#[ im sorry they are EACH OTHERS anchors ]
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Chakotay/Janeway/Tuvok relationship is about uncrossable lines and things not said out loud (because they don’t have to be? because you don’t want them to be? because it’d make it real?)
It’s about loving someone who you know is looking past you at someone else. A relationship that’s haunted by people that’re still alive somewhere. It’s about knowing that someone you’ve never met has a hold on this person you love and that you’ll never compare - how can you measure up to memory? It’s about drowning in guilt, about asking forgiveness from someone who can’t grant it to you (because even if they said those words “I forgive you” they’re not the person you need to hear it from, it wouldn’t make a difference). It’s about whispering the wrong name as you let yourself lean into them (just this once) and being met with a silence heavy with acceptance. A hand on the back of your head. Steady breathing in a dark room. It’s about trusting someone you’d never in your life trust, let alone love, under any other circumstances but because of some terrible miraculous trick the universe pulled on all of you (because of the deliberate actions of that hand, the hand that doomed you, that pulled you away from all that you knew, now threading its fingers gently through your hair) - you do. You trust this person with your life and it’s only in this specific circumstance that that could ever be possible. Should you be grateful for this? Would you trade it, to have your old life and loves back? It’s about gazing across the room at two people who look like they’ve known each other forever, talking softly, eyes fixed on one another, and feeling a panic you’ve never known before. Because who do you have besides them? What are your other options? It’s about loving people who you know could and would die at any moment. Out of duty, out of necessity, out of a love for something greater - there’s always something greater pressing down on all of you.  It’s about feeling very small under it. And very silly. This doesn’t matter, none of it does. Sometimes it doesn’t matter in the best way and you chase that feeling until it eventually runs out. And then, even when you’re drowning in wherever that leaves you, at least it’s better than being alone. Seventy years is a terrifyingly long time.
#everyday I think of these bastards#Chakotay/Janeway/Tuvok#and everyday I think 'I should write a fic' and then what? crickets.#-listens to first im sorry and thinks so hard about these three my brain starts smoking-#you are not my shelf / to hold up my old self (i'm sorry)#Interesting also to me that there can always be an 'exclusion' in the relationship#Janeway and Tuvok have known each other for years...they actually know Mark and T'Pel while Chakotay doesn't#Tuvok and Chakotay were in the Maquis together while Janeway wasn't#Janeway and Chakotay idk how to describe this but they can have a will-they-won't-they romance thing which Tuvok can't#He can't flirt with someone over breakfast#picturing Janeway who's unable to let herself be physically intimate with Chakotay (too far) and Chakotay comes to Tuvok to ask him about it#(since Tuvok knows her better than anyone -rueful tone-) and as they're talking the conversation gets more and more intimate...Tuvok is#speaking as Janeway - saying what he imagines she thinks - what her reasons are and Chakotay kisses him#and its only one kiss and then they break away but Tuvok tells Janeway anyway and she's like...can you...show me? and they mind meld#and they can both hear his thoughts in the moment and the ONLY thought in his head as he kissed Tuvok was a name. 'Kathryn'.#ALL this....while Tom Harry and B'Elanna are bowling in holodeck 4#st voyager#also although Janeway could technically be excluded from the Maquis thing...it's ultimately the weakest exclusion. She's like...an anchor#and the catalyst#t his is all my interpretation of couuurse~#my writing#I suppose
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tjhmnd-a · 2 years
scott forgetting stiles in season 6 was my (and scott’s) villain origin story
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alharringtonfan · 3 months
I am a spiteful, hateful person. I have become whom I've denounced. I hope I can change. But it's not coming to me fast enough. I want to be good.
I'm fine. Just disappointed with myself. Must be the chewed bottlecaps that are scrambling my brain.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
As far as I know, you're not a big Zoro girlie, but imagine, if you will:
Relaxing with Zoro in his hammock. You're both facing each other, legs tangled together as you're both occupied with your own little activities. It's quiet and peaceful;relaxing, even.
Breaking the silence and asking him a question, only to look up and see your favorite moss-head fast asleep. Allowing yourself to relax and drif off yourself, book still resting on your chest.
Not waking up until late in the evening, when Sanji's yell of "Dinner!" sends you both tumbling out of the hammock and into a heap on the floor.
Hey Anon. Your ask ran away with me and I had to see how some softness would play out. While Zoro is not one of my main blorbos, I do appreciate this marimo. Had to give him some appreciation with a drabble for you.
I Don't Sound Like That
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,400+
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Synopsis: You and Zoro have grown closer over the past few weeks. Being invited to rest and study beside him in his hammock, you reflect on your journey travelling with your crew aboard the Going Merry.
Themes: Zoro x gn!reader, Fluff, teasing, tiredness, mention of injury (Zoro), kisses.
Notes: Had this request sitting in my asks for a day, and I needed this bad enough that it pushed my other thoughts aside.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @indydonuts @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @i-am-vita
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Lounging lazily within the hammock and entangled within a burly mess of limbs, your bodies rocked to the sway of the waves crashing against the hull of the Going Merry. The gentle rise and fall of the swell surrounding your vessel shepherding into your next adventure had you soothed from your restless day. Flipping through the pages in your book, you sigh softly and enjoy the warmth from Zoro’s encumbering embrace as he rested in his hammock beneath you. 
The reason you sought out the First-Mate to your Captain, Luffy, was not only because you felt protected under his care above Usopp, Nami, Luffy or Sanji, nor was it due to the fact that he wouldn’t likely tell you “no,” should you ask to enjoy an embrace with him. 
The reason you fell into his hammock and joined yourself in his resting space is because you had grown closer over these past few weeks. He was still healing from the large gash and soft stab in his chest from the legendary warlord, Dracule Mihawk. Fighting the Arlong-Pirates while in such a state did a number on his body, and he would constantly fall by your side and sleep within your shadow. 
He was comfortable with you enough to let you know how truly much he was struggling with his injuries. You were ships counselor, it was your job to be privy to the thoughts of your captain and crew - aiding them in their journey of reflective self-discovery. Luffy needed guidance as your captain, and as his counselor; you were ready and willing to provide that to him. 
While Zoro confided in you that his injuries truly ached, you offered to be by his side in his hammock to give him some pressure and warmth from your body to his. It was in the 'name of healing', you informed him, 'no funny business'.
As the ship waded through a particularly large swell, the hammock shook you from your thoughts and had you look up to notice Zoro had risen from his soft slumber. He was looking at your face through furrowed brows, attempting to get a read on your thoughts with an elevated brow. 
“Something on your mind, Counsellor?” he smirked, the corner of his lips ticking up as he looked down at you on your position on his chest. You anchor your chin over his heart, watching as he winces under your face. Noticing his soft wince, you mutter out a soft “sorry,” and readjust your position to not hit any of his injuries. 
Gazing up into his eyes, you look at him through narrowed eyelids and fluttering lashes. 
“Just thinking about how we all got here, is all, Swordsman,” you murmur in response. Zoro’s hazelnut eyes stare down at you, his expression softening as he witnesses your soft confession. He gently reaches his hand down and takes your cheek in the palm of his hand. Running his thumb over the apple of your cheek, his expression softens further. 
“Oh?” he murmured with a soft swell at the end of his question, “Regretting joining us already, hm?”
"Not at all," you laugh through your nose, rolling your eyes at his teasing tone. “You regret begging me to come with you at Syrup-Village?” He huffed a small shocked laugh at your tone, shaking his head slightly at your question.
“Begging?” he scoffed in return, drawing you closer to his face by your chin and jaw, “The way I remember it,” he moved his hand to the back of your head, running his fingers through your hair and smiling softly, “You were the one who said ‘Oh, big, burly swordsman. I need you so badly. Take me in your strong arms and usher me into a life of adventure at sea’.” You scoffed, hitting him on the chest playfully and earning a soft grunt in response to the small smack. 
“I don’t sound like that, and I never said those things,” you scrunch your nose up at him, “You were the one that said: ‘Luffy. You need guidance, and I’m not smart enough to give you the help you desperately need. We need someone way smarter than I could ever dream of being,” that comment had a small chuckle rise in his throat.
You continued to deepen your voice, openly mocking him with joy, “We need to get you a counsellor, and someone I can bare my soul to when I keep watch alone at night. The sea gets so lonely, and I need someone in my arms at all times. I am a sucker for comfort, and I need to cradle something into my stocky, broad chest after I get lost- mmfhph!” 
Zoro cut you off by joining his lips against yours. His lips were chapped and tasted of salt from the sea, and slightly sweet from the hard sake he drank earlier. Your eyes were wide and staring at his fluttering eyelashes. His brow was furrowed in deep concentration as he breathed in a sharp inhale through his nose, his lips parting to deepen the soft oscillation. He groaned at the feeling of you opening yourself up to him, enjoying the soft kiss he was pressing against you.
This was not something you had anticipated on receiving from the swordsman, particularly because you were yet to formally begin anything together. You shared embraces, sure. The odd sparring session, certainly. Using your body to sit on his back while he did pushups, or sit on his feet to hold them steady while he curled his stomach in a flurry of sit-ups, absolutely. But kisses? Not something you expected. 
After breaking the soft kiss, he cradled your chin in his hand and thumbed over your bottom lip affectionately, uttering a simple, “You talk too much,” before scolding you, touching his forehead to yours, “And I don’t sound like that.” 
You shook your head at him, placing your book face down and open on his chest beneath you, rubbing the tip of your nose against his affectionately. 
“That may be true,” you utter softly, “But you don’t deny you said half of those things I said.” He chuckled, removing his forehead from yours and giving it a soft shake. You laughed alongside him, scrunching your nose and looking at the mossy-haired swordsman cradling you in his arms with soft adoration. A flutter ignited in your chest as he pressed a soft kiss against your temple. 
“Get back to your reading, Counsellor,” he murmured, giving you a soft nudge and rolling you off his chest and onto your back beside him. He laced his arm over your side, handing you back your book that was once on his chest, nuzzling into your neck and pressing a soft kiss against your shoulder. “Let me know if you read something interesting enough to bother me with it.” 
Your mind was racing, knowing that he desired to leave the soft kiss at just that for now -  not desiring to dive into a flurry of: ‘what does that mean, what does that make us, how are we going to go about everything as if we didn’t just share a kiss’. You gulped back your racing thoughts and reopened your world discovery novel, choosing to ignore the tingle of his breath igniting your skin with gooseflesh. 
You do as you’re told, enjoying the warmth he was giving to you behind your body within the hammock. As you read further, you found something interesting regarding the metal and make of sword wielders in a distant land on the other side of the world. You turn in his arms, attempting to look at him over your shoulder as you ask him your question.
“Zoro?” you whisper softly, “Zoro, do you know anything about a country called ‘Wano’?” You turn to face him in his arms, noticing the heavy rise and fall of his broad chest before anything else. You gaze up into his face, his brow relaxed and his eyes clamped shut enough to indicate heavy sleep. 
Taking a moment to study his face, you allow yourself the luxury of giving in to the warmth in your face and simmered fluttering in your chest. These past few weeks of getting to know him further, and the soft kiss he placed against your lips and shoulder moments ago, had your mind running away with you. Taking a moment to appreciate his proximity, you realize there was truly nothing that could tear you away from this moment. 
Closing your book shut, you enjoy nuzzling into his chest and you press a soft kiss against the indent of Mihawk’s stab-wound over the swordsman’s heart. Eyes fluttering shut, you are ushered into a soft and blissful slumber within the cage of his body holding yours firmly against it. It does not take long until your breathing synchronizes, your dreams of what's to come on this next adventure a distant thought…
…Until the loud alert of your blonde chef wakes you from your slumber, his voice yelling a booming, “Dinner, moss-head! Get your idiot-ass down here and eat! Also, has anyone seen the Counsellor?” 
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ninibeingdelulu · 2 months
heyy can you write something about how would be the first kiss of Levi with one of his scout? i can’t really picture the scene. and can you write something about his first physical contact with her like their first time hugging in a detailed way cause i can’t really see him doing it, thank you so much
Physical contact with him ft. levi ackerman
a/n: im sorry it took so much time, hope you enjoy<3 i changed the story a little, but normally it’s the same.
How your relationship with Levi improves.
At first, Levi is strictly professional with you, treating you just like any other fresh scout recruit under his elite command. He's brusque, aloof and demands perfection in your training drills.
But you can't help being entranced by the captain's fluid, almost hypnotic skill in combat. The way he wields those dual blades is pure lethal elegance in motion.
You find yourself shamelessly staring more than once, only to be met with a withering glare from Levi's steel grey eyes.
Slowly though, he seems to begrudgingly respect your unwavering determination and rapid skill progression under his tutelage.
Levi's piercing gaze lingers fractionally whenever you execute a complicated maneuver flawlessly.
After one sparring bout where you finally managed to disarm him for a split second, the tiniest smirk played at the corner of Levi's lips amidst the sheen of sweat glistening on his chiseled features up close.
Your heart stopped at the brief spark of unmistakable approval flickering in those subdued eyes.
You realize in that crystalline moment of adrenaline just how intoxicatingly attractive Levi is to you.
Not just because of his impressive prowess, but his intensely focused determination and strength of will shining from the shadowed depths.
Before you can spiral further down that dangerous trail of thought, Levi's boot connects squarely with your chest, dropping you hard onto your back with a grunt. "Don't get cocky," is his only terse remark, though his gaze flicks away almost...shyly?
Things remain professionally tense between you two after that spark of mutual acknowledgment.
