#[I am trying to be there for everyone I’m trying to be a good friend but I am also in the process of doing literally everything for my aunt.
jeons-catalyst · 3 days
Hello. I am a taekooker who doesn’t lurk in other ship spaces but through another taekook blog post, i came to know about the post you made about taekook’s dynamic where you said you don’t think taekook have a deep emotional connection. I really hope you don’t see this as me being confrontational because i just really would like to understand your POV more so do you mind explaining why you think taekook don’t have a very strong emotional connection?
I also wanted to share this post from this taekook blog which i really agree with. Don’t you think perhaps your take on things is one sided?
Hi taekooker anon,
The truth is that there are certain things you and I would never agree on or see in the exact same way because we are rival shippers. I don’t expect taekookers to see sense in the opinions of jikookers the same way i’m sure taekookers don’t expect jikookers to, but instead of explaining to you again what i meant when i said i don’t think taekook have a very deep emotional connection, i will show you, using the post you sent me.
Let me preface by saying that, stating that taekook do not seem to have a very deep emotional connection in my opinion, doesn’t mean they don’t have an emotional connection at all. The kind of bond and friendship those two have with each other wouldn’t be possible unless they had an emotional connection. Tae wouldn’t have been able to pull Jk out of his shy shell and help him feel more relaxed and comfortable if trust which requires an emotional connection was lacking. Jk and Tae wouldn’t feel each other’s pain and try to be there for each other in good and bad moments if an emotional connection was lacking. All the members of bts have emotional connections with each other and that is why even us the fans can feel how much they all love each other but you and I know that all their relationships with each other don’t have the same depth. They all relate and connect to each other in very different ways with some being deeper than others for various reasons.
In our lives, we don’t have the same level of closeness to everyone we are close to. I personally am close to a bunch of people but i don’t have the same level of an emotional connection with all of them. I have some friends whom i bond with mostly through outdoor and fun activities, i have friends who i go to when i need to be vulnerable or have deep emotional talks with and i have friends who are kinda inbetween. The reason for this is because my dynamic with all my friends doesn’t allow for the same kind of things. My friend X is one of my oldest friends but we have never had the kind of dynamic where we could be vulnerable with each other. We just don’t relate to each other like that but we are still very close and still take very good care of each other but i wouldn’t be the first person they run to when they need emotional support and vice versa. We know where we connect most and we focus on that part of things. This is the same way it is in groups of friendships. You just don’t do the same things with everyone and physical closeness doesn’t always mean emotional closeness.
Now let’s see what the tk blogger said to counter my post.
“it is beyond stupid to think that Tae and Jk do not have meaningfull conversations. I'd even extend that to saying it is beyond stupid to think Jk and Tae don't know how to be together without having anything fun to do.”
First of all, no one said Tae and Jk don’t have meaningful conversations. They do have meaningful conversations…..sometimes but i have never gotten the impression that, that is the foundation of their friendship or that it is something they do often. Even people who don’t know the first thing about each other could still be able to have atleast one meaningful conversation so why wouldn’t taekook? The question here is when, where and how do they have those meaningful conversations? How often do they have those meaningful conversations?
We all watched ITS and we heard Tae mention that he hadn’t had a drink with Jk in a long time. Having drinks could mean having heart to heart talks because people often have meaningful and deep conversations over drinks and snacks. Jk also mentioned that he had been able to have a heart to heart talk with everyone else except Tae. Now, we know that prior to their talk in 2020, somethings had been a little weird with taekook by their own admission so they had not really been in that space to be vulnerable with each other. So from this we could deduce that, these two never lost the love, care and affection they had for each other but that deep connection just wasn’t there. On the surface, they could laugh with each other, play with each other and care for each other because they loved each other but that was about it. They didn’t go to each other with their issues or when they wanted someone to be vulnerable with. I remember during Festa 2020 when they were asked to write little notes to each other, Jk wrote to Tae telling him that he had noticed that Tae was alot quieter and he just wanted Tae to know that Tae could talk to any of the members whenever he needed to. This tells us that Tae didn’t confide in Jk even though it was obvious that he was going through something and Jk saying that Tae could confide in any of the members and not specifically him (Jk) suggests that Jk didn’t even expect Tae to come to him with his issues. Also, he wouldn’t have felt the need to write this down if he had been able to have the conversation with tae, you see what i am saying?
“ I'd even extend that to saying it is beyond stupid to think Jk and Tae don't know how to be together without having anything fun to do.”
Most times, my opinions on certain things come from my observations of the members actions, their words and maybe the words of other members around them as well as the things i see. I don’t think taekook feel the need to be around each other much if there isn’t a reason or something fun to do and this is why. (I didn’t say they can’t be around each other at all so please pay attention to my choice of words)
Let’s start from the beginning. When the members were rookies, everyone and their mama saw taekook as the closest pair because of their sweet, fun dynamic and how chaotic they usually were everytime saw them together. When we watched content from back then, we could see Taekook together alot, just goofing around or playing or being their usual partners in crime selves. Jk said Tae was his idiot friend and it was always fun when they were together. What happened after all the fun though?
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This is from 2014. Here we hear Jimin and Jungkook telling us how them two always sleep outside their rooms together even though they had beds in the room. Looking at so many of Jimun and Jungkook’s tweets from back in the day, it is clear as hell that Jk and jimin liked spending all or most of their downtime together, especially alone. Sometimes there literally wasn’t even a reason for them to be together but they still were. Think of all those nights they stayed practicing together alone or those nights they were spending time in their hotel rooms with Tae saying he had to do a Live with Jk and Jimin but they were hanging out.
We had Namjoon telling us how Jk piled clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed.
We had Jk himself telling us that he spent most of his nights/downtime with Jimin doing things he doesn’t even know and someone could say this was because both Jimin and Jungkook had the same sleeping habit but then my question would be, if Jk didn’t mind being around Tae when they were doing nothing, then why didn’t he still stay by his side cuddling him or something if tae had already fallen asleep at night?
Taekookers like to reference chapter two or the solo era alot so let’s look at chapter two shall we.
In chapter two we know that taekook hung out quiet abit doing different fun stuff like going on a ski trip with friends, attending concerts, musicals, premieres or hanging at home with friends playing video games. But let’s look at these a little closer shall we?
Jk mentioned that when he went snowboarding with Tae and his friends, he really enjoyed snowboarding and thought they were going to do it again the next day but Tae and his friends probably had enough and left while Jk stayed there alone. It is first of all difficult to imagine a couple going on a ski trip with friends and one partner leaves the other all alone at a Ski resort and chooses to journey back home with friends because wouldn’t it make more sense to stay back with your partner so you both can finally have some alone time or just go back home together? But my point here is that, once one party had had their fill of the fun, they were ready to leave and left even though one person wasn’t done with the fun. See my point?
Let’s also look at taekook attending a Park Hyosin’s musical back in March last year. They met, hung out for a few hours and Jk went back home late at night, started a Live, sang for over an hour and even fell asleep on Live. Taekook went out for a reason and that was to attend a musical. After that musical was done what happened? They went their separate ways because there was nothing more to do. Jk coming to start a Live shows that he was clearly lonely and probably needed some company. If it was normal for taekook to be around each other while nothing fun was going on then why didn’t Jk just stay with Tae instead of coming seek company from fans online? Now one time could be a coincidence but this didn’t happen just once.
Taekook attended the dream premiere back in April last year. They attended this premiere and even had drinks after with Tae’s wooga and you would think that after drinks, they might just want to hang together maybe cuddling or something but Jk literally went back to his house even though Tae was literally passed out drunk, he went back and like clockwork, started a Live. He still look needed company so why didn’t he just stay with Tae?
On white day last years, Jk went Live for almost 5 hours. Everyone could see that there was something off about him as he even got emotional. Tae was in the country on white day unlike Jimin who had travelled to the US to promote his album. That was a couple holiday too which Jk acknowledged by speaking about it and even changing his clothes to white. Why wasn’t he spending that time with Tae who was in the country? Why did he have to come seek company and comfort from a bunch of fans online even though his “boyfriend” was right there?
Compare all of these to him going to Jimin’s room when he was lonely/bored. Jimin said Jungkook visited his room about 3 times a day, came in and stayed for about 4 hours at a time doing nothing. Just laying there. It’s not like Jk went there to play games with jimin or work on something or do any fun activity. He literally was just content laying there doing nothing.
Or how on the day their first BB # 1 was announced, jikook were casually together at 4am.
Or Jungkook going over to Jimin’s place after a concert, cooking for him, filming some content and both of them being seen the next day which was white day at a local restaurant with friends, with Jk wearing Jimin’s hat which heavily suggests that he probably spent the night there and they just went out to eat the next day.
Hell even before the last four members enlisted, we saw that taekook were on a facetime call at 8 am on Tae’s enlistment day from their separate houses which heavily suggests that they didn’t even spend any physical time together before being separated for 18 months and only caught up via a facetime call.
“You'll notice they don't really know Tae well, going for the 'fun, weird, quirky' description of him.. going along with BH's narative of Tae basically being pretty but not having much depth or brains (ugh). While it's refreshing to see a jkkr not directly dismissing their bond, it's still such a faulty take. What do you mean Tae and JK don't have a deep emotional connection? Is it really logical to think Tae and Jk search each other for comfort, spend time together both in and out of public, spend time together both alone and with other people present, share their musical projects, mention each other constantly, look worried or proud or happy (any type of emotion) when something happens with the other, cry together, etc... but they do not have a deep emotional connection? "
This part was kinda funny to me because it seems like i know Tae better than most taekookers or i listen to him better. Another thing that was funny was them talking about BH narrative of tae being quirky, weird and fun. How do you claim to know Tae and you don’t even know that be used to be all of these things? That wasn’t BH narrative of him, that was/is him. I have noticed many Tae stans having an issue with Tae being described as this but do you love him if you don’t accept him for who he is ? He is all these things but he is also deep and certainly has brains. When he was younger, we only saw the quirky, fun and weird side of him but as he got older and matured, we saw more of his depth and intelligence and uniqueness. Jk himself has referred to Tae as a genius and has mentioned tae having deeper thoughts than we might realize, so that isn’t news.
