#[ unpredictable and loud and violent ]
despairforme · 8 months
What kind of drunk are you if you have consumed enough? A sleepy drunk? A big fun? A depressive one?
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❝ Takes A LOT 'ta get me real drunk, but once I've consumed enough... ❞ He paused. Nnoitra was not a big consumer of alcohol. He'd have a beer every now and then. He rarely drank hard liquor, and he almost never drank in public. He'd gotten paranoid over the years, which meant he didn't like having his senses dulled by alcohol. Not to mention he worked pretty much every night, and he'd rather not be drunk on the job. Nnoitra wasn't a bad drunk when he just had a light buzz. It would lighten his mood, and make him more care-free.
However, when he got properly drunk? He was no fun to be around. Nnoitra already had a violent, unpleasant personality. When he was drunk, this part of him was amplified. He became a lot more sadistic. He also lost all his patience, and could get angry over the smallest of things. There was no good way to handle him when he was that drunk. He was completely unreasonable, and straight out dangerous. Since he was such a big, strong guy, it would be impossible to restrain him.
Luckily, he never got this drunk. First of all, he'd have to drink a TON to even get this drunk. He burnt off alcohol like a goddamn machine. Secondly, there was no kind of alcohol that he enjoyed enough that he'd want to consume a large amount of it. And thirdly - he didn't like having his senses dulled. He liked staying sharp and focused, in case he needed to defend himself. ❝ I ain't no FUN drunk, let's just say that. ❞
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sunniepoo · 3 months
How about a kook!reader being terrified of storms even though they live in hurricane central. So, in fear, she cuddles up to JJ tightly, and things get a little heated after a while...? Idk I hope that makes sense!
you’ve always hated storms- loud, unpredictable, violent and most of all you hated the darkness that painted the sky as they occurred, you couldn’t think of anything worse
it was easier to manage back in figure 8, you could cuddle up in the comfort of your home and know you would be fine when you wake up, falling fast asleep before the storm hit its peak
things were much different in the cut, the storms were a genuine risk yet the people put on a brave face and continued working fearlessly right until the storm started causing you to keep to yourself about your silly fear
the sound of the pogues laughing and chuckling were only a faint noise in your ears, the overarching sound of the tree branches clashing against the windows filled your ears - increasing your fear at each passing moment
“you k’ay” jj murmured in the side of your ear- subtly raking his fingers through the ends of your hair, the troublemaker blonde was underneath you leaving you placed in the middle of his lap
“m’fine… just tired, wanna call it a night” you reply, waiting for this hell,horror of a night to be over as soon as possible- sinking further into his warmth
murmurs of ‘goodnight’ and ‘byes’ were said as everyone went into their own personal spaces in the chateau, leaving you and jj on the pullout sofa
your head lays buried in the crook of the blondes neck as his hand loosely runs up and down your body giving some warmth- you can’t help but clutch onto the midst of his shirt tightly as the sound of the raging storm increases
“what’s wrong sweetcheeks?”he queries breaking your thoughts from the ongoing commotion outside
“jus’ the storm, its so loud and scary… don’t wanna hear it anymore”
“can’t get you from in here gorgeous” he replies carefully treading through the lengths of your hair,placing soft kisses to the tops of your head, soothing you down and just as your eyes feel like their about to shut
a soft whimper leaves your mouth as you jolt against the blonde, clutching into the his shirt again- leaving you just muttering a string of apologies
“you need a distraction missy”
his hands trail down your torso to the waistband of your shorts, slowly playing with the hem as his fingers graze the skin that lays beneath them
“jay we can’t..they’ll hear” you whisper, anticipating his next move - a damp spot already forming in your panties
“then keep quiet”
the storm was long forgotten as he worked the length of his fingers knuckle deep inside of you- your own moans overshadowing the clashing of the trees outside
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atsumou · 12 days
18+ MDNI; smut, edging, fingering, brief oral (f receiving), sanzu tells you that he’ll count down to 10, and when he gets to 1, you can cum but he has other plans. i wrote this on a whim. its 3 am. divider: cafekitsune.
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── the rule was simple, sanzu counts down from 10, and when he gets to 1, you get your sweet, sweet release. easy enough, right? wrong. absolutely incorrect. you knew there wasn’t a straight line when it came to sanzu since he loved to play about, endlessly teasing you. especially when it came to your orgasms—oh, how that man loved to see you convulse beneath his touch.
he was unpredictable.
situated atop the ivory sheets, sweaty, and naked, sanzu hovered over your fucked out form, two slender digits shoved deep within your velvety walls—a small maniacal smile slowly spreading upon his scarred lips, cerulean eyes never leaving your blissful face. your essence shamelessly coated his hands, the sticky liquid rolling down his wrist, and circling it like a filthy bracelet.
“three.” “two.” sanzu counted down, fingers sinfully curling upwards to prod at your g-spot over, and over again. his wrist burned from the repetitive movement, he was sure to strain it if he kept going but sanzu couldn’t stop now. not when your face looked absolutely breathtaking—eyes rolled back, lips parted to let out dainty, incoherent sentences, tears threatening to spill.
you looked up at him through wet lashes, a pleading expression written all over your face. “two.” sanzu repeated, earning a pitiful whimper from you—this only widened his smile, not an ounce of pity on his handsome face. he angled his palm in a way that it brushed against your puffy clit. you curled over yourself, both hands shooting between your legs to tightly grasp sanzu’s wrist.
but he was relentless, moving them even faster to abuse that sweet spot, resulting in lewd sounds to fill up the room—loud, wet squelches from your sopping cunt shamelessly reverberated throughout the walls. how fucking filthy.
“two.” sanzu repeated once again. with how slow he’s going, you’re sure 10 seconds had already passed ages ago. now, he was just playing with you. you pleaded once again, a string of pathetic pleas slipped through your swollen lips, earning a low groan from sanzu—a full view of his adam’s apple as he angled his face towards the ceiling.
he looked down at you, biting his lip before finally speaking, “one.” that was all you needed to let go. you swore colourfully, shamelessly moaning his name as you creamed around his fingers. sanzu’s saccharine praises fell deaf to your ringing ears, and blurry vision, body violently shuddering at the immense pleasure.
you didn’t even notice his face between your legs until you felt his tongue lapping you up like a starved man, brazenly groaning into your heated skin, eyes closed shut as he relished the way you tasted on his tongue.
he was indeed unpredictable.
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wordstome · 6 months
symbiote König x reader
I'm not allowed to start any new aus/stories until I finish a few, but I need to expel these worms from my brain. (also remind me to write something about Eddie Brock/Symbiote Ghoap x reader later)
I don't know if you guys know much about Venom lore, but symbiotes don't have a default system of morality: they take on the same traits and moral values as their hosts. They were created as a sort of world-conquering mindless evil force, but when symbiotes bonded to hosts who wanted to do good, they took on those moralities and became ashamed of their purpose. After they imprisoned the dude who made them to be evil (Knull, btw) they just made up a lie that their species was naturally benevolent.
So picture this: symbiote König who's been captured alongside several others of his kind and brought to Earth by the Life Foundation to study their abilities. I like the idea of symbiote König being similar to Eddie Brock's Venom: he's had bad and good hosts, but the bad ones fucked him up really bad, so now he's the König we know: arrogant and confident in his proficiency in violence, but deeply awkward, lonely, and lost. Getting kidnapped and taken to yet another foreign planet to be poked and prodded and experimented on is just his luck.
But then there's you. A pretty little scientist, not much more than a lab assistant, really. Your first encounter with him consists of you touching a finger to the glass of his prison, and him, curious, moving himself to press his inky dark goop where your skin presses against the glass. You giggle before quickly remembering yourself and skittering away. Symbiotes aren't fond of sounds, but he wouldn't mind hearing that one again...
It's little encounters like that that endears you to him. It didn't take him long to decide he hated humans: they're slow and unintelligent and nowhere near as elegant of a killer as he is, and yet they've managed to trap him and torment him. He's quickly noted as being the most unpredictable and violent of the captured symbiotes. But he likes you, who visits him and talks to him. To you, it doesn't mean much: you may as well be talking to a lab rat, finding an outlet to vent your frustrations about your insane work hours, demanding managers, and meagre pay. To him, he's absorbing everything you tell him, longing to touch you without glass in the way. What would it be like to bond with you, he wonders? To merge symbiote with flesh, and become two moving as one?
He'd like to be inside you, in more ways than one perhaps.
He may have fucked that up, though. It wasn't his fault, that day. They were starving him, these idiotic humans, starving all of them. He had no choice but to eviscerate and wholly consume the poor man sent into his glass cage. But you had been watching, eyes wide in terror, as blood and viscera burst everywhere. If he had a heart, it would have ached as he watched you skitter away...
And yet...there may be something deeply wrong with you, just as there is something wrong with him. Because you're back the next day, a new fascination in your eyes. Instead of talking at him, you talk to him now, asking him questions he only wishes he could answer. If he could just reach you, he could communicate...
König gets his wish the day it all goes awry. A whistleblower breaks in and makes off with one of his breathren, and the next person to stumble upon the scene is his little scientist, who doesn't hesitate to start smashing the glass of his prison. "It's not right," you mutter over and over again. "It's not right..."
He can detect your heartbeat speeding up as he drags himself across the floor to reach you. You shy away out of instinct, and he pauses. There are alarms ringing out now, awful terrible loud sounds, and he would prefer to get out of here immediately, but he refuses to do anything that would drive you away for good. He watches as you heave a deep shaky breath, then reach out a hand to him.
He glides up your hand and wrist, working his way into your body, the symbiosis instant and easy. You're a perfect match. He knew you would be. The armed guards burst through the door, but you have nothing to worry about as he envelops your body. You become a six foot ten behemoth, face hidden by what almost looks like a veil—something he picked up from a former host. You're barely aware of what's happening, too overwhelmed and confused to parse what's going on. But he knows what he's doing.
