#<- me yelling into the void tag.
verminty · 10 months
long overdue for a basic intro post so here it is!
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► I'm Jun/Vermin!!!!!! ▻ they/them with a splash of he/him, and some neos too but I'd prefer you ask about em first. ► queerly aroace & genderqueer is the short explanation, polyam aroaceflux fagdyke & genderfluid/fuck relationship anarchist is the longer one. there's more nuance to my identity than can be labeled, so I usually just stick with queer. ▻ nd, autistic & adhd having empty system, (I also suspect some kind of schizospec disorder but more research is required.) ◃I experience a lot of fatigue (mental, emotional, social) and executive function issues because of these factors, please be patient with me! ► artist, usually traditional but I've been doing more and more digital lately. :^)
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if you're a minor, you're welcome to follow! but I do reblog a lot of politics and suggestive/otherwise mature content (not all suggestive shit is tagged, full nudity usually is unless its artistic or for reference, be warned.), so be advised and do whats most comfortable.
◈horror specific blog: @bloody-glowstick (I post fake but uncensored and untagged gore here due to the fact that its a horror blog.) ◈otherkin blog: @lichenteeth (I post both real (like organs & animal cadavers, nothing goreporn adjacent) and fake uncensored gore here, however it is tagged.)
if you have something you want tagged, lmk in a dm or ask and I might do so! its a case by case basis, but on the whole I will try.
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DNI (subject to change):
TERFs/SWERFs, MAPS/pedos, transmeds, anti-neopronouns, anti-mspec lesbians, anti-endo/anti non-traumagenic systems (im fused and not that involved in syscourse but please block me if you’re exclusionist), and obviously nazi punks can fuck right off <3
punk! both the music and the subculture itself. music in general is huge for me, I have eclectic taste. crochet, sculpting, diy type shit, painting, 80s/90s horror, practical sfx and makeup, possums, poetry, sci-fi & fantasy, and early queer culture and history. fandomy shit, bolded is stuff i'm currently heavily involved in: star trek, fallout, adventure time, hannibal, doom patrol (the grant morrison run specifically), the sandman comics, undertale/deltarune, portal, bcs/brba, reanimator, delicious in dungeon, dorohedoro, OFF, the evil dead, Watchmen, dhmis, metalocalypse, venture bros
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actual-changeling · 5 months
A small 'this is how you use tumblr' for the people that haven't been here very long. These are in no particular order, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them!
Since I probably did not mention a lot of things, you are welcome to add to this post with your own advice.
a) Reblog posts. if you like it, reblog it. even if you have zero followers and ESPECIALLY if it's art or writing of any kind. We will see the reblog in our notifications and that alone brings joy. One reblog can start a chain and push the post onto many people's dashes.
b) Tumblr is not a very functional website, if you want to survive without losing your mind, there are two things you need: xkit rewritten and dashboard unfucker. Play around with the settings until it is to your liking. Additionally, change to firefox if you haven't already and install ublock origin to get rid of ads, tracking etc.
c) If you go to your settings (account! not blog) you can find this under dashboard at the bottom. Turn off at the very least 'best stuff first' since that will fuck up your dash and not give you posts in chronological order.
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The rest are a perfonal preference but it will keep your dash tidy and easy to control if you turn them off, too.
d) Apropos settings—get a profile picture, a header, write something human in your bio, anything. Otherwise people will assume you are a bot and block you on sight.
e) Blocking! Do it generously and whenever you want, this is how you keep whatever remains of your sanity. It's not a lethal offense, it is (usually) not even seen as rude or anything along those lines. You block people and they block you and everyone is happy.
f) Under account settings you will find this:
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Just like with blocking, use both options to your heart's content.
g) Tumblr is not like other social media platforms, spam liking & reblogging and going three years deep into someone's account is NORMAL and encouraged. You can search a blog by post type, tags, or even go to the archive and scroll through the posts there.
h) Lastly—interaction. We already went over reblogging (I mean it, REBLOG), but there are also replies and asks. If you add something to someone else's post please behave like a kind human being and don't be an asshole; based on my experience, that's easier said than done. On top of that, the tags are ALSO used for communication, go unhinged, ramble, leave your thoughts, or simply use them for organisational purposes. Everyone loves a good insane tag wall.
