#//basically both look like a mess outside of minecraft
munmun · 2 years
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purple, pre-minecraft, before meeting everyone. i imagine that they did not always dress like royalty.
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minecraftbookshelf · 9 months
Biglong ask incoming, I kept getting more ideas as I typed lol. Hope you’ve got a ramble already locked and loaded. This might be a bit much otherwise, sorry. 😅
So… How big are things in MoS? Like the empires are presumably much larger than the Minecraft counterparts, being actually functional empires. How long is travel between the empires? Is the Minecraft map basically proportional or would things scale up differently? Is there just a separate map for the AU or are the broad strokes close enough to use the original world as a reference?
And what does travel actually look like? Are elytra a common thing for people to have? If they’re rare and valuable, who gets to use them? How about boats, horses, camels, lamas, donkeys? What’s common? Are there empire specific preferences for mounts/vehicles? Do we got flying machines, and would you see them outside the grimlands? How does pix tend to travel when he goes wandering?
When the dragons get brought back (gem would not appreciate the passive voice there) do dragon riders pop up? Do they become more common mounts eventually?
What is travel between empires like? Who lets people through easily, who doesn’t, and how do they enforce it? (especially with the flying people) What’s the process to be allowed into more closed off empires? I imagine the rules are different with allies, so what are they in that case?
Do you have any big trade routes you already thought of? Is ocean trade and travel generally allowed by lizze? Are there any silly circuitous routes that trade or travel has to take to get around closed off borders; get around both as in literally geographically around and metaphorically, as in around the rules.
Do winged sophonts ride on mounts sometimes; for comfort or for pomp and circumstance? Or is flying just so much faster that they basically never bother? Are there underwater mounts for the seafolk? Do seafolk use boats for themselves? Can seafolk swim faster than boats? Travel long distances faster?
Nether travel exists too! Or does it? Xornoth didn’t get possessed, so is the nether still around? If it is, how common is nether travel? Is it like the baseline for long trips, or a restricted ultra-fast highway? Probably depends on how hard it is to make portals in AUland. Do they even make more at all? If not commonplace, do the portals have like, waiting lists? Who tends to use them? Is it mostly used for trade?
Oh jeez, my asks are only getting longer. I feel like I need a tldr. Actually..
TLDR: a bunch of questions about travel in the MoS AU, more specifically regarding, in order; scale, vehicles, borders, trade routes, flying and swimming manually, and the nether.
Ok, now I think I’m finally actually done, for real this time, and I hope you have a good day. <3
Usually I either do have a ramble locked and loaded or it doesn't take much to get one going so I wouldn't worry about it XD
going to go ahead and preemptively pop in a readmore because, all this. (Also this ask is very funny to me because the literal first few paragraphs of the upcoming chapter do actually talk a bit about travel. In the sense of "Jimmy has flown all the way to the Overgrown and is dried up and cranky about it.")
How Big Is It All?
I have messed a bit with the proportions. On the actual SMP for example, Helianthia is one of the smaller empires, while that just...isn't quite feasible for the purposes of the AU since the sort of large scale agriculture happening there needs Space. Even when its magically assisted agriculture. Basically I'm using the official map and just adjusting proportions a bit. I might make my own "official" version for the AU at some point, but I haven't really bothered at this point.
Helianthia, Mezalea, and Mythland in particular are all pretty big. Some of the other kingdoms, like Pixandria, are fairly small but just spread out over a large area. (In this case, small populations clustered in a few different oases) Rivendell technically has a fairly large territory, but a lot of the Southern reaches of it are abandoned. Things like that.
Travel time depends on who is traveling to/from where and how. There are elytra but they are extremely rare and are reserved for the rulers themselves and, in a few cases, particularly trusted messengers who act as couriers for high-security documents/messages. Mythland, Mezalea, Pixandria, Helianthia, The Ocean, The Swamp, and The Grimlands all make use of elytra to differing levels, while Rivendell, The Overgrown, and The Lost Empire have enough citizens with wings of their own that they don't really bother. The Crystal Cliffs use spells to achieve the same effect (Shrub doesn't even arrive until after the story has already begun, so I leave them out of a lot of this discussion mostly because a lot of it will be in the actual fics explicitly as they learn to find their way around a strange new world full of stupidly tall people.)
Boats and ships are very common for the seafaring kingdoms; The Swamp, Mezalea, and Mythland. Pixandria also has a few but they mostly use them for near-shore fishing and shorter ferry trips. Ocean trade and travel routes are heavily effected by the existence of the Ocean Empire in general and Lizzie in particular. The Mythlands used to be much more seafaring then they currently are, and yes, they do have to take some rather circuitous routes these days.
There are very much empire specific preferences for mounted travel, though horses are fairly standard in most empires. A lot of those will show up fairly quickly in the series so I won't do a full breakdown here but yes, Pearl does have her golden goose because I love that that is a thing.
Pix has traveled just about every way imaginable and he is just as likely to show up at your door on foot as he is by elytra.
There are some flying machines, though they are not incredibly reliable. They are mostly used by the Grimlands yes though Mezalea also has a couple of more dirigible-style transports.
I'm actually going to put a pin in the topic of the dragons for now. :)
What is travel between empires like? Who lets people through easily, who doesn’t, and how do they enforce it? (especially with the flying people) What’s the process to be allowed into more closed off empires? I imagine the rules are different with allies, so what are they in that case? Do you have any big trade routes you already thought of? Is ocean trade and travel generally allowed by lizze? Are there any silly circuitous routes that trade or travel has to take to get around closed off borders; get around both as in literally geographically around and metaphorically, as in around the rules.
These will both be kind of covered in the post that I will make with the trade routes map i mentioned making earlier but the tldr is yes, alliances definitely affect trade and travel, though the emperors themselves tend to go wherever they want and show up on each others doorstep with zero warning, there are some instances in which this is heavily discouraged. (Mythical Sausage is Not Welcome in the Cod Swamp. He shows up anyway. This is a major topic of conversation that I have been writing about lately XD) Some empires also heavily discourage air travel by outsiders.
(So yes most of the winged rulers do have backup mounts for such cases.)
The Ocean Empire does not really use boats or ships but the Swamp does. Some Sea-folk are faster than ships straight up, but mostly they aren't as limited by ocean currents and wind patterns and so can often take more direct routes. (Though they also do use the currents)
Nether travel does exist. Xornoth's connection to the Nether is a little bit different in this AU, just because I've tweaked the mythology to suit my own purposes and story. So there are Nether roads, though how frequently they are used and how well they are maintained varies wildly. The Ocean Empire and the majority of The Swamp population avoid it when possible, because it's basically instant dehydration for them and is an incredibly dangerous way to travel. A significant portion of the Rivendell population is also very ill-suited for travel in the Nether as well. It's primarily used for extreme distances or for some of the WRA. It's mostly used for time sensitive things that won't be harmed by the heat. Some trade, but mostly travel.
Nether travel won't show up much for the first two arcs but will feature heavily in the third arc so I'll go into it in a lot more detail there.
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thedawningofthehour · 8 months
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK but you activated my sleeper agent rottmnt brainstorming Re: The Video Game Question
Raph: would probably like low strategy single player games and lean toward arcade/motion control based experiences because they present a way around the "Hand Too Big Controller Too Small And Breakable" problem. As an Oldest Sibling (speaking from an Oldest Sibling Gamer pov) he would have been the Designated Single Player Driver (I have a vivid mental image of Raph playing old c tier single player wii games like My Sims Kingdom while Mikey, Leo, and Donnie yell instructions at him) and I think he's still gravitated towards those kinds of games. He also feels like the kind of guy who will thoroughly enjoy every video game he plays but his favorite is still inexplicably just like. Uno for the ps3
Leo: Would like competitive games. I feel like he's the kinda guy who cannot bring himself to give a shit about the story or aesthetics of a game and cannot care at all about single player video games outside of speedrunning or something. The point of games for him Is To Win. I feel like him and Donnie both played CSGO or COD at a young age with voice chat and thats why they are who they are. His favorite game is probably a competitive hero shooter or smth. He probably is playing Valorant as we speak.
Donnie: I feel like he's the only one who is a Capital "G" Gamer. Has the broadest taste but tends to like games he can "lose himself" in. (Competitive shooters, MMOs, lengthy and intricate single player games IE: Dark Souls or Elden Ring, metroidvanias, RPGs, fighting games) If the taste of Donnie Gamer Mode we get in the show is anything to go by, he seems the type to obsess over a game for like a month, beat it 120%, probably achieve some level or speedrunning or competitive infamy and then drop it completely never to be seen again.
Mikey: Would love sandbox games for Sure. Plays Minecraft but only on creative mode. Will play sims but only with cheats to make super intricate mansions or crazy houses or recreate something he saw in a movie once. He would 100% play single player games his brothers already beat so he can look around at the scenery and mess around in a character creator. Will play an open world game and never do a single main story mission and call it quits when he gets bored.
They've all 100% played a bunch of really weird and bad shovelware games or really cheap 3rd party titles because they were what Splinter could get for them. They all have 10 to 15 mobile idle games they'll rotate out bc they all need to be Stimulated at All Times. Yes they have played Mario Party and Killed Each Other over it but more importantly they have played Dokapon Kingdom and have started rivalries that have lasted several months over this game. They will hold grudges til they die over this game. They have never gotten to the end screen of this game and in all likelihood, never will.
Idk maybe my vibes are off tho lol but can you tell I've thought about this a lot to my own detriment
There's actually a point in the next book-I think it's in chapter 1 but I can't remember-where Galois mentions giving Raph one of Draxum's oversized keyboards when he has to do anything on the computer. (Draxum has large-print keyboards because he's Old) I think I've mentioned that the boys all have larger-than-normal phones because they only have the three fat fingers and that's just not gonna work with a standard iPhone. Raph I feel like is basically Strong from Fallout 4:
(bless him)
I'm reminded of when my sister would sit and watch my play Dream Life to 'learn', until I moved it into my own room. Really, their first console was probably 'whatever Splinter found in a dumpster and still worked', so unless it was something with connected controllers they were probably playing off whatever controllers he'd found as well, so it's entirely possible they legit just had the one controller for awhile. And yeah, they all crowd around to watch Raph play because that's annoying little sibling behavior.
Mikey would love games where the goal is to Make Something. He doesn't care about winning, only stepping back and looking at the finished product and going "nice." I do feel like he'd actually play the sims though-the twins use it as a building simulator, but he'd absolutely get into the lives and stories of his sims. He builds too, but he also gets into creating the sim. He plays Fallout 4 with the Sim Settlements mod and never finds Shaun because all he's doing is building shacks for farmers.
Oh, Leo is absolutely in it to win it. In any way, if it has a score he can use to compare to Donnie's he loves it. The sole exception to this is city builders, I can absolutely see him sinking days into Cities Skylines creating elaborate planned cities with complicated mass transit and beautiful walking spaces.
The other exception is if he can fuck around in a game and be chaotic. He plays Skyrim and installs the sex mods not because he's horny, but because he thinks going around in this incredibly inappropriately horny fantasy world is hysterical. He uses it more as a Medieval Life Simulator and if he completes a quest it's entirely by accident.
Donnie is absolutely the worst gamer and will learn literally everything there is about the game after playing it through once. He also probably mods his games, or even makes his own mods. Some of them to make everything look cooler or add quality of life and immersion stuff in, but he'll also do stuff like install the mod that replaces the Skyrim arrow noises with a man going "pew!"
Omg they absolutely played knock-off games as kids. They probably lied to Mikey about them being off-brand so he didn't feel bad about their situation, telling him that the title was a misprint and all the ads for the actual game were lying.
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leopardmask-ao3 · 2 years
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I posted 2,597 times in 2022
That's 2,460 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (2%)
2,541 posts reblogged (98%)
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Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#hermitcraft - 412 posts
#fanart reblog - 369 posts
#for mom - 250 posts
#not fandom - 246 posts
#empires smp - 146 posts
#save for reference - 99 posts
#pixlriffs - 61 posts
#minecraft - 48 posts
#writing - 46 posts
#tango tek - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but maybe that's what happens when you lived on an ocean world and then bioengineered yourself in the opposite direction when it exploded
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The art piece I did for the content exchange hosted by @mastasof-ravenkroft ! My giftee was @muuum-am-i-adohhhpted and their Empires fic Beyond The Sunflower Field (which I loved, by the way)! This piece was a very new style for me, but the painterly vibes just felt right for a scene of Gilded Homestead/Heliantha. I decided to set it somewhere around mid-fic, where Pearl has been working the land around Heliantha for a while, but hasn't taken on her leaderly title yet.
17 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
10 Weeks of Celebration for 10 Years of Hermitcraft
Prompt 2: Meaning and Impact Anyone can learn how to build beautiful things. Just ask Bdubs! Even people who have tried to kill him in the past are welcome students of his brilliance.
Read it on ao3 or
"Your base is... tall."
"Why yes it is! Thank you for noticing!"
Bdubs led Foxtrot across the grounds outside his monolith. "So, what brings you to my humble home? Just a neighborly visit, or are you looking for advice from ol' Bdubs?"
The android dragged his gaze away from the towering structure and focused on Bdubs' face. He was still learning the balance between politeness and honesty... "Both?"
"Well, welcome," Bdubs replied. "I do love seeing my wonderful friends and neighbors take an interest in what I'm doing. I saw you're building a base of your own here - that's great!"
"Yes, I wanted to join in with the town plans," Foxtrot replied, "learn how you all do things and be a part of it. I never really learned how to... make stuff that looks good, though - before finding you all, I had no reason for that."
"Oh yes, that's revenge quests for ya." Bdubs nodded. "And of course, you came straight to the expert!"
"Well, I asked Tango first," Foxtrot corrected. "He told me to come talk to you, because that's where he learned a lot of building tips from and he thought you could explain things better than he could."
"Awww, how schweet of him," Bdubs effused. "Come in, come in, I'll show you around!"
Bdubs backed into a corner to let Foxtrot through the door. "It's kind of tight quarters in here, I know, but that made every floor a great challenge for me. I don't know that I'd recommend makin' too many rooms this small while you're still learning what you're doing, to be honest, but feel free to use any ideas you get from this place!"
"Okay!" Foxtrot looked around the entry room, focusing on the half-hidden barrels and chests. "Why are these... like this?" he asked. "I think I understand the arch, but you'd get much more storage if you didn't have the trapdoors and just had a wall of just barrels."
"Ahhh, but it's all about texture and breaking up the space, isn't it?" Bdubs replied. "The shelves just make sense here. And there's more storage up on the second floor - it's not like I need it all in one place." He led Foxtrot up the stairs to show him. "See? There's always a balance to be struck. This is all perfectly good storage space! It just doesn't need to be all lined up in straight rows of labeled double chests to do its job!"
"So basically, don't have too much in one spot that's all the same thing."
