#;; ( you may love a stray but you can never keep them. SHIPS )
ncis-nerd · 2 months
But Daddy I Love Him
ship: older!natasha romanoff x younger!reader. wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff.
warnings: angst, no happy ending, mentions of cheating, older nat, jerk nat, younger reader, wanda is kinda a dick, age gap, arguing, being ignored.
a/n: happy ttpd day!!
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"I'm done with being your second choice Natasha. Just because I am younger than you, it doesn't mean you can just go off with other women because you're scared to admit that they are what you are looking for. Someone older, more mature, someone you can relate to" Y/N exclaimed, her small frame against the older women's.
Her green eyes met y/n's gaze which only confirmed what y/n feared. "That's it? You aren't going to say anything?" Y/N spokes as she grabbed a suitcase from the closet.
"I'm so sick of Wanda! Don't think I didn't see all the ways she touched you. Her hands always on you whenever the two of you were together. I'll tell you this Natasha. I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'" Y/N threw her arms up in protest and huffed.
"Where are you gonna go." Natasha spoke dismmisingly. She doesn't think you'll actually do it. You have no where to go, no one to go to. Her eyes watering at the slight chance that you may be serious.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
Natasha had an award dinner and she asked you last minute to come. It was odd she didn't ask you earlier in advance because they usually know about these things at least 6 months in advance with scheduling and whatnot. But you didn't think much of it. Because you didn't want to accept the alternative.
You came as her date but it sure didn't feel like it. You were the youngest there, all the avengers were at least 10 years ahead of you. It didn't help that your girlfriend left you to fend for yourself, your eyes stuck on her and Wanda. Natasha threw her head back, laughing. Wanda's hand on her shoulder. Their prolonging eye contact. The way they looked at each other. It gave you a bad feeling in your gut but you pushed it away.
No, I'm not coming to my senses. I know it's crazy. But he's the one I want.
You refused to accept it. She said she'd never let it come between you guys. That your age difference would never break you up. She lied. You rose up from the table but no one even noticed, everyone engrossed in their conversation. A stray tear fell from your glassy eyes.
You made your way to the bathroom. Attempting to keep your composure, they already think you're immature, you don't want them to see you as a baby on top on that.
You looked at yourself in the large glass window. You looked at your reflection. Your dress glistened in the light. The door swings open. It's Wanda. Of course she was the one who noticed you missing. Ironic isn't it.
"Y/N" she spoke, her voice filled with fake concern but a hint of guilt. You refused to meet her eyes, not willing to give her that sense of comfort. "Y/N, I'm not going to lie to you just because you're younger than us. I like Natasha. And honestly it feels like she is into me too. There's nothing I can say to make you feel better but I assure you I would never make a move on her while the two of you are together. I promise." Her eyes met yours in the mirror.
"I have money, I know you don't have anywhere to go but if you and Natasha should split, please call me. I don't want to on your own, fending for yourself. I can help you get an apartment or something." Wanda offered.
I just learned these people try and save you'. Cause they hate you
Of course, of course she wants to "take care of you". Because you're the little fragile thing who can't handle heartbreak. She just wants to make a move on Natasha, this is a ton of bullshit. You press your nails into your hand. You smile politely and say a simple thank you. Not wanting to cause a scene and give Natasha more of a reason to leave you.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me. And counteract the chemistry. And undo the destiny.
Her hand reaches for my shoulder, to stop me from leaving. "That won't work anymore, Natasha. I'm calling Wanda. She offered to help me get an apartment." You spewed out, reaching for the door. It hurt. You no longer called her Natty, the sweet nickname you had gave her when your relationship was in an earlier stage. A simpler stage where you didn't have to question if she wanted to be with you.
You slammed the door behind you, goodbye Natasha.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
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cozage · 10 months
Hi Coza. I sent a request in for a part 2 for a lifetime promise, but after reading what you said about writing second parts, I decided to change my request. Instead of writing a part 2 for a lifetime promise, could you do a Ace, Sabo x female reader headcanon where the reader is a water devil fruit user. Like how would a water user and fire user mix as a couple? Thank you. You work is amazing and always love to see what you do! 😊
This was really cute to write about! Thanks for the request!
Characters: female reader X Sabo, Ace Word Count: 600 CW: none :)
You are constantly putting out his fires, literally and figuratively. Ace loves to make a big show of his powers, but he isn’t always aware of his surroundings. 
The ship is of course always the biggest concern. But he’s also been known to accidentally burn down buildings and allegedly, a forest. His destruction rate has been 0 since you came around. You’re always right behind him, watching for stray fires he may not have noticed. It happens more frequently than you expected.
Whenever he says something ridiculous, you always spray him with a little bit of water and tell him “you need to cool off,” or “you’re getting too hot there.”
Water beats fire, of course, and you never let him forget it. He kind of likes that you keep him grounded. 
He feels a little bit more like a person and less like an element when he’s holding your hand. You have to admit you feel the same. You balance each other. 
People on the crew tease him relentlessly about how much he shows his love for you. In response, he’ll throw an arm around you and always say “She’s my weakness, what can I say?” You try not to let him see how much that silly statement makes you want to MELT into a puddle (sometimes literally you begin to melt. You can’t help it.)
After particularly spicy makeout sessions or…other things, the room is FILLED with steam. It’s basically a freaking sauna in there. Sometimes you can hardly see anything besides each other. And when you finally have to open the door and the steam spills out into the hallway, everyone on the floor knows what you guys were up to. No way to be sneaky about that, unfortunately. 
Whenever Sabo comes up with some insanely exuberant plan, you always flick water in his face. “Don’t get cocky,” you warn. You had done it when he demanded to go to Dressrosa, but he had gone anyway. 
You’re delighted to discover your water flick still works on him (and is perhaps more effective) after he comes back from Dressrosa with a fire power. 
You find that since Dressrosa, Sabo has been kissing you a lot more frequently. Even his quick “see you at home” kisses turn into three or four. When you finally ask him about it, he just shrugs and says “I dunno how to describe it. It’s just so refreshing. You’re so refreshing.”
When he gets particularly frustrated in a meeting, he’ll look at you and say “cool me down, babe.” It makes everyone laugh as you pat his face with water, but you know he actually needs you to do it to stay calm. 
Sabo has always been a confident person who is independent and likes to take charge. After he comes back from Dressrosa, he’s still all of those things, but he likes being near you while he does them. You aren’t sure if it’s because of his fruit or if it’s because of whatever happened in Dressrosa, but you like him leaning on you a bit more. 
As he works to perfect his moves, he likes having you around. It takes him a while to get the right power level for the moves he has ideas for and he doesn’t want anything to burn down. Some days he even requests a little water barrier (think like The Birdcage, but with water and not malicious).
Now that Sabo has fire powers, sensations are definitely more heightened for both of you. Even when you all touch each other, the feeling is different compared to when he didn’t have a devil fruit. It definitely adds a new exciting and fun aspect to your relationship, one that both of you are extra eager to explore further.
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Yandere Euron Greyjoy w/ Siren!Reader
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Euron grew up hearing the tales of the children of the sea; the sirens who sang their songs and all the men they lured to their deaths, along with their ships. He’d always dreamed of coming across one, catching it and having it for his own.
The thought of having his siren never strayed far from his mind, everytime he was at sea it was all he could think of. He would swear he felt something deep in the water watching him. Following him. Studying him. Teasing him. He knew they were out there, waiting for him. And this only ignited his need to find his siren all the more.
Usually most ironborn take a share of the plunder from their pillaging, especially the captains but not Euron. No, he knows there is a much more valuable treasure out there. Something far more worthwhile. Something only for him.
When the day finally comes and Euron hears that hauntingly beautiful song, he knows he’s got his siren and he’s not going to lose them. Whatever plans, whatever destination there was before is quickly forgotten in place of finally getting what belongs to him.
And what a sight you are to behold when he does finally catch you. You’re beautiful, so frighteningly beautiful. But he’s not scared, after all this is Euron we’re talking about, on the contrary he’s excited. Very excited. You have him feeling euphoric and he loves it. The look of complete shock, anger and fear at finally being caught that washes over your mesmerizing face has Euron feeling even more euphoric. He likes that look on you, he likes it a lot.
As much as Euron has grown so accustomed to this drawn out game of cat and mouse, a game that he has come to take much excitement and anticipation in, he couldn’t be more thrilled to have finally caught you. A part of him almost wants to throw you back into the sea just to be able to chase after and catch you all over again but he’d much rather finally claim what’s been rightfully his all this time.
People said he was mad, that the seas had corrupted him but he knew better than to listen to them. After all he’s got you now, the proof to his unrelentingness. And he can’t bring himself to take his eyes off of you. He doesn’t want to miss a thing; every part of your being, Euron wants to memorize it all.
He’s already prepared a place to keep you, a tank he had specifically made just for you. Quite a well crafted and spacious enough little home where he can watch you whenever he pleases and you’re entirely unable to hide away from his prying gaze. You are his trophy, his gift from the sea that he has waited so long to receive. Of course he wants to be able to look upon you whenever he wishes, it’s his right after all. After everything he’s done to get you in the first place the least he deserves is to see his catch in all its maddening glory.
And maddening you are. He thrives on the hateful look you send his way, the gnashing of your teeth whenever he gets too close, the way you thrash your beautifully scaled body against the thick cage-like glass of your new habitat trying to free yourself. Euron isn’t stupid, of course he’d have your new little home be thoroughly enforced. He may not exactly know what all you are capable of but he has a few ideas and your immense strength was certainly one of them.
After all this time it’s no surprise that Euron would be addicted to your voice, to your song. He’s only ever heard it a few times in his life but he saved it to memory, he would’ve been a fool not to. Euron even took up whistling a similar tune, primarily to draw you out but it was something that just stuck and he never let it go but nothing could ever compare to the real thing. So once he finally had you that song, your song, was all he ever wanted to hear. And he had nothing to interrupt it, no other noise to take away from it. He’d made sure of that when he cut out all his crewmens’ tongues. You may not have necessarily been the sole reason behind his decision but you were one of them. And if he didn’t have to bark out orders he would have taken their ears too.
As much as Euron would love to have his precious little siren wrapped around his body, he knows they’d break him without a second thought. They’d rip his throat out and spit it back in his face with a sharp toothed grin. Don’t even get him started on the drowning bit, not like he isn’t use to it given his being an Ironborn, if anything it excites him more. But none of these things could possibly strike even an ounce of fear into Euron, I mean he’s committed so much worse with his own bare hands, instead it all captivates him all the more. You truly were meant for him and only him, weren’t you? He’ll make sure to take real good care of you, his Queen of the Sea.
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
My Future in You | 2.0 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader au
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Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, references to abortion in a few chapters, angst, will be fluff eventually, will be smut so 18+, enemies to lovers kinda thing, time jump of a month and a half / two months
“Your sister is fucking insane.” Bradley grunts.
