#< sure we'll call it that.
isolctions · 1 year
hi y’all, quick little headcanon time for my darling izidora.
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so i have a shit ton of icons that i was organizing. and a lot of them feature her fc wearing these same glasses in other videos / interviews, so i’m like, ‘hmmm why would izidora need glasses???’
and in a few minutes, i have decided:
izidora has extremely deteriorating eyesight. not genetic or anything, but between seventeen & twenty when the more gruesome parts of her backstory happen, izidora was kept in the literal dark. a lot. very dark rooms with no windows. at most, they got a single nightlight plugged somewhere in the corner. only allowed to ‘leave’ during late night hours. kept blindfolded if switching locations during the day. it was terrible. i think she might not like being alone in the dark very much anymore, and does not find blindfolds very kinky.
izidora’s eyesight is continuing to worsen. so like, while she was able to see well enough post-trauma arc to k*ll the shit out of everybody who deserved it back then, she never did it in the day time for two reasons. 1. because she’d get fuckin’ caught, duh. and 2. she could not stop squinting through her blurry vision. and while she was very pissed off, she was smart, and put a pause on her rampage revenge era to go to the eye doctor, thank u very much.
izidora has glasses, shown in the icon above / icons below. they are heavy prescription. real thicc lenses. without them, she cannot fucking see past her fingers in her face — and even that’s very difficult to see. especially since she goes to check ups regularly, and it is indeed worsening.
to compensate this, because she’s a bad bitch, she’s taken to tattooing sigils below her eyes to help enhance her vision. everyone else thinks she just has face tats, so no one asks questions abt it or the rest of her tattoos. this helps her with tattooing her clients, taking m*rder jobs, etc. basically, living her daily fuckin’ life. the only downside is when she inevitably ‘dies’ (heavy sarcasm quotes around this) and is out of commission while her magic does its’ work with restoring her to life, the sigils under her eyes fade. so every single time she un-alives then re-alives again, she can’t fucking see. it’s so shitty!
she also has dante, her familiar, to help her with this. when he’s not doing witchy shit for her or harassing awful people, he helps her with getting out of bed, getting dressed, making food, and even finds the things around the apartment that she needs for her sigils. he’s so sweet. :<
anyway, look how cute izidora is with her glasses hehehehe
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defectivehero · 7 months
Please write about a nb hero who is big on "not owing anyone money" and "its my problem and weight, let me carry it" and "please let me pay u back" and "its your money even if you spend it on me"
And a nb snarky millionaire (by evil methods) villain who is obsessed with their hero and is like "let me spoil u bbg" and *casually throws money around for hero* and very big on "I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR U" but hero is too fucking dense to actually believe rhe villain.
this snippet completely spiraled out of my control (as most things do).
It all started with that damned news article. In hindsight, perhaps the hero shouldn't have been as forthcoming as they were. But, they wanted the world to know that the life of a hero wasn't always glamorous. They just... didn't expect for the journalist to capitalize on the single remark they made, the single huff of laughter they let out when asked about the wages. Days later, when the article released, the hero was stunned.
Heroism: A Thankless Job
The hero remembers the dread coiling in their chest as they opened the newspaper to find the article, apprehension increasing as they digested the information. That picture of their apartment complex... they don't remember consenting to release that information. Granted, the journalist kept them as a nameless, anonymous hero. But, it wouldn't take a huge leap in logic to connect the dots—to find the building's tenants and cross-reference those names with the hero agencies nearby. The hero just hoped an average reader wouldn't take the incentive to do something like that. They spent the rest of that day struggling to keep their paranoia at bay. It took them a while to fall asleep that night.
Fortunately, they slept well and their anxieties seemed to fade. The hero stumbled through their morning routine and opened their front door an hour later, ready to greet the day, only to nearly trip on a package. They had frowned and taken the package inside, unable to shake the recognition that they hadn't ordered anything to be delivered. Upon opening the package, they found a single unmarked envelope. Their jaw had dropped to the floor once they found the bills inside—an amount more than their typical paychecks.
Little did the hero know, this would be far from the last time they received an unmarked package with a far too generous, entirely unexplained gift inside. At first, the gifts were just small things: a collection of medical grade bandages and antiseptic, a new sweater after they spilled coffee on theirs at work, a care package with things like cough medicine and tissues that appeared the day they got sick. The hero was still profoundly uncomfortable with the idea of some mysterious benefactor providing them with these things, but at least the packages were small. The magnitude of the first gift hadn't been matched since, and the hero couldn't help but feel grateful.
