#{{what they don't know is your real advantage;; when you life for someone you're prepared to die;; TOMURA SHIGARAKI;; harbringerofdecay}}
jellybeanium124 · 21 days
ed having a panic attack in public and everyone is ignoring him until stede walks over and asks him if he wants a boba tea and holds out a cup of boba for him and it's just surprising enough to snap ed out of it a little and a sugary drink helps too. stede just talks with him and helps him feel better and they end up sorta going on a date.
once ed's brain has calmed down enough to start really thinking again he gets nervous about stede having bad intentions. his whole life, showing weakness meant someone was going to swoop in and try and take advantage of him, so that must be what stede's doing, right? ed's always been surrounded by manipulative assholes. but then their maybe-date is coming to a natural conclusion, and stede says goodbye without even asking for ed's number. and ed's pretty confused. he also really likes this sweet guy. so he asks stede for his number before he walks out of ed's life forever, and stede seems really surprised by ed asking to swap contact info. ed figures if this guy is trying to manipulate him into sleeping with him he's really laying it on thick.
stede doesn't even text him first. ed's so desperate for a connection he doesn't even care if this is fake and stede just wants to get in his pants. if he can keep pretending to be nice and funny ed almost doesn't mind (like he's ever gonna get any better? he doesn't deserve any better). so he texts stede and they meet up for lunch or something and then walk around the park and stede doesn't make any romantic advance at all. ed's having a hard time holding onto the belief that stede has some master manipulation plan at this point, but he can't quite let it go because then that would mean this wonderful lunatic is actually real and that feels too good to be true.
ed kisses him, just a quick peck when they're out of sight of everyone else. he really wants to kiss stede, but he's also worried stede will ghost him if he doesn't put out. but stede looks so completely gobsmacked after ed's stuck having to recalibrate.
"did you mean to do that?" stede asks.
"yes? erm... sorry?"
"no no don't apologize! I was just surprised!"
"oh... why were you surprised?"
stede falters and goes kind of quiet. little does ed know what's really been going through stede's head this whole time.
stede saw someone suffering, and reached out, because he knows how it feels to suffer alone and nobody ever reaches out. and then the man he gave some bubble tea to ends up being really cute and smart and funny and cool and so much cooler than stede. he's a million miles out of stede's league and stede's just happy that ed wanted to spend a couple hours with him.
he's prepared to just walk away after because he did his nice thing, and then probably undid all the niceness by blabbering on and annoying ed. he's shocked when ed asks for his number. why would ed want to contact him again? he hopes ed isn't having panic attacks alone enough to need to call a total stranger to ground him. but then ed asks him out to lunch? it's pretty odd. maybe ed just wants to reach out to him once or twice to prove something about exchanging contact info and then ed will probably get fed up with him or forget about him and move on. but stede accepts because he can at least pretend to have a friend for a week or two. and then ed wants to take a walk together after lunch which is just so kind of him. and then ed KISSES him???????????? stede really doesn't know what to make of that. he hopes ed isn't just pretending to like him enough to kiss him. that hasn't happened to him since high school. adults don't play those kinds of pranks, right?
stede really isn't prepared to get into all that immediately and just blurts out: "because you're so out of my league!"
"I'm out of your league? be serious stede. you're handsome and kind and witty and fun... you're out of my league."
"well if you're out of my league and I'm out of your league... that sort of evens things out doesn't it?"
"yeah guess it does!"
and then they can kiss again and not care about any passers-by seeing them <3 maybe one day they can trauma dump about their minuscule self-esteem and get therapy. but for now they are just two sad lonely little guys who found each other and it's the start of something lovely.
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
How do men view you?
Masterlist ♡ paid services
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⚠ : these pictures do not belong to me. I have taken them Pinterest
This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.
Hey pile 1 ! Now I don't know about your personal life but men around you see you as someone who has been through a lot of things . You might always appear as sleepy or men get that you're always sleepy but somehow still cute. They see you as someone who's very observant and knows about everything. Almost as a smart ass. Someone who is always in their head. I'm also getting that men around you feel like a need to protect you or provide for you. It's just something about you that makes them treat you nicely but it mostly comes from pity. And I'm also getting that there's something about your eyes that attracts men. I feel like men view you as someone who tries very hard to do something. I'm not saying that they view you as a pushover but they feel like you try very hard to fit in. Men feel like someone has hurt you and they shouldn't mess with you. I am also getting that men feel like you are waiting for someone very special like a Soulmate to have a relationship with and you do not want just fun or like to mess around with someone. You want a real committed rerelationship and do not want to fuck around. You respect your time and you don't give it to others who don't deserve it. But when they get close to you, you treat them very nicely and are very caring. Almost like a mother. But still you won't let them be too close to you . It's like you always have a wall around you no matter how close they are to you. Men also see you as a wise person who has a lot of knowledge regarding different topics. And I'm also getting that you always have something to teach them. Men see you as a cold hearted person sometimes. They are somewhat scared to approach you because they feel like you'll reject them. If you have dark eyes they are like an ocean to men. Almost like a dark sea. There's also something about your gaze that's very attractive to them.
Random messages : peach, cherry, turkey, cold/winters, Neptune dominant, night time, black Swan, tear drops, Aries, Sagittarius, scorpio, Pisces , Capricorn , Pointy nose , brown hair.
Hey pile 2 ! Okay let's get one thing straight, what I'm about to say is not good to be very good. So prepare yourself. Men around you almost romanticize you and sexualize you. They have fantasies about you. And I'm also getting that men around you get obsessed with you and may also stalk you. Men can't face rejection from you and when they get rejected they may act psychotic. You're the dream girl of many men. Because you come from a rich and abundant family. And this is not always good because men want to take advantage of you. Either your money or from your name . Some men see you as someone who is family oriented and has a lot of expectations . Men see you as someone who's secretive and mysterious. There's somehow about you that makes men desire you but you don't give them any of your attention. You know your worth and won't let anyone walk over you. You're also very bittersweet too. You also bring peace and harmony with you everywhere you go. Men also see that you have a great intellect. You want or might have an emotionally secure and loving family or this kind of family is important to you . Men want to have kids with you so that you wouldn't get away from them.( you almost arouse the breeding kink in men) Men also see you as someone who's very stubborn. You know exactly what you want and won't settle for anything less than that. Men also feel instant connection with you. But you're also a heartbreaker. Or men see you as one. I am also getting that men see you as someone who had a great glow up. Or you can be someone who changes their aesthetic very often. And looks good in everything. I'm hearing Made You look by Meghan Trainor. So this song might be important to you. Or you give off the energy of this song. Men also find your voice very attractive. You could have a deep or soothing voice.
Random messages : Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces, libra, August, 8 , moon, clouds, Ram, rest, 1010 , 333 , pineapple, good back, smooth hair.
Hey pile 3! You're pile got the most cards like my cards were flying out lol. Okay so right off the bat I'm getting that you might give off serial killer Vibes to men and men are also scared of you . You might practice witchcraft or are interested in the occult and you seem to always talk about it , so somehow men are scared of you because they see you as a witch. And somehow you pull both men and women. You have a lot of suitors. You like taking risks. Men feel scared of you because you don't seem to have fear about anything . It's like you like to put yourself in dangerous situations and take risks because it gives you pleasure almost like a psychopath. You give off light yagami's vibe from DEATH NOTE. You might say something very controversial or wear a shirt with something very controversial written on it. Men don't want to involve themselves with you because sometimes they think that they'll be in on bad rumors. Some of you might be bisexual. You are very in tune with your sexuality. This pile is very different, I'm amazed. You might have masculine energy or like to act masculine and men somehow feel insecure around you. You can do everything by yourself and don't need anyone to help. And this gives men anxiety because they know they won't be in your life if they're not offering you something or being helpful in some way. You easily attract the spotlight. Some men also see you as somehow who they'll love to work with or be on good terms with. You also give some regrets to men. Like when you cut ties with men they feel like they should've treated you better. Men might also be against your beliefs and what you say. You always trigger something in them. Men see you as a very goal oriented person. Alright so here I feel a male's energy, this can be your ex or if you don't have an ex this is your ex-crush. They see how great you're doing in your life and they feel regretful about what they couldn't have with you.
Random messages : lion/Tiger high cheekbones, Leo , virgo, rabbit, Target, a good friend, guilt trip, Tea, sharp jawline, Bun.
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catoslvt · 6 months
Ethan Landry x Reader
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musical theatre lovers ofc!
you're rehersing 'Someone Gets Hurt' from Mean Girls the Musical in preparation for your schools Musical and then a time skip to a dress rehearsal.
Chad and Tara get to watch because they're working on the set or something idk..