“Shut up and just lift your end,” Jake demands, straying under the weight of lifting his end of the couch. A soft sigh and the two of them lift again, hoisting more than their combined body weight’s worth of sectional sofa. “And she wasn’t crazy until you got her pregnant.”
“I can hear you!” You call back from the small kitchen. Sitting cross-legged on the black and white diamond shaped tile, surrounded by boxes and new plates and bubble wrap. Your system for unpacking is fool-proof and they’ll just get in the way if they try to help. That’s why you’ve had them rearrange the layout of the living room three times already.
There isn’t too much left in your life that you have control over these days. Graduating two years early, at the top of your class, and the only people there to be proud of you were your big brother and the guy who got you pregnant. Delaying your grad job, which you worked your ass off to get, until after you’ve given birth. Finding out you had been approved to switch to their Florida office in an email from your father’s secretary.
Moving to a place you’ve never been before, with a guy you didn’t even like up until recently. Carrying a child that’ll probably never have a name because you and Bradley barely agree on anything. Knowing that Jake, your only constant through this entire ordeal, is shipping off to basic training in a day and a half.
Everything’s hurtling forwards, you can practically hear the time rushing by like wind in your ears. Dragged along with it, no choice but to keep up, there’s a voice in your head that keeps telling you it’s okay to be scared. You just aren’t sure if it’s okay to be this scared.
He’s moving around more and more these days, growing stronger and bigger. His kicks are no longer butterflies in your tummy, but now pinpointed and real, which is terrifying in itself. More recently, you’ve been wondering if he can feel how afraid you are. You don’t want him to worry.
By hell or high water, you’re going to give this little boy all the love that you’ve got. Afraid or not, he needs you and you’ll keep going for him. Being good for him is just about all you can manage. That, and unpacking the way that you need to.
Setting the plates in a cabinet, stacking bowls, glasses in an overhead cupboard. Ignoring Jake and Bradley’s bickering to the best of your ability.
Florida’s even hotter than you were expecting. It’s the last day of May and the air conditioning isn’t getting fixed until tomorrow. Home is no longer an upstairs apartment or a cramped room on the first floor of a fraternity. It’s now an almost two bedroom downstairs unit on a quiet, residential street in west Pensacola.
Living room with fireplace, fully equipped kitchen with new stove and refrigerator. Dark brown, LVP floors and new paint throughout. You have your own Lanai and storage outside unit. Also includes washer and dryer. This northeast location is tucked away in a private dead end street but has easy access to the new University shopping area. It’s nice for a first place. The bedroom is a decent size, and the spare room will work as a nursery, even if its intended purpose was an office.
Your relationship with Bradley has turned into a type of Schrödinger problem. Neither together nor apart. Sharing a room, preparing to share a life, with little more in common than the future you roped him into. He seems excited now. He’s jealous that you can feel the baby and that he can’t. He’s looking forward to meeting his son.
But, as you turn your head and look through the archway, towards him wiping sweat from his brow in the living room, guilt surges through you. Wearing gym shorts and a backwards cap, those stupid roman numerals tattooed on his bicep as he sighs softly and leans his head back, he looks so young.
You’re younger, but this decision was yours. You wonder if he would choose this if he got to do it all over again. Certainly not. All those years of carefree fun, getting to be himself finally, figuring out who he is. Now, those years belong to your son. Swallowing softly, you turn your attention back to the only thing that you can control.
Arranging spices in the rack hung over the stove.
The afternoon hurtles by just as quickly as all of the other days have recently. The routine is the same. Jake takes the couch, glad that Bradley sprung for the corner sectional that’s just about as good as sleeping on the mattress. After a day of not really talking, Bradley slips into bed beside you.
It’s never awkward, but it probably should be. Sharing all of this. A lease, a child, a future, with someone that isn’t even really yours.
“Man, I am fucking exhausted.” Bradley mumbles as his head hits the pillow, exhaling slowly into the comfort of this new space. Your first night in your new home with him. So, you connect with him in just about the only way you ever have.
Even with this protruding, exceedingly rounded stomach, somehow he still wants to fuck you at every opportunity he gets. Looking in the mirror these days is getting harder. It’s not that you have an issue with the way you look now, you think the bump is actually kind of cute. It’s just that you don’t look anything like you used to, and you’re starting to wonder if you’ll ever be that girl again.
Running your fingers through his curls, you lean over and kiss his temple softly. He hums at the feeling, reaching out and resting his hand on your hip. He turns his head and waits for you to kiss him without opening his eyes. You press your lips softly to his, his fingers curling softly to press into the fabric of your shorts. You ask gently, lips grazing his, “Too tired?”
His lips tilt up into a soft smile as he runs his fingers along the waistband of your bottoms, brown eyes flickering up to meet yours, “Never been too tired for sex.”
Turning the two of you over, he settles between your legs, working his talented mouth along all the exposed skin that he can reach.
Curling his fingers into your roots, he moans softly into the curve of your jaw, pressing delicate kisses along your throat. Part of these past few weeks has been learning your cues, your sweet spots and your sensitivities. He’s getting good at it. It’s right as you hum and lift your hips eagerly against his that there’s a sharp jolt, a soft, dull pain as the impact hits your mid-section.
Bradley sits back quickly on his knees.
You groan in complaint, rubbing over the sore spot at the top of your developing bump. It’s only once you lean your head back to sigh in complaint that you clock the look on his face. Eyes blown wide, lips parted, staring at you like you just grew a second head.
Over the past few weeks, the little guy has been getting more and more active. Wriggling around a lot, you’ve been feeling him almost constantly the past few days. It has been ridiculously frustrating, suffering in silence, Bradley constantly frowning and telling you that he can’t feel anything. The realization comes quickly.
“Was that him?” Bradley breathes out softly, brows scrunching together.
You push yourself up on your elbows, lips quirking softly. The pregnancy websites said that Bradley should have been able to feel the kicks about a week ago, you were getting worried. Bradley reaches out again and tenderly rests his hands against the bottom of your rounded stomach.
The two of you wait patiently for it to happen again, Bradley’s lips falling into a disappointed frown as your baby stops kicking. He sighs, moving to lie down beside you and smoothing his hand over the top of your stomach as he kisses your cheek.
“I’m jealous that you get to feel him all the time, moving around in there,” He mumbles, shaking his head softly. “It’s like you’ve met him already and I have to wait three more months.”
You scoff, settling down onto the sheets that you had picked out, staring at the white ceiling, “I don’t think you’d be as jealous if he was kicking your bladder like he kicks mine.”
“Probably no—“ As Bradley speaks, your lips part, jolted by another soft kick. He raises his eyebrows as you grab one of his hands and place it over your stomach. Nothing again. He furrows his brows slightly, glancing up at you expectantly.
“Say something.” You prod him.
“Um… like what? — I don’t know what to say to a —“ His sentence stops abruptly, jaw hanging open as he feels a small but unmistakable kick against his palm. “Holy shit, that’s what you’ve been feel— He did it again!”
You giggle, resting your hand on top of Bradley’s as he beams at you, “I think he likes your voice.”
His eyes widen slightly, making him look even younger than he is. It’s hard to tell whether it’s excitement or fear on his face to begin with. He leans down and presses lips to your stomach.
“I am so,” he stops, kissing your skin tenderly again, hands cradling your growing bump. “So excited to meet you, little man.”
Your heart feels like it just about splits into two and you aren’t even sure why. It’s supposed to be a happy moment. You should be happy about this. Bradley feels a slight hiccup and glances up. Your eyes are filled with tears, stinging and threatening to spill out onto your cheeks.
“Hey,” Bradley says softly as he shifts up the bed and wraps his arms around you. “Hey… it’s okay. What’s wrong?”
You swallow, trying to hold in a sob that consumes your chest and strangles your vocal chords. Sniffling, you rest your head against his shoulder. “Do you wish that we weren’t having him?”
His brows scrunch together as he tries to piece together what about that interaction could have possibly given you that impression.
“Of course not! — Where’s this coming from?” He frowns, resting his cheek against the top of your head as he smooths his fingers along your back. You’re in your third trimester now, and the pregnancy websites said that your hormones might be kind of out of whack. But you got through graduation without a hitch.
It’s as the thought crosses his mind that you break in his arms. Hunching forwards, sobbing into your hands, covering your mouth so that Jake won’t hear you crying from the living room.
“Hey… did — did I say something wrong?” Bradley asks gently, face creasing in concern. He kisses your shoulder. “I’m sorry, I—“
You sniffle and shake your head. “Don’t say sorry. Please.”
“…Okay,” He smooths his palm tenderly along your spine once again, now totally lost. “Babe, I think you’re gonna have to spell it out for me here. What should I do?”
It’s not fair on him, any of this. You pull yourself together long enough to wipe your tear-stained cheeks and string together a sentence. “Just… if we could go back and do it all again, would you… do it like this?”
“I’d probably have suggested a plan B or something.”
You look up, eyes filled with tears, throat burning.
“I’m sorry, bad time for a joke,” He shakes his head quickly and kisses your forehead. “Look, we both know that this wasn’t planned. But it happened, it’s happening — and no, I don’t regret being here with you.”
You allow yourself to sink into his arms as he kisses the top of your head and squeezes you softly.
“Is everything okay with you?” His fingers graze along the nape of your neck and over your shoulder softly. “You’ve not really said a lot to me since graduation.”
He smooths his hand over your stomach, feeling another soft kick against his palm. It’s almost midnight now, he hopes that this kid isn’t going to be this much of a night owl once it’s born.
“Everything’s just moving really fast.” You say quietly as you settle back down onto your side. Bradley copies, laying on his side so that he’s facing you, his stomach pressed to yours. He nods slowly. “Jake’s leaving, and you’re starting work, and my parents still won’t talk to me. The baby doesn’t even have a name. I’m just scared.”
He leans forwards and kisses your mouth softly. “We’ll figure it out.”
A dry laugh escapes your lips, it’s a helpless thing, really. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and shake your head slowly, “How are you so chilled out about this?”
“I’m not,” He promises, voice quiet, something in the way that he looks at you so earnestly makes you soften. “I’m scared too. But we’ll figure it out.”
A silence lingers between the two of you. No more tears, no more lump in your throat, your heart rate slowing enough that you think you might actually manage to sleep tonight. Bradley leans forwards and kisses your cheek, then flicks off the bedside lamp.
You turn onto your other side and he presses himself into your back, wrapping an arm around you and resting it against your stomach. He’s been sleeping like this for the past week straight. It always settles his racing mind. Having both of you in his arms.
He’s warm. Lips press gently to your neck and he hums softly into the curve of your neck.
You exhale softly, shuffling back against his bare chest. This feels awfully grown up. Seven months pregnant, laying skin to skin, in your new shared home.
The next morning, it’s time to drive Jake to the airport. Basic training is three months long. The next time he sees you, you’ll be a mother.
