whatever, we’ll just get someone in to test you. You didn't tell me your nationality.”
“Well i’m not Chinese as you thought.” 
“I didn't ask where you aren’t from, I asked where you are fr-”
“Why do you need to know, huh?” 
Taeyong stared at Ten with sharp fury. But that was only the exterior he showed. Inside he was shocked. No one had ever interrupted him like that. 16 members prior to Ten and it hasn't happened once. And that wasn't even the ones he had to “dismiss”
“Just tell me where you're from, pretty boy.”
Ten looked around at the pointings that hung around Taeyong’s office, “Is this you? Who painted it? Their brush technique is very… unique.”
“I Think you’d better sit down and tell me where you’re from before we have a problem.” Taeyong spoke through gritted teeth
“Was that so hard?” Taeyong pulled some papers from his desk, “Sit down, Ten.”
“Fine,” he responded, “But I'm sitting because I want to. Not because you told me to.” 
Taeyong slid a thin pile of papers across his desk and into the other man’s lap. 
“I’m not reading all that.” Ten said, picking up the pile.
“Don’t worry, I'll give you the summary.” He sat back in his chair, “This is the NCT X Building. Its headquarters for the NCT gang. I prefer the term mafia but… to each their own.”
“Oh, shit ok.” Ten pulled out a pair of glasses from a pocket in his silk shirt.
“Long story short my father founded the mafia and I took over after the incident. I never liked the way he ran it so i changed a lot of things. So if you ever think I'm treating you unfairly i’ll remind you he was incomprehensibly worse.”
“So you’re recruiting me?” 
“Call it what you want, you’re lucky I didn't just kill you.”
“Fair enough.” 
“You’ll get to meet the other members soon but essentially there are two sections: 127 and Dream. 127 handles korean affairs, mainly based in Seoul. Dream…” Taeyong paused to laugh, “Honestly it's more of an experiment than anything and the only reason I'm maintaining it is because they’re good kids and you can't exactly leave this organisations unless you leave in a hearse.”
Hang on, did you say ‘kids’?” 
“Yes, they're all pretty young. The youngest is 17 though so don't worry they aren’t too young. Anyway Dream only really handles very minor affairs but they've been doing well.”
“Jesus, you’re not gonna put me with them, are you?” 
Taeyong laughed, “You should be so lucky. You’ll probably get put into 127 but for now you’re a trainee. Sign here.”
Taeyong presented ten with a black piece of paper with a light grey print and a white signature line. “That's some shady shit, man.” Ten said,
“Fine,” Taeyong took the paper away, “this is a gang, you don't actually have to sign it,” He said, signing the name ‘Ten’ in neat cursive on the white line, “It’s just so the less intelligent members get a sense of security from the legitimacy of a contract. But you seem smart, so you don’t need that.” Ten laughed quietly in response,
“Now,” Taeyong whispered, pressing a black button on his desk, triggering the large mahogany doors to open, “Would you like to meet the others?"
"You said there's sixteen others, right? Why so many?" Ten questioned, following his new leader out of the room. "I have my reasons. This way."
The hallways were long, some narrow, Ten noted. It wasn't dark like he imagined gang buildings to be either. Most rooms had a large glass window to show into it but a few were kept a secret behind locked doors. They peaked his interest for sure, so the male made a mental note to explore once he has a bit more freedom. 
"In here is the main break room on the floor. Usually you can find Johnny, Jaehyun, or maybe even Jeno in here." 
"So many J names." Ten laughed. Taeyong couldn't disagree there. "Come in." He nodded his head as he opened the door. 
"Johnny, Jaehyun, meet Ten." Taeyong said, introducing him. Johnny nodded while Jaehyun presented his hand. "You must be the new recruit!" Another voice spoke out. A head popped over the edge of the old, slightly tattered, orange couch in the corner of the room. "Who are you?" Ten asked.
"Mark Lee. I'm in all the units. Well, was."
"What do you mean, aren't there only two?"
"He was in dream but graduated. He doesn't have an official position yet."
"That's why I'm in all of them. In Hopes of finding out." Mark said, pointing his thumb and finger at Ten like he held a real gun. "Enough chat. Anyone know where Doyoung went?" Taeyong asked. Everyone shook their heads no. 
"Maybe in U-" 
"Right, later then. I'm sure someone is in the cafeteria." Taeyong blurted, interrupting Mark. The leader walked out, the heavy door slamming behind them. "Mark, you idiot. No one can know about U so soon!" Jaehyun scolded, smacking the younger boy on the shoulder.
"What's U? I don't understand." Ten asked, his mind buzzing to know what secrets Taeyong was keeping. He'll be damned if he gives up trying to find out. "Who knows Honestly. Kid is so overworked I don't think he would know where his head was if it weren't attached." 
Taeyong re-entered, brushing something off his shirt, and was immediately bombarded with Ten’s questioning "What positions were they all?" Ten asked. 
“Does this guy ever shut up? Why does he want to know everything so bad…?"  Taeyong thought. "Johnny is the muscle. I count on him to keep people in check, sometimes to do the dirty work. Jaehyun is 127s Charmer."
"Every talented mafia needs someone to swoon others to get desired information." 
"That desperate huh?"
"You won't understand. Not yet."
Ten took in his sudden surroundings as he noticed Taeyong had been leading him down a couple flights of stairs. "Elevators?" He asked. Taeyong shook his head. "Not to the floor we're going to. Doyoung likes his privacy." 
After walking for what seemed like hours, Taeyong and Ten finally got to their desired floor. “I get this dude wants his privacy but this is ridiculous.” Ten complained, pretending to be out of breath. Taeyong let out a small laugh, “You know, Ten, I hope your sense of humour helps you get around obstacles and doesn't cause you problems.” 
“Well,I'd be lying if I said they hadn’t before.” The two approached a tall, oak door with a silver “DY” on it next to an eye hole. “Kind of weird that you guys have peep holes on bedrooms.” Ten said as he got on his tiptoes to look through it, “It’s blacked out!”
“Mhm. Everyone but me is supposed to have an eyehole to make sure no one’s up to any funny business but Doyoung has a tendency to disagree with that rule.”
Taeyong knocked three times on the door before opening it, “Doyoung, you’ve got company!” He yelled. A tall, slender man with dark wet hair entered from around the corner, “Taeyong, you might be everyone’s boss but you can't just come in here unannounced. I’m your right hand man not your slave,” he looked up from tying a black robe around himself, “I don’t just do whatever you want me to like the others d-” He paused, “What does he want?” 
Taeyong laughed, “Doyoung, you’ve never been the best at making people feel welcome.”
“This looks like a Jaehyun thing.”
“Huh?” Ten looked at Doyoung, puzzled,
“Is this another ‘date in exchange for information’ thing because I'm not doing that again, that's why we have Jaehyun.” Doyoung walked back around the corner.
“No, it’s not.” Taeyong yelled over to him, “And if it was, you’re not supposed to say that to the person.”
Doyoung re-entered from around the corner now fully dressed in a white dress shirt, a silk tie, and tailored slacks. “I have to go out.”
“I don’t remember you telling me that.” Taeyong responded.
“I don’t remember me needing to.” Doyoung pushed passed the two men.
“My name’s Ten.” Ten shouted as Doyoung started up the stairs,
“Thats nice.”
“He’s going to be rooming with you for now.” Taeyong yelled.
“What?!” Doyoung came back down the stairs.
“It’s only temporary while we make up a room for him. Everyone has a roommate and they have smaller rooms. You’re alone and you have a room that could fit at least five people.”
