#–––  ❛  general 【 this is important! ⠀  ╱ ⠀  psa. 】
nando161mando · 8 months
PSA: If you’re defending Israel as it carries out its genocide of the Palestinian people, you can fuck off. No ifs, no buts, no maybes… just fuck off.
Ways you can fuck off:
1. Unfollow me
2. Block me
Ways that don’t constitute fucking off:
1. Oozing your genocide-denying, complicit ass into my mentions.
But can’t we just all get along? No, we cannot all just get along with fascists who commit genocide and those that enable them.
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modrew71extra · 7 months
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Right, never thought I had to make one of these callouts in my entire time of using social media, but unfortunately due to the seriousness of the subject matter at hand, I have to get this out here to prevent more people being mislead.
Now for a lot of people who follow artist Tumblr might be aware of this one thread circulating in regards to people using Glaze & Nightshade in response to the recent updates made to Tumblr's data services. With the posting in question, @ reachartwork discouraging use of it and presenting an argument for it.
Now unlike most other people, I can tell how off their argument is as it lacked the nuance of how these programs worked and talked about it in a way that came off more enthusiastic, despite their claims of having sympathies people trying to protect themselves.
It's only until I took one little look at their blog and knew what was up, and their later behaviour proved my suspicions.
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Now to get this right off the bat, I do apologise for whatever misgendering I exhibited as I didn't notice that about them, nor am I justifying this callout to harass them.
So please don't
Rather, it's to be weary of this user, and how you really shouldn't be sleeping on these programs.
Now as the original featured, it went out in presenting their argument as followed:
As you can notice in the thread, it's providing very little evidence of their findings of its supposed workings without proper sources, while trying to show ways to work around it (again, enthusiastically mind you).
And yet as you notice, they didn't bother providing an alternative way to combat this scalping situation everyone is in, especially with how replies have been of users expressing their grievances over this.
You'll think that maybe you should have added something to help others or worded themselves in a more sympathetic manner?
But that's when I checked into their profile and knew what seems to be up,
They're into this tech.
I knew this was clear propaganda, why would somebody who is invested into generative tech try and discourage methods in protecting others of data scalping?
Like I'm sorry but you can't be somebody who claims to be sympathetic about the whole power imbalance this whole field is causing, yet enthusiastically be into this tech. Those mixture of ideologies just do not match.
There's no such thing as "ethical AI use" for this tech.
Now upon knowing many were falling prey to this nonsense, I had to step in and present my own counter arguments and why they are so wrong. Both programs Q&A (along with demonstrations of it acting as written) thay explains the inner workings of it as thoroughly as possible:
(Paper is in QA)
Now comes the part when things get more heated
After I posted my retort, this is the response I got:
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A) Again, while I didn't intend disrespect for their gender, "AI-bro" has literally become a catch-all for us who are against the very people who are engaged in this field
B) Since when in my original argument that I did try to villainize the entirety of programmers in general? My wording was superficially against those in that field of ML tech who are for this tech.
C) Trying to spin my own findings with proper context and immaturely handwave it by boiling it down as me going "nuh uh" is making you look childish, the info I provided literally explains the very points they argued.
D) Reason I blocked them straight away is because I knew a lot of these pro-AI tend to be very combative when it comes to criticism, I felt it in my gut that they were going to do so first. And later on other factors of their character proved my point.
Like I'm sorry, you really think me not having a degree of X matter is somehow making me a worst person and that I shouldn't be allowed to voice criticism of something?
Just because somebody is in the field of something, doesn't automatically mean they have the best interests to heart.
And here's my confirmation that like a lot of these AI enthusiasts, they're very sensitive & combative.
Now not too long, I decided to try to reblog my argument on another reblog of the artist @ Kang-Bang as they have a bigger artist presence, while they fortunately did realize what the OP they were quickly blocked upon reblogging my own post:
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But it wasn't that confirmed that behaviour.
I found out through a conversation I had with somebody on the server of artist-rights advocate Zakugu Mignon, that this individual had a similar encounter with this user a year ago on Twitter (I'm Hollow btw);
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And here's the conversation this person had that led to this similar experience:
Notice a familiar pattern of behaviour?
The unfortunate pattern behaviour that these pro-AI types are once again present.
It's always trying to justify the usage of this succeeding.
