#[so don't worry if any/none of my ships are not your cup of tea and you happen to have one of those muses i mentioned]
rwbyrg · 5 months
I would like to ask if there's already a post a long the lines of "Why Rosegarden is a good ship" or reasons to ship RG? If none would it be alright to ask for your insights?
It's my first time being interested in them but I just can't wrap it around my head for now. I would love to read about them!
Thank you in advance ^^
Hi Anon!
I have not yet made any posts specifically with these questions in mind, no. Just a small, unfinished, series about why I believe the ship is likely to be canon. I am happy to offer some insight, but I don't know that I'm going to give you the answers you're looking for. 😅
First and foremost, the questions you're asking aren't really ones that can be answered objectively. What makes a ship "good" or "bad" is largely subjective, as there are as many ways to view a ship as there are people viewing it. I could make an argument about how I think it is - objectively speaking - a well written pairing that follows the typical beats and tropes (with delightful subversions) of a good romance arc, that also parallels how other canon ships within RWBY have been established... but at the end of the day, if you're not a fan of what RG is about, then there's not much I can say to change your mind.
Which brings me to your second question. The best reasons to ship RG are going to be the same reasons for why anyone should ship anything: ship it if you want to, ship it if it resonates with you, and ship it if you enjoy it.
If their characters, interactions, themes, parallels, allusions, tropes, symbolisms, foils, designs, messages, etc., aren't your cup of tea, it's completely okay if you pick something else on the menu! So long as you don't like. verbally harass people that do like it or fill the tag w the same discourse that we are all very tired of seeing.
I don't know if that is a sufficient answer to your question, so I'll take a chance and also provide some of my personal reasons as to why I think it's "good" and why I ship it. While there are many reasons I can't all include, the main things are just how much they mirror each other:
From their complementary character designs (red vs. green, silver vs. gold, moon vs. sun, etc.),
To shared fairytale allusions (Little Prince and the Rose, Dorothy and Princess Ozma/Tip, Warrior in the Woods, etc.),
To the narrative parallels (both being the youngest of the group when they joined respectively; how both of their attachments to each other keep being put into focus; to their shared themes around choice and identity: Ruby having chosen adventure but feeling as if she has no choice but to keep moving forward, while Oscar was chosen by adventure but chooses to do what he can despite his circumstances; Oscar not knowing who he is because of the merge and asking: "I'm just going to be another one of his lives, aren't I?", versus Ruby not wanting to be who she is after chasing the the ghost of an unachievable ideal, but being asked "what if you could be anyone?"; how they're both just kids thrown into war and unfair responsibility before they even have a chance to figure out the kinds of people they want to be, etc.),
to perhaps, most importantly, the show of mutual support between the two of them.
Ruby supports everyone as best she can. She is always giving to and supporting others as a show companionship and leadership. But thanks to V9 and also E4 of RWBY Beyond, we know this was not sustainable or sufficiently reciprocated.
She was let down by Weiss who constantly managed to hit her right in her insecurities; let down by Blake who - even while trying to uplift her - just ended up adding more pressure by treating Ruby like a role model; to Yang and Qrow who both tried to support her as best they could, but kept comparing her to Summer in the process; to Penny having so much of her own lack of experience, stressors, and very immediate worries going on that she couldn't offer Ruby the support she needed even if she wanted to; to Jaune flipping his lid at her and pointing the blame even when he himself was guilty and knew he was out of line; to Ozpin, Qrow, Maria, Tai, Summer, Cordovin, Ironwood, etc., all being adults who could have taken responsibility or done the right thing, but fumbled or failed leaving her to pick up the pieces in their wake. But Oscar? We see it from Oscar's introduction that he - like their shared fairytale allusions - is in awe from the moment he meets her. But after one conversation about the weight of her grief, trauma, and the responsibilities she is carrying - a conversation she has not had with anyone else up to this point - he immediately sees how heavy Ruby's burdens are. Saying, as early as V5: "This must be really hard on her too". And while it is subtle, he never stops looking after her as best he can as the volumes go onward ("Looks like you're needed elsewhere."/"You're sure?"/"Yeah, I've got it."). However, it's only in V9 that her sister Yang is asking "why didn't she just talk to us?". It is only in V9 when her partner Weiss admits: "Maybe it's because she didn't feel like she could". It is only V9 when Ruby finally lays her burdens out to someone else again, this time to the Blacksmith, after almost having given up completely.