"Yes, yes, exactly that! And make sure you mess around a bunch with the details. For example: trapdoors are a wonderful thing to add in if you aren't sure what to do. Come on, I'll show you just how much detail you can pack in if you want to - and more storage!" Bdubs started up the stairs again. "Come check out my plant lab."
Foxtrot pricked his ears a little higher in curiosity. "Plant... lab-?"
18 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Week 4 of the 10 Weeks of Celebration for 10 Years of Hermitcraft challenge - this week's prompt is "Comfort and Calm".
Stress has her name for a reason. She senses it in others, and though she wasn't there for it herself, she can feel the effects of the moonpocalypse from everyone around her. She does her best to help out in her own way.
Read it on ao3 or
Stress hummed as she assembled and set a picnic table in front of her house, big enough to seat seven or eight people. She had realized, somewhat belatedly, that her little teapot house may not comfortably fit everyone who was invited - though it was certainly open to them - so this tea party would be held mostly outdoors.
Zedaph was the first to arrive, trotting up while Stress was still setting the table. After an animated greeting, he picked up a couple plates and started to help out. He had somehow gone through the end of HC-8 and the move to HC-9 practically unscathed, and Stress had invited him because she appreciated having more of that kind of energy at her little gathering. She herself had been off-world at the time: an extended vacation with Iskall and the other Vault Hunters, which had become even more extended when they heard the news.
Stress and Zedaph chatted for a while, but as soon as Tango reached them, Zedaph was there. He hung off Tango like a human weighted blanket, even as Tango tried to sit down. Tango clearly didn't object, though. Stress giggled at the awkward position this put Zedaph in and pushed a chair closer. "'Ere you are, why don't you both sit like that, eh? Instead of contorting yourself to lean over him all the time."
At this point Tango was chuckling too and he gently shoved Zedaph into the second chair. "Yeah, you don't have to twistificate yourself around on my account. Plus we'll both need our hands free for food."
"Oh, yeah, good point." Zedaph extricated himself and sat down, but sat almost between chairs, pressing himself against Tango's side and acting very casual about the fact that he was doing so. Stress just gave that a knowing nod. At Xisuma's request, she had been the one who had finally found Tango, adrift and alone. He needed the weight and presence of some human friends.
By that time, the other invitees had arrived: Cleo, Jevin, and Xisuma. Stress greeted them warmly and served tea to everyone before sitting down herself.
"Are we expecting one more?" Cleo asked, indicating the empty chair with a place setting.
"Don't you worry about that," Stress replied. "'Ave some tea, 'ave some snacks. It ain't much, since we've all practically just got 'ere, but that's alright, innit?"
"We're all here, and that's what matters," Jevin agreed, picking up his teacup in both hands and savoring its warmth. "Food and stuff will all happen eventually."
Xisuma just nodded at that. He had taken his helmet off for politeness and to drink his tea, and he still held himself nervously, as if expecting someone to come up behind him at any moment and tell him to stop having fun - but the others could see him smile a little more every time he looked around and saw a hermit’s base or one of his tablemates.
The conversation was quiet, but earnest and kind. Everyone mostly avoided talking about what had happened, instead expressing their relief and excitement at the new world, their new plans, and what they could do now that they were together again. The snakes that Cleo had acquired occasionally reached for a bite off one plate or another. Cleo fed them morsels, Xisuma didn't seem to notice nibbles disappearing, and Jevin waved one away like an annoying fly as he reached to refill his cup. (No one had actually seen him drink any tea, and no one was paying enough attention to see how he held the mug with a thumb dipped into it. He never had figured out an easy way to absorb liquids that looked like how the humans did it.)
"Halloooo Stress! What's all this about?"
Stress looked up with a grin at the new arrival jogging toward them. "'Ello Iskall! Care to join us?"
Iskall put his hands on his hips with exaggerated indignance. "You're throwing a whole party over here and you didn't invite me? How could you!" He cracked a little smile, mostly joking and unable to be truly mad.
"Well, clearly I didn't need ta," Stress pointed out, "seein' as you found us anyway, right? Look, I even set a spot for you. I knew you'd turn up whether I wanted you or not."
"Well, if you insist..." Iskall sat down with a huff, then giggled, triggering laughter from the rest of the table. "Hallo, everyone else here too! Could someone please pass the tea?"
20 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Loving the vibes of Pixlriffs, by all accounts and behaviors the most Normal Guy around, just hanging out in his yard having a conversation but then briefly having to pause said conversation to go chase away a minor god like he's chasing off a stray cat that got into the garbage
109 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm seeing people post their art here that they did for the 10 Years Of Hermitcraft, 10 Weeks of Celebration art and writing challenge and realizing, oh, yeah, maybe I could post the fics I'm writing for it here too. The challenge isn't really tailored to writing but it says it is so I took it as a writing challenge anyway.
Prompt 1: Dressed for the Occasion In which Grian helps Cleo make her new dress a little bit better. Who better to ask for clothing help than someone who sewed himself together?
Read it on ao3 or
"You're going to the party like that?"
Cleo turned and gave Grian a withering gaze. Grian's button eyes gave no hint to his intentions. "I am," Cleo replied. "Is there a problem with that?"
Grian ran a finger around one cuff of his red suit - a slightly nervous habit that he'd probably picked up from Mumbo. "Well, your dress is very nice, and I get the look you like to go for, but that tear in the side..."
"Is meant to be there, yes," Cleo finished. "I've got to have inventory access somehow, right, even at a special event."
"Inven- right, of course," Grian realized. "Well, even though we both know it's meant to be there, it doesn't really... look like that, does it? It kind of looks like you had an accident with a tree branch, to be quite honest."
Cleo crossed her arms. A few of her snakes hissed at Grian. "Oh, it does, does it? Are you offering to help fix it?"
Grian nodded. "I am, actually. We can definitely keep the gap there, but just make it look... cut, rather than ripped, right? And that would mean making it a tiny bit bigger, so it'll actually be easier to use."
"...Can you do this while it's on me?" Cleo relented. "I don't fancy trying to get this dress off and on again right now."
"Yeah, should be simple enough," Grian decided. "I'm not going to try and hem it or anything, that would make it look too fake. Gotta go for at least a sort of natural look."
So, Cleo stood with her arms crossed as Grian worked away, using a miniature pair of shears that he always had on him, trimming away stray threads and bits of fabric and treating the cut edges with a special slimeball-based glue he'd gotten off-world.
"I gotta say," Cleo commented, watching him work, "I didn't really expect you to be this... graceful at this."
"Lots of practice," Grian replied. "It did take a few tries to get the hands right on the body I pattern all my others on, but I need the ability to repair myself, right?"
"Ah, yeah, that's true, isn't it. You get good at one-handed sewing too, since they're always the thing that get damaged first."
"Ughhh, that is the worst when that happens. Sometimes I have to use another body entirely to fix the first, but you don't really do that, do you?"
"No, that's pretty uniquely a you thing. I just gotta either deal with it anyway or ask whichever hermit is closest that I trust with a needle."
"Are there many of those?" Grian asked, an invisible smile in his voice.
Grian laughed, then put away the anti-fray solution and got out a needle and thread.
"I thought you said you weren't going to hem it." Cleo frowned.
"I'm not, I'm just making sure the corners don't pull too hard." Grian made a few quick stitches here, a couple more there, then stood up and clapped once, an action that made no sound except a quiet paf. "Right, finished." He set down two gold blocks between them. "What do you think?"
Cleo turned to the side, looking at her reflection in the polished gold. Grian had turned the ripped bit into a sort of flame-shaped opening at her waist, a curving shape that actually complemented her nicely, rather than looking like - well, like a zombie had ripped a hole in it with their teeth. Whlch may or may not have been what she had previously done to it.
"I think... I really like that actually," Cleo admitted. "Thanks for that."
"A hole in a dress that shows off the hole in you," Grian said matter-of-factly, as if that were a common, normal reason for a design choice. Then he snickered, which Cleo followed.
"It does!" Cleo said with exaggerated emphasis that just made Grian laugh harder. "It's so practical!" In a more normal voice, she continued, "Genuinely, it never occurred to me that you had sewing skills that extended past, like... making weird new bodies for yourself."
"Oh, yeah," Grian said as the two continued on toward the party. "I make, or at least adjust, most of my clothes - even did a dress for myself once or twice. Anyway, who do you think tailors Mumbo's suits?"
132 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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mothra-mcyt · 3 years
☾ "Don't worry i'm here now." ☽
platonic!Philza x reader
!Trigger Warning: aftermath of physical abuse, blood!
After your biological angry father thought taking his anger out on you physically was the best idea, you ran out of the house. Not knowing what to do you called the person that would be able to comfort and help you most in that moment. Philza Minecraft.
2.2k words
Moving your legs as fast as you could you felt rainwater slowly drench your feet. With every sharp breath you took in you could feel your lungs more hurting. The tears streaming down your face blurred your vision making it hard to see where you're going but you could care less.
The only thing on your mind right now was getting away. Away from the danger that is at home.
What you didn't expect was to see your dad standing in front of you, brows furrowed in anger and beer bottle in his hand when you came home. You couldn't understand much about what he was shouting at you about but when he stomped down on your ribs while blaming you for loosing his job you began to understand what he was so raged about.
Thinking back to it you put your hand over where you know a boot formed bruise would probably form in purple colours.
You came back to your senses when you slipped in a puddle and slammed down onto the ground. A groan left your mouth feeling the already strong pain intensifying.
Trying your best at wiping away the tears forming in your eyes again to look around you saw where you ran.
The train station where you met Wilbur, Tommy, Phil etc. for the first time. Immediately memories started running through your head of seeing Tommy sprint out of the train, running up to you and hugging you as tight as he could. Or of Phil trying to hold you and Wilbur back from trying to steal a pigeon.
At the thought of Phil your eyes started to water again.
He always was there for you, always making sure you took care of yourself.
Never was mad at you when you made a mistake.
He was always so nice and gentle, you didn't want to bother him with your family problems.
None of you talked about it but both of you knew he was basically your father figure.
"Maybe i should call him...but wouldn't i just annoy him i did that... fuck it."
Thankfully you remembered to grab your phone when you started sprinting through the front door onto the sidewalk in a panicked state. Carefully taking it out of your pocket a curse left your mouth. The water of the rain soaked through your pants making your phone wet. Praying to whoever is out there you hoped that it wasn't broken.
A sigh of relief left your mouth when your phone screen lit up showing your familiar background image.
"Dammit. Only 23% left."
Unlocking your phone you immediately went to your contacts. Tapping on Phil's name you were about to press on the call button but you hesitated.
"Is this really a good idea...what if he's busy right now..."
Not realising it your finger accidentally pressed on the call button. Panicking you were about to stop the call but Phil already picked up.
"Hey mate what's going on. Why did you call me?"
Completely frozen you tried to think of a way to get out of this situation but before you could say anything Phil's voice started coming out of the phone again.
"Wait a minute. I hear rain. Are you outside?! It's in the middle of the night! Why are you outside?!"
"I- I'm sorry Phil. I don't know. I don't know anymore."
"Where are you, Are you okay?!"
"I'm at the train station Phil. The one where You, Wilbur, Tommy and the others met me for the first time."
You tried to your best to hide the fact that you were crying in your voice but apparently it didn't work well enough.
"Isn't that like really fucking far away from your home? Also are you crying? You sound like you're crying. Are you okay mate? Please talk to me."
Not being able to stop yourself a sob left your mouth. When you tried to open your mouth again to answer him just more sobs came out.
"Fuck shit okay i'll drive to you. Stay out of the rain and try to get somewhere warmer. I don't want you getting fucking sick. Just go to the toilets or something okay. I'll be there as fast as possible. Stay on the ca-"
It broke off before he could finish. Confused you looked down through blurry vision at your phone clutched in your hands. The screen was black. Frustrated you shoved your phone back into the front pocket of your hoodie.
"Of course the battery had to go empty at this exact time."
Mumbling to yourself you pulled the hood over your head before you went back into the rain to get somewhere warmer. Hoping that your memory for once wasn't gonna betray you you started to walk in the direction where you remember the toilets being.
Thankfully there was a single gender neutral bathroom stall so you don't have to worry about someone coming in and hearing you crying.
Pushing down the handle you stepped into the bathroom. It was bigger than a normal stall would be because it was also for disabled people. The floor looked like it was cleaned not long ago. There was some graffiti next to the door looking like someone tried to scrub it off but gave up.
Stepping to the sink you glanced up into the mirror to see how much of a mess you looked like.
There were obvious marks of a hand on your neck from where he choked you. It may have been only for a few seconds but it was still strong enough to make you shiver just from thinking back to it. Some dried blood that trickled down your forehead from where the green glass beer bottle crashed into your head. If you looked long enough you could see a fading handprint at your left cheek.
"Damn i look like a fucking mess."
Turning on the sink you looked down at your hands. There was some blood on your fingers from when you wiped away the blood running from your nose. Holding them under the water you immediately flinched away feeling how cold it was.
Taking a deep breath you put them under the stream again and started washing the blood away from your hands away first. Forming them to bowl you held them under the water. Knowing this is not going to feel great you splashed it on your face. Immediately regretting your decision you gasped for air.
Feeling it slowly running down your face you took some papers and dried the remaining water and blood off of your face. After throwing them in the trash can you looked back up into the mirror. Even without the scabs and dirt you still looked like a mess. With a sigh leaving your mouth you made your way over to the toilet and sat down on the closed seat. About to put your head in your hands you jumped when you suddenly heard a voice from outside the door.
Slowly starting to recognise the voice you quickly stood up.
"Da- Phil? Is that you?"
Raising your voice only a little to avoid other people other than him hearing it you stepped closer to do the door to listen more closely.
"Yeah it's me, i'm here now. Can you open the door mate? I wanna make sure you're safe."
Hesitating for a moment you slowly wrapped your fingers around the door handle. Carefully opening it you stared down at the ground making your hair shadow your face in hopes of hiding how much of a mess you are or maybe because you weren't able to look him in the eyes, too ashamed to let him see you in this state.
"Can you please look up at me?"
Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes when you looked up at him. You were surprised at seeing how much worry and concerned was showing on his face but also at how shocked he looked.
"Who . . . who did this to you?"
Not being able to hold it back any longer sobs started leaving your mouth. Tears started spilling when you felt Phil wrap his arms around you and pulled you in a tight embrace. Gripping the back of his shirt you felt him putting his hand against the back of your head. He pushed your head against his chest making your tears soak up the fabric of his shirt but he could care less right now.
"Take your time don't worry. I'm here for you and i promise i won't let go."
Slowly starting to calm down again, eyes dry from crying so much you still didn't wanna let go. This is the most comfort you ever felt in your entire life you were sure. But knowing you sadly couldn't stay like this forever you carefully pulled your arms back and stepped back a little. You tried wiping away the remaining tears but it only resulted in your cheeks getting even more wet from your rain soaked hoodie sleeves.
