#[ .....i know many of you dont even go here with teen wolf but GOD ]
tjhmnd-a · 2 years
scott forgetting stiles in season 6 was my (and scott’s) villain origin story
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redpool · 9 months
Liveblog of the Teen Wolf: The Movie
Yeah that a great place to store the most powerful enemy you've ever had
That was the whitest Japanese I've ever heard
Who the fuck are you
Ok darth vader, chill out
This is the worst thing I have ever watched
Oh my god
Just no
Dude, what the fuck?
I hate it here
Still don't like her
Jordan?? Why are you still here?
Mason's a cop now? Why.
Dude, that was so unnecessary
Dude, that was so unnecessary pt 2
And you're holding hands why?
That was not a two person job
I hate you all
Exactly, why are you here?
Why are you explaining what the nemeton is? We already know????
Eli, that was unnecessary
Derek seems like the best dad
He's a shithead
And a smartass
And also a dumbass
Is it just me or is the a ting really bad?
Oh God, I know what's about to happen.
I'm not mentally prepared for what's about to happen
I dont want to see Ryan's ass
I have been subjected to so many naked bodies over the past week, I'm over it.
Awww, he's trying to be a good dad
Can you put your pants on please
Does this relationship actually bring anything to the plot?
Jesus christ
Why are they acting like they've never been there before??
Seriously, why.
Um ok riddler calm down
Oh, never mind
Have you just learnt to swear??
Bonding moment?
Are we not going to talk about that???
Yeah, Eli and Derek are the only good thing about this movie.
What the fuck
Have I mentioned that I hate it here?
Wow, they really are using that r rating to the fullest, huh.
Why is she naked.
She didn't die naked, so why is she naked?
Why am I doing this to myself
Best scene in that whole movie
The lip filler on this one
Why are her nails painted and done perfectly??
Are you kidding me?
You're going to tell me that Allison, who just came back from the dead, can beat a werecoyote, two police officers AND a true alpha?
Um ew
Dramatic ass
Ok bro, you are over acting rn
What the actual fuck
Why are you walking like that?
Liar liar
Oh my god
She went straight for the head
You're going to sit there and tell me that a human woman is stronger than a at full health werewolf?
Kitsune really said 🧍🏻‍♀️
Just heal? Why aren't you healing?
'Yeah, but I'm a good demon.' yeah bby you are
I've witnessed the Derek Hale take worse hits then that and walk around like its nothing.
Ok, that was pretty cool.
Why are they taking out normal humans?
You've been spending too much time with cowboys
Jesus christ.
You two just need to kiss already
No, it's Kira. You need Kira. You don't need Lydia, you need Kira.
What in the CGI fuck was that
I seriously hate it here.
I really dont give a shit
Lady, you dont even know this child.
Her quiver was literally just empty.
Oh my god
*deep sigh*
Are Tyler Hoechlin and Ian Bohen the only actor that continued a ting after Teen Wolf ended?
You're such a shit-stirrer Peter
It should have been you, instead of Brett & Lori.
Oop, she ded
Oh, they got dusted.
Why did I just gasp?
Oh ok, just throw him down the stairs why don't you.
Oh my god
Are you an idiot?
That was so unnecessary pt 3
Yeah like I cant fucking see the puddle of blood sitting right there.
I'm so uncomfortable
How has the acting gotten worse?
You guys are fully grown werewolves, it's a piece of fucking rope.
I didn't care about your relationship then and I still don't now.
It's the fucking teacher isn't it.
I miss Brett so much. Isaac too.
You're getting to Joker rn dude.
How has the eye cgi gotten worse?
Called it
That's so sad
Has everyone in this movie just forgotten how to act?
Yeah, I really dont care.
Yeah, that's not how it works bruh
See, should have recruited Peter ages ago.
Missed you Jords
How tf would you know?
Do the roar
Holy fuck
Fully body goosebumps rn
Oh shit
Umm what?
He's a unicorn
Bout fucking time
That was so fucking cool
Ew, no.
Jesus fucking christ
I see some Johnny Cage in you Sheriff.
Umm ew
You look like a really fucked up seal
Please shift back. Your wolf faces are really ugly.
Jordan, can you please do something.
'You can't catch me! I'm the ginger bread man.'
Gets worse everytime.
Jords, had him just fine. Derek didn't have to sacrifice himself.
Unnecessary death so it doesn't count.
What is with the writers and burning the Hales.
That didn't happen. Derek is fine.
Get out of my fucking house.
That didn't happen either.
I fucking hate you.
You're full on making me cry rn.
Pretty sure Derek was the first teen wolf character I ever liked, this hits deep.
Oh honey
You seriously think that Peter and Cora would let Allison and Scott raise that child?
Ew, stop.
Have fun in hell bitch.
Am I supposed to know who that is?
Eli, what the fuck are you doing?
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stellewriites · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers 🫡
thanks for the tag @syoddeye!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
oh god, ongoing or previous too?? uhm currently batfam, star wars, cod, st - but i’ve had a few extra that i used to write for too
4. top five fics by kudos
i’m not linking them all bc some are,,,, far from my best work. also can u tell i love a long lyric title?
if you can’t give me all, give me nothing ; memorise the way you make me feel ; the way you move like you do ; i’m addicted to the way i feel when i think of you ; took the words right out of my mouth
5. do you respond to comments?
literally every single one,, before getting this account back a few months ago it was the only way i interacted w people in the fandoms so 🤷‍♀️ sometimes it might take a week tho but i try to be quick
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t tend to do angst endings? like even in darker angsty fics i usually twist it so it’s like dubcon happy at the end 🥴🥴 sooo maybe either no grave can hold my body down or can i steal a kiss or two? or even choices made in anger
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
liiiiiterally any other fic i’ve ever written lmao
8. do you get hate on fics?
not often? BUT i usually do fluff fics and when i started dabbling in darker stuff that’s when i got more hate - specifically on one fic in particular
9. do you write smut?
yeah! not all the time but maybe 65%
10. craziest crossover:
i dont really do crossovers but my last mando fic was inspired by justified if that counts?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of,, again im not very online to be able to know :/
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! just one but now i dont do it,, learning curve for me
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
almost when i was first starting out writing 6 years back but it fell through - katy if ur still out there i hope ur enjoying life <3
14. all time favorite ship?
ffffuckkkkkk i don’t think i can choose bc i dip in and out so often but i do tend to always come back to jaytim? they’re my for lifers i think but soap x reader is a close second atm
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i’ll always finish my wips bc i can’t stand to see them unfinished,, but it’s been like three years since i first said i was going to write my sci-fi dystopian jaytim fic and im still not past the first paragraph :/
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m good at dialogue and catching accents and nailing personalities pretty quick,,
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i’m so fucking slow. if nothing else, watching people write for cod on here has shown me how quick everyone else seems to be able to write :’)
and also with longer fics i’ve gotten into the (bad) habit of leaving out like integral details that i assume the reader will just know bc ive been too in my own head about it all and ive forgotten what i’ve established already; leads to decisions looking like they’ve come out of nowhere or random personality changes
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i’ve attempted it but i have to google translate it so i try to keep it to a minimum and ask for correction in the comments. sometimes i do it italicised but written in english so readers can understand that it’s meant to be another language but dont have to skip to the bottom notes or another tab to understand what’s being said
19. first fandom you wrote in?
teen wolf 🥴
20. favorite fic you've written?
idk if i’ve got a favourite,, in hindsight a lot of the ones i think about most fondly are the ones that absolutely killed me off when writing so i’ve got real rose tinted glasses about them all. however these are few that should get honourable mentions just because i like them and they didn’t pop up earlier
whew this was long i think i yapped ontoo much lmao but it was so fun!!
no pressure tags: @glossysoap @mikichko @kyletogaz @femalefemur @sentientcave @gemmahale @madstronaut and anyone else who wants to give it a go!!
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shinytidalwavebread · 3 years
The fandom shows on holiday
BBC merlin, in Ismeah:
Arthur: meeeerrrllliiiin did you forget the skiis
Merlin: I swear I packed them
Morgana: oh you did, but I took them out bc I'm evil and couldnt resist. Also you suck at skiing and last time you face planted in a tree. It's one of my favourite memories.
Gwen: morgana we talked about this
Sherlock, camping:
Sherlock: John, I think we put the tent up wrong
John: what do you mean 'we'?
Sherlock: I think if we pull this tent pole, then it will loosen the top
John: No dont pull that!
Sherlock: *pulls pole*
John: *all the poles get released and come to thwack him*
Sherlock: John. John you're fine. You are fine, aren't you?
Marvel, russia:
Natasha: guys keep up, only a few more miles to go
Clint: uh Nat, why are we going to the place of your first assassination?
Bruce: yeah, isnt that a bit you know, morbid?
Thor: such a wonderful place is midguard
Loki: nostalgia is important to you humans. Her first assassination should be remembered fondly.
Cap: I see no eagles of freedom
Wanda: Pietro would of loved to be here :(
Tony: Nat this isnt appropriate for a 15 year old
Peter: hope I end up like this some day. Nice and dead. Ooh look a spider, just like me
Bucky: my arm hurts
Sam: which one
Bucky: boTH Of ThEm
T'challa: Russia has many cats. I am their king now
Shuri: *holding phone* and this concludes this weeks segment of my brothers friends are all weirdos.
Rhodey: shuri you probably shouldnt let people know we are here
Twilight, Italy
Bella: remember the last time we were here and you tried to commit suicide?
Edward: really bella?
Charlie: you did what?!
Alice: oh yeah, edward can be a real drama queen
Jacob: oh yeah he can
Edward: high and mighty words from someone who yelled at me for two hours straight yesterday
Jacob: You were supposed to throw the stick! You cant hide it behind your back! You are a creature of pure evil!
Charlie: what
Carlisle: edward, dont pretend to throw it again
Emmet:* throws stick *
Jacob: *shifts and sprints to fetch stick*
Charlie: *sighs*
Supernatural, Australia
*A snake with red eyes drops from the trees*
Dean: Grab the salt!
Dean:*Mutters* not one freaking day off. Not even one. For gods sake.
Teen wolf, mexico
Derek: stiles no
Scott: stiles no
Lydia: stiles no
Kira: stiles no
Malia: I dont care. Do what you want.
Stiles: thank you malia for believing in me. I will spend the night in the temple. Maybe I'll get to see kate or peter. If I do, I will beat them with my baseball bat.
Maze runner, the desert
Newt: Tommy you bloody twat this is a terrible idea.
Minho: no let's see what happens
Thomas: it's not that bad an idea
Gally: if it's your idea, its bound to be terrible
Teresa: yeah okay for once gally makes a decent point
Chuck: go Thomas!
Thomas: I just want to see who would win. Me or the cranks or the griever. Like, if you put us in a room.
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domesticated-feral · 3 years
WIP Tag!
Thanks for the tag @nacreousgore
List all your wip titles, all meaning even the ones that make vague nonsensical ones
Tag as many people as there are wips (IM NOT DOING THIS)
AND you guys get to send an ask about whichever is intriguing to you and ill either ctrl c ctrl v a snippet from it or talk about it :D
Okay, so.. the last time i did this, back in october of last year, I had 81 wips. In the 18th of december i did a wip count and I have 166 total wips.
