#‘This is the most fun I’ve had in weeks :D’ -me ‘ARE YOU OK?!?!’ -concerned friend
sneet-snart · 5 months
apparently there’s etiquette to taking communion and you’re not supposed to just slam it back like your fifth shot of the night
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candycryptids · 4 months
👿- What's their worst trait?
eheheh >:) for whoever you feel it would be the most fun to answer!!
Firstly thank you for da ask ;w;!!! This was spicy because I’m actually going to talk about my husbands guy a little bit… and show y’all post ShB-semi-into-EW Ishi eheheehee- tho there’s a very very mild ShB spoiler so watch out!
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“I appreciate you taking time out of your day to speak with me, and answering all the questions I’ve had concerning your journey and how you’ve felt through it all… Your insight into the first and your extensive knowledge of Feo Ul was quite interesting.”
“Mmhm, it’s been surreal recounting everything that happened, but at least SOMEBODY’s writing it down now.. And Their Majesty has made wielding scholastic magic much easier, since I can’t summon my own faerie normally. Are you sure you don’t want a cookie? They’re Kizuna’s da’s recipe, you know.”
“Ah, speaking of Kizuna… You two have started dating right? The two shining beacons of heroism and do-gooding-recklessly, surely you know better than anyone else what he’s like. We all know his good side, but what about the bad?”
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“Eh???? EHHHH?? Where’d you get that idea?! D-dating… uhm… you’re not going to write that in your book right? That’s- that’s just speculation! Besides we’re not really public yet, Uhm, h-he’s really great, I can’t think of a bad trait, really, he can cook, he’s wicked with all kinds of weapons, he’s strong, and, handsome, he’s gentle with kids, and animals… He’s always trying his best, you know? Uh-uhm… he built his own house, in Ishgard-“
“I already know all about that, Ishi, I actually stopped by there last week to see if he was there. Besides. every Hero needs their tragic flaw, or they risk becoming as untouchable Gods in the mind of the people. So, give me something to work with, it doesn’t have to be grand, just, something that grounds him back in the common man.”
“But Kizuna’s not a common man- ah… ff..fine, ok, sometimes, uhm, I think… I worry, he makes himself miss out on fun stuff, because he’s worried more about keeping everyone and everything safe. Someone somewhere falls into peril and it’s, his problem now. I can usually make him slow down, but sometimes we both end up really swept up in it… uhm… I don’t know. Oh… my cookie……”
“… I think I can work with that…”
Kizuna belongs to @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight •v• (and if he wants to add something to this he can! >:3)
[Duo’s OC Ask Game]
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tootyfrootycasbooty · 2 years
@bourgeoix tagged me in a fun lil book game so here! we go! i thought i’d be so many books down already this year but alas, it turns out, working in publishing means you have 3084039 different admin things or manuscripts to read bits of instead of actual books. who knew!
💘 last book i read: 💘
M@d About Y0u by Mh@iri McF@rlane
ok forgive me i had to censor this because it’s on our list and i DON’T need my team finding my tumblr lmao, even if they know i’m a former tumblr girlie with inside info on the nature of fandom and fic writers. i’m working in general commercial fiction rn which isn’t something i’ve read a lot of, so i’m trying to familiarise myself and thought this would be a fun n quick read. it was! it’s still not my favourite kind of writing, but it’s definitely...fic adjacent tbh...excessively white english in a way that was less annoying than the flatshare, and also if you’re thinking of reading that you should just read this instead because it has a lot of similarities and is generally just better. however i’m deducting points for this being touted a romcom and there being such minimal romance, just terrible exes being terrible ALL the TIME.
💘 currently reading: 💘
Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey
i’ve only just started this but i’m really enjoying it so far! maybe bc i haven’t read a book that’s ~my vibe~ in a while and i’m elbow deep in psychological thriller and old school romance.....it’s sharp and witty and quick and horrifically relatable and very Of The Moment, as far as cool sad girl millennials are concerned. i saw it described as a Coming of Divorce novel which is great lmao, anyway it’s exactly what you’d expect from a Schitt’s Creek writer doing a story about a 29 yr old who’s suddenly alone for the first time. 
💘 what is on my list 💘
Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang
i FINALLY got a proof of this yesterday after being told it’s the best thing ever for three weeks...the premise is very good...i’m very intrigued since it’s the same writer of Babel and this is a VERY different book...basically a nobody white writer steals the manuscript of an east asian literary darling writer and passes it off as her own under an ambiguously asian pseudonym. 
Totally Wired: The Rise and Fall of the Music Press by Paul Gorman
a fat non-fiction that is specifically tailored to my niche interests...jacket design looks like the screenprints i made which is a weird coincidence...it’s just very me! haven’t had a moment to sit down and get into it yet but love that it covers US and UK music journalism bc i don’t really know so much about what the american equivalents of nme and melody maker were! 
August Blue by Deborah Levy
WILD HOWLING SCREAMS!!!!!! idk when deborah quietly announced this but i’m her biggest most embarrassing fan. penguin should give me a commission for how many people i’ve converted to the church of deborah. so interesting bc it sounds like it’s based on information we already glimpsed in the living autobiographies but it’s also sounds much more philosophical than the last few novels, almost like a combination of both. anyway it doesn’t release until may cry
tagging the smart beautiful pals who read more than i can possibly hope to and some of the old usual suspects @bris-eis @whenharrymetsallys @wolfhalls @themoonmins @amarkls bee i’m tagging you but i cant remember what ur url is or if your made a new account or did i imagine that maybe you’re still awol
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cargopantsman · 3 years
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
Trigger warnings: All of them, because I am lazy. Also none of this is sensical.
Utter, hyper-caffeinated brain noise.
The problem with the concept of a "sense of self" is it already tries to concretize an amorphous abstract. It makes us want to point at some thing and say "Well... that's me." Whether it is a set of ideals that we try to live by, a set of activities that brings us a sense of joy or fulfillment, or, gods forbid, and entirely different and other person that "completes us."
I've always had an affinity for trickster figures and shapeshifters. The wearers of masks, the truthful liars, the artisans of duality, yada, yada. Since I was a child my first instinct has always been to blend in. If into the background, great, but if need be, if I needed to blend into the social fabric around me, I could do that too. To throw this into the high school backdrop; I wasn't a social butterfly, I was shy as could be, but I got along with the jocks, the goths, the nerds, the art freaks, the band kids, the preps, the whatever. Where ever I was I could fake that I belonged there. I was comfortable drifting in between worlds. (Looking back, I could have caused a lot more chaos with the information I was privy to at the time...[Oh, there's a constant point. I'm good at keeping secrets, keeping confidence. I'll lie my ass off to keep a secret.]) Does any of that really help drive a sense of self though? When your natural instinct is to mirror, to blend, to fade? When your point of pride is walking into a room unnoticed and, even better, leaving a party unseen? Does being a ghost count as an identity?
"Expression of Will" comes to mind... what does that mean? Ok, so some abstract thing is inside of you and you manifest it objectly outwardly. I was an artist. I made images in my head and "kind of" manifest them on paper. Some times people see that paper...  I was a writer... images in my head "became" words and some people saw that. I combined them into comics. Some people Saw that. Is that a lasting affect? Maybe the fights I've been into?! That time in 2nd grade someone was picking on a friend and I laid them out... the time in 8th grade someone was picking on me and clocked them down. Or in high school when someone decided to start some rumors and I held them up by their throat in the air until they turned blue? That was an inward thing that manifested outwardly. Nevermind good or bad, but was any of that... me?
Hmm. The beast. The primal... come back to that later.
"Expression of Will," "Expression of Will," "Expression of Will" ... What the fuck even is "Will"? Is this why philosophers get their heads so far up their ass? Is it a desire? The will to live.... living requires eating and the amount of times I forget to even do that... Maybe been looking at the phrase all wrong...
Will to Live (noun) It isn't a thing.
Will (verb) to (preposition) Live (verb)
Why does that sound better?
Desire to Live (noun)
Desire (verb) to (preposition) Live (verb)
Okay, that feels better even, but still... Sense of self, will, desire, expressions thereof. Are these just the aimless desires and wills? The fleeting flights of frivolous fancies festering forlornly in frontal cortices?
The self with the will can direct the desires towards living. "Get in the fucking robot Shinji!" "I don't wanna"
The (ghost) with the (strength) can direct the (impulses) towards (being). Getting too close to a concept of a soul on that one huh?
Forget self. It's a useless moniker right now. There is no self. It's just this mind alone for the first time in its entire life. (Not alone alone, there are friends, but they've learned more about me in the past two weeks than the past 6 years so...) "What did they learn?" asked the projection of self that defines itself by interactions with other.
I thought we were forgetting self.... not an option really. Sentience is a bitch like that. But they've learned I'll put up with a lot of bullshit under the guise of strength and integrity when I should've callously called this whole thing ages ago. That I can shut myself down completely in the interest of bodily-self preservation. (Not Self-self preservation, fuck the English language). What did I sacrifice? What did I shut down?
That is less than helpful.
The Beast. Vince. Your Shadow.
My Shadow...
What do you desire?
Blood in the cut, tears in their eyes, power over someone that wants that power over them...
Do you want that? I don't want it, I just need it. No... I want it.
Is that all you are? A sadist? An animal?
Maybe... probably not though. A caretaker, and a sparring partner. A trickster and a shapeshifter. A crafter whose tools are destruction.
Next problem, grandeur. Mythologizing everything. But how to see a thing if you don't blow it up/magnify it?
You lack a sense of self because no one ever tested your sense of self. No one actually fought you for who you are. To find out who you are. The ex didn't. An old friend did until she got scared by what she found there.
You don't want to be yourself because it's not nice is it? You were raised to be nice.
College. I controlled the group. Never hit anyone after high school aside from set matches in classes or sparring for funsies. They all saw my eyes and stopped if they were getting out of hand.
The Dom-Friend.
Don't use the d-word on me.
Destroyer? Yeah, that one's fine. That one fits. He says as he carelessly tosses lit matches around his entire life. Can we bring up the phoenix or is that too grandiose? Why shouldn't it be grandiose? We spend every day of our lives going through the same kind of tedious bullshit all the time why not make our inner lives a bit bigger, a bit richer?
A bit darker.
Why do you want them to bleed? Hurt and comfort. That's a big theme, a trope if you will. Why not have both at the same? Why not let her think that I'm about to kill her but let her rest in the trust that I won't? Why not let me think that I'm about to break her while believing she is the most precious thing in the world?
Caretaker. A caretaker kills all the time. Tearing out weeds, uprooting the prized plant to move it to a better place for its growth.
The self isn't going to be found just in ones self... not in another either. No, the self has to be found in everything. The things one wants to run to and run from. The soul (oops) is formed by what it crashes into right? The mind recoils from traumas races towards panaceas, why not, if one can, flip the polarity on the two. Bring the darkness screaming into the light so you can see it, bring the light quivering into the darkness so it can loose its terrifying brillance. Balance in all things right?
You're not a very positive person, they say. No... I'm not. It lashes out in bad ways sometimes, sure. Control, control, you must learn control. But being negative isn't bad. Not if you can grow from it. No plant can survive the sun for 24 hours. Trees sleep in the winter. We sleep, we heal, we grow.
Self-Destruction!! That's a fun one... seven fucking months downing a bottle of whisky a night. Whooo boy. Do Not Recommend.
Got a nice stay in the underworld though and trudged up a lot of shit. Now I'm sitting here with my ears ringing because I finally hit the personal limit on Monsters and my brain is overclocked enough I can finally see shit at 4 angles at the same time. I am a god damned quantum supercomputer of emotions right now.
Faith and faithlessness are the same thing. Have faith, trust the future, don't expect anything, don't plan your now for your future. Sounds sadly like live in the moment type bullshit, but life is weird and people are complex. Shifting drifting clueless animals that want to be safe but don't want to get stuck in anothers arms even when there is one whose arms are so safe.
The damage runs deep... and two people with damage running that deep. Hmm. How much healing can falling do? The other just puts a bandage over a puncture wound and both try to ignore it, but then the blood gets pumping, the heart pounds and poisons surge to the surface. It's neither one's fault really. Life is a trial of knives and we don't always have time or concern to tend the wounds properly. There's always something else that needs to be taken care of first.
Divorce is a helluva drug. It is maddening, the freedom to finally to be yourself is line having the lineart stripped off, there is a terrifying infinity in front of you and the only thing to do for awhile is melt. Let the slings and arrows just pierce and sink in. Anyone else tries to push the sludge of you into a shape might get hurt when they find the arrows. I want to go absolutely feral in a way. In a way the whole COVID mess is keeping me under lock and key so I'm just prowling around the empty house like I always have been, but now there's some sense... of purpose.
I'm raging against any depression, the executive dysfunction is going to have a talking to. The sense of self is going to be found in stripping this house down to bare walls and making a blank canvas. Bring everything down, ruin it all, start again.
My self is emptiness, it always has been. I can be anything, but I should be wary of ever wanting to be something. (My career options are AWESOME). But this is a different emptiness than before. Before I pulled the trigger and splattered the brains of the marriage across the floor I was just a void, and inky black pit of nothingness. Somehow, having the Shadow rise up and finally start getting along with the rest of me, the emptiness isn't.... void. It's just nascent possibility and that shouldn't scare me.
It does, of course, terrify me. First time in 40 years being legitimately alone is terrifying, should have done this kinda thing when I was 20, but... I was an idiot back then (60 year old me laughs from the future). But I think I can get a grip on the concept that "I" don't exist, but I'm real... ever changing ever dynamic, not who I was while I was married, but a mix of the me before, a angry beast now, and something yet unseen in the future.
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kpop-zone · 4 years
Twice reaction to their wife throwing her wedding ring
A/N: Blame my favorite writer on here for the angsty ending of one of the reactions. She just had to post the most heartbreaking scenario ever, so I wasn’t in the mood for fluff anymore :D
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As soon as Jeongyeon showed her the phone, Nayeon knew that she had messed up. It was all over the news.
‘Twice’s Nayeon and GOT7’s Mark dating’
You had been insecure from the start. Nayeon was known for her visuals and surely many people wanted to date her. There had already been dating rumors about her and another idol in the beginning of your relationship and it needed a lot of convincing till you believed her instead of the newspapers.
But this time it was different. This time, it truly seemed like, she had been cheating. Some fans had taken pictures of her and Mark backstage. She was leaning against a wall and Mark was leaning into her while resting his hand next to her head. Of course, no one had published the pictures that were taken only a second later, when Nayeon vehemently pushed him away and told him that she was married.
Nayeon needed to talk to you. Gladly her members were willing to back her up, so she rushed out of the practice room, while she heard the other members excuse her with a lie. She had never been home faster in her life, but apparently, she hadn’t been fast enough. When she entered the apartment, she almost stumbled over a suitcase.
She yelled panicked before rushing into the bedroom where you were just packing a second suitcase.
Quickly Nayeon made her way over to you and grabbed your arms.
“Let go off me, Nayeon!”
You exclaimed angrily, but she tightened her grasp without hurting you, of course.
“No, listen to me. I won’t let some fans destroy this relationship.”
Nayeon stated firmly and you stopped trying to rip away your arms.
“If you want to leave me because you can’t stand dating an idol anymore that’s fine. But I don’t want you to leave me because you think I have cheated. Because I haven’t. And I never would.”
She continued and a few tears rolled down your cheeks.
“Then where are those pictures coming from?”
You sobbed, causing Nayeon to instinctively step closer to you, but you hastily stumbled backwards to get out of her reach.
“You are always doing that! Playing with fire and flirting with other idols.”
Your voice cracked and suddenly you reached for your wedding ring and threw it in Nayeon’s direction.
She was taken aback for a second, but then she gained her composure back again. Quickly she took a step forward and grabbed your head to gently push it against her body. You fought back at first, but then you gave in to her embrace and let Nayeon stroke the side of your head.
“Mark was flirting with me; I won’t deny that. But I immediately pushed him away. I swear that I don’t want anybody else but you. No one can compare to you.”
She explained and you started to calm down in her arms.
As soon as your sobs ceased, Nayeon crouched down to pick up your wedding ring. She looked at your hand and felt a twinge in her heart when she saw your unadorned finger. Quickly she grabbed your hand and put the ring on its foreseen place again.
You were hers.
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Jeongyeon leaned her head against the front door. She had had a hell of a day. First, her company tortured the members with an inhuman practice, then they had an unpleasant encounter with a sasaeng at a press event and later the staff had told her that she had to go through another diet.
But she couldn’t let you know all of this.
You had to go through enough just because she was your wife. She couldn’t make your life even harder by putting all her worries on your plate too. Therefore, Jeongyeon took a deep breath before putting on a smile and entering the apartment. You were standing in the kitchen and preparing dinner. As soon as you saw your wife, your face lit up and Jeongyeon immediately walked over to you to kiss you.
Although she had only seen you this morning, she had missed you and there was nothing better than coming home to you. But today she noticed that you had a weird look on your face.
“Are you ok?”
She asked concerned, but you nodded your head quickly.
“Yeah, of course! Dinner’s almost ready. You can sit at the counter and tell me about your day till the meat is done.”
You smiled and Jeongyeon kept looking at you suspiciously but then she followed your suggestion.
“Well my day has been great. Practice has been fun, and the fans were super cute...”
Jeongyeon lied but was suddenly interrupted when you slammed your hand on the counter.
She looked at you in shock, but you kept your back turned to her.
She asked confused, causing you to finally turn around.
Your face was stern and Jeongyeon could see the anger in your eyes.
“Really? What else do I have to do to finally get you to talk?”
You questioned and she looked at you perplexed.
“I’ve seen the videos. You were attacked by a sasaeng today. What else are you not telling me?”
Jeongyeon quickly avoided your gaze, because she didn’t know what to tell you.
“It’s not like that...”
She stammered, but you only laughed cynically in response.
“It’s not like what? So you are telling me everything?”
Because Jeongyeon didn’t want to lie to you again, she didn’t answer your question, but you only got angrier in response.
You continued to blame her for keeping secrets and Jeongyeon just submitted to your accusations, staying quiet throughout the whole time. You had a right to be angry. However, she hadn’t expected that her silence made everything worse.
“Don’t you have anything to say in your defense?”
You asked eventually, but Jeongyeon couldn’t form any coherent sentences.
Frustrated, you shook your head before suddenly reaching for your wedding ring and pulling it of your finger.
“If you don’t want to be in this relationship anymore, you could have just said so.”
You gritted through your teeth before throwing the ring in her direction.
The sound of the metal hitting the counter finally pulled Jeongyeon out of her trance. Instantly she leaped to her feet and sprinted to you, because you were just about to leave the apartment.
“I’m sorry.”
She blurted out and you looked at her annoyed.
“I want to talk to you, but I don’t want to burden you. You already have to endure so much because I’m an idol, I don’t want to make it even worse by worrying you.”
Jeongyeon finally admitted and you stopped in your motions.
“Jeongyeon that’s the point of being married. To share everything. Your happy moments and your sad ones.”
You responded and she gulped.
Of course, you were right, but it was just so hard. It was killing her that she couldn’t spend more time with you; that you couldn’t show yourself in public like any other person on this planet. And then she was supposed to make your life even harder by telling you all her sorrows?
But if that was what you wanted; she would give in to your wishes.
“I’m sorry. I can change. I will tell you everything from now on.”
She promised and you looked at her contemplatively.
“Please, come back inside. Let’s have dinner.”
You sighed, but gladly brushed past her and walked back into the kitchen, where you tried to save the food that was half-burnt by now. Suddenly tears sprung into Jeongyeon’s eyes and she needed to inhale deeply to not break down. She couldn’t believe how close she had been to losing you.
Sheepishly she followed you into the kitchen after she had composed herself again. You were just setting the table and Jeongyeon wordlessly sat down. She didn’t know whether you were still mad at her and needed some space. Nervously, she glanced at you from the side until you eventually sighed.
“Do you want to tell me about your day again?”
You asked and your voice was a lot softer this time.
Apparently, you had been able to sense Jeongyeon’s discomfort. She nodded eagerly and when she saw you putting on your wedding ring again that was laying on the counter, a wide smile spread on her face.
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You were standing in the kitchen, humming along to a song and preparing an afternoon snack for your family that was supposed to come home any minute now. But suddenly your phone rang, so you put down the food to pick it up.
“Mom can you come and get us? Mommy has forgotten us again.”
Your daughter whined into the speaker and you clenched your phone angrily.
“Of course, baby. I’ll be there in no time and we can grab some ice cream on the way back home. How does that sound?”
You offered apologetically and your children cheered on the other end of the line.
Your smiley demeanor crumbled though as soon as you hung up the phone. You were tired of the unreliability of your wife. This was the fourth time in two weeks that she had forgotten to pick up the kids or to be there for a school performance. Momo had never had a lot of time, but lately it had worsened, and you started to feel like a single parent.
“Might as well be one.”
You mumbled to yourself as you left the house to pick up your kids.
After you had gotten the promised ice cream, you brought them to a friend’s house. They didn’t need to witness what was about to happen once your wife got home.
Your decision manifested itself in the next two hours that you spent alone at home, because Momo took her time to finally join you. But then you could hear the front door open and the familiar voice of your wife.
“I’m home! Where are my princesses?”
She yelled into the house as usual, but this time, her daughters didn’t run to the entrance to greet her.
Therefore, your confused wife eventually entered the living room where you were already waiting for her.
“Hey, babe. Are the kids sleeping at a friend’s house?”
Momo asked while walking over to you to greet you properly.
But before she could peck your lips, you extended your arm to block her. Even more confused she looked at you questioningly and you gestured her to sit down.
“We need to talk.”
You said sternly, causing Momo to sit down immediately like a little kid that was awaiting to be scolded.
“I’m tired.”
You huffed while massaging your temples, because you could feel a headache forming.
“Didn’t you sleep well?”
Momo responded and normally you probably would have found her naivety cute, but today you were even more annoyed.
“No, I’m tired of this marriage. I’m tired of being the only one that puts any effort in it and I’m tired of always being alone.”
Your voice became shakier with every word as tears started to pool in your eyes.
You weren’t sure if you really wanted to leave Momo. After all you loved her. But you wanted her to fight for you; show you that she didn’t want to lose you. But she just kept sitting in front of you without saying a single word. Impatiently you waited if she had anything to say about your statement, but it seemed like she wasn’t even listening. Frustrated you leaped to your feet and grabbed the ring on your finger.
“I can’t believe this Momo. Do you even care?”
You yelled in her face before throwing your wedding ring at her and storming into the bedroom.
Angrily you paced up and down the room. When you realized what you had just done, your tears streamed down your face and you tried muffling your sobs with your hand.
It was over.
The realization only sunk in slowly and with every minute, your heart ached more. You were about to slump to the ground in pain when you could suddenly hear a knock on the door.
The broken voice of your wife called out and you started to cry even more.
Slowly the door opened, and the tear-stained face of your wife appeared.
“Please don’t leave me.”
She whispered almost inaudible.
When you saw all the pain in her eyes, you sat down on the bed and buried your face in your hands, because you couldn’t stand to look at her any longer. Suddenly you felt the bed dip and arms wrap around your body.
“Please. I’m sorry. I’ll be better.”
Momo begged before burying her head in the crook of your neck.
Instinctively you wrapped your arms around her body and let the two of you cry in each other’s shoulders. After a while, Momo pulled away and slowly grabbed your hand. Shakily she put on your wedding ring again before kissing your finger.
“Please don’t leave me.”
As you looked into the puffy eyes of your wife, you knew that you could never hurt her like that. Therefore, you slowly shook your head, causing Momo to sigh in relief and crash her body into yours.
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The afternoon was supposed to be a chance to catch up with your wife, because you hadn’t had that much time together lately. But right now, you regretted your decision.
The two of you had taken a stroll in a park and when you spotted an ice cream stand, Sana had whined so long until you agreed to buy her one. While you walked up to the stand, your wife sat down on a bench and waited for you. But just when you were about to order the ice cream, a colleague had run into you.
He happily greeted you with a hug and you instantly started to chat about your day, because both of you got along well. Suddenly, however, Sana had snatched your hand and had pulled you away.
“We need to leave.”
She had mumbled and perplexed you had let her take the lead.
But as soon as you were out of earshot of your colleague, you had stopped abruptly.
“What’s wrong?”
You asked, checking if your wife was hurt or something which would explain her sudden behavior.
But Sana only glared at you and slowly realization hit you.
“Wait were you jealous?”
You chuckled, not knowing whether you should be amused or offended by your wife’s behavior.
“Who’s that? And why were you flirting with him?”
Sana asked agitated, causing you to be taking aback by the anger in her voice.
“I wasn’t flirting.”
You defended yourself but Sana only scoffed.
“I’m not blind, Y/N. Is that what you do when I’m on tour too?”
By now several people were already staring at the two of you, because Sana’s high-pitched voice was audible in the whole park. Sheepishly you looked around before grabbing your wife’s hand and pulling her to the car.
“Not here. Except you want the whole world to know about our fight.”
You gritted through your teeth and Sana followed you without grumbling.
The car ride was made in silence, but as soon as you had entered the apartment, your consideration had reached its limit.
“Can you tell me what your problem is?”
You snapped at her and Sana immediately crossed her arms protectively.
“I just think it’s unbelievable how you flirt with someone else while I am around. I wonder what happens when you’re alone.”
She said coldly and you stared at her in disbelief.
“What is wrong with you? Can’t I talk with people now? I’m not your property!”
You responded, but Sana didn’t step down.
“No, but you’re my wife!”
You couldn’t believe her right now; you had never given her a reason to treat you like that.
“If being your wife means that I can’t even talk with other people, then I don’t want to be your wife any longer!”
You yelled as you slipped the ringer off your finger and threw it at Sana.
With wide eyes your wife watched the ring bounce off her chest before staring at you.
She gasped in shock. Her expression had changed from one second to another.
You couldn’t see any anger in her eyes anymore, instead pure panic had brought tears into her eyes.
But your anger hadn’t vanished yet. Instead you scoffed and turned on your heel to storm off, but Sana quickly grabbed your wrist.
“Wait! I’m sorry. Don’t go. You’re right, I’m wrong.”
She stuttered but you just laughed emotionlessly.
“Oh am I now? Forget it Sana, I’m sick of your jealousy.”
You spat out before trying to rip yourself free.
But your wife was stronger than she looked. Her fingers were tightly wrapped around your arm and you couldn’t manage to get space between the two of you before you were tackled into an embrace.
Her body shook vehemently against yours and you realized that she had completely lost her composure. She was mumbling apologies over and over again until you couldn’t hold back anymore and lightly stroked her hair.
“Sana... stop crying. It’s ok.”
Desperately you tried calming her because you were worried that she might get a panic attack.
You kept whispering loving words into her ear without making promises that you weren’t planning to keep. Eventually your wife’s sobs died down after you had sat down while letting her rest in your lap and you sighed in relief.
“Please don’t leave me.”
Sana stuttered as she held out your wedding ring with shaky hands. You looked at it contemplatively.
Was your marriage worth enduring your wife’s jealousy?
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After you had hung up the call with your mother, your phone slipped out of your hand and you covered your mouth in shock. She had just told you not your grandmother had died and although she had been old, you had not expected to receive this message. Tears immediately started to fill your eyes and you wished that your wife was already home to comfort you, but she was still at work. Nevertheless, you decided to text her.
When are you coming home? I miss you
You asked, because you didn’t want to stress her or be too clingy. Like expected, however, you didn’t receive an answer right away. Jihyo never had her phone with her during practice. Therefore, you rolled up on your bed and hugged your own body for comfort. Only after almost two hours, a text message from Jihyo finally popped up on your phone screen.
