#//Petty vent don't mind me
teethcore · 4 months
i can't even complain about our cruel housemate without my angel making it about her.
#jesus fucking fuck.#i don't even want to get into that though i just want to vent about the housemate.#she cannot STAND me. she hates my guts dude#and it is so so obvious. she's so passive aggressive and cruel.#constantly.#and i can tell she wants me gone. but she's not gonna say anything. she's just gonna keep bullying me and hope i decide to leave.#well guess what bitch. i'm not going to.#i'm not gonna help you out.#you can't stand the flavor of mental illness i have.#you hate me because i am fat.#you hate that i have a gender identity you can't understand.#and you feel bad about it. boo fucking hoo.#[i'm not pulling that out of my ass btw those are the things she bullies me about.]#you feel bad that you're being forced to reconcile with the fact that you're a bigot. it's in direct contrast to the lies you tell yourself#about what a good little liberal you are. and how open minded you are.#and you don't want to be a bad person by kicking out the mentally ill trans person. because you know i'd be homeless.#and instead of recognizing that for what it is and going ''well no one is a saint clearly i need an outlet for my frustrations''#[bc expecting you to think ''i should work on my biases'' is obviously expecting too much lmao]#you just bully the absolute shit out of me all the fucking time and hope I'll just go away.#well i'm not gonna help you out.#i'm fucking miserable sure. i would probably be happier and feel safer homeless at this point.#but i stay out of pure pettiness.#you're going to have to kick me out and deal with the shame and cognitive dissonance.#i want that for you#fucking bitch.#—kieran#bite.txt
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ghostofhyuck · 8 months
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I once believed love would be (Burning red)
But it's golden
Like daylight
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It’s surreal to think that you two were just best friends, and the next thing you know, he’s sleeping peacefully next to you.
You couldn’t help but brush the stray hairs that covered his face. Donghyuck was tired, having to cram papers and requirements for the finals week. It was no surprise that he dozed off the moment you two went to bed.
But you being an overthinker couldn’t sleep. In a few months you two will be graduating, everything feels so slow yet so fast. Time moves differently when you’re with him and at the same time, why can’t time just fast forward to your graduation!?
It didn’t help how your budding relationship with Donghyuck came abruptly. You two have been best friends since high school. You always thought that it has always been platonic, maybe a small crush on him but that’s all. You watched him go on dates and have serious relationships in the span of your friendship, so to think that he’ll end up with you caught you off-guard.
What if you two decided to break up? What about the years you two have been friends? What if the two of you are better off as friends? Maybe you shouldn’t have confessed. Maybe he just accepted it out of pity.
You couldn’t help but ponder, but Donghyuck’s right in front of you sleeping peacefully, shouldn’t that show to you that he’s yours?
But the thoughts lingered on your mind, you couldn’t help but to get out of your bed and head out to the kitchen. Maybe a cold cup of water can clear your thoughts.
After drinking the cold cup of water, you still don't feel like sleep will hit you any minute. You decided to fish out something to eat — it’s not like you’re hungry at all but something to munch may help you with your worries. There’s a bunch of snacks that Donghyuck keeps around for both of you so you opted for the seaweed snacks.
“What are you doing here?” a faint voice calls. His sleepy voice gets your attention.
“Eating,” you stated the obvious.
Donghyuck laughs sarcastically, “I thought you’re asleep, you left the bed all of the sudden.”
“I can’t sleep,” you confessed. Thinking that maybe it’s better that you just have to open it to Donghyuck.
“Why? Is something bothering you?” He asked, worried.
You didn’t say another word but instead, took a bite on the snack. Donghyuck approaches you and stands beside you, his tall height hovering you.
“Come on now, you’re worrying me.” he said, nudging you slightly.
“It’s nothing Hyuck, go back to bed.”
“Is it about us?” you freezed for a moment.
“How can you say that it’s about us?”
Donghyuck shrugs, “Knowing you, you tend to overthink about things.”
You let out a sigh and faced him, “You like me right?”
Like a gullible child, Donghyuck nods.
“Then, you love me right?”
You saw how his forehead crunches. “What kind of question is that?”
“Well answer me,” you said.
“Of course I do! Why would I not?”
You became quiet. How is it that it was so easy for Donghyuck to say things like that?
Donghyuck grabs both of your hands, he squeezes it tightly and kisses both of them.
“Are you worried about us? That I don’t love you at all?” he asked.
“Maybe, it’s a stupid thing right?” you mumbled.
“Why would you even think such a thing?” he asked in a worried tone. You couldn’t help but feel guilty that you have to interrupt his sleep over stupid things.
But Donghyuck was your friend before he became your lover. Part of you knows that he’ll understand you, so you decided to tell him your worries. All the most stupid and petty things you vented it out to him and for Donghyuck he could only nod as he lets you take your time telling him everything.
“Ugh, this is stupid, nevermind what I said Hyuck, I’m just being shallow,” you said in the end. Feeling worse than ever.
Instead of answering you, Donghyuck pulls you to a hug. You couldn’t help but melt in his warm embrace.
“Don’t say that, you have valid reasons to overthink about things like this, but don’t worry about that because I’m here. I’m here for you okay?” Donghyuck said calmly, his hands rubbing against your back.
“There’s nothing to apologise for, okay? Just remember that I love you so so much!” He confesses, hugging you tightly. “I won’t leave you okay?”
“I love you too,” you whispered to him.
You couldn’t help but feel at ease. Donghyuck looks so beautiful with his dishevelled hair and glowing honey skin against the warm kitchen lights. His words were comforting and his assurance made you realise just how lucky you are that he’s yours. You couldn’t help but steal a kiss on him out of glee.
Donghyuck only snickers, and seconds to that, he pulls you for another kiss.
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(cough cough everything here is my interpretation etc etc dont get mad at me)
The Mind Electric isn't really a diss track. I mean, it sort of is, but not really.
I think it would be far more applicable to call it a vent post. Mind, despite pretty much constantly trying to give off the impression that he is in control, kind of isn't ever, really? In Whole, he's left on the shelf, and during Cacophony he is the "Ruler of Everything", but doesn't really rule... anything?
Sure, he has a degree of control over Heart. To my understanding, he only has control of the Vessel through Heart. During Just Apathy, he tells Heart what to say, and Heart relays it through the Vessel's mouth. (Assuming that's why Mind is telling Heart to say things. It makes more sense than Mind 1984ing Heart.)
Even in his songs, he never gets anything across. Be Born is pretty much him pointing out Heart and Soul's faults, and neither of them listen. He immediately must cave to Soul's will during The Soul Eclectic, where Soul refers to himself as a "lord" over Heart and Mind.
He's also the one that most consistently brings up the issue of time. After Mucka Blucka, with the notable exceptions of The Bidding and Taken for a Ride, they largely don't acknowledge the Time Loop, with the exception of Mind. He brings that shit up constantly to the point where it's kind of funny? Look at his lines in TWW&Y.
But overall, he's real goddamn frustrated. He *is* actually decently logical, but emotions run over. The guy that shot him, textually his only friend, vilifies him (NOTE: i don't think Heart is unjustified in this. It's pretty reasonable. It's just not the point right now), everyone is ignoring him. He is 100% ready to combine throughout the majority of Cacophony. Like, it's just towards the end of STAAS and most of TME that he isn't.
So yeah! He got pissed! He started flinging petty insults because that's what he thinks Heart is doing. He's basically yelling, "FINE! If this is how you want to treat me, I'll do it too." It isn't even completely petty! Towards the ends, he clearly calms down. He's still bitter, but like. He closes it out by saying that Heart almost murdered him and plays victim, that he too is necessary, and that despite being harsh he wants the best for everyone.
Okay. Essay over. I might read over this later after I'm fully done with my total analysis, but I think this is pretty alright. Feel free to correct me on anything I got blatantly wrong. Again, I don't think Heart is completely in the wrong or anything, it's just. This is about Mind, lmao.
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genericpuff · 10 months
The Kiss Bet Episode 172 - Hot Pot and Venting About How I Want My 70 Cents Back
Okay, look, this isn't a post I was expecting to make today but it's something that just happened and I have to fucking talk about, so let me preface this with some context.
I had to buy coins recently and because I switched to using my iPad for reading comics on, I got a "new reader" type deal from Webtoons for a coin bundle that got me like 100 coins for $5; because technically it was a 'new account' as Webtoons operates their in-game currency model on apps, not on actual emails (meaning if you use the app on an Android phone and then switch to an Apple iOS device, they're technically two separate accounts which you sync the reading data between via the account info linked via the email, therefore they have two separate coin wallets).
So with more coins than I knew what to do with, I decided to start FastPassing The Kiss Bet again, which I had recently stopped FP'ing around the S3 mark, as it's recently devolved back into the "will they won't they" trope, but instead of between Sara-Lin and Joe, it's between Sara-Lin and Joe's younger brother (the "true endgame") Oliver.
Now I don't mind the ship in essence. Joe was definitely not gonna be endgame, it was always gonna be Oliver, anyone who's read any amount of romance before - especially high school romances - knows how this shit tends to go, and The Kiss Bet isn't exactly trying to be groundbreaking or subversive in any way, it knows exactly what it's about and what it's trying to accomplish.
But it's almost become a little too good at this. Because in playing the "will they won't they" game for so long with a character that we know is endgame, it's basically been weeks and weeks and weeks of-
That said, after I caught up on the recent FP episodes, it seemed like stuff was finally moving a little bit. We were finally meeting Oliver's mom and his stepdad who he has a fractured relationship with, Joe was finally getting with his true endgame girl, Vicky (who's totally not an exact genderbent version of Joe lmao) and Sara-Lin was finally realizing she had feelings for Oliver.
And then the newest episode came out, Episode 172 - Hot Pot and Venting.
