#//they occasionally clash because personalities but it's not forever
hajihiko · 1 year
I interpret Kaz's relationship with his dad a little differently from that one convo. He says something like 'he knew better than anyone that we didn't have the money' and I took that as his dad wanted him to go and have fun like a normal kid and not worry about the money. Of course, I don't justify physical discipline and it is abuse, even if the parent is well intentioned. I think that Kaz does love his dad and they're relationship might be more complicated. But you know that's just one of the many things he needs to work out in therapy.
(Again this is just my interpretation and I'm not saying yours is wrong. I do love the art.)
Just gonna use this as a little jumping point to talk about this bc why not, warnings for obviously sensitive topics
I dont think you're wrong, I actually probably agree, but one thing;
It's not uncommon for public perception to weigh more than actual actions or intent. In the example given, I see it like so; yeah, Souda sr. wanted his son to go on a field trip that they couldn't really afford. Yeah, Kaz wanted to help the household by not going on the trip and saving the money. Both have good intent here. It's not about that, though, because in Souda sr.'s eyes, refusing to go on the trip is like admitting that they're poor, which is like saying the father can't provide for his family, which is like public humiliation- in his eyes. In a fit of rage (and insecurity, if it's something that's already weighing on his mind, as these things often go) the assumption isnt that his son was trying to help, just that he did something that makes the father look bad. Which is a bigger trigger than most things, often, for patriarchal authority figures.
And it not an excuse for physical harm, no, nothing is. Probably, Souda sr. knows that, and didn't mean to snap- doesnt think he committed an act of child abuse- but he's been under a lot of stress, and his son was talking back, and, well.
I think they do usually get along alright, and Souda sr. does his best to provide for himself and his son and keep their relationship good, and Kazuichi is genuinely grateful for everything his dad's done for him? But in the end, it's another person Kazuichi trusted teaching him the lesson that people will let him down and hurt him, in some way at some point. If your parent whom you trust has made you genuinely afraid of them, it's hard to come back from it, and someone as anxious and emotionally sensitive as Kazuichi will hold onto that forever, probably, even as he might internalized some of it as his own fault.
It's a lot more complicated than just "bad father, sad son" (but again, not excusable, you don't hit your kids period). It's father and son who love each other and might be the only family they both have, but they clash horribly on occasion, make up (or don't talk about it at all), things die down, stay good for a while, then there's another clash- so it goes, even if the bad times are only occasional. The biggest Thing about these kind of relationships, to me, is that it's so easy to fall into a routine and let things stagnate, and before you know it, it's just How Things Are and it's easier to just deal than start rocking the boat.
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Just wanted to second that notion you were saying to the previous anon about growing up and realizing that some of the stuff you loved as a kid does not carry through as you age into an adult. I use to have no problem with Vlad's ending in Danny Phantom, and didn't bat an eye to the corruption of Jack Spicer's character in Xiaolin Showdown. Now that I've' grown up and am a writer myself, I see how much potential they had to be great characters and so many ways they could have been used for great storytelling and themes in their shows but were ultimately wasted by some, imo, poor writing direction. As well as a long list of many other flaws I've seen jumping out of their shows now that I'm seeing them again as an adult (that doesn't mean I don't still have fondness for them, I just see them through a different lens now). So far I feel like Kim Possible, Ed Edd n eddy and Avatar are some of the few millennial cartoons that I can list on the top of my head right now that's actually aged well in terms of character and story development, as least imo, and I think it's because the writers and staff members just weren't afraid to bend the status quo and actually took challenges to bring out some amazing stories and nuances in their characters.
I really wish TOH had gone that route, and it looked like it was but tragically for some reason decided not to . That's why I'm forever grateful for cartoons like Steven Universe and Amphibia. Those shows were not afraid to challenge the status quo or show their characters having flaws and toxic habits that they had to face. Something that you begin to relate to as you grow older, and ultimately it's those types of shows that shine like diamonds throughout the millennia's.
Here is the previous anon ask. Yeah, what makes toh so disappointing is that it promised early on that it was going to challenge its protagonist and had such an interesting premise and world to play around in. Only for all that potential to be thrown out or heavily watered down.
My only hope is that future creators will look to see what toh faltered at but also what it successfully managed to pull off. What made shows like Amphibia and Steven Universe successful is that they had a core of strong characters that let their personalities bounce off (and occasionally clash with) each other. They both explored the potential and complexities of their worlds and made their characters grow instead of making excuses for them.
Toh is excellent at introducing tantalizing concepts but terrible at the execution.
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bromcommie · 5 months
I don’t know how I’m meant to choose from such an enticing list of WIPs, “but we kick each other into gear (and off buildings)” is calling my name! Please tell me more!
Hi hi, thank you for dropping in! <3
Okay, so this is the first fic I ever started writing way back during quarantine as a sort of Endgame fix-it, and it's pretty much been dormant for years now because real life got in the way before I could develop all that much connecting plot. Funnily enough, I did also start with Sam refusing the shield (albeit under slightly different circumstances and with Steve not having committed complete character suicide), but for the most part it's just disconnected episodes of Sam and Bucky work-roadtripping around Europe and Asia, slowly figuring each other out and processing their own respective issues and grief + a healthy helping of random local color, OCs, and humor thrown in on the side.
Looking back on it there's so much I'd want to rework there but it's still dear to my heart, so I might eventually go back to it - especially because TFATWS left a lot to be desired, imho, and I'm still mad about it.
One of the more crack-adjacent partial episodes under the cut if you're interested:
More and more, he unexpectedly finds himself having to explain to people that hanging around the guy is not a very dangerous affair these days, strictly speaking, unless you count the occasional collateral damage to Sam’s nerves. It's all a bit unsettling, trying to justify a former international terrorist in the eyes of others like he’s a particularly snappy pitbull with a history of dogfighting: Yeah, he did almost throw that fan to the ground the other day, but they snuck up on us. No, he doesn’t like crowds, but a family get together is okay and he’s surprisingly good with kids. No, no, he doesn’t do that anymore, we’re trying to get him accustomed to more well-adjusted activities, like going for runs and sleeping more than 45 minutes a time. Yes, he’s actually a sweetheart, looking for his forever home. Sam briefly entertains the idea of putting that last one on Bucky’s Tinder profile while he’s sleeping. To be fair, he wouldn’t necessarily call whatever relationship they’ve managed to develop smooth sailing, either, or particularly sanity affirming. But neither is being constantly on the move chasing an unsubstantial lead and yet here they both are, essentially backpacking their asses all around Europe like the world’s most traumatized spring breakers. Here they fucking are. "Where are we, again?" Sam says, squinting down at his phone where the maps app is once again blanking out to a dull grey grid as if to personally spite him. "Poland," Bucky deadpans from the driver's seat but his expression's distracted, fingers tapping out an offbeat pattern on the wheel that clashes with the folky tune crackling in over the faint radio signal. "Hilarious. I meant which town are we about to pass through, I wanna try to look up a place to buy a charger for this thing," he says, sighing when his phone takes that as a blessing and finally gives out with a sad chirp. He casts a look out the window, the rows and rows of tall pine trees blurring together into near-impenetrable greens and maroons as the sun goes down. He hopes they find a place to crash soon — he's about ready to pass out himself, and his back is way past the days it could withstand sleeping in the car. Next to him, Bucky's very quiet save for the soft tap-tap-tap of his hands against the leather. "Barnes." "Hm?" "You have no clue where we are, do you." "No, of course I do. It's, uh." He shrugs, forcibly casual. Sam's going to strangle him. "It's a Polish, y'know. Municipality." "Can you just—" "Old. Probably been invaded a couple of times." "Bucky."