I’m sorry, my love. Don’t wait up on me today. I need to help Chaeyoung with something.
When you read your wife’s message, new tears streamed down your face. You really didn’t want to be alone right now. But what other choice did you have. Therefore, you kept lying on the bed, trying to force yourself to sleep, because being awake only hurt.
After drifting in and out of sleep for a while, you could eventually hear Jihyo entering your apartment. Soon she walked into the room and slipped under the covers next to you. Like usual, she wanted to hug you from behind, but today you weren’t in the mood for cuddles. At least not now; after she had left you alone the whole day. You knew that your reaction was irrational. Jihyo couldn’t have known that you needed her. Nevertheless, it wasn’t the first time that you had wanted her by your side, but instead she was still out there, helping her members like always. Therefore, you removed her arm again as soon as it wrapped around your body.
“What’s wrong?”
Jihyo’s concerned voice immediately sounded from behind you.
You mumbled in response, but your hoarse voice gave away that you were lying.
Without hesitation, Jihyo turned on the light on your nightstand and gently pushed down your shoulder to be able to look at you.
“Have you been crying?”
You could see in her eyes that she was on high alert now.
Quickly you averted your gaze, but Jihyo had already seen right through you and pulled you into her arms.
“Hey, you can talk to me, jagi. What’s bothering you?”
Her soft voice was supposed to calm you, but you pushed her away and got off the bed.
Jihyo looked at you with wide eyes and you huffed in frustration.
“Your concern comes a little late now. I needed you earlier, but of course you were busy comforting others instead of your own wife.”
You spat out, causing your wife to be at a loss for words.
Therefore, you took your chance and kept venting your anger. Jihyo silently endured your accusations before you eventually took off your wedding ring and threw it at your wife, blinded by your rage.
As soon as the ring landed in front of her, you regretted your action. The hurt in Jihyo’s eyes was the most painful thing you had ever seen and when she looked at you with tears streaming down her cheeks, your heart broke.
“I’m sorry. I know that I haven’t been a good wife.”
She sobbed, causing you to instantly crash your body into hers.
Your anger had left your body and you wrapped your arms around Jihyo.
“You’re not a bad wife, jagi. You’re the best I could have ever asked for. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean what I was saying.”
You tried to apologize to make your wife stop crying.
Jihyo buried her head in your body and kept mumbling apologies until her tears died down.
When she pulled away, her gaze immediately fell to your ring that was still laying in front of her. Therefore, you quickly took it and slipped it back on your finger before pressing a kiss on Jihyo’s forehead.
“I’m sorry.”
The two of you definitely had a few things to resolve, but you went too far this time and you promised yourself to never hurt your wife like that again.
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When you saw the news of another idol going public with their relationship, you quickly turned off your phone and buried your face in your hands. Deep down you understood why Mina couldn’t go public with her relationship with you. But nevertheless, you wished that she would. The two of you were married for three years now and you still had to hide and couldn’t even step out of the house together. It was exhausting and your sympathy from the beginning had slowly turned into frustration.
Therefore, you were even more irritated after reading the news. Sulkily you continued to work until you could finally call it a day. Although you weren’t too sure if you really wanted to go home. Mina would be waiting for you and you didn’t know whether you had calmed down by now. To squander more time, you drove to the grocery store although you didn’t need anything, but after a while you really had to return to Mina, because you knew how quickly she got worried.
As soon as you entered the apartment, you heard the concerned voice of your wife.
She called and you felt your bad conscious nagging on you.
“Yeah, I’m home! I needed to pick up some groceries at the store.”
You excused your late arrival but when Mina appeared in the entrance, you could see that she wasn’t satisfied with your response.
“But I only went there yesterday.”
She answered confused while looking at you suspiciously.
“Well I remembered that I needed something else.”
You quickly responded before brushing past her to bring the groceries to the kitchen.
Mina followed you close behind, and you felt that she was still overthinking this situation. For her own sake you wished that she wouldn’t have.
“Are you mad at me?”
She asked hesitantly and you slumped your shoulders in defeat. There was no point in hiding it.
“A little but it’s not your fault.”
You responded honestly, causing Mina to look at you with her head tilted in confusion.
It was really easy to make her insecure and you really didn’t intent to, but you didn’t want to lie to her either.
“Just leave it Mina.”
You said a little annoyed, causing your wife to jump in surprise.
But then she sat up straighter and crossed her arms.
“No I want you to talk to me.”
Mina demanded and you rolled your eyes.
You didn’t want to fight, but if you said what was bothering you, it was bound to happen.
“But I don’t want to talk.”
You huffed and wanted to flee the scene, but Mina quickly grabbed your wrist and held you back.
“Stop being so immature!”
She scolded you, making your bottled-up anger come to a boil.
“I’m immature? You can’t even speak up for yourself and go public with our relationship!”
You suddenly blurted out but regretted your words as soon as they had left your lips.
Mina narrowed her eyes at you, and you knew that you had struck a chord.
“So that’s what this is all about? I can’t believe you, Y/N. Do you really want me to give up my career so badly?”
She had a point, but your stubbornness forbade you to let her have the last word.
“Of course, you don’t understand me. Sometimes I think, you are glad that you aren’t allowed to go public!”
You spat out and Mina stared at you in disbelief.
“Wow Y/N. In moments like this I wonder if this is all worth the stress.”
Her words knocked the air out of your lungs and made tears spring to your eyes. You didn’t know what to respond, so you grabbed the ring on your finger and threw it in Mina’s direction.
“Fine, if you think like that, you can have that one back.”
Abruptly you turned around to storm off to your shared bedroom, but in the split second before you ran away, you could see the sheer panic in Mina’s eyes. Nevertheless, you kept going your way and slammed the door loudly, before throwing yourself on the bed and crying your eyes out. Shortly after, you could hear the front door opening and closing again, causing even more tears to stream down your cheeks. You couldn’t believe that she would just leave you like that.
Eventually you cried yourself to sleep. You only woke up a few hours later when it was already the middle of the night. When you opened your eyes, you could see that your lamp on your nightstand was on. Next to it were flowers, some snacks and a glass of water. Mina must have bought those things after leaving earlier.
When you turned around though, your wife wasn’t laying next to you like usual. Feeling fear creeping its way into your head, you quickly got up and made your way to the living room to search for Mina. The room was dark, but you could make out your wife’s figure on the couch. When you turned on the light, you could see that her face was tear stained. Her gaze met yours and a broken whimper escaped her lips.
“I’m sorry.”
She choked out before starting to sob loudly.
Quickly you rushed to her and crouched down in front of her to be able to embrace her tightly.
“No, I’m sorry. My accusations were ridiculous. I’m so sorry Mina for making you cry.”
You responded, but Mina kept apologizing, nevertheless.
Eventually her tears died down and you pulled back to look her into the eyes.
“Can we please forget that tonight ever happened? I would never want to live without you.”
She pleaded and you nodded instantly.
“Of course. I love you.”
You answered and Mina pulled you in for a kiss.
After she pulled away, she held out her fist and when she opened it, you could see your wedding ring laying on her palm. Your heart ached when you thought about ever having to live without Mina, therefore, you quickly grabbed it and put it on your finger. A wide smile spread in your wife’s face and she pressed another kiss on your lips before wrapping her arms around your body.
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“Hi, this is the mailbox of Dahyun...”
Angrily you hung up the call when the familiar message greeted you. Dahyun was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago and your patience had finally run out. You had cut her a lot of slack, because of her career, but enough was enough. She couldn’t even honor you with her presence on your birthday?
Disappointed you made your way to the living room where your friends and family was waiting.
“Dahyun says ‘Hi’ to all of you, but unfortunately she has been held up in the company.”
You apologized the absence of your wife with a fake smile, although you could see in the faces of everybody that they could see your disappointment.
You didn’t really feel like celebrating right now, nevertheless, you didn’t want to be a bad host. Therefore, you put on a mask and pretended like you weren’t heartbroken because of Dahyun’s carelessness. The next hours dragged on like gum, but because your bad mood was unconcealable, everyone left rather early and you were left alone in your apartment. Finally, you could let your tears run freely, so you curled up on the couch and sobbed into your hands. Not only because your wife had obviously forgotten about your birthday but also because you knew what you had to do once she came home.
Like on cue, the front door opened, and you could hear Dahyun enter the apartment. Quickly you got to your feet and wiped away your tears. Your wife entered the living room and immediately scanned the room. There was a big ‘Happy Birthday’ sign hanging across the room and her gaze immediately fell on you, while her eyes widened almost comically.
She breathed in disbelief and a new set of tears stained your face.
“Save it.”
You choked out, before storming into the bedroom, where you put out a suitcase on the bed and started to throw random clothes in it.
“No, no, no. What are you doing?”
Dahyun asked panicked while throwing herself in front of the suitcase and unpacking it again.
“I’m tired of only playing a secondary role in your life Dahyun!”
You yelled frustrated before continuing to pack your clothes, but Dahyun stepped in front of you, blocking your way to the suitcase.
“You’re not only a secondary role in my life. I love you. And I’m sorry that I messed up, but it’s never going to happen again, I promise.”
Her voice cracked in the end, but you were too angry to accept any apology.
Therefore, you ripped your arms out of her grasp and stepped back. Dahyun was looking at you with pure fear in her eyes, but it was just too late now. You shook your head while grabbing the ring on your finger and pulling it off.
“You’ve had enough chances to change. It’s over, Dahyun.”
You responded cold as ice before throwing your wedding ring at your wife.
Dahyun motionlessly let the metal band bounce off her chest as she kept staring at you with wide eyes. Her skin was even paler than usual, and you hesitated a second before grabbing your stuff to leave, because you were really concerned about her. But then you decided to go through with your decision and made your way to the front door. Right when you wanted to grab the doorknob, however, arms wrapped around your body and prevented you from taking another step.
Dahyun’s trembling body pressed itself against yours from behind and she sobbed into your back.
“Please don’t leave me. I need you, Y/N. I can’t live without you.”
She pleaded, but you tried to wiggle your way out of her grasp.
“Let go of me, Dahyun! Your words mean nothing without any actions.”
You demanded but your wife’s embrace only tightened around your waist.
“I’m going to terminate my contract. I’ll call my company right now.”
She suddenly said with determination in her voice, but you only huffed tiredly in response.
“I’m serious, Y/N. I need to proof to you that you are the leading role in my life.”
Dahyun’s arms loosened around your body and you turned around to be able to look at her. Her cheeks were still tear stained, but her eyes were suddenly serious and determined.
Slowly she held her hand out, waiting for you to take it. Fear flickered in her eyes again and uncertainty tore your heart in two. Should you stay or should you go?
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Chaeyoung knew that her behavior was wrong. But she couldn’t help it. She hated conflicts. So whenever the two of you were remotely close to fighting, she found a way to avoid it. Therefore, a lot of unresolved conflicts had been piling up over time and now it seemed like your frustration had finally reached its limit.
The two of you had had dinner with your parents and Chaeyoung had said something stupidyou’re your father ended up being upset. You wanted to talk with her about it in the car on the way back home, but like always she had blocked your attempts. Normally, the event wouldn’t have been big enough to start a fight, but an unlucky combination of factors had led to you now standing in front of her, desperately trying to get some kind of reaction out of her.
But instead of defending herself, Chaeyoung just sat in front of you and let you yell at her. If she couldn’t avoid a fight, she would just let it blow over. You, however, couldn’t take her passiveness any longer and suddenly reached to your ring finger. Chaeyoung looked at you with wide eyes, trying to stop you, but it was too late. You slipped the ringer off your finger and threw it at her.
“Seriously Chaeyoung, I don’t even know where to start! There’s so much wrong with us.”
You yelled before grabbing your purse and keys and leaving the house.
Speechless, Chaeyoung stood behind you and watched you disappear through the front door. As it slammed shut, she jumped in surprise and tears sprung to her eyes. Why couldn’t she have said something to stop you? Or really anything at all.
Disappointed in herself and heartbroken, Chaeyoung slumped down on the couch and let her tears stream freely. Loud sobs left her mouth, causing her to roll up in a ball to stop her body from trembling.
Throughout the whole night, she kept laying there without closing her eyes for a second, in hopes that you would return eventually. The sun had long risen, however, till you finally walked through the door again. Chaeyoung immediately leaped to her feet and into your arms.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I swear I’ll talk to you from now on. Just don’t go.”
She sobbed into your shoulder while you tried to push her away.
“It’s too late now. There are so many unspoken things between us already.”
You responded and tried to shake her off to be able to walk further into the house.
But Chaeyoung only held on to you tighter and closed her eyes in hopes that all of this was just a bad dream.
“No. We can do it. We can talk all day. Please. If you think, we’re not worth saving after today, it’s ok. You can leave. But please give us a last chance.”
She begged you while still pressing her body against yours, too afraid that you might disappear if she let go.
“Fine, we can talk and I’ll decide afterwards, if I’ll stay.”
You sighed, causing Chaeyoung to sob in relief.
Slowly she let go of you, ready to grab you again though if you decided to run away. Together you sat down on the couch while Chaeyoung sat as close as possible next to you in need of feeling the comfort of your body.
“Do you want me to start?”
She asked insecurely, knowing that this afternoon would decide the fate of her happiness.
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You looked at your wife on the screen and chuckled to yourself, because this situation was so tragic that it was almost funny again. You were watching a video of her that Twice had posted on their channel and it was the first time in a while that you saw your wife for 10 minutes straight.
The last months, while Twice was on tour, you either just received a short text message from her, indicating that she was still alive, or she managed to squeeze in a 1-minute phone call to talk with you. You knew it wasn’t her fault and that she was trying, but it hurt, nevertheless.
Softly you stroked over her face on the phone screen, being reminded of how much you missed her. You had thought that you were able to live a life apart from your wife, but now you weren’t so sure anymore. It was killing you to go to bed alone every night and wake up the next morning facing nothing but air.
You locked your phone, thinking that maybe it was time to end the torture for both of you. Neither of you were able to ignore the pain of the other and every day you knew that Tzuyu’s bad conscious grew.
This weekend your wife would come home for a quick stopover before continuing their tour in South Asia. It would be hard for both of you, but you decided that it was best if you freed her of at least one burden.
It was already late evening when Tzuyu finally came home. The moment she saw you standing in the entrance, she let all of her bags fall to the floor and crashed into your body. You pressed her tightly against you, savoring the last seconds that you would be allowed to hold her like this. When Tzuyu pulled back, she wanted to kiss you, but immediately realized your pained expression.
“What’s wrong jagi?”
She asked concerned and you pulled her into the house to be able to talk with her about your decision.
After you had sat down, Tzuyu looked at you expectantly, ready to give you everything you needed in order to see you smile again. Little did she know that you were about to break both of your hearts.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
You almost whispered, but Tzuyu had heard you, causing her face to fall.
“W-what do you mean?”
She stuttered perplexed although you were sure that she knew what you were referring to.
You pointed between the two of you while avoiding your wife’s gaze.
“Why? Is it because we didn’t talk that much lately? I can change that, Y/N. I-I can ask the managers for more breaks. I can come home between concerts. I can...”
Tzuyu’s voice cracked as tears rolled down her cheeks and you laid your hand on her knee to stop her rambling.
“It’s ok Tzuyu. This is not your fault. But I don’t want to burden you even more. Being an idol is your dream. And maybe we could have worked if we had met later. But now your happiness is more important, and I know you’re not happy if you have to constantly worry about not being a good wife.”
You tried to calm her, but slowly your own feelings made it impossible to talk without your voice cracking.
“No, Y/N. Please don’t do this.”
Tzuyu sobbed and it was hard for you to see her this way.
Normally she was the calm and collected one in your relationship. But for once you needed to be the reasonable one. Even if you hated it. You hated that JYP didn’t give your wife enough breaks to build a life outside of work; that they drained her to the point that having a private life was a burden.
Anger started bubbling inside of you, although it was not directed towards your wife, but towards the circumstances that led you to your decision.
Nevertheless, this breakup was inevitable. Therefore, you leaped to your feet and ripped your wedding ring off your finger. Frustrated you threw it at Tzuyu, because you wished that the two of you could have ended up differently.
“I’m sorry.”
You apologized before turning on your heel to rush out of the house.
Tzuyu kept sitting on the couch while staring at the ring that was laying in her palm. Engraved were her name and your wedding day. Tears dripped on her hand as she remembered how happy the two of you had been. She had promised you to always be by your side. To be your sunshine even on your saddest day. But now she had ended up being the one to break your heart. A violent sob rippled through Tzuyu’s body, knowing that she hadn’t been enough for you. She hoped that you would find someone that gave you all their time and treated you like you deserved to.
She hoped that you would find someone better than herself.
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hypnofur1 · 4 years
Influencing the Influencer
By Hypnofur
“I have to say, I am loving retirement. This is my first year of being retired and it was everything I dreamed it would be and more. Everyone should retire at 36!” Dan joked into the microphone. The two radio guys laughed harder than they should have. While Dan knew that regular people couldn’t retire at 36, he wasn’t joking about loving retirement. He had been playing football since second grade. He enjoyed a 15 year career in the NFL. 13 of those years were in Cincinnati, but the last two were in Kansas City… where a SuperBowl was won in his last season.
Being part of a Super Bowl team, even as a backup like Dan was by the end of his career, makes you royalty in that city for the rest of time. Heck, ask the ’85 Bears about that. Especially in cities that love their team as much as KC. Dan always wanted to win one for Cincy, the city that he truly identified as home now, but that was never even close to being in the cards.
However, Dan was the only high profile guy from the Super Bowl team to retire after the big win. The rest of the guys pretty much stayed on the team, and were in the Super Bowl again this year. As such, all the KC radio and media people were desperate for a “Chiefs Insider” to talk to. Dan was flown down to Tampa for the week to do radio, tv, etc. He was considering a career in broadcasting, so this all-expense paid trip was a nice little trial run. The only downside of it, was that Casey didn’t come with him.
Dan’s wife was going to go to Tampa with him, and make a ton of Instagram videos and posts from Tampa. She was incredibly excited about it, as was the social media company that employed her to do all these blogs. Her sweetness, honesty, great style, and knockout natural beauty was evident to anyone who saw her, whether in real life or on a screen. She had sort of become “Cincy’s Sweetheart” over the years, so when influencers became a thing, she was in high demand. The Tampa vlogs were likely going to set records for likes. However, Dan’s mom broke her ankle in a fall the week before.
Casey insisted she stay home to help Dan’s mom. This is why Dan was head over heels for her. Yes, she was gorgeous. But she was also the sweetest, most wonderful wife in the world. While all the other players would have girlfriends and hook ups in each city, Dan never did. He was completely and utterly faithful to Casey.
With all this said, while Casey didn’t go to Tampa, she had to vlog about something. Trips to Dan’s Mom’s house during the day to help her out wouldn’t make good content. Such was the topic of conversation as the couple chatted on the phone Friday morning.
“So did you find anything to vlog about?” Dan asked.
“Ugh, I think so. They really want us to push groupon experience things. They gave DeAndra groupon passes to a comedy show, so we are going to do that.” Casey told her husband. She meant to sound a bit more cheery as she did so. She was trying so hard to not show her disappointment over not being in Tampa. She didn’t want to make him feel bad.
“Oh yeah, is Darnell going? If the dude is funny, the sound of Darnell’s laugh when he gets roaring is the only thing anyone in that place is going to hear! Hopefully the dude doesn’t make Bengals jokes. Darnell will get up on that stage!” Dan laughed, as did Casey.
“Did you drink tons of water last night?” Casey asked. She was always concerned about him.
“Hahah. I did. A whole river. I’m doing good. Three more days babe, then I am home to you. I miss you so much.” Dan said, very truthfully.
“Me too. I’ll tell DeAndra and Darnell you said hi” she smiled as she hung up.
Dan missed her terribly, but he was at least pleased that he’d have her vlog to watch later that night. He loved watching those. However, it was Friday night of Super Bowl week. Dan had a whirlwind day. He was treated like a Chiefs Legend because he was wearing that Super Bowl ring. He even got invited to a dinner with Joe Montana! He couldn’t pass that up. Dinner was great. Drinks were had, and not enough water was consumed. Dan passed out when he got back to the hotel.
It was late the next morning when Dan finally awoke. He realized that he had missed Casey’s Instagram vlog. He was surprised he didn’t have a text about that from her. He checked her Insta page. There wasn’t one from last night. That was really odd. He started to get a little nervous.
He texted her. “Hi, you ok? No vlog from last night?”
Fortunately, he got an immediate return text “Just filmed it this morning. Posting now J”
That put him at ease. He took a quick shower, and then grabbed his phone to see his beautiful wife’s angelic face. She was in her car. For some reason, that’s where people filmed themselves. Dan never understood why that was a thing.
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“Hey guys, its Casey! Hope you are all having a great weekend! I know it is Super Bowl weekend, and that is super exciting for tomorrow! But, I wanted to tell you guys about a great experience me and my friends had thanks to groupon last night! My hubby is out of town, and I was feeling kind of sad, but then my friends called and said they had a groupon for an awesome experience. Totally changed the course of my weekend!
So we went to Funny Bone at Liberty Center, which is such a cute place! Anyway, my friend DeAndra told me the comedian was actually a stage hypnotist named Arnold Denton, aka The Amazing Hypno-natti. When I heard hypnotist, I was freaking out! Oh, and yeah, I found the name ‘Hypno-natti’ lame as well, but trust me guys, he is soooooo amazing!
So anyway guys, when we got in, I decided to put my fear aside and volunteer. Seriously guys, it was one of the craziest experiences I’ve ever had. Before we were even brought up on stage, we had to sign a waiver that basically said the hypnotist is not responsible for any injuries that may occur and all that other fun legal stuff. Guys, believe me when I tell you that I cannot recall a moment in my in my life that I was more nervous when I was up on that stage. The hypnotist explained to us, and the rest of the audience, that what we were about to experience was extremely different. Some of us would remember exactly what happened, and some of us wouldn’t. In total, there were probably about like twenty five of us lined up in front of the stage and the audience was told to be completely silent.
Right before we began, the hypnotist told us that we would be “under” for about a half an hour, but our bodies would react as if it had been asleep for 8 hours. So crazy! From what I can remember, it went a little like this:
We were told to sit down and just relax. With our eyes closed, we were told that we should feel this ‘energy of relaxation’ that would begin to pool at our feet and then work its way up to our body. All the while, there was this really strange music that was playing and the hypnotist was talking to us. After about 5 minutes he had us open our eyes and raise our arms horizontally and lock our fingers together so that we made a ball with our fists. At this point, we are still not under, so we were all aware of our surroundings and what not. Next thing I know, Hypno-natti is coming straight down the line and thrusting our hands down into our laps and pushing our heads down onto the shoulder of the person sitting to our left. It was about my turn and the last thing I can remember about this part is him yelling “Sleep!”
After the whole intro, we woke up and he was kind of pacing the stage and the audience was giggling and stuff and I can remember being super confused. I seriously thought that the show ended and I was actually asleep the whole time. As he was pacing, he was just casually talking to the audience and then he said “spark” (what I now know is a “trigger word”) and just like that it felt as though the wrath of God had come through the leg of the chair I was sitting in and electrocuted me in the butt! It hurt so bad; not like a long pain, but just like a jolt of electricity. I stood up so fast and everybody in the place was just rolling! I looked around and it was just me and another guy standing and grabbing our butts. He did this a couple more times and then triggered some of the other people and the whole time I just remember being super confused. At one point, I remember crying, because I had fallen deeply, madly in love with him, and he was dancing with someone else. It was soo crazy guys! Long story short, the hypnotist basiscally made us his personal puppets and we were slightly embarrassed, but it was all in good fun. My friends and I totally laughed about it all night after. It was a great experience that was all made possible through groupon!! Swipe up and see what other fun experiences they can save you a ton on. Luv you guys!!!” She concluded with a kiss of her fingers then the peace sign.
Dan loved to see her and hear her voice. He was wishing it wasn’t 48 full hours until he’d get to see her again. But it was. Those 48 hours went quickly at least. Frankly, it was a whirlwind. By the time he walked in the door of his spacious Cincinnati home Monday morning, he was exhausted – but so glad to hug, squeeze, and kiss his gorgeous brunette wife.
“Tell me everything!!” Casey said as she put some coffee on. She could tell by his face that he needed it.
Dan laughed as he admitted he exhausted. It had been quite a week of late night dinners, Super Bowl parties, and media work. It was terrific, but it wiped him out. However, he happily launched into his diatribe. He told her about all the radio shows he went on, and how he even did a couple TV spots. Casey squealed when he told her that he plugged her vlogs on all the local Cincinnati shows.
“ooooh My big media mogul!” Casey flirted. Her big brown eyes gazing into Dan’s. Then her phone beeped with a text, which was a constant occurrence. She grabbed it and checked the text. It was at this point that her expression changed. She became completely focused on the phone. It was like she suddenly forgot Dan was there.
“Who’s that?” Dan asked, realizing this was strange. Was someone hurt? Was something wrong? Casey didn’t answer. She just typed a couple things on her phone, and then walked upstairs, not even addressing Dan as she left. Dan found this very strange, but he also had to pee really bad. He figured he’d see what the deal was, but had to handle that situation briefly before anything else.
Much to his shock, by the time he got up to the bedroom, Casey was naked and wearing headphones. She was sprawled out on their bed, reclining in a mound of fur pillows. Naked and eyes closed with her blue bullet vibrator that they had bought as a sexy toy at their anniversary. Dan understandably figured that this was a “welcome home” sex game. He found himself immediately getting hard.
"I’m going deeper and deeper." Casey said quietly. Dan assumed she was talking about the vibrator going into her pussy. This was unusual sex talk from her, but he was still into it.
She moans, "Going deeper and deeper. I am deeply hypnotized. "
Dan was stunned. She was sooooooo freaking sexy with a nipple in one hand and that toy teasing the other one. But what did she say? Did she say hypnotized?
“Deeply hypnotized and deep under your control.” She whispers.
Dan heard that and got more concerned, but then couldn’t help but notice that he sound of the vibrator changed! She had turned up the setting. Soon, she was pinching her breasts and her hips are starting to rock slowly. She was moaning and purring. Dan was so hard he couldn’t think straight.
Casey turned the toy up to level 3; as fast as it goes. The next 4 settings are just various combinations of the 3 vibration speeds. Her hips were moving faster, her breasts were bouncing and she was having a hard time keeping the toy on her clit. Her teeth were clenched and she could feel the orgasm start to creep over her skin. . Her chest was heaving as she changed the setting on the toy again.
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
With hypnotic words and commands being fed into her mind, the orgasm raced up her torso and arched her body off the bed. Her neck muscles tightened and her eyes pinched shut as she screamed out loud and held the toy in place right on top of her clit.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I server Master Hypno-natti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I belong to Master Hypno-natti!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOHHHHMYGODMASTERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Shock from Dan.
Awe from Dan.
Lust from Dan.
Fear from Dan.
Anger from Dan… and anger won.
He grabbed the headphones and ripped them off her. He yelled right into the microphone. “This is her husband, you sick fuck! Stay the fuck away from us, or I’ll rip your motherfucking arms off!!!!”
There was a click, and Dan knew that the person on the other end of that phone was gone. He turned his attention to Casey, who was now glistening with sweat, and still breathing heavy.
“Cay – Cay, wake up babe. Cay” he said, shaking his wife.
She eventually stirred, opened her big brown eyes and stared back at her husband. “Dan, what’s going on?” she asked.
“This is going to sound nuts, babe. But I think the hypnotist from the other night, like triggered you into masturbating for him on the phone.” Dan explained carefully. He wasn’t sure how his Catholic, surprisingly conservative wife would handle this manipulation.
