#TLOU headcanon
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? I don't know that I truly have any ~wild headcanons. A lot of the ones I do have are based around my own OCs, so probably aren't that interesting to the general fandom. But a couple of fun ones I have:
1.) Everyone in Jackson knows to go to Eugene for weed - it's the settlement's worst-kept secret. And, I mean, it's not like it's illegal anymore, and the council doesn't have any specific rules against it, but Eugene still prefers to operate behind closed doors, and everyone is fine with that. It only becomes an issue when the younger teens get their hands on some, then suddenly parents are complaining about it, and Maria is highly annoyed about that but hesitant to really step in, at least in an official capacity, because she doesn't want to burn bridges with her own weed connection. (Privately, she'll tell Eugene to knock that shit off.) 2.) Speaking of Eugene, there are some patrol members that think his relationship with Dina is a little weird, and have concerns about it. Just like, "It's a little odd, right? They hang out outside of patrol. That's weird, isn't it?" Meanwhile, Dina just reminds Eugene of the daughter he left behind, and they spend time together while he teaches her about electronics and '80s speed metal. Joel is the only one who kind of 'gets it' - "they're fine, leave 'em alone." 3.) If anyone at the Tipsy Bison tries to play REM's It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine) on the jukebox, they either have to take an automatic ban from the bar for a week, or spend the next week wearing the stupid hat that they otherwise keep on the bear head (which changes a lot, because they dress it up seasonally). They could just take the song out of the jukebox entirely, but no one has ever brought that up as a solution. Tommy has worn the hat twice.
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🦈 Which character is the toughest to write? For me, personally, I struggle with both Tommy and Maria - but especially Tommy. I'm no @march-flowerr, I have yet to really nail him as a character, but I try.
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andreaheartscats · 3 months
i just wanna kiss her so bad MY GOD.
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mrsquill · 11 months
Okay but what if I said Sarah’s favourite song for her Uncle Tommy is Stevie Wonder’s Isn’t She Lovely? Tommy picked it ‘cuz it’d been playing on the radio the moment Joel called him from the hospital with tears in his eyes to tell him his niece had arrived. Ever since, it’d never really left the CD player; Tommy with Sarah on his hip and humming to her softly when she was tiny, and later after learning to toddle down the hallway, she would dance on his feet in her pyjamas, shrieking her head off with laughter at her uncle as he sung his heart out to her amusement.
Joel warned Tommy that Sarah may have just been too cool for a dance with her uncle at her thirteenth birthday party, and told him not to get his hopes up, that their baby girl was teenager now. Tommy had - for once - listened to his older brother, sitting in the shadows nursing a beer, watching his niece float around her friends like the beautiful butterfly she’d grown to be.
Sarah caught Tommy’s eye, though, and loaded the disc into the player, reaching out her hand to him as he smiles back at her. Joel grinned as he watched the scene in front of him: his two favourite people in the world. Suddenly he can see them at her wedding; Sarah’s white dress and Tommy’s bow tie as they share a dance. She stands on her uncle’s feet and he spins them around just like he used to, like he always would, if only she’d ask.
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tloujm · 1 year
Headcanon I: Yandere
Warnings: Yandere is an archetype that defines a character whose love, admiration, and devotion is so strong that it can be expressed through forms of obsession and possessiveness. 
Author’s Notes: I truly do not believe that Joel has a Yandere personality. He has some traits that may fit the archetype, but not enough for it to be consistently considered Yandere. Though Yandere is ultimately toxic, and he is ultimately a toxic man, I somehow like reading them and figured I’d stray off the path of canon once more to do one for him. Honestly, I feel like this is tame compared to some of the yandere I’ve read in the past. This is all based in the same universe as the main storyline that I JUST realized that I never created a title/name for.
Ship: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Joel is all about survival. It stemmed from not letting his daughter’s death be in vein, then it just became a habitual instinct. When you came into his life, it became this intense drive. 
Admittedly, he didn’t trust you at first, but when he finally let his walls down, they never came back up at least for you
Surviving to Joel means having the “either its you or me” mentality and he almost always chooses you over anybody else, even himself
Joel is 100% ok with sacrificing his life for yours
He would for sure take a bullet for you in a heartbeat 
It’s just a cherry on top that he knows that you would do the same for him.
On one hand, he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you, so he will make sure that the both of you survive
But on the other hand, he believes that he will see his daughter again if he dies and what better way to get there than to save you
Especially since he couldn’t use his life to save Sarah
He only survives for you 
You are his reason
The same reason that he asks you to search for when you get mad at him for taking you away from the fireflies
You never told him what your reason was, but he desperately wanted you to say that it was him
His brother is a bonus reason once they reunite in Jackson
Ironically, he becomes more protective over you when the two of you decide to stay at the settlement. 