So I'm going to just name off to the wips that are on google docs only.
All the google doc wips under the cut because oh my god.
3-fucking-8 wips on google docs.
Tagging: @scribeoffate @shyawkwardwriter @astarshine @scilessweetheart @bisexualbuckaroo @blue-eyedbeta + anyone who wants to do this!
if you already have done this, apologies. and you dont have to do it if you dont want to :D
- “Hey! Yeah, it's me...guess what...I'm- I'm coming home,"
- “We’re here"
- Angsty feral stiles fic
- Being the son of a wealthy estate owner was not as laid-back as anyone would think
- Can you even hear me? A season 6 rewrite
- Claudia expected a Christmas letter to Santa
- Controller of the Void
- Draft oneshot heehee
- Five Nights at Freddy's x Teen Wolf
- Furballs of Chaos (and love, but mainly chaos)
- Happiness in your Arms
- I ordered for a new ot3 and I got peter x gwen x flash and im very much into it (not teen wolf, but the amazing spiderman)
- I'm bored as hell
- It's a jacksciles fic now
- Jackson Isaac Stiles hell yeah shitsticks lets goooooo
- Jackson Whittemore
- Look, when i find an angsty dialogue prompt and song (especially if it's by Panic! At The Disco and from their golden era) you know im defaulting to Stackson Second Person Smut + Angst mode in a heartbeat
- Matera, Italy
- Maybe Jackson pov demigod fic?
^ goes in hand with another wip below (highlighted with an *)
- Regency AU and Omegaverse go hand in hand right?
- Scackson ABO? Smut
- Sceo abandoned wip (not abandoned, just takes place in an abandoned warehouse setting)
- Sceo Thing - Ouija Board
- Sciles, angel!Scott, friends to lovers, angst
- Scott was home for winter break this semester
(this was abandoned for a while but not anymore but I have yet to change the title, but the title reeks of the pure frustration I felt when I abandoned it so I left it to remind me of that)
- Smutty Sterek pls send help
- Sterek Thing
- Stiles and Scott, fresh college graduates decide to spend their summer on a road trip across the states (MURDEROUS ALIEN FARMER)
- That I Lie With
- The Makings of A Pack
- Three demigod bitches saving the world once again ***
- Wedding Sterek on hold
- Why'd you only call me when you're high?
- Yeah, I have a specific trope I wish to write.
ALSO Feel free to pick a number from 1-83 to pick a wip from my notes app <3 (I'm purposefully leaving the handwritten wips for my sanity)
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mum and i just finished watching season one of teen wolf and here are the highlights of our reactions:
romantic moment between allison and scott, mum: hahahahaha
why are you sitting with your trousers on in the shower
mum already guessed that allison’s dad is a hunter
dad: who’s looking at her? because werewolves aren’t invisible
stiles pulls out the wolf’s bane - mum: well that came up easily didn’t it
okay but why does stiles wear suit jackets half the time what is this fashion
stiles in the cop car: BI PANIC
me: why is he ON THE ROOF, mum: because he’s a ✨werewolf✨
okay i’m sorry but i still can’t get over them playing LACROSSE
mum will 10/10 times always laugh at coach finstock
mum: he’s ~growling softly~
oh my god derek can you stop being a stalker
i- i love derek so much i can’t- WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO STALKERISH
what are you doing? OH JUST BACK FLIPPING OFF A ROOF
derek you can’t just TELL SOMEONE TO OPEN THEIR EYES
derek can you STOP BEING SO CREEPY
can derek only talk in simple sentences
mum: how many series? how are they gonna turn this into six series? this storyline is obviously going to end so what’s actually going to happen
i- i love stiles.
mum: who’s that extra person at the tables ????? me: allison’s mum, mum: i didn’t even know she had a mum
mum: oh look that’s exactly where he needs to go for the plot. close the door. HURRY UP. honesty, he’s gonna get caught and have more explaining to do. i can’t stand it. OH WHY DONT YOU JUST TAKE A PICTURE OF IT! DO IT DO IT JUST DO ITTTTT
chris mate youre being creepier than derek now
mum: grow ya nails! there you go. haha
lydia is just taking selfies in the car i love her
derek you can’t just go round breaking people’s hands to prove a point
me: don’t do it in a forest, mum: WHEEZE what do you MEAN? me: well it’s a little unhygienic isn’t it, mum: what are you SEVENTY FIVE
mum just.... mum just said to me “can you see something going off between those two in the future?” me: derek and kate? “yeah like with the dynamic that’s going on” SHE REALLY JUST STRAIGHT OUT GUESSED THE BACKSTORY BETWEEN KATE AND DEREK
mum: you would’ve thought he’d have done that house up by now, me: it was his families house which BURNT IN A FIRE SIX YEARS AGO
stiles and scott are baby i love them
mum @ peter: he looks a bit creepy doesn’t he?
mum @ derek: how does he live?
mum: okay what i don’t get is. they have all these open conversations about it in front of people. that teacher is a bit suspicious
is scott’s catchphrase “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??”
sourwolf 🥺🥺🥺🥺
mum: i mean right- would you- would you go in that school with a torch? looking for someone that you don’t fully know is in there? even in this world, in the safe knowledge that werewolves aren’t real, and i mean in THAT world ???
they have a swimming pool on the FIRST FLOOR ????
stiles is ICONIC
stiles is ICONIC part two
mum keeps shushing me whenever i say “W E R E W O L V E S”
me: i love stiles. mum did you know i loved stiles. mum do you have a favourite character? mum: i quite like derek. cuz he’s very misunderstood 🥺🥺
allison kissing scott, mum: and this is the time....
me: so scott’s walking around with this atom bomb- mum: molotov cocktail
mum: remind me why he’s walking around with an exploding cocktail again?
mum: in the mean time let’s forget about the school test! me: mum they just might have bigger problems such as WEREWOLVES
“call me biles” THATS WHAT IM TRYNA SAY
mum: what is WRONG with him? me: maybe that’s his sexy face, mum: well- i mean-
mum: do they ever find out that he’s a teen wolf?
me and mum just giggle at the werewolves it’s getting to be a problem
me: oh my god derek use your words, mum: he’s not good with words :((
can you believe that JACKSON is gonna be the one to first put it together (minus stiles ofc)
dereeeeeek the stalkerrrrrrrrr
this is so fucking homoerotic how many fucking TIMES is he gonna look at dereks LIPS oh my GOD STILES
“this. no FIT.” alsjfskkskkffm
“you’re a horrible person” “i know it keeps me awake at night” afkekakdkfndn
derek and stiles act like an old married couple already this is only episode nine
mum @ peter: oh! he speaks!
why did peter just do blue steel into the mirror
aw i love danny
“i really don’t get lacrosse” ME NEITHER PETER
i don’t like the way the teeth come out in the werewolf transformation
allison + that crossbow = hot
“a HALE of a lot”
see, this is why stiles would be a slytherin
me and mum REALLY need to stop laughing at the werewolves
just tried to attempt the werewolf stair jump
mum: you-you know what? there are some things in this programme which just happen and don’t make any sense. like why is this happening right now?
that police sketch of derek reminds me of tangled with ‘they just can’t get my nose right!’
mum finds out about derek and kate, mum: DIDNT I SAY- DIDNT I SAY ABOUT THOSE TWO
how does peter looks different every single time you see him
dad comes in and starts answering all of the questions they ask on tv
dad commenting on the ‘rough behaviour’ mate they’re werewolves
dad: is she tryna act sexy or is this in slow motion?
dad just continually calls everyone in the hospital nurse practitioners
derek really just be laying there while the final boss battle is going on
laughing at werewolves again. he looks like he belongs in halloweentown
dad says it reminds him of supernatural and the ‘cocky one’ (dean)
me dancing at suspenseful music when derek becomes the alpha
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poetlcs · 4 years
books I’ve read in 2020 (so far) + their ratings
crossing the line: australia’s secret history in the timor sea by kim mcgrath: important research into australia’s theft of oil in timor leste. didn’t rate
hood feminism: notes from the women that a movement forgot by mikki kendall: essay collection dissecting modern feminism, pointing out the exclusionary practices of mainstream feminism and offering new frameworks through which feminism should operate. really recommend. didn’t rate
the uninhabitable earth: life after warming by david wallace-wells: good introduction to environmentalism and the climate disaster. a little too introductory for me but good for those new to the topic. ★★★
homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow by yuval noah harari: it is simply not Sapiens nor as good as Sapiens. Looks at potentials for our future but, thought it was a little poorly researched. Some parts were still interesting though.  ★★★
SPQR: a history of ancient rome by mary beard: a little dense at times, but super interesting and detailed look at ancient rome. enjoyed it a lot. ★★★★
sister outsider by audre lorde: collection of audre lorde’s essays and speeches, about feminism, lesbianism, the queer community, being Black and a lesbian ect ect. outstanding, important collection anyone interested in intersectional feminism must read. ★★★★★
all boys aren’t blue by george m. johnson: memoir about johnson’s experiences growing up as a Black gay boy in a poor neighbourhood. Very poignant memoir, written in such accessible language which I liked. guarenteed to get you emotional, another one everyone should read. didn’t rate because it’s so highly personal that felt wrong but highly recommend. 
under a biliari tree i born by alice biari smith: memoir by an Aboriginal Australian detailing her life growing up learning traditional Aboriginal ways and how the lives of Indigenous Australian’s have been impacted through the years, specifically in Western Australia. Probably more aimed at school age people but still a 101 I think many Australian’s (and non Australian’s) can benefit from. didn’t rate 
maurice by e.m forster: gay man coming of age story in college + themes around class and sexuality. forster’s end note saying he thought it imperative to write a happy ending because we need that in fiction, i love him. ★★★★★
emma by jane austen: read before seeing the movie. loved emma as a character but thought this was okay compared to other Austen I’ve read. ★★★½
perfume by patrick suskind: a man with an incredible sense of smell starts murdering young women to try and bottle their scent for a perfume. weirdest shit I ever read still don’t know how to feel about it. ★★★
the color purple by alice walker: follows the life of Celie, an Black woman living in rural Georgia. deals with her relationship with her sister Nettie, her lover Shug Avery, and with God. this tore my heart to shreds absolutely everyone must read it, like even just for the beautiful writing ALONE. ★★★★
a study in scarlet by arthur conan doyle: its sherlock holmes #1 no further explanation required. not my fave sherlock story, was the weird morman subplot needed? ★★½
dracula by bram stoker: yeah vampires!! this was way easier to read and also way funnier than I expected. we STAN gothic aesthetics and Miss Mina Harker here. ★★★★
the diviners by libba bray: teens with magical powers/abilities solving mysteries in 1920′s new york. reread. ★★★★★
lair of dreams by libba bray: the diviners #2. reread. ★★★★½
before the devil breaks you by libba bray: the diviners #3. reread. best one in the series hands down.  ★★★★★
the king of crows by libba bray: waited so long for this series ender and it let me down lol. ★★★
clockwork princess by cassandra clare: the infernal devices #3. dont @ me this is my comfort reread series and I was travelling. ★★★★★
we unleash the merciless storm by tehlor kay mejia: we set the dark on fire #2. latinx inspired fantasy about overthrowing a corrupt government with an f/f romance. didn’t like as much as book one but still good, BEST girlfriends ever. ★★★½
wolfsong by t.j klune: basically feral gay werewolves and witches living in a town together. feels like a teen wolf episode but way more gayer. despite that hated the writing style and I don’t like age gap romances so yay the concept no the execution.  ★★
the fate of the tearling by erika johansan: the tearling #3. finally finished this series, dunno why everyone loathes the ending so much I thought it was cool. underrated fantasy because it’s very unique. ★★★★
girl, serpent, thorn by melissa bashardoust: persian inspired fantasy about a girl who is cursed by a div to kill anyone she touches. has an f/f romance. bashardoust writes the most aesthetically rich settings I love her. ★★★★
crier’s war by nina varela: reread. f/f enemies to lovers where the main character poses as a handmaiden in order to try and murder the princess whose father killed her family. PEAK gay content literally a modern classic. ★★★★★
we hunt the flame by hafsah faizal: I was so disinterested in this book I barely can describe the plot but basically it’s a prince and a hunter who are enemies but are forced to go looking for this magical artifact together anyway it was boring.  ★
ghosts of the shadow market by cassandra clare + others: short story collection set in the shadowhunter world. probably the strongest of her collections but they just don’t hit the same as her full length books. didn’t rate. 