"Lotsa consonants in the name." "You said you knew this area," Sam accuses. "That you've been here recently." "I do," he insists, glaring through the windshield at the idyllic scenery like it spat at him and called his mother something untoward. "I did, at least, but then they had to go and change all the fucking signs, and the roads don't look the same, and the trees are all—" he waves a hand vaguely instead of finishing, like that's supposed to be sufficient explanation or at all helpful to Sam's growling stomach and their equally dead, equally useless phones. "Oh, it's the trees' fault? The trees are different from when you—" He cuts off, a niggling gear turning loud and loose somewhere in the back of his brain all of a sudden. The compounded sleep deprivation's really not helping in giving it a name and a meaning, scattering his thoughts in ten different directions. Something he read once, about trumpets, or— no, the archangel. Why that? They passed a church about an hour ago, but he hasn't been in so long his poppy's probably turning over in his grave, and anyway what does that have to do with— He blinks once, twice. Bucky resettles in the driver's seat, shifty-eyed as anything. The gear rattles, and turns, and turns, and then clicks. Not church. Not trumpets. Junior year of high school, AP History. His presentation on Gabriel Jones, PFC, and his role in running comms with local resistance members during an action, which got him a grudging pat on the back from the brass and shrapnel permanently lodged in the upper thigh. He managed to get himself and two members of his team, including his CO who got shot in the neck, out of the line of fire long enough to get medical treatment. He saved Captain America's life. It was an act of bravery, Sam'd told the class as his teacher nodded along gravely. It was a miracle any of them survived. They were down on supplies, and in the middle of the woods. In fucking Poland. "Oh, you didn't. Tell me you didn't." "What?" Bucky says, a little too defensive, in Sam's opinion, for someone who managed to get them lost in the Polish countryside by virtue of sheer hubris alone. "Tell me you didn't think you could navigate us through Poland," Sam says, slowly so it really sinks in, "with a bunch of jumbled memories of some damn woods from ninteen-forty-fucking-four."
And then in the next scene they talk about parental death, so. *massive shrugging emoji* Consistent tone, who?
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breadedsinner · 1 year
Judith Banters: Bethany
Bethany: Sister, have you been… hitching up your voice?
Judith: I am only trying to speak more clearly.
Bethany: No, you’re definitely doing something to your voice. Are you trying to… hide the fact that you’re Ferelden?
Judith: It’s been difficult. Varric has been helping me find new work, he does most of the talking and he makes it look so easy. I don’t know if I can rely on him forever, though.
Bethany: Surely your hard work speaks for itself? It shouldn’t matter where you’re from.
Judith: It shouldn’t, but it does.
Bethany: You don’t seem too pleased about getting the Estate back.
Judith: Whatever do you mean? Of course, I’m thrilled.
Bethany: That wasn’t very convincing. You didn’t smile or anything. You showed the deed to Mother and became very stiff.
Judith: What should I have said, Bethany? That I’m grateful Grandmother Amell “forgave” Mother? There was nothing to forgive, as far as I’m concerned.
Bethany: I agree with you, but considering … well, they were born noble. And Mother told us what happened to the other Amells. Magic seems to poison this family.
Judith: Don’t talk like that. You are not poison, neither was Father.
Bethany: Surely, we’re close to our goal, right? When will you be meeting with Bartrand again? Come to think of it, what does one pack for an expedition to the Deep Roads?
Judith: About that. I’m not certain it’s wise for you to come.
Bethany: You can’t be serious!
Judith: We shouldn’t both leave Mother, and even partly emptied, the Deep Roads are incredibly dangerous.
Bethany: Sister, we have both been working towards this. Besides, Darkspawn fight in swaths. Surely it would be wise to have magic.
Judith: The Darkspawn in Lothering were stragglers. I have seen them working in greater numbers. You have no idea of what, what I … I would not wish for you to ever see more.
Bethany: Am I supposed to be comforted, knowing you’re only facing more alone? To say nothing of all the templars here!
Judith: (sighs) I will think on it, but I promise nothing.
Bethany: So, once we get back from the Deep Roads, assuming we bring back wagons of gold and jewels… what then? Will that be enough to justify us moving into the Estate?
Judith: It’s as Gamlen said, we need to “be someone”.
Bethany: Yes, but what does that mean, exactly? How does one get status?
Judith: I suppose we have to prove that we can keep all that we’ve made and then some. It’s never enough for nobles just to have money, there always has to be more.
Bethany: Can we do that just with these odd jobs? I know Mother petitioned the Viscount, and she’s been reacquainting herself with her old friends. It’s not just money, is it?
Judith: It’s not. I was thinking this group we’ve collected works well together, even if there’s some personality clashes. Perhaps with some of the money, I could start a guild. We would be legitimate then.
Bethany: A guild DOES sound better than a bunch of vagrants trading trinkets for coin and killing the occasional demon.
Judith: You don’t think Anders is truly like Father, do you?
Bethany: Of course, I do. Anders is very knowledgeable, skilled, and kind.
Judith: He’s kind to you because you agree with everything he says. Father’s kindness was hardly so conditional.
Bethany: What’s there to disagree on? You wouldn’t want me to be in a Circle, would you?
Judith: No, but not every mage had your training. He talks much of what’s wrong, but has little to offer in the way of new answers. And the way he talks to Fenris? He does not even try to understand other viewpoints.
Bethany: Father was always strong in his convictions.
Judith: Those convictions are going to get him killed one day.
Bethany: Just like Father died, because he believed in something?
Judith: I – how can you say such a thing?
Bethany: Sister … I think the Father you knew and the Father I knew were quite different.
Judith: You and Mother have been going to the Chantry a lot. Are you certain that’s wise?
Bethany: I’ve gone to every Chantry in every town we’ve ever lived in. I am always careful.
Judith: Careful only gets you so far. It’s in the most crowded part of Hightown.
Bethany: Templars rarely come into the Chantry, it’s actually convenient their base is all the way over in the Gallows.
Judith: Still, wouldn’t it be better to pray in the house?
Bethany: I know you worry for me, and that’s why you don’t take me on all your jobs. That doesn’t mean I want to stay inside all day with Uncle Gamlen.
Bethany: I hardly know what I’ll do with myself once we get back the Estate.
Judith: Buy some fancy clothes, stock the pantry to the brim, make sure Mother is comfortable.
Bethany: (laughs) Food is always your first priority, isn’t it?
Judith: I DID say food second, didn’t I?
Bethany: It’s just that we’ve been working towards this for so long, I can’t imagine what would come next.
Judith: It’s not time to think of that just yet. We have a long way to go.
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chickensarentcheap · 10 months
Bunch o' questions inbound! :)
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Describe their cozy night in.
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Do they always say ‘i love you’ before leaving?
Can they stay up all night just talking?
Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
Who’s the better story teller?
Who’s the better cook?
Would they ever go skinny dipping?
Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Hmmm, they've both done this before, but I think Tyler uses it more than Esme does. So I'll give it to him. lol.
When they lived in Austria in their little cabin, it would have been just relaxing on the couch, a fire going, something on the television, and lots of junk food. And snuggling and making out of course ;). In Australia, it would be pretty much the same. Although they would likely go and sit outside by a fire. Or lie on the hammock. Once everyone was asleep.
Esme is very much an extrovert and Tyler is a huge introvert lol. She's very chatty and bubbly, and he likes the fact that if they go into social situations, she can do all the talking and he can just stand there and occasionally nod lol. However, she tends to trust people too easily and tries to see the best in even the worst people, and ends up getting hurt. While he's more cautious with who he gets close to. They always clash on that fact; that she's too willing and eager to let people into their world.
ALWAYS. They've learned the hard way how quickly bad things can happen and the regret of the 'unsaid' haunting you.
They definitely can. And have :)
They're both very handsy. They can't stay away from one another, always seem to be touching etc.
Esme is definitely the better story teller. However, she tends to go off in five different directions with a story and takes forever to tell it lol
Tyler is the main cook in that family. He's a very good cook. She stinks. But she's a very good baker :)
They skinny dip a lot actually lol
They do. Especially in Australia. Their home backs onto a private beach and they can just go out there and lie down and look up.
Tyler would definitely pull her closer. Esme doesn't really like to be touched while she's asleep and they have a whole night time routine based around it. She likes to be cuddled up until the point of falling asleep, then he retreats to his side of the bed. But he does have something called 'the reach'. If she gets up in the middle of the night and comes back to bed, he won't even open his eyes but will reach out and pull her into him and even drap a leg over her to keep her there. It works, as he's so much bigger and heavier.
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sillyroundkatie · 1 year
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Who the hell is this 70s bitch?? (OC info under the cut!)
(Retro) Disturbia | She/Her | Femme Lesbian | Human | ~30? | 193 cm / 6'4" | Australian 
Before Disturbia became a world famous fashion designer - she was just a simple cringefail slob busy leeching off her cousin Clayton, making very little effort to actually pursue a career in fashion design. She hates her job as a waitress at a shitty diner, and will take out all her misery on you should you be subjected to her service. She works to live at the weekend, where she can indulge in every one of her addictions (and she has most of them). Her penchant for hedonism often leads her to clash with Clayton, who detests Disturbia's lack of self-care and control. However they're also the only people weird enough to understand eachother, connecting them on a deep familial level. At this point in time, Disturbia is a far cry from her later successful self ... but everything changes when Clayton is sent to prison for her serial murder crimes, and suddenly poor old Disturbia has to strike it out alone.
