hobiebrownismygod · 3 months
Can you do a 42 Miles fanfic where we style and/or braid his hair but he’s pretty tender headed (even tho he tries to act tough)?
I have no idea how to braid his hair type so I did some research for it! pls let me know if anything is inaccurate and I hope you enjoy this little fic! As always, thx for requesting <3
Possible TW: reader is referred to as "Mami" (femreader), mention of Rio, kissing on the cheek (romantic tw), unedited (pls lmk if theres any errors/inconsistencies so I can fix them)
"Hold still!" You exclaimed, pulling his head back as he let out a yelp. "You're braiding too tight!" he hissed, closing his eyes shut and groaning.
"Hey, I'm trying my best!" you exclaimed with a frown, loosening your grasp on his hair lightly in an attempt to be gentler. "They have to be tight or else they'll get loose too quick!"
He grumbled, sitting up straight and gripping onto the chair tightly to mask how much pain he was in.
This wasn't the first time you were braiding your boyfriend's hair, but you were starting to hope it would be the last. He was so tender-headed, you couldn't even touch his head without him letting out a yelp. How had his mom been dealing with him all these years?
But then of course, Rio had more patience than you'd ever seen in a mother so you weren't too surprised.
He grunted in frustration, squeezing his eyes shut as you finished one of his cornrows, tying a rubber band to the end as gently as you could. "Miles..." you said, putting your arms around his neck from the back. "Do you want to take a break? Let your scalp breathe?" you asked a little teasingly.
"No! I'm fine." He said annoyedly, folding his arms over his chest as he avoided your eyes in the mirror. You kissed his cheek gently, a smile on your face. "Are you sure? The second one might hurt more."
His eyes widened slightly. "What do you mean it'll hurt more?"
"If I don't finish soon, I'm gonna be late to get home! You know how my parents are about curfew" you said, rolling your eyes and gathering up the rest of his hair to start on the second cornrow.
"Wait, wait, wait-" he said quickly, standing up. "Just uh- just give me a second. Let me breathe."
You put your hands on your hips, watching him with a smile. "Does it really hurt that bad? Have you ever tried using numbing cream, or-"
"I don't need numbing cream! I'm not a little kid, Mami." he said with a frown, sitting back down tenderly. "Alright, just do it. I'm ready"
You glanced down at his knuckles, which were turning pale as he gripped onto the arm of the chair. The two of you stayed still for a moment.
After a second, he opened his eyes to look at you in the mirror. "You gonna do it, or...?"
"Miles, you're gonna hurt yourself if you hold on too tight." you said with a sigh. "This isn't a roller coaster."
He grumbled, folding his arms in his lap as he waited for you to start, his eyes closed shut. "Just braid it."
You raised an eyebrow at him. His breath hitched in his throat.
You rolled your eyes again, beginning his second braid. "That's what I thought."
He stayed silent for a moment, letting out a quiet hiss of pain as you slowly moved your way down his scalp. "Thanks for doing this by the way." He said softly. "Means a lot to me." His voice was so quiet it was almost like a whisper.
"Always." you said back, your fingers moving as gently as they could, satisfied with his gratitude. "I'm really trying to be gentle man, you're just tender-headed."
"I know, I know. Thanks." It only took a few minutes for you to be done and he immediately leapt up, touching his head gently and looking in the mirror. "Looks good."
He turned around, a grin on his face before sweeping you up in a hug, arms wrapped around your waist. "I love youuu" he teased, kissing your cheek, back in a good mood now that the pain was over.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." you said with a laugh, pushing his face back gently. "I love you too, Miles."
He's a silly little guy
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evera-era · 8 months
Hey love, hope you’re doing wonderful 💞
Can I request Ellie proposing to reader, thx.
hi! thanks sweetie, hope you are too!! ofc u can :)
warnings: fluff, nervous ellie !!
Ellie was fiddling with the small, velvet box when she hears the front door squeal. A few seconds pass before it shuts, then locks.
“Baby?” Your voice chimes out. “I’m home.”
The brunette quickly tucks the box away in the drawer. Her eyes dart around the room as she contemplates what to do next. She exhales swiftly before exiting the bedroom you shared.
“Hey babe,” She says. She turns the corner to see you with your hands full. You’re struggling to put the groceries on the counter.
“They didn’t have the ice cream you wanted, so I got rocky road. I hope that’s okay,” You comment as she quickly comes to your aid. She places the jug of milk near the fridge.
When she doesn’t reply, you look up at her. She’s nearly biting all of the skin off of her lip.
“Y-Yeah, rocky road is fine.”
You furrow your brows, setting the rest of the bags down. Once your hands are free, you reach for her face.
“Hey, everything alright?”
“Yeah,” She forces a relaxed smile, leaning against your touch. “Yeah, baby. Just wanna talk to you about something… okay?”
Your eyes widen. She notices, then reassures you.
“N-Nothing bad, just kind of important. I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick.”
“Oh... okay.” You murmur. You watch as Ellie crosses the living room before retreating down the hallway.
A few minutes pass as you organize the kitchen. When you turn around after putting everything away, you find her standing in front of you, looking down at her feet.
Her head is filled with worrisome thoughts. What if she scares you off? What if you say yes, then later on change your mind? How would she even begin to cope with something like that?
“Babe?” You ask. Ellie blinks a few times.
“So, um…” She starts. “I’ve been thinking about it, and… I’m really, really happy with you. Being with you, y’know? I feel like I’m at home with you. Like, I don’t have to be someone I’m not. And I—“
She reaches into her pocket. Her heart skips a beat as her fingers brush against the box.
“F-Fuck. I’m just gonna say it, okay? I want you to be mine. Not just mine for now. Mine… always. Assuming, y’know, you feel this way too. And— And we can finally get a house together, a real fuckin’ house, and—“
She pauses for a second to get down on her knees. You gasp.
“Oh my god—“
She smiles softly, revealing the quaint little box.
“Ellie—“ You absentmindedly step back in an effort to steady yourself.
“Are— are you— Is this… real?”
“Yeah,” She whispers softly. “I wanna marry you, Y/N. I wanna wake up to you, every fucking day for the rest of my life. I— I never wanna be without you. I wanna navigate the whole damned world with you right by my side.”
You didn’t realize it, but a tear fell down your cheek. Your face feels like it could go numb from how hard you were blushing. Ellie looks down.
“Will you make me the happiest girl in the world, and—“
“Yes, Ellie,” You cry out. “Oh my god, a million times yes—“
You throw your arms around her, a surge of emotion rushing through your veins. She exhales into your hair, telling herself that she did it, that she didn’t die, and that you — the only thing that matters most — said yes.
She looks at the ceiling, trying to blink away the tears prickling at her eyes. She sniffles, then pulls away momentarily, fiddling with the ring.
“C’mere,” She laughs breathlessly. “So I can put this on you.”
You giggle, wiping your eyes before helping her stand up. You put out your trembling hand.
She slides the diamond ring on your finger before bringing your hand up to her lips and kissing it. Your eyes glisten as you get a better look at the jewelry.
“Oh, baby,” You murmur. “It’s beautiful.”
Ellie watches you, a grin spreading on her face as well. You kiss her passionately, caressing her cheeks so you can keep her close.
She presses her forehead against yours after you pull away. Her eyelashes flutter shut.
“I… I was scared. So fucking scared, baby.” She admits. “That… that you wouldn’t—“
“Oh, no, Ellie. Never.” You breathe out. “You had nothing to be afraid of. I love you so much.”
The two of you remain in the embrace as you catch your breath. You take a deep sigh, then smile up at Ellie.
“Was dreaming of this day, y’know.”
She chuckles. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You murmur. “Just didn’t know when. Definitely didn’t think it’d be today — I would’ve made sure to look the part.”
Ellie smiles at your words. Between the two of you, you were always more conscious of your appearance than her.
“I know.” She whispers. “Was gonna wait ‘til our next date night, but I… I couldn’t keep hiding it.”
You smile, nuzzling your nose on hers. “Well, it’s okay. ‘Cause now I have a reason to look real good… show off the ring, and all.”
“You always look real good,” Ellie says gently. You laugh a bit.
“Shh. You know what I meant.”
She nods, wrapping her hands around your waist before giving you another kiss. When she pulls away, she looks deep into your eyes.
“I love you so much, baby.” She murmurs. You look back at her, smiling from ear to ear.
“I love you too, Ellie. Always.”
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504py · 7 months
Its me again (i hope you don't mind i am in you ask again 😅)
So uh do you have headcanon for yandere russia and canada with their s/o?
Thx 🌻
holy SHIT i got carried away 😭😭😭 this was supposed to be a short post, but i got too deep into their characterization. and don't worry!! i appreciate your asks! anyways, here we go guys... please heed the warnings!
Yandere Russia and Yandere Canada Relationship Headcanons
Gender neutral, domestic violence, implied NSFW, self-harm, manipulation, forced feminization, dubious consent, stalking, long post ahead!
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How the relationship started
Your relationship with Ivan first started with you doing some mundane thing, but he was there at the right place and the right time, and something about you intrigued him. Be it at a restaurant eating a strange food combination, seeing you early in the morning with your hair wet and rushing to get somewhere, or even getting a glimpse of your mismatched socks when you walked past him and didn't even pay him any mind. That was enough to seal your fate as his property. His mind can't seem to stop running with thoughts of you, how are you, why are you, and he needs to scratch that itch.
Ivan sends out a private investigator to stalk you basically, and provide him with your daily schedule. Once Ivan has your schedule, he dismisses the investigator, and takes matters into his own hands by stalking you himself, and trying to insert himself into your daily life.
Then, it was just a matter of getting to know you, courting you with expensive gifts and dates, then fully dooming yourself when you accepted him as your boyfriend.
Ivan is very blunt with what he wants. Not very long into your relationship, around a month or so, he asks you to move in with him. Any sort of opposition or protest will be stonewalled by this; "We will be married and living together someday anyways. Why fight it? Don't you love me?"
So, whether you like it or not, you move in with him in his giant, lonely house.
There are no maids and none of the Baltic states to be seen, and this is because Ivan expects you to fulfill the role of a housewife, regardless of your gender. So he'd like for you to do chores yourself and to clean up around the house while he's gone. He doesn't expect perfection from your cleaning, in fact, he finds it a little charming when some areas aren't clean or spotless. His house was huge and you were only so small.
On the topic of fulfilling the role of his housewife, he expects you to do other things that make you fit the role even more, such as giving him affection, cooking for him, and keeping up a good front when guests are around. He wants the two of you to evoke the image of a traditional married couple so badly, and if you fail to meet those requirements...
Ivan can be cruel. He doesn't tolerate rebellion very well, and his punishments are always physical.
He is a very touchy man, and if you fail to reciprocate his touch, or actively shy away from it, he'll only get more aggressive. His hugs will feel more suffocating, his grip on your jaw while he kisses you will feel bruising, and you swear, it feels like he's trying to crush your hand while he holds it, despite the sweet smile on his face..
If you continue to refuse him, he'll be much less subtle with his harm. One day, when you try to shove him away from you, his grip on your arm tightens to the point it feels like he might just snap it, and he pulls you close to whisper a threat into your ear; "Will you continue to be like this?"
If you say no and apologize, which would be your best option, he'll let out a strained breath and try to relax his clenched jaw, before letting up his grip on your arm and muttering an apology under his breath himself.
If you say yes... His jaw will tense up, and the look he gives you is bone-chilling. "Alright." He says, and doesn't give you much time to think before he drags you to the front door, and throws you out into the harsh cold, with only the clothes on your back.
You can cry and scream apologies and bang on the door all you want, but he's already walked away and drinking a bit of vodka to soothe his own nerves.
He'll keep you outside till you are on the brink of getting mild hypothermia. He waits there, thinking of how long it'd take for the cold to get to someone of your size and shape. He knows everything about snow, and he knows everything about you.
Right before you start to ebb in and out of consciousness, he opens the door, and drags you back inside, wiping the snow off of you and taking your weak, shivering body in his arms.
You cling to him, wanting to live in his house, his coat, and in his arms forever after experiencing the unforgiving hellscape that is the Russian winter.
Ivan mutters sweet nothings, the alcohol in his breath and the powdery smell of his clothing enveloping all your senses. He says that he wouldn't have to do this if you would've just obeyed him, that this is all your fault, and that he didn't want to do this and that he just loves you too much.
If you had any sense of self-preservation, you'll listen to him from now on, and if not... He wouldn't be above breaking a few bones. But you won't disobey him again, right? It's for your own good.
"I'm sorry, моя любовь.."
Ivan is a very affectionate man, but he isn't the best at showing it vocally. He shows it in the lavish gifts and dates he goes on with you— Yes, he takes you out on dates. Only for special events or when he's feeling particularly affectionate, but he does it too because he feels he also has a role to fulfill as a doting, providing husband. He'd feel too bad if he just kept you locked up your whole life as his wife (and, also, he wants to test you.. He wants to see if you'll act up in public, and to see if he can trust you). Ivan feels it adds to the aesthetic of a married couple, too.
Besides that, he is INCREDIBLY physically affectionate. He has no sense of personal space at all, which may or may not be a bad thing to you, but regardless, what you think doesn't really matter, and he'll continue to invade it anyways.
He always calls you over to sit on his lap, he sleeps way too close to you, and he's always looming over your shoulder no matter where and what you're doing. As long as he's home, it's GUARANTEED he will be touching you in some way, shape or form.
Because of such things, Ivan is.. prone to getting intimate with you.
Unlike everything else, he actually sort of values your consent when it comes to the bedroom. Yes, he will make advances and be very touchy-feely, and maybe intimidate you a bit, but at the end of the day, if you keep refusing it, he'll let up, but his mood will noticeably be more tense.
Ivan is especially prone to this because clothing is one of his favorite things to gift you, he enjoys dressing you up in things he finds cute. And I mean literally. Whatever he buys for you, be it dresses, coats, or underwear, Ivan will want to be there to undress you and then dress you up in the things he bought himself. You're like his own cute little doll.
Regardless of your gender, Ivan will buy you feminine clothing and accessories. He may even be inclined to forcing you to grow out your hair.
He likes sniffing you. He rests his nose atop your scalp while hugging you, just to breathe in your scent. It calms him like nothing else in the world, and he feels alive again.
And during not-so-often times like these, he'll speak and voice his affections.
"I love you.. We are going to have a great life together."
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How the relationship started
Matthew would be completely enamored by you just.. noticing him on a regular basis. Nodding your head at him whenever you two walked by each other in the hallway, mumbling a hello whenever you two sat next to each other, and the mere act of your eyes meeting his. Fully looking at him, and not just straight through him. It always left him red and unable to calm his heart for the rest of the day, so it was only natural he'd fall head over heels for you.
His crush on you kept festering day by day, with him being too shy to continue the little interactions you have, and having such little experience with socializing that he wouldn't even know how to continue furthering this "relationship."
Matthew is rather delusional. He spends his days fantasizing about talking to you, hanging out with you, being with you romantically, and, more often than he'd like to admit, rather impure things... all while you're seated next to him, or while you're across from him, a heady stare through his foggy glasses.
Eventually, Matthew starts to believe that you two were already in a romantic relationship, despite being acquaintances at best, and he starts to get really insecure. What if you forget about him someday? What if you stop noticing him, and you just disappear from his life? He believes that other people you notice, any other person you notice, will jeopardize that oh so special relationship you and Matthew clearly have.
So, Matthew bites the bullet, and asks you out for lunch one day. You smiled and blushed at him so brightly as you accepted, and at that moment, he knew he'd dedicate everything he had in his life to worshipping you.
Matthew still puts in an effort to appear like a normal boyfriend, unlike Ivan, so your relationship with him would progress much more naturally.
