#@keen keen suck
volatilemask · 10 months
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itsallaboutbl · 5 months
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🎵 I know you don't like if I call you my boo 🎵
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littleplantfreak · 11 days
It’d be pretty fucked up if Endo had hanahaki and didn’t even hide it from Chika. Endo laughing it off after he’s choked on yet another yellow bud, leaving specks of red over it and thinking it bears such a resemblance to Chika’s hair is uncannily gorgeous
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kindlingkeen · 6 months
Can you tell us anything about "that thing from that ask"? The vagueness has intrigued me
(From the wip title ask game)
It’s from this ask from the lovely @hy-5ive. And more specifically, this bit of my ramblings:
But how does that ripple fix Jason’s death, exactly? After Under the Hood, does Jay wake up buried in the rubble sometime later? Or has Jason’s initial resurrection become fixed in time—a nexus point, if you will, that keeps pulling Jay back in. Now that’s fun to daydream about.
The premise is that Jason wakes up post death by Batarang at the end of Under the Hood back in his coffin, 4 years in the past. He digs his way out, and because he’s not post death by crowbar there’s no head trauma, plus he’s faster this time around (practice makes perfect), so no anoxic brain injury. Which, together, means no catatonia. He is lowkey dying of hypovolemic shock tho, so he still ends up in a hospital. Enter Bruce. Angst and drama ensue. In a perfect world, I’d write this and post it for April 27 this year, but I’d probably get fired from my job for lack of productivity if I made that happen.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
Other answered wip title asks: Baby Bluejay, Adventures in co-parenting, Incident review #1, Incident review #2, TCItS part 2
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kritischetheologie · 4 months
☕️ danny vs. yuki
I think daniel is washed as a driver and truly annoying as a personality. it offends me deeply that people are still talking about giving him checo's seat when yuki outqualified daniel head to head last year, scored more points than him head to head last year, and is wiping the floor with him in qualifying and points this year. frankly, I think the only arguments for wanting daniel in the red bull instead of yuki are maxiel ship goggles or the straight version of ship goggles, just plain thinking daniel is hot (shoutout to my danielgirl straight friend who introduced me to f1 via dts who at least admits that he's washed and she's dickmatized).
I don't think anyone except maybe helmut marko and co is explicitly being racist by preferring daniel to yuki, but I do think that at some point each of us has to ask ourselves whether we've internalized the desexualization of asian men that is rampant in our culture and to what extent the racialized elements of sexual attraction are a contributing factor to how daniel is received vs yuki.
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freaky-flawless · 8 months
I don't know how I completely missed the fact that Jinafire's doll is a Fang Vote.
At least this time we get to see her outfit prior to voting, and I'm actually glad we didn't get to vote which character. Not to mention the outfit already has a better design then Rochelle's. Seems Mattel actually took some of the criticism to heart.
But also... Considering how Rochelle's went, I do wish she was just a regular Skullector doll. Hell, how long did it take for people to actually get her from the time her design was finalized? By the time Jinafire ships out, it won't even be the Year of the Dragon anymore lol.
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good-beans · 10 months
Who was gonna tell me that Yonah FUCKS !!!!!!!!!
I finally sat down to watch it and sudddenly realized why it made people so upset with Kotoko -- it's "get the audience's ass" pt 2 (part one being Baptism of Fire)
What an Incredible, Precise, Scathing commentary on the public's view of punishment. On how we treat "justice" in the news when it's two parties we don't know. On how hypocritical we want justice but don't want our actions to have any consequences -- we want it to be done but we don't want it to be our fault. She makes a HUGE point about people ignoring mental stress and only feeling bad when people are physically suffering. Before getting attached, people did want the prisoners to get hurt and feel remorse. In real life people are constantly wishing pain onto wrongdoers so they change their ways.
She's making excellent points, as well as the voice drama overall emphasizing the fact that it's the right thing to do to get attached. She's 100% correct, but by framing her as a villain, Yamanaka encourages the audience that we should care about people. We should find out about everyone's lives and get attached before making judgements about them. This project remains about human understanding and love and I am amazed.
And from a character perspective, I just loved her view of the situation! I was worried from the bits of the vd people were posting that she was just going to be painted as a flat, villainous character, but she's so so deep. I love a character who will get their hands dirty to make a better world for the innocent characters they care about. And her speech when hugging Es really revealed how much that burden weighs on her. She isn't violent for fun. She doesn't enjoy it. But her heart is so broken by a world of injustice, she will take on this painful responsibility since she has the power to and others don't.