Common activities/hobbies: Disturbia's main hobbies are partying and doing drugs (and to her credit, it is the 70s). However her actual hobbies include a genuine love for fashion design. She also loves photography, and has her own dark room in which to develop her film. She finds the perfect combination of these two activities in taking photos of women modelling her clothes (usually her girlfriends, or ex-girlfriends, given she's bad at keeping them for long). Setting: Set in the 70s, when Disturbia is a younger woman. She works at a shitty diner as the world's rudest waitress. Clothing style: Disturbia is thriving in the 70s, and desperately wants to dress extravagantly (think Cher). However unfortunately she is limited by her non-existent budget, and so if she wants to wear a statement piece it has to be one she has made herself from the raw materials. She'd love to be wearing a full length exquisite mink coat, however her budget only really allows for a homemade fur coat made of rabbits (Clayton caught and skinned the rabbits for her).
You can draw them with:
Clayton (cousin) - Her ever suffering cousin, Clayton and Disturbia initially seem a very strange combination given they're exact opposites. However Disturbia is entirely unbothered by Clayton's unemotional and mean personality, and is also entirely unbothered by her criminal activity. Clayton does her best to tolerate Disturbia's laziness and lack of self preservation also. They do still clash often, but they always smooth it over somehow. Forever linked by their shared interest in the macabre.
Sera (But a 70s AU version) (student) - Clayton's ever suffering research assistant, Sera occasionally runs into Disturbia. They get along pretty well (considering Disturbia is much less acerbic and much more fun than Clayton), much to Clayton's annoyance.
Additional stuff to keep in mind: This is an alternate universe version of Disturbia, because I love her too much and there is too much fun to have with her in her younger days (Also I just really like the 70s aesthetic, and 70s Australia is an extra good setting). 
Some random trivia:
The white stripe in her hair is the result of a childhood mistake in a stupid hair dyeing request she made to Clayton. She used much stronger toxic chemicals than a normal person would, and the resulting strip was permanent.
She is deathly afraid of bugs and arachnids (but is also somehow fine with helping Clayton bury a body).
She has a semi-psychotic obsession with fur.
She's been caught driving under the influence so many times.
Clayton is so convinced that Disturbia will kill herself in a car crash that she ripped apart Disturbia's shitty car and now Disturbia has to ride a bicycle to work everyday.
Her skin sucks because she doesn't understand she should be wearing sunscreen.
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Personally I find Kimiko and Omi's friendship very refreshing for a dynamic between two people whose elemental powersets are based in water and fire. Most of the time you see people of those elements as constantly clashing, but I think they show the more happy medium. Water and fire are both powerful and dangerous elements, but each has their place for soothing and healing. They get along like a hot spring gently bubbles and warms the soul, even with the occasional friction and disagreements.
I love Omi and Kimiko's friendship, too!
Water can do three things with fire: Feed it, not affect it, or quench it, depending on the fuel. The other way around, fire doesn't destroy water (ie hydrolysis), it helps water shift between stages. Both elements are associated with healing and necessary with life, and also known for causing huge amounts of destruction.
So I love how dynamic and deep and close Omi and Kimiko's bond is, they're an interesting duo that bring fun things out of each other.
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It took Kimiko longer to befriend to Clay and Raimundo, but she clicked with Omi right away.
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He was the very first person she opened up to in the temple, even back while she was still clinging to Keiko back home. And she was the first person to get Omi to loosen up and get curious and excited about things from the outside world, like when she introduced him to "Pocchi".
She's the most understanding of the fact that Omi's not very world-weary and stands up for him when others take advantage of his naivety. She's so protective of him. She gets onto Raimundo for making fun of him and she absolutely explodes at Jack when she thinks that he's made Omi get lost in the past forever and even angrier at Raimundo for leading to essentially making it so she'll never see Omi again.
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She makes Omi want to learn more about the outside world and do more research on things he's never known about before. And she wants to help Omi learn, especially since Omi easily gets led astray with the temple's outdated archives.
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It's cute how much respect and fondness they grow for each other so quickly. They really acknowledge each other.
She'll often do things like hold his hand or pat his head. She shows more physical affection for Omi than she shows with any of the other dragons, and it's probably the first physical affection Omi's ever received in his life, since Fung is so taciturn towards him.
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I especially love how Kimiko "one hug per customer" just keeps hugging Omi again and again.
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Omi being happy when Kimiko hugs him is such a regularly recurring thing, that the first visual cue we got that something was off about Heylin Omi was that he didn't react to Kimiko's hug, and I think that's so adorable and such a great narrative way to show the importance of that bond to them. Kimiko was the one who figured out what happened to Omi and how Chase snuck in, too.
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Omi and Kimiko are so close and know each other so well that when Kimiko was replaced by chamelonbot, Omi was the only person who could tell that it wasn't the Kimiko he'd come to know and love. And he was the one who was trusted with taking down the fake while the two Kimiko's were fighting, and he was able to guess the fake one because he still knows the real Kimiko, even intuitively.
And even in Wu Got the Power, which was a lowpoint for the potrayal of any bond between the monks at all, Kimiko was the only one who was vocally upset about letting Omi go and worried about making him wander around in the wilderness homeless and alone. And she is the one who tossed Omi the Golden Tiger Claws so he wouldn't be trapped underground in Dangerous Minds.
I love the moments when Omi reciprocates the protectiveness and care that Kimiko shows him.
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Omi had been paralyzed with fear from the giant monster squirrels in the Land of Nowhere. The moment Omi got the nerve to get up and fight his greatest fear made real was the moment when he saw that Kimiko needed him. He kicked a squirrel in the face for Kimiko.
There are multiple times when they've rushed in to save each other's hides like that.
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And when Kimiko was kicked out by her dad and was crying because she didn't know what was going on with him, Omi was the one to comfort her. Omi told her that no matter what was going on with the company, her dad still loved her and her dad wasn't evil.
Omi managed to make her smile at her lowest point.
And in the alternate timeline, Kimiko and Omi are so close that that timeline's Omi apparently cheers up when Kimiko pinches his cheek.
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(Although it doesn't work on our Omi).
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Mark Watson recently asked on Twitter what comedy show people would like to see. He meant in terms of people who might do stand-up over the internet, so I’m going a bit outside the scope, but how’s this for an answer?
A campus-based sitcom about the performing arts troupe of an unnamed prestigious university. Two people who have just been cast in a play spend the first episode not getting along too well due to having somewhat clashing personalities (one is very cautious and reserved, one is always looking for trouble), but at the end of said episode, they get drunk together and find they actually enjoy each other’s company. They end up sitting outside a bar while having a mildly slurred conversation.
Person #1: You know, I have to tell you something. I’m supposed to keep it secret but I have to tell someone.
Person #2: I knew it, you’ve killed a man.
Person #1: No, it’s just… I’m not really a student here. I lied on the forms for the play. I don’t even have an email address.
Person #2: Oh, thank God you have a weird secret too! I’m not really Welsh. [note: Person #2 has been speaking with a Welsh accent for the whole episode so far, but at this point he reverts to an English one, from the general western region but not so far west as to actually be Wales.]
Person #1: Well that’s interesting, that we both have secrets that will now bind us together. I lied because you have to be a student to get into the plays and I just want to perform comedy. Why are you lying?
Person #2: I… I’m not really sure, actually. I just sort of started doing it one day and then I had to keep it up to avoid social embarrassment so I guess I’ll have to be Welsh forever now.
Person #1: You are the weirdest fucking person I’ve ever met, let’s be best friends for the next twenty years.
The rest of the show is about these two people being friends and taking part in the troupe while trying to protect their own and each other’s secrets, with many near-misses that are only saved by comedic misunderstandings and hijinks. There’s the occasional bit of social commentary as they explore the way pretending he’s part of a prestigious institution opens up opportunities that Person #1 would have missed otherwise, but it’s mostly just classic sitcom shenanigans.