Already I was a little petty over the title like "lmao ok clunky title but whatever". I swept it off as not a genuine criticism, just me being a nitpicking asshole over what's essentially Fluff: The Comic.
The episode cost 7 coins, which is about roughly 70 cents, albeit closer to a dollar for Canadian readers (here's something they don't tell you about Canada - our Monopoly game currency is just as fucked as it looks) and that's where I'm gonna get into my second disclaimer that I need to be perfectly clear about (and it'll be what we get more into later on in this post).
I understand the principle of paying for art. I understand fully that many of these webtoons are being produced on tight deadlines by creators who often can only afford 1-2 assistants, if any at all. I understand and fully agree that creators deserve to be paid for their skills, time, and efforts, not just as creators working on the hellsite that is Webtoons, but as artists in general who deserve to make a living the same as anyone else. Anyone who follows my stuff here knows I'm an artist myself so I would never debate the ethical necessity of paying artists for their work.
I can say that, and also agree with the people who have stated in discussion circles such as on /r/webtoons that a lot of the comics that have started charging 7 coins have been suspiciously delivering less comic since. And it's not even so much in the literal panel count, the liquid volume of these comics have remained the same, but the calorie count has dropped significantly. Food metaphors aside, what I mean is that despite many of these comics maintaining their 40-60 minimum panel count requirement, they have in fact reduced the actual amount of content that happens in them, and The Kiss Bet's newest episode is a stark example of what I mean.
I am going to start by posting only post three panels - three panels that literally sum up the entirety of Episode 172 and what it chooses to spend its time on.
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That is it. That is literally all that's established in this episode. I'd tell you to go read it yourself, but honestly, this is genuinely one of those rare times I can honestly say that a 40+ panel episode is not worth 70 cents and you'd be better off, and that's saying a LOT when these episodes are only priced at the cost of a gumball. At least Lore Olympus has entertainment in how bad it is most of the time, Episode 172 of The Kiss Bet is just nothing. You will literally get more substance and flavor from an actual gumball.
Literally every other panel in this episode is either repeating the same dialogue (Sara-Lin saying the same thing multiple different times to express how Oliver is holding her hand or how his stepdad is a dick) and then Sara-Lin and Oliver staring at each other. Over. And over. Again.
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I am not joking. I did not cut anything out in that sequence. That is where the episode ends. Complete nothingburger, seemingly cut off right as it was just getting started like Cait Corrain's career.
Out of the entire episode, there were 45 panels. So I can safely assume Ingrid's minimum panel requirement is at least 40 per episode, that's me assuming the best that she didn't exactly meet her panel minimum at 45 panels on the dot.
Out of those 45 panels, there were:
Two actual unique backgrounds that weren't gradients or just a single piece of furniture
4 separate panels of Sara-Lin freaking out over Oliver holding her hand and wondering if he even noticed
10 panels of Sara-Lin staring at Oliver either dumbfounded or asking him to repeat himself (or apologizing over nothing)
5 panels of the characters saying nothing
11 panels of Sara-Lin repeating information in different ways that could have been accomplished in half that time
Two separate occasions of Oliver getting Sara's attention from off-panel, literally formatted the exact same way both times (and both followed by reaction panels of Sara-Lin staring at him dumbfounded)
Way too many panels of Sara-Lin blushing in response to Oliver being an asshole tbh like literally this guy's a douchebag, Joe may have been the "out of her league" love interest but at least he was nice and didn't treat Sara-Lin like someone who just bought a Husky as a "starter pet" ???
Again, I don't usually like being a dick about the coin costs, and I definitely don't like being a hypocrite in telling people they should pay artists for their work while simultaneously posting their paywalled content like this, but I think there does come a point where it feels more irresponsible for people to not be aware of what they're about to pay for and how little they're going to be getting. This episode is literally one of the best - and worst - examples of how far the romance genre has fallen on the platform - when it's not being overtaken and oversaturated by problematic series that romanticize abuse and sexual assault, it's being dragged to death with the most boring executions of tropes that everyone has seen before and is only exciting for anyone who's never read a book or watched a romance movie, period.
And here's the thing where I do approach a bit more "hot take" territory, but every time I see this argument come up about episodes not being worth the coin cost, I see others who rightfully argue that 70 cents isn't that much to pay for what you're getting - weekly episodes of work that are usually always delivered on time, with more panels than you would ever typically see in a free to read comic.
But here's where I take issue with that argument, as much as the principle of it is sound, it misses the overall point: readers are paying for entertainment first and foremost, so can anyone who's actually paying for regular refills on their app currency step away from this and truly call it "entertainment"? Nothing was gained. The comic had 45 panels to say something, anything, and managed to not even squeak out so much of a word. Even the silent moments have no substance, they just reiterate information that we already know.
Do we really need another panel of Sara-Lin blushing at Oliver? We've known for weeks now that she has a crush on him. Do we really need another panel of Oliver getting Sara-Lin's attention? What is this actually showing of their chemistry? What is being shown here that hasn't been shown numerous times - with and without dialogue - for weeks now? What does the comic have to show for itself after four seasons?
Another point of the "it's just 70 cents, don't be an asshole" argument that people seem to miss is it's not 70 cents. It's $1. Because if you want to buy a single episode of the Kiss Bet, you can't just pay for the individual episode in isolation, you have to pay for the coins first, and $1 is the absolute bare minimum you have to pay to get 10 coins, which will only pay for one episode of a 7 coin series - of which there are many now, basically any series that's 40 panels or more will cost 7 coins and, shocker, those are the series that WT will tend to promote most, you'll rarely see the 5 coins series in the banner ads, and that's not even getting into how there are more and more series cropping up that have 5+ episodes behind FP rather than the traditional three.
So if you're someone who's (almost definitely) keeping up with more than one series? You can't just pay the $1, you have to pay at least $5 for 50 coins, and that will NOT go far anymore or cut as evenly as it used to when just about every series is now 7 coins. Webtoons knows fully well what kind of game they're playing by making the new coin cost an uneven number while still offering increments of 5/10 in their coin bundles. They undoubtedly want you to be left with an uneven number so that you'll be easily lured into buying more coins so you don't 'waste' the uneven amount you have left that isn't enough to buy the episodes for the series you want to read. Obviously this is more speculation and not fact, but it's a common business model and with the series that have adopted the 7 coin count model (rather than starting off with 7 coins outright) such as The Kiss Bet and Lore Olympus, it's becoming abundantly clear that either the creators or the platform itself is encouraging these series to meet their panel minimums with as little content as possible in order to get more money out of readers who are barely even being drip fed actual entertainment and narrative progression, let alone spoon fed.
And then there's the waiting. The goddamn waiting. So many of these series guilty of siphoning their content off through a hose that they're deliberately standing on are designed intentionally with the most egregious cliffhangers in mind to keep their audience hooked so they'll undoubtedly FP next week. Do you know what that amount of waiting does to a comic? To its readers? First off, it artificially extends the actual pacing of the comic to make it feel longer than it is, when in reality, many of these plotlines are happening in a vacuum of very short bursts of time. Case in point, Lore Olympus is commonly confused for having a plotline that takes place over the course of months, when actually when laid end to end in order of cause and effect, many of its subplots - including the romance of Hades and Persephone - takes place over the course of days. This over-inflates the plotline's actual depth and, even worse so, it makes it harder for readers to keep up with information that's being delivered, as it often takes weeks for that information to actually go anywhere - so by the time it does, many readers have straight up forgotten about it.
It's absolutely not okay that so many of these kinds of series are normalizing literal slow burning for an audience who's paying to be entertained. It's not a "slow burn". It's just slow, and deliberately so. It's absolutely NOT FUN to follow a comic that does not go anywhere week after week. It's frustrating. And before long, it starts to feel like gambler's fallacy, where readers have to essentially gaslight themselves into paying into it more and more convinced that it has to pay off eventually, based on a promise that was never actually made, only assumed in good faith. And readers should not have to fill in the bulk of the content that isn't happening with their own imaginations, which is something that happens a LOT in these series that spend so much time on the characters just staring at each other and saying nothing. It's not 'plot' to just draw characters blushing and have your audience fill in the rest of it entirely on their own. This is certainly a technique in writing, but in the case of The Kiss Bet and other comics like it, it's much less of a valid technique and more just flat out manipulating your audience into falling so hard into the sunk cost fallacy trap that they don't notice they're being robbed blind by the plot that hasn't actually happened - and they've been paying for that financial and emotional robbery out of their own pockets and brains every step of the way.
Again, I do not care about the coin cost in and of itself, seventy cents IS still an incredibly cheap price for weekly updates of a series that has to put out so many panels each week. But as a reader and a customer, I should not be leaving these updates with less information than what I started with. And I'm someone who's incredibly old school by webcomic standards, there are comics that I follow that have updated 1-2 pages a week for over a decade that manage to do more with their limited pages than Lore Olympus and The Kiss Bet manage to do after entire hiatuses filled with pre-production time.
Why does this page of Alfie manage to move both the intrinsic plot of the titular character as well as the external plot that's going on around her in one page made up of 5 panels better than what The Kiss Bet can do in 45?
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Why does this page of Tamberlane manage to convey more information about the world's lore and the people in it in a way that's emotionally driven and clearly affecting the characters without outright info-dumping than what Lore Olympus has managed to spit out onto its plate since S3 started over a year ago?
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How does Tales from Alderwood manage to be more entertaining and convey more meaningful storytelling through its characters in a single page consisting of zero dialogue than what The Kiss Bet can convey in its silent panels of staring, blushing, and repetitive stuttering?
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Why are the creators who are relying entirely on their own efforts, resources, and ability to generate income through community interaction and support putting out better work with less panels and on slower schedules for FREE than what we're seeing from professional creators on a professional publishing platform who are being paid to do this as their job?
There's this saying in the tattooing industry: good work isn't cheap and cheap work isn't good.