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
being a starscream fan is always difficult because you have to navigate interacting with people who completely pacify him and excuse all his actions and paint him as a innocent person who can't be held accountable for the shit he does. and going as far as saying you excuse abuse if you try to hold him accountable for how he treats others. nevermind the fact that u yourself are an abuse victim and you wanna look at him multifaceted and you know, not excuse his abusive actions toward others.
but at the same time, you also have to navigate people who absolutely HATE him, and will act like they don't and claim they just see him critically, when most of their content is bashing him for his abuse, excusing it, saying he's an awful person and getting mad at people for seeing him as a victim or wanting him to have better. literally saying he deserves what happens to him. ike a lot of people will flat out slander him, while uplifting characters who are worse than him, will say that starscream doesn't deserve redemption, or saying that anyone who wants better for him is excusing him or worse, going out of their way just to be extremely unfair and critical to him.
it's difficult because i love starscream and i do see him critically. but it's hard being around people who will just pacify his actions, and then try to go to someone so you can have indepth convos about him only to realize that 'oh, this person actually hates starscream, they haven't said anything remotely positive about him'.
#esp like in tfp#then yeah i do get why people tend to be protective of the character#and i wa slike that at a point too#especially in prime and idw#but when i found myself excusing how starscream treated others -especially knockout#then i had to take a step back#and then in earthspark people got mad when you pointed out how poorly he treated others#and even in idw - he treats bumblebee and windblade like absolute shit and people just brush over it and also only care about bumblbee in#a sense where bumblebee only exists to take care of starscream and his problems and he can treat him anyway#the same thing happened with starscream and knockout#and when people just constantly excuse that and use the excuse that he has trauma#and that we can't hold him accountable then yeah that sucks#on the flip side you have people who only call out his flaws and are extremely hateful toward him and even blame him for his abuse#like yeah you have people who rightfully call out how shitty he treats others and are very keen to make sure that we know he isn't this inn#innocent person#but that is where it stops and they continue to hate on him#they get mad at him for his abuse and not u know mad at the person who is abusing him in fact many times they stan and defend that person#and all their content surrounded or focuses on starscream is extremely critcal and unfair#and only focuses on how bad he is and gives him absolutely no nuance or empathy#a lot of 'critical fans' of starscream really just care about shitting on him and slandering him and acting like he's the worst possible#person who deserves the abuse and the hate he got#and anyone trying to offer a nuance perspective and wanting him to be treated better is accused of 'woobifying him' when we're just saying#want him to be treated better#and it's like starscream is very complex and nuance and if you're going out of your way to slander him while uplifting other decepticons#if you are going out of your way to absolutely shit on him and give him no empathy or anything and shit on him and downplay what he went th#then you don't like the character and that's my issue#i haven't been able to find a really good balance#of fans akdjfl;afja#like it's either on one side or the other
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icarus-suraki · 19 days
It's 66F/19C outside and I think I'm officially entering my Cold Until March period.
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filmmakerdreamst · 2 years
The Problem with Lyra
Just to be clear, I think Dafne Keen is a terrific actor. This is in no way criticising her or her abilities. It’s more to do with the direction and the way her character was put together.
Adaptations of characters change according to the actor, or the vision the writer has i.e. There are different versions of Lizzie Bennet. I don't have a problem with a different vision of Lyra.
The problem I had was the Jack Thorne shaved away her prominent flaws - yet mentioned them at the same time.  At the start, and throughout its mentioned that she's a liar, but we don't see it or rarely experience it. So when we do get moments where the storyline mentions that "she has to tell the truth", it doesn’t hit as hard as it should. 
The whole concept in the 'Land of the Dead' sequence was her telling the dead true stories, but those story beats don't land as well because she's already truthful. 
It was like the storyline wanted it both ways with her.
For example, comments that characters made in the show like "you are insufferable" "you don't apologise easily" or "LIAR" don't make sense because TV!Lyra is nothing like that.
And another thing, Lyra’s dislikable qualities are important to the story. 'His Dark Materials' is mostly driven by characters emotions and motivations rather than the plot. So things like, her lying, her selfishness, her rudeness even her EMOTIONS being toned down effects the entire story.
Lyra is first and fourmost an EMOTIONAL and impulsive person. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She doesn't filter herself. So her leaving Pan on the doc in the TV Show, kind of seems unnecessarily mean since we've never seen her do anything like that before. Which brings me to another point that I have. 
Shaving away Lyra's flaws doesn't make her a kickass amazing character, it dehumanises her. I've seen this with other adaptations before. It presents a major problem that media has. "That women are just pawns to be pushed from one scene to the next. Their own agency never truly factoring in"
Lyra in the books undergoes through a massive character growth. Take her lying for example. She first lies to do wrong. She lies to save herself. She lies for good. Then she finally learns to tell the truth in the land of the dead. The whole irony of her being given the compass, is that it’s something that "tells her the truth".
So the TV show presented all these plot points to her, but none of the development or emotions to go with it.
