#[ hi this is cricket ]
ekftff · 2 years
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saw this comment on a cricket noise video and felt like something changed in me idk
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canisalbus · 8 months
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fleshadept · 6 months
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james somerton's co-writer nick has responded to hbomb's video and claims not to have known, and to have cut ties with james somerton entirely
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softichill · 7 months
I love fnaf literally no one can agree on anythjng
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rochenn · 1 month
Don't you hate it when a character is about as appealing to you as stale bread but they're hypersignificant to the other characters you're actually writing about so you have to do this guy proper justice in your fic even if it drives you up the fucking wall
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chrliekclly · 1 month
I think alotta ppl forget that dennis canonically is the best at drawing of the gang nd just focus on charlie being the artist of the gang, nd idk maybe i just wanted to slip that into ur mind
Like i have this funny scenario in my head where charlie challenges dennis to a drawing competition nd dennis draws a near realistic portrait of charlie while charlie vaguely scribbles out dennis but the rest of the gang is just like 'omg charlie i didnt know u cud draw'
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art is subjective
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months
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this is based of @cod-dump's post about crickets, link here
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bone-apple-teeths · 3 months
ok but what if i edited all of john's lines and the music out of the entirety of malevolent so it just sounds like what a bystander would hear
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lilnasxvevo · 4 months
I love you Monkey D. Luffy I love you protecting the power of friendship through the power of incredible violence
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wtfforged · 1 month
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updated the design of a sorcerer i made for a oneshot two years ago. hes a half elf who answers to the name cricket and he casts magic by eating things like theyre spell components
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snoriangray · 5 months
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king four and fool five!
doctor who is just about having fun and playing dress up
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the-knife-consumer · 8 days
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Happy pride and merry yurimas
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fred-the-dinosaur · 6 months
ok, I started writing this in response to someone in particular but it felt unfair to single them out when the reason I was moved say something was because they were like the seventh person saying the same thing in a day.
To all the people like me, who had never heard of those YouTubers. Yeah, I get the vibe. I'd never heard of him either! Or any of the others. But so what ? Firstly, someone else you like is probably doing the same thing, and Secondly, on this scale? You probably HAVE HEARD of him. You just didn't know.
As turns out, I HAD heard of him.
I was so sure I hadn't. Lucky me for being so disconnected from the internet zeitgeist that I am insulated from its fallout! lol. Except I had read @vaspider 's post rejecting his spreading of Leibowitz's statements about 'boring people dying of aids', someone who at the time was struggling uphill against public opinion. Someone else I follow had a Hannibal video plagiarized last year by a big youtuber who turned out to also be him. My wife and I love watching verilybitchie, guess who also got a video ripped off by somerton?
And, like, you're right about how the fuck did people not take more issue with the 'nazis so hot' shit. But lots of people believed him, and spread it wide enough that you might have seen it. I am sure I've seen other, less explicitly awful takes of his crossing my dash, even passed them on, takes that were not even particularly horrifying, just misleading or untrue or stolen and taken out of context. Takes that are distorting the narrative of queer history on tumblr, beyond.
I'm not pointing fingers, just worried the impact of the video is getting lost. I wish someone who could write better and sound less grumpy doing it had written this instead. I just hadn't seen anyone else say exactly this yet. Specifically that, like me, you probably have heard of him, or more importantly his influence. Lots of other people you like got their stuff stolen by him.
And if you really have never met him or the consequences of his actions. then you've met someone else just like him.
I'd never 'heard' of him. So what?
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fleshadept · 5 months
will die on the hill that astarion would NOT be that shredded. vampire strength or not, motherfucker was a low level posh-ass city official. he did not lift. he didn’t even fight people, he seduced them. get that six pack outta here
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softichill · 6 months
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JtKCU (Jeff the Killer Cinematic Universe)
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boopshoops · 1 month
Joel Bullion - Makings of Greatness
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Name: Joel Bullion
Nicknames: Buzzbait, Thistle
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/they
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Birthday: November 30 (Sagittarius)
Age: 39 (In canon and AU)
Height: 6'2 or 188cm
Voice Claim(s): Jellzybelle
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Twisted from: John Silver from Treasure Planet.
Unique Magic: "Rattle the Stars" Summons exactly that in the palm of Joel's robotic hand: a star. However, this is not just any star, this star's life flashes before your eyes, resulting in a controlled supernova. It creates a burning hot flash bang, with tremors forming cracks in the ground depending on the magnitude of the star itself. The explosion knocks enemies away from Joel. The size of the star dictates how much magic they will use, as well as how much blot he will accumulate. He is unsure what the maximum size of a star he can create is, but he does know that he has gotten dangerously close to overblotting while trying. In his current state, the blast is not deadly and primarily works to stun opponents or, at most, render them unconscious.
Grade: Teaches Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors
Class: Teaches Culinary Crucible, Astrology, and Tech. Occasionally aids with Physical Education.
Hobbies: Treasure hunting, finding constellations, hiking, traveling, spelunking, deadlifting, cooking.
Likes: Pernil, old school tech, adventure novels, hard cash, or anything he can sell for gold really, pranking Ezra and Crowley, telescopes, planetary science, zodiac signs.
Dislikes: Grading (this man should not be a teacher), any dish with fish in it, sticklers, staying still, overt formality, the cold, humorless individuals.
Fears: Immobility, optometric illnesses, not amounting to anything, not living his life to the fullest, birds.
Summary: "Why does he even teach?" is a question that crosses the mind of almost every NRC student in one of Joel's classes. He's shameless, sarcastic, and finds entertainment in messing with students and staff alike. Teaching is only a side job for him, his real passions lie elsewhere. Nonetheless, he is highly skilled in a variety of subjects, making him indispensable.
He abuses that privilege, of course, taking the time to have as much fun as he can in what he calls a boring dump of a school and make sure everyone around him suffers for it. Though this usually just amounts to light teasing and pranks. They do not behave like an educator or mentor. He does not typically enjoy interacting with most of his students in a serious manner, and the ones they do enjoy talking with are treated more like casual, distant friends.
With the responsibility of teaching so many subjects heavy on their shoulders, he does make plenty of time to shrug it off to work on his true dream: getting as rich as possible. Now, now, there are plenty of figures at NRC who want that, yeah? But Joel wants the lottery. He wants to struggle, look high and low, and come out above everyone with something ancient, shiny, and, hopefully, covered in expensive jewels. Over everything and everyone, they enjoy the hunt of it. To the point where he values it above people and relationships. Hell, they'd fly to the moon to get it if they had to.
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Outfit Inspiration
Author's Notes: JOEL. Ahhh Joel. I'll admit, this was harder to write compared to the others! Everyone else's development, personality, struggles, etc. came very naturally to me, while, with joel, I really had to sit and brainstorm for awhile. Though, I can now say that he has grown on me a lot, and I plan on giving him more of a role in TCOAV like Ezra! I have lots of plans for him! Old ass man <33 (affectionate, /j) this will probably be the last new TCOAV oc for a while! But just know, there will be more >:)
Tag list! v
@lowcallyfruity @kitwasnothere @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @justm3di0cr3
@skriblee-ksk @cecilebutcher
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