#‘honey?’ ‘don’t you dare call me that.’ can you stop being gay for two seconds.
4. Free the love – Mom, I have a secret
Paring: F! Parker x F! Cas x F! Gabe
Warning: fluff + smut (second first time)
Description: They are together – will her mom accept it?
Word count: 2231
The reopening of the school year approaching in the next week and the three of them were starting to feel like a normal 'throuple'.
/ PING /
Cas - The Hottest changed the name of the group chat to: “Golden Girl sucks”
(G) Very mature, Cas
(C) Is not my fault that the app changes it automatically
Gabe - Honey changed the name of the group chat to: “Gabe > Cas”
(G) Don’t make me file a restraining order
(C) Buh, no fun.
Cas - The Hottest changed the name of the group chat to: “Cas does it better”
(P) CAN YOU TWO STOP! I am trying to concentrate on my work!!
You changed the name of the group chat to: “Don’t you dare to change this”
(C) Hey, gorgeous. Can I pick you up today?
(G) I was going to ask the same!
(C) Sorry, loser. To the back of the line
(P) None of you, please. I will tell my mom today about both of you, remember? We are going to have dinner.
(G) How are you feeling?
(P) Nervous as f*
(C) You got me to commit to this, love. You are going to ace this.
(G) If there is anyone who can convince people, that is you, honey.
(P) Thank you… I just don’t know how to approach her.
(G) Why don’t you start by the ‘I love them’ part? It worked with me.
(C) Well, the approach you had on me is quite not “motherly-daugherly”. So I have to agree with Golden Girl.
(C) Hey, we are agreeing! It is growth.
(G) – vomit emotion
(P) We will talk about this later. I need to go. Thank you both :*
/ PING /
Cas - The Hottest changed the name of the group chat to: “Go, Hotness”
Parker smiled at that while putting her phone down to make her client's new a half dozen flavors “coffee”.
-A strawberry-vanilla-caramel-cinammon scented coffee with whipped cream and matcha bubbles coming right up.
It was a silent dinner to begin with. The first few moments where full with weather talk and “how was your day”, but Parker was nervous and her mother didn’t want to push her.
“Yes, mom. Leave it to me”. She said collecting the dishes and strolling towars the kitchen to heat up the pie.
/Groupchat “Go, Hotness”
(P) So, just a crazy idea. Why don’t you both come and tell my mom while I go fight a creator again? I think it could work.
(G) Honey, what is the matter?
(C) Do you need a courage shot? I can be there in a second with a whiskey.
(P) I am afraid she is going to judge me
(G) She is not going to. She loves you.
(C) Nope, Golden Girl. You are wrong.
(C) Behaware, I am going to drop de bad girl facade for a second :o
(C) ~audio 2:33~ Love, you were the one who called me out in being a coward when I told you my “family” was going to judge me. Yes, she will judge you, me, Golden girl…. She will not understand because this is out of everyone comforting zone. /Sigh/ But you are going to have to do it, lying to your mom is killing you. Just go out there and say: “Momma, I am gay and I date 2 women at the same time – who are vampires. One is hot, the other is “cute”, and we have almost died last year together. Leave the part where you are also a vampire for another week. "
(C) Cassie Cute out / Cas The Hottest back
(G) Did you just call me cute?
(C) No. I called you “cute”. I was ironically air quoting it.
And she went back to the living room, completely oblivious to the fact that the pie was still in the oven
“Mom, I need to tell you something, and it is weird.”
“Ok, darling. But can we get the pie first? It is going to burn”
“Nope, or I will lose my nerve” She took a deep breath “I am gay”
“Oh, honey, is that it? I already knew that, remember?” - Her mom said trying to keep acceptance in every word she said
“Yes, yes, of course. I am just heating up” Parker shook her head, she thought her mother didn’t remember anything since Lewis did that whole Obliviate thing. “Do you remember Cas?”
“Uhum. The cute one with the pink hair?”
“Yes. So… I am dating her”
“Oh sweetheart. I am so happy for you. I knew something was up, you were too happy these last few days” She stand moving to embrace her
“ Yeah, well, ok, thanks. But I am not finished.” She said holding her mom in a arm length.
“Do you remember Gabriela?”