So her character development is..I don't know really. 
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gentlethorns · 7 months
lol i got decisions back from all four of my grad school apps and none of them were acceptances. i got waitlisted by one and outright denied by the other three. fuck man
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altruistic-meme · 11 months
hey ouhhh does anyone have knowledge about trans binding tape that they could impart on me
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elzore-da-great · 9 months
Cordette and Liam (@melodythebunny 's oc) do NOT like the cold.
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kindlingkeen · 5 months
this is completely off topic from everything but here goes: sheila was not competent at anything even alluded to in her life
1) had to flee the US to a place without extradition because she was botching surgeries (the writers are probably implying that they were abortions) and killing patients
2) was embezzling from a famine relief fund so obviously that batman and robin uncover it at a glance while on a time crunch focusing on tracking down a cruise missile
3) couldn’t even leverage her relationship with robin OR her giving robin to joker into anything that would benefit her
4) was she even injured when jason drug his poor broken body across the warehouse to try and save her? i’m pretty sure she was tied up but he was in wayyyyy worse condition and managed to almost save her
she is an awful person and also a giant moron
Anon, if it’s about Jason Todd, it’s not off topic on my blog. You’re welcome anytime.
“she is an awful person and also a giant moron” I snort-laughed so loudly at this.
What gets me the most about Sheila is that she’s just the absolute shit icing on Jason’s death cake. Like, not only did dc decide they were going to brutally murder Jason, they made the instrument of his demise be his biological mother AND made her the absolutely worst type of human (as you nicely laid out). And then they had Bruce fucking bury Jason next to her.
It’s just, wow, they hated, like truly hated, our boy to do all that to him. 😭 I’m not at all sorry she got blown up.
Thanks again for your ask, anon! 💙
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eldritchamy · 1 year
me, drinking coffee for once: this is it, this is going to fix me. today I will have just enough of a functional brain to be productive and get important things done
the horrible little creature that lives in my brain and decides what I hyperfixate on and when I go into an infodumping trance on an arbitrary topic and also makes me wildly over- or under-use punctuation:
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#man fuck ADHD#can somebody diagnose me with 'holy shit how are you ALIVE without adderall'#for the record the horrible little creature that lives in my brain just stuck me in a 90 minute rant#about how 'Monstrosity' is a HORRIBLE creature type in dnd#it's so ABSURDLY wide ranging#there are 'Monstrosities' that should be BEASTS like the obvious Owlbear or Peryton or some specific cats and wolves#but there are also things like. horrible centipede monsters and Purple Wurms and disfigured Kraken monsters#AND ALSO CENTAURS AND MINOTAURS WHICH ARE EXPLICITLY PLAYABLE RACES????#as well as a NUMBER of creatures that could EASILY fall into the humanoid category#things that WEAR CLOTHING and use CRAFTED AND MAGICAL WEAPONS and have CULTURE and SPEAK MULTIPLE LANGUAGES#is a YETI less humanoid than a Bugbear or a Grung???#what about Draconian mages which are literally just dragonborn?#what about all the YUAN TI and THRI-KEEN which are literally viable PC races#what about Yakfolk priests and Merrow swordsmen and Driders which are no less humanoid than a Centaur#WHY ARE THEY LUMPED INTO THE SAME CATEGORY AS SPACE HAMSTERS AND WEIRD PARASITES AND GRIFFONS#THERE'S NO JUSTIFICATION FOR ALL OF THESE THINGS BEING A SINGLE CREATURE TYPE IT'S JUST PURE FANTASY RACISM#and also extremely lazy worldbuilding#why the fuck are PLAYABLE RACES lumped in with displacer beasts and mimics?#because you suck at categorizing your creature types that's why#in a fantasy world that has fantasy creatures there's no reason for an owlbear or a peryton or a griffon to not be considered animals#you know the Polymorph spell specifies beasts of your challenge rating (player level) or lower?#did you know the highest CR in the Beast type is 8?#T Rex Sperm Whale and Huge Giant Crab are all CR 8 beasts#so Polymorph can't scale past level 8. even though player levels go to 20.#meanwhile TRUE Polymorph and SHAPECHANGE just say any creature. Shapechange specifies not constructs or undead#and you know what. Wild Shape specifies BEASTS. with a MAXIMUM CHALLENGE RATING OF ONE.#unless you're a moon druid and then it's your level divided by 3#except they're removing that in 'One DND' (shut up it's just 6e)#anyway DND has some CRAZY fucked up stuff in it and Monstrosity is just 'Miscellaneous' but with more racism in it#also I have not been productive today at all thanks coffee
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shrike-ly · 3 months
man i love doing coop plays of bg3 etc but everyone drops out after a while and its such a drag
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