He's not ghostface**
"No, Tara, I'm actually terrified." I tell her as I pull on my shoes, quickly doing up the laces.
"Why? You're only singing, then kissing and then singing again. It's no big deal." She states and I shake my head.
"It's more than that!" I gasp and she scoffs.
"You know I like him!" I exclaim, and she laughs, clearly not understanding why I'm so nervous.
"Then use it to your advantage, make as many mistakes as you can so you can redo it over and over." She tells me with a serious but joking tone.
"I can't do that. He'll know something is up." I argue, and she sighs and throws her arms around.
"Well, I'll be there watching, so I'll just keep shouting to retry the kiss or something. You got this, trust me, ethan is head over heels for you." Tara states.
Ethan and I stand on the stage watching Tara and Chad, who both walk to the back row of the audience and find seats before flashing us a thumbs up.
"Can you hear me?" I call being quite loud, forgetting about my microphone.
"Yep, perfect!" Tara screams.
"Do you have the backing track on your phone?" I ask ethan, and he fumbles into his trouser pocket and pulls out his phone, his hands are clearly shaking.
Good, hopefully he's as nervous as I am.
"For the kiss, don't be scared to do it over the top, Tara and Chad won't be able to see it as well as the people down the front row would." He says as he presses play on the backing track, not giving me time to register what he just said.
The first part of the song goes amazingly, I remember all the blocking, doing it the best that i can without the other people on the stage and don't ever miss timings, but it's when the kissing part nears closer that the nerves fill my body.
I now stand facing Ethan directly, but our bodies are facing the audience more than facing each other.
"It's fine for you, it's fine to flirt." I sing as I take a step closer to Ethan, his eyes not leaving mine.
"And God, you're hot. Why do you even wear a shirt?" I continue to sing as I grab his shirt and pull him closer to me.
"No, it's fine." We now both sing, his voice harmonising with mine almost perfectly.
"Damn, you're fine." He goes onto sing, one of his hands falling onto my shoulder.
"Damn, you're fine." I sing, taking another slight step closer to him as I stare up at him, were both turning pink, probably just nerves, though.
"And it's fine." We both sing, our voices really so sound nice together.
Okay this is it.
"Till someone gets -" I sing before wrapping my arms around ethans neck and pulling his face down towards mine, our lips instantly meeting in a kiss, that he deepens as he wraps his arms around my waist.
We continue this making out for another ten seconds before I pull away almost missing my next cue.
"Till someone gets hurt." I sing facing ethan.
"Till someone gets hurt." I then sing, facing the audience which only consists of Chad and Tara who are both looking equally as gobsmacked as each other, and then the music fades.
"Holy shit!" Tara screams as she stands up from her seat and makes her way down the middle aisle, giggling and clapping.
"That was so good!" Chad yells as he follows Tara, but he's not giggling or clapping. He just looks insanely proud.
"Any bad comments?" Ethan asks with a nervous laugh from beside me.
"The kiss." Chad and Tara say in usion, and I burst out laughing.
"It was too awkward! Your characters are exs, meaning they've kissed like that tons of times before." Tara tells us as she takes a seat in the front row.
"That doesn't help us make the kiss less awkward." I argue shooting her a small smile, but I try to hide it from ethan.
"Just pretend you are together in real life." Chad says, and as I look at him, I see him wink at Ethan.
"It's not that easy-" Ethan goes to argue.
"Just try it! From the line before the kiss." Tara yells, and ethan grabs his phone from the floor and plays about with the backing track until it's like thirty seconds before the kiss and we get in our places.
"Till someone gets -" I sing, and this time, Ethan pulls me in closer towards him first, his lips instantly meeting mine before I wrap my arms around his neck, one of my hands making their way to his hair, the kiss deepens and before I get carried away I pull away and sing the last two lines.
"I like Ethan starting the kiss more." Chad says, pointing at us, and Tara nods her head in agreement.
"Any homework? I've got Econ in ten minutes." Ethan says as he grabs his phone and checks the time.
"Yeah, you two need to get used to kissing each other." Tara says, trying to stop her laughs.
"Get behind the curtain and start practicing." She then adds and ethan and I both look at her in shock.
"She's not joking. Move." Chad announces, and I quickly walk off the stage, heading backstage whilst laughing.
"That was.. awkward." Ethan sighs and I nod.
"Kinda funny, though." I add and then he nods.
"We sounded really good together, though. You're such a great singer, I mean, I didn't even know you sung until we all got cast." Ethan tells me and I smile proudly.
"I told Tara I had auditioned for Regina, and she told me you were auditioning for Aaron, and I thought she was lying, I mean no offence but you're so shy, I wouldn't have thought theatre was your thing." I admit, and he laughs nervously before looking down at his phone.
"I need to go, I have Econ." Ethan reminds me, and I take a second to process what I'm about to say before I blurt it out.
"Quick kiss practice before you go?" I blurt, and ethans eyes widen slightly, but he shrugs and steps closer to me, this kiss is much shorter than the one on the stage because he needs to go, but it's still a kiss.
"See you at next rehearsal." I call as he speedwalks away.
Dress Rehersal
"Is everyone in their positions!?" Miss Higgins, my theatre teacher yells from the audience and everyone who is on the stage, including ethan, and I all shout yes.
"This will be our last rehearsal of the night, shows in one week, guys, but don't stress, you've all got this!" She continues to yell.
"Break a leg!" Tara screams from the back row, and we all have a small laugh before the song starts.
This is much better. Everyone who's on the stage remembers their blocking and the timings of their movements and its a smooth run.
"It's fine for you. It's fine to flirt." I sing as I circle around Ethan, eyeing him up and down.
"And God, you're hot!" I continue to sing as I now stop in front of him.
"Why do you even wear a shirt?" I sing as I grab at his sports Jersey.
"No, it's fine." We both go onto harmonise, our voices blending as well as my favourite smoothie.
"Damn, you're fine." Ethan sings with a smile as he cups my face with his hand.
"Damn, you're fine." I sing back, my hand reaching up and grabbing his shoulder.
"And it's fine." We both sing, closing the gap between us.
"Till someone gets -" I sing as ethan cuts me off, pressing his lips against mine as my arms wrap around his neck and both of his hands cup my face, we stay in this position, deepening the kiss until I pull away.
"Till someone gets hurt." I sing looking at Cadys actor Becky.
"Till someone gets hurt." I then belt, looking at the audience (Tara, Chad, and Miss Higgins), who are all clapping, until Chad and Tara begin pointing at where Ethan was previously standing so I turn to the side confused but that's when I see everyone who is in the background of this song holding signs.
"What?" I ask quietly because all the signs are backwards, so I can't see what they say.
"You can turn them now." Ethan says from behind me, and they all start turning the signs around.
My (Ethan)
Girlfriend? (Y/n)
I gasp as I read what the signs spell out and turn around to face Ethan, who has a bouquet of flowers in his hand and the biggest smile on his face.
"Yes!" I scream.
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dramioneasks · 10 months
HP FESTS: HP Socmed AU Fest
HP Socmed AU Fest:
Content With You by MsPolaPotter - M, WIP - "What's one small decision you made that changed the trajectory of your entire life?" "I quit my job." After years of being stuck in the same place, Hermione hands in her 30 days' notice and embarks on a journey to find herself. On the way, she finds her passion, new friends and perhaps someone to have a lifetime of adventures with.
Next Thing You Know by grangermalfoy07 - M, 8 chapters - Hermione hadn't imagined meeting the person she was destined to be with, while out with her best friend after class. They say that fate has a funny way of coming to be. Sometimes being in the right place at the right time has its advantages even if you don't plan for them to happen. Draco certainly hadn't planned on meeting the one person who would mean the world to him after attending class at the same university.
Muggle Literature for Dummies by violently_verbose - M, 5 chapters - Books have always been the way to Hermione Granger's heart and Draco Malfoy is looking for an opening.
We're In This Together by grangermalfoy07 - M, 8 chapters - Years after the war, Hermione is struggling with her mental health and the after effects of the cruciatus curse. Enter Draco Malfoy, St. Mungos newest healer who deals with patients that struggle with their life after the war. When the two re-meet again, their relationship blooms into something more.
Project Playdate by emmarBea - M, WIP - Welcome to the Lumos Young Magic Institute, a coeducational school for the modern magical family. We nurture curious, collaborative and capable young witches and wizards, preparing them for secondary magical education and beyond. Community is the cornerstone of our institution and we invite all adults in our students' lives to be active participants in their learning journey, both at home and at school. Enclosed is our school handbook, calendar and staff directory. You will also find a packet of forms which need to be completed before the start of term. Looking forward to a *magical* school year. - Lara Marchbanks | Headteacher, Lumos Young Magic Institute __ A new school year starts for the Granger family and with it comes a curiously familiar chain of events. The younger Granger witch finds herself with her very first, real life friend, the elder Granger witch finds a confidant in an unknown, faceless stranger, and Harry Potter finds himself in need of assistance in order to save the Wizarding world yet again.