For a character who's 116 episode long arc has been about carrying the weight of responsibility far beyond her limits, never asking for anything in return no matter how difficult it gets... to meet another character that instantly notices her struggles and makes a conscious effort to help where all others have failed? To have one conversation and say "that looks heavy, let me help you carry that" without her asking or waiting for an answer? It's just one of the most beautiful acts of care I can think of. The themes and the parallels all resonate very strongly with me on a personal level, making it - in my humble opinion - a brilliant, and very stable foundation for a relationship, and for a story.
Thank you for your question, I hope I was able to offer some of the insight you were looking for. 💕
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vetusmemoriae · 2 years
Dottore x Male!Reader
Author's note: I should be doing a project about Paradise Lost, but I had an idea for a Dottore fanfic and can't let it go away. I can't believe he didn't only get one gnosis but TWO, like- he's the best. I don't want to offend Scaramouche, but boy... he didn't do shit and that's so sad smh. Dottore, instead, cleaned after your mess and got both the gnosis you lost and the dendro gnosis.
Summary: This takes place after Dottore "leaves" for the first time, Y/n is aware of his doings, and once Dayha and Aether discover this, they're eager to go take everything out of Y/n. What they don't know, is that they're not the only ones to be aware of Y/n.
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Seeing Dottore go after such a long time would never be a pleasant sight for Y/n. Maybe there was drug in one of the coffees Dottore had with him, but he didn't want the doctor to go away, though meybe it was for the better. As one of the consultants of the port, the Fatui had contact with him from a long time ago, and he was aware of some of their concerns in Sumeru. What Y/n realized not so long ago, while he and Dottore were talking, is that he wasn't really a stranger.
'I must know what are your concerns in Sumeru before letting you deposit any belongings here.' Said Y/n while both of them were walking around Port Ormos, searching for a cafe to sit and talk for a while.
'I think you might already know, Y/n. A Fatui's work is business. I don't want anything else.'
'You may be a doctor, but, even if I don't look like one, I'm a scholar too. As one, I'm not stupid. Fatui's business never bring any good. News say Liyue suffered an attack from the Fatui not so long ago. I will need more information if you want this to go right over my head and not inform the city of your arrive, as I would do usually.'
'A prudent boy... I am no terrorist, not like the child in Liyue. We were all kind of... disappointed with him and his actions. But I am nothing like him, Y/n, I am a civilised man, willing to give something to get something in exchange. I will throw myself to the pool, perhaps you want money?'
'Perhaps not. I don't need money, and it would mean nothing in exchange for Sumeru's safety.'
'I'm afraid that's not one of your concerns, right?'
'You guess right. I just want to share a cup of coffee or tea, and talk. Once I get to know you and you get to know me, I will know if I should let any of your equipment in.'
Both of them went into a cafe, and instead of being greeted of greeting anyone, they went without asking right into one of the private rooms, where a waiter recived them and took their orders.
There, they talked for a while. To both of their surprise, they had more in common than anyone would suspect. Apart from some ideas, from some ways of thinking, they were from the same village. Little more they needed to say. Y/n let Dottore's equipment in, and a nice friendship begun.
That's what happened around a month ago. They met at least six times a week in the same spot, only to talk about memories. Y/n should have been worried about being close to a Fatui, but there was no way Dottore could hurt him, right? They were friends, more than that, not even once Dottore let the Fatui subordinates to interrupt them, they were ordered to take care that no one interrupted them. There was even a rumor that Y/n and Dottore had already met before. There were two lines of thinking between the Fatui regarding Y/n and Dottore: Some thought Dottore was gaining his trust to use him later on, some other said his interest was genuine. But none of them suspected anything beyond that.
Coming to the departure of Dottore, Y/n saw it from afar with a sad look on his face. He didn't know what could happen, if he would be back, and if he had done the right thing leting him in in the first place... But there he was, sitting at the ship go away. When he stood up he didn't have any time to leave before Dayha and Aether stopped him.
'You seem to know The Doctor, am I right?' Said the woman, with her hand at Y/n's neck.
'What about it? He left.'
'We need to know what's he about.'
'What do you mean?'
'The Fatui are enver up to any good...'
'Yeah!' Claimed Paimon. 'That weirdo never does anything good! Paimon's sure he'll be back'
'Why would I know?'
'We know you've been talking with him time and time again. Now, speak before I change my mind and go for the hard way instead.'
'I can't say a thing, I know nothing.'