Doyoung stared angrily at Ten, “Fine. But if this lasts more than a week, You and I,” Doyoung looked Ten up and down, “We’re gonna have a problem.”
“I’ll see you around, Doyoung.” Ten responded with a smile. Doyoung stormed off leaving a tapping sound on the marble floor echoing throughout the halls.
Taeyong and Ten looked to each other as Ten laughed, “I like him.”
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forthemultiverse · 5 years
Could Halo Be A Mole?
Young Justice Season One has given me serious trust issues – and Season Two didn’t do anything to fix that: Kaldur, Jaime, Lex at the end of the season, etc, but anyway, I just don’t buy Terra as being this season’s big betrayal. The Judas Contract is so well known at this point that even if they didn’t show us, we would’ve all know she was with Slade. Dr Jace is a pretty good candidate for a later betrayal, but that wasn’t subtle either; the fact she was technically working with Bedlam at the start of the season, taking Halo's DNA, wanting to be with the kids so much, and the mentioning of her lost child.
I started to think about the Young Justice on Apokolips story in the comics, and, well Greta Hayes has a biggish role, yet in Earth-16, she's be shown as just a ghost. Obviously, the show isn’t comics accurate and they could completely leave this aspect of the story out, but that didn’t stop me from falling down a research rabbit hole, and now, I reckon Halo could potentially be the twist betrayal of the Season following a storyline that takes moments from Greta’s.
There were a few things that drew me to Halo when thinking about a mole,
S3E1 – she let the assassins in, she’s shocked and taken captive which implies it’s an accident, but the guy who actually killed them was a suicide killer. Bedlam used him then killed him and she could be in the same situation. The Wiki said she had a job and was just afraid of the guards, which is why she was hiding but I do not buy that. It looked like she was trying to steal something in that scene.
Her memory problems, why create a character with no memories and then have those memories mean literally nothing? I’m waiting for them all to come back and for there to be some big bombshell in them.
The New Genesis/Apokolips connection formed by making her part Motherbox
The comment Silas Stone made about how technology can be neither good nor bad, it’s the user that’s responsible (I’ll come back to this point).
The Scene in Triptych after Halo goes Dues Ex Machina white and gets Brion back off Shade, well, the way Forager says ‘Halo happened’ wasn’t happy, it sounded like he was concerned/scared, like there was a ‘…’ at the end of the sentence. Brion and Halo smiled at each other which caused Forager to smile too, but considering he’s the one from New Genesis, if he’s worried, I’m going to be a little worried too.
Conner literally says, ‘we can’t let a girl in with no memories, she might be brainwashed or soemthing and we don’t want another Red Arrow situation’
Finally, more of a random thought I had, The Judas Contract has; a Markovian Royal, a relationship, and betrayal, so, what if, instead of the royal betraying the person who’s romantically interested in them (Terra and Gar), it’s the royal that gets betrayed by his girlfriend (Brion and Halo). It fits well since Perdita/Gardita is there and there doesn’t seem to be a reason to break them up. After working out those things, I started to research things that could be similar between Greta/Secret and Halo – by the way, I’m gonna refer to her as Halo because…well her ‘human’ name changes.
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Some Similarities: Can’t remember their lives before their superhero ones, rescued by then joined teams, have powers connected to life and death, and have been separated from their powers at the end of their stories before (or well, Halo’s become two beings, one human and one super)
Not relevant to the story but I thought it was a nice coincidence: Greta went by Suzie because when the YJ girls were talking about getting her a name, Cissie suggests using one of hers (Suzanne) and on Earth-16, she gets dubbed Violet by Brion and then takes Harper from Will Harper – they both get their names from their new friends.
Now, details from the YJ Darkseid comic story: The team ended up on Apokolips (due to some things to do with fighting on earth) and Tower of Babel had just happened which lead to mistrust in Tim, who was the leader at the time. 
While The Team is mentally tortured, Greta is taken to speak to Darkseid, who reveals her backstory and real name. He offers to be her mentor. The team escape with the help of an army of Lobo's, she doesn't tell them anything other than her real name.    
Later on, the team says no to rescuing her dad (he killed her brother so’s in jail) She does it anyway and goes into a fit of rage, vanishes to accept Darkseid's offer.
The team prepare to go against her as she starts absorbing life (I think that's what she does, I can't remember, she's doing something bad that I'm pretty sure is killing a lot of things) Tim talks her down and appeals to the good in her. She breaks down crying and fixes everything she did.
Darkseid punishes her by taking away all her powers and immortality, not realising that being normal is all Greta ever wanted to be.
Not sure where in the timeline this bit is: Greta's dad is possessed by her brother when she saves him, and he chucks them both into a fire, seemingly killing them both, and I think that's when Greta goes to Apokolips and the team are told to take her betrayal as a lesson by their mentor (Snapper Carr - the guys who’s at M’gann and Conners house all the time)
Season Three is about the Anti-Life Equation and Meta-Human Trafficking, so this type of betrayal storyline doesn’t have to happen, but like I said earlier, trust issues, so hear me out. I don’t think Halo is secretly evil or anything, but you have to consider the Motherbox of it all, because that is connected to the Anti-Life Equation, and being part Motherbox is going to have some kind of effect on Halo’s character arc/morals.
Things To Know About Motherboxes
New Genesis-based, and though the people who created them are known, their true nature and origin aren’t.
Provide user with unconditional love, to the point they self-destruct when the owner dies (NOT MAKING THIS BIT UP) and can only be made by beings of New Genesis and Apokolips
Who is the owner Halo’s Motherbox since she’s died multiple times and it’s not blown up. A few people have Motherboxes – like Orion (Darkseid’s son) who is the defender of New Genesis, and in the past, DS has switched his box to try and control him.
Coming back to that Silas comment, tech isn’t good or evil, it’s the user, well who is her user???
A Motherbox saved Darkseid after he was defeated by Doomsday
Get their powers from life-giving sources
Fatherboxes: Apokolips based, can bring people under Darkseid’s influence, get their power from the Anti-Life Equation
 So, Victor keeps going bad because of the Fatherbox, but the Motherbox makes him good? Surely that could be a two-way thing, and Motherboxes could go bad?
And here’s what I think could happen in Season Three B,
We’ve been shown Bart going through an enemy boom tube in the trailer, and considering Granny Goodness is a Darkseid Agent, we can predict that he ends up on Apokolips (I could go into detail about Bart’s fear of dying that caused him to retire for a bit in the comics but not relevant). If he, and the meta’s with him, need rescuing, Halo could end up on Apokolips too. While others are captured, she comes face to face with Darkseid, who gives her memories of her old life and offers her a place on his side. Whether she says yes or no doesn’t really matter, because she can now be crashing into an identity crisis or having to fight ‘Halo’/Motherbox for control of her body. Her Motherbox could also be corrupted by Darkseid during this conversation, something slipped on her arm, in a drink, just his mind entering the boxes.
Darkseid could be using her Motherbox to spy on the team without Halo even knowing, all Roy Season One, or she could just eventually give in and let the Motherbox take control of her. Once losing control she becomes a minion of Darkseid and the team now need to find a way to separate her.
(Angst on how people feel as not everyone realises she’s being controlled at first and just thinks he betrayed them)
To separate Halo from the Motherbox, it could go very Greta like, the team get a breakthrough with her and Darkseid punishes her by stripping the Motherbox side of her, leaving her normal. I’d kinda like that? Maybe? Because she’d get to be happy and live a normal life, she could still return to the Team eventually, using technology like Rockets (Yes I lowkey want Rocket to get to mentor someone just so she can be back in the story a little lol)
Another option is Dr Helga Jace. I already mentioned that she seemed shady, and she really does, she gets even shadier when you research her.
