#[[ you're the easy kill pick xD ]]
countlessrealities · 2 months
Jinx, Silco, Vi (for Rick and Morty)
“Adopt, Get drunk with, Kill” || Accepting !
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"D-Damn, that's the easiest pick ever. A-Adopt Firecracker, g-get drunk with Mr. Dark, Tall and Gloomy an-and kill whoever that other one is."
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"Oh g-geez, can the adopt option be, y-you know, be adopted? B-Because I'd say get adopted by Silco, g-get drunk with Jinx and...y-yeah, kill the other, uh, girl?"
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"Hey! Thanks for stealing my answers, asshole. But yeah, ditto. What Morty said goes for me too."
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cuubism · 1 year
k so I've been thinking about the mechanics of hob's immortality because (as I think you've mentioned) we don't know EXACTLY how it works — just that he can't die.
now as I see it there are several options, some of them I've seen and some of them I came up with because I thought they would be interesting. also this is pretty long, so feel free to ignore, but I have Thoughts and Must Express Them. (tw gore)
option 1 is the most common one, where hob heals fast & if you do something that would kill a normal person, he just heals from it. maybe he goes unconscious for a bit, then he wakes up and he's better. so there are questions about does his heart actually stop for a while and then restart, what happens if you cut out his heart / cut off his head / blow him up or sth. your standard impossible-to-kill package. sometimes this option includes Father Time interfering so hob doesn't age.
option 2 is a variation which personally I like a bit better: hob heals faster than whatever kills him. so if you try to blow him up, he heals really fast so he doesn't actually get separated into a bunch of tiny pieces. cutting off his head? his neck heals into place around the knife. shoot him? the bullet is pushed out of his body as it quickly heals. but with a minor injury, he has to deal with it like anyone else, because his body doesn't need to heal super fast to avoid him dying. a paper cut won't kill him, so he has to live with it for a while. his cells are regenerating at the exact right speed so he isn't ageing or getting younger.
option 3 is that he heals at normal person speed, but no matter what you do, he just doesn't die. so if you stab him, he'll bleed out and out and out and he'll pass out but he'll still be alive even when he has almost no blood in his body left. if you blow him up, he will be alive while being a bunch of tiny pieces. so there are possibilities for some sort of unending torment.
option 4 is that he heals normally, but if you kill him, he goes unconscious for a bit and wakes up with no injuries or even scars he's acquired since the last time he was killed. each almost-death is like a reset button. maybe he ages between deaths and resets to age 34 each time he "dies", maybe he doesn't age for some other reason.
option 5 is possibly my favourite. in this one, it's just impossible for anything to kill him. like, he's impossibly lucky — you fire a gun at his head, it'll miss or the gun will misfire or he'll duck impossibly quickly. a building falls down with him inside, he happens to be standing in just the right spot so that he doesn't get crushed. the spacetime continuum bends around him to preserve his life. this version of hob would be injured & get sick like a normal person, he'd just always be lucky enough to recover. he doesn't age because his cells just happen to not deteriorate over time. some questions here about how the 17th century went — according to this theory, he would've found food before he starved, which doesn't quite make sense with "do you know how hungry a man can get when he doesn't die but he doesn't eat", but we can ignore that for now.
so basically I have lots of ideas and feel like they could all be really interesting... thoughts?
i honestly love pretty much all the options for different reasons and i'm not sure i could even pick one i think is "canon" because there are so many possibilities
the first one (he heals faster than normal) is the one i see in fics the most, which makes sense because it's super plot-convenient especially if you're writing action. i think it's maybe... the least interesting thematically? it just makes writing easy XD does make me wonder about if he was blown up or something, but maybe he just magically avoids getting completely blown up and just gets a bad wound he can heal from. i do like the idea of him "dying" in the sense that his body shuts down, he just comes back because death doesn't take his soul. makes for great angst potential
option 2 is FUN. hob: 5000, injury: 0. he gets blown up and yeets back together. "you cannot kill me in a way that matters". kind of eldritch terror hob, strange feral creature hob too.
hob just surviving despite anything works really well with his characterization, I think. it pairs with his sheer determination to live. you can drain all of his blood but he'll still come back. you can do anything to him and he'll still want to live. it's resonant. i also like the idea of him having to heal normally, it's almost too easy if he just heals automatically. life isn't easy and hob knows that well. and he still wants it. this also matches with the way death describes what she's done: she withholds her gift, she doesn't bestow a favor. so whenever hob was meant to die, death just doesn't show.
aging between deaths and then resetting is a fun idea. it would make his life easier in some sense because he wouldn't be caught out as an immortal as easy. it makes me wonder, if he "dies" of old age does he just revert, too? does he meet death each time and she does some kind of magic to put him back? almost has a reincarnation feel to it. hob gets to reinvent himself over and over, as he does in canon.
i LOVE the luck one, it's funny and charming XD hob just wilding his way through life avoiding bullets at every turn. this would require a lot of power on the part of the endless, i think, but it is VERY fun. hob can do a little Metaphysical Parkour as a treat.
i propose a sixth, which is not very canonical but would still be fun to play with: hob cannot die, but he can be killed. (sort of in the way that vampires won't die but can be killed). so hob will live "forever" in the sense that he will not age and die, will never perish of any natural malady or illness, but he can be killed so he must safeguard his life very carefully. i think it's extremely unlikely hob would have made it to 2022 (probably wouldn't have even made it to 1489) with this eventuality, but it lends a tasty weight to any moment when hob actually does risk his life. he can be killed, but he still jumps in front of his stranger with no hesitation when trouble arises. some things are worth the risk; what those things are is very interesting.
one time hob does get seriously injured in one of these stunts protecting dream, nearly dies, manages to pull through, and dream says, "I did not think you would live," and Hob just grins at him through the blood all over him and is like, "didn't I tell you when we met that I wasn't going to die?" the sheer hubris of that man, but it works out for him.
again this goes against the canon framing of death's gift - or lack thereof - but i think it's fun.
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vacancy-virtues · 7 months
I have an idea! I’m always a total suck for hero x villain stuff, and power dynamics.
So how about this: hero and villain have regularly been fighting each other, and it’s always either ended up in a tie, or with the hero winning and arresting the villain, who escaped soon after.
Lots of banter, etc.
Now, for the first time ever, villain managed to defeat hero, taking them prisoner. They enjoy this immensely, making hero kneel for them, etc. To them it’s just a continuation of their usual dynamic and banter. A bit of payback (and also enjoying the view).
Hero however, is genuinely scared about being at villains mercy, because that never happened before and they don’t know what to expect. Villain enjoys the whole thing right up until they realise hero is genuinely afraid of them, thinking the might hurt or kill them.
(I’m sorry if that is too detailed, I’ve never done this before XD. Feel free to leave out or add whatever you want)
There is no such thing as "too detailed" on this page regarding asks! The more material I have to work with, the more I'll be able to write. 'Twas a brilliant idea, and I hope you enjoy the interpretation I have of it.
Your dutiful writer,
Enjoy <3
#5- "A Change of Pace
Battles shared semblance to a waltz in which Hero was always the lead. Villain either made it out by the skin on their teeth or had to pitifully look up from their cell at Hero to watch them gloat. They knew it never lasted for long. No matter the cell Hero confined Villain in, they and their crew always found a way to bypass security to scheme another day.
The two had been at one others heels for years, and today seemed just like any other day. Intel was able to intercept a delivery authorization by one of Villains' crew members for a hefty amount of radioactive material. It would be likely Villain would be stationed not too far from the drop zone. It seemed too easy, but it was routine after all.
Hero wasted no time in setting up their stake-out by the time the trucks were arriving at the drop point. They remained tucked atop a rooftop behind a vent exhaust. Through their binoculars, they scanned the various windows among the city buildings. Some aglow with warm lights contrasting the cool luminescence of the street lights below. The radio communications of their ear piece were distorted, but their radiation detector hadn't been going off from their position.
"Isn't it just a lovely view?"
As Hero twisted their body to meet the source of the voice, they stopped upon hearing the sound of a rotating chamber and the sight of Villain holding a gun towards them. Their composure was collected and calm, which wasn't much different than their usual cockiness. It was a surprise, sure, but it didn't matter they were up there. It wasn't like they hadn't given each other a few black eyes and split lips, so if Hero needed to fight this one out, they could manage until back-up came.
"Well, a second ago yes, but now I'm not so sure." Hero said, raising their hands up slowly.
"Oh, surely you don't mean that Hero," Villain jutted their gun up briefly, gesturing Hero to stand, which they did. "Deep down you know you love our little ren-dez-vous~"
Hero glanced behind them, hearing the sound of barreling trucks down the alleyways. The familiar smug grin which quirked the corner of Villains' lips, caught Heros eye and they shrugged their shoulders a little, returning a grin.
"Look, I get that you're toxic, but this is taking it a little too far, Villain."
"Well, thats rude," Villain took a step forward, gun still locked on the other just as their eyes were. "But I have no idea what you're talking about. Turn around, take a look."
Villains tone made Heros stomach twitch in discomfort. It didn't help how intently they held their gun either, but at least after all these years they picked up a thing or two from Hero; one being the proper way to hold a gun so someone can't kick it from your grasp.
The other being Villain finally learned was to have the upper hand. With visible hesitance, Hero picked up their binoculars to better see the drop sight. It was to their horror to see Villains crew pulling tarps off the covered back, revealing no cargo in any of the vehicles. No crates. No sacks or odd-glowing tubes. When they looked to Villain again, several red dots littered Hero's body, and the panic started to sink in a bit.
"But, Intel-"
"Discovered plans of a radium delivery?" Villain sighed, feigning a heartbroken look. "Hero, I thought you surely knew by now after how long its been,"
From within the scarf Villain wore around their neck, they pulled up a respirator. Heros mind was racing. What was it they could have missed? The exact location, parameter setting, time, and plate numbers were all there. Their eyes fell, and Villain paused for a moment to sigh before nudging the gun just below their chin to raise their head.