'There's no way you have been talking with him for hours and know nothing'
'Paimon thinks the same! That's suspicious... Talk before we beat you up!'
'I am no fighter, please, believe me, I can't say anything'
Dahya got her claymore in hand, ready to swing it at the helpless man that didn't want to know where he got into. He tried to walk back, rather falling into the ground that to be about to be beaten up. But she stopped right before she hit him.
'I knew you would show up.' Beside Y/n was Dottore, with the calm that characterized him. 'Tell us what you will do, or he get's it.'
'It would be reckless of me to tell you what I plan on doing. You should already know, I'm nothing more than a scholar, a researcher with an experiment.'
'I should have no mercy with you...'
'You are just a big mean guy!'
'That's hurtful... You, traveller, should tell your little companion to speak less, bad things can happen.'
'Paimon is not...!'
'Shut up.' Dottore got closer to them. 'As nº 2 of the Fatui, I have a work to do, business; and as a scholar, I have a hypothesis to verify and an experiment to finish. Be so kind and leave, or I'll have to take measures.'
'You don't intimidate us, Dottore. By your own you're useless.'
'Useless...?' Dottore seemed annoyed, a never good sight.
'You only came for your little price, you used him, because you knew we would come to him to get information about you. You can have a like in him, but there's no way you really care about him.' Dahya looked at Y/n. 'A Harbinger would never feel anything positive towards anyone, even less towards a merchant like any other.'
'I know what you want to do, Dahya. You won't get it.' Dottore let in sight a small ball, a strange smell flourishing from it. 'It has been running from some minutes now, it should be doing effect by now, right?'
Dahya tried to stay up, but wasn't able to hold her weapon or stand anymore. The traveler took his weapon out and swinged it at Dottore, trying to get him, he too fell right before the Fatui.
'Useless fucks...' Muttered him, crouching to get a better view of his victims. 'How dare them mess with what's mine...'
But Y/n was not asleep, he was still there, watching horrified how some strangers were unconscious, all because the Fatui that treated him kindly. Dottore looked at Y/n with no expresion, and all that came out was a light smile before he stood up again.
'They will be away for a while now. You didn't fall for it because you were exposed to little doses as we met.'
'Did they say the truth?'
'About what?'
'About you just using me.' Dottore said nothing. 'So it's true.'
'You think so? That all the time I spent with you was... nothing? You learned nothing. If I didn't care about us I'd have never spent time with you in the first place. I sacrificed my time and when someone comes talking otherwise you chose to believe them. You hurt me...'
'I'm sorry, I-'
'No talking will take you out of this. You belittled me... I expected more of you.'
'I just want to know the truth. Was there any point on meeting me, in hanging out with me so frequently, if you're going to ignore me from now on? I might be only entertainment, but that would be something. If your plan was that they came to me so you can get them, tell so. I think I already know the answer.'
'Then say it.'
'I want to hear it from you.'
'You entertain me, yes. Want anything else?'
'Say again what you said to them?'
'What are you talking about.'
'I will leave if you don't say it.'
'I have my ways of stopping you.'
'But why would you, what do you want from me so much that you rather not letting me go than killing me. You can keep me shut that way too.'
'But I won't, and rather than confront me about me, you should be grateful.'
'I may then say what you said:' Dottore didn't interrupt him. 'you said you own me.'
'And what so if I did? You have no say in that.'
'So you meant it, you consider me of you possession and I'm cherished as such.'
'Better as a possession than nothing at all, right?'
'I don't question it, but...'
'Don't "but". I'll leave now, I have better things to do.' Dottore got ready to leave. 'I won't save you again, I recommend you leave now.'
Before explaining further, Dottore left, leaving Y/n confused on the ground. At the traveller's hand twitching, Y/n got up and left. What now? Surely Dottore wouldn't come back in a while, right?
When the sages died, Y/n was aware this was Dottore's doing. Y/n had been hiding for a while, being nowhere to be found and escaping from everyone's sight. Now his plan was over, it must be, he should be able to stop hiding. He had no time to think about it when he was found by a group of Fatuis. It was not the first time Y/n saw a group of Fatuis, but it was the first time since he started hiding, since he knew nothing of Dottore. Maybe they were there to kill him, to take him away.
'The 2nd Harbinger, Dottore, wants to see you.'
'For what?' They didn't answer. 'I will keep going...'
'He ordered that if you don't come willingly, we make you.'
'He's willing to let you hurt me? His plan surely went wrong.'
'We won't, but we have our means.'