CW Black Lightning has her as a character: involved with illegal experiments, lost rights to see her child, made an anti-ageing serum for Tobias Whale (remember when I mentioned him in Halo research earlier?? – he’s with Intergang by the way, the people who had a Fatherbox in Season Two)
Prime Earth: she’s neither good or evil, appeared in Suicide Squad comics, the team that Halo joined.
New Earth: Royal Markovian Scientist, secretly a member of the Manhunter Cult, installed a psychic control on Metamorpho  before using him to attack the Outsiders, helped Halo get her memories back.
Now, that mention of psychic control made me think back to Halo in Prime Earth…she was being mind controlled by the Kobra Cult…huh. The reason she got free of the mind control was because a scientist double-crossed the Kobra Cult. HUH.
And Tobias Whale…a Black Lightning villain…who hired Syonide to kill Halo and her parents…
Pause to explain why this little bit is important, sorry for all the info dumping, Syonide isn’t some super prominent assassin in the DC Universe, but she killed Violet Harper, her parents, and she was sent to kill a Russian Scientist that Phantom Lady was protecting (I promise this could actually be relevant). Obviously, Dr Jace isn’t Russian, she’s Markovian, but considering that scientist doesn’t even have a name, I don’t think it’s that much of a problem if she took his place. Reason why this could actually be important, one it connects another scientist to Halo, but also, Phantom Lady was going to lose, Syonide had teamed up with Merlyn to kill this person, and WALLY WEST FLASH saved them.
So, I think Dr Jace is shady, research points that she probably is, but after she’s revealed to have still been dabbling in meta-human experiments, she could bargain with the Team. They need her as an insider to save Halo. She double-crossed the bad guys to get Halo back in control of herself (like the scientist who did it in the Kobra Cult story) and when Darkseid comes to get her, the Team, specifically Dick, Artemis, and Conner, are in charge of protecting her, they start to get a little overwhelmed and started talking about how much easier it used to be and how much they miss their old team, and boom, Wally has a lightning rod to come back from the speed force to help them. Happy Reunion and Halo’s no longer evil. Wooo. That last bit’s just a hope because I miss Wally, but I stand by Dr Jace being key to helping the team while still being morally grey. Plus, if she gets Halo back to normal pretty quickly, Halo could then be a spy for the team, a way to get one over on Darkseid.
Terra gets her Slade plot, but it could play out as an upward arc: she’s betraying them of her own choice and regrets it so bad once she gets to know everyone. She comes to their side, everyone thinks they’re in the clear because they’ve got the mole! Then Halo’s revealed to be with Darkseid. It would be such a good twist and the set-up is there.
Let me know what you think of this theory! (Doubt anyone’s actually gonna read it all but I had to get it all down lmao)
Anyway: Here’s my insanity board though I doubt it’s good enough quality to really be read
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
The Dark Prince: Chapter Four: Believe In Him
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"So you what you are saying is that you came from the future because something happened in our time that causes your future's destruction?"
"Yes! That's exactly what I am saying!"
Amy and Shadow looked at each other and then at the white boy in front of them. Excitement on his to eyes to finally have found someone who took interest in his mission.
"Sorry to inform you boy, but you are a few days too late," Shadow confirmed.
"What do mean?"
"G.U.N's Commander was found dead a few days ago. I was the one who found him."
"No, that's not possible. The Phamton Ruby sent me here on a specific time in which I can stop the tragedy. If he was dead, I would have been sent back to another time to try again...are you sure he is dead?"
"Are you calling me a liar?"
Amy felt Shadow's anger raise up as she found his voice more annoyed than usual. "Well, have you thought that maybe the dead of G.U.N's Commander is not really the cause of your future' destruction?", Amy jumped into the middle of the two boys to prevent anything else from happening.
"Well...it could be a possibility." Silver looked into the flames in front of him. Fire, the thing that reminded him the most about his future. Destruction, annihilation, fear. But this place wasn't like anything that reminded him of that.
"Silver...are you alright?"
"Yes... it's just that, this place is so quiet. It's been a long time."
"What happens in the future? , if I may ask."
"Everything was going well until a weird diseased began to spread. It was spread by touch, and whoever had it would become kinda like a zombie. They would only follow orders from the Superior."
"The Superior?" Shadow asked this time as he calmed down.
"Yes, he controls everyone but nobody knows how he or she looks like. He wears a mask whenever he shows up to do his "Public Speeches." Silver looked up to the stars above him and he wonders when was the last time he had seen a clear sky.
"How come you are the only one here then?"
"The Rebellion* of the future decided I was the best candidate to travel back in time... I am their last hope."
Shadow stood up from his place and walked around Silver's space. Silver knew what he was doing and so Amy. He was inspecting him as if to try and see if he was worthy.
"Really? You were their last hope?"
"You don't know what I am cable of", Silver reply as he stood up, he had gone through a lot of things and he wasn't gonna let anybody doubt him of his capabilities.
"One on one... just you and me on a fair fight."
Amy knew that Shadow wasn't the type to pick up fights just because. That was more like a thing Sonic would do but she knew that you can learn a lot from a person just by fighting with them. Shadow didn't want to know how strong he was, but if he was worthy of his trust.
Silver took a moment to look at Shadow, up and down and he just sighed as he went back to his seat next to Amy. "Sorry I don't fight with old people."
Shadow was ready to smack that kid on the head right then and there. But Amy's sudden comment interrupted his action.
"Oh, well technically Shadow is more 50 years old!"
"That explains why he is so grumpy."
"I was time frozen! I didn't develop-mentally nor physically! I am still young!"
Amy has never seen Shadow fume so bad as to this moment. And to be honest it was actually kinda funny.
"That explains why you are so short then."
Ouch, that hurt.
Silver had won Amy's respect. She had to admit that he was pretty optimistic for someone whose future was destroyed. It must be horrible to live in a future where you see your friends being zombified and can't do anything about it.
Wait a second.
"Hey Silver...did the ones who have a diseased in your future... did they looked, I don't know... kinda metallic for you?" Amy interrupted the boys. Silver took a moment to look at her. "Yes... how did you know that?"
"Years ago, during the time of the Resistance, Dr. Eggman created a biological weapon. It was a disease that just by contact with it, the subject would be "zombified" on the moment. Their most stand out characteristic was their metallic fur."
"That's probably it then! I just have to find it the substance and destroy it!" Silver said with relieve in his voice as his course of the route was finally taken the right place.
"It's not as easy as that." Amy began. "We tried everything to destroy it, but nothing worked. We couldn't even find an antidote. So we decided to hide all the substance we found in a remote place. Somewhere no one knows about but...Tails."
"Tails? That fox boy?." Shadow said but he turned around to face a bush. He could swear he had heard something coming.
"Wait a moment. Tails? Fox? You are not talking about Tails Miles Prower right?" Silver looked at Amy then at Shadow who was still looking toward the woods.
"Yes, that one."
"I can't believe it, he is a legend! I would like to meet him very much!" Silver grabbed Amy's hand as to beg her, he looked like a small child which Amy found extremely cute.
"So as to right now, we should look for Tails and ask him where the substance is. I am almost sure that whoever wants to find it, is also somehow invoked with the death of the Commander, Amy."
"Wait, Amy?-" Silver wanted to continue but was terribly interrupted by an explosion on their bonfire.