That doesn't mean he hasn't been doing anything weird, though.
Matthew's already been envisioning what it'd be like to have a family and grow old with you the first moment he heard your voice. All you said was, "Good morning." So what more now that you two are in a real, established, romantic relationship?
He fantasizes constantly about clinging to you like a lifeline and crying about how much he loves you, and to hear you feel the same way he does. He wants to pin you beneath him, letting him do all the work, and showing you just how much he loves you, while whispering praises and prayers to you with a crazed, devoted look in his violet eyes.
You two have only been together for three weeks.
...If it wasn't apparent, all he wants is for you to always, always be by his side.
He doesn't care much for appearances or services like Ivan does. If anything, Matthew wants to be the one to do nice things for you, though he would like it too if you did nice stuff for him once in a while. Though, just kissing him on the cheek is enough to keep him overjoyed for like a week straight.
He spends a lot of time doting on you and trying to prolong the time you guys have together for as much as he can. Honestly, for the most part, Matthew would play the role of a normal boyfriend rather well, and your relationship wouldn't be really turbulent, except for, well...
Matthew hates it when you have to go. Usually, he very reluctantly drives you back home after a bit of a fight, but he's just so pitiful you could never find it in yourself to be mad at him. I think he'd be the type to cry whenever you two had any sort of disagreement.
When he's lucky, he can get you to stay the night, which absolutely sends him on cloud nine, but it's not often enough for his liking...
Things would boil over, though, when you had to leave earlier than usual because you had to go to do something, like hang out with a friend, visit your mother, anything of the sort, and Matthew gets really upset.
He starts this whole thing of begging you to stay, that "Aren't I more important than them? Please don't leave." and he's tearing up, his shaky fingers holding onto your sleeve.
"Matthew, please, just for tonight."
"I-I don't want you to go, though."
Then he's crying. Harder than he usually does, and he's looking at you like a kicked puppy.
How could you still go after seeing him like that?
Matthew then learns that he can win you over with his tears. If he just cries for you, you'll stay, won't you?
He'd never lay his hands on you, but he'd constantly guilt-trip you and manipulate you for things to go in his favor.
Violence is something he'd see as a last resort, but it's still something he'd use against everyone else and himself, but never you. He hates to hurt others, but if they get in the way of him and you, he'll do it. I feel like people forget that, while nowhere as strong as Alfred is, Matthew is still a pretty strong guy. He wouldn't ever kill anyone, but he'd severely hurt them, and he'd be hiding his face the whole time.
And yes, he'd hurt himself for you. Those crocodile tears are bound to stop working on you someday, and when that time comes, he'll harm himself and say that he'll just keep hurting himself if you aren't with him.
Then you'll just have to run back to him, tend to his wounds, and reassure him that you still love him and that you'll stay.
...But if you keep trying to run, he'll have to just lock you up so you won't look at anyone else ever again.
Matthew is affectionate in every sense, though he tends to show it through the way he wants to do anything and everything with you.
He's always holding onto your hands, massaging little circles into it, getting your favorite snacks when he does his groceries, drying your hair after showers, arranging dates and cooking and cleaning for you as much as he can. He's naturally very doting.
He does his best for you, he really does.
Besides acts of service, Matthew just likes to spend time with you. Lazing around with you on the couch, playing with your hair, and gazing right into your eyes like you were heaven-sent. He always has the most lovestruck expression on his face whenever he's with you.
"...You're the only one for me, you know that?" He mumbles, almost as if he doesn't know he's even talking.
And he says this next line with such devotion dripping from his voice that it makes your blood run a little cold.
"...I love you so much. Never leave me.."
(....guys was that decent. anyways! all art used is mine so if you're reading this, go give the original posts some love on my blog!)
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candycandy00 · 2 months
Character: Sukuna
AU setting: Church
spice level: NSFW
Mood: writers choice
Kinks: Non-Con(however would it be alright if it's consensual non con?), daddy kink, breeding, spanking, Size difference and Praise
(Could it be Fem reader? Thx !! :))
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Father Sukuna’s Discipline - A Sukuna x Reader Fanfic
I might have added a couple kinks and took some liberties with the CNC kink but I hope you like it! 
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Sukuna as a Priest. Probably very offensive to Catholics (I know nothing about Catholicism so please look over any errors). Breeding. Spanking. Sort of CNC. Dubcon. Daddy kink (he’s a priest so Father is used instead of Daddy), light bondage. Size difference. Rough sex. Praise. Dividers by @benkeibear. 
Part of CandyCandy’s 2k Followers Event! Any feedback whatsoever would be adored!
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You stand in the drafty hallway outside Father Sukuna’s office, shifting from one foot to the other. He’s angry with you. He definitely saw that you were late for morning prayers, and he happened to be walking by when you flubbed reading the study verses to your students. As a new nun working in this Catholic school, you should be providing a strong example for the students to follow. Instead, they giggle when you try to scold them. 
Father Sukuna, the headmaster, has had to discipline you several times now for your careless behavior and mistakes. You appreciate that he’s taking the time to give you such personal attention, but his punishments can be… severe. 
And so you take a deep breath before knocking lightly on his door. He calls for you to come in, so you twist the brass doorknob and push the heavy wooden door open, then step inside. 
The room is large, with high ceilings and tall windows along the back wall. The air is chilly, despite the low fire burning in the fireplace. You flinch when the door slides closed behind you, feeling like you’ve been sealed in.
There’s a large wooden desk in the center of the room, and behind it sits Father Sukuna, looking at you over the top of his reading glasses and closing the Bible in his lap before placing it on the desk. 
“Do you know why I asked you to come?” 
His voice is deep and smooth. His black priest robes do little to conceal his muscular form. As he pulls off his glasses, his unusual red eyes seem to shimmer. His handsome face is lined with black tattoos, remnants of his former life before joining the priesthood. 
You fidget beneath his piercing gaze, thinking, far from the first time, that it’s a waste for someone like him to be a priest. Sensuality seems to ooze from every pore on his body. Every little move he makes, every word he utters with that voice, makes you think impure thoughts. 
“I was late this morning,” you say, looking at the floor. 
“And?” he prompts. 
“And I messed up my reading of scripture.”
“Twice,” he adds. 
You nod pathetically. “Yes, twice.”  You raise your head then, meeting his eyes. “I beg your forgiveness, Father! I’ve only been a nun for six months now. I’m having a hard time adjusting.”
He stands up from his leather chair and walks around the desk to stand in front of you. This close, you’re very aware of how tall and big he is, how he towers over you, how he could throw you around like a rag doll if he wished. You can smell his cologne, a deep musky scent with contrasting cherry blossom undertones. 
“It seems that you need more discipline, Sister. Did you come prepared?”
You swallow the lump in your throat, your face burning with shame as you reach your trembling hands down and grip your robe. Hesitantly, eyes on the floor to avoid his face, you slowly pull the fabric up to your waist. 
Just as he instructed, you’re wearing no panties, only black silk thigh high stockings. Even with your soft thighs pressed together, he can definitely see your bare pussy, shaved the way he demanded. 
“Ah, so you can follow instructions after all,” he says, and you glance up at his face to find him grinning widely. It’s an expression wholly unbecoming of a priest. 
You watch as he steps back to his desk and uses one arm to knock everything off it with a single swipe. Then he pats the desk and says, “Climb on, and get in position for your punishment.”
You drop your robe and move over to his desk. He lifts you up and sits you on it, then you nervously maneuver yourself to be on your hands and knees. Your limbs are shaky as he walks around behind you and jerks your robe up again, letting it bunch up at your waist, leaving your lower half bare. One of his large hands sets upon your naked ass, then rubs down it, tracing your shape. 
“As for what we discussed earlier… are you still certain?” he asks. 
“Y-yes,” you say. 
Two days ago, Father Sukuna proposed giving you “special discipline” to help you improve as a nun and turn away from your careless, sinful behavior. He said it would be intense, possibly painful and embarrassing, and that you would have to consent to allowing him full access to your body, using it however he sees fit. He gave you those two days to think about it. Today, you gave him your answer. 
Now, with his eyes roaming over your exposed flesh and his warm hand squeezing the fat of your ass cheek, you don’t regret your choice, even if it’s humiliating. Because you truly do want to be the best nun you can be, and… being touched by a man like him, so tall and so intimidating, with those wild tattoos, makes your body quiver with excitement. So many nights you’ve laid in your bed, shamefully touching yourself while thinking of him. 
He gave you a word, what he called a “safe word”, for you to say if you decide you can no longer handle the discipline and want to stop. Otherwise, he said, he would continue no matter what you say. The very thought of being completely at his mercy both frightens and thrills you. 
Stepping around to the front of you, Father Sukuna pulls your rosary from your neck and winds it tightly around your wrists, binding them together and forcing you to lean more on your elbows than your hands. This makes your position slightly more unstable, and leaves your ass elevated higher than the rest of you. 
He moves out of sight for a moment, and returns holding something in his hands. It’s a large wooden paddle with several holes drilled into it. Your eyes widen as you stare at the threatening object. 
“Years ago, before I became Headmaster, this paddle was used to punish misbehaving students. We don’t do that anymore, but we keep the paddle around. Sometimes it’s effective to just have it lying on the desk when talking to an unruly student.”
He slaps the paddle into his open palm, resulting in a loud thwacking sound that makes you jump. “The holes supposedly make it sting more,” he tells you, that unnerving grin spreading across his face again. 
Moving to your side, he holds the paddle up, looking down at your glassy, wide eyes, then he swings it downward, smacking the harsh wood against your trembling, vulnerable ass. You cry out in pain, feeling the burn of the holes, instinctively trying to scoot away. 
Father Sukuna uses his free hand to firmly grip your shoulder, holding you in place, before bringing the paddle down again. This time the sting is enough to bring tears to your eyes and a scream from your throat. 
But he remains merciless. 
Three more hits, each one hard enough to make your body jump from the desk. Your ass burns. It has to be totally raw by now. 
“Father, please! Forgive me!” you weep, your knees nearly collapsing, your face now buried in your forearms, your hands clutching the rosary that has them bound together. 
Father Sukuna pauses and sits the paddle on the desk beside you. He uses his now empty hand to grip your sore cheek, kneading it, making you whimper. 
“Spread your legs wider,” he commands, and you struggle to comply, scooting your shaking knees further apart. He leans over to look, making you flush with heat and embarrassment. “Such a sinful body,” he says. “You’re absolutely dripping.”
“I’m so sorry, Father!” you cry, desperate to close your thighs and hide your shame, but knowing better than to anger him. 
You feel his hand slide down, and then his fingers dip into your wet folds. You shudder, fighting the urge to try to pull away. He laughs as his fingers brush over your clit, making you twitch. “Such a fuckable little cunt,” he says, and you glance back at him over your shoulder, shocked by his words. 
“Father?” you ask, trying to ignore the feeling of his fingers stroking you. 
“Hmm? Do my words concern you, Sister? I find that hard to believe when this soaked pussy is practically begging to be fucked. Do you want that? Do you want to be fucked by my huge cock?”
“I… I don’t…”
He suddenly withdraws his hand, picking up the paddle again in one smooth motion and then slamming it back down on your raw, stinging ass. This time it hits so low that it connected with your pussy. You squeal and jerk, and Father Sukuna holds the paddle up to his face. “You’ve gotten it all sticky,” he says. 
After sitting the paddle back down, he reaches down with both strong hands and effortlessly flips you over onto your back. He grabs your bound wrists by the rosary and jerks your arms above your head, then forces your legs even wider apart. He pulls your whole body down toward the end of the desk, making your robe ride up even further, nearly exposing your chest. 
He uses one hand to pull up his own robe and open the black pants underneath. “I fucked countless women before becoming a priest,” he says, his voice deeper than usual. “I thought I got it all out of my system. But fuck it, I’m still a man. So I’m gonna ruin this cute little pussy of yours.”
His tone of voice, his manner of speech, they seem different, rougher. “F-father, please,” you beg, “be gentle with me!”
He pulls a massive cock from his pants and lines it up with your entrance. “Not a fuckin’ chance!” he says, then immediately shoves himself all the way in. 
You gasp as you feel yourself being completely stuffed, his hands firm on your waist, keeping you steady as he pounds into you. “Please forgive me, Father!” you sob out. 
“Huh? Forgive you for what?” he asks, that maniacal grin on his face. 
“F-for being so sinful!” 
He laughs before he leans down and extends his tongue, licking a stripe up your crying face. “No need to apologize. Your tight pussy feels fucking incredible! This sinful body of yours is a blessing!”
You feel dazed, out of your mind, as his cock repeatedly slams into you. You have no idea what’s right or wrong anymore. You gaze up at him through teary eyes. “Is… is this part of the discipline? To make me a better nun?”
He reaches one hand down to stroke your clit, making your hips buck off the desk. “Yeah, I’m making you a better nun!” he grunts. “I’m making you my personal little slutty nun!”
You can’t take anymore. Your mind and heart are so confused. Only your body seems to understand Father Sukuna’s discipline. So you let go, you let yourself fall over the edge, and you scream out his name as you cum around his cock, clenching him with everything you have. 
His grin only gets wider, his red eyes gleaming, as he fucks you even harder. And when you finally feel him pulsing inside you, followed by a gush of his hot sticky cum filling you up, you lose all strength, going limp on the desk beneath him. 
Once he’s bottomed out, he pulls back and looks down at you. “Good girl, taking my cock so deep. I’ll forgive your mistakes this time,” he says as he buttons his pants and pulls his robe back down. His voice is returning to his more formal tone. “But if you don’t show more grace as an employee of this school, I will have to discipline you again.”
He reaches down and unties your hands, then gives your rosary back to you, leaving you speechless and stunned. You quickly recover and scoot off the desk, jerking your robe back down to hide the cum dripping down your thighs. 
“Thank you, Father,” you say with a quivering voice as you hurry out of the room. 
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youatemylollipop · 2 months
I saw that you write for mha. Can you write first time (nsfw) touya x reader? Thx 🥰
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Synopsis: You're tired of being the only one lacking experience in the s*x department, so when Touya suddenly suggests that you accompany him to a party, you decide to take him up on the offer. Who would have thought that this would lead to a steamy session with your childhood friend in his car?
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Touya Todoroki X Female Reader
WARNING: Childhood friends to lovers, college and no quirks au. First time, loss of virginity, kinda(?) soft dom! Touya, he's an asshole but has low-key a soft spot for the reader, explicit sexual content, oral sex (m.receiving), dirty talk, Touya calls reader slut a couple of times, MDNI!!
Word Count: 10.5K
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“What’s the farthest you've gone with a girl?” You suddenly ask, tilting your head curiously as you turn to face him as he drives the car. 
Touya raises an eyebrow as he glances at you. He's quiet for a few moments before responding in a more casual tone. 
"As in, how many girls have I dated or...? Are you asking if I've... You know... Done the naughty?" 
“Yes,” you confirm blatantly. “I meant the naughty.” 
Touya sighs and looks ahead again, a slight blush on his cheeks. “How’d I know that’s where you were going to go with that question…”
His tone is teasing but there’s a hint of irritation there. He slows down slightly and pulls over to the side of the road, putting the car in park before giving you a look from the corner of his eye. 
“And why do you even care?”
“So…?” You trailed off, ignoring his question as you eye him with a scrutinizing gaze, waiting for him to say openly that yes, he’s had sex.
Touya groans and rubs his eyes, already feeling this conversation becoming annoying. Though that’s probably more because of who it’s coming from and less because of the actual subject matter. 
“Yes, alright…”
He finally caves. You’re like a child that’s curious and has a lot of questions about things they maybe shouldn’t be so curious about. Maybe it’s your own childishness rubbing off on him.
“Yes. I have.”
“So you’ve done the deed?” You continue to ask, just to make sure—and maybe just to annoy him. 
