#<-both of those shows are really good btw and I don't think it's quite as simple as how I phrased it
weepingfireflies · 1 year
I really enjoy stories where the author talks about how ostracizing romance and romantic intentions can be, but I feel like the storyline only really shows up in romance anime where the (usually male) character has to be in love with the female protagonist, which honestly degrades the whole point a little bit. "I love that you're not just seeing me as a romantic partner" is a great motivation, and there's no real reason to make that the reason they fall in love, yanno?
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telomeke · 28 days
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OK, there are so many theories about 4 Minutes floating around (including a couple of my own already out there). And now I'm adding another one to the mix, just for good measure. 🤣
But I really think there's something in this. Please bear with me...
This train of thought was sparked by the ending of Ep.4, when we saw Dome recovering fully in the hospital, cheerfully taking a taxi back home, and then (when he arrived) calling out to Ton Kla, who heard him.
But Dome then disappeared. And we were shown his cremation ashes instead.
OK listen, hear me out.
That was Dome all right, but it was his ghost that we saw returning home from the hospital, wearing white and blissfully unaware that he was already dead.
I think what 4 Minutes has been showing us thus far is an interplay, not so much of different timelines, but rather the different experiences of the living, the dead and those still in the Four-Minute Zone (who are caught between these two worlds in the four minutes from corporeal death to cessation of brain activity).
And we're not always being shown their experiences in chronological order, hence the confusing storylines for different characters that don't quite gel with each other's.
Anyway, that's why they're making such a big deal about the black and white:
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When we see characters wearing white (as Dome was in his happy Ep.4 taxi ride home) there's a high chance that they're actually ghosts, re-living past experiences and re-visiting the what-ifs in their past lives had they chosen their paths (or had their paths been chosen for them) differently.
They don't know they're dead; they just know that reality has changed into a multi-pronged set of choices that they get to re-visit.
The people in black are most likely those who are in the Four-Minute Zone between life and death. And the people in normal clothing (prints, other colors) are those still in the realm of the living.
The ghosts (an idea also suggested by the 13:13 on Manee's hospital clock in Ep.1, see this write-up linked here) aren't usually visible in the real world, but they are visible to those in the Four-Minute Zone and can interact with them.
This is supported by Den's interviewee in Ep.1, who said she was surrounded by people in white during her own experience of consciousness after cardiac arrest.
As the ghosts aren't aware that they're dead, everything seems real enough to them. But then they also get to visit different realities and different outcomes (including being thrust four minutes back into the past to re-do things – and you probably know where this is going).
OK, so this also means (sadly) that:
Great is already dead (and so is his mom) – Great is always in white, and his mom was too at their Ep.5 shootout. The re-living past experiences and experimenting with different outcomes is something the ghosts get to do, and we see Great doing this all the time in 4 Minutes.
Korn is sometimes in white – this is his ghost re-living experiences after he was killed by Ton Kla (c'mon, you know death by Ton Kla was always going to be on the cards for him). He's also sometimes in black – that would be him when he was in the Four-Minute Zone, prior to his death and entry into the spirit world.
Lukwa is already dead; she's been recounting her experiences with the four-minute rewind to Den. This is also why she could meet Great in the Four-Minute Waiting Room for spirits (while both were dressed in white, BTW).
Win is also dead; when he went to stay with Ton Kla to "protect" him in Ep.4 (who does that?) he was wearing white, and this was probably just his ghost seeking out Ton Kla, as he did when he was still alive. Win was also in black in a couple of scenes, which were probably him re-living past memories in the Four-Minute Zone. I guess he really was killed by Ton Kla.
Tyme is still in the Four-Minute Zone, re-treading his tracks, and interacting with Great in spirit. Tyme is probably going to get sent back (which is what the corridor and the light-filled doorway of the trailer is signaling) while Great cannot, because he's already passed into the spirit realm. So it's Tyme who's using his four minutes to review his life up until the moment he was shot, and also to interact with Great one last time. And that four-minute countdown Great keeps seeing is simply a marker of the interlude that he gets to spend with Tyme before they are separated again.
Sweet-faced Ton Kla ("I've seen many murders" – girl, what were you doing at the devil's sacrament?) is a serial killer of some sort, and he probably killed Title and Win, just as he did his cat. And Korn is in his sights as well.
Ton Kla is one of the few living souls who can sense the dead (he sensed Dome's ghost in Ep.4, and he also saw the ghost of his dead black cat in Ep.1). So it's possible he was actually humping Win's ghost in Ep.4 (though I'd rather think it was just Win's ghost re-imagining another scenario).
Den is probably another human soul (unless he's also dead) who can not only sense the departed but also interact with them – his nonplussed reaction to Lukwa when she came in for an interview in Ep.1 wasn't just because of her beauty (she is so pretty isn't she? I have a bit of a crush going on) but because he could also tell she was a ghost, not a living human.
There you go. Have I taken it too far with my theories again? I'm hoping against hope that I'm wrong, and that Great and Tyme will have a happy ending after all.
But I'm not counting on it... 😥
P.S. This may be just a coincidence, but the broadcast schedule of 4 Minutes (26 July 2024 to 13 September 2024) very neatly encapsulates the Thai-Chinese Ghost Festival (wan saat jeen/วันสารทจีน) that runs during the seventh lunar month from 4 August to 2 September this year. In Chinese belief, ghosts are given free rein to roam the world of the living throughout this month, and I'm thinking that (if my theory holds true) 4 Minutes must have timed its release to coincide specifically for the additional spook factor. 😵
P.P.S. There are other visual and cultural hints embedded within 4 Minutes that align with the theory above – my write-up is linked here, if you'd like to read more:
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flower-boi16 · 3 months
Bring the thunder down
Well time to give my thoughts on the latest episode.
-Seeing callbacks to previous episodes in season 1 was pretty nice
-Holy shit Verosika development? HELL YA!!!! I'm just going to say it; Verosika is the best part of the episode hands down. I like that we get to see a real side of her beyond just being a one-dimensional bitch, her being friendly towards Stolas due to seeing him, and how SHE felt when she was hurt by Blitz.
And she deeply empathizes with people who were also hurt by Blitz and holds this party so people can cope with their experinces for how Blitz damaged them, a place where they can all get together. Viv developing a female character...? That's insane! Verosika feels like an actual person in this episode, not just a one-dimensional bitch.
-We don't get a rushed resolution to Blitz's feud with Verosika like we did for his feud with Fizz, which I am very happy for. I liked how they handled the reletionship between the two here,
-The development for Blitz here is genuienly great...? Like, the episode does a good job of showing him finally realizing how his actions have hurt others, and shows him trying to play victim here in the final scene of the episode before accepting that HE IS THE PROBLEM. And it's now the begining of him finally deciding to grow and become a better person, which is probably going to be a major arc in both season 2 and the rest of the series.
-The characterization here for Blitz is also great. Again it shows him playing the victim here because he's too much of an asshole to accept how he might have hurt others, until he realizes how his actions actually affect those he hurt. He feels genuine remorse now for his actions after the song that Stolas' sings on the stage.
-SPEAKING OF THAT SONG NUMBER; I have some issues with it when it comes to Blitz victim blaming but for the most part it's not bad. The visualls during it look quite nice and the singing is really good. This also serves as a good moment for Blitz as a character; as he sees that actually did, genuinely, have real feelings for him, and it helps Blitz realize all the mistakes he's made throughout his life and how his actions have genuinely hurt others.
-The episode, generally, does a good job of showing how Blitz's actions have hurt others.
-The finale scene in the episode is fantastic. Like I said we get some great development for Verosika and some insight on how she felt when Blitz ran off, characterization for Blitz and growth with him finally realizing his mistakes and the begining of him growing as a person. The voice acting from the two especially sells the emotions in it.
This episode has a suprising amount of good stuff in it when it comes to Blitz and Verosika...unfortunetly there are still some issues.
-Unsuprisingly the Stolas stuff here is awful. The episode constantly frames him as another one of Blitz's victims who was hurt by him which just shows more Stolas victimization. Whopee. The begining scene is especially awful when it comes to this. The thing that really gets me is the line "since when have I ever looked down upoun you", like, dude, YOU CONSTANTLY BELITTLE HIM THROUGHOUT THE FIRST SEASON. OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO THINK YOU LOOK DOWN UPOUN HIM.