Just like that, the three hedgehogs were surrounded by more than 15 G.U.N agents, all ready to take them out. Shadow was sure that he could recognize most of them if it wasn't that everyone was wearing something to cover their faces. Shadow was never really found to do that. All though if his supervisors would ask him to, due to safety reasons, he always denies it. But right now it wasn't the time to think about the past. If they decided to become his enemy, then he will fight like he always has.
Silver noticed how Amy made a hammer appeared out of thin air and he almost lost it. The inner fanboy in him took over.
And that when everyone attack.
"Wow the future really does like to blow out everything out of portions" that's what Amy wanted to say but was more worried about the G.U.N who was in front of him.
And then he wasn't.
He had flown out of the scene, landing on a three. Amy turned around to find Silver hold three soldiers on the air.
"WHAT KIND OF POWER IS THAT, ARE YOU CRAZY? PUT THEM DOWN!" Amy screamed at him as she rubbed towards him.
"Yes man!" Silver saluted Amy in a militia manner and as he did, he left all three soldiers land on each other, hurting themselves more than their target.
"We got no time for this!" Shadow grabbed Amy and picked her up. "Follow me!" He said to Silver and in a flash, Shadow was out of sight to him.
"WAIT I AM NOT AS FAST!!!" Silver used his psychokinesis on him to try and fly faster and although he could spot a black figure in the distance, it was still really hard to keep up, especially during night time.
If there was one thing Silver hated the most, was to be left behind.
Now what? They had ended up in somewhere that Shadow knew about. They had been running all night, for Shadow it wasn't a problem but he was starting to get worried as he hasn't seen any white figure following from behind. He stopped for a little to let Amy stretch her legs as well.
"Where are we heading to now?". Amy asked as she stretched.
"Pavlopetri. G.U.N's elite Mechanics team resides there. No doubt that fox boy is there."
Shadow then felt a presence coming. "Talking about boys." He turned around and there he was, Silver giving his last push to keep up with the black hedgehog.
"Don't ever. Do that. AGAIN." Silver threaten as he landed on his knees, he would kill for a cup of water and some food right now.
"If you can't keep up, then don't tag along. Don't worry we will save your future." Shadow walked away as he kept an eye on Amy who was helping Shadow to get up.
"No! I must do it myself!"
Silver stood by himself, refusing Amy's aid. Shadow had to admit that his boy reminded him of someone. He sighed, "We are 30 minutes away from Pavlopetri. If you still want the hero's job well...it waits for you over there."
Pavlopetri was one of the biggest city in Mobius. With more than 7 million in population, it was no wonder why G.U.N had decided to put one of their biggest team in the city. It was going to hard to get into the tower and the three hedgehogs knew that. Before going into the city they needed to make a plan. However, the best they could at the moment was to sit down on the outskirts of the city.
"I am going in," Shadow said as he stood up from the grass. The strong wind coming their way.
"But Shadow-"
"I am the only who knows how their system works. I am the best spy G.U.N has ever had. I am sure I can a couple of minutes to talk to Tails."
"But I want to meet him!", Silver whined. "Besides we are a team! We have to stick together."
"I run better solo." Shadow turned around and looked at Silver. At this point, Shadow wasn't playing any games.
"Well, I won't stay here and do nothing! I am coming with you whether you like it or not!" Silver stood up and smiled at Shadow, but what he got instead was a dark look.
"If complications happen, I might not be able to take care of you."
"I can take care of myself."
"I had many trained agents tell me those same words...must of them are dead now." Shadow looked at Silver's disappointed face and continued. "Your time to shine would come, don't pressure it."
"Its alright Silver, you can stay with me! Actually, I think I have an idea on how to keep us busy while Shadow is gone!", Amy said as she comforted him.
"So," Silver looked at Shadow one more time, "I have to stay and take care of Amy, uh?"
"No," Shadow gave him an empathetic look. "Amy is gonna stay here and take care of you."
"Wait, what?"
"Don't misunderstand the situation kid. I am not taking Amy with me because she is staying to take care of you."
Silver thought that that was more like it. Even if there was no clear record of what happened 200 years ago, the orphanage and the friends he made there would always talk about the Resistance Heros. Amy Rose, Resistance Captain, one the strongest. Rumors have it that her hammer is so powerful that her enemies would fear for their eyes whenever they encountered her. Of course, there were others like Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails Miles Prower, Knuckles the Edquina and Shadow the Hedgehog who later on would become the-
"Anyways, I should get going. I'll ask for information and leave as soon as I can. If I don't come back in two hours, then leave this place as soon as you can. Look for Rouge or Omega."
This time, Shadow looked at Amy. Wind blowing on through her quills, the lights of the city shining on her head. "Will you wait for me?"
Shadow smiled and was about to take in for a run but stopped as soon as he felt Amy grabbed onto his arm. "Thank you, Mr. Angry."
"Don't thank me yet, Mrs. Angry.", Shadow smirked, and gently removed his arm out of her grasp.
"Um... am I interrupting something.?"
It had been ten minutes and Silver and Amy were only appreciating the fact that Shadow had left. "Well, I think we should start looking for some provisions, or something." Silver turned around and began to look at his surroundings.
"No, we are gonna do something better," Amy said.
"What do mean?"
"We are stealing a Chaos Emerald."
"Didn't your friend said to stay on the outskirts of the city?"
"If we get this Chaos Emerald, then it will be easier to travel around and for us to defend ourselves." Amy and Silver were currently on the air conducts of a top security area. Last time Amy checked, all seven Chaos Emeralds were placed in different locations around the world. One of them and the only one she knew its whereabouts was the green emerald that lied securely on the northern outskirts of the city of Pavlopetri. How did she know? During the time period of the war with Eggman when Sonic was presumed dead, Amy decided to embark on a solo adventure to find the Chaos Emeralds to help revive Sonic somehow. She found three and after the war, she gave them to G.U.N. to take care of them. As a thank you, G.U.N. gave her the location of them.
"I can't believe that the Chaos Emeralds are real. I would only hear stories about them when I was a kid." Silver added.
"How come you came back to the future if not by the Chaos Emeralds?" Amy asked as she tried to talk as low as she could.
"We used something my people called the Phantom Ruby... We inserted that into an old time machine, we didn't it was going to work. But it did and here I am."
Amy noticed a bright light coming from the end of the air conduct and headed towards it.
"Anyways, I don't see the point in getting the Chaos Emerald. Legend says that only descendants of the Dark King are able to control the power of Chaos. And of course Sonic the Hedgehog but he is just a children story."
Alright, Amy had to stop Silver on his tracks. " Does the future ever say anything accurate about the past?"
"Don't blame me! Before I was born, there was a period of time in which the Superior declared all history records as illegal and they were all burned into ashes. Teachers aren't even allowed to teach history." Silver whispered in hopes that Amy would be able to hear his voice.
"That sounds horrible...who ruled before the Superior took over?" Amy asked as she looked back to him. She was right in front of the ventilation door but waited for the last guard to leave the room.
"We don't know for sure. But people say that out the first ruler was The Dark King and after that, his descendants took over. Some say that the Superior killed all of his descendants during the Great War. But honestly, the only thing my people have ever know is as 'Leader' is The Superior."
Amy could see how Silver's voice had changed on perspective. She felt sorry for the boy, she held his hand to try and give him some type of comfort. "We will fix this Silver. I promise."
"You know," Silver began. "My people have the hope that one day, one of the descendants of the Dark King will come back and claim his rightful place as the King and with that, bring a new era of peace. I used to believe that when I was a kid, but eventually I lost hope on that ever happening. Instead, I wanted to become a hero and take the matter into my own hands."