After he gets you to safety, the two of you will have all the time in the world to get to know each other.
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impishjesters · 8 months
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warning(s): mentioned spicy jokes/comments note(s): (In response to the request) We don't have Jack in the box around here so I actually had to google it, thought it sounded familiar lol A/N: This idea was so cute and I had so much fun writing it. It is sort of implied the reader is attached to said box, but not how. But now I am imagining them hopping around like the Pixar lamp so that’s hilarious. If you want more hc's of the reader detached from the box feel free to send in another request~ request: I'm requesting a Jax x reader (crushing and actual relationship stage if possible) where they are kinda Jack in the box theme (no not like the restaurant mascot, I was telling my friend about this idea/request and she thought I was talking about him 😭) So the reader is the tallest of the group and has long hair, similar to the rope-likeness to Ragatha’s hair and they also have very stretchy arms and can do a bunch of things with them (wrap one of them completely around a person, can reach the top of the tent etc.) The reader also likes to stay in their box most of the time since it's dark and peaceful but isn't like antisocial, likes to hang out with the others and does light hearted pranks on them (Jax included, no one is safe).
Crushing Stage
You aren’t on the same level of jackassery or prankage that Jax is, but you do have a knack for more light-hearted pranks and that’s admirable because he always gets a good laugh out of whoever you prank.
Though that’s not saying much, all of them have been subjected to a jumpscare or two by you, trying to approach you when you are in your box really is unpredictable.
Like did you not hear them or are you intentionally trying to jumpscare someone? (It’s usually the first one, the walls aren’t thick but they can muffle when someone is trying to directly talk to you.)
Actually, the first time you scared Jax it was completely unintentional. Sometimes you sort of just, blend into the scenery when your box is tucked alongside other stuff. You didn’t even know he was there when you popped out and just, scared him.
Fortunately for him, nobody else was around because the sound that left him was priceless. He hates it (affectionately) that you use that to tease him every now and then.
Another time that you startled (read: scared) him was when you were hanging off the ground, he hadn’t been aware you were quite literally hanging around until you dropped down, the box making a comically loud noise in the process. (Which is funny because that time others were around, luckily Jax didn’t scream.)
The more he gets comfortable with you the more he finds himself leaning against your box during group socializing time or even letting you wrap one of your arms around him and yoink him around (usually out of harm’s way, Caine’s games are too much sometimes)
In the fashion that “a boy tugs on a girl’s hair because he likes her”, Jax has very much tugged your hair—it’s long and there’s a lot of it so it doesn’t always get in the box when you close the top. So parts stick out and he’s definitely let that part of his brain act on the “what if I just..yank it?”
Afterward, he just does it because he likes that your attention turns directly on him. It’s never a violent tug or anything, just enough to get your eyes on him.
Dating Stage
Not too much changes when the two of you start dating. There are still pranks but the two of you are closer and whatnot.
However, there is the new addition of more risque jokes/comments, such as the comment about whether cranking the handle on your box does something. (The first joke happens whether those kinds of comments discomfort you or not, though he’ll stop if they do. But if they don’t? Oh boy, expect so many awful jokes.)
At first, he had no opinion, but he kinda likes that you’re taller than him. The only other person is Kinger and he’s usually hunched over.
He finds your stretchy arms to be both useful and entertaining, though seeing them stretch to extreme lengths kinda bugs him out. (which is ironic because he’s a stretchy toy himself)
Along with leaning against your box, now he’s more comfortable actually sitting on it, or rather the ledge of it when it’s open.
He’s definitely sat on it while it was closed before though, you may or may not have accidentally thrown him off. (he’s irritated, but honestly, he should’ve seen that coming)
On occasion when the gang is stuck playing some dumb game that he’s not really paying attention to, he’ll sit on the ledge of your box and mess with your hair. It’s similar to Ragatha’s but longer and it’s a nice time-waster just seeing what he can do with it.
Since you tend to stay in your box more than your actual room, it makes finding you at times a pain. Sometimes Jax gives up, sometimes he asks where someone saw you last, and sometimes he just yells out. The first few times it’s all fun and games but afterward, he just gets irritated, it’s like you move around just to piss him off.
For whatever reason in the beginning he never questioned how exactly you worked, you know, being in a box, or part of a box? Expect plenty of questions and the occasional attempted peek into your box to see if you have legs (maybe a spring?) or not. (he’s not trying to be dirty he’s just intrigued.)
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Bloodied petals - Xavier Thorpe x reader | Part.2
Summary: Denial and weird roommates aren’t helping your health to improve. During the Poe cup, Xavier starts to suspect that something is wrong. 
Warnings: angst, mention of blood, swearing. 
A/N: definitely not proof-read and English isn’t my mother tongue, but the hype for the angst™ was stronger Also, shitty timeline, I have legit no memory of how long days pass in this show. 
[Masterlist] [Part.1]
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A few days had passed since that night. The frequency of the coughs hadn’t died down, although it was always quite unpredictable. Some days were easier than others, you only sneezed a few petals here and there; but some others were filled with sharp pain in your chest, uncontrollable coughs and whole flowers throwed up at the worst moments. You even started to feel lightheaded sometimes, as the unforgiving pressure on your chest squeezed harder and harder with every cough. 
Thankfully you always managed to excuse yourself when you felt the pressure of a rough cough starting to build up in your chest. Like now, you were kneeling on one of the restroom’s floors, bent over the toilet sink and throwing up everything you could to try to free your lungs at least a little. Silently praying that no one was around to hear your choking sounds, you managed to throw out the last flower out of your throat. Wiping your mouth with the back of your trembling hand, you flushed the toilet, watching the white petals coated in blood being washed away. Sighing, you closed the toilet lid and sat on it, burying your face in your hands. Those last days had been hectic and your condition hadn’t improved the slightest. It even seemed worse than before, with some violent setbacks like now. It sometimes felt so hard to breathe for a few minutes, while you had never experienced any serious health issues before. 
Maybe it was the stress; after Rowan’s aggression at the fair, Wednesday’s allegations about his death, then him being expelled, nothing made sense these days. Xavier hadn’t mentioned anything from that evening in his dorm. The day after had been a little bit awkward, but then the both of you acted like nothing happened; still, you started to put some distance between you. Firstly because you didn’t want to make things more weird, and second because you didn’t want anyone to know about that strange condition of yours. Plus, the sensation of aching lungs seemed to be worse every time you were around him. It surely didn’t mean anything, but it was a good excuse to avoid him until your health improved. 
Checking your phone you noticed that your next class was about to start in a few minutes. So you gathered yourself, wiped the last remaining traces of tears or blood on your face, and got out of the restroom. 
You slid on your seat in literature class just in time before the teacher started their lecture. Trying to pull out your notes and pen the more discreetly you could, you didn’t notice the worried look Xavier gave you from across the room. It wasn’t like you at all to be late for class. Even less to be so clumsy, he noted internally as you dropped your pen for the third time in five minutes. Xavier frowned. Something felt off about you and he couldn’t help but feel guilty about it deep down. You had left his dorm hurriedly last time ; he didn’t know exactly why but he still had the feeling he had something to do with it. 
So when class was dismissed and all the students exited the room he rushed to catch you in the corridor. 
“Hey,” he called softly when reaching you. 
Your head whipped in his direction, eyes wide. You had been so deep in your thoughts you hadn’t heard him. 
“Hey,” you breathed back. His sudden apparition had almost startled you. 
Xavier opened his mouth, about to say something but then he noticed your wince at the loud barks and laughs of a few werewolves students passing by. The quad was full of students at this break time, and your recent lack of sleep made you irritable to the ambient noise. 
So he grabbed your hand and muttered something about the place being too loud as he gently tugged you in a corridor. The sudden contact had made your heart race despite the familiarity of it; you silently prayed that he couldn’t feel your racing pulse under his long fingers, delicately wrapped around your wrist. 
The two of you finally reached one of the corridors above the quad, much quieter than the place full of students. When it was clear that no one else was up here, Xavier let go of your wrist and turned to you. 
“Hey,” he repeated, “are you alright?”
The sudden question made your heart start to race in panic. Has he noticed something? Did he find a petal in his dorm? 
“You were late in class earlier,” he clarified at your lack of response, “you overslept or something?”
You almost sighed loudly in relief. “I- yeah I overslept this morning,” you lied with a small smile - you hoped it was reassuring enough. “Enid must’ve forgot to wake me up ah ah.”
Even if you laughed about it and brushed it away, Xavier was still not fully convinced. You were a decent liar to anyone else, but not to him, he knew you too well for that. 
“Look, about what happened last night in my room…” he started awkwardly, licking his lips nervously, “I’m sorry you left so suddenly.” 
You looked at him, eyes wide. “I- no that’s okay,” you stuttered, surprised he brought that up. “I had stuff to take care of, anyway.”
“Really?” he asked immediately, narrowing his eyes. 
Taken aback by his fast response you could only stare at him, mouth slightly agape and lost for words. He was totally not buying it. 
“Because you left in quite a hurry,” added Xavier, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You looked away, licking your lips nervously. Why couldn’t he drop it? Or at least, figure out what had been bothering you? Maybe it’ll help you understand, because you weren’t so sure of what had hurt you so much either. 
“It’s nothing, okay?” you mumbled quietly, still looking anywhere but at Xavier. “I just…I didn’t want to be too much, that's all.” 
Too much, or overstepping in your fascination for Wednesday, you thought internally. But then, a hand came to cup your cheek and turn your face back to Xavier. 
“Hey,” he said softly, and his voice made you look up at him. His warm brown eyes bore deep into yours, like a reassuring presence. “You will never be too much, okay? Not to me.” 
You lightly gasped at his words, you didn’t even realize you released a breath. The tension that had been building inside your chest, full of anxiety and stifling sorrow, suddenly disappeared. Like his words were enough to blow away the petals that were threatening to come out your mouth. 