“I love you,” He says softly, wrapping his arms around you. Your stomach bumps into his as you hug him. He’s still getting used to that. “I’m gonna be back before you know it.”
“I know, I know,” You breathe out, squeezing him tighter and then patting his back as you let go. “Just be safe. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Jake chuckles, giving a quick shrug as he picks his bag up from the floor and slings it over his shoulder. His attention turns to Bradley. “Take care of my sister, Bradshaw.”
“Always.” Bradley answers. You turn your head and scrunch your brows slightly as you look up at him. He drapes an arm around your shoulder and offers Jake a sincere smile.
As Jake turns and heads towards his gate, the two of you are left together. Him still leaning into your side. Always. You stare at him. Flushed skin, wearing a faded grateful dead t-shirt and blue jeans, smiling at you.
Just you and him. Alone, in a new state. Him swearing always and you staying up at night and wondering if there’s even a tomorrow between the two of you.
Ten weeks left until your due date.
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houpss · 4 months
Hey, can I ask you to write about those little moments between Chan and Lily? maybe their daily life?
I love your work so much, it literally makes me shine and realize that Lily makes people happy 😭☺️
🧊–Peiring:Bang Chan x Hwang Lily ¡!✥
This will be more like a headcanon, simply because I love headcanons and some of my own ideas.I'm also preparing their message, which you will see soon.
🧊–return to masterlist ¡! ✥
There are references to sex! Not recommended for reading by persons under a certain age
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Chan, who takes care of Lily even if he is far away from her. Evening calls, where they talk for so long and talk about their day, small reminder messages, Lily’s mentions in the bubble about the chan and vice versa.
I think she'll sit on his lap while he works on music. Lily's back is pressed against Chan's strong chest, his big hot hand is on her waist, and the other is typing on the laptop. Chan is much calmer and more pleasant to work when his loved one is next to him.
Lily puts him to bed when he has insomnia. She literally asks the manager at night to take her to the second dorm, because when Chan has insomnia, he becomes so soft and talkative :(((
Chan always checks Lily's bag for documents, water, snacks and pads. If she didn’t take any of this, then he will definitely replenish the supplies, and take the documents and carry them himself. Lily's period is not a common topic, but you always need to prepare.
Chan definitely writes songs about Lily! for example Silent Cry or Connected...
Weekend together and with the boys! the guys are having fun somewhere in front, and Chan and Lily walk behind them, holding hands and watching the guys. Sometimes Lily also fools around and Chan likes it so much
There is a song about Chan in Lily's solo album 😉
Lily really helped Chan fall in love with himself, because she loves him so much! she made him believe that he was loved, wonderful, handsome and that everyone needed him so much.
They fly together to Australia to visit Chan's family! ohhh how they love Lily 🥹 Hannah and Lily text a lot, Lily is so interested in this girl. Chan's parents are so kind to Lily and so respectful of Son's choice. Lily keeps in touch with Chan's mom through messengers! Berry is so cute around them.
Lily once invited Chan to have a wedding in Sydney and BOY WAS SO CONFUSED...after all, they had never thought or talked about the possibility of getting married, it was too early for that)
I think that Lily may well be running and jumping in the corridors of the company, and Chan runs after her and tries to calm her down, but he also laughs out loud because of Lily's antics
Stay ship them so much and do so many edits, works and other things with them, but they don’t even imagine that this is all reality :)))
Neither Chan nor Lily like that the company uses them as a method of promotion, and Lily quarrels a lot with the directors.
About Lily...she threatened the director of the company to allow them to continue "Chan's room". Lily took this with a huge risk, but she knew how Chan and Stay liked “Chan’s room” and Lily achieved her goal! The director is wary of Lily on some occasions.
Chan scolded her then, but was so grateful to her.
And the members tease them so much about relationships! and often parody them, most of all Hyunjin and Minho do this.
Chan knows what to do when Lily has severe anxiety attacks. He wraps her in a soft hug, strokes her hands and tells her different stories, it helps her so much to distract herself. He calls her very gently and helps her not to think or feel.
About Lily's Family...oh, first of all, her father hates her because she's an idol and doesn't talk to him anymore. Secondly, he doesn't know that Lily is in a Relationship with Chan. Lily's mother secretly supports her daughter and even attended the Stray kids concert in Seoul in 2023. Lily cried so much then :(((Chan knows Lily’s mother! and she blessed their relationship, which is very important.
About sex
Chan is quite soft, but he is clearly a dom! but there were literally several times when Lily took that leading position
I think he likes soft sex in the morning, filled with praise and vanilla talk.
Soft sex after a hard day and hard, teasing sex when Chan wants Lily to beg and whine
As for oral fixation, they have it equally. They both love it and give it to each other whenever they want.
Lily can also dominate when she just wants to.
He teases Lily even outside the house.
Their favorite position: Lily lying on her back on the mattress (their favorite place is the bed), Lily's legs wrapped around the vat's hips as he thrusts into her.
Sometimes! possible games with vibrators or hyperstimulation.
perhaps (!) he will forbid her to cum, he is so pleased when she begs and whines.
I think Chan is very loud in bed and Lily has soft moans but whines a lot when she gets too horny.
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tloujm · 1 year
Headcanon I: Yandere
Warnings: Yandere is an archetype that defines a character whose love, admiration, and devotion is so strong that it can be expressed through forms of obsession and possessiveness. 
Author’s Notes: I truly do not believe that Joel has a Yandere personality. He has some traits that may fit the archetype, but not enough for it to be consistently considered Yandere. Though Yandere is ultimately toxic, and he is ultimately a toxic man, I somehow like reading them and figured I’d stray off the path of canon once more to do one for him. Honestly, I feel like this is tame compared to some of the yandere I’ve read in the past. This is all based in the same universe as the main storyline that I JUST realized that I never created a title/name for.
Ship: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Joel is all about survival. It stemmed from not letting his daughter’s death be in vein, then it just became a habitual instinct. When you came into his life, it became this intense drive. 
Admittedly, he didn’t trust you at first, but when he finally let his walls down, they never came back up at least for you
Surviving to Joel means having the “either its you or me” mentality and he almost always chooses you over anybody else, even himself
Joel is 100% ok with sacrificing his life for yours
He would for sure take a bullet for you in a heartbeat 
It’s just a cherry on top that he knows that you would do the same for him.
On one hand, he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you, so he will make sure that the both of you survive
But on the other hand, he believes that he will see his daughter again if he dies and what better way to get there than to save you
Especially since he couldn’t use his life to save Sarah
He only survives for you 
You are his reason
The same reason that he asks you to search for when you get mad at him for taking you away from the fireflies
You never told him what your reason was, but he desperately wanted you to say that it was him
His brother is a bonus reason once they reunite in Jackson
Ironically, he becomes more protective over you when the two of you decide to stay at the settlement. 
Outside of Jackson’s walls, he needed you. He tried his best to do everything for you: shoot, sneak around, escape, etc...but he had to admit that he probably wouldn’t have made it out of some situations without you.
Within Jackson’s walls, it was easier to make sure that you were safe, but he still knew that there were dangers.
The number one danger that he anticipated was getting too comfortable
Baring the surname Miller, he became a well known citizen of the settlement
Joel used this to his advantage and made sure he kept eyes on you at all times through his connections
There was very little that you could hide from him at the end of the day
Joel tried not to let anything suspicious get to him, but he is more of an act first, think second kind of man
This would sometimes lead to arguments
Especially when you first find out about this and how long it’d been going on for
He’s done a good job at keeping all of that away from you and it takes you a while to catch on
He knew that you’d consider it spying instead of how he intended, care and protection.
Insists on giving you guitar lessons when he is in a lighthearted mood
Or when he knows that you are mad at him and he wants to say sorry
Despite how he comes off, he has an incredible amount of patience for those he cares about and is willing to take the time to teach you things
The two of you fall into a relationship without formally defining it
During your journey, before making it to Jackson, the two of you never got intimate. There were implications of romance, but there was never an appropriate time or place to act on it.
Once in Jackson, Joel was tired of dancing around the matter and took control of it
As soon as the two of you were left alone again by Tommy and Maria, he caressed your cheek in his hand and confessed his feelings with brevity
His vows were simply “I am yours and you are mine”
With the famous Joel glare gaze
He waited for you to agree
And luckily for the both of you, you did
He made sure that the two of you didn’t separate by having you live with him
He never stepped over your boundaries physically
As aforementioned, he has an abundance of patience and waits until you are comfortable enough to share a bed with him
As soon as you do, Joel is all in
His arms are wrapped around you
When he moves in his sleep, which is rare bc he sleeps like a rock, you move with him to keep the same locked position
Practically has a heart attack when he wakes up to a cold empty bed
Doesn’t consider himself a deep sleeper, but somehow you still manage to escape his grasp for one reason or another throughout the night without him noticing
Joel responds by laying a leg over yours to hold you in tighter
One of the first reasons why he feels the need to keep eyes on you
Wanna sign up for scavenging or patrol routes? Only if he has the time to sign up for the same ones you do. 
Wanna work in the community gardens? Joel’s not afraid to get his hands dirty.
Want peace and quiet with the watch tower duty? He’ll be up in the tower first waiting for you to show up to your SHARED shift.
You asked if he ever got tired of you from being around you all day
Joel: “No” *continues to sip his coffee casually*
He knocks on the bathroom door if he feels that you are taking an excessive amount of time to check on you
Yes, he genuinely misses you, but he also wants to make sure that you haven’t suddenly died on him.
His protectiveness over you, before it got overbearing in Jackson, is what initially caused you to have feelings for him.
He is a possessive lover which has enough pros to keep you going, but definitely has its cons
As a private man, Joel is not into PDA
But he will do so if he feels his relationship is being threatened by an outside force
The most PDA he will do on a regular basis is keeping his hand on you at all times
Not necessarily hand holding, but keeping his hand on your lower back, back of your neck or your waist.
Sometimes, his fingers would dig into your skin to pull you closer to him
He would never harm or put his hands on you, but he left marks
A lot of marks especially after a pretty spicy night
As a private man, he likes the marks to be in places that he could only see
Every so often, he would let you leave the house with clear and visible marks even if there are no direct threats, just as a gentle reminder to anyone who is interacting with you in general.
He prefers his mouth or hands over anything to mark you; no ropes or other extra toys
Also in private, he loves to cuddle
He loves that you enjoy the weight of his entire body on top of yours
He especially loves it when you wrap your legs around his waist to pull him in closer than he thought he already was
Despite this, he makes sure that he doesn’t fall asleep in this position as he is afraid of suffocating you 
He, instead, prefers to have you lay on him
Not just next to him with your head on his chest or an arm slung over
He wants your entire body on top of his like a weighted blanket too
Part of his obsession infatuation intoxication with you is because of your natural scent. Your pheromones if you will
Yours in particular drive him crazy in a way he’s never felt
The source is your sacred middle which is why there is never a dull moment in your and his sex life
Even in non sexual ways, he loves being around your pussy
Joel likes to lay his head on your fupa/lower stomach for the soft warmth and to easily take in your scent from the close proximity 
If he’s not in a position to be touching you, he very often has his own eyes on you
He’ll offer up his special Joel glare that he saves just for you (barely any different from his usually glare)
While Joel is more serious than playful, he likes to turn it into a game by seeing you fight the urge to meet his gaze and to see how long it takes before you do so 
He always gets jealous but is good at controlling it if the two of you are near each other and you are not giving him at least an once of attention. 
