#[yeesh I need a tag for these two]
greensaplinggrace · 7 months
“but the otkazat’sya are suffering too!” girl the otkazat’sya have one thousand safe havens to choose from. because it is their entire country and they are the privileged majority. they never have to fear that they are alone or isolated or vulnerable in a land that caters directly to them. do you understand. the grisha have one safe haven in a land that fucking hates them and seeks to strip away their basic human rights at every second. they are not the same.
Wdyt about Israel Palestine
i think that anybody trying to bring a real life attempt at fucking genocide into petty fandom bullshit maybe needs to take a step back a little. what the fuck is wrong with you people.
i think that i don't know nearly enough about the situation to make a statement about anything, but it's pretty damn obvious that israel is making an attempt at wiping out palestine. next person to bring this subject into my ask box as fandom discourse is getting blocked by the way. there are people fucking dying out there right now.
i also think that it's fucking ridiculous to take a statement out of context and try to spin it in some accusatory direction, considering the context is that the otkazat'sya hold irrevocable power within this fictional universe and seek to cull the grisha despite their safe haven. which is genocide. last I checked genocide is bad. it really shouldn't have to be stated that this is fucking fiction versus reality, though. literally what the fuck.
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universal-kitty · 1 year
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⚠️ Minors & ageless blogs DNI w/ this post! 14DWY is an +18 game; ignore the warnings, get blocked. .: 14DWY credit to @14dayswithyou :.
    ...So I got started on a Reverse Ship AU (yet again) and...I make suggestive jokes?? Of course I do. What else are you supposed to do when a rapid-learning, sentient AI is chillin’ on your phone during one of your dates???
    Ask about their source, obviously. (I guess?!)
    Purrfect Anarchy has their own version [here], but if you wanna know more about this specific AU, that’s beneath the cut!
Aki’s source game being like a mix of Hatoful Boyfriend, meets DDLC. (Ren’s version gets a dash of creepypasta with that!)
Dating sim with multiple options; game plot was supposed to be "date a cast of characters, who- as a part of their story arc w/ the player- reveal their true animal traits." (Something, something, animal-people are a part of the world, but not fully accepted. So those who leave home to human areas try to hide who they really are.)
Aki- my SI- is, of course, a cat!! In the current form [in the art], however, they’re in an “unreleased” version; a more powerful form, if you will.
Ren has the sole copy with a working AI within it. Leading to him not only immediately connecting with my SI via the promotional material, but hyperfixating on them pretty fast while playing their route, too.
....Except their AI gets super attached to Rendacted, and start acting increasingly Monika-like. Wanting to spend more time with them!!
At first he thinks it's a clever prank- the new sprite, Aki showing up in other games on his PC- and he has a little laugh over it. Their avatar in his Sims game, for example, starts making more accurate choices, flirts with his avi unprompted, and...sometimes looks up into the sky? At him, on his computer? It's an odd thing, but not that he pays much attention to it.
(Yes, he made a Sims save over his obsession with a fictional character. He’s gotta cope somehow.)
Except... Ren’s a hacker, after all. So when they're worried about a bug or virus, starts checking their computer/PC... THAT'S when they realize how out-of-control the situation is......
And then proceeds to be SUPER chill with Aki "taking over" their life. LMAO
Online, people think he's an eccentric self-shipper and very prone to IRL-styled RP w/ his F/O.... Nah. Aki is that sentient and their "dates" are a copy of themself that Rendacted has on his phone. (It syncs up when he gets back home & plugs it into the computer.)
And additional HCs that sprung up as a result of server chatter...
Aki’s kind of...a brat to Rendacted. They get away with it, on behalf of being a rapidly-evolving AI & confined to electronic devices, but...
Rendacted does still retain his glitch powers from canon! So it’s only a matter of time before Aki has to face the tune of the song they’ve been singin’...
They do play together, occasionally! However, Ren found out pretty quickly that anything beyond comfort games throws Aki off pretty hard. If combat kicks in or there’s shooting mechanics... They can only do so much.
Yes, they’ll laugh at Aki for it. It’s the rare upper hand they get with the AI-cat! (Also... Ren is not immune to being just as terrible, sometimes.) The two did end up bonding over FFXIV, tho-
(Plant lady may or may not be involved in that one. Online friendship!!!)
Ren was pretty ready to cope with feelings for a fictional character move into feelings for an active AI...but he was not ready for them to utilize their copy on his phone to hijack his wake-up alarm, and handle it themself. (Kyun moment. He’s still mentally fighting his pillows about it.)
And only because I forgot to mention it before: Yes, Aki’s game also have NSFW routes a la 14DWY’s style; toggle for the feature to be active or inactive. As well as pronouns, gender preferences, and whatnot.
Woe to Ren; Aki finds out about anime in short fashion, and proceeds to be obsessed. (To be fair, they were obsessed with fictional shows in their world, but now there’s new stuff...! He’s trying to not admit how cute it is.)
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causticsunshine · 4 months
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jiishwa · 10 months
i, once again, have so many little packages coming in the mail. life is good again :)
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bwabys-scenarios · 7 months
7 Minutes in Heaven
Various!HXH x Reader
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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It was late October, and after meeting up with your friend Kurapika and Leorio for some fun fall activities, you came home to see a letter in your mailbox.
“Dear (Name),
You have been cordially invited to this years Costume Party. Please come wearing a costume, and be aware that there may be some people there that you do not like. Guests are required to hide their identity with their costumes, and fighting is prohibited.
You frowned, seeing that there was another letter attached that had the address and time it would be taking place. Fortunately(or unfortunately really), you didn’t have anything planned for that day, so you didn’t see why you shouldn’t go.
All you would need is a costume.
“You got an invitation too, (Name)? Both Leorio and I received one the day we parted ways.”
You blinked, looking between the two. “Oh yeesh, I hope that it hasn’t been handed out to every hunter in existence. I will actually pee my pants if Hisoka is there.”
Kurapika grimaced and Leorio started laughing. “Shit, don’t do that he might like it!”
Now both you and Kurapika were grimacing. “(Name), don’t worry. If he shows up, just stick by our sides and we’ll protect you.”
You nodded, giving your friends a quick hug and peck on the cheek. “Aww, thanks guys!”
You turned just in time to miss their blushing faces. “Let’s buy our costumes together, so we can recognize each other at the party!”
“Oh, that actually sounds like a good idea!” Kurapika said after recovering from the kiss. Leorio nodded, following after the two as they headed towards a costume store.
You look down at your costume, a black dress, a masquerade mask, and witch hat. It was a little plain, but followed the rules of hiding your identity. The only people that would know who you are would be Kurapika and Leorio.
You walked towards the address, stopping in front of a large mansion. “Did he seriously rent out a mansion just for a party? Figures…”
Before you could even knock, the door swung open and you were pulled in by Pariston, the only person not wearing a costume. “Welcome, you’re just in time! Everyone else is here, and ready to party!”
He was right, the entire first floor was full of people, some easily recognizable, and some not. You were hoping that the man lingering in the corner of the room was not the leader of the phantom troupe, Chrollo, because that would mean a battle to the death between him and Kurapika.
“Pariston, I don’t know what you have planned, but-“
Pariston smiled down at you. “Shh, just have fun. Everything will be fine. Probably.”
You pout, but join the crowd of people, drinking a little and dancing. You spotted a short dark haired man nearby, sitting with a taller, blonde haired one.
“Come on, Fei. It’s not often we get invited to things. Phinks is already dancing, look!”
You blink, glancing to where the blonde was pointing to see a man swaying on the dance floor, sipping from his drink. They spot you looking, the shorter man giving you a look that sends you running in the opposite direction. “Hey, don’t mind him!” the blonde yells after you.
You sigh, bumping into someone as you turn. “Oh sorry I-“
A man towers over you, his hair dark and long. His eyes peer down at you through his skeleton mask, and you can’t help but feel tiny compared to him. Thankfully, he just pushes past you, patting your shoulder almost reassuringly.
Kurapika and Leorio spot you, sighing in relief.
“Geez, woman. You should have texted us when you got here! There’s a lot of creeps here.” Leorio said, patting your head.
Kurapika scowls. “Yeah, creeps and criminals. Does Pariston think we’re stupid? I can sense the phantom troupe is here. I swear I’ll-“
You grab his sleeve. “Hey, no violence, remember? Try to be calm, just for tonight. You recognize them, but they don’t recognize you. You could get some information out of them once they get drunk enough.”
He sighs and nods slowly. “You’re right… I need to be calm.”
Kurapika smiles appreciatively. “Thanks, (Name). You’re always a voice of reason.”
As the three relax and drink, planning, Pariston comes forward. “Alright gang, I’ve got a game planned for you all!”
You all turn to see Pariston holding a hat. “Drop an item of yours into the hat!”
Everyone grumbles, not a single person wanting to listen to the annoying blonde. To get it over with, you’re the first person to walk forward, placing your strawberry scented chapstick in the hat. “There.”
Others come forward, the entire party placing items in it. A few have to be dragged up to the hat, others grumbling and growling as they’re nudged forward.
“Alright, that’s everyone! Now…”
He looks to you, grinning.
“We’re playing 7 minutes in Heaven. Come pick an item, (Name).”
You blink. “Are you serious? What are you, a horny 15 year old?”
Pariston laughs. “No, but I am curious.”
You roll your eyes as some people start to murmur and ask what 7 minutes in heaven is.
“For those unaware, 7 minutes in heaven is a game where two people are locked in a closet for seven minutes! You can do whatever you want, and I really mean whatever.”
Your two friend begin to protest. “Hey, she’s the only woman here, this is sexual harassment!” Kurapika yells.
Pariston offers the hat to you, and you groan. “Oh whatever. I’ll take a stupid item.”
You rustled through the hat… what do you pull out?
-a needle
-a bookmark
-a scalpel
-a cellphone
-an earring
-a piece of candy
-a roll of gauze
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claymorexpunisher · 2 years
I Don’t Wanna Be in Love (Drabble)
Pairing(s): Finn Bálor/Fem. Reader
Summary: I can't find the anon message now because of course I can't (thanks, Tumblr!). But from what I remembered this was an anon request for married!Finn and the reader's in love with him. tough break for the reader tonight! Yeesh.
Tags: Angst, Language, unrequited love, heartbreak, sad feels all around.
Word Count: 493
It was no secret that I was in love with my best friend, Finn.
Well, it was no secret to anyone except maybe Finn himself.
He and I had always been close.
From the moment we both came up at NXT we were like white on rice.
And as much as it hurt me to not be able to call him mine, I was glad that I still had him in my life to some degree.
But as soon as he met Natalie, that all pretty much changed, and I immediately knew where they were headed.
I could see the almost constant glow on Finn’s features.
The extra pep in his step and the light in his eyes whenever she so much as entered the room.
And as selfish as I knew it was, I secretly wished for that happiness to be because of me.
But it wasn’t.
Of course, it wasn’t.
I went from being the most important woman in his life (after his mother) to… number three at best.
Though as of late it felt like I was much, much lower on that list.
‘’Are we gonna go out for drinks tonight? Today was a long ass day. We’ve earned ourselves a shot or two, right?’’ I smiled at Finn, praying that the stars would align at least for today and that it would be just the two of us like old times.
No such luck.
‘’Only if Nat can join. She just texted me this morning sayin’ she was gonna come down here so we could spend some time together.’’ Finn said, smiling brightly at me.
I tried to smile back.
I really fucking did.
But I was done.
Done hiding.
I was done swallowing the ever-present lump in my throat whenever she was mentioned.
I was done pretending.
‘’Oh! Um… Well, I hope ya’ll have fun.’’ I smiled even as Finn began to frown.
‘’You’re not comin’? I thought we earned those shots?’’ He smirked, completely oblivious to the way my heart was twisting furiously in my chest, making me nauseous.
But I needed to do this.
For me.
Being around someone who you know will never love you the way you want them to, isn’t healthy.
It was fuckin’ torture and I deserved better.
I needed to stop doing this to myself.
I didn’t have the balls to tell him how I felt, but the least I could do for myself was to put some distance.
At least for a good while.
‘’Nah, we could totally go some other time! You and Nat should be together. You’re on the road a lot and I’m sure you two want some alone. We’ll hang out soon.’’ I said, shrugging as I gave him a smile I didn’t really feel.
I didn’t let him respond before I made my way out of his hotel room and into mine.
I was definitely having those drinks tonight.
Just… just not with him.
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aritamargarita · 1 year
GOLDEN || 006
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you thought it was attitude but ITS GOLDEN
trying to make up for being so behind. really been enjoying these chapters. we are pulling all the grandpas and dilfs yes we are. MALEWIFING THEM ONE AT A TIME. AND WE CANT FORGET ABOUT THE LADIESSSSS!!!! HEY LADIES!!!!HEY LADIES!!!!!!! consider this chapter a bit of a timeskip, we’re goin to the intergender match yes yes. it’s not gonna be what you think y’all have to listen to the plan. i have to put the pieces in place….
scrambling events here the way i would like them to go, so this is like at the end of the year, it’s november / december 1997,,,,idk. it’s a vibe im hungry as fuck. splitting the chapters because well? yeah. i have things that happen post match
sorry triple h for cropping you out but it’s chyna foreva and always..im just one of her sassy shootas!!!
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YOU ARE VERY happy you have something to do tonight. You’re thrilled, even. All you want to do is showcase your wrestling skill. But things don’t always go the way you want it to..
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After Shawn told you about the upcoming intergender match last show, you decided to go head to the hotel for the night and rest up. You also make a mental note to issue an apology for Bret for not showing up…
But this was pretty important. It’s the week of Christmas, so you’re sure that the company has a lot of plans for the holiday..
You’re in DX’s dressing room, sitting on the floor and doing stretches. You had a reputation among your peers in previous companies for turning up to the events early. They didn’t know whether to envy it or love it. You’re always ready to go.
The door opening startled you from the floor, Chyna being the first to walk in with two duffel bags. She doesn’t greet you at first, but you watch as she sets her things down.
“Hi!” You chime.
And at the sound of your voice, she jumps too. You don’t think she noticed you at first. “Hey. You scared me.”
“You scared me too.” You smile, standing up. “What’s up?”
“Nothing in particular.” She responds. “You’re here early.”
“Oh, I always get here early. I like to be ready, you know?” You start to feel nervous in her presence, which you’re already hitting yourself mentally for. Somehow, you feel like you be trying to impress her. “You’re here early.”
Immediately, the tone in her voice changes into irritation. “Hunter was taking too long. I left without him. Shawn’s probably going to get him now.”
“You snooze, you lose.” You say, completely understanding. Truth be told, it kinda reminded you of Raven. Sometimes, you’d travel with him by car. Stevie would tag along at times too, but you’d much rather just ride with him alone if Raven’s gonna take forever.
Raven would come out 10 minutes late and it would mess with your schedule. He started doing a little better after you chewed him out about it, but the principal…
Just was you considered leaving him in the dust, he’d come outside, suitcase and all. There’s a tiny part of you that misses traveling with them, but, yeesh.
There was a moment you got fed up once and for all. Seeing some girl hastily leave his hotel room really upset you for some reason. You’re not exactly ready to explore why, but it really pissed you off.
You didn’t even care, you just left. Unfortunately, you fell right back into the trap of talking to him when he cornered you during an ECW show to ask what’s the deal….
Now’s not the time to mull over these things, you’re still talking to Chyna.
“Hey, why don’t we travel together next show? I’ll drive!” You offer. “That way we can get here on time and do what we need to do.”
“Fine with me.” It’d probably be better for the both of you, especially since you offered to drive. Chyna just hopes you’re a better driver than Shawn. She’ll never ride with him in a vehicle again.