a storm of swords: part two by george r.r martin: a song of ice and fire #3. I WILL finish reading these books eventually i swear !! probably the best one yet though. ★★★★
amarah by l.l mcneil: world of linaria #3. high fantasy with politics, dragons, warring races. tolkein/asoiaf vibes if they had more women with agency. didn’t rate because I haven’t decided my feelings on the end yet. 
science fiction
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: f/f enemies to lovers between spies on rival sides of a time war. good book but writing style wasn’t for me (others love this so eh take my opinion with a grain os salt:  ★★★
not your sidekick by c.b lee: main character is from a superhero family but has no powers herself, so she takes an internship working with a superhero corp. has an f/f romance with a villain character. so much fun and super cute
speculative fiction:
the deep by rivers solomon: speculative fiction wherein pregnant African women thrown overboard by slave ships gave birth to babies that became mermaids. main character holds all the memories of her people’s past but runs away after being unable to deal with the burden. about self discovery, intergenerational trauma and the burden of remembering. a little short imo but still all round excellent book ★★★★
how long ‘til black future month? by n.k jemisin: short story collection, many with an afro-futurism focus. hard to explain because there is such a wide variety of stories but this is an AMAZING collection. didn’t rate because I don’t like rating short story collections but wish more people would read it. 
the family upstairs by lisa jewell: woman inherits an english house and starts to unravel the secrets of a mass cult suicide that happened there years ago. loved it because it was wild. ★★★★★
the hand on the wall by maureen johnson: truly devious #3. boarding school mystery where the main character has to solve a murder that happened in the 1920s at her school while another mystery is happening in present time. my least favourite of the series but satisfying conclusion nonetheless. ★★★½
contemporary fiction
maybe in another life by taylor jenkins reid: dual timeline book showing the two outcomes of a decision the main character makes. cool concept but ultimately boring book because I didn’t care about the main character at all.  didn’t rate because I didn’t finish it. 
girl, woman, other by bernadine evaristo: vignette stories of various women whose lives are vaguely interconnected. incredibly well written with such vivid characters. deserves the hype. ★★★★
tin heart by shivan plozza: australian YA, the recipient of a heart transplant wishes to connect with the family of her donor, after she discovers the identity of her donor. good story but didn’t like the writing style. ★★★
a little life by hanya yanigahara: follows the life of a group of friends living in life, especially that of jude, a closed off and damaged man with a troubling past. a little too torture-porny/Tragic Gays but I cannot deny the author has a beautiful writing style and I went through all the emotions. didn’t rate
a girl like that by tanaz bhathena: explores the events leading up to the main character dying in a car crash. set in Jeddah, saudi arabia and explores expectations on women, feminism and expressions of sexuality and relationships between women during teenage years. kinda no good characters but I loved it for it’s messy depiction of teen girls (whilst not condemning them for this). underrated. ★★★★
little fires everywhere by celeste ng: drama in white american suburbs when a new family moves in and the neighbours start investigating their past. eh, I heard a lot about this and thought it was just okay. ★★★
stay gold by tobly mcsmith: trans boy decides to go stealth at his new school and falls for a cheerleader, georgia. about navigating being trans and definitely felt like it was written to educate cis people. it was okay but ultimately not my thing and not really the story I was looking for, even though I respect it being written by a trans author and still would recommend to certain people. ★★½
everything leads to you by nina lacour: main character and her best friend have to unravel a hollywood mystery, all while the main character is trying to get over her ex-girlfriend and find work as a set designer. f/f romance and loved the focus on movie making and the power of stories. ★★★½
the falling in love montage by ciara smyth: a girl meets another girl at a party, but she’s not looking to date due to the amount of family issues she has going on. so her and the girl decide to spend the summer having fun, renacting scenes from rom-coms, but never dating. awesome family dynamics and the relationship between the two girls was sweet also set in ireland which is fun. 
normal people by sally rooney: explores the relationship between connell and marianne, who meet in school, date secretly, and then are inexplicably drawn to each other for the rest of their lives. explores power dynamics, relationships, love and trust, and what we owe to eachother. great book, great mini-series, love it to bits. ★★★★★
the glass hotel by emily st john mandel: impossible to explain this book, but there’s a mystery about grafitti, a ponzi scheme and a character falling to their death on a boat under suspicious circumstances. honestly idk what happened in this book but I liked it. ★★★½
historical fiction
half of a yellow sun by chimamanda ngozi adichie: historical fiction about the biafran war loosely based on adichie’s family experiences. incredibly well written with an ending that punches you in the gut. ★★★★
hamnet by maggie o’farrell: explores the shakespeare family after the death of their child, Hamnet, from the plague, and how this leads to Shakespeare writing Hamlet. cool as fuck concept and boring as fuck book with such tropey female characters. ★★
all the light we cannot see by anthony doerr: WW2 fiction, dual perspective between a blind girl living in france and a german boy forced into nazi youth. I cannot believe this book is award winning it’s so boring and predictable and i reget the time i wasted on it. ★
on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong: poetry memoir. vuong writes a letter to his illiterate mother, knowing she’ll never read it, exploring their relationship, his experiences growing up as second generation Vietnamese-American, and hers during the Vietnam War. My favorite book I’ve read so far this year, just too good to explain, genuinely just feel like everyone is better off for having read this. ★★★★★
currrently reading:
girls of storm and shadow by natasha ngan
meet me at the intersection: edited by rebecca lim & ambelin kwaymullina
stamped from the beginning: the definitive history of racist ideas in america by ibram x. kendi
get a life, chloe brown by talia hibbert
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bugonalog · 5 years
I just finished my teen wolf rewatch and I just gotta say it. Season 6b was by far the worst. I’m about to get rambly here so hold on to your hats.
- it defo felt like they just tacked it on to the end. It was extra. We didn’t really need it. The end of 6a was far better imo.
- idk but I feel like a lot of it had to do with the lack of Stiles. There was pretty much no comic relief for the entire season and that really kinda just bogged it down for me.
- it could also be that Monroe/Monroe and Gerard were not compelling villains. Killing for the sake of killing is never a good motivation for your characters, it falls flat every time. Nolan however was a compelling villain because you can tell the whole time that he is legitimately acting out of fear but he doesn’t know what he’s more afraid of and every time he’s on screen you’re just screaming for someone to save this poor boy who is being manipulated and used and abused even though he’s still doing the bad things. Give your villains motivation. Pure evil just because is boring.
- and then there’s the fact that they introduced so many new interesting characters just to have them killed off almost immediately. Like those two werewolf kids who were killed like an episode after they showed up. Or the freaking science teacher who gets to be more than that for like ten minutes during which time we find out that she is not only a werewolf but the ALPHA of a hella notorious (apparently, but seeing as we only ever heard about them 6 minutes before I have my doubts) pack that left all their humanity behind (and yet their alpha is a science teacher) but then we never see her again. Or the new hellhound who is over 100 years old, built Eichen and then froze himself inside it? Hello? We deserved more of him. But no they had to kill him.
- and they brought back old characters (but not any of the ones we wanted *cough cough Issac*) for no reason too. Ethan and Jackson? Cute, a little weird seeing as we haven’t seen either of them in a long ass time, nice little throwback, completely irrelevant to the plot. Like, they come back, get captured, get out, get turned to stone, get turned back, and leave. They don’t even help solve anything they just cause more problems. Deucalion? Fine. Teach them how to fight blind. How did they get ahold of him? How did he get there so fast? Why did he even bother? Why is he suddenly a pascifist? Idk just so many things about him coming back don’t make sense. And then he just dies. And Scott is all upset about it? You hate him shut up. I mean I know you’re like the ultimate empath but come on. And then there’s Deaton who we haven’t seen in like a season and a half. But he’s just back, out of the blue for like one episode and then he’s gone again and no one questions it. Like come on we can do better than that. Then there’s Brett and Lori. Ok cool, they show up every once in a while for a couple episodes then dip again. Whatever it’s fine. But then they killed them? My sunshine babies who have never done anything wrong in their lives (except that time that Brett high key bullied Liam. Oops)? No way Lori died by getting hit by that car. Brett in the state he was in yeah I can believe it but Lori? Nah fam she totes should have been able to just walk that off. The car wasn’t even going that fast.
- then there’s Scott and Malia. The first time I watched 6b I was completely blindsided by that and honestly this go round wasn’t much better. No matter how hard I try I just can’t see the chemistry there. And they play a pretty big role in the season so... idk do better. Give us some more build up. Something. I wanna feel it.
- and this one is just personal preference but I really didn’t like the flash forward in the last episode. I really couldn’t tell you why I just don’t.
Yeah all of that, plus probably some more stuff that I can’t think of right now just made 6b not good for me. They did do some good stuff though.
- as I already said Nolan was a great villain, and I feel like his redemption didn’t really need and arc (which is good since there wasn’t one, you got lucky with that one Teen Wolf I usually kill people over redemption arcs) because the entire time you know and he knows that he’s not ever really sure what side he’s on. He was with Monroe but it’s been very clear since the beginning that he was never WITH Monroe. They even made that a plot point and a trap. Yeah just good job with Nolan. You did good with that one.
- Theo raeken my dudes. Not gonna lie I may just have stuck it out for that little bitch. Idk I just really love characters who put on such a tough exterior and pretend like they don’t care about anyone or anything but when it comes down to it they will both kill and be killed for those people that they are pretending not to care about. Yeah that’s good shit. We get to watch Theo drag himself kicking and screaming back to his own humanity and it’s just good. (Not gonna mention Thiam here because it’s not what this is about but good god I’m still mad about that. Theo is SOFT for Liam when they’re not driving each other insane and I just think that’s neat). And honestly ending his arc with him taking Gabes pain is so GOOD. Mason tells him that you can’t take pain if you dont care and he’s low key kinda offended by that, like you can see it in his face he hates that these people think so low of him even though he knows they are 100% right to do so and just... oof. But then he’s able to take gabes pain because he recognizes himself in it. He sees that Gabe was used and manipulated and betrayed by the people who were supposed to be looking out for him. He sees a kid who is suffering and scared and in pain and completely and utterly alone and he knows what it feels like. They may not be on the same side. Gabe may have been trying to kill him not two minutes earlier but Theo will be damned if he lets this kid die in pain when he knows all too well what drove him to this point. He sees himself in Gabe and doesn’t want him to be alone the way he was as he’s dying.
