#{ tw; guns }
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kuroki---kaze · 7 months
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( @frequencypawn )
Grey eyes usually filled with light and warmth focus coldly on the targets downrange. Well-trained hands hold a rifle steady, honed in without the scope in use.
It's been too long since he's practiced without it. He can't let himself get too unseasoned, hence the use of iron sights.
They're harder to use accurately at a distance like this. The scope lays off on its own next to his bag on the table behind him, mostly abandoned just like his prior occupation.
Still, Wonderland is not without its dangers. He's not naïve enough to assume that the Comodeen is invincible regardless of how well-built or well-hidden the compound is.
If the time comes, blowdarts aren't going to be saving them like a firearm will. If the time comes, Kain will defend this place with ferocity only Miles has seen a glimpse of.
The once-soldier takes in a controlled breath, moves his index finger to the trigger, exhales, and fires.
Off the bullet goes. The butt of the rifle presses into his shoulder in a way he can't say he misses feeling often.
His hand moves back to the bolt to ready another shot.
Inhale. Trigger. Exhale. Fire. Eject. Ready. Repeat ad nauseam.
It's as easy to him as blinking is, even as much as he hates for that to be true. And while he's certainly no Hawkeye, examining each target once he's fired off all his rounds shows that he's still a deadly threat and a force not to be reckoned with.
Every shot was at least center mass, if not a bullseye outright. He's almost glad that Pilvi isn't in this part of the compound to see him. This isn't the name he's made for himself here.
This isn't who he wants to be, but he knows he cannot let himself be rendered defenseless, either.
As he turns to retrieve his handgun for the second phase of his target practice, he's faced with a looming presence that he somehow missed entering.
"... Hi, Black Wind," he greets. "When'd you get here?"
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⋆୨𖤓୧⋆ This is not a display he was expecting from the Amestrian. This one seemed to spend more time injured than anything else. From the moment White Cloud brought him back and beyond, he's been... injured; and if he wasn't - he was practically glued to the Cloud's side.
This man is the reason that White Cloud has been so distracted. He's seen the way jade eyes look at him. He knows what's going on in that head of his. He can see how high the Cloud has ascended without ever so much as leaving the ground. He knows what's happening.
He won't say he cares for it but at the same time it's not his business to care.
Still trained eyes watch as each shot is fired and it's an entire ocean to take up where their final location strikes. At the very least he can say the Amestrian has good aim. At the very least he can say if push comes to shove the Amestrian can defend himself. He does not want to see what happens to his counterpart when this man dies.
Or goes home for that matter.
If he ever goes home.
The ever optimistic look that exists in White Cloud's eyes when he explains to these people that he can find the Pillar that connects to their world so he can send them home - it's as painful to watch as it is deceitful because they both know he's promising the impossible.
They both know that he's been lying to these people the entire time out of some twisted form of care because he knows full well that the Cloud is too damn scared to just tell them the truth.
Which one of them is the wicked one now?
There was mercy and there foolishness what the Cloud was doing was foolishness. What the Cloud was doing was cruel. He couldn't promise these people the impossible just to try to spare them from the pain of the inevitable. The same as this man. He too would feel the pain of the end of his world, just as they all would.
And if White Cloud ever did find the Pillar that connects their Amestris to Wonderland then he would see to it that ever last one of them were returned to their homes himself, if only to make his Other's mind a bit more clear. His head was... filled with frivolities as of late.
There were already enough problems with the other Mistericans, but he couldn't do anything about that and if he dared he's sure that the Lamb would become a Lion at a moment's notice.
So he stands, silently as he watches the Amestrian unload the clip in his weapon as if he's done this thousand times and it's enough to know that the unassuming man before him has seen battle, war at that. It's at least a small comfort. It's a small comfort that should the worse happen, then maybe he would be a hinderance on the battlefield.
That's the last thing they need. Even if he doesn't want any of these people near Chaos in the first place - if only to avoid - a repeat of last time.
The man turns, finally noticing him and he is greeted in a casual sort of way that brings his lips to drag down into a deep frown. He wants to know when he got here which means he had been so absorbed in his task that he hadn't noticed the Windarian's entry. Foolish. That's dangerous to not be completely aware of one's surroundings at all times when handling a firearm.
He has more important questions for this one than the state of his ability to access a battlefield. Blue eyes focus in on grey coldly as his voice leaves him in a deep rumble.
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"....tell me something. Is he in your eyes?"
