#;lets be alone together [levihan]
thecommanderzoe · 1 year
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this-is-krikkit · 1 month
levihan for the chart?
thanks for the ask, Anon!
send a (real or crack) ship to get charted!
have my take on (canon) Levihan here:
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and have a lengthy explanation beneath the read more link 😁
listen, i love these two fuckers to death and back and they're both unquestionably good people, but let's be real: they are insufferable together. now, i put them there on this chart according to the canon of them, where they're not officially a romantic thing, so keep that in mind.
Hange and Levi are such complementary opposites, they're making each other's most off-putting traits worse: Hange's curiosity and excitement are enhanced tenfold when they meet Levi and his amazing abilities, whereas his reaction to their overly friendly behavior is to bite back with even more of a grumpy attitude (which is not his entire personality, obviously, but may look like it to many people who only know him from afar and from his public interactions with Hange). which in turn only makes Hange even more hungry to unravel the mystery that he is, not only as Humanity's Strongest but also as a person and fellow soldier who did not join their ranks in the most conventional way after that. and you know that's just gonna drive Levi even crazier, right??
the thing is, i also think they make each other worse in the sense that neither of them has a healthy, normal way to relate to other people, Levi because of his background, and Hange because of their already advanced position as a veteran Scout who's been around for a few expeditions when he's introduced and their own backstory probably but WHO KNOWS BECAUSE WE STILL DON'T GOT CANON INFO ABOUT IT DO W- anyway. and so, i'm a hundred per cent sure it would take them years to realize they're in love with each other, because this banter-filled, bickering friendship they have going on that's absolutely Abnormal (you don't bathe your friends and you don't know your friend's knock by ear alone and you don't spend sleepless nights exchanging theories about Titans while Levi pretends to be annoyed and Hange rambles on and on and doesn't realize he's sneaking them pieces of food to make sure they don't fucking perish because Moblit begged him to at dinner that night when they once again didn't show up (.... yeah that last one was fully my own lil mind, but the first 2 examples are canon!!)) seems so natural to both of them they don't even question how it looks or what it could mean? they're so fucking clueless like, hell yeah we share a bed, but only because Hange won't get into one if Levi doesn't lie there with them under the pretense of discussing whatever they want, and he himself doesn't get any sleep if they're not snoring lightly in his ears; and that's just one of the quirks that make every single new Scout convinced they're dating/married. they're both emotionally constipated for various reasons and worsening that in each other, and you know what the worst part it? they would only giggle (well, Hange would giggle, Levi would bite back a smile) at that accusation from Miche because of the shit joke in there neither of them could resist, and would completely miss the point.
mind you, i obviously think they make each other better in general, Levi by being one of the persons who tether Hange to real life while indulging in their crazy once he learns how to handle it and Hange by helping him open up to others instead of only being wary of them while being able to take his soemtimes harsh words (and then in many different ways as each other's support though the many MANY shitstorms they suffer together). i just think, when it comes to interacting with one another in canon? total mentos + coke, fucking pariahs, couldn't stand being their friend for one day without yelling at them to get their shit together already and get married.
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sunflowersunite · 2 months
✍️ fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
Thank you for that, swordslinger!
I've written fics for a bunch of fandoms, but I don't think any of them touched me as deeply as aot, so here are my top five aot fics (in chronological and not preference order because that would take centuries)
If this is my last night with you (hold me like I'm more than just a friend) : during the dancing and the drinking at the refugee camp, Eren and Mikasa sort of express their feelings for one another. I consider this canon compliant because it happened but once again Isayama was too shy to draw it, he told me. (Jokes aside the scenes at the camp were presented in snippets, so in my head, Eren and Mikasa kissed but they've forgotten all about it because they were drunk out of their minds)
2. flowers in your heart: a character study of Annie, set after the end. Melancholic with a whole lot of metaphors and abstract concepts (like visualization of nightmares). It's mostly about Annie, but the main relationship is Annie & Reiner, because you cannot convince me that they haven't adopted each other as siblings.
3. alone together: a Levihan oneshot where I did a study on their loneliness and their relationship. Because somehow, they're both alone and together in the canon (it's because they keep pushing their feelings aside). Again, with abstract concepts and such.
4. to live: sort of a Levihan enemies to lovers villains AU where they've been sent out to kill each other.
5. Where My Monsters Like to Hide: a collab with @quillsandblades which started from a fanart which caused serious brainrot. Basically the aot world is in a WW2 environment slash situation, and if that wasn't enough, vampires have started showing up. Hange doesn't believe in that, of course, as she is a person of logic, but then she comes across a very vampired Levi. What's a lady to do other than take him in and blackmail him into helping her with a nation wide conspiracy.
Also there are Eren and Armin, who are determined to protect their vampire Mikasa at all costs.
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dreamingon-forever · 1 year
Levihan Short Story Promps and Ideas
From the last poll I posted, most of you wanted another multiple chaptered story after I finish Black Tea is Fine. And I will 100% do that! I already have an idea of what I want it to be, so don't worry I will get to it. (Here's a link to the preview I've posted before). But since it will be about two or three more chapters before the finale of the series, I still want to upload other written works. Here I have added a few story ideas and I want to know which one you guys want me to publish into a full written short story first. Feel free to private message me or leave a comment under to let me know!
High school students Hange and Levi are best friends, and always have been as they grew up next to each other. One day Hange overhears Levi and Kenny talking about her, where she hears her best friend badmouthing her and wishing she would leave him alone. Taking it to heart, Hange distances herself from him, hurt from his words that seem contradictory to how he interacts with her. When in reality Levi only said those words because he couldn't properly word his true feelings to his friend, and ended up saying the opposite of what he felt so his uncle would leave him alone. Levi unaware of Hange hearing it all is confused as to why she no longer visits him, talks to him, or even hangs out with him anymore. Then he witnesses the one thing that he never wanted to see- Hange sharing her first kiss with someone else.
Levi is the vise president of tea company and Hange a botanist hired by him to help figure out a way to increase tea leaf production. He's a stingy man who doesn't know or care much about his staff, but Hange humbles him real quick, forcing him onto "company field trips" and getting him to work alongside her and his farmers. He absolutely hates her and her overly bubbly/optimistic ways, but eventually starts developing respect towards her and possibly deeper meanings that go beyond work partners.
Librarian Levi and writer Hange who is a regular at their branch. Levi honestly thinks she's only there to bother him as she's there at his every shift without miss, constantly chatting him up despite the customers coming by his desk for check out. She constantly blabbers on about books she reads, most doing with history but occasionally the fictional chapter books she's completely engrossed by. Hange eventually ends up no longer showing up to the library anymore, leaving Levi to always eagerly look up from his desk whenever someone comes through the door, secretly hoping it's a certain bespectacled brunette.
Exes. Levi was a poor farmer while Hange was the daughter of their lands. The two were madly in love with each other and Hange made it well known to everyone and her family that she only wanted to be with him, much to her family's horror and disapproval. Rumours started spreading that Hange is secretly seeing someone else behind Levi's back, and of course, Levi doesn't believe it. Until he runs into them in the man's house while on one of his deliveries. He breaks up with Hange later that day when she comes to visit, without allowing her to give her side of the story. "Do me a last favour and throw it away when you get home." Hange tells him before leaving, confusing as to what she could mean. But when he finally returns home, finds a wrapped gift on his table. But it's too late and Hange doesn't want to see him anymore.
Prince Levi and princess Hange from enemy nations. He was meant to kill her on their first encounter, but failed repetitively. Eventually he falls in love with her and is unable to even think of hurting her. Hange ends up finding out his initial intents and banishes him from her lands.
Nanaba and Mike set up Levi and Hange together as part of a TV program they have in production. While Hange joined because she's the newest member of their company, and therefore asked to enroll as a last minute substitute for the original cast member, Levi is put in because Mike forced him as his friend. The two don't get along at all during their first recording. But as time went on, and the closer they got to the ending of the show, where they both had to declare whether they fell in love or not, both of them eventually realize they have caught feelings for the other.
High school teachers where they are obviously in love with each other, but too dense to realize it themselves. So their students take it upon themselves to set them up so they can finally get them together. Other teachers get a whiff of what they're up to and instead of calling them out for it, secretly aid them behind the scenes.
Hange is a princess and Levi is one of the knights. Due to hate towards the kingdom and the king for what happened to his family, he infiltrates the castle as a knight, wanting to work his way up until he's the king's personal guard to assassinate him. The quickest way he can think of getting there being to earn the princess' favour and getting her to fall in love with him. She does eventually fall for him, but what he didn't foresee is himself falling for her as well. Conflicted at seeing how he didn't want to lose her trust, he starts questioning his plan. But the princess finds out eventually about it. At this point Levi no longer cares about the assassination, but Hange no longer trusts him, and pays him off to leave the castle.
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free-pancakes · 2 years
His Achilles Heel
- a levihan drabble
“We’re in.”
Warm light greeted them at the entrance, twinkling calmly off the crystal chandeliers. As the tall, wooden doors closed softly behind them, Levi clutched his elbow tighter over Nanaba’s arm. Together, they stepped forward carefully into the gigantic anteroom, the dazzling lights nearly blinding them. As their eyes adjusted, they saw a double winding staircase meeting together at the top, creating an arch—a gateway into the giant ballroom filled with people, all wearing glittering masks, making the room even brighter.
Laughter and smiles surrounded them, and Nanaba’s eyes sparkled at the sight—the sheer beauty of the room could make anyone’s jaw drop.
But not for Levi—it was eyes and mind on the mission, as always.
Nanaba had crushed the heel of her silver stiletto into Levi’s foot.
“Ow, what the hell?!”
“Lighten up, will ya?” she muttered under her breath, Levi answering her with a scowl.
As they turned the corner, they put on their masks for the masquerade ball, blending into the crowd before splitting ways. Intel Miche had gathered for them over the past week indicated which security guards to tail, which ones had keys to the library upstairs and to the wine cellar underneath them all. Levi and Nanaba nodded before disappearing into the crowd.
Levi weaves his way through, his jaw clenching as he pushes by dozens of people, smell of strong perfume and cologne overwhelming his senses. He knew his target guard would be by in just a few minutes so he took the time to gather in his surroundings. He observed a few guards to his right, and had no sign of the dreaded enemy yet, the host and owner of this very mansion, Zeke Yeager. All appeared well and according to plan so far, yet he felt the hairs behind his neck stand right up—the sensation he was being watched.
Levi knew better than to ignore his intuition, and decided to make his way out of the crowd into a quieter hallway, and into the shadows he went. He felt his heart beat faster and took a deep breath. As he crept quietly, the sounds of whispers took him by surprise. Inching forward, Levi peered around the corner, squinting to see the reflection of the next hallway over on the decorative vase nearby.
His heart stopped as he saw the flash of blonde hair—Zeke. Levi ducked back around the corner and suddenly the whispers stopped. Sweat beaded on his brow as steps echoed down the hall toward him, and he kept his nerves at bay as he reached his hand into his pocket, fingers quietly gripping the rough handle of his knife.