“You’ve gone all the way? Like actually putting your sword in someone else’s cave?” The way you’re describing it makes him roll his eyes and look away, the blush on his cheeks deepening just a bit. 
“Goddamnit… Yes. I have.” Now he just looks amused by the ridiculous way in which you’re asking this question.
“Ok.” Was all you said, before turning your attention back to the window.
He raises an eyebrow at that. Something’s bugging him slightly. Why is there suddenly so much interest in this? He doesn’t mind talking about his sex life, especially since it’s you he’s talking to. Though you’re kind of… weird about it. 
“Why do you even care so much?”
“Because I’ve never done it,” you admit, turning to look out the window, sounding very much like a sulking brat. “I’ve never done anything like that with a guy.”
Touya turns his head to look at you, an eyebrow raised. He had a small hunch that was what you were gonna say though it still took him by surprise. When he speaks, his voice is calm but a bit teasing. 
“Sounds like somebody’s salty that they haven’t done it yet.”
You huff, pouting at his attitude. “Yes I’m salty! Who’s gonna be willing to date a 19 year old college student that’s got zero experience? I haven’t even had my first kiss yet,” you complain with the same bratty attitude. 
“Show me some sympathy, asshole.”
Even though he’s clearly trying not to, Touya snickers. He can’t seem to help the slight smirk that has formed on his lips. You’re so cute when you’re being a pouty brat like this. 
“You say that as if it’s the end of your existence, or as if it’ll never happen. You are being overdramatic, you know that right?”
“I hope that I’ll meet someone at the party tonight,” you continue, ignoring him. “You’re friends are going to be there, right? Do you think I can kiss one of them?”
That gets the reaction he was hoping for. Touya turns to you, giving you a raised eyebrow as his lips curl into a smirk. “Oh? You want to kiss one of my friends?” 
He’s quiet for another moment before smirking a bit and speaking again. “What about me? Maybe you could kiss me instead?”
“You’re not being funny,” you roll your eyes, not taking him seriously. “I just want to get it over with, I hope that at least one of them is hot enough.”
Touya lets out a small laugh at that as he looks away from you, the smirk on his lips growing into a small grin. Damn, you’re being a brat but for some reason it’s kind of hot. 
“Oh come on, surely I’m hot enough. You should kiss me instead.”
You were about to retort until something clicked in your mind. “Wait, are you for real?”
Touya raises his eyebrow a bit, his grin widening as he notices the shift in your attitude from petulant brat to actually thinking about it. He shrugs as his lips turn into a smirk, looking back at you for a brief moment before looking back at the road again.
"Sure, I'm for real. Why shouldn't I be?"
“Won’t it be, I don’t know—weird?” You ask with furrowed eyebrows.
“What do you mean by ‘weird’? I mean we’ve known each other since we were kids. What’s weird about us kissing?” He keeps smirking and speaks playfully, not seeming to take the concept too seriously. Of course he is, but he’s not making it too obvious. 
You eye him skeptically for a brief moment before deciding to let it go. “Alright, if you say so.”
He can’t help the satisfied grin that comes across his lips. It was probably a bit easier than expected to convince you. After all, the two of you have been so close since you were kids.
“You gonna kiss me or what?”
You let out a half amused snort before unbuckling your seatbelt and crawling over to him so that you were now seated on his lap, with your legs spread out on either side of his hips. There is a mix of excitement and nervousness in your actions as you lick your lips, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. 
“So, am I just supposed to lean in?” You ask.
Touya just lets out a small hum as he takes his seat belt off as well, watching as you crawl over to him and sit on his lap. For a moment, he says nothing, a smirk still on his lips as he gazes at you. Finally, he speaks with a more confident and teasing tone. 
“Yeah. Just lean in… Make sure to aim for my lips, though. Don’t miss.” 
You roll your eyes at his so called ‘instructions’, but do as he says anyways. The action is slow and once you get extremely close to his face you hesitate for a moment. 
“Tell me if I do something wrong,” you mumble out before finally going in for the kill, closing your eyes as your lips finally touch. 
As soon as he sees the motion coming, he meets you in the middle, closing his eyes as your lips finally brush against each other’s as well. For a moment all Touya can do is sigh softly, your scent filling his nostrils, his fingers tightening around your waist as his face heats up. 
Finally he speaks again. His voice is slightly breathless. “That’s not bad, but go again…with a bit more passion this time.”
You adjust yourself on his lap to sit more comfortably before speaking. “Uhm, can you show me how?”
Touya snickers at that. You really haven’t done this before, have you? He thinks to himself amusedly. 
“Sure… I’ll show you…”
Finally his hands start to move, slowly wrapping around you before one hand reaches the back of your head. Leaning forward slightly, as his other hand presses you down a bit more, he leans in and takes control of the kiss. 
It turns into a deeper kiss, as his hands work on your body. The movements of his mouth against yours are more precise now, his tongue beginning to explore the depths of your mouth with confidence.
His grip becomes slightly tighter, his hands digging slightly into you as his arms almost seem to constrict you from the back. His lips are demanding, moving against yours with pressure. He pulls you in ever so slightly and then lets you go, repeating the same motion over and over again, trying to show you how to kiss and how to get into it.
You pull away after a while, feeling slightly breathless as you try to calm yourself from that kiss. “Whoa.”
Touya lets you go as he lets out a soft chuckle. He lets his hands stay where they are, still wrapped around your waist as he looks at you with a grin. After a bit he speaks up again, speaking casually as he leans back in the seat. 
“Not bad… But here.” 
His body moves again, this time more slowly, as he brings you back in as he presses you against his lips again. He moves his hands to grab the nape of your neck, pulling you forward and making the kiss even deeper than before. The ravenette holds you there for another moment before finally letting you go again, speaking with a confident tone. 
“There,” a hand runs through your hair as he leans back in the seat a bit. Touya looks at you with a soft smirk on his lips. 
“See? Like that,” he speaks before adding teasingly. “Are you sure you haven’t kissed before?”
Your cheeks are flushed as you pant softly, trying to regain some form of composure. “That was—“ you gulp, letting out a shaky breath. “Awesome.”
Touya chuckles at your reaction, the soft smirk still on his lips. His body relaxes a bit as he leans back in the seat again. The way you react and your inexperience is almost adorable. But it’s also a lot of fun. 
“I can show you more than just how to kiss if you want…” He says, teasing you a little.
“Really?” You breathe out as your panting slowly calms down. 
“I can feel you, down there.” You mutter softly, gesturing towards his obvious bulge.
Touya lets out a quiet chuckle in response. He moves one hand slowly to your rear, letting it rest on your backside. With the other hand he plays with a lock of your hair before speaking in a teasing, raspy voice.
“Oh… You can feel that, can you?”
“Yeah…” You mumble with a mix of shyness and eagerness. “Can I see it?”
Touya laughs as he feels his body heating up once again. He keeps his hand on your rear and shifts his body closer so that you’re basically straddling him. Your thighs are pressed right up against his waist and his other hand reaches up to the side of your face.
“Are you sure you want to see it?”
“Please…?” You add, lips jutting out as you do so.
Touya lets out a soft sigh, his breath hitched a bit. Your bratty pout is both annoying and cute at the same time. “Such an impatient brat…” 
His tone is still teasing but he finally lets out a small sigh. With his hand still on the side of your face, his other hand reaches down to unbuckle his belt, undoing it slowly. All you can hear is the subtle sound of a zipper being undone and pants unzipped as his hand disappears from your side. He lets out a brief grumble before speaking again, his tone still being teasing. 
“So, you really want to see it, huh…” 
Still not taking his hand away, he gently pushes your head down. There may be no mistaking it as he gently pushes you even closer, your face only a few inches away from what was earlier tucked into his jeans and now out in the open.
Touya looks down at you from above, that snarky smirk remaining on his face as he watches you from this angle. There’s no denying the fact that you’re adorable when you look up at him like that. He’s only half joking when he calls you a little brat… And yet something about the way you act and the things you say makes him want to have you all to himself. It’s something he’d never admit out loud however.
He waits for a response, but there’s none yet. The corner of his lips starts to twitch as a smirk forms, knowing full well why you’re staying quiet. Finally your gaze moves lower, and your lips part as you stare. Touya keeps your head in place with a firm grip on your head as your gaze remains glued on that spot. 
You swallow thickly as you gaze at his size with awe. “Can I touch it?”
Touya lets out a breath, he can’t help but feel a little bit amused. Your eyes are so fixed, it’s adorable. Finally he lets your head go once more, giving you the freedom to do whatever you want. 
“Go ahead… I won’t stop you.”
Touya tilts his head up again to look at you from above. He lets out a small chuckle as he finally sees your hands move to the front of his pants. When you touch it, his body reacts with a subtle twitch from the sudden sensation. You can almost feel him shiver in your grip.
Touya looks down at you again, a devious smirk forming on his lips as your hand squeezes his shaft experimentally. He sighs softly and his lips curve up into a sly, suggestive smile. He’s just enjoying the sight of you right now, watching the look of curiosity on your face as you take in his size.
Touya lets his lips curl up into an even wider smug grin as your hand starts to move faster. His hips rock forward ever so slightly with the motion of your hand. Another small gasp comes from his lips and he leans back in the seat with his eyes closed.
“Am I doing this right?” You ask curiously.
With a slight nod, he whispers softly. “Mhm… You just keep doing what you’re doing.” 
Just touching him is driving him insane… It feels so good, he’s enjoying every moment of it. His breathing grows even heavier now as a raspy moan escapes his lips in response to the light brushing of your fingertips. He shifts once again, spreading his legs further to give you more room to work with. 
He lets his gaze fall on you again, watching you take his piece of flesh in your hand like this. His lips curve up into a smirk as he speaks softly for the first time in a while.
“Do you really have no experience?” He asks teasingly. 
You gulp audibly, feeling the heat between your legs grow as you continue your experimental touches. “I wanna taste it.” 
You mumble breathlessly before peering up at him, licking your lips as you feel your mouth watering at the thought. “Can I?”
That takes him by surprise. As soon as you speak up he opens his eyes once more, looking at you and noticing the breathlessness in your voice. The way you gulp and the way your body reacts to his touch tells him everything he needs to know. Though he lets out a soft, smug laugh when you ask that last question. 
“I don’t see why not…” 
He pauses briefly, giving you a teasing grin before adding, ”Just don’t disappoint me.”
He spreads his legs even more. After a moment, when he’s satisfied that there’s plenty of room for you to work with, he simply nods once again, allowing you to do as you please. You’re slow and hesitant in your movements as you bring it closer to your mouth, starting off by licking it experimentally. 
“Mm…” Touya lets out a raspy moan of satisfaction as he notices you’re slowly and timidly moving. He can’t deny that it’s very erotic. But it’s also extremely cute. Your hesitation is almost as cute as your eagerness. He stays silent for a few more seconds, wanting to see how you feel as you give it a little lick. 
Yet another moan escapes his lips again as your tongue rubs over him. You can feel him shiver slightly as he feels the sensation, his body moving in response to your tease. He closes his eyes and leans back the best he can with the little room he has left, his lips curling up into a small smirk. 
“Keep going…” You feel your mouth water as you suddenly swallow as much of the length as you can fit in one go.
You’ve gone too far, and now his reactions are becoming even more intense. His throaty mumbles turn into loud groans as his entire body starts trembling. He shifts once again, pressing his back against the back of the seat as he tries his best to keep quiet. He's struggling to maintain any sort of control over himself, but with every suck you give him, his willpower weakens a little bit.
With a satisfied grunt, he finally finds some degree of control as he lets out another small moan and leans back once again. “God… So good…”
He moves one hand upwards, gripping onto the seat as his other hand shifts to the back of your head. You can hear your name escape his mouth as he lets out another small moan.
And just like that, you feel his hands shift. His one hand grips your head lightly as he gently takes control and moves. The slight change in motion is almost imperceptible but you do notice that he holds his breath for a moment as you lick him. It takes him a few seconds to recover as he lets out a loud moan. He lets go of your head and his fingers bury themselves in your hair as he shifts in his seat. 
You can feel his grip tighten and a small shiver runs through your body as his hand moves your head up and back down again, this time with a bit more force.
“R-right there… Fuck, don’t stop… Mm…” Touya lets out quiet but clearly noticeable groans as your mouth works its magic. You gag slightly as the sudden force makes you choke slightly on his length, which urges you to send him a bratty glare despite low-key enjoying it.
Touya lets out a raspy chuckle at your glare, a smugness in his expression as he looks at you. The pressure he’s applying is steady but gentle enough not to hurt you or make you choke too hard. 
"You're enjoying that, huh..." He lets out a small grunt and a muffled moan as you keep moving your head up and down. His hand keeps a firm grip on your hair, keeping you in place.
Touya keeps this up for a few more moments, his breathing getting heavier as your mouth works up and down repeatedly. He starts to growl softly, trying to hold back a little. This is just as much of a pleasure for him as it is for you. His grip tightens once more as his growls get louder. The grip is still not rough but firm enough to make sure you don’t slip up while working on him.
Touya’s body finally gets to that point, making him let out a loud moan as his grip around your head tightens some more. His hand on the side of your face moves up to the back, making sure you stay in position as he pushes you further and further. His eyes are closed as he relaxes a bit more against his seat.
Touya lets out another breath as he finally speaks with a raspy voice. “Keep going… Don’t stop… Fuck don’t stop…”
He lets out a raspy moan as your mouth continues to work on him as he tilts his head back a bit. His fingers dig into your hair as he pushes you back down, not letting your head move away from him. The grip on your head becomes tighter and more demanding as he holds you down.
“You really are good at this…” His hands grip your head tightly, letting you feel just how much he’s enjoying this as he lets out a few more sounds. He tries his best to be as quiet as possible since you’re in a parking lot, but it’s becoming harder and harder to not get too loud. As his grip on your head tightens even more, his moans become increasingly louder. He feels like he’s losing himself…
You pull away, taking a shuddering breath as you look up at him with glassy eyes and shiny lips, panting lightly. “Tou-chan, I want you.” 
Touya’s eyes flutter open for a moment as he feels you stop with the sudden movement. Seeing the effects of your ‘experiments’ on you is quite exciting for him as his breath hitches and his heart rate picks up drastically. The grip on your head tightens again as he sees you squirm slightly.
Touya grunts in affirmation as his voice remains raspy, a smugness written all over his face. “I want you too, you little pervert.”
“Sorry…” You pant before a small cheeky grin grazes your features as you had completely forgotten about your previous unsureness. “You just taste so good.”
Touya chuckles softly at your comment, he can’t help it. You’ve clearly changed your mindset after that little ‘testing’ and now you’re a lot more eager. He tilts his head up again, taking in the view of your glassy eyes as you pant faintly, your lips shiny with saliva. The grip on your head remains firm this time though, not moving even slightly as he keeps his gaze on yours.
“You really think so?”
“Yeah,” you pant out, gulping audibly as you nod shakily.
Touya grunts softly as he sees you nod. His gaze shifts down in between your closed thighs for a minute, your wetness clearly evident on your skirt as he shifts in his seat again. The ravenette finally looks up at your face, that smugness back on his lips as he speaks again.
"How much do you want me…? Don't hold back..."
“So much that I want you to be my first,” you suddenly blurt out in the heat of the moment.
“I’ve liked you for years,” you admitted with a small, flushed smile. “It doesn’t matter if we go back to being just friends afterwards, but I really want you to be my first.”
That takes Touya off-guard for a moment, his body momentarily freezing in place from your words. You don't know how long he's waited to hear those words from you. Eventually he exhales and sighs softly with a soft grin. Touya looks down at you again, that smug look never leaving his features. 
"You want me that badly, huh..." He moves closer to you once again, his lips literally within an inch from your own.