He watched her face as the realization of what happened washed over her. He held his breath as he expected the tears to start rolling. Instead, she looked at him wide eyed. Then her beautiful big brown eyes slowly went down to his crotch.
“I missed you” she whispered, as she stared at her husband’s erection.
Confusion from Dan.
Fear from Dan.
Love from Dan.
Lust from Dan… and lust won.
He went down and made love to his wife. They kissed passionately, like the reunited lovers they were. Dan couldn’t remember the last time he was this turned on. He couldn’t wait any longer, and inserted himself right into his wife’s already very wet pussy. He glided right in. He didn’t last long in there. Within 30 seconds, he had finished. Casey giggled and gave him a loving hug. He crashed on to the bed beside her. Planning to only take a minute to catch his breath and then have a talk with his wife about the whole hypnotist thing, Dan accidentally fell sound asleep. The crazy week of the Super Bowl was just too much. He was out like a light, he didn’t even hear Casey get a text...
Dan slept for a good two and a half hours. He woke up to Casey lovingly rubbing his back.
“Hey babe, if you sleep too long, you won’t be able to get to sleep tonight. Your schedule will be all wacky.” She said lovingly. He knew she was right. She was always taking care of him.
Dan turned around in the bed and smiled at his beautiful wife. She had gotten freshened up, her clothes were back on and she was all together. God, she was so beautiful. Like a brunette angel.
“Hey, try this” she said, handing Dan a cup of tea. “It is a new chamomile tea they want us to vlog about. It’s actually reeaalllly good!” Casey said excitedly. Dan took the tea and tried it. He wasn’t a tea guy, but… anything for Casey.
“Hey, look babe, we have to talk about that Hypno-natti guy. I think he’s like still playing with your head” Dan said. He had always been direct. “When I came upstairs, you were on the phone with him I think, and you were, you know…”
“Playing with myself?” Casey said with a devilish, but so cute grin. She didn’t usually say things like that.
“Yeah” Dan said, surprised she said that out loud. He felt his dick stir a bit.
“Seriously babe, you are going to love that tea” Casey encouraged. Dan took another sip. It was pretty good.
“So, that was hot to see, I’ll admit, but you can’t have some guy like… controlling you to do sex stuff” Dan said, surprised he needed to map it out to her to this point.
Casey nodded. Then she looked at the bed sheet starting to tent around Dan’s groin. She laughed. “Well well, me thinks he doth protest too much” she teased. “OMG, I forgot to tell you. I saw the BEST movie on HBO Max when you were gone!” she said exuberantly.
“HBO Max? Babe, we should really deal with this hypnotist thing.” Dan said, what the hell was going on? His head was feeling a bit tingly. Boy, he must still be tired.
“I know Dan, and we will. I’m sorry, I have just missed you soo much. I saw this movie, and it was like, really sexy. And I can see that you are, you know… turned on right now” she said as she gently stroked his growing hard on.
“We can deal with this hypno stuff later. But right now, I am in the mood, and you are in the mood, and I want to show you the sexiest things I’ve ever seen on screen. Finish your tea and we can check this out” Casey said as she leaned into a sensual kiss with her husband.
Dan was a very smart man. He went to Notre Dame. He knew something was seriously fucked up here. But he was a MAN. And the curiosity of what kind of movie could have been so hot that it got her acting like this was just too curious for him to ignore. Against his better judgement, he let his beautiful wife lead him to their home theater room. He felt his head spin as he stood up from the bed.
“Take a seat in the middle” Casey directed with another long sensual kiss before turning on the surround sound and the media player. Dan’s eyes were glued to her. She was walking around such sexy confidence. He had never seen her like this. What the hell was in this movie???
Satisfied that the AV system was on and playing, Casey sat down in the large velvet chair next to her husband’s. The giant screen was black for a while, and Dan noticed that there was a humming coming from the speakers. The humming was vibrating through this very core. It felt… warm? Was that right? Soon there was a black and white spiral on the screen. What kind of HBO Max thing is this? Dan thought. Then he remembered the hypnotist. Wait, what the fuck? He went to protest, but he was becoming enthralled by the whirling spiral that had become the only thing in the room. He could feel it hypnotizing him, warm waves of relaxation moving out from it into his opening mind. Hypnotizing him. Hypnotizing Casey. Hypnotizing them with the way it spun around and around, always going deeper.
This was how it felt to be hypnotized? Dan thought to himself. He never could have dreamed how nice it was. How good it felt to be under hypnosis, under hypnotic control. He knew who the voice belonged to now, that it was Hypno-natti talking to them as they watched in a deep hypnotic state. Hypno-natti was amazing! Sooo amazing. Hypno-natti was the master of the fascinating, hypnotic spiral that controlled their minds.. He was telling them that it was time to submit their entire mind and body now, to go into a trance.
Dan knew he didn’t want to do that, but he felt a deep desire to obey, an overwhelming urge to submit. Pleasing Hypno-natti was most important. To go into a trance for Hypno-natti. Hypno-naitti’s voice was telling them to prepare to surrender totally to his hypnotic power. The spiral was turning faster now. Dan felt all his thoughts begin to move down into it. He could feel the intense hypnotic influence reaching out for his mind and he couldn’t help but submit. Faster and faster, round and round. He was falling into it. Falling faster and faster. She could see only an endless spiral in front of him now, a deep whirling tunnel that pulled him in as he stared into it. Hypno-natti’s voice was controlling their thoughts, hypnotizing them into total obedience.. There was only the spiral. And the voice. The whirling spiral. The soothing voice. Hypno-natti’s voice. Their master. Dan knew he must obey. Casey knew she must obey her master. They were hypnotized, so deeply and completely.
Next thing Dan knew, he was somehow in the foyer. When had he left the theater room? There was a knock at the door. He answered. There was a small scrawny guy about 10 years older than him standing in the doorway.
“Can I help you?” Dan asked, his head still cloudy.
“I’m the Amazing Hypno-natti” the man said. His majestic voice now very familiar to the former NFL start. “Invite me in” he commanded.
“Please, come in” Dan said immediately, stepping out of the way.
Casey had entered the foyer when she heard the knock. When she saw Hypno-natti, she was immediately overcome with desire. He was soooo sexy. The sexiest man ever born. She immediately felt her pussy moisten and her nipples get sensitive. She flirtatiously played with her hair and smiled at him.
“Hello my darling Casey” he said as he took her in. She was so incredibly beautiful with her gorgeous brunette hair, big brown eyes, and perfect trim figure.
Dan knew this wasn’t right. He could sense the attraction between them. What the hell? She was his wife. “Look buddy, I-”
“Dan, go into trance” Hypno-natti said authoritatively. Dan said nothing, but his hands fell to his sides.
“Casey, I am your Master. You desire me above anything else.” Hypno-natti said, feeling very confident that both parties in the couple were completely under his hypnotic sway.
He moved into Casey, kissing her neck gently. She was too lost in him to look over at her husband, who was still still standing next to her with a glazed, entranced look in his eyes.
At Hypno-natti’s direction, the three went upstairs to the bedroom. At this point, the hypnotist commanded Dan. "Take off your wife’s pants and panties”.
Dan rose to action slowly. "Yes, Sir," he said in a soft, deferential voice as he knelt in front of her and pulled down the black yoga pants and little satin panties that were meant for his homecoming.
“Lay her on the bed” Hypno-natti said as he took off his own pants. Dan complied and then went to stand up against the wall when instructed to do so. All this, despite the 10 or so inches of height and almost 150lbs of muscle that Dan had on the hypnotist.
Hypno-natti descended upon her, his face directly in front of hers. His eyes boring into her own. "Submit to my influence, Casey. Submit to my hypnotic power. Submit to Hypno-natti. Submit to hypnosis” he said as he again rhythmically put his cock against her body.
"Very, very good, Casey. You're blissfully floating, deeply in my erotic thrall, open to all my commands. Feeling so wonderful as you obey me. Realizing now that nothing seems important but obeying me, because it feels so wonderful, so sexual. You want the sexy feeling of obeying me, don't you, Casey?"
"Yes. I want to obey." She repeated happily, lost in lust.
"Very good Casey. The more obedient you are, the more wonderful you will feel. Only pleasing me matters now, nothing else. All you want now is the wonderful, sexual, floating feeling of obeying my voice. All you want is to be deeply under my control and to obey me. Tell me now what you want, Casey."
"Deeply under your control. Obey you."
"Do you want me inside you?" he asked the hypnotized wife.
"Yes!" Casey answered, no longer caring for her dignity, her marriage, or for anything but the prospect of being ravished by her master.
The man poked the head of his penis against her quivering opening, slight hip movements just threatening to penetrate her, but not quite.
"Tell your husband how badly you want me to fuck you."
Casey shut her eyes, ashamed of the words she knew she had to offer. "I want him to fuck me!" she offered to the room.
The man pushed her head to the side, making her stare at her husband, still standing against the wall, his penis slowly inching its way to a semi-erection with the spectacle. "Say, 'Dan, I need Hypno-natti’s hypnotic dick inside me.'"
"Honey!" she mustered. Pausing, unbelieving of her own abandon. "I need Hypno-natti’s hypnotic big dick inside me! I neeeed it!!"
With one sharp thrust, the man invaded her with the full length of his modest cock, and Casey cried out in surrender at the explosion of pleasure. He brought his face down to hers, leaning in as if to kiss her, his breath hot on her face, and slowly slid his dick out, his rock-hard shaft grinding against her achingly swollen G-spot. As she raised her lips to accommodate him, he pulled his face away teasingly and thrust himself violently into her again, eliciting another loud pre-orgasmic cry. For what seemed like an eternity, they kept up this erotic dance of desire and denial, his hands caressing her hair, the almost gentle play of his face so close to hers contrasting exquisitely with the force of his thrusts. Finally, he brought his lips to meet hers and kissed her deeply, the lustiness of his tongue's exploration telling her that he was just as aroused by her as she was by him. His cock driving into her more insistently now, faster, even deeper it seemed.
And she loved it - there was no use denying it to herself. The hypnotic power of his eyes, their entrancing gaze. Now the hypnotist was pulling her head back by her hair as he fucked her, running his tongue up and down her neck. Then unleashing her and licking her all over her face. Making her feel so owned. The pressure inside building now to unbearable intensity, the edge of orgasm too much to stand. "Oh... my... God!" she stammered.
The man now gripping the slats of the headboard as leverage to drive himself into her with as much force as he could. He wrapped his small ams around her, squeezing her to him, her tits pressed against his chest, making her feel what strength he had as he continued fucking her just as hard as he could. She wrapped her arms around her Master, wanting to feel him as much as possible.
“Cum for me now my pet and tell me that you now belong to me!” Hypno-natti grunted.
In a burst of mind-shattering pleasure, Casey felt every muscle in her body violently contract upon his words. Her nerves screamed in ecstasy. A long, wailing scream shaping the breath that rushed out of her lungs, forming finally into words..."
A week later…
“Hey guys! This is Casey. We are half way through February. I can almost smell the spring! Anyway, I want to tell you guys about something that I am soooo into right now. I’ve been totally improving myself through hypnosis. You guys might remember one of my earlier vlogs where I talked about a totally fun stage show I went to starring the Amazing Hypno-natti. Well, I’ve been working with him one on one on a ton of stuff and he is totally helping me with his incredible hypnosis skills. Dan too! So, swipe up to learn more about Hypno-natti. He has both sessions and videos available. And you can even find where you can try some of his unbelievable chamomile tea. Guys, it is sooo good! More vlogs coming this week, don’t forget to like and subscribe Luv you guys!!!” She concluded with a kiss of her fingers then the peace sign.
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redrosesartcabin · 4 years
Self indulgent series Part 2.2 (last part for now)
Life part 2
(And here’s the link to Life part 1: https://redrosesartcabin.tumblr.com/post/643294968092442624/self-indulgent-series-part-21 )
It was two months since they had been in New York City.
Y/n was recording her newest album in her favorite studio in Dublin. She had felt a little strange in the morning but had just brushed it off as being especially hungry after eating had made the strange feeling almost entirely disappear.
But as she was getting into recording the songs, she felt it come back, and this time much, much worse. It converted into illness.
And in the middle of the sentence, she just couldn’t do it anymore; she ran.
“Mrs.Kon”, the producer, Mrs.Long yelled, “where the fuck are you going? You can’t just-“, but she stopped herself as she heard the singer throw up in the toilet.
“Dear god”, she uttered, getting up from her seat as did the other musicians. They had already noticed something had been wrong with Red Rose. She was usually very much into her songs and nothing could break her from that, so her just running out was very concerning.
“Mrs.Kon. Are you ok?”, the producer asked carefully, standing before the stall. She felt bad for having cussed out the singer so quickly.
“Yeah, I’m fine”, y/n answered, slowly getting out of the cabin, “I must have caught some bad bug or something. I should better go… I don’t want to, but I really don’t want to spread whatever I have either”
“That’s probably a good idea. Let’s meet next week then. We’ll talk about when over the phone, I still need to check the schedule”
“Ok. Thank you so much!”
“No problem. Get well soon!”
 That however didn’t happen. Over the next few days y/n continued throwing up in the morning. She also had to go to the toilet much more often, had terrible headaches in the evening and slight back pains. And on top of that she noticed her period had skipped.
Eventually she decided to google the symptoms… and it all lead to one thing. (Not cancer luckily like google usually did!) The first article that popped up was-
“Pregnant?!”, she yelled out to herself.
Could it be?
But after thinking it over there was just no other explanation for the collective of strangely specific symptoms.
Immediately, she got up, went to the pharmacy and bought three different pregnancy tests.
“I want to be sure. This wasn’t planned you know?”, she told the pharmacist who looked a little surprised.
“I hope it wasn’t just a fling”, the pharmacist answered.
“Oh god no! I’ve been together with my husband for eight years and we’ve been married for two and a half. I’m good on that front. We’re however very busy people and-“
“It’ll be fine”, the pharmacist reassured her, “you’ll see. A pregnancy won’t stop you from too many plans I’m sure”
“Yeah… thanks”, y/n smiled back nervously.
“No problem. And good luck!”
 With wide eyes she looked at the three positive tests.
“Christ… I actually… wow”
She loved Kenji and he loved her, but it wasn’t the best timing.
“So what though?!”, she yelled at herself, “then I’ll drive to his set and we’ll talk. But what if he’s disappointed? What if he thinks it’s inconvenient? What if he’ll get so scared- NO, don’t even go there, y/n, how dare you?”, but still she felt nervous.
She almost felt like throwing up again but decided she didn’t vibe with that.
“I have to be strong”, she whispered to herself.
So, she packed her things and drove off.
 “Mr.Kon, your wife is here”, one of the staff members told Kenji as he got ready for the next scene.
“Oh ok”, he answered clearly surprised. He was happy to see her, because of course he’d always be happy to have her near him, yet at the same time he was annoyed she didn’t talk to him about it. He had a tight schedule, and he wouldn’t be able to tend to her as much as he’d like to and as much as she’d deserve, “send her in please”
“I will sir”, the staff member answered and only a couple of seconds later she entered. She was beautiful and radiant as always, yet something about her felt a little off.
“Hello, my darling”, he greeted her and gave her a passionate kiss she only returned shyly “, what are you doing here?”, he asked a little too annoyed. He hadn’t meant to sound like that, but her strange return of affection rubbed him the wrong way together with the fact she hadn’t talked to him about coming.
“Can’t I come surprise visit you without going completely off the rails?!”, she asked unusually aggressive.
“I mean sure; But first of all, I didn’t go off the rails and secondly: the way you act you barely seem like you actually want to”
“Which is partly true”, she answered. For a moment a moment of shocked silence passed before he took a deep breath and asked, very passively aggressive.
“Now, what is that suppose to mean?”, but before she could answer he was called for the scene.
“We’ll talk about this later”, he answered, glaring at her, which she returned with an equally angry stare. Of course, in actuality, they were both pretty hurt by this short yet very heated conversation. He was hurt because she seemed to be angry at him for something and was only here to announce that and she was hurt because she hadn’t meant to be like that.
At first, she pretended she was mad at him and sat down on the stool he had sat on to get ready, almost fuming.
How dare he be annoyed she was here without announcing her presence! But the more she thought about it, the more she recognized she had messed up. She had converted her nervousness and fear into pure ratchetness to appear right in the situation. And the more that became clear, the more she felt tears build up. Her emotions were all over these days. She was an emotional person under normal circumstances, but with her condition it was even worse. When she had seen him after two weeks of not seeing him in person, she had wanted nothing kiss him and spend hours hanging around and whispering sweet nothings. And at the same time, she almost fainted with how nervous she was about this whole thing.
“Gosh I’m a mess”, she whispered and couldn’t hold back the tears.
 Two hours later, Kenji had finished with the scene.
He stretched himself, cracking his neck and shoulders and putting on a serious expression.
He was ready to face whatever she was mad about, even if it hurt him, even if it wasn’t true.
Opening the door with a bit too much force, he felt how worked up he was. But as he saw his wife bawling her eyes out on the couch in the right corner of the room, his facade he had built up to prepare for an argument dropped.
He was confused and concerned. She wasn’t angry? What was wrong? Yet he also asked himself what had her in such distress.
He however didn’t dare to touch her yet.
“Darling?”, he asked softly instead, his right hand hovering over her.
She turned around in a quick motion and threw herself in his arms.
“I’m so so so so so sorry”, she whispered, “I was wrong. I shouldn’t have been like that”
“Hey, hey”, he answered, wrapping his arms around her protectively, “It’s ok. Just tell me what I did wrong”,
“That’s the thing: You did nothing wrong.”
“Then why were you so angry at me?”, he asked, genuinely confused
“I’m not angry at you: I’m scared”, she explained, barely able to say it.
“Why? Have you done something wrong?”, he asked
“No… or well a little maybe… I don’t know. It depends”
“On if you will be ok with it”
“With what? For Christ’s sake y/n, talk to me” he said, frustrated at the guessing game.
She stepped back, looking at him and wearing a sad smile.
She opened her mouth slightly, but not a word came over her lips. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and finally she spoke, “I’m pregnant, Kenji”
Deafening silence filled the room. Kenjis mouth and eyes were wide open in shock and surprise and for a while, he himself felt he was at a loss for words or even thought as he heard his heart hammer in his chest.
 “By me, right?”, he asked after a couple of minutes.
“Yes, by you! Geez … You seriously chose that as your answer?”, she retorted, disappointed at the reaction.
“Of course: Why else would you think I’d be angry at you for being god damn pregnant?”, he asked his voice loud and unusually squeaky
“I was scared you’d maybe find it inconvenient and-“
“Y/n! I told you a thousand times not too overthink too much!”, he scolded her, but with a smile that indicated it was meant in a fun and good-hearted spirit, “I love you. You are my everything. You and especially not a life we created together could ever be an inconvenience. I love you and even if we were still too young, or too poor or at war, I’d be happy.”
She started crying again, but this time of happiness.
“Gosh I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have doubted you again… I should really stop overthinking. I love you so much”, she answered and gave him a salty kiss he still gladly accepted.
 After a couple of months (after the mark where it was sure the baby would live and a miscarriage was unlikely), Kenji and y/n announced the pregnancy publicly which was received with a lot of well wishes and happiness by the fans as well as the family.
Plus, Kenji announced he’d take a break from participating in acting roles for the last three months of Red Roses pregnancy as well as the first six months of the baby’s life.
‘I want to be there for my wife in the hardest times of the pregnancy and the beginning of our childs life to help her and me adjust to the life of a parent as well as bonding as a father’ which was also very much supported by most, though some thought it was stupid since income was needed with the expenses that came with having a child. Kenji however assured those that Red Rose, and him, had earned more than enough to live comfortably even with him not being active or as active as an actor for a little less than a year.
 “So, you didn’t have the stomach flu back then?”, Mrs. Long had asked, amused as Red Rose had returned for the last recording session before the would go into maternity leave.
“Nope. Definitely not that”, y/n laughed as she carefully petted her now slightly, yet clearly rounded belly
 Six months in, it was figured out they would be having a daughter. Kenji Kon and Red Rose however decided not to reveal the name until she was born.
“That’s bad luck where I’m from!”, Red had explained to her fans.
 After that doctors visit Kenji had come home permanently for the time being. He had officially gone into “parenting vacations”, so to speak.
Y/n was happy he was going to be home for so long. She respected his work a lot and was fine with being alone for long periods of time, she had become tired of it real quick though as she advanced in her pregnancy with their daughter. Partly because moving around and about became more exhausting the more her belly grew, and she just felt she needed his support… but mostly because she was extremely hormonal. She missed him a lot more than usual…
 It was a picturesque morning as y/n woke up by little kicks inside of her stomach.
‘She always does this’ she thought a little annoyed yet endeared. She loved feeling her daughter like that. It assured her again and again that she was alive and healthy.
“Good morning little one”, she whispered, knowing it was early and Kenji probably wasn’t awake yet, he was a long sleeper…
Kenji…. Kenji… thinking about him made her feel all giddy inside. She carefully turned around to face him (she found she was more faced away from him these days since she was very conscious of her belly not getting in the way of him being able to move around. He was a very active mover in his sleep, just like his unborn daughter).
He looked so peaceful as he gently breathed through his strong looking yet pointy nose. His hair looked perfect, as always. Only a couple of strands hung loosely from the top and low onto his forehand, which she honestly loved, because it made him look so… himself. He wasn’t all charming, not all dolled up and prepared to look perfect every second of the day. He was himself. Kenji and nobody else. Just like he was with her, but maybe even more relaxed. His lips were slightly open, though he wasn’t drooling this time. She had to hold back a giggle as she remembered several times where he woke up embarrassed and in denial.
“That’s just a humidity spot from the sweat we produce whilst sleeping” he had said with a childish pout and she had simply laughed.
She didn’t care, she loved him all the more for his faults even though he tried to deny them oftentimes.
Gosh… she loved him so much it almost hurt.
  “Good morning, love”, Kenji heard his wife’s sweet voice as he slowly awoke.
“Good morning?”, he asked, his voice still a bit groggy. As he opened his eyes, his gaze immediately fell upon his wife.
She stood there, her blond hair shining y/h.c in late morning sunlight. Her pregnant form was in a comfortable looking, but still form hugging black dress, her lips were painted red and her eyes were framed in her iconic winged eyeliner.
She looked stunning.
Merit came forward slowly and put a tray that had some pancakes stacked on it, some orange juice and a cup of coffee on his lab.
“I woke up early and thought why not make you a nice bed-breakfast for my wonderful husband?”, she explained even though he didn’t ask, though he also couldn’t deny that he hadn’t wondered about that. He smiled in gratitude.
“Thank you, beautiful, I appreciate it”, he said, giving her a quick, but passionate kiss before digging in.
 “I’ll go shopping-“, she started, but was immediately interrupted by a coughing Kenji, who in is hurry to stop her from going almost choked on the piece of pancake he had been chewing.
“No wait! I’ll go after breakfast. You’ve already been so kind to make this for me, you should really take it slow”
She giggled at that.
“I’m not that fragile darling. I’ve been shopping on my own last week when you were still at the shooting too.”
“All the more reason I should help you out now!”, he exclaimed. She swooned how adorable he was acting.
“Thank you darling”
“Anything for you”
“I’ll go sit in the garden for a bit then”, she said, trying to hide her blush. This had been one of these cheesy conversations that just made her head spin.
What a life.
 (Warning: It’s getting a bit less Pg here, but I still wanted to keep this scene)
Labor was painful.
This was worse than anything she had ever felt.
It was the 16th of November 2028.
A week after what the doctors would predict was the birth, so pretty on time. Everything also seemed to go very well.
But still birthing was so painful.
She hated being alive right now.
She hated being a woman, which she honestly never had: Her periods were very kind to her, and she had never been disadvantaged in her life because of that… except right now.
And oh she LOATHED having been seduced by this mother*cker: Her husband.
That beautiful, charming man.
The devil himself in his holy form, impregnated her to make her suffer.
One of the nurses couldn’t hold back a snicker and thought, and luckily could refrain from saying out loud ‘that’s what they all say. And in two years they’re back with a new baby’
And of course, the nurse was right. And of course, y/n knew deep down she’d forget the pain later and have sex three weeks later, if not earlier.
Though not right now. Oh no, right now she’ll scream and blame him for her pain whilst crushing his hand.
The doctors had explained Kenji beforehand that y/n will be quite distressed, so he had been mentally prepared to be cussed out.
Though wow did he feel bad right now. And not because of the fact he thought his fingers would break any second.
 Twelve hours later it was finally done: Their daughter was born.
Their red headed flame of joy: Tove Kon.
And as expected: When y/n got to lay her eyes on her, she immediately forgot the pain, because whatever she had just gone through brought this little angel to earth. An angel she had made with the man she had loved for over twelve years.
And Kenji… oh Kenji fell in love with a second girl. This, he said to himself, is the second love of his life. He’d do anything for her. He’d be there as much as she could. He wouldn’t become like his father.
“Are you ok love?”, y/n asked him concerned as he was laying, next to her, caressing their daughters little head. At first, he was surprised at that question but then noticed tears running down his cheeks.
“I just… I love her so much, but I’m afraid I’ll become like my father and I don’t want to. I want to love her and give all I can of myself”
Y/N smiled brightly at that. This man truly was so full of devotion and kindness.
“You won’t become him. You couldn’t: Because you love us too much. And that kind of love can’t be broken. You are you, not him. And if you even so much as stray a centimeter away I’ll make sure you stay, ok? I’ll take care of us and I know you will too”
“Thank you. I love you”
“As I love you”
(I’m so sorry, this stuff is so cheesy xD But I hope you liked it anyways. I really wanted to share this with you, just because I know that I’m pretty much the only one who writes Kenji x reader stuff and I spent so much time on this.
Also: If you are interested in the unedited, less Pg version, lemme know. Also don’t worry: They are either both underage or both adults in these scenes, so nothing to worry about)
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sparklingpax · 4 years
A Different Side (1/2)
Summary: Optimus comes back from an unsuccessful mission and seems to be out of sorts...but there’s more to that story. 
-This is a rather silly fic, so do not worry I promise there is nothing inappropriate or heavy in this one at all! It’s,,,a dumb idea I had in History the other day,,,I wrote most of it between/during class periods, and edited the rest when I was supposed to be doing homework at home! :’) 
-Please excuse any typos, grammar mistakes, ooc-ness, weird phrasings, punctuation errors, or really just anything that looks weird or isn’t right; I’m an amateur and I do this stuff for fun! So I’m naturally not the best at it....keep that in mind pls...
-Ok but this story is honestly kinda dumb goumen I’ll write better things soon
-Set in the TFP universe! 
-This only has two parts, so this be the first and the next update is the end of it.... 😹😹 ^^’’
Enjoy! :D 
“Eat my dust, Jack!”
“Not if I pass you first!!”
“No, you won’t!!!”
“Says who?!”
               Two cars raced around the base, one just barely passing the other.
               Miko and Jack had gone head-to-head, racing one last tournament before they had to go home—after the tie last round, they just had to know who, really, was the victor of the day. The two of them shouted competitively as they jammed the controls in one direction or another. Excited, Raf looked on. He, too, was curious of the outcome.
               At present, only Ratchet had remained at base.
               The others had gone out to investigate an abandoned energon mine somewhere in Maine. Optimus had visited the location once before but was not able to reach the source of the readings he’d gotten.
               Therefore, since there had been no Decepticon activity in the past week or so, he took his team to search the caverns.
               They were due to return in about 10 minutes, according to Ratchet. When they did, each guardian was then going to take their human companion home.
               It was a normal day at the Autobot base.
              “NO WAY—”
              “TAKE THAT!!!!”
