#//also fyi for everyone
thetransguard · 1 month
kabru is canonically too smart for miscommunication trope. if anything laios would flirt with him One Single Time and kabru catches on immediately and runs it through his mental processor (does laios not know what he's doing? -> no he does. is he doing this to practice?? -> laios would not lead me on like that -> is he aware of how i feel? -> am i aware of how i feel???) and then literally the next time laios is free he schedules a meeting they sit down at the table kabru leans across looks him dead in the eyes and says very calmly on a scale of im just playing to lets get married how serious are u about this
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musesofchaos · 8 months
Is your SasoIta tag an Alice Cooper reference?
Lol surprisingly no? At first. I remembered hearing a cover of the song a long time ago and liking it, so that's how I found it. It wasn't until recently I found out it's an Alice Cooper song XD
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comradekatara · 5 months
katara’s role as the show’s narrator is so underrated because no one really seems to understand just how deeply katara is impacted by the nature of stories, with regards to their craft, their promulgation, and their cultural significance, so they don’t truly register the sheer metatextual brilliance of having her be the resident storyteller of the narrative itself.
the first thing atla establishes about katara is that she is someone who is fueled by dreams and fantasies, and believes in a return to a world where “all four nations lived together in harmony” (which is obviously an illusory ideal, as there was always geopolitical strife even if it wasn’t as overt as the devastating imperialist project they are now subject to), described to her by kanna’s stories about the old days.
katara is someone who indulges in fantasies of adventure and heroism, projecting these ideals onto both herself and others. she is an idealist in the truest, purest sense of the word, and what is an idealist if not someone who tells themselves stories about a more beautiful world to survive?
it’s no coincidence that the episode where katara successfully scares everyone with a very compellingly narrated campfire story is the same episode that she must contend with her heritage, the ominous lacunae in her stories, the pitfalls of her own naive idealization. it’s also not a coincidence that the story she tells was first told to her by her mother.
katara grew up hearing stories passed down to her from kanna and kya, and those stories gave her hope and brought her the possibility of happiness in a bleak, cruel world where she was ultimately alone. there used to be people like her, said the stories, and they were brave, and they fought til their final breaths to hold onto their culture, their love for their people, their humanity.
well that’s who i’m going to be, says katara. someone who fights, someone who cannot be knocked down (because there is no one else left to take her place), someone who will never cease to have faith in the capacity of others for good, for truth, and for justice.
stories are her heritage, they are her culture, they are how she defines herself and how she understands the world around her. stories are how she copes, how she survives; they are all she has left to cling to. and sometimes they are reductive, and sometimes they are outright false, but that’s okay too. she grows, she adjusts her narratives, she learns to leave room for more grey in her neat tapestries of black and white. stories can define a tragic past, but they can also pave the way for a better future. she keeps telling stories.
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anodymalion · 4 months
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local man experiences a moment of rest for first time in entire fucking life
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
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Heyyyyyy! I know I was kind of MIA for the past three days, and I skipped days seven and eight. I’m here to make up for it by sharing an adorable image of young Whirl Jr. and very old Whirl Sr.
As you can see she’s a couple weeks fresh from the well, or hotspot, or however-wherever a Cybertronian is born; getting a piggyback ride from a war hero/ex-convict/mentor.
P.S. she gets much taller in the distant future.
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Sorry, but noticed that this post was more popular-therefore I hitched on the bandwagon by using this opportunity to show off my edit of the previous piece.
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ohno-the-sun · 6 months
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Man I have been forgetting to post all the beastly au stuff I’ve been doing
Original au is ghost in the machine by venomous qwille
I’m just gonna link the doc I made that explains beast au
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originalartblog · 2 years
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I just think Chuuya deserves to snap for this arc. Crumble under his unaddressed trauma. Be evil for a little while. Make Dazai face some consequences for a change. A little corruption arc, if you will.