At this point, 70 cents is not a 'bargain' as many people like to argue in defense of the creators. And while I do want to have good faith in the creators who don't pull this shit, the creators who clearly go above and beyond to do what they do in the pursuit of storytelling and polishing their craft to be the best piece of work that it can be - the comics that are worth paying 70 cents and beyond for - are not the comics that Webtoons is promoting to people. The creators of the works that genuinely deserve more than 70 cents per update are being left to fend for themselves without support from the platform, while those that aren't worth the price of even a flavorless gumball are consistently winning the Wonka Golden Ticket lottery.
The cost of 70 cents is relative. For some works it's a genuine bargain. For others like the The Kiss Bet and Lore Olympus, 70 cents is not a "bargain", it's not a "good deal", it's exactly the value of what you're paying for - cheap work that isn't good.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Maybe TADC Characters X Reader who loves gossip?
TADC cast x reader who loves to gossip!
Okok I know I have a track record of saying ik only goinv to answer a few asks then go to bed but I think I might actually
Go to bed soon
Im still feeling unwell and tbh its been getting worse; what was originally stuffy noses and sore throat is now that + fatigue and headaches (but no more sore throat!! Yay!)
Very bad sinus pain though
So uh uh
Only a handful of requests tonight then I might try to sleep
Very short since I'm sick + im on mobile + not many ideas are happening here <\3
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Now caine looooooves to gossip, not even as a malicious thing he just likes speculating what the silly people in this circus do when hes not around
I like to think that caine definitely would play match maker should a circus member fall in love with someone, so he asks you for any and all details and secrets
Probably uses your habit of gossiping to try to find an exit. I mean you have a lot of into on other people, what's to say you dont have info on other things? Its worth a shot, at least in her eyes
Thus leads to her uncomfortable sitting next to you while you spew a bunch of stuff that happened before she joined the circus
Definitely on the side of "I dont like talking about people behind their back especially if its something petty or none of my business"
Obviously venting is a different story but this ask is specifically about gossip
I don't think she would like gossiping that much, other peoples business isnt her business you know?
Politely asks you to not involve her
Jax probably has lied about another circus member before. Harmless rumors, of course, ones that are totally outrageous and only the more gullible would believe
So you two make a powerful duo, when we also take his pranks and jokes into account...
I think he likes some basic gossip. Like a "I heard (x) said (y) to (z), can you believe that" kind of gossip
But does it count as gossip if hes just relaying something most of the other crew knows?
Probably not but given his state of mind half the time can you really blame him?
I took she would occasionally engage on gossip
Is it still considered gossip if its just shit talking, though? Because boy, I really do headcannon that zooble does NOT like jax in particular
Honestly you two can probably sit down and talk about stuff for HOURS
Very awkward about it, similarly to ragatha I dont think she would be too big of a fan of gossiping about others
Gangle strikes me at the type to keep to herself and mind her own business tbh, not much else to say
Kind of just quietly let's you talk, very obviously doesnt want to engage in the gossip
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gingerjolover · 9 months
Untitled Angst Fic - Part 1
Naomi Mcpherson (MUNA) x reader (soft!gf coded)
pls give me a title
read the preface here!
Synposis: Naomi is too busy working on the album to listen to thjeir gf and she's had enough :(
G's notes: come get y'alls juice!!! (also im sure naomi is a great partner this is RPF don't come for meeeee)
Wc: ????
Warnings: RPF, angst, fighting, mean!naomi, negligent!naomi, producer!naomi, leaving?, no fundamental physical descriptors, reader is soft!gf coded so she/her pronouns/afab?
It's been 6 hours since you left the house. LA traffic doing wonders for you, listening to angry music, twirling the engagement ring on your left hand anxiously followed by a quick vent sesh with the mom-to-be (and bless her since she's got so much more to worry about besides your relationship). Despite the time away, parking in the driveway puts a frown on your face, not sure what you'll face when you get inside.
As soon as you walk in, it's almost like you never left. Naomi sits on their laptop, albeit in a different place than when you left this morning, the doors to their office wide open. There's soft music playing from the speakers, their torso covered in a shirt and despite their comment about not needing to be dressed in their house to work, some dickies pants cover their legs.
"C'mere...hi, I missed you, hm?" you say sweetly to your dog and cat, both animals clearly starved for attention and affection.
Naomi perks up a little, watching you squat down to greet your fur-children, a small smile on their face gets wiped off when they remembered how pissy you were when you left, and how long were you gone anyway.
"Missed you too," Naomi mumbles sarcastically, as if greeting your pets meant negating them. Their fingers move quickly over the keys, eyes never leaving the screen as they begin to talk.
"...Sooo, are we gonna talk about it? Or are we just going to pretend that whatever happened this morning didn't happen?" Naomi asks, eyes fixated on the work in front of them.
There's something so deeply offensive the way that Naomi delivers the question, not even being able to see their eyes feels like they asked it because they should, not because they wanted to. All you can do is roll your eyes, sighing softly as you put your bag down on the dining room table, ignoring Naomi's question as you walk into the kitchen.
Naomi's eyes quickly flit to the edge of their laptop, seeing you walk away. They mimic you, rolling their eyes, sighing deeply as they look back to their screen. "Guess we're pretending it never happened, got it," they mumble sarcastically to themselves. "I can be petty too, I'm just gonna mind my own business then, it's immature to give me the silent treatment so I'll just let you do your thing," they mumble venomously, their words send a chill up your spine, tears welling in the corners of your eyes.
You sniffle softly, wondering if the flames moving up the walls are even present in Naomi's mind. The energy in the house has been off for weeks, your anxiety and Naomi's attitude taking turns twisting the muscles in your chest until the house feels like its on fire and you're inhaling straight smoke.
You wipe your eyes, slipping on walking shoes before grabbing the leash. Your sweet chunk of a dog sits politely in front of you, wagging his nubby tail as he sees the leash in your hands. "Let's get you outside, yeah? Hm? Wanna go on a walk with mama?" you whisper softly, rubbing his ears when he sits so good for you while you attach the leash.
Naomi hears the click of the leash to the collar and stops typing, looking up at you. "Where are you going?" they ask, emphasizing their annoyance, ignoring the redness in your eyes.
"On a walk? Since you couldn't be bothered to get off the computer," you mutter back in a snarky tone, grabbing the poop bags and your water bottle.
"He went out twice today, I'm not- whatever," Naomi scoffs, turning back to their laptop.
"Might as well take the cat too," Naomi mutters, like it was a stroke of genius.
It takes everything in you not to shut the laptop on their hands and yell "fuck off". But you bite your tongue, wiping your eyes again and open the door, getting the dog outside and slamming the door.
"Well that was dramatic," Naomi mumbles, their eyes flicking over to the front door after it slams, feeling a little bad that you slammed the door. They allow themselves to feel annoyed again when they remember that you implied that they didn't take care of your dog all day.
The time moves quickly, within half an hour, worry starts to creep up Naomi's neck. It's going to get dark soon and you don't live in a busy or unsafe neighborhood but you're taking longer than you normally would alone.
"Where are you?" Naomi texts, checking your location, finding it unable to load.
15 minutes later you walk into the house, having to sit on the curb half a mile away just to cry, wondering if this is a prolonged ending to your relationship.
Naomi can tell you've been crying, that same worry crawling back up their neck as they look at your glassy eyes, cheeks flushed.
"Sit Bruno...good boy," you say softly, taking the leash off of his collar, hanging it up in the hallway before moving to the kitchen to fill his water bowl.
Bruno's paws tap across the tile floor, Naomi smiling softly as they type on the computer. "Hey," they call out, position unchanged. "Did you get lost?" they ask, feigning ignorance.
"No, we went on a walk, I said that when we left," you huff, toeing off your shoes.
"Okay yeah but you took twice as long as you normally do," Naomi says, finally looking up at you with a slight frown, waiting for an explanation.
"Okay? Sue me Naomi, I don't know what you want me to say, we went on a longer walk," you explain exasperated, throwing your arms up.
"You know what, fine, don't tell me," they say, looking back towards the laptop, typing away again.
There's a beat of silence, your eyes widen at their quick dismissal.
"Is what you're doing really more important than me?" you ask suddenly, eyes staring wide at Naomi, flooding with hurt.
Naomi looks up, slightly annoyed at the question. "No?" they say, voice sounding resigned. They sigh loudly, "Fine, you can have my attention," they say looking up. "Now, where have you been?" they ask, eyes stern.
"God, you're... forget it Naomi," you say, tone going from livid to defeated in 5 words. You shake your head, walking up the stairs, heading to the shower.
Naomi just shakes their head, rolling their eyes at the dramatics of it all. But as they sit there, the clock ticking, Bruno's collar jingling as he scratches, the scratching the cat is doing on the cat tree, and the faint water running - Naomi sighs again, a shame creeping up their neck at their own stubbornness.
When Naomi saves their work and finally makes it upstairs, they linger near the ensuite door, heart cracking at the sounds of your sobs hidden between a stream of hot water.
"Baby," the say quietly, knocking on the door lightly.
The crying stops immediately, almost like you were trying to get your voice back to normal.
"What?" you ask, and it comes out harsh. Honestly, could've come down harsher if your voice wasn't thick with emotion.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I've been a total... dick today," Naomi says, tone slightly defeated and aware. "Can I come in?" they ask. And the question hangs, like a rancid herb, drying between the two of you. And Naomi is met with sternness.
"Can I at least talk to you?" Naomi asks, temple resting against the door. They feel ashamed for how they've acted, replaying the interactions with you over and over in their mind.
"You can't wait til I'm done?" you ask, because the absolute audacity of Naomi to interrupt a shower cry.
