#[I can feel the rush of adrenaline/I’m not scared to jump if you want to: ship musings]
buckyslittlegirl · 3 months
See you in the next life
Daryl Dixon x reader
Warnings: ANGST!!! Death, reader gets bitten, fighting, mutual feelings, very sad shit
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You groan in frustration and turn in your heal leaving the make shift camp you and Daryl had made.
“Where’d you think you’re goin” Daryl grumpily called out
“I need some space I’ll be back in 30” you replied sharply.
The fight was stupid you can’t even remember how it started. You and Daryl obviously like each other, anyone can see that but Daryl is scared, scared to love. It’s a new feeling to him and he doesn’t want to get attached, I’m these days love causes more pain.
You walk to the little river near camp and sit on the bay, throwing pebbles into the cold water the action slightly calming your frustration.
As you sat by the river, throwing pebbles into the cold water, trying to calm yourself down, you suddenly heard a twig snap behind you. Assuming it was Daryl coming to apologize, you didn't turn around just yet.
"Daryl, leave me alone," you muttered, still upset about the fight.
But instead of Daryl's voice, you heard a guttural growl coming from behind you. Your heart skipped a beat as you slowly turned to see a lone walker stumbling towards you.
Panic surged through you as you realized you were completely alone and unarmed. You frantically searched your surroundings for something to weaponize yourself with.
As the walker drew closer, you grabbed a nearby rock, your hands trembling with fear. You could hear its groans and the stench of decay filled the air.
In a panic you hurled the rock at the walker, but it only stumbled backward, unfazed. It continued its slow, hungry shuffle towards you.
With no other options, you started backing away, your eyes darting around for any form of escape. But the riverbank behind you was steep, with high slippery slopes on either side, preventing any chances of climbing out.
Suddenly, the walker gained speed, closing the distance between you.
You stumbled, falling back onto the damp ground, your heart racing as the walker lunged at you. You desperately tried to scramble away, but your foot was caught in a tangled root, trapping you in place.
The walker's boney hand clamped tightly around your ankle, and its rancid breath seemed to be inches away. You kicked and thrashed, trying to break free from its grip, crying out for help but you know Daryl wouldn’t be able to hear.
Your body was in so much pain from the fall you can’t even identify what the sources of it are.
Finally you free your ankle and kick the walkers rotten head in, and stand back up trying to breathe steady. Now the adrenaline has worn off the pain is setting in, you can feel the cold air against what feels like an open wound on your ankle and you close your eyes praying it’s just a cut from the branches.
You slowly kneel down to examine your ankle, and a wave of horror washes over you as you see the vicious bite mark on your flesh. It was a clear indication of the danger you were in.
As the realization of being infected sinks in, your heart sinks further. "No, no, no," you mutter, unable to believe it was happening to you.
As you stumbled back towards the camp, calling Daryl's name with a trembling voice, your head was spinning with a million thoughts. You tried to rationalize the situation, hoping it was just a horrible dream.
The camp soon appeared in sight, and you saw Daryl sitting by the campfire, his head in his hands. He looked up at the sound of your voice.
"What the hell happened to you?” Daryl exclaimed, jumping up from his spot by the fire, his eyes widening as he noticed your limping form. He rushed over to you, concern etched on his face.
“Are you alright?” he asks, noticing the tear streaks on your cheeks. He reached out to touch your face, but you flinched away from his touch.
"D-don't touch me," you whimper, feeling the mix of shame and fear washing over you. Daryl, sensing something was wrong, took a step back.
"What happened out there?" he asked again, his voice laced with worry.
You close your eyes. None of this would have happened if you just kept your feeling to yourself you say over and over in your head.
Daryl's eyes narrowed slightly, realizing that something more was wrong than just a simple injury. He took a step closer, his voice gentle but firm.
"Tell me what happened," he repeated, his concern growing with every passing second.
You open your eyes and look into his
“Im sorry”
Daryl's expression softened slightly as he saw the look in your teary eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it.
"I...I'm infected," you choked out, the words barely escaping your trembling lips. Daryl's face froze for a moment, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
"What?" he breathed out, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Don't bullshit me," he said more urgently, desperation creeping into his tone. "You're not infected."
Struggling to stand still you know you don’t have long.
Daryl cursed under his breath, his face twisting in frustration and despair. He quickly scooped you up into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest.
"You can't be infected," he repeated, more to himself than to you, as he carried you over to the campfire and rested you on the ground.
“Daryl” you say softly trying to snap him out of his panic
Daryl looked down at you, his eyes wide with fear and denial.
"This can't be happening," he muttered, his voice shaking as he kneeled next to you, holding your hand tightly.
“Daryl” you repeat this time louder.
Daryl snapped out of his inner panic, his gaze locked on yours.
"What?" he said, his voice filled with desperation, as if he was willing you to say something, anything that would make this nightmare go away.
You smile and reach a weak arm up to stroke his face “at least give me that kiss you’ve been holding back before I go” you smile sadly.
Daryl's gaze softened, his expression filled with a mixture of sadness and regret. He leaned down, his hand cupping your cheek gently.
"Don't talk like that," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.
He hesitated for just a moment before his lips brushed against yours in a gentle, bittersweet kiss.
Daryl held the kiss for a few seconds, savoring the bittersweet moment.
He pulled away reluctantly, his eyes searching your face, as if memorizing your every feature. "You idiot," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
You laugh dryly “and all it took was a bite for you to finally give in and kiss me”
Daryl let out a small chuckle, but it was tinged with sorrow. He knew that this moment would soon be torn away from both of you.
"Yeah, maybe I am an idiot," he said softly, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of your hand. "I shoulda done it a lot sooner."
“Oh you definitely are Dixon” you smile “but I understand why you held back, why you kept trying to convince yourself you felt nothing towards me even though everyone can see through that” you chuckle.
Daryl grimaces slightly, knowing you hit the nail on the head. It was true that he had been trying his best to suppress the feelings he had for you, afraid of getting too attached in these dangerous times.
He looks down at your hand in his, a silent admission of his true fears and emotions.
Your gaze softens slightly “hey, this isn’t your fault alright?”
Daryl swallows hard, his eyes still avoiding yours. He knew deep down that you were right, but the guilt was eating away at him.
"I should have been with you," he muttered under his breath. "I never should have let you go out there alone."
“You and I both know I wouldn’t have let you follow me” you laugh coughing slightly. You know there isn’t long but in this moment you feel awfully at peace
Daryl scoffs, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He knew all too well how stubborn you could be.
"Yeah, you're right. You're as stubborn as a mule," he teases gently, trying to hide the pain in his eyes.
“Hey, if it’s any help, I’m not in any pain right now. I’m - I’m weirdly at peace” you half smiling squeezing his hand slighty
Daryl's eyes flicker with a mix of sadness and relief. He squeezed your hand back, his thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles.
"That does help a little," he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it doesn't change the fact that I'm losing you, and there's nothing I can do to stop it."
“We will meet again Dixon. Who knows maybe you’ll get a second chance” you chuckle.
The moment is bittersweet, all pent up feelings now out in the open, just not at the right time
Daryl's grip on your hand tightens, his eyes never leaving your face. He wanted to tell you so much, apologize for all the times he pushed you away, promise that this wouldn't happen to you.
Instead, he just stayed silent, holding your gaze, silently wishing for more time.
Feeling cold sweats shake your body you know it’s time to leave this harsh world.
“Hey Dixon, promise you’ll be okay?”
Daryl's jaw clenches for a moment as he tries to hold back his tears. But he takes a deep breath and nods slowly.
"I promise," he mutters, his voice gruff with emotion. "I'll be okay, but it's gonna be the worst goddamned time of my life without you."
“Couldn’t imagine continuing without someone as awesome as me” you try laughing but cough dryly instead
Daryl's lips quirk up into a sad smile. Your attempt to lighten the mood with humor is both heartbreaking and endearing.
"Ain't that the truth," he agrees, his voice soft. "I won't know what the hell I'm supposed to do without your annoying ass around."
I smile and look into has shiny eyes
“See you in the next life Dixon”.
Closing your eyes your breaths become short and shallow and the hand in Daryl’s is now limp.
Daryl watches as your breaths become shallower and your hand goes limp in his. His heart sinks into his stomach as the reality of your passing sinks in.
"See you in the next life sweetheart," he whispered hoarsely, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
He grabs he’s hunting knife and pulls your body close giving you a final goodbye kiss on your head. He closes his eyes and puts the blade to your skull sinking it in. He lets out a cry and he pulls the blade back out. He couldn’t let you turn into one of those things.
Daryl sits there, your body in his arms, the weight of your loss crashing down on him. He buries his face in your hair, tears streaming down his face as his body shakes with silent sobs.
He knew this moment would come, but nothing could have prepared him for the crushing grief. He holds you tightly, the memory of your words echoing in his mind. "See you in the next life Dixon”.
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
I'm not scared! Colby Brock x MotoGPDriver! Reader Part 3
Plot: You made a tweet about Sam and Colby and were in a podcast and they brought up Sam and Colby where you talked about the paranormal and how it doesn't really scare you because you drive motorcycles at over 200mph.
Credit to misscalliopecruz for the GIF
A/N: I have made up a place in the UK for them to investigate as I have specifc haunting I want to happen, and if I'm talking about an actual haunted location I would rather be accurate out of respect for that place. More ghost stuff in the next part!
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Sam and Colby spent most of their time around the garage. They were excited watching as you told them all bout your bike.
They also loved seeing you race, they'd never experienced something where the adrenaline wasn't for fear or excitement of themselves like they normally got on their investigations.
As they watched you go round the high speed turns, your leg so close to the floor, or any time that you bike wobbled a bit when you broke too quickly and the apprehension of whether you would fall off and crash out.
But you didn't, and you actually won the race on the last day with the boys cheering for you. You rushed over to them, pulling your helmet off your hair being a little frizzy from the sweat across your forehead.
You jumped into the arms of Sam and Colby pulling them into a huge hug.
"You were fantastic out there!" Sam grins and shakes your shoulders.
"When do you race in the US! We have to watch you at home!" Colby admits.
You celebrated a home race podium, there was something always so amazing about standing on the top of a podium listening to your national anthem in your home country.
You sprayed the champagne and were drenched by your colleagues.
For the rest of the day you celebrated with your team and Sam and Colby. You guys travelled to London and spent the night going between bars clubs and casinos.
Sam and Colby ended up crashing in the spare bedroom in your apartment because you were all so drunk from the celebrations and they couldn't make it back to the hotel without you and they refused to let you walk back alone.
You woke up the next day with a massive headache and walked straight to the kitchen. You completely forgot about the boys in your spare bed room and didn't bother changing or fixing your hair. You walked out pulling some paracetamol out orange juice to try cure the insane headache.
"Y/N?" a groan from behind you on the sofa calls and you nearly drop your glass from shock.
"Colby? Fuck!" you exclaim looking at him sprawled out across the sofa, he was shirtless and you could see all the tattoo's going up his arm, chest and back.
"Mmbhhg" he groans rolling over.
"I forgot you were both here" you sigh before pouring two more glasses and looking at what looked good to potentially order the boys for breakfast.
"I feel like I've died, you podium celebrators really know how to party" he groans wrapping the fluffy blanket you had laying across the back of the sofa. Colby finally turns his eyes onto you and his eyes bulge wide seeing the attire you were in.
"Sorry, I forgot you were here, if I'm being honest but I'll change and we can wake up Sam and order food!" you explain.
"No need, I'm already awake!" Sam grins walking out seemingly completely hangover free. He heads over to the arm chair next to the sofa.
“What the hell, you look like you didn’t even drink last night!” You exclaim looking over Sam’s seemingly fine and not hungover demeanour.
“And you look like someone who forgot they had house guests over” he admits, smirking at your T-shirt and undies combo you were currently sporting.
“Well, this is my house and you guys crashed here so I’ll wear what I please! I’m going to go shower, but here’s my phone order food whatever you want” you grin looking at them before rushing off to your en-suite.
You take a shower, washing your hair from all the champagne grime and club sweat that had built up and make sure your face was completely clear of makeup.
You scrub all of the grime from your body making sure you were in too top condition to go collect the food and to potentially make some content with Sam and Colby.
“Im back, what did you guys order?” You ask with a big grin on your face and they both look over at you guilty.
“We went with McDonalds but we haven’t ordered yet because we didn’t know what you’d want!” Sam smiles.
“You also had a few messages come through. We tried not to read them but they kinda popped up and stayed there a while. One was from Lando Norris, saying Congrats same as George Russell and ‘Mum’, I’m guessing for yesterday. The other one was from your Jack Miller about going for drinks some time?” Colby almost asks and you take the phone of them, thanking Sam.
You add your go to McDonald’s order before hitting verify payment. You phoned down to your reception letting them know you ordered food, which they normally offer to bring it up for you as it’s a security risk as there’s a lot of high profile people in this apartment block.
“Lando and George are my Motorsport friends. They race in F1. I think mum is self explanatory and you both met Jack Miller yesterday but I doubt you’d remember that” you giggle knowing you’d introduced them to your teammate early on at the club.
“Oh he’s your teammate right?!” Sam offers having a more clear memory of the night that you or Colby.
“Last night was wild” Colby says rubbing his eyes.
“Mmm what can I say, once the champagne is popped we don’t stop” you cheese at the phrase you��d picked up from George when you first met him.
“Is it alright if I just grab a shower and freshen up?” Colby asks and you just giggle nodding him to Sam.
“Im sure he can show you to my facilities considering he’s used them”
“How do you know I’ve used your shower?” Sam inquires raising an eyebrow at you.
“I mean, your hair is still damp and there’s no way you put on fresh clothes without a shower” you admit folding your arms over one another.
He jokingly grumbles out about you catching him red handed before showing Colby in the direction of the spare bedrooms bathroom.
Eventually you guys are sat in the living room in front of Colbys laptop looking at locations that you might potentially be able to look at and do an investigation at in such short notice.
You were sat so close to Colby, and now that he was showered you loved how he smelled like your home. He’d obviously used your bathroom products and you couldn’t help but lean closer to him at the comforting smell mixing into his general aroma.
“How about here” Colby says pulling up the website of a place.
“Dannamore Castle?” Am I saying that right. He asks looking to you. You didn’t expect your faces to be so close when he did and a blush immediately forms on both your faces at the awkward closeness you both hadn’t expected.
“Better than your pronunciation for Chillingham Castle that’s for sure!” You joke having watched all their England videos.
“It says here that there are over 50 active spirits that roam the halls of Dannamore Castle with Drake Dannamore being one himself” Sam reads out.
“Woah, that’s kinda an active spot” you smile looking at the location on a map.
“Yeah over 50 is crazy!” Colby offers and you shake your head.
“No no it’s on a leyline intersection. See” you say pulling up a map on your phone showing them and both the boys grin.
“Oh I like the idea of this already!”
“Let’s read some more about it and I’ll make some calls” Sam smiles pulling open some more tabs.
@richardsamboramylove55 @braveangel777
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rileyglas · 6 months
The List ~Pt. 4 - Corruption~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: An intense evening with Alastor starts to corrupt your judgment. Your list and morals are put into question as you start to uncover his intentions with you and the full scope of your abilities.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery (Alastor), Smut (oral and fingers), brief mentions of blood and bodily harm, cursing, fluff, actual plot, slow burn, and of course 18+ MDNI
3.3k Words (Ya'll wanted longer chapters so here ya go)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (You're on it!) Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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Had someone told you two months ago that you’d be sitting in an Overlord’s bed with his head in your hands, you’d have called them insane. Tonight though, it was your reality. Just try to keep a clear head. You pull away from the grip Alastor has on your wrists but keep your body close to his. “I don’t understand. Why do you feel like you need to protect me? I’m just some sinner here for a chance at –"
Apparently, that was the wrong answer.
The Radio Demon’s antlers grow and his eyes flash to dials. Before you can register what’s happening he has you pinned into the bed by your shoulders, placing all his weight down as he climbs on top of your body. I’m so fucked. “Why do you insist on lying to me my dear? Do you consider me a fool? I could sense your power the second I walked into that meeting, and I felt your presence as soon as you crossed the hotel doors. Oh-ho no, you’re no ordinary,” he leans closer, “ - filthy sinner.”
His tone was taunting, nearly playful, contrasting with his agitated demon form. Two minutes ago he was pressing kisses into your skin saying he would never hurt you and now he’s trying to intimidate you? He might know more than you had initially thought, but this ‘almighty/all knowing’ attitude is starting to test your patience. You’ve tried being the sweet, helpless sinner long enough. I’ve always enjoyed playing with fire, Radio Demon – two can play your game.
A giggle bubbles out of your chest. “Oh, you sense my power? Then it is quite laughable you’d think I’d ask for someone to protect me. Especially…someone like you.” The lights in the room flicker violently causing all the bulbs to burst. Alastor disappears into his shadow as the room dims. Finally free from his weight you jump up from the bed, pausing to allow your eyes to adjust. The room was dark, but the faint light from the bayou granted some visibility. “I know you’re still here Alastor. Don’t waste your energy trying to scare me. I’ve faced far mor---” a force slams into your shoulder, pushing you to the other side of the room.