Joel has a desire to protect you from unseen forces too, like colds or the flu, but doesn’t beat himself up when he fails to do so
He takes advantage of the times that you are sick because he gets to keep you all to himself in the house
Joel will put his foot down about not being able to work his patrol shifts because he’s too busy caring for you
Joel finds himself conflicted between not wanting to see you in pain and having you be completely dependent on him.
He’s also conflicted about getting you pregnant
He doesn’t want more kids for various “practical” reasons 
Afraid of feeling guilt over replacing Sarah
Taking his energy away from protecting you to protect someone else
Afraid he may become too soft to protect either one of you by being wrapped around the babies finger
But he also wants kids with you for various reasons
One of his favorite ways to mark you is internally with his cum
The heavier you grow with his child, the more dependent you’ll need to be of him and it’ll be longer than a cold
He’ll convince you to be a stay at home mom, so he wouldn’t have to worry about the whereabouts of two separate people as the child would always be with you.
A child would most likely encourage you to stay within the settlement’s walls
He’ll try to convince you to want a child too
If you are not ready for one, he will be super patient and bring it up every so often to see if your answer has changed
At the end of the day, he has lost too much in his life and he will do everything in his power not to lose you either
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut:
robin and steve:
After Steve and his gf break up in s2, in s3 the show pairs him up with Robin - his opposite. They don't get along, but through insane plot are forced together and become friends and work together. Robin even confesses that she used to obsess over Steve. But when he tells her he likes her, Robin reveals that she obsessed over Steve because the girl she liked was into Steve and she was jealous. In one scene their relationship switches from 'well duh they're gonna get together' to 'oh shit they're bffs - a lesbian and her supportive himbo'
In my opinion, this is the quintessential straightbait, the first I've ever seen to seem so on purpose. Steve and Robin spend the whole of season 3 becoming closer and Steve is constantly told by his friends that he should make a move on Robin. When he finally does, surprise! Robin is a lesbian! This was so masterfully done imo because I actually felt some chemistry there and then they hit us with the lesbian card. Now they are besties who talk about boobies together and I wouldn't have it any other way.
they were paired together at the beginning of s3 and everyone thought they were gonna end up together, steve even confessed he had a crush on her, but then it was revealed that robin was a lesbian so they stayed Platonic with a capital P they're codependent best friends with a single braincell between them what more do you want
"it isn't because i had a crush on you. it's because... she wouldn't stop staring at you."
roy and riza:
Did you know they’re not canon? Because they’re not! They love and care for each other deeply and spend a ton of time together throughout the series but they never actually are romantically involved. The ship everyone thinks is canon but isn’t it’s that big of straight bait
slight disclaimer: the mangaka has said that riza and roy love each other and would marry each other given the chance, but will not act on their feelings as it would be inappropriate due to their military ranks as colonel and 1st lieutenant/bodyguard. some have interpreted that as royai being canon, although nothing has occurred in canon to explicitly express romantic desire
Sooo in love with each other but NEVER admit it… she’s his bodyguard and he also tries his best to protect her and there are a ton of moments that show their closeness but they just can’t have a relationship in their current situation
roy and riza! you either know it from the series or u are sick and tired of seeing them in other polls! but theres a reason for that—its about the devotion, its about years of pinning, its about the trust, its about knowing each other so well that u can distinguish the imposter posing as each other, it's about the villains using ur other half to force u to do sth, its roy trusting riza to keep him on the line and riza telling him that if he strays she will kill him first and then take her own life, its about riza trusting roy to burn the sigils on her back after trusting him with the sigils and teaching him the fire alchemy and!!!! all of this and still no kisses. pain and suffering on the earth (the good kind) no kissies after 64 episodes leaves the fandom in shambles (clickbait)
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haunting-hari · 13 days
pinned post
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(my previous pinned post was getting a little old, so i thought i’d spice it up a little.)
hey! i’m hari- pronounced ha-ree. if you pronounce it as ‘hairy’ i’ll maul you
i’m 17 yrs old, and hang around unova. um. here’s me. and my pokemon.
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Maru is my ace, and very first pokemon. I’ve had her for more than.. about 14 years. He’s never left my side, and is very caring to those she loves. He also loves shiny things- to the point that when she evolved with all the things she’s collected in his wax, they carried to his evolution! Maru loves battling, and is very strong to boot. She has a track record for taking on foes almost twice his level- and doing so trilling happily. How could you not love her? [she/he, around level 57]
Mal, long story short, is a shithead. fuck them. Affectionately. They’re missing one eye, but loooves not only going into electronics, but creating them. They created their own main inhabitant- A prosthetic arm, which makes them electric/steel type. A smartass who loves causing trouble, AND steals my phone (more on that later). I care for them, though, and they care for me. I guess that counts for something. [they/them (rotoms are genderless lmao), around level 55]
Miss Tye is very temperamental, but is very loyal and protective of those she loves (especially Charm.) Her and her ‘sister’, Charm, stowed away on a ship from Galar, and appeared in Unova. She’s very sweet when she has a reason to be, but pretty easy to anger. She hits, and hits hard in battle, so she’s quite the force to be reckoned with. [she/her, around level 55]
Charm had appeared with Miss Tye, and was a milcery at the time. She had wanted to evolve for so long, so much so she kept her bow sweet, even after it broke in half. I gave her a berry sweet, but the bow sweet kept with her! Her cream is of salt and mint (two of my favs!!). Apparently, she wanted to evolve like so, so she could be blue, like her ‘sister,’ Tye. She is not much of a battler, so If I get a new pokemon, They may be on my team. Charm prefers to be a support in double battles, and she’s very good at it. [she/her, around level 30]
Locket just.. appeared in my house? I was on vacation, and upon coming back, we had an egg. I didn’t expect him to be a shiny when he hatched, but I love him very much!! I use him when I come across low-level trainers that challenge me to a battle. Otherwise, it would be no fun. [he/him, around level 10]
Arom is the only pokemon I’ve received as a gift- I got her as an applin from my (girl)friend, Maxie. She often competes with charm as to who smells better. A friend-of-a-friend sent me the Dragon Cheer TM, so I can evolve her, but I think I’ll wait a bit. [she/her, around level 45]
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There’s a few pokemon that appear that I haven’t caught- and they don’t want to be caught. They stick around. I like them.
Jackie is a gengar, and he’s one of the owners of the little house I reside in. Apparently, him and Rasp used to be rivals ‘back in the day’ (126 old ass…) but now be spends his time being lazy (I say this affectionately), bothering rasp (I’m convinced they’re married in some weird way), or just fucking around. He’s cool. Would give good hugs if he wasn’t. Yknow. Part poison type. [he/him]
Rasp is a trevenant, and he’s the second owner of where I stay. I would say he’s like a mother, if he wasn’t a 126 year old gay tree. Very galarian (yuck/j). I do love him a lot, as I have him to thank for teaching me how to cook. (Arc knows what I’d be doing if I didn’t have a hobby.) He keeps all the shitheads living here from burning the damn house down, and hell, if that isn’t an achievement, I dunno what is. [he/him]
Sev is a Dhelmise- arc knows how old he is at this point- and he often travels from unova to alola to paldea, and more. I don’t have much to say about him, considering that I don’t see him often (I mean, he’s in unova like.. 1/4 of the time, anyways. and it’s not like he’s straying away from the sea.) [he/him (why are there so many gay old men)]
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there’s gonna be a few other bloggers you see me interact with a lot so, it may be helpful to give a small introduction. i guess.
by the by, I’d recommend checking them out. not JUST because they’re cool and awesome and deserve love, but because it’s possible for pronouns to change. gender is a tricky thing, no?
@mmaxie-musings is my. um. girlfriend. She openly states that she’s a psychic, so I think mentioning it here is okay. met her in the woods, because her ditto wandered off into the woods I live in. the rest is history, as they say! [she/her]
@pkmntrainertrix and @uva-academy-vio are my fellow ghostboys!!! first people I met on this site. we’re weird, have odd relations with gender, but boy is close enough, and we like ghosts. what more could you want in a friend group? [it/he for trix, and he/him for vio!!]
@itshaunting-pkmn is my brother (in spirit. not by blood, but we call eachother brothers), and we met in some pkmn center some time ago, because he got big ol eyes at Maru and started awkwardly asking me questions. Aaaand then it turned out he’s also on rotomblr. and then we just. got closer! [he/him]
@alamos-garden-lover is a darkrai. yeah, i’m not kidding. I didn’t believe that at first either, but you kinda start to after you, yknow, send an ask his way asking for a nightmare because I can’t sleep anyways? ..yeah. but really, he’s very sweet, even if she’s a bit anti-social. i went to alamos to see her once, and I truly can’t wait to go back to see my dad agai- to see DARKRAI again. she’s not my dad and I don’t see him as my dad. totally. [he/she]
@aco-knight is the resident Creature (trix coming in a close second on the Creature scale), and it’s just a little bastard. other honorary non-blood-related sibling, because apparently darkrai’s just. Mentally adopted me (i’m not complaining) and I got aco as part of the little package deal (also not complaining). I saw ‘em when I traveled to paldea, but they just. Fuck around and teleport sometimes. It does that. It does a lot of things, get used to it. [they/it]
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so, uh, yeah! i know that was a lot, but i guess it’s better to have info here, in case you need it.
my Rotom REGULARLY steals my phone, and refuses to post on their own. So, their tag for posting is “MAL’Z POSTZ”
i. am nnnooooot the best when it comes to interacting with others, so be a little patient! i’m just a fan of ghost types and battling, nothing too special about me.
Because I’m a normal human. Totally.
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//ooc in readmore!
hey! finally redid the pinned, because this is waaay more organized. but, the ooc? lol. I’m just gonna copy and paste what I had. blehhhh :P
(oh and, P.S. - in case you forgot, the runner of this blog is @aimless-aimz !!! hi!! that’s me!!!!! i don’t bite, and I have a few interests other than pokemon, but you could find more pkmn art on my blog rather than this one.)
