#[ thank you for the ask! <3 ]
litta-jpg · 1 year
if you’re still taking requests - maybe some timkon hurt/comfort? i love your art!
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anon please know that im suffering over here
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thursdayinspace · 2 months
Made up title: The Ginger Invasion
ohh okay. that is so very clearly sick!fic?!
Mulder is sick. He never gets sick, and it's awful. It's terrible. He can't even get out of bed, that's how terrible he feels. He tries, he does, but finds himself on the floor after only two steps. The room is spinning, his stomach is extremely angry at him, and he doesn't know how other people do it. He's been beaten up, he's been shot, he's been tortured, but he thinks this bug, whatever it is, might finally be the thing that defeats him. He can't even go to the bathroom.
Everything hurts. He's too cold, then too hot, his head is pounding and Scully will be wondering why he isn't at work. He should call her. What time is it? He doesn't know.
He just about manages to lift his head and there she is, Scully, in his bedroom doorway; she turns on the light and it hurts his eyes, but even as he squints against it the glow of her red hair in the sudden brightness is enough to make him let out a relieved breath. "Hi." He hates to admit when he needs help. But he needs help. And help just showed up.
"Oh god, Mulder," she says, crossing the room in a few quick strides, and as she puts a cool hand on his burning forehead, he knows he's gonna be okay now.
He drifts in and out of sleep. He's lost all sense of time; it doesn't matter. He opens his eyes and sees her hovering above him, hair falling over her eyes as she leans down to put a cool cloth on his head. He wakes up and sees a flash of red, turns his head to see her putting a cup of tea on his nightstand. She helps him to the bathroom, and even with how small she is she manages to hold him up -- he looks down on the top of her flaming red hair and feels such a rush of affection it makes his heart clench in his chest. The back of her head as she stands and looks out of his window. Her hair fanned out all around her as she naps on the other side of his bed, seemingly unafraid of catching whatever it is he's not dying of, she has assured him that he will be fine. He's already starting to feel better.
When he closes his eyes, the light of the room turns to orange sunrises behind his closed lids.
"You really don't have to stay," he tells her after the first time he manages to make it to the bathroom on his own.
"I know I don't have to," is all she says, and makes him sit in the chair she dragged into the room while she changes his sheets.
"I'd be okay on my own now," he insists.
She turns towards him, pillow case in her hand, and looks unsure. "If I'm invading your privacy -"
"No!" he interrupts her quickly. "No," repeats, shaking his head. He can do that again without making the room spin out of control. "You aren't. I promise."
"Good." She sounds relieved. "Just let me know when you've had enough of me."
The chances of that ever happening are below zero, he thinks. "What about work?"
"I called Skinner yesterday" she says," and told him we were both sick. He doesn't expect us back for another two days at least."
"What if you get sick too?"
To that, she just shrugs. "That's a risk I'm willing to take. I'm not just going to leave you here, Mulder."
This is not the right time to tell her that he loves her, he thinks, but it is one of those moments where it's hard not to. "I'd take care of you too."
"I know," she says, and gives him a smile. "I've never doubted it."
"Scully?" He waits until she meets his eyes again so she can see how much he means this. "I really, really appreciate your invasion."
She turns her head away but she can't hide the smile that's taking over her face. "Anytime," she promises, and he believes her.
There's a red hair on his freshly-washed t-shirt. She must have left it there when her head brushed against his chest as she guided him over to the chair.
He leaves it there.