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
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Ptolemaea, one of the several regions of Cocytus, the frozen lake in the ninth and lowest circle of Hell and the lake is divided into four concentric rings of traitors corresponding, in order of seriousness, to betrayal of family ties, betrayal of community ties, betrayal of guests and betrayal of lords, in the circle of Treachery, Ptolemaea is where those traitors who have betrayed their guests and those with whom they had special relationships with, linger on in frigid agony, lying supine in the ice while their tears freeze in their eye sockets, sealing them with small visors of crystal with even the comfort of weeping is denied to them, and their whole bodies up to their neck are covered in ice so they are forced to devour other traitors in the realm of Ptolemaea. ptolemaea - ethel cain / @mothercain. / gangsta. - kohske. / divine comedy; inferno - dante aligheri.
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ssolessurvivor · 3 months
plotted starter for @bruz3r
He still couldn't believe what he'd stumbled upon, his harrowed mind moving a mile a minute at the implications. Somehow he'd found the strength to move Batman into a secluded little area, walled off from the street outside where he'd just been laying there, incapacitated. It was only when he'd roused ever so slightly from the movement that Logan started trying to look for obvious signs of injury. It was difficult, rainwater made his armor slick and hard to see where blood might come from a rather invisible knife puncture.
Logan went nowhere near the mask: that was not his business.
The shadows from outside shifted, Logan caught them far too easily. Turning to the door, seeing someone who he deemed threatening to a severely injured public figure, the veteran pulled out his gun, cause yes, he carried.
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"Back up." Logan growled, but not making a move to shoot. More a threatening display for another, a mirror in this grey, drenched night.
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shiroi---kumo · 4 months
Music of the Clouds || Accepting
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Daughtry - Traitor
Well Kumo's playlist must be mad that I haven't listened to it in a minute because puff's playlist ain't playing around.
So let's go into the course of the series and talk about Kumo and Kaze (Kumo strictly calls him by given name of 'Black Wind'// Kaze strictly calls Kumo 'White Cloud'.)
I happen to have this clip on hand, so here it is and it helps me make a point. This Clip is episode 4 btw and the first time they "meet" in the series.
You see what's going on here, is Kaze and Kumo died the last time they fought Chaos to try to save Windaria (Kaze's home world) and they failed to save it, died, and got thrown into Wonderland. Kumo revived in Gaudium - Kaze revived not himself. As a toll for merging his soul with Chaos' to try to stop it - Chaos shattered Kaze's mind in response.
So Kaze wakes up with amnesia and cannot remember his name, his home, his life with Kumo for the last three years, nothing. The only thing Chaos has allowed him to remember is his home being destroyed, and a warped vision of Kumo killing his younger sister Aura.
Kumo did not kill Aura, but Chaos warped memories. Kumo saved Aura and Aura died because she gave her life in the intention to help fight Chaos. However Kaze doesn't remember it like that. All he remembers is White Cloud killed my sister, and he only wakes with these memories 12 years post the destruction of Windaria.
Kumo put Kaze to sleep with his Mist in the hopes he could heal his shattered mind 12 years ago and then lived alone in Gaudium (Chaos' Castle) for the whole time in an abusive environment waiting for Kaze to wake up. However when he does wake up, Kumo is "working for The Earl" at the time (The Earl = Chaos) and he needs to keep his reputation up so his long haul plan of finding a way to defeat Chaos once and for all doesn't get blown to hell.
So when they meet, Kumo - having lived with this man and Aura for 3 years post the destruction of Misterica (17yrs old -> 20 yrs ) and thinks of them like family - was not expecting to have a gun shoved in his face and The Earl sent him there to "deal with the rebels and the Black Wind."
So he needed to "put on a show". Kaze then spends THE ENTIRE ANIMATED SERIES (24 of 25 episodes) trying to hunt Kumo down to kill him for "killing Aura". Except he never tells Kumo why he's so pissed. Ever. Not once in 25 episodes does he even yell at him why he's pissed. He just tries to kill him.
[Intro] I'm not a criminal I'm not the villain Yeah, this is personal A drive-by killing
[Verse 1] Your guns are loaded And your lies are the bullets So here is the trigger Go ahead and pull it now
[Pre-Chorus] Are you sure you wanna play this game? Are you sure you wanna play it?
[Chorus] The only thing worse than a hater The only thing worse than a hater Is a traitor A traitor A traitor You put the knife right in my back Killed any history we had And now it's war War
[Verse 2] We were just like brothers We had each other We were down for the good times We were there for the troubles Like a thief in the night Broad daylight You stole my sanity Now you are the enemy
[Pre-Chorus] Are you sure you wanna play this game? Are you sure you wanna play it?