Now look, I'm not against the idea of the physical unabled being given the ability to produce creations of their own with the help technology means nor do I think that Artificial Intelligence is inherently bad.
But this generative tech is just doing it all the wrong way.
It's by all intentions & purposes, displace hard working people as cheaply and quickly as they can.
It has unfortunately happened to certain working sectors such as journalism, advertisement and translations as we speak.
Now on the topic of whether or not you use Glaze or Nightshade.
Please don't drop it
Now yes it's not a panchea for the societal problems we're currently facing.
But you shouldn't just leave whatever you post online out in the open without any forms of protection is not the wisest route to take.
As the Q&A already shown, it at least offers some way to ensure a means of sabotage data scalping.
There are still many other creatives and general users utilizing these programs for good reason, and WHY they're desperate for a means of protection.
Yes, I understand there's some skepticism going around and we're all frightfully confused about what to do in these uncertain times.
But please.
Don't skim out on a solution to offer some forms of protection.
Having a little protection is better than having none.
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thefawnfallacy · 3 months
if you come across an AI video using the likeness of a real child (as these images are made from scraped data and/or outright stealing photos, using popular media, etc), and the “child” in question is naked or there is something inappropriate happening, do not spread it, you are spreading CSEM. The likeness of a real child (and I do mean real, I do not give a damn about a cartoon character) being used to make sexual media is a quantifiable offence of CSEM, because it is indistinguishable from the real child in question. Report the videos and/or images, do not screenshot or save (congrats, you now own CSEM and you can be criminalised) and do not, under any circumstances, spread visuals of this (doubly congrats! you are now distributing CSEM, you can be criminalised).
The rise of AI has been detrimental for a plethora of reasons and this, unfortunately, is one of them. I’m aware AI is still in a legal grey area and this is not being written with the intent to fear monger but this is a very serious issue that needs to be discussed regarding all of ways AI will be used to exploit, manipulate and destroy the lives of others.
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lifemod17 · 17 days
if you are part of a fandom, no matter how casual or Not Normal™:
the hottest thing you can do when sharing content, is crediting photographers or adding a source link for something you posted, by the way <3
yes I am aware there are going to be times where its old content or really a lost cause and you're just like "Pinterest showed me this idk" THAT'S FINE. but if you CAN, please do the bare minimum.
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gloryundimmed · 1 month
Current Interactions
Everything on here is awaiting my reply. I just wanted to take inventory of the threads I have before school starts. If I forgot something, please let me know!!
x2 — @lured-into-wonderland // Nunnally - first interaction - party open
x1 — @eraba-reta-unmei // Miya - party open
x1 — @incandescentia // Tsuyuko - flirting on the job
x2 — @astarab1aze // Loux - lashing out open - first meeting (discord)
x1 — @elganac // Leah - party open
x1 — @maljefe // Loni - party open
x1 — @sozokujins / @gunrising // Bomi - yakuza arc (discord)
x1 — @unladielike // Vivian - bookstore chillin
x1 — @stanislawkowalski // Nastka - straight up murdering a guy
x1 — @prerodinu // Jackson - requested open
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I don't even have a problem with AI conceptually, I just hate the capitalism part.
Like machine learning is a useful tool with many applications, and yeah I would like to see it make good on its promise. The problem with "AI" "art" is that the training datasets are being taken from artists without their consent, and it is intended to be used to put artists out of a job in a society where having a job is necessary to afford survival.
ChatGPT has the same issue. Not everyone whose words were used to feed the algorithm gave their consent for its use, and it is being used to put writers out of a job in a society where having a job is necessary to afford survival.
But like. Even without AI, capitalism will still try to find ways to maximize profits with minimum investment. We aren't going to be safe just because we ban AI "art".
Like yes AI should not be used for this, but that's not enough. We have to get rid of capitalism entirely. Capitalism is the reason tech bros are trying to pull this shit to begin with.
It's so fucked up that we exist in a situation where we are upset that people are not going to be working as much as they used to be. This should be a good thing, because it leaves us more time to engage in hobbies, hang out with each other, and play. But because of capitalism, what should be a good thing is instead horrifying, because now people can't afford food.
Capitalism is the main problem here. We should be talking about that.
