#[ and just    @ crew       freaking. knowing that your captains Dying
pirateborn-a · 2 years
     note to self to figure out more details ab roger’s illness,,,
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eternalmoonlight18 · 25 days
Please please Shanks or Law taking care of sick!reader
Ouuuu I always wanted to do headcanons based on sick!reader!
Law and Shanks Taking Care of You When You're Sick
GN!Reader x Trafalgar Law and GN!Reader x Akagami no Shanks (pre-established relationship)
Your immune system is usually strong, so you usually don't get sick
But one day, you suddenly fell ill, like super SUPER ill and you're bedridden
But you don't let the others find out, and everyone thinks that you're sleeping.
But once the crew finds out you're down with a sickness for the first time they freak out and tell their captains.
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Trafalgar Law
Once he's alerted that you're down with illness, he heads straight to your room
He's pissed that you didn't say anything to him but he couldn't stay mad once he saw how sick you really were
He's a doctor so of course he knows what to do! He comes back to your room with a blood pressure monitor, thermometer, and an IV
Yeah he kind of goes overboard
But I think he would have an innate fear of his loved one getting sick or ill because of what happened to his family and friends with the White Lead disease and it triggers him
So he does everything under his power to make sure you're okay
"Hold still I'm trying to take your blood pressure"
"Law, this is fourth time you've done this in the last hour"
He would make sure that you're well fed with hot soup
Makes sure that you're taking your medication even though they taste terrible
"I don't want to take it"
"(Y/n)-ya, I will literally cut you in half and place that pill directly in your stomach so help me God"
He would refuse to leave your side and will sleep on a chair next to you
Will make sure that you're hydrated
Expect a 2-litre jug of water in your room and he will make you finish one a day until you better or else he threatens to hook you up to an IV
"How many times did you pee today? If you pee a lot it means you drank a lot of water which will help you recover"
"Uh I didn't go yet"
"You have 1 minute to drink 1 litre of water or else I'm hooking you up to this IV right now"
Once you're better he will force you to do checkups with him every month from now on
"I hate the infirmary I refuse to do monthly checkups. Also, isn't supposed to be annual?"
"I don't trust your immune system anymore"
He may be overbearing and too much but that's because he loves you very much and hates to see you sick <3
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Akagami no Shanks
The man beelines it to your room as soon as Benn alerts him that you're down with an illness
He starts freaking out because he thinks you're dying because you've never been sick before until now
"Omg please don't die yet we have to get married first"
"Shanks, darling, I just have a flu"
Y'all know that scene where Luffy tries to make Nami feel better on Drum Island when she was sick and he makes a silly face
Yeah, Shanks does the same thing
His face is scribbled with blank ink and his hair is tied up into two ponytails as he tries to make you laugh. Hongo walks in on him and accidentally stabs Shanks with one of his needles in shock
While Hongo does the actual healing since he's the doctor, Shanks tries his best to assist him even though he was no help
"Captain can you not use my stethoscope on their asscheeks please"
"Sorry I was trying to see if I could hear their heartbeat from there"
Shanks would try to cook soup for you but for some reason it tasted like beer
"Is it delicious? I tried to make soup for you so you'd feel better!"
"Why does it taste like beer? And is that a dead fly?"
While you're sleeping, he'd put cold damp towels on your forehead and change them every hour on the dot
Shanks will also refuse to leave your side as well. He will be glued next to you until you got better
He'd give lots of forehead kisses and will cuddle with you, much to your dismay
"Honey, it's getting too hot"
"I know, it's cause I'm here"
"No you loveable idiot you're hugging me too tight, let me go before I cough on your face"
Once you're fully recovered the man is stuck to you like velcro and smothers you with his love and kisses
"Shanks stop it you're going to make me sick with all of your germs!"
"Then let's both get sick!"
He may be clueless but he does his best to take care of you because he loves you <3
LOL this was fun to write
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 month
Fic roundup: Heart Pirates, post Winner Island
After seeing @purplehairedwonder's post rounding up her fics from the aftermath of the Law-Blackbeard fight now that it's been animated, I thought I'd make one putting together as many as I could find or remember. These are ones where it's the main focus--I realize it does feature in like, various longfics, as a background/inciting event but my goal was to sift out the ones that are focused on it. If there's one that is post WI focused you know and love I'm missing feel free to toss the link in the replies and I'll update the list. I've done some minor sorting into sections for Lulaw, Heart Pirates crew fics, bad end, and various, and within those things are listed alphabetically.
a beating heart by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
After successfully escaping Egghead, the Straw Hats are on their way to Elbaf when two individuals made their way to the Thousand Sunny. The ensuing events led Luffy to realize his feelings for the dying captain. Prompt: confession | heart swap | i thought i'd lost you
A Thing Both Terrible and Beautiful by purplehairedwonder; E, 3.5k, complete.
Law wants it rough, wants it to hurt, because it’s what he deserves after losing everything. Again. Luffy knows he needs something else.
as I hold your hollow heart by betsib; M, 25k, complete.
The Straw Hats pick up Bepo and an unconscious Law after the events at Winner Island. Luffy is more than ready to help him, but when Law opens his eyes, he is a stranger. Meanwhile, Law wakes up in Dressrosa, with Doflamingo's symbol tattooed on his chest and servants calling him "Corazon".
Ballast by SyrupFog; NR, 7.3k, complete.
Law stands at the helm of a ship that isn’t his. They need supplies, they need to recover (he needs to recover), they need to go back. He can’t— he doesn’t have another choice. They have to go back to Winner Island as soon as possible, as soon as they’re able. There’s just no other option, here. Not for him. Not when his entire crew, save for Bepo, is somewhere out there. They’re strong. They must have survived. Law needs them to have survived. Law and Bepo have commandeered a small marine vessel, but there's a ship that simply won't stop following them, and Law-- Law's having nightmares.
Bet by Salemmcit0; G, 1.3k, complete.
Luffy wants to take care of Law while he's wounded, and he lets him. Both pirate crews are freaking out. And betting about it.
Broken Hearts by Dragon_Fallss; M, 33k, complete.
After retreating from Blackbeard, Bepo takes Law to the Thousand Sunny for help. Law's broken. And on top of that, the virus from the battle makes a surprise return. He now has to deal with his grief and a new body. And Luffy is so kind it's painful.
Call You Mine by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 8.8k, complete.
“Who would even be crazy enough to date Straw Hat Luffy?” “It’s gotta be someone who’s pretty strong,” one of the bar’s patrons mused. “I don’t see Straw Hat falling for a weakling.” “Strong enough for Straw Hat, and crazy enough to accept his advances,” another patron mused. “There aren’t many people that can say they’d meet those requirements.” “It’s pretty much just the Worst Generation, right?” someone else pointed out. Law scowled at his drink and wished Penguin wasn’t such a busybody. “Makes sense. Those Worst Generation guys all seem pretty close. When they’re not trying to kill each other, anyway,” the bartender pointed out with a shrug. Law had to admit he was right, at least when it came to Luffy. The idea of Luffy dating someone in their exclusive little band made sense to him, too. Or: Five times Law was jealous of Luffy's mystery boyfriend, and one time he realized the mystery boyfriend was Law himself.
Dead Defend No Honour (Day 9 of LawLu Week 2023) by KhepiAri; G, 2.7k, complete.
What if Luffy found out, Law lost it all at the hands of Blackbeard? Will he let Law suffer alone, or will he drag him back to Sunny?
Dissecting a Captain by devils_regrets; E, 10.8k, complete.
Law's anguish and hatred drives him to lash out at the Straw Hat Captain, but Luffy of all people knows that's not how to heal the heart.
Grounding Exercise by heart_sen_ya; T, 2.5k, complete.
The panic didn’t leave Law’s body, but he managed to slow his movements, grip tightly at his first mate’s sleeve. “Bepo?” he huffed. “Real?” The question hung heavy between them. “Yes,” the word was dripping with sorrow, with apology. “Not dreaming. I’m sorry, Captain.” Tattooed fingers curled deeper into Bepo’s sleeve. Law leaned forward into him, his body screaming in protest. He didn’t care. How could he? Here he was, alive amidst tragedy. “Again,” he hissed, vocalizing the thought. “Again?'' The word tasted like poison.
Healing of the heart by Tchell1; G, 10.5k, complete.
In the aftermath of Law and Black Beard's battle, Law is left broken and hopeless. Monkey D. Luffy will not allow Law to fall into despair.
Look Who's Laughing Now by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 13.2k, complete.
I really like Torao, Luffy thought contentedly. I like him, too. The words felt like a warm echo of his own thoughts, bumping against the inside of his skull in a gentle but insistent way. That was weird. But not the weirdest thing Luffy had ever experienced, so he ignored it. “Did you get something in your eyes, Mugiwara-ya?” Torao asked. “They look a little pink.”
Loss & Regret by CaptainButterBuns; G, 1.4k, complete.
Blackbeard has dealt a crushing blow to the Hearts and Law is left to deal with the trauma but an old ally could be just what he needs to help him through it.
Lost and Found (You) by purplehairedwonder; T, 7.5k, complete.
Five times Law and Luffy almost lost one another and one time they did something about it.
My Heart in Your Hands, My Hands around Your Heart by purplehairedwonder; G, 1.9k, complete
In Luffy's lowest moment, Law takes Luffy's hand and promises that his story will not end. In Law's lowest moment, Luffy takes Law's hand and promises the same.
My Heart, Fragile in Your Hands by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
“I failed them,” Law whispered, and it felt like a confession—like at church in Flevance. Confession was supposed to absolve someone of their sins, right? He doubted there was a god anywhere who could absolve him of his. And yet, he confessed at the altar of Luffy. “They were my responsibility, and I failed them.” Or, Law wakes up in the Sunny's infirmary after Winner Island.
On fire by Suwym; T, 367 words, complete.
Law has lost practically everything: his father, his submarine, his crew, and that vivre card.
Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
Luffy cupped Law’s cheek with his hand, softly grazing his thumb over a yellowing bruise. “Torao is so pretty,” he said quietly, a note of awe in his voice. Law flushed. “Torao’s heart is beating so fast.” “Yeah,” Law agreed, swallowing. “It is.” Luffy’s, despite a few flutters, was beating steadily in Law’s chest. Law, on the other hand, felt pinned to the spot, one hand holding Kikoku and the other in Luffy’s grip. “You should stay.” Law blinked. “What?” “You should stay,” Luffy repeated. “On the Sunny. With me."
Seeing the Light by CaptainJoJo; G, 1.4k, complete.
Law doesn't want to talk about it and Luffy isn't pushing him.
Tattoos by Salemmcit0; G, 4k, complete.
Luffy takes Law and his crew to Swallow Island to build a new Polar Tang, and retouch his tattoos. Nobody knew that Mugiwara-ya was planning on getting one too.
The Heart is a Thing to Be Broken by purplehairedwonder; T, 5.5k, complete.
The Straw Hats learn about Winner Island.
The Lost Case by felsefeslegen; M, 24k, WIP.
SPOILERS AFTER 1081 IN THE MANGA. What happened to Law and Bepo after they defeated by Blackbeard and lost in the ocean? How will they survive and what will happen after Law and Luffy meet up in Elbaf? --- After the total defeat of Heart Pirates, Law and Bepo washed up on a deserted island. After that the thing made them survive became their nightmare, they were rescued from there like a miracle. Yet, Law was broken enough to hurt both himself and others. And mostly, Luffy.
Then Came You by Raiya
„Please Captain don’t die.“ Law could hear Bepo repeat the words over and over. The seawater around him felt like it was holding him in a breathtaking grip, but maybe it was Bepo carrying him. Law did not know if he was unable to move because of the water or his injuries but it did not matter much, he barely could keep himself conscious but tried his best.
What once was lost, now found by Callunar; T, 7k, complete.
You didn't have to come by Salemmcit0; G, 1.6k, complete.
After parting ways while leaving Wano, Luffy can't stop looking at Law's vivre card. Days later the paper began to disintegrate. Or, Luffy goes to look for Torao as the Winner Island encounter is going on Day 1 of Lawlu 2023 week - Loyalty
your hands in mine by betsib; T, 1k, complete.
Luffy has always liked Law's hands.
Your Heart, Broken in My Chest by purplehairedwonder. T, 3.6k, complete.
Luffy was far from an expert at having someone else’s heart in his chest, but he was pretty sure what was happening with Torao’s heart wasn’t normal. AKA, Law and Luffy switched hearts after Wano, and Luffy feels Winner Island happen.
10 Days of LawLu 2023 Day 6/8/10: Holding Hands/Hurt & Comfort/Confessions by Straw_Heart3; M, 4.6k, complete.
The aftermath of Law's fight with Blackbeard on Winner Island.
Heart Pirates major role
A Last, Beating Heart by HyperbolicReverie; G, 1.4k, complete.
“Oh, my wonderful crew,” you think, thoughts hazy as bits and pieces of yourself begin to drift in the currents. “Oh, my dear, brave little boys. I hope you can forgive me for not being able to carry you further. I can no longer be your heart.”
Your journey has ended. But this? This you can do.
A Swallow's Cry by Heartprts (jiaaa27); T, 3k, complete.
Klabautermann: a spirit that dwells in ships, an incarnation of a ship that has been well loved and cared for. Tangs, surgeonfishes: a family of marine fish with a distinctive characteristic of having scalpel-like scales at their caudal peduncle. or Polar Tang fought for her family, to her very last breath.
At Our Dream's End by chioccowine; G, 2.5k, complete
A snippet between the Heart's captain and his first mate after chapter 1081 - - - “But, Bepo...” his captain’s body shivered as he uttered softly, like the blossoms of the epiphyllum under the moonlight, silently withering in the gentle wind without anyone knowing. “What lies at the dream’s end? What lies at the end…when there’s nothing left to dream about?” Bepo sniffed to hold back his tears, and he reached out his paws determinedly. Like how the three of them used to do for him when he was still a little cub, he hugged his captain tight, sheltering him from the long freezing night.
Bioluminescent Hearts by Harmonica_Smile (Rescue_Remedy); T, 5.7k, complete.
"No bodies?" Blackbeard fumed. Doc Q and Stronger had bounced across rocky Winner Island when that bear had gone all Sulong and knocked them out. Van Augur's range for warping wasn't that great, and was tricky over open water. He could sharpshoot the skin of a hangnail, but the bear was fast. If he'd managed to get a shot in, they could've finished the Mink off, and pulled the shitty doctor from the water, taken his heart and returned triumphant. Once the horse had woken up.
blessed, not cursed by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
For a few years now, Jean Bart feels like his life is cursed. It all happened too quickly; one moment their ship capsized, and the next moment he's wearing an explosive collar. It was the start of all the curses.
Caught by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad death, Hakugan thought as he felt darkness beginning to encroach on his vision. He’d been on the crew of a Warlord, had helped in the fight that defeated two Emperors, and had seen more incredible, unbelievable things than he would have once thought possible; it had been a much more fulfilling life than he would have had if he’d stayed in his boring, backwater home in the North Blue. He would never regret agreeing to join Trafalgar Law all those years ago. He only hoped that his captain would somehow live on to fight another day; as long as Law lived on, so would the Heart Pirates.
Celebration by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.6k, complete.
As the Heart and Straw Hat Pirates celebrate the jailbreak of the imprisoned Hearts, Shachi tracks down a guilt-ridden Law and offers his captain some moral support.
Cursed by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.4k, complete.
After Wano, Jean had never been prouder to sport the Heart Pirates Jolly Roger on his back, tattooed over the slave brand that had marked him as cursed for so many years. But they had failed Law on Winner Island. Jean had failed him on Winner Island.
Clang, Ding, Zing by Mekachu04. G, 489 words, complete.
