valsvalentine · 3 days
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Yuji Itadori x fem!reader
ʚ summary. Your crush asks to call— anyone else would’ve been ecstatic; but you?? Hell no. Trying to keep your anonymous title would be harder, your voice being a dead give away so you resort to trying to ‘change your voice’ which goes.. okay???
ʚ genre. fluff
ʚ A/N. lmao how are you guys even reading this ‘series’ ??? like its so bad goodbye.
ʚ warning. not proof read, strong language, might be OOC characters
part I .. part II .. part III
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Agreeing to calling your crush wasn’t something you planned on doing so soon— well to be truthful you never planned it in the first place. You weren’t stupid, you knew your voice would be a dead give away yet you still agreed like the idiot you were. His name suddenly popped up on your screen, your ringtone echoing through your ears as your hands slowly start to shake and sweat.
You clear your throat, trying to make your voice s bit higher to make it sound weird and join the call. You quickly mute yourself, waiting for him to say something when you hear a bit of a shy ‘hi’ come through the screen.
“Hi.” You answer back, internally cringing at the sound of your voice being so high. A giggle escapes Yujis lips and in between said giggled he speaks up; “Is this your poor attempt at distorting your voice?” He chuckles and takes a deep breath to calm his laughter down. You scoff, rolling your eyes— not like he could see— and chuckle along with him. “Hey! I’m not that easy to trick. My voice would’ve been too much of a hint you idiot.” You state and smile softly, kicking your feet whilst laying on your stomach. “Yet you still agreed to call with me.” He teases, chuckling yet again. “Bye I’m ending this call you are no fun.” You say and he quickly stutters out an apology— while trying his best to not laugh right in your face yet again.
“Okay, okay relax. I’m sorry jeez.” He giggled; “ Well, how did the sports day go for you?” He asked curiously and waited patiently for you to answer. “It was okay I guess. The heat was unbearable” You groan, happy that you didn’t have to be in that heat anymore and that you were now in your bedroom which had a small fan next to your bed. “Yeah for real, I pitied the people I saw running the relay race, they were going through all the stages of grief in those 15 minutes.” You chuckle at his statement, nodding along. “I can imagine.” You answer carefully so you don’t reveal you were quite literally a few meters away from him.
“But today was good in some way—“ He started, a smirk on his face. Yeah forgot to mention that he had his camera turned on while you kept it off for very obvious reasons. “Go on..?” You ask hesitantly. “I have narrowed down the list on who you might be!” He smiled, looking like a child who got promised candy if he did his homework. You on the other hand were mortified. He narrowed down the list? And so soon??
“Ohh and who is on that ‘suspect list’ of yours?” You ask, praying to god your name wouldn’t be mentioned at all. He listed off a few names of girls you’ve vaguely heard of or saw at the sports event yesterday but your name was no where to be found. A sigh of relief was about to escape your lips when he spoke up again; “Hmm, I have one more suspect but I’m still not sure about her that much. Her name was L/N Y/N, a girl that was helping around with the relay race with me!” He said cheerfully and spun around in his ‘gaming’ chair. “Oh right I saw her today too. She goes to a few of my classes but I don’t know much about the girl.” You play off while nervously rubbing your legs that have gotten cold all of a sudden from the slight anxiety rising in you.
“Cool, cool.” He said, a bit suspicious of you but let you off. You talked for a while, enjoying each other’s company and talking about the most random things ever. Yuji decided it was getting late and ended the call with you after saying your goodbyes, a sigh of relief escaping your lips.
You write a quick message to Nobara, summarising the whole call before deciding you should just go to sleep for the night and push away all of your thoughts to the back of your mind.
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The weekend finally came around and you were just lazily laying in bed, relaxing after the tiring first week of school. Teachers were being insufferable, always yelling at everyone and handing out assignments left and right as if we don’t have lives of our own outside of school.
A faint buzzing noise came from your bedside table; Nobara was calling you. You pick up the phone, instantly being greeted by the woman in quite a cheerful voice. “Heyy N/N! I’m calling you ask if you’d like to come with me and a few others to that new cafe that opened up a few weeks ago?” You huff a bit, being too tired to even get up but you decide going out wouldn’t be such a bad idea and you knew you would regret not going a few hours later. “Yeah sure, when and where do we meet up?” You ask and roll out of bed, heading to the bathroom. “I’ll text you the details, can’t wait to see you~” She said and hung up, leaving you to get ready for the day.
Taking a quick shower and doing some skin care you decide to put on some of the new clothes you bought just a few days ago, styling your hair before adding the final touches to everything and head to the train station where everyone was supposed to meet up.
As you slowly walk to the station you realise you didn’t really know who was going. Maki would most likely be coming but who else? Well theres no turning back now.
Nobara was standing outside the station, waving you over with a smile while Maki stood next to her and waved your way. “Heyy I’m so glad you could make it.” She said as she pulled you into a quick embrace and pulled away. Your mind quickly drifts to the one question you had in mind the whole way here and decide to speak up; “Oh and I wanted to ask who is coming along with us?” You ask curiously and wait for the girl to answer. She point behind you and with a quick turn of your head you notice a group of people walking your way. Yuji caught your eyes instantly, a faint blush appearing on your face before your gaze drifted to everyone else. Megumi, Toge, Yuuta and Tsumiki— Megumi’s sister. Everyone greeted each other, along with a few awkward introductions since you weren’t quite part of Nobaras friend group, only really knowing Maki out of everyone else. You all walked to the train that would be taking you to the next town a few minutes away where the cafe was located, standing on the platform the train should be arriving at.
The train finally arrived and you all got on, splitting into groups of two since you couldn’t find seats for your whole group, you ending up with Yuji of course.
An awkward silence enveloped you both as you sat down on some random free seats, watching as the train moved past a small village before going into a tunnel. Your thoughts got interrupted by Yuji who had decided to break this awkward silence.
“So what are you hoping to get at the cafe?” He asked awkwardly and looked your way, fiddling a bit with his fingers. You think for a moment before thinking of your favourite drink you usually get when going out to cafes. “Well I wouldn’t mind trying something new but if nothing sparks my interest i’ll probably just order a f/d or just some ice tea.” You respond, smiling a bit. “What about you?” He answered almost instantly, naming something strawberry flavoured before you shifted the conversation to something else, chatting for the rest of the ride.
When it was time to get off you and Yuji pushed through the crowd of people which was difficult to do since everyone was so crammed together. A hand suddenly held yours, pulling you through the crowd and out the train with quite a strong grip, a blush forming on your cheeks as Yuji unconsciously squeezes your hand before letting go. “I— um sorry.” He said, rubbing his neck before motioning for you to walk with him to the others.
Once everyone got together you all walked for about 10 minutes before getting to the cafe; you being in charge of getting a table while Nobara ordered your drink for you.
You sat down at a larger table for bigger groups of people and waited patiently for everyone to sit down, Nobara sitting on your right and Maki on your left. Across from you sat Megumi, next to him was Yuji and on his left sat Toge. Tsumiki and Yuuta sat across from each other on the shorter sides of the table.
Everyone chatted, talking about school and things they were planning to do during the winter holidays. You listened in on the conversations, sometimes saying something but you mostly decided to keep quiet which you didn’t really mind
Yuji spoku up, looking at you with a bit of a mischievous look; one you couldn’t quite describe. “Hey N/N what did you get? Could I try?” He asked before grabbing your drink and sipping some of it through your straw. ‘An indirect kiss.’ What a cheeky bastard. Well two could play that game. “It’s f/d, what did you get?” You ask with a bit of a fake smile and grabbed his drink, a sweet taste of strawberry hitting you. Nobara kicked your leg under the table as you slid the drink back to Yuji, a very surprised and crazy look on her face. You just shrugged at her as everyone went back to their own thing while you and Yuji exchanged glances with each other throughout your time at the cafe.
When it was time to leave you all decided on going to the arcade which was not that far from where you were— maybe a 15 minute walk. Most of the group split into duos or trios, chatting along the way to make the walk go by faster. Nobara eyed Yuji, winking at you before going right back to freaking out about the interaction the two of you shared just minutes before.
“How are you not freaking out right now?” She whisper-yelled, elbowing you in the ribs. You glared at her before sighing. “I don’t know, I think it hasn’t quite hit me yet.” You said truthfully— knowing this whole incident would hit you in the dead of night, keeping you awake. “And plus, I need to stay cool because he will find out who I am, remember? My whole anonymous persona?” You remind her, careful so only she hears you and no one else. She groans, rolling her eyes at the reminder. “Well maybe you should just square up and confess!” You hush her quickly, playfully pushing her and shrug. “Maybe.” You say and end the whole discussion about your little crush on the boy.
The arcade was loud; bright, flickering lights everywhere you looked with children running around and the paranoid parents trying to run after them. Screams, laughter, chatter and the sound of machines filled your ears and everything looked so hypnotic. ‘No wonder people come out of here with empty pockets.’ You think to yourself as you notice the prices of everything along with how apatizing all the food in the bufet looked. Everyone decided on meeting up together in about two hours outside the arcade, having more than enough time to have all the fun in the world.
Everyone either went alone or as a duo, you yourself walking to one of the Dance stage fusion machines and noticed you wouldn’t have anyone to dance with. You thought about backing out, thinking it would be awkward just dancing alone before pink hair came into view. “Come on I love this game! I’m so gonna beat you.” He smirked, suddenly the air shifting as a burst of competitiveness suddenly sparked somewhere within you. “You’re on candy floss.” You smirked as he raised a brow at the silly nickname. “Candy floss?” You giggled, getting ready to play the game as you imserted the coins to play. “Yeah, cuz your hair is pink just like the candy.” Before Yuji could reply the game suddenly started, catching him off guard as the sound of upbeat music filled his ears.
Yuji mostly kept his eyes on you, which you hadn’t quite noticed since you kept your attention on the game itself. His heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest— and no it wasn’t because of the intense movement his body was making but it was because of you.
He noticed all the small details he hadn’t had the chance to ever notice before. He noticed you in his classes long ago after two of his friends had approached you one day and ever since then it was like you were everywhere. He analysed you like you were some type of art piece— noticing all the small details and imperfections on your face and body. To him all those details and imperfections were beautiful, and once this anonymous person had messaged him— he could only pray it was you who was behind this whole incognito scheme. He truly was ecstatic once he was sure you could be the person he was looking for but that was yet to be confirmed.
Two hours went by faster than ever, your time usually being spent with the pink haired boy playing the most random games you both sucked at. You were all at the train station, waiting for a train to come by and finally get some well deserved rest after the day. You couldn’t be mroe excited to lay in bed and maybe text Yuji but you knew it would be too suspicious to text him right as you get home, so you decided on just texting him tommorow morning.
Yuji on the other hand was freaking out. Should he ask for your number? What if you reject him? Does he just ask for some kind of social media? He truly doesn’t know. His usual confident and out going personality seemed to disappear every time you were around and he hated it. He decided to just let it be and try planning hang outs more often through Nobara. The anonymous person was quite the mystery for him. What if it wasn’t you? What if he has to reject that person? What if he suddenly starts to like that person more? There were all these questions roaming inside his head like unwanted guests that were just left unanswered, destined to keep him awake at the late hours of the night.
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taglist: @cookiemunches @slut-for-fictional-men @thejadeazalea
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thancrxdwatxrs · 1 year
❝ Stop pretending that you care about me. ❞ ryne @ dad,
angst starters, part III @ichoric
Thancred's eyes widened as he turned to face Ryne, too stunned to even speak at that moment. Sure, he had his grievances when they first met - when he had heard that there was a child named Minfilia trapped in Kholusia, he had dared to grasp onto a sliver of hope that maybe it was his Minfilia. But alas, he found this poor girl caged like a feeble bird. He only did what he thought was right in rescuing her, figuring that he perhaps will learn the answers to his questions in time.
But to think that I would pretend to care...
His face went neutral for moment, his expression like stone as he silently reigned in his emotions. He will ever be frustrated with the way things ended in Ul'dah, but he cannot change the past no matter how hard he tried. It took him all this time to accept it and attempt to move on.
He let out a steady breath and knelt down before Ryne. "And why would you think that I was pretending?" he asked calmly. "If I truly did not care, I could have easily given you back to Ran'jit...but I didn't. I would never..."
He paused, pursing his lips slightly as he mulled over his words. "I will admit... I thought that by taking you in, I was atoning for past transgressions. Over time, however, I came to view you like my own... I do not regret a single action. You have grown into your own and I... I am proud of you, Ryne. So please, never think that I do not care at all."
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 11 months
{ Thank you for the idea @imsodonewiththissite !! It almost got angsty but i controlled myself!!! }
"What in God's name is that?" Dustin’s voice goes almost shrill as he walks behind Steve, looks down at his pumpkin. Eddie's head shoots up from where he's carving his own pumpkin, his legs shot out in front of him, his feet hitting Steve's across from him. Steve flushes, tells Dustin to shut up, and shoves at his legs to get him to move on.
"Alright alright jeez! It's just... I've never seen a pumpkin like that. Did you even try?" Dustin huffs as he settles back into his own carving area between Lucas and Will.
"Yes. I did try. Thank you very much. Henderson." Steve huffs, wipes at his pumpkin, then wipes his hand in the grass to get the bits of guts off. Eddie sits up taller, making a show of trying to see Steve's carving, but not really trying to see, they'd agreed to show each other at the same time.
Steve hadn't really had any idea what to do, so he'd just done something silly. But he could see Will and Dustin’s and theirs were detailed, and spooky. And his just looked... stupid, now. Steve sighed and put the top back on his, waiting for Eddie to finish.
He was staring, he knew he was. He couldn't help it. He loved when Eddie was in full concentration mode, his tongue poking out between his lips, his brows crinkled. Steve would never tell him that. But he could look. No harm in that.
Eddie looked up and met his eyes, smiled brightly, and dusted of his own pumpkin before popping the top back on. He tilted his head, this way and that, a few times and then looked at Steve again.
"Okay. You ready?" He asked, drumming his fingers on the gourd resting under his hands. Steve scrunched his nose.
"I'm having second thoughts." He said quietly, the kids were all yelling, in their own little world, but he still didn't want them to hear.
"Aww. But I'm excited to see it! Especially with the way Dusty Buns reacted." Eddie drooped, his eyes going wide and sad, the way Steve was weak agaisnt. He sighed, his own body drooping.
"Ugh. Fine. On three?" He tilted his head. Eddie nodded.
"On three."
"Twosie." Eddie wiggled his fingers, Steve rolled his eyes fondly.
"Three!" They both said it together and turned their pumpkins toward each other.
Steve's eyes shot open, Eddie's was... good. Like really good. Everything a spooky jack-o-lantern should be. Creepy eyes, sharp teeth, what looked like a skull nose.
"Holy shit Eds. That's... holy shit. Mine is so shit compared to- why are you making that face? What's happening?" Steve changed directions mid sentence because Eddie's mouth had dropped open as he stared at Steve hideous excuse for a carving.
"Oh my god you hate it." Steve grabbed at his pumpkin, about to turn it back toward him and hide it forever but he froze when a sound started coming out of Eddie's open mouth.
It took a moment to really form, but once it got going, Steve could hear it. Manical giggles were bubbling up out of Eddie's mouth. He slapped his hands over his face to stop them but they just kept coming.
Steve wasn't sure if he should be offended or not. He frowned though, his brows dropping on his head and Eddie immediately shook his head.
"Oh my god he's ADORABLE!" Eddie cackled the words, shoved his own pumpkin genlty aside and crawled toward Steve's, his hands outstreched and grabbing.
"I know it's- wait what?" Steve was so confused.
"Steve I love him. Look at his stupid little face." He'd devolved into baby talk and was scratching at the pumkin like you would a babies chin. Steve felt himself smiling.
"Wait you actually like it?" Dustin guffawed from behind him. Eddie spun around fast, guarding Steve's pumpkin from sight.
"Excuse me?! 'It'? Don't you ever speak like that about my son- our son!" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Steve. Dustin rolled his eyes.
"It's not even scary! It's just a big mouth!" Dustin’s hands flailed. Eddie screamed at him dramatically, clutching his chest.
"He has a tooth! And two adorable teeny tiny eyes!" Eddie moved, pointed at the face Steve had made. El and Will both aw-d, Max and Lucas smiled, Mike just rolled his eyes.
"He's not- it's just-" Dustin stammered a bit.
"What? Dustin. He's what?!" Eddie asked, his hands still clutching at his chest.
"He's ugly! Okay? It's an ugly pumpkin!" Dustin yelled, Steve didn't even have time to feel hurt, because Eddie shrieked again, his voice going impossibly high.
"Dustin Henderson! I can't believe you just called your brother ugly. You heathen!" Eddie practically hissed the last word before he hopped to his feet and bundled Steve's pumpkin into his arms.
"Unbelievable. We don't need them Steve. Let's go." He popped his nose into the air and looked to Steve. He knew he had to look like a deer in headlights, not sure exactly where they were meant to be going.
"Kitchen." Eddie whispered, giving Steve a wink.
"Oh right. Okay yeah." Steve stumbled toward the door, opening it for Eddie as he stomped after him.
"Oh what you're going inside? Just leaving us out here?" Dustin called, Will and El booing him as he kept taunting Steve and Eddie. Eddie spun, looked at Dustin, propped the pumpkin on his hip like a toddler and pointed his finger accusingly.
"Yes. And we are leaving... in a huff!" Eddie's accent sounded slightly French at the end as he spun around again and stomped into the house.
"Slam the door Steven. Show them we mean it." Eddie said with an air finality. Steve grinned, fighting back laughter, and slammed the door. He tugged the blind closed too, for good measure. He turned to find Eddie wiping at the pumpkin with a wet washrag, getting all the little shavings off.
"You didn't have to do that." Steve said, moving to stand next to him. But not too close.
"Do what?" Eddie asked, grabbing the dish towel off the little hook and drying the pumpkin now. Steve sighed, leaned his butt against the counter and looked at the floor.
"Play it up liked you love the pumpkin. To make me feel better about my complete lack of skill." Steve laughed a little, shrugged, and looked up to find Eddie staring at him. He tossed the towel down and took a step forward.
"Oh no. Unfortunately for you, Steven. That was a genuine reaction. I fucking love this thing." He patted at the side of the pumpkin and grinned at Steve. Steve frowned.
"Really? It's not... I mean it's nothing special. Did you see Will's, I swear there was a castle on it." Steve shook his head. Dismissive.
"Oh I saw it. Still like yours more." Eddie said, matter of fact.
"Why?" Steve was still frowning. Eddie sighed, walked over and stood next to Steve, his arm pressed agaisnt him, warm.
"Me and my mom used to buy four pumpkins. Every Halloween. Always four. Two for her. And two for me." Eddie's voice was soft, the way it always was when he talked about his mother. Steve found himself trying not to breathe to loudly, he wanted to hear everything Eddie had to say.
"We'd each do a classic, spooky guy. But the other one. The other one we used to make just... the most ridiculous faces. Or the dumbest ones. Anything cute and silly." He looked at Steve for a moment, a soft smile on his lips at the memory.
"It very quickly became a contest of who could make who laugh the most. Just by carving some silly face." Eddie shook his head and laughed gently.
"I haven't made a funny one since she died. And you turned that pumpkin around and it took me back. To all those stupid pumpkins and how we used to laugh. And I mean really laugh." Eddie's voice was getting tight as he spoke, a little wobbly, and Steve wanted to hug him, wasn't sure if he could.
"She had the best laugh Steve. She'd have loved this." He moved his hand over the pumpkin again, gently stroked down it's side.
"And you."
It was almost too quiet. Steve almost didn't hear it. Wasn't sure he had until he looked up and saw the way Eddie was looking at him. Steve is so sure that it's the same way he'd been looking at Eddie for months now.
"It's the perfect pumpkin Steve. The best one I've seen in years." He's so serious, when he says it. Steve feels like he might cry. Feels a bit reckless, with Eddie looking at him like that. So he leans toward Eddie, his heart fluttering as Eddie smiles, just a barely thing, and leans toward him too.
The kiss is soft, Eddie makes a little sound in the back of his throat when Steve's hand moves to his neck and pulls him closer. They kiss until they're both smiling so much it's just their teeth clicking together and Eddie dissolves into manic giggles again and buries his face in Steve's neck as he holds him close.
"You have a good laugh too Ed's. " Steve sighs, pulling Eddie closer as he hums and nuzzles into his neck, his fingers pressing into Steve's back as he cuddles closer. Steve breathes deeply, his nose buried in Eddie's hair, and feels Eddie smile against the soft skin of his neck.
( below is an approximation of their pumpkin faces. I fucked up the eddie one's mouth dont looookk at meeeee )
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sturnsmadl · 1 month
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loverboy!chris headcannons!
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loverboy!chris who built up the courage to slide in your dm's finally.
loverboy!chris who talked to you almost everyday.
"how are you?" "im filming tommorow." "u won't believe what i saw."
loverboy!chris who cut off every girl to focus on you.
loverboy!chris who always mentions flying you out.
"come onnnn. let me fly you out." "ill fly you out."
loverboy!chris who wants you to model for his brand.
"you tryna model?"
"dude i dont know how to model."
"so? you can try for me :)"
loverboy!chris who is always wanting to facetime.
"you tryna call?" "hop on facetime." "you awake?"
loverboy!chris who constantly talks about you to his brothers.
"and shes so fucking pretty."
"tell her that."
"can u shut the fuck up?"
loverboy!chris who really wants to meet you.
"you coming la anytime soon?"
