#//THEN it became about her using it all for herself and gaining power comparable to the monsters she's encountered
oceanxveiined · 1 year
Her obsession with the Abyss, as well as each and every undertaking she's tasked herself with always had pretty much one common denominator and purpose–to assure her own well-being and safety. To ensure she would never be powerless in the face of a threat on her life ever again, however she can. It has been that way since she'd received her Vision, since she'd had to fight to protect her family, and each and every lethal encounter after that. At her very core, she wants to survive.
Admittedly though, even that will be secondary to not only whatever knowledge she seeks to gain from an encounter, but the assurance that her brother, or more recently her group will survive, regardless of whether it will doom her or not. Hence, it is why she will take such horribly reckless and seemingly thoughtless extremes of risk to herself in her information gathering. It's never been just her maddened drive to succeed and achieve that fuels it, but in fact because at least one of her most precious allies either stand behind her in the endeavor or happen to be one who will benefit most if she pushes to return to them with something to show for her efforts.
That, she will consider worth more than her own well-being, any day.
#v; intertwined fates (genshin verse)#//Why is she still described as 'self-serving' knowing this? Well; bc SHE sees it as such#//Bc as far as she knows; those people might as well be an extension of herself and her goals#//So anything of their becomes hers–thus in fulfilling THEIR wants/desires; she is essentially doing so to her own#//If THEY survive/live well; and SHE doesn't; she's still technically in the clear–an odd thinking; but it's her mindset & will never chang#hc#//Idk; lil bit of clarification on a bit from her bio. Esp if her obsession seems to come out of left field#//Bc I had to condense a Lot#//The Abyss thing specifically started with Eliza. Bc of her whole deal with the god remains#//Dani figured if they could harness the power of the Abyss; maybe she'd be okay and no harmed by it all#//THAT is the reason it started...then continuous exposure turned it into something uncontrollable; bordering madness when exposed to it#//THEN it became about her using it all for herself and gaining power comparable to the monsters she's encountered#//About truly UNRAVELING its mysteries and using it in more unique ways; in tandem with her powers as is#//SEEMS like normal research at first; but continued exposure to an Abyssal source messes her up Bad. She loses her mind & composure a bit#the longer she lingers near; in some cases enough to lose herself entirely unless subdued/removed from it; sometimes just getting frenzied#//She recognized the danger and kept pushing through bc in her mind; Eliza needed it; so it was Well worth the risk#//After Eliza no longer does; she still keeps at it bc at that point; the obsession is so ingrained in her; she can't help it#//That and hey; who's the say sealing away the god remains' energy will be PERMANENT anyways.#//Can't hurt to have a backup...at least; that's what she'd say
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alcazarofthestars · 8 months
Hello can I request yandere platonic fontaine with y/n that is like Kohaku from enstars by personality?
Of course! But I've only started playing enstars a few months ago, so my knowledge of his personality is a bit restricted and I'll be using the wiki... Sorry for being late, my practical exams are around the corner and then my end of semester tests come right after that....
Summary: After growing up as a very sheltered kid in the house of the hearth, you are trying to achieve your dream in Fontaine as a performer. But you have unfortunately managed to gain the interest of many famous figures and obsessive people in Fontaine...
Warning!: Yandere content (Obviously), bullying, ooc, insecurities, fighting, stalking, abuse(?), bad writing, disfiguration?, murder, harassing, taking pictures without consent, physically harming (not to the reader... kinda), manipulation, Fontaine cast girlbossing, gatekeeping, and gaslighting. (If any of those make you uncomfortable please leave.)
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{~} So imagine this, you were born in a branch family of a rather noble family from Inazuma. But you were given up to Arlecchino by your parents because the main family isn't really welcoming of an heir of your gender in fear that the branch family will get any power against them. Even though the family was trying to modernize out of such beliefs, the current head of the family still firmly believes in it. So out of concern, your parents hid you for the first five years of your life until they gave you up to the house of the hearth.
{~} There in the orphanage you meet a pair of twins from Fontaine who aspire to be great magician and his assistant, the twins consist of one male and one female who introduced themselves as Lyney and Lynette. They were older than you by a few years and they would also love to put on a show for you! By this point you see them as your older siblings, and they also see you as their adorable younger sibling who has to be protected from the cruel world. But sadly, they go on a lot of missions outside of Snezhnaya... But don't worry, they always think about you during their missions and they bring back souvenirs from their travels!
{~} During your time at the orphanage, you've managed to meet Arlecchino herself. At first she scared you, but you soon warmed up to her! She became your parental figure during your stay at the house of the hearth after an event where she saved when you almost died. But she would never allow you out of the orphanage grounds unlike the other kids at the orphanage. You first thought it was because you were too young, but when you grew up she still didn't allow you to leave whether it's for missions or just walking around. Whenever you asked she would answer by saying, "It's for your safety. The world is a harsh place." or something similar to that...
{~} This made you grow up as a rather sheltered kid compared to most others your age. You learned about the outside world by books, newspapers, and gifts that were brought back by the others in the orphanage. You also have very little knowledge about fashion due to always wearing uniforms provided by the orphanage.
{~} One day, you were introduced to a new addition to the orphanage. He introduced himself as Freminet as he hid behind Arlecchino. She wanted you to welcome him to the orphanage because the two of you are the same age. At first he was rather shy and quiet around others, he still is but now he doesn't run away the moment someone goes near him. You would talk and hang out with him during the first few weeks of his stay, but he would always hide from you...
{~} This one time, you were walking around the orphanage in search of Freminet to play with you as usual. You did manage to find him, but he was surrounded by other kids that were all older than him. From what you heard from afar, they were talking about him. And not the nice type of talking, more like the harassing kind. So as a young kid with a naive mind you went up to the group and confronted them head on.
{~} ... It didn't go well. You ended up fighting with most of the kids while the others ran to find Arlecchino or because they were scared. After Arlecchino came, she sent all the kids (including you) to her office. In the end, after asking the bystanders and witnesses you got off with only a long lecture while most of the other kids got lectured and were given more chores to do. When you left Arlecchino's office, Freminet went over to you and hugged you, thanking you for helping him. Since that incident you and Freminet had gotten closer up to the point he would follow you around like a lost puppy.
{~} On one afternoon, Lyney and Lynette came back from one of their missions. They also brought some souvenirs back from Fontaine for you. Lyney handed you their souvenir, it is a voice recording of a popular idol from Fontaine singing their most popular song. You would love to listen to it and you really treasured it. A few days later, you were playing with the twins and Freminet when you excitedly announced that you want to be an idol or performer when you grow up.
{~} They were very supportive of your dreams, Lyney and Lynette offered to teach you some tricks for when you're performing so you don't get nervous on stage. Lyney had also invited you to come to one of their performances in the future! When you told Arlecchino, she seemed supportive of this idea as well. So after all that, you began practicing with the help of Lyney and Lynette with Freminet and Arlecchino who would occasionally drop by and watch you practice.
{~} When you turned 15, Arlecchino finally gave you your first mission (you kept on begging her) with the twins and Freminet in Fontaine. The mission was rather easy, 'perform a show as your 'debut' as a performer to prepare for future missions', you were still excited nonetheless!
{~} When you, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet arrived at Fontaine you were in awe by the atmosphere of the said nation. Compared to Snezhnaya, Fontaine was more welcoming and peaceful especially with way less snow and blizzards. Your group split up to find a place to stay, so while Lynette and Freminet search for an inn you and Lyney would go explore together.
{~} After a while, you managed to get separated from Lyney. While searching for him you decided to ask some people nearby. The second you asked they started to give weird looks to you, narrowing their eyes as you spoke. You, who noticed this, started to get more and more nervous. They answered you by saying that they haven't seen Lyney. When you were far enough they started to talk amongst themselves, mainly about you and your weird accent. It wasn't much of a problem for you back at the house of the hearth because of the kids' innocent minds, but now that you're in a whole different nation with a lot of judging people, you start to feel somewhat insecure...
{~} Thankfully, Lyney had found you accompanied by Lynette and Freminet trailing behind him. "Ahah! There you are! We were so worried, where did you go?" He questioned. "Now, now, it was your fault that you two got separated." Lynette commented in a rather harsh tone. "Anyways, we found a suitable inn to stay at." She added.
{~} Although that incident happened a long time ago, you still found their words ingraved in your head. Now ever since you started your 'career' as a performer, people have grown to like your accent. But you still have problems accepting it...
{~} In present times, you are a famous performer in Fontaine and other regions. So it's only natural to have performed in front of many important and known figures from many different nations. But today's performance makes you feel nervous... Why you ask? It's because you're gonna perform for the monsieur Neuvillette and hydro archon herself along with a few more important people! Usually Lyney and Lynette would do these, but it seems that they want you to perform instead....
{~} It went smoothly, as usual. The crowd was cheering, the guests were happy, and you did a job well done! After the show the hydro archon, Furina, had approached you to congrat you on a good show while Neuvillette had given you a nod and a faint smile. You were happy of course, but there was a bad feeling that you couldn't really shake off from them...
{~} During your stay at Fontaine you have met many incredible and nice people! Such as Navia the president of the Spina di Rosula who would always invite you to tea parties with her to talk about your day, Clorinde the hydro archon's personal bodyguard that would help you out with security during your performances, or Chiori the fashion designer from Inazuma who likes to make you dress up from time to time. Over time, you had also managed to get closer to the hydro archon, melusines and Neuvillette. Although being somewhat close with them, you still continue to get a bad feeling from them.
{~} There was a certain incident that had happened a while back where during one of your shows a person from your audience made a remark on how you have a strong accent and how it ruined the whole performance. When you went to talk to the people who said that earlier it is as if they just went POOF! Cause it was like they just... vanished... Until a few days later where their bodies were found, looking so disfigured that they could only be identified by their outfit.