People spending time together, sharing projects with each other, caring about each other is indicative of love, care and an emotional connection but not necessarily a deep one because all these things the blogger mentioned aren’t things that are exclusive to taekook but i’m sure she wouldn’t say all the members have the same depth of emotional connections would she? These are things Jk even does with his 97 liner friends but i’m not sure the all share the same level of emotional connection with each other. These are things friends do but not necessarily friends who share the deepest emotional connection which is my point. Jk has shared songs first with Namjoon and Suga, Tae has shared songs and albums first with Jimin and Hobi. Tae has cried with Jimin, cried with Hobi, cried with Jin. All these are indicative of a friendship.
She lost me at “Tae and Jk search each other for comfort” because this isn’t something i have ever noticed. I have seen tae and Jk providing comfort to each other but i haven’t seen them actively searching for it from each other. They also haven’t mentioned it either. Tae has spoken about being thankful to Jk who sometimes listens to his worries and advises on what to do. He has also spoken about crying together with Jk and Hobi back in 2018 when they were having a hard time but again, these are things all the members have done. The members have all spoken about crying together and being a comfort to each other in those trying times but if we have to nitpick, there is nothing really indicating that taekook seek each other out for comfort. They both tend to seek Jimin out and i am not just saying this.
This is Tae talking about how he wasn’t keen on letting his stress show or confiding in others but the first time he did, it was to Jimin. He let himself be vulnerable for the first time with Jimin and not Jk.
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This is Tae saying that he goes to Jimin for advice when he has worries.
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This is Tae specifically thanking JIMIN, friends and members for worrying about him when he was having a hard time
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I’m sure we all remember when Tae wrote this letter to Jimin thanking him for being the one who cried and laughed with him and was always there for him.
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If Taekook sought each other our for comfort, why didn’t Tae go immediately to Jk when he had a nightmare? We all know that in moments of fear, pain and other unpleasant emotions, we immediately seek out those we feel safest around. Tae literally got up from a nightmare and immediately went to Jimin instead of Jk. What does this tell you?
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Or during this moment from BV when Tae was crying and the staff immediately went to get Jimin. Why didn’t they go get Jk, if that was who Tae sought out when he needed comfort?
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I always say tkkrs problem is that they don’t listen to the people they claim to stan. Tae isn’t one of my biases but i pay attention to everyone he says and does. This is Tae saying that he likes Jimin best. Hell, Jimin even knew the letter was for him before it got to him. This also reminds me of how all the members were shocked when Jk pranked Tae like his letter was for him. Tae himself was shocked but jimin knew that Tae’s letter was coming to him.
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Even on the day when they got to their first BB # 1, when Tae wanted someone to come sleep by his side, he asked for Jimin not Jungkook. Why?
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These are all moments over the years that prove without a doubt that Tae has always sought jimin out. Not only do we see it, he literally said it. The first member he allowed himself to be vulnerable with was Jimin. So when tkkrs say Tae seeks Jk out for comfort, what exactly do they mean?
For Jk, it is clear that the one member he constantly seeks out for comfort is Jimin.
In 2013, Jk was asked at a radio interview which hyung gave him the best comfort and attention and without hesitation, he said Jimin. Things like this go to further prove my point of taekook not having a very deep emotional connection because back then, everyone saw how physically close taekook were as they were glued at the hip with Jk always following Tae around so anyone would expect him to pick Tae since that is who he seemed closer to of the two, but even in this case, he picked Jimin whom he had known for the shortest period of time out of all members.
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Jimin was the last member to join the group which means that others had, had years and months to form bonds with each other before he arrived. We all know that in 2012 Jk travelled to the US for a month to strengthen his dance skills and mind you that was barely a few months after Jimin arrived but Jimin was the one whom he confided in when he had thoughts about quitting singing to become a dancer and Jimin tried convincing him on their way home from the practice room over ice cream. Mind you Jk had already formed bonds with the other members but in this moment the one he confided in was the one he has known for the least amount of time. This proves that jikook’s bond was built on a foundation of a deeper level of trust. One where they could be open to each other and valued each other’s opinions. Jungkook hadn’t known Jimin long but he already felt comfortable enough to seek out Jimin’s opinion on something as important as his career. Why didn’t he talk to Taehyung about this? Why Jimin?
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Or when Jungkook was asked how he was able to overcome the harsh and intense trainee life and he he said Jimin was there for him and listened to his worries. When he said Jimin motivated him the most.
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Jk said out of all members, Jimin knew him best.
Out of all members he felt his heart connected most to Jimin.
We have this moment when Jk felt bad about messing up his performance and even though there was enough space between Jimin and Tae where he could sit, he went and squeezed himself in the small space close to Jimin. Why didn’t he seek Tae out when he needed to be comforted?
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There is no moment that speaks more about how deeply connected jikook are than this. You can literally see the way Jk breaks down and lets the tears freely flow the moment he turns around and sees Jimin already looking at him. This is what is means to be vulnerable, to let your guard down around someone you trust and have a deep emotional connection with. I had made a post about thid on my previous account and likened this moment to when a child falls and holds their tears in but the moment the see someone they trust like a parent looking at them with concern after the fall, the completely let it rip. Here jk was emotional and was trying his hardest to keep in it but the moment he turns around and sees Jimin smiling at him, he breaks down completely. I have never seen Jungkook like this with anyone else
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This is a compilation of moments where Jungkook actively sought out Jimin when he wasn’t ok and needed comfort
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Even after the rainy day fight, when Jungkook was lost, why didn’t he seek Tae out? He was lost, angry, sad and all the unpleasant emotions you could think about but in that one moment all he wanted was Jimin. What does this tell you?
Jungkook gets bored and lonely and immediately seeks Jimin out, out of every one else.
For Jimin, we all know how many times Jimin has spoken about feeling safe with Jungkook. Asking him to grow up and protect him lol.
When Jimin was asked whom he would like to travel with, he said Jungkook and the reason for this was that Jungkook was going to protect him. He wouldn’t say stuff like this if he didn’t already feel protected by jungkook ( not that he really needed the protection)
And then here he picked Jungkook to go to a deserted island with. It’s not so much that he picked Jungkook but why he did. He picked him because that is where and who he felt comfortable with.
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Compare this to Tae also choosing to take Jungkook but not necessarily because that is who he felt most comfortable with or safe with but because Jungkook is good at doing many things and Jk would do it if he asked. The reasons always make the difference. With one it is more about Jungkook’s physical abilities while with the other it is about how being with Jungkook makes him feel, which is protected and comfortable.
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This is another moment that tugs at my heartstrings alot and tells me just how much these two get each other. Jimin was obviously really nervous but in that state, he kept his eyes on Jungkook who also kept his eyes on him and nodded to encourage Jimin that he was doing ok. It honestly doesn’t get deeper than this. Without any words uttered, Jimin knew that he could depend on Jungkook and Jungkook knew what Jimin needed most at that time and turned his body to him, nodding as he went on. This ladies and gentlemen is what i am talking about.
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There are so many other moments like this when the members are giving their ending ment after concerts and you see jikook turning to each other when talking. It happens almost all the time. Jungkook has hid entire body turned to Jimin and keeps looking at him while talking and Jimin does the same thing. It almost feels like looking at each other gives them a sense of courage and security in tense circumstances.
This one is abit risque but you get the point
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This one.
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This one. Jungkook strugging to be beside jimin while he gives his speech with jimin looking at him
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This one
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This one. Jk immediately turning his entire body to jimin while he talks
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This one
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I could only find these few but there is tons and tons and tons of moments like this.
“If you want to speak about the difference between Jkk and Tkk you have to have an understanding of all members concerned. Only giving your point of view from Jk's side is a very narrowed take on things”
I have given my point of view from all the involved members sides as we can see above so i don’t get accused of having a one sided faulty take. As we can see from everything stated above, Jk, Tae and Jimin all made it extremely clear on so many occasions who they sought out for comfort and their own words and actions hold more weight than some random person’s perception things.
“I think a very fun and interesting watch is vminkook videos, because through those you can spot how the relationships between those three actually work. Think of Tae and Jk at the first Harry Styles show, think of the three of them at Yoongi's show (leaving Jm behind for crying out loud), think of the vminkook live and Jm's reaction to the stare, think of the many times Tae was having a reaction about Jm and Jk and even acting out a certain possesiveness towards Jk.. a possesiveness that Jm accepts and a possesiveness that neither Jk or Jm act out on when it comes to each other.”
When this blogger mentioned Harry Styles concert, i felt vindicated lol. She is literally making my point for me. What did i say in my other post?
“ I think they those types of friends who always need a reason to hang out and hanging out is probably more fun for them with other people around. I don’t see Jk just going to sit in Taehyung’s room for hours doing nothing. I see Taekook spending hours, even days together when they have something to keep them occupied. That thing gets taken away and they don’t feel the need to be around each other much.”
This is from the other post i made. This blogger has mentioned the HS concert in LA as one of the ways you can tell the difference in vminkook’s dynamics but like a typical taekooker, they never pay attention to anything these boys say. Do we remember that the HS concert was during the exact same period when the members were in LA for PTD and we learned from Jimin and Jungkook that they worked out everyday together, ate together and Jk pretty much spent all his time in Jimin’s room? We all saw how glued taekook were at the concert, having the fun of their lives, holding each other and singing along to songs, it was adorable but remind me again who during that exact same period, Jk chose to go spend time with when he was lonely or bored? It wasn’t Tae who was had all the fun with at the concert but Jimin who tkkrs claimed he ignored. You see my point? Taekook were glued at the concert where they had something fun that they both enjoyed, to bond over but the moment that particular fun stopped, Jk didn’t feel the need to go to Tae when he was lonely or bored. He said he went to jimin so often because his room was closest but let’s be honest. Would it hv killed him to take 10 more steps to the next menber’s room? Also, it gets all the more interesting when you remember that he went there and according to Jimin, did nothing but lay down for about 4 hours at a time. Why didn’t he go to tae in moments like that? Why did he go to Jimin even though he literally wasn’t doing anything in there? With the way tk were at the concert, you would expect that the one jk would seek out in loneliness would be Tae but it wasn’t. Also what does it speak about Taekook if Tae thought jimin’s room was Jk’s? Thanks for making my point i guess.