More will be revealed about hari and his team as time goes on!! please interact if ur a pokeblogger!!!! try to stay in character with this guy ok? lol
ooc storytelling will be tagged "hari's stories"!! they are often from askgames, but PLEASE request some if you ever get a prompt idea for this guy... you could ask about his past, present, and sometimes future!!
the current events each have tags for things related to their story! So far, we have the events “mourn the nineteenth”, “galarian imports”, “charm evolves”, “trip to alamos”, “unexpected egg”, “rebirth on the 26th”, "entombed event", and "Paldea trip". look at the tag to learn more!
there’s a tag for more serious stuff: that’s tagged as “lore”. Another lore heavy tag is “Forlorn presence”.
ofc, no generally unpleasant people, you get the drill. please send asks!!! :)
magic anons are on, too. please send asks!!!!!! this blog’s activity is mainly correlated to its interaction :)
also, small tidbit- you can do pelliper mail, but don't deliver a dusk stone. maru is gonna stay a lampent for a while because hari cant find one. so. when the time comes she'll evolve, but. yeah
..wow, you really read all this? that’s cool. um. thanks! the interaction and enthusiasm is appreciated a lot :]c
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solcorvidae · 2 months
Hey Sol! from the soft fic prompt meme, 9. shoulder kisses? (maybe during a comforting hug, or whatever you want <3)
Hi friend!! Thank you for always sending in so many prompts, I love it. Your ideas and headcanons about these two are always so good whenever we talk :D This one got away from me a bit... it's almost ten times as long as I initially planned, but I had a lot of fun playing around with it this week!
Prompt: shoulder kisses (+ comfort) Ship/Characters: Past Lambert & Volthere, Aiden/Lambert Word Count: 1726 words
Fic below and on AO3
Stray Dog (Yours, Until)
It was one of those dreams he could never stop, or at least, that's what he told himself when he awoke from his sleep, disoriented and afraid. 
Lambert's voice rang through his skull as he gasped for air and bit off the broken wail he let out, stifling it into a wordless plea. The sickly crunch of frail bones echoed in his mind as Lambert shuffled back against something he couldn't fully identify. 
Checking his surroundings, Lambert first identified the waxy moon above him, its reflection weary in his frightened gaze. Slowly, he came to his senses, recognizing the stillness of their surroundings, barring the occasional rustle of a small prey animal nearby. 
A hand reached out, pulling Lambert back onto the overlapping bedrolls. "It's just a dream, Lamb," the voice soothed, body shifting to accommodate the stiffness of Lambert's frame when he refused to follow. 
With a sigh, the man sat upright so he was eye to eye with the trembling witcher. "Lambert, look at me," he said, demanding attention, momentarily halting the tears. Lambert looked him over cautiously as if confirming that he was really there before crumbling completely. 
The sob that painfully clawed its way from Lambert's throat dampened as his head was guided awkwardly over into the crook of the man's neck. "Aiden," Lambert choked before he started to cough. 
Aiden quickly let go of him, keeping a firm but gentle hand on Lambert's back, allowing Lambert to twist and hunch over painfully as a wave of panic-induced nausea washed over him. Lambert's coughing fit turned into pitiful retching as his mind floated back to the memories he desperately tried to keep at bay. Decades may go by, but seeing your best friend --another child-- die such a horrific death? It never leaves you. No matter the things Lambert has seen and done since the shrill screams of a child in pain never fail to make him sick. 
"It's okay, Lambert. It's just a dream," Aiden repeated, waiting for Lambert's breath to steady.
His skin was sheen, but his body trembled under the gentle breeze. Lambert nodded, scrunching up his face and turned his back to Aiden. He didn't want to see the pitied expression he knew lived there. It was pathetic, really. Out of all the horrors he bore witness to, Lambert was bothered still by the Trial of the Medallion. No, he was bothered by the death of his classmates, his best friend. 
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Can I touch you?"
"Lambert...?" When Lambert didn't respond, Aiden touched his arm, just above the elbow, feather light at first but growing more firm once he realized Lambert visibly relaxed into it. "Is this okay?"
He nodded. "Please don't go." 
Aiden's heart shattered at the sound of Lambert's voice, heartbreakingly flat as if he expected Aiden to take his words as his cue to leave for good this time. "I'm not going anywhere, Lamb," he breathed, scooting closer to Lambert's bare back so they lay back-to-front, Lambert's arm trapping Aiden's against his body. Lambert pulled Aiden's hand against his sternum, shivering when the wind stole their body heat despite the blanket fighting valiantly to protect them from the outside world. They sat like that, in silence, for a long moment. Aiden's gentle breaths graced the back of Lambert's neck as he tried not to doze off in the silence between them; Lambert's lip began to quiver. 
"Aiden?" Lambert asked, hating the way he sounded. A low rumble came as his answer. "How do you do it? How has all this not made you into a terrible person like it has me?"
It took everything in him not to say I'm not a good person, Lambert, so instead, Aiden chewed on his thoughts for a moment, thinking carefully about what he was to say next. The longer the silence stretched, the harder it was for Lambert to keep quiet. His throat and chest involuntarily spasmed as he tried to stifle a weak, choked-out sob. 
"You've done some terrible things, Lambert..." Aiden began hesitantly, tightening his hold on the man before him, gently kissing the side of his hair just behind Lambert's ear. "But so have I. You are responsible for your actions, but you are not responsible for the things done to you. You hold so much grief," Aiden said, brushing his thumb across the back of Lambert's thumb, held close to his companion's warm skin. "No one can blame you for that."
Aiden could smell the salt in the air just as much as he could feel the tears roll off Lambert's cheek and onto his arm. Aiden was older than Lambert, remembering less of his childhood than the Wolf, losing it to time. For better or for worse, Aiden had accepted that. Lambert's brothers hardly remember their lives before they were subject to the trials, and he was even older, albeit not by much. The pair often forgot they weren't the same age with how they got on and how seamlessly they managed to fit into each other's lives since meeting in Ellander some years ago. It took them a while to trust one another fully, but the time was worth the company and the resulting sense of what some may call kinship, others something else. Their relationship was far too complex for something as confining as a friend or lover. It was undeniable that Aiden loved Lambert, as did Lambert love Aiden, but those words didn't have to be said and held too many connotations anyway. 
Aiden kissed the scarred skin of Lambert's shoulder, allowing his lips to linger before pressing his forehead to the nape of his neck. "You are a product of your making, Lamb. Unfavourable reactions come from unfavourable situations."
Lambert let out a shuddering breath. "I can't remember his face, Aiden; I can still hear his screams. I'm so scared of losing the good memories-- fuck!" Lambert hissed, rolling over and burying his face in Aiden's chest. "This is so pathetic. I can't believe I'm crying over something that happened almost two fucking decades ago." 
Aiden held a firm hand over the crown of Lambert's hair, gently combing through the damp strands that lived there. "You don't have to remember his face to have those memories. I hardly remember Kiyan anymore. We grew up together, you know?" Aiden paused to leave another kiss with Lambert, his temple this time. "He disappeared one summer, and I never found out what happened to him. He's probably dead, but I sometimes hope he's gone off somewhere and retired instead. He's from a cohort from a few years prior, yeah?" 
Lambert furrowed his brow in confusion against Aiden's exposed skin. "You talk about him all the time. Maybe you're going senile," he joked weakly. 
Aiden let out a puff of air that resembled a small laugh. "What did you and Volthere get up to when you weren't training?"
"You are going senile," said Lambert, the hurt slowly dissolving from his tone. 
"Humour me."
"We would roughhouse with the other boys if we had the energy. In our quarters, we would set up the room after our instructor did his last check-in for the night."
"No, another old bastard put in charge," Lambert replied, receiving a gentle smack to his arm. "When I received my swords alone without the only other boy who made it out of Old Speartip's cave, another face who I never took the time to know and never got the chance to after we were pit against each other during the Trial of the Sword, I remembered our plans, me and Volthere. Late at night, way after the other trainees were well and dreaming, we huddled under the covers to block out most of the moonlight and just talked." 
As Lambert spoke, Aiden's eyes rounded out even more than they needed to be to see in the low moonlight. Lambert paused at the familiarity before continuing. "We always had this stupid idea that once we were both given our swords, we would head off on our own for a few months before meeting up again in Kaedwen. There used to be a tavern and inn on the corner on the south side." Aiden smiled knowingly but didn't interrupt. "We planned to meet there a few months after the first thaw and travel as a pair. On the Path, we wouldn't be under monitor like corpses who caught the attention of a stray hawk. Nothing could stop us from doing so, but we feared what would happen if Vesemir or our other instructors found out later that winter. We would stagger our arrival back to Kaer Morhen by a few days to avoid raising suspicions or causing grief." 
Aiden was fending off sleep with minimal success as his limbs weighed heavily and draped over Lambert's body. The rustling of the trees and the steady, shallow breaths dancing across Lambert's scalp lulled him back into a sense of safety and familiarity. In a display of Herculean effort, Lambert cupped Aiden's cheek and kissed him tenderly, his nose pressed into the soft skin that remained bare beside his callused thumb. "You better not leave me," he whispered, afraid to even say it out loud. It was only a matter of time before he would lose him too: it was in his nature. 
Lambert, the last and youngest witcher of the Wolf School, was a man whose birth was considered a loss, so it was only natural that loss continued to define his life in every moment that followed. Lambert knew this deep down, but he refused to acknowledge it. He knew that the moment he loved something was the moment his destiny would override everything. Lambert was a man whose destiny was defined and shaped by none other than what he stands to lose. 
"I'll be here as long as you'll have me," Aiden replied, voice thick with the pull of sleep. 
Maybe this time will be different. 
"I hope you'll have me for just as long." 
"You know what they say," Aiden murmured, teetering on the edge of sleep. 
"If love could save, I think I'd live forever." 
Lambert paused for a moment to let the feeling wash over him. Yeah, maybe it will be different after all.
"I think so, too."
[Title: "Stray Dog" by Amigo The Devil--go listen to it👀]
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  Sleepingoffyourdemons! They have 6 works posted to AO3 and all of them are in the Steddie tag!
Nevertheless_5 recommends the following works by @punkslovepoints:
in the back of your girlfriend's car
The most that I could give to you is nothing at all
"The A is for Ally"
What Happens at Comic Con Stays at Comic Con
obliterations everywhere (we blaze with scorching heat)
Sleepingoffyourdemons’ fics are character studies, grounded in reality with all the painful angst, real world consequences, and heartwrenching love you could want in your Steddie wish fulfillment. They hurt and heal in equal measure. They feel immersive in a comforting way. I fell in love with the first fic I read, and proceeded to read everything else by the author. Also, the research put into the time periods and info in notes is just icing on the cake. -- Nevertheless_5
Below the cut, @punkslovepoints answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I don’t know! I didn’t watch season 4 and immediately think, “These guys are in love.” In fact, during Eddie's first scene, I didn't really even like him. Then, existing on the edge of the wider Stranger Things fandom, I saw a few fics showing up here and there and that was what really pulled me in.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love a good missing scene fic, although I can understand why there aren’t many of those in this fandom, given that staying true to canon leads to a very grisly end to one half of the ship. I also like a slow burn, friends to lovers and a wee bit of angst.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Honestly, the same that I like to read. I try to write for myself and hope that other people will like it too. As difficult as that can be sometimes, like everyone, I also crave external validation where every comment makes your day.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
A Certain Type and the rest of the series by @anniebass. It’s one of those that burrows into your chest and lives there for the rest of your life. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that fic.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’m annoyingly resolute to sticking as close to canon as possible (Eddie dying aside!) so I’ve never really strayed away from that. But have had an idea for an AU for the upcoming Steddie Big Bang that I think I could write with enough connection to canon that it’ll keep the part of my brain that screams ‘that wouldn’t happen!!!’ quiet.