"chris we spoke about this literally yesterday."
loverboy!chris who texts you like he's your boyfriend.
"good morning." "night babe." "you busy?"
loverboy!chris who makes sure your okay all the time.
"you okay? you looked really upset on ft last night."
"i was just tired :) thank you though."
"okay. you can always talk to me."
loverboy!chris who tells you everything.
"i literally just burped on matt."
loverboy!chris who finally flies you out to him.
"pack your bags ;)"
"omg. chris why did u do that?"
"i need to meet you."
loverboy!chris who gets really happy around you.
loverboy!chris who waited until you met to ask you to be his.
"can i be your boyfriend?"
"oh my- yes. yes.."
loverboy!chris who gets caught cuddling you on your first day meeting.
"shhh...shes sleeping."
"you met a few hours ago."
loverboy!chris who makes sure your ready for any advances.
"you sure?"
"yes chris just kiss me."
loverboy!chris who can't help himself and kisses you a lot more.
loverboy!chris who refuses to be away from you.
"where are you going?"
"to wash my hands.."
"ill come."
loverboy!chris who teaches you at top golf.
loverboy!chris who is so excited when he goes down on you.
"i've been waiting so long to do this."
loverboy!chris who loves everything about you.
loverboy!chris who becomes very confident with you.
"i gotta fart."
loverboy!chris who showers with you to stay near you.
"want me to do your shampoo?"
"you could back up a bit."
loverboy!chris who buys you everything you show interest in.
loverboy!chris who kisses your head while you sleep in his arms.
loverboy!chris who loves not sleeping alone.#
"i love that i get to hug you all night."
"its too hot to have you wrapped around me like a koala."
"thats just rude."
loverboy!chris who buys you stuffed animals that remind him of you.
loverboy!chris who sleeps on top of you.
"chris. wake up."
"get off i need the bathroom."
loverboy!chris who leaves way too many marks.
"chris..i can't fucking cover them.."
"guess you'll have to show em off then huh?"
loverboy!chris who also loves pissing you off.
loverboy!chris who doesn't let you go bed mad at him.
"nuh uh. were not doing this. im sorry okay? whats wrong?"
loverboy!chris who cries when you find out your pregnant.
"your kidding.."
"no..are you happy..?"
"oh my god..yes.."
loverboy!chris who overbuys for the baby.
loverboy!chris who makes sure you know he's there at the birth.
"im here baby.. your doing so good."
loverboy!chris who takes a picture of him crying holding the baby when its first born.
loverboy!chris who treats his baby like glass.
"nick! careful."
"dude what..? i was just looking..jeez"
loverboy!chris who is so proud showing his brothers.
"look at my baby.."
"hes adorable chris."
"well done buddy."
loverboy!chris who makes sure your okay and provided for.
"you need any water? any food?"
"no im okay thank you.."
"a hug? i mean look what you just did. gave me a child. ur amazing."
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a/n- these r quite far apart events!! this is also awful cause i rushed it smmmm!! i have so much school work to do :(
taglist! @bellaonthelow @muchloveforhacker @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @xoxo4chriss @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii
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yeonzzzn · 5 months
HIIIIII I've been thinking a lot these last few days.... heeseung being an angel (could be a fallen angel or something) falling in love with a mortal, but they can't be together because angels and human beings together are completely prohibited... a totally hot and forbidden love
— 🐇💨
I am so in love with this concept. the minute this popped up in my askbox I knew I had to write it asap. I apologize for this being so long idk what happened my fingers just wouldn’t stop typing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
fallen angel: lee heeseung
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pairing: heeseung x afab!reader word count: 7.6k
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Heeseung never sinned. Ever. Never once said anything bad about anyone, never once cursed, never once gossiped, kept his emotions in check, never had a single terrible thought about someone else, never committed any crimes, and always—always—had a pure heart. 
That was until you. 
Heeseung was God's most prized angel. He did anything and everything that was asked of him. Never once defying God’s wishes or commands. His pure heart is the whole reason that when he well, died, he was the first one selected to be God’s second hand. Heeseung lived his whole life dedicated to his church and doing nothing but good. 
But you? Oh, you. You were the first temptation Heeseung ever got. 
“I have a job for you, my angel,” God spoke to him. 
Heeseung knelt down on one knee with one hand over his chest, bowing his head, “Anything for you, my savior.” 
“We have a family that needs a blessing, a pure angel to take away their worries. They are struggling hard. Go down to land and help this family. I trust you with this one, Heeseung. Please.” 
Heeseung didn’t hesitate. Nodding and accepting the job God had to offer him. 
Heeseung stretched his wings, preparing for his flight down to the mortal lands. The trip didn’t take long and the minute the tips of his shoes touched solid land, his whole outfit changed and his wings were hidden. From the bright white robes and dress shoes to tanned brown boots, light blue jeans, and a black button-up dress shirt. It was one of Heeseung’s favorite outfits to wear when he came to the mortal lands. 
He looked around the city he landed in, watching as the mortals passed by him and crossed over the street. The sounds of cars honking and people yelling filled his ears along with the smells of the city. Heeseung smiled, remembering his time as a mortal and seeing how much had changed over the thousand years he’d been away. 
Pushing away the memories of the past, Heeseung starts his walk in the direction God told him this family would be. He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets, smiling brightly as he walked past the mortals, none of them paying him any mind as they went about their normal lives. 
Heeseung chuckled at the curse, shaking his head. He wasn’t used to hearing such vulgar language. His eyes searched the sea of people around him to see where I came from, his curiosity taking over him. 
You were running down the street, hairtye in your mouth as you pulled back your long hair back into a ponytail, quickly pulling the band from your mouth and twisting it in your hair. With how you were rushing, Heeseung knew you were the one he heard the curse come from. You looked down at your watch, letting more curses escape your lips, “I am going to be so fucking late! Holy fucking shit.” 
Heeseung raised his brows at the language, “Jeez…mortals never change.” He wasn’t judging, he understood life as a mortal wasn’t the easiest and everyone had their roles to play. It wasn’t his job to judge anyway, he left that up to God. 
But you kept pushing along, pulling your phone from your pocket and dialing a number, “Pick up, please for the love of fucking God pick up!” 
You were so focused on getting to your destination that you didn’t even realize you ran into Heeseung, smacking your shoulder into his. Heeseung didn’t move an inch at your touch, but you nearly fell to your knees. Heeseung stopped to face you, making sure you were okay but seeing you catch your balance before tumbling over, looking back over your shoulder and snarling at him, “Asshole…” you mumbled under your breath as you still pushed along down the street. 
Heeseung blankly stared at you then shoved his hands back in his pockets and continued to his destination, saying a small prayer for you. 
It didn’t take much longer for Heeseung to reach the small house right outside the city. He took a deep breath and smiled wide, knocking on the door. 
A man opened the door, his eyes puffy and red from crying and now full of confusion looking at Heeseung, “Can I help you?” 
Heeseung smiled even more, “I am here to help you.” 
The man gave him an even more confused look, “Excuse me?” 
A small cough could be heard within the house and soft sobs followed after it. 
Heeseung peeked into the house, “Your child, they’re sick,” the man looked down to the ground, putting his lips into a thin line, “I can help. I was sent here to do so.” 
The man flicked his eyes back up at Heeseung, studying him, “Are you the angel we asked God to send?” 
Heeseung gently nodded. 
He was led into the home and to their child’s bedroom. The mother was hovering over her child, who looked to be about eight. His eyes were tightly closed and his breathing was uneven. He was going to die soon, Heeseung could sense it, could see it. The poor boy still had so much life left to live, and that’s why God sent Heeseung here. To heal this child. 
Heeseung placed a gentle hand on the mother, her pleading eyes staring up at him. Once she realized who he was, she reached for his hand, “Dear angel, save my baby boy.” 
Heeseung held her hand tight and nodded. With his free hand, he placed it against the boy's chest, sending a small ounce of healing power to him, reciting a prayer. The boy's mother and father joined him in the prayer, their cries slowly fading out as the heartbeat and breathing of their child became steady. 
The family thanked Heeseung more times than he could count. His face hurt from the amount of smiling he did during those hours he sat in their home. They even cooked him dinner as a thanks. Once Heeseung walked out of the home, he understood why God chose this family. The boy had much life to give, and his parents were good and pure souls. 
Heeseung walked back into the city, hands behind his back as he stared at the nightlife. Loving all the lights that lit up the city perfectly. The hustling life of mortals laughing with friends and family as they head out for dinner or to even party. 
Hopefully, God won’t mind that I take a small walk before heading back. 
Heeseung walked as far as he could, finally deciding it was time to head back to the golden gates. 
That was until he saw you. 
Heeseung stood at a crosswalk, cars flying by and the wind blowing his silver hair and clothes in all directions. You popped up to his right, your phone once again was in your hands, thumbs pressing away at the screen. 
Time seemed to slow down then. The red hand that illuminated the crosswalk to not cross flashed its light. The cars fast-paced slowed. Heeseung turned his head to look at you, watching as you continued to step from the sidewalk and into the street, not paying any attention. 
His heart raced faster, eyes widening as he looked to his left, seeing a car passing into the next lane without using a blinker and showing no signs of slowing down or even honking their horn at you to show they were there. 
Heeseung acted fast, stepping down from the curb, hands reaching out to grab your shoulders and pull you back against him. Heeseung released his wings, wrapping them around you and twirling you around and back to the sidewalk. 
Time went back to normal, and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. How stupid could you be to walk out into the street in the middle of rush hour while on your phone? You could have died. That’s when you noticed the white wings wrapped over you along with the strong arms that held you tightly. 
You looked up, resting your head against his chest, seeing it was the man you ran into earlier, seeing him staring back down at you. His chest raised and fell quickly, his warm breath touching your face. He’s an angel. An actual, real-life angel. Ones you’ve only been told about from stories as a child. 
Heeseung pulled his wings back behind him and hid them from the human eye once again. Seeing the other mortals around didn’t take any notice. He continued to stare into your eyes, “You silly little thing.” 
The longer the two of you looked at each other, the more your heart wanted to rip from your chest. He was beautiful. Breathtaking. You felt safe in his arms and without knowing you leaned more against him, Heeseung, as if on instinct, held you tighter against him. 
“Thank you,” you finally managed to say, your cold hands touching his where they sat against your forearms, “For saving me.”
Feeling your cold touch brought Heeseung back to reality. He smiled and released his arms from you, “Try and pay better attention next time, okay?” 
You turned to fully face him. Every fiber of your being wanted to cling to him. Your heart is calling for him. 
Heeseung kept his smile, giving you a small nod, and prepared to turn away. 
“Wait!” you quickly shouted, your hands now grasping at the back of his shirt. Heeseung looked over his shoulder at you, “Let me make it up to you, for saving me. And to apologize for calling you an asshole earlier.” 
Heeseung chuckled, “Being nice to an angel won’t get you into heaven, silly mortal.” 
You bit at the skin on your lip, “I really just want to thank you.” 
Heeseung looked up to the sky and then shrugged. God can wait for a bit longer. 
He followed close behind you until you stood in front of your apartment door and with shaky hands you unlocked the door and went inside, Heeseung trialing in. 
He held his hands behind his back, looking over every inch of your studio apartment. 
“I’m sorry it’s so small…” you whispered, closing the door behind you. 
Heeseung turned to face you, his smile still on his face, “It’s not my place to judge what you do or do not have. Your space is perfect if you make it perfect.” 
Right. You forgot he’s an angel. You kicked out of your shoes, reaching your hands up to unzip your jacket, noticing how quickly he turned around to look away from you. 
You drop your hands to your sides, “Want anything to eat or drink?” you ask quickly walking to your kitchen, “I am not sure what angels eat?” 
Heeseung chuckled, slowly turning to face you, “You don’t seem to be questioning what I am.” 
You gave him a small smile as you pulled two water bottles from your fridge, “I always believed. Believed we humans had someone looking after us, whether that was a God or angels or anything else.” 
Heeseung tilted his head, “What if I was anything else? You let me into your home so willingly.” 
You swallowed, not even taking into conversation that the man in front of you could be the other type of angel. One that was meant to draw you in and kill you, “Are you going to hurt me?” 
Heeseung took a few steps towards you, “I would never.” 
You slowly nodded at him and handed him his water bottle, “I am YN, by the way.” 
Heeseung gently took the water from you, his fingers brushing over yours, “Heeseung. Second hand to God.” 
You widen your eyes, you weren’t just dealing with an angel, but you were dealing with God’s TOP angel. 
Heeseung stared at you, “Something wrong, YN?” 
You shook your head, “You’re just…beautiful.” you didn’t know where that came from or why you even spoke those words from your mouth. 
His heart picked up its pace, and his ears started to burn red. He took steps away from you and finally took sips of his water. 
Heeseung thought you were beautiful too, a little silly mortal, but beautiful nevertheless. His heart was pulling to you and he needed to leave soon and quickly. 
He cleared his throat, “You wanted to thank me, but that’s not necessary. I was simply doing my job.” 
You set your water down on the table, “You saved my life, I need to thank you somehow.” 
Heeseung looked at your water bottle, watching how the droplet fell down the plastic and touched the wood of the table. He sat his bottle down beside yours, “Tell me your thanks then, I must return soon.” 
You didn’t know what came over you or what you were even thinking. All you knew was you were now standing before Heeseung, looking up into his brown eyes.
Heeseung stared back down into your eyes, loving the way their color shined under the light of your kitchen. You stood on your tiptoes, placing your hands on his shoulders. 
“YN,” he whispered, his hands now on your biceps, pulling your feet back flat to the floor, “I can’t accept that.” 
“Just one,” you whisper back, once again standing on your tiptoes, becoming inches away from his face. 
Heeseung’s lips parted, frozen in place as he watched you move closer. You brushed your nose against him, slowly closing your eyes as your lips touched together. 
Heeseung kept still as you held your lips to his, his heart threatening to rip from his chest. But once you pulled away, he was pulling you back. 
His hands moved from your biceps to your face, keeping you in place as he kissed you back. Lips moved together as if he’d never kissed someone before. 
Heeseung had his fair share of kisses when he was mortal, but none of them felt like yours do. Tasting so sweet and addicting. You kissed him back with the same amount of passion he was giving you, roaming your hands from his shoulders to his neck, fingers tangling in the silver strands of his hair. 
You don’t know if it was you or Heeseung who deepened the kiss, all concepts of time and the world around you were out the window at his touch. At the way his hands slid from your face to your hips. At how your body was pressed so close to his and how you were now pressed against the wall of your apartment. 
It was just kissing. You two were just making out and nothing else. But you wanted more, so much more. Heeseung too, wanted more of you. He couldn’t get enough. He rocked his hips against yours, his growing hard cock rubbing you just in the right way that your lips released from his to softly moan. 
Heeseung was off you within seconds of hearing that lewd, sweet sound come from your mouth. 
He pressed his back against the door, palming the door in hopes of getting his hands to stop shaking as he pants to catch his breath. 
You wrapped your arms around yourself, “I’m sorry.” 
Heeseung glances up at you, his pupils blown out and filled with the want he has for you. You wanted to run to him, pull him back into you. But the moment his wings, his oh-so-beautiful wings, appeared from behind him, you knew your time with him was over. 
“We can’t see each other again,” Heeseung quickly says, turning and reaching for the door handle. 
“Why?!” you quickly asked, pushing yourself off the wall, “I want to see you again.” 
Heeseung flung the door open and rushed to the railing, “I can’t sin. You’re too tempting.” You stood in the doorway, watching as he climbed the railing, stretching his wings out. He glanced behind him, taking one last long look at you, feeling his heartbreaking, “Goodbye, silly mortal.” 
And then he was gone. He shot into the sky so far and fast you didn’t have time to blink, “Goodbye, Heeseung.” 
Heeseung kneeled at the altar, bringing his hands together, and doing his daily prayers and offerings. Pushing every thought of you out of his mind. 
It’s been days since he left you. Days since he felt the warmth of your body against his. How your lips tasted and moved against his own. How you made his body feel. The things he wanted to do to you…the thoughts that ran through his head about you. 
Heeseung squeezed his eyes, doing everything he could to shove the thought of you down and away. To forget about you and what had happened. He couldn’t have you no matter what. Angels and mortals can’t be together anyway. It was forbidden. Angels' jobs are to protect, provide guidance, to watch over, and ensure the safety of the mortals. To not intervene and only to do so when it’s necessary. Everything about you was against the rules. He couldn’t have relationships with you. 
Heeseung stood from the altar, turning to see his brothers standing behind him, “My apologies,” he said to the six of them, “I took a bit longer this morning. Please take your turn.” 
He stepped aside, watching as the youngest and newest angel in their ranks took to the alter first. 
“What took you so long to return the other night, brother?” Niki, the youngest, asked as he placed his hands together and knelt, “We missed you at dinner.” 
Heeseung placed his hands behind his back, “I was sent on a job. The family I helped offered me food as a thanks.” 
Sunoo and Sunghoon knelt down beside Niki, copying the prayers. 
Jay and Jake kept their eyes on Heeseung, their eyes telling Heeseung everything he needed to know: that they knew where he was that night. 
Jungwon gave Heeseung a dimpled smile as he knelt beside the others, “It was very nice of them to return their thanks in dinner for you. Make sure to keep contact with them. It would be the right thing to do.” 
Heeseung nodded at the younger, “Of course. Already plan to.” 
He looked back at Jay and Jake, giving them a small nod and walking past them. 
“We know,” was all Jay said in a whisper only he, Jake, and Heeseung could hear. 
Heeseung stopped a few steps behind them, keeping his hands behind his back and head held high, “I know.” 
“Only Jay and I,” Jake added, his Aussie accent coming out in a hushed tone, “You know the rules.” 
“I know,” Heeseung said again, “I saved her life and she thanked me the way she felt fit.” 
“That’s not what we are worried about though,” Jay sighed, keeping his eyes locked on the younger ones in front of him, folding his wings tightly to his back. 
Heeseung knew the two of them were being nosey. That they peeked down onto the mortal lands and saw everything that happened. 
“Will you tell on me?” Heeseung asked, keeping himself held high. 
Jake chuckled, “Of course not,” he finally turned to look at Heeseung, staring at the back of his head, “You just have to promise to never see her again.” 
Heeseung closed his eyes, “I know the rules. I appreciate you two looking after me, but I am the eldest angel, the most trusted, and I wouldn’t break that trust. Not to God, or you six.” 
“We want you to promise,” Jay mumbled, “Say you promise.” 
“I promise.” 
Jay and Jake nodded, joining their brothers at the alter, leaving Heeseung standing alone. He walked out of the chapel and into the garden. He hated having to make that promise, but knowing it was necessary to make. Not just for his brother's peace of mind, but also his own. 
The day went on like normal with his normal scheduled things. It was enough to distract him away from the conversation that morning with Jay and Jake. Enough to keep his mind off and away from you. 
That was until night fell and he returned to his room with his back pressed to his shower wall, head leaned over, and letting the water slip down his head and face. 
Heeseung reached his fingers up to his lips, rubbing the pads over them, remembering the way your lips felt pressed against him. He ran his hands from the back of his neck to his shoulders, touching every inch of his upper half that your hands touched. 
Heeseung started to pant, his heart beating faster at the memories of you pressed against him. The moan that left your vulgar mouth. The pulsing pressure Heessung felt on his lower half was making him shake. He wrapped his hand around himself, slowly stroking up and back down. Biting his lips to keep any noise from coming out. 
This wasn’t like Heeseung. This wasn’t his normal behavior. And if he got found out…it would be over for him. It would have been over for him a long time ago if he was caught with you that night. Or if he continued any further. The moment Heeseung would have touched you inappropriately, or slid himself inside you…
Heeseung’s breath hitched, his thumb circling the tip. His eyes were glued to how red and angry it looked, how badly he wanted to feel your hand in place of his. 
He quickly let go of himself, turning the warm water from hot to cold, his body shivering from the new temperature and removing his thoughts about you. 
Even after his shower and now lying in bed, his thoughts trailed to you and the small time he spent with you. His heart ached, begging to hear your voice one more time. He forced himself to sleep. Forced himself to wake up that next morning and go about his normal schedule. To go back to bed and repeat over and over. 
Heeseung broke the minute he landed back in the city, sneaking out of heaven for the night and landing himself at your front door. His shaky hands banging on your door. 
You jolted awake, angrily stomping your way to the front door, “What the fuck do you want it’s almost two in the morning!” you snapped pulling the door open to see Heeseung standing before you, his wings quickly pulled tightly to his back as he pushed himself inside, his hands immediately cupping your face and lips attaching to yours. 
“Hee—Heeseung,” you said his name in between kisses, eventually pressing your hands to his chest and pushing him. Heeseung pulled back, looking at you with so much worry, “What are you doing here?” You asked. 
Heeseung slid his hands from your face to your arms, thumbs rubbing at your skin, “Do you want me to go?” 
“No!” you said a bit too hastily, fingers gripping at the fabric of his dark blue shirt, “I’ve missed you so much please don’t go.” 
It was true, you missed him more than you wanted to admit and the weeks you spent away from him were torture. You barely knew him, knew next to nothing about him actually. But something about him pulled you in. The moment you felt his arms and wings wrap around you, your heart was his for the taking. 
You did enough research after he left about why he couldn’t stay with you. Why he couldn’t be doing this with you. He’s breaking enough rules as it is to be here with you right now. 
Heeseung kissed you again, letting his wings drop to the floor, “I’ve missed you so much,” he said between each kiss, “You’re so darn tempting.” 
You giggled at his words, wrapping your arms around his neck, “I thought you couldn’t sin,” you teased him. 