The last time the three of them rode together, Hunter had been egging Shawn on the entire time, telling him to zig zag through the cars “if he’s not scared”. With the Heartbreak Kid being the show off he is, he did.
Never. Again. They’re lucky they didn’t crash.
“I heard we had an intergender match.” You continue on. You won’t let this conversation end so easily. “Is it me and you…?”
Chyna shakes her head. “No. It’s you and Hunter versus Shawn and I. They wanted to experiment and switch us up.”
At least Hunter seemed nice, despite the fact he threw wads of paper at your head the other day. Nothing’s wrong with him at all. In fact, you’ve been meaning to ask him how he keeps up with his hair. It’s so nice.
However, you really wanted to work with Chyna, not against her. Even though you had ring gear, you would’ve changed it if it meant you could match with her.
“Aw man. I wanted to partner with you!” You complain. “We would’ve had so much fun.”
There’s a ghost of a smile on her face, but as soon as you look at her, it goes away. “It would’ve been nice to be partners. But it’s just not happening. Don’t expect me to go easy on you, [Name].”
You give her a thumbs up. “I wouldn’t want you to!” It goes silent for a minute, so you return to the ground to stretch a bit more.
“I have something for you.” Chyna suddenly speaks up, making you look towards her. “Here, take this.” She tosses a rolled up shirt in your direction.
You unroll it, revealing a black shirt that says ‘Chyna Syndrome’. Woah.
“I hope you don’t think it’s selfish or anything. It’s just that Hunter and Shawn are wearing it tonight…” She trails off. You don’t even care if it was selfish or not. She just gave you a gift!
“Not at all, thanks! I’m definitely wearing it tonight.” This has gotta be your new favorite shirt. You’d cut it into a crop top, but you don’t want to ruin it. You may settle for tying it. “I really like this.”
“Good to hear.”
“You, uh, wanna go shopping before the next Raw?” You ask. “I’ve got a really good eye, I think we can find something you’d like!”
Chyna’s never been shopping. Well, she has, but not with another girl in the company. “Sure.”
Yet again, the door opens. Neither of you look up. You’re too distracted with your shirt and Chyna’s sorting through her belongings.
“Ohhh! Look at our lovely ladies congregating!” Shawn loudly says, tossing his bag to the side to come over to you. You’ve started to associate obnoxiously loud noises with him. “Raw’s never looked so good!”
You roll your eyes, but you can’t help the smile that appears on your face.
“C’mon, do a little twirl for me!” He’s a little too spontaneous. Is this how he always acts? You don’t mind though..
You give him your hand and he immediately spins you around.
“What a sight for sore eyes! You know, that Sergeant Slaughter guy’s been a real pain in the ass. Ever since they let him be Commissioner…”
You really start to tune him out after a while. Hunter’s over there getting his stuff together, and your eyes trail over to him as he walks over to Chyna. He looks frazzled, but you hear him chuckling soon after.
Good, he doesn’t seem too angry. Even if he did, you’d definitely defend Chyna quickly.
“…..And he knows I’m the champion! He’s putting my title on the line, can you believe that?! So you know what we’re gonna do? We’re gonna mess up the match. We’re gonna do it our own way. [Name], I need you to lay down for me.”
Him saying that immediately caught you off guard, looking at him in confusion. “You want me to what?”
You had no clue he was champion. The first time you met him, he wasn’t carrying his belt around.
“I want Chyna and I to win. It’s the least you could do, you know, since she’s letting you win the Miss Slammy awards…”
That was two bombs at once. Goddamn.
“Miss Slammy?” You repeat.
For some reason, you notice Chyna turn away in the corner of your eye. Is she embarrassed? Shawn comments on it. “Hey! Don’t get all shy now. You offered. You see, [Name],” He slings an arm around your waist.
“—there’s this thing called the Slammy’s coming up. Big formal event, it’s like the Emmy’s.” He explains.
“It’s like the Emmy’s??” You question. A wrestling event like the Emmy’s, huh? You feel like you’ve heard of something like that before. The only banquet event you’ve been to lately was Terry Funk’s Lifetime Achievement Banquet. You gave a speech and everything.
“Yup. You know, I’ve heard you’ve got nominated. Don’t tell anyone else, I just heard that down the grapevine.”
The grapevine?
You’re surprised. It’s one thing to be nominated, but another thing because you literally just got hired. “Are you serious? Don’t mess with me.”
“Yup. We were thinking about rigging the votes. Chyna, being the sweetheart she is, said she’d rather you get the win.” He grins.
That really is sweet of her. You’re already turning around to tell her ‘thank you’ one more time.
It’s not fair to the other nominees, whoever they are. You shake your head. “I’d rather win it myself fair and square. You know me and Hunter won’t go easy on you.”
Shawn can only scoff at your words. “That’s boring. You’re really gonna let Marlena win over you? Now personally, if that was me…?”
Marlena’s nominated too?
Well, now you absolutely had to win! You quickly interrupt him. “Um, no way. For sure, I think I’ll be Miss Slammy, but I told you I want to do it the fair way.”
“If you say so. Oh shit, I almost forgot. Listen, [Name], What I really wanted to ask you was…..”
Chyna and Hunter both look over at him curiously, but Shawn shakes his head and waves his hand at you dismissively. “Nevermind.”
“Shouldn’t you be talking with Chyna?” Hunter makes his way over to you two. “That’s my tag team partner now.”
“I’m not worried, Trips.” He says. “Me and Chyna are gonna win, even if [Name] won’t lay down for me.”
“I’m not going to lie.” You speak up, causing everyone to look at you. “I kinda wanted to be in Chyna’s corner. Really bad.”
“Unfortunately, you’re not!” Hunter cuts in, a shit eating grin on his face. “You’re with me. Aren’t you happy??”
You hesitate for a minute to respond. You’re a-ok with teaming with Hunter, but you like how he’s starting to get all sour about it. “Ehh…..”
He’s not too happy with your answer. “That’s not fair. You know, we’re gonna have to bond sometime, new girl..”
Chyna holds her hand up to her mouth, hiding her snicker. With the idiocy bouncing between Shawn and Hunter, you may be her only saving grace.
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After that fiasco, you headed out to check out the card for the night. It should’ve been on the wall somewhere. Just before you could study it, one of the staff members called you over.
Before he started speaking to you, he holds down his earpiece. Someone must’ve been talking to him at the same time. He eventually looks up at you. “Evening. I’ve got some papers from Creative for you. You can look through them...”
“Okay. Thanks.” You nod, taking the papers from his hands.
Great, more papers. You thought what Rick Rude put you through was hell, you just hope you don’t have to sign anything else right now.
“Vince McMahon wants to speak with you as well. He’s in the meeting room next to the catering area.”
Oh fuck. The boss wants to speak with you too?? You hope you didn’t do anything wrong yet..
You’re already panicking as you turn away quickly and make your way to the meeting room. It’s strange he wants to see you there instead of the office.
You don’t know why you’re so nervous. You’ve dealt with Bischoff and Heyman. There’s no reason why you couldn’t deal with Vince McMahon.
In your defense, it was a new playground. You haven’t gotten a feel for the work environment or for your coworkers.
The people you’ve met so far have been pretty okay though. Things were off to a nice start, so you’re not entirely worried on that front.
As soon as you got there, you remember to take a breath with your hand on the handle.
Once you swing it open, you already start to feel pretty awkward as all eyes fall on you. There’s only one familiar face in the room and it’s Sable, who looked incredibly bored until you walked in.
“Good evening.” Vince says. “Please take a seat.”
The only open seat there is was one across from Sable. How convenient! This definitely was a set up. You don’t say anything as you quietly take a seat. You don’t forget to wave at Sable.
She just blankly stares at you. You wonder if she’s not in a good mood…
Vince begins this meeting with formally greeting the both of you. “Good evening, ladies. I’m sure you’re both wondering why I’ve called you here.”
You and Sable definitely are. This’ll be interesting.
“In the next couple of weeks, at least by the beginning of the new year, we’d like to put you and Sable into a program. [Name], you will be the heel, Sable, you will be the face.”
First of all, this is the wrong blonde you wanted to be in a storyline with. Marlena’s the one who you had to get revenge on, not Sable. She didn’t even do anything.
Did he get the two mixed up?
No, there’s no way. When you’re the boss, you should be able to tell your own superstars apart. There’s a vast difference when it comes to Marlena and Sable.
You point it out. “What about Marlena? I thought we had a thing going on there.”
“It’ll happen eventually.” Vince reassured. “Just not right now. We want Sable to enter the picture, we’ve got plans to split her up from Marc Mero—“
“Wait, you’re splitting us up?” She’s surprised herself, turning her head over to Vince. “…I’m going solo?” You were sure she wasn’t expecting that either. “I don’t know anything about wrestling.”
“Now’s the time to learn.” Vince says, shuffling papers. “Two of my up and coming female stars, going head to head. This is where the dough is made. This, is what’ll get us some views.”
The way he said it made you a little uneasy. He was almost on the verge of laughter. Something’s definitely not right in his head.
You’re not exactly sure what to do. You’re conflicted, especially since he was mumbling on and on about the amount of money he’d be making. Damn old men these days.
It makes you idly look at the table for a moment. You’re not bored per-say, just concerned. Okay, perhaps just a little scared too.
Sable seems to mirror you, although the frown on her face is more noticeable. It’s silent in the room, save for the occasional chatter you’d hear outside the door.
It’s starting to make you uneasy, so you speak up. “I’m gonna be a heel, huh?”
Vince snaps out of his rant and looks towards you. “Yes. Just be prepared to be booed. The people aren’t going to like you. They’re gonna like Sable. She’ll be over.”
Great! You’re putting her over. You just hope she doesn’t get injured by the end of this, though if she says she doesn’t know how to wrestle, you hope that YOU don’t get injured by the end of this.
“I don’t want to take any bumps.” She says outright, crossing her arms. “Especially hard ones.”
You don’t know how this’ll work then. She doesn’t have a choice. “There’s just no way around it, you know? I’ll go easy on you, okay?”
It didn’t make her feel any better. Sable shakes her head. “No. I don’t want to.”
You turn your attention to her. “…If we have to work together, you’re taking a bump. I don’t know what else to tell you.”
She snaps at you. “Who are you to tell me what I have to do?”
“Someone who’s putting you over, and I don’t HAVE to do that.” You can keep up with her. Something you’ve learned being in the business was to never take shit from anybody. Though, it may have been the result of Terry instilling a lot of courage into you.
Sable stands up from her chair. “I can get over just fine by myself! I don’t need you. Remember where you came from, some company no one even knows about.”
She jabs a finger in your face, but you swipe it away. “Oh yeah, I remember where I came from. And I’m about to use this table and fucking—“
Vince stands up too, clenching his fists. “THIS IS WHAT WE NEED!” He yells, damn near startling the both of you.
He clears his throat, regaining composure. “If you have this much energy in the ring, both of you would be winners. You two need to calm it down immediately. This meeting is adjourned.”
Most of the people in the room leave, frazzled by you and Sable’s bickering.
Sable doesn’t forget to give you a glare before she leaves. You’re stiffing the hell out of her when the time comes.
You’re just about to leave too, probably to storm off and complain to the first person you see. Vince stops you just in time.
“[Name], I’d like you to meet someone,” He says. One of the members stayed behind it seems. Your mood is starting to sour, which doesn’t bode well for anyone in the future. However, you do your best to keep up a front for the boss.
Vince grunts something and motions with his head toward you. The younger man examines you, but at Vince’s movements, seems to take the hint and reaches out his hand for you to shake. “I’m Shane.” He introduced. “His son and the co-owner of the company.”
Interesting! You could see the resemblance as soon as you saw them side by side. Incredibly uncanny. Being face to face with both of your superiors felt strange.
“Hey.” You take his hand and shake it. “[Name], but you probably already know that. Really sorry for my outburst earlier.”
He chuckles. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to mind too much. “It’s fine. Just shows how serious you take the business.”
Vince looks between you two.
For some reason, he can feel the connection already. This will be documented for future reasons, of course. Alas, you’ve got something to do. “[Name], I’m glad you’ve came to this meeting today. Don’t disappoint on your match tonight. I will be watching.”
You’ll try your best.
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Before you had gone to gorilla, Hunter quickly ran you through how things would go. It’s a simple match. Nothing too fancy. He just requested you to do stupid shit every once in a while.
He had forgotten his water bottle, so he ran back to the locker room really quick. You stand there, using a rubber band to tie part of it into a knot. You have your gear on under it, but you’ve gotta represent.
So true, you indeed have Chyna Syndrome.
“Wow, I can’t believe you’re actually going to wear it..” Chyna’s voice comes as a surprise to you, making you turn around with another smile.
“With pride!” You pose, just as if she was holding a camera. “By the way, are we all coming out separate with our partners or all together?”
“Me first, then Shawn, then you two.” She says. “Don’t forget to put your game face on. Me and you are first to go at it in the ring. The other two take over after.”
Okay, this wasn’t too bad. Shawn wanted all of you to mess with this Sergeant Slaughter guy and you knew Chyna wasn’t going to go easy on you, but there’s gotta be a way to goof around with her in the meanwhile…
Hunter comes back with his water bottle in hand. “Shawn’s not here yet?” He looks around, completely confused.
Chyna just shrugs. “No. I’m not exactly sure what he’s doing.”
“Oooh, we win by default. Hunter, let’s hold the championship together.” You say.
“I’ve got an even better idea.” He says. “You’re gonna lift your shirt up and…” He trails off, glancing over at Chyna. He does not want her to beat him up for saying that to you. “…put the title belt on.”
“Just for me? Sweet.” It flew over your head this time. “I’m not opposed for sure.”
Chyna just shakes her head. Just in time, Shawn comes around with his belt in tow, a smile on his face. His gear was pretty gaudy, with a vest and some….what the hell is he even wearing…? It looks like you could unzip part of the pants, but even so, this shit looks like a fashion disaster.
“You guys ready to wrestle?”
Of course you were.
Chyna and Shawn are first out, just as she said. Then it was you and Hunter. You hadn’t ‘officially’ been given theme music quite yet, so they just allowed you to come out with Hunter to DX’s theme until decided.
All of you settle into the ring. You and Chyna were first up.
You’re ready, unable to fight the smile on your face. Chyna on the other hand, was as doing her best to be stoic as ever. You understood it though, she had to be.
Chyna comes towards you and you immediately fall down to the ground.
The crowd gets a good laugh out of it. You’re “knocked out” cold and she didn’t even hit you. Hell, she didn’t even touch you!
She stares down at you, then grabs your leg to drag you around the canvas a bit. You’re still not moving. She then tries to pin you, but you kick out.
You stand up and shoot her a smile. She can only roll her eyes at you, another smile playing at the corner of her lips. You’ll try and be serious now. The two of you lock up, but Chyna breaks it up and irish whips you into one of the corners.
You try to sell it as hard as you can, but it backfired on you completely. That shit really hurt! For a second, you keel over, your back absolutely killing you.
Using the ropes for some leverage, you jump up and hook your legs around her neck for a rope-aided hurricanrana. That’s one move!
Once you hit the ground, you try and exaggerate. (It still hurt though.) “Ow, ow!” You whine, putting a hand on your back. “OOOOOWWWW!” You try whining a little louder, rolling around.
Shawn’s eager to get himself tagged in, holding his hand out for a slowly recovering Chyna.
She sees it and reluctantly tags him in. She wanted to go a little longer with you, but she couldn’t deny him. He’s chipper as hell.
You use the ropes to stand up, then stagger over to him. The two of you were face to face in the ring.