What is your writing process like?
I tend to get an idea then focus on that until it’s done and posted. I don’t write that often, and I obsess over small details. I must have read each one of my fics twenty times or more, just going over and over them before I post.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I don’t know! There’s probably a lot that I’m not even aware of. Most of my fics have a lot of references at the end, even ones that aren’t specifically historical, so that’s probably a dead giveaway that a fic is one of mine. That and going off on tangents for whatever my special interest is that month.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Definitely when I’ve finished. Although as I’m posting, people’s comments and feedback may inspire me to make small alterations or add scenes here or there in future chapters. I wrote an extra scene into the final chapter of The Most That I Could Give To You… to give an OC a proper send off because of the number of comments I’d had earlier in the fic from people who loved him. I also re-wrote the final scene of “The A is for Ally” the night I posted it because I decided I didn’t like how it ended and changed it. 
Which fic are you most proud of?
Probably “The A is for Ally”, because of the sheer amount of research that I put into it. I wanted to write an exploration of queer history that focused on queer joy in the early 90’s. It can be hard to find that balance, writing queer ships set in less progressive times. Because it wasn’t all sunshine and roses, but, equally, there were moments of joy and communities of real queer people living their lives and fighting for those queer spaces. I wanted to pay tribute to that. [Side note: The title is a joke, the A is not for Ally].
How did you get the idea for What Happens at Comic Con Stays at Comic Con?
As with most of the fics I've written, I wanted to read it, so I wrote it. I was looking for something set at comic con and was shocked when I couldn't find anything, especially with the source material being what it is. I later discovered Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Or at Least Milwaukee) by disastardly on Ao3, but by then I'd written mine. Luckily they are totally different, and I'd highly recommend that one too.
When writing "The A is for Ally", what was something you didn’t expect?
How popular it got! I’m still a small writer, not a big name or anything, but I got so many more comments on that fic compared to all the ones before and @cemeterylight even drew art of it. It was so nice that something I wrote resonated with people.
What inspired in the back of your girlfriend's car?
There’s a song by Lucy Dacus called Christine that has the lines “You're falling asleep on my shoulder in the back of your boyfriend's car” that is a beautiful portrayal of queer longing. Loving somebody who is with somebody else who obviously isn’t right for them. I love Nancy, and wanted to follow that thought: What happens if Steve does win Nancy back, but they’re both different people now? My pitch for the fic is that it's an exploration of trauma and chasing highs, loving multiple people in multiple ways at once, messy relationships and making out in cars. All with a Steddie endgame, of course.
What was your favorite part to write from The most that I could give to you is nothing at all?
Probably the couple of chapters in California. Eddie and Steve have been hooking up on and off for a few years long distance, and after it all blows up, they agree to spend some time getting to know each other without letting sex get in the way. It was fun to write in that space where you have two people who are obviously in love, have a history, but are trying desperately to avoid falling into old habits. That simmering sexual tension.
How do/did you feel writing What Happens at Comic Con Stays at Comic Con?
Really nostalgic for going to comic con! I haven’t been to one in a few years and it just made me miss the feeling of being in a space where everyone is as weird and nerdy as you are.
What was the most difficult part of writing obliterations everywhere (we blaze with scorching heat)?
I hadn’t actually written a proper fic before when I wrote that one. I had written two drabbles over a decade ago and that was it. So just writing it was difficult. At the time, there were next to no fics where Eddie was the one having a bi crisis and Steve was fairly chill in his sexuality (there still aren’t enough in my opinion, it’s a top tier trope) so I just wrote what I wanted to read.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Probably the whole conversation this snippet is taken from within The Most That I Could Give To You… where Steve has the charm turned up to eleven and Eddie is fighting for his life (figuratively this time). I adore writing the Stobin back and forth dynamic too, so there's this one from The Most That I Could Give To You… where they're talking about Sisyphus and May 29th 1992 from “The A is for Ally” where Robin sees something she wishes she hadn't. I also got a lot of nice comments on this scene from “The A is for Ally” where Wayne mistakenly thinks Steve and Eddie are dating and “Steve didn't correct him, didn't feel the distinction was all that important.”
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’ve just posted a new one, Pebble and I've got another one that I’m part way through, both of them returning to my roots and featuring Eddie having a bi crisis. I’m also planning on taking part in the Steddie Bang, but obviously can’t talk about that! 
Thank you to our author, @punkslovepoints, and our nominator, Nevertheless_5! See more of Sleepingoffyourdemons' works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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carlosfreckles · 23 days
i am obsessed with both your Carlos gif sets (esp the latest harlos one!!!) and your harlos fic omg it’s one of things that keep dragging me back into the descendants fandom, carlos de vil is my special little guy and you write him so well!! do you by any chance have any harlos hcs or just Carlos de Vil fic recs? I fear the latest chapter of your harlos fic has only deepened that hyperfixation lol
This is so nice, I'm glad you're enjoying all forms of my content! I adore Carlos so much, and I ship him with several people, but the harlos dynamic is so fun to explore and write. I will take any excuse I can get to put more harlos content into the world so here are some personal headcanons for the ship:
Carlos loves hearing Harry sing a sea shanty and hearing him sing is one of the few things that can get him to calm down from a bad nightmare or an anxiety attack
Harry is actually smarter than people give him credit for but he likes to play dumb to get his way, but Carlos never lets him get away with it
Harry likes to put eyeliner on Carlos and he gets pouty if Carlos does it himself
Carlos and Uma are the only people that are allowed to touch Harry's hook, Gil would be on the list but no one wants to know what would happen if he lost it
As far as fic recs go anything written by @bunny-lou is gold whether it's harlos or another pairing that involves Carlos. Here's a little list of my fav harlos fics on AO3 (there are so many great ones these are just my favs out of what I've read recently):
How To Fall In Love - Harry Hook's Five Easy Steps by puff_the_magic_dragon
Strayed by callous_and_misunderstood
May Contain Traces of Artificial Love by GabbyGums
You might have already read them (I know I've gone through every harlos fic I can find on AO3 at least three times already) but I like re-reading these fics specifically because they just capture different elements that I love about this ship so perfectly.
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kangaracha · 9 months
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RING, THE VICTORY SONG full prompt collection AO3
Gen Fic/Multichaps
NEVERMORE music videos verse/skzcu; on the eve of being torn apart, eight boys tumble into a world where their music seems to hang in the very air they breathe; 150K AO3
OVERWINTER missing/bonus scenes from nevermore AO3
LYRE LYRE on his last night with the group, IN must make a choice: to stay, or to go; 8k AO3
LEAVE After an accident splits apart the group, Felix is left alone in the world, wishing for better days to return (little does he know, that dreams come to those who truly want them). TUMBLR | AO3
WHAT THE WATER BROUGHT The ocean expands, the days grow longer, the earth loses its patience with every inch it cedes to the shore. For the hundreth time, Minho washes up on the shore of a small island and wonders when this - long months at sea, endless battles to keep their ship, the golden age of whatever the hell they want - will come to its end. AO3
QUEENMAKER bang chanxreader; as one opportunity to debut disappears, another arrives - joining two year old group Stray Kids as a replacement to their missing ninth member. smau. TUMBLR | AO3
HEAD ABOVE WATER bang chanxreader, yang jeonginxreader; homework, a small business, overbearing parents, a boyfriend that isn't a boyfriend. And then there's whatever is going on with her best friend, who seems to want something...more than a friendship, if he ever gets around to asking her about it- life is complicated, and far too busy for Y/N to be bothered with being stressed, or sick, or whatever it is that's making it hard to eat and sleep and focus on her work. TUMBLR
DAYBREAK lee knowxreader, dystopia au; independant entertainment doesn't make money, everyone knows that - not dancing, not boxing. not without a company's name attached to it and the soul ripped out of it so that it can only sit on the stage bleeding. you knew you never should have agreed to buy the studio with him, that the bills would pile up and the income would run dry and the goverment would come knocking telling you to shut up and sit down...but it makes him so happy, when you see him dance. it gives him a reason to keep coming back. you don't know what you'd do without that.
THE FLOWERS YOU GATHERED IN MAY lee knowxreader; following an escape from near-death and an accident that leaves you unable to do most of the things you once loved, an old friend invites you to join a dance studio for loners and strays - people just like you.
Prompt Fills
AS IT ENDS bang chanxreader; 'chan + 'a god bows before a mortal'; fantasy au
THE HYMN OF BABYLON lee knowxreader; 'minho + 'meddlesome angels, and the people they save'; dystopia au, fantasy au. religious dystopia.
CATSKIN lee felixxreader; 'felix + twisted fairytale'; royalty/fantasy au, based on the fairytale 'catskin'
lee know x sorry, i love you lee know x losing 3racha changbin x charmer changbin x eclipse han x forgotten felix x focus
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grislyintentions · 4 months
|| Compatibility: Kafka ||
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A list of characters I see that Kafka can potentially get along with (ship or otherwise):
-Stellaron Hunters
Admittedly, she does have a little bit of a soft spot for them. You can't really work with others for so long without at least forming tolerance and a certain level of attachment after all.
The thing with Kafka is that she is someone who se motivations/way of thinking is inherently predatory in nature whether or not she is consciously doing so. She is adept at picking out what people need/see her as and shifting different facets of her own personality to fit the role. Even if she doesn't, she sticks around until she gets a better idea. Not to say that she's 'faking', it's just rearranging her own traits. Most people are disturbed and get hung up over the amount of effort she takes but put it this way: intention matters. With them, she may do certain things with intent but it is always clear and never malicious. Kafka is flawed but they can understand her clearly and that stands for something.
They have the potential to become each other's worst enablers. Sparkle pushes boundaries for her own entertainment and Kafka loves to be entertained. Fire and Gasoline never burned brighter. The obsessiveness between muse and maker can so easily overlap, twist and ignite. Much like Black Swan, Kafka has little problem sstisfying her own curiousity and agency by playing along. Until she doesn't. Then it becomes a game of entertainment found in experiencing each other's ability to throw in unexpected (often dangerous) elements. Nothing personal though. It's all just fun and attention serving.
An arrangement of convenience and mutual benefit if there ever was one. There are benefits to be reaped in arrangements between mercenaries and criminals when their goals align. Why turn down the offer to scratch each other's back as they see it? Keep your friends close and your clients (potential threats) closer as they say.