With a solid thud your body hits the wall but your head is braced by a hand. You can feel Alastor’s warm breath once again on your face. He towers over you, holding the back of your head while caging you in with his other arm. His lips find your ear, “Continue to question my competence or my power and I will have to remind you who…I…am.” You shudder from the rush of adrenaline surging through your body. He pulls back to study your face, awaiting your next move. Rule #4̷͈̔.̸̹̋ ̵̣̆N̴̤͘e̸̼̎v̸̥̂e̴̫̿r̴̤̆ ̶̲̑ĺ̶̖ē̷̖t̵̞̅ ̴̮̿y̴̘͊õ̵̬u̴̻̓r̶̥͌ ̷͙̿w̴̨̒e̸̺̎a̶̻̿k̸̮͋n̶̢͝e̵͇͛ṣ̶̏s̶͕͘è̸ͅs̸̬̔ ̶͎̈s̵̺̿ȟ̵͚ő̴͖w̵͔͝
I might regret this later but fuck it. “Remind me then.” You breathily tease. The demon’s pupils grow, and his smile widens, “As you wish, ma chère.”
Alastor’s lips crash into yours with a hungry passion - his tongue immediately begging to taste your mouth. The hand behind your head was now entwined in hair, gripping the base of your skull. The other hand forcefully pushed on your lower back to make your body flush with his. You throw your arms around his neck to deepen your kiss and feel - Oh my God…he’s completely hard. Did my defiance give him that much of a thrill? This was not how I thought tonight would play out. A warmth starts between your legs from his kiss alone. The initial plan to push the demon to his breaking point is being rapidly replaced with the desire to break him in other ways.
Your head is abruptly ripped back, making you cry out in pain and frustration. His fingers hold your hair tight as he moves your head to look up at him. “I tried to be gentle with you darling, but it seems like you prefer to make things more…. interesting.” Alastor uses his grip on your hair to drag you across the room, tossing you onto the bed.
The force of his hand reignites your initial rage, “What the fuck is your ---" his lips press back into yours. Pulling himself on top of you he pushes a knee between your legs, putting pressure on your clothed heat and making you push into him. A smug laugh rumbles in his chest. You grasp his vest to pull him closer, but he breaks away yet again to grab your hands - pinning them to either side of your head.
“Quite a position you’ve gotten yourself in dear. What was that about not needing my protection?” he leans over and drags his long tongue up your jawline forcing a whimper out of your throat. “Ah it seems your body betrays you. It’s crying out for me, isn’t it?” Letting go of your hands he snaps his fingers, queuing for his shadow to slide your pants down. The sudden rush of cold sends chills over your bare skin. Show SOME restraint. Don’t just lay here and let him think he’s in charge.
“I might be slightly unraveled but from what I see, you aren’t as in control as you think.” Your hand palms the prominent bulge behind his zipper. He freezes, having not expected you to touch him so aggressively. Using one hand to undo his belt and pants button, you use the other to continue to tease him through his clothes. “Seems like you’re the one who needs me.” you say slipping your hand under his boxers, starting to rub up and down his length. Alastor’s eyes roll back, and a deep growl settles in his chest. Got him.
To your surprise, Alastor is (for once) at a complete loss for words. He hangs his head as he grinds against your hand. You drink in the beautiful moans dripping from his lips with every stroke your hand delivers. The breathy sounds of his pleasure make you squirm under him.
You swear you hear a husky “no” when you pull away. Looking up, his eyes darken and his voice rumbles like gravel, “Mmmm, that’s it.”
Oh shit…
Alastor gets up and grabs your hips, ripping them to the edge of the bed. You hiss when his nails dig into your skin, creating red droplets around each of his fingers. He lowers himself to his knees and traces the cuts with his mouth – eagerly drinking up what little blood had spilled. Uhg – Cannibals.
There’s no time to process the stinging on your skin before you feel his teeth at your thighs, making a trail of bite marks and kisses up to your heat. He pauses to look at your now soaked slit, flashing you a wicked smile as hooks one of your legs on his shoulder and kisses just around where you needed him to be. You buck slightly, giving him all the permission he needs to begin devouring you, flicking his tongue and suckling like it was his last meal.
Your hand slides into his hair, being mindful not to grab his ears or antlers. You tighten your grip, pulling a groan from Alastor before you start to grind into the warmth of his mouth. Feeling your body plead for more, he hastily thrusts in two of his fingers, massaging in and out while your walls spasm around him. You feel him hum in amusement as his tongue continues to lap at your heat, your breathless whines fueling his hunger.
Tears begin to sting your eyes. The tension was too much, “Wait –  no - not yet!“ you try to push away but he hooks onto your thigh, forcing you down onto his mouth. Looking down you meet his eyes, his stare silently begging you to surrender to him. You give in as your head and eyes roll back in sheer bliss. “F-fuck - Alastor!“ you call out to him as an unfamiliar blaze ripples through your body. You reach a point of no return – no logical thoughts, no background noise. Your only focus is to ride out your own resolve.
Alastor gently works you through the high. As your spasms ease up, he pulls away completely. You watch him remove his fingers and put them to his lips - licking each one clean. You can’t help but be in awe of the erotic view – hair disheveled, shirt mostly unbuttoned, and the glow of the bayou casting over his face as he savors the mess you’ve become, the mess he’s made of you. “Is this all it takes to make you beg for me, ma chère?”
A cheeky smile spreads across your face while you set yourself up on your elbows “Beg? I don’t beg for any man.”
“Oh darling…” he crawls over you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “You’ll soon find out I’m far greater than any man. Let’s pick up this little conversation tomorrow, shall we?” Before you can respond, he snaps his fingers, making the world around you quickly fade out and back in. Just like that you were back in your room and on your own bed.
What in the actual fuck just happened? You stand up from your bed, still completely bare from the waist down. Could have at least sent me back with my pants, asshole. 
As if hearing your thoughts you see a shadow slip under your door delivering your neatly folded slacks then bolting right back out. How the - you know what, no. I’m too tired for this shit. 
Any other night you would have stared at the ceiling, mentally preparing for the next day, but not tonight. Your eyes close before your head hits the pillow.
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Between helping Angel then Alastor throwing you around, you wake up feeling like you got hit by a train as expected. You drag yourself out of bed and head into the bathroom, hoping a hot shower will help wash away some of the tension. Removing your shirt you begin to examine your naked body in the mirror. Your shoulder was turning an ugly shade of green and smaller bluish-purple bruises riddled your arms, hips, and thighs, reminding you of every place his fingers touched. Guess he was rougher than I thought. You shake your head and laugh – realizing the twisted satisfaction you feel seeing the aftermath of the night’s events.
Your body welcomes the sting of the hot water as you step inside the shower.  Closing your eyes, you begin to relax while your mind wanders.  
Alastor was quite an enigma. He said he could ‘sense’ your power which surprisingly didn’t worry you as much as you thought. Oddly enough it felt like a small weight off your chest having someone in the hotel finally know some truth, though you would have preferred it to be someone, anyone, other than Alastor. What truly troubled you was the lengths he seemed prepared to go to earn your trust. He was a powerful demon Overlord; he had an arsenal of ways to get what he wanted – fear, torture, bribery, death etc. Hell, with his reputation you were half expecting him to offer up a deal – but he didn’t. Why bother kissing me? Why be so vulnerable? Was he just trying to get a rise out of me? Trick me? Of course he was. Did he really think I would magically trust him just because he made me -
Three loud knocks at the door jolt you out of your thoughts. “What’s up!?”
“Just checking in! You missed breakfast and the usual afternoon activities. Everything okay?” Charlie’s sweet voice called back to you. Damn I slept through the day?
“Oh sorry to worry you, just not feeling – I have a bad headache. Could you please send Nifty up with some tea? Thank you!” You really didn’t feel like leaving your room today anyway. If Alastor wanted to pick up your little chat so badly, he knew where to find you.
Finding out the day was already halfway over; you finish up your shower and get dressed in comfortable clothes - sweatpants and a large off the shoulder tee. No use dressing up when you have zero intentions on leaving your room or seeing anyone, other than Nifty of course. Unfortunately, the hot shower only temporarily relaxed your sore body – the pain in your back and shoulders once again begin to throb. You decide to kick back in bed with a book while awaiting tea.
You don’t even look up from your book when someone knocks at your door, “Come on in Niff – just set it on the dresser, please and thank you.” The door opens and your ears ring. Of course. I should have guessed.
“Well good evening my dear. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to hide away from me. Did we not agree that we’d continue our conversation today?” Alastor hums as he walks into the room. He might not have been who you expected but at least brought the tea you asked for.
“Good thing you know better.” You jeer. Although you’re apprehensive of his illusively true intentions, you can’t help but smile at him looking so affable, pouring two cups of tea, and sitting himself on the side of your bed. “I’m just not feeling great, that is all. I’m tired and achy.” Reaching for the cup, your shirt moves to expose your bruised shoulder.
His eyes immediately lock onto your discolored skin. “And that wouldn’t be because of our little…altercation…would it?” his gaze wonders to see the marks speckled down your arms. His usually harsh stare softens as he sees what he did. Is that remorse?
“You didn’t hurt me if that’s what you’re asking. I usually feel like this after…” Stop stop STOP TALKING. Rule #2̷̦͒.̶̛͚ ̷̠͌N̶̰̄e̵̞͗v̸̹͝e̶̘̾r̶̜͋ ̵͉̌t̷̤̑e̶̹͒l̸̮̇ĺ̵͔ ̵͙̇á̴̠ ̷̦̅s̷̰̓ǫ̷̔u̵̺̅l̶̼͐ ̸̜̿w̶̪̆h̷͇̽a̶̡͠t̸̙́ ̷̖͠(̵̪̐o̶͖̾ȑ̴̨ ̶͓̊h̵̻͗o̸͎͠ẅ̵̢ ̶̝̕m̸̧̈́ṵ̵̔c̴̳̉h̵̡̀)̶̖̌ ̴̓͜p̵̡͐ö̴̡w̷͈̏ȅ̵̫ŕ̷͚ ̴̗͛y̷̳̔ó̴͙ư̷̞ ̶͔͘h̵̥̍a̴͍͘v̶̬̚é̵͈
He tilts his head, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, “After - what exactly? Wouldn’t have anything to do with why you fainted last night, would it?”
He obviously knows something.
You avoid his question, “You said last night you can sense me. What exactly does that mean?” Alastor sighs as he sets his cup down. He reaches for your hands like he did the night before, only this time he held them tightly in his, “Close your eyes.”
“Uhm - Excuse me?”
He huffs, “Have I not made it clear that I have no intention in hurting you?”
“I mean – “ you motion towards your bruises.
“Just close your damn eyes.”
You reluctantly close your eyes and listen to his instruction, “Concentrate on what you feel, and I mean really dig deep into the feeling your power gives you.” Okay fine I’ll play along, what’s the worst that can happen? You take a deep breath and focus on the flutters your stomach usually felt when you made a contract with a sinner. Of course you could feel the power each one gave you. The human soul was like pure energy, it was no wonder their collection was used to feed the Overlord hierarchy.
Feeling a pull, Alastor puts your palms flush to his chest. Your small flutters explode into full body vibrations - an intense static floods your veins and your hands begin to glow the soft pink you so often had to hide. The feeling makes you pull back in a panic. Damn him! How?  
He responds to your look of shock with a breathy chuckle as stands up from the bed. Running his fingers through his hair, he looked all too pleased with himself. The arrogant reaction snaps what little patience you had left with him. You heatedly stand up as pink flames burst from your body and eyes while two small black horns crack through your skull. “What the HELL are you trying to get at Alastor? Why toy with me if you know so much already!? What the fuck do you want from me?” your voice was fierce but low. I don’t need Charlie or anyone else to hear me.
A smile crosses Alastor’s face, wider than you’ve seen before. His face would probably split if it went any wider. “Oh my dear, your demon form is beautiful.” He says coolly, placing a hand on your arm and hooking the other under your chin. His touch quickly brings you back to normal form. “Please sit, I can explain everything.”
“I don’t trust you,” you say as you both sit back down on the edge of the bed. His brows furrow at your statement, “Just hear me out?” You nod for him to continue.
“I took a…. sabbatical…seven years ago. When I returned, I felt drawn somewhere. My body began to ache from the pull. I could never figure out where I needed to go - until I walked into that meeting and felt you.”
“I’m…not following.”
“You know how magnets work? A negative charge and positive charge attract, or rather, are drawn to each other. Once together they create a force that can be unbreakable. The power we both possess does exactly that.” He grabs your hands again, flashing you a look of…is that excitement?
You’re skeptical of his idea, it sounded insane. Stupid even. But it made sense. You also felt the pull and ringing whenever he was around. As for opposites attract, that couldn’t be truer to the two of you. He rose to power by causing pain and carnage, abusing the souls he collected for his own gain. Meanwhile you were doing the exact opposite - protecting, healing, doing good for damned lesser souls.
“Okay say I believe all this - Seems like you would only want to use me and keep me around to feed your own power-hungry needs. I will not be some pet, locked away and only played with when it is convenient for you!” Your words come out involuntarily tearful. A pain burns in your chest at the realization that you wanted him to want you. Rule #3̸̭͗.̴̠̇ ̴͔̉N̷̙̉e̷̞͌v̶̪̾e̶̼̽r̶͍̈́ ̶̜̏b̷͈́ȓ̸͈ì̶̲n̶͚̍g̶̣̕ ̸̙̀a̷̼̚n̷̠̆y̶̺̕ö̶̫́n̷̯̈́e̶̤̅ ̷̯̽ť̷̪o̴̻̾o̵̱̚ ̷͙̃c̵͙̽l̴̞̋o̷̦̓s̵̪̎e̸̦̚
Seeing the worry flash across your face, Alastor grabs you with both hands and presses his lips into yours. Last night his kiss felt lustful and hungry. Not tonight. Right now, he kissed you like he would lose everything if he couldn’t have you.
He breaks the embrace, resting his forehead on yours, “I was never a good man. I will never be redeemed, nor do I want that for myself. I am selfish and possessive over the things I want. I will not lie to you, I want power. But I also want you. Not as a pet. Not as a tool. As an equal. Working together, not even the King of Hell can stand against us.” His words were calculated, voice smooth like whiskey – and you were drinking in every drop.  
The list. Stick to the list. This has death written all over it. You can’t help anyone if you’re (more) dead, come on use the LIST! Rule #1̷̨͠.̷̗̓ ̴̡͝N̴͙̒e̶͐ͅṽ̷̬ẽ̴̲r̶̖͗ ̵̟́t̸̥̕ṛ̵̃ȗ̴̢s̶̙̃t̵̠̕ ̸̛̜à̶̭ǹ̷̫ọ̶͂ṯ̵̃h̸̢̒e̶̜̋r̶̳̒ ̸̯̓O̴̳̓v̷̖͑e̴͎̅r̸̮̀l̴̼͐o̶͚̕ȑ̴͕d̸̝̎
You pull his hands away, holding them between your fingers as you draw nervous little circles in his palms. “Alastor this is…a lot to take in. Your words are striking, but I need more. Prove I can trust you. Prove you want me by your side. Then maybe, maybe, I will consider your offer. Until then, I think it’s best we don’t speak about this to anyone. Deal?”
Alastor’s smile was soft with half-lidded eyes. “Consider it, a deal.” He leans into you as green and pink light flashes around the room. Your first deal with the Radio Demon, sealed with a kiss. 
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers
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to-the-stars8 · 6 months
Love and Neighbors
Clark Kent x Reader Chapters AO3
38-Kicking Batman's Ass
With Clark there was hardly ever a reason to be scared. You were with someone who was ninety-nine percent invulnerable and loved you so deeply that he would gladly put a hundred percent of himself into protecting you. Yet, there were still times where you felt your stomach drop and adrenaline rush through your body from being scared, but it wasn’t as often as before you met Clark. In a way, you liked it. There was something nice about having not to worry about other people, it was almost freeing. Still, Clark couldn’t always be there when danger did come around. 
It was midnight and you were sitting in the middle of your living room floor trying to make a cute little home-made card for your six-month anniversary with Clark when you heard the front door rattle like someone was trying to open it. At first, you had thought you had misheard because the TV had been playing,  you assumed that it could have been a noise from that, but then it happened again. To be sure, you turned down the show you had been watching and listened. 
There had been a sound at the door, and you would have assumed that it was Clark coming in if he hadn’t left not more than an hour ago to fly around the city. Sucking in a breath, you inched toward the door curiously. You wouldn’t open it, but, perhaps, you could see exactly who was on the other side. Suddenly, there was a bang and you jumped. 
“Hello? Hun?” A deep voice came through the door. “Can you open the door? I know you’re in there, I watched you walk in.”
I watched you walk in. The words sent adrenaline rushing through your veins and you quickly, silently hurried to the other room. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest as you looked for the phone, and, as you did, the knocking seemingly got louder and louder. 
“Clark,” You whispered to yourself. “Where are you when…”
Then, it hit you, Clark had super-hearing. Without thought, you flung open the window and leaned out. Just as the word ‘Superman’ was going to fall from your lips, he appeared in a blink. Breathlessly, you said his name. 
“You came,” You said, reaching for him as he floated down into the apartment. The moment your arms were around him, you calmed. It would be alright. 
Clark hugged you back, but it was a quick hug—Like he needed to finish something, but wanted to comfort you first. When he let go, he told you to stay there and not to move. Despite the fear tearing through your body, you liked it when he was strict with you. You blinked and suddenly he was in his casual wear instead of the suit. Nodding, you watched him leave and then listened. 