"We won't fail."
Amy then opened the ventilation door with a kick. and landed softly thanks to Silver's psychokinesis.
"Oh, but by the way, "Amy added quickly as she walked towards the Chaos Emerald. You were right, Sonic the Hedgehog can use the power of the Chaos Emeralds. But so, can Shadow."
With that, the alarms went on. Amy didn't think much, as she was fast to break the glass in which the Green Chaos Emerald was inside of with her hammer.
"You really need to learn how to control yourself, you know that!"
Silver had to admit that she was right. But he couldn't control it, hearing that his childhood heroes were alive and actually real was too much for him to handle. He smiled as they both began to climb up the air conduct again.
What a great time to be alive.
It was pretty easy to enter the base. He had to admit that the lasers in the air conduit system was a nice touch but he honestly expected more of the 'elite' Mechanic Team. Maybe he was just getting too good on this.
But one thing Shadow couldn't do was to know where everything was. He knocked down one the G.U.N agents and took his uniform to go by unseen. After all, there was a lot of security cameras and if one of the officers were to see a black hedgehog with red stripes on the building, well... it will be pretty much end game for him.
"This new project we are working on is killing me." Shadow heard an employee say as he walked onto the employees' dining room. Firstly, to get information about the whereabouts of the yellow fox and secondly, to get a small cup of coffee.
"Tell me about it. I don't know what Mr.Prower is thinking to do what that travel machine." Said the employee to his coworker who was eating as well.
Shadow grabbed a plastic cup from the dispenser and waited for his black coffee to come out of the machine.
"You gotta admire him tho, spending all day on the F-5 must be a pain in the butt. I mean come on, he is the Mechanic's Team main director! You have a nice office on F-7, use it!"
Sometimes Shadow thought that his job was way too easy.
The black coffee came out of the machine successfully and he didn't hesitate even a second to take a big gulp out of the still boiling liquid. Just how he liked it.
He was about to walk out of the room but the two friends caught his attention. "Hey, you!"
Shadow turned around, hoping that he was covered enough to not show any indication that he was Shadow the Hedgehog.
"This is the dining room for the Mechanic's Team members ONLY... Agents are on F-2"
Shadow took a moment to look at the black wolf in front of him. His attire similar to the one Tails was so known for. Googles, boots, a belt around his waist that contained every key possible and of course that dirty look.
"I am sorry I just got transferred, I'll leave now." Shadow turned around to face the door just to once again to be interrupted on the act. "Transfer from where?"
"Capital Mobius."
"You are from the Capital? Oh, have you met Shadow the Hedgehog? I heard he is located there, he was the top spy until he switched sides and helped that pink hedgehog kill G.U.N
He wanted to just nod and keep going on his day. However, it had been a while since he had heard any news about G.U.N's current stance. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to make a little bit of conversation about the topic.
"I saw him a couple of times, he was always busy so I never talked to him."
"Maybe it was better that way, I always thought he was too edgy. Now it turns out he is crazy too...Don't surprise me too much actually."
This was going to be a long talk.
And it was.
Strangely enough, Shadow had made two friends that day. And he learned two important things. G.U.N had ordered all intelligence theme to work on a new project, a Time Machine and experiment a new-found rock, which they did not know anything about.
Also that Amy and he were now topping the list of the most wanted criminals by G.U.N.
But he already knew that.
Shadow jumped into the elevator and pressed F-5. While the elevator was going up, he thought of the first thing he would say to Tails. He knew that they didn't have the best relationship.
Right now, the best bet he could get is that the Rabbit girl had told him about their situation already. With that, earn his trust enough so he tells Shadow the information he needed.
He stepped out of the elevator and walked himself around the hallway. He looked left to right, trying to spot behind the glass doors the famous two tail boy. Weirdly enough, there were no other workers passing by the hallway. Shadow didn't give too much thought about and kept looking. A few minutes passed and finally, he found what was looking for.
Tails was looking diligently on something that Shadow couldn't tell what it was. Moving back and forth, reading papers, screwing nails again and again just to unscrew them and start again. He didn't notice Shadow's presence until he made himself known.
"We need to talk."
"I already have enough trouble as it is... now you are asking me to give the location of a biological weapon that doesn't exist?"
Tails closed with the key the door to the lab and went back to his seat, where he began writing again on a piece of paper.
"I know it's too much to ask, but you have to believe me when I say this is all for Amy." Shadow placed both of his hands down on the table, mask down to his chin to show that he was being serious about all of it.
"Your worst mistake has always been underestimating your enemy."
Tails then pointed at his ears and that when Shadow knew it. It was already odd enough that they didn't have security cameras around the room nor the halls, but one thing they had for sure was mini microphones, hidden in all over the building probably.
"I think I know how far I can go." Shadow tried playing it cool, as he saw Tails passing down the paper he was previously writing on before. A clear note was written on it:
"I pressed the button that's under the table to call G.U.N agents to come to this floor already. You have less than 2 minutes to get out. Sorry that I am not able to help you directly, but they have Cream, and I must finish this time machine as soon as possible so they can release her. If you really with Amy then tell her this:
"There's nothing we can do but watch"
Shadow looked up to Tails to let him known that he had understood. He folded the paper and made his personal mission to deliver it to Amy as soon as possible.
The only thing now was to get out of that place as soon as possible.
Piece of cake.
Shadow looked around and panicked as he didn't see a clue of Amy and Silver. Just where were they? He was close to starting screaming their names but soon approaching footsteps followed.
"Shadow! You are back!"
Amy run towards him and wanted to hug him but decided that right now it wasn't the time. They were being followed by G.U.N for stealing the Chaos Emerald and she still didn't know how to tell Shadow without him getting angry.
"Tails gave me this, he said you would know by reading this."
He handed over the letter to Amy and he gave a look to Silver. Who shakes nervously at the sight of him staring.
"I can't believe it! They have Cream!."
"We have to hurry up and decider who's behind all of this if you want her free. So remember, what did the fox boy meant by "There's nothing we can do but watch."
Amy handed over the paper to Silver who began reading while Amy was in deep thought. It was one of these days that he wished he had paid attention to ancient literature. Although he could understand Amy and her black friend, the writing system and grammar were a bit different from the one in the future. He thankfully could understand the message within.
"I got it!"
Silver and Shadow turned to face Amy as they waited for an answer.
"Tails told me that the first time I saw him after Sonic 'died'. It must be there somewhere."
"Well I don't remember exactly, it's been a long time but we have the Chaos Emerald! That should work right?"
"You have what?" Shadow said surprised.
"I'll explain later, we have to leave. I'll think of the place on my mind, Shadow you conduct the Chaos Control."
Amy could have sworn that she heard Silver's neck break in two at how hard he looked at Shadow.
"All right, everyone grab into me," Shadow said as Amy handed him the green Chaos Emerald. Amy held his hand and Silver's as well.
"Chaos Control!"
The place was dusty and rusty, just liked Amy remember but older. The three hedgehogs successfully tele-transported to the place Amy was thinking of.
"This was Tails' first laboratory after we thought Sonic was dead, I came here to see how he was doing. Eggman had begun his attack on us and Tails just told me "There's nothing we can do but watch."
Shadow walked towards the big containers. And saw them carefully being stored and labeled as "extremely dangerous."
"So you began the resistance?" Silver asked still admiring the pink hedgehog. "Well, me and a red echidna I know."
"I found it, track Communication system, I'll be waiting."
Amy and Silver looked at each other then at Shadow, confused.
"Shadow, to who are you talking to?"
Amy's voice began to break, she didn't want to believe what her eyes were seeing.