All We're Doing is Causing you Stress by nissasxnotes - G, 2 chapters - A day in the family group chat of the Granger-Malfoy's; [or, the one where the Granger-Malfoy's are chaos incarnate]
You're Not Funny, Draco by slytherinsprincess02 - M, one-shot -Draco Malfoy discovered memes and had decided to bless his girlfriend and best mates with the whole new world he 'discovered'.
This fest is ongoing.
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thegameshowhost · 3 months
sending every dw ask blog steven universe lyrics ( this time its because i wanna )
Alright, everything begins with your stance Remember, you do it for him And you would do it again You do it for her, that is to say You'll do it for him
Keep your stance wide Keep your body lowered As you're moving forward Balance is the key Right foot, left foot Now go even faster And as you're moving backwards Keep your eyes on me
Keep my stance wide (good) Keep my body lowered (right) As I'm moving forward (concentrate) Don't you want him to live? Right foot, left foot Yes, but put your whole body into it Everything you have, everything you are You've got to give
On the battlefield When everything is chaos And you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and a sword You just think about the life you'll have together after the war And then you do it for her That's how you know you can win You do it for her, that is to say You'll do it for him
Deep down you know You weren't built for fighting But that doesn't mean You're not prepared to try What they don't know Is your real advantage When you live for someone You're prepared to die
Deep down I know That I'm just a human (true) But I know that I can draw my sword and fight (but you know that you can draw your sword and fight) With my short existence (good) I can make a difference (yes, excellent) I can be there for him I can be his knight
I can do it for him You'd do it for her Okay, now do that again (yes, ma'am) You do it for her, and now you say I'll do it for him
🌟 thanks
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
I'm an artist. I just want to paint the town crazy (part47)
Some weeks passed by and Jerome indeed made sure Scarlet would recover fast. He helped her with stolen medication against the pain, he robbed every store to get enough other medication for her, and he even robbed blood bags since she lost a huge amount of blood since she was too weak to walk. He cared about her more than he did about himself. Experiencing almost losing his doll made him realize how much she meant to him. She was his weak spot, he wouldn't deny it - but how cruel would it be for Jerome's ego if everybody saw how vulnerable he can be? It would be a shame! Nobody would respect him anymore, nobody would see him as a real threat - they would probably dare to call him a loser or even a pussy that couldn't handle his life without his doll. Whether it was true or not, he didn't want anyone to accuse him of wrong shit that would crack on his ego. He had to show them he was smarter, stronger, and even better than what they would eventually think about him - and he did. Not just the medical care he did, oh no, he did a lot more. He did some kind of training with her like how to walk with a straight back, stretching her muscles, and doing some workouts to strengthen her stamina. Day by day Scarlet needed to jog a few miles, run upstairs and downstairs several times, and do sit-ups, push-ups, and other stuff. Of course, he didn't torture or pressure her. He knew she needed some time to recover, but with the right treatment, you always can recover faster than people would expect.
And it worked. Within weeks, Scarlet recovered super fast. It was like she was never injured, she was never shot by Andy, and she never felt unconscious due to her massive blood loss. Scarlet became the old one, luckily. Her power came back, her mastermind, her stamina - everything was the same - and not to mention her bloodthirst and need to kill.
"So, my love," Jerome grinned, rubbing his hands in excitement "Are you ready for today? Remember today's the day we present Gotham as our real comeback! Better be up to the mark"
"You don't need to tell me what to do or how to be, Jerome" Scarlet grabbed some of her guns and hid them in her clothes anywhere ready to hand "I know myself best what and how to do. I'm not a beginner just because I've been dead. I'm the old one as before with my glorious mind and skills"
"Oh, I know, I know, princess," Jerome snickered "Not even the experience of death can change you - turning out to my advantage. I mean, who would not be happy about having a strong intelligent woman in their life with a deranged mind?"
"So you're calling me crazy?" Scarlet frowned at him, giving him one of her death dares. She hated being called crazy. She wasn't crazy, she was different, ordinary, or special. She wasn't any stupid lunatic who had no plan for life and was talking to some of the weird voices they'd hear.
"No, no, my doll," Jerome cupped her face "Quite the contrary, you're quite talented, you're special! How many people in Gotham do you know have equal abilities as you? There's no one out there in this rotten town. You're the diamond beyond all those mineral ores. You're outstanding, your human physical appearance is stunning, your mental structure is prodigious, and let's be honest," Jerome smirked "You're Gotham's number 1. See, the citizens fear you and adore you at the same time! You could take advantage of this and start a riot, a war of good and evil could be created with one finger snip - isn't that glorious?"
"Sure, J" Scarlet smirked, placing her hands on his cheeks softly "I am prepared for the Noble War, but are you too? People can be outrageous when they're starting a riot, you know? They try to replace someone to be better, we saw that on Dwight, remember? And we don't want that to happen again, do we?"
"Surely not," Jerome chuckled "But don't worry doll, I won't let anyone try taking you away from me. This kind of problem will be erased quite easily" He thought of the way he killed Dwight: manipulation, praising, and then killing. He surely knew that when starting a riot he wouldn't have time to tie people up on chairs and tape some dynamite on their bodies - so his plan was doing a blood rush like killing all men that tried to get in her near. He at least was the one who was allowed to be with her and not the others.
"Of course it will," Scarlet chuckled "It's gonna be a real bloodbath since people don't accept your comeback. Many want you dead after you let the cult fall and conceded them to be arrested in jail."
"They didn't match my expectations. How can I count on those people when they're praising an idiot that's trying to be me? They aren't loyal enough to us, they would follow any guy that's trying to implement apparent visions and plans I might have" Jerome muttered "What we need are trustworthy and loyal partners, people that just trust us. And how do we find them best?"
"We scare the shit out of them and make use of their anxiety like with guinea pigs" Scarlet gave him her darkest grin "We pull them out of their comfort zone and form them into our little helpers who do the dirty work for us"
"Oh, doll," Jerome grinned, cupping her face one more time and pressing his lips on hers softly "What would I do without you and your wonderful mind?"
Jerome and Scarlet lurked through the streets of Gotham City to find a perfect place to start the show. It had to be a big place, a public place would be the best. The park? Nah, Gotham's park of a little piece of grass that was surrounded by a little puddle. It wasn't very big, you couldn't even use it for festivals or speeches. The park was so unattractive that almost no one visited it in their free time. The park was always empty, even in summer.
The municipal building was no place either. Most of the people in town didn't pay attention to what was happening at the building's front door. Some eventually watched a scene for two minutes but most of the people simply ignore it.
So what was the best place to start a riot? To spread chaos? To start the end of Gotham City?
You're right! It's in front of the GCPD! You wonder why? It's simple! Gotham is full of crimes, it's full of danger. The people feel unsafe! They're scared! Whenever there was a danger they ran to a hidden track and hide - and their favorite hidden track was the GCPD. It was the place with the employees who try to eradicate evil. They knew they could trust these people, they knew they'd do anything to keep people like Jerome and Scarlet away from the citizens.
Good that Scarlet and Jerome weren't alone though. In the meantime, Jerome organized a little team of his and Scarlet's old friends and people who hated Jim Gordon and the whole GCPD. They wanted to see Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock dead. They wanted to see the GCPD burn, they wanted to see the officers being scared and helpless, not knowing what to do anymore - and so Jerome's and Scarlet's followers would stand in front of the GCPD's entrance with all their weapons to hold the officers back from trying to defeat them. They, especially Jim Gordon should see the ultimate danger in Scarlet and Jerome. He should fear them, he should see their appearance as a threat, he should despair because he wouldn't have a clue how to hold them back - he and the whole GCPD should surrender.
"The boys are on their positions, see?" Jerome pointed at the guys, standing around the street and entrance. They all tho looked like street men, nobody would recognize them - same with Scarlet and Jerome. They wore scarves and masks, gloves, and old, dirty clothing to resemble the underclass. They looked like poor people walking around in the hope to get some money or food for the day.
"Yeah," Scarlet nodded, looking behind her right to the GCPD's entrance "The cops don't notice a thing either. They're probably too stuck with paperwork. You think it's time for us to start?"
Jerome said nothing at first, he was analyzing the situation: many people walked around, there were no cops that would recognize a thing, and there was no Jim Gordon who would become suspicious - the time was perfect! There was no austerity, no danger, no paternalism - nothing! Scarlet and Jerome could simply start with anything they wanted to, no one would give a shit.