All of a sudden, a flash of gold swept past him, a subtle glint of light before him reflecting off lenses of wire rimmed glasses. Levi was so caught aback by her swiftness that he did not even react—how did a human being even get all the way back hear without him hearing it, let alone here right in front of him. As she paused to listen to Zeke’s footsteps, she turned to Levi, her bright but sure gaze staring intently into his, a look that for whatever reason made his heart thump harder in his chest, nerves no longer at bay. She clearly wasn’t on Zeke’s side, thankfully, but Levi definitely didn’t recognize her. With caution, Levi kept his guard but did not fight her.
With a bright and cheery voice that did not match the seriousness in her eyes, this person loudly spoke for Zeke and whoever his fellow henchman was to hear—“Wow, fancy seeing you here again!”
Her ruse didn’t seem to make the footsteps stop. Actually, it sounded as though they started to hurry faster towards the two of them.
The music in the ballroom grew in volume, drowning out the sound in the entire building, making it impossible to know how close Zeke would be. Gritting his teeth, Levi prepared for the worst. With hearing gone, the rest of his senses heightened. First he relied on his eyes, waiting to see movement on the rug below to know how close Zeke could be. He slipped the knife out from his pocket—he couldn’t kill him but something had to happen before his cover would be blown.
Before he could pounce forward a hand grabbed him by the waist. He completely forgot he wasn’t alone. Knife still in hand, Levi spun around by the force and suddenly he felt warmth reach his lips. Glasses pushed up against him, their noses squished clumsily as he was held in a kiss, his hands losing strength—music too loud to hear his knife clatter to the floor, he closed his eyes and the two of them seemed to melt into the party, nothing else on Levi’s mind but the sense of weird safety in that moment.
It felt as though time stopped—but within 2 seconds Levi came back to his senses.
A kiss, something so absurd as a hail mary attempt at distraction, the oldest one in the book. Cracking open his eyes just enough to see, he watched Zeke’s face go red, turning sideways, the looks of the words “sorry, excuse me” on his lips, as he whipped around to walk away hurriedly, shaking his head.
For good measure he held on for another few seconds, before finally breaking away, shoving himself free. All he could do but scream at her, his face hot in anger and her idea of staying under cover, keeping their identities safe from the enemy.
He watched her figure, unable to hear her laughter, but watched her shaking as she giggled, her tall figure clothed in a gold, shimmering gown, her slender arms hugging herself before she could fall over in laughter. Wiping the tears away she smiled at him, Levi only able to give her a confused look, trying hard to make the blush on his face look like it was a result of anger rather than embarrassment.
With that she laughed again, but then rushed away up the stairs. Levi chased after her—she must have been going where he needed to go, and he couldn’t let her.
He ran, almost loosing his way through the maze of corridors, until he found the room, already cracked open. He barged in, closing the door behind him, his back leaning against it. His ears rang, adjusting to the sudden quietness of the room, the music and partying now drowned out behind the closed door.
“What the HELL was that? And who are you??”
She stopped rummaging through boxes for a second and looked up.
“Oh good to see you finally caught up!” she said with a smile and quickly turned back to work.
“Hey, I’m talking to you!” Levi lunged forward, grabbing her by the inside of her elbow and pulling her away from the exact boxes he was supposed to be finding top secret documents from.
She quickly fixed her glasses and frowned at him.
“Relax, Shorty!”
“What the hell did you just call me—“
“Shorty! Yaknow, cuz you’re pretty short!” She laughed at the upset look on his face. “The name’s Hange! So you can let go of me now!”
He reached to his pocket only to find it empty.
“Calm down, Shorty! Erwin sent me.”
“W-what??” Levi exclaimed.
“He sent me in, supposed to come assist the famous Levi, who knew! He rambled about how our fighting styles might be compatible, and wanted to test it out, blah blah blah—you know much the guy could ramble.”
She went back to sifting through boxes.
“Figured I’d come up with another way out of that situation so you wouldn’t have to stab our target with that knife and blow our cover!”
She chuckled at the memory—“You’re knife’s over there in the corner, by the way! Seems like you forgot all about it once you got the chance to kiss someone. What a cute Achilles heel, huh!”
Levi grimaced at the statement, and went to grab his knife neatly placed on the corner table. He swept his thumb gently across the engraved “K. A.” on the handle.
“Who knew a kiss by humble ol’ Hange Zoe could completely shut down the formidable Levi Ackerman!”
Levi sighed. He could not imagine working on another case with her, but knowing Erwin, he was probably already assigned to missions in the near future. He shook his head and joined next to her to help dig for the papers they came to retrieve.
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dont-f-with-moogles · 2 years
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It's here, guys...
I know this has been posted countless times by everyone in the Levihan community but I love the fact that we can share headcanons and hopes, art, writing, theories, analysis or even just rant and rip apart today's episode! Haven't watched it yet but I've been reading people's thoughts on it and am trying to psyche myself up for it.
Thank you for filling my dash with pictures, memes, drabbles, thoughts and tributes to our beloved Hange. Our commander did alright in the end 💜
And as for the lack of Levihan crumbles in that scene, don't let it disappoint too much. We've created a truly beautiful ship - a depiction of a healthy, supportive, mutually loving partnership. Don't let the hours of commitment and hard work that have gone into our creations be undermined by anyone. It may not be canon but it sure as fuck feels real to me. And all that matters is that I'm not alone in believing it. Together, somehow, we breathed life into them.
Love you, my mutuals  💚💜
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elmundodeflor · 2 years
Happy Birthday Hanji Zoe
✨️ Written in the Stars ✨️ - a Levihan drabble, for Hanji
The beach laid quiet that night. The low murmur of waves meeting the sand the only distinguishable sound echoing at the distance, almost like a hushed lullaby.
The kids had paid him a visit earlier that day, as they did every year when the last scraps of summer started to fade into the chill of orange trees and autumn breezes. It was nice to see them again, honestly. Levi was proud of the young men and women they had all become.
But he needed time to breathe alone, he figured. Time to be with himself in solace.
Gaby had taken him to the shores had everyone said their goodbyes, much like he'd asked of them. Then, she'd left back inside the house to finish up clearing the tables. He noticed, she had grown taller; taller than him, even, and that she wore her auburn hair in an unkept messy ponytail.
It reminded him of them.
Everything reminded him of them.
He looked over at the sea, there where the dark waters met the black night skies, and let out a heavy sigh that melted into the salty air.
It seemed forever ago when they had first reached beyond the walls. When they touched a world so new it felt they could grasp the horizon between their fingertips and nothing could ever hurt them anymore.
It was a simpler time, maybe. Even when war awaited, hidden in the shadows. The kids played amongst the crashing waves, laughing like the little children they had no chance of being, and hope painted the sky of bright clear blue. Even when fate uncertain clouded the roads ahead.
It was easier of a life, he mulled, surely, wincing at the memories flooding bittersweet. They were still warm and safe and alive next to him. And he much preferred uncertainty to the concrete and finite of death.
He exhaled. Hanji had held his hand and guided him along the shores that night, when they decided to set camp across the sand, curious and excited, like they had once explored mistery. The kids were already sound asleep in their tents, and everything else around them was drowned in silence.
"Have I ever told you about the stars, Levi?", they'd said.
He nodded, letting go of them if only for a brief second. They had stopped walking, far away from their lit bonfire, only to sit down together in the sand, facing the vastness of the universe side by side; two halves of a whole.
"You've told me way too many things, four eyes.", he admitted.
They laughed; a small sound that was ever so precious to his beating heart.
"Well, did you know they are nothing but boiling rock, pressed together by gravitational force?"
Levi shrugged. He usually had no idea what half of that scientific terminology meant, whatsoever, but still decided to listen either way. Time after time again.
"I guess it kinda makes sense.", he'd concluded, unsure. And Hanji smiled, with a fondness only reserved for moments like those they shared in the intimacy of eachother's company.
"A while back I read about them having some sort of life, much quite like us humans.", they'd explained, glaring up at the trail of specks that glimmered over the black infinity. "It's funny, you know? 'Cause when they die, it could be months or even years after they become invisible to us here on Earth."
Levi swallowed. There was a lump tightening his throat that he hadn't even noticed forming until he started struggling for air.
"Is it because of how far away they are from us?", was all he managed saying.
Hanji remained quiet for a while; a sigh of melancholy escaping them inevitable, slipping into the soft of the wind's melody.
"Sometimes, I like thinking that our fallen comrades turn into stars.", they'd confessed; dropping their weight free onto the sand immense, almost as broad as the skies above. "That we can still see them, even after they've been long gone. And that, in spite of their clear absense, their light still shines for us who're over here."
Levi had nodded, once more. He had never thought about it that way back then, but he certainly did now.
Was Hanji watching him, as he'd wished for that day? Were they still present, beating iridiscent in the shimmering of the brightest star?
He stared up; his only eye searching for signs written in the night.
It was hard to be without them, really. Desperating, even; to know a world without their shining light reaching for every corner, as fiery as the smoke that had once tarnished them whole. His heart hurt and twisted and turned, shattered to pieces with every beating day.
But specially that one.
Specially when life reminded him they should have been on Earth, by his side, and not wandering lost around the gates of heaven.
He grumbled, much to his desdain, and traced his fingers through the scars that had sewn him miraculous, back to life. Hanji's birthday week had always been difficult, but that one was specifically gut-wrenching.
September fifth, and they would have turned fourty, Levi remembered. Because, of course: how could he not?
Fourty, he thought to himself; a deep sigh, tinted of sorrow blue almost rushing through him.
He was sure, then, that they would have joked about becoming a fossil, if fate had ever given them the chance to, and that they would have smiled, evergreen as they blew out their candles; joy sealed concrete, imprinted permanent on the corners of their eyes. He was certain, also, that they would have booked a ticket anywhere right after the party was over with, and that they would have spent a lifetime following the clouds; because they were impulsive like that.
He chuckled; brief, yet audible.
It was ironic, honestly, how silver linings were starting to splatter his ever-dark hair, and Hanji would be no more, forever stuck in eternal youth.
No wrinkled smiles, no candles to blow.
They were ripped too early, for they would never be able to walk the world they once fought so vehemently to liberate.
No threads of grey crowning their head. No birthday cakes. No chances of attesting time change their skin. Nor growing old next to him.
The kids had brought them presents, though, as they did every year. Armin, a handful of titan books and a letter from sweet Mikasa, over in Paradis. Annie and Pieck a box of their favourite tea, along with a bottle of the local marleyan wine. Connie had fetched a bouquet of the lilac flowers Hanji used to love, and Jean had drawn them immortal into thick chalkboard traces: so realistic, Levi's heart had froze for over a good minute.
"You see?", he spoke, swiftly into the darkness. His chest stung with fiery anguish, much like the tears he held restrained inside his eyes. "How loved you are, shitty glasses..."
He never knew why he could never tell them such himself, back when they were still alive.
How could he be such a coward?
He had loved them, then. Loved them, still. Loved them always.
Were they ever aware that he loved them?
He exhaled, tiresome, and clutched his broken hand between steady fingers; a refugee he had built if only to savour the last of their breathing warmth, right before smoke had drowned them worlds away.
