#|| no face behind that ask
intelligenceunseen · 4 months
13. Do you multiship?
Shipping Meme | Accepting
//I can, yeah. I do have multiple verses. It depends on who wants what.
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bubblyadventurer · 4 months
7. What do you think about OC x canon ships? Would you play any?
Shipping Meme | Accepting
//If there's chemistry and I get to know the player, then it's a possibility. I don't like diving headfirst into OC ships just because there's no material for me to get a handle on the other character. I've also....lived through the dark days (2009-2012) on tumblr. So...yeah.
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omaano · 24 days
If you're still taking those polyam sketch prompts...D2 for Cody/Obi-Wan/Rex?
Obi-Wan deserves a pair of handsome space heaters for the cold Tatooine nights :3 nap piles for everyone! Thanks for asking (and for adjusting the requested pose so that I can keep drawing different poses)❤️
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Polyamorous/platonic poses for sketching
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ryssbelle · 2 months
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N2 Floyd in the first movie
Sad little man got himself captured :(
He also gets punched in the face, but that's neither here nor there lmao
Also sorry for not posting for a fat minute I've been busy XD
Bonus: What John and Branch be doing
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RIP in pieces John Dory, you were a brave troll and will be missed
I've got some more doodles of them going through it in the first movie, maybe we will see them soon teehee .
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artemismoorea03 · 7 months
DP x DC Prompt: Can I Borrow Your Phone?
So maybe Danny should have listened to Sam and practiced his flying in their world rather than the Ghost Zone where natural portals were bound to pop in and out of existence whenever they wanted to. But it was hard. Real world meant his parents, Valerie and any Ghost Hunter potentially trying to shoot him out of the sky just for existing! At least in the Ghost Zone he could be left (mostly) to his own devices!
But after he crashed into this new world after a portal opened in front of him he quickly began to realize that a) his phone didn't work, b) he had no idea where he was and c) a lot of the technology around him looked a bit too sci-fi to be real. Never a good sigh.
Thankfully! He had landed behind a barn with a window that had a really cool looking cow inside. He didn't know much about cows and patterns, but a bat looked pretty badass. That mixed with a tuxedo cat and two big dogs that kept coming to check him out he decided to just hang out and wrap his head around the situation. Unfortunately his phone refused to find a signal and he couldn't for the life of him figure out which direction home was.
He was fine waiting until the sun went down before he tried to fly around and find a way out, but then it started dumping rain. So, after hours of debating he followed the dogs (and cat) around the side of a giant house and knocked on the front door. After a long moment an elderly man answered and looked down at him.
He probably looked like a drowned rat with how wet his hair and clothes were, which might have explained the way the man looked him over.
"Uh, hey. Sorry about this but... do you have a phone I can borrow?" He asked.
"But of course, please come in." The man said, then to Danny's surprise handed him a towel that had been sitting on the table near the door.
That was weird, but whatever. He could dry his hair and make a phone call. From there he would - hopefully - be able to find his way home.
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puppyeared · 11 months
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The garment, worn by those in good standing with Hyrule royalty, has been reworked with the latest improvements, such as a new shoulder guard.
#I miss my wife tails. I miss her a lot. I’ll be back#I love the champions leathers design but the story behind it is so sweet too like. she wanted to thank him so she went and#got some improvements added to it?? and she wanted to see his face when she surprises him with it hello?????#I think my favourite part is the half chest just for angst. I like imagining she was very particular about the armour placements#and had a chest piece added because yknow. right over the heart might I add#originally I wanted this to be more angsty but halfway through I was like wait this would completely miss the point#in my mind the armor isn’t just ‘I don’t want you to die again’ but also ‘I want to keep you safe as best I can’#in her diary she was like links armor is wearing down so you know what? I’m gonna add more armor to better protect him!!!#and with her upbringing in mind (and the conversation she had with him about whether he would still choose to be a knight if things were#different) she could have totally asked him to stop doing it altogether. but she made the armor for him instead#sidenote she also got to be a teacher and scholar like she wanted and that is so. dont look at me I’m crying#I don’t know if ANY of this makes sense I’m just rambling. yes I wear the champions leathers every chance I get why do you ask#btw if you squint the leathers chainmail and sweater are taken from the hylian armor chestpiece! slightly modified on the tunic but cool#my art#myart#tears of the kingdom#totk#totk spoilers#totk zelda#totk link#botw spoilers#botw#breath of the wild#loz#loz fanart#comic#tw blood#blood
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shepscapades · 5 months
Hey! i’m really into the dbch story and i was wondering if doc and xisuma ever tell bdubs the specifics of why etho lost his memories, cause if they do that is prime self blaming angst for bdubs
I’m inclined to believe they don’t. Actually (and maybe I should do a small comic for this so more people see it) I imagine, once a month or a few pass and they finally return etho to bdubs as reset, I imagine they are VERY serious about warning bdubs not to try to force Etho to re-deviate— they don’t go into specifics, but they probably tell bdubs that whatever happened had to do with something that was emotionally overwhelming, and that forcing him to redeviate/not letting it happen naturally could trigger the same error. They have no idea what could happen so bdubs needs to be very careful and let Etho find himself again on his own.