Until one day, you take a brutal hit while defending Levi's flank out in the field against a horde of Titans.
You're barely conscious, choking on your own blood after being flung against a tree trunk. Then Levi's steel cables are zipping overhead, and his boots slam into the earth directly before your fading vision.
You're vaguely aware of his familiar voice shouting for backup as he hoists you protectively against his broad chest, eyes darting with uncharacteristic panic now.
His trademark bravado has melted completely.
Due to your injuries, Levi spends painstaking days by your bedside while you recover in the infirmary wing.
All prior formalities have been abandoned - he won't leave your side, cradling your hand in his calloused fingers until your eyes finally flutter open.
The way his typically harsh gaze softens infinitesimally tells you everything you need to know - Levi doesn't fear losing subordinates, he fears losing you specifically.
Before either can overthink, he's tugging your face to his desperately and finally fitting your gasping mouths together like twin puzzle pieces.
His kiss is hard, needy and searing with all the unresolved passion Levi's spent weeks fighting internally. It buckles your knees anew as his warm breath mingles with your own in a ragged gasp.
But his iron grip around your waist keeps you anchored flush against the rock-solid planes of his body.
You're the only one privileged enough to peel back the hardened exterior and witness Levi's intensely guarded tenderness, though.
When it's just the two of you cuddled on his tiny cot, his mask slips away with each stroke of your fingers through his raven tresses, each heated caress and murmured reassurance exchanged reverently.
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purel6mbie · 4 months
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'𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬' .. !
𖥻 calcharo x reader
𖥻 angst, fluff
𖥻 been feelin insecure so I wrote this. sorry for being ia nd not writing abt scar .. cw for talks of body image, wrote this with an afab reader in mind, .. dunno life sucks pookies ..
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you looked at your reflection in the mirror, at the flesh hanging from your belly, your thighs, your arms, like weights you could never let go of, burdening you each second of each day. you hadn't realized you were crying before one of your tears landed on your chest. your chest .. so terribly flat and unlovable. so repulsing. if only i could rip it all off, change my skin ..
'dearest ?'
you turn around like you got caught stealing, new hot tears springing to your eyes the moment they meet your lover's confused ones. calcharo strides over to you with heavy steps, leaning slightly, gloved hands cupping your cheeks tenderly. 'is something wrong ? are you hurt, darling ?' he inquires, his usually deep and loud voice a mere whisper that fans over your wet cheeks.
you shake your head no, sobbing as you struggle to catch a proper breath. you must look so pitiful right now .. 'im s-sorry' you manage to stutter out, aggressively wiping your tears away before crouching to pick up your clothes. that skirt looked horrible on you. guess you'll just gift it to yangyang or something .. it would flatter her way more anyways.
'would you prefer if I gave you some space for now ? I just came home but I can leave and be back later if that might h—' calcharo stops when you once again shake your head. he walks closer, grabbing your wrist gently with his slender fingers. 'then could we talk it out, please ?'
calcharo was far from being a talkative man, even with you. this was just proof of the deep worry gnawing at his heart at the sight before him. he wouldn't —couldn't— bear it.
you slowly let your walls fall down, shoulders slumping in defeat. soon, two buff arms are holding you close to a broad chest, a chin resting on top of your head. you don't exactly know how long you stayed like that, but not once did his hold on you weaken. your lover held you like an anchor, unwavering, and you finally sighed deeply from exhaustion. hating yourself was a full time job you took very seriously, and it was as draining as any other.
'i feel so utterly ugly, calcharo .. so unlovable,' you breathed, eyes closed.
his first answer was a soft kiss planted on the crown of your head. some moments later though, he talked, 'a star in the sky never knows how bright it shines.'
silence. he inhales deeply before pulling away, instead holding you at arms length. calcharo doesn't pressure you into looking at him in the eyes, he knows better than that. he knows you better than that. and he knows what you need to hear from him right now.
'you are my entire cosmos, dearest. everything.' your eyes lock with his, slightly wide and already glistening with brand new tears. his voice doesn't waver as he ends : 'and i love all of you. always.'
your eyelids flutter shut, translucent pearls hanging on your lashes. warmth blossoms where his cold lips seal his words on your forehead. you sigh once again and let that heat take over your numb limbs for today, arms moving to hug your lover to you, to never let him go. 'i love you. i adore you. my knight in shining armor.'
you tilt your head to kiss his chest, where his golden tacet mark would be under his uniform, and his hold on you tightens. 'all of you. always.'
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©purel6mbie 2024 | do not copy, translate, repost !
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mustainegf · 3 months
hi im the same person that requested the restaurant thing i have another idea😭🙏🏻
brothers bestfriend type thing? and sort of age gap but not too much of an age gap. AND ONE MORE THING. size kink😜. i sound stupid af but 👍
the size kink part got a tad bit lost I think, lmk 😭
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Well, James was always there, ever since my brother came home from school with him when they were kids. He was a year and a half older than me, and as time passed by, I could only develop a crush on him.
He was sweet, shy, the kind of guy who charmed in his own nervous little way. Over the years, I had learned to hide it inside, watching from afar as he and my brother had become like glue.
It was on one of those quiet summer nights, when everything changed. James had been sleeping over our house, just like countless times before.
My brother and him had been watching horror movies late into the night and now there was a complete death like silence as everyone drifted off to sleep.
I had stayed awake reading a book, when finally I finished it. I decided to go downstairs and quench my thirst with a glass of water from the kitchen.
I walked down the dim hall and rammed into what seemed to be a solid, warm mass. I looked up to find James standing there, his hands balancing me with a surprised grin.
"Sorry," I whispered, flushing my cheeks.
"No problem," he answered in a low pitch, the resonance of his voice hoarse in the silence of the night.
We stood for a moment, and the silence was heavy with an unsaid tension. His hand seemed to linger on my arm, and I felt the heat from his skin through the thin material of my pajama top.
"What are you doing up so late?" he asked, leaning casually against the wall.
"Couldn't sleep," I replied. "Just getting some water."
"Same here," he said with a faint smile. "Your brother's snoring is impossible to sleep through."
We both chuckled softly. I could feel a strange nervousness between us.
"Well, I should probably go back to bed," I said and took a step into my room.
"Yeah, me too." But neither he nor I moved an inch.
I looked back over where he was standing outside the door, feeling emboldened, almost flirtatious. "You want to come in for a little while? If neither of us can sleep..."
James hung there for a second before nodding. "Sure."
I walked ahead into my bedroom and closed the door but not completely. James followed me and closed the door behind him, the click seemed loud, as if we were doing something taboo.
We sat on the edge of my bed, and an awkward silence fell between us, pushing us apart and pulling us together all at once. James looked at me, in his eyes, a search for any sign of hesitation. When he found none, he turned to me and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.
"You're different," he spoke softly. "More grown up. I can’t believe I’ve known you all these years.” He smiled, thinking back.
I felt my cheeks go warm, and my heart skipped. "Well, I’m almost 19," I chuckled, trying to sound casual.
James chuckled and barely touched his hand to my cheek. "Yeah, yeah, I know."
We just looked into each other's eyes for a long while. I felt the blood rushing to my face, and my mind raced with things I had never dared to think before.
The next thing I knew, I was leaning over, slowly locking my lips with his. It was hesitant at first, like he was scared to go too far, but when I eagerly returned, he deepened it.
My hands finally met his shoulders, and I held on to him like he was my anchor onto the world. His hands moved down my back, leaning us down right onto the bed.
"We shouldn't be doing this," he panted between kisses. "You're my best friend's sister.”
"I don't care," I whispered back, my fingers tangling in his pretty, long hair. "I want you, James. Please."
He groaned as he crumbled, and he kissed me again, his hands on my body suddenly quick in their roaming.
We sort of tumbled onto the bed, frantic, before he paused for a moment, looking at me worriedly.
"Are you 100% sure about this?" he asked again. His voice was still so soft and tender.
"Mhm," I hummed, heart thudding. "But…James, there's something I need to tell you first."
"What is it?" he asked as his eyes scouring mine.
"I, uh… I'm a virgin," I murmured.
His eyes widened, and he let out a shuddering breath as if he was shocked. "I'll be gentle," he promised, and his lips ghosted against my forehead. "But I can't promise I won't tease you. You're just too irresistible."
His words had me giggling. "Okay then, Hetfield," I whispered back.
James kissed me once more, his hands striving slowly up and down my body. He dragged his lips down my neck as his fingers slipped under the hem of my shirt. He pulled it off me, revealing my bare chest, and he let out a deep groan at the raw sight.
"You're so beautiful," he groaned, his lips trailing down into my chest.
I whined as he kissed and nipped at my skin, his hands making quick work of my Bra. He flung it out of the way as his lips moved down to my breasts, his tongue flicking and tasting over my sensitive nipples. I moaned softly, trying to keep quiet so we wouldn't be heard.
I was turning to jelly at the look of him, so much bigger than me, leaving me in his shadow as he devoured me.
His hands slipped further down my body, slipping under the waistband of my shorts. He pulled them down, along with my panties, baring everything for him.
"You're perfect," he said, his eyes raking over my body. “So delicate.” He pulled my legs apart again, tracing with fingers the sensitive skin on the inner thighs.
It was then that my body started shaking as I bit into my lip. "Please, James," I begged, needing him more than I had ever needed anything before.
His fingers danced at my entrance, and he smirked. "So needy," he murmured. The combination of amusement and desire was a heady thing in his voice. "I love it."
I whimpered and mewled, my hips bucking against his hand. "Please," I repeated, the word more than desperate.
Finally, James slid a finger inside of me. I gasped at the sensation, my back arched off the bed. Sure I’d fingered myself before, but having James do it… God, it was unreal.
He moved in slowly, his touch light as he explored each crevice inside of me.
“That’s it," he muttered, his eyes dark and swimming with his long held desires. "Doin’ so good."
He added a second finger, stretching me open while he continued stealing kisses from my lips. I felt myself becoming wetter with tick and motion. "James," I moaned, my hands clawing at his shoulders as my voice bounced off the walls.
"Shh," he whispered back, his lips grazing against my ear. "We have to be quiet, remember?”
I nodded, clamping my teeth together to keep myself from moaning as James worked his fingers inside me further while his thumb Very slowly worked my clit. The feeling was enough to make stars dance in front of my face. "You feel so good," he sighed, full of awe. “I’m still shocked you’re a virgin.” James snickered.
His tongue roamed every inch of my body, kissing and exploring my shivering skin. He stopped when he reached the core. Looking up, he grinned wickedly at me. "Fuck, I can't wait to taste you."
My cheeks burned, my body racked with a tremor of exctement. James's mouth finally landed on my clit, his tongue flicking over the sensitive bundle of nerves. I had to bite down on my tongue to keep from crying out.
James worked me with skill that left me to wonder how many times he'd down this before, sucking and licking me to the edge a number of times before pulling back and teasing.
"Please," I begged, never once thinking James would have me in this position. Towering over me, reducing me to a puddle of moans. "I need you, James, bad..."
He raised his gaze to mine, something dangerous flickering in his head as out eyes found each other. "You want me to fuck you?" he asked, almost amused.
I nodded wildly, like I was a deprived animal. "P-Please, James."
He moved back up my body, ridding himself of his shorts and boxers. His arousal sprung up agaisnt his lean stomach. Sure, I'd seen a few dicks in porno mags that my friends had, or some idiot in school. But this was different. He was raw, just a inches away from me.
I took in every detail of him, from the small patch of well groomed hair, to his impressive length. James gripped himself with a groan, teasing himself a second as he glanced up at me.
I nodded just as he was positioning himself between my legs. His cock he guided to my entrance, where the tip was sort of teasing me as he hovered above my body. "This might hurt a little," he said, his voice soft and low. "I'll go slow."
I nodded again, bracing myself against the possible pain. I gripped James shoulders as he stayed close, letting me hold onto him for support.
James pushed forward, and the head of his cock slipped inside me. I winced at the unfamilia feeling. He paused a little, giving me a moment to adjust, then pushed further. The pain was aching at first, but it slowly began to morph into something much more.
"You're doin' so good," he mumbled. "Good girl."
I blushed as the praise inflated my heart. James moved very slowly, each thrust quite careful, very calculated as he found his way deeper inside of me. The pain began to turn, replaced by a growing pleasure that had me moaning just softly for him, the boy I'd known for years, making me feel so good.
"That's it," James murmured, staring into my eyes as I squinted. "Take me, baby. You're doing so, so good."
I wrapped my legs around his waist while he began to move a bit more confidently. "James," I whined, the tips of my fingers dug into the divets of his shoulder blades.
"Shh," he whispered as he caught my lips in a hushing kiss. "We gotta be quiet."
It was surreal. I could feel the curve of every vein, every dip as he rocked inside of me, finding my sweet spot within seconds and focusing on it.
I nodded, bit my lip to silence my whines as James began to drive faster into me, the room filling with slick and obscene noises.
"James," I gasped, already needing to cum. I knew he could tell by the way I was clamping around him.
"I know," he groaned into my soft neck. "Let go, baby. I've got you."
I came with a keening cry, toes curling as I smushed my face into his shoulder to muffle the sounds tumbling from my lips. James was quick to pull from me, leaving me loose and missing his stretch. He squeezed and pumped his fist on his cock, locking eyes with me for a split second before the inevitable finally happened. He groaned softly, his head drooping to rest against my shoulder.
With a final whine, his hand slowed and I could feel the warm squirts of cum paint my abdomen, dripping down as he milked his final drops.
