#;watched this and all i could think of was Envy tho
linenpirate64 · 20 days
Started watching Hannibal cause j heard it was gay lol
Anyone who's seen it can tell me anything without spoiling?
Anyway I'm literally will graham I don't care what anyone says about it /j
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rogueshadeaux · 2 months
Slllliiiiiides over here. Hi hello. I don't think I'll do a bad karma run (IM SORRY. IM SORRY!!) cause a) I'm a wimp and b) I need to get off videogames as soon as I'm done cause I've spent too much time playing lately lmao BUT I will be watching playthrougs cause I gotta know how fucked up he gets.... I gotta know...
To clarify i have a pre existing oc from a story that could be very easily flung into a vat of "au juice" because she's already halfway there in her own cannon LMAO we shall see, for now I have a huge list of things I want to draw for this game so I gotta finish 2 before I explode then I can unleash myself on art again. Gotta feed the discord now. I'm cooking for a crowd.
hi i've been dead for 8 days and recuperating for two lol I understand life stuff (and saw some references to it on your timeline, like the warhammer stuff and the tarot card thing??? bro that shit looks so good!!) as someone that literally shared your stuff and then got ripped away for my own life happenings lmfao. But if you get the chance in the future? Seriously, try an evil karma inF2 run. There's something about how they balanced the story that puts its predecessor AND sequel to shame. They're the same story, but different tales. They have the same goal, but different goalposts. SPP gives you a well-thought-out storyline that both is cohesive, but feels like your choices actually matter. It has none of the "I can help this old lady...or kick her fucking dog lol" of inFAMOUS 1, or the "I will fight for the tribe but literally do everything wrong. everywhere. because I'm a Bad Boy™" of inFAMOUS: Second Son. The choices feel real. They feel sound. They feel like the choices a man wronged by the world would make, if he decided to turn to his harbored resentment instead of his morality. And let's be honest, Cole also feels more morally gray in inF2 than 1 anyways, so seeing the path he takes is great because it genuinely feels like he's done with the accumulation of every shitty situation that has happened to him. And I'm sure you know how the story ends now, so...don't you wanna see what happens if he chose the other option? (pls tell me you haven't watched the playthrough yet lmfao)
Anyways yeah no I totally get life shit, it loves to pull you away from stuff, and also as someone only just now trying to do the bad options in Detroit: Become Human despite getting the game at launch because I need 6 years of preparation to be the bad guy, I understand the wimp bit too. It's hard to be mean sometimes. But with Cole's inF2 story, it doesn't feel mean. It feels like a desperate man, trying to fight for a future he's not convinced cares about him.
And yes oh my god please keep creating lmfao we all love your art so goddamn much. Don't leave this fandom you're now a very important asset. And it's always a good thing, throwing old friends into new situations! I love an OC in a wardrobe change. That's usually the best translation. Think a bit harder about forcing that OC into a new role. Shove her ass onto the stage. We'd all love her.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
Ngl do not get why non-Americans think they can judge American students for wearing clothes like sweatpants and hoodies and shorts and such to school because like....a, those are regular ass clothes whats wrong with them and b, bitch don't act like its better to wear uniforms, often or not they become hell to wear every day to school (source: me who was beyond happy my college allowed us to wear what we wanted after spending secondary school wearing a uniform the teachers would be strict as fuck about and then spending one sixth form year wearing smart clothes because they decided dressing smart means students somehow are motivated to work....yeah can confirm that didn't work lmao).
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astrobydalia · 5 days
September Observations
This post has a TW I do not allow the repost on any others platform
© astrobydalia
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Something I forgot to mention in this post about 8th house synastry!! I've noticed for some reason this overlay tends to manifest more positively when the house person already has 8th house placements in their natal chart (not a guarantee tho). I feel like its because this makes the house person be more naturally in their power and the planet person no longer feels like they can have control over the house person. In these cases instead of envy the planet person feels admiration and "positive" obsession over the house person like "Im obsessed with you, queen!🥰​😍​🤩​" kinda vibe
If Libra Moons didn’t have the ability to detach fast they could easily pass as water moons 100%. They are such hopeless romantics and love having someone to love be that friends or partners. And yes they can be codependent but only to an extent imo. I’ve seen Libra Moons actually detach surprisingly fast specially if they feel like you don’t match their energy
Im sorry but Libra Suns are not people you can count on imo. They have this very elitist/opportunistic mindset when it comes to people. They treat people based on some kind of unspoken social hierarchy they have in their minds like how successful or intelligent or interesting you appear to be for example. They'll be loyal for as long as they see benefit from associating themselves with you, otherwise they'll be distant, elusive and flighty af. Socially they appear to be super chill but they aren’t like at all, they’re very passive-aggressive and extremely judgmental of others
If you have Venusian MC/10th house (Libra or Taurus MC/10th or Venus in the 10th house), I've noticed people care what you think of them and really feel the need to make a good impression on you, specially the sex you're attracted to romantically. This placement makes people feel like your love and affection is a privilege to have, that’s why a lot of trophy wives have venusian 10th house/MC
Jupiterians (Pisces/Sagittarius but specially Sagittarius placements) are just the best people to be around tbh. Even when they have other toxic placements/energies in their charts, I’ve noticed they are ultimately all about the ✨vibes✨. They detach from negativity quite fast and avoid getting too deep into drama and controversy cause really all they want is to chill and have fun. The “no worries, bro” kinda people. The negative side of this tho is they tend to turn a blind eye when they get called out on their own issues and/or have a tendency to be dismissive when it’s time to take things seriously
^^^You’d say Venusians relate to this peaceful description too but tbh I didn’t include them cause Venusians tend to have a lot of repressed shit and are secretly all about drama (but watching it go down from afar tho)
I’ve noticed water mercury tend to be more diplomatic and charming with their words, the way they speak about things tends to be more soothing yet nebulous/confusing/cryptic. However earth mercuries are more direct and critical which makes them more prone to openly talking shit LMAO
There's a lot of posts victimizing and romanticizing Lilith in the 1st house/conjunct the ASC but I've seen this placement a lot in bullies and genuinely fraudulent people?? I've seen Lilith energy is commonly prominent in the charts of criminals too. Like​ idk why people act like the hate Lilith gets is ALWAYS unjustified 💀 They can truly be really dark and shady individuals that’s literally what Lilith signifies (this does not apply to everyone of courseeeeee)
Furthermore, I'm sorry to say this but prominent Lilith natives have a habit of living too much in the victim mindset and constantly make everyone else the problem as a way to justify their shitty behaviors
What I’ve noticed with Lilith natives who are not sketchy people (so just normal decent individuals) is that they have huge self-destructive and self-derogatory tendencies. They tend to become very cynical of the world, lose hope in their own value and humiliate themselves behaving in ways that are rebellious to them but make other people think the native has no self-respect
Libra/7th house Lilith tend to assume the worst in others. Envy placement. They struggle finding genuine and healthy relationships
I've noticed MC ruler in the 12th house is common in the charts of sex workers since 12th house is related to bed pleasures, secret affairs, etc
The sign that actually behaves like a child irl is Gemini. That’s why I've noticed Gemini placements always want to be the 'cool and fun parent' just like Phil Dunphy
TW: mentions of c**** abuse and s******.
I've noticed Cancer energy (Leo too but mostly cancer) is very common in the charts of p*dos, gr**mers and s*xual predators. No placement will determine someone being this way!!!
Chiron in the 1st house/conjunct the ASC/Harshly aspecting chart ruler is common in the charts of people who have or have tried to commit s******
End of TW
An underrated god complex indicator is Sun-Mercury conjunction. I can't stress enough how much these people's ego revolve around their intellect. Their entire personality to them is being the smartest person in the room
When it comes to pride and ego (Sun) fixed and mutable suns are the most likely to have a superiority complex
Mutable Suns take the most pride on their own knowledge and judgment, deeply believe they know better or have most if not all the answers. They have a tendency to often dismiss, correct or contradict others
Fixed Suns take pride in their own ‘essence’ if that make sense. They LOVE the idea of being special and irreplaceable. Feeling like there’s something intrinsically unique about them
Cardinal Suns are okay tbh. They can have other negatives but when it comes to ego theirs is usually pretty balanced I noticed. They usually take pride in their ability to level-up and improve themselves which often makes them rather competitive or in extreme cases have this heavily predatory mindset when it comes to what they want
This will not be accurate for everyone of course but when it comes to future children if you have Water/Earth moon you are most likely to have girls whereas if you have Air/Fire moon you're more most likely to have boys
Air Venus people are the most open-minded when it comes to taste in general. I've noticed they're the type to enjoy almost every music and movie genre, they can appreciate different aesthetics.... They're also the most likely to date outside their race I've seen cause they can really find beauty in all sort of features as long as it looks overall good/attractive to them. It's not that they don't have preferences, but they're type be open to being impressed and mentally stimulated
EARTH and Fire Venus people are the most selective when it comes to their taste. They know exactly what they want and like. In the case of earth Venus this can be to the point of strong reluctance to try new things. Fire Venus appear open minded cause they have this attitude of trying everything once but the usually have a very hard-set type of things they will actually commit to
Water Venus people aren't that open about their tastes. They hide or repress them cause they really tend to be into obscure or hidden stuff. If you ask them what they like, they'll give you an evasive and generic answer, specially if it's in the context of small talk
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I've noticed Capricorn and Scorpio Moons have an innate understanding of the uglier sides of human nature which is what makes them pretty cynical (scorpio) and pessimistic (cap). They are hyper-aware of how most people can be bought and corrupted. This makes them AMAZING business people tho.
Aries ASC natives embody the active, wild and spontaneous stereotype more than the other aries placements. They come across as pretty chill at first but there's actually very little they won't dare to do, they love adventures
I've noticed Venusians can do really good in anything related to sales or business counseling, because they are good at estimating and promoting the value of things
I know we relate Neptune to otherworldly and glamorous vibe but all the people that I've met who made me go "wow, girl, you don't feel real" were people who had air signs in their big 3. They’re not real people, they’re concepts, I swear that’s the vibe they give me💀💀
Also, air signs in the big 3 is an underrated fame/success indicator imo. Nowadays networking is everything in order to succeed and these natives naturally attract popularity and connections SO easily. They effortlessly use their charm and likeness to gain opportunities
I once saw an observation that said Gemini risings give off dumb blonde energy and Im here to confirm it’s true, specially when Mercury is also in an air sign. This happens cause they're up in their minds all the time but this makes them appear VERY disconnected from their environment so they really just be looking like this 24/7 😀​😃​😄​😁​😆​🙂​ and that's why they come across as empty-headed. They also often have this manic pixie dream girl energy which results in people not taking them seriously. This is enhanced when you see that they have a tendency to get talkative about superficial or random topics but their more intelligent or deep thoughts they keep to themselves for some reason.
Taurus Moons actually are actually very very very strategic??? Other earth moons look messy af beside them. They're so grounded that they know exactly what they want, how they wanna get it and they are so sure of themselves they have no issue taking their sweet ass time with it. Every single step they take is so intentional and "organized" if that makes sense, but they pull it off as natural and spontaneous??
Also this is an obvious thing to say but Taurus Moons are so emotionally stable. They work extremely well under pressure, will literally be the calm person admist a chaos or extreme situation. I've seen Cap/Virgo moons getting triggered many times but Taurus moons???? I've known some of them for years and I've never seen them triggered EVER no matter happened which as a water moon that's fucking insane to me 😭​💀​💀​ Like sure depending on their personality they can be more or less expressive of their feelings but its always on their own terms, they don't let other people or situations just get reactions out of them if that makes sense
I've noticed Mercury in the 4th house creates a divided and scattered family. Just like Mercury in the 10th house indicates traveling for work, Mercury in the 4th indicates traveling because of your family. The people I've seen with this placement have all of their family members scattered around the world living completely different lives
Sun-Neptune harsh aspects are very impressionable people and very easily influenced
Also, a lot of people point out Sun-Pluto aspects have like a hidden dark/toxic side to their personality but I've seen it's actually Sun-Neptune that match this description
Libra placements can potentially be very disciplined and do well in demanding and/or serious occupations like corporate, military or athletes since Saturn is exalted in Libra.
Venus in the 1st house can tend to only value the superficially good things in them (lovable, likabale, beautiful, etc) and are more concerned with the image they present rather than building a real personality deep down. This make them ignore or downplay their flaws thus not reacting well to criticism and/or when someone does not like them.
All the men that I’ve met who were actually providers and had this involved father and husband vibes always had VIRGO, taurus and cancer placements
Men with capricorn placements aren’t providers, they’re just controlling af😭😭 They will also be emotionally distant and manipulative af too if they do not have other energies in the chart to balance it out
Honestly water suns (sun in a water house natives too) fascinate me. They just go around life casually hiding who they really are like they don’t have the most intricate personality deep down. All of them have mysterious and intriguing vibes it's not just scorpio!!!
5th house placements (including vertex) will stay behaving like teenagers regardless of their age. The song "forever young" by alphaville really describes them
Neptune in the 1st house/asc are prone to attracting lots and lots of creepy individuals because they have this aura where people project all sorts of delulu and twisted shit on them. Mentally and/or emotionally unwell people feel very attached to these natives unfortunately
Leo MC/10th house really does indicate a career where you're some kind of performer. That’s why many celebrities (specially ACTORS and singers) are Scorpio risings. This can also apply to careers like politics, public speaker, standup comedian, etc. All of these involve some level of fame ofc
Cancer MC/10th house indicates being some kind of creator (cancer=birthing something new, bringing something to life). This a lot of times relate to some art form of course but it can be other things for example a friend of mine has this placement and she works in science and she told me she works in a lab with substances and materials she created herself (idk how it works but you get the idea)
Pisces Suns have a major in gaslighting from the university of never taking responsibility. This can be the case for any unevolved pisces placement but I’ve noticed the lying to your face and twisting reality is much more blatant in Pisces Suns for some reason. They make arguments in such a way that you can tell something of what they’re saying is off but you can’t exactly prove them wrong either so 🤷🏽‍♀️💀
Mercurial placements (Gemini/Virgo) and Venus in the 3rd house may really love wearing rings or lots of bracelets, big watches, etc. Accessories that bring attention to the hands essentially
Libra placentas may or may not want to be "liked" but Libra Moon is a placement I've seen is genuinely liked by everyone. They have this calming and loving energy to them. Celebrities with this placement are generally unproblematic (Anne Hathaway, Emma Stone) or if they are problematic they can easily recover from backlash (Ariana Grande, Leo DiCaprio)
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© astrobydalia
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seelestars · 6 months
Slow dance with Aventurine plz 👀🙏🏻
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SLOW DANCE W/ AVEN… except the two of you are on an undercover spy mission ♡
a/n : ik this wasn’t related to the og req, but his bp icon got me thinking… and then out came this spy mission idea _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): hope u still enjoy tho ! had to google vids of slow dancing for this only to end up not being so descriptive abt it
you and aventurine were tasked with the objective of gathering intel on some people that ran the current planet the ipc wanted to conquer. except—it was specifically requested that you two harvest the information in a way that didn’t involve violence.
which is why the two of you were attending a banquet hosted by your targets as spies, wearing clothes that were equally as fancy as the attire of everyone else attending.
the place reeked of expensive champagne and luxury, couples inviting each other for romantic dances. it made you feel out of place, since you had nobody to dance with. you supposed it could make you and aventurine stick out like a sore thumb among everyone else—being some of the only people that were currently not dancing.
somehow, aventurine must have read your mind, because what he asked of you next was exactly what you were just pondering about.
“my lovely partner, why don’t we share a dance together? your envy is too obvious whenever you look at the couples here.” aventurine snickers, a fox-like grin on his lips as he extends his hand towards you. he had even decided to use a more affectionate term to refer to you, causing you to immediately perk up. it was quite amusing to him to watch you avert your gaze shyly whenever he acted more affectionate towards you.
“…no need. we’re not here to dance, aventurine. we’re here to do our job.” you decline, shaking your head. you couldn’t just let him distract you two from your main objective here… even though you would really like for him to distract you if it meant he would dance with you.
“oh? are you sureeee?~ after all, it’s a one in a lifetime opportunity to dance with *the* aventurine.” aventurine clicks his tongue playfully, teasing you. “besides, it’s only for a bit anyway. im sure it’s no harm if we get a bit sidetracked, no?” he doesn’t try overly hard to convince you anyway—he was sure you’ll give in without much persuasion. that’s how you always were when it came to him, unable to resist his charm.
“…fine. I suppose we can afford to get a bit sidetracked, just this once.” you sigh softly, a small smile on your lips as you inevitably give in to his desires. with slight reluctance, you take his gloved hand in yours as he begins to guide the two of you into a slow, romantic dance.
before you knew it, you were caught amidst an intense dance with aventurine. your gazes locked with each other as you carefully make sure not to step on his feet, as does he. you were sure your cheeks were very flushed currently—but he was right. it wasn’t everyday someone got to dance with someone like aventurine, who was the type of person both the ladies and gentlemen yearned for. so, you made sure to savor this precious moment.
aventurine then delicately guides you to do a twirl, letting out a soft chuckle once you do. “hehe, we should definitely dance like this more often, my lovely partner. we make for a good pair, don’t we?” he grins, smug that he managed to secure a dance with you. to him, you were so gorgeous that if there weren’t so many couples in this banquet already, everyone would be asking for a dance with you.
“…mm. we’ll see about that.” the way you smiled and looked at him made it quite obvious you would allow him more opportunities like this in the future. sure, this may have been a completely unnecessary distraction—but it was a pleasant one. a pleasant distraction that you wouldn’t mind happening more often if he was the cause.
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rinhaler · 9 months
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: It's Chigiri's birthday and everyone decides it's a perfect day to go to the nearby village to shop for secret santa gifts! Will you be able to get through one day without bickering with your ex?
ex-fiancé!rin x f!reader
WARNINGS : 18+, alcohol consumption, hate sex? + love making, dry humping, mutual pining, no prep, vaginal sex, premature ejaculation, creampie, fingering, oral, mattress humping, tit sucking, multiple rounds?, overstimulation, squirting, choking, praise, dacryphilia, pet names (princess, baby).