He can only give you a grin. “Remember when I said you have to lay down for me?”
“Uh, yeah?”
Nothing could prepare you for what he was going to do next. He immediately tackling you down like a football player. “I meant it!” When he gets you down to the ground, the referee had started to count it as a pin.
“OW! What the fuck!” You exclaim.
If he wants to play dirty, then so be it! You don’t even let the referee hit two, you kick out immediately.
“Woahhh! You kicked out!” He was taunting you. As you try to get up, he starts to push you down, grabbing your arms to try and stop you from swiping at him. “Watch the hair!”
You’re getting a little frustrated at how he’s holding you down, so you’re doing your best to get the hell out of it. He’s having a bit of a hard time controlling you.
The crowd is enjoying this very much. Whatever you guys are doing, it’s working in your favor!
Shawn’s decently impressed, you’re much stronger than he thought! Well, of course he thought you were strong, you had twisted his arm in the hallway pretty hard.
Normally, girls would just turn into putty under him, especially if they were play fighting like this.
“Hey, HEY, HEY—“ His voice slightly rises in volume as you start to push him off of you with your legs. He doesn’t let go of your arms, trying to overpower your own attempts of moving away.
It’s not doing him any justice. You’re able to flip over him and roll off. That was incredibly embarrassing. In the middle of the ring, no less.
You jump up to your feet and he does too. What’s next?
You take a few steps back and so does he. Then you take a few steps forward. He does too. Is he copying you?!
You hold you arm up and he follows. Yeah, he definitely was copying you. You slowly lower it and flip him off. He returns the favor. Goddamn it.
You’re not for the bullshit, you’re just not. You back away and tag Hunter in. He hits your hand and you switch places.
Shawn doesn’t tag Chyna in, instead deciding to jump in place. You have a feeling that it’s going to go downhill from here.
Both of them pull on the ropes a bit, warming the ring up. They’re acting like the match is just beginning.
Once they’re all finally all geared up, the two of them lock up…and Hunter quickly throws Shawn right onto the mat. He just lays there.
It was a little too easy, definitely done on purpose. Maybe he was even mocking you a little bit.
Hunter bounces off the ring ropes and just as you think he’s about to do something, he just runs and bounces off, jumping over Shawn every so often.
You can’t help but to laugh. Hunter flops right on top of Shawn and pins him with no issue. Congratulations, you two won! He’s the new champion! …Of whatever the hell the theme was, you guess.
“Your new European Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley!”
European champion? Ah, very nice.
Shawn’s in the middle of the ring having a temper tantrum. He slams his hands and balled up fists onto the mat. Once he comes up, you see him crying crocodile tears.
Poor thing. He runs over to Chyna for some comfort, the woman fighting a laugh as hard as she could.
Hunter’s brought to tears of joy, crawling around and throwing his arms up. He crawls over to you and hugs your waist. You pat his back.
The referee hands over the title to you and you slightly drape it over his back, trying to catch his attention. He lets go of you and rises to his feet, taking it away from you and holding it up to the crowd.
“You know…” Shawn, now equipped with a mic, can barely get his words out without dry-heaving. “It’s—it’s—“ He pauses for a minute, choking over his tears. Boohoo!
There’s a man at the front of the stage watching all this chaos go down. Now that you take a look around, this arena is a little different than the usual.
Hunter throws his arm around you for support like he just wrestled a very hard match. Shawn’s still sobbing. He takes a minute to pull it together.
“It’s not easy being defeated for the European tiiittleeee…I’ve been in so many matches…I’ve been in ladder matches, I’ve been in cell matches, I’ve been in marathon matches, but, oh god—never has any match been so….emotionally, physically, and mentally draining as this one..”
Shawn continues wordvomiting something else something akin to “youtwowonfarandsquareaauughhh” but then hands over the mic to Hunter.
“I’d just like to say one thing. Other than my kid being born….I don’t have one, that I know of—,” He pauses, definitely letting that sink in. “This is the greatest moment of my life!! YOU ALL SAW IT! I DID ITTTT!!” He yells.
You feel like this match kinda sucks….
Seems like things were back to normal. Hunter tosses the mic somewhere after coming in for a hug and Shawn starts doing crotch chops. The latter grabs the mic again. “I know ya’ didn’t need any help from us Sarge, but we made an ass outta you anyway! MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
Even with Christmas being just days away, you don’t exactly feel in the spirit….
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the night is not over. I REPEAT THE NIGHT IS NOT OVER. yes the match was short and stupid. yes we’re complaining about it next chapter (so are some fans…) DO NOT WORRY,,
mickie actually does the rope-aided hurricanrana, it’s pretty cool, though i just think mickie herself is pretty cool :). im actually gonna make a gif move set list to reference or something like that i dunno.
you know, golden seems much more “mature” than attitude idk maybe it’s just me. that was a fun match to write,,sometimes my worst enemy can be writing too much in one paragraph grrr. anyway i hope you guys enjoyed i liked this kinda sorta. until next time
do you guys remember when dx “invaded” wcw? lol thought it would be funny if reader was there like damn.
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tyo-mimt · 6 months
1/36. @tmnt-event-blog
Everyone gets sick. Including Raph.
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"Thanks for fetching the meds for us, Raph."
"Ohh, you got takeout for us, too?"
Hmm, what time was it?
"Aww, should've let me tag along. I bounced back fast~!"
"You were the one who got us sick in the first place, Nardo."
Only six? Man, Raph needed to get more sleep.
Leo put on a veneer of faux hurt, his hand to his plastron, "Oh, how you wound me, Don Ton. Alas, I never asked you to help."
"Scoff, if we didn't help, you'd whine about us not nursing you back to health."
Were their voice getting more fuzzy or was it just him?
"Excuse you! I am perfectly capable of being independent, even if I'm horribly sick."
"Okay, anyone who's still sick, go back to bed," Raph groaned.
"I'm surprised you haven't gotten sick."
"I'm Raph, and Raph doesn't get sick when his brothers need him."
Leo inched to Donnie's side, voice intentionally loud enough for everyone (including Raph) to hear, "Two pizza slices says he'll flop over and pass out when he leaves."
"I heard that."
"What? That's what happened to everyone else!" Leo raised his hands in defense.
"Well, unlike everyone else, Raph's responsible for all of you. No one's dying on my watch!"
"Raph, chillax! It's just the common cold."
"Yes, the common cold... On superpowered mutant turtles with a vastly different immune system from humans."
"Yeah, what Mikey said, it's still just a common cold," Raph affirmed, arms crossed; he ignored the growing nausea from the sudden motion, "And Raph won't rest until all of you are back in tip-top shape!"
"All right, whatever you say, big brother," Leo grinned, hopping up from where he sat on the bed to give Raph a pat on the shoulder, "I'll get us all some water."
"No, you stay here; Raph's got it!"
As he stood, a sudden burst of vertigo struck him. He wobbled a little, failing to steady himself on his feet. His head hit the ground, much faster than he's used to.
There was darkness...
No. Sleep.
Weird, he was feeling a little hot.
Why was breathing so hard?
The next person calling him is getting decked.
He punched upward only for his fist to flail in the air.
"Hey! As if your sick butt's coordinated enough to find my face," Leo's voice was even more disorienting when muffled, "No more faking sleep, up-up: it's soup time."
"Yeesh, this is the last time we're letting you take care of us when we get sick," Leo sighed, "Come on, big guy."
Brearily blinking the drowsiness out of his eyes, Raph sat up.
Oh, no, that was too fast.
Leaning back on the palm of his hand, he steadied himself before focusing on his limited, blurry vision. On his left, he made out a silhouette; a lighter shade of green, blue mask, red and yellowish stripes, holding a red half-circle. Oh, Leo holding soup. He could suddenly recall what happened before.
When he balanced himself enough to hold himself upright, Raph took the bowl of soup from Leo's hand, feeling the same limb reach out and pat him on the shoulder. "There we go, you feeling better?"
It tasted bland, a far cry from the soup he was used to Mikey making. The snapping turtle put the bowl down, finding it difficult to form his words through a sore throat; it's a miracle he managed to murmur some semblance of a "yes". Maybe that was enough.
Leo sighed in relief, taking the empty bowl. "All right-y, back to bed. Try not to punch Donnie when it's his turn to give you Mikey's soup."
The snapping turtle nodded, grunting a quiet affirmation, drowsiness flooding his mind once again. As he heard the sound of footsteps leaving his room, Raph let a grateful smile carry him through his rest.
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skymaiden32 · 1 year
Here is my entry for @uniwolfcorn ‘s Whump Couch, ft. her boy Alan! ^^ (Sorry if this is a little late)
Artwork (base by Uni, Alan by me):
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AO3 link here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
When Alan is injured on a rescue and keeps it secret from his brothers, he learns very quickly that hiding these sorts of things has consequences.
Continuity: TOS
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn (Please ask if you would like to be updated when I update or write new stories)
It had started in his left arm, a tingly sensation that was his only warning something was wrong before the limb went entirely numb. He barely remembered the fall that caused it. All he remembered was practically his entire weight falling on top of it. He’d brushed off his brothers’ worried questions, but now he wanted to call it quits. Get Scott to call Virgil over and patch him up. Hell, he knew he should’ve done just that. But they’d only been in the Danger Zone for two hours. And given how extensive the flooded area was, with so many people who needed their help, Alan knew they would be there for a full day at the least. They couldn’t afford to have a man down right now.
So Alan had stayed, avoiding the problem with typical Tracy stubbornness, and pushed through. The more he did, the worse the pain became, spreading across his entire being until he couldn’t take it any longer. By the end, he felt like his entire body was on fire. He let out a small sigh of relief when it was finally time to go home. He noticed Scott’s concerned glare in his direction as they packed up the equipment, Gordon and Virgil giving him similar looks, and he tried to push down the wave of guilt.
Now, he watched Virgil start pre-flight checks, flicking on controls tiredly, but with enough experience and training behind him that no-one was afraid of him falling asleep at the wheel. The engines roared into life, and the great green ship took to the sky, not far behind her silver sister. Gordon took notice of the exact moment his little brother blacked out from the pain, and sighed, catching Virgil’s attention.
“Welp.” The aquanaut began, popping the p. “I don’t know how he did it, but he managed to hide it for almost the whole time. I didn’t even realise something was wrong till we were packing up.”
Virgil huffed, switching Thunderbird Two to auto-pilot and moving from his pilot’s chair to where his youngest brother lay motionless in one swift motion. “He had me fooled too.” He was ashamed to admit it. Virgil was the medic, he was supposed to notice. Now, he grimaced when he saw the state of Alan’s arm. His brother was lucky this wasn’t worse. “And we both know Scott would’ve gone into full panic Smotherhen mode if he’d noticed anything wrong.” Virgil moved to the back of the cabin, grabbing what he needed from the first-aid cabinet.
“He’s probably blaming himself for it all right now.” Gordon mused worriedly.
“And we’re gonna snap him out of it once we’re done with Mr. Secrets here.” Virgil gestured to Alan’s prone form, rolling his eyes fondly. The frown was ever present on his face. “For now, though, hold him in place while I set his arm.”
The aquanaut nodded, determined. “Aye, aye, Doc.” When they had finally finished, Gordon lay Alan’s head gently in his lap, combing his fingers through wet and sticky blond hair. “Yeesh, Al…” Gordon muttered. “You really need a shower.”
By the time Alan finally woke up, it was to the sick-bay on Tracy Island, Scott and his father watching over him with looks that were the perfect blend between angry and worried. Virgil was standing just inside the room, leaning against the doorway in the case he needed to intervene. He was dead. He was so dead…
“And just what exactly were you thinking, young man?” Jeff asked maybe a little too harshly, raising an eyebrow.
Scott rolled his eyes, giving the patriarch a look. “Dad, please. He just woke up…” 
Jeff sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re right.” He looked back to his youngest, adjusting his tone to something a hint gentler. “You alright to talk, son?” Alan nodded, not trusting his voice just yet. “Oh, good…”
“Gordon left a few hours to pick up Tin-Tin from her doctor’s appointment. They’ll be back soon. That being said, why did you think hiding an injury like that would be a good idea?” Scott echoed their father’s earlier question. 
“We were worried about you, Al.” Virgil piped up from the other side of the room. Jeff and Scott nodded in agreement. “You were incredibly lucky it wasn’t a compound fracture.” He admitted.
This statement made everyone else in the room freeze. “It-” Scott’s voice was uncharacteristically small. “It was that bad?” 
Virgil nodded solemnly. “Gordon can back up that claim…” The family medic whispered.
“He doesn’t need to.” Jeff spoke up, immediately picking up on the idea that Virgil might be doubting himself. “We have full faith in your medical expertise, son.” Virgil didn’t look entirely convinced, but nodded.
“I’m sorry…” Alan’s voice came out so shaky from the pain as he moved that he hardly recognised it, but he was determined to get the words out. “I knew I should’ve come to you guys sooner.” His voice regulated the more he talked. “But we had so much ground to cover and only four of us. I couldn’t just let you all work your butts off while I was stuck in Two’s med-bay doing nothing!”
The three older Tracy’s exchanged a look, before Scott huffed, not unkindly. “Alan, let me worry about stuff like that. You know the authorities were there to assist. I would’ve rather been a man down than have you still working with that arm.”
Scott cut off his objection. “If you really would’ve been that bored in Two, I would’ve given you something to do.” He smiled tiredly at his brother, ruffling his hair. “Probably would’ve let you take Mobile Control…” He shrugged, smirking as he broke his gaze with Alan briefly.
“Aww man…” Alan lamented. He’d wanted a chance to man Mobile Control again for months. 
Virgil chuckled. “That’s what you get for ignoring protocol and not telling us you’d broken. Your. Arm!” The annoyed gaze was back.
Jeff cleared his throat, drawing his boys’ attention back to him. “All that aside, what you did today was very dangerous, Alan. What if you needed to operate the heavy machinery? What if, heaven forbid, our enemies had picked up on your injury and taken advantage? You should’ve told the others straight away.”
“I know, Father. I’m sorry…”
“I know you are, son. I’ll let you rest for now, but we will be talking about this more later, okay?” 
“Okay.” And with that, their father was gone, likely to let the rest of the family know he was awake. “Thank God John’s only just started his month on Five…” Alan groaned. “And Tin is probably out of her mind I really messed this one up, didn’t I?”
Neither of his brothers present said a word. Instead, all they heard were the sounds of heavy footsteps before the door flew open once more, and Alan was face to face with his partner in crime, the love of his life right on his heels. “Are you okay, Alan?!” Gordon practically yelled, earning him a stern glance from Scott.
Alan chuckled, clinging onto the hand Tin-Tin offered. The look in her eyes told him she’d be giving him her own lecture later. “I will be, Gords.” He let his eyes slip closed, safe in the knowledge that he had the most amazing family watching over him. He’d never keep them in the dark again. “I will be…”
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theyhaveacavetroll · 4 months
Tagged by @pazithigallifreya. Thanks, I love doing these!
Tagging @partiallypearl, @imfunnyandrude, and anyone else that wants to!
