#?? i love that shit)
thepringlesofblood · 1 year
it is very possible, assuming one of the dimension 20 team doesn’t snap it up, that by the end of May, someone somewhere is going to display the most expensive, teensiest tiniest mini-m&m-size orange top hat in their home, and that hat will have been shinied up and cleaned and repaired by the dimension 20 team because it was in Lou Wilson’s mouth (after being tossed into the box of doom and moved from character to character).
It will have its own tiny display case that came with it and a certificate of authenticity that affirms that this is in fact the same top hat that got thrown into the box of doom and put in Lou Wilson’s mouth.
what a beautiful, magical world we live in.
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trashmouthsworld · 2 months
Absolutely obsessed with the concept of Hannibal that is a desperately lonely man that yearns for human connection but he fails to find anyone who he deems good enough or smart enough until he finds Will and God help him he is RUINED. He is hopelessly, desperately dependent on Will staying with him and not leaving him alone. He is clingy as hell and willing to do anything to keep Will by his side. I've read a few fics where Hannibal walks on eggshells around Will post-fall and suppresses some of his previous behaviors he sees as undesirable in an attempt to convince Will he's worth staying around for and he asks for nothing else in return but Will's company. And I eat this narrative UP. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (Recommend me more plz plz plz)
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justaz · 2 months
thinkinnn about lila successfully turning most of the school against marinette and her trying for like a year and a half to refute all of lila’s claims and get her friends back to no avail. the only people on her side through it all are adrien, luka, and chloe, surprisingly enough. but the loss of such a huge amount of people, most of her friends, leaves her in a dark and gloomy place and she finds akuma’s fluttering towards her all too often but she can’t claw herself out if this pit so easily so she tries swatting them away but they either keep coming or leave and infect someone else. so. mari learns how to purify the akumas on her own.
to be infected by an akuma, it channels all this negativity into the victim and makes them focus on their negative thoughts/emotions. when mari heals an akuma, she reached out for the butterfly and focuses on positive thoughts/emotions and channels it into the butterfly. with a healing kiss, an act of love, the dark purple insect turns a glowing white and flies away back to hawkmoth/monarch’s lair. mari gets real good at this until, with the help of her remaining friends, she is able to pick herself back up into someone new.
maybe its chloe in her ear or just the pain and sorrow that has turned to anger, but mari becomes close to what chloe was. she doesn’t go out of her way to piss people off or humiliate them, obviously, but they genuinely believe her to be an evil, vindictive bitch. she fought for over a year to prove them wrong and never could so why fight now? she stops trying to refute lila’s claims and just lets the accusations fly from her lips. she has chloe, adrien, and luka in her corner so she doesn’t care what lila has to say. she’s found some real friends and she is content.
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phoenshire · 2 months
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oh no he's my favorite
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Whenever I see a fanfic author reuse a trope or idea or scenario across multiple fics and it’s clear that that’s what they love to write about I’m always like FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHH
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jadequarze · 1 year
Marisha and Laura not even planning to romance their PCs together (even though they did talked about a very small chance of it happening. only if it feels organic) really sealed in my hc that it wasn’t love at first sight. That it took a broken promise and couple days of realization to get the ‘oh’ moment from Imogen. For Laudna it took a bit longer. Both of them being jealous of something when they’re in Bassuras (ie; Imogen jealous of Dusk/Yu | Laudna jealous of Orym)
That it sealed in Laudna’s jealousy when she sees Imogen and FRIDA being really close (what I personally think is the tipping point). These two didnt even planned to romance each other this campaign and the fact they love each other platonically for the longest time.
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pottermore07 · 2 years
Crimson Rivers Wolfstar in a nutshell:
Sirius: *trips and falls flat on his face*
Remus: HIM. I want him.
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lieutenantbiscute · 8 months
I’ve been thinking about Kratos again forgive me—
Has anyone ever sat down and thought about how, post Ragnarok, and now Valhalla Kratos is very much seen as a revered and highly thought of god?
Like, the people of Midgard seemingly making a wide berth for him and Freya as they go to meet with the currently village leaders over trade and any possible supply needs they request. Though Kratos is use to the whispers that happen behind his back- he’s faced it before- it holds a different weight now. He cares deeply for the people and their safety; the safety that he’s responsible for.