"I want to talk about it now, when it's still fresh," they speak through the door. "I'm not gonna wait in the hallway for you to finish showering," they say with annoyance and disdain. The rational part of Naomi that realizes you can't have a productive talk while you're in the shower and that cornering you like this was a mistake can't come to the phone right now because they don't even exist.
"Well considering I'm always waiting on you to have conversations, I think you can wait until i rinse the conditioner out of my hair," you spit out in a snarky tone.
"What? I'm not always making you wait on me," Naomi says, incredulously at such an implication.
"Oh my god, can you let me shower?" you practically exclaim, exasperated beyond belief.
"Fine, jeez," Naomi mutters, rolling their eyes and moving to the edge of the bed, taking out their phone. It's only a few minutes later that Katie, Jo, and some of the MUNA team get on a joint call, Naomi pacing back and forth in the bedroom while listening and giving updates on the production.
When you open the bathroom door wrapped in a towel, its disappointing but not at all surprising to hear Naomi on the phone, passionately giving updates about the production they've been working on. At this point you're done, what else can you do? People could say you're being difficult but what's so difficult about asking to be left alone in the shower and then expecting your partner to be ready to speak when you get out?
You move quickly towards the walk in closet, Naomi frowning when they see the lack of fire in your eyes, nervous about what it means that you're no longer angry. Their voice falters, trying to finish their thought concisely as they watch your shoulders sag, walking towards the dresser.
"So I should have it done- um..." Naomi's words trail off, watching you slide sweatpants up your legs, picking out one of your own oversized shirts and not theirs. "Look, can I... call you guys back? Or I'll send an email, it'll be easier.... yeah thanks, talk soon," Naomi speaks, hanging up the phone while their eyes bore into your back.
Naomi leans against the doorway of the closet, staring at your wet hair dripping on the carpet as they push their phone into a pocket.
"Are you going to talk to me?" Naomi asks, they ask, watching you towel dry your hair.
"Do you have the time to talk?" you respond, tone almost sassy, flickered with annoyance.
Naomi frowns, rolling their eyes softly. "I just got off my phone call so we could talk," they say like it was a huge sacrifice. "...are you implying I'm always busy?" they ask offended.
"Oh yeah, how noble of you," you scoff. "I'm not implying it, I'm saying it out loud. We barely talk since your eyes are glued to your computer or phone, locked away in your office all day and night."
There's that same shame, realizing that they haven't been as present lately, trying to downplay it in their mind. "Babe, I- you know I can't do everything at once... we have a deadline... there's work I have to get done..." they trail off, realizing the poor excuse for prioritization over your feelings but trying to justify it for fear of being in the wrong.
"Then go get you work done Naomi," you mumble, pushing past them to go into the bedroom.
Your dismissal drives Naomi crazy, shaking their head at your ability to walk away when a conversation is clearly needed.
"Since you don't want to talk it out, fine, be that way," Naomi mutters angrily, walking out of the bedroom and downstairs to their office. Grabbing their laptop and beckoning the dog inside, they slam the french doors to their office shut.
The slam of the doors is followed by your head dropping, hands on the nightstand as you try and breathe through your diaphragm, willing any air to get to your lungs, the tightness in your chest unbearable.
It's like functioning on autopilot. A quick text to Kelli, the pull of your duffle from the closet, a moment of contemplation over your ring dish if the rock on you finger is worth dragging out, and the shoving of clothes and toiletries into the bag, the final zip like a punch in the mouth.
The silence is deafening, staring at the bag at your feet. Texts from Kelli pull you out of the haze, slipping on socks before quietly padding down the stairs.
It almost feels normal. Hair still wet from the shower, opening the pantry to fill the animal's bowls, refreshing their water. Except you don't start cooking, Naomi doesn't pinch your ass and wrap their arms around your shoulders, cold fingers don't rub the warm skin of your hips, chapped lips don't cover the skin behind your ear in kisses.
Instead you grab the bag, slipping on shoes, taking your keys off the hook and look to the french doors of Naomi's office. Their shoulders are tense, hunched over in their chair. To the bottom left, your cat and dog sit, almost like statues. You wonder if they know what's happening... if they can sense the end before you can.
Slamming the door feels final, but you know its a signal. Its the begging for attention you're too prideful to do yourself. Your ring weighs you down as you walk to the car, eyes unfocused.
G's notes: there will be a part 2 and 3 pls do not fear
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WIBTA if I sent a strongly worded message to my ex and blocked her?
background. i (28x) dated this girl for 3 years (she is now 32f) from 2017-2020. i was also the one who initiated the break up. it boiled down to i didn't see the relationship being endgame and wanted to focus on my life moving forward while still searching for The One. dating her was getting in the way of me going to grad school, because she was emotionally draining and i'm the sort of partner that puts too much of myself into relationships. in the end, i'm proud of putting my foot down when it came to insisting i couldn't be her therapist and that we would do better separately.
i did not harbor any bad feelings towards her even if by some definitions she emotionally abused me or spat some red flags at me. i vented to a couple of close friends like a normal person, and i offered the chance for her to reach out to me (because when we started dating it was very very important to her that we be able to remain friends and i had no issue with that.)
i had no issue with that until a couple of months ago. a new acquaintance admitted to me that she had also dated this girl, and began describing some of the horrible things my ex had been saying about me.
i don't care if she doesn't like me. i don't care that she vented about me to her friends. i do care that she lied to me to people who were also my friends in order to make me look horrible and basically turned those people against me.
some lies were just subjective, like saying i treat my parents horribly despite them treating me extraordinarily well. some were demonstrably false, like claiming the car i drove 9 hours to visit her in 2018 was bought "at the end of our relationship" (reminder: 2020) and making up untrue details about how spoiled i am and how it wasn't good enough for me and i hated it.
they were so blatant i was able to send my new friend screenshots disproving one of the things she said about me in literally a 5 second search in our discord dms from 2019. (she said i called her aromantic and this offended her and i showed screenshots of her using this label for herself so obviously i thought it would be okay?)
anyway. i can't stop thinking about this absolute betrayal. she wants me to be another of her abusers so bad, she's literally ruined at least two friendships i had previously, just because she loves to share information about her life and i'm more of a private person.
i want to leave her a mic drop where i tell her what a raging cunt she is (in more eloquent words) and block her before she even reads it but i know it's insanely petty and my therapist probably wouldn't like it. i just need some kind of closure to get this out of my mind. wibta?
What are these acronyms?
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hopeyblogs · 2 years
so, my best friend just ended our friendship and im very very sad.
Can u make Wednesday characters (of your choice) comforting reader after this situation?
(Sorry if i writed something wrong, im still learning english)
oh I'm so so sorry. Just know some people are not worth crying for ok? Feel better soon babes!! <33 ⇢Masterlist
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Understands that humans can be cruel to their own kind with the reasoning to cover their own insecurity.
Does not understand why wasting your tears to something petty.
Someone will actually end up in the hospital and it's not you.
"i did things that was necessary" her reasoning was.
You were happy seeing someone actually cared and protective over you.
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Would cry with you, sobbing in each other arms, then you'll ask why she's crying with you.
"seeing you cry makes me cry ok!" and then giggling together.
Hates your so called friends and spreads rumours about them on her blog.
Would always be with you every step of the way of your healing phase.
Helps you introduce yourself to new people, gets you to be more active in school.
Being your cheerleader with every little thing you wanna do.
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He tries his best on comforting you, makes you laugh, distracting from your problems.
Buys food for you when he sees you're not eating enough. Forces you to eat.
He'll take you out at night, doing chaotic things and getting the adrenaline rush from it.
would or would not stone your so called friends.
He and Enid setting up pranks and rumour and giggling together seeing them getting the treatment they deserve.
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Free coffee on the table after seeing you walk in with puffy eyes and red nose.
Asks you what's wrong, pestering until you tell him what happened.
Hugs you, comforting you with praises and words saying "you don't deserve them" "you're ok now"
Gives you a croissant, a few cookies and cupcakes for free on the way home.
He'll walk you back, hugging you once more to say goodbye.
Constantly checks up on you through texts and meets you.
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Understand you to the core. He would sympathise with you.
Tries to be comforting by listening to your vents anytime you need it, offering hugs to you.
Keeps you updated with school works, helps you with them
Takes you on walks to calm your mind, reading books together.
Do mischievous things like messing with their stuff, spills water on them and dropping stuff on their faces infront of you to see you smile.
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lavender-romancer · 2 years
Part One  Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff Reader  Cho Chang x Hufflepuff Reader (unrequited) CW: angst 
You and Draco had been together for around a year but as you both approached 7th year you could no longer see him the same way as before  
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
Draco was suffering in his own head. Unable to unload anything inside it on anyone else, unable to ask guidance from the one person he trusted the most. The pressures from his father had turned him into someone who he wasn't, sure when he was younger he would tease or push people around but he wasn't evil. The mere fact he was conflicted about his past decisions proved he wasn't who his father wanted him to be. Being with you had made him into a better person, a more forgiving person who wasn't easily led by petty arguments. But now…you hardly talked to one another. 
"He's going to end it with me, I'm sure of it." You vented to Cho in potions with a miserable look on your face. 
"You don't deserve to be ignored or at the least disregarded, I know it was good before but sometimes things happen for a reason, Y/n." Cho reasoned and you had to agree with her, you deserved a better partner.
"Can't imagine myself dating again, I mean I don't know if hat I expected from a teenage relationship but it was more than this." You buried your head in your jumper and Cho giggled. 
"You're quite dramatic when you're lovesick aren't you?" She teased and you rolled your eyes.
"I've just got to stay strong I think, not show him that it's getting to me otherwise he wins." You took a deep breath and sat up straight. 
"Exactly! You're better than that." Cho encouraged you and you got back into your experiment. 
Leaving the class you were chatting to Cho as you saw Draco in his all black suit walking the other direction. He saw you and stopped dead in his tracks. 
"Hey Y/n," Draco said with a small smile. 