Still, it surprised him when Kidd approached him first, a thick pad of blank newsprint that Law hoped he'd gotten permission for before liberating from Franky's workshop. Kidd dropped the heavy booklet on Law with no preamble. an *extremely* short snippet of two very much down on their luck pirate captains dealing with their recent losses. More light-hearted than it sounds.
Food by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete
“Sorry for borrowing your kitchen without asking. I just...” “It’s fine,” Sanji said easily before starting to roll up the cuffs on his sleeves to his elbow. “You wanted to make something for your people, didn’t you?” “I...” Clione blinked in surprise. “Yeah.” “I get it,” Sanji said. Once his cuffs were rolled up, he crossed his arms and leaned against the side of the counter. “It’s how people like us show our love, right?” Sanji went on. “Through our cooking.”
going through by aghhhhhh; G, 1.1k, complete.
Hakugan has an idea. Written for Heart Pirates Week 2024 Day 8: Hakugan and Caught
Heart to Heart by MorWicked; G, 1k, complete.
The Heart Pirates have been destroyed, and now they need to help each other remember what matters most. ----- Digging his fingers in amongst the flotsam of pebbles and broken shells, Law wrestled his harrowed anatomy into a position somewhat less prone. Slumping against the familiar form of his salvation, Law found it a little easier to breathe. A heavy paw settled over his shoulders, somehow easing the gravity of devastation even as it rested in a fashion that belied a bone-deep exhaustion.
'homeless heart' by fab_ia; T, 4k, complete.
“They’ll make it,” Bepo says. “They always have before, haven’t they? From the North until here…” It isn’t survivors' guilt. Bepo refuses to call it that, at any rate, because that would mean expressing some degree of doubt that the rest of them have managed to survive. He isn’t sure that he’ll be able to keep going if he lets go of that hope, if he doubts them for even a moment.
Last nights with Tang by Lyy30; G, 6.5k, complete.
Ikkaku has her first and last conversation with Tang.
Loyalty by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
The only solace the Hearts had after being taken captive by the Blackbeard Pirates was the revelation that Bepo had gotten Law away from the battlefield. They’d all sworn in Wano that they would do whatever it took to protect their self-sacrificing captain, and any of them would have made the same choice, had they been able. They were the Heart Pirates, and Trafalgar Law was the beating heart at the center of the crew. They would hold out until Law came for them, and they would give the Blackbeard Pirates nothing.
Low Battery by killyhawk; T, 1.5k, complete
Two times Shachi carried Law, and one time he couldn't.
Night by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.1k, complete.
Their rescue comes at night.
Wish the 4 of us stay together forever by Horsehead_557; G, 837 words, complete.
Penguin, Shachi, Law and Bepo are all waiting outside to see the shooting star while drinking some tasty hot chocolate until Bepo suggest that they make a wish
Bad end
Broken Hearts by CaptainButterBuns; E, 736 words, complete. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Major Character Death warning.
Law has bitten off more than he can chew with Black Beard and the Heart Pirates pay the ultimate price.
Forced Disease of Despair by ProfessorDatenix; E, 6k, complete. Law/Blackbeard and Blackbeard Pirates. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law gets turned into a woman in the battle against the Blackbeard Pirates near Winner Island, but something goes wrong and ends up captured by them, being completely at the mercy of mean that want to show their new slut what it means to be a captured woman by an enemy ship
From the Ashes by purplehairedwonder. T, 10.8k, WIP.
Blackbeard takes Law and the defeated Heart Pirates captive after their defeat at Winner Island.
Some version of you. That I might not have, but I did not lose by ImpassiveMoon; T, 3.2k, WIP.
Law doesn't escape Winner Island. Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates, sailing high after their escape from Egghead Island, find out far too late. A butterfly flaps its wings and creates a tornado. What then would a beetle do? A god? Brace yourself. For D will bring a storm.
The promised I have to keep by Horsehead_557; G, 3.35k. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Rape/Non-Con warning.
the young captain taking out his den-den mushi and vivre card luffy like calling the other captain while looking at his vivre card cause it makes him feel like that torao is infront of him “wh-where is” luffy panicked he cant find torao’s vivre card - in something happened to law and they cant do anything about it
the steps to an foretold conclusion by aghhhhhh; T, 3.2k, complete.
Law was always going to die. He is on the altar, heart torn out for the sun.
to the victor go the soiled by Anonymous; E, 8k, complete. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law had been Doflamingo’s slave-concubine for some years before escaping the clan in his late teens and starting his own crew, but no-one left Doflamingo’s harem. Doflamingo was excited that Law now had a hole that he and other members of his crew had not yet sampled. Variety was the spice of life and all that. Another thing Doflamingo liked was how docile the constant fucking from Blackbeard’s crew, the transformation, and the specially designed seastone adornments had made Law. Straight into the PWP. Hurt, no comfort. If it's not your thing, click right back. Tags are not for show
Aftermath by purplehairedwonder; G, 1k.
The aftermath of the fight at Winner Island.
A Most Surprising Alliance by Cygnus_the_Harper; G, 13.3k, complete. Users-only.
After the battle on Winner Island Bepo and Law flee across the ocean. Finding themselves stranded on a winter island they try to pick up the pieces, find a plan for moving forward, and worry about their crew. This was written after the cover page art depicting Law napping with a leopard and a bottle of vodka. It was such a fun picture that I had to write the adventures of Law and Bepo on that island, and their eventual rescue.
A Promise Fulfilled, 13 Years Later by betsib. T, 5.8k, complete.
Rosinante wakes up on Minon Island on the exact spot where he died, 13 years later. He's surprised to find Law is now a notorious pirate, and sets out on a journey to find him. Written for CoraFest 2024.
a victory every year by betsib; T, 6k, complete.
Law finds himself imprisoned in Impel Down, injured and possibly dying. His only company is Doflamingo, who tells him Luffy has been captured too. All in all, not the best way to spend his birthday.
A Wave Across a Bay by Sleeping_Songbird; G, 785 words, complete.
The aftermath of The Hearts fight with Blackbeard.
Faded by meowmystery; T, 819 words, complete.
Alone with his thoughts, Trafalgar Law begins to think his past over, which he has done over a million times. No matter how much he tries, he can't seem to come to a conclusion. Is there really an answer?
Fem Law on Winner Island by SilverSphere; G, 1.4k, complete.
This is just a canon-divergence drabble of Law getting stuck as a girl on Winner Island : )
Give Us a Little Love by cptrum; G, 2.3k, complete.
Law and Bepo get away from Winner island, but now what? Bepo is stuck trying to help an injured Law and also get his crew back. A what happened after chapter 1081 (since we still have zero resolution for that).
Hurting by lostsometime; T, 808 words, complete.
It hurts different, is the thing.
In the Light that Falls at Moonrise by Rimetin; T, 12.7k, Smoker/Law.
"The Captain,” the mink repeats, “trusts you.” Smoker chews on his cigars, letting his head fall back again. “Yeah, you said that.” “And you trust him.” Smoker and Law speak with their respective seconds-in-command, gain some valuable insight, and come face to face with some difficult to admit facts. Part 3 of Bitten by the Cold
Magneteers by Mekachu04; T, 2k, WIP.
After fleeing Blackbeard, Law & Bepo have been rescued by the Strawhats. Luffy is more than happy to help Law find his ship and crew, but his crew rightly points out that finding a submarine under the water is a big ask. If only there was someone they knew who could find large metal things and easy move them around. Possibly bring a sunken sub up to the surface with his magnetic abilities. So they detour to hunt down the Kidd Pirates. Unfortunately for Law, Shanks found Kidd first.
Polar Bear, Ocean Blue, and A Glass of His Dreams by chioccowine; G, 8k, WIP. Shanks/Law.
In order to bring Black Beard down to his demise, the Captain of the Hearts seized the opportunity to propose an alliance to the notorious red-haired emperor. The young captain’s willing to offer anything - - As he had nothing to lose.
Salt for Salt (Bone For Bone) by Friendly_Neighborhood_Asexual; NR, 2k, complete.
Bepo didn’t know how long he had been swimming, only that his lungs burned and his limbs ached and that he could not stop until his captain was safe. Law was tucked firmly under his arm, pressed close to his side with all the strength the mink could afford, and Bepo couldn’t tell if he was still breathing anymore. He couldn’t dwell on that though - wouldn’t dare to entertain the thought that he might be - his captain was strong, strong enough to survive Doflamingo, strong enough to survive Kaido and Big Mom, strong enough to bring emperors to their knees. Law would be strong enough to survive Blackbeard. Bepo didn’t know if he would be strong enough to survive Law’s death.
Suns Will Sink to Shade by Rimetin; T, 7.3k, complete. Smoker/Law.
Smoker gnaws on his cigars, puffing thick clouds of off-white smoke. “I’m trying to help you, brat.” “I didn’t–” Law cuts himself off. It dawns on him then that he did, in fact, ask. Involving Smoker was his own express decision, however impulsively made. Bepo certainly hadn't made it for him - hell, he hadn't so much as questioned it. And he hadn't been the one to bring the rumors, either: it had been an innocuous bit of conversation Law overheard, and his traitor brain had latched onto it. Pushed to his breaking point and beyond, he'd heard Smoker's name and only thought refuge. Fuck. Smoker and Law talk some things through. Plans are made. (now with art!) Part 2 of Bitten by the Cold
The Aftermath by RitsukoRyoku; G, 3.5k, complete
This is how I envision the aftermath of that fateful battle as the Heart Pirates recover and recuperate.
what we have left by betsib; G, 716 words, complete.
Bepo and Law are picked up by the Straw Hats after the events on Winner Island, and Law proposes another alliance.
When Stars are Silver by Rimetin; T, 7k, complete. Smoker/Law.
When the air around him thins and fills with bluish static, Smoker knows exactly what it is. He turns in his chair just in time to catch two of his meditating rocks poof out of existence, replaced instead with… A man and a polar bear. SPOILERS for ch. 1081. After Winner Island, Law finds Smoker. Part 1 of Bitten by the Cold
I II II L by darkrogue1 (Lily_Haydee_Lohdisse); T, 764 words, complete.
Bepo worries about his Captain
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blindrapture · 3 months
SATURDAY JULY 2ND, 2011 (Rael's Exodus IV: EAT)
8:12 AM I dreamt of a wide ocean. Storm clouds flocked in, and then a finger rose from the sea. It extended, revealing a hand, and then an arm. It was an absolutely giant arm. Then I heard Genesis playing. The arm became a shoulder, and something else was about to rise out of the water when I woke up. I woke up to “The Fountain of Salmacis.”
8:20 AM “Good morning, passengers. This is your captain speaking. We’re over halfway across the Atlantic, making great progress, should be touching down on New Jersey soil on Monday. “Now, uh.. it seems that a lot of you are gone. Well, don’t worry! We’ll pull through this, the rest of you, and we’ll survive. In the meantime, we’ve got some fantastic music here. Still in Yates’ collection, and uh.. well, it’s really growing on me! It’s some great stuff. That was Nursery Cryme, Genesis, for the second time. And uh.. I think we’ll give this one here a try. Meddle, by.. Pink Floyd! “So yes, smooth sailing, all that. Stay alive! Fitzgerald out.”
9:02 AM Donnie’s up. We’re gonna go get some breakfast.
9:14 AM There’s a kid here in the hall. That’s Miss DeNumante’s kid. Brian’s his name, I think. He seems.. quiet. Is he alright?
9:15 AM Donnie’s taking care of him. She’s taking him with us.
9:21 AM Bacon and eggs for breakfast! Yum.
9:30 AM Ms. Desmond walked by the door. I asked Donnie if she can leave Brian here for a bit. She’s getting Chef Gusteau to look after him for us.
9:33 AM Where is Ms. Desmond going?
9:34 AM Donnie’s caught up. She scared me. >.>
9:35 AM Terry’s gone in a circle. She’s going into the dining room. ..Brian’s staring at her. He’s following her with his eyes.
9:37 AM She got away. She killed Chef Gusteau, and she got away with it. Goddammit! Motherefsdfjfuckeffsdi9gis, everyone’s dying. But you should have seen her. She picked Zach up and just freaking threw him at a wall, fucking superhuman strength. Then she grabbed a knife. My god, the Rake and Masky are dead, but we’ve got even bigger problems.
9:50 AM “Uh.. attention, passengers? Captain speaking. I’ve just been informed that.. the ship’s chef, Zach Gusteau, is.. dead. “Hm. Maybe there’s really a problem going on. Could everyone gather in the bridge? Everyone that’s alive, that is. We’re gonna have a meeting and a headcount. In the meantime, stay alive. Fitzgerald out.”
10:44 AM We did the headcount. Passenger-wise, there’s Richard and Meredith Burgandy (who freaked out over their door being kicked down, but didn’t mention any papers), Mister and Missus Finch and Omar (Mister and Omar were quiet and stuck together; Missus looks highly stressed and lost in thought), Mister and Missus Haggard (stayed away from each other the whole time, refused to acknowledge each other’s existence), Mister and Missus Tickrand (said not a word), and Brian DeNumante (said not a word). And of course, Jordan and DonDonnie and Jordan. Crew-wise, there’s Captain Jonathan Fitzgerald and Doctor Jackson. That’s it. Ms. Terry Desmond was absent. We counted fourteen people left. Nearly half the boat’s dead. o_o People wanted to know what’s going on. Captain Fitzgerald explained that there were two deadly serial killers on-board, but they have both been dispatched. So now there’s “nothing to worry about.” People are still worried. I don’t blame ‘em!
11:03 AM ..Doctor Jackson’s wait Mister Finch is leading Doctor Jackson to the deck. Omar’s with them. I’m gonna follow them this time.
11:08 AM ..o_____o They threw him overboard! They threw him overboard! What the ffff
11:09 AM And now they’re helping him back up. And.. now he’s quiet. HELLO I WAS JUST LEAVING
11:23 AM Oh hi Donnie, please may I have a cuddle, thank you.
11:25 AM We’ve clearly got some sort of.. I dunno, conspiracy or something going on among certain passengers. Except it’s an apocalyptic conspiracy of monsters and stuff. God, I don’t know. I really don’t, journal. I’m still tired. I mean, I’ve been sleeping a lot lately, but I just.. sometimes I don’t want to wake up at all, y’know? I just wanna be back in America. I wanna get off this ship alive. ._.;
11:58 AM Door knocking. o_e ..it’s the Haggards.
11:59 AM They’ve decided that the safest way to make it through this trip alive would be to stick together. They want us to come with them and get all the other passengers together for the rest of the trip. That’s the smartest plan I’ve heard yet.
12:14 PM The Burgandys agreed to stick with us.
12:19 PM ..I saw something. Someone.
12:20 PM TERRY She’s gone where is she what’s she planning?
12:21 PM Wherever she is, she’s following us. o_e
12:24 PM FCN MFS MISSUS FINCH, fucking no, that’s just no c’mon where did she even get a gun She k TERRY GODDAMMIT NO DAMMIT GETB AK Goddammit. I can’t help anyone. WAIT WAHT THFUFKC HOLY FCUK OH MY GOD WINGS
1:02 PM First of all, Missus Finch is dead. Looked to be a suicide, but what difference does it make at this point? Ms. Desmond struck again. This time, she got both of the Haggards. She was gonna get more of us, but then Mister Finch stepped in and knocked her to the ground. Then he >_< His back it ripped open All this blood everywhere but it wasn’t blood It was water D: And out of his back extended two giant wings of flesh and pulsating organs. He’s a fucking Flying Zombie, somehow he’s augvjsdvaI junfodsi She ran then she retreated The Burgandys ran too. Fast. Donnie and I are back in our own room. It’s the safest we’ve been just shut up, gah. Brian’s okay. He is. But will we be? After long enough? >.<
3:39 PM Fell asleep. Dreamt of water. Water. More water. My watery grave. …fuck it, I’m going back to it.