"Do it! Now or never" And this was the moment when Scarlet grabbed her rapid shot under her clothing and shot in the air to the signal danger is coming.
She wanted to make people scream, she wanted to see them panic and anxious, she wanted to see them trying to run away but they would be held back by her co-workers - and all this happened. When Scarlet started to shoot, people screamed and tried to flee but they were held back by the other so-called street men, who started shooting too. Some shot at the people, and some simply shot in the air to scare them away. It was so glorious to see how they were driven in the middle like some guinea pigs that were running away from a predator, squeaking, whining, and trying to find a possible way out. Some of them even nudged others forward to be saved from the shots.
On the other hand, it was glorious to see how helpless the cops, especially Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock, watched this scenario. Of course, they sprinted to the entrance to help, they already grabbed their guns to eventually, shoot - not possible. Right in front of them, several men blocked the entrance and pointed their guns at them, ready to shoot at any time. So their only option was to watch and see the chaos and mess Jerome and Scarlet would make.
"Oh, hello Jim, hey Harvey" Scarlet chuckled darkly "Now you see the world burn," She started cackling maniacally and walked towards the scared people that were surrounded by her co-workers "Citizens of Gotham, long time no see, right? I'm about to say we kinda missed you a little, but see: we're back! We have so much to tell you! So much to show you! There's much to do with you!" Scarlet chuckled "Like this" Scarlet went up to her upcoming victims and pulled one girl out of the crowd. She was whining, crying, and screaming at every movement Scarlet made at. She was so scared her hands and legs were shaking, she couldn't even formulate a normal sentence!
"Seems like things getting outta control, Jimbo, huh?" Jerome chuckled darkly "Your little men seem impressed to see us. You see, I'm not dead, I'm fully alive, made of flesh and bone! HAHA!" He laughed "Be honest, you missed to the see good old Jerome in his action, eh? You had enough time to prepare"
"What we miss is a quiet minute in Gotham City," Jim muttered "Ever since you vanished into thin air, Scarlet became Gotham's newest problem. She had caused a stir much more than you. She became bigger than you, worse than you"
"When has she even not worse than him?" Harvey questioned irritated. He just remembered her beginnings: the way she killed her parents brutally with no remorse or guilt, the way she blackmailed and punished her dad's coworkers if they didn't behave, her manipulative behavior toward everyone- she was just pure evil.
"My doll? Worse than me?" Jerome couldn't believe that. His doll could never be worse than him, rather equal to him. No one could be worse than him, right? He was the ultimate "No, no, no. That's not possible, she's been the somewhat decent one beyond us. She-..."
"Then watch this" Jim nodded in her direction to let them watch her scene.
"Oh, I know y'all are scared of me and my boy, by ut you don't need to! See, we all are just humans, right? We have different shoots, and needs, wishes, and demands...but all we want is satisfaction, right?" Scarlet embraced her anxious victim, pretending to calm her down "Shhh, I know you're anxious, believe me, I know how it is being driven into a corner, helpless, feeling boxed in..." she then leaned her head on her victim and slowly grabbed her knife out of her pocket "You think there's no way out but there is! Do you See the light at the end of the tunnel? This is your day, this is your way out of all your sorrows, this is your way to salvation" And so Scarlet stabbed her victim right into her neck over and over again. Scarlet loved it, she enjoyed every stroke she did to let her victim's neck. This blood, the whimpering, the body's twitching whenever the peak of the knife hit a nerve in her neck - it was wonderful.
"Wonderful, isn't it?" Scarlet let the bled-out and unconscious girl fall to the ground like some piece of trash "This is no murder, this is salvation! Let's look at this poor girl. She was so young, so anxious about the new, so jumpy about the unknown... And why? Because of her family and all the people that caused her trust issues, fear of commitment, inferiority complex because of her body or her nose, and the feeling of being neglected whenever she was not involved in something. Death through me was the best thing that could have happened to her! There's no more suffering, no sadness, no overthinking, no degrading and reviling! She's free, free like me, free like all of us very soon! You just need to follow us, follow us into our dreams! Let's make our dreams come true! For you! For Gotham!" 
This little speech was what Jerome has impressed again about her. This was the real Scarlet. So manipulative, so creative, so brutal - even though, stabbing someone wasn't something special, the way she did it was amazing though. She was a true cult leader, the things she said were reliable, expressive, so vivid and emotional. This showed her again that she was the one. She was the one he wanted to be with, to make plans with, to kill with - because of this, he knew it was the right decision to talk to her in Arkham back then and to revive her after all. She was his muse, she was his secret weapon, she was his right hand, she was his chosen one.
"Amazing, doll!" Jerome applauded "I couldn't have done it better," he grinned "Y'all don't need to be afraid of us. We want to show you an opportunity without problems and sorrows. We want to show you how it is to be free, how to solve problems without feeling guilty for wrong decisions, we offer you a better way to live! We all know things may be complicated in life, especially with narcissistic parents who implement degrading and brutal measures to form us the way they want us to be. We want to show you how to fight against it!"
"Killing is not the right way! Killing is a crime! Killing is evil! All you want is to turn us into psychos like you to rebel against the GCPD! You don't wanna change Gotham, you want to destroy it!" You heard a younger male voice bravely yell through the anxious crowd. You could see others gave him a shocked look. They couldn't believe what he has dared to yell at Scarlet and Jerome. Has he become crazy? Has he really taken leave of his senses? He dared to insult them! He dared to make head against them!
"Who said that?" was the sentence Scarlet and Jerome equally said with huge devilish grins on their face when they looked over to the crowd. They both thought the same: They were impressed by his brave - he dared to resist even though he knew the consequences, he knew he'd die.
"It was me!" The younger man stepped forward, right in front of Scarlet and Jerome. He really showed no fear. There was no stammering, no shaking hands or knees, he seemed calm after all - he was a real talent, and someone like him would be of good use in their team eventually, that's what Jerome thought if there wasn't the problem of his point of view towards them.
"You're brave, my friend, mouthy but most of all you're silly and dumb. People like you always try to be the hero in every story. They try to rescue the princes from the evil stepmother but end up dead since they underestimate the evil power" Jerome chuckled bitterly.
"You're not even better! You're like every villain in a Disney movie: mouthy, absent of reality, and a megalomaniac! But in the end y'all are failing since good shall triumph!" The young men yelled in the hope to get support by the others. Sadly though, no one supported him with a "yes!" Or a "yeah!" Or any other claim since all the people were way too scared of Scarlet and Jerome. They all knew it was his death desire, they all knew it was a huge mistake to raise his voice against them.
"He reminds me of my brother. Always knew things better, always liked to command, always thought he was right, and always thought he was the better one than me." Scarlet muttered angrily, grabbing her gun and pointing it right at the guy "I hate people like my brother. They're driving me nuts! They make me hear his voice again telling me what to do or how to stop certain things" Then she started even imitating her dead brother "Hands on the table plate Scarlet! Your behavior is so rude, Scarlet! You have no manners, Scarlet!”
Jerome just started grinning, he knew what was coming - Scarlet was becoming insane. She was in psychosis, it was like she was a role in a completely different movie, it was like her personality switched with a finger snip - and this was something Jerome loved about Scarlet. It was her hidden talent, one trigger and she was the most brutal person he knew - he was about to say she became something he would consider a monster in any action movie.
"But I won't listen to my brother anymore! I am my free agent! I can do whatever I want! I'm no minor anymore who needs to be taught what's right or wrong!” And that was the moment when she started shooting at this guy, again and again, and again - up to the moment where she was out of munition. People started screaming, they tried to run away, far away from the corpse, from Scarlet or Jerome - but for sure, they couldn't. One of their sudden moves and the co-workers grabbed their guns and pointed them at the crowd to stand still.
Scarlet was full of hate, she couldn't control it though. She felt such enormous hate towards her brother that every guy who just reminded her a little of him was a red flag. It was a no-go, people like her brother were all the same, she knew that. People like him were bad, they were treating everyone like shit, they were the monsters in the world and not Scarlet! He was the reason why Scarlet became the way she was! He was the one with her parents who drove her insane! She could have lived a normal life as she used to be a normal girl, but no! She was the scapegoat in the family, she was always the guilty one, and she was always the victim! There was no doubt people like them would act the same - she just knew it, and so she had to end their lives.