“I know I acted as an idiot, okay?” he continued. Though his hand never left your cheek, and you were internally grateful for that. “I shouldn’t have dropped everything to start sketching while you were there.” 
This felt like a cold shower. Ah, so that was what he thought he did wrong. Maybe it was, but the memory of what happened was still painful to you. 
“I can’t stop you from drawing Xav,” you said, reluctantly pushing yourself away from his touch. “It wouldn’t be fair of me.”
Xavier frowned at you as you readjusted the strap of your bag over your shoulder, like you were ready to go. Never in all the years he had known you, you had ever fled his company. Yet, his presence seemed to make you uncomfortable now. Shit, how much of a prick had he been? 
While he was stuck in his internal debate, you sighed. Of course, this topic was over for him. So you turned and started to walk away from him. That made Xavier snap back to reality, and a sliver of lucidity suddenly hit him. 
“This is about Wednesday, isn’t it?” he called from behind. 
That made you stop dead in your tracks and snap your head to him, eyebrows raised high. 
“What?” you whispered. 
The fact that it had made you react was maybe a sign that he was somehow right. As your mind tried to understand it all, the look of surprise on your face somehow reminded Xavier of the sadness that had emanated from you when you had left his room that night. It made his heart squeeze because he knew it was because of him. 
“I- I know her. From before,” he explained, unsure about how to present things. “I met her when we were kids. She saved my life”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked perplexedly. 
He opened his mouth once, twice, searching for the right words. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. 
Your throat felt suddenly tight. Like something bitter was stuck. “Is that why you admire her so much?” you asked, and you hear your voice crack a little. Hopefully with the distance, Xavier wouldn’t notice. 
He didn’t. “I don’t know,” he repeated, still unsure of himself. He seemed as lost as you. “I just want to get to know her, you know?”
Deep in your chest, you felt your heart crack a little. It felt like the lightweightness you had felt only a few minutes earlier were gone, leaving your rib cage feeling like it was crushed by vines. 
And yet, you couldn’t help but swallow everything, the bitter taste, the petals that started to gather in your lungs and the burning sensation of tears, and put on a brave smile. 
“Well then, good luck Xav,” you smiled, hoping that your lips wouldn’t wobble too much. “I hope you’ll succeed in that.”
After all, you were his best friend. It wasn’t fair of you to stop him from reaching new friends, you had never had any problem with any of them before. But once again, none of his other friends had captivated him like that. 
As you walked away once again, you heard him call you again. 
“You’re still my girl, you know that right?” 
His words made you stop. Slightly glancing behind your shoulder, you could see his sad eyes plagued with guilt; but you knew better, and recognized the sparkle in them. The unmistakable sparkle that twinkled in his eyes when you were speaking in hushed tones together, sharing secrets and moments, only the two of you. When he called you his girl, like he started to years ago. The two kids whose guardians were too busy to properly take care of, who swore to have each other’s back. 
The familiarity of the nickname flooded your heart with warmth, and to Xavier’s relief it also made your lips curl into a fond smile. 
“Yeah,” you answered softly, “I know.” 
Walking to your next class, you felt lighter than before. The oppressing sensation of your lungs being squeezed was still here, always crawling behind your rib cage, but it felt like there was a little less pressure than before. Maybe there would be fewer petals today. 
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“Ah, there you are!” cheered Enid the next day, as you joined her on the yard after one of your classes. “Guess what! Wednesday agreed to substitute for Yoko’s role as co-captain for the race!”
“Really?” you asked, giving your gloomy roommate a surprised look. 
“I never turn down an occasion for a crushing revenge,” she said flatly. 
“It’ll be a roomie's bonding time!” squealed Enid, looking at the both of you excitedly. “All three of us, competing for the Poe cup!”
Wednesday raised her eyebrow at you, “I didn’t take you for the type to indulge in those childish games, Y/N. You just lost my entire respect.”
You shrugged, still unaffected by your new roommate’s brutal comments, “The school’s offering an occasion to legally try to drown other students, I’d be stupid to not have fun in that.”
“Fair enough,” she observed sharply. “You’ve regained my respect.” 
That made you chuckle. Even if the apparent infatuation of Xavier for Wednesday pained you, you genuinely enjoy your new roommate’s company. She was weird, but again, everyone kind of was at Nevermore. 
“What are you and Xavier to each other?” asked Wednesday suddenly. 
The unexpected change of subject made you choke slightly. You had definitely not seen that one coming. 
“Excuse me?” you said perplexed. 
“I asked about the nature of the relationship between you and Xavier Thorpe,” deadpanned Wednesday.
God, why was her question making you so uneasy suddenly? You had never minded to bring the subject up, after all rumors at Nevermore were frequent and you were indeed close with him. But after what had happened - or almost happened - last time in his room, you weren’t so sure of what to say. Licking your lips nervously, unsure of how to present things, you turned to your other roommate silently pleading for help. But Enid only giggled excitedly. 
“They’re best-friends to lovers' material,” she said with an amused smile. 
“I don’t understand a single word you had just said,” sneered back Wednesday. 
“We grew up together,” you finally said to interrupt Enid from spilling all of her theories about the two of you. “We’re close friends that’s all.” 
The blonde werewolf gave you a wicked smile, “Suuuure you are.”
Rolling your eyes, you refocused on Wednesday, “Why are you asking?” 
She only narrowed her eyes at you, “Gathering intel on potential suspects, that’s all.”
That brought a nervous laugh out of you, “Excuse me, what?” 
“Nothing for you to worry about,” she snapped back, “if I ever need information about him I know who I’ll need to bribe,” she finished before turning and walking away. 
You stood here dumbfounded for a moment, before coming after her. 
“Hey!” you called her as you caught up with her until you were now facing her. “I don’t know what you’re suspecting of, but Xavier’s innocent, alright? And I won’t tell you anything if you’re trying to drag dirt on him, okay?”
Wednesday stared at you before answering, “You’d make an acceptable person if you didn’t let your emotions cloud your judgment so pathetically.”
“Thank you for the advice about social skills,” you said dryly, “but also, none of your damn business.” 
She only shrugged and stepped away. “He’ll come to me anyway, considering he’s acting like a sad puppy for some reason.” 
As she walked away, her words rang in your head. The harsh squeeze on your lungs it suddenly triggered was proof enough that she was unfortunately right. 
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The day of the Poe cup came around faster than you expected. Still, you were glad for the occasion to drift your mind away from the plaguing thought of your concerning condition. Enid and Wednesday were still unaware of it; when the coughs had started to shake you awake at night, your silencing spell had come handy. Now you cast it almost every night to prevent your roommates from hearing your gruesome choking. 
“Aww we match!” clapped Enid as you and Wednesday joined the rest of the team in your cat costumes. 
“Don’t get used to it,” groaned the Addams. 
“So, are we ready?” asked the werewolf, “Everyone knows what they have to do?” At the collective nod, she cheered again and all the team members took place in the canoe. 
“I thought you’d be co-captain, Y/N” observed Wednesday while grabbing her paddle. 
“I’m much more useful at the back, trust me,” you said with a grin, “witch powers.”
That almost brought the tiniest smile to her face. At least Wednesday seemed to enjoy the competitive aspect of the race. Glancing to your right to the Joker's canoe, you caught a glimpse of Xavier at the front of the boat. You looked at his face painted in creepy clown makeup, and for a brief moment, you thought that he was actually pretty attractive like that. Shaking your head to chase the intrusive thought you mentally scowled yourself. Now was not the time! Despite that you glanced at him once again; only to feel your heart squeeze a little more at the sight of him looking to Wednesday. His words a few days prior rang in your head. You’re still my girl, you know that, right? Yes, you knew. But even if you were his girl, his oldest friend, it wasn’t you he was currently staring at like you were the only person in the world. You couldn’t hold back the cough that pushed itself out of your throat violently this time. The intensity of your coughing fit was new, shaking you so hard you ended up bent in half with your hand clutched on your mouth, trying to tune down your stifling noises. 
“Y/N, you okay back there?” called Enid from her seat. 
The wet sensation on your hand made you wince. “I’m fine,” you wheezed, “ ‘s nothing” 
As soon as the coughs calmed down, you threw whatever you had regurgitated on the canoe floor before anyone could notice. Lifting your head up to recompose yourself, you caught sight of the face of your best friend, concerned in his eyes. 
‘You alright?’ you saw Xavier mouth. 
The only thing you could do was to nod before the sound of a blown horn indicated the start of the race. Without wasting a single minute, every team started to row like their life depended on it. Your eyes briefly flickered to your feet; between them laid three whole white lilies tainted with blood. You gulped. Now was really not the time. 
After an eventful crossing of the lake, where you had your head almost chopped off by the Joker’s ax, your team finally managed to reach the island. While Wednesday ran to find the flag, you stayed to ensure nobody tried to sabotage your canoe – as Enid did to the Joker’s. 
As you saw the two other teams coming back with their flags and sail again you started to worry about Wednesday. Has something happened to her? Before you and Enid started to talk about who should check on her, she appeared again, flag in hand. 
“I got it, let’s go!”
All of your team jumped in your canoe in a hurry, and left the island in the blink of an eye. 
“We’re far behind everyone else!” shouted one of your teammates. “We’re not gonna make it!”
“Y/N!” shouted Enid, “Think you can give us a little push?” 
Immediately dropping your paddle inside the boat, you inhaled deeply, “I can! Brace yourselves ladies, hold tight!” 
Trying to slow down your breathing you concentrated hard, reaching down to your powers and started to mutter the words of incantation. The water at the back of the boat suddenly started to shiver, and the next thing your team knew, the canoe was propelled onward by a hard push. They all gripped the edges of the boat to steady themselves as you gained speed, rapidly gaining a foothold your opponents. 