Hanji Zoe. The crazy titan scientist. A misunderstood soldier. A tornado that had spun his universe on its axis and ablazed his soul into burning flames.
He had loved them. Intense and achingly pure. He had loved them, although aware that surrendering himself to love was only condemning his emotions to the agony of eternal loss.
Maybe, that was why he had swallowed the words shut, he sought. Why he chose to explode in silence, instead of bombing wholes and make a mess of what little he had left. What would have been the diference, had he told them? Would there have been any?
Earlier that day, Reiner had given him a gift from both Flegel and Queen Historia herself: a fancy ring, of white gold and purple glimmering stones. He wondered, in his now solitude, if he would have put it around Hanji's finger had they breathed longer to keep him company. If he would have been brave enough to place the right questions, in spite of there never existing a fitting time.
He swallowed, impossible, and finally allowed himself free to cry in silence, for the suffering shaking his bones frail was just too much to bear alone.
When was the last time he'd cried like that? He figured, eventually, pain was something a soldier like him had to learn how to live with and in spite of. So he had kept it guarded to forsake his sanity, awfully convinced it would be for the best.
Even when he'd forgotten how much goodbye weighed heavy on his soul. How needed it was to set all hell loose, every once in a while.
He inhaled, sharply, and looked over at the seas through now blurry vision. The moon white reflected round over the rather calm waters; the only witness of his pouring emotion, flowing endless out of him.
Would Hanji know they were free now, thanks to them? That they had all tasted the peace they had once risked everything to discover?
Would they know he loved them, as deep as the ever-unreachable ocean?
The night was still yound and summer was slipping away and they would have been fourty. But they were gone and a piece of himself would always be missing, gone fourty times over with them.
"Four eyes...", he said; voice faltering, left fist closed tight across his chest, there where his heart remained fractured, but beating, still. "Happy birthday."
He assured, then, he was going to live through the pain, much to his terror of even trying. He was going to, if that was what would have made them joyful and content, wherever they were.
He promised, he was going to live for them.
Even when his only and biggest regret was ever agreeing to let them go that day.
"Hanji..." he glanced over at the sky, and extended his hand up open; as though he could touch them one last time, feel them laugh in the cool of the chanting breeze. "I will always love you. Did you know...?"
Stars danced and winked and sparkled blinding atop his head, attesting to the truth behind his words; purple like the stones in his ring. Precious like their favourite color.
He was going to live for them.
Maybe, because they were still watching, after all.
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glassesandswords · 3 years
Snk 126: Romantic or Platonic?
I have been reading the asks sent to @ihaveaterribleheadache about the Levihan scene in chapter 126 and its context and I wanted to share my thoughts but not flood Gypsy’s comment box lmao so here it goes: 
I think people have a fixation with how ‘romantic’ the scene was or whether Hange’s words were a ‘confession’ or not. Which is understandable, since this is one of the most iconic scenes for Levihan shippers as Hange literally confesses their desire to live together with Levi. A common argument is ‘Hange was tired so the words spilled out’ or ‘it can be taken platonically, I would also want to be roommates with my best friend’. As a person who enjoys LH’s relationship as it is, without any labels, I have a few things to say about that. 
1. In context of the story
During the course of chapter 126, Hange is taking care of an injured Levi while hiding in the woods after killing their pursuers. It is interesting to note that Hange, a person who cooperated with the Jaegerists’ demands in hopes of reaching some sort of peaceful compromise (even if they could easily take down grown men armed with guns- for example, the MP in the uprising arc) absolutely snapped out of it after seeing Levi near-dead in the river bank. 
Seeing Levi hurt gave them the determination to protect him in any way possible, even if it meant risking their own life by jumping into a flooding river with him or killing their own men. The moment when the Jaegerists displayed the intent of killing Levi, Hange was done with all their patience. They instantly switched into fight mode. 
Understandably, Hange is tired, physically and mentally after the whole ordeal. And it probably just occurred to them that they were very, very close to losing Levi, the only person they had left, the one person they thought could handle any situation. It came as an utter shock, to see their best friend in that state after a month since he was deployed into the forest. They try their best to patch him up with whatever limited resources they have. The shock has now mellowed down into a deep ache, an incredible sadness at how things turned out to be. And this is when they start their monologue. 
Usually, we never see Hange talk about their feelings in front of others unless they are particularly disturbed, and their words show the true depths of their emotions. There are three times we have seen this happen- a) When Hange discovered the wall titans in season two and admits to Moblit and their entire squad along with Pastor Nick that they are terrified. b) (in the manga) When Hange requested everyone to lay low during the beginning of the uprising arc because they felt guilty about Pastor Nick’s death. c) During the serumbowl on the rooftop to help Mikasa accept the inevitable. 
These three scenes had incredible weight on them, Scene a- while confronted with ground-breaking knowledge that could change everything, Scene b- The guilt of a person’s life that was entrusted to them being snuffed out from right under their nose, Scene c- The shock of losing Moblit, losing an eye, letting Reiner go, and seeing Erwin die in front of them- which might have not happened if they had Reiner to pass on to him along with Bert. 
Hange expresses their true feelings only when something major happens. Otherwise, they keep themself strong, optimistic and fixated on the present and future, rather than the past. But the events that occurred before 126 was bigger than all of them, at least from Hange’s perspective. So, when they said they’d rather run away and live with Levi, it was coming straight from the bottom of their heart- a suppressed desire spilling through. Those words are not something that can be brushed off as a passing statement, especially since Hange calls back to it in 127 to Jean as well. Hange really does want to live a peaceful life with Levi, and Levi alone. 
2. In context of Japan’s culture 
There are literally so many metas about this, but in short, Japanese confessions are roundabout. This actually applies to many eastern cultures, where we rather give hints than make an outright bold statement of love. Bold statements are usually only made after you’ve established and labeled your relationship properly. Till then, there are statements like “Well, looks like they don’t love you back.” (cough Levi in chapter 132 cough). 
Not to mention that the practice of running away from the eyes of the society and living somewhere alone together with your beloved is the EPITOME of romance in many eastern cultures, including mine. So, it’s really, really not a stretch to assume that statement from Hange was intended to be romantic. 
3. In the visual context of the setting and mood
This is purely from a writer’s perspective and my frank observation of the scene from a media student’s point of view. If I wanted to hint something between my characters but not make it too explicit, I’d write them into a setting that would be powerful and soft at the same time. Sort of like a bubble, with just the two of them being vulnerable towards each other as the world crumbles apart around them. While this can be applied to any two characters, I’d separate it by enhancing the visuals, the mood, the weight, and the drama of the scene. 
When one character’s fierce protectiveness over the other overrides their usual tolerant nature, I’d hope to showcase that for them, the importance of their partner’s life is greater than anything else. One character jumping into a river while clutching the half-dead body of the other is just peak angst drama that rivals fanfictions. Hurt/comfort is one of the biggest fanfic tropes out there, and considering only the visuals of that scene in chapter 126, it is actually cozy and quite intimate, two people sharing alone time in silence in the heart of the woods, crackling campfire casting a glow on their faces and just one tent pitched up. In such a situation, if I wanted to add a subtle touch of romance into it, I’d make them sit in close proximity to each other, have one of them confess their feelings while thinking that their partner is asleep/unconscious, and let them be freer with physical contact. 
And for the dummies who still don’t get it, I’d add a blush for safety’s sake. 
I’m not saying my interpretation is strictly the same thing that Isayama has intended to portray. All I’m saying is that if he intended to show a smidgen of romance colouring the moment, he did a great job of it. Like, look at the setting and the mood of these panels and then look at me in the eye and tell me that they aren’t extremely intimate, especially for SNK’s standards. 
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4. In context of their feelings and sexualities
 Levi and Hange’s sexualities are not explicitly revealed, but considering their interests and their ways of expression in the manga, I personally find the two of them to be somewhere in the demi/ace spectrum. While there are tons of headcanons, we haven’t seen them actively seek out romantic or sexual relationships or display such feelings towards others. ‘Oh, but Hange had a crush on Shadis/Pieck-’ not really. Hange admired Shadis and his leadership abilities earlier, for being a person who led an extraordinary team with his bravery and ambition, and was disappointed in him later. As for Pieck, Hange barely knew her. They were pretty much just interested in her titan form, being the naturally curious scientist they are. (No offense to Pikuhan shippers, Pikuhan is still one of my favorite crackships along with Zekehan and Zevi lmao, I really enjoy them together but it is what it is) 
Personally, as a person romantically attracted to all genders and sexually attracted to none, I don’t see why platonic relationships should, by default, be placed below romantic relationships. In fact, I think platonic relationships are actually stronger, for they are not bound by physical attraction or particular labels. They are families we choose based on their personalities and how much we- how to put this- vibe with them, really. And I think that’s pure af. Strong platonic relationships are equal to or even greater than romantic relationships in my opinion. 
Sure, Levi and Hange’s relationship is still open to interpretation, but what they do have- as the last remaining members of the SC, after being comrades and having each other’s backs for around ten years in the face of countless struggles and deaths and sorrows- is nothing short of agape, the purest form of love towards each other. This sort of love transcends the discussion of romantic or platonic, it’s just utter, selfless love, expecting nothing in return. And they have displayed it time and time again, with Hange saving Levi twice, and Levi letting go the only person he had left, by respecting Hange’s wishes in 132 instead of being selfish and holding on. 
And I think, at the face of this pure, mature, and selfless love, all the shipping squabbles just fade into oblivion. 
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Levihan Week 2021
Day two: Confessions
Summary: Confessions are to be made in the right place, in the right time.
"Confessions are to be made in the right place, in the right time."
It was an advice that Erwin once gave him, during one of the rare instances when the late Commander allowed himself to shrug off his heavy duty and act like a normal human.
Back then, Levi didn't understand the meaning of his words, didn't realize how this philosophical remark could be related to his question about “that red-haired lady that visited our barracks with Dawk today”.
But time went on, and the words refused to leave Levi's mind. Watching his fellow scouts, his friends and subordinates, he couldn't help but remember Erwin's wisdom.
Confessions are to be made in the right place, in the right time
The more Levi thought about it, the more he started to believe that it was a universal truth. Blurt out the wrong thing to the wrong person or in the wrong time, and you create a misunderstanding, tension or even a conflict.
Blurt out the right thing to the right person but in the wrong time, and you can very well destroy the relationship that was so treasured.
Levi saw examples of this everywhere - drunken soldiers slurring the admission of their love to their equally drunken comrades, heavily injured soldiers whispering the words of love on the verge of death, forever breaking the heart of the subject of their affections, angry and tired soldiers screaming out those dangerous three little words in the moments of frustration and resentment.
Love made people stupid, it made people reckless. It was dangerous and unwelcome in their line of work. He couldn't allow his heart to grow attached to someone else, couldn't let his eyes wander in the search of them during battles, couldn't let someone else's voice and laugh distract him from his duties.
Levi scoffed at the soldiers who waxed poetic about love, he rolled his eyes at the displays of affection, he pitied the fools who dedicated their hearts not to the indestructible idea of humanity and its future, but to a single, mortal person.
