#[//i lov this child so much]
lunarlivs · 2 months
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harry and friends ◡̈
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astrolotte · 9 days
Once again pondering Peri & Dev's dynamic and I've come to the conclusion that I feel like the best end goal for them is just... ambiguous found family?
Dev really needs a proper family figure in his life, but Peri is most likely around 23 years old, way too young to be a dad. However, a brother figure is probably off the table too, as I feel Peri would be hesitant to declare himself another sibling, especially since Timmy isn't around to get to know Dev himself.
Ergo... ambiguous found family. Not every found family needs to have defined roles, and plenty don't. Peri doesn't need to be Dev's father or brother, he can just be family and be there for him like any family member would. No need for names, just the feelings.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
5 ask game: au where Aizawa gets shot with a quirk erasing bullet during the Overhaul arc
Ok so the main obstacle here of course is I don't want Izuku to die, like, five minutes later. Perhaps my special little guy can stop this.
1- Lets say when Chisaki grabbed Nemoto to pull a fusion, Nemoto's gun was caught up in all this too. This doesn't matter until after he's been beaten and thrown to the side, and watches Eri and Izuku struggle in the middle of the crater. Asui brings Aizawa up, and Chisaki knows that if Eraser stops them, they're all taken for good. So he shoots at Eraser- and its a hit.
2- A moment later, a swordfish pierces his shoulder, but the damage is done. Asui shouts. Izuku screams. Eri wails. Amajiki "Do i have to do everything around here myself" Tamaki "the only big three who actually takes out a third of the expendables and the top brass on his own" Suneater picks up the gun to crush it. Then he looks at the sobbing Eri, and thinks about how Mirio wanted her to smile. "I'm sorry," he whispers to no one, and fires- the first one's a miss, he's not as good a mark as Chisaki. But he is one of Snipe's students, and the second one hits.
3- Since the bullets are made from her own quirk, Eri reacts.... differently to them. It doesn't rewind her as much as it gives her a reset. her horn shrinks but doesn't vanish, and the effort catches up to her as she passes out on top of Izuku.
4- Suneater crushes the gun, then starts trying to find the cure bullets in Chisaki's jacket, but frankly his second wind cast by Mirio's distress is running out so he ends up dragged to an ambulance while the police bag evidence. In a true stroke of genius, they do not transport Chisaki with all of his weapons and bullets, so Tomura doesn't grab them when he takes the man's arms.
5- In the hospital, they don't exactly want to just take Chisaki's word for the cure bullets and jab who-knows-what into Aizawa and Mirio, so they very carefully start studying one first. Unfortunately, Ujiko hears about this and nabs the other cure bullets. (much easier than trying to nab Eri.) Tomura and AfO won't be able to use the eraser bullets in any plans (no baby-afo fight) but they will try to ransom the cure at least. Tamaki attempts to give back his hero license and withdraw from the school, but Nedzu stalls him then guilts him into staying because for reasons beyond the teen's comprehension, Eri actually really likes him and with no erasure to stop her quirk if it goes out of control, they need anything they can get to help. Aizawa continues teaching because if being in full body cast didn't stop him, losing his quirk won't either, and Mirio is like 'well hold on a minute. if he's not stopping, why should i?' and continues training at school while quirkless, even if his actual work outside of school isn't happening anymore.
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chipadequeso · 2 years
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no more.
daniel kwan and daniel scheinert, everything everywhere all at once / stephen sondheim, into the woods
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
There was once, in some land or other, a child who died in a dark forest. Their body was never found and nobody ever mourned them, for they were the last of their people and alone in the world.
(And then?)
(And then that’s it.)
(That’s quite the terrible story.)
(It’s the only one I can think of.)
(Who even told it to you?)
(I dunno. Nobody. I made it up.)
(... Well, that’s not going to cut it. Let me try.)
There was once, in some land or other, a boy who had been cursed by an old decrepit monster to forever wander the earth without ever finding rest. He was the youngest of twelve, and all eleven of his older brothers had been cursed as well: so they all traveled together, choosing different paths whenever they could so they would not grow bored.
One day, while treading a deep grove, they came upon a fabulous palace. It had tall lilac walls covered in wisteria flowers, and enormous windows with long silk curtains that swayed and billowed in the breeze beautifully.
As the twelve brothers looked in awe, suddenly someone appeared at the window: Hello!, it said: Who are you? Why are you here?
We are travelers, said the oldest of the brothers: We have been cursed to never stay anywhere too long, so we travel; and traveling, we came upon this beautiful palace. Who are you? Why are you there?
I am a little doll who lives here and who never leaves, it replied to him. Then it clapped excitedly: I never talked to travelers before!
Do they not pass through this forest?, the ninth brother asked.
Maybe they do, but I haven't had the chance to talk to them, the little doll replied before joining its hands in prayer: Tell me of your travels, please! I've never been outside the forest, so I'm curious to know what sorts of things you've seen.
So the brothers sat down in the grass and began telling it all sorts of tales, from their misadventures to the kinds of people they had met and the food they had eaten; and the little doll listened to them intently with its little head held in its little hands, laying on the railing of the window. The twelve young men found that they quite liked the little doll, for it was sweet and laughed with a tinkling laugh; and so they befriended it.
Aren't you bored up there?, asked suddenly the third brother.
I am, the little doll confessed: I am very bored here. I have all sorts of books in here so I can study all I want, but there is no one to play with.
Come down then, said the fifth brother: That way, we will find a game to your liking to play.
Oh, but I cannot come down!, replied the little doll: I am forbidden.
Forbidden by who?, asked the young men.
But before the little doll could answer a strong wind began blowing, and all twelve young men were pushed back out the grove as if they had been kicked right out on their bums; and when they tried walking back in from where they had come, they found that the air had become so thick that they could not move a single step forward no matter how hard they tried.
(Oh no! How sad.)
(I’m not finished.)
(Oh! Sorry.)
But they were quite clever; and so they returned the day after, finding a new path through the forest where the wind wouldn't blow them back away, and after hours of walking they came upon the lilac walled palace covered in wisteria flowers. The little doll was sadly leaning on the windowsill when they arrived, and as soon as it saw them its brilliant eyes shined brightly and its frown turned into a radiant smile.
You're back!, it exclaimed: Oh, I'm so happy to see you! I thought the wind had blown you so far away I would have never seen you again.
Don't worry, said the seventh brother: We've traveled much, and we've faced worse things.
Like what?, asked the little doll: Like what?
So the brothers sat down on the grass and began telling it of all sorts of demons and monsters they'd encountered along their travels, and how they had defeated them with strength and wits, and of the celebrations after the fight; and the little doll listened to them intently with its little head held in its little hands, laying on the railing of the window while the long curtains billowed in the wind.
At one point, the second youngest of the brothers said: Little doll, have you ever seen a spring festival dance?
A spring festival dance!, cried the little doll: No, I've never seen a spring festival dance. What sort of dance is it? Is it fun?
It's a dance of a far off land, where all the young men make themselves handsome for pretty maidens to look at them and choose them as their husbands, the sixth brother replied.
The little doll laughed its tinkering laugh: A husband!, it repeated, and if it had not been made of wood it would have been blushing. Then it added: What a hard choice it must be for the maidens, because all of you are so pretty.
The brothers laughed without malice, and the tenth asked: Would you like to try choosing for yourself, little doll?
At that the little doll hid its face in its hands as though its cheeks were bright red: Oh, but I'm not a maiden, it said bashfully.
Are you a young man, then?, asked the fourth.
No, replied the little doll: I am just a little doll.
Well, said the eighth brother: I think we could make an exception and dance for you all the same, because you are so sweet.
All of the others agreed - even if the youngest was a little shy.
So all twelve danced on the grass, putting on a silly performance. From the window they could hear the little doll laughing its tinkering laugh merrily, and they could see it hold its hands to its grinning mouth like one does when being courted.
So, little doll!, cried the second brother once they were all done: Which one of us would you choose to be your husband?
The little doll covered its little face with a giggle: I cannot choose!, it replied: You are all so pretty and nice! How could I choose?
Please do tell us who's your favorite, little doll!, the eleventh brother said: The curiosity is killing us!
Oh, please do not die!, cried the little doll suddenly frightened: I would be so very happy to tell you, I promise - but I really, truly cannot choose. You are all so sweet and kind to me, and you are all so pretty! If only it was a little easier!
Perhaps we should help you then, spoke the fourth brother.
But how?, asked the fifth.
I have an idea, the eleventh replied: Little doll, would you like it if we were up there with you on your balcony?
Oh, I would! It would make me terribly happy, answered the little doll.
Then we shall try to stand as tall as we can, and reach our hands up to grasp the handrail, the young man continued: And whoever will manage to do that will be crowned your favorite if you shall like that.
All agreed that it was a good idea.
The oldest brother went first, as he was also the tallest of them all; but though he strained on the tips of his toes and though the little doll leaned down to help him with its little wooden arms, he could not reach high enough.
The second brother stepped then on his shoulders; but not even he could reach the balcony.
One by one the young men tried, each standing on the shoulders of the ones that preceded them, until it was the turn of the youngest; and after he climbed the backs of all his eleven brothers he stood upright once more, so high above the ground that if he had any less courage his legs would have shaken fiercely, and found his hands upon the lilac railing; and when he raised his gaze, he found the little doll smiling brightly at him, so close to his face that their noses almost touched.
During their many travels the young men had met all kinds of people, gentle and vile, horrendous and gorgeous - but none had looked like the little doll.