"I don't do business on my birthday."
Villain lifted their mask, and Hero heard something click onto the pavement. A purple plume of smoke enveloped the two. Their mind was grew hazy, and their limbs got heavy. Hero blinked, and next they realized it, they were on the ground.
"It doesn't make any sense.." Hero managed out, pulling themselves back towards the ledge the best they could.
"One of your little bugs missed the cancellation call I put in. None of you realized it, and I saw... an opportunity." Villain knelt down in front of them, a hand snaking through Heros locks only to pull it sharply upwards.
"If you don't work..." Hero hissed out, trying to intake some of untainted air. "Then what is this?"
Villain could only smile as they leaned in, tapping the end of the gun against Heros chin. They moved in slowly, or that is what they assumed. Everything moved a half-second behind and was only increasing in increments as Hero was exposed to the smoke bomb.
"Pleasure." Villain all but purred near their ear.
With a sharp yank, Hero went hurdling into the wafts of smoke. It scorched their throat before it burned their lungs. One ear, they could hear the hiss of the static from the earbud. In the other, the hiss of the spraying smoke bomb. Hero could hardly make out what went wrong, especially in the state they were in now. They at least knew there was no Intel to call out to, and no back-up coming for them.
As Heros vision faded, the last thing they saw was Villain kneeling atop of them with a satisfied smile behind the respirator. For the first time in however long Villain and Hero had been at it, Hero was bested. Despite the incapacitated state, there was a growing fear of what Villain had in store after all these years.
When Hero awoke, it took a while to absorb their surroundings. The windows were bright but not because of light but because of the heavy fall of snow outside. Hero laid atop a deep red, ornate rug set in front of the large fireplace with stone inlays of various colors. The hearth was aglow with a roaring fire which lit up the inside of the cabin.
As their eyes focused on the walls, it was a nauseating realization that there were no portraits on the wall but various mounted animals. All walks of the food chain, from wolves and hawks to sheep and deer, decorated the walls.
In attempts to sit up, Hero realized they were bound. While yes, it wasn't like they would be free range at all, but Hero thought it excessive to bind not only their ankles to their wrists, but to bind both to a rope around their neck to prevent further struggle. Hero waited a moment to let their senses come back to them and not be embarrassed over being hog-tied on a cabin floor surrounded by dead animals.
It didn't take long to hear the thud of boots crossing the wood and softening on the carpet in front of them. As slow as they were, it didn't compare to the steady rise in heart rate Hero felt. Just because Villain had been caught in the past or had plans interrupted didn't mean they couldn't have still worked on something Hero missed somehow. Obviously, a cabin in the middle of nowhere was one of those plans.
"Oh, look at you, a bow and everything..." Villain cooed, slipping three fingers under the rope around their neck to hoist them up on their knees. They adjusted the ropes behind Hero, which loosened the pressure on their neck only slightly.
A dark apron covered Villains shirt, and their hands were poorly washed of blood from whatever it was they were doing in the kitchen. The side-effects from the smoke bomb kept their limbs weighed down like lead, and their head pounded with questions. Luckily, Villain was prompt to handle the latter.
"Do you like it? The cabin?"
"This all seems a bit.. primitive." Hero drowsily responded.
"Call me old-fashioned, I suppose. The snowstorm outside makes it impossible for your team to scope out in terrain recon or aerial surveillance, and you'll surely die out there if you try to escape."
There was a brief moment Hero felt the urge to try at an escape, yet with the upward motion, strain was put on their throat. With a strangled gasp, Hero was forced to settle back on their knees. All the while, Villain circled their victim like a shark in water, footfalls slow and deliberate before they knelt in front of Hero, their lips curled into that damned dastardly smile.
"And far away from anyone who may hear you scream. Unlike my crew, no one is coming for you, Hero."
From Villains hip, a long blade with a pronounced gut hook at the end and a dark leather handle came into view. They've had their shoot-outs, but they knew the two missed each other on purpose (most times). They've had their brawls but still left the other standing to fight another day. However, this was a new leverage Villain had, and it wasn't the heat of the fireplace making Hero perspire. It was pure fear, and it reflected back to them in the blade of the knife.
"Do you know how long I've waited for this?" Villain began, bringing the edge of the blade dangerously close to their throat. "To have you humiliated before me? I've spent years dreaming of how I'd have you at my feet, begging for your life to an unanswering god."
The spark behind Villains eyes made Heros blood run cold. They'd never seen Villain like this before. The bindings around their wrists and ankles offered no give, and any shift of their current position threatened to weigh on their windpipe. The blade edge was sharp enough to cause a paper cut-like string on their neck. So many things went wrong that Hero felt out of depth with what to do and what to expect from Villain.
"P-please.." Was all Hero managed, their voice raspy from the smoke and barely a whisper.
"Please?" Villain echoed in daunting amusement. "Oh, Hero, how the mighty do fall!"
The laugh that echoed in the room felt closer to derangement, and Hero visibly flinched at the volume. Before they knew it, a burn stung their eyes, and their vision blurred and skewed the sight of Villain with fat, hot tears.
Something about the reaction shot down Villain from their victory high. Here, they thought they'd be able to rub their success in their face, to finally show Hero what it was like to seep in their own failures. They thought the victory would be sweet, yet the sight of the true fear Hero held in their eyes left a bitter taste in Villains' mouth. Even with how long they'd been doing this, Villain never truly feared Hero.
Villain had never seen this side of Hero before.
The hook of the blade near Heros throat snugged itself under the rope before it was severed completely. Hero let go of a breath they didn't realize they were holding. After a moment, Hero watched as Villain stood and took off their apron, revealing a crisp white button up and fine dress pants.
"Get up."
"W... what?" They stammered out. With the rope now cut, the restraints seemingly fell apart as Hero moved their wrists.
"Dinner is going to be ready soon, and I figure you'd want to change." Villain said as they casually rolled their sleeves up.
As if they weren't confused before, they just stared at the other in awe and disbelief at the sudden change of heart to cut Hero loose.
"What.. You're not going to kill me..?"
"Not yet, no. I told you I don't do business on my birthday." There was a pause. "Even a belated one. It did take a couple days to get out here."
"Then.." Hero looked about the cabin, the attire, the undeniable smell of something cooking in the kitchen. "You kidnapped me to have dinner?"
There was a flash of that damned grin and an innocent shrug of the shoulders.
"Ah, a birthday dinner, and it's not like you would have made reservations. I mean, you hardly remembered! And you never have a day off, so I simply took matters into my own hands when the opportunity saw fit." Villain held a hand out to Hero, which they hesitantly took.
Hero still hadn't quite moved past the concept they thought they'd be gutted and stuffed a moment ago. The hand which took Heros pulled them close, another arm wrapping about their waist. The cologne Villain wore was subtle, but enough to bring a bit of ease in their shoulders.
"It's quiet here, and warm and away from everything and everyone.. no cameras or recorders, just us.." Villain said, their voice gentle. "Tomorrow you can stumble upon the ski mobile in the garage and be gone before the suns up, and that'd be fine just.. can we have tonight?"
Hero pulled back a bit to look up at Villain with surprise and perplexity. Yet, the look Villain wore resembled closer to remorse than anything. Villains hand gingerly cupped their jaw, a thumb caressing over their cheek. They'd been doing this for years after all, perhaps they did need a change of pace.
"Okay, Villain.." Hero said before the relief allowed a smile of their own to cross their lips. "It's only fair for forgetting such an important holiday."
"I'm glad you can see reason," Villain teased before their expression softened and pulled Hero back into their arms. "And.. I'm sorry for scaring you for you to see that."
The words held Hero like Villains arms did. With a soft sigh, Hero shook their head against their shoulder. At least now, there would be no way to underestimate Villain.
"Maybe I needed my life threatened to convince me that a break won't be what kills me." Hero quipped.
The air had lightened, and the dinner Villain carefully prepared for them was decadent and filling. The drink warmed them from the inside, and when they went to bed, their bodies did an even better job at fighting the cold off together. When the morning came and the light streamed in through the window, Villain was surprised to feel the weight of Hero still on their bare chest.
"You're still here.." Villain said, not quite as a question but more in surprise.
"Mm... it's too cold to go out..." Hero muttered, still not quite awake.
Villain smiled and pulled the blankets over them more, nuzzling contently into Heros hair. The snowfall had long since stopped, leaving glistening icicles to catch the sunlight outside the window.
"I know.." A soft kiss fell on Heros head.
Hero looked up at them with bleary eyes, barely able to process the fact Villain even planned that, before they gave a defeated smile and rested back on Villains chest.
"Happy birthday, Villain."
With a gentle kiss, the two shared the quiet morning together, wrapped up in one another until Villain found themselves lulled back to sleep by Heros calm breathing.
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skykashi · 1 year
I dreamt of Kakashi tonight 😁
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It was Hokage Kakashi, he was developing a Jutsu that had the same concept as the body flicker Jutsu but instead of teleporting to a near place like the body flicker he expanded it to teleport to anywhere he thinks about as long as he has a picture in his head of the place he wanted to go, like he had to have seen the place before to be able to teleport to it (might have been a little influenced by the movie "Jumper" here 😂) and it doesn't need a special Kunai either like Minato's but it needs an insanely good chakra control or it can kill the user by draining all of their chakra but Kakashi has the insanely good chakra control and so he was able to do it with so little chakra that he didn't even feel it but he was still working on it so he didn't perfect it 100% yet when someone attacked the village, the attackers especially picked that time because Naruto and Sasuke weren't in the village, underestimating Kakashi and the others thinking that it would be easy now that they aren't there to protect it, there was a huge blast that threatened to destroy a huge portion of the village and kill a lot of people but Kakashi jumped in front of it and was barley holding it back with his bare hands like he did with Kakuzu and Hidan's attack here
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But this is 100x bigger so he can't absorb it like he did with Kakuzu and Hidan's attack, he has to redirect it somewhere else, he can't think of any way except his new Jutsu, but he was still working on it, it's not ready yet and he's not sure what the results would be on something this huge but he has no other choice, he has to think of somewhere far away from the village and from anyone to take the blast to asap. just when he decided and thought about the place he's going to take the blast to and picture it in his head, his mind wondered off to Minato sensei and how he would have had no issue at all teleporting this somewhere else and sooooo thinking about Minato at the last second like that teleported him to just the place he had in mind which was outside of the village but in the past (definitely influenced by all the time travel fanfictions I keep reading 😂)... When Minato was his sensei (he had no idea the Jutsu could even do that) and that's when Team Minato who were returning from a mission heard a huge explosion coming from somewhere behind them, they ran to it and found a silver haired man who looks suspiciously similar to their Kakashi, injured and unconscious in the middle of nowhere, they were all gaping at him when Obito broke the silence by saying "umm, Bakashi, is this your dad?!" Because the poor child doesn't know that Kakashi's dad died years ago
Kakashi sent him a murderous look, Rin gasped and Minato said "Obito!" In warning.