Heeseung left your lips to kiss down your neck, “Kissing isn’t a sin. As long as I don’t touch you or have sex with you…” he brushed his lips back up to your jaw, “Just don’t tempt me to do anything but kiss you.” 
You did as the angel told you. Doing nothing but letting him kiss you and keeping your hands to yourself even if it was killing you to not touch him. Heeseung kept his hands on your face, thumbs gently rubbing back and forth across your jawline, slowly walking you to your bed and laying you down. Heeseung climbed in over you, gently laying his body down on top of yours, wanting to be as close as legally possible for him to be. 
He didn’t move, no matter how hard he got. He didn’t touch you anywhere but your arms and face, even if his hands were screaming to touch every inch of you. All he did was keep his lips connected to yours, kissing you so gently and softly until both of yours and his lips were swollen. 
You fell asleep in his arms but awoke to an empty apartment but a handwritten letter was on your kitchen table, Heeseung telling you he would be back when he could. 
And Heeseung kept true to his word. He always came back to you. He always held you close in his arms and kissed you gently. Heeseung fell hard in love with you. No amount of time spent with you was ever enough, not when he had to go back to Heaven before anyone noticed he was gone. Do his normal duties and schedule, wait a couple of days, then crash land back at your door. 
Each time was harder than the last. You became his every thought and wish. And Heeseung was slowly starting to lose himself when it came to you. His immortal life started to become more mortal again being with you. Mostly with how much your existence was starting to tempt him more and more. 
Heeseung was slowly starting to break the rules even more than he already was. Brushing his hands over your breasts slowly, tangling his fingers in your hair, rubbing his cock against your heat, and shoving his tongue down your throat. He would undress you, undress himself, leaving you in nothing but your bra and panties and him in his boxers, trying so hard to keep his eyes on your face and not trace every inch of your almost bare body. 
You were the devil that sat on his shoulder, breaking him away from who he really was. Never once in his life, before he died and after, was he ever faced with temptation like this. 
You made it so hard for him to behave. Not when he’d hear your sweet moans fill his ears as you buck your hips against his to feel his length and run your hands down every inch of his body. 
Heeseung nearly lost his mind when your hand wrapped around him for the first time, feeling how your fingers pumped him so slowly and oh so so good. 
“Angels don’t act like this, darling,” Heeseung whispered in your ear as your hand squeezed him, “You’re such a devil to me.”
You kissed his neck, stroking his cock a bit faster, “I’m just a devil in disguise,” you teased him, knowing full well Heeseung was loving this banter. 
“I love you,” he kissed your ear, rocking himself in your hand, “I love you so much.” 
Heeseung had you stop before things got too out of control. Redressing himself and you before giving you a final kiss goodnight and leaving. 
You always hated to watch him go. To watch as your angel flew away into the night and having to count down the days until you could see him again. 
Heeseung stood before the altar, his six brothers surrounding behind him along with the other angels of heaven. He kept his hands pressed behind his back, “You called for me, my savior?” 
God hummed, “We have a lot to discuss, my angel.” 
Heeseung glanced around at his brothers, taking note of their facial expressions. Then looked at the other angels, they wore the same looks, just not as hurt as his brothers. 
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what this was about. Heeseung knew. His luck ran out. 
“What would you like to discuss?” Heeseung asked, giving a smile. 
“About your wrongdoings.” 
Heeseung’s smile faded, dropping his kind and happy act. He had to admit, he no longer was happy being here in heaven. Not when his heart was on mortal lands. Heaven was back on Earth. Not in these clouds. Not anymore. 
“Are you wanting me to confess my sins, my lord?” Heeseung kept his head lifted, straightening up his posture. 
“Yes,” God said with a sigh, “And why you betrayed me.” 
Heeseung pulled his wings tighter to his back, squeezing his hands together, “I am in love with her.” 
His six brothers closed their eyes tightly, tilting their heads down towards the white morale floor, hands in fists. The other angels gasped at the confession. 
“State the rest of your sins, Lee Heeseung.” 
Heeseung lifted his head up higher, “I’ve touched her. Let her touch me. Slept beside her and held her in my arms. Rubbed my body against hers until she was moaning.” 
The gasps of the other angels grew louder, their chattering voices echoing across the chapel. 
“But you never slept with her, have you?” 
Heeseung smirked, “No, I haven’t had sex with her. But I want to.”
More gasps filled the chapel. Jay now appearing at Heeseung’s side, his hand gripping his shoulder, “Stop talking man!” 
Heeseung shook his brother off him, “Go and stand back where you were, Jay.” 
“Jongseong,” God said quickly, “Please.” 
Jay slowly walked back, standing close to Jake. 
“What has she done to you? My angel? Why did you fall into her temptation when she’s a devil.” 
Heeseung tensed his face and body. Wings pulled even tighter against him to keep them from shaking out of pure anger, “She’s a human being. Nothing even close to those damned demons.” 
More gasps from the other angels. 
“You will watch your mouth when speaking to me.” 
Heeseung chuckled, looking down to the floor, “My apologies.” 
Heeseung thinned his lips in a line. He was filled with so much conflict. This place wasn’t his home, not when you were down below waiting for him. Heeseung loved his time here, loved helping mortals who needed him, and loved his six brothers and even the jobs and duties he had here. Spending time with you did change him, making him want more out of his immortal life than to just exist. He wanted to live. He wanted to love. He wanted life with you. 
Heeseung held his head high again, relaxing his body, “I confess to all my sins. My thoughts I’ve had of her, the things I want to do to and with her and I confess to betraying you and your trust, my savior.” 
God sighed, silence filling the room. Heeseung knew what was next. His punishment. 
“Jay, Jake, Sungoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Niki,” God called for them, “Stand by Heeseung.” 
Heeseung watched his six brothers stand closer to him, seeing the looks on their faces as God spoke to them one one-on-one in their minds, telling them exactly what they needed to do. 
Niki and Jungwon held his legs down, while Sunghoon and Sunoo stretched his arms out and held a death grip on them. 
Heeseung’s body shook, pure fear covering his face when he felt Jay’s and Jake’s hands touch his wings, “No,” Heeseung whispered, fighting as much as he could to pull his wings back, “Not my wings.” 
Jay gritted his teeth as he forced Heeseung’s left wing out, stretching it out to its full span. Jake did the same, biting down hard on his lip and breaking the skin. 
“This is your punishment, Lee Heeseung,” God said with a stern voice, “You lose your place here. And I’m taking back your wings I granted you.” 
Heeseung pushed and pulled at his brothers, doing anything he could to get them off him but their grips held hard. 
“Heeseung, please,” Sunghoon begged as he gripped his wrist harder, “Stop.” 
“Hyung please,” Sunoo begged. 
But Heeseung kept fighting to break free. 
Everyone stood still as the room shook with God’s shout. Sweat rolled down Heessung’s face, his eyes piercing through everyone surrounding him.
“Take his wings. Now.”
Heeseung smirked, “To hell with all this,” he whispered. 
Jay and Jake looked at each other, their tears swelling up in their eyes as God whispered in their minds to take Heeseung’s wings. To rip them from his body. 
They pulled and Heeseung shouted. His voice echoed off the walls as Jay and Jake pulled with their full strength. Sunghoon and Sunoo kept their grips on his wrists tight and same with Jungwon and Niki at his legs, holding on for dear life. 
It was killing Jay to have to do this, to watch his own hands pull his older brother's wing right out of his body. He could only imagine the pain Heeseung was feeling. And Jake? He was in tears. He could feel inch by inch of Heeseung’s right wing stripping from his back. He could already see the blood spilling onto his white robes and onto the floor. Seeing Heeseung fling his head back and forth in a rage as his voice bounced off the walls and echoed throughout the whole chapel. The pained faces his other six brothers had at having to witness this. 
Jake wished he could turn back time, wished he could have stopped Heeseung from sneaking out. Stopped the angel who caught Heeseung dropping down to the mortal lands and kept him from getting nosey and running his mouth to God. But it was all too late. Heeseung would get his wings stripped from him and pushed down to the Earth to fall. All Jake could do now was pray he survived long enough to make it to you. 
Heeseung clenched his jaw as the last bit of his wings was stripped from his body, his back spilling blood and muscles aching from the loss of where his wings once were. His beautiful white feathered wings lost all their life and slumped in Jay’s and Jake’s hands, blood dripping down them. 
His brothers stepped away from him, watching as Heeseung fell to the floor, too dizzy from the blood loss. 
“You will now fall,” God sighed, “You will be stripped of your immortality and fall to Earth. You will crawl to your lover and show her where her sins got you.” 
Heeseung weakly smirked, eyes closing, “Gladly.” 
Heeseung didn’t know who picked him up by his arms and dragged him out of the chapel, he just knew it wasn’t any of his brothers. The grip the other two angles had on him was proof enough that it wasn’t any of the ones he loved. 
The six of them stood in the chapel still, eyes locked on Heeseung's wingless back, watching the blood pool from the wounds and stain his white robes and the marble floor. 
They watched helplessly as Heeseung was pushed off the edge. 
You heard a faint knocking on your door. At first, you thought you might have gone crazy and heard things. But once the knocking kept happening and then you heard something fall, you quickly rushed to the door, opening it to find Heeseung still in his white-stained robes. His back was pressed against the railing and his skin was pale. 
“Heeseung, oh my god!” you dropped down to his side, cupping your hands to his face, “What happened?!” 
Heeseung was barely able to hold his eyes open, “My wings…they stripped my wings from me.” 
You bit at the skin on your cheek, quickly standing back to your feet and pulling him up with all the strength you had, pulling his arm over your shoulders and gripping your arm around his waist, pulling him inside your apartment. 
Heeseung barely made it a couple of steps in before falling to his knees, you losing your grip on him and your eyes finally landing on the holes in his robes and the blood that still continued to push out. 
“Heeseung,” you fell back to his side, “You need to get to a hospital.” 
“And tell them what?” he breathed out, fingers gripping the carpet as he pants, “That I am a fallen angel who got their wings forcefully torn from his body?” 
Heeseung wasn’t trying to be snappy or rude, truly. The pain was just so immense he couldn’t control anything. 
You sat back on your heels, watching the love of your life suffer. This was your fault. It was all your fault. You’re the one who asked him to come home with you that fateful day. You’re the one who kissed him. Who tempted him. You pulled him in and touched him. You did this to him. 
Heeseung could practically hear your brain turning over and over. He pushed himself to his side, reaching his hand up to grip your chin, forcing you to look at him, “This is not your fault, you hear me? Not even close.” 
The tears swelled in your eyes now, falling into his touch as he cupped his hand to your cheek, “Heeseung…” 
“Baby,” he whispered, “I need you to do as I say, okay? My immortality hasn’t been taken from me yet, I will heal a bit fast but I need my wounds covered and taken care of, can you do that for me?” 
You nodded, placing a kiss on his palm. Heeseung told you exactly what you needed to do. Starting with tearing his robes off his body and ripping it into a big enough strand to be wrapped around him. Then using any medical alcohol you had in the apartment and pour it onto his wounds and hold a towel to them. It killed you having to press the towels to his wounds, feeling the massive hole where his beautiful wings once were…the pain Heeseung must be feeling…
But you took care of him. Doctoring his wounds to the best of your ability and doing as he instructed you. You wrapped the pieces of what was left of his robe around his chest and back, tying it as tightly as you could. 
You helped him to your bed, steadying him up as he sat down. Heeseung wasn’t as pale as earlier, but you could still see the pained expression. 
“Hey,” He whispered, cupping your face, “Stop thinking whatever it is.” 
You looked away from him, “I caused this. I tempted you.” 
Heeseung shook his head, “Baby, look at me,” you looked up at him, “I did this of my own free will,” he slid his hands from your face and down to your waist, “I knew the consequences, and did it anyway,” he squeezed your waist, “I love you. I gave up heaven for you.” 
You wanted to fight him, to yell in his face about giving up eternity for you. But you also couldn’t help but feel so loved at this moment. That this angel found love with you and was willing to give up everything for you. 
Heeseung kissed you, pulling you between his legs, and deepening the kiss. 
“Heeseung,” you said, pulling away from him, “You’re injured, you need to rest.” 
“No,” he shook his head, pulling you down into the bed and towering over you, “I’ve waited,” he said, his eyes growing lustful and his fingers tearing into your shirt and ripping it in half, pulling it off your body, “so damn long,” sliding his hands down to your shorts, looping his fingers in and pulling them down, taking your panties down with, “to have you like this.” 
Heeseung kicked your legs apart with his knees, leaning up straight to unbutton and unzip his black slacks, wiggling them off his body, leaving him in his boxers. You pulled yourself up on your elbows, opening your mouth to protest that this could wait. But Heeseung wasn’t having any of it. He connected his lips back to yours, his hands cupping your breasts and loving the way you moaned into his mouth. 
“Oh hell baby,” he said between kisses, “I love how these feel between my fingers.” 
You kept your lips attached to his as if your life depended on it, bucking your hips up onto his. 
Heeseung trailed his lips down to your neck, squeezing your breasts then sliding them behind to unhook your bra, sending the fabric off somewhere in the apartment. 
Heeseung lifted himself back up, tearing down at your bare body. So perfect. So beautiful. So his. 
“You’re so perfect,” he whispered, connecting his forehead to yours, tracing his fingertips down your body and stopping at your cunt, slowly pushing his fingers in, “So wet,” he groaned, rubbing his hard cock against your thigh, “Hmm I can’t wait to feel your cunt wrapped around me.” 
You giggled at him, “Angels don’t say such dirty things,” you teased. 
“Yeah?” he smirked, plunging his fingers in and out faster, “Angels don’t finger this good, do they?” 
You squirm underneath him, rolling your hips in sync with his fingers. Pushing your head back into your pillows and aches your back. 
You gasped out at the loss of his fingers, watching as he pulled the remainder of his clothing off him. His hard cock was red and angry. Precum dripping from his tip.
Heeseung gripped both your thighs, pushing them to your chest, “Angels don’t do what I am fixing to do to you,” he smirked, lining his cock up to your entrance. With a deep breath, he pushed himself inside you. Heeseung’s moans fill the apartment along with your own. 
His grip on your thighs tightened, his nails digging into the skin. He pulled his hips back and pushed forward. Picking up his pace and pounding into you like a madman. His pupils were blown out and his breaths were unsteady. This. This was what he gave up heaven for. To feel your cunt wrapped around his cock. This was the real heaven. 
“See, darling,” he groans, throwing his head back, “Angels don’t fuc-fuck this good,” he looked back down at you, loving your fucked out expression and how your hands gripped your bedsheets. Mouth slack as sweet moans spill from your lips. It turned you on so bad hearing Heeseung talk this way. To feel him so balls deep in your pussy, “Thank god I am not an angel, huh?” 
Heeseung was the definition of looks like an angel but fucks like a demon. With the way he pistoned into you, the grip on your thighs, the dirty words leaving his mouth that you’ve never heard him say before tonight…Heeseung was never meant to stay an angel. 
You continued to moan out with each of his hard thrusts, your core growing tight and threatening to snap at any moment, “Fuck you feel so good,” he breathes, “Moan my name baby,” he snaked his fingers to your clit, rubbing it aggressively, “Cum around my cock, I know you want to.” 
You bit your lip, arching your back more at his touch, jaw going slack as you chanted his name. Chanting his name as if he were god and you were his follower. Your core snapping, your orgasm releasing around him and onto your bedsheets, “Fuck yes, baby,” he smiles, pumping himself even faster inside you, “Can’t believe I’ve waited this long to fuck you. Should have done it the night we met. Should have fucked this cunt, should have ruined you. Claimed you as mine from the beginning. Oh fuck—“
Heeseung’s body shuddered, cock twitching, “I’m fixing to cum baby,” he bit his lip, looking down and watching how his cock slides in and out, in and out, “Oh dear god, I’m cumming. Oh fuck I’m cumming.” 
He kept his eyes locked on your pussy as he came, watching how his seed leaked from your hole as he continued to pump inside of you, milking his cock between your walls. 
Heeseung fell on top of your body, his head resting on your chest as he steadied himself and caught his breath, wrapping his arms underneath you. 
Heeseung spent his whole life being good and doing good. Never once being selfish or doing any selfish acts. Until you. You pulled this high-ranking angel down to his knees. Making him for once, want to be selfish. To do something for himself. To live freely and be free. To love and fuck you with every ounce of his being. 
He was so in love with you and you were so worth getting his wings taken away from him. It's so worth his immortality being stripped. 
Heeseung looked up at you, “Want to know a secret?” You tilted your head at him, waiting for him to continue, “I knew it would happen eventually. I wasn’t truly happy up there. My brothers and God knew it too. It was a matter of time before I fucked up and got caught,” he leaned himself up on his elbows, “I wanted it to happen. Because I wanted to be with you so bad. I knew they’d strip my wings. Take my immortality. Yeah, I enjoyed my wings and being immortal, but I wanted you so much more than that.” 
You cupped his face, “My fallen angel,” 
He placed a kiss on your lips, “I love you, YN.” Heeseung wrapped your legs around his waist, slowly moving again, “And I so love fucking this pussy.” 
You giggled, bracing your hands onto his biceps, “I love you too, even if you gave everything up for me.” 
Heeseung rested his forehead on yours, slowly fucking into you, “And I’d do it over and over again, all for you.”
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—perm taglist: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle @kangnina @jwnghyuns @in-somnias-world @zyvlxqht @aaa-sia @wonniethepoo @addictedtohobi @eneiyri @sparklovespink @skzenhalove @fakeuwus @cherry-park @vousty @ladyartemesia @criminalyun @cmoundiamante @enhaverse713586 @wondipity @lhsvibez @belowbun @jaeyunq @rikizm @kaykay11sworld @pockettwinzz @vixialuvs @seunghancore @enha-cafe @ohdeerhee @sunpov @zeeloveshee @hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee
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mins-fins · 3 months
the cure
&&. mark shows up to your place bleeding red, and red is your least favorite color.
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pairing: mark lee x gn!reader
genre: fluff, spiderman!mark & student nurse!reader
warnings: descriptions of injuries, blood, and violence
word count: 1.3k
notes: this was supposed to come out yesterday but i had the worst migraine and literally ended up passing out 😆 its okay though the grind never stops!! this little bit (spiderman + med student) was originally supposed to be longer and it might still be longer form i just cant begin that right now 😓 okay everyone have a good day and dont get a migraine like isa
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mark, for some reason, feels guilty.
his guilt manifests in the blood that trickles down his side, the cut digs into his heart, rips it out, and stomps on it. the figurative scars hurt more than the literal one, and though the pain is excruciating, he feels much more disappointed than anything.
jeez that guy did him bad, he didn't know pocket knives could do that much damage, he was just trying to go about his night on that skyscraper, but of course, something had to happen.
since when do robbers carry knives? he probably won't be able to get over that for a while.
but mark doesn't allow for himself to stumble, he doesn't need for things to become worse. though he would usually just go home and try to deal with the cuts himself, he instead brings himself to another apartment, sitting outside on the balcony of a familiar room.
he peaks over, pressing his face against the window. he raises his fist and softly knocks on the glass, alerting the person inside of his presence. you turn around upon hearing the noise, a muted gasp escaping your lips as you rush towards the window to open it.
"mark? oh my god are you— jesus".
mark simply gives a dorky smile, no teeth, and you usher him in, supporting him as he slumps down the moment he enters your room. "is this a bad time?" he manages to ask, biting back his wince as he feels your finger lightly grace the wound on his hip, the blood smearing onto your hand.
"no, it's just.." you pause, collecting yourself as you stare at the crimson belonging to mark. "i'll be right back" you rush towards the bathroom, and mark watches each of you movements.
after washing your hands, you return with a first aid kit and warm wet cloth, mark immediately smiles once he hears your footsteps. "alright, let's bandage you up now" you whisper, again kneeling to mark's level as you examine the cut.
there's a slit in mark's suit where the cut resides, a nauseating gash that makes even you, a nurse in training, grimace. you tilt your head to the side, lips pursued as you focus on bandaging mark up, not wanting for it to get infected.
mark closes his eyes in exhaustion, holding back his winces as you press the wet cloth to his damaged skin, dabbing away the blood. the pain is evident on his face, his expressions much too obvious to be feigned. "hurts huh?"
your boyfriend hums, opening one of his eyes. "yeah" he can't help the frown that graces his lips, a frown you pick up on.
"this isn't the first time right?" you know, of course you know, you can read mark like he's your favorite work of literature. mark never understands how you do it, but he also decides never to question it.
"no" his tongue runs over his teeth, somehow feeling disappointed. he lightly shifts in his position when he feels you apply ointment to the cut, finally allowing that well needed wince to leave his lips. "i didn't mean to hide all my wounds from you i just.. i didn't want you to worry".
you offer a small chuckle. "i worry about you either way, baby".
the petname makes the heat on his face amplify, and he looks down at the floor. "and you don't like red.."
you blink. "what?"
mark begins picking at his nails, embarrassed. "you don't like red, i didn't want to constantly show up all cut and busted up, i just wanted to save you the worry".
your gaze softens, but mark avoids your eyes anyway, somewhat ashamed of the words he just muttered.
knowing your boyfriend is spiderman hasn't really assured any of your worries. before, it was just anxiety about how much work he was putting himself through, and now it was anxiety about literally everything. he could show up on your doorstep or windowsill with wounds all over him, terribly injured, and he'd just.. smile. how could you not worry?
"you don't have to save me anything, i'm here to make sure you're okay" you say, frowning at the whole display before you. "so.. how do i take this off?"