{~} Over time you have managed to see the fountain cast as your 'found family' and they seem to see you in the same light! But day by day the amount of missing people cases has increased up to the point your 'family' starts talking about how dangerous it is and how you should just stay with them for the time being.
{~} Maybe they are right. You shouldn't worry much about people whom you barely know and spend time with your friends and 'family' instead! Things have been going great, the culprit is almost found and you get to spend time with the people you love without being worried. Isn't that just nice? Well... that is until a renowned detective from Inazuma comes to help in the case...
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A/N: AHHHH....! I hate tests... This will probably be my last post before going inactive for a while.... Sorry for the rushed ending, feel free to leave the rest up to your imagination!
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exo-raskreia · 13 days
I'm curious now - why / what do you like about Inoue and Renji ?
I liked Ori from the start. She was cute, bubbly, & pretty with a likable personality & potential to be a cool character, what with her powers & dreams.
I started shipping her with Ishida in the SS arc, as their interactions were cute. They actually had a good bond, he protected her & she ended up trying to protect him in her own way in the Fullbring arc & was concerned for him in TYBW.
Then in the HM arc, I also started shipping her with Ulquiorra, whom she had amazing chemistry with. Unlike everyone else who mostly babied her (& was mostly indifferent like Ichigo 💀), he challenged her, found her fascinating & believed her to be a strong woman. She finally showed some of her mental strength & further potential to do something important to the overall story; she kept saying she wanted to become stronger, right? I was hoping this would finally be it, that we would finally see her become the character she could be (when she had saved Tatsuki, i was like, "Ok, we're getting somewhere. Hope we see more of this." I was waiting for it...)
However, that turned out to not be so. 😮‍💨 It was also in the HM arc where I started to truly find her exasperating as well. This is the arc that should've solidified that IH do NOT work together. Some of her worst moments happened here & the prelude to it. Her rather cringey confession to, & attempted kiss on an unconscious Ichigo, choosing to say goodbye to him (whom she barely knew) instead of her best friend Tatsuki, her lack of backbone against Loly & Menoly & then healing them to top it off (absolute insanity, I could not believe her. Who the hell cares what Grimmjow did to them? Have some respect for yourself, girl!), fearing Ichigo while he fought Grimmjow for Rukia & having little Nel have to push her to snap out of it... and then her worst moment: her breakdown at the dome when she begged an unconscious Ichigo to save her.
My God, this was the first time I found her unbelievably annoying & couldn't believe her. This should've been the moment as the secondary heroine of the series, where she should've stood up in the face of danger. A moment where any female character worth her salt would've shown her resilience. Rukia, even when powerless, had shown us this. Ichigo's sisters showed us as well in the first chapter. (Ppl sure love to compare Ori to Hinata from Naruto, but one of their MAIN differences is that my girl Hinata did what NO ONE ELSE did—not even the main heroine—& threw herself in the face of danger to help Naruto against Pain, despite how much stronger her foe was, confessed to a conscious Naruto, & her sacrifice led Naruto to gain 6 Fox Tails to defeat Pain—and mind u, Naruto subconsciously led the fight away from her 👀. The first person he thought of when he regained consciousness was her & he cried in relief that he didn't harm her nor others. What she did meant a lot to him).
But alas... Ori disappointed me greatly here. I insist, what happened at the dome should've solidified for everyone that IH do NOT work together. Ichigo's Hollow was protecting Ichigo, not anyone else (face-planted Ori & stabbed Ishida who was trying to protect her. He would've killed them had it not been for Ulquiorra). It wasn't an IH moment; anyone who thinks that severely lacks reading comprehension. Ichigo felt sickened by what he did, not feeling like a victor at all (and it wasn't until he talked to Rukia again a bit later that he felt a bit better).
(Imagine if Ori had stood up against Ulquiorra, arms spread out to protect Ichigo, & he stopped before her in shock & might've told her to move but she resisted, then he questioned her & they started talking & she pleaded for him to stop this & Ulquiorra became more curious &— Like, would he have genuinely hurt her, tho? He ended up protecting her from Vasto Lorde Ichigo, whom she feared, while she showed NO fear of Ulquiorra in their farewell scene... )
Honestly, Ori's best moments in this arc, her only good moments, were with Ulquiorra. He should've lived & I stand by it. While I like IshiHime & wish they had ended up together, had Ulquiorra returned, I would've given a solemn salute to Ishida & eagerly boarded the UlquiHime train. Unlike with IshiHime, I actually engage with UH fan content so... 🙃
Unfortunately, Ori only got worse from here. Her ongoing silly crush on Ichigo was even more exasperating; I was hoping she'd have finally gotten over him after the dome (heck, I'd been hoping she'd get over him since the SS arc). She did not do anything amazing here, only regressed, & same in TYBW. Kub0 just didn't seem to care to develop her, despite her potential with her powers & early personality. She will forever be one of the characters with the most wasted potential to me.
Ori was just too pitiful around Ichigo. She was not at her best around him. And Ichigo was certainly not at his best around her. Because of that horrendous ending that only solidified Ori's lack of character development & bad writing, I'm not interested in engaging with her solo content. Only UH & sometimes IshH content 🤷‍♀️. I understand the criticisms towards her character & agree with several, tho some ppl do take it a little too far imo. I also have a post here where I similarly rant about her character a bit. There is also an amazing analysis & theory of her role in the story here & my added opinion.
About Renji (sorry I ranted about Ori, lol), I didn't like him at first, as he was introduced as an unlikable villain who was trying to obstruct Ichigo from saving Rukia. He changed for the better after he got humbled by Ichigo & became a good friend & ally (& also showed support for IR 🫢). So, I like him because of that. I'm not a fan of him & stuff, tho. I dislike RR, tho not as much as IH; it's mostly just "meh" to me.
So yeah, sorry for the long rant. Hope this answers your question!
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I’d love to read more of your (and Vinelle’s) Twilight fanfics, but I can’t wrap my head around a lot of the lore. I only have vague memories of the books, with the Volturi details being extra vague. Care to give a summary of the Aro/Carlisle situation you tend to write about? The fics seem so interesting but I’m left confused about their characters and history!
Look, @therealvinelle, praise!
And oh dear god.
If it makes you feel better this isn't a ridiculous ask as I'm having a pretty tough time coming up with what I need to summarize here. There's a shocking amount of background about very obscure characters required to 'get' all of our fics.
Well, the easy (if time consuming) answer is to go through the blog. A lot of our Twilight readers have a leg up because they've read all the metas including "what if X happened" and so are quite knowledgeable about what @therealvinelle and I will write in a given story (compared to readers of The Man Who Would Be King, HP where @therealvinelle and I have written comparably less metas, and the readers guesses are all over the place).
This will give you pretty much everything you need to know about everything we write.
Otherwise, I'll have to give a quick and dirty summary here.
The Volturi
The Volturi are the big bad of the Twilight novels if there are any at all. They're the ones who cause much of the conflict in the latter novels (if we ignore Edawrd causing all of the conflict) and are the large threat to Bella after James and Victoria are dealt with.
What's important for our fics is that they're the iron fist of the vampire world. They're not so much rulers, as they don't tell anyone what to do, don't supply any cultural institutions, nor demand tithes or taxes, but enforcers of this one law that they made up thousands of years ago. They have only one law which is "do not get noticed by humans" which has a bunch of caveats to ensure this singular law is followed.
They have such strength in gift ability and such a strong network that they're able to enforce this law across the globe and easily deal with large masses of vampires. (This has given them a terrifying reputation and causes vampires like Jasper to regard them ambivalently as he appreciates things like newborn wars not spiraling out of control but is utterly terrified of them.)
They have done this for at least two-thousand years (Meyer is notoriously terrible with dates so @therealvinelle and I get into a lot of headcanons to make this work. Given the names Aro, Marcus, and Caius and that they are reputedly Mycenean they probably gained significant power/reputation when Rome was the dominant power in the region some 1500 years after each of them was turned, meaning it's been ~2000 years that Volturi law became absolute in the Mediterranean region if not further). And have presumably been settled in Volterra since that time.
Also of note is that the Volturi (primarily Aro) recruits, sometimes heavy handedly, gifted vampires to be members of his guard. This is how he's maintained such control as he uses powerful psychics to obliterate opposition.
The Cullens run afoul of this law (or appear to) multiple times. First when Edward goes to Volterra confessing to having told Bella he was a vampire and then abandoning her while she was still human (the law is she must either be turned or die at that point), the second time hours later when Edward planned to walk into the sunlight and reveal himself to the city of Volterra, and the third time when Irina witnesses what she thinks is an immortal child and reports this to the Volturi.
This last culminates in a very tense confrontation between dozens of vampires as they try to clear up what the fuck Renesmee is and if she's a danger to herself and others.
It concludes peacefully, but tensely, as Aro concludes Renesmee is not a problem and walks away but everyone is unsure if a violent confrontation will happen later.
The Aro and Carlisle Situation
Carlisle canonically spent around 20 years (Edward notes a few decades but never specifies exactly how many) as a guest of the Volturi, specifically as a friend of Aro.
What Edward tells us canonically is that while he enjoyed his time there and was shocked to find that vampires were learned and cultured beings after all, he couldn't convert any of them to his diet and left to find kinship among other vampires (this did not go well until Carlisle turned Edward some 200 years later).
Some of the fics go over this more than others, but @therealvinelle work with the assumption that Carlisle was very young as a vampire when he came across Volterra. He'd met Alistair before that point but no one else. Volterra was then what convinced him that vampires were not inherently damned and could be learned people (something Carlisle would not have associated with demons as a 17th century priest) who have great appreciation for the arts and great knowledge of antiquity.