Obito said in confusion "what?! What did I do?!" And ofc no one explained to him anything but instead, Minato said "he does look a lot like Kakashi tho! 🤔" Then Rin added "maybe he's from the Hatake clan?" But Kakashi quickly answered "as far as I know, I'm the last Hatake" then Obito said nonchalantly while picking his nose "what do you mean you're the last Hatake, idiot?! What about your dad?!!"
Minato and Rin: 🤦🏻‍♀️
Kakashi jumps on Obito trying to bite his head off but Minato interferes in time using his best sensei voice saying "okay, that's enough you two!..." Rin cuts him off saying "maybe we can figure out who he is later but we need to take him to the hospital now, he's wearing Konoha's headband so he has to be from Konoha, I'll try to heal him as much as I can but his injuries look too serious for just a quick field healing, he will have to go to the hospital"....
And then my cat woke me up because he wanted to eat 😶 side note: all of my dreams are like this, they are always like mini movies, my subconscious is very entertaining XD
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dreamerlucifer · 3 months
First, My Main Ask account is DreamerLucifer on Tumblr. http://dreamerlucifer.tumblr.com -This is open for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva crossover Art requests as well as RPs!! Please note, I'm basing comics off of my interactions with askers and rpers!! YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE NOW, BITCHES!!--
AU so far- My Lucifer, once stopped by Charlie from killing Adam, Takes on a much more compassionate role. Realizing that he almost took Adam's life, he is instead inspired to become better, even moreso than he ever was! Charlie and her accomplishments Have really and truly inspired Him to look at Adam in a new light!! Now Instead of passing judgement, as he almost did, He decides to help pick the fallen angel up, out of the rubble, and help him rebuild. In other words, his newest pet project!! With each passing Day, he will help Adam be a little more righteous and a little less gross! Have an Adam? RP some scenarios with me, I am, as is my Lucifer, Bi sexual, so all characters are welcome to take a pass at the King of hellish ducks himself ;D Who wouldn't want a piece of that, eh? lol So Lucifer's Pet Adam has been crashing on Lucifer's couch, and just making a mess as of right now, scenario as discussed with @fatass-adam , haha, but any Adam is welcome to take part and help me build different storylines and scenarios!
WIP and what you can expect a lot of my art to look like:
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♥ Meanwhile, My Luci is going to be pushing ever so much harder to be a part of Charlie's life again, so all Charlies are more than welcome to rp with me as a father figure!! But Charlies be warned, My Lucifer loves his little duckling unconditionally, and does not see her as anything but his wonderful little girl. (So no, incest isn't happening with my Lucifer) / My dear Radio Demons, My Lucifer is dominant, and giving, But he can't stand that smug Alastor!! Trying to take his precious Charlie >:U ahem… I digress, Relationship to Radio Demon Players has been set as love / hate. And There is nothing my Lucifer hates more than a Radio Demon Alastor trying to dominate him sexually or otherwise. So of course, its an invite to try and catch my Lucifer if you can, Alastor, but it won't be easy!
Ohh, all OCs are welcome to interact and /or make artistic requests as well!! -WIP of @wicked-omens getting a special Adam shaped Ducky ♥
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And Disclaimer, I may be the king of hell, lol j/k but I'm really only human, so don't expect every interaction to end in an artistic scene, and when it does, there will be vast differences in quality depending on my current free time and how much the scenario inspires me. I'll do my best to get back to RP situations as fast as hellishly possible, but give me time, I like to think about my posts ^^ Well, all that being said, All other characters interacting with Lucifer are welcome to become the new cannon for the DreamerLucifer AU!! Any questions? Shoot 'em here or on my Tumblr, Bitches!! Most all of this information will be written out and posted much better via my Tumblr, again http://dreamerlucifer.tumblr.com
This is a temp post until I have my main promo Page ready XD
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kyojurosprettygirl · 9 months
If you're willing to write for demons, can you do a short Akaza x fem slayer story?? One where the reader keeps chasing him because he refuses to fight her on account of her being a woman? It could be a cute enemies to rivals to lovers, maybe even be a little angsty. I would imagine the y/n's bewilderment that the gosh darn uppermoon 3 wouldn't kill her, or that she's insulted that he refuses to fight.
a/n: OH EM GEE. NONNIE THIS IS PURE GOLD. i feel you've read my mind , and it's a little scary . i've had smth similar in my head for MONTHS and you don't know how excited i am to write this now that i have a baseline!!! XD this has given me much more inspiration for it and surprisingly more leeway . it's kind of hard to keep my stories short... ;;; I HOPE YOU ENJOY REGARDLESS X)))) I WONT LIE, this was super hard to write.
the sun will always rise.
Akaza x Demon Slayer! Fem! reader
for each and every kill a slayer makes, it counts as a single but notable step toward the designated finish line. the finish line where humans will be safe from harm; where a corps dedicated to killing demons wouldn't have the need to exist. it should be a simple thing, you realize. in hindsight, people think you just train, kill, and repeat, until finally your flame dies out and your just another warrior who's sacrificed their life without a name left behind, depending on how much you killed that is.
In reality, though, the corps is much more complex. There are ranks, hidden villages, hidden faces, and most notably demons who were once human too. who were once filled with their own ideologies, their own minds and voices, they were once a full glass rather than an empty shell of what once was. Some, too far gone, others, just unfortunate people who fell into the deep end. It is when you fight with a demon when the complexity really set's in, you hear them, feel them even, and although some are easy to ignore, other's are much harder. and for you, it was always harder, your empathetic nature toying with your mind and heart. it was something you connect well with the young slayer you've come to know as Tanjiro, but you differ in one thing, you find killing the demons much easier than he does. choosing to ignore their pasts to reduce the risk of dying, using the most painful form you know on them. It's how you got into this mess to begin with.
your feet ache, burn even, trying their hardest to keep up with your mind who seems to not have any limits. your fingers are numb, your cheeks burn, and your neck itches from the cloth constantly rubbing on it because of the frantic movement. for the second time tonight, another strong demon made it's way into your line of vision. though its more unfortunate for them than it is for you, you're still human and your body begs to succumb to the comfortable earth below you. the fight was drawn out, too much for your liking, making your patience to run extremely thin. dodging it's attacks left and right, you spoke out to the demon, surprisingly finally hitting a nerve. when the demon had stopped to tell you it's sorrows, how it feels, you called a form and decapitated it without second thought, it having given you an opening. you dropped your blade and keeled to where it's head laid and you gently picked it up, facing it toward you.
"I wish you a comfortable trip to hell." you rasp out. gently placing it's head on the ground as the sun rises, it's body ashing out into nothing. you sigh and look at the unlit part of the forest, noticing piercing eyes in the shadows. in curiosity, you appear infront of the demon in a split second, him barley dodging your blade. his eyes go wide in surprise and he groans in frustration, disappearing into what's left of the dark. he was gone just as fast as you appeared and you decided to ignore it, convincing yourself it was simply your lack of sleep.
but it happened again. and again. and you began to grow frustrated. you began to seek the demon out, and every time you got close, he'd dodge and refuse to fight you. At first, it was one-sided, where you seeked him out, he tried to avoid you, just wanting to complete muzans orders, but the closer you got to tracking him down, you began to interfere greatly with his orders. orders of which when failed to complete, he'd have his blood wrung dry, but still keeping his morale of not intentionally hurting you. you were a woman, it would be wrong. and, it was your job. could he really blame you?
"what the hell." he thinks, as he dodges another one of your hits, you're much faster than what he's used to, so you must be a high ranked slayer. He splays his arm out in an attempt to grab your blade from you when he heals the blade into his skin , but it's futile when you catch onto it and twist, creating another wound where you have enough time it grab it back. as the sun began to creep up, he knew he had to get out of the fight quickly, but he knew you well enough to the point where you wouldn't drop it that easy. you huffed, a slight smile gracing your features, and for a moment he's enamored, your strength is admirable and your beauty shines through the roughness of your hits, but he doesn't stare too long. Instead, he runs from under you when you jump, and runs deep into the dark forest. He hears your scream of frustration as you begin to chase after him, except going the opposite direction. he exhales, you were going to be a problem, he could already feel it. so he opted from then on to hide away from you, knowing you were constantly chasing to kill him.
sooner or later though, for every slayer he was ordered to kill, you'd come in and save double. For every place he managed to hide himself in, you'd cover them head to toe in wisteria poison residue. For every item he'd need to retrieve, you'd try to combat with him, leaving him no choice but to leave and go back empty handed. you can only imagine how angered he was becoming. where he'd usually draw fights out, get to know the powerful slayers, and even give them more chances to kill him, he found himself just wanting to kill them immediately as a means to save himself from your wrath. you were everywhere, wherever he was, you somewhere were always there. he figured it was your crow. It was getting to the point where he was thinking of letting go of his morals, maybe you would be the only exception to his rule. he hated your existence, and was hoping another demon would do the job for him. he realized you were specifically targeting him, and it's what angered him even more. he decided he'd start to put his hand's on you, and use a few words, maybe then you'll get off his ass.