And then, out of nowhere, in the midst of battles, losses and rare moments of peace, he himself became that very same fool. During battles, his eyes searched for the shrieking idiot, his heartbeat slowing down only after he saw them alive and well. During late evenings and sleepless nights, he sat in the stuffy, dusty laboratory, listening to unending ramblings about titans, the outside world and the hopes of bright future.
He was more focused with them by his side. He slept better when they were curled up around him. Even his food was more delicious when they shared it with him, shamelessly stealing bits of his dinner.
It wasn't love, Levi had tried to assure himself. Love was dangerous and stupid, love was making people weak. But this— this bond, this comradery, this friendship, it wasn't making him weak. It was making him stronger, it was making him fight even harder, to ensure that this hell would end with both of them still alive. This bond, it was making him feel so... happy.
Love made people do stupid things when their other half was injured or in danger. But Levi's person, they were strong. Almost as skilled as was he, and twice as smart.
On the battlefield, they were quick and graceful, invisible, they did not make him worried. Whatever danger they were facing, they always managed to defeat it.
But then, then Kenny came back into his life and then they went after him straight into that fucking cave, and Levi's heart had stopped, it almost crushed when he heard their scream and saw them fall.
And blood, there was so much blood on their shirt, in front of his eyes. And that's when Levi realized - he became attached, he fell in love.
Confessions are to be made in the right place, in the right time
It was the first time he remembered these words in a very long time. He thought he would never need this advice. But that night, when they returned from that cave, when Levi stayed by their side, watching them hiss and wince as doctors bandaged their injured shoulder, he almost blurted it all out. Scared out of his mind, he wanted to grab their face and scream at them how he almost lost his shit during the fight, how even the thought of losing them was making him absolutely terrified. He wanted to press their forehead against his and whisper, so quietly than only two of them would hear, how much he loved them.
But they had a battle waiting for them first thing in the morning. Both of them were exhausted, both of them had too much on their minds. It wasn't the right time and it wasn’t the right place.
So he simply gripped their healthy hand and said, "You looked like a fucking amateur back there, four-eyes. Try to focus next time, alright?"
The answering laughter was quiet, but cheerful. It mended Levi's heart.
Then there was Shiganshina, and Levi's previous fears started to look like an overreaction. He thought he was afraid before, he thought he was close to losing them before, but last time, he could at least see them twitch and groan out in pain, he was somewhat comforted by the knowledge that there were people looking over them.
But now, now, there was no one. There was an explosion, a big, thundering explosion, and after it, there was nothing, nothing at all.
And Levi— Levi couldn't go there and check if someone was still alive. He couldn't even stop and make sense of what he was feeling. Everything was moving too quickly, and he could only follow that swift flow, trying his best not to get drown in it.
And, as he continued moving, never faltering, his eyes were wet - with sweat, with blood, with tears - Levi couldn't spare a second to wipe all of it. He could only continue marching forward.
Confessions are to be made in the right place, in the right time
It wasn't the right place, certainly not the right time, but his desperate, relieved "Hange!" could probably count as a confession. It certainly disclosed the feelings that otherwise he would never let out.
But the current kept moving forward, and both of them were struggling to keep their head afloat. There was no time for words of love, no time for being stupid and reckless.
After the utter disaster that was Shiganshina, they returned home, and the place was right, but the time wasn't, as both of them were still dealing with the losses they've endured. Dumping even more revelations onto them seemed unwise, cruel even, so Levi stayed silent, remained at their side, loyal and faithful.
When they finally arrived at the sea, it seemed like the place was right, and the time was right. And as Hange dragged him from one end of the beach to the other, shoving seashell after seashell into his face, Levi even prepared a romantic, touching speech, the kind of soft confession that his love deserved. Something along the lines, "you're more precious than the sea in front of me".
But that peaceful day was over before he could master the courage to let the truth out in the open.
And after that, after that, the time and the place were never quite right. He could not confess in the midst of thousands official meetings, strategy planning and war councils. He couldn't confess when they had to meet with the Marley volunteers, he couldn't confess when they went to explore Marley itself.
He couldn't confess before they went to retrieve Eren's stupid ass. Although, he wanted to, desperately so. But when he grabbed their shoulder before they boarded the airship, he could only tell them, "Don't die. I'd hate to be in charge of this circus."
He didn't know if his true meaning was clear enough, if his voice was tight enough to translate his curt words into their intended point.
Don't leave me alone. I don't know if I can do this without you.
It only went downhill from that. He had no time to speak with them after they came home, he had no time before he went to the forest with Zeke, the place and the time just weren't right.
When Zeke had escaped, when the explosion had almost killed him, Levi thought that he had lost his chance. He had hesitated for too long, and the moment was lost forever. But the explosion didn't kill him, Hange saved him.
And this time, the place was right, it was perfect, a quiet, dark forest where nothing and no one could get to them.
Maybe, the two of us just should live here together. Right, Levi?
He wanted to say yes, wanted to scream "let's leave this fucking hell behind and grow old together". He wanted bury his face in their neck and whisper "I love you, more than anything".
But he didn't.
The place was right, but the time wasn't.
The place, the time, they were never right.
After they got out of the forest, things were spending up and up, leaving Levi behind and unable to catch up. He was always at the back, watching but not doing anything, too weak to even talk. And they were at the front, leading everyone towards their noble goal.
As he watched them move forward, leaving him to fight the Yeagerists, discussing plans with their allies, as he watched them slip through his fingers like a morning fog, those words were at the tip of his tongue, ready to spill out.
But Hange never stopped, they had no time to hear him out.
And then, Hange finally stopped. Then they decided to become the one that was going to be left behind. And in the process, they left behind Levi.
He thought about it so much, for so long, he was carrying these feelings for almost a decade. But he never figured out just what words to use to explain the matters of his heart.
Confessions are to be made in the right place, in the right time
He was so focused on these words that he forgot about the most important thing. Confession had to be done right as well. But he had no time to ponder and search his mind for the fitting words. He had no time, Hange had no time, and in that last moment, when his heart was breaking and his mind kept chanting "please, don't leave me, not you, please, not you", the only thing he could get out was, "Dedicate your heart."
The confession was clumsy, too roundabout, but his feelings probably were clear enough. He hoped so, at least.
Before they went, before they left him alone, Levi wanted them to know, wanted them to remember just how loved they were.
As he sat in that plane, his mind going crazy with grief, he remembered the words spoken to him in the middle of the night, by a man who refused to feel the pain of loss, who shut himself away from affection and love.
Confessions are to be made in the right place, in the right time
Perhaps, Erwin was wrong in that regard, Levi realized. Perhaps, there was no such thing as right place and right time. There could only be right person.
And Levi had just lost his.
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firelord-suki · 3 years
Hi Bianca! Here's a levihan prompt for you: They meet again in another timeline and when they finally recognize each other, Hange goes, "Let's live together in this lifetime, shall we?"
Hi Izela, thank you for the prompt! I'm sorry for taking so long to write this, I hope you like it!
BTW, I wrote this in two hours in the middle of the night while I listening to "Turning Page" by Sleeping At Last and "Cornelia Street" by Taylor Swift... and you can totally tell lol.
It all began with the simplest of things, situations that could pass as part of Hange’s imagination; someone calling their name, the ghost of a touch on their shoulder, a pull on their hair – strong enough to demand attention, gentle enough not to hurt.
Sometimes, while Hange sat hunched over a table and looked through their microscope, they could hear someone calling their name. “Hurry up, four-eyes. Everyone’s tired of waiting for you.” They looked over their shoulder, expecting to see their assistant calling them for the lunch break, but found nothing but a closed door and an empty lab.
It was nothing like Moblit’s voice either, much deeper and colder than his.
Other times, alone in their house after a long shift, Hange prepared two cups of tea instead of just one. One cup with three spoons of sugar and another one with barely any of it. They stayed there, just staring at the white teacups on the kitchen table… The steaming hot tea slowly turned cold, waiting for someone who would never come.
Hange blamed it on the lack of sleep at first, but then, even their nights became a hunting ground. Dreams of another time slipped inside their mind in incoherent flashes. A mist of tender late nights shared with a close friend, and the violent battles that followed without a warning.
They attributed those bittersweet scenes to residue information that their brain tried to process, maybe an action movie they saw, or a romance novel that filled them with hopeless romantic scenarios…
But nothing was ever just as simple. Those sparks of information, those private moments, were just as confusing as they were recurrent. Insistent. Memories that someone else cherished so much to the point of carrying on to the next world.
A dark forest and the feeling of damp clothes against their body, a quiet confession that didn’t require an answer. Dedicate your heart. Their own body is flames, painting the blue sky in the warmest shade of orange.
As most dreams did, those also faded with the daylight, only bits and pieces remained, locked inside their mind, bringing along their grief and hopelessness. Levi Ackerman. The name rolled out of their tongue so easily as a laugh would.
Hange liked coherent things, they used logic to understand the world around them. If they didn’t have an answer to something that piqued their interest, they’d find one, even if that meant spending late nights obsessing over the computer.
“Who doesn’t have an instagram account these days?” They closed another tab after opening tons of profiles, none similar to their Levi Ackerman.
After the light research about dreams and memories proved ineffective – with the google results leading them to “find out about your past-life” meditation youtube videos – Hange decided to go full-on stalker mode. But finding one particular Levi amongst seven billion people in the entire world was a harder feat to accomplish.
And again, even if they did find him… What then? He may live on the other side of the world. He may speak a different language. He may enjoy life in total reclusion from the problems of modern-day society.
Somehow, that last idea didn’t seem so far-fetched. “Maybe we should just live here, right, Levi?”
The more Hange looked, the more frustrated they got. Curses came out of their mouth as fast as they typed into the search bar of yet another social media website. The same curses always accompanied by his name, already so familiar in their vocabulary.
Their anger brought no results. Hange went to bed when the day broke through the horizon, with deep bags under their eyes, more frustration than one body could endure, and prepared for another set of nightmares.
By the next afternoon, when Hange was close to giving up, a glimpse of hope appeared on their twitter timeline as a suggestion. “Maybe you should follow these accounts...”
The profile had no more information except for his age and a small picture where his face was barely visible – it didn’t matter, Hange could recognize that shade of dark hair easily. The adrenaline rush made them click the request follow button way too fast, and the aftermath of that decision caused them to sit on their couch with their hands clasped together, biting their nails and moving their legs up and down like the anxious mess they were, hoping a new notification would soon pop up.
The notification didn’t come that day, nor the rest of the week. Every day, Hange logged in to their account, just to check, only to be disappointed. Then, when disappointment dimmed, they tried to argue that maybe Levi only accepted people he already knew, or maybe he hadn’t updated his account in years.
“God, I’m acting like a teenager.” They blocked their phone and threw it on the furthest end of the couch.
Searching for Levi led them to a dead-end. Childish illusions. What if Levi accepted their follow request? What would they do then? “I know you have no idea who I am, but I think you’re my soulmate from another life and we should live together until the end of times?”
Right… He’d waste no time blocking me.