Outside of Jackson’s walls, he needed you. He tried his best to do everything for you: shoot, sneak around, escape, etc...but he had to admit that he probably wouldn’t have made it out of some situations without you.
Within Jackson’s walls, it was easier to make sure that you were safe, but he still knew that there were dangers.
The number one danger that he anticipated was getting too comfortable
Baring the surname Miller, he became a well known citizen of the settlement
Joel used this to his advantage and made sure he kept eyes on you at all times through his connections
There was very little that you could hide from him at the end of the day
Joel tried not to let anything suspicious get to him, but he is more of an act first, think second kind of man
This would sometimes lead to arguments
Especially when you first find out about this and how long it’d been going on for
He’s done a good job at keeping all of that away from you and it takes you a while to catch on
He knew that you’d consider it spying instead of how he intended, care and protection.
Insists on giving you guitar lessons when he is in a lighthearted mood
Or when he knows that you are mad at him and he wants to say sorry
Despite how he comes off, he has an incredible amount of patience for those he cares about and is willing to take the time to teach you things
The two of you fall into a relationship without formally defining it
During your journey, before making it to Jackson, the two of you never got intimate. There were implications of romance, but there was never an appropriate time or place to act on it.
Once in Jackson, Joel was tired of dancing around the matter and took control of it
As soon as the two of you were left alone again by Tommy and Maria, he caressed your cheek in his hand and confessed his feelings with brevity
His vows were simply “I am yours and you are mine”
With the famous Joel glare gaze
He waited for you to agree
And luckily for the both of you, you did
He made sure that the two of you didn’t separate by having you live with him
He never stepped over your boundaries physically
As aforementioned, he has an abundance of patience and waits until you are comfortable enough to share a bed with him
As soon as you do, Joel is all in
His arms are wrapped around you
When he moves in his sleep, which is rare bc he sleeps like a rock, you move with him to keep the same locked position
Practically has a heart attack when he wakes up to a cold empty bed
Doesn’t consider himself a deep sleeper, but somehow you still manage to escape his grasp for one reason or another throughout the night without him noticing
Joel responds by laying a leg over yours to hold you in tighter
One of the first reasons why he feels the need to keep eyes on you
Wanna sign up for scavenging or patrol routes? Only if he has the time to sign up for the same ones you do. 
Wanna work in the community gardens? Joel’s not afraid to get his hands dirty.
Want peace and quiet with the watch tower duty? He’ll be up in the tower first waiting for you to show up to your SHARED shift.
You asked if he ever got tired of you from being around you all day
Joel: “No” *continues to sip his coffee casually*
He knocks on the bathroom door if he feels that you are taking an excessive amount of time to check on you
Yes, he genuinely misses you, but he also wants to make sure that you haven’t suddenly died on him.
His protectiveness over you, before it got overbearing in Jackson, is what initially caused you to have feelings for him.
He is a possessive lover which has enough pros to keep you going, but definitely has its cons
As a private man, Joel is not into PDA
But he will do so if he feels his relationship is being threatened by an outside force
The most PDA he will do on a regular basis is keeping his hand on you at all times
Not necessarily hand holding, but keeping his hand on your lower back, back of your neck or your waist.
Sometimes, his fingers would dig into your skin to pull you closer to him
He would never harm or put his hands on you, but he left marks
A lot of marks especially after a pretty spicy night
As a private man, he likes the marks to be in places that he could only see
Every so often, he would let you leave the house with clear and visible marks even if there are no direct threats, just as a gentle reminder to anyone who is interacting with you in general.
He prefers his mouth or hands over anything to mark you; no ropes or other extra toys
Also in private, he loves to cuddle
He loves that you enjoy the weight of his entire body on top of yours
He especially loves it when you wrap your legs around his waist to pull him in closer than he thought he already was
Despite this, he makes sure that he doesn’t fall asleep in this position as he is afraid of suffocating you 
He, instead, prefers to have you lay on him
Not just next to him with your head on his chest or an arm slung over
He wants your entire body on top of his like a weighted blanket too
Part of his obsession infatuation intoxication with you is because of your natural scent. Your pheromones if you will
Yours in particular drive him crazy in a way he’s never felt
The source is your sacred middle which is why there is never a dull moment in your and his sex life
Even in non sexual ways, he loves being around your pussy
Joel likes to lay his head on your fupa/lower stomach for the soft warmth and to easily take in your scent from the close proximity 
If he’s not in a position to be touching you, he very often has his own eyes on you
He’ll offer up his special Joel glare that he saves just for you (barely any different from his usually glare)
While Joel is more serious than playful, he likes to turn it into a game by seeing you fight the urge to meet his gaze and to see how long it takes before you do so 
He always gets jealous but is good at controlling it if the two of you are near each other and you are not giving him at least an once of attention. 