“More than anything,” you mumble softly.
Touya smiles at that, that smugness still on his face, but it's mixed with a soft look, showing his adoration for you. The ravenette grins at your words, you sound so cute when you get all steamy like this. It’s something he has been fantasizing about for a while, and it looks like you’ve finally come around.
Touya leans forward the rest of the way and presses his lips fully against yours, the force behind it a bit more this time, as his hand moves to your rear again, giving your buttocks a small squeeze. His other hand grips your neck tighter, keeping you in place as it moves to your hair. Touya leans into it, and this time, he doesn't let you break away. His lips start to move against yours once more.
“I love you,” you mumble breathlessly between hot and steamy kisses.
Touya freezes up for a time as you let out those words. His lips part from yours as he looks down at you. He blinks a bit and slowly takes in what you just said. It makes his heart skip a beat.
After a few seconds, he lets out a small chuckle though it sounds more like a breathless gasp. His grip around you tightens once more as his reply comes out in a raspy, but soft voice.
“I love you too… I love you so much…”
“Please take me,” you speak sweetly with a small pout.
The way you say those words makes your cheeks go red immediately. You can pretty much see the effect these words had on him. You finally confessed to him. You admitted your feelings and told him you want this as much as he does. Touya is speechless, he didn't expect this to end that way, but it definitely did in the best way possible.
He reaches up to your cheek with one hand, rubbing gently over it as he looks down at you with a flirtatious smirk. “Heh… Is that a request or a demand?” 
Touya smirks at your pout, his thumb rubbing on your cheek as he looks at you. You can tell from his tone, he’s enjoying himself. Your response makes him want to tease you even more now.
“I want you inside of me,” you mumble impatiently, your lips jutting out even more.
That’s what he wanted to hear…
He lets out a breath, this is the kind of dirty talk he’s always enjoyed. The way you describe your own needs is hot and definitely makes him desire you more. He lets out a quiet laugh before he responds, the way he spoke was not the same as it used to be before your confession.
“Is that so, now…” Touya’s grip on your rear tightens slightly as he rubs gently on your ass.
With a small smirk, he immediately pulls you towards him, causing your bodies to press tightly against one another as his lips finally make contact with yours. He begins to slowly move his tongue into your mouth. Your kiss slowly grows more intense as he moves his tongue around, exploring your mouth as he holds you close to him.
The sudden switch from your hesitant behavior to this… It’s pretty surprising. With a soft laugh, he pulls away again, his lips curling into a playful grin. 
“That's what you’re asking me for, huh?” He lets out another chuckle as he leans his head close to your shoulder, whispering softly directly into your ear.
You pout slightly, “Quit teasing me.”
“You want me to quit teasing you?” He leans back so that he can look at you again once more as he tilts his head up while speaking with a smug tone.
“Is this adorable brat asking me to stop?” Touya’s grip on you remains tight as he stares at you for a moment. The look on his face says just how much he enjoys playing with you.
“Stop being so mean,” you whine, looking at him with puppy eyes. “Pretty please with a cherry on top.”
“Awww…~” Touya lets out a quiet chuckle as you beg him with those puppy eyes and that whiny tone. Touya can’t resist that look. He finds it so damn adorable. You’re so easy for him to tease.
He keeps his grip on your body tight as he moves his face even closer to yours. You can feel his breath brushing against your neck as he leans against you and whispers his next words.
“That’s not how you beg, you brat…”
“Will you please fuck me?” You beg with wide glassy eyes, batting your lashes to appear cuter. “I need to feel you inside me—to feel that big fat cock rearrange my insides to the point nobody else could ever please me as much as you could.”
Those words coming out of your mouth, and that soft, desperate tone… It drives the ravenette crazy. A loud moan escapes him as he hears you say those words. His grip on your body tightens even more as he lets you go for a moment, to catch his breath. 
Your words are such a turn-on for him. The way you just spoke right now is one he’d only hear in porn, you speak with such filthy language. He swallows thickly as he takes in the effect of your dirty talk. It's so blunt and crude, but so damn hot. That playful begging and your soft, vulnerable tone, it’s quite the combination as he stares at you with a smug smile on his face.
Touya's smile grows wider, almost to the point of being teasingly malicious as he stares you right in the eyes. Your body is so soft, so vulnerable and that tone just makes him want to take you right here and now. His grip around your waist tightens once more as he speaks again, this time with a sinister grin. 
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, you naughty little slut…”
“Just be gentle,” you whisper breathlessly.
The way he was talking with you—in such a degrading manner at that—was making you feel extremely hot. Yet you couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as you realized that you’re actually about to lose your virginity to your childhood friend/crush.
Your mix of emotions is one that makes him want to take you even harder, to show you how much he wants you. To show you how much he’s desired this for years. 
The ravenette lets out an amused laugh as he hears you ask him to go slowly for you, to be gentle. Oh, that’s rich… But he doesn’t voice his thoughts just yet as he leans up against you again, his eyes staring right into yours as he slowly speaks with a teasing tone.
“Who’s saying you deserve that?”
You pout, tilting your head slightly to the side to make yourself even cuter and more fragile. “Pretty please…?” 
There was a childish lilt in your voice as your lips jutted out even more. “Didn’t you say that you love me too?”
You're doing this on purpose… You have to, there’s no way you’re not. The playful pout and the way you tilt your head to the side, there is no way it’s not on purpose. The way you ask for him to go slow with such a soft tone and the sudden mention of his confession… You’re making him soften up on purpose. You want a nice, soft gesture from him? You’re trying to make that happen. 
Touya sighs softly, knowing full well he’ll cave under the pressure. His lips curl into a teasing smile as his gaze narrows at you. “Am I supposed to say yes to that just because I love you?”
He continues to look at you as he lets out a breath, not yet revealing what his answer will be. Does he intend to go easy or will he just pound you and tear you apart? That's for you to wait for. But you can tell by the grin on his face that you've already gotten through to him. Despite the knowledge, you still nodded affirmatively while flashing him a sickeningly sweet smile to get your way. 
“Very well, you naughty little brat... I’ll go slow for you, since you asked me so nicely…” His reply comes out in a soft tone, with a smirk. He relaxes his shoulders as he stares at you with a smug look, but the moment has finally gotten to him. The way you have to ask him to be gentle makes it feel like you trust him after all.
He runs his tongue on your cheeks once more as he finally leans up against you, taking his time doing this. His tongue slowly makes its way down your neck, causing you to shiver and squirm as he continues licking and kissing your skin. The effect this had on you is quite visible as you breathe heavier and moan quietly.
Touya lets out a soft laugh as he hears you whimper and moan. The way you squirm as his tongue and lips move down your skin...is so damn hot. He slowly reaches his hand on your thigh now, getting even closer to your soft, juicy center.
Touya’s hand moves up to your thigh as it rests close to your wetness. As his tongue and mouth continues to move down your skin, he presses lightly against your thigh for a bit before moving even closer, using his thumb to trace circles around your wetness. The tease makes your whole body move, your mouth opening silently as you start to moan quietly.
“So wet already?” He asks you with a quiet laugh and a teasing smirk.
“I’m just horny,” you complain in a whining tone. “And whose fault is that?”
“My fault? Is that so now?” Touya laughs out, finding this to be both amusing and a bit arousing at the same time. His hand continues to play with your wetness as he traces circles around your thigh and inner thighs, his thumb brushing against your clothed clit briefly before moving upwards again.
“Just one more thing…” Touya smirks as leans in closer, his breath still hot and damp on your neck. His lips once again brush against your ear as he whispers softly once more. 
“Keep your eyes closed when it happens…”
“Okay…” You breathe out, complying to his wishes.
Touya leans back once again, his hands loosening around your waist. He adjusts himself in his seat a little bit before beginning to move his hand back up your thighs, moving over your dress and slowly starting to unbutton it. 
Eventually, after slowly unbuttoning your dress, he reaches the bottom of it. His fingers wrap around the side of your hip as he shifts once again and pulls you closer to him. His other hand slowly makes its way up your thigh as he grabs onto your waist. 
He starts to slowly lift your dress up, pulling it over your thighs and leaving it all bunched up in his hands. His cerulean blue eyes flick down at the sight of you under the dress, slowly revealing it all to him. He finally lays his eyes upon what he’s been waiting for. Your pale, slender thighs and soft smooth skin… The small mound of your womanhood. His eyes practically glowing as they wander to the lace fabric of your panties and back up to your face once again. 
The ravenette’s hand moves over the lace of your panties, gently rubbing at them with his fingers as he watches your cute, flushed face. He’s seen this many times before now, but never has it been this tantalizing… 
“I want to see you,” you mumble softly with a tiny pout, but still keep your eyes closed as he had told you. “Please, let me see you.”
“Hmm… You want to see me, huh?” He chuckles softly as he hears your request. He keeps rubbing his hand over your underwear again, slowly rubbing through your silky skin as he whispers softly once more. 
“But for now, keep your eyes shut… I’ll let you see me soon enough…” You let out a whine, but comply nonetheless.
Touya chuckles softly, his eyes wandering down to your body as his hands continue to slowly rub at your underwear with his fingers. He wants you to focus solely on the feeling of his fingers slowly going through your lace underwear… The slow and steady movement of his fingers as it rubs against your skin. Slowly giving your sensitive parts the heat and attention they crave. 
“So sensitive…” Touya growls as his fingers continue to explore through the thin fabric of your panties. When he notices just how sensitive you are, he begins to apply a bit more pressure as he rubs his fingers over you. 
He keeps this up for a little longer, pressing his fingers against that one spot, the pressure gradually increasing as time goes on. Soon, he can feel the slightest trace of your juices beginning to flow as your breathing becomes a little heavy.
“Mm… Looks like someone’s definitely enjoying this.” Touya chuckles in amusement as his fingers continue to rub at your sensitive spot. He can’t help but bite his lip as he hears your breaths pick up. The sight of you getting wet and excited from his touch is more than enough to get his blood flowing. 
He moves his hands away with a small smirk, his tongue briefly flicking out to lick his lips as he watches you. You let out yet another whine at the loss of contact. Touya laughs once again as your whine grabs his attention. 
“So, you really want more, huh?” Touya's deep voice echoes inside the car as he finally breaks his silence as he leans back towards your neck, taking another glance at the sensitive spot he just made so damp. “I’ll give you more then… Just let me do something first…”
After taking a glance at your damp spot again, he finally decides on giving his fingers a break for now. He slides his hands back down your thighs as he looks back at you once again, noticing that your eyelids are twitching. 
“Tou-chan,” you breathe out in a whining tone. With a raspy laugh, he leans in next to your ear again. His breath is still hot and damp against your skin as the tip of his tongue flickers out once more. 
“Yes?” He murmurs as his cerulean gaze narrows towards you once more, a little grin on his lips as he leans close to you again. This time his voice is even lower and more husky than before. His tongue flickers out one last time to brush against your cheek as it trails down to your neck again, where he begins to nibble on it.
“Just take them off,” you squirm in his grasp, opening your eyes despite not being allowed to do so yet. “I feel so empty.”
“You shouldn’t have opened them… You know that, right?” Touya’s voice is deeper, a bit more sinister but you can still hear the teasing tone. He speaks calmly but firmly, despite you now going against his wishes. You might be in trouble. 
“So you want me to just rip them off and take you right now~?” Touya’s voice has become much more rough. The way he looks at you, you know that all he wants to do is to just break you, to tear you apart and break every single self-control you have to make you beg and whimper for him to stop.
But he knows that you’re too inexperienced for that yet. 
“Opening your eyes like that without me letting you… This is going to have consequences, you know, little brat…”
Touya adds with a teasing smirk, but he’s immediately heeding your words and moves to take your panties off. He slides them lower and lower before taking them away completely. His hands move to the side as he takes a look at you, your face becoming flustered when he takes a look at your beautiful body. Once they’re finally out of the way, your soft folds become visible to his eyes. 
“So...this is what you meant by empty, huh?” Touya’s deep voice echoes inside the car as he gets a look at your body once again. His breath is still hot and damp as his gaze flicks to your folds. “Pretty sensitive aren’t we...? Hm?”
Touya’s fingers move in closer slowly as he traces circles around your slickness once more, this time putting more pressure than before as he begins to rub and play with you.
You tug on his shirt impatiently as you demand, “Take it off.”
“A very impatient little brat you are, huh…” Touya chuckles softly, taking note of the way you tug at his shirt, his teasing and flirty mood changing a bit as his eyes narrow against you.
He doesn’t speak much as he reaches up and pulls it over his head. The moment his bare chest is visible your body seems to be heating up. The air is thick with heat and desire as he finally lets out a breath. 
Your fingers trace his toned chest as you shamelessly ogle him. “You’re so pretty,” you mumble out breathlessly.
Touya gives you a playful smack against the side of your neck as he glances down at you, his tone and expression changing a bit as your hands trace his toned chest. His eyes widening as you compliment him, cheeks becoming a bit red as he glances at you.
“Pretty, am I? You think I’m pretty?” It’s clear that you’ve hit his weak spot as he tries his best to hide his blush.
“Like a piece of poetry,” you breathe out softly.
“Shut it…” Touya’s reply comes out as a playful tone as he gives you another light smack this time across your cheek, but the moment you compliment him his attitude changes a bit.
Touya lets out a breath as he glances elsewhere, not knowing what to say in response to that. You can tell that you caught him off guard with your words of appreciation. He wasn’t used to being complimented like that by anyone, certainly not by the person he had been crushing on since childhood. His cheeks remain a bit red for a reason. 
You position yourself over his bare shaft, gripping his shoulders tightly. “I’m on birth control so…” You trail off, waiting for him to help you.
“So that means…” Touya’s voice trails into a soft and teasing moan as he hears you say those last words. His voice becomes lower and even more husky as he grabs on to your hips, his cerulean eyes once again glance up at your body. His hand moves to your hip as he stares up at you, pupils dilated as he watches you move over his shaft.
“So you want this to be raw…?” Touya’s voice becomes somewhat teasing once again as he looks at you, giving you a playful smirk as he looks between your legs.
He doesn't speak another word as he leans in and bites your shoulder gently before letting out a breath. His hips grind against yours briefly as he gets more riled up with each passing minute.
You swallow thickly, getting equally nervous and excited. “So, am I just supposed to slide down or…?” You ask hesitantly, unsure on how to continue.
“It’s pretty self explanatory, don’t you think?” His voice grows deeper and more hoarse. The ravenette’s hands move to your thighs as he grips onto them, his eyes glancing straight ahead as he moves back against the vehicle’s fabric seats. His mouth moves up to your neck again as he plays with your body even more. His legs shift slightly as he moves himself into a better position. 
That’s your cue to move up to him once more. He’s done pretty much everything to set the scene for you. His hands slowly grip your body as he shifts your hips so it’s easier to enter. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you tenderly on the mouth. 
“Now you know…” Touya smirks against your mouth as he pushes himself against you, causing his tip to graze your folds. His breath is hot and wet as he moves his hips against you again. He moves further back against the car seat before pressing himself against you again, his body making contact with your slickness but not fully inside of you yet.
The sensation of his tip touching your folds makes your body tense. You take a shuddering breath as you let him guide you, the grip on Touya’s shoulders tightening significantly from the intrusion. Biting your bottom lip softly as you did your best to relax your body in order to make the experience less painful and more pleasant.
"S’tight, doll." Touya lets out a rough moan as you tense up, cursing under his breath and keeping his hips still to help you cope with the pain. It takes him a bit longer to notice that you're gripping his shoulders, but as he does he just chuckles gently as he kisses your neck once again.
He begins to slowly move himself against you again, rubbing his tip against your folds as he begins to move deeper slowly.