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theirmadness · 4 months
alright, folks. time for a serious conversation.
it's just been brough to my attention that some people are under the impression my samantha winchester portrayal in particular is transphobic because she's a genderbent version of a canon character. there's a couple of things that i want to clarify: first of all, this is something i fully intended on adding as a section in my rules because i know this is a hot topic in the rp community, i just haven't gotten around to it because as stated in my rules, this blog is very low effort and most of the time when people interact with samantha, i will go through the two separate aus i have with them privately.
now, i'm not gonna get into my skin in the game for this because, honestly? it's just gonna cause a stir because people can't respect when people have different perspectives on sensitive topics.
but, i want to clarify something: i only use "genderbent" potrayals of canon characters in universes where the multiverse is a canon thing. both in supernatural and in the marvel universe, you have different versions of canon characters that exist in different universes. sometimes the only thing they share in common with the "canon" version of that character you're familiar with is their name and their connections. the only exception to this would be alana bloom, but the same argument can be made that she is so far removed from the canon alan bloom that she's her own different character.
that being said, i absolutely will not accept the argument that my portrayals of toni stark and at the present moment, samantha winchester are transphobic. you might disagree with me on that, and gb portrayals might be icky for you for your own perspective and beliefs, and that's absolutely okay. i'm not gonna sit here and try to argue this and change your mind because i can absolutely respect everyone is entitled to have their own POV on things. my interpretation and my idea of the gender spectrum can be so very different from yours and that's just that.
i have never, and will never force anything on anyone. it's why my blog is dead dove. it's why i have so many warnings saying that i will write things that are upsetting, triggering, etc.
now: samantha's main verse is that she's from a separate timeline and universe where she does not throw lucifer back into the cage, and she shares her body with him in an apocalypse croatoan virus universe. it's one of the many separate and alternate universes/timelines that chuck has created. he has admitted to creating an universe where people have dog noses. so yeah, i'm fully supportive of the idea he plays around with the genders of his main characters in different universes. but the important thing to note is that samantha isn't canon sam, and i didn't just take canon male sam and turn him into a cis woman. she is, like alan bloom, her own separate entity and character, who happens to share the same name, a similar backstory and same connections as this one canon character.
the second verse for her is that she's sam's twin sister who has either (also separate from main canon) been raised with the boys or just been separated from them from birth for whatever reason best fits the plot and is now back into their lives.
now i'm only making this post and making this distinction because it's both important to the character's portrayal for the future but also i don't want to have to deal with folks throwing around "transphobic" when it comes to me when that's so far from who i am and what i believe in. are there instances that gb is done in a harmful way? absolutely. most of the time from my experience in the rpc, it is that way. it's why i ABSOLUTELY understand that people aren't willing to interact with gb portrayals. for the most part, i never interacted or had gb portrayals. but this version of the character has been living in my head for MONTHS and i just had to let her out. i am never one to hold back on my creativity and this isn't any different. but since i do write alana and toni, i felt like it was worth mentioning my take on this as a whole in case i add any other characters from marvel like this.
i normally don't feel like i have to explain myself on anything that i do because if people don't agree/like what i do, blocking and not interacting with me is an option you have and even if we have mutuals, you can blacklist me and never have to see anything i post. just because we have different opinions doesn't mean i'm a bigot, or that i'm not allowed to exist with my creative ideas in the same space as you do.
thank you for those who have read this unnecessarily long post lol. know it's a bit long winded. i do tend to overexplain myself because of my adhd. but also it was important to get some of the info on sam's verses out here. i will be making a separate post for this information to make this easier for folks AND to avoid any kinda misunderstanding in the future, BUT i just wanted to do a lil' thing in the meantime. to those who interact with me and sam and any of my controversial muses: thank you! and for those who don't or for example for folks who don't like incest but still follow/interact with me, thank you, too! i appreciate every single one of you that understand that we're not all gonna be into the same things but understand that everything here is about open and mature communication, and just being able to curate your space and experience.
kisses. ❤
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cherrylight · 2 years
hi ummm
kind of like a rly important reminder: please do things that make you feel happy, make you feel safe, please do things that bring a smile on your face. if a certain trope makes you happy or you get excited thinking about it, PLEASE BY ALL MEANS GO FOR IT! this definitely goes for selfships too <3 if silly aus make you happy go for it. if its a college au, a high school au or anything, please do it. 