you panted as you finally managed to get him on the ground. he had no way out of this, unless he hurt you, and oh was he tempted. you make a move to cut his head off, a gleam of relief running in your eyes, one he caught onto. he then grabbed your hips and rolled into a position where you laid under him, getting off as fast as he could and attempting to take his leave. you grunt, chasing him and he grabs your wrist before your blade could make contact with him. 'why won't he just fight back.' you think, your eyes widening at how gentle his grasp was. you furrow your brow, jerking your hand off and kicking him, creating a wave of dirt dusting over your vision. "why do you run from me! just get up and fight me!" frustration was evident in your voice, and he laughed at it. god, you sounded like inosuke, you realize. "you just don't give up." he grunts, he looks you in the eyes and you realize he's an uppermoon. "because you are a woman." and at that your face is one of bewilderment. 'this entire time!' you think. you make a move to throw him deeper into the forest but he dodges and runs into the forest. again. you groan and notice the sun was beginning to peak from the horizon. "it's now or never, demon!" you scream, and chase after him. it was a fruitless chase.
he thought it would have led to you giving up, but it instead became a game of cat and mouse. whenever you did encoutner him, you'd push for answers, for him to just hit you back, deem you worhty of his time, but he just rushed out of the match. leaving you at the same time the moon did.
his comment made you assume you thought he was weak, and knowing he was uppermoon three fed into those assumptions. he only ever fought the highest rank slayers, you noted, and he was almost always victorious in them, except for those who made it til sunrise, two to be exact, and they would talk about how he just never gave up, how he seemed eager to elongate their fight. although, that was years ago, and you weren't even sure if he was considered the third uppermoon then. this continued on for months, and fueled your ambition even more. yet as the days passed, you began to falter more and more, your spark dimming by the seconds. you felt weak, and knowing you weren't was different than feeling you weren't, you felt unworthy, and a demon's word's shouldn't hit as deep as Akazas did. he fought Rengoku, a hashira you grew to know well, and from what he had told you, you just grew insecure. you felt guilty, he survived by a single thread, and instead of wanting to avenge him, you just wanted to be recognized by the demon. you selfishly wanted him to ask you to be a demon, to ask for your name and say that you were gifted. you had soon given up on the chase, guilt eating at you faster than the fire you had in you did. but the fire of wanting to kill him remained in you regardless, laying dormant and behind your old wounds.
as you walk mindlessly, you only notice the moon when you walk into a small running river, the coldness easing the ache in your feet. it was a long day, and you'd just completed a mission the master had given you. you sit on a rock and let the water dance around your ankles, giggling when small pebbles tickled you. you sigh and close your eyes and enjoy the night, trying to find the person you once were before encountering the demon. he hadn't left your mind since, and knowing his name had simply made it harder. your brows furrow in subconscious annoyance. you were sick, sick of him unintentionally controlling your life. "fuck off , Akaza" you groan, opening your eyes. and as the saying goes, speak of the devil and he shall appear. you jump and squeal when he suddenly appears next to you, the height difference increasing as he isn't sitting down. "what the Fuck." you say, trying to get your blade, but stopping when he just laughs. it's soft, and you decide to just give up. he notices your lack of reaction, and sits next to you on the ground. at this point you were both at eye level, and you felt embarrassed that you needed a rock to reach his eyes while sitting. he doesn't know what to say, and neither do you, your interactions were only your attempts to kill him, and him trying to avoid your strikes. you break the silence. "why are you here." and he hears your voice differently for the first time. rasps he's gotten used to aren't there, and it lacks loudness. it's silky, and it pricks at his skin. he can admire you now, he thinks, and he savors every second. he decides to respond truthfully. "i want to know your name." you gasp, its almost ghostly sounding, but he catches on. you feel regret fill your mouth the same way saliva does before you vomit, but instead it's for being happy about a demon asking for your name, and the acidity soon to come is you giving it to him. you contemplate it, and you face him, his breath hitches at finally seeing your relaxed face. your crazy wild eyes are now sharp and gleam the same way gold would, your mouth isn't in a tight frown but instead a slight smile, he assumes it's how it naturally falls. you open your mouth to speak, before your brows furrow, an expression he's gotten used to. "you don't need it." you state. your tone is firm and a familiar coldness returns to it. he hums, "but i wan't it" you tilt your neck back, and sigh, 'oh what the hell'. "y/n." your gaze turns to him and he feels his blood rush, he hates how you easily put him in a trance. "i wan't to kill you." you say boldly, and he lets out a laugh before he realizes your serious. "do you even hear yourself?" and he laughs again. you grab your blade and stab it into his heart, a hit that would have killed anybody normal. "loud and clear, uppermoon three." and he gets goosebumps from your voice. Akaza decides to humor you, and grabs your blade to throw it at you, knowing you would easily avoid it. he sees excitement in your face and smiles at it, it wouldn't hurt to humor you, he just needed to be very careful. Although your skeptical you decide if you die fighting him, people would see it as an honorable death, and it would ease you in your final moments.
Akaza felt guilty. he was there for one reason only. to kill you. it was an order from muzan, and as much as he wanted to remain loyal to the man, he couldn't. "you aren't serving me as efficiently as before, I believe it's the Kinoe." he was right. and it was then when he stated he was to kill her, or he'd kill them both himself. He wasn't going to kill you himself, he was going to have a smaller demon do the work for him, but he wanted to know you, wanted to do what he couldn't do before. He was gravitating toward you, and he wasn't given any room to pull way. He thought it'd be okay to let you spend our last moments doing what you wanted. To fight him.
But the fight turned a different way than he thought.
each sentence you spoke, each sassy remark, you'd made him more intrigued. he found himself wanting to know everything about you, and as the night went on, after you cleanly sliced the lower demons dead and continued to speak as if nothing happened, he felt he was ready to give up his loyalties. he was afraid, you spoke for the entire night and he had to decide to kill you and execute his duties as muzans right hand, or, if he'd die with you. as the sun rose, reminding him the same way an hourglass would, he decides to run. again. but this time, with a promise to see you again. you land one more hit and he trips you, catching your arm before you hurt yourself on a jagged rock. he positions you as you catch your balance, and he holds your blade in his hand, his palm bleeding as he digs it deeper. "you could use more work on your form." he chuckles, and you simply snicker. "i haven't done this fighting style for hundreds of years y'know." he hums, and walks into the forest, he needed an excuse, and a way to hide the night he went through from muzan.
deep shit, you think.
this continues again, and again, until eventually, you know more of Akaza than you do your own family. night after night, saying goodbye when the sun rose. he was able to make it seem like you'd been killed, ofcourse not with his own hands, muzan wouldn't believe it, and you never got in the way of his missions.
it felt wrong, but the way he ignited you pushed you to continue the growing relationship. but you knew deep down, eventually it would slip, and muzan would find out, if not him, then your comrades. but to both you, you stopped minding it.
you were killed, in a torturous way infront of akaza, muzan had found out, and it was one of the moments that made it easier for him to not grow his head back when decapitated. he figured if it was you who he was meeting again, then maybe death was the answer.
funfact! he refused to let you walk with him to hell. he made sure you both wen't separate ways, but once he made it far enough, you ran back to him and you both fell to the depths together.
'you don't belong here.'
'i do. if i was a saint, i would have never met you.'
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teecupangel · 6 months
I was going to make this as a reply in the post but my explanation to @thedragonqueen1998 for the tags was longer than I expected XD
#i mean#look at the bright side desmond#at least it's not secret hitler#or werewolf#oh man#it could have been blood on the clocktower#desmond the bar got off easy XD#<previous tags#Secret Hitler???#EXCUSE ME????#EXPLAIN PLEASE!
Secret Hitler is a social deduction game where the group is separated to liberals and fascists + hitler. (Depending on how many the players are, the number of fascists will also go up, but the main idea is that the liberals should always be the majority) The main point is that the group has to vote for a president and a president has to vote for a chancellor. Then the rest of the group will vote if they like this 'combo' or not. If not, the president goes to the next person (clockwise I think?) until the majority of the votes agree to the current president and their chosen chancellor. The president then gets 3 random cards from the deck which can either be liberal or fascist. Then the chancellor would pick one of the two cards (policies which will be implemented in the flavor of the game). The goal is for one group to pass 6 cards (policies) of their faction before the other side can. That's pretty much the gist of it although there are other win conditions that gets unlocked the more fascists cards are put down on the board (like the president having the one time ability to execute someone and, if that someone is the secret Hitler, the liberals win) or a president electing the secret Hitler as the chancellor if three or more Fascists cards are on the table then the fascists win. The rules and a copy of the game that you can print is free here:
I always assumed it's one of the more common board games but, then again, I do prefer social deduction board games so maybe that's why I know it XD Although you didn't ask, I'll still share cause I really like this game: Blood in the Clocktower can be described as "Werewolf but everyone has powers and can lie and play even after dying" Blood in the Clocktower works with the Werewolf base game that there is a 'demon' among the villagers killing people every night (although there is a demon, Lil’ Monsta, that can't kill and whoever is killed is on the whims of the storyteller) and they have minion(s) to help them and the villagers can execute someone each day until either the villagers execute the demon (minions can be alive at that point) or the bad guys (demon + minion(s)) outnumber the villagers. There's more to it and it is one of the more complicated social deduction game out there and it's better with a more experienced storyteller who can know if they should lend a helping hand to the bad guys or the good guys but it's super fun once you get the hang of it.
Especially if you get one of the most stressful roles like the Saint where if the villagers executes you, your team (good team) loses or the Damsel where if a minion call you out and say you're the damsel in front of the villagers, the bad team wins. There's also the Recluse where powers that can check if you're evil might come up as 'evil' or 'minion'. XD Here's their official site:
And the Blood on the Clocktower wiki that has all the roles and even the rulebook and how to setup a game
If you're curious on how it's played, No Rolls Barred has a lot of Blood on the Clocktower videos. I would recommend Poppygrown if you can only watch one of them because the total chaos of that entire episode was hilarious.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Time to meet my character. And also the other one, I guess.