He now feels that divide in a way. What he could’ve been before, a simple father raising his son after his wife’s passing to the new god of war, the savior of Ragnarok, General to some and protector of the Nine Realms. It feels like a new burden but ones he’s willing to allow bury himself under for the sake of others.
And don’t get him started on the titles. I’d think him unnerved being called ‘Lord Kratos’
‘Kratos is enough.’ He’s fine with General, it’s something he’s familiar with, he well versed in. Being given the title of Lord feels unfit in his eyes. Mimir and Freya make the comment to spend time with the people.
‘Help them grow and they will see you as a simple man.’ So here comes Kratos now helping with hunting and building and carrying trees for new lodgings and skinning furs and on the rare occasion gifting wood carved figures to the children in his quiet moments.
It cements for the people that he’s simple when Atreus returns. The villagers swear Kratos actively dropped a log in, albeit, quiet haste to greet his son in a hug and pat to his back. He’s grown taller now, a few new scars here and there and so many stories to tell.
To the people Kratos is simple. Yes he’s done amazing feats, lifting trees and massive bucks, fighting off the monsters that terrorize the unsuspecting, and leading the realms during Ragnarok. But here they see a simple father and son rejoicing in meeting once again, and they think of him all the more greater for it.
More higher, he’s a good man at heart under all that stone and tough stares.
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thygoddessouijathicc · 6 months
Old Man Yaoi May Not Be So Old
So there’s a segment in the DSaF fandom that beleive Dave and Jack are visibly old men. I’m fine with it, I used to, and in fact love the designs especially because there’s seems to be an almost taboo of drawing old people to a point and it’s homely really great that people here are doing it, but I don’t think that’s actually true canonically like I used to. I must stress though DRAW THEM HOW YOU LIKE. They can be old or not it doesn’t concern me.
Both of them are corpses. In terms of age, yes, they are quite old, but corpses don’t tend to age. And we see this in DSAF with the Phones not aging visibly, perhaps it’s just that it’s stock photos but Harry, despite being Gen 1, is physically not old. Why? Because Harry isn’t alive. None of the phones are. The phones are just well preserved and act like living creatures.
You know what else isn’t alive but acts like it? Dave and Jack. While they’d be in terms of numbers, old, in DSAF 3, given their ages at which they died it’s unlikely they’d physically get any older. And don’t say some kinda magic thing because we know for a fact that both behave like corpses, especially Jack. Jack paints himself orange to look alive (a weird colour choice but I digress), he does this because his body is rotting, likely turning black or purple (this also means any cursed colour swap between the two, the Jack side may just not have put on his makeup yet lol). Jack is rotting, definitely not alive body behaviours. Dave also does not behave like a living person. How many of those do you know that can do what he does. There seems to be a consensus that Davetrap is rotting but Dave is too nothing happened to Davetrap to kickstart the process that would mean Dave could not have before, it’s likely the pests just got in because he was stationary and likely far slower.
Let’s also talk about their behaviour. It’s not great to go off of but Jack doesn’t act like a mature adult and neither does Dave, they act like they’re rather young adults still figuring themselves out. Jack especially is quite childish, as if he never got a chance to mature. You could bring up Dee, but Dee’s situation is far different. It doesn’t seem like Dee has actually mentally matured so much as she has been put in a position in which she has no choice but to take on a more mature role and tries to fit that, she has no reason to mentally age, and none of the other children have meaning if she actually got older there would have to be more to it. Dee is as old as she always was, any maturity added is not due to age but due to her situation. Dave and Jack are immature people, and with this in mind it paints a somewhat grim picture of the fact that they never got to mature.
One could mention the ending in which Jack dies of old age… but the phones also have beards here and Jack is actually established to be semi immortal so dying of old age just doesn’t make sense, he can die, but it seems like he gets back up. So let’s be real the beards are fake, and Jack probably ate something weird, and will be fine in like 12 minutes. The game probably ends when you die because it would be weird if it didn’t even if you do get back up.
The only time I’d say Jack permanently dies is when he’s burned. Which leaves no body behind, which by the same principle as the others, means there’s nothing left to come back which sucks for him because oops no soul either.