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ghcstpyre · 1 month
What do you think Keanu's characters favorite swear word would be?
john wick — fuck.
whether it's during sex or a killing spree, this man is saying fuck all over the place. it's not often that he swears - he's a civilized guy underneath those bloodied hands - but this is usually his go to when the situation calls for it.
sidenote: if i had to put the f-bomb anywhere in jw, it would have to be "yeah, i'm thinking i'm fucking back!"
ted logan — shit.
just like john, ted doesn't swear a lot - if at all. obviously he prefers using 'surfer' slang like "bogus" or "heinous". but when a situation is particularly dire, you'll hear "oh shit" coming from him in varying degrees, ranging from hissing under his breath to yelling with his whole chest.
john constantine — literally all of them.
this man has real potty-mouth syndrome. shit, fuck, bitch, prick, bastard - you name it, he says it. the only one he doesn't tend to touch is cunt, but that's because it's not really his style (although his comic book counterpart definitely uses that one). pretty much every scenario involving demons involves a "fuck my life" or a "son of a bitch". this extends to angels too, depending on the angel in question.
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myth-blossom · 1 month
And while we're at it, also for the ask game: "Join Me" for Diana/Grey
Nestled between the dimmest streetlights of a quiet curb was a ‘98 Mercedes-Benz. It was not an uncommon sight in Germany, with the E320 model being durable enough to survive decades of use despite its tendency to rust. Its imperfections were hidden well with the darkness of the late hour and the steady rain battering upon its roof. It neglected to garner special attention as it sat there with its engine off, its occupants focused on an average apartment building further down the street.
Grey buffed the windshield with his forearm, the glass having fogged once more from the moisture in their breaths. The car’s temperature was becoming less tolerable by the minute, but he refused to risk the use of air conditioning. Traffic had settled after the storms moved in and everyone rushed inside to get out of the rain, allowing their covert position to be safe so long as they ignored the desire for comfort. 
Grey seemed to be running out of friends in Berlin as of late. After a month of silence from one of his best informants, he feared he had lost another. The man’s assets were too valuable to let go of lightly, so Grey planned a stakeout of his apartment building to get some answers. 47 agreed Grey needed backup but couldn’t assist due to his own mission, leaving Diana as the only person available to accompany him. It shouldn’t be dangerous, 47 assured her, but it didn’t calm the source of her hesitancy as she followed Grey out of the apartment. 
She hadn’t spoken with Grey much, not since 47’s return from the States. They only seemed to talk whenever 47 or Olivia was in the room, and even then, he would find a reason to quickly escape her presence. She couldn’t blame him, she supposed, considering the last time they found themselves alone they spent the night having sex. They had their fun and parted ways the next morning, no strings attached, but with Grey’s constant avoidance of her, she wondered if he had come to regret it. It was an assumption she thought she made peace with—and a conclusion she thought she shared—until she realized she didn’t.
Another hour passed by without any sign of Grey’s informant. He wiped the foggy windshield as heavier sheets of rain shrouded their view of the building. A long rumble of thunder rattled the car windows as the streetlights began to flicker, the weakened light casting shadows upon their faces. She stole a glance in his direction at the sound of his sigh.
“Perhaps the weather delayed his commute?” Diana offered.
“Perhaps,” Grey replied, his tone doubtful. 
A moment of silence passed between them. She noticed him watching her as a streak of lightning flashed brightly overhead.
“What is it?”
“Does he know?” Grey asked, his quiet voice followed by a distant roar of thunder. It was her turn to sigh.
“I don’t think so.”
The windshield clouded over, but he made no move to clear it.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Diana murmured.
“I have.”
“I thought it was best to keep my distance.”
“…I see.”
Another flash illuminated the street before everything succumbed to darkness. The rain pelted the car top harder as the weather knocked out the power to their surroundings, the apartment building now fully obscured save for an occasional flicker of lightning.
“Damn storm,” Grey huffed, clenching his fist. “Can’t see anything now.”
Agonizing minutes passed without another word. The darkness was stifling as the air grew thick and heavy between them, their attention fixated on the silence of the other, waiting for someone to make the first move.
“I don’t regret it,” Diana admitted, turning to face him. “Do you?”
Her breath hitched as the warmth of his hand came to rest upon her knee. His rough fingers brushed lightly up her thigh until he stopped, his hand hovering cautiously at the hem of her dress. She covered his hand with hers and slowly guided him further under the dress as he leaned in closer, his reply hot against her skin as she moaned at the familiar deftness of his fingers.