Whether or not bdubs gets impatient or can only go so long before he doubts it would be that bad if he tried pushing Etho in the right direction is another story.
But yeah. I don’t think Xisuma or Doc really… tell anyone that this happened. Etho’s error seemed like a very specific one-off scenario, so it’s not something the other hermits should be trying to avoid or be careful about happening to their own android friends, and the only thing telling people would do is make them worried about the situation. All they need to know is that etho was broken and that they need to be careful with him. I don’t agree with their decision to keep what happened to themselves but I understand it I think. Xisuma “i don’t want to worry the hermits” Void and Docm “eh this isn’t the first time I’ve replaced this arm, people won’t question it” 77
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spacenintendogs · 7 months
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u do not need context to understand what is happening
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
The Wayne doll house
Have some haunted doll au, since it's been bubbling away in my mind.
The bat cave is large and sprawling, many layers and tunnels and hollowed out cracks in the walls. It takes many years to fully reinforce to prevent stray kids from tripping into stagnant waters or fall down crags as he once did. The doll cave, as it becomes known, is in one of the deepest, darkest corners, one where the lights of the furnished caverns above don't reach.
It's one late night sitting at the computer when it suddenly occurs to Bruce that his first encounter with a doll was at the well entrance, many levels above.
There was nothing there when he went back.
The justice league stared at the subaru. The subaru, having no eyes, did not stare back.
The seven of them had just finished a very long, arduous mission, and narrowly escaped government censure after the base they'd been raiding had turned out to belong to some corrupt official. With the alert up, they couldn't escape through city airspace, or even in their hero suits.
So civilian it was.
Batman had hotwired some bloke's car while the rest of them ducked into alleys and shop bathrooms, but the problem remained. There was seven of them. And five seats.
"I can shift into something more suitable for being carried," suggested j'onn, "but I believe one of us might have to hide."
"Foot well?" Hal tried, and everyone looked around at the tall, bulky, broad heroes.
"Think they'd have to go in the boot," Barry finally said. Everyone immediately turned to him. "No."
Batman spoke up before the discussion could devolve.
"I think.... I would be best for that."
The team stared.
Having no lungs meant he could not drag in the tired sigh he wished, but whatever force allowed this body to talk was capable of approximating something suitably resigned.
"As I am, I am... incapable of fully passing as human. It would be best if I remained out of sight."
"So just? Go change? I swear we won't be weird about whoever you are under the mask. Even if you're like, bald."
"Thank you, Wally, but I'm afraid I'm being serious." Reaching for the mask in broad daylight was unpleasant, but the glue and wires held as he gave it a few thorough tugs. "It doesn't detach."
Everyone stared. Clark reached out as if he wanted to check, but withdrew.
"Do you even have a civilian identity??" Oliver eventually asked. "Because at this point I'm genuinely not sure."
Wayne Enterprises and Queen Industries had a meeting that same evening. "Hn."
"Can we go back to the 'incapable of passing as human' part?!"
"We can discuss it in the car," he snapped, stalking past Barry and popping the boot. "In case you haven't forgotten, we're on a time limit."
For once, that seemed to encourage them, and batman, with great dignity, folded his joints and cape into the small space, ignoring Hal's mutter of 'what kind of contortionist -' as he slammed the lid. With a little shuffling he managed to activate his comms.
"I will inform the watchtower of our delay."
"Batman, they're tapping all outgoing signals, you can't -"
"It won't trigger," he interrupted, before he twisted his consciousness and sent it spiralling across the country.
Bruce awoke with a groan, stretching his limbs and taking a moment to marinate in his annoyance before he reached for the comm and voice modulator on the beside table.
"Batman to watchtower, we've encountered delays. If the Texan state government calls we haven't entered the state in six weeks. Batman out."
"Reanimated corpse?"
"Uh... Demon?"
"Hm. No."
"You're not just a meta human, are you?"
"Batsy, please, someone's got to win the bet eventually. How do we even know you're not lying?!"
"You don't," Batman said, not looking up from his paperwork and Flash groaned, letting his sticky notes fall to the floor as he buried his head in his arms.
"One day," he bemoaned to the keyboard, "one day we'll figure it out."
"Until then please keep your eyes on the monitors."
Flash groaned again.
Robin ducked under superman's arm as he scuttled down the corridor, laden with the night's haul of snacks. The real problem wasn't getting them - stopping league members from raiding the kitchen would be extremely counterproductive - but keeping them until he could return home to his human body to eat them. Batman had started searching him each time they left and it was really cutting into his daily sugar intake. Unfair! Just because he didn't actually use energy to stay up my night to fight crime, it felt like he did!!