"Let's first get you to somewhere warm and safe. My house is closer so i'll just drive to my place if that's alright with you mate."
Seeing you nod was enough was enough of a response for him so he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and started walking to the exist. Or at least you thought it was in that direction. You don't really remember anything from before you went in the bathroom stall leading to you realising you probably dissociated the whole way here. Probably better that way.
After a while of just trusting Phil with where you two were going you stopped next to what you presumed was his car. Stepping in front of you he opened the door of the passenger seat and let you get in. Closing the car door you immediately relaxed feeling the warmth around you.
When he got in he quickly glanced over making sure you were okay before he started driving. You didn't really remember much from the car ride besides him asking you if you were okay every other 5 minutes to which you always responded with a small nod. Knowing at some point he's gonna want a better response from you but for now that was enough to satisfy him thankfully.
Slowly coming back to the real world you looked out of the window to your left and saw Phil's house. You don't really remember much from when you were here the last time one of the things that was still in your memory that it was bigger than you expected. But it felt comfortable and like there was put a lot of thought and detail into his home.
Jumping a little in surprise at Phil opening the car door he tried to help you out of the car but deciding to ignore him you started to get up.
"For fucks sake just let me help you you stubborn child."
A sigh of annoyance left you but you took his hand and let him take you out of the car.
"I'm gonna be honest Da- Phil i thought i was the one who was going to have to help you out of the car since you're becoming so old-"
A giggle left you making him give you an obviously joking annoyed look. God you missed these interactions so much. Not like you two stopped having them they just felt a lot better in person rather than over discord or when calling.
Letting him walk to the door you stepped under the roof and waited for him to open it. Glancing behind you one last time you saw that the rain was still going strong but now you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Cautiously you stepped into the warmth of what you would love to call home and let Phil close the door.
Bending down you took off your wet shoes. A feeling of disgust went through you feeling how soaked your socks were. Standing up straight again you looked around confused because you didn't see Phil anymore. Immediately panic started rising in you. Feeling your heartbeat getting faster you quickly stepped further inside.
Trying your best to hide the anxiousness you heard the quick footsteps of a concerned Phil letting you know you failed miserably at it.
"You okay? What's wrong? What happened i was just getting dry and more comfortable clothes for you."
Slowly tears started forming and when you tried to speak your voice cracked.
"I- I don't know. I just thought maybe maybe you left because i-"
Noticing you starting to panic he put his hand under your chin making you look up at him.
"I am not going to leave you. I am not going to hurt you. No matter what i will stay with you. If you need something i will be there to help you. If you're ever sad i'm there to comfort you. No matter how long you cry i won't let you go until you're feeling better."
Not knowing what to do you rubbed away the tears that were about to fall.
"Thank you. Thank you so much Da- Phil-"
"Don't worry you can call me dad."
Registering his words the corners of your mouth went up forming a smile.
"Now come on. Here are better clothes to wear. Don't want you getting sick."
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Toxic + Toxic = Healthy
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Summary: You and Loki break up. Both of you deal with it uncharacteristically. Loki sleeps with girls that look like you and you mess around with Thor in retaliation. It’s all very healthy stuff here.
You and Loki had had an unceremonious falling out a couple weeks ago and called it quits on the relationship you had built. You had been dating for 6 months but Loki had started an argument about how you didn’t love him, that you lie to him, that you probably sleep with men behind his back. Everything was false, of course, you’d never do that to Loki and it hurt that he even thought that. So, you told him that you need some time to think and Loki having to have the last word said maybe breaking up is the best option. You agreed and while you saw the shock in Loki’s eyes at your agreement you were too pissed to care and left. 
What makes it awkward is that you both live in Stark’s tower and still have to interact with each other. What makes it even more awkward is that the rest of the Avengers walk on egg shells every time they’re in the same room as the both of you. 
You’re taking it like a champ, you feel. You only cry about it when you go to sleep at night, in the privacy of your own room. Sometimes when you spar with your teammates you might hit a bit harder than necessary. You even manage to speak with Loki civilly. On the outside it would appear that you’re completely fine with the break up, but on the inside and behind closed doors you’re literally falling apart. You’re sure the only person who realizes this is Natasha because that woman sees everything. 
You almost lose your composure the first time you see Loki bring a girl back to the tower. It’s only been three weeks and he’s already whoring around. You’re livid, he claims to love you then gets over you in three weeks? Bullshit. 
What you fail to realize at first is that the girl he brings to the tower kind of looks like you. It isn’t until you’re in the kitchen eating breakfast that you realize this. She comes in, only wearing one of Loki’s too large t-shirts and enjoys a bowl of cereal with you. 
You don’t get mad at the girl, you’re mad of course, but she’s not the problem. She doesn’t know what happened between you and Loki. She has no idea you even dated Loki. So you talk with her like you would any stranger. With a happy smile, a joyful voice, and morbid curiosity about having a new person in the tower. 
“It’s really cool to see the tower from the inside. I always look up and imagine what you guys live like.” The girl says with a smile at you. 
You smile back, “It’s pretty laid back, honestly. Nothing too exciting happens around here.” 
“That’s what it looks like,” The girl laughs a light laugh, “I doubt I’ll ever come back, Loki said it was a one time thing, but I’m happy I got the chance anyways.” 
You squint at the girl when she’s not looking at you because she’s eating her cereal and question everything. Loki doesn’t do one night stands. That’s what the god had told you the first time you both fell into bed together. He had explicitly stated. “If I bed you, I mean to have you forever, I do not play games when it comes to courting.”
You hum at the girl and truly look at her. Her hair is cut at about your length and although the color is a tiny bit off it’s still in the same general shade as yours. Her features are vastly different from yours but her body shape is almost exactly like yours too. 
At this conclusion you’ve thought of three things. One, Loki is trying to make you jealous. Two, Loki is showing there are many other girls just like you he can use. Three, Loki is still hung up on you and has really bad coping skills. 
You bring you mug up coffee to your lips as you ponder over your conclusion and raise your eyes when Natasha walks into the kitchen. She raises her brows at the girl, with a glance to you, who introduces herself as Nat reaches in the fridge and pulls a carton of eggs out. 
As Natasha waits for her pan to heat up so she may cook her eggs she questions the girl. 
“What is it you do?” 
“Oh, I’m an accountant for a small company here in-” The girl stops and looks at you, concerned when you start choking on your coffee, “-are you ok?” She asks, you nod still choking a little but get it under control. 
“I used to be an accountant, I started out with a small company based in Colorado then moved here when Stark offered me a better job.” You tell her. 
“Oh! I just started my job seeing how I just graduated, but it’s my dream to work for someone as significant as Tony Stark.” 
You smile and nod, “I’ll put in a good word for you, see if we can get you a promotion you can’t deny.” You say, glancing at Nat who is smirking devilishly at you. You truly do want the best for this girl but at the same time you’d like to see Loki squirm with his one night stand working in the same tower he resides in.  
The next time it happens is two days later. This time you’re in the common area with Bruce, teaching him how to play Minecraft at night when the elevator dings. You both look up and see Loki ravishing some poor girl on the elevator’s wall. They let out small moans and gasps. Then Loki turns and looks out the elevator to see you and Bruce staring at them, game completely forgotten. 
You’re sure Bruce is wide eyed and blushing like crazy, you can’t see his face seeing as he’s turned towards the elevator. However, you control your face and look bored with a raised brow at Loki. 
“My apologies, I thought I had pressed my floor.” Loki says.
The girl he was just basically eating up giggles and pokes her head around his body to look at you two. 
“We’re really sorry!” 
They both pull from each other but don’t truly stop touching, they’re just in a presentable position now. Loki pushes his correct floor number and you watch as they disappear in the elevator. 
When Bruce looks at you he’s not blushing or wide eyed. He actually looks a bit green in the face. 
“You ok?” You ask, confused. 
“It’s wrong of him to do that to you. He’s smart, has to have his floor memorized. The only way he’d hit this floor was because he knows you’re here.” Bruce says with a sigh, the green hue in his face receding. 
You chuckle, nodding to the controller in Bruces hand so he can continue harvesting his wheat. 
“It’s ok, he’s always been really bad when it comes to coping skills.” 
Bruce watches the TV as he harvests wheat but gives you a glance with a raised brow. 
“The women he’s bringing to the building look like me. Or at least the first one did for sure, I wasn’t really looking at this one. The last one even had the same job I used to have.”
Bruce frowns at the TV then realization dawns on his face. “Now that you mention it, this girl did have the same characteristics as you...” 
You hum with a small smile. “Loki is going to be Loki, I’m just trying my best to get over him and move on.” 
You watch as Bruce pauses the game and looks at you with an evil grin. You’re a little shocked because you’ve never seen the doctor show any emotions like this. His eyes are far away in thought, but he smirks with malicious intent. 
“What if you dated one of us? Not really, but in public you would kiss and hug, hold hands do all the couple stuff in front of Loki?” Bruce asks. 
Your face must be shocked because Bruce chuckles. 
Breaking from your shock you smirk back at the doctor. “And just who would I date?” 
Bruce thinks for a second, “Well Loki....” Then you see a sinister look come over his face. “Thor.”
You gasp and slap Bruce on the shoulder, “That’s evil, Bruce!”
Bruce chuckles and shrugs his shoulders with a now timid look on his face. 
“I live with a bunch of people that have perfected getting under each others skin, I’ve picked up on how to do it too.” 
“I’ll talk with Thor later. Tell him of your nefarious plan, it’s genius!” You say relishing in the fact that you’ll be able to break Loki’s heart more, the god deserves it you justify. 
You talk with Thor and kickoff the plan right away. The next morning, Loki actually comes in and has breakfast with his one night stand across from you at the table as you enjoy staring at the newspaper, waiting on Thor to come in. They’re being sickly cute, feeding each other, giggling, and just overall making you want to throw up. You know Loki is truly nothing like this, he’s just putting on a show for you. 
When Thor walks in he gives a big good morning, throwing you a smirk Loki misses because he’s too busy kissing ass to his girl. Thor makes coffee for you and brings it over to you. When he sets it in front of you he says, “Just how you like it!” 
Then Thor leans down and takes your lips into his. Thor really puts on a show and brings a hand up to caress at your jaw as he delves into your mouth with his tongue. When he pulls away you’re breathless and look up at him with adoration. Both the gods really know how to use their mouths...and tongues for that matter. 
You lick your lips and look at the girl Loki brought home when she makes a remark. 
“Looks like we’re not the only ones who got lucky!” She giggles. 
You smile at her, glance at Loki who is glaring daggers into you, then look back up to Thor as you raise your coffee mug to him and say, “Thanks, sweetheart.” 
Thor smiles down at you and offers to make you breakfast but you decline saying you need to help Tony with something. Before you leave the room Thor pulls you into another kiss, lets you go, and slaps your ass as you walk away. You give a small yelp and giggle. Enjoying every second you feel Loki glaring at you before you leave the kitchen. 
You spend a few hours with Tony just talking as he works on his suit. You came down here to hide and be happy at the whole situation that had just happened. Tony laughs uncontrollably when you tell him what’s going on. 
“This is either gonna turn into amazing make up sex or a really big argument.” Tony says, wiping a hand over his face, smearing it with oil. 
You laugh as you sit on his work table, swinging your legs. 
“As long as he hurts just as much as I do, I don’t care which one happens.” 
“That’s toxic.” Tony states without malice. “But so is Loki so it kind of cancels each other out, right?” He asks, throwing you a devious look tapping his wrench to his chin as he does. 
“Ya, we’ll go with that.” You say, jumping from the table, getting ready to leave the lab.
“Thanks for letting me hide for a bit.” You say.
“Anytime!” Tony says over his shoulder as you leave. 
You’re walking down the hallway to your room when Loki materializes out of nowhere and pins your to the wall. His left hand pins your waist to the wall, his right hand is balled in a fist and rests on the wall next to your face. His face is inches from yours, absolutely livid. 
“You play with fire without thinking about the consequences, sweetheart.” Loki spits out the nick name you used earlier.
“What? You didn’t expect me to fight back when you started fucking girls three weeks into our break up?” You ask through gritted teeth. “You were supposed to be in love with me Loki, if you were really in love you would have waited a bit longer.” 
Loki’s face turns to regret before he gets angry again. 
“You could have went for anyone other than my brother, you can’t act like you’re holier than me.” 
You scoff and push at Loki who doesn’t budge. “You started it when you brought home girls that look like me. Making me think I was expendable, replaceable.” You say, your voice cracking when you say replaceable. “I may act like I’m fine all the time but my heart is in pieces Loki. You decided to take my heart and step all over it like I meant nothing to you!” You begin crying.
Loki furrows his brows at your tears, like he actually cares that he’s the one who made them fall. 
You close your eyes so you don’t have to look at his face anymore. Silently crying there. You feel Loki wipe your tears with his right hand, his left hand keeps you pinned though which is smart because if you could break his grip you’d run from the situation. His right hand stops wiping at your tears when they stop falling and slides his hand down till it’s cusping your neck.
“That was not my intention.” Loki finally says in a soft voice. 
You open your eyes and frown at the god. “So it was just you trying to cope in a really bad way...” You say, deflating in his hold but leaning into his hand. You haven’t felt his touch in weeks and your body is practically craving it. You hate that you react like this. 
Loki gives a sad smile. “We are a concoction of toxic chemicals. We may not get a happy ending...” Loki whispers, his thumb caressing your jawline where his hand holds your neck, his eyes roaming over your face, “But I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re worth every second.” Loki finishes, closing his eyes and kissing you.
You lean into the kiss, tasting Loki and losing yourself in his mouth as he dominates your weak fighting with tongue. His left hand comes up to grab your hair and pull at it causing you to gasp into his mouth. He practically swallows the gasp and moans. His right hand squeezes your neck then drifts down over your breast, making sure to flow over your nipple, and then grabs your hip in a bruising grip and pulls your body to arch into his. 
When you pull from his kiss you look into his eyes and see nothing but love and lust. Then it changes to a frown and insecurity. 
“Did you sleep with him?” Loki whispers, not sure he wants to know the answer. 
Loki sighs and uses both hands to hug you into his body, burying his face in your neck. When he pulls away to look at you you see the love there again.
“I love you.” He says sweetly. 
You smile up at him, “I love you too.” 
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septimus-heap · 2 years
Oh my god septimus heap minecraft server au…
YEAH YEAH YEAH. Marcia's technically the owner bc sep didn't have any money at the time but. It's basically seps server.