“I don’t,” he growled, and stole her breath with his kiss.
Prompt Meme
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
I'd love to see Curie in your style <3
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i see a lot of people give her dresses to wear and i think it's super cute!
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Machine Girl (*some assembly required).
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You might need a second person for this build
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lvox2nitel · 1 month
Oh shit I messed up that spell and gave Alastor boobs. He's going to kill me
-Mage Anon
Prove it bitch. Let me see it.
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peanutable · 2 years
Hello if you wouldn't mind may i see some devildice fluff or some family stuff(if you have a devildice fankid )(and sorry for bad english)
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I sure have a lot of devildice fluff!
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tadpole-apocalypse · 8 months
I would love to know more about Morgan! What was her life like before the abduction/crash? Did she have any aspirations and have they changed since the abduction?
Thank you for asking! I started to answer this and realized I wanted to sketch something out from it;
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Before being abducted by mind flayers Morgan lived in Baldur's gate's lower city and ran a shop of mystical services, including fortune telling, handmade potions and very basic enchantment services.
Her most profitable service was her fortune telling, and she had a small but very dedicated client based who believed in her ability to divine the future for them. In reality it's all a performance to her, she reads their minds and feeds them a future they want to hear, plucking just enough details to make it unmistakably tailored to them, but vague enough to be applicable to anything that happens to them. It's all a character she plays; big hair, big titties, ridiculous outfits.
Her shop was also her home, there was a little back room with a loft and hearth and most of it was carved out of stone, which was was far harder for her to damage/destroy with random wild magic effects. She is actually banned from renting from many, many landlords in BG for this reason. Thankfully her current one is a close friend of hers.
I also like to think the shop wasn't that far from the lower city's brothels and flophouses, since that's where Morgan spent her first few years in the city, so Astarion probably walked past the shop many, many nights without knowing what the hell it was on his way to find victims. Thank the gods he never thought to wander in.
But back to the rest of the ask; Morgan was perfectly happy with her lot in life at this point! She was living her best hot girl life while also having her own home and successful business; all major improvements to her childhood and early adolescence. That her success was mainly due to deceit and violating others boundaries (reading their minds without their consent or knowledge) did not bother her or even cross her mind. She could do it and it didn't hurt anyone, so why wouldn't she?
The whole experience of being connected to a hivemind with the tadpoles and having to learn how to guard her OWN thoughts for once and then experiences having her own mind dug into against her will kind of like...well she has a little bit of her own moral quandary about her own actions and finally settles on "we don't do that to people we care about and respect."
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thelordofgifs · 6 months
Uldor AU! Is that the one where Uldor kills Maedhros? It sounds so crunchy and delicious.
(WIP titles ask game)
It is indeed the one where Uldor kills Maedhros! An excellent prompt which has turned into another languishing WIP, unfortunately :/
One fun thing about this fic is that it alternates between flashbacks and the present day! Here is one tiny flashback:
The corpses had been piled in careless heaps, some of them half-burned by the whips of the fire-demons, others hacked at until they were near-unrecognisable. The bloody soil squelched between the searchers’ feet as they kept at their thankless task. “He isn’t here,” Celegorm said to Maglor. “He must be,” Maglor said. “Keep searching – check the woods, perhaps some managed to flee—” “Káno,” said Celegorm, very deliberately, “we will find no survivors.” “Then where is he?” Maglor hissed. “Am I to believe that he has vanished from Arda altogether? Living or – or”—he could not say it—“he has to be here!” “Perhaps he – burned,” Celegorm said quietly. “Atar did.” It was terrifyingly plausible. Maglor could still taste the acrid smoke in his throat from the moment, bare days ago, when their father had succumbed to his wounds at last. Maedhros had been no less fiery of spirit than he. “We don’t even have a body,” he said hollowly; and Celegorm, this most irritating, unknowable of brothers, put a hand on his shoulder.