It was made of old grey wood, as if it had once been burnt. It had not a hair on its round head, but instead beads of aquamarine hanging from its long sharp ears that tingled in the breeze; its clothes were made of vibrant autumn leaves, and it had big, round amber spheres for eyes, which sparkled brilliantly in the light. Its teeth were sharp and a little crooked, carved by sunken veins much like the bark of a tree, but the more it smiled, the more the youngest brother found himself liking the little doll; and the redder the young man’s cheeks turned as he looked at it, the more the little doll found itself liking him.
But before he could say anything to the little doll, a strong wind built up from inside the palace, blowing the long curtains in the young man’s face and making the tower of brothers sway dangerously; and suddenly, before they knew it, they were all back at the edge of the forest from where they had come, sitting on their bums and blocked once again by the thick air.
(Oh no! And they’ll never see each other again...)
(You’ve got some serious trouble with interrupting.)
(It’s not done?)
(Of course not.)
(I thought it was.)
(It’s not. Now shush.)
Again, though, they were quite clever: and they deduced, after talking about it a little more, that this was the work of magic, and more specifically sorcery. They had met many sorcerers, some nicer, some much less; and a few had indeed held a youth or a maiden captive.
But they had never heard of sorcerers abducting little dolls, as sweet as they might have been. What might someone want from it?
So the next day they traversed the woods once more, scaling the trees and jumping from one to the other to avoid the labyrinth of winds and leaves underneath them, until they finally found the lilac walled palace covered in wisteria flowers. The little doll was sitting on the highest window, looking about to cry into its little hands.
Oh little doll, why are you so sad?, asked the third brother from his branch.
The little doll did not recognize him immediately, and sad as it was it answered: My only friends were blown away, and there is no chance they’ll ever come back.
Why is that, little doll?, asked then the ninth brother.
Because the Sorcerer of Winds made an impossible maze all around the palace, the little doll explained: It can’t be seen and it has no exit, and it goes all across the forest. Oh, it’s terrible, so terrible - my friends, I’ll never see them again. They were so nice, but there’s no way they’ll come back.
Poor little doll!, cried the seventh brother: Might we dance for you then, to raise your spirits?
At that the little doll finally gazed up from its arms, and its big amber tears turned joyful as it recognized the twelve young men. It reached out to grab their hands, overjoyed, and they reached out too, though they were still too far away to touch it; so instead they sang for its delight.
How clever you are!, praised the little doll: The Sorcerer of Winds would surely be so very angry if he found out you outsmarted him - he prides himself on his intelligence!
About this Sorcerer, the eighth brother inquired: Why does he keep you captive in this palace, little doll?
Oh, I'm not his prisoner, the little doll replied: He is very kind and dear to me, and I am very dear to him ever since I helped him break the spell that turned him into a mouse.
I once knew a Sorcerer of Winds whom I laid a spell on to turn him into a mouse, mumbled the eleventh brother to himself.
But why then does he forbid you from seeing others or going outside?, asked aloud the third brother.
It's to keep me safe from the advisors of an evil king, you see, the little doll explained: He was one of his advisors too, once, but he did not like that; and so when they caught me so that I could help expand the evil king’s reign with my magic, he tricked them into assigning my care to himself, and we escaped into this forest, where he made this palace for us to live in.
And is he nice to you now?, inquired the first brother.
Oh yes, the little doll assured him: He treats me very sweetly, and he loves me very much. He teaches me about all sorts of magic and helps me grow plants, and lets me stay with him when I get nightmares, and reads me stories to help me sleep. He makes sure I’m clean and that there is no rot on my body, and feeds me, and helps me make new clothes for both of us if I ask him please - though he always says he’s not very good at it.
(He’s very nice.)
(That’s what the doll thinks.)
(I also think he’s very nice.)
(Of course you do.)
Yet he does let you out of this palace, argued the fifth brother: How come?
The advisors of the evil king are aways searching for us, explained the little doll: They are many, and they have powerful evil magic; and he’s scared that if I went outside of this palace they would catch me again, and hurt me, and hurt him, and make so that I could never see him again.
Who are these advisors, little doll?, asked the third brother.
The little doll described them like this: The first is a demon of sharp steel; the second is the shadow of a king; the third is an armor holding the soul of a dragon; the fourth is a chancelor with horns on his head; the fifth is a painter with the face of a boar; the sixth is a magician trapped in a ring; the seventh is a ghost riding a horse; the eighth is a shapeshifting witch; the ninth is his mother, who can split in half; and the tenth is his brother, who has tusks for teeth.
With the king and the Sorcerer that would make twelve, noted the tenth brother.
I’ve met the demon of sharp steel, said the second brother: I fought and defeated him a few years ago.
And I did so too, against the king’s mother, said the first.
And I did as well, against the boarish painter, said the sixth.
And it must have been the Sorcerer that I felled, said the eleventh.
At that, a terrible wind arose from within the palace, making the leaves shake with a horrible chatter and almost scattering the young men across the grove.
So it was you, a terrible booming voice reached them: I thought I recognized you, you terrible young man. Have you come to bring me more grief? Have you come steal away this poor little doll with your sword and your brothers? Have you not tormented me enough?
Oh, but they won’t torment you!, the little doll cried into the palace before turning to the twelve youths: You won’t, isn’t that so? For my sake?
The young men solemnly promised as much.
You’re kind to reassure me, little doll, the Sorcerer of Winds said: But I know these type of travelers, and what they knew of me, and what they think of me; and they would have my head as soon as they stepped inside these walls.
Oh, but they won’t hurt you, not even by chance!, the little doll insisted, and turned back to its friends to beg them: You won’t, isn’t that so? For my sake?
The young men solemnly promised as much.
What good would that promise be?, the Sorcerer of Winds lamented: You believe the little doll to be captive, and I to be its cruel jailor. All you want is to take it away, into the dangers of this world, where my magic won’t shield it.
Oh, but they would never put me in danger!, the little doll promised in their stead, and joined its little hands in prayer as though the Sorcerer was right there before it: Couldn’t they come in and talk to you? I swear upon my head that they won’t hurt you or cause trouble!
And it turned to the twelve brothers again: You won’t, isn’t that so? For my sake?
The young men solemnly promised as much.
The Sorcerer of Winds was not the little doll’s maker, for it came from the branches of a faraway sacred grove that knew no man’s touch, but as the two had traveled together and helped one another through terrible adversities he had learned to care for it and love it as though it were his own child; and so he sighed, making the curtains and the branches bend and quiver against a long gust of wind, and tearing down the invisible walls of his maze he allowed the twelve young men to enter the palace.
(See! He’s nice.)
(He’s not. He’s just too fond of that doll.)
(I like that. I like that he loves it a lot.)
(Of course he does.)
The brothers carefully walked through the enormous building, admiring the plants that covered its inner walls like autumn tapestries and the carpets of woven purple leaves. They reached the main hall to find a terrible figure sitting on a tall throne, all purple and red and blue, with a terrible sharp eye and an enchanted sword held tight in a pale lilac hand as though it were ready to strike them down at the first sign of danger; and next to the figure stood the little doll, all ashen skin and bright orange eyes and dusty brown clothes in the purple around them, who waved at them from across the hall with a big crooked smile.
The twelfth brother waved back at it shyly.
This is my home, the Sorcerer of Winds spoke first: And so long as you are here, if you lay a finger on me or on my ward, I shall kill you with no remorse.
A fair condition, the eldest brother said: But for the little doll’s sake, and as guests you’ve allowed entrance to, you shall not harm us either.
A fair condition, the Sorcerer of Winds agreed.
Seats of leaves and roots sprouted from the ground, and each of the brothers sat down amiably before the Sorcerer. The little doll was shaking with delight at seeing them so close, so he allowed it to go and greet them properly, so it could bow to them and hold their hands and see them clearly.
The Sorcerer of Winds watched it carefully, his steel gaze softening ever so slightly at the little doll’s merriment; but he did not like how the brothers looked back at him.
It seems cruel, the seventh brother finally said as he held the little doll’s hand: To keep this poor little doll here forevermore, when it aches to see the world.
It cannot be safe outside these walls and woods, the Sorcerer of Winds replied curtly: There are far too many flames that could eat through its gentle heart, far too many shadows looming that wish nothing but to rip it limb from limb. I would never forgive myself if something were to befall it, and I would never forgive anybody who would allow harm to come to it.
We’ve been through quite some strife, the fourth brother replied: If it wished, we would gladly take it with us for a year - maybe less, maybe more; and we would protect it fiercely, as though it were our own sibling.
At that, the little doll lit up in joy, but the Sorcerer of Winds darkened.
And how would I be certain? How would I be assured of that?, he bellowed angrily, causing a storm to brew up in the highest point of the ceiling: No empty promises are allowed within my home. No, I cannot trust you to protect it; for all I know, you’d run off to sell it as a curiosity in the closest town you could find to wash your hands of it and gain some gold in return.
You remember our fight, cried the eleventh brother then: You remember my reasons, what moved me against you. You know we are not malevolent men.
And you remember how I was, and certainly you do notice how I’ve changed, the Sorcerer of Winds replied: Evil can mellow into tentative goodness and goodness can harden into inconspicuous evil. Who is to say you haven’t changed as well? And who is to say, in the case you did not, that your brothers have the same kind heart you showed to have when instead of finishing me as all others would have done, you turned me into a mouse so that I could live still but be of no harm? What even draws you twelve wandering heroes to such a little doll?