“That’s amazing!” screamed Enid over her shoulder, “How long do you think can hold this?”
Deep into concentration you tried to not break the spell, “Long enough for us to reach the shore if everything goes smoothly!” 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a move in the water. One of the sirens. 
“Wednesday!” you called her, “Eight o’clock!”
She whipped her head, immediately identifying the threat and nodded sharply. Thing crawled out from under her seat, and dove into the water. Oh, you loved that hand. 
The outline of the shores were noticeable by now, so you reached deeper into your powers to try to give your boat a little more speed. The canoe accelerated again, going past Bianca’s team's flowing boat, but as you thought you could make a home run of this crossing, a violent cough startled you. The sudden stop in the push of your power shook the boat, your other team mates screaming in surprise while you tried the hardest to breathe. 
“What’s going on?!” asked Enid. 
Failing to swallow your coughs you could only hope for this fit to be a brief one, “Don’t cough stop,” you wheezed from your seat, “start cough cough paddling, we’re almost there!”
They all grabbed their paddles and started to paddle like their lives depended on it. You tried to keep up their paces, but the unforgiving coughs were weakening you too much. For a moment, you wondered if you weren’t going to pass out in the canoe. But then, as you approached the shore the euphoria of close victory on the boat gained you, and with a rush of adrenaline, you jumped out of the boat with your teammates, rushing to the finish line. 
Cheers echoed everywhere around you, congratulating the Ophelia team. Even the feeling of petals scratching in your throat couldn’t ruin your joy for once. You knew swallowing it down was coming to bite you later, and that you were going to spend the evening throwing up petals and blood, but for now you wanted to feel normal. 
Below on the shore, as the other teams reached the land Xavier’s eyes landed on a white and red spot on the ground of the black cat’s canoe. He frowned at the bloodied flowers, especially when he realized they were where you had sat. How did the flowers end up here? 
Whipping his head in the direction of the joyful cheers, his eyes landed on you, your broad smile as Enid’s arms were thrown over your shoulders. It had been a long time since he hadn’t seen you smile like that. 
But the way you turned away your face and covered your mouth with your hand to cough, just for a few seconds, didn’t escape him. Nor the slight smudge of blood dripping on the corner of your mouth just before you wiped it. 
His eyes flickered to the blood-coated flowers in the boat, then back to you and a cold feeling suddenly sank inside of him. 
Something felt off. Xavier didn’t know why yet, but something about you was very, very wrong.
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A/N: this was supposed to be a two-part one shot. Well, guess I'm writing a whole fic now Y'all are CRAZY about sad artistic blorbo Xavier and I love you for that sjgkgurgirge thank you for all the kind comments on the previous part QwQ♥
Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
@apocalypticnova ; @libdarkheart ; @ameliabs-world ; @certifeidlovergirll ; @aeisnoa ; @cat-loves-music ; @coolchick333 ; @eringaitskilll ; @flowersownme ; @sweaterxav ; @sssleepless ; @l4venderia ; @eileen201804 ; @persipeonii ; @coldheartedmar ; @chaosfrisur ; @littlebabyk
Plz tell me if I’ve forgotten you in the taglist (or if you wanna join!)
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linos-luna · 1 year
Valentine’s Day with Yandere!Stray Kids ❣️🔪
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Warnings: , unhealthy relationships, Yandere, jealousy, smut, 18+ , possessive behavior, obsession , dub-con ?
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Channie is flirty and romantic all the time but Valentine’s Day was special. He wanted to show how devoted he was to you… whether you liked it or not.
• buys you lots of plushies and sweets
• it seems like a cute sentiment but it’s because he treats you like a child
• you’re his baby girl, he has to spoil and smother you with love.
• you have to call him daddy
• don’t resist or you’ll regret it.
• he’ll yell at you or lock you in the closet. Then act like nothing happened right after
• you’re not leaving the house today. Someone might steal you away!
• wants to make love but if you resist be will be rough. Although he’s always rough
- - -
“Let me out!”
You cried while knocking on the door. You had been shaking and crying since he threw you in there almost an hour ago while chan was in the kitchen, practically ignoring you. It was cold in that closet too. There was some peaceful music playing and he was calmly cutting up fruit. It wasn’t long before he came back to the closet and opened the door.
“Hey babygirl, what are you doing?” Chan asked, crouching down to your level. “You should be getting ready for our date silly!”
You only hugged him and he picked you up like a baby, taking you to the bedroom.
After getting dressed and cleaning up, Chan led you to the living room where he had cut up fruit, chocolate, and wine waiting. There were roses on the table and new plushies on the couch.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, babygirl.” Chan said, giving a tight hug from behind.
You were still shaken up from earlier but he didn’t even acknowledge putting you in the closet. You just played along.
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Minho is strict and rough with you. Valentine’s Day is no different. He expected you to listen to him and give him what he wants. And you normally did since he was good at manipulating you…
• always so strict
• but secretly is desperate for your love
• makes you dinner and even takes you out for a movie
• but be sure to not look at any boys
• or he will be pissed.
• wants a romantic night
• so you better let him have it… or else…
- - -
Minho was dragging you inside by your arm and threw you on the shared bed.
“Why?!” He shouted. “Why did you do that?!”
“I’m sorry…”
“You ruin everything!!” He slapped you and continued yelling.
“Y-yes yes, I’m sorry!” You replied, wiping the tear rolling down your cheek.
Minho stopped for a moment and shuffled through your drawers, finally pulling out some lingerie and cat ears. “Put this on…”
You were confused by his sudden mood switch and started undressing. Once putting on the outfit, Minho pushed you into the bed and started kissing your neck.
“Why don’t you want me?” Minho groaned as he rubbed you over your panties.
“I-I-… I want you…” you said, moaning as he reached under your panties.
“You looked at another boy.” He said, suddenly pinching you down there causing you to cry out loud. “What a bad kitten you are…”
“No no no!” You cried. “I-I love you!”
“Yeah? You do?”
“Yes! Yes!” You continued crying.
Minho smiled and removed your panties.
To prove his love for you he ate you out and fucked you hard. He wants to make sure you’re just as devoted as him, he made you suck him off and ride him. This continued for hours and you ended the night weak and exhausted.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, kitten”
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Changbin scares you. He was often violent and his muscular built didn’t make it any better. But he wants you to love him
- - -
• tries extra hard to make you love him
• buys you everything to impress you
• forces his affection
• you’re hesitant at first
• he’s so unpredictable
You were locked in the shared bedroom. Changbin had gone out for something and you waited there on the bed; he was nice enough to let you have your phone today.
“Hey baby. I’m back.” Changbin said as he came in. You only looked at him with a small smile. 
“I got you gifts.” He was a bit awkward when pulling out the teddy bear and chocolates from the bag. Seemed corny but he figured that’s what girls liked.
Changbin held the bear towards you and you instantly flinched.
“No its okay. it’s for you, baby.”
“Thank you, Binnie…” You reluctantly took the bear.
For the rest of the day you guys ordered dinner and watched movies while Changbin kissed and cuddled you. You weren’t very receptive to it at first but eventually gave in when he started getting frustrated.
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• he’s a Pisces. Romance is important!
• he gets lunch and buys you gifts
• but not for free, he wants something from you
• he wants to make love with you
• he gave you things, thus it only made sense that you give him something in return!
• gets angry when you don’t
• gets aggressive
- - -
You were being pinned against the wall as Hyunjin kept trying to kiss you. You were shaking your head and trying to get him off
“Baby hold still!” Hyunjin said getting frustrated.
“No! I don’t want it!” You cried out desperately. “Just let me leave!”
“I’m trying to love you!” He was getting frustrated and threw you on the couch, now getting on top of you and pinning your hands down so you couldn’t move. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be!”
Hyunjin removed your pants along with his own before now wrapping his hand around your throat. “I’m going to love you whether you like it or not!” He was squeezing and you were quickly beginning to lose consciousness. Hyunjin was just glad you couldn’t resist.
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Jisung is delusional. He believes you’re madly in love with him.
• acts like everything is normal even tho it’s not
• crying? Well it’s because you love him so much!
• resisting hugs? Just means you want it tighter!
• takes a lot to tik him off, especially on this special day
• Valentine’s Day must be perfect!
- - -
You woke up suddenly, wrists and ankles tied to a chair at the dining table. You looked around to find a meal that smelled good but why were you tied up? Had he drugged you?
“Hi noona! Finally you woke up!” Han said cheerfully as he came in from the kitchen with some soup and sat next to you.
“Han…? What happened?”
“What do you mean? You just took a little nap!” Han was blowing on a spoonful of soup. “And now you’re here for dinner!”
“Did… did you drug me?!”
“Noona, you’re so funny!” Han chuckled and tried feeding you.
“N-no!” You shook your head to avoid the spoon and some spilled on your lap.
“Oh you might not like this one.” He pouted. Let me get the chicken then.”
Han leaned over to kiss you but you turned away. This didn’t deter him and instead he grabbed your chin and forcefully kissed you.
“Love you noona” he said now going to the kitchen. You only glared at him and he laughed. “I’m glad you love me too!”
Han force fed you to his liking then moved your chair so he could kneel in front of you.
“We should say everything we love about each other.” He was rubbing your thighs while looking up at you. “I’ll go first! I love your beautiful eyes!”
“Han, I-I don’t love you-…”
He pinched your thigh, causing you to wince. “Oh noona, I love you too!”
It went on like this for a while…
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Felix had been stalking you for a while. You were friends but nothing more and you never knew how obsessed he was with you. He decided Valentine’s Day is the day he’ll make his move
• he’s been stalking you and you never knew
• he’d take things like your panties or clothes but you would disregard it
• he’d spy on you every day and knew everything about you and your routine
• but now it’s Valentine’s Day! He wants to leave you gifts.