The guy at the front door was still banging, and it only stopped when the door opened. There was some commotion, mainly overlapping yelling, then some scuffling. It wasn’t long until silence overcame the room. You began to wonder if you should leave, to make sure that Clark was okay even though it was likely that he was, but stopped when the door opened again. 
Clark stood in front of you and quickly took the long, few strides to you. He wrapped you in his arms and told you it was going to be okay. 
“Your heart is beating so fast,” He mumbled into your shoulder. 
You almost laughed. There was some kind of comedy about forgetting just how super your superhero boyfriend was. “I was scared! A guy was trying to break in.”
Clark chuckled. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, it was your neighbor on your other side. He was drunk out of his mind. Turns out, his girlfriend walked ahead of him and he got confused as to which door she walked into.”
“You’re kidding,” You said, feeling so stupid. 
“Nope. I’m pretty sure the guy couldn’t tell up from down he was so hammered,” Clark said between kisses to your head. 
You relaxed in his arms, relieved that it wasn’t some creep just trying to get to you, and were quietly thankful that your boyfriend was always going to be there for you. Clark started to let go, suggesting that you should turn in for the night, but you weren’t wanting to break away just yet. Instead, you buried your head into his chest, taking a deep breath in to take in the smell of his aftershave. 
“I wish I could make you feel as safe as you make me feel,” You said, giving him a gentle squeeze. 
“Oh, you do,” Clark said, and you could practically hear the smile on his lips. “You…Heh, I’m pretty sure if that guy caused me more trouble, you would have gone out there and kicked his butt.”
“Absolutely,” You said without missing a beat. “I’d kick Batman’s ass, too.”
“I’ll make note of that, because, knowing that man, he might need it.” You chuckled, amused by Clark’s joke and finally let go. Sucking in a breath, you squeezed his biceps. “You need to go. I’m safe now.”
Clark swooped down and kissed your lips. “I’ll see you later?”
“Not if I see you first, Superman.”
With a smile, Clark hurried to get his suit back on. Stopping at the window to turn and say, “I’ll call you if I need help?”
You grinned. “My man needs to be safe, so I’ll always be ready to kick ass for you.”
"Same goes to you, Super-girlfriend."
You rolled your eyes, feeling embarrassed. "Oh my God, you ruined it."
Turns out, you didn't need to be scared of much besides Clark's bad jokes.
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sturnioloshacker · 10 months
truth or dare - a chris sturniolo short
a/n: requested by anon; lowercase intended
summary: a game of truth or dare leads to a crush confession
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the air was filled with laughter and exposed secrets as we all sat in a circle for game night. chris, matt, nick, madi, nate and i all decided to play a classic game of truth or dare. as the bottle spun, our nerves heightened and our deepest, darkest secrets were waiting to be revealed. the bottle slowed in speed, passing nick, passing madi and landing on me. crap.
“oh, y/n!” madi says in a sing-song voice.
“will you tell the truth or shall i dare you to expose yourself?” she asks, as a mischievous grin spreads across her face.
i hesitated, glancing nervously at chris, who was sitting opposite me. i’ve had the biggest crush on chris since we first met at a movie premiere. nobody knows about this crush except for madi. i feel everyone’s eyes on me as they wait for me for my answer. 
“dare," i finally said, trying to mask my anxiety.
madi's eyes gleamed with mischief. oh no, she better not!
“i dare you to tell us who your crush is."
the room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to me. i feel my cheeks flush and my body go numb. she really went there. my heart races as i feel the panic rush through my body like an adrenaline rush, and without a word, i stand and bolt from the room, leaving everyone else stunned. 
“um. i think i messed up,” madi says, breaking the awkward silence.
“should someone go and see if she’s okay? i feel bad for her,” nate speaks up.
“i’ll go and check on her,” chris says, getting up from his spot and going to find me.
“and off the crush goes!” 
“madi!” nick yells.
“i’m going to shut up now as i'm a terrible bestie.”
i hear a faint knock against the bathroom door. hearing chris’s voice, my heart skips a beat. how did he find me so fast? i quickly wipe my tears to hide the evidence that i was crying from embarrassment and open the door. chris comes in and notices my rosy cheeks and watery eyes.
“have you been crying?”
i nod in shame and hang my head low as i feel more tears threatening to spill. chris pulls me into his embrace, rubbing my back as i softly sob into his chest. he pulls away and takes me by the hand to lead me into his bedroom. 
“so, um, madi kinda exposed you even more just before by saying that i’m your crush. is that true?”
“yeah. yeah it is. i just couldn’t say it in front of everyone, including you.”
“why? matt said his and nate said his. you know you can trust us, right?” chris smiled gently.
“i’m just scared that you don’t feel the same way and i didn’t want to say anything so i panicked because i didn’t think you’d like me the way i like you.”
chris held my hands and he looked right into my eyes. i feel his thumbs run along my hands, bringing me at ease. i watch as he leans in, his face coming within inches of mine. he closes the gap between us and i instantly feel fireworks go off in my stomach. the kiss is soft and passionate, like he’s been wanting to do this for so long. i smile into the kiss, slowly deepening it as i remove my hands from his and wrap them around his neck. i pull away and touch our foreheads together, the spark between us feeling so real.
“i like you, y/n, so much. i’ve had a crush on you for a while now too.”
i close the gap between us again, this time the kiss is more passionate and fiery, our tongues colliding as we fight for dominance. chris wins as he pushes me against the bathroom sink. the kiss is so addicting, it’s like a drug. i just can’t seem to stop myself. i feel chris’s hands slide down my waist and to my bum, giving it a slight squeeze, making me jump. our heated makeout session is interrupted for a loud screech.
“what’s this?! oh my god!” matt yells in excitement as he finds his brother and myself pressed up against each other.
the other three come rushing to find us up against one another, our hair all messed up and clothes wrinkled. cheers and screams sounded off as we all crushed into a big group hug. 
“i’m not a terrible bestie anymore! from now on, you can call me madi the truth or dare matchmaker.”
we all laugh at madi’s comment before heading back downstairs to continue where we left off. sitting back in our original positions, we continue our game.
“so, y/n. i dare you to tell us who your crush is.”
“my crush is christopher owen sturniolo and i like him so much.” i proudly say with my chest.
i’m met with “awww” and “oooh” before we all burst into laughter. truth or dare continues into the night, from lap dances to kisses to exposing naughty secrets. i glance over at chris and we make eye contact. smiling, he gestures for me to come over to his side. i sneakily make my way over and he pats his lap. i slowly place myself in his lap and his arms immediately wrap around my waist, his head leaning on my shoulder. i spend the rest of the game in chris’s lap, kissing him and leaning against him. 
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
do you have any fluff headcanons of the gang watching a horror movie? i love them sm
Thank you for the ask honey!! I’m sorry I didn’t get to this sooner but I was so tired after work and wanted to make sure I was giving you some good hcs 🫡 without further ado, here are hcs abt the gang watching a horror movie!
• so I feel like I have some controversial opinions. I think Darry, Pony, and Johnny are the ones who would actually be super into horror movies. Darry is 20, he’s so young and probably likes to indulge in something that can take his mind off of real life stress every now and then. I’m sure he watched horror movies as a teen with his friends or maybe his dad, so I think he would like them
• I think Johnny would like them to because he just knows it’s not real. Unfortunately, Johnny has to deal with so much in his real life, the scary movies don’t really get to him. I think he would like the idea of the controlled adrenaline rush. He knows he’ll be getting startled but it’s not like fight or flight startled. I think this would be a situation in which he likes getting his heart rate up and is like on the edge of his seat during the movie even if he’s seen it before
• I know everyone says Pony and Johnny would be the ones like shitting themselves over a scary movie, but one of the biggest canon traits we have for Pony is that this kid loves movies!!! He’s 14, he always goes to the movies by himself, he’s bound to have seen a few horror movies and I feel like he’d enjoy them. Bro can appreciate cinema. I think he would really enjoy a movie that genuinely gets him scared because he would just think like wow that was really well made
• everyone else is like neutral in different variations about movies. Dally enjoys them, he doesn’t get super startled and sometimes he thinks they can be corny but horror movies are one of his preferred genres. Two-Bit always jumps really hard but then laughs when he’s scared, so he’s having a good time. Steve and Soda are like genuinely into it and get startled by every little thing. Horror movies are actually one thing that can keep Soda’s attention span because he’s afraid to move a muscle ✋😭 he’s sat looking at the aceeen like this the whole time 😰 Steve is scared during the movie but once it’s over it’s over, Soda doesn’t get up to go to the bathroom alone for a few nights and clings to Pony a little harder everytime he hears a noise 💀
• Darry always makes that popcorn for everyone that you do over the stove, Soda is under every circumstance banned from doing so bc he always walks away or gets distracted and it explodes 😓
• so Darry would sit in his chair, sometimes if it’s a movie that’s supposed to be really scary Pony will sit on the floor by his legs because it makes him feel better having his big brother right there ☹️ Dally and Johnny will be sitting on the couch and if this is a jally universe Johnny will always have his arms wrapped around Dally’s bicep and resting his head on his shoulder. Sometimes Pony will sit on the couch with them if he’s not on the floor. Steve and Soda will usually sit on the floor and cling to each other and Two-Bit likes to sit on the couch behind them so he can startle them by like squeezing their sides and they’ll holler so loud 😭😭😭
• usually on horror movie nights, everyone will sleepover and tend to stay where they are. Pony will squish himself onto the couch between Two-Bit and Johnny, Steve and Soda will sleep on the floor bc they’re too scared to move smh, Darry will sometimes stay with them and sleep in his chair but if he has work early he’ll go to bed and Two-Bit will sleep in the chair so there’s more room on the couch
• they all genuinely look forward to their horror movie nights because it’s something they can all do together that everyone finds enjoyable and it’s just sweet 🥺
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604to647 · 1 year
Carnival Fright Night
3.2K / Modern AU Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Din takes you on a date to the carnival where you don't have as much fun in the Haunted House as he does, but he makes it up to you in the parking lot 😊.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), fluff with smut, established relationship, no implied age gap, public sex (car), fingering, unprotected piv sex, light degradation (use of slut/whore; affectionate), little praise kink, little daddy kink (just as a pet name, really), dirty talk (so much 🤷🏻‍♀️), lots of pet names (baby, bunny, pretty girl, pretty bird, etc.).
A/N: My first writing post! Eek! This is one of those one-shots that I mentioned in the previous post that can be read on its own, but can be slotted into the timeline/AU of the main Boxer!Din x reader fic that will one day, hopefully come to fruition 😊 (update: Series Masterlist). This my first time everything: writing for Din, writing smut, writing - so please be gentle but also I hope it's enjoyable! I don't have much practice with warnings and tags other than what I've seen as a reader (like, do I mention that Din and reader have a dog?), so any advice on making things more inclusive or informative is welcome! Thank you for reading!
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“Let’s do the haunted house, pretty bird,” Din says excitedly, pulling you towards the spookily decorated mansion in the middle of the carnival festivities.  You’re hesitant – you don’t really like scary things and while you know that part of the fun is the adrenaline rush that comes with being scared, you don’t really want any kind of rush badly enough to voluntarily be scared over and over.  But Din looks like a big kid full of excitement and you can tell he’s looking forward to being your “big protector” in the house; so you hold on tightly to his arm and give him a small encouraging smile, not really sure if it’s more for him or yourself.  How bad can it be?  Just a few zombies and witches popping out from behind doors, right?
You want to cry.  It’s been jump scare after jump scare for the last 15 minutes; and it wasn’t fantastical Halloween characters, it was ax murders and creepy horror ghouls and some of them CHASED YOU! Din had you tucked under his arm, but as much as you tried burying your face into his side the whole time, you couldn’t really walk through the house with your eyes closed.  Not knowing what was around every corner had you on high stress alert the whole time and now that you’re finally out of the house, the come down from that state of anxiety is turning into distress rather than relief.
“We made it out, baby!”, beams Din – he clearly had a great time and thinks you’ve just been scared a little bit, for which he is ready to dispense some reassuring hugs.  You look up at him and trying not to let any tears fill your eyes, give him a little nod; then dropping his hand, you walk over to a nearby bench to calm yourself down.  You don’t want to ruin his fun and you’re already chastising yourself for being such a scaredy cat.
Din comes over and sits beside you, gently putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in so your head rests in your favourite nook underneath his jaw. “You didn’t have a good time did you, pretty bird?” He phrases it more like a quiet statement than a question.
You look up at him, ashamed, tears finally falling, “No, not really.  I’m sorry!! I don’t really like being scared.. or scary stuff.” You drop your head back down and snuggle deeper into his chest, crying softly. “I’m sorry I ruined your fun,” you mumble into his shirt.  With one sweeping motion, Din hooks the arm he has around you down past your waist and under your knees, gently hauling you up and into his lap.  His kisses your head, “You don’t have anything to be sorry for.  I’m sorry you got scared, bunny.”  That pet name snaps you out of your little self pity party, and you feel a familiar momentary pang of desire before you look up at him bemused, “You… only call me that during sex.” He grins down at you, “Trying to distract you.  Is it working?” You can’t lie, “Yes, a little.”
You wrap both arms around his neck and pull yourself up to his lips.  Din kisses you eagerly, and you can’t help but feel all the stress melt away as you open your mouth to his. You break this kiss only when you feel like things might be getting a bit too heated for the middle of a carnival and snuggle back into your Din nook; he hugs you tight, and laughing softly he asks, “Now that you’re feeling a little better, should we get you something to eat?”  You perk up at this and smile, nodding. Hopping off Din’s lap, you take his hand, pulling him towards a corn dog stand you saw earlier with Din chuckling behind you the whole way.
After a few snack stops, Din suggests some carnival games under the guise that the dog could use a few new stuffies.  You watch your boyfriend throw some baseballs at a tower of milk cans and can’t help but admire his broad shoulders and how his shirtsleeves tighten over his biceps as he cocks his arm back.  You smile to yourself thinking about how strong and safe those arms feel around you, and suddenly you have a flash of those arms flexing that same way when Din’s holding you by the waist while you bounce on him…like a bunny.  Ahhhhhh… it seems like his little pet name from earlier and the feelings it evoked hadn’t quite melted away the same way your Haunted House anguish had.   A wave of arousal washes over you as you watch your boyfriend knock over the cans and call to you, “Baby, do you think the dog would want a big teddy bear or a big dragon to tear apart?” You walk over to him with a smile, “Definitely a dragon.”  To this, the stall vendor hands you a purple dragon and you both thank him.  As Din turns away to check out another game he takes your hand, but when he feels that you’re not moving, he turns back with a quizzical look.  You step right into his space, cup his face with your both hands and look him directly in the eyes, “Din, can you please take me back to the car?”
“Sure, pretty bird, you want to go home?”
You shake your head shyly. Bracing your hands on his shoulders to push up on your toes, you lean in close to his ear and whisper, “No, I don’t want to go home… I want to be your bunny.”  Lowering yourself back down, you look up at him with an innocent smile. Din is smiling right back down at you, “Whatever my bunny wants.”
When you get to the car, Din opens the back seat door for you and takes a quick look around to make sure no one is watching before climbing in after you. He closes the door behind him, “Alright, show me what you got, bunny.”
You climb over his lap and straddle him, fluffing out the skirt of your dress from underneath you before sitting down, pressing your core directly onto Din.  With both hands you start carding his hair the way he likes, and Din closes his eyes as you plant soft kisses on his lips, slowly moving up his jaw line to his ear.  As you lightly nip on his earlobe, you gently grind yourself down on him, earning you a low groan from the back of Din’s throat.  Slowly, slowly your mouth makes its way back along his jaw and over to his other ear.  This time, you moan softly into his ear when you give him a little thrust.
“Bunny, don’t tease.”
You face him again and press your lips gently to his, saying between soft kisses, “I” “don’t” “think” “I” “ever” “made” “any” “such” “promise”.  You punctuate the end of your sentence by gently biting his lower lip and licking your tongue into his mouth when it opens.  You smile as you deepen the kiss; you can tell Din is close to breaking and taking control, and that’s exactly what you want. You’re so wet now from the kissing and the friction of sitting right on top of his growing bulge, you’re sure Din can feel your soaking panties through his jeans; it shouldn’t be long now before he snaps.
The next time you lift your hips, Din grabs your waist and pushes you back down rough; the action has you letting out a loud squeal of surprise which quick dissolves into moans as he holds you in place and starts kissing your neck hard.  You tip you head back to give him more access, all while still running your hands through his hair and gently grabbing at the curls near the base of his neck.
He growls into your neck right below your ear, “Is this what you wanted, bunny? For me to take control and take what I want?”
“Yes, baby, take what’s yours,” you gasp as Din’s hands leave your waist and move up to grope your breasts.  His mouth has started to trail down your throat and you close your eyes as your breaths become ragged.  You feel Din gently tug down the sleeves of your dress so that the fabric falls away from your chest; he use his finger to pull one of the cups of your bra down, revealing your nipple which he takes in his mouth.  He sucks and nips at your peak while you grind down harder on his clothed, hard cock. Din moves to give your other breast the same attention, and while he pulls at your nipple lightly with his teeth, he murmurs, “What’s mine, bunny?”
You can barely get out words, “Everything, daddy.”  Din brings his hands up to roll your other nipple in between his fingers while he comes off your breast with a pop, “I’m going to need you to use your words and be more specific, bunny.”