              Jack threw his fist in the air triumphantly while Miko crumpled to the floor in defeat. Raf burst into laughter as she actually went and laid flat on her back.
             “The horror! I’ve let Jack win!!” She overdramatically wailed. Then, after a moment, sat up and giggled along with Raf and Jack. As the two went to retrieve their cars, Raf scampered up to Ratchet.
             “Hey, Ratchet. What are you doing?”
             The medic sighed, continuing to tinker with what looked like some kind of tool. “Fixing one of Bulkhead’s….accidents,” He muttered. With a sigh, he remembered the large mech smashing it while trying to reenact a fight he had, showing off to Miko. Naturally, the girl had been amazed, but it was short-lived as Ratchet, too, had witnessed that retelling.
              Raf fixed his glasses. “I’m sure it was just an accident, Ratchet.”
              With an eyeroll, Ratchet responded, “It was, but that doesn’t make it any less of an inconvenience, Rafael. It was quite immature of him, too.” He held it up to the light to observe a small detail of the frame.
              “Oh…I see.”
              “Thank the Allspark it’s not one of my more important tools,” he murmured, mostly to himself. Ratchet put it down for a moment to check on the progress of the rest of the team’s expedition.
              He pushed the comm button. “Optimus, come in. Have you found anything? Is everyone okay?”
             “Negative, Ratchet. There is nothing left in these caves,” he reported, a faint note of disappointment in his tone. “Though, everyone is fine. We require a bridge.”
              Ratchet tapped a few more buttons to lock onto their coordinates and pulled the lever, activating the groundbridge.  Miko and Jack broke off their conversation and joined Raf to stand by Ratchet, waiting for their guardians’ returns.
               Sure enough, after a moment, the team came through the portal with a swishing noise, Optimus the last one through. While the three kids gravitated to their partners, Optimus merely stood at the bridge. He remained for a moment, passing his gaze over his team.
              Then, without a word, he turned and headed down the halls—to his room.
              “Did you really think….” Arcee trailed off her snide remark at Jack as she heard Optimus’s heavy footsteps go past everyone and down the hall. She and Jack exchanged looks as everyone else, also, noticed this.
               After a short spell of silence, Miko finally spoke up.
               “Is he mad or something? Cuz I mean, geez—he didn’t even say hello.” She folded her arms.
               “No, Miko,” Ratchet responded, sounding a little exasperated. “What could he be angry over, if he were?” More silence followed his words. It was not often Optimus actually showed what he was feeling like this.
               Everyone was therefore concerned.
               “Do you think…he might be, like, really disappointed about not finding anything in the caves, then?” Jack asked, drifting from Arcee to the groundbridge area. “I mean, from what he’s been saying, you guys really needed that energon…”
               “He could just be tired, too,” Raf chimed in. The bots thought for a moment.
               Bumblebee shifted from one foot to the other, clearly uncomfortable. ‘I just hope he’s okay…’
               Ratchet set his tools aside and headed for the hall. “I’ll go talk to him,” he said. The humans and bots exchanged glances, then nodded.
               “So!” Ratchet huffed frustratedly, emerging from the halls. “He won’t open the door, and will not talk to me, either!” He threw his hands in the air with a noise of exasperation, trudging back to his station.
               Rafael nudged Miko, who had her headphones in. Jack stood up and began down the stairs.
               “I guess something is wrong,” Arcee murmured, folding her arms. She caught sight of Jack, regarding her companion with an inquisitive gaze.
               “I’ll talk to him.” He heard his own determined voice, then touched the back of his head with an awkward laugh. “I’ll—I’ll try, I mean…”
               “Good luck,” Ratchet muttered bitterly, not taking his eyes off his current repair project. “If he even has the courtesy to acknowledge you at all.”  Jack flashed a thumbs up.
He uneasily began to wonder what could have put Optimus so out of sorts that he wouldn’t even speak to Ratchet. It was also rare for Optimus to do this kind of thing, apparently.
Something told Jack it wasn’t just about the energon…but he still wanted to find out for himself.
               “Later, Jack!” Raf called, scampering down the steps. Miko followed, slinging her backpack onto her shoulders. She waved.
               “Yeah, we’re gonna go home now, but you better text us later, kay?” Bulkhead and Bumblebee then transformed, and the two kids hopped in. Ratchet, remembering he had to bridge them out, audibly sighed, slumping over.
               “For the love of Primus, am I able to get any work done around here without constantly being interrupted?!”
               That’s my cue to leave, Jack thought. He quickly hurried down the halls, not wanting to be the next victim of Ratchet’s frustration. He knew the medic only meant well, and that his work was important to him.
               Still, he internally wished Ratchet had more patience. Even if he didn’t scare Jack, it was still unpleasant to be around the old bot when he was not in a good mood.
               Speaking of which….
               Jack came upon Optimus’s berth room, which was closed. He sucked in a breath, raising his arm to knock. Hesitation pulled his arm back after a second.
               What if he is just resting? I’d be pretty ticked if someone interrupted my long nap…
               A memory of Miko pushing him off the couch as a prank resurfaced. He remembered feeling frustrated more than anything else. Of course, she’d apologized, but that wasn’t really going to give him back those precious minutes of sleep.
               He rolled his eyes. “What can you expect when you’re friends with Miko Nakadai, right?” He murmured, raising his arm again. But for the sake of satisfying my own curiosities, at least—
               “Hey, Optimus?” Jack called, knocking lightly. When he received no response for a few minutes, he sighed and knocked again—this time, a bit louder. “Optimus!! Are you okay in there?”
               There was a rustling noise from behind the door, but still no response. Jack decided to stop knocking. He put his back against the metal and slid to the floor. Maybe simply talking it out would help.
               “You know, everyone’s kinda worried about you…” He sighed again, laughing a little. “Oh, and Ratchet’s kinda mad you didn’t even acknowledge him. So…you’re probably gonna have to apologize for that later…”
               The boy bowed his head a little. It was possible Optimus wanted to be left alone right now. Coming to bother him might have been a mistake. Jack began to think up other ways he and the others could figure out—
               Optimus spoke at last, his voice sounding calm—completely level, actually. Instantly, the teen sprang to his feet and answered.
               “Optimus! Ok, good. You’re alive, then,” he joked. When the Prime didn’t respond to his jest—naturally—Jack shook his head and chuckled quietly. “It’s ok, I was joking. Anyway—do you….wanna talk? Is everything ok? You seemed kind of sad when you came through the bridge…and you didn’t even tell us how it went…”
               Didn’t tell us anything, actually, but I’ll leave that part out. I’m sure Optimus doesn’t want to be guilted for stuff at the moment.
               There was another noise—it sounded a little more desperate before it abruptly came to a stop. Then, the Autobot leader’s hefty footsteps began to approach the door. Jack backed away, glad that his efforts seemed to have paid off. The large metal sheet slid upwards, revealing Optimus’ huge figure.
               His face was completely expressionless, but he mustered a somewhat warm look when he gazed at Jack.
               Well, at least Optimus said something and…opened his door, Jack consoled himself mentally. Even though I still don’t know what’s bothering him. Guess we’ll just have to wait for him to tell us…
               “I will go apologize to Ratchet. It was not my intention to offend him…” He started out the door and down the hall. Then, he paused to face Jack for a moment as he added, “And my apologies also to you, I did not mean to worry anyone. Thank you for coming to get me.”
               “Oh—no, don’t worry about that, Optimus. It’s fine.”
               The Prime nodded briefly, saying nothing more. Jack watched him go. Now, he was even more confused than before.
               So why were you acting weird when you got back to base?
               By coincidence, his gaze happened to wander to Optimus’ open berth room. Jack had the sudden realization that he’d never seen Optimus’s berthroom before. Actually, he hadn’t seen any of the bots’ rooms since he’d known about their base.
               He left the door open, it wouldn’t hurt to go take a look…I think?
               Quietly, he padded inside. Taking a moment to look around, Jack noted that it was quite a huge space—way bigger than he’d expected from the size of the door.
It was also very….bare.
               No posters, furnishings, or anything other than the walls, his berth, and a small shelf. On that shelf, there was nothing except for some mystery object shoved in the corner, covered by an old blue cloth.
               “Exactly what you’d expect from a guy like Optimus,” Jack remarked to himself. He sighed and began to walk away, when suddenly a noise snapped his attention back around.
               Back to the shelf.
               Back to the blue cloth.
               A noise that had come from….
               “What is that thing?” Jack murmured to himself as he drew close to it again.
               He jumped back as it vibrated and briefly glowed a bright blue. It seemed to come back to life as a steady humming filled the air of the room. The teen came to a halt right in front of the shelf, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at it, curious and confused.
               Was he trying to hide this? Jack wanted even more to know what it did—what it was.
               And while he stared at it, the object beneath the cloth made another noise.
               “Roadwork ahead?? Uh, YEAH, I sure hope it does!”
               For a moment, Jack stood immobile. Then, he burst into laughter.  
               Optimus was watching vines….he was watching vines….Optimus Prime was watching vines.
               He suddenly remembered what had happened to his mom when she watched vine for the first time. For at least two long, painful weeks, the only things she said were vine quotes—in a failed attempt to be funny. 
               Optimus was watching….vines….oh no.
               Jack turned on his heel and sprinted down the halls.
I’ll edit and fix stuff later; I’m in class rn lolol :’D
Thx for reading!! Feedback is always appreciated~
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
Iichako vs Kacchako vs Tsuchako: aka: Who should Ochako be with (besides Deku)
Uraraka is certainly one of the show’s more shippable characters. Though the series has set her up to be the ‘obvious’ straight endgame pairing for Midoriya, the fandom has found lots of potential relationships for her with other people along the way, and 3 stand out as the most popular and probable: Tenya Iida (her best male friend besides Deku), Katsuki Bakugou (her respectful rival) and Tsuyu Asui (her best female friend). In the interests of truly determining which of these three has the strongest relationship with Uraraka, I’ve composed this long-ass meta, where I basically catalogue every moment involving each dynamic together to figure out which one should really be Uraraka’s endgame relationship (aside from Izuocha). 
So here goes.
Also only Manga Canon moments allowed. No Omakes spinoffs or anime filler
(aka any scene where Ochako especially notices or brings up the other person, even if there’s no clear reason to)
1. Chapter 7 That Bakugou guy said
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2. Chapter 8 he’s always making fun of you 
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3. Chapter 12 Better not let Bakugou know it was me
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4. Chapter 23 waiting for the explosion
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5. Chapter 32 Eek!
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6. Chapter 46 Ever since I fought Bakugou 
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7. Chapter 58 Those moves just like
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8. Chapter 73 You’re like a pro with that knife
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9. Chapter 100 “Bakugou’s in a good mood”
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10. Chapter 208 Jiro and the boys have faith in him
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1. Chapter 7 “You’re Tenya Iida!”
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2. Chapter 12 Didn’t you wanna be rep too? the way you talk
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3.   “I’ve never seen you smile before” 
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4. “Iida!”
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5. Chapter 20 “Iida!”
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6. Chapter 27 “Iiida…”
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7. Chapter 30 no fair hiding that move
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8. Chapter 35 “Seeing you out there” 
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9. when Iida said he’d challenge you
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10. Chapter 41 Its his standing long jump
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11. Chapter 46 Deku and Ochako go to worry about Iida
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12. Chapter 81 If only we had iidc
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13. Chapter 98 “He has so many glasses!”
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14. Chapter 100 “How about you, Iida?”
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15. Chapter 206 “Iida…”
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1. Chapter 99 “She wasn’t feeling well”
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(aka any scene where Uraraka confides something important in one of them)
1. Chapter 36 Giving up isn’t an option for me
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1. Chapter 22 - Uraraka tells Iida her backstory & motivation
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2. Chapter 35 “I’m really scared” But seeing you out there
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3. Chapter 100 “I’m hoping to make myself float”
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1. Chapter 58 it was very instructive
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2. Chapter 73 I’m scared, Tsu 
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3. Chapter 99 explains her state of mind
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4. Chapter 163 I was holding him
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(aka any scene where Uraraka worries about the other one’s wellbeing, physical, mmental or otherwise)
1. Chapter 78 “Bakugou?”
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2. Chapter 241
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1. Chapter 10 “Sorry, Iida!” 
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2. Chapter 17 “Go, iida!”
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3. Chapter 35: Worrying about his match and his brother
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4. Chapter 57: I was really worried about you guys
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5. Chapter 46: “We’re your friends”
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6. Chapter 101 Concern panel
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7. Chapter 206 Concern panel
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1. Chapter 80: Calls out her name, 
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2. “Slams Toga into the ground “get away from her” 
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3. “You hurt?”
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4. Chapter 99 look-back panel,
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5.  Tsuyu…
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6. Chapter 218 “Tsuyu is freezing!”
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(Any moment where Ochako is supportive of one of them)
1. Chapter 12 You’ve got the glasses and everything!
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2. Chapter 15 “Just like the cafeteria” 
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3. Chapter 22 “Let’s do our best!”
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4. Chapter 35 “Good work out there” (The viz translation, I’m using scanlations for the images)
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1. Chapter 99 Uraraka gets Tsu to talk about what’s bothering her
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(Aka any moment where Ochako shows respect and admiration for one of them)
1. Chapter 36 “Saw it coming and I still couldn’t react”
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2. Chapter 37 He’s too strong
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3. Chapter 73 You’re like a pro with that knife
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1. Chapter 22 “Considering Iida’s noble motivation”
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2. Chapter 35 good work out there
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3. Chapter 58: I think Iida’s got this
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4. Chapter 81 If only we had Iida!
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5. Chapter 204 Super speedy
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(aka any scene where Uraraka works together with one of them)
1. Chapter 12 Working together to save the stampede
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1. Chapter 80: Vs Toga you too get her hands
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2. Chapter 81: Teaming up to help Midoriya “we’re good tsu”
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3. Chapter 131 “Meteor Fafrotskies”
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4. Chapter 156 “plus ultra”
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5. Chapter 182 floating for fun
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(aka any scene where Uraraka has fun with or around one of them)
1. Chapter 13 They make me laugh, your mouth is so foul
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1. Chapter 9 Laughing
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2. Chapter 12 Eating lunch together
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3. Chapter 22 eating lunch together 
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4. Chapter 31 eating lunch together
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5. Chapter 59: After school hangout
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6. Chapter 60 eating together
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7. Chapter 68 shopping smile
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8. Chapter 71 eating together
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9. Chapter 98 wearing his glasses
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10. Chapter 167 join us for lunch  
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1. Chapter 23 smiling
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2. Chapter 31: Eating together
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3. Chapter 60: Eat lunch together
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4. Chapter 183 fun at the school festival
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5. Chapter 217 hanging out
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(aka any scene where Uraraka shows insight into one of them or knowledge of their personalities, or speaks with them in unison)
1. Chapter 36 Thanks for keeping your eyes focused
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2. Chapter 60 He means during the training
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3. Chapter 85 He’l consider it a disgrace to be rescued
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1. Chapter 12 are you a rich kid?
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2. Chapter 101 We know
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1.  Chapter 99 “It’s not just you, Tsu”
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2.  Chapter 131 “Thank you for having us”
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3. Chapter 134 “That big case!”
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4. Chapter 135 “So round and cute”
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(AKA any scene where Ochako and one of them share a physical moment)
1. Chapter 12 hand hold
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2. Chapter 14: Carries her
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3. Chapter 45: Uraraka grabs iida’s shoulders 
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1. Chapter 73: Holding hands in fear
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2. Chapter 99 Hand on her shoulder
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3. Chapter 102 arm tap
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4. Chapter 163 shoulder hand
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(aka any moment where Ochako argues with or criticizes the other)
1. Chapter 273 Be nice to her
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1. Chapter 30 No fair Iida, hiding that from us
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2. Chapter 68 Way to be a wet blanket, Iida 
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Bakugou: 21
Iida: 52
Tsuyu: 30
This is an analysis of how the others interact with Ochako
(aka any moment where one of the others notices Ochako or brings her up)
1. Chapter 36 “You’re the floaty one, right? If you’re gonna back out, do it now” 
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2. She’s not down yet
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3. Chapter 273 “You just want the excuse to find out”
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1. Chapter 3 “That girl appears to be doing some kind of training exercise”
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2. Chapter 4 “He jumped in to save that girl”
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3. Chapter 7 “Ah, infinity girl!”
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4. Chapter 9-10 He outwits her in the battle training; struggle
5. Chapter 12 “Uraraka!”
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6. Chapter 35 You’re up against Bakugou 
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7. Chapter 36 You thought of a counter strategy for her
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8. Chapter 55 Iida remembers her worry
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9. Chapter 98 “Uraraka!”
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10. Chapter 100 You’re focusing on making yourself float?
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11. Chapter 130 “where are uraraka and tsu ”
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1. Chapter 11 “shouldn’t it be Ochako or Midoriya?” 
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2. Chapter 37 You play a good bad guy
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3. Chapter 58: “How was your week?”
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4. Chapter 102 “How about you, Ochako?”
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5. Chapter 163 you ok?
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(aka any moment where one of the others confides in Ochako)
1. Chapter 12 Tells her and deck his backstory (i’m the second son, he’s my brother, I try to be just like him.)
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2. Chapter 30 I was just trying to compete with Midoriya 
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3. Chapter 44 saying he has to go
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4. Chapter 98 Is that so unusual?
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5. Chapter 100 “My radiators”…
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1. Chapter 99 “Tsuyu has something she wants to tell you all”’
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(aka any moment where one of the others shows concern for Ochako)
1. Chapter 36 worried look
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2. Chapter 37 You suggested it
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1. Chapter 9I don’t wanna get rough with her 
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2. Chapter 11: Hand on her back
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3. Chapter 14: Saves her at USJ.
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4. Chapter 35 Is that you? why the furrowed brows? 
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5. “You’re up against Bakugou”
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6. Chapter 36 Worried face
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7. Chapter 38 “ I have to see this”
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8. Chapter 98 “Uraraka!”
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9. Chapter 100 “Please don’t run in the hall”
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10. Chapter 163 “We’re worried”
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1. Chapter 22 - smacks Mineta for her
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2. Chapter 35 I’m worried about this one
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3. Chapter 36 “Ochako!”
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4. Chapter 73: Take my hand
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5. Chapter 80: Throws her to safety, 
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6. calls out her name is your arm ok?, 
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7. Ochako!
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8. Chapter 102 “you seem tense” 
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9. “ no sense prying if she’s not ready
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10. Chapter 163 “You OK Ochako?” “mm”
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(aka any moment where one of the others is supportive of Ochako)
1. Chapter 22 There’s nothing wrong with seeking a more comfortable lifestyle 
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2. “Brava!”
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3. chapter 35 “Bakugou won’t go all out against a girl” 
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4. how fortunate for you
5. Chapter 134 “Nice job”
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6. Chapter 163 let them breathe
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(aka any moment where one of the others shows respect for Ochako)
1. Chapter 36 “Time to get serious Uraraka!”
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2. Chapter 37 What part of her was frail
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1. Chapter 22 “That’s beautiful”
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2. Chapter 136 Well done
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1.  Chapter 80: That was awesome!
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(aka any time one of the others shows understanding of her mind)
1. Chapter 36 “I knew you had some kinda plan”
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2. Chapter 273 “You just wanna sample”
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1. Chapter 9 “I calculated as much”
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1. Chapter 58 She’s had some kinda awakening
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(aka any time one of the others criticizes her)
1. Chapter 36 too slow
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2. Chapter 73 how the hell can you be bad with a knife
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1. Chapter 100 Don’t run in the halls!
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Katsuki: 11
Iida: 36
Tsuyu: 18
Katsuki: 32
Iida: 88
Tsuyu: 48
So far, Iida has undeniably the best relationship with Ochako out of the three.
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twistedcharismaaa · 5 years
Lost & Found Pt. 2
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Summary: You’re living a suffocating life and you finally find breath in Masego.
Author’s Note: Hi guys! I’m back with chapter two as promised! For whatever strange reason, I’m pretty nervous about this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy! I love you guys and thank you so much for all of the feedback from chapter one! As always, leave a comment for ya girl! I live for the commentary!
“I see Lupita
You know I got the Jones
For my own Rashida
Can you put me on
With Danai Gurira
She stay on my dome”
Ladies violently swarmed towards the stage causing you to stumble forward instantly losing the grip on your phone which resulted in you watching it hit the floor harshly. Discombobulated. Disconnected. And maybe a little drunk since you weren’t much of a drinker. You squatted down and patted the floor in hopes your fingertips would seamlessly come across it. To your surprise, they did. But to your misfortune, some thirsty ass heffa kicked it further away from you.
“Fuck!” you yelled.
And where the fuck is Desmonde you thought.
“Ok ok, I see y’all are live in this mothertrucker. That’s what’s up.” Masego said while adjusting his shades.
He casually placed his saxophone on its stand and put his left hand in his pocket.
“So y’all wanna hear something new?” he continued completely enticing the crowd.
You stood upright and watched him in awe. You couldn’t believe this was the same man from earlier. What the actual fuck. You watched him standing confidently in his expensive velvet threads. A glorious, multi-talented giant he was. He worked flawlessly around his equipment. Conjuring soothing melodies with heavy bass drums that made you want to shake your ass a little. 
“So today I met this shorty. She was mmm. I don’t even know how to explain it. But anyway, I wrote this song about her. I’ll tell you the rest of the story on IG. Alright, let’s go!” 
“Ooh, I saw her and she hit me like (Tadow)
Saw that thing so beautiful (Tadow)
She just hit my heart, ooh (Tadow)
Full force and she got me like (Tadow)”
You smiled and partially covered your lips watching him sing passionately to the crowd. He pulled down his shades and walked towards the edge of the stage. Suddenly, his eyes locked with yours causing a subtle smirk to form on his lips. 
“I be like (Tadow)
Baby (Tadow)
Why you so fine? (Tadow, tadow)
Gotta make you mine (Tadow, tadow)
So hard to find (Tadow, tadow)”
He winked at you and walked back to his music station smoothly. You tore your eyes away from his gaze and smiled to yourself. You looked up once more witnessing him becoming consumed by his music - entirely lost in it. Subconsciously, you bit your lip and tilted your head out of curiosity. It was something about him that turned you on. You couldn’t decide if it was his swag, his vocals, his talent, or his wit but either way, he had your panties dampening from his sweet melodies. Pulling yourself back to reality you wondered if he really saw you or did you just want to be noticed? Could it be possible that this song was about you? No, it can’t be. You’re buzzed, just really really buzzed you reasoned with yourself. Breaking you from your spiraling thoughts, you felt someone grab your arm from behind. 
“C, I’ve been calling your phone all damn night! Why the fuck weren’t you answering?” Desmonde screamed with a concerned look on his face.
“I lost it! And Desmone you need to calm that tone down! I’m fine! Get off of me!” you yelled while snatching your arm away from him.
“How fucking long was that line to the bathroom?” you asked while looking him up and down.
“We should go,” he demanded
“We should.” you spat.
From the stage, Masego inquisitively raised an eyebrow watching the drama unfold between you and your boyfriend. You deserved better but if only you could see that. From his eyes, you were nothing shy of beautiful. Full lips, piercing dark brown eyes, mouth-watering curves, thick curly hair, and he loved the sound of your sweet, light airy voice. From the moment he heard it, he wanted to exercise your vocal cords in the best ways. He wanted nothing more than to cherish you and to pour back into what you lost. And maybe, if you would have him, you could show him what he lacks in this world of fame. After watching your quarrel with Desmonde, he decided that you needed a change of pace, a change of man, and a change of scenery and most importantly he wanted you. Correction, needed you. He had exactly two weeks to convince you, prove to you, and show you that he is worthy of your attention before heading to South Africa to finish the second leg of his tour.
“Alright, alright shut up. Too much new song,” Masego said jokingly as he continued his show.
*A few minutes prior*
“Well, this was fun,” Brittany said breathlessly.
“I gotta stop fucking you,” Desmonde said as he zipped up his pants.
“Tell that to your dick and not me,” she said as she fixed her makeup in the rearview mirror.
“This is the last time and I mean that shit,” he said sternly
“Uh-huh.” she answered nonchalantly.
“You don’t think I’m serious? Cause I am,” he responded.
“D, I know you love her. But you don’t love yourself, this is why you’re with me. This is why you’re doing what you do. Sure, you can stop fucking me. But there’s always going to be someone else.” she said as she added the finishing touches to her makeup.
Desmonde swallowed dryly taking in her brutal honesty.
“Why am I doing this? To myself? To her?” he thought.
“Don’t worry, I don’t judge. I’m not perfect either and in time I’ll face my demons but not tonight,” she said slyly.
“I’m going to catch the rest of the show. You might want to go head back to your girl,” she said before getting out of the car.
An uncomfortable silence fell between you and Desmonde. The car ride home felt longer than usual. You cracked your window to let some fresh air inside. You felt like you were suffocating from the inside out. Everything around you seemed to intensify your irritation. Your tight dress, your high heels, the silence, and not to mention Des’ presence. 
“I’m sorry that I snapped at you earlier,” he said while keeping his eyes on the road.
“Why were you gone for so long?” you questioned.
“Honestly, I don’t know... and that’s the truth. I don’t know what I’ve been doing lately or who I am. And I’m sorry I’m so shitty to you.” he said lowly while his hands gripped the steering wheel.
He pulled into the apartment complex and sighed deeply. After he parked the car, he opened the passenger’s side door and opened it for you. With hesitation, you swung your right leg out of the vehicle and then the left.
“Charisma, I am so sorry,” he repeated. 
You swallowed and nodded as a response.
A black satin bonnet covered your delicate curls and a white cotton oversized t-shirt covered your curvy frame. You rested your fatigued body on the cold queen-sized bed and waited for Desmonde to join you in the bedroom. Desmonde staggered to the bed after turning off the bathroom light. He plopped on the bed and grunted into his pillow. You inhaled his fresh scent and smiled at him.
“You drunk drunk?” you whispered.
A lazy smile crept upon his face and as he turned toward you.
“Drunk drunk.” he repeated.
“Des?” you replied while stroking his face.
“Yeah, baby?” he answered while kissing your fingertips lovingly.
“Are you really sorry? You mean that?” you quizzed.
“I am,” he admitted.
“I was thinking maybe we could - that maybe we should have...” you hinted.
“Sex?” he said in disbelief.
“It is my birthday….” you joked trying to ease the tension.
“Charisma.” he said while closing his eyes and bringing his hands over his face in frustration.
“Desmonde, please.” you croaked.
“We’re not as close as we used to be. I think we should try at least.” you continued.
“It’s not that I don’t want to have sex with you-”
“Then what is it?” you interrupted.
“I don’t deserve to touch you like that right now,” he admitted.
“Isn’t that left up to me?” you quizzed.
“I don’t wanna argue. Can you respect that?” he snapped.
You sat up quickly and pulled the covers off of you in utter disgust. You grabbed your pillow and your favorite multi-colored blanket.
“Desmonde can you just admit that you don’t love me anymore? I just need to hear you say it. I know the losing the baby changed everything.” you said lowly.
“Just tell me so I can move on. So you can move on.” you continued.
“I do love you! I love you Charisma … I just don’t know how to love you the right way.” he replied while hanging his head in defeat.
Before you knew it your cheeks were covered in tears. You aggressively wiped your face and nodded in acceptance.
“I’m going to sleep on the couch tonight. And Desmonde?” you paused. “I want you out of this apartment first thing in the morning and I mean that shit,” you said while closing the bedroom door.