Amidst their hero work and their daily life, the hero found their mind quickly returning to the question of their gift-giver's identity. It had to be someone they interacted with fairly often, considering the far too accurate timing of several of the gifts. One time could be dismissed as a mere coincidence; a box of cough medicine a mere hour after they found themself bedridden, however... That is an entirely different story.
The gifts continue, but, thankfully, they are small in scale. The hero still feels horribly guilty about being entirely unable to pay this person back, but there's almost nothing they can do. Their benefactor clearly doesn't want to make themself known, and that's fine. Really, it is.
Until there is another envelope. This time, their mystery patron doesn't bother concealing their gift within a package. Instead, the hero opens their mailbox to find an unmarked burgundy envelope. Dread coiling in their chest, they look around—foolishly hoping that their gift giver would somehow have a change of heart and decide to show themself—before heading back inside. The hero sits on their sofa and takes a deep breath, before opening the envelope with care.
What they see is enough to make their hands tremble and their grip falter, allowing the envelope to slip down to the floor. They hold their present in disbelief.
It's a check—for more money than they could possibly fathom having. This sum is so large that the hero wouldn't have to work another day in their life. They would be able to live comfortably without earning so much as a single penny on their own.
The thought sickens them. "I can't accept this," the hero breathes aloud. They look down at their apartment's hardwood flooring as if it will give them the answers they're looking for.
"I don't recall asking you to." The hero jumps, looking up to find the villain standing before them. How they got there, the hero doesn't have the faintest idea. They blink at them for a moment, wondering how they didn't connect the mysterious gifts to the villain sooner. Their enemy has always had access to extremely high-tech weaponry and state of the art medicine (judging from their utter lack of scars despite their numerous fights); not to mention, they've had an inexplicable disregard for finances for as long as the hero can remember. It's all beginning to make sense now.
The villain takes a step closer and the hero remembers their remark. "I'm serious," they say with a frown. "Why are you doing this? Do you want me to owe you? ...Is that what this is? Want to, I don't know, kick me while I'm down? You're such a good person, helping the needy." The latter statement is spoken with venom.
"No, of course not," The villain argues.
"Then why?" The hero repeats, the volume of their voice rising as they get more frustrated. They take a deep breath and clench their fist at their side. They're still holding the check in their other hand, and despite the fact that it's nearly weightless, they can feel a pressure pushing their hand down. "And, more importantly, how in the hell did you get this much money?" The hero hears themself ask.
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to," the villain says lightly. There's a darkness to their eyes that suggests the hero should cease this line of questioning. They take another deep breath.
"You're assuming I'll just... accept this," the hero realizes aloud. That familiar itching feeling is rising to meet their skin, and they're becoming less convinced that they should stop it.
The hero blinks at them once, twice. The villain refuses to break eye contact; their gaze almost urging them to do it—to use their powers to turn the check to ash. The hero gives into the flames prickling along their skin and summons their fire in the palm of their hand. It will only take a moment, maybe two, for the bottom of the paper to char. From there, it will only be a matter of time. The hero watches in anticipation.
...But nothing happens.
"Did you really think I'd be foolish enough to give you a check you could just burst into flame?"
The hero stares ahead blankly, their ears ringing. The villain's expression blurs into a twisted smile. A figment of their imagination or reality? The hero hears their breaths, ragged and half-panicked in their ears.
"I don't understand," the hero repeats hollowly. They don't understand anything that's happening—anything that happened that led them to this very moment, standing before the villain and holding a check that their enemy gave them.
"You don't have to understand," the villain says, crossing their arms over their chest. "I'm not asking you to understand. Hell, I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm ordering you to cash this check."
The hero's tongue is ironed to the roof of their mouth. Even if they desired to speak, they don't think they'd be able to.
The villain notices their speechlessness and sighs. "I didn't want things to come to this, but..." They break off. "As I predicted, you're stubborn as hell, and self-sacrificing to a fault." The hero doesn't have the energy to be offended or outraged.
"So," the villain drawls, their arm falling to their side quickly. The hero blinks and they're suddenly being held at gunpoint. "Go to your bank. Now." The hero suspects the weapon is more than a gun—and they don't care to find out just what it can do. It appears they really have no choice. The villain is forcing their hand.