Joel has a desire to protect you from unseen forces too, like colds or the flu, but doesn’t beat himself up when he fails to do so
He takes advantage of the times that you are sick because he gets to keep you all to himself in the house
Joel will put his foot down about not being able to work his patrol shifts because he’s too busy caring for you
Joel finds himself conflicted between not wanting to see you in pain and having you be completely dependent on him.
He’s also conflicted about getting you pregnant
He doesn’t want more kids for various “practical” reasons 
Afraid of feeling guilt over replacing Sarah
Taking his energy away from protecting you to protect someone else
Afraid he may become too soft to protect either one of you by being wrapped around the babies finger
But he also wants kids with you for various reasons
One of his favorite ways to mark you is internally with his cum
The heavier you grow with his child, the more dependent you’ll need to be of him and it’ll be longer than a cold
He’ll convince you to be a stay at home mom, so he wouldn’t have to worry about the whereabouts of two separate people as the child would always be with you.
A child would most likely encourage you to stay within the settlement’s walls
He’ll try to convince you to want a child too
If you are not ready for one, he will be super patient and bring it up every so often to see if your answer has changed
At the end of the day, he has lost too much in his life and he will do everything in his power not to lose you either
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paigegonerogue · 1 month
TLOU Headcannon:
Once, Joel was taking Sarah home from one of her soccer games and they were stopped in the parking lot by one of her teammates and her mom. Sarah and her teammate start talking about the game and stuff and Joel and the teammates’ mom make polite parent conversation. Eventually though, the woman asks “are you single?” Sarah and her friends’ conversation grinds to a halt as they both look over at them.
Years later Joel never knew where this came from, but he just nodded sadly and went “As of recently.” Then he placed a hand on his heart and looked up at the sky and said “rest in peace, Julia.”
The mom and her teammate excuse themselves with the haste of people who just realized one of them is flirting with a recently widowed person. But once they’re out of earshot, Joel and Sarah burst out laughing.
Sarah’s mom is still very much alive, and her name isn’t even Julia. For years afterwards, Sarah teases him about it relentlessly, which only gets worse when Tommy hears the story. “Dad’s dead wife Julia” becomes a common phrase in their household from then on.
After the outbreak, Tommy made that joke just once, desperate to see some glimmer of the old Joel. But he just shook his head and turned away.
When they’re in Jackson, Joel brings it up at dinner and Ellie goes “Joel, you have a dead wife?!” And he and Tommy burst out laughing. And Tommy has to take a second because god, Joel’s dead wife Julia means more to him than he ever realized.
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probssomethingorother · 8 months
My mind is going crazy right now with a big ole fat headcanon that the Jackson kids started an underground fight club.
Like all the kids think they are so cool and tough and start this thing, and it’s held in an old dank unused barn on the edge of Jackson and they have a roster and bets and its scarily organized, but somehow has also remained very hush hush.
You can’t just show up to the barn because they always change the days and times, so you have to be in the know.
And you can register as a coach to make extra off the bets if you bring in a new fighter kid. So ofc Jesse like basically pimps Ellie out as the wildcard pick even though she is so small in comparison, but he figures she’s FEDRA trained and can handle it. Jesse has known Ellie for less than a year and only through Dina, but it’s like whatever cause if she wins he won’t have to muck out stalls for like a month.
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actual-changeling · 1 year
more to ellie and sarah being sisters cus they’re stuck in my brain like flys on a glue trap anyways i think ellie and sarah would tell almost everything each other (except when it’s about the other person like a surprise or something) and they would keep each other’s secrets so well like no bribery could make them tell on each other and it reminds joel so much of him and tommy cus they were like that too as kids (are still like that now)
Ellie and Sarah would have the BEST sibling relationship and communication. Outside of the occasional sisterly squabble, which is unavoidable, really, they'd just be super relaxed and trusting and Joel would be so fucking proud of them. They would both have their own room but they like having sleepovers (mostly accidental when one comes over to talk and they just fall asleep), and Joel doesn't panic when one of their rooms is empty because he knows they're probably in the other one.
They fell asleep on the couch once and when Joel checked BOTH their rooms in the morning he almost had a fucking heart attack before seeing them curled up together in the living room.
