#;; but if you don't like it i can redo it with them just bumping into each other!! your call!
hazbinsinners · 4 months
angel was way too fucked up to be here. but he was having fun. or . . . he thinks he is.
--- he's sort of having a relapse. maybe. who knows! he ran outta the hotel again -- turns out that he almost relied on work as a way to take a break from that redemptionfest, and as much as he hated work at the time, it was at least good for that -- and this time, it seems no one is saving him. that's fine. he can handle himself.
there was a drag show happening, so really, it could've been worse. if it was just an open club, he'd probably be a lot worse off. but all he's doing now is drunkely cheering on queens who look fucking phenomenal.
yeah, he's gotten felt up by a couple douchebags already, but that's just his every day life. he's almost debating taking one and going to some dark corner just to pass the time. he doesn't wanna go back to the hotel yet.
and then he catches a glimpse of someone . . . all too familiar. his chest seizes with that familiar anxiety, until he remembers how they parted ways last time. his heart is still squeezed with nerves, but now he's . . . confused. are they . . . friends? or . . . ?
he settles on grimacing and leaning against the railing that surrounds the stage, ducking his head in a hopeful attempt to not be seen, but he's fairly certain he made eye contact with val. fuck. val doesn't need to see him being a fuckin' mess. what if he decides to ditch him?
and why is he so afraid of that? it's all he ever wanted, once. now, he almost . . . misses him. the thought makes him sick. val is still his abuser, past or present. he shouldn't miss him.
but val wasn't . . . cruel last time. in fact, it was . . . nice. he'd debated going to his tower tonight and it had brought him here. seemed fate had a sense of humor.
( closed || @mothvalentino )
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woso-dreamzzz · 13 days
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: It was an accident
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"Sorry," Jessie says again," I mean it. I really am."
"I know, Jess."
"I didn't mean for it to happen, honestly!"
"I know, Jess."
"I don't deserve forgiveness."
"It's not that bad, Jess. Barely even an injury."
Jessie looks at you incredulously, brows raised to her hairline.
You're sitting in a hospital bed. Your face is covered in scratches and bruises and your arm is firmly stuck in a cast. Your shirt is torn up from your tumble, ripped in random places and you're pretty sure your legs were only spared because you were wearing your heavy-duty jeans.
Jessie was new on the team but not new to you.
You'd transferred from your childhood team Manchester City just last year to the Portland Thorns for more game time. Jessie had been your long-term girlfriend for a while back then and when she'd moved to the Thorns a few months ago, you'd been ecstatic.
You just wish you'd had the hindsight to tell her to stay away from your skateboards.
"I feel awful," Jessie continues," Does it hurt bad? Do you need the doctor again?"
"Jessie," You say," They're just getting the discharge paperwork. Please don't make them keep me here longer than needed."
Jessie bites her lip, like she always does when she's feeling nervous.
It had been an accident on her part.
You had been out with Jessie on a date with your skateboard and was standing on it at the top of a set of steps, contemplating going down the railings.
Only Jessie had been bumped into by someone in the crowd and had then bumped into you, sending you careening down the stairs.
"I guess I'm stuck in the stands for a bit," You joke, laughing slightly before stopping when you see her face.
Jessie looks distraught over the whole thing, halfway to tears at your bedside.
"Jessie, babe," You say," Come here."
You pat the portion of bed beside you and Jessie shakes her head.
"No," She says," No, I hurt you."
"It was an accident. it wasn't even your fault. You got barged into first."
"But you get hurt. I broke your arm."
"Technically, the stairs broke my arm."
"And your face-"
"It'll heal."
"Stop making excuses! You're hurt and you can't play!"
You grin at her dopily. "Some things are more important than playing."
Jessie nods along seriously. "Healing, you're right."
A little bark of laughter bubbles out of your throat. "I was going to say watching you play but trust you to think about my health."
"Well, one of us has to care! You're being very blasé about this!"
"Jessie, come here."
"Jess, please?"
She shuffles onto the bed with you and you throw your arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer into you until there's barely a gap between you.
"I'll be fine," You tell her, staring into her eyes," It was a clean break. No surgery. Just a cast. I'll be fine in a few months. It wasn't your fault. I won't hear you saying otherwise."
"No, Jess. It was just a horrible accident. That's it."
You're not usually this firm with her but Jessie, your sweet girlfriend was spiralling like always and you were adamant about her not shouldering the blame herself.
"I didn't mean to," She says, eyes wet with unshed tears and you tuck her head into your neck.
"I know, Jess, I know. It's okay. Just a freak accident. I shouldn't have been on my board in the first place."
Jessie's short hiccupping laughter fills your ears. "No, you shouldn't have. We need to throw them away when we get home."
"Would that help you sleep better?"
She nods.
"Alright. Can we sell them though? Because, you know, some of them are worth enough to make serious money. We can redo the kitchen."
You can feel Jessie smile into your neck. "Only if we promise we can have a breakfast bar."
"Breakfast bar and a reading nook," You agree," But I've got to be allowed to keep one board."
"Not the one from today."
You kiss the top of her head. "No, not the one from today."
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
What I the brothers hands would look like
His hands are in pretty good condition but they are always covered by his gloves
Long but chonky fingers, his fingers are thick and strong but they are quite long aswell
He keeps his nails in Prestine condition, having Asmo redo his nails if the paint chips
He keeps his nails short because of the gloves, but i like to think he picks them if he's stressed so that's another reason to wear gloves, making sure he cant ruin the skin around his nails
The top of his hand looks very pretty but his palm is rough, calloused, and scared.
His right hand having that little bump on his fingers from where he rests his pen
Has hands mixed between average and rough
His hands are second to asmo's, he needs to keep his hands in good condition because he is a model
Lanky fingers littered in rings, not only do they look nice but they are quite good for pick pocketing
His nails are quite nice most of the time but after a night out or a night working for some extra cash, his nail polish does get chipped and scuffed
Hear me out, he accidently burnt off his finger prints in a hot pan one time while trying to get into a safe, not knowing it was a temperature not even demons can handle. Got smooth fingertips now
Got a few scars on his thumb and index fingers, covers them up with rings sometimes
Has soft hands
This man has vainy, Lanky hands, you cannot tell me otherwise
His fingers are extremely fast because he plays alot of rhythm games and games that require quick reaction time
His nail varnish gets chipped alot because he chews on them when he watches anime or watches game cutscenes
I like to think that he gets ruri~chan nail stickers and decorates his nails with them, much to Asmo's annoyance after finishing his nails
He likes to wear bracelets that complement his nails, alot of anime themed bracelets to match his nail stickers
I just know this mans palms are clammy and sweaty
Sorry Satan stans but I do think this man has average hands, fingers just a little over average length
His hands are scared from when he first came down to devildom, when his wrath was extremely explosive and impulsive. The scars are faded alot not but you can still see them faintly
I like to think his nails are in alright shape, he lets asmo redo them after a while as they gossip over it
His palms are alittle rough after resting them against the books he reads and his fingers are rough after the scars left deep marks. He uses hand cream to make them softer
He has the nicest hands and nails out of his brothers
He has lovely long fingers that he sometimes decorates in rings, his nails are always nice and his hands are always soft
his knuckles and finger joints have natural blush and he is proud of it, he sees people on devil gram do tuts about how to get that with makeup and he will just respond with "Wait, people don't have it naturally?"
He always has different nail shapes when the trends change and go but his nails are always healthy. He prefers press on nails over acrylic, he doesn't like it when his nails are frail and weak after getting the acrylics off
His hands are the softest out of the brothers
He's got the hardest hands out of his brothers due to all of the work outs he does
He has large hands and thick fingers, his fingers are long and his nails are quite scuffed
His hands are quite scared and are pretty huge, he can fit a entire coke can in the palm
Chews on his nails subconsciously sometimes when he gets hungry, much to asmo's annoyance
His fingers and palms are really rough and calloused because of how much he uses them
He's got long, bony, and vainy hands. They haven't seen the sun in years so they are really pale aswell
I think his nails are the most unkept out of all of the brothers, they get quite long because he sleeps alot of the time
Has scars on his wrist from where you scratched him and dug your fingers into him from when, you know, when he killed you. He thinks about those scars alot
He would be sleeping and asmo would just come up and fix his nails for him, shaping them down for him and painting them in a nice colour
His hands are actually extremely soft
This was sitting in my drafts for a while and I felt bad about the last post so here you guys are, I hope you guys enjoy<3
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ddejavvu · 1 year
reader being shy about her period even though she’s been with hotch for while and doesn’t want to talk about it with him, but he’s straightforward about it, knows reader is shy but they’re both adults! so he draws her a bath (and maybe joins her?) and takes care of her whether she likes it or not lol
basically something fluffy 🥺
Drawing your bath is something you do every single night, but tonight it feels different, weird. It's probably the looming threat of Aaron shuffling around in the bedroom, and you're not even halfway through working up viable excuses when he asks the dreaded question.