- Morey. Mason and Corey. Literally my heart just melts every time they are on screen. Corey is a ray of sunshine and I will protect him with my life.
Ok I think that’s it. Bye.
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zatyrlucy · 5 years
ANSWER  TWENTY - ONE  QUESTIONS  ! tag  twenty - one  people  you’d  like  to  know  better. some questions may be ‘ ??? ‘ instead of answered.
I was tagged by @amarynthian-fortress Well, this is new. Thank you! ^^ 
01.   NICKNAME  : (real life) Lu, Lucy, Lulu, Lucifer, Lushy (internet) Lucy, Lucifer , Zatyr    02.    REAL  NAME  : Lucía  03.    ZODIAC  : Taurus 04.    HEIGHT  : almost 1.70 m dont remember the last time I checked that out xD  05.    WHAT  TIME  IS  IT  ?  : pass midnight  06.    FAVOURITE  MUSICIANS  /  GROUPS  : Metal music, especially symphonic with a female soprano. Thrash Metal: Rammstein. Power metal; stratovarious, Sonata Artica. Synphonic metal: Nightwish, epica, tristania, theatre of tragedy, sirenia, etc Heavy metal: Metallica, Iron Maiden, Helloween,  Black Metal: Cradle of Filth, there is also spanish metal, neoclassic metal, etc... 07.    FAVOURITE  SPORTS  TEAM  : I dont watch sports ^^U  08.    OTHER  BLOGS  :Just this one, but Im thinking on doing one about biology. Put that in my long list of things to do.   09.    DO  I  GET  ASKS  ?  : I do, and I appreciate every one of them.  10.    HOW  MANY  BLOGS  DO  I  FOLLOW  ?  : 185 and most of them are artists/scientists who post like once every month xD   11.   ANY  TUMBLR  CRUSHES : I think the person who gets most of my attention when I check the activity is Vivzie, but nah she is not my crush haha she is more like a squish...maybe. The point is that I respect her and I like when she likes/shares the posts of my blog. It really makes my day.   12.    LUCKY  NUMBER  :  I dont pay attention/believe in those things 13.    WHAT  AM  I  WEARING  RIGHT  NOW  :  My pajamas xD I didnt go out this time, I have a lot to do, lot of data to analyze. 
14.    DREAM  VACATION  :  Going to Yellowstone and/or the wolf conservation center to see some wolves. I really like those animals but I have never seen one in real life  :’v There are no wolves in Colombia, heck there are almost no wolves in LATAM 15.    DREAM  CAR  :  I dont like cars. They contaminate, make a noise, are dangerous and driving in Bogotá is impossible so NOPE.  16.    FAVOURITE  FOOD  :  I like sweets, any dessert with chocolate is perfect 17.    DRINK  OF  CHOICE  : Any sweet alcohol. I love those beers that taste like lemonade. 18.    LANGUAGES  :  English and spanish. A bit of german and Italian too, I just need to practice...  Put that in my long list of things to do xD 19.    INSTRUMENTS  : I used to play the keyboard piano when I was a teen but my parents cut that out (they are very Christian and hate metal music) so now I dont remember almost anything...only the first part of Lost Lenore (Tristania) and bits of other songs I guess. Maybe I can revive that hobbie, I still have my casio keyboard somewhere... Put that in my long list of things to do :v   20.    CELEBRITY  CRUSHES  :  Simone simons, I mean, HAVE YOU SEEN THAT WOMAN?? if angels exist they would have her face and voice holy shit. She is beautiful, talented and her high pitches are wonderful. She is also very nice and likes to sing with other bands (Nightwish, Kamelot, and even Dani Filth). I once saw her at a concert and I almost died, hearing her live is so precious...oh god I love her.  21.    RANDOM  FACT  : I have climbed trees like 10m tall. Once for diversion and other more for scientific purposes (epiphyte plats).  
Another fact, I dont talk with much people here (Im a lone wolf pa tum tss) so...mmm...I tag @kiddoryder​ @ladynoirisback​ and @thefreakyfader​, have fun. (Petitprincess you are already tagged xD)
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heartsforhoran · 6 years
In This Moment
A/N: Hey guys! So funny thing, this is my first imagine and it will most likely be my last. I’m not a Queen blog or anything but love Queen! I used to write imagines for Teen Wolf but ever since college started I’ve had no time for pretty much anything. It’s been a few years, so go easy on me. Thanks for reading!
The one where you wish you never met Roger
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In this moment, you wished you’d never met Roger Taylor. You stood in the bathroom mirror at a pub in London. Your eyes stung as you began to wonder why you weren’t good enough. It’s not like you and Roger were even dating, so why did it hurt so bad?
In this moment, you wished you’d never met Roger Taylor on that cold evening in September.
It was late when you had decided you needed something to eat. Your friends had gone out, leaving you behind so you could finish your homework. You were so caught up in writing your essay you had missed dinner. You sighed heavily as you looked at the time.
12:00 A.M.
You grabbed a nearby jacket and slipped on a pair of converse. You left the house in your hoodie and a pair of shorts, not really caring about your appearance, because who would even be out this late?
You decided to walk to a nearby diner, it wasn’t even a mile away. As you neared the corner you bumped into something, hard. You fell back with a thud and let out a small whimper.
“Oh my god, love, are you alright?”
You looked up to meet the man who had such a beautiful accent. You were at a loss for words as you looked into his beautiful blue orbs. “Uh- y-yeah I’m alright.” You gladly grabbed his hand that he had reached out.
“What’re you doing out this late, anyways?” He questioned.
“I was writing an essay and lost track of the time. I forgot to eat dinner..” you looked away from his gaze and down at your feet.
“Perfect! I was trying to find a place to eat myself. Want to join me?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows, making you giggle. He held out his arm, indicating for you to link elbows. You gladly accepted his invitation.
Ever since that night, you two had become the greatest of friends. You two were nearly inseparable. You lost your train of thought when you heard a loud knocking on the door.
“(Y/N), love, you alright in there?”
You automatically knew it was Roger, there was no way he could know you were upset. He would never let it go until he got to the bottom of it.
“Y-yes Rog!” You sniffled as you slowly made your way towards the door.
“You’ve been in here for a bloody hour.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes at his exaggeration. It hasn’t even been 10 minutes. The smile slowly faded when you looked in the mirror again. You were just so tired.
You were tired of always being second. You were tired of being just friends, and nothing more. There was a time in which you thought Roger loved you back. But seeing him with her made you think otherwise. Watching them laugh and steal kisses made you physically ill.
“(Y/N), darling?” Your head snapped towards the door. “Don’t make me come in there, you know damn well that I will.”
“F-Freddie?” You stammered. “Can you come in here?”
“What the hell! I can come in too!” Roger all but yelled.
“Just Freddie.”
You watched the door slam wide open, but it wasn’t just Freddie. Roger stood right beside him. “Why the bloody hell can’t I come in? I’m your best friend!”
The choice of words caused your heart to sink to your stomach. Your throat burned and you fought back the urge to cry. Maybe it was the alcohol getting to you, but you needed to tell him what was going on. “Fine. Rog. You want to know why the hell I don’t want you in here! I’ll fucking tell you.” You took one last look in the mirror, and in this moment, you had no idea if telling the truth was worth losing your friendship. You felt a pair of hands grab at yours. You flinched at the contact, but melted in the touch once you realized it was Roger.
“Could you leave us, Fred?” Roger asked. Freddie nodded and winked at you. The door to the bathroom closed slowly. “What’s going on, (Y/N)? You can tell me anything.”
You sighed heavily, you were really going to do this. “Listen Rog... I-I don’t even know where to begin. This year has been both the best, and worst year of my life. I’ve done so many things I never thought I would do. You broke me out of my shell! I actually enjoy going to parties and meeting new people. You taught me how to love myself... it’s just that. I hate her.”
“Hate who, love?”
“That girl you’re with, and every other girl you bring to your shows. I just can’t...” you stopped, trying to find the right words. “I don’t want to do this anymore...”
“Do what? You’re starting to scare me (Y/N).”
You let out a shaky breath, “I love you, Rog. And I know there’s no way in hell you would ever feel the same about me-“
“Why’s that?” He asked before you could even finish your sentence.
“Because Rog. You’re you! You are wild and bring home new girls every night. You don’t want to settle, and you don’t want to settle with me because, well, I’m me. I’m not carefree and crazy like you! I’m not funny like you and...” you paused again, this time whispering, “I’m just not your type, and never will be.”
You looked at Roger, who was looking in the mirror. Little did you know that in this moment, he wanted to kiss you. In this moment, he wanted to hug you and tell you that everything would be okay. That you two, would be okay. But he also knew that you two would never be able to go back to just being friends, hell, he didn’t want that. He wanted to hold your hand 24/7. He wanted to cuddle with you and steal kisses from you. He wanted to be more than friends. God, he loved you. He loved the way you crinkled your nose as you laughed. He loved how you were so disciplined and responsible. He loved how much you cared about people. He loved you.
And it was in this moment that he realized he wasn’t good enough for you, and he would never be good enough for you.
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scottsfaith · 5 years
Some motivationing through teen wolf
think about it. i know, teen wolf is a tv-show, but its also a proof that everything is possible. like alan taught scott;
”Regression towards the mean. It means, that everything cant be all bad or all good all the time. Eventually it has to go back to the middle” (not sure if it was exactly like that, but you get the point)
if you’re feeling low, it means you’ll feel better soon enough. whatever you do, do never ever give up. fighting might get tiring and it might take all your powers away, but i swear to god; you will get through anything. giving up is never the right choice.
and also; stay positive. for me, all i needed to get from suicidal to the happiest ever, was friends. i didn’t even have real life friends, internet friends were just enough. and also, learn self control. learn to know what things make you happier and more in control. so said; find your anchor. for me, my anchor is my idol. he’s the one who i can always think about if i’m about to have a panic attack, and thinking about him keeps me in control.
there are so many quotes from teen wolf i could refer to during this motivation talk. but please whatever you do, remember that you matter, you are beautiful, unique, wonderful, special, loved, wanted... the list goes on and on. no one else on this earth is capable of being you, so get all out of it. be. you.
im seriously so happy that i have actually gotten messages from people that my motivationing has actually helped them. that’s one of the many reasons why i keep doing it. the biggest reason though is that i need people to know that they matter. that’s one of the things i want to achieve in my life. i want everyone’s voice to be heard. no one deserves to be left out in the corner with their pain-full tears and depression. no one deserves that. so please, i know it is hard to take that first step, but make your voice heard! talk, yell, shout, do whatever. but make sure you are not alone. and i know you are not.
humen have emotions. that’s what keeps us human. so please, if you need to, show your emotions. dont hide your tears, dont hide your smile, or laugh because you think its ugly. it is not! take every bit of your courage and keep it up as long as everyone sees that your courage is not going down! they will see, that you are brave and amazing. smile, when you walk past someone, it might light up their day and make them happier they have ever been. stand up when someone is being bullied, tell someone about it, or go in the middle and stop it. no one wants to mess with anyone braver than them.
wear whatever the hell you want, talk with whatever accent you want, be yourself. that’s all that matters. let people know the real you, not the fake you who you might be pretending. show everyone who you really are! dont ever hide it. show them what you’ve been through, and make them respect you if they yet dont. we all need respect. we have come this far already.