They would definitely mirror Joel and Tommy, and I think the whole dynamic of two sibling pairs is so fun because they get it but it can also be incredibly annoying for everyone involved because stubbornness is contagious between siblings.
I am LOVING all the happy miller family headcanons, I am so attached to them.
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ellieslob · 1 month
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★cheerleader x pervy!loser ellie
+warnings: stalker ellie, voyeurisim, dub-con???, a bit of degrading, smut
+ kinda inspired in she by tyler the creator and frank ocean, and bottoms, ngl
ways to help palestine!!!
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pervy!loser ellie staring from outside of your window, hiding between shadows and bushes, pressing her thighs together, trying to concentrate only on your moans, not on the disgusting growls your stupid junkie boyfriend was making, she was indecisive about taking a real look, or staying with only your beautiful sounds, either way, at this point, her panties were soaking wet.
god, she was pathetic, 
to say the least.
one of your moans turned into a scream, a pornographic sound that went directly to her untouched and desperate clitoris, shit was almost throbbing. she couldn't help it, her eyes went further into the room, the bed squeaking as he pounded you, you were riding him, the reverse cowboy position only made ellie’s view more enjoyable, she could barely see something out of that piece of shit, not his stupid face, not his repulsive body, just his dick, sliding in and out of your abussed pussy. you were facing completely towards the window, towards her, your room didn't had curtains and still, you were comfortable showing your almost naked body, only your bra on, getting railed like a fucking slut and opening your legs for her, stroking your covered tits, brushing your clit so desperate,  your littles whines of distress when not even that could bring your climax. ellie got fucking pissed, that dip fuck not only was making you do all the extra work, he wasnt even fucking you right, sure, he was doing the bare minimum, but she could see in your expressions that he wasn’t hitting the right spots at all, you were a crying mess and all for the wrong reasons.
your hand got tired and you tried to move a little, you finally opened your eyes and caught her, staring directly at you, her eyes filled with fear and horror.
she should have stayed at her fucking house masturbating only to your instagram stories or something, shit, shit…
you weren't screaming or throwing things at her to make her go. you didn't stop moving, you didn't take your eyes out of hers.
you knew that little fucking weirdo, always stayed late at the gym and stared at every single one of your practices, but not to all the girls, no; it didnt matter how curvy, how showy or how pretty the girls were, she never looked at them, her eyes seemed to be glued to your body, the feeling of her gaze scanning when you bend over and tie your shoes, was kinda exhilarating, hearing her things fall and hit the ground when she noticed you were only wearing a thong, was definitely funny and her little coughs to try to recover from it? you had to admit they were kinda cute, soo pathetic, but kinda cute.
so when you saw that fucking pervy bitch hide by your fucking window again, like she had been doing the last couple of nights, you begged your stupid useless boyfriend to fuck you right there.
ellie saw your hands creeping to the lace bra, a smirk crossed your soft red lips, you threw the item directly to her face, she catched it in the air, and rushed to push it on her nose.
smelled fucking amazing.
“fuck!” those were the first words you had said in the last thirty minutes, you pushed your hips against the ones that were fucking you, ellie stood a little higher, eager, wanting to touch you, to actually touch you in the places you needed her. you saw her hand slip down her cargo pants, your moans got higher, damn, at this point you seemed more desperate than her. “faster.” you demanded, the dumb fuck thought you were talking to him, but ellie smiled, and she moved her own hand quickly, bitting her lip, your hips started moving like crazy and your little shy and mostly acted moans became so raspy and loud, whines that almost sounded like cries for help. 
actual tears were going down, you were almost drowlin’ as you kept fucking yourself roughly, shit, you were about to cum, for the first time in the night, ellie mouthed “your clit” and you reached it furiously, both of your hands were moving at the same pace, both of you were looking at each others lips, mouths opened lewdly, wishing you could reach them and kiss.
“fuckfuckfuck, yes baby” your eyes struggled to not get closed, you needed to look at ellie’s face, to her eyes being almost rolled out, her desperation, you wanted to keep that picture forever in your brain, but you were cumming hard, god, it was the best orgasm you have had in a long time, the brunette was a hot mess, all blushed and biting her lip to bleed, her hair was tangled and sticked at her forehead, her hand was moving briskly under her underwear and her brown eyes almost begging you to cum, so she could.
fuck, she was fucking sick
and still, you wanted her to be the one under you, so she could touch your nipples, play with them until they hurted, so she could edge you, so she could spank you and kiss you, put her tongue in yours while she pounded on you.
and you could hear her moaning in your ears.