5:25 PM Woke up to banging on door.
5:46 PM It’s Mister Finch and Omar. “Follow You Follow Me.” That’s.. what Mister Finch said. Then they left. ..I’m.. gonna follow them.
5:47 PM Donnie’s coming too. Mostly because Brian ran right out the door and is following the others like we are.
6:01 PM It’s the deck. ..Mister Finch, Omar, Brian, Mister and Missus Tickrand, and Doctor Jackson are gathered here. Looking at me blankly. “Rael, it appears to be time to tell you about my private matter.” I asked why everyone else is here. They all said “I’m the only one here.” At the same time. I hear splashes from below. What have I gotten myself into. Mister Finch steps forward. “In madness, you dwell, Rael. Welcome to the End Complete.” The.. what. "You like that style of music, don't you? You and your friend. It gets your attention. I realize this may be a lot to bear, but— as much as I would rather not admit it— I need.. another pair of eyes." I.. but who? Who are you? “Oh, must you ask such questions? ..I suppose, yes, you must. Ordinarily I would relish the challenge of placing myself within your words, and perhaps it would benefit me to consult with the others on the ways they would recommend, but this is a strange time for all of us. I will try to be brief.
"If you are to identify me, and not any of my bodies, I believe the accepted nomenclature coined by humans is the Evolutionary Adverse Trigger, or, pleasingly, EAT. In fact, I would insist upon EAT, rather than the former. You humans are better at coming up with acronyms than you are at scientific names. How have you not yet figured out the necessity of the aesthetic consideration in functional, scientific contexts? You do not separate the mind and the body, and you do not separate the aesthetic from the functional. It's just a matter of efficient communication." Uh. Okay. o___o; EAT. Hi.. EAT. "I digress. I am not used to the habit of direct conversation with humans. Are we done with the matter of identity? I would like to proceed." Yeah. Sorry. "Please. You've noticed the progressive instability of our environment?" The.. ship? "The Earth." Oh. The apocalypse thing. "What do you know of the reason?" donnie "Rapture is coming." "Yes. Rapture. Do you know anything of Rapture?" Religion? Something about rabbit holes and doors. And INDISEN. "Going down the list, firstly, this has nothing to do with any Earthly religion, past or present. Second is the dDoors. That's capital-D, journal-keeper." Y-yes, got it. o: "You've read the papers I helped you obtain?" Yes. “So you’ve made the connection between ‘rabbit holes’ and Doors." Uh! looking at donnie she's looking back at me Um! No, EAT. "Well, Rael, they're one and the same. The Doors are the 'rabbit holes.' And the Doors are the key to Rapture, the key to identifying, navigating, and, perhaps, addressing Rapture."
donnie "Addressing? So you're.. 'against' Rapture?" "You have to ask? Understand: No living thing on Earth wants Rapture. Not even we Fears want Rapture." ..'Fears?' "Capital F, make sure you get that. It's a term that has stuck among my peers. They seem to like it. I believe a human invented the term for us first, as throughout your history we have inspired your storytelling, in fact your drive for abstraction— itself born from storytelling— comes from us. As storytelling, and by extension verbal communication, has trended in many directions over hundreds of thousands of years, so too have your names for us. And, as horror is your culture's current storytelling drive, it was only natural that your new name for us would stem from horror. Hence, 'Fear,' as I understand it." Uh....… "You used to call us 'gods.'" .… oh god. "Quite." donnie "Was the Harlequin a g-- a Fear?"
"Yes. And we know what you two did to her. You are attracting attention, as humans aren't normally known for dealing such decisive action to us— though, again, these are special circumstances. Most of my peers will want to get a look at you, and indeed some are already planning to. I hope, for your sakes, that they will decide you are a curiosity rather than an X factor. An X factor makes plans interesting. You do not want to make their plans interesting." ...>___<;; "..of course, some of us aspire for nothing less than to be made curious, and I count myself among those ranks. It might even be in my best interests to keep the two of you... alive. You have inertia. Your story is underway. You have— in fact, you are— an opportunity to test some theories and find out how some uncertainties work. You can help me learn of the Indisen if you're careful." R-right! Indisen! Let's talk about them! "The Indisen are another X factor, albeit one that pose a threat to me." Why are they called 'Indisen?' "Oh, I made the term. It stands for Individualistic Sentience. I do not think I handled the aesthetic value of the terms as well as the Genera did with mine…" Sorry, individualistic sentience? What does that mean? all the bodies are looking out at the sea. Pausing. "I want you to first understand that I have many bodies." We're looking at them, yes. "No, you are looking at a group of them. This one you are specifically focused on, formerly Edward Finch, is but one of thousands." o_______o;;;;
"These days, my bodies are known as Camper. We are the Camper. EAT is the Camper, and the Camper are EAT, being of knowledge." they all said that at once. I should have expected it, but, it's still disconcerting. "And then the Indisen are Camper who.. are no longer a part of me. This was not possible until May 21st. On that day, I lost all sense of a single body. Upon investigation, I found that body, that Camper, acting of its own will. Hence: Individualistic Sentience." ...so Ms. Desmond… "The body formerly known as Terry Desmond is no longer a human. She became me. Then, not that long ago, she, too, became detached from me. The Indisen are dangerous, Rael. They're fighting back, against me, and against bystanders. I do not observe discrimination in their hostility, not predictably so anyway. They're acting very much like cornered animals, but with the very real potential to be as intelligent and cunning as any of you." ..shit. okay. And you say they arrived on May 21st? "The first day of red sky, yes. So I am led to believe they are directly connected to Zan— the.. apocalypse." Huh? "Never you mind. I still have uncertainties and suspicions. As far as facts are concerned, I've told you all you need to know. Now we come to the end of our discussion, and I must ask that you pay close attention to the Indisen from now on, wherever you should meet them. More than that, do your best to stay alive, won't you? If you were of sufficient interest to the Harlequin, you will be of interest to me, and I like to be interested."
....… .....… Okay!! .....… .....… Wait, we're turning to leave now, but actually, I should probably ask you something. "Please, ask." There's a festival in the rabb the Doors, a music festival, with a crowd of bodies that.. remind me of you. And it's. It's literally called the Camper Festival. "…" Is this.. your thing? "You've managed to give me completely new, pertinent,information after a single conversation. I am processing the information, and I am processing the fact that you have volunteered it." So. You didn't even know about it? o_o "I didn't." ... "You've had a long journey. I suggest you return to your rooms and wait for sleep."
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11:00 PM six
(Attached: “And there you have it, there’s the abstract equation herself. ‘Being of knowledge,’ that’s very much her kind of self-description. Not at all accurate, but Salmacis rarely tries to be when it comes to herself. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say that’s a side effect of never really having a singular body to identify with. Salmacis is, at all times, many bodies and one mind. Always getting more bodies, and with the apocalypse losing them. Depersonalization is probably second-nature to her. Salmacis is, you could say, 'classically’ minded. It doesn’t believe in ruling through fear, though don’t let that fool you into thinking it’ll never go out of her way to intentionally scar a person for life. It’ll just do it for the sake of.. curiosity. To see what happens. Never stand in her way, never threaten her, and never threaten her planet. You’ll find out why some call her EAT. Then you might get to join her mind, and you’ll never worry about your problems ever again. You’ll never feel again. You’ll never do anything of your own will, for you will no longer have a will, or rather you’ll come to terms with the idea that perhaps none of us ever had one to begin with.”)
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skiplo-wave · 1 month
Skip, your anons are giving me crazy ass dreams. I got another apocalyptic dream for you.
Last night I had a dream that I was on a cruise ship. It was like a Disney one. I'm hanging out by the pool. I had some kind of drink in my hand. All was good. For some reason the cruise ship took a turn. We are heading toward what I am assuming was the Antarctica. So I'm in my bikini and we are surrounded by big ice blocks. The passengers start freaking out. And the captain radio the speakers and said we are trying to dodge in coming storms. Well it turned out that wasn't true. The crew was trying to avoid a big ass sea monster that looked like a dragon. This mf wraps his tail or body around the ship. It has this gray-ish green scales and spikes. The ship starts going down. I only see a shadow of it's head. It was bigger than the cruise ship combined. It like a water snake with yellow glowing dead eyes. Instead of dying like I should had, all of a sudden I am at home watching the news and they are talking about the cruise ship that went down. They wasn't sure what kind of sea creature it was but they believed that it was the cause of all the earthquakes that are happening. They deployed U.S. ships to go and fight it off. I look over and my grandpa (who has been dead for 20+ years) is sitting in my living room. He said, "It's the end of world." I'm like it's just a big sea creature like the kraken or something. It doesn't mean it's the end.
I wake up from this dream and the first thing I thought of was the Leviathan story in the bible. I know it was just a dream, but I got goosebumps. I ain't going on no cruise ship any time soon lol. I ain't being some sea serpent's dinner. No thank you.
I’ll give your dreams points for not being Disney cruise meets the titanic lol
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winchesterxxi · 4 years
A Human Wiretap (Poe Dameron x Reader)
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GIF BY @captain-flint​
Rating: G (General Audience)
Type: Fluff
Summary: While in Kijimi, Reader is shocked by the revelation of Poe having been a spice runner before becoming a Resistance pilot, unaware that he knows about her own secret
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: None
A/N: let the stream of Poe content commence
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Kijimi was the last place you wanted to be right now. You had always known of this place to be infested with pirates and all the lawless beings of the galaxy, the country being practically a crime heaven.
The destination had been appointed as The Thieves' Quarter, the place you were told you could find Babu Frik, and to your unrest, your husband seemed to be able to navigate the streets of the foreign planet pretty well, occasionally stopping against a wall at any given corner, looking around for any threats.
“Are you sure you never came here?” you ask one time while leaning against his side on a cold brick wall, waiting for the safe sign.
“Not really.” He says looking over at the snowy empty street, before turning his head back at you for a split second “Coast’s clear, let’s go”
And just as he took the first step to round the corner, an armoured woman came into view pointing a blaster at Poe’s face.
Not even allowing a second to process another thought, you reach for your own blaster, pulling it from its holster and aiming it perfectly so that it was secured in the direction of the person’s head on both of your steady hands.
“Heard you were spotted at Monk’s Gate. Thought He’s not stupid enough to come back here.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised.” Poe mumbles from his stance.
“Blaster off him. Now.” You warn from your spot, a scowl upon your face, ready to shoot, in case she dared to make another move.
“Zorii!” Poe exclaims in fake enthusiasm, before snapping his head quickly between the two of you. “She won’t ask twice, I would listen to her”
“You pull that trigger, you’re next, honey.” You assure her, readjusting your fingers as to place a stronger grip around the camera.
“She used a pet name, she’s serious.” Poe nods and nervously warns the woman whose weapon was now closer to his forehead, almost pressed against it.
“We’re only here to find Babu Frik, we don’t want no trouble.” You tell her cordially, expecting to explain your presence in the clearly unwelcoming planet and maybe have her help you. You eye the woman up and down, eyes scanning the shining golden armour, before settling on the deep black visor.
“Who are you?”
“Honey,” Poe speaks, being careful not to make any sudden moves that could make the woman pull the trigger “this is Zoriii. Zoriii, this Y/N, my wife.”
You are a little taken aback by the fact that they seem to know each other fairly well, given the assurance that Poe had just given you moments ago, that he’d never step foot on Kijimi.
Her helmet turns to you “Wife?” she scoffs “I guess there really is someone for everyone.”
“You have no idea.” he smirks, a momentary lapse, and you snap a look at him.
“I could pull this trigger right now.” She says, pushing the blaster harder against Poe’s head, and you take a step forward.
“You do that, my blaster is the last thing you’ll see in this life.” Sharp words leave your mouth, both you and Poe knowing damn well that you were badass enough to keep the promise.
“Babu only works with the crew. That’s not you anymore.” Zorii says, still talking to Poe, as if your presence and the one of your weapon aimed at her is non-existent.
“What do you mean crew?” you ask her, and for a moment, her attention is directed to you, before slowly tilting once again in your husband’s direction, whose hands were still up in the air in a surrendering feat.
“Oh your wife doesn’t know?” her voice, goes up an octave, clearly amused by whatever is about to unfold. Your eyes scan between the two of them waiting for some kind of explanation of whatever secret conversation was going on in front of you. “Funny he never mentioned it…”
“What is she talking about?” you question Poe but he gives himself no time to utter a word at you, just quickly waving his hand and facing Zorii.
“Zorii, married people are still allowed secrets- “ he tries but she is too quick to reveal the information you were dying to be delivered.
“Your husband was part of the Spice Runner Gang.”
You can’t stop your jaw from going slack at the revelation, not being able to form any coherent words and instead just moving your mouth like a fish out of water, dwelling on whether you felt hurt, angry or any other emotion of the rush that caught you in that moment.
Poe’s shoulders slump slightly and he bites his bottom lip, eyes closed in frustration. He then turns at you, hands still up, as you were still gripping the blaster, which was now pointed at him as he was walking towards you, cautious steps, one at a time.
“I can explain.”
“You were a smuggler? AND A SPICE RUNNER AT THAT?” You drop your blaster to your side, stepping towards him, your brain having decided on anger as the momentary emotion.
“In 2 years of marriage NOT ONCE did it occur to you to mention that!?” you yell the two middle words, incredulous at your husband’s secret, having spent your whole relationship that he had always been a resistance pilot, just like he had assured you.
“Oh, don’t act like I’m the only one with a secret here!” his hands drop to his side, and he is no longer trailing in front of you like a lost puppy looking for forgiveness but instead returns to his conflictual side, a defence mechanism, you’ve come to learn.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you scoff, genuinely clueless as to what he could be referring to. And definitely not expecting him to voice the secret you fought years to keep.
“I know you’re a Sywalker!” he says loudly, and its as if your spirit has left your body, the blood draining from your face, and for a moment you forget that breathing is a necessary bodily function.
“H… How do you…”
“The week before we got married I-…” he takes a deep breathe in, running a hand through his wild curls, now dusted with white snow. “I heard you and Leia.”
Poe was making his way to the X-Wing hangar when he stumbled across an ajar door from where he spotted your figure passing across it and disappearing multiple times.
It wasn’t until he stepped closer and leaned against the wall, that he got the full picture.
You were pacing back and forth in an empty resting room of The Radus, pattering your boots across the white floor as Leia sat by the window, looking at you in this impossible frenzy, fingers pressed against your mouth while the other hand rested on your hip.
Your motion comes to a halt in front of her, turning on your toes to face her.
“Should I tell him?”
“I think you should do what you think to be the right thing.” Leia answers her, reaching forward to grab your nervous hands in hers.
“We’re getting married next week, but I don’t think telling him would be any good…”
That’s when Poe’s heart sank to the bottom of his chest, tightening at the implication of your wedding and a number of awful possibilities running across his mind as to what you could be hiding from him.
“He’ll think…I don’t even know. I’ve spent more than half of my life hiding this and if he finds out… What if he thinks I’m a freak? And…And just leave me?”
Poe, from across the door, inches closer, curiosity getting the best of him and brows furrowing.
“Y/N, honey, Poe has been around plenty of force-sensitive people. I can assure you that my niece being one won’t scare him away.” Leia assures you while giving your hands a firm squeeze, and you let your head fall back, closing your eyes.
Wait, what? Poe was really trying to connect the dots at the amount of information that he had been bombed within this short amount of time.
“Not the daughter of Luke Skywalker.” You sigh.
“You knew?... All this time…” your eyes brim with tears.