We sat frozen for a second, our naked bodies sweaty and glistening in the dark room. James gently smiled, motions tender and careful. He lay down beside me, snatching me into his arms.
"Are you okay?" he queried softly, his voice sounding perfect. How could it get any better than this? bathing in the bliss of our post sex euphoria, his voice in my ear and arms around me.
I nodded against his shoulder. "more than okay..."
James smiled, his eyes so warm. "You were amazing," he said, lazily pecking my forehead.
"I should, uh... clean off..." I giggled as we both glanced down at my cum-smothered stomach. James cheeks went a dark pink as he laugh.
"Get up, I'll help you," James smiled, helping me out of bed to assist in cleaning ourselves.
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xxspringmelodyxx · 3 months
Im sorry for this. But I hope can enjoy this short whittle story 👉🏽👈🏽🥹
Warning: Sad, depressing, -100000 aura, no living, laughing, or loving! Enjoy my lovelies!
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“I love you.” You said to the tall white-haired boy, both of you in your graduation gowns as you kissed underneath a random tree. The moment felt surreal, as if the world had paused just for you two. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant sound of laughter from your classmates added to the magic of the evening.
“I love you more, my Y/N~” Satoru replied, his voice soft yet filled with conviction. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you close. You could feel the warmth of his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat syncing with yours. The years of shared memories, laughter, and unspoken feelings culminated in this perfect moment.
"I love you, Toru~" You said, looking up at your husband as you two stood on the aisle, hand in hand. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the gathered friends and family who had come to witness your special day. The anticipation in the air was palpable as Satoru put the ring on your finger, a symbol of your undying love and commitment to one another.
You felt a rush of emotions as you placed the ring on his finger, the weight of the moment sinking in. This simple act signified the beginning of a lifelong journey together, bound by love and mutual respect.
Satoru looked down into your eyes, his gaze filled with tenderness and adoration. Holding your head in his hands, he gently pulled you in, kissing you softly yet passionately on the lips. The kiss was a perfect blend of love and promise, sealing the vows you had just exchanged.
As you pulled away, the applause and cheers of your loved ones filled the air, but all you could focus on was Satoru's radiant smile and the love that shone in his eyes.
“I love you more, my beautiful wife~” He said with a smirk.
"I love you, Toru~" you said as you two watched the students train with one another. The sounds of shouts and laughter filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere. Satoru smiled, his attention shifting from the students to you. His eyes softened, and a playful glint appeared as he took off his blindfold, revealing those mesmerizing blue eyes that always made your heart skip a beat.
Without a word, he gently took your hand and led you into another room, away from prying eyes. The moment the door closed behind you, he wasted no time. He pinned you against the wall, his hands on either side of your head, trapping you in his embrace.
The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down your spine. You could feel the warmth of his body pressed against yours, his breath mingling with yours. The world outside ceased to exist, leaving just the two of you in this intimate moment. His lips found yours in a searing kiss, full of unspoken promises and the depth of his love. Every touch, every movement, conveyed his devotion and the burning desire he felt for you.
As the kiss deepened, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. The connection you shared was undeniable, a bond that grew stronger with each passing day. In this quiet, secluded room, you both found solace in each other, a reminder of the love that anchored you amidst the chaos of the world outside.
"I love you more, my wonderful Y/N~" he whispered, his voice low and filled with passion.
Tears pooled out of my eyes as I stared at the lifeless body in front of me, seeing his closed eyes that once sparkled with life and mischief. I held his hand in mine, my heart sinking with each passing moment. The only sound in the room was the incessant buzz of the overhead light, a stark reminder of the grim reality before me. There Toru lay, his body lifeless on the cool, hard metal carrier.
Shoko had just finished sewing his head, preparing for the next step in the procedure. The sight of the stitches made my stomach churn. I loathed it. I was against all of this from the start, but he didn’t listen. He was too cocky, always thinking he was invincible, that he would never lose against such a powerful curse. I recalled the countless times he had reassured me, telling me that everything would be fine, that he could handle anything. The bitter irony of those words now cut through me like a knife.
Why him?! Hasn’t he been through so much already? My mind raced with memories of his laughter, his strength, his unwavering confidence. How could someone so vibrant, so full of life, be reduced to this? To just be used as nothing but a weapon? The injustice of it all gnawed at me, fueling my grief and anger. squeezed his hand, wishing desperately for a miracle, for him to open his eyes and smile at me like he always did.
I grabbed his body, holding him close as my tears fell onto him. His skin was cold. Pain was spreading throughout my whole body as I tried to listen for his heart, desperate to hear a small beat, anything. But there was nothing. The finality of his silence echoed in my mind, amplifying my despair. The warmth and comfort of his presence, something I had always taken for granted, was now a void that seemed impossible to fill.
“My baby…” I sobbed, clinging onto him for dear life, begging for some sort of miracle to happen. Begging to awaken from this horrible nightmare. Begging to hear his voice one more time. To see his smile. To feel his hugs. To feel his kiss. To be with him. The memories of our time together, the shared moments of joy and love, now felt like precious, fleeting dreams that I desperately wanted to hold onto.
I looked at his closed eyes, placing my hand on his forehead, hiding the stitches. They disgusted me and filled me with guilt. I leaned over and kissed him, another tear falling down to his cheek. The touch of his lips, now cold and unresponsive, was a painful reminder of what I had lost. Every second without him felt like an eternity of emptiness and sorrow.
“I love you, Toru…” I said, my voice breaking. The words felt inadequate, a mere shadow of the depth of my feelings. I wanted him to know, to understand just how much he meant to me, even if he could no longer respond. The silence that followed was deafening, a stark contrast to the lively conversations and shared laughter we once had.
The cold, unyielding reality was that he was gone. Satoru Gojo was truly gone. The world had lost a brilliant light, and I had lost the person who meant everything to me. The world felt colder, darker, without his presence.
“You can rest now, my love…” I finished, my voice a mere whisper. The words were both a plea and a release, an acknowledgment that he had given all he could. I hoped that wherever he was, he had found peace. I lingered there, holding him, unwilling to let go. The moments stretched on, each one a painful reminder of the finality of death.
“I love you…”
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nocturnest · 5 months
Heya sweets❤️
Im always so shy when asking for request 👉🏻👈🏻
I have this story in my head where the reader is Tangerines and Lemons Handler. Lemon adores reader. She does everything for them. Always fun and making jokes. Tangerine and reader have a little hate/banter relationship, but both have unresolved feelings for eachother.
And after one near death assignment, reader has to bring out her nursing skills. Stop the bleeding, stitching them back up etc. But reader is so frustrated with the both of them especially Tan. Because she cares for them and obviously loves Tan. And by almost loosing Tangerine brakes her composure and all her feelings come out.
Maybe fluff, maybe some nsfw?
Do with this whatever you like☺️
Have a wonderful day 🥰🫶🏻
hello my lovely friend! so sorry this took a while but i wanted to make sure i did it right! what a wonderful prompt - i love this idea! please enjoy and feel free to continue sending requests! 🥰
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You loved the boys - you really did. In fact, it was hard to imagine a time when they hadn't been a part of your life, a constant presence that grounded you and brought both joy and exasperation in equal measure.
For five years now, you had been their handler, guiding them through missions, patching them up when they were injured, and providing a steady anchor amidst the chaos that seemed to follow them wherever they went. What had once been a professional relationship had slowly evolved into something far deeper - and when it came to a certain British fruit with a mustache, you found yourself unable to stay away.
You liked Lemon for his eccentricities and knack for always being able to sense people's intentions. It was remarkable how spot-on he could be on missions. You suppose you could thank his obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine for that...
Lemon, with his eccentricities and uncanny ability to read people's intentions, was a constant source of amusement and admiration. You marveled at how spot-on he could be during missions, his insights often proving invaluable – a skill you jokingly attributed to his obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine.
Just the other day you had happily entertained one of Lemon's rants about Thomas and Friends over earpiece for a good fifteen minutes just to see how long it would take for Tangerine to lose it. And he did as soon as you and Lemon started having a serious debate about whether or not Tangerine was a Gordon, to which Tangerine did not take kindly to. He insisted he was not anything near close to "that arrogant bastard of a train."
You could hear the utter frustration and offense in his voice, his mutterings of various curses, and you imagined how he must have looked all riled up - to the point that all you wanted was to see his face at that very moment.
Lemon was so honestly sweet - always playful. He always asked you about your day and remembered the smallest things about you. He also knew exactly what to do to push Tangerine's buttons, which you couldn't help but find amusing. Beneath his quirks was a true heart of gold, for he never failed to coax a smile out of you, no matter how bleak the circumstance.
And Tangerine - well, he was Tangerine. He was complicated, to say the least, and you couldn't imagine him as being anything else. Since the beginning, there had been this tension between the two of you - at first, the two of you were at each other's throats - swapping insults and cursing at one other. Lemon may have had to intervene on more than one occasion to get the two of you to snap out of it.
Something, changed though - not significantly but enough for you to notice. You suspect it had something to do with a very long-ass conversation Lemon had with Tangerine after a taxing mission that nearly cost them their lives. When you had picked the both of them up, Tangerine and Lemon had their raincoats covered in blood. For someone who was so vocal, so uptight, Tangerine was positively silent after that mission. He didn't insult you back and barely responded with anything other than one-word utterances - it was unnerving, concerning even.
You didn't like it. You didn't like seeing Tangerine so solemn, so hopeless. You were driving the car in utter silence and at some point Lemon had fallen asleep, or so you thought... Tangerine was in the passenger's seat beside you with a blank stare - he wasn't even looking out the window. No, he just looked straight on at the empty road ahead.
He had a cut on his forehead and a split lip, dried blood stains running down the side of his face. Without looking down, he was taking his golden knuckle-dusters on and off. You had half of a mind to reach out and steady his trembling hands as you were driving, but you were afraid perhaps of how he might react. And yet, despite all of this, you thought he looked as beautiful as you had ever seen him.
You called his name, cautiously and quietly. He didn't respond. You tried once more and he didn't give any impression that he had heard you. You had to do something. Anything to get him out of this stupor. So, maybe when you thought Lemon wasn't listening and had fallen asleep in the back of the car, you had started going off on some tangent about having finally read some of the novels Tangerine kept on going on and on about.
You mentioned his favorites: Wuthering Heights, The Stranger, Fahrenheit 451... Because if there was anything you knew about Tangerine, it's that he was passionate about classics to the point that he even quoted and analyzed fucking Dostoveksy in the middle of a kill on multiple occasions. Maybe the fact that you and him were both quite the book nerds actually made him all the more attractive to you.
As you continued to ramble about the novels you had read that Tangerine was so passionate about, the air in the car grew thick with tension, the silence punctuated only by the steady hum of the engine.
You didn't dare look at him - part of you didn't really expect him to listen. So instead, you kept your gaze focused on the empty road ahead, hands gripping the steering wheel as you spoke.
"I finally got around to reading 'Fahrenheit 451, you know," you began, your voice soft and measured. "I have to say, I can see why you're so taken with it. It's simply written yet so applicable to modern society and the dangers of censorship. It truly makes one think about what it would mean to live in a world without literature."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Tangerine's head turn ever so slightly in your direction, his brow furrowed as if he were trying to process your words.
Emboldened by this flicker of response, you continued. "And I hadn't read The Stranger in a good while but it resonated with me particularly deeply this second time, Camus' exploration of existentialism and the human condition...I was drawn into Meursault's detached perspective, his ability to confront the harsh realities of life with such unflinching clarity."
A soft exhale, barely audible, escaped Tangerine's lips, and you felt your heart quicken its pace. You were reaching him, slowly but surely, pulling him back from the depths of whatever darkness had consumed him.
"But I think my favorite, at least so far, has to be Wuthering Heights," you continued, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
"The way Brontë captures the rawness of human emotion, the intensity of love and loss – it's truly remarkable. And the relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff - it's passionate," you said, your voice trailing off as you hesitated, the words catching in your throat. You could feel Tangerine's gaze on you, intense and searching, waiting for you to continue.
"Cathy and Heathcliff," you began again, your voice soft and contemplative. "They're... they're bound together by something... something powerful and all-consuming. Their love is - it's turbulent, chaotic, but it's also - undeniable."
This time, Tangerine's reaction was unmistakable. He turned his head fully towards you, his eyes seeking out yours, and in that moment, the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of you. His eyes were filled with an indescribable emotion and his whole focus was on you. You met his eyes only to avoid them.
"You read them," he murmured, his voice rough and laced with a hint of disbelief.
You nodded, finally allowing yourself to meet his gaze. "Of course I did," you replied, your tone gentle. "They're important to you, and I wanted to understand why."
Tangerine's eyes remained locked with yours, his gaze penetrating and unreadable. For a moment, he simply stared, seemingly struggling with the words that threatened to spill forth.
Finally, he spoke, Tangerine's tone measured but with the barest hint of softness bleeding through. "I didn't think you'd actually read them," he admitted, a crease forming between his brows. "Those books...they're important to me. More than just words on a page."
Tangerine turned away, his eyes focusing on some distant point beyond the windshield. You could see the muscle in his jaw tighten as he clenched his teeth. "I'm surprised you understood them so well," he murmured, the words seeming almost painful for him to voice.
There was a brief silence before Tangerine continued. "I've always had...difficulty...letting people in. Connecting on that deeper level." His fingers drummed against the door restlessly. "But you - you saw right through to the heart of those stories. You truly understood it."