An hour later, the hero is walking out of the bank with sunken shoulders. "There," the villain says, clapping a hand on their shoulder and leading them out of the building. "That wasn't so hard, now, was it?" Upon closer examination, the villain's weapon is nowhere in sight—as if it simply vanished in thin air. The unlikely pair walks down the street and heads back to the hero's car. The hero ignores the domesticity of it all, securing their seatbelt over themself. The villain doesn't seem keen to wear their seatbelt, so the hero reaches across and buckles their rival's seatbelt for them before they can object.
"I'll transfer the money back to you tomorrow," the hero announces as they're driving down the street, back towards their apartment. Their eyes are locked on the road, yet they somehow know that the villain's gaze is fixated on them with frightening focus.
"We both know you won't," the villain hums with certainty. The hero hates that they're right, hates that their rival can read them so damn easily. Their hands tighten around the steering wheel and the rest of the ride is suffocated with a horrible silence.
When the hero arrives back home, they can't shake the realization that the villain seems deeply pleased. They say as much to their enemy, who hums.
"Of course I'm pleased," the villain says, "If I knew this was all it would take to get you to accept a much-needed gift, I would've done it eons ago."
The hero takes a deep breath, struggling not to cry. It's been a long day, and they're reaching their limit. "I think you've humiliated me enough today," they announce. "Can you leave?" Please, the hero thinks to themself.
"I suppose," the villain sighs dramatically. They take one step to the door, then another. Just before their hand can clasp the doorknob, the hero feels one last objection fall from their lips.
"That money could go to far more deserving people and causes," the hero chokes out. They're choking on their own pride, choking on the simultaneous acknowledgment that they need money and the horrible knowledge that almost no one in their situation has an out like the one they were just presented with.
The villain turns around to face them, clearly moments away from rolling their eyes. "Do I look like a philanthropist to you?" The hero shakes their head, their throat burning. Their enemy nods in confirmation and turns back around. They twist the doorknob and tug the door open.
"You deserve nice things, you know." The villain's parting remark is murmured so quietly that the hero convinces themself they imagine it. The hero watches their front door close and waits a few moments before locking it. They turn around, their back to the door, and slide down to the ground with their head in their hands.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain, All Rights Reserved. Reblogs are greatly appreciated—just don't steal or share outside of Tumblr, please.
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emilylorange · 2 years
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this was an amalgamation of several people's enabling behavior ~2hrs #StudyBuddies
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navybrat817 · 3 months
navy!!! imagine this with possessive soft!dark!mafia!bucky or soft!dark!king!bucky 😭🤌🏻✨
him refusing to let go of her, even when the doctor came to treat her. he can't let go of her, not when she took a bullet/arrow for him. though he already curated 101 ways torture the culprit but for now, his sweet girl needs him.
(or rather he needs her. he needs to feel her heartbeat against his own because he can't afford to lose the love of his life.)
like please--
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anyway! i hope you have a good day ahead 🩵🤍
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My lovely, I ADORE this. The hurt/comfort, yes. Give it to me.
@targaryenvampireslayer and I are working on something and this fits PERFECTLY with this atmosphere. Stay tuned!!!
Love and thanks! ❤️
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heademptie · 6 months
More Comms!Reader Ghoap thoughts
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You are so right.
Okay a bit of retcon.
Soap gets hit on, yada yada, reader is confused, yada yada, eventually they make the open relationship comment.
Ghost, initally caught off guard, doesnt say anything and just glares at reader. And he continues to glare in silence, so reader in their confusion and nervousness starts to ramble an explaination and Ghost just cuts them off.
"Shut up, not another fucking word."
Its not a yell, the order is clear and reader does as they're told, it sounds almost like a threat. Then there's just a tense silence at the table and reader purposefully avoids looking at Ghost. Maybe they even shuffle away from him a bit. Then Soap leaves and reader can't help but look over to Ghost once hes out the door. Except Ghost looks utterly furious, they think his jaw looks tight under the balaclava. Ever the people pleaser, reader tries to apologise to him.
"Listen, Lieutenant, I didn't mean to-"
But violating an order from Ghost isn't the smartest thing to do. Next thing they know, reader is outside, practically being dragged by the scruff of their neck by Ghost back to base. Reader knows, hopes anyways, that Ghost wouldn't actually kill them, but right now they don't like their chances.
They don't make it back to base. He must be too angry, because he pulls reader infront of him and speaks lowly. The way reader has heard in the recordings, the way Ghost speaks during an interrogation, the way he speaks when his team is threatened. And they realise just how scared those who incur his wrath get.