”We didn’t come this far, just to come this far.”
”The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.”
”If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
”The damaged people are dangerous, because they know they can survive.”
”Don’t frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile.”
”Be your own anchor.”
”Problem is, though, sooner or later, physical pain, it’s... it’s manageable. See, real pain is emotional pain. That is the kind of pain that lasts.”
”Scott’s always been about one thing. Saving his friends. He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about. When there’s no chance of winning, he keeps fighting. When all hope is lost, he finds another way. And when he’s beaten down, he stands up again. You want to earn a place in his pack? You want redemption? Find another way to stand and fight.”
I tried to find a couple motivational quotes here, mostly from teen wolf. and i really hope some of them motivated you in any way.
people’s happiness is the thing that means the most to me. i’ve never been into anything else this obsessively than this. making people feel welcome, safe and happy. so when someone thanks me, says i made them happy, smiles at me, its the best feeling ever. i always feel like my heart would start beating freshly again. i cant help but smile myself. people’s happiness means everything to me. complimenting someone is the best feeling ever. hearing people opening up to you because they trust you, is something so undescribeable.
try it. compliment someone today. tell them they are amazing, beautiful, loved... even through social media. it’ll make you feel a lot better about yourself. i swear to you.
and even if you have no hope left on positivity, there always is hope. believe. all you have to do, is believe. believe that you can get up from bed tomorrow. you can go outside and smell the fresh air. you can smile again. you’ve got this. you can.
there is always faith. it doesn’t matter if its bad or good, it will turn to good when it’s supposed to. it will never ever stay bad forever.
trust people. even if you feel like you’ve been betrayed too many times for you to ever trust anyone ever again, you always can trust.
if one people constantly treats you like shit, they dont deserve you. show it to them. show them, that you are better than that. you deserve better than that. the world doesnt deserve you, you deserve the world.
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No Matter What - Part 4
A/N: Based off of the song “One Call Away” by Charlie Puth, this will be a multichapter fic with a line of lyric being the headers to break down the thought process of the chapter. None of the lyrics are mine, and they are all in bold - Again, I do not claim to own them, all credit where credit is due.
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Word Count: 2,270 (Not including lyrics.)
Warnings: None that I know of. Mild language? Some slight angst, and mention of blood and injury, but mostly fluffy. Picks up right where the last part left off. I think that’s it.
Beautiful people who helped me when I came to them with this crazy idea and said to run with it: @wheresthekillswitch @aworldmadeforme @life-what-life-i-dont-have-one
How to be a Werewolf 101: Getting bitten was the easy part. Controlling the shifts that come after? Not so much. It’d been a long, hard road for you once you were bitten, never quite being able to control the shift even now, almost a year later. You were always told that Beacon Hills would hold a handful of people willing to drop everything to come an help you, no matter the situation, all you had to do was let them know, and they’d be there. So far you hadn’t had to ask a single time. But when pride becomes a bigger issue, and the war raging inside of you becomes more and more of a losing battle, you find yourself having to let go, and give in, putting your trust in others once again, instead of yourself, and believing they will do what is best for you, no matter what.
Series Masterlist
Come along with me and don't be scared
You had just breached the doors of the large building that housed Derek’s loft, throwing them both wide open carelessly as you barged straight through, slowing your stride once you stepped over the threshold and into the parking lot, all but coming to a stop, when you heard quick footsteps just a few feet behind your own, mirroring your abrupt halt of movement.
Your breathing was fast, coming in quick spurts, just like your frantic heart rate, and you let out a sigh to try and calm them all down. The words came out on the breath of air, sounding exasperated. “What do you want, Derek?” You said it to the empty space in front of you, not wanting to turn and face him again just yet. Scanning the edge of the lot vacantly, you waited on his answer.
“I think you’re scared.” His voice was strong, confident, but there was that tiny little bit of caring he only let show for a few, that little sliver of softness that was your downfall every time.
Well not this time.
You snorted a laugh, turning to look at him now, scoffing before your face turned into a sarcastic sneer. “Oh yeah? Of what?”
“Of living.” He didn’t miss a beat. And damn he hit close to home. You hated it when he did that. He was silent, but was always watching, and he knew things you could only wish to someday learn.
Okay maybe this time.
Staring at him with an emotionless glare, snapping your jaw shut, your lips a tight thin line, you let your arms fall down to your sides with a loud slap in defeat, where they just dangled limply, unable to aid you any further in this argument.
Silence hung heavily in the air, so much so, until you couldn’t take it anymore and all but popped it with a double edged sword. “So what do I do about it, Derek? Huh?” Your shoulders rose in a shrug, showing their agreeance with your words before falling back down quickly, your stare still leveled on him. “Tell me how to not be afraid. Because frankly, I’m terrified.” You found yourself biting your bottom lip to keep it from trembling unexpectedly. “Everyday.” Your eyes began to water along with the downcast turn your lips were taking, catching you completely by surprise, that third, unknown presence in your mind rearing it’s ugly head again, and trying to push to the surface. It felt like it had the potential to make things so much easier, but at the same time, add an entire new level of shit to deal with.
“Just, tell me, Derek. Because I am completely at a loss here.” The tears began to fall. “I’m scared of myself, despite everything, at the end of the day, I’m scared of myself, and that needs to stop now.”
I just wanna set you free
“Once you get control, it’ll be easier for you. It’s not so scary when you know you have a handle on it.”
You rolled your eyes. “Derek, it’s not that simple. On a basic level, we as a species are terrifying. We can do some pretty bad shit.”
“Just because we’re predators, doesn’t mean we’re killers-”
You laughed a wet, sarcastic laugh, screwing your eyes shut. “Don’t feed me that shit again, Derek. Not again.” Opening your eyes to look into his, you knew it was a low blow, but it drove your point home. “You have blue eyes, Derek. You of all people should know to be afraid of what we are.”
He looked hurt for only a moment, before pain from the memories took hold, then an altogether defiant look came over his features, his shoulders squared, his spine straightened, and the glint in his eye was back. Derek was back, and he wasn’t letting either of you go down without a fight, metaphorically or physically.
“No, I only know to be afraid of what others want to make me.”
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Gesturing to you with his outstretched hand, he cleared his throat as he looked at the ground before meeting your eyes, a smile on his face as it almost seemed to light up the air around you. “Yes, Hale?” You asked as his mouth opened to speak, earning you a light hearted glare that made you giggle softly as you swiped the tears from your cheeks.
“Come over.” Two words. So many meanings. Too many possibilities. Endless opportunities.
“I really should be going, it’s getting late.” You glanced guiltily to your watch, seeing the early time, and knowing you weren’t tired in the slightest.
He took a step closer, fingertips barely brushing yours as you reached out to meet him on pure instinct. “Come over.” Two words. So many meanings. Too many possibilities.
“Derek, I said it’s getting late! I’m trying to start a new bedtime.” Lies.
His hand reached yours, grasping it fully. “Come over.” Two words. So many meanings.
“I don’t have a change of clothes with me here.” More lies.
He just smiled, and started walking you to your car, helping you into the driver's seat, closing the door and speaking through the open window with a smile, before walking over to his own car and opening the driver's door, leaning his forearms on top of the vehicle, leveling his gaze on you. “I’m coming over.” Two words.
“Okay.” One word.
You and me can make it anywhere
Letting out a huff, you repeatedly tried to blow a piece of hair hanging in your face to it’s rightful spot back atop your head, letting out a frustrated grunt when it didn’t work. You stared at the offending strand angrily, as if you could will it back into place by sheer glare power.
“This is all your fault, Hale,” you grumbled, still staring at the hair before giving it a roll of your eyes and a flip of your head to try and get it back in place with a little momentum. You succeeded, but the victory was short lived as the motion caused you to bash the back of your head against Derek’s who was tied to the back of you, your shoulder blades pressing together uncomfortably, and your hands bound together in one giant mass of rope. The hair fell back down into your face with the recoil you gave at the collision, making your groan turn from pain to one of frustration.
“So you headbutt me?” He asked incredulously, his head turned to the side to see you in his peripherals.
You barely let him finish before you cut in, “It was an accident.” You were turned just enough to see him, but not enough that he would notice, or at least you hoped.
He smirked. “I told you not to get that haircut.”
Jutting your chin into the air stubbornly, you spoke with mock confidence. “You’re just jealous you don’t have cheekbones like me.”
He snorted a laugh. “Please. I have the cheekbones of someone straight out of a magazine, and you know it. You’re just jealous.”
“My God, you have a big head,” you laughed softly, “and I don’t just mean that because it feels like I bashed mine into a rock a minute ago.” A comfortable silence fell between you, and you could feel his shoulders shaking gently in a silent laugh. “What is this, the third time you got our asses captured?” This time you turned your head completely to the side to look at him, eyebrow raised mockingly.
“Shut up. I can’t help it if everyone wants a piece of Hale.” He was grinning madly, turning to you with his own eyebrow raised playfully.
You looked straight forward again, your face blank. “Ew. Don’t ever make that joke again.”
A pounding on the door to the dingy little room that the two of you were in startled you back to the situation at hand. “Shut up, you two!” One of the voices of your captors yelled through the steel before his footsteps retreated.
Suddenly your heart was racing for a whole different reason, no longer just from being startled, but because Derek had twisted his hands within the binding, successfully grabbing hold of one of yours, and knitting your fingers together tightly.
You felt his head turn to the side, so you matched him, catching his gaze on you before it fell to the floor, a small smile on his face as he whispered, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think your heart rate was trying to tell me something.”
When his gaze flitted back up to yours, you narrowed your eyes at him, mumbling a, “Shut up,” before you felt your own smile coming on, and let your gaze fall to the floor as you felt your heartbeat slow down, keeping the shift you felt at bay.
The urge completely disappearing when he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
But for now, we can stay here for a while
They had come in and let you both up, untying your hands because they got tired of you complaining each time they walked by. You and Derek had taken to shouting long, nonsensical things, simply to irritate your captors, and it had worked. Step one of escape plan, complete.
Rubbing your raw wrists that healed by the second, although slowly, because, once again, wolfsbane made your life a living hell, you looked to Derek, meeting his gaze and freezing where you stood.
Something in his eyes seemed deeper than before. You’d known each other forever, and yes he was the one that bit you before he lost his Alpha status, but this was different than the emotions involved with either of those. This was like seeing someone for the first time, and feeling drawn to them by some invisible force. Deaton had gone into great detail once about anchors and tethers, and you wished you’d paid more attention. But something in the back of your head knew, and it made you take an almost imperceptible step closer to him, your eyes never leaving his.
He took a deep breath, stepping up so he was toe to toe with you, making you crane your neck back even further to maintain that eye contact. “It’s the worst timing, and that is not a pun on how short our time may be, but, I just have to say it.”