"wow, trying to undress me already?"
you playfully hit mark's shoulder, and he giggles at your resulting expression. still, he points you to the zipper on his suit, and you begin unzipping the spandex so you can reveal his other scars much easier. mark isn't focusing on that, though, he's instead focused on the rip in his very own suit. "fucker put a tear in it".
you let out an amused snicker, but mark's frown doesn't falter. "is that really all you care about?"
your boyfriend shrugs. "well i do care about it, i spent so much time sewing it.."
realizing he was genuinely upset about it, your smile falls, pointer finger trailing down his neck, feeling all of the scars from previous battles. "i'll help you sew it back, okay?" you use your free hand to tilt his chin towards you, and the smile you offer makes him smile.
"you're so gentle" mark lets his head slowly fall onto your shoulder, humming in solace at the feeling of warmth surrounding him. "i should've come to you sooner".
"well you can come to me now" you respond, voice laced with nothing but adoration. "think i can do a better job at patching you up than what you've been doing for all this time.."
you use your free hand to cup mark's face, squishing his cheeks. you chuckle at the display, completely enamored by the sight before you. "i'll take care of you now, you always know where to find me".
mark doesn't respond, worn out from literally everything, but his smile says it all. he again leans against you, and you can feel his heart beating. the sweetness of his smile contrasts the red that still stain his skin, but he no longer minds. "you're too nice to me".
"that's my job".
mark opens his eyes, staring at you for a moment, silent. then, he sits up and places his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
you yelp at the sudden change of mood, but you snicker, and mark feels your smile against his lips. your back just lightly hits your bed, legs coming up as mark's hand holds your jaw, gently keeping you in place as his presses become much more frenzied.
there's a slight whine that comes from you, and mark retreats for air a small while after, hands still holding onto your jaw, his finger beginning to caress your skin. "sorry.." he mutters, his head falling onto your chest.
you let out a silent laugh. "for what?"
mark's arms come to wrap around you, leaving you trapped in your place. "worrying you, it was just—"
you press your pointer finger to his lips, effectively shutting him up. "you don't have to explain it anymore, babe, you're okay, and that's all that matters to me".
if mark's cheeks dust red, he again tries to hide that fact by hiding his face from you. "love you".
the words are small, nothing but a whisper in your expanse of a room, but you hear them loud and clear. his arms circled around your waist leave you with a feeling of warmth, easement that just brightens your night a little bit more.
"i love you too, but you can't fall asleep on me like this".
mark almost lets out a whine, but he just frowns. "at least let me change you into something comfortable, and finish cleaning that other cut".
and though mark doesn't want to let you go, he also can't help but smile at the words.
your favorite color isn't red, it's your least, but when mark bleeds red, that all becomes unnecessary.
you'll be here to patch up all of his red, you're sure of it.
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writemekpop · 1 year
Birthday Blues (Part 1) | Na Jaemin
Summary: When Jaemin thinks you’ve forgotten his birthday, you have the biggest argument you've ever had.
Genre: Boyfriend!Jaemin, angst
Word Count: 1k
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Jaemin was furious. It was his birthday today, and you, his girlfriend of three years, had forgotten about it.
When he woke up this morning, he could barely contain his excitement. He was expecting to see you in something red and lacey, get breakfast in bed, and have some delicious morning loving.
But to his disappointment, he woke up to you, moody, sweaty, and hurling into the bin. You were hungover from your girls’ night out the previous evening.
Soon, it was 7PM, and you still hadn’t mentioned Jaemin’s birthday.
“Could we stop by Yuta’s bar before we go home?” You asked. “They’re having a special offer. Five cocktails for five pounds! I heard they make your vomit look all rainbow-y.”
Jaemin scoffed. “That sounds just fantastic. But two nights in a row? Are you sure this drinking thing isn’t becoming a problem? Plus…” He scratched the back of his neck, awkwardly. “Isn’t there something else you’d rather be doing… especially today?”
“What’s so special about today?” you said, shaking your head. “Come on, it’s only a mile away. Do you have money for an Uber? I left my wallet at home.”
“You’re so freaking forgetful,” Jaemin snapped.
You raised your hands in surrender. “Alright, jeez! It’s just a wallet.”
“It’s not just that! What about my cat? You forgot to feed Sushi all week while I was in Morocco. She nearly starved to death! Or what about when you forgot where you parked my BMW, and I had to miss Jeno’s leaving party to search for it! And what about my bir-“
Jaemin stopped mid-sentence when he realised that you weren’t listening to him. You were busy typing away on your iPhone.
Jaemin yanked the phone out of your manicured fingers and threw it onto the floor. The screen cracked.
You gasped. Putting your smashed phone into your pocket, you turned to your boyfriend.
“Can we just… go inside?” You pointed at the bar. “I promise, everything will be-“
“Oh my god,” Jaemin said, cutting you off. “Why are you so desperate to go inside? If you really want to see your friends so much then, let’s go.”
Jaemin grabbed your arm tightly and pulled you through the door.
The inside of the bar was pitch black.
“Would you look at that?” Jaemin spat. “It’s empty. Did you forget what time you were supposed to meet up? God, why are you so dumb?”
“Jaem-“ You waved frantically at him, but he wouldn’t stop.
“You’re so disorganised… and- you’re lazy! It’s my birthday and all you’ve done is whine about your own stupid life. Why do you have to be so fucking selfish? We are done, you… you bitch!”
You and Jaemin stared at each other in stony silence. Jaemin was panting, and you were fighting back tears.
Just then, the lights flickered on.
“S-surprise,” came a bunch of unsure voices.
Jaemin turned around to see the shocked and disapproving faces of everyone he loved staring back at him.
A live band in the corner started to play ‘Happy Birthday’, but someone told them to shut up.
The room was filled with fifty of his friends, parents, cousins, colleagues… Haechan was standing in the middle of the crowd, holding a huge three-tier chocolate cake. A big banner saying Happy Birthday, Jaemin hung from the wall.
Jaemin turned to you. “You… did all this?”
Your face was wet with tears. You pushed past Jaemin and ran out of the door.
“Wait!” Jaemin shouted, but it was too late.
“Way to go, buddy,” Renjun said, slapping him a little too hard on his back. “It’s called a surprise party… ever heard of it? Y/n spent weeks organising it.”
Jaemin tugged a hand through his hair, throat dry. “I’ve really messed things up, haven’t I?”
Renjun rolled his eyes. “Welcome back to Singles Night, bud. We missed you.”
Jaemin ran all the way home. When he saw you in the bedroom, his heart surged. You hadn’t left!
You were facing away, standing by the open wardrobe.
“What are you doing?” Jaemin asked, frowning.
You spun around at the sound of his voice. “Packing. You said it yourself, J, we’re done.”
Jaemin ran towards you and pulled the bag from your hands. “I didn’t mean any of that! I was just… angry. I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
You shook your head, taking the bag back. “Jaemin… you called me a bitch. Do you not respect me at all? How can you expect me to stay with you after that?”
Jaemin crumpled onto the bed, tears threatening to spill. He hugged his knees tight. “I’m sorry,” he croaked.
You sat beside him on the bed, shoulders drooping.
“I’m sorry, too,” you whispered. “You deserve someone… better.”
“No!” Jaemin shook his head. “Please don’t leave me.” He leant his head against your shoulder, crying.
You sat in silence for a moment. Then you sucked in a deep breath and stood up.
“I have to,” you said. “Goodbye, Jaemin.”
You walked out of the room. A few moments later, Jaemin heard the thud of the front door.
Jaemin stood up. He looked at the picture frame on the bedside table, it was of you and him, laughing whilst sharing an ice cream.
He picked it up and threw it against the wall, screaming. The glass shattered.
He ran into the living room, head spinning. That’s when he saw it.
There was a small box on the coffee table, wrapped with a purple bow, and a message that said ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEMIN’. He opened the box, fingers trembling.
Inside was a sleek brass ring. He picked it up and read the inscription on the ring.
“Y/n and Nana forever.”
What a fool he was.
Part 2 coming soon...
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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I’ll be gentle -Chris S.
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Warnings- making out, smut, protected p in v, oral f!receiving, oral m!receiving, soft!dom!Chris x virgin!reader, gentle sex, soft sex, overstimulation, use of y/n, pet names (baby, ma, princess), maybe more?
Summary- y/n and the triplets went to a party and played truth or dare. You and Chris’ night took an unexpected turn.
You cuddled up against Chris. You had pajama pants, and a tank top on. You two were watching Scream. About 10 mins into the movie you realized what time it was. You got up and took your pants, revealing your black lace panties. Chris was looking at you, trying not to let his eyes travel down. You and Chris have been best friends for the longest time. So yes he’s seen you in a bra and underwear. There’s only been one time where he’s seen your boobs. And that was when he accidentally walked in on you changing. However you have had the biggest crush on him. You took your top off and started taking your bra off. Chris covered his eyes trying to be polite. “Um y/n what the fuck?!” He said in shock. “Chris it’s okay you can look. We’ve known each other for forever. It’s fine.” He uncovered his eyes. All he did was look at your gorgeous tits. “This may seem weird but, you have the most gorgeous tits.” “Aww Chris thank you!” You said with a smile.
You all made it to the party. Nick and Matt went off to find some friends which left you and Chris alone. You two went to get some drinks. “Y/n! Chris! C’mon we’re gonna play truth or dare!” Nick yelled. You both sat down next to each other. “Ok y/n truth or dare?” Tara asked you. “Umm truth.” “What’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?” “Oh tara c’mon.” “Tara why?!” Chris and Matt said. You stayed quiet. “Um dare please.” You said. “Wait y/n are you a virgin?” Tara asked you. “I said dare.” You stated. “Okay jeez. I dare you to make out with Chris.” You looked over at Chris to find him already looking at you. “Y/n you don’t have to.” “No no it’s a dare.” “Alright then.” You both leaned in. Your lips connected. The kiss was passionate. “Oh my god I can’t watch.” Nick and Matt said. “Are you gonna come up for air?” You pulled back. “Let’s go upstairs.” He whispered to you with a smirk. You both went upstairs into a bedroom. You laid down on the bed and started taking your clothes off.
He was kissing down your stomach. You were in a bra and underwear and he was wearing just underwear. He made his was to the waistband of your panties. He looked up at you for approval. You slowly nodded. He slid them down and eventually off. He made his way back up. “Don’t hide. I wanna see that pretty pussy of yours.” You slowly spread your legs. “Mm there it is. Tell me if I’m too much.” You nodded. He wasted no time before licking a long stripe up your folds to your clit. Your hips jolted up from the new sensation you’ve never felt before. He started his attack ever so gently on your clit. He held your hips down so you wouldn’t buck them up. He started sucking on your clit and you went feral. “Ohh Chris. F-Feels so good.” You moaned out. “Yeah you like what I’m doing to you hm?” He was more aggressive this time. Suddenly you felt something in the pit of your stomach. “Chris something’s happening in my stomach. “Don’t worry baby it’s just your orgasm.” He continued his gentle attack on your clit. He then moved down and stuck his tongue inside of you. “Ohh fuck Chris!” You moaned loudly. His hand came up to rub your clit while fucking his tongue into you. “I’m so c-close.” You stuttered out. He went faster. “Ohh Chris I’m cumming!” You screamed as you came on his tongue. He came up to you and kissed you. You could taste yourself on his tongue. You two switched so you were on top of him. You went down to his boxers and saw a huge bulge. You slid them down and saw his dick pop out. *there is no way that will fit anywhere* you thought to yourself. You weren’t completely clueless. You watch porn so you think you can do it. You stuck your tongue out and swirled it around his tip. He threw his head back so you thought you must have been doing the right thing. You started to take all of him in. Well most of him. He was far too big. You only had about 3 of the 7 inches. You jerked off what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down on his dick which made him groan. “Holy shit you’re good at this.” You just kept sucking him off. He was moaning and groaning, you could tell he was getting close. You felt his dick twitching in your mouth. “Ohh I’m gonna cum ma.” Hot long after he said that he shot his cum in the back of your throat. He took it out of your mouth so you could breathe. “Wow. You’re really good at that.” You smiled, he got on top of you, “Will it hurt?” You asked him. “Only for a little but then it’ll feel good.” He replied. He grabbed a condom from the drawer next to you. He opened it with his teeth, he slid it on and looked back at you with a smile. He aligned his tip at your entrance. He slowly pushed his tip in. The pain was unbearable. You winced in pain. He stilled for a few seconds before pushing more of himself in to you. “Ow fuck Chris please.” “I know baby I know. It’ll only hurt for a bit.” Soon he bottomed out, waiting for your approval to move. “You okay baby? Do you wanna stop?” “No I’m okay. You can move.” He nodded and started slowly going in and out. You winced in pain again. “Your so pretty baby. My pretty princess.” He said to you trying to get your mind on something other than the pain your feeling. “Thank you Chris.” Soon the pain started to feel good. “Chris please faster.” “Are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you.” “I can take it.” He started thrusting faster but still gentle and slow. “Mm Chris feels good.” “Yeah. You gonna cum all over my cock hm?” He started going slightly faster. “Ohh shitt Chrissy I’m close. “Me too princess.” Both of your breathing got heavier. “Fuck Chris I’m cumming!” You came all over the condom. He pulled out, took the condom off, and came all over your stomach. “Holy fuck that was amazing.” You said to him. “We should really get cleaned up.” He replied.
You two got cleaned up. You put your clothes back on and went back downstairs. “Heyy what have you teo been doing for the past hour and a half? We’ve been looking for you.” Nick and Matt said looking back and forth between the both of you. “Looks like someone lost their virginity.” Tara said before taking a sip out of her drink. “Gross!” Nick yelled and walked away. Matt didn’t say anything and walked over to Tara and Nick. You just both looked at each other and giggled.
a/n: ermm y’all i been working on this for the past 3 days…..
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worldlxvlys · 9 months
lose your shit
dwb! matt x reader
warnings: mentions of sex, violence, mentions of blood, cursing
based on these texts, it won’t really make sense if you don’t read them.
a/n: the guy’s name is alex, i hope you like this <333
shit shit shit shit.
this is not good. i look over to the man laying in my bed, he was in a dead sleep.
matt doesn’t live that far away, maybe 10 minutes tops. however, he could have left before he even sent that text.
i began to shake alex awake. “you gotta wake up, dude”
after a few seconds, he stirred and opened his eyes. “what’s wrong?” he asked, letting out a yawn.
“nothing. you just really need to fucking go”
“alright damn, but what’s the rush?”
“please just hurry up, i don’t have time for this” i said, pulling him off the bed.
“damn, was the sex that bad?” i didn’t even answer, just looked him up and down.
“alright, jeez” i collected his clothes from the floor and handed them to him.
he took the hint, beginning to get dressed.
when he was done he just stood there.
“was there something else you needed?” i asked trying to figure out why he wouldn’t leave.
“can i at least brush my teeth?”
“does this look like a fucking hotel to you? take your shit, and get out. now.” i answered, starting to get annoyed.
he just stared at me, mouth open.
“you do have a tooth brush and running water at your house, correct?”
“well, yeah. but-“
“ok that is amazing, lovely, the quicker you get out of my house, the quicker you can take care of your dental hygiene” i said nudging him out of my room.
i pushed him all the way to my door. maybe there is hope for this man after all.
when i opened the door, there stood matt.
fucking hell.
that has to be the worst timing i’ve ever had in my entire life.
his eyes immediately snapped toward alex. “what the fuck are you doing here?”
“i could ask you the same thing, matty-boy”
they know each other.
the two men stared at each other, never breaking the intense glare.
“oh great! you two know each other! well, alex was just about to head home so, y’all can catch up later” i said, trying to get him to walk away.
“actually, i think i’m gonna stay” he said, looking matt up and down.
well, shit.
this was like something out of a god damn movie. and while it didn’t surprise me that matt was acting this way, i wasn’t expecting this from alex.
alex did not seem like the type of guy to start a fight, he seemed more like the type to run away from one. he simply wasn’t built for it, at least, that’s what i thought.
matt clenched his jaw before grabbing alex by his shirt, pulling him outside and pushing him against my house.
“jesus christ, matt” i said in shock.
“what ya gonna do matty? gonna hit me?” matt did just that, swinging at alex’s face.
“you need to stay the fuck away from her. got it?”
“no can do, matty pooh. i can’t lie, she’s a good fuck”
matt didn’t like his comment, as he pulled his fist back to punch alex again.
alex, however, was quicker this time. he caught matt’s fist with one hand and swung at him with the other.
yeah, i was definitely wrong about alex.
“hey fuckers! i don’t know if you’ve noticed but my house is white. it’d be lovely if you didn’t get blood on it !” i yelled, making matt turn his head towards me.
alex took advantage of matt’s distraction to land another blow to matt’s face.
that shit looked like it hurt.
i then pulled matt away, placing myself between the two.
“you two need to get a fucking grip” i turned to alex. “walk away before i call the cops on your ass”
i turned to matt, “you’ve made your point, let him go”
matt gave him one last glare before gesturing alex to go. with that, alex walked off “your face isn’t the only place i left marks ” he mumbled.
matt started to walk after him, but i placed my hand on his chest to stop him.
i tilted my head at him, looking into his eyes. “it’s fine. just let him go” he looked at me, eyes softening, and nodded.
once i heard alex’s car door shut and him drive away, i pulled matt inside “come on”.
i brought him to my bathroom, pulling out my first aid kit.
“did he actually mark you up?” he asked, as i grabbed a wash cloth for his face.
“no, matt. he was just trying to get under your skin” i said as i ran water over the cloth and brought it to his face.
i began to clean his cuts, making him grimace. “i know, i know. sorry”
my tongue poked out a little past my lips, as i continued to clean his cuts.
he stared down at my lips the whole time, not saying a word.
“all done.” i said as i finished up. i started to reach over him to grab a bandage. “lemme just grab a-“ he suddenly grabbed my arm halting my movements as he studied my face.
my face felt hot under his gaze, as i tried not to show how nervous he made me. without another word, he grabbed my face, pulling me in for a kiss.
he kissed me with passion, like he was pouring all of his emotions into it. it wasn’t hungry or lust-driven. it said all the things that we could never say to each other’s faces.
he pulled away, pressing his forehead to mine. “what was that for?” i asked, eyes still closed.
“i need you to know that i care about you” my eye opened at this, staring into mine.
“i’m not using you for sex. i could never do that, baby. and i’m so sorry i ever made you feel that way. you are the most important thing to me. i can’t lose you, and i couldn’t live with myself if i let anything happen to you.”
he pecked my nose.
“i know that you’re capable of making your own decisions, and i’m not trying to take that away from you. but i know that guy and he’s not the type of person you want to be around. i can’t just watch him ruin you.” he moves a piece of hair out of my face.
“so i’m sorry that i just showed up here. i’m sorry i lost my shit. i’m sorry about the blood on your house” we both chuckled.
“but i can’t help it when it comes to you, you drive me crazy”
“hmm i don’t know i kinda like it when you lose your shit, it’s hot” i said as our noses touched.
he pushed my hips against my sink.
“good” he said as he went in for another kiss.
hope you liked :)
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chrissturnioloswifey @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @sosmatt @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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h4rring1on · 3 months
I have a request, can I have one where Eddie and the reader is Eddie best friend, later on Eddie starts dating Chrissy but he doesn’t know that the reader likes him. The reader being sad and distant towards him though out the time.. Eddie being confused and mad at reader and thinking she is jealous, later on gets into argument with her doesn’t talk to the reader for a few weeks, very angst, for the end you make your own if you want fluff or angst. Thank you, I love your writing ❤️❤️❤️
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a/n: i’m so excited for this i hope i did well though. 💔💔 did i lose my touch be honest 🙏🏻
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you and eddie have been friends for god knows how long, ever since that day at recess, you’d been playing with this random toy you’d seen and he was quick to confront you, it was his!
after you ran off crying, he came to you and handed you the same toy.
‘jus quit crying! jeez you can have it!!’
ever since then, you’d been inseparable. you were around a year or two younger than him. so when he was held back in school, you were catching up to him which made you even closer than you already were
soon enough, you’d developed a crush on him. at first, it was harmless. maybe a little giggle here and there, a tiny thought in the back of your mind maybe once a week
i’d date him
but it was never anything to act upon, since you weren’t all that interested in him. until it just got worse and worse, and robin had quite the earful about it practically every day!
steve also heard about it a few times here and there since he was usually in the background stacking the shelves or so, but not the full story
you couldn’t help it though. he was so kind to you, he’d get you snacks n everything! you had a tradition, every friday night you buy a ton of snacks and watch a cheesy movie!
it was your thing.
he was so caring and loving to you that people generally thought you were dating until they got the unfortunate news
you were content with being only friends though, at least he still did quite a lot for you. up until that one day
that horrible day. where everything got ruined
you’d been walking with eddie around the school halls, talking, until he bumped into chrissy.