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sassy-pen · 1 month
Omegaverse my beloved
prev | Neil & Matt omegaverse | WW 14/08/2024
“Neil?” He steps closer to the omega. The only acknowledgement he gets is a hum that sounds more like a whine. Matt’s stomach twists in worry.
Neil reaches out towards Matt and this time he definitely whines. The sound nearly breaks Matt’s heart.
“What is it, bud?” Matt takes Neil’s hand and he’s immediately yanked forward with such strength that makes him stumble, nearly falling onto the sofa.
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litta-jpg · 1 year
Hi I love your Tim so so so much he’s such a pretty pretty boy im losing words here but I adore him. so much hes taken over my entire heart can I plz request him maybe with Bart or a timkonbart
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sunshine boys <3
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thursdayinspace · 28 days
another random question but what do you think would have happened if scully had never gotten abducted?
i love this question. i mean, long-term, it would have changed *a lot*. no cancer arc, which would be the biggest and most obvious change. but what would it have changed right then and there? the abduction definitely impacted their partnership and their friendship.
in one way, it brought things to the surface, especially for mulder. he wasn't unaware of her importance in his life before the abduction. telling his tape recorder that he could only trust himself and now he can only trust her? telling her that the only reason he could see to stay with the fbi was if they were working together? he was already relying on her presence in his life. a lot. but when she was taken from him, i think he felt a fear and despair that he would not have anticipated. it's one thing to know you need someone who is right there, and who will set up secret meetings in a parking garage, and who, even if you *can't* right now, is someone you know deep down you *could* reach out to. it's another thing to need someone who is gone.
so in that way, i think he did become aware that he was feeling more than he had realized. and that realization definitely had an impact on their relationship. but there's another side to it:
the abduction was the first time he became aware of *his* role in *her* life. and what he saw there wasn't good. because mulder being mulder, of course he takes responsibility, of course he blames himself. the fact that none of it was his fault doesn't matter. this is when he realizes that their quest, *his* quest, is putting her in real, life-threatening danger. and that thought never leaves him again. we see that guilt that takes root in his mind there all the way up into the revival. so that is a huge thing. he would have eventually found other things to blame himself for. mulder takes things personally and holds himself accountable for things that are completely outside of his control. so if it hadn't been this, it would have been something else. because things would still have happened to her. but being abducted and being gone for that long and coming back on the brink of death? that, for lack of a better expression, really fucked them both up in a big way.
so, what is my answer to your question? i don't know. i mean, for one, scully's side of the story is still completely missing from this. i find that a lot harder to unpack. if anyone wants to analyze that, i'd love to hear your thoughts! but also, both these things i talked about could have affected them in any number of ways. it comes down to likelihoods and probabilities. in the end you never know for sure how a person will react to a situation until after they've done it. and you don't know how not going through an experience might change them. and no headcanon any of us might have will tell the story as it would have happened with 100% certainty because human behavior is simply too complex and complicated to predict with any kind of accuracy.
if mulder hadn't been pushed through external circumstances to confront his feelings in that way, if he hadn't carried her cross, held her hand fearing it might be the last time, that would have taken a huge weight off both of them. there might have been a greater ease to their relationship. mulder wouldn't be feeling that guilt. scully wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath of all of that. the abduction, in my opinion, brought them closer to each other, but also served as an obstacle on their way forward, because it's quite something to move on from, more so since it brought feelings to the surface that neither of them was ready for.