"You okay?" Cho asked and you nodded, "I'll see you later then?" She gave you a comforting hug before walking off. 
"What do you want or need, Draco?" You asked with a huff.
"What's wrong? You've been off with me all of this term." He asked, pulling you into an empty classroom.
"Me? Are you seriously asking me what's wrong with me?" You scoffed and sat down on one of the desks. 
"You've been behaving all moody for a while and I have no idea why." Draco looked like he rolled his eyes and you could have laughed at how pathetic it was. 
"Maybe it's because you don't speak to me anymore? Maybe it's because you don't want me anymore? Or maybe, just maybe, I've realised you're not the center of my life anymore and it's not that bad." You hissed back at him with a look in your eyes he'd never seen before. 
"Look I know I've been distant but it's not because of anything you've-" 
"Oh I know, I know it isn't my fault because I haven't done anything wrong. But if you don't want me grow some fucking balls and tell me, yeah?" You walked past Draco and out of the classroom. 
Draco didn't know where to go from here, he just leant against one of the desks and breathed. He felt it was all his body would allow him to do at this point, the way you looked at him was seared into his mind- the true hatred. You could never know the reasons he was so distant but, Draco didn't want to let you go either so he was stuck in a sort of ethical limbo. He couldn't be honest about his connection to the Dark Lord without the possibility of you telling someone. It wasn't worth the risk. 
"I can't believe this is real, it still seems insane that I'm in bed with you." You told Draco as you leant on his bare chest. 
"In what way?" Draco looked puzzled. 
"Because you fucking hated me before, plus…I wasn't your biggest fan either." You laughed and Draco rolled his eyes in his classic way. 
"I don't know if I hated you, I think I teased you because I found you attractive but I was so awful with girls it just came out like that." Draco rubbed his hand up your arm to your hair, playing with it absentmindedly. 
"Well, everyone definitely thought you hated me." You looked up at him with a shit eating grin and he pulled your hair slightly. 
"I can always go back to the teasing if you prefer it?" He asked, "And who's 'everyone' including?" 
"Cho, the Golden trio, Seamus, Susan, Luna-"
"Alright, so a lot of people. God, you have too many friends." Draco smiled and you hit his chest playfully. 
"Just because I have more than two friends doesn't mean I have too many, you're just jealous that you can't make any friends at all." You turned around and leant on your elbows, looking at him as he raised an eyebrow. 
"Is that so?" He asked and you nodded before Draco tackled you to the bed, pinning your arms as you both giggled. 
"I'm sure this will be the best thing for you, eventually." Cho said softly as she held your hand, your eyes were glassy but no tears seemed to form. 
"Maybe, I think it's just that I've existed with him or thinking about him for so long that it feels odd that it might end. It feels wrong to be in this position." You took a deep breath and looked at Cho, trying to smile as she looked at you supportively. 
"You'll get there, I promise you it will get easier day by day you'll realise you don't need him to get through the day. Look how well you're already doing." She gave you the warmest smile and you couldn't help but blush because it made you feel so warm.
"You're right. I need to just…learn to live with it and not dwell. I mean, I have you and I have my other friends so what could really be that bad." You squeezed Cho's hand and sighed. 
"Come on, we've both got quidditch practice." Cho smiled. 
Flying together made you both feel so connected, like you'd always known one another. Even though you didn't play together, some houses would do a general practice every so often where anyone from any team could come along. You were looping around each other, bright smiles on both of your faces as you chased one another and messed around. 
"If you two can stop flirting, we can get down to some actual practice!" Roger Davies yelled from just below you. 
"Flirting? What are you on about?" Cho asked with a pink tinge to her cheeks you couldn't ignore. 
"Oh come on, if you two can't see it you're blind." He called back before flying to the ground. 
"No-no idea what that was about!" Cho stuttered as she also headed towards the ground. You had a puzzled look on your face before flying down to the rest of the group on the ground. 
Draco entered the room of requirement with a little bird. Even though he had so much to accomplish…you were the only thing on his mind. You distracted him from all tasks, not that he didn't welcome distraction from the awful task before him. He'd been trying to repair the vanishing cabinet for about 9 months now and even with the advice from Borgin he hadn't got any closer. There was no way of getting the cabinet to Borgin and Burke's but Draco had no idea if the incantation was even working, every live thing he put in there would come back dead. It wasn't even as if Borgin could apparate into the room of requirement, but Draco didn't have time on his hands. It was why he had been so stressed recently, or really the past 6 months at least and he knew you had felt it. But how could you know? How could you be told what had happened? Draco knew that you wouldn't be on his side of the inevitable war, so what was the point in telling you? 
As he looked around the room packed with relics from the school's past, he couldn't help but remember all the times the two of you had snuck into it. Making out whilst you should've been in potions or fucking in a free period, Draco saw you everywhere in this place and it only made him more eager to get out. He placed the little bird he had seen in the corridor in the cabinet and shut the door. The bird's tweets could be heard as well as the little scratches when it would jump around on the wood, Draco felt guilty about using the bird but he had to try again with something living.
"Harmonia nectere passus," his wand was lifted as he chanted the incantation but there wasn't the familiar whoosh sound, he could still hear the bird "harmonia nectere passus," he repeated and there were no more noises.
After a few moments he repeated the chant again but even though there was a woosh he heard no tweeting. Opening the cabinet the bird lay dead, unmoving and lifeless and Draco couldn't handle it. He stepped backwards after shutting the cabinet and sat down on a rough looking chair before bursting into tears. 
You walked towards the Hufflepuff common room, pausing to groan at the fact you had to tap on all the barrels once again to enter. When you were in first year you got it slightly wrong and got covered in vinegar so you were sure to get it right even if you were in an awful mood. When you walked in you went over to one of the cacti stands and smiled as they danced with their arms moving up and down. The common room was full of plants and due to your love of them you couldn't imagine a place you'd feel more comfortable. 
You dreamed one day of owning a country house with sprawling ivy all over it (even though it ruins the brickwork) and large gardens you could tend to. Your Muggle mother used to always take you to the allotments in the posher part of your town even though you lived on the other side. Falling in love with plants was easy when you felt so calm and fulfilled after being around them, you had never felt so at peace in your life. Being around plants would be so important to you when you eventually left school, living in a city felt almost impossible to you. 
Draco used to love listening to you discuss your favourite flowers, or ways to pot different plants and how fertiliser impacted growth but always made sure to tell him to never use peat fertiliser. He used to laugh because it wasn't as if he was ever going to use any fertiliser anywhere in his life. You felt as if you were yearning for those times, yearning for everything he made you feel. Draco made you feel at home. Being without him for so long was taking a toll on you because you weren't used to it, even an afternoon without one another was surprising. Draco had met your mother for God sake, not that you could meet his parents but either way you were so close with one another- it seemed unimaginable that you could be apart from now on. 
Maybe he was your poisoned tree? Infecting all other facets of your life until he took over your psyche and your life with it. Making you progressively weaker as the poison took control over your existence as you were controlled by his actions. For God sake you couldn't do anything without thinking about him, or what he would've said in that situation. He was everywhere you looked and you didn't have to see his face to know it. Why couldn't he just tell you what was going on? You believed that he loved you, you really did so you didn't think he was cheating but, it was something. Something so big that he didn't feel he could tell you. There were always rumors about the Malfoy family but you never really entertained them as real, what if there was some truth in them? Were they all death eaters? That eventuality was suddenly becoming more and more of a reality. You needed to clear your head so you headed towards the only place you knew you'd be alone- The room of requirement.
next part
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kit-williams · 8 months
Barn Anon. In my defence, it's not yet Feb. I promise I have a happier one after this one. Wanted to explore the Warp fuckery or rather those that are "immune" to it. :)
You wanted to scream, want to grab your aunt and yell at her that she's crazy. That... thing that she's brought to the family reunion... It doesn't belong here! It's not even human, nor is it a pet like a dog or a cat. Why is everyone so calm? why is everyone smiling? Don't they see how it's armed to the teeth? Don't they see that chainsaw sword thing that it carries around with it? Doesn't anyone notice how it's sharp edges have some dried bloodstains?
You politely excuse yourself and rush out of the house to stand at the back porch. Deep breaths. In. Out. You look out at the single tree that grows at the back, the stars that dot the sky. You manage to come back down from the emotions that threatened to overwhelm you. Laughter creeps out from the house, you see that…thing acting all shy and bashful and you feel like throwing up. Does no one else see that thing for the danger it is? The majority of the world seems to be the same regardless of location or culture. You've seen the pictures and videos of people around the globe with their Space Marines and how everyone else would comment how they wish they had a Space Marine of their own. Just last week your friend was excitedly showing you a video of a guy and his Space Marine summitting some mountain together, with the guy excitedly hugging his Space Marine.
The only comfort you have is that you aren't alone. There's others that see the true danger of these Space Marines. It's a small minority and there are few spaces online that you can talk about it. This small community has a theory that Space Marines must have some form of mind control or that they plan to overthrow humanity. It didn't matter to you if you agreed to those theories, you're just relieved to find others that understand. You know you can't tell your parents, oh god no. They'll think you're crazy or worse, some sort of conspiracy theorist or extremist. You're not crazy! I-It's them that's insane, they're the ones that need help.
You open the chatroom start typing away, venting to like-minded sane individuals. You know you're right. Your family is in danger, they just can't see it yet but you can save them. They'll thank you in the end. You'll find a way to get rid of that Space Marine, somehow.
Thank you for feeding into my weird idea about how it is just a bit of warp fuckery cuz lets be honest no one would just do what the husbandry tag does unless it's some sort of warp fuckery.
Besides I'm always a lover of the Eldritch (Also you cannot tell me as a Catholic that biblically accurate angels aren't some sort of eldritch abominations straight out of Lovecraft just with more fire and feathers motif vs oceanic) and to imply something is just wrong under the surface is my jam
How can people not see that these things aren't normal?!