Din doesn’t give you the reprieve you need to focus; if anything, he increases the pressure of his tongue on your nipple and your feel his hips start to thrust up to meet your downward motions, “Is my slutty bunny lost for words? Come on, pretty girl – tell me what’s mine so I can take it.”
Din groans as he kisses you hard on your lips, tongue diving deep and finding yours.  He hums against your open mouth, “What else, bunny?”
It’s getting hard to think, “…neck.”
One of Din’s hands leaves your breasts and moves up your chest, gently wrapping itself around the bottom of your throat.  You give a light gasp and when he slides his grip slightly to one side of your neck, you sigh and lean into it, giving him permission to suck and lick the other side.
Now your hands are the ones doing the roaming; running over his back, across the expanse of his broad shoulders, then gripping his thick upper arm muscles and pulling him closer, “Din…please.”
Din chuckles, “Please what, pretty bunny?  Where do you need me, baby?  Do you want me right here?” He moves both his hands down to your breasts again, “Fuck. Love these pretty tits of yours, bunny.” He gropes them roughly while keeping his mouth on your neck, growling when he starts to lightly pull on your peaks.  You cry out in pleasure, and start grinding on Din with a more vigour.
“Oh, was that it, bunny?  Just playing with your pretty tits has you moaning and bouncing like a whore on my lap – mmmmmmhmmm. This is all you need then?” Din smiles into your neck while taking in all your filthy noises.
“Y-yes…I mean, n-no, no, daddy,” you practically whimper, desperate for his touch where you need it most. “I need you to touch me, please… touch my pussy, please, Din. Please. Please.”
Din snakes a hand down between your bodies, fingers finding and running over where your underwear covers your dripping cunt.  You moan shamelessly at the relief that the slight pressure provides. 
“My needy bunny begs so pretty. And already so wet...mmmm.  Oh. Soaking. Is this all for me, sweetheart?”
“Yes, yes – ooohhhh, yes, y-yes. All for you, daddy,” you sigh as you bounce to grind against his fingers, finding a pleasurable rhythm that matches his light strokes.  He continues to alternate circling your clit and stroking your needy hole over your panties, “Wanna be inside this pretty pussy so bad, bunny.” You bury you head in the crook of his neck and nod mindlessly in agreement.
“Need to get your perfect cunt ready to take me, okay?  Your pussy ready, bunny? Mmm?”, he whispers hotly in your ear.  You kiss him hard, and snap your eyes open when you feel him pulling your panties to the side. You make sure he’s looking in your eyes when you say breathily, “No, daddy… it’s your pussy.  Your pussy is ready for you.”  Din hisses and without a warning, plunges two thick fingers into your core.  The stretch is delicious and you whine in ecstasy against Din’s neck.  He sets an urgent pace, reaching deep into you where only he can; making sure he doesn’t neglect your clit, he keeps just the right pressure on it with his thumb to keep your head spinning.
“That’s right, bunny – this is my pussy, it belongs to me, and I’m going to use it until my pretty slut screams and cums all over me.”
“Oh – fuck, Din, fuck…f-“
“I can feel you’re close, bunny.  Doesn't it feel good when your Big Bad Wolf takes what’s his?”
Hearing his refer to himself this way taps into some part of you you didn’t even know existed, pushing you over the edge and you cum hard on Din’s hand.  He continues fucking you through your orgasm, slowing his thrusts but never his stopping his circles on your slippery clit. “You did so good for me, bunny.”
 Your eyes close and you’re panting into Din's neck, resting your head on his shoulder, but you nod when you hear him say, “Gonna fuck you now my little bunny.”
Din slips his fingers out of your hole and you immediately want to protest the loss. “Shhhhhh… be patient, baby.  Daddy will be taking his pussy back in just a moment.”  You frantically help him unbutton his pants, and lift your hips so he can slide his pants and boxers to his knees.  You’re still hovering over his lap when he repeats himself from earlier, “Show me what you’ve got, bunny.”  Smirking, you wrap your hand around his thick, hard cock, give it a few firm strokes that has Din tilting his head back and closing his eyes with a groan. Giving him one sweet kiss on his mouth, you line Din up with your entrance and sink down slowly until he is fully sheathed in you.
“So full, daddy.”
“I know, bunny.  But you’re taking me so well, baby – just like I knew you would.  Always such a good little whore for me.”
His words leave you shivering with desire, “I’m your dirty little whore, daddy.  Just a little cumslut that needs your cock.”
“Fuck, bunny.” Din loves your dirty talk, “This pussy is squeezing me so tight.  So, so perfect.  No other pussy could ever make me feel this good.  Oh y—yes. You ready to bounce for your Big Bad Wolf, bun?”
There it was again, the new name for himself that has your cunt clamping down on his cock; you start to move, riding his dick slowly at first, then building up a smooth rhythm and giving Din an little extra mini bounce and squeeze every time he bottoms out in you fully.  Both of you are moaning without abandon, the kisses getting more urgent and sloppy.
“Use me, Din,” you beg. “Use me like your dumb bunny slut.”
Din starts fucking up into you at a punishing pace.  You can only imagine what the car must looking like from the outside, but you can’t bring yourself to care as he pulls your closer and closer to your next climax.
The noises coming out of you are obscene; your non-stop whines and chanting of his name broken only when Din’s mouth is pressed hard against yours, his tongue worshipping your tongue.
Din himself isn’t much more composed; stringing together barely formed thoughts of filth that get increasingly dirty:
“Taking me so deep, baby.  This pretty pussy is sucking me in so d-deep.  Fuck, bunny, feels so good. So good. You’re so good to me.”
“Let me hear those filthy noises, sweet girl.  Need to hear what this cock does to you.  Oh- ngh... Such pretty moans, fuck.”
“Such a good girl taking everything daddy gives you. Take it now.  Yeah take it, take it all, bunny.”
“My good girl is such a little dirty whore just for me.  No one else knows you’re such a slut, right bunny?  Only I know that you’re such a good slut. Ohh yes. All. For. Me. Mine.”
“This what you wanted, bunny?  You wanted your Big Bad Wolf to use you like the slutty bunny you are.  Fuck you until you’re dumb and screaming?  Don't stop now, sweetheart, need to hear you cum.”
“Daddy will give you what you want, bun.  Pound into you until you cum.  I know you can take it, it’s what you’re good for, pretty whore.  F-fuck, fuck.. yes taking it so well…. Uhhhhh you’re milking my cock.  I can feel you’re so close, bunny.  Come. Come for me.”
Din reaches in between you to swipe his thumb over your swollen clit, and with just one pass you’re wailing and coming from his filthy words.  He fucks you through your high, and continues to run his mouth with praise while he bounces you like a rag doll on his cock, chasing his own finish.
 “Came so good for me, bunny.  My good girl.  So good… ngh, fuck you always feel so good.”
“Love you so much, my pretty bird.  Love stuffing you full of me, and hearing all your pretty noises.  Will you make some more for me right now?  Oh yes, fuck yes, like that, baby. Always giving me what I need, love you so much.”
“Feel so good, pretty girl.  You’re so perfect. Perfect everything, perfect mouth, perfect tits, perfect pussy.  Perfect for me, all for me.  Fuck -uh, Fu- yes, all mine.”
You touch your forehead to his so he can see how blissed out you look, “All yours, Din. Only you, only for you.”  Din comes with a deep grunt, thrusting until he stills and shoots his load deep into you.  When he’s finished, you’re both still panting.  Foreheads still touching, you open your eyes to see him looking lovingly at you, almost with reverence.  He kisses you softly and you return every one of his kisses with equal affection. “Love you so much, baby,” you murmur against his mouth.
“Love you more, pretty bird.”
After taking a few minutes to calm down, Din makes a motion to let you know he’s about to move. He shifts you both, with his softening cock still inside of you, over towards the front center consol.  He reaches over with his long arms and pulls out a box of tissues from the front.  After you lift and feel him slip out of you, Din uses the tissues to clean you both before pulling up his boxers and pants and tucking himself in.  He helps you readjust your dress and watches as you smoothed out the skirt, before helping you out of the car.  After checking yourself in the side mirror to fix your hair and make sure you didn’t look too fucked out, you suggest going back to the carnival. “I think the dog might like that teddy bear as well,” you grin. 
“Anything my bunny wants.”
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
Visit to Manchester
Another scene I wrote for my fic that got removed.
Summary: Established relationship Simon x OC, 1.6k words. Mentions of feeling sick and vomiting, throwing up, unplanned pregnancy scare (kinda), mentions of medication including birth control, hurt/comfort... I don't watch football, I don't know which team is better :(
Enjoy <3
I promised I would spend the weekend in Manchester with Simon but after the 3 hour train ride I was feeling exhausted. I would have driven but I was not feeling well, I woke up with a headache I couldn’t shake for hours. Then my stomach had been doing flips all day. I had gone through a whole pack of alcohol wipes using them to quell the constant urge to vomit. I should have maybe cancelled, but I made the trip anyway, it’s only for 2 days. I’m sure it’s just something I’ve eaten I’ll probably feel better later. Or I could just be hungry? I tried to push the thought away as the train came into Manchester station. I stepped onto the platform and headed through the gates, I saw Simon distracted by his phone. I smiled and walked over to him picking up my pace so I could jump in his embrace. He looked up from his phone smiling as he hugging me. He smelt of aftershave I had to pull back from the hug, it made my stomach do flips again. He plants a kiss on my forehead and I grab his hand as we go outside.
“How was the train?” He asked leading me to the car park.
“Okay I guess, it was busy.” It was Friday peak evening rush, I should have come a day earlier.
“You should have driven you wouldn’t need to worry about parking.” I shrug. We get to his car and I throw my bag in the back seats then get in the front. I feel the rush of adrenaline as my mouth fills with saliva. I force myself to swallow, the embarrassing thought of throwing up in his car grounds me.
“Do you have any mints?” I ask as he pulls out the parking spot.
“Should be some gum somewhere.” I start looking through the glove box sure enough there’s an open packet. I pop one in my mouth offering him one. He shakes his head. The drive to his flat was quick only about 10 minutes I listened to him talk about what he was doing in London, it gave me something to focus on other then the pit re-forming in my stomach. When we got to his place I spat the gum in a trash bin and followed him to the lift. He was on the top floor so we would get a nice view of Manchester, or at least that’s what he promised. I had to squeeze his hand to keep myself grounded, by the time the lift made it to his flat I was trying to hide the hot flush that came over me.
“Sorry the place is a bit of a mess I only got back yesterday.” He says as he opens the door. He didn’t seem to notice my change in demeanour, inviting me inside. It was a nice flat, open plan bar the bedroom and bathroom, and the nice balcony overlooking the city. I smiled making my way over to the couch, dropping my bag by the coffee table. He turned on lights and opened the balcony door a bit letting fresh air in. The breeze was nice. I took my shoes off as he came to sit next to me. Extending his arm out so I could rest my head on his shoulder.
“You okay?” He asks. I panic I don’t want him to think there is anything wrong but It just makes the feeling worse, the lump comes back in my throat.
“Yeah, just feeling a bit… ill.” I said, he pulled back looking at me.
“Do you need anything?” He asked.
“Water?” I ask. He kisses my forehead then gets up. I sit up feeling my mouth fill with saliva again. I try to swallow but it doesn’t help. I freeze feeling shivers run up my body. I’m going to be sick. I stand up walking to the bathroom, but it soon turns into a run as I barely make it to the toilet before I’m vomiting into the bowl. I grip the seat heaving until I’m sweaty and exhausted. I reach up and flush the toilet hearing Simon knock on the bathroom door.
“Can I come in?” He asks.
“Yeah.” I croak. He walks in handing me a glass of water I swill my mouth out and spit it in the toilet. I sit back against the sink looking up at him. He bends down in front of me.
“I’m sorry.” I say. “I think it was something I ate.”
“It’s alright.” He says brushing my hair out my face. I drink some more water trying to get the taste of vomit out my mouth, when I’m feeling better and my stomach has settled Simon helps me to my feet. He goes into the bedroom and I follow him grabbing my bag from beside the coffee table. He’s rummaging through his wardrobe, as I strip changing my shirt to something more comfortable. I feel clammy as I throw my pants, shirt and bra onto the floor. My whole body feels fragile as he walks over to me with a blanket in his arms.
“You want to lie down? Or we could just chill on the sofa?” He says.
“Sofa sounds nice.” I reply. He takes my hand in his and I follow him out to the sofa. He sits down leaning back. Giving me plenty of room to lie up against him. I smile at him and sit on the sofa. I want to lie in his shoulder but the pain in my stomach forces me to plant my head on his thighs.
“Want a pillow?” He asks throwing the blanket over me.
“I’m okay.” I say, I was feeling exhausted now. Simon’s hand slips under the blanket and he rubs my back.
“What me to put the TV on?” He asks.
“Yeah.” Some background noise might actually help give my mind something to focus on. He reaches over to the remote turning it on and channel surfing until he lands on a Top Gear re-run. I feel him lean back more giving me more room for my head. He rubs his hand up and down my back. Eventually I close my eyes exhaustion taking over I feel Simon’s hand move under my shirt pressing on the small of my back making me relax into him more, before I knew it I had dosed off.
I was woken to the sound of the doorbell. I jumped awake looking out the window it was dark now.
“Sorry, I did tell them not to ring the bell.” I sit up feeling dizzy. He gets up heading to the door. I see him take a bag from someone and say thank you.
“I was going to order Chinese but it thought maybe you might want something a bit lighter.” He comes over to the sofa. “There is this great deli does the best panini’s I’ve ever had.” I smile as he starts taking food out the bag. I pick up a bottle of water and gulp it down. My stomach felt more settled now.
“It’s mozzarella, tomato and pesto.” I take it out his hand and rip the paper off. It did smell amazing. I took a bite hoping it would go down easy and I wouldn’t be heaving into the toilet again. He was right though it was amazing.
“So they put crack in the pesto or something?” I ask smiling at him.
“Yeah I think that’s it.” He laughs. I demolish the sandwich as we contemplate what to watch. I let him pick and I snuggle up to his chest with his arm round me. I’m not paying attention to the TV so he ends up on Sky sports watching the local game. I don’t mind, I’m just happy my brain isn’t in ‘do not vomit’ mode. He leans back once he is happy with his choice.
“I thought Man-U weren't playing this week?” Trying to sound invested in what was going on.
“This is Man city love,” He says running his and down my back.
“Which ones the good one?” I ask. He chuckles pulling my body further up his chest.
“Depends on who you ask.” He says. I watch the players run around trying to focus on what the casters where saying, hoping I could understand something so I didn’t come across as the typical woman who knows nothing about football. Every now and then something would happen and Simon would explain what was happening. I listened to his enthusiastic remarks then it went to half time. Simon got up clearing the trash and taking a beer out the fridge. He didn’t offer me one but he asked if he could have one. I was almost taken aback by the question, nodding my head telling him ‘of course it’s your place.’ He came back to the sofa pulling me back on his chest and making sure I was covered by the blanket. I felt him relax back down as he took a sip from the can.
“I’m not pregnant by the way.” He seemed shocked by the statement, coughing mid drink, I guess it was pretty out of the blue. He placed his can on the coffee table wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“I never thought… I wasn’t worried about that.” He says as I feel his body stiffen.
"I’m on the pill.” I say gripping his body tighter. He seemed flustered as he squeezes my hip. “Periods are a bitch on deployment.” I explain, trying to lighten the mood. He smiles down at me kissing my forehead.
“It’s okay.” He says. Those two words reassured me every thing was okay. It made me relax back into his chest while he adjusts the volume on the TV as the game starts up again. I smile rubbing my hand on his stomach.
“So do we like this team or not?” I ask as his hand finds its familiar spot on my back.
“Yeah we like this team.” He replies kissing the top of my head.
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unholywriters · 4 months
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Golden branch
Summary: Yunho always wanted to protect his family and sector from those coming to try and teat the kingdom down in teh early days of construction and team building and was seen as a hero for helping the small army take out of hte enemy leaders when he was small, keeping them from burning down hte sector and killing more to make a statement and decided to become one when he was old enough in order to take care of his mother and sister. Becoming someone who was still able to be ruthless warrior but still a caring son, brother, and partner. he was supposed to be with mingi since he was the dresser to Yunho, and the two started to flirt every time Yunho would go since mingi was very open but there was one more strike from an enemy kingdom, who had mingi in one of hte hostage cages and planned to burn them all as a warning sign, but one thing about Yunho is he was trained under the tiger general, he knows when to make your death a show and incredibly painful. This is gonna be in yunho’s pov
Previous series Tigers prey - Hongjoong x male reader
WC: 3.7k
Tags: fluff, soft dom Yunho, stern hongjoong, soft mingi, some mentions of blood and gore, smut towards the end (minors Dni)
Tag list: @holybibly @shinestarhwaa @seonghwaddict - let me know if you want to be included in a tag list I’m slowly getting used to posting here
No one can ever prepare you for something so sudden that you need to be fast for. Even when you’re just simply sleeping away, but when you hear someone scream, you know it shouldn’t be so. Waking up I remember running to the window and seeing strange figures trying to help get the gang leader over the wall and setting things on fire, burning down everything and trying to take it all a way from those in their way. I remember seeing people rush towards him in an attempt to hold them off till the knights came in order to help us with this problem but there wasn’t much they could truly do without the proper helpwho was just underneath me struggling with the men in training, I had to do something in order to save everyone else before me right? So I did. I remember I grabbed a Little Rock and I jumped as far down as I could while trying to make sure he didn’t move, which was hard because this man, this filthy man was trying to squirm everywhere before I managed to fall on him with that small rock in my hands. it killed him on impact and those who were there to see it managed to get those who caused this small invasion tied up.