“And you,” Scarlet looked up at the crowd with the most aggressive and evil death stare she could give them “You should better listen to me: You see, being mouthy and trying to tell me what's right or wrong is not the right way to get put of this situation. You won't anyway! You're stuck with me in here!” She slowly walked to the crowd with her weapon “There's no way out. No fleeing, no fighting, no annoying, no rebelling. If you do, you'll die like your little friend here,” Scarlet chuckled darkly “It would be such a tragedy, wouldn't it? So, I wanna make you a little offer. I don't wanna kill all of you, yet, I wanna make use of you instead. You should be part of our team! You should work with us! You should be free like Jerome and me!” She smiled at the crowd “So who's in?”
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rfaromance · 2 years
Can I get uhhhhh some RFA + Minor Quartet (because screw it, throw some Rika in there, she gets to join the boys in their little group) with a MC who secretly has magic powers?
You're so right anon. This is a Rika-loving zone. 😤
Yoosung can barely contain his excitement. MC has magic powers? For real? Is he dreaming about LOLOL again? This is his greatest fantasy come to life. He may be a tad overwhelming with all of his questions and requests for demonstrations, because he wants to compare his understanding of magic from LOLOL to the real deal. But his enthusiasm is innocent and almost contagious. MC needs to tell him if they need a break.
Zen is surprised, but in a good way. He's almost relieved, even. He wants to know all about MC's abilities, and then in a hushed whisper, he will ask, "Will you believe me if I tell you about my own powers, too?" Nobody else takes his precongnitive dreams very seriously, but maybe he's found a kindred spirit. Maybe he'll feel less like a freak now.
Jaehee is unamused and skeptical until MC demonstrates for her. After that she's curious, but in a different way from Yoosung. She wants to reconcile her understanding of the world and how it operates with this new information about the existence of magic. She blushes a lot when MC shows her more & more of her powers, and she isn't sure why. Is it awe? Admiration? Respect? Intrigue? Something... else?
Jumin is going to bother MC about their powers. Again, not in a negative way, but in an inquisitive way. He almost wants to study MC and take notes on how their powers operate, differences in strength/quality depending on the weather or time of day, the origin of the powers, alternative uses for the powers, etc. Jumin is fascinated by the occult, so he's validated to find that magic exists after all. He just can't help but get absorbed in MC and their abilities, much like he does with his 100 cat projects.
707 is excited to see what MC can do. He wants to see if he can replicate their powers with his inventions or make a companion who can balance them out. Cue him locking himself away and making gadgets and gizmos and doo-dads until he feels confident in what he has made. He may spy a little too closely on the CCTV to obtain as much data as possible, but-- gaah, MC, don't change your shirt RIGHT THERE in FULL VIEW!!!!
Ray is smitten with MC and everything they can do. Of course, he already knew about their abilities from his spying preparation. He probably knows more about MC's magic than MC does. But he'll still sit and nod politely, hooked on their every word as they explain their powers to him. He makes certain to keep this a secret from his Savior, however, lest she try to snatch his doll away before he's molded them perfectly for paradise.
V is stunned. He's genuinely flabbergasted. He'd probably be quiet for a long moment, not sure of what to say or do to approach the subject. He doesn't want to say something wrong that might offend MC; he knows all too well what happens if you mistreat someone vulnerable. MC might worry that he's disgusted or horrified, but he'd do his best to reassure them that's not the case. He wants MC to feel comfortable, and he won't treat them any differently.
Vanderwood is less than thrilled. Honestly, they're probably annoyed. "I can't catch a break, can I?" But something about MC is charming and captivating, and Vandy can't stay mad at them for something they can't control. "Just don't make any more trouble for me, alright? You're a good kid, and I don't want to see you make a dumb mistake." At this point, after a decade in the agency, they probably shouldn't be surprised to see a magic user.
Rika is intrigued. "If you don't mind... would you tell me more about this gift of yours?" She'd want to learn the details to see if she could use these powers to her advantage, but she'd be genuinely interested in MC as well. Does MC feel like a devil or outcast, or perhaps an angel who was blessed with such a wondrous ability? Rika has a tendency to overthink and overanalyze, so she'd probably question her worldview the more time she spends with MC. Is this a messenger of heaven sent to smite a false Savior? Is this an emissary of hell who will join and strengthen her cause? Or... is this the one who will save Rika?
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chrismcshell · 2 years
Alright, everything begins with your stance Remember, you do it for him And you would do it again You do it for her, that is to say You'll do it for him
Keep your stance wide Keep your body lowered As you're moving forward Balance is the key Right foot, left foot Now go even faster And as you're moving backwards Keep your eyes on me
Keep my stance wide (good) Keep my body lowered (right) As I'm moving forward (concentrate) Don't you want him to live? Right foot, left foot Yes, but put your whole body into it Everything you have, everything you are You've got to give
On the battlefield When everything is chaos And you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and a sword You just think about the life you'll have together after the war And then you do it for her That's how you know you can win You do it for her, that is to say You'll do it for him
Deep down you know You weren't built for fighting But that doesn't mean You're not prepared to try What they don't know Is your real advantage When you live for someone You're prepared to die
Deep down I know That I'm just a human (true) But I know that I can draw my sword and fight (but you know that you can draw your sword and fight) With my short existence (good) I can make a difference (yes, excellent) I can be there for him I can be his knight
I can do it for him You'd do it for her Okay, now do that again (yes, ma'am) You do it for her, and now you say I'll do it for him
oh damn it's the stevenuniverse..... i was really into SU way back in 2015, when i was 18. that was 7 whole years ago. makes me feel kind of old lol but it's also nice to look back on those times :-) this song in particular gave me Feelings ooough i loved pearl and her obsessive unhealthy crush on rose, such an interesting character dynamic. very cool to get these lyrics randomly dumped in my askbox tbh thank u!!!
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pertinasities · 1 year
𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒    𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓    𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃    𝐘𝐎𝐔    𝐎𝐅    𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑    𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 xiao edition.
𝟎𝟏. AM I ALIVE ; from indian lakes.
They're closer, the demons And I can't fight 'em off without you I've been feelin' like a lost cause When I know you're working hard to make me right And I'm holding out my hand to you But you slip right thru my fingers And I need you to reassure me I'm alive
𝟎𝟐. TONGUES & TEETH ; the crane wives
I will only break your pretty things I will only wring you dry of everything But if you're fine with that (if you're fine with that) I will poison all your happy thoughts I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box And if you're fine with that You can be mine
𝟎𝟑. DO IT FOR HER ; steven universe
What they don't know Is your real advantage When you live for someone You're prepared to die
𝟎𝟒. NO REST ; dry the river
Did you see the light in my heart? Did you see the sweat on my brow? Did you see the fear in my heart? Did you see me bleeding it out? I loved you in the best, I loved you in the best way possible
𝟎𝟓. THE CALENDAR ; panic! at the disco
There is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends And I meant everything I said that night I will come back to life But only for you (only for you) The world may call it a second chance But when I came back, it was more of a relapse
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digital-era101 · 2 years
3 Reasons to Know Your Worth from a Business Coach
Getting help from a business coach can be a great thing. It can remind you why you do what you do and help you find the right path to take in your business. It also ensures that you have the right goals, time, and effort to make them happen. In addition, it can also give you some insight into the root causes of your business's issues.
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Find the Best Path in Your Situation
Having a business coach can be a valuable tool to help you find the best path in your situation. You may think you are a good leader or a great communicator, but you need to work with someone knowledgeable about your situation to get the most out of your coaching experience. During your sessions with a business coach, you will know your worth more and gain a deeper understanding of your current situation, including your strengths and weaknesses. That can give you a greater confidence boost, and you will be better prepared to handle challenging situations.
A great business coach will ask you questions that get to the heart of your situation, empathise with your feelings, and provide you with the tools you need to make good decisions. They will also use various assessment tools to help you understand your current skills and capabilities and the areas you need to improve.
Identify the Root Causes of Your Businesses' Issues
Identifying the root causes of your business's issues is a crucial step in business growth and stability. By using the 5 Whys technique, you can get to the bottom of the problem. The technique works best for human factors and interactions. You'll need to identify the roots of the problem and follow different paths to fix them. To do this, you must ask why until you get new insights. This approach is a simple and effective tool. You can be a statistical expert to use it.
Often, companies ignore the real causes of their problems. They need to make a comfortable working environment or understand millennials. They also don't have autonomous lieutenants. As a result, their customers' perception of value is declining. They need to attract younger engineers or buyers.
Have the Right Goals
Having the right goals from a business coach is a great way to ensure you take advantage of your opportunities and realise your full potential. It will also make you more productive, improving your overall quality of life. It's also important to set the right priorities, such as time with family and other passions, to achieve success.
When looking for a business coach, you should find someone with experience and a proven track record of success. A coach can help you determine what you're good at and where to improve. They'll also help you prioritise your goals, which is essential if you want to realise your full potential.