*i personally* think the abduction strengthened the bond between them but weakened the foundation of their relationship. because of that added guilt and the fact that they were not ready to confront certain feelings. i think his fear of losing her is something that came to define him. and he kept almost losing her. if that hadn't happened? things between them could have progressed at an easier pace. their friendship, and the love they feel for each other. but honestly, i have no idea. but i had a lot of fun thinking about this.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love 💕
Ahhhhh thank you! Oh this is SO hard to choose ❤️
Planar Tears (Rolan x OFC Isekai). E Rated/WIP/53,718 words This is by far the most challenging thing I’ve ever written; planning and pacing all the plot threads, developing an OC with a complex backstory and messy feelings that we don’t see through her own POV, keeping the story moving and avoiding repetition (how successfully? I'll leave that judgement to my readers lol). Basically, the challenges of writing a long fic for which the bulk of plot points are not closely tied to canon. (Sharp Teeth was like training wheels in this respect: shorter story, followed the “stations of canon” pretty closely, an OC who I love very much but who is a lot more straightforward than Catrin). Because of how challenging it’s been, I am immensely proud of the result. I love the tension, and I’m so excited to get to this story's version of certain canon events... especially Moonrise and Baldur's Gate 👀 Ok, that's enough rambling about my beloved story!
Sharp Teeth (Rolan x f!Tav). E Rated/Complete/41,315 words This is just a rollicking good time that seized me by the neck and didn't let go until it was done. I hadn't really written any fic in ages, and then BANG Rolan was there and suddenly I dropped all my other hobbies for him and Sharp Teeth lol. Canon! But with Rolan-fucking! And feelings! Let's go!
Après Théâtre (Guillermo x Nandor). T Rated/Complete/17,749 words THE FIC I STARTED WITH. It's a second-season continuation for WWDITS, and I had such a blast writing it. I read through it recently and made myself laugh, though now it seems quite short to me (for its chapter length)! The greatest compliment was someone commenting that they assumed my OC banshee Áine was a character from Wellington Paranormal. That fed me for AGES.
Ribbons (Yvette x Ludovico, Ambition: A Minuet in Power). T Rated/Complete/8,447 words I am the proud inaugurator of the Ambition fandom tag, and the author of 4 of its 9 works! I fell in love with this little indie game about being a hot Frenchwoman in revolutionary Paris. And I fell super in love with the sweet, corruptible priest Ludovico, who is extremely easily flustered and thus catnip to me. This was just a cute addition, filling in their love story beyond his romance route in the game <3 And, now I think about it... I'm reusing hair ribbon symbolism again in Planar Tears lol. There's just something so intimate about them, come at me. (Ludovico drove me to write smut for the first time too! An adorable priest forever in my heart).
Combat Training (Rolan x f!Tav). E Rated/Complete/7,572 words God it KILLED me picking just one Rolan smut fic for this. I'm so happy with all of them. But I really like this one for depicting the love in their post-game relationship, even as they work through conflict. AND HAVING REALLY HOT SEX. That's important <3 If you do click on this one, mind the tags; Tav sticks her entire hand up Rolan's ass (and he loves it, of course).
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myth-blossom · 2 months
For the ask game: "Drink Me" for 47/Diana :D
The ICA valued discretion above all else. There were strict protocols in place that prohibited “inappropriate” communications between staff, most especially with agents and their handlers. They were to exchange only the necessary information needed for their work and nothing more, a safeguard to keep relationships professional and never too personal. It was a rule all employees were expected to follow, and no team did better to elude discovery and punishment of its dismissal like Diana and 47. 
They would meet occasionally and in secret, their topics as sensitive as target intel or as innocuous as Diana’s plans for a summer holiday. It was a habit they formed to defend against Soders and his challenges to their careers, but it also served them well in the Agency’s moments of crisis. They continued to survive on the use of codes they developed over the years, valuing their privacy and safety enough to remain covert even on Agency grounds whenever necessary. 
Most common of their codes were through the use of drink orders. They would arrange a time at a location of Diana’s choice for the next exchange of information. She preferred to keep a clear head for delicate matters such as Agency parties or contract discussions, so when she ordered something, she made sure to make it count. If 47 arrived and she ordered an Aperol Spritz, for instance, that meant it was safe enough for him to be seen with her publicly. If she had ordered champagne, that meant he would receive an item drop at the usual place to help with his next mission. Or if he arrived to find her drinking a gin and tonic, then he knew the location was compromised and he would wait for her call the next day. 