What @therealvinelle and I tend to presume is that Aro and Carlisle had a romantic relationship during this period (and that Sulpicia and Carlisle did as well for hilarious reasons). However, while there was true romantic affection there, it couldn't resolve the large differences between the pair and ultimately Carlisle had to leave.
Fast forward to the start of canon and Carlisle is very fond of the Volturi. He hangs their painting in his office and Edward initially speaks of them with... distant respect I suppose we'll call it which speaks to Carlisle's respect for them as Edward would get that information from him.
After New Moon Carlisle off screen was likely extremely grateful and relieved that Edward had not been executed despite Edward doing his damndest to get himself executed. That they were all returned home, Bella human even, is a relief beyond measure and Carlisle is likely very grateful for this. He is very aware that Bella must be turned though and gives his vote in New Moon (aided by the fact that the situation has become untenable for all parties involved).
However, Edward is vocally suspicious of the Volturi's intentions and Carlisle trusts Edward's judgement as well as his gift. Edward notes that what Aro really wants is his and Alice's gifts to become omnipotent. Now, this doesn't make much sense as Aro's is Edward's gift but better and if Aro had wanted this then why would he ever have let the three go when he had every excuse and ability to keep them there and bind them to the Volturi with Chelsea, but it does plant seeds of suspicion especially when Aro is notorious for adding to his guard and trying out gifted members to see if they fit. Where Edward's theories start to gain credence is in Eclipse.
Victoria is obviously building a newborn army. The death rate in Seattle skyrockets as Victoria turns ten-twenty vampires in quick succession with humans floundering for an explanation (they at first state gang violence then a serial killer as they try to figure out why this is happening). Ordinarily, the Volturi would swoop in and take care of this as soon as it becomes obvious with absolutely no issue (using either Jane or Alec for the task). The Cullens wait for the Volturi. And wait. Then wait.
It becomes clear that the Volturi aren't coming. The Cullens try to get the Denali involved (this doesn't go well) and without any other option are forced to team up with the wolves where they win the battle with no losses but with great physical injury to some of the wolves (notably Jacob has a rough time of it). Then the Volturi show up at that very moment, making it clear that they'd intentionally waited so the Cullens could be wiped out or at least had their numbers thinned. Then Jane in front of them lights a girl on fire while noting that Bella appears to be very human today, doesn't she?
Carlisle at this point concludes that Edward is correct and Aro is trying to poach Alice or sees the coven as a threat and is trying to underhandedly eliminate them.
On Aro's end, the running theory in our fics is that Caius was in fact behind this without Aro's knowledge or consent. Caius had seen Aro sending Alice, Bella, and Edward home without any restrictions as a debilitating weakness that had to be dealt with/made an example of. Caius saw an opportunity, likely the only one he'd get, and he took it giving the death squad orders to stall and wait for the battle to finish before they cleaned house. Unfortunately for Caius, this went sideways. Unfortunately for Aro, he now knows that Carlisle thinks he tried to murder his entire family in the most underhanded shady way imaginable and that nothing he can say will make it look less bad.
However, all of this is okay to a point, as Bella's being turned shortly and Alice is there to tell the Volturi that it's all going to be over and then they'll have no reason to interfere.
Except Bella gets pregnant with an alien and then Irina reports that alien as an immortal child to the Volturi.
From Carlisle's perspective this is a nightmare, they've given the Volturi a valid excuse to come and wipe them off the map. Their only hope is to gather every witness they possibly can to oversee their trial and confirm that Renesmee is not an immortal child/prevent the Volturi from murdering them all over false charges. Carlisle no longer trusts that the Volturi have good intentions or that this is simply a misunderstanding, he has a very strong suspicion that they will use anything they can to kill them all.
From Aro's this is also a nightmare, as not only is an immortal child reported (something he absolutely has to kill everyone culpable over) but Carlisle starts immediately gathering what seems to be an army. Aro has to gather an army in turn and confront him at the trial where he's witness to the world's weirdest trial where it turns out the immortal child was actually an alien and uh... guess she'll grow up okay.
However, because of how that trial goes down two things happen: Aro loses face and Carlisle's worst fears are confirmed.
Aro tries to use his powerhouses against an increasingly hostile/suspicious opponents, what happens is that Bella blocks all of them. Chelsea, Jane, and Alec are refuted in turn and Bella shows in front of a large amount of witnesses that the Volturi can be thwarted provided they have the right amount of numbers. The worst gifts they have are no longer debilitating so long as Bella is around. Everyone who's ever wanted to sack Volterra now can look over at the Cullens and see Bella Swan, a woman who is now very hostile to the Volturi.
On Carlisle's end, he sees Aro use Chelsea, Jane, and Alec presumably to murder not only his family but all of his friends who had come here only to be witnesses to see that the Volturi behaved as they are supposed to in these situations. It's worse than his every fear confirmed, Aro proves himself to be a power hungry tyrant who will stop at nothing to get what he wants including the murder of children.
Aro walks away wishing he and Carlisle might somehow repair their relationship but knowing that it is likely impossible. He also leaves knowing that a confrontation is likely inevitable and that he will more than likely have to kill Carlisle's family if not Carlisle himself.
Some if not all of this usually comes to play in @therealvinelle and my stories depending if it takes place pre, during, or post series.
Other Tips
Read fics in order they were published.
@therealvinelle and I tend to use shorthand references to things gone over in depth in other fics as we hate writing the same thing twice. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream by @therealvinelle for example goes over a lot of the canon events dealing with Aro and Carlisle and how they reacted to it as well as Carlisle's hypothetical gift that @therealvinelle and I theorize is totally a thing.
A lot of the lore in the fics that doesn't come from canon was sort of uh organically grown within the fics themselves. (Unintentionally, they all kind of take place in a weird shared universe where similar things have often happened or they diverge at a single crucial point).
Uh... you got anything @therealvinelle?
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cryptidclaw · 10 months
So what was the relationship that Blinding Moon had with her kits? What about one another? Did the other siblings care that Mocking Bird was sent into the Dark Forest or?
I think it’d be an interesting look tbh to see the differing actions or similar actions the siblings have compared to their reincarnated versions
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Ok! So Mockingbird and the 3 ideas/ answers to these questions:
This is so long im putting it under the cut
I defo want the 4 of them to get separated between the orders as well. This is part of Blinding Moon's plans for gaining power, backed by the Stars she is able to spread her bloodline to all 4 other Orders giving her a stronger hold on them. She is also able to use her kits as extensions of her, having them meddle with their Orders for her gain.
I think Blinding received some kind of prophecy to motivate her to do this, but she embellished it and twisted it for her gain.
I'm tempted to have it so Mockingbird was from a litter separate from the 3. This would explain some of her separation from them and would give her a more isolated childhood.
I think that Blinding specifically had Mockingbird to fulfill her prophecy, she needed another kit to complete her plans... maybe she has her when the 3 are apprentices (were they called that back then??)
Blinding has her plans for her kits pretty much from their birth (especially for Mockingbird). She has an extremely manipulative relationship with them, and purposefully insured that they depend on/are desperate for her approval and attention. They are also made to believe that their mother is basically God (practice for the Stars ig) so they follow her plans.
Each of the 3 play a role that aline with their powers...
Jay's Wing became a healer like his mother due to others believing that he was the one who most inherented his mother's abilities, and also because of his blindness (they weren't woke in the olden cats times). Jay is manipulated to aid his mother in guiding the orders spiritually, even if they must twist the Star's words. Because of this his reincarnation's power has more to to with spirituality and the mind.
Falcon's Strike (or whatever i name him) becomes Blinding's power through brute force. She uses his strength and anger issues to her advantage, having him be the one to do any dirty work, and using him to scare others into submission. It is because of this that Falcon's power is to do with endless power and energy in battle... along with a boiling anger.
Dove's Song was Blinding Moon's ears and eyes in the Orders, she stayed unassuming, quiet and in the shadows. Most over looked her and because of this she was able to collect intel that no one else could get. Basically she was Blinding's spy.... because of this her power is enhanced senses, hearing, sight, even taste.
Mockingbird was the forth child who could not live up to the expectations that her mother had for her... she was constantly desperate for her mother's approval and attention like she gave to her older siblings. She also deeply loved and looked up to her siblings and was devastated when she and them were separated. She never fully found her use to her mother and she was always the most separated from her kin as the youngest. She has no power in her reincarnation.
I am unsure how I want Mockingbird to die and end up in the Dark Forest.... I think my best idea so far is that over time Mockingbird grows resentful of her mother, and begins to realize her manipulations. Maybe she starts to question her mother's plans, maybe she learns of a new part to her mother's plans which would put her siblings in extreme danger.
Mockingbird could have tried to stop this event and stop her mother. She ends up killing Blinding Moon and getting herself killed as well.
Maybe she causes Blinding to fall over a cliff and she falls too...
Blinding Moon becomes a super powerful spirit and in her rage she banishes Mockingbird to the Dark Forest.
I feel like Mockingbird is left to think about her regrets and hatred for generations after this... she has a complicated relationship with her mother, she still has that remaining love and admiration for her, but she is also extremely hurt and hateful towards her...
When she is reincarnated, Hollyleaf grows up with this desperation to serve her order the best she can, and also an extreme attachment to the code as her subconscious' way of trying to correct their mistakes and not go down the same path...
Oh also,
All 4 reincarnations' arcs are ment to surround them breaking free from their past life's mistakes/ the roles they had to play in their past lives. Jay gets to be a warrior, Falcon rejects being a warrior and becomes a healer, Dove is not someone spoken over and ignored, she speaks up for herself and makes her own decisions to better HER life. Hollyleaf is able to become the leader of her Order, she is able to make her own path, she is her own prophecy.