Another pause, this one longer, more weighted. When Tangerine finally spoke again, his words were clipped, guarded - as if he were struggling to maintain that protective wall he'd carefully constructed around himself.
"Don't read too much into it though," he muttered gruffly, shifting in his seat. "They're just books in the end. It doesn't mean anything."
But his eyes told a different story as they flickered back towards you, full of unspoken longing and vulnerability he was so desperately trying to conceal. Your fingers on the steering wheel twitched, practically begging to reach to him, to take his hands in yours, to tell him that you understood. That he didn't have to keep up this facade around you.
For a fleeting second, you saw a glimpse of the real Tangerine - the one who lived and breathed those books, whose soul resonated with the turbulent depths of Heathcliff and Cathy's obsessive love. The one who felt everything so intensely that he was forced to cage those emotions, to push others away for fear of being consumed.
You opened your mouth to respond, but the moment passed as quickly as it came. Tangerine straightened, clearing his throat roughly as he turned his attention back towards the empty road ahead. His walls were firmly back in place, that flash of vulnerability carefully tucked away.
"Just drive, Peach," he muttered, his voice now flat and devoid of any trace of the rawness you had witnessed mere seconds ago. "We've got a long way to go still."
After that incident, you and him went back to quarreling as usual though it was less heated, more like playful teasing. And you could have sworn Tangerine had started looking at you differently. Sometimes you'd find him gazing at you for a few seconds too long and when you gave him a questioning look back, he avoided your eyes.
Maybe - just maybe - you weren't so immune to giving into the tension between the two of you either. When you tended to the cuts and bruises he accumulated during missions, your touches perhaps lingered a beat too long, savoring the warmth of his skin and the subtle catch of his breath.
And Tangerine, for all his gruffness, could not entirely mask the softening of his features when your gazes met and held for those endless seconds. The pink dusting his sharp cheekbones whenever you aimed a teasing barb his way hinted at vulnerabilities he struggled to conceal behind his prickly exterior.
The friction between the two of you had become undeniable. Every snide remark, every heated debate about classical literature, seemed laced with unresolved tensions that threatened to combust at any moment.
Perhaps it was reckless to allow these flames to be stoked, you mused as you studied Tangerine's profile while he bent over the mission briefing. But there was a thrill in dancing along the precipice, in pushing the limits of how far you could go before that line was finally crossed.
Lemon's knowing glances whenever he sensed the charged atmosphere only fanned the flames further. That grin curving his lips made it clear he found humor in bearing witness to the escalating heat between his two companions. If anyone recognized the forbidden yearnings you each harbored, it was him. And was eager, practically praying for the two of you to get your heads out of your asses and realize your feelings for one another. And that time would come.
The mission had gone sideways in the blink of an eye. One minute they were making their way through the compound, and the next, a hail of gunfire erupted from all angles.
Your heart stopped when the frantic voice crackled over the comms. "Fucking hell - Peach! Tangerine's been hit and he's losing blood!"
Lemon's panicked tones sent ice flooding your veins. You scrambled for the extraction vehicle, hands shaking as you attempted to program the coordinates for the rendezvous point. Bile rose in your throat at the thought of losing him...of losing Tangerine.
What felt like an eternity later, the doors burst open and Lemon staggered inside, half-carrying, half-dragging Tangerine's bloodied form. Your breath caught in your lungs at the sight - his pallid face, the crimson blossoming across his abdomen, soaking through the field dressings haphazardly applied.
"Oh god-" A garbled cry tore from your lips as you rushed forward, hands already working to strip away his tac gear.
Lemon made his way to the front of the vehicle as you were opening every med kit the back of the van contained for gauze and something to stop the blood. Lemon drove anxiously and way over the speed limit.
"Rheneas...you have to be Rheneas," he yelled, the words jumbled as he fought to remain calm. "Brave and resourceful, just like you. You can do this!"
You barely registered his nonsensical Thomas rambling as you focused on staunching the steady flow of blood. Observing the wound critically, you noticed that the bullet had gone straight through but shrapnel had been left behind. You had to start moving before Tangerine bled the fuck out.
Deep breaths, Peach.
“Tangerine,” you murmured, a quiver in your voice. He groaned in response but it seemed as though he was going in and out of consciousness. No. He would not die today.
You tried again, your voice more urgent, desperate, “Tangerine!”
Tangerine's harsh, wet breaths cut through the tense silence, each one a fight for life. His eyes fluttered open, fever-bright and struggling to focus on your face hovering above.
“I have to remove the shrapnel before I can stitch you up, alright? I need you to be strong for me.”
Your hand found Tangerine's, giving his calloused fingers a reassuring squeeze as you met his fever-glazed eyes. "I'm here, Tangerine. Just focus on me, okay?"
He managed the barest dip of his chin in acknowledgment, jaw locked tight against the waves of agony rippling through his battered frame. Steeling yourself, you grasped the forceps with a steadiness that belied the frantic gallop of your pulse.
"Deep breaths," you murmured, the desperation yet softness in your voice slipping out unbidden as your focus narrowed to a laser point.
With deft precision, you delved into the ragged bullet wound, probing for the fragmented pieces of shrapnel lodged amid the tattered flesh. A guttural groan tore from Tangerine's clenched teeth as you worked, his grip on your hand verging on crushing.
"That's it, just hold onto me," you coached, willing every ounce of strength into the man beneath your hands. "You're doing so well, Tangerine. I'm right here."
Tangerine's panting breaths had grown shallow and rapid, his eyes squeezed shut against the onslaught of agony. You watched in rapt focus as a sheen of sweat bloomed across his brow, dampening the tawny strands that stuck in matted clumps to his ashen skin.
Then, with a final twist of the forceps, you carefully pulled free the last insidious fragment. Tangerine arched from the floor, a hoarse bellow tearing from his very core as he rode out the finality of the searing torment.
"Fuckin' hell!"
His hand clenched around yours with crushing force, fingertips digging desperately into your flesh as if you were his only tether in that moment of anguish.
"I've got you, I've got you," you found yourself chanting over the litany of his ragged gasps and Lemon's frantic reassurances over the comms. "You're okay, Tangerine. You're going to be okay."
At last, the tension bled from his corded frame as his body slumped back in total, wrecked exhaustion. His eyes slitted open, still burning with fever but now hazy with shock and blood loss. Tangerine's chapped lips parted soundlessly as his gaze found and locked onto yours with lazer-focus.
For an endless heartbeat, he simply held your stare, a thousand unspoken sentiments and emotions bleeding across the jagged planes of his face.
The solitary word was little more than a broken rasp, rough and guttural. Yet it contained so much meaning - apologies and promises were woven into that single syllable that hung in the air between you.
Then Tangerine's eyes slipped shut once more as he surrendered at last to oblivion, his hand falling limp yet warm in your grasp. You stared at his deathly still features unblinking, his name echoing like a sacred prayer in your thundering pulse.
"Hang on, Tangerine," you pleaded, voice cracking as you rapidly worked the needle and thread through the ragged wound. "Please - please don't leave me."
Fumbling with the med kit, you quickly threaded a curved needle, hands surprisingly steady despite your inner turmoil. At the front of the vehicle, Lemon continued his soothing chants, something about diesel engines and Sir Topham Hatt, but the words were white noise in your ears. All that mattered was the fragile thread of life you fought so valiantly to preserve through each meticulous stitch. At last, the final knot was tied off and you sagged with sheer physical and emotional exhaustion.
Only then did your own harsh sobs spill forth, harsh and visceral. Burying your face in Tangerine's sweat-damp hair, you clung to him with everything you had, chest heaving with the force of your cries. Tears traced rivers down your cheeks, baptizing his skin with your anguished relief that he yet lived.
At some point Lemon appeared beside you, the door to the van wide open. His soothing hand smoothed circles across your shuddering back as you rode out the storm of emotion. His voice a soft murmur, words of solace about how you were Sir Handel, the reliable, brave-hearted one.
Somehow, Lemon had managed to coax you into helping him carry Tangerine into the safe house. How - you weren't sure because you were in quite a state. And despite Lemon's insistence upon you getting some rest, you swore that you wouldn't leave Tangerine's bedside until he woke up - at which Lemon gave a knowing glance.
At some point, utterly drained, you must have slipped into an exhausted slumber slumped at Tangerine's side. Because the next thing you were aware of was his calloused fingers brushing feather-light against your damp cheek.
You blinked awake groggily to find Tangerine's intense gaze drinking you in as if you were the most precious thing he'd ever seen. His split lips curved in the barest hint of a smile - tired yet impossibly tender.
And that was when the floodgates broke anew. With a harsh sob, you flung yourself against him, face buried in the solid warmth of his neck as you clung with fierce desperation. He was alive - he was alive and with you still.
Tangerine's strong arms enveloped you, holding you impossibly close as his injured body would allow. His lips brushed your hairline in a whisper of a kiss.
"I'm here, love," he rasped, the endearment somehow freighted with a thousand unspoken vows and emotions. "I'm right here. I won't leave you."
Tangerine cradled you against his chest, his fingers tenderly stroking the tear-streaked paths along your cheeks. Each brush of his fingertips was a reassuring caress, a silent vow that he was truly there - battered yet blessedly alive.
"Shh, it's alright now," he murmured, voice rough with exhaustion but impossibly gentle. "I've got ya."
You nodded tremulously against the solid warmth of his neck, inhaling the achingly familiar scent of gunpowder and sandalwood that was distinctly him. Tangerine's arms tightened fractionally, and you melted deeper into his embrace, drawing solace from the steady thrum of his heart against your cheek.
For a while, the rest of the world seemed to fade away until there was nothing but the rise and fall of his breaths, the reassuring metronome of life woven between your entangled forms.
When at last you drew back enough to meet his gaze, the corners of Tangerine's eyes had softened with an emotion you realized now you'd seen flickering there for longer than you cared to admit - a profound depth of feeling he'd never allowed himself to truly acknowledge until this moment.
His thumb traced the delicate curve of your lower lip with a touch so reverent it stole the very breath from your lungs. "You're something else, ya know that?" The words were little more than a hoarse rasp but held a world of unspoken meaning.
Unable to find your own voice past the tidal wave of emotion surging within, you simply leaned into his touch. This earned you the ghost of a smile, more felt than seen, as Tangerine's fingers slipped into the strands at your nape to cup your head with achingly tender possession.
Then, with agonizing slowness, he drew you towards him until your foreheads rested flush, sharing the same tremulous breaths in the scant space between your parted lips. His eyes slipped closed, seemingly savoring this suspended intimacy in which all masks had fallen away, leaving only the exquisite vulnerability of surrender.
"Tangerine..." you breathed his name like a prayer, pouring every ounce of yearning and relief into that solitary utterance.
His lashes fluttered open at the sound, eyes blazing with an intensity that seared straight through to your soul. Then, with the barest tilt of his head, Tangerine closed that last distance and sealed his mouth over yours in a kiss softer than down yet more searing than any brand.
The world around you seemed to come to a halt as you surrendered to the achingly sweet brush of his lips, to the unbearable tenderness of hands cradling you as if you were the most precious thing on Earth. This was a kiss transcending mere physical desire - it was an awakening, a benediction, a binding of your very essence in that single searing moment of connection.
When at last you parted, foreheads still pressed together, Tangerine's fingers traced idle patterns along the pulse point beneath your jaw in silent worship. His eyes shone with naked vulnerability and something deeper, more profound - the promise of an emotion that would be reckless for either of you to put a name to...not just yet.
But in that moment, no words were necessary. The simmering glances, the heated banter, the pushing of boundaries over the years...it had all led you both inexorably to this point of transcendence.
Lemon's soft chuckle from across the van was enough to shatter the spell momentarily. Catching your eye, he offered a warm, knowing smile - the expression of someone bearing witness to the inevitability that had been unfolding between you and Tangerine from that very first moment of friction.
"Took you two long enough," was all he said, but you heard the oceans of meaning in his affectionate tone.
You laughed wetly in response, reaching out a hand in a silent gesture of inclusion that had Lemon rising to join you both without hesitation. He sat beside you both, grinning as you rolled your eyes at him. Resting your head against Tangerine's shoulder, you allowed your eyes to drift closed in solemn contentment.
Lemon speaks up, a thoughtful expression upon his face, "You know I still think Tangerine's a Gordon - bossy and stubborn..."
Tangerine scowls at that, "I'll have ya know that I am nothing like that fucking cunt-"
"No - I think you are," you begin, smiling cheekily, and Tangerine looks at you, tired to be sure, but with narrowed eyes and slight amusement.
Tangerine opened his mouth, no doubt to protest your cheeky comparison, but you laid a finger across his lips, effectively silencing him.
"Just listen," you murmured, eyes sparkling with impish mirth. "Gordon may be pompous at times, but he's also powerful, regal, depended on by everyone on Sodor."
Sliding your hand to tenderly cup Tangerine's jaw, you held his inscrutable gaze as you continued. "You're our Gordon, Tangerine. Gruff and uncompromising on the outside, but with a core of integrity and fortitude that keeps us all pushing forward, no matter what."
Lemon nodded sagely beside you. "She's right, you know. Why d'you think I give you such a hard time?" He flashed that mischievous grin. "Got to keep that ego of yours in check."
Tangerine scoffed, but you caught the barely perceptible crinkling at the corners of his eyes - the ghost of a smile he couldn't quite suppress. Leaning in, you brushed the faintest whisper of a kiss across the corner of his mouth, savoring the rough rasp of his mustache.
"Don't worry, Mr. Gordon," you teased lowly. "We all know there's a big softy beneath that gruff exterior."