"Can I join you?"
He's already undoing his pants before giving you the chance to answer. You never say no, the question is more of a formality at this point. But this time you shake your head, turning around to face him head-on.
"Uh, actually, Aaron, I think I want to take this one alone."
He freezes with his hand down his pants. Apparently untucking his shirt leaves him in a position that makes him look like a depraved teenager.
"Okay," He nods, redoing his zipper, clearly taken-aback, "Is there any reason why?"
"My head hurts. I just- I kind of want to be alone."
His face drops sympathetically, and he nods along, already reaching into the cabinet for the advil, "I'm sorry, honey. Here, take some, and when you're out I'll run interference with Jack so that you can go and lay down."
The way he handles it makes you feel bad for lying to him, but you bite the bullet and take the medicine anyways. It won't do anything, and the worst it will do is give you a headache. Then at least you won't be a liar.
"Thanks, Aaron," You murmur, bumping your face into his chest in a low-effort hug that holds more sincerity than it seems to, "I love you."
"I love you, too." He hums, kissing the crown of your head. He makes for the bedroom again, about to leave you to bathe in peace, but he doubles back, "Oh, and just so you know, I saw you were running low on pads, so I picked some up on my way home from work, but they're in that cabinet."
He points beneath the sink and your stomach drops, "I know you usually keep them in your purse, but Jack wanted gum this morning and I saw you didn't have many left, so I just stocked them here. You can move them, it doesn't matter to me, I just wanted you to know where they were."
He barely glances up at you after he's done, but the momentary gaze is enough to see that you're frozen. He stills in the doorway, "Honey? Are you okay?"
"You bought me pads?" The question feels embarrassing, heating your cheeks and burning your belly.
"I made sure they were the same kind," His brows furrow, "Is that.. okay?"
"It's-" You stammer, lip quivering slightly, "It's fine, it's- great! It's too good, Aaron," Tears well in your eyes, "You're too good to me."
"Honey," He croons, rushing to catch you in a hug, "That's- buying pads is not 'too good for you'. You need them, it's just the same as when I make you dinner or drive you to work."
"Those are all great," You gush, staining his dark green polo with your tears, "You're the perfect man."
You don't need to feel his cheeks to know they're on fire, and he chuckles sheepishly, rubbing up and down your back, "I think that's debatable, you can ask a few higher-ups at the office."
"Well you've never bought Erin Strauss pads before, have you?" You sniffle, two damp blotches on his shirt left behind even after you pick your head up out of his chest.
"No," He grins, shaking his head, "No, but one year I bought her a #1 boss mug."
"#1 bitch," You mumble, turning away so he can't see your smirk as he laughs, "Oh, and Aaron?"
"You can get in, if you want." You offer, still residually hesitant, "I just- I don't really have a headache. I didn't want you to know about.."
"Your period." He finishes for you, voice strong and sure of himself, "Alright. Lemme just set Jack up with a movie, then I'll be back."
You take the time he's gone to peek under the bathroom sink, and sure enough, two large packages of your go-to menstrual pads sit beneath a pipe. They're lined up neatly beside his shaving kit, and you marvel at the domesticity they radiate together. You pluck one from the package, fresh and light pink. The wrapper crinkles as you set it on the counter beside your fresh underwear, and a wave of comfort washes over you. This is your house, and you're allowed to live in it.
Comfort steps aside for amusement, though, when you picture Aaron striding into a corner store in his suit and tie, picking up two packages of pink pads, and handing them over to the teenage cashier.
"What's so funny?' He peels off his shirt with ease now that it's no longer tucked into his pants, discarding it on the floor.
"Nothing," You insist, a smile still lingering on your lips, "I bet the 15-year old checker was fun to talk to."
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Hey Lover- Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
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Based on a request:
Hihoooo!! Me again :3 not here for smut this time. It's my sad girl hours... Again. Soap picking up the broken pieces of Graves' ex who is completely broken from Graves cheating and dumping her cuz "The girl I'm with is better for me." I just want someone to fix me asap like seriously
F!reader, fluff, civilian!reader
Philip Graves, the man who ruined your very soul. You loved him, saw him as the most perfect man in this world. In one moment it all changed, he cheated, and told you a lie that you of course believed. In November, after you and him ended things he was on a mission. Met a man nicknamed Soap, and they talked about their lives, becoming close friends. At some point, he talks about you, and talks about you, Soap didn't know names or faces.
In March, you met him, you were at a dinner with friends when you just couldn't take the loud crowds anymore. You walk outside and bump into him. "Shit, sorry," you say, already feeling overwhelmed. "No, I should apologise, I didn't see where I was going." His Scottish accent was rough.
"I didn't either." You look at him. You both chuckle and he extends his hand, "John, friends call me Johnny" You shake his hand, "R/N," you smile a little. No man will ever love you. His words ring through.
"Nice to meet you, R/N."
"Nice to meet you too, John.."
"Johnny to you.." he winks and you nod, "Johnny." you softly say.
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. "So, are you...single? It's not like you look like the kind to be...I'm not calling you... Anything rude, you are just so..pretty and I keep on talking... Why don't I just give you my whole life story while I keep rambling." he spoke fast and you chuckled. He was so adorable this way, how nervous he was because of you. The first time he was ever this way with a woman. He took a deep breath and looked at you, "can I get a redo so you think I'm much cooler than I appear right now?" eyes pleading for just a second chance.
"um...yes...I mean I think you already did such a good job but sure"
"Hi, I'm Johnny and I'd like to take you out somewhere someday if you let me that is."
Graves was like this in the beginning, so sweet and such a gentleman and of course things changed. It was so hard to trust men like him and now here you were, thinking that maybe history repeats itself and this man in front of you would do what Graves did.
After that night, Soap started to prove he meant what he said on the first date. You opened up about an ex when noticed how hesitant you were with him. "Sounds fuckin' stupid but believe me, I will prove you wrong, I am better. Can you give me a chance?"
Since then he and you have created some rules and boundaries. (bold are rules made by him)
If he knows you are uncomfortable, he will apologise or not mention it and move on
You must accept all the flowers he gives you
You can say no to everything and he will not pry or do anything forcefully (unless you haven't eaten which will result in him trying to feed you)
If you think he is talking to some other girls (romantically), you can and will stop all communication with him
You can take all his hoodies and even shirts as long as he can get a kiss on the cheek as payment
No more talking about exes or situation-ships
If you are insecure about anything, body, actions or emotions, he wants you to be open about them, and never leave anything unsaid
Never argue and go to sleep, talk it out.
Goodbye kisses before missions are a must
For months on end, he has followed all the rules and boundaries you have set for yourself. Even if he needs a hug you aren't currently comfortable with, he will wait and never complain. One night, you saw graves with some new girl by his side. He was kissing her, and he saw you and Soap. But before you could even think clearly, Soap wrapped his arms around you. Kissing your cheek and whispering sweet nothings.
One night, your insecurities got the best of you, you had been trying to wear some dress for an event. Back then, Graves would've made some comment that would make you stay indoors for quite some time. "You look ridiculous, too much for what? take it off, you look hideous anyways."
"You look so beautiful," his voice soft, eyes glued to your dress then your face. "Seriously, the most gorgeous girl in this world and I get to be in your presence? What a lucky fucker I am." Arms wrapped around your waist, he and you looking at the mirror. "You really take my breath away, R/N." He kissed your cheek. Mesmerised is what you had this man at. He truly worships the ground you walk on. His personal goddess, if he could, he'd built you, your own Taj Mahal. You can see the love in his eyes, one look at you and you melt him away.
Two days into the relationship, he got on his knees in front of you. You sat on the sofa, looking down at him, confused. "What are you doing?"
"One, I'm taking your shoes off, two, I think you look ravishing in this light I just needed more angles to look from." You smile and look away. The first time he had complimented you this way.