Poe turns to Zorii who still stood behind him, the blaster having been lowered.
“Can you…give us a moment?”
“Who the hell do you think you are to be asking favours right now?” she snaps but Poe’s eyes plead at her for a single ounce of sympathy. “I’m staying right here.”
Poe turn around to face you, still very aware of the blaster pointed at the back of his head and he lowers his voice so that only the two of you can share the conversation.
“You still married me?” you are looking down until you speak, watery and red eyes finding those of Poe who’s demeanour completely changes upon your question. He rushes to your front, gloved hands finding your upper arms, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “You knew I was lying to you and you still… you still…”
“Honey,” his hands slide up from your arms to your cheeks “Look at me. I love you. I know why you did it. I probably would’ve done the same. I’m not mad, never have been, never will be.”
You were fighting the urge to ramble on, but upon looking into your husband’s sincere eyes, you relaxed your whole body and he takes that as a cue to pull you in for a hug. With your face flush against his chest, you mumble an apology, fists tightening around the fabric of his cloak.
“I’m sorry… for snapping at you earlier. It was very hypocritical of me.”
Poe smiles against your forehead, before placing a tender kiss against its warm flesh.
“It’s okay, honey, I swear. At least…at least I think I owe you an explanation.” Poe takes a deep breath in “I… When I was a teen, still living on Yavin 4,… their ship crashed near my hometown and I just… I needed out of there, I wanted to be reckless. So I joined them.”
You pull your head away from his chest, craning it upwards.
“Zorri’s mom was… she was the leader of the Spice Runners and she had this plan of inviting other crime lords here to form alliances, but she really was just planning on killing them. Zorii offered to fight against her with me and take control of the Spice Runners but I was done. Honestly, I wanted a better life.”
“And you got it. Congratulations.” Zorii’s voice makes the two of you snap back at her, Poe’s hand rushing down to your side, grabbing your hand and stepping slightly in front of you. “You know, I’m still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance.”
Her helmet then turns in your direction and you have no time to manoeuvre the blaster back to pointing at her, afraid that she’d shoot.
“You. You’ll do.” She says referring to you “A Skywalker. A bounty for her might just cover us.” She says and you frown at the word us until you find your peripheral vision starting to get dotted on the sides by equally armoured soldiers who you assumed to be Spice Runners.
“Djak’kankah” she commands.
“Don’t djak’kankah” Poe pleads, knowing the meaning of the word.
Just then, when you perceive that the smugglers are running in on you, you quickly snap up your blaster and take them all one by one with perfect aim, sliding your leg under Zorii’s feet and akeing her fall to the cold ground right in front of you, both of you pointing your blasters at each other.
“We could really use your help. Please.” You huff, trying to calm your beating heart from the adrenaline of the previous moment.
“Not that you care…But I think you’re okay.” She breathes through the helmet.
“I care.” You let a sly smile tint your lips, sliding your blaster back into its holster and offering the woman who just seconds ago was dead set on killing you your hand.
When she is hoisted back to her feet, she walks ahead of the both of you signalling for her to be followed but as she is about to pass Poe she throws him a few words.
“She’s a keeper.”
“Don’t I know that.” He smirks, turning back to see you walking to catch up to him. Before you can say anything, his gloved hand is already pressed against your cheek as he brings his lips down to crash against yours.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” You whisper against his lips “But I still need to-“
“You can tell me all about it tonight. While laying in bed. No rush.” He smiles assuringly at you and you swear if you didn’t have a mission at hands you would melt into his embrace for as long as the galaxy aloud you to.
“Let’s find that droidsmith.” You smile at him, before placing one quick kiss against his jaw and walking towards Zorii, leaving the former Spice Runner, current lovestruck Resistance Pilot, completely enamoured and stunned behind you.
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@blondekel77​  @pedrobreakmyback​
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softrozene · 4 years
Stars and Dreams
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Anonymous requested: Hello!!! (^ω^) Can I request one-shot soulmate au and (magic au? Idk if you name that. 😅) Law x fem! S/O? Okay it's more like a legend. If a person meet another person (in form of a star) in their dreams they're are soulmates together. Law sees her, her appearance is form of a star but he can hear her voice clear and well. Same opposite for fem! S/O. The timeline is somewhere in Punk Hazard. And she's by the strawhats crew. When she meets Law she thinks "hey! His voice is sounds familiar." She has often dream it if she sleeps. She has also heard the legend of soulmates. If they touch each other. Then both in their body shines a bright light. Like magic. And if they sleep again. Then she sees not the star form but person Law standing before her. That's it. I hope it's not to difficult. 😅 And take your time all you need.
Alright! The first request of the year! I saved it from last year because I am beaming with confidence (and I am such a sucker for fluff and soulmates alkdafs) FLDSA I don’t think this classifies as a magic au but I sure as heck am putting that down because stars??? They are freaking magical fluff to me. This was so fun to do so thank you for requesting it!
Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff- tooth-rotting fluff, Slight angst that is fixed with more fluff, probably grammar like always- Technical spoilers for Punk Hazard but I try to be as vague as possible and skip to the end of it.
Words: 1746
You loved going to sleep. You loved it so much and the whole crew knows why- You are one of the lucky few who has been blessed to have a soulmate. Some would consider it not lucky at all since it is so uncommon and more like a legend- But you love it so much.
You love the idea of solely being someone’s and them solely being yours.
The first time you had this dream was roughly when you were twenty. The shock that this legend of seeing your soulmate in the form of a star was beyond shocking to you. He was too bright of a light as a star, and you wondered if you appeared that way to him- If you were just as bright and mysterious to him.  Even so, you loved to stare into the light of the star. Even if you could not see his physical form you knew immediately that you loved him. The second you heard his voice too- You melted. He was perfect in every way even if you have yet to learn more about him.
The part that saddened you was even though you could talk to him in your dream- You were not really talking to him. It was only a dream so whatever information his voice gave you, was all in your head. You had no true way of knowing who he is, what he liked, his name, where he was from, absolutely nothing. It made you a bit heartbroken because this was the sad part- You were destined to be together but the only thing you had to go off from was the sound of his voice.
So, it was around six years ago long before you joined the Straw Hats that the dreams started. The dreams were vague and very rare to happen at first until you did join the Straw Hats two years ago.
They got more constant and you loved to fall asleep and dream away to hear his voice. You tried to memorize it for when you were awake in the real world on islands. To try and pinpoint his voice but it was in vain.
Slowly- Ever so slowly, you began to accept the fact that you may never meet him. It broke your heart, but you began to accept it while you and the Straw Hats were split up, and eventually, it just hurt to go to sleep and dream of someone meant to be yours, but you may never have. You started to avoid sleeping.
For Law- Things were different.
When he first got the dream at age twenty, he denied it. He thought that soulmates were just strictly legends- Something not real. Until that dream and because of how much it made him feel- Alive and surprised that he may be able to love someone and receive their love in return, it frankly scared him.
He avoided sleep whenever he could- He avoided the fact that he has a soulmate.
He did not want one- He did not want to risk losing the person meant for him since he just kept losing people when he was younger.
It terrifies him and he hates it.
He will be stubborn for the next six years but eventually as the dreams got more frequent and he had no choice but to hear your sweet voice- He started to fall and hard.
It pissed him off greatly but since he slowly started to give in and felt the overwhelming love drift to him in his sleep from your star, he… Started to love to sleep when he can. He enjoyed it so much. To hear your sweet feminine voice call for him- Even if it may just be his mind doing that for you he loved it nonetheless.
Though- He did realize he could not let his dreams, his soulmate, ruin his plans for Doflamingo. He tried to keep a strict schedule and since he knew the possibility of dying was there- He tried to sleep and hear your voice so it can be one last comfort he has before the possibility of the next day taking his life comes.
He pursued his plan- Got to Punk Hazard, waited for someone he put his bid on to get there- Monkey D. Luffy to create an alliance with him. What he did not anticipate was to hear that familiar voice coming from his crew.
It became unreal to him and he did think he was going a bit crazy- But… According to the legends, all he had to do was touch you then after this terrible mission he can sleep, and hopefully- He will find out if you really are his soulmate or if this was all just a terrible dream leading him on and making him believe he can be loved in this unforgiving world.
You were exhausted. And really grumpy. Those two things did not match well, and it made your brain foggy- Definitely not a good thing when you got to Punk Hazard. An island that seemed to be swarming with enemies.
It was cold and you were miserable- Then you heard an annoying voice trying to make an alliance with your captain- Wait, you know that voice.
You couldn’t place it, but you were fairly certain it may have been from your dream. That is your initial thought until Robin informs you that they all met him back Sabaody Archipelago- Trafalgar Law. You do not recall- You remember a polar bear but that is it.
While everyone was fighting you had gotten lost with Zoro and the poor fool got split up with you and you were looking all over for him so you can’t really remember much. It is a shame since that mostly means you met him- Maybe you think it was his voice because of how loopy you are. You should really sleep after all this.
It becomes a hassle to keep up with everyone, but you are used to being exhausted now and days. The others do keep an eye on you when you become a bit dazed, they help you a lot.
Eventually- All the chaos your crew, Law, and the marines ensue on the island comes to an end- Law has Caesar successfully tied down for the next part of the plan he wants you guys to help him with- Going to Dressrosa.
But for now- Everyone, including the marines, is enjoying dinner together after that long and hectic journey of bringing Punk Hazard’s facility to an end. You wait patiently for your food- Waiting for everyone else to get their fill- Even arguing with Sanji and Chopper (who has been concerned about your health) that you can wait.
You sit down and feel the exhaustion creep up on you and nearly smother you then and there but then- You feel a hand on your shoulder and a warm bowl of stew being offered to you.
You look up to see it is Law who has his eyes narrowed down at you.
“You should listen to your doctor more. He informed me about your sleeping habits, and it isn’t good to be low on energy so you should eat up,” He states rather coldly.
You do not take it to heart. You smile and thank him.
“I appreciate the worry now that we will be working together. Oh- I suppose we still do not know each other well from Sabaody. I am (Name),” You say softly.
He narrows his eyes down but replies, “Trafalgar Law… Unfortunately, (Name) we did not have the pleasure of meeting at Sabaody. I would have remembered but it is wonderful to finally meet you now.  You should rest up.”
He leaves before you can process what he said. You are shocked- Because if you truly did not meet him but just his crewmember… Then that means you may not be that loopy. That the voice you fell in love with but have been avoiding is really his.
You hate to say it but… You feel the need to fall asleep. You hate the feeling of hope just in case you are wrong.
Law is excited. He touched your shoulder, thankfully not like a creep, but as a genuinely concerned doctor. Now he just needs to wait to see if the star will turn to you tonight- He hopes it does but the part of him that does not want to risk losing anyone ever again also hopes it doesn’t.
They sleep there that night deciding to rest up before going on the move to Dressrosa- And like always he is excited to go to sleep, to hear her voice.
Sleep came fast and easy for him- He welcomes the bliss of a clear mind and how he lands in a meadow-like area surrounded by stars- The main star being his soulmate’s form. He waits with anticipation and slowly the star does begin to transform. He can’t help the blush on his face or how he feels the sudden happiness that it is true.
The star turns into your physical form.
He finally found his soulmate.
Upon waking up- You feel heated. You feel a total sense of comfort and you feel better. That was one of the most peaceful nights of sleep you got since you avoided sleeping and- It was worth falling asleep. You could cry tears of joy from seeing the star turn into Law.
But now that you are awake and you know who your soulmate is- How do you go about it? Do you even assume he had the same thing happen to him?
You are suddenly anxious as the smell of food wakes you up further. That means people will be gathering for breakfast and you all are off to Dressrosa afterward. That means you get to see Law- You feel even more anxious.
However, you do not get the time you needed to compose yourself.
Instead, you hear a knock on the girl’s door- Nami and Robin long awake and letting you sleep since you haven’t lately, and you feel your nerves light on fire as you open the door to see Law standing there.
You notice the blush on his face and the gentle look in his eyes. He decides to address the issue first. You can hear the happiness in his voice.
“So- We are soulmates.”
You smile back.
“Yeah- I guess we are.”
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
I don't know why I love writing fics in which at least part of the crew are being Useless while something horrible happens to the ship, but that's the streak I seem to be on with the latest drafts, this one included.
We have: a sinking ship, not enough buckets, a talented pirate and wonderful boyfriend, and somehow Izzy and Stede have found their comfort in a stressful situation by shouting at each other. It's not a healthy way to cope, but it is a Way.
"It's okay if you don't like it," Pete cleared his throat awkwardly. "I mean, I already made you one wooden finger so maybe you don't want another and it isn't that one is better than the other, although improvement is always good-"
"Take a breath," Lucius kissed his cheek, and held out his hand.
Pete gently dropped a wooden box there. "Seriously, if it isn't your thing-"
But he paused as Lucius opened the box and grinned.
"Is this a promise ring?" He held up a new wooden finger, but this one with a ring carved into it, an unpainted gem shape made to look as if it was delicately placed in the ring's setting.
Pete nodded rapidly. "I know we didn't like. Discuss it, but I was just thinking and then I got to working on it and...you like it?"
Lucius pulled him in for a soft kiss. "I love it. And the gem is a...?"
"Whatever you want it to be," Pete replied. "I wanted you to choose that. Then we can find something to paint it however you like."
"Here, hold this one while I get it on," Lucius giggled and switched the prosthetics out, the original one safely in the now-empty box.
"Oh, that's lovely," Stede said as he paused by them. "Pete, your handiwork is incredible!"
"Stede! We need those buckets!" Izzy emerged from below deck, soaked to the skin. "Who fucking wrecks their ship on the shipwreck of another ship?!"
"Us!" Ed called helpfully from below deck.
"Oh yes!" Stede smiled cheerfully. "The ship is sinking, so if you can come help bail-oh, though maybe not Lucius, you don't want to ruin that."
"Can you at least hand me one of the fucking buckets?" Izzy asked, exasperated, all of a foot away from Stede with a hand outstretched.
"Actually, I did a waterproof coating on it, including the leather bit to keep it on," Pete said. "That way he can wear it during work too."
"That is so thoughtful, but I'm just gonna go wait in a dinghy in case we have to leave quickly," Lucius said with a smirk. "If there's anything you want saved, send it my way, I'll make sure we have it on board."
"Oh, we're not actually going to sink," Stede chuckled.
Izzy looked as if he wanted to drown himself in the rapidly rising water, coming up the stairs towards the main deck. "I wouldn't count on that, at the moment. Unless you'd like to finally fucking hand me those bu-"
"Relax," Stede sighed, and handed over one of the two empty buckets he was holding. "We'll keep bailing, and it'll be fine. Stop freaking out!"
"I'm not freaking out, but you should be!" Izzy shouted back as he stepped up to Stede defiantly.
"Oh my fucking god," Jim grumbled and sloshed up the stairs, yanking one bucket from Izzy and the other from Stede. "Either get more buckets and help bail, or jump overboard! I am not dying here!"
Before they stepped away, they peered at Lucius' finger. "That's gorgeous! Pete?"
Pete nodded bashfully. "We'll be down in a moment."
"Good," Jim sighed. "And that had better mean all of you."
"We should reprimand them for that," Izzy said in obvious shock as they watched Jim work their way back below deck. "Probably."
"You could do that," Stede said.
"You're the original captain," Izzy noted.
" For fuck's sake, neither of you are going to do it, because both of you are scared Jim will kill you in your sleep, as we all should be, because if that's happening, we probably deserve it," Lucius snapped. "Now, I'm going to collect things for the dinghy, you all go help bail, and we'll all try not to drown!"
"What the fuck is happening here?" Izzy muttered, exchanging slightly befuddled glances with Stede. "Orders being dished out from every fucking-"
"The ship's sinking," Pete smiled and interrupted him, as he trotted past them to head below deck.