“W-wait a bit,” you mumble shakely, making Touya stop his movements immediately as soon as you tell him to. The ravenette lets out a small grunt as you halt him for a bit, gritting his teeth as he holds himself still, his grip tight but steady around you. 
“Mm? What’s wrong, doll?” He whispers softly in your ear as he tries to assure you and keep you calm.
“S-sorry…” You flush in embarrassment, tensing your body and trying your best to relax as he tries to inch himself in deeper. Legs shaking and trembling a little as you keep them wide open.. “It’s just hard to relax.”
“Hm… So you’re tense, are you?” Touya chuckles as he speaks in a teasing and flirty tone, though he’s still being cautious and slow as he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way. He wants your first experience with him to be a pleasant one, but that seems to be somewhat difficult at this moment. 
He leans his head on top of yours and whispers softly to you once again. “Relax for me, doll… Just focus on breathing…” Touya’s whisper comes out in a soothing and tender tone. You take a deep breath before slowly sliding further down. 
“There we go… Good girl…” Touya’s voice changes into a soft and tender one once again as his hands let go of your thighs and grasp onto both of your hips, helping you ease your way down into him. His cerulean eyes are fixated on you the entire time as you feel him slide inside of you, inch by inch, slowly and gently.
“Mm… There we go…” Touya’s voice mutters out softly as you slowly take his whole length inside of you, his breath catching in his throat as he feels you fully wrapped around him. 
His body is still for a moment, but his breathing begins to quicken as he feels you adjust yourself to his movements. Another shiver travels down his spine as he feels the wetness inside of you, feeling the intensity as he pushes himself deeper. His fingers move down to grip your hips as he slowly starts to move his hips against yours.
Touya’s breathing becomes even faster as he lets your body adjust to his movements, slowly beginning to thrust deep, his hand now gripping your hips firmly as he moves in and out of you slowly and rhythmically. His other hand gently runs through your hair as he moans out softly. 
“Mm… You’re so tight…” He says with a deep and husky voice as he glances down at you.
Touya’s pace begins to speed up slowly as his breathing grows heavier with each passing minute. He leans down towards you, biting your skin as his hips begin to grind against yours, his thrusts becoming faster and faster. His cerulean gaze glares into yours once more as he watches your body and the way he makes you moan every time he thrust harder and deeper.
“Mm…” Touya’s voice is a bit more hoarse as he moves quickly now, his breathing heavy as you feel yourself filled and stretched out even further. His cerulean gaze meets yours again as his fingers grip yours tightly, his thrusts faster and faster now. 
“Such a tight little hole…” He mutters out breathlessly once again.
“Full,” you moan out. “F-feel so f-full…” You let out a gasp, “S-so big..!”
“Mm~ You really feel me, huh…?” Touya chuckles softly as his fingers grip yours tight. He begins to press his thumbs into your wrists as he thrusts deeper into you and pulls you closer to him. His movements are faster now his breath becomes short and shallow. Each of his thrusts becomes harder and harder as his cerulean eyes glaze over as he moves you closer to the edge. His lips curl up into a small smirk as he watches your reactions closely.
You let out a startled gasp at the change in pace, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. “Th-there! Please keep hitting there,” you moan.
“Oh~ You like that spot, don’t you?” He smirks playfully as he hears you tell him to hit that spot. His thrusts grow rougher, more intense, as he hits your G-spot exactly where you need it. He grips your body even tighter as you feel yourself about to reach your climax. A light sweat begins to coat his body as his cerulean eyes grow glazed, all the while you the tip of his shaft touch that one spot inside of you that makes you moan out.
You nodded shakily, unable to pronounce any words as you kept moaning softly into his neck. He could tell just how good you were feeling as your body was literally reacting to his motions. 
“Mm~ You like that, huh…” His voice grumbles as he moves even quicker inside of you, his thrusts growing even faster as he hits all those sensitive spots.
“Such a good girl… All mine…” He whispers softly before biting your neck once again, leaving a small mark.
Touya lets a breath escape from his mouth, his body shaking a bit as he gets even closer to climax. He grips into your hips tighter than ever before as his body grows tense with each passing moment.
“Y-yes! ‘m all yours!” You moan, gripping his shoulders so tightly as if your life depended on it as you tried to meet his thrusts. “P-please don’t stop! You make me feel so good!”
“Oh~ Such a needy girl…” 
Touya’s lips curve up into a smug smirk as he feels you start to move against him, your body moving in the same rhythm as his own, making it much easier for the two of you to climax. He begins to move his hips even quicker, his breath beginning to quicken as he approaches the precipice. With each passing thrust he felt a bit of himself build up inside of you. He lets out a deep grumbling that tells you exactly how close he is.
“S-so good!” You moan out breathlessly, biting your bottom lip softly as you try to keep up with his pace. You pull away from his neck, breathing heavily as you face him. “K-kiss me, please.”
His lips curve up into a playful grin. “Oh… Are you begging me, doll…?~”
You find that his grip has loosened up just a bit as he holds onto you more loosely now. His free arm moves up to stroke your face as he leans back slightly. Touya then stares into your eyes once more as his cerulean gaze meets yours. His lips curl up into a mischievous smirk once more.
He lets out a breath as he locks his lips on yours, tasting you as his other hand strokes your cheek gently. His caresses move down to your neck once again, rubbing the spot he marked before softly as you continue to make out. The ravenette moves his hips against yours as he’s continuously hitting your G-spot. He bites your lower lip once more as his tongue gently explores your mouth.
The ravenette then lets out a breath as he parts his lips from yours, his breath quickening as he stares at you once again. “God… You’re such a needy little slut… Your tightness is sending me over the edge…” He grips your hips as he thrusts deeper and hits your spot once more, his body twitching as he approaches climax. 
“So c-close-“ you sobbed, tears trailing down your flushed cheeks from the overstimulation, clawing at his back uncontrollably. “N-need to cum…!” 
“A needy girl like you, so quick and so desperate…” His voice is a soft whisper as he begins to thrust even harder now. His cerulean eyes glaze over as he smirks and bites your bottom lip as you clawed at his back. His body twitches and quivers slightly as he feels you getting into a frenzy.
His hand strokes your cheek slowly as he feels your body tense up even more. He lets out a rough groan as your nails start to dig deeper into his shoulders as you claw at his skin. “C’mon, sweetheart…c’mon… Just a bit more…”
A soft shudder runs down his spine as his hips thrust into you deeply. He feels you tightening around his shaft, indicating that you are approaching your climax. “Fuck, almost there… Just a little bit more…”
“Feeling it?” He whispers softly, his arms wrap around your body tightly as he grips the back of your neck and pulls you back into another kiss. All you can do is moan into his mouth as he keeps hitting that one spot. 
He breaks the kiss again after a little bit, breathing heavily as he looks at you once again. He sees your body react to his movements and how your body trembles and quivers with each moment. His grip tightens around you as he whispers softly, 
“Ready?” He rasps out as he keeps hitting the spot consistently, not bothering to change up his routine or increase the pace even. He waits for your answer, still not moving his hips faster despite how much you’re clearly enjoying it. 
“F-for what…?” You ask confusedly.
He can’t help but grin slightly as he sees how confused you are. How clueless and lost into the moment of pleasure you are. His eyes shift to your mouth briefly as he asks you softly: 
“To finish…” He says it just vague enough that it can be taken as anything but he keeps slowly moving and hitting that exact spot as he waits for you to understand what he means. Your mouth forms into an ‘oh’ shape in realization as you let out a moan. He lets out an amused laugh as you moan and realize what he meant.
”Yes!” You moan out. “So close, Tou-chan! Please don’t stop!”
His body tenses even more and he groans as he feels your grip tighten around his shoulders. He kisses your neck even more as he moves with both of your movements, slowly taking you back and forth between his own pace and your own rhythm. He whispers softly as his body continues to grow hotter with your sounds.
“You feel so fucking good…” His voice is still calm but he’s growing more and more breathless with each minute and moment you keep pressing against him and moving against him. He can feel himself getting close.
Touya lets out a raspy groan as he continues to kiss your neck and keeps up with your movements. He picks up the pace even faster as it feels like you’re reaching your peak. His grip becomes tighter as he continues to drive himself into you. 
“A-almost—fuck… Keep it up…”
He closes his eyes for a few seconds, taking deep breaths as he tries to gain control over just how much his body is reacting. After a bit, he opens his eyes again and presses his body into you. His breath has gone back to being steadier and slower, but he still holds you firmly and keeps moving slowly, but firmly. He kisses your neck again as he whispers softly to you. 
“How you feelin’…?”
“Like I’m about to burst…” You gasp out.
He moans roughly as he watches you writhe and squirm under his grip. He sighs softly as he speeds up slightly, your response and movements make him want to speed up even more, but he ignores the urge of letting himself go all out.
“Don’t let go just yet…” He rasps out, his voice already beginning to become breathy as he moves more and more into you, his grip keeping you firmly in his hold as his movements become faster. “Hold it in for a bit longer.”
He can feel you tensing and quivering under his grip as he feels your body starting to twitch more and more. His grip around your waist is still firm and his body heat grows with each moment as he speeds up again. He keeps his pace for just a little bit longer before he grips your waist tighter with his one arm while he lets go of your back with his free hand. He leans forwards and meets your mouth once again, taking control of the kiss with his tongue.
His body relaxes a little bit while he’s kissing you as his body heat grows hotter and hotter. His grip is tight around you as he keeps pushing and pushing you even more. He can feel your body starting to tense and quiver even more as you grip his back and waist tightly. He can see how much you’re struggling to hold it in, and just when it looks like you’re reaching your peak, he pulls back slightly and whispers into your ear, his breath coming out quick and sharp.
Touya’s voice sounds breathless and breathy when he whispers to you, he feels the tip of his tongue slowly rubbing your ear as it teases you, his grip on your waist and back becoming even tighter as he keeps pushing into you more.
“Almost…” Touya breathes out sharply, pulling his waist away from you slightly. The ravenette breaks the kiss and licks your ear one more time before pulling back even further. His cerulean blue eyes watch you squirm even more as your body tests your limits. He sees your twitching, quivering and tense body as he grips the front of your thighs and squeezes them as he whispers softly to you. 
You moan out loudly as you finally reach your peak. Your body explodes in pleasure as pleasure spreads throughout it, flooding your senses as you twitch strongly and your body quivers more. Your tight grip on his body finally lets go as you squirm underneath his grip. 
“T-Tou-chan!” It’s more of a cry then it is a moan of pleasure. He pushes deeper into you, finally reaching his climax as he grunts softly. 
“Goddamn…” He lets out a final groan as he relaxes once he finally reaches his own peak. He leans in and kisses you one more time before pulling out, breathing heavily.
The ravenette leans back as he lets a breath escape from his mouth. His cerulean gaze meets yours once more as he glances down at you with a small smirk on his face.
“Did you enjoy that, doll…? Was I too rough with you?” He whispers softly, his hand rubs your thigh gently.
“A bit…” You pant softly, cheeks flushed as you snuggled against him. “But I…liked it.”
“Hm… You liked it…?” He lets out a low, husky chuckle as he leans his body back against the car door, his body tired yet satisfied now. “I guess you like it rough, don’t you…? You little naughty girl…”
You let out a soft, tired giggle at his implication. “Can’t believe I lost my virginity in a car that’s parked near a party with my childhood best friend turned boyfriend.”
“Is it weird to say that I find that a bit hot…?” He whispers softly back to you as he glances at you once more with a sly smirk on his face. 
You let out an amused snort, “You’re such a horndog.”
“And you aren’t…?~” Touya smirked playfully as he teased you again, causing you to bite your bottom lip as you found yourself unable to find a retort. 
“You’re not wrong.” 
The ravenette chuckles softly once more as he glances at you again, his cerulean eyes glancing at you with a more teasing and flirtatious look to them. His hand moves back to stroke across your cheek as he leans back against the car door himself. 
“I’m going to take it that you really enjoyed it…” He says as he teases you some more as he chuckles once more. “You feel tired…?” 
“A bit.” You mumble softly, nuzzling your face against his chest comfortably. “But I don’t wanna sleep naked in your car.”
“Hm…” The ravenette ponders your request for a moment as he looks at you, deciding if he should grant it to you or not. “We can skip the party and…”
He lets a breath escape from his mouth before he gives you a playful smirk. “Just go back to my place. Sounds good?”
“Sounds nice,” you mumbled contentedly. “But next time there’s a party, we have sex only afterwards.”
“Good to know, doll…” Touya smirks in amusement. He then pulls his pants back up and fixes his other clothes before he looks back at you. “Need any help fixing up yours…?”
“Yup,” you nodded, stretching out your hands before grabbing your panties, pulling them on slowly before putting on your bra. 
“Can you help me with the dress?” You ask, tilting your head slightly.
Touya’s lips curved up into a small, playful grin as he watched you put on your own panties and your bra first. “Sure,” he says with a nonchalant shrug. 
He wraps his arms around you from behind as he helps you put your dress on again, helping you with the straps on the back of your dress before helping you zip your dress up again. His lips tilt into an amused smirk as he chuckles a bit. “It looks good on your body, I have to say…”
“I just remembered that you didn’t compliment me when you saw me in it,” you huffed as you heard his comment.
He lets out a deep chuckle as he finally helps with you putting your dress back on completely. After that he pulls his arm back and sighs softly. A teasing smirk still stays plastered on his lips. “I was probably too focused on how much I wanted to take it off of you…”
“But, now that you mention it… It does look good. It compliments you very well,” Touya says with a bit of an aloof tone. His smirk widens even more as he adds to it with, “It really does hug your body… Quite the good sight~”
You let out an amused snort, “Have I ever mentioned that you’re an asshole?” 
Touya lets out a snicker before whispering softly in your ear as he leans forward and nuzzles your neck once more. “And yet here you are, falling for me…” You pout with your usual bratty attitude as he says this with a smug smirk, looking soft and playful as he teases you. He chuckles and nods his head as he turns on the engine.
“Now, let’s get out of here so I can finally fuck you in every position that I’ve imagined, but couldn’t, since we were friends.” 
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atarathegreat · 3 months
Hello! May request a Draken sibling!Reader x Mikey. Any scenario and/or headcanons will do! Thx♡
No one knew what the hell was wrong with the commander. For weeks on end Mikey had been acting weird, not acting as childish or as ruthless. Even in fights, he was more inclined to let people at least have the ability to walk away, which was a little concerning to Draken. All the founders and captains were used to Mikey absolutely destroying his opponent, and he just suddenly...stopped.
Draken leaned back on his bed, watching his friend. "The hell is up with you recently, man?" Kenny couldn't take it. Especially when Mikey was over to hang out, he wasn't acting like himself. "What do you mean, Ken-chin?" Mikey looked up from the comic book in his hand. "Dude, you've been acting strange as hell." Draken threw a pillow at him. Mikey was the only one who hadn't noticed this change. He thought he was the same as always.
"Kenny!" Mikey straightened up at the cute voice, "I brought you and Mikey some drinks." Draken's little sister came in and set down a couple of drinks. She was only a few months older than Emma, and Mikey figured that if Kenny had a crush on Emma, then he could have a crush on Y/n. Dark eyes watched as she plopped down next to her brother, "And the ladies said that, when you have time, they need help moving a couple boxes."
"I'll get to it when I get to it. Damn." Draken rolled his eyes, "Don't they know I'm busy?"
Y/n giggled, and Mikey felt like his heart was going to implode. She was adorable. Unlike Emma, she had no desire to grow up fast, be more mature, or even dress like she had something to show. Mikey loved his sister, of course, but this girl... she was everything he wanted, and he couldn't help but compare and contrast the two the same way he did to himself and Kenny. Draken was mature and careful where Mikey was childish and impulsive. Was Y/n the same as him? He really hoped so.