*Masego’s Video Post*
“Ok quick storytime. So I was checking into my hotel today. I seen this shorty and she was mmm mmm good. You feel me? Anyways, she’s looking at me and I’m looking at her right? Alright fast forward. So she’s bringing me towels that I didn’t ask for. Hold up rewind, I forgot to mention she works at the hotel. So anyway, she brings me these towels looking all gorgeous. And y’all know me, imma shoot that shot. So I did and I found out shorty had a boyfriend. And that sums up how “Tadow” came about. I made it right after I seen her.”
Part 1 Part 3
@l-auteuse @nizzle-mo @jamielennkeeler @thickemadame @ljstraightnochaser @pineappear @thadelightfulone @qweentbh @justanothernerdgirl @big-brows-bigger-dreams @ghostfacekill-monger​ @chaneajoyyy​ @soulfood-fics​ @miss-nneka​ @rosemilage @sarcastic-sunshines @mygirlrenee @keiva1000
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madzilla84 · 4 years
Did anyone ask for one? No. Does anyone want it? Probably not … I guess there’s still some small part of me that misses having a Livejournal.
In general, things have been - better. I started going outside a bit more from late-ish July, but honestly I don’t know if I started feeling better because I started going out, or if I started going out because I was feeling better…? A mystery. But mood tracking app - surely a reliable source of mental health info lmao - seems to agree:
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(woohoo, only ‘significant burden’! i think that’s about the best you could hope for in 2020. and this was a few weeks ago, and I feel better now than I did then, so.)
I’ve been off work for the last 3 weeks - nothing wrong, just 2 weeks of scheduled annual leave, which I needed very much (I think part of why I was feeling bad was because I hadn’t had a break since February), and last week I had a week of jury duty. The break was much needed and I can feel the difference.
I started exercising again in July, and ugggggggh ok fine I admit I do feel better because of it. I’m never gonna be a gym bunny, I’ll probably never *love* it but I can’t deny the benefits. I go 3 times a week which is enough for me. (Though I only went twice last week and this week - last week I was pretty wrecked after court each day and this week I am focussing on being lazy.) Going outside again was strange at first, like the previous 4 months hadn’t happened, but it didn’t take long to feel (mostly) normal again.
I’ve also had a couple of social things, which has been nice - one lunch out at an outdoor restaurant, and one bbq at a friend’s house. (She moved in recently at the end of my street; while I was sitting in her living room I could look out of the window at my own flat. Weird!) I’ve been thinking a lot about Dan’s tweet about who he realised he wants in his life after lockdown, and it’s just. Interesting.
I’m DELIGHTED it’s September and the start of the best months, the -embers and -obers; it’s still pretty warm and mostly sunny here but it’s really nice, the bite’s gone out of the warmth. Not long now until it Gs the FO entirely. \o/ I’m still playing Animal Crossing every day, (unlike some people, smh poor abandoned Pickle). 
Jury duty last week was fascinating. I didn’t even know if I’d get picked - they call more than twice as many people as they need in case anyone can’t do it for whatever reason (if one of the lawyers is a family friend or something), but I did end up being chosen. (No. 12!!) We were the first post-covid jury, and the first socially distanced one. 
I *can* talk about the case now it’s over, but I don’t think I will, because the subject matter could be pretty triggering, but it was often a tough week given the nature of it. Having said that, something about it was very satisfying. It was fascinating to see how the courts and lawyers worked, and the whole process, and it was good to work with the other jurors. (Days on end of talking to actual humans was actually pretty good, for the most part.) We were all just thrown together, and we had differences of opinion of course, but it was still a good experience to work with them. It felt good to be part of something like that, something that mattered, and to feel like a part of the community in such a real way. I can be quite good at putting aside emotion to look at the letter of the law, which in a case like this can be very challenging; some of the other jurors struggled with it a great deal. (This isn’t to blow my own trumpet or anything; many would argue it was *me* who had the problem, in much the same way they often say lawyers are heartless, which isn’t true most of the time)
The case ended up being dismissed as the jury couldn’t reach a consensus - we got slated on social media (which of course I didn’t look at during the case, I caught up after), but we all stuck to our convictions and I know it was right; there’s a lot the public didn’t know or understand. As tough a case as it was, I’m glad I got to do it, it was a privilege in many ways. (But, I wouldn’t mind if it was a long time until I had to do it again, you know? lol.)
We had our phones taken from 9-5 while we were working - it’s the law - and I thought it was gonna be the worst after being glued to it constantly, but it was actually quite nice lmao. Not that I didn’t end up glued to it again once the case was over.
Fandom-wise, I have - finally - ended up taking a step back from the phandom a little bit in the last month or two. I want to talk about that a bit because it’s a complicated topic, and I see a lot of concerning posts - mainly on Twitter - that if you don’t maintain a certain level of dedication, if you join another fandom or get into something else or aren’t sufficiently devoted and supportive you - aren’t a true fan? Or something? Lots of posts along the lines of, ‘all these people getting into kpop/tv show/whatever, smh, don’t think we won’t remember when dan’s project drops and you all come running back’. It’s just a bit - weird? Like, it’s *perfectly normal* if people get into other stuff while dnp are cooking whatever they’re cooking (or not cooking, or whatever)? Or just move on, but still enjoy D&P? 
I’m not, like, dramatically leaving the fandom or anything. Hell, I haven’t *left* the fandom at all, I’m still here every day, it’s - more of a mental shift. Because prior to July/August-ish this year I really wasn’t in a good place with it. I wrote a thing earlier this year about struggling with writing, and belonging while not being a content creator, and other things … the issue is that, as I tend to do with my fandoms, I get too overinvested. And sometimes, that’s okay - whatever gets you through the night and all that - but in this case, I wasn’t enjoying it any more. Some parts I was - I’ve made the best friends I’ve ever had in a fandom here, and I really like seeing everyone on here - but in general, I was spending a lot of my time feeling anxious, resentful, worried, angry and frustrated. I spent a lot of last year and almost all of this one waiting for Godot; hating the “new normal” and desperately waiting for - something that’s never going to come. I just couldn’t deal with it; probably for reasons bigger than just D&P but that’s how it manifested. I got more and more frustrated by the content we were getting because it wasn’t what I’d hoped, and I hated feeling like that. It took up way too much of my thoughts and every day was just waiting, and wondering, and worrying. And I got so, so sick of it.
So, where am I now? Well, it was inevitable really, but I just started to - let go, a bit. I didn’t throw my hands up and go, ’bah, screw these guys!’, my mental focus just shifted (for my own good), and I started focussing on other things. Other fandoms. Games and hobbies I can distract myself with. I’ll admit it wouldn’t necessarily have been my *choice*, you know? But reality is what it is and I’m - relieved, really, that I’m not unnecessarily tormenting myself about it any more. It took me a long time to reach this place - too long, really - and, for now at least, it’s kind of nice. I can just enjoy things if/when they pop up without the accompanying sadness and anger about how everything is changed, about what has ended and what I’ve “lost”. (And it’s not 100%, by the way; it’s still there, just - quiet, now.) I can look at, I dunno, someone’s gifs of Dan or whatever, and just smile about it rather than feeling that grief. (Or, feel it, but not to the exclusion of everything else.) It’s - nicer.
And it isn’t at *all* that I don’t care any more, I still love them, of course I do, and will continue to follow them and watch everything they do. I’m not going anywhere. I still have notifs on, though they don’t quite send my heart into my throat like they did. ;) In a way it’s helping me love them more, because now when I watch them I enjoy it more, appreciating the fun and the bants without laser-focussing on my own anger and sadness. I’m still attending our little daily phannie watch-alongs, where we watch a couple of eps of DAPG and an anime. I’m still on phandom tumblr/twitter on the daily. It just - has a slightly smaller portion of my brain and mental energy now.
It was a step I needed to take, but also one I’m not sure I could have *chosen* to take, not without deliberately leaving and cutting it all off completely? And I didn’t want to do that. I’d hoped I’d get to this place earlier than this - some 20 months after the fact - but better late than never, I suppose.
(Also, disclaimer - fandom and the human heart are funny things, and I fully accept I can and probably will be sucked completely back in at any time.)
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anubislover · 5 years
Welcome to the Heart Pirates, Nami-ya chapter 14: It’s All Fun and Games
The Polar Tang’s library was easily Nami’s favorite place on the submarine. For one, it was the coolest room on the whole ship as Law had put a considerable amount of resources into developing state-of-the-art climate control equipment to keep the books in good condition. Secondly, the walls were lined with shelves practically bursting with tomes on navigation, oceanography, geography, zoology, weather, history, and, of course, every type of medicine imaginable. Thirdly, it was comfortable; there were plush chairs and couches, a peaceful atmosphere, perfect lighting for reading, and a large table where she and Bepo could work on maps and other projects.
In fact, that’s exactly where the pair of navigators had been holed up over the past few days. Stacks of books on horticulture and gardening surrounded them as they furiously scribbled on sheets of graph paper, meticulously planning out the new greenhouse. With the money they’d accrued from the gala heist, Clione had managed to purchase the equipment needed for solar lights and the sprinkler system. Now it was up to Nami and Bepo to decide which plants should go where so the engineers could start the installation process. It was trickier than it sounded; due to the combination of medicinal herbs and produce, many with different watering and sunlight requirements, the room needed to be carefully mapped out for peak efficiency.
“What do you think of this layout, Nami?” Bepo asked, handing her a rough sketch. “Rough” being the key word—though there was a marked improvement over the past few months, even under Nami’s careful tutelage, his drawing skills still left much to be desired.
Despite the giant sweatdrop falling down the back of her head, Nami forced a happy grin. “It’s a good start! What corner are we putting the aloe plants in?”
“Well, they need a lot of sunlight, so I thought the west corner?”
She studied her notes carefully, a deep wrinkle forming across her brow. “Hmm, but that’s the area that also gets watered the most. According to the books, aloe needs to be watered deeply, but infrequently; otherwise it’ll rot.”
“I’m sorry,” he replied, round ears drooping as he hung his head, a gloomy cloud forming around him.
“It’s ok! We can make a dry corner—a section that has a lot of sunlight, but no sprinkler system. We’ll manually water those on a strict schedule.”
He perked up at the suggestion. “Maybe we can have a chart or something next to those with specific instructions to avoid confusion? And some plastic curtains to block out the spray from the sprinklers so it stays dry?”
“Great idea!” she replied, smile much more genuine this time. With how sensitive Bepo was, she’d forced herself to adopt a more calm, motherly demeanor when working with him. He was a lot like Chopper; sweet and a little naïve but extremely intelligent in his specialized field. She wondered if perhaps, like the blue-nosed reindeer, he’d been bullied when he was young. Had people thought he was a monster, too?
“Thanks, Nami,” Bepo said, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. “Actually, the island we’re heading to has the aloe variety that Law uses—I know we’re not ready for a full greenhouse, but maybe we could pick up some fresh plants and set up one of the sunlamps in here as a tester since it’s the driest room.”
At the mention of the captain, Nami had to bite back a frustrated sigh. Law had been pretty much intolerable for the past week. She’d thought she’d seen the worst of his insomniac tendencies when he’d been working on the fertilizer, but this was so much worse. He stayed in his room practically all day, and on the rare occasion he emerged he’d been broody and snappish. Most of the crew had chalked it up to stress and lack of sleep again, but Nami could tell they were trying to hide their concern. This wasn’t a hyper fixation like the fertilizer had been—this was an obsession over something personal.
However, she dared not press the matter—Law wasn’t like Luffy or Zoro, whom she could knock over the head and nag into submission. And if his mood did have anything to do with the Amber Lead vase, she was even warier. She still distinctly remembered his rage after the gala—he’d implied that the World Government had covered up the truth that the infamous disease wasn’t contagious. Maybe he wanted the vase to prove it? To spit in the eye of those who had callously doomed an entire city?
Seeing the frown on her face, Bepo sulked. “I’m worried about him too.”
“I’m not worried about him,” she huffed, crossing her arms stubbornly.
The Mink ignored her denial. “I wish he’d get more sleep. I know he’s working on a plan, but he still needs his rest.”
“Why don’t you just drug him or something?” she asked a bit petulantly. Really, she was mostly upset that Law was needlessly troubling his crew. Didn’t he realize how much they cared about him? “There’s plenty of sedatives aboard the ship.”
“Oh no!” Bepo cried, black eyes widening in horror. “Law’d be furious if we did that! There’s too much risk involved. What if we were attacked? He’d be too out of it to fight or take care of the wounded.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she acquiesced, slumping forward and resting her chin on her crossed forearms. Chopper would probably have the same objections. Except a sleep-deprived, angry doctor wasn’t much better than a doped-up one. “Still, he needs a nap or something. He’s been acting like a toddler.”
“Careful who you call a toddler, Nami-ya,” Law’s deep voice rasped in her ear, startling a shriek from her throat as she jerked upright, nearly smacking his chin with the back of her head. “And keep your voice down—you’re in a library.”
“Oh, go to hell, Law!” she snapped, twisting around in her chair to glare up at him. “What are you skulking around for, anyway?” Not that she should really complain—he was actually out of his room, after all.
Striding past her, he perused the history section before selecting a large, faded tome. “It’s my ship—I’ll go where I please.”
“Well, how about you please go to bed?” she argued. Screw not pressing the issue—maybe she couldn’t knock him over the head like her own crew, but she could sure as hell nag, and clearly someone had to. And he wouldn’t attack her with Bepo around, right? “You don’t want to screw up someone’s medication like you did last time you were overtired, right?”
The glare he threw over his shoulder was so full of malice Nami shrank down in her chair. Though a valid point, she knew her comment had hit below the belt.
“Watch your tongue, Nami-ya, or else I’ll remove it,” he sneered. Even with the shadow his hat cast over the top half of his face, Nami could clearly see his eyes were bloodshot and the bags underneath were even darker than usual. “Getting that vase is going to take even more planning than the gala, and I’ve got less information to go on and maybe a third of the time. Even if I could calm my mind enough to sleep, I simply don’t have the time to spare.”
“Look, I know you’re the devious schemer around here, but you’re also the doctor. You of all people should know the importance of getting proper rest. If you’re that worried about your plan, I can help you; burglary is literally the reason you brought me on,” she argued, arms spread wide.
A deep frown marred his face as he shook his head. “No. After what you went through on Grimm, I want you to take it easy until we get to Atifakuto—that’s when I’ll need your help. You’re lucky I’m even letting you work on the greenhouse plans.” He glanced down at the piles of papers strewn across the table. “By the way, I want to look those over later.”
She smacked her forehead in exasperation. “Seriously? Your own plans aren’t enough to keep you occupied? You have way too much on your plate as it is. For God’s sake, just take a break and get some fucking sleep!”
Long fingers gripped the book in his hands so tightly Nami could hear the leather binding groan. “Don’t you dare give me orders on my own fucking ship, Nami-ya.”
“Captain,” Bepo interrupted quietly, voice nearly a whimper, “do you promise to at least try to get some sleep when we get to the island tomorrow? Even just a short nap? It’ll be sunny and warm and safe—maybe your mind will settle down there.”
There was a moment of tense silence as a pair of round black eyes shimmered pleadingly, desperately hoping to put an end to the argument.
“Shit. Quit being so cute,” Law muttered under his breath. Narrow shoulders heaved in a sigh. Not even the Surgeon of Death could be mad at the sweet Mink when he sounded so genuinely concerned. “I promise to try. At the very least, I’ll spend some time outside; I’m sure all this time underwater hasn’t exactly helped my vitamin D deficiency. So long as no one gets any ideas about giving me another lovely sunburn,” he quipped, scowling at the mikan-hair woman meaningfully.
Nami held up her hands in surrender. Even though he totally deserved another prank due to his prickly behavior, it was way more important that he had enough peace of mind to get in even a small amount of sleep.
Damn, she thought to herself as Law stalked out of the library. Bepo’s right; I really am worried about that idiot.
Cousteau Island was small but beautiful. By Nami’s estimation, it had been an undersea volcano that had risen up less than a hundred years ago. Shaped like a fat crescent moon, the majority of the land was covered in lush jungle and lined with smooth, sandy beaches. The surrounding ocean was nearly teal, full of tropical fish and rainbow-colored coral. Fruits like bananas, coconuts, and pineapples grew in abundance, but there didn’t appear to be much wildlife—mostly birds and sea turtles who had decided the uninhabited island was the perfect spot to lay their eggs due to a lack of predators.
“How did you guys find this place?” Nami asked Bepo, not bothering to keep the awe from her voice as they surfaced in the cove. “I’ve never heard of Cousteau Island, and it wasn’t the atlas.”
More than happy to tell the tale of their lucky discovery, her fellow navigator explained, “It’s a summer island we found when a storm blew us off course. It’s so tiny its magnetic field is hidden by Grimm’s, so it doesn’t show up on a log pose—we had to make an eternal pose to get back. It’s also surrounded by a massive reef that’ll destroy most other ships if they get close, but we found the underwater tunnel to get through. It’s completely uninhabited, so we claimed it and use it as a hideout.”
Glancing around, Nami could see the skeletal remains of what looked like a pirate ship wedged onto the rocks, along with debris scattered along the beach. They appeared to be several months old, however, so she doubted they’d be running into any castaways. “How’d it get its name?”
“Cousteau found the safe path to the island, so we let him name it,” Law interjected bluntly, though not without a hint on begrudging affection for the diver/oceanographer. “Otherwise, it would have been ‘Trafalgar Cove’.”
Nami nodded in understanding, too pleased at the possibility of mapping out a brand-new island and taking a vacation to mock him for the blatant arrogance. It seemed Law hadn’t been making empty promises when he told her the island would be much more relaxing. Now all he had to do was keep his promise about getting some sleep.
Upon landing, the crew spent the better part of the morning setting up chairs, umbrellas, a volleyball net, blankets, tables, and everything else they could think of for a fantastic day on the beach. Surprisingly, getting the bonfire and grill started was the easiest part; debris from the shipwrecked pirate ship, which seemed to mostly consist of the shattered remains of wooden crates and barrels, littered the shore, so there was no need to cut down trees. By noon, the last of the preparations were finished, and after a quick lunch, the crew split off into their own groups.
Cousteau and Crozier led Clione, Darter, Sgt. Pepper, Ajisahi, Tsunomedori, and Shiroruka to explore the jungle, promising to be back by sunset with fresh fruit, water, and the aloe Law wanted. Skua and Malamute, two of Ikkaku’s fellow engineers, elected to stay on the ship to perform some maintenance. The rest, led by Penguin and Shachi, chose to change into bathing suits so they could all enjoy some much-needed relaxation on the beach.
“Incoming!” Nami shouted, spiking the blue and yellow beach ball hard over the net, scoring the winning point for her team.
“Nice shot!” Ikkaku cheered, high-fiving her partner.
“And that’s the match!” Ermine sniggered from their spot by the grill as they cleaned the assortment fish Jude, Uni, and Seiuchi had caught for dinner, careful to keep their long brown braids free of fish guts. The cook had been thoroughly amused throughout the game—they’d never pass up the chance to watch the first and second mate get trounced by a pair of pretty ladies in swimwear. “Did you guys even score a single point?”
“Ah, shuddup,” Shachi groused as he fell back onto a nearby towel, though his displeasure at losing didn’t stop him from ogling Nami and Ikkaku’s sun-kissed bodies. Nami had elected to don a cherry red, lace-up one-piece that tantalizingly showed off her legs and cleavage. Ikkaku’s was comparatively more modest, being a sporty, black, high-neck two-piece, though the mesh across her breasts didn’t hide much.
The swimwear had been a tactical choice—the moment Penguin and Shachi had proposed a game of volleyball, the girls knew there was no better way to distract them. And with such a devious plan, they of course added on a friendly wager—losers do the winners’ cleaning duties for the next month.
“Man, they destroyed you,” Jude mocked from his chair, black bowl cut shining in the late afternoon sun.
“Like you would have done any better,” Penguin argued as he took a swig from his water bottle.
“Doesn’t matter—I’m not the one with double cleaning duty.”
“You’re all getting extra chores if you don’t quit your damn whining and let me work in peace,” a dark, irritable voice called.
Law was seated a dozen feet away from the makeshift volleyball court on a wide beach blanket, Bepo snoozing softly behind him. As promised, he’d managed to doze for a short while in the sun, but it hadn’t done much for his mood. In fact, it seemed that with that small bit of rest, he’d become even more determined to work on his plan instead of relax like his body clearly needed. So, despite the protests of his crew, he’d attempted to return to his work inside the ship.
However, the maintenance had proven noisy enough to force him back outside, stacks of books and papers in hand, and he’d sullenly plopped onto the blanket beside his navigator, resolute to get some work done despite the universe’s clear attempts to stop him.
In Nami’s opinion, he looked absurd in his black and yellow swim trunks surrounded by notebooks full of messy scribblings and huge history books. He was like a nerdy brat who’d been forced on a family vacation but opted to petulantly do homework on the beach instead of have fun.
Sure, he was a hot nerdy brat, but she could also see the signs that his obsessive planning was taking its toll on his body. The definition of his muscles was starting to fade, and he looked thinner. Tan skin appeared dull even in the bright sun, and there wasn’t enough concealer in the world to cover up his eyebags now.
“Ok, this is ridiculous,” Nami grumbled with a scowl. She squeezed the volleyball between her hands, briefly imagining it was Law’s thick skull. “Even post-catnap he’s being a grumpy bastard.”
Ducking beneath the net to stand beside her, Penguin nodded in agreement. “Normally I’d say leave him alone and let him deal with it at his own pace, but this is different.”
“He told you what we’re going after?” she asked lowly, keeping her voice down to avoid disturbing the man in question or risk him eavesdropping.
“Yeah. That’s why I’m worried.” Penguin gave her a sidelong glance. “Amber Lead’s a touchy subject with him. Think this is bad? It was way worse when we sailed the North Blue.”
“What’s his deal with it?”
“It’s not my place to say. What’s important is that we get his mind off of it. All this brooding’s just going to make his insomnia worse, and it’s completely killing the party mood.”
“Any suggestions?”
“You could give him a lap dance.”
Before anyone could blink, Penguin was on the ground, a grapefruit-sized lump throbbing on his head. “Ow! I was kidding,” he moaned.
Nami cracked her knuckles. “Got any legit suggestions?” she growled, a murderous look in her eyes.
“Leave it to me,” Shachi chimed in, getting up from his towel. His gait was determined as he marched over to his captain. Standing directly in the man’s sunlight, he waited until Law glared up at him in annoyance.
“That’s an order.”
“Nothin’ doin’.”
“If you don’t move in the next five seconds, they’ll be using your head as the volleyball.”
“Go ahead—the rest of me will still be right here, blocking your light.”
Rubbing a hand over his frustrated face, Law half-growled, half-sighed, “What the fuck do you want?”
Shachi crossed his arms over his chest. “This is supposed to be a vacation, but you’re bringing down the whole mood. So, unless you want a mutiny on your hands, you’re gonna play the King Game with us.”
Gold eyes narrowed ominously. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Law, you’ve been a brooding pain in the ass for eight days. I get you’re dealing with a lot of shit, but if you expect us to just sit by and let you kill yourself with planning and sulking, well, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“I refuse to leave things to chance,” Law snapped, gesturing towards the large pile of notes and books before him. “The plan hinges on me memorizing all of this. I don’t have time for stupid games.”
“Dude, too much stress from studying can cause brain inflammation and result in memory loss or depression. So unless you take a break, you’re more likely to forget this stuff and your plan will be ruined.”
“Please, Captain?” Bepo chimed in from behind him, black eyes once more shimmering with beseeching tears. He’d awoken at the mention of the King Game; it was one of his favorites, and there was no way he was going to let Law miss out.
Another sigh, this one more resigned as the stubborn captain massaged his temples. The combination of scientific facts and Bepo’s puppy-dog eyes was especially effective in his weakened state. “How long do I have to play?”
Shachi grinned triumphantly. “No less than thirty minutes. Come on; it’s a relaxing, easy game. Heck, you might not even end up having to do anything.”
“If that’s the case, it’ll be an even bigger waste of time.”
“Law, when have you ever considered watching us act like idiots a waste of time?”
He couldn’t argue with that. “Do you promise to leave me in peace afterward?”
“Aye-aye, Captain,” he said with a mock salute. “Now, is your grumpy ass going to join us, or are we coming to you?”
“Fine, fine,” he growled, carefully marking his place in his books and laying Kikoku across the papers so they wouldn’t blow away in the wind. Bepo hefted him to his feet despite his grumbled protests, ushering him towards the group that had formed. Jean Bart, Uni, Jude, Ermine, and Seiuchi had come to join them, plopping down onto the sandy beach in hopes of cheering up their moody captain.
“Ok,” Shachi began, clapping his hands together eagerly, “does everyone know how to play this?”
“We all draw popsicle sticks. Each stick has a number except for one that has a crown. Whoever draws the crown is the ‘King’ and can order one or two numbers to do anything they want,” Jean Bart answered bluntly.
“Within reason,” Ikkaku interjected, pointing her finger at Jude and Seiuchi. “Nothing R-rated.”
“Surprised you guys are so tame,” Nami giggled, glancing around the circle.
“Things got a little out of hand once,” Uni said vaguely while everyone else mumbled in uncomfortable agreement. “A lot of rum was involved.”
“Say no more.” Nami could easily imagine, with a crew of mostly men, just how insane the game could get under the influence of alcohol.
The warm dusting of pink that broke out across Penguin’s cheeks confirmed her suspicions. “Anything goes so long as it’s PG-13 and doesn’t cause grievous bodily harm.”
“Whatever,” Law grumbled from his spot beside Bepo, still determined to remain sour and unpleasant throughout his prescribed dose of forced fun.
Rolling his eyes at their captain’s less-than-enthused reaction, Shachi held out his fist clutching the popsicle sticks. “The sooner you start playing, the sooner we’ll let you get back to your brooding, Boss.”
The answering glare was ignored by the crew in favor of drawing a number, with Ikkaku cheering loudly, “Oh yeah! Guess who’s the King!”
“But girls can’t be kings!” Shachi teased, quickly ducking the fist he knew would be coming.
“Buddy, you’re lucky I’m not royalty—otherwise I’d have you drawn and quartered for that crap,” she snapped, but there was no real venom in her tone. If Nami had to guess, this was a joking argument they had every time. “But as your temporary ruler, I decree that numbers eight and five should do a handstand contest. First to fall loses.”
“I’m eight,” Uni stated, getting to his feet.
“And I’m five,” said Jean Bart.
“This’ll be over quick,” Ermine whispered to Nami. “If he hadn’t gone into piracy, Uni would have been a great circus acrobat. Or maybe a ninja.”
Nami stared at the mysterious Heart Pirate, impressed. Perhaps she could ask him for a few tips—balance was vital when you were a burglar.
To everyone’s surprise, though, despite Jean Bart’s massive size, he kept his balance remarkably well even on the soft sand, managing to stay up for nearly a full two minutes until finally yielding.
“Saint Charlos would regularly make me perform for him,” he explained, tone nonchalant but the tension in his shoulders betraying his discomfort. “I was basically his circus monkey.”
“Crap, I’m sorry, Jean,” Ikkaku replied, looking guilty. Even though it had been completely unintentional, bringing up the former slave’s past was generally regarded as an unspoken taboo.
He lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug, though he wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. “It’s fine. At least this time I could stop when I wanted and didn’t get beaten after.”
Everyone in the circle winced. The Celestial Dragons really were a piece of work.
“Alright, next round,” Shachi changed the topic as he collected and shuffled the sticks, trying to keep the party mood from turning sour and to give Jean Bart the opportunity to step back out of the spotlight.
This time, Bepo had the luck of being King. “Uh, I order number three to scratch behind the King’s ears for a full minute,” he said shyly, tapping his claws together bashfully. “I mean, only if they want to.”