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My colors are cooler than his. Nyeh!
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In seriousness, Valere and Zale both have killer portraits. Though the jagged upper edge of Zale's scarf makes it look like it's preparing to eat him.
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That's a terrible idea, Zale. You want us to explore an unknown wilderness in separate directions and then when we find something... what? Yell really loud and hope the other one's aimless nature meandering hasn't taken them out of earshot?
I don't know, maybe we have mystical methods of communication but then we'll still be left trying to offer navigational advice like "I think I took a left at a rock?"
Sometimes games let you pick a character to play and then quickly sideline the other for the duration of the plot. Resident Evil comes immediately to mind. I'm sure Sea of Stars has no intention of doing that but it would kill me if the non-selected character just ended up lost in the wilderness for the duration of the game. XD
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OH SURE, you take the easy flatland and leave me with the path that requires climbing up a ledge.
Well. Whatever else he may be, we know that a gentleman, Zale is not.
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WHOA put the staff down, Valere. Look at his backpack. He might just be a traveling merch--
There are skulls decorating the backpack.
You know what, never mind. You're right. I'm wrong. Activate self-defense stick and wait to see if he makes the first move.
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Not even "Goblin" or "Orc" or anything. Just. Wanderer. I'm having second thoughts about beating the shit out of this guy again.
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I mean, I'll do it. I just don't feel good about it. I'm going to just focus on the skulls and try to assume we were being accosted by a bandit, and not a traveling vagrant who decorates his gear to try and ward off would-be assailants because life's tough when you're on the streets.
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Have to climb a ledge and cross a rickety bridge. I hope Zale enjoys his pleasant stroll in the woods that seemed to be off in that direction.
Yes, I am petty.
On the plus side, that's definitely a previously-used campsite up there on that ledge. So we should be able to cross the bridge and then take a nice, relaxing walk up the hill to that bridge up there, which may connect us to--
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I'm gonna put a thumbtack in his sleeping bag.
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I got attacked by a rock bull, thank you for asking. It's like a regular bull. But made of rocks.
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Oh, but the pleasant jaunt through the woods takes you to the well-used campsite. Great. I got mauled by a rock bull for nothing.
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We weren't looking for the way to the top. We were looking for that campsite next to you. But sure, Zale's easy route not only takes him to the campsite I was trying to get to, but also to those delicious looking berries over there and also the way to our ultimate destination for good measure! Because life isn't fucking fair..
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.... *deep breath* You're too nice to be mad at.
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You know what, I take it back. This route isn't nearly as easy as it looked from a distance. Alright, Zale, I won't put a thumbtack in your sleeping bag.
The moral of the story is that assumptions make an ass out of u and mptions.
But I had to climb both sets of rocks so you're cooking tonight.
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Credit where it's due, the writing for these two characters is strong. I don't know if they're supposed to be siblings or lovers or platonic besties or what. What I do know is, you can feel the history in their relationship. These two characters have been supporting each other with love and friendship for a long time.
The dialogue in Sea of Stars is already doing a great job of sounding organic. Valere and Zale don't stop to explain things because. Like. Why would they? They both already know what they're talking about. Instead, they convey hints of information through casual chatter and trust the audience to be smart enough to understand what they mean.
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And painting in intrigue. Valere has regrets about a third person who should be here and isn't. Oooo, mysterious. I wonder what happened to--
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Oh, I guess we're going to find out right now. Kinda thought they'd drag that out longer.
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olivescales3 · 7 months
I have a pretty interesting question: How would every LOC character react to being put in a Danganronpa-style killing game? Who would survive?
Thanks mutual for the ask!
I don't know if you're asking about LOC specifically or TFLOC, but I'll talk about LOC, though through my interpretation
Well... The thing about Chima is that there's already war, betrayal and fear– it's not explicit in the show, but it's there, just from a bigger perspective. Danganronpa is just a smaller scale (and is also controlled in a way), of what goes in Chima.
Though, if we're going to pick the main characters from their respective tribes (just to be fair. Including Sir Fangar would be wayy over. like. he's immortal), then I would say that Worriz could survive, because he's smart and cunning, though Eris could also survive because she's smart. I don't know though, I don't feel comfortable talking about tweens killing each other in hunger games style
The way characters were written in LOC make it easy to be like "oh hey this one might die first!" because we have tribes like the Rhino and Bear Tribe who are treated like dummies, when in reality these animals are smart
Therefore, I don't think I can answer this with a clear reply, but it was still something interesting to think about.
Thanks for the ask xD Hope you like my answer
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Oooh you gave me a kiss or diss? Thanks! Now what are the-
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I can't believe you'd do this to me Slashing... I thought we were friends (jk of course XD)
Ok, let's get through this. I must answer no matter how difficult XD
HARPER ALEXANDER AND FREDDY KRUEGER!? I... WHY!? It's... It's FREDDY *deep breathes* But it's also Alexander... I... I... Ok fine, I'll kiss if I get to pick what version of Freddy I kiss (I think you said one version was slightly better than the others?). Alexander can comfort me with his southern gentlemanliness after I have to kiss that nightmare demon.
Scroop, Gaston, AND Frollo... You know, this would almost have been a diss since there are two undesirable bastards in this, if not for the fact I'm pretty sure Gaston and Frollo would get too absorbed in arguing with each other to kiss me (I'm certain Frollo would think Gaston more sinful than the average man, and Gaston would be like "But there's no one here like Gaston!". Bonus points if Frollo thinks that Gaston is saying he's a gift from God or something and gets absolutely furious with him). That'll give me time to sneak off with the hot alien XD so Kiss. (Even if they didn't, kissing one of them in front of the other will definitely get them fighting anyway XD)
Driller Killer and Doll!Chucky? Oh that's actually easy, Kiss. Chucky's just a doll, even if he is grabby and murderous, and I'll happily get past that to kiss the true demon of my dreams (maybe he'll be willing to protect me from Chucky if I promise to go 'all the way' with him. Ok bye-)
.... Yeah I'm willing to Kiss the nasty sorcerer so I can kiss Maleficient (at least he's hot-)
Dr. Facilier and Jim Starling... I have to feed into a ducks ego to get the real gentleman... You know what? I dealt with Gaston, I'm willing to do that. Kiss.
.... damn it Definite Kiss XD Besides, Gaston's arrows ain't got nothing on a sea witch
Those are my answers! This was the first Kiss or Diss where it was all kisses XD what about you? What are your answers?
Omggggggg, your reaction actually made me laugh XDD Of course I had to do it to you haha XD Payback for all those kiss/marry/kills in the past!!
Oh you're very brave! XD I'm sure Harper would appreciate your very courageous act in order to kiss him XDD And yes, Original Freddy is better because he is not a pedophile- so, yeah. (Hence why I dissed the HELL outta them both in your last kiss or diss ask!!). And yeah- I would so pick Kiss for this one too XDD
Oh the idea of Gaston and Frollo fighting is so fun XD That giant man thinkin' he's so great and pouting when the tiny delicate old man calls him filth. Plus they're both french so they're arguing in there language, while Scroop stands to the side so confused and angry in 'Grumpy Old Alien' XD I'd happily kiss them all anyway (Well, sort of happily. With Gaston and Scroop).
This one'll have to be a diss from me! ^^ I just don't know the Driller Killer very well and the only kiss I'd give doll Chucky is on the head. And OMG!! Trading yourself for doll protection!! XDD ... respect. salute.
KISS! I'm lukewarm on Mal but Jafar is a whole husband ^^ So... (And yes. He is hot. I'm glad you agree XD They both are! ^^ )
Same as the last for me! Kiss because while I feel eh about Dr Faciler (In that way. i love both the shadow man and Mal as great great Villains- I'm just not attracted to them in anyway), I love Jim. Dramatic ass narcissistic duck.
You're so right, Ursula would probably kick Gaston's ass. I'd so kiss them both too!
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖!𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕘𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝔾𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣 -> 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕥
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>Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach
>Character: Montgomery Gator
>Warnings: Mentions of violence. Abduction. Murder. Unhealthy obsession. Detailed description of said unhealthy obsession. Stalking. Delusional behaviour. Sentient robot. Emotional manipulation. Toxic mindset.
>Type of content: Basic Information? Character introduction? I don't fucking know anymore XD
•Ah yes, the man, the myth, the legend himself... The crocodile that made the internet horny again. I just have one question? Why...? I mean I know why because me too but still. Also from the gentle giant to this feral man, what a big jump XD
•It does not matter whether you view them as their robot version or as humanoid animatronic. And reminded this is MY personal depiction of this character with my own opinions so please don't get mad-
A= Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
: ̗̀➛ *Bites*... Literally. That's how Monty shows love and affection, it's not even meant to be sexual in any way, he just likes softly biting you at random times. Not only is it a clear way to show that you're marked but also it's easy and he likes seeing you squirm around when he suddenly grabs you. If you actually had him be patient enough to where you officially date him just expect to be picked up a lot, feel like Monty would like carrying you around even if you're perfectly fine.
B= Blood: If they’re extreme how messy are they willing to get?
: ̗̀➛ He's MESSY messy- have you seen his room? They just stopped fixing it because he messed it up so many times because he easily destroyed it, if Monty has his hands on a person that tried speaking to you for too long he'll tear them to shreds and leave body parts all around for whoever finds it to pick and clean up.
C= Cope: Do they try to deal with this jealousy sooner so they don’t lash out?
: ̗̀➛ If jealous hits he'll act on it immediatly in the worst way possible. Finds his darling talking to someone he doesn't like? Immediatly grabs you and move to another location so the two of you can be alone. If you try to stop him he'll start an intense argument with whoever was trying to make a move on you and immediatly try to kill them and not care of who's around.
D= Death: Do they feel any sorrow for their victims at all?
: ̗̀➛ No?? Why would he? They were just some annoying pests anyway, it was their fault for getting in his way.
E= Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their s/o?