"What about you, Mikey? Can you help?" Y/n turned to the shorter blonde.
Draken tugged on her ponytail, "Hey, don't start asking my friends to do your chores!"
"I'm asking for help, you overgrown lima bean!"
"Watch your mouth, you underdeveloped mouse!"
It was always weird when the two argued, hurling meaningless insults at each other that Draken would apologize for later.
For a second, Mikey wondered if she'd even be into a short guy. He was just around below average, but she grew up staring at the ceiling to talk to her brother. What if she couldn't stand looking eye level at him? Or what if she wanted someone with a deeper voice? Mikey wasn't exactly...gruff.
"Stop being a brat!" Y/n was pinning Draken down and jerking on his shirt, "I'm only asking for help, not for him to do everything for me!" Kenny could've easily thrown her off, but she was his baby sister. So, he yelled to Mikey for help. "Mikey, grab this deranged dust bunny!"
Mikey was careful to grab around her waist, no higher and no lower, to pull her away from her brother. He liked carrying Y/n, but he didn't want to hold on for too long and risk Draken seeing that he had a crush. "We should bring her along to our next fight and set her loose on the guys!" Mikey laughed, though he wouldn't actually let her anywhere near a fight. "I'll help you with whatever it is." Mikey smiled, ignoring the way Draken groaned and told him not to bother.
Despite her brothers' warnings to not help, Mikey followed her through the brothel and to her own little room. "I just need help moving these boxes to the room across from Kenny's." She crouched down and picked up a box, a box that Mikey quickly grabbed from her. "Alright." He grabbed another box underneath it, "Lead the way."
Maybe he would just confess to Y/n when Kenny confessed to Emma...
yes, the parallel is on purpose :)
Part 2
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 3 months
I HAVE A PENNY *gives you a copper penny*:) BUTTTTT ! Do you think you could do Female Fluff with Striker? If not it’s alright!
AHWFR *attempts to grab at the penny like a gremlin* i will write the sexy cowboy... as long as i get the penny in the end (TYY FOR THE ASK TOO TEEHEE) reader is meant to be an imp and they will be married bc...i say so thx
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Even cowboys gotta rest | Striker x Fem! Reader
Relationship: Romantic Warnings: NONE!!! kinda short
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You awoke to the lack of heat next to you. Sitting up, you rub your eyes and sit up, your blanket pooling around your torso as your husband's shirt drapes over you. You stretch and notice the lack of another presence in your bed. You look to his side of the bed, and confirm that he was not there. Sighing, you throw yourself back into your bed. 
‘It seems he has already left for work.’ You think as you move to get comfortable. However, before you can get too cozy, you smell meat cooking. Slightly startled by the smell, you leap out of bed and go to investigate the smell. Bare hooves caused soft clicks on the floor as you neared the kitchen. At the doorway, there stood your husband, Stiker, in all his glory. His ivory hair was a mess, be it bedhead or your constant moving in the night you didn’t know. He was shirtless, wearing something more akin to pajama pants and without his boots. He doesn’t seem to notice you, far too focused on cooking. You just stood there, looking at your husband's back like an idiot. 
You didn’t even notice him finish up the food, plating it onto two separate plates. You do notice him turning around and looking at you. He wipes his hands on the towel that was on the counter, cleaning them of all the grease and dirt on it. His signature smirk makes its way to his face as he greets you.
“Mornin’ baby doll. Yuh hungry?” You dumbly nod at his question, to which he just softly chuckles. He grabs both of the plates and moves to set them down on the table, you following behind him. Taking a seat, he continues to work, pouring you a glass of what you normally prefer in the morning and fixing himself a glass of coffee. You watch as he works, unsure why you are stunned by your husband being home. After finishing, he drags his seat closer to yours and begins to eat. 
Instead of eating, you continue to look at him like he is a stranger. Striker seems to notice your gaze, and without even looking up, he snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Yuh need something, sugar?” 
“You’re home.” You say after a while. He doesn’t stop eating, he doesn’t even turn to look at you, but his smirk does grow bigger ever so slightly.
“Yeah, I’m home.”
You don’t say anything more, throwing your arms over his shoulders, hugging him a bit awkwardly since he is right next to you. However, he doesn’t seem to mind, instead chuckling and throwing an arm around your waist. You begin to pepper his cheek with kisses, elated to have him home. He chuckles some more, no longer eating, instead of relishing in your kisses. While you were kissing him, he pulled you into his lap. Now on his lap, both of y’alls tail wrap around one another. Once you were done peppering him with kisses, you cupped his face and just looked at him. 
“I wasn’t expecting you home today.”  You say as you stroke his cheek. He leans into your touch and kisses the palm of your hand, placing a hand over yours. 
“Even I can only last so long without your touch.” He purrs, causing you to blush and smile softly. He leans forward and kisses you on your lips, as you return the kiss. After the kiss, you attempt to get off his lap, only to be held back by Stiker’s arm. “Where do you think you're going? You are staying right on me.”
You smile and begin to dig in, already excited for your lazy day with your husband.
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AHFDF hope u enjoyed thiss, sorry this is so short bawling i don't really have a firm grasp on his character, so I hope I did him justice :DDD
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Hi there! And yes I'm the one who asking the poly relationship. Can you do a smut Ghost x male reader x Soap? (the three already dating but kept it a secret from the team)
Where the reader can not sleep and decided he'll stand up all night. When he walks out to get something to drinks, the male meet Soap there. Asking why he hasn't slept yet. The read explain and telling that he decided to still up till moring.
That when Soap telling that to come with him to his room (share Ghost) so that he can make to the reader tired (the reader still don't know what he about to do so he followed) and that where it started:)
Some teasing would be nice. Can you make the smut it longer? Because there aren't many smut about male reader. Sorry if my grammar is bad, english isn't my first language. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Have a nice day!
Hiii thx for requesting! I didn't add the teasing cus i forgot- sorry btw but i hope you still like this. And have a nice day also<33
Waring: SMUT of course, Soft Soap, Ghost is abit harsh, dom Ghost and switch Soap.
You woke up as you rubbed your eyes to make your vision clear up, you noticed the time was 1 in the morning making him sigh and fall back to bed and vlosed your eyes waiting for sleep to get him, but sadly you doesn't feel sleepy anymore.. and this made you let out a long groan.
You even tried changing poses and cleared out the bed abit but of course.. none of them worked, you got up deciding to take a sip of water, you strolled around the base having a hard time finding the counter from how dark it was, you didn't wanna turn the lights on because you didn't want to disturd your team as they slept through the night.
You could've just brought your phone to flash the place or even a flashlight but your half asleep mind made you forget about that.
As you walked around the dark room you hit something making it let out an 'oof' sound, you looked at where the sound came from "wha?-" you said in confusion "Y/n? What're you doing up in this hour, you soon recognizd the voice as it belongs to Soap which made you sigh "nothing.. just cant sleep and wanna get some water" Soap nodded.
"how about me and Ghost help you with that hm?" Even if its dark you can tell he was smiling and without a cboice you agreed and followed to Ghost's room where you both sometimes shared with.
Soon as that you are now both at his room with Ghost sitting on the side of the bed his gaze turns to eye you both and sigh "Y/n? Why aren't you asleep?" He asked with his gruff voice booming through the room you three were in.
Again you explain why and nodded "right.. how bout me and Soap help you with that?" Soap chuckled in the background"i already told him tgat Lt." This made Ghost let out a small 'Oh' and nod his head "alright i guess".
Then at that Soap pulled you to him and began to kiss you which made you let put a gasp and without hesitation he shoved his tongue in yiur mouth, exploring your wet cavern as he does so.
His hand snaked around your waist and cupped your ass and groped it tightly making you shudder and whimper out softly, he smirked in the kiss and pulled away to take a breath.
You noticed ghost's mask was pulled up to his nose and pulled you to a deep kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck in instincts as Soap glided his hands on your waist and nuzzled his face on your neck giving it kisses and gentle bites.
After that they pushed you to the bed with your back laying on the mattress "take his clothes of and stretch him out for me will you?" Ghost said behind Soap before slapping his ass, followed and slowly pulled both your pants and boxers making your dick spring out the covers. He went to the drawer beside and open to get some lube and smeared it over your ass, slowly he shoved 1 finger in and the the 2nd, slowly thrusting it in and out scissoring your insides making you mewl and arch your back at the feeling, soon a 3rd finger was shoved it and let out a long whine of pleasure when he hit a certain spot in you.
He pulled his finger out and gripped your thighs spreading them to line his cock near you rim and slide in, you gripped on the sheets tightly feeling his cock filling you up "fuck you tight.." Soap hissed out feeling your walls gripping his cock nicely and he let out a soft moan near your ear making your back shiver from his warm breath near your ear.
You whined around his cock filling you up as he thrusted in a slow steady pace, soon you became desperate and gripped his shoulders as you wrapped you legs around his waist "Please go faster" you whimpered and Soap didn't hesitated to pull his cock out leaving the tip and slammed so hard into you making your back arch in pleasure and let out a long pleasurable moan but got caught off by soap kissing you "shh.. better not wake the others" he said making you nod "Fuck your doing so so good baby" he breath out and whimpered out.
You both kissed deeply and passionately as he thrusted roughly inside, the bed shook everytime he thrusted in it was so rough yet pleasurable for both of you "Your so tight for me hun.. doing so good, fuck-" he praised against you, you almost cried when he hit your prostate hard "Seems your having fun there Jhonny.." Ghost heavy voice filled both your ear and couldn't help but whimper against Soaps ear "Remember.. im next so dont waste you time" Ghost grabbed Soap's hair and pulled it back and he whined breathlessly and nodded "y-yes sir".
Soap thrusted in faster trying to reach his end, you tried not to moan out loudly waking the others up by biting Soap's neck "F-fuck- ooh~ Jhonny.." you muffled near his neck "dont eorry im close" He let out gasping when he felt you tighten.
Soon he slammed down and came making you came on both your chest staining it with your white sticky cum, you both panted heavily and You noticed at the background Ghost has his pants open and his cock out jacking himself off while watching you both.
"My turn now Soap" Ghost commanded, and Soap nodded and took his cock out and watch his cock leak out and your hole twitch, you gasped softly feeling his cum in you, then Ghost grabbed your waist and turned you around with your chest pressed against the bed pressing down roughly making Soap's cum drip out and whined from it.
Ghost quickly scooped Soap's cum with his cock and slammed in all the way in, you whined and mewl against the sheets feeling tears dribble down your eyes staining the sheets with dark spots.
"Still tight even Soap fucked you with his cock? What a fucking Slut" he said licking his lips and began to thrust in, you gripped tightly on the sheets and arched your back everytime he thrust in. You would cry when he hits your prostate.
His thrust was more rougher than Soap, it almost made you cum tight on that spot and your head dizzy.
"fucking- ahh~ you l-little w-whore.. so tight" a sudden slap hit your ass making it sting and red.
You felt a snap in your stomach and suddenly cum came oozing out of your weeping cock, you cried out against the sheets with a loud moan of pleasure and arched your back making him go even deeper inside you, he moaned out a groan when he felt you tighten up so tight making him shot out cum.
Ghost pulled out as his and Soap's cum ooze out of your twitching hole. You felt your body going limp, you eyes slowly closed falling asleep on the bed.
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hobiebrownismygod · 2 months
Hallo!! Can you make a Miles(could be any Miles tbh) x gn!reader in library fic? I js think it'll be adorable pls jhsjjshh
aww I love the library setting 😭😭 it’s so cute I decided to write a short one for both the Miles’. I hope you enjoy this anon!! Thx for requesting <3
1610 Miles
You jumped back slightly as Miles peeked at you from the other side of the bookcase, a wide grin on his face. He was not what you were expecting to see when you pulled out the latest Percy Jackson book.
"Miles! Don't do that!" You chided, shaking your head as he jogged around the aisle, approaching you. "What? Did I scare you?" he teased, a book of his own underneath his arm.
"What book did you get?" you asked, eyeing him as he pulled it out, glancing down at the cover. "Alright don’t judge me…” he started cautiously, hiding it behind his back.
You raised a brow at that, taking a step towards him and glancing at his hidden arm. “What is it?”
He blushed slightly, slowly moving it towards you. “The Cruel Prince. I just heard about it and I dunno, I thought it’d be a good read.”
You grinned, pulling him towards you by the arm and taking the book from his hand. “What’s there to be embarrassed of? It is a good read” you teased, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I love this book.”
“Wanna read it with me?” He suggested, catching you off guard. “With you?”
“Yeah. I’ll get you your own copy, come on.” He said, nudging you towards the shelf. You looked up to see the book, a few shelves above you.
Before you could even attempt to get the book on your own, you saw his arm reaching up, grabbing it and promptly wrapping around your waist to pull you around.
“Miles?” You let a soft exhale as he pushed your back against the shelf, a stupid grin on his face as he kissed your forehead gently, lips lingering there for a moment. “Sorry.” He mumbled. “You look pretty today. Well you look pretty every day, just today…especially”
You smiled as he stumbled over his words, arms coming up to wrap around his neck. “I love you, you know that?”
His eyes widened momentarily, expression stuck in a grin stretched from ear-to-ear. “I know. I love you too.”
42 Miles
"Hey, you"
You felt an arm hook around your waist from the back, a chin resting atop your head. "What book are you looking for?"
"Jesus, Miles, you scared me" you said with a laugh, tilting your head back onto his chest so you could see his face. He gave you a slight smile before looking back at the shelf. "You didn't answer my question."
"I don't know...just something interesting. I've been pretty bored at home recently." You whispered, fingering through the different books, eyes lingering for a moment on each and every cover.
He pulled a random one out, glancing at the cover, a smile spreading across his face at the realization. "This one looks cool."
"Which is it?" you asked absentmindedly, not even sparing him a look.
He turned it towards you, grabbing your attention. "50 shades of grey."
You smacked his arm and he chuckled, giving you a stupid grin. "What? You not into those kind of books?"
"You're so stupid." you grumbled, taking it from his hand and shoving it back into the bookshelf. As you continued to walk down the aisle, hand out and running along the smooth wood, he followed behind you, looking somewhat like a lost puppy.
"What about a comic book? There's a new Batman out..." he looked over at the comic section longingly, eyes running over the colorful shelves, kids and teens alike crowded before them.
"You can go grab a comic book. Just come find me in the adventure section when you're done." you said, pulling out another book with a vibrant cover and opening it.
"Nah, I came here to spend time with you." he said, shaking his head. "So you have to come with me instead."
"Miles!" you groaned, letting him pull you behind him as he excitedly jogged over to the comics section. You watched him crouch down, pulling one out. "Ew. Superman."
"What's wrong with Superman?"
He shrugged, giving you a lopsided smile. "He's just boring, I dunno. I never liked him."
You pulled out another comic from behind you, flipping through the pages. "What about Flash?" His expression perked up. "Yeah, Flash is cool I guess." He said, taking it from you.
"Ahh, but you're a die-hard Batman fan, aren't you. It's practically treason to read a different comic" you said sarcastically, swiping it back from him.
"Hey, hey, no need to be dramatic. I can read about other superheroes too" he teased. "Batman's just my favorite." he gave you a wink.
"It suits you." you said with a grin, kissing him on the cheek as he began to flip through the comic, a wide smile on his face. "Was that supposed to be a pun?"
"No? How would that...oh. Shut up."
He laughed again, pulling you over as he sat down in the beanbag in the corner of the room, giving you some space to sit down next to him. He let you cuddle up to him, already opening up the book to read it.
"This is my favorite way to spend time with you, you know?" he said softly, pressing his lips against your forehead.
"Mine too." you whispered back, letting your head fall against his shoulder. "Mine too."