i think what makes you happy and what makes you feel excited, or what makes you feel safe is so much more important than anything else. you dont need to follow trends or things. please PLEASE do silly cute aus do silly cute aus that make you happy. its all what makes inner you happy and excited!!! please do it for inner you <3
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mauesartetc · 6 months
hello maue, Do you remember that Tinkerbell design critique asked? my main argument wasn't saying that the design was dated because it was revealing nor sexualized but rather It doesn't fit the character, nothing about her personality goes along with the design. Like she sassy, feisty, stubborn, and hot-tempered. Nothing about these traits fits with sexy minus sassy. Plus there's time tinkerbell is purposely sexualized, don't believe me?
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So now you understand? Oh by the way her outfit has changes over the years even in the new tinkerbell film. You notice the dress has lengthen.
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And she other outfits throughout the film.
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"my main argument wasn't saying that the design was dated because it was revealing nor sexualized"
This you?
"I feel her design doesn't age well. Her design is extremely sexualize like her dress is skimpy, long flowing hair, lascivious lips, long legs and a bust."
Huh. It sounds like that's exactly what you were saying. So either you completely forgot your own argument, or you just straight up lied. And then you proceeded to talk down to me, as if I just didn't "understand" points you never made.
News flash: I'm not a mind-reader. If what you actually meant was that "nothing about her personality goes along with the design", why didn't you say that before?
I'm not interested in playing stupid games, or "debating" anyone. And I certainly don't need anyone foisting their fixations for random fictional characters on me. Use your own blog for that. Rant all you want about Tinkerbell; hell, redesign her yourself if you're inclined. But kindly leave me out of it. The first ask was amusing and showcased how sometimes people project certain traits onto characters, but now you're just looking for someone to argue with.
I've got bigger fish to fry. We're done here.
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victheclown · 7 months
Quick PSA Time
So disclaimer I'm turning off Anon Asks for the time being because it seems someone's been sending around Grabbify links in the PMTOK Community and that includes me :boom: I'm not afraid personally but it really shouldn't be happening so just. Watch out for that yall
Might turn Anon Asks on again sometime in a few weeks or so but if you wanna send me funny questions you gotta do it DIRECTLY lmao/silly
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nando161mando · 1 year
The white nationalist group, the Asatru Folk Assembly, is holding a blot on October 28th at Stonehenge. Many people don't realize that this is a white nationalist group. Sign the petition and help stop them from using this community monument.
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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aimlesswalker · 2 years
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This reddit post has the comments locked now but it and all the responses rubbed me the wrong way so here’s a PSA that all cis people need to be aware of. (cw for frank discussion of genitals)
So first, I think it’s INCREDIBLY WEIRD that cis people automatically assume that if someone is trans, they have the genital set up associated with their assigned gender. Like bottom surgery exists and a fair number of people get it. Not everyone who was assigned male at birth has a penis. Like. Why is that so hard to understand? And bottom surgery has some great results nowadays. Sometimes you can’t tell it’s surgery by looking at it and sometimes you can and both are ok. This isn’t even touching on intersex people who might have genitals not typically associated with their assigned gender or they may have had a non applicable gender assigned to them at birth. I’m really tired of the bioessentialism. Not all trans women are women with penises and not all trans men are men with vulvas. Not all people who were assigned female at birth currently have a vulva and not all people who were assigned male at birth currently have a penis. It’s incredibly arrogant to assume otherwise. If you do have a genital preference then tell the person ahead of time so they can bail or get to know them first like an actual person.
but SECONDLY, trans genitals (on HRT) are completely different from cis genitals even if the basic anatomy is the same. Hormones are incredibly powerful stuff. Like dicks on estrogen have a completely different mouth feel, vulvas on testosterone have a larger clitoris/little dick. And hormones will also change the smell of the genitals. It’s definitely noticeable. Also the fluids produced during sex will have a different taste and/or texture. HRT changes the entire experience. Usually the people with a genital preference have these expectations that trans genitals are exactly like cis genitals and that’s the ENTIRE problem behind having said preference. It’s a completely different experience. You might be pleasantly surprised because regardless of whether she has a vulva or a penis, you’re still going to be having sex with a woman. Having sex with a trans women who has a penis is a very different experience than having sex with a cis man who has a penis. Trans women are still women, not a different species, not something halfway between man and woman. And trans men are still men, they’re not something between man and woman either.