"I told you to keep your mouth shut." "I really didn't-" "You think you're clever?" "I just thought-" "Thought what?"
Reader shuts up then, realises that silence is best here. Ghost continues into them, lashing and snarling and picking out things to say that will hurt. Hes angry, obviously, but as he carries on, reader realsies that its because they hit a nerve. Oh. Oh.
Ghost and Soap weren't together. But Ghost wanted to be.
So they take his wrath, his cutting words and vague threats all with a blank expression. Then Ghost calms down, or atleast he lets go of reader and takes a breather. As reader stands there and rubs the back of their neck, easing the redding skin from his tight grip, they just stare at him.
"What are you staring at?"
Reader has the mind to look around the area, glancing around Ghost to ensure they were alone. Once they're satisfied with the sweep, much to Ghosts exasperation, they lean in slightly and lower their voice.
"You really care about him."
Ghost is ready to kill reader right then, he opens his mouth, but reader beats him to it.
"And just so you know, he cares about you."
Reader walks away then, moving a bit quicker then normal while Ghost stands stock still. Still glaring at them, muscles still coiled to attack, but he lets them go.
Ghost decides that there is more to reader then he originally thought. And that he'll figure it out, to keep his team safe of course. Keep Johnny safe, not that he'd say that. And no other reason, none what so ever.
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r0semultiverse · 11 months
Digital Circus AMA Notes
Digital Circus is getting a season 1 at some point!!!!
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#webcore aesthetic board for the series design
Pomni was going to be a frog originally. 🐸
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90s toys Zooble inspo
Caine is an antagonist, but not by active choice, he doesn't know he's not helping. He doesn't feel a whole spectrum of human emotions (he's an AI).
"Caine canonically just lets things happen if he thinks it's funny."
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Characters eat like Chao in Chao garden in Sonic. The characters can eat the food, but they can't digest it.
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Jax's favorite food is spaghetti.
Pomni likes salmon.
Q "Was the ending a 'Last Supper' reference?" A "in a very superficial kinda way yeah." Religious stuff is sometimes just used for the funny.
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Gooseworx tumblr sketches MAY or MAY NOT be canon to the series, so it's up in the air for every single one.
People can abstract from feeling too much pain if it breaks their mind from it being too much. Characters feel pain from things, but not as intensely as they would in real life.
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Zooble is gonna swap parts every episode (implying they have spare parts) except their body & head.
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Jax chose his own name & gooseworx likes to think he chose Gangle's name.
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Ragatha was named "Emmy" originally.
They (the cast of characters trapped in the circus) can't change their clothes but Caine can. It's part of their skin sorta kinda.
There's empty space under Pomni's hat because video game model physics.
Spamton was partially inspo for Caine, Caine's VA did Spamton dubs.
Gangle only has 2 masks. Why's it (her hapiness mask) break all the time? Mental state, but the "real her" is "harder to break."
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Kaumfo was gonna be part of the main cast originally before Jax.
Kaufmo's model has nothing below the waist at this time, but was made for that promotional image on twitter.
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Q "What kinda person was Kaufmo?" A "He was the same as Ragatha in a sense, goofy & cheery, sometimes toxic levels of positivity."
I'm paraphrasing for the sake of note taking in real time, go watch the stream playback for more context & details if you want.
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mag-lore · 5 months
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Turukáno the Wise King of Gondolin
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bookofmormonmemes · 10 days
STOP normalizing the grind and START normalizing going and doing the things which the Lord hath commanded; for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he comma
i regret to inform you that the original context of this quote probably did involve a significant amount of The Grind. like in that specific instance of needing to go bribe, swindle, and murder his way to acquiring them plates, nephi was probably very much a friend of hustle culture.
which is to say.........when normalizing the grind...........do not forget. the crime
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missmeganlee · 1 year
Can we talk about this one line for a second?
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It gets me every time I see it/think about it. “You’re not in love with me anymore.”
Even though Wille never heard Simon say "I love you back" he knew it in his heart that Simon did, and Simon didn't deny it. Through all of the not-so-subtle looks between them, the short amount of time they spent together, the longing Wille knew that Simon loved him and I think that's really beautiful. But it also hurts even more in that short period of time cause Simon's non-answer to that statement confirmed to Wille that the statement was true, which we all know could be further from the fact.