'I will go, there's nothing else for me right now.'
Y/n accompanied them, and stopped when, right in front of the ship Dottore came in, he saw him waiting patiently. He was happy, way to happy to anyone's good: ruining that happiness would be dangerous, and so Y/n didn't, he came into the ship without questions. Dottore let Y/n in, in front of him.
'I see you were not hurt, that's great.'
'Was all you wanted to kill the sages?'
'The sages! No, that was not my fault, it was the traveller and the archon's doing, no, I just wanted some... pieces. And the experiment is over, and as I said before...' The ship took off, taking Y/n with them. 'I just have to take the remainings.'
'I have no say in this, right?'
'You get it now! The Fatui will have their trophy, and I will have mine: you.'
Hi!!! Tbh this is my favourite fanfic until now, I love that yandereish side and I'm very proud of how it turned out. Yesterday I dreamed about him and I'm still left with some need of Dottore. I'm all in for mad scientists <3
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fearforthestorm · 2 years
3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 18, 19 for the aro ask game, if that's not too many
gwen you madlad (/pos). okay get ready for an absolute essay of a post you asked for this
3. Do you consider yourself lgbt+?
I mean. I'd say I more consider myself queer (this is a personal distinction I prioritize queer over any other way I label myself and I'm really not all that comfy with using "lgbt+" As An Identity Label if that makes sense) but yeah points at the transgenderism. also aro literally IS lgbt+ hope this helps
6. What is your favourite part about being aromantic?
I like having a community. also the +10 bonus to understanding of relationships and society that being aro grants me /only a little bit joking
7. What is your least favourite part about being aromantic?
if I have to explain amatonormativity to one more person who cares more about making their fictional faves kiss than they care about how their absolute unwillingness to listen is actively hurting aspec folks I am going to commit a crime. this is not at anyone who follows us and we are specifically very supportive of shipping just oh my god please listen to aros please for the love of god.
8. Do you associate anything with being ‘aromantic culture’?
the color green, for obvious reasons, and plants, and tea. also crafting and fiber arts, for reasons of a lot of my really cool friends who are aro or generally aspec also do that sort of stuff! (oh hey points you're one of those friends!)
13. What do you wish you could tell your younger self related to being aro-spec?
hm. i guess...it's okay to not be sure, and it's okay to not want to worry about it, and it's okay if you're never sure. you're allowed to feel a connection with the community regardless. and don't try to define yourself out of existence, if you draw the boxes too small eventually it's all boxes and no you.
18. Do you have any aro-spec headcanons?
if i like a character they're aro. hope this helps. but also pan/demi-romantic Sophie Foster and uhhh points at e!Pix (both seasons) that man is so aromantic.
19. Is there a song that is very aromantic to you?
oh god let me look at spotify i know there's some. hang on.
heaven sent: i know that some of the words are about love but like. it is so aromantic to me hope this helps
i don't think i can pick just one enter:shikari song because none of their music is about romance and all of it is bangers so they're certified aro approved however. let me pick one as a rec because i must always propaganda their music. this one's a personal underrated fave
light pollution: this song is AROMANTIC LASER BEAM ATTACK. to me. <2
HOPE YOU ENJOYED this is so many words. tldr oooh you wanna listen to my music recs sooooo bad! :D
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nocturnal-birb · 2 years
My aroace ass continues to be amazed by ppl actually wanting to fuck ghost members. Don't get me wrong! Good for y'all!! Most of them fandom is like that and I mean, fuck yeah, sexual liberation!
But I'm still perplexed everytime I read or hear it at first. Like, ppl are fr?? Wild.
Unfortunately most fics are also like this 😔👊
And while I really do like some good smut every once in a while, it's still a trying existence out here when ur not really into /reader stuff
But go and fuck on, you funky lil rats!!
(u also don't have to answer that if u don't want to ofc, it's kinda out of the blue and just a thought)
It do be like that sometimes ngl lol but I suppose it's cause the characters are fictional so there's a lot to explore on that- but if its the ones behind mask... yeah no. That's a no no at all
That's true honestly- majority is smut (which is also most of any fandoms unfortunately) so I hear ya there plus it's either reader or shipping fics so if none of them are your cups of tea, headcanons are your bestfriend
Sometimes I just want good ol' heart breaking and soul crushing angst even if its just reader stuff
Don't worry, you're fine! :) feel free to send asks or dms honestly lol
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coollyinterferes · 6 years
               Shipping Meme                                                        
What  is  your  OTP  for  your  character?