WORDS : 12.2k
notes : It's MY birthday too btw hehe wanted Chigiri to be the readers bestie bc he's my birthday twin oops enjoy the fic tho ♡
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Daybreak filters through the window as your eyes begrudgingly flutter open. It seems like both you and Chigiri had forgotten to close the curtains before you passed out drunk and stoned. The mattress beneath you feels like a cloud as you stretch out; your hand comes into contact with cold, fair skin.
You blink the sleep from your eyes when you recall that Hyoma seldom sleeps without a shirt.
And your blood runs cold.
It all comes rushing back to you, then. That crushing conversation with Rin you’d had last night that made you sob and search for your best friend, leaving him alone so you could preserve his enjoyment of the evening.
“Eita.” you whisper, attempting to shake him awake.
He knocked on your door, offered you weed, and you couldn’t bring yourself to decline. Not when you were so lonely, so filled with envy and loathing as you dredged over each painful word your ex shared with you on his balcony.
“Mmpf, w’time is it?” Eita grumbles, feeling around for his phone until he finds it. “Eugh, it’s so early…”
“You have to go.” you tell him, lightly slapping him until he pays attention to you. You get out of bed and are met with the freezing air filling the room. He doesn’t listen, but he watches you with one eye slightly open as you rush to turn on the heater to warm up the room. You freeze as you look at him again, wondering why he’s shirtless if it’s so cold. “Eita… did we…”
“Mm.” he grunts, closing his eyes again. You jump onto the mattress beside him, really shaking him so he can’t possibly ignore you. “Woah, what is it?”
“We fucked?” you ask him, panicking.
“No way.” he shakes his head. “Don’t fuck drunk ‘n high girls.” he assures you.
You breathe a sigh of relief as you lie back beside him. It’s stupid to worry about Rin anymore, but you can’t help it. He said he wouldn’t care if you fucked the whole house, but did he really mean it? It seems like a violation, to you, breaking bro code or something. And, honestly, you don’t think it would reflect well on you either.
The last thing you wanted to do was cause an uproar when you’re here for a few more days.
“Eita? What happened last night?” you wonder, quietly, unsure if you want the answer.
You might not have had sex, but that doesn’t mean something else didn’t happen. If you kissed, you certainly don’t remember it. The possibilities are endless, and it makes your blood reach the same chilling temperature that fills the room.
“We jus’ smoked, baby,” he tells you, rolling over on his stomach to look at you. He’s pretty, like this. He’s pretty anyway. But the pinks and yellows breaching through the blinds softens him immensely. “You cried a lot. About Rin. ‘n then you passed out.” he closes his eyes to sleep some more.
How utterly humiliating.
Though you don’t really have time to dwell as you see him trying to sneakily sleep beside you again. You lightly tap his face, yanking the duvet away from him to reveal his toned back muscles.
He’s still wearing his jeans from the party.
“I don’t know where Chigiri is, but if anyone sees you in here, they’re gonna get the wrong idea,” you whisper, and he grunts. He takes his time, but eventually, gets up in search of his shirt and shoes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lead you on or anything.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles back at you over his shoulder as he shoves his feet into his sneakers. “You want Rin back, yeah?”
“I—” you hesitate. Do you want him back? You still stand by the reasons you decided to end things, after all. But so many feelings have come rushing back since seeing him in the flesh again. You were missing him already before you even got here. And now, you’re so close but so far. And even further now that he’s seeing someone new.
Do you really want him back?
Or do you just want what you can’t have?
“Either way, you don’t need me right now.” he tells you, pulling his shirt over his head. “Your loss, by the way.” he laughs.
“Hah, really?” you laugh too.
“Big time, I’m definitely a better fuck than Itoshi. Both of them,” he winks, biting his lip before heading for the door. “If you change your mind, I’ll be around.” he salutes before sneaking out and shutting the door behind him.
The cold air hits you like a brick as you run to lock the door after him, but you hurry back to warmth soon after. You starfish in the bed when you realise you have the space to yourself again, and your eyes slowly close. A few more minutes sleep won’t hurt, right? No one else seems to be awake yet.
He didn’t even tell you what time it is.
You roll over and grab your phone from the side table and wince when you see that it’s only 8am. It’s sickening, so much so that you practically throw your phone back down and get in a comfortable position to sleep.
It’s short lived, though, you get fifteen minutes of resting your eyes at most before you hear knocking at the door.
It makes you grumble, like a man. Like your dad specifically. It horrifies you enough to make you stir and clamber out of bed. It’s grotesque, you think, inheriting such an uncouth trait.
You’ll have to train yourself out of it.
You unlock the door, and you aren’t sure why you’re surprised to see Chigiri step through. He stares at you silently as you lock the door again, he doesn’t even follow you into bed when you cover your barely clothed limbs.
“Something happened last night.” he tells you, looking worried.
“What?” you wonder. “What did you do?”
He looks so serious, and it makes your heart race. Did you do something embarrassing? Probably, but that isn’t anything new. His silence makes your body flush with warmth. The nerves and anxiety you feel begin to course through every nerve ending you possess, and soon enough you’re throwing the blankets away from your body.
He looks into your eyes before thinking about what he should say. And after losing all composure, he starts laughing. “Nothing, just wanted to see what it feels like to be you for a second.” he smirks, “You do that shit everyday? Exhausting.”
“You’re such a dick.” you chastise him, getting comfy in the bed again. And now, finally, he joins you. “Have you got a hangover?”
“Big time.” he tells you. You grab some painkillers from your side table and pop out enough from the silvery film for you and Chigiri to consume. “Something happened last night, right?” he asks.
“Don’t get me started.” you sigh.
“I came up here to come to bed, the door was locked.” he tells you, “So I woke up with Tabito on the couch, Sae on the floor and Oliver on the coffee table.”
You laugh, rolling on your side so you can face each other and gossip. The state everyone is in today is no surprise. Though you suspect the only one not nursing a hangover is probably Rin. You didn’t see him drink all that much, and he doesn’t get high.
He’s probably doing his morning routine right now.
A routine he got you into when you first started dating. You wanted to impress him, after all. But his yoga routines are far out of your league. You used to end up giggling on your back after a fall while he laughed along with you.
But you liked doing the meditation afterwards.
“Rin almost kissed me last night, I think…” you contemplate it, though you admittedly aren’t sure if it’s a fabrication. “It was really intense, but he rejected me.”
“Damn.” he replies, “Wait, so you were in here alone? Why did you lock the door?!”
“Eita spent the night…” you sigh, covering your face with your pillow. Chigiri teases you, trying to pull it away to inspect your facial expressions. He’s laughing, loudly, unable to believe what he’s hearing. “He told me that we just got high, and I cried about Rin.” you confess.
“You are floundering.” he tells you, and you nod. “He’s into you, you’re into him, Ryusei made him sound like a major player so he’s probably a good fuck. Rin gave you your answer, you should have sealed the deal!” he continues, and all you can do is groan. Because he’s right.
How long is it going to take to get over Rin, anyway? Why should you spare his feelings when he clearly has no desire to do the same for you?
Eita isn’t what you want right now, though.
His pretty face and his alleged impeccable stroke game isn’t going to change that.
“Rin was jealous last night.” Chigiri admits, and it grabs your attention instantly. “Ryusei was, too. But Rin was really jealous.”
He nods, “When you were dancing with Eita, I was trying to keep an eye on him.” you get comfortable and make full eye contact with him again as he speaks. “While we were playing never have I ever, too. When Eita and Oliver were all over you, he looked pissed.”
“His girlfriend’s gotta be a rebound.” he theorizes, and for whatever reason, it gives you chills. Both of your eyes widen at the same time, and no doubt you’ve arrived at the same idea. “We need to get more info.”
“Ryusei wants to talk to me at some point, I’ll ask him.” you tell Hyoma, and he nods, concurring that it’s a good idea. “You need to talk to Sae. He might know something.”
“He didn’t even know Rin was coming,” Chigiri rolls his eyes, but relents. “Fine.”
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The two of you go downstairs, surprisingly greeted by everyone else. Everyone’s crowded around the kitchen island again. The smell of bacon, eggs and toast floods your nostrils as you descend and reach the kitchen.
You sit in between Oliver and Chigiri, the former not paying you too much attention other than a polite hello. Ryusei catches your eye as he tilts his head, waving when you finally make eye contact. His face looks serious, intentional, he’s waiting for that talk you silently agreed to.
“Surprised you’re cooking for us all, Rin.” Hyoma speaks, resting his elbow on the countertop before settling his head in his hand.
“Yeah, well,” he speaks quietly but with a slight gruffness. “It’s fine.”
He carefully sets down two plates in front of you all. Eita and Ryusei are already eating, so Oliver reaches for the nearest plate. Rin scowls at him, harshly trapping his hand between the plate and the spatula he’s holding.
“That’s not for you.” Rin tells him, and he moves his hand. You watch him as he pushes the plate in your direction, looking at you briefly before he looks back at Oliver. “Here.” he continues, pushing the other plate towards his hungry friend.
Hyoma is thankful that Rin seems too preoccupied trying to shield his face from you to notice how his eyes have widened and he can’t control the smirk on his face. You haven’t noticed, either, but Sae raises a suspicious eyebrow as he looks at your best friend. Though, luckily, he doesn’t comment on it.
You look down at the plate, realising why he wanted you to have this plate. He’s cut your toast into triangles how he knows you like, and they are the perfect shade of golden brown with butter dreamily melting into it. He cut the fat off your bacon and fried it until it was crispy.
You look at Oliver’s plate, seeing how little care have gone into the eggs. The yolks are messy and broken, whereas yours are perfect.
“Thank you, Rinni— Rin.” you smile, picking up your cutlery as you start to dig in. He doesn’t say anything, he just smiles weakly as he nods. He washes his hands in the sink as his brother places a plate down in front of Chigiri. He sits opposite to him with a plate of his own.
Your smile fades as you watch Rin walk away without sitting down with a plate of his own.
“Where’re you going?” Ryusei asks, cheeks full of food as he talks.
“Not hungry.” he responds, retreating upstairs.
You sigh, losing your appetite despite the food looking so perfectly appealing. Hyoma leans over to you, whispering that you need to eat as he watches you play with your food. He’s right, as usual, so you force yourself to take a few bites. Your eyes meet Ryusei’s as you look up, and you see an expression of concern and worry on his face.
It forces you to continue eating. You don’t want to worry everyone, after all.
But you yourself are worried about Rin.
He could be telling the truth, of course. It’s possible that he really isn’t hungry. But what if it’s your fault? Maybe he can’t stomach the idea of being around you. Eating around you. He might not even want to breathe the same air as you after last night.
Breakfast… he made it for you specifically, though.
Why would he do that if he hated you so much?
“He’s almost finished eating,” Hyoma whispers, gesturing to Shidou’s plate. “Eat your food, pull him aside, and I’ll see if I can find out anything from Sae.” he continues.
You take a few more bites and push your plate aside. Chigiri waits for you to do as he had told you, but you whisper to him instead.
“Why do you think Rin isn’t eating?” you ask, “I should make him breakfast since he did the same for me!” you smile, excitedly.
“Aw!” he smiles back, a little too widely to be sincere. “Your cooking is disgusting. You’re trying to get him back, not kill him.”
“Oh my God it isn’t that ba—”
“Hey, didn’t you need to talk to Shidou about something?” he says, loudly, pulling everyone’s attention from their food to look at your exchange. No one is more captivated than Shidou himself, however, who picks up both of your plates and moves them closer to the sink. “I’ll wash up, dude, don’t worry.” Chigiri says as he stands to his feet, shooting you a final, warning glare before walking to the sink.
You smile at Ryusei, leading him over to the empty lounge. He lights the wood logs in the fireplace after seeing your skin break out in goosebumps. The couch feels tight as you sit together, despite being so far apart. His arm rests over the back while he rests an ankle on his knee, and you’re sitting cross-legged with your back against the furniture’s arm.
It’s awkward.
There’s an obvious tension that you don’t feel qualified to break. He’s formulating words, you can see him thinking of what to say since he’s older and should therefore be more mature. He’s the one who hurt you, unintentionally of course, so he should try and alleviate this heavy feeling of unease.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he starts. “If I did anything to give you the wrong idea… I’m sorry.”
“No, I was being a brat, I’m sorry.” you tell him, trying your best to not let your bruised ego interfere with a friendship you do value wholeheartedly. “You were right, I was hurting and then I lashed out because I was embarrassed.”
“You know I’d fuck you in a heartbeat if you weren’t Rin’s girl, yeah?” he laughs, tilting your head up by the chin with his finger as he urges you to look at him. “I know you aren’t together, but it’s a red line to me.”
“I understand…” you nod, “Are you going to tell him?”
He shakes his head, “There’s nothing to tell. Nothin’ happened.” he smiles at you. He pulls you into his arms and hugs you tightly. It makes you giggle; you can’t help yourself. Ryusei always seems to make you feel lighter whenever you talk to him.
He’s sweet.
Really sweet.
And often times, severely misunderstood. You’ve known him since he was young, he’s thirty, now. You remember meeting him when you hadn’t been with Rin for too long. He told you about how they’d fight, physically. He told you he was crazy and unhinged, this that and the other.
But you got to know him, you suppose.
You got to see a softer side of him and one that cares deeply. And he does care for you, even still. He’ll care about you for as long as he lives, you can see it plainly as he holds you in his arms, looking up into his eyes.
He looks at you like you’re his everything, sometimes.
You melt into his arms when you hear him lightly sniff your strawberry scented hair, it makes him hold you tighter. His head drops, levelling his mouth with your ear.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” he wonders.
You stiffen, and he feels it. He rubs your shoulders lightly with his thumbs, encouraging you to share in your own time. Whether it’s now, or in an hour.
He’s got you.
“Rin— His… girlfriend,” you gulp, fighting tears as they threaten to form and douse your cheeks for the second day in a row. “Do you know anything?”
“I know the same as you,” he confesses, feeling a pang on guilt in his heart as he hears you sigh in disappointment. “You ended things, baby, are ya jealous?”
“I’m starting to think I made a mistake…” you admit, looking into his eyes. “Help me, Ryu, please. I want to know if there’s still a chance with him.”
He just huffs and shrugs his shoulders.
Realistically there’s not much he can do to help. And you know that. You know how stubborn Rin can be, and what’s worse, he’s so private about his personal life. It used to be you that he was so secretive about. The only pictures on his Instagram profile were ones of you and him.
Just two pictures.
One of your birthday.
Another of your engagement.
They’re both gone, now. It breaks your heart to think about. He might replace them one day with photos of her. The thought of another woman wearing his grandmother’s ring makes anxiety surge through your nerve endings. Your body eases, though, when you feel Ryusei’s protective hold get stronger.
“I’ll find out what I can for you…” he whispers, “Just don’t get your hopes up.”
You nod, closing your eyes peacefully when you feel him place a delicate kiss into your temple. Chigiri looks over at you, shrugging, as if he’s asking for news. But you just shake your head, leaving both of you disappointed.
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“Sae doesn’t know anything either.” Chigiri tells you now that you’re finally alone together again in the room you’re sharing. You grunt as you sit down on the bed with him, pouting that your little scheme has failed before it even took flight. “Are we giving up?”
“I guess, what else can we do?” you sigh. It was a noble thought that you’d be able to get some information and find a way to get your fairytale ending, but this is real life. Of course that wasn’t an option. “Anyway, it’s your birthday tomorrow. We should be focusing on that. Sae said he wanted to plan something.”
“We talked about it last night… he suggested going to one of the bars in town.” he explains. “Maybe we could do the secret Santa shopping too. Who did you get?” he wonders.
“Um…” you get off the bed, moving a few things around in the room as you try and recall where you left the jagged piece of cardboard with your recipient’s name written on. You find it in a crumpled pile of last night’s clothes and panties, handing it to Chigiri to read.
“Sae! At least you know him well enough to get something for him.” he smiles, giving it back to you.
“I was hoping I’d get you or Ryusei to be honest… or, never mind.” you speak quietly, regretting wanting to bring Rin up again when you’d tried to change the subject in the first place. “Who did you get?” you wonder.
He smirks, pulling his own piece of cardboard out of his pocket before showing it to you. Your face drops, and he can’t help but laugh, sticking his tongue out as he waves it around teasingly.
“Give me it.” you demand. You reach out to grab it, but he snatches it from your reach. “Fucking give me it!” you leap on him, fighting with him as he carries on keeping it away from you.
“You fucking psycho!” he laughs, losing the upper hand as he lowers his hands to hold his aching stomach. “I was gonna give it to you anyway, idiot.”
“This is a gamechanger.” you smile, triumphantly holding the bent and torn piece of cardboard. “He almost kissed me. He was jealous. He made me breakfa—”
“He made everyone breakfast.”
“We’ve got history!” you steal the conversation back from him as he interrupts you, glaring at him with a new determination in your eyes. He watches you as you speak, knowing that you’re definitely onto something. There is so much history between you. And if you can pull of a simple, romantic gesture, he might bare his heart to you again. “Good things always happen on your birthday. I’m more excited than usual.”
“Because it’s my special day and you love me, right?” he rolls his eyes. “Not because you’re scheming to get your ex back.”
“I’m very excited for your special day and I love you very much, Chigs.” you laugh, chubbing his cheeks as you bend down from where you’re standing to tease him. “I’ll give up after this, for real. If he doesn’t want me, fine! But I think there’s still a chance…”
You aren’t sure if that’s entirely true though.
Maybe it’s your imagination.
Maybe it’s just hope.
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“Who’s gonna be the designated drivers?” Karasu wonders, scanning around the room as he contemplates who will fill the roles. “We’ll need two, minimum.”
“I don’t mind staying sober.” you pipe up, shrugging and smiling happily. You got wasted on your first night here and, honestly, your stomach is still raw. You look upstairs as you hear a creak of the wood floor, the only person not present is the birthday boy himself. So, your face lights up, eager to finally see him and give him his gifts. “It’s Hyoma’s birthday, so he isn’t driving, decide the rest amongst yourselves.” you tell them as you stand up and rush towards your shared room.
The guys nod, all looking at each other as they try and come to a decision.
“I don’t care.” Rin announces, taking a drink of his coffee. “I’ll drive.”
“We should have one more to be safe,” Sae suggests, and they all groan, disappointed that Rin hadn’t gotten them all off the hook. It’s a choice between five, and none of them seem willing to be gracious enough to offer. “Fine. Let’s draw straws.”
You knock on the door to your room before entering immediately after, a wide grin sprawled across your face.