“oh my gosh i’m so sor…” she trails off as she looks at him
he smiles and grabs the things from the floor
“it’s all good pretty” he says and she’d suddenly opened a conversation, it was too awkward for you so you just went on to class, since you were obviously not gonna sit and watch them talk. which took like a year to finish, he didn’t even come to class!
what could’ve been so interesting he missed class to talk about.
it kept going on like this, he stopped sitting with you during break time, he’d walk her home, he’d miss classes for her, and you had held it all in up until he did it.
he did it.
you had been waiting for the past three hours at the supermarket so he could come, it was friday night, which meant it was time for your tradition.
he didn’t come, and you broke when, on your way home, you saw him and chrissy going into the movie theater, smiling as wide as possible.
he’d broken the 5 year long tradition…for her?
you went home sobbing, if anyone knew why, they’d think it would be a stupid reason, but it wasn’t. it truly hurt. he practically chose her over you.
you stopped trying to think positively after that, to just say, it’s fine! it’s just today! or—he didn’t mean to, maybe he forgot!
both steve and robin noticed it after you stopped talking about him so much, or even talking to him for that matter.
everytime he’d approach you, you’d mumble out some short response and leave. and he definitely noticed, even in the times where he does sit with you, you’d get up and leave.
it kept going on like this up until on your walk home, he grips your wrist and turns you, not harshly but firm enough to stop you.
you furrow your eyebrows as you look at him, expecting something
“well?” he says and you look around, confused
“wh—what?? you’re asking what?? you’re not gonna explain why the hell you’ve been acting so weird?” he spits out, it was clear he’s had enough
you shrug, “weird how?” you question
“don’t bullshit me. you know exactly what i’m talking about! what the hell is going on with you!”
you laugh, as if he really had the right to ask that after how he’s been acting
“what’s going on with me? how about what’s going on with you, munson!” you spit out, and he furrows his eyebrows, you’d never use his last name..
“you stop sitting with me at lunch, you miss classes just to see her, you barely ever see me! and—on top of all that—you miss our night. our night! the one we do every single week for the past five years and for what? chrissy? little princess of hawkins chrissy?”
he scoffs, “jesus christ—chrissy? that’s what this is about?!” he says and shakes his head
“yes it’s about chrissy! you barely even know her!”
“oh my god, i don’t think that’s any of your business! if youre so jealous because of how amazing she is just say that!”
“jealous? are you kidding me? that’s what you think this is? grow up, eddie!” you spit out
“it’s obviously jealousy! look at you! you see one girl that’s ten times better than you look my way and you go crazy!” he says and you pause, your heart clenched, how could he say that?
“what’s wrong with you? how could you even say that? i’ve been your best friend for—“
“don’t give me that bullshit! don’t play the victim! what is it, huh? because she’s popular? because she’s pretty? just admit you’re fucking obsessed! i don’t know how i ever even became friends with a freak like you”
your vision blurs, you don’t even say anything, you just turn and walk away, silently crying. who was this person?
eddie didn’t even bother to stay, he was quick to leave too. you walked into family video, robin wasn’t there, but steve was. and he was quick to notice your puffy red eyes, he rushed to you
“hey—hey hey peach.” he says softly and hugs you, and you breakdown in his arms, “woah woah—it’s okay…it’s okay” he rubs your back, trying to soothe you, “you wanna tell me what’s going on?”
you didn’t go to school for a couple of days, but when you did, you didn’t even bat an eye at eddie. who, in the meantime, was getting swallowed into a hole of utter guilt and shame.
he wasn’t even fully there when he was with chrissy, and in class, he’d stare at you the whole time. it went on like this for weeks, and eddie couldn’t take any more.
he didn’t even care about chrissy, and he’d realized your words were right and that she wasn’t really all that. how could be so blinded by her popularity and looks?
those weeks were hell, he’d truly realized how much he liked you, and how agonizingly painful it was to not be able to see you or talk to you at all.
so he dumped chrissy, and didn’t really feel anything. he picked up some flowers on the way and knocked on your door, this was it
you opened the door, surprised to see him, eddie noticed how pretty you look…and how he looked dead compared to you, he’s been suffering without you, you were too…right?
he calls your name and sighs, “i just…i wanted to explain myself—that day—i didn’t mean anything i said i swear to you. and—for chrissy—you were right. you were right about everything and it broke me when i stopped talking to y…” he trails off, his heart shattering at the sight of steve, in some boxers and no shirt, showing up from behind the door
you look away, and eddie didn’t speak, he just stays there, the anger building up.
“i’ll see you in a second baby okay?” you say and kiss steve before walking out and closing the door, and the look on eddie’s face got worse when you kissed steve
“wh—you’re dating him? you’re dating the king of hawkins?! that dipshit?!” he yells, how could you do this?!
wasn’t this ironic?
“what! jesus christ, this is about steve? really?” you mimic him, “if you’re so jealous about how amazing he is just say that” she says and smiles, walking away.
eddie mentally curses himself, she’d repeated the same words he said to her.
it was over. he’d lost his chance with the most amazing girl he’s ever met without realizing it.
that’s what he gets though
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spaghettitm · 5 months
I WANNA GIVE YOU SOMETHING FUN! maybe Charlie and Pim both having a crush on the reader? And different routes if the reader chooses one of them or both? (This is kind of an excuse to get Charlie and Pim headcanons 😵)
AHHHHHHH YES OH MY GOD . Excuse the fact that it kind of seems like a shitty Wattpad story from 2020, my sincere apologies
Also pretty sure this is my longest one I've written... lucky you!
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• You got the job right after Halloween, you had hit it off with Mr. Boss and he offered you a spot at the smiling friends!
• your first day was smooth, everyone was nice. The job was simple, just make people smile! This would become a challenge the more jobs you did, but for now it was easy.
• You got along well with everyone, especially the other two people who went out with you on the job—Pim and Charlie
• They both had their pros and cons; Charlie was funny but could be rude and moody now and then. While Pim was super sweet and fun to be around, he was a bit overwelming at times.
• as the weeks passed you grew closer to the two. But.. they started treating you differently.
• it was painfully obvious that they both caught feelings for you
• Charlie would show up on time just to say good morning first, and Pim would bring you coffee every morning
• at first you thought that it was just them being nice
•after a while of you being blissfully unaware, Alan comes to you at closing hour and explains what's going on.
🪤 : “ I could be wrong, but I'm pre-tty sure that Pim and Charlie are having some sort of crush battle over you. ”
🫵 : “ Oh... that would explain alot... ”
• you weren't upset by any means. It boosted your ego!
• if you where being honest with yourself, you thought they where both pretty cute.
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If you chose Pim
• you talk to him after work one day
🫵 : “ Hey, Pim. Are you busy at the moment?”
🩷 : “ Oh? Not at all, no! I'm just heading home! ”
🫵 : “ I was wondering if you wanted to ... Go on a date with me or something? ”
• Pim's face gets bright red, and he doesn't know how to respond. He stared with his big round eyes for a long while.
• he felt as if he was about to puke that's how excited he was. Oh wait. He did puke.
🫵 : “ Oh jeez Pim, are you alright? ”
🩷 : “ Yea!! I'm alright haha!! Um, I would love to go on a date with you!! ”
• he nervously goes to grab some paper towels from the counter
🫵 : “ Is tonight alright? Or is that too early? ”
• he looked as if he was going to pass out
🩷 : “ of course! Let's meet at um. Spaghetti Taco! I'll pay for the whole thing!! ”
🫵 : “ Great, see you there ”
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If you chose Charlie
• on the way home from a task Mr. Boss set you and Charlie up for, you started the conversation
🫵 : “Hey, are you busy this Saturday?”
🪓 : “ uhhhh... I don't think so? ”
🫵 : “ oh okay, good. I was wondering if you wanted to go out and eat or something with me. ”
• he looked up from his phone
🪓 : “ Like a date? ”
🫵 : “ Sure, like a date. ”
• He gained a orange blush around his nose and cheeks
🪓 : “ I-I mean, ha. Sure. I'd be down. ”
• he stammered, looking back down at his phone. He was trying to avoid eye contact
🫵 : “ great, do you know any good places? ”
🪓 : “ it's not really fancy or anything but I know this awesome burger place, Salty's
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madridfangirl · 18 days
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fic)
Chapter 10
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. Mature Language in parts.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Jude was coming back from the international break today. England had qualified for the Euros, with matches to spare. And he had been the shining star of both the games. Scoring a goal and winning a penalty.
Ananya was so proud of him. But ten days apart felt like forever this time. They spoke everyday, sometimes twice a day, and exchanged messages throughout. It just wasn’t enough though, and she couldn’t wait to reunite with him.
Jude came straight to her apartment from the airport, lifted her by her waist & swung her around like a madman. Legs bumping into the furniture of the living room. She giggled away merrily, while trying to keep them from tumbling over.
‘Easy there, tiger.’
His eyes glinted with mischief.
‘Ooh do I finally get a nickname?’
‘Maybe. You like it?’
He nodded eagerly, & she kissed his nose.
‘Okay then. Dinner is ready, tiger.’
‘Are you on the menu? Coz I’d rather have you.’
‘Maybe for dessert.’
She winked as she untangled herself from his hold. While he stared after her, replaying what she had said & the way she said it. Something had been different about her lately & he was loving every bit of it.
‘Oh my god you are backkk.’
Roma emerged from her room and Jude pulled her into a bearhug too.
‘Gosh you rocked in both the games.’
‘I know right?’
He shrugged smugly and both the girls rolled their eyes at him.
‘So the modesty is only for the cameras, is it?’
Roma quipped, and Ananya chuckled from where she was setting the table.
‘Now don’t gang up on me, you two. It’s my day. Heck its my week.’
‘When is it not?’
The girls said together, looked at each other & burst out laughing. Jude pouted for a second, but joined in the banter later, sitting next to Ananya on the table. His palm never left her thigh throughout dinner.
She had cooked his favourite pasta. Exactly how he liked it. The way his mom made it. 
He leaned over & kissed her cheek, earning a sweet smile. Jude loved it when she remembered the little things & spoiled him like that.
Conversation flowed easily between the three of them, as always. Jude spoke about the new tiny Italian town he discovered where they had their camp, and the girls made plan to visit there. Roma joked about the posters the Italian fangirls carried in the match, saying ‘Marry me Jude’ or ‘Be my boyfriend’. The cameraman had some fun with it, popping it on the screen a few times. Some of the players on the field had noticed it too, & it had become quite a joke in the post match pressers as well.
Jude smiled sheepishly, while looking at Ananya from the corner of his eye.
‘Yeah, some of them came to our hotel too.’
‘Excuse me?’
Ananya’s head whipped in his direction, while Roma wondered if she had opened a pandora’s box.
‘Honest, they did. Just wanted some photos & merch. Then we hung out for a bit.’
‘Define we.’
‘Me & them. And some other lads.’
‘This is not funny.’
‘Wanna see some photos?’
Ananya just stared at him, and he lost the will to carry on the charade.
‘Jeez I left, dove. I just clicked some pics and left. Though I think the girls weren’t too happy about that; lads told me later, honest.’
The smugness & cockiness was on full show. Coupled with a dashing smile.
‘Such a heartbreaker, aren’t you?’
‘Like you aren’t one.’
Roma mutterred from her seat, sipping her third glass of wine, only realising the slip up when she felt the full force of Ananya’s glare.
Jude looked between the two, trying to decipher their code language. Failing miserably.
‘What’s going on, girls?’
‘Just had too many of these, should stop now.’
‘Yes. Yes you should.’
Ananya said pointedly. Roma took her leave soon after. She was supposed to go to a house party though something about the moment felt odd. But Jude was too happy tonight, so he let it go.
He grabbed her waist from behind as Ananya was clearing the table.
‘How about my dessert now?’
His mouth started trailing down her neck & shoulder as he pushed her towards the bedroom.
‘There is choco-fudge brownie in the fridge, your fav.’
She really had gone all out for him today. His lips curved into a smile against the crook of her neck.
‘Can I eat it off you?’
Before she could even process his words, he sat on the edge of the bed & pulled her into his lap, her legs straddling his thighs.
His hot mouth was on hers in a flash, & she forgot her last lucid thought, losing herself in his frenzy.
His hungry, sloppy kisses left a wet trail all over her face, neck & exposed cleavage.
‘Oh I missed you. All of you.’
His hands moved under her butt, kneading them with force, making her yelp into his mouth.
‘Did you miss me? Miss this?’
She threw her head back as he bit along her jaw. Everything about their intimacy hit deeper today. Like their bodies knew they were at a pivotal juncture.
‘Yes. So much, Jude.’
It was true. She had missed his touch like hell, feeling empty & starved without it.
Her breathless response spurred him no end. His large, warm hand slid up her fitted top, cupping one of her breasts. 
This was unchartered territory between them. Her eyes flew open instantly, & met his dark, hooded ones. He held her gaze, squeezed harder, making her mewl & tremble in his arms.
‘I thought about these babies every night. Touched myself thinking about doing this.’
His fingers circled the centre of her clothed boob, finding the nipple & rolling it with intent. In no mood to stop. The continued assault made her fall forward, clutching his shoulders.
Tonight was supposed to be the night where she told him she was ready for more. Ready to be fully his. The longing she felt while he was away made her see it even more clearly. 
She had planned this to the T - his fav meal & dessert, his fav fitted top on her, his fav lip-colour on her, leaving her hair open the way he liked, keeping the apartment to themselves tonight. She had spent hours in the salon too, wanting to look pretty for him. She knew he noticed & appreciated these things, & cleaned up well himself for date-nights. 
But she was fast losing control of the situation. He was taking over, with his hot & frenzied moves, dragging her along. Did he read her mind or her mood? Or was he in a mood of his own? She couldn’t tell. But his touch felt firmer tonight, his gaze more intense, filled with purpose. The spark between them more charged.
Her body was responding to him fully, but her conscience kept messing with her head. She had to tell him. Now. Before anything happened. He had the right to know. 
But does it even matter? It’s inconsequential. Why bring it up now?
She tried to debate with her conscience but it was a losing battle. It won’t be inconsequential to him. And if the roles were reversed, she would most definitely want to know this. The start of something special between them could not be done with a heavy conscience.
Her voice was barely a whisper. He was too occupied with her curves to register that. She spoke louder.
He looked up, his hands still continuing his ministrations.
‘I need to tell you something.’
His pleading puppy eyes tried to sway her, but she knew it was the right thing to do. 
Ananya gave him a few moments to compose himself. His hands came down to loosely wrap around her waist, and hers cupped his cheeks. Still in his lap, straddling him.
Jude searched her face, a sudden unsettling dread buildingin the pit of his stomach. He could tell something was coming, something unpleasant. 
She decided to let it out quickly, like ripping off a band-aid.
‘Remember our office party last Friday, the one where we all dressed up in ethnic wear?’
He already didn’t like the direction where it was going.
Ananya looked down, unable to meet his eyes for this, feeling a weird sense of guilt.
‘That night, Arjun proposed to me. I didn’t see it coming but you were right about this. About him. I-I thought you should know.’
Jude was still as a rock. He didn’t move. He didn’t flinch. She looked up to his face. It had gone cold. No expression. His eyes were shut - as if wanting to process this in some privacy.
Slowly, his arms dropped from around her, gripping the edge of the bed. Leaving her feeling empty.
She desperately wanted to pepper kisses all over his face, to make him look at her, to show him how none of it meant anything, but she wasn’t sure if any intimate touch would be welcome right now.
So she just stroked his face slowly with her fingers, waiting for him to open his eyes. He did open them, but looked behind her, almost through her.
‘How did it happen?’
His voice was cold, distant. Unfamiliar.
‘I..I don’t understand your question.’
‘When he PROPOSED to you, what did he do? What did he say?’
Her face contorted in discomfort, unable to understand why he wanted these images in his head.
‘We were dancing together and..’
‘You were dancing with him?’
His voice & tone were even but she knew his emotions were anything but that.
‘No. We were all dancing individually, but in a group. 5-6 of us. He was next to me, said he wanted to talk to me, we stepped aside and then he….then he….’
She looked at him pleadingly, to stop this torture, but he wasn’t in the mood to show any mercy right now. Defeated, she continued. 
‘He said I was looking beautiful in that sari & that he….has had feelings for me…for a while. And if I’d like to go on a drive with him.’
‘A drive? Sure, that’s all he wanted that night.’
Jude scoffed mockingly. Unable to shake the image of that leech checking her out, wanting to whisk her away to put his hands on her. 
Facing Jude seemed like such a difficult task suddenly for Ananya. Maybe coz his eyes were screaming bloody murder. And her own conscience kept making her feel like she had wronged him somehow. But she hadn’t. How was this her fault?
‘What did you say?’
Her whole body jerked at his question. He really needed to ask?
‘I-I obviously said no, Jude. Told him I’m not in the right headspace for a relationship, just wanna focus on my work.’
His accusing glare again bore a hole through her, as if this was the wrong response too. As if he expected her to say something else. But they had discussed this before. He knew this is what she was telling people.
She could tell how hard he was trying to keep a lid on his agitation, for her sake. How hard his hands were gripping the edge of the bed, knuckles going white. A volcano simmering inside him, ready to erupt any moment. 
Wanting to comfort him, she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing the side of his face. His hands didn’t move from the bed. 
‘Why was I not told immediately?’
‘You were away, baby.’
‘We spoke twice everyday. This was 7 days ago. Why didn’t you tell me that night itself?
‘You were playing Italy next day.’
‘So how could I tell you something that would mess with your mind? When I knew how important that match was and how hard you were training for it? How could I be the reason to meddle with that? I know football comes first for you.’
‘Oh don’t you throw that in my face. Don’t use that against me. Football coming first doesn’t mean I should be kept in the dark about other important things.’
‘Kept in the dark? I am telling you the first time we are meeting in person after that. How is that keeping you in the dark?’
He wasn’t the only one agitated now. Her guilt had made way for a fair bit of irritation. Everything seemed to be blowing up in her face, despite her best efforts to make the right call for everyone. 
‘Would you have told me if Roma hadn’t blurted it out?’
Jude had finally put two & two together on the heartbreaker comment. He understood that exchange now, and why Roma left so quickly after that.
‘Do you seriously believe I would have kept this from you?’
Her voice was small now, filled with hurt.
‘I don’t know. I never thought you of all people would ever hide something like this from me for so long, but you did. So now I don’t know anymore.’
He said honestly. Matter of factly. She was supposed to be different. Jude didn’t think there was an iota of deception in her. So how could she talk to him the whole week & pretend everything was ok? 
It hit her like a truck. Because she could see it was coming from his heart. And she knew he didn’t use any filters in his closed circles. 
She clutched his shirt tightly, trying to shake him. It didn’t make a dent. 
‘Jude, please, look at me. It meant nothing. It means nothing. It’s done. I genuinely thought it was the best thing to do, I couldn’t bear it impacting your performance. That’s the only reason I delayed telling you. There is nothing more to it. Please, try to look at it from my POV.’
Jude laughed a dry little laugh, which sounded almost cruel to her.
‘Your POV? Ok, let’s do that. How would you have reacted if the situation was reversed? If I had kept something like that from you.’
She was stumped. Unable to come up with a response that could further her case.
‘You would have been out of that door by now. I would have gotten zero benefit of the doubt. Guilty on sight.’
She looked down at her hands. Coz he was right. She would take taken this badly. 
‘Because you are you - above any reproach. And I am me, the quintessential slut. Right?’
Ananya shook her head in pain, covering his mouth with her palm.
‘Don’t say that, baby. Please, I can’t.’
She reached out to caress his cheeks but he flinched. The rejection felt worse than a slap in the face.
‘I should leave.’
Jude muttered in a cold voice, almost to himself, as he lifted her out of his lap, placing her on the bed.
She felt numb. Shocked at the turn of events. Broken with the hurt in his voice. 
Coming to life only when he tried to get up.
She clutched his elbow with both hands, placing her head on his shoulder. 
‘Stay. Please. Don’t leave me like this.’
Jude sighed audibly, looking at her trembling form. Fighting every bone in his body that was yearning to hold her. Comfort her.
‘It’s for the best, Ananya.’
She clutched him tighter. Her own name never sounded so foul, so bitter to her. She had gotten so used to his terms of endearment. 
‘I’ll do something, or say something I’ll regret. It’s best I leave right now.’
How did things come to this? What was this game god was playing with her? How did she hurt this precious man so much that he couldn’t bear being in her company? Couldn’t bear looking at her face without flinching? Why did it have to happen now, when she was ready to give her all to him? 
No, she couldn’t let him go like this. She wouldn’t. 
‘Say what you have to say. Don’t bottle it in. It’d be worse.’
‘You won’t be able to handle it, Ananya.’
The cold & mocking tone was back. There was only one way to get it all out of him now. Confrontation.
‘Don’t patronise me. I am a big girl.’
His head whipped in her direction. 
‘What did you say?’
‘You heard me.’
She could see her provocation had had the desired effect. Jude jerked his arm away from her hold and paced around the room.
‘Oh you are quite something, aren’t you? You refuse to listen to reason. You refuse to admit you are wrong. And I am patronising? Jesus fucking Christ what a joke.’
His tone was cutting through her but she needed to get this out of him. Else they would fall into a bottomless pit of misunderstanding.
‘That fucker - I told you from day one. I told you he wanted you. But no, you didn’t listen. Coz you think you are smarter than me. Well in many things you are. But it some things I know better. Especially when it comes to men. I am one of those men. I know what guys want when they look at girls a certain way. But you were too stubborn to admit it. You made it a matter of your independence, like I was trying to dictate your life, to control you, by asking you to stay away from  that leech. You took his calls in the middle of the night, let him bring coffee for you, calling it all harmless, when I told you repeatedly it wasn’t. YOU LET HIM THINK HE HAD A SHOT, ANANYA. When you knew, you knew I hated his guts.’
He lifted her by her upper arms, making her stand in front of him.
‘He didn’t just want to take you on a drive, he wanted to fuck your brains out. To rip that sari off of you. When it should have been me. Only me. To get to picture you like that. To get to do that to you. Just me.’
He pulled her closer for a rough kiss, pouring his frustration into her mouth. When she started moving her lips to his tune, he broke the kiss abruptly.