Jack can also get rabies but… this also doesn’t feel like a sign he is alive.
Dave actively does rot in the game as Davetrap, Jack rots constantly, it’s safe to say their bodies do not work like human ones especially considering not having organs is not something that kills Dave. At least not that we know.
With all of this in mind, yeah. They are corpses. And as I’ve said before, corpses do not age in DSAF physically or mentally, even Blackjack is incredibly immature if you actually look at his behaviour. He’s also an asshole who never gets character development but that’s a story for another time.
It actually makes more sense if they don’t age given the very little change in their behaviour or character between games even after a massive Timeskip nothing seems to have changed at all which makes sense logically too, because why would Fredbear give Jack the ability to age? Let’s be real here if Jack can age eventually that will become a problem given that he is immortal seemingly as long as he has a body to return to. There’s no reason to give him the ability to age and plenty of reasons not to.
Now that’s not to say their bodies don’t change, they do. And if you realistically want to draw DSAF 3 Jack in his most canon possible form… which I doubt many do… Jack doesn’t age he rots he’s probably just a lot worse for wear if he hasn’t found a way to stop rotting yet. Him being an old man is unlikely, but a very decomposed zombie? More likely than you’d think.
And before anyone brings up the tapes, Dave may just look like that, pretty much every piece of art in that game is by a different person who is not Doggo, while Dave seems to be a bit older Jack does not. The tapes are in the past if we are saying that is Dave’s age in DSAF 3, sorry no.
DSAF 3 has incredibly inconsistent art to a point I’d say fans can largely disregard it but that’s an essay for another time just know art in that game isn’t as canon as people seem to think it is. At least not by my observation.
Dave and Jack are old men in age, but not in body. No in body they are most likely the age they died at which seems to have been pretty young for both of them like we know Jack was in his early 20s and Dave is a few years older but also died at the very least a few months before Jack. They aren’t old men, at least not canonically.
I must stress I mean they probably are not canonically old because honestly the DSaF fandom needs to take a chill pill and stop being angry at people for making their own designs, literally do what you want as long as it’s not illegal or like super fucked up. Don’t make Jack 12 and Dave 60 and ship that, but if you want to draw them old be my guest. This essay was just my observation of the idea that the fandom calls them old men and people seem to think they are canonically but it just seems unlikely.
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archivlibrarianist · 10 months
I can tell you it's absolutely necessary, but a dying art.
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trashogram · 3 months
Here’s the thing: I have read ASoIaF and have seen some of GoT/HotD and I LOVE that the royals get all kinds of monikers from the people and among their peers. I want that for Queen!Reader in HCY. My favs that I’ve already stapled onto you/her are: Queen of Hearts, Celestial Slayer and the Devil’s Devil. Feel free to send in others but I was not lying when I said the Queen was a Bad Bitch and Hell will know it.
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blackbackedjackal · 6 months
there's cliche's and then there's intentionally leaving a piece vague but it still having meaning and assuming your audience isn't stupid so they can come to their own conclusions about how the piece makes them feel based on visual language
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trashmouthsworld · 2 months
Everytime I read a fic that frames the fall as Will and Hannibal consummating their marriage, 10 years are added to my lifespan
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kybee1497 · 2 years
Serotonin is stored in the stand tall
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kindahoping4forever · 23 days
I had a crazy dream last night that 5sos6 got "leaked". It was a just a song titled, "Soon" and it was 3.5 minutes of the boys in the studio talking about making music, but no actual music.
Alternatively 5sos has the opportunity to be the biggest trolls ever and actually release a song titled "soon" so when they say new music is coming out soon they aren't technically lying.
Ok for one thing the way a track solely comprised of studio chatter would still make my top 5 of the year bc I would love that shit. 😅😌
But fr they NEED to follow thru on this "Soon" idea you've presented, that would be amazing? Imagine a grid wide teaser that just reads "SOON" and a date as a caption. And we all think they're just trolling until the IG story with a pre-save link that informs us that's the actual title of the song. 😌 Here for it!
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sister-2-sleep · 9 months
You know when Gerard does the bark/growl thing in My Way Home Is Through You. I love that
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