“Good morning! Happy birthday~!” you squeal, rushing over to your best friend to give him a tight, loving squeeze. He laughs, thanking you gratefully. He watches you as you grab the tall bag full of gifts and hand it to him. “If there’s anything you don’t like, jus’ lemme know and we can return or exchange!” you tell him, and he nods.
Though, as expected, your taste is perfect.
He pulls out each meticulously wrapped gift and is happy with each and every item you’ve gotten him. You’ve gotten the perfect mix of presents for him. Some clothes, accessories, and jewellery you were certain he’d like.
“This must have cost a fortune, you didn’t have to spend so much y’know.” he smiles, happily, holding a designer sweater you’d gotten him with an intricate design. You think nothing of it, though. If you could buy gifts for your atrocious little step siblings, you didn’t mind doing the same for your best friend. “I might wear this today!”
“You should! We’ve just been picking designated drivers.” you inform him. “I’m not drinking tonight, but I told them you aren’t driving since it’s your special day.”
“You aren’t?”
“I want a clear head today… it’s gonna be a long day.” you explain, and he nods. “We’ll probably be leaving soon so we should start getting dressed.” you tell him, standing up and crumpling all of the wrapping paper into a ball. You toss it aside before you decide to sit and start getting ready again.
“I’m gonna say good morning to everyone.” he smiles, waving.
You’re alone in the room, now, thinking about what’s to come. You don’t know how you should wear your hair or do your makeup. You aren’t sure how to dress comfortably for a shopping day whilst simultaneously looking hot enough to go for drinks and party after.
There’s an unnecessary pressure you’re letting weigh down on you. You want to impress Rin. You want to leave an impression. It’s silly, really. He knows you through and through. Every deep, saccharine inch of you, better than anyone else ever will. But here you are, preening yourself for his benefit more than your own.
It feels somewhat in vain, deep down.
Why are you trying to put on a mask for a man that knows you so, so intimately?
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“You look really good,” Chigiri comments, leaning across the centre console to whisper in hushed tones. You offer a giddy, accomplished smile as you thank him, Eita and Oliver agree with him as they seem to overhear even over the pop music blasting through the speakers.
Cosy was the right move when you decided on your look for the day, though you may look like you’re heading for a day on some ski slopes rather than shopping and partying.
You’re dressed head to toe in white. Earmuffs, fuzzy coat and boots, and a skin tight jumpsuit. You even have white mittens ready to wear when you get out of the car.
“So… we’re splitting up. Looking for gifts. And then meeting at the bar in a few hours?” you ask the boys, who all nod.
“I already know what I’m getting so I’ll be going straight to the bar when I’m done.” Eita announces.
“Me too.” Oliver tells him, laughing.
You shake your head as you watch them joke around like kids, but with a joyous smile on your face. They must have something simple and generic in mind to be able to purchase their gifts to quickly. Though, knowing them, it’s probably alcohol.
There are butterflies in your stomach as you approach the nearby village town, you look into the rearview mirror to see Rin is still following closely behind.
You wonder how frustrated he is with Ryusei annoying him in the passenger seat.
You take a deep breath as you park, watching him pull up beside you. Everyone gets out quickly, eager to stretch their legs after the thirty-minute drive. You sigh as Rin walks away rapidly; his face buried in his phone without even bothering to say goodbye.
Chigiri shrugs at you, and everyone disperses through the village in different directions.
“I don’t even know where to start…” you confess, looking between each of the cutesy looking stores.
You enter a few, browsing, hoping something will leap out at you. An accessory you know he might like or maybe even a keepsake that might remind him of you whenever he sees it. But it starts to feel hopeless after you leave the 7th little shop you come across.
Otoya and Karasu pass by you, laughing as you enter while they’re leaving.
You dread to think what they’ve bought.
“I bet they’ve bought dirty magazines or something stupid.” Chigiri suspects, shaking his head in amusement as he thinks about how loud they were laughing. You grin, thinking about how the other guys would react to receiving such a scandalous, silly gift.
You try a few more places, and even revisit some others. But you’re about ready to give up as time keeps going on and on. Hyoma hasn’t had much luck finding something for the elder Itoshi sibling, either.
You’re both close to just buying some local sweets and calling it a day.
“Well this has been a disaster,” you huff, “So much for this being a gamechanger!”
“We haven’t been down here yet.” he points to an alleyway with a few more stores.
You enter through the hefty double doors of one, observing what kinds of things they have on the shelves. You’re both immediately excited when you realise you’re in a charity shop. You’re all too familiar with some of the treasures some people give away, some of your favourite outfits are things you’ve found through being thrifty.
“Oh this is perfect!” you beam, looking through each shelf at all of the little trinkets. Chigiri separates from you as he starts sifting through the clothes, wondering if he can find a novelty shirt of some kind as gag gift.
“There are DVDs over here, maybe we should get some to watch if we get bored?” he suggests. “They’re so cheap.”
“Oh cool!” you smile, approaching him to look through the selection together. “Ah! Oh my God, get this for Sae!” you tell him as you pull a DVD down from the shelf and hand it to him. “It’s his favourite!”
“Taxi Driver? Okay.” he scoffs, but keeps hold of it. At the very least, he knows Sae will definitely like it. Though he’s sure if it’s his favourite he probably already owns it in some form. “I’ve never seen it.”
“Every time he tried to make us watch it, I always fell asleep.” you giggle. Your eyes scan across the DVDs as you carry on walking through the shop. And then you realise you’ve walked too far when you see the spines change in height and width. “Oh, CDs!” you speak excitedly as you look through all of the old bands and albums on the shelves.
You grimace in confusion as your eyes settle on a familiar album amongst all of the other more obscure ones. Surely not, you think. But you place your finger on the top and wiggle it out from being suffocated between the rest.
“Hyoma!” you squeal, flipping it for him to see. His eyes drop to see Lana’s Lust for Life album in your hand. He seems confused, though, as his eyes flit between yours and the CD you’re holding. “It’s a sign!”
“Is it?” he asks, sceptically.
“Yes! He got me this on vinyl for my birthday a few years ago!” you explain, and he looks sympathetic rather than supportive. “I— am I being stupid? I was thinking it might remind him of us.”
“No, no, it’s a good idea.” he tells you, holding your shoulders supportively. “Let’s go pay and get to the bar.” he continues, holding a few DVDs in his hands.
You grab your purse, offering to cover everything as the cashier helps you bag everything and rings you up. It’s cheap, and yet, you feel accomplished. You were starting to doubt whether you’d actually be able to find anything for him. If Chigiri hadn’t pointed this place out, you’d be giving him a poxy box of sweets on Christmas morning.
Although, the sweets might be a nice additional gift.
The guys slowly but surely begin filtering into the bar with their shopping bags. You’ve been here with Chigiri for a little while, but Oliver, Tabito and Eita were the first ones here when you arrived.
Ryusei sits down beside you when he comes in next, and Rin isn’t far behind him. Everyone cheers when Sae comes in last, and you can’t help but notice everyone’s shopping bags seem to look similar in some way or another.
“The shops are so dead.” Sae tells you all, and everyone happens to agree.
You aren’t sure what they all expected, though. It’s a small village town in the middle of nowhere. It’s not like you’re in a bustling city with anything and everything at your fingertips. It made shopping more fun, you thought. It gave you the opportunity to really look around until you found something special.
“I’ll get drinks,” Rysuei announces as he stands up. He makes a mental note of what everyone wants, knowing he’ll probably forget when he goes to the bar.
“Move down, Rin, I need to talk to Ryusei.” Sae instructs his little brother. Rin looks at Ryusei’s empty seat, and then at you. It makes your heart race when his pretty teal eyes meet yours. He looks worried, for some reason, but masks it well as he shuffles from his seat to the one closer to you.
Your eyes wander as they meet Sae’s, and he winks at you casually.
Hyoma never did tell you what he and Sae talked about, only that he couldn’t get any information, either. But from this simple act, it seems Hyoma has revealed your true feelings for his brother to him.
And you’re happy.
Because this small gesture indicates that you have his support.
You don’t say anything, not right away, as he settles down beside you. You’re surprised he isn’t toying with his phone like he has been endlessly since he got here. It makes your throat tighten to think he might be doing it so that you don’t see his texts with his new girlfriend.
“How did shopping go?” you ask him, hoping to break the ice and stop yourself from spiralling about a woman you don’t even know the name of.
“Fine, I think,” he tells you. “I think everyone’s gonna be disappointed with what they get.”
“I don’t know… it’s part of the fun.” you reply. “If we wanted to go all out, we would have planned to do this before we got here so we could order perfect, expensive things. But having a little budget and no idea was a change of pace.”
“What did you buy?” he wonders.
“I got some sweets to eat when we get back.” you smile. It makes him smile, too, causing you to giggle like a schoolgirl. You hadn’t expected to see his face change like that because of something you said. It’s warm, thawing away at your frozen heart.
“Happy birthday, Chigiri.” Ryusei says as he gives your best friend his drink first. You already know that Hyoma isn’t going to have to pay for a single drink himself while he’s here, it’s everyone’s birthday offering to him. Rin doesn’t pay Ryusei any mind as he sits down in his previous seat, too busy focusing on chatting with you.
It makes you feel special.
It makes you feel wanted.
“Rin?” you whisper, leaning over to him. He looks at you, a serious expression on his face as he senses your desperation. You’re trying not to be so needy, but you just can’t help it. “… I’m glad you decided to come along.”
It’s not what you wanted to say and not what he expected to hear. Although, you aren’t sure what you actually do want to say to him. Telling him you still harbour feelings will surely only end in tears when you know you can’t have him.
He isn’t yours anymore.
“Yeah? Well, it hasn’t been as painful as I expected it to be.” he tells you. And even that, such a simple, sulky sentence makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe it’s because you know it’s oh so quintessentially Rin Itoshi. “You did scare me, when I saw you on the stairs.”
“You scared me too…” you admit. “I—”
“It happened, it’s fine. We’re fine.” he tells you, taking a sip of the lemonade Ryusei had ordered for him. You decided to stick to water, the freezing ice cubes bump against your lips as you drink heartily. “I heard Otoya go into your room the other night. After we— talked.”
“Nothing happened…” you respond, drinking more water to cover how your expression fills with shame and regret. He nods, understanding. “S-So, your girlfriend. Tell me about her…” you ask, reluctantly. And you’re a little surprised when he shakes his head.
“I’m not doing this,” he speaks. “We’re fine. I’m being civil. You aren’t entitled to know about my personal life just because I’m tolerating you.”
“Tolerating me? Really?”
“Yes, tolerating you.” he continues. “You lost the right to know about me when you left.”
“God, Rin, I barely knew you then.” you huff, crossing one leg over the other as you slightly angle your back to him. He puts his arm around the back of your seat and positions himself awful close. It startles you when you turn back to face him.
“What are you talking about?” he asks.
“You were so distant. All you cared about was football.” you inform him, doing your best to keep your voice lowered so that you don’t make a scene. The last thing you wanted was to ruin your best friend’s birthday because you had a momentary lapse of judgement.
Maybe exes are exes for a reason.
“Because it’s my job? My career.”
“And I have a career too, but I still remembered to ask how your day was. You stopped talking to me unless it was about our schedules.”
“You—” he huffs, moving away from you. You’re a little taken aback when he stands up with the intention of leaving. He pulls out some money and tells Hyoma to get himself a drink, on him, as a birthday gift.
Everyone looks a little lost for words when he ups and leaves. But then there’s a sigh of relief when they remembered they appointed Karasu to be another designated driver.
It’s not sitting right with you, though.
It almost felt like you were close to a breakthrough. You were getting into the nitty gritty of why your relationship fell apart in the first place, and, as usual, he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. You gather your things and decide to chase after him, knowing you can’t leave things like this.
You won’t even be able to call yourselves friends if you don’t figure this out.
“You’re stalking me, now?” Rin chuckles as he ducks into Sae’s car and locks the door. You try knocking on the window for him to let you in, but you’re speechless when he just drives off instead.
You fumble with the keys to Chigiri’s car until you manage to unlock it.
He’s not running away from you again.
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As much as he wanted to break the speed limit to escape you, there was no point. You knew he was heading home so you’d find him eventually. Besides, he didn’t want to risk either of you slipping on the ice and winding up dead.
So he kept to a steady pace, enjoying the thirty minutes of peace on the drive down to the cabin before what he could only assume would be a shouting match between the two of you.
“Rin!” you yell as you get out of the car, slamming the door. It would make him laugh if he wasn’t so frustrated, you always did prove him right about things like this. He gets out of Sae’s car and slams the door, not even bothering to look at you as he walks up the stairs to the cabin.
He unlocks the door with ease before strutting in. It’s hard to keep up with his long strides, especially in the wet, slippery snow. You do what you can to speed after him, even taking the stairs two at a time so that you can get inside quicker.
You spot him in the kitchen as if nothing had happened. He’s standing by the kettle as he boils some water to make tea. He looks at you, casually, before looking back at the steam gently rising through the spout.
“You’re so childish? How didn’t I realise how fucking childish you are on top of everything?!” you shout as you walk over to the platform that separates the kitchen from the entryway. He still looks intent on keeping his mouth shut. And it’s making you crazy. “Will you say something?”
“What do you want?” he retorts, instantly. He looks at you briefly before pouring the water into a novelty Christmas mug. It’s tacky and hideous and you’re sure he hates it, but it must have been the first thing he saw to use. He leans back against the counter behind him while he uses a spoon to press the flavour from the tea bag.
“I— tell me you hate me, call me a bitch, I don’t know!” you demand. “I hate this tension, Rinnie, because every time I think things are okay, you freeze up and it’s—”
“I can’t tell if you’re… joking?” he smirks. “You, literally, broke my heart with no explanation. I’ve spent months trying to move on and then you show up out of nowhere and you’re trying to be best friends. I don’t want to be friends with you.”
“So what do you want?!”
“I want you to leave me alone.” he raises his voice, and it’s harsh. But instead of hurting you, it makes you angrier. You blood boils as you round the counter to get closer to him as he speaks. He puts down the tea he made as you get closer, using hand gestures wildly as he talks to get his point across. “You shouldn’t have come here. Because you shouldn’t have been keeping in touch with my family after we broke up. It’s such a fucking red line, it’s violating.”
“Oh, well, fuck me for wanting to know how you’re doing after everything. You know, since you completely cut me off. I was worried and you wouldn’t even text me to tell you when you were coming to get your stuff!”
“This is your problem,” he wags his finger with a smile before holding it to his lips as he thinks of how to tell you exactly how he feels. “You’re so fucking entitled. I’m being nice to you after you hurt me, and you think you deserve to know me again.”
“No, this is your problem!” you bite back, walking away from him before closing the gap again. You look up at him with watery eyes as he towers over you. Your heart aches as you feel the distance between you expand the more you talk about the past. But it has to happen. Even if you lose him forever, you can’t carry all of this pain with you forever. “You shut people out when they care! I want you to be happy and I want us to be friends, but you won’t talk to me! I broke up with you because when you were neglecting me, I felt lonelier than I did when I was actually alone.”
“I didn’t neglect you, I loved you. What was really the problem? Huh?” he asks, getting closer to you. And you have to crane your neck just to keep eye contact with him. He can’t ignore how glittery your eyes are as you hold back tears. You’re covering your sadness with rage, that much is clear to him. But he doesn’t want to stop. Not now, not when you’ve driven him to the point of no return with your incessant complaints. “I was too busy for you, yeah? You didn’t miss me, missed me taking you on fancy dates so you had something to brag about on Instagram.”
“… fuck you.” you say, quietly, your voice gets trapped in your throat as you try and figure out how to pull away from this confrontation with your dignity intact. It’s too late though. He’s already witnessed a lone tear fall down your cheek. “Do you hate me that much? Do you think that little of me?”
He doesn’t.
“Princess…” he sighs, tilting your head up with his thumb and forefinger so that you’re fixated on his eyes. Teal whirlpools with flecks of turquoise that create a scintillating visage that cannot be described by a mere mortal. No, they are deep lagoons that you want to drown in. They soften as he names you the only way you’d want to be named by him. Not your birth name, but as royalty. His princess. “I don’t think about you at all.”
Your heart shatters and he sees so clearly how your vision breaks. Should you keep looking at him or somewhere else entirely. His face is stoic, as usual, though he cups your face like you’re precious. Like you are the princess you want to believe you are, for him.
The energy in your body has depleted and you can’t even bring yourself to push him away. All you have is words. And, even then, you’re drawing a blank. So you sink, deep. Lower than the depths of hell to truly muster three little words you simply don’t mean.
“I hate you.”
He doesn’t react, not fully. But the colour of his eyes dull as the words reach his ears.
“I fucking despise you.” he retorts.
You do nought but stare.
Both of you.
You just stand there, indignantly staring into each other’s eyes as you process the situation. Your chest heaves and your body trembles with fury. You didn’t mean it, not really. In this moment, you suppose you do hate him a little. But you’ll never know if Rin means it.
Part of you assumes he’s only saying it to hurt you like you hurt him. He said what you said but increased the severity of his words just to twist the knife into your bloodied heart. But maybe he does truly feel this way. Maybe he’s felt nothing but disdain towards you since you broke up with him all of those months ago.
Why would he feel anything positive when it comes to you?
Especially since he’s moved on.
“I hate you, Rinnie…” you reiterate, lip wobbling as your tears spill more and more.
“I don’t believe you.” he says, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
You scan his face, and he doesn’t move an inch. It gives you pause for a moment as you contemplate what you’re feeling. But there are no thoughts in your brain, it’s silent. Blood pumps through you, and emotions overtake you as you lunge forward.
The distance between you is gone as you press your lips against his. He doesn’t tease you, this time. He doesn’t pull away. He kisses you back. You feel his hands explore your body, large palms settling in the slopes of your waist before they lower to your thighs.
You could never hate him.
His hands on your body make you feel whole again. He himself can barely believe how lovestruck you are in the way that you moan softly and breathe deeply from just his hands roaming your body. He lifts you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist as he deposits you on the countertop.
You lose yourself to loving squeezes and open-mouthed kisses as he grinds his hips between your spread legs, his tea long since abandoned in favour or tormenting what he knows to be your intricate, sopping flesh.
“You hate me, baby?” he asks, mumbling against your glossy, drooling lips. “S’that right? You hate me? Say it again, princess, say you hate me.”