• leaves gifts from a “secret admirer”
• at first you thought it was cute but it started getting weird…
- - -
You got home from work to find a bouquet of roses at your front door along with a card. You thought it was interesting and brought it inside.
Happy Valentine’s Day, my love
- love, your secret admirer
You chuckled and set it on the dining table. Then something caught your attention in the living room.
After taking your shoes off you went to see the gift basket left on the couch. Who left this here? Your attention was caught by a glimmer in the basket. It was your necklace. One that’s been missing for a while. On top of the fact that a basket was inside your apartment, the necklace truly freaked you out and you started heading to your room.
Just as you got to the door, it swung open and there he was. Your friend Felix? You gasped and stumbled back.
“Felix?? What are you doing here?!”
“Did you like your gifts?” He asked, now coming closer. “I made brownies too!”
“How did you get in?!” What are you doing??” You were frantically asking while backing up before felix grabbed your hands.
“I want you to be my valentine! To be with me forever because I love you!”
Before you could do anything else he pinned you to the wall and kissed you. Then suddenly grabbed your wrist and zip tied them together.
Afterwards he took you to your room and laid you on the bed. You were too scared to move as he lifted your shirt to touch your breasts. For the rest of the night he continued touching you while telling you everything he learned about you and how much he loved you.
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Seungmin is strict and nearly stoic. You’re expected to go along with anything he plans without explanation. He will make this day romantic
• buys you a new dress and expects you to wear it
• he made a special dinner reservation and you must behave
• don’t look at anyone, keep your head down
• he’s not afraid to punish you in public
• be grateful for all his gifts
• give him compliments
• constantly assure that you love him
•no complaining or talking back
• tonight must be perfect!
- - -
At the restaurant, you looked through the menu while Seungmin sat there watching you.
“Baby, you look beautiful today…”
“Thank you…” you said quietly while continuing to look down.
Suddenly he kicks you in the shin under the table and and you wince at the pain.
“T-thank you.” You say a bit louder. “You look very handsome today.”
“Thank you, daring.” Seungmin smiles.
Soon the waiter comes and your boyfriend orders for you.
“That’s what you wanted right baby?” He asks squeezing your hand.
“Yes seungmin.” You nodded. “You always know exactly what I want. No one knows me better than you.”
Dinner would continue without issue and you would head home. Seungmin expected you to have romantic sex and cuddle with him, that’s what you do on Valentine’s Day right? And if you don’t comply he will be pissed.
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Jeongin looked so sweet. How could such a sweet loving boyfriend actually be so violent and scary? He wanted you to love him but at the same time didn’t care for your feelings. He gets what he wants
• easily frustrated
• why don’t you just love him??
• low-key a psychopath
• he wants today to be romantic
• you better give him what he wants
• he’s not afraid to give out harsh punishment
- - -
“Are you gonna listen now?” Jeongin said as he rubbed your bare ass.
“Y-yes!” You were bent over his lap and sobbing; he had been spanking you for a minute straight for refusing his advances.
“Noona, I hate when you’re a brat!” He spanked you again causing you to cry out.
“I’m sorry Jeongin! I’m sorry!!”
Once he was satisfied, he laid you back on the bed and removed your shirt and bra.
“Let’s try this again…” he said while removing his shirt. “Noona…Can you let me love you?”
“Y-yes Jeongin.”
He started kissing your neck and moved down to your breast, practically sucking harsh marks on them. That’s all he wanted.
“Why do you resist me, noona? I know you love it.”
Sorry it’s kinda long and late 😅
Not really proofread…
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serialunaliver · 4 months
often I have a big problem with extreme outbursts of anger when triggered by something--today someone in my house shut a door too loud and my mind went crazy; in that moment it's like i'm a completely different person and I can't stop myself until i've gotten out the anger. DBT hasn't helped because the behavior is unpredictable since I can't predict every time i'll experience something reminding me of my past. what's even worse is that the closer I am with someone, the more violent i'll get, I think because subconsciously I feel safer expressing emotions around that person, but not all emotions have positive results...
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mlmxreader · 5 months
When Your Head's Too Loud | Nikto x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Angsty time with prompt number 30 “You were right, you were so, so fucking right and I hate it” and 34 “I love you, I really do” where reader is so frustrated of Nikto who doubting himself about not being loved in fact everyone actually love him and care for him. ❞
: ̗̀➛ Nikto's head gets loud often, but there is one person he can always trust.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, mental illness, depictions of d.i.d, saneism and ableism
Nikto often doubted himself, doubted that those around him actually cared from him, and part of it was due to his Dissociative Identity Disorder, as he was often told that he was alone in the world and that nobody actually liked him, not even you.
It would usually make him stow away from everybody else, hiding out in the woods where you had first told him that you loved him, amongst the tall and towering trees that you would often climb and the thick bramble bushes that tugged him closer to their embrace.
Near the small running stream that was usually a murky olive colour, deep and dull green as it kicked up sediment and moss; the sound of it rushing would calm him, and drown almost everything else out.
Nikto knew that he shouldn’t have isolated himself from everybody else, he always got an earful about how unhealthy it was; but it made him feel safe, and it made him feel better.
Insecurity was not a new friend of his; even before the development of his disorder, he had always been taunted on the playground - the ugly kid. Billy no mates.
He had been picked on and kicked to the ground far too many times; a dog that had been beaten by its master to the point of giving up and giving in.
Nikto knew that his career was on thin ice, mostly because nobody wanted to work with someone like him; they called him names, and made comments about his disorder and how it made him violent, unpredictable… you never did, though. You never once did any of that.
His teammates trusted him, of course, but they still held some caution around him; the only one who ever truly let their guard down near him was you.
You would be completely at ease at his side, but for some reason, he still doubted himself. He would always still doubt himself.
Even now, as he sat up in his cot and looked around, he could feel your breath against his hip from where he had pushed himself up, and he could feel your arm lazily draped over him; he grabbed his mask, fixing it on quickly before taking a deep breath.
His eyes were wild and frantic as he heard them talk.
“No one likes you, you know.”
“Nobody can ever trust you - do you really think they’ll ever see you as anything but a psycho killer?”
“That’s all you’ll ever be to them - why do you think they keep calling people psychopaths? They don’t care about people like us, especially not you.”
“Stop it,” Nikto murmured, shaking his head. “Stop it. No, no. We are not- we are okay.”
You stirred upon hearing his voice, rubbing your eyes as you yawned and sat up, your hand coming to his shoulder as you blinked to clear the sleep from your eyes. “Nikto? Why are you wearing your mask?”
He glared at you, shaking his head again. “We’re not…”
“Not what?” You hummed, tilting your head to the side. Your voice still thick with sleep. 
He swallowed thickly, the sound audible and loud against the quiet, isolated room. “We’re not good enough for you. We don’t deserve you, never have.”
You scoffed, flopping back down and taking his mask with you. You held it on your chest, smiling as you traced it gently with your fingertips. “Like I give a fuck. Did you forget that I have plenty of blood on my hands, too?”
“You were right,” he muttered, although not to you. “You were right, you were so, so fucking right and I hate it. We’ll never be loved…”
You cleared your throat as you gently smacked the back of your hand against his bicep, drawing his attention to you again. “I love you, I really do, Nikto. I don’t… I don’t let my guard down around many people, but you? I love you enough to never feel unsafe when you’re nearby… even if I’m being shot at.”
He grumbled, slowly lowering himself down so that he was laid next to you, pressing his temple to yours. “You sound almost angry…”
You shook your head, stealing a quick kiss as you sighed. “I’m not angry, just… sometimes, when I hear you talk like that, it’s kinda frustrating - you can’t see yourself the way I do, you can’t see how much you make me laugh when you tell your shit jokes. You can’t see how much my heart races when I get to see you after a day apart. You can’t see how handsome you are… I adore you, every inch and every atom. I adore you… and so, so many of your teammates love you like a brother, they might not adore you like I do, but they do love you, and all of us care about you unconditionally.”
“You mean that?” Nikto asked quietly.
You nodded, leaning into him. “Forever and always. I wasn’t… I wasn’t gonna ask you until we went to your house during our break, but…”
“But, would you marry me?” You asked softly. “And I don’t mean it out of pity - I’ve been thinking about asking for a while, now, and… just seems like the right time.”
Nikto nodded, cracking a smile. “I would.”
“I don’t have a ring,” you admitted with a soft laugh. “Can I give you a bit of barbed wire, instead?”
He nodded. “In the morning.”
“Alright,” you smiled, stealing another kiss. “Next time you have doubts… do me a favour? Just wake me up, please. I don’t want you to suffer in silence thinking… y’know.”
Slowly, Nikto nodded again as he turned onto his side and put his arm over you. “Thank you.”
“You know this,” you whispered. “But if shit’s getting too loud in your head, we can go down to the woods together. I’ll keep out of your space, if that’s what you need. But if we go down together, you won’t get a bollocking.”
“I will,” he told you. “Thank you, my love.”
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spacexseven · 1 year
Thinking about a lil au idea of DOA or Rats of the House of the dead being basically your cult in the god reader idea.
Of course, the other “members” of the cult don’t see you in that much of a big light as Fyodor does (he’s the only one to be THAT devoted to you, really). But they are still members, and little by little they just
Start to like the idea wholeheartedly.