And while I think Simon was aware of how strong his feelings for Wille were/are ("I don't get why I can't fall in love with him (Marcus)), I think Wille saying this directly to Simon forced Simon to confront those feelings head-on and actually do something about them. He'd been running from them for so long, trying to recreate moments he had with Wille with Marcus or using Marcus to forget about Wille, that now this moment just put those feelings out in the open.
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syndrossi · 19 days
One of the more frequent "gotchas" I get in the comments sometimes is "why are Jon and Rhaegar princes when they're not in the direct line of succession and Baela and Rhaena weren't princesses?"
Now, granted, it's a bit hard to tell from Targaryen succession exactly how they confer the prince/princess title because a) the intermarriage complicates things and b) there aren't any multi-generational gaps in succession other than the one we get from Jaehaerys to Viserys, but even within the text, almost every Targaryen child (aka child of one of the princes) seems to be called a prince or princess so long as they are within the main house. There are TONS of nieces and nephews to kings who are princes and princesses.
For one thing, it's an honorary title! It's pretty free to give out, and weird to revoke. Rhaenys is Viserys's cousin, but she's a princess. Why? Because her father was a prince. Her grandfather was a king. She did not stop being a princess or being called "princess" because Viserys came to power and she was no longer in his direct line.
(If we want to look to history for an example, European monarchies themselves were very chaotic and ever-changing. As an example for the British monarchy, George III's great-great grandson, born long after his death, was still given the title of prince despite neither his father nor grandfather having been king. The French had their "prince of the blood" rank.)
So why are Baela and Rhaena referred to in F&B exclusively as "Lady" rather than "Princess"? IDK, they are the single Targaryen outlier, honestly. Perhaps because the marriage was without Viserys's blessing? That was often grounds for refusal of (or even revocation of) titles. Either way, Daemon made the power move of presenting Jon and Rhaegar to Viserys as princes, and Viserys didn't dispute it, so there you have it. 😂 Precedent established!
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yannig · 2 months
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And this right here is the first proof we have that Huaien is lying to Xiaobao.
Of course, he's lying on his background as a bodyguard, but that's different from lying to Xiaobao's face - it's a general cover that the Jin's men discovered through investigation. It's not directly relevant to their relationship.
But the rest of it? I'm expecting most if not all of the stories about his family to be truthful - as well as his disbelief in love. Sure, he's hiding a lot, but most of what he's revealed to Xiaobao was likely true.
It doesn't, however, mean that it was genuine. I was asking last week if Huaien's vulnerability was genuine or a calculated way to manipulate Xiaobao. I'm of the opinion it's going too quickly to be entirely genuine - Huaien doesn't strike me as the type to make love declarations that early.
This lie proves that it is at least part of said vulnerability is manipulative. He pretends to have sacrificed a great deal to save Xiaobao when in reality his mission was perfectly fulfilled. Of course the document he gave whoever this asshole is was a decoy; Huaien isn't stupid.
But he nods when Xiaobao asks if he gave their attacker what he wanted, lying to cement the idea that he's falling in love with Xiaobao and that he's ready to risk his father's anger for him. It's the first clear confirmation we have that he's purposefully manipulating Xiaobao.
Of course, it comes to bite him in the ass instantly when his father's next order it to kill the Jin family, which actually puts him in a situation where he has to chose between his father and Xiaobao.
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Up to that point, he could tell himself that every time he was allowing Xiaobao close, it was for the good of the mission. That he was seducing him to use him to get the accounting book. That he was being vulnerable and open to manipulate Xiaobao and not because he was enjoying his attention, his care, his warmth. That he was protecting him to endear Xiaobao to him and not because he cares about him. That he was being possessive because the seduction plan will work better is Xiaobao's attention is focused solely on him.
Now though? Now he's going to have to make a choice.
Does he follow his father's orders in hope that he will actually give him his freedom, but lose Xiaobao's warmth?
Does he try to pretend he followed his orders while hiding Xiaobao somewhere?
Or worse, does he fully disobey his father and try to save the whole family, because Xiaobao has both shown and stated that he'll be sad if his family dies?