One time they go to an off-campus bar where a man named Ghod Rilbert hears them talking in their normal accents about the web of lies they’re both spinning, and he tells Person #1, good on him for sneaking his way in with all those posh assholes who actually are students at this prestigious university (Person #2 listens to this with comedic discomfort), it’s time the working class people got a chance. Person #1 heartily agrees, but is too embarrassed to admit he did actually recently finish a degree at a different university, not as high-level a one but still. Ghod Rilbert then yells at Person #2, telling him he shouldn’t pretend to be a member of his culture (Ghod, of course, speaks with a very gruff Welsh accent), but admits that it’s too weird to be really offensive, so he buys them both beers and hangs out with them for the night.
They become friends and the two main characters continue going back to that bar because this somewhat older guy (sort of thirty-ish instead of early twenties) will buy them beers whenever they’re there. This makes things awkward for Person #1, since around Ghod Rilbert he has to keep up the ruse that he’s a working class guy who’s never attended university, while keeping up the ruse to everyone else that he’s a current student. Person #2 feels awkward during these times because he actually dislikes the taste of beer and prefers to drink wine, but he’s trying not to look like one of those posh assholes that Ghod assumes all university students are, and of course he’s too polite to complain about free drinks, so he forces down the cheap beer that Ghod buys them. In one episode they tag along with Ghod on what was meant to be just some errands but in classic sitcom style it turns into more than that, we get a look at Ghod Rilbert’s life outside that bar, and of course what we see is completely unhinged.
Now look, I realize this requires a little artistic license. I realize Mark wasn’t using the Welsh accent in university and Tim got caught out as not being a student pretty early into the lie. But just go with it. We’d all watch that sitcom, right? Incidentally, I want Rhod, Mark, and Tim to play themselves, and the show to just never mention why the actors look a couple of decades too old for the characters. Person #1 and Person #2 will have their characters named in some similar way to Ghod Rilbert, like Kim Tey and Wark Matson. The other major character will be a musical redhead who's their friend in the comedy troupe, and that character will just be named “Alex Horne”, but he’ll be played by Tim Minchin.
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outerbankies · 1 year
for the ship ask game - 24, 40 & 42 !!! how fun!!
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
complement! they clashed more when they were younger for sure and still do occasionally
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
answered already :-)
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
oh boy :/ been thinking about this one a lot recently
rafe and the y/l/ns: her parents still make him nervous and probably always will to a degree, lol. but he pushes himself to hang out with will whenever the opportunity presents itself because he wants to have a good relationship with him. and not to replace ward or anything, but for her sake, too! he feels like he has even more to prove with her mom in some ways, and she knows this and is definitely taking advantage lol. plus she wants a ring!!! why is it taking forever helloooo!!!!!! and if rafe is good at anything it's being a big brother 😌 but he's still surprised when one day he finds himself feeling really protective over dylan. they definitely clash over will though, because dylan is definitely threatened by rafe
y/n and the camerons: her relationship with ward is... next to nonexistent. she tried so hard for so long, and once rafe was more forthcoming/obvious about how much emotional damage there really was, she is reduced to pleasantries only. but she still tries for rafe and always follows his lead. i like to think she and rose have a nice little relationship tho! they definitely share wine sometimes! and rose knows how ward is (but will still stand by her man - do not forget it) so she cuts her a little more slack for sure! y/n was also terrified of her at first lol. and she looooooves his sisters sm!!! they talk all the time and she loves when they can come and visit. rafe gets nervous when they hang out without him bc he's like what are they saying about me now 😔
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guhamun · 6 months
multimuse combination meme; no longer accepting || @holyrisen
⭐ *lunges this @ you and hides*
Jianyu and Crimson: Thinking about Crimson’s royalty verse and how maybe Jianyu’s company was one of the ones that came to assist him with issues around the kingdom. Dealing with monsters is the specialty of a lot of those in their guild, so killing demons and protecting the populace for money is right up their alley.
Jianyu and Atlas: I was reading up on Atlas and I am intrigued. There were some key words in that dossier that had me like, “-points-” But I think that an interaction between these two would be neat to explore. Jianyu has no love towards royalty as he had to participate in battles back when he was first starting out as a mercenary because of their clashing with either other kingdoms or with family. The last conflict he participated in was due to the latter – two brothers fighting for the throne because their father died before selecting an heir. However, due to Atlas being so different, an exchange would be neat, I think. Perhaps they met during his younger years and when Atlas was a prince?
Jianyu and the Tsukinos: GIMME THE…TSUKINOS. GIMME ALL OF THEM. ALL. OF. THEM. He’d be so protective of Hikari. I think it’d mainly be because she would remind him of his little sister that he left back in his village forever ago. Maybe Taiyou is an off and on again member of the guild that Jianyu is in and so they speak occasionally? He probably admonishes him a lot for being reckless. All I can imagine is like – Taiyou getting things done, but also making a mess FKSJDFSFS. Jianyu probably really like Yoru’s drinks and asks him sometimes to come to the guild and work there. Both because he’s good at killing monsters and there’s no shortage of jobs that call for that for people, and also because…he wants his drinks…. Same for Shou. CHOP CHOP MAKE HIM DRINKS. But also he'd have him out there killing monsters and demons as well. He’d be curious as to why many in the family hold such skill in doing so too--
Percival and Crimson: Hey so what if Percival was one of Crimson’s knights? What if? What if he was really protective of Crimson’s well-being? What if he always reminded him to take care of himself and listened to his worries and concerns? WHAT IF-- But for FGO, I think they’d just really get along in general. Both of them are polite and have the most easygoing of personalities. He will make sure Crimson eats well by cooking an abnormal amount of food for him.
Arash and Taiyou: You can bet 1000% that Arash will be able to see past Taiyou’s easygoing demeanor. One is primarily due to him being Clairvoyant and being able to read people eerily well as a result, but also because the both of them are somewhat similar in a couple of regards. Taiyou says something fake and he’s probably calling it out 90% of the time.
Kyojuro and the Tsukinos: I am once again, taking all of them into my arms. I remember you showing me a while back about some of them working as teachers like in that one verse where all the Hashira / Demon Slayers are at that high school and so I am moooost definitely interested in exploring that! Teacher bonding… I can’t remember if you have a Demon Slayer verse but I’m snatching that up to. I’m snatching everything give it to me right noooow—
Tomoe and Crimson: I think he would remind her of Yoshinaka. It’s that kind of warmth that he has that would be so nostalgic for her, and so she’d speak to him very formally and probably 10x more respectful than she talks to everyone…which is above and beyond since she’s already respectful in how she talks to everyone fkjhdsfdsf.
Tomoe and Yoru: She'd be really impressed, I think, with his skill with a blade but also his character! As someone who held a great deal of responsibilities looking after others, she understands that he probably took it upon himself to really look after his siblings. Sometimes she probably tries to get him to play games with her or even spar from time to time. She's love to learn how to make drinks from him, but alas...Tomoe fears she'd probably break things.
Nagayoshi and Taiyou: Idk why but I just see Taiyou messing with him kfjdshfdsfs. IT’S A FEELING. I have no idea how that interaction would go but Taiyou is like a little fox man so he’d skirt by, I think.
Nagayoshi and Hikari: A very odd match up, I know, but listen – Hikari has that calming presence that I think would make him very strangely complacent around her. He’d probably tone down his more violent urges in her presence too, which is also very odd for him. Hikari can sit on his shoulders. He’s carrying her around on missions--
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eurofox · 2 years
Yakuza Kiwami Review
This was way shorter than 0 and it kind of caught me off guard but it is a remake of a nearly 20 year old PS2 game so I’ll cut it some slack. Also the writing was nowhere near as good as 0 but they’ve added some cutscenes to expand upon the story which helps as lot. Anyway spoilers :
The good shit:
It all looks very nice I must say. Outside of NPC’s in the street who are very PS3
Still has the style switching which I prefer for the strategy. Rush seems a bit more useful this time.
Like I said, the new cutscenes help expand on Nishki’s development, which is really needed.
Kiryu has some cute interactions with Haruka
Introduction of one of the best characters, Date. And his helicopter. And his shitty babysitting
I didn’t mind having money separate from experience this time
No Mr.Shakedown
I enjoyed the Majima everywhere system, it was funny and occasionally panic inducing when I was injured and could hear him coming. I imagine it’d be a nightmare if you were a completionist which I ain’t
Final Boss with Nishiki is great
Again, another fantastic soundtrack
Someone matched the old english dialogue with the new cutscenes and it’s funny as fuck
Little references here and there to 0
It’s very similar to 0 gameplay wise so what’s good there is mostly still good here.