"He's not wrong," Stede said.
"No, he's not," Izzy grumbled. "Where are the rest of the buckets?"
"Well, we have the three-"
Below deck, Ed paused at the sound of shouting above them. He was just tall enough to not yet have to hold his breath as water sloshed violently from wall to wall. "So...they aren't coming back down to help, are they?"
"No," Jim replied, popping out of the water to take a breath. "They'll be drowned, and still arguing, and not realize they're dead until a day later at this rate. But if we keep going, they might live to scream at each other another day."
Ed nodded, handed over another full bucket to be tossed off the ship, and wondered if the empty marmalade jars in their quarters wouldn't work as very small buckets in a pinch.
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satuguro · 4 years
IN WHICH: you go out on a date and sugawara koushi can only be a supportive best friend, even though he wants to be so much more.
PAIRINGS: sugawara koushi x reader, akaashi keiji x reader
INSPIRED BY: coffee breath — sofia mills, bubble gum — clairo
WARNING: cussing, some angst if you squint
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“i got a date with him! could you believe it?”
you let out a loud laugh, your nerves and excitement radiating off of you in waves.
he could only force a bittersweet smile.
“no, i can’t.”
“c’mon, koushi, show a lil’ more encouragement, yeah?” you squealed, falling back in the couch as you let your hands raise above your head. you were blissed out, so high on adrenaline and giddiness and that you didn’t see the regret that filled sugawara’s golden eyes.
he needed to just stop feeling. just for one moment.
“what’s his name again?” koushi asked, making you sit up straight immediately to regain your composure.
“gimme a sec.” you typed away on your phone, well aware of sugawara’s gaze over your shoulder. his breath was right next to your ear, sending shivers up and down your spine. you pushed away the feeling almost immediately; you had a date. you had a date with someone who liked you back.
“aha!” you handed him your phone shamelessly, smile never leaving your face as you awaited his response.
you could tell that he was reading him. it was a simple picture, one of him with an endearing smile towards whoever was in front of him. he wore a simple black turtleneck and a beige coat— he had good style. his black hair was ruffled and messy, nothing like the perfection around him. he looked like he fell right out of a drama series.
of course, he fell for you. you looked like you fell from heaven itself; you were both made for each other.
“akaashi keiji,” you announced, his name falling from your lips like a wish. “so? what do you think?” you were asking him for his opinion as if akaashi was a wonderful and spontaneous idea that you wanted your dear old friend to hear about. you were looking at him expectingly, eyes glimmering with hope— hope for what? for koushi to like him? for him to say, ‘that’s wonderful y/n, you’ll be happy with him, and he’ll treat you well.’
“i,” sugawara’s words died in his throat, and he was suddenly aware of how dry his throat felt. he struggled for words, the confidence he once held when speaking to others now replaced by utter panic and embarrassment. his mind was racing, rummaging and searching in the depths of his brain in a scramble to find some words that would save the poor boy from his pain. “i don’t like him.” and just like that, the words were spat out before koushi could grab them again.
like a dying flower, the light and excitement in your eyes faded into nothing as you blinked.
once. twice. three times.
“you... you don’t?” you stuttered, disbelief within your tone as you stared at him. your face was unreadable, the happiness and giddiness from before now murky within the black of your eyes.
“i didn’t mean it like that!” panic. pure and utter panic raced through his body like an electrical shock. “i just—“
“why’re you freaking out?” similarly to how a falling leaf would gently touch the water’s surface, the faintest of smiles graced your face. your hand reached out to koushi and found its solace on his shoulder. there it perched and stayed, sending waves of warmth and comfort to his rigid body.
“what do you mean?” koushi forced past the bile he suddenly felt like vomiting, his golden eyes suddenly set on his lap as if it was the most interesting item known to man.
“kou,” you began, thumbing at the pale beige of his sweater, eyes deep in thought, “your opinion matters to me. no matter the answer, i wouldn’t mind. because it’s you.”
god, koushi wished you had said those last words under different circumstances. his heart ached as he looked at you, the warmth of your eyes so inviting that he would fall in over and over again if he could.
maybe he had fallen. maybe he had done it more than once and ran back for more. he would run back to you a thousand times if he could.
maybe that was the dangerous part of you. no matter how welcoming, how caring, or how patient you have been to everyone, you were always able to get them wrapped around your finger and hanging off your every words. but you never knew that yourself. if you did, you’d stop speaking all together; you’d never accept it.
“so stop worrying!” you chuckled, allowing your hand to fall from its place at his shoulder. your head replaced it, gentle and affectionate as you stared at the movie that was playing out on the t.v in from tof both of you.
sugawara nodded numbly. “i’ll stop,” he said, and he could only hope that he’d keep his promise.
“y/n, you might fall!”
sugawara felt like he was going to lose his head. seeing you standing on a thick branch of a tree that felt like it stretched up to the sky for miles. this was it— he’d die from worry at the ripe age of nine. right before his double digit birthday!
he could see it now: sugawara koushi, wonderful and caring son, dead at the age of nine alongside his best friend, l/n y/n, who also caused his death.
“c’mon, koushi!” you jumped on the tree branch, and as it bent, another spark of wordy coursed through him. “be brave! be strong!” you encouraged, putting on a mighty voice as you placed a hand on your hip and looked out into the horizon.
“you don’t know what’s up there! like snakes and spiders and — oh my god, ew, spiders!” sugawara babbled, propping his colorful backpack against the tree. helplessly, he looked up at you; wind blowing through your hair, expression much too serious for an 8 year old, with your hand on your hip as if you were posing.
“suga, listen!” the heroic pose you were once in broke as you stared down at your worrisome friend. all form of intimidation and determination died when you saw the amount of worry sugawara actually had; his hands were twiddling together, his eyes were aide, and his bottom lip was quivering ever so slightly. you swallowed. “the world is full of the unknown. everything is unknown until you make it known.” you paused before tilting your head as you gazed down at him. “does that make sense?”
sugawara could only nod. your words echoed in his head like a mantra, and he pulled the sleeves of his hoodie up as he readied himself.
“i’m ready— pull me up!”
you twirled once for him, allowing your white skirt to lift up along with the wind.
the pleated skirt you wore showcased your legs perfectly, and the oversized blue college sweatshirt you wore was perfectly oversized on your body. under the sweatshirt was a white button up that peaked through the crew neck of the sweater. your makeup was different — did you add a tad more blush than usual? — but you looked as beautiful as ever.
“do you think this is good? we’re just meeting somewhere but still—“
“you’re beautiful.” his words slipped out, his tone nothing but serious and sincere as he looked at you.
you smiled at him, the flash of your pearly whites like a ray of sunshine. sugawara found himself smiling back, much too focused in forcing a facade to notice the sudden waver in your grin. his smile was like a rainbow on a sunny day; beautiful enough to catch everyone’s eye and mystical enough to bring a sense of excitement into your veins for a moment.
how odd.
“shit! i need to hurry!” you checked the time before swinging your white tote bag over your shoulder and hastily packing your items inside. you pulled out a drawer from your living room table, taking out an obnoxiously long roll of condoms that you struggled to control.
“how many rounds are you planning for tonight?” sugawara couldn’t help but tease (though it made his heart wrench), making you roll your eyes and stick your tongue out. you stuffed a few of them into your purse, blind to the way he looked at you longingly.
you pulled your shoes on, trying to calm yourself. you looked at yourself once more in your nearby mirror, offering yourself a nervous smile before turning to sugawara.
his mind seemed elsewhere, his eyes still set on you and your body practically sparkling with nervousness. yet he still gave you a beaming smile and a (half hearted) thumbs up that calmed your anxiousness almost instantaneously.
“make sure to lock up when you leave!” you sent him one last grin as you opened the door. the door slammed behind you, leaving only a shadow of where you once stood.
koushi continued to stare at the white of the door.
his last days in karasuno. sugawara could barely keep himself together; he was sure that he was crying and slobbering all over his friends when he was saying his goodbyes in the gym.
well, it wasn’t his fault. he was leaving— he had all the right in the world to slobber on them.
he needed to catch his train. he gave his team one last smile as they listened to daichi scold them all for being so, so, so stupid during their last year and how he still loved them all the same (asahi, tanaka, and noya were having a hard time keeping themselves together because of their retiring captain). sugawara stood next to him, taking in the comforting sight of his team.
your scream, loud and out of breath, made sugawara freeze.
you were standing behind him, pure rage and sadness brewing in your eyes like a hurricane. yachi stood next to you, practically cowering under your presence, and sugawara knew you asked the blond for his whereabouts.
he had planned on saying goodbye at your house.
sugawara wanted to say something. he wanted to tell you that he’d say good bye in privacy, without the wandering eyes of his team and the knowing eyes of daichi, who knew completely of his feelings towards you. but he said nothing, for you had taken his breath away when you swiftly ran up to him and hugged him from behind.
your arms wrapped around his torso, your face pressed to his back as you held onto him like a koala. “i’d hit you if you weren’t leaving,” you said, words muffled against his shirt.
“just do it anyway!” tsukishima commented in the background withh a snort.
the snickers of the first and second years were drowned out by sugawara’s rapidly beating heart, the feeling of you being so close bringing butterflies — hell, not even butterflies, a whole tornado — to his stomach. he carefully turned to face you, and you took a step back, your eyes glassy with wet tears.
the simple sight of it made his own vision blurry, and the both of you said nothing as you finally met in the middle. your arms wrapped around each other, years upon years of friendship now teetering and being threatened with distance. the rest of the world faded to black, and in that moment, it was only the two of you.
“visit. call. text. send me letters— do whatever the hell you need to do just please, please keep contact.” you were both teary faced messes, that much was obvious, but the idea that your life long best friend was leaving was too much to bear. you didn’t want him to go; what would you do without koushi?
koushi asked himself the same thing about you. what would he do without you?
two weeks and three days.
that was how long it had been since you had gone out on a date with akashi keiji. you hadn’t gone out with him since— not for any bad reason, though.
“you and koushi?”
“what about us?” you laughed, finger playing along the rim of your glass. but when you saw that he didn’t laugh along with you, you frowned.
you were friends before akaashi had asked you out. you knew that he was deep in his thoughts; his brows were knit together, and a frown twitched at the side of his lips. “akaashi. what about us?”
“you like him, don’t you?”
you wanted to forget about his words. you didn’t want to hear anything about your ‘feelings’ for koushi— they didn’t exist. your feelings for him were never there.
you were reminding yourself of that fact even as you got shit faced drunk with him right by your side.
shitty boxed wine was laid out everywhere while you sipped a bottle of champagne, pretending not to see koushi’s pout as you finished half the bottle. lazily, you smiled at him.
“it’s good.”
“yeah, no shit,” suga snorted, reaching his out and making his fingers make grabby hands. you pulled it away from him with a musical laugh, one that made his already flushed cheeks bloom a deeper red. again, he pouted, his bottom lip jutting out. “y/n,” he drawled, reaching out again only to have you move it out of his way.
“koushi,” you mocked, sticking your tongue out as if you were a child. he was adorable like this.
“no. i don’t want to talk about this.” you laughed in disbelief as you looked down. how could he make such an accusation? how could akaashi just blurt it out out of nowhere as if you hadn’t agreed to go out with him when he asked? he had no right.
he had no right asking when he knew the answer.
akaashi looked at you, a ghost of a pained smile on his lips. of course, he was hurt. how could he not? he had pined for you since he first saw you, and sugawara...
sugawara had you and he didn’t even know.
he wasn’t selfish. akaashi keiji was not selfish in the slightest, and maybe that was why he was doing this for your happiness. he was doing it because he knew it was right.
even if he was going to be hurt in the process.
“you look at him like he’s your morning cup of coffee,” akaashi said softly. “your eyes light up and this beautiful smile dawns over your face,” he swallowed thickly. “the sight of him makes you happy. he makes you happy.”
you peered up at him, a sorrowful smile blessing your features. yet again, akaashi cursed his heart for beating so quickly upon the sight.
akaashi keiji was not selfish in the slightest.
“i’m sorry, akaashi.”
he was a selfless person who could care less for himself.
“i am too, y/n.”
that was why he was letting you go.
“i will commit a crime to end up on national news,” sugawara threatened with the most serious face he could muster, his hand still outstretched towards you expectingly.
“sangwoo much?” you retorted with a laugh, one that made sugawara join you. in that second of vulnerability, koushi surged forward and practically tackled you, his hand ready to meet the bottle.
instead, he ended up pinning you down onto the couch with himself on top of you. the champagne was long gone and rolling and spilling all over your hardwood floor, but you couldn’t care less.
“suga, the champagne!” you whined out drunkenly, completely unaware of the lack of space between you both.
sugawara’s hand was on one side of your head, which was keeping his body from smushing you. his grey hair, which he had chosen to grow out just a bit, tickled the top of your nose as he hovered over you. his other hand, the one that was supposed to grab the champagne, found its place on the other side of your head.
your laughter soon died out when you felt his breath fanning over your face. your heart was beating hard enough to make a mark on your chest.
your hand came up to touch one side of his face, your thumb stroking his cheek softly. koushi leaned into your touch, his eyes full of adoration as he looked down at you.
you leaned up just as he leaned down, and your lips found themselves in the middle.
he tasted like shitty boxed alcohol and smelled like vanilla. you could feel his hair brush over your forehead as you leaned up to meet his lips better. koushi was intoxicating, and his scent and taste filled your senses as you kissed him.
the champagne still lingered on your tongue, and koushi could taste it as your tongues swiped over each other with each kiss. he felt himself pour all his years of unspoken love in the kiss. more than a decade of yearning for someone who was so close but so far finally paid off.
koushi pulled away from you as he took a deep breath of air. he couldn’t help the contagious smile he had on his face, one that you returned instantly.
“i love you,” you murmured, your thumb brushing over his beauty mark.
dramatically, sugawara gasped. “say sike right now, no way.”
“kou,” you groaned, using your hand to playfully flick at his nose.
loudly, sugawara laughed. he felt his cheeks ache and his heart flutter as he did, the relief finally hitting him as well as the realization that holy shit, you loved him back.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” he leaned back in, making your noses poke each other as he pecked your lips one last time.
“i love you too. more than you’ll ever know.”
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intoafandom · 4 years
Behind the b: season 8 episode 4
So first it shows the workers building the rink you know
And cmac wearing his glasses he’s ADORABLE 🥰
Carlo getting off the plane: THATS SOME GOOD FRESH MOUNTAIN AIR
“Almost as good as Colorado. Not quite.”
Period Carlo he loves his home😂
Something about just seeing them walking into the hotel was just wholesome
Literally just looking at the environment is making him act like how a little kid reacts to toys on Christmas 😭
Carlo staring out the window: “Wow! I love stuff like this dude. I’m a mountain guy....I’ve established that.”
Freddy loving the fact that its all “back tree skiing” and how its a skill
Pasta doing the skiing motion with the sticks during practice 😂
Bruce lowkey hyping up Studs being like “if bergy or krech is ever hurt, you’re the one we’re putting in”
And the guys’ fake lil scrum😂🥰🥺
“John Moore baby. Always bringing the fire”-cmac
Bergy saying good job for them all dressed up and saying they look phenomenal
Kurls saying he was gunna wear it the next day too😂
Kampfer saying he’s wearing his for Halloween 😂
Pasta walking with his hands on his hips😂
Bergy telling the guys to go out there and kick ass
You can tell how much Bruce likes pasta lol
Cmac going “i think im gunna shoot it” as if he’s never done it before then literally scores right after😂😂
I love listening to Bergy being the captain
“That a boy Bjorkie! You dont need a stiiiick!”- pasta 😂😂😂
“WOW!! WOW!!!