(I love the god reader idea so much it has me in a chokehold rn)
!! anime only's, you have been warned! the following includes spoilers for 2/3 of the unknown (as of now) members of the doa, and other stuff involving the doa.
i'm not writing for kamui 'cos this was a little long as it was. also am sticking w doa 'cos im more comfortable writing for nikolai, sigma and my little vampire rockstar :^^
cw: its kind of a cult, yandere themes (near the end)
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you had always known that the rats were only the beginning of fyodor's reign.
and maybe he knew that too—you could hear the soft smile in his voice when he asked you if you thought that the decay of the angel was a better-suited name for an organization that would carry out his plans and catalyze the great destruction you always said he would bring. you don't grace him with an answer, though even you have to agree that it was a name that, once uttered, could unsettle the bravest souls and fill them with trepidation. it was a fitting choice; symbolic, powerful, and ominous.
if anything, the other members were just as unpredictable and unnerving as fyodor was to you once. nikolai was the first you met. you later learned that he went against fyodor's words to come see you, seized by curiosity. bitterly, you realized that the reason why he stared at you so much was because he was studying you, like one would an insect. you almost wanted to seize some of that divine order you had and strike him down for being so blatant about his interest. but when you thought about how fyodor could never look you in the eyes, and how lonely it was as his god, you found yourself taking a liking to the eccentric clown.
there was a side to him, however, you're not sure you like at all. bloodied hands and a wicked grin to match, when anyone else seeks your time. fascination that was both lustful and violent in nature, and a possessive grip that didn't seem to let go of you.
"time for a quiz!" nikolai exclaims, "will the decay of the angel succeed?"
"of course," a wry smile plays at your lips, "who else has a god on their side?"
he laughs in response, loud and uninhibited. it's the most noise that's ever filled your room
sigma was a mystery that had too many missing pieces to be solved. a part of you could sympathize with him, having lost your own self to the blurred-together years and the exhaustion that came with being the only one with your level of sentience. however, you don't let yourself think about the book fyodor had used to create sigma, and what it meant to you. there are some things, you decide, that are best kept to yourself. some things that fyodor should never learn about.
sigma, in your first meeting, was slightly awkward; a perfectly natural response, but not in awe of your presence, not like fyodor. his voice was firm, but not unkind, and his words were respectful, but not...obedient. it was perfect.
in sigma, you found an unlikely friend. he told you about the mundane happenings in the outside world; a customer caught cheating, an employee that struggled to keep up, all the paperwork that was involved in the running of a casino in the sky. these things, as compared to your daily life, were nothing of the sort you would care about, but you listened all the same. regardless, you could tell sigma appreciated the sentiment.
you, however, don't appreciate his strange habits. recently, you think, he's been acting a little too much like fyodor. as much as you liked sigma for the natural ease that you felt by his presence, you couldn't brush off the ominous feeling that came with sigma seeking you out more and more. you start feeling like he's looking for validation of some kind from you, one you didn't wish to provide in fear that he may find this an encouragement. he reaches out for your hand often, something you might find amusing if not for the way his hand trembles.
"are you planning to leave?" nikolai, knowing the fool, must have said something to scare sigma.
"no," you say simply, "not yet."
"so you will leave," sigma frowns. you've seen that look directed to many a clumsy employee and messy files, but never to you. it's almost frightening, "don't you like it here?"
"besides, i..." he stops himself, "dostoevsky won't let you go. and...i don't want you to either. you should stay. we take care of you too, don't we?
unlike most people, you weren't surprised to see bram stoker. though in your memory, he was a lot more...whole and formidable of an opponent. more than that, you remembered him as a man turned into a monster that brought unimaginable destruction because of an ability he never asked for. it was a strange reminder of how much had really changed over the years. now, he seemed sullen, and defeated; it was a depressing sight.
now, he was exhausted. you could tell he didn't want to be here, with the decay of the angel. you could also tell that something was terribly wrong with the sword that was inside him and the pained look in his eyes. fyodor tells you of a kamui when he brings the coffin in, and just by the current state of bram and the utterance of his name, you know already you would not get along with him.
bram doesn't ask you questions, not about why you were here, or what you were doing for all those years. he doesn't explain his situation, and you don't pry. you can put the pieces together by yourself, and when it dawns on you what the kamui planned to do with bram, you realize that there were greater evils than fyodor.
there's a silent solidarity between you and bram, perhaps stemming from being something non-human. you get him the radio he's always wanted, insist that he be allowed to converse with you more often, and so on. these days, bram talks more, and it almost feels like you're talking to an old friend. bram's lived through some, though not most, of the things you have, and he remembers what nobody else does. you wonder, one day, if the two of you could have been friends had you met a lot earlier, and if you hadn't brushed off the news about the vampire ability user the first time. when you voice this out to him, bram has the most adorable reaction. your words make his eyes widen and, stupified, cause him to awkwardly change the topic, fumbling over his next few words.
ah, now you really wish you went to see him earlier.
it's that odd sensation of having a friend, caring for another, that urges you to offer your help to bram. you tell him you can get him out of here, out of the mortal angels' grasp; somewhere safe. you say you can help him regain his former state, help him survive within the shadows of humanity, like you had before. kamui, fyodor, or the doa; nothing will be able to stop you if you really wanted to make it happen, regardless of how complacent you were now.
at the very least, you thought, he might be pleased. grateful. maybe not elated, but, at the very least, relieved. instead, bram looked shocked. you can't tell if the idea horrifies him because he doesn't think you can do it, or because he believes that the decay of the angel was the only connection you had to him. perhaps he thought that saving him, freeing him, would also mean removing yourself from his life. you almost felt bad—you were very likely bram stoker's only friend in his miserable life.
still, you're not quite sure what to think when he extends his stay and starts contemplating, seriously, to cooperate with kamui. you can't wrap your mind around why he'd want to stay, and the possible loss of so many lives as a result unsettles you deeper than it does him, but he's steadfast in his decision. he tells you, with an unfamiliar tinge of scorn, that he was tired of trying to protect people, when all they did was try to kill him.
"if you're so sure, i suppose i'll have to stay here with you." concern weighs heavily on your mind, but more than that, suspicion lingers.
bram smiles, then, and seemingly relaxes in his coffin. an uncomfortable feeling seizes your chest. how had you not noticed?
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finniestoncrane · 3 months
Regarding Black Mask having sadistic kinks…he would totally give his partner instructions that are impossible to follow (telling them not to make any noise and then doing something guaranteed to make them moan/scream) just so he can punish them when they can’t do it
Keep Quiet
Arkham!Black Mask x GN!Reader, word count: 1.4k ok be nice to me be kind to me this is my first black mask thing, and i gotta be honest, it's nice to write someone being a complete bastard who just is a complete bastard. reader has been paid by roman in an undisclosed agreement to be his little puppy, but he might be a bit rougher than they imagined... 💀 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: mentions of a monetary arrangement, sub/dom dynamics, rough oral sex, spanking, slapping, humiliation, degradation, sadomasichism, crying, pet play
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"Keep. Quiet."
Those were the key words, the rules you were given. They'd been printed on the bottom of the invite card. They were uttered to you by the henchman who was posted at the door to the office. And Roman Sionis himself had uttered them slowly, cruelly, as he watched you undress and guided you to the slick, black platform in the middle of the room.
"Keep quiet. Don't make a sound. I'd hate to have to punish ya."
He turned on his heel, bright red flashing on the bottom of the polished, black leather dress shoes. With a dry chuckle, he turned again, leaning down once more so his face was level with yours where you lay face down on the platform in the middle of the room, though his was hidden behind the matte black skull mask he wore.
"I lied. Punishin' ya would be... well it'd be pretty fuckin' good. But I'm feelin' generous tonight, y'know?"
You nodded, perhaps a little too enthusiastically, as you realised that perhaps the reward here didn't quite make up for the risk. You got money, you got pleasure. But you potentially lost everything at the hands of Black Mask. Violent, notorious, and unpredictable.
Or maybe, you considered, it was worth the risk, given how quickly you felt the pit of your stomach warm, how your heartbeat skipped slightly, how your arousal tingled through you at the thought of those last three attributes. Handsome, yes. Rich, of course. Powerful, naturally. But those were nowhere near as arousing as the volatile behaviour you'd heard tell of being exhibited by Roman in the past. You wanted to experience that for yourself, truth be told. Apathetic, yes. But curious more than anything.
You wondered why you had to be quiet. Some of the others, the ones who had been hired by Roman before, had told you that he had the room bugged. That suggested that perhaps a loud scream might not be picked up well on the mics and would ruin his recording. But then why would he bug the room if he didn’t want any sound? Unless he just wanted to hear himself… But this was Roman Sionis. If he wanted to record any kind of sound, he wouldn’t do it covertly, and certainly not with anything less than the best equipment.
So was it perhaps something to do with the fact that you were in his office, within his building? His employees were right there, just beyond the walls. Maybe he would be embarrassed if they heard what was going on? But of course, he wouldn’t be. Either the walls were soundproofed to allow him to be as heinous as he wanted, or, more likely, they were paper thin so everyone could hear exactly what was going on. After all, who of his employees was going to risk saying anything to him.
And then, you settled on the realisation that it was control. He had control over you completely. From how much you wore, to where you lay, to how much sound you could make in his presence, regardless of what kind of damage he intending to inflict on you. No one spoke back to him, least of all the playthings he was paying. You were there to lay still and be keep quiet. So you close your eyes, letting your body, laying face down, sink into the surface of the podium you had been so sarcastically placed upon, and considered what might be about to happen to you.
Just as your mind began to wander further, causing your heart rate to increase, you felt the sharp, smooth crack of his palm against your rear. The flesh on one of your cheeks heated immediately in response to the smack. You didn’t have time to process the sudden invasion of your personal space before Roman was smacking the other side. His hand switched between your two cheeks, covering your ass in deep, rounded welts as his leather glove came into contact with your red, trembling skin. Over and over, the pain getting stronger either through the repetitive nature or the increase in force, in violence, behind his smacks. Until he suddenly stopped, his heavy breaths getting louder as he walked around you, his finger stroking along your curves as he made his way around to your head.
“Roll over.”
You did as he instructed, and were met with cruelty even then.
“Good dog. Do you know any more tricks then?”