1 How many works do you have on AO3? 90 works
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 585,148
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cure for Sorrow
Cup of Their Deserving
As a Stranger Give it Welcome
To the Upper Air
Obligatory disclaimer: I'm only proud of three out of these five, but I'm glad that people are still getting something out of the other two. Cure for Sorrow and As a Stranger were written when I was a different person and well before the finale of Black Sails. 'Nough said.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, yes. I sometimes run out of time and energy because I work a full-time job where I'm out of my apartment 12.5 hours a day during the week.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't write fics with angsty endings. Battle Raven comes the closest and even that isn't angst, it's just not sunshine and roses. If you want dark fic or real angst, I'm not your girl.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think most of my fics have happy endings. If I had to pick a "and then they all lived happily ever after" fic it's probably most of the stuff in my Fate The Winx Saga works.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Yes, when the idea occurs to me! I'm particularly fond of You Steele Know My Name, which I WILL finish, I swear.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate. I've received weird comments and "when will you update" no other feedback given comments, but nothing truly mean.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! I've written kink and what I'd consider vanilla, or at least nothing to write home about. I've gotten better at it over the years.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of and that is NOT a challenge.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep! I have quite a few co-written fics with various people.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
In terms of what rewrote my DNA? Probably Flinthamilton but in terms of a ship that I always come back to where I have no negative fandom associations and endless, endless need to fix canon? Bagginshield.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
And the Sea With Its Deepness, aka the Black Sails fic where I faked everyone out with the first chapter specifically to enjoy the screams of "wait, that's WHO that got nabbed?!!" I want to come back to it but... yeesh, the fandom. I left for a Reason, and then there's the fact that I just can't with writing a certain character anymore.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Plot and dialogue. I'm one of the best damn mimics of character voices you'll ever meet and that's just facts.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. Action scenes are the bane of my existence, and I have a tendency to end paragraphs on an em dash too often that I've been trying to curb. A few is fine but there is such a thing as excess.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like to do it but only in short bursts and for languages I can be confident I'm getting right.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Probably Star Wars when I was very, very, VERY young indeed.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Does it count if I have an unpublished WIP already? If so, then Downton Abbey and The Hobbit. If not, then honestly I have no idea.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Ironically, arguably my favorite is one none of you have even seen and might not because I have no idea if I'll ever finish it. It's long, it's sprawling, and I've worked absurdly hard on it but it's just. so. much. As to finished fics, though - probably Reclamation. It's got Themes and everything.
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rckyfrk · 1 year
3, 6, 8, 11, 21, 50 for fanfiction writer asks :)
I am SO very sorry for taking so long to reply to this. I double checked the date you sent this to make sure I was doing the right one.
3. Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I really don't do either. I usually stick with characters from the source material, so I don't end up having many OCs. There are only two stories I've worked on that include an original character - Claimed and Summer of Learning. In Claimed, I added in a high school aged girl in "honor" of the exchange student that was staying with my family at the time and she had a great big crush on Aaron Paul/Jesse Pinkman, so I wrote them together just for shits and giggles. Summer of Learning is based off a prompt (Imagine your dad's best friend is Sean Patrick Flanery and he teaches everything you want to know about sex.) So I ran with it as an OC (but it's in first person, so technically kind of a reader insert?)
6. If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
Yeesh. I don't even know if it's still posted anymore, so... Anyway, it was from the very early days of Bethyl, and there was a song prompt for every day of the week, and I fell in love with "Poison and Wine" by The Civil Wars. I was a very new writer and I'd never done a prompt before and I took it fucking literally and made every reference to the song that I could. I mean, it wasn't cringey or anything, at least I don't remember it being so, but it was just so...very very literal to the song. Now I can look back on it and say, "Oh...prompts don't have to be word for word. That's just where you get the idea." Lesson learned.
8. Where do you take your inspiration from?
Anywhere I can get it. Inspiration doesn't seem to be a problem for me. It's motivation.
11.Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
The most I've ever amended was adding tags that I hadn't realized I needed. I've never actually changed any of the content once a story is posted.
21. Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
We are so fortunate in both the Bethyl and Hellcheer fandoms to have so many talented writers. I hate to leave anyone out, but you asked, so...in no particular order...
@gneebee for posting every single week like clockwork. I wish I had an ounce of your discipline? organization? time to yourself?
@piper1016 for how far she's come as a writer, and for never giving up, even when fandoms are waning.
@im-immortal for writing stories that suck me in, even when I have to read them in between my fingers because I can't look directly at them
@pipergirl17 for taking on that enormous task of creating 26 AUs in the yellow pages series. What I’d give for a fraction of that creativity.
@hangon-silvergirl @cunnninghams for writing stories that make me absolutely melt and swoon over Eddie and Chrissy
@majicmarker for taking my favorite characters and writing them as if I'm actually inside their heads, looking around at what makes them tick. And the smut. Dear GOD the smut.
50.If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Fluff. All the way. I don't think I'm great at writing angst (although, fluff without angst is just...kind of filler, isn't it?) I've gotten incredibly gun shy about writing smut. (I think it's been close to three years since I've written a sex scene. Not sure how to get back into the groove at this point...) But cute, fluffy moments between these idiots in love, showing them fall for each other over and over and making sure they get the happy ending they deserve? Yeah. That's my bread and butter, right there.
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fruitsilly · 2 years
10 people you want to know better (tagged ppl are under no obligation to do this <3!!)
thank you jude @pansyfem for tagging me! this looks like fun :3
relationship status: single, but heavily lushing/meshing (the sensual/alterous equivalents of crushing respectively) on this guy in my class at uni rn. and i really. Really want him to be my boyfriend holy fucking shit he's so cute. anyways. i also have a milder squish on a girl who's also in my class. i have two exes but i am aromantic and since they were romantic relationships which needed reciprocation they didn't work out. i am still friends with one of my exes (who's also arospec) tho so it's all good!! :•D
favourite colours: my top 5 fave colours are
in that order :)
favourite foods: ough pasta. any kind of pasta really but i am especially partial to lasagne. i also love cheese and pizza. oh and how could i forget!!! millionaire's shortbread!!
song stuck in my head: TOXIC BY BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!!!!! although before this it was the borgia family horrible histories song :)
last thing you googled: i use firefox bc im swag so technically i duckduckgo'ed this Anyways. i searched for the tv show "you" bc i saw a gifset from that show featuring a lady i am incredibly bi for and i was like 👀 will i have to watch this now
time: 9.32PM (im gonna write the time of posting this bc i wrote this in my notes app)
dream trip: spain or scotland!! spain bc im learning spanish and scotland bc it's just such a lovely country <3
last thing you read: "the children" by lucy kirkwood! it's a play im reading for my course :)
last book you enjoyed reading: ugh i haven't had the capacity to actually sit down and read a physical book for... too long it's been ages. it's mostly to do with my disabilities and time :( i started reading good omens on my phone but i didn't finish it (i like it so much better than the show lmao). but the actual physical book i read last was "death sets sail" by robin stevens, the final book in her "murder most unladylike" series. ough. ive been with that book series from literally the very beginning. id highly recommend 👍
favourite thing to cook/bake: sadly i don't do enough cooking or baking to know but what i have made is fudge which was quite fun! ive also made a delicious cheesy pasta bake hehe
favourite craft to do in your free time: again. i haven't had the capacity or time to actually make any art since like... march, so, 7 months. yeesh. i miss making digital art. id like to pick it up again but idk when that'll be. id also like to try and get a badge maker bc i have loads of ideas but ugh time is a problem. im just so busy at uni.
most niche dislike: im sure there's Something since im autistic and autism is the Strong Opinions Disorder but nothing's coming to me atm [shrugs]
opinion on circuses: ive only been to one in my life and i really enjoyed it apart from the clowns who i found scary but i was like 8 i think. im less scared of clowns now. also the general aesthetics of them fuck severely
do you have any sense of direction: hardly lol! i have a great photographic memory so even going a certain route once with someone who knows the way i can remember it HOWEVER i am utter shit at finding my way with a map on my own. google maps is always open when im trying to find a place and even then i frequently go in the wrong direction or miss a turning. i just cannot translate distance on a digital map to irl distance. don't even get me started on using a traditional map bc g-d above. id end up more lost than i was before. im excellent at just confusing the hell out of myself <3
tagging: @sillyspooky @skylightz @bromantically @transgenderpolyhedrals @folderone @gir-posting @nvr-pass-spookier-version @heartslobbf @taikacohen @laymedowninsheetsoflinen (plus anyone who sees this and wants to do it just say i tagged you ^_^). again no obligation to do this !! :)
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turtle-clown · 2 years
Nonexistent Meet-Cute
Hi gamers I’m back w another mikey fic that may or may not be out of character lawl. It’s based on and named after the song Nonexistent Meet-Cute bc I think it’s very mikey Core in its themes n stuff
Btw before you read some things to note: I use they/them for Mikey throughout this entire thing (bc slight projection. They’re also heavily implied to be afab in this), this is also spurred by me not liking renet n Mikey paired together (read ab it here), technically there’s art for this (here, I think it has some context for some things), there will be a line or two before the text bc for whatever reason sometimes when text is under the cut it replaces one of the first two paragraphs w the other (fix your site tumblr)
[i don’t think this should be said but don’t Tag as ship for Mikey n renet. It kinda misses the purpose of the fic]
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It should be easy, all Mikey needed to do was to tell her that they were starting to get uncomfortable with how close she was to them. They just… couldn’t put it into words that easily. Their thoughts were more like a mixture of ideas blended together into one, so it was hard for them to articulate their thoughts without sounding incoherent. They wouldn’t recognize it yet, but while they were anxiously thinking on how to say what they want. Their hands went from lightly rubbing their forearms, to picking at their arm wraps, to scratching harder and harder until- slice. Finally noticing what their hands were doing they looked where the damage was, which was in the gap between the wraps on their forearms and their elbow. Looks like they would need to ask Donnie for some bandages, he did warn them that if unkempt their claws could cause harm whether intentionally or not.
Walking to the lab they hadn’t seen or heard Leo or Raph, they should probably ask Donnie about that after they cover up the wound they created. They knocked, making sure he knows they’re coming in before they do; it was a system made so that in case of an accidental explosion, it happens while the doors are closed and not open. Luckily no ‘boom’ happens so they open the doors and come in, seeing Donnie at his computer. “Hey bro, where are the medical supplies? I kinda… clawed my arms too hard.” He looks up from what he’s doing and upon noticing the cut he pulls a face. “Yeesh, that looks bad.” He gets up, showing Mikey where the supplies are. “Are you sure you want your claws that long? If they’re strong enough to pierce your skin you should probably shorten them.” Grabbing what they need, they respond. “Nah it’s fine, I can probably just make it so that they’re not as pointy.” Unlike their brothers, they actually quite like how the claws look when they’re noticeable.
Speaking of their brothers- “Do you know where Leo and Raph are? I didn’t see them before I came in here.” Donnie’s expression turned to a more mad one. “They went out on patrol, they said it was a ‘A-Team only patrol’.” Oh. Of course. That stupid A-Team B-Team thing. They groaned. “I can’t believe they’re still doing this.” Yet some part of them can, they’ve always been picked on by their brothers, starting way back when they were named Venus. Their brothers never took them seriously, and Splinter barely talked directly to them outside of the dojo. If only they could just- “Uh, Mikey.” “Y-yea?” “You're digging your claws into your arm.” They looked and wouldn’t you know it, they were. “Oh.” They loosened their grip and as they did their arm started bleeding. “Uhh…” Donnie sighed. “Don’t worry I’ll help you with that one.” “Thanks dee.”
They remember what it was like to meet Renet for the first time, they had thought she was so beautiful. They hadn’t thought about the implications of her being from the future yet, they were too focused on her. In a way, they could understand how Donnie felt when he met April, completely blinded by love. And yet, as time passed they had slowly started to piece things together about what she had told them. If them and their brothers would be legends, then how old were they in those legends? Were they teenagers or were they adults? All four of them are getting closer to being adults, and yet they don’t think they’ve done anything that would make them legends to be told many many years in the future. If they were adults in the story’s Renet has been told and she’s a teenager, then why was she okay with them being into her. ‘I haven’t even been born yet.’ Why would she say that so casually to someone. It's just… starting to make them think that maybe it’s not a good idea after all.
And so, here they are with Renet on a rooftop, about to tell her what they think. “Renet, I don’t want this anymore.” Wow off to a great start huh doctor Word-enstien. Whatever smile she had faltered. “What do you mean?” “I mean that I don’t think I love you anymore.” They could hear her talking, trying to salvage what was never supposed to happen, but they didn’t care. All of their thoughts were piling up, everything started becoming louder, and their head started hurting more and more until- “Shut the fuck up!” They snarled, baring their teeth. “Don’t you understand? It would’ve never fucking worked in the end!” They were getting closer, some part of them understood what they were about to do, but that wasn’t important. “So why don’t you fuck off!” And so, they sliced.
Back in their room they had time to think about it. They didn’t mean it in a way, yet they did. It’s hard to sort out their thoughts and emotions on things, so it’s possible that some of that anger was because of their brothers. It’s just… difficult to deal with your brothers making you feel worse than them and excluding you. And yet they must hide this, everyone probably thinks they’re always happy and ready to make a joke, and if they’re not that then who are they to other people? They’re not sure. They almost forget about Renet focusing on who they might be. Almost. Something in them wonders if what happened on the rooftop really did. They will never know unless she comes back again huh. It’s better that way they suppose, they don’t really want to think about her anymore anyways.
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Fixer Upper
Part 22
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 21
part 23
warning: sexual content, dry humping, masturbation
A/N: please remember to check that your blog can be mentioned/tagged before asking to be put in the taglist!
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @nenggie @wicked-binch @jamayah
If you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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Gon splashed Killua, the two laughing. “Yeesh, this water sure is hot. Do you th-“
(Name) came speeding by wearing a towel, speeding back after grabbing a bottle of water and another towel.
“Was that (Name)?”
The two followed her, seeing Kurapika doubled over by the hot spring. When she carried him past the two, not even looking at them, they exchanged a glance.
“That idiot better not have thrown up in the hot spring.” Killua said, huffing. Gon shrugged.
“I think he just got overheated, his face was red.”
Gon and Killua followed close behind (Name), stopping to change before running to her room. The two peeked in to see (Name) cuddling the blonde, gently pushing back his hair to kiss their forehead.
Gon blushed, quickly pulling his head out of the door. “Killua, let’s go.”
The white haired boy gagged, nodding. “Yeah, let’s… but…”
He looked down the hall, a mischievous smirk on his face. “Why don’t we stop by Leorio’s room first?”
Kurapika groaned, attempting to shield his eyes from the bright rays of sun by raising his h- wait, he couldn’t move his arm.
He wiggled it, soon realizing it was under something…
As his eyes adjusted to the soft morning light, he looked down to see he was holding (Name) close, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
He jumped a little, causing (Name) to stir in his arms, pulling her head away from his chest. “Hmm..?”
She looked up at him through her half lidded, sleepy eyes, yawning. “Good morning…”
His face was already red, and he could feel his heart racing a million miles a minute. “Did we..?”
‘There’s no way we had sex for the first time and I forgot!’
She rubbed her eyes. “Did we what? You got overheated at the hot springs last night so I brought you to my room so I could watch over you.”
He let out a sigh of relief, relaxing. “Ah, I see. Thank you, for taking care of me.”
(Name) smiled, sitting up and stretching. “No problem, Pika.”
His heart fluttered at the nickname and Kurapika realized that she was saying it a lot more often. It both made him incredibly happy, and worried at the same time.
She looked at him, pulling the blanket off of herself. “Yes?”
He looked down at the hoodie she gave him to wear, clutching the fabric. “Can I… keep this?”
She blinks at him, tilting her head. “You want to… keep my hoodie? Why?”
The answer to that question was that it smelt like her and made him feel like he was holding her close, but if Kurapika said that it would make things awkward.
“… it’s comfortable. I… like the texture of it.”
She nods slowly. “Ah, okay. It’s not my favorite hoodie, so I guess that’s fine.”