A low rumbling sound akin to a contented purr vibrated from deep within Tangerine's chest as he nuzzled his nose against your temple. "Keep that cheek up and you'll see just how soft I can be, darlin'."
The heated undertone in his gravelly timbre raised a delicious frisson along your skin. You bit your lip, holding back a breathless giggle at his not-so-thinly veiled innuendo.
"Well now, I do believe that's my cue to make myself scarce," Lemon piped up, winking broadly as he levered himself up with a dramatic groan. "You two kids have fun. But not too much fun - we've got that briefing at 19:00 sharp."
His departure was punctuated by a rude hand gesture from Tangerine, which only made Lemon's wheezing laughter echo more loudly. You watched him go with a fond shake of your head, savoring the warmth and levity he'd brought to the tender moment.
Then you turned your full attention back to Tangerine, trailing light fingertips along the stark lines and cuts that mapped his beloved face. His gaze caught and held yours, open and vulnerable in a way you'd never seen before - the mask utterly discarded.
"So...Mr. Gordon," you murmured, lips curving. "What shall we do while we've got some privacy?"
Tangerine's hand caressed your jaw, slowly bringing your foreheads together with unexpected gentleness. When at last he spoke, his deep baritone caressed your very soul.
"How about you tell me another story about your favorite trains? I could use a refresher on just why Gordon's supposed to be so bloody remarkable."
You laughed then, bright and unfettered, at the unexpected softness cloaking his rough-hewn edges. Throwing your arms around him, you held on tightly, your face in his neck, all awash with a sense of rightness and belonging that you'd struggled to find for far too long.
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @little-miss-dilf-lover @sebsbarnes @kiss-me-cill-me @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @spookyspecterino @liukangsgirl @azureseacloud @pretty-little-mind33 i really hope you guys enjoy!
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
okay so i havent been active in the ck fandom for a while, but i remember your account so vividly and im so glad you're still writing for it omg okay anyway! ive seen SO many fics about teen pregnancy in this fandom, but ive never seen ANYONE write about pregnancy pre karate?? like itd be such a drastic change & im sooo interested in how eli's story would go if he'd happened to get a girlfriend & immediately (accidentally) knocked her up before any of the hawk stuff could happen? Like soft eli is so sweet and caring?? and then suddenly he's big & scary & really jealous and 😭 would it even still happen??
Would love to know your thoughts!! But ofc please ignore if you're not interested :)
First of all, welcome back (? (should I say that? lol)) Second, I LOVE this ask so very much so this might be a little long...
Reader and Eli have had little crushes on each other, but it's not like they're friends. They're lab partners and they don't talk a lot due to being shy and such. Their relationship doesn't start until she builds up the courage to ask him out to the Halloween dance. He agrees through some fumbling words and they're both so excited. It's so cute of them; they get to dress up and it's their first date in a way. It should be fun.
At the dance, they hang out the whole time and talk about comics and movies. Eli kind of accidentally leaves Miguel and Demetri in the dust even though they were with them at first but they backed off because it was obvious Reader and Eli were in their own little world. They dance a little bit but when Eli says something about needing some fresh air, Reader walks outside with him and it's a nice little moment. It's quiet and Reader thinks it's the moment and goes in for a kiss, gently pulling his surgical mask down to do it and he lets her because holy shit this is really happening! They have their first kiss and become a real couple that night.
After that night, they go on a few more dates, but it isn't long before they lose their virginities to each other. As they say, it only takes one time.
They only did it once and it was awkward and lovely. They laughed and got embarrassed a few times, but they took it slow and really cared for each other through it. It ended with cuddles and Reader falling asleep with her head on Eli's chest.
However, a month or so later, Reader is standing at Eli's front door teary eyed and he's fearing the worst. She wants to break up, is what he's thinking. Then she starts rambling about how she didn't want to cry but she has something important to say. He's sure the impact is coming, but then,
"I'm pregnant."
It's a different kind of impact. He feels like the wind has been knocked out of him. He stares at her, completely shocked, and somehow finds himself asking, "Are- are you sure?"
She nods and takes something out of her pocket, a folded up stack of papers. She unfolds them and hands them over to him, and he sees they're from a doctor's office and it's official. This isn't some at-home test and scare that they are going through, this is real.
She bursts into more tears. "I'm so sorry, Eli!"
He would look at her so baffled. "Why-why are you apologizing?"
She shrugs because she doesn't know how to put it into words and he hugs her, pulling her close. She hides her face in his chest and cries. It's the moment he realizes he has to be strong for her, he has to be more than he's been, because he's her anchor right now. Everything feels like it's falling apart and she's clinging to him like her life depends on it. He manages to keep himself together and not cry even though he's terrified of what's to come. He holds her tight and whispers, "We'll figure this out."
Her being pregnant becomes another reason why he joins karate. As time goes on, she can't hide her belly. She has a grace period where her already pudgy belly hides the pregnancy, but she starts to show and it is impossible to hide. People at school catch on to her pregnancy and a lot of people give her a hard time. Eli is always by her side, holding her hand, and having to witness the comments and jeers she has to endure.
One day is particularly bad when Kyler wants to say something to her and he laughs at "how fat" she is. Reader gets upset about it and Eli steps in to tell Kyler off, but he just gets pushed into a set of lockers. Reader, crying and upset, tells him to just fuck off because he's being a total dick. Kyler almost hit her but one of his friends stopped him, explaining to the idiot that he can't hit a pregnant person. Kyler swears he'll get Reader when she isn't pregnant and walks away. Eli doesn't like that at all, so when he witnesses Miguel beat up Kyler, he knows what he has to do.
The first few karate lessons Eli goes to will pan out like they do in the show, but he sticks through it a little tougher because he's thinking about Reader and their baby the whole time. But Johnny does push him over the edge with the lip comments and he leaves, thinking it isn't worth it. He goes home crying and trying to figure out what to do, only to realize that he has to do this and commits to flipping the script and becoming the strong guy he wants to be for Reader and the baby.
After he changes his attitude and hair and is dubbed Hawk, he goes to Reader's house to show her how confident he is now. She answers the door and is shocked to see him. "Eli... what did you do?"
"I flipped the script," he tells her, smirking. "And it's Hawk, now, babe."
He sees the way she's looking at him, a little confused and unsure, so he backtracks a little bit.
"Well, it's Hawk to everyone else... you can still call me Eli," he says and she smiles. That smile is everything to him as she stands there, holding her belly and looking at him as if he's the world. He touches his mohawk and asks, "Do you like it?"
"It's different, and it'll take some getting used to, but yeah. I especially like the color," she giggles and invites him inside. They cuddle and she touches his hair, but it quickly devolves into them making out.
When he competes in the tournament, she's there to cheer him on with her rounding belly and a sign with his name on it. She wrote Hawk on the sign because she thinks of it as more of his "karate name" and continues to call him Eli no matter what. He steals looks at her the whole tournament, thinking she's the cutest person ever as she sits in a dress with her belly. Sometimes when he's not the one fighting, he runs over and gives her a kiss and touches her belly. When he's super excited about winning and tears his gi off, he tosses it to her and she catches it with a laugh. He comes to retrieve it after a moment and sees she's laid the snake emblem on the back over her belly, showing her support to him. He could die happy at that sight.
When his anger really sparks and he dislocates Robby's arm at the tournament, she's shocked and worried. He explains that Robby made fun of him but Reader tells him that that's not a good enough reason to hurt someone. She's so soft and sweet and gentle, and he hears her. He agrees and apologizes, tells her that it won't happen again.
But it does over the summer when he goes after Demetri. She likely finds out from Demetri himself because they're friends, of course they became friends before the karate stuff started when she and Eli started dating. So, she confronts him, telling him, "You can't do that! You can't go around beating up people because they did something you don't like or agree with! I can't be with you if you're going to act like that! For crying out loud, Eli, we're having a baby!"
It gets her so upset and Hawk understands he screwed up. She starts crying and he feels awful because he knows he did that. He apologizes and hugs her, rubbing her back to soothe her. She shouldn't be crying because he did something stupid. He says he's sorry so many times, even when taking her home and cuddling her as they watch a movie. She eventually has to tell him to stop because he's getting a little annoying and he's forgiven, so long as this never ever happens again. She swears to him that if he does something like that again, they're over.
The thing about it is, it doesn't happen again. Kreese can't sink his manipulative fangs into Hawk because Hawk's love for Reader and their baby is stronger than Kreese. So, the rest of the summer goes smoothly.
Until the school fight.
That's when all Hell breaks loose. It's a mess, and pretty much pans out like the show except Reader is on the sidelines begging for someone to do something. She's as big as can be, holding her belly to achieve some sort of relief, as she's watching this shit show play out like a horror movie because she can't believe any of this is happening. She's just in total shock and awe at this mess, but when she sees the opportunity to stop it, she jumps in.
When Miguel has Robby on the ground and lets him go, she rushes over, waddling as fast as she can, to pull him out of the middle of everything. She's a mama to be and has become a bit of the mom of the group. She's pulls Miguel away by his arm and asks him what he was thinking and why this was the solution to anything. Robby still jumps up to attack, but stops when he sees Reader because duh. He'd never go that far, and seeing her makes his anger deflate.
"I mean, come on, this is- uh oh..." she stops midsentence when she feels something warm run down her leg. She looks at Miguel, scared as she remembers what all her mom said, that it'll feel like she peed herself.
Miguel is on high alert at this. "Uh oh? What's uh oh?"
"It feels like I-" she looks down and he does too, seeing the wetness running down her pant legs. "I think I'm having the baby."
Robby, witnessing all this, gets a little freaked out but he still rushes to Reader's other side even though he doesn't know her. However, he's still a good guy and is gonna help the pregnant girl in whatever way he can. The fight and rivalry are forgotten about as he and Miguel help Reader to the stairs and help her down them.
When they come through with her, everything stops and no one can even think about fighting anymore. By the time they're at the end of the stairs, Hawk is coming around the corner and fussing over her. That tough guy exterior is still there but it's a little softer. But if anyone dares to get in his way as he and these two idiots try getting her to his car, he'll bite their heads off.
Needless to say, Hawk is a mess trying to drive her to the hospital because this is sooner than they were expecting. The stress of the school fight caused her to go into early labor and they have nothing they need. The hospital bag should've been put in his car but he kind of forgot to do that, so they don't have it. All they have is some panic and a baby that's on the way no matter if they're ready or not.
At the hospital, after she's hooked up to the monitors and everything, Hawk is by her side the entire time. He pushes her hair out of her face as she lays on her side, just waiting for the time to push. He's apologizing to her about getting into the fight but he was just trying to protect his friends. She tells him she doesn't care about that anymore and just wants to have the baby already because the contractions are killing her. Then she has another contraction, and he lets her squeeze his hand to help her through it. When it's over, she tells him she doesn't want to talk about karate while she's in labor and they talk about other things, like the baby.
It isn't long after that, they have a wiggly little blue-eyed baby girl. She's a heavy little thing, chunky and cute as can be. She's laid on her mama's chest wailing and Reader holds her close, crying happy tears because she's finally here. She gets to hold her baby girl. Then she's taken away to get checked out and cleaned up, then Hawk gets to hold her. She's wrapped up in a warm blanket but she's out in the world and wiggling about, so the wrapping comes loose as he holds her.
He jokes, "She really wanted out."
Reader smiles as she watches, "Yeah, she did."
Hawk will be hard-pressed to let her go, opting to hold her even when she's asleep. He sits back in the reclining chair beside Reader's bed and lets their baby girl sleep on his chest. He watches her sleep, holding her securely to his chest, and silently promises her that he's gonna protect her no matter what. He looks so soft and sweet holding her like that but he has some bruises on his face from the fight. He's arguably scarier and more threatening because he has this cutie to think about and protect, so if you thought he was scary and tough before, people will have a rude awakening if they ever bother her or her mama.
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I could do an alternative to this where he doesn't become Hawk if enough people want that. I'd love to do that.
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lemonlover1110 · 11 months
I get why satoru is upset but like... he made the conscious choice not to fully communicate his reasons for breaking up with y/n, he changed phone numbers, cut off any kind of communication, and instantly moved on to another woman, which from every standpoint (besides maybe himself and his mother) it gives the impression that he can't get away from her fast enough and that he wants absolutely nothing to do with her (even if it maybe wasn't true, that's how it appeared to y/n) so why would y/n try and further reach out to him if she's fully under the impression that he doesn't want her, and if he doesn't even want her, why would he want a whole ass baby that would anchor him down to her forever, someone that he was so adamant on proving that he wanted to stay away from.
Its easy for him to be angry now because he wasn't the one in y/n's shoes, but can he truthfully say that he wouldn't feel the same or make similar choices if the roles were reversed? from the very start of them even knowing each other, he's always had more power, status, and money than y/n, something that he never failed to remind her, even if it was unintentional sometimes.
its also easy to say "well Ren is a child so this is different, I would still tell him." but doing so would completely ignore all the details and context in the whole situation, not to mention ignoring the fact that both of them were like early twenties and nowhere near being fully emotionally mature!!
yeah I agree with y/n that it sucks that it had to turn out this way and that she did make some mistakes as well along the way but he hardlyyyyy has room to argue about making good, smart choices or taking the moral high ground, he was a huge dick about the breakup whether he or anyone else wants to admit it or not and went about it in an incredibly callous and cruel way, he made the one person he was supposed to love and respect above everyone feel like she was leftover trash, he's been actively cheating on his wife and not caring if he gets caught, and running around the office throwing tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants lol
sorry but im a y/n shooter through and through!!!!!!