An open inbox (either anonymously or with your blog attached) is to be used! Please send people asks if they have them active, use it like DMs or a comment section, use it to recommend something, ask questions, participate in an ask or prompt game—we love asks here.
(We do not like harassment in our inboxes, same rules as above.)
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cobaltfluff · 4 months
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one last night
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capricoopla · 1 month
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Thought I might do this-
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
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kirbytober 2023 21 + 26 : fav characters + ship [ prev || next ]
putting this at the top because it's extremely important but i received a message implying that some folks headcanon these two as drastically different ages. you may headcanon whatever you like of course, but in my work i firmly think that they're both full adults who are at least 25+. this is abundantly clear in my work. i'm not interested in headcanoning any of them as literal children and i would never touch that shit. dni if you think that sort of ship would actually be okay. don't be a freak. thanks.
very typical to take your favs and then also shove them together but isn't that the point. anyway i have literally never seen anybody else ship them (if you're out there... hello... 😭) despite them both being very main characters and i don't know why?? they could be so cute i think...
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they are both industrious adventurers, prolific hard-workers (team task doers), and a little cheekily competitive!
i think that bandee is no stranger to a wide variety of close and intense relationships; he's beloved by many and loves them all equally but distinctly in turn. magolor on the other hand has been sooo isolated and lonely for such a long-ass time, he barely knows how to be friends let alone really care for someone. bandee is smart enough to be suitably wary but kind enough to give him a chance despite that, which i think would knock him off his non-existent feet instantly. in reply, magolor could give him something unique by loving and prioritising him utterly singularly, in a way bandee wouldn't even have realised he was missing
in awtdy (pictured in the sketch page; if you see a tattered looking magolor in my art it's probably this au) in particular they are both thrown into the angst soup together and come out insanely trauma bonded at the hip. their friendship/relationship is central to the plotline; together they're working on a solution to the timeline anomaly, while also hiding that they even really know each other the whole time
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ambiguousgrass · 3 months
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Who up dying for they country (<- phrase that sounded wayyy better when I was repeating it in my head while drawing this.)
Ctommy fanart for @haunted-here for the @mcyt-valentines event!!! Hope you enjoy :D
Tag list, let me know if you want off/on
@faggotdonnie @its-arson-time @thepinkboi @comfortstars @dapsie @cishetctommy @blueyedgrass
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kideternity · 22 days
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The annual Angel Army office party didn’t go too great this year
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marcsnuffy · 5 days
I don't think that differently about Kaiser now
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sleepy-doobles · 10 months
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I have reasoning for this I promise
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unseeliefaerie · 10 months
Good omens season 2 spoilers!
I don't usually get meta out of my brain semi-coherently but I'm seeing a lot of people misunderstanding Aziraphale's intentions in those final 15 minutes and I'm here to swing for my boy
I think one thing people might be missing the undercurrent of is the offer to make Crowley an angel again
It's not just an ooh we'd be on the same side, the good guys, and we'd be allowed to be together, though of course that is some of it
Aziraphale thinks he's being offered the chance to grant Crowley, who he knows has been tortured and almost killed by Hell, who risks punishment to disobey Hell's orders when they ask him to be cruel, divine forgiveness
That's kind of a big deal when Falling is the worst thing that can happen to an angel, besides being erased from existence
It's a way to get Crowley out of a job he hates and the persistent threat of torture, give him the freedom to be kind, as Aziraphale really believes he is deep down, underneath the obligations of being a Demon, without worrying about being punished for it
Of course he would want that for Crowley, that's not out of character at all
Aziraphale doesn't even want to go back to Heaven until it's stated that he can take Crowley with him, that Crowley can be an angel again
Crowley can be safe, and free from the trauma/repercussions of Falling, and they can be together forever in a real partnership
Why wouldn't he see it as a perfect solution?