‘Makes me wonder if you want him as your side-squeeze.’
She choked out, still reeling from his kiss.
‘Makes sense, doesn’t it? Why you always defend him. Why you took this week to maybe think about his proposal, before telling me. What is he, a safety net? If things don’t work out between us? Is that why you have been keeping me away, not letting me have you?’
She stared at him in disbelief. Debating whether or not to really slap him - anything to get him out of this madness spree he was on.
‘You are out of YOUR FUCKING MIND if you think like that.’
‘Oh really..’
‘SHUT UP. You idiot. Fine I fucked up by not telling you sooner. But if you, even for a moment, believe that I want anyone else but you, then you are an even bigger dimwit than I thought. And then you say you can tell these things. Can you not see how I look at you? How you make me feel? The effect you have on me, CAN YOU NOT SEE ANY OF IT?’
Jude was quiet now, this rant had been unexpected. She found herself unable to stop. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer.
‘I spent days trying to make today perfect. Your fav meal, your fav music, and all of this.’
She pointed to herself, head to toe. All the effort she had made to doll up for him.
‘And this.’
She grabbed a paper bag from her dresser and shoved it in his arms. He looked inside, finding an RM jersey. HIS jersey. HIS name. HIS number. Something he had always wanted to see on her. Something she had said he needed to earn.
‘Any distance between us was not coz of Arjun. Or my ex. It was me. It was us. Like I always told you. And tonight….I wanted to wear this for you. Just this.’
She didn’t say more. She didn’t need to. He got what she meant. 
But Jude was unhinged tonight, letting out every thought unfiltered.
‘Pity sex? Guilty sex? That’s what I get? After waiting for ages, that’s what I get?’
’Sometimes I forget how immature you are.’
Jude grabbed her arms, locking them behind her back, caging her in his hold. Towering over her, leaning down to stare into her eyes.
‘And you are the queen of maturity, right? While I am a juvenile?’
‘When it comes to matters of emotional complexity, of adult relationships, YES.’
‘Who has more experience between us?’
‘SEX is not relationship experience.’
‘Dealing with women is experience.’
‘Dealing? Or stringing them along? Or toying with them? Or sleeping with them once & never calling them back? Or using them just for sex? I AM GLAD I don’t have that experience.’
‘Didn’t know you were making a documentary on my sex life. Is that all you do in your free time?’
‘I don’t get much free time. Given I have to deal with a child like you.’
‘And you’re so proper aren’t you? With all your rules, and do’s and don’ts for anyone to be with you.’
Ananya squirmed in his grip, wanting to break free, to smack his pretty face that was spewing garbage non-stop. Rules. He had the gall to talk about rules. 
‘Let me go.’
Jude tightened his grip further. Sure to leave bruises.
‘Make me.’
‘If you hated the rules so much, who asked you to chase me, huh? I didn’t force you to wait. To give up all the amazing sex you were getting. Didn’t force you into this celibacy. I told you it would take time, I told you on Day 1. Then what fucking rules are you moaning about, huh? Don’t tell me you didn’t indulge in these 45 days. That you didn’t look elsewhere. That you weren’t tempted. Don’t fucking tell me that.’
“I WAS TEMPTED. But I didn’t act on it. Fuck I even stopped the Insta likes. AND I wouldn’t have been tempted at all if I HAD YOU.’
‘Sex. It’s just all about sex with you.’
‘Really? I haven’t touched you in 45 days and THATS WHAT YOU THROW IN MY FACE?’
‘And you aren’t used to that, are you? Jude Bellingham isn’t used to waiting for any girl, is he? Because he always gets what he wants, whenever he wants it. However many times he wants it. Because women just fall at his feet left, right & centre.’
‘When did you become so filthy, so nasty?’
‘Since I met you.’
Jude let her go abruptly, stepping away from her. She rubbed her wrists, trying to soothe the reddened area.
‘Maybe you were right. Maybe this is too complicated. Too hard.’
The haze lifted, and she felt her heart sink to her stomach.
Jude had his back to her now. He rubbed his temple repeatedly, questioning his life choices. Maybe this relationship thing was not for him. Maybe Jobe was right, he wasn’t ready. He had tried with sincerity, but still fallen short. Or maybe they were just not right for each other.
She stayed still, waiting for his next move. Waiting for him to look at her again. He didn’t.
‘Umm…I should probably head back.’
Jude picked up his phone from her desk, paused at the door of her bedroom, torn, but eventually walked out. She heard the main door slam on his way out.
That’s when the tears finally started. She fell on the bed face down, letting it all out.
In hindsight, not a single argument had been worth fighting over. It just escalated like mad, due to both their faults, and ballooned into a point of no return. 
Was it that, a point of no return?
She buried her head in the pillow as reality slowly started to sink in.
But she didn’t have to stay there for long. The door flew open two mins later, and there he was.
Jude had tried to storm out but ended up just pacing around the living room. Unable to walk away. He had never been good at letting her go.
No words were needed. She ran to him ecstatically. And he caught her as she jumped into his arms. Pressing her against the wall as her legs wrapped around his waist.
Their lips crashed together - nipping, sucking, kissing with abandon. A clash of teeth and tongues. He won eventually, invading her mouth at will. Both gasping apologies in between kisses.
Her hands fisted in his hair, tugging & pulling, as he continued to wreck her mouth, her face, her neck. 
‘Lets not fight like this again.’
‘Done. And don’t ever walk out on me again.
They went back to the frantic kissing, but she to break for air a few moments later.
‘Jude - I should have told you earlier about him. Should have listened to you. I am sorry.’
His face suddenly turned all serious, and she wondered if she had walked into a hole again.
‘Here’s how it’s gonna go. You’ll tell him you’re seeing someone, that you’re practically living with someone. That the person is famous, so you want to keep it low profile. And then, you will stay away. No conversation outside of work. No messages. No calls. No social get togethers. I don’t want him in a 5 mile radius of you outside of work. AND, if after this, he still doesn’t get the message, you’ll come straight to me & then I will deal with him my way. And you, dove, will stay out of it. I don’t wanna hear a peep from you then. Understood?’
The absolute authority in his voice left no room for disobeying. She nodded instantly, and was rewarded with a fierce kiss.
‘Now…go & get ready for me.’
She couldn't’ think straight, with his tongue still in her mouth.
‘I was promised you in my jersey. Just my jersey.’
She had completely forgotten all else after their fight, but he hadn’t. His eyes glinted suggestively, as he set her down on the ground & patted her ass, nudging her towards the washroom.
‘Don’t keep me waiting. I have plans for you tonight.’
Phew! I posted ahead of time, yayyy!
This was meant to be angst plus smut but the angsty piece itself went on for 4.4k words. Too much fun :)
You can guess what's gonna happen next. That is the next chapter :)
As always, would love to hear your thoughts / comments / feedback. They keep me going :)
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violet-butterflies · 1 year
❥︎ yandere! Merman Part 2
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ None ! ( male yandere! oc x gn reader ) Click to see part 1 and a nsfw spin-off !
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You woke up in god knows where. The sun's rays were shining right on your face until you simply couldn't ignore the heat and your dry throat any longer so, you sat up.
"Where the fuck am I?"
You were on a small island surrounded by water. But, that wasn't the weirdest part. The weirdest part was how it looked like you were surrounded by mountains a few kilometers away that caged you from going out of your small area. It was as if you were in the middle of a huge crater that was mostly submerged in water. The more you observed, the more you noticed more details in your new natural cage. There were smaller islands scattered around it inside the crater. On them, there were tropical fruit trees that were bearing fruits.
You couldn't stand how dehydrated your throat felt anymore so you decided to swim over to one of the small islands with mango and coconut trees. You were pleasantly surprised at how cool the water felt and how it was a comfortable depth for you to swim in; the deepest part only reaching up to your neck. When you were almost there though you were instantly tackled into the water, causing you to lose your footing.
"Oh shit!" you shouted before being engulfed in water, hearing happy coos in your ears. A strong pair of hands kept you in place while a face excitedly nuzzles into the crook of your neck. Only when your lungs were starting to burn for air was when you were finally thrusted up from the water by the person showing you affection.
"y/nnnn!" the merman that kidnapped you said as he smiled in front of your face. He then began peppering kisses all over your face before giving you another tight hug. You quickly pushed him off before going on land and looking at the merman, mortified.
"Where did you take me?!" you shouted at him angrily while he looked at you with a sad-puppy-like expression.
"Homeee.... with meee." the merman slurred while he began trying to claw himself up from the water onto the island. On his hand was a gold necklace he got from somewhere as if trying to lure you back into his arms.
"y/nnn.... come hereee... I got you gift!" When he sees you not reacting, his eyes started to water as his lips began to pout and quiver. Letting out a big sigh, you trudged yourself back into the water as yandere!merman's eyes shone with happiness. You took the necklace and was about to put it around your neck before he snatched it back and put in on for you. As soon as it was on, he gave you another kiss as he nuzzled his whole body onto yours.
"I need to go back home... Can you bring me back?" yandere!merman looked at you with confusion.
"But but... I said that you are home... With me! Silly y/n," he said with a teasing smile as if you failed to understand something so simple.
"No... My home. The lighthouse? The cave where I saved you from?" you said, trying to jog his memory. In an instant, he looked at you with a deadly look as he began to dig his somewhat sharp nails onto your neck.
"No. Here. Home" he said with a slow warning tone before going back to his cute and cuddly personality as he continued to nuzzle himself onto you.
You sighed in defeat before standing up, causing him to reach for your ankle before you managed to go any further.
"Jeez chill dude... I just want to get a coconut I'm going dry here," you said as you pointed towards the nearby coconut trees. Only then he understood and let your ankle go.
Going back home was definitely going to be a challenging task.
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A/N In case my explanation of the place was too confusing, I drew a simple drawing with my nonexistent drawing skills!
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949 notes · View notes
Black Widow
Pairing: Florence Pugh × Fem!Reader
Summary: Cooking With Flo is back and you make an accidental cameo that get the entire world to know about your relationship with Florence
Disclaimer: English is not my first language
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Florence took a step away from her phone to make sure it was recording the way it should, her eyes studying the screen as a smile slowly formed on her lips. It took just a second for the comments to start showing up on the screen fast enough that she barely had time to read one before it disappeared to show other ones. She stayed quiet for a few more seconds to allow more people to start watching the live on her Instagram before she actually started talking.
“Sup, bitches? Here we are with another Cooking With Flo,” she said the famous words she always used to start her lives. She opened her arms as if to show the kitchen behind her and let out her raspy laugh. “Did you guys miss me? It's been a while, I know, but I'm back and this time we're making lasagna.”
For the last five months, she had done none of the livestreams cooking in her kitchen mostly because the space was a mess. The room was being renewed and, on top of that, she barely had time to do anything other than work and make sure people were painting the walls with the right color. But now she finally had time again, so that’s how she ended up standing in the middle of her kitchen on a random Saturday night.
“It's very simple, but it was a requested dish for tonight, so that’s what we're doing,” Florence kept talking, leaning back against the counter with her elbows to read some of the comments the fans were making. She saw a few questions, dozens of hearts, and some country flags, but her eyes quickly picked someone asking if there would be any guests tonight. “No, it’s only me cooking tonight, but I'm not alone.” Florence looked around and easily spotted her dog lying down a few feet from where she was standing. She leaned down to snap her fingers at him, which made him get up and walk towards her while wiggling his tail. Chuckling, Florence picked him up with some effort because he certainly wasn’t a small dog. “Billy's here! Come on, Billy, tell people hi.” The only reaction the dog gave was a low bark before he tried to lick her face. Florence moved away the best she could laughing at the same time. “Oh, God, you're getting too heavy for me to lift you, boy,” she complained and then put the dog back on the floor, where he wasted no time walking away to lie down one more time. Florence put her hands on her waist and smiled widely. “Jeez, guys. Well, let me wash my hands and we can get started.”
Florence had just turned around to go to the sink behind her when she heard a scream piercing through the house.
The chain reaction was instant. Forgetting about anything else, Florence turned on her feet while yelling back: “Holy fuck! Babe?!”
The live kept going on her phone but the people watching could just glance at her wide eyes and surprised expression before she ran from the frame, the phone completely forgotten. They couldn’t see her anymore, but she didn’t wander far away. Just as she was about to get out of the kitchen and run to where she heard the scream coming from, someone came running from the hallway and almost bumped into her, making her stop.
“Florence!” You screamed again, although this time you were already pressed against her.
Florence instantly put her arms around you while her eyes tried to find the reason why you were yelling. She was trying to find a bruise, a cut, or blood of any type, but there was nothing on you that caught her eyes besides the sheer panic clear in your face. “What is it?!” She asked, though she was having a hard time even keeping standing since you were pushing against her as if you were running away from something. “Babe?!”
You managed to slip past her and go further into the kitchen all while using your hands to keep grabbing Florence’s shoulders as if she was the only thing keeping you safe. “Oh, my God! There's a monster inside the bathroom!”
Upon hearing that, Florence couldn’t help but blink in surprise, tilting her head to the side and trying to understand what you meant by that. “A what?”
It was her sudden change in humor that made you look at Florence with even more urgency. She was too calm, she clearly didn’t understand how grave that was. “It almost killed me!”
Your tone had the opposite effect, though. Florence kept looking at you for a few more seconds before her signature breathless smile cut the silence that had formed between you two. Her shoulders dropped, as did her hands to your waist, and she let her head hang for a moment to bask in the relief she felt for realizing there was no imminent danger as she initially thought there was. If it was anything as bad as you were making it sound, you certainly wouldn’t be acting that dramatically.
Finally, she shook her head and looked up at you again with a smile. “I'm pretty sure there's not a monster inside our bathroom. Haven't you watched Scooby Doo?” Florence joked.
It made you whine, however, because you couldn’t believe she couldn’t see the danger you were in. “Florence,” you complained.
Florence must have noticed you were getting mad for her lack of concern because she just chuckled again and approached you to kiss your cheek. “Okay, babe, I'm going to take a look,” she conceded.
Now more relaxed and with a pout, you nodded and let go of Florence’s shoulders so she could walk away from you. “Take care!” You yelled to her retreating form.
Florence kept walking until she reached the bathroom in the hallway. The door was open and the light was still on, but she poked her head inside first. She saw nothing out of the ordinary, so she decided to ask you again, keeping her voice loud and clear for you to hear her from the kitchen. "Again, I don’t think-” Florence interrupted herself out of a sudden when her eyes finally spotted the thing that had disturbed you. “Oh,” she breathed out.
Inside the kitchen, you were biting on the pad of your thumb as you waited for her. “Do you see it? It's right there by the sink!”
Florence smiled to herself while she saw the little spider weaving her web down peacefully as if there was nothing wrong in the world. “Yeah, I see it,” she replied with amusement clear in her voice.
“Take care!” You exclaimed again, but that was what finally caught the attention of the other occupant of the house. Billy, now alert because of the commotion, got up with his ears pointing up and started to go after his owner to see what was going on, but you quickly leaned down to scoop him from the floor. “Oh, my God, Billy, don't go there!”
“Can you bring me a bowl?” Florence asked.
“What for?” You frowned and moved the big dog a bit when your arms started to get tired. Maybe you should start going to the gym, after all.
Florence’s reply came quickly. “So I can take this little guy outside.”
You gasped in shock. “You wanna touch it?!”
The other woman laughed again. “No, that's what the bowl is for!” You rolled your eyes fondly at her teasing. “Come on, babe.”
You bit your bottom lip and looked around. There were several bowls around the counters that she had put there to put the ingredients while she cooked, but there was no way you would go back to that bathroom again when the life-threatening monster was still there. “I can't get any closer than this.”
“That's okay, I will go get it,” Florence soothed your nerves and, a second later, you heard her coming back to the kitchen.
You couldn’t keep Billy on your lap for longer so you put him down gently, only to have him running to meet Florence, who was just entering the room again. Florence was smiling, although she wasn’t making fun of you - at least yet - and she walked towards you to peck your cheek. It seemed like it was just a gesture to try to hide her smile, but you weren’t going to complain about it.
She had just turned to grab one of the bowls when her eyes caught her cell phone on top of the counter and she immediately stopped in her tracks as her heart dropped to the floor. “Oh.”
You jumped away from the counter like it was catching fire. “What?! There's another one here?!”
Florence’s gaze moved to you for a brief moment though she couldn’t stop looking at the millions of comments and emojis appearing on her screen for too long. “Uh, no.”
You followed her eyes and it was your turn to feel the dread inside. In your panicked state, you forgot Florence was doing a live. You hadn’t just interrupted it, you had walked on it. Literally. You could see yourself standing in the middle of the recording, Florence just a few steps to the side looking like a deer caught in headlights as her eyes kept moving from her phone to you.
People didn’t even know you existed and there you were now. People didn’t know Florence Pugh had a girlfriend. People didn’t know she was only making lasagna tonight because you told her that’s what you were craving.
“Shit,” you mumbled. “Oh, shit. I forgot you were going live.” You took a step back and put your hands on your face to hide the deep blush that took over your cheeks. “Oh, no.”
Noticing you were a step away from going on a full-on panic attack, Florence approached you and gently pulled you closer to her body. She tilted her head to the side to give you the perfect spot to hide your face in the crook of her neck and you took full advantage of that. There was no point in trying to hide now that the cat was out of the bag. People had seen you already, they certainly heard Florence calling you “babe” and saw her kissing your cheek.
You silently reached the same decision in the few seconds you stayed in each other’s embrace. When Florence pulled away, she held your face between her hands and offered you a smile that put you at ease instantly. “Hey, it’s okay. Don’t worry, okay?” She winked at you. “I will be right back, let me just take out the monster for you.”
Florence kissed your forehead before grabbing a bowl and walking back to the bathroom. You thought about stepping away from the camera, maybe going back to hide in your shared room as you usually did when Florence was making content when you were around, but you barely had the time to think about where to go before your girlfriend was back in the kitchen.
“I'm back, folks.” she declared to her phone while walking to put the bowl inside the sink since she couldn’t use it anymore. After that, Florence turned back to face the camera and leaned against the counter with both hands, smiling. “It wasn’t a monster, it was just a little spider,” Florence told to the people watching the live.
Standing beside her, all you could do was mumble: “It was a monster.”
Your reaction dragged another laugh from Florence - the laugh that you loved so much, deep and husky, and that made her nose scrunch in that adorable way that always made you want to kiss her. “Thank God you're dating Black Widow herself, huh?” She nudged you with her shoulder, clearly teasing you.
Affected by her smile and her expressive eyes, you easily forgot there were literally millions of people watching you two at that moment. “I don't think that would be a reason to brag considering you would kill me in the end,” you replied, amused. “Besides, I'm not dating Scarlett.”
Her gasp was so loud that even Billy barked from where he was sitting staring up at you two. “Hey, I just saved you from a terrible monster!” Florence complained, although it was obvious she wasn’t serious. “Show me some love.”
You rolled your eyes again, but the smile on your face couldn’t be ignored. “You're right.” You nodded and leaned over to kiss the tip of her nose. “Thank you, my darling savior.”
Her nose scrunched again and a low chuckle left her lips before she pulled away with a more somber expression. She looked at you as if she was trying to hold a silent conversation and, gladly, you understood what she was asking without saying a word. You only nodded and braced yourself for what was about to come.
Florence returned her attention to her phone and her smile became a more practical one. “Well, I think you guys are a little confused. That's not how I planned for you guys to find out, but that's okay. We're just going to recalculate,” she chuckled politely. “In case you hadn’t realized it since this shenanigans started, this is my girlfriend.” Florence placed her arm around your waist, pulling you closer and smiling contently with her eyes glued on you. It seemed like you couldn’t look away from each other for a while, but she eventually returned her attention to the several comments popping on her screen. “Yes, I kept it a secret until now. And yes, I was intending to keep it under the rug for a while longer, but mostly because I did not want you scaring her away,” she joked since you both knew the reason why your relationship was a secret was because you were both trying to protect your privacy and your love from prying eyes. “She was the one that said she was feeling like eating lasagna tonight, actually,” Florence added.
You nodded, feeling more relaxed to be standing there now. “She got her grandma's recipe, I couldn't resist.”
“Since the cat is out of the bag…” She read a few comments, deciding to answer them as she went. “We've been dating for a while, yes. This is our kitchen, actually.” Florence pointed to something behind her. “Well, it’s still coming together. We still want to make some changes,” she relented since you both know none of you were satisfied with the place the fridge was placed. “Uh, she’s not an actress, if that’s what you want to know, another reason why we didn't say anything about us.” Florence kept from telling her fans what you actually do with your life, trying to maintain any sense of privacy still. “Yes, she knows my family. Guys, I will answer two more questions before we move on. Now that I saved her life and our bathroom, I believe Y/N wanted to take a shower before dinner,” she joked.
You laughed and agreed with several nods, also licking your lips to add to the dramatization. Your attention ended up going to one of the comments that showed up and you decided to answer it. “Billy ran to me at the dog park, that’s how we met,” you explained shyly.
Florence seemed happy that you spoke up, though, and she proved that by leaning closer to kiss your cheek for the third time. She then moved on to pick the last comment she was going to reply to. “No, she’s not going to feature in the next Cooking With Flo unless she wants to. Or unless there’s another teeny tiny spider forcing her to run to me.” She poked your side at the exact spot that she knew would get you squirming away and that’s what happened, of course.
“It wasn’t small,” you argued as your body moved away from her. “I'll go so you can keep filming.” You turned around to leave, but changed your mind last minute, choosing to say: “I'm sorry to crash in.”