“Do I?” Nami called cheerfully, climbing to her feet and scurrying over to the cute bear. Immediately she buried her fingers in his thick fur, manicured nails scraping across Bepo’s sensitive skin in quick little flicks. The Mink immediately leaned into her touch, growling happily, and she swore she saw his foot twitch like a dog’s.
So cuuuute! Nami thought, working her hands even deeper into the white coat. And so soft! Almost as soft as Chopper! She allowed herself a brief daydream of cuddling up by a fire on a cold winter’s night, using Bepo as a pillow while Chopper lay against her legs in his reindeer form.
“That’s enough you two.” Law’s voice broke her out of her fantasy, and instinctively Nami glared at him. However, she didn’t miss the brief hint of a grin that tugged at his lips at the sight of his navigator so happy. “Bepo looks like he’s about to pass out.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Jealous?”
His face settled back in a scowl. “If I’m stuck playing this game, I’d rather not waste time watching my navigators fondle each other.”
Annoyed, Nami gave Bepo one more pointed scratch before returning to her spot. Darn. For a second, she’d thought Law might have started to relax a bit. Instead, he was stubbornly staying too grumpy to even flirt with her, and she’d lobbed him a softball!
The lots were pulled again, with Uni earning the King spot. “Number ten must sit in number one’s lap for the next three rounds.”
Ermine was the unlucky one, as Bepo gingerly lowered himself onto the cook’s lap.
“I’m putting you on a diet!” they groaned, voice muffled by the Mink’s thick fur as their legs sank deep into the sand under the added weight of a fully-grown polar bear.
“I’m sorry,” Bepo replied miserably, hanging his head.
“You’re not putting him on a diet,” Law snapped, glaring at his crushed subordinate. “Bepo’s a healthy weight for his size and species.”
Ermine didn’t dare argue. Not just because trying to do so with the ship’s doctor would be suicide, but because they didn’t have enough air in their lungs.
“Since Ermine’s a bit…indisposed at the moment, I think they should sit this one out,” Penguin stated as he collected the sticks.
“Agreed,” they wheezed.
Discarding one of the numbered sticks for later, the first mate held out his fist, prompting everyone to draw.
Nami was the lucky lady, and she gave a catlike grin as she considered her potential victims. Should she demand their wallets? No, they were wearing swimsuits, so they probably wouldn’t have them on them. Have someone kiss her feet? Whatever it was, it needed to be devious and hilarious if she wanted any chance at getting Law to enjoy himself. The man took sadistic pleasure in other peoples’ discomfort, after all.
The perfect idea came to her like a vision from God. No matter who her command was inflicted on, it would be funny, but if luck was on her side…
“Numbers two and three have to kiss each other on the lips for three seconds.”
Inwardly she cheered as, across from her, the first and second mate gaped down at their numbers in abject horror.
“You know, I used to like you,” Shachi groused while Penguin glared at her.
“Ha!” Ermine laughed weakly from under Bepo’s furry mass. “Looks like I got off easy.”
“Watch it, asshole, or I’ll take my sweet time and let you suffer!”
“Nami, please reconsider!” Penguin begged, shuddering at the mere thought of kissing his best friend. “We agreed to keep it PG-13, remember?”
The Straw Hat shrugged nonchalantly, which was heavily at odds with the evil grin etched on her face. “It’s just a peck—hardly anything scandalous.”
“A three-second peck is still three seconds too long!”
“Aww, don’t tell me you’re afraid of cooties!” Ikkaku jeered, which made Penguin blush in embarrassment.
“I’m not afraid of anything! I just have standards!” Shachi defended himself.
“Hey!” Penguin snapped, looking wholly offended. “Fucking excuse me, but standards? I’ve seen some of the women you’ve slept with, and I’m sure as hell prettier than your last one-night stand!”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean, creampuff?”
“It means you can’t attract good-looking women to save your life, barnacle-face!”
Nami rolled her eyes at the childish fight and was about ready to knock them both over the heads to put an end to the argument when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye.
For a second, it looked like Law’s mouth had twitched upwards. It could have been a trick of the light, or he was actually amused by his friends’ obvious discomfort just as she’d planned. Not willing to let the chance to get Law back in good spirits slip away, Nami pointedly cleared her throat to catch the duo’s attention.
Clasping her hands together and batting her eyelashes, she gave her best pout. “Please, boys? For me?”
“And me?” Ikkaku joined in, mimicking Nami’s flirtatious pose.
Weak against the machinations of such beautiful women, their resolve wavered and Nami, locking eyes with Penguin, jerked her head towards his captain and gave a subtle thumbs up. Penguin seemed to catch on to her meaning, as he gave a small, resigned nod before sighing and grabbing Shachi’s head to slam their mouths together for a quick, awkward kiss.
The moment his grip loosened, Shachi jerked away, spitting and sputtering with disgust. “Oh gods! My mouth! You’ve poisoned me!”
“Believe me, I didn’t like it any more than you did, dickhead,” Penguin grumbled as he furiously wiped his lips. Taking pity on the poor man, Ikkaku passed him his water bottle, though she didn’t bother to repress her snigger when he swished a large gulp of water around his mouth before spitting it out.
Meanwhile, Nami peered at Law, hoping his sour shell had finally cracked. But while he wasn’t glaring at them all like he was plotting how to brutally murder them and hide the evidence, his expression was still far from his normal carefree smirk.
“Good to see you’re both so secure in your masculinity,” he sneered.
“Give me a break, Law,” Shachi coughed, though there was a slight hint of red in his cheeks at being called out. “She might as well have asked me to kiss my brother. My gross, ugly-ass brother.”
“Love you too, man,” Penguin replied sarcastically as he collected the lots, pointedly ignoring the rest of the crew’s sniggering.
The next two rounds, though amusing, were fairly uneventful; Jude got his feet kissed by Jean Bart, much to the larger man’s obvious disdain, and Nami, upon becoming King again, demanded a shoulder massage, which Ikkaku was all too happy to give. The rest of the men certainly had no complaints about getting to watch the two beautiful women in sexy bathing suits pamper each other, so the round lasted nearly a full five minutes without even Law interjecting to hurry them up.
In fact, Nami could feel Law’s hot gaze upon her as she arched into Ikkaku’s touch. The engineer was surprisingly good with her hands and her skilled fingers even managed to coax out a few pleased sighs from the thief’s lips as she worked at a knot of tension in her shoulders. Through hooded eyes, Nami noticed the tip of Law’s pink tongue peek out to moisten his lips as he leaned forward, resting his chin on steepled fingers as he observed the motions of Ikkaku’s fingers as they kneaded her skin.
Nami had the feeling that he was taking notes for his own fiendish use. Her suspicions were confirmed when Ikkaku managed to press down on the sensitive junction of her neck and shoulder; Law’s golden eyes practically lit up when she let out a faint, involuntary sound of delight.
The attention they were getting didn’t escape Ikkaku’s notice, either. “God, you’re all animals,” she groused, rolling her eyes as she pulled away from Nami. Patting her friend on the head, she said, “I’ll finish the job back our cabin, Nami. Away from prying eyes.”
“Sounds good to me,” she teased back despite her mild flush. She justified the sense of satisfaction she felt to the fact that, despite the show being over, some of the tension in Law’s shoulders has eased as if he’d been the one getting the massage. He hadn’t quite reached to point of relaxation, but it was clear the game was successfully beginning to distract him from his obsessive planning.
A few more rounds passed before Penguin had the good luck of becoming King. He rubbed his chin in thought as he considered his order. “Number eight has to do an impression of number one.”
“Ooo, I got eight!” Ikkaku shouted, grinning widely. A gleam of pure mischief twinkled in her brown eyes. Across from her, Law sighed, raising the stick to show he was number one.
“Remember who signs your paychecks,” he grumbled, scowl once more settling across his face.
“‘Remember who signs your paychecks’,” she repeated, voice dropping a few octaves as she smirked. Getting up, she struck a few poses, dramatically holding out her hands like Law did when he used his powers. “Room. Shambles.”
The group chuckled and sniggered around them while Law continued to glare up at the engineer as if he was trying to set her ablaze with his mind. None of them felt particularly bad about cheering Ikkaku on; considering what she’d gone through on Grimm, she was probably the only one besides Nami who could get away with a less-than-flattering impersonation of the captain. In fact, Jude and Seiuchi decided to aid her impression by getting up and switching places in the circle, gasping in mock surprise at their new positions.
Emboldened by her fellow Heart Pirates’ approval, Ikkaku melodramatically recoiled from some imaginary horror, face twisting in disgust. “Ugh, is that bread?! So help me, I’ll switch your brain and your bowels if I find so much as a crumb on my plate!”
Nami stifled a cackle behind her palm as she noticed Law’s cheeks heat up just the slightest bit. “I do not sound like that,” he scoffed, arms folded tightly across his tattooed chest.
Ikkaku donned a serious expression, mimicking his posture and frowning down at Law as if in the midst of a stern lecture. Their eyes locked, and an unspoken challenge was declared. “Ikkaku, you can’t install lasers onto the sides of the ship because they’re not yellow! I committed to this obnoxious color scheme, and damn it, you’re not going to ruin it with your cool ideas!”
“I never said that.”
“Ikkaku, you’re the most brilliant, valuable member of my crew and I couldn’t bear to lose you.”
“I definitely never said that.”
“Ikkaku, you’re fired.”
“Now that I have said. Multiple times.”
Plopping down onto the sand and reclining against Bepo, she cheekily flipped her captain off. However, it seemed the ridiculousness of the situation finally broke Law, as his scowl dissolved as he chuckled and returned the gesture, admitting defeat.
Whether he was overtired or he legitimately found it funny, it didn’t matter; at last, the brooding captain was having a bit of fun.
Determined to keep his spirits up, the crew eagerly drew numbers again, each planning their own silly command. Seuichi had the honor of becoming King that round and rubbed his hands together eagerly. “Number nine has to wrestle number six.”
“In the name of every god ever dreamed up throughout history, I will make you fucking pay for this,” Jude snarled at him as Jean Bart proved that he’d drawn number nine.
“Hey, Jude, don’t be afraid,” the gunner countered with a smirk, twirling his thin mustache deviously. “I’m sure Jean Bart will go easy on you. I mean, it’s not like you had him kiss your feet recently, right?”
“Yeah,” the helmsman said menacingly, cracking his knuckles. “You’ve never done that.”
Jude stared at Law beseechingly, but the captain merely smirked and ordered, “You reap what you sow. Maybe this'll teach you to be a bit nicer to your shipmates.”
“This is gonna suck,” he muttered as he squared off against the much larger man.
It did. Jude didn’t even last ten seconds before he was put in a headlock and forced to tap out.
Next, Law drew the King stick, and that oh-so-familiar smirk finally adorned his face. “I order ten and five to worship me and declare how great I am.”
Nami gave a quiet sigh of relief that she hadn’t drawn either number. She wanted Law in a good mood, but a girl had her limits. Game or not, her literally worshiping him on her knees was the exact kind of thing he’d hold over her head for the rest of the year.
After Uni and Penguin finished extolling their captain’s virtues for a good three minutes, it was time for the next round.
“Woo, I’m the King!” Shachi cheered as he held up the stick adorned with the little crown drawing. Behind his sunglasses, he peered at the circle mischievously. Reaching into a nearby beach bag, he pulled out a small box. “Your illustrious ruler demands that number seven and number four play three rounds of the Pocky Game.”
Glancing down at her popsicle stick, Nami silently cursed her luck; the number seven was written at the top in bold, black marker. Brown eyes darted about the group, wondering who she’d have to play with until they landed on Law’s wide smirk. Silently, he turned his stick for all to see, showcasing the number four neatly printed at the top.
“Holy crap,” Shachi sniggered. He didn’t even need to see Nami’s number—her mortified expression said it all. “Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?”
Gleeful at the unexpected vengeance, Penguin eagerly leaned forward to hand her the box. “No need to be shy, number seven. It’s just the Pocky Game—hardly anything scandalous, right?”
The navigator glared at him before heaving out a sigh. “Right,” she grumbled, grabbing the strawberry pocky and shuffling over to sit across from Law. It was for the greater good, right? They were trying to keep the grumpy captain out of his sour bubble. It was no big deal; she could always break away before their mouths got anywhere near each other.
Smug grin widening, the captain leaned in as Nami slipped the creme-covered biscuit stick between her lips. “It’s ok if you chicken out after the first bite, Nami-ya,” he teased as he gently bit down on the other end, gold eyes bright with amusement.
Fire flashed in Nami’s eyes. She might not mind being a coward in most situations, but this time, her pride was on the line.
Her righteous courage abandoned her quickly, though. The moment she felt his hot breath tickle her nose she jerked away, blushing in embarrassment as she realized there was still a good two inches of pocky dangling from Law’s mouth.
“Ready for round two?” he asked, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he chewed on the crunchy treat.
“Only if you’re ready to eat what’s basically a breadstick,” she countered, hoping to gross him out so he’d back down.
Law didn’t fall for her ploy. “It’s closer to a cookie, really, and those I can stomach. Especially if the prize at the end is worth it,” he replied with a leer, deliberately running his tongue along his upper lip.
Why am I even freaking out about this? Nami wondered as she pulled out another stick of pocky. If we do end up kissing, who cares? It’s just a brush of lips. Completely innocent. No worse than Shachi and Penguin’s peck. More importantly, I can’t let him psyche me out—he wants that way more than a tiny, indirect kiss.
Determination returned, she carefully balanced the thin treat between her teeth, steeling herself as Law slowly leaned in to take the other end. This time, they managed to nearly bite their way to the middle. Unfortunately, a gentle breeze blew in, causing a loose strand of Nami’s sweetly scented hair to flutter against Law’s nose. His nostrils twitched at the delicate tickling, and this time he pulled away, turning his head in anticipation of a sneeze that never came.
“Shit,” he growled, annoyed at his ill luck.
A smug smirk curled Nami’s lips. “Now who’s the one chickening out?” she teased.
“I didn’t chicken out. Or would you rather I sneeze all over your pretty face?”
“Yeah, that was one hell of a sneeze,” she replied sarcastically. She didn’t know why she was provoking him—the man was far from shy about looking for an excuse to kiss her, and her cheek basically guaranteed that he wouldn’t let her off easy in the last round.
She refused to acknowledge the tiny voice in her ear whispering that she knew damn well why she was egging him on. That she got a primal thrill sassing such a dangerous man and coming out alive when so many others couldn’t. Taunting Law was like playing with a tiger; he could rip her to shreds if she grew too careless, but he’d wouldn’t sink his claws in so long as he enjoyed the chase.
Law stuck the final stick of pocky between his teeth, beckoning her forward with a “come hither” curl of his finger. In response, Nami rested her hands on his bare knees as she leaned in, bracing herself as she wrapped her lips around the other end. Their gazes locked, and in sync, they slowly started nibbling along the sweet, crunchy stick.
The seconds dragged by as, inch by inch, their faces drew closer. Nami tensed as she felt his exhalation warm her skin, while Law’s eyes suspiciously flicked towards her hair as if daring it to interfere again. However, neither pulled away, and he pounced on the opportunity presented to him; angling his head and closing the last centimeter between them to brush his lips across hers in a chaste but teasing fashion. When Nami didn’t immediately pull away, Law tested his luck further by lightly catching her plump bottom lip between his teeth before flicking the tip of his tongue to soothe it.
The action sent tingles down Nami’s spine and she finally broke away, cheeks red and breath quickening minutely. It had been barely more than a few seconds—the kiss she’d given him at the gala had been longer—but the tension between them had made it a tempting, sizzling experience.
“So,” Law drawled, watching the Cat Thief as she shuffled back to her spot like the hungry tiger he was, “who’s up for another round?”
The pair was so focused on each other they didn’t notice Shachi and Penguin subtly low-five while Bepo and Ikkaku shared a thumbs-up.
“Seriously? We leave you alone for a few minutes and you’re back at your plans?” Nami sighed as she plopped onto the towel next to Law, eyeing the messy papers in his hands disdainfully. The King Game had ended not long ago with everyone in good spirits. Even Nami, despite her lingering embarrassment from the kiss, had managed to enjoy the final round where Jude had to serenade the crew by singing “Dr. Heart Stealer.”
“The deal was that I would play for thirty minutes and then you all would leave me in peace,” he replied, not even looking up from his notes. He’d escaped back to his makeshift workstation the moment Bepo had inadvertently caused a commotion when, tempted by the smell of fresh fish, he’d absconded with the large sea bass Ermine was preparing to grill. The rest of the crew had chased after him; some in hopes of saving their dinner, others treating it as a new game.
That left no one but Nami to confront the workaholic captain, even though she would have been happier to keep her distance for a while longer. “That deal was solely between you and Shachi as you were non-specific regarding the plurality of ‘you’. You really must be tired if you missed an important detail like that.”
He scowled, realizing that she was right but refusing to admit it. Changing tactics, Law tilted his head slightly, smirking down at her with hooded eyes. “If you’re so concerned, I’ll take another break later if you make it worth my while. Perhaps with another round of the Pocky Game?” he purred.
She flushed slightly at his suggestion but refused to let him distract her, instead turning her attention to the books before them. “You have five seconds to finish whatever you’re doing before I toss those into the ocean.”
Annoyed, he glared at her defiance before reluctantly activating his Room, teleporting the books, papers, and Kikoku safely inside the submarine. There was too much of a risk that she’d make good on her threat and destroy his work, and he also wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop himself from cutting her to bits if she did. “That’s the last order you get to give me tonight, Nami-ya,” he grumbled. “I don’t take kindly to being bossed around.”
Rolling her eyes at his stubbornness, she leaned back on her hands, enjoying the sensation of the warm sun on her face. Honestly, he should be thanking her. Days like these were too perfect to waste studying, and the tide was coming in—his work would be ruined anyway if he didn’t get those books off the beach. “You really are such a control freak. Would it kill you to listen to the wisdom of those around you for once?”
“Are you saying you don’t get caught up in your cartography?” he challenged.
“Look, as someone who used to be forced to work nonstop without food or sleep for days on end, I fucking appreciate it when my nakama makes me take a break.”
Law grunted in reluctant acceptance, leaning his elbows on his knees as he stared out at the vibrant waves that slowly threatened to encroach his spot. “I do appreciate their concern, but they should also respect my authority as captain.”
“They do, Law,” Nami sighed, rubbing her temples, “but respect and blind obedience aren’t the same thing. You’re practically killing yourself working on those plans; are the guys supposed to just sit by and watch? And considering how…personal this all seems to be, they have even more right to be worried and tell you to take a step back.”
“Yes, it is personal—that’s why I can’t leave anything to chance. Atifakuto is known for its museums and art auctions. If I’m to blend in well enough to get my hands on that vase, I need to be well-versed on history and art throughout the four Blues.”
Ah. No wonder he’d been so intent on studying. “I get it; this is important to you, tons of preparation is needed, and a lot relies on you. But planning to the point of sleep deprivation is only going to increase your chances of messing up. You need to sleep, Law.”
“Contrary to what you might think, it’s not my work that’s been keeping me awake. I can’t sleep—insomnia’s a bitch like that. The body may crave it, but the mind has other ideas.”
“You managed to catch a nap earlier,” she argued weakly.
“Oh yes, because a brief doze in the sun makes up for nearly a week of nightmares.”
Brown eyes widened in surprise. Nightmares? Nami wondered. What kind of nightmares could the Surgeon of Death get?
Realizing he’d given her a nugget of personal information he hadn’t intended, Law’s entire expression closed off as he got to his feet. “I’m going for a walk.”
He turned towards the eastern side of the beach, the bold face of his back tattoo smiling mockingly at her as he activated his Room. “I’ll be back by sunset,” were the last words he said before he vanished, replaced by a broken, rusted metal bar.
Law wasn’t back by sunset, though the crew assured Nami that there was no reason to worry.
“Law loves to go on long, aimless walks,” Bepo said as he handed her some pineapple slices. He’d managed to eat the giant sea bass before the crew caught him, but they’d stumbled upon some ripe fruit in the process, along with a bed of oysters, so Ermine had reluctantly forgiven him. “They help clear his head when he’s got a lot on his mind or his insomnia gets bad. If we can’t get him to sleep, this is the next best thing. At least he’s not working.”
She hummed in reply, still mulling over what kind of nightmares a man like Law could be having. Were they related to Amber Lead, or was it something else? The man was a renowned sadist and didn’t seem to blink when it came to murder or torture, though admittedly the only people she’d seen him actually harm were utter scumbags.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Skua and Malamute, the engineers having at last come out of the ship. Their brows furrowed as they looked around at the small gathering, confused.
“Where is everyone?” Skua asked, taking a plate of steamed oysters.
“Probably still exploring the island,” Ermine said with a shrug.
“It’s not a big island; shouldn’t they be back by now?”
“You know Cousteau; maybe he found some pond full of weird fish or something and is making everyone document their behavior throughout the day.”
Malamute’s brow furrowed. “I’d believe that if it were just him in charge, but you’re forgetting Crozier’s with him. You know, the man who survived a forced march across an island literally made of ice and rocks? That guy doesn’t fuck around; if he says the crew will be back by sunset, they’ll be back by sunset.”
Penguin considered his words, rubbing his chin. “You’ve got a point. They might be in trouble.”
“Or they’re on their way back now,” Shachi said with a shrug, chowing down on some grilled fish Bepo hadn’t gotten to. “There aren’t even any predators on the island, and if anyone got injured, they would have called on Crozier’s mini Den Den Mushi.”
The bushes behind them rustled loudly, and Shachi jerked his head in their direction. “See? That’s probably them now. Or maybe it’s Law, and you can ask him to Scan the island for them.”
Before anyone could reply, a massive boar burst out of the jungle, squealing in fury as it barreled into the camp, knocking over tables, chairs, and umbrellas. Instinctively, Penguin grabbed a burning stick from the fire and waved the hot flame at the beast in hopes of scaring it away. However, its green eyes flashed in clear anger at the threat, and, sharp tusks gleaming in the red glow, it let out another loud squeal before charging at the first mate, showing none of the instinctive fear one would expect for the man’s primitive weapon.
Acting fast, Ikkaku tackled Penguin so the boar just missed them, the soft beach sand cushioning their impact. However, the beast didn’t stop, using its momentum to make a U-turn for another attempt on the group.
It didn’t get far, though, as Jean Bart managed to grab it mid-charge and pick it up as if it were no bigger than a corgi. As the boar squealed angrily, he chucked it up into the air, watching as it flew in a wide arch high above them before landing somewhere in the middle of the jungle.
“Where the fuck did that thing come from?” Ikkaku panted.
“The jungle, obviously,” Jude groused, helping her and Penguin to their feet.
“But boars aren’t native to the island,” Uni pointed out. “Last time we were here, only birds and turtles had managed to make this place their home. So either it washed up on shore in that shipwreck, or someone brought it here.”
Skua knelt down and studied one of the debris in the woodpile. “This looks like it could have been part of a crate. Or a cage.”
Nami remembered the metal bar Law had switched himself with. “My money’s on cages. Maybe that pirate ship was transporting animals.”
“Do you think there are more of them?” Shachi asked as he pulled a pistol out of his beach bag.
Uni peered into the shadowy trees. “Who knows? Maybe something even worse is lurking in the jungle, waiting to pick us off.”
“The last thing we need is you freaking everyone out with your ghost stories!” Ermine snapped, even as he grabbed a large carving knife to use as a machete.
Penguin frowned as the crew armed themselves with the knives and pistols they’d habitually brought along. “Ok, given the fact that we were literally just attacked by a wild animal, I say we should start looking for the others. If nothing else, if a boar was able to survive the shipwreck, then it’s possible something more dangerous did, too. There may even be human survivors.”
“Do we split up or stay together?” Jean Bart asked.
“Hmm, split up into smaller groups, but no one’s to wander the island alone. That way we all have someone watching our backs while still covering the optimal amount of ground. That work for everyone?”
“Aye-aye!” they shouted, pairing up as they headed into the dense foliage, lanterns and weapons in hand.
“I’ll catch up!” Nami called out to them, sprinting towards the small motorboats. There was no way she was going to go wandering around a jungle with so much skin exposed again; she learned her lesson after Little Garden. She also wanted to grab her Clima-Tact; Ikkaku had been modifying it that morning, so it was likely still in their quarters.
To her surprise, instead of following the others, Bepo stayed with her. “None of us should go wandering off alone, right?” he explained nervously. “And somebody should head back to the ship to call Crozier; at the very least, they need to know there’s potentially dangerous wildlife around.”
“Good thinking,” she said, climbing onto the boat and revving the engine. It only took them a few minutes to get to the submarine, but she could tell Bepo was fretting from the way he clicked his claws together. “They’ll be fine,” she assured as she scaled the side ladder onto the bottom deck.
“I hope so. Maybe they ran into Law?”
“If they did, we can kill two birds with one stone.”
Bepo sighed as they stepped into the comparatively cooler interior of the submarine. “I’ll go make the call; meet me on deck in a few minutes?”
“Sure; I shouldn’t take long.” True to her word, Nami dashed to her quarters and quickly pulled on a pair of jeans, boots, and a long-sleeved top. The fabric was stifling against her skin, but it was better than risking another Keschia bite. Her hand hesitated over her Clima-Tact and holster; Ikkaku had told her she’d managed to increase the power of a few things, but they hadn’t been properly tested yet. Should she risk it? Ikkaku was good with machines and gadgets, but she wasn’t Usopp.
Couldn’t turn out any worse than the first time, she decided, recalling her battle with Ms. Doublefinger. If she could secure a dark horse victory with a weapon she’d never even used before, she could certainly manage with a modified one.
Weapon securely strapped to her leg and delicate skin protected from any prehistoric bug bites, Nami determined she was ready. However, as she trotted down the hall, she hesitated in front of Law’s quarters.
Though her trust in Law had grown to the point where she didn’t think he’d be selling Vegapunk’s weapons research, she still wanted to take a look at Harpin’s ledgers. Wanted to finally unravel the mystery as to why Jinbei had set Arlong loose in the East Blue. She’d noticed some of the research had centered around cyborgs; Franky could use that. Then there was the stuff on Kuma and the Pacifistas—if they needed to fight him again, she’d much rather know what they were up against. There was intel on Blackbeard, too; considering how he was the reason Luffy’s brother was dead, she had no doubt her captain would end up fighting him. Any information she could give him could save his life!
She’d considered just asking Law if she could look at them. Surely he’d understand her reasons; be able to appreciate her desire to plan and be prepared. But the time was never right—he was either obsessively planning and thus rather ornery and volatile, or they were in the midst of some crisis and it would slip her mind. Besides that, she still wasn’t sure why he wanted them.
The information in those books is more valuable to me than everything in that mansion combined, he’d sneered during their fight. But what information was that? He’d burned the blackmail and Marine profiles. As far as she knew, he’d kept his word and not sold any of Vegapunk’s weapons research. Hell, he’d been more interested in his fertilizer formula, and that was as a favor to Nami.
If the research and blackmail weren’t what he wanted, why did he got to so much trouble to get those ledgers? What other information could possibly have been worth nearly getting himself and his crew killed?
By process of elimination, that left the book on the shichibukai, and with his control-freak tendencies and his violent reaction the last time they’d discussed it, she wasn’t sure he’d be willing to part with it.
She could borrow it, though. Grab it, hide it, make a copy, then find a way to return it without him noticing.
Unconsciously, her hand slowly raised to the cold steel door handle. This was the first time the ship had been completely empty. Everyone was preoccupied on the island. Surely she could take a few minutes to grab the ledger from Law’s room, right? Just a quick in-and-out. He didn’t need it at the moment—it had nothing to do with his plans. He wouldn’t even miss it.