Hange decided to give up on chasing useless dreams – or that’s what they tried to believe. The long-lost memories continued to make appearances during the nights, the phantom touches from another life still reverberated on their body, and the absence of someone else grew bolder with each passing day.
During those days, weeks, and then months, longing and loneliness walked hand in hand. The more they dreamed about the unknown, the more they missed it.
Winter arrived early that year. Hange decorated the apartment for Christmas in various red, golden, and green ornaments, all as an excuse to celebrate a stranger’s birthday. They placed a few presents under the tree, something he might like, and then stepped outside to the balcony with a warm blanket and two cups of tea – one with three spoons of sugar and another one with barely any of it.
The first snowfall of the year came and covered the streets, cars, and rooftops in white. Some snowflakes sparkled in the light shining from the lamp posts, and Hange took some time to imagine that they were dancing outside, twirling in the cold while someone held their hand.
“It seems as if I’ve waited a million years, already.” They whispered, imagining, hoping, that maybe Levi heard them. “but I can wait a million more for you.”
The lights flickered, a perfect opportunity for their ghosts to come to life. Two small figures emerged from the shadows, swaying from side to side in the middle of the sidewalk, kicking snow everywhere, and almost kissing under the moonlight.
A million years were no match for Hange’s devotion.
Summer brought a bit of serenity back to Hange’s life. More work, a regular sleeping schedule, and fewer and fewer dreams. Somehow, they missed those wild nights of dreams and nightmares blurring together. There was no regret in receiving those memories back, Hange concluded that possessing that knowledge was better than staying in the dark about their best friend’s existence.
Maybe Levi was out there, waiting for Hange too. They could only hope that the future would be kinder… That their next life would have more compassion…
“I’m sorry! Do you know where Dr. Hange’s lab is? I just started working here and–” A raspy voice called out for them, shouting their name in a manner too intimate for a first meeting. The person stopped talking once Hange turned around.
There was no such thing as love at first sight, but Hange couldn’t find any other logical explanation to the feeling spilling from their chest – no other explanations besides a deep feeling in their gut screaming that they’ve met before, centuries ago, in another world ravaged by hate.
The sunlight glistened through Hange’s glasses, poorly hiding the tears. The wind brushed Levi’s hair away, revealing his shocked eyes. He looked so young, so free. This life treated him well, apparently. No one deserved it more than him.
Hange called his name at the same time he called theirs, it echoed like a prayer in their lips. The memories, which at that point were merely broken glass shards reflecting a messy story, came together. Hange remembered everything, and they were sure that Levi did too.
In seconds, Levi crossed the sidewalk outside of the college campus and pulled Hange against his body. Their face pressed against his neck, his hands intertwined in their hair, his touch raised a million buried feelings.
“I hope I never lose you… Not this time.” He murmured, voice laced with fear, still hugging them tightly.
“You won’t.” Hange unwillingly stepped back, only to stare into his eyes and smile. They could barely distinguish their own emotions, but something similar to relief resurfaced. With a deep breath, they closed their eyes and pressed their forehead against Levi’s “Let’s live together in this lifetime, shall we?”
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nenithil · 3 years
Hello! I’m sending this to various accounts: At ch132, it seems that Hange wasn’t planning to say goodbye to Levi, why do you think Hange would do that and how do you think Levi would react if Hange actually would’ve gone without saying goodbye? Do you think Hange underestimate their bond or was a way to protect both of them? Also, do you think the final plane was a wink to Hange or was a way to portrait their fallen comrades? If you took the time to answer this question, thank you very much <3
Hello anon! Thank you for asking!
Why was Hange going to leave without saying goodbye?
My view should be similar to that of most levihan shippers: it's because Hanji is afraid to face Levi. She had made up her mind, but Levi was the one who could let her show her weakness.
In Uprising, the journalists mentioned that for the safety of their family, they had to obey Monarchy's orders and violate their principles and conscience. Hanji said that if I were in your position, I might do the same - of course, I don't think she would really do the same, but this line at least showed that the happiness and safety of her loved ones also have a great impact on her. It's even enough for her to shake her principles and ideals at some time.
Seeing Levi, she would think of their unrealized dream of living together. And more importantly, she can't bear to think that the injured Levi will fight and live alone in the cruel world
——So before leaving, she pretended to easily mention Levi to Armin. She wanted someone to take care of him instead of herself, but she also knew that others would not take care of Levi with so much love just like she did.
So I think it's because she didn't underestimate their bonds so that she wanted to leave alone. When Levi stopped her, we could see from her expression how wavered and afraid she was. When Levi said "dedicate the heart", the panel focused on Hanji's lips. I felt how sad and reluctant she was, how hard she swallowed soft and weak words, so as to leave with a cheerful look
——It's not for what Levi said. I think no matter what Levi said, whether he showed understanding, acceptance or anger, Hange would be grieved. If Hange could regard the world after death as the beginning of another adventure to reduce the fear of death, then Levi is an inseparable existence for her in the living world.
If Hanji left without saying goodbye, Levi would be angry and suffering. He would feel "how dare you". On the other hand, he would constantly wonder why she did this, whether he did well enough. He would suspect, have I not shown her enough care, understanding and consideration, so that she didn't even want to say goodbye to me.... just like when Kenny left him... Even if he knew Hange deeply, those suspicions are still difficult to get rid of. So in some ways, I'm glad he at least had the chance to say farewell to Hanji.
So I don't think Hange did this to protect them both. As she said, she just wanted to leave easily with a "cool" look. In the face of death and separation, she couldn't control her weakness. She just wanted to escape to protect her inner stability.
As for the final plane, of course, it should be a wink to Hange. Only Hange's death is related to the plane. Some previous panels of Zeke, Eren or the wings of freedom could be said to “portray their fallen comrades".
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wardenannie · 3 years
feeling rough tonight so here’s a sweet, soft levihan fluff drabble (mentions sex but nothing explicit) 
crossposted on Ao3 :)
After Shiganshina they are left broken, shambles of human beings held together by bandages and the sheer will to survive which drives them forward like the wounded animals they have become. 
Hange has lost their eye, and Moblit. A dear, beloved friend who, up until the moment of his death, they had never truly appreciated the value of. And now they gained the title of Commander of the Survey Corps? Not truly a gain, but a loss in its own right. A loss of freedom. A burden of responsibility. And now Hange must bear it alone.
For Levi it is the loss Commander Erwin which hurts the most. The loss of his dearest, oldest remaining friend. The loss of an almost lover, some cadets whisper in the halls of headquarters. Though that much might be a fabrication, Levi did love Erwin. He still does. Always will. And what’s worse? Zeke. The beast titan escaped with his life. And now Levi is alone.
When they stumble upon one another in the bathhouse it is entirely by accident. They have both come late hoping it would be abandoned. In that thought process they have damned themselves into seeing one another. 
Hange is still angry. Broken that Levi had chosen Armin to live and condemned Erwin to death. Levi is steadfast in his belief that he had made the right choice. No apology can mend the rift that has grown between the Commander and Captain. That they were lovers before? Irrelevant. That they had once made love under cover of dark, that they had known one another body and soul? Not enough. Nothing was enough. 
They were too broken, too bloody raw to forgive, let alone forget. They were fraying at the seams, falling apart piece by piece, bone by bone, limb by limb. They couldn’t even look one another in the eye anymore. 
Not until this night in the bathhouse.  
They arrive at the same moment, each dressed down to their pajamas. Towels slung over their shoulders. They face one another at the doorway, staring blankly. Each blinking at the other like they are a simple illusion made from the steam which seeps from under the door. 
Finally, Hange speaks, “You go, I’ll just-
Levi grabs their arm. Eyes cast into shadow by the incline of his head and the fall of his raven hair. Now is his moment. Another like it may never come again. They need to mend this rift which has formed between them, not only for the survival of the Survey Corps, but for their own sanities. 
Electricity races up Hange’s arm at his touch. The fine hairs on the back of their neck stand on end and they instinctively pull away. Levi raises his head slightly, eyes flashing with sudden, deep hurt. 
Now it is his turn to move as if he means to leave, “Commander, I’ll just-
“No,” Hange says and he halts, body twisted half away from them. 
“Levi...” They miss him. Oh god do they miss him so much. The Commander’s bed is too large, too cold at night. And the burden they now bear is too heavy to muster alone. They need him. Anger and resentment aside, they need their short-stack beside them. “Levi I’m sorry.” 
It is not an apology for their anger, that still remains, and will for some time. But it is an apology for the behavior that anger had spurred. 
Levi freezes for a moment, swallowing audibly before turning to face them fully once more. 
“Just, c’mon,” Hange opens the door, steam billows out, clouding their glasses. They have a brand new patch laid over their bad eye. “Let’s bathe and talk things out, please. I can’t do this anymore, not without you.” 
“Do what?” Levi asks, but Hange only motions towards the open door with their head, singular eye expectant. 
They bar the door once they are inside to thwart any potential interruptions, then they strip. It is wholly non-sexual, though they do appreciate the hard lines and scars of their well-trained bodies, it is impossible not to. 
They sink into the water up to their necks, sitting side by side but not touching. They both look up to the plain white, tile of the ceiling, making unseen patterns in the grout between the individual pieces. 
“What’s there to say?” Levi begins reluctantly. “I let Erwin die. I killed our oldest friend.” 
Hange grits their teeth, old anger pooling like hot blood in their stomach, tingling in their fingertips. But they bite it down, recognizing it for what it is, grief masquerading as anger. They miss Erwin. They want him back. Levi let him die. Levi chose Armin. 
The tears that sting in the corners of their eyes are genuine, “No. You didn’t kill him. You were right. He was ready to die. It was time.” 
It is a hard admission to make. It burns like acid on Hange’s tongue. But they know its true. Erwin was tired of fighting. Erwin Smith was ready to lie down and be done with it. Even if the Survey Corps still needed him. Even if Hange still needed him. 
Levi looks to them with wide grey eyes, lips slightly parted in his uncertainty, “Hange...” 
“You never owed anyone an apology,” Hange cuts him off, sensing his line of thought. “Don’t you dare apologize now.” 
They sit in silence for a long moment after that. Levi stares at Hange. Hange stares at the ceiling, still tracing those unseen patterns. It is then that Levi notices they haven’t removed their eyepatch despite being otherwise naked. Unthinking, he reaches out and touches it, pulling lightly on its strap. 
Hange scowls, “What are you doing?” 
“Take it off,” Levi says. “I want to see how its healed.” 
“It’s ugly.” 
“Nothing about you is ugly, four-eyes,” the words are past his lips before he can stifle them. He flushes slightly at the half confession, bashful, like a school-boy, like he doesn’t know Hange’s body inside and out. 
Hange gives a small laugh at this, and shifts closer to him, close enough for him to see the shine in their good eye. They remove the patch, placing it atop the pile of their clothes and towel. The orbit around the eye it thick with scar tissue, a half dozen tiny lacerations all puckered and pink and angry. The eye itself is milky white, lacking any pupil, unseeing. 