“Freddyyyyyyyy! Hoo hoo hoo!”
Pasta literally barely cared about his hat trick lmao
“Cliffy. This is me. 88. You haven’t seen me all game today”- pasta. Who then laughs and smiles adorably😂
“Thats a good song! I don’t think I know it but I was kind of singing it”
He literally didn’t know it was Boston’s song. He was literally asking Bergy😂
And Bergy goes “it is!” then proceeds to sing “BOSTON YOURE MY HOME” very loudly 😂
Freddy: am I supposed to know it ??
Bergy: well it says it in the lyrics but thats okay
Freddy: i was in the moment
Im freaking dying 😂
I love them and their relationship
And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for
Bergy goes “put on a song”
Bergy literally shouted to turn it up while someone was banging on a locker or something to the beat😂😂😂
Time to bring in the ladder and start hitting the pipes with a stick😂
Jd going “welcome to the club kid welcome to the club” and patting him on the back😂
Freddy looooves that there’s fans
“Feels like a million. Doesn’t it!?”
Carlo: so nice eh?
Freddy after DEMOLISHING someone: WHO WANTS IT!!!!!
“Lets fucking go right now! Right now lets go!” Freddy sounds insane and I LOVE IT
The aggression in his voice 😂
And everyone is is like “Freddy!🤭” 😂
Freddy aint having it😂
Mic’d up Kampfer oooo
I actually like his commentary lol 😂
Kampfer after the empty netter: YEAH! I love it. I love it.
Me too 😂
And welcome tinner!
He IMMEDIATELY called Tuukka “tuukster” upon meeting him😂we HAVE to stan😂
Fucking WHAT
They showed the caps before the game going “we want you” to chara like BITCH EXCUSE ME
Marchy makes up for it by going “can we get some clicks for wag man?”
Everyone: clicks and whistles
Marchy: and some clicks for tin man?
Everyone: oh yeah *clicks*
Marchy: how about the old fella krecho
Everyone: OHHHH! *clicks*
Carlo stepping onto the ice: ayoooo lets gooo
Brando literally was talking to Z and was like “thanks big man!”
Carlo: lets have fun all right
Gryzzy: good to have you back baby
Carlo: yeah so happy to have you back. enjoy it. Theres no reason to play this game and not have fun.
Carlo going up to ovechkin like “oooh you almost tipped that”
And he goes “yeah”
Carlo after the bruins goal after already congratulating everyone “i was opeeen” like a little kid all jokey😂
He’s so adorable its not even fair
Literally just hearing his voice is making me smile and cry
Cuz he’s healthy here and im just not over it😭
I love him and i loved this episode!!
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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summary: you are a mermaid and you save a handsome man from drowning but little do you know it’s not his first rodeo when dealing with mermaids. seonghwa, a former prince, is currently hongjoong’s first mate and boyfriend. hongjoong is the captain, the pirate king of the most savage crew across the seas. and you want nothing to do with them. not because they’re pirates, but because they’re humans…
ship: mermaid!reader x prince/pirate!seonghwa x pirate!hongjoong
genre: little mermaid!au, pirate!au, romance, angst, fantasy
warnings: kidnapping, water deprivation (?), swearing, manipulation, eavesdropping, jealousy, betrayal (?), i think that’s it, but pls let me know if i missed anything triggering!!!
author’s note: sorry for the huuuge hiatus, i’ve been working on other things and also uni has been really hectic, i hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!
word count: 2.5k
chapter one ☠️ chapter two ☠️ chapter three ☠️ chapter four ☠️ chapter five ☠️  chapter six ☠️ chapter eight ☠️chapter nine  ☠️ chapter ten ☠️ chapter eleven ☠️ chapter twelve ☠️ chapter thirteen ☠️ spotify playlist
You were trapped inside a fishnet. Everything was so dark and dry you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t tell exactly where you were, all you knew was that Soojin was nearby and she was screaming in a panicked way.
“Relax, Soojin, we’ll get out of here,” you tried to comfort your sister.
“HOW?” she cried out. “WE’LL DIE HERE!”
You attempted to not freak out and focus on what you knew. Someone had thrown fishnets at you two and you were now left without water. Which meant that this wasn’t Hongjoong’s ship. No matter how much he hated you, you knew that Seonghwa would never let Hongjoong do anything like this. But you were still positive that this was a pirate ship. What you couldn’t find out was who had taken you two and why?
Fortunately (or not), your questions were answered soon enough, as a tall figure approached, holding up a torch that lit up the front part of the ship, giving you a chance to examine your surroundings.
“Where did you get the ring?” the man asked Soojin as he pulled it out of her finger.
Soojin gulped nervously and even though you both knew it was Yeosang that given her the ring, to your surprise, she lied.
“I found it. Now will you let us go?”
The tall figure laughed darkly.
“No. Because you’re lying, you little thief.”
Shit. You were in big trouble.
“Let’s see how a week without water will do you,” he hissed. “Pathetic mermaids.”
“Wait,” you yelled after him, intending to tell him the truth rightaway. You couldn’t risk dying over this. But before you could open your mouth again, Soojin dug her fingernails into your hand, preventing you from speaking up.
“ROT IN HELL,” she screamed at the man as he was walking away.
“Oh, darling, I’m already in it.”
Once he was out of earshot, you struggled in the dark to focus on Soojin’s features.
“Why did you lie to him, Soojin?” you hissed in frustration. “You don’t owe Yeosang anything!”
“If I told him the truth, he would go after Yeosang!”
“And you’d rather die than let anything happen to your sweetheart, is that it?” you sighed.
“Yes, I’d die happy if I knew he was safe.”
“What about me, Soojin?” you groaned. “How is this fair? I don’t want to die here to ensure some human will live.”
“You won’t die. You said it yourself. We’ll get out of here,” Soojin tried to sound hopeful.
“If we don’t, I’ll haunt you in the afterlife,” you vowed threateningly.
“I deserve that,” she chuckled sadly.
You couldn’t tell how much time had passed. You felt so tired and hopeless and as if you were minutes away from drawing your last breath. Soojin was in a similar state. Your initial idea to claw your way out of the ropes had proven to be futile. Not only was that impossible to achieve, but the lack of fluids was weakening your bodies in such a way that you no longer had any idea if it was day or night. You promised to yourself that if the tall man who’d trapped you here appeared again, you would tell him everything about Yeosang. You didn’t want to die and follow Soojin on her suicide mission. But no matter how much time passed, the dark figure didn’t return. You were done for. And despite how badly you hated humans (pirates, in particular) in that moment, you still wished you could see Seonghwa once more. Let him know that you didn’t blame him for Ariel’s death. That the real monsters were the sea witch and his parents for separating him from his loved one in such a cruel way. But you couldn’t even do that. Couldn’t even hear his voice again…
Seonghwa’s POV
We were on a journey across the sea with no specific direction when suddenly, we ran into Mingi’s ship by accident. I wondered if he noticed us and if he would attack us. It had been a while since our last encounter when that bastard cut off Yeosang’s right hand. It had also been a while since the last time I talked to Y/N. I missed her and I was so mad at everyone standing in the way of our friendship. Imagine my surprise, when I spotted a large fishnet hanging from Mingi’s ship, tied up to the figurehead, tall enough so as to not touch the water. I squinted in order to see better and soon enough, realized that whatever was inside, was too big to be a regular fish. No. Fucking. Way. Were those mermaids? I didn’t know what came over me, maybe it was my gut feeling, but I knew I had to save them. Even if I didn’t know them, I couldn’t have another mermaid death weighing on my conscience. I hurriedly rushed to talk to my fellow mates and tell them what I’d seen. We had to make a decision quickly or else Mingi’s ship would sail away and then, it would be more difficult to trace him.
“Guys, I think Mingi’s trapped a couple of mermaids inside a fishnet!” I screamed.
“What? We have to help the poor creatures!” Yeosang replied, backing me up. I gave him a thankful wink.
“I agree,” Wooyoung added and pointed towards the fishnet that was still in our field of vision. “Look! That asshole is not letting them touch the water!”
“Oh, no, that’s horrendous!” San exclaimed. “I’ve heard that mermaids can’t last long without water.”
“All the more reason to save them,” I insisted.
“I don’t think this is a sensible idea,” Hongjoong argued.
“Please, whatever your ridiculous vendetta against mermaids is about, it can wait,” Yeosang complained.
“It’s not just about the mermaids, Yeo,” our captain responded. “The last time we fought Mingi, it didn’t end well,” he purposefully stared at Yeosang’s missing hand, as if to remind him. Yeosang gave him a dirty look and took his sword out, skillfully managing it with his left hand, as if to prove a point. “Mingi is too powerful and dangerous, if we confront him, we may risk losing not just a hand, but our lives.”
I pulled Hongjoong aside and whispered in his ear.
“Do you want them to know that you lied to Mingi? That you told him the mermaids killed the sea witch?”
“I did that to protect you,” Hongjoong hissed.
“Nonsense. You did that selfishly because you wanted to get rid of Y/N. Be very careful what you say next.”
“Come on, guys!” Wooyoung urged us to cut it off. “Mingi’s ship is getting away!”
“Yeah, make a decision already!” San groaned.
“It’s your call, Captain,” I addressed Hongjoong. “Choose wisely. You might gain something if you stop us but you’ll lose something far more important.”
“Are you threatening me?” Hongjoong furrowed his brows. “Don’t forget who’s in charge, Hwa.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything. It’s you who forgot how to show compassion to those in need,” I reminded him. “You saved all of us. That’s why we’re loyal to you. Why can’t you help us save these mermaids, too? Would it really kill you if you tried?”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes.
“Fine. But if one of you gets hurt, it’s not on me, it’s on you, Hwa. Remember that in case things go wrong.”
“We can take care of ourselves, thank you very much.”
And with that, we pulled out our weapons. It was time to attack Mingi’s ship and get those poor mermaids out of these fishnets.
Hongjoong’s POV
This was a terrible idea, but Seonghwa put me in such a position that it was impossible to refuse. We hurriedly threw ropes with hooks at Mingi’s ship in order to get on board. The plan was that Yeosang and I would confront Mingi ourselves, while Seonghwa, Wooyoung and San cut off the fishnets and free the mermaids into the sea. I knew that it was a big risk, but a part of me also knew that I was partially responsible for this happening. If I hadn’t been so petty to tell Mingi that the mermaids were to blame for the sea witch’s death, we wouldn’t be here right now. As we were looking for Mingi, I was surprised at how relaxed Yeosang seemed. Honestly, I admired him for his bravery.
“Hey, bastard!” Yeosang yelled as he stormed into the captain’s cabin. “Face me, you coward!”
Mingi was obviously taken aback by Yeosang’s recklessness and it took him a while to find his sword. While he was frantically looking for it, I grabbed him by the collar and hissed.
“You betrayed us and cut off Yeosang’s hand, Mingi. You’re not getting out of this.”
“What’s your problem? I thought mermaids were our common enemy, Hongjoong,” Mingi exposed my secret and I loosened my grip on him, ashamed by my actions.
Yeosang didn’t seem fazed at all, he simply pointed his sword towards Mingi’s neck.
“You had it all wrong, Mingi,” Yeosang informed him calmly. “The mermaids didn’t kill the sea witch. It’s humans you should be scared of,” he added, without specifying too much and attacked.
I was frozen in place for a couple of seconds, which was enough for Mingi to regain his composure and defend himself.
“You knew?” I whispered to Yeosang as the two of us charged faster against Mingi.
“I may have overheard your conversation,” Yeosang replied coldly.
“Why didn’t you tell us you knew all along?” I asked as I tried to hold Mingi off.
“Why didn’t you tell me yourselves?” Yeosang countered and disarmed Mingi.
“Go ahead, then! Kill me already,” Mingi incited us.
“No,” Yeosang refused. “I want you to live with the consequences of your actions,” he dropped the sword and once again took that damned ring from Mingi. “Tie him up, Hongjoong.”
“Why are you suddenly giving the orders?” I complained but pulled Mingi close as I wrapped a rope around his wrists.
“I literally have one hand, how am I supposed to tie him up?” Yeosang groaned.
“That’s fair.”
Yeosang’s POV
“Soojin!” I cried out in relief as soon as I saw her back into the sea and freed from those terrible fishnets. I jumped into the water and kissed her. “Are you alright?”
“My love, what happened to your hand?” she inquired worriedly.
“Mingi, that bastard who trapped you, cut it off,” I informed her. “But don’t worry, Hongjoong’s currently taking him as a prisoner to our ship.”
“I don’t understand,” Soojin whimpered. “I didn’t tell him anything about the ring, why would he come after you?”
“I know you didn’t, my brave girl,” I reassured her and hugged her. “I’m just glad you’re okay now.”
“How did you know I was here?”
“Honestly? I’d like to say I was destined to find you, but the truth is we ran into Mingi’s ship by chance. Seonghwa saw the fishnets and realized whatever was inside seemed too big to be fish.”
“What did you just call me?” Soojin joked, pretending to be offended.
“No, I just meant that…”
“Relax, I was only teasing,” Soojin laughed. “Thank you for saving us, darling. Another minute without water and I probably would have died.”
“I’m happy we came on time, then,” I smiled at her and pressed my forehead against hers.
Seonghwa’s POV
The minute the mermaids were free from the fishnets and back into the sea, I realized we had saved not just any mermaids, but Y/N and Soojin. I jumped right after them, not even bothering to check if Mingi had been successfully captured and soon enough, Yeosang joined me to talk to Soojin, quickly informing us that Hongjoong had taken Mingi back to our ship and he would no longer be able to harm anyone.
“You’re safe now,” I hugged Y/N and whispered words of reassurance in her ear, immediately forgetting all about our last encounter and the fact that she might need more time to accept what she’d learned about me and Ariel. The only thing that mattered was that she was okay. “You’re alright.”
“H-how did you know we were t-trapped?” she stammered.
“It was by accident.”
“Thank the fates,” Y/N sighed. “We wouldn’t have lasted much longer.”
“Did Mingi hurt you?”
She shook her head.
“Other than the no water thing, no, he didn’t.”
“Good. I would have killed him but…”
“No more death,” she spoke gently. “I’m beyond happy to see you, Seonghwa. I missed you terribly.”
“So did I, dearest. Does that mean you’re willing to forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” Y/N replied. “I can no longer bear being parted from you. Not even for a minute.”
Her words broke my resolve to respect her boundaries and remain loyal to Hongjoong despite what he’d done to me and I kissed her. To my utter disbelief, she kissed me back, her fingers holding onto my hair for dear life. When I finally pulled away, we were both out of breath.
“I’m so s-sorry, I shouldn’t have.”
“No! I wanted you to.”
“You did?”
“Of course! Seonghwa, I like you so much. And even though it hurts…I think Ariel would have wanted you to move on and to be happy.”
“Well, you make me happy.”
“Right back at you,” Y/N smiled fondly.
For the briefest of moments, we were in our own little world and I had forgotten all about the rest of the world with its problems. But then I made the mistake of looking away from her and I saw him.
Hongjoong’s POV
I couldn’t exactly interrupt them. I didn’t deserve it after all. I mean, not after being so harsh to Y/N, not after telling the secret about Seonghwa’s past to Y/N, and certainly not after lying to Mingi about the mermaids’ non-existent involvement in the sea witch’s death. I felt like a piece of shit for hurting them and yet, I couldn’t look away, either. It was no longer jealousy I was feeling. I knew I had it coming. It was so strange to me when I realized I felt perfectly calm to watch them embracing and kissing. I was even enjoying this, in some perverted way. And then Seonghwa spotted me. Soon after, Y/N did, too. I was so embarrassed that I had been caught observing them that I immediately turned around and started walking towards the inside of the ship, anywhere that would ensure avoiding them like the plague. They didn’t bother to yell after me and I was thankful for that. I was in no mood to explain myself or talk to them or anything. And despite the fact that she’d taken him away from me, I was glad that she’d survived. No creature deserved to be left without water for so long and I could only imagine how much worse such an ordeal would be to a mermaid. In any case, I was relieved that Mingi was in one of our cells now. Coming here wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Two lives were saved and we had finally defeated him. Our former friend, who was also our enemy and now, our prisoner. When had life gotten so damn complicated?