The Bad shit:
Feels short, but I get why. Like a big DLC download really.
Haruka’s voice cuts through my head like a knife
The majima in the actual story clashes with the majima everywhere system’s personality. Can make it a bit confusing.
Substories here a more boring, lots of scams.
Most of the boss fights in this game are fucking awful, I’m sorry. The mid fight healing can get tae fuck. Shimano’s first fight is tedious as shit and takes forever if you haven’t unlocked much moves yet. The gun guy is also bullshit. Jingu is the second worst boss fight in the entire series, WTF where they thinking. I’m just glad I got him on the first try. 
Substories that are actually important to the plot are easily missed. Daigo’s mum and the fake Mizuki wouldn’t trigger for me so I just watched them online. Bizarre choice.
I do not care for the florist. And I care even less about his stupid son who doesn’t add anything to the story. Purgatory as a whole sucks imo.
Reina deserved better.
Cool tracks being wasted in one off situations. why did ‘Intelligence for Violence’ get used on six random mooks you finish off in a minute. Should of been a boss theme
Having to slowly unlock legend style. Couldn’t be arsed.
Fucking guns knocking you flat on your hole again.
Shitty car chase section 
No disco
If it wasn’t for 0, the story would feel very weak. I get it was made without anything else in mind, but even with the added cutscenes it’s not great. Why:
Yumi got no development in 0 for some reason and barely gets any here either. She’s kiryu’s great ‘love’ but I did not sense that at all. He had to be basically be told to get her the ring for her birthday and they barely interact. She’s gone for most of the game and then appears, gives a speech about real happiness and then dies. 
Kiryu finds Haruka in a pub he was recently in full of murdered civilians and there’s no follow up on that? Next time I went the pub was back to normal? WTF?
Jingu appearing near the end with little build up and is comically evil with his stupid villain laugh. He was apparently loving but then went super evil because of ‘power’ and despite being married to the prime minister’s daughter is doing all this bullshit. I see they tried to tie him into future games but yeah this felt like bullshit.
Sera gets murdered offscreen and it’s implied Nishiki did it and it’s left at that. Disappointing after his role in 0
Shimano and Kazama built up as masterminds in 0 but don’t seem to be all that in this game. Shimano is reckless as hell and kazama just dumps exposition and then dies. 
Kiryu is very calm about the fact his father figure killed his parents. This is never followed up on in the series BTW. 
Nishiki doesn’t appear enough and didn’t have to die that dumbass death. The bomb was already going off you tool.
A lot of people said this would feel like a downgrade, as 0 is considered one of the best games in the series and I agree with that. But it does help this game overall if you’ve played 0 first storywise. The game was always going to be limited but they've really put the effort in for a new audience. It’s still really fun.
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wsstandsfor · 2 years
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send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  / [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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Hi! Hope you're doing ok, and I wanted you to know that I absolutely love your writing! You said your request are open and I wonder if it would be to much trouble to do a poly!MC x Dorm leaders headcannons? If not, it's ok, mostly just wanted you to know that you are amazing and I am grateful you made this blog!
Thank you my dear for the ask! I'm so excited for the first ask on this blog, no less from an account I regonize!! Also, thank you for the kind words 💙
Some of these characters I'm not completely comfortable writing yet, so please bear with me. But if anyone has any poly! Twst recommendations, send them my way!
There is so much competition it's not even funny.
(^If you're just in a relationship with the dorm leaders, it's some what manageable. However, if you add the vice dorm heads, and everyone else, it's so much worse. I won't get into all that though. We might be here forever.)
Everyone is always trying to one up the other, often times dragging their dorms into their mess to compete via academics, sport, and whatever else the love stricken men can think of.
Leona is especially bad at involving his dorm in his little displays of superiority. Ruggie can't complain though. He finds it fun to watch all the dorm leaders fumble and over-exert themselves in attempts to impress you.
Well, not everyone. Kalim is possibly one of the only dorm heads not to actually compete with the mindset that he has something to prove.
^Sure he likes showing off but he's fairly content to just go with the flow.
Idia's stance is a little similar. He doesn't much care for all the song and dance that comes with these loud displays. Butttttt it would be lying to say he doesn't enjoy beating everyone in areas he has more skill.
On another note, Riddles need for rules and Vil's entitlement cause clashes a lot. The queens usually get along fine otherwise.
Azul has a tendency to try and bargin with everyone, often using you as some sort of pawn. Contract or not, it's just a habit the merman has a hard time shaking.
^Sometimes this starts fights, other times Leona is seriously considering whether he's willing to trade your date night for that grilled cheese.
Entering one another's dorms is just common practice now. There's hardly any announcement.
(^Afterall, if there were any sort of formal address, Leona would definitely cause a scene whe Kalim comes to steal you for a party during your nap sessions and Vil wouldn't get to have his hissy-fits when he sees you and Idia staying up all night)
Everyone remembers to invite Malleus to even the most mundane gatherings simply because you have committed to going on strike when he's not invited to things.
Kalim thinks this relationship means he can throw parties with all the dorm leaders. He is Idia's worst nightmare.
Riddle has nearly had a fight with every single dorm leader for not respecting his schedualing. Azul is probably the only one who hasn't faced the real weight of his wrath, but that's mostly because he himself has a busy schedule.
Vil loves to post about you online in the like "Instagram couple" way. Idia also loves to post about you, but his "look at my human, they just ran into a pole, aren't they cute?" style conflicts with the queen's.
^Thank goodness they do not use the same platforms.
Azul might use their posts to pit one against the other. He's not saying he will for sure, but it's just a backup plan incase someone gets too cocky.
Some of the leaders give you little gifts occasionally. Others have no problem stealing/disposing of these gifts.
(^Leona, Vil, and Malleus specifically have no care for other's tokens of affection. Leona usually goes for food, Vil throws out things he deems unseemly, and Malleus honestly... it's hard to say.)
Idia rarely sleeps over at the Ramshackle Dorm but when he does there's really no sleep. There is lots of trash though lmao.
No personal space whatsoever.
^Riddle might be the only one who doesn't invade your privacy/space on the regular but even he has his moments.
Crowley has had to resort to disciplinary measures often.
Azul sometimes is able to work out deals so no one is punished too hard, but he fully expects your praise.
Also you better love physical affection because at least four of these men are in constant need.
(^Kalim and Leona are both physically affectionate, Riddle and Azul are touch starved.)
Hey, despite their faults, you love them. What you don't love is waking up to Lilia hanging over your damn bed.
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pspspsp can I just request an immortal reader who's life is just dull/sad as hell since they've seen their loved ones leave or die in front of them so many times
but when they meet SBI or anyone, their life just suddenly brightens up? (Platonic and it can be any type of fic!)
(A/N): I got waaaayy too carried away with this. Star god reader my beloved (also, I’d imagine that your cloak looks like this guy’s but on the inside with the outsides being any color of your choice (credit goes to original artist))
If you want more god!reader content with the dream smp, @wooloo-inc has a really good series about a male!nature god!reader (aka, the god of dilf collection)
In the beginning when DreamXD created you (which if you think about it, that makes him your father, but I digress) from stardust and meteorite shards, you were a ball of fun loving sunshine (well, starshine?)
You loved watching over all of humankind, admiring their determination and bonds with other humans (both romantic and platonic)
Your older brother, the god of the moon, told you about how they viewed you and you were amazed
“Oberon?” You ran up to your older brother and tugged on his cloak making him hum in question, not looking up from his parchment scroll. “What- what do the humans think of me?”
He scoffed and glanced at you with his lily white irises, “why are you on about them again? They are lowly creatures compared to us, filled with greed and misfortune.”
“They worship us and that’s how you speak of them?”
“(Y/n) believe me, you have not seen the brutality they are capable of. War, famine, greed, plague, genocide, it’s all something you have not witnessed before. You have only seen the good in those things.” 
“But Oberon, I wanna-” he lightly smacked the side of your head, “use proper English. We are gods and you will behave as such.”
You huffed, “I want to know about how they view us! I do not care about the bad things they have done! Plleeeaaassseeeeeee Beri?” You willed the stars that constantly gleamed in your eyes to shine brighter as you fluttered your eyelashes at him. He may seem like he hated everyone and everything (especially his siblings), but he had a soft spot for his youngest sibling. He just stared at you for a bit before he sighed and shifted in the massive throne so that you could hop up onto his lap. With a wave of a slender pale hand, he conjured up various images of humans with stardust gazing at the stars and the moon with carefree swipes of his hand. 