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fiapartridge · 3 months
intro (end of the world) ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ | jack hughes
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“how can i tell if im in the right relationship?”
☼ pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader
☼ summary: after seeing jack for the first time since your breakup, you’re left seeking advice from your nonna…
☼ fia’s note 💌: first part of the series! thx for joining us on this 13-part-series, i’m very excited for what’s to come <3 pls enjoy “intro (end of the world)” ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
eternal sunshine hq ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
next part: bye ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
*₊ ° . . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
For the past two months, you’ve felt your chest tighten and your throat well up whenever you went to bed. The other side of the mattress felt absent and empty, like the space was waiting idly for a person who would never return.
But today felt different. You saw him for the first time since your breakup. His arm was slung around Nico’s shoulder at the cafe downtown as they talked about their next game against the Pittsburgh Penguins. You didn’t feel like curling up into a ball and rolling out of there before he could see you. No, you felt like breaking into a full-on sob, letting the tears rack through your body and shake you up until you were at his feet, begging him to take you back.
Yet you stood there and you watched Jack talk with Nico, and you clung to your chest, and you stretched the suffocating collar of your scratchy sweater, and you watched him meet your eyes—and you watched him look away. It was like your two-year-relationship was never a thing, as if he had erased all memories of you from his mind. It was like you were no one to him.
Looking around, the cafe seemed smaller, as if the walls were closing in on you and you had to get out quickly before you were trapped.
You sprinted back to your apartment in record time, and upon opening the door, your back hit the wooden slab as you slid down to the ground, pulling out your phone from your pocket. Your hands were shaking, your chest was rising up and down without fail, and your vision was blurred with the amount of tears falling down your pale cheeks.
You waited two rings until your grandmother picked up. She was your safe haven for all things in life. She always knew exactly what wise words to say, and while she was thousands of miles away, you imagined her stroking your hair as you laid your head down on her lap, asking her how life was so easy for her. She would say that her life was everything but that and then go on a long speech about her younger days. That was all you needed now, and all you wanted in the future: to have her, to hear her advice and life lessons, and to pretend she’s still there stroking your hair, wiping your tears, and humming her perfect girl to sleep.
“Nonna?” your voice was shaky and tired, and she could sense it immediately. You could hear her tell your grandfather that she would be in the bedroom if he needed her.
“Sweets? Are you alright?” You missed her voice. It felt like you were calling her less and less nowadays. You hoped she would forgive you for that.
“I,” you stammered, clinging to the silver pendant around your neck. “I feel like every time something good happens to me, it all just…fades away and I hate feeling this way. I hate it, but I don’t know what to do,” you whispered. It all just felt impossible, like feeling happy held this small entity in the back of your mind, telling you that it could all be over in just a matter of seconds. You felt that in your relationship with Jack, you felt that when you saw him earlier, you’ve been feeling that way ever since you walked out of his life.
Being with him wasn’t a solution, but not being with him also wasn’t a solution to your problem. You were stuck and you were clueless as to what to do next.
“Oh, honey,” Nonna’s voice was soft and full of empathy. “Life has a way of tossing us into turbulent seas, but remember that storms eventually pass, and the sun always rises again. You’re feeling the weight of loss now, but that doesn’t mean happiness won’t find its way back to you.”
“But that’s what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of the happiness, of finding someone new and getting hurt again.” You paused, sniffling before asking, “How can I tell if I’m in the right relationship? I feel like…like you’re supposed to know that type of stuff but I’ve never felt that, or maybe I’ve felt that too much and it’s never been true. I just… I don’t know. I really don’t know.”
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satrs · 1 year
Hiiiii so this is like my first time asking on here and I REALLY REALLY like the stuff you write like it's definition of art at its finest 🤌(idk if that made sense) anywayyyy could I maybe get a lil beach episode scenario of blue lock characters x reader if possible or it could be one dude oh also I don't rlly care abt it being angst or fluff or whatever lol go crazy if you want
K that's all thx for taking the time to read this have a good day or night and random reminder from a random stranger to rest if needed
Have a good one girlllll🤜💥
HEYY I‘m really glad you like my stuff tysm<33!!
I decided too make it with 4 of the „main“ ones‼️ It's overall fluff! I hope that’s alright 🫶🏾
Alright so I tried I hope you enjoy!^^ Hope you have an amazing day/night/morning😘😘‼️
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ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʙᴀʙʏ!
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ; ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴅᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴜᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ɢᴜʏꜱ!
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ; 1.2k
ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ; Bachira Meguru. Kunigami Rensuke. Chigiri Hyoma. Nagi Seishiro.
ᴛᴀɢꜱ; fluff, swearing. established relationship. a littleeee bit suggestive. nicknames. a bit aquaphobia(?). (exhibitionism?).
ᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ! // ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏꜰʀᴇᴀᴅ!
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He is so goofy.
Playing around with the sunscreen while applying it on your back, dragging you into the cold water right after you got out to dry yourself and building big sand castles, as if he was a little child. 
But that was what you loved about him, his carefree and happy persona, shining brighter than the sun itself. 
"Baby~, I'm sorry! Come back, please!", Bachira called out to you. "No, you're not Meguru! I told you I don't like getting my head dunked into the water and you still did it!", you turned around, pissed off by his antics.
But as you saw his little pout, you couldn't possibly be mad at him anymore. Just to keep your pride, you turned back, making your way onto the soft sand of the beach to hide the smile that slowly made its way onto your lips. 
"I was just playing", he whined, quick to catch up with you. He placed both of his hands on your hips in an attempt to stop your movements, placing soft kisses onto the length of your neck.
You turned your head towards him, meeting with his bright orbs, causing you to giggle, hushing him away.
He smiled right back at you, hot on your trail as you ran away from him in a playful manner, the both of you giggling while grinning from ear to ear. 
It didn't take him long to catch you, lifting your body and spinning you around, earning a giggle from your soft lips. “Ha! Caught you~", he played, now holding you in bridal style, sprinting back into the water with you.
Before you could wiggle yourself out of his hold, you felt the cold water surrounding your body, causing you to yelp.
Bachira giggled at your action, holding you close to him with one hand on your hip while peppering kisses all over your face, infecting you with his goofy and lovestruck giggles.
Both of you are so goofily in love with each other.
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"Not so far from the shore, Ren!", you yelped, noticing how the beach seemed to dissapear further and further away into the distance.
"What if there is a shark or something!? This is dangerous!", you panicked, careful too completely be on the floating mat.
Kunigami chuckled at your panicking state, "Don't worry princess. Your hero is here to protect you from all the nasty sea monsters", he stated, causing you to cringe at his statement.
"Yeah, yeah. You wouldn't be able to stand a chance against a big ass shark!", you yelped when he quickly moved the mat, drawing you near him, "I'm hurt. You don't trust me pretty?", he played a soft pout onto his face.
"Not right now when you're almost dragging me into this deep ass water! Let go!", you fantically tried your best to stay on the mat.
"Alright."He let go of you, causing you to fall into the water head first. You quickly swam to the surface, clinging your arms onto the floating mat, desperately trying to get back on it. "You asshole! Get me back on there now!", you screamed, watching in terror as the orange-haired male laughed.
"But you told me too let go?", he inquired while holding onto the mat, mere inches behind you, only irritating you further.
"Kunigami Rensuke!", you threatened him, "Alright, alright. I got you, princess."
With one quick movement your leg swung over the mat, causing you to calm down. But you soon let out a loud yelp as Kunigami's hand came in comtact with your ass, feeling a light sting.
His face drew near yours, earning a flustered look in return.
"You're so hot when you're angry, pretty."
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"That's enough, Y/N", he joked. "No. I don't want you to catch sunburn. I know how you catch them so easily." Your voice was laced with worry, rubbing the sunscreen on the same spot on his back for the past five minutes. 
He let out a loud sigh, standing up and walking onto one of the sun benches where his belongings were placed.
"W-wait! I'm not done yet Hyoma!" he ignored you, tying his hair into a high bun, making his way into the water. "Hyo!", you called to him in frustration, throwing the sunscreen into the sand, following him quickly. 
He sighed as his skin made contact with the water, dipping his head into it quickly to feel refreshed, swiping some of the hair that fell into his face out of the way. 
You watched him, arms crossed while frowning. He noticed your intense stare, turning in the water to look at you, "and where is your sunscreen, little miss perfect?", he noted, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. You forgot.
He chuckled at your reaction, motioning you to join him, "C'mon, it doesn't matter anymore. Plus, the water is pleasantly warm right now."
You complied, tapping your way towards him, standing in the water, being covered by bits up to the bottom of your breasts.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, placing a quick kiss on his lips, "You're such a bad boy", you joked, a smirk playing itself onto his lips. 
"Am I now?", he teased, hand moving onto your rear, softly squeezing it. You wrapped one of your legs around him, motioning him near you, humming in response.
"Mommy look! they're all touchy-touchy with each other!", a young boy pointed his finger at the two of you, multiple heads turning in your direction, causing you to retreat away from him, face flushed red.
Chigiri chuckled at your action, following you out of the water. He noticed his shoulders slightly burning, also turning a bit red.
Shit, he should've let you put on that damn sunscreen.
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How did you get that boy to the beach? Well, you didn't really know yourself. 
He didn't want to, even after endless begging and pleading with him. But then a thought struck him like lightning:
You. At the beach. Bikini. 
This thought made his sleepy eyes shoot wide open, jump off the bed, quick to walk right behind your trail.
As the two of you arrived, his happy mood threatened to disappear as he noticed that your bikini was nowhere in sight. 
"Where is your bikini?", he bluntly asked, his voice laced with disappointment. You giggled at his words, taking the end of your sundress in hand, lightly lifting it up to flash him your undergarments.
His breath hitched, flashing you an expecting look, wondering when the fuck you would finally-
"You first, then me. I know you, Sei'." What a hassle. You're right. You knew if you would bare your swimwear before him now, he would pull you on top of him, feeling up your body and not letting you go until the sun disappeared behind the moon.
So, to be able to make your day at the beach, you had to get him into the water first. 
Nagi was quick to understand, stripping down into the swim boxers he wore underneath, taking the swimming noodle in hand, waiting for you like a puppy for its owner. 
Finally, you took off that annoying sundress of yours. He was quick to shamelessly gawk at your beautiful figure, only snapping out of his thoughts when you took his hand in yours, dragging him into the direction of the water.
"C'mon! Let's take a quick swim, then I'm all yours~", you purred, causing him to stumble in the sand from your quick steps.
What a hassle.
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ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ k-azus.°
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fan-goddess · 1 year
Hey you! Can I request Aemond falling for a Princess who is generally more dark, sarcastic, maybe she has war experience and is imterested in occult stuff? Thx of you do this !!Love u
Author Note: Thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy it as that I do it justice! After writing I don’t think I went less dark and more sarcastic and only cheerful with Aemond. Hope this is alright though still!
If anyone else has any requests please don’t hesitate to ask :)
Here is my masterlist where you’ll find other requests I’ve answered and my other content
Warnings: no nsfw, fluff, no real pronouns nor any real physical features are mentioned though it is implied the reader is a girl
When Aemond first heard from his grandsire that he was to marry you, he assumed he had heard incorrectly. You were well know in kingslanding for being… unique.
For one, you did not dress like any woman he’d ever seen before. You dressed like a boy. When your father brought you to court one day when the both of you were two and ten, his eye nearly fell from his head when he saw you hanging round with Helaena under the tree in the courtyard.
You wore a dark vest top and darker bottoms. It was only when he saw the more feminine features that graced your face till he realised you were in fact even possibly a lady. Maybe even a pretty one at that…
“What are you staring at princeling?” You shouted at him when you saw him. You had no regard for what may occur with your talk. You truly seemed to be fearless. “You never seen a girl or something?”
Even the way you spoke drew him in to you. You didn’t speak like the women at the court, who all giggled and talked only of needlepoint and their husbands latest triumph. It was all the same recycled rubbish according to Helaena. You instead talked of the wars your lands faced and the training your father allows you to wholeheartedly pursue. He’d seen the scars that graced your body. There were small ones that were mainly etched on your arms, though he’d also seen one that peaked from the back of the shirt you wore for when you joined him and ser Criston for training.
He missed you only a little when you left to go back to your kingdom. Something about them needing you for another war that was starting up. All he knew was that you and your father left in the middle of the night never to be really heard from again.
The next time though he even heard of you was when his betrothal was announced. His mother gave him a sympathetic look as his grandsire announced it at supper for his eight and tenth, Aegon simply raised a cup of some unknown alcohol and said, “Maybe you’ll now learn how it is to feel a woman before the princess cuts your cock off for a spell at least!”
His mother quickly dismissed Aegons jest, though even she couldn’t deny one of the rumours that surrounded you. How you dabbled and experimented with something dark and dangerous.
No one knew what it exactly was you did. The rumour only talked of some language being painted onto your skin before battle in charcoal. A mystery language none could understand excerpt for yourself.
When he saw you next though. That was what did it for him. You still dressed the same. Though this time it held much more armour themed clothing. That and it seemed to be tailored to fit you perfectly. Your now painfully obvious womanly figure showed him just how much you physically matured in the years you left. Though it seemed you didn’t mentally mature as he had hoped.
“Hello again princeling!” You said with a smirk as you sat next to him. He does not respond to you. Hoping maybe you’ll get bored of him and leave him be. “That’s awfully rude of you my dear princeling! And to think I thought this would be a love marriage!”
WHAT?!? His eye widens in your direction by pure instinct. His shock not as well hidden as he’d have hoped. Though as he looks at you in shock his gaze softens at the sight of your face.
It seems since your involvement of the war, which he has been told has been stopped and conquered, has given you more scars that litter your body. There is one more prominent that sticks out to him. It’s on your forehead and looks to be deep. By the looks of it it was cut by a sword. It’s ugly yes, but the smirk you give him makes it so he doesn’t immediately move his eyes to it.
He’s about to comment on it, when a Lannister he does not remember the name of comes over with a goblet of no doubt wine in hand. He can see the frown that takes over your face from the corner of his eye. “My princess! My how much you’ve grown! When I last saw you I swear you had the figure of a boy! At least now I can tell what it is you are!” The man grins, unashamedly looking at your figure.
Aemond nearly lunges at the man there and then. How dare he make such crued and inappropriate comments to his betrothed?!? He’s about to say something so he doesn’t in fact lunge at him, but it seems you beat him too it. “I don’t think my figure should be what worries you Lord Lannister. Maybe you should be more focusing on, what is it your third wife now whose died? People may start to believe your cursed… or possibly that you killed them yourself in your unquenchable desire for a son…?”
Aemond lets out a laugh before he can stop himself. It seems you also know of the rumours of your, dabbling. Though unlike most ladies who fear for the rumours that may spread, you embrace it. It seems Lord Lannister does not share his enjoyment of your wit, as he leaves near as soon as he arrived practically with his tail between his legs like a dog.
“I’m not a sorceress you know little Princeling.” You say as you turn to him. “We do not have the same religions you have here. I follow a certain path that involves symbols called runes that help protect me in battle. That’s what the whole rumour was about.”
“I do not care about the rumours that surround you Princess.” He says. It’s a damn lie. He’s been eager about any rumour about you since you’ve left the castle. “We are to be wed either way.”
“Liar” You smile. It’s so wicked how you smile. You’ve been in war. You’ve been down right mocked for how you’ve been brought up and yet you still give him a smile that makes his insides feel like he’s flying on Vhagar for the first time all over again.
After the announcement ball of your betrothal, he has been seeing you much more than he ever did as a child. You join him for his training sessions with Ser Criston, just as how you did as a child. Only this time you fight him directly and manage to knock him on his arse. A feat he finds himself strangely happy with.