Jonawagon all the way~ Jonaeriwagon is also one of my faves, but only when it’s Jonaeri+Jonawagon. Ya know: poly ship with 100% platonic eriwagon in the middle, with these two blondies “sharing” Jonathan, because big bara boy deserves all the love~.
I also ship Robert with absolute happiness because he deserves it uwu
What  are  you  willing  to  write  when  it  comes  to  shipping?
Pretty much anything as long as there’s chemistry between the characters (this also applies in the case of hateships and any other types of ships) and some development, too please, PLEASe I beg you, never force a ship. Like I’ve mentioned in the past, I have no triggers and no issues with writing nsfw stuff either (smut, gore, horror, violence, etc) as long as everything has been previously discussed and given the green light by all parties involved. The Golden Rules apply, though, and that’s out of the question (no smut with muns/muses who are minors and so on).
How  large  does  the  age  gap  have  to  be  to  make  it  uncomfortable?
Uh... I honestly don’t know? I have a soft spot for Zeppwagon, but that’s possibly the only ship with a big age gap I’m into so far? (can’t remember rn being into any other in any of my fandoms, tbfh). Taking that one as a base of sorts, then I’d say 25-30ish years?? But, then again, for me to start shipping something (ships with age gaps, too) and get into it there would have to be some interesting chemistry between the characters (muses, in the case of rp) first and, eventually, some development, too.
Are  you  selective  when  shipping?
I don’t think so? I’ve mentioned this already before, that my muses (and that includes Robert) work as “minds of their own” and, as such, as long as Robert has some chemistry with the other muse(s) involved and has developed some feelings for them and everything’s been previously discussed between me and my partner(s) and given the green light by all parties involved, then pretty much anything can happen.
How  far  do  steamy  moments  have  to  go  before  they’re  considered NSFW?
The moment there’s some “heavy” touching, steamy kissing and stuff like that is when I start tagging things as nsfw out of courtesy to the rest of my followers so they can blacklist/block those posts (cause some people use tumblr in public, and also not everyone’s comfortable with this type of content, etc). It is when things go past that point that I start using Read Mores for every reply until things cool down again.
Who  are  the  other  characters  you  ship  your  character  with?
Well, there’s the obvious one (Jonathan) and, like I said earlier, I ship some Zeppwagon too. I also have a bit of a thing for some Diowagon (yeah, I know it’d most likely be a hateship/toxic ship, sue me) as well as for Tattoowagon :D Eriwagon too but in a 100% platonic way, just like in canon, too. I wouldn’t mind rping these ships cause I love them and all the things each has to offer, but I don’t limit things to those only so, again, as long as there’s some development and shit, anything can happen.
Does  one  have  to  ask  to  ship  with  you?
Preferably, yes! Speaking of my rp experiences in general and not just in this blog, I sometimes see potential in some of the interactions, but I usually keep it all to myself cause I feel like it might just be me or something, lol. But if you ever think or feel like our muses may have the potential to be a thing, by all means let me know! I truly encourage discussing ships (platonic, romantic, hateships, familial, etc), headcanons about it and about our muses and whatnot and will never consider that as forcing a ship or give you shit for it.
How  often  do  you  like  to  ship?
It’s not our, mun and muse’s, main goal tbh, however, I admit I love writing ship stuff and Robert is a bit of a helpless romantic sometimes lol. So yeah, I wouldn’t mind adding some shipping around here sometime if it ever happens.
Are  you  ship  obsessed  or  ship  more-or-less?
I wouldn’t really say ship obsessed since I try to keep things here as close to canon as possible (and this guy happens to be canonly in lerv with a certain gentleman~), so that’s kinda why you can find some ship-ish stuff here sometimes, while some other times it’s shippy stuff that responds directly to my personal hcs about Robert’s past relationships. But, even then, I don’t think this type of stuff takes a lot of space in the blog?
Are  you  multi-ship?
Yeah (each ship in it’s own verse unless openly stated otherwise).
What  are  your  favorite  ships  in  your  current  fandom?
Jonawagon is my top fave. Jonaeriwagon (as described earlier) also counts there, too. Zeppwagon comes next. I do like other ships with Speebs in them because I be like that 8′) Esikars is also good. Caejose is also a nice ship in general, same with CaeJoseQ as well as JoseQ. DioPucci is another one that I kinda like (what I’ve seen of it so far, at least?) even though I haven’t gotten to SO yet rip
Finally,  how  does  one  ship  with  you?