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rius-cave · 3 months
About the topic of Luci giving Eve the apple (I'm the same anon who wrote that they didn't like each other back then btw)
I kinda feel it was mostly Lilith's doing tbh. Just think about it. The apple itself doesn't "give" free will. It's the apple of knowledge. It most likely just made Eve aware of the situation she was in. Which can both mean the whole concept of the garden (as many like to compare it to a "prison" where humans live mindlessly, provided with everything) AND Adam's controlling nature. And the fact that they only gave the apple to Eve makes me strongly believe that it's mostly the latter option. My personal hc kinda goes like this: Lilith ran away from Eden because she thought Adam was controlling and she had a strong enough will to go after her own head and ideals (this is why I think she herself never ate the apple, she already "gained awareness and free will" in a way by not wanting to submit). Lilith obviously disliked Adam so when she heard about Eve she wanted to give her a chance to get away from that guy too whom she believed to be controlling and just simply a dick lol. She wanted to "free" Eve from Adam because she experienced his nature (or at least, how she saw him in her own perspective, mind that we only know her story, we don't know what Adam exactly did aside of being "controlling", perhaps he was really an asshole, but maybe it's more complex). So, she asked Lucifer to help Eve and give the apple to her. Lucifer, being the idealistic dreamer he was, agreed to it, with the pure intention of helping humanity, showing them what they can be capable of and freeing them. Eve accepted and we all know how it ended. However, I love to hc that Lucifer would've included, or at least tried to include Adam too if he had the chance. Yes, perhaps they didn't like each other, but I see angel Lucifer kinda like Charlie is now, not giving up on people and trying to convince them, help them, forgive them and all. I believe he would've put up with Adam for the sake of it, but he couldn't since everything went south when Eve received the apple.
At this point it feels so much like I'm villainizing Lilith lmao but that's not my purpose actually.
It's okay anon we love villainizing Lilith in this house
Jokes aside I think that's really interesting. If I recall correctly, the little Eden flashback depicts both of them offering the apple to Eve, yes? But I think we should all agree that that story is unreliable at best and just a plain lie at worst.
It's interesting to think that Lilith was the mastermind of it all, really. If we're real, Lucifer definitely got the shortest end of that stick right? After Lilith became a demon, the story says that she just gained a lot of power while Lucifer lost his will to dream and all that, which is interesting.
To be honest I'm confused about what exactly the apple did. Bible tradition says it gave them them the knowledge of good and evil, some people think it made them aware of their nature and all that, and then Hazbin says it was how evil came into the world. I think it's kind of open to interpretation but I really want the show to tell us what the deal is in its canon.
However, I do think Lilith has a bigger hand on it than we think, I know this is just me, but GOD I WANT HER TO BE MANIPULATIVE, not even necessarily in an evil sense, I just want her to do some morally questionable things to reach the goals that she thinks are the best! In the case of the apple, it doesn't matter whether or not that was the right call, the important part is that Eve *knew* she shouldn't eat it, she SAID she wasn't allowed to eat it (at least in the biblical tradition), and Lilith, or Lucifer, or both, manipulated her and then manipulated the truth to suit their cause, even if they didn't realize what consequences that would bring.
It's a bit murky because we don't have a lot of details and I think this is something that could change depending on context. Really hope we get more info on this in the next season
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good-beans · 2 years
Finally putting down my Milgram fantasy au thoughts!
Haruka: Son of nobility, his parents were too busy with their own business and self-image to care for him. The family used to have hunting dogs and a beautiful decorative fish pond on the grounds, but the animals have gone missing (along with the Duchess’ prized necklace). Haruka’s little sister is the darling of the household/town, and he grows more strung tight and jealous. (I was really tempted to make him aquatic but it defeated the drowning metaphor lol). 
Yuno: So my original idea was a sorceress offering potions that help to fall in love, find wealth, make dates go perfectly, (and ones to handle some consequences of said dates.) She’s got the classic aesthetic of lives in an isolated icy tower in lavish clothing, seemingly helpful and social but it’s clear there’s far more to her than she’s letting on. However, now I'm super biased by @dearmahiru's vampire Yuno thoughts and I may be running with that in the future...
Fuuta: I mean this all started from the knight au in his mv. Specifically he joins/leads a band of knights who haven’t sworn loyalty to a single lord, believing their own sense of justice will prevail. While he can’t use magic himself, he can still wield his fire sword with ease. He catches word of a witch in a nearby village and charges in.
Muu: A princess, way higher ranked than Haruka but knows his family. She’s studying in a foreign kingdom to gain more knowledge of the world as she’s next in line for the throne, but her treatment there isn’t quite what she expected. There’s nature magic in her bloodline though she hasn’t quite mastered it. Violent and animal/insect tendencies can arise in moments of strong emotion. 
Shidou: A healer who’s known for his helpful magic and beautiful garden of medicinal plants. After the death of his family, he secretly seeks out dark tomes and spells to begin learning necromancy. The craft isn’t exact, and a few lives must be sacrificed to the cause. Only the really observant notice that his usually carefully-tended garden has started to wilt. 
Mahiru: She’s a faerie in the woods near a major city. She’s heard all about human society, and became so captivated by stories of true love and fairy tale romance that she left her forest for the first time in her long life to try and live with them. Her knack with nature allowed her to pick up a florist job easily, but there are plenty of things she still doesn’t quite understand – different human culture and boundaries she misses in her focus on love.
Kazui: Bard who travels the kingdom with his performances. He left his wife at home for extended periods of time during these trips, and accidentally falls for someone new on the road. It also allows danger to move closer to his wife while he's far and unable to protect her.
Amane: Aspiring priestess who rarely leaves the temple in her childhood. She's some kind of chosen one/holy vessel being trained to channel or communicate with her deity. She feels immense pressure from the monks and priests around her. Mirroring her t2 change, she ends up channeling a demon instead of the god she was hoping for. 
Mikoto: A witch who has a pretty normal job in the city, but he also advertises his clairvoyance and spirit medium talents. With the strange happenings in his house (things not where he left them, blacking out, concerning bloodstains), he assumes he’s just being haunted by the ghosts he reaches out to, and doesn’t know the truth about his other alter(s)
Kotoko: An ex-knight druid. She calls herself an assassin, though she’s not associated with any kind of guild or group. She's in tune with animals, speaking with wolves and other beasts to rally them to her cause. (There’s nice aesthetic contrast between her animal wildness/raw power compared to the civilized justice systems she left behind.)
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sokkastyles · 1 year
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Saw this take, and idk, it just feels like OP is minimizing Zuko's abuse at both Ozai's and Azula's hands. I agree with some things like how both of them were affected by Ozai's abuse and how Azula didn't really have Ozai's favor. But the rest of it seems like OP has a victim complex about Azula that they accuse "Zuko stans" of having. What do you think?
But the rest of it seems like OP has a victim complex about Azula that they accuse "Zuko stans" of having.
Exactly this. They go on and on about how the writers, fandom, and other characters are so mean to Azula and it's all because she's favored!
You're right that Ozai's favor isn't really a blessing, but the thing these people either cannot or won't understand is that she isn't being condemned for being favored. It's about how having her father's favor enabled her to hurt others, and the narrative condemns her for continuing to hurt others. That's what makes her a villain, not just having her father's favor. And anyone who thinks Azula just HAD to hurt people because she was the golden child can look at other pop culture examples of golden child/scapegoat dynamics, like She-Ra, for example, where the golden child is actually the more empathetic and good sibling while the scapegoated sibling became a villain. Or in ATLA itself, look at Iroh and Ozai. These characters are judged based on how they react to their circumstances and anyone can use their past to justify shitty behavior.
Also, yeah, seriously side-eyeing the abuse apologism up there. This person claims they aren't trying to compare abuse, merely trying to say they "both suffered," but they absolutely are making comparisons and trying to minimize Zuko's abuse.
And, once again, any time someone makes the "they both suffered" argument, it IS minimizing Zuko's abuse, because Azula abused Zuko. Specifically, having Ozai's favor was what ALLOWED Azula to abuse Zuko so any argument that actually, Azula being the favorite is "just as bad" is automatically minimizing Zuko's abuse at both Ozai's and Azula's hands, because Azula being the favorite was the primary tool used by both Ozai and Azula to keep Zuko down.
Being the golden child of an abusive parent is its own curse, but it is a fact that Azula had power in that dynamic that Zuko did not, and she used it to hurt him, repeatedly, and he could not do the same to her and did not have the same power. Even Azula being afraid that what happened to Zuko could happen to her does not put them on equal footing, because it doesn't give Zuko power over her in the same way that she had power over him.
And like, claiming that it does? Is gross. All these posts saying that Zuko needs to realize how much Azula suffered because she was afraid that what happened to him could happen to her ignore that he was the one it was happening to, any suffering Azula experienced because of what happened to Zuko is actually Zuko's suffering first, and Azula has no empathy at all for Zuko's suffering, and, in fact, enjoyed it. It's disgusting the way this argument weaponizes Zuko's abuse against him to gain sympathy points for Azula on top of all the shit she herself put him through.
This post also completely misunderstands what "lucky to be born" means. It's a phrase that implies the person it's directed at should not have been born or that their life is bereft of purpose. That the only reason they were born at all is because of "luck." Especially in contrast with Azula's "born lucky," which means a person for whom things come easy, who has all the advantages. Not that Ozai's assessment is correct, but if these people can realize that about Azula, why are they scrambling so hard to validate Ozai's warped view of Zuko?
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romancemedia · 9 months
Miss Martian's Character Journey in Invasion
It's been on my mind for a while since rewatching Invasion for the zillionth time, but Miss Martian was never the same again and that's no surprise after everything she did.
Everytime I watch that season, I hate M'gann for not only the fact she was abusing her powers, destroyed her relationship with Conner and dated La'gaan as a rebound, but also I just hated her whole attitude in general. She wasn't the same person compared to who she was in season 1 and that's to be expected (cause of the timeskip and all), but I just hate how she acted so arrogant and superior, not to mention conceited.