Anyway. Jenna has a moderate sized house she built by using past knowledge and combining what she liked abt some other people's builds builds. She's got farms but she hates redstone so the only automated ones r gifts <3
Septimus doesn't even Have a house. He has a dirt hut full of automated storage system and that's it. His entire base is automated farms he uses to get potion ingredients to prank Everyone Else. Someone broke the redstone weeks ago but he's still getting stuff. How is he doing this. Everything except potion supplies "has a system" he says. "it's organised" he says. He can find whatever he wants within seconds but to everyone else it's a mess
Beetle has built a rollercoaster and it gives Everyone motion sickness. He loves it. Occasionally a lag spike will send you flying into lava but its fine it's fine. He's the only one who uses it anyway so he knows the risks
Lucy built a structurally sound, very pretty house that she shares with simon and they have a sheep pen and a pig pen and they just. Talk to jenna. Simon has built 6000 redstone contraptions in their back garden and lucy has to keep prettying them up. Sometimes (later on) one of them will sit william on their lap and show him around. They stopped killing animals for food around that point because william didn't like it :(
Marwick can only just work a computer but when he does he's helping sep with potions. He refuses to prank people because he's too nice EXCEPT when it's Sam
Sam has turned hundreds of blocks of grassland into farms. No one knows why. He doesn't even harvest them. He doesn't live there
Silas and sarah don't actually know how to play but they'll join when one of their kids asks. Sarah gets motion sickness so mostly it's silas and he just follows around whoever invited him and doesn't say anything because he doesn't know how chat works and he doesn't have a microphone. He doesn't know how marcia does Anything
Marcia started playing because she couldn't sleep one night and now she's on several nights a week. She HATES building exteriors so from the outside her entire base is just one (1) nice looking wood hut. Inside there is a MASSIVE underground cavern with literally everything she could ever need. It is impressive and beautiful and septimus hates her for it because he knows she didn't cheat any of it. Sometimes she's on creative just to fuck with people (read: silas). She puts people in obsidian boxes sometimes and builds bridges with diamond blocks because digging out a cavern that big gives you resources both to sell and to convert.
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haworthiaace · 4 years
Magic Misfits AU
Ok so basically we made an au based off of the fact that Scar kept calling his village the village for magical misfits. Scar finds out that he somehow ended up on a server for magical misfits, and now he’s created a sort of safe haven within the server, so naturally they flock to it. Some hermits don’t surprise him, the ones that don’t really bother making an effort to hide their magic, or the ones who can’t hide it. But some hermits deeply confuse him. Chaos ensues. 
TLDR Scar becomes a magical therapist for the hermits
Scar is a wizard, he doesn’t really specialize in anything besides his crystals, which is why he’s able to help with a variety of magical issues. He ends up becoming the one entrusted with everyone’s secrets and problems, which makes him Stressed, but he enjoys helping his friends.
Both Xisuma and Evil Xisuma are shapeshifters, with the ability to change their appearance, but not their size. X keeps his appearance hidden from the hermits, which of course inspires wild theories ranging from eldritch abomination to biblical angels, but X won’t reveal if any theories are true. The only ones that know are Hypno (explained later) and Scar. Scar found out when Xisuma showed up hurt at his doorstep, without enough energy to keep another form. Scar was sworn to secrecy afterwards, and he deeply enjoys listening to other hermits pester him for answers. X actually just looks startlingly average, to the point that he’s unwilling to reveal himself solely because people expect him to be something a little more intimidating, and especially now with the ridiculous rumours the hermits have started.
EX doesn’t hide his true form (which is identical to X’s), but of course the hermits don’t believe him, thinking that it’s just another disguise, and EX won’t confirm or deny because he thinks it makes them more afraid of him. (It doesn’t) He’ll also frequently try to impersonate hermits to destroy the server from the inside out, but he is a terrible actor (so is X) and rarely gets far in his plans.
Mumbo and Grian are fairies, but they’re originally from different communities (courts? I really don’t know much about fairies) so they don’t know the other is a fairy until Grian’s hermit challenges initiation. They can shrink into a smaller form that has wings, but it takes quite a bit of effort to switch between forms. (also fun fact: if mumbo is a fairy that means hermit challenges is a magically binding contract)
Iskall is just. Completely human. His prosthetic eye is powered by magic, (and maintained by Scar!) but other than that he’s just a dude. However, he has very strange things happen to him all the time because he’s befriended not one, but two fairies, and he hasn’t noticed either one. He finds that he often has abnormally good luck, and his lost objects will mysteriously turn up as soon as he complains to his best friends about it. He asks Scar if he knows anything, but Scar, not wanting to break Mumbo or Grian’s trust, has to play dumb while also helping Iskall with his ‘problem’.
Now this might come as a shock but. Ren is a werewolf. It may not be unique but it is fitting. One full moon near the beginning of season 7, Ren showed up at the village around sunset, and frantically insisted that Scar let him stay the night in an unoccupied house. So Scar let him stay, and the next morning Ren explained his Situation. So now Scar helps Ren be as comfortable as possible on the night of his transformation and the day after they just chill together.
Stress has her potion brewery, and she’s the first one on the list to fall into the category of Not Having Frequent Magical Emergencies; she just goes to the village to hang out because hey why not? It’s cozy, plus Scar helps her brainstorm potion recipes over cookies and hot chocolate. Scar comes to her often needing a potion (usually of the healing variety) because someone Fucked Up.
Tango is also human, but at some point he was cursed, and his vision started to literally turn red until it was all he could see. The curse was halted thanks to Zed and Impulse, but the red eyes still remain. (Though thankfully his vision returned) They aren’t sure what the curse would have done if it wasn’t stopped, and they’d be happy to never find out.
Zed is an elf, and while he does have a little bit of magic, it wasn’t enough to stop whatever was afflicting Tango, so he turned to more demonic methods. When Tango’s sight got really bad, he summoned a demon (Impulse) and offered his soul in exchange for a cure to the curse. Impulse did the best he could, restoring Tango’s vision but leaving the red eyes, and then left with his price. Zed’s health slowly started declining: he had basically no energy or life due to the separation from his soul. So Tango summoned Impulse back and asked for Zed’s soul back, but it couldn’t be returned without reversing the deal, and Zed wasn’t willing to do that. So Tango ‘asked’ Impulse to stay with them for a while so Tango could convince Zed to back out of the deal. It turns out that being near his soul (kept by Impulse) returned Zed’s energy, and Impulse decided he liked these two so they became a trio, and joined hermitcraft soon after.
Quite often 2 members of team ZIT will wake up Scar in the middle of the night because they accidentally did something to the missing member (banished Impulse, sent Tango to the shadow realm, etc.) and they don’t know what to do. Scar has a ZIT protocol. It’s used far too often. They also constantly try to figure out what the more human looking hermits are. They do not often succeed.
At night, Bdubs turns into a sleep paralysis demon looking creature, and he (unwillingly) curses people to sleep for a completely random amount of time. After an Incident with Wels in season 6, (that’s the reason for his ‘nap’) he makes sure to sleep as early as possible every night. He thankfully isn’t affected by this while in the End or Nether.
Alright lads here’s the angsty one. Beef has the midas touch, meaning everything he touches turns to gold. It works much slower on living creatures than on inanimate objects, but it still works on living things so that’s Not Good. He makes sure to wear special enchanted gloves that block his curse while wearing them. At some point he goes to Scar in a panic because he accidentally touched Etho with his bare hands, (Etho handles this surprisingly well) and Scar helps him fix Etho. (It’s minecraft rules. They just cut his arm off and it comes back.) After that they put a curse of binding enchantment on Beef’s gloves.
Cleo is still a zombie, and she sometimes gets Scar to help her with Zombie Problems when Joe isn’t available. The first time she showed up outside Larry with her (severed) arm held in one hand Scar nearly jumped out of his robes, but he’s pretty used to it by now and will just go inside to grab a needle and thread.
Joe certainly is something! Nobody is quite sure, even Scar. All Scar knows is that Joe knows way too much about everything, and yet he keeps asking Scar to help him translate Galactic. (Joe is secretly trying to teach Scar the language because he feels that it’s important for magic users to know, especially ones so versatile like Scar) Joe is some kind of oracle who receives visions of the past, present, and future, which is why he knows so much, and he’s also at least dabbled in almost every kind of magic there is. He’s a bit of a cryptid.
The local mad scientist is Cub, who does all sorts of weird experiments, and makes inventions that combine magic and technology in disturbing yet wonderful ways. He also got cursed by his pyramid, so now he has comically bad luck. It doesn’t usually cause any serious harm, just shenanigans. He of course embraces this and finds it funny as hell.
On top of Doc’s regular strangeness, (creeper hybrid, cyborg, goat whisperer?) he also for some reason attracts a frankly unreasonable amount of kitsunes. Nobody knows why, but he can be seen in the shopping district being trailed by no less than two foxes with varying amounts of tails. It’s really very cute, and the mystery of it infuriates the more investigative hermits. (Cub and team ZIT mostly)
Etho is a demigod, although nobody knows what god he’s descended from. (including Etho) He has the fun ability to grant others’ wishes, but because of his personality he chooses to twist these wishes and turn them into fun little pranks that technically give the person what they want, but not without annoying them first. He also doesn’t reveal this ability to the others, leaving them even more confused whenever he uses it, which isn’t often because it does drain him quite a bit.
False, being the badass she is, is a valkyrie. She towers over most of the hermits, and between her height, wings, and blazing sword she’s quite intimidating. Despite this, she’s still very sweet, and would never seriously hurt her friends on purpose, but enemies are a whole different story.
Hypno at first seems totally human, but he actually comes from a world full of magic, each person having their own individual ability. Hypno’s ability is to absorb/ cancel out magic, which means that no magic can affect him, and he can also choose to stop any magic by touching the target of the magic. This got him exiled from his world, but he found a new family in the hermits. Because he isn’t affected by magic, he can see through Xisuma’s disguise, but he just assumes that he sees the same thing as everyone else. He hangs out with Beef when he needs comfort because he knows Beef can’t accidentally hurt him.
Jevin is,, slime. Not a minecraft slime, he’s just a pile of sentient slime held together by magic. (Necromancy? probably) Hypno likes to mess with him by touching small parts of him and disrupting the magic so a chunk of his arm falls off. Scar then has to fix it, but it’s still funny.
Keralis has the power of hypnotizing people by looking into his eyes. (Nothing but his eyes) He of course uses this power for mischief, although nothing actually bad. Usually uses it to ‘convince’ people to buy a book or seven. He also sometimes does it on accident, in which case he drops them off at Scar’s until they snap out of it. Team ZIT keeps asking him to hypnotize X so he’ll reveal his true form, but Keralis doesn’t want to force him to reveal that, plus he finds their attempts at figuring it out entertaining.
XB is an unfortunately forgetful selkie, and most of his visits to Scar are because he lost his coat in one of his shulker boxes again. On one memorable occasion he arrived in a panic after losing his coat again, and Scar had to spend about 5 minutes trying to suppress his laughter enough to tell XB that it was on him.
TFC doesn’t have magical crises, much to Scar’s relief. He’s just a humble earthbender living in the mines, occasionally coming out to the village to ask Scar for a crystal to help his back pain, or to give the poor man an afternoon of peace. In fact, Scar turns the tables by asking TFC for magical help with terraforming, which he’s glad to offer in exchange for all that Scar does for everyone.
Wels is a bard, which makes his sea shanties even more powerful than they already are. When Hermitgang came out, a hole was blown in the G team base, much to the surprise of everyone inside at that moment. Hels is also a bard, but he prefers rock music over sea shanties. Diabolical was an actual magical duel, and it probably looked sick as hell.
Bonus: Jellie is secretly a powerful eldritch being, and is the only one with magic that can affect Hypno. It’s a good thing she’s interested in getting pets and treats rather than destroying the server, because she probably could. She casually hops between worlds whenever Scar isn’t around, going on delightful little adventures. Scar takes quite a while to figure this out, and loses his shit when he does. When she got struck by lightning, she just turned up totally fine the next day and Scar didn’t question it too much.
I’d like to thank the discord for helping with ideas, ya’ll are so creative and i appreciate you all <3 ( @skywillsometimeswrite @bigbadantianti @justletmeplayminecraft @badtimeswithscar @aceacebaby12345 @litabattoir @icewolfstar @burntmagicc @dicerxll @dioritegang @cut-the-string @anntonka @shadeswift99
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aonogifreactions · 4 years
Minecraft headcanons no one asked for
a/n: olcvfgmlkfm this hit me so randomly i dont even know. enjoy!! under the cut due to length!
★ Characters: Rin, Yukio, Mephisto, Amaimon.
★ Words: 1,6k.
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this sweetheart loves playing with you whenever you ask him to! it relaxes him a lot, plus just having fun with you is making him really happy.
he stays somewhere near you, ALWAYS. he’s way too embarrassed to admit he’s scared (same Rin, same), so whenever he yelps or jumps on his bed because he heard a zombie growl, you can laugh as much as you want, but don’t be surprised if he shoots a glare at you and pouts.
he’ll bring you whatever you want. wood? fine. iron? no problem, he’s already on his way to find a cave (even if he’s afraid of caves.. he’ll do it for you).
he’s not very good at building, so usually he leaves it to you, and it doesn’t really matter whether you live in a “house” made out of dirt or a full ass mansion; no matter what your building skills are, he’s gonna praise you anyway.
sucks at parkour. DON’T ask him to play a parkour map, he’s gonna whine and barely make one jump.
speaking about bad jumping, he’s really clumsy and somehow always ends up with the highest death streak. for example, he’s sprinting to kill a pig, but somehow doesn’t notice a fucking lava pool below him and jumps right into it. accidentally hits a zombie piglin (or pigman, depends on what version you play on) and he’s dead.
HOWEVER, he’s the guy who gets really lucky. do you remember/have a person/friend that always manages to get diamonds first? yep, it’s him. gets the best enchants. both on books and tools or armor. he also gets the ender dragon kill first too.
he won’t play without optifine and texture pack other than the default one. he hates it. his fave is faithful and if it doesn’t work, he’s constantly commenting on how the default one is hurting his eyes.
he will NOT survive listening to both disc “11″ and “13″ he hates it. don’t play it unless you want him to cry.
hasn’t played alpha nor beta versions, but he likes watching vids of it! he gets very nostalgic, which honestly bewilders him because he started playing way after beta. sometimes you can catch him listening to the old soundtrack all teared up, or falling asleep to it.
LOVES GREEN PARROTS. one of them is named after you.
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unlike rin, he’s always complaining about you asking him to play, but he’s obviously gonna do it (because he loves u,, even if he says he doesn’t). it also relaxes him, but mostly, he likes it because he’s able to get his mind off of “adult things” and finally get some rest.
wooo, he’s the brave one. he isn’t afraid of zombie gurgles or anything like that, so he’s always going to caves first (and gets lost because he’s literally going deeper and deeper FDMKFMV). however, there’s one thing that always startles him... cave sounds. he doesn’t scream, but if you’re near him, you can sometimes witness his character spinning or jerking his head in another direction because of it vcxkvnjhbv
don’t, i repeat, dON’T make fun of him afterward. he’s gonna go all the way back to you and kill you (and then go back mining.. like nothing happened).
the perfectionist. always mines all the resources he sees; during building something he also always makes sure everything’s proportional. gladly counts blocks for you, if your brain can’t work anymore.
now, building! not very skilled with building houses, but he likes building simple decorations, like fountains, gardens or farms. despite him always claiming it’s bad, his work always looks very detailed. not very good with ideas of those things at first, so mainly at the beginning he always finds some inspirations on the internet, but later gets the hang of it and builds his own ideas!
his favorite place to have a house in is somewhere near the ocean.
likes default textures. too used to have anything else.
doesn’t like listening to in-game music, unless it’s something from beta or alpha versions (like “Haggstorm” or “Wet Hands”). Usually listening to his own favorite songs on Spotify.