Just come talk to me about ideas and headcanons. Tell me about what you saw in the potential ship (any type of it, not only romantic ones) that caught your eye! Let’s gush about our muses anytime and discuss possible thread ideas for them! I’m slow with replies both ic and ooc but I do love talking about this stuff!!
tagged by: @eternaleyes-blindskies​ [thank you so much for the tag!!!!]
tagging: [[Tagging the smols in case y’all want to answer this for platonic/familial ships?? just leave out the question on nsfw stuff and anything else you consider is best left out :D This also applies to everyone else who doesn’t ship their muses in romatic ways btw!]] @notsodaily-smolkakyoin @tinymischiefmaker / @imhereforthefish  @wildberryoras @noircixcafard @musaesidereum @vampirejoestar @foxglxved @heartshredded @silvercharict @ask-my-twisted-creations @cafeonthecorner @bubblemom @insatiablelustforpower and everyone else interested in giving this a try! Take it and say I tagged you :D
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catherineflowers29 · 4 years
Hi! I'm the anon from before! Oh, thank God. I was worried I upset you because JB shippers get so defensive when someone is critical of their ship or Jaime (btw I'm a Brienne stan before a JB shipper.)
I think your story is so great and feminist... the fact that Brienne was allowed to be angry at Jaime and make the choice to fuck Addam and still be the doting mother and a warrior who inspires women (also thank you for no boring Sansa/Brienne friendship). I loved how she said "fuck that" to any of Jaime's weakass explanations and whenever that bitch was like, "are we good? have you forgiven me? can we fuck?" and she just went like "wtf no you're the worst." like YES. It fucking bothered me the way those S8 apologists defended Jaime's "addiction" and liked the offensive disgusting white book scene. FFS LET WOMEN BE ANGRY. LET WOMEN HAVE A STORYLINE THAT ISN'T TIED TO SOME GARBAGE MAN. LET WOMEN SLEEP WITH MEN INSTEAD OF THEIR ASSIGNED LOVE INTERESTS AND LET THEM ENJOY IT TOO. LET WOMEN BE BITTER AND UNFORGIVING AND COMPASSIONATE AND MOTHERLY AND BRAVE AND AWESOME AT THE SAME TIME. ALL THESE THINGS CAN EXIST IN ONE WOMAN. IT'S ALLOWED. AND BRIENNE IS NO BETTER OR WORSE IF SHE CHOOSES TO BE UNFORGIVING. I HATE DUDEBROS.
I don't think you should be unhappy with your story! Your story has amazing dialogue and internal thoughts, well-rounded characters, and Brienne of Tarth being awesome. If anything, you were too nice to Jaime by having him be happy and giving him a purpose. You should subvert my expectations, lovely author! Don't have Brienne forgive Jaime and get into a relationship with him! Make her kick him to the curb! Break his heart! Piss on his corpse! Probably JB shippers will be mad at you but I've got your back. The REAL Brienne fans know that Jaime did Brienne so dirty, and no bs addiction or duty can justify that!
Ok that's enough... and WTF why would people think your fic is controversial. IMO we should bully the writers who had Brienne easily forgive Jaime and take him back just like that. Fuck them all. I only respect YOU. You got me into shipping Addam/Bri and also validated my anger. Also I was busy, didn't know you updated your fic. Gonna read it now. Not gonna lie, I'll be a little upset if she chooses Jaime because I thought the glass throwing scene was written to show the tragic end of their relationship and how there's no coming back, but I did want to know your thoughts.
Bless you, kind reader. 
I’ve had a lot of thoughts about why my fic is considered controversial. The subject matter in it really isn’t that “dark” in the traditional fic sense. There’s no rape or major character death, it’s not torture porn or anything. And yet, there was rage about it on Reddit, it was banned from being discussed on Discord, and a BNF decided (very hurtfully, I might add) to call me out on Twitter because she had formed a judgement based solely on my tags. I have also been blocked by numerous people in the fandom that I have never so much as had an interaction with. I’ve also had a LOT of shitty comments and anons here and there from people who seem really angry that I had the temerity to write this fic.
That genuinely surprised me. I knew it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea - what fic is? But there have been times when I have felt like a total pariah and not wanted to interact with other members of the fandom in case they feel the same way. Whatever way you slice it, that’s shitty behaviour.