She was so proud of herself for doing all those horrible things, things that a hero should never do.
She justified the abuse of her psychic powers.
She showed no remorse or regret for leaving her victims in catatonic states, seeing they were the bad guys and believed they deserved it!
She immediately started dating Lagoon Boy right after her break up with Superboy and used him as her rebound guy, because he made her feel better about herself, thus allowing her to ignore the problems in her life or face what she had done.
She flaunted her "romance" with Lagoon Boy in front of Conner.
She blamed Conner for their break up, but ignored the fact it was her fault and actions that lead to him ending their relationship.
She acted like everything was normal and living her best life when it wasn't!
I hated her during the first half of the season, but finally in the 10th episode, Before the Dawn, she finally realized the error of her ways and how truly and deeply she had fallen from grace after wiping Aqualad's mind. It was in that moment, she had finally opened her eyes to the monster she had become.
The latter half of the season proceeded to focus on her redemption. In the aftermath, Miss Martian was left deeply traumatized and scarred by her actions after destroying Kaldur's mind and seeing the look of disappointment from Artemis.
She became scared, timid and afraid of using the even simplest basic form of her powers. Even the tone of her voice had changed to one filled with regret, sorrow and shame. No longer was Miss Martian so sure of herself. No longer was she still filled with the same pride and arrogance she had at the start of season 2. Instead now she was guilt-ridden by EVERYTHING she had done and wanted to punish herself, believing it's what she deserved after all the pain and harmed she caused. After facing her guilt and gaining forgiveness from Kaldur, she finally went back to being the Miss Martian I know and love and fixed her mistakes.
She finally stopped abusing her powers for good.
She took responsibility for her selfish and inexcusable actions.
She changed her attitude, no longer was she acting conceited or condescending.
She ended her relationship with Lagoon Boy, admitting what they had was rebound and he deserved better.
More importantly, she finally reconciled and got back together with Superboy, her one true love.
Invasion is one of the most intense seasons as it's so thrilling to watch one of my favourite character development journeys from Miss Martian, watching her being a Major Jerk until she found her way again.
And ever since the impact of season 2 remained with Miss Martian for the rest of the series. She became more responsible with her powers, showing she still carried the weight of her past actions with her. A prime example again being the tone of her voice. It still carried a tone of regret and remorse for her past actions and it didn't have the same peppiness as before.
Miss Martian would never repeat the same actions again, always afraid of crossing that line again, but now that she knows otherwise, she has grown so much and by the end of the series she finally became the best version of herself.
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kara-knuckles · 10 months
I might have been quiet about it, but don't be mistaken, I'm still not over GudaGuda 6, I just really don't know what to say after waiting for two years… So, here, have some Oryou-centric headcanons, since people don't talk about her as her own character nearly enough!
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This event made it pretty clear that Oryou is supposed to be GudaGuda version of Hiruko. In his IRL myth, after being thrown away, he drifted to Hokkaido and was raised by the Ainu. I headcanon that Oryou was raised by the Ainu snake god instead, and he was the one who taught her how to change into a human form. Oryou didn't like how cold it was in Hokkaido, so, once she became strong enough, she migrated south. > IRL!Ryouma was interested in going to Hokkaido, so I like to think that one of the reasons Guda!Ryouma wanted to go there was because of Oryou's stories about it.
Back in the day Oryou was a chaotic evil goddess, but, after meeting Ryouma, she got inspired to become his mysterious, beautiful, chaotic good secretary.
Oryou speaks in third person about herself as Ryouma knows her (she really likes her name); she talks about herself as a goddess in first person.
Sea-related traumas aside, Oryou LOVES water. She invites Ryouma to swim or take a bath with her when she wants to bond with him, and going for a walk on a rainy day is one of her favourite kinds of dates. I headcanon that during the Age of Gods she had storm related powers, and even during Ryouma's times she was still attuned enough with them to precisely forecast weather for a large area.
When they were alive, Izou was the only one who knew about Oryou's true nature. Most people thought Oryou was some kind of yakuza, and you could probably write an entire book if you combined all the different theories people had about her past and connection to Ryouma.
She has two recurring nightmares: about being thrown away by her parents and about Ryouma's death.
There is a tradition in GudaGuda world to bring frog figurines to Ryouma's grave to pray for a safe voyage. It was started by the Kaientai members, who quickly put together what happened to Oryou after Ryouma's death, so they would bring frog souvenirs during their visits.
Since Oryou is a serpent, her body doesn't generate much heat on its own. I like to think that she produces poison (or whatever she uses in her Rider animations) somewhere between her chest and throat and this is her only natural source of heat. The reason she has scales on her neck in human form is to protect (and maybe cool off) this part, and she goes berserk if you touch her there because this poison temporarily goes to her head.
Her scales contain magical energy. She has transparent scales over her eyes that gain colour as her anger (read: magical power) rises. > Super Ryouma's "tattoos" are actually patches of scales, like snake skin. They act as substitutes for magical circuits.
Oryou's hair helps her to maneuver in both water and air (basically, it acts like fish's fins or bird's wings/tail).
She likes to build her own "nests", and from time to time changes placement of items in Ryouma's office "because keeping things the same makes it easier for enemies to find them".
She is lean, but well-toned. Snakes are all about dem muscles.
Her legs are fully functional; she has no problems with kicking or using them to swim, but she just can't figure out how to walk properly. Because of that (and her legend), she prefers to float. > Despite this, after GudaGuda 6 Ryouma asked Mata Hari for some dance lessons for him and Oryou. He wanted to show Oryou how much she changed compared to back when she was a helpless child, and that, even though she still has her shortcomings, she can always rely on him for support.
Like a real snake, she has an extra organ that lets her "smell in 3D". Ryouma compares it to a ship's radar, which Oryou finds annoying because ships are her longstanding rivals for Ryouma's affection.
She also has heat vision. This makes her great at scouting and spotting threats, like being surrounded or noticing someone eavesdrop on Ryouma. However, this has some negative effects: for example, she can't see well when fevering (or berserking). It also makes her a somewhat poor cook, because she gets confused by multiple similar heat sources, especially as it gets hotter in the kitchen. Still, she learned how to make simple dishes to impress Ryouma, and she is actually really good at making traditional tea because she can literally tell the temperature at a glance.
Oryou is fascinated by human "mating rituals" (not the lewd stuff, rather couple-y things like Pocky game and such), but because of her sources (romance stories, etc.) and ancient god-snake perspective there are a lot of misunderstandings. Ryouma finds it adorable, though. > One time Osakabehime advised her to watch Titanic with Ryouma, because it is "modern time classic romance story". Oryou now hates this movie because Ryouma wouldn't shut up about the ship for the entire duration. > She likes when Ryouma gives her bellflowers, because they symbolize her being a part of Ryouma's life and mean "eternal love".
Another thing that fascinates her are hand gestures. Her dragon talons aren't very agile, so she really likes using her human fingers for stuff like peace signs and handshakes. > IRL!Ryouma's hands were badly injured in an assassination attempt, I think that afterwards Guda!Ryouma gained additional understanding of Oryou's clumsy movements and appreciation for her interest in trying to figure things out anyway.
Oryou likes rhythmic sounds. Because of that, Ryouma sometimes sings or reads poetry to her, and they may even end up in a poetic match (no matter how it starts, it will always end up being about frogs). > This one is actually based on several things. The obvious is the (false) idea that snakes like music. The less obvious is the fact that Oryou rhymes in some of her lines and it was a normal pastime in Ryouma's household to come up with short poems. And the obscure I can't really verify because I can't find IRL!Ryouma's letters in English, but, apparently, he asked his sister to send him a poetry book so he could impress IRL!Oryou.
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glittergrubz · 2 years
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askldhaj this was super fun to make! But also took a decent amount of time, and yet I love it so much! I'm very proud of how they all look! I'm also happy with the changes my art has gone through, altho I need to do way more different poses,,ack my weakness lol.
All I ask is that you guys aren't to harsh about these headcannon designs. I personally hate that almost every Sandwing is the same sandy desert color. So I wanted to expand that, your allowed to like the cannon designs! Don't worry, just don't shit on my designs for being different, I want my designs to be different! I think it's fun to reimagine characters espically the WoF families. BTW: I plan on doing more in the future. Queen Glacier's family is next bc Dravvona gave me a great idea for Glacier's design >:]
Also yes these will be used for my Rainbow Sparkle Chaos AU/Rewrite. Even have some headcannons for each of these little guys. --- These designs are FTU! Here are just a few rules for the designs. I even have seprate files for each headshot so you guys can get a better look at each of these fellas! - DO NOT claim the art or designs as your own. Credit me with either a tag on websites I have or linking my DA profile. - Do not edit my headshots or trace these designs, you will be blocked and blacklisted. - Take inspirations! I don't mind at all, just credit me! (I love seeing people use my designs or inspirations hehe) - Do not repost headshot designs either
Stash Link -> sta.sh/210nk11kfs1c?edit=1
Character Headcannons -
Blaze - The blue jewelry she owns is from her girlfriend Glacier. She made it especially for her and she wears it with pride. - While ditsy she's gain some plant knowledge from her dead brother Scald. They were very close, spending hours together painting claws, tending to plants and trying on makeup! - She sounds like Pinky Pie from Gen 4! (I love pink characters so much agh!!) - She now spends her time with Glacier (I'm sorry but I can't let her die, Blaze needs her so badly) often helping healers with plant knowledge and trying to figure out how to get plants to grow in the Ice Kingdom. - I wanted her to look like a strawberry dragon, it just felt perfect! PINK PINK PINK!!