“Don't need to apologize, babe,” Florence assured you firmly and, before you knew what was going on, she pulled you in for a quick kiss. “I love you, okay?” She whispered against your lips, making sure no one else could hear it.
“I love you more,” you replied gladly in the same tone before walking away. “See you once you get my food ready!”
Florence laughed while she watched you disappear from her sight and then looked back at her phone to clap her hands once and say: “Well, so let's get started!”
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jujutsubaby · 7 months
after hours (part 6)
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☆ pairing: satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: you go to the barcade with your friends, feeling dejected that toji hasn't messaged you back. not only that, you're horny as hell and the girl satoru brought with him doesn't like you one bit. ☆ warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI! sexting, slight dub-con (reader and gojo get to second base while drunk), grinding, kissing, slight exhibitionism, drinking, slight verbal harassment ☆ tags: modern au, academia au ☆ a/n: this one's a doozy (8k+ words sorry) 🤪 also the bob odenkirk uber thing actually happened to me in college ok i really thought it looked like him even tho there was no reason for it!! leave me alone!! 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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"ngh~ m'gonna throw up," you complain, rubbing your temples, as you and your friends walk into the popping barcade.
"jesus, how much did you drink?" suguru asks concerned.
"not much but i saw satoru-" you fake a gagging noise. "i saw satoru shoving his tongue down that girl he's with right now."
"i heard that!" satoru yells, a couple yards behind you. you quickly turn around and see him walking beside her, his hand resting way lower on her back than it should be. you grimace at the sight.
your complaints are drowned out by the loud music the DJ was playing, the sound of coin machines, arcades, and people shouting over the music. it wasn't as crowded as usual (still crowded enough to have to wait in line for drinks and games). you're sure the thumping of the music will definitely have your ears ringing at the end of the night.
your eyes take a while adjust to the dim lighting, and you and your friends approach the bar, crowding around in a circle. the girl satoru is with is all over him, her hands never leaving his chest or his face. she’s always making it a point to kiss his cheek whenever she gets the chance. it makes you sick. there's no way fate is this cruel that even someone like satoru gets laid tonight and you don't?
god, what the hell is toji even doing that's making him too busy to answer your text?
"alright, me 'n satoru will grab drinks for everyone, you guys get coins for the arcade," suguru says and you’re grateful he’s taking control of the chaotic situation and bringing your thoughts back to the present.
“’toruuu~ can you get me a vodka tonic?” the girl asks in a grating high pitched voice that takes everything in you to not make another face at her. god, where’s all this animosity coming from anyway?
“yes, princess,” satoru replies, pulling her close and squeezing her tight. you don’t dare cast your eyes down in fear of catching him squeezing something else, too.
you shake it off, trying to ignore every single excruciating detail your brain is making you pay attention to at this place. and yes, you agree, maybe you should’ve taken it easy when you decided to down an entire can of white claw at the pregame, but it’s far too late to lament about that during this time of the night. things are practically getting started, so you snap out if it, and do your best to focus on grabbing coins and finding someone to play dance dance revolution with you for the rest of night.
you and riko decline to have any drinks, while shoko and utahime both decide to share a moscow mule (”i won’t be able to sleep if i have an entire drink!” utahime says, which prompts satoru to tease her about being old even though she's just three years older than all of you). reluctantly, you look at the girl satoru is with and ask if she wants to join you and the girls to grab coins for the arcade, and she looks at you like you just called her a slur.
“oh…ummm…no? i’ll be getting my drink with satoru?” she says, ending all of her responses with a question.
you’re not sure how to match her energy, so you just nod, and wave to the boys before catching up with your girls.
“jeez, what’s her problem?” riko turns back to you and gives you an apologetic look.
“satoru really knows how to fuckin’ pick ‘em,” shoko groans. unlike riko and utahime, you, shoko, and suguru have known satoru since high school and, as a result, unfortunately gotten used to the kind of girls satoru tends to sleep with: conventionally hot, a little bit not there, and kind of a bitch.
you all giggle as you exchange coins for the arcade games, ranting about miscellaneous parts of the barcade before heading back to the bar to meet up with the boys, who already have their drinks in hand, and are joined by nanami and haibara. suguru, nanami, and haibara are already halfway done with their bottles of sapporo, while satoru is whispering something in the girl’s ear as she giggles and sips her vodka tonic.
“okay!” satoru clasps his hands together. “who wants to watch me beat sugu’s ass in street fighter?!” he’s met with silence from the group and is about to say something before he’s interrupted by nanami.
“me and haibara are gonna go upstairs and get a pool table…” nanami says, sounding almost bored.
“it’ll be fun! i invited some girls from the line outside to join us!” haibara chirps.
“what? you just met random girls outside? and you invited them to play pool with you? and they said yes?!” satoru is bewildered by haibara’s game, unable to believe he could just simply ask girls to hang out with them and they’d say yes.
“it’s actually not that hard if you have a good personality, you know?” you say, handing haibara a couple of your coins for the pool table.
everyone erupts in laughter at this except for satoru and his girl of the night.
“toru~ i think you have a sexy personality.” she gives a quick kiss to satoru’s neck. for some reason, everything she says sounds like a long exaggerated moan, and you find yourself biting your lip, trying not to laugh.
“personalities can’t be sexy though, can they?” utahime ponders, her voice littered with a hint of sardonicism. you, riko, and utahime both lock eyes and suppress a giggle. okay, maybe you should stop. actually, you know you should stop because you don’t know this girl and for all you know, she probably is very nice and you both just got off on the wrong foot, but satoru? satoru is always fair (and easy) game.
“okay, c’mon what is this? the satoru hate club?” satoru pouts and sighs.
“i think i might join you guys for some pool. i used to love playing with kuroi when i was younger.” riko smiles and looks up at suguru, and he doesn’t even think twice before agreeing. satoru’s face drops at the betrayal of his best friend leaving their barcade tradition for a girl (even though satoru has done this to suguru multiple times before). suguru gives him a look that screams “shut up”, but satoru doesn’t care.
“wait, what nooo! sugu, you have to play like at least a couple rounds of street fighter and then mario kart and then -” satoru’s objections are interrupted by haibara.
“that’s fine. you guys all go and play, and i’ll shoot a text when a table is ready for us!” haibara offers, soothing satoru’s childlike temper tantrum.
“then it’s settled!” satoru leads the seven of you down to the arcade, which also happens to be closer to the dancefloor, so the music is getting progressively louder and louder, the lights are flashing more chaotically, and people are drunker and sloppier. your boots are sticking to the floor, which grosses you out and you make a mental note to wash the soles at some point this weekend. god knows what could be on the floor of this place.
satoru easily beats everyone (including you - especially you - because you are never good at fighting games and he beats you so embarrassingly easily) in the group in street fighter, earning him an obnoxious and sloppy kiss from his girl of night, which you realize now you actually don’t know the name of. as everyone shuffles to play mario kart, you tap satoru and ask for it in a low voice, hoping she can’t hear.
“uhh…i actually don’t know. maybe it’s…mia? let’s go with mia.” satoru makes a face, knowing this is low even for him, and that earns him a moderately painful jab in the rib cage from your elbow.
you also kind of suck at mario kart, but you enjoy playing it more than street fighter. lucky for everyone, suguru emerges as the winner of the grand prix, allowing everyone to have a break from satoru’s constant gloating. you all move from donkey kong to killer queen (your team wins but you think it’s because satoru carried for you) to pac-man to random capcom legacy games. you don’t care that you’re losing most of the games, you’re having too much fun shouting at satoru for cheating and getting assists from utahime and shoko. and just as you’re all about to head to the game you're looking forward to playing the most (the game you know you would smoke everyone at), haibara finally shoots a group text to all of you.
haibara: pool table’s ready in 5!!! and the girls actually made it wtf!!! :))
you think it’s cute how haibara never uses less than 3 exclamation marks in his texts.
“oh shoot, okay, let’s quickly play dance dance revolution and then go?” shoko says, walking faster to approach the game, only to be met with a significantly long line. her face drops as she turns to you, and your heart softens at how much she seems to care that you get play dance dance revolution. “shit, okay…”
“maybe we can play pool first and then come back?” utahime suggests. “the line might be shorter too…”
“guys, it’s fine.” you put your hands up jokingly as a sign of defeat and smile earnestly. you won’t lie to yourself: you do really want to play dance dance revolution, but it’s not a big deal - there’s always a long line for the really popular games. “i think i’m too drunk to properly beat your asses at it, anyway.” you lie. you could beat their asses at this game even if you were half asleep, but you don’t want your friends to worry you’re not having fun and you’ve always been a go with the flow type of girl, anyway.
as everyone descends up the stairs, you overhear mia whisper to satoru something out of pocket that really tests the threshold of your patience. “honestly, dance dance revolution is kinda stupid, anyway.”
you are willing to really overlook a lot of things that went awry tonight, but this bitch makes it really fucking hard to do that, and you suddenly do not want to play pool if she’s going to be there, even if makes you look difficult. thankfully for you, you’re not the only one who wants to skip out on pool.
“hey, uh, you guys go ahead. i think me and ‘hime are gonna check out the photo booth and we might order some bar snacks. someone has the munchies.” she teases, poking utahime’s cheek playfully and she blushes under the blacklight and swats her hand away.
“i might follow you guys, if that’s okay…” you shoot shoko and utahime an apologetic look for interrupting their alone time, but they don’t seem to care one bit.
mia turns to satoru. “i’ve got some girlfriends upstairs too waiting for me so i’ll come with.” her voice is sickeningly sweet, and you think to yourself that of course someone with a sickening sweet tooth like satoru gojo would gravitate towards her.
“alright, we’ll see you guys soon then!” riko waves, and you watch suguru, satoru, mia, and riko disappear up the staircase.
as soon as they disappear, you whip around almost immediately to the duo. “hey sorry, i just didn’t want to play pool and i needed an excuse to latch on to. you guys feel free to whatever you want!”
“we can wait in line while one of us orders some food or something?” utahime says, and you suppress a giggle, knowing full well all she wants right now are some mozzarella sticks (you can’t count the number of times the three of you made late night trips to the drive-thru for them).
you wave your hand, and give them an earnest look. “no, i’m being serious. the line is ridiculously long. i’ll probably go to the bar and grab a drink. you guys go, utahime already has some drool coming down her mouth.”
she immediately goes to touch her mouth, only to realize you were joking, and she scowls, causing both you and shoko to laugh. “ugh, you guys are sometimes worse than gojo!”
shoko feigns offense, before grasping her hand, bidding goodbye to you, and heading off to the bar food area and photo booth.
the music is still so loud and you feel the bass deep within your chest. you’re grateful the music that the DJ is playing tonight is not that bad. there’s quite a few people on the dance floor that’s kinda making you want to join in, but not before having a little bit of liquid courage. just a little bit, you tell yourself, not wanting to go overboard. you approach the bar and you somehow become very aware that you’re the only person at the here on your own, and you feel awfully lonely.
it’s probably because of a lot of things, but certainly the fact that you sent a vulnerable photo of yourself to toji and was met with zero response (you just checked so you know he still hasn’t seen your message) isn’t helping. you feel so small and a bit embarrassed at your past self, despite knowing that he might simply be busy on a friday night. you’re never one to feel forlorn like this, but you came into this night to find some company and now it seems like all your friends have company but you don’t. what’s more is that the insecurity of it all is manifesting in your damp hands, and you awkwardly don’t know what to do with them once you approach the table. the signature tells of anxiety settle in you, and your armpits are slowly getting more and more damp, until you can’t bare to have your shirt jacket on any longer and place it on your arm.
you haphazardly pat down your hair (you pray the humidity of this crowded place isn’t making it frizzy) as you look around, hoping to see someone you know, but all you’re met with is a sea of strangers. you want them to notice you, but at the same time, you’re absolutely terrified of making proper eye contact with any of them.
your thoughts are interrupted by the bartender, handing you a frosty pink…slushy?
“s’from that fella o’er there.”
you have to really listen to understand his thick irish accent, but you follow his hands to see the stranger a couple seats down from the bar nodding at you with a slight grin.
“oh, thanks, i guess. umm…what is this drink?” you ask, quizzically looking at the oddly colored drink and then back at the guy who bought it for you.
“drink o’ the day, ma’am. strawberry ‘n’ cream wid rum. quite grand.”
you thank him and take a small sip of the drink. you almost recoil and dry heave just by how strong it takes, and you wonder how it’s possible to have a drink this bad (or strong) on the menu. you quickly fake a pained smile and make eye contact with the stranger, as you quickly decide that maybe going upstairs and playing pool suddenly might not be such a bad idea after all. you’re trying to be swift and polite about taking your drink and leaving the bar, but you're not fast enough as you are met with the stranger blocking your way. oh god, does he have tattoos on his face? what a fucking boner kill.
you give him a polite smile. ugh, he’s not even that cute. “sorry, thanks for the drink but i have to go.”
“oh, shame. you’re really pretty, by the way. i’m sukuna.” he flashes a smile at you and if it weren’t for the dark lighting in the barcade, you could swear his teeth almost look like fangs.
“nice to meet ya. thanks for the drink.” you try side step around him, but he moves his body just in time to block you from leaving.
“whatcha doin’ here all alone? you’re way too pretty to be here all by your lonesome...” he coos, and it grates your skin.
maybe you’re being reckless, but you’re not that terrified of him; you’re frankly a bit annoyed and inconvenienced. you feel safe knowing your friends are nearby and it’s later in the night now so the barcade is way more crowded with plenty of people (read: witnesses) so you know this guy can’t do that many things out of pocket. the most he’ll probably do is say some stupid shit that makes you want to spill your drink on him.
“i’m not here all alone, i’m about to meet up with my boyfriend.” the lie comes so easily to you after living your entire 26 years of life as a woman.
“shame. your boobs are really nice, just FYI. i could just-” he doesn’t get to finish, as the ice cold slushy drink he bought for you collides with his face and the startling gasp he makes causes him to snort some of the (strong) alcoholic drink up his nose. you use his discomposure to finally escape him and beeline upstairs, but not before turning around, making eye contact with him and flipping him off.
okay, you know that was a bit rash of you, and perhaps a bit stupid and unsafe (you hear it all in suguru’s voice, too) but god, you are so fucking annoyed. what? a girl can’t even have her lana del rey, fleabag-esque moody melt down in peace without someone coming in to interrupt it? maybe you should stop drinking that god awful slushy, too. you defend yourself from inner monologue by deciding it’s already three quarters of the way gone, so it doesn’t even matter anymore.
you spot your friends and mia playing an intense game of pool down the dimly lit mezzanine and walk over to them. haibara and nanami greet you with smiles, and that’s how you infer it must be a close game. you stand next to riko and suguru, who update you that it’s them and haibara versus satoru, mia, and nanami. except mia wasn’t really playing more than she was just chatting with her friends next to suguru. currently, satoru’s team was losing.
“nanami said yes to being on a team with gojo?!” you loudly whisper incredulously. looking over at nanami, he looks like he wants to die, having been separated from his trusted partner, haibara.
“he didn’t really have a choice. satoru picked the teams and you know he loves nanami.” suguru explains, putting an ironic tone when he said the word “love”.
you notice it’s satoru’s turn, and his blue eyes are intensely focused, his body bent over with the cue sliding between his long slender fingers. the top two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned and his sleeves are rolled up. you swallow hard as you notice the veins on his on hands and arms, suddenly overcome with a desire to have those arms be wrapped around you. you try hard not to think of it, but you think of how his fingers would feel inside you.
you sigh irritably at your horny thoughts. you hate the lack of closeness you and satoru had throughout the night, and not just because your horniness was once again ignited with the disgusting slushy drink.
a split second before satoru hits the cue ball, he catches your eyes and you grin supportively and mouth a quick “good luck”. satoru gets 3 balls in pockets. he raises his arms in victory and looks at you and winks and is about to say something to you until mia cheers out an obnoxious scream of victory and jumps on satoru to kiss him deeply. he returns the favor, albeit rather hastily.
“no kissing! no kissing until your turn is over!” suguru points and them, looking peeved. “she’s been literally tonguing him after every turn and-”
“it’s so fucking annoying like wait until his turn is over at least?” riko completes suguru’s sentence with ease. oh god, they must’ve been going through it this entire time. also, cute.
“i really am not trying to be mean but i don’t think i can even be near her…” suguru says apologetically, wiping the sweat off his forehead. you give a sympathetic pout and place yourself between suguru and mia and mia’s friends. it’s the least you can do for your favorite up and coming couple.
bad idea. you forget how mean girls can get sometimes.
“oh my god, y/n, right? come sit down next to us!” mia approaches you and sits down in the booth next to the pool table. she pats the seat next to her. you say hello and reluctantly take the seat, expecting the worst.
“wow, your hair…is it always so…poofy like that? i love what you’re doing with it, babe.”
you’re miffed and don’t even know how to answer what mia just asked. you don’t even get to because she just continues.
“so how do you know satoru? i just wanted to clear the air with you about some stuff. i feel like i got some, like, really jealous energy from you at the pregame when me and him were, like, making out? remember? when you threw your drink at me?”
“uhh…i threw my drink at satoru-”
“i’m sure you did but like, it could’ve hit me too. and honestly, i’ve been talking to satoru this whole week and, like, i just don’t think he finds, like, desperation hot, you know?”
you’re at a loss for words. desperation? you’ve heard enough. first sukuna hitting on you, and now this? you smile at her with spite and quiet patience, as you get up from the seat.
“i’m gonna leave.” you choose your next words carefully. “you’re kind of a bitch, also.” you leave your empty drink behind and in your peripheral, you see a confused satoru watching you leave and taking your seat next to mia.
you put on your jacket and you’re not exactly sure where you’re going. the barcade is huge, and if the feelings of loneliness weren’t conspicuous before, they are unmistakable on you now. your palms are slippery and you figure you maybe just need some water, but not before you slip away from your friends and find an isolated row of tables in front of the mezzanine. you figure you can maybe get some peace and quiet here as you try to sober up. according to your phone, it’s only 10:37pm, so you have plenty of time before you have to go to bed. alone.
staring at the DJ screen, you chuckle to yourself at the absurd anime edits they are playing on the screen that’s supposed to relate to some reference that’s been going viral on tiktok. you idly stare at the DJ screen, letting your train of thoughts take you far away from this place.
you’re not sure how long you sit here by yourself but you’re brazenly brought back to the barcade by a familiar voice and an ice cold glass cup touching your cheek, causing you to yelp in surprise.
“where’d ya go?” you look up to see satoru hovering over you, holding a glass of ice water. “move over.” he takes a seat next to you without even asking and hands you the cold glass of water.
you take a sip and coldness of the liquid jolts your mind awake and now, you’re really back at the barcade, mentally and physically. and also, has water always tasted this good? you take a sip, and another, until you’re half way done chugging the glass and your throat is in pain from the cold.
“good girl.” satoru murmurs, putting his arms around you and gently rubbing your back in circles. normally, this would make your stomach do cart wheels, but you’re just too tired for all that. “how are we feelin’?”
you’re trying to answer his question but…oh god? why does your throat hurt? is it the cold water you just drank? no. no, it’s because you want to cry. oh god, nope. you cannot make it one of those nights where you get too drunk and cry. you refuse.
“m’feelin’…sad…if m’being honest…” your words are slurred as you look up at satoru and take another sip of your water.
“damn. that sucks. wanna go downstairs?”
the constricting feeling in your throat immediately dissipates, and is replaced by annoyance. wow, he responds with that? maybe it’s a good idea you won’t fuck him tonight.
he doesn’t wait for an answer as he gets up and helps you out of your seat and guides you downstairs. you interlock your arms with his for support so you don’t trip, and you’re perceptive enough to feel the viselike grip satoru has on your arms as you both descend the stairs.
“what are we even doing here?” your throat hurts even more as you have shout even louder on the ground floor due to the higher levels of music.
satoru continues to lead you down the floor into the arcade and looks back at you confused. “dontcha wanna play dance dance revolution?”
this makes you open your eyes wide in anticipation and excitement. no way. “what, really? the line is still so fuckin’ long though…”
“i’ll deal with it.” satoru tells you wait while he goes to the front of the line. you can’t exactly hear what the hell he’s saying to the people up front, but you do see him flash his signature pearly whites and flutter his bright blue eyes. he meets your eyes and motions excitedly for you to come to the front, and you hurry there, thinking if you wasted any time, you might never get to play dance dance revolution for the rest of the night.
“still got coins?” he asks, as you nod and hand him whatever was left in your purse.
“did you just flirt with the people in front to let us cut them?”
that makes you uncharacteristically giggle. you want to pick a fight about how that’s so unethical to other people in line who have waited a long time to play, but you’re feeling a bit selfish tonight. satoru squeezes your hand tightly and you squeeze back as the game starts.
you’re not entirely sure how long you both play dance dance revolution, but you can’t remember a time where you’ve enjoyed playing this game more. satoru always says the funniest things in the middle of a game, and because you’re still a bit drunk, you laugh really hard at it and it just spurs him to continue making awful one-liners. by the end of however many rounds you’ve played, satoru is completely wiped. he’s sweaty, breathing heavy, and his lanky yet sturdy build is leaning against the railing.
“how the fuck are you this good at dance dance revolution?” he says in between deep breaths.
“it’s not made for people with long legs,” you tease.
“’kay, one more. this time i’ll really-”
“alright, you both need to leave this game station. immediately.” you both turn to find a club bouncer practically escorting the both of you off the platform.
“we weren’t even playing for long…” you start.