On a serious note, can anyone show me moments when we know for sure that taekook chose to be together without a reason like them hanging out or doing something fun? Just one moment when we see or hear of them just casually spending extended periods of time, just because. I’ll wait.
Let’s not even talk about “leaving people behind”because that could get messy. Taekook came together to a concert and left the same way they came and let’s not pretend we don’t know taekook came together because they don’t live too far from each other. Besides they were just driving a few minutes back to their houses and not leaving to never see each other again. This will never compare to Tae leaving Jk all alone at a Ski resort and choosing to journey back home with friends.
I wouldn’t even talk about the so called possessiveness because this is stupid on so many levels. It is beyond funny to see someone claim possessiveness as proof of romance when we all know that feelings like jealousy and possessiveness are not exclusive to romantic relationships.Friends do get possessive over each other and nothing screams more possessiveness than Jk literally not letting Jimin go help tae out on his Live but that is a topic for another day. Also, tkkrs once again proving they are the ones who really don’t know Tae. They will see Tae was his RBF and swear he feels some type of way about Jikook’s interactions when my man has probably just zoned out. What sends me is when i see tkkrs claiming that Tae was jealous beyof jikook’s on stage interactions but you turn around and see the same Tae flirting up a storm with Jin. Or how tkkrs will swear that taekook are dating because Jk ate a particule of food that fell from the chopsticks when he tried feeding tae but you turn around and see Tae doing this💀
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“You also have to understand that Jk and Jm are being placed in offical content way more than Jk and Tae are.. ofcourse you're going to get more Jkk moments to refer to. "
I swear it wouldn’t be a taekooker if they don’t whip out the company narrative. Do tkkrs really think anyone ships Jikook because of how much they are seen together in content? Which jikooker has ever said “i ship Jikook because they are together alor in content”? Tkkrs wouldn’t have a way to explain jikook away if they don’t run with the company narrative. Jikook were seen together in content because they were together ALOT! We have words from jikook themselves, other members and staff which literally confirms this. We are in the big year of 2024 and people are still going on about people being cut from official content? Ok i’ll bite. Let’s ignore the moments bighit gave us and focus on things we know from the members themselves or from things we saw which were not from content.
Jikook were the ones who told us they spent most nights together.
We don’t know about Jikook spending birthdays and Holidays together from the company but from them.
We have so many moments of them being sighted by people on the streets.
Tae was the one who told us that jikook were together alone at night twice.
Hobi was the one who said Jimin and Jungkook always stay up together
Hobi and Namjoon are the ones who told us that jimin likes taking jungkook places.
Jikook were the ones who told us they eat together alot and Hobi confirmed the story.
Was it the company who told us that Jk liked being in any room Jimin was in?
Jk shared a room with Tae for crying out loud but he still went to sleep in Jimin and Hobi’s room everynight.
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It wasn’t the company that told us that Jikook we’re together on white day.
It wasn’t the company that showed us that Tae doesn’t go see Jk on his birthdays. Jk literally mentioned that on one of his Lives in the same chapter two which taekookers claim taekook were joined at the hip. And speaking of birthdays, we have literally heard Jk say that he thinks birthdays should be spent with close people but we know of about 3 different times when Taekook werent together on birthdays. How on earth do you go on believing that people are in a romantic relationship when they do not care much to see each other on a day that one of them thinks should be spent with loved ones and family? Tae will literally make sure he is there for Wooshik’s birthday but doesn’t go to see Jk on his?
Was it the company that told us that during an entire 6 week break Taekook didn’t see each other and Jk only saw Jimin and Hobi?
Was it the company that asked Jk to tell us that his mom made seaweed soup because it was Jimin’s birthday?
Was it the company that asked Jk to take Jimin to Tokyo?
Was it the company that asked Jk to only give Jimin a gift?
Hell, was it the company that asked Jk to stay in the dorm with Jimin and only moved out when he did and not when Tae did?
Was it the company that asked Jk to start a Live to watch Jimin and support him for almost 2 hours?
All these are moments that we know from the members themselves or from sightings. So which one is, “the company places jkk more in official content that tkk”? It’s not even about the company placing jikook more because if taekook were always together as some of you claim, then we would see alot of vminkook no? Did the company refuse to take footage of Tae all those times we saw jikook being the only two to stay back and watch each other practice? If tae was around jungkook alot wouldn’t we have seen him with them? We didn’t see him because he wasn’t there. Or those moments when Jk was sick in burn the stage and Jimin didn’t leave his side. Wouldn’t we have seen Tae there if he was around much the same way we saw Jin being around Jk much? Tkkrs have run with this narrative for so long even though it is obvious that the reason there was not as much taekook in official content was because those two just weren’t together as much as jikook were.
We all saw a drastic uptick in taekook moments after their ITS talk and i have seen taekookers even commenting on how much taekook content they got within the past few years, with some claiming that bighit now trusts taekook not to mess up on official content, or they had re negotiated the terms of their contract to allow for them to be shown more🙄. Let’s be serious please.
There is so many things that have happened over the years consistently that have proven beyond measure that there is no way in hell taekook are in a romantic relationship but every single time these moments are brought up, tkkrs blame the company, call taekook liars or make up the most ridiculous excuses. Cuz what do you mean your excuse to why Taekook don’t spend any birthdays or holidays together is that they have mentioned that they don’t care about birthdays or couple days? So jk doesn’t care yet he spends those days with Jimin and celebrates with other members like Hobi and Jin who ho to visit him? Tae doesn’t care abt birthdays yet he makes sure not to miss those of his wooga squad members? Let stop blaming the company for things they had no control over.
“That account wants t be objective and base their thoughts on what is being fed to them in official content. Sure, if you don't mind buying into what the company wants you to think, that is a great way to go. When we are speaking of two closeted bandmembers though.. it is not a failproof way to go. They are basing their thought on edited footage, without giving it a second thought.”
I am not basing my thoughts on what i am being fed in official content. I am basing my thoughts on the words and actions of the members, which i have gotten to see through official content and out of it ( as we all) and i have shown above the things they have said and done themselves. So unless you want to claim that we cannot believe anything the members themselves say or do, in which case everything you believe in too will be null and void because we get information from the same place, then i don’t see how someone could claim that i am basing my claims on what i am being fed by the company.
Resorting to blaming the company for not getting moments of your ship is how you know you are wrong as hell. It is even more ridiculous to reduce these boys to puppets with no autonomy or agency all in a bid to make sense of your ship. What i find ironic abt tkkrs is that, y’all claim to know tae and Jk so well yet you don’t know that these two are the most stubborn members of the group. On one hand you are claiming that Tae is someone with intergrity who values truth and wants to live in his truth and doesn’t condone nonsense but on the other hand, you are implying that he is a liar or someone who has no qualms misleading or lying to his fans and someone who has let the company maltreat him for years. One moment you claim Jk is tough for drinking on Live and falling asleep there knowing damn well the company doesn’t want him to but the next moment you are indirectly calling him a puppet or someone who doesn’t have a brain of their own. Common!
The edited footage they are talking about, is it the same footage from bighit which we all consume because i’m pretty sure if i go on any taekook pages, i will see that same “edited footage” which you celebrate and base your thoughts on.
This is was incredibly lengthy but i hope i have shown you my POV tkkr anon💜
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hedwig221b · 2 days
Do you have any fic recs that involve chasing? Like Derek gives in to the urge to run after stiles and catch him?
I kind of didn't really understand what you were asking lol so here are a few types of "chase" fics:
Mating Run Fics:
Wants & Needs by MadcapRomantic
Derek Hale has been participating in the Beacon Hills Mating Run for a decade, each year coming up without a mate. His mother, convinced this is his lucky year, persuades him to run one last time.
Enter Stiles, a young Omega with an unwanted Alpha nipping at his heels.
Family or not, Peter is determined to have Stiles. But convinced they are True Mates, there isn't anything Derek won't do to keep Stiles safe.
The Cursed Wolf by SinQueen69
2023 Suggestion Anon Wanted: Feral alpha Derek, who has been cursed and got in that feral state. The only way to lift the curse is the "sacrifice" of a pure heart. And Virgin Omega Stiles is willing to help him but the ritual has to be a mating run.
When Things Go Right by SylvieW
Stiles is nervous for the mating run. What if his soulmate is disappointed? Scott’s convinced that Allison will catch him, but Stiles isn’t so sure of his best friend’s girl, and the results could be upsetting for everyone.
Angel Choirs and Magic by LadyDrace
Derek has been very, very patient, and has shown frankly incredible self-control in the face of brutal teasing and flirting for two months. But now it's time for the mating run, and he's about to get his reward.
Except for how maybe it's actually Stiles getting a treat. Win/win.
Stiles gets kidnapped and Derek gives a chase:
Out of Focus by exclamation
Stiles was taken prisoner by a coven of witches. Now his only chance of getting home is if he learns how to control his own magic… and stops blowing stuff up by accident. With surging power inside him that he can't restrain, Stiles must deal with memories of the nogitsune, and fears that he might end up hurting those he cares about.
Meanwhile, his family and friends don't even know if he's alive. His father desperately searches for answers, and Derek will do anything in his power to find Stiles, even if it means asking an Argent for help.
of gods & monsters by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“I’m not the best at conversation. I’ve been told I have no finesse for it.”
Stiles took a step closer to Derek, pushing the billowing silk out of the way. “And what would you say if you looked at me now?”
Derek looked up, startled for a moment when he realized he was now looking at Stiles’ unveiled face. He was silent for a beat, taking in Stiles’ features for the first time, convinced he would never see such beauty unveiled for him alone.