Looking between his eyes, your gaze flitting back and forth, searching, you found the words slipping out of you on a whisper, words you didn’t completely expect yourself to voice, but were playing in your head on a loop. That had been for a while. Only now they decided to come out and be heard. “Then what’s stopping you?”
Smiling softly, he let out a laugh on a single breath of air, looking to your lips before looking down to the ground, his hands taking yours in his own drawing his focus for a moment before he finally looked you in the eyes again. “The fact that your lips are still moving, they always are, and whenever that happens, I lose all sense of thought and get lost in the sound of the music of your voice.”
You felt your face drawing impossibly closer to his, your words still whispered as you felt his warm breath against your face, “That was very dramatic and sappy.”
“Just shut up and kiss me.” The words were muttered, his lips brushing against yours with the movement, his warm breath making your heartbeat skip.
“Okay.” One word. So many meanings. Too many possibilities. Endless opportunities.
A key scratching against the lock of the door to the room you were in drew both of your attention away from one another, eyes glancing at the door as the handle jiggled. Looking back to Derek, you smirked before speaking, your lips still brushing against one another’s. “But first, let me kick this guy’s ass, and we’ll get out of here.”
He gave a smirk to match. “Only if I can help.”
'Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile
Running from the dimly lit building that had held you captive for the last however many days, you glanced sideways at Derek, your face turned into an uncharacteristically wide smile, given the situation.
He glanced at you, mirroring the motion, giving a gentle shake of his head before looking straight forward again. “You should do it more often.”
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion, but the upturn of your lips remained the same. “Do what?”
He chuckled. “I’m not telling you.”
You let out a deep laugh, shoving his shoulder gently. “Derek!” He stumbled slightly from the impact, laughing along with you, and grabbed your wrist, taking you along with him as he fell to the ground. You landed on top of him, grinning and giggling like a schoolgirl, looking down to see his smile hadn’t gone anywhere, and that look from earlier was back in his eyes.
“That. Do more of that.”
“Using you as a cushion for my many falls?”
“No, smartass,” he tickled your sides slightly, making your arms that were supporting you collapse as you returned to a fit of giggles, your face coming once again impossibly closer to his until you were where you had left off earlier, his lips brushing against yours as he whispered, “You know what I mean.”
And suddenly the space left between ceased to exist, as his lips molded with your own, melting into a deep kiss that made your mind go blank, and everything feel at ease for the first time in a long time. It was just you and him. And that was more than okay. More than one word. So many meanings. Too many possibilities. Endless opportunities. It was simply and utterly…. More.
Tags: @evyiione @mayahart02 @palaiasaurus64 @shydinosaurcandy @lucyqueenofthestars @storytelling-reader @jazzrivera27 @c-breanne1999 @bless-my-demons What’s this?
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amylillian22 · 7 years
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 2 - Liam Dunbar Imagine
Requested by: @hollandisstilinski @justdreamstars @lotte142 @aarushi9112 @dont-try-and-stop-me @kitty-love-girls @twilight-loveer @deadpoolgirl23 and sooooooo many anons.
Word Count: 3,005
Warnings: Teen pregnancy, hateful things being said by parents, 
Author: I’m so glad everyone liked the first part. Here’s the second part as requested. 
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Y/N slowly walked up the front porch steps of Scott's house with a duffle bag on each shoulder and rolling two suitcases in her hands. She was soaked from head to toe. She had walked in the pouring rain from her house to her alpha's. She was cold and numb, but that didn't faze her. She was too concerned about what had just happened, her parents kicked her out of the house after she told them she was pregnant.
She stared at the front door as her mind replayed what happened just an hour ago.
"Get out!" Her mother yelled.
"You are a disgrace to this family!" Her father added.
"No daughter of mine would be stupid enough to open her legs for some stupid boy!" Her mother yelled as she started pulling out Y/N's bags to pack her stuff and leave.
"I'm sorry, mom!" Y/N yelled back with tears in her eyes. She knew they wouldn’t throw her a party when she told them the news, but this wasn’t even remotely close to what she had expected from them.
"Are you planning on keeping it?" Her mother asked.
Y/N was at a loss for words. She hadn't even thought about what she was going to do. She thought after she talked to Liam, she would figure out what to do next, but with him out of the picture, she didn't have an answer to her mother's question.
"If you don't get an abortion or give this baby up for adoption, you're not welcome here," Y/N's dad said.
"Either way, we're not having our pregnant teenaged daughter living in our house," her mother said before she walked away, leaving Y/N in tears.
"Y/N?" Melissa's soft voice pulled Y/N out of her trance. Y/N blinked and stared at a confused and worried Melissa. She didn't even remember knocking on the door. "Honey, you're all wet. You're going to get sick."
"Werewolves don't get sick, remember?" She said with a quivering chin as she walked into the house slowly, making small puddles of water in the process with her wet clothes.
Melissa quickly grabbed a towel from the closet and wrapped it around Y/N. She rubbed her hands on her shoulders, trying to calm down the shaken up teenager. Melissa's eyes scanned all the bags she brought in. "Honey, is everything alright?"
Y/N shook her head as warm tears fell down her already wet face. "I didn't have anywhere else to go," she sobbed.
Melissa immediately hugged her and comforted her. "Okay, normally I wouldn't let Scott have any visitors after what happened tonight, but I think it's best you talk to the both of us at the same time."
Y/N looked up at Melissa. "What happened tonight?" She asked confused.
Melissa looked away from her, trying not to let Y/N see the tears forming in her eyes. "Why don't you change into some warm clothes and meet us in his room? We'll talk then."
Y/N went into the guest bathroom and quickly stripped off her wet clothes. She hung them over the shower rail to air dry. Before she left the bathroom, she brought the towel with her to ring out the water in her hair. She climbed up the stairs and overheard Melissa and Scott talking in his bedroom.
"I don't know. She just showed up with in tears and her bags. Scott, she seems like she might be in trouble," Melissa's voice was filled with worry as she sat on the edge of her son's bed.
Scott let out a deep frustrated sigh as he ran his hand over his face, wondering how this night could get any worse after his mom literally brought him back to life on a Super Moon.
"What the hell is wrong with my betas tonight?" Scott asked more to himself instead of his mom. "First Liam and now Y/N."
"Liam?" Melissa's eyebrows furrowed together. "I thought you said it was Theo who did this to you?"
"Theo just finished what Liam started," Scott explained.
"What did Liam start?" Y/N asked when she reached Scott's open doorframe. At first, Y/N was sad as she overheard their conversation about her, but it was immediately replaced with concern and somewhat anger knowing Liam probably did something stupid.
Y/N gasped when she finally realized Scott was lying in bed with a huge piece of gauze taped across his chest and stomach area. Y/N rushed to his bedside, "what the hell happened?!"
"Liam and Theo happened," Melissa said with so much anger and hate. She looked down at her son, who looked completely weak. "By the way, those two are never allowed in this house again."
"Don't, Scott. I mean it," she said sternly with her arms crossed tightly to her chest with glassy eyes.
"You don't have to worry about them. I don't think I could forgive Theo for what he did. I shouldn’t have trusted him in the first place," Scott said sadly. “As for Liam, I don’t know….”
"Scott... what happened?" Y/N asked, too scared to know the answer.
He sighed before he spoke. "Hayden was dying and Liam got mad. With the Super Moon, he was out of control-"
"He killed him," Melissa interrupted.
Y/N's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she gasped. Scott immediately shook his head. "Not exactly. Liam was upset about me not helping Hayden, because she was getting worse. So he took it out on me. I think he believed if he killed me, he would become an alpha and he could save Hayden with the bite, but I couldn't stop him. He had taken too much outta me. Liam only stopped when Mason came in and said Hayden didn't make it. Theo came in and finished what he started. If it hadn't been for mom not giving up on me, I wouldn't be here right now," Scott finished. Melissa grabbed and held on to her son's hand, silently thanking God her son was still alive.
Tears fell down Y/N's cheeks as Scott explained what happened tonight. She was absolutely horrified that Liam, who was just a precious puppy, would do such a horrible thing for a girl. Even though she had her reasons why she hadn't been around lately, a part of her felt extremely guilty she wasn't there for Scott tonight, especially since the pack had been drifting apart since Theo came into town. Everything made sense now as to why he was suddenly so eager to join Scott's pack.
"Hey, I'm okay," Scott reached for her hand with his free one. "It might take a while, but I'm going to fix it with everyone. We're going to be a pack again, because with The Dread Doctors still out there, we need each other to save everyone, okay?"
"That's the least of my problems right now," Y/N said between sniffles as she tightened her grip on Scott.
"Y/N, what happened?" Scott asked. Him and Melissa watched her carefully as she just stared down at their locked hands.
"My parents kicked me out of the house," her voice cracked as she spoke.
"What? Why?" Melissa asked.
Y/N swallowed hard and pushed back the sob in the back of her throat. She looked up and locked her tear-filled eyes with Scott’s. "I'm pregnant..." she whispered. Scott's eyes widened while Melissa gasped, both completely and utterly surprised.
"How...?" Melissa slapped her son's hand for his stupid question as it was obvious how Y/N got pregnant.
"It was the heat.... I'm sorry... I know you told... me not too... but I couldn't... control it... I should have... listened to you...." she said between sobs. Scott squeezed her hand tight while Melissa hugged her, rubbing her hand up and down Y/N's back, trying to soothe her.
After Y/N had calmed down to sniffles, Scott asked, "Does the father know?"
Y/N shook her head.
"Honey, you need to tell him," Melissa said.
"I can't..." Y/N answered.
"Why not?" The son and mother asked in unison.
"Because it’s Liam..." she whispered.
A week later.
Liam knew the pack was back together. Well, almost. He hasn’t been exactly welcomed back and Lydia was still in Eichen House. He had a feeling the rest of the pack members were going to plan an escape and break her out. They had to and he wanted to help. Although he was happy Hayden had magically rose from the dead, her return made him feel guiltier for how he left things with Scott. He was a completely different person - or rather a werewolf- the night of the Super Moon. With his anger on a completely different level, he couldn't control himself. He didn't know if Scott could ever forgive him, but Liam planned to do whatever it took to fix things with Scott.
Lacrosse practice had just ended and Liam was making his way down the hallway towards the locker room. Scott had skipped practice for reasons Liam didn't know. When he asked Stiles where Scott was, Stiles ignored him and walked away from him, purposefully hitting Liam's shoulder in the process. Liam let it go and decided he would somehow find out after practice.
Liam stopped in his tracks before turning the corner of the hallway when he overheard Malia on the phone.
"Is that why you've been skipping school lately. You've been sick?"
"Yeah, especially in the mornings."
Liam's heart dropped as soon as he recognized Y/N's voice through the phone. Fear washed over him at the possibility of The Dread Doctors doing some sort experiment on Y/N.
"I still can't believe your parents kicked you out. Do they even know you're staying with Scott?" Malia asked.
"Nope. They don't want anything to do with me," Y/N answered sadly.
"And does he know?"
"No, and I'd like to keep it that way until I figure out what I'm going to do."