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beepmeepmeepbeep · 1 month
i love francescas personality this season, i really like how different she is from all her other siblings
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kald-dal-art · 9 months
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Drawings of technically cannon Victors from Hunger Games, but they don’t get any lines of dialogue, and we know basically nothing about them…..but I love them regardless
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妖族七大圣 Seven Great Sages of Yao Kind
[ID: A character line-up of the Seven Great Sages, left-to-right by seniority status and accompanied by their king title in seal script. They are all dressed in varying levels of armor in an overall red-orange-yellow color palette. Bull Demon King has one hand on his hip and the other hand holding half of a skull with two fingers up like a wine bowl. Jiao Demon King has one hand on his hip with the other on the hilt of his sword. Peng Demon King is standing, wings not folded but not outstretched, with his hands in mudra positions. Lion-Camel King is smiling with his eyes closed, one paw hooked onto his belt and the other resting within his off-the-shoulder outer shirt. Macaque King is standing with hook swords in each of his hands. Golden Snub-nosed King is leaning against a wolf's teeth staff. Sun Wukong is standing, arm slightly up and head tilted down, his staff held behind him. End ID]
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
they recently had us switch to a new organization and calendar system at work (including some new software but mostly “this is how you should organize your entire life and you will know peace and never miss a task again!!”). at least half of the system is just a digital version of what i was already doing, and other parts of it are better, so i have no idea why it took me out at the knees. i had been riding a long sweet wave of low anxiety and now i'm trapped in a byzantine maze of highly doable tasks and shaking like a shelter dog in a crate—the exact opposite of what the system is supposed to do.
and the craziest part is that somehow... i can't seem to go back to my old system anymore either?? it's only been a few weeks! i used that for five years!! it’s like i have forgotten how to do the most basic parts of my job or make decisions. my brain turned into a stack of marbles and now they’re all over the floor.
like damn, apparently those crayola markers and glitter stickers were a load-bearing structural element of my professional competence. how do i explain that to regular people.
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purgatorysanctuary · 4 months
Welcome to all who followed the blog. I’m just telling you now: Alastor/Vox and Pentious/Angel are my main ships. This is a warning.
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corpsentry · 8 days
ass in the air on my hands and knees searching for link/allen (romantic platonic idgaf in this economy) fanwork i scoured the ao3 tag dry and 8 years of tumblr posts and now i am Two fists deep in pixiv, dodging projectiles of pathetic ai porn, desperately looking for crumbs. i’ve done it again folks i found a more or less dead fandom and got stuck on the niche pairing of the main character and the guy who debuted with a bowl cut and now there is nothing to be done but CRY LOUDLY and then (some time later) EQUIP PEN
#(through tears) BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD#fuckass niche as fuck pairings always nerf me for some reason i’ve got a thing for the…. the Unexpected. or the Unperceivdd#i just think there’s something so compelling about allen’s idealism in spite of the horrors he’s experienced contrasted with#link’s single mindedness in his devotion to reveiller or whomstever the fuck (can’t spell europe)#being as he is an orphan who has never had anyone else in his life#but then allen comes along and suddenly he’s forced to be in close quarters with another human being for a long ass time#and allen obviously hates it at first but they’re both Food Enjoyers and allen’s so. he’s so idealistic. he thinks he can save everyone#meanwhile link has never cared about anyone except his friends who all became third exorcists and cocked off + leveiller + now. now now#howard ‘i’m at war with myself’ link#HOWARD LINK HAS ONLY EVER AFFORDED HIMSELF TWO MERCIES#THE FIRST IS HIS FEELINGS OF LOYALTY TOWARDS REVEILLE#WHICH AT SOME POINT IN HIS EMPLOYMENT TRANSCENDED A MERE SENSE OF OBLIGATION#THE SECOND IS ALLEN WALKER#meanwhile allen’s never had anyone see him at his lowest so often on the pure basis of fuckass watch a dog a (mario voice) duty#the forced vulnerability into a genuine sense of concern but the lines are eternally blurred#throw in link’s transparency when kanda drags him out of dog zone and he’s like okay ya this is what i’m here to do#and allen’s unequivocal acceptance of him all the same#AND THE WAY HE BLUSHES WHEN ALLEN PINCHES HIS NOSE (7999 psychic damage sustained. critical hit!)