His favorite disc is “Far”. It used to be “Cat”, but due to him obtaining it like 3000 times he stopped liking it. nor hearing it anywhere near.
when he goes out to get resources and/or food, he comes back with full inventory and shulkers, just like a father that’s about to feed his kids. minimum 10 stacks of iron, coal blocks and food. the nearest 10k chunks of caves is already explored, so you better be ready for a long, lONG WALK to get something new.
he’s also fond of beta versions, but rarely plays them without you.
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this motherfucker wants to literally speedrun every fucking game. meanwhile you’re busy making a wooden pick, he’s out there typing “can’t wait to beat the dragon and get elytras~! ★”
remembers literally every recipe for all items and alchemy. personal minecraft wikipedia right there.
he MUST have a fucking mansion, otherwise, he isn’t playing. fortunately, he’s tried building before, so he’s perfectly capable of building one himself. it’s all made out of pink wool and concrete, along with white concrete accents here and there. 
adding to the previous one, he also has a great decorating sense. the rooms look very good, space is filled nicely and is both pretty and practical. the mansion itself looks very good on outside and inside.
of course, the main bedroom that’s designed especially for you two looks WAY TOO GOOD. I'm not even gonna start on him messing with plugins and making it even prettier.
his skin is a random, pink anime girl.
master with redstone. everything’s automated, there also might be hidden rooms with surprises. there’s a hidden shrine dedicated for you. he hasn’t told you about that though... >_>
even though he gets many useful things from the swamp biome, like lily pads or that cyan flowers, he hates this biome with a burning passion. if he sees it anywhere near his render distance he’s spasming and immediately voicing his annoyance. hates that specific, “dirty and unsightly” green water and grass color.
he doesn’t do much mining, but happily goes with you if you ask him to. even if he has no armor on, he never dies. NEVER. there might be 6 creepers but he somehow survives their explosion.
not scared at all. he knows this game like the back of his hand. he might, however, attempt to scare YOU instead. on purpose. or accidentally hit you so you fall from a large height and die. if you get upset at him afterward, he’s gonna give you even better stuff you’ve had before.
HE LOVES PLAYING ALPHA AND BETA. he started to play probably around very early alpha, so coming back to such simpler times is making him somewhat nostalgic (even if he denies it). on those versions, he builds things that used to be popular back in the day, like simple towers of cobblestone or houses inside mountains. it hits him hard when old soundtrack plays.
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he’s very, very confused. first off, he’s not used to the game at all, but then, he googles almost any recipe or asks you thousands of questions about how to make things. after some time, he finally figures out that there’s a book with recipes in game.
he might steal your items, but usually, he gives you back better items. for example, you notice your iron pickaxe is missing, but suddenly he sprints into the house and throws at you diamonds.
oh, he’s aware of the existence of chests, but for some reason, he likes throwing various items at you. he runs off afterward, leaving you with everything on the ground.
don’t introduce him to bedrock edition, he hates playing minecraft with a gamepad, and will smash it immediately. java edition is the only help for this man.
he’s also clumsy, like Rin. he manages to do that less than him somehow, but he tends to die pretty often anyway. his deaths are the stupidest, sometimes he doesn’t even bother explaining it. he literally can die with gravel suffocating him.
once he goes to the nether, he doesn’t wanna go back to the overworld. he says something along the lines of it being similar to gehenna or whatever, but. no matter what version it is - pre- or post- update 1.16, he likes it and that’s it.
his favorite biome in the overworld is jungle - mostly because of the lively color of grass, but also tall trees. he likes having there treehouses and always asks if you can build one (because he sucks at building. even worse than Rin >_>). his fave in the nether is blue forest or basalt biome - however, he becomes mad quickly on the second one due to frequent gaps filled with lava and magma cubes.
he likes normal slimes though. he even has a pet slime!! QwQ
he named his pet slime after Behemoth. keeps it safe in a glass cube and checks on it regularly. Behemoth doesn’t know about it doe.
he bullies every single villager that’s within his sight. burns their homes. the only thing that survives is the iron golem because he thinks it’s cool.
plays with the basic Steve skin. partially because he doesn’t know how to change it and that he isn’t determined enough to look for any.
forgets that crouching exist and falls off almost every cliff or anything that’s considered high.
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God Damn Smile | Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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Warnings: Fluff :)
Time/Era: Modern AU
Word count: 3.7k 
Summary: Edmund reconnects with his childhood best friend, and it makes old, forgotten feelings resurface. 
Request: Hey! Can you write an Edmund x reader based on “A Typical Teenage Love Song” by Tate McRae? It’s fine if you can’t. Tsym in advance!
A/N: This song is so cute :D Ahhh, I love this imagine!!! I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think! Thanks for the request :)
masterlist | read on ao3
“No! Don’t step on him!” Five year old Y/N L/N yelled at her friend, Edmund Pevensie. He had his foot raised above a small garden snail, right in the middle of a game of Godzilla. The pair were currently in Y/N’s back garden, playing amongst all the plants. Both children were dressed in brightly colored rain boots and their play clothes to enjoy the rainy weather. 
“It’s just a snail,” Edmund responded, lowering his leg to the ground. Instead of squishing the garden creature, he kneeled down to the ground for a better look. It wasn’t anything special, just a normal garden snail, but it seemed to be rather important to his playmate. 
“He is not just a snail! He is my friend.”
“If he’s your friend, what’s his name then?” Edmund let the small snail crawl up onto his finger before standing upright. 
“Snaily,” Y/N responded, putting her hand out and throwing the teddy bear in her arms to the ground. Edmund placed Snaily on her palm and smiled a toothy smile. This made Y/N grin, putting her hand at eye level. “Thank you for not squashing him.”
“He’s my friend now, too. You don’t squash friends.” 
Y/N nodded in agreement, “You don’t squash friends.” 
“Do you remember being a baby?” Edmund asked Y/N. They were now eight and sitting on the Pevensie family swing set, avoiding the youngest Pevensie child, Lucy. Y/N adored Lucy, she thought the girl was adorable, but Edmund insisted the two have “big kid things” to attend to. 
The swing set was old and rickety, as it had been in their family since Edmund’s older brother, Peter was a toddler. The colors were faded, the slide had a large crack in it and Edmund had written his and Y/N’s initials on one of the support beams. “No, am I supposed to?” Y/N answered. She had been last to reach the swings, so she was stuck with the squeaky one. Her face cringed each time the chains made a noise, despite her attempts to stay as still as possible. Y/N brought her hands to the teddy bear on her lap, covering its ears. Having been in the sun all afternoon, the swing was hot on her legs and it stuck uncomfortably to the skin on her thighs. 
“I don’t think so. My parents were looking at our baby books this morning so I was wondering,” 
“My mom has a picture of us when we were three hanging in our living room,” Y/N’s nose wrinkled and she kicked up a small patch of dirt. “We’ve been friends since we were babies. I don’t remember meeting you, though. You were just, there.” 
Edmund laughed, standing so he could lean his stomach against the seat of the swing. He swung on his stomach once before situating back onto his feet. “Our fathers are friends which means we’re friends. That’s just the way the world works.”
“Friends forever, even if one of us moves far far far far away?”
“Friends forever, Y/N.” 
“Do you have to go?” Ten-year-old Edmund stood outside of Y/N’s house, holding a box of barbies. Mr. L/N took the box from Ed’s hand and put it in the trunk of his car. 
“It should only be for a few years at most, Ed. I’m getting relocated for work,” Mr. L/N responded, messing the young boy’s hair up with one hand. “We’ll be back. I gave your Dad our new address and you can write to Y/N to your heart’s content.”
When Y/N joined them at the car, backpack slung across her shoulder and her favorite teddybear hugged between her arms, tears were rolling down her face. 
“I don’t want to go, please don’t make me!” She cried, holding to her teddy to her chest. Her face was scarlet and her mouth was etched into a frown. 
“You can stay with us!” Edmund offered, his own tears starting to roll down his face. Y/N was more than just his playmate, she was his best friend. They had spent the last seven years of their life seeing eachother almost daily, and now all of that was going to come to a sudden halt. 
“That’s sweet of you, buddy, but I think her mother and I would miss her too much,” Mr. L/N smiled down at the two before walking to the front of the car where his wife was talking to Helen Pevensie. 
“I wish you didn’t have to go,” Edmund sniffled. “I’m going to miss you. I have no one to play on the swings with!”
“You can play with Lucy.” Edmund made a face at this suggestion, making Y/N sadly giggle. “Or Peter.”
“No, Lucy cries too much and Peter always kicks sand in my eyes.” 
A thoughtful look came over Y/N’s face and she looked down at the plush in her arms. After a small moment of what looked like intense thought, she held her teddy out towards Edmund. 
“Here, Ed, now you can have a friend!” Edmund hesitantly took the bear from Y/N’s hands and looked down at it. It was obvious Y/N really loved that thing because it was a bit raggedy and one of the brown button eyes was replaced with a bright green one. “Teddy likes it better here, anyway. You can take care of him.” 
Y/N awkwardly gripped her upper arm with her hand, swaying on her heels. Edmund hugged it to him and nodded stiffly. “He’s in good hands. I will protect him with my life.”
Both kids laughed and embraced before Y/N was whisked into the car. 
Dear Y/N, 
Happy 12th birthday! I’m sad I couldn’t be there for it, but I hope your cake was yummy. The picture my mum showed me looked absolutely delicious. She also said you took up archery at your new school! My school doesn’t offer that, so I thought that was cool. Did you shoot anything? I know you are too nice to shoot any animals but I never know with you. ;) I hung out with this girl in my English class the other day, she reminded me of you. She had long brown hair and blue eyes and a laugh that sounds like yours. She wasn’t as fun as you, though. I think she wants me to be her boyfriend. I’m not sure if I want to be her boyfriend. She kept trying to hold my hand. Her hand was sweaty. And she kept saying I have a cute smile. I don’t know how a smile can be cute? Teeth are weird. Peter said that was her way of trying to flirt with me. Do you flirt with boys at your school? What do you say?
Maybe we can play Minecraft together again soon. Last time we played I had a great time. Have your mom text mine and we can try to schedule something. I want a phone, it would be easier to talk to you.
I attached a picture of me and Teddy at the park. He misses you almost as much as I do.
I’ll be waiting for your response, 
Thank you for the birthday wishes. :D The cake was delicious, I wish you could have tried it!!! And to answer your question, yes, but I’ve only ever shot targets. It’s against school rules to shoot anything other than them. Sort of a bummer, though. 
Your not-girlfriend sounds nice. I agree with her, your smile is very nice. You always look so happy when you smile, especially when your eyes light up. 
I don’t really flirt with boys, boys are kinda gross. Not you of course, but the guys at my school. There is this one guy named Ethan who is kinda cute. He wouldn’t want to be my boyfriend though. My friend always talks about kissing him. I want to kiss someone...have you ever kissed a girl? 
My mum said I can get a phone when I turn 14. Then, we can text and call whenever we want! I miss you. How’s teddy? He looks so happy in that picture. I hung it on my bulletin board. 
Respond quicker this time, will ya?
I’M HAVING A CRISIS AT THE RIPE OLD AGE OF 13! Remember that boy, Ethan? Well, apparently he has a big crush on me. That’s fine, he’s cute and everything, but my friend has a big crush on him. I guess it’s like friendship code to not date him? I feel bad rejecting him. I kinda have a crush on someone already. I know he doesn’t like me though. 
Are you still dating that one girl? In your last letter, you said you were gonna break up with her. How’d that go? Did she cry? Did you cry? I hope you didn’t. I don’t like it when you cry. It makes me sad. 
Can you believe we’re teenagers now? It seems like just yesterday I was handing you Teddy and crying in the car for an hour. I hope we come back soon. But hey! I’m almost 14, which means I’ll be getting a cell phone. Maybe if I have a phone my mum can convince yours to get you one. 
I miss you, Ed. I hope to be back soon. 
I’m not sure if that really counts as a crisis, but okay. If you don’t like him, don’t date him. That’s why I broke up with mine. I discovered I kind of like someone else, so I broke up with her. And no, I didn’t cry. If felt like a relief more than anything. Let me know how the “crisis” turns out. 
I can’t wait until I get a phone. My entire grade has one, and so do Susan and Peter. I feel kind of left out, having to write letters when I want to talk to someone. It’s always fun when I get them, though. 
If I have to hear Stitches by Shawn Mendes one more time, my head is going to explode!!!! Susan keeps playing it on repeat. I tried to turn it off earlier and she almost broke my arm. Why are siblings so mean? Or are mine just weird? You’re lucky you’re an only child. I miss you too, Y/N. If you were here life would be so much easier. 
“Edmund, you got a letter,” Lucy says, dropping the envelope on his desk. He was working on college applications, typing away on his laptop, and looking grumpy. Music blasted through his speakers as he worked. 
“I didn’t order anything?” He grunted in response, not taking his eyes off of the screen. 
“It’s from the girl you’re basically in love with, I think. It has her name on it.” Edmund looked at the envelope with scrunched eyebrows. Sure enough, it had her name and address written on the front in her familiar handwriting. His heart rate sped up while he gently (and shakily) broke the paper seal. Why didn’t she just text him? 
Hey, Edmund,
I know we haven’t talked since we were like 15 and I could have just texted you, but this seemed more nostalgic and romantic in a way. You know how I tend to romanticize everything. 
Anyway, I wanted to let you know we’re moving back for Senior year, crazily enough. A few years my ass, huh? We’ll be back on the 14th, so get ready for chaos. 
Seriously, I’m looking forward to seeing you outside of Instagram again. You don’t have to come see me if you don’t want to, I know it might be a bit awkward, but I’d really like it if you did. My address is 1014 Swanwhite Lane. Come stop by if you feel like it. 
I do miss you. Judging by your social media, you’re doing well. I’m happy to hear that. 
Hopefully, I’ll see you soon.
“Oh my god, she’s coming back,” Edmund says, gripping the thin paper in between his thumb and middle finger. “What’s the date?” 
Lucy pulled her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it, “The 28th. Why?”
“She got back the 14th! She’s been back for ages and I had no idea, oh my god!” 
“Well, are you going to go see her? You lost your chance to sweep her off her feet by waiting for her to arrive.”