And then he says that Blitz is like Striker which is fucking stupid.
(though tbf Blitz is deffiently an ass in this scene so I can get Stolas' perspective to a slight extent, but some of the framming here and dialogue is still questionable)
-Speaking of that begining scene, its...eh. It has the issues with Stolas victimization as I already talked about here but then there's the fact that they used Blitz not telling Stoals about Striker as a way to create cheap drama. YAY! Also this...never gets resolved in the episode btw.
-The stage scene where Stolas sings his "motherfucker" song is good enough in terms of development for Blitz but since Blitz isn't in the wrong here for not believing Stolas loves him it still come across as another instance of Blitzo victim blaming to a slight extent. I already expressed my opinions multiple times about why Blitz is not in the wrong for not thinking that Stolas has real love for him so I'm not gonna repeat myself here, but I'm really sick of the Stolas victimization in this season and I just wish the show would stop pretending that Stolas is the victim here.
-The conversation the two have after the song isn't an awful scene but still shows Stolas victimization. Again, more Stolas victimization and a lot of the dialogue from Stolas here really seems to point to this. Like the scene has Blitz apologize to Stolas and act like the latter deserves better than the former because the former was soooo mean to him UwU, and it just. Ugh. And then the episode has Stolas whine about how he just wants someone to care about him and I'm just like. Viv. You aren't going to make me sympathize with this stupid fucking owl. You just can't.
-The episodes seems to be implying that Blitz has feelings for Stolas...? Huh???? Since when??? And also why does Blitz even have feelings for Stolas to begin with? Like everytime Stolas and Blitz interact Blitz always shows physical discomfort around Stolas, why tf is he suddenely interested in him NOW???
-How exactly was Verosika able to know of Stolas' reletionship with Blitz?
-Blitz decides to go into the party WITHOUT A DISGUISE. Like he takes one eventually but why didn't you bring one to begin with...?
-Is there no one guarding the entrance to this party? Because Blitz should have not able to get in here.
-Blitz comeing in without a disguise doesn't bring any attention for some reason???
This episode was...actually kind of good. Like, I'd say this is probably the best episode of season 2 so far. It mainly suffers from more Stolas victimization and some very weird plot holes and the out of nowhere development of Blitz getting feelings for Stolas but there is genuinely fantastic stuff in here that's good enough to make the episode at least a 7.5/10, hell maybe even an 8. I could forgive a small amount of plot holes if there's enough great stuff in the story and in this episode there is.
So ya, I actually kind of enjoyed this one.
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tfp-enthusiast · 1 year
Tfp cons reaction to cybertonian reader having the deadliest kicks one could have the misfortune to get hit by?
When they first found out, reader got disarmed mid battle and used their legs instead
Holy shit was it deadly, like, every single bot they hit it with becomes disoriented and immediately passed out or they literally fly back from the sheer amount of power being put in the kick
A force to be reckoned with I tell you
Cons x Bot!GN!Reader who has deadly kicks
[This sounds funny af, btw sorry that it took so long, I now have no school for a few weeks so I can work on those asks more often]
[Only did Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave]
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Firstly, you don't really get sent on missions that often
Not that he thinks you're weak or something, no quite the opposite, it's just that unless you insist on going he just wants you near him
So it didn't really surprise you that much when you suddenly get disarmed
But you always have one weapon: your pedes and servos
So you just roundhouse kicked that bot and he just got yeeted across the field and slammed into an rock that had an visible hole/dent that showed even when he wasn't there that once he got thrown into that rock
Tbh you where a little surprised that you could fight that good even without your weapons but then again Megatron made sure you where trained well enough for such a situation
Megatron found out through Soundwave and when you came back he had this proud dad look in his optics but only for a moment before another vehicon entered the bridge
He now knows that you definitely are capable of taking care of yourself and lets you more often on missions if you insist
He's still protective tho
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You never go on missions when you're his friend/partner because there is no reason that you need to
He prefers you to be on the Nemesis with him where he knows 100% that you are safe
But sometimes there is no other way and he has to sent you out
But you're prepared, he knows it but still gets worried, and you prove it to him
When your weapon suddenly gets hardly damaged Soundwave has Lazerbeak attack the enemy and is already on his way to you
But when he arrives there is just an unconscious bot on the ground and you with an pede on his helm
He now knows that you are stronger than you look
Still, you're staying with him. For the sake of his spark, please
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You are both almost always together on missions when one has to go
Became a habit for you both after Starscream had a small panic attack when you where strongly wounded
Poor boy has heavy abandonment issues
Anyways, you always have each others backs but sometimes you get separated
You learned to fight, and are quite good at it, and didn't expect anything to happen to you
But when your weapon gets crushed you panic for a moment before just doing what your processor told you
Which was kick your enemy and frag did it work
They just collapsed onto the ground after you kicked them
Starscream came back a few moments later and both of you just stood there with visible confusion written all over your faceplates
Now when he feels threatened he 'hides' behind you, old habits die hard I guess, but he doesn't mean it in a rude way
You should feel honored that he trusts you with his live
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didishawn · 1 year
The kylian fic is so cute, can you write a part 5 where Jude and jobe won’t let the reader and kylian have their alone time till she gets upset and leaves so they feel bad and try to accept kylian. Can there be smut too?
I luv your writing btw❤️❤️❤️
Clingy siblings (Kylian Mbappe x Reader) smut
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Warnings: smut, Jude and Jobe are still little shits
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4
You wonder if it will be too difficult to convince your boyfriend of spending the rest of the break in Paris, otherwise, you might be murdering your brothers.
You don't know what the problem is with them, they have never acter this clingy back with your other boyfriends -although with them, you did try to have them as far away from your family as possible, each fot different reasons. But Kyky is not the same, you might not have been together that long, but you know he is as serious with you as you are with him -or at least you hope so.
He is as serious as you are, that's why he is trying so hard to get along with your family, by that, he means your brother, both mother and father already adore him -you even suspect your mother to be thinking about grandkids already.
On the other hand, Jude and Jobe are terrible.
Well, not really terrible persee, it's not as if they have been ruder than usual, it's just that the idea of you and your boyfriend having any alone time seems to be one they refuse to let happen.
You want to show Kylian through the city? They must be there, after all, they are the most interesting part of it.
Want to take Kylian out for drinks with your friends? Well, you better be going somewhere Jobe can too, he is still a kid, can't drink, so maybe a playground will be the best place to go to.
Both of them are suddenly even more interested in basketbl than usual, and that requires sitting in between you and Kyky on the couch to watch whatever match is going on.
Not even during the night are you left alone, a fort having been built on your bedroom, stating neither are in need of a nephew.
It gets exhausting, really, you are aware of having brought Kylian over to meet your family, but that doesn't mean taht you two shouldn't be allowed to have your private time together, and doesn't matter how much your mum and dad try to stop those two little shits, they refuse to stop.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"What?" Jude asks, mouth full of popcorn as he and Jobe act all innocent.
As if the two weren't lying on your bed, munching on your snacks with the movie you have chosen for Kyky and you to see playing on the background.
"Don't 'what' me! You know exactly what is going on!"
"And what about it? Can we want to spend some time with our sister and Kyky?"
Said man, even if in need of their aprooval, looks absolutely exhausted at their schemingans, rised eyebrow and crossed arms.
"There is a difference in between wanting to hang out together and completely invading our privacy, you know?"
"And what do you want us to do about it?" the older one asks, defiant.
"Maybe get the fuck out?"
The two look at each other for a minute, then burst out laughing.
"Not happening" Jobe says in between laughter.
"Come on," Jude teases, patting the tiny spot left on the bed "join us, the movie is quite good if I am being honest"
You do nothing but groan, arms raised and a cold glare thrown their way before stomping away, ignoring their jabs and requests of you staying.
The two take it in a laughing matter honestly, that is until the noise of the front door slamming closed -mum and dad gone fir the night, so no one shouts any scolding.
It's not until then that some regret fills up their hearts, this time, looking at each other with saddened frowns.
Maybe they had taken it too far, or maybe you just got tired of their shit.