I feel like people that hate/strongly dislike Y/N (maybe not on here but other people have on other platforms) don't put themselves in her shoes or just forget the fact that Satoru cut off all contact with her. You're right, he's a major dick. He does get to be upset but not at Y/N since she couldn't really reach out. Plus she's said it over and over again that she doesn't want her son taken from her when she can finally fully provide and give him the life that he deserves, and by telling Satoru she's risking getting her son taken away from her.
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daisysliv · 2 years
worth it | eddie munson
word count: 3721
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the aftermath of eddie's attempted confession.
warnings: light swearing, angst, fluff, sad eddie deserves its own warning just cause, pining
notes: im sorry this took so long to get out, i caught the flu and then had friends visiting so its been an eventful month but the long awaited part two to my last eddie fic!! as always, not edited so all mistakes are my own.
part one
stranger things bookshelf
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A week. An entire week has passed since that night, and Eddie could still feel the way his heart split in two when you told him to leave. He didn't understand, and you never gave him the chance to understand. 
Each time he tried to reach out to you, he was met with silence. Whenever he saw you, you turned the other way. You literally ran from him, and he didn't know how to handle it.
He walked into Family Video, knowing you would be starting your shift soon, and was hit with nerves. He didn’t know what he would even say; he just knew he needed to see you. You were there for him during the worst moments of his life, and he was there for you. You were best friends, and he wasn't going to let some stupid feelings ruin that. 
He couldn't handle it if he lost you.
The bell rang over his head when he walked into the store, and he looked around to see if you had arrived for your shift yet. But he didn't see you. “Hey, Munson,” Robin greets from her spot behind the counter. 
“Hey,” He mumbled, leaning against the counter. 
“Just hey? Normally by now, you're asking if I have a new movie recommendation, so what's wrong?” Robin stands up straight, crossing her arms over her chest. Eddie internally curses the woman for how well she knows him.
He shook his head and leaned against the counter. “Do you?” 
Robin nods. “I think you're gonna like it– wait! Don't change the subject.” 
“I’m not.” He shrugs, picking up the tape sitting on the counter, reading the title; Pretty in Pink. One of your favorite movies. He only sat through it because you loved it. 
Robin’s eyes settle into a glare, snatching the tape out of his hand, “what happened?”
“Nothing! I'm tired.” He lies, crossing his arms. He walks away from the counter, going to the New Releases section in hopes that she'll drop it, but she doesn't. Instead, she follows him around. “Robin!” He shouts, his annoyance getting the better of him.
“Eddie!” Robin shouts back, earning a glare from a nearby customer, but she couldn't care less. “Did something happen with Y/N? Because she's been acting weird all week.”
Eddie sighs, knowing he now has no choice but to tell her. If he didn't, she was just gonna pester him more or force you to tell her. Either way, Robin would find out. “We…I went over last week to finally tell her, but I didn't. I got so close to saying it, but my impulse took over, and I kissed her. We ended up sleeping together… and everything was great until after. She basically kicked me out and has been avoiding me.” He explained, his heart sinking when he thought back to that night. 
He had begun to open his mouth to finally tell you how he felt when you told him to go. His heart broke at that moment, and he didn't have the energy to do anything but listen to you and leave. 
He didn't let many things get to him, but this was you. He needed you. You were his anchor, and he couldn't imagine not having you by his side.
He didn't know how to fix this, and it hurt. It hurt like hell.
“Wait, wait, I thought maybe it was because she told you about Bryan, but you slept together?! Oh, man! This is- this is insane.” 
Eddie furrows his brows. “Bryan? What about him?” Robin’s mouth fell open, and she was, for once, speechless. “Is she going out with Bryan?”
He could feel his heart crack like it did after you kicked him out. 
“I mean– well, she– and he…uh…yes?” Robin cringed and rubbed her hands together nervously. She hadn’t meant to mention the Jason thing since you wanted to be the one to tell Eddie. “Okay, uh… look, I don’t really know what’s going on there. All I know is that he asked her out, and she said yes, but if the two of you…slept together, then something had to have changed, right?” 
Eddie nodded slowly, picking up a random movie. “Right. Ring me up for this? I need to get going.” He makes his way back to the counter, ignoring the ache in his chest and the burning behind his eyes.
It takes a couple of minutes before Robin finishes ringing him up before he realizes the movie he grabbed was Pretty in Pink. He chuckles to himself, mentally hating himself for not realizing sooner. And Robin for not telling him. He turns to leave, halting in his tracks when he sees Bryan pull up, and you climb out of his passenger seat. 
What the fuck?
He could only hope that his eyes were deceiving him, but he knew better. He knew that was wishful thinking. He hears Robin gasp softly behind me, and he squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. He knew that you and Bryan were close due to the number of classes you shared throughout the years and being neighbors, but he didn't think you were that close.
“Well…that tells me where she was last night,” Robin mumbles, and Eddie fights back the urge to scream. 
You walk through the door, the bell ringing above your head, with Bryan following close behind. “Thank you for the ride. I'll see you tonight?” You look back at him, and Eddie feels his heart sink. He forces himself to look away, he can't do it. He couldn't see you with someone else. Not after everything.
“I gotta go. I'll see you around, Buckley.” He smiles in appreciation and grabs the movie from the counter, brushing past you and Bryan, ignoring the stabbing pain he feels in his chest. He hated this feeling, and he wanted it to be over already.
“Eddie? Hey, where are you going?” You ask before he has the chance to make his escape.
“Home. I got what I came for.” He forces himself to answer while he pushes the door open and exits the store, not wanting to be in your presence any longer. He would deal with it later but right now? Right now, he wanted to wallow in self-pity, and no one but him needed to know how badly his heart was breaking.
He makes it to his van before he hears your voice shouting his name and your feet falling on the ground as you run to catch up with him. “Eddie, I've been meaning to call you….” He doesn't turn around or even acknowledge you. He didn't want to. “Wait, please. What's wrong?”
You. You were what's wrong, but he couldn't say that. So, instead, he unlocks the van and forces himself to look at you. “Nothing. I remembered I asked Dustin for help in a campaign.” He lies, pulling open the door of the van. He throws the tape into the passenger seat, not caring where it landed and turns to look at you again, which turns out to be a mistake. You were wearing Bryan’s jacket, and he felt his heart crack a little more. He felt sick. He felt like he could throw up. “I gotta go.” He doesn't wait for a response as he hops into the van. 
Shoving the key into the ignition and starts the van, ignoring the urge to slam his hands against the wheel in frustration and pull out, not looking back at you.
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You stood in the parking lot watching as Eddie drove away with a sinking feeling in your stomach. You messed up, and you knew it. You shouldn't have gone out with Bryan, not after what happened, but you did. You couldn't explain why. Maybe it was to forget what happened. Maybe it was to avoid Eddie at all costs. Maybe it was because you wanted to see if you could feel that way with someone else. Either way, you hated yourself for doing it.
Eddie was your best friend. He stuck by you when you needed him most. He never left your side. You’ve been best friends since you were kids. He was the only constant in your life. Everyone else either abandoned you or died.
It’s likely that was what made you kick him out. You panicked, asked him to leave, and ignored him for a week like nothing had happened. You knew it was messed up, but you didn't know what else you could do. 
Walking back into the store, you slipped off Bryan’s jacket and held it out to him. He took it back with a smile, thanks, and a promise to see you later before he took his leave. It was silent for a moment, hugging your arms close to your body as you watched him pull away with a sinking stomach. You felt a presence behind you, and you didn’t have to turn to know who it was. 
“You messed up.” Is all she had to say. You and Robin had been friends for nearly ten years, having met when the two of you were alone at the playground. She knew you almost as well as Eddie did. He would always know you better. 
“I know!” You throw your head back with a frustrated groan. 
“Like I love you, and you’re my best friend, but you royally fucked up. You have a lot of making up to do, like a lot. I don’t even wanna know what was going through your head when you said yes to Bryan, especially after finding out Eddie returned your feelings! I would’ve assumed you would have been fucking like rabbits, but no! Instead, you’re ignoring each other and-” 
You were thankful that there were no customers to witness Robin’s ramble about how you messed up. “Robs. please! J know I messed up, but I’m scared, okay? I’m terrified that if we do anything about it, then we’re going to ruin a lifetime of friendship. I just… I don’t know what to do, but I can’t lose him.” 
“Tell Bryan you aren’t interested and talk to Eddie,” Robin suggests, shrugging her shoulders like it was obvious. 
“But Bryan is so sweet.” 
Robin goes straight-faced, looking at you like you are an idiot. “But you love Eddie! I mean, last I checked, you did.” 
You rounded the counter, lifting yourself up onto the surface, crossing your ankles over each other. “I do love him. Eddie is everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner, but I don’t know. I’ve been in love with him for years and dated nobody. Well, that’s not true; I dated Jason Carver, but that only lasted a few weeks, and I couldn’t stand him. I don’t know, maybe I need to move on.” 
“Are you joking? Seriously, are you? Eddie basically told you he loved you, and you took that as a sign to move on? I love you, but no, don’t be so goddamn stupid.” 
“No, I'm being completely serious right now. Don't hurt him like that because you're scared or whatever. He doesn't deserve that. And Bryan doesn't need to be led on.” You knew Robin was right, but you remained unsure. “I see what’s going through your head right now, and don’t do it. Don’t mess with your best friend’s feelings or Bryan’s. You’re smarter than that.” 
You chewed on your bottom lip and hopped down from the counter. You knew Robin would have your head on a stick if you didn’t listen, and she was right. Everything she said was right. Eddie loved you back, and here you were going on dates with another guy only a week after everything and acting like it never happened. He didn’t deserve that. And Bryan didn’t deserve to be led on either. Neither of them did. They both deserved better. 
You were in love with Steve, and that feeling wasn’t going away any time soon. A smile forces itself onto your lips at the memory of that night. You felt your face heat up when you remembered the way you moaned when you first felt his lips on yours. His lips were chapped, but it didn’t take away from how good they felt. You remembered the way your body reacted at the feel of his hands on you, and while you’ve felt his touch before, that was different. It was a good difference and still made your whole body shiver. 
You felt like you were floating when kissing Eddie and when you were connected to him in a way you have only ever imagined late at night with just your hand to keep your company, but then reality came crashing down on you, and you panicked. Now, you need to fix everything. You wanted Eddie, and it’s always been him. 
He made you feel like you were the only girl in the world, and whenever you were together, you felt like you could breathe again. Whenever you were with him, you felt like everything was going to be okay. He made you laugh more than you do with anyone else, and he never left you when your depression took over. He took care of you and made sure you still ate and showered despite your reluctance to get out of bed, and you only grew to love him more because of him.
“So, like, I know you’re the only other person here, but I need to find Eddie…” 
“Wha- No, no. Steve won’t come back, and it gets crazy in here towards the end of the day, don’t you dare leave.” Robin glares. 
“No, I’m glad you got your head out of your ass, but you aren’t going anywhere.” 
“Fine.” You pouted and leaned against the counter, watching the clock, praying that time would go faster so you could talk to Eddie. 
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Bryan had picked you and Robin up as promised and drove the two of you back to your house. Nobody uttered a single word to each other throughout the ride. He pulls into your driveway, and Robin is quick to climb out of the door like her life depended on it and waits for you by the door. 
“You okay?” Bryan asks, leaning back in his seat. 
You nodded. “I’m okay. I need to tell you something because you deserve to know, but I don’t know how to say it.” 
“Does it have anything to do with that guy from earlier? Eddie?” 
“I- How did you know?” 
“I may not be the smartest of the bunch, but I’m not an idiot.” Bryan teases and takes his hand off the wheel to rest on his lap. “Plus, when you ran out after him earlier was kind of a dead giveaway.” 
Picking at the hem of your shorts, you let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I do like you, it’s just that it’s Eddie. My best friend who happens to be everything I want in a partner.”
Bryan smiles softly. “It’s okay. I get it. Now, get outta here and go get him.” 
“You really are the best.” You lean over the center console and press your lips to his cheek before hopping out of the van and towards your car, fumbling with the bag to pull the keys. “Robin! Go inside and call Steve. I’m going to find Eddie.” You shouted to your other best friend, quickly getting into your car. 
You drove towards Dustin’s, hoping he actually went there. While pulling into his driveway, you didn’t see Eddie’s van, but you were already here and figured you’d give it a shot. Climbing out of the car, you walk up to the door and ring the doorbell, waiting patiently for it to open. 
While waiting for the door to open, if anyone was there, you crossed your arms over your chest and thought about what you would say once you found Eddie. You had no excuse as to why you acted the way you did other than the fact that you were scared. You knew it hurt him, but you were scared. He was your best friend, and you didn’t want to risk anything; it’s why you never confessed through all the years. 
“He left an hour ago,” Dustin says the second he pulls open the door and realized it was you. “You screwed up, you do know that?” 
“Yes, I know. Where’d he go?” 
“Home. Now, go fix his heart.” Dustin slams the door, and you jump in surprise. 
Getting back into your car, you grab the wheel and throw your head forward with a loud scream in frustration. Your forehead hit the horn, and your head shot up, looking around nervously. You’ve seen people do that in movies and always found it to be a stupid thing to do accidentally because who in their right mind would hit their head against the wheel? Oh, right, you would and did. 
You pulled out of the Henderson driveway and towards Eddie’s trailer, your heart hammering against your chest. Turning up your radio, a song you recognized as one by Paul Anka came through your speakers, and you laughed at the irony. 