Love, said the twelfth brother with sudden vigor.
Then he shrunk in his seat, and hushed completely, and turned his gaze to the floor to avoid those that instead turned to his face as he blushed.
The little doll, who had said nothing and only watched with worry as its friends and its guardian talked, slowly grinned wider and wider, shaking with delight, but still did not say anything, nor did it approach the boy.
The Sorcerer of Winds looked at how its eyes glimmered brilliantly, and then at how nervous and lovestruck the young man fidgeted in his chair; then he sighed, and the storm above him dissipated into a gentle breeze that made the wisteria flowers shake softly and their sweet scent expand through the grove.
(And then?)
And then he gave the twelve young men his blessing to take the little doll with them if it so asked it of them, though it hurt him to part with it; and the youngest brother understood, and gave him a magic pendant, a copy of his own, so that the Sorcerer of Winds would always know where they were, and how the little doll was doing.
And so the little doll hugged the Sorcerer tight one last time, and after collecting what little it needed it left home, safe in the company of the twelve young men.
(And then?)
And then it traveled far and wide, and saw and learned plenty of things. And when finally homesickness caught up with it, and it began missing the Sorcerer of Winds in his lilac palace covered in wisteria flowers, its friends brought it right back home to its guardian, and promised to come visit often, and take it on more adventures if it asked them, and if its guardian allowed them.
(And did they?)
They did. And if all is well, to this day the twelve brothers still come to the palace in the grove to see their friend and bring tales from far off lands, and the twelfth brother dances with the little doll until they’re both out of breath, without ever letting go of its hand.
(And then?)
(And then that’s it.)
(It ends like that?)
(You don't like that?)
(I do! I love it!)
(See, that’s how you tell a fairytale.)
(Where did you hear it?)
(You wouldn’t know.)
(So you made it up?)
(A bit of both. Now go to sleep.)
(Wait – the little doll.)
(If all is well, is it still happy?)
(Happier than you could ever imagine.)
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I don't have much to say about Magne other than there was an Attempt, but. That time when Twice and Toga got angry with Overhaul for misgendering her was already indicative of what I'm going to get at in a sec, and obviously it was especially relevant because it was a direct show of respect and support from people who very clearly cared about her (and who called her big sis already as it was!!) (×2 imo because Twice was intentionally written to be the readers' insight into the LOV, and the character with whom they were supposed sympathise with the most at/since the beginning, so it's especially important that the first one who spoke up was him), but the story's progression (especially in recent years) is what most assures me that despite a rather poor execution (definitely not the best, but also certainly not the worst) Horikoshi did mean well with her. "People bound together by the chains of society always laugh at those who aren't" :(
#^ when she quotes her friend. like had the manga not gone on like it has that could have very well been a generic#We Live in a Society moment. but it wasn't. and that's what's comforting tbh#in general i think a big issue with magne from what little we know of her is that her reason for joining the lov was fighting back against#a tangibile real world issue (transphobia) vs all the other villains. whose situations Are partially real world issues as well#(eg child abuse) but they also very much present fantasy elements to them (eg toga's treatment due to her quirk)#and i'm not saying this as a justification for killing her off but. when you're writing a superhero comic with a target audience of young#cishet men it is much easier to present them with fantasy solutions to fantasy problems. again not that i think it's right!!!#but i do assume that horikoshi's thought process was more or less this. like. tiger is there alive and well#but he passes and was confirmed to be trans only via word of god so his identity has no bearing on the story itself#while magne's did. which doesn't make tiger's transness any less ''real'' than hers ofc but again i think it was a matter of what horikoshi#could actually deal with (fantasy problems) with the average readers that he has. it sucks all the way around.#which begs the question. ''why create her character in the first place then'' to which i answer: i don't fucking know man#bnha#animanga#mytext#in general. i've seen lots of people do this even with eg toga and her bisexuality (and when it comes to her i completely disagree but w/e)#but. authors who want to depic queer characters in good will but make mistakes or do it awkwardly or anything else#should Not be put on the same level as actively queerphobic authors. at all. do criticise what's worthy of constructive#criticism when you see it but don't even pretend that those two are remotely the same thing#(jic i didn't explain myself well bc i don't think that i did. what i wholly disagree with is that ''toga is a bad bi stereotype''.#i am bi people and i disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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callilouv · 2 years
:( I love my mom sm
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astrxealis · 2 years
ffs eternal wind came up while i'm listening to music and all of a sudden i'm smiling
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lawrencegarte · 1 year
kind of clicking for me just now that aki is only like. 19 or 20. like he’s really young huh. lying on the floor about that as we speak
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ilions-end · 2 months
i finished statius' ACHILLEID. thoughts thoughts thoughts:
i knew going in it was a VERY short unfinished epic, but i didn't know it would be FUN?? if i ever get that time machine, FIRST THING i go back and find one publius papinius statius, i lock him in a room, and i'm NOT letting him out until he's finished the achilleid!
achilles is statius' BLORBO in a way neither homer, quintus nor virgil have blorbos. statius likes achilles to be strong and pretty and graceful, but most of all ENDEARING even when he fails. and he fails a lot, because this is him still figuring out how to be an adult, not to mention a prophesied legend literally everyone is waiting for to step up
the one thing that gets tiring is just how many prophecies permeate the achilleid. nothing's left to chance, there are so few unknowns. even ODYSSEUS was aware that from peleus' wedding there would come a child destined to be a central warrior in an upcoming gigantic war.
as it stands, the achilleid is more of a... thetisiad? she is very centered in the narrative (we spend more time looking at things from her point of view than achilles') and there is SO MUCH SYMPATHY for her, oh my gosh!! she loves ONE person, her son, the only worthwhile thing she got out of a traumatizing marriage, and she despairs that he's fated to die young in a silly human war.
also i'm a deidamia defender forever now. so three-dimensional, so clever!
aughhh i love how much characterization statius puts in, even in the small scenes! my favourite example is odysseus and diomedes as they walk up to lycomedes' place (literally just moving characters from A to B). diomedes teases odysseus, and odysseus is delighted to be teased. that night we're told odysseus CAN'T SLEEP because he's too excited about showing off his plan the next morning!
the unveiling of achilles is completely different from the chagrined defeat/"achilles is a fucking idiot" ways i've heard it retold! i love that it's collaborative, it's a mutual triumph. it's just as much achilles (who's been suffering in gender dysphoria hell for a year) longing to be exposed as it is odysseus LIVING for showing everyone (especially diomedes?) how clever he is. it's not just the shield and the spear and the bugle, it's odysseus playing the part of the siren, whispering in achilles' ear that he knows who he is and describing how glorious he will be on the trojan battlefield. it's achilles' grateful relief at being ALLOWED not to pretend anymore as he rips off his own dress even before the bugle calls
also it's very important to me that the moment he's no longer hunching over trying to make himself look small and inoffensive, we're told achilles is taller than both odysseus and diomedes
i KEEP IMAGINING how good statius would have made the rest!! especially because as book ii ends, achilles regards odysseus as a cool uncle; he's the guy who rescued him! i want to think statius would have put in the big mystery quarrel achilles and odysseus are said to have had early in the war, something to drastically change that affection. i want to know how statius would have handled troilus, and the gods. augh statius you roman BLUEBALLER
an assortment of story beats still revolving in my head:
chiron is such a sweetheart!! he's SO gallant with thetis, he's so affectionate with achilles. he HIDES HIS TEARS when achilles leaves, awww
statius writes out phoinix completely. as a phoinix stan i object. sure chiron can raise young achilles, but i NEED phoinix to tend to him as a baby
i enjoy how achilles EXPLODES into a mess of teenagerly hormones when he first sees deidaima. it's so funny that thetis is looking on (and we get my favourite simile of the achilleid, of a herdsman delighting in a young bull snorting and foaming at a beautiful heifer) like "aaaaand there's my son's sexual awakening. i see! well, we can use that" and THAT explains why achilles is so willing to commit to the female disguise
(listen. listen. few things mean more to me than the love between achilles and patroclus. but achilles is a teenage boy at the age when a fucking breeze will give him a boner, and deidamia is the most beautiful and the cleverest of her sisters. i really enjoy a story where achilles and deidamia are neither "fated eternal true love" or one's a sneaky opportunist. it's much more compelling that they're both knots of budding emotions and bodily feedback)
i notice that statius never uses the name pyrrha, he doesn't seem to have a fake name at all, just "achilles' sister"
lycomedes is SO honoured and proud that thetis is entrusting her daughter to him. i feel sorry for lycomedes, he seems so earnest and hasn't done anything to get tricked
the one thing i can't forgive statius for is that after spending SO much time establishing that achilles and deidamia (who knows he's a guy) are genuinely into each other, it feels like statius goes OUT OF HIS WAY assuring us that their first sexual encounter is rape. sure they talk right after, deidamia forgives him, AND i understand there are social rules that makes deidamia more "honourable" and "worthy" when she resists, but like. sigh.
aLONG with the previously mentioned interplay between odysseus and diomedes as they walk up to lycomedes' court, there's a simile where they're both starving wolves on the hunt. so sexy it's almost illegal
the feast scene is SO FUNNY omg. all of achilles' careful feminine training dissolving because odysseus and diomedes are there with their boundless masculinity for him to feed off of. deidamia practically WRESTLING achilles back down on the couch every time he forgets himself and behaves too much like a man. odysseus chatting with lycomedes SPECIFICALLY trying to rile up achilles, and then after the women have left (achilles dragging his feet and looking back, YEARNING for their male company) odysseus specifically praises the maiden's "almost masculine" beauty (because ohh he suspects. he just needs to prove it in the morning. he can't SLEEP for it)
when they depart, achilles earnestly swears to deidamia that no other women shall ever bear his children. i find it interesting as a reminder of the social rules of its era. neither of them expect achilles to be sexually exclusive, just not fathering potential heirs. which again makes me wonder about the contraceptives in ancient greece
on the ship towards aulis, diomedes begs achilles to tell them all about his feats and training with chiron, and achilles is so shy about it! who can blame him! diomedes has a WAY more impressive track record
odysseus is SO good at firing up achilles' outrage at paris even as he's just catching him up on what the war's about. and he's so pleased at how easily achilles' outrage can be directed! you KNOW that would have developed in such an interesting way AUGH THE REST WOULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD.