Largely, when we ship something, particularly when it’s an OTP, we think of that relationship as an ideal. It’s escapism, it’s perfect in ways that our real relationships never can be. I think that’s why, for so many of us, 8.04 was really devastating. Jaime and Brienne are also a ship about acceptance and understanding, of a deep connection that transcends surface impressions - they both see each other for who they really are. That means a LOT to us, I think. I think we all long for that kind of relationship and exploring it in our fandom gives all of us so much happiness. We are in love with their love.
In their portrayal of the JB relationship, D&D ABSOLUTELY got that wrong. I absolutely do not dispute that. I think a LOT of people were angry with me because they confused what I was writing as being supportive of D&D’s take in some way, because I treated it as canon. Some writers were able to paper over the end of the show, dismiss it as bad writing and move on, or write fic where Jaime changes his mind, Brienne forgives him, and then they carry on with what we wanted.
I just couldn’t do that. God knows I tried. But if I had been in Brienne’s position, I absolutely would have been as pissed as fuck about what Jaime did. I don’t accept that he went back for Cersei as a brother, or that Brienne wasn’t crying for herself but only for him and his lost honour. Being dumped HURTS, particularly when you loved someone and thought you had a future, and then he walks out in the middle of the night without saying goodbye. Brienne had SO MUCH backstory about being hurt and humiliated by men, having the first man who loved her, the man she gave her virginity to, treat her that way would fuck her up.
I’m not saying that anyone who disagrees with me is wrong, and I never have. I don’t have the definitive knowledge of these characters, none of us do. I only have my take, my experience, my style.
I just couldn’t write about their relationship as being idyllic and perfect any more. Is it a reflection of who I am as a person and as a writer? That’s certainly been the accusation several dozen times. Maybe. It’s certainly a reflection of how I feel women put up with too much shit from men and are expected to be kind and forgiving in return. I HATE that with a passion. 
Angry women are really controversial. They make people of all genders feel very uncomfortable. Sexually confident women do, too, and I think my story was the perfect storm of those two elements, really. People who want escapism from realistic relationships where people don’t live happily-ever-after really took exception to its very existence.
I don’t hold it against anyone for it not being their cup of tea, or if they disagree with my take. God knows there are kajillions of fics out there that aren’t my bag too. Things I’ve rolled my eyes at, things I’ve fundamentally disagreed with, things I’ve been horrified to read. But not once have I ever felt the need to be a public douchebag about it. I’ve never felt the need to make a writer stop writing.
So thank you so much for taking the time to send me this. It does make a really nice change to get an anon be so positive and affirming to me as a writer!
I really hope that you enjoy the end of the story. And that you will enjoy the reboot in a few weeks where we stick with Brienne’s POV and I turn the volume down on some of the elements that I don’t like about the story myself. Not the rage though, or the Addam banging. That’s staying! 
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blackwraithtea · 6 years
Weight of the world
So the past few days have been rather hard to endure, anxiety, doubt and regret have sort of claimed me; so I figured I’ll write a Ardyn x Reader.(*u*) Ardyn is always a cure so this sort of is more self indulgent; I’ll of course be writing more fluffier ones. I’m still not too good with my writing so any tips are more than welcome~  P.S Weight of the world is an actual song used in Nier Automata, and a beautiful one at that. I highly recommend having a listen to it.  Tagging @jastiss @valkyrieofardyn @sevansheart @zer0pm (I’m not sure if you want to be tagged, if not and I’m just spamming you let me know. * u *  The same of course applies to everyone) 
It wasn't new to you when people would one day vanish from your life entirely, to being ignored. Even your curvy appearance as well being often a sensitive issue which sometimes was used to crush your heart. Such thoughts or rather memories were currently circulating in your mind, strange you believed to have surpassed them by now. And as you drank your tea with god knows what sort of expression, you failed to acknowledge the fact that Ardyn was talking to you. 
The auburn haired man waved his hand before your eyes which now currently stared off into an empty void, a simple call of your name was enough to thankfully drag your mind back to the present reality. When you realised how badly you zoned out you could do was softly smile to Ardyn, giving a small ‘sorry’. Nervously you patted down the black knee length frilled dress which you wore.
“Now what could be troubling your beautiful mind for to become lost in thoughts?” 