“They view us as… poetic of sorts. They compare us to romance,” an image of two human males kissing then gazing into the stars laying down on a cliff came into view, “fortune tellers,” an image of the Aquarius and the Capricorn constellations popped up making you squeal in happiness. He chucked and changed the picture to a mother and son standing over a grave looking up in amazement at a shooting star, “and most importantly, as a sign of hope. 
“They see us as complementary, the moon and the stars cannot be as beautiful without the other. We hold the power of the night and everything it touches, (y/n). This is our kingdom, do not forget that,” the image changed to the moon surrounded by stars and swirling blues and purples of nebulas.
You looked at the images with awe, absorbing every word that fell from his mouth. “Beri?” He once again hummed, his deep baritone voice sending vibrations along your back. “Will we be together forever?”
His lanky arms wrapped around your much smaller frame, “for all of eternity. The moon is nothing without the night sky and all of the stars it holds.”
Centuries passed and your fascination with humans only grew from there
When you eventually asked if you could meet a human Oberon reacted angrily and forbade you from speaking of humans again in your shared palace, worried for your safety
When he caught you attempting to sneak out, he locked you in your room for months on end
Humans wondered why the stars hardly appeared in the night sky anymore, forming the theory that they had somehow angered you
They prayed to you more and more, begging and groveling for forgiveness
They left more offerings at shrines
You heard their every word, feeling your heartbreak with sorrow and guilt for your lovely humans
You snuck out of the palace that night determined to make it up to the humans
You quietly snuck past the main room where you and Oberon used to sit on your thrones together and control the night. The large doors were cracked open showing your older brother watching the night with boredom. As you passed, his voice startled you, “I just cannot stop you can I?”
He appeared in the doorframe looking at you emotionlessly, his eyes glinting with hidden pain. “Do you realize how cruel of a place that world is? How cruel humans are?”
“I do not care, brother! They are in anguish because they think I am angry with them! Because you locked me in here!”
“I have told you time and time again, they are ruthless creatures. Humans are constantly clashing with their own kind for the slightest bit of power, they’re greedy creatures! Have you forgotten what happened to Arachnia?”
A shiver went down your spine at the mention of your fellow deity. She wanted to be with humans but they stripped her of her grace and virtuosity, torturing her when the moon would rise. That is the reason spiders attack humans in the night when the moon and stars show themselves and are dormant in the daytime. However, that did not deter you. 
“I have not forgotten what happened to Arachnia, her tale fills me with grief. But not all humans are like that! They are compassionate, loving, and sweet creatures deep down, each and every single one of them!”
“They were not showing compassion or love when they tore Arachnia limb from limb! When they languish in riches while millions die around them! What part of that is compassionate?”
“Sure they do bad things sometimes, but have you forgotten the love they hold for each other? The determination and hope shining from within them when they pray to us? Have you forgotten that?”
He just stared at you with angry irises and his chest heaving before he ran a hand through his long ivory hair and turned around, the flowing white cape flowing wildly behind him with unseen air. He walked back into the observation room and back to his throne. Without a second glance to you, he worked on the transition of power between the sun and moon. You could imagine your sister Aelia grinning brightly as she rose the sun for the day.
“You are to never return here if you step foot out that door. You will still have control of your duties of the night. However you will never return. Do not come back groveling for forgiveness when I have given you constant warnings of their cruelty. If I see your face show up here, I will make sure father smites you down. Now get out of my sight.”
You huffed and whipped around to the front entrance, the stars that constantly twinkled and the nebulas that constantly swirled in the inside of your cloak illuminating the white floors below you as you ran. You left the palace without a second thought, leaving your old life behind in favor of spending it with the humans.
When you came crashing to the Earth in a shooting star, you were amazed by the beauty of it up close and in person
It was everything you expected and then some
You heard the humans cheering and thanking you in their prayers when the stars returned brighter than usual
You being completely enamoured by all of the humans, even if they recognized you or not you loved them all unconditionally
You set up a little cottage in the tundra where you could see the night sky clearly with the occasional aurora borealis 
From the roof, you controlled the stars
The tales of you defecting from the heavens was a popular one, and you became somewhat of a symbol of the hope that humanity should hold for themselves and compassion
Occasionally sending shooting stars over humans you knew were stargazing
You have met many lovers, friends, and even your own adopted kids over the next millenia, all of them accepting your immortality and everlasting duties
But it’s all the same in the end: they come, they leave, and they die
With each death of your loved ones, you could feel your will to keep going dissipate
The stars grew dimmer gradually in the night sky
The humans gradually stopped worshipping you as you disappeared from the night skies
You became a distant memory for elders to tell children 
Disappearing from the face of the Earth for a few centuries when you could not take the constant deaths any longer
Nobody knew where your cabin laid so you were undisturbed for centuries on end, left to your grief
That was until a knock sounded at your door
The knock startled you out of the comfort of your bed. Reluctantly, you left the warmth of the multitude of blankets and donned your cloak to hide your unkempt appearance. When you passed the mirror hanging in the hallway, you could see that your face was shrouded by darkness with the exception of a single glint where your eyes were caused by the lone star that was a constant reminder of your position. Before you fell into a deep depression, the stars would illuminate your entire face if you put your hood up. 
You opened the front door without a care in the world. If the beings on the other side were humans that would take you away and torture you, you didn’t care. You’re long past the point of caring for your own well being.
On the other side was a man of average height and long shaggy blond hair pulled into a slick ponytail. He was dressed entirely in green with a green and white striped bucket hat placed on his head. Past you would’ve been cooing at the object, but now you dully looked at the man in front of you. You glanced behind him and your eyes widened at the huge black wings sprouting from his back. You know who he was the second your eye caught the black feathers; he was the Angel of Death.
“Hello, Angel of Death.”
He tried to peer into your shrouded features, only seeing two pinpricks of light where your eyes should be. He gave you a friendly smile, brushing off the snow that gathered on his shoulders. “(Y/n), the God of the Stars and the Night Sky. Giver of compassion to the human race, it’s an honor to meet you.”
“Why are you here? Last time I checked, my last lover died centuries ago.”
“Yes, my condolences. They were lovely when I guided their soul to the afterlife.”
“You still have not answered my question, Angel of Death. Why are you here?” You grit out the last sentence through a clenched jaw. He has no right to talk about them when he assisted in taking them away from you. Him and your cousin, the Goddess of Death Kristin. They took everybody you loved away from you. You knew that their deaths were unavoidable since they were human and you were immortal, but you still couldn’t help but resent them.
“The Goddess of Death sent me. The God of the Moon and the Goddess of the Sun sent her a request to send me to check on you.”
You stared at him for a few moments before you saw him shivering slightly and sighed. You always had a soft spot for humans, even if the being in front of you was not a human in the slightest. He reminded you of an old friend. You stepped aside and gestured lazily inside the house, “come in.”
He started to visit more and more over the next century
He eventually befriended you about half a century into the visits
It was extremely difficult to do because of how guarded you were, but he managed to break you out of your shell
You realizing how kind he was and how much he cared for you
You quickly came to the realization that he was immortal as well after reading up on the Angel of Death
After another fifty years, he became your best friend
You both opened up and comforted each other about everybody you both lost over the years
When he adopted Technoblade and then Wilbur not long after Techno, you were extremely hesitant to get close to them
Even going as far as telling Philza that you thought that it was an extremely bad idea
Mortals always end up leaving in the end anyways, it’s best to avoid the endless cycle of hurt that came with having mortals around
You told him about your own adopted children that have died over the years
You refuse to meet them, cutting off all communication with Philza for a year or two
Eventually meeting his three adopted kids when you reluctantly accept a dinner invitation one day
You attempted to appear cold and uncaring, but your love for humans (especially baby humans) shone through when an infant Tommy started to play with your cape
It seemed that the stars and the moving nebulas within the fabric entranced him
From then on whenever you visited Philza, you always held Tommy until he was too old for you to do so
Becoming very attached to the blond with your strong innate parental instincts
You introduce Techno to mythology, sharing stories of your personal interactions with certain gods and entities throughout the years
You teach Techno how to cope with the voices as you constantly hear multiple prayers to you from humans at the same time
You arrange a meeting for Wilbur with the Goddess of Music when he asks you about her
Arranging for her to start giving him lessons in exchange of a favor that will be cashed at a later date
You help raise all three of them, often taking them off Philza’s hands for a night or two 
Their favorite activity with you is watching you raise the stars and turn the sky dark
They always loved to watch you move the stars and summon shooting stars for them
The stars gradually returned to your eyes and a constant ecstatic smile slowly became synonymous with your face again
Humans started to worship you again when the stars in the sky became brighter
You became your old self again after centuries of feeling lost 
To repay them for everything they’ve done for you, you decided to rearrange the stars for one night 
One night of having a different star pattern couldn’t hurt 
Sure, it’d make a few theories pop up among the humans, but those are fun to overhear sometimes
The young boys and Philza behind you watched in awe as your eyes started to glow brightly and you slowly moved your hands gracefully raising the stars with the moon, your cloak starting to flow with nonexistent winds. They’ve seen you raise the stars thousands of times, but it never ceases to amaze them. It was just so… entrancing. 