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swe3tte4rs · 9 months
Batifamily headcanons feeling jealous about their siblings spending more time with Batmom? Or something like that, however you like to write it 🙊
" Jealousy jealousy " - Batmom!Reader x Batkids
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Author's note: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR (late)!!! Love this 🫶. And I feel like this request is VERY my AU!!! Dah, who wouldn't compete for the love of their sweet and loving mother!? (The hatred between them began when Bruce had to set schedules for each one so they wouldn't fight for Batmom's attention... joke)
Also I am very sad, because when I was responding to this kind of request and I saved it as a draft, it was deleted 😭!!! CRYING 💔💔!!! On top of that, I loved the request, it was beautiful 😭! It was about Batmom as Bruce's couple and Bruce introduces Batmom to the batkids... And if it was you who sent it 🫵, let me tell you that I loved it and it will take me a while to upload it 💓!! Lov you all
And (I almost forgot to mention this), This AU of the batfamily is a mix of comics, series, headcanons (I LOVE headcanons of batfamily 💗), video games, movies and webtoon! + My main language is not English, so if you find any spelling mistakes, tell me in a comment!
Request opens 💗💗!!! BUT, before you request anything check my rules.
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Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Honestly, I don't see him being jealous of his brothers at all! But since I haven't read all of his comics and in this AU he is a mix, I don't have an opinion. 👀
Let us begin.
I feel like Dick is a real mama's boy, he love his mom and he will prove it.
Dick is very used to having all of Batmom's attention to himself.
But he hides his jealousy very well, or so he thinks…
Jealousy began when Dick started having siblings. DON'T DENY ME GIRL 🤝🤝!!!
When he gets jealous that you spend more time with, I don't know, he'll go to sleep with you and Bruce, but leaving Bruce aside and enjoying your caresses in his hair while he listens to his siblings complain from outside the bedroom. (Bruce hate this, but I feel that at the same time he love it just a little bit. Very little.)
Possibly he will also rub things you did with him that you didn't do with your other children in his siblings' faces.
I think he is the only one (along with Jason) who has a complete album with photos of him as a child. So he'll show it off to others by saying that you loved him so much that you made an entire photo album of him.
He would do the same with Jason, telling him that his album has more photos and with more photos of you and Dick.
I feel like he would start a whole fight against one of his brothers just to carry all the shopping bags by himself so you don't do it. (This idea is similar to "Jason Todd is a total mama's boy" because I was inspired by it, so credit to its respective author 💓)
"Mommy, did you just call me Damian? Oh my god... my heart..." #atotaldramaqueenbaby💋💋👊👊
Jason Todd / Red Hood
Another drama queen...
A mama's boy from head to toe. (My poor baby just needed a fucking mother figure 😭💔)
He is first in everything. Do you need help opening a jar? He already opened it for you and said I love you and then left and returned to a mission.
But that's not what we're talking about right now... Nonono, we're talking about jealousy, guys...
I bet he's the most sensitive of all.
He makes sure you don't show favoritism to anyone, unless it's him, if so he lets it go.
Did you spend an extra minute with one of your other children because you didn't see the time? He is already burning in a pit of jealousy.
I feel like he would start fighting with his sibling and then he would apply the law of silence to you. But it doesn't last long because he can't resist your cute nicknames and your "you're my favorite" (you say that to each of your babies)
"Why do you call him "son"? He isn't even your son!" And he gives you a whole long speech when you were just trying to be nice to Roy.
He even gets jealous of Bruce.
He doesn't care if it's one of his sisters or a good friend of his, you can't call them cute nicknames! And even less if they are the ones you use with him!
He has good hearing, he makes sure that you call him by his nicknames and not by one of his siblings' nicknames.
"WHAT THE FUCK, MA?! Why are you washing Tim's hair with the shampoo you use with me!?!?" You broke him...
Tim Drake / Red Robin
( I haven't read almost anything by Tim, so forgive me if something doesn't add up, but I promise you that I already have more or less what his personality is like.)
Tim does not admit his jealousy, he is calmer compared to his brothers.
He might start scheduling his patrols to coincide with Batmom’s free time, ensuring that he gets to spend some time with her.
I feel like he would feel more insecurity than jealousy
But I also think he would try to take Batmom's attention away from his sibling by calling Batmom to help him do something he can easily do alone.
He wouldn't care if you treated his friends like your children. I think he would be happy.
Umh Well… I think there's not much to jealousy about this one...
Damian Wayne / Robin
Yes, I headcanon that Damian is one of the most jealous once he realizes that Batmom can give him the love that Talia didn't give him.
He is the same as Jason, he has the same percentage of jealousy.
The only thing is that he would start making arguments about why Batmom would have to spend the whole week with him and not with her brothers.
Oh, and he doesn't care what Bruce does with Batmom. Although he is disgusted by the slightest affection they have.
At galas, I feel like he would be glued to you, hugging your waist and making sure there is no threat.
If you're not patrolling, he'd be with you watching some movie. (I DON'T KNOW WHY I IMAGINED HIM WATCHING MEAN GIRLS)
"I say mom Is going to go with me first because I'm the best-" And then he was interrupted by his siblings.
There is a relationship of hate and equality between him and Jason…
"Don't you see that my mother has an engagement ring and I'm next to her, son of a- *you interrupt him*" I feel like he would say this to anyone who flirts with you.
He is not understanding why his siblings get to spend more time with her.
Mama's boy
I would continue writing, but I have no more inspiration and ideas, sorry...
Cassandra Cain / Orphan
Cassandra, being the quiet and observant one, might internalize her feelings of jealousy.
Cass is the last one to get jealous, honestly.
She understands that Batmom loves them all equally and there is no favoritism.
Although sometimes she doubts…
She would feel excluded every time she sees you spend more time with one of her siblings.
But putting that behind, she would know that you love them all equally and would let it go by speaking with you how she feels.
0,1% jealous.
Stephanie Brown / Spoiler
I think she would feel jealous if Batmom shows favoritism towards others.
In itself, I don't think Steph is VERY jealous. Just... a little bit.
Duke Thomas / The Signal
I need to read more about this man 😭
He's the newest one in the batfam, but he was still able to connect with Batmom very well.
Duke is not one to be jealous, he just doesn't care what batmom does.
Although he is a similar case to Cass.
He would feel a little "insecure" seeing the ties Batmom has with his siblings.
But it always ends well with Batmom watching a movie with him.
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[You can put more headcanons in a comment if you like!! And suggestions are always welcome <3]
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
The Ghost King's Son
So! Cloning is a difficult process.
It takes time, lots of time. Sure, it's possible to accelerate the Growth of a Clone to make them older in a shorter time frame, but that often leads to Destabilization within weeks of completion.
And Cadmus didn't want to take any chances when designing their Kryptonian/Human Hybrid. They started growing him much earlier than they originally did, and let him grow at a semi-normal rate for most of his life.
This comes back to bite them in the butt however, when an asset breaks out of containment and ruins their Internal Power Generators. This causes a blackout that takes hours to resolve, and by the time they fix it all and reestablish the Security Systems, they notice one of the Clones is missing.
The Kryptonian/Human Clone has escaped.
Kr-1 is confused. He had woken up in a tube a few hours ago to some alarms, and decided he didn't like it, so he broke out. Then he wandered around until he ended up outside, and just kept on Wandering.
It had been hours, and he didn't know where he was. It seemed to be some type of Forest, but he didn't know what kind.
He just kept on wandering. It started to get boring though, the trees all looked the same and there weren't even any animals around. Then, something interesting happened!
A green thing appeared in the air! It was glowing and swirly and had a kind of pull to it. So, he touched it. And it sucked him in. And now he wasn't in the Forest. And this place seemed much more interesting!
There were a bunch of floating rocks, and the sky was green, and everything else was purple.
And there was a man. Looking at him hurt his eyes, he seemed to be a kid and then an man and then an old man and then a kid again whenever he blinked. He was saying something, but Kr-1 didn't understand him. He didn't think he had been taught language yet? What was language?
The Kid/Man/Old-Man lead him to a big building made of bricks and mortar. It looked like a big spiky building with towers and walls and stuff. Inside it looked cool, with candles and carpets and even more stuff.
He was taken to a room with a guy who didn't hurt his eyes to look at. He had white hair and green eyes, but his skin wasn't blue like the old guy. He had a piece of ice on his head, it looked like a crown but it was glowing.
The Guy walked up to him and pointed to himself, and kept repeating something. "Danny".
Eventually Kr-1 realized that it was his name. He then pointed to Him and said "name?"