“Sweep her off her feet?” Lucy rolled her eyes and hit him with the rest of the family’s mail. 
“Don’t play stupid. I’ve heard you and Peter talking.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His eyes skimmed the letter again. Lucy snatched it from his fingers and hit him with it. 
“Don’t know what I’m talking about? Really, Ed? The whole ‘I’ve been in love with her since I was 8 years old’ thing you told Pete? You don’t recall? Or the fact you have her post notifications on?” Lucy read the letter herself. “She wants to see you! Come on, this is your chance. You haven’t even looked at a girl since you were like 13.” 
“I’ve been focusing on school. What’s wrong with that?”
“It’s a Friday night in the middle of August and you’re getting a head start on college applications. Ed, go see the girl.” 
“Mum will never let me,” Lucy held up one finger and left the room. After about 5 minutes, she returned and held his coat out to him. 
“She said to go have fun. Here, it might be chilly.” Edmund sighed and took his jacket. The corduroy felt soft under his fingers as he slid it on. 
“You don’t have to be so pushy, Lu.” 
Lucy smiled, “It’s only because I love you. Besides, if I didn’t push you, you wouldn’t go.”
Edmund sat on the curb across the street and looked up at Y/N’s house. It was well past 11 at this point and only one light in the house was on. Hopefully, it was Y/N’s. 
He awkwardly thumbed through his contacts before pulling up Y/N’s. The last text was on his birthday, a simple two message conversation consisting of “Happy Birthday!” and “Thanks!”
Look outside 
He watched nervously as his message went from delivered to read, but no typing bubble popped up. Edmund sighed and stood, shoving his phone into his jacket pocket and walking towards the house. Sure enough, the front door opened and a grown-up Y/N stepped out. She was still dressed, but her shoes were off and her hair was tied back. Edmund smiled at her mismatched socks, old habits die hard apparently. 
“I thought you were never going to come and see me,” Her voice was like honey. 
“I just got the letter today, so blame the postal service. Not me.” The two walked to the curb and sat down. 
“Well, I’m glad you still came. I was expecting you to wimp out.”
“Wimp out?! Why would I do that?” 
Y/N let out a forced chuckle and looked at the pavement. “Because you stopped answering my texts and calls.” She crossed her arms across her body and shivered. She was only wearing a short-sleeve shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. “But I get it, life gets in the way sometimes.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Are you cold?” Without waiting for an answer, he shrugs off his jacket and drapes it across Y/N’s shoulders. It smelled like spearmint gum and pine. 
Y/N let out a real chuckle this time. “Smooth, Ed. Very cheesy.” 
“I will happily take it back.” 
“Please don’t, this is the closest I’ve been to you in years.” Her fingers gripped the material and closed it around her torso. She scooted closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. Edmund didn’t quite know what to do. “I missed you, Edmund. It’s so nice to see you again.” 
“I missed you too. Your return is a few years late.” His chest vibrated with a snicker. 
“I know, but I’m back now.” A moment of silence filled the air as the two tried to grow more comfortable in the familiar company. 
“I used to dream about sitting with you like this, you know,” Edmund said before he could stop himself. 
“You did?”
“Yeah, I used to picture us in all sorts of situations, but most of them were small things like this.” 
“But not anymore?”
Edmund sighed, laying his head on top of hers. His hair tickled Y/N’s forehead. “I figured you moved on from me.”
“Moved on? What do you mean?”
“I mean, you have so many friends and a new life… and we stopped texting as often. I don’t know, I thought you, maybe, outgrew me.” 
Y/N played with the zipper on Edmund’s jacket, making a small clicking noise fill the air. “I never outgrew you, Ed. In fact, a day didn’t go by that I didn’t wish I was here with you.” 
“I don’t see why. You had so many friends and such an exciting life. I’m rather dull in comparison.”
“You’re definitely not dull. And it doesn’t matter how many friends it seems like I have, you’re the only one I consider a best friend. I should have reached out more, maybe I could have had a better year.” 
Edmund shifted so he could wrap an arm around her waist. “Did you have a bad year?”
“Yeah, that’s sort of why we came back. But, I mean, I’m here with you, so everything has a bright side.” 
Edmund grinned and tightened his grip. “That’s one of the things I love most about you. You can always see the positives in everything.” Y/N pulled back and looked at his face. 
“I love it when you smile,” Y/N commented. “I could spend hours staring at that god damn smile.” Edmund’s cheeks reddened and his smile grew bigger. 
“Why don’t you, then? Stay with me for hours, I mean.” 
“I will if you let me, Pevensie.” 
Edmund sniffed once. 
“Did you ever end up dating that guy from your Chemistry class?” Edmund asks, studying the side of her face. His eyes scanned over her skin, admiring how soft it looked. 
“No, I’ve been in love with someone else for quite some time.” 
“What a lucky guy, then.” Edmund’s voice was only a bit louder than a mumble as he turned his head away from her. 
“Yeah, I guess he is. I’ve known him since I was really young.” 
“How’d you meet him?” Every word felt like a dagger into his stomach. 
“I don’t remember, he was always just there. Our dads were friends so we were friends. That’s just how the world works.” Edmund took his hand off of Y/N and placed it in his lap. 
“Oh, I see.” 
“Yeah, he’s super cute. He’s really smart, too, but kinda oblivious.”  
“Wow, he sounds great, Y/N. I’m so happy for you.” Each word sounded like he was choking them out. He stopped listening a few responses ago, but he still wanted to support her. No matter how hurt he felt, he was still her friend. 
“He’s the best person I’ve ever met, if I’m being quite honest. He can be a bit of an ass though.”
“What’s his name?” 
“You might know him,” Y/N tucked her hands into her sleeves before continuing. “His name is Edmund Pevensie.” 
“Wow, what a cool- wait what?” Y/N giggled at the look on his face. His eyebrows were lifted and his mouth was open slightly. 
“Yeah, I don’t know, maybe you’ve met him.” 
“You’ve been in love with me?” 
“Been and am, darling. God, when I got your text tonight my heart almost stopped.” Edmund was speechless, he couldn’t believe the girl he had been in love with for so long felt the same way. “Of course it’s okay if you don’t feel the same-”
“-No! I’m just shocked. I can’t believe this. I have loved you since we were little, I feel like I’m dreaming.” He couldn’t help but let the smile engulf his face, making his freckles stand out against his red cheeks. This was not what he was expecting when he had walked to her house. 
“There’s that handsome smile I love to see.” 
“So, you were waiting for me?” 
“Just like you were waiting for me. Lucy texted me about six months ago about how you never show any interest when she tries to set you up with girls. Now is just our time, unless you aren’t going to show interest in me.” 
“When did you get so sassy?” Edmund turned so he was facing her straight on. 
“When did you get so flust-” She was cut off mid-word by his warm lips being pressed against hers. He tasted like licorice and mint, and Y/N instantly got intoxicated off of his lips. Both parties had dreamed about this moment for years, so now that it was happening, it left them both feeling light-headed. Edmund pulled back and smirked. 
“Who’s the flustered one now?” He asks, hand cupping her cheek. 
“Does this mean you’re finally mine?”
“Y/N, I’ve always been yours. Hell, I’ll always be yours.” 
Edmund made a face as if he remembered something and reached into his backpack, “By the way, I’m not the only one who missed you.” He placed a very old teddy bear in his lover’s lap. 
He had raggedy fur and one green eye. 
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bean-pole-art · 4 years
Ed’s Borderlands Fics Masterpost
well finally
here is the masterpost of all of my Borderlands fics posted. most of them are Rhysothy focused to various AUs. I’m gonna update it as I post more but here it is, along with some of my commentary
right from the start big big BIG shoutout to @spoks-illogical-art​, my partner in crime, my biggest inspo, without them honestly most of these fics wouldn’t exist, please check out their amazing art <3
(latest edit - 21/02/2021)
Atlas AU - our main timeline, follows events of Moxxi’s Heist. lots of different concepts and ideas but the core really is Tim moving to Promethea to get help from Rhys. gonna sort em here with posting date, check the ao3 series for the “timeline”
Hypothetically - 2240 words summary: Rhys talks a lot, but usually thinks about it too little.
coffee, cats & monographs - 2880 words summary: “Hey hey, easy. You don’t want to repeat the accident from last week, do you?” Rhys cooed towards the cat and picked her up, just as Timothy instructed him to. Hearing these words, Felicity meowed. “Oh, don’t say that. This is my office and I have the power here,” he answered, carrying her back to his personal space.
Or Timothy's cat pays a visit to Rhys' office in the morning. note: I am a stupid mofo and at this point Tim would also have Loader Bot fkjbfd just imagine hes not mentioned cause hes wandering off, typical LB
Have Faith - 1470 words summary: During the 7 year lockdown at the Handsome Jackpot, Timothy couldn't really have any hope for himself. But maybe on Promethea it could be different. note: sudden feelings while watching JoltzDude139′s stream
Warm Cheeks, Cold Hands - 1170 words summary: Rhys comes home early and wants to say hi to his husband. With no ulterior motive. None at all. note: first fic Ive ever posted where characters are married, actually. fuck it, Rhysothy Real, his name is Rhys Lawrence
the battle (and the aftermath) of the ages - 2970 words summary: In a situation like this everything was possible, they could pull any punches they could think of. Four beasts playing against each other, every single one of them thinking of striking the winning blow.
Or Promethea Squad plays UNO. And then watches a movie. note: I love Promethea Squad with my whole heart
okurimono (贈り物) - 4/4, 17170 words summary: “Not a bomb. Just a device with a message for Rhys. Trust me on that,” this time an emoji of both winking and showing off a tongue [;P] appeared on the surface of Zer0’s helmet. Ah. So they were definitely trying to mess him up. In a way. Unfortunately, he really didn’t have any other options. Almost with a defeat, Timothy took the ECHOrecorder right from their hands and looked around it again. Or Zer0 gives Timothy a peculiar mission. note: my first ever multichapter fic. took me legit abt 8 months to finish but I am absolutely satisfied with this. also the bonus ending. yes
(there is) something I see in you - 8690 words summary: How one Rhys Strongfork met one Timothy Lawrence and how they fell for each other. More or less. note: best to go into this one blind, I swear. dumbest fic Ive ever written and please take this as a recommendation
this world is gonna pull through - 14380 words summary: Timothy really hoped it wasn’t anything important. He had that tendency to forget things easily, even if he tried to fight it. But Rhys kept on smiling and went by his side. So it couldn’t have been that bad. Still dumbfounded, he felt Rhys leaving a kiss right on his cheek.“November 11th? 
That- That seriously doesn’t ring any bells?” Rhys continued, brushing his hands against his shoulders. Or how Timothy spent one of his birthdays. note: also a love letter for Tim but a nicer one I guess kdjfnb dont ask how old is he i have no gdamn idea man
Strawberry Sweet - 3560 words summary: Rhys surprises Timothy with a gift for their date night in.
Happy Mercenary Day, Mr. Lawrence - 4670 words summary: How Timothy spent his first Mercenary Day on Promethea. note: I swear this is the best writer night Ive ever had. Ive written this whole thing in one night on Christmas day, solely on the inspo of that song I linked
Don’t Go Wasting Your Emotion - 4/4, 17080 words summary:  Afterwards, he went around with his usual duties. Getting a quick roundabout from his PA, checking several sectors himself and looking through the thousands of messages already sent to him via ECHOs. Rhys was ready to finally take on the day, yet when he made his way to the office, he saw the unusual envelope right by the edge of his desk. “For Rhys” was written on it. Straightforward enough. Or Rhys gets a letter from a secret admirer. note: another multichapter fic!! this one also took some time and well. its inspired by ABBA songs. cause only I would write a Rhysothy fic inspired by ABBA
Ratchet Effect - 7130 words summary: Knowing just how much overworked Rhys has been, Timothy wants to let them have a nice getaway in Lazy River Land. There's only one problem to overcome - ratch infestation. note: first fic of 2021!! Ive been playing a lot of bl3 suring the writing of it so it has a lot of stuff I had observed both on Promethea and on Jackpot
Reflections - 2250 words summary: Sometimes, Timothy needs a reminder.
Tales AU - second most important timeline. it’s Tales but Tim is a part of the group. sorted chronologically
A Story For Another Day - ongoing, for now -  2/25, 15280 words Tales AU main fic. it’s gonna be a big one
Connection Interrupted - 3240 words summary: With his driving shift finished, Timothy checks up on Rhys and Vaughn's plans.
Completely Hopeless - 1040 words summary: In which Fiona notices that Rhys behaves differently in front of a certain doppelganger.
infinity times infinity times infinity - 3460 words summary: Rhys and Timothy share some dreams and secrets underneath the stars. note: the beautiful combination of Sleeping At Last and Minecraft parodies. I promise it makes sense
reality can be whatever I want - 11420 words summary: “Hey, Tim?” Timothy didn’t even spare him a look, “Are we alone, or is he there with you?” Oh, this definitely won’t be pretty.
After the confession of Handsome Jack's AI in his head and his plan to infiltrate Helios, Rhys needs to set things right with Timothy. Somehow. note: thanosdancing.gif to Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way” 80′s remix and a guest appearance from Ferocity but I cant legally say her name here
still here - 2820 words summary: It all had to go down, after Helios crashed. note: I have...a love/hate relationship with this one kjdfbfg I like it but it’s honestly an alternate ending and doesnt fit within our usual bad ending, so take it with a grain of salt. i ten jebany błąd językowy w summary, kiedy ja go poprawię
together at last - 5590 words summary: It all struck him down in an instant, in this one minute. They were all safe. And they were all alive. Nothing was threatening neither him, nor Timothy, nor Fiona. He could finally breathe out.
They all found each other again. note: I am multitasking most time of my life but I dont relate any other fic to multitasking more than this one. I was honestly doing 10 things at once while writing this dfkjbndf
David AU - this one is a sub AU to Tales AU and the plot is kind of complicated dfjkbfb please check the fic for further explanation
building in curved lines - 22490 words summary: “To be fair, you look terrible. You’re barely standing in one piece and none of your coffees will hold you together for that long,” Lilith paused, seemingly weighing the correct words in her head. “You haven’t really been holding on since… We rescued The Double.” Rhys sighed heavily. Why did she have to be so right about everything. Or how Rhys and Timothy adjust to the reality after the Handsome Jack AI. note: bday gift for Spok, EASILY one of my absolute faves and the longest fic Ive written thus far
outside of AUs - some concepts I play with that are honestly outside any of our concrete timelines/concepts + fics not focused on Rhysothy
Real - 770 words summary: Reconciling with your past is a little easier, when you have someone you love right in your arms. note: first blands fic I’ve ever written. the characterization isn’t really there yet but as a first shot at the game and my kind of “introduction”, I am still satisfied of it
(Un)Familiar Faces - 9620 words summary: Timothy pursed his lips and leaned over the wall a little. He’s had enough of this solitude of closed doppelganger cabinet. Today wasn’t the day for another self-loathing session. Today, he should go off on Helios and do something for himself.