Cautiously, she tried to open the door. Locked. She could easily pick it with her tools, though. She could pop back into her room, grab them, jimmy the lock, grab the ledger, pop back out…
She was wasting time. Bepo was waiting for her. What would she tell him if he saw her breaking into his captain’s room? Or worse, what if Law suddenly returned? He could teleport back to the ship without her even realizing, and she doubted he’d be happy to see her there, especially when his crew was in potential danger.
If Nami wanted to get that ledger, she’d need a much better plan than some spur-of-the-moment burglary attempt.
Making a mental note to start working on that once the current crisis was over, she sprinted back to the main deck to find a worried and dejected Bepo.
“They didn’t pick up.”
A thousand outlandish scenarios about what could have happened to them popped into Nami’s head, from cannibals to the island actually being a sentient being that had been slowly devouring the crew for sustenance.
God, she missed Usopp. At least when he was around, she had someone to blame when she got worked up like this.
“M-maybe we should stay on the ship. You know, in case they try to call us?” she said nervously, her old scaredy-cat tendencies bubbling to the surface.
“But what if no one finds Law? Even if the others return, we’ll all just have to head back out into the jungle to find him. It’s better to find him first, and you saw him last, right? You have the best idea where he might have gone.”
Slumping, she sighed. He was right, and unfortunately, Crozier and Cousteau’s team had gone West, so it was unlikely the search party had thought to go in Law’s direction. “I guess you’re right.”
By the time they arrived on the shore the rest of the crew was long gone, so Nami and Bepo headed East towards where she’d seen Law wander off.
“Even if there are wild beasts, they wouldn’t stand a chance against Law,” Bepo assured her confidently as they searched, keeping to the outskirts of the jungle. The tide had washed away Law’s footprints, but they were hoping to find some sort of clue or disturbance along to foliage to see if he’d ventured into the jungle. “I’m sure he’s already on his way back; we’ll find him in no time, and then he can use his powers to Scan the island and make sure there’s nothing else dangerous!”
Nami’s mouth twisted in disdain. She was beginning to understand why Law put so much pressure on himself; his powers, plans, and medical abilities were everyone’s go-to solution for any given problem. She wondered if Law’s control-freak tendencies were because of this, or if he’d always been that way and the Hearts had just learned to pick their battles.
Regardless, Bepo had a point this time—if Law used his powers, they’d know the situation with the island and where the crew was in one fell swoop.
Life was never that easy, though. Icy dread crawled down Nami’s back as she caught a flash of yellow near the edge of the jungle. Heart in her throat, she darted towards it, barely restraining a strangled sob when she realized it was the shredded remains of Law’s swim trunks.
Oh my God! Nami could feel sharp tears sting her eyes as she collapsed to her knees, cradling the tattered mesh in her hands. Up close, she could clearly see it had been torn apart by a razor-sharp blade or, more likely, claws and teeth. What could have done this? There’s no way it was a boar! Please don’t tell me he’s—
She jumped as a set of long, sharp claws filled her vision, only to realize it was Bepo reaching for the piece of cloth.
“There’s no blood,” he mumbled, studying it closely.
Hope filled her chest at those simple words. If there was no blood, there was a chance Law was perfectly fine! Probably buck-naked, but that was way better than dead!
Her happy bubble burst when a strange, husky sound reached her ears. Goosebumps rose up along her arms as she realized it was a growl of some kind.
She lifted her head slowly, only to find a pair of wild gold eyes peeking out from the darkness of the jungle. The beast moved closer, and Nami found herself mere feet away from a snarling snow leopard, its white fangs bared menacingly.
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
SVT Hip-Hop Unit Reaction to You Falling in Love W/ Them Even Though They’re Aliens
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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Author’s Note: Hey anon, thanks so much for requesting! And this is by no means too tame, I think it’s really cute and this was super fun to write! I love fluff and you can always feel free to request it. I really hope you like it. Since it’s only four members, I tried to give you a long one! 
Trigger Warning: none
Genre: fluff 
Word-Count: 5.7K+ 
You are on: Gaia, a dwarf planet 
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Seungcheol has a decent amount of brain cells and if it wasn’t for the fact that he almost died in the crash, he probably would have been off Earth pretty quickly and never would have even met you.
Unfortunately, when his ship crash-landed, he broke several bones and was in pretty critical condition.
On the night this happened, you happened to be walking your dog when there was a gigantic streak across the sky and a loud crash that shook the earth and made you think the world was ending for a split second. It all sounds very dramatic but it happened pretty quick actually.
For a second, neither you or your dog knew what had happened and you just stared at each other in stunned silence. Finally, you both recovered from the shock and, being the dumbasses you are, raced in the direction of the crash site.
When you got there, your jaw dropped upon seeing a gigantic vessel, obviously a spaceship, resting against a large tree, smoke emitting from the top. There was a deep gouge in the earth from where the ship had slid across the meadow upon collision. Despite how sleek and delicate the ship looked, there weren’t too many dents, but the smoke and various disturbing noises coming from it didn’t really sound so good, so you figured the inside didn’t really look as neat and undamaged.
So stunned from what you were seeing, your brain hadn’t even had time to process what was happening before your dog ran over the side of the ship, barking urgently.
“Hey, D/N, come back here!” you ran after them. “You don’t know what’s over . . . . there . . . oh no.”
The glass, that probably served as a windshield, was cracked, shattered almost completely and in the middle was a giant jagged hole where a man’s body had launched through.
The man was motionless, arms at odd angles and blood leaking rapidly from the cuts littering his body. But the blood...was...blue?
It was a pretty periwinkle color and it stunned for a moment before you remembered that the man was probably severely hurt. But also he was apparently an alien. What if he was dangerous?
Your dog continued barking at you, growling a bit as if to say What are you waiting for? Help him!
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” you hissed frantically to yourself, trying your best to haul the man out of the busted windshield without furthering his injuries.
He was quite heavy, a decent height frame lined with muscle and you yelped as you finally pulled him out and toppled over with the force of his weight leaning on you.
A blue cuff on his left wrist was beeping frantically and, not knowing what else to do, you pressed the blinking red button.
Immediately, several frantic voices flooded through the cuff (or maybe a communication device) and you balked at the sound of the alien language coming out of their mouths.
“Hello?” you tried and immediately the voices stopped.
“Hello? My name is Y/N, and I’ve got your friend. His ship crashed here and he’s hurt really bad. I-I don’t know what to do, do I take him to a doctor?”
There was a rustling noise and the murmuring of voices. You thought you caught the word “English” a few times, but their accent was thick and unlike anything you’d ever heard before, so you could easily be mistaken.
Finally, someone came on the phone, his English perfect and accent identical to yours, “Hi, Y/n. I’m Joshua. The man you have is Seungcheol. Can you describe his injuries for me, please?”
“Uh, he flew out of ship windshield, he has glass embedded in him, probably a few broken bones, losing a lot of blood, some deep cuts and gouges, and he’s unconscious.”
There was a large sound of relieved sighs before Joshua spoke again, “Ok, that’s good, that’s easy. All you have to do is push the yellow button on the communication device you’re speaking on.”
You wasted no time in following his directions and yelped when a blue net enveloped the man, clinging tight to his skin. The glass embedded inside him shot out and blue blood began clotting against the cuts.
“The external damage should heal quite quickly, but the internal damage will take some time. He needs lots of rest and not to be disturbed.”
“I-I can take him back to my house until someone comes and gets him.”
There was silence for a moment before a new voice spoke, accent a lot thicker but words still understandable. “It will be a few months before we can get him. Earth isn’t exactly close to us.”
“That’s fine,” you said with no hesitation.” I’ll take care of him.”
It took three weeks for Seungcheol to wake up. You supposed his internal damage was quite extensive, but considering the face that he never got any medical treatment, you found it quite impressive.
Seungcheol would be very grateful that you agreed to let him stay at your house until his brothers came to fetch him. He found the fact that you even stopped to help him and activated his communication device to be very kind-hearted and he treated you like a god/dess among men.
He would be at your beck and call, doing anything you asked of him in an attempt to repay you for saving his life and giving him a place to stay.
It would take a bit of coaxing for you to finally get him to relax and start treating like an equal instead of his boss or royalty from a foreign land.
He would open up slowly about his role as the caretaker of his twelve younger brothers and the antics they get up to.
Despite the looming threat of his departure, you couldn’t help falling for the kindness in his eyes and his thoughtfulness and selflessness. It was hard not to swoon at the gentle way he touched you and the strength with which he protected you.
Seungcheol was so kind and so grateful to you for saving him that it was incredibly difficult for you to tell if he actually had feelings for you or if he was just being nice.
But when a tall boy showed up on your doorstep, the same Joshua you spoke to months ago, and said they were ready to take Seungcheol back, you couldn’t help the tears from falling.
Joshua left to let you two have a moment in private.
Seungcheol was panicked and flabbergasted.
“Why are you crying?” he said, taking your face in his hands and wiping your tears away with his thumbs. The feeling of his warm hands cupping your face so softly, like you were the most precious thing on your planet or his, made you spill your feelings before you even realized what was happening.
“I’m in love with you, Cheol. I tried to ignore it because I know you have to go back, and I didn’t know if you felt the same, but I don’t want you to leave, I love you so much,” Seungcheol’s eyes were wide, jaw dropped as you collapsed onto his chest, crying into his t-shirt.
He never thought you’d feel the same. He didn’t think you’d want someone like him, someone with blue blood and a different home planet and twelve people who depend on him. But you do. You’re in love with him. And no matter the obstacle, he wasn’t planning on letting your feelings or his go to waste.
“I love you too,” he said, closing his arms around you.
“We’ll figure it out,” he resolved. “I don’t care what we have to do, as long as we stay together.”
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Wonwoo is not concerned about going back to his home planet.
Like, at all.
He lets his brothers know where he is so that they won’t have to worry, but that’s about it. He knows that they will eventually come to retrieve him, but until then, he figures he might as well enjoy this impromptu vacation away from their stupidity.
He seems to be more concerned with learning about Earth and studying the culture of your town where he landed.
You meet him at the coffee shop you frequent. You’re there to do your normal studying one evening and get in a quick caffeine fix when you see him walk in, arms filled with at least eighteen different library books on the most random topics.
You assume that he’s a college student, too. Maybe he’s studying for his thesis or whatever.
You’re really too preoccupied with the test you’re pretty sure you’re going to fail to care.
You get your drink and sit down at a table, cracking open a book and your notes to get started.
You have even begun to start concentrating when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
You look up to see cute library book boy standing over you, face expressionless, hands cupping various coins and dollar bills.
“Excuse me, how much of this is nine dollars and seventy-two cents?” he asks.
Your brows raise in bewilderment and you glance to the barista who seems to be equally confused, looking at you and shrugging.
But Wonwoo’s expression doesn’t waver, and you realize he’s dead serious. Figuring that he must be a foreigner that hasn’t yet grasped the currency exchange rate, you pick out the necessary currency and hand it to him.
“Thank you. That is what you say here, right?”
“Uh,” you blinked, “yeah.”
The man nodded and walked back to the counter.
You stared for a moment, trying to shake yourself out of the bizarre conversation and focus back onto your schoolwork.
You’re just about to succeed in doing that when you feel another tap on your shoulder.
Beginning to get annoyed now, you turn to see cute library book boy once again, but this time, he has a coffee in his hand and his eyes are focused on some of the homework problems you’d completed in a study session a couple of hours prior.
“Those are wrong,” he deadpans before pulling a seat next to you and correcting them.
 A part of you wanted to curse him out, but when you thought about it, it was actually a nice, helpful thing he was doing, even if he wasn’t really minding his business at all.
Wonwoo turns out to be a pretty good teacher. He seems to know everything about this complicated-ass college math you’re learning and he explains it all to you in a very clear, easy-to-understand way.
You cover twice the material in half the time, and you’re astounded by the time you both are done.
“Thank you so much!” you gush, looking back and forth between him and your much better notes in disbelief.
For the first time since you two have spoken, you see a hint of emotion on his face, his expression sheepish as he looks down into his nearly empty cup of coffee and nods, without saying anything.
“Are you a student too? You’ve taken this class before?”
Wonwoo stares at you for a moment before nodding.
“Yes,” he said, nodding. “I most certainly attend,” he takes a sly peek at the cover of your textbook, “advanced calculus.”
Wonwoo isn’t particularly hard to get used to. He doesn’t really say much, just follows you around and observes, while reading books at an admittedly alarming rate.
He claims that he reads so many strange and arbitrary things because he’s a foreign exchange student from South Korea who’s studying the culture of your country.
You have no reason to not believe him. Some of the things he's curious about or asks about are a bit strange. You’ve caught him giving completely commonplace things like the toilet or refrigerator very odd looks, opening the fridge doors and flushing the toilet as if trying to see what’ll happen or what the machine will do. You’ve seen him read the weirdest books, on the evolution and making of bees and their honey, and satellite dishes, and infrared waves.
He always comes up with good excuses though, and who in their right mind would really come to the conclusion that someone’s an alien, so you have no problem believing him.
Even when you get to know Wonwoo more, he’s still not a talker, but he does talk a little. He tells you of his family and a bit about his home. But he’s very reserves since he doesn’t know how you’ll react to him being an alien, and he can’t risk giving himself away.
He doesn’t want to lose your company, or worse, have you turn him in to the authorities.
But he does an excellent job of listening to what you have to say. He remembers every single thing you tell him, even down the small things like which incredibly minor character you hated in a show you both watched months ago. He always gives you the best advice and a shoulder to cry on and never judges you. He protects you in his own little tsundere way and you find yourself forgetting what it’s like not to have Wonwoo around.
It becomes a rare occurrence to see one of you without the other. You both feed off each other's strengths and energy, becoming a powerful whole when combined.
Being with him in as natural as breathing, so it becomes very easy to notice when he starts pulling away.
Wonwoo knows he only has a couple of weeks left here, that his brothers can’t be too far away. And he knows that he’ll probably never be able to see you again. He knows that he can’t give you a satisfactory explanation. Because if he really was in South Korea, at least you guys would be able to Skype and talk on the phone and visit each other every once in a while, maybe even exchange letters and emails or something.
But there couldn’t be any of that, and he wouldn’t be able to give you any explanation as to why. Just had to abandon you without a backward glance, ignoring the pain in your eyes, and that constricting feeling in his heart that appeared whenever he was away from you for too long.
He couldn’t bear to go through any of that, so he resolved that this way was better. Just gradually stop being around each other until, by the time he left, you wouldn’t even notice he was gone.
But Wonwoo greatly underestimated both your feelings for him and his importance in your daily life.
You couldn’t get coffee without thinking about him, couldn’t eat without thinking about him, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t read, couldn’t study, couldn’t attend lectures.
You missed your other half, you needed an explanation for why he was pulling away from you.
One night, you’d had enough.
Wonwoo rented a small house on the edge of town, kind of near the woods, and you wasted no time in driving there and bursting in with the key he gave you.
You couldn’t find him in the entire house and the entire thing looked very clean....like someone had moved out.
Your heart sank.
“Wonwoo! WONWOO!”
Panic raced through your veins as you took off into the nearby woods, startled birds fleeing their coops at the sound of your shrieks, but you were too preoccupied to care.
He couldn’t have left, not without saying goodbye, not without even mentioning it to you. He wouldn’t do that. Maybe he didn’t have romantic feelings for you like you did for him, but you knew he felt something for you, he couldn’t have gone back to Korea without saying anything.
“Y/N?” Wonwoo said, confused.
You skidded to a halt, taking a few cautious steps back, in befuddled awe at the giant spaceship you were looking at right now.
You’d run right in a clearing where a giant disk of unidentified metal, glowing a bright blue, sat. Twelve other boys were there, looking at you quite surprised and scared but Wonwoo was just confused and astonished.
“What are you doing here? How did you get out here?” he said, coming closer to you.
You just continued staring at the spaceship and stammering. “You, y-you, how....” You looked at him, realization finally dawning on him.
“You’re a—”
“You shouldn't be here,” Wonwoo interrupted, looking away as if he could bear to hear the word alien come out of your mouth. His shoulders were slumped and his eyes downcast, you’d never seen him look so defeated.
“I didn’t tell you goodbye for a reason, Y/N. I didn’t want to have to say goodbye to you or tell you what I am. I didn’t want you to think bad of me or turn me in.”
You frowned, the shock wearing off as you stepped closer to him, taking his hand in yours.
“I don’t think badly of you, Wonwoo. I don’t care what you are, it doesn’t change my feelings for you.”
Now it was Wonwoo’s turn to look shocked and confused. “What feelings, Y/N?” he said cautiously.
Instead of responding, you just stood closer and lightly touched your lips to his. The kiss was gentle, short, barely-even-there, but it still snatched the breath from your chest.
Wonwoo’s eyes were wide, his grin broad. It was the happiest you’d ever seen him.
“If it means I never have to see that again,” drawled an incredibly short, pale boy whose face looked like he’d rather be anywhere but here, “then Wonwoo can stay.”
“You’re the worst brother ever, Woozi,” Wonwoo said with no malice in his tone before kissing you again.
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Mingyu wasn’t quite as lucky as Vernon. He got a concussion in the crash and passed out, but he wasn’t in nearly as bad a shape as Seungcheol, so that’s lucky.
But what Mingyu makes up for in not being injured, he loses in the amount he panics. Mingyu is one of those people that starts freaking out and loses ALL of his damn common sense.
He ran around in circles screaming for fifteen whole minutes, scaring away all the small animals nearby.
Eventually, as he got a good look at the foreign planet around him, his hysteria mounted even higher and his idiot brain told him to run until he came to civilization.
That’s exactly what he did. Arms up and screaming like a Spongebob character, Mingyu ran all the way to your house.
When you opened the door, the last thing you expected was to see a six-foot-tall screaming man with lilac skin like a fucking alien Sim. Mingyu had completely forgotten that he had purple skin and was stranded on a planet full of humans who had never even discovered that aliens existed yet.
You shrieked, which made Mingyu scream even louder.
For a moment you just stood there shrieking at each other, waking your confused and angry neighbors up in the process.
Thankfully, your bran eventually realized the potential consequences of someone coming out to get their mail and seeing this purple man in your doorway and you pulled him in by his shirt-collar, slamming the door behind him, and immediately crossing to the window to look out and make sure that no one had seen.
No one appeared for a moment, but eventually, heads started to pop out of windows and front doors flew open as your neighbors looked for the source of the disturbance.
No one seemed to have seen the strange purple man on your doorstep.
The man who was still screaming.
It took six slaps for you to finally get Mingyu under control and he pouted intensely as he rubbed the red and slightly swollen left side of his face.
It didn’t take much for Mingyu to explain the situation and, after the fright he’d given you on your doorstep, it was easy for you to accept the circumstances as he contacted his brothers who told him that they would be there as soon as possible to pick him up.
Unlike Vernon, Mingyu actually made himself useful when staying at your house. He cooks and cleans and takes care of most of your housework while you’re at work or school. You may have to teach him how to work some of the things, like the microwave or the oven, but once you show him a couple of times, he’s got it. He makes use of the internet and learns the most common recipes for your culture and area and he’ll make sure to have hot meals ready for you when you leave and when you come home. He’ll also pack you a lunch and some pretty tasty snacks.
Mingyu is incredibly easy to talk to and you and he will spend hours of the night in conversation with each other. He listens to every single word you say and he loves how gentle and patient you are about explaining the way things work on earth.
He loves how hard-working and passionate you are and anything that annoys/saddens you, he will instantly hate.
You two don’t have an instant connection, it’s something that’s almost even more special, that slow melding of souls as you two get to know each other until eventually, you both know each other’s deepest darkest secrets.
Mingyu is the only one of the fours who will sit down and have a mature conversation with you when he sees that both of you are catching feelings for each other. He’s perceptive enough to see that you don’t give a fuck about him being an alien and that you’re falling for him just as hard as he is for you, so he doesn’t hesitate to talk to you about it.
"We need to talk,” Mingyu says by way of greeting the moment you get home from school/work.
Your brow furrows as you set your bag down.
Mingyu’s sitting at the dining table and your heart skips a beat when you see that in the seat across from him, a hot meal is already fixed and waiting for you.
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you sit down in front of him, too anxious to pick up the fork and dig in yet.
Mingyu twiddles his thumbs for a while before sighing, leveling you with a serious look that’s rare for him.
“I’m falling in love with you,” he says simply.
You stare at him for a few seconds before slowly nodding.
“Me too. I know you’ll have to leave soon, but I can’t help it. I love you a lot.”
Mingyu smiles, slyly sliding his large hand across the table, entwining his fingers with yours.
“I don’t have to leave. They can fix my ship so I can go back if I need to, but I don’t have to.”
“Then stay,” you breathe, looking into his eyes pleadingly, “Or I’ll stay with you. I don’t care what planet we stay on, as long as we stay with each other.”
Mingyu nodded. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
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Considering what just happened, Vernon isn’t nearly as worried about the situation as he should be.
His ship isn’t particularly banged up, its fixable with the technology his alien race has. The only issue is Vernon isn’t very tech-savvy, to say the least, so he has no hope of fixing it by himself. If he wants to make it back to his homeworld, he has to call one of his twelve brothers to come to get him.
But Vernon is pretty curious and fascinated by Earth and he also doesn’t want to get scolded by Joshua and Woozi, so he really isn’t in a hurry to call for help.
You’re in a nearby forest, trying to take some notes and pictures of local animals for your Biology class. Your earbuds are in and you’re focused intensely on your task so you don’t even notice the crash.
When you come upon Vernon, you’re pretty surprised to see him standing next to a gigantic glowing blue disk, made out of no metal you’ve ever seen before in your life. You figure it has to be a pretty strong metal to have left digs in the soil that deep but not really be damaged.
But the more surprising thing is Vernon standing there with an anxious but elated smile on his face, using a finger to stroke the snake that was wrapped around his neck.
Your eyes widened at the sight.
You didn’t really want to alarm cute mystery boy but that snake was one of the animals your teacher had told you about. It was extremely venomous and known for being very aggressive.
You didn’t understand why it was actually letting the boy touch him, even seeming to almost enjoy being pet, but you didn’t want the boy to die in case the snake suddenly decided to change its mind.
“Excuse me,” you piped up. “Uh, I don’t want to scare you or anything but that snake around your neck? Its venom is really lethal.”
The boy's eyes widened and for a second, you thought he was going to freak out.
“Really?” he said, looking at the snake before glancing back at you, his face breaking out into a broad grin. “Cool!”
It’s at that moment you’re convinced that he’s crazy.
Vernon refuses to take the snake off of his neck, and he also refuses to stop following you as you traipse around the forest looking for things to study and take pictures of for your assignment.
He absolutely would not stop talking, pointing at perfectly normal things and asking the most absurd questions while he bounced in place like a toddler.
“What’s that?”
“Why does it have so many colors?”
“How does it have babies if it can’t move?”
You’re highly annoyed at first, you’ve told him to shove off multiple times, but that seems to be the point in time at which he goes deaf.
But eventually, you start noticing that his questions are quite helpful to your assignment. You’re noticing things that you normally wouldn’t, and his questions are helpful like they would be if a friend was quizzing you from your notes for an upcoming test.
It’s only when you’re through with the assignment and heading out of the forest when you stop dead in your tracks, finally processing what you saw Vernon standing next to a couple hours ago.
“You’re an alien!”
He looks at you like you’re stupid.
“Uh. Yeah? You think I just normally going around asking about a planet’s common flora? I’m not an idiot, Y/N.”
You were under the impression that he was exactly that but you kept your mouth shut.
His behavior made a lot more sense, but you sighed as you came to a realization.
“You’re coming home with me, aren’t you?”
“Yup, pretty much.”
It takes a lot of adjustment to get used to Vernon being in your house. He has a device on his wrist, which you previously thought was a watch, that he actually uses to revert back and forth between his human disguise and his real form.
His real form is exactly the same, just a different skin color.
“People are a lot more interesting on your planet. Pretty browns and pinks. We’re just blue, green, and purple. Booooringgg.”
You just stared at him blank and wide-eyed, not sure whether tell him that those colors weren’t boring at all for skin colors or to just let your brain focus on the fact that you were looking at a blue boy right now.
His skin was a very pretty teal with lovely faded magenta hues in various parts of his skin. It was beautiful but extremely hard to get used to.
Vernon asked questions about every. Single. Thing.
He wanted to know what everything was, where it came for, how you got it, what it did, what would happen to it when you didn’t want it anymore, how to break things, how to put them back together and so much more.
And while this made him look very strange the first few weeks, his incessant need to know everything about everything meant that he acquired so much knowledge after a certain period of time that you’d think he was human.
His grasp on your language had been rudimentary when he arrived but now he was speaking like a native.
You found it hard not to have fun with Vernon.
He did things just because he felt like it, there normally wasn’t any rhyme, reason, or logic.
“Because it’ll be fun, that’s why! Come on, I don’t want to do it without you!”
Vernon was pretty extraverted. He was charming and funny and made a lot of friends very quickly, but no matter how many people he met, he always wanted to stick close to you.
After three months, Vernon was telling you about his brothers one night when you asked why they hadn’t tried to contact him.
A look of absolute horror dawned on his face.
“You forgot to tell them what happened, didn’t you?”
The minute Vernon used his wrist-thingy to get into contact with one of his brothers, he got a scolding the likes of which you’d never heard.
There were twelve voices yelling at him at once in a language that you couldn’t even begin to comprehend.
Even with the language barrier, you could tell that this was a scolding you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of, and you wanted to feel bad for Hansol, but really how could he forget to contact his brothers, who’d probably thought he was dead all this time.
Plus, his expression, wide-eyed, jaw-dropped, terrified, and hands shaking was too hilarious not to laugh at.
The moment you let out the sound, everyone stopped scolding him.
“You’re with a human?” one of them said, in English now.
Vernon, eager to get off the topic of his idiotic mistake, practically shoved the communication device in your face, yelling, “Yes! Yes, this is the person that found me, this is Y/N! Say hi, Y/n!”
“Hi,” you said, frantically trying to fend off Vernon’s flailing arm, “now get off me, you idiot!”
“I’m so sorry you’ve had to put up with him for so long,” the same boy said.
“Hey!” Vernon said indignantly and you laughed.
“Yeah, it’s been a challenge, but I enjoy his company for the most part, actually. Sorry about you probably thinking he was dead for three months, I honestly thought he at least had the brain cells to let you know he was alright.”
“People make mistakes!” Vernon tried to defend himself, clamming up when all twelve voices started screaming at him again.
You talked for a little while longer, readily agreeing when his oldest brother asked if you could keep him for a few more months until they could come and fix his ship.
“They don’t need to keep me, I’m a grown man!” Vernon yelled. “I go wherever I want!”
“Yeah, I’m fine keeping him,” you said, smoothly ignoring Hansol cursing in the background. “Have a safe trip.”
Nothing much would change between you and Vernon as you both waited for his brothers to come to pick him up, he'd still be the same curious, loud, funny annoying boy that he always was.
But if you’re very observant then you’ll notice that he’s a lot clingier, spending nearly every waking moment with you before they get here. He has no idea if you’ll want to hang out with him anymore after his hip gets fixed, has no idea if he’ll even be allowed to stay.
He wants to savor his time left with you while he can.
Meanwhile, you’re not far behind. You’re trying to grind your romantic feelings to a slow halt, but, if anything, the looming threat of Vernon’s departure only makes you fall for him more. You’re so busy spending time with him and trying to take note of his each and every physical and personality feature that you don't even notice that it’s only making you fall more and more in love with him.