"I think it is obvious enough...Chaos Control!"
Amy and Silver had lost track of time. The last thing they can remember was being knocked out by Shadow's Chaos Control.
Amy saw blurry at first, and let a few seconds pass to let her eyes adjust to the present darkness. Everything was just like before, but Shadow who was looking at the now tied up couple in front of them.
"So everything was a lie?"
Amy turned her head to look at Shadow, still not believing that the black hedgehog had indeed betrayed her.
"G.U.N needed the location of this forgotten biological weapon. We were aware that Tails was the only one who had that information, but we couldn't falsely accuse a G.U.N member of good reputation of murder. People would lose faith in us. So we trusted that in the right circumstances, Tails would eventually speak up about the location to someone he trusted...that's when you come into place."
Shadow then laid his back on the coldness of the metal wall, very close to the containers that had that very dangerous liquid inside of them.
"So, everything...from the very beginning...you wanting to help me, your kindness, everything was a lie?"
"I had a mission to complete, I am just doing my job."
"So, even the murder of the G.U.N's Commander...you planned everything,"
"Absolutely, all of that was fake...he is actually on his way over here to claim the containers."
Amy felt her throat going dry as all the tears were begging to let out. But right now it wasn't the time, she looked at Silver and checked if he had any serious injuries. He was breathing, his head down, at least the fact that he was alright made her feel calm.
"If you start crying, I'll end you."
Amy looked one more time at Shadow, she breathed and maybe right now it wasn't the perfect time to say it, but she did.
"I like you Shadow."
Shadow's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden confession. He waited for Amy to continue and she did.
"You kind acts, the way you worry about others, the way you make me feel when I am around you...All of that made me fall in love with you...but everything was a lie. And so, my love for you as well."
Shadow relaxed his hands and very confidently began to walk towards the pink hedgehog. For the first time in her life, Amy was afraid of Shadow.
He bent down in one knee and forcefully grabbed Amy's cheeks, making her look directly at his eyes. Her skin shivered by the contact, and Amy really thought that Shadow was about to steal a kiss from him. She closed her eyes waiting for it to happen...but it never did.
Instead, a dash of blue flew across the room. Amy could recognize those green eyes anywhere, and if looks could kill, Shadow would be dead by now.
There he was, the known world hero, the old blue friend...
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Next Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185967108465/the-dark-prince-chapter-five-fake-it-until-you
The Dark Prince: Chapter Five: Fake It Until You Make It
Previous Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185966895240/let-amy-go-shadow-it-was-raining-heavily-in
The Dark Prince: Chapter Three: My Old Blue Friend
*The Rebellion is a group of people who haven't been "zombi-fed" in the future. They try their best to keep themselves isolated while they try to raise up an army to overthrow the Superior.  
A/N: wow almost 5K words!
11 notes · View notes
livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Irreplaceable you pt 2
Tumblr media
Sam x reader
Warnings- cancer: sad times. Angst. :(( Grab the tissues still.
"So I decided to cut out gluten. That was like the first thing that I did. I would just like wake up in the morning and feel like totally fatigued. Just like, "eh."
You laugh. This could be good. Next girl.
"You know, um his job he doesn't really like talking about it." She laughs. ?
Next girl. "You know what's funny I have a cat named Sam."
"oh okay."
"yeah." Nope. "Thank you."
You're writing down on some papers a few notes notes: too slutty. Too needy. Too freaky. Too neurotic.
Next girl.
"So it says on your online profile you were Phi Beta Kappa?" You ask.
"I had no life in college." You laugh.
"And now you're a researcher for the National Institute of Health?"
"Yes. Still have no life. I'm just... I'm just tired of being alone. I'm where I want to be career-wise, and I really would like to settle down and have a family."
She adds: "sorry, Natural caretaker. Also overbearing neurotic."
"I'm the same way." You say. "Um... Let's set up a date."
"Okay. Um, just... If I could just be honest with you, um, I just don't quite understand why a man would send his assistant to pre-interview women. I just... I don't get it. "
"Yeah, um... Here's the deal." She could tell by your face.
"Sally! Please don't hold it against him!" She starts walking away.
"This is the craziest thing like ever!"
You started picking up the papers to go catch the girl but you ran into in the waitress. "Oh, shit. Oh, sorry! I'm sorry! "
"No, I got it."
"It's kind of a long story."
"I... I think I heard it. I mean, I know I shouldn't, but spying on the customers is like the only thing that makes this job halfway bearable. You are way more interesting than most. "
"I know, it's unusual." You say.
"Yo, dude, I think it's awesome. Like, my mom died seven years ago. I was in high school. And after she passed, my dad spent every night alone. And I tried to tell him, "Go out. Live life. Find someone." But not just anyone. The right person. "
"Exactly. Which is hard."
She laughs "Right. imean, do you have any like friends or anything that could like take him off your hands?"
"Yeah his brother but not anyone that would get this girl stuff."
"Right. I mean, the thing is, finding the right one is actually about volume. You should host a mixer, like, invite some people."
"Yeah, right. Nothing says "fun" like a mixer hosted by your dying girlfriend."
"I mean, I'm having an art opening... at this gallery space on Friday. you could use it as a front.You, like, wouldn't even need to be there. And... And an art opening could bring together some really interesting women. Like the right types. Not that there wouldn't be some people there with like interested in the free snacks, but... "
"I wouldn't want to..."
"No, honestly, dude, you'd be doing me a real solid."
you laugh. I'm y/n.
"I'm Mira."
"A hundred and fifty dollars? This place is a rip-off. I could make this myself one week tops." Myron says.
"Focus, please. We just need to freshen up Sam's look a little."
"Why is that again?"
" Trust me. Any woman that meets him
is gonna want to shop for him. The wrong one will put him in these. He wears all plaid all the time"
"What are you doing?" You ask myron.
"You're the only one who gets to make bad decisions because you're dying? Terminal cancer. Put it on my bill. "
"You're just so cool with everything. I'm not cool with any of this.
"I've been dying longer than you have. You get better at it. "
"Well, it's like this vest. At first it's, "Why is that old man wearing that horrible vest? Pretty soon I become the vest guy. After that, you realize that you'd hardly recognize me without it. I look comfortable in it. It's a part of me, so... you accept it. "
"I don't think I can ever accept you in that vest."
"No?" He asks.
"Try this on. I want to see what it'll look like on Sam."
"But let me pair it with some skinny jeans."
"Okay. I look three days younger. "
"These... Oh! They're cutting off my circulation. Seriously, my ankles are tingling, my feet are asleep."
"You look hot!"
"It's just... Can I ask what this is about?"
"Just some retail therapy. "
"Right. And where am I supposed to put my phone?"
"Now... Okay, this jacket is dry clean only. Which means, if I'm not around, do not put this in the laundry."
"I know what that means y/n."
"Oh. Shit. Laundry. All right, so... In here." You walk to the washer and he asks:
" Okay, so... "
" I know how to turn it on."
"Yeah, but colors, whites, delicates."
".. Right."
"The dryer sometimes gets stuck, so, uh, you just give it two kicks. you kick it twice Right here. Like that. And it will generally unstick itself."
Sam kicks it twice.
"Uh, this dial is the minutes. It tells you how much time you have left.......... um, If the time runs out..... before the clothes are ready, you just... turn the dial."
"Hmm. Wait." You say feeling uneasy.
" What?"
[groaning] "are you okay?"
You start coughing and head towards the sink. You start throwing up.
"yeah I have that effect on women." You both laugh. "Too soon...?"
You say "yeah too soon."