You broke into a slight sweat and started to move the stars from their original positions in the sky. Shaking slightly, you pushed back against the strain and slight pain that it brought you. You’ve never done this before, so you really didn’t know what you were expecting. You felt someone put a hand on your shoulder.
“What’re you doin, mate?”
“Uh Dad?”
“Not now Techno. Mate, are you alright?”
“Dad, look up. They’re rearranging the stars,” Wilbur breathed out.
You could hear Philza gasp slightly as he watched star after star move until they locked into place. There in the twinkling night sky was each of their names gleaming brightly in small lettering. When you were done, you fell into a kneel onto the ground and rubbed at your aching head panting lightly. 
You could hear the boys around you panic slightly as you regained your breath. As you heard them approach you you looked up at them and smiled, the stars gleaming brightly in your irises. “Do you like it?”
“Y-yes but gods, (y/n) are you alright?”
“I am fine, but stars, I have never done that before. Are you four ready for stargazing?”
“That was so pog, (y/n)! How’d you do that?”
“I hold the power of the stars and the night sky in my hands. My brother once told me that the night is our kingdom.” You laid down onto the grass and took off your cloak to cover up a shivering Tommy and Wilbur next to you. You sighed as you thought about your siblings; you wondered how they were doing. 
“I will gladly move the stars themselves for you four. You are my family.” There was a stretched out moment of comfortable silence as you five watched shooting stars blaze by. Eventually, you saw an aurora borealis materialize above you. Furrowing your brow, you looked at it in question. They don’t appear this time of year, so why-
“Aelia,” you breathed out as you watched the greens flow above you. She must’ve sent a gust of solar wind your way. 
“Isn’t Aelia the Goddess of the Sun?” Wilbur asked you.
“Yes, she is my oldest sister. She must have redirected the solar winds over here.” 
“Damn, what’s with the gods changing everything tonight? You guys need to fuckin chill.”
“Tommy!” Philza scolded and was about to continue before he heard you start to laugh. They’ve only heard you genuinely laugh only a couple of times, so the sound that left your mouth immediately brightened the mood. 
“Yes Tommy, I suppose we do need to ‘fucking chill’.”
“You swore! Fuckin pog,” Tommy cheered to himself as the others looked at you in slight shock at your words. If you’re being completely honest in all of the years you spent alive (which is since basically the beginning of time), you’ve never sworn once. You were raised differently than that. When you realized that the others were staring at you, you smirked at them. The stars twinkling and giving your eyes even more of a mischievous glint, “what? Have you never heard a god swear before?”
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur
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beccascribbles · 4 years
hcs series detailing what it is like to be a manager for the various haikyuu teams
karasuno | seijoh |
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warnings - swearing
word count - 2.1k
you weren't immune to oikawa's charms, but being friends with him since middle school meant you were the least likely in the school to fall for him (you were also the least likely person he would mess with in that way, especially as iwaizumi would happily punch him for the trouble)
this meant you were a perfect candidate for manager of the team
when you all been first years, the team had come up to you and begged
ultimately, it had been iwaizumi who had finally convinced you (the sight of him almost begging you would be forever ingrained in your mind. boy did not want to be the only one responsible for oikawa)
by the time you reached your third year, you were immensely glad that you had agreed to manage the team
at times, it had been tough. dealing with oikawa's jealous fangirls often felt like a full time job. the amount of times you had sprinted into the club room to the shock of the team was ridiculous
one day, you had dived through the door, yelling for then to shut and lock the door as you crashed to the floor
iwaizumi had been by your side in an instant, worried gaze assessing you for injuries. when you let out a wince, rubbing at you arm, he was automatically assessing it for damage
"it's not broken," he assured you, giving your head an affection pat before his gaze turned to oikawa, eyes narrowing. "call your fucking fangirls off, shittykawa"
"i've tried," he whined, giving you an apologetic look. "clearly their love for me is too strong"
"maybe if they actually spoke to you, they'd realise what a crap personality you have," sighed matsukawa, slapping oikawa on the back affectionately and then holding the hand up to receive a high five from hanamaki
slowly, hesitantly, you moved over to the door, pressing your ear to the surface. through the wood, you could the girls, their high-pitched voices grating at your nerves
“i really fucking hate them,” you grumbled, moving away to sit on the floor beside hanamaki, who wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you leaned against his shoulder. “why did i let you convince me to join this club?”
this was directed to iwaizumi, who had the good idea to look sheepish. oikawa, on the other hand, collapsed down on the floor in front of you and spread out his arms. “because you love us, y/n-chan”
“not you,” you scoffed, poking him in the chest. he pouted
“that’s no way to talk to your childhood friend”
“it is when they have a swarm of jealous fangirls after you”
oikawa looked like he was about to reply, but a clip to the ear by iwaizumi was enough to distract him. he turned to his friend with a cry of outrage, beginning to bicker with the ace
while you would usually tell them to shut up, pull them apart, you couldn’t really be bothered. breaking up fights was for when you were on duty. training hadn’t started yet so you figured you could let them bicker
the second years clashed less than the third years but sometimes you were needed to break up the fights, particularly when kyoutani made a return to the team
while he was away, you had been one of the only ones who checked up on him, always telling him that if he needed to talk, if he was struggling with anything, you would be there
therefore, he had a lot of respect for you, placing you on a similar level to iwaizumi (the only member of the team who could get away with telling him what to do or scolding him angrily)
this meant that, when you appeared in front of him, placing a placating hand on his chest, his hackles would lower and he would back away, though the glare would remain on his face
truth be told, kyoutani was a little bit scared of you suddenly exploding on him, especially after the way you had snapped at him when he had first pulled off a risky play in practice
you had seen red when he had pushed kindaichi out of the way to spike the ball, marching over and grabbing him by the top to drag him away. it was the first time they had ever seen him apologise
while kyoutani respected you, the relationship you had with him was very different with the one you had with the other second years. kyoutani would never invite you to lunch. watari and yahaba on the other hand...