Cat and mouse tension. They both like to win and gamble the odds. Yet he asserts those who know the outcome wouldn't even play at all and she believes choices have a predetermined end. How much is a stellaron hunter worth to the IPC? How priceless is a double agent to the stellaron hunters? Mutually assured destruction never felt so thrilling.
Either way, it pays to have friends in high and low places. No? Such wasted potential though. Could have been fun if either one were on each other's side in the first place.
Their plans and methods may differ but does it not look like their goals are aligned? Theories can only be proven or disproven when one is willing to act by taking that final step.
A chance encounter with an enigmatic stranger. She is a songbird who loves to sing and kafka is an appreciator of music: the spider that spins its web in preparation of catching the poisoned canary. But is it simply for food or does it lay it to rest? There is an allegory about birds and beautiful tragedy. It weighs nothing more than a stray note in the silent air. The essence of a memory, a dream.
Other compatibility posts:
Candace || Freminet || Clorinde
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therapardalis · 1 month
MUSE: Thera Pardalis (mostly Star Wars version, but some things apply all over)
Her preference for scent is either musk-rose or vanilla. That said, when she's working she tends to forgo anything beyond plain soap and shampoo - having a 'signature' scent that an enemy might recognise or a witness recall isn't something she wants to risk. Otherwise, her scent can vary depending on what she's been doing that day. Sweat, engine grease, maybe different kinds of smoke if she's been in a cantina. Ozone if there's been a firefight, stronger smoke if an explosion. Occasionally blood. That kind of thing.
Mostly on the soft side, with a few exceptions. During her time in the Jaminere military she worked up an assortment of calluses typical of someone handling and firing particular weapons on the regular. Since then, she's had it pointed out to her that those calluses are a give away when she's trying to not look like what she is, and she's worked to soften or at least smooth them down so they're less obvious. Nails vary from short to mid-length, buffed and polished but rarely painted, and never long enough to get in the way of what she needs to do.
Most of the time, pre-packaged meals that she can just throw in the warmer aboard ship. If she's had the opportunity to stock up on fresh food it's mostly snacks or something she can eat right away. A good, solid, decent meal has to wait until she has time and opportunity when planet side.
Yes, though in her SW verse she tries to keep it under wraps. She's a contralto, and doesn't have a massive amount of range but decent enough. Trying a song for the very first time she's around a 5 or 6 out of 10 - that jumps to between 7 to 8 if she knows the song well. She may even knock on 8 and a half to a 9 if she's had enough to drink that she lets her inhibitions slide.
Her temper is a really big one! The older she is the less easily she gets riled up, but once she is pissed off all hell is likely to break loose. Related is her ability to hold a grudge - it's possible to to patch things up and bring her around, but mostly she can carry those things like they have handles, and a heavy-duty trolley to rest 'em on!
Most of the time she's wearing some variation of practical spacers' gear; trousers, shirt, boots, maybe a jacket. She's usually clean, in the way of 'hit the fresher that morning', though there might be an overlay of sweat, dirt or grease depending on what she's been doing that day. Hair tends to be tied back out of the way. Other times her look changes a lot, depending on the situation; uniform/business attire for upper level meetings, slinky dresses and heels for evenings, casinos, or sitting by her Hutt Boss' side pretending she's just a harmless trinket.
She can be, but it's very, very dependent on the circumstances. She manages 'gentle' (a wounded comrade, a lost child, a stray animal) and friendly (hanging out in general) far more often, but affection doesn't come into the picture until she's very close with someone, romantically or platonically. In all her verses her main love-language is physical touch, but that also means she holds off with it until there's some sort of connection with the other person.
Usually on her left or right side. She prefers the left, but will adapt depending on the circumstances so that she's facing towards the door (or window, or any other means of approach).
Oh now that's a loaded question!! Avoiding the x-rated sort of moments (because then yes, ahem), they could if she wanted them to, or if she's really popped her cork and is telling someone the kriff off. Otherwise she tends to be on the quieter side, unless for some reason it's necessary for her to be heard.
tagged by: @stillsolo (Thanks! :))
tagging: @loyaltyandchaos (whoever you'd like, on any blog), @iobartach (any blog), @flyboypoedameron, @chromium-siren (any muse), and anyone else who'd like to and hasn't been tagged already ;)
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beabnormal24 · 8 months
Hi, hello, it’s me again here.
So, of course my competitive butt had to take my own comment about Yuki/Alex as a challenge and now I have 12k or more of a draft.
But I don’t know if I’m doing it correctly, I NEED HELP (also mental help, possibly). I was mostly inspired by AJR’s song ‘Turning out’, which I highly recommend because it’s A MASTERPIECE.
The general idea is: Yuki finds a stray puppy during a storm and he brings it to the prt clinic at the ground floor of his apartment complex where Alex has just started working.
They start to get to know each other but Yuki is still nit sure if he actually likes Alex or if he sees him as a best friend, since he’s never cared about actually getting into a relationship so he had never actually looked at the difference between love and in love.
But it’s also a big period of his life because both Charles and Pierre have moved out of the apartment that they used to all (as in Yuki, Pierre and Charles) live in during university because they have started working and have decided to move in either their respective partners.
Charles is already engaged with Carlos (of course there’s Charlos, it’s my fic) and Pierre hints at proposing to George (I don’t know where this ship came from in my mind but I wanted it, so I wrote about it), and Yuki is starting to feel lonely. [also, other side-couples are Sewis and Landoscar]
He has the company of a puppy called Kuri (because it’s Japanese for chestnut, and I imagine Yuki with a poodle with chestnut fur) and Alexander Albon, funny and tall and easygoing but he doesn’t know what it means to him.
So, lots of introspection as it’s common in my fics and fluff because Yalex has to be a comfort ship, sorry. (And I’m also planning on smut, hehe)
Anyway, here is a little snippet, let me know what you think about it (keep in mind that I am NOT British and I do NOT have a beta reader):
Karma may be a little fickle tonight, but it certainly pulls him to its side when the heavy rain turns into a light drizzle halfway through his way back to his apartment complex – which isn’t a long journey, per se, but Yuki surely isn’t one to look into a gifted horse’s mouth.
So, by the time he has reached the closed doors of the vet clinic, he is shivering much less than before and the biting cold in his bones has turned into an uncomfortable chill shiver running down his spine from time to time.
What is annoying is the hair plastered down to his eyes dripping wet and the fact that he can’t even try and move a few strands out because his arms are already stuffed full of the sleeping body of a tiny, harmed puppy.
Good God.
The doors stay closed when he finds a sheltered place under the brick's roof of the entrance, but Yuki knows for a fact that Sebastian is never able to leave this place until it’s ten in the evening, because there’s always some animal staying the night after an operation, and he would probably rather close the clinic for good instead of leaving them alone for more than eight hours.
Yuki had never got it, honestly, the sleep and the warm comfort of his bed seems like a much better prospect than staying around sleeping animals in pain, but now that he’s looking at the limp tiny thing in his arms, he may start to understand.
“Sebastian!” he calls out, reaching with his pinky finger to the doorbell. He cries his name a bunch of times, because the rain is starting to fall again and his voice might get covered soon enough, and there’s no way that Yuki is going to wait for him to close everything up – that might take hours, the puppy may be hurting too much by then. “Sebastian, please, it’s an emergency” he must sound like a possessed man, and the lady on the first floor will probably have something to complain about in their next condominium meeting. But she always talks too loudly on her phone on Sunday mornings when Yuki is trying to sleep away a tremendous hangover, so she can honestly go fuck herself – respectfully.
It still takes a few more minutes and a few more desperate calls for the door to open and the dim yellow light of the waiting room to seep on the steps. Yuki slips inside without even waiting for it to open completely, clutching the jacket close to his chest and exhaling deeply through his nose when the warmth of the air-conditioned room finally engulfs him. The puppy sighs against his chest, so it must appreciate the change in temperature, too.
“See, I told you buddy I would get you safe. Yuki always keeps his promises” he says softly, shuffling the bundle of leather closer to his face. The puppy smells pretty bad, a mix of blood and dumpsters rubbish from London neighborhoods, but its tiny eyes are staring back at him all lucid and wide and full of fondness, like it can actually feel love for him, and Yuki can’t even consider the possibility of getting it too far away from his nose.
Yuki may have just fallen in love, too. But it also might be the adrenaline of acting like a freaking hero in a rainstorm when he can barely reach the top cupboard of his kitchen with the help of a stepladder.
But Disney never made a movie about short heroes; he never had a figure to look up to during his childhood.
“Now Sebastian here will take really good care of you, yes? He won’t ever hurt you. Right Seb-” Yuki stops in his tracks when his gaze meets a pair of brown eyes that definitely do not belong to Sebastian, especially with the way he almost has to bend his neck in half to actually look at the face in front of him and not at the expanse of a broad chest hugged by a plain blue polo.
This is not Sebastian’s chest and not Sebastian’s hair and definitely not Sebastian’s lips and definitely definitely not Sebastian’s white coat. Oh.
“You’re not Sebastian” Yuki says dumbly.
Surely enough, there’s a tall lanky guy standing in front of the now closed door, looking only slightly stunned at Yuki’s sudden outburst, like it’s normal to have someone barging inside a vet clinic at half past nine on a Thursday night in the middle of yet another London’s rainy day.
Oh god, but what if this guy is the one who actually barged in? What if Yuki has just uncovered a burglar? But would a burglar open the door for him?
The guy stares at Yuki in silence for two long seconds before he starts patting his abdomen, pretending to check his whole appearance. “Oh, fuck I’m not Sebastian!” the guy exclaims, looking frantically at his fingers, clenching and unclenching his fists like he’s trying to make out the shape of them.
Yuki snorts, shaking his head. This guy could never be a burglar even if his life depended on it, it seems. Besides, he might be slim enough to pass through anything, but he’s still too tall to go unnoticed.
“No, I’m not Sebastian” tall guy says, chuckling to himself. “I’m Alex. You almost made me have an existential crisis right then and there.”
“Identity theft is not a joke”
Alex raises an amused eyebrow at him, like he’s trying to make out the space where Yuki fits in his vision, and he smiles, wide and bright with big teeth and all. “You’re a cultured man, Yuki.”
Yuki furrows his eyebrows in confusion, “How do you know my name?” He asks, looking at the puppy in his arms to make sure- oh, right. “Oh”
Alex laughs again, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He must have a tendency for it or maybe it’s just Yuki who looks funny in general. A lot of people have told him that in the past and he still doesn’t know if it’s a good or bad thing.
“You’re funny” Alex states, like it’s some kind of irrefutable axiom. He clasps his hands, taking a few steps forward to start inspecting the bundle between Yuki’s arms. “I heard there was an emergency.”
Instinctively, Yuki clutches the jacket closer, one finger gently caressing the single dot of white in the middle of the beige fur of his head. The puppy yelps softly, snuggling its little nose towards Yuki’s chest, and his heart swells like a balloon.