Stiles runs away and Derek catches his ass:
between the click of the light and the start of the dream by thepsychicclam
A twig snaps, and then Stiles hears breathing and the rustle of leaves. He strains to get a better glimpse into the darkness, but it’s pointless. There’s nothing but a black void.
It's Stiles' senior year, and he's trying to concentrate on normal things - like the lacrosse championship, spring break, prom, graduation (and definitely not Derek) - when he starts having nightmares and waking up in the middle of nowhere. Oh yeah, and he's being haunted by a hag. Great.
My Wolf by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“If he wants to mate Stiles, why not let him?” Jackson asked, ready to part with Stiles if need be.
“Because if I did that, I’d be demoting Lydia,” Alpha Stilinski replied.
“We don’t even know how good of a Beta he is,” Lydia countered, bristling some that her status was being challenged.
“That’s because he’s not a Beta,” Alpha Stilinski stated. “He’s an Alpha.”
If you wanted fics with their own chasing scenes, I am sorry to inform you that I have a memory of a goldfish, and do not remember any in particular, though I am sure they exist somewhere in the wild. If someone knows some, please, feel free to add!
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut | mafia
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defnotanarc · 19 hours
Clegan Fic Recs 💖
I hit 100 followers! 🥲💕 so here's my lil list i've been meaning to compile for a while now... 😅 Note: I'm a whore so practically all of these are smut.
Close and Yet Closer by Anonymous・E・29.3k WIP
“Thing is,” he said, “If you do tell me to go, I’m gonna need you to make me believe it, Buck. Really make me believe it. Tell me, ‘I love Marge. She’s the only one for me.’ Tell me, ‘I wasn’t trying to make you jealous in there, Bucky, I swear.’ Because I know I was. Tell me you didn’t like it when you made me come. Tell me you didn’t like it when you pulled your cock over me. Tell me you don’t want me like I want you. Tell me all that, Buck, and I’ll believe you.”
Before the Dawn by atlanticslide ・ ・ M ・ 38k
His eyes are closed when Buck pulls back and whispers so close to him that his lips brush against John’s, “How many goddamn times I gotta tell you the name’s Gale, asshole?” And then kisses him one more time.
Reverie by Avonne @avonne-writes・E・55.7k
Gale's lips split into the biggest grin Bucky had ever seen. “I knew it was you!”
Aubade by Avonne @avonne-writes・E・7.1k
"Well, we're very good friends."
In the Heat of the Night by Avonne @avonne-writes・E・4.5k
“Careful, John, I might mistake you for a gentleman.” “I am a gentleman.” “Uh-huh, knocking me up before marriage?”
the air between us by burglarbilbo @buckyclevens・E・34k WIP
“Sweetheart, Abbie was not my sister,” Lennie says. Gale, coming back to the table from the sink, starts to apologize when Lennie holds up a weathered hand. “She was my wife.”
Asleep Inside the Cannon's Mouth by Coolguyreiner (luciferswhiteloafers)・E・3.1k
He was John’s conscience and John was his beating heart, walking around the world out of his chest, saying what he couldn’t, indulging where he feared to do so.
To be alone with you by Damn_Illusive・NR・22.8k
I'D RATHER YOU WERE CRAZY THAN DEAD John roars, into his own head.
Because I Liked You Better by electric_android・E・3.8k
The playful question is accompanied by a hand wrapping around his cock and pulling a frankly humiliating squeak from John who can barely stop himself from finishing like an inexperienced virgin.
Don't Forget To Breathe by FascinationStreet @fascinationstrt・E・2.1k
“Gonna come in a sec doll,” he whispers as he traces Buck's lips with his thumb, “you want it?”
Electra by fitzgender @nigesakis・E・5.2k
A girl after all, hm, Gale? He mocks.
little fix by ForASecondThereWedWon @forasecondtherewedwon・E・2.7k
Gale reached up and braced his palms overhead, just to wait John out, but when John turned, he knew he’d caught the scent of the cologne again. Mostly because John went, “Oh, god,” and swept his gaze down Gale’s body.
I'll be coming home, wait for me by FreeLove (smallMar)・E・10.5k
“Land for me today, Gale, alright? Can’t do this without you,” he says, looking straight into Gale’s eyes, and for a moment Gale is short for words. Bucky has never called him by his given name. Ever.
take in the sweetness by hart・E・23k
“This where all your volume goes, huh?” John says, breathless as he speeds up. “Quiet thing, I thought, when we met. God- you just need a good fuck, then you’re loud as bells.”
this must be the place by hart・E (Violence)・4k
He lets go of Buck’s hand, stands up slightly to bend over him, holding his face between both palms and pressing their foreheads together again. John kisses the space between his brows without thinking, but if Doc reacts at all John couldn't care less.
I Don’t Wanna Be Alone Tonight by johnslittlespoon (quickcatton) @johnslittlespoon・E・4.2k
The few times John comes to bed late, he realizes he’s not sure how to fall asleep alone anymore, which evokes a lot of feelings, none of which he quite feels like unpacking.
Would you do anything for me? by MarionetteFtHJM @marionettefthjm・E・22.6k
“That he saw our little Gale in training one day and couldn’t resist his sad, sad eyes. So he adopted him, took him home like a pup, gave him his name and then told everyone else to fuck off.”
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate by MarionetteFtHJM @marionettefthjm・E・9.5k
No, he’s not John’s wife. And it’s not like he’d want to be, but. But.
and the waxen wings of ambition melt by MarionetteFtHJM @marionettefthjm・E・26.8k
“Mom and dad fightin’ again,” Curt sing-songs under his breath like he’s asking for an ass-kicking.
I might survive by MarvaLamb @lambcow・E + T・15k
Gale has a wicked smirk on his face. “Don’t forget your manners, Major,” Gale whispers in the most rugged voice Bucky has ever heard from Gale’s lips in his life, and Bucky’s brain absolutely short circuits.
That man antagonizes the fuck out of Buck at any given chance and Benny doesn’t even think he realizes it. And the worst thing is they both seem to like it.
Synchronicity by mercess @spaceshipkat・E・28.3k
P.P.S. You told me once that I was the Hundredth’s unicorn. What I never told you is that you’ve always been mine.
bomber's moon by moonrocks・E・13.8k
“I love you, Gale,” John says quietly. “I need you to know that, alright? I’ve always loved you.” Gale just stares at him, forgetting every word he’s ever learned.
5 times John asks Gale to kiss him (and one time Gale asks him instead) by NiciJones @nicijones・T・9k
How can Buck stand there and accuse him of loving him like a summer fling when John loves him like war loves death, relentlessly and inevitably?
if that isn’t love, it’ll have to do by phlegmatic @irregularcollapse・E・23k WIP
“You couldn’t beat me indoors and sober,” Gale drawls back, but it’s the easiest thing he’s done tonight to wheel his bike around and swing his leg over it. He’s already pedaling when he adds, “You definitely won’t beat me drunk and queer.”
You and me (Against the world) by PinkSiames @pinksiames・E・3.1k
“Well it seems to be making you blush, is that what you are? A girl Buck? My girl?” John’s voice dropped an octave on the last question.
breathing in (under your skin) by plulu・M + E・9.1k WIP
“As a wise man told me, Buck, I’m their commanding officer.” Gale winced, words thrown back in his face. “It’s my job to set an example. To raise morale.”
There was a moment of tandem, of perfect harmony, as if they were a unit that had never been separated. They moved as if they weren’t thinking, like their brains hadn’t caught up with their instincts. Gale felt without registering the coolness of the wall as his back collided with it, felt the warm pressure of John’s front as it suddenly pressed against his chest.
Chocolate Squaresby pyrotechnicbean・E・3.1k
“I wanna fuck you.” He leaned down and whispered the words against the shell of Gale’s ear. “I wanna fuck you until I forget my own goddamn name.”
Do You Believe in Luck? by pyrotechnicbean・E・3.7k
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” Gale chuckled, shock and uncertainty fading away. “Tell me.” “Since you dropped out of that fort in Texas with your hair all over the place, winked at me and said ‘Nothin else like her.’” Buck had forgotten about that, too many other things crowding for attention in his mind but now he laughed. “I wanted you to notice me real bad.” “Oh I noticed, Buck. I definitely noticed.”
Born To Ride by shayde_hale @bucking-mustangs-with-wings・E・17k
Both of them moan gently at the sensation, Buck's eyes trailing over the sight in front of him as he watches his own cum seep from the slight gape of John's hole, clenching around the ghost of him and has to fight valiantly against the small twitch of interest his damp cock makes at the image.
Under his tattoo, beneath the Born To Ride in black marker, were the words Gale Cleven in perfect handwriting scrawled across the skin.
in our bedroom after the war by stereobone @stereobone・E・29.6k
"Well, I'll be damned," Bucky says. "Gale Winston Cleven. You're cooking me a roast."
"What, Gale, you worried I was going to let him think we're queer?" [...] "You think I was going to tell him that you sleep in my bed most nights and like cooking me dinner?" [...] "How much longer are you going to keep pretending that you're doing all that for me?" [...] "That it's not good for you too?"
A Suite at the Ritz by stillheremydear・E・2.2k
“You do know how to make a girl feel special.” “Nothing but the best for my baby doll,” quips another familiar voice, Major Egan.
Amoretti / Little Beasts by Swifty_Fox @swifty-fox・E・28.9k WIP
“Know I’m so deep up in your cunt but y’gotta be quiet sweetheart."
BONUS: John/Gale/Marge OT3
Who Are We To Fight The Alchemy?・by edbl・E・23k
He feels Marge shudder above him and John sigh long and drawn out, before he guides the head of John’s cock to Marge’s entrance and with his thumb, presses on the underside of the head until it slips inside her. Marge gasps, a short stuttered sound that draws out into a sigh to match John’s, synchronous in their pleasure as she sinks down onto John and the length of his cock disappears inside her.
Making Sure to Take Care by Perpetual Motion (perpetfic)・E・3.1k
"Seems I interrupted something," Buck says after another moment. He sets Marge on her feet, then traces his hands up and down her torso, drinking her in. "Can't say I mind."
where our heads lived and were by seresins @everyangel・E・8.3k WIP
He smiles crookedly, charming lines appearing on his face, and Marge is struck so suddenly by how handsome he is that she wants to kiss him again in earnest. The urge is so strong that it’s all she can do to swallow it down.