Levi touches it, and Hange takes his wrist in their hand, pressing his palm to their cheek. They hold one another’s gazes for a beat, the steamy air around them suddenly stiflingly hot. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” Hange admits, and they shift Levi’s hand to kiss the heel of his palm. All of their anger has melted away into the steaming waters. Now they only want to touch, to kiss, to make up for lost time. 
Levi only nods in response, closing the narrow distance between them and kissing Hange carefully on their lips. It’s slow at first, tender, loving. Not an ounce of sex behind it, only delicate, well hidden feelings finally rising to the surface. 
When they part Hange crawls into his lap, wrapping their arms around the back of his neck. They pepper his throat and face with little kisses, then they press their face into the side of his neck, hugging him tightly. 
“I need you, Smalls,” they admit. “I can’t do this without you. I’m not Erwin. I’m not cut out to be Commander.” 
“You are,” Levi answers, hand running soothingly up their back. Oh how he has missed the feel of their skin beneath his touch. “Erwin loved and respected you enough to name you his successor.” 
“No one can live up to his legacy,” Hange whispers. They kiss his neck again, then reach behind Levi’s shoulder for a bar of soap. 
“But you can make your own,” Levi argues softly as Hange sits back, lathering the bar of soap between their hands. 
Wordlessly they clean one another’s bodies. Hands massaging lather into war scarred skin. They know one another well. Each little hill and valley, each a map to the other’s cartographer. Occasionally they stop to kiss for a moment, savoring one another’s breath and flavor. 
Because they are alive. They survived. Shiganshina could have been so much worse, they both realize as the kisses finally grow heated. Neither of them are alone. They never were. So long as they have one another. 
There is no Levi without Hange, he thinks. 
There is no Hange without Levi, they think. 
Once they are clean and the suds have been washed from their skin they rise from the water and dry themselves swiftly. They make no effort to conceal that they are together as they retreat back towards Hange’s quarters. 
Hange holds Levi by the wrist, dragging him along behind them. 
When they reach Hange’s quarters they fall into the bed together, a flurry of limbs and frantic kisses and shed clothing. 
They make love in the low candlelight, and when they are through they curl up beneath the blankets, Hange’s head pillowed on Levi’s shoulder. They lay a gentle hand on his chest, tracing unseen patterns into his sweat damp skin, finger dragging from scar to scar. 
“I missed this,” Levi speaks first. A man of few words, it is rare for him to make vocal such tender thoughts. “I missed you.” 
Hange hums, inclining their head to meet his lips in a chaste kiss. They curl closer to him, and his arms tighten protectively around their body. In truth they don’t need any protecting, but they let him pretend, they let him have his moment to have and hold them like he never wants to let go. 
“When I die,” Hange says, “Armin is to take my place.” 
Levi stills under them, hard line of his body tensing, “Shut up.” 
Hange sighs, nuzzling into Levi’s throat, they hug him tight, as though he anchors them to the world, “The chances of my death are high, smalls. We have to be prepared. There has to be a line of succession and Armin makes sense... I see now why he was a wise choice, all things considered.” 
Hange doesn’t even feel angry anymore. Suddenly all of the pieces begin to fall into place. Erwin, Hange, Armin, a clear line from one mind to the next. Cold tactical prowess, keen compassionate intelligence, and then a healthy mix of them both. It works. 
Levi huffs, irritated, then his eyes flash with something deeper, and pain etches itself across his handsome face. He tucks his chin over Hange’s head, holding them near, tight, clutched it his bare chest like they are the most precious thing in his world, “You’re not going to die, shitty-glasses.” 
Hange only hums, they part from him just enough to observe his pained expression. Their heart aches for him, for all that he has lost, for all that he is going to lose. 
“There will come a day,” Hange says, and they touch his cheek. He leans into it, jaw clenching. “But not too soon, I don’t think.” 
They don’t really know how soon or far off the moment lies, but they can sense it, somewhere down the line. They won’t see the end of this damned war. It hurts to think about. A painful truth. 
They’ll never get married. Have a family. They’ll have lived and died a soldier. 
“Can’t we just lay here in this shitty, stupid moment?” Levi asks, pulling them back to his chest. “Can’t we just...” 
He can’t finish the sentence. Instead he hides his face in Hange’s wet hair, hand caressing up their arm. 
“Yeah,” Hange answers, tucking themself into his side. “Yeah, let’s just lay here for a bit. We deserve that much.” 
“Go to sleep, Hange,” Levi whispers, leaning over to snuff out the candle on the bedside table. “Rest.” 
For a brief, evanescent moment out of time, neither Levi nor Hange are alone. 
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Do you love daddy?
“Do you love daddy?” Luke repeated. His eyes were wide, he was probably reading into her soul.
Hange didn’t want to give him too easy of a time mind reading. “Of course I do,” she said.
“How come you never tell him you love him?”
Luke asks Hange a question and Hange reflects on it.
Written for Levihan Week 2021, Day 2: Confessions
Link: AO3
Levihan Week Day 2 Prompt: Confessions, organized by @levihanweek.
I edited this half asleep to meet my own internal deadline for day 2. I hope it still suffices. Feedback is very much appreciated!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
There was a small forest near their house. In fact, Hange had decided on their permanent home mainly for its proximity from the park.
In the middle of the park was a small, small forest. But to Hange, it was ginormous. Or at least, what you would consider ginormous in an urban setting. It held adventure. It held mystery. It held some breathtaking liberation, something withheld from her during her years as a commander.
That particular weekend was a lazy weekend. It was just her and her son. For some parent-child bonding, Hange was ready to get lost in the forest. Before she could even dive deeper though, reality rammed into her in such an abrupt, yet such gentle and adorable manner. “Do you love daddy?” Luke asked.
With those words alone, Hange could almost hear the curiosity burning inside him. She kept her eyes trained ahead, focusing on the forest. The woods were small, the forest was only large enough for a few small kids to play some hybrid between tag and hide-and-seek. The trees were of a safe size, some convenient shape that framed their surroundings.
It was a beautiful view, something she didn’t see often, especially when cooped up in the office forty hours a week. She decided to enjoy it and let whatever answer to that question come organically.
Do I love Levi?
The forest held more than adventure. It held something silent and invisible. Along the way, she had suddenly become aware of the breathing of her son, the rustle of the leaves. He was only inches away from her. In surprise, she turned back to her son while attempting to conceal the discomfort. She willed herself to keep her chin up, her eyes a reasonable size and her breathing very much even.
“Do you love daddy?” The kid repeated, his eyes wide. He could probably read into her soul and she didn’t want to give him too easy of a time mind reading.
“Of course I do,” Hange said.
“How come you never tell him you love him?”
“I do.”
“Corbin says his parents tell each other they love each other everyday,” Luke said.
Corbin… Was that a friend at school? It was nothing more than a passing thought. If it demanded to be something else, Hange didn’t notice, her thoughts had embedded themselves into something a little more pressing. “Luke, you don’t think I love daddy?” she challenged.
The young boy cocked his head to one side and shrugged. “You don’t tell daddy you love him…”
Hange could have sworn she did. She found herself racking her memories for some hint to an answer, some hint to reassurance that would suffice for her son.
When Hange indulged that nostalgia, the trees blurred for a second, the greens extended beyond the frames of her view. The sky that wiggled themselves through the canopy as streams of light disappeared for just a second.
Why don’t we just live here together? They echoed inside her and with it, they sent a rush of confidence through her. “I love him.” She had enough confidence to introduce it as if it were a well thought out proposition. She turned to his son.
Luke narrowed his eyes. Through the years, he was starting to look more and more like his father. If Luke expressed emotions anything like his father, Hange could be certain, it was doubt written all over his face.
Luke didn’t believe her? Hange was in no mood though for a lecture. She was in no mood for a moment of introspection, especially when there were still lichens and moss around her she wanted to identify. “Let’s talk about that when we get home.”
The conversation was over. Hange walked ahead then into the forest and tabled that problem for later.
Children never forget.
Hange scolded herself for underestimating the boy and to add insult to injury, overestimating herself. She wasn’t at all ready for the talk, especially not in front of Levi. She had just indulged that bad habit of hers, that tendency to assume that a five year old would forget what the hell they had just said.
“Do you love each other?” Luke had asked. It came too out of nowhere, over half finished plates of homemade pasta and untouched bowls of soup.
Levi coughed violently then dropped his spoon. One hand flew to his mouth. “What the fuck.” It came out like a mumble, a second later, concealed by one smooth deep breath.
Hange was frozen, too frozen to even tell what had been her first reaction.
Levi composed himself quickly. “Why are you asking that?”
Hange had known him long enough to know though that he was raring to insert some curse into that query. “Of course we do” Her response was automatic. Still she found herself, flashing Levi a look.
He returned it with something unreadable, seemingly uninterested but with a sliver of surprise.
“How come you never tell each other ‘I love you?’” Luke asked.
“We do,” Levi said.
For a second, Hange was relieved. At least they were still in the same wavelength.
“When?” Luke asked.
“Sometimes… when you’re asleep,” Hange said. Once again, those words had been automatic, impulsive. They were a product of Hange's inability to process such complex emotions, especially with a five year old of all things.
It was a mistake, an utterly stupid mistake. How the hell Hange hadn’t seen through it, it was a mystery. Really though, five year olds were very unpredictable creatures.
Luke wasn’t sleeping that night and he was doing a shitty job pretending he was asleep. Their apartment wasn’t too small but the walls were thin enough that everything just went bump, sometimes the doors went creak.
Overcompensating maybe for her stupid move, Hange decided to just perk her ears up. listen closely and attempt to make sense of the sounds. A few reiterations later, Hange figured it out. Luke was walking back and forth from the bed to the door and he wasn’t doing such a good job. He bumped, he creaked, sometimes he whispered.
Eventually, Hange would have to come in and put him to bed herself.
Still, that could wait. “Levi. You wanna go back to bed?” Hange said, just loud enough for the sound to travel to the open kitchen. Levi was once again reorganizing the cupboard.
Levi looked back at her, his eyes sleepy and his expression just a little dumb. It was late at night and she couldn’t really blame him for his utter obliviousness and his apathy over the whole fiasco. He shifted his eyes towards the partially open bedroom door for a second, then he met Hange’s gaze. He made his way the few feet to the sofa. “Do you plan on doing anything about… that?” He settled himself on the sofa next to Hange and looked at her expectantly.
“He’s gonna fall asleep eventually.”
“I know the kid. If you don’t talk to him about this, he’s not gonna sleep,” Levi said.
“Talk to him about…” Hange was feigning obliviousness.
It didn’t seem to work with Levi though. “That love thing, whatever that is. I don’t know what even happened between the two of you.” Levi leaned back on the sofa. “But I want my son to get a good night’s sleep.
Hange sighed. “While we were playing in the park, he asked if I loved ‘daddy.’”
Levi turned to her, a deadpan expression on his face. “Do you love me then?”
Comically Deadpan. Hange couldn’t even make sense of it herself, the question, the reaction had come so abruptly, so unexpectedly that Hange had to look away for some space and peace, enough at least for her to come up with some sorry excuse of a response.
“Why? What’s so funny?” Levi pressed.