You do your research finding old and you mean old newspapers from the 20's and there is nothing about Astartes at all. Up until the 40's where suddenly there are pictures of them... some of them being seen in old war videos.
Some theorize that that Nazi Occultism brought them here but they are all beyond our petty conflicts as seen with the futile attempt there was to bring them into the Korean war. They only cared about their "companions". There use to be so much more uproar in papers about them but once the baby boomers were born that's suddenly when everyone was okay with them. Only the people in the Silent Generation and the GI generation were complaining about the Astartes and then suddenly their children or grandchildren were okay with them.
You continue to read as the generations went on... Gen X and Millennials saw the least amount of pushback... Millennials it was considered weird to have the opinion you have now. You run your fingers through your hair looking at the newspaper articles as you now realize that Gen z and Gen Alpha will only grow up with "positive" connotations.
Gone were the idea that only Loyalist astartes were safe to own and then it moved to include renegades and unaligned. You shudder at the thought of your cousin with a Khornite living with them. They're going to die you've tried to warn them but you worry their Astarte might know what's up... they are so much smarter. You pale seeing an old guide about a Blood Angel going into a rage... you shutter at the article.
Your parents are talking about getting one but you managed to convince them that they can get one once you move out. You read the chat and how someone's posted about how a kid was recently abducted by one... or another about how some Gen Alpha kids can even speak their language... and then the theory about bonding that seems to come up when the kids explain their space marine... oh great a wild idea that you get chosen and have no choice in the matter.
You look behind you as you make your way home late trying to desperately avoid the dark alleyways and crossing the road when you see people walking with their Astartes. You've already found out nice communities that don't allow Astartes to live there so you can get away from the madness.
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archivalofsins · 13 days
I really want to vent about something Milgram related, but I don't want to spread negativity either. It's about my general experience in the fandom.
Something that has been less than ideal and the ways it has led me to engage with fandom as a concept in general.
It isn't fair to myself not to use my blog for me, though. This is my space to recount my experiences and opinions on Milgram as a series. The way the fandom has personally impacted me is a huge part of that. Regardless of how impartial I attempt to be, the experiences I've had within this fandom will impact how I engage with the content to an extent.
To the point that I've committed to trial three verdicts already based on the actions of people in this fandom.
I'm not above being petty.
So, I'm going to explain this as politely as I can and move on.
People who have been around on this blog long enough have seen a lot of the experiences I've had in the fandom. I wish I had whined about it publicly more in hindsight instead of going on defense immediately. It's not like I'm ashamed of being defensive or regret my previous actions. On the contrary, in fact, I was going through a lot of stressful and downright dehumanizing shit publicly and privately.
It was a terrible time, and if I knew it was going to be that way quite, honestly, I would have never posted any of those theories and just kept them to myself. Honestly, I'd like to see what the fuck this fandom would be like if I didn't. Considering some of the stuff I'll touch on here.
I'm going to be candid.
I've been spoken about vaguely on more posts than individuals in this community care to admit to the point that I literally had to stop engaging in the tags. I've been directly messaged emotionally manipulative remarks and then blocked by the sender from people in this fandom.
I've been basically called out on confession blogs because people are cowards and the first time they're given the ability of doing something under the guise of anonymity of course they're going to use it to harass someone else in ways they know they could never do publicly.
I've been harrassed and emotionally abused by other fans. Who I considered friends in private. Had my lived experiences and feelings consistently diminished for several months by those people. Plagiarized numerous times which I'm most mad about like you actually stole the fucking words out of my mouth that is a whole different form of disrespect.
I have been gaslit numerous times by well-meaning people again using the guise of ambiguity and anonymity to go,
"Well you can never know for sure, so you should just let it go! Be the bigger person."
And I just gotta go,
"Yeah, you're sooo right. I should have thought of that. I'll never know for sure! Anyone here could have said this. But do I have to stoop to their level? No, I should just be happy that I can't go in the tag because this keeps happening."
Then I gotta feel like I'm losing my mind because no one recognizes the previous thing is more fucked up. It's weird no one sees how that's fucking worse. If someone suspects I vagued about them, they block me and spread rumors in the back that I did vague about them that eventually come back to me anyway. They have this face, this image of me in their mind that they are allowed to act against and keep out of their vicinity. I have nothing, I have to sit here and see people in this fandom and think,
"Was it you? Did you say that?"
Then go no, no, that's not a healthy way to think. Then, I attempt to course correct when it feels like everyone here hates me. Because there's nothing else I can do other than control my response and how I navigate moving forward. I can admit that sometimes I don't navigate these things in a mature and considerate manner. That I get defensive and my language invokes that regardless of how jovially I attempt to take it.
Because when the shoes on the other foot. When I'm just discussing something that it seems as though everyone is discussing. Then someone feels as though that is me speaking vaguely about them regardless of how much i preemptively state it's not about anyone.
Then I inevitably get a,
"Like, hey, why did you do this? Why did you vague about x?"
In a way, that has made it so apparent how heavily policed I am in this environment and how hostile it is toward me. To the point that I can't even speak about something occurring in real time without being perceived as hostile by someone.
Something that felt like it was the case so much that I have post in my drafts that's in fucking Morse Code,
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That just says Fuck- because at the time I really felt like I couldn't say a fucking thing without someone taking offense. Then i didn't fucking post this because at the time I was like no even that will be misconstrued just say nothing. So, it's just sitting in my drafts as a reminder.
To just shut the fuck up you don't have to say anything on or engage in this.
This has not changed either. I've adapted, of course, but this has not stopped. When I post, I am now incredibly particular about my wording and overexplain a lot.
Yesterday, I was hanging out with friends while editing that Kazui post over a discord call and said aloud,
"No, I can't say it that way because someone might take offense."
And my friend literally went,
"Who cares if they take offense let them."
As I changed it like no, no... Oh, that wording is too candid and curt, which will be perceived as anger. Then they're going to respond as though they've been attacked or belittled. So, I have to say it this way instead.
Do you know how many times someone has discerned a tone from my texts out of the clear blue sky and gone,
"I didn't like x's tone."
I had one mother fucker go I didn't like "his" tone and gender me as he throughout all of a convo until corrected like uh hey this person is genderfluid they use he and her. It is kind of dismissive and sexist that because you viewed them as hostile and forceful that you immediately gendered them as he.
Other times it's like eyy nice when that happens. Because it's usually not done in a,
"Ew, you're making me uncomfortable. You're scary, and I view you as a dangerous entity. So, I will now project masculinity onto you in order to highlight the danger I see you as."
Be me genderfluid use he and her. See how you experience text-based sexism where people call you her when they view you as more harmless, timid, and uninformed than switch to he when they view you as more hostile, dangerous, or direct. Something that is just what people do to blunt or straightforward black women generally and the fact that's happening through tone policing text really fucking highlights how inescapable this is for me.
To the point that just speaking how I normally would through text, which I very much type the same way I speak is something I have to work to tone down now and be attentive to. I felt as though I couldn't just post like everyone else. This is because that over time, it became apparent to me that regardless of what I said or how much I tried to articulate myself in a more docile way, someone was going to take offense.
I literally talked about a bird and got a lecture. There is no winning. If something is too short, it's like, did you think of this. Too long no one is reading all that. Then, if someone feels as though I was discussing them regardless of how much I truly can't even go in the tag to see whatever they're discussing.
It leads to me having to apologize to that person. Even though I am not responsible for their assumption. I push that to the side and suck it up to the best of my abilities, and apologize. Because my intent, my feelings at this revelation, and the unfairness I feel about it does not change that my actions have negatively impacted and hurt this other individual's feelings.
There is a point that this does stop being on me, though.
However, when an instance in which I've genuinely hurt someone's feelings is brought to my attention, I won't dismiss that. Take note of this it leads into another problem later. I am not responsible for imagined slights and did not have to apologize at all. A good few people who consider themselves good individuals and are would not have apologized.
Because the assumptions of others simply are not their responsibility. So they would consider this an instance of someone taking them egregiously out of context because they choose to view them through bad faith. Then would have gone,
"This seems like something you did all on your own that should have stayed that way. I owe you nothing."
Or would have just ignored it.
Now, I want to touch on how invasive and entitled some people within this fandom can be. I have had so many people ask for private medical information that they are not entitled to.
Yes, saying-
"If you don't have x, then don't speak on y."
Is pushing someone else in a corner where their options are to give personal information on themselves that again wrapping around back to point one is not the business of person saying this nor will giving this information change their opinion. People who say this don't care if you have x they just want you to shut up. People who say this do not care about people who have what they are discussing outside of themselves. It's that simple.
At best, if a person says
"Yes, I have x."
This sort of person will either state the person is lying or that it doesn't matter because what that person said was still wrong. And having x doesn't change the fact that they just think this other person is wrong actually so they should still shut the fuck up. This is really annoying when it comes to how this fandom engages with dissociative identity disorder specifically.
Because they say and do shit like this, then still have the audacity to be wrong about how the disorder works. I've seen posts that state with their full chest that Dissociative Identity Disorder is when there is an existence of three or more distinct personality states.
Just legit redefining the term to exclude two. I've been told two alter system don't deserve representation because they're so rare and it's less likely to occur. Again, it's wild to me how no one recognizes how that sounds. Like to me, that sounds like this specific presentation of this disorder is a minority. Therefore, it is an inaccurate depiction of the majority of individuals with this disorder and should not be represented in media in any nuanced way actually.
That sounds suspiciously like people who said black people rarely buy comics as such, they are not our target demographic and should not be represented in the media. Because it just won't sell, they don't read comics. Girls don't read shonen manga. We do not need well written female characters here. That's not our demographic.