: ̗̀➛ Monty isn't good at all with his emotions and they cause him to lash out when it's too strong, if you're kidnapped the time with him will be really rough unless you start to understand where he's coming from and sort of tame him in a way, he'll become much more patient and sweet to his darling but only if they agree to be with him
F= Fight: How would they feel if you fought back against them?
: ̗̀➛ Probably annoyed, how could you not just give in to him? He's amazing! Not to mention how Monty is a lot bigger and stronger than his darling and easily able to do anything. Although sometimes he does love bantering with you, he's real easy to please with praises but those won't do you any good in escaping or lowering his guard
G= Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
: ̗̀➛ Monty loves the chase. Literally. Sometimes he'll purposely play little games where he gives you a certain time to escape out of the Pizzaplex while he chases you. These games are usually always on his favour and it'll turn into punishment if you actually escape by yourself and not when he let's you.
H= Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
: ̗̀➛ Remember how I said he bites? He probably would bite chunks of meat off you and even your arms and legs might get broken to make sure you don't crawl or run away (when he doesn't want you to). This will also include some mental torture of you being all alone in the big Pizzaplex while Monty chases you while laughing, insulting and making promises to never let you leave.
I= Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
: ̗̀➛ He doesn't know how or think of the long time plan but he would love to be wirh you forever. Monty would love if you stayed at the Pizzaplex forever and cheered him on during his performances and be his biggest fan. Maybe kids? He still doesn't know exactly about that.
J= Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
: ̗̀➛ Monty is one jealous and possessive fuck. Sees you give a little compliment to someone else? Depending on how you feel about them they'll either die, get heavily injured, avoid you or be scared of you for the rest of their life. Monty lashes out immediatly, maybe not when his darling is around but definitely when the person is left alone.
K= Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
: ̗̀➛ You can literally see his tail happily wagging when he's around you, he will start boasting and showing off, and he really likes it when you show affection to him in public. If he does something cool he'll immediatly look at you to see if you saw it, and if someone else speaks to you while you're there he'll start growling protectively to get them away.
L= Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
: ̗̀➛ He's going to show off any skill he has, about how strong he is, how much kids love him, how good he is at the guitar and golf, and other talents he might be programmed to have. Monty aims to impress you to the point you fall in love with him and if you don't even after all his attempts? Well... You're going to get kidnapped.
M= Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
: ̗̀➛ Monty can't act all that good. He's usually more tame and nicer to you, letting you touch him without getting your hand bitten or scratched, he's still rather violent but you won't ever be a victim of it (Not everytime anyways) but with everyone else? They're not going to approach 5 feet close to him unless they want a limb missing, especially if he's frustrated about you and his emotions are going haywire.
N= Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Physical violence. Probably some mental torture of you barely being able to run away while Monty catches you and drags you back to his room
O= Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
: ̗̀➛ When you're dating he'll get on your case about everything, he won't exactly blame you but he'll get jealous when you give your attention to something else while he's with you. And if you're kidnapped you're not allowed to do anything without him, even sleeping! Monty likes cuddling with you while you sleep
P= Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Not very much, he does enjoy your playful fightings but he won't stand for insults or you constantly asking to leave, if he runs out of patients your next chase would be very painful
Q= Quality: Would they to be secretive or be flashy about what they do?
: ̗̀➛ If you're dating, Monty will be so flashy about it he'll mention it every 20 minutes whether the conversation he was having with someone was about you or not or if it was a very serious matter. If he's kidnapped you against your will he would be acting like nothing happened, actually Monty would be offended when someone says how you must be very lost and devastated right now (He will fight that person)
R= Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their s/o? Would they ever let their darling go?
: ̗̀➛ Not at all. There would be a series of events that led Monty to that and in his case he finds it to himself it's completely justified and for your own good. Why wouldn't you want to hang out with him 24/7? And unless you count your little chasing game then no, he would never let you go.
S= Stalker: Would they stalk their darling? How intense would it go?
: ̗̀➛ He would try stalking you but he doesn't know how. You usually catch him from how big he is and he can be extra sloppy when it comes to it. Monty does love having you within his sight so you'll probably catch him "stalking" you a lot of times. It's not that intense as it's from curiosity of the green alligator just wanting to see what you're doing all the time. He'd also rather talk and be with you than just watch you do stuff.
T= Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
: ̗̀➛ He does enjoy seeing his darling squirm around and try to fight him off, tears do make you look especially pretty! But he doesn't want that to happen when you're in too much pain, that's set for punishments that he usually doesn't enjoy giving. And god forbids you isolate yourself, you'll just get Monty even more fired up to make you his completely
U= Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
: ̗̀➛ Monty can be tamed from that ruthless and bloodthirsty beast to a... Possessive and clingy puppy? He would still throw hands on sight but if you're gentle and put up with him after a while you'll start to see results.
V= Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
: ̗̀➛ It should probably happen during those chase games. It is always set on Monty's favour but if you happen to kiss or do something to him that'll catch Monty off guard for the entire day he'll probably forget locking a few doors, forget to steal stuff that would probably help you escape and forget to close off some vents. You could make use of them on your next game.
W= Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Yes... Like not for fun or anything but he does like seeing you squirm around in slight pain. Good thing is he'll take the responsibility and patch up all your wounds so you don't bleed out. He likes tripping you while you run away and like I said, Monty just enjoys biting you in general.
X= Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their s/o over?
: ̗̀➛ Monty loves showing off his skills with the guitar and how much of a better partner he would be rather than literally anyone else. He would do anything in his power to get your attention and affection because Monty literally craves it so much he'd kill for it. He'll even take you to play golf and teach you because he's the best at it.
Y= Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
: ̗̀➛ Feel like Monty can get easily attached if you pay too much special attention to him so it would lead to him snapping soon but then again, if you don't pay that special attention to him, Monty will just take it as you ignoring him and get angry. So you either get the sweet obsessive snapping or the angry and abduction snapping.
Z= Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
: ̗̀➛ If you continue to resist and fight back nonstop it would probably happen within the first month, if maybe you let the resistance go for a certain period of time it'll take longer. Monty would prefer to have you be full of energy and actually able to have a conversation with him rather than you just being a lifeless doll.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta (cold mafia boss)
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Prompt: 20)“The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets.” - 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AUs
A/N: since NCT 127 have decided to attack us since Friday with all their day/night posts and whatever more things they still got in the back storage, I just gotta do some fics about the dark concept, cause like, yea XD. I asked my friend whose bias is Yuta to choose a prompt and so, here we are XD
Warnings: some form of harassment, cursing (it's Yuta) drinking, spiked drink and hint of kidnapping
It was a Friday night and you were more than excited to finally have some time off to hang out with your boyfriend, Yuta, who was also part "gang leader" of NCT, an infamous group that people thought do illegal doings when they're the ones shutting the illegal businesses down.
Yuta being Yuta didn't disclose what he did from the beginning. But he also never fully tell you everything which, is understandable, it was confidential information. Despite so, Yuta never restricted your movements and you both would have some normal cafe dates, picnic dates, etc. Even so, there will be times where Yuta would have you do some personal training that includes self-defence, quizzes about types of chemicals, guns, etc. In his defense, he just wants you to be prepared should something goes wrong and you're alone.
Despite following Yuta's needs, you would sometimes joke about how it won't happen or that Yuta will make sure it wouldn't go too far or even if anything did happen, you were sure that Yuta would eventually find a way to make things right. Boi, were you in for a treat.
As mentioned, you were finally going to have a night out with Yuta after so long and had just finished getting ready when you received a text from Yuta saying, "hey love, sorry this is super last minute but could you change into a more black-tie dress code? We are sort of having a business dinner tonight and I want to bring you as my date. I'm on my way to pick you up right now. Don't worry, you don't have to put on anything you're uncomfortable cause whatever you wear, you still look hot to me ;)"
So of course you did what Yuta asked. You changed into a simple long black dress that fitted your figure and touched up your makeup a bit more and let your hair down. As you were putting on the last of your accessories and about to put your shoes on, Yuta was already ringing the bell. You quickly opened the door for him and told him that you were just going to put your shoes on which Yuta chuckled and helped you as he saw you struggling.
"You didn't have to go all out and wear heels babe, you'll have sore feet by the end of the night" Yuta mentioned, holding you steady as you were putting on your heels
"I mean, if it's just dinner, I'll just be sitting either way. You so owe me with a pizza movie night next week" you complained, finally putting your shoes
"Anything for you babe. Let's go" Yuta smiled, bringing your arm wrapped around his and helped you get into the car before he went to the driver's seat
Arriving at the dinner, you felt out of place since this was the first time Yuta actually brought you. Noticing your nervous state, Yuta wrapped his arm over your shoulder, telling you that he'll be right beside you unless you need to go to the restroom or need some personal space.
Nodding, Yuta gave you a heartwarming smile and brought you around. First and foremost, to his other members that were joining the dinner, the people you knew the week you and Yuta started dating. Allowing some weight off since how worried you were.
"Oh, (Y/N)!! Welcome!! Hope Yuta didn't force you to come here" Johnny greeted you which Yuta gave him a glare
"Well, he sorta promised me for a pizza movie night date next week, so I guess it's a winwin" you replied, chuckling
"Oooh, can we come? I miss just watching movies on the weekend" Jungwoo requested, pulling out his puppy eyes
"Maybe if you find yourself a girlfriend, I'd consider it" Yuta hissed, you hit him playfully
"Hey (Y/N), sometimes I wonder what you see in Yuta. He's so aggressive" Jungwoo joked as Taeyong tried to calm everyone and directed everyone to their table since dinner was starting
Dinner surprisingly went well and the opposing business partners were actually cooperating; like, they would agree to what NCT were asking, even giving some suggestions for the corporation. But nevertheless, every NCT member were on their best guard; heck, they all had their guns rested by their hips and even knifes hidden within their clothing.
Seeing how the talk about the business bore you, you took a big sip off of the drink the waiter had just poured for you. Suddenly feeling the urge to go to the bathroom, you excused yourself from everyone at the table, nodding your head when Yuta told you to immediately come back once you're done.