Slowly, he sat patiently and watched as you healed. He saw how you found a new meaning in life. Life brought back to your beautiful eyes, a smile that was no longer hidden. Graves past comments about your body, laugh, ideas, smile, and dreams were all erased one by one, all possible because he gave you space and time to heal. The days where you cried over how easily he loved you and accepted all of you were the days he was the most proud, not because of your tears but because you were learning you are indeed loveable and worthy of much more. Nights and days where he sat on your bed as you bawled your eyes out, the many mornings he woke up to your smile, evenings where you'd get random bursts of energy, those are the times he loves you the most.
Soap has been in love the minute he saw you, and took time to realise he was not just any passing star but rather the man you are walking the aisle to. He scrubbed you clean and clothed you with silk clothes. Kiss your scars, and bad memories and create better ones. New love and old ones all came together to create the perfect time you and him would fall in love.
Tags: @anonymuslydumb
A/N: Really hope you like it :)
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sebastiansluts · 2 years
Reader and Bucky are enemies with benefits,, and she gets pregnant but refuses to tell Bucky. Somehow he finds out and decides to help her. Feelings come up. I hope you write on this one 😅
I'm not sure if this is what you meant- if it's not let me know and I can redo it!
Bucky Barnes x Reader; discovering pregnancy, oral sex f receiving
You stared at the little red plus sign in shock. It couldn't be real, it had to be a mistake. There was no way you were...pregnant. Because there was only one person it could be, and there was no way it was- You refused to let yourself think his name, getting up and throwing the damn test in the trash.
You stormed out of the the restroom, banging into someone and cursing.
"Fuck! Sorry, I just- oh, It's you," you scoffed, rolling your eyes at the last person you wanted to see right now.
Barnes' lip curled as he sneered down at you. "Pathetic," he muttered, making you reach out and punch him in the gut as your cunt clenched. He wheezed, clutching his stomach as you strode past him.
Your mind was whirling, going a hundred miles an hour in twenty different directions. In short, you were spiraling. You weren't even sure where you were going, you just couldn't stop moving.
You found yourself in the gym alone, pacing back and forth on the empty track. You heard someone cough you turned to glare at whoever was daring to disturb your breakdown.
"God, Barnes, get out here!" you yelled, turning your back on him and running down the track. Barnes chased after you, keeping pace easily, not tiring though you quickly lost your burst of adrenaline.
You collapsed, making sure to land on your knees first, mindful of your stomach, but you heard Barnes yell out, "Careful!"
You rolled over onto your back and stared up at him. "Why do I need to be careful Barnes?"
"Is it mine?" he asked quietly, ignoring your flinch when he reached down, helping you up. He started backing you up until you bumped into the wall. "Is the baby mine?"
"You're the only- I mean, yes, it's yours," you replied, glaring off into the distance, tongue in your cheek.
Barnes' hand came up and grabbed your chin, turning you to face him, your body rigid under him. "You're the only one for me too, doll," he said softly, before pressing his lips to yours hard.
"Bucky," you gasped, when you tore away, needing air. Barnes- Bucky groaned loudly, lips returning to yours with a gentle ferocity you instantly craved more of. His hands were on your body, one on your neck, supporting you as he devoured you. The other was roving around; stroking your stomach, squeezing your ass, cupping your cunt.
"Sweetheart, lemme take you home, for real, for good. Lemme take care of you, help you, whatever you decide. I want to be there. Lemme love you baby," he murmured, kissing down your ear and neck.
You shuddered, a moan slipping out of your clenched teeth. "Bucky do you really mean it? Come on, this is ridiculous, we hate each other," you scoffed.
Bucky pulled back, ignoring your whine as he stared down at you. "Hate and love are two sides of the same coin doll. Can't have one without the other, they're practically the same thing- passion. We have passion baby and there's nothing better than that."
Bucky reached down, hands around grabbing your thighs and pulling and lifting until you were in his arms, real one barely straining with the help of the metal one. He carried you into the locker room, straddling the thick bench and laying you back on it. He leaned over you, pressing kisses to your stomach, lifting your shirt and caressing your bare skin.
You flushed as he lowered your pants and underwear, pulling them off carefully. You felt cared for, and you were embarrassed to find tears in your eyes. You put an arm over your face, hiding from Bucky, but he just patiently rubbed your thighs, waiting until you were comfortable enough to move your arm.
"Better doll?" he asked softly.
"Mhmm," you replied. "You can keep going if you want."
Bucky winked at you, ducking down and pressing another quick kiss to your stomach before kissing lower, on your mound, and lower still. He started licking gently, not forcing his way in, but easing through, slicking his tongue up with saliva and gliding through. You were squirming, feeling wetter than ever, Bucky wiggling his tongue around your clit.
He ate you out quickly, knowing someone could walk in at any minute. He sucked at your clit, two fingers pressing into your cunt, curling and stroking at your walls as you clenched.
You came easily, back lifting off the bench as you moaned, hands tangled in Bucky's hair. You released him, arms hanging off to the sides. Bucky sat up slowly, licking his lips. He leaned over and picked up your pants and underwear, slowly pulling them up your legs and zipping them. You lifted your arms slowly, grabbing his hands when he held them out, letting Bucky pull you up until you were sitting in front of him.
"I'm all in doll, I'm ready."
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stargazedwinchester · 4 months
Telephone | Sam Winchester #01
I actually wrote this 4 (yes 4) years ago, but I've been thinking about redoing it a little bit and republishing it, hopefully its a little better and everyone enjoys it!
I also have this on Wattpad, link here
Part 2 here
Your local library was quiet, yet soft, mumbled words came from all directions at any given time. It was a good quiet, though. So comfortable and calming. You browsed the fiction area looking for information on witches, their spells and origin. Your parents were outlining a mammoth-sized hunt at a rather large cabin in the deep forests of Connecticut.
You were new to this whole thing, but your parents had been hunting their whole lives, they knew letting you grow up in a world where you won't know whether your parents will come back from "work" alive or not was no life to live. As they were careful, they had many hunter friends who would go with one of your parents on a hunt, while the other can look after you without leaving you alone. At the age of 13, your parents asked you if you wanted to join them on your first hunt in Nashville. Of course, you agreed.
You found a witch mythology book in the fiction category, you slid it out of its slot, and managed to pick it up with one hand. You tossed the book a little higher so you could reach your right arm underneath it. It was a heavy book, almost the size of A3 paper. The spine of the book had silver embedded leaves, almost vine-like crawling up the side. The front held a cauldron with three witches gathering around it, the background a deep, crimson velvet red. The title read 'Witch Mythology: Spellbinds and Myths'. You were so captivated by the intricate detail of the book, when at the last minute, you noticed someone on the right, searching for a book. You jump and step back.
"Sorry. I almost bumped into you." You apologise, still remaining quiet. The guy turns around to face you, his grey, almost blue eyes glance into yours. He smiles and looks down at the floor, before returning his eyes back to yours. "It's okay, don't worry." He gives a reassuring smirk, and you smile back. "What are you looking for? I practically live here, so I know where everything is." You chuckle, attempting to not sound too nerdy, but it's true. You spent a lot of your free time here while your parents went away for a weekend or whenever you were bored. He purses his lips together and furrows his brows. "Something about demons, like demonic possession." He struggles to find his words, as if he's confused himself. You slide your book and balance it on one arm, while pointing at the shelf. "Right there." You say, and he nods. "Ah." He chuckles again, picking up the book. "Thank you. It's exactly what I was looking for." He says, scanning the book that you carried. "What's that you got there?"
"A book on witch mythology," You start, frantically trying to think of an excuse to not sound like you're either a weirdo, or a hunter. "It's for my history class I'm taking. It's a weird subject but I don't know, it kinda sounds interesting." You say, focusing your gaze upon his. "History? Where are you studying?" He questions, moving his stance onto his left leg. "Wichita State. Are you studying there too?" You ask him, and he shakes his head. "No, I'm at Stanford. I'm back here in Lawrence to visit family." He says, slowly walking backwards, ushering you to follow, and you comply.
You both sat down at a desk, opposite the bookshelves you were just chatting at. You scoot yourself into the desk, and feel yourself glancing at this tall, strange man as he does the same. "What's your name? I feel bad for not asking." He asks you, and you tell him. "Just Naomi?" he examines your face, as if to find an answer. "Naomi Grace Greaves." You tell him, and he smiles. "Well, nice to meet you Naomi Grace Greaves. I'm Sam William Winchester."