Was it too much to ask for some alone time with your boyfriend?
Talking about the man, he looks worried, doesn't seem to know what to do as he looks around for his shoes, probably about to run after you -as if, he knew his way around the city.
The two brother exchange a look, sighing, they stand up, the older rests a hand on the French man's shoulder.
"We will look for her, you stay here"
Your boyfriend hates the idea, yet accepts it as he knows a siblings' chat is needed, sitting on the bed you share, he watches as the two boy jog out after you.
It doesn't take them long to catch up with you with their athletic physics and the fact that they know the small playground near your home is where you go to whenever in need of some peace.
Your figure is sat on one of the swings, looking, at the floor, yet you know the two little shits are coming to you and they know you know, both sit in each side of you, all quiet -something unusual in between you three.
"We are sorry" the eldest say, in turn you scoff, rolling your eyes.
"Oh, I'm sure you are" you spat out, sarcasm dripping through you
"We are, really!" the youngest says -even if Jobe is also a little shit, he has always been quite sensitive to you getting mad at him, is one of the things he hates the most.
"What are you sorry for? Being assholes during the entire week? Not giving us privacy? Look, I get if you don't like Kylian, but-"
"Wow, wow, who said we didn't like him?" Jude says, arms raised and that surprised look of his taking over his face, mouth wide open, eyes the same.
"I don't know, maybe the fact you have been so annoying and saying all that stuff about Haaland and-"
"We do like him" Jobe says, Jude nods.
"Yeah, it's just that, I don't know, we just like annoying you two, you know? But we really do like Kyky"
"Well, I know that now, but he is convinced you hate him and want me to be with Haaland"
Jude scoffs, almost bursts out laughing "Please, I love Erling, but I know for a fact you wouldn't even last a week"
"Yeah" Jobe agrees "And Kyky seems to handle you just fine"
Arm in arm, the three of you walked home, a puppy eyed Kylian waiting for you on the sofa, almost running to you and hugging you close to himself as you kiss his cheek. Your brothers pretend to gag, but your glare sent their way makes them stand straight, the older one clears his throat.
"Look, Kylian, me an Jobe wanted to apologise for these past couple days"
"Yeah, and we totally think that you match her better than Haaland"
Your boyfriend smiles, easily accepting their apologises and promises to lay off the two of you, night passes on quickly as your boyfriend and brothers finally get to bond.
You can't even remember the last time you room was so quiet, only Kyky and you, his arms around your waist, chest to your back, keeping the two of you warm enough.
Everything is so calm, simple, but the feeling of something pocking your ass has you rising an eyebrow and turning to him with a look that is a mixture of amusement and confusion.
"Is this the moment you confess to me you have a thing for fucking your girlfriends in their childhood beds?"
He laughs, it's deep, yet a bit breathless letting you know his hornyness isn't something new at all.
"I mean, maybe, but it's also the fact of finally it only being me and you and that your ass looks so good on those shorts"
You are deep in thought for a moment, locating your brothers in your bedrooms, parents still out, you wonder if the sound of the bed creaking will be heard from the outside.
A big hand rubbing on your tummy and going lower takes you out from your thoughts, you look back at him, looking so smug as his hand teases you over the thin piece of fabric.
"Wow, can't even go a week without fucking, can you, Mbappe?"
"You are telling me you don't want this?" he is in, fingers hovering your clit, he can feel how wet you are"
"Never said that"
"Good" he concludes, fingers forming circles, another reaching towards your entrance.
You are not in for foreplay tonight, it might not have been taht long since you had your boyfriend's big cock inside you, still you feel depraved of it, you reach out for your own shorts and panties, pushing both fabrics down, making him become wide eyed as you next reach for his own bulge, stimulating it up and down for a bit before taking him out from his boxers.
You are desperate, you know he will tease you for this later, but you can't seem to care as you position him in your entrance, slamming your own hips back to take him all in.
His haw is clenched, eyes tightly closed and head pushed back as he tries to not let out the loud moan coming out from his mouth at the sudden rush of pleasure.
The pace is fast from the start, pleasure having clouded both of your minds as you can't seem to find it in yourself to care for the creaking of your bed and how the frame tries to slam against the wall.
Your leg is kept up by his big hand, having you wide open as his hips piston into yours, low moans leaving him as you whine out at the feeling of being so full.
His balls hit your ass cheeks, his tip kisses your cervix, he is fucking you open, so deep, this is only but a way to fuck off the tension, the love making will have to wait till later.
It doesn't take long until you are tightening around him and milking him for all he is worth, filling you up as you lay on the bed, breathing so heavily you are afraid your hearts will come out from your chests.
His head rests on your shoulder, a small kiss to the skin of your neck as he once more hugs you closely to him.
"You think your brothers heard?"
"I honestly couldn't care less"
You say that, but you know the next morning you won't be able to look either in the eye in hopes they won't ever know what just went on in your tight twin bed.
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eating-plastic · 2 months
Headcanons: Maison Talo x Fem!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Warnings: nsfw, smut (minors and ageless blogs do not touch please and thanks), AFAB!reader, vaginal sex, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), tentacles, overstimulation, light bondage, a bunch of other dirty stuff, lots of inaccuracies about Maison's anatomy (because with all due respects, I don't really care), probably some grammatical errors
A/N: So I've become super obsessed with Maison lately, so expect another headcanon (or fic) coming up. Besides, I gotta start pumping out some stuff while I still can since college starts up again for me in less than a month. Also, just a heads up, I take the easy way out when it comes to writing nsfw stuff with this old man. Soooo yeah, insert "let's just enjoy fiction warning" here because I really don't care lol. Anyways, that's all. Enjoy!
🏠-So here's the thing about Maison: Until you guys actually do the deed, his lust is kinda nonexistent
🏠-If you're someone that kinda just wants to dive head first into the topic, you're gonna have to talk about it with him
🏠-The other option is he catches you in the middle of giving yourself some "self love." To be quite honest tho, you should've known better. After all, if he tastes the food you drop and the drinks you spill, then you really should've known he was gonna taste the mess you were making
🏠-He quickly becomes addicted to your arousal btw. You're gonna get overstimulated to hell and back with each orgasm he pulls from you. If you let him, he'll make you cum multiple times on his fingers, tongue, and cock
🏠-Maison knows that humans have their limits and sex with him pushes you to those limits
🏠-He also quickly establishes himself as dominant in the bedroom. He absolutely loves the control he has over your body
🏠-Speaking of which, your body is like a work of perfection in Maison's eyes. You're his precious little tenant, he thinks you're flawless. He wants to see all of you, so you're often completely bare for him
🏠-Seriously, if you are insecure about any part of your body, he'll do everything in his power to quell those nasty thoughts of yours
🏠-He honestly doesn't think much about undressing himself, but he does find it amusing if you try to strip him. After all, he has such a handsome lure, it's only natural that you'd want to see more of it
🏠-Besides, he does think that the skin-to-skin contact is nice
🏠-Loves restraining you and having you at his mercy. Sometimes he simply does this by pinning your hands above your head with his own. But sometimes he likes to actually get his house form involved if you catch my drift ...😏
🏠-I'm talking about tentacles btw. Red, fleshy tentacles that bind your wrists, hold your legs apart, and manipulate you into any position that Maison wants
🏠-And I know what you're thinking: Can you get fucked by them? Absolutely! If you're into that, then of course they can fuck you in any hole you want
🏠-Besides, Maison likes getting a little show before he actually shoves his cock inside of you. Maybe he can see just how many tentacles can fit in that tight pussy of yours. One, two...maybe three
🏠-He's torn between which he likes more: when you're a brat so he can put you back in your place or when you're a good, obedient girl for him. I suppose it's just a matter of what mood the both of you are in
🏠-He doesn't really "get" you wanting to blow him. When he eats you out, it's a mutual thing; you get pleasure and he gets to taste your delicious slick. He doesn't really see what you get out of oral sex when the roles are reversed...not saying that he'll say no to head tho
🏠-I'm not sure where to put this so I'll just leave you with this idea: Maison likes to use sex as a means to help you unwind after a shitty day. You know, after gifts, cuddles, a massage, and an expensive dinner. If all of those don't seem to work, then why don't you just ride him til your little heart's content and you forget all thoughts about the nasty day you had
🏠-Whenever Maison finishes it's pretty intense, and I'm not talking about the feeling of his cum actually filling your cunt up (although that is amazing too). I'm talking about the fact that the fucking house literally shakes as if a small Earthquake just happened. Depending on how fucked out you are tho, you might not even notice it
🏠-When you two are finally done going at it (i.e. you probably tapped out if we're being for real), your body's gonna be sticky with sweat, your throat horse, and your clit so sensitive that anything lightly brushing against it hurts. If you think that Maison's just gonna leave you like that, then you are sorely mistaken. What do you take him for? He is a gentleman (...gentlehouse?), he's not gonna just leave his darling tenant like that
🏠-While he may be dominant in bed, this REALTOR's wrapped around your finger after the deed. Anything you want, you'll get. A bath, some water, some snacks, a massage, or maybe you just simply wanna cuddle. It doesn't matter what you need, he'll get it for you in a heartbeat
🏠-what can he say? He loves to take care of you ❤️
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littlemisssatanist · 6 months
can i ask for a small favor? can you rant about daemon targaryen please? i just re-read your team green 💚 post and i'm reminded of how much ick i feel towards that character, especially in the wake of the team trailers being released.