“D— Don’t—!” you tell him, lips too eager to be smothered by his to answer him properly. You’re worried a truth might stray from your loose lips while you’re with him like this. You fight it, you really fight it. “I hate you, so much. R-Rinnie…” you tell him, and it feels honest. You’re substituting one word for another, and it feels so powerful as you lie to him with ease. He doesn’t stop, though.
If anything, everything intensifies.
“Yeah?” he asks, licking the tip of his tongue against yours tormentingly. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours. “I’ll stop, then.”
“No, please,” you beg and it’s downright pathetic. Your own hips roll to meet his movements. You hump against each other pitifully, the desperation and friction being enough to leave you heady and delirious and most of all satisfied that it’s thanks to Rin Itoshi. “Don’t stop, please.” you whimper, attaching your lips to his as he continues.
Your poignant words lead him to growl against your skin. It’s so primal. So territorial as he pushes your jacket off your shoulders and down your arms. You help him in his efforts to take it off, shoving it until it slides and puddles on the ground.
“God I missed you.” you hear him mumble against your skin. Your heart beats faster as you feel him caress every inch of your body, hands resting on the swell of your tits as he thinks about what he wants to do to you.
You feel your truth being coaxed out of you with each passing second. Every ingratiating word the is meticulously embedded from his tongue and into your brain makes you desperate to tell him how you really feel and beg that he feels the same.
“Rinnie, I—”
His entire hand smothers the lower half of your face. There’s a worry in his eye as his body tenses up. And still, he can’t stop himself. He carries on humping his heavy bulge into your clothed cunt at a snail’s pace, panicked eyes turning heavy and filled with lust as he looks at how needy you are.
“Shh, baby,” he tells you, showing no signs of moving his hand.
“I can’t believe they ditched us.” you both hear a familiar voice muffled from outside. You aren’t sure why you care, but soon enough you’re both scrambling to be away from each other. You put your jacket back on after gathering it from the ground, both of you doing your best to act cool. “Here you are! What the fuck?” Tabito exclaims.
You can’t look.
Neither of you know why you’re so ashamed. So humiliated that you’d almost been caught hooking up. It’s not like it would be so scandalous, is it? You’ve made it very clear that you still have feelings for him, and yet, you don’t want anyone to know about this.
He’s the same, though, doing all he can to maintain composure.
He looks calm.
But you know him.
His eyes are blown. Full of lust and anxiety as he tries to control his breathing. No one else would notice, but you see how heavy his controlled breaths are. He gulps, scratching the back of his neck before looking around.
“I’ll get the others,” Rin tells Tabito, who can only shrug at his words.
Only Chigiri and Sae had returned with Karasu, the rest deciding to wait in the bar until someone decided to come and collect them. Tabito thought he’d have to do a return trip, not expecting Rin to spare him from repeating the journey once again. But once he has the all clear, he kicks off his shoes and sprawls on the couch.
Chigiri stares at you, and you can’t even look him in the eye for more than a second.
Why are you brimming with shame?
He almost sobers up at the sight of you. You look so vacant and dazed. It’s hard to look at him when you feel like this. Every attempt to do so, every forced little smile, only makes his concern grow. He walks towards you, but just as abruptly, he stops.
Rin walks behind you, caging your body beneath him as he traps you against the kitchen island. He doesn’t notice Chigiri staring, and he can’t look away. You turn your head a little, but not much. You’re eager to look at Rin but he levels his mouth with your ear. His breathing is laboured yet soft, and your skin pinches together as it carries through your body.
“I could never hate you, princess.” he whispers. He leaves you alone with that sentence without so much as a glance. He holds the keys to his brother’s car and heads for the exit. Chigiri watches him walk by before looking at you again. Sae looks at you both, briefly. He too is curious as to what is going on.
“That looked intense.” Hyoma speaks, finally getting close enough to have a conversation with you. You smile, and it’s feeble, but it’s all you can do as you try to think of an excuse to give him. Maybe he didn’t mean what he said about missing you. Tensions were high, after all. He has a girlfriend to think about, of course he feels ashamed. Of course, he wants to pretend this little lapse of judgement didn’t occur. “Did something happen?” your best friend asks.
“We just argued.” you lie.
You never lie to Chigiri, though you’re sure you’ll tell him once you get your bearings. You need to find out what’s going on with Rin. It’s hard to talk about something you don’t understand. You’re sure he’ll be sympathetic once you have your story straight.
You just need to talk to Rin.
You need some assurance.
You need to know where you stand.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed early.” you tell him, giving him a hug before walking away. “Happy birthday, Chigs!”
“… okay.” he looks at you, hugging you back. “I’ll try and be quiet so I don’t wake you.”
“Goodnight.” you wave, ascending the stairs and out of his line of sight.
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An early night was never an option. You knew that, and Hyoma probably knew it, too.
All you did when you got to your room was scroll through Instagram. You took some time to reply to some texts you’d received from family asking how your trip was going. You hammed it up, of course, not letting slip that Rin happened to be here too.
They all called you stupid for ending things with him.
It felt right at the time. But hindsight is a wonderful thing.
You weren’t ready to deal with re-opening that wound only to hear ‘I told you so’ repeatedly.
You heard Rin get home with the other guys, though they all stayed downstairs.
It’s all the more humiliating when you think about how desperately you want Rin to appear. You need him to come and get you, and not just to pick up where you left off.
You want answers.
Though you suppose you won’t be getting them tonight.
You spent a few hours trying on different outfits and following along with makeup tutorials from YouTube before getting bored. The raucous sounds of laughter and music got louder when you walked across the hall to take a shower and wash your face clean.
The floorboards begin to creak in the direction of the stairs when you get out.
And it scares you.
You rush across the hallway and back into your room. Your hand flies to your chest, adrenaline ravishes your heart as you lean backwards against the locked door. It makes you feel vulnerable, right now. No matter who it is, you feel scared of being seen.
Your heart stops when you hear a knock at the door.
It isn’t repeated.
Just one, singular, knock.
It makes your breathing stutter and stop abruptly. You don’t dare answer, not when you’re naked, save for the towel. It could be any one of the seven men you’re sharing the house with this week. But deep down, you know.
You know who’s on the other side of that door.
The steps retreat, and your breathing calms.
Was it him? Was that really Rin Itoshi on the other side of your door? You wait until you can barely hear the steps anymore before you unlock the barrier between you and him. When the door opens, you step out, sheepishly.
He looks at you from down the hall. Those eyes of his, full of pain and longing as he stares back at you with the same intensity you’re offering him. He doesn’t speak, but he goes into his room, so you go back into yours.
You let your towels hit the floor, crumpling up in a mess as you look for some nightwear and a hairbrush. It’s like a race against time, or at least that’s how it feels as you quickly try to brush through your sopping hair.
Every passing minute feels like it’s expanding the gulf between the two of you. So you want to hurry, it needs to be resolved now.
You barely even close the door when you walk out and jog down the hall to his room. It’s hard to be quiet when you feel such urgency to see him. You hope your footsteps aren’t too loud. And you hope nobody can hear over the music where you are and what you’re doing.
It’s all you can do.
And so, you knock, quietly, waiting for him to let you in. Too much time passes. Minutes feel like hours as you wait for him to answer. Your body feels cold, wet droplets decorate your skin and your hair drips down your spine. It feels like a mistake that you came. But why would he knock if he hadn’t wanted this to happen? Maybe he regrets this, too, as well as what happened downstairs.
It hurts to think about.
But he answers, and of your anxiety leaves you like a deflating balloon. Though you’re stilled, before him, and he doesn’t move aside. It makes your worries return as if it were a cat preparing to pounce on a rat. You widen your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. It happens again and again… and again until you realise, you’re choked up.
You can’t say a thing.
So, you don’t.
You get closer to him, still trying to say something. Anything. But nothing comes out, even when you’re close enough to feel his heartbeat. You just stare at each other in his doorway, openly exposed to anyone who may decide to ascend the stairs.
“I— I missed you too, Rinnie.”
His eyes soften at your sensitivity. The way that you have no qualms in making yourself susceptible to a painful rejection.
He lets you in, kicking the door behind himself before leaning back on it.
“You missed me, huh?” he speaks, his head droops backwards until there’s a gentle thud against the wooden door. His eyes are so heavy, his gaze is narrow. And still you can’t help but seek love and comfort from him as he looks at your with such disdain. “Are you sure you aren’t just jealous because you can’t have me?”
His words are hurtful, regardless of how valid of a question it is. It’s possible, sure, but it feels like more than that. You knew when you ended things that it was the right decision. But now it feels like a mistake, something rash you did in the heat of the moment. You didn’t give him a chance. You didn’t give either of you a chance.
And now, despite everything, you want to.
“You said you missed me…” you tell him, meekly, “I mean it, Rin. Did you mean it?”
He doesn’t say anything, he just stares. You always hated it when he did this, and it feels worse now, somehow. His eyes are terrifying and yet you can’t stop staring back at him. They’re piercing, like icicles falling from a height and impaling you without remorse.
“Rin…” you speak, closing the distance between you again. Your breath hitches as you approach, shaky hands reach out to rest on his chest, and you swallow before speaking once more. “Rinnie.”
He grabs your wrists and spins you around, pinning you against the door behind you. Your heart rate is rapid, and his isn’t much better. You’re staring again, but you bite your tongue.
Your lips meet as his crash against your own. He lifts you up, just as he had hours prior, and carries you to his bed. Your breathing is heavy, you pant furiously as you roll your hips against him in a bid to alleviate the tension that has been brewing since early evening. He drops you down on the bed, his body smothers yours as he lies on top of you.
His hips roll into your soaking core, and you can’t help but moan into his mouth.
“I meant what I said,” he tells you before silencing himself with another kiss. “Fuckin’ missed you.” he wraps his arm around your back and lifts your body further up the bed with ease, determined to get your head comfortable in the pillows.
You wince as he strips you of your pyjama bottoms and peels away your panties from your dripping cunt. It’s too dark to see you, but it’s enough. The way the moonlight bleeds through his windows turns your petalled flesh into a galaxy. Between your legs lies a constellation of the prettiest stars, and there’s nothing more that he needs.
He pulls his sweater over his head, discarding it somewhere unknown as if it means nothing. It’s true, in this moment. Nothing matters but being intimately bare with each other.
Your cunt, his cunt, is committed to memory. He could recognise how your intimate folds feel among others even if blindfolded. Because you were made for him. Of this, he’s sure. Your cunt belongs to him, and you would have done well to remember that.
“I can’t wait, princess,” he explains, and you nod in understanding.
“Please, fuck me, I can’t wait anymore. Rinnie I c—can’t.”
“Shhhh,” he whispers, freeing his cock just enough from their confines to line his length up with you. You sob when you feel his pretty tip catch against your hole. And he coos so sweetly as he teases you with that feeling. Your pretty tears are like diamonds dripping from your eyes as the blinding moonlight ignites them. “I’ve always given you whatever you want, I’m not gonna stop now.” he tells you.
It's the only warning you get before he pushes into you. He sinks slowly until you’re filled up to the brim and you’re sure you can feel him in your throat. It’s like nothing has changed. Every ridge and vein feels so familiar, you’ve never known a feeling better than you know this one. A ribald dance that only the two of you know.
His tip kisses your gooey insides in the most delectable way. Just as it always had in those ethereal nights you spent with him throughout your relationship. He holds your jaw with one hand, and it’s rough. A commanding force that’s imploring you to indulge him in this.
Give him your everything, mind body and soul. He can see how your eyes want to wander. They want to stray and abandon him just like you had months ago. But he’s doing this for you, he thinks you should understand that.
The least you owe him is your loving eyes on his.
Your love is trapped in your throat as you force it to stay there. His eyes are so beautiful and his body feels like you’re home again. You want to tell him, it’s making you cry even more. You can’t help but wonder if that’s enough, alone. If he can see the love you’re pouring into the tears you shed, will he understand what you’re so scared to convey?
He surprises you, however, as he spills himself inside of you after a few deep strokes. It snaps you away from your panicked mind as you feel warmth fill you. And that feels like love, to you.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” he tells you, stopping you from replying with a bruising kiss. “I don’t want to stop.” he pushes your little vest up your body until your tits spring free.
You moan beautifully as he sucks a nipple into his mouth, gently caressing the raised bud with his tongue. A gentle yet rough hand delicately pushes your tensing legs apart from each other, not caring in the least if his seed drips onto the sheets below. You gasp as you feel two fingers circle your sticky clit.
“Rinnie…” you whimper.
“I know.” he breaths against your damp nipple, his breath warms your skin before he sinks two heavy fingers into your needy heat. He humps his leaking, coated cock against your side as his length softens slowly. His rutting is in tandem with his fingers prodding your cum coated walls.
Your fingers run through his hair as he continues to suckle on your tits, your second-hand flies to join the first as he alternates from one nipple to the other. And he groans as you tug at his Sacramento coloured locks. The more time you’re with him like this, the more you begin to slip into old habits.
“Think I— f-fuck… Rin.” you mutter, moving your hand to grip the sheets below as he brings you to a tantalizing edge.
“Go on, princess,” he whispers into your pretty skin. “Show me how much you miss me.”
The coil snaps at his silver tongue and salacious language. He never had to try hard to convince you to submit to his commands in the past. Always so eager to please and starved for his touch. You could never get enough of him, and you’ve never been like that with a man before. He makes you greedy, and impatient.
So when he says jump, you show him how high you’re prepared to go for him.
He makes you look at him as you orgasm. Teal eyes, still somehow so radiant even in darkness, hold a neediness you haven’t seen in a long time. You cum, hard, dousing his fingers in your juices as he carries on finger fucking his cum deeper into your insides. And you feel him kiss you. It’s sloppy and pornographic as you swap spit and still moan into his mouth as he drags and pulls every trace of your orgasm from you.
You pant, relaxing your body as the tryst comes to a satisfying end.
“That was amaz—”
“I told you, I’m not ready to stop yet.” he tells you.
He sensually kisses and sucks your neck, though you’re certain it isn’t hard enough to stake his claim on you. He wouldn’t need to, anyway. You both know who you belong to, after all. You watch him as he leaves a trail of kisses down your body. His lips pepper across your collarbone before kissing between the fat of your breasts.
His shushing hits your ears as his mouth comes close to your pussy. His breath fans across your sex, and you feel just how weighty each breath is as he admires your glistening folds as if for the first time.
He gently moves one of your legs to rest over his shoulder, while he pushes the other one into your chest.
His tongue darts out, caressing your exposed clit as he keeps your legs far from each other. Your head falls back into the pillows as the angle makes you delirious. He looks up to see your facial expressions, smirking into your heat when he notices how much you’re enjoying him.
“Rinnie—” you moan, though you’re ultimately ignored. “Rin. Please!” you cry, begging for a bit of reprieve.
“You know what I want.” he tells you, quietly.
You don’t know, not until he frees your leg and sinks his fingers into your heat again. And they curl. It’s devilish and titillating and you just about scream from the feeling. You don’t tell him to stop, though. You wouldn’t dream of it. His arm wraps firmly around your thigh and keeps you fixed in place as you try to flee. But you’re trapped, fated to fall from a height until he’s satisfied.
“Let me see it,” he whispers. Your moans become strident as he digs and teases your spongy interior, searching for what’s rightfully his. He’s there. He’s right there. His jaw hangs low as your toes curl violently, and you make a sloppy mess as you cum perversely. “Goooood girl, good fucking girl. That’s how I like to see my pretty baby cum, jus’ like that.” he grins before slurping up your orgasm. Your pussy gushes like a fountain for him, and it’s everything he’s wanted and needed for months now.
He doesn’t care about getting a little wet.
He couldn’t care less that the front of his hair is almost as soaking as yours.
You hadn’t noticed while you were experiencing the bliss that is Rin Itoshi’s tongue, but he’s been rutting his length pathetically into the mattress as he devours your essence. Each lewd slurp and divine suckle, he’d been grinding his aching cock into the plush mattress below you both.
And he still is.
Pearly pre drools from his slit as he carries on, though he isn’t sure he can stop. But when your cunt stops twitching, he finds the will to proceed. He rests his hands on both of your knees as you put your legs together, waiting to see what he wants to do with you next.
He rakes his fingers through his damp locks, and your cunt flutters at the sight of him pushing his hair back. It flops back into place as he comes down to kiss you again. You wrap your arms around his back, and he moves your body with his until you’re straddling him.
“Rin, I—”
He doesn’t let you finish as he kisses you. His cock is standing to attention for you again, and he needs to be buried inside. You feel him line his length up, and he covers your mouth with his hand as you attempt to screech out in paradisical bliss as he fills you again.
“Let me do the work,” he tells you, and you nod. “But put your hand here,” he requests, grabbing your wrist until your hand envelops his neck.
You’re worried about falling backwards as he sits with you on top on the edge of his bed. But your safety doesn’t come into question as his fingers sink into your hips to keep you secure. You cry, whimper, and whine as you feel him fuck up into you.
He rewards you with harder and deeper strokes when you softly squeeze the sides of his neck, cock twitching pathetically as he realises how enamoured he is with you still.
“You’re so fucking perfect for me.” he tells you, eyes rolling back until they turn white. The gentle squeeze of your little fingers will always be his undoing.
“Rinnie I—”
“D-Don’t.” he requests, hips stuttering as the thought of you saying what he thinks you’re about to makes him spiral. His heart rate reaches heights he wasn’t sure was possible as he hopes you aren’t about to ruin this. Ruin whatever this even is.
“I love you.” you cry, “I love you s-so much.”
“Fuck,” he pants, slowing ever so slightly so he doesn’t cum before you get to again. He tucks your hair behind your ear. His hips roll and his defined body perfectly stimulates your throbbing clit. “I love you.” he confesses, quietly, kissing you sweetly after the fact.
“Nngh, fuck—!” you wince, your walls tighten around him as you start to feel yourself coming undone once again. So he fucks into you, hard, eager to help you along. “’m cumming, aah!”
You can only assume how red and sweaty his face is as he fucks into you with a passion and vigour you’ve never felt from him before. He has an unyielding need to please and remind you how much he had loved you with every deep, unrelenting stroke.
You cum with him.
And it’s transcendent.
“Did you mean it, princess?” he asks, heavy breaths huffing across your dewy skin. “Do you love me?”