He tilted his head confused, and the guy, Danny, let his head fall with a sigh.
"This is gonna be harder than I thought."
He wondered what those words mean?
It had been a few years since the newly dubbed Conner had begun to live with Danny.
He had been hesitant to adopt the Living 9 yr old Child when Clockwork had brought him to his Castle, explaining that he had run into a Natural Portal, but he had accepted in the end.
It took a while to teach Conner how to understand Language. He seemed to know very little for a kid his age, but after Clockwork had dug around his personal timeline they figured out that he was a Clone. He probably hadn't reached the Information Planting Stage of development when he escaped.
After learning about this however, Danny began teaching him everything he should have learned in his early life, such as Elementary level education and some social interaction. He even brought around Ellie to see if she had any advice for helping him develop into a healthy young boy.
She did help a bit, but was mostly preoccupied with spoiling her new Nephew rotten.
Eventually, Conner had caught up to the level he should have been at his age, and started living in both the Realms and in Amity.
He was having a good life, had some great friends, and was even starting to learn to use his Kryptonian Powers now that they were coming in.
He loves his new Family, his Dad is goofy and fun, his Aunt Ellie likes to spoil him rotten, his Aunt Jazz is the responsible one but still loves him, and even his grandparents are great in their own Insane way.
But not all great things can last.
It was supposed to be a normal Field Trip. Conner was 15 and his school was taking a Trip to Washington DC, to see the sights or to learn about history or something.
But stuff happens. They just so happen to pass by a certain lab, that lab just so happens to be testing out a new Yellow Sun Energy Detector, and one of the Scientists who worked on Conner just so happens to see him in the bus as it passes by and the detector goes off.
In the end, they manage to recapture him and place him back into his Pod, beginning to prep him for Reeducation. (Let's say they mamage to repress his memories)
Cut to 1 year later and a team of Sidekicks break into the Lab and successfully steal away the Clone again.
The Clone who knows he had a dad who had black hair and blue eyes, who helped him use his powers, who looks a lot like Superman.
Conner, in his slightly Amnesiac state thinks he has already met Superman and that he had raised him. Which makes it so much more hurtful when Superman outright rejects him. He thinks his Dad just rejected him, the Dad who he thinks he remembers loving him very much.
(Danny had been frantically looking for his son for over a year now. Where is he? Is he Okay? What happened to him? He knows at least that he isn't dead yet, but he really wants to find his son)
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lifeonmarz-blog · 11 months
Sun through the houses: Synastry
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Sun in 1st, the sun person makes the house person feel understood. Ive had this aspect with one of my bestfriends. He was my go to person, the first one id call when anything interesting happened. Its easy to share your feelings with the sun person it feels natural. We gave each other more confidence. He acknowledged accomplishments in my life that others didn't. Things that i didn't even give myself credit for he shined a light on. This placement made me act more fearlessly because someone else saw that quality in me.
Sun in 2nd, Stability is a common attraction to this placement. The sun person sees the house person as someone they can depend on. House person can help sun person financially or help develop their interest. Together these two can create great business plans, they work well together towards mutual interest. Others see the couple as very business oriented. I have this placement with one of my brothers both ways and we grew up sharing alot of our things sometimes because he had to other times because we knew that would allow us to both have more. Also i would borrow money from him he's always been a saver. Ive always preferred to exchange money for experiences.
Sun in 3rd, Sun person is very easy to talk to almost like a Therapist or something. Your secrets are spilled easily. The house person naturally wants to share here but it goes both ways the sun person also feels very understood by the house person. There's a mutual openness and grace with this placement. If you were in a long distance relationship this is type of placement that would be beneficial. I have this with a sibling he is the sun person and we have mutual interest so it makes collabing very easy. We tend to naturally operate in the same direction even though we individually don't think that similar.
Sun in 4th, This placement can feel like looking into a mirror. This person is a blatant reflection of some of your own behaviors. On the surface they seem like your ideal partner. Very well received by family. Honesty well received in general they look good together. This placement focuses on healing emotions in yourself that you reject. Its easier to be grateful for the little things with this person. They show you new ways to view the same things. Here you will see the areas where your being naive. They want you to believe in yourself as much as they do.
Sun in 5th, Child like fun happens here. The way the sun person expresses helps the house person not take things so seriously. The sun person is in awe of the house person. Its such a cute placement, The sun person makes the house person feel special. It may not be long term but it shows you how to just be, with no added pressures. Express your love today don't wait type of vibe. You may even talk about having babies here, are you actually serious probably not but this placement loves to feed into fantasies and ideals and that's nice sometimes. Someone i had this placement with would always tell me how beautiful i was even when i was just chilling in pajamas it was cute. Ive also been the sun person and the way the house person handled their problems and stayed so mentally strong was very inspiring to me. It made me want to be less reactive and more of a problem solver. I looked up to their resilience.
Sun in 6th, The house person feels the need to improve because of the sun person. The things that you choose to ignore are brought up here. The energy is like ''deal with it now, no more waiting". The house persons structure and discipline is being improved here. Its often that the house person doesn't want to be seen as lazy by the sun person. Which can be very helpful if you have goals your working towards. Their energy is motivating especially when it comes to business related things. House person doesn't want to disappoint the sun person. Sun person sees the house person as capable of great achievements.
Sun in 7th, Long term friendship or friends turned lovers is the theme in this house. Relationships built here usually started innocently from just being around each other alot. Sometimes the Sun person can have unfair expectations of the house person. Unbalanced relationships is common here one or both people can feel they carry more responsibility and burden. It can feel like at times communication is missed, misinterpretations can always be worked through if both people are willing to listen to understanding and if they are relationships here will go the distance. Both sets of my grandparents had this placement and were married for over 40 years. This could also be person you have a child with and now your bonded to each other even if their wasn't marriage. They feel a sense of home in each other. This couple could like to stay home and do things together.
Sun in 8th, The sun person buries themself into house persons wounds often times wounds they didn't even know they had. Both people are meant to be transformed by the union. If this relationship can make it through the first few initial hurtles which tend to be more dramatic, this relationship will keep you together for a while. The way the sun person expresses can have the house person feeling the need to keep a defense up. The sun person feels the house person is running away from their issues. Sun person is made to feel like the bad guy because their just more comfortable bringing up the hard topics. If the house person is willing to drop their defensiveness and the sun person is willing to be patient and tactful with the house person this relationship would be one of the phoenix rising from the ashes. They would be unbreakable together.
Sun in 9th, This couple inspires each other. Expanding what you thought you knew. Transforming what you thought love was. This is a beautiful placement of people learning a new viewpoint on love and self expression. Sun person expands house persons viewpoints more but this placement goes both ways. Topics that you wouldn't normally talk about gets discussed here. Long term friendships are built through the expansion of the mind. Affection is easily shown here taking trips together would do this couple well and deeper the connection. They want to give to each other and spending money together is one of their favorite things to do. This is honestly one of my favorite placements its mentally and physically expansive.
Sun in 10th, Sun person is proud of house person. They want to show house person off they feel lucky to be with house person. It makes them look good publicly. This couple has a relationship that is centered around fun. They want everyone to see their affection towards each other. This couple is friends first and lovers second. This placement isn't as emotionally deep but it will make you feel important. They want people to know how amazing you are. Its very easy to be yourself and tap into your more child like energies with this placement. This couple shows each other sides of themselves no one else knows about. With that being said they can also be vicious towards one another if this relationship turns sour this couple will have no problem having public disputes. Also this may be a taboo type of relationship were people don't understand why your together or be curious on how the person got with you.
Sun in 11th, I bet this relationship started with lighthearted playful flirting. This is the most "friendly" placement. Intimacy may take more work to develop here. Ive had this placement in a friends with benefits situation. It can easily turn into that if both people aren't intentional about what they’re looking for. If they are, this is a great placement. Communication feels very open and theirs no pressure. This couple merges friend groups and could've also meet through friends or have mutual friends. This couple networks well together and other people are very attracted to their energy together. Its fun to watch them interact with each other. They’re the type to be in a room full of people but have their own sidebar conversation and cues towards one another.
Sun in 12th, Spiritual connection or secret infatuation? My sun is in the 12th house so ive experienced this more times than i would like to but in the same breathe i love it. The sun person unintentionally test who you thought you were. Boundaries become blurred in this house but its slick, you might not even notice until after the fact. Things that you might find embarrassing happen here "thats never happened before" type of things. Alot of the communication in this house goes unsaid. Its like the little social cues that your supposed to just pick up on. It can also feel like your being observed on how you react to situations. You still seem to be mysterious to each other no matter how long you've known each other. Like there's still something being hidden from you. Without trust this placement could easily lead to feelings of being deceived. Thats not to say your not being deceived though. Cheating is common in the 12th house. You could be completely shocked and unaware about your partner living a double life. With the 12th house there's really no planet person, house person dynamic it switches back in fourth. Theres alot of talking behind each others back but that doesn't have to be a bad thing the person could be speaking well about you, putting your name in the right spaces. You know the feeling of walking into a room that people were just talking about you in? Its like you didn't physically hear it but you feel it. Someones sun in your 12th can give that type of feeling for both people. If its not operating from an expansive place. If it is you experience complete devotion. Two people committed to the relationship no matter where its headed. Someone you can experience complete intimacy and vulnerability with. Complete was an unintentional brilliant choice of words here. Not to many can navigate the 12th house and make it out together but if you do... you'll feel you've completed something great and felt a connection sent directly from god.