You couldn’t tell whether you should answer or not, so you stayed silent, staring into what you could make out of his eyes beneath the dark mask. With a surprisingly gentle hand, he let his fingers spread through your hair, stroking it, soothing you almost, before he gripped it close to your scalp and tugged sharply. As he pulled your body towards him, you scrambled on your palms, trying to pull your body up the platform, closer to him, where he wanted you to be, until you were laying with your head completely off the edge. Upside down. Waiting for his next move. You opened your mouth to speak, to protest the uncomfortable position, but you were stunned back into silence as his palm cracked your face.
“Don’t even think about talkin’, sweetheart. Keep. Quiet. Keep fuckin’ quiet.”
You nodded, the sting of tears forming in the corners of your eyes. You worried that he might offer further punishment for this display of emotion, but instead he crouched down once again to your level and tutted.
“You dumb animal. Not quite as clever as I thought you were, huh pooch?”
He watched as you swallowed your nerves, throat tensing with the motion.
“Nervous, eh? Good. You should be.”
He placed a finger between your sternum, following it to between your collarbones, then trailing it up your throat to your chin as you watched him, his eyes keeping focus on where he was touching you.
“You know, if there’s one thing I truly hate…”
Roman paused, licking the lips of his mask, eyes narrowing as he took in your pitiful form before him.
“… it’s a puppy who isn’t housebroken.”
His fingers were suddenly tensing, putting pressure on your throat. Constricting your breathing ever so slightly. Enough to cause you to panic before you tried to calm yourself down, preserving the remaining breath in your lungs.
“You gonna whine, little puppy? You gonna howl an’ cry?”
Working against the strength of his grip, you managed to shake your head, a gesture which was met with a deep, dark chuckle from Roman.
“Good. I don’t have time to go take you to be put down.”
Your tears welled up as his grip got tighter, but you fought against the instinct to raise your hands and pull him away from you. If you could just see it through, keep calm, stay still, it’d be over soon. And it was. He let go, leaning forward to admire the dark imprints his fingers had left on your skin.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
A rhetorical question. He knew by the streaks of tears that were stinging your eyes as gravity carried them back towards them that it had been an ordeal.
“I told ya. I paid for ya, I ain’t gonna break ya. Not this soon, anyway. Not before I’ve had my fun.”
Your pupils widened as he brought his hands to the zipper at the front of his white, pinstripe pants. He reached his fingers inside the fabric and pulled out his cock, fingers wrapped around the base as he approached you. Inhaling only through your nose, you tried to keep your mouth closed, silently signalling to him your thoughts on what he was proposing. But he wasn’t proposing it, and he had no intentions of asking for your opinion.
He forced his cock into your mouth, pushing it between your lightly pursed lips, his head hitting the back of your throat as he pushed his entire length into you. There was no hesitation, no hint of him letting up despite the fact that you were now quietly choking on him. When you gagged and let out a whine, an involuntary noise, he whipped his cock out of your throat, drool spilling onto your face.
“If I have to tell you again, you are gonna be one sorry pup.”
Pressing a finger to your lips, you watched in silence as his cock twitched, clearly aroused by the control he held over you.
“Keep. Quiet.”
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shall-we-die · 8 months
sukuna and E :)
oh, and congrats!
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☰[Main list]•⊰ Jujutsu Kaisen
How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?
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• Of course. Sukuna knows very well what he's doing. He's a very experienced king who's lived many lifetimes, and he's seen and experienced just about everything. So yes, he's definitely good at these things, and he won't hold back. He's also very confident in his abilities, which makes for a very dangerous combo.
• Sukuna is not only a ruthless, sadistic and arrogant demon but also a charming, manipulative and cunning individual who would never be naive in any situation.  Therefore, he is capable of manipulating and controlling his lovers and potential partners through subtle, intricate and well thought out tactics that would never be perceived by the average human. Sukuna is a creature of chaos and unpredictability, so he's happy to try anything once.
One of his hands grips your cheeks, the other holding your wrists. He was smiling, but it looks closer to a sneer. “I told you,” His hot breath was burning your left ear. “to not get close to those sorcerers or there’d be consequences.”
He was angry because you disobey him. “You belong to me,” his face got closer to yours. “Never forget it, I will not be as forgiving next time.”
You’re his; No one else’s.
The harsh kiss he placed on your lips showed that today is one of those days when he simply gets angry and has no control over his actions.
Sukuna pulled back, he took you over to his bed, pushing you onto it.
"Y/N," his voice is low, and he's smiling. But his dark eyes are unblinking as he stares at you.
"Open your eyes, so I can show you how much you belong to me." He was on top of you.
He enjoys seeing that you are somewhat afraid of him. After all, he was nothing more than a monster.
He kisses up your neck, and then bites it. Not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to mark you.
He lifts your hands and pins them down, grinning. His lips press into yours, rough and violent, and there's nothing gentle or sweet about it.
"Only me," he repeats, and pins you down completely. He slides your dress off, so you're completely naked. Not even underwear. He looks you over, his eyes on your skin, and then slides you closer.
"S-slow down... please." You begged him with a shaky tone and he just chuckled. his thumbs caressing your tears, tracing patterns down your cheeks.
"My pretty y/n... don't be scared of me. You haven't seen my scary side yet." And then his huge, hard length sank into your hole.
He was holding your waist with one hand, and with his other hand, he pressed your wrists to the bed to keep you in place.
You held your breath so as not to make a loud noise. Today was one of those days where he didn't care about your pleasure or feelings.
you have any problems? no. You secretly loved the feeling. When he angrily and mercilessly thrusts inside you...
You wrapped your legs around his waist; While he watched your belly rise and fall, after each thrust into your poor wet hole.
"Ha...Wish you could... see your idiot helpless face... it's so funny... It's really embarrassing how you enjoy...ah—"
He squeezed himself more into you as he sighed.
"...being fucked by a monster like this!"
Was he cuming soon? no. Was time passing quickly? no. Would he be satisfied with just doing it once? of course not.
Was the whole bed supposed to be dirty because of your unstoppable cums? Yes
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kisses4choso · 2 years
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NOTE: first one piece work, kinda nervous. SYNOPSIS: bumping into the monster trio when the ship sways OP CHARACTERS: ZORO, SANJI, & LUFFY WARNINGS: gn reader, reader cursing (1).
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“shit, sorry,” you gasp, looking up to ZORO and trying to step away. your attempt is in vain as the ship sways roughly once more, and the pirate wraps one arm around your waist to keep you from falling. “’s alright, just try not to step on my foot next time?” he asks, looking down to where your foot is squashing his. you move so as to not hurt him any longer, but you remain in his arms. “how are you so sturdy?” you question, yelping when all the ship’s cargo shifts to the left side. “a swords master must remain standing even as the wind seeks to knock them over.. or something like that.” you laugh at his dramatic response and thank him once more, but you completely miss the way a blush travels up his neck.
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“these waves are rough, aren’t they, lovely?” SANJI speaks as you grab onto his arm to keep your balance. “yeah, the grand line is kinda unpredictable,” you say, leaning into him when a particularly large wave hits the side of the ship. sanji only hums, hugging you close to him. you hear loud thumps as your head lays on his chest, and you guess that thumping is the beat of his heart. or is that just the sound of the wind that violently attacks the ship’s sail? you eventually pull away, gifting sanji a smile, “thanks, sanji. i probably would have fallen on my face if it weren’t because of your help.” he grins, dismissing your thanks, “well, i wouldn’t want you to fall on that gorgeous face of yours, would i?”
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as some brutal waves hit the ship, you decide to find shelter in your captain, LUFFY’S arms. unfortunately for you, the straw-hat is just as clumsy as you are. when you grab onto him, your feet trip over each other and he begins to fall backward. instead of breaking his fall, he decides to catch you instead, shielding your body with his. he takes all the impact of the fall, and you rest on top of him. "you caught me by surprise there, are ya alright?” he asks, scanning your body for any bruises. “yeah, i’m fine, but are you? that sounded like it hurt,” you tell him and he laughs. “nah, i’m cool as long as you are,” he answers, lifting you up and proceeding to stand up. you fix his hat, which lays crooked on his head, and he smiles widely at you. ”thanks! i swear i’ll catch ya next time, i’ll be extra ready!”
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working on requests this week, keep an eye out if you sent one! 
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ctheathy · 8 months
OMG WAIT I JUST SAW YOU TAKE REQ FOR FLIPPY AND FLIQ (I don't wanna bombard you with request so this is it..for now-) could I request a
A flippy+fliqpy X reader who's Knows how to fight really well who was also a soldier and carries a bow and arrow most of the time to feel safe? So basically flippy and reader get along swell and reader understand His ptsd but one day they Goes to the Store and Reader sees blood everywhere! And they notice in the middle of it all fliqpys standing there his back facing reader, and the reader tries to back up but steps on a bag of chips so fliqpy turns around and tries to fight reader but loses so he sees reader as a comrade?
Fight Forwards Favour
Flippy+Fliqpy x Reader
Short oneshot
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Author’s note: Thank you for the request, Nonnie!! I shall try my best with this one =}
This entire fight feels more like bickering tbh-
Flippy/Reader/Fliqpy [Romantic Tendencies]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Mention of corpses • Fliqpy being a mass murderer • Attempted stabbing •
You silently cursed under your breath, making your way over to a different alley in the grocery store in a swift movement. Your eyes were flickering left and right as your ears perked up, trying to take note of every little noise that was audible to you. You felt so... so very paranoid when you couldn’t see him. ‘If he sabotages the lights right now, I’m doomed’ you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes, having a tight grip onto your bow for support. You had to be careful that you wouldn’t step and slip onto the many portions of blood and guts that was scattered across the floor.
You were already questioning your survival rate right about now, but you kept your mind off your potential demise and just concentrated on the situation itself. The dripping of blood was all you managed to hear in this current moment, along with the nasty smell of iron everywhere.