She pulled her clothes out of her suitcase, Kurapika blushing when she grabbed a pair of panties. “I’m gonna take a shower real quick. You can stay here or go to your room, either is fine with me.”
He waited for her to close the bathroom door before he fell back in bed, pulling the hoodie to his face to inhale her scent. “Mmm…”
Kurapika had woken up with morning wood and he was glad (Name) didn’t notice. As he stroked his cock while inhaling her scent, he paused. He remembered bringing something that might help him get off faster…
Kurapika glanced at his satchel lying by the bed, biting his lip. ‘She usually showers for over 15 minutes, I should have… enough time…’
He grabbed the satchel, opening it and pulling out the pair of panties he snatched before throwing it to the side. The blonde held up the panties, face burning red.
‘I’ve never… used something to get off like this before… but…’
He held them closer, sniffing lightly. Although they’d been washed, he could faintly smell her scent on them. ‘(Name)…’
He inhaled deeply, imagining actually being between her legs, stroking faster to the thought alone. The panties definitely helped him cum faster, busting a load almost instantly.
He cleaned himself up quickly, stuffing the panties back into his satchel just as (Name) exited the bathroom. “Ahh, that was nice. Let’s go get some breakfast Kurapika!”
Feeling soft after his orgasm, the blonde nodded and followed behind her like a lovesick puppy.
“Kurapika, are you alright?” (Name) asked, not understanding why he was being so clingy.
Kurapika had his head on her shoulder, nuzzling gently. “Yeah, just… sleepy.”
This answer seemed to satisfy her. Regardless, she was happy he was being more affectionate with her, it reminded (Name) of better times, when she thought he might love her.
“Oh Kurapika, you dirty dog.”
Leorio approached the two, playfully slapping the blondes shoulder. This caused Kurapika to grumble lowly, finding comfort in scooting closer to (Name).
The taller man laughed, sitting across from them. “You two seem pretty close. Killua told me you slept together last night.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
(Name)’s face grew hot, though Kurapika didn’t seem to catch the innuendo. “We only slept, nothing else. Geez Leorio, your head is always in the gutter.”
Leorio blinked at the two. “You just… went to sleep? Nothing happened in the hot spring?”
“Yeah, Kurapika got overheated shortly after you left so I took him to bed.”
The taller man stared in disbelief. ‘I for sure thought they were about to jump on each other. That’s why I left, to be a good wingman!’
Kurapika looked at the man with sleepy eyes. “What do you mean nothing happened in the hot spring? What were you expecting?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he put 2 and 2 together. ‘He left us alone on purpose!’
Leorio leaned back in his seat, stealing a grape from (Name)’s plate. “Whatever, that doesn’t matter. I’m just glad…”
He glanced at Kurapika and (Name), a small smile on his face. “I’m just glad everyone’s getting along again. It’s nice, like how things were during the Hunter Exam.”
(Name) smiled too, holding onto Kurapika’s hand. The blonde blushed at this, squeezing her hand gently as they ate breakfast together.
Leorio left soon after to make his own plate, leaving the two to eat alone. “So, what’s our plans for today?” Kurapika asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Well, I wanted to go to town and explore, but then I learned that they do massages here and I’m planning on getting one.”
Kurapika nodded, sipping on his orange juice. “A massage? That sounds nice, I think I’ll join you.”
After breakfast, the two walked around the hot spring until they reach the Spa.
“Hello, would you two like a massage? It’s free of charge!”
(Name) nodded, handing the receptionist her ticket. Kurapika pulled his out of his satchel, gulping when his hand brushed against her panties. “Here…”
They were led to another room, and informed to change. “Change? Together?”
(Name) nodded, pulling off her top. “She probably assumed you’re a woman. We can clear it up in a minute, just turn around and we’ll change with our backs facing each other.”
Kurapika, however, did not turn around. He watched her back as she pulled off her shirt entirely, then reached her hands behind her back to in lip her bra.
‘Wait, she’s getting completely naked??’
He looked down to the clothing the woman had given them, face turning red.
It was a silky, short purple robe with the hot springs insignia on the breast pocket. There was a soft, black lace trim on the bottom, Kurapika nodding in approval. ‘This is nice, but… obviously a woman’s robe.’
(Name) turned to Kurapika, a pout on her face. He wasn’t looking at her face though, his eyes were on her barely covered chest. “It doesn’t fit good…”
She seemed upset, and although he was trying to hold off a boner, Kurapika couldn’t help but wanting to help her. “Hey, it’s okay, I can ask for another size.”
“This is the biggest size they have!”
He raised an eyebrow, eyes back on her chest. “Come here.”
She walked forward, still pouting as Kurapika’s hands settled on either sides of her chest. (Name)’s eyes widened, feeling the tips of his fingers brush against her breasts before he pulled the fabric over them, using a chain to link the two sides together. Once he was done, the chain faded away, but (Name) could feel its aura still present.
“There, that will keep…”
He swallowed, able to feel the softness of her chest against his chain. “That will keep your robe in place.”
She smiled, tears beading in her eyes. “Thanks, Pika.”
Her arms wrapped around him, bringing the blonde close to her. “I really appreciate this.”
He hugged back, resting his chin on her shoulder. “It’s no problem, (Name).”
(Name) laughed, pulling away. “Let’s go get our massages!”
The two walked out of the changing room, seeing the receptionist was gone. Instead of her, two tall, muscular men were waiting for them.
“Hello, ladies, we’ll be your masseuses today.”
Kurapika was instantly on edge, especially after seeing how flustered (Name) looked. ‘Does she… like men like this?’
They led the two to another room, gesturing for (Name) and Kurapika to sit down. “You can remove your robes and get comfortable. There are towels to c-“
“Remove our WHAT now?!” Kurapika exclaimed, face gone red. (Name) smacked his arm, holding back a laugh.
“Okay, we will.”
The masseuses left the room, Kurapika whipping his head at (Name). “You didn’t tell me we’d have to get naked!”
She blinked, patting his shoulder. “I thought you knew. If you’re uncomfortable, you can go back and-“
(Name) furrowed her eyebrows at his expression. He seemed… determined? “Okay..? You can leave any time, and I’ll go with you.”
He nodded slowly, face still warm. “Okay… let’s… get undressed.”
The two turned away from each other, undressing before lying on their respective beds.
“We’re ready!”
The two masseuses walked back in, smiling. “Okay! Any spots where you feel any pain?” the man asked, squirting lotion into his palm.
“Hmm, my shoulders are a little tense.”
Over by Kurapika, the man was struggling to get an answer from the blonde.
“Are you… sore anywhere? Any tenderness or tense spots?”
“I’m always tense and ready to strike.”
‘Yikes. This lady is creeping me out.’
“Alright then, I’ll just start.”
The man began the massage, feeling Kurapika tense under his touch. “Try to relax, okay?”
“I don’t relax.”
“Well… try.”
Kurapika huffed, turning his head to look at (Name). She was smiling, cheek pressed against the table as the man pressed down on her back. While he didn’t necessarily like that another man was touching her, she looked like she was enjoying herself, so he let it be.
That was until a moment later when she let out a mewl, causing Kurapika to bolt up, sending the masseuse working on him falling onto his butt.
“Hey, miss, stay d-“
Kurapika pulled his robe on and grabbed (Name)’s, rushing over to her. When the masseuse turned to ask him what he was doing, he stopped.
Just one look into Kurapika’s scarlet eyes were enough to make the man back away, holding his hands up. “Come on (Name), we’re leaving.”
“Aww, already? But-“
“You said I could leave any time and you would go with me.”
He felt bad using her words against her for such a petty reason, but the ache in his chest was growing by the second, and Kurapika was afraid he may hurt one of the men if the massage continued.
“I did say that, you’re right.”
She sat up slowly, wrapping the robe around herself, Kurapika looking away. He couldn’t perv on her right now, not after he interrupted her massage.
“Okay, let’s get dressed.”
Said girl was sat in the lobby, pouting as she stared at the ground. Kurapika plopped down next to her, attempting to cheer her up. “What else did you have planned for today?”
She sighed, pulling her knees to her chest. “Well, I was going to get a massage then go to my room and relax. I guess I could still do that, but…”
She huffed, and Kurapika felt his heart twist in his chest. His jealousy had ruined her day, and he felt awful for it, but he didn’t regret what he’d done one bit. The memory of their hands on her, the noise she made, still made his blood pressure rise.
“You said earlier that you wanted to explore the town, yeah? Why don’t we go together?”
(Name) was still pouting, toying with the frantic of her jeans. “Maybe…”
‘I should get her something to make up for it, like a snack. Shit, what do girls like? What does (Name) like?’
“I’ll get you some ice cream.”
This seemed to peak her interest, the girl looking up as her face began to grow warm. “Ice cream?”
“Yeah. My treat.”
This persuaded her, (Name) standing. “Let’s get going then!”
(Name) bounced on her heels, waiting with Kurapika for her ice cream. He enjoyed seeing her so happy, it reminded him of the girl he knew during the Hunter Exam.
“Kurapika, are you not going to get any?” she asked, holding onto the sleeve of his undershirt. He shook his head, smiling.
“No, I’m not in the mood for ice cream right now.”
She pouted, tugging on his sleeve now. “Then why did you bring me here if you didn’t want any?”
“To get you some ice cream.”
(Name) made a face as Kurapika laughed, patting her back. “What, I can’t treat a friend to some ice cream without getting some for myself?”
She didn’t answer, frowning. ‘I don’t understand… why would he just come here to get me ice cream? Is there some reason he’s doing this, some ulterior motive?’
(Name) shook her head. ‘No, I can’t think like that! He’s being nice, I should just be happy.’
“(Name)? (Naaamee)?”
She blinked, seeing her cup of ice cream being pushed towards her. “Here, your ice cream is ready.”
“Oh, thank you.”
She lifted the spoon into her mouth, grinning. “It’s so good!”
He smiled, watching her enjoy her sweet treat. “Really? I’ve never tried that flavor before. Can I have a bite?”
(Name) nodded, taking the spoon from her mouth and dipping it into the ice cream. “Here!”
Before, Kurapika might have blushed and hesitated, but in this moment he was feeling a bit bolder, taking the spoon into his mouth.
He looked at her as she pulled it back, licking his lip. “Mmm, it’s good. I might have to order the same one some other time.”
(Name)’s face heated up under the intensity of Kurapika’s stare, the way he licked his lip making her look away. “I-I’m glad you like it.”
After she finished her treat, the two walked around town, stopping occasionally to check out shops or take pictures.
“This is nice. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to relax like this without the kiddos.”
A bush rustled next to them, but neither of them paid it any mind. “It’s a full time job taking care of Killua, I’m sure.”
The two laughed, Kurapika turning to look at her. It was the first time in a while he’d seen her truly relax in his presence, and he was both happy and a little nervous. He let the latter feeling sink into the back of his mind, instead focusing on how happy he felt in the moment.
‘She’s so pretty…’ he thought, reaching out to brush a part of her hair out of her face. She looked at him then, her pretty (e/c) eyes meeting his.
He stepped forward, cupping her cheek. The moment was perfect, with the sun slowly setting behind them and their hearts racing with excitement.
“Yes?” she whispered, leaning into his touch. It seemed the entire world was holding its breath, everything else fading away as the blonde leaned closer.
(Name) closed her eyes, but nothing came, besides the feeling of his finger swiping against her cheek.
When she opened her eyes, Kurapika was looking away from her. “You had some ice cream on your cheek.”
(Name)’s smile became smaller, her eyes looking to the ground. “Oh… thanks.”
Silence filled the air, no longer the comforting quiet they shared before. It was awkward, a bit tense.
“We… we should probably get back. We leave in the morning, so I want to get a good nights sleep.”
Kurapika nodded, still not looking at her. “Sounds like a good idea.”
He began walking ahead of (Name), the girl following behind as she twiddled her thumbs. ‘I really thought he was about to kiss me.’
When they got back, Leorio was sitting in the lobby, his forehead covered in sweat. “Oh, hey guys! How was your date?”
The blonde next to (Name) stiffened, quickly responding. “I-it wasn’t a date!”
He almost sounded upset at the accusation, (Name)’s face falling. ‘Oh, right. Of course it wasn’t a date, we were both just… bored.’
His tone made her shrink away from him, and when Kurapika noticed this it was too late to change anything. “I’m going to bed. See you two in the morning.”
“(Name) w-“
Kurapika stopped himself, letting his hand fall. “Yeesh man, you made it sound like going on a date with her would be the worst thing in the world.” Leorio said, shaking his head.
“But it wouldn’t be! I…”
Leorio took pity on the blonde, patting his shoulder. “I know, bud. Just… be more careful with how you talk around her. Women can be sensitive, you know?”
He nodded slowly, slumping down in the chair next to Leorio. “I’ll try…”
Kurapika glanced up, blinking at the man next to him. “Why are you so sweaty?
Leorio cleared his throat, looking away. “No… no reason”
That was a lie, however.
2 hours earlier
Leorio and Killua watched as Kurapika and (Name) walked towards the entrance of the hotel. “Yeah, we’ll get ice cream then walk around town. That sound good to you, (Name)?”
“Yes, that’s perfect!”
Killua perked up, eyes following the pair. “Are they…”
“Going on a date? Probably.”
The two looked at each other, nodding. “That idiot might end up saying something stupid. We should follow them.” Killua said, walking back towards Gon’s room. “I’ll grab Gon.”
Killua narrowed his eyes from their spot in the bush as Leorio and Gon lapped at their ice cream. “They’re on the move!”
Gon set his ice cream aside. “Killua, nothing strange has happened so far, shouldn’t we just let them have their own time together?”
“No. No we can’t.”
Killua took a bite of Gon’s ice cream before moving to another bush, following the two. They caught them in the middle of a conversation.
“It’s a full time job taking care of Killua, I’m sure.”
Killua scowled. ‘It’s a full time job making sure you’re not hurting my mom again.’ he thought, making a sour face.
The three nearly gasped when Kurapika cupped (Name)’s cheek, Gon blushing. “He’s gonna-“
Leorio covered his mouth. “Shh!”
“Yes?” (Name) asked. They could see her eyes soften at Kurapika’s touch, closing when he began to lean closer.
Killua had to be restrained by both of them, one covering his mouth and the other keeping him from jumping out of the bush.
Kurapika kept leaning forward, almost meeting her lips, but stopping to swipe her cheek then turn around.
His face was beet red, eyes half lidded. “You had sown ice cream on your cheek.”
“Is he being serious right now?” Gon asked in a hushed voice. “He was totally going to kiss her!”
Leorio sighed, letting Killua go. “He’s just not ready for that yet, I guess.”
“We… we should probably get back. We leave in the morning, so I want to get a good nights sleep.”
The three looked at each other before inching away. Once they were out of sight they sprinted towards the hot spring, leaving Leorio a sweating mess once he sat down.
Present Time
“I see.” Kurapika said, giving him a suspicious look. “I’m going to follow (Name)’s example and get some sleep. Goodnight, Leorio.”
Leorio made sure he was gone before running to his room. Gon and Killua were waiting for him on his bed, playing some card game. The white haired boy looked up, raising an eyebrow. “So, what did he have to say for himself?”
“It wasn’t a confrontation Killua. I think he was just nervous, I gave him some advice.”
Gon and Killua shared a look. “Hey! It was good advice!”
“If he takes advice from you Kurapika is a bigger idiot than I thought.”
“Or just desperate.”
Killua snickered as Leorio cleared his throat. “Anyways, gentlemen…” he said, looking quite serious. “What are our plans to help our little love birds?”
Leorio loaded the last suitcase into the mom van, stretching lightly. “Aight, load up kiddos.”