47 didn’t mind the various tricks of their trade. He came to enjoy the fleeting moments and secrets they shared two or three times a month, drifting through various cities around the world in establishments that were grand or even grungy. He didn’t care where the distance took him so long as it brought him closer to her, and it even gave him enough strength to endure the annual company celebration for the ICA.
The Agency spared no expense for the grand event’s catering and entertainment, with many of their colleagues indulging in fine alcohol and fairly loose conversation despite the clandestine nature of the business. Diana was ever the stunning vision in her blue evening dress, catching the attention of many agents and analysts around her. She received numerous requests to dance from her potential suitors, but it was only 47’s hand that she accepted to guide her to the dance floor. He expected her to speak in code as they glided to the music, knowing they were being watched by all eyes in the room. Instead, she simply talked as if they danced together often, smiling and chuckling at his dry humor, him complimenting her outfit, she appreciating his, and so on. The song ended far too quickly before a brave analyst approached to request her next dance, forcing 47 to walk away reluctantly to avoid making a scene.
He watched Diana visit the open bar sometime later, expecting that to be the moment she would address her invitation to him with one of her classic drink orders. But she surprised him once more when she ordered a Tequila Sunrise, its name and lively color missing from their repertoire of coded messages. He waited until she was nearly finished with her cocktail to approach the bar and order the same, indicating his acceptance of her invitation despite having no idea what the new order meant. She dabbed her mouth gently with a napkin before setting it down and walking away, leaving behind a perfect imprint of her painted lips on its material. He retrieved the napkin when no one was looking and discovered the small matchbook she hid underneath, recognizing the logo advertising a luxury hotel downtown.
47 waited long enough after her exit to make his own, making sure no suspicions would be raised at the possibility of them leaving together. He visited the hotel and found a keycard and message waiting for his alias at the front desk, letting him know that his wife had already checked in and was expecting him in their suite on the top floor. When he entered the room, he found the lights set low and Diana looking out over the sparkling city from the balcony. She seemed unbothered by the cool night air as he appeared in the doorway behind her.
“You came,” she said, smiling over her shoulder.
“You asked,” he replied. He breathed in the alluring scent of her perfume when she approached, reminding him of the pleasant dance they shared earlier that evening. “Is everything alright?”
“You tell me,” she whispered, pressing her lips ever so slowly to his. 
He flinched slightly from surprise, but it quickly melted away as he relaxed and returned the kiss he had long dreamed of giving, his arms embracing her tightly as she melted happily against him. He reveled in the taste of Diana, of her drink, of the message he now realized she was trying to send him that evening.
“Stay with me tonight,” she begged, her wish a breathless plea against his lips. He answered with a tender message of his own as he guided her through the threshold and into their bed, sharing secrets and sighs well into the night until they welcomed a beautiful sunrise.
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reconditerune · 4 months
Hi hi! Hope you don’t mind my poppin in to ask random questions OvO !
Does Callineaux have a favorite triple triad card in his deck? I’ve heard he’s had a run of bad luck in the victory department x3
0.0 it's my first ask actually! thank you. Cal's favourite card is the Lupin Card. When he saw it in the pile of assorted undocumented cargo his employer had him inventorying a single thought went though his mind. "I'm more of a cat Elezen." Either way unable to help himself he swiped the card, that evening winning a game match against his (at the time) arch-gambling nemisis, Fuce Yace. Really just a young streetrat with a luckier streak than Callineaux. That could be anybody though.
Cal nonchalantly asked Zan about it later, learning of the Lupine fellows in the east. (Employer/Ren's uncle - he knew Cal stole the card but thankfully looks the other way as long as what he pilfers isn't too expensive and besides Ren gets to hold these things over his head.) Still call's it his 'Lucky Dog Card', and woofs whenever he plays it, even if he hasn't won more than a handful of matches with it.
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