“ellie!” you were dumbfucked, couldn't think about anything else but your climax and hers, that followed yours immediately, but at the same time your boyfriend heard you and looked instinctively at the window, catching a glimpse of the brunette´s face before she picked up her pants and started running.
“what the fuck, was that creep whatching us? are you okay? you must have been like super freaked out”
you blushed, covering your breast with your hands, trying to recover from the orgasm “yeah, it was… super fucked up”
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alluringnectar · 16 days
bbf!ellie x femme reader
warnings: sweetheart!reader, gamer!ellie, praise, fingering (r! receiving), tension
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🎀 bbf!ellie who comes over every saturday to play videogames with your brother .
🎀 bff!ellie who says ‘she’s not thatttt bad’ when your brother rants about how annoying you can be .
🎀 bff!ellie who sleeps over sometimes .
🎀 bff!ellie who sneaks up at you in the middle of the night .
“shouldn’t you be asleep?” asks ellie .
“shouldn’t you?” you giggle .
🎀 bff!ellie who went to your room when your brother had fallen asleep .
you were sitting in your vanity, applying your skincare .
“you do this every night?” ellie whispers, leaning on your door way.
🎀 bff!ellie who ends up being straddled by your legs while getting a face mask done .
“can i take this off now?”
“patience, els .”
🎀 bff!ellie who got nervous after hearing the nickname you give her .
🎀 bff!ellie who takes you as a plus one along with your brother .
your brother went to go hangout and flirt with other girls .
feeling stressed, you decided to let loose a little by a couple of shots .
you’re drunk now, stumbling and hearing the clack of your heels makes ellie bring you outside .
🎀 bbf!ellie who makes sure you’re okay and puts you in the passenger seat .
“what about my brother?”
“he’ll live,” ellie coos while buckling you in .
🎀 bbf!ellie who tucks you into bed and kisses your temple
“mmmm, stay ellie”
🎀 bbf!ellie who stays in your bed, hands wrapped your waist .
🎀 bbf!ellie who wakes you up with arguments with your brother .
“why the fuck did you leave me!”
“your sister was drunk , i was worried!”
“why the hell do you care about her so much, she’s annoying as fuck anyways .”
“because i like her!”
it was silent, but your brother was no longer angry .
🎀 bbf!ellie who rings the doorbell one night .
“what are you doing here els, my brother isn’t here”
“uh, i know . i actually wanted to see you .”
your brows perk up.
“look, i really like you.”
you roll your eyes .
“took you long enough”
you press your lips against hers, twirling her own hair with your fingers .
“so are we together now?”
🎀 bbf!ellie who can’t get enough that every time she walks into your room it turns into a makeout session .
🎀 bbf!ellie who teaches you how to play video games using her own controller .
“like this?”
“no, its L3 .”
“ where the hell is L3?”
🎀 bbf!ellie who teaches your brother how to be nicer to you .
“man don’t talk to her like that !”
🎀 bbf!ellie who compliments you every time you groom yourself .
“my baby looks so beautiful .”
🎀 bbf!ellie who covers your mouth while fingering you .
“shhh- it’s okay baby you can take it .”
🎀 bbf!ellie that leaves your core warm when you see her hitting combos on her controller .
🎀 bbf!ellie when your guys make-up sessions turn into make-out sessions
🎀 bbf!ellie who’s always delicate and gentle with you .
“hey, is this okay?” as ellie rubs circles on your waist leaving kisses on your collarbone .
“yeah els keep going .”
🎀 bbf!ellie while she’s eating you out holds your legs in place for you won’t squirm around
“you can take it” she coos, putting hair behind your ear .
🎀 bbf!ellie who’s amazing at aftercare, and never leaves you once done .
🎀 bbf!ellie who loves you more than you brother .
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yourelliewillms · 2 months
touchy ellie nsfw !!
minors and men dni
i just think ellie would be SO touchy all the time. she'd love to move her hands all over your body and touch every single inch of your skin specially at night.
after taking your clothes off and leaving you only on your underwear, she'd start moving her hands desperately caressing your naked skin in a sensual way.
her shiny green eyes locked with yours, checking your body every now and then just to see how your chest starts going up and down faster with every passing second.
her hands wouldn't stay in a single spot of your skin for more than a second, but sometimes she can't help spending more time taking special care of the flesh of your chest, digging her nails in your breasts mercilessly.
you on the other hand, would be fighting the impulse of squirming under her touch. just the sight of her gaze focused on your body would be enough to turn you on and make you want more of her.
and when she notices you're getting too worked up, she'd place sloppy kisses on your abdomen sending chills down your spine. a string of saliva connects her lips with your tummy and you would become a mess under her touch.
ellie would stare at you in silence, paying attention to every facil expression and sound you make and she'd pretend to be nonchalant and ask "what's wrong, babe?" when a whimper leaves your mouth.
omgg this isn't the smut i was originally writing first but i decided to post this one bc is "calmer" 😭 i'm still embarrassed to post this idk why !!!