It wasn’t a long drive to Eddie’s from Dustin’s, but it was long enough to give you the chance to overthink what you were doing. You didn’t want to put your friendship at risk if you ended up dating and breaking up. Would it be worth it if you lost him in the run? You didn’t have an answer for that, and it did more than scare you. It broke you. 
You couldn’t lose him. You didn’t want to imagine life without him because you didn’t want to live that life. You didn’t want to even think of the possibility that there could be a life without Eddie Munson. You couldn’t even think about it without your heart split down the middle. You needed him in your life. Losing him would break you. 
You finally reached his trailer and got out of the car. You figured that he must’ve been this nervous when he showed up at your house, and you hated yourself a little more. 
Knocking on the door, you bit your lip and let out a deep breath. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest, your hands were sweaty, and the hair that touched your neck felt like it was coated in sweat and sticking to your skin. You thought you could throw up from the anxiety you felt. 
Your heart sank. Even after you hurt him, he still used the nickname. 
“I’m sorry.” You blurt, pushing yourself into the apartment and pacing around the living room. “I screwed up, and I’m sorry, but I panicked, okay? You…we did the thing I could only ever fantasize about, and when I realized that it wasn’t all in my head, I freaked. When you kissed me, I felt like I was floating, and I couldn’t believe it. You’re everything I ever wanted in somebody, and you’re my best friend, and I’m scared of losing you. I don’t want to risk it because losing you is something I don’t even consider an option because how can I? You’re you, and you’re amazing. So, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for going on that stupid date with Bryan when I should have been on one with you.” You rushed out, biting back tears, your chest heaving from the lack of air. 
Eddie stared at you like a deer caught in headlights. The door was now shut, but he still stood by it, his eyes wide. “Sweetheart-” 
“I know I messed up, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but the idea of losing you scares me to death. We’ve been in a lot of situations where we fought, but we always found our way back to each other, and I don’t know what I would do if it didn’t happen this time. I love you more than anything, and I can’t imagine a life where I don’t have you. It would break me. I don’t want to risk this. I don’t want to lose you if we end up breaking up because I would rather have you as my friend than not have you at all.” 
Eddie takes a quick stride over to me, his hands instantly finding their way underneath your jaw, holding your head still. “Listen to me, you won’t lose me, okay? Never. And if that’s all you’re worried about, it’s okay because I am too. You mean everything to me, and I can’t imagine living my life without you by my side. If you would rather just be friends, then we can do that, but I won’t act like it wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world.” He looked at you with a love in his eyes that you’d never noticed before, and it made you melt. “I love you, and I will do anything to be in your life, even if it means that I can’t hold you or kiss you or call you mine as much as I want, but I’ll do it.” 
Scrunching your nose, you let out a breathy chuckle. “I want to be with you, Eds, but if I lose you, I swear to God.” 
“You won’t. I’ll make this risk worth it.” He leans closer and lays his forehead on yours. Your eyes flickered down to look at his lips, but he didn’t want that. “Hey, look at me.” You pull your gaze away from his mouth and lock your eyes with his. “You won’t lose me because I’m not letting you go.” 
“Promise me?” You sniffed, blinking back tears. 
“I promise to make this risk worth it and never let you go.’ He hovers his lips over yours, refusing to press them together. “Tell me you love me.” 
“I love you, Eddie.” You whisper, allowing a single tear to fall down your cheek. 
Eddie exhales a chuckle, a smile painting his face. “Good.” He finally presses their lips together, earning a low whimper from you. You loved the feeling of his lips on yours. They were chapped but soft. He tasted like cigarettes and beer, which wasn’t the best combination, but you loved it because it was him. And you loved him for everything he was. 
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notes: since tumblr apparently has a limit of how many people i can tag, if i noticed i had you in multiple taglists for stranger things, i removed the duplicate so i can tag more people!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it’s crossed out that means i couldn’t tag you )
@prettylittlemoonlight @drayshadow @evanbuckbuckleyhowlett @wildestdreamcatcher @mushroomdemon9 @levylovegood @1-800-prostitutes @AllieAprilKnox @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @moshpot24x @AlohaStitch_626 @lucyispan @linkpk88 @juneb3rry @loveshineslikethesky @liyinzen
@hehehehannahthings @polarisfae @Pinksloosh @bvmbshell @lilahloopsy @yeosangs-left-ass-cheek @angelbbygrl @wandamaximoffs-deadchild @marauderssworld @watchingteav @scorpfairy @cherrypieyourface @soph69420world @itsquinoa @milkiane @daffodil0darling @pastel-abyss-x @maruushkka @kiwi5335
@wildestdreamcatcher @spookyconsultingcriminal @findleynovadachs111 @marvel-starwars-nerd @lovelyladymayyy @mcueveryday @ts1mikas @WolfOstar @pettyassbitch @pumpararapam @karagrace @susbuttercup @cupidlvrrr @eddiemunsonhellfire @soph69420world @lucyispan @centralperksfunds @zervopoulouu @3belladonna
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rivangel · 8 months
I like to think levi looks at hange and thinks comfort and stability or consistency. Considering hange is one of the few that came back alive and still maintained their eccentric personality. Excited to learn and to tell levi all about what they’ve learned because that’s bestie right there whether they admit it or not
oh yes. (by one of the few that came back alive i’m assuming you mean after no regrets??)
every scout in short believes in creating a world without the horror of the titans to explore freely, BUT i think hange really embodies that in how they present themself. they’re bubbly and excitable and UNABASHEDLY PASSIONATE about not just titans but the scouts’ whole mission. they’re unashamed.
but hange (and this is often missed by fans for some reason) isn’t stupid or an airhead??? they’re a scientist, and a scientist brave and/or crazy enough to study titans at that. like after nick was murdered, hange played up a whole sympathetic act in order to pick up on a clue that it was the interior MP that did it.
they're so childlike and eccentric and excitable, but the magnitude of everything they personally have been through, and the stakes of the scouts' mission, weighs just as heavily on them as any other scout. like after the titan is discovered in the wall.
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furthermore they're canonically the SCARIEST when angry, including in this situation where they got very close to throwing nick off the wall. NOT EVEN LEVI IS AS SCARY FIROGJTIR this has nothing to do with their relationship im rambling sorry sorry
they're a reckless risk-taker which reminds me of someone else levi knows lol. interestingly levi never takes unnecessary risks so if hange is levi's comfort, then levi is their anchor lol
bit of a side note but undoubtedly hange reminded levi a lot of isabel. (and erwin w/ farlan, and then falco and gabi it’s true sue me)
one thing levi has criticized hange for is their propensity to run and hide (ie in the uprising arc... not included in the anime)
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god this scene is so funny by the way
this comes back up during the rumbling, when hange proposes/muses that they and levi should just stay there and live together. (which makes hange surprisingly like jean, who was the most reluctant in the alliance to fight the rumbling.) levi asks where running and hiding is going to get them...
but hange's position as commander has changed them evidently. the rumbling is leagues worse than the uprising situation, but - and tho that's still what they wanted to do - they were already in the middle of building the cart to transport levi on. which seems to make him feel relieved.
so predictably, levi is the source of strength/stability/comfort for hange after post-RtS. levi looks to them to lead, for stability; they're the last veteran left too. no doubt he was there for them every step of the way.
aka they're both each other's comfort at that point.
so it's interesting to reflect on how their relationship has changed since levi started out ready to shank hange for listening to him, farlan, and isabel discussing their murder erwin plan reeling from their hurricane-force excitement, kind of getting unwittingly attached, and getting royally annoyed whenever hange did something dumb.
ie, almost breaking their neck when falling off that ladder to reach a book in that side story.
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galactandro · 2 months
also EPIC spoilers about the movie so here’s your warning and yes i will be ranting on for a very very long time
then we got all of those fourth wall jokes and the whole feige/cœcåinę jokes oml. then we got a whole tva thing (that was very inappropriate in more ways than one)
bros stapled hair falls out 😭 and we see a little fake hair stuck to his hair for the whole thing.
he wakes up in the tva and we meet Paradox (aka the worst person ever i absolutely hate him-)
ANYWAY he gives us the whole “matter and be something” spiel (AND WHY WAS THOR CRYING) but wade is like stfu imma go find another logan to be my anchor being
first we get comic accurate wolverine BEING SO SHORT HE HAD TO JUMP OFF THE BAR CHAIR 😭
then i think we got the 80s afro wolverine (hilarious)
and then we got the wolverine hulk show down AND WADE GOT FLUNG I LAUGHED SO MUCH HAHA
then we’re finally met (i think) with our “worst logan in the multiverse” (which is total bs) but we see him wearing his outfit (which i’m pretty sure we’ve never seen hugh jackman wear)
then they get pruned and i was so dam confuzzled. cuz i was like hold up im sorry what
but then we see them appear in the void with 20 CENTURY FOX STATUE AHHAHAHAHAH. THE ANOUNT OF MARVEL, FOX, AND DISNEY JOKES WE GET IN THIS. like when deadpool says “welcome to disney, mr. pg-13 except for one movie” LMAOOOO
we get an epic deadpool vs wolverine fight and we get like a lot of those because they’re not trying to really kill each other and both of them heal super fats so it’s jsut comedy at this point
and now
and then
and then
when my movie theatre watched this basically everyone was stunned. like we started absolutely going wild.
we see sabretooth, pyro (which i’m pretty sure is the same actor from X2), and toad like hello? i already thought this was crazy. anyway sabretooth gets his head sorta sliced off by wolverine (also why isn’t there a yellow font on tumblr?) anyway
we get a fight and they end up getting captured and get driven to CASSANDRA NOVA. LIKE WHAT. SINCE WHEN WAS CASSANDRA NOVA THE VILLAIN sorta OF THIS. BROIOOOOOOO
she brutally murders our beloved johnny storm after wade said he said a bunch of very odd things about her that was hilarious.
fast forward A LOT we were basically given a bunch of plot advancements and all of that stuff but i don’t want this to be super long so imma cut this short
we get four AWESOME CAMEOS.
we get these awesome cameos and my movie theatre erupted into wild cheers bc we got the same actors from the original blade and x-23. WE GOT GAMBIT WHO IS LEGIT ONE OF MY FAV MUTANTS. WE GOT ELEKTRA LIKE BRO WHAT
AND WE GOT TBHS THING WITH GAMBIT SAYING ABSOLUTE NONSENSE AND DEADPOOL SAYS, “i’m sorry gorgeous, but i feel like we’re missing some critical exposition. who’s your dialect coach, the MINIONS?” AND I ABSOLUTELY LOST IT THAT WAS SO HILARIOUS AHJHAHHAHA
after this they make some plan about how to get logan and wade back to their (sorta) timeline and go ahead to carry it out. we get an epic “final boss” like fight and cassandra shows that she has a sling ring that seems to be from a dr strange variant with pieces of the reality and time stone (i think).
next we get this whole thing with the 100 or so deadpool’s with blake lively and ryan reynolds’ kids as different variants. and they also snuck in a little stan lee cameo there (miss the legend ❤️)
we have that whole thing with the time ripper and how if a person goes to stop it the anti matter and matter absolutely would rip them apart. we see deadpool make the hero play after stalling for a bit but he couldn’t reach the other side. THEN WOLVERINE STEPS IN AND DOES IT TOO OML (also i’ve noticed i haven’t talked that much about wolverine BUT I PROMISE I LOVE HIM 😭) we get shirtless hugh jackman and everybody in my movie theatre went wild… again. it was SO FUNNY 🤣. we get a whole ending with b-15 as the tva leader sorta. and paradox getting reprimanded as he should and we for sure thought that they’re dead.
NO THEY ARE NOT. they walk in like the queens they are and then that’s basically the ending.
EXCEPT FOR THE EXTRA CREDIT SCENE. then we see that all the things that deadpool accused johnny of saying before he basically got his skin ripped off WERE ACTUALLY TRUE. WE ALL COLLECTIVELY SAID LANGUAGE BECAUSE OML IVE NEVER SEEN CHRIS EVANS SO DIRTY MOUTHER (not me not understanding half the things that he said-)
ANYWAY I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS MOVIE. IT WAS WORTH IT. i noticed cute little easter eggs and the cameos omg the cameos
bye 👋
*hehe we saw gambit (if you can’t tell i love his character)
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thedisc0spider · 5 months
Summary: Michael has been stressing a lot lately.
Warnings: there may be mistakes and it might not even be coherent because Im writing this at 3 AM
2nd person!
Notes: reader is George Michael’s bio mom and Michaels wife! So fem reader (so sorry). Michaels wife never died!!!
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Michael was under a lot of stress. For him this was nothing too unusual, but it had gotten bad since his dad was put in jail. For the longest time it was only you three (you, him, and your son George Michael) however, with all of this going on there was an abundance of people in your house. it was extremely chaotic all of the time. You and Michael rarely had any time to yourselves, which you of course understood, but recently you could sense it had been getting to Michael. He hadn’t been sleeping a lot and he was always overworking himself.
Michael arrives home from visiting his dad. He had gone after work, so it was now about 8 PM. He looks upset and tired, the first place he goes is the kitchen. You were sitting at the island, reading a magazine. When you hear the door you turned your head to see an exhausted Michael entering the model-home.
“Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?” You ask, but it was more of a formality. Judging by his disheveled demeanor you could guess his answer.
He sighs heavily, as if he’d been holding it in all day, as he rests his hands on the counter. He merely shakes his head and looks at you.