He genuinely doesn't understand why Crowley doesn't want that
He's been given a chance to give Crowley salvation and protection from harm, and it's so shocking and confusing and upsetting that Crowley doesn't want to be saved, such a sting of rejection that he'd choose remaining Fallen on Earth over being an angel again with Aziraphale in Heaven, that in his heartbreak he ends up agreeing to go without Crowley despite Crowley being the only reason he considered it in the first place
Here's where I want to point out that I don't think Aziraphale understands how the Fall actually did change Crowley quite a bit. From Aziraphale's point of view, Crowley as an Angel and Crowley as a Demon are the same person just with different jobs. He's not entirely wrong about that, and given how often he's seen Crowley do the 'right' thing he's got evidence to back it up
But I'm not sure he knows what Crowley was telling Gabriel, that his own memories from before the Fall are hard to access and he did in essence have to start from scratch and build up a whole new sense of self
And besides that, being cast out of Heaven is a horrific abandonment. You don't just get over something like that when they invite you back - and you don't just get over seeing firsthand that they almost destroyed the love of your life without remorse only to turn around and ask him to run the place now (or all the other cruelty you've seen committed on their orders.)
Crowley has learned that kindness is not inherent in Heaven and having once been an angel has nothing to do with what he believes is right, while Aziraphale is still idealistic about good and evil (tbh Aziraphale admitting that Heaven needs to change is already a huge step in the right direction, it just wasn't enough)
From Crowley's pov Aziraphale is choosing an unjust and abusive workplace over the life they already have together, and asking him to change because he's not good enough as he is, even though that's not how Aziraphale means it at all.
I'm sure the Metatron knew that Crowley wouldn't go for it for precisely those reasons, but I don't think he needed to do anything more than make the offer to cause a rift
Tl;dr I vehemently believe Aziraphale wasn't poisoned he's just a well-meaning moron and the true villain here is miscommunication
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actual-changeling · 1 year
i'm sorry but i'm still stuck on frank's and bill's first kiss. the tension in the air, the unspoken i see you, the there is no girl, frank reaching out with a promise of safety and support while bill was trembling beneath his hands.
so many first kisses we see on tv are a result of pent-up sexual tension, the metaphorical explosion of feelings that developed over episodes and seasons. but this one, this one, was so simple but yet meant so much more than they could have ever explained with words. they barely knew each other, spent one meal together, but somehow their kiss contained more emotions than half the kisses on tv.
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kindlythevoid · 2 months
Y'all help I'm trying to find this tumblr post about lady jessica's characterization and her relationship with paul. It was in paragraph format and the first sentence is the typical tumblr picture-being-in-x's-shoes while the rest of it is in the second person. It talks about how/why she pushed paul into the prophecy (something about it ending up with him killing a ton of ppl while she did it so that he would stay alive but it really messed him up, etc., etc.) and idk if it's book accurate (haven't read them yet, on the tbr) but it popped up on my Pinterest feed a few days back and I didn't save it but I just rewatched the first dune to prep for watching the second later this week and the post popped into my head (I really liked the wording) and I went to show it to someone (it was supporting a thematic point I wanted to make I think I can't know for sure) and I've been looking for like an hour now pls help.
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torchickentacos · 6 months
thanksgiving is over and it is now time to indulge in my favorite post-holiday pastime: sink hours into something mindless (art) for hours in peace and quiet and solitude after everyone goes home <3. I don't remember being this happy with art in a long time tbh
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ask-the-snek-man · 6 months
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“Because that always works…”
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essenceofarda · 24 days
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kideternity · 1 year
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