hiii!!! tysm for this ask i was super happy when i saw it in my inbox i'm flattered people want to hear my opinions lol
my thoughts about daemon are very convoluted. i think he has the potential to be a very interesting character but it's kinda canceled out by the incest and pedophilia thing.
like. i understand it's an incest dragon show but my main issue with team black when it comes to their criticisms. they love to spout endless words about how aegon is a rapist and how alicent is a rape apologist for not... idk slitting his throat i guess.
it's really ironic to me, because these same people will turn around and then yap about how daemyra is the perfect ship. they'll be aghast when you even slightly suggest you enjoy aegon's character in any way but be in an uproar if you dare bash their dashing and roguish prince daemon.
honestly, name one terrible thing aegon did and i'll be able to give you something daemon did that is arguably worse than that.
aegon - raping a servant girl in the show (which honestly i'm treating more as a fanfiction considering how terribly written both the greens and the blacks are).
daemon - uhmmmm probably the whole thing with nettles. you know. the sixteen year old girl he groomed and raped (yes raped because minors aren't able to consent). actually, now that i think of it, he did the exact same thing with rhaenyra too, huh? or does team black find the whole fleabottom episode to be hot and rhaenyra being sexually free? that seems like the sort of thing they'd take from that whole fiasco.
on the topic of blood & cheese: the way some people defend this is honestly sickening.
'but poor luke was killed by his terrible uncle aemond' he was an envoy of war (not to aemond, btw, he owed him no safe haven) and also he kinda. yk. took out his eye. i'm not saying luke deserved to die, but i'm going to be honest this is one of the more mild things that happened during the dance.
whether luke deserved to die (which i'd like to reiterate: i do not think he did. i can understand WHY aemond killed him, but that is not me EXCUSING him. this is for those of you who don't know how to read and will inevitably find a way to start putting words in my mouth) b&c is completely unexcusable.
it's team feminism until its a woman who doesn't fit your little box of badass hottie. it's team feminism until that woman doesn't bow down to rhae-rhae and betray her own family and children in order to join the 'good side.' it's team woman until you point out that rhaenyra was groomed by daemon and continues to make decisions that are decidedly anti-feminist.
this is why i can't stand team black stans who say things like 'i hate the greens except for helaena bc she didn't do anything wrong' because you quite literally cannot do that without admitting that helaena suffered because of the blacks NOT the greens.
helaena suffered bc of DAEMON not because of any actions taken by the greens. DAEMON was the one who orchestrated b&c, the one who sent men to terrorize her and kill her children.
daemon did that.
i have no problem with people who can admit that their faves have flaws. i admit aemond's flaws, daeron's flaws, aegon's flaws. the problem i have with daemon is that his stans are so insufferably annoying and they literally cannot do any of that.
my last thought about daemon (at the moment, at least) is his relationship with strong boys.
lots of tb likes to say that daemon loved those boys like his own and would never do anything to hurt them. and i... honestly find it a little strange, and also a little embarassing, because how am i going to have a better grasp on his character than those that love him most???
i genuinely believe that daemon, had rhaenyra ascended to the throne like viserys planned, he would have caused 'unfortunate accidents' for the strong boys in order to get his blood on the throne. which, btw, was one of the main reasons viserys named rhaenyra heir, to keep daemon from sitting on the throne.
i think it the succession crisis had been between daemon and rhaenyra instead, it would have been a much more interesting storyline.
then again grrm isn't that good at writing interesting storylines when it comes to daemon considering he's a self-insert. honestly i wouldn't be surprised if when he died it was found out that grrm had a fanfiction written somewhere where daemon survived the fight with aemond and got to live out the rest of his boring ass life grooming little girls. who knows.
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niziye · 4 months
I read your thing abt Kai’s changing eye colour being due to abbey experiments and can I just say I am on the same frikin wavelength 😭😭😭😭 heck I even believe that the front grayish part of his hair was also due to the weird experiments
Forgive my rambling but oh my god it’s an HC very dear to me that Kai’s eyes turned crimson when black drawn we was split from dranzer during abbey experimentation, so his eyes are pure red to show that the “darkness” of his bit beast no longer exists.
I wanted to ask about your HC’s on the matter, I’m sure it’s interesting!
Love your art a lot btw keep slaying!
Wah, thanks for sending an ask ✨✨
Firstly, english is not my first language, so I'm using the good old translator and reviewing the things I know.
I love HC about the duality of Dranzer and Black Dranzer, so your HC about color reflecting the lack of counterpart is sublime. I loved this 🌟
To be very hosnestly about this HC (abt Kai's eye color change), I think it's incredibly common, but at the same time I don't see much about it out there. I wonder if it's because it's something very implicit in the fandom or it's just in my head lol
I've had that for a while actually, and several other things. I liked to use some of them when I was writing fanfics many years ago, nowadays they just gather dust in my notes 🍃
The fact that Kai's eyes change color I attribute to two things: 1) her state in relation to the control of Dranzer or Black Dranzer - and any versions of her - that are from another HC, and 2) the experiments at the Abbey. So I'm focusing on that second one.
✦ Kai began receiving medical treatment after the events of the first season in the Russian championship.
✦ He developed some late symptoms due to the lack of certain substances and one of the side effects was the change in the color of his eyes and the tone of his hair.
✦ This also happened to Tala and Bryan, it depends on the type of substance used and how long they were exposed.
✦ To alleviate symptoms, both physical and mental, a medical treatment provided by BBA in association with Miss Judy was developed.
✦ This treatment was difficult to achieve for the simple fact that the substances used were known only to Balkov scientists. At the time the majority were in prison, so Mr D had to give in to certain "methods" which included special treatment and reduced sentences.
✦ Ironically, Kai was a guinea pig even with the fall of Voltaire and Balkov, because even the emergency treatment was experimental.
✦ At first he took a lot of medicine, vials, packs and even injections. He was troublesome at first, but about two years in he managed to stabilize. Medications have also been used to try to improve the symptoms of amnesia.
✦ He still carries bottles with him, but only those for daily consumption.
✦ From time to time he finds flaws in his hair, sometimes strands appear in different tones or are "switched". He knows when he is close to undergoing another change by observing the roots of his hair and around the pupils of his eyes. (I find the idea that he actually "checks" very funny xD).
✦ Since he wears reading glasses, the contact lenses excuse is quite convenient.
✦ Sometimes the medicines are not enough to control some symptoms such as dizziness and tremors and he needs a few days off. Some medicines are really potent and he is often warned by his doctor not to exceed his limits, not when it comes to his medications and rest.
✦ At some point he was asked why he took medicine, to which he replied that they were, in fact, vitamins for your training, until one time Max secretly took a pill - they were for insomnia - and slept for a whole day. This caused quite a bit of confusion and so sermons and admissions were made.
- note: of course I'm going to use Kai's appearance in V-force to promote HC, it's convenient that this part of the story also works as a transition.