Some time passes and you both agree to talk outside of the library, the main reason of this was due to the librarian having to get up out of her seat every 5 minutes to hush you both and point to the "NO TALKING" sign glued onto the bookshelf. You both go to the reception and apologise, while also getting the book stamped for return in 4 weeks’ time.
You both exited the library walking next to each other, crossing the road and planted yourselves onto a picnic table where you both could talk freely and as loud as you like. Sam is across from you, wearing a light blue flannel button-up with orange accents, with a white t-shirt underneath. 'The colours matched him well, you thought. It allowed his naturally tanned skin to show against the bright white, also bringing out the relucent Olympic blue in his eyes. You force yourself to look away before he's driven to think otherwise. "So, what do your parents do? You said you study at Stanford, which is great, but what did your parents do?" You ask, seeing the question almost burn into his skull. "I just want to get to know you better, that's all." You manage to make out, and he coughs. "My mom died before I was born, my older brother Dean was about 4 years old. I haven't seen my dad for a few months, though. He disappears from time to time. I guess it's from losing mom, he wants to be alone." Sam informs you, and you feel your heartbreak inside. You felt for this guy, even though you met him an hour ago, it already felt like you were best friends, despite even knowing anything other than names. "Oh, Sam, I'm so sorry." You empathise, leaning more towards him."I lost my sister in a car accident when I was 6. She was 14. Jasmine was her name... She ended up in a coma for 4 months and she eventually woke up while my father and I was there, and she kept repeating that she saw black eyes. Black eyes and smoke. She'd say; 'Nai, they had black eyes. Smoke inside of them, Nai. Oh my God, black eyes. It's so scary.' Then..." You stop, glaring down at the picnic table. "She'd pass out. We still don't know if it was due to her comatose or from shock or something. She died 2 weeks later." You sigh, Sam looks at you with bleakness in his eyes. "I'm sorry." Was all that he managed to say, and that was alright.
The pair of you sat there in silence for a few minutes, collecting your thoughts whilst unsure on what to say next. Sams ringtone broke the silence, and he quickly answered his phone. "Hey, Dean." He says, then covering the microphone. "Sorry, one sec." He says, removing himself from the table and walking 3 feet away from where you were. You grin at him, attempting to not listen in to his conversation. Was Dean his brother? Maybe father? You asked yourself, unclear on who Dean was.
"Are you serious?" He exclaims, furrowing his eyebrows. "Look, I'm with a friend, and I-" He motions his hand at you, then smirking. "Okay, Dean. Okay. Okay, okay, give me 10 minutes and I'll be back." He hangs up the phone and makes his way back to you. "Sorry again, it's my brother." He explains, and you nod. "Do you need to be elsewhere?" You try to not pry, while still attempting to get a straight answer. "Yeah, my brother needs me somewhere, so I need to go. What's your number?" He scrambles out of the seat again, and so do you. You pull out your flip phone and tell him your number. He enters the digits and sends a quick "It's Sam" text, before picking up his library book. "Sorry to cut this short but I'll text you when I'm next in town." He grins, walking away. "See you later, Sam." You almost yell, and he waves. "Goodbye, Naomi."
You pick up your mythology book and stare at your phone screen, you changed the 10 digit number to 'Sam W'. You smile to yourself, uncertain on what could unravel with Sam Winchester.
Later on that night, you receive a call from Sam. Your heart felt like it warmed from seeing his name on your screen, and you press answer. "Hello Sammy." You giggle, thinking of the little nickname on the spot. "Ha ha, very original." He says, then chuckles. "What are you up to?" He asks you, and you softly view the contents in your room. "Nothing, why?" You sit up properly on your bed, one hand sandwiched between your thighs. "Just wanted to see if you were free to call, that's all." Sams' end of the call went silent, and you look up at the clock. 9:42PM. "Yeah, sure, I can talk."you smile, laying back down onto your bedsheets. "When will you be back in town?" You ask him, smiling to yourself. "Soon." He laughs, understanding that the word 'soon' could mean tomorrow, or in 6 months time. "Sam!" You exclaim, and he huffs playfully. "What? I said soon." He guffaws. "When is soon?" You ask again, hoping for a serious answer this time. "Maybe... two weeks?" He even questions himself, "I'm not sure. I go back to college on Friday. Then my brother wants me to go on a roadtrip with him on Saturday." He sighs, you hear him rub his face, the facial hair coming into contact with his hand. "Okay. I guess I can wait." You joke, and he laughs. "You miss me already?" Sam practically smiles through the phone, and you do too.
"Yeah. I do."
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lunar-serpentinite · 4 months
Introductory Post
Hello ~ I'm Cloud and welcome to my blog !
My pronouns are they/them ! I don't really have hard no's for gendered terms used to refer to me .
I'm a '02-liner (meaning i was born in 2002) and from Southeast Asia . I am currently in uni studying Geology and I use my spare time to think about my hyperfixations <3
I'm neurodivergent and I usually vibe on my own but I'm open to chats ! I'm bad at replying though so don't be afraid to bump up messages
I've been on Tumblr since 2012 but this is the first time I have ever tried to be more active instead of keeping in the background .
Fuck JKR !!
Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, free everyone who has suffered and are currently suffering under a capitalistic, warmongering white supremacist society . Never stop talking about the genocides and human rights injustices currently happening around the world . Share, save, boycott, educate, donate when and if you can !
Current Fixations / Interests / Fandoms
Harry Potter (specifically the character himself, as well as Drarry)
MXTX Novels
Percy Jackson
Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail
(Especially for those who are particularly focused on Harry Potter canon and/or certain dynamics.)
In my headcanons and posts, I will stretch canon pretty thinly. I will rewrite and redo huge chunks of what we know as the Harry Potter canon. This includes huge changes in the history, the timeline, and the ethnicities of a lot of characters (read: majority of the characters we know in my AU are now BIPOC). Everything I am doing is purely for my own enjoyment and I just wanted to share the things I made with anyone who wanted to have a read.
I do not follow any Marauders fandom headcanons nor do I consider myself part of the fandom . This means my Lilys and Jameses will have vastly different friend groups than what you're used to if you're from the Marauders fandom .
If you're particular about dynamics, I am a fixed DMHP account . I don't post NSFW on this blog since I focus on worldbuilding and more SFW character building, but I'm just throwing this out there :3
Have a good day ! (My AUs under the cut)
Current AUs
Nandhini's Legacy - my main AU and the reason why I made this blog in the first place ! This is a Harry Potter AU where the Potter family are South Indian (specifically Tamil [James] and Telugu [Lily]) and the Black family are SWANA . New elements in the story include entirely new fancasts for the entire cast, the introduction of a Magical British Museum (the new primary antagonist besides Lord Voldemort), OC siblings for characters like Harry and Pansy, and several timeline changes .
Related Links : Families Masterlist, Fancast, Main Tag
pls ask me abt this au i have so much to say
Son of Hecate Harry AU - a PJO x HP crossover AU where Harry was born to Lily and James but with the additional blood from Hecate . In this AU he was taken away from the Dursleys by a satyr and raised in Camp Half-Blood . By the time he arrives at Hogwarts, Harry has already undergone one quest and is only at the institution because of another prophecy (not Trelawney's) . He is accompanied by fellow demigods and witches Yurika Haneda (Slytherin, Hermes) and Poppy Caxton (Hufflepuff, Athena)
My Mortal Companion - the AU in which post-War, Harry retains his title as Master of Death and believes his next destiny is to be the sole Unspeakable in the Death Room since he's the "only one who could do it" . Features Harry's relationships and dynamics with various psychopomps and death deities of diverse pantheons
Related Links : Main Tag
Favourite of the Fae Harry AU - an AU where Harry is highly favoured by the Fair Folk of Great Britain, but only in the way a human might highly favour what they deem a particularly cute pet . Includes tidbits of Harry being his mother's son because Lily was their previous favourite, and Harry having difficulties with socialising in the "proper" human way because he was used to the constant transactional socialising of the Fae
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darksiders-junkie · 11 months
Hello! This is probably the earliest I've ever stumbled across a blog! Welcome!