I remember seeing a man with a scar on his face, on his left eye and he looked like someone who just given him sugar and he was on a sugar rush. But filled with adrenaline he never thought he would be able to get in his lifetime. He looked at me, the right side of his face covered in blood while he gave me a smirk before helping me up. My hands were shaking along with my knees. I had just killed a man who would’ve killed thousands more if he could’ve. “You’re smart…” It was like watching a tiger look at their prey, trying to circle around it and drowning out the cheers of everything else. “How old are you.” He asked me, but before I could answer I saw my mother and my sister running towards me. My mother was the first to hold me, I could feel her tears on my shirt and my sister was holding my leg. I knew I scared them, something I wasn’t proud of doing but someone needed to do something in order to help out right?
”Yunho Jeong I swear on the emperor’s scales if you ever do something like that!-“ “Careful miss.” The attention was drawn back to the man, my mother gasped as my sister hid behind my leg again with my mother trying to shield me. Everything was happening so fast that my body wasn’t fully able to process everything. “No need to be so scared, I’m the general, well. Soon to be general and I wanted to praise you for raising such a… brave young man. By the looks of it he was more worried about saving you, your daughter and everyone else before we finished the job I wanted to…offer something when you were ready that is.” He started, I was more so looking around and trying to feel like I was able to breathe once again that it was scaring me. “Oh… apologies- what offer are you talking about here?” She asked, I was watching teh men being taken up to the bloody gates, with their leaders body being dragged, a sign of disrespect with the way he was being dragged and anyone who tried to get themselves free, their bones were cracked before they could even register it was happening.
”When he is of age. I want to find him, and see if he can handle being a guard. Obviously he has a heart where he would do something like this, and even then if he passes, you can rest assure you and your children will be safe with the best we’re able to give you. Living safety with the best of what we can give and begin to explore. If, you want him to that os.” it was like hearing that, a switch went off in my mind. My mother was a strong women who was working in a. Brohel since it was small enough to make enough money. She hated it but there was barely any jobs we could work, she would steal food and give to us whenever she was able to get home early or late enough and she still made sure that she sung us to bed just to do it all again. I wanted to do something for her, after all I have to protect her to. But she would’ve said no.
”I’ll do it!” I remember saying, because I wanted to protect my family. Is anted to take care of them so they can finally rest and that’s what I was determined t do, even when my. Mom was trying to stop me. I remember the nights when I would come home late because I was trying to learn as much a s I could from the school we had, where I was going to have to learn how to wield a weapon one way or another. I never told anyone, well not the instructor as to why I was suddenly now interested in my katana, but I was determined in order to go and make sure I was doing good before anything else. And now, here we are.
I can’t seem to believe it. I’m standing in the courtyard around others from the finished sectores and those that were still getting built. They had to sleep in a temporary house, and from what I heard those were like sleeping outside, the only difference between those two were that the bugs couldn’t get you for some reason. But other than that, it was painful but we were all here for a reason. We had to do one thing, and that was fight the general to see who could stand before they give up. And it was said that he was brutal and that’s why no one was allowed near the walls, no family or partners were allowed in or told if you were killed. If you died they would say it was because of something else, unless the general liked the smell of fear and hatred from everyone. I was standing close to the furthest wall, with the general being in the center, it was easy to point him out because of the bright orange outfit he had, everyone had to keep their eyes on him. But I was here in order to protect my family, and I was going to make them proud one way or another.
“All of you are here to prove something to me and the growing emperor here watching you all today.” He started, anyone could hear his loud voice from outside the walls, it was something people would try to drown out with their drums or their work in order to get their things done and not have to listen to this mans voice in their ears. It was something even I could understand since after all, there was just something within his voice, something that would pull those along and cut those who were too scared of the dark side. “All you have to do is manage to get passed me and up the stairs to ring that bell. of course in order to get up there, you can either climb those gates, with the thorns sharp enough to bleed you dry. Or you can try your luck and fight me.”
I knew there was something here that none of us were seeing, after all why else would this man just make it look easy? And even then. Looking at those staris, you could see the emperors cold gaze that you could turn to ice if you managed to even get passed. There was no simply ringing that bell, if you made it passed him, you would be bleeding and if you managed to get up there you would still have to take on the emperor. Your clothes were almost useless when trying to get over the fence- “Begin!”
You don’t have any weapons, there are none to ever be used and there is almost nothing anyone could’ve do fast enough. I knew I had to move since there were also people around the walls and back, they might’ve killed me if I didn’t start to run and get away as fast as possible but I kept a slow pace. His movements were almost faster then the human eye could track and there was almost no way you were getting tat key that was hanging on his neck. He was moving his hands faster then most people here, almost seeming like they were blinding in the wind and his feet were shuffling around, it was like watching a hyper child or a cub run around as if they were in danger.
Some just tired to run straight to the gate anyways, but they weren’t just met with the sharp thorns of the metal bar, but there was the sound of slashes, someone had to be waiting down there and was cutting anyone’s hands before anything else could happen. But I was able to see something, that shine that was lost on the floor. No one was looking down because it was also shining on his neck. Maybe this was a test to see if anyone would be paying attention to their surroundings and see if anyone is looking and using their senses in order to sense other things. Plus it was hard to do that when there's feet running around and stomping at every given time, making it hard to get to anything.
Not only just the feet, but you're always getting pushed around before you could even start to put your feet down and there was nothing one could do to truly be able to think. But this wasn’t something I was just going to let go or get pushed around for no reason. Taking a quick breath I was able to roll and start to quickly crawl under all the feet before getting that key. This one was real, but as much as I wanted to feel and tell the difference between the keys we still had to keep running, and so we did just that and we were going for as long as we could.”The key has been taken!” I heard him yell with a loud chuckle, I turned around while watching people get confused and looked around, seeing who had managed to get the key before I was able to open the gate, swinging it open and looking back to see everyone running to me, but I was more focused on running past the emperor. Being so close was like both a blessing and a chilling curse that was going to slowly kill me, or anyone who messed with his way and didn’t deserve to get that.
Those stairs were slippery, I don’t know if it was to make sure no one could just easily get up here. But somehow, I feel like it either happened too fast or I blocked out but I was there hitting the gong before feeling someone push me into the wall. Of course I wasn’t going to cry, because everything on me was hurting in my own ways, my legs were tingling and my hands were burning and sore. Maybe from all of the steeping and trampling of others feet and my lungs feeling like I couldn’t breathe. But before I could even look at my little attacker, we heard the sound of his cries before I saw red, and the person holding their leg. The emperor had cut the back of his leg, letting him cry out in pain while the medics were slowly walking over since they knew if they were to rush they could get cut as well.
”You lost. You lack honor for those who played fair. I will not have someone like that using my code for their own dishonoring deeds.” His sword was lowered and one medic was rushed over to him and the other was rushing to me. I made it in, this meant that he would uphold his promise and my family was safe from harm now. But my only fear is my mom own’t be able to look me in the eyes anymore, but if she and my sister are safe, I can take it all.
“Jeong.” My back was hurting but the pains as always there. I never thought that training under a man who looks so happy and innocent would make me question just how far my body was able to go before I had to break something. He still had tat scar, his hair was growing longer, it was reaching past his shoulders if not reaching his middle back. But those eyes are always going to be something that people have considered and taken into consideration, he can make them seem so happy and full of life and energy but he can also switch those off and show you nothing but dead eyes that make you want to freeze in place.
”yes Captain?” Jumping down from the tree branch and landing closer to him, watching hm keep his arms crossed and his back facing me before he slowly turned around. It’s been 2 years since he took me under his wing, and he warned me that no matter how hard I tried to run I was stuck here now. Which was something most people didn’t take him seriously when he said so since those who were able tog eat in close behind me, minus the man that punched me. I remember watching him try not to scream around the emperor before he was getting treated, apparently now he has to walk with a cane because the nerves in his legs were damaged from the blade. We all knew that blade was enough to cut trees, so the fact that it could cut through someone’s nerves just based on the tip was just an understatement.
”It’s time for you to get fitted, you’ve been missing going there a lot recently.” He answered, keeping his arms crossed before he started walking, with me trailing close being him. He took me to the second sector to get fitted a month ago and I met the most handsome male I think I’ve ever seen. I still remember the way he looked even when he was trying to hide from the dark gaze from the captain, but when we were just left alone, he was open. His voice was calming even though we stood almost toe to toe, his hands were gentle like the calm waves of the water and I wanted to return that feeling like nothing more. But of course, given everything that I have to do in order to keep track with my training, the enemies still trying to invade to erase us before we even start, we need to protect our home first before we’re allowed to get tied to someone, the emperor's own words when we all were sworn in.
I was trying to hide my excitement when we got to the sector, everyone was clearing the path for us before we reached the building. Most of the buildings had a limit of only two feet high to make sure we weren’t going over the tree lines so no one could see it and all of our plans, which granted the wall can kinda stick out but we’re having to make sure we have trained archers that are ready to strike anything and anyone that isn’t from us or is written down on the paper. The windows were always covered since some people would try to look in, and when it’s a warrior having to change and get fitted its seen as improper and disrespectful to them when someone is looking at them in their most bare style while someone trusted is here trying to make sure all of the measurements are in order and have the right colors ready. Last Time I was here, he had to measure my feet to make sure they fit and I can make sure no one can tell the exact traces of them. “Today you’ll be getting your actual body fit. Your helmet is something that will be different, if you choose to have one since most of the time you won’t need it until we have an actual battle. Get inside.”
He gave me a look, it had a small smirk on his face and then on top of that he raised his left eyebrow. I stood and bowed with my waist (if you know you know), trying to hide the smile on my face before I walked inside and carefully walked up the wooden stairs. The wood was dark, making it hard for the enemy to see in the dark and wonder if their next step will have them falling into something or setting off a trigger alarm. But I walked inside of the door and the smile came back. Mingi was setting out the shoes before looking over to me and giving me the biggest smile before we were standing closer to each other. “Looks like someone was enjoying the outside today a little too much.” Motioning for me to stand in the center of the room, he took his little string of measure and some clips to make the markings, keeping the room lit by the candles in their little screens so nothing catches on fire before holding my arms.
”It was a long day of learning how to walk and jump on trees, my hands burn like hell fire. I’m surprised they're not bleeding or worse at this point.” “Then again you do somehow manage to defy most laws when it comes to you and your ways of getting around.” I wanted to roll my eyes playfully at the gesture, but I only chuckled at his words and watched him continue to work, clipping down the clippers before kneeling down. “Don’t get a boner mister, I can’t help you if you ever did.” “Not in my position, no you couldn’t.” He tried not to laugh, something that always made me want to laugh with him but that would make the general come upstairs trying to see what we were laughing at and if we were actually doing our and whatnot.
He did last time and it took everything in us to not laugh with him right there, which made it even funnier and the moment he went downstairs we started to actually laugh. I had to train in the rain for an hour which was hard to do sinc everything is slippery but it was making me learn how to balance myself and make sure I have control over my body and my weapon when it comes to handling anyone else who’s at the opposite side of my own, which I can’t wait to have for myself, but it’s still taking time to mold, after all we have to make sure everything else within said blade is feeling natural and nothing wrong or like I’m being forced to handle it, which makes it easier for people to cut me down.
“You’re gonna get yourself in trouble mister and you know that.” “Awe my dresser is worried about me? Should I bring over flowers next Time with a proposal?” Standing up, he was careful about each sting he had and even Made sure the clips were on the string and he was a carefully placing them on the table before turning to me with a curious look on his face, and that smile that still tugs my strings in a soft way that make me feel like I’m on the clouds and nothing more. “I wouldn’t mind the warrior in training asking me out that way, just not in public, I’ll definitely kick you.” I couldn't stop the smile before I winked at him, watching some red appear on his cheek before I had to leave, after all I knew he was waiting and probably even coming inside to see if everything’s alright here. “Be safe. Princess.” I teased him, watching him gasp and turn to me before I was walking down the stairs and towards the door, opening it to see the captain with his arms crossed and standing in front of the door.
”You’ve got to pick a different time to flirt, we all know what’s happening up there since you always come out of here with a smile.” He returned his smirk before we had to walk back, after all it was getting dark and we needed to be back in order to complete our nightly rounds and patrols. After all we still need to make sure the archers are standing their ground and post, after all anything not taken seriously can cause serious injuries to us along with losses. “I wasn’t flirting, captain, we were just having fun and trying to make things feel lighter.” I didn’t want the attention all on me before we could even make it home, after all this is basically my break time and I still have the night training to go through. After all, it helps make sure that I can see and hear everything in the dark like he can. We stay around one of the walls and we stay quiet and listen, only doing certain knocks on the trees and hope the other can hear and respond.
Then again, mingi tries to stay up at night and hopes he can see me from wherever I am, wanting to just sit there and watch me. It makes me flustered and nervous when I know someone that isn't the captain watching me. After all, who doesn’t get that flustered when someone you like is watching you train or do anything basically? Maybe that’s just me. “Besides, don’t you like anyone, captain?” I asked in more of a playful manner as we walked up the stairs to the large red doors. He had his hands behind his back while his ponytail was swaying with each step he took, but he didn’t stop till we got to the doors. “I’m feared Jeong, people aren’t going to like me without fearing me first.” He turned to look at me, he had a smirk on his face, some of his strands of hair hovering over his eyes that still had a dark stare in his eyes. It was something I grew used to seeing but of course, from others it wouldn’t be as easy to get past his scary demeanor even when you were this close.
But he has trained under the emperor for all I know, and he was raised to be as gentle and handsome as water and the sky, but also deadly and dangerous as the high tides and the damaging storms. And he has passed that down to the man who has to teach us everything we need to know in order to be able to protect the palace we all know and are starting to love, after all we need to expand, and the only way we can safely do that, is for everyone else to know we aren’t just a place you can walk over. And if you try then it will end poorly for the remaining parts of their own home. “You do enjoy a long thing of cat and mouse, anyone who easily listens to you, you lose interest since you can’t mold them.” We walked inside of the grounds and I can see his back moving as he chuckled, it was also a dark little giggle to me.
“Enough talk, we have archers to make sure they're in place while you do your runs. No resting until you know for a fact there is nothing wrong.” I could only bow from my waist down, waiting till I could no longer hear the sounds of his footsteps.
I don’t think I have ever cursed as much as I did now. The archers on the east side were all shot and were either killed from the arrow, or killed from the quick slashin of swords, all I could do was run as the bell was ringing. My mind was full of the same thoughts I had when I was small, is everyone alright? But what made me run faster while I held the sword in my hands, was if Mingi was safe. Even in the dark I could see people trying to charge at me with their swords or arrows while I could hear the sounds of the others who were on my side. The flames were slowly rising and you could hear the screams of anguish, fear and pain when you were getting closer. I don’t remember how many I had killed on my way to the center, but I could tell there was blood on my sword and some on my face. When I got to the center of the town, a few people were tied to a large stick with fire spreading on some of the other buildings, I could see the captain enjoying his thrill while stabbing every single one while he was running. He could see me, and his dark smirk only grew before he cut someone’s throat. But I heard a cry that sounded familiar and Looking over, there was mingi getting dragged and tied to a pole of wood.
I think during this, I finally understood what the captain meant when he mentioned that everyone has a rage that can never be filled. A rage that felt like a simple start of a match that led to something else. “Let. It.Out.” It was like he was right beside me but he was still slaughtering people left and right before even the emperor could come and make sure everyone else was safe. All I remember was that I was running and there was nothing more in my eyes other than...nothing. I was so angry that there was nothing in my eyes while I ran and spun around, slicing people left and right to the point all I could feel were splatters on my face before I could see mingi’s eyes, part of them were joyful, the other was filled with fear while he was trying to get lose from the robes. He was bleeding from the left side of his lip, his clothes had some slashes and some of his chest and legs were exposed, but I could see more blood.
I couldn’t hear anything, even when I was sure he was trying to scream my name before I moved to the side, I saw a large ax hitting the ground next to me, this had to be the ringleader. He knew how to handle his axe in ways that some say is too hard to handle since his were crafted to be large, double sided and sharp enough to cut anything. I could only imagine what he was saying to me, probably wanting to taunt me but all I kept hearing was ringing in my ear. Spinning around while obtaining one cut on my side, it was like it was a feather tickle before the next thing I knew, the sword was cutting his hands off, kicking his crying head back and watched as his proud axe cut into his head, it was like watching the downfall of a building and seeing water fly everywhere as the blood was pouring out of the cuts. And all everyone could see was his body falling down on the ground, leaving a large stain where his body landed and nothing more. Those who were alive on his side were frozen in fear before they were held down to the ground.
I don’t remember much after that, because when everything was coming back, the sounds, teh screams of my name and the light, I could feel myself falling and my sword falling out of my hands. Yet I as being held by someone before I could hit hte ground.