I consider this summary to be quite superficial, If I count all the side effects, we will have enough drama for the rest of the year (and I'm not even counting the Borg boys) bwahaha
Please forgive me for any translation errors 🙇🙇
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lilitblaukatz · 1 year
A little bit about friendship in KinnPorsche and KimChay
But mainly about KimChay.
KP presents us not only with many excellent sets of brothers and lovers, but friends too.
In the center of attention of course are these four:
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I hope your ass was hurting big time, Time
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Tae and Time, Kinn's childhood friends, and Jom and Tem, Porsche's old friends.
We see a very good and healthy thing amongst others: Kinn' and Porsche's friends become aquainted with each other. Yes, Jom and Tem don't know the whole truth, but they are bonding anyway (especially Tem, ahem).
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Jom is having a dance-off with THE Khun Tankhun by the way!
Also Yok is connecting everyone and is a good friend to Porsche.
Now I want you to look at this:
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I believe that here we have something like that too, but cut extremely short as everything about KimChay is.
I start with this guy:
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First of all I couldn't even find the name of the actor. Like he doesn't exist at all. IMDB, BL fandom, he is nowhere to be seen. It's a pity, he is quite charismatic. I don't know what to call him. A Guy? ugh.
I believe that he is somewhat a friend to Kim. He is friendly and freely nudges Kim. (One simply does not nudge Kimhant Theerapanyakul, but that is obviously not the case)
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(btw that's the moment Kim saw Chay for the first time and stopped functioning)
Chay got Kim's address from the Guy and while I don't think he really hang out at Kim's appartment, I don't think he have his address just because he is clearly on some social duty in uni either. I think he could have went there for study-related questions or something (as Kim is missing many of his classes like Porsche does, he must have maaany study-related questions and the Guy seems the type to know everything useful). The Guy also somewhat aware of where Kim generally is. I am sure he told Chay that Kim is spending a lot of time in the studio where Chay cornered Kim after his exam. Maybe Kim and the Guy jammed there one time or other.
They obviously not close - the Guy told Kim about Chay only when Kim went to classes, so they aren't talking often, but they obviousy do.
Both sets of friends I started this with told their pining fellow that they are see through him and they see lovesickness. Tae and Time talked to Kinn about Porsche after he was shot, and Jom and Tem talked to Porsche about Kinn before the kidnapping. They told them that they know each other for too long to not notice things.
Well, the Guy apparently noticed that Kim likes Chay.
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While Kim stepped behind him with that innocent look "That's your event, I'm just a guest, so it's your problem", and the Guy struggled with the issue of the lack of t-shirts, he also saw all this disaster exchange. And he nudged Kim again afterwards, smiling in that trademark smile show hosts and politicians have narrowly escaping a fiasco.
So he knows some Kimese. That can't be achieved involuntary. The guy is actively interested in Kim albeit not that much. They could be closer I guess probably if Kim was more willing.
Kim is able to make friends and he doesn't nesessarily antagonise people. Dare I say he likes to be friendly. He probably easily reaches his limit (his tower walls are too close to the patch of his enchanted forest where people are allowed to wander), but social interactions of a media person have those limits anyway.
Now to Chay's friend, Ohm.
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Ohm is very supportive: he takes Chay by the shoulders and drags him over to where Kim and the Guy stand, he knows (as Tae and Time, Jom and Tem) that Chay is heartbroken, he dyes his hair, he goes with him to the bar...
But Chay still doesn't answer him, when he's making a gift to Kim.
More importantly, Ohm doesn't know who Wik is! So Ohm probably never been to Chay's room. They probably hung out in the living room. Porsche is often absent so I don't think it's a problem. And Wik's pictures aren't concealed as the certain murder board, so no, Chay prefers to keep his room to himself, only Porsche is allowed inside.
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Chay also hasn't told Ohm about Wik at all. Wik is obviously precious to Chay, but I think it is another sign of Chay's reservedness which isn't very apparent on the first sight.
All in all, everyone needs a good friend or two at least. They will be hard to gain for Chay postcanon, but maybe when it will be in the happy end territory, he and Kim could have as many friends as they want and have them know each other and tease them mercilessly about their endless flow of love songs in each other's names.
I hc them as musicians and they will all jam together! =3 I like the guy who won the first t-shirt. The attitude! I think he will certainly pass the exams (so he will be studying alongside Chay) and probably can take mafia-related side of KimChay.
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forbiddentaako · 1 month
Hi, sorry for bothering you and feel completely free not to answer this if you don't want to or aren't interested in it anymore, but I just really like your Devil's Carnival AU and I'd love to know more about it so dropping some questions here 👀 sorry if they're too many!
1. How do you imagine Charlie's and Vaggie's relationship developing? They obviously meet in "After the fall", right after Vaggie's fall from grace, but when did they start dating? How did it happen? Since in canon one of the things Vaggie loves about Charlie is her kindness and compassion towards sinners, how does that translate into this AU, where Charlie is less sunshine-y?
2. Does your idea involve Lute being more like Cora or like the Agent? With this I mean whether she has feelings for Vaggie which she hides because they're "inappropriate and illegal" or if she's courting Vaggie because Adam asked her to as a way to expose Vaggie while she's internally praying for her not to do something stupid and prove Adam right. I think you kind of explained it already in your other post but I didn't fully get it 🥲
3. Slightly related to the previous one but how does Vaggie fall? Is it for the same reasons as June?
4. Have you thought of roles for characters like Husk, Alastor or Niffty?
5. What do you think would happen in this AU in a hypothetical 3rd movie?
Your art style is so beautiful btw! You're such a talented artist :)
You are literally doing the opposite of bothering me don't worry I got so excited seeing this ask in my inbox you have no idea fsgsghskbds i have everything under read more bc it turned out long but thank you so much for the compliment on my art and also for this ask !!!
More or less vaggie and charlie getting together is closer to how it happened in hazbin hotel since i feel like part of it is the similarities of vaggie meeting charlie immediately after her fall and charlie still being kind and helping her which is the start of their connection, and overtime they grow closer and end up falling in love. I do like to think it did take them a while to get together but it was over the course of getting to know one another and their passions/dreams/ect that they began to truly understand who the other was and fall for them.
A little side note off of that which is relevant to understanding a less sunshiny charlie and how it translates to chaggie; with this particular role for charlie it has her mirroring aspects of both of her parents by design, but her character motivations are still very rooted in the fact that she is kind and believes in the good of sinners, heaven has just pushed her too far. Like even tho she's technically fulfilling lucifer's role from the devil's carnival, in doing so she's bearing more similarities to lilith's role in hell in hazbin in that she empowers sinners with her voice (in this case particularly any who've fallen from heaven since it seems like in the devil's carnival this was an occurrence that happened multiple times). And that kind of motivates her disdain for heaven to see how easily they cast out those who don't live up to their standards + with the obvious hypocrisy in how adam acts it makes her more disillusioned with the whole system altogether that heaven stands for and perpetuates (like lucifer hazbin hotel), which is what results in her saying 'fuck it' and just send sinners up there.
originally i was thinking the first movie didn't quite fit for charlie in lucifer's role because it does seem kind of cruel the way the sinners are tormented and it felt like it deviated from charlie's character, but i changed my mind after seeing the second bc i think it could read as a misguided attempt at redemption playing by heaven's rules of shunning what's perceived as sin (which we do see charlie try to do in the actual show) rather than her more trust exercises/team building route she goes for in hazbin. Like for charlie i think she'd genuinely think she's helping to try and get each of them to realize what sin they've committed for redemption's sake but hits her breaking point with heaven by the end. Probably from a mix of not fully believing some of the sins committed warrant eternal damnation (I feel like angel in particular with this one is especially sad because its unclear whether or not tamara ever does get sent to heaven/redeemed?) and being pissed at how hypocritical adam is by engaging in the same sins he's damning people to hell for. Charlie sending trains of sinners up isnt just a passive aggressive thing to do to heaven to shun her role as their torturer but also a statement that sinners and winners are one in the same-like she's completely giving up on trying for redemption within heaven's rules and just showing them that if they continue with this hypocrisy and cruelty, redemption is unnecessary bc these sinners fit right in as flawed as they are. I think this would also make Adam's damage control before 'bells of black sunday' especially insulting to charlie as well.