“Yeah, I really need Sebastian” Yuki says, “I mean, this little thing is hurt, and it really needs a vet.”
“Well, then, it’s a good coincidence I work here, no?” Alex smiles wide, teeth showing between his lips.
Yuki blinks at him. “Uh, no you don’t?” He says but it sounds more like a question than a statement. But, to be fair, he lives above the place, and he has known everyone around here for ages, he would’ve surely remembered someone as tall as this Alex, with such bright dyed hair and this adorable smile-
“Uh, yes I do?” Alex says back, grinning. “I mean, just since this morning. But officially I work here.”
“I’ve never seen you around. And I live here” Yuki says defensively, trying his very best to show at least a smidge of self-consciousness even though he will probably give up pretty easily if Alex keeps staring at him like this – big eyes, big smile, hair that look incredibly morbid.
He hasn’t seen a new face in a while, more so belonging to a cute guy, and there’s still a beer slowly swimming in his stomach, so he should be justified.
“I moved recently” Alex explains, not giving much information away to satiate Yuki’s curiosity. He arches an eyebrow, finally touching the sides of the jacket hanging from Yuki’s arms. Yuki lets him just because he doesn’t really know what to do anymore, and if the guy is really a vet as he’s claiming to be, then he should trust him more than himself.
It definitely is not because his brain is slowly turning to mush at their proximity.
“Now, let’s see what we have here” Alex says, carefully taking the jacket from his arms.
The puppy goes willingly without even whimpering once, instead snuggling happily as it’s deposited against the chest of a new stranger. Traitor, Yuki thinks, though he would probably react the same in its place.
“Hi little baby. How cute are we? So much” Alex coos gently, caressing with his index finger the same spot Yuki had been gently scraping earlier. The puppy gives another satisfied yelp. “Oh, are we hurt? Poor little thing. But now Alex will take good care of you, alright?”
Yuki just stands there looking at the interaction with his hands to the sides, suddenly feeling too empty after so long of hanging desperately on to the tiny animal. But it’s incredibly adorable and endearing the way Alex keeps comforting it, as if it can actually understand what he’s saying, its tiny tail wiggling against the jacket when he manages to scratch a good spot behind his ears.
The puppy must sense that Alex is a good person, and Yuki may be a little dramatic most of the time, but he probably trusts the puppy more than himself. Especially if it’s about a cute guy talking with a high-pitched voice to an adorable animal in pain.
“Now Alex will take you to the other room and we’ll check everything, yeah?” He looks at Yuki then, eyeing him up and down, probably taking in his conditions.
Only then Yuki realizes what he must look like, with his hair flat over his head, raindrops still sliding down his nose, the simple white T-shirt he had been wearing under the jacket now completely soaked, tight against his chest. His shoes make a weird squelching sound when he takes a step forward, his socks clinging uncomfortably to his toes and his pants scratching against his probably already bruised knees.
Fuck, he wanted to wear them for work, there’s no way he’ll wash them in time.
“Uh, sorry?” He mumbles, painfully aware of the puddle he has formed under his feet. He grips at the hem of his T-shirt, uselessly trying to straighten it out and immediately regretting it when his palms leave sticky red handprints in their wakes. Yeah, no, there’s no way this is recoverable.
Alex doesn’t seem angry about it, and as his gaze falls to the stained fabric, he frowns, concerned.
“It’s the puppy’s” Yuki says, cringing at the feeling of blood against his skin.
Oh God, it’s the puppy’s blood. A puppy’s blood is staining his clothes and his hands and he’s going to puke, isn’t he? Or worse, what if this cute guy thinks he hurt it? What if this cute guy thinks he is an attempted murderer? A murderer of puppies?
Yuki is honestly afraid of his own shadow most of the time, and he still sleeps with his night light on when there’s too many thunders outside, but how can he convince Alex of that without embarrassing himself even further?
To his delight, Alex smiles at him, shaking his head with a twinge of fondness that makes Yuki’s cheeks feel incredibly warm for the way he’s still shivering from the cold. “Come on, then” Alex says, turning around “You can clean up and dry off in front of the radiator.”
Yuki doesn’t have to be told twice.
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pigeonwit · 10 months
mr pidgeon. you made a post about crace (crutchie and race) as a ship like two months ago. they are my number one realest pairing of all time. the otp of otps. do you have any more thoughts about them? if so please share bc content is so rare and far between ty
love the way this is written like a formal request my guy. 'please sir may i have some more' type energy. love it. ABSOLUETLY yes.
so my big thing with newsies is that - to a certain degree - ALL the characters could potentially work together relationship-wise. it really just depends on how you want to interpret them, and since there are so many different productions of newsies and so much room for interpretation of all these slightly-different versions of the same characters, i have a lot of different interpretations for all of them. i've got a big empty brain and something has to fill it, and i spent so long pondering crutchie and race's dynamic in the,,, foooour years? five? five years of me being a newsies fan, that they're just,,, stuck in there and they're not leaving. so i would be THRILLED to share some thoughts*.
*every single crutchtrack thought i've ever had throughout my (approx) five years of watching and re-watching livesies and seeing uksies twice.
so my interpretation of crutchie and race as characters is like... they're both friends of jack's, but that's kind of where they end with each other. i didn't see their interactions in the musical as brotherly as other people do, i saw it more like 'we're supposed to be friends and this is how friends treat each other but it's just not landing the way it should' - in livesies and uksies, crutchie seems pretty offended (and a little pissed off honestly) that race implies it is only his limp that sells him papers. we know race is joking, but i don't think it ever occurred to race that that's not something he's allowed to joke about with crutchie. and to me, that speaks to them never having hashed out those boundaries together, which i interpret as them not having spent that much time bonding one-on-one despite both being so close to jack.
i also think crutchie being such a realist (especially in uksies, dude is kind of a jerk) made it difficult for them to connect with each other as well - i know a lot of people interpret 'king of new york' as race trying to keep the newsies from losing hope, and i imagine that that's part of it, but he literally got his name from constantly betting on horses at sheepshead, and with crutchie being such a realist ("we got the right to starve, let's just get our papes and go", rolling his eyes at katherine promising them a place in the paper, etc) i imagine that causes some friction between them. race, despite everything, believes there has to be some small chance things can turn around, whereas crutchie (again, ESPECIALLY in uksies) believes that focusing on what's real will keep him from getting stung - and THEN, during the strike, both of them seem to switch; crutchie is the one trying to be optimistic because he's finally let himself believe that they have a real chance, and race is pulling away because he knows the odds are stacked against them. and again - they are NOT getting along over it! race openly derides him in front of all the newsies! i wouldn't call them POLAR opposites, and i do agree they probably got along the way friends do, but all of their interactions gave me the idea that neither of them really seem to Get the other in the intrinsic way all the other newsies seem to. i never interpreted them as actually close, and certainly not brotherly, at least not until the strike, wherein they both start to realize there's more to the other than they thought. i think crutchie has always been underestimated by the people around him, even jack, and i think race always brushed him off as just another naive stray that jack was looking out for and didn't bother getting to know him, the same way crutchie probably brushed race off as an impulsive loudmouth gambler and didn't get to know him, either. i think their friendship became WAY more solidified during the strike for the split-second it lasted; and i think crutchie being taken away so soon after is left this massive hole race had been to oblivious to notice before.
i think race very suddenly realized the weight of crutchie's absence, especially right before king of new york - crutchie is definitely not an OPTIMIST per se, but he does clearly try to be kind to people, even when the situation is dire. but no one's doing that now. they're all wallowing in their loss and no one's there to goof off and make them smile again; hence, 'it ain't been the same without ya' (yes i made an entire backstory for that one fucking line i don't CARE okay i don't CARE you don't know how much that broke me). and i think after the strike, race - however conscious he is of it - is the one who keeps looking towards crutchie, keeps noticing all the little things he does to keep the newsies sane, keeps seeing the way he sets his shoulders when he's stressed and fiddles with his rosary when he's nervous, and doubly notices all the ways in which crutchie tries to hide that from people. i think he realizes that for all the years he spent knowing crutchie, being kinda-maybe-but-only-in-a-group friends with him, he never actually knew him at all. so he makes more of an effort, tries to talk to him more, even tries selling with him at one point, purely because race is the most annoying person alive when he's curious, and crutchie,,, DOES NOT care for it, obviously, because why is race being so nice to him NOW, when crutchie's freshly out of the refuge, than he ever has been before?
i imagine crutchie might chew him out for it, really lays into race for trying to take care of him when crutchie's made it pretty clear he's more than capable of taking care of himself - and i think race gives as good as he gets, really, because race doesn't shy away if someone's picking a fight with him. but i think at some point in the argument, race must say something along the lines of 'making up for lost time' - and that's something crutchie turns over in his head a LOT afterwards. until he realizes that oh, this isn't about his time in the refuge, it's about all the time they spent nodding at each other instead of saying hi or how are you, it's about all the times they awkwardly smiled in passing because neither of them knew what to say, it's about all the times they COULD have known each other and just. didn't. out of sheer convenience.
so crutchie turns up the next day and tells race they're selling together, and that's that. okay, so crutchie's blunt, race didn't know that - or, well, he did ("you're seeing stars all right", "ain't we got no rights?" "we've got the right to starve", etc), but he didn't... know that. not really. crutchie's polite to the delancey's and wiesel when they buy their papers, but when oscar tries to yank his papers as crutchie grabs them to make him lose his balance, crutchie stands completely firm, strong enough to make oscar wobble a little - and takes his papers with a saccharine smile and a 'thank-you'. okay, so crutchie's a decent person, race did know that, but he's no push-over, he's actually kind of tough, and race... did not know that. it was always there, and race never knew it.
so they sell, and every so often they make some attempts at conversation that, as awkward as they are, are still enjoyable. crutchie's funny, actually. not just roll-your-eyes funny, but genuinely, clutching your sides funny. he's kind of dark, too, and race loves it. and as much as race is noticing that, crutchie's noticing how smart and insightful and genuine race can be when he's not trying so hard to be a loudmouth - or maybe he was always that genuine and crutchie had just rolled his eyes and figured he was just being a loudmouth anyways.
they start selling regularly. they keep talking, asking questions - they try to keep it small, but somehow 'what's your favourite selling spot' becomes 'how'd you come to new york' which becomes 'how'd you meet jack' which... tells them a lot. and over some time, they're really starting to understand each other. it's weird - they're both very aware that race shouldn't have to ask what crutchie orders at jacobi's when they've supposedly been friends for years, they're both aware that crutchie shouldn't be surprised that race has so many cousins when he talks about them all the time, so on, so forth. but those cracks are starting to fill, and over time, they fit together. friends. real friends.
and when they're up late and drinking on the fire escape, and race turns to him and asks, "you ever been kissed? just, y'know, just askin'..." they both understand each other perfectly.
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