You even bring out a hand for him to take in a goodwill gesture. He finds himself admiring the feel of your hands on his. They have callouses, he can feel. He can also feel a scar on you inner palm. Possibly from holding a sword by then blade. Though as soon as he realises he’s holding it for too long he drops it. He even realises that he likes fighting with you almost too much when you hold him down with all your weight like you’ve been taught to do.
He feels his heart is about to burst from his chest and he hates it. Yet even after that discovery, he still insists on himself enjoying your company.
He finds you to be annoyingly informative. You join him sometimes for his reading sessions in the library, and insist on telling him to gruesome ventures of you in the war.
While he was attempting to read about Visenya and Vhagar, all he could hear was you telling him the tale on how you had to saw of a man’s arm to stop an infection from spreading any further. It annoys himself even more when he goes out of his way to engage these tales from you, asking about the infection and what is was, abandoning the book to the side.
Aemond finds himself near abandoning the books altogether and instead discusses these usually disbanded topics of conversation in full detail with you. Maybe he likes how passionate you get when you insist on telling him your your gory stories from war, your hands making small gestures when you get to a personal favourite parts and sometimes even putting on ridiculous voices for the men in the stories. He hates how he always ends up unconsciously smiling by the end of them and you always smile back at him.
He also hates how well the meeting of you and Vhagar went. All you could do since he once, and only once, mentioned about the possibility of you meeting Vhagar. Ever since then you’ve been non stop threatening him to take you to Vhagar and meet the queen of the dragons. You threatened to take out his eye, you threatened to poison his wine, you even threatened to set fire to the library leaving nothing but dreary poetry you knew he hated.
Oh how he despised you. Oh how he cared for you. Oh how he hated how he smiled so widely when he gave in after the threat of his books. You caressed Vhagar like you would a cat, and he nearly burst a blood vessel when Vhagar began to purr. What in the seven were you doing to his dragon?!? All you were doing was caressing Vhagar with your calloused yet somehow soft hands and whispering to her your favourite war stories… he was definitely not jealous!
Aemond learnt over the next few days he was in fact jealous.
All you could do was bother him to see Vhagar again. You didn’t ask to see him with the same intensity you asked to see Vhagar…
His denial knew no bounds as he denied why you seemed to make his heart race so much. Or why it seemed only you could make him smile so naturally.
Maybe it was only until he married you in the way of his ancestors, when he could whole heartedly say he loved you as he showed his full self to you. Sapphire eye and all.
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xkotaro16o · 2 years
On another note, after the spam, I HAVE A REQUEST, you didn’t expect it right? (¬‿¬ )
I wanted to ask if you could do some headcannons with Zoro and someone you want about how they would treat a s/o who is afraid of s€x because it’s her/their first time, how they would react and how they would feel
Thank you so much!!!
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—𝙾𝙿 𝙼𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙶𝙽!𝚂/𝙾 𝚠𝚑𝚘'𝚜 𝙰𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚎𝚡 𝙱𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎—
Summary: Headcanons where a few OP men with GN!S/O who’s afraid of having sex because it’s their first time. What are the men’s reactions and feels?
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x GN!S/O, Charlotte Katakuri x GN!SO, Vinsmoke Sanji x GN!S/O, Eustass Kid x GN!S/O.
CW: N/SFW, slight cursing, virginity lost, grammatical error, OOC.
A/N: IT’S OK EHEHEHE (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ My req was open so it’s ok ehe (๑ > ᴗ < ๑) OHO THIS IS VERY INTERESTING AMWSJABWGJAHEJGAHBWGJB ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡ Also, another anon sent the same req ehe- THX A LOT 4 THE REQ & I HOPE U LIKE THIS EHEHEHE ૮₍´。ᵔ ꈊ ᵔ。`₎ა
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—𝚁𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚊 𝚉𝚘𝚛𝚘—
Your first time with Zoro? Actually he’s nervous and shy as well, it’ll be his first time too. Knowing that you’re afraid because it’s your first time, he’ll understand you because there’ll be pain.
This man will do it slowly and try not to hurt you, treat you like a fragile human or thing. He knows you’re afraid especially his size is unbelievable, and so he reassures you.
He tells you if you want him to stop or if it’s too hurt, he can stop immediately. Even though he’s nervous too, it’s definitely his first time as well. Whisper you to make you calm.
Relax, S/O. It’s his first time as well! You can tell him to stop if you want to and he’ll reassure you as well. So everything will be just fine! He’s a softie for you, only for you.
“Hey, we can stop if you want to, babe...”
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—𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎 𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚒— 
Oh, honey, Katakuri is a gentleman. Another virgin man as well, it’s his first time too, don’t worry! He knows it’ll hurt, especially his size is... Incredible. You do know how big he is, right?
The Sweet Commander KNOWS how big he is and realizes that you’re... Afraid that it’ll fit or not. Rest assure! He’s a very soft and sweet lover, that means he’ll do it softly and slowly.
He keeps looking in your eyes, making sure that you’re fine and he doesn’t hurt you at all. Kiss your tears away and whisper sweet words to your ear.
S/O, this man is such a sweet and gentleman one. Your Sweet Commander will try his best to make your first time (and his) romantic and sweet. Also, he’ll try his best to reassure you!
“Sweetheart, does it hurt? Tell me if it does...”
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—𝚅𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒— 
Oh my, Mr. Prince is the same as Katakuri, BUT he’s much more vocal than the Sweet Commander, that means he reassures you and whispers more sweet words. He DOES KNOW how to reassure you.
This pervert cook can flirt with every kind of women, but hey, this’s his first time as well, dear. Well, he does know that’ll hurt for the first time for you, so he’ll make sure if you’re alright with this or no.
After every moves he makes, he’ll ask you if you’re fine or no. You can’t blame him if he asks you too much, he’s worried if he’ll hurt you. He touches you softly and gently, making sure you’re alright.
Mr. Prince is such a sweet gentleman, right? You’re very lucky to have him as your lover, S/O! You don’t need to worry and afraid of having your first time with him, because he knows the best what to do.
“Love... Hey, it’s alright... Look at me, honey... Does it feel good? Listen, it’ll be just fine...”
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—𝙴𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝙺𝚒𝚍—
Oh, this man... Is this even his first time? No, definitely not. Kid isn’t a virgin anymore. Damn, he smirks when you tell him it’ll be your first time and he’s the one who’ll be taking your virginity. Freaking amazing.
Listen, not only that he’s a rough person, his size is also a problem. It does make sense why you’re afraid to have your first time with him. He TRIES to be as gentle as he can. He DID become softer...
He also tries his best not to lose control. He is... A little bit or more clueless on how to reassure you (because it boosts his ego when you know how big he is). He’s just clueless to reassure you with words, and so he does it through his actions.
Tulip head tries his best not to hurt you as well, S/O. Are you going to be just fine afterwards? Because Kid restrains himself. It’s still hurt for you but hey, who would’ve thought that Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid becomes soft because of you?
“Shit- Babe, it’ll hurt a lil’ bit. Can you take it?”
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hii! hope it’s not too much trouble, but maybe reader x scout, reader x engie, and reader x sniper - (established relationships with the mercs and reader) the reader doesn’t seem to be very happy lately - something bad that happened earlier in the week must’ve reminded reader of their past. (i really like your posts btw, you’re genuinely a really good writer)
(ahhhhh thx sm! I tried to make it as vague as possible so I hope you like it. Thx for requesting! p.s. I'm workin thru the rest of rqs soon bc school is wrapping up, so rqs may be back open soon :3)  
Scout, Engie, and Sniper w/ a reader who was reminded of their past (ROMANTIC)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
He feels like something’s off, but doesn’t know what
He wants to try to talk to you about it, ask if you’re alright and everything but he’s never been one for initiating that kind of emotional talk
When he finds you crying in your room though, he feels his heart break that he didn’t help you before
He scoops you up in his arms. “H- hey, doll, why’re you cryin’? Was it something I said?”
(He can’t help but still be a little insecure, you’re the first person he’s dated after all and he wants to do everything right for you)
If you don’t want to talk about it he’ll hold you and go on about how much he loves you so you don’t have to deal with silence
“You’re so perfect, doll, it kills me to see you like this, y’know, watchin’ tears roll down that pretty face of yours. Wish ya never felt the need to cry baby, I love you so goddamn much-”
Yeah he’s crying too, he can’t help it
If you do tell him he’d listen intently
He’d try to make you laugh so you’d stop crying, humor is his coping mechanism and he kinda projects it on you, sorry if that’s not your thing :/
He’ll make sure to give you plenty more affection a while after, youre getting spoiled as hell
He’s not the best with emotions and all that jazz (he has the autism)
But when he finds you crying outside it hits him that something’s wrong
He sits next to you and places his hand on your shaking figure. 
“You okay darl?”
“Would you like a hug dear?”
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you tight to him, barely any space between the two of you.
He rubs circles into your back until your crying has settled down. “...you wanna talk about it now, love?”
If you don’t he’ll stay with you and idly trace shapes into your hand, letting you cry it out
If you do tell him he’ll nod empathetically “Oh, love,” he sighs, tilting your chin up to look at the night sky above you two
“Think ‘bout it this way. All those stars up there? The light we see from em’ now is from ages ago, but the actual bloody stars have completely different light.  And jus’ because we can see the light, don’t actually mean that it’s here anymore. Bugger, I’m shit at metaphors. Point is, that’s in the past, an’ even though you might think ‘bout it sometimes its still in the past. And I love ya.”
Notices something’s off immediately, he’s a smart guy after all
Once you two are alone he’ll place a hand on your shoulder and ask you “Are you alright?” in that sweet voice that just makes you burst out into tears
Pats your back and hugs you as you cry “Shh, it’s alright sugar, it’s alright. You wanna talk about it?”
If you don’t want to he’ll scoop you up in his arms (but I’m taller than- yes. He can pick you up too) and get you some warm food
“Y’know, my momma said that a good hot meal is the best after bawlin’ your eyes out. We don’t exactly got anything you’d call a meal right now, but I can fix you up some toast with cinnamon if you'd like, honeybee.”
If you do tell him he’ll reassure you that everything okay
“Honey, I know the past ain’t really ever somethin’ that leaves, but you gotta remember things are alright right now. Stuff from back then can’t getcha, sure it hurts sometimes but you gotta remember things are good right now. And I’m here for you.”
Gives you so many kisses
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
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Maybe some Rise!Donnie headcanons where his s/o has stretch marks on their thighs and is super insecure about them?? THX!! have a good day/night
Of course my dear!
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Alright, as someone who has had body image issues, especially with stretch marks,
Alot of this is going to be from experience.
Donnie always wondered why you worn jeans or leggings, no matter how hot is was outside.
He's ask you about it sometimes, but you'd always grow nervous and embarrassed.
It made him a little worried, so he sat you down, and asked if you were ok.
Eventually, you'll tell him about your stretch marks and your insecurity, and he'll ask why you would be insecure of such a thing as natural as stretch marks.
And you explain why.
It's because all the magazines say that beautiful people don't have stretch marks.
He'll scoff at such a ridiculous sentence.
You are the most beautiful person he's ever layed eyes on darling, and no swim suit model on some stupid magazine could change his mind.
The prospect of beauty was in the eye of the beholder anyway.
And he personally believes that anyone who can't see you're one of the most amazing people in the world because of something as minimal as stretch marks is a blind fool.
He helps you get over your insecurity to the best of his ability,
Complimenting you often,
Laying his head in your lap,
All that jazz.
If your insecurity is bad enough, that you'll have days where you don't even wanna look at yourself in the mirror,
Donnie is more than happy to comfort you.
Body image issues are no joke, and can lead to some pretty serious problems later,
So he does his best to help you get comfortable in your own skin,
Stretch marks and all <3
I uh- I got pretty self indulgent with this one, but I hope I did the prompt justice<3
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tiny-tini-imagines · 9 months
Hi, read your headcanons about the fellowship and wanted to ask for some HC's about Legolas being in love with an elf reader. Preferably female, if that's possible. THX
Re.: Of course, Thank you for asking. I often thought about that, so I hope it's alright.
Headcanon Request - Lord of the Rings summary: Legolas is in love with a female elf
(added: character art, what they would say to them, or about them)
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Stolen Glances: Legolas can't help but steal glances at you when he thinks no one is looking. His eyes find your effortlessly, and he cherishes the moments when your gazes meet, a silent exchange of your affection.
"In your eyes, I see a world of wonder and courage, and in your heart, I find the most beautiful melodies of love and strength."
Whispers in the Woods: You often communicate through soft, whispered conversations in the heart of the forest. The tranquility of the woods mirrors the serenity of your love. Although you don't need words at all to comunicate.
Language of Flowers: Legolas memorizes your favorite flowers and leaves them where you'll find them, each bloom carrying a message of his love and admiration. (And he definitely knows the meanings of every single flower, everytime you get a bouquet it's like a poem)
Hidden Keepsakes: In his private quarters, Legolas keeps small trinkets and tokens you've given him over time, treasures he holds dear and takes comfort in during lonely nights, or when your away/ when he misses you.
Stargazing Together: One of your favorite pastimes is stargazing. You find constellations together, creating your own stories in the night sky and lay there for hours.
"Among all the stars in the night sky, it is your radiance that guides me through life's journeys, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my world."
Comfort in His Presence: Your presence brings Legolas a sense of calm and contentment. He often seeks solace in your company during moments of reflection. (You'd often find youself with him in your arms, stroking his hair, comforting him - especially after disagreements with Thranduil)
"My loyalty to you and our people remains steadfast, but my heart has found a home in a world beyond the borders of the Woodland Realm." Legolas to Thranduil
Loving Affection: He expresses his love through affectionate gestures, like gentle caresses, forehead kisses, and tender embraces. He's very soft, always making sure you're comfortbale
Your Laugh: Legolas adores your laughter. He often finds ways to make you smile, cherishing the sound as one of the most beautiful melodies in Middle-earth. It is not just the sound but also the sign, since he loves to see you smile. (He goes to great lengths to bring joy to your life, whether through humorous stories or playful antics.)
Shared Silences: You're comfortable in each other's silence. Sometimes, words aren't necessary as your presence alone brings peace and contentment. You just need to know that you're close.
Fingers Intertwined: Legolas has a habit of gently intertwining his fingers with yours whenever you walk side by side, a silent declaration of your connection. He'd also do that during audiences and other commitments he must attend.
Attentive Listener: He's a patient and attentive listener, valuing your words and insights and seeking your opinions on important matters. However sometimes he just enjoys listening to your voice, that gives him a sense of comfort
Your Elegance : He admires the way you handle your bow and arrows with such grace. It's a skill that he finds endlessly captivating. He'd often say that you're much better than him (something he would tell no one else).
Pride in Your Strength: He takes great pride in your strength, both physical and emotional, and often tells you how impressed he is by your abilities
Gentle Respect: Legolas treats you with the utmost respect, always considering your thoughts and feelings in any situation.
Secretly Protective: While you are a formidable warrior on your own , Legolas can't help but be secretly protective, always watching your back in battle and ensuring your safety. (You're definitely more important than him)
Your Name in Elvish: He often murmurs your name in Elvish under his breath, finding comfort in the way it rolls off his tongue. You can catch him smiling whenever your name is said.
Eternal Commitment: Legolas contemplates the idea of eternity together, envisioning the ages you'll spend side by side, facing whatever challenges comes your way.
Confidant and Supporter: You're his confidant, and he turns to you for advice and solace in times of uncertainty. Your unwavering support is a source of strength for him.
Shared Adventures: He involves you in his adventures, wanting to create memories together and share the thrill of exploration.
Unspoken Promises: You share unspoken promises of a future filled with love, adventure, and unwavering devotion, with every glance and touch reinforcing your commitment to each other.
"Every day by your side is an adventure worth cherishing, for you bring light to the darkest of places and joy to my soul."
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