And vaggie sees that compassion in charlie when they first meet and she is kind to her in her lowest point, but realizes how much deeper it goes the more they get to know one another. In this AU also charlie knew from the beginning that vaggie was a former exorcist, but finding out why she fell was probably something that happened later on. (I do think the idea of them first starting to spend more time together by reading Aesop's fables to one another would be really cute too, like charlie likely reads stories to most new sinners to help with the transition to hell but vaggie shows so much genuine interest that it becomes a routine for them)
(Another side note; I think a scene in the actual film which supports a well intentioned charlie and works well for her character is the one with the devil and the ticket keeper towards the end of the second movie when the ticket keeper confronts lucifer about his plan. Like its vox yelling at charlie that heaven will try to fuck them up because of what she's doing, and him saying that he is the one who'll be standing on the tracks to push her out of the way, but charlie getting angry at this and saying she would never let him do that and that she will be on the tracks with him, and then she tells him her plan finally. I think this scene works well because it not only shows charlie's devotion to her ideas and to those she cares about, but also the disconnect between her intentions and her actions that could allow for the first movie's plot of torturing sinners to be born out of a want to help them. Because in this case she does have a well thought out plan and everything is done with intent, but vaggie is the only one who really knows this so to vox it seems like shes being reckless and impulsive due to how she's been acting, and heaven also isn't really understanding the message in the way she wanted.)
With Lute and vaggie i think i have a clearer idea of what's going on now than when i first made the post in summary because i think lutes role is dependent on if we're talking in the plot or if we're talking in relation to vaggie. I think adam probably still wanted her to get closer to Vaggie and prove she wasn't worthy of heaven/it was a test of loyalty for lute to betray her but the feelings between them that developed were ones that Lute definitely deemed to be 'inappropriate and illegal'. I think they probably could have had their romantic moments between them still in secret but after getting found out and confronted by the watchword Lute realized because she had fallen for vaggie she was resigned to letting vaggie fall so she wouldn't have to deal with the fact that she loved her or get caught having a secret relationship with her. Like externally they present similarly to the agent and june with their respective roles in the narrative, but in terms of who they are to one another it's was closer to what cora and june had going on.
With their plot as well I feel like some of the heaven caste system needs to be examined/adjusted so it better fits them, but I haven't had the time to dig into it as it exists in the film enough that I feel comfortable deconstructing and reconstructing it just yet. Definitely working on it though !
And going off of this I think when vaggie fell Lute took the opportunity to make it look like she had acted calculated and callously this whole time as to maintain adam's respect as well as prove her loyalty, when in reality that was very much not the case and she did really care for vaggie at one point but forced herself to hate her because of what loving her would mean. I also think vaggie's fall would be something tied to kindness rather than ambition because it follows more closely to what happened in hazbin and also would probably endear her to charlie more when she finds out (and make her angrier at heaven), but Im also not 100% sure what that would look like in terms of how it plays out in the film.
So I have thought a bit of nifty/alastor/husk though they are more unsure in who they'd be. I am kind of stuck on the idea of Alastor as the publicist in his more positive sense because I think it fits and i think it'd be cool to incorporate more physical radio aspects into his design in the same way that the publicist has the horn attached at his ear (plus mimzy can be there too as one of the songbirds). I do also like the idea of him playing the role of the watchword to some extent (just keeping it solely to radio) bc he loves drama. Partly because I think it fits to let him be in heaven but still be an absolute menace to the general public, and partly because i think its funny to keep Al and Vox separated like toddlers who will start a fight with one another if left alone for too long. I had thought about having vox as the watchword and alastor as the publicist, but I kind of like the 'charlie works with the vees' plot a bit too much to separate vox from them. With Husk and Niffty I go back and forth on who they'd play, partly bc when i was originally brainstorming this au with a friend we thought husk could be the hobo clown but that was also when we were thinking Alastor as Lucifer's role instead of charlie (and this was before I had watched the second movie so the cast overall was very different) so im not entirely sure. If we're going with carnie roles for them i think husk as the hobo clown or the magician i can live with and niffty as one of the bayonets maybe. But having Alastor in heaven kind of throws off the dynamic so im unsure fully where to put them.
The idea of what would happen in a third movie is SO INTERESTING and I hadn't even thought about it. I think part of this AU deviates from the movie to be more chaggie focussed so I imagine a third movie could focus more on their relationship as well, maybe even delving into them bonding over their shared plan to overthrow heaven and we'd get to see that development of the plan/their relationship in the flashbacks with the present being them actually enacting their plan. Like they are a power couple and share each other's passion, and theyre really the only 2 who actually know what the plan is. I think by this point vox would have been told the plan by charlie in the previous movie so he would have to also help get the carnies organized and on board. There'd also have to be some scenes in heaven with Adam losing it as his control of heaven falters, plus finding out whats going on with the sinners sent to heaven. Really theres just a ton of possibilities since the actual third movie was never made.
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doodle17 · 9 months
Could you maybe tell us what future Raz and Lilis relationship is like now?
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*vibrating with excitement*
Putting this under a read more because it might be really long hemngh
So I'd decided to study their characters and how they interact a little more (mostly from the second game, but a little bit of the first too) and think about how their relationship would develop as they got older.
I came to the conclusion that I want to portray them as two people who have some level of affection for the other, but don't have time to focus on being sappy "boyfriend and girlfriend" because of work. The "fun" part their relationship ended waaaay back when they were 18-ish and went from Junior Agents to Official Psychonauts. It ain't exactly easy to go on dates and save the world at the same time y'know, and both of them have a lot of personal stuff going on.
Raz is almost always busy. Constantly filling out paperwork, running around in Sasha's lab, doing agent stuff, Circus stuff, the WHOLE shebang. Lili, is still trying to get over her dad's retirement, as the while thing still feels very surreal to her. Not to mention Hollis and her dad trying to push her to become the next Grand Head, much to her dismay. It's not very easy to have a social life with that much going on to be 100% honest.
Theres also taking their very different personalities into account. Lili's "Fuck around and find out" and Raz's sticking to a solid plan type of methods tend to clash quite often, and many newcomers have a hard time telling whether or not they're dating or competing with eachother.
Lili is probably the most complicated woman Raz has ever worked with, and while he finds it endearing he also finds it incredibly exhausting. Sometimes, It feels like she'll do the exact opposite of what he tells her just to get a reaction out of him, out of spite. But it's not like she can help it. She absolutely hates being told what to do, and one of her least favorite things about Raz is when he decides to become "Mr. Boss man" and order everyone around during missions. Despite all of- that- however, they do end up having very successful missions!... Most of the time.
There's also the pressure to keep up professional appearances for their fellow agents and new interns. One thing the both of them can agree on, is that they'll avoid showing any PDA in front of their coworkers. They still cringe thinking about how a little too comfortable they were as kids, and how almost EVERYONE in the Motherlobe knew about it. Luckily, most of those people are retired, quit or fired, and gives the two a better chance to be a little more professional with their relationship in front of the newcomers, because if they have to hear, "You guys are like the next Sasha and Milla!" One more time...
This isn't to say that things are always rough and gloomy for them. They still have a very special connection, and after knowing eachother for half of their lives, it's not like they're going to get rid of the other anytime soon. So might as well make the most of it, eh? She'll never admit it out loud, but there's really no other person Lili would rather be tied up and dangling over a pool of pyrokenetic sharks with than Raz (which has actually happened before btw) There's no way you won't catch them holding hands or sneaking a quick kiss at least once.
Anyways, to sum all of this shishkabable up best I can: They're WAY too close to be considered "just coworkers", but they also have way too much going on to focus on a serious relationship at this time.
Good on you if you managed to read my nonsensical ramblings all the way through! Take a prize from the prize bin you deserve it 👏 👏👏
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vexcraft · 9 months
Need help with Convex, please!
Hi, Hermitcraft enjoyer who jumped on in Season 7 here. I recently finished updating my hermit tier list (gives my fingers something to do while watching episodes) and found that Scar and Cub are my fourth and third place favourites respectively. (Zedaph and Gem btw). Obvi this got me thinking about how there is, theoretically, an entire season and a half's worth of dynamic between them that I've never seen! This is exciting, except, I don't really have time to watch through the whole of their seasons 5 and 6 to get to the good duo stuff. (Both of their season 6 lineups are well over 100 episodes... Cub has over 200!! Yikes.)