Blister - She's quite thin compared to her more plump or round family. Built like a snake and sounds like one too. - Her amber jewerly was gifted from her father, she loves her jewelry as she despises her mother. Giving all her attention to Blaze because "she's the baby of the family" while Oasis boasts about Burn's power in battle. Her mother tried to connect with her but she liked Char. He always knew what to say when she was upset. She was devastated when Char passed away. - She sounds like Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty 1959 - Has an secret obsession with poisons, although she herself is quite afraid of being poisoned.  - I wanted to stay mostly close to the pale snake motif. Although I just couldn't help adding orange n red to make her look fiery, almost like a super venomous snake. One that wears it's toxicity on it's scales to warn others. Also wanted her diamonds to look more interesting, I always though cannon diamonds were way to cluttered.
Burn - Had a fling with Scarlet, thought she was pretty and quite interesting. But really wasn't looking for a relationship, and after the whole face venom thing well they were not getting back together. - Def sounds like Lady Dimitrescu from RE8 - Despises her brother Singe. Everytime she looked at that awful weasel he always had something to say, either behind her back or right to her face. He always teased her for not being great at speaking or writing. Teased the way she walked, her slight mouth gape at all times. Till one day she ripped his neck to shreds, sending the dragonet almost to the heavens. After that day she was placed into fighting training where she became the power house she is now.  - Once she killed her brothers she took her time with Singe, torturing him for as long as she could. She gave Scald a more, "merciful" kill but anything would seem merciful if you saw what she did to Singe. - Yes she's a dark color bc I thought it was neat, made her look alot like her papa. She has also cut most her frill/hair off bc of dangers of fighting. Less things to grab! I tried making her hair kinda like a roman helmet but kept the theme for most the family. 
Oasis - Big boss bitch who knows exactly what to do! Smart, cunning and beautiful, she does have one odd thing about her. Body mods, she loves them dearly and enjoys her horn piercing's (altho they were a bitch to put in, their horns have a lot of nerves). She's also a adrenaline junkie, so her piercing addiction, lots of treasure and devious tactics are perfect for her.  - Loves her small man Char. If you walked in a room with both of them it's a lot like Mortica and Gomez Addams. She was devastated when Char passed away, become a more unhinged dragon in the process.  - She sounds like Mortica Addams from Wednesday (I just had to, sounds perfect). - I wanted a more light, warm theme with Oasis. Almost like desert terracotta, and yes hear scales! I thought it was cute on Blaze but Oasis HAD to have them. I also had to give her dark curly hair with highlights bc omgomg I loooove that so much. 
Char - Sounds like Gomez Addams from Wednesday (hehe small man n big wife gang) - Malewife energy all the way. He constantly embellishes himself in beautiful amber jewels while taking care of the look of the palace. Talking to his servants and giving all his children as much time as he can. His wrinkles and bags are from all the duties he does. Although he would never change it for the world, especially for his love for Oasis.  - Def has an addiction to coffee, I mean how is he going to help Scald get those new plant imports in, and buy Blaze's new makeup, help Singe hunt that beautiful beast he saw in the desert- (you get it lol). - I really wanted "im very tired" vibe with him. I also wanted to go with a dark/char look to him while keeping bright reds, oranges and yellows for fire! It gives him an intimidating look, but also has alot of warmth to it. 
Smolder - Hoenstly I don't have much for Smolder, other than that he was probably the straight man of the family. Although way more chill and with horrible sleeping issues! He's an insomniac and takes traditional medicine Scald makes for him to help him fall n stay asleep.  - Sounds like Legoshi from Beastars  - I had to make this dude greasy n tired. It was just a great idea imo. Like he has to be tired dude, and he doesn't have time to bathe!! I also made him more orange than Blister altho making sure it make them look like they come from the same hatching. 
Scald - I made him into a femboy- ENOUGH SAID, lmao. Seriously though I really wanted to give Blaze a best friend, she really deserves it! So: a very femine brother who loves beauty products but also looooves plants! He's obsessed with em and his mother made him his very own greenhouse. He loves his plants and takes care of them as much as he takes care of Blaze.  - Do not underestimate this small dude, he will kick your ass. Not only is he pretty but he will fight to protect Blaze and to prove a point. Although he is no idiot and will not pick fights, more so he fights for things worth fighting. Although he has a fear of needles so no peircings for him! - Sounds like Stolits from Helluvaboss - Blaze is a strawberry dragon, SO TANGERINE DRAGON TIME! I just really think the orange works very well for him, and I honestly wanted to make a femine male character bc I havn't really done that in a bit. I espically had fun with the flower necklace as I think it makes him stand out quite well against his family.
Singe - Awful stinky man, so smelly! He's two faced, lying, manipulating and egotystical dragon. Often picking fights with Burn as its easy for her lack of brains....well untill he was torn to shreds by her. After that he became way more fearful of the dragoness. Using expensive furs from the animals he's hunted. He's also very cowardly so no fighting or even peircings for him. - Obv sounds like Karl Heisenberg from RE8 - Honestly just a peice of shit, I have really nothing else to say lmao. - I wanted to do one more pink dragon before I finish the designs. I espically wanted a burnt pink dragon idea in mind, kinda like Char but pink! I was also done making jewerly so fur accessory sounded so much fun to draw.  --- ★ Not for Other's Use ★ ★ Feel Free to Take Inspiration but Credit Me ★ ★ NOT FOR AI USE OR NFT USE! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ ★ DO NOT REPOST/TRACE/EDIT! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ DA: https://deviantart.com/glitterbonez TW: twitter.com/GLITTERBONEZx Tumblr: khaleern.tumblr.com/
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flingmetothemoon · 9 months
Tikal is a strong female Sonic character
The scene is set. The echidna world is literally falling to pieces. Everything is being consumed by fire, the helpless blue creatures are slaughtered to death, the once gentle guardian of the emerald altar is provoked. His anger becomes so strong he transforms into a violent monster and kills Pachacamac and his army. Now the whole world is on the line. Everything seems hopeless. Who will save the day? You can feel goosebumps on your neck just thinking about it.
Pachacamac's daughter, Tikal can't do anything about it can she? Why would she? She doesn't have a robot-smashing hammer like Amy, stealth and rock-shattering gymnastics like Rouge or pyrokinesis like Blaze. She's also injured from getting trampled on by her own father and his men. Wouldn't it be easier for her to hide and heal her wounds? Wouldn't it be easier for her to just sit here and cry as the world around her slowly crumbles into destruction? We probably would if we were her.
Despite all this, Tikal did the unexpected: She used the mantra to activate the Master Emerald's power and sealed herself and the monstrous Chaos into the Master Emerald, risking possibly being frozen forever so that the world can be saved and have peace again.
And yet she's still not given nearly enough credit for what she did compared to the other characters? The heck?!
There is a notion that to be strong, you have to fight back with fists and kicks, talk back and be independent. But like life, strength isn't always black and white. Strength can come in different shapes and forms. Some are physical, some are mental. Strength can be unique to women as well since they're usually physically not as strong as men. So what kind of strengths do Sonic girls have?
Amy wields a powerful Piko Piko hammer and a temper and these two are so strong they scare even the toughest guys such as Sonic and Knuckles. Rouge has stealth, great hearing, manipulation, bombs, flexibility and physical strength that rivals Knuckles. Blaze has speed, a fiery temper, a connection to the Sol Emeralds and pyrokinesis.
Tikal's strength however is a little different.
Sure Tikal has spiritual powers, but the thing is… She wasn't born with them, she gained them after being released from the Master Emerald and thanks to her main strength: Mental.
3000 years ago in the Mystic Ruins, the people at that time didn't have modern conveniences to live with. They couldn't pull out a phone to look up information about the Altar of the Emeralds. Their only education sources were written papers and scrolls. They also didn't have cars or airplanes, so they just have to walk and exercise throughout the day. But it didn't mean they weren't happy without modern conveniences. In fact, Tikal respected her grandmother and held her teachings and peaceful way of life dear to her heart. As a daughter of a powerful chief, Tikal also most likely had to learn responsibilities such as knitting, cooking, cleaning and caretaking so she can care for herself and others.
If Tikal's grandmother was the one who taught her survival skills, she was wise in doing so before her son took over her reign. When Pachacamac became chief, he turns his once calm and peaceful tribe into a warlike and power-hungry nation, attacking other countries, stealing and killing. Tikal did not like the changes her father made to the clan. Tikal obviously does not enjoy being in changed circumstances. Despite it however, there is one thing about her that didn't change: Mental strength.
Tikal was still kind and encourages peace. She earns the trust of Chaos and the Chao with her kindness and unprejudicedness. She showed her concern for their lives and did the best she could to protect them. Even after being released from the M.E, she still didn't turn into a brooding revenge-seeker like Shadow. She seeked help instead of relying on her own strength. She gently guided others to learn about Chaos and what happened to him. Because of that, Sonic and his friends found a way to heal Chaos from negative energy, bring him back to his gentle self and save the world. This would not have happened if it weren't for Tikal.
Tikal truly is a remarkable young lady and we need more people like her in the world full of selfishness and chaos.🧡
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This is part 1 of my essay series on how Tikal is a strong female character, I plan on making more to go further into depth on her trauma and strength some time. This post is also on DeviantART if you wanna check it out there. C:
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aaimasqtch · 2 years
Ptitheros Worldbuilding - Species
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Rubasyn Basic Info
Rubasyn History
The history of the rubasyn species traces back to the E.D Era, mid-way through, during the complications within Chaveri when the dragons and gryphons were becoming a bit violent towards one another despite Edenlline's commands to make them stop. The brewing distaste within the large kingdom was resulting in many gryphons and dragons leaving to seek out a life beyond the cities and out in the dangerous wilderness. Edenlline, feeling hatred towards herself for not being the object that kept the kingdom together (feeling awful that her kin were leaving for the danger outside over Her just because of some discourse), she brought in a new creature that would fill the void she was experiencing.