As for requests, if the four had any human contacts on earth (pre or post apocalypse/rebirth of humanity) what sort of person do you think they'd go to for human-related questions? Like Death finds a mortician who's got hold of demonic remains and they establish a rapport or something like that? Thoughts? Head cannons? (Sorry if this comes across as oddly phrased, I've only just recently gotten over my fear of sending asks 😅)
Thank you dearie! I welcome you to this dumpster of a profile as my first request🎉🎉
It was a little oddly phrased but I believe I understand what you're asking for! And don't be afraid I will away send a question if I am confused, and if you dont get back to me you can always send another ask and ill redo it for you! Enjoy your little headcanons!
He had absolutely no contacts before the early brought apocalypse or humanities resurrection. Only after humanity was brought back and steadily on their feet did he show interest in them.
His contacts are all names, no nicknames. First names and if they have them last names.
Including his siblings, War would only have 5 contacts.
The first non sibling being a human in the army. He stumbled upon them when saving them from stray demons who hadn't accepted the war was over.
As a thanks, the man forced offered to buy him a drink. War had a better time than he thought he would, and when the man offered his number so they could do this again, he actually agreed.
They now regularly meet up, even just to watch silly human television shows or movies.
War will ask him questions about human items.
W: What is this? *sends picture of make up pallete*
H: Make up.
W: What?
H: It's to highlight a humans best feature. It's pretty much to make humans pretty.
W: Why? Are they trying to seduce their enemies?
H: Yeah I don't have time to unwrap that.
His second contact, believe it or not, is a barista (the love interest). Just some girl that makes coffee at a little shop and passes out pastries (totally found due to first contact).
He'd come by often, mostly fascinated in how it all works. Learning to say please and thank you to her and even learn to tip her from other costumers that came by or his first human friend.
He got her number from intimidating a very, uncomfortably flirty customer to scurry out of the shop.
She offered it with a shy smile and blush and he swore his heart almost stopped. No one is every like that to or around him and it was odd.
He asks her more emotional questions about humans.
W: A man just shouted at me for ten minutes for no reason. Why would he do that?
H: Oh no! I'm sorry, that's extremely shitty of him :(( Sometimes people are just mean. What happened?
W: I was walking and my armor accidently scrapped against his car and he started yelling.
H: Oh honey, those are expensive. You should be careful around cars in the future okay?
W: Okay.
Death much like War had no contacts before the premature apocalypse or humans resurrection. He infact only has 1 contact that isnt his siblings (the love interest)
He had everyone under their names, just as War has. But once that human friend taught him a bit about it, he did add a "💀" at the end of her name.
It was pure coincidence meeting a mortician. He just happened to bump into her multiple times to the point she offered her number.
He accepted just so he could move on with his day without having any problems. Humans tend to create problems over menial things.
But of course she continued to be persistent, texting him constantly. He would have blocked her if he knew how, but instead he gives short 1 word responses in hopes she'd get bored.
However when she sent a picture of herself smiling with a piece sign, and a dead body whoms face was covered he became intrigued.
Only to find out she was a mortician. His intriguement hadn't died though, it's quite fascinating that a human who works with death daily, would coincidently bump into him by pure chance multiple times.
And as the relationship grew, he often found himself asking her questions about humans when he was dumbfounded.
D: Why are their so many options for soaps? Wouldn't one do the job for everyone?
Human: Well some people have allergies, and other people have sensitive skin and can't do fragrance in the soaps. And everyone likes different smells.
D: Understood.
And when she came across demonic, or even angelic corpses he'd often give her the answer when she was clueless. Even popping in to give her a hand if need be.
Oh you know he had contacts before the premature apocalypse. He's the most friendly of them all after all.
But of course those contacts became useless afterwards. Even when the humans came back, they weren't guaranteed their old numbers.
And so he had to make new ooman friends. And that he did.
His contacts are insane, honestly I couldn't even give you a number on how many he has. You wouldn't be able to tell who was who with all the crazy names he comes up with either.
However his favorite contacts are
"Goofy Ass🤡"
Whom you guessed it, is a clown. An entertainment for kids, who also happens to do magic tricks and face painting.
He managed to bump into them on their way to a kids party. Effectively scattering their things.
Strife of course helped, but not without picking fun at them for their getup.
They got all defensive and angry which only spurred on his amusement.
He continued following them around afterward, asking questions upon questions as to why they look so ridiculous. Even if they answer never changed.
They had to beg him to leave when they got to the party, and in exchange for his departure Strife snagged their number.
And while they were annoying at first, Strife quickly grew on them. Even finding it enduring to answer the most basic, common sense questions.
S: Why do they call it Jay walking? My name isn't Jay.
Okay that one was most certainly annoying to type out, especially when they know he has Google.
His second favorite is "Mixer 🥃" (the love interest)
Which I'm sure you can guess is his bartender.
After meeting her, he only went to that bar.
Really spurcing up his flirting game, and never giving up no matter how many times she turned him down.
Eventually he gave up and settled as just friends.
And boy is he glad, she'll often open the bar up just for him after hours so he can drink to his hearts content and chat with her all night long.
He'll ask her every question under the sun. Even ones her knows the answer to just to get a response.
S: What's a 'horse'
H: Stfu I know you own a horse it is 3am leave me be to sleep
S: I own a horse? Oooooohhhh you mean Mayhem? He's a horse?
H: Strife I stfg I will murder you
Fury: She also had no contacts before the premature apocalypse.
Aside from her siblings she has a few contacts, all of which have their name and a little emoji to help her remember if she's been on a mission for a long ass while and can barely see straight
The first was her nail tech "💅"
She was the first human she want to to help her with her nails. And when she blew up over something small the little human fought back and even yelled at her. That really peaked her interest.
She continued to go back because of it, and eventually got her number.
Number 1 bestie, talks shit and gossips with her over text.
Her questions for the nail tech mostly have to do with self care.
F: Do you think this will work on my hair?
H: Babe.. your hair is a mystery to me. Idk what will work and what won't 🤷‍♀️
Her next contact is actually a geeky, nerdy guy "🤓" (Love interest, you can fight me on it)
She bumped into him and made him drop all his things. She proceeded to yell at him, even though she was at fault and he just sit there and took it.
She.. almost felt bad for the scrawny little man.
She ended up calming quickly (think of the meme "I almost lost my cool there") and apologizing for her outburst with gritted teeth and a frown.
Apologizing is most certainly not her strong suit.
He brushed it off saying it was fine, and since she felt so bad for the scrawny little man, she carried his items to his, what was it, "D'N'D" session?
Well one thing lead to another and she was telling real stories about scary monsters and by the end he had scored her number.
She'll ask him questions about geek things
F: Its broken.
H: Uh no.. you have to turn it on.
F: And how am I supposed to do that?
H: There's a little button on the pc.
F: There are a ton of buttons. Is it this? *sends picture*
H: That isn't a- You know what? I'll be there shortly. Just don't touch anything before you break it.
Posted: July 9th, 2023
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myreygn · 1 year
soft nagiri headcanons because i'm sleep deprived and bored
nagi would sleep 20 hours a day if he could and chigiri is always up before him, so when nagi wants to surprise him on his birthday or something similar he usually just doesn't go to sleep in the first place
"happy birthday babe" - "nagi, your eyebags-" - "don't worry about it"
"don't worry about it" is a phrase nagi uses way too often, he'll drop really random observations or spit out some vile shit at a stupid npc in his game and when chigiri looks at him like "wtf" nagi just goes "don't worry about it"
"where were you?!" - "no one died" - "WHAT HAPPENED?!" - "don't worry about it"
so nagi tends to cause chigiri a whole ton of stress, not just by that but also by constantly being chill about things he really shouldn't be chill about and then chigiri has to freak out for the both of them
the amount of appointments nagi would've missed without chigiri is unbelievable
that being said nagi also calms chigiri down by not getting stressed about things as easily
he does this little thing where he subtly puts a hand on chigiri's lower back or softly bumps his shoulder into his and that always helps chigiri stay grounded when his anxiety is flaring up
chigiri usually likes to handle things on his own when he's sick but nagi gets a slight cough and immediately turns into a dying swan
literally. he's fucking useless.