He who? Liam thought to himself as he furrowed his eyebrows together. It had only been a little over a month since the last time he spoke to Y/N at Lydia's party. How much could things change within a month and to the point where Y/N's parents kicked her out? He met them the few times they were actually home and not away on a business trip out of the state. They were actually nice people. Very elegant and old fashioned.
"You really shouldn't eavesdrop on people's phone conversations." Stiles spoke, making Liam jump out of his skin. Liam put his hand above his racing heartbeat as he turned around to see an angry Stiles glaring at him.
Malia turned around and let out a small snarl at Liam, completely ignoring Y/N on the phone asking what's going on. "I'll see you in a bit," Malia said before she hung up. She walked over and stood next to Stiles, baring her sharp teeth at the beta while letting out a small growl.
"What's wrong with Y/N?" Liam immediately asked. Stiles shook his head and turned on his heel to walk way, but Liam grabbed his elbow and turned him back around to him, demanding an answer.
Malia let out a low growl in Liam's face. "Let him go."
"Tell me first," he tried to bargain. The seniors shook their heads as Stiles pulled his arm out of Liam's hold. All the anger Liam had vanished and was replaced with worry. "Just tell me she's okay," he said sadly.
"I can't say that," Stiles said before he walked away from Liam with Malia by his side.
"I don’t know what we’re supposed to do. What do we do, Stiles?" Malia asked, as she’s never known anyone who had been pregnant before.
"I don't either. I mean, my aunt went through it a couple of times, but this is completely different. I've never known someone our age to go through this."
"So, what do we do?" She asked again.
"I don't know. Be there for her is all we can do," Stiles said before they exited the hallway, making Liam's fears worse. Liam quickly rushed to the locker rooms to shower and head over to Scott's to get some answers.
As Liam got closer to Scott's house, his werewolf hearing picked up the two best friends' conversation. He carefully and quietly walked towards the house, hoping Scott would be too caught up with Stiles to hear Liam coming with his werewolf hearing. Liam also hoped he would get something out of their conversation since no one seemed to want to tell him what's going on with Y/N.
"Wow," Stiles let out a deep and heavy sigh. "I mean I knew it was true, but hearing you confirm it just makes it more real, ya know? I wasn't expecting this to actually happen."
"None of us did," Scott added.
"And he still doesn't know?"
"No, so don't tell him," Scott quickly said. "She wants to be the one to tell him when she's ready. It's just hard considering everything that's happened between them and with us..." Scott trailed.
Who's this guy they keep talking about? Liam thought to himself, as he got closer to the front porch. What happened between him and Y/N, and the pack? Is it Theo? Liam's eyebrows shot up as a different possibility crossed his mind. Is it me?
"What else did your mom say when you took her to the hospital today?"
"She's right on track. She’s fine, at least human wise. I need her to see Deaton because we both have a lot of questions on how this could effect her supernatural side."
"Why haven't you done that already?!"
"I don't know! Things have changed since the Super Moon," Liam winced, remembering what he did that night, "and now we've been kind of busy trying to save everyone from The Dread Doctors."
Stiles sighed. "You're right, but you need to get her checked as soon as possible. We can't wait any longer-"
"Shhh," Scott quickly hushed Stiles when he heard a floorboard creak. Liam mentally slapped himself for not being careful walking up the front porch steps. Within seconds, the front door flung open, revealing an angry Scott.
"What's wrong with her?" Liam immediately asked instead of greeting them or apologizing for listening into their conversation.
"Nothing's wrong," Scott answered.
"You're a terrible liar," Liam's eyes narrowed at his alpha. "What's wrong with Y/N? Why is she living with you? What happened?" He fired one right after another.
"It's not my place to say. Even if she said I could tell you, I wouldn't."
Liam's shoulders staggered. "I'm sorry, Scott, but if she's in trouble or in danger, I need to know. I still care about her. She's still my best friend."
Stiles scoffed. "You have a funny way of showing it considering the one person she needed the most these past few days was too busy with his new girlfriend, killing his alpha, and having his head up his little werewolf ass-"
"I'm not even sorry," Stiles glared at Liam with so much hate.
"Let me help. Let me do something. Just tell me what I can do," Liam said desperately.
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Scott could sense how much he was hurting, but it wasn't enough to forgive him, at least not right now. What Liam did to him was almost unforgivable. He needed more time and space, but he knew Liam and Y/N had to work something out for the sake of their unborn child.
"I can't tell you what to do. This is something you need to do on your own," Scott finally said.
"Can I come in and wait for her?" Liam asked, hopeful his alpha would help him out.
"No. You're not allowed in this house," Liam's head hung low. "But you can wait for her on the porch. She went to get ice cream with Malia. She should be back any minute."
Liam nodded before Scott closed the front door. He sat on the front porch steps and waited for Y/N. He didn't know how long it would take her to get home, but he would wait all night if he had to.
Liam pulled his phone out after it vibrated in his pocket. It was a new text message from Hayden, wondering where he was and if he wanted to come over for a little bit. Liam sighed and said maybe some other time before he opened a new text message for Y/N. He hadn't spoken to her in about a month. As he stared at the blank new message, he realized he had no idea what to tell her. Hell, he didn't even know if she would read his text, let alone respond to it.
Liam's head snapped up at the sudden familiar voice. He was so focused on what to text Y/N, he didn't even hear her or Malia walking towards the house. Malia let out a small and low growl at Liam. Y/N ignored Malia as she approached her old best friend.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked him.
He swallowed hard. "I came to see you. Do you have a second to talk?"
Y/N bit her lip, unsure if she wanted this. She knew she had to talk to him, but she wasn't ready.
Malia reached for Y/N's hand and squeezed it. Y/N looked at the werecoyote, who was encouraging her to talk to him. "It'll be okay," she whispered before she walked inside of Scott's house giving Liam the death glare in the process.
"Do you want to sit?" Liam asked, patting the space next to him. She hesitated before she joined him on the steps. She placed the now empty cup with a little bit of melted ice cream next to her before looking at Liam.
"Are you okay?" He immediately asked. She shook her head, unable to look at him. "Can you please talk to me?"
"I don't even know where to start..." she trailed.
"Why don't you start from the beginning?" He asked.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes. Liam sensed how terrified she was and immediately pulled her in for a hug. She didn't realize how much she missed him and how much she needed his embrace. She clung on to him as she sobbed, dampening his shirt in the process. He rocked her back and forth, kissed her forehead, and ran his hand through her hair before she pulled back to look at him. He locked his worried blue eyes with her tear-filled eyes, searching for answers.
"I'm pregnant," she whispered.
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p--sabrina · 7 years
Question Game
I was tagged by @ftwd-imagines . Thank you!!
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions of your own, and tag eleven.
1. If you could have a lifetime supply of one thing, what would it be?
Thats a hard desicions to make, but imma go with chiggen nuggets. Im starvin for them!
2. If you could have one mythical creature as your loyal companion, what would it be? (Eg. Unicorn, dragon, etc.)
It would be a dragon. I could sit on its back and we could fly around the globe. See same places i´ve never been. 
3. Your house is on fire and you can only bring 3 things with you. What would they be? (Do not worry about how easy it would be to carry. Family and pets are also not included in this scenario.)
My phone (obviously),  a document so that I can identify myself, and my creditcard to buy new stuff. 
4. Biggest mistake made by an author of a book/creator of a show.
God, dont even get me started...
Killing Troy Otto!!
Stydia ending up together on the final episodes,why not earlier??
TW ending. They should of brought Issac back at least. 
TVD getting a 5, 6, 7 and 8 season. 
5. If you were to be in any Hogwarts house, which one would it be?
Gryffindor, of course. 
6. If you could have any one of these superpowers, which one would it be? [Mind reading, the ability to see the future, the ability to talk to animals, telekinesis or invisibility]
 Telekinesis would be cool. I could stay in bed and get my food without moving. 
7. Have you ever done something that made you feel guilty, but still cannot admit it to this day?
Yeah, there are some thing i regret but would never admit.
8. Have you ever had a family member read something awkward of yours that you wrote? [eg. Smutty fanfiction]
Thank god, no! My aunte once saw me writing and she wanted my to read it to her, but i said thate this is something im not gonne sare with her, even through she is like a friend to me. The only person, whos aloud to read my smut it my best friend. 
9. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? [im just curious as to how many divas are on here]
In thoughts already, but unfortunately not in real life. Im just too nice. 
10. If you could have lunch with any three fictional characters (they don’t have to be from the same story/film/show) who would they be? What would you ask them?
Stiles Stilinski: Why are you not real? Marry me! 
Troy Otto: Your such a bad person, wanna do some bad things with me? 
 Is an anime charackter ok too? Cuz i would want to ask Monkey D. Luffy who his mother is. 
11. Scent is very closely linked to memory, probably more than any of our other senses. If you could have one happy moment of your life captured in a candle, what would it smell like?
Grilled bacon. Cuz every weekend, when my mom is making grilled bacon in the morning, i would remember the beautiful memory over and over again. 
11 Questions for you guys =)
1. If you could be on any TV Show, which one would it be and what would your charackter be like?
2. If you could bring back any dead person on a movie/show/book who would it be?
3. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be and why?
4. If you had 10 minutes left to life, what would you do?
5.Do you have a secret talent nobody knows about? 
6. What was the biggest lie you´ve ever told someone?
7 If you could life in a universe of a show (Teen Wolf, TWD, Shadohunter,....) which one would it be?
8. Which fictional charackter would you not like as your enemy?
9. What would you prefer: get bitten by a vampire or a werewolf?
10. Have you ever met your favorite actor/actress/singer? And what was/were she/he/they like?
11.If your life dependent on someone to not pick up there phone, when your calling them, to survive, who would you call?
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chapter 3 opens with stiles lying to coach about scott's whereabouts and listen this dialogue really is spot on like the writing style i don't love but she's got their way of speaking down PAT like their exchange is so funny i wish i could c/p it all
teen wolf is over but i still get new officially liscensed derek hale content. this is the last time
mostly this is a recap of the shit kate pulled in 1.05 but also he recalls peter being a prankster with a wicked sense of humor. tbh if only it was that instead of "manipulative dick"
he's still working out bc he wants to be ready to tear her apart ):
ok so he had the same fire dream as scott (despite the fact that he "never dreams" that's pretty interesting idk if i buy it tho) and apparently his woke him up at 3am, "the hour of the wolf" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
oh, this is interesting: in his dream, he actually fought the alpha, and while he was thinking "i can't win this" his "wolf brain" (lol) was thinking: "Kill him. Before he kills you. Because he will. He will come at you and at you— / There will be many Alphas, other Alphas; each one you kill will bring another. There will be blood on your hands forever. This one, today; another one, tomorrow. / And on Wolf Moon . . . legions. / Humans will try to destroy you. / If they fail, an Alpha will succeed."