To be continued…
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
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I gotcha, anon. Sorry this is so late! I took forever trying to gather these panels and despite my efforts, they are mostly potato quality. Thanks for your ask, though! ❤️
In no particular order:
1. Fubuki putting the fear of God into Do-S
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It’s not often we get to see Fubuki tear shit up, and I think this is the one of only few times we’ve seen her use her signature move in the manga (not counting that one omake where she fucks up all those little spiders). It was up until this point that I thought of her to be super... weak? Like, I thought this whole time she was just using her status as Tatsumaki’s little sister to wrangle up a bunch of hooligans as her underlings but I’ve found that to be a fat fucking lie. She’s super badass in her own right. She even resisted Do-S’ love magic whip thingy because her will is just that strong.
Fubuki doesn’t need to be Tatsumaki’s little sister to be feared, she just needs to be pissed off.
Personally, we don’t give Fubuki enough credit in terms of strength and raw “fuck ‘em up” power. I know she didn’t win this fight (technically), but Do-S is a demon threat monster and even some of the S-Class have a hard time with demon threats (cough cough, Zombieman and Pureblood). And, not to mention, Fubuki was also fending off her entire crew—who were taken under the influence of Do-S’ super BDSM love spell magic—this entire fight!
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Darkness Blade was also involved somewhere but this ain’t about him. Moving on:
2: Do-S would’ve straight up merked Amai Mask’s crackheaded ass had he not been an actual freak of nature
(Sorry for the microwave quality pictures but we’ve all read the manga right? Just use your imagination.)
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So, prior to Murata reworking the entire “Amai Mask commits homicide via his own damn hands” segment with Do-S, we had Do-S basically surrendering herself to Amai at the sight of him dicing up her love slaves at the speed of light (the merc squad). I did not like this AT ALL. I thought Do-S was a kickass character and for her to have this stupid death scene was really disappointing.
Thankfully, Murata thought the same thing. She still fucking died, of course, but she gets a little more... er, dignity? Idk, she’s just badass.
Amai Mask pretty much slams her skull into the wall, gives her like 13 concussions, and when he thinks he’s in the clear—BAM! Elastigirl powers, bitch! Do-S wraps herself around Amai and utilizes her freaky ass Alien-esque snake tongue to drill into his eyeball as her last stand before death. And this is why I think it’s valid that Fubuki had such a hard time dealing with her, because if it were any other S/A-Class hero (besides Zombieman, Superalloy, Genos... and maybe even Metal Bat) that got their brains drilled into via snake tongue, they would’ve died. If it were Child Emperor, Puri Puri, or even Atomic Samurai at the other end of her attack, they would’ve been FADED, man! It’s only because Amai has those bullshit monster invulnerability powers that he survived.
In conclusion: Do-S got done dirty the first time around, but Murata has since redeemed himself by giving her some wicked elastic powers and nearly dealing the final blow to Amai before dying. She’s also rlly sexy uwu
3. It is written somewhere in the Geneva Conventions that using Captain Mizuki’s thighs as a means of destruction is considered a war crime
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First of all: holy fuck I’m horny.
Second of all: UUUH??????? This is 100% just Murata’s death by snu-snu fetish in action but I’m not complaining. Mizuki is super badass. I’m not a fan of this trope that women in male-dominated media have to give up their femininity in order to be taken seriously, so I was expecting at least one female character in OPM to be a mirror reflection of this shitty trend (judging by ONE’s track record of being allergic to women). However, OPM is all about taking tropes and putting them in a meat grinder. Mizuki is super feminine, bubbly, and positive! And that doesn’t make her any less of a fearsome opponent to these monsters, which is something I can really appreciate.
Overall, OPM has very few female characters (which is bad), but the treatment of the few we have is very good when compared to other media of the same medium. I’ve said before how I enjoy the fact that both sexes are treated as equal opportunity fanservicing, and I think it’s fitting to reverberate that here.
Mizuki is hot as hell, but she’s also strong, fun, and a ray of fucking sunshine. Her and Mumen would be great friends, now that I think of it!
4. Shadow Ring said SIKE
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She’s so badass in the entirety of the surface strike sequence we get before the heroes enter the Monster Association base (take a shot every time I say badass. Try it, you’ll die).
I was super impressed by how strong she is?? And the whole time I’m reading this fight sequence I’m just like.... why aren’t we seeing more of her. She should have just as much screen time as Stinger! She was even noticed by Ninja Extraordinaire, Flash Flash; and she played a pretty big part in getting the S-Class to open their eyes to the combat prowess of the lower classes. If it weren’t for her, I fully believe the strike team would’ve had a much harder time penetrating the monsters’ defenses.
Also she’s cute as hell. All of the other female characters in OPM are over the top supermodel sexy (again, not complaining), so it’s refreshing to get someone that goes against the status quo (which as I’ve said before, OPM is kinda all about). Whenever we see her unmasked in those little volume extras Murata makes, I just want to squeeze her cheeks like an annoying aunt.
I forgot to mention this in the Mizuki section, but I think it also applies here: her teammates never point out the fact that she’s a woman. There’s no commentary on it, no snide “oh hurr hurr you’re a girl under the mask?” comments, just women kicking ass and male counterparts kicking ass alongside them, which is another thing I appreciate. It’s not often we get women in manga just.... existing. It seems there’s always gotta be a good reason for writers to insert female characters into their stories (WHY), but not here. Shadow Ring’s sole purpose in the story is to kill monsters and look cool while doing it. She gets the same treatment as all the other himbos around her.
I am completely aware that my say on the subject of gender equality in media could be completely invalid because I’m a cis dude but those are just my THOTS
5. Lily being 14 and always ready to murder
Lily stole my wallet and kicked my ass :(
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abbybubbls · 4 years
A Hunch: The District Attorney is different from the viewers in other “with Markiplier” projects
I’ve always seen a bunch of theories over the years of the District Attorney and how they affect the rest of the Markiplier Cinematic Universe. Theories like “How did they escape the mirror? Dark must have done something to the mirror to get them out! You’re free from the mirror, which means you get to go on all these adventures again!”
Let me remind you that Dark stole the District Attorney’s body, leaving their soul in the mirror at the end of Who Killed Markiplier. Mark said it himself that Dark had no empathy for the District Attorney at all, and would never set them free. Dark used them for his own benefit, and simply walked away.
“But wait!” I hear you say. “The District Attorney is supposed to be YOU, the viewer! And the viewer is a character! If you’re stuck in the mirror, how do you go on all these adventures with Mark in Date and Heist? And besides, in Date, Actor Mark said that you looked familiar to him, so it must have been the District Attorney after being freed!”
I NOW PRESENT TO YOU MY HUNCH! The District Attorney can be different from the viewers in Date and Heist, just like how all the characters that Robert Rexx, Mick, Tyler, Ethan, Bob, Wade, and especially Mark have played are different from each other in every project that have had them included in! The District Attorney is basically given the Ego Treatment™, where there are people out there that look just the same as the District Attorney did, but are completely different from them in many ways.
Let’s use Eric and Captain Magnum as an example. Eric and Captain Magnum have the same face, and they both lost their legs due to freak accidents. Does that mean they’re the exact same character? Absolutely not! Eric is always anxious, stutters, is accident proned, and has a terrible relationship with his dad. Captain Magnum is a friggin PIRATE, so of course he’s gonna be the exact opposite of Eric in every way possible. He’s adventurous, huge, a quick thinker, and acts very fatherly towards you after being a part of his crew.
Yancy and Illinois look the same, but do they have the same backstories? Personalities? How about Dark and Wilford? Bim Trimmer and Silver Shepherd? The Host and Ed Edgar? The King of the Squirrels and the Jims?
The District Attorney and the viewer from Heist are VERY different from each other, even if we insert ourselves as these characters so they basically have our personalities.
In WKM, we insert ourselves as the District Attorney, but we are never given a choice to do certain things that could show how different one person can be from another if we are in a situation like being a witness in a murder. Famous actor is dead? Oh no! A detective offers you to be his partner, even though his previous partners have died in horrific ways in the past? You’re his new partner anyway! A pretty lady you never heard of pops in from out of nowhere and offers you to help her in a spooky séance to commune with the dead? Join her! This will go out so well for you!
In Heist, the viewer is given a choice in nearly every single thing that is thrown their way. And you can see through just the hands behind the camera that the viewer actually has a distinct personality! They’re sassy and playful, but confused and naïve! Alarm went off at the museum? Let’s go find a helicopter that you have absolutely no idea how to fly! Stuck in a prison cell with a magical box that contains supernatural vibes that could easily break you out with your dumbass partner in crime? Act out that said dumbass is dying and needs to call his sick grandmother, and hand the emotional guard a tissue! A scientist mistakes you as an anomaly for time overlapping and causing the zombie apocalypse, and the only cure for it is to kill you? Nah, you’d rather live than save the entire world, let’s get outta here!
You could say that I’m overthinking this with all the comparisons I’m making, but... I’ve now completely lost my train of thought on how to finish this. This is just something that I thought I should share, because I find this kind of stuff very fun to do. Let me know what you think if you have anything in mind!
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sanjuno · 4 years
So a thing happened
Hey, so who remembers me saying that “Wildfire Hearts” was a one shot and I wasn’t gonna create an entire crew of OCs for a one shot?
... I’m weak and think too much so here have a crew list.
SHIP: Days of Reckoning
CREW: The Anarchy Pirates
Captain: Portgas D Riot | “Wildfire” Riot
Technically South Blue by way of his mother and birthplace, East Blue by way of his father and part of his childhood
Has eaten the Legendary Logia - Mera Mera no Mi, Model: Ghostfire (because “Hotarubi” reminds me of bog lights.)
Will never admit to anyone what happened in the canon timeline
Wants to bang Marco the Phoenix like a screen door in a hurricane
Completely out of fucks to give
Has died once already and fears nothing
First Mate: Ranger Dustin
Literally a cowboy
From East Blue
If Jesse McCree was a pirate this is the pirate he’d be
Has a Seahorse, likes to rope Seakings when he’s bored
Has roped and tied his crewmates and Captain to stop them from doing a Dumb more than once
Main weapons are his lassos and his ability to suplex a rowdy Seaking, but he’s also got a decent quickdraw – he shoots from the hip!
Hat-tip to Dusty – we loved you before you had a real name, white cowboy hat pirate man
Quartermaster: Occhio D Vittoria
Clairvoyant Clearfin Lionfish Mermaid
A “first generation” D – the D means “Drowned”
Technically an Author-SI but shh that’s a secret so she says she’s from Fishman Island
She’s basically a waterbender but only with seawater
Old enough to have legs and that’s all you need to know
Probably a witch actually
Spends a significant amount of time yelling at the Sea – please don’t freak out when the Sea starts arguing back if it happens just roll with it
Navigator: Kele of Shandora
Shandorian from a tribe that migrated away from the main Sky Island to an arpeggio to get some distance from the fighting
Has eyes tattooed on his eyelids for the lols
Black hair and black eyes, swarthy skin, many tattoos
He swol but built rangy like an alley cat
Has a magic compass
Fell off the Shandora arpeggio when trying to catch a seaturtle as a birthday present for his mother
Has pearl beads in his hair
HC that people from the Sky Islands have hollow bones, so Kele looks scary but is actually comparatively fragile.
Pirate married to Hilda and Tern
Cannoneer: Svan Hilda
Former North Blue noble
Platinum blonde with red eyes, very pale skin
Jacked like whoa – this woman can bench-press both her husbands and the main cannon at the same time
Also very tol
Really likes it when her “little surprises” make a bigger boom than the other guy’s
Frequently kidnapped by other pirate crews; proceeds to take them over through brute force and broken arms before absconding with their loot before they regain consciousness
Pirate Married to Kele and Tern
Bladesmith: Heel Tern
Why are there so many knives?
East Blue native and exactly as stubborn as you think that means
Light brown hair and dark brown eyes, tanned
Basically immune to fire because of Armament before Riot drags him out of East Blue because he started playing with burning coals before he was old enough to know better
Pirate married to Kele and Hilda
Doctor: Angelo Merci
Always smiling. Always.
Lost her medical license when she “accidently” slipped with her scalpel during surgery on a World Noble who was “fond of children”
Originally from West Blue
Technically was supposed to get killed for that but shanked the Marine escort and bolted before the order was given
Pink curly hair and green eyes, dark brown skin
Swordsman: Iago Montoya
Is basically what happens when a flamenco dancer and a swashbuckler have a baby
Very Dramatic Person
From South Blue
Dark purple hair and bright purple eyes, dark tan skin
Is BFFs forever with the Badu Brothers
Likes to accuse his opponents of killing his father to “set the proper mood!” even though Mr. Iago Sr. is running a popular theatre back in his hometown
Shipwrights: Ghal Friday and Mahn Gull
They are both from Water 7 but moved to East Blue as children
Friday looks like a dairy maid pin-up and has a grip that can crush cinderblocks barehanded
Has orange hair and blue eyes, tanned with freckles
Gull is really fond of secret passages and trapdoors
Has dark grey hair and overly large orange eyes, pasty from spending as much time as possible inside the ship
Friday and Gull are either married or co-dependant. We dunno for sure and we’re too scared to ask
They will finish each other’s sentences… and sandwiches.
They share only one braincell and it’s usually occupied with ship maintenance
Bard | Chronicler: Tarone Deff
A Lobster Fishman
From Fishman Island, obvs
His swimmerets have pseudo-hands that he uses to play instruments that need digits
Mostly a singer and percussion player tho
Has perfect pitch and can imitate voices really well
Musician: Dandy Leon
Has a massive embarrassing crush on Badur Mofu
Fails hard at flirting when he likes someone but gets like six different denden codes when he’s schmoozing for clothing discounts
Believes that every fight should have a musical score
Plays instruments beautifully, sounds like a dying cat when he tries to sing
Tucks his shirt into his pants but then leaves it unbuttoned so he can show off his “assets”
Fights with a giant fucking axe wtf you twee little bastard where were you keeping that?
Sniper: Mark Tagger
Has a telescope that is the same size as his rifle, and carries them both on his back in a harness, and that has caused some interesting incidents when he mixes them up by grabbing the wrong one
Best artist of the crew, so he helps Kele make the maps
Rainbow dreadlocks and black skin
Never seen without his visor on
Wears massively oversized shirts – I have no idea if he’s got pants on your guess is as good as mine
Cooks: Badur Mofu and Badur Asif
Twins – have recent Artic Wolf Mink Ancestry that makes them look feral, but far enough removed from it that they’re mostly human
White hair, gold eyes, claws, fangs, and slightly off proportions
Badur Asif talks, Badur Mofu doesn’t talk
Enhanced senses mean they are super strict about seasonings
Lookout | Spymaster: Long Conner
Extremely farsighted – can see an approaching ship 3 days away, cannot see own shoelaces
Learned hypnosis and grifting from his granny
Has a very trustworthy face
He is a lying liar who lies
Apprentice Captains:
Portgas D Ace
Born Gol, took mother’s family name instead
Ate the Mera Mera no Mi because he was shipwrecked and forgot to pay attention to what he was eating
Portgas D Sabo
A “First Generation” D
Formerly Outlook, forgot this due to brain trauma
Joined the crew at 13 when the Anarchy Pirates stole him from the Revolutionary Army
Ate the Yami Yami no Mi because Luffy did a Dumb Thing
Portgas D Luffy
Formerly Monkey
Ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi because he thought it was a desert
Gonna be the next King of Pirates
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motherfingtitan · 3 years
Counter Clock Incident Redux
When the Senior Crew comes back from an away mission, they mysteriously start to become younger. It’s up to Mariner, Boimler, Rutherford, Tendi, and Westlake to figure out what’s going on before it’s too late.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 
Crying rang through Medbay, piercing anybody's ears that happened to walk in. Chang had a baby Ransom in one arm and T'ana in the other, trying to hush them to sleep. Minimum medical personnel was allowed to interact with the senior crew, as seeing your captain as a baby isn't the best for leadership. As a result, Westlake, Tendi, and Chang worked non-stop researching cures and running a mini nursery. 