Usual honeyed words spoken, and although he worse his usual default expression, the man knew that all was not well with you; for the whole week you seemed to be in this same state.  “Why, I don’t know what you mean”~ With that you gave a gentle chuckle, still smiling. Gods, were you that transparent? Of course it occurred to you to talk to Ardyn about, but how could you even have the audacity to do so; what was your so called suffering and anxiety compared to his. He would laugh none the less if he was to hear your worries. ”Well if you do say so. But know that, if you shan’t touch that cake of yours, I won’t hesitate in taking it.” The man was too in love with sweets for his own good for sure.   ”Don’t you dare” Squinting your eyes a little, you then quickly took a spoonful of the little amount of the cake left, knowing that Ardyn wasn’t merely jesting.  Although it seemed as if he believed you, he definitely believed something to be amiss, deciding it be best in not pursuing the matter for now at least. The both of you having finished your tea and sweets it was time you both returned back to Gralea, unfortunately for a certain man of no consequence being the chancellor and all meant and unending amount of meetings and requests which he had to be there for. Although he was hopeful it would be a short matter, already the man has started to grow tired of the demands for more specialised units in the short time they were requested. 
The ride there which of course was by a Nifelheim air ship consisted of chatter between the two of you, even in the worst of mood you may be; Ardyn never failed to make you laugh. His way with words and even added dramatised gestures gave you life, although great and all since Ardyn’s presence relaxed you, the man definitely was rather entertaining to be around; a vibrant colour that lightened even the dullest of days. It was quite a tiresome and difficult endeavour to put on the mask of nothing being wrong, having soon arrived with in Gralea, Ardyn declared it would be best you wait for him in his office, and it was something you were rather relieved about; an opportunity to maybe get yourself together and not end up breaking into tears in front of him. 
“Good luck in there”~ Giving a gentle peace hand gesture to him. A light chuckle was given in return.  “I don't believe I shall need it, but I thank you all the same my love.” And with that he was already off, smile having faded by now your eyes look on at his retreating form until it was no longer visible. As you walked in to the mans office, nothing had changed since you were last in here. The room was clean and still contained the same antique themed furniture as always. Still you stood by the large window that was on the left side of the study.  There was nothing but silence, even as you stared out at the rather menacing sky scrapers of Gralea you didn’t seem able to take your mind out of the thoughts from earlier. Hands tightly grasping the material of your dress, thoughts, doubts and memories most certainly unwelcome and of the suffocating kind as a wet substance seemed to build up in your eyes and fall? Gods, to make matters worse your were literally crying in Ardyn’s office, of all times for your mask of happiness to break... Should he walk in now, there was no chance of you getting out of a ‘nothing’s wrong explanation.’  Yet all you could do was move your hands up to your face to cover it from the light, from any more tears falling.  “And what grief is responsible for leaving my queen in such a terrible a heart broken state?” A deep voice suddenly asked, along with a set of strong arms wrapped around your frame which took you by surprise, just when did he get back? How did you not manage to hear him enter? What point was there in concealing anything from him any longer now that he had found yourself in this terrible state, it took you a moment before you took a small breath.  “Perhaps it’s just the weight of the world but..I can't stop thinking.. the fear of being abandoned or not being good enough.. even now it all hurts.” When no reply was given, it only made you worry all the more; you always had felt it was a bad idea to express your thoughts but before you could say anything more Ardyn had turned you around.  His hands wiping away your tears, concerned and sympathetic golden eyes with the pain you had shared with him. 
“Tears never suited you well.. To know that such pain and doubt has claimed the love of my life’s heart stabs at my own blackened and long dead heart and soul.” His hand gently cupped your cheek, your own now darkened and tear filled eyes looked back into his own. 
“But fret not dearest, although the past is unchangeable and it’s pain can still be felt; allow it to be what you require to strive onwards. No matter what any other has done and said, you can arise above it. I have faith in you, for I see the strength and power in your eyes. I shall of course be at your side as you do so.”
 His lips moved forth to kiss your forehead, a gesture which contained the same warmth, love and power as his words carried. Yet another tear seemed to find it’s way down your cheek, were you crying out of your pain or out of the warm and beautiful words that this man just spoke to you. 
To the astrals and crystal he was the usurper, to Noctis he would prove to be the enemy and to the world he would be the darkness to plague Eos. But right now, all you could feel was warmth from his hand, concern and power in his golden eyes, love and kindness from his words..  Ardyn was not the darkness, he was not the evil that the astrals or the world thought him to be. This man was the light, he was your light.  You could feel it for certain, even as your arms wrapped around Ardyn, and he returning the hug; you knew he was right. You could overcome these fears of yours, you could overcome the pain and doubt. With such a powerful light at your side, you could conquer the world. 
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