#i like unlikely and difficult connections which require infinite energy and faith to sustain#i like what they’ve got going there#it compels the Fuck out of me#ok now that i’ve yapped this much i Must. i Must write. so write i will (later)#after (?) this comic and also my mom and i finish watching blossoms in adversity which . favorite chinese period drama ever fyi#ok good night i sleep#olio#gelmo
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pokimoko · 3 months
The One-Way Waltz of the Moth and the Wild Flame (and the Incident of the Authorial Intrusion) - A Good Omens Fic
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Written by pokimoko
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: ~25K
Fandom: Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley & Muriel (Good Omens), Crowley & Nina (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens) & Original Character(s)
Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens), Muriel (Good Omens), Original Characters, (who is technically not an original character but I've got to keep some secrets ;) ), Nina (Good Omens), Background & Cameo Characters
Summary: A story in which Crowley does not prevent forest fires, a radio sends out thoughts and prayers, an angel misuses the emergency contact, the local duck population invents socialism, trees are threatened to varying degrees of success, a waltz is indeed played, and an author considers the nature of tragedies.
Tags: Ineffable Divorce | Aziraphale and Crowley Break Up (Good Omens), Post-Break Up, POV Crowley (Good Omens), Emotional Hurt, He/Him Pronouns For Crowley (Good Omens), They/Them Pronouns for Muriel (Good Omens), Crowley & Muriel Friendship (Good Omens), Angst and Humor, Crowley-centric (Good Omens), Canon Continuation, Post-Season/Series 02, Post-Episode: s02e06 Every Day (Good Omens), Pre-Season/Series 03, No Aziraphale Slander Here but it is also Crowley's POV so expect at least some Thoughts, Angry Crowley (Good Omens), Running Away, Both in the Emotional and Literal Sense, Because You Don't Have to Deal with Your Romantic and Personal Issues in Washington State. Obviously, (incorrect: you very much do), Crowley is a Mess (Good Omens), (even if he won't admit it), Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), (another thing he won't admit), Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), They're just being stupid, Not A Fix-It, References to God(s), Romantic Angst, America, United States, Fire Lookout, Remember Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires (Unless You Are Anthony J. Crowley), hey is it healthy to repeatedly relive a past trauma to deal with a breakup? asking for a friend, Scene: The Bookshop Fire (Good Omens), Fire, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Isolation, When You're Trying to Cope Badly in the American Wilderness but People Keep Talking to You, Radio, Inspired by Firewatch (Video Game), Character Study, Crowley and the Woes of Being In a Narrative That Won't Let You Go, (Fleabag voice) This is a Tragedy, But oh? What's this?, Angst with a Happy Ending, Ambiguous/Open Ending
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elftwink · 1 year
title: precipice pairing: caleb/fjord tags: fake/pretend relationship, costume parties & masquerades, implied sexual content, slow burn, not exactly canon compliant but canon adjacent, containing vague allusions to canon with no specific timeframe or setting word count: 46, 533 summary:
“So is this… worth attempting? Pretending we were invited inside and trying to sneak off to find the artifact? Especially since only one person can go inside.” “Two,” corrects Caduceus. “No plus ones,” says Nott. “Except in the case of spouses,” says Caduceus, “If you’re married, the invitation admits two.” “Caduceus!” Jester gives an overdramatic scandalized gasp. “Are you suggesting we lie about our martial status?” “I’m not suggesting anything. I’m pointing out the wording of the invitation.”
[read on ao3]
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trobed1989 · 8 months
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happy shibuya incident eve anniversary to those who celebrate
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