Her and her nightly what ifs. It was adorable though.
"What if I had run away and joined a cult?"
"I guess I would have to join too."
"What if relationships between cult members was frowned upon?"
"Like an asexual cult?"
"Yeah. And you couldn't do an intervention and get me out because I was totally brainwashed."
"Hmm. Well, I guess I would have to become a rival cult leader, re-brainwash you. according to my philosophy, and then steal you away into my cult, which would be a sex cult."
You start dying with laughter.
"What if I were exactly like me, except I had really terrible halitosis. I would get you a mint. Or I would destroy the olfactory receptors in my nose so that I didn't care."
....."What if I die?
"I would...
never recover." You guys cuddle and go to bed.
~~~~~ the next evening~~~~~~
You Sam and Dean are all In the same room.
"Should I be able to tell that you're circumcised in those jeans? 'Cause I can. And there's not a lot of, uh, room for imagination or your penis in those pants." You says.
"I don't want to go to this. I don't... I don't know anything about art."
You: "Yes you do. Would you relax? She just wants people there."
"Is she hot?" Dean asks.
"Trust me, Dean it will be a target rich environment." Sam answers.
"See? Come on, man. Free food, cute girls." Dean says.
"Come on, let's do this. " you say.
"How exactly do you know this artist again?"
"We met randomly at a cafe, and we really bonded and...
" When?"
' I... I don't know. I just... I don't want to disappoint her.
"Are you sure you can't come?" He asks you.
I- I don't feel up to it. Trust me.
"Okay. W... Well I'll go, just as long as you stop touching my hair.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey. "
'You're adorable." You say and he huffs a laugh. "Stop that!"
"Oh, he can move in them!"
"No, not really Dean."
Sam to Dean "you know i got a ring right before she told me she was 'pregnant and then now cancer."
"I didn't. You know you could still ask her."
"yeah she'll love that." he says sarcastically.
"it might give her some hope."
"yeah, maybe."
~~~~~~~In The car with myron outside the art meeting ~~~~~~~~~~
"Is he mingling?"
"He's admiring the art."
"Sam doesn't care much about art. Nah, he's just hoping if he keeps himself occupied with an activity, no one will actually talk to him."
[Myron] He's very good-looking.
Can I say that and not be awkward?
"Uh, yeah that's my whole point. What about you and your wife? How'd you two meet?"
"At a party."
"We were in college. We got hitched three years later. "
"That's it? No story?"
"The story came after. Getting married. Life. Building a home. Kids, grandkids."
"It's okay. I won't know the difference, I guess."
"I just want those things for Sam."
"I have to hand it to you." Myron says.
"You are stubborn. This might be the worst plan in the world, but you're committed to it, and I like that."
"Yeah, well, don't be too impressed. Hasn't worked yet."
"I don't know about that." He says looking into the binoculars.
"What?" You look into the building.
"Let me see that." Sam is talking to Someone. "No, that's just the girl whose show it is."
[Myron] "So?"
"So she's just doing this as a favor to me. "
"So, she's not his type."
You: "Oh, no. Don't do the snorty laugh.
"Ugh! He did the snorty laugh. Oh, he does that when he's... "
Myron : "When he's nervous."
"Here. Estelle's hot chocolate." Myron says ans hands you a coffee cup. "It cures whatever ails you. Except cancer."
He cheers "to the things we do for people we love."
~~~~~~~ bedtime ~~~~~
Sam walks in your shared bedroom. "I know you're not really sleeping. Because I know how your breathing sounds when you sleep. Which is something you don't even know about yourself."
"I know everything about you, y/n, But I have to say, you still know how to shock the hell out of me."
"What do you mean?"
"The clothes. The mixer. "
" Sam... "
"For the record, I am not a dummy. I know what's going on. And I went along with you trying to help me because I know it's helping you. But setting me up? Are you serious?"
"Please. You spend your life fighting monsters and researching all the time. Also always Looking after people."
"Sam, most people don't find what we had... have once, much less twice in a lifetime."
"What we have? You mean, a relationship where one person is... is lying, and sneaking around, and manipulating?*
" It's for your own good!"
"You just tried to manipulate my life! Or you mean a relationship where you have such a low opinion of me, that you truly believe that nobody else on the planet would ever fall for me."
"Obviously not. But that's the whole point!" You're gonna get swarmed, and it's gonna be impossible to find the right person!"
"I already found the right person! Or I thought I had." You
"Y/n/n's, I didn't... You know I didn't mean that. Hey, come here. are you okay?" He hugs you in the bed.
~~~~~~~~~ Sam and Dean sitting in the kitchen~~~~~~~
Sam: "What is she thinking? Does she think I'm completely clueless with women?"
"Yeah? No.
" Wait, what?"
"you've just never seen me in action."
"Hm no, no and I never want to."
"What do I do?"
"Look, all you can do is be there for her, however you can. i mean, look, she's got to be scared out of her mind. And right now she needs to know that the worst thing happens.... That you are gonna be okay."
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You and Myron go out bird watching. He speaks up : Are you ready to drop this mishigas with Sam?"
"You think I should?"
"Here's what I know: You don't have as much time as you think you do.*
" I don't?"
"What are you trying to say?" You ask heart racing.
"I'm not saying it, the Buddha did."
"I didn't realize you were Buddhist."
"I'm not, but it stuck with me. And it's true for you. It's true for every person on the planet."
[Myron] I need some snacks. Could you...
Oh. I can't believe you eat those things." You say handing him a bag of cheese curls.
"They're tasty."
"The chemo has clearly destroyed your taste buds."
"Try one".
"They're disgusting."
"Keep going. You get to tasty."
[crunches]. "The second bite is actually not as bad."
Myron: Good for you, too.
~~~~~ later at night~~~~
"Okay. Someone... who hikes." Sam says randomly.
In the future, if I ever did this again, which I probably won't, but if I did, and if it makes you feel better to know, it would be with someone who hikes."
" We never hike."
'Because you hate it."
"That's not true."
"We took that one hike up Bear Mountain Six years ago, you complained the entire time."
"That's because hiking is boring. It's basically walking. And walking is something you do to get somewhere. Hiking from your car up a hill and then back to your car is totally pointless."
"Okay". he laughs.
"Duly noted." You say. "Hiking.
"Thank you."
"What else?"
" I like dancing." You scoff.
"I would like to try ballroom dancing classes. You know, like the fox-trot or the waltz, even though... "
"It's lame."
" I know you think it's lame."
''The fox-trot? Seriously?''
" Yeah!"
"How about something just moderately nerdy like swing."
"Is this person for you or for me?
" Good. I get it. I'll update your profile.
"What profile?"
"This profile."
"You're welcome".
Next morning on a walk--
"So you've been pretending to be me?"
"you're sick you know that?"
"okay so how do you like this profile picture?"
"you took a picture of me sleeping??"
"hey come on I've worked really hard on this. No? You don't okay fine. Want to take another one?"
"yeah let's take another one."
"Okay" he sits down on the bench and smiles. You press the button and bammm.
"what do you think of that?."
"oh it's good!"
"uh huh."
"do it in black and white."
Sam: "are you coming to bed?"
(glass shatters) "oh."
"y/n??" He walks in the room. "Y/n what is it?"
"It's broken."
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" Oh, shit."
" It's broken."
"It's okay. We can just... We can get another one. It's fine."
'No, we can't! You gave it to me when we were kids.." you cry but he picks you up and takes you to bed. He holds you all night and lets you cry. He knows this can't be easy.