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strawbewiepie · 2 days
My reasons to lose weight:-
So that you can be smol and tiny in his clothes
So that he can push me around here and there easily
So that he can lift me like I weigh nothing
So that he can carry me very easily on his back when my feet hurt.
So that when i sit on his lap I weigh nothing
I want him to be worried abt how skinny I am.
I want him to give me skinny nicknames like "stick" "skinny legend" etc
I want to wear his bracelet on my thigh
I want to weak his neck chain on my waist
I want him to treat me like I'm very fragile
I want him to be able to wrap both his hands around my waist.
I want to look good in whatever I wear
So that I won't have to worry about if I look good or not in a pic.
Your ex will be jealous when he sees you
Your boyfriend's girl bestfriends will be jealous. (My biggest motivation is to become skinner than one of his girl best friends who is quite skinny)
no more muffin top
no more shame
you can look good in skirts/tights
show everyone that you’re not the fat one and to be skinnier than everyone else
so you don’t have to wear baggy tops, even though you’ll look just as good in them too!
no more fat thighs
no more embarrassing jiggling
no more chubby cheeks& double chin
your arms won’t flab
better cosplay
small and dainty wrists
long& slim fingers
bony hands
bony ankles
beautiful and skinny back
beautiful rib cage
hip bones.
prominent collar bones& chest bones
you can actually get on people’s back without them thinking about how heavy you are
you’ll look tiny and beautiful
beautiful and tiny stomach
your calves won’t look thick and gross
skinny jeans always look better on skinny people
knee high socks
you can wear bed shorts without making yourself want to throw up
you will finally be good enough
Im sick of elastic bands giving me muffin top -I’m sick of having to wear jeggings because jeans are uncomfortable
I’m sick of looking bad in tight AND loose clothes
I’m sick of having days where I feel too fat to wear ANYTHING
I’m sick of dreading trying on clothes in my favorite store
I’m sick of having fat rolls when sitting, bending forward, or laying on my side
I’m sick of having to pull my pants up high on my waist to hide my fat bump
I’m sick of knowing he’d rather look at skinny girls than me
I’m sick of being afraid that I’ll finally tip the scale to overweight
I’m sick of covering up at the pool/beach
I’m sick of always giving in to my cravings
It’s time to make a change because I’m sick of not feeling good in my own skin
So I can look at my thigh gap without my belly in the way.
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Pinky Promise
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 1,409
Read on AO3
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“I have to go to my aunt’s wedding this weekend. So I won’t be able to play with you alllll weekend. I’m gonna be so bored.” You sighed, lying on the floor of the tree house your father built you a couple years prior. At 10, it was still your favorite place in the world. 
Dean made a face. “That sucks!” He was your best friend in the whole world, and you spent every weekend playing together. “What am I supposed to do? Play with Sammy?” 
You giggled at that. “Guess so.” You smiled at him. “What’re we gonna do when we grow up and get married?” You pouted. “We won’t be able to play every weekend together.” 
“Well, I just won’t get married if I can’t play with you.” He said easily. 
Sitting up, you had the look on your face that told him you had an idea. “What if we make a pinky swear?” You started. “If when we’re 25, we’re not married to other people… we get married.” Why wouldn’t you want to marry your best friend? 
He thought for a minute and held up his pinky. “Alright.” He grinned when you looped your pinky finger with his. 
It had been almost 15 years since that day. You hadn’t thought of that day in ages. Dean was still your best friend, too. That never changed, and neither of you let anyone get between the pair of you. Sure, there had been girls over the years that tried to get between you, but he swiftly dumped them. Chewing on your lip, you pulled up a text to Dean. Do you remember the pinky promise we made when we were 10? You sent. You and Dean shared a birthday, meaning both of you would be turning 25 in just over a month. 
After a few minutes, he replied. Sure do! 😉 He sent, making you chuckle and roll your eyes. Why, what’s up? Meet someone and need to back out? 
Your eyebrows shot up at that. Actually, I was just asking if you remembered. I mean, our birthdays are in a month. Don’t you think you should start looking at rings, mr? 😛 You sent, sitting up and looking around your room. It was December 20th, and you’d be driving home to your parents in a few days. You’d see Dean then, too. His parents lived a block over from yours. 
Who says I haven’t been doing that already? Hmmmm? He countered. 
You highly doubted that was the case. Are you trying to tell me that you, Dean Winchester, man who has never dated anyone for more than a year…has been looking at engagement rings and actually plans to make good on this 15 year old pinky promise? Getting up, you made your way to your kitchen. It was almost dinner time, but you didn’t know if you were actually hungry. Your mind was on overdrive. As you got older, you felt Dean would laugh off your pinky promise. He’d say you were just a couple of dumb kids. 
I take pinky promises extremely seriously. Especially ones with my best friend. He sent, making you smile softly at that. 
Please just don’t propose at Christmas in front of everyone lol That’s too much attention for my liking. You knew he’d understand. Small bits of attention were fine, but you liked blending into the background. He was the more outgoing of the two of you. 
I promise 😀 He assured you. What day are you getting here, anyway? 
The idea of dinner forgotten, you leaned against the counter. On the 23rd. You?  
You watched the little bubbles pop up on your phone, hoping he would get there early, too. Guess I’m getting there on the 23rd, too. Meet me in the tree house? I’ll bring the beer, you bring the pizza? 
Grinning, you giggled. Deal. Meet me there at about 4? 
It’s a date! 
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The afternoon of the 23rd, you stepped into your parents house. “Dad!” You called out, dropping your bags. It was 2pm, so you had two hours before Dean showed up. 
“There’s my girl!” He grinned, pulling you into a hug. “How was your drive?”
“Good.” You told him. “We want to hang out in the tree house, but it’s cold. Help me hang up some blankets or something so we won’t freeze?” You asked, keeping your arms around him. 
He chuckled. “I did that yesterday. Dean called and tried to offer to pay for anything I need to make it a bit warmer out there. You could sleep out there. I made it so warm.” He said proudly. 
“Oh wow!” You chuckled. “Thank you! Where’s mom?” Although you’d seen them for Thanksgiving, you missed them a lot. 
“Getting ready for our date. I’m taking her out while you and Dean act like kids in the tree house again.” He kissed the top of your head. 
You laughed, looking forward to this time with your parents, and your best friend. As far as you knew, no one but the pair of you knew of your pact. You never mentioned it to your parents, or other friends. Dean never told you he’d told anyone, and he wasn’t one to be very open with many people. However, you also knew all parents involved would be excited. Your parents loved Dean, and his parents loved you. 
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Dean hadn’t been lying. He had been looking at rings for you. He’d snuck into your childhood bedroom and borrowed a ring from your jewelry box when he was there for Thanksgiving. This way, he knew what size ring to get. He didn’t want to risk getting the wrong size. 
What you didn’t know was that part of the reason he never dated anyone for too long was because he kept this pact in mind. It had always been you. He crossed his fingers that you’d both reach 25, unmarried, and not in a serious relationship. 
He pulled into your parent’s driveway, grabbing the beer from the passenger’s seat. Part of him felt like he was coming home every time he got there. Smiling to himself, he made his way to the backyard. He could see some light from inside the tree house, and got excited. You were already in there. “Honey! I’m home!” He called, making his way up. It was a bit awkward with the bag with beer, but he managed. 
“Dean!” You beamed when you saw him. As soon as he was completely in the tree house, you all but tackled him. “I’ve missed you.” You pouted as you pulled away. 
He chuckled. “Well, here I am.” He swallowed. “I have something for you.” 
“Dean, Christmas is in two days. You can’t wait two days to give me my Christmas present?” You teased. 
“This isn’t your Christmas present. That’s in my trunk.” He told you, pulling out the small ring box. “I know we were just a couple silly kids when we made that pinky promise, but you’ve remained my best friend for all these years. You know just what to say on the days where everything has gone wrong. There’s no one else I could ever picture myself being with for the rest of my life. Will you make good on that pinky promise and marry me?” 
Your eyes were wide, and you felt a tear fall down your cheek. “Yes!” You grinned, watching him slip on the ring. “How long have you been planning this?” You giggled. 
“I borrowed an old ring of yours at Thanksgiving.” He admitted. “It’s on my nightstand. Kinda didn’t wanna give it back yet. And we spent a lot of time in this tree house, where else would I propose to you?” 
You couldn’t stop smiling. “Guess we should talk about moving closer together, huh? Or moving in together?”
Furrowing your brows, you weren’t sure what he was going to say. “What?” 
He looked proud. “I put a down payment on a house. Just a couple streets over.” He told you. “Your dad already has plans to buy a treehouse in that backyard.” 
“My dad knew about all this?” 
Dean shook his head. “He knows I’m buying that house, and that I’d like a treehouse like this one, but I didn’t tell him I was proposing.” While he knew your dad would approve, your dad might have let something slip. “So, looks like we have a wedding to plan, sweetheart.” 
“Damn right we do!” 