The more he asked, the harder it would be to answer. And Hange didn’t want to make a big deal of it too late at night. The wry grin on her face was all she could muster. “Sorry, it just came out of nowhere--- What the hell, why are you asking it like this, all of a sudden.”
“Because Luke was asking?” Levi answered matter-of-factly. Hange was starting to wonder, was she making a big deal out of those three simple words?
“There must have been a reason right? A reason we never really said those words...”
“Why don’t you?” Levi asked.
“It feels….” I love you. She echoed it then she moved her lips slightly, just enough to feel for herself how it should have felt to say it out loud. “Excessive?”
“Does it?”
“Well… People say it all the time but then they cheat on each other, they abandon each other, they fight and it just seems like… something people say to be dramatic.”
“Unless you mean it right?” Levi suggested.
“What if--- I just wanna prove it. I wanna earn and support the family. I wanna spend time with you and Luke and I wanna just commit to making the relationship work. I don’t wanna add any unnecessary verbosities to it.”
“Would it hurt to say it?” Levi asked.
“It feels tacky,” Hange admitted.
“Even for your son?”
Hange sensed the slyness, the amusement in Levi’s voice. The war freak in her wanted some retribution. Her mouth went faster. “Do you love me?”
Levi turned a beet red, a rare scene particularly since they had started living together. And before Hange could even confirm that it hadn’t been some trick of the light, he looked away.
Hange craned her neck, ready to take one peek.
Levi couldn’t look away forever. “Do I really have to answer that?”
“Why? What are you so scared of?” Hange didn’t bother to stifle the smile. She snuck it into her words instead as a soft chuckle. “You okay?”
Levi spun around, his head bent down. “You’re right. It sounds tacky.” He put his hand out, balled it into a fist and pressed it to her chest. “Other words just sound better.”
The hand was warm, familiar and with one gesture, Hange felt secure. “Dedicate your heart? So you said that because you love me?”
“I thought I was going to lose you.”
“I thought I was going to lose you too,” Hange admitted. “That’s why I invited you to live in the forest with me.”
“Back then, did you…” Levi raised his brows expectantly.
Love me? Hange took the risk. “Of course.”
“Then why did you stop yourself from saying it?” Levi averted his gaze. He hung his head back and stared up at the ceiling.
“It’s excessive, melodramatic,” Hange admitted. “Why put ourselves to that drama in the middle of the war?”
“But you still invited me to live with you in the forest.”
“Other words just sound better,” Hange said. She mirrored Levi’s tone of a while ago. She hovered her hand over his, and propped it.
Levi looked up once again. Their eyes met and once again, they connected. Like every other time before and Hange was looking back at those other words again.
“Other words just sounded better then.” Right, circumstances were different then. There were words that had just been off limits, too melodramatic, especially in the middle of the war.
The war was over. They were in their own house. They were basking in the peace of post war Paradis.
It could have been a force of habit that the words kept themselves in, even when Hange had opened her mouth to speak. “I love you,” she whispered. The words were heavy, they were looming and somehow when she let them free, some other tension she dind’t even know existed had broken free from inside her. She let out a laugh, too loud for too late at night. “I love you,” she said again, much louder that time.
“Me too,” Levi said. “I love you too.” His response was smooth, natural and not at all hesitant and Hange wondered how long he had kept it in or if he had ever even rehearsed it.
She grinned, gripped his hand harder and let out a long exhale. They were silent for a few seconds and in the silence, the thumps, the thuds were deafeningly loud. Hange studied Levi’s expression, the subtle smile that climbed up his lips.
There was another thud, a few more bumps and suddenly it was silent. On the way to their bedroom, Hange snuck a glance at the partially open door, looking at the lump under the bed, the movements even, the breathing peaceful.
Luke had fallen asleep. For Levi or Luke, or even for herself, Hange made one last gesture. “I love you.” She bent forward, planting a kiss on Levi’s forehead. “Sorry if it’s five years late.”
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shunkani · 4 years
Chapter 132 Levi/Hange Analysis
Summary: An attempt to explain the sentence in chapter 132
Levi: I see your one sided love with Titans still goes unrequited, four-eyes.
Hange: ...We’ll be getting along soon enough. (…すぐに仲良くなるさ)
Disclaimer: this is just interpretation and not meant to be taken as official proof of romance between Levi and Hange in Attack on Titan. This is theory and nothing else. I’ve read multiple tweets and essays to compile my own thoughts.
I personally do not have any qualms with other ships, and this essay doesn’t discredit other Hange or Levi CP’s. Also, sorry but this essay has no pictures. 
A quick Japanese lesson (and language comprehension); I will try to make it painless. I make no assumption on the reader’s Japanese level/English grammar understanding and will be talking about it as is.
When は is combined with another particle, it puts emphasis in a way such as English has intonation. Since Japanese does not stress tone (like how one says the words sarcastically/meaningfully/sadly/cheekily) it uses particles to do this job.
So, when Levi says, “相変わらず巨人とは片思いのままだったなクソメガネ“
It means literally, “As always, still an unrequited love with Titans, four-eyes.”
Naturally, “Your love for Titans is one-sided, as usual, four-eyes.”
In Japanese, using には or とは creates a third, invisible option that is outside of the realm of the sentence.
When you use に or と or even は by itself, it creates a one dimensional statement. When used with other particles combined with は it creates another, outside dimension to the sentence. A third suggestion or comparison. は can be used as a comparative or stress particle as well as a topic marker.
quick example.
I didn’t go to the library with him. ->彼と図書館に行かなかった.( Forward statement. It is as it is. )
I didn’t go to the library with him. ->彼とは図書館に行かなかった (Implying I went there with someone else, but not him. )
Just like you’d expect, English speakers understand the implications of stressing “him.” Just as Japanese speakers understand the implications of とは etc. If we stressed library(図書館には)instead of “boy” (彼とは)then it’s implication is that we didn’t go to the library with him, but maybe somewhere else. I hope this is clear. 
Okay, on with the analyses. Just a note again, but I’ve naturalized any Japanese so that it’s not literal, but the meaning is the same so it’s easier to comprehend for native English speakers. I’ve changed “I” to “we” considering I formatted to fit essays.
From  ストリキーネさん’s essay
Like others have said, Levi’s words feel like his true confession. Whether it’s romantic or not, it’s up in the air, but while making small talk and commenting about his long time comrade in arms, it seems like this comment is loaded with unlabeled feelings, like “You gross me out, but I feel something special for you and I get you.”
It feels natural to say “You still have unrequited love for Titans.” right after the banter of Hange and Pieck’s exchange.  {note: 巨人に片思いのままだな is using に here, not とは, so it feels natural to say に)
So why did he use “とは” and not ”に”?
If there’s official announcement that say’s there’s no meaning to it, or that it’ll be corrected in the official volume, then this sentence will be meaningless. But if it’s intentional or even unconscious decision, we get the impression that he is recalling a third person (”me” ie Levi) among Hange and the Titans. 
 Moreover, hearing “four eyes” was unexpected and we can only imagine it was surprising for Hange too. Since we might have never expected that we’d hear “four eyes” in the original manga again, it’s perplexing, but feels filled with something like nostalgia. 
With Hange taking over as commander and the world rapidly changing, we get the feeling that there’s a distance between them, at least from what is shown to us from the story. 
Because of this short exchange about Titans, all at once we are brought back to “An eccentric, Titan-loving section commander,” and “Captain who’s fond of four-eyes,” and it’s moving. 
There’s a little pause (note: talking about the “...” before Hange starts talking) at the end of Levi’s lines and the start of Hange’s dialogue. One wonders if it couldn’t be a mix between surprise and relief on Hange’s end. 
Also, as many others have said, Levi is answering Hange’s “I’d prefer if we live here together,” from the forest, to the best that he can. There was no reason to look back at that scene in relation to this because Levi seemed to have brushed off Hange’s shocking statement, but since everyone was referencing that scene, a second re-examination was in order. (Note, the author actually said something a little more personal, so I condensed it to match a more essay-like statement)
Levi could have been surprised.
Someone who he’s known for a long time, and supported each other, and can admit that (Hange) can be troublesome sometimes, but also they hit it off well, yet each of their own responsibilities have become heavier and the world is in this state... in a situation like this, when suddenly alone together in a quiet forest, he might think Hange has stopped thinking if seriously suggesting to run away and saying things like “let’s live together.”
Under circumstances like this, if it were us, we’d likely want to do it, but remember we have responsibilities, maybe we don’t know what the other person feels, perhaps we’d rather we never heard it, so we pretend not to. In Levi’s case, perhaps pretend to sleep (pretending to not be able to hear it) or when he wakes up, change the subject completely.  
It’s unlikely that Levi could give an answer on the spot, and would want time to figure it out. 
(There’s more to the essay but it’s thoughts on relationships between people and some other things that don’t apply to the quote)
Notes concluded from various twitter surfing:
Many JP fans think Levi’s statement alluded to the forest scene. It’s like his clumsy answer to Hange’s proposal, since he didn’t give a direct answer. Actually the essay above felt his answer was cold and ignored Hange. But Hange doesn’t seem displeased about it. 
As many have said, Hange and Levi are definitely “adults” in this world. They both understand it’s not feasible to do the things they want to do, because their duties supersede that. Hange carries the immense duty of commander, and both hold the responsibility to stop Eren or fight for humanity as a whole. 
It’s rather evident to me, even as an ordinary reader, that Levi did not want Hange to go. In fact, Hange says, 行かせて, “let me go.” and anticipated Levi would try to stop Hange. Mind you, it’s not “release me” but “I have to do this, so don’t stop me.” It took him three panels, focused on his dead-like eyes to finally say “Dedicate your heart,” something he’s apparently never said before. To me, “Dedicate your heart” is a self-sacrificing quote when applied to the Survey Corps. Pretty much “go in bravely, and don’t expect to come back.” Levi is a “Live and come back’ type. The strange thing is that Levi puts his hand on Hange and says it.. in Hange’s place..? It’s a salute before battle, but here it feels like a gentle sentence. Why it was delivered that way? I hope that Isayama will answer these questions in future interviews. 
Another thing, Levi says みててくれ to Hange, a now deceased person. Levi has never asked anything from the dead. He’s mentioned fulfilling his promise to Erwin about killing Zeke, but some have found it strange for Levi to ask Hange to “Watch me (kill Zeke.”) (edit: the point is that Levi asked Hange to keep watching him, so it seems that his promises and goals may have changed)
One user said something pretty sad. “For Levi, I think Hange is treated as a MIA. Even if there’s no chance of survival, if Levi looks at Hange’s death, Hange has ended for him right there. So since Hange hasn’t ended, he said “ watch out for me.” That’s the reason why Levi, who’s looked at dead soldiers in the eye, didn’t look at Hange.”
It’s simply, Levi didn’t say “Rest in peace,” or “Goodnight.” but “See ya, Hange. Keep looking out for me.” 