chigiri always scolds him for being so dependant on other people and not even attempting to do things on his own but he does it while making nagi soup and preparing him a bath
if he's too busy to nurse nagi back to health himself he sends him care packages and they're always completely over stuffed with three different kinds of everything - minimum
chigiri usually doesn't play video games and one time nagi hands him his phone and goes "just try it" and chigiri immediately beats nagi's high score
he's really smug about it because he usually always loses and nagi stays awake all night to get his spot at the top back
he finally has to admit defeat but he wrecks chigiri purely out of spite
"i can't beat you at the game... but i can do this" - "GET OFF"
nagi tries to learn braiding so he can do chigiri's hair sometimes and chigiri thinks it's really sweet even tho nagi kinda sucks at it and he always has to redo it
chigiri is scared of thunderstorms and nagi gets freaked out by spiders so chigiri sometimes comes home to nagi on the table and then spends the entire evening cleaning so nagi can feel safe and whenever there's a storm outside nagi builds a really comfy blanket fort and makes some special snacks so chigiri can feel safe
they just make each other feel safe ain't that wholesome
speaking of which.
chigiri is a little cautious with balancing over something because he has this fear that he'll fall and fuck up his leg and nagi wants to help him with that so when they're taking a walk and pass by a little wall or something nagi will just hold out his hand and have chigiri balance all the way over it
at the end of it he always wraps his arms around his waist and gently puts him back to the ground, muttering "secured" to himself and then they continue their walk like nothing happened
it gets to a point where chigiri gets actually excited when he sees something to balance over that's some pavlov shit going down there
they adopt a cat i don't make the rules
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shadowqueen402 · 5 months
Say, mind doing a fanfic of (My TADC OC) Mooz’s Friendly Relationship with Kaufmo before Pomni’s Arrival where they are like best pals, and maybe add a scene where he just stands at Kaufmo’s Door after the events of the pilot episode had happened, please?
Here you go. It is going to take place when Mooz first arrived into the Digital World. Hope you don't mind if my oc does appear in this.
A new being popped up onto a stage, suddenly looking around in a state of confusion and panic. Music was playing while a bunch of objects floated around. The being quickly dodged the objects while backing away.
However, he soon found himself accidentally bumping into someone. The being jumped as he watched a purple jackrabbit in magenta overalls, a tall, white king chess piece in a purple robe, and a ribbon-like creature stumble down. The ribbon creature's comedy mask broke, revealing her tragedy face.
The music stopped as everyone turned to look at the being. "Caine, is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker?" The jackrabbit asked. "Because if it's a new character, we're gonna have to redo this whole theme song." He had a rather mischievous grin on his face.
"I'm not doing that again," A mix-and-match toy said to the jackrabbit, her arms crossed while she looked unamused.
"Serious, newbie…" A humanoid wax figurine stared at the being. "Please be careful next time. Do you have any idea as to how long it took for us to rehearse that?" She placed her hands on her hips.
"Calm down, snow princess~." The jackrabbit said her, grinning.
"Uh, who are you people?" The being asked. "Where exactly am I?"
"Take it easy, new stuff," A ragdoll said. "We've all been there on our first day of coming here. But you eventually get used to this."
"My, my!" A floating AI whose "face" resembled teeth flew down to the being. "It appears that a new human has entered this realm! And what is your name!?"
"My name…?" The being tried to say something. But then he realized that he couldn't remember his real name. "I-I can't remember! Why?"
"Nobody remembers their name when they arrive here," A being in a yellow clown outfit said. "I'm Kaufmo, by the way. Perhaps I can help you pick out a name?"
"Uh, sure?" The being asked. "What name do you have in mind, Kaufmo?"
"How about…Mooz?" Kaufmo suggested.
"Mooz?" The jackrabbit scoffed. "Is that all you could come up with, Kaufy?"
"Shut it, Jax!" The mix-and-match toy said, glaring at Jax before turning to Mooz. "But welcome to your new home, Mooz… Zooble, by the way… Over there is Gangle…" She nodded to the ribbonoid creature. "…Kinger…" Next to her was the white king chess piece. "…And Ragatha." She nodded at the ragdoll. "Crystal must have left to go guard." She noticed that the aformentioned wax figurine had left.
"I see you met Kaufmo," Ragatha said. "Maybe he can introduce you to the others." A smile was on her face.
"My comedy mask is broken," Gangle sobbed.
"GAH!" Kinger yelped at the sight of Gangle before calming himself down. "Oh, Gangle! You startled me!"
Time went by for Mooz. He had gotten used to how things worked around in the Digital World. Plus, he and Kaufmo became the bestest of friends.
The two did everything together. Whether it would be something as simple as cracking jokes or doing one of Caine's in-house adventures, they always had fun.
Life in the Digital World was fun for them. Until one evening, Mooz decided to ask his friend something.
"Kaufmo, as crazy as this may sound, do you believe that there's an exit?" Mooz asked.
Kaufmo went silent for a bit. He thought about it rather deeply. "Huh, up until now, I never gave it much thought," Kaufmo admitted. "I would ask Caine, but you know how he is. However, if it makes you feel better, I can try to find out if there really is one."
"You mean this wholeheartedly?" Mooz asked.
"You bet!" Kaufmo flashed a smile. "That's what friends are for!"
Mooz now stood in front of the door to Kaufmo's now vacant room. The only difference was that his friend's face now had a red x over it. He only visited this place whenever nobody else was around.
"Hey, Kaufmo," Mooz softly said to himself. "Though, I know you're no longer here, I just wanted to tell you about this new member. Her name is Pomni. She's a bit shaken up, but if you had met her, you would have helped her get used to things around here."
He gave a sad sigh, slight regret appearing on his face. Why did he have ask Kaufmo about an exit? After asking, his clown friend became determined to find one. And at the cost of his sanity.
The day that Pomni arrived was also the day that Kaufmo abstracted. And to think that Ragatha was looking forward to introducing him to Pomni…
Maybe if he hadn't said anything about an exit, Kaufmo would still be here. The majority of his friends have since been abstracted for the same reason and are now in the cellar.
"I'll miss you always, Kaufmo." Mooz turned around to face away from the door. "There may be a day where we will be reunited. Along with our other friends. If possible, I look forward to it. I'll keep smiling and making others for you, my best friend."
Without another word, Mooz walked down the hallway, leaving Kaufmo's door behind.
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I saw your post about line editing and I hope it’s okay for me to sneak in here ☺️ (I’m not sure if this question completely qualifies …)
Do you have any advice for someone who is a serial edit-as-they-go-er? I really struggle not to stop every page or so and go back through it with a fine comb and line edit, and sometimes I think this hinders progress, although others I find it gives me more motivation to continue when I know I’m happier with what I’ve just written.
The problem is, every time I have to break from writing for more than a few hours, I then have to reread when I return, and I just can’t seem to manage a reread without tinkering with things.
I still go back and do a further edit once the full thing is written, of course, but editing as I go is a serious habit of mine and I’d love to be able to try writing a full piece without doing so until the draft is done 🤦🏼‍♀️
Well, I mean, I do edit as I go. Sometimes you need to. Sometimes "that bit right here isn't right, and it's throwing off my ability to get back into the story and write, so I'm going to redo it and it's going to be better and the bumps will even out."
And, sometimes I just realize that whole plot point isn't going anywhere and I just cut it early before getting to involved trying to figure it out. Also helpful.
That said, things like Scrivener and Word's "Pick up where you left off" are helpful for this. Scrivener saves the scene I was working on and opens right back up to it. Word's thing just scrolls me right back down to where I was. So I don't have to scroll/re-read/trying to figure out where I was. I'm just there now, and there's less I'm staring over to start picking at.
But if you don't have a function like that on your word processor, and you still find you're spending more time fussing with word choices than actually moving the story forward, then there's a few things you can try:
Make notes of where you left the scene and what the plan is when you close it. Again, Scrivener makes this easy by attaching a "notes" section to each scene, but you can just put it in a weird font or color where you left off. Therefore, when you open the thing again, you're not trying to figure out what to do or noodling around refamiliarizing yourself with the project and where you were. You have a little summary right there from yourself
Writing warmups. I find a lot of the nitpicking editing at the start of a writing session is because you're easing into the writing session. That's fine and good, and the line-editing is a low-key way to remind yourself you know how words work and get back into the writing mindset. So if you open up a different document and just free write some completely new nonsense or do a little scene practice or writing exercise, then you might be able to stave off the editing. And you get practice doing a weird thing or stretching some writing muscles or end up with a new story idea or scene to use later. You might have to time yourself on these to not get too wrapped up in them
Also why would it not be okay for you to send me an ask? O_o
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
If you could go back in time and restart any of your fics, which one would you choose? And what would you do differently?
With where I'm at, it'd be the ML fic Lucky Fox Paradox.