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feministdragon · 3 days
every once in a while a discussion flares up on tumblr:  separatism vs activism reading through the various arguments I find myself agreeing with both sides in a lot of places.   the activism side argues that without it, we wouldn’t have the right to vote, bank accounts, property ownership, financial independence, sexual harassment and abortion laws, a lot of practical structures that free women in concrete ways.  i completely agree with this. the separatism side argues that women need a space away from men to experience themselves as human beings, to experience freedom and to experience female solidarity, and to develop networks of mutual aid.  I also completely agree with this. and then everyone starts fighting, which i really don’t understand.   We need both!  Both is good!   There are more than enough women in the world to do all the projects!  We can have some women creating separatist spaces for women to take shelter in, and we can have some women banding together to create practical change that free women in the short term.   What is there to argue about? I mean, maybe the background of this is the whole lesbian vs straight women thing?   Which tbh i also don’t understand why we have to fight about this.  I’m a lesbian, and the majority of my friends and feminist collaborators are straight women.  just by looking at the women around me I’m very very aware of how being partnered with a woman saves me an incredible amount of bullshit in my life, and yet I’m equally aware of why women choose to be het-partnered. for example in our organization there’s one women whose job title includes the word ‘responsible’.  Her husband began a campaign to undermine her participation by telling her that because her job title said ‘responsible’ that when our organization ‘inevitably bankrupted’ she would be left holding the legal debt which then (his main point) would impact him.  So she was scared by him into wanting to leave her position, when we really don’t have anyone else who can fill that right now, and so it would have caused a huge strain on us, but also, she’s perfect for this position, it’s very good for her, and she likes the work.  We were able to show her that he was just fucking with her, that the legal responsiblity for the money actually lay with a different role in the org, but it was yet another example of how men could reach into our private business and stir us about, because of how women are so financialy and emotionaly bound up with their legal male partners. so, do I cut off my friendship with this woman just because her husband is a danger to us?  Obviously not, because her husband is even more of a danger to her, and I’m trying to support her until her children are old enough that she can safely choose to leave him.   Is it irritating that her husband can just reach through her and fuck with us like that?  Absolutely.  Am I angry that women are constantly misled into marriage and find out too late that they are trapped?  Of fucking course.   Do I then conclude that all straight women are bullshit?   Also of course not.   But am I going to be cautious about who joins the group in future, and only let in lesbians?   Also of course not.  Because every set of hands is valuable and necessary, and we do other things to protect ourselves (like not let any man have a position of power in the org).  so what I want to ask is,  what is the separatism/activism divide about? why are people making it a choice between the two things?  is the foundational problem just either-or thinking?    if you are separatist why do you side-eye male-involved women?   if you are a male-involved woman, why do you side-eye separatists?
(crossposted on the Cloven Hooves forum if you want to comment on it there)
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caitlinclarkluver22 · 12 hours
~ Please Please Please ~ P.B a fanfic ( sfw)
inspired by the song by sabrina carpenter
pov: smart!fem! reader x player! paige bueckers
an: so this is my first paige bueckers fanfic, the intros kinda long, but i think it came out pretty good, but there is gonna multiple parts to this, so just let me know if you’d like another one.
remember blue is flashback and purple is lyrics!!
warnings: mention of alcohol, cheating, lying, and mention of sex
“ i know i have good judgment, i know i have good taste. it’s funny and it’s ironic that only i feel that way.”
you’re a senior in college at uconn, your mostly known for being the smartest person in your classes, never failing one grade, getting higher than a 90 at all times, 85 on your bad days.
you were in calculus, to you it was light work. you didn’t really need to study often, having amazing memory and overall good attention span in class.
since you already completed 2 years of college in highschool, having your associates degree, you were already looking forward to getting your bachelor’s degree this year.
you were collecting your stuff of the desk, putting it in you book bag, ready to go take a break from the series of classes you had just taken.
as you were walking out of the room, you heard someone call your name.
it was your teacher, professor zamora.
“ hey, your the one with all the good test scores right?” , he asked knowing but just wanted to make sure, to ask for a favor.
“ yes…. i am”, you shyly responded, a little nervous at the sudden attention.
“ okay good, so since you have the best grades in the class right now, i was wondering if you were free for another class period.”
free? another class period? what is he trying to imply? i know i might look naive and small, but I’m not stupid to know what men want. i am lesbian after all. although i had my suspicions, i trusted my professor.
“ yes i actually am. why professor?”
“ great! i was just wondering because my next class period is algebra, and….lets just say ive had them for a few years now…anyways, they need help. just pick the one you want and you can tutor them.” , he said praying that she would agree.
although she did have a break for the next two hours, she could spend one of them helping someone, it’s the right thing to do.
“ yes of course! i’m willing to tutor anyone that needs my help.”, you say enthusiastically, ready to help people be the best they could be.
“ great! just come back in around 30 minutes, and by then they should be here.”, your professor said, thankful for your help.
“ okay i got you.” , you said walking out of class, going to grab a bite to eat.
after the short thirty minutes pass by, you start walking back to the class, praying that this goes well.
as you make your entrance through the door, you see a familiar face.
shes a blonde, tall, blue eyed girl walking to her desk, a purple nike elite backpack on her back (that looks fairly empty ), and a slow sluggish walk .
you could tell who it was from a mile away, it was paige bueckers.
THE paige bueckers.
you noticed her since in your free time u went to go watch the basketball games, cheering for your favorite player on the team, paige obviously. although you went to almost every game, you went unnoticed by her, standing in the back of the crowd just admiring how she played.
you weren’t a mega fan.
you totally didn’t scroll on tiktok, looking and saving the edits you’d find. damn she’s so attractive…
‘ah ah ah, no liking her. she’s in algebra. she’s obviously not smart, not to be mean of course. just observing.’ , you think to yourself as you look around the room, waiting for everyone to take their seats.
it wasn’t only about academics. paige was also known for hopping around from girl to girl, you know this since a couple of your friends had their fair share of dating her.
you were awoken late at night by a loud knock at your door. who could be awake this late?
as you opened the door, you came to a sad sight.
there your friend, lilly, was crying at your doorstep.
she was sobbing, her eyes swollen , puffy, and red due to the amount of uncontrollable tears.
you knew what…or should i say who this was about.
over the course of 2 months, your friend was on and off with her situationship, paige. lilly didnt know wether her and paige were a thing or not, she never knew what paige’s next move would be, little did she know that her next move would be completely ghosting her and pretending like she didn’t exist.
“ i just- i just don’t know what i did wrong. i mean i bought her things, i spent time with her, i supported her at all her games. every single one. how could i be so stupid? i’m literally one of the smartest people in this whole college and im not smart enough to realize that a girl is totally playing me.” , she sobbed grasping onto you like her life depended on it.
“ it’s okay lilly it’s okay, you deserve better.”
although lilly was your friend, karmas a bitch, she should’ve known better, if she had a wish, she would’ve never fucked around with paige ( LMAOOO ).
lilly, yes got hurt, but she was a bad person. in her past she was known for cheating, lying, and stealing. well stealing other people’s hearts of course. she would talk to them, make them fall in love, then drop them after they bought her a gift of some sort.
another one of your well known friends, keisha, always hooked up with paige. whenever paige was bored, she’d text keisha a good “ u up?” late night text , and keisha would be at her dorm room in no time, ready to have good sex.
of course, they weren’t your friends anymore, you realized soon after that lilly was a bad influence since she lied and cheated, while keisha was just to influenced in alcohol and hook up culture.
in essence, this girl was bad news, and she only liked the bad girls, so you’d obviously have to stay far far away from her….
“ so how do you find x if you don’t have y?”
fuck my life.
“ paige, it’s not that hard. really. i learned this shit in seventh fucking grade, and you can’t get it. look let me show you….again.”, you said irritably, getting impatient by the second. you felt like you’ve taught her over a thousand times.
you guys were in her dorm, on her purple comforter, you were trying to teach her the literal easiest shit ever, and she couldn’t comprehend it. ugh she’s like a toddler.
“ so to find out x i have to add y and…what again?”
“ UGHHH paigeeeee”, you said, hands in your hair , frustrated with the stupidity this girl had. how could she be so smart on the court, yet so dumb when it came to math?
“ please, i need help, if i don’t pass this then i can’t play basketball. and we both really know how much i love basketball. it’s my everything. please?”, she said, her player facade fading away, showing her true and vulnerable self.
ugh those eyes….
“ …one more time paige. just try your best to get it. concentrate.”
paige nodded and smiled at her, looking down at the paper to attempt to grasp the information that she had trouble with.
“ I ACED IT”, paige screamed, jumping up and down.
“ REALLY?”, you said eyes wide.
“ YES YES YES, omg i’m so happy right now!”, paige said , her eyes showing the pure raw excitement paige had.
paige then unexpectedly embraced you in a hug, it catching you off guard, but nonetheless, you hugged back.
if you knew the hug was wrong…..why did it feel so right?
you guys stood there for a solid minute, embracing eachother. you inhaled, smelling the sweet scent she radiated.
“ okay well i gotta go”, you said, sad knowing that this would be the last time that u had an excuse to spend time with her.
“ yea- um same.”, she said, giving u a slightly forced smile.
as you were walking away , sadness filling ur heart, u heard someone shout your name.
it was paige.
“ hey um, what about i take you to dinner?..you know just to thank you for all the work you’ve done to help me of course.”, she said with a hopeful look, her bright blue eyes illuminating like the pacific ocean.
how could i say no to those eyes?
“ um..you know what…yea of course. tommorow at 9 sounds good?”, you said , happier than you’d like to admit.
“ i promised’em that your different, and everyone makes mistakes. but just don’t.”
“ i’m telling you, you shouldn’t surround yourself around her, she’s a bad influence! she literally broke your ex friends hearts! both of them! paige isn’t a good girl to fall in love with.”, dominique one of your most recent friends said, stressed out about your love life right now.
“ i mean, she asked me out to dinner…”
“….she what? don’t tell me you said yes…”
“ i said yes.”
“ don’t bring me to tears when i just did my makeup so nice.”
you finished up your final touches in your makeup, when u got a text message.
pb and j
hey pretty girl
i’m here
i’m going.
as you came out your dorm, paige was there at your door checking her breath, startled by your sudden appearance, she smiled awkwardly, bringing up lego roses to your face.
how did she know that i didn’t like real flowers? and that i love legos?
your heart warmed at the sight, smiling at her, full teeth on display.
“ thank you paige, you shouldn’t have, really.”, you said, almost feeling bad that she spent money on you that she shouldn’t have.
“ no no no it’s my pleasure honestly.” , she said with a grin, sighing , relieved that you liked the gift.
“ let’s get going?”, you said.
“ whoever is last is the rotten egg!”, she yelled loudly, before running down the hall making her way down the stairs.