Waking up was like waking up from a nightmare. I opened my eyes fast and sat up from whatever I was laying on, it had to be a bed. I remember gasping for air while trying to calm down before I could hear voices. It was my mom and sister. My mom had held my cheeks and moved my eyes to her face, she looked like she hadn’t slept in a while. She was relieved and kept trying to calm me down. “Yunho, Yunho breathe with me, okay?” She kept repeating while I was nodding my head, my shaking hands holding onto hers before she embraced me in a tight hug, it only made me hiss in pain before she was quick to let me go. My sister, who is now 15, jumped on my lap with tears in her eyes. I felt so bad that they were just here waiting for me to make sure I was okay. She held onto me like she used to do when she was little, holding onto me and not wanting to let go while she cried. But I was holding her, rubbing your back for a while before wiping her tears. “I’m okay, I’m ok Ji-a, hey hey hey.”
She was going to shake me for a while whenever she got to see me, I’m guessing the pain I was feeling was from my side. No one really said anything while my mom and my sister were crying till they had cried it all out once again. I remember rocking my sister just a little before she wiped her tears and managed to stop. I knew she was done crying when she smacked my shoulder, not as hard as she could but enough for me to understand that I was in trouble in her books. “You scared everyone you know that mister!” She said, holding her hands up before swinging them down to the thin mattress under me with a pout on her face. “You even had the nice tall man worried and and and your boss was even worried about you!” I always smiled whenever she started to stutter, not to make fun of her but because I knew she was serious but given how small she was to me, it was cute to see. I never wanted her to change for anyone but herself, and even then I loved listening to her stutter when she was either angry or excited. Is that weird to say as a brother when watching my sister grow?
But a nice tall man? She must mean mingi because the captain isn't that tall, even compared to her. “I know I know and I’m sorry okay? Tell you what, I’ll bring home all the sweet cakes I can get and tuck you into bed before coming back, deal?” “Deal!” She gave me a high five before giving me another big hug before slowly getting down, allowing me to be pulled into another hug by my mom. “I’m alright mom, It just stings.” I didn’t really try to move, after all this was something she needed after a while and I was alright with doing that. “Your lucky your sister is excited to go somewhere in order to get you gifts, she was determined to get them before you woke up. You’ve been asleep for two days.” She was back to jumping around when mom stood up, I was just in shock that it was two days since I was asleep.
My sister promised me that she was going to get the best thing she could get before walking out of the room, but someone else came in and it was the captain. He looked relieved to see me before walking over. But he also had flowers in his hands, I was surprised because he was never one to give flowers to anyone. “Don’t get the wrong idea, your little boyfriend kept giving me flowers to give to you when he had to go. You scared him shitless.” I started to laugh before hissing, which made him go back to being worried before he set the flowers down on the foot of the bed before kneeling down next to me. Lifting up my torn shirt to look at the cut. “You kept swinging and moving like you weren’t bleeding.” He started, letting go of the shirt before standing up, looking at me before doing his famous small head till. “But you managed to pass the last lesson, Turning off all emotions and canceling out everything that isn’t really important and let your body move as needed. Which is most likely why you fainted afterwards. Everything came back once you knew he was dead, which was a fantastic show. Sad you didn't get to see the execution of the others, it was a… very thrilling show for those who wanted to watch.”
Knowing him, he was doing it in a slow way as a way to make sure one person would know better. It’s said he heard one person alive and took them back to their home as a way to show the message. Keeping the head of the ringleader and taking them all back. “Apparently they were from the kingdom of the dark, and the ring leader you so carefully cut was the emperor’s only son, who was unaware of his son's plans till the terrified little soldier had shown everyone the head and had to confess to the sins. They told me he was so distraught he said that he is to be nothing more than a fuck hole for the soldiers till he dies. They are allowed anything and everything they want, but they can’t kill him. They say he cried and begged for forgiveness as he was dragged to the outhouse.” It always makes me wonder how the captain had grown to enjoy things like this, because hearing things like this makes me want to squirm and shiver at the thought. you don’t get a break, you barely get fed anything and you’re left to only let people use you as they see fit no matter what you say, no matter how many times you cry, scream, and beg.
The emperor doesn't do that though, he doesn't want anyone that low to be touching him. Which is why finding him a lover is so hard even now, he knows what he wants, from how they act to how they look and he refuses to settle for less till then. “But, that is all. Mingi usually comes around during this time to talk to you about his day before leaving to do what he needs, he finishes your outfit.” He started to walk back to the door, opening it before stopping, moving to the side before I could see mingi slowly looking over. When he saw that I was awake, it was like he dropped whatever was in his hands, I’m hoping it wasn’t his lunch or anything before he ran over, I blinked and he was holding me. His face was in my left my shoulder while he was holding onto me, I could feel tears slowly falling on my shoulder before he had done anything. I bit my lip before I held him, rubbing his back and watched how his back was shaking while he was trying to breathe. “You scared the shit out of me and I swear if you weren’t probably hurting right now I would shake you!”
He pulled away before looking at me, the captain had left his flowers on his lap before walking away and closing the door. I was just staring at him as he started to talk, after I was taken away they had to pause on the sector building to rebuild the fashion building, before everyone had to return to building the main four sectors, since they would be where most of the important things were going to be stored and made. The others are going to be for collecting and farming and water harvesting. That’s what I was told and there will be a selection from each sector in order to make sure we are getting the best from the best from each sector before we were to do anything else. Which makes sense and gives everyone a fair trade every now and then.
“Yunho… you’ve been staring at my lips since I started talking… Are you alright?” I started to blink before I found myself actually kissing him. I’ve only known this man for a month and I was head over heels for him. At first he didn’t do anything and just let me stay there. Before I could feel him actually kissing back. My eyes were closed and I was holding his cheeks as careful as I could before I could feel his hands on my own before we slowly had to pull. “Looks like I’m not being single for long now am I?” “With me now truly being sworn in and can you move in with me? Absolutely not.”
“I’m hooome.” I was excited to say this while leaving my shoes by the door. I was back from a little… battle we had to go to, it was 5 years after I asked mingi out and it was the best Time of my life. I loved when I got to come home and would see him in his night clothes and seeing me with a bright smile on his face. But the house was silent, almost as if he was sliding when I knew for a fact he would be the most excited one to see me. I was quiet when walking through the dimly lit house before slowly pushing aside the curtains to our bed before I froze. Mingi was on his back, well it looked like he had taken a bath and just fell on the bed, he was dry I could tell but the way no matter how many times I see him in a bare state, it makes me just want to ravish in what I’m seeing and nothing more other then just that. I watched as he slowly opened his eyes and gasped before jumping up on his feet. “Oh my goods- Yunho! wait- I don’t have-“ “You say that like I’m not about to rip those clothes for and make sure we don’t have to leave this bed.”
H started to laugh as I walked over, undoing the belt around my waist before taking off my shirt before falling after him and capturing his lips in a heated kiss, letting my eyes closed while I felt his wandering my back and chest while my hands stayed on the side of his head before I could feel his tongue trying to wrestle with mine while he was trying to scoot up further on the bed where the pillows were. I could hear his faint moans and whispers of my name before I was sucking harshly on his neck and shoulders, his body was try to arch up to my own while his hands were going to tugging on strands of my hair to scratching my back, to rubbing my chest in a way to feel everything. He hands were trying to to down my pants, it made me smile on his shoulder before pulling away just to look down at him. His eyes were filled with desire, want and need but they looked so beautiful while they kept shinning, his hair was somewhat messy but I always loved that when it happened and his mouth was somewhat opened while panting.
I let myself stand up to the foot of the bed and let my pants fall down to the ground with my underwear, he sat up so fast and crawled over to me like someone dying of thirst. There would be no paintings in the world that can describe just how breathtaking he looks just by crawling to me with his mouth hanging open. “Awe you need something to drink now don’t you?” Running my fingers through his tangles hair he nodded his head while taking my dick inside with no struggle before starting to bob his head. All I could do was moan while holding his hair and looking down at him. His eyes were closed but I could feel his tongue swirling around like he was trying to lick me clean of something.
His hands moving my thighs for something to grab onto, whilst he continue to bob his cute head, tilting it from side to side,while letting out his muffled sounds of both gagging and moaning before I had to pull him away, watching a trail come from his tongue to my tip while his eyes opened and instantly looked at me while drool started to fall on his chin. “Sir… I wanna do the work..” Talking between pants while trying to get closer, it made me want to smile more before letting myself lay down on the bed. He always did this whenever I got home, knowing who my captain is and just how brutal the training can be along with the battles.
Watching him move his legs over my waist before sitting on the tip, he was holding the rest in his hands to make sure it was straight in before slowly sitting on the rest, all I could do was watch as he did so. His eyes rolling back and fluttering opened and closed while meeting my hips with his. I could see the bulge in his stomach, he would always move his hands down just to feel it even when he was bouncing. My hands would always move to his sides just to hold him, along with rubbing his Lower back while he started to bounce. All he could do was just let out the sounds and despite his deep honey voice his moans can get high while he makes sure I’m not moving an inch. “Have to thank whoever made you because I swear…” He moved both his hands to my shoulders and just kept bouncing if not trying to make himself faster, closing his eyes and letting out little cries and mixed moans and whimpers. Letting my hold him closer while his head laid on my shoulder.
”BEcause there’s no way anyone could replace this fucking dick!” His nails scratching my chest while all I could hear was his endless moans of my name, so happy that no one needed me after everything was done, because this would make me want to make a statement about something and that would really leave this little princess like this, it’s for me to see. “Yunho!” I think I Was too far into my own thoughts because when I started to blink I could see my hips were moving faster, the sound of our skin was at its loudest and he was squealing at this point. Watching mingi trying to steady himself while he was squeezing. I didn’t get to tell him much before I could feel it all let out before feeling some on my own stomach.
He looked so dazed just from that, his body gave out as he just laid ontop of me just panting. “Istg if you try to move… I’m going smack you.”
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elisysd · 1 year
Exhale - Sabrina Carpenter
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
Can I exhale for a minute? Can I get this out in the open? Can I sit down for a second? Can I breathe?
Lyanna could see that the last few races had taken a toll on Charles. He was barely texting her, barely calling her, pretending he was busy or that the time zones were not right and it was too difficult for him to find time for her. He was shutting himself off and Lyanna did not like that. On her side, she had started the promo for Ferrari, doing interviews after interview, photoshoots after photoshoots and jumping from one plane to another.
When she finally got back in Monaco, she was exhausted and wanted to curl up in their bed. Their bed. That thought made Lyanna smile stupidly. Their flat, their bedroom, their bed. A undeniable mark of the path they had chosen to take together. Slowly but surely, people could see how Lyanna was making the place hers, adding plants where she thought it was needed and printing pictures of them and placing them in the entrance and on Charles’ piano as well as in the bedroom. She was pretty happy with how everything turned out and it definitely felt homely for her. As she was making herself dinner, she decided to call her mom. They both had so much to say to each other. Especially her mom.
“Lya, darling. I was not expecting your call. How are you doing? And I want the truth.”
“I’m doing good. Promise. I feel a little tired but I’ve been pretty busy, I think it’s just the adrenaline that is rushing down. But you, you have a lot to tell me! Fred? How? When did it happen?”
“I don’t know Lya… We got to talk during your birthday party and it all went from there. I don’t have much to tell you.”
“But is it serious? Like really serious in the sense that I should expect to see him next family reunion?”
“I… think so, baby. I’m happy.”
“The I’m very happy for you mom. You deserve it. I guess I should start thinking about what I’m gonna get for Fred for Christmas then.”
When she hung up with her mother an hour later, Lyanna tried to call Charles but ended up on his voicemail. She checked the time. It was early morning for him sure, but he should be up. She tried again and with the absence of answers, she gave up.
From Charles’ side he was not that much busy and it was true that he kind of ignored Lya’s calls. Not that he did not wan to talk to her but he knew that if he picked up she would be able to see right through him and he didn’t want to. Instead he decided to went in the lobby of the hotel and find an area somewhere quiet to write things in his journals. He needed to sort his shit out. Lost in his thoughts he didn’t see Max rushing out the elevator and almost colliding with him.
“Mate! Where are you going like that?” asked Charles to a distraught Max.
“Drinking. I need a beer. Join me.”
That was not a question and soon, the two men found themselves at the bar of the hotel, a beer in hand. Charles was checking behind his shoulders every now and then, scared he might come across someone he knew and would tell to Fred his pre-race activity.
“Get a grip would you, no one will say anything. Or if they do, if you go down, I’m going down with you.”
“So, what’s wrong with you?”
Max looked to the left and then to the right, making sure that no one was listening and got closer to Charles.
“If I tell you something very, very personal, promise you won’t say anything to anyone? And yes it includes Lyanna.” he whispered.
Charles nodded in approbation.
“Kat is pregnant.” he confessed taking a gulp of his beer.
“What? Wow, that’s amazing. Congratulations.”
“It’s unexpected. We are not together for long and I’m scared we are going to fast but at the same time, it feels, right you know?”
“But how are you going to manage with racing? Are you going to quit or…”
“And making things easy for you, keep dreaming, I want to keep fighting with you for a few years. No I guess the baby will come to the tracks once he’s old enough and…”
“He? It’s a boy?” ask Charles.
“That’s what Kat just announced to me. It’s a baby boy. I can’t believe it.”
“A little Max. I hope he won’t be as ruthless as you and as arrogant.”
“Hey, I’m not the little asshole I was back to karting days.”
“I’m happy for you Max. I really am.”
A few beers later, Charles was back in his hotel room and started to scroll his photos gallery, looking at pictures of Lyanna and him. After the discussion, he couldn’t help but keep imagining how their futures kids might look like. He could picture himself, bring them to racetracks and take them in his arms after each victory. He could even imagine what life would be after he would retire. All the time he would have with them. Bringing them to karting, helping them learn how to play piano, helping them with their homework. It would be a very nice life. He could even see himself being a stay at home dad while Lyanna would be out there winning awards and shooting movies. just being a supportive husband and dad. Yes, it definitely felt nice.
But before all that, he had a championship to win.
Right before Austin’s race, Lyanna finally managed to get a few words out from Charles. Not much as he told her he had stuff to do but enough time for them to say their traditional words of encouragement: “Be fast. Come back to me. I love you” and Charles promised her to call her after the race. A promise he ended up keeping.
“P3 baby! That’s so great! You looked so good on that podium!” she said to him with a bright smile on her face that Charles didn’t mirror.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m happy. With Max DNF I’m really ahead now, it’s nice.”
“You don’t look happy.”
“Five races until the season is over.”
“Five races until you’re crowned world champion.”
“I’m scared. Everything will change. My life, our life will change. Even if nothing is normal, I like that I can still lay low but I’m scared that going back to Monaco with the trophy will change things. And i don’t want to. I like being able to go to the supermarket and buy my Parmesan and detergent and not being bothered. I know it’s my dream but I don’t know if I’m ready to leave behind everything that makes me me, you know what I mean. I don’t want the championship to change me.”
“And it won’t change you. You know how I know it? because you have your friends, your family and me and we will all make sure to keep you grounded and check that your head is not up too high in the clouds.”
He smiled gently at her and proceeded to get her to talk about what she had been up to lately since they didn’t get too much time to talk. His fault, he admitted. She explained to him how the promo was endless and tiring and how the movie was not even up yet. It would be showcased, early next year at Venice’s Mostra and she was scared. It was her first time there.
“Tell me when it will be, so maybe I can come with you to it and we can spend a few days just together there, exploring the city. I’ve never been as well.”
“Never? How come?”
“I’ve never had someone really special to bring there.”
The next day, she spent it with Pascale, going out shopping and just having lunch outside. The weather was still nice and they both wanted to enjoyed it while it lasted. Lyanna confided her doubts and fears to Pascal who told her that she felt the same.
“I want to shield him from the bad things around. If I could take away all the negativity and all his bad thoughts, I would Pascale. But I’m not there. He is on his own and he can be so much in his head sometimes that it scares me. What if he sabotage himself because he feels like he is not worthy of it?”
“That’s definitely something he could do.”
“I know, right!”
“You are worrying too much, Lyanna. He will be fine. He has you, you are balancing each other well.”
As they were walking around Monaco, talking, Lyanna felt the need to stop and to sit. She was feeling dizzy and it was like the world was spinning around her. Pascale noticed and sat to her side.
“Lyanna? Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Actually no… the jet lag finally caught up to me. It’s been a few hectic weeks and it’s been a few days since I’ve had a good night of sleep. I feel tired. I probably going to call it a day and go back home. I’m sorry.”
“Let me come with you, you’re pale. Have you eaten properly, recently?”
“I started to feel the same symptoms as during Monaco’s week. A bit less disabling but still. I should probably book an appointment with the doctor to check that the anaemia doesn’t come back.”
“Since when?”
“It started two weeks ago I’d say. I didn’t think much of it because with the whole promo and travels I didn’t get to eat very well or to sleep. But better be safe than sorry.”
Her appointment with her doctor was pretty fast. He didn’t want to wait too much considering her past. The first thing she did was a blood test to get a better look at the issue and when her doctor came back an hour after with a frown on his face, she gulped. It didn’t look good.
“Can I see you in my office, Lyanna?”
She sighed, feeling stressed. When he closed the door behind her and sat behind his desk, she felt screwed.
“Can I ask you a question, Lyanna?”
She nodded, fidgeting with the sleeves of her blouse.
“When was the last time you had your period?”
She opened her mouth to answer and that was when what the doctor implied struck her.