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andreaheartscats · 1 month
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Ellie Williams headcanons
just fluff, no smut plus a little angst
->She lets you trace over her freckles, like on her cheeks, her back/shoulders. (🤭) And you even count them sometimes.
->She loves loves LOOOOOOVES when you do her hair, she enjoys your fingers going through her hair.
Smoke shesh! That turn out into eaither making out, deep talk or laughing your asses off!
->She always has her hands on you AT ALL TIMES. that girl is cliiiiingy as hell. Her hand is eaither around your shoulder, on your thigh, your waist or just holding your hand in general :)
->She loves rubbing her thumb on your hand while holding it, its just comforting to her.
-> while sleeping she loves to cuddle up to you, even when its SOOO hot she just lays on top of you and sleeps like that while youre BOILING. but its fine! :)
-> when shes sleepy she is all cuddly! but when shes wide awake its a whooole diffrent perosn were talking about!
-> enjoys spending time with you, no matter what is it. Watching TV, playing games, sleeping, literally just laying and doing nothing! she just loves it all cause youre with her!^^
-> despite all of this she still puts up the tough girl act but you know behind all that is a girl that loves deeply and truthfully!
-> she hardly talks about how she feels and bottles it up untill she bursts into tears in your arms while youre comforting her
-> she also comforts you back! even tho she isnt that good with emotions she will hold you in her arms untill you feel better, and she will get you ANYTHING absolutely ANYTHING you need in that moment!
-> if you love flowers she would pick random flowers/ roses she finds and give them to you.. obviusly she would get in some trouble cause she stole roses from someones garden BUT HEY! anything for you!
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mrsquill · 11 months
Whatever you do, please do not think about Joel & Sarah humming along to Fleetwood Mac’s Sara together in his truck as they drive home on a sleepy Sunday evening in the sunset ! DO NOT! Especially Joel softly singing the last few lines to Sarah as she falls asleep on his arm next to him and his heart is bursting with love! PLEASE! Do NOT!
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elliesmainhoe · 18 days
I'm honor of pride month and the first month of summer- I present to you a fic event I'm doing:
if the prompt is in ORANGE, the character is Ellie Williams.
If the prompt is PINK, the character is Abby Anderson.
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"sundress season" smut
"super graphic ultra modern girl" suggestive
"sappho" fluff
"rescue remedy" hurt/comfort
"hay-fever" humour, sickfic, fluff
"I love you, no matter what" platonic, comfort
"morning after" suggestive, fluff
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
"red wine supernova" suggestive
"sprayed on my heart" fluff
"fear for the future" reverse comfort
"I wish you were a boy" angst
"feminomenon" smut
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
"paper rings" fluff
"lover" fluff
"false God" smut
"the bolter" angst, fluff
"I look in people's windows" fluff
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
no upload because unfortunately I have a life 😔
"good luck babe!" angst
"HOT TO GO" meet cute, fluff, suggestive
"carnival games" fluff
"cookie cutters" fluff
"guilty as sin" angst, smut
"I'm here for the drummer" fluff, suggestive
"THE DINER" hot to go PART2, smut.
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seraphicsentences · 26 days
HEY! i knwo your on a break but just incase your bored could you write reader sending spicy texts2 streamer!ellie while shes on like a boss level, and then after ‘raging’ at reader for making her lose, she comes back as if the chat isnt questioning the sounds coming from the other room (silly girl forgot to mute)
hi. tumblr j deleted all my edits to this. i’m rage quitting and j posting this version i banged out in the span of 15 minutes 😀 anyways.
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FUCK i’m sorry i know this took fucking forever and now i’m delivering mediocrity. loved this req either way this was smf to write. hope you enjoy sweet girl ;)
me when i disappear for a month and come back only to deliver pure dog shit. 🤪🤪
it was a late friday night, which meant ellie was streaming in her room, and you were supposed to be studying.
this week ellie was hosting a special in celebration of hitting 10k subscribers, and was grinding away to finally defeat Resident Evil’s final boss.
you could hear the chat dinging away with message after message, no doubt blasting ellie with compliments on her play, and the occasional comment thirsting over her hands or whatnot. it was nothing new— you’d seen the countless edits of her on your own social media page, and even had a folder of your own favorites saved away on a burner account.