However, you didn't go to the bathroom because of the urge to pee or anything. Instead, it's because you didn't feel too good, maybe the alcohol in your drink was a bit too much to your tolerance but whether you want to admit it or not, you didn't feel good and felt like you could pass out at any second.
After purging and sitting down for a bit, you felt slightly better but not good enough because everything around you was tilted. Taking a deep breath, you just kept on thinking how the dinner table wasn't that far and if you hurry, you can just make it to Yuta's side and pass out however you like.
Pulling whatever willpower you have left, you stood up and started to walk out of the bathroom. Holding onto the wall, you slowly walked down the hall back to your table, until someone came up to you, asking if you were alright which you told them that you were fine. You may be dizzy and not feeling good, but you surely weren't dumb nor were you drunk.
Despite the guy saying that all he wanted to do was to help you, you clearly knew that wasn't his true intention since he was gripping you a bit too much to your liking. You've tried pushing him away but that only made his grip tighter. And to top it off, instead of helping you to your actual table or at least asking where your table was, he brought you to a more quiet area; making your heart beat quicker.
Unfortunately, at this point, whatever was in your drink was sinking it and you slowly start to lose consciousness and hope as from what you can see, you were far from your table. But thank the universe because all of a sudden you hear a loud ring and the tight grip was gone; instead, it was replaced by a warm embrace.
"Get him out of here before I actually kill him right here and now" you heard Yuta's stern voice commanding his other members
"I got you, baby. Let's get you back home, hmm?" you heard Yuta's voice turned soft; not having any more energy, you just nodded and fell asleep in his embrace
Because Yuta felt he can't leave you alone nor not torment the people that hurt you, he decided to bring you back to NCT's place. Wiping off your makeup and putting on your skincare for you, Yuta had one of the maids help change your clothes and then he tucked you in bed; not leaving your side until he's convinced that you're fully asleep before leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead then quietly leaving the room.
Walking out of the room, he saw Jeno and Jaemin, asking them to guard your room until he gets back. Making his way to the basement, he met with the NCT members that joined the dinner that did not end well at all.
Turns out, not long after you left, the neos already had a bad feeling; that something was not right, especially since their "business partners" were eyeballing the situation around them and it was revealed that the dinner was just a cover-up and that they were planning to use you to get to the neos, which clearly did not end well for them.
"Is she alright?" Taeyong asked, seeing Yuta was fuming
"She's very much passed out the second I found her. Are they all in there?" Yuta questioned strictly
"Yea. All tied up and blindfolded on the ground" Johnny mentioned
"Good" Yuta smirked, slamming the door open, making the prisoners jerked in surprise
"Rise and shine motherf*ckers. I hope you're ready for what's coming" Yuta shouted as some of the neos took their blindfolds off
"And y'all call yourselves men. Tch. You guys may be agile but not agile enough. The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets. Not getting caught by their enemies. And surely not looking or thinking to do anything to another person's girlfriend. Oh well, what's done is done. Be lucky that we all got there in time. But, that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Let's see...should I start off with your fingers because you touched my girl or your head for ever thinking that little stunt of yours. Either way, I'm definitely going to take my time with you all" Yuta ranted, a smirk forming on his face as he saw the horror of his prisoners while the neos put their blindfolds back on
A/N: yeap, this turned out longer than expected. Welp, this is what happens when NCT updates with a dark concept I guess XD
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"Forget it. Just like you forget everything else." and "I can't lose you." "You already did."
MORE ANGST. You guys are killing me. XD (JK I LOVE SUFFERING)
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Cheating, Miscarriage, Basically this Whole Relationship is Toxic AF
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"Are you trying to goad me into a fight? Is that what you want?"
Namjoon throws his hands up in the air-a desperate movement-before raking a large hand through his already mussed hair. "Yes! That's exactly what I want!" He eyes you wildly, where you sit on the bed, features neutral.
"I want you to scream, to curse, hell, throw something!" He gestures toward the lamp on the bedside table. "Just do something other than sit there and look at me like you don't care."
"There's a reason I'm looking at you like that." You reply in a flat tone, glancing toward the door of the bedroom, where your already packed bag lies waiting. "That's how I feel, Namjoon."
Hurt flashes across his face, but you tamp down the small flare of sympathy that the look brings to your stomach. This relationship has done nothing but hurt you both, from day one, and you've reached a point where you don't-no, you can't-care anymore.
"I don't understand." Namjoon whispers, lips going into a thin line, dimples appearing, but not because he's happy. No. He's incredibly upset, you can tell by the way he paces the length of the room in front of you.
"I can spell it out for you." You quip back, but there is no bite to your tone, just exhaustion and neutral acceptance.
Namjoon turns to you, and you're surprised to see a flare of anger behind the hurt swimming in his eyes.
"I can too." He stares you down, and you're pinned beneath his gaze, but you still don't feel anything other than tired. "You cheated on me."
"Yeah." You sigh, not even trying to fight him. There is a headache pounding behind your temples.
"That's it? Yeah?" He snaps back, and his jaw clenches, the muscles in his cheek clicking as he bites back his next words.
"What do you want me to say, Namjoon?" You question back, a fire starting to rekindle in the pit of your stomach of anger and hurt the longer this goes on.
Why can't he just let you have this? Just let you go in peace? Make anything in your relationship easy for once?
"You were always gone. I hardly ever saw you. I got lonely. I was weak. Is that what you want to hear?" You fire back, standing up from the bed now, taking a step toward him, hands clenched at your sides.
"Sure. Anything but that bored tone in your voice that I've come to hate so much." Namjoon exclaims, hands open wide toward you, as if he can't for another second with you, and you note that he's no longer wearing his wedding ring.
Even though he was angry, and hurt, he still knew where the two of you were headed.
"You weren't here." You hiss out, teeth clenched, and you have to stop yourself from stuttering and choking up over your next words, because you want them to have an impact, want to make him feel like shit. You take another step toward him. "I lost our baby, Namjoon. I had to have surgery, I had to cry by myself in that bed for hours, holding a box full of empty blankets and broken dreams, and you weren't here."
He flinches, and you feel slight success at achieving what you had hoped to with your words.
Good. You want them to cut. You want him to hurt.
"I was out of the country-" Namjoon starts to say, as if to defend himself.
"You know what." You sigh, drained and exhausted and ready to be done. Done for good. You step around him toward the door, toward your waiting bag, toward freedom. "Forget it. Just like you forget everything else."
You hear his sharp intake of breath, but you don't look back, don't give him the satisfaction of another glance, as you reach down to pick up your bag off the floor.
"I'll come back for the rest of my stuff this weekend." You say, and something in your heart breaks at the words, but it's a good ache. A needed change.
You step toward the door, but pause, finally stopping in your tracks as you remember the wedding ring you had left in the bedside table. You had stopped wearing it months ago.
"Oh. I left my ring in the drawer. You can sell it or pawn it. Keep it. Whatever."
"(Y/N)-" Namjoon's soft voice starts to say your name, and you don't let yourself focus on the slight hope there.
There's no hope left, and you know, even if he wants to believe otherwise, that you're both aware of that fact.
"Goodbye Namjoon." You murmur, hand reaching out for the doorknob.
"I can't lose you." He says from behind you, and you bite your lip, because the words should have an impact, but they don't.
And maybe that hurts more than anything else.
You don't look back as you turn the knob on the door.
"You already did."
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Heya, it been awhile XD
As always, I've been enjoying your fluffy snippets, but if you're up for some angst...
Ruby is a newly graduated Huntress following up on a child trafficking ring in Mistral m, which ends up taking her to Atlas. There she stays at 'The Glass Unicorn' and meets a maid called 'Cinder'. A woman who has long given up on her freedom and what it means to be a Huntress...
Otherwise, if you're still enjoying the fluffy side of things, some fluffy BeesSchnees is always good XD
Ruby sighed as she looked between a paper in her hand and to the hotel standing in front of her. For a moment, she was a bit confused on what The Glass Unicorn had to do with any sort of child trafficking ring. However, the name of the woman who owned this place came up more than once on the ledgers of that old barn. And if she wanted answers, she was going to need to start her.
Rain started to pour from the sky as Ruby walked into the hotel, pausing for a moment as she felt out of place. Sure, there were hunters and huntresses from all over, but even for Atlas standards, this place was higher end. Everywhere she looked, all she saw was an excuse for wealth to be displayed. Once she regained her composure, she walked up to the front desk. “I need a room.”
The blonde woman looked Ruby over for a moment before noticing it was a huntress in front of her. With a few quick clicks on her keyboard, a card popped out of her computer. “Room 402. Meals will be brought straight to your room. And dont bother talking to the staff.”
Ruby looked at her curiously as she took the card. “Why not?”
The woman looked directly into Ruby’s eyes. “Its not their job to talk to anyone.”
Ruby sighed and put the card in her pocket, turning to start heading up the stairs. She looked around as she walked, all the patrons seeming to enjoy everything the hotel offered. It all reminded her of why she was doing this: to try to make the world a better place. And right now, Atlas was not that better place.
Ruby watched a few of the staff bring out meals to the patrons, along with anything else they needed or cleaned up any messes that were made. The longer she watched, the less convinced she became that this hotel was going to be the link to this ring. Everything she found always became a dead end and this last lead of hers seemed to be no different.
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
Ruby looked up at the third floor, watching one of the patrons yelling at one of the maids. She tried to get a better look, making her way to the stairs on the opposite side as she watched the maid drop to the ground to pick up the food that fell on the ground.
“I’m sorry, I didnt mean to-”
“Didnt mean to what? Give lousy service?” The patron spat at the maid, pushing past her and knocking her over. “Lousy maid bringing over half cooked food…”
Ruby watched the maid move her hair out of her face as she started to scrub, hearing a small sigh escape from the girl. She felt sorry for the girl, walking over to her. “Ah… miss… I was hoping I could ask you something.”
The maid didnt look up, seemingly avoiding eye contact with Ruby. “I-I’ll make sure your room is cleaned once I’m finished here.”