“Do you mean…”
“You’re six weeks pregnant. I don’t know if I should say congratulations. I just want you to know that if you decide to move forward with the pregnancy you will have to be monitored as the risk for anaemia will be higher. But for now, I’m sure you have other things in ind. I’m going to give you some iron pills and vitamins but you should book an appointment with your gynaecologist as soon as possible.”
It felt like she was a robot, her first though was to get home and lay on her bed, closing her eyes and hoping it was just a bad dream. She couldn’t get pregnant. Not now. Charles and her were just started to live together, she had the promo of Ferrari coming up with premieres and awards ceremonies. Charles had the championship. How would they manage? It was not in their plans, at least not right now. She always thought that they would get married first. And together for a few years before trying for kids.
And then she remembered Greece and how in their own love bubble they had lived. They were not very careful and it might have been a possibility that she had forgotten to take her pill. She felt guilty. What if Charles felt trapped and ended up blaming her? It was very unlikely but you could never know. She felt like she was about to throw up.
At home, she get rid of her clothes to wear comfy ones. She started to roam around the flat and proceed to some cleaning. The doctor had told her to keep it easy but she was not feeling like it. She needed to do something to occupy her thoughts. As she was vacuuming the flat she stopped in front of the guest room that was also Charles’ simulator and office room. She opened the door slightly and got in. It was a bright room and away from the street, perfectly calm. She started to wonder how they could make it look like a nursery. It was next to their bedroom, so practical to hear baby’s cries. It was bright and peaceful. Big enough to make the room comfortable but not too big so it was not feeling intimate. She imagined where the crib would be and all the others furniture they would need for the baby.
She sat on the floor, looking around her and she knew. She knew that it might not be what they had planned but it didn’t matter, they could face it. Together. She put her hands on her belly and absent-mindlessly started to rub it.
“You come at a very weird time little one, but I promise you, everything will work out. I’m not ready yet, and I’m scared but it will be fine. Your daddy will be so happy. At least, I hope.”
======= author's note: Welp... Penultimate chapter before the final one. As usual, let me know your thoughts through the comments or ask box if your too shy. And don't forget to leave a like or reblog the story. It helps. And it lets me know that you like the story. taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13 @karmabyfernando @stargaryenx @pitlanebabe @boiohboii @reengard @shikshinkwon
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skylarstark4826 · 6 months
Tuk was gone and she was pulled into the ship as the water rushed in. Tuk she was gone, Spider watched Neteyam die he saw Kiri under the knife of the closest thing he had to a father. Now Tuk the innocent girl was gone. Spider with no other thought jumps into the water. 
“Spider no.” Kiri says as her mother pulls her. “No let me go.” The girl says pushing against her mother. “Let me go, I can lose anyone else.”
Neytiri pulls her back putting her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “Stay here above the water, I will get them back.”
“I don’t trust you.” Kiri hissed at her mother. She watches her mothers face fall into shame. “He saved my life and you still held the knife to his neck.”
“I know I…I will find him, this I swear to the great mother.”
That gets her nod. “Okay.”
Tuk shivers as the water fills the void. Her ears twitch as the sound of another person falling causes her to hide against the wall. The person falls. “Tuk?Tuk?”
“Spider?” She swims over into him. He was her size but like Dad and Neteyam she felt safe in his arms. “Spider, I’m scared.”
“Shh,” he coos. “It’s okay i know this ship we’re.” Spider looks around. “This is mid ship; the galley is just a few meters up. From there we can get to the launch bay.” 
“Spider I can't, I can't move.” Her voice quivers as her heart beats against his chest. 
“Take a deep breath from your belly to nose.” He takes a breath. It was a skill he learned to conserve his air. Tuk does so she was really good. Spider smiles as her heart returns to normal, “You're a fish girl now aren’t you?”
She nods a weak smile. “I’m learning.”
Checking his pack it was waterproof but too long in water is bad. Also the ship was sinking they needed to get out quickly. “Take a breath and follow me.” 
“Who died?” Tuk asks. The monster said Dad lost one kid. She hadn’t seen Lo’ak or Neteyam, just Spider. “Tell me!”
He can't, it would cause her to panic and she wouldn’t be able to hold her breath. Her freckles are bright unlike her face. It's tight with worry, fear with pain for a loss she doesn’t know yet. “When we make back to the surface I’ll tell you. Now take a big breath.”
Tuk hugs him again. “I wanted to go back for you, we all did. I missed you more then even Kiri.”
“I missed you to Tuk-Tuk.”
He feels her stomach as she takes the breath he nods, taking out his flashlight to guide them. Under water the creaks and groans of the ship are eerie. He stays in front just because he doesn’t know who or what is in the galley. The call to abandon ship means it should be empty. He needs to get her to the surface. Then he can process that happened no he knows what happened more like he can figure out what to do since she didn’t kill him. Where could he go and would she try to kill him again?
They make it up to the air pocket Spider being filled with adrenaline holds onto the chair Tuk lets out her breath. “Good, you did so good.” 
The ship turns and Tuk falls sliding down the row. “No.” He lets go following her down as they crash back against the floor. Thankfully the ship stabilized he grabs Tuk pulling up the side wall back to the air. “Tuk are you okay?”
She nods, holding out her hands feeling the water. “Someone is coming.”
Spider his knife pushing her back. If it was him then he would have to fight. “Stay behind me.”
His knife hand is out while his other hand reaches out to Tuk. When the head comes up he feels his heart pounding. “Mama!” Tuk swims over, Spider shrinks back.
“Oh Great mother, you are safe.” Neytiri couldn’t lose another child. 
Tuk reaches out to the water where Spider was. Her ears fall. “Come on Spider.” She turns back to her mother. “Spider is gonna show us the way out.”
Neytiri looks over at the boy his breathing is more like heaving silently. Holding the knife out he shakes. He never could take a Na'vi, not a full grown one, definitely not her. She had Tuk she could leave the way she came. “You know the way you came you can go that way.”
“What?” Tuk pulls out of her mother's embrace to tread over with Spider. “No you promised.”
“I know.” He looks at Neytiri her face twisted into rage. “I know I did and I will go with your Mom. I’ll leave my way and meet you up top.”
“No , no we split up last time they took you.” She looks back at her mother. “Please Mom didn’t want to hurt you. Right Mom you just wanted Kiri back.”
Neytiri looks at her daughter who is holding Spider's shoulder. If she pulls her daughter out she’ll lose her trust like she’s lost Kiri. “Right Spider come with us.”
He looks at her holding her eye for just a minute before looking away. The boy was terrified of her and he holds his knife. Seeing that fear in his eyes makes her sick. She never hid her disdain for him but to see the deep far. He was so afraid that he was willing to stay on a sinking ship. “I…you go ahead I’ll follow.”
“Follow me.” She takes a breath.
 Tuk pulls him along. “Come on, I'll protect you.”
Spider follows behind Tuk as Neytiri leads them up to an exhaust vent. It was open but a large piece of turbine was stuck now. She turns swimming back to Spider, her face clear with worry. “I know a way from here.” 
He didn’t want to be in the lead with Neytiri and her knife so close to his back. Spider peeks back they were still holding, he moves back along the halls. At a large door he and Neytiri pull it open. The room was air filled and the water rushed in. 
The three of them are pushed up. Spider holds onto Tuk as the water pushes them down the hall. They are pulled into a conference room. The water was coming in but the air was good enough for breathing. 
Tuk holds onto a bar for comfort. “How far it is?”
“Not far.” The room was filling. “I’ll scout ahead to make sure it's clear.”
“No.” Tuk says in a whine. “Sully’s stick together.” 
He nods he wasn’t a Sully, that much he knew. “Then stay with your Mom I’ll be back.” 
“No you stay with us.” She holds his arms. “Stay with me?”
Neytiri stays off to the side. “Tuk is right, we are stronger together.”
Spider sighs as the light flick off. “I’m sorry.” He says to the woman. “I’m sorry they came back for me, it was stupid. I shouldn’t have let them. I should have led the recoms away.”
When she moves over to him it makes a soft whimper escape his mouth. “It wasn’t your fault.” A muffled groan makes them all clutch to each other. Tuk holds Spider Neytiri with her arms and pulls them both in. She asks him with her eyes. He has head dips; this was the place they would meet fate. “Stay close to Mama Tuk.” 
“Please let me try.” Spider didn’t stop them from killing the mother Tulkun. “Please.”
Neytiri feels guilt in her stomach. How did she comfort him? They were about to die and he was scared. “You always did and I didn’t see. I see now.”
Tuk leans on her mother. “Mama?”
“It’s okay prrnen tsmuke.” Spider says, rubbing her braids. “We’ll see him soon.”
“Oh great mother help us.” The woman says. Help my children help the boy they are children. I will gladly meet my son but let them live. 
The water ripples around them as the tiny glow fish enter the room. A figure pops up. “Kiri!”
The two sisters hug. Spider breathed out, she came back. Kiri swims over. “Mom I’ll let you have this.” She transfers a fish that looks like wings onto the woman’s back. “Are you okay Monkey Boy?”
All he can do is nod. It was a long day he was exhausted every part of him was ready to let go. “I’m good.” 
The fish must give some kind of boost as Kiri pulls on his arm. “Come on, we're getting out of here.”
They all swim and the little lights guide them out. Neytiri feels her legs give out so she can’t do it. Kiri would get them out. They would be safe if she lets the water take her. Spider turns back seeing the mother lang. “Fuck.” He pulls on her arms and they were on the decks. All she had to do was swim up. “Come on, you're a warrior!”
Even that does nothing. Kiri and Tuk look back, the fish detached itself. Without thinking Spider pulls on the life vest the first day he was put on the ship Quraitch gave him a thick manual on the life vest as well as proper evacuation instructions. He holds onto her arm inflating the vest. The pair shoot to the surface slower with the weight of a Na’vi but they make it up to the surface. 
Still holding on he maneuvers her to a piece of metal. Checking her heart it’s beating but she isn’t breathing. A dangerous thought enters his mind; he could just let her die. “ No .” He turned the voice carried on the water but he was alone. The wind was heavy with smoke, oil and death. It was still the battle over. “You aren’t one of them.”
“Who am I then?” He was tired of people telling him what or who he was. 
The little fish with the soft light surrounded him. With a firm but still caring tone the voice says. “Your mine.”
Spider watches the fish return to the deep to lead Kiri up. Turning back he starts to beat on her chest. “Come breath you can do it. Be mad that I’m touching you.”
That much do it as Neytiri’s eyes shoot open. The yellow orbs zero on his hands. Immediately Spider slides back into the ocean. “Spider?”
Whatever she was about to say was lost as the Tulkun breaks the surface. Jake and Lo’ak breathing heavily on the fin. “Lo’ak?!” The boy calls the sea beast glides over. 
“Spider!” The two reach over brothers. 
“Daddy!” Tuk says as soon as is back above the water. Kiri swims over half carrying Tuk. Neytiri reaches out for Jake, her other arm around Tuk. Kiri holds Spider who exatends his arm out to Lo’ak. The two can’t reach the space that would be filled by Neteyam was just water. 
“Oh children, you are safe.” Neytiri says, looking at each of them, even Spider. 
Tuk looks at Spider. “You promised.” 
He knows she knows but the little girl can’t bring herself to say it. Spider understands it all too well he’d never said about himself because it was too painful. There were plenty of people all too happy to say he was an alien or a disappointment or that he didn’t belong. “Neteyam. I’m Tuk it was my fault.” 
With those words he lets the last engery he had slip out. He was tired of being tough, of being alone he wanted to savor this moment where for once he felt truly seen.
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spidermasc · 4 days
Bruh I’m a scare actor and now I’m just imagining scaring with Lottie and Nat, or even better, scaring Lottie and Nat. Lottie promises she’ll come through your maze even though she’s not really into it and you scare her so bad you have to take her backstage to help her calm down. Or Nat who 100% screams so high pitched and then clears his throat like “you didn’t see nothin👀”
WHATTTT a scare actor would be such a cool job i feel like... ive also ALWAYSSS wanted to go to knotts scary farm bro.... I've been to disney and universal during halloween but as a kid so I've never rly encountered any scare actors 😭😭 my mom always tells me this story of her and her friend who went to knotts scary farm and her friend ended up pissing her pants cause she was so scared and ig I've always wanted to see how scary it gets there...
lottie and nat who get to go behind the scenes and watch you get your makeup and costume put on and go "oOOooOO so scary" as you try to jumpscare them behind the curtains before you go out. you're just feeding off your own adrenaline and excitement as you scare these ppl because you know lottie and nat are bound to come by any time and you need to scare them soo bad.. you had to convince lottie with a couple of kisses and a discount to get into the amusement park but nat just agreed right away, saying he doesn't care for it but he's happy that you're happy.
you end up screaming so loud that you lose your voice for a week 😭 you really wanted to scare them... all you can focus on is the pain in your throat and how you can barely swallow until you see lottie huddled on the ground and hugging herself. you feel so bad and rush her backstage while she pretends like she's not crying and shaking with fear :( you joke about it afterward but she still calls you an asshole :/
you're soooo lucky that it was all recorded and you get a tape of it otherwise you wouldn't be able to show nat just how scared he was when you jumped out 😭 he screams so loud the audio literally peaks LMFAO. they're lowkey rattled by everything that they don't ask to go back to the amusement park until december to calm down 😭😭
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raelynnxyun · 20 days
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[ciswoman, she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [RAELYNN “RAE” YUN]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ASHLEY PARK]. You must be the [THIRTY-TWO] year old [ATTENDANT AT SEASALT SPA]. Word is you’re [DARING] but can also be a bit [STUBBORN] and your favorite song is [SHOOTOUT (SPED UP) BY IZZAMUZZIC, JULIEN MARCHAL]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it! 
The Yun family were no strangers to having fun. It was a priority for them to make the most out of life and enjoy what they could! Afterall, the world was this big and awful place, so you had to find your own joy. That’s what Raelynn’s father used to tell her. He also used to tell her that life was beautiful and it was an adventure, you just had to choose to see it that way. 
Born and raised in California, Raelynn made sure she made the most of her life. She was a good student and she had no issue making friends. Her first rush of adrenaline came when she was a teenager and she went on her first extreme roller coaster at the theme park her father worked for. He’d helped design the coaster and he told her how intense it was and she was so excited to check it out. While her sister hated it and swore to never go on another ride like that again, Raelynn just wanted more.
There was something about that rush, the way doing something potentially dangerous like that gave her such a high and made her feel more alive than ever. She began to crave it and she wanted it so desperately that she was going to find it wherever she could. She would skateboard and spend her weekends at the skatepark, doing tricks and grinding on railings. It helped her get her fix, but she would often visit the amusement park her father worked for because she was able to get free passes for it because of him. But after he quit his job and they moved to Aurora Bay, Raelynn didn’t get to go to parks like that as often as she used to. She had to find other things to get her fix for fun and craziness. She continued skateboarding and she even took up rock climbing. But she wanted to get out of her little town and see the big and beautiful world while also doing the daring things she wanted. 
It was after Raelynn met Reggie that she finally started traveling. The two would go from place to place and she was finally getting that life she wanted. Raelynn would find the most daring excursion for their trips and she’d do them. Whether it was bungee jumping or free climbing or swimming with sharks, she was out there doing it. But what really caught Raelynn’s attention was spelunking. 
Raelynn met a group of people who loved cave diving and she happily joined them on a few excursions, which led to her obsession. With tight spaces to crawl through and the mere knowledge of the dangers making it all the more exciting. They would always go looking for new places to explore and they always came out of it unscathed. Raelynn’s mother always hated how she was constantly pushing that boundary, always tempting fate. And she would tell Raelynn that she needed to slow down because she wasn’t always going to be so lucky.
Raelynn never listened and it took a terrible accident for her to realize her mother was right. You could only tempt fate so much before it tried to snatch you away.
On one of her cave diving excursions, there was a terrible accident. Rocks crumbled on the group, several were injured, and one member of their group got stuck. It took hours and hours for them all to be set free, but one member of their group didn’t make it, having passed a few hours after rescue. There was something about this and a few other close calls leading up to it that really scared Raelynn. Maybe she did need to calm down and ease up on constantly seeking out thrills. When she came to Reggie and told him that she wanted to slow down, maybe stay in one place for a while or maybe even go back home to Aurora Bay, it turned into an argument and ultimately ended in heartache. Raelynn went home to Aurora Bay and Reggie went on to do his own thing. 
Now Raelynn has sworn to do her own thing and try to calm down and find her fulfillment elsewhere. She was even so desperate to calm down that she got a job at the most relaxed place she could think of, the Sea Salt Spa. But Raelynn still craves that adventure and she feels it calling to her, she’s just too scared to pursue it.
wanted connections:
old spelunking buddies
friends trying to get her back into her old hobbies like cave diving and bungee jumping and all (she still rock climbs)
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reiraland · 1 year
MCL Honeymoon - Eric
Finally I got some free time to play the honeymoon episode. It was completely different from what I had envisioned, but I enjoyed it plenty nonetheless.
I find the first conversation in the airplane very sweet:  
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Eric: “If someone had told me, a year ago, that we'd be married, and that we would spend our honeymoon here…”
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Eric: “I never would have believed I'd be swimming in so much happiness.”