Most of the time having a genital preference is rooted in (socially accepted) bioessentialism and cis people need to do some deep thinking about why they have such a preference. If after some reflection and research they still have a preference then fine! that’s perfectly ok. But this is a subtle form of transphobia that people should be more conscientious of.
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guideaus · 4 days
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its one thing to be wary of scammers, but some people on here take it way too far. The people saying things like this are shitty, and i would bet that they put no effort into actually looking at any account that contacts them or even daring to talk to them, but the casual fearmongering repeating that every stranger interacting with them must be a bot really is the worst bc there are ppl in the tags like "oh no, i donated!" and now thinking they need to report people who need help
its just crazy that people can link their social medias that clearly date back years, they can provide updates and references, but these types will just make a popular post warning people of scammers and to avoid them all. like what do you have to do to prove you're a real human being to some fandom user on tumblr...
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firestarved · 3 months
CW : sa mention, domestic / abuse mention.
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As far as Aomora's trauma goes, there is some really heavy stuff mixed in there. Over the years she has developed, reacted to and dealt with these things in her own way through RP and plotting alike, and I have approached it differently over time. I've essentially gone from not wanting to approach the heaviest topic ( That of her sa-related trauma. ) at all to briefly talking about it to some very close RP partners, to now accepting it for what it is fully ; a part of Aomora's background that weighs heavily on her, but does not define her.
Because it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth when I see characters reduced to only their trauma. Like, yes, it leaves a sometimes incredibly big impact on their lives, but they should, in my opinion, never be reduced to their trauma alone — it's important to me to point out that no matter what someone has been through, they are always a person first, and their baggage second. Anything else is just cruel, imho. So naturally I try to approach my muses with this in mind.
This is all to say that, while Aomora does have abuse in her history that is not synonymous with me wanting to explore that in a public forum. I may brush upon it / bring it up as a mention if I feel like a situation calls for it ( Such as going into how she deals with her trauma nowadays and such. ) but you'll catch me dead before you catch me writing in depth about everything she went through. I'm here to explore how everything she's been through has affected her in her daily life, not to expand on how these things happened. It goes for the sa and the domestic abuse she's experienced.
That being said, Aomora will react to certain things quite strongly, so if you do not want to see such signs of trauma I heavily recommend you to unfollow / not follow this blog for your own safety! I might work out what to do, when it's just signs of it like, for example flinching — since she does that a lot sometimes. Maybe I'll make a tag for it, I'm open to suggestions on this!
TLDR ; Mora is my most beloved OC and I really don't want it to be the case where people reduce her to only her trauma because she is so much more than that. Equally she is a very traumatized character and that is not going to change. These two statements can co-exist.
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grimgrinnrs · 9 months
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Okay so now that this place is nice and set up, with some actual followers to it as well, I think it's time to say that any and all relationships that happened on the old blog, can and will be carried over to this blog!
Of course, only if those involved want to, but until told otherwise I will be running with the idea of them continuing as this blog is a remake, not a reboot!
Beyond that, can't wait to write in this fandom with y'all again!!
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eldorr · 2 years
hey figured I'd say this as I figured this out lately, if you're wondering why people you've blocked are still able to follow/interact with your sideblogs, it's because blocks don't carry over. All it does is hide their interactions from you. (So unfortunately, you're not gonna be able to refute or defend yourself when someone people may accuse you of shit or try to debate your existence, as you literally won't see the note unless you somehow see it in passing, like someone you following reblogging it.)
You have to manually block people on all of your side blogs as well. (We've just cleared out our blocked blogs and stuff and did that with every blog we could remember why we blocked.)
Blocking on tumblr is supposed to hide you from someone and them from you, however if they find your sideblogs, they'll still be able to interact with those blogs and see posts and everything on them, and you won't even be able to know.
So if you're wondering why some asshole you've blocked is still able to interact with you on the primary blog you use (if it's a sideblog) that's why. Manually blocking them on your sideblogs as well will enforce that block on their side as well for the side blog, not just your main blog.
Figured I'd alert others as people trying to debate your existence and you literally knowing nothing about it while they are literally able to show you to all their followers without any of that showing up in your notifications and wondering where all the hate is coming from, isn't exactly the best experience.
Take care :)
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