To be continued
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rfschatten · 7 years
Russia"Nothing is more wretched than the Mind of a Man Conscious of Guilt" ~~~ Plautus
Wholesale Pardons including Himself, for Crimes not yet prosecuted and/or convicted?? The heavy stench of Guilt is flowing in the air, and blowing throughout the D.C area...but, nowhere more concentrated than around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
The hardest act of a Scam Artist is to continuously show his Two Face when he tells you; "Trust Me"! as hard as he tries to conceal his guilt...and remember, Trump's mind seriously lives within his own delusional imagination!...no matter how much he tries, he has a way of accusing absolutely everyone else, while candidly and very stupidly leaking out his own Guilt, every day, every Tweet.
Donald Trump wants absolute power to Pardon Himself, cause Donald Trump knows and the World knows, he's Guilty of being the most sinful & evil human being ever to occupy the office of the US Presidency...and then, some!
It's True! Watching this Man-Baby every day of his life, totally freak the sh*t out of himself, because of the Investigations and the Grand Juries, or Russian pressure, Money-laundering talks, and all his "Fake News"! And especially his private business and his Taxes!! He would kill for 'those' Tax Returns not be made Public!!
Yes, Plautus was right; Nothing is more wretched to see than a Man, who's very Conscious of his own Guilt!!
Direct Lies and Plausible Deniability has been Trump's Modus Operandi throughout his entire life...and for a man, with as many Clinical Psychopathic Traits as the Trumpster? No! he doesn't listen to anyone whatsoever, period! His Presidency runs the way he runs his life...totally Illegal Business Dealings, Making $$$$$ in whatever he's involved in, Direct Lies, and always claiming Plausible Deniability!
Who's surprised that Donald Trump is being investigated for the worst crimes a sitting President has ever been involved in?? Absolutely no one!! Only an insincere, shameless, dishonorable, indecent degenerate and laughable clown would grant Pardon to Himself...if he could.
But, what happens if the Courts say he can do it, and Pardon Himself??
What else can happen after Committing the worse crime an American President could ever commit...the Treasonous Act of Collaborating with a Hostile Foreign Government, allowing Russians to electronically intervene and compromise our Democracy, and spy on our Nation...what else can happen?? How about Controlling the Red Button to bully his way around the world? While his Pardoned Boy Toy, Jared Kushner keeps raking in the family Gold?? What else can happen?...personally, I really don't want to think what would happen...or even know!!
Now, as deep desperation sets in this little man, his urgent need to end the investigation has taken drastic turns...to fire Robert Mueller and stop the investigation, he needs to rid himself of AG Jeff Sessions, and appoint someone who will 'Sieg Heil' his ass all day long...a rumor, this is 'only' just a rumor; Trump might be thinking about another "Liaison Amoureuse" with his cross-dressing pal, Rudy Giuliani, as Sessions' replacement. YouTube's video on these two old Clowns, is going to go viral...again!
A Cross-dressing Attorney General?!?!...only in Donald Trump's Reality Circus Show; "The Presidency: Season 1"
He needs to do something, and fast...and now, with Homeland Security's Gen. John Kelly taking over Priebus's job? more questions arise...moving Sessions to HS to save face? might not offend his Followers as much, but he'll still have to Recuse Himself from any Russian Investigation!
Meanwhile, Kelly who worked at Homeland Security and spoke at the Hearings, is now going to try to save our Non-Guapo & Cowardly President from Impeachment or Jail Time? No one can advise this mentally disturbed Sociopath...he's his own Trainwreck disaster!!
A photo of Kelly tells the whole story babysitting Trump; standing with his arms folded, head down and shaking it back and forth…probably thinking why the hell he took this job and pondering how to save this entire Dead On Arrival Presidency!
Degrading and insulting his own pick for AG, cause he refused to protect him and recused himself, instead?
The President is losing it more and more everyday…and in front of the world! It's becoming a noticeable topic of conversation in the streets and the Media. Always an embarrassment, but know Mental Health Issues, too?
His sleazy and degrading tweets continue daily…now, his outbursts with the GOP and Congress is causing trouble and tension throughout DC.
Intensive verbal shouting matches in Private with Mitch McConnell, cause he couldn't pass Trumpcare and wouldn't protect him from Mueller, with Bob Corker (TN), also for not protecting him from Russiagate, and the same with Thom Tillis (NC). Now he's divorcing himself from Paul Ryan and the GOP…a very stupid move by the very stupid, Mr. Stupid, who desperately needs to have a Bill passed, something, anything in his Presidency for some type of legitimacy!
And why won't he Fire Sessions? Cause this it's not the Apprentice, and in real life, this wormy little orange supercoward of a man, don't have what it takes, doesn't have the face to tell Sessions; "You're Fired"!
Resignations are coming from Right and Left…numerous staff members and complete Presidential Counsels, almost all of them, all walking out in Mass. It's just so much a person can take before he or she resigns their Self-Denial and see Trump for what he really is…a Hateful Human Being, a Bigot, and a Racist till his dying days!
It also appears as if Secretary of State Rex "Exxon/Russia" Tillerson may also exit Stage Right soon, and probably a "Subpoena" along with that resignation!
And now! The infamous Russian Dossier; 40,000 pages worth and a Golden Shower Flick!
This Dossier is considered by many, the roadmap for the investigation, and another piece of the Puzzle connecting the Russian Government, Russia's Alfa Bank, Big $$ Oil Oligarchs, Ukrainian $$, Germany's Deutsche Bank, $$ Laundering...and all ending at Trump Tower!!
Oscar Wilde once said; "Consistency is the last Refuge of the Unimaginative". Well, the consistency of absolutely no imagination is certainly the norm in the sustained incoherence of this chaotic White House!
A Batshit Crazy White House in total utter chaos since...oh well, Day 1? You never get the same story twice from anyone. Horseshit reigns supreme inside the Oval Office and it spreads throughout the Halls of the White House to the West Wing...where they're recycled right back into New Horseshit!
What can We, the People do? Listen to what Robert F. Kennedy said, and think about it;
“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
My friends, Resist Trumpism until its very last dying breath!!! Trump romanticizes Fascism!...believe me, there's nothing, absolutely nothing Romantic about Fascism whatsoever.  
Now, in his own way, he's "Demanding" from his Subordinates and from the GOP, all their Allegiance, Loyalty, and especially their "Protection" against any investigations!...this undignified coward and so called President needs to realize that Congress was elected to protect its Citizens, not the President! their loyalty is to their constituency, not the President!...remember, this coward was Elected to Protect America, his Loyalty is owed to the American People!...not an ever loving loyalty to Russia's Oligarchy and Vladimir Putin!
If he wants Protection, ask the FBI, or the Secret Service who someday might have to take a Bullet to save his worthless sorry life!  And all he does is continue to spew his hate and criticism on American Intel, and praise Russian Intelligence!...what a f*cking treasonous schmuck!!
We're on the verge of a giant Constitutional Crisis never seen or experienced before...the sh*t is closing in at that Fan...and King Donald's continued failure in his quest for Superhuman Greatness, is becoming an obsession!! Most cowards love Power, and Donald Trump is capable of doing absolutely "anything" to stay in Power...I don't believe the Military will back him up...but this little lunatic Psychopath with his little hands and his new little Red Button toy is one Dangerous Ding Dong!
With everything in this Nation becoming more disturbing by the day...I'll leave you with a last disturbing thought; As Trump's Larceny of America, continues...what Crimes on Humanity? what Criminal Acts? what Illegalities? even, what "Laws" would stand up?...if Trump has the Absolute Power to Pardon Himself?!?!
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