I really had my Love Square Glasses on when I wrote it, and played off the belief of LB and Cat always being soulmates (which apparently Alya and Zoe are the 2nd go to for those miraculous so, are they soulmates now?); Marinette MUST be Ladybug and Alya MUST be Fox; and I do wonder if the Adrien-Alya partnership would really play out like I had it in the fic. Cause much of that interaction was influenced by the idea of soulmates and Marinette and Adrien are the true chosens for LB and Cat and I don't hold that belief anymore.
So if I had a chance to restart it, I'd go for less romance focus and more character focus, what would they do, how would things go? There's a lot of possibilities and potential. Especially with Alya. Would Alya become more distant and her and Marinette don't become close friends as she's too caught up in being a hero and is struggling to balance her hero and civilian life? Would she and Adrien just reveal to each other? Would Alya reveal herself to Marinette or Nino? Marinette for sure I think would actively help from the shadows (which can warrant her getting the Fox as I think is more designed for the shadows). And Adrien I think wouldn't be so bothered with Ladybug quitting, he'd be a little bummed, but not too hung over it as he only worked with her once.
For sure no Adrienette happening, at most they'd become friends but nothing romantic would happen. Adrien would probably date Kagami right away unless he fell for Scarabella but that detail is up in the air for me.
Marinette wouldn't get the Ladybug back and Alya wouldn't get the Fox.
And I'd definitely like to have a 2nd go at the Adrien-Alya partnership. I do think it'd go better than how I initially did them. And how canon did them as Adrien wouldn't have that history with Ladybug to make him hostile to Scarabella.
They have a lot of similarities that would make them fast friends, especially as both would be excited to be heroes, and they would have roles that they settle into, as Adrien typically defaults to being a follower while Alya always steps up to be a leader. They're definitely going to have bumps in the road as the both can be reckless and a little hotheaded and pushy with their wants and ideas. But working together around the start, yeah I think their partnership would go better in comparison to how it was in LFP and in comparison to canon.
So that's the one I'd pick to redo if I could. And if I get back into ML, I may tackle it sometime as a nonAdrienette fic. Though that would be after Copycat and DaB's completion.
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wanderbreadsworld · 1 year
For the fic directors commentary, I would ask for commentary on the Kenny x reader X Claudio one but I'd é be happy with whatever you choose ⭐<3
I had to think of my favorite parts to comments on. Parts of the story will be italicized, while commentary will be regular text in (parentheses). It's a lot longer than I thought it would be, I'm so sorry 😭. But I'm glad I did this instead of redoing and commentating the whole fic jhdbsgker.
Backstage, their own fighting was putting me on edge. But, then the bell rang, and Claudio had pinned one of the bucks. With a sigh of defeat, I didn't realize that Kenny powered out of the ring, Claudio hot on his tail. It just looked like Claudio was going for another victim, so I didn't think twice about it.
But when I opened the door, two large men stood in front of me instead of the one I was used to. Claudio was right behind Kenny, both of their chests heaving from the run back here.
"Hi guys, awesome match. You gonna come in?" I wasn't sure who my question was directed towards, but they answered by turning to each other, a quick mumble of some french from Kenny, making Claudio nod and walk away to his own dressing room.
(This part for some reason took me a HOT minute to write. It was one of those things, where I knew what I wanted for the smut, but I needed to write the intro to get there lol. It worked out though! I think it's pretty okay to get us to where I needed to be!)
And when Kenny came out he gave me a warm smile. The kind that made his face look so soft and warm. The kind I fell in love with. (This is one of my favorite lines. It still feels a little out of nowhere in the story I feel, but it's so fucking tooth-achingly sweet, that I had to keep it.) But before I could tease him for "taking so long", there was a knock on the door. It wasn't totally odd for someone to stop by, but it still caught me off guard.
"Can you get that baby? Let me put a shirt on." (Noooo, don't put the tiddies away!) I hopped up while Kenny threw on a shirt real quick. I hummed to myself, hastily opening the door because if anyone, I expected the Bucks to be there. (It's not them though, now is it 👀)
But instead, Claudio stood in the doorway, freshly bathed himself. My face scrunched in confusion at the sight. It wasn't often that Claudio played games with Kenny (haha! Because you won't be playing games. It'll be something much more fun 😏), and not usually on Wednesday nights.
I went to turn to look for Kenny, only to bump into his warm chest (mmm, boobs). All I could do was look up and back at him as his hands moved to sit on my hips, keeping me there for the moment.
Kenny and Claudio shared a look. The taller man stepped inside, Kenny pulling me back, so the door could close.
With the door shut, both men stood incredibly close (Oh, to be sandwiched between those two BIG men🤤). The only thing that broke me out of my thoughts was Kenny clearing his throat to grab my attention.
"I may have made a bet with Claudio the other night. One where the prize would've been your body for the night." A blush heated my face at his words and what they meant (Just for reference, apologies for not implying it better, but this is something that these two have talked about before and teased. In the future, any Kenny x reader x ((insert third person)) will take place in the same universe, so this sharing kink has been discussed. I may even make a fic where they discuss their kinks and I can give my own two cents on what Kenny's into). So that's why Claudio was so eager to follow Kenny after the match. That's why they fought particularly hard against each other.
"The bet was one of us had to pin the other, but I can't go back on my word completely. So I told him I'd share. I should've told you first, but I knew you'd love the surprise." (Damn right I love the surprise! Who DOESN't want a surprise second dick!) Kenny smirked against my ear before pulling away, standing up and pressing himself against me. His growing erection pressing against my lower back. (Fucking hell man. You know that dick is B I G too. I wanna feel that against me.)
(I will skip around some, and auto translate the bits of French. I love the dirty talk in this story. Really plays into my kink for foreign languages, and a good touch of dumbification is just 🤌 The translations are under the cut, because they take a WHILE to get through, it took me forever lol)
"N'hésitez pas à l'emmener au lit." ("Feel free to take her to bed") His smooth voice easily switched to French. I wasn't sure when he learned, as he had never told me, but I didn't question. Nor did I get the time to ask when Kenny pulled away, Claudio swooping in and sweeping me off my feet. (Yes Claudio, lift me off my feet with so little effort, you strong bastard 🤤)
"Sait-elle ce que nous disons ?" ("Does she know what we're saying?") He asked, a smirk on his face as he looked at Kenny.
When my boyfriend shook his head, Claudio looked back down at me, tutting with feigned pity. (God, need that man to feign pity on me. Also, who needs to know what they're saying? It's gonna be a good time no matter what they say!)
"Pauvre petite chose." ("Poor little thing") With those last words, I was dropped to the bed below, squeaking from surprise.
"Voulez-vous qu'il vous utilise?" ("Do you want him to use you?" God, I need Kenny to use me too) Kenny's smooth voice sounded, and I tried to make sense of what he was saying. My confused look earning a dark chuckle from him.
"Tsk tsk, tu dois lui demander bébé." ("Tsk tsk, you gotta ask him baby") That fake pity was back in his voice, and it made me shiver with delight. Being their stupid little toy that didn't understand, and only wanted more. (All I want is to be filled with Kenny. It's all I ever need, and knowing when it'll happen next is all I ever need to know🤤) It was too perfect.
Without another word, Claudio worked my underwear down my thighs and licked his way to my clit before sucking on it gentle, groaning to himself at the taste. (Also wanted to put this here, because I just feel Claudio is very good at eating out.)
"Si ça la rend comme ça, on pourrait la briser." ("If it makes her like this, we could break her") Claudio teased to Kenny, both men chuckling.
"Vous n'avez même pas vu comment elle est sur votre bite. Attends, ça va mieux." ("You haven't even seen how she is on your dick. Wait, it's better". Pls Kenny, slut me OUT)
"Maintenant soyez bon. Je lui ai dit de ne pas être gentil, alors écoute. D'accord?" ("Now be good. I told him not to be nice, so listen. All right?") The lilt in his voice that told me he was asking a question prompted an immediate nod to me. Not fully knowing what I was agreeing to was turning me on more than I thought. What made it even better, was no matter what I knew I'd have fun, because Kenny would never do anything that I wouldn't want to happen. (Gotta keep that consent in there! Kenny would never do anything to actually hurt you)
"Regarde-le. Il a laissé cela vous arriver. Tu vas être ruiné, petit agneau. Soyez une bonne salope et rendez-la heureuse." ("Look at him. He let this happen to you. You are going to be ruined, little lamb. Be a good slut and make her happy". Claudio teasing like this just came so easily, and I hope it is as enjoyable to others as it was to me!)