“… Yes, Rinnie—” you pause. “I still love you…”
He kisses your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your torso and holds you close. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was worried to let you go. He lies back and keeps you pressed firmly against him. He plays with your hair as you rest on him. Contentment seems to fill the room as you do nothing but lie like this together. There isn’t a sound other than exhausted breaths and beating hearts.
“I should shower and change the sheets.” he muses into your hair; it only causes you to snuggle further into him. “You should shower with me.”
“I’d like that.” you smile, giddy over the idea of seeing him under artificial lighting and witnessing how his expressions really change when he’s with you intimately.
There’s a niggling feeling, though. That everything is too good to be true. You’re sure this is real, but you have a fleeting thought of being asleep in your bedroom after saying you’d go to bed early. His heart beating against your cheek feels real, though. So does his bare flesh and gentle touch.
Everything is too perfect, though.
You wonder when the bubble will burst.
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© 2023 rinhaler
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429 notes · View notes
spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 3 months
𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚖𝚊 - 𝙿𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍) 𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕
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ft mommy kink(not femdom), creampie, lactation kink, nipple play
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: I do not own Naruto or its characters, all credit goes to its creators and actors
WC: 1,968
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Includes stepparent-stepchild stepcest, underage(17), Reader being called Mommy, creepy voyeurs and (unmentioned save for a tiny reference towards the end, fairly easily ignored) infidelity, No use of Y/n, 1st person POV, obligatory exhibitionism/public sex warning (Series Warning)
𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢: Generally vague setting, so you can imagine this taking place wherever and it’s kinda mini-AU ig? Menma is more of just a (really) bad boy instead of straight-up evil and he’s living in the village as Minato’s son, still got that sexy black hair tho😌
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I looked down at my stepson who happily lapped at my leaking nipple. His eyes closed in bliss as he wrapped his lips around me and sucked wantonly, his fingers deftly playing with my other nipple, occasionally unfurling to grope at my entire breast which brought a sighed moan to my lips.
“Oh, you’re doing so good, baby.. So good for mommy..” I moaned out, working my hand into his pants to pull out his weeping cock. Menma moaned around my tit as I worked his shaft, making sure to rub my thumb over his leaking tip, spreading his pre-cum over my hand to make it easier to jerk him off. I looked up from my stepson and made eye contact with a man who was eyeing my tits with envy. I gave a small huff of amusement before looking him up and down, unimpressed, before looking back down at Menma.
The ravenette opened his eyes and looked right up into mine as I gave him a sultry smile. He smirked around my tit before playfully nibbling on my bud earning a cut off moan at the sensation. As another spurt of milk shot into his mouth, I sighed at the relief from my overfull breasts.
“C’mere, mommy,” the emphasis he said the new title with sent a jolt of pleasure straight to the heat between my legs as he lifted off my breast, sliding his hand up my chest to the side of my neck to pull me forward. I met him in a heated kiss, our tongues clashing wetly and I could taste my milk in his mouth and it only made him taste even sweeter. “You taste so fuckin’ good. I wanna feel you.” He muttered into my mouth as he kept invading me with his tongue.
“Oh fuck, please, baby..” I whimpered into him. He smirked at my submission and shifted to get into a position to hoist me into his lap. As he manhandled me, I got a glimpse around us and saw at least 5 men watching us, including the man from before who, entirely unabashedly, had his hand in his pocket to jerk himself off.
Once I was situated in Menma’s lap, I felt him sliding his cock head through my slick folds as he unhooked the clasp of my wrap dress and helped me shrug it off, leaving me entirely exposed. I circled my hips in anticipation as he nudged the head of his cock against my clit, earning a moan. I planted a hand on his shoulder to steady myself and used the other one to guide his head back to my chest where he gladly took a nipple into his mouth again and began to suckle.
“Fuck, baby… Oh, that feels so good… Oh, you’re doing so good for mommy.” I sighed and raked my fingers through his hair as I sank down on his cock.
“Damn, you think she’d be my mommy if I asked real nicely?” The crude voice of one of the men watching made me grimace but I turned my attention back to my stepson who greedily sucked and lapped at my milky tits.
“Nah, man, bet you gotta do your chores first,” I rolled my eyes at the joke and only focussed on rolling my hips against Menma’s.
“Fuck, Mommy.. You feel so fucking good. Taste so good, too.” His smooth voice vibrated against my skin and I looked down and met his eyes as he glanced up from his place and latched onto my chest.
“Thank you, baby… You fill me up so good..” I spoke with a moan lacing my words as I stroked my hand through his hair and started moving my hips more up and down on his length. My stepson lightly grazed my sensitive nipple with his teeth and it brought a gasp out of me from the shock and the sudden feeling. I felt him smirk against my skin and when I looked down I saw him looking up at me with a cocky gleam in his eye. To say it turned me on even more would be a massive understatement.
“Seriously, man, look at her, she’s the definition of a MILF!” I glanced at our little audience and I saw that they had dared to get closer, 3 of them closer than the rest and by the sound of it, the ones who made those comments.
“Baby, if you wouldn’t mind…” I looked down at my stepson lovingly with the unfinished request hanging in the air for just a moment before he pulled away from my tit with a wet ‘pop’. With a smirk, he leaned up captured my lips in a heated, passionate kiss and his tongue fully invaded my mouth, nearly driving me crazy.
“Of course, Mommy,” He pulled away and summoned just a bit of Kurama’s chakra to release a burst of wind around us to shove them all back. He didn’t force them entirely away from us, the voyeurism still excited us and spurred his vigorous actions. Using even that small bit of Kurama’s chakra made his nails slightly extend into claws and his eyes flash red as he gazed at me with his cocky smirk which also revealed his extended k-9s.
His nails dug into my hip as he encouraged me to keep bouncing on his hard cock. Happily, I complied as his other hand returned to my hip to grip at the flesh. His lips caught my swollen bud once again and he suckled more as he groaned at my cunt squeezing around him. His sharpened features receded but his iron grip on my hips remained.
I moaned whilst Menma sucked wantonly at my sensitive nipple and used his grip on my sides to add momentum to my hips crashing down to meet his. His dick plunged deep inside of me and slammed right into my sweet spot, sending a jolt of pleasure through my entire body. I cried out in pleasure as my climax washed over me. As I trembled and shook in ecstasy, Menma didn’t stop his movements.
He sucked at my tit until he could only get a small trickle of my milk. He groaned in protest as he continued to suckle on the drained teat. With trembling hands and a shaky coo at my raven-haired stepson, I gently pulled him from my chest and placed a wet kiss on his lips. He growled possessively into my mouth and kept on with his motions of assisting my hips up and down on his length. When we separated our mouths, I guided him to my other breast which felt entirely too full with the other having been drained by my gluttonous lover.
“My poor mommy, you must feel so full, huh?” He feigned sympathy as he nipped my boob just beside my hard nipple. My eyes, still hazy from my high, silently pleaded with him to take care of me and, with his cock still sliding in and out of my creamy pussy, he couldn’t resist. He laved over my nipple and wet my breast with his drool before he latched on and sucked with earnest.
The men surrounding us were still a bit vocal, though they weren’t quite as crude as before and certainly not as loud as to distract me from my stepson. He seemed to appreciate it as well, happily lapping and suckling on my breast without interruption while he used his strength to keep my hips’ momentum. His grip tightened whilst I could feel his cock twitch inside me, his pace only faltering for a split second. He was getting close but he was holding off his orgasm.
“Ooh, baby,” I cooed, “you’re close, aren’t you? Go ahead and cum inside me, cum inside mommy.” I spoke through breathy moans as he seemed to suck harder, just this side of almost painful. He let out a low growl denying that he cum yet.
My hand rushed to the back of his head, threading my fingers through his hair as I gently indicated to be more gentle. Silently— other than the grunting moans against my skin— he relented on his harsh suction and gently lapped at my bud in apology. In turn, I used the strength I had regained in my legs to move myself up and down on his cock. With my assistance, he was able to release one of his hands and slide it up my body to grope and squeeze at the breast he was suckling on.
With each squeeze, another spurt of warm milk rushed into his mouth. His eyes rolled back with a groan as he happily swallowed it down. My tit was slowly reducing its swell with Menma emptying my chest, thusly relieving the pressure of being so full.
Rather, while he emptied my chest, he filled me up in another way. The reminder of that hit with every time his cock bottomed out inside me. He reached so deep inside me. Not quite reaching the deepest parts of me, but full nonetheless. That was also inconsequential when I had a solution for those last few inches, so I had that absolute fullness and indulgence in my more.. risqué desires.
I felt my second climax quickly approaching and I felt Menma involuntarily bucking his hips up to meet mine as he sucked my other breast nearly empty. His hand roughly but carefully squeezing my tit released and returned down my body to my waist where he steeled his grips. The men around us became more vocal again, groaning and making other lewd noises that I could only vaguely acknowledge.
My focus was on my stepson and our looming climaxes. With his firm grip on my waist, Menma slammed me down on his cock and met with harsh bucks of his hips. His cock dragged along the spongy spot inside me and ended with slamming directly into my g-spot in one fluid motion. I screamed as my second orgasm ripped through me and had me gushing for a second time around his dick.
I vaguely recognized Menma sucking me dry before he released my nipple as his own orgasm hit. He clenched his teeth as he looked up at me with an intense gaze while he filled me up. His cum spurt into my spasming walls and filled me to the brim with warmth that spread to my belly. His fingers dug into my sides as he held my ass firmly against his lap while he finished.
He raised a hand to the back of my neck and pulled me down to meet him in a heated kiss. I could taste my sweet milk on his tongue and it sent one last wave of pleasure to my core. The men around us all groaned in a combination of delight at the sight of my baby boy filling my cunt with his hot cum and disappointment that the show was over.
“I think we’ve given them enough of a show, Mommy, what do you say we head home and I can take better care of you there?” Menma muttered against my lips with a cocky smirk. I chuckled at his subtle possessiveness and nodded, still too worn out to give a proper response. We silently agreed to at least regain the energy to stumble home before we moved too much. While we waited, his cock remained in my creamed pussy as we kissed and Menma pulled my dress to drape over me, much to the chagrin of our greedy audience.
New, small surges of arousal shot to my core when Menma possessively growled at any people that got too close for his liking. Each time he felt my wetness return he sent me a cocky smirk with a promise for later.
— — —
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
A) You are mean to Vaggie
B) Obligatory Complication: Emily is crushing impossibly hard on Vaggie and hangs out with Charlie as much as possible for vicarious enjoyment.
thing is tho i could totally see a version of Emily that latches onto Vaggie in some kind of emotional way
Emily's faith in heaven was shaken by Sera and the revelation of the exterminations...... Emily finds out her older sister and the head of the seraphim of heaven has known about Adam killing souls this whole time- was hiding it AND condoning it- which Emily HAS to take a stand against because it's wrong-
and then Emily finds out about Vaggie.
She sees how a lowly exorcist is living in hell now, has been for years, and is running a hotel to redeem sinners. She sees. Hope.
How frustrated was Emily at the end of season 1? The next extermination goes ahead in spite of Emily fighting against it, Sera won't listen, she's not allowed to even watch it happen, she's sitting across from Sera doing PAPERWORK while people die and then Pentious is there and presumably tells them how the fight went up until his death, probably mentions how Charlie and Vaggie worked together to prepare the hotel and were fighting in the thick of the battle- and then Lute comes back missing an arm and Adam is dead and the hotel is being rebuilt-
An angel fought alongside the sinners who she used to kill, she risked her life for them...
That could be such a point of hope for Emily to cling to.
Someone in heaven did think it was wrong. One of Adam's very own soldiers, even.
I could see her getting a bit desperate to know more about Vaggie. Wanting to find out what made her switch from killing souls to saving them, how long did it take, did anything help, why did she ever think it was okay in the first place
(Emily trying to understand Sera by proxy because it hurts less this way)
And of course Emily's easiest source of Vaggie Lore would be Charlie, Vaggie's girlfriend, the only part of the hotel running duo who is actually interested in talking about anything other than purely heaven-hell related business and who will stop glaring silently long enough to chat
Naturally, given Vaggie's bad history with heaven, Charlie would be RELIEVED to see how one high ranking angel seems to actually care about her girlfriend
So Charlie would answer the Vaggie questions eagerly, bc she loves talking Vaggie and wants her to have a powerful ally up in heaven and also maybe the whole Rosie thing showed her how helpful it is to talk with someone other than her gf about her gf and Emily is so nice and kind and they can trust her and she listens so intently and Charlie's so happy this one thing is working out and she can't stop smiling about it-
and meanwhile. Vaggie is just out of earshot. Grinding her TEETH
Romantic or not, in the same way that Charlie and Emily could bond over caring about the people under their protection so much, Emily might look at Vaggie and feel a need to get closer to her. To connect with the only other angel who really seems to GET it
heck, Vaggie being in hell running the hotel might even be a point of admiration and slight envy for Emily.
A seraphim can talk to the other high ranking angels, but what use does that feel like its serving, if they don't listen? Emily can shepherd Pentious around his new life in heaven but it's HEAVEN, what is THAT compared to helping a sinner carve out some kind of better life for themselves down in hell, where the help is really NEEDED? And while it makes sense Charlie would be down there doing that, she's princess of hell- Vaggie shows how angels could be doing it too. They could be making a real, tangible difference every day, instead of....
I could see the idea of Vaggie becoming something Emily thinks about a lot
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milaisreading · 9 months
🌱🩷: 7th story of this series! Hope u enjoy it!
Pairings: Itoshi Rin x Crossdresser!Yn
Warnings: Reader uses she/her when I write, but the characters use he/him when talking
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
🎄Dec 16th🎄
It was the first Christmas week after the Blue Lock team had defeated the U-20 teams, and as expected, the players became quite popular, especially among little kids. So, per request of the JFA, Ego and Anri sent out the players to different schools and kindergartens to make a surprise visit this week. And today it was (Y/n) and Rin's turn, and the younger boy was anything but happy.
"Rin...can you please smile...and pretend you are happy to be here?" (Y/n) scolded the vice captain as they walked down the hallway, towards the classroom where the kids were.
"Why should I? I never wanted to go here and entertain a bunch of 5 years olds." Rin rolled his eyes and looked in disdain at his Blue lock jersey.
"I don't get it, you don't like kindergartens, yet fought with Ego-san to go here with me." Rin tensed as (Y/n) brought that scene up.
"You should have let Yukimiya come with, me as it was planned-"
"No! I refuse to go with Tokimitsu anywhere."
"That's mean. Whatever, just don't scare them." (Y/n) sighed as they approached the door, then knocked a few times.
The duo heard a woman say to come in, Rin opened the door, only to meet a wide-eyed group of kindergarteners staring back at the players.
"And your surprise guests today are Blue Lock's players, (L/n) (Y/n) and Itoshi Rin. Please behave." The older woman said softly, smiling at the two teens. The duo walked in and bowed, then (Y/n) turned her attention to the kids, who were both shocked and giddy with excitement.
"Hello! I got told that there are a lot of you who want to become football players in the future. Maann, hope we will teammates then." (Y/n) chuckled as Rin kept silent, while a few kids approached her.
"I am a huge fan! Can I have an autograph?!"
"Please teach me that cool trick you used when blocking!"
"Ooohh! Are you close with Itoshi Sae?! I heard from my niisan that you two are friends!"
"Can I braid your hair, please?!"
The kids started piling up around them, which caused the teacher to intervene.
"One after the other. I am so sorry, Itoshi-san and (L/n)-san." The woman said apologetically.
"It's alright. They are kids after all. So, do you want to hear about some of our adventures at Blue Lock?" (Y/n) said, smiling back at the kids, who nodded enthusiastically.
"Alright, we will have to sit down for thus one tho." She said, guiding one group to a less cluttered corner. Meanwhile, Rin stayed with another group, who kept asking him various things about football, his brother, and his eyelashes.
'I hate kids.' Rin fought back a frown and went to entertain the group.
"Oooh! You are able to kick so far?" (Y/n) asked one of the boys in her group, while the girls were busy either brushing, braiding or putting clips in her hair. The girl didn't mind that much and she let them do whatever while keeping her attention on the boys.
"And do you have any team you would like to join in the future?" (Y/n) asked the boys, who nodded their heads.
"My pick is Bastard München! I think Noa-san is soo cool!"
'Just like Isagi.' (Y/n) chuckled as she watched the excited boy.
"Royale is the best pick!"
"Nooo! Manshine is!!"
"Ubers has some cool designs! I want to join them and travel to Italy."
"All of them are really great choices. And what are the positions you would like to play there?"
'How is he so natural about it?!' Rin thought as he kept glancing at (Y/n) from time to time. Envying how comfortable she was with the kids, and how they were comfortable with her.
"Itoshi-san! What's it like in Blue Lock?! Could I join it?" Rin looked back at the little boy, slowly nodding his head.
"Sure. If you have the passion for it. I guess you can."
"Wwaah!" The boy cheered as another one intervened.
"Can we be teammates in the future, please!!"
"Yeah." Rin shrugged his shoulders.
"As long as you work on your skills, we can be teammates."
"Woo-hoo!" The boy, and another one next to him cheered, and Rin fought back to urge to wince.
'So loud...' He thought, noticing a few girls looking up at him with puppy eyes.
"Yes?" Rin asked, as softly as he could.
"Can we style your hair?! Please!!" The girls exclaimed, showing Rin their combs, hair clips and ties. The teen fought back a groan as he nodded his head.
The girls cheered and went to work on his hair, while their classmates started talking again.
Soon after, the duo was working on some holiday cards for the kids, while they took a afternoon nap.
"Here." Rin said as he sat down and handed (Y/n) a glass of water. The girl smiled as took it from him.
"Thank you. The kids are really nice, don't you think so?"
Rin thought for a moment then slowly nodded his head, going back to writing something on one of the cards.
"Yeah... they are funny."
The teen blushed as he heard (Y/n) laugh at his words.
"They are good kids.... they look up to you, you know?"
"W-what?" Rin looked up at (Y/n) in surprise, only to blush more as he noticed the smile on her face.
'So pretty...' He thought, gulping.
"They look up to you. Some of the boys I was babysitting said they like you a lot, but are too shy to say anything."
"Uh..." Rin fidgeted in his spot as (Y/n) returned her attention back on the holiday card she was making.
"You are enough. You don't need to chase after your brother's validation."
Rin felt his heartbeat quicken and he held back a few tears.