[Chorus] The only thing worse than a hater The only thing worse than a hater Is a traitor A traitor A traitor You put the knife right in my back Killed any history we had And now it's war War
[Bridge] Oh, oh I should feel sorry for you Oh, oh Watching you drown in your denial Oh oh But I can't feel sorry for you Oh, oh Watching you drown 'cause you're a traitor
[Chorus] The only thing worse than a hater The only thing worse than a hater Is a traitor A traitor A traitor You put the knife right in my back Killed any history we had And now it's war War
The only thing worse than a hater The only thing worse than a hater Is a traitor A traitor A traitor You put the knife right in my back Killed any history we had And now it's war War
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fxckingmoran-a · 11 months
Headcanon; Intelligence
       Sebastian had learned early on that feigning stupidity would work to his advantage. He’d sell more drugs if he fumbled the math - added the amounts up wrong and gave them extra. Acted like he hadn’t realised. They kept coming back to him time after time, thinking they were winning one over on the stupid drug dealer. The thick fucks hadn’t realised he was cutting the cocaine with creatine and robbing them blind whilst doing it. 
      Most assume that Sebastian’s job now is just to point and shoot. They choose to disregard the intelligence required to train as a military sniper, reducing it down to whatever they’ve experienced whilst playing Call of Duty. The reality is far different. 
     Most importantly, there’s the mathematics. Calculating the muzzle velocity, accounting for heat, elevation, the curvature of the earth - All of this has to be taken into consideration. Then you add the weather. In the warmth you’ve to account for the dryness in the air and the sun heating the bullets on the ground next to you. Rain presents lower visibility. Any trace of wind can throw the calculations off so any changes in direction have to be taken into consideration. Then there’s the weight of the bullets. Even if they’re the same size and similar materials, it doesn’t matter. Different manufacturers can improve or reduce quality of the flight path. It’s all about knowing which one to choose. Hence why Sebastian is very fussy about who he buys his bullets from. In an instant, he can calculate trajectory and statistical probability of said bullet burying itself between the target’s eyes, yet people mark him down to just being trigger happy. 
      That underestimation suits him because it makes the look on their faces even more enjoyable when his bullet nestles so beautifully in their skull. 
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mafiaheiress · 1 year
sometimes i just sit here at work and think about isabella marie while internally sobbing. imagine what she’s witnessed at such a young age — kids at school gossiping about her father being in the mob, even if enzo tried his very best to hide it from his baby girl. imagine her finding guns lying around the house, or eavesdropping in on her father’s conversations. doing her own research and finding news articles about her father’s criminal involvement with the mafia, or the feds showing up at her sweet sixteen and arresting don luciano on bullshit charges, but making a spectacle out of it just to embarrass the family. as well as constantly feeling that her intelligence is being diminished when her parent’s and older brothers try to make excuses and continue to lie about their dirty dealings. her teenage years were frustrating, to say the least.. and she rebelled, a lot.
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nomanslannd · 2 years
“ can you move? “ // it's grey memorial djfhdjdjd it's gonna be a disaster
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{ * Ian  shook  his  head;  trying  hard  not  to  think  about  the  fact  that  he'd  just  been  shot.  ❛Fuck,❜  he  muttered  to  himself,  before  looking  up  at  Cassie.  ❛No,  but  that  doesn't  matter  we  need  to  move,❜  he  insisted.  He  had  no  idea  where,  the  shooter  was  now,  but  they  needed  to  get  out  of  that  hallway  and  to  somewhere  safe.  ❛If  you  help  me  up,  I  think  I  can  make  it  to  an  empty  oncall  room.❜       
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secondhandmckie · 2 years
don’t you ever point a gun at someone you’re not going to shoot. (from Shane)
In the Meme Vault
She might've apologized for drawing on him--might've, had he not decided to be a dick. That was the reason Molly took just a little longer than necessary returning the safety mechanism and stowing the weapon. Returned it at all, because Sophia was there watching from a short distance. They'd already been at each other's throats, and had promised to try and get along for the kid's sake...this was not cutting it.
"Who said I wouldn't have shot?" She hissed in return. Molly continued cleaning up their site, rolling up her bedroll before turning to Sophia's. "Don't fucking sneak up on me, and I won't draw on you. Simple as that, officer."