So I'm consulting you, an expert, to help me out. Is there a list of particular episodes that show off their dynamic especially well? Or, if not that, then is there a good jumping on point from one or both perspectives to get right to the good stuff? I suspect the seasons don't just start with them teamed up after all. A number past which they're already an established group would be nice to know.
hello! welcome to a massive rabbithole :D
there are two playlists of the episodes with their interactions (s4 & s5 and s6) if that's something you would be interested in, though i can't necessarily recommend those for properly wanting to learn about them as you would miss quite a lot of stuff and things will most likely feel confusing :p if i remember correctly the vex stuff starts in scar's episode 24 and cub's episode 40 in s5 so i guess that could maybe be a bit of a jumping on point? (though there are a few pranks before that, you can find a links to the prank episodes here)
unfortunately the thing with convex stuff is that it's rather... complicated. it's everywhere, once you start looking. little bits and casual mentions all over the place. my best tip would probably be trying to watch through the seasons while doing something else, having the episodes play in the background so you can tune in when something sounds important, or skimming through things like long parts focused purely on building to get to the more relevant stuff. scar's seasons have less of the vex stuff but they're also a lot shorter and easier to get through and with that knowledge you can pretty easily watch cub's episodes from here and there and have some sort of an idea of what is going on :D it's a lot but man is it also a lot of fun
i'm sorry this isn't a very good answer for what you were asking for but i hope you can still get something out of this!
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noemitenshi · 10 months
I can’t really get my head around what Troy would be like in a relationship, the man loves to push boundaries yet seems to get obsessive about people and want to please them 🤔 what do you think?
Oh what a fun (but also difficult) question to answer haha. As I've written over 500k words of Troy in relationships I've put quite some thought into it and I'm not too sure I can distill all of that. Or, well, I'm sure I'll forget to mention things ^^0 But I'll give it my very best!
The most crucial part I think, about Troy's behavior in a relationship is that it is very much dependent on his partner(s). He will let himself be molded, even if the partner doesn't intend to, you know, do that. Like, if the partner likes to be pushed around (😉) he's gonna do that gleefully. If the partner likes to push him around (all in good fun though. I mean, I think he'd also let himself be pushed around NOT in good fun but let's not go there for our peace of mind), he's gonna fold and be into it. So in a sense he'll always follow his partner's lead (no matter if the partner is more dominant or submissive leaning (and those terms don't necessarily need to describe Dominants and Submissives…)).
Furthermore I do think, once he realizes (or is made to realize - mayhaps by a frantic kiss) he is in love, he'll be all in. I think I said this once before (and I'll probably say it again) but Troy seems like the type to move incredible fast to deepen a relationship. It probably stems from the emotional abuse and neglect he has suffered his whole life - so once someone gives him even a smidgen of that he's gonna be addicted to it. He's not gonna let go of that and do anything to get more of it, frankly. Maybe there's even a time, in the beginning of the romantic relationship, where he is kinda playing pretend. See, he could never be what his parents and his brother wanted him to be (mostly bc his parents were abusive drunks and because his brother doesn't understand him and the black sheep position the family put Troy in, instead reinforces it), so he always felt like he was coming up short, like he didn't have the ability to do things right. And probably doubly so the first time he finds himself in a romantic relationship. So he's gonna act in a way he thinks people act when in such a relationship. Probably ignoring his own boundaries in the process and I really do hope his partner knows him well enough to get that something is wrong and ask him about it otherwise that one could end badly (=turn easily into a toxic relationship).
Now I seem to have written quite a bit about the wants to please people part of your ask haha (you see, I agree, he does want to do that, badly. Needs to, I'd argue, even) but not so much about the pushing people (I have a whole seperate post about that btw, maybe give that a look to, HERE). So, the post in short. With all people he interacts he likes to push boundaries to a) get to know them better, get to know what sets them off (since he's always lived in a VERY unstable environment with both his parents being erratic and abusive due to drunkenness) additionally, this gives him a sense of control (b)) - he controls when they get angry. That's what his pushing is about. I assume that if someone enters a romantic relationship with Troy they already have found a way to handle that part of him. And honestly, I think the best way to handle this is to show him respect. Like, sure, call him out on that, don't let him bullshit you but not meanly (=not like Jake). And even beyond the whole pushing thing, I think if Troy is treated with respect, generally speaking, this antagonistic nature in him receeds. He doesn't feel like he needs to be on guard the whole time so there's no need to set people off haha. Or not as much. Mostly in a teasing way (I think he doesn't ever lose it completely, but it changes its meaning, the pushing boundaries. I think he'll learn AND respect which boundaries are, you know, actual boundaries he shouldnt touch and which ones he can poke a little uh fun at).
So, I think a romantic relationship has the potential to be VERY GOOD for Troy (the same btw is true for a HEALTHY platonic one - which we also didn't see him having thus far. He just needs for someone to take his pain and rage and himself serious and be kind and respectful to him. Don't think ANYONE has ever done that, sadly enough). It has potential to allow him to grow into himself and become more confident in the type of person he is. And it naturally would curb this need for erratic behavior. HOWEVER a romantic relationship could also lead to Troy kinda losing himself in it. He's very emotionally vulnerable as we see in his relationship with Madison in s3 (and also lack of meaningful and reciprocal(!) relationships with anyone else) so it would be relatively easy for him to end up in a toxic relationship.
No matter what, I think Troy is gonna be fiercly loyal, protective and affectionate in such a relationship. Needy, I like to call him too since he's been touch- and attention-starved all his life. So my advice to potential suitors would be HANDLE WITH CARE.
I hope I answered your question to your satisfaction. If there is something I missed or something you'd like me to expand on, just shoot me another ask :) Thanks for the ask and have a great day 🧡
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #34
34. CYPRUS Silia Kapsis - "Liar" 15th place
Decade Ranking: 128/153 [Above Benny, below Reiley]
15th place? Generous. Good floordrops only get you so far if that's the ONLY thing you've got.
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Every year there's a few acts that I thought just plain sucked, and yet can't really muster feelings of dislike for. Like, what's the point of putting in the effort of emoting if I can simply choose to focus my attention on better, worthier songs? They're shit, but that's their problem, not mine.
And that awkward little spot where those acts go is also where dear young Sillia lands. "Liar" is bad, I think we all agree? Laurel Barker still hasn't shown her busted face since "Sober" (GOOD.) but her spirit lives on in mediocre, poorly written girlbops with no substance, and this season had multiples of those. "Liar" stood out the worst to me by virtue of, well, not really standing out at all, other than for its horrible libretto.
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that THIS is a chorus of a Eurovision FINALIST. 😳 Futhermore the lyrics also rhyme "oolala" with "truth la la" (okay this one is ACTUALLY funny) and present Silia as some sort of... intrusive busybody calling out pther people's adultery and philandering? I suppose it's a little LESS scuffed than have Isaiah Firebrace hone his gaslighting, uglycrying and concern trollery skills at the same age. But if you're going to tweak the narrative in function of her being a minor, and attempt to steer her away from sexualization, then perhaps don't style her in a top that accentuates her cleavage? And don't end with this:
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(always a telltale sign of a losing battle when you have to splice THAT into a song/act that doesn't call for it just to get a Q.)
Unlike a Nutsa or a Sarah, you can't quite say that Silia was at the top of the performance game. She was a 17 year old with limited on-stage experience, and it showed. She had memorized her stupid lines and rehearsed her stupid TikTok dances and delivered both as flat and robotic as one does when they go through the motions. The Dance Break lmao what the FUCK was this epileptic seizure:
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If you want a true Performative Piece emulating a neurotic disorder, got tho say Il Senso did it better.
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"SHARP. BLADES. OF. TIME. CUTS. THE. SPACE. :twitches: " 😍
Silia was in the Reiley zone where nothing she did was particularly bad but also none of the things she did were objectively good, and it balances out in blandness. It was all just a little bit too much "Participation Trophy" material, which is the Cypriot special by now. Btw, did you know it is a Greek hand-me-down? ("Liar" starts at 0:59)
That's right, this was the song that lost to "WHAT THEY SAY" and then tried to fight its loss in court and lost the appeal. This song is so embarrasing it lost in an internal selection to Victor Vernikos.