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propertyexperttips · 2 years
How to Buy Your First Flat?
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For a novice, purchasing a property can be difficult. After all, there are several standards, stages, and tasks, and you might be concerned about making a costly error. But first-time homeowners benefit from several unique benefits designed to entice them into the real estate market.
Here is a breakdown of what you should think about before you buy, what to expect from the actual buying process, as well as advice to make life easier after you buy your first house, to demystify the process and ensure that you get the most out of your purchase.
Benefits of Buying Your First Home
The American ideal still includes property ownership as a major component. If you are a first-time buyer and don't have the standard minimum down payment—ideally, 20% of the purchase price for a conventional loan—or belong to a particular group, you may be eligible for state programs, tax benefits, and federally backed loans. Even if you are not a novice, you can be eligible for a first-time purchase tax credit.
Necessary conditions for first-time buyers
A first-time home buyer, in the eyes of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), is someone who meets any of the following requirements:
A person without a primary residence for the past three years. You and your spouse can purchase a property as first-time homebuyers even though neither of you has ever owned a home before.
A parent who is single and has never owned a home alone; always with a married partner.
A former housewife who has only ever shared a house with a partner.
A person who has only ever owned their primary residence is not legally required to be permanently anchored to a foundation.
A person who has only ever owned a piece of real estate that didn't adhere to state, local, or model building codes—and that couldn't be brought into compliance for less than the price of building a permanent structure.
Questions to Ask Before Buying
Determine your long-term goals and how owning a home fit into those goals as your first step. It's possible that all you're trying to do is convert your "wasted" rent payments into mortgage payments that result in equity. Or perhaps you like the concept of being your own landlord and view homeownership as a sign of independence.
What specific characteristics do you desire in a house?
While it's a good idea to leave some room for flexibility in this list, you deserve to have the biggest purchase of your life satisfy both your needs and your wants as precisely as possible. Your wish list should include both general requirements like size and neighborhood as well as more particular things like bathroom design and a kitchen with durable appliances.
How Are You Doing Financially?
Do a thorough evaluation of your finances before browsing pages of internet listings or falling in love with your dream property. You must be ready to pay for both the initial cost and continuing costs of a home. The results of this audit will indicate if you are prepared to take this significant step or whether you still need to undertake additional preparation.
Do You Qualify for a Certain Amount of Mortgage?
It's critical to know how much a lender would loan you to buy your first house before you start looking. You may believe you can afford a $300,000 property, but lenders may only believe you qualify for a $200,000 mortgage due to things like your other debt load, monthly income, and length of employment.
Which Kind of House Will Suit Your Needs the Best?
When buying a residential property, you have a variety of choices, including classic single-family homes, duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, co-ops, and multifamily structures with two to four units. Depending on your objectives for becoming a homeowner, each alternative has advantages and disadvantages, so you must choose the one that will enable you to achieve those objectives.
Written By
Property Expert Channel
Anurodh Jalan
Jalan Property Consultant 
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mirrcrmcve-a · 2 years
Slightly Plotted Starter for @harbringerofdecay​​ 
The attack on USJ went...disastrously was the kindest word Elias could put to it. For something that had apparently been heavily planned, it was quite clear that the so called Symbol of Fear had put all his reliance into the Nomu. And absolutely none in finding suitable henchmen for the job.
Given how All for One had coddled the boy, he wasn’t that surprised.
Prometheus had to wait for things to settle down for a moment- while the other teachers pulled Eraserhead, Thirteen, and the students out of the USJ while he assured them he was fine. Minor injuries that could be taken care of at a later time considering the more severe injuries others received. Even when trying to jump in to keep Eraser from getting killed, he was lucky enough to have kept his injuries minor.
When the cost was clear he had sent a message on his phone, stepping into the warp gate that brought him into the run down bar seconds later. Right in the middle of Shigaraki being lectured for his failure. The man was on the ground- bleeding out from four different gunshot wounds. Twitching pathetically, writhing with contempt. The sight made Elias’ eye twitch.
He could agree that Shigaraki performed disastrously. But could the lecture not wait until after his wounds had been treated?
There was a silent, expectant nod from Kurogiri. A first aid kit had already been prepared. Still he could not work like this. Not with the man before him so agitated.
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“All for One, Doctor, while I respect and agree that Shigaraki must learn from his failure today, he is currently bleeding out. Quite profusely. In fact he’s lucky Snipe purposefully didn’t target any arteries or vitals.” he cut in, stepping forward towards the TV projecting the Demon Lord’s voice.
“I need to clean and stitch his wounds. I cannot do so when he’s in such an agitated state because of his loss, and your lecturing. We’ll call you back.”
Protests fell on deaf ears as he reached behind the TV, snagging the cord and just unplugging it completely. He was going to be in trouble for that, but it was better than witnessing the other male being admonished when he was severely injured. He makes his way back to Shigaraki, looking down at him for a moment before bending down,
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“Shigaraki. I am going to lift you up and move you to a booth so that I may begin removing the bullet fragments and cleaning your wounds. Hold still, this will cause some pain.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, already slipping one arm under the bleeding male’s back and one under his legs to lift him from the floor.
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offscreendeath · 2 years
they hate to see a girlboss sovereign warrior queen doing an imperialism
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ima's got it all: an endless army of faceless goons, a collection of rare and powerful slaves, non-stop sources of entertainment, the biggest ship, the most opulent and lavish sense of taste, she can dance and got hands too. she's the big slime. her bodies got siege warfare numbers man. not just a village. there is no dispute here. she is the biggest threat we've seen yet. and she hasn't said a damn thing.
she does what all of the real-life royalty have inevitably done in order to keep their positions and rule over their subjects. sacrificing lives, destroying and separating entire families, plundering and enslaving on a mass scale, is all part of the job. your enemies' lives are forfeit. the rules are simple: if you are of no use to the crown, you will die. resist the will of the crown, and you will die. if you're not a killer or conqueror, if you do not expand your territory, use every advantage you can acquire, manipulate your enemies and their weaknesses, you are not prepared to win a war. you will lose.
this is the kind of person who will succeed in combat, but risks everything else in pursuit of their domination, by definition. empires are lethal abominations that demand human sacrifice and warrant massive ecological destruction and disruption, all in service to the whims of exactly one person. kingdoms and military dictatorships are responsible for a scale of devastation that has never been witnessed before in human history, and has not been surpassed since. final boss shit. a true leviathan.
it makes for some compelling drama. i can't think of a better opposite for spear or fang. spear is pretty clever, and obviously capable of producing plenty of brutality on his lonely, but he's no martial artist either, as evidenced by ima, a military tactician, holding shit down and whooping his ass a good few times solo dolo. fang is a clever girl too, and also a tank, but she's clearly still not equipped to lead an army, much less fight one alone, or employ psychological warfare.
even kamau, despite his gargantuan build and resilience, will not sacrifice his love and empathy for another in order to win. he's fighting not to dominate, but to protect someone he cares about. spear, fang, and mira all know what that's like, and are all just as trapped. it's tragic -- but that's what war is like. in contrast, the queen has allegiance to no one but herself. her authority is indivisible, her rule, absolute. what weaknesses?
when people think of queens and royalty, they might think of all of the beauty and regalia, the treasure horde, various outfits and pomp -- but behind this dazzling spectacle, (which is just a distraction, really,) is the stench of death emanating from corpses piled high, trailing off miles into the horizon. yours will be next if you don't give up and become a willing thrall. if you've gotten intoxicated by the elegance and grandeur, it means you've already fallen into the trap...letting your guard down is a mistake you'll regret.
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
I do really enjoy the idea of a darling's teacher or mentor showing them how to be the perfect spouse and priming them to be just right while they prepare the basement for them. Pulling them aside to provide unsolicited advice on how they should always do as their partner says and stay close to home. Darling can brush it off as some weird concern since they've always been so nice to them before
tw - unhealthy relationships, manipulation, abuse of trust/power, implied kidnapping, implied conditioning.
I mean, they'd have to be more subtle about it than that. You're a naïve little thing, too soft and too innocent to survive in the world all on your own, but you don't know that, and you're so bright-eyed, so misguided, you wouldn't just sit still and take their advice if they tried to set you down the right path. You just wouldn't believe them, if they told you they only wanted to help.