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keikalium · 25 days
Maybe it's an obvious thing but
In We'll Be Fine there Athena does the riffs on her own
"And then we grew apa-a-a-art"
Which means she is again influenced by friendship with Odysseus. Kinda obvious
But also! Telemachus doesn't use the riff at any time before he hears it from Athena (or at least I didn't hear it) (unless we count "l-l-l-legendary" but I wouldn't) so it kinda looks like he learnt it from her? Especially since she is apparently his first friend? Or maybe he simply didn't have a chance before 🤔
On the other hand, Athena doesn't start with having a riff from the beginning. In Little Wolf at the end when she tells Telemachus to fight the first "fight" is without a riff and the next ones increasingly have it
So Athena came to find Telemachus, probably because he asked for someone to give him the strength, and during the fight they she got hit by Odysseus' friendship vibes from Telemachus and speed-befriended him (in Warrior of the Mind it takes some time before she gets the riffs from Ody, here she went 0-100 in 10 seconds)
Another thing (and what I actually wanted to point out here before I went to relisten these songs three times each) is about sleeping at night. It's also kind of obvious but in My Goodbye Ody sings:
"What's a title that a Goddess could lend if I never sleep at night"
And then Athena in We'll Be Fine:
"Life could be bright, I could sleep at night"
Sure, problems with sleeping are a common thing when you are feeling guilty but y'know. Athena is literally a Goddess, she wasn't even ever feeling guilty before, not like this. So even though she left Odysseus (and his riffs) behind, he still left a big impression on her
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spotaus · 17 days
If I have energy I want to draw out some designs for an au I'm spontaneously writing.
(Medieval times, there's a Prophecy. Nightmare rules over this kingdom and is supposed to complete this prophecy, he refuses to because it would harm the people. Dream was sent away and banished by Night because he was dis-illusioned into thinking the prophecy was a Good Thing abd what he was raised to complete. Night collected his Knights (Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross most recently) and trains them and tells them the truth of the prophecy. They're loyal to him. One day the magic of the prophesy (Apple Magic) leaves Nightmare unexpectedly, returning him to the state he was in before he accepted the mantle. This puts a target on his back and gives Dream a huge advantage in maybe making a comeback. The Knight's decide that their King (newly a young lad and variably scared and frightened) must be protected and they run the kingdom as he normally would, while also ensuring he survives and that the prophecy can't be completed.)
#yes this is fueled from RealAge AU vibes#and yes I technically have circled back around to my own initial post but like#the visual of these specific guys who've had various hardships in their lives suddenly like... idk... gaining a purpose and a protector in#Nightmare then seeing him reduced to a fraction of what they'd known him as. and still deciding to follow and care for him?#this au gives off distinct Older Brother energy because Night is like... 13-ish and not young enough to#baby but not old enough to resume his duties immediately#and he's got this like... awkward teen anxiety suddenly flooding through him that he doesn't know how to cope with#so the guys turn around and use lessons Night taught them while they adjusted to help him#Night's weak from Magic-loss? well he used to make sure Dust got bed rest and a meal so that's what we'll do!#Night is losing a huge chunk of his autonomy? They found a hobby for Killer so what does Night like?#just... yeah#plus Dream fully believes his bro pushed him out due to greed for power and had gathered forces to rally with him during exile#so he's the returned golden prince#and I imagine here that the final stand involves the knights scattering to stop Dream's forces while Killer stays with Night (<- most loyal)#and Killer hides Night right before Dream shows#and Dream says a bunch of vitriolic stuff about how Night ran and sacrificed his men and such and cuts down Killer with a near fatal blow#and Night finally manages to get out of wherever Killer stashed him and there's a moment where#Dream is seeing his little brother abd Night is seeing the man who lost his rights to be called brother when he attacked his Knights#and like... idk man#also Error is definitely Night's court magician/wizard because he bends reality in ways it really shouldn't#and here Error is younger because. i. I like the idea of an Errormare subplot but also like. the idea of scary spooky Overlord NM looking at#the wizard who just turned a vase inside out who's like 10 and learning he's a runaway and sponsoring him? yeah that's silly.#turns out Apple Night appreciated Error's raw talent. after the fact Night realizes he admires Error. insane tonal whiplash from his Knights#who have Zero protocol for courtships and kinda like. just watch it happen after the chaos is over#Okay that's all. i need to do my homework
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2demon2slayer · 1 year
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realizing i never posted my monster au here
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jtl-fics · 1 year
I just saw the “Farmer Pain Scale” video again and have now imagined a sign that sits in Abby’s office.
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I think Andrew asks for a copy of it for their professional team’s medical staff.
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arrowheadedbitch · 10 months
Holy shit guys, I think I have seasonal depression (this should not be as big of a shock for me as it is) (it was very obvious)
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