Ofc behind all of this lay a huge shitstorm of a selection with Cyprus planning to do an NF on Greek soil based on a format ERT had planned and trashed sometime in the past. Greece found out and threatened to blank Cyprus completely if they appropriated their NF concept, which forced Cyprus to recruit another Australian and contact Kontopoulos who still had "Liar" in his folder, with the hopes that the badness would fly under the radar.
But don't worry Cyprus repaid Greece by ranking Eden ahead of Marina in the jury vote. 🙂 I wouldn't blame the Greeks if they invaded and annexed (or bribed the Turks to do it for them) 🙂
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So yeah, Cyprus made the final. Unfortunate because it rewards an entry that deliberately plays lowest base on several levels. I suppose I would find Liar's advancement offensive in most cases, but like... it's semi 1. Half of the acts in that shitshow deserved to get the boot including Silia yes, and all five acts that were eliminated, so whatevs. Do we really care which shitty acts made it in, if at least three of them were advancing anyway, idfts. Finland was the only one I wanted to see dead (not literally. i think.) and that was never happening in a full televote from that second half.
Besides, the finale had a much bigger fish to fry, and Cyprus's generous-AF 15th place overall (reminder: this is the same placement Maraaya and Zalagasper got in WORSE finals) feels like such a trifle in comparison. So, I'm FINE with ranking her barely into yellow today. Pray that we're spared more degenerative nonsense from this clown country next year if there's a next yeah and and if Poseidon doesn't make the disrespectful island sink into the sea for its many crimes against Marina Satti.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Alright, a couple of regular replies, and then some about Jade!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I'm so nervous to de anon but your newest comic of Floyd/Idia comic is too cute! I'm sure Floyd totally doesn't have any ulterior motives once he realizes what position they are in.
This is such a silly thing to be nervous about since I write problematic content (mostly incest) and enjoy your Shroudcest stuff a lot. You have such a beautiful art style and I am so happy my anon blurbs (the Seb/Ceil and Fin/Ciel and some other NSFW stuff) make you two somewhat happy 😊. I know I don't interact with a lot but I hope to drop more chats in non anon.
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it <3
Floyd is super invested in that game he’s playing, but once they’re in this very convenient position, he’ll show Idia how much of a multitasker he can be >:3c He’ll impress him for sure.
And even though it’s going off-anon is an anxious thing to do, it’s good to see a person behind all those asks :) Nice to meet you!
Anonymous asked:
(Referring to your fem twst art) I absolutely NEED to see fem!Silver in Aurora’s 1959 commoner outfit! She would look so pretty!!! 🥺😍🥺😍
Ahh SHE WOULD, ANON, SHE REALLY WOULD!! And honestly this is my favourite outfit of Aurora.
I don’t have anything to show right now, but I really hope to draw fem!Silver in this dress. Even though she probably spent the majority of her time wearing pants…
Btw thank you for loving my fem!Silver, it means a lot ;w;
Anonymous asked:
In this household we love Jade ❤️
In all seriousness the fandom doesn't give him enough love, Jade is always the other woman when it comes to ships and worst of all it's always Floyd his own twin brother that gets the girl anyways. Make a donation to save Jade from second male lead syndrome 😢/j.
Ahh, poor Jade. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride… I can picture him sobbing quietly and wiping his tears with a tiny little handkerchief… :”(
To be fair, I think Jade finds his position quite advantageous: if everyone always pays attention to Floyd, he gets to not only act as if he isn’t the same when it comes to being chaotic and dangerous, but also have this element of surprise!
He also doesn’t flirt as obviously and as often as Floyd does, so we can blame Jade’s sneaky ways to collect his bottoms lol
Anonymous asked:
by chance, do you think Jade would like using idia as a lab rat? aka feeding him all kinds of mushrooms to test their effects and inevitably doing the affection +100 nighttime-activities command with a very drugged up idia
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if Jade being the awful guy he is (lovingly) would test out every single kink from A-Z on Idia?
Those are two different asks, but I feel like they are kind of connected because in my head to Jade testing out kinks and using someone as a lab rat are pretty much the same thing lol And to answer both of them: YES, Jade would absolutely do that if he had an opportunity. I guess the second option is more possible because it seems less dangerous, and I wanted to say that it would come first, but…. Honestly? With Jade it could go either way.
He could either start experimenting on Idia and it’d turn out sexual, or he’d start having sex with Idia, but then they’d end up experimenting somehow.
I don’t know what needs to happen for Idia to get stuck with Jade-the-shroom-guru and his tests, but Jade would be very excited. I mentioned it our other Jade/Idia posts, but: he would love to see if some mushrooms would change the colour of his hair or the way it burns. In this way, Idia is the most perfect lab rat ever – it’s so much fun! Not to mention how helpless Idia becomes when he’s drugged up… even more-so than he is usually~
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tawus · 8 months
what is your advice on writing smut? i rlly struggle with creating the chemistry and the tingly feeling in the pits of my stomach it ends up coming out too formulated
Sorry about the delay in answering this. I’ll give my personal pointers and also a more well-rounded resource at the end for the deeper dive
1. Good smut is driven by dialogue, with stakes
Usually for the purpose of turning us on, you gotta have dialogue. Endless descriptions of sexual acts on their own end up becoming dull and nowadays there is SO much smut content out there that if you get bored with one, you can instantly click on a different fic.
Sexual acts come secondary and they’re tied to the primary thread of the tension-filled dialogue between the characters. All the way to the end there’s gotta be dialogue, and the sexual acts are performed almost in the background.
Plus, this is fanfiction, right? We turn to fics to be able to indulge in the attention of our 2D faves. So any dialogue line you write - we will read in the voice of our favourite character and that is what breathes life into that scene.
One of my best smut works is in chapter 6 of Sophisticated (warning: very filthy), but god knows I spent so much time building up the tension between the characters that some readers actually began complaining under the previous chapters, going "When are they gonna fuck already??". When they finally did fuck, 10 out of 10 readers admitted it was worth the wait. Doesn’t mean you gotta write a slowburn longfic to deliver a great smut, but you gotta establish the stakes for either character: what do they have to lose as a result of this lapse of judgement? What does it mean for each of them to let the other fuck them? Don’t be afraid to give your Reader character a personality and preferences - I know a lot of ‘x reader’ authors are afraid to do this, but I do nothing but this.
2. Good smut has to turn me on as I write it
This is lowkey TMI but it is what it is. I tend to write my smut scenes in one sitting, or two if it’s a really long one. I make sure to sit down to write it at a time I know I won’t be interrupted, so that I can catch the horny flow and ride it to the very end. I don’t think about how my sentences turn out, I just keep writing and writing it as filthy as it gets. Editing the text on a later day will fix it all up.
Onanism beforehand is forbidden btw. If you do, post-nut clarity will set in and you won’t be in the right mind for writing smut.
3. Good smut is built around MY kinks
Say, if you chose to take on a commission or a request, in that case you might be forced to write someone else’s kink – and even in that case, it won’t come out quite as genuine if you don’t at least try to embody their kink. But in general when you’re writing fics, centre your smut scenarios around your OWN kinks. That way they will come out most authentic. Don’t try to cater to everyone; you’ll never be able to. Whatever your favourite way of doing the nasty is, write it that way and I guarantee you there will be readers out there who share your preferences and those will be the ones who appreciate your work.
4. You can be inspired by well written smut, but please, for the love of enjoyment and author integrity, don’t copy – it shows.
Sorry, this isn’t directed towards you, but I’ve had experience related to this where someone copied my smut scene almost word for word and I was just like…bruh. In any case, because there is already so much smut content both here and AO3, people are just looking for something new, something unorthodox, something that doesn’t use the same cookie-cutter smut sentences, scenarios, and terms. So the more original your scene is, the better! Don't be afraid to get extra filthy with your descriptions or dialogue lines, venture out of those bounds you read in other smut fics.
And here is the external all-rounded source for writing steamy stuff: ‘I Give You My Body’ by Diana Gabaldon. Dm me if you can’t get it anywhere
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