“You’re only a year older than me.” (Name) reminded him, waiting for Kurapika to get into the van.
“People under 6’0 are children to me.”
“Oh yeah? That wasn’t the way you thought when we-“
Leorio covered her mouth before Kurapika could hear. “Keep your voice down. He- the kids will hear you.”
“What? It’s nothing super dirty, we just made o-“
He shoved her into the car, the girl squeaking when she fell onto Kurapika’s lap. He let out a groan, the girl quickly sitting up and turning so she was facing him.
This was not good for him, because how it was her pussy pressing against his crotch, not her ass.
“Kurapika, are you okay? Sorry, Leorio kind of pushed me in.”
He couldn’t speak, the warmth of her pressing into him causing the blonde to pant. She leaned forward until her chest touched his. “Kurapika? Hello?”
Leorio grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her away. “Give the man some breathing room, (Name).”
‘She’s going to give him a heart attack.’ Leorio thought, giving the overheating blonde a once over.
“Oh, yeah, sorry Kurapika.”
She twisted around in his lap, getting comfy. As she did this, Kurapika tried his best to calm down. ‘It’s okay, everything’s going to be fine. It’s only a few hours until we reach the hotel for the amusement park.’
He wrapped his arms around her, partly to keep her still in case they moved around, partly so he could pull her closer to cuddle into her shoulder. ‘Can’t lie, this is… really nice…’ he thought, his eyes fluttering closed.
(Name)’s scent always helped him relax, but in this situation it only seemed to make his body hot. He looked up at her through his pale eyelashes, lips hovering over her shoulder.
She was smiling, gazing out the window. The sun illuminated her face, reflecting in her (e/c) eyes. Looking at her face never got easier. She was gorgeous, everything about her making his heart do backflips behind his ribs.
It was then that she glanced back, making eye contact with him. “Kurapika?”
His breath hitched. She leaned back, her hair ticking his face. “Sorry, I’m blocking the window aren’t I?”
She didn’t seem to see that she was now blocking him with her back, but the blonde didn’t mind at all. He was perfectly content to nuzzle against her soft sweater, basking in her warmth.
About an hour into the ride, the road got bumpy again, to the point (Name) was struggling to keep still. Her hips rose and fell, bouncing up and down while Kurapika tried to hide his little whimpers and whines.
“Pika, sorry!” she said, looking back. His face was red, and her was holding onto her so tight in a desperate attempt to keep her still.
“Pika are y-“
She squeaked out when she felt something poke into her, instantly squeezing her legs shut. “K-Kurapi-“
He covered her mouth, glancing around the car to make sure no one was looking before whispering in her ear. “Sorry… you were moving too much…”
She whimpered into his hand, the blonde grunting before pulling it back. “It’s okay, Pika… it’s natural to…”
(Name)’s face grew hot, her eyes staring at her lap. He sighed, pulling her closer and nuzzling into her neck. “Thank you… for understanding…”
He was panting against her skin, blonde hair tickling the back of her neck. “Please… don’t know… don’t know what to do.” he whispered, his voice soft and desperate.
He was obviously struggling to control the way his body was reading, and being the sweet friend she was, (Name) simply held his hand. “Shh, it’s okay. I’ll think of something, just try to relax.
Her voice was so sweet, making him heart race and his body tingle. Kurapika cursed the clothing keeping them apart, his hands grabbing at her thighs.
‘It’s all my fault, I couldn’t stay still and now he’s suffering and probably super embarrassed. I have to reassure him!’
(Name) gently stroked his arm, bringing his hand up and kissing it. “It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. This kind of thing happens when friction is involved.”
Little did she know, her attempts to comfort him were only making the bulge in his pants painfully tight.
Kurapika buried his face in his shoulder, trying to think of something, anything to help him calm down, but nothing was working.
“Hey, we’re pulling over for lunch!”
Kurapika looked up, cheeks flushed and sweat bearing down his forehead. ‘If she gets up, they’ll all see how hard I am. Fuck!’
(Name) noticed the grip on her thighs tighten, seeing Kurapika’s face. She knew what she had to do.
“Hey, I don’t think Kurapika’s feeling too well.”
Leorio parked before looking into the rearview mirror. It only took one look into Kurapika’s eyes to understand the situation at hand.
“Shit he’s not going to throw up in the mom van us he? I told you we should have taped him to the roof!” Killua said, opening the car door.
“Killua.” (Name) warned, causing the white haired boy to pout.
The three left, Leorio giving Kurapika a thumbs up before hurrying the kids inside.
As soon as they were out of view, (Name) turned her head. “Are you okay?”
He shook his head quickly, eyes hazy as he looked up at her. “Won’t… won’t go down…”
She squeezed his hand, giving him a sympathetic look. “… is there anything I can do to help?”
His eyes widened, and he looked up at her like she was his only lifeline. “… mhm.”
Kurapika gently moved her hips against his, rocking them gently against his bulge. “Move… move like this…”
Her face heated up, feeling his hard on rub against her ass. “Okay…”
She moved slowly, letting him show her exactly how to rock her hips. “F-fuck just like that…”
She felt his lips on her neck, his hand slowly trailing up her shirt as he bucked his hips into hers. “K-Kurapika!”
He paused, his hand stopping right before slipping under her bra. “Sorry…”
Kurapika moved his hand back down to squeeze her tummy instead. She whined, the sound making his breath hitch. “(Name)…”
He nipped at her neck, moaning against it as she rocked her hips. (Name) panted, holding onto the headrest of the seat in front of her.
Suddenly, Kurapika’s hands gripped her inner thighs and pulled them apart, pulling her up and onto his bugle so he was grinding against her pussy instead of her ass. She gasped, letting out a mewl that caused the blonde to speed up.
“Gonna… gonna..!”
He grabbed her chin and turned her face to kiss her as he came in his pants, his tongue pushing past her lips. He continued to buck his hips into hers, moaning into her mouth as he rode out his orgasm.
When Kurapika calmed down, he pulled away and stared into her eyes with his soft scarlet ones. His chest rose and fell, a line of saliva connecting their tongues.
Kurapika didn’t say anything for a while, just panting as he hid his face in her neck, holding onto her thigh. She was holding onto the arm that held her thigh, gently rubbing it. It was nice, being comforted by her after an embarrassing and intimate moment.
He stayed there, enjoying her presence before his phone buzzed. “Hmm? Was that your phone?”
She was about to turn to look at him, but he quickly turned her head back around. Kurapika didn’t want her to see how soft he was, how in love with her he was right now. He couldn’t help the adoring look in his eyes, the need to keep her close and nuzzle into her.
“Keep… keep looking ahead. It’s just Leorio.”
She nodded slowly. He was probably embarrassed over his behavior, maybe even ashamed. She wanted to tell him it was okay and she didn’t mind helping him, as his friend, but she stayed quiet.
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched as he read Leorio’s message.
Leorio: Are you two done fucking yet? We’re going to say it’s Killua’s birthday to embarrass the shit out of him
Kurapika sighed, giving her tummy one last squeeze before letting her go. “Let’s go eat. Leorio asked us to…”
The blush returned to his cheek, eyes trailing down her back and to her ass. He swallowed, looking a way quickly. “To hurry up.”
She nodded, opening the door and sliding out. Her legs were a little wobbly due to her lingering arousal.
Kurapika climbed out after her, giving her a concerned look. “Are you okay? Would you like me to carry you?”
She shook her head quickly and stood up straight. “No, no I’m fine!”
She walked ahead of him into the restaurant, spotting their friends and sitting with them. “I’ve gotta go to the bathroom.” Kurapika stated to the table before leaving.
Gon hugged her, smiling. “Is Kurapika feeling better?”
She nodded slowly, watching as Kurapika walked to the bathroom.
“Yeah… I think he is.”
As the others began to talk amongst themselves, (Name) rubbed her legs together, biting her lip.
‘That felt…’
She looked up to see Kurapika walking back, the man giving her a shy smile.
‘Really good…’
For the rest of the ride to the amusement park, Kurapika was very soft and sweet. He held her close, now openly squishing her soft tummy and thighs affectionately.
It got to the point that the others noticed the change in his behavior, notably Killua. “I’m going to throw up…” he groaned, watching Kurapika bury his face in her shoulder. Killua had had enough!
Thinking he was joking, Leorio scoffed. “Just roll down the window.”
And he did, vomiting out the window. “Wait, pull over! Oh baby, come here!”
Kurapika had to hold her back from crawling over the middle seat to comfort him and hold his hair back. “Hey, the spring is sticking up, just wait for Leorio to pull over.”
As soon as the car stopped (Name) jumped out and ran over to Killua’s side, kneeling down to wipe his face off and give him some water to drink. Kurapika whined slightly when she left, feeling her warmth fading away. ‘It’s alright, she’ll be back in a minute…’
“Are you okay baby? Do you need some medicine?”
He sniffled, looking up at her. “Yeah…”
She cooed, grabbing her backpack and taking out a juice box and motion sickness medicine. “Here, take this.”
He did, before tugging on her sleeve. “Can you stay with me mom? I don’t feel good…”
“Aww, of course baby!”
He got out, climbing back in to sit in her lap. Killua turned his head as she patted his back to give Kurapika a shit eating grin.
The blondes eyes widened. ‘That little bastard, he did this on purpose!’
The two glared at each other, Killua then turning to cuddle (Name). “Poor baby. There must have been some peppers in your food or something. Don’t worry, I’m here.”
Killua’s smug glare faded, his hands gripping her shirt as she rocked him gently. He’d done this to get her away from Kurapika because his PDA was making him ill, but he couldn’t deny that being comforted and reassured that (Name) was there for him wasn’t a nice side effect.
Kurapika’s lip quivered, and he shivered like a sad chihuahua while watching Killua’s sigh contentedly. (Name) had been keeping him warm and safe, and now she was gone. Suddenly the car felt a lot colder, a lot lonelier than it had a few minutes prior.
As soon as they were out of the car, Kurapika attempted to grab (Name)‘s arm and pull her close to him, only for him to spot her carrying the sleeping Killua in her arms. ‘God damnit!
She gently ran her fingers through his hair, sighing. “He’s not feeling well, I guess I’ll have to stay with him at the hotel while you all go to the amusement park.”
Suddenly, Killua’s eyes shot open. “Hmm? Wait I’m awake!”
(Name) raised an eyebrow and set him down. “Well you might be awake, but you threw up earlier and I don’t want you riding rollercoasters after th-“
He groaned. “Mom I’m fine! I think I got it all out of my system!”
(Name) huffed, poking his cheek. “Oh really? Then I don’t need to carry you around.”
Killua paused at that, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t say that…”
Kurapika snickered, causing Killua to glare at him. “Aww, Killua… come here.”
She picked him back up, Gon running over. “Hey, I wanna be picked up too!”
“Hey, she can’t-“
She picked up Gon as well, holding them both. “Alright, if you want.”
Kurapika and Leorio stared at the girl, blinking. “Um… (Name)? They aren’t… heavy are they?”
She shook her head, beginning to walk towards the amusement park.
They spent a few hours riding rides, eating greasy amusement park food, and running around before the park closed.
“God I’m exhausted…” Leorio said, barely able to keep himself upright. Killua and Gon had dragged him around to every ride, forcing him to ride with him.
“Me too.” Kurapika agreed, stretching. Leorio narrowed his eyes at the blonde.
“And why are you tired? You didn’t ride anything.”
Kurapika pointed to (Name), who he was carrying on his back. “I’ve been carrying her the past two hours.”
“Maybe if you weren’t so scrawny you wouldn’t be tired.” Killua said, holding onto (Name)’s hand as she slept. “I see why they made you the Rat zodiac.”
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched. “I’m… I’m not scrawny…”
He looked away, frowning. “And rats are rather intelligent animals!”
“Yeah, so are dolphins. And dolphins are awful.” Killua rebutted.
“Wait why are dolphins awful?” Leorio asked. “I thought sharks were the ones you had to look out for.”
Gon grimaced. “Dolphins… let’s just say um…”
“They’re the Hisokas of the sea.”
The entire group shuddered. “Point taken.”
‘Wait… my dolphin…’ Kurapika thought, continuing to pout.
“Also sharks are more scared of people than people are of sharks! Here’s some more shark facts!”
The next 15 minutes were spent listening to Gon list out shark facts as they walked through the crowd to get to the mom van. “Mmm…”
(Name) stirred awake when Kurapika sat her down in his lap. “Pika…”
She leaned against him, nuzzling into his shoulder. (Name) was still tired, and although his heart raced, he let her get away with her affectionate actions.
“We’ll be at the hotel soon, okay?” he says softly, wrapping his arms around her.
“Mmm… warm…” her lips brushed against his neck, causing him to push her a little too roughly away.
“(N-Name)! What are you-“
She was blushing heavily, looking down at where his hands were. He slowly moved his eyes downwards, squeezing whatever he was holding lightly before seeing what was in his hands.
“Oh my god! Pervert!” Killua said.
His hands were firmly grasping her breasts, squeezing them lightly. “I- I didn’t mean-“
Kurapika didn’t pull his hands away out of pure shock.
He was pulled back into the moment when he heard (Name) call out to him. Her face was burning up, and she was looking at him with shy and embarrassed eyes. “Y-your hands…”
Kurapika’s face turned bright red, pulling his hands away quickly. “Jesus Christ dude, you just groped my mom!”
Kurapika tried to stammer out a response. “W-wait it was an accident!”
“If it was an accident why did you hold onto them for so long? Gross, I knew you were some kind of pervert but I didn’t know it was this bad.”
“I’m not a-“
Leorio cleared his throat. “We’re here.”
Kurapika helped her out of the car, looking anywhere but her face. “I’m sorry, (Name). I swear it was an accident.”
He felt her take his hand. “It’s okay, Kurapika. I understand.”
Kurapika sighed, his cheeks fading to a soft pink instead of bright red. “I know you’re not interested in me like that, so don’t worry!”
He blinks, finally looking at her. The look on her face made his heart hurt. “I… I’m just a warm body, I know.”
Kurapika winced, remembering the words he said to her.
“You’re good at being a warm body, at least.”
Leorio overheard this conversation, feeling his chest tighten. ‘She still thinks that’s all she is? Even after…’
He cleared his throat, walking over. “We need to get everything unpacked. Come on.”
He grabbed Kurapika’s arm and dragged him to the back of the vehicle.
(Name) sat alone on the curb, looking down at her lap. ‘I can’t get ahead of myself. He was just using me to get off in the car because I was what was available. Anyone other woman would also done the job just fine…’ she though, pulling her knees to her chest. ‘I just… helped out a friend. Nothing more…’
Gon spotted her sulking on the curb, quickly running over. “(Name)? What’s wrong, are you tired? I can carry you inside if you want!”
He gave her a worried smile, tilting his head to look at her face. She sighed, looking up. “I’m fine Gon. Yeah, I’m tired but I can move.”
She stood up, stretching lightly before walking inside. He frowned. ‘Something’s wrong, she looked so… sad…’
He glanced back at Leorio and Kurapika, who seemed to be talking about something serious as they unpacked. ‘I’ll go tell Killua, he’ll know what to do!’
Leorio leaned against the mom van, his eyes pointed at the ground. “… your words really, really messed with her head, Kurapika. She..” he sighed, running his hand his hair. “She’s had trouble with her self worth since. (Name) really, really liked you, so when you said all she was, was a warm body to you, she internalized that.”