You inaudibly made yourself over to the front of the alley, trying to get a peek of where your old friend currently was... even if it was a highly risky move on your part. But your attention was peaked when you heard one of many products clattering onto the floor, but what especially caught your attention was how nearby it sounded.
He was so close ...
It wasn’t until the unsteady breathing and a loud yell from above the shelves could be heard that you stood your ground, reacting immediately when the situation called for it. The weight of another on top of you could be felt along with the sharpness of a blade slicing open the fragile skin on your cheek, making you let out a small wince of pain at the sensation. But you quickly pushed it to the side, knowing the green bear would likely go for your neck next if he got the chance.
Without warning, you grabbed him by the collar of his clothing with your free hand before mercilessly yanking him down and off of you in a karate-like manner, making him do a somersault in the process before he met the floor with a thud. Fliqpy let out a loud groan as he violently tried to reach you with the sharp weapon in his hand, aggressively swiping and doing everything in his power to just harm you. Especially as you currently having the upper hand frustrated him to no end, but you kept his hands into place. A tight grip onto his furred wrists to prevent him from lashing out.
You did not want to hurt him, you really didn’t...
This resulted in you not giving it all you had, your guard being a lot lower than his and him taking full advantage of that. Giving you a painful kick in the stomach with his feet, creating more distance between you two as you stumbled backwards. You quickly recomposed yourself as he came in for yet another strike with the blade, which you managed to dodge by rarely an inch, giving you goosebumps by just the looks of it. Especially after making more attempts to stab you to death. His speed only increasing, growing unpredictable.
The dodging was getting more exhausting over time, his wide eyes urging you to distress. You used the arrow in your grasp to try and block out any of the stabbing attempts he kept making over and over again. You came out of the attack unharmed, but it didn’t take long for you to be completely driven into the corner. He let out a sadistic and familiar chuckle, mocking you in your position as he took his sweet time making his way even closer towards you as. Teasing you by making stabbing motions with the knife itself. In which you just send him a small glare in response.
You had still been eerily calm in the entire situation, especially as most others would have been on the verge of a panic attack. But you just... Stared in the eyes of your friend, feeling a sense of remorse and guilt within yourself. Memories of the battlefield clouded your mind, the trauma and pain you both had gone through in the past. You couldn’t help but feel for Fliqpy too ... It wasn’t until another product fell down from the shelf you were cornered in that your mind was brought back to reality, snapped out of your thoughts.
You had only one arrow left and you knew you had to take the shot now you still had the chance. Without warning, you pulled out you bow and arrow, putting the bear as the main target. Threatening him as you held on tight. Without hesitance, you shot right over him, making it pierce through his hat and catching him slightly off guard by your sudden boldness. Even more so when you forcefully got a grip on his blade, snatching it away from him while tackling him to the floor. It was a fight between sides, as you both tried to regain that dominance you needed.
You both continued pushing and pulling, the only weapon you two had right now being your fists while you noticeably grew more violent with the second. It wasn’t until you lashed out that you actually gained the upper hand once again. You pinned him to the floor and you were practically on top of him to keep him still. He aggressively tried resisting, twisting and turning in place like a harmed beast all while you just tried to calm your friend down. As soon as he got the strength to tilt himself up, you pushed him right back down.
You didn’t want to fight him.
The warmth of your body temperature could be felt on his hands, as yours were entangled with his. You let out a soft ‘You’re okay... It’s okay’ to try and cease his urges for blood, easing his PTSD all while comforting the male you loved the best you could. It was clear you weren’t gonna budge in the slightest and seeing your efforts to try and calm him down seemed to struck a nerve in Fliqpy. His features slowly softened up a little as he stopped resisting as much, laying limp on the floor as he quit trying to rip your windpipe out.
An unexpected glimpse of approval and pride glowing in his eyes that kept themselves locked onto your own. A look that honestly made the little bits of fear you might have felt beforehand fade into nothingness. And it were just the two of you on the world currently. You let go of your friend and slowly got up, backing away from him to give him back his space as he got up himself.
You weren’t scared anymore.
You steadied your grib on your arrow when he calmly started reaching for something in his sidepockets, to which what he did next confused you more than anything; taking out a napkin to wipe off the blood that’s only been there to slowly dry up on his hands. Your head tilted slightly in response, keeping your eyes concentrated on his hands who were now as good as clean. Your confusion had even multiplied more so when he took off his cap and bowed down his head to you ever so slightly, assumingly out of respect;
you couldn't help but feel flattered and perhaps even somewhat flustered in a way. You face gaining a reddish tint in response to his actions. He reached out his hand towards you, offering it. To which you didn’t hesitate for even a second, gently entangling your fingers over his hand.
“You’ve improved”
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Aranara Mafia AU
-> Pt. 3
It was a normal day in Inazuma. Ever since the Impostor disappeared, the sakoku decree was re-established. Ever since then, Ei has been meditating in her Plane of Euthymia even more, while the Raiden Shogun puppet patrols around the entirety of Inazuma, killing any monsters that pose a threat to the people.
Aside from the sakoku decree, there's also a widespread drought, it even reached Inazuma despite the great distance.
The land became course, and sandy, while the waters around there also became violent and unpredictable, with waves coming through and sinking ships.
Unfortunately though, because of the sakoku decree and the famine, Naganohara fireworks isn't doing too well, as people aren't buying fireworks.
In fact, they've been losing fireworks, neither Yoimiya nor her father knows who's been stealing them.
So one day, Yoimiya decides to ask the Tenryou commission for an investigation. But after days, even weeks of investigating, nothing was found except for a leaf with a weird drawing and a sentence..? At the bottom saying
"Do not get involved with Children of the Forest."
A few weeks since the incident, Naganohara Fireworks got a customer, a rather odd one at that.
But, they requested a large amount of fireworks that cost lots of money, so they happily, albeit confusedly complied.
Ei was meditating in her Plane of Euthymia when she heard a loud "BOOM".
She decides to ignore it, but another loud explosion follows.
So, she decides to go out and investigate,
Only to find Tenshukaku left as nothing but rubble and ash.
She runs to the city, panting and screaming out in both fear and confusion.
The entirety of Inazuma city is on fire, some houses are merely ashes on the ground now.
The sky is red, not from the setting sun but from the amount of explosives used. There's smoke everywhere and rubble.
The people have evacuated, while the shogun puppet remains missing.
Ei got on her knees and slapped herself, hoping that this is all a nightmare. But if this isn't a nightmare, then she regrets not hunting down the Impostor.
She feels as if this is divine punishment for failing to hunt the Impostor.
Suddenly, she heard a sound behind her.
A radish..? Holding a gun and pointing it directly at her head was staring right at her.
She collapses due to the fumes from the remains of her city.
She woke up, feeling relieved that that was all just a nightmare.
Until, she tries moving her body.
She finally opens her eyes and sees that she's no longer above ground.
Rather, her body's covered in tightly packed soil, with her head being the only part above ground.
She tries wiggling free until she feels water hit her hair.
She looks above and sees a cabbage??? Watering her.
She stares at it and it stares back
It then leaves and comes back with around 10 other cabbages.
Ei is now confused. She looks to her right and left and she sees..
-> Pt. 4
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Whump Prompts: Whumpees
Content: Physical violence, whumpee-turned-whumper, caretaker-turned-whumpee, silent whumpee, famous whumpee, PTSD/trauma.
Violent whumpees who physically lash out at anyone who upsets them.
Socially awkward whumpees. Whumpees who struggle to make conversation, ones who’ve been deprived of social interaction for so long that they can’t help but get overexcited and annoying when someone does try to talk to them.
Whumpee-turned-whumpers who take out their frustration and misplaced anger on their caretaker. Bullying them, shoving them around - doing all the things they wish they could be doing to Whumper.
Whumpees who hardly even breathe without their whumper/caretaker’s permission. Everything they do has to be permitted, to the point where it even pisses Whumper off.
Whumpees with unpredictable and intense emotions. Caretaker cannot for the life of them tell where Whumpee’s headspace is because it changes every fifteen minutes and every feeling requires different ways of being handled.
Silent whumpees who hardly ever utter a word, if at all. Their voice has been mocked for years upon years/they’ve been forced to be silent throughout their entire captivity, leaving them with such emotional scarring that they just can’t bring themselves to talk anymore.
Conditioned whumpees that truly believe their purpose in life is to please others.
Whumpees who have unhealthy coping mechanisms. Those that chew their nails/skin, self harm, abuse drugs/alcohol.
Whumpees who engage in disordered eating. Refusing to eat anything, eating too much, vomiting it all back up afterwards.
Loud whumpees. Ones who scream and cry, refusing to be quiet even when they’re gagged. Those that have naturally loud voices that people have always attempted to silence.
Famous whumpees that cannot hide from what happened to them, no matter how hard they try. Whumpees that are famous because of what happened. Ones that are forced to move to a more remote area just to escape.
Older whumpees. Ones with bones that are easier to break, ones that have been in captivity for so long that their entire life has passed them by. Whumpees that have been tossed aside because they’re of an age where they are no longer useful to Whumper.
Sheltered whumpees who don’t even know what a shower is. When they’re rescued, Caretaker spends hours of every day introducing Whumpee to things they’ve never experienced before. New foods, furniture, electronics, proper housing.
-Disabled whumpees. Ones who need extra care. Ones who sleep for more hours than they’re awake some days because they’re so worn out.
Defiant whumpees who push boundaries. Whumpees who refuse to do anything they’re told to do, ones that make things so much worse for themselves and the people around them because they just can’t follow the rules.
Whumpees with separation anxiety. Ones that are constantly clinging to someone because they don’t want them to leave. Ones that will literally sit by the door until whumper/caretaker comes home.
Fat whumpees. Whumpees with self esteem issues because of it. Whumpees who have to learn to love themselves while in captivity. Those that eat their way through captivity because it’s all they’re allowed to do.
Whump prompts: Caretakers
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