'I am enough... for him?'
Rin felt a wave of happiness and... relief hit him, and opted to keeping quiet after that.
Sighing, Rin finished with his shower routine and put on the pj's that Blue Lock gave them. Both him and (Y/n) had returned 2 hours ago, and when the girl finished her showering, Rin took his turn. But before he went to the bathroom, (Y/n) had told him she will visit Karasu, Otoya, and Yukimiya for something.
'Why am I so stale in conversations?' Rin thought to himself as he walked out of the bathroom and towards his bed.
"Huh?" Rin blinked as he noticed a piece of paper on his bed. Walking closer, he took and inspected it for a moment, only to realize it was a Christmas card... the one ot those that (Y/n) was making today?
It was a normal blue and white one, with a poorly drawn Christmas tree.
'Idiot can't even draw.' Rin rolled his eyes and opened it.
As he read what was on it, Rin felt his face turn red and happiness to bubble up inside of him.
'Thanks for accompanying me today! I appreciate it!
(Your initials)'
'Idiot! I hate him!' Rin thought as he plopped himself on the bed and hugged the card closer to his body.
'But... he is my idiot. Only mine.' Rin thought in embarrassment.
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luv-gukkie · 1 year
cherry | 𖦊 : four
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pairing: yandere! namjoon x f. reader, yandere! jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au || yandere
summary: you’re the cherry on top of everything. the little girl in front of your parents; the gooody two-shoes of your family, friends, and everyone who knows you. so when you’re staring at the two bright, red lines on the pregnancy test. you know you’re fucked, you really do. especially when there’s not only one man, but seven.
word count: +1.6k
tags/warnings: unprotected sex (this is fiction, don't be silly), reader is on birth control tho, creampie, squirting, flashback to chapter two, mentions of betrayal, a small peek of taehyung’s possessive side, cute moments with jk, sex under fireworks…again, slight crying during sex, fingering, soft jk
notes: namjoon making an appearance ;) jungkook is on his KNEES for the reader. and i think we’re all loving it?!? pearls>>>
tag list: @bananamochidaisy @mageprincess7 @darkuni63 @princess-sunshyn
༻❤︎︎ ★ ★ ❤︎︎༺
your hand searches for your phone inside your bag. you just took your birth control pill after coming home, and all you've been doing is watching tv. your fingers wrap around a piece of paper that crumbles under your grasp instead. your eyes widen at what it says and who's it from. namjoon's phone number is on it and he's writing to call him at anytime. a smile appears on your face as you fall back, giggling at the thought. you finally get your phone and call him. on the other end, namjoon has waited the longest time for you to call him. his mind still goes back to how beautiful you looked in the black dress with the slit and the pearls that laid on your necklace. and how you looked without the dress. clung onto his and jungkook's cocks like a pretty slut. namjoon remembers how your walls felt around him. how you moaned into his ears, the pearls jungkook kept pulling as he thrusted into you. it was you, the girl jungkook was crazy about. the pearls he gave you were worth more than a fortune. and the lovey-dovey eyes he gives you every second has namjoon guessing that you're a once in a lifetime chance. and a man like kim namjoon, never lets go of opportunities. especially, the most perfect, pretty girl he's ever seen.
therefore, when it's been a day and he hasn't heard a single word about you. namjoon has begun to worry, questions filling his head. the worst thing that could happen is that he'll never see you again. and that his good friend, one of his most trusted friends, will get to keep you. at that thought, namjoon feels his body heavy with envy and hands itching to wrap around jungkook's neck. but it's taken away, when he hears his phone ring from an unknown caller, and he can't deny that his heart is beating. he's hoping it's you. when he answers, namjoon feels completely relaxed at the sound of your angelic voice. hand smoothing out his hair gently. both of you talk for quite a while. "i wanna take you out for dinner." you laugh at his directness, "so when are you available?" you think it through, "i think, maybe, next saturday." namjoon immediately notes it down so he can clear the whole day just to spend time with you. before you know it, it's past midnight, after a few long goodbyes, you're sleeping away. a lot on your plate for tomorrow.
jungkook sends his chauffeur to pick you up earring in the morning. "mr. jeon is preparing a surprise for you, but he wants to make sure you've eaten. so where would you like to eat your breakfast?" you process the words slowly, mind still drifting in and out of sleepiness. you order a chocolate croissant with berries surrounding the dish as soon as you arrive at the cafe. ordering one for jungkook as well. the drive to jungkook's house is quiet, except for the dings that come from your phone. finally, you wake up to silence it. oblivious to the driver who eyes the phone, could it be mr. jeon? "or perhaps someone else?" he mumbles. but he brushes it to nothing because it could be anyone.
jungkook is nervous, his fingers fiddle with the buttons of his shirt and he keeps checking himself in the mirror. tonight, he wants to talk more deeply with you. take the relationship that you two have into a more deeper meaning. jungkook wants you to live with him. he's known you for a while and he's ready to take things onto another level. jungkook smiles when he sees your sleepy form enter his room, "aw, is my pretty baby tired?" he wraps his hands around you and kisses your forehead and nose as an attempt to wake you up. he smiles when he hears you agree with him, yawning into his torso. your hands are pulling him closer to the bed, trying to pull hi
down to lay next to you. "c'mon, i want to show you something. you'll like it." he raises his eyebrows, but you don't budge at all. "ten more minutes, jungkookie, please." you whine out as a protest. jungkook easily gives in to your adorable features, nodded his head as he embraces you in his arms. when you do awake, it's so close to past twelve. jungkook has his arms wrapped around your waist, your head hiding in his shoulder, and he's softly tracing your back. "you're finally up," he smiles down at you. he does a hand gesture with his hand at a direction, and before you know it, your being smooched all over by bam. the doberman is on top of you, excited to see you. "bam!" you squeal. you can hear jungkook giggling in the background at the sight of his dog and you bonding.
when bam finally calms down, all of you decide to play around in the spacious yard. "he's grown so much." you mutter, looking at the dog run after the ball you throw. you remember when jungkook first got the puppy, he was small with big ears that kept falling down his eyes. he's turning two soon. it makes you realize how long you've met with jungkook, and have been doing this. and how nobody has found out: no friends or family either. your thoughts fly out, when you're left completely soaked by the hoes jungkook holds in his hand. he laughs at you, and that's when both of you start fooling around. fighting over who gets the hoes, using bam as an assistant, and much more.
you barely register that the sun is setting when you look up, you're tired. jungkook keeps on winning and winning, and you can't do anything when he has more strength than you will ever have. "i'll go get some towels." you watch as jungkook leaves before pulling out your phone to check for messages. you open taehyung's messages and missed calls. you dial his phone number, "y/n, you finally answer me!" he shouts into your ear, it makes you wince. "hi tae." before you can say anything else, he begins to ramble on. "i miss you. tannie does too, he's been whining all day. maybe you can stop by? i just want to see your pretty face, it's been a long day without seeing you. come over please. when you do come home, i'll prepare something nice. we can have whatever you want!" you giggle at his begging, "tae, i'm sorry but i'm busying studying for an exam. the professor gives a ton of work too! maybe next time?" he stays quiet on the other line and you feel your heart slightly falter along with the smile on your face. "don't i take good care of you? buy you anything you want? i just wanna see you fucking once. if you don't come by at least tomorrow morning, i won't buy you anything." he ends the call with a low voice. you're slightly shaking at the threat, because it carries a different meaning to it as well. you see jungkook coming back, so you hide your phone back where it was, reminding yourself to go see taehyung.
all the three of you are wrapped around in towels, shivering from playing around with cold water. jungkook is laying down on his back, facing the sky. you're sitting next to him, hands playing with his hair as bam sits in between your legs. the screen projector plays a movie on the wall of his house. jungkook keeps on feeding you snacks from foreign countries, some of his souvenirs from when he went away. you forget about the fireworks until jungkook picks you up and lays you in between his legs. the dark sky fills with the colorful illuminations. you can hear the powerful crackling of them in the sky. bam barks at the noise so you cover his ears, then another pair of bigger hands fall on top of yours. at the end, the last firework forms a beautiful heart in the shade of a light pink. you smile at it, "you like it?" jungkook hasn't looked up at the night fall once, his doe eyes have been staring at your expressions. you look back at him, give him a small peck on the lips that leaves him wanting more. his lips go to catch your lips again as you pull away, the cold metal of his piercing touching your lip. his hands separating your legs as he pulls his shorts down. you slide you dress up to the waist and his hands pull at your panties desperately. jungkook's head digs into your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses. his finger enters your hole, the intrusion hurting you a bit. his pace starts slow to get you more wet, and when you're ready, his hands stead themselves on your hips. jungkook pulls you closer, his tip entering your cunt, smearing your walls with just his pre-cum. he slides in, moaning at your warms walls clinging on to him. your back arches, eyes becoming blurry at the pleasure of having his cock inside you.
he waits for a while, wondering if he should ask you what he's been wanting to for a long time. you clench around him tightly, and his chest just lets it go. "come live with me. the house is more than enough for the three of us." jungkook stops himself before he says more, like how the house is made for families with babies. and how he wants one with you. but you don't seem to hear it over the surprise firework that forms a heart in your favorite color.
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agattthaa · 3 months
Paring: Walter x Vyxaria
Words: 1.149
Rating: T
(Threats of Violence and Murder, Walter is into that tho)
Summary: Walter had been the one to start it all and now he wished to be the one to end it. Vyxaria wouldn't allow that.
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The most offensive part was that he really believed he was strong enough to close that door to her face.
Of course, she also hated being left behind, the lie and the betrayal. And, of course, the fact that he had decided to simply cut himself from her life after being so insistent of crumbling the walls she always had around herself.
But actually, thinking she would just let him close that stupid door on her face, thinking she was too weak to simply force it open, that was a deep offense to her pride. 
So, she did a deep offense to his door, forcing it open, breaking into his apartment and closing the door behind her with so much force that it made an annoying noise. He had a shocked look on his face while she crossed her arms above her chest, almost as if he truly believed a mere door on the way was enough to stop her. Stupid mortal.
-Are you really stupid enough to think that cheap wood is capable to stop me?
She crossed her arms above her chest. Her hands trembled and she had no idea of why, but she knew she wanted to hide it from him. That was until his eyebrows dropped, the sadness in his eyes almost palpable and he simply watched her.
How dared he? 
After everything he did, how dared he feel sad? 
Everything that happened was his fault. 
If he hadn’t followed her in the park… 
If he hadn’t refused her…
If he hadn’t offered her friendship…
If he hadn’t that stupid smile every time she looked at him…
If he hadn’t abandoned her… 
It was his fault. He didn’t get to feel sad. 
She soon noticed that no longer her hands were shaking. Now, her entire body was. She was furious. She only saw red. Only red from anger, ressentiment and fury. Only red. And blue. Blue from sadness, regret and his eyes. 
-I didn’t mean to offend you. I simply thought that our conversation was over so I…
Then, everything went actually red, including herself and when she realized, her forearm pressing his neck and him against the wall. Her demon form fully out. And yet, his eyes were still blue. No anger, no fear, just blue. He should be begging for her forgiveness, trembling in fear in face of her mighty power and instead, he was only blue.
It made her even more furious. 
-I could kill you. 
-I know.
-No one would even care. Wizards don’t care about us hurting each other, and you are clearly more of a demon that I ever could be.
His eyes only turned bluer and even more pitiful. No fear. Still only sadness, still only blue. 
-You have no right to appear that pathetically sad, not when everything was your fault. - Her forearm on his neck only pressed him further against the wall. She wanted to hurt him. She wanted to hurt him just as he had hurt her. She wanted him to fell something. Lust, pride, envy, shame, fear. Anything. Anything other than that pathetical sadness on his eyes. 
He raised a hand slowly, but clearly, talking her forearm of his throat was the last thing going over his head. He simply raised his hand to her face, touching her face with his fingertips carefully, almost as if he was scared that she would pull away from his touch. 
The sadness left his eyes, but still no fear. Instead, he looked at her like no one ever did before. No lust, no desire, no fear. He stared at her in adoration, as if he was a pirate that just found the most precious treasure. One he had searched for his entire life. One that was worth risking everything for. 
She only got more annoyed. 
-I should kill you, that would get rid of this stupid look in your face. 
-You are beautiful. 
He stated quite plainly, actually. As if it was something that he hadn’t mentioned before, and that he should. And it was stupid, because of course she was beautiful on her demon form. She was beautiful in any form she decided to take. She only grew more annoyed. Were his statement regards her appearance a cheap attempt to calm her down? To make her forget her madness toward him? 
His hand cupped her face and she pushed against his throat stronger, but he only rubbed his thumb against her check and daring to smile. Smiling. 
She was now furious. 
Before he could understand anything, she pressed her lips against his, claiming for herself her mortal possession. The one that had belonged to her and only her ever since that night on the park. She wanted him to feel something that she could actually understand. Pride, anger, lust, something, anything. 
Instead, he was even softer now. Both of his hands holding her face in and he somehow transformed her vicious and violent claiming in an actual soft kiss. One that had her hugging him by the waist before she noticed while he torturously slowly pulled her closer by the face, turning her face a little to the side so their noses were no longer hurting each other. 
She had never kissed like that. She had never been kissed like that. He still had no lust on him, and although this should have bothered her, that someone was kissing such a powerful succubus and still carried no lust, it didn’t. She only held him closer, feeling slightly annoyed when she felt his lips smiling against hers. 
Before she noticed, she was back in her human form and Walter was pulling away from her, with a stupid smile on his lips, making her roll her eyes and his smile only grow bigger. She still hugged him and he still held her face, and Vyxaria wondered why. 
-You are beautiful. 
-I know. If you do that again, I’ll murder you. 
-The thing that we were talking about before or the kiss?
He let out a small laugh when she rolled her eyes again, rubbing his nose against hers and pulling back to look into her eyes.
-I am really sorry, Vyxaria. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just scared. I am not supposed to use my powers, and yet, I did it instantly to try to protect you. I was just scared, I’m really sorry. 
-I don’t need you to protect me. 
-I know that. You are very powerful. I can feel it. And still…
She only nodded to his silence. She understood it, trying to protect someone stronger than you. Simply because you cared for them. He rubbed their noses together again, the smile never leaving his lips.
-I really will kill you if you do that again. 
He only laughed, whispering against her lips before connecting to them again.
-You are beautiful.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Platonic obey me brothers reaction to MC dating Solomon?
Absolutely! I also added that brothers have a little crush on MC while discovering they're dating Solomon since I LIVE for ANGST~ (hope you don't mind) but despite that, I hope you'll enjoy this <3
Brothers react to reader dating Solomon
TagList: @indi-has-fallen @vodka-glrl @miya-akane
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⊱ Lucifer really thought that you know your own value but... is Solomon really your best choice?
⊱ at first he really tried to find some rational reasons why you could fall for him but as much as he tried, it didn't work
"What is it that they see in him? Let me think... high status, good at magic, troublemaker, always interrupting, loud... no, I don't know what they see in him."
⊱ yeah, he don't understands it all...
⊱ also, he'll never admit it but he does feel like you could've done better, he's not feeling angry or jealous, he just thinks you could do better than dating troublemaker like him
⊱ sure, he'd much prefer if you dated him but someone else who's reliable and little serious would definitely be much better for role of your lover
⊱ whenever you tell him about your recent date, he'd always find something to complain about and it always has to do with your boyfriend
⊱ honestly, if you'd get 1 grimm for every time he "sercretly" suggested you break up with him, you'd be like a millionaire right now
"That doesn't sound like enjoyable date to me. Although everyone have their preferences, I assume..."
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⊱ you don't know how sad Mammon was when he discovered that you're dating sorcerer, of course if you told him yourself then you probably did since he's really bad at pretending he doesn't care
⊱ for first couple of days after discovering that, he probably avoided you and if you'd ask him about it, he'd say he simply has some business to do
"What ya mean I'm avoiding ya?! THE Mammon simply has business to do! Those sweet money don't come that easily, ya know?"
⊱ he probably won't admit it but the truth it, he'll give up every single grimm he has just to be at that sorcerer human place
⊱ I swear if you ever be all lovey dovey with Solomon while he's watching, he'll start making disgusting face or maybe even leave the room
⊱ suprisingly tho, he never insulted your boyfriend around you just because he's dating you, sure, he made some face of disgust but he usually is nice compared to some of his other brothers
⊱ I dare you to tell him about your date and he'll start complaining sooo much about it
"Alright, well I don't really care about that stupid date of yours! C'mon don't waste my time and let's do what we supposed to in the first place!"
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⊱ looking at fact that Levi is literally Avatar of Envy, you can only imagine how much jealousy he felt in that moment
⊱ boy literally can't sleep at night because he's thinking if he's really worse that Solomon
⊱ trust me when I say that he actually tried to find some points putting him in better light but he ended up understanding why you picked human sorcerer over him...
⊱ that doesn't change the fact that he can't sleep at night, he still can't but instead of thinking he just feels sad and maybe game all night to focus on something else
"Am I really that bad...? I mean I must be better than Solomon at least! He's talented, smart, handsome, successful... yeah, no, I am worse..."
⊱ this boo is on his phone basically all the time and when your partner is around, he's not even looking up from his phone, even if it's just staring on his wallpaper
⊱ of course he'd prefer if you'd just broke up with him but then again, you're always so nice to him so there's no way HE will bring his friend down
⊱ so if you ever try telling him about your date, he'll be silent and just add from time to time something like "oh yeah, that's nice"
"That's nice... have a nice date then, I assume... I will just... play in my room... alone..."
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⊱ again, someone who's sin affects his reaction, as an Avatar of Wrath, Satan will be furious when he discovered you're dating the sorcerer
⊱ although obviously he tried to control himself since he doesn't want to scare you away and that wouldn't be very polite of him, so as much as he hates it, he's trying it be calm
⊱ don't be surprised if he randomly leaves tho, better that then him yelling at you or your boyfriend
"That's one way to suffer in your life... No, I'm not complaining or anything. You're free to do anything you want."
⊱ he'll try to not say anything mean when your partner is around but he will send him some states filled with pure madness from time to time
⊱ unlike others, he doesn't even try to find some positives in Solomon but he still sees why you'd choose him
⊱ as much as he'd like to just beat up say mean stuff to your partner, he also wouldn't want to harm your opinion on him
⊱ alright but talking to him about your date is something he definitely won't be able to handle so he'll probably just straight up tell you that he's not interested
"Sorry to brak it up to you but I don't have slightest interest in your date."