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
Kai,llyod, and Cole hc of them with a s/o that's kinda like a child of aphrodite from pjo? A bit more like piper though, they hate their gift and have to deal with cat callers alot?
I got cat called by way older men on the way home so this would be really comforting.
A/N:sorry it took so long to get this out for you. Ik my words can't offer much, but I'm sorry you get catcalled, it's not a fun feeling.
Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader
individual headcanons of kai, cole and lloyd with a stunning S/O
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Kai, despite being extremely similar to his element in a multitude of ways, is an utter gentleman.
Hes always respectful of you, and makes sure to ask before he touches you in anyway, and is respectful with his eyes as well
With this said, as you guys grow close and start dating, he becomes uber protective of you.
He knows your very stunning.
And he knows others know that as well.
But alot of times, these people are creepy and go about saying: "hi, your outfit is cool" weirdly
And so he won't hesitate to punt a bitch into the sun
Most likely to throw a punch before a word leaves the creeps mouth.
And if your ever feeling gross and icky bc of the creeps?
Bros pulling out every stop.
Hes getting Zane to make a 10 course Michelin star meal, he's getting your comfort items, a hoodie (yours or his, doesn't matter) and he's becoming a 10/10 massager
Hes getting self care items, and a bath along with movies and cuddles with a side of shoulder to cry on
But if you get angry about the creeps??
He eggs you on. Agrees with you"YEAH BABE, FUCK THOSE ASSWIPES"
he will actively encourage any fist fights fights want to start with them
Hes your number 1 hype man, as well as comforter
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This man worships the ground you walk on. Just generally
Also drinks the respect tea (all of them do)
Hes always telling you how amazing you look, and even gives advice for anything you may need
Clothes? Food? Whatever hobby your working on?
He just has a eye for style of all categories
Hes generally also more down to earth, and realizes its much more than looks that makes a person
Which is why it takes him a bit longer to confess, as he wanted to get to know you better first (this man is demiromantic and demisexual)
Hes also fucking oblivious
So when people are more... sly about their intentions, like wording and such, he prolly won't notice
But the second he gets wind of what they are tryna pull
Hes super passive aggressive
And he slings a arm around your shoulder, or hides you behind him
Trys to talk it out first, and if they don't catch the hint they will catch his hands
Hes not... great with comfort tbh
His mom's dead and his dad's lowkey emotionally unavailable so he's not good at it
But he will rub your back when you cry, and buy takeout
He'll also prolly ask kai or Jay about how to comfort you better, bc both had either a sibling or parent.
He would ask Nia buts she's a younger sibling with a emotional brick wall of a brother so it's next to never she did some comforting.
Hes a little confused when it comes to comfort but Hes got spirit
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He has always been a little silly
So expect to bark at your aggressors
Idk why I just see him barking at your catcallers
Besides that
Hes always relied more on personality for if he likes someone, like cole
Not that kai doesn't care for personality he does, but looks plays a bigger factor for kai than they do cole and lloyd
Off topic
Lloyd doesn't make a big deal how you look. Like doesn't comment on your outfits like cole.
Doesnt mean he doesn't think you don't look nice, bc he thinks you look lovely always
But moreso doesn't give a fuck
Wear a potato sack, or go naked, he doesn't give a fuck he just wants to get to the mall before it closes to he can check out the anime shops
He Def has a idrc additude, especially in dragon rising i feel, so I think if you want compliments you'd have to be outright about it, whereas the other two just kinda;"aww my partner is lovely🥰🥰"
And he's like;"babe, love you to bits and pieces but hurry the fucketh upeth I wanna get there before the fucking store closes"
And bc of that he's also the worst at comfort
Like he's always been told to suck it up so he kinda just is like... cool you done? And stands there awkwardly. He will get better with time, but please explain how to help better for future moments bc he was a Lil scared when you started crying.
Anyways back to the beginning about when mfs are being creepy
Barks at them
Fr barks
Bc it weird them out and he thinks it's funny
Or just tries to be as weird as possible
Like starts acting possessed
Crawls backwards on all fours like the lady from the ring or smth
If generally weirdness doesn't work he fights them
Though he tries to scare them off first
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butterfly-writer · 3 months
Ello! I just read your Dabi x Mother figure reader and I really really really loved it a lot! I was wondering if you could make a similar fic with the premise of Shigaraki x an older male reader who is a father figure towards him? You don't have to of course, I just really liked that Dabi fic and thought it was sweet!
A Father’s Love
Shigaraki x Male!Reader [PLATONIC]
Summary: Shigaraki grew up with an abusive father and a weak mother. He was traumatized after killing his whole family, and ended up living with All For One. It didn’t do any good for him, All For One was a controlling father figure who acted like he was doing what was best for him. All changed after recruiting a man with a unique Quirk.
★☽A/N: To be completely honest, A Mother’s Love is definitely one of my favorites!! That and Unexpected Interest. If you guys noticed my writing is slightly different, it’s either because I’m lazy, have improved, or have Writer’s Block… ANYWAYS, ENJOYYY!! <333
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☆════ ⋆★⋆ ════☆
The League of Villains is a dangerous organization, known for their evil crimes. All orchestrated by All For One himself, a centuries old threat to Japan’s society. His successor, Tomura Shigaraki, isn’t much different from his mentor.
Tomura Shigaraki grew up with an abusive father and a weak mother. At age 4, he killed his whole family, leaving him alone with no guardian and ended up living with All For One. It didn’t do any good for him, All For One was a controlling father figure who acted like he was doing what was best for him.
All changed after recruiting a man with a unique Quirk.
He was an old soul, a man in his 40’s with a unique Quirk. His name was Y/N L/N, known by society as Poker Face for his card-related Quirk. He was recruited by Dabi a couple days ago and he had already made his impact in the League.
The reason why he was invited to the league was because of his Quirk, which allows him to have any ability to extract any meaning from a card and use it to his advantage. Despite being called Poker Face, the cards that he can only use are tarots cards.
Dabi deemed his Quirk useful and recruited him to the team. With time, he slowly went up the ranks and was side by side with the main league. He was hard-working and focused at any task he was given. He was an impressive addition to the team.
By the time he joined the main league, he became very well known in the LOV. Known for his fatherly aura. He used to have a daughter that would’ve been Shigaraki’s age if she hadn’t died in an accident. An accident that All Might failed to save everyone in. Because of this, his hatred towards All Might was born and it grew everyday by the amount of people praising him for his work.
Toga absolutely loved him! Her parents had always found her weird as a child. Y/N? He doesn’t give two shits about her quirks. “You want to drink my blood? Okay, just don’t drink it all!” He would say with a big smile on his face, offering his arm towards her. “You want me to find a bird to drink all its blood? Give me the whole afternoon and I’ll find you a juicy one!” Another thing he would say, a huge smile on his face.
Of course, his treatment towards her is different since he’s a girl dad inside and out.
Dabi was a bit defensive around him. Although he was the one who recruited him, he only did it for the sake of the LOV. (Shocking!) But, with time, he grew to love the man as a father who supported his dreams. Touya grew up with Endeavour as a child, who filled him with so much hope and expectations, only to tell him to give up because of his Quirk. Y/N wasn’t like that. Anything Dabi suggested, he would give a pat on his back and tell him “it’s a great idea!” with a thumbs up. He was like any old dad. But to Dabi, he was the best.
Due to Shigaraki’s past, he learned to not trust people. The only people he trusted were the main league, Kurogiri and “Master.” All For One wasn’t exactly the best father figure after his late father died. He wasn’t abusive, surprisingly, but was controlling and manipulative. He always said that he was doing what was best for Tomura and to trust him.
All these years, Tomura was brainwashed to think that All For One was the best thing that happened to him.
But he was wrong.
When Y/N greeted himself, Tomura saw him as a disgusting old man. He thought, How could an old man like him be so great? with a scoff. He didn’t even shake his hand!
Shigaraki was bothered every single day by the older man. Everytime he was having a tough time, he found it annoying that L/N would go out of his way to comfort him. Everytime he was motivated or had done something successfully, he was there to cheer him on.
Slowly, even though it was unintended, his trust in Y/N increased. He found it trustworthy enough to handle things on his own without having to report anything to him.
And by now, he trusted Y/N with all his heart. All For One did not like this “new recruit.” He found him distracting towards Shigaraki. He despised how Y/N was basically stealing his successor.
Shigaraki didn't know that he saw Y/N as a father figure. He was caring and much more considered than All For One. He couldn't believe he was comparing Y/N with All For One! The very being who saved him.
But he wasn't considering his opinions, he never was there when he was having his breakdowns.
Y/N was. In one of his breakdowns, he scratched his neck to the point it was red and blood started to seep out. All For One wasn't there, but Y/N was. He quickly helped him, stopping him from causing more damage to his skin. He helped him calm down and regain control over his emotions again.
He was kind enough to put some ointment or cream to treat his wounds. He was still shaking but Y/N didn't mind. He just smiled at him and reassured him that everything was fine.
That was probably the first time in ages. The first time he cried, sobbed, in ages.
He couldn't stop the tears from falling from his eyes. His body shook even more as tears started to flood his vision.
He didn't know if this was from relief or what. He didn't know why he was crying, he just was.
Y/N sort of panicked when he suddenly cried in front of him. He rushed to comfort him with a comically sweaty state. “Hey, hey, it's okay!” He embraced him and patted his back.