your week is not complete without a lunch with them. you aren’t even sure when you managed to form such a strong friendship with them, but it was likely when you agreed to help them in maths (it’s not yahaba’s strong point and he begged watari to join him)
you are the one responsible for stopping yahaba showing off, particularly when the gym floods with fangirls, most of them there to watch oikawa
he will flip his hair and affect an air very similar to oikawa which will frustrate you to no end. you will drag him off court by the ear, telling him to stop, threatening him with extra conditioning
matsukawa and hanamaki will definitely start snickering at the way his face reddens, focused more on this than the fact that they are meant to be improving their serves
you can always trust watari to help you out, no matter how much you insist that you don’t need it. he is the first to volunteer to help you set up the court, to help you carry the equipment for away games
now, the first years. if iwaizumi is the team dad, you are the mum
you dote on kindaichi and kunimi, trying to keep them away from matsukawa’s and hanamaki’s influence. you don’t want them to be corrupted by the pair. iwaizumi will help you but even he sees little point in stopping the inevitable
kindaichi was very awkward around you at the start. his brain couldn’t comprehend that a pretty girl was talking to him, let alone asking if he was okay, if he needed a drink
eventually, kindaichi relaxes. you are the one he turns to when he has a problem, explaining it all to you. if it involves another team member, you will encourage him to tell them, not wanting there to be fractures in the team. after all, aoba johsai thrives because of their great teamwork
kunimi is, as usual, very relaxed around you
most of the time, he barely acknowledges your fussing, simply waving you away and heading back onto the court to resume practice
however, if he wants to slack off (which he does often), it will be you he makes eye contact with. you know you shouldn’t condone this behaviour but, occasionally, you allow it. he promises he will pull through for the game and you believe him, though you do explain that if he slacks off too much it could mean risking his sport in the starting rotation
your quiet understanding is often what motivates him to keep going. he doesn’t want to disappoint you. plus, he has seen you angry and would rather not be the reason for that
oikawa is intimately familiar with your anger. the boy just seems to do everything possible to piss you off. what angers you most is the apparent disregard for his own health, but you don't take this out on him physically
you and iwaizumi team up to handle him, with both of you favouring a more violent approach (sometimes that's the only way to knock some sense into oikawa's brain)
while iwaizumi will throw either oikawa or various items such as volleyballs at him, you tend to favour a good old-fashioned slap to the back of the head
he always knows you're coming, his whole body tensing at the sound of your footsteps drawing closer to him. oikawa is almost more scared of you than iwaizumi, probably because you are more cold fury than fiery anger
that first night iwaizumi had asked you to stay behind after practice with him, your heart almost broke at the sight of oikawa pushing himself
you saw the sweat, watched him stumble, clutch at his damaged knee... but despite the pain, he kept pushing
as you watched, you grasped iwaizumi's hand, who was tense beside you, needing the physical anchor as much as you
"why does he do this to himself?" you questioned, watching as oikawa pushed up from the floor, landing awkwardly on his feet. still, he kept pushing
iwaizumi didn't bother to answer. the answer was obvious, and you both knew what it was. he needed to get better, for the team, for himself, for revenge
"if he keeps going like that, his knee will be permanently damaged and he can say goodbye to a volleyball career," said iwaizumi, jaw tight. hand still in yours, he marched onto the court
he finally released your hand to grab oikawa by the shirt and yank him away. his voice was a low growl as he spoke, "don't fucking complain. we've been here long enough and you're going home before you regret it"
"you're so... urgh, do you want to make me lose my mind with worry, tooru?" you sigh, wrapping an arm around his waist, more to reassure yourself that he was fine than to other support. he slung an arm over your shoulder, leaning on you slightly with iwaizumi at his other side
"didn't think you cared, y/n-chan," he teased, giving you an affectionate squeeze. you caught eyes with iwaizumi, rolling your own at oikawa's words
"of course i care. we both do"
from that night on, you and iwaizumi took turns watching oikawa, stopping him when it became clear that he was doing too much
on the nights when you had to watch him, you would sit in the corner of the gym on a video chat with matsukawa and hanamaki as you tried to do some homework (to be honest, you spent most of your time joking around and chatting, but the thought was there)
oikawa, though he never showed it, was grateful for you and iwaizumi's worry. it put a check on him which he would never admit to wanting, but needed desperately
on weekends, you and the third years will always meet up, be it to do homework or just watch a movie at someone's house
movie nights tend to be quite messy (it's not uncommon to be picking popcorn out of your hair at the end)
one time, you had fallen asleep on iwaizumi's shoulder only to wake up to his head flopped against yours and a snickering oikawa and hanamaki. the pair had taken great joy in drawing a moustache and beard on your faces, while matsukawa took photos (he's usually the one who takes your group photos and sends them to everyone at the end)
managing the team is mainly fun, though it does have its cursed moments
you weren't ashamed to admit that you cried, along with the rest of the third years, when you left
however, the tears did not stop you from giving your kouhais some strongly-worded advice
yahaba was warned to not think with his dick and to try his very best to not intimidate oikawa in his quest for some fangirls
kyoutani was told that you were only a phone call away and would not hesitate to scold him if he let his anger take control over his playing style
honestly, the only thing you wished watari was luck. he'd need it, especially as there was no manager to support them next year
kunimi you told to slack off less, though you wouldn't hold it against him if he did sneak off for a little nap during the school day so long as he was energised for volleyball
with kindaichi, you simply gave him a hug and told him to keep trying his best, to not beat himself up over every mistake he made
it was oikawa who insisted on a big group hug, pulling you and a rather disgruntled iwaizumi into his arms, the rest of the team happily bundling in
and, as you hugged each other, you were thankful iwaizumi had convinced you to join the team because you knew you had made friends for life
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lordtraco-fanfics · 2 years
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Parent Lore!
Meet Tivus and Regla!
Tivus (from motivus, one root for locomotive), He/they theatre dad.
Flamboyant and over-the-top joyful guy. Loves clashing colors and is an absolute menace (affectionate) when it comes to fashion. (The twins are only allowed monochromatic colors to spare them from his sense of style until they can dress themselves.)
He only has a gliscor, which his beloved caught for him on their honeymoon. He spoils his buddy rotten and occasionally treats Gliscor like the twins' older sibling. Which he kinda is.
Tivus bought a "trains for dummies" book the second the twins started showing an interest in them. But soon they were saying more specialized words, so he had to go more in depth. He actually became friends with people who worked the subway because he'd call them up and ask questions when his research confused him. He'd also ask if they did tours, which they didn't, but eventually made exceptions.
"You don't need to know everything." "I'm their dad, I've gotta at least know more than them!" "You just googled 'wat iz tran'. Go to bed!"
He adopted Elesa (not really). She has unlimited access to his entire stash of theater costumes and random accessories that he impulse buys.
He's decent at sewing and made Ingo and Emmet the prototypes of what would become their signature coats. Elesa helped design them and later got a professional to make the final version.
He makes dad jokes. Lots of goofy poses and dad jokes.
For all his silly antics, the twins still know they can come to him about anything. He can take things seriously and offer mature advice when it matters.
He's the one the kids go to about nightmares, mainly because he'll regale them with a story about how the scary thing was actually a goofy thing, or couldn't get to them because he'd given it bad directions. "Silly logic away the scary" is his specialty.
Regla (base for what became rail), He/Him + She/Her: Genderfluid Ace Trainer papa/mom.
Very sweet, but very shy around new people. Has two separate styles so as to make it very obvious which gender he feels closest to that day because words are hard.
Words are not hard when they are regarding 3 topics: His husband, his sons, or anything regarding pokemon or battling.
He has two teams of three pokemon each. One for guy days, one for gal days.
His sons taught him about double battles as they grew up and that's the only time he'll battle with a full team. Ingo and Emmet have yet to beat him. (Whether that's intentional in later years, it's hard to say.)
He traded a lot with a pen pal in Alola early on in his journey to become champion.
Guy team (grass): Serperior, Ferrothorn, Sawsbuck
Gal team (ghost): Oricorio (sensu style), Banette, Dhelmise
(Pronoun shift. Regla started her journey as a girl and has no shame in talking about the past in such a way.)
Serperior was her starter as a kid, and she caught a ferroseed and deerling early on. They saw her through her journey of self-acceptance, so the grass types are what Regla uses on more masculine days.
He later attracted a shuppet to him one day when feeling full of doubt. Attracting the ghost type made him realize he was envious of his past self. That was a major moment in helping him realize he didn't have to choose to be one gender forever.
Oricorio and Dhelmise came from trading with an Alolan pen-pal that was very supportive of him through and through.
The pen pal wasn't actually the one trading, he more just got Regla in contact with those who'd be willing to trade in Alola and would perform the trade in person.
Why? Because it meant that even though they were too far away to actually hug, the pokemon could play intermediary. Purely as friends, of course. Though a crush might have formed on both sides…
The pen pal was Tivus. He saved up to come see Regla battle the final Elite Four.
Even though he didn't make it the full way, meeting Tivus in person still made it the best day! The two walked and talked for hours and hours. They'd have held hands if either had been able to contain their excitement long enough to do so.
They dated for a long time before settling down to be the mushiest couple and have the cutest twins the world had ever seen. Not a day goes by without at least one of them making it known that they're proud of the Subway Bosses. Usually through a little text. Or a flood of positive memes.
Optional Nimbasa Resonance AU Flavor Packet:
Tivus can shift into a spoon. Just a normal old spoon. He has a slight fear of psychic pokemon because of their purported like of bending utensils.
He has hidden in the dishwasher before to get out of chores. He's the reason spoons don't go into drawers anymore, they stay in a cup on the counter. (This habit follows the twins even after they move out. When Elesa asked about it, they both just say "dad" and fail to elaborate.)
Regla comes from a line of knife shifters, but the power skipped him in favor of his younger twin sisters. The mayhem the three got up to as kids prepared him well for Tivus, Ingo, and Emmet's antics.
They both adore Elesa and feel she's a wonderful meister to both their boys.
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