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⊱ finally, one of the boys who's actually supportive of your relationship even tho it hurts him
⊱ Asmo definitely was you biggest supporter when you told him you're dating sorcerer, like he accepted it easily or even knew from beginning that you're going to be together
⊱ of course on every sleepover with him, he absolutely has to ask you everything about your boyfriend
⊱ part of him just likes the gossips and the other just wants to make sure he's treating you like you deserve
"Alright, hon, we're having sleepover at my room today! How's that, huh?"
⊱ his behavior doesn't really change much after you found a new boyfriend, sure, he is slightly less affectionate with you but that's really it
⊱ as you can imagine, he's all in for listening about how your date went and even will give you some nice recommendations on to where to have another one
"Let me think... Do you want date in formal or fun style? If formal, I'd mostly suggest you ask Beel for restaurants recommendations... If fun then I might just have couple of places in mind~"
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⊱ another one that's completely supportive despite being sad you didn't choose him
⊱ Beel won't ask for any details but he'll gladly listen to what you have to say about your new lover
"Congratulations! I'm happy that both of you are now happy together!"
⊱ it's a little different when telling him about your date, he'll ask for details just to make sure you had a great time there
⊱ I know he's sweet and all but let me tell you something: he WILL beat up Solomon if he hurts you, if not then he's safe!
⊱ he doesn't really act any different towards you or your partner, he's still his same and usual sweet self
⊱ although he is more hungry and always has to snack on something when you start talking about your boyfriend but he's telling you it's just his gluttony
⊱ while that's not fully a lie, it's also not complete truth, he also prefers to have something else to focus on, as much as he enjoys listening how happy you are in your relationship, it also makes him sad it's not him
"Ah? About your date? Yeah, of course you can tell me about it! I'd be glad to listen! Just let me grab some snacks first."
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⊱ I'm so sure Belphie would be last one to know about your relationship, like maybe he just slept through your monologue about you getting a boyfriend
⊱ but once he finally discovers that, he'll act like he completely don't care but looking at how much he naps, it's easy to say that it's a lie
⊱ whenever you even try to start the topic of your boyfriend, he'll simply reply that he's too lazy to listen and much rather to take a nap
"Are you gonna ramble? Alright, then you ramble and I'll take a nap. Goodnight."
⊱ it's even worse when you try to tell him about your date, if you start, he's ready to even leave the room
⊱ change in his behavior really will depend on how close you were before you started dating Solomon
⊱ if you were close then nothing will change except him randomly falling asleep when topic of your boyfriend starts, but if you weren't so close them he's slightly distancing himself from you
⊱ similar to Beel tho: your boyfriend hurts you and he hurts him but unlike his twin, he's not afraid to tell that to his face
"Tell me if he will ever do something to you. I'll make sure to have some chat with him if he does."
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tswhiisftteedr · 2 months
Hello You could do one of Adam (top) x male reader bottom top, with Adam having gay panic, with the reader being the submissive but at the same time the active one.
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Gay Panic ☆ Oneshot
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Adam x Winner!Male!Reader:
After encountering the first man himself at a heaven party, you find yourself being in quite the confrontational scenario. Will Adam come to terms to the reason behind his jerkiness towards you? And will you get something out of this originally annoying encounter? Only time will tell…
Words: 2354
Warnings: Mature Content, Explicit/Graphic Language, No sex but very much graphic description of a sexual fantasy, Homophobia & Internalized Homphobia, Adam forced realizing he likes man, Bad writing, NOT PROOFREAD.
Note: So I don’t do male reader smut(amab, trans ftm reader is fine tho) so this doesn’t have sex per say but it’s basically reader being a horny little shit and telling Adam how they want to be fucked by him or how they jerked off to the thought of him, so it’s graphic but no actual sex. Also I went for a winner instead of a sinner.
Author Note: I took a big break from writing so idk if my style changes or I got better/worst, so I hope you guys still like it.
☆ more under the cut. ☆
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It had been a little while since you passed through the big gate in the sky—less than a year, but more than a month.
Truthfully, life up here had been pretty cushy. After all, it’s heaven; it’s supposed to be. But this surpassed all your expectations about the ‘good version of the afterlife.’ Everything was just so heavenly.
In addition to the comfortable living arrangements, life in heaven was genuinely fun, especially the parties. You might have thought a place devoid of all earthly substances would be dull, but it turned out to be amazing. Sure, the vibe was different from your standard 20th-century terrestrial party, but it was no less enjoyable.
One noticeable change was the attention you received from the ladies at these events. Your striking looks, overall charm, and handsome personality made you irresistible to any damsel, whether on earth or high in the heavens.
Though you didn't return the sentiment, as you leaned more towards men in terms of attraction, it never stopped the feminine crowd from fawning over you or the jealous ‘dude bros’ from pestering you. Beauty really is a curse, huh?
Speaking of ‘dude bros’, the biggest one was currently approaching you with an angry stomp as you stood in your secluded corner, sipping a virgin piña colada after finally escaping your female admirers.
He looked rather pissed off, and from what you’d heard about him and his entitled personality, you had a pretty good idea why he was so infuriated.
"You think you're some hotshot or something?" Adam spat out as he towered over you, his gold-tinged eyes narrowed into slits.
"Excuse me, what?" You questioned THE Man, feigning surprised at his sudden appearance despite the fact he was making a very obvious beeline towards you a second ago.
"Yeah, you heard me. Just because you’ve got some bitches flocking around like fleas makes you think you’re a big deal or something." He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and scoffing.
"But let me tell you the truth, assface, you're not. You're just some little guy who, at the end of the day, is nothing compared to the big dick in charge—me, Adam!" He leaned in closer, practically in your face, and let out a chuckled, though it sounded rather hollow—a desperate attempt to mask his envy.
He eyed the piña colada in your hand with disdain, watching your facial expression, waiting for an answer.
"Oh, then why did you walk up to me all red, hot, and bothered? If it isn’t jealousy towards me, then maybe... it could be that.. you want me, Adam. Is that it? Does the first man want to touch me?" You stepped closer, getting in his face now. "To fuck me." You traced your fingers up your body to accentuate your words then moved to lightly sliding them down his chest as you continued, "Because I wouldn’t be opposed to it; taking that dick of yours, letting you ravage my body as your sexy guitarist's hands get to explore every inch of mine, letting you stroke my cock, and finally, cumming together—your hot semen deep inside my tight ass. Well, that doesn't sound like a bad way to end a Friday night."
You could see his brain short-circuiting—he wanted to maintain his toxic alpha male facade, but your description of the potential intercourse had him feeling really hot.
After gathering himself, he finally shot out a: "Fuck you, that's gay," before basically running away, his face still beaming red, and his below-the-belt area definitely not opposed to the proposed evening.
You snickered to yourself and enjoyed the rest of the night as you pleased.
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A week had passed since that party, and today was your first day at the Bureau of Heavenly Affairs. Sure, working in heaven wasn’t necessary at all—it was completely voluntary—but for some reason, helping Heaven with its legislation seemed like a fulfilling way to spend your afterlife. And worst-case scenario, you could quit with no repercussions.
So while there was some slight underlying anxiousness, you were confident in yourself—after all, you had passed the interview with flying colors! You were ready for everything—well, except coming face to face once more with that egotistical yet devilishly handsome piece of shit known as Adam.
During your first meeting, he had come out of nowhere to berate you because he was feeling insecure and jelly. Therefore, you wondered how he would react to seeing you in this setting and, more importantly, how he would react after realizing you were not a visitor but a new coworker.
Your bets were on the negative, and you were right. As soon as he spotted you, he came straight over, demanding answers in a very angry tone. Though it didn’t escape your notice that he did a blushing double-take after recognizing you before he eventually approached.
"Why the hell are you here?"
Without batting an eye, you replied, "Well, you're looking at this Bureau’s newest employee. Figured I'd help y'all run this place a bit more smoothly. i happen to be quite could when it comes to legislation, so might as well put my talents to good use, right? You're welcome."
Adam stared at you for a moment, looking like he couldn't form a response, probably because confronting you at a party in a drunken haze was one thing, but this was entirely different. Despite him being your superior in a professional environment, your actually professionalism compare to his half-assed one, clearly threw him off balance.
Gasping for air, he finally uttered, "Well I don’t want you here, I never gave you the permission to work here. Who do you think you..." His voice trailing off, Adam appeared to be in a state of disarray.
"Easy there, champ. I was interviewed by Sera herself. She thought my skillset was perfectly aligned with what the Bureau needed and decided to give me a chance. I guess the big boss lady had faith in my abilities and that count’s for way more than what you might or might not want," you interjected, raising an eyebrow and folding your arms, mimicking his previous stance.
Seeing a hint of red creep back into Adam's cheeks, you couldn't help but feel a surge of inner satisfaction. After all, he was the one who made a scene at the party and approached you today, and now he had to swallow his pride, possibly realizing that you were, in fact, untouchable in this environment.
As the tension between the two of you ebbed, Adam slowly regained his composure, although his resistance was still evident. "Fine. Whatever, make sure you don't fuck up, or there will be consequences." He returned to his office, not meeting your gaze and leaving you with a smirk on your lips.
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Time passed by quickly as work ensued, you adjusting seamlessly into the bureaucracy, and, as expected, Adam's constant snide comments and micromanaging became part of your daily routine.
What was less expected, however, was the way his attitude shifted mere seconds after every encounter. As if invisible forces of shame and lust clung to him, haunting him long after your interactions. Wordlessly, Adam began to find excuses to approach you, always lingering for far too long, unable to keep his gaze from sweeping on your body.
From your point of view, he was constantly looking at you, and why he was behaving this way—you were not quite sure.
Surely he didn’t view you as a threat anymore when it came to women, so why was he acting like that? You entertained the idea that maybe that jackass, instead of being completely infuriated with you, was perhaps just into you.
It was almost laughable to think about: Adam, first man and number one dirtbag, who loved to boast about how much ‘pussy he crushes’, having a little crush (or at least a sexual attraction) on you—absolutely grotesque.
Well, that’s what you had thought for the longest time. But as unpredictable as things always were, your notion of reality was shattered just a couple of months into the job.
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Today was the first work party you had decided to attend. There had been a few over the last four months, but each time, you just didn’t feel like going.
The party setting brought back a surge of memories, especially about a certain attending guest. You sighed to yourself just thinking about it, then give your attention back to your surroundings.
The room swarmed with laughter and the sounds of clinking glasses as employees mingled, sharing stories from work and enjoying the festivities. Despite the atmosphere, you clung to the edge of the dance floor, pretending to enjoy your non-alcoholic drink while observing from afar.
Adam, as the centerpiece of attention, lounged in the middle of the unit, his 'followers' hanging onto his every word. It didn't take long for him to spot you, and in an instant, he abandoned his conversation, stalking towards you with the swagger of the peacock that he was.
"It's too bad, really. I was hoping I wouldn't have to see your ugly mug and that you would've skipped tonight's party just like the others." he sneered, towering over you.
"Isn't it funny how things works." you replied, smirking without taking your eyes off him.
He rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and attempted to assert his dominance. "Still the same cocky attitude, huh? Well, listen up, because I'm saying it again. You better stay in your little corner and keep to yourself like your currently doing, I don’t want your fucking anything up tonight, or I'll make it my personal mission to punish you for it.." He leaned closer, trying to intimidate you.
But this time, you weren't ready to let his aggressive moves slide. You placed your glass on a nearby table, locking eyes with him, and speaking in a low, sensual voice, "Oh, is that so, big man? Hmm? I do wonder what kind of punishment someone like you would inflict on poor little ol’ me, especially considering how much of an eccentric asshole you are." You begin to transition to a more serious tone. "I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something along the lines of a ‘private talk’ in that soundproof office of yours, or perhaps public humiliation." You then jump back into a teasing tone. "Oh yeah, that would get your rocks off for sure. Now listen here, pal. I don’t know why you have so much beef with me. I do my job and leave you the fuck alone, but somehow you always come by to be a little shit to me. It almost makes me wonder if you actually want me." Then, back to sensual. "Is that it? Do you have some kind of insatiable desire for me you're harboring deep down inside?”
A dashing blush spread across his cheeks, revealing the truth beneath the façade. Though he didn't respond immediately, you could see the veins in his neck twitching, hinting at the internal turmoil raging within him.
Finally, his voice came out strained, "Fuck you, I'm not like you."
"Like me?" you raised an eyebrow. "What could you ever mean by that, 'Adam'?" You inquired, placing special emphasis on his name, pronounced with a sultry tone.
"You know what I mean, you little bitch.” He says, pauses, then let’s out, “Gay. You’re fucking gay is what I mean.”
Totally unimpressed, you reply, “Yes, I’m gay. I thought we already went over that the day we met.” You roll your eyes.
“But then, what does that make you? You keep insisting that you're not, so what’s the reason behind your constant pestering? And I won’t accept just a ‘I don’t like you’ because your ass has been not only annoying but also permanently looking at me since I started working here. Even when you’re in your office, I can see you glancing through the blinds. So, what are you if not gay as fuck for me?” you question in a determined manner.
Adam's cheeks flushed deeper, the rage that usually bubbled up in him hampered by the your words. Your challenge, struck a nerve he had worked tirelessly to hide.
His voice was weak when he reluctantly answered, "I don’t know, you’re just annoying and kind of a...pussy," he managed to spit out before clenching his jaw and looking away in disgust.
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his reaction, your voice deepening as you spoke. "Really, is that all that the ‘First Man’ gots to say?"
Adam's fists clenched and unclenched involuntarily, a gaze drifting over your body as your chest heaved with every breath you took. The syrup-like richness of your voice dripped through the gaps of his metal-tough facade, exposing cracks that could never be fully mended.
Your smirk broadened, your assertiveness leaving no room for denial. You knew you had him stuck and while you mentally processed that he did, actually, want you—what a shocker, first man wants some dick.
At that, you take a deep breath and gamble, “Listen, asshole, I’ll let you pound my ass in right now if you admit that you want me and apologize for how you’ve treated me so far.”
“Fuck you, I ain’t apologizing for shit,” Adam instinctively retorts, though he doesn't deny your offer.
“What was that?” you warn.
“I said I ain’t apologizing,” he repeats, and with that, you respond, “I guess I’ll just see myself off then. Guess you really didn’t want to fuck me.”
With that, Adam lets out a huff, then quickly says, “Yes, I want you, and I’m sorry for being an ass.” followed by an exasperated “You fucking happy now?!”
“Yes, very. Though we will need to work on that language of yours.” you reply teasingly and grab one of his wrists, dragging him into a random vacant room, which coincidentally happens to be his soundproof office. ‘How lucky is that?’
Let’s just say, as soon as that door closed, clothes were off, and you two did way more than have a ‘private talk.’
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Thanks anons for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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darklyndivinely · 2 years
I was wondering if I could request something though! Maybe something with when the brothers have a crush on you? Maybe, if you want to add angst, your already dating one of their friends/brothers/ect.
Soundtrack to Disaster
Characters - Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus, gn!reader.
Summary - OM!Brothers in unrequited love.
Warnings - Angst, pining, kissing, dark similes and metaphors, vague descriptions of fever and symptoms.
Wordcount - 1k+
A/N - hey anon, thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed my work. I know you asked for all of the brothers but I'm a bit scatterbrained right now, the brain ain't really braining, so here's four of our bois. I enjoyed your ask tho so I've made a playlist for unrequited love with this specific ask in mind. Additionally, as I'm in my Arctic Monkeys phase right now my brain was looping 'Knee Socks' during Lucifer's part, and 'One for the Road' for Satan's for some reason. You'll find both of the above-mentioned songs in the playlist. I hope you like this!
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You’re buried in a slew of blankets with a runny red nose and chapped lips, squinting at him through tired bloodshot eyes, and yet Lucifer has not set sights on a being more beautiful. You’re trying to laugh through the fever that has taken you, holding his cold palm to your heated forehead, sighing at the touch.
Your skin against his is warm, immensely so, your sweaty fingers twining with his. He tries to think of a moment he might have felt this feeling before—this delicate, twirling tug at the strings of his heart, the soft magnetic friction of your touch.
“Your hands are always so cold.” You giggle, twisting in your cocoon to look at him. He smiles, stroking your head. “And you are always so—”
The door spills open, banging against the wall. Mammon trudges in, kicking off his shoes, and nearing the bed you laid upon. “I got ya your medicine. Took a bit of a run but finally found em.” He sets the packet by the nightstand table and sneaks his hand behind your back to help you rise.
Lucifer backs away to grant you space, watching you giggle as you cup Mammon’s hands over your cheeks. Mammon smiles amusedly, leaning in to peck your dry lips in soft affection. Lucifer leaves you then, gently closing the door behind him, your muffled laughter echoing in his ears. Now that his brother had returned, he was no longer needed. His hands weren’t the only cold ones that could bring you relief.
His breath slows in his throat, gaze transfixing upon your figure. Asmo squeals beside him, a high-pitched cry of awe that perfectly mimics the thumping of Mammon’s heart. You smile embarrassedly, smoothing a palm down over your outfit.
Asmo bounces closer to you, capturing your hand in his and urging you into a pirouette. You oblige, laughing when he tugs you closer, grasping the plane of your face and peppering your lips with painted feather kisses, uncaring if he stains you with his lipstick or not.
Mammon’s fist clenches in his pocket, heartbeat surging in his ears like the dull and deafening roar of a tsunami. Darts of envy pin his gaze to your displays of affection with his brother.
He wants to look away, to not have to notice the way Asmo’s hand wounds around your waist or the playful way in which you push him away, shying from his kisses, only to be pulled back into his magnetic hold. Yet Mammon’s feet remain unmoving just like his eyes, glued to the sight like leech to skin and ruin to lonely houses.
There’s a twinkle to your eyes, a soft sigh in the echo of your giggle that Mammon had believed reserved for him; that it might be something only he could pull forth and cherish. But there you stand with a smile set with stars, eternal and effortless in your beauty, holding his crumbling soul ever so tightly in your cupped hands and pretending to be unaware; pretending to be unaware that if you asked he would pluck out the moon from the dark night sky and rest it upon your brow. If only you asked.