Shigaraki couldn't move, he didn't even hug him back. He just sobbed the entire time, wetting Y/N's shirt in the process. Y/N was still shocked by this reaction, unable to react except trying to soothe him by rubbing his back.
Let’s just say that Y/N is his favorite person now. More than All For One.. (AFO is definitely angry about this revelation).
Oh! And he’s not afraid to call Y/N “dad.” <33
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hsakuras · 1 year
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warnings: dubcon, stalking, yandere childe, alcohol consumption, facial, blow job, fem reader, degradation, cum eating(?), snowballing, breath play
wc: 4.1k
a/n: im baaaaack, also this is for @jozhenji ily bitch mwah
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You hate Snezhnaya. 
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The cold that bites at your cheeks, the way your bones ache if you stand outside too long, and how blinding the snow can be on the days where the sun is the brightest. You hate holding onto candle light to maneuver your way down the hallway of your house, only to hear talk of the Fatui growing in size and manipulating more people into joining under the harbingers from the neighbors that stop by to chat in front of your door late at night. 
“They each have their own agenda.” One of them says, as if that’s supposed to justify their actions, like they’re not all connected in some way.
“Did you hear Ajax got into another fight?” 
You hate him. Ajax. You hate how he always needs to be the center of attention.
You hate his laughter, his gaze, the way he starts fight after fight and how he doesn’t care if his father cries or threatens to send him to the military. You hate how he knows so much, how he thrives off of the adrenaline that runs through his veins when he knows he’s won, when he can taste it, feel it in his hands and configure it so that it adds fuel to the fire burning brightest in his chest. It’s the one of the only times his smile reaches his eyes.
You hate that it’s the same smile when he looks at you. When he thinks that he can barge in on your walks to get firewood, or when he finds one of your siblings and walks them home. He only wanted to make sure they would get home safe, he swears. 
 If Ajax could put his pride on a pedestal, he would. He would bellow in letting people watch as it grows and swallows everything in its path to take up more space, thriving on the marvel painted on people’s faces who pass, who watch as he leaves the small village of your hometown to join the Fatui. It shouldn’t have come as a shock when he was recognized because of his ability to fight. 
You think about the time that he went missing for three days causing a search party that grew so rapidly in size because his father is a respectable man, it hurt to see how little he slept. It hurt your community to see him attempt to console his other children. 
It hurt even more when you were the one Ajax showed up in front of first. 
You were looking out to the horizon, the firewood that had been collected by your side, stopping to enjoy the hot stew you had prepared for your siblings in the thermos that had been carefully wrapped to protect it from the bitter temperatures. It wasn’t exactly as hot as you expected but you welcomed the few seconds of warmth brought to your lips. It’s comforting and while looking out to the horizon, you make a silent promise to yourself to move to a nation that is always sunny, where the winds are warm, and the waters are blue. Something that would help your soul feel weightless in contrast to your current surroundings. 
When the forest is covered in snow you can hear everything, the branches that fall under the weight of the ice, the crunching of footsteps when someone passes by, and even the curses of the men who were fetching more wood for their wives; tired, exhausted, and numb. 
That day he came back, you didn’t expect to hear him, much less see him. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” You knew his voice, whipping your head around so fast because you never heard his footsteps approaching. His nose was bleeding, staining his mouth and shirt. “It’s nothing compared to you.” He smiled after wiping the blood off his nose and mouth with his sleeve, watching you in awe of how relieved you must have been when he showed himself to you.
He stumbles forward a little, laughs, “Hey, I lov-I’ve loved you from the moment we met.”
You’re the last thing he sees before he blacks out. 
Years have passed since then. You watch when Teucer and Tonia come running by with their new toys, how much easier it gets for his father to take care of himself when he’s promised that Ajax is okay and the financial hardship doesn’t consume his very being. It’s hard not to smile when Teucer looks up at you with a toothy grin, begging you to play with him again. 
You’ve never been able to tell him no, even though he has the same eyes as his older brother. 
You feel uneasy when Pulcinella knocks at your door one evening.
It’s routine for him to visit Ajax’s home, he is the one who offered him the position in the Fatui, you knew he had good combat skills but never would have guessed it was enough for him to be recognized as one of the harbingers. His name is no longer familiar, replaced with Tartaglia. He erases the name given to him, fully accepting his role.
You open your door for him, it would be rude not to answer when the mayor comes to your door. 
He smiles gently at you, it does nothing to relieve your nerves, makes goosebumps run down your spine and you will yourself to meet his gaze and return a smile that you would never call your own. 
“For you.” 
You let him place the box in your hand, it's rectangular, flat, and wrapped beautifully. It makes your stomach drop when his hand touches yours, you can feel a letter slip in between your hand and his, it reminds you of when your grandmother would place chocolates in your hand when you were a child. 
“Thank you.” You mumble, mouth dry and lips chapped from the unexpected visit. He nods, leaving you and waving goodbye at Ajax’s family. 
You set the box down next to the fireplace, you can hear the crackles from the wood engulfed in flames, it makes you feel less lonely at night. Now that your siblings have gone and left, you’re left to take care of the house your parents had left behind. 
You carefully unwrap the bow that sits on top, folding it neatly beside you. Your palms are sweaty when you peel back the wrapping paper. The outside is revealed with the name of an expensive boutique known for the intricate patterns of beautifully displayed lingerie. 
You stare at it in disbelief, the measurements are your size down to the millimeter, you feel like screaming. Like locking yourself in your home, blocking out the windows and doors so that no one, no one else could ever invade your privacy the way that he has. 
The black lace is decorated with hints of glitter and the satin lines it feels so, so fine. If it were from anyone else you would be enamored, delighted to wear this for someone that you held feelings for, but the only thing you feel is fear. 
You remember the letter that was placed in your hands. 
You wish you hadn’t opened it. He only speaks of the past, how he never got to tell you how grateful and happy he was to see you after he had been missing for so long.
When you returned home with Ajax, he was different, asking how many days have passed to everyone that came to visit him during his recovery, contemplating how time passes differently where he was in. When you would see him, you had reassured him over and over that it was three days, though he argued it had been three months. He used to make you retell the story again, and again, and again going over the most miniscule details until you were in tears telling him that it’s all you can remember. 
You throw the box and letter into the fire, watching the flames consume it all. You spend the remainder of the night fitting whatever parts of your life that you could in a suitcase. 
You leave the next morning. 
Your life in Fontaine is calmer than back home, you’re near the ocean and you bask in the warm windy hills during the day or dive into the ocean once you’ve finished your work at the small little dress boutique in the middle of the city. 
Your boss teases you about one of the Gardes that have caught your attention when he patrols, you even sparked up a conversation about your favorite flowers you’ve encountered in Fontaine. 
“Romaritime flowers!” you exclaim, “They’re beautiful. They look so pure in and out of the water.”
He places one in your hands the next time you meet, promising to take you on a proper date when he finishes patrol. 
You assume the bouquet of them at your front door was from him, assume that you would see him that night when you closed the boutique and assume that he would ask where you would like to go next. 
You spent that morning getting ready for work. Donning one of your favorite dresses, it compliments you well enough to make you stand out, but still allows you to work comfortably. It’s something your boss had given to you when you first arrived in Fontaine, the excuse was that you also needed something when you would go out. How else would you fit in? 
You cried at her kindness, something you had not encountered in years. 
You finish work that night, assuring your boss that you would close up. She gives you a hug, tells you that she wants to hear all about it when you come back after your day off. 
The clouds start to darken when she leaves. You hope it’s only temporary. 
You imagine this is what heartbreak feels like. 
To trust someone with your feelings so easily only to be faced with the hard realization that they didn’t seem to care about that trust to begin with. The rain, which you hoped was short lived,  only rubs salt in the wound. It’s pouring, your shoes are in your hands and your dress is stuck to your body. You waited for two hours after the boutique closed for him to come by, you waited another hour after his patrol ended. You finally left after ten more minutes, when a young woman knew the look on your face and offered you her umbrella. You politely declined, assured her that you would be okay. 
In the end you’re left disappointed, cold, and wet. It reminds you of the numerous times you would come home from the harsh snowfall in Snezhnaya, greeted with silence when you stepped foot into your house shivering and attempting to start a fire. You hated it. 
You ignore the stares from couples strolling the night, instead focusing on the cool pavement beneath your bare feet, how the rain feels somewhat cooling to your face and how you can hide your tears. 
It’s better this way, to only rely on yourself. You’re all you have after all. 
When you return home, you toss your shoes outside to dry. Slamming the door behind you and begin struggling to peel off your dress because the fabric is soaking wet and it’s stubbornly sticking to your skin. You curse when it doesn’t come off, panting and pulling it over your head, you step on something sharp, cursing again when you finally throw your dress off and the tears threaten to spill. You curse and throw the dress into the corner of your living room. 
You’re left cold, shivering, and only in your bra and panties when you look at the blood from your foot. You begin to cry. 
Your gaze then follows the trail of broken glass on your floor, the pool of water leading up to the broken vase of the Romaritime flowers.
“Do you let others stare at you like this?” 
Your blood runs cold. You remember the same feeling back when he found you staring out into the horizon all those years ago. 
He places a hand over your mouth, holds you flush against his chest when he sneaks up from behind you. “Shh, s’kay.”
You can’t scream, you squirm in his hold, kicking and clawing at his arm holding your face. He thinks it would be fun to allow you to think he’s off balance. 