“let me suck your fing- WHAT?! that is a crazy thing to say,” you could hear ellie’s shocked voice. “either way, chat, i’m married…”
“where’s my ring? UP YOUR ASS. c’mon, leave me be, guys,” ellie jokingly whined, bantering with her obsessive fanbase.
you held back a smile of your own, hand pressed to your mouth as she continued to scold the chat for their outrageously filthy messages. what a dork.
“alright alright, im muting the chat. love you guys but i gotta focus now! this is serious shit and i’m low on ammo now, hah-ha,” ellie spoke to the screen, words slightly muffled through the thin wall.
in the living room papers lay strewn across the floor, couch littered with eraser shavings and crumpled post-it notes, yourself splayed atop it all.
studying was a long-forgotten task you abandoned to instead sweep lazily through your camera roll, attempting to clear up some much needed storage.
you stopped abruptly at the thumbnail of an old video, in which depicted a downright sinful image of ellie’s bared neck for you as she arched back in pleasure.
you quite literally salivated at the veins that adorned her sweat-glistened skin, naked chest that was just covered by the play button in the center, goading you to click it.
quiet sounds of ellie’s desperate moans picked up, her head coming up look just above the camera and deliver the most pathetically fucked-out look.
“ple-ease can i cum, mommy?” she whined, voice breaking with every thrust of your fingers, wet squelching in the background a sign of her neediness.
“let me hear you, baby,” you heard yourself coo through the screen, the video becoming shaky as you picked up your pace— before suddenly ending on accident right as ellie let out a strangled whimper.
you met it with one of your own, frustrated with being left on an unfinished high, the throbbing at your core impossible to ignore.
your thighs shifted against one another, wetness pooling in your underwear as you replayed ellie’s final sound in your head over and over again.
your trance was broken by the sound of a frustrated groan coming from behind ellie’s door.
“fuck, i got it this time, i got it, swear,” she cursed as the game’s recognizable ‘revive’ audio cue played.
she could just do this again next week, right?
without a second longer of thinking, you quickly screen-shotted a clear frame from the video, shooting it ellie’s way and sending a quick text to follow.
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ellie choked on her own spit as she clicked the blur away. cough- “fuck-“ wheeze- “shit-“ hack- “sorry, guys, j choked on my own saliva.”
what the fuck? what games were you trying to play?
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you groaned, hearing the firing of guns continue on alongside ellie’s commentary.
sliding your panties aside, you spread your legs to display the mess between them, snapping a quick picture.
you shot back another text.
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“just one more hit, one more one more one m- i- fuck,” you hear ellie stutter. “oh fuck, yep… and i’m dead, ‘kay, sorry guys just give me like 5 i’ll be back. gotta take care of something.”
you heard the slam of her headphones hitting the table and a screech of her chair sliding back against the hardwood floors.
the door swung open, the look in ellie’s eyes making your heart race with anticipation.
“hey els, good game?” you asked innocently from your position on the couch, legs crossed with your arm resting over the back.
“good game? yeah, great game actually,” she replies sarcastically, sauntering her way over to you. “you didn’t happen to need something, did you?” she asks, hopping onto the couch and quirking an eyebrow up.
“me? no…” you trail off as she leans in to brush a kiss across your lips.
“no?” she tucks your hair aside, before leaning in to whisper, “you mind spreading those pretty legs for me then, baby? i just want a look.”
“els,” you whine, attempting to catch her mouth in a kiss.
she avoids it, dipping down instead to rasp words against your racing pulse, “show me.”
you uncross your legs slowly, a damp patch darkening the very center of your shorts.
ellie grabs the leg closest to her, swiveling your body in one swift move to face her direction, placing that leg over the back of the couch as she runs her other hand up your opposing leg.
“fuck, els, i need you,” you say breathlessly, hips bucking into the air.
“let’s get these off,” she replies with a squeeze, tugging at your waistband. “wanna tell me what’s got you texting me like a slut in the middle of my stream? was it the video? my video?”
she dips her thumb into your leaking hole, swiping your arousal up in a messy circle over your aching clit.
“ah- shit! yes, fuck, y’sounded s-so pretty in it, els,” you moaned, nerves overly sensitive from the wait. “please,” you cried out, unsure of what exactly you were begging for, but you needed more.
“so fuckin’ needy,” ellie laughs under her breath, relishing in the loud groan that escapes your lips when she replaces her hand with her mouth, tongue flicking rhythmically against your swollen clit to draw out more of those pretty sounds.