A weak creature originally called the rubus, a scavenger animal of the northern plains and mountains that cleaned up after others but could never hunt for itself; Edenlline saw the helpless rubus as a perfect new addition. They were changed up a bit- capable of speech, personality, given all the things She gave her dragons and gryphons, and cared for in Chaveri.
Rubasyns posed no threat to anyone, they were just a toy that Edenlline used to feel like she had complete power over something, but she ensured from the rubasyn kin's eyes She looked like a saint that they couldn't live without.
A millennium went by, deep into the C.D, something began to change. The discourse between dragons and gryphons was over, rubasyns abundant, and the city was enjoying the time within a peaceful century, but the rubasyns started to think. A group formed in the darkness, lead by a rubasyn who had been wronged by Edenlline after working closely beside Her for many years. The texts had been read, some of the Cardinal's personal notes, and the rubasyn needed to share the information it had uncovered. Things about where they once were and why their history is so short in Chaveri compared to the dragons and gryphons, and, especially, why rubasyns weren't allowed to live anywhere outside of Chaveri. Information spread, rumors were passed and an abundance of rubasyns who had the same sensation of feeling trapped but never being able to put it into words joined the growing group that were now hellbent on getting out of Chaveri and learning why they were so enclosed in the first place.
Many rubasyns retaliated against Edenlline in the way they felt was most appropriate; by leaving Chaveri and not returning unless the answers they wanted were received. At first, the low numbers did nothing- those who left gained no attention from the Cardinal, for she felt what they were doing and had no wish to get involved with something so insignificant- they would come crawling back, She knew.
Unfortunately, Her decision to ignore the group made matters worse. It painted a picture worse than before to the rubasyns who weren't against Her, many-if not all important rubasyns now viewed Her as uncaring towards their kind since she had let those, weak and unknowledgeable, out into the wild without a smidge of regret or ruling to come back into the safety of her arms.
The uprising began, not against the North Cardinal's will to trap the rubasyns, but her un-willingness to protect those who had lost faith. For was she not the protector of those in Chaveri, of the North, what use was following Her if She did not do as expected of Her as their overseer?
More and more rubasyns became part of the initial group, now known in the history books as The Coil Leaiv, and left Chaveri in spite.
It was enough. Edenlline wanted nothing to do with them anymore, they no longer served the purpose or filled the void in her heart that they were supposed to- so she let them go, left them to their own devices. The rubasyns who remained in Chaveri continued life as normal, under her protective gaze and amongst the many dragons and gryphons.
The rubasyns who had left, especially the ones early on, inhabited the North Shrine Plateau and northern coast of Dark Briar Grove for many years. It was a dangerous place, the coastline ragged and the plateau so out-in-the-open - rubasyns were small, a quick snack to a monster, so the "traitors" struggled to retain their dignity and safety far beyond Chaveri. But even Edenlline knew they wouldn't dare back down and come back. Not now, not when they've come so far.
Although dragons founded the towns in the Braeyc territories, it was the rubasyns who grew the settlements into places larger than tiny, starving villages. They inhabited the place, their population decent and happiness barely stable- but the eventually one of the head figures of the surviving Coil Leaiv was informed of a place beyond imagination. A glider (a rubasyn with the webbing trait) had come bearing news from his fantastic travels farther northward, investigating the infamous purple shores of Pselle, he had caught wind and was gifted the sight and adventure amongst an uninhabited world in the sky.
The headfigure thought this was ridiculous at first, for floating islands across Ptitheros were merely tiny bites of land that had a bit too much aura caught in their soil- they could never be sizable to live upon. The glider denied and denied this negativity, he ensured he saw a place from what could have only been pulled right out of the Sallenin dreamscape. Some other rubasyns, along with a trusted dragon and lefiká for flight safety reasons, were sent out with the glider to make sure all he had said was true.
Indeed it was. Word spread quickly upon their return. This must be their reward, the headfigure believed, for their struggle and bravery in the face of a god. Almost all rubasyns from Braeyc left for the floating islands, via boat or gliding, some even making use of transportation spells. Although incapable of flight, the glider had explained there was a beautiful spiral of clouds raining down from the west end of the island. "These clouds, they cradled and lifted you, showing you the world of wonder you had been missing."
He wasn't far off, the whirlpool had such a strong updraft that simply holding a blanket above one's head to catch the air was enough to bring anyone to the island's surface. More rubasyns from places across the plateau and deeper within the grove eventually scampered to the island as well, they desired the lands they now felt they were entitled to.
These floating isles became known as the Isles of Nox, eventually shortened to Nox. Rubasyns took over the lands, building villages, then towns, then cities, expanding and expanding while using the safety of the unknown and uncharted lands as a crutch to avoid other Ptithians. Any and all non-rubasyns who came to the island without permission were kicked out, forcefully if need be.
Nox prospered as a self-contained and independent kingdom. Its markets were limited but the rubasyns did not see this as an issue worth opening up to the world. No, they dealt with it and continued on with their lives, watching the ants beneath them and building upon new grounds of science, technology, and engineering. Their little world did not run on aura magic as much as the other species and kingdoms, so the smart creatures improvised and invented things to rival the genetic magic and flight capabilities the other Ptitheros species had been blessed with.
Nox's cities grew, and rubasyn's grasp on engineering using aura in more artificial ways flourished. Factories were made to produce things in large amounts, or craft things that their small clawed hands could not. Inventions, ideas, culture, it all rose to new heights, the rubasyns had created a small world of their own that rivaled the strongest fellow kingdoms. They had confidence, and they never once needed the aide of a Cardinal to achieve it.
The central government of Nox had always been unstable leading up to the eventual opening of the kingdom's gates. A mayor and a knowledge group ran the isles, the group grew to be known as The Lace, and they seemed quite non-intervening. A bit too lax, which allowed for unwanted associations to grow in the underground of the cities. This would prove troublesome later on.
1820 C.A, the year the kingdom opened. Markets were failing within the cities, demand was not being met, and outer travelers had been coming in due to an agreement with the renown Exploration Guild. Stories, news, and items from the other kingdoms and settlements were filtering into Nox and the mayor had no means of stopping it, so he did what was only rational: expand his people's horizons. Nox became open-trade to the rest of Ptitheros, in turn their technology and ideas were shared as well. A jumpstart for the rest of Ptitheros, new inventors and scientists got their hands on the new technology and aura-usage capabilities and advancements began to skyrocket. It would be another few decades until other species were allowed to live in Nox, but the first steps were necessary.
2081 C.A, one of the underground, dangerous groups of Nox known as the Lace-Ups join with the Radicalized Tucruit cult in Tucruitora to pull off The Raining Fire (the Sequn Genocide).
approaching the present
Present day Nox, a wondrous sight. All creatures live in mostly harmony but it is obvious rubasyns run the entire show on those islands. Still the heavy bulk of the population, along with most residents being Unaffiliates, a very uncommon thing before Nox became a kingdom. Nox is still run by a mayor and The Lace, the mayor's name is Mayzon and The Lace members remain unknown to all but him. All species are allowed to live and work in Nox, hybrid children are protected under law like all the rest, and the standard of living thanks to ever booming new technology continues to rise and stay one step ahead from the rest of the world.
As of present day, it is also important to remember that rubasyns are not pinned to Nox. Many families from the North went elsewhere or stayed where they were, resulting in rubasyn populations all over the map. Like all species, rubasyns can be of any affiliation, any culture, it all depends on where they were born and who they were born to- some seek out a life all their own too. The stereotypical rubasyn is the snide, machine-specialist Nox rubasyn with no respect for the gods, but to place such a stereotype on every rubasyn one may come across is rude and closed minded.
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midnightpsychos · 11 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @everyoneismytoy wanted a starter for Felix from Oliver
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The pill worked. What Ollie have Felix was something that should never be given out to someone because of how dangerous its powers were but that was a different discussion that was going to be saved for another day - well if there was going to be a day where Felix would actually remember what happened to him moments before who he thought was his lover have him to literally forget everything that was on the boy’s mind. Seeing the passes out Felix was a joy to Ollie because it indicated to him that his plan was working of gaining full control of anything and anyone he came into contact with. 
And this poor boy who’s life is a living hell with his parents constantly nagging at him for not being what everyone else thought he was because of the person they included themselves in make, so maybe this pill was something to give the feeling of being in a euphoric state to the guy passed out on the bed and that maybe, just maybe; things for him could get better.
But that’s sadly not what Ollie wanted to happen to this certain Catton, the only true revenge that was best described to wasting him was the fact of using Felix to his own advantage of making everything seem as if he was originally like this, always having someone that was in control of him meaning that, if Ollie fancied to use this certain idea he had in his mind of getting Felix so twisted that after murdering him - Ollie would make it looked like it was an absolute horror of him killing himself. 
That seemed to be the perfect motive that wasn’t actually part of the plan that Ollie had in place when it came to first meeting Felix at Oxford which led to him being invited to saltburn with this false story that he didn’t come from any money or have any parents when in reality - all of it was a lie just to try and throw the Catton’s off of their pedestal and teach all of them a lesson that being rude to people doesn’t get you very far.
Even when it came to the fact that the plan involved in Venetica killing herself because of what Ollie done to her, not only did he plan to fuck her and then tell Felix about the night he had with his sister and how she was better at attending to his needs rather than Felix was whenever he wasn’t as high as a kite or even when they were just hate fucking for the sake of having sex with the other to fill one of their needs to have that ultimate control over the other. Looking over the boy’s body - Ollie knew what he was getting himself into once bumping into Felix when they were at university one time and he saw a little vile that contained something that he knew wasn’t your everyday stuff, if there was one thing that Ollie could detect - it was the fact that he could tell when someone had a drug addiction. 