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a former US president gets shot at and rather than trend himself he causes supernatural to trend instead because everyone is sharing the news via the destiel meme. unparalleled
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kuroki---kaze · 8 months
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Windaria's Unlimited :: Wielder of the Golden Gun
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⋆୨𖤓୧⋆ The wielder of the Infernal Father's gun, would be the one who places his heart within this beast and survives. A grand champion that would rise above the rest to take his seat as War God of Windaria, known only through legend as Asher.
As time passed, the Windarian people came to find that one such soul - the black blood - Fekete Szél - was Asher incarnate. With his heart placed within the gun, he was accepted as it's chosen wielder by the God within, the Infernal Father - Bahamut. The gun itself is grafted into Kaze's body by way of his right arm, that gets reconstructed when the Magun is thawed. As long as the vial that contains his heart remains undamaged, Kaze himself can never die. He is effectively immortal as the only beings that can damage the vial are one White Cloud, his Unlimited counterpart and Chaos itself.
This gun grants it's wielder the ability to access the Soil Spiral in a way that normal Soil Sages cannot. It gives it's commander the ability to combine varying colors of Soil Bullets to summon a variable army of Soil Spirits.
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Pictured: Phoenix, Typhoon, Ixion, Shiva, Atmos, Meteor Master, Ifrit, Odin (there's more.)
A Soil Spirit's power is generally unmatched in most cases and delivers a devastated blow to whatever foe unleashes them on.
You can see Kaze summon here:
In order to summon a spirit, Kaze uses different combinations of colors of Soil and Soil Poetry by way of describing the Soil being used.
(Please remember Soil is not dirt but instead it is the crystallization of a passed on Soul. Every Soul in the Universe is either comprised of one of two elemental building blocks and they are Soil and Mist. Most things possess a Soul of Soil therefore their soul carries that color hue.)
But the ability to call forth an army of Soil Spirits is not the only thing the Magun is capable of. Kaze is a skilled Soil Sage and as such can control powerful magics. He can command Soil to do many things but one of the other abilities the Magun possesses is spellcasting.
Different color combinations will result in a Soil Spirit, but what if he were to use the same. For example, we'll use Fire Red.
If Kaze were to fire a single Fire Red from the Magun it would cast a spell.
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1 Fire Red = Fire
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2 Fire Red = Fira
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3 Fire Red = Firaga
It works like this for most spells in the terms of general spellcasting. The more of the same type of Soil he uses, the stronger the spell. Kaze can fast cast with the Magun and fire off as many spells as he has the ammo for. Further more, being as connected to the Soil Spiral as he is, he can manifest bullets into form whenever he needs them.
This is why Windarian Religion dictated that whoever was accepted by the Infernal Father's Golden Gun would become a War God. Just as Kumo can use the Maken telepathically because of his connection to it, Kaze can manifest ammunition for the Magun at will and fast cast with it as long as he has the right combination and he doesn't over tax his heart.
Because just like the the Maken is Kumo's soul, the Magun is Kaze's heart. Both weapons are the Unlimited's very lives and as long as they remain undamaged they are nigh unstoppable forces of nature.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
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sometimes i wonder if i ever even knew you at all
telltale's the walking dead. / head in the wall - ethel cain ( @mothercain ).
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ssolessurvivor · 1 year
[ roadtrip ] sender takes receiver on a roadtrip without revealing their destination.
memes - always accepting! - @goldenboybarracuda
Logan didn't mind Alex driving his truck around, especially when he had that glint in his eyes that gave Logan a smile and curious questions weren't answered. So the veteran allowed himself to gaze out the window while they cranked the music up, his arm resting against the door with the window rolled down.
However, he could somewhat start to tell where they were once they drove down certain roads. The GPS he helped Alex decipher took some alternate routes, but once they pulled into the parking lot, Logan was surprised but...confused.
"Here?" He asked Alex with a soft smile, taking his aviators off as he peeked over at his...him. Boyfriend didn't seem right yet, not without asking. Some people weren't into that. Even thinking it, Logan blushed and cleared his throat. "Well, I guess that explains why you wanted me to bring mine." His gun, that is. But that was a good thing: Logan would know what he's teaching Alex, if that is indeed what he's doing. "I assume you didn't come to just watch?"
To clear up any of the remaining confusion settling between his brows, Logan reaches over and takes Alex's hand in his own, a soft smile on his face as he feels himself release those nerves at the sensation.
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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itsdabatt · 27 days
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Tim Drake: The Opportunist
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