"Nous parlons de vous. En parlant de ta stupidité, petit agneau. Regardez-moi." ("We are talking about you. Speaking of your stupidity, little lamb. Look at me". God, I love that. The whole "little (insert name here)", it gets me every time) He pulled me closer to make me open my eyes before continuing. "Vous vous débrouillez si bien. Maintenant tais-toi et prends le reste." ("You are doing so well. Now shut up and take the rest") With his last words, Claudio's body left mine, and I nearly cried at the loss of being filled.
"Vous avez si bien réussi. Viens maintenant, ma chérie." ("You've done so well. Come now, my dear". Kenny helping you to the finish ;) man won't leave us hanging after all!)
"Maintenant dis merci." ("Now say thank you") Knowing what "merci" meant, I figured what he wanted me to say.
"Thank you, Claudio." I said before I took a sip of water to wet my dry throat, not realizing how painfully dry it was.
He just smirked, nodding before he replied.
"Anytime." Hearing him speak in English almost made me angry I couldn't understand their earlier conversations, but I let it go. I'm sure Kenny would happily recount, and then relive some of his favorite phrases and moments. (God, Kenny will not hold back recounting what was said. I know he'll tease even more for you asking too. But that's part of the fun 😏)
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theacedragon0w0 · 2 months
Lizard out of Water
SagexHazel Fishing Trip Fic
Giving the Butch4butch couple some love
Hazel belongs to the pookie ever @puffymucher
Hazel chuckled as she saw Sage carrying the large cooler and camo bag up the hill, "Yer sure ya don't need a hand there Bluebell?"
"I said I got it love!" Sage shouted excitedly, bouncing behind the hellhound as they made their way up to the fishing spot.
"Thanks again for letting me tag along with you Hazelnut."
Hazel stopped so she could ruffle the reptile's hair, "Shoot, if anything I am glad ya wanted to come with me, the boss and the others aren't so keen at getting their hands dirty like us."
Sage playfully punched Hazel's arm, "Which is why we are the hired guards."
"Can't argue with that. We are almost at the spot, this ain't like the gluttony ring but it's pretty damn close in terms of it being far from the city."
Sage sighed, "Anything to take a break from having to smell constant cigarette smoke and cheap booze."
After a few more twists and turns, the two made it to an open lake, isolated by the twisted oak forest that protected it from the influence from the nine circles.
Sage couldn't contain their excitement, "Is this the same lake that Lucifer himself created as a wedding gift for Lilith?"
Hazel scratched her neck, "I think so, I didn't look too much into it, I only figured it was a nice quiet place away from it all."
Sage was already trucking over towards the dock that stood over the mass body of water, dropping their stuff and already pulling out the fishing gear by the time Hazel caught up with them. Whistling at Sage's muscly-soft body.
"I didn't think you'd be this excited over fishing dear,"
Sage's ears drooped, "Oh, sorry," but Hazel squeezed their shoulder.
"Don't apologize for it Bluebell! It's very sweet that you're putting all this effort for me." Hazel giving Sage a kiss on their nose bridge, getting happy gurgles from the demon. Hazel's paw was still resting on Sage's cheek, staring at the scar that was still a deep crimson.
"Hazel? Everything ok?"
Hazel snapped from the dark thought, "Oh I'm good Bluebell! Now let me show you how to cast your line."
Sage was humming a soft tune as their line lazily danced to the wind. Hazel was watching her girlfriend as she went to pull two canned sodas from the cooler, watching Sage's tail wag back and forth to their rhythm.
Sage stopped when Hazel bumped their arm with the cold drink, thanking her for the refreshment. Hazel continued to stare at Sage's tail, her gaze centered at the large scar that rested under the base of the tail. Hazel wrapped her arms around Sage, pulling them in a tight embrace.
"Ok Hazelnut, what's bugging you? I can feel your growl radiating through your fur."
"I love you Sage," Hazel muttered, "You are like if a bunch of rainbows and sparklers were duct-taped together and was covered with heart stickers."
Sage wiggled under the hug so that they could reciprocate it, "So what's the problem love?"
"I just wished I would've killed that cunt sooner, I hate having these thoughts of someone laying their hands on you, especially when you did nothing but try to love 'em and they hurted you anyway."
"Listen," Sage pushed Hazel just so they can have some space, they carefully unbuttoned the bottom buttons of Hazel's shirt, making the hellhound blush deeply.
But Sage stopped as they rubbed their hand over Hazel's stomach, "You know when you told me how you got those scars, I was hellbent on finding your ex so I can turn her into a chalk outline."
"But I said no, cuz I know you would've done it."
"Because I love you too Hazel, and the others as well. I'm going to be stuck with these but you know what? If I was asked if I could redo everything I wouldn't change anything, because you guys make it worth it."
"Oh Sage!" Hazel pulled Sage towards her, their noses awkwardly mushing together but they readjusted, exchanging soft moans as the two ran their hands over each other.
The moment halted when Sage heard the pole unwind quickly, "Hazel I think I caught something!!" Quickly scampering over to the fishing pole.
"You got this Bluebell!" Hazel cheered as Sage was strategically reeling in the line.
They almost got the fish out of the water when the line snapped, the force of it threw the reptile out of balance as they fell into the lake.
"Sage!" Hazel shouted, diving in just as Sage was returning to the surface.
Hazel looked at her lover, whose wet hair covered their face and was laughing.
Hazel moved the hair out of Sage's face, cupping the their face as the two were floating on the water.
"Sorry about losing the catch sweetie," Sage sheepishly confessed.
"I'd say it's worth it as long as I get to hear ya laugh like that!" Hazel replied, pulling Sage into another kiss.
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just-a-carrot · 10 months
Re: the line about other side stuff you want to do in the future. Honestly that's so fair and I relate sijdiasdji, I'm always personally conflicted about how much more I should do because if I could I would make an infinite number of side games asaisdsad BUT OBVIOUSLY I can't I am but one Creature. I will be waving my little flags of support for you, the potato, and the possible Many Other Carrots™️, because whatever direction you decide to take your work in I'm sure will be-- and is-- worth it. Your skills keep on growing and while telling all stories one may wish to tell is impossible, the ones you're able to tell will be worth it. OW let me feel seen in a way that no other media has. It's up there as one of my top favorite VNs, and for good reason. MANY good reasons. Anyyyyywaaays that's all to say ✨you're doing great✨ and keep on keeping on. Whatever comes of it will be amazing.
OH I MOSTLY JUST MEANT DIFFERENT TYPES OF OW SIDE GAMES THAT AREN'T RELATED TO OFW. like, i feel like i don't think i'll ever actually make another OFW side game because it's kind of self-contained and though i love thinking about it, i don't know if i'd have enough ideas to make another complete game. however, i'd still love to make other OW side games in general dkjfadsf unsure at this moment what they would be... but i have various Idea Kernels bumping and bopping about in the noggin. i also plan to do some sort of remaster of OW once it's complete -- there are CGs in the early arcs i want to go back and redo because they Pain Me now. also even some sprites kind of grate on me... guhh... at the very least, i want to make sure char designs and stuff are just made more consistent, as you can see where some of the early designs look a bit different to how i draw them now (mostly small details, though it's more apparent on some chars than others lkdjfads). coupled with that i'd love to do things like add some livelier scripting to some of the earlier arcs, as well as maybe even draw a few more CGs here and there. who can say. i also did that poll a while back about potentially adding optional iggy side images. i'm still thinking about that.
i think if i did return to OFW it would end up being something similar -- maybe a remaster type thing where i go back in and add some of the CGs that i didn't have time to do in the time restrictions but that i would have loved to add. then giving it the feature treatment like with OW by adding a gallery and other stuff. if i did that, maybe i would add some other little extra, like some extra scenes or hidden scenes. that could be a way to do a little bit more with the story without committing to a whole new game lakdjfad COMPLETELY UNSURE THO AND NO ACTUAL PLANS RIGHT NOW. i still need to finish the main game before any of this can happen LOL
as far as stuff completely unrelated to OW / future different games, i do have one idea i've been cultivating for a long time i'd love to potentially make into a game eventually. but i think it needs a bit more stewing time in the brain first. and i still have a lot i want to do with the OW world beforehand
HHHHHHH THANK YOU THO. FOR ALL THESE LOVELY WORDS AND THOUGHTS. i am really happy and touched if people can enjoy these characters and world... 🥺💕
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