Or Timothy spends the night at a Helios bar. But not as Handsome Jack. And not as Timothy Lawrence either. note: personal favorite of mine, tough love letter to Timothy Lawrence. I have so many fond memories of writing this, including getting drunk out of my mind just like Tim and Rhys here
basics of survival - 2010 words summary: Athena taught Timothy everything he needed to know about survival. Now, it was time to put these skills into use. note: wrote this right before rona outbreak on last day in my dorms. thats all
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radramblog · 3 years
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate has finally unveiled its final DLC character, with reactions ranging fully across the spectrum. Hot takes abound.
I mean, statistically, just about every possible opinion is going to be represented. There were at least 500,000 people watching the reveal stream, and that’s not including those viewing through restreams. That’s insane for a trailer of any kind, let alone for a console-exclusive video game DLC.
Now that it’s been like… a day and a bit, I think most of the spciest takes have probably been made, which is the perfect time for me to chip in with my own milder opinion. More of a butter chicken, really.
(no images in this one i’m lazy tonight)
I figure I’m this late already, might as well drop some notes on the other ones first.
Piranha Plant was kind of the definition of an unexpected pick. Not only was it from an already well-represented franchise, being fucking Mario, it’s also just…not a character. As such it makes an odd choice for a DLC fighter…except for the part where it was free. If you owned the game in its first month. And frankly, I don’t think people would have been happy if it wasn’t. As it is, though, it’s a perfectly fine character- surprisingly cute, actually.
I’m unsurprised about Joker’s inclusion. With how huge Persona 5 became in both Japan and the west, capitalizing on it to make a shitload of money makes perfect sense. The character plays well enough, though the meter gimmick was kind of a daunting sign of things to come. All that in mind, though, the most surprising thing about Joker being in the game is that they still haven’t put P5 on the Switch. Atlus please.
Hero and Banjo/Kazooie were announced on the same night, and I distinctly recall someone saying that this was one for the Japanese audience and one for the Americans. I mean, I’ve never played Dragon Quest, so I guess I fell into the latter? Both series have a long, well-regarded pedigree (Banjo’s lack of recent offerings notwithstanding), so both arguably deserve their respective positions. Hero is the much more notable character gameplaywise, though, with the incredibly complex mana and spellcasting mechanics. Complaints about RNG in Smash aren’t completely unfounded- though it has existed in the past in the form of, say, Luigi’s misfiring side-B- but I know a lot of people think Hero took it too far. If I’m honest, though, the weirdest thing is just having Akira Toriyama-ass 3D models in the game. Banjo’s gameplay is…awkward. The kit is kind of a mess, but at least the gimmicks weren’t going too hard, you know?
Next was Terry, perhaps the most obscure character on the entire list in 2021. I actually really like Terry in this game- while he’s still trying to emulate a similar feel to Ryu/Ken, the difference feels more natural, if that makes sense. Maybe it’s because I’ve never really devoted significant time to them, but Terry’s kit feels easier to work within than the Shotos when going between characters.
Finally for the first Pass, we had Byleth. I think it’s for the best that they announced the second Fighter’s Pass before this released, because if both 4 and Ultimate had ended their run on Fire Emblem DLCs then people would have been pissed. I mean, people were already pissed, but like…moreso. As someone who has played Three Houses, I do think the game is worth celebrating, but having yet another Fire Emblem Protagonist (read: basically a blank slate) in the game over all the substantially more interesting characters 3H has to offer is just really frustrating. Also the final smash looks like dogshit, like FE3H has overall worse animations than Smash for obvious reasons but I’m pretty sure this attack looked better the first time around.
FP2 opened with Min Min, which brings ARMS to the table. ARMS. The only first-party fighting game Nintendo has outside of Smash, so it looks a bit less weird next to everything else but…come on, man. I think this was the most confusing pick of all of them- the game came out in 2017, and having Min Min in Smash would serve as promotion for a sequel…which hasn’t been announced. There was a graphic novel in the works, but it was cancelled earlier this year. Oops? At least the stage was fun.
As much as playing them is awkward and complex, the Minecraft addition was fitting. Only the best-selling game around. I think people weren’t sure if Microsoft would go for it, but they let us have Banjo, so sure. I’m mostly just annoyed that they couldn’t get any of the songs from the actual game in there- like, you got one in from the fucking mobile game, but you couldn’t just get C418 on the phone?
Sephiroth is definitely one of the hype-ier releases from this pass. The character is iconic, as is his theme and his home game. I’ve never played any Final Fantasy game, but I can still respect the name. Once I remember how to spell it. The whole bossfight aspect to his release was also quite cool, while it lasted.
On the other hand, I have no love for Pyra nor Mythra. There’s so much wrong with these ones, frankly. They’re another swordy character, immediately following Sephiroth too, and they go back on Smash’s very deliberate decision to split characters like Zelda/Sheik and Samus/ZSS up (Yes I know Pokemon Trainer does the same thing but I have a lot more leniency for them). Add in their being from a JRPG much less well-known or remembered than the previous couple characters and the designs being…questionable, I have a big issue with the whole thing. This was also around when I kinda stopped playing the game in general, and they definitely didn’t help pull me back in.
Kazuya might have, though. With the exception of him and Sephiroth, all the characters from the Fighter’s Passes were pretty much protagonist-types, but this motherfucker pulses with the essence of bad guy. What I’m saying is that he’s fucking cool, and while he’s ludicrously complex, that makes perfect sense since…I mean just look at the combo lists from Tekken 7. His inclusion also kinda rounds out the list of biggest fighting game franchises out there being rep’d in the game, though I imagine now I’m going to have stans from Mortal Kombat or whatever on my back. They’re not going to put a fatality-capable character in Smash, guys!
Finally, this rounds us around to the original point of this article. Let’s talk about Sora. And by that I mean…I don’t really have a huge amount to say about him. Kingdom Hearts is a franchise that completely passed me by growing up, and I don’t think I have the time or energy to devote to it now. I’m sure it’s good, people seemed really excited for him to be in the game so they have to have gotten that love from somewhere, but I don’t share that feeling.
That’s not to say that I don’t think he deserves a slot. The idea of “deserving a slot” in Smash Bros is kind of an odd concept, even though it’s come up a lot so far this post. But a slot in this roster isn’t just a place in a popular fighting game, because at this point, Smash is kind of a museum of (mostly Nintendo) games- and so having representation is a forever acknowledgment that the franchise is, or has been, an icon to so many. Kingdom Hearts, to my knowledge, has 100% earned that position, and so Sora getting to be playable here makes perfect sense. He wasn’t my pick (Touhou representation never I guess), but I’m happy for those who wanted him.
As far as the actual gameplay looks, he reads like a character that kept in mind what people didn’t like about Hero when he released. It’s another sword-based character, which I think at this point speaks more about the demographic of video game characters than it does about Smash. But I appreciate that the Magic Bullshit is toned down, and that it’s also his only real gimmick (The 3-hit combo feature is A Thing, but other characters e.g. Bayonetta have already done that, so whatever). His recovery potential looks patently absurd- like he just gets Pikachu/Pichu’s Up-B as a Side-B that can also be chained with his actual Up-B? This guy better be light as hell or he’s going to be super hard to take out. I dunno, I think he looks solidly fun enough- more dynamic and aerial than the other swordfighters, at least- and that’s good enough for me.
And I guess that marks the end of Smash Ultimate. Not with a bang, but with a key…dude. It’s been a very solid run, the game managing to keep itself fresh across several years of development, even as other games have risen and fallen. Smash is kind of forever at this point, I think, though the finality of Ultimate’s ultimate character implies that this particular iteration may be coming to its end. And seeing as it is always one Smash per console, I wouldn’t be shocked if the Switch itself was nearing its endgame as well.
Okay but also it’s pretty funny how they heavily censored everything Disney out of Sora’s DLC except for that little Mickey charm on the trailer, like how much must that one shot have cost them, was it even remotely worth it, I don’t know but I kinda want to
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peppermin · 4 years
KarlNap Chapter 1
This will be posted on A03 as well. I would go there for the series and longer chapters. This is basically a preview in a way
TW: Internalized Homophobia
Nick yawned, running his hands through his hair. The rain lightly hit his window, he placed his hand on it enjoying the cold feeling. The pc's light illuminated his face in the dark casting sharp shadows on his face. Nick lazily scrolled through twitter. Liking a few pictures of fanart. His phone lit up followed by a sharp ding. Reaching out he pulls it towards him. Slightly tilting it up. A smile crossed his face when he saw it was a message from Karl. He clicked on it.
HEYY!! Wanna join my stream today?
Nick looked back at his computer eyes glancing over the time. 10 pm.
Depends lol, what are you doing
Messing around on Dream SMP, gonna work on Kinoko Kingdom
Nick sat up opening discord and minecraft. Sleep could wait. He always enjoyed joining Karl’s streams.
Ready when you are VC5
Switching tabs to discord he joined VC5. “HELLO!?” Karl loudly exclaimed. “Hey.” Nick responded logging onto Dream SMP.
“Come to Kinoko Kingdom.”
“Already on my way there.” Nick said heading towards the new kingdom. Sprint jumping along the way he made it there quickly. All that was there was a half built library and the squid pool. There was definitely a lot of work to do. Karl tossed him a couple of mushrooms and bone meal, “I need you to get me some more mushroom blocks.” Nick groaned but took the items moving to find a dark place to grow them. Someone joined the vc. Quackity’s loud voice rang out “HELLOOOOOOO”.
Nick winced, quickly turning down his sound. “Hey.” Nick greeted back. “QUACKITY!!!!!!” Quackity joined the game as he talked, “What are we doing today, I'm ready to pop off!”
“Finishing the library!”
“Yeah, and he's making me do all the work.” Nick chuckled
“Not true, You should be happy you're on my stream.” Karl said jokingly.
Nick sprinted back to Karl crouching down in front of him. “I’ll do it for a kiss.” Nick said slowly moving closer to him. Karl crouched down as well making loud kissy noises Nick joined in. Quackity rushed over hitting them both. “Hey, Hey, Hey that's my husband!!!” He yelled standing in front of Karl. Nick straightened up hitting Quackity, but instead of using fists like Quackity had he was using his sword. Quackity screamed attempting to run away. Quackity was slain by Sapnap popped up on the screen. Nick loudly laughed taking his stuff. “Give it back!” Quackity yelled. Nick just laughed., only throwing half of his items back.
Nick laid in his bed, Karls stream had just ended. The rain had subsided leaving behind small puddles and howling wind. He laid snuggled in blankets, Clay always kept the house cold. Nick scrolled through Twitter, unable to sleep. A picture of Karl crossed his screen. He was in his frog hoodie. Karls fluffy brown hair was slightly tousled. Nick liked it, smiling slightly.
An owl lightly hooted outside. Nick clicked on the tweet, typing out a reply. ‘U look so cute.’ He snickered at the little joke they had going on. The fans seemed to enjoy it. He moved on continuing to scroll. An image popped up. It was a fan art of him and Karl. Karl and him were in each other's arms. Both holding a heart. Written above it was ‘Happy Valentines day’. A pit formed in his stomach. Nick was fine with fanart but seeing him seen shipped with Karl…… Made him feel weird.
It made him nervous. Sure he brought it upon himself by flirting with Karl on streams. But what if people thought he was gay? Nick knew there wasn't anything wrong with being gay. He wasn't homophobic, he fully supported gay people. His mind wandered back to his dad. “You wouldn't abandon your kid if they were gay, but you'd wonder where you went wrong.” Nick shook his head scowling at the memory turning around. He didn't want to think about his dad right now.
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blushie14 · 4 years
Unexpected Visitor [Skephalo]
I’ve been in the mood to write a lot lately. In fact, I will most likely post another fanfic soon. ^-^ Anyways, Darryl and Zak finally get to see each other for the first time in real life. However, there is a third person in the mix. I put a bunch of effort into it, so I hope you enjoy!
Darryl cannot recall the last time he's been this nervous, excited, and eager for something so much. He was currently driving in his car, shaking like a leaf as every single emotion was going haywire.
"Alright, calm down Noveschosch. You're only coming over to see a friend. This is not something to get so..." As much as he tried, his thoughts couldn't stop his heart from exploding in excitement. He broke out into a goofy smile and a blush as he screamed to himself. "I'M GOING TO SEE SKEPPYYY!"
Darryl then let out a startled yelp when a car honked behind him. He continued to pay attention to the road, a little embarrassed that he got himself distracted. He went back to grinning not even a second later though. Maybe he’s a bit too eager to see him.
Darryl couldn't really help it though. He had always wanted to meet up with Zak for ages. It was almost unbelievable that it took them this long to see each other. He thought it was even more unbelievable that it was finally happening!
It all started a couple of weeks ago. The both of them were wrapping up an event on Minecraft. They were congratulating the winner and sending money to their PayPal. Zak and Darryl talked for a little bit afterwards, discussing plans.
"So, I actually might not be online for a while since I'm eventually going to pack up my monitor." Zak made an effort to keep a straight face as Darryl made a noise in confusion. "You're packing your monitor away? Why?"
"Well actually, I should probably start packing everything else before that." Zak chuckled.
"What? ...Wait." Darryl gasped. "You're moving?"
"Yeah! I'm finally moving out of my apartment." Zak grinned wide, no longer wanting to contain the secret. "I may or may not have found a house available in Florida."
"Aw well that's great news! I'm really happy for-" Darryl stopped talking and felt his heart skip a beat. Did his ears hear that previous statement correctly? "I-I'm sorry what... what did you just say?"
Zak giggled at Darryl's moment of disbelief. "I said that I may or may not be moving into a house in Florida. 1234 on ___ road." Darryl swore he stopped breathing for a second when it was confirmed what he heard was true.
That was his state.
The address didn't sound that far from his apartment.
He would be able to visit him.
"Ohmygoodness!!! Skeppy!!!" Darryl squealed, almost jumping from his chair in exhilaration. Zak started laughing since he was almost as excited as the other. Darryl was stumbling over his words.
"Do you realize that- I- This is- Oh my gosh! You better not be messing with me or I will-"
"Hehe, Nope! I'm 100% moving to Florida."
"Okay, then.." Darryl let out a small squeal of joy. "We should meet up! After everything gets set up in your new house, let's see each other right away!"
Zak smiled, a warm blush creeping up his neck. "I was thinking the same thing."
Then the weeks went by. Darryl insisted to drive over there when Zak got settled in. They were even debating on the possibilities on where to go to. Now the day is finally here.
He finally arrived in front of Zak's house. Darryl's nerves suddenly skyrocketed and he couldn't stop smiling. He really couldn't pinpoint why he was this anxious, but he decided to take a moment and take deep breaths before stepping outside.