You shift all your weight onto him, hoping that in the fall you’ll have enough time to run, to hide, to fight. You could run to your neighbor’s house, the nice little old couple that lives behind you and hide in their garden until you’re safe. You wish you were safe, you wish you were home sooner. Oh fuck, if only you hadn’t waited for so long into the night. 
He grabs your wrist before you’re able to move, bringing you back to him. You force yourself to find strength to move, to be able to turn around and face him. He anticipates this, he spins you around like a dancing couple would. 
He laughs once and you stop.  
You no longer want to look, you can only see the boy who was missing smiling and complimenting you with blood running down his nose, you remember the lingerie he sent when you were still in the village, how your stomach dropped when the mayor knocked at your door. 
Nothing compares to this, to the goosebumps littering your skin when he peers down at you, blue eyes that don’t ever leave your gaze and make you feel like you’re drowning in the sea waters that surround Fontaine. 
“I was waiting for you” he whispers, peppering your face with kisses while you stand there, frozen. It’s similar to the time when he collapsed in front of you, only this time you can’t find the words to scream.
It’s funny how this time he’s found you. Your poor attempt at hiding from him is amusing. 
“Missed you so much” he continues to kiss you, makes his way down to your collarbones and doesn’t hesitate to get on his knees to kiss the softness of your stomach or the tops of your breasts that are exposed to him. 
“Should have locked you up you know? You ran from me, took me forever to find you.”
“Ajax” you whisper, the tears that sting your eyes are threatening to spill. “Why are you here?” 
You hold in a sob, you know why. You’ve always known why he was enamored by you. 
“Does it matter?” he breathes, shifting his position so he is behind you again, kissing the tears off the side of your face, watching how your breathing shifts when his cold hands touch the bare skin exposed to him. 
“Had to pay that Garde off really well. He wasn’t cheap, you know?”
Your heart breaks further, the sob you were holding building into your throat. “You’re so worth it though, pretty little thing. Look at how I found you, fuck, you missed me too didn’t you?”
He’s guiding you to your couch, laying you down while he towers over you. You feel nauseous when you feel his hardening cock through his pants, “look at you, look at you!” He laughs again, another bout of tears flowing down your cheeks, hot and heavy. 
He leans down to kiss you, you turn your head but Ajax isn’t opposed to using force to get what he wants, you know this. You’ve always known this. He takes your face into his hands again, squishing your cheeks together like he did before except his gaze is demanding, icy, and bitter. 
“Kiss me back” 
You oblige, letting him press his lips against yours and slipping his tongue into your mouth. You flinch at the roll of his lips, clutching at his shirt when he groans into your mouth. He mistakes this as want, giving you more until you’re consumed by him, his presence, his scent, his touch. 
He breaks away to let you breathe, smiles at the string of spit that connects both of you and how your eyes are hazing, even though he can’t tell if it’s from crying or from how dizzy he’s made you when he kissed you. 
“Let’s celebrate” He’s off of you before you can register what he said, grabbing a bottle of one of Mondstat’s best wines. He’s unceremonious, rogue even, when he pops the cork off and takes a drink straight from the bottle before dipping back down to kiss you.
He didn’t swallow much to your surprise, he let the wine pass from his mouth to yours. Pulling away to watch your face scrunch up at the taste, “s’good” he slurs, taking another drink and swallowing this time.
“Here.” He’s pulling you to sit up, he’s so fast it’s hard to follow what he’s thinking, what he’s doing. He’s taking another drink again, it’s smaller this time, more like a sip that he thinks is adequate for you. 
He doesn’t let you pull back, his hand is on the nape of your neck making sure you can’t escape his intensity. You try to keep up, letting his tongue enter your mouth and swirl with his. It’s so sloppy, so hot, and sticky that it makes your head spin. He only gives you a break to drink more wine, to make you both drink more. 
He keeps giving you more and more, loves when you get weaker and you don’t protest as much anymore. When you whine and start anticipating the alcohol from his mouth to yours, it makes the taste more bearable and your thoughts aren’t as loud in your head. 
The wine keeps spilling from the corners of your mouth, leaving a little trail of purple-red for him to lick up to. He’s sucking at the skin of your neck, finding your pulse point so easily. His teeth nip at your skin, you don’t mean to lean into him, the alcohol is making you slow to react. He swears he hears a small moan escape your lips when he nips at the sensitive skin again. 
His hand slides down your chest, feeling your tits through the fabric of your bra, it’s still wet. 
“Ajax” you slur, “wanna wait” you say. He looks at you, he notices the tears again. You feel them spill, you’re cold. You cling onto him because at least he’s offering you that sliver of comfort. 
“Wait?” He repeats, licking a tear off of your cheek. 
“Why would I wait when I know you want me too?” He whispers in your ear, his hands unclasping your bra in one go. His touch is cold, similar to how it feels when you first go into the sea. Your body has to get use to it, it starts to warm up and you feel like you could swim and float for hours. 
It’s the same with his touch, the cool tips of his fingers warm up the more he squeezes. He likes the sound you make when he pinches at your nipples, he takes one into his mouth, sucking and licking. Groaning when he hears the little whimpers you try to hold back. 
He makes his way back up to your lips again, grabs your hands that are clutching at his sides to guide them down to palm the shape of his cock through his pants. 
He’s dreamt of this for so long. 
“Oh fuck” he pants, his breath hitting your lips before he’s kissing you again, his tongue feels like he’s lapping into your mouth getting as sloppy as possible as if you’re going to vanish again. His tongue rolls over yours until he’s aching, cock throbbing for attention. 
“Hey, feel me here.” He pants, eyes red rimmed and the blue of his irises brighter. You feel like you could drown in them. 
He takes your hand and holds it in his, tossing his vision on your table. He’s undoing his belt & pulling his pants down enough for his cock to spring free. 
He wraps your hand around the base, guides you in how fast and how much pressure to place around him, when he lets go of your hand you can feel him looking at you. You’re focused on the length of him, how heavy and hot he feels against your hand. 
You feel like crying again. You oblige him because at least he’ll leave you alone sooner, you’re just another thing for him to win over, to declare victory before he gets bored with you and moves on to this next challenge. 
“More fuck, please more” he pants, hips stuttering into your hand. You can feel the sticky, hot precum that coats the tip of his dick and now your hand. You look up at him and see that he’s got his head tipped back, moaning about how hot you are, how good you are, how he’s thought about this since you saved him. Since you found him, how he’s been in love with you since he found you looking out into the horizon. Even before, he’s been in love with you since the beginning, since he saw you. 
“You owe me this.” he breathes.
He laughs again, the same one that haunts you. 
“Don’t act like you didn’t know. I had you watched wherever you went, I made sure your siblings got into the school they wanted, fuck I even followed you here.” 
He takes your hand in his, knows that your hand is coated in his pre cum, takes one of your fingers and licks it up the length. His eyes ever leave yours as he does. 
“You should thank me.” He deadpans, cock still throbbing and hard when he stands up at full height. 
“Thank me.” He repeats the length of his dick is on your face, rutting against your cheek until the tip meets your lips. 
“Yeah, that's how you should do it.” He smiles, the one that meets his eyes. The genuine one. 
He’s holding on to the back of your head before you can move. He doesn’t care if your hair is messy, it's almost dry now. He takes your hand again, planting it onto his thigh for leverage. 
His grip returns to the base of his cock, tapping the tip on your lips again. 
You don’t open your mouth, new tears building up in your waterline. He shows no remorse for what he’s doing, no concern, he thinks he deserves this. It’s the least he deserves for what he’s done for you. 
He pinches your nose, catching you when you part your lips to shove his length into your mouth. 
You cry, struggling to breathe at the pace he starts at. 
“Woulda been so gentle to you if you would have been good, fuck.”
He seethes, eyes rolling into the back of his head when both of his hands are holding your head to match his hips. Your nails are digging into his thighs, your strength unmatched for how you try to push yourself off of him as he pulls you forward on his length. He can’t handle the hot, wet, tightness of the back of your throat. 
“Fuck yes, more, more, more” he chants, pinching your nose again to see you panic when you look up again, he loves you like this. When your chin is covered in spit and tears and his balls hit you with every rut of his hips. 
“God, gonna paint your fucking face, slut. Gonna cover you in my cum so you can never forget who you belong to” 
You can feel that he’s getting close, he grants you grace for only one second before he’s holding your jaw in his hand again. 
You take in gulps of air, coughing, and crying while he forces you to look at him. 
“Don’t run from me again.” He seethes, forcing you back down on his length. 
He’s ruthless this time, uncaring for the way your eyes can’t focus, or how you look like you’re going to pass out. You’re vision keeps going in and out, you can hear yourself. How you choke and gag around his length how he curses with each “ack. ack. ack” of his dick hitting the back of your throat. 
“Gonna cum—shit”
He pulls you off, using one of his hands to keep you in place while he jacks himself off with the other. 
“Say it, say who you belong to.” 
You can’t understand, hazy vision threatening to go black. 
“Fuck, say it and I’ll cum. I’ll cover your fucking face and never leave you. You understand? You’re mine. “
You don’t know what he’s rambling on about. You want to plead with him, talk this out and let him know he could pursue someone else. 
“Ajax” you rasp. 
“Yeah? You belong to me don’t you? Oh fuck—“ 
He groans, doesn’t hold his voice back, calling you all sorts of names but mostly that you’re his, his, his. 
His cum on your face should be enough to prove it. He looks at you like a masterpiece, taking his finger and dragging it through his cum and putting it into his mouth before kissing you. 
“Don’t let anyone else see you like this.” 
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