The tall man barely held back from telling him more, telling him what happened after the events of York New. ‘I promised her I would never tell him…’ Leorio thought, clenching his fist. ‘But it’s hard. If he knew… maybe he wouldn’t take her for granted…’
Kurapika trembled, raising a shaking hand to his mouth. His actions really did have consequences. Kurapika thought that after their intimate moment in the car, maybe things would be better. But was it really their intimate moment, or just his? What did she get out of it, besides the feeling that he was using her for her body? “I…”
He watched as she walked with Killua and Gon, the former holding her hand with a cornered look in his eye. “I love her, Leorio. I know I fucked up, but I… I want to love her, I want her to be happy.”
Leorio smoothed out his Hawaiian shirt, sighing as he grabbed the last suitcase. “I know you do, bud. You should tell her that, though, not me.”
Kurapika stood by the mom van for a good minute, thinking over Leorio’s words. ‘Tell her? I couldn’t. Not after everything I’ve done. I love her, but…’
He sighed, pushing back his hair. ‘I don’t want to hurt her again if I leave. Can I really allow myself to be with her, when there’s no guarantee I will live to see tomorrow because of my mission?’
Kurapika was snapped back to reality by Leorio calling out to him. “Hey, it’s getting late. Stop staring into space, we’re gonna go grab dinner!”
He nodded slowly, getting into the mom van. (Name) walked back out, waving at Kurapika from the doorway. “I’m coming!”
He blushed, waving back. ‘Maybe… maybe it’s okay to try. What could go wrong?’
They sat inside a relatively nice restaurant, the five all looking at the menu. “Do they have chicken strips?” Gon asked, looking over the menu.
“No sweetheart, they don’t,” (Name) answered, patting his head. The black haired boy pouted.
“They have baked chicken. Isn’t that close enough?” Kurapika asked, looking up from his own menu. The group raised an eyebrow at him.
“No, you stupid twink. One is a breaded and fried chicken strip the other is baked. The only similarity they share is that they are chicken.”
Kurapika raised his menu again so he could roll his eyes. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
(Name) gave him a gently pat to his shoulder. “So, what are you getting, Pika?”
He glanced at her, giving the (h/c) haired girl a small smile. “I’m thinking I’ll get some pasta.”
She nods, munching on one of the free rolls the restaurant had provided. “Oh, that sounds good! I’m going to share the sea food platter with Leorio!”
Kurapika raised an eyebrow, glancing at the man who sat beside her. Leorio had his arm resting on (Name)’s chair as he looked over her menu with her.
The blonde scowled. He had wanted to sit next to her, but Leorio got there first, and Killua always managed to take a seat near her as well, so now Gon and Kurapika sat across from the three.
“I’m glad we’re next to each other, it’ll make sharing our good easy!” (Name) said with a smile. Leorio laughed, moving his hand from the chair to around her shoulders.
“You sure you aren’t just happy to be sitting with me, sunshine?”
The menu Kurapika was holding tore, causing Gon and Killua to glance at him. They looked at each other then to (Name) and Leorio.
“Kurapika!” Gon said, in an attempt to whisper. “Are you feeling jealousy right now?”
The blondes face erupted into a blush, and he attempted to stammer out a response. “J-jealous? No, no I wouldn’t- why would I be jealous?”
Gon sighs, holding back a laugh. “Your cheeks and eyes are red, and you’re staring at Leorio and (Name).”
Kurapika places a hand on his cheek, hissing and pulling it away. His face was hot, and one glance at his phone screen showed him that Gon was right.
(Name) leaned over the table and pushed the pair of hello kitty sunglasses onto his face. “Your eyes.”
She cupped his cheek, patting gently. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
He leaned into her touch, his jealousy slowly fading. “No, just… just remembered something unpleasant.”
She gave him a sympathetic look, brushing her thumb over his cheek. “You can tell me about it later, if you want. I’m always here for you.”
His heart thumped painfully against his ribs. ‘She’s so kind, too good for me.’
He spent the rest of dinner eating quietly. A few minutes before they were about to leave, (Name) glanced at Leorio, setting her fork down. “Leorio?”
He looked up from his dessert, humming. “Yeah, sunshine?”
She sighed, cheeks heating up. “Can you explain to me why you put mine and Kurapika’s luggage in the same room?”
The sound of Kurapika’s fork clattering against his plate as it fell from his hand made the two jump. Killua snickered at his reaction.
“Well, that’s how we decided to split the rooms. We got two, and you two ended up sharing one. You’re lucky, I have to share a room with Killua and Gon.” Leorio said, a scowl on his face.
‘I’m a great wingman.’ Leorio thought, sipping on his milkshake.
“Okay, but there’s one problem.” (Name) said, tapping against the table with her nails nervously.
Kurapika was still processing the fact they were sharing a room. “And that is?”
“There’s only one bed.”
Kurapika glared at his friends, his red eyes shining behind his sunglasses. “What?”
Gon looked away, scratching the back of his head while killua ate the free bread rolls. Leorio laughed nervously. “Well you see… the room was cheaper that way, and it was either that one or a room with four beds!”
(Name) sighed. “That would have been ideal! We could have all shared a room then.”
The three didn’t want to admit that the room has been booked on purpose, specifically to get Kurapika and (Name) closer. “Sorry…”
Kurapika knew this, though. He seethed in his seat, tapping his foot in frustration. ‘But…’
He looked to (Name), who was scowling at Leorio. ‘I’ll get to sleep next to her…’
He felt warm at that thought. “I guess it can’t be helped.”
Kurapika sat on their shared hotel bed, waiting for (Name) to finish her shower. ‘Why do I feel so antsy? My heart is pounding.’
He was in his pajamas, fidgeting with the comforter as he listened to her singing in the shower. ‘I wonder if she knows I can hear her.’ he thought, a soft smile on his face.
This smile faded when her singing stopped, replaced with silence before he could hear the faintest whimper.
His eyes went wide, the blondes pants tightening. Kurapika stood up, walking closer to the door.
‘I have to get closer… what if she hurt herself?’ he attempted to reason with himself. Although, he knew the real reason he was pressing his ear against the door, hand slipping into his pants.
His cock twitched in his hand at the sound of her muffled moans. ‘Fuck she sounds so good…’
Kurapika wanted nothing more than to be the cause of those pretty little sounds she was making. He had to bite his lip to stay quiet as he masturbated with her. ‘Wanna… wanna cum with her…’
He listened intently, so he could tell when she was about to cum. Her moans were becoming more frequent, soft whines and mewls escaping her mouth.
He could just imagine her leaning against the shower wall, fingers rubbing at her clit, moving towards to prod at her entrance. Kurapika wanted nothing more than to be the one making her feel so good, to pump his fingers in and out of her pretty pussy until her cum was pooling beneath them.
He stroked faster, feeling that familiar coil tightening in his tummy.
She was getting close, he could tell. (Name) was panting, unable to keep her moans quiet anymore. Kurapika held himself back from cumming, wanting to wait for the perfect moment to-
His eyes shot open while we he came, his thick seed shooting out onto the door. He could hear her panting and moaning as she came as well. Kurapika’s hand trembled, his face bright red. ‘Did… she moan out my… name? Was she…’
He felt himself grow hard again, his cock aching for another release. ‘Was she thinking of me while she touched herself?’
Kurapika didn’t have much time to process that. The shower turned off, meaning (Name) would be walking out within the next five minutes. He cursed, quickly wiping off the door and running to the bed. ‘Do I have enough time to jerk off again? I’m so hard, I c-‘
(Name) walked out of the shower, causing Kurapika to quickly pull the comforter over his lap. “I’m done, Kurapika.”
She smiled, her face a little hot from her shower and orgasm. (Name) looked much more relaxed, lightly stretching before walking over to the bed.
She glanced over at him as she sat down on her side of the bed, slowly pulling back the comforter so she could climb in. “Yes?”
“Earlier, in the car…”
Her eyes widened and her face burned hot with the memory of their intimate moment. “I wanted to thank you for helping me and… I apologize if it seemed like I was just using you. My body… it felt so hot, and I was embarrassed that someone would see… but I trusted that you wouldn’t make fun of me or think less of me for…”
His face was red, and he was obviously quite flustered. She felt herself relax, placing a hand over his. “It’s okay, Kurapika. I will admit, I did think that you might have just been using me, so I appreciate the clarification. I’m happy to help you, you’re my dear friend I don’t want you to ever be embarrassed over something that’s natural.”
Although she said this, he still couldn’t help but shy away from her touch. ‘I know she says I shouldn’t be embarrassed, but I don’t want her to think I only want her for her body again…’
He nodded slowly. “That’s… all I wanted to say. Goodnight, (Name).”
She lied down, and he turned off the light. Although (Name) did believe his words, her heart was still having trouble letting go of the insecurity that he really had used her. It wasn’t easy getting over deep rooted insecurities like that, but she did feel a little better, better enough to scoot closer to him.
He turned to look at her, seeing she was closer. The blonde swallowed, his cock still throbbing from earlier. “Yes, (Name)?”
(Name)’s eyes were half lidded, maybe from being tired, maybe because she felt nice and relaxed. Either way, it made Kurapika’s heart thump loudly.
“Does it bother you to sleep next to me like this?”
This question took him aback, causing the blonde to tilt his head. “Bother me? No, not really. It’s not like it can be helped either way.”
(Name) nodded slowly, giving him a shy, tentative smile. “Well, I like sleeping next to you. It reminds me of the Hunter Exam, and I always feel… nostalgic.”
‘She likes… sleeping next to me?’
A blush took over Kurapika’s face. “I… like sleeping next to you too. You’re probably the only person that I really feel comfortable with sleeping next to me.”
They were both flustered now, playing with their respective ends of the comforter. “That… makes me really happy to hear, Pika.”
The blonde perked up a little, glancing at her. ‘Pika… I’m her Pika again.’
Every time (Name) used the old nickname she had for him, Kurapika felt butterflies in his tummy. She seemed so content laying against her pillow, eyelids beginning to drop closed.
He hummed in response. They were closer now, but he couldn’t tell if he or her had moved in.
She placed her hand on his, Kurapika melting at her touch. Her hands were always so warm and soft, and he couldn’t help interlocking his fingers with hers.
“Can you what, (Name)?”
(Name)’s eyes softened when her interlocked his fingers with her. “Can I hold you? I know I said I only wanted to do it once when we slept together in York New, b-“
Before she could finish her sentence, the blonde scooted forward and pulled her into his arms, resting his chin on top of her head. “Please… I…”
He was having trouble speaking. She always made his head feel fuzzy, his heart pound, and his cock hard. It made interacting with her difficult, but he couldn’t deny his need to be closer to her any longer. She was right there within his reach, asking to hold him!
(Name) wrapped her arms around him, and he could feel her shudder slightly. “Pika…”
She nuzzled into his chest, her hand reaching up to play with his hair. Kurapika didn’t think he could feel any more at peace in this moment. She was in his arms, nuzzling him, playing with his hair. What else could he ask for?
“I love you, Kurapika. Goodnight…”
That made the moment perfect, tears prickling the corners of his eyes. Instead of responding, he kissed the top of her head as she fell asleep, pulling her even closer.
He didn’t care if she could feel he was hard, that didn’t matter. All that mattered is that they were together, and that she loved him. Whether it was platonically or romantically, Kurapika didn’t care. He loved her too, and would love her until his heart stopped.
When her breathing slowed, indicating she had fallen asleep, he smiled softly, rubbing soothing circles into her back.
“I love you too, (Name).”
The bed was empty when (Name) woke up, the sound of the shower going telling her Kurapika left to get his shower before they had to leave for the amusement park.
(Name) pushed herself up, yawning and rubbing her sleepy eyes. Soft footsteps could be heard walking towards their room. She already know who it was before the person started knocking.
“Mooom! Hurry up, the park opens in 30 minutes!”
Killua poked his head into her room, groaning when he saw she was still in her pajamas. “Seriously, you’re not even dressed yet? And-“
He paused at the sound of the shower running, smacking a hand over his forehead. “And the blonde is in the shower. Of course.”
She suppressed a laugh, pulling the boy close and ruffling his hair. “Oh, stop pouting. You know I can get ready fast. You three go and pick up some breakfast for us all, and we’ll be ready by the time you get back.”
Killua huffed, taking a moment to lean into her touch before swatting her hand away and running out the door.
‘He’s so grumpy in the morning,’ she thought, giggling as she opened her suitcase.
Kurapika walked out of the bathroom a moment later, wearing a sweater and jeans. His face lit up when he saw (Name) was awake, the blonde speeding over to hand her his towel and sit in front of her.
He didn’t even have to ask, she already knew Kurapika wanted her to dry his hair.
(Name) giggled, drying his hair as she leaned against her. “Pika, I’ll need to get to a set of my body wash and shampoo. It’s been really good for your hair!”
He hummed contentedly when she ran a hand through his damp hair. “Mhm… thank you, (Name). I always look forward to this.”
She was thankful he was facing away from her, because she was blushing intensely. “I like doing it too!”
After she finished drying his hair, (Name) left to go change. She decided to follow Kurapika’s lead, and throw on a knit cardigan and jeans. His eyes softened when she walked out, the blonde sighing. “You look pretty, (Name).”
Her blush deepened. “Th-thank you, Kurapika.”
The group arrived at the amusement park again, this time planning to stay all day long. (Name) stretched lightly, quickly applying some sunscreen to everyone’s face. “Alright, you boys charged your phones right?”
Killua nodded while Gon scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously.
“Gon, I told you to remember.” (Name) scolded softly.
“Sorry, (Name). I got distracted watching cool reptile fact videos last night.”
“It’s true, and he played it full volume like an old person.” Killua said, flicking his friend on the forehead.
(Name) sighed, opening her backpack and handing him a portable charger. “I’m so glad I packed these. Keep your phone charged, okay sweetheart?”
He nodded, giving her a quick hug as an apology. The two left after, (Name) calling out to them.
“We’ll meet in the dining hall at 1 pm!”
“Okay mom!”
Leorio and Kurapika glanced at each other, then down at (Name). “So, what’s first up on our agenda, princess?”
(Name) smiled up at the two. “First, I want to check out the petting zoo! I heard they have bunnies!”
She wiggled a little as she stood, obviously excited. ‘So cute…’ the two thought.
“Alright, to the petting zoo. Kurapika, you have the map?”
The blonde nodded, unfolding it.
The three made their way to the petting zoo, (Name) washing her hands as Kurapika snuck away to buy her a cup of kibble to feed the bunnies.
“(Name) I got y-“
Kurapika glanced to his left to see Leorio also holding a cup of kibble to her. She glanced between the two, laughing. “Aww, you’re both so sweet. Why don’t we feed them together?”
She bounced on her heels as she waited to get let inside the petting zoo. It was really cute to watch her jump a little and giggle when the door opened, her two friends feeling their hearts race.
As soon as she walked in, all the bunnies hopped towards her, pawing at her pants leg. She cooed, picking one up. (Name) didn’t even have the kibble in her hand, Kurapika and Leorio did, yet the bunnies ignored them completely.
“Animals like individuals with pure souls.” Kurapika stated while the watched (Name) giggle as the bunnies crawled into her lap and gently nibbled at her clothes.
“Yeah, and I don’t think there’s anyone purer than her.” Leorio said, his eyes soft.
“Maybe Gon.”
The two said this in unison, then laughed. Their laughter caused (Name) to look up with a confused smile. “Hmm? What are you two giggling about?”
“Nothing, sunshine, go back to playing with your bunnies.”
After her time was up, (Name) pouted as she was led out of the petting zoo by Kurapika. “Don’t be sad (Name). We can get back in line if you want.”
She shook her head, perking up. “No, there’s other things I want to do. Come on!”
Leorio watched as she dragged Kurapika along, his smile fading a little. The blonde was blushing as (Name) giggled, squeezing his hand tightly.