But, you might believe that they're just worried about the health of their favorite student. They've always been so nice to you, after all, always done their best to guide you as kindly and as professionally as possible, and for all intents and purposes, you've flourished under their care, grown into a model student, worked hard to deserve the approval you're so desperate for, the approval you've done more than enough to earn but don't have the nerve to ask for, not just yet. That's why they get to express their oh-so-selfless concern, after their lecture's ended and your less-favored peers are gone, mention how pale you look, how tired you've been lately, how they know you're probably too young and healthy to care about how much take-out you get but how happy they'd be if you tried cooking for yourself, every now and then, how proud they would be of you. That's why they get to bring up your personal life every time your grades start to slip, ask how often you go out, whether or not you've been spending time with those little, unnecessary friends of yours when you should be studying (even if your grade is completely dependent on how well they feel you're following their advice, by now). That's why they get to be the one to take advantage of you, rather than someone else, someone who would make you into something worse than a homebody. Someone who doesn't understand what you're really meant for.
And you're coming along so nicely, too. They still have a few weeks before they can take you home, before they'll be ready to put all your real talents to use, but you're already so much more obedient, so eager to do anything and everything if you think it'll get you the slightest bit of praise. They know you'll come around, with time, once you see that you're just not meant to get buy on your own, that you just weren't made for anything but taking care of your partner, letting them take care of you, being as sweet as they know you'll be, once they show you how fragile you are, how badly you need to be sheltered.
How easily someone a little smarter, someone a little stronger, can come along and break you into too many pieces for you to ever put back together, without their help.
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mimisempai · 3 years
I will always find you
End, continuation and fixing of the episode 6, Loki is facing Mobius who does not know who he is and Mobius does not know where to look for Loki. Will they manage to find each other?
I had to fix it, it's done. End of The story of Loki and Mobius - Season 1 series on AO3 I'll begin soon a whole rewriting of the season 1. Follow my other series for more Lokius oneshot post-canon.
3008 words - rating G
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He was back at the TVA.
He was about to rush to find him when he stopped abruptly.
Sylvie... the kiss...
Now that the adrenaline from the fight had worn off, thinking about the kiss gave him such a weird feeling.
He didn't know what had made her kiss him, if it was a desperate attempt to change his mind or if it had been to betray him.
He had not even answered the kiss, too shocked to react, and she had taken advantage of it to send him here, at the TVA through a Timedoor.
Mobius, he had to find Mobius. That was his only thought.
He ran through the hallways in a desperate manner. Everywhere there was turmoil.
He came to the archives, between the familiar shelves, and there he saw him, next to Hunter B-15, finally.
It was like coming home, the sight of the familiar face and stance giving him an unimaginable feeling of comfort, the impression that everything was going to be alright, that anything was possible despite the disaster.
Mobius seemed flustered and as Loki went on, he heard their conversation.
"That's, what, 63 new branches in this unit alone?"
"Does he want us to just let them all branch?"
"At this point, how are we gonna stop it?"
Loki shouted, "We can't!"
Mobius looked at him surprised, "What? What'd you say?"
Loki shouted back, "It's done, Mobius. We made a terrible mistake."
Loki wondered why Mobius didn't react, why he seemed so distant, as he asked him, "What's done?"
Loki answered hastily, "We freed the Timeline. We found him beyond the storm. A Citadel at the End of Time. He's terrifying. He planned everything. He's seen everything. He knows everything. It's complicated. Okay?"
Mobius replied, bewilderment on his face, "Right."
Loki continued, "But someone is coming. Countless different versions of a very dangerous person. And they're all set on war. We need to prepare."
Mobius tried to soothe him, but something wasn't right, "Take it easy. You're an analyst, right? What division are you from?"
"What? What are you talking about?"
It was Loki's turn not to understand as Mobius asked him, pressing, "Who are you?What's your name?" and that Hunter B-15 was calling for reinforcements, "Boots on the ground now. Archives."
To Loki's dismay, Mobius asked again, "Who are you?"
Loki felt the same pain break his heart as when Mobius had been disintegrated before his eyes. Panting, he slowly turned around and his eyes fell on the spot where the three timekeeper statues normally stood. Instead, there was a statue of the man, the demon, he didn't know what to call it, the one who was in the Void.
Loki understood.
It was not his TVA, it was not his Mobius. It wasn't him!
As the guards came towards him, he felt hope returning and the wheels of his brain turning at full speed, he had to find a way to get back to the TVA from the main timeline.
Meanwhile, Mobius and Hunter B-15 watched the main timeline split into hundreds of timelines.
Mobius, more than a little worried, said aloud, "No turning back now."
Hunter B-15 replied, "Who said anything about turning back?"
"For all time."
One sentence remained while the uncertainty was complete.
"Mobius! Mobius!"
Mobius turned at the call of his name. Casey was beckoning him over. He quickly rushed toward him.
"You told me to tell you as soon as I had access to data about Loki! I found it! Because of the multiplication of timelines, we now have access to the Void's timeline. We can see what's going on there! Look at it! There he is! Loki is here!"
Mobius pulled up a chair and sat down next to Casey, his eyes focused on the screen, deaf to everything going on around him.
Sylvie and Loki seemed to be in a castle or building and across from them stood an unknown man who spoke, "Better hurry. Timeline's already branching."
Sylvie seemed to look surprisingly aggressive as she addressed him, "So, what are you suggesting? That we think about it. And what precisely is there to think about?"
Loki turned to her, looking almost imploring, "Weren't you listening to what he was saying? That's the gambit. Remove the dictator and what fills the void?"
The way the screen reflected the image, he couldn't see Sylvie's face, but he heard the animosity in her voice when she said, "Ah. You want the throne?"
Oh no...After all that Loki had done to become better, how could she say something like that?
Loki replied in an urging tone, "No, that's not it. No."
"I don't believe you." Sylvie's tone was unmistakable. Mobius, who knew Loki perfectly could read all the distress on his face as he tried to convince Sylvie.
"Sylvie, the universe is in the balance, everything we know to be true. Everything. I know the TVA has hurt us both. But what if by taking him out, we risk unleashing something even worse? All I'm suggesting is we just take a minute to think about it. I promise you from my heart this isn't about a throne."
Of course not! I always knew it. Only you didn't know it Loki, you thought that's all you could be, that that was your glorious purpose. I always knew you were capable of much greater things.
Sylvie insisted, " What was I thinking trusting you? Has this whole thing been a con?"
Mobius' heart broke for Loki who answered her, his voice clearly strained, "Really? That's what you think of me... after all this time? Sure. Why not? Evil Loki's master plan comes together. Well, you never trusted me, did you? What was the point? Can't you see? This is bigger than our experience."
Sylvie, completely unmoved by Loki's argument, answered him, "Why aren't we seeing this the same way?"
Loki replied, looking defeated, "Because you can't trust... and I can't be trusted."
Oh yes Loki. You can be trusted. I trust you with my life, without hesitation, without even thinking for a second. Don't you see that you are not the same as you were?
"Then I guess we're in a pickle."
After these words, Sylvie attacked him. On the screen it was impossible to follow the whole fight, but it was clear that Loki was only defending himself and refused to go on the offensive, until he magically placed himself between Sylvie and his target. Mobius saw with horror Sylvie's blade on Loki's throat. a.
"Stop. "I've been where you are. I've felt what you feel. Don't ask me how I know. All I know... is I don't wanna hurt you. I don't want a throne. I just…" Loki sighed deeply before continuing, "I just want you to be okay."
Sylvie lowered her arms and suddenly kissed him. Mobius' heart sank as the kiss dragged on and suddenly Sylvie stepped aside and said, softly, "But I'm not you." before pushing Loki through a Timedoor.
"Where is he? Casey, where is Loki now?"
Casey didn't have time to answer, as the screen blurred and Loki was back on the screen. This time the surroundings were much more familiar.
"It's the Time Theater!" shouted Hunter B-15.
Mobius started to run, arriving at the door, he opened it and called, "Loki!"
Nothing. The room was empty.
"Mobius! Mobius!" Hunter B-15 was coming running in, "You need to come back and see this! Right now!"
"Hurry up! Come on!"
He rushed up behind her and they reached Casey's office area again. Hunter B-15 showed him the screen.
Loki was walking the hallways of what appeared to be the TVA, the ones past the time theater, but Mobius knew that couldn't be the case, they had just passed through.
"Casey, are you sure this is happening now?"
"Yes, we're in real time!"
Loki was now in the archives, and seemed to be looking for someone, maybe him, Mobius, between the shelves.
Mobius gasped, in front of Loki a few shelves over were himself and Hunter B-15.
"What? How?!"
"Wait, wait, wait!"
On the screen, Loki continued to advance toward their duplicates, and they heard Mobius say, "That's, what, 63 new branches in this unit alone?"
Hunter B-15 answered, "Does he want us to just let them all branch?"
"At this point, how are we gonna stop it?"
Loki intervened, shouting, "We can't!"
Their two doubles looked at him in surprise.