After a few minutes of calming down, he walked up to the door and paused. His eyebrows furrowed, hearing laughter from the inside. Darryl easily identified Zak's endearing laugh, but he also heard someone unfamiliar laughing along.
Darryl knocked on the door and heard Zak's muffled talk. His eagerness was returning and he heard someone inside practically dashing towards the door.
Zak quickly opened the door and beamed when he saw the slightly taller man with brown hair and green eyes. "Bad!"
Darryl's heart swelled with joy seeing Zak's dark brown eyes and raven colored hair. "Skeppy!"
Darryl squeezed him into a hug, almost knocking him over. Zak immediately hugged back as he laughed cheerfully. Neither of them wanted to let go for a while. "Dude! You're so early!" Darryl blushed a bit and smiled wide. "Well I- I really wanted to see you as soon as possible! Don't judge me!"
When both of them finally let go of each other, Darryl noticed another person who was sitting on the couch. It was a woman with long red hair, freckles, and pretty blue eyes. She was staring at them with a curious look on her face.
She started to walk over there with a smile. "Hello, who do we have here?" Zak turned around and smiled at her. "Oh! Veronica, this is Bad! Er- Well I guess I should call him Darryl now." Darryl gave a polite smile. "Hi."
"Bad? Darryl? ..Wait a minute." She pointed at him. "You're badboyhalo, aren't you?" Zak raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you rarely watch my videos."
"Yeah, and I've seen him in almost every single one I watched!" She laughed. "Like what the hell, does he make up like 95% of your channel or something?!" Zak laughed as he felt heat rising up his cheeks. "No he doesn't, shut the hell up!"
Darryl awkwardly smiled at the two, suppressing the urge to say language to the both of them. "So um, your name is Veronica?" She nodded and held out her hand. Darryl took it and she gave a firm handshake. "Yep! Name's Veronica! Nice to meet you Darryl!"
Zak put a hand on her shoulder. "Veronica and I have known each other since high school. We sort of kept in touch a bit." He nervously laughed. "She also sort of... barged in here unannounced. " Veronica laughed.
"Hey! I didn't barge in here, you invited me in!"
"Well yeah, but you were the one who suddenly showed up unexpectedly!"
"What else did you expect me to do when you said you were here in Florida?" She snickered. "Next time, you can barge into my dorm at in inconvenient time so that we are even!"
The two giggled at their antics. Darryl smiled at the two, yet also couldn't help but feel a slight twinge in his heart. "They seem very close together. Are they... No, he would tell me if there were, right? Wait. Why would I feel bad if they were? ..Should I just leave them be?"
"Hey Ske- er um, Zak? You think we could hang out another day? I'd feel bad if I just interrupt you two catching up." Veronica's eyes widen and tried to say something until Zak wrapped his arms around Darryl's left arm. "Nonono don't leave!"
Darryl looked at him and felt his face start to redden when Zak continued whining. "Please don't leave! I've been excited to have you here for weeks, please?" Zak was looking at him with puppy eyes. Darryl felt his heart melt. How could he say no to that?
"Fine you muffin, I'll stay." Zak smiled brightly and fully hugged him. Darryl returned the hug and saw Veronica staring at them again, this time with a grin. Zak let go and look down at himself.
"I should probably go change though. I was going to get ready until somebody invaded my house!" Veronica only cackled in response. Zak smiled, shook his head, and went to the bathroom.
The two were sitting in awkward silence for a bit as Zak was away. Veronica wanted to break the ice first, so she decided to ask a question. "So how long have you two loved each other?" Darryl immediately felt his face burn up. "W-What?!"
She nervously laughed in embarrassment as she realized that probably wasn't the best question to ask. "What I meant to say was, how long have you two known each other?"
Darryl calmed down a bit. "Oh, we've.. known each other for a couple years."
"Ah.." A few more seconds of silence went by. She decided to make Darryl talk some more about Zak in order to break the silence. "So, what was it like when you first met him?"
Oh this was definitely going to take a while.
Darryl talked about the time Zak "applied" to be staff on his server. He recalled how absolutely frustrating and infuriating it was back then. Despite that though, it was now a fond memory to look back to. Not only did he hit 100k subscribers that time, but he grew close to someone who was now one of his best friends.
Darryl's face glowed as he warmly smiled. He wouldn't trade that moment for all the muffins in the world. The red head couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole thing.
"Wow... he really is a lot more different now! Though, I guess his trolly nature didn't leave." She laughed. "Ahh some things never change." This made Darryl curious. "What was he like in high school? What's different?"
"Well first, I don't want to go too much into detail, but let's just say Zak and I kind of hung around with the wrong people." Darryl nodded, recalling that he had said something like that long ago.
"In our old friend group, he was known for messing around with a lot of people. But he was also known for being cold sometimes, not really caring about others or anything at all really." Darryl was surprised. That definitely didn't sound like the Zak he knew at all.
Veronica kind of looked a bit down as she continued. "Most of us were basically jerks and a bunch of morons together. Zak must've realized this and eventually faded from the group. I liked Zak the most out of everyone, so I eventually left as well."
She smiled a little. "I think we're the only ones out of the group who stayed on good terms. I'm happy because I used to not care about my studies, but now I'm in college." Veronica lightly snickered. "One of us had to be the smart one, am I right?"
Darryl slightly chuckled and she proceeded. "As for Zak, I can't believe he's a youtuber now and well... Has he ever told you how lucky he is to have friends like you? He probably wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for you."
"Hahaha, Aww that's not true. It sounded like he turned his life around, which I'm glad to hear! He made a lot of other friends and it's great that you two stayed in touch for that long."
"Yeah but-" She looked at the bathroom door and looked back at Darryl. "Don't tell him I said this, okay?" He was confused but slowly nodded anyways. "I may not know about this exactly, but going off from the goo goo eyes he has whenever he looks at you, I have a feeling that he loves you."
Darryl looked stunned, feeling a blush slowly creep up his neck. "What? ..What are you talking about?" She started to laugh. "Oh come on, don't play dumb with me!"
Her eyes darted to the side, trying to find the right words. "Zak and I keep in touch, but we don't talk a whole lot. Almost every time we do though, he mentions you the most out of all his friends!"
Darryl felt his heart pound as she smiled at him sincerely. "I don't know if you have any idea how much you mean to him. He's never hugged anyone like that before... I've never seen him this happy before. He absolutely adores you."
Darryl looked at the floor, his face being a lovely shade of red. He already knows he was smiling like a love struck fool while Veronica was grinning at the sight, thinking to herself. "Can't really hide it now, can you?"
"He... D-Do you really think he-" Darryl got cut off as he heard the bathroom door open. Zak looked a bit freshened up wearing new clothes. Darryl looked away trying to calm down while Veronica acted like nothing interesting was going on.
"Finally! What the hell were you doing in there?! Putting make-up on?!" Zak bursts out laughing. "No I'm not wearing-! Why don't you try wearing make-up?!" She dramatically gasped and stood up, putting a hand on her hip.
"Did you just call me ugly!? Bitch how dare you, I'm fabulous!" Zak laughed some more while Darryl made a face but also smiled a bit. "Language!"
Zak sat right next to Darryl laughing a bit. "Oh yeah, swearing in front of Bad is a big no no at all times." She chuckled. "Okay? I guess I'll try to keep that in mind."
All three of them hung around the house for a bit. Darryl and Zak were still sitting next to each other, trying to decide where they want to go. Even though they discussed this before, they still can't really decide. The both of them were arguing where to eat. Darryl was on his phone suggesting many places on google maps.
"Okay so what about this place? It’s the closest one from here."
"Nah, I ate there yesterday."
"Oh well then, is there anything that you're craving?"
"Nah, I'm good with whatever."
"What about this pizza place then?"
"Nah, I'm not in the mood for thin crust."
Darryl felt his eye twitch. "Oh my goodness you fatty just pick something already!"
Zak giggled and pointed at a random location on his phone. "What about here?"
Zak bursts out laughing as the two continued to bicker back and forth. Veronica was also laughing in the background, enjoying the show. Darryl let a noise of frustration out and faced Zak, inches away from his face.
"You are driving me up the wall, Zak! Stop it!" Zak smirked and didn't budge from his spot. "Or else what?" Veronica let out a loud laugh and speed walked to the door
"Oh my god, I can't! I'm out! GET A ROOM YOU TWO! Jesus Christ!"
Both of their faces went red. Zak jolted away him while Darryl sat in flustered silence "Wh- What do you- Where are you going?!"
Veronica laughed and shouted. "I'm headin out! I'm not about to be the third wheel on your first date with him!"
Zak shrieked. "WE AREN'T DATING! And you don't even have to leave!"
She smugly smiled. "Nah I think I've stayed here long enough." She winked. "Good luck you two~." As she closed the door, the both of them could hear her muffled cackles from here.
Darryl snapped out of his trance while the other was flabbergasted on what just happened. "So... is this a date Skeppy?" Darryl giggled, slightly joking but also wishing for it to be true.
Zak just groaned, too embarrassed at this point. "I hate both of you." Darryl only giggled and hugged him. "Aw, I love you too." Zak hesitantly hugged back while the both of them sat in comfortable silence for a bit. Darryl slowly let go and took out his phone.
"You know what? I feel like ordering takeout instead of going out to eat. Is that alright with you? And then we can go someplace fun afterwards?"
Zak lightly smiled, staring at him. "Sure.. I'd like that."
Few seconds of silence passed He looked up at his phone to see Zak staring at him. Darryl lightly smiled. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Zak grinned, feeling his face warm up. "I just.. still can't believe you're in front of me right now." Zak lightly touched his left cheek as they both looked into each other's eyes.
"..going off from the goo goo eyes he has whenever he looks at you, I have a feeling that he loves you."
"..he loves you."
Darryl felt like he was burning up, suddenly feeling shy. He slightly looked away from him. "I-I'm.. really happy to see you too.."
Zak leaned against his shoulder, pointing at Darryl's phone. "What about this place right here?" Darryl leaned on Zak's head. "Ooh! I’ve tried the food there before, it’s really good. I'll call the place."
The both of them didn't move from their place, smiling to themselves. They could get used to this. It was really peaceful and nice. Really, really nice. It was a quiet moment...
Until they both started to quarrel over who gets to pay for the food.
Sooo I have to ask, how was Veronica? 
I got the idea to write a character like her because almost every time I see a random woman in a Skephalo fanfic, they are either someone who wants one of the boys or a really jealous ex-girlfriend. 
I decided to make her a very straightforward person who.. may be a bit too comfortable and a bit invasive for her own good, but still a kind person. 
I would love some feedback! I don’t talk a lot, but I really love seeing you guys comment/reblog and like. It always makes me smile! ^w^
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doctorbrightside · 3 years
I’m depressed, so here are my Minecraft pets, their names, and my scheme to mess with my super cutesy friend. This is a very long post, but it’s very entertaining, at least to me.
This is a tale of sibling rivalry. We aren’t even siblings, but I’ve known her most of my life and she’s the closest thing to a sibling I’ll ever have. We started a Minecraft world together and I was going to take every opportunity to do something stupid to get out my impulsiveness. I always kept a bell in my hot bar already, and I was ready to cause some chaos.
When we first spawned, we wandered for forever, looking for a village to renovate. That’s when I found Beethocks. First born, most beloved. A little black and white cat I found while adventuring that I brought home. I asked my best friend what I should name him, because I didn’t know if a basic name like Socks wouldn’t do him justice or if a strange name like Beethoven would be pretentious. She said “do something in the middle,” which is a statement she will forever regret. Beethoven+Socks= Beethocks. This started my descent into “menace to society” status in our world.
I thought I lost Beethocks for a little bit, so I started the trip for another cat. It turns out, I had just sat him down and forgot where, but we won’t bring up my incompetence. When I got one, I named him Throckmorton, after my cousin, the skateboarder. She was not happy with this, and I vowed to make it so much worse.
Somewhere in the middle here, my friend got another cat, because the cat she got at the beginning went missing. She still had one, Honey, and now had another. She ended up naming her Bread, as in Bread and Honey, but I needed to counteract her cute names.
Things start to come together around this point. I ventured off into the spruce forest to look for a pack of foxes so I can have my own. I got one and brought him back home, planning on pissing her off as much as I can without her blocking me through every form of communication I have with her. I arrived back at my stupid little goth house and tied him up outside.
I think it’s important to mention that as I’m writing this, I got a message from her. My job as an annoying little bastard is never done.
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I got a name tag and went to the anvil, barely holding in cackles, head full of pure malice toward Minecraft God. I was going to make things so, so much worse. I named him, my son, my child, my beloved, darling fox boy, Stainless Steel Fridge 145A7P9. I often refer to him formally with his full name, including numbers. Not only is he named after a state-of-the-art appliance, he also has a model number. How fancy and elegant is that, dear reader?
She did not think so. She regularly complains about it, but I know she would never do anything. This is the same person who immediately starts gardens in Minecraft because she can’t bear to watch the animals run when you hit them. This post may send her over the edge, though, and in that case, I’m a little sorry, but not really. I have tried to anger her as much as I have with Stainless Steel Fridge 145A7P9, but I have never again caused that level of a visceral hatred. He is the bane of her existence, so of course I had to get him siblings.
As I stated prior, I live somewhat close to a spruce forest. I wanted a dog. I looked for forever, and finally, I spawned one because I got tired of looking.
Animals with the wrong animal names will never not be hilarious. My cat in real life is named Toad, and I love him very much. So with my newly-spawned dog, I was going to entertain myself and come up with the farthest animal from a dog— an ostrich.
But that’s not enough. That wouldn’t make God turn upon his creation and feel regret for what He brought onto our mortal plane.
I’m queer and mentally ill, so of course I had an MCU phase. I still compulsively collect comic books to fill the void in my soul, but that’s beside the point.
The names of villains in the MCU are all works of pure genius, no matter how minor the character. For example, Tazorface, Abomination, and Ronan the Accuser. Notice the cool and threatening title tacked onto the end. This was inspiring.
My new son was named Ostrich the Destroyer, and I love him very much. The name didn’t evoke pure rage in her, so I decided a double whammy was the best thing I could do. I still had wolf spawn eggs in my hot bar.
I watch Supernatural. Yes, I’m very ashamed, but it’s a guilty pleasure. The misogyny and bad writing truly does entertain me to no end. But, it has been the source of many bad ideas and great comedic moments for me. The Dr. Sexy parody show is a work of art. What’s funnier than someone with a doctorate having a questionable last name?
And with that in mind, Dr. Piss PhD was born. She’s a wonderful dog, and she’s very proud of both her doctorate and PhD. She may have only been alive a few seconds, but trust me, she’s educated. By now, my friend had been desensitized, but she was still disappointed in me. Mission accomplished.
Thus, my expedition into being an annoying sibling and menace to society has been concluded indefinitely. I will conduct similar studies in the future of the collective tolerance of my friends. Thank you for reading.
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