Furthermore, when I have told people that I trust this very sensitive information about myself and my mental health. They weaponized it against me to abuse me for several months. Literally stating in response to me being like hey what you're doing is really upsetting me and hurtful with,
"Well, you have x and y. So, you have to accept that and recognize how you telling me your emotional needs is actually unreasonable. It's holding me to a standard that's far too high. Something you're only doing because you've yet to accept your own limitations due to your impairments. Causing you to project the high standards you put on yourself onto others around you as well and straining your relationships. You need to accept you're disabled. Something that means there are just certain things you won't be good at and won't be able to receive or achieve in life."
Bro, I would just like to not be ghosted. What the fuck does that have to do with this? This person's reaponse to me saying,
"Hey, if I continue to get treated this way, I'm going to leave. Because this isn't even a relationship at this point if most of it is spent avoiding proper communication. It seems neither of you want me here because you're actions and avoidance are displaying that to me."
Was to say,
"If you did that, then that would make you no better than us. Plus, all your relationships will continue to be this way. If you're incapable of compromising here."
That's been my last ten months in private on top of the Milgram shit. At a point, I spoke about the incident semipublically in a shared discord server. Then these two people had me apologize for doing that, like stating how they treated me-
In a space, they were already discussing the situation in instead of communicating with me privately by the way. Yet, me doing it was crossing the line, actually.
Yeah, they had me apologize for this over text not once, not twice but five fucking times in a row, each apology longer and more in depth than the last.
Because me doing that was just such an inconsiderate breech of their privacy and dismissal of their feelings. They even said this was something to be handled in private despite ignoring me privately for months and taking it there.
I want to sit here and say I have no more sympathy or good faith to extend to individuals within this fandom. It would be incredibly fair for me to say this given my experiences. However, I fundamentally believe just because the world can be cruel unreasonably so and kindness is rarely rewarded. That is no reason to spread pain. I would like to believe in people. To believe that they can be considerate of those who exist outside of themselves and respectful of those others.
It is just very difficult to enjoy a space that has seemingly been hellbent on breaking me in every sense of the word.
I didn't think it was possible to say this in a way that didn't feel self pitying or unnecessarily harsh. This may still be harsh to some. Yet I can not comfortably move forward without honestly writing down for myself the impact these experiences have had on me.
It makes me want to engage with fandom less.
Make myself less accessible and that's been reflected in how I do fanfiction now. I'd like to get comments and feedback on the labors of love and appreciation I've made for this series. Yet these experiences have been so damaging that I'm not even comfortable leaving comments on for fanfics anymore. Comments are now off on all my fanfics, not even just milgram ones, and I don't think I'll ever cut them back on.
I locked all of my fanfics for a while, so only registered users could read them. I reached out to be in the milgramblrgram thing because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and a nice way to get more feedback on these things on my own terms. Yet I truly don't think it matters how I do it or how much work I put in because to a lot of people, it just being attached to me makes it wrong.
Because they've built this impression of me that simply isn't true and is isolating.
It makes this a little less fulfilling to continue doing. I only really continue doing it because I do enjoy Milgram a great deal, and it matters a lot to me. Like one of the reasons I was so cool with dumping those people was like well one of you is literally trying to tell me to stop engaging with my hobbies and interests because sometimes I have complaints about them. Which makes it a lot easier to go mm fuck you I had this hobby before I met you and probably will have it after you. Because unlike you this brings me joy it is fulfilling sure I don't like the treatment I've received from other fans but don't get it twisted.
I love Milgram.
That's not going to change. Milgram is not its fanbase. Regardless of how the fanbase can impact the series. I'm writing this to move forward more comfortably with everything that has occurred in this going on two years.
And it may be too much for some, but it's just what I've gone through for me.
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sunflowerabyss · 9 months
Charms of Fate: Chapter 12
Paring: Remus Lupin x Fem!Professor!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Plot: Amidst the echoes of a bygone era, you return to Hogwarts years after parting ways with Hogwarts. What begins as a journey fueled by nostalgia transforms into an unexpected reunion with Remus Lupin, now a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. As the past intertwines with the present, the two former classmates navigate the complexities of grief, the resurgence of friendship, and the unwritten chapters of their shared history in this tale of rediscovery and the magic that binds them together.
Warnings: slight angst (mention of Buckbeak's execution)
You've been savoring the moments spent with Remus, the connection growing stronger since your heartfelt confessions. However, a shadow of unease crept in as Remus started offering vague excuses for missing nights together, even when it wasn't the full moon. The mysterious disappearances left you with an eerie feeling, and despite your smitten state, a subtle concern lingered in the background.
You decided you were going to visit Hagrid, both as a distraction from Remus' odd behavior and to pay your respects to the hippogriff before he was...well...
You make your way to Hagrid's hut, a heaviness in your heart knowing about Buckbeak's grim fate. As you approached, the familiar sounds of magical creatures and the comfort of Hagrid's hospitality welcomed you despite the dire situation. The door creaks open, and Hagrid looks up from his table, a mixture of sadness and resignation in his eyes.
Knocking on the door while walking inside, you called out, "Hagrid, it's me."
The door creaked open, revealing the half-giant with a sad smile. "Ah, come in, come in. Yer here to talk about Buckbeak, ain't ya?" he grumbles, his voice heavy with the weight of the situation.
You nod, taking a seat and expressing your concern for the gentle creature. Hagrid sighs, sharing his frustration about the unfairness of the situation.
"It's a travesty, it is. Draco provoked Buckbeak, anyone with eyes could see that. But the Ministry, they won't listen. It's a bunch of codswallop," Hagrid mutters, his massive hands fumbling with a teacup.
You couldn't stand that blond little weasel.
Frustration bubbled within you; you can't help but express your disdain for Draco Malfoy's actions. "Honestly, Hagrid, that Malfoy kid is nothing short of a sorry sod. Reminds me of his crybaby father, always whining and running to daddy for help. It's unfair that Buckbeak has to pay the price for his petty grudges."
Hagrid snort, but nods solemnly, his eyes reflecting your sentiments. "Yer right, it ain't fair at all. But the Ministry's got their minds set, and there's not much we can do about it."
You continue to vent your frustration, sharing stories of Draco's past misdeeds and the apparent bias against certain students. Hagrid listens, occasionally grunting or muttering in agreement.
You slightly jumped, startled, at the door to Hagrid's hut flies open. You find Ron, Harry, and Hermione standing outside, looking concerned. "We heard about Buckbeak. Is Hagrid okay?" Ron asks, his voice filled with worry.
Hagrid, gruff but welcoming, gestures for the trio to come inside of his home. They talk amongst themselves before Hagrid gestures toward a jar where he's placed Scabbers, Ron's rat. "Keep an eye on your pets, Ron."
The sudden crash of a breaking pot startles everyone, and you watch as Hermione discreetly picks up a small rock. Another rock is thrown, hitting the back of Harry's head. He quickly turns, trying to find the source of the disturbance. You follow his gaze and see Dumbledore, Fudge, and the executioner approaching Hagrid's hut.
Hagrid, sensing trouble, mutters, "It's getting late. You lot should leave out the back door so you don't get caught."
Harry nods, "Right, let's go," he pauses, turning to Hagrid "It'll be okay, I promise." Hagrid just nods, tears in his eyes as he waves them off.
You get up from your seat before the trio slips out the back door. You walk after them. "I'll come with you. Just in case we need to explain ourselves," you offer.
Hagrid gives you a grateful nod, "Take care, all of ya."
Quickly and quietly, the four of you stealthily slipped out of the back door and took cover behind a massive pile of pumpkins. You waited in tense silence, vigilant for any sign of danger. Just as you believed the coast was clear, a twig snapped behind you, causing both Hermione and you to swiftly turn around. Finding nothing, you all continued toward the castle, wary and on edge.
As you reached the top of the slope, the executioner's axe swung down, marking the end of Buckbeak's life. Hermione couldn't hold back her tears, clutching onto Ron, who wore a somber expression. Harry, empathetic, wrapped an arm around Hermione, sharing in the collective grief. You stood there in silent shock, tears streaming down your face; you gently brushed them away, offering silent support.
Suddenly, the focus of Buckbeak's death shifted as Ron yelped in pain as Scabbers, his rat, bit him and darted off toward the Whomping Willow.
"Scabbers!" Ron yelled, taking off after his pet. "Scabbers, come back!"
"Ron!" Hermione shouted as the rest of you took off after Ron.
You, Harry, and Hermione halted, watching as Ron finally caught up with Scabbers. However, the atmosphere shifted when Ron warned them about the Grim standing behind them. Confused, you turned around, only to see a menacing black dog growling. In a swift motion, the dog leaped over you, targeting Ron. It took him by the ankle and dragged him under the Whomping Willow.
Amidst the chaos, Harry, Hermione, and you panicked, unable to reach Ron as the Whomping Willow swung its branches at you. Tossed around for what felt like ages, you finally found yourselves thrown into the hole where Ron had disappeared. As you groaned on the ground, you muttered, "I do not get paid enough for this."
The three of you exchanged worried glances, taking in your surroundings. The eerie silence was broken by you, who, with a wry smile, quipped, "Well, this is quite the unexpected adventure, isn't it?"
Harry, trying to lighten the mood, responded, "At least we're not being chased by giant spiders this time."
Hermione, ever practical, interjected, "Let's focus on finding Ron and getting out of here."
You, Harry, and Hermione cautiously entered the dilapidated building, the eerie creaks of the abandoned house echoing in the air. We're in the Shrieking Shack. The cracked stairs groaned under your weight as you ascended to the top floor. The air grew colder, and the atmosphere more foreboding.
Reaching a room that seemed frozen in time, you found Ron huddled on the floor with Scabbers, fear etched across his face. The room held an otherworldly stillness, broken only by Ron's urgent warning. He whispered to Harry, cautioning that it was a trap, and the man in the corner was the dog—an Animagus.