'Oh, you're broken, Robin, oh, don't go out until the glue has fully set, Robin' his arm was fine! It wasn't like there was much crime to be fought on the watchtower anyway! At least not physically.
So he was pretty pleased with himself until he went to set the snacks down and found that the tar like glue they used had soaked through the sleeve and gotten all over his chocolates.
With his other hand, he tried to pry them off, wincing as the wrappers tore and stuck. He tried to shake it, ignoring the way his elbow rattled in the joint.
"Come on, come on - aw, cheezits."
The arm fell off. Robin stared despondently at the limb, surrounded by torn wrappers and dripping black glue where it connected to the elbow. The sour stink of formaldehyde filled the air.
He was going to be in such trouble with Bruce.
The click of the door jerked his head up.
Flash stood in the doorway, wide eyed. Robin stared back.
Flash screamed.
Oh yeah @dehydratedmockingbird have a thing
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intelligenceunseen · 4 months
what’s your OTP when it comes to your muse?
Shipping Meme | Accepting
//So I have a few, honestly. It depends on the verse and the roleplay partner. I've had verses for Moses, Norma, Shirley, and even a Natalia from Tales of the Abyss.
But my guilty pleasure ship is a Poly Throuple with Norma and Moses, actually.
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bubblyadventurer · 4 months
what’s your OTP when it comes to your muse?
Shipping Meme | Accepting
//Not too far off from my Jay blog's answer, actually! Moses is a good ship, Senel is a good ship, Chloe is a good ship. But I love the same guilty pleasure NorMoJay Poly Throuple.
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carefulfears · 21 hours
what are some of your favorite acting moments in the x files?
i may do a proper full list sometime in the future but one thing that i think about every single day of my life is mulder being scripted to cry in the beginning of memento mori and duchovny saying that a lot of actors “try to feel” but people don’t go through life trying to feel, they go through life trying not to feel. “we go through life trying not to cry.” and so he plays it as completely composed, “but struggling,” and it defines an arc.
because if scully tells mulder that she’s got incurable cancer and she is going to die and he says “i refuse to believe that” while crying, it projects to the audience that he already does. why break down over something you don’t think is going to happen? he says “i refuse to believe that” with a straight face, and eventually gets her to acquiesce and admit something that she knows isn’t true, that goes against literally everything in her as a scientist and a doctor and someone whose job is to tell him the truth, and says that maybe they’ll find a cure for her death sentence.
she meets him where he is, and they stay there, and every scene that follows that decision is so haunted by it. they don’t talk about it, they don’t accept it, she’s dying alone and he doesn’t believe.
there’s this really palpable and intense repression that i’ve written about in the past, that comes with the fact that they’re both lying. he does know what’s happening. he is completely capable of understanding. she does not think that he can save her. they both go through it alone, because of that initial refusal, and it doesn’t work if he reacts to that diagnosis with tears.
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mitskijamie · 1 month
Roy obviously knows that Jamie admires/respects/looks up to him but I like to think there's some part of him that wants Jamie to think he's like. Cool. On some level he's just a middle aged man who peaked in his 20s and craves validation from his cool gen Z coworker. I'm not like a regular coach I'm a Cool coach
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indigo-inks · 2 months
May I request a Ranulf? And maybe a Janaff too if youd like :3
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meow? nyah even ??
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wombywoo · 10 days
Firstly, I love your ocs! They're just so so so precious and interesting 🙌
Secondly, do you base their facial features on real people's faces, or do you create them completely from your head? 🌱
eee thank you! I love sharing the boys 🥰
and yes! I do have refs for them! when I was first developing them, I started looking for models with similar faces to what I envisioned. the ones I did choose aren't exactly how I wanted them to look, but I do study their faces for lighting, structure, etc. Quinn is based on a (brazilian lol) model called Rafael Lazzini--I like his sharp features and the severity of his gaze, but I've altered his face shape and nose, and cast enlarge on his ears, lmao 😂 Vincent's model is Malik Lindo, who I've also modified as well (looks a bit too young and the hairstyle is obviously much different) mostly I've been using them to get a good facial reference and not to create a likeness, so as I draw, they start to morph into the vision I have of what my boys look like~
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
Wondering if Messmer was just the only one to help/sympathize with Marika on the shattering of the elden ring. His relation to snakes, fire, etc, could just be that he turned himself into a living weapon taking parts of all of the enemies of the Erd Tree he could find. Momma's boy headcanon tbh.
until the DLC is fully out and confirms otherwise, i'll stubbornly cling to the mommy's boy theory fr fr 😭😭
with Fromsoft's track record of portraying motherhood (*stare at Bloodborne*) i simply refuse to believe they made the Mom™ in Marika and won't expand on her further or won't have a kid that is just...insane over her. prayer circle for that theory to be supported in canon because i have ART to DRAW if true !
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