Ruby knelt down and picked up some of the fruit that had spilled. “That’s not what I was going to ask about. I was hoping you might be able to answer a few questions I have about this place.”
The maid stopped and slowly looked up at Ruby with tired eyes. “Y-you’re a huntress…”
“I am. What is your name?”
Ruby smiled and extended a hand to Cinder. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Cinder smiled for a moment, then it quickly disappeared as she quickly started to work again, keeping her head low. “I’m… I’m not allowed to talk to you. Please, go to your room and I’ll bring you your meal.”
Ruby was about to speak until she heard a voice coming from behind her.
“Cinder, you’re needed in the kitchen.”
Ruby watched as Cinder stood up and started hurrying off past her, making her way downstairs. “Do your staff always get treated like this?”
The woman from the front desk stood behind Ruby, shaking her head. “Only that one. She’s a bit of a… problem. The only reason I dont fire her is because she’s one of my daughters. She knows she’s only to be seen, not heard. I’ll make sure she wont bother you again.”
Ruby watched the woman turn around and head back downstairs towards the kitchen after Cinder. At this rate, even if this ended up as a dead end with the trafficking ring, then maybe there was something else that she could fix.
Cinder winced a bit as she brought a tray to room 402, doing her best to keep from moving the collar that was around her neck. Everytime she messed up, all she could feel was that familiar sting. And every time, it hurt. She adjusted a small cloth she had around her neck, hiding the scars from the collar. She quietly knocked on the door, praying that whoever was in this room wasnt going to treat her like the rest of the patrons did.
Ruby slowly opened the door and smiled a bit at Cinder. “I was wondering when you’d come around.”
Cinder looked away a bit, holding out a tray to Ruby and staying quiet. The pain from her last punishment still lingered around, and she was terrified to be caught talking to anyone now.
Ruby noticed and sighed, taking the tray. “If you’re not going to talk right now, then maybe you can help me out with a few things in my room. There’s a few spots that could use a bit of cleaning.”
Cinder nodded and slowly walked into the room, pausing once she saw Ruby’s weapon laying down on a table. It wasnt the first time she had seen a hunter’s weapon within easy grabbing, and wasnt the first time she had the desire to reach out for it.
Ruby noticed and walked over, picking up her weapon and smiling a bit. “Like weapons too? You can hold her if you’d like.”
Cinder hesitated for a moment, wanting to reach towards the weapon. She stopped half way and sighed and she pulled her hand back. “I… cant.”
“Why not?”
Cinder didnt answer, looking away from Ruby. She didnt know how to tell a huntress that she had to get away from her family. That she’d do anything if it meant not being with them anymore.
Ruby sighed and sat Crescent Rose down. “You… wanted to be a huntress at one point, didnt you?”
Cinder froze on the spot. The thought had occurred to her, and there was that one huntsman, Rhodes, who taught her a few things, but he disappeared when she was younger. “Y-yes… but its… more than that…”
“I’m not sure I understand.”
Cinder looked around nervously before pulling down the cloth around her neck and pulling up the sleeves of her outfit. Scars lined her wrists while one scar circled her neck exactly where her necklace, the collar she wore, sat.
Ruby frowned when she saw the scars on Cinder, picking up her weapon and heading out of the room. “Stay here.”
Cinder nodded and sat down, terrified about what was going to happen. She had spent years trying to figure out how to get away from the madam, but all of her attempts at obtaining a weapon to get away had failed. And now, an actual huntress had seen the marks that had been left, the reminders of each of her failures on running away, each mistake she had made while working.
It wasnt long before Cinder heard muffled shouts from outside the room, her sisters and the madam clearly angry at Ruby. She cowered a bit, thinking she knew exactly what to expect: Ruby was going to let the madam in just like everyone else. She’d believe the lies that were told, that she was a troubled child that was taken in by the gratitude of the madam’s heart, that she was a thief and a liar that everyone had to keep an eye on. Even after the shouts died down, she still waited, flinching as she watched the door open.
Ruby rushed into the room, blood dripping from her scythe as she grabbed her things. “Cinder, you’re coming with me.”
Cinder felt a bit confused, hesitating for a moment. “You… want me to come with you?”
“Well, currently you’re unemployed and have nowhere to go. You can either stay here in Atlas, maybe find your way down to Mantle and find a job, or you can come with me and I can help you become a huntress. I can at least teach you how to defend yourself and others from the grimm, maybe even help you take the exam for your hunter’s license. Give you a new start.”
Cinder was still a bit confused, but followed after Ruby, pausing as she saw the madam laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. “You killed her…”
Ruby sighed as she kept walking. “She attacked me first. I thought all of this was going to be a dead end, but it seems like I ended up on the right track after all. I know you were bought through a child trafficking ring, and I know you’re not the only one she had purchased. If you can help me get a bit more proof, I think I can put an end to this. I know its a bit late and there isnt much I can do about what had happened to you, but I can at least help you with your new freedom now.”
Cinder sped up to catch up to Ruby, sticking close to her. “But why help me? I’m… I’m just a nobody. A kid that was sold into this life. I dont deserve any kindness.”
“Because if I cant help someone, then what’s the point of being a huntress?” Ruby stopped for a moment, pulling out her scroll and holding it up to Cinder to take a picture. “And besides, the world is already cruel enough. I think its time we try to make it a better place.”
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signedaiko · 2 years
heyas! requesting a matchup :P for the mtmte/lost light universe, please.
lets's start with a side, decepticon. please and thank you.
my name is blu, i go by it/it's or they/them pronouns. i am afab, but identify as genderfluid, and am a bi-romantic asexual, with a girlfriend might i add. i have ADHD, borderline autism, dyslexia, generalized anxiety, and ocd (all professionally diagnosed). i enjoy transformers and the resident a lot :) as well as criminal minds. i have a dog named layla, and a sister (i will not be exposing her name). i used to have a white and blonde hamster, his name was hamilton (my dad called him hamington or hammie) may he rest in peace. if my favorite character helps in the matchup, then it would have to ultimately be rung. (not going to lie, overlord is a close second fave.)
personality, quoting my friend here; "Hmm, well your curious, funny, happy but kinda easy to annoy if it's about a certain topic that your passionate about, also passionate should be it's own trait. Oh, you're also super creative, and a bit too selfless with your money. (too rich 😢)" in my own words though, i am a totally unorganized person, i talk a lot, to nothing and nobody. i must always have something keeping me occupied or i will literally die of boredom. no joke. please get me a defibrillator cause i think my heart just stopped; i simp for character's, all the time. just ask my friends lolol. they will tell you just that.
hobbies, i like to draw( a very lot lolol), listen to depressing music for no reason. i do write fanfiction on wattpad and read fanfiction as well, plus i can scroll pinterest for hours on end if that counts.
appearance, i have a very tanned complexion, lots of scars from picking at scabs might i add. probably a band-aid or two on my body from freshly picked ones. lots of freckles, and some scabs on my hairline, too.😅 i have curly brunette hair (looks wavy but is actually just heavy) that's just almost at the base of my neck, it used to be bleached at the tips and cut pixie style. but, i'm growing it out now, since i want to have long hair after so long of keeping it short. i'm about 5'3" ft and i weigh 101.43 lbs, while being skinny enough in the torso so that you can see my ribcage. i have just above average sized thighs (i just had to add it XD) and, i have flat feet (a physical disorder). so, i actually stand a half inch shorter than i actually am.
You got…Tesarus!
He was also probably fucking around all bored when you met and decided adopting a human was the best decision. I like to think you went with it because anything was better than frolicking around doing nothing. Tesarus is a walking amusement park; not only is it fun to scale him, but he also needs constant stimuli. If you arent used to gore, you would be soon! You both get yelled at for picking at your skin/armour plating by Nickel because she is 'running out of bandaids' or 'having a hard time with the blow torch.' You are smaller than most humans, while he is larger than most cybertronians which is such an iconic duo. It honestly scares quite a few cons when they see a human anywhere near the DJD. In your spare time, you spread rumours about humans and what they do; in fact, you probably inspired the fear in them, to begin with " We...spit acid! " " Even better idea, you projectile spit metal-melting acid!!! " He will protect you from the DJD; they either learn to live with it or don't live at all (though that's more of an empty threat, no one cares enough to stop or kill you). Much like how you use Pinterest to browse fun ideas, you have a whole board of art that inspires some of his murder methods <3 goals?!
Authors Note - I wish there was a complete list of every MTMTE character somewhere; even tfwiki gave up on that. Haha, it's hard to remember every character.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
💜💗🧺💧 for Minei!
Minei asks, coming right up! :D
💜— How do they say goodnight?
Honestly, most of the time she probably just says it xD The person she's closest to is her sister, so in that case there might be a hug or a kiss on the head, even (the second assuming Petra was sitting down, since Minei is much shorter than her).
💗— Do they noticeably change once they’re in love? Is it easy to notice or just something their partner would pick up on?
Romantic love isn't Minei's thing--she's aroace! But as far as friendships go, there is a difference when she officially really, really trusts/cares about/loves someone. She'll talk more around them, for one, and there'll be more sarcasm directed their way (not mean, though, just teasing). You also might be able to see it in her body language. She'll take on defensive positions between the person and other things, even if it's just doing something like crossing a street.
🧺— Random domestic headcanon
She's overly organized, but it's to a point where you're not likely to actually find anything important to her if she doesn't want you to. Clothes are folded/hung up and put away, bed is made, few to no accessories visible.
💧— Random angst headcanon
The entire reason Minei was blessed by Grenth in the first place was due to an overuse of her powers when she was about 4 years old. Her family was attacked and her birth parents were killed, and in an attempt to protect herself (and a lot of fear and anger), she pulled on so much necromantic power that she nearly died. She ended up halfway between the Domain of the Lost and Tyria, and he decided to send this tiny little human ball of revenge and terror and power and grief (that she couldn't even really understand yet) back. She reflected enough of his domain in that moment for her existence in the living world to be worth something to him.
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