You tilt your head, giving him a sympathetic look. “Yeah?” You walk around the counter, now standing next to him.
“I feel like I’m going crazy. I’m not crazy, right? The way to correctly handle this situation is obvious, is it not?” He asks, more seeking validation than an answer. His voice is still as smooth as it always is while simultaneously raising.
You place a hand on his back, gently caressing his spine as a way of comforting him. He closes his eyes and puts his head down into his arms on the counter. “You’re not crazy, Michael. You’re doing your best. That’s all you can do.” You lean in closer, hovering above him. “I’m so proud of you for doing this for your family. You could’ve easily walked away by now, but you didn’t. That’s commitment.” This is true, the three of you had an opportunity to start fresh somewhere else, but you convinced him to stay and help. “They may not admit it, but without you they’d be lost.”
Michael stands up straight, turning to face you now. He gives you a small, tired smile before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “Thank you for putting up with this.” He mumbles, looking into your eyes closely. He says this with extreme sincerity and gratitude. The truth is, he had no idea what he would’ve done had you not been there to support him. With every crazy person surrounding him you were like a breath of fresh air every moment he finally got to see you.
You smile, placing a hand on his cheek. “Of course, Michael. I love you.” Your thumb moves softly against his cheek in a comforting manner.
Michael moves his hands to rest on your hips, brushing up and down gently against your sides. “And… I’m sorry I’ve been so busy. I feel like we’ve gotten no alone time recently.” With everything happening with the family, you really haven’t seen each other all that much other than briefly before bed and in the morning. You had never been bitter about this though, sure you missed him but his work and his family were very prominent parts of his life and you’ve always accepted that to be your reality.
You nod, “yeah, we really haven’t.” You think for a moment, searching for a way to ease his mind. “How about this…” you run your fingers through his hair while leaning in close to him as you speak softly. “Let’s pick a weekend, and get away together. Just me and you. No distractions, no kids, no responsibilities.”
Michael hums, closing his eyes as you continue to play with his hair. Just the sound of your voice describing the small getaway is enough to calm him down. “That sounds… perfect actually. You know me so well.” He looks at you with a wide smile, the sweetest and most genuine one you’ve seen from him in awhile.
“I know I do,” you say, shooting him a playful wink. He laughs (score) and kisses the tip of your nose. “But, for now… you need to get some rest.” You posses a more stern look on your face now.
He surrenders, placing his hands in the air. “Alright, alright.” He slowly begins making his way towards the stairs before turning back to you. “You coming, beautiful?” You roll your eyes, laughing as you drag along behind him.
When nothing else in his life in his life makes sense, you’re always there to anchor him back to reality.
A/n: I’m deeply in love with Michael Bluth and its not even funny, I hate that NO ONE WRITES FOR HIM. But im also kind of glad because I like to gatekeep. I might make this a series??? Who knows.
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kaminocasey · 18 days
As Luck Would Have It
A/N: HELLO IM BACK??? AND WITH PETER B. PARKER SMUT??? Crazy, wild. lol. After MONTHS of not writing anything, I give you this.
Pairing: Peter B. Parker x Assassin!Reader
Summary: Your husband is Spider-Man. You're an assassin and he doesn't know. However, while it does complicate things, you try to keep him safe from your boss. Unfortunately, complications arise.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Smut, oral (f receiving), biting, fingering, Peter has a Daddy Kink, very light choking, light angst
WC: 2.1K │ TAGLIST FORM │Marvel Sideblog: @stevengrantnotrogers
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(Pics from pinterest)
The morning light pours into yours and Peter’s bedroom making you beat your first alarm of the day. You groan slightly into your pillow, prepared to get up and start your day. There’s a lot to do today since you have to run over to-
“Uh uh. Stay.” Your husband, Peter’s, warm hands pull you toward his even warmer frame, engulfing you. 
You lean back a little bit to give him a sleepy kiss with a chuckle. “Got too much to do, babe. I’m sorry.” 
“Nope. You don’t. I said so.” He grins into your neck, breathing you in.
“So clingy.” You playfully roll your eyes.
“Don’t forget about bossy.” He kisses your bare shoulder. 
“Ah, yeah. Definitely can’t forget that one.” You laugh. 
“How about I give you incentive to stay?” Peter whispers hotly against your ear. 
You can’t help but bite your lip. “What kind of incentive?”
“The kind where I make you cum 3 times on my face before I fuck you into this bed.” He bites your earlobe, his fingers already starting to trail dangerously low toward your panties. “Would that be okay?” 
“Y-yeah… Pete… I think that would be more than-” You start to agree before Peter’s other hand pulls your face toward his own and he slides his fingers down to tease your already wet folds. “Fuck…” 
He growls into the kiss. “God, you’re so fucking wet for me already. So needy, aren’t you?”
You nod, a little pathetically you might add, against his face as he starts to kiss you again. To anyone else, Peter seems so goofy and like he wouldn’t be a very dominant type. But he never ceases to surprise you. 
“Tell daddy how bad you want it.” He whispers against your lips, holding your throat softly. 
The moment you try to tell him how badly you need him, to be full of him, he slips a long slender finger into you and you can’t help the whine that escapes your lips. He smirks against your lips as he pulls his fingers out just to push them back in repeatedly until you’re begging for more.
“T-tongue…” You beg, breathlessly. 
He chuckles darkly. “That’s not how you ask for things, is it baby?” 
“P-please… Peter…” You grind down against his hand, begging for any sort of friction, needing that release.
He curls his fingers against that spongy spot inside of you and you buck against his hands sharply. 
“Please what?” He asks, clearly enjoying this way too much. 
You look up at him, eyes dark with lust for your husband. “Pl-please… use your tongue…” 
He chuckles and kisses your temple. “Good girl.”
Peter slides his finger out of you and moves down your body as you settle against the pillows. He slips your panties down your legs, tosses them to the floor, and then bites the inside of your thigh making your back arch up away from him. His arms wrap around your thighs, pulling you closer to his face. 
He moans at the sight of your bare cunt and looks up at you, making eye contact as he starts to lick a long stripe up your folds.
“Fuck… Pete…” You whimper, your hand flying to his hair to anchor yourself to him. 
He groans against your warmth as your grip in his hair tightens. Unable to help it, you smirk down at him. He shoots you a wink and your whole body goes ablaze. 
After all this time together, you’re still incredibly hot for each other. After meeting in college and being married for almost 10 years, you truly can’t get enough of each other. He’s your best friend and you’re his. 
Peter’s tongue finds your clit and you grip his hair again, making him growl as he tightens his grip on your thighs so rough, you’re sure to bruise. 
“Fuck that’s so good.” You moan. 
Unfortunately, the sound of your phone ringing, specifically the tone that you have for your boss, starts to ring out into the room, immediately killing the mood. 
“God, he’s the fucking worst.” Peter groans into your thigh, resting his cheek against it, looking up at you.
You shrug, breathlessly. “I know, I know… I’m sorry…” 
You lean over toward your nightstand and pull your phone off the charger and answer your boss. 
“I need you here. Now.” His deep voice demands. 
You know you can’t say no. 
“On it.” You reply and he hangs up.
Peter lets go of you and moves back up toward his side of the bed. He still thinks you work in publishing, because if he knew the real you… he probably wouldn’t love you anymore. And you’ve been doing everything you possibly can to protect him from your boss. So far, you’ve been lucky.
“I’m sorry, baby.” You kiss him on the cheek and get up, quickly getting dressed. 
“It’s okay. Let me know if you’ll be home for dinner and I’ll go pick us something up.” He gets up and comes to kiss you on the lips.
“I love you, you know that?” You look up at him, smiling.
“Duh.” He winks.
You roll your eyes, smirking. He always seems to keep a good attitude about things when your boss makes you come in at all hours. Today, though, you thought you weren’t going to be needed. Biggest downside to being too good at your job, you suppose. 
You finish getting ready and then give Peter one more kiss and leave the house, getting on your motorcycle that Peter keeps begging you to sell so you guys can get a Prius (not happening). 
As you speed into the city, toward Fisk tower, traffic and the weather luckily seem to be on your side today and you make it there in record time. 
When you park your bike in front of the building, the doorman, Harold, greets you just like he does every morning. Despite working for such a morally questionable man, he and his wife are the sweetest people.
“Morning, sweetheart.” He smiles. 
“Hi, Harold. How’s Caroline?” You ask as you hold your helmet in one hand. 
“She’s good. She says hello and that you need to come by for dinner soon.” He playfully scolds you.
“If Fisk lets me have a day off, I promise to take you guys up on that.” You wink and walk into the building, toward the glass elevators, hitting the top button so that it takes you straight to Fisk himself.
You look out at the city, missing Peter already, just like you always do. You can’t stop thinking about the way he reacted when you pulled his hair. 
Ugh. Get it together. You know better than to think of Peter here. 
Before the golden elevator doors even open, you can hear Fisk shouting at someone on the phone. 
The doors open and Fisk looks up at you. 
“Sir.” You nod. 
“Do I look like a fucking idiot?” He points at you.
You shake your head. “No, why?”
He shakes his own head, pacing back and forth.
“Osborn seems to think so. He’s lucky I haven’t had him taken care of yet…” 
You’re waiting for Fisk to get on with his point, hoping he’ll make it there soon. You know better than to interrupt him when he’s fuming like this. 
“He can’t get a grip… he’s becoming a loose end. Go threaten him. Make him shit his pants if you have to.”
The Green Goblin… that’s who he’s sending you up against. You’re an assassin… You’re not equipped to go up against that.
“Sir, I’m not-” You start to voice your concerns.
Fisk’s head shoots up, staring at you. “Take some of the guys with you if you have to. Believe it or not, Norman is sweet on you.”
Jesus… The way he says it, he almost seems amused.
“Right. Okay.” You nod and head down to the garage to rally up some of the guys, deciding to take two of the SUVs. 
“We’re going to pay Osborn a visit.” You tell Johnny, trying to keep the nerves out of your voice. 
“Oh great…” Johnny whistles and rallies up 8 other guys.
You hop in the front passenger seat of Johnny’s SUV. It’s a quiet ride to Osborn’s apartment. You’re trying to figure out what you’re going to say to a man who seems like he’s on the verge of killing an entire city almost any chance he gets. 
The ride goes by quicker than you’d like and you hop out when Johnny pulls up to the front of Norman’s building. They all wait for your signal. 
“I’ll go in, try to talk him down. You guys be out in the hall ready to strike if you hear any signs of trouble.” You tell them. 
They all nod and you head up toward the top floor of Osborn’s, your gun is in the inside of your black leather jacket along with a few daggers. It’s usually all you need. But this… this makes you nervous. 
As you get to the door, you knock on the front door and find it's already open. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he won’t be home. 
A crash comes from somewhere in the apartment. No, you didn’t think you’d be that lucky. The guys all raise their guns, ready.
“Norm?” You call out into the apartment. “You okay?”
You hear loud clattering and walk back to the source of it, finding Norman skittering around his lab, mumbling to himself angrily. 
“N-Norm?” You say, in the doorway, prepared to grab your gun if you need to.
Norman Osborn looks up at you. His demeanor relaxes when he sees you but his eyes stay angry. 
“Kingpin sent you to kill me, didn’t he?” He chuckles humorlessly. 
You shake your head. “Just to talk.”
The quick change in his face says that was the wrong thing to say and the hair on your neck stands. 
He starts to throw shit around, picking up a desk like it weighs nothing and sending it soaring into the window and down below. You hear a car alarm go off and you just know that one of the SUVs was hit. 
“Norm, please-” You start to cautiously approach him. “All you have to do is-”
“Don’t tell me what I have to do!” He shouts, turning green. 
You put your hands up in surrender, nodding. “Okay, okay.”
All you wanted was a relaxing day with Peter… that’s all you fucking wanted. 
Norman starts to throw more shit out the window and you start to think you’re going to need the backup when as luck would have it, a long white line flies in front of you toward Norman and you recognize it instantly as web fluid.
“Fuck me.” You whisper-shout as you get down, hiding behind the wall. 
You’ve done so good about not having any run-ins with your husband, AKA Spider-Man. Today really is not your lucky day. 
You try your best to scurry out, heading out to the street and around the back alley where the SUVs pull up and you quickly hop in the first one, finding Johnny in the driver’s seat.
“Fucking Spider-Man…” Johnny shakes his head as he drives.
“Let’s get out of here. We aren’t prepared to deal with Goblin and the Spider.” You tell him.
You look out the window as you head back to Fisk Tower, trying to figure out what you’re going to say or do. Fisk is not going to be happy. You failed… which means you’re going to suffer the consequences one way or another. 
Taking the elevator back up to your boss’ office on the top floor, the knot in your stomach twists and turns. You quickly shoot Peter a quick text to let him know you love him, just in case. Hopefully he sees it after he’s done dealing with Osborn. 
When the doors open, Fisk is already waiting with his arms crossed, in his seat at his desk. He really knows how to command a room with that glare of his.
“Sir, I-” You start. 
“Failed.” He states, finishing your sentence as he sees fit. No questions about it.
You nod. “There were… complications.”
“I know. Spider-Man showed up.” He stares at you.
“Take care of him.” 
He stands up. “Kill the Spider-Man.” 
Your blood runs ice cold. 
“Because if you don’t…” He walks around his desk, stalking toward you like you’re prey. “You’ll be the one who’s taken care of if not. Got it?” 
He’s still staring down at you and for once in your life, you truly feel small. But not because of the large man towering over you. Because of the danger you’ve put you and your husband in.
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