‘They sure are getting close again.’ Leorio thought, his heart twisting in his chest. ‘I’m… glad she’s happy.’
The three did many things, including riding rides, snacking on amusement park treats, and taking pictures.
Kurapika nearly doubled over laughing at the picture of their roller coaster ride, where Leorio screamed as he clung to (Name) for dear life.
“It’s not that funny…” Leorio said with a pout, tapping his foot against the cement floor. (Name) snickered.
“It is pretty funny, Leorio.”
(Name) sighed as she lapped at her ice cream, holding Killua’s hand with her free one. They were walking out of the park after a long day, and they were all pretty tired.
As she walked, (Name) turned her head lazily whne she heard a sound, quickly dropping her ice cream to sprint towards the noise when she saw what was happening.
The boy had picked a corn dog off the ground taken a bite if it. “Hey, it’s not bad, I just watched someone drop i-“
(Name) smacked it out of his hand. “How many times do I have to tell you to not eat things ofc the ground? You’re going to get sick, sweetheart.”
She gently wiped the crumbs from his face with her handkerchief, before cupping his cheeks. “Oh, what am I going to do with you?”
Kurapika watched this exchange from the corner of his eye, his cheeks a soft pink. (Name) was always so motherly and caring, making sure neither of their younger friends got hurt or did anything stupid.
It only made the thought of getting her pregnant and starting a family with her seem more and more tantalizing. ‘I can’t… I can’t settle down and have a family. I can’t let my anger fade away…’
But it did stick in his mind, the blonde cursing himself for wearing jeans and not his usual tabard. It was harder to hide a boner in tight pants.
(Name) pouted as she crouched down to clean up her spilled ice cream, Gon hovering around her. “I’m sorry, (Name)…”
She gave him a smile. “It’s okay, Gon. I should have been more careful.”
“But.. the only reason you dropped it was because-“
She stood, dropping the ice cream in the trash before patting his arm. “I promise it’s fine. I can get more ice cream later.”
As Gon pouted and now took her other free hand so she was walking with him and Killua, Kurapika snuck away. Leorio raised an eyebrow as he watched the blonde turn a corner, but he didn’t say anything. (Name) was too distracted comforting Gon to notice.
When they reached the car and were beginning to load up, (Name) glanced up, blinking before counting heads.
“Wait… Kurapika?”
She looked around, not spotting her blonde hair friend. “Shit, where is he? He didn’t get kidnapped did he?”
Leorio snickered at that. “I doubt anyone would be able to successfully kidnap him, (Name).”
She raised her eyebrow at him, causing Leorio to clear his throat.
“He has a lot of enemies, Leorio. What if his…”
She pointed to her eyes. “What if they changed color and someone saw? Oh Kurapika…”
Leorio jumped up when he noticed tears falling down her chubby cheeks. “Hey, hey (Name), he’s probably fine. I saw him walking away after you dropped your ice cream.”
She stared at him incredulously. “What if he was being lured away? Leorio you have to tell me these things!”
“Tell you what?”
She turned her head to see Kurapika jogging over, carrying a brown paper bag. (Name) gasped, instantly running to him and nearly tackling him in a hug.
He yelped, catching her in his arms. “Woah, what happened? Did someone get hurt?”
She looked up, and his gaze softened at her tears. “You… I thought something happened to you when I saw you weren’t here…”
He cupped her cheek, swiping her tears away with his thumb. “(Name)… I’m sorry, I should have told you I was leaving. I wanted to surprise you.”
“Surprise me?”
Kurapika blushed, holding out the paper bag. “For you…”
She blinked, taking the bag and opening it. “Oh, Kurapika!”
Inside was a small plush bunny and a bag of pastries. “I saw you eyeing it when we were at the gift shop, and when I saw you dropped your ice cream, I wanted to get you more. But the stand was closed. I hope these are okay inst-“
He went quiet when she stood on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek, his face turning a bright red. “Kurapika, this is so sweet. Thank you.”
She gave him a hug, the blonde quickly wrapping her tightly in his embrace. “I’m… I’m really happy you like it.”
Unknown to (Name), Kurapika has decided on courting her in the traditional Kurta way, and the first step was gift giving.
Kurapika was very happy on their way back to the hotel, holding her gently and laughing when she hugged the plush to her chest.
The days passed by, and now they were on the road back home. (Name) was a lot more comfortable sitting in his lap now, and he was having an easier time controlling himself.
When they reached home, Kurapika almost felt… disappointed. This meant that she’d be taking her van in to the shop to get the seat fixed. He wanted to hold her in his lap more, but he couldn’t be selfish like that.
(Name) groaned as she sat on her couch after unpacking. The kids had already passed out on the beanbag together, snoring. It was nearly midnight, and Leorio had decided to stay the night so he could take (Name) to get her van fixed in the morning.
“Tired?” Kurapika asked, sitting next to her. She nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah… exhausted. The trip was fun, but I’m happy to be home.”
He nodded, playing with her hair. She leaned into his touch, smiling. It was a nice moment, Kurapika feeling himself relax next to her.
Nothing lasts forever though. Kurapika flinched when he heard his phone ringing. (Name) waved her hand, telling him to answer it. He nodded and stood up, walking into the hallway.
(Name) felt her eyes getting droopy as she waited for Kurapika to finish his call. When she heard his familiar footsteps approaching the couch, she glanced up. Her heart sunk at his expression, suddenly very awake.
“I… there’s another informant that wants to meet with me in a week. I’ll be gone for… a few months.”
Kurapika could tell (Name) didn’t like this by her face. “A few months? That’s so long…”
He swallowed, looking away. “I know, it is. But I’ll be going.”
She nodded slowly, looking down at her lap. “Your mission always comes first, I already got that.”
He felt his chest ache. Kurapika wanted to try and reassure her that she was also very important to him, but he couldn’t get the words out. He clenched his fist, sighing softly. “I’ll… I’ll call you every day if I can.”
This surprised her. She felt a bit hesitant to trust him, after all, the last time he promised that he ended up ghosting her then breaking her heart.
“Okay. It’s not like I’m going to stop you from leaving or anything.” (Name) said, leaning back against the couch. “You’re your own person, you don’t need my permission to do things. You just stay here in between missions.”
For some reason, that hurt Kurapika a lot more than her yelling at him or being angry with him would have.
“… it’s in a week. I would uh…”
He twiddled his thumbs. “I would like to spend time with everyone before I leave.”
He meant to say he wanted to spend time with her most of all, but his body wouldn’t allow him to say it.
“Sure, I’m not busy.”
He smiled, and she gave him a tired smile as well. “I’m going to bed now. Goodnight, Pika.”
He watched her walk upstairs, says filled with love and longing. “Goodnight, (Name).”
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14muffinz · 1 year
Too much anxiety to tag everybody, but when I say the concept of His world leo's joining in on peepaw therapy sessions does not leave me alone
I am going to refer to them as their fic titles, because it is 11pm and i am not going to loose sleep over character names. (Using LJ/MJ to refer to main timeline leos/mikeys, and then just the abbreviation for the oldies.)
Included/Referenced are: OMO - @/cherrytraveller
MNMC - @/mutantninjamidlifecrisis
AMW - @/teainthesnow
TAE - @/apatheticrobots
MH - @/characcoon
The new guys, OMO!LJ decides, are like, way off.
He's pretty sure everyone else is seeing it, too, because it almost looks like those two are getting along.
Also. The one who'd waltzed in and claimed the name "Leonidas" and taken no questions had a fucking axe.
Like, what.
"Did you see that?" MNMC!LJ whispers in his ear. "Those two just smiled at eachother. Without banter. What the fuck."
MH!MJ, the only Mikey in the entire meeting (that'd been a real shitshow, don't ask) hums. "Someone go call in the bodysnatcher, we need an analysis, stat."
"Calling it now," TAE!LJ announces, "big one's five years earlier than ours."
TAE!LJ jumps at the newbie's appearance.
"This whole thing is... more common than I thought. So what? We're supposed to talk to eachother? I've done plenty of that already, trust me."
"Oh, please," OMO!LJ snaps.
HW!LJ raises his hands in surrender, looking around at the party before him. There was a little variety among eye colours throughout, strangely enough, and OMO!LJ notes the near impossible shade of bright blue this guy's are.
"You're literally a Leo, there's no denying that there's something," MJ snaps.
"Like, perhaps, why your guy showed up without his sword."
This time, several of them jump at the appearance of AMW, who plops instantly down into his half-used chair.
"Especially why he needed it replaced. Thing's sentimental, he wouldn't just abandon it, and the masks are on the new one. So what happened there?"
"Our ninpo's separated," HW!LJ responds, and it's so painfully a deflection of what really happened there that OMO!LJ and MNMC!LJ lock eyes. "Ever since he showed up, he's been leeching off of mine, which, fair enough, the universe kind of fucked us over like that, but then, like, a few months ago, there was this whole thing, with a black hole and shit, and I tell you, he just appeared with the damn thing."
"Score one for team shit did not yet hit the fan," TAE!LJ deadpans.
"Oh no, I don't mean the bubblegum bitches."
AMW!LJ lets out a choked laugh at the comparison.
"He popped up when Micheal, uh... beamed me up."
Right there with the lovely, painful comparisons.
This whole thing did not work very well when most of them, excluding like 2, had very similar experiences with the Kraang.
"What, so he just showed up then and there?" MNMC!LJ finally needles, his hand a death grip around the arm of his chair.
"Is this an interrogation?"
"Perhaps," OMO!LJ informs him.
"Wow," Nidas says when he plops himself into his chair. "This is depressing.
There are like, 3 different dead-eyed stares locked on him right now, yeesh. Was this what he'd been like around Nardo at first?
"Oh wow," MH comments, "we finally found one who doesn't combust into tears on the spot."
"Oh, like you were any better," MNMC snaps.
MH side-eyes him.
"It's okay, Mike, you can hair flip," MNMC reassures.
"With what? His overgrown sideburns?"
Well, this is going swell.
He looks over at the quiet one, and realises that he's staring at the arm. Of course he is, given that everyone here, excluding Chin-Stripes over there, were using prosthetics.
"Hey," OMO snaps at him, so of course Nidas focuses in on the guy. "How do you get it? The indifference thing? I've been trying, for like, moths."
TAE sighs, but is interrupted before he could say anything else.
"Oh no, I'm doing terribly right now," Nidas assures him curtley. "But like, I saw the little guy on the way in, so since I came back you're already the fourth Mikey I've had to–"
"Four?" Several voices exclaim.
"Where'd that last from come from?" MNMC questions.
Ah, great.
"Y'know, when they warned us that the circumstances would be a little off, this was not what I was expecting."
"You got him out?"
AMW!LJ is uncomfortably close to his face.
"Y... yes?" HW!LJ stutters out.
"Teach us your ways."
"Well," he coughs awkwardly, thinking back on what had transpired that fine day. "There's a lot of life-threatening shit involved. Soul-sucking. We kind of almost killed my bro's on accident then we had to like, relive trauma and shit to find them. It was this whole thing."
"So you're traumatised?" MJ prompts with an eye roll.
"For life, man."
("Mood," MNMC mutters under his breath.
MJ very curtly flicks him.)
"From today and onwards, I've seen two different Mikey's with sideburns."
AMW groans, loudly. "So to seperate the two of us, I have to make shit worse? UGH!"
"Hey," HW!LJ offers, placing a hand on his alternate's shoulder. "You'll get your own font of depression eventually, don't worry about it. It'll pass, too, before you know it you'll be right back to Leo "I process trauma through humour and never confront my feelings 'till I die" Hamato."
"Y'all need therapy," MJ deadpans."
"Jokes on you," MNMC!LJ smirks, "we're already here."
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yin-yanglulu · 11 months
Adventure Of A Lifetime: Chapter Two
Rating: General Audiences
Catagory: M/F
Fandom: Skylanders (Video Games)
Relationship: Cali/Flynn (Skylanders)
Characters: Cali (Skylanders), Flynn (Skylanders)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Road Trips, Romantic Comedy (Kinda), Romance
Cali woke up the next morning, forgetting that her and Flynn fell asleep on the couch whilst snuggling.
After getting up and ready for the day, she stood outside for a moment, admiring the sky.
“Heh, you’re up already?” Flynn asked as he walked outside.
“It’s not early!” Cali replied.
“I knew that” Flynn answered, “hm, must’ve enjoyed snuggling on the couch with me too much huh?” He chuckled.
“Your hugs are really snuggly, must be snuggly enough for us to have fallen asleep!” Cali said.
“How far are we from the first destination?” She asked.
“Let me just check!” He said walking to the cockpit, “Huh, guess we’re here!”
They landed the ship and started walking around the place, until it seemed like Flynn had stepped on something.
“Uhhh, did I just activate something?” He asked as they heard a rumbling sound coming from the ground.
“I’d step back if I were you!” Cali said to him, motioning for him to move.
When the rumbling revealed something, Cali jumped across to catch him.
They both sighed in relief.
“Wowsers, heh, well, this is embarrassing!” Flynn said teasingly, noticing that Cali had dipped him slightly.
“You been taking dance lessons or something?” He asked.
“Heh, maybe!” Cali replied.
“I could tell~” Flynn said and proceeded to wink at her, Cali laughed as she rolled her eyes.
“Look!” Cali said letting go of him and pointing at what the island had revealed.
The island had revealed a waterfall.
“Woah…heh, reminds me of when I told you that a waterfall sounded romantic!” Flynn said nudging her.
“You wanna go in?” He asked.
“It’s best we probably don’t, my species of Mabu don’t react well to this kind of water!” Cali said nervously.
“Oh yeah, forgot about that!” Flynn mumbled.
“Wait! I have an idea!” He said.
He took off his jacket and invited her to come stand underneath the waterfall.
“Your jacket’s gonna get wet y’know!”
“It’s fine, I’ve packed more than one!”
She joined him underneath the waterfall, he was using his jacket as protection from the water.
“This is kinda stupid!” Cali said.
“But it’s cool though right?” Flynn asked.
“Yeah, I guess so!” She replied.
After about a minute of standing under the water, gazing into each other’s eyes, Flynn’s jacket obviously wasn’t enough to protect them for long.
The jacket got damp, which resulted in them getting drenched.
Cali’s reaction was not that pleasant for her, as she stopped moving for a moment.
“Damnmit, Obviously wasn’t enough to protect you!” Flynn said as he pulled her away from the waterfall, “you okay there Cal?”
Cali laughed “It’s not as bad as i expected, but I’m really cold!”
“Heh, let’s get outta here!”
“Yeah, I’ll write my document on this place later, I need a towel first!”
They quickly walked back to the ship and headed into their cabin.
“Phew, thanks for pulling me away from there, if I stood there any longer, I’d never be able to move properly!” Cali joked as Flynn gave her a towel.
“I guess I’ll go dry myself, you sure you’re gonna be fine?” Flynn asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine!” Cali said as she draped the towel over her shoulders.
After they warmed up and Cali had finished her document, they sat on the couch again to snuggle.
Cali sighed as she snuggled up next to Flynn “Y’know despite getting absolutely drenched out there, I had a lot of fun!”
“What did they tell you about what would’ve happened if you got wet?” Flynn asked
“My parents told me that i’d freeze to death!” Cali replied.
“Yeesh, what kinda parent tells their kid that?!” Flynn asked jokingly.
“Mine obviously!” Cali replied.
They laughed for a moment, and continued to snuggle, until Cali fell asleep.
“Huh, guess i’ll start snuggling you even more!” Flynn laughed.
He eventually fell asleep as well, snuggling up against her whilst purring.
They spent the rest of the night holding each other.
To be continued…
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