“you played long enough that several attendees complained about the both of you. please remove yourself from the station for the rest of the night. i’ll be watching so don’t try and go back.”
you and satoru stare at the bouncer in silence as he disappears in the back. soon as he’s out of satoru’s line of sight, the swears start rolling in.
“what the fuck? who the fuck was that? who does he think telling us what to do? honestly, y/n, give me the green light, i’m literally a foot taller than him. i’ll kick his-”
you don’t wait for him to finish his sentence and you don’t really care for him to either. you grab his hands and pull him to the dance floor, where coincidentally, a remix of “murder on the dance floor” starts to play. satoru doesn’t question it and matches your energy. he’s always good at matching your energy and being on the same wavelength as you. you clearly have more dancing energy left, and you want to dance with him. you let the music guide the both of you to the center of the floor.
the purple and blue dim lights illuminate both of your faces and both of you can’t really recall if there are other people around you. it’s just you and him.
you turn around and sway your hips and satoru takes a risk and puts his arms on them and pulls you closer to him. when you let him, he full sends it, and pulls your back (and coincidentally, your ass) flush against his front. you have some sense in you to not grind into one of your best friends, so you purposefully try to keep the movement to a minimum while still allowing your body to move freely to the beat.
satoru is trying hard to not get hard, and failing miserably. thankfully, you don’t notice anything, except in the back of your mind, you wish he would’ve kept his keys and wallet in his back pocket instead of his front. satoru can’t stand you on him anymore unless he wants to be stuck in a rock and (quite literally) a hard place, so he spins you back around so that you’re facing him.
you laugh and squeal at being spun. “do it again. spin me again.”
he spins you again and you laugh again. this time, he pulls the front of your body against him and sways his body with yours. you take note of his bashful smile and how his orbs have taken on a darker hue. the song melts into a slower, lo-fi city pop remix, and you feel like you can finally talk above the music now.
you try to open your mouth but you keep on giggling.
“what? what’s so funny?” satoru joins you, trying to hold back his giggles.
“i…i don’t know, i just love dancing, i think?”
“are you still sad?”
the question catches you off guard. “uh, no. i'm not. i’m glad we’re dancing and…i dunno why i said i was sad before.” you trail off, genuinely trying to remember. “i guess…maybe it was because of that pervy guy…”
immediately, satoru stops swaying and comes to a complete stop. his eyes try to make contact with yours, but your mind is still occupied with the euphoric feeling of grooving to rhythm so he has to steady your body and hold your jaw so that you’re looking directly into his now deeper blue eyes.
“what pervy guy?” you sense the genuine worry in his voice, and it snaps you out of the trance.
“wait, no sorry. it’s not a big deal, satoru. he just bought me a drink.” you hesitate to even continue, as satoru already looks upset. you swallow apprehensively, making sure to choose your next words carefully. “he just bought me a drink and, like, made weird comments about my boobs. it’s honestly kind of funny now because i dumped the drink he bought for me on him.”
satoru relaxes his grip on you upon hearing that you took care of the situation yourself, but only a little bit. his brows are still furrowed in irritation. “okay, i’m glad you’re okay…but promise me you’ll point him out if you see him, again?”
you nod, as you both let your body go back to comfortably swaying with the rhythm. “wait, where’s mia?”
satoru scoffs. “don’t bring her up, too fuckin’ clingy. also, she was being sooo bitchy to riko. and you know, suguru is finally getting some, so i can’t let a random hook up do something to fuck that up…”
you smile and shake your head. wow, so she was being a bitch to riko, too? red flag. “you know she was also being a bitch to me.”
satoru frowns. “yeah, i figured out kinda late. after you left from pool, i asked her what was up, and she was just-” satoru lifts his hands up in defeat. “she was a lot. sorry about her…”
“glad you also thought she was a bitch.”
he hums in response. the beat picks up a bit, and he spins again, and pulls your back against him for the second time that night. you both continue to sway to the beat, and you’re once again met with the uncomfortable, unshakeable, feeling down there.
it’s now or never, your body thinks before your brain has any time to process the ramifications of your actions. you’re significantly shorter than satoru, so you lift your head up and look at satoru’s face, and he smiles at you and leans closer to your face. your breath hitches at the back of your throat at the sheer lack of distance between both of your mouths. you almost chicken out. almost.
“m’horny,” you slur, pouting at satoru.
it’s satoru’s turn to choke on his words. he definitely did not hear that right. he definitely drank too much tonight, and he doesn’t know what he’s hearing or doing right now because there’s no way you said what he thinks you just said.
you ignore satoru’s fumble. you whip around and put your arms around his neck, pulling him down to your level, while standing on your tippy toes. “i’m horny, satoru. i’ve been so stupidly horny this entire night because i took a stupid edible that shoko gave me and then i took that stupid shot and then-”
satoru pulls you away from the dance floor, and he’s practically running to the exit of the barcade. he doesn’t care that he’s leaving both of your friends behind because he needs to hear it again. he needs to hear you outside, where there’s no loud music, and there’s a cool breeze to wake you up from your senses. he turns to see you giggling, and he fights the urge to smile.
“okay, what’s the problem? daddy’s here to help.”
normally, this would make you annoyed, but it just makes you laugh instead.
“i said, m'horny and i dunno what to do 'bout it.” you pout, finally feeling free that you’ve let someone else know about this…issue you’ve been dealing with the whole night.
satoru grins widely. “y'came to the right person.” he cups you cheeks softly. he’s also slurring his words. “wanna go home? i’ll call an uber?”
you nod, and you pull out your phone to check your messages, and satoru does the same. you both have the same messages from the group chat:
suguru: satoru do NOT fucking come home me n riko are hangin in the living room
suguru: satoru are u reading this do NOT step a foot inside or i s2g i’ll end u w my bare hands
shoko: LMAO i’m crying also y/n - staying the nite @ hime’s :)
“i guess…uh…not sure where i’ll go but i’ll figure it out…” satoru fumbles again.
“are you stupid? you’re obviously coming back to my place? what was the other option? sleeping out on the street?” you berate satoru, sounding more like your normal self.
“wow, jeez, okay, chill woman. i missed it when you were complaining about how horny you are.” satoru says, as he puts in your address on the uber.
“i’m less horny now because you keep saying stupid shit.” you cross your arms, consequently causing your boobs to lift and almost spill out of your bralette - something satoru notices in his peripheral. he’s trying to look anywhere but your chest, but the cold breeze is nipping at your skin, causing goosebumps to rise and your nipples to get hard. satoru swallows and takes a deep breath before turning to you and taking your leather shirt jacket from you.
“put this on, you’re cold.”
“i’m not.”
“yes, you are.”
“how do you know i’m cold? hm?” satoru is getting really tired of you constantly challenging him when you’re both drunk, so he decides to be blunt about it, the same way you were blunt before about letting him know you were horny.
“because…” he gestures to your titties flippantly. “your headlights are on.” he also grabs your wrist and crosses the crosswalk, heading to the meeting point across the street from the barcade.
you arch an eyebrow. what on earth is he talking about? “what does that mean?” you say, trying to keep up with his strides. he looks back at you, and has to hold back a groan as he sees your titties bouncing up and down to match his pace and thinks the universe is playing the sickest joke on him.
“your nipples are so hard, i can see them through your bra.”
you stare at him as you both finally reach the meeting point. your mouth slowly furls into a frown your eyes widen. “it’s not a bra. it’s a bralette.”
“sorry, baby. your bralette is doing a shit job at covering your nips.”
you sigh. guess he has a point. you put on the leather jacket, but not without deciding to be extra cheeky towards him.
“my titties are so cold. you were right. i wish…” you pretend to take a dramatic sigh. “i wish someone could, like, i don’t know. i wish someone could warm them up with their hands.”
satoru wastes no time in picking up what you put down, and his palms immediately go straight to your titties. his large hands easily engulfs them, and he moves the fingers that are touching your bare skin back and forth creating a fiction that does nothing to warm you up, but it feels good at least.
“better?” satoru teases. he has a raging hard on now, so he shifts slightly in his stance to adjust himself. you hum and give a cheeky grin in response. something in your head tell you what this looks like, optics-wise, but you both don’t care. ever since the word “horny” came out of your mouth, both you and satoru have been running on the bare bones autopilot, just trying to get back to your place.
satoru keeps his hands on your chest until he spots the uber driver coming from a couple yards away, and pulls his hands away to flag them down. you frown at your chest feeling untouched, but keep your needy thoughts to yourself. you’ll have plenty of time to have satoru warm you up at home.
the uber ride feels like forever. and what’s worse is that satoru has become the chattiest passenger on earth, and it’s annoying you so much that you can’t even focus on being horny and wanting his hands on your chest or anywhere on your body. you’re not even sure what they’re talking about but you hear bits and pieces of their conversation as you stare out the window.
“i think rigatoni is a good pasta shape.”
“nahh, you gotta try cannelloni, my dude.”
“aren’t they the same?”
a loud gasp is heard and you know it’s from satoru. “don’t say that!”
“you kinda look like bob odenkirk. has anyone told you that? are you bob odenkirk? i loved you in better call saul.” this one makes you want to die from second hand embarrassment.
“i don’t know who that individual is.”
“ziti is also pretty good.”
you think you’re about to go insane with all the talk about fucking pasta shapes. you never want to see or eat pasta in your fucking life ever again after this uber ride. you’re about to burst and tell satoru to shut the fuck up (he gets so annoying and talkative when he’s drunk) when the familiar apartment complex comes into view, and you almost open the car door while it’s moving to get out of it.
“thanks for the ride, hector. i’m giving you a 5 stars, and i’m sending you a recipe for chicken and ricotta cannelloni.” satoru waves the uber driver goodbye, and turns to see you half way back to your apartment. he quickly sprints to catch up with you so he doesn’t get locked out.
“jeez, you’re so eager to get back home. what? you excited about something,” he teases, as he closes the gate behind you. you can hear the smirk in his voice and you want to either slap it or kiss it off of him, but you don’t dare look back at him.
“i need to pee, okay?”
satoru shuts up until you both get to your apartment and lock the door. he sighs and flops down on the couch, manspreading his long slender legs and arms across the couch and carpet.
“you can put something on the tv, don’t care. i’ll be back.” you quickly run to the bathroom and freshen up, and come back to see satoru watching a random episode of better call saul, and you scoff knowing exactly where this is headed.
“before you say anything…he didn’t look bob odenkirk.”
immediately satoru gets defensive. “you didn’t even see him properly. i was the one talking to him and interacting with him and it was definitely him.”
“you’re drunk.”
“so are you!”
okay, he has a point, but still. you sit on the couch next to him and pull his face to face you. “why would bob odenkirk, star of better call saul, be driving ubers on his friday nights, satoru?”
this shuts satoru up. he shifts in his seat and exits out of better call saul to the home screen, and plays some random reality tv show. meanwhile, you know it’s late, but you can’t help but check your phone one last time. you’re absolutely deflated that it’s almost midnight and you haven’t heard from toji at all. you sigh agitatedly and chuck your phone to the other side of the sofa while you stretch out your legs.
“toji still hasn’t texted you back?” satoru asks, shifting his body to face you. you mimic his actions, inching closer to him while frowning about your predicament.
“yeah, i just…i just feel stupid okay! i wish he would at least say something! i was kind of vulnerable sending that text…”
satoru sighs. he knows what he’s about to say next is so wrong, so pervy, so inappropriate, but he’s a bit drunk right now, and to be quite honest, he really wants to see this picture of you.
“can i see the text?” he asks quietly, holding his breath. he hopes he’s reading your signs correctly from the barcade. he doesn’t fumble this time.
you reach to grab your phone and unlock it. you turn the brightness up and hand the phone to satoru with the photo of your soapy titties on full display.
satoru’s breath gets stuck in his throat, and he’s choked up on words to describe, what he thinks, are the sexiest pair of titties he’s ever seen in his life. sure, he’s seen the outline of your titties through sheer t-shirts, and today he’s felt them and seen your nipples hard, but none of it beats the way they look bare and wet. god, he feels like such a perv seeing this pic of his best friend and getting wildly turned on by it.
he swallows, his breath unintentionally shallow. “toji’s a fuckin’ idiot.”
“he’s a fucking idiot.” satoru says louder. and he believes it from the bottom of his fucked up horny heart. he looks up at you and meets your eyes. “if i got this from you, i would respond in a heartbeat. don’t give a fuck where i am or what i’m doin’.”
your breath starts getting heavy, and you feel your heart beating faster. why can’t you hear him properly? better get closer.
“what would you say?” your voice is barely a whisper now, your eyes are drilled into his. his once bright blue eyes are as dark as the murky sea now.
he scoffs lightly, and you smell the beer in his breath. “i’d fuckin’ beat off to it, that’s what i’d do. i’d fuckin’ paint my sheets white.”
you suck in a deep breath loudly. god, he sounds so vulgar. you’ve never heard him talk like this, and it feels like you’ve unlocked a new side to satoru you’ve never seen before. the adrenaline of the alcohol combined with the wetness between your legs makes your head spin and heart race.
satoru edges closer to you, ready to make a proposition you can’t refuse. “i have an idea.” he inches even closer and places his hands on your chin and bring it inches away from his wet lips. “let’s…let’s kiss. to make toji jealous. teach him a lesson. show him what he could’ve gotten tonight if he had the balls to message back.” sober satoru would’ve laughed after saying something this nonsensical and absurd, but drunk satoru can only think of shoving his tongue down your throat (and other places).
your answer doesn’t involve words. you close the pathetically small gap between your lips and his and it feels like you’ve locked on to something you can’t ever let go of.
satoru grabs your jaw and pulls you even closer to him, if that’s even possible. he leads the kiss and opens your mouth for his tongue to enter and explore uncharted territory. you let him, and your tongues fight against each other for dominance, and you lose every time. and it drives you fucking crazy.
you moan into his mouth as satoru straddles you on top of his lap. you feel his hard on, and you subconsciously start to grind your hips on him, moaning even more repetitively. your short skirt rides up, leaving nothing to imagination as your ass is on full display, which satoru takes full advantage of by kneading it and pulling you even closer to his hips. your moans get more shaky as he touches your ass and lightly slaps it, earning a squeal from you that gets drowned in satoru’s mouth.
“so fuckin’ needy.” satoru places open mouthed kisses on your neck and as your throaty gasps overpower the reality garbage playing in the background. he’s right - you’re so needy. you’ve been wanting this the whole night.
you miss the lack of contact of his lips on yours so you grab a fistful of his ivory hair and reconnect your mouths together. he pushes your back onto the sofa and you whine at the loss of friction on your clothed core. you immediately palm his raging hard on and satoru groans, his eyes closed and face flushed, which spurs you even more.
he grabs your hand away from his hard member, and places it above your head. he grabs the wrist of your other hand and hold them both with ease above your head while he continues to kiss you deeply. so this is what the other girls are getting when they kiss satoru, you think to yourself in the middle of all the ecstacy.
satoru uses his free hands to roughly pull your bralette down, and you hear a tear as continues to expose your titties. you break free from his lips and moan as he uses his hands to palm your titties.
“h-hey! you ripped my bralette!” you say between breathy sighs.
“i’ll buy you another one.” he doesn’t even bother to look up or sound apologetic about it, as he uses his long fingers to pinch and play with your hard and sensitive nub, causing your to moan wantonly.
“f-fuck~” you need him on your mouth again. you can’t get enough of his tongue inside you, and you pathetically beg for it. “please~ please kiss me again, satoru~”
who’s satoru to deny such a simple request? his mouth meets yours again and you playfully bite his lower lip and giggle. it doesn’t last long when he squeezes and starts to roughly play with your bare titties again, encapsulating your moans in his mouth.
you’re not sure how long you’re kissing satoru. you’re kissing so much your mouths are numb and swollen and red. satoru doesn’t dare go any further than just kissing you and playing with your titties.
you want him to fuck you. and you know he wants to fuck you, too. but your eyelids are getting so heavy from kissing him, and satoru’s fervor is also mellowing. you both are resorting to small pecks and quick kisses between soft giggles and playful bites.
eventually, satoru moves from your lips to your jawline, and leaves soft wet kisses ever inch of your neck down to the center of your chest. he wants to kiss your hard perky nipples and titties, but he sides with his better judgement to not take it further than just kisses — he’s already been so selfish playing with your soft titties with his hands.
you’re both too tired and quite frankly, on the last legs of your intoxication to get up and go to your bed. you also don’t want to leave satoru’s embrace even though it’s crowded and every joint is touching him.
similarly, satoru has no intention of letting your leave his side, your warmth more soothing than any blanket he could’ve used. you both lull yourselves into a slumber, the rising of both your chests being the rhythm you drift off to.
in between your heated makeout session with satoru and falling asleep, you don’t notice the texts that toji sends you in response to your picture from earlier today that you were obsessing about so much. you don’t hear the vibration of your phone when he calls you, demanding an answer for the tent in his pants right before he’s trying to fall asleep.
and you most definitely don’t notice you accidentally accepting the call while satoru was straddling you in his lap.
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churrochamp · 1 month
Let's talk about Merlin and lying. This isn't meant to be character bashing, but it might not be the most generous take either.
In All About Love, bel hooks writes: "In our culture privacy is often confused with secrecy. Open, honest, truth-telling individuals value privacy. We all need spaces where we can be alone with thoughts and feelings - where we can experience healthy psychological autonomy and can choose to share when we want to. Keeping secrets is usually about power, about hiding and concealing information."
(hooks has a lot more to say about the reasons why people lie in relationships, and our need for love and difficulty with love in general. Book is fantastic, highly recommend.)
The question is: was Merlin's years of lying about his magic, and all that he did in Arthur's defence, justified? Why'd he do it?
I've been trying to think through how the fandom generally interprets Merlin's character and choices in the show, and how this character makes me feel. It's really complicated and interesting (to me at least lol).
I often see the claim that Merlin lied about his magic for years out of fear for his safety, but it's never fully satisfied me as an explanation. Given that as a fandom we pretty much all agree that magic can be a metaphor for queerness, there's a natural alignment with the claim that queer people aren't ever obligated to come out, for any reason, but it's often said, especially if their physical safety might be jeopardized (which I agree with btw).
And it's true, given Camelot's genocidal laws, Merlin's life could be threatened if he revealed himself as a sorcerer. On the other hand, Merlin is basically all-powerful in the universe of the show, and I don't think the rest of Camelot could do much to him if he were prepared.
What's more convincing to me is the claim that Merlin's afraid of the potential emotional harm that could come from revealing himself. What if Arthur hates and rejects him? That's something his magic can't defend against.
I think Merlin's heart is in the right place. He believes all his work is done in service of Arthur and their joint destiny, which is the good of Albion. And he does save Arthur's life a whole dang lot.
The issue is, probably a good half of the show's major conflicts directly relate to Merlin's actions and inactions - usually, lies he's telling (Morgana, Mordred...). Conflicts that maybe could have been resolved with much less harm if Merlin, who often is the only one with crucial knowledge, had made different choices (and Gaius too oh my GOD). Dude is shooting himself in the foot. Merlin's lying isn't just about personal privacy and autonomy. It becomes a fundamental part, baked into his relationship with Arthur and his role in their prophecy (and the governing of a kingdom jeez).
In addition to plot SNAFUs, the way I see it, Merlin's lying has two major consequences for him:
His most important relationship, with Arthur, is deeply flawed and incomplete.
Merlin remains the most important, influential character in the show. His energies go to trying to keep the power for himself.
As bel hooks argues, there can't be true intimacy in a relationship if one or both parties withhold and deceive the other. This could look like lying to manipulate the other party to get what you want, or even lying to make the relationship go easier. Relationships built on untruth aren't fair to all parties - the deceived person can't make informed choices in the relationship, and the deceiving person robs themselves of the opportunity to be fully supported and loved for who they are. When Merlin lies to Arthur about magic, when he tells Arthur that magic is evil, even if it is for "his sake," he's taking choice away from Arthur often at crucial moments, for both their relationship and the well-being of the kingdom. Without knowledge of the truth about magic, and about Merlin, Arthur can't make fully informed choices as a king or a partner. Things go to shit, and it's terribly lonely for both of them, even if only one of them know about it. Merlin's reason for this might be fear of pain. However, when you don't give someone the opportunity to love or reject you for who you are, how can you feel held by that person? You deprive yourself of the chance.
Another reason to lie can be desire for power and control. By keeping the secret of his magic and their destiny, Merlin keeps all the responsibility and power to himself. This is the premise of the show: Merlin is the only person who can turn Arthur into a good king, save magic, secure Albion's future well-being--and he must do it all secretly. The show jokes about it, the characters joke about it. This premise is a kind of power-fantasy - being the secret power working from the shadows, using all your wit and guile to succeed despite the secrecy, risking life and limb for no recognition, but having the satisfaction of knowing that you are instrumental. It's very James Bond. Without the secrecy, what would be the point of Merlin? The secrecy might be part of what makes Merlin feel special, worthwhile.
As the years go by, the lies compound and the relationship becomes inseparable from them. The most significant on a personal level, probably Merlin's poisoning Morgana, Mordred, Ygraine, and Sophia.
Merlin can't control all the factors, he can't do it all by himself, he can't make Arthur into the ideal king and boyfriend of destiny, and from the start it's a doomed endeavour. Luckily Arthur loves him all on his own, and does get to see him at the very end, and they'll get a second chance.
So in summary, why does Merlin lie about his magic and his actions for so long? Fear, love, and power, is what I suggest. And ultimately it leads him and Arthur to ruin. It's not exactly exemplary behaviour, but it is very very human.
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