(im copy-pasting from the FFN version to paste long quotes lol i dont wanna retype them. bless whoever decided to do that im only sorry they couldnt get thru all 19 chapters)
anyway this sounds like alpha pack stuff? i would be floored if they had thought that far ahead back in season ONE but theyre doing jackson's parents so maybe they did????
aw, apparently derek has a sleeping bag. this poor guy i hope he's not too uncomfortable ):
OHHH WE'RE GETTING TO THE GOODS we're back to hale fire angst
gonna c/p a long section:
There are a few people I'd like to kill, he thought, but no way would he put himself under the control of an Alpha he didn't even know. And besides, what he'd told Scott was true: as a werewolf, he, Derek, might be a predator, but he wasn't a killer. There was a difference, and anyone who'd been born a werewolf and raised by werewolf parents would know that. Scott had simply been bitten, apparently at random, and if he, Derek, didn't teach him how to deal with it, Scott would wind up either under the control of the Alpha or dead.
Dead, because Derek would kill Scott himself rather than allow him to expose the existence of werewolves to the humans who lived in Beacon Hills. Scott had threatened to tell Chris Argent everything. That was when Derek had taken Scott to see Uncle Peter, make him see that the Argents were ruthless killers. Eleven members of Derek's family had died in the fire that had swept through this house six years ago. Men, women, children. Not all of them werewolves.
And none of them deserving of the hideous, fiery death dealt to them by the Argents.
like...oh my god. derek is truly in a kill or be killed mindset holy shit it's Bad he's like so hellbent on getting revenge!! his anger is using him, not the other way around! like sure  helping him keep control, because he wants it that badly and feels that strongly about it but when you are considering killing sixteen year olds There Is A Problem we do not kill children! that's bad! even the argents SAY they don't kill children and most of them are batshit insane!
would also like to take a moment to appreciate the "i'm a predator but i don't have to be a killer" bit bc that became his anchor in My Fanfiction instead of anger and i love that he says it as early on as s1, repeatedly, what a good choice i made
about kate: "cold-hearted bitch. if ever someone deserved to die..."
and then he immediately growls JUST AT THE THOUGHT OF HER and redoubles his workout routine efforts by switching his push-ups to single-hand so he can be Ready - "or the next time the fire came, it might devour him too"
good GOD we haven't even gotten to the kate angst yet and i'm already feeling #validated this was my exact interpretation of season 1 derek he's a fucking asshole because everybody fucking died and he doesn't want to be next because he's got to avenge them
more interesting werewolf lore via derek's internal monologue: "But that wasn't the entire dream, he reminded himself. I dreamed about other Alphas coming after me. Why? It' s not a crime to kill an Alpha. I'm a werewolf. The way we progress in status is through challenge. If my opponent won't back down, it's within my rights to take what's mine in any way I can. Even death." i...don't think that's how it works really? like by the end of the show alpha are implied to be more like parents and the thing to do is wait for them to pass and have the power be handed down to someone else in the pack like how laura got it after their family died. they're not animals and to people killing another person is a big deal?? i can see why among other reasons they decided this novel wasnt canon
he's so stressed he went out to jog shirtless (an important detail that they felt the need to mention) and now he's monologuing about how even though his life is horrible he wouldn't trade it for the life of a human for ANYTHING i love this born werewolf boy it's just so intricately part of who he is you can't take it out of him anymore than you could take the demon out of jesse he just wouldn't be the same person season 4 must have been so AWFUL for him ))))):
ohhhhhhhhhhh boy. "he used to work off all the extra testosterone by swimming laps. Tthat was how he had met HER"
i read a meta about this and it was not pretty i'm ready to be validated and also very sad
derek smells a real natural not-werewolf somewhere in the forest is it that white one from earlier why is there a wolf in california
haha then derek smelled scott ("spying?!") and got mad and wanted to shift, but he didn't because it's day and you never know who's watching, or plotting. "like i am"
this poor guy he's like so distinctly miserable
i don't really like the STYLE of this writing and i feel like the PLOT is going to be cardboard-thin at best but the CHARACTERS are coming through loud and clear so on that front it's very well done. i actually am enjoying myself a bit which i did not expect
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sunjaesol · 7 years
Thoughts on 6x15 Pressure Test
- More... hunters. Great.  - THEO - He wants nothing, Theo, just seeing you dead is enough. You know what? I like Theo! Not because he’s a ood characeters, but because he’s fucked up and that’s cool to see. It’s a nice perspective to follow. He’s also a leader, but in a different way.  - Theo is smart, damn - I wonder why Liam and Malia don’t have the two circles tattood somewhere. If Satomi’s pack does it, and the Hale pack, than why isn’t the McCall pack doing it?  - “You know Scott McCall?”, I suppose he’s very famous in the supernatural world? The one and only True Alpha from this century? - Well... he’s still a psychopath.  - ah, the sheriff - Okay, yes, Theo did murder the Hunter, but how do they know so fast? And the Hunter tried to kill them so... I don’t know.  - DEATON WHAT - Oh great, visitors commit suicide. Wonderful.  - First of all, where is Deaton going? We’ve never seen this kind fo energy happening to humans. Is it the flesh, body, thingy again? Secondly, what the fuck is he wearing?  - What the fuck is happening?  - I swear to God if Teen Wolf lets Deaton die... - So, Scott probably dialed Deaton for help and Deaton probably proposed he would go as he is more experienced and... yes. Okay. A face. It’s not faceless, but perhaps it was the face of the faceless creature. And why has there been many more before Deaton that killed themselves? - lol Theo is back in jail - not smart Jiang. I love the girl her boots though.  - “Would Stiles think that?” LYDIA MARTIN THINKING OF HER MAN - Nonono the flesh faceless thing is there right? Theo heard it.  - Poor girl.  - lol Malia I’d laugh too. I don’t think though I’ve ever heard Malia actually laugh uncontrolably. It’s nice. - No one asked you to be there, Tamara.  - What in the world. A sheriff raising his hands to vigilantes.  - It’s quite interesting, this season. The Hunters think they’re not doing anything wrong, and the supernatural don’t think they���re not doing anything wrong. But at the end of the day, they both made mistakes. Supernaturals killing people for the sake of their secret, and Hunters killing supernaturals even if they didn’t do anything to them. Really, they’re just humans with an extension, and Hunters don’t seem to grasp that. No one seems to, which is odd. But, peer pressure is a thing and can make people do weird things, so I understand why everyone is opposite of them.  - If you hurt. one. single. hair. on. the. sheriff’s. head. i. will. castrate. all. of. you. and. sterelise. you. Tamara. - “DeWitte” lol is he of Dutch descent? - Why is Malia the only one feeling it? Whatever “it” is. - The pack is not even surprised to see Theo? Oh, well. - I love Malia this season. She has a wider arrange of emotions, if that makes sense. It’s her most “human” season, regarding her feelings, actions and reactions. - The girl is very logical - “There’s only a dozen of them out there, we can take them” YES LYDIA - The last of Satomi... must feel awful. Losing your family members so quickly. So, Lori did die with Brett, she just dragged herself to his body so she could die alongside him. - “I need a thing too” Teen Wolf realising Corey has no value.  - huh, Corey realising he has no value. Great.  - oh okay this is cool. It’s the last season, so go back to basics, back to where it all started, before they were mutations. Wolves.  - Why are Nolan and that guy here? Don’t they have homework to do? Or a life to live? - So small quakes is the supernatural and one devestating quake is killing everyone that comes in your path? How is that... she’s crazy. Absolutely crazy. Kate would be proud of her.  - Theo’s like “ugh FINE” - wait this is like the fist battle. It’s been a while since they actually... you know, fought. Scott hardly ever uses force because he’s against it, so it’s been a while (I think 5B) where we saw some actual action. I’m excited. And nervous.  - COME ON PARRISH - scolia look™ - Please, if Stiles could contact you through dimensions by radio you can fix that radio as well - Don’t look so surprised, Nolan. You stabbed Corey with a pen.  - aww no I liked Liam x Theo friendship in 6A. Well, Stiles hurt Scott in 5B and they’re still besties so I suppose this is just a bump in the road. - “I’m still working on my anger.” But... shouldn’t that be solved by being a werewolf? Scott lost his astma because of it. - “I’m still human” what i’ve been screaming at my screen since this season came out. They’re STILL HUMAN. They have legs and arms and eyes and a face and a brain and a consious. They learn and mke mistakes and fall in love and get their hearts broken. They’re human, just... with an extra. - A pack is a family, Nolan. Before you start going on a killing spree, do your research. - The actor of Jiang is good. Like, they have Lori who was terrible and then him who’s pretty great. He’d be a great addition to the pack tbh, I like him already. The girl hasn’t said too much.  - What is that? And how did Nolan get loose? - Oh, wolfsbane. In liquid form. - fuck okay Scott. It’s been a while since he lashed out with his eyes.     - Okay so they’re blue. They’ve killed people.  - oh I missed Deaton, always with his “We’re closed” thing - other half? and I thought the drawing was a face? Guess not.  - Who is innocent and who is not? What is good and what is bad. Scott’s moral compass is shifting and shifting and shifting... - Wait.  - Nolan is the creature? - But if Scott kills people, will he lose his red eyes or not? and will he still be a True Alpha? - wHAT THE FICK THAT FACELESS THING MAKES PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE  - nONONONONONON WOMAN DONT KILL YOURSELF - PUTAIN. Merde. Le situation est très grave.  - ooooooh so the wolves and the rats - it’s all because of that thing. I get it now. (damn, it only took like five episodes for me to figure that out) - THATS IT! Throw the bodies outside and let them think it’s the two of Satomi’s pack. It’s one girl and one boy, it would work. - Scott and I think the same *feels the bromance* - oh, the other half of the drawing is in the Wild Hunt Universe. COREY IS USEFUL HALLELUJAH - Corey can draw.  - ancient shape shifter that feeds of fear so it gets more powerful. So, Nogitsune 2.0 but now without a host. They killed a Nogitsune, but that was a fox. This is just... nothing. It’s ancient, nothing they know.  - Oh, Anuk-ite. Great. My actual name resembles that quite a lot. (You heard it here first, folks, Ophelia is a pseudonym woop woop)  - “Two faces may mean two creatures” One beautiful, one ugly. I swear, if Lydia gets involved...  - But this is really interesting. It’s been a while (since 3B) since I was actually afraid and intrigued by the villain. - This is like Aiden and Ethan, morphing together. Only more violent I suppose. - OH SHIT PAPA MCCALL ENTERED THE BUILDING - Did Melissa call him?  - “We’ll go” ???? - NO SCOTT WHY DID YOU GAVE THEM AWAY FUCK FUCK FUCK - Oh... with McCall. Okay. That’s for the best I suppose - scolia and thiam are rising tonight - Wait but when did McCall find out Scott was a werewolf? Did I just forget about that or??? - cute scott smile ™ - oh my god they’re holding hands oh my god - SCOTT IS SO CUTE WHEN HE HAS A CRUSH OH MY GOD HE IS LIKE THE ADORABLE PUPPY IN THE RELATIONSHIP AND MALIA IS LIKE THE ONE WHO DOESNT LIKE PDA AND LIKE PRETENDS SHE DOESNT LIKE HIM AS MUCH AS HE DOES IM SO - - - (sorry anti’s I like them) - ah, all the supernatural are gonna leave town - oh, Mason... I’m sorry. (but tbh you’re better of without Corey but you’re in love so) - NO TIERNEY JIANG - poor Mason - ooh Corey is still here alright - Corey, realy? A smiley?  - cocky!Scott is my kink - I’m so glad Stiles isn’t here though. Mentally, it wouldn’t be good for him. 
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