As he watched Loki try to explain what was going on to the two stunned doubles, Mobius' brain began to race, trying to pick up clues from what he was hearing.
63 branches in this unit alone. 63 branches in this unit alone.
This unit alone. That means there are several. Think Mobius. Think!
He began to speak aloud, "The main timeline branched, that means there are a lot of timelines now, what if each timeline has now a TVA? Could it be that..."
On the screen he looked at Loki and asked, "Who are you?"
Loki, looking shocked, slowly turned around and began to breathe heavily before releasing a gasp, which Mobius and those around him in front of the screen repeated in echo.
Where the statues of the three timekeepers should be, there was a single statue, that of the man Loki and Sylvie were with before.
"Casey! keep looking, cross-reference the data, try to figure out what date it is, I need my Tempad!" Mobius ran to his office.
Loki looked back at the one who was not his Mobius and did not answer, quickly assessing the danger, he had to find a way to find the TVA he knew, but first he had to escape since Hunter B-15 seemed to have called a squad to stop him. He concentrated, closed his eyes, and saw the room he wanted to teleport to, the one he had arrived in. He felt the suction, then reopened his eyes, he was there, the relief short lived, because it would not take them long to find him. Still, he summoned a spear to put across the door, to at least delay their arrival in the room.
Think about it Loki, you're not supposed to be here, but now that the timeline is branching, how can they find you? Everything is chaos...
Spinning around in the room, he sighed, wondering how the situation could have slipped away from them like that. In fact, he knew, they had never been in control of the situation, their enemy was ahead of them.
Sylvie... who had not hesitated to betray him while he for the first time had found a "glorious purpose" that was greater than him, in fact it had nothing more glorious, because he no longer needed glory, he had discovered that it was much more rewarding to fight for a cause greater than himself. But now...
Mobius... His Mobius, where was he? How to find him? Did he get through it? Had he been able to warn all the other agents? He missed him so much, his reassuring presence that had the power to calm him down. How he had developed such a strong bond in such a short time was something that still amazed Loki. In Mobius, he had found someone who had believed in him when he had only seen the worst Loki was capable of, who had seen beyond what Loki was showing the world.
He had told Sylvie that love was not real, but in the end...love had a name.
"Mobius...", lost in thought, he didn't realize he was saying his name out loud.
When suddenly the now familiar sound of a Timedoor opening made him turn around. Summoning his sword, he braced himself ready to attack.
The Timedoor was just forming, when he heard the door to the room trying to be forced open, as voices shouted at him to open it from the other side.
Suddenly a figure he knew well stepped through the time door, "Loki! It's me Mobius!"
Loki, suspicious, did not dare to let his guard down. What if it wasn't his Mobius? How could he be sure?
The man in front of him looked uncertain and did not move forward. He lowered his hands in surrender as the banging on the door grew louder and louder.
"Loki, it's me, Mobius, the real one."
"How can I be sure?"
"Ask me a question. Something only the two of us would know."
Loki began to think quickly, what question to ask? Then suddenly he knew.
Cheeks slightly flushed, he asked, "Where did our first kiss take place?"
Mobius shook his head and smiled fondly, "The elevator."
Refusing to give in to the relief that washed over him, Loki asked another question to be sure, "Why?"
Mobius sneered, "To shut you up."
"It is really you, my Mobius!" shouted Loki before rushing into his arms. Mobius closed them on him. In an instant they reconnected with the emotions and sensations of their last embrace. Once again Loki felt like he was home.
"Yes, it's me." The door rattled, interrupting them. Mobius let go of him, took his hand and pulling him behind him, he led him to the Timedoor saying, "Quick, let's get out of here first, the explanations will come later."
They rushed through the Time Door, which closed on them as the door to the room gave way to the guards.
It was odd because they ended up in the same room, but in the TVA that Loki knew, there was the table and chairs from the last interrogation before Mobius went to join Loki in the Timecell. It seemed like only yesterday that Mobius had refused to believe him, blinded by jealousy as he himself had said."
" How-"
"You first," Loki told him.
"Come on, let's go sit down," Mobius told him. They did, but instead of being face to face, separated by the table as they had been every time they were in this room, Mobius slid his chair next to him.
After an awkward silence, Mobius began to speak, "So, you and Sylvie..." then he stopped, aware of what he had just said.
Loki raised his head, shocked. "You... you saw?" he didn't even give him time to answer, "Mobius! I swear I didn't mean to kiss her, I didn't even respond to the kiss, I don't even know why she kissed me, I've never felt that way about her, never, you know that, Mobius, it's you I love, I know we haven't really had time to talk about our relationship and I'm not the kind of person who can be trusted and I've lied in the past, but please, you have to believe me, I would never- Hmph"
Mobius had not let him finish and had crashed his lips against those of Loki. He kissed him in the same way as their first kiss in the elevator, the difference was that it was no longer their first kiss, it was a kiss of reunion, of familiar sensations, of shared intimacy.
When they separated to catch their breath, Mobius murmured, his lips against his, "This is really the best way to shut you up..." and laughed softly.
"Hey!" Loki pushed him gently. Then he got serious again, because he wanted to make sure Mobius believed him, "Mobius, I'm serious."
Mobius took his hand and replied, "I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I didn't feel jealousy, I'm human after all, and seeing the man I love kiss another woman was pretty hard to watch. But I also chose to trust you, that means all the time and not just when it suits me. So if you tell me that kiss meant nothing to you, then I believe you."
This time it was Loki who barely let Mobius finish his sentence and who put his lips on his, settling astride Mobius' knees and putting his arms around his neck. This time, they took their time, the kiss was soft and slow, then they caught their breaths, their foreheads pressed one against the other, neither of them wanting to be separated more than by a few centimeters.
Suddenly Loki kissed Mobius again, this time forcefully, he was shaking, his hands clutching Mobius' back, holding him tightly. Mobius, feeling a wetness on his cheek, pushed him gently.
"Hey, hey easy Loki, it's okay, it's okay now."
Loki " I-I, I really thought I had lost you, when your double asked me who I was, I thought you had completely forgotten about me."
Mobius wiped away the tears with his thumbs, letting his hands linger on Loki's cheeks before kissing him gently. Then he cradled Loki's head on his chest, resting his chin on his head as he hugged him tightly, Loki's arms wrapping around him again.
"Never, you hear me, never will I forget you. And even if I did forget you, I'm sure you'd find a way to get my memory back."
They stayed like that for a few more moments, tasting the relief of having found each other again and of having once again overcome an obstacle. Together.
Then Loki came down from Mobius's lap and held out his hand to help him stand up.
"I guess there's a lot to do now that the timeline is branching out."
"Thanks for the reality check... but yes you're right, as nice as this interlude has been." replied Mobius, keeping Loki's hand in his.  Then he continued, walking towards the door, "Come on, it's time to introduce you as a member of the team."
At those words, Loki had a strange feeling, something like belonging, and asked with a smile, "What's the TVA's motto again, For all time...?"
"For all time. Always." answered Mobius.
Loki squeezed Mobius' hand as he continued to walk forward. When Mobius opened the door, he repeated softly, "For all time. Always. Together."
They didn't know what was going to happen, but one thing was certain now, they would face it. Together.
Whole series : The story of Loki and Mobius
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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itsthemysterykids · 3 years
Lili and Wybie singing, "Do it for Her," from Stephen Universe. ( Lili singing Pearl's verse and Wybie singing Connie's verse.)
Lili: All right, everything begins with your stance
You see… You do it for her
And you would do it again
You do it for him, that is to say
You'll do it for her…
Keep your stance wide
Keep your body lowered
As you're moving forward
Balance is the key
Right foot, left foot
Now go even faster
And as you're moving backwards
Keep your eyes on me
Wybie: Keep my stance wide (good)
Keep my body lowered (right)
As I'm moving forward
Lili: Concentrate! Don't you want her to live?
Right foot, left foot
Yes, but put your whole body into it
Everything you have, everything you are
You've got to give
On the battlefield
When everything is chaos
And you have nothing but the way you feel
Your strategy and a sword
You just think about the life you'll have together after the war
And then you do it for him
That's how you know you can win
You do it for him, that is to say
You'll do it for her
Deep down you know
You weren't built for fighting
But that doesn't mean
You're not prepared to try
What they don't know
Is your real advantage
When you live for someone
You're prepared to die
Wybie: Deep down I know
That I am only human (true)
But I (you) know that I (you) can draw my (your) sword and fight
With my own existence (good)
I can make a difference (yes, excellent)
I can be there for her
I can be her knight
I can do it for her
You'd do it for him
Lili: Okay, now do that again
You do it for him, and now you say
Wybie: I'll do it for her.
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