“i heard your an actor, so act like a stand-up guy. whatever devils inside you, don’t let him out tonight.”
they’re at the restaurant, it’s way fancier than you expected. the waiter sat you guys down, and now both of you are looking at the menu.
when the waiter comes back, both of you agreed on chicken alfredo, and both of you got dr. pepper.
you guys start making conversation, talking about the things you didn’t know about eachother , and your goals in life.
as you guys finished with your delicious meal, you decided that it was time to leave and go home. it was getting late after all.
as both of you walked out, the moon shining bright on your faces, the date unfortunately coming to an end, you guys talked a bit more, laughing at eachother jokes.
“ well that was fun.”, paige said, laughing, her teeth as bright as the stars.
“ yea it really was…”, you say with a smile on your face that couldn’t be removed no matter how hard you tried. a smile so permanent that it ached.
you guys gazed into eachothers eyes, her eyes taking a trip down to your lips, slowly bringing them back to your eyes once again.
“ paige i-“
you got cut off by paige, as she brought her lips to yours, sealing the night in a fond memory of the kiss you shared, the kiss that was between the two of you.
after a while, you opened your eyes and looked at her. she had her goofy smile on, looking at you with….i think love…? no couldn’t be. just lust.
“ um we should do this again. “
say no say no.
“ yes of course”, you said with a smile.
“ okay well…see you later. i’ll text you! “, paige said as she back peddled to her car, winking at you, before running to the vehicle .
god she’s such a goof.
as you got in your car, you only had one thought while having your head on the wheel, thinking about all the occurrences that had happened over the past few months. even though you knew it might end up bad, you couldn’t help but think…
please please please, don’t prove em right.
WOOHOOO I FINISHED IT DONT PLAYYY!!! i was literally working on this for hours and my friend dominique was helping me with it too( literally love her )!! anyways hope you enjoy and make sure to lmk if yall want a second part or not!!! 💕💕 sorry if it’s bad ik i misspelled a couple i think and definitely misworded but not so bad to the point where you won’t get it. LOVE YAAA!!!💕
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the tortured poets department (sponsored by my procrastination)
excuse my essays for each song the lyrics are so interesting to me so there’s like actual analyzation for each one.
fortnight - dex
that lingering resentment disguised by surface level friendship is that not literally him and sophie come on. “run into you sometimes, ask about the weather” the awkwardness!! “your wife waters flowers, i want to kill her” he was the #1 fitz hater for multiple reasons after all (although i think he was over it by the time keefe became prominent)
the tortured poets department - sophie
this is so keefe from her perspective come on “you’re in self sabatoge mode, throwing spikes down the road, but i’ve seen this episode and still love the show” “i chose this cyclone with you” “sometimes i wonder if you’re gonna screw this up with me. but you told [biana] that you’d kill yourself if i ever leave. and i had said that to [dex] about you so i felt seen. everyone we know understands why we’re meant to be.” also let’s be so real keefes drawing journals + goodbye letters, he’s giving tortured poet
my boy only breaks his favorite toys - fitz
guys he’s just a silly little boy with anger issues, and he’s MY silly little boy with anger issues stop hating him 😞 “the voices in his head called the rain to end our days of wild” “he saw forever so he smashed it up” he may have fucked up but it happens!!
down bad - dex
CUZ FUCK IT HE WAS IN LOVE!!! also if i may present to you: “i might just die it would make no difference” in the context that outside of sophie saw no purpose to his own life. he saw himself just as he is presented in the books: as her best friend and nothing more. so in losing that (blaming himself and his own feelings for it) what was left of him? who was left? sophie was also his ONLY friend. not to mention in the context of the fact that when he WAS presumed dead nobody cared, they still cared more about sophie.
so long, london - keefe
no not bc of london actually but because “and you say i abandoned the ship but i was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment” is actually a direct reference to keefitz’ friendship falling apart as fitz got angrier and keefe got more closed off. “you swore that you loved me but where were the clues?” “im just mad as hell cause i loved this place” me when everglen is no longer keefes safehaven. nor anyone’s for that matter bc its haunted by alvars betrayal and alden’s mind break and fitz’ anger.
but daddy i love him - biana
“i just learned these people only raise you to cage you” “i just learned these people try and save you…cause they hate you” “dutiful daughter all my plans were laid…growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all.” i hate alden vacker. how do u manage to use and fuck up all ur kids by age 12 like wow. “i’ll tell you something about my good name: it’s mine alone to disgrace” she would 100% say this. she would also 100% say “im having his baby! no im not but you should see your faces.”
fresh out the slammer - keefe
sokeefe or keefitz take it as it comes. “in the shade of how he was feeling.” “as i said in my letters.” “my friends try, but i wouldn’t hear it…for just one glimpse of his smile” “swirled you into all of my poems” it’s so him it is truly.
florida!!! - keefe
THIS one’s about london! “well me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time! yes i’m haunted but im feeling just fine” ethan and eleanor wright who?? “your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in” candle shade/shores of solace type beat “i need to forget so take me to [london], i have some regrets i’ll bury them in [london]” “i don’t want to exist so take me to [london]” aw bae
guilty as sin? - dex
i don’t know how to explain but i just feel like this feeling of i shouldn’t be doing/feeling this the literal guilt and all these delusions and the sheer intensity of it all is just giving me dex. “this cage was once just fine, am i allowed to cry? i dream of cracking locks, throwing my life to the wolves or the ocean rocks” “i keep these longings locked in lowercase inside a vault” this must be the way he loves if he thinks so little of himself and doesn’t let himself have good things. “i choose you and me religiously” because at the end of the day when he makes a decision or chooses something or someone he puts his all into it.
who’s afraid of little old me - sophie
“you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me. you caged me then you called me crazy. i am what i am cuz you trained me.” all of it’s literally giving her growing into herself in stellarlune and making decisions on her own. SHE IS NOT A PAWN!!!
i can fix him (no really i can) - tam
idk its just giving him defending rayni with his life when everyone else including linh was like who tf is this girl.
loml - fitz
every sad pining song is fitz vacker to me. esp the refrences to the romance being dead but never buried... "still alive killing time at the cemetery, never quite buried...i'm your holy ghost" the way that sophie switched up on him in stellarlune (although i fully support her) didn't give him much time to recover. "are they second-hand embarrased that i can't get out of bed because something counterfiet's dead" give me heartbroken fitz!!! for once instead of angry fitz just give me tired, resigned fitz. "it was legendary, it was momentary, it was unecessary, should've let it stayed buried" is such a good summary of sophitz imo.
i can do it with a broken heart - linh
linh is so interesting to me as a parallel of fitz: meaning she, just like him, is always angry. however she masks it in smiles and kindness the way he never learned to, he just lashes out. this song feels like it’s talking about that mask: “i’m so depressed i act like it’s my birthday everyday” “i can read your mind ‘she’s having the time of her life’ …i can show you lies” “cause im miserable and nobody even knows” “i can hold my breath, i’ve been doing it since [i] left”
the smallest man who ever lived - keefe
it’s giving a letter to cassius/gisela/alvar. “and i don’t even want you back, i just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal. and i don’t miss what we had” “did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?” “in 50 years will all this be declassified and you’ll confess why you did it, and i’ll say ‘good riddance’” “i would’ve died for your sins instead i just died inside. and you deserve prison but you won’t get time” “in plain sight you hid, but you are what you did. and i’ll forget you but i’ll never forgive.”
the alchemy - sophie
“cause the sign on your heart said it’s still reserved for me. honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?” aw sokeefe.
clara bow - biana
BIANA BEING COMPARED TO HER BROTHERS AND ALL THE VACKERS BEFORE THEM "the crown is stained but you're the real queen" "beauty is a beast that roars, down on all fours, demanding more...its hell on earth to be heavenly" i love her.
the black dog - fitz
bring back petty fitz!! i think the young girl not knowing the starting line could parallel with keefe not being able to understand things about telepathy that really connected fitz and sophie. i also think we could shift the angle and make it about alvars betrayal and how it sparked his angry trauma response. “you said i needed a brave man, then proceeded to play him until i believed it too.” “now i want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes…even if i die screaming, and i hope you hear it.”
imgonnagetyouback - fitz
he is 100% this delusional. he's just like me. "you'll find that you were never not mine" "even if its handcuffed im leaving here with you." "told my friends i hate you but i love you just the same, pick your poison babe, i'm poison either way"
the albatross - keefe
“one bad seed kills the garden. one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen.” “the devil that you know looks now more like an angel. i’m the life you chose, and all this terrible danger.” HE IS THE ALBATROSS. i can’t wait for the movie i want edits of him to this. ACTUALLY I WANT A LOT OF THINGS maybe I’ll make a separate post about that.