"Come on, Commander, hush-hush! Go to sleep. Please, for the love of God, go to sleep!" She spun and bobbed around, trying to keep herself awake.
Kitty T'ana stretched her paws out, and her retractable claws came into view. "Oh no no, you don't want to scratch the person holding you," Chang panicked, as T’ana had already scratched up half her body. It was her boss's idea of 'playing.’
Across the small room, Tendi played on the floor with Freeman. Large, colorful wooden blocks were scattered around them as they stacked the blocks as high as possible. Every few minutes or so, one of them would tip the tower over, and both would burst out in laughter. Chang walked over to Tendi with the two babies in tow.
 "Tendi, please take over. They haven't stopped crying for 30 minutes, and I have so many scratches from T'ana that I don't even think the dermal regenerator is going to fix it." Tendi always had a way with kids. She knew how to play with them, feed them, put them to sleep, and she loved them. She would have fit in perfectly as a pediatric nurse on a Galaxy-class ship where there were families, but she was on the Cerritos, with no children on board. This was a small blessing to her. 
Tendi got up from her spot and carefully took both babies. "Just watch over the captain for a moment" just then, Mariner walked into Medbay. "Oh, look, Mariner can help you!"
Tendi pushed Mariner with her hips over to where Chang sat. She plopped down in front of her mother, taking one of the many blocks and handing it to the baby.
"So, where are Boimler and Rutherford, and how is the ship?"
Mariner spoke as all three of them stacked blocks. "Rutherford is researching how to get these guys back to their normal age along with running engineering. Lieutenant Nieli has the bridge. God, he’s awkward at giving orders. And Boimler, well, I think he's in his hidey closet doing a captain’s log."
"How are you doing with" Chang motioned over to baby freeman.
Mariner thought for a moment, "I mean, it's weird, but I'm sure Rutherford can get them back to normal."
At this point, Carol had stacked the small blocks five high. When leaning over to grab more, she accidentally knocked the tower down. Sniffles came from her before the full-blown crying started.
"Oh god, not again" Chang grabbed Freeman and rocked her slowly in her arms. "The crying is nonstop with them," she explained to Mariner.
Beckett started to undo the top of her uniform jacket, causing Chang to raise an eyebrow. From her bra, she pulled out a small bottle of blue liquid.
"Romulan whiskey," Beckett answered before Chang could ask a question.
"But why in your-?"
"I always keep it on me in case I have to deal with extra bullsh*t. And it's in my bra because these uniforms don't have any pockets." 
Mariner moved closer to her mother and opened the cap on the small bottle. Chang stepped away from Mariner.
"What are you doing?" Chang asked
"Back in the 20th century, parents used to put whiskey on their kids' pacifiers to help them relax. Maybe Romulan whiskey will help calm my mother down."
"But, we don't even have a pacifier?"
"It's cool, man; I’ll just put a couple of drops in her mouth, not enough to get drunk off of" 
If the nurse wasn't so sleep-deprived, she probably would have argued against it. However, Chang wasn't exactly against having the babies fall asleep, even if that meant giving them alcohol. Beckett walked over to her mother again and positioned the little glass bottle over her mother's open mouth. The blue liquid was just about to drop into Freeman's mouth as Tendi glanced over and realized what was happening.
"Mariner!" She ran over and snatched the glass away from Beckett, "What do you think you're doing giving a child Romulan whiskey!"
"What the? Tendi, it was to calm her down! They used to do it all the time in the 20th century!"
"20th-century medicine?" Tendi continued as she grabbed the baby from Chang, "that's barbaric."
The two followed Tendi over to the replicator, where she requested baby formula at 37°c.
"Babies need milk, not outlawed whiskey" she started to feed Freeman and make baby noises to her.
Mariner rolled her eyes as Chang added, "Says the person who uses ketchup in her milkshakes." 
Rutherford burst in at that point, waving his PADD around and shouting, "I figured it out!"
Mariner walked up to him as Tendi assigned Chang to change Billups' diaper.
Rutherford started to explain, "so I was doing some research on what happened on the Enterprise over 100 years ago, and apparently after they were able to stop the aging, they placed the crew in the transporter pad. The transporter pad saved the original cellular layout of the Enterprise crew, so when they were beamed just a fraction of an inch, they were able to revert to the normal ages."
He was panting from excitement and running all the way to Sick Bay from engineering.
"We still need to figure out how to stop the cellular de-aging, or else the crew will just become babies again," Tendi pointed out.
"That is where I come in!" Westlake walked over in his tired, disheveled state. 
He held up a hypospray with a gray liquid inside. "This will freeze the cells in place, so they don't keep dying. Once Rutherford uses the transporting beam on them, their cells should reset."
"And we get our senior crew back," Tendi bounced from excitement, "though I will miss having babies around."
The four officers jump at the sound of Chang screeching from the other side of the room.
"He freaking peed on me!" She yelled as she tried to dab the urine off her uniform jacket!
"I might be the only one who misses it, though"
"Ok, the coordinates are put in, go ahead and place the crew members on the transporter pad," Rutherford instructed. 
Westlake, Tendi, and Chang set the babies on the pad, and Chang muttered something along the lines of good riddance. Westlake administered the hypospray to each of them. Boimler walked in carrying a stack of uniforms and Mariner followed him with a large blanket.
"The Senior Crews uniform are all pressed to regulation with Combadges and Pips nice and polished."
Mariner mumbled about how brad was a kiss ass, and she unfolded the blanket and threw it over the babies. 
"Mariner! You're gonna smother them!" Tendi pointed out
"And they're not going to fit into their Starfleet issued onesies once they revert back to their original ages. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like seeing Ransom's photon torpedo today!"
"And I'm officially sick," Chang deadpanned before her eyes widened in realization. "Also today? Do you mean that-"
"Rutherford hit it!" Mariner cut Chang off.
Rutherford pressed a button and slid his hand across the screen. Transporting sounds filled the room as the babies disappeared in white light. Moments later, they reappeared a few millimeters to the left. In the baby's place, we're five larger lumps rolling around under the blanket. 
"T'ana," Shax spoke, "You should at least take me out to dinner first." 
"Are we doing some sort of-'' Ransom was cut off by Westlake clearing his throat. Slowly, Jack pulled the blanket off from over his head and let it rest in his lap. Craning his head up, he saw three nurses intently looking at him, along with Boimler avoiding eye contact and Mariner gagging. 
"Good afternoon, Commander," Westlake spoke, and he walked over, tricorder in hand. "It's good to have you back."
"Gah," Freeman sat up, clutching her part of the blanket to her chest, "I feel like I got hit by a shuttlecraft." 
The rest of the crew slowly adjusted. 
"Do you remember anything?" Tendi started to scan the captain.
"No? Not really." She pulled the blanket higher on her. "I would like to know where our clothes are, though."
"Oh, would you fu*king relax!" T'ana snatched a tricorder from Chang and started scanning herself. "I just did physicals on all of you last week! There was nothing that I, nor the nurses, hadn't seen before."
Billups was the last to emerge, face red from embarrassment. He pointed to Boimler, Mariner, and Rutherford. Rutherford waved back.
"Not to worry, sirs, I have fresh uniforms for you, all pressed-" he was cut off by Mariner, who started digging through the clothing stack. She pulled out an operations jacket.
"Ohhh, lieutenant commander pips! Headshot!" she balled the jacket up and threw it to Billups, hitting him in the face and knocking him to his back. "That's what you get for almost phasering me!"
Mariner continued to toss uniforms to the crew, much to Brad's protests. "You're creasing them, Mariner! I spent 30 minutes pressing the pants!"
"Kid," Ransom started, "I really don't care if they're creased. I just want some freaking clothes!"
Boimler defeated look faded into the background as Westlake ordered the crew to report to sickbay. All of them shuffled out as the Ensigns stayed behind.
"I'm gonna miss them being babies! They were so cute!" Tendi stood next to Rutherford.
"I'm not" Chang rubbed her eyes, "I need sleep, a hot shower, and to never see a baby again."
"All I know is I saw way too much of the crew today" Mariner reached into her bra, pulling up a glass of Romulan whiskey. "Want some?"
And things were back to normal.
Well, as normal as the Cerritos can get.
Wow, my first multichapter fic is finished! Thanks for the support everyone 
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taakoluup · 4 years
Candlenights Gift Exchange
I was making your gift for the @thecandlenightszone gift exchange! Hopefully you enjoy some mags and ango bonding!
shoutout to @sunshine-zenith for being my beta reader here
"Okay, run!"
"Sir, I can't see where I'm going!"
"We gotta move it, Ango!" Magnus laughed, picking him up with ease and carrying him.
"Where are we going even?!"
"It's a surprise!"
Angus sighed, resigning himself to being jostled with every sprinted step. Twelve years now, he'd been dealing with Magnus' horseshit. It was less meanspirited now than it used to be when he was still just a boy detective, but at twenty-two, sometimes he could swear Magnus, Taako, and Merle just liked to take the piss out of him for no reason whatsoever still. It took a few minutes longer of running before Magnus finally set him down, onto a distinctly metallic sounding floor.
“Okay, hold on tight!”
“To what?! I have a blindfold on sir, I still can’t see!”
Magnus just whooped loudly, his voice echoing strangely in the room. The floor jolted, shuddered, and hummed to life beneath their feet, Magnus cackling as the room nearly tossed Angus. He only barely managed a dex save to keep from falling on his ass.
“Okay, now you can look!”
With Magnus sounding altogether too proud of himself, Angus pulled off the blindfold Magnus had put on him. Despite more than a century’s wear, the metal still gleamed, sleek and beautiful- the helm a gentle, matte shine from decades of different hands. In spite of her disuse, the Starblaster was never in ill repair- perhaps an anxious tic of her pilot, engineer, and captain? Or that of her designer and science officer? Angus made a note to ask later as he marveled at the stars streaking past them, almost faster than he could catch.
“Happy birthday, kiddo!” Magnus gave him a broad grin from his seat at the helm, his hands sure and steady at the wheel.
Angus couldn’t help but laugh in amazement, ignoring his diminutive. The ship, the engine humming behind it with the force of the bonds of its original seven passengers- every inch of it was legendary. It got all too easy to take for granted sometimes that he was in such regular contact with the saviors of the multiverse, the actual Crew of the Starblaster, it was hard not to be a little stunned by it all! The history and stories that this bridge had seen… 
“It’s amazing! We’re actually here, sir! Is the engine still tied to you all? Would you reset if you went to a different planar system? Is this how it really was? Does it really run on your bonds? Can just you guys fly it?”
“Slow down, Ango! You can ask the nerds their dork stuff later. But that last question, that I can do! Get over here.”
“Really? You mean it?” Despite being newly twenty-two, he couldn’t help but feel like a kid again, nearly vibrating as much as the ship itself as he moved next to Magnus at the helm.
Magnus braked, slowing the ship down to hang amongst the endless stars before he got up, gesturing to the seat at the helm. “Get in there, before I change my mind!”
He practically dove for the seat putting his hands on the wheel as Magnus started pointing at the different panels, dials, buttons, and switches.
“Okay, so, pay attention. Here’s the thrust. This is your speed, your attitude, heading, vertical speed, and altitude, but most of those aren’t super useful. This button is for landing, this is nav. These are the backups, and over here is the OMS and their computers, it’s for when you want to orbit something. And over here is the jump.”
“O-okay. The jump?”
“Don’t touch it.”
“Oh, um. A-alright, sir. So to get it to go, do I just..?” He pushed the thrust forward, making the ship jolt forward, nearly knocking Magnus off his feet and giving Angus whiplash.
“Yeah, like that, but slower! The ship’s really sensitive, and it moves really quickly, so you don’t ever need to handle it roughly. Be careful with the wheel too, it’s the same way.”
Angus nodded to himself, trying it again with a little less force, easing the ship into a steady pace. It was still a little shuddery, but the grin was plastered onto his face. He took it into gentle turns dancing past galaxies as he pushed the ship to go faster, laughing as he left his stomach behind with each one.
“There you go! Just like that, perfect!”
He grinned wildly, taking it into different maneuvers as he got the feel for it. How often did he get to fly a spaceship, after all? Magnus laughed along with him, keeping his balance with a practiced ease as the ship weaved and spun. A nebula danced at the edge of his field of view and passed him just as fast, the ship moving at incomprehensible speeds. After building her up, he took the ship into a flip. He whooped with it, though the excitement quickly turned to fear as the throttle slipped from his hand, cutting the speed and dropping them both mid-flip. 
Angus landed painfully on the console, directly onto the controls.
He grunted, the wind thoroughly knocked out of him by the feeling of reality kicking him square in the chest. He was beefier now, a far cry from the nerdy little ten year old he had been, and still he found himself gasping and trying to blink the stars from his eyes. He felt himself being moved by arms far stronger than him off of the console, keeping him in place as the ship was righted, with Magnus at the helm once more. 
“You okay Ango? Hold on just a sec, we’re a little out of sorts.” 
“Wh-what just happened? I’m sorry, sir.” He looked around a little more warily now, trying to understand what exactly had happened, his eyes widening at the sight beyond the windshield. Twelve discs of different colors, spiraling in and out of a coordinated dance.
“You jumped us out of the planar system, and probably got us in some trouble. Hold tight, we have to get back in now…” Angus nodded at that, going quiet to watch Magnus work deftly with the ship, a practiced ease in the set of his shoulders as he guided them right towards one of the planes. He couldn’t help but feel nervous as they approached the massive, solid-looking purple disc, in the midst of a pas de deux with it’s bright red partner. Magnus slammed the jump.
And with the same gut-punch feeling, the discs vanished, leaving them hanging in space once more over Faerûn.
“W-wow… That’s um. W-was that supposed to happen..?”
“Ehhhh… It’s supposed to do that for sure, but we shouldn’t have done it now.”
“Why not?”
“Everyone’s still tied to it? So they probably know we stole the ship now.” 
“We stole the ship?”
“Yep! Cap’nport’s gonna kill us!”
“Relax! I’ve stolen the ship plenty! The twins and I took it out for my twenty-second just like this!”
“Oh… you did?”
“Yeah! It was hilarious, he was so pissed, he about ripped his mustache out! Barry freaked out too, he looked halfway to hyperventilating or tearing us apart for it. He settled on hyperventilating when Lup told him how she got up on top of the bridge to fuck around up there while I flew.”
Angus stood there for a long moment before rushing forward, pulling Magnus into a tight hug.
Magnus huffed a laugh, hugging him right back. “That was the best birthday I’d had since we left.”
“...thank you, sir.”
“Anytime, Ango. And don’t worry, dying’s not so bad the first time. Cap’s gonna make it quick for you!
“Now get it moving again, we only have a few more minutes before they start calling!”
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