“oh-oh, god, right there, so good- mmph,” you rock your hips up, hand scrambling to tug ellie’s mouth even closer to you, if possible.
mmhm she moans into your pussy, the vibrations making you jerk up as your legs clamp tightly around her head. ellie’s hands dash up immediately to shove them apart, pressing them wide open with an iron grip as she practically growls, “you asked for this. so fucking take it.”
two of her fingers slide easily into you with the next pull on your clit, and you’re arching up in a manner almost identical to ellie’s in the video, whining nonsensically.
“you’re dripping, baby,” ellie tuts, “just couldn’t wait for me, huh?”
she continues to pump her fingers deep into you, curling them on every outstroke to slide against the spot that makes you see stars.
“c’mon, cum all over my fingers,” she teases, whispering sweet praises between kitten licks to your sensitive clit.
with your head thrown back, you couldn’t help but moan her name like a fucking prayer as your walls started to tighten, legs trembling under her grasp as she worked you through your high.
“that’s it, soak my fucking fingers.”
iluvgirls_moms: THAT WAS 1000% A MOAN
elliesleftarm33: guys what the fuck is happening 😀 ellie babes, i think you forgot to mute.
ewilliamsismy_wife: did anyone else j hear ellie’s name. are the voices getting to me?
elliewsjizzfr6996: how to be ellie’s gf no glue no borax? 🥲🥲
yeahhh… looks like ellie owes her subscribers a real big 10k special next week. and an apology.
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actual-changeling · 1 year
the mental image of Sarah and Ellie in complete silence, both staring at the ceiling, while starfished on their kitchen floor in the middle of the night + poor Joel finding them and being like !!!!!?????? what on god's green EARTH are you two doing knfjshsfjsfs so funny. I love these hcs so much and I love love love big sister Sarah <3 I think she'd be the biggest Ellie chaos enabler (second maybe to Tommy). can you imagine how much STRESS these three would make Joel experience... poor guy honestly
Oh for sure, Tommy is the best at subtly encouraging chaos.
I think Ellie would definitely make Tommy mature a lot because he realizes that two kids are a lot to handle and he doesn't want Sarah to ever feel like she somehow has to raise her little sister. So he'd learn responsibility and they'd be a happy little family in the best way imaginable with Joel less stressed (though lets be honest he stresses himself with all that anxiety) and Ellie and Sarah growing up loved and cared for like they deserve <3
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buckleysbitch · 1 month
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summary - loser!roommate!ellie gets you a special new toy.
warnings - smut (duh), use of vibrator, very very light degradation
authors note - this has been sitting in my drafts for like two months 😭 anyways!! requests are open!
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loser!roommate!ellie who is obsessed with toys. and i mean obsessed.
new packages are always on your doorstep from some sketchy ass website, triple wrapped with duct tape. curiously, you peer over her shoulder while she flips out her pocket knife and digs it into the box, breaking the seal with ease.
"what is it, els?" you ponder, brushing your hand over her shoulder sensually.
"shh. you'll see..." she nearly whispers, plucking the small, purple toy out of the box. thighs rubbing together in anticipation, you tilt your head at the oddly shaped item, as ellie smirks at you.
“so this….is a phone controlled vibrator."
“els…..” you mewl out, reaching your fourth orgasm of the night. the knot in your stomach pulsed, the aching becoming unbearable, vision going fuzzy.
“hold it.” she answers nonchalantly, not even bothering to look up from her phone to see the pathetic mess you’ve made before her. scrolling just to flip back to the app for a moment to turn the vibrator up to an agonizing high, pretending to wipe her mouth to cover her shit eating smirk.
“this was just to test it out….i’m supposed to take you out when you can barely behave yourself here?” she chuckles, her fingers drumming against her thigh.
the moans you were suppressing were absolutely sinful to keep to yourself, though ellie urged you to be quiet. just to make things interesting, you let out a pornographic whine, throwing your head back in pleasure. the room goes quiet for a moment, besides the trill of the tv.
“mm…..” ellie hums out, running her fingers through her auburn locks, gesturing her head towards the tv. “js’ watch your show, princess.”
suddenly, the steady, reliable trill of the toy began to pulse erratically against your puffy, throbbing clit, your back arching into it involuntarily. chanting her name like a prayer, your high is approaching quickly, guttural whines finally escaping the confines of your throat.
“thought you were better than that angel….” ellie tuts, taunting you as she strips of her boxers, her favorite light blue strap sitting snugly on her hips.
pt. 2….? this was supposed to just be a drabble but i got carried away oops!
join my taglist!
@ellies2missingfingers @ellieslob @elliewilliamsloverrrrrrr
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