Going back to the quote about Titans, the summary is, that in Japanese, Levi’s speech seems incredibly nuanced because he uses language that suggests that Hange and him have come to a mutual feeling, and it’s simply by stating “with Titans” (but there’s a mutual love with me). That’s why the above essay questions if this isn’t a misprint or mistake, or perhaps it’s nothing at all. (I want to point out, that one user suggested it could refer to Eren, but it seems unlikely) 
This is his “answer.” And Hange says...”...We’ll get along soon enough.” 
There’s a “...” before Hange says that, indicating a pause, whether out of surprise by being called “four-eyes”, or carefully thinking on how to respond to “とは” 
Some other notes before I close this up, I thought this was a nice thought on LeviHan:
Hange was introduced while talking and having contact with Levi and Hange exited while talking and having contact with Levi. Really, Hange’s story started and ended with Levi. 
I apologize if this seems everywhere, I’m not particularly fond of writing, but for Hange’s last chapter, I feel like English speakers should get in on what Japanese levihan fans were saying. 
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free-pancakes · 3 years
A Lifetime Far Less Grim
This is super late, but prompt from @levihan-drabbles for Levihanween 2021:
"That's a great grim reaper costume." "It isn't a costume." "Today is Halloween, right?"
"No," Levi narrows his eyes, "You are dying."
ao3 link here
Warnings: reincarnation AU, me making stuff up about grim reapers
A chill filled the air, easing in from the shadows of her vision. Hange blinked a few times sleepily until she jolted awake, disoriented. From the darkness, a hooded figure approached her. Instead of falling into fear, she found herself suddenly smiling.
“That’s a great grim reaper costume!” she exclaimed.
The figure paused, seemingly confused as he looked down at the long, black cloak he was wearing. He shook his head, almost offended at the comment. “It isn’t a costume,” he retorted annoyed, his low voice chilling enough to send shivers up anyone’s spine—but not Hange’s.
“Today is Halloween, right?” she asked, curious while cocking her head to side.
“No, today is December 25th,” he said, his eyes narrowing although obscured underneath his hood.
“And you are dying.”
A shallow gasp escaped from Hange’s lips, the smile now disappearing from her face. Her hands began to shake as she looked down at them. The darkness around her suddenly began to melt away, and a scene unfolded in front of the two. Hange slowly approached the familiar car, and she stared at herself, sitting in the driver’s seat with the airbags deployed, droplets of blood dripping down her forehead.
“This is... me...” Hange stuttered, backing away in disbelief until she knocked into the hooded man.
“You don’t have too much time left, but it’s my job to take you when the clock strikes midnight.”
Hange ripped up her sleeve to check her watch— 15 minutes til then. She had 15 minutes left.
All of a sudden, worry rushed into her head. She was driving somewhere, on her way to something... for some reason she couldn’t remember any details... but she knew it was something important. Maybe, to meet up with someone important.
“I was on my way somewhere... I can’t... I can’t remember!” Hange yelled. She spun around and grabbed the grim reaper by the shoulders, which were much lower than she thought. And for whatever reason, that distracted her.
“Hey you’re kinda short for someone that’s supposed to be pretty menacing, yknow?”
The man shoved her hands off his shoulders. “You know, most people act MUCH differently on their deathbed! Beg for a second chance, ask me to undo it all, try to strike a deal with me!” He exclaimed.
Hange paused, and began to laugh.
The hooded man stood still, simply intrigued by how strange this person was. It was not like anyone he had ever seen before, and he couldn’t tell whether it fascinated him, or scared him...
“Well, why would I do that?” she let out. Shoving her hands her pockets, she looked away from him and back at her own death scene. “You already said I didn’t have much time left and that you were gonna take me, so...” Clenching her hands into fists, she tried her best to hold it together. She still couldn’t figure out what she was doing before her car crashed. December 25th may have been significant to her, perhaps to someone she knew, but maybe... it was better this way...
She looked back at him, trying her best to smile, clearly holding back some tears, maybe even some regrets behind. “I’ll make the most of it with you then!” She sat down on the pavement, patting the floor next to her, inviting him to sit next to her.
Something about her attempts to be happy in her final moments, let alone spend it with him... Well, he couldn’t help but sit down where she was gesturing.
Muffled sounds of sirens filled the air, and it seemed that people were rushing to Hange’s death scene, but the two of them paid no mind.
“So, what’s it like to be a ‘grim reaper’ huh?” She said with a sly smile.
He stared at her blankly, as he had never been asked that before.
“I just do my job, I guess.” He answered.
“No but, how does it feel?? What is it like?!” she asked, genuine curiosity in her voice.
“I...” he paused, as Hange leaned forward to hear what he had to say.
He didn’t know why he decided to be honest, why he decided to share, but he oddly felt at ease to do so. “I... feel like I’m supposed to be looking for somebody. I’ve always felt like I’ve been looking for somebody...”
Hange leaned back, hugging her knees to her chest as she thought.
“You know, the only thing I ever heard about grim reapers was something my old friend Erwin told me one night when we were kids.”
“And what’s that?”
“Well, he told me that people become grim reapers because they had lost someone they loved in several different lifetimes. And at some point, they get asked if they want to take on the job—the deal being that they’d forget all that hurt in their past lives until they are, by chance, once again reunited with the person they loved.”
Hange paused. “Is that true?”
The man sat quietly in thought for some time.
“I’m... not sure. But I don’t remember anything before this job. No memories, nothing. So, I guess who knows? Maybe that’s true...”
As he said those words, he suddenly felt an ache in his heart.
He felt Hange’s hands slowly grip the edges of his hood. Surprised, he sat frozen in place, unsure if he was ever allowed to lower his hood while collecting a soul. He had never even thought of that before. Before long, Hange slowly lowered his hood to his shoulders. Trembling, her hands covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes.
Her eyes were filled with recognition, but he was baffled.
“Who’s Levi?” he asked, his response clearly clawing painfully at her heart. She remembered why she was driving in the first place.
“I’m sorry it seems you might have lost me in multiple lifetimes,” she said.
“But at least today I still got to wish you a happy birthday!” She smiled as she reached to caress his cheek, wiping away a single tear that fell from his eyes with her thumb.
He looked into her eyes and saw it all once again—he saw himself waiting for Hange to drive home on his birthday, he saw Hange running towards his classroom in a lab coat, Hange with his mother waving goodbye as he drove away, Hange and him holding blades and flying through the air amongst giant titans—memories of several lifetimes fast forward in his eyes. Before he could reach out and hug her, she dissipated right in front of him. Panic arose in his heart— and even after all this time, he’d lose her again? He stood up, yelling her name over and over again, his voice seeming so small, so ineffectual. Before he could yell once more, his vision went black.
“Levi? Wake up, Levi!”
He blinked his eyes sleepily, until his vision focused on Hange looking over him, concerned.
He shot up, confused, looking for the crash scene that was there just a moment ago.
“Easy,” she breathed, laying a hand on his chest.
“You looked like you were having a bad dream! You fell asleep for a few minutes while we were watching the Halloween special!”
Levi looked up to see Erwin, Moblit, Mike, and Nanaba all laughing on the couches next to them, pointing at the screen together, popcorn and candy littered all over the floor.
He looked back at Hange, his heart no longer aching, his mind filled with relief.
“Do you need anything?” she asked, a worried look on her face.
“No,” Levi said as he gently held her hand, interlocking his fingers between hers.
“I have all I need right here,” he said as he squeezed her hand tighter.
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djmarinizelablog · 3 years
Idk if you take prompt requests atm, but i was listening to Your Eyes Tell by BTS and oh my god the lyrics remind me of levihan in the saddest way possible:
The darkness we see is so beautiful
I want you to believe me
Looking directly at you so you don’t go away
The protective gaze is so colorful
You taught me
One day this sadness will wind us together
This could end angsty or happy ending, if you decide to do this prompt, tysm and good day.
Heya! Sorry this took awhile, but I'm working on this fic in collab with a wonderful artist. The prompt kinda fits with the story so I'll leave a preview here :)
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There’s this saying that goes, no two snowflakes are the same. Every design is intricate, every moment of how it falls from the skies to the ground a story untold. Hange is pondering about this while they’re watching the snowfall on the rooftops of the headquarters, wintery breath faint against the dark. It’s the dead of winter, their long coat barely even keeping them warm.
But Hange likes this. The scenery. The silence. It allows them to recollect and recompose themselves.
“Snow is shitty,” someone says behind them. “It leaves a mess everywhere.”
When Hange turns around, Levi is standing there by the exit, hands tucked in his coat pockets, waiting.
“Ah, I take it you’ve never seen snow before?”
“I’ve seen it before.” Levi walks towards where Hange is and leans towards the balcony, the apparent frown in his face. “Also, I’m not that stupid not to know about it.”
“I didn’t say you were.”
For someone who’s lived in the Underground his entire life, Levi seems fascinating. Almost attractive for Hange, even. He’s not the curious and bewildered type. There’s some sort of charm to that. The thing about people like him, Hange wonders, is that maybe they’re not drawn to the new, having often lived by the mundane.
Down below them, they can see other soldiers playing on the open field, throwing snowballs at each other in the dark, heartwarming laughter filling the air. Here on the balcony, the silence hums between the two of them, their stances stiff and uncomfortable. Levi attempts to remove the grime beneath his fingernails, head hung low.
It’s only been a few days since that disastrous expedition, one that had cost Levi his friends’ lives, and Hange knows he must be mourning.
Pain, they know this all too well, is more hurting the more one tries to bury it in.
So Hange speaks once again. “I once stumbled into a tunnel leading to the Underground, you know? I was gone for days.”
The statement makes Levi stop. His eyes flitter from Hange’s face then to the dark in front of him, as if trying to recollect a memory. Beyond them, the forest is silent save for the hooting of an owl. Then he shrugs.
“Beats me. Lots of people escape into the Underground, so you probably weren’t the first to go missing. Even kids from above ground consider it as a hiding place.”
Hange’s not going to let it go so fast. “I know, but this particular instance… it was an adventure for me, and there were people who helped, especially this kid…”
“What?” He scoffs. “You’ve got to be joking. People down there are jerks.”
He’s right, but not really. Who knows the Underground better than he does, anyway? There’s still something wrong, though, so Hange shakes their head. “It’s a vague childhood memory. It’s been a long time ago, and I can’t even remember certain details, let alone faces or names.
Levi pushes himself against the railing and turns around to head back to the door. “You’re wasting my time.”
Hange pretends to be offended. “Am I?”
He lets his hand rest on the doorknob. Like he’s still thinking. Like there’s more he wants to say, but chooses not to. “Tell me that story when you remember it.”
“I’ll try.” Hange is being generous. Right now, they haven’t reached that part where the two of them could call each other friends. Just comrades. Colleagues. Fellow soldiers. “No promises, though.”
Another scoff escapes Levi’s lips. “Promises are meaningless, anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
But before they can get an answer, Levi's already gone.
The silence stirs in the cold. And Hange’s all alone once again, snowflakes drifting from the skies. There’s a smile that plays on their lips, an attempt to remember.
Perhaps later when they bump into each other again, here on this rooftop under a snow-blanketed night where there’s isn’t much to do, maybe they’ll be ready to talk. Perhaps.
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