It’s early morning, the sky dotted with angry clouds and growling birds. He trudges down the stairs, navigating around the furniture with ease, rubbing at his aching eyes. He had not realized how long he’d spent on his current novel read. It hadn’t seemed long, but the effects were appearing now that he’d finally found the will to put it aside. Turning the corner to the kitchen, he reaches an arm sideways to flick the light switch and freezes.
You pull away from your kiss, catching his eyes. “Satan, oh.” Beel turns too, ruffled hair and rosy breaths, and shrugs, looping his hands around your waist to heave you from the countertop and onto your feet.
“Sorry, Beel got hungry so we came to the kitchen to snack a bit…then got distracted,” you say, bashful. Satan pushes a smile onto his lips, dismissing when you apologize again, and watches you tug Beel out and away from the kitchen, sending him a last smile as you leave.
And as the footfalls of your retreat dull, left alone in the gloom of the darkened kitchen, Satan allows himself that greedy moment, the creation of a fantasy where the touch that traces the incline of your cheeks is his and the fingers that comb through his hair are yours; where it’s his hands that loop around your waist and your fingers that slip past his collarbone. For one incredibly selfish minute Satan lets himself envision a reality where it's your lips that greet him in the early throes of dawn, where you are his and not his brother’s. A reality that shall exist in his mind and dreams alone.
The music is loud in the club, pumping through his feet and body in waves of tilting euphoria. Asmo’s face feels feverish, numb with the intensity of the laughter that spills past his lips. Your hand is so familiar in his, sweaty and gripping, and he slips under your raised arm, twirling under and out, more happiness bubbling up his throat.
You laugh as well, jumping along with the heavy beat of the music. The club is teeming with life, buzzing with inebriation and lust, and yet Asmo hears your laughter as clear as the shattering of a thousand glasses. He stares at you, transfixed by the way the lights shade your face in purples and blues. He wants to tell you how beautiful you are, ethereal and lovely your visage with a crown of flashing lights resting upon your brow, yet as he opens his mouth he loses your attention.
You look down at the arm that had looped around your waist, and giggle, tilting your head and meeting Satan’s quirked lips. Asmo feels his perception tilt, shivers slithering through his fingers, and the bass of the loud music thrums through his blood, synced with the echoes of his yearning.
You smile into your kiss, turning and pressing closer to his brother, looping a hand round his neck and his waist, and your laughter surrounds Asmo, enveloping him like the soothing embrace of home and capturing him like a noose to the neck. And in the dark of the club nobody sees him tighten the rope around his throat, in the roar of the music nobody hears his screams and the splintering of his heart. Nobody needs to anyway.
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Taglist: @lilactaro
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willowfolksong · 1 year
lavender haze
Manjiro Sano "Mikey" x Reader
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The interviewer has a nice smile and perfect manicured nails. You greet her with a hand shake that lasts long enough for a picture, and settle beside her with both of your arms behind your back.
"I know that you must get this everytime you give an interview" she tells you, and you were too distracted watching as they set up the cameras to notice that she has moved a step closer to you "But I'm just such a huge fan"
"Oh" you smile, because yes you've heard that a lot, but it never ceases to make you happy. You wish the joy of finding out people enjoy your music never leaves, or fades and turns into numbness at the face of everyone's admiration "Thank you so much!"
"I actually begged for them to let me do your interview before the ceremony"
You bring a hand to your chest and pout, and the interviewer giggles as a little girl and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.
"That's so sweet of you, really"
"Whenever you're ready, we're recording now!" the guy behind the camera says, and you take a quick last look at your publicist to signal that you're okay, and then smile.
"So we're back and we're back in style!" the interviewer says, and her high pitched voice is miles away from her shy whispering just a few moments ago. "I have here with me none other than the literal star of the moment" when she turns to you, she does it with a dashing smile and a spark in her eyes "I'm so glad to have you here with me, I'm such a huge fan"
"Thank you so much!" you say again, and she nods excitedly.
"But let's be honest, who's not a fan of you right now? You're breaking records, have a new album coming out soon, and are nominated for none other than eight awards tonight!" she says, not missing a single beat while listing your merits "And all of this after your first album was a commercial success! Be honest, is it like a walk in the park this second time around?"
"What is?" you ask, even tho you definitely know what she means. You've learned that playing aloof from time to time helps to not make you look arrogant to the public.
"The record breaking, the awards, everything! Are you just kind of used to it already?"
You shake your head, careful of the curls your stylist spend hours on "Definitely not. I still can't believe all of this. I'm so happy and still having a hard time understanding what did I do to get this lucky"
And it's true. You're a small town girl that always thought her dreams were more than what she could chew. And somehow, you were the lucky one. You made it. One faithful afternoon that looked like an ordinary one to you, at the coffee shop where the owner used to let you play a couple of your songs for some share of the tips, you got scouted. And the rest was history.
There were still a lot of things you didn't quite understand in the famous people's world. Even if you were a big part of it now yourself. The envy, the need to pretend, the false friendships waiting round every corner. From some of them, you could protect yourself. You had your friends from high school, the unconditional ones. You were glad with the things you had achieved so far, and weren't really looking to stomp on anyone's foot. You tried to be yourself, as much as your publicist thought it was safe, at least.
But there were some other things, however...
"I know we're running out of time and that you almost have to go but I can't just not ask you this" the interviewer is saying, and for a split of a second, you genuinely believe that she's going to ask you more about your next album. About your actual work. The work that has consumed so much of your time, sweat, and even tears during those nights where you were just not sure of any lyrics anymore. For only a second, you forget that you're an actual A-lister now. "What does Mikey thinks about your new album?"
... some other things, are a bit harder to escape.
You're vaguely aware of your publicist shaking her head in disapproval out of the corner of your eye, but you smile and do your best to pretend this isn't the question you were expecting. Or the one you wanted, for that matter.
"Ahm... Mikey?" you ask, trying to win you some time.
The interviewer smirks. If she can sense your hesitation, she's doing a great job of pretending she actually doesn't. "Yeah! I mean, at this point, we all know you live together. Are any songs in the new album about him? Are we going to get any hints about the future?" she moves even closer, and the way she wiggles her eyebrows as if she's actually being funny, has you forgetting all the nice things she said to you "About any... possible wedding?"
"I'm sorry, but we really need to leave" your publicist comes to your rescue, and you let her maneuver you away from the camera with a small push. "I'm going to talk with them, don't worry" she whispers in your ear once you made it far enough "They told me it was just going to be something quick about tonight's awards"
Your night is more or less ruined after that silly, seemingly harmless question. The interview leaves such a bad taste on your mouth, that not even four glasses of champagne are able to wash it away. You win three of your eight nominations, including Artist of the Year. The speech you're supposed to give during the last one comes out as a messy blurb, and you just want to get back to your table to finish your fifth glass of the night.
Finally back in your seat, you catch your phone buzzing on your purse.
You have eleven texts from Mikey, and three pictures.
mikey 💖🏍️: you look so hot i wanna cry
mikey 💖🏍️: not going to do that but still. draken says hi and good luck.
mikey 💖🏍️: you're the fucking best.
[Picture attached]
mikey 💖🏍️: you looked so cute here, i'm gonna send this picture to takemichi to brag
You hide your laugh behind your hand, and make a quick inspection of your surroundings. No one else on the table seems to be paying attention to you, their eyes glued to the stage for the next award, so you go back to read your boyfriend's apparent live commentary of your performance for the night.
mikey 💖🏍️: a guy in your table is looking at you too much this is two times the camera catches him i'm going to google him
[Picture attached]
mikey 💖🏍️: congrats babygirl i knew you would win this!!!
mikey 💖🏍️: wtf this one should have gone to you as well. this show is rigged
[Picture attached]
mikey 💖🏍️: you looked so good during your speech i need to get you out of that dress immediately
mikey 💖🏍️: i miss you
mikey 💖🏍️: yeah another win for my baby! you're fucking destroying them!!
mikey 💖🏍️: draken won't stop looking at me i already told him i'm busy rooting for my baby
You leave Mikey's chat to find that you also have a text from Draken, and chuckle a little too louder at your boyfriend's childhood friend desperate message about taking away Mikey's phone, because they're supposed to be working on his bike.
You place your phone back to where it was before as soon as you feel the girl sitting on your right leaning over to take a peak. She gives you a sheepish smile.
"Bored already, huh?" she adds, rolling her eyes. You've known her for two years now. She's a very prominent rock vocalist "Honestly, this things should be shorter. I just wanna go home already"
You nod, and can't help but let your mind wander back to the probing questions that made your publicist cut short your previous interview. Back to the flaming curiosity people feel about your relationship. Back to how everyone seems to have an opinion, a theory to share, something to add to a narrative that has become such a public topic.
You remember the first article to come out after your relationship went public. You had been dating for a couple of months by then, and you were really excited to share the news with your fans, so you didn't mind when some paparazzis found the two of you on a date.
The first article ever written about you and Mikey's relationship wasted four pages on a list of ways your relationship could go sour. Reading it was such a punch to the gut, such a blow to your happiness, that you had decided then and there that you would turn a blind eye to every possible gossip about the two of you.
You were going to protect what you two had, no matter what.
At the cost of not being there, close to the race, cheering your boyfriend on as he came first. At the cost of not feeling the weight of his hand on yours while you walked the red carpet. At the cost of not having a normal date night around town, where the two of you could just walk closely together, counting the stars and sharing laughs.
Your relationship was not meant to be picked apart. The two of you would not become a list. What you had, would stay yours. And no one else.
That's the main reason why you only put your engagement ring back once you're home, when the cat you got as an engagement present from Chifuyu comes to greet you at the door, rubbing against your legs. You bend down to carry him with you to the living room, walking with an excited bounce in your steps even tho is technically three in the morning, and you should be dying of sleep.
But your fiance is there, on the couch, passed out over his phone, the light from the television still on in front him making his face glow in the dark. They're playing some special moments from tonight's ceremony, but you couldn't care less anymore.
"Hey, Manji" you call him, gently shaking him by the shoulder "I'm home now"
He opens one eye to peak at you from under his long dark lashes "Welcome back. I missed you so much"
"So much that you fell asleep?" you tease him.
That gets you dragged to the sofa, into Mikey's arms.
"You're trapped now. Can't leave anymore" he tells you, his voice raspy from sleep "No more award shows for you" your cat, feeling left out on the floor, meows loudly at the two of you "No, I won't let her go. She's mine"
"Yes, I'm yours" you whisper, snuggling against his chest and ignoring the way your dress will be all wrinkly when you (or Mikey, most likely) take it off. "And I wouldn't want to go anywhere else"
You just want to stay in the haze of your love forever.
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This work belongs to my Midnights: Sleepless stories 🕰️ collection, a series of reader insert fics based on the album Midnight, by Taylor Swift, with characters from Haikyuu, Tokyo Revengers and Blue Lock. ✨
You can still send an ask if there's any character you would like to see in any particular song ✨
Last: carnations you had thought were roses, that's us. Next: falling in love, again
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I watched the final Netflix adaptation of FMAB. Here’s some of my notes
- “Y’know, I don’t think he has any need for his dad.” Hoenhiem. Uhm you left him he kinda did for a while so idk why you’re being bitter now
- Okay the fighting is better this time, less choppy
- Izumi’s actress is ON POINT I LOVE HER
- “I was never much of a proper parent to either of those boys” Ya don’t say. (I’m not a Hoenhiem hater, but I am a Hoenhiem critic.)
- “Maybe you should’ve told them goodbye and talked to them before leaving. Maybe then their grief wouldn’t have taken over.” SAY IT IZUMI
- “I reorganized your insides lol” Hoenhiem you could tell Izumi before you did that?? Creepy man.
- Still didn’t use the music from the original :(
- Okay Ed should be covered in blood after falling into it but he isn’t, just his head bandage. Wtf is up with that??
- Okay how tf did envy knock them onto a stone platform that was LITERALLY NOWHERE TO BE SEEN UNTIL NOW
- Mustang and Riza my beloveddddd
- The actor for General Hakuro is pretty good tho, very weird, but good
- Girlie you walked into some weird shit
- Mustang girlie I luv you so much tho hope you slay this movie
- Oh hi Father
- “Daddy…?” -al “DO I LOOK LIKE YOUR-“ -father
- Also highkey the actor for Envy is really good too
- “How do you know Hoenhiem?” “Technically he’s our father” TECHNICALLY HAHA
- Ed is like “touchy no no, no touchy”
- Girlie you are a creep HANDS OFF THE LITTLE GUY
- Ed’s just like >:/ wtf get off
- I feel violated just watching this
- Ew that’s fuckin goopy (philosophers stone)
- It looks like melted jello ewwww
- Okay idk if seeing greedling is worth it for this shit
- Why is his mind blue???
- Wait did we see greed lose his body in the first one or….
- I don’t think we did???
- Uhhhh idk and I don’t wanna go check because the first one is bad
- Lowkey he’s fine as hell tho
- Mustang looks so damn done lmao
- okay okay it’s time for me to get my Mustang being a dad moment don’t fail me now movie
- Stfu Bradley no one cares
- Okay Ed, Sig, and Izumi get to interact now :D
- Okay so now we’re getting the scar brother research moment? Outside of Briggs? Cool? I guess?
- Oh hi greedling
- Okay so apparently father killed greed cause he disobeyed him but that’s all we get for that.
- Also this story set up just doesn’t and will never work as well as the first one, so much stuff is intertwined in different events and mixing it all up like this just makes it so confusing and that’s part of the reason why this just doesn’t work
- But I’ll ignore it for the sake of things
- Mustang and Riza checking in on their kids :D
- I’m so normal about found family
- 5 minutes in Briggs and Ed is already in trouble. In character stuff
- Also we gonna talk about his automail or we just gonna skip over that for plot reasons
- am I bi
- “How’s Alex?” “He’s good!” “…shame.”
- Okay sloth looks less weird than I imagine
- Love her what a Queen
- Still wish they used the original soundtrack I will forever be mad about that
- please marry me
- Okay Ed just kicked sloth off of briggs? Girlie even with automail I doubt he could kick him that easy
- So Olivier doesn’t suspect Ed of anything? Out of character, #notmyicequeen
- Also turns out Hakuro and Raven are both the same person in this version??
- Oh Hi Winry
- “If I step out of line, they’ll do something to you.” Awww baby protect your gf
- “I won’t let anyone do whatever they want in here!” SAY IT GIRLIE YEAHHH
- please I’m begging you marry me
- on my KNEES
- They could not have casted her better
- Bb girl it’s so hard to understand you when you’re so fine I can’t focus
- Okay now Drachama is attacking Briggs
- When Sloth goes back in the hole Raven/Hakuro looks like a grandpa when he’s told he can leave the nursing home for the day to play golf and if that isn’t a summary of the entire us government idk what is
- Sorry Olivier, but it’s so hard to focus on this serious scene with your luscious lips and beautiful face
- She would murder me for saying this all but IDC IF TJAYS HOW I GO THATS HOW I GO
- Alphonse!! :D
- Hoenhiem is like “hUH???”
- He didn’t know about Al’s body????
- Okay bestie :/
- Father of the year fr
- Can’t even keep up with the fact that his son doesn’t have a body smh
- Okay Xerxes time
- Okay I get why
- Okay cool Xerxes sequence
- “Everybody is dead” lol cringe get good
- Sorry I have the humor of a middle schooler
- Oh hi Greedling
- Am I bi cause THIS MAN
- Okay now it’s Al!Pride time just out of nowhere for no reason?
- “So you’re gonna try and beat me then?” -Pride
- “… nah you’re freaky lol” -Hoenhiem
- Hi again Al
- “Don’t insult my son bitch” okay we love that
- “Okay, let’s all go beat the dwarf in the flask :D” -Hoenhiem
- Still mad we don’t get the 520 cenz promise
- Also seeing Mustangs team all together is so slay :D
- “Don’t die while we overthrow the government y’all.” -Mustang
- Oh great bad cgi soldier things
- Okay good Envy and Mustang will fight :)
- Now it’s time for CRAZY MUSTANG :D
- The way Ed got ready to fight when Mustang looked like he was going to snap at him I :,)
- “I am a giant fool forcing you all to act this way.” HUG YOUR WIFE AND SON
- “Lieutenant, please lower your gun. I’m so sorry” GONNA CRY NOW
- I still wish we got the 520 cenz promise and I will never not be bitter about that
- I don’t care that it’s not the point of this IM STILL MAD
- Okay I don’t like the fight between Bradley and Fu as much this looks more like stage fighting :/
- That’s the only one so far I didn’t like tho so….
- How tf is Riza gonna survive tho the weird doctor guy isn’t here
- Also those do not go that fast either
- I got to see one and it was really slow but fun ig
- Idk I was like 13 so
- Anyways
- Okay I wish they added colored contacts for this or smth so it’d be similar to the series and make more sense but eh… who knows
- or get revenge that works too
- Okay cgi for the absorbing god scene is cool
- Alright who’s ready to fight god?
- Am I hallucinating or is the actor for Al also the actor for god!father/Dwarf???
- All the actors for this are really good actually. I can tell they have passion for this. I appreciate that.
- Okay it’s time for Ed to almost die for the 5000th time
- Also someone get Ed. Or don’t
- Nah cause the creepy guys gonna get him now
- AL
- It’s funny cause when I got into this I was younger than Ed and now I’m older than him. Fixation really be lasting a while. It’s the neurodivergence isn’t it.
- I can’t even tell if it’s good because the series is good or if this is actually a good movie
- Oh hi greed I forgot about you lowkey
- But you’re hot so hiiiiiii <3
- Iconic.
- And get punched idiot
- “Let me at least do something fatherly in the end” AHHHHH
- “I was always a human to begin with. All is one, one is all. Even if I can’t use alchemy, I have great people in my life. My precious friends and family.” STILL THE BEST QUOTE FOREVER
Conclusion: yep. This got me in the heart, even if it isn’t the show itself. Still stuff that bothered me. But overall, this series of movies is not so bad. Not so great, at times, but not so bad. Honestly, I think they did the best they could and that’s really all I could ask for. And it was nice seeing them all in live action. For this movie, an 8/10. For the series of movies? 6.5/10. Not remotely comparable to the original series, but still a worthwhile watch and something I’d recommend if you want a recap of the series but don’t have time to watch it all again.
Let me know if you all want notes on the first one! I watched it a long time ago but I’ll do it again for y’all. Much love guys <3
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