Your eyes followed Ron's gaze to the shadowy figure standing in the corner behind the broken door. The man's prison clothes clung to his emaciated frame, his hair disheveled, teeth askew. The room held its breath as recognition dawned. It was Sirius Black, the man believed to be after Harry.
"If you want to kill Harry, then you'll have to kill us too," Hermione says, placing herself in front of the boy-who-lived.
"No," Sirius says, stalking towards them, "only one will die tonight."
"Then it'll be you!" Harry shouts, throwing himself towards Sirius. They both fall to the ground, Harry pulling his wand out. Sirius laughs maniacally.
"Are you going to kill me Harry?" Sirius asks.
"Harry!" You shout, grabbing the boy by the shirt and getting him off of your former friend. Pulling out your own wand, it seems as if Sirius has finally noticed you.
"(Y/N), my dear, it has been an awful long time," Sirius says.
"You're looking worse for wear, Padfoot," you comment, pushing your wand closer to him. "Those days in Azkaban did you dirty." Sirius only laughed at you. I really hope it wasn't you. "I won't let you kill the boy, Sirius," you whispered, your wand at his neck.
Suddenly, the door is thrown open and you quickly turn around. You see Remus, your heart growing large. However, before you have time to process anything, he points his wand at you.
"Expelliarmus!" he shouts, your wand flinging out of your hand.
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
Wow one of those last posts led me down a rabbit hole where I almost engaged and then thought better of it. Your post sent me, so you get the vent!
That "keep stupid evil Rhaenyra away from my Empress Matilda because Alicent is the REAL victim" blog's main is just filled TO THE BRIM with Rhaenyra hate and complaints about how THE SHOW, I repeat, THE SHOW vilifies Alicent.
WHAT? These people clearly aren't trying to claim that they're twisting her book counterpart. YET. So what exactly are they vilifying? What exactly, whom exactly, are they writing "wrong" if the Alicent in their heads has basis only in the murkier parts of the writing that we now know are murky because they were originally filled with petty jealousy that made her look so bad that they felt they had to remove to "balance" the teams.
Also, WHY? Why is the main blog and so many like it also filled with "ugh I hate girlbossification what about soft women" posts that do make their point but now we can no longer trust people who make those posts for the same reason we can no longer trust people who go on about how "actually, the word bitch is a slurrrr" because they tend to be signifiers for some deeper ideology which I can only describe with... yikes.
Post @rhaenin-time is talking about: HERE. I don't mind the vent!
I have made arguments for why Rhaenyra needed to be portrayed as GRRM describes her HERE:
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but I never argued she was "soft" like some Sansa stans like to describe Elia or Sansa. Bc the above shows the contrary as well. Dressing very luxuriously doesn't mean you are a pushover or sweet or kind or a false definition of "good" feminine that's really an ideal than a reality of women.
And these are the same people who argue that Alicent is the only one suffering from sexist writing AND they are the still the ones who think of how she is written wrongly! they are still looking for a complete, perfect victim!!!
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ryuichirou · 10 months
I'm back with my GloMas ask. By the way I love the word GloMas: it's like Christmas but more theatrical and angsty, and at the end of all the celebration, instead of getting presents, you end up with less stuff than before (no need to check Ruggie's luggage, officer. I can assure there's nothing interesting there).
On to the question, which is partially about Ruggie. This event has brought to light a new interesting dynamic that I hadn't really considered before, with the Ruggie/Jamil team up. It's nice to see Jamil be himself (i.e. a menace) more unapologetically than usual. I don't really ship them as a "couple", but I definetely see their appeal as potential "acquaintances-with-benefits". And I bet Ruggie would be happy to hear less grumbling when he decides to pay a visit to the rich boys Scarabia dorm. Basically, I'm curious to know if you guys have any thoughts about these two, both related to the event and in general!
Anon!! Sorry for the late reply, and let me go grab that loud mic I used a couple of days ago once again and tell you.
YES. These two. These two are very good together.
For the most part I want to just yell YES at everything you’ve said because you’ve honestly nailed it. Glorious Masquerade (with its Christmas-like Glomas glory..) was the first event we’d seen (even before we watched the main story), so Jamil and Ruggie’s unexpected chemistry is something that we have in mind at all times lol
It really feels like they can be themselves around each other, which is exactly what they said, and honestly these two out of the entire cast really deserved it. What they also deserved is to have someone to complain about the harsh realities of serving to capricious princes (Kalim isn’t a prince but) who are unreasonable and frankly stupid at times. Just imagine THE LEVELS OF PETTY AND TIRED VENTING, their venting sessions could be the best.
I don’t know if you wanted any headcanons with them, but since we’re at it, might as well drop some. These are mostly sfw, but the last one kind of isn’t lol
They knew that they might be a good match even before the Glorious Masquerade but never really had a chance to hang out before that. And during the event, to them it felt like they’ve been having telepathic dialogues for ages, and now finally they get to actually chat. They’re on the same page TO SUCH A DEGREE it’s actually stupid.
Even after the event, even though both Ruggie and Jamil went back to being super busy, they kept in touch. Sometimes they text each other, sometimes they meet simply to VENT. Having another person who is done of everyone’s bullshit in this stupid school is a blessing. They also talk about other stuff, like cooking and hobbies and even scheming and such, but their main topic is still “wow I hate these people”.
What they find the most comforting about each other is the fact that they know they are not really friends, but they also don’t have much to gain from each other, so it’s not like they should expect a backstab at any point. It’s actually pretty rare for Jamil to be this relaxed like he is when he is around Ruggie.
They don’t have sex regularly, but they did it once during the Masquerade event and at least once when they came back to the NRC. Both of them aren’t too into sex, otherwise it probably would have happened more often. Ruggie is actually a much better option to have this “acquaintances-with-benefits” deal than Azul, because with Ruggie Jamil can be sure there won’t be any feelings attached to it: they’ll help each other out and will be on their merry way…
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runby2 · 2 years
this is extremely petty of me, a late night thought, and this is just a vent out into the air and not a bash on anyone who says these things.
i am a victim of ocd and intrusive thoughts and the joke recently of "___ let the intrusive thoughts win" has been making it way worse. intrusive thoughts are not impulse. they are very scary and cause you to go into an anxious state and extreme aversion of both thoughts and actions.
i don't like the spreading idea that people may believe intrusive thoughts make people a threat. or, i especially hope it doesn't make young people with intrusive thoughts think they are a ticking time bomb of some sort.
stay safe and know that you won't snap one day. your thoughts won't "win." they can't win. they're not what you want to do, even when your mind mixes up intent with panic. this is a common anxiety and ocd symptom that is not often spoke about.
you're safe
love you all 💖
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
It just boggles the mind how petty someone can be over a fictional character that they created being popular. Thomas Astruc is ruining his own show and screwing over abuse victims all for a grudge against fans who prefer a character he doesn't. I don't condone hate-mobbing him like some people do on Twitter, but he really can't take any sort of criticism huh. How do you claim to have conferred with a child psychologist (I think) and still produce this literal abuse apologia. I genuinely don't understand.
I'm gonna say that Astruc taking any chance to use the narrative to dunk on Chloé and Adrien being evidence of him holding a grudge against their popularity is my personal interpretation of possible influences for their writing. I have inferred it from Astruc's very curt way of speaking to fans of these characters on twitter and the show's abysmal writing of them in ways that prop Marinette up on their backs. None of it has been proven true, but, when the coincidences keep piling up, at some point you're gonna stop believing it's a coincidence. At this point, he is most likely at least subconsciously bitter over Chloé and Adrien, if not consciously so.
Just like how the show's biases concerning abuse might be subconscious stuff going on in the crew's heads. I remember when @infinitysgrace and I used to have to reiterate again and again that Gabriel does love Adrien even if he abuses him, that's often the tragedy of parental abuse, when the fandom kept insisting that Gabriel abusing Adrien was evidence that he didn't really love him. The crew also seems to have a very limited view of what "counts" as child abuse. Apparently isolation, neglect, abandonment and consistently referring to your child by the wrong name don't count as abuse, because all the kids involved got to eat, didn't get beaten and are loved by the people harming them.
I agree that it's very obvious that Astruc can't handle criticism and that mobbing him or harassing him isn't the solution. Astruc has a right to act like an entitled jackass even publically online, just like any other creator or random person. I instantly side eye anyone trying to turn me against someone based on only the accusations that they're deleting negative comments and blocking people giving negative feedback. The fans might be entitled to their opinion, but they are not entitled to a creator's time and attention.
I'm also going to say that, just like I don't read highly personal vent fics, I'm not going to watch vent shows. I stopped paying any attention to Teen Titans Go after they started dedicating several episodes to mocking fans of the original TT cartoon (after their show piggybacked on the fame of said show by mimicking the character designs and using the same voice cast no less). I'm very much done with paying Thomas Astruc's increasingly inane ramblings any attention. It's pretty obvious that social media is influencing his creative process negatively but it's his right to engage with a space that affects him like that. None of us are his friends, family or doctor. It's none of our business what he does.
I haven't heard of the writers consulting any experts on anything dealing with the show, but I do know for a fact that Astruc tweeted a link to a fan's essay on Adrien that was written by someone claiming to be a child psychologist. Said fan praised Adrien's writing and then went on to praise the Sentipeople concept. Since I make it a habit to never actually be the one that starts shit, I never really engaged with their content and blocked them instead, so I can't remember the details of what they said about the psychological perspective on Sentipeople.
Still, I'm 80% sure this is the supposed expert. Regardless, even if this fan wrote essays with 100% accurate real life psychology, child psychology has no one size fits all approach. I, an ECEC professional, sure as hell didn't agree with anything they had to say about SentiAdrien before I blocked them, and that was before canon confirmed the theory in the worst possible way and screwed over abuse victims.
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