Simply by the smell of the person themself, and it became very clear that Felix was someone who used and he used her often when it came to Ollie coming over to his compound with the way to at his parents treated him compared to Ven was a scene that he never thought he could witness in his entire life. But it was the simplicity of how well thought out his plan was when it came to fooling people into thinking that he cared for them when all he wanted to do was make them pay for other peoples misery. 
And the thing is, no one would ever see it coming off of someone as ‘innocent’ and ‘angel-like” but would instead prepare themselves for a game that would always involve someone leaving saltburn no matter what the rules said, even if there were rumours going around that Oliver wasn’t going to last in a powerful family like the ones he was staying at for much longer since they were known as people who kicked out anyone that didn’t get along with. 
The massive issue with that was the fact that Farleigh, not just Felix’s cousin but best friend absolutely hated Oliver with all of his guts and was someone who thought that Ollie was lying about where he came from - to which that was something that obviously had to be stopped before things progressed into everyone else in the family believing Farleigh over Oliver when it came to the conversation about how he was a fraud from the beginning. 
That wasn’t something that worried Oliver since that golden boy was going to be the first person dealt with, or at least that’s what was in the plans for him to do. The first mission had be successful since Felix wanted Oliver to be his lover even if he couldn’t express the way he felt without using the words “favourite toy” but that was okay. 
Oliver understood about Felix history, or what he managed to pull of as a persona that he didn’t mind what Felix done as someone who didn’t feel anything about anyone he knew and would prefer fucking them over having a relationship with them, but that was different once ollie was in the picture - something seemed to flip inside of Felix once he laid his eyes on Oliver from the moment they met when the offered bike clearly made a good first impression of the type of person Felix thought he was with. 
And it had seemed that having someone like Ollie around to help him with his feelings for whenever he wanted to scream at Elspeth and Sir James for saying something smart to then about what business he got up to with him going out to clubs and bars with whoever he wanted to even if it involved Oliver or not to find an ‘excuse’ to get the highness of the drugs that just seemed to be the worse thing for Felix. 
Sadly, he couldn’t see that what Oliver was doing was for the better of him and now with the pill - this was going to make everything better for Felix with Oliver being the one in control without him basically knowing everything that’s happened between the two of them, the plan was simple to be honest; act like they’ve been together since last summer, have him start to use more harder drugs than before and then when it came to the ending - drive Felix so crazy that he spirals down into madness and ends up by letting Oliver kill him. 
This plan was well thought out especially since it was only thought of ever so recently after spending one night in the compound. The atmosphere was eerie and it felt like saltburn was haunted by some kind of spirits - maybe they were spirits that had good intentions or maybe they were ones who had the worse of intentions and would try to kill you at any given they received when it came to the right time. 
Seeing Felix wake up slowly but surely and it made Oliver decide to use a softer tone in his voice to make it known to Felix’s that he was being caring about the fact that he passed out and now all of his memory was gone. Of course Oliver couldn’t tell him that otherwise he wouldn’t be able to understand and demand for answers most likely because that was the pure nature that was left behind this particular Catton that made him special out of everyone else that Oliver met. “Hello sleeping charming, did you enjoy your quick nap? I found you passed out on the carpet outside of your room so I decided to carry you into here and let you sleep in your bed” he smiled at Felix while taking the others hand into his own hoping that he had lost his memory. 
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docwritesshit · 1 year
Ahhhhh fuck it
For those of you who are new here, this is Yujin Wei, also known as Ash, my Lego Movie Kid Oc
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I have plagued my bestie of her so now I shall plague you all! Mwahahahaha!
So background
First off, she is like 4,000 years old
She comes from a noble celestial family who were once demons but gained the favor of the Jade Emperor by helping him through their Far Sight.
Far Sight is their ability to see everything all at once, from the heavens to the underworld. No one can escape their vision. And they can document everything they have seen and even use a ritual to make recordings of what they have seen and stash it away for later reference. And with this, they became the official family used for guard posts all around the world.
For Yujin here, she was kinda an outcast the moment she was born. Over the centuries, her family was ashamed of their demonic ancestry, building an image of holiness and total loyalty to the Emperor since the beginning. And with that, Yujin was more like her demonic ancestors, with her blue skin, snaggle tooth, and hug frame (she's like 7'6). It also didn't help that her silver hair would fade to a red for some inexplicable reason (workshopping that).
So she has been under their thumb since the beginning, her family trying to push her to be a more studious person focusing on researching her past relatives like her cousin. But she wanted adventure, and wanted to prove how strong she was.
After a tiff with the Princess Iron Fan (they got into an argument and it went to the fists flying stage), the Jade Emperor took notice of her and pushed her parents to let her get a job. They relented, and now she guards the Samadhi Temple.
Through this, she met Redson and essentially is an older sister to him and his companion Sol (a friends OC which I will include in her story a fair bit)
"but what about Season 3? How will the gang get things done if she's there?"
Ah, now that's where the story really starts my friend
Abilities/ Weapons:
Weapon: she has a weapon called the Ever Changing Wind which has 72 transformations to whatever she desired that she got from a friend a few millennial ago. She mostly uses it in its whip form as seen here
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(yes ik this looks weird, old drawing + I cut off a bit to not show spoilers in story)
Abilities: She has fast healing, Far Sight, can glamor herself to an extent, change her height at will, and because of her lineage, she has some dormant powers that have not awakened yet that she doesn't even know about. Also she is super strong as well, lifting boulders like they are pebbles.
Basically a surrogate daughter to the DBK family as she has been in their employment since Redson birth, and is an older sister to Reds and Sol
She doesn't show in the main gangs stori until season 3, cause duh. So no relation there
"But does she have a partner?"
Nope! But she does have some feelings for people. On the old friends that gifted her the Ever Changing Wind in the first place actually! But she hasn't been in contact with either of them for a long time.....
Oh the best big sis anyone can get. Shes a little alcoholic when it comes to social events or with her parents, her preferred drink of choice is diluted peach wine ;), and she is described as a badass by many
She does have a nasty side as well though, she had been known to throw the Jade Emperors personal guards around when they got a little too comfortable with their words.
But she is also a tease as well, picking on Reds in that older sister fashion. And she extremely over protective over Redson and the DBK family s a whole, which is often looked down upon by her parents because they see no need for her to be so protective over them, they gave so much more power! How could they need her when she's so weak compared to them???
(oh the irony)
She doesn't enjoy the company of her family members all that much except for her cousin Jiayin. But she's been a good guard so far, so her parents stay off her case. But her 500 year anniversary of her job is coming up, which means a new era for her to... Be pushed into essentially.
So she's very protective over her position as well, it being the only reason she's allowed out of her familys temple in the first place.
Also she's very closed off to new people a lot of the time, and not opening up until she gets to know you and your motives, which you will see why later. But if her little bro trusts them, then hell, they must be the next Messiah or smth
And that's Yujin! Let me know if you want to know more! My inbox is always open!!
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albertfinch · 1 year
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Luke 18: 1-8 - Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart saying:  "There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man.  Now there was a widow in that city;  and she came to him, saying, 'Get justice for me from my adversary.'
And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself, 'Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.'"
Then the Lord said, "Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?  I tell you that He will avenge them speedily, nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?"
Jesus challenges our modern traditions. He asks, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" His question is a warning to Christians who would limit the power of God at the end of the age. Jesus is calling us to resist the downward pull of our traditions; He is asking us individually, "Will I find faith in you?
Jesus associates faith with "day and night" prayer (Luke 18:7). He is not asking, "Will I find correct doctrines in you?" The Lord's question does not so much concern itself with our head as with our heart. What we believe is important, but how we believe is vital in securing the help of God.
Indeed, procuring the SUPERNATURAL HELP OF GOD is exactly the point of Jesus' parable in Luke 18. His intent was to show that "at all times" we "ought to pray and not to lose heart" (verse 1). To illustrate the quality of faith He seeks, He followed His admonition with a parable about a certain widow who petitioned a hardened judge for "legal protection" (verse 3). Although the judge was initially unwilling, yet by her "continually coming" (verse 5) she gained what was legally hers.
Jesus concluded by asking if an unrighteous judge will respond to a widow's persistence, "will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them?" Jesus said, "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly" (verses 7-8).
It is significant that Jesus compared His elect to a widow harassed by an enemy. The image is actually liberating, for we tend to conceptualize the heroes of the faith as David or Joshua types – individuals whose successes obscure their humble beginnings. But each of God's servants has, like the widow, a former life that is brimming with excuses and occasions to waver.
Look at the widow: She has legitimate reasons to quit, but instead, she prevails. Indeed, she refuses to exempt herself from her high potential simply because of her low estate. She makes no apologies for her lack of finances, knowledge, or charm. Giving herself no reason to fail, she unashamedly plants her case before the judge where she pleads for and receives what is hers: legal protection from her opponent.
How did a common widow gain such strength of character? We can imagine that there must have been a time when, under the relentless pressure of her adversary, she became desperate, and desperation worked to her advantage.  DESPERATION is God's hammer: it demolishes the stronghold of fear and shatters the chains of our excuses. When our desperation exceeds our fears, progress begins.
We can stay the course because of the enabling of the strength of the Lord in us!  We are strengthened deep within so that we stand firm for the promises of the Lord for our life. We lean into the Lord with deep courage to believe for the impossible to be possible.
Hebrews 10:23  - "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is FAITHFUL;"
Once we have endured the fire and have received the passion, we must persevere. Jesus didn't quit at Gethsemane. He went all the way to crucifixion! Once we've sustained the fiery furnace we can't give up. We must set our heart like flint, ready to go all the way with God in what He is CALLING us to do (God's PURPOSE for our life).
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