One night, after Seungcheol just contacted Vernon to let him know they were a day away, you both sat on the sofa, trying to watch The Witcher that seems like it would be right up Vernon’s alley, it’s a good show, you guys should try it. There was a heavy silence settled over you both, very uncommon for when you were with Vernon.
Vernon’s eyes looked uncharacteristically wistful and you were trying your best not to cry. You had no idea if you’d ever see him again. This wasn’t his home planet, he had every right to want to leave.
You didn’t want him to go without revealing your feelings, but what if he wasn’t into it and it ruined what could very well be your last night together?
“Vernon, I have something to tell you before you go.”
Vernon flinched at the phrase and he nodded, not taking his eyes off the tv as he said, “What's on your mind, Y/n?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Vernon’s head snaps toward you and he gapes silently at the revelation. You don’t notice, too busy twiddling your fingers and looking away, too scared to see the rejection on his face.
You sighed heavily. “Damnit Hansol, I’m in love with you, okay? I can’t let you go without telling you that! When I’m with you, I feel like a little kid again! I can laugh and be myself with you and I can tell you everything that’s on my mind and when you smile at me, I feel like I’m gonna — like I’m gonna explode! I can’t —”
The rest of your rambling is cut off by Vernon crashing his lips onto yours. He’s inexperienced and the kiss is a little sloppy, but it’s comfortable and passionate, no awkwardness or boredom between you too as his arms close around you and your hand comes up to caress his cheek.
You really hoped he returned your feelings because there’s no way you’d get over that kiss if he left tomorrow and didn’t give a damn about you.
“I love you too,” Vernon rushed out, eyes twinkling as he looked at you and held you closer.
“I love you so much, Y/N. When they come tomorrow, I’m not leaving. They can fix my ship and I’ll go back home every once in a while, but I'm staying home with you.” 
Gaia, a dwarf planet 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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isnotys · 5 years
Cruel Summer  Pt1
Summary: After a stressful couple of months, the twins, Emma and you decide to take a well-deserved trip to a Caribbean island. However, it’s not all that peaceful because your more-than-obvious crush on Grayson is making you lose your marbles.
Warnings: none
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The twins, Emma and I were all meeting up at the terminal for our Caribbean summer trip. We were all going to Puerto Rico to spend a week away from all the LA stress. As I walked in, I saw Grayson’s tall figure standing above Emma and Ethan. His already tanned skin glowing as if he had descended from Olympus. As soon as he saw me he gave me his beautiful smile and wrapped me in a tight hug. We all hadn’t seen each other for a few days because of our crazy schedules and my book beingdue a couple of days prior. 
Those hazel-green eyes give me his undivided attention and I get this rush of feelings that make my cheeks red and makes me want to run away. I wish I’d know if he can tell that my heart is about to beat out of my chest and I don't even know what he’s saying anymore, I can't hear anything. 
“Are you ok?” Ethan asks grinning and Grayson stops talking, looking at me with caring eyes. His lips look irresistible and his eyes try to read my face as I just admire how his muscles look like they are about to pop out of his shirt.
“I’m good, just worried about the flight.” Which is true for the record, I’ve never even left the west coast before and Puerto Rico is kind of far. As I say this, I give them a convincing smile and go to finally say hi to Emma who has been editing a video this whole time. 
Grayson keeps asking me how everything has been going with the book and wants to know every detail of what I have been doing these last couple of days that we haven’t seen each other. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, and that dimple. His smile is his most beautiful feature. Yes, he’s built like Chris Hemsworth, but his sweet smile and childlike enthusiasm drive me crazy. This man is everything I have ever hoped for. My heart aches at the thought of ever losing him and the touch of his hand sends me into a frenzy. But we’re just friends, I am not supposed to feel this way, and I most certainly don't want to ruin what we have. 
He notices I’m staring at him in a weird trance, I guess he’s not that clueless. I’m sure he’s gonna say something about it, but then he puts his arm around me and asks while pointing at the window, “Pretty nice sunset, huh?”
I simile and nod, letting myself get closer to him and he tightens his grip around me. I don’t know what cologne he wears, but he just smells manly. Good enough to make just about anyone melt. 
The trip to get to the island goes by pretty fast because Grayson and I kept talking about the randomest things, with an occasional bickering with Ethan because of the differences in our opinions. Ethan and I are ridiculously similar and extremely stubborn. We get along great, but we do butt heads a lot. However,  Grayson leaves me quite impressed, he’s so much smarter than he lets people know and I like that side of him a lot. 
We get to the hotel almost an hour later after landing because traffic is crazy and Ethan suggests that we go to the beach right away. So we all get changed and go to the beach, the boys go surfing and Emma and I stay in the seating area on the sand. 
She looks at me weird and says, “you’ve been keeping your distance lately, why?”
“You know why Ems, I can't help how I feel and I have never been known to be one to be able to conceal my feelings very well,” I say not even daring to look at her. She can read me better than anyone, she knows things before they even hit my atmosphere. 
“Listen, I know you’ve gotten your heart broken by friendships in the past. However, we’re not like those people. We’re here for you, for reals and I’m so glad you did decide to come on this trip with us. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s happy you actually showed up,” she says giving me her quirky signature smile and a wink. 
My face is burning and it’s definitely not from the sun. “I’m sure he’s just glad I’m here to bring the entertainment, I’m pretty funny you know. Plus, being the third wheel is no fun.”
She glares at me, in a judgmental way, but then laughs a little.
That unmistakable voice. The way he says my name makes me want to just die. In the best way possible of course. 
He gets closer to me and I see that his floppy hair is all wet and his clean-shaven face is all red from the sun. He’s soaked, but he’s smiling and jumping up and down.
“Look what I found, y/n! It’s a pearl! Here it is for you,” 
“Oh, why thank you, Peeta,” I say giggling like a schoolgirl, I’m so embarrassing.
He stares at me in confusion, tilting his head a little, I forget he doesn’t always get my references.
“I’m sorry, I forget you don’t like books. I like it, Grayson. Thank you!” My heart is about to fall out of my mouth and I am the color of the crabs that are sitting on the rocks. Fitting, to be honest, I am a cancer after all. 
“That was a movie,” Ethan says in his know-it-all voice, clearly done with all of this nonsense.
“There were three books and four movies, Ethan,” Emma corrects him while wiping the water from his face with a towel. 
Grayson shrugs, kisses my cheek and says, “You’re welcome. We should all get some dinner now, I’m starving.”
I just nod my burning face away and collect all of my stuff. 
At dinner, our saltwater soaked bodies are bathed by the summer island breeze. The sunset looks out of this world, the orange changes to purple, then pink. It’s the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. It’s really nice here and I am trying to calm down and take it all in. But Grayson is the only one not wearing a shirt, keeping up with his d-bag rep. His muscles are already tan and his abs look so good you would think they’re fake. 
Out of nowhere, Grayson says, “Put on your bathing suit cover.”
I stare at him as if I don't even understand the language he is currently speaking.
“The guy behind me is looking at you in the grossest way possible and I don't want to cause a scene by punching him in the face,” he says clenching his jaw. He looks angry. 
I look over to the guy and he smiles at me, giving me a flirty wink. He does not look bad at all, he’s quite handsome actually. Grayson notices that I am staring at this guy for too long so he then puts his shirt on me and puts his arm around my shoulder.
His face is red with anger and I understand, he’s just being a protective friend, you never know what people’s intentions are. Especially when it comes to men. So I just sit there while Emma smiles quietly to herself and Ethan rolls his eyes so far back into his skull, they might get stuck that way. 
After dinner and taking a shower, we all gather in one room. We were supposed to go out and walk around to enjoy the nightlife, but, although we are all adults, we don’t really enjoy that kind of scene.
Quite frankly, my mind is still reeling from all that has happened since we got here. So after a little while of talking to everyone, I leave to go to my room and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
When I wake up, I decide to just go walk the deserted beach by myself so I could clear my mind. It’s so early the sun it's coming out just now. As I watch the dark sky turn to a pink-orange, I can’t help but to feel blue. It’s crazy because here I am looking at the most beautiful sunrise, the kind that makes you question just about everything you have done up until this point of your life, and I should feel peaceful. Maybe that’s the problem. 
Whatever doesn’t kill me makes me want him more, and because of my tumultuous past experiences with love and friendships, there is nothing else for me to expect but getting hurt and watch all of my closest relationships go up in flames. 
My head is spinning and I am going down a spiral when I feel something touch my arm. I jump at the feeling of someone touching me and fall in the water. Just another prime example of how smooth I am. 
“Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable?” Grayson asks helping me up and drying me with his towel. 
“No, you just scared me.”
“Yeah, that I know, but I meant before. You’ve seemed kind of off this entire trip.” He looks concerned and looks at me as if to say, you can trust me, it’ll be ok. “We are friends after all, you know? You can tell me anything,” he says in the most reassuring way possible. I want to drown in this vast ocean and never come up again. 
“Oh, no,” I try to act surprised, as if nothing could ever be wrong, I’m clearly not that good at it. “I’m fine,” that’s so not true, it’s laughable really.
He doesn’t seem to believe half of my bs, but something stops him from questioning any further. I just look at him and smile, that is the one genuine thing I do in his presence. Words fail me and I am too clumsy to ever be a proper human around him, but just looking at him, his eyes, his smile, his body, all of him, makes this sunrise look like Tana Mongeau leaving day three of Coachella.
He gives me a genuine smile back and says, “Let’s disappear for the day.”
“What? Why?”
“Let’s explore the island together. Plus, it's not like Ethan and Emma won’t enjoy being alone for a day.”
I don’t even know what to think of this, I am paralyzed there as he keeps staring at me, excitedly waiting for an answer.
“Ok, let’s go, now!” I say grabbing his hand.
To be continued…
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Will Byers: The Great Debate
I know I still have some requested analyses to do, but I’m in a rotten mood, and I need to vent.
This whole debate on Will and whether he is gay has me infuriated. Yeah, I know I’m heavily biased due to my identification with the character, but I’m still pissed. The assumption that Will isn’t gay until they explicit state it is solely based on heteronormativity. In pop culture, people are simply assumed straight until proven otherwise. It’s the reason why they were able to hoodwink everyone with Robin in the first place. With just a mention of her saying she was obsessed with Steve in high school, everyone assumed the two of them would be a thing by the end of the season. That was a totally acceptable assumption to make. Thinking Will is gay? No, they need to tell us that.
There are reasons to think Will is gay, and certainly more than the casual fan probably realizes. I will go over them here, not that I need to lecture anyone who actually reads this on the topic.
1) Will is stated as having sexual identity issues in the original character summary.
Let’s just get this one out of the way. Yeah, it’s not known to the average viewer, but it’s still valid. Sure, they could have since deviated from the original plan, and by itself it may mean nothing, but it’s supporting evidence.
2) Will is bullied for being gay.
This is another one that doesn’t mean anything by itself. Will is bullied for being gay by both his father and the local bully. They could have used any number of similar characteristics, but they went with gay. Will is small, sweet, and honest, so there’s possibilities like mama’s boy, sissy, etc that could have gotten a similar point across without bringing in sexuality. It’s not just a passing mention. It comes up when Joyce talks to Hopper, and he even asks if it’s true. Troy is an absolute monster as he twists the knife in Mike’s wound. Troy bullies the other three for cruel, but accurate, reasons. He mocks Lucas’ race, Dustin’s lack of teeth, and Mike’s face (Mike kinda got off easy if you ask me). Now Troy may or may not be correct, but he probably thinks he is. He digs into each character’s deepest insecurities. He exists to tell us this information. If Will’s sexuality is unimportant, then why have Troy bully him the same way Will’s own father did? Troy simply could have made fun of him for being poor.
3) Will is especially close to Mike
This is made clear in every season. Yeah, they’re best friends, but Will and Mike are depicted as special. From the very start, Will can’t bring himself to lie to Mike. Yeah, I know, you can excuse the whole “It was a 7.” thing as just him foreshadowing his ordeal, but why set it up with Lucas telling him it’s ok as long as Mike doesn’t know? Mike is similarly shown as close to Will, with him being the most concerned. Dustin and Lucas are clearly worried too, and upset when the body is found, but Mike is shown taking it the hardest. They’re telling us the two of them share something special. Season 2 doubles down on this  hard. Mike is the only one Will trusts with what’s happening to him. Mike is the only one he is shown remembering other than is mother. Mike is ultimately the one who breaks through to him. 
4) Will is extremely jealous when Mike and El get together.
I don’t know why this one is hard for people to see. Maybe they’re just not looking for it. Yeah, some of it is just some good, subtle acting. Will is upset every single time Mike is shown showing affection for El. It technically starts in the Season 2 script with Will’s eyes being on Mike as they were all dancing. I know I’ve seen a clip of Will glancing over and looking upset, but I don’t remember that from the actual release. Was that a deleted scene? If so, its removal is conspicuous, especially with that released script. The jealousy is still apparent throughout Season 3. The sad looks on Will’s face whenever Mike and El are together, when Mike says he loves her. The anger he shows towards Mike, and only Mike, despite Dustin and Lucas similarly being focused on girls. I know I’ve seen people say he smiles when El dumps Mike. I honestly can’t tell, but he does look away, suggesting he doesn’t want his reaction to be noticed.
5) Mike is able to evoke emotion in Will
For the most part, Will is a quiet kid. He’s soft-spoken and has an innocence about him. He has a little frustration in Season 2, due to people treating him differently (though he leaves Mike out of his accusations), but he’s generally a go with the flow guy. Mike has the power to calm Will, to cheer him up, and make him cry both good and bad tears. Even in Season 3, his D&D annoyance is a slow build. It’s ultimately Mike’s rejection that sets him off. It’s specifically the fact that he feels he’s losing Mike. They were building that frustration alongside the D&D the entire season to that point. Is it really that much of a stretch for D&D to be a metaphor here? He jabs Mike over El when Mike tries to apologize, accusing him of throwing everything away over a “stupid girl.” Now, this “stupid girl” is supposed to be a friend of his, one who has helped save him twice. Will looks around Castle Byers at a D&D book and a drawing of Will the Wise. Both are accompanied by flashbacks beginning with Mike’s voice. He tears up the photo from Halloween, the night of the Crazy Together moment, right down the middle where Mike and Will are depicted. Will ends up destroying Castle Byers, berating himself the entire time, before collapsing in anguish. Yeah, it can be open to interpretation, but it’s not hard to see that Will could be calling himself stupid for thinking he and Mike shared something special now that El is in the picture. I’d like the people who think Will just isn’t ready to grow up to explain to me why that scene felt more like a breakup than a friend fight.
6) Will seems relatively trauma-free
Now, this is actually an issue I have with the show, as Will, along with pretty much the entire cast, should be amazingly traumatized. I bring it up only to counter the idea that Will has lost a portion of his childhood to the Upside Down, and so he’s not ready to grow up. Will has lost about two weeks of his childhood. He showed some issues in Season 2 before getting possessed, but he’s also shown enjoying his childhood as well. Just because we rejoin his life when bad stuff returns to Hawkins it doesn’t mean he had no life in the interim. He didn’t spend every day since getting rescued from the Upside Down in a hospital or deprived of his friends. There’s honestly no reason why Eleven would be more ready for adolescence than Will. If anything, Will should be associating his trauma with D&D and avoiding it like the plague. It should be causing him post-traumatic stress. He should want to get as far away from reminders of what happened as possible. A game with mindflayers and demogorgons isn’t something he should want. He has a reason for wanting D&D, and it’s not that he’s still a kid inside, because he still had other interests before Season 3, like comics, drawing, and the arcade.
7) Will not liking girls doesn’t just mean he doesn’t like them yet
This is the other counter argument I’ve noticed: that Will just hasn’t matured to liking girls yet. While it’s not unbelievable for a boy his age to not start sexually maturing, there’s really no indication of this. He isn’t just uncomfortable dancing with the girl in Season 2, he flat out doesn’t want to do it. He also has no problem with Max joining them for Halloween, stating that Dustin and Lucas were excited about it so he ok’d it. He understands boys liking girls. He shows no real hostility towards Dustin or Lucas for it. When he tells Joyce he’s never going to fall in love, it doesn’t sound like a kid who finds the idea of dating gross. He sounds sad as he says it. When Mike says it’s not his fault Will doesn’t like girls, Will is stunned into silence. Now Mike doesn’t know if Will is gay, and Will may not really know either, but it cuts deep.
In conclusion
By no means is my interpretation definitely correct. I could be absolutely wrong. But why is my interpretation seen as ridiculous? My theory isn’t perfect, but I have evidence. I have rebuttals to alternate interpretations. If we’re not meant to think Will is gay, why does it seem like they keep giving us reasons to? If it’s not important, people from the show could easily just say so. Noah and Finn end up having to awkwardly respond to questions they may not even have the answers to. 
It’d be very strange if the Duffers and their team somehow painted themselves into a corner by accident. It’s possible, sure, but I don’t see how it could keep happening. Finn had said they had other takes of “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!” including one that added “yet”, but stated that they ultimately went with the one in question. Well, I mean, they chose to go with that one. I don’t know why, but neither do the people saying Will is just immature. We speculate, and if I speculate that they went with that one because that’s the storyline they’re going for and are trying to keep it under wraps, then I should be allowed to do so without being scoffed at. I may be biased because of my bisexuality, but they’re also biased because of their heteronormativity. 
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 86 - A Jedi’s Doubt
hey sorry for the break I've been having a rough week but the next 5 chaps are gonna be doozys :D
Gacen tries to convince Sumalee to help him and Risha
Sumalee led Gacen to the mountain wall where she pulled up a datapad “so um Sums where are we going” Sumalee messed with the datapad and the rock shifted into an entrance
She rolled her eyes “I thought I’d protect my home with a hologram to stop people like you barging in” she walked into a large chamber full of what Gacen could only describe as Jedi Shit “and don’t call me Sums” she glared at him causing him to shudder
Risha laughed through the comms “yeah she hates that nice job remembering it” Gacen chuckled Risha had come up with it before they’d even met but he’d co-opted it
Gacen smiled as he started to look at a stack of weird looking relics “says you Rish” he teased as Sumalee made herself comfortable
Risha just tutted “touché” Gacen picked up one of the relics and the others toppled across the table as he fumbled trying to keep them stable
He swiveled round to Sumalee who looked less and impressed and smiled awkwardly “if you’re quite done messing up my home tell me why you’re here” Gacen put the relic back down and walked over awkwardly
Gacen stammered “well you see I came here to ask for your help with something” Sumalee raised her eyebrow at him “Risha needs your help but I can’t explain why too much incase there are spies around” Sumalee frowned but nodded understanding her concern
She considered it for a long second “I see I suppose if she’s exercising discretion I can understand why, this isn’t some scheme of yours is it” Gacen thought about it
He held his neck “I mean technically it’s a scheme but like on a grand scale” he could hear Risha sighing at him through the comms “it’s a good cause though i promise you that I can tell you more about it on the ship” Sumalee nodded standing up and collecting a few things
She was silent for a couple minutes walking around her home before she came back with a backpack “alright let’s go” Gacen’s eyes widened that was a lot easier than expected
He stammered “wait that’s all it took I was expecting more push back” Sumalee frowned at him as she used the force to pack a few things quickly into her backpack
Sumalee shrugged “you said Risha needed my help, I’d only not help if it was your plan but your inability to explain it means this is her idea so I’m in” Gacen didn’t know wether to be insulted or flattered
Risha seemed pleased “nice one Sumalee I knew I could count on you” Gacen smiled as Sumalee finished packing
He led her back outside “alright well we’re grateful for your help Sumalee” he looked to see M4-SK waiting for them “oh and this is our protocol droid M4-SK he’s kinda eccentric” Sumalee nodded at him and ignored his greeting
She sighed “everything is with you two I’m hardly surprised” Gacen feigned surprise as he was common to do
He shook his head “how dare you we are high class not eccentric” Sumalee gave him a long silent look “ok fine but we’re noble criminals you know that” Sumalee conceded as they made their trek back down the mountain. A little ways down Gacen got curious “so uh why did you come to this place I thought you were pretty popular in the Jedi order” Sumalee looked off pensively 
She sighed “after the Eternal Empire attacked I like many Jedi became disillusioned with the Jedi in their current form, through this path we’d lost so many, The Hero of Tython and the Barsen'thor missing, Master Yuon, Bakarn and now the Grand Master had disappeared clearly something was wrong with the cycle of endless war between the republic and the empire it had left us open to a greater threat, I decided that for the Jedi to survive we would need to look more critically at ourselves” Gacen nodded trying to look intellectual and understand but really taking in very little
Sumalee looked around her “I came here to Wayland as it’s a Nexus of force energy” Gacen was totally lost “more specifically a mix of light and dark energy, the Barsen’thor had advocated for not cutting off our emotions and the longer I’ve been here the more I’m inclined to agree” Gacen blinked why had he asked this
Risha laughed “I could’ve told her that years ago” Gacen smiled he had a feeling she had a few times
Sumalee continued “I’ve never been the most traditional Jedi and that may be what we need right now, with the emergence of the Alliance and it’s cooperation between Jedi and Sith it seems like the cycle may be able to be broken but only with the right people” Gacen did understand that the republic and sith would never stop fighting it’s why him and Risha had been able to profit of it so much
Gacen nodded “yes I suppose so war is a thing that people do” he immediately regretted saying that there was no wisdom there and Sumalee had a confused look on her face as they arrived outside his ship. He quickly changed the subject “well! Here we are, my ship come aboard and we can discuss the plan” Sumalee nodded following him as he set up the holo to broadcast Risha, He sent M4-Sk to the cockpit to begin piloting the ship back to Gabredor III.
Sumalee folded her arms “so what exactly do you two want this time” Gacen turned on the holo as Risha appeared and Sumalee’s rough exterior immediately softened
Risha had a huge grin on her face “hey Sumalee long time don’t tell me you’ve gone straight edge” Sumalee rolled her eyes but was clearly grinning sincerely
She shook her head “never, but regardless it’s good to see you again Risha” Gacen smiled “so why did you send your boyfriend instead of yourself” Gacen frowned he was more than that
Risha folded her arms “first of all he’s my husband not my boyfriend Sums” Gacen nodded backing her up
Sumalee nodded sarcastically “right of course silly me I guess I just forgot” Gacen pouted she clearly hadn’t changed that much
Risha just rolled her eyes “I sent him because if I show my face it can cause collateral damage on Dubrillion” Sumalee face crossed with understanding as she nodded
Sumalee smiled “of course you’re going after Dubrillion I should’ve known you’d take your responsibility eventually” Risha nodded clearly not appreciating the slight condescending tone
Risha continued “yes well unfortunately King Actavarus has only gotten more paranoid and dangerous and as a result we’ll have to be very careful about our approach” Sumalee seemed to understand as Risha explained
Sumalee smiled “and you need a figurehead that wouldn’t be too irregular to form a movement against Dubrillion and it’s corrupt government” Risha nodded clearly glad to tell someone her plan
She raised her eyebrow “well yes that’s part of it but also I believe you’re a rather competent advisor and familiar with war, after all ‘war is a thing people do’” she teased at Gacen
Gacen scrunched up his face “hey I’m sorry ok I’m not so good at the wise comments” they both smiled at him as he pouted
Risha continued “either way I need someone who can contact those on my side of the cause without arousing suspicion of my involvement” Sumalee nodded starting to understand
She frowned “but what if they find out that we’re friends that’s not exactly a secret” Gacen gritted his teeth knowing what was coming next
Risha shook her head “no problem I’ve erased any record of our involvement from the holonet” Sumalee looked surprised and almost angry
Gacen thought it would be best to intervene “don’t worry Sumalee she did it to everyone even me” that seemed to calm her down a bit 
Risha sighed “yes and genius here spilled his involvement to the Dubrillion forces so he can’t be it, he’ll handle relations with other people and hopefully later direct missions” Gacen shrunk down a bit to be fair at the time he hadn’t known the specifics and may have been drugged
Sumalee took this all in and smiled “this all sounds rather agreeable I certainly would like to help free a planet it would be good to fight for the right side again” Risha smiled clearly pleased with the outcome
Risha grinned “perfect we’ll discuss the next steps when you get back I’m excited to see you” she shut off the holo and spoke into Gacen’s ear “that went pretty well thanks for softening the blow of removing all our interactions” Gacen nodded he understood why she had to
Sumalee looked around the ship “I swore I’d never set foot on this tin can” Gacen gasped for real this time this ship was a masterpiece
Gacen pouted “hey this ship has plenty of class and I’ve cultivated a good atmosphere” Sumalee rolled her eyes clearly not agreeing
She grinned “is that why it smells like Bantha cheese” Gacen didn’t even know how to respond to that his mouth agape for a good few seconds 
Gacen glared at her “take that back this ship has been my baby for 15 or so years” Sumalee just smirked walking off to make herself at home she was gonna be helpful but almost definitely problematic…
Soon they’d returned to Gabredor and Risha came out to meet them instantly wrapping Sumalee into a hug “it’s good to see you and free of those Jedi know-it-alls we’re gonna have so much fun together” Sumalee smiled awkwardly not sure what was happening
Gacen laughed “yeah 5 years with no one but Guss and the droid for company has made her more affectionate it’s wild” Sumalee nodded at least this they could agree on
Risha rolled her eyes “speaking of” she pulled Gacen in for a long kiss which admittedly he had missed even if it had only been a few days
Sumalee frowned “should I go inside and wait” Gacen nodded and she awkwardly walked inside as they continued
A couple minutes later they made their way in where they found Sumalee rearranging the furniture to make it neater “ah there you are, are your libidos sorted out I assume we have a lot to discuss” Risha nodded leading them to the war room
She chuckled “yes we should be fine it’s like he said 5 years apart has made us a little more grateful for what we have” Sumalee sighed clearly not understanding
She looked Gacen up and down “I can’t imagine why” Gacen shook his head he should’ve expected the sass but still
Risha brushed it off “ok so next steps is finding someone to support us, I may have some wealth of my own but I’d rather get an army and experienced operatives we can trust. Last time Ash and I suggested the Alliance as the most trustworthy if volatile option” she turned to Sumalee “do you have any thoughts on that?” Sumalee looked at each of the options for a second
She nodded “I was honestly going to suggest the same I have become a bit disillusioned with the Jedi but much more in the Republic after Saresh��s term as Chancellor, and my thoughts on the empire I believe are obvious” Gacen smiled he didn’t know much of politics but was glad all three of them had suggested the Alliance
Gacen frowned “so we should send someone over there right, I guess Sumalee could go and convince them to help” Risha seemed to brush that idea off to his and Sumalee’s surprise
She shook her head “actually I think it will be best if you go Gacen” Gacen was surprised he was no diplomat “you’re most likely to be speaking to Lana Beniko who I believe you’ve met before but more importantly is a sith” she looks at Sumalee “something tells me her and Sumalee meeting could end less civil” Gacen nodded that did make a lot of sense and from what he knew of Lana she was pretty cool they could come to an agreement. Risha smiled surprisingly genuinely “besides I think it would do you good to go and see it, and I’ll be in your ear the entire time just like last time” Gacen let out a sigh of relief that would make things easier
Sumalee frowned “wait you were talking to him the entire time?” Risha nodded “I should’ve known no wonder he was somewhat tactful” Gacen sighed he guessed he had to get used to that
Risha folded her arms “either way you don’t have to go immediately now that Sumalee is here we can discuss our plans for what comes next” she gestured to the planet on the war room map “and once Ash gets back maybe devise a strategy for taking Dubrillion” Gacen nodded he did wonder how Ash was getting on
Gacen smiled “it seems like it’s all coming together Rish, and don’t worry I’m sure I can handle the Alliance” he said that with confidence but really hoped he just had to talk to Lana he could convince her right?...
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