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus - keefe
you saw it coming. this song SCREAMS KEEFITZ. like- “you said some things that i can’t unabsorb…you needed me but you needed drugs more.” “changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules all to outrun my desertion of you.” “if you want to break my cold cold heart just say ‘i loved you the way that you were’” WHAT THE HECK DUDE IM SOBBING “back to the moment i crashed into you like so many wrecks do” that line solidified this as keefe’s pov for me. in conclusion. SOBBING.
how did it end - biana
i propose to you: not a relationship, but the vacker family falling apart and the way they became a huge subject of gossip in the lost cities. when alden’s mind broke, while fitz had turned to anger biana became depressed, and i think this song could relate to that as well. the whole part of “guess who we ran into at the shops” feels very much like conversations others would have about the vackers at the time and when alvar betrayed them. “soon they’ll go home to their [brothers], smug cause they know they can trust him.” and i think at the end of the day when all of it happened biana was just young and betrayed and lost, because she didn’t see it coming or understand why (who did?) “the deflation of our dreaming, leaving me bereft and reeling” “i can’t pretend like i understand, how did it end?”
so high school - biana
HER VIBES ALL THE WAY she’s so cute and lovely and i want this for her (and dex. specifically dex. not anyone else.)
i hate here - sophie
was leaning dex until “you see i was a debutant in another life but now i seem to be scared of going outside” but the whole idea of escapism applies to both of them. especially to sophie though when she lived with humans and was so alone because even her own family couldn’t understand her, and she canonically is a bookworm and probably found more comfort in those other lives than she ever could in her own. "I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind...i read about it in a book when I was a precious child" "ill get lost on purpose, this place made me feel worthless"
thanK you aIMee - tam
aimee 🤝🏽 the song parents. “everyone knows that my [sister] is a saintly woman. but she used to say she wished that you were dead.” “but when i count the scars there’s a moment of truth: that there wouldn’t be this if there hadn’t been you.” thank you song parents 🫶🏽
i look in people’s windows - fitz
i thought this song sounded so creepy till I actually listened to it and now the idea of like lowkey stalking someone just to see if they still care about you or have moved on is slightly making sense. "does it feel alright to not know me? i'm addicted to the if only." it's giving keefitz (when isn't it?)
the prophecy - dex
"let it once be me, who do i have to speak to about if they can redo the prophecy?" THIS JUST REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF THE BEGINNING OF STELLARLUNE WHEN HES LITERALLY MOURNING WHAT HASN'T EVEN HAPPENED TO HIS BROTHER YET i need more dex being the oldest sibling and shouldering that burden. the love-hate relationship with his siblings while simultaneously trying to make their quality of life so much better than what he had. also "a lesser woman would've lost hope, a greater woman wouldn't beg" is so him. he is so that middle.
cassandra - tam
"so they killed cassandra first cuz she feared the worst...do you believe me now?" "you can mark my words, i said it first. in a mourning warning, no one heard." tam when keefe joined the neverseen fr
peter - keefe
pls tell me you saw this one coming. "are you still a mindreader? a natural scene stealer, I've heard great things [fitz], but life was always easier on you than it was on me." "promises, oceans deep, but never to keep" "forgive me [fitz], my lost fearless leader...from when we were just kids. is it something I did?" i think I'm just in a constant state of mourning their friendship.
the bolter - keefe
obvious reasons but also "i can confirm she made a curious child, ever reviled by everyone but her own father." "hearts are hers for the breaking, there's escape in escaping." "she's got the best stories, you can be sure, as she was leaving, it feels like freedom."
robin - dex
had to do some research for this one but apparently its talking about preserving a child's innocence! for this reason it reminds me again of dex and his siblings because of the way he really wants to protect them from things that haven't happened yet (especially considering rex being talentless). "way to go tiger" definitely sounds like something he would say to them feeling all sentimental but then, knowing siblings, they'd probably grill him about why he's being nice 💀
the manuscript -
we know the drill by now, fitz gets all the breakup songs because they could be about sophie OR keefe. "afterwords, she only ate kid's cereal, and slept in her mother's bed" while the song is discussing reverting back to childhood habits in vulnerability, fitz's vulnerability made him angry (but it was still a big change from his regular self) "looking back might be the only way to move forward" I hope he does get to move on!!! im tired of the love triangle plot if we're not gonna focus on keefitz' friendship 😭
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one of the worst feelings ever is wanting to write but your hands hurt too much or the words just don’t want to work so you just sit there staring at a half finished doc with tears in your eyes bc you want to write and you need to write but everything is telling you that you can’t
#and that you’re a terrible writer and that no one cares aaaaaaand imposter syndrome kicks in and you just feel like crap#bc all your friends have been wriying recejtky so why can’t you??? cause they’re bETTER THAN YOU#lol idk why my head is so bad today#the feelings of inferiority and emptiness and idk worthlessness are strong and i hate it but i can’t stop it#i just wanna write!!! and like what i write!!!#but i Can’t and i haven’t liked anything i’ve written in Months and ugh i hate not being able to d something i wanna do#oh and now i’m crying??? why the frick am i cRYING litetally why is typing this making me Worse#sorry guys needed to rant#the inadequacy was strong today#something something students keep telling me how much they dislike me or how i’m whiny for asking them to be respectful and like#i Know i shouldn’t compare myself to my friends but gosh it’s hard when they’re all like. so much better than me.#and i don’t have a lot of time to be on tumblr bc of work so i just feel like i’m watching everything from afar and it’s no one’s fault but#my brain’s like no one is Doing anything it’s just my brain being dumb and i can’t stand it and I want to stop feeling empty and like i’m#missing a part of myself and like the words i write don’t matter gOD why can’t i just feel happy with where i am and not care what the kids#who hate me say or realize that no one cares that i’m not on much like i’m still Here and trying to interact it’s not like everyone hates me#for being busy or for liking side characters more than the main characters and just—#sorry#that felt good actually#idk what came over me#imma just. imma shower. then maybe delete my tags#sorry if anyone got this far aT ALL grace is either asleep or trying to sleep so i don’t wanna bother them since they slept poorly last nigh#okay done now for real sorry delete tags later sorry if you saw this and how freaking messed up ky freaking brain is
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permanentreverie · 3 months
#ok so mini rant session#i am doing a bit better today - little less distraught over getting fired from a job i thought i was doing pretty good at and i was trying#really hard and genuinely enjoying#and just more baffled because truly i had no warning and i was completely blindsided#i was in the middle of a 3 month trial and i would have a review at the end in which i would be offered a permanent position if it went well#and i thought i was making my way towards that! granted i was still making mistakes but genuinely not of such a great scale i thought it#called for my immediate dismissal#that being said i was still VERY MUCH IN TRAINING. i had only been there A MONTH AND A HALF learning COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEMS#and i was told that i had been there a few weeks already and that i wasn’t catching on quick enough. that there were some areas i was#understanding and others i just simply wasn’t#and i asked what areas specifically so that i could learn more and try harder#and they didn’t give me a specific answer.#ok and so. so. i have this insecurity.#that at first impression people will like me. that they may think i’m pretty or kind or funny or whatever#but then they spend time with me or get to know me and realize that that’s all bullshit.#that i’m actually not pretty and im mean and loud and selfish and lazy and rude and etc etc etc#MASSIVE fucking insecurity in that like that’s why i genuinely don’t have friends or a significant other#and that genuinely i’m just a Bad Person#and when i was fired? i was told ‘a persons true colours show after a few weeks’#so that’s MAJORLY fucking me up.#when i was hired i was boasted to about my boss’s hiring process and how she’s ’only been fooled twice’#and the morning before i was fired in a meeting my supervisor told everyone that i was doing quite well.#so yeah i truly had no fucking warning. at fucking all.#hurt and confused and angry and baffled and did i mention hurt#anyways if you’re still here i’m sorry i know this is not a good look for me
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godblooded · 4 months
sup insomnia gang gimme a ❤️
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pyr0cue · 2 months
Worst thing about being an artist is having like 1 friend at most who cares about it. Please 1 response to my art in the GC would be sooo nice so kind please please I put so much time and effort into caring about the shit my friends do and enjoy is one message with words (not emoji reactions) too much to ask when I make art.
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How to explain that going to church makes me hurt and angry, but not going to church makes me sad and depressed.
#I need to go to Mass. I need to get over the anxiety mental block and just go.#blue chatter#it’s just. I’ve only gone a couple times this semester and every time has left me feeling more empty and hurt than when I walked in#and I know Mass is more than just how you feel. and that it matters that I am there where God calls me to be#I know.#I wish nobody there knew me so they wouldn’t be so worried and ask questions about where I’ve been#it’s like. I cannot possibly explain to my church friends why I haven’t been showing up.#it’s not even scrupulosity anymore it’s just. I can’t be here. I don’t belong here.#and the new priest is trying *so hard*. I’ve been honest with him about how I’m struggling.#but it’s just. there’s something missing. he wants to include the congregation but fundamentally doesn’t understand what that means.#‘everyone is welcome. No I will not make an effort to include marginalized people. they’re welcome bc they can Walk In The Door.’#and I know it’s not that the church has changed#if anything I’d be having the same issues with the old priest. I’m the one who’s changed.#but instead of spending my Sundays with God I’m just. melting into a puddle of Sad. and that’s not good for my faith life.#I need to do *something*. I just. any time I think of trying a new church i feel exhausted.#God please help me.#I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t want to be alone and miserable and losing touch with my faith
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ongreenergrasses · 10 days
WIP Tag Game
tagged by @lyricfulloflight, thank you! RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
well let’s see here. This is what I got for you
something filling half the notebook that has no title but is large enough that it cannot be discounted
the sun persists in rising (aka the behemoth)
love lies bleeding AU
on gender
for some reason you’ve taken it upon yourself to practice this and I don’t know why (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
a proposal apparently?
a sequel that just doesn’t need to exist
diner fic
tagging @aphroditestummyrolls @ghoulangerlee and anyone else who would like to!
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feralsneeze · 4 months
Not sneeze but I’m breaking things off with my 2.5 year situationship tonight and could use some good energy if y’all have any to spare
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kiingbiing · 2 months
#talks#:/ I don’t understand this body#it’s really sensitive to changes and it can’t handle smoking/drinking (WHICH IS GOOD but not when I’m trying to enjoy with friends)#I’m forced to sit back and watch people enjoy what I can’t#in my prev reblog I ranted about preferring to smoke a cig compared to vape#and NOim not advocating for cigarettes over vape#vape will always be better#the only reason why I prefer cigarettes is because I’m v sensitive to nicotine apperantly and I can’t really vape a lot#so it’s never worth it to buy my own one since it would be a massive waste#a cig however#I only do 1 every once in a while (at a party) and I prefer to do it with someone rather than alone#but it give me what I’m kind of missing from vape#1 cig is satisfactory#I don’t really know what my limit is to vaping but I promise you it’s not a lot#and if I get sick I’m stuck on the couch waiting for the nausea to go away#but if I could I would buy vapes in a heartbeat#and it’s crazy how sensitive I am to alcohol… a few shots and I’m very drunk and it’s vomit century#and I enjoy being drunk/ it’s fun and warm#it’s kinda insulting to watch everyone around you enjoy a drink while you have to sit it out knowing it’s because of your body…#sorry for ranting#every once in a while I get reminded about how I am and I get frustrated#ultimately I know this is for the best but that doesn’t mean I can’t watch in envy#I can only take small amounts and hope life will treat me well#alcohol#vape#smoking
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