Candy: “You're adorable! But speaking of swimming, take a look at this magnificent view…”
When Candy and Eric arrive at the hotel, you have two options:
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Eric: “So, feel better? Do you feel ready for a short walk?”
A. Oh yeah, why not... It'll do us some good to stretch our legs a bit.
B. I totally feel up to it, but to tell you the truth, I had other… activities in mind, rather than a walk! --> If you choose this option, you’ll get a steamy scene ^^ 
If you select the option to go for a walk, you’ll get a romantic conversation.
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Candy: “ Is something wrong, darling?”
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Eric: “On the contrary. I just wanted to etch the moment in my memory.”
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Eric: “When I think about all the circumstances that brought us here, I think that I was very lucky… ”
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Eric: “And that I was right to dare to live my dreams, however unreasonable they may have been. I have never been so happy.”
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Eric: “I didn't even think it was possible. I had convinced myself that I wasn't allowed to.”
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Eric: “And however, here I am, with you, in this heavenly place, and you now have my last name.”
Candy: (I've rarely seen him so moved. I think he's on the verge of tears.)
I adore when they show how much Eric is in love with Candy and how fortunate he feels for being with her.  
During the guided tour to the volcano, they got separate from the group, so they tried to find their way back following some voices, but ended up realising they came from parrots, it was funny. 
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Candy: “No way... We've been following parrots all along?! Blasted parrots…!
Later, Eric climbed a tree to get some coconuts. A bit later, Candy saw a snake behind Eric, so she warned him. 
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 A. You have no choice! Jump! 
B. Wait! It’s still far away... Especially, be still! Perhaps it hasn’t noticed you yet. 
If you select any of the options above, Eric ended up stinking with rafflesias’ essence. Those flowers are supposed to have a strong smell. So, he had to swim in a lake a few times to make the stench more bearable.
C.  (I grabbed a few coconut shells and threw them at the snake, hoping to scare it away.)
If you choose this third option, Candy totally missed her shots and the snake seemed to notice her presence. Then Eric snapped out of his trance and get down the tree very quickly. He ran towards Candy, stood in front of her and grabbed a stick. 
In any choice, the snake quietly continued its way on the branch where Eric had been standing a short time ago and seemed to have forgotten about them already. So they picked the fallen coconuts and left the scene. But when they arrived at the volcano lake, the dialogues are not the same since in the first two options, he has to swim in the lake. In the third one, he shows how much worried he had been and how worn out he was after everything had passed. 
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Candy: “My love! We did it ! We're saved!!! And we even have something to eat tonight!”
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Eric: “ This is... awesome! It was time. I think I'm… a little tired. ”
(He suddenly collapsed, falling to his knees.)
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Candy: Eric? Are you okay? I... Can I do something for you?”
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Eric: “ Don't worry... I'm fine. It's... the adrenaline rush after our encounter with the snake. ”
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Eric: “And I've been hyper-vigilant for more than three hours. I was too afraid that something would happen to you.”
Candy: (I knelt down next to him to be able to hug him. I felt him relaxed.)
Later when they are in the cave, they chat and three different topics depending on the option you select.
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C. When we met, did you imagine that we'd end up here, in this situation?
In this option, Candy asked if Eric thought about Melissa and he replied that he didn’t at all, but he wished her happiness in her new life. He said that for Melissa at first it was thrilling to have a police inspector as a boyfriend, but didn’t think the same when they got married. Even when they had agreed that his schedule wouldn’t be like the rest of common jobs and they didn’t have children for a long time, she found herself dissatisfied and blamed his job. She had changed and he didn’t. He made lots of efforts, but he also didn’t want to change who he was.
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Eric: “The truth is that I needed you. As simple as that.”   
Candy: (I held his hand. I feel so happy that his ex-wife didn’t value him for who he really was.)
I think she was happy because it gave them the chance to be together haha. There is a similar dialogue in every option since Candy feels joy for the way things happen since those circumstances led them to be a couple. 
B. This calm is almost disturbing, after all the scares we've had today.
Timothy O'Gargine, his first teammate in the police. He was a Limehouse police station legend and Eric was proud that he chose him at first. Later he realized that his partner was too brutal and didn’t care too much about the truth. After Eric saw him in the interrogation room, he couldn’t sleep for days. Also, Eric tried to report him but quickly understood that the justice system was not the first concern of his local colleagues. With time, Eric noticed Timothy systematically arrested only people who came from the same neighborhood, which was weird since they were investigating all over town, and Limehouse wasn’t small. Eric figured out that O'Gargine was cleaning up for the competitors and wasn't doing it for free, since he seemed to have a passion for luxury watches and old cars, the kinds of hobbies that are quite incompatible with a cop's salary. In order to build a case against him, Eric had to pretend to be interested in having a bite too. Both of them were caught in the act of corruption, but since Eric had declared each bribe to the prosecutor and everything was under seal, he was clean. The only catch was that the arresting cops were unaware of him involvement.
So, they threw them both in a cell. Timothy quickly realized what had happened, so attacked Eric and since he was quite huge and strong, Eric ended up with a busted eyebrow, a cracked jaw and three broken ribs… Thanks God, other colleagues arrived to take him out. After that, Eric was transfered to Amoris with a promotion, but lots of his illusions from youth broken. The guys from his station didn’t forgive him for taking down his idol. (I don’t quite understand this, his idol was a corrupted police, so he wasn’t great at all.)
I noticed Limehouse is also the place where Nathaniel is transferred if Candy and him break up. 
A. You and your coffee... I'm going to end up believing that you only got close to me for that.
They talked about the times when Eric helped Candy to close up the café. At first he did it because he wanted to help her, he had no ulterior motive. Candy asked when his motives became more self-serving, he couldn’t give a concrete answer since he wasn’t sure himself. 
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Candy: “ It was during our little evening "meetings", at closing time, that I started to fall for you. ”
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Candy: “Precisely because I was discovering a laughing man behind a somewhat grumpy inspector.”
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Eric: “ Ah… Our Cosy Bear closings… To answer your original question, I think I know when I fell in love with you… ”
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Eric: “…When I realized that that little moment was the one I was waiting for the most, and that I was doing everything to make it happen.”
Eric also said, there was that dinner at the restaurant. It was a turning point for him. He knew his life was going to change in one way or another, but he could no longer deny his feelings for Candy, even though it was complicated because Candy was still in a relationship and he felt bad for her ex. Still, he did what he never thought he could do and made a move on Candy.
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Eric: “But I knew I'd regret it all my life if I didn't take the plunge.”
Candy: “I would have regretted it too if you hadn't done it.”
Their situation was in fact not easy. I wish Beemoov would have allowed the players to break with the previous chosen LI before starting any romantic scene with Eric, but I didn’t happen that way. At least there was an option to confess what happen and decide if Candy wants to choose Eric or not. 
I like a lot this quote from Yael from episode 13: “Sometimes the most beautiful stories are born from adversity. And this may be one of those stories.”
Regarding the illustration, I like it a lot, even it’s NSFW, it expresses the tenderness and love between the characters. 
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But they missed the rings (I’m crying...)
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Also in Eric’s sprite they didn’t color the alliace in silver... 
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Personally I wished they would have gone to The Grand Canyon, but I understand that writing one scenario per LI is something they can’t manage at this moment. I found the chapter very pleasant, after all Candy spent it completely with her husband. In conclusion, this episode brought lots of joy to my life, it’s a pity is the final one.
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I noticed after finishing the honeymoon episode, if Eric is your crush, the “crush” symbol is on his profile. 
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shesmellsspoiled · 1 year
prom night and the days that follow
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he was leaving.
me, this town, us. the thoughts of all the time we’ve spent together fills me with the feeling of sadness. but he has to do this. i know it’s for a good cause because without this bonnie could be exposed for her magic and the rest of the town goes down with her. i know we can’t let that happen but i can’t bare the thought of losing him as he goes to battle with those sirens. those evil souls that rid me of my one true love, but i haven’t told him that just yet.
we’ve been friends for a while and realizing i liked him wasn’t easy. but coming to the realization that i loved him was even more difficult. i’ve never loved anyone before. yeah, i dated matt but he was mostly a teenage fling and for stefan was nice and all but i had to break it off once i started liking his brother. i have the respect to at least do that.
prom is coming up in my high school and it’s important i go because to be completely overly honest i haven’t participated in many of the senior activities at mystic falls high school. but the only person i want to go with is damon and i just need the balls to confess and finally spend time with him before he leaves and risks his life so selflessly.
i sigh and get the random urge of confidence that i need: now the only thing left to do, confess.
i know he’s in his room right now packing his things for his trip. or less of a trip and more of a drive down to hell. mostly my hell. he doesn’t seem very scared, mostly confident which confuses me but it’s damon and he’s most likely hiding how he feels. i know him too well for someone that isn’t even dating him. that and the fact that i dated his brother.
i walk up to the wooden, dark tanned door and prepare myself to knock. but before i could do so the door swings open and surprises me so much i jump. damon laughs and invites me in.
“you know, it’s not very smart to try and sneak up on a vampire. you know they have super hearing abilities”
“okay smart guy.” i take a breath and he notices the look on my face. probably the adrenaline rush of what i’m about to say.
“is everything okay? you seem a bit nervous” he says looking me up and down and making sure i don’t make any sudden movements like faint or
throw up on him. he’s funny like that. i like that he notices things about me before i even notice them myself. maybe it’s because he’s a vampire and have come accustomed to reading people’s emotions or the common human traits, but nevertheless stephen wasn’t like this. and i felt comfortable around damon, i feel like i can tell him anything.
another breath and i sit down on the bed as casually as possible. “i want you to take me to my prom”
“are you asking or demanding?” he jokes and i laugh but i’m embarrassed at the way i said that and almost back out and say it was a joke.
before i can respond, he says, “i would love to take you to prom, but i must ask, why do you want to go with me? i mean stefan would’ve probably been a better candidate, don’t you think?”
i want to confess now but the words seem to almost refuse to leave my mouth. “well.. since you’re leaving for a while, i just thought it would be nice to spend time together, you know? just a friendly little hang out and you can act like a teenager for a day.” before he can respond i add, “and we don’t have to dance or any of that stuff. we could just sit and talk and enjoy the music and punch”
“okay, elena. i will go to prom with you” he says calmly in almost a reassuring way that he actually would enjoy going with me, which almost makes me blush but i can’t do so without blowing my cover.
“thank you. i anticipate we will have a great time”
i turn to leave his room before he says “what’s the theme”
“winter wonderland”. and as corny as it sounds i know caroline put a lot of time and energy into planning it. so either way i know it’s going to be beautiful and turn out amazing, like always.
i finally can breathe normally again once i get outside to the fresh, cool air. i’ve never been so excited and nervous at the same time.
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the day finally rolls around and i’m getting ready for the evening of a lifetime. i put on a white gown with blue bows in my hair and draw little snowflakes on my cheeks with eyeliner. i love getting dressed up but i’m most comfortable in my usually jeans and a cami top.
i walk over to the salvatore home and knock three times, per usual. i hear the footsteps as they step toward the door. the creaking of the door following quickly after.
“come on in”
“don’t mind if i do” i respond and walk inside, carefully, as to not to fall with these heels.
“you look beautiful. here, i got you this white corsage to go with your dress. sorry if it’s not what you were expecting”. he looks down at it as if i would hate it.
“i love it, damon. you’re so sweet”. this compliment repeats over and over in my head and i let myself blush this time around.
i think he notices since he grabs my hand and puts the corsage on, so carefully.
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he opens the car door for me and i get in. he shuts it and walks over to the driver’s seat as my cheeks get rosier and i internally scream out of excitement.
we buckle in for the short ride to the high school. i can’t believe i’m graduating already, seems too good to be true.
we make it to the prom and just as i thought, the place was so wonderfully decorated. i know caroline and she’s always been amazing at these sort of things. always pays the closest attention to detail.
the palms of my hand get sweaty and i’m nervous he will notice as he grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers.
i giggle as i say “thank you for coming with me”
the parking lot of the school is empty as we came a bit earlier to help set up, although caroline barely needed any. i need to tell him.
“i have to tell you something. it’s embarrassing and stupid but i feel like i need to.”
damon makes eye contact with me and then looks at our hands. “i know. and i feel the same way”
i blush and hug him. so tight that he acts like he’s being suffocated and i roll my eyes as i let go.
“you’re so dramatic”. i continue, “so what does this mean exactly?”
damon takes a step forward, separating the space that was once there. the grand my face so gently and pulls me in my lips to his. i feel his soft touch against me and let out a giggle once we depart.
i giggle but can’t muster any words for a while after.
“i do like you, elena. but i mustn’t forget that i’m leaving and can’t be distracted from the things i must be the upmost focused on.
i feel my face turn into a frown and sadness sets in before i completely shut down and can’t seem to say anything more.
“i know. but it’s the sad truth. i must wait to know if i will survive this and be able to come back to this small town. i want to live the rest of your life with you and devote myself to this eternal happiness but you must understand my motive here.
“i do.” i let out a cry and he holds me in a hug for a while. he lets go and i see tears form in his eyes.
“but that doesn’t mean we can’t spend the night together. we’ll have the best time and we’ll dance and drink punch. we’ll talk and we can put this on hold. but don’t wait for me. if you fall in love with another while i’m gone i will understand.”
“yes, love”.
“do you love.. me?”
“yes, my love. of course i do. you’re the only girl i’ve ever loved and will ever love. i’ll live an eternity of you in my thoughts and my heart.”
“i love you”
“i love you too. forever and always”
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kraekat29 · 11 months
Paper Rings- Chapter Twenty Five
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Ruby buried her face in JJ’s back, feeling the vibrations of the dirtbike underneath her.
She heard the sirens, her heart was pounding in her chest, her fingers gripping his shirt impossibly tighter.
“Baby..?” JJ asked, glancing back at her, “ yea..?” Ruby said, “ whatever you do.. don’t let go of me okay? I need you to hold on as tight as you can..” he said and she nodded, doing as he said.
She felt him speed up, her hair whipping in her face as she felt an adrenaline rush- but this wasn’t them goofing off. This was something entirely different.
They got behind Topper’s truck and Ruby glanced behind them, seeing the cop cars getting closer.
“ baby.. you trust me right?” JJ asked, “ of course I do..” Ruby responded, looking at him in confusion.
He took a shaky breath and pulled up next to Topper’s truck, “ then I need you to jump..” he said and she looked at him as if he was insane.
“ JJ are you crazy?! This isn’t some fast and furious movie!” She yelled, “ I know! I know damnit but I need you to jump!” He yelled back.
One look in his eyes and her heart sunk, something about this felt like a goodbye.
She swallowed hard and nodded, gripping his shoulders for dear life as she slowly stood up on the back of the bike.
Pope held out his hand for her and Ruby shuddered, looking at the pavement below- she had one shot at this.
She looked at JJ one last time and he nodded at her, she took a deep breath and nodded once before jumping, gripping Pope’s hand as he pulled her into the bed of the truck.
Ruby had a sickening feeling as she watched JJ turn the bike around- he was using himself as bait.
Sage sat beside Ruby, pulling her against her side, feeling how badly she was shaking. 
Ruby’s eyes frantically searched for JJ, not letting him out of her sight for even one second.
“ Top! Top turn around we lost him!” Ruby yelled, kneeling up to see better, “ he’s going up onto the overpass” Pope said, having a better view.
“ Topper turn around!” Sarah yelled, “ no! I’m not going down for you guys!” Topper shouted and Ruby lost it.
“ turn this pile of shit around right now! Topper I swear to god!” She yelled and Sage had to psychically restrain her.
“ no! No we aren’t leaving him!” Ruby yelled, scared tears filling her eyes.
And suddenly it happened in slow motion, she heard the blare of a horn first and looked up, screaming in horror as she watched JJ’s bike crash through the barricade on the bridge above. 
“ Stop! STOP THE TRUCK!” Ruby screamed, not even giving Topper a chance to pull over before jumping out of the bed of the truck.
Her whole body was shaking, breaths coming out in terrified wheezes as she looked for something, anything of JJ.
“ JESSE!!” Ruby screamed, dropping to her knees on the road, loud sobs escaping her lips to the point she couldn’t breathe.
Sage knelt next to her, automatically taking Ruby into her arms and trying to console her but nothing was working.
No one else could move, Pope wanted to do something but he couldn’t bring himself to move, everyone was in shock. 
Everything went quiet for a moment, the only sound being Ruby’s heartbroken sobs.
“ man that is the gnarliest power slide I have ever done..” JJ’s voice rang out.
Everyone ran over to him, everyone except for Ruby who was still on the road with Sage, she couldn’t bring herself to move.
As soon as he saw her JJ ran over, immediately taking Ruby into his arms, hugging her tightly and pulling her onto his lap.
“ hey.. hey I’m right here. I’m right here okay..?” He said and she shook her head, crying harder as she clung to him.
JJ kissed the top of her head and began to cry as well, he didn’t realize how badly this would affect her until it was too late.
“ don’t- don’t do something like that again..” She sobbed, burying her face in his neck, and suddenly JJ got deja vu.. they’d been in this situation before, “ I won’t.. I won’t baby..” he said quietly.
“ next time keep me with you..” Ruby said in a broken whisper, “ I promise.. I promise baby I will..” JJ assured, kissing her temple as tears streamed down his face.
Neither of them moved, they just held each other and cried on the road and no one dared to try and pull them apart.
They’d almost lost each other again.
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