“Well, yes. The pretty brunette who volunteer at the hospital?”
“Uhum. That one. Remember the pretty-volunteering-awesome person…” She took a shaking breath “ I am kind of dating her too?” Parker said wincing
“Mom?” She opened one eye at the time
“You date Cas” Her mom looked like she was doing hard math
“I love her” She nodded
“And to show her how much you love her, you also date Gabriela?” Terri said confused
“I love both of them” Parker stated.
“Ok, honey. Sit down. I need pie for this”.
Her mom got back with a semi burn down pie and two forks – no plates.
“I have seen these things in the Discovery Channel, and believe me I understand how hormones and endorphin acts on the human body so I will try not to judge you so harshly.” She said raising a fork to make a point “But honey, do they know? I’ve raised you better than that!” She snapped
“ MOM! Of course they know. What type of person you think I am?”
“Well, in the beginning of the night I’ve thought you were a SINGLE type of person. Now you are a person who dates two people. AND burns pies!” Terri joked trying to light the mood. “Take a fork”.
“They know about each other, mother. And they accept it. They love me back”. Parker said reaching for her fork.
“So, how does this work?” Terri said taking a bite “Christmas with one, New Year with another?” She fake gasped “Who gets Valentine’s day?”
Parker almost chocked down the pie as she started laughing “I have no clue!”
“Oh my God. I knew that were something wrong with this town” She shook her head playfully “So, who is the better kisser?”
And they talked through the night eating pie straight from the pan.
/Groupchat “Go, Hotness”
(P) Hey, sorry about the hour. I just wanted to tell you that she is THE BEST MOM EVER!
(C) U-hu! Can I now open the whiskey?
(C) That is awesome, love. Can’t wait to meet her properly
(P) Yes, love. Can you come here tomorrow around 10? I want to introduce you.
(C) I totally can. But I thing that Golden Girl have a thing with Lewis tomorrow
(P) Oun. Have you two been talking without me? <3
(C) Don’t you dare to throw my reputation in the garbage, Parker. I overheard them.
(P) Where is she, anyway?
(C) Maybe she died? Now we can have a party
(P) Ha-ha-ha. I literaly hold her heart beat and she is fine ;)
(P) And yours just peaked… Jealous?
(C) Maybe it peaked because I am out on a date with a hottie?
(C) Jealous?
At that, Parker squezzed Cas' Talisman
-“ I know that I promised to always come when you call, but this was utterly ridiculous” Cas said laughing while jumping down the window into Parkers bedroom.
-“It is an emergency, you know?” Parker said crossing the bedroom and slapping Cas arm jokefully “ My girlfriend was being an ass”.
-“Hey, you knew that I was an ass before you asked me to date you” Cas winked “And you still couldn’t resist me, could you?” Cas said grabing Parker by her waist and kissing her.
-“You really don’t deserve this kiss” Parker teased bitting down Cas lower lip and pushing back.
-“Oh, I believe I can kiss you whenever I want” Cas said while wolfily grabbing Parker back and pinning her hands beside her “Girlfriend rule: you get to date both of us, I get to kiss you whenever and wherever I want” She said kissing the blonde forcefully. As Parker gasped at the ferocity of the kiss, Cas took the opportunity to deepen it with her tongue. The kiss was hot, fast, demanding. Parker hands were quick to free themselves and find Cas’ bare back beneath her jacket as she ran a single nail earning a gasp.
“Parker… don’t start what you can’t finish” Cas warned taking her hand back in her grip and kissing her.
“Who said anything about not finishing?” Parker teased her leg between Cas thigh earning an approving moan as she pressured her core. “Careful, love…”
“Have you forgotten about that hottie already?” Parker smirked while scratching her fangs across the girls neck. Cas was barely holding her desire at bay, but she didn’t want to rush Parker into anything. “What are you afraid of, Cas?”
“I don’t want to pressure y… oh god” She gasped as Parker sucked the sensitive flesh beneath her collarbone.
“Oh, love. I know what I want. And right now, I want my 'bad girl' girlfriend to take me”. She said pulling her leather jacket out and pushing Cas into the bed.
“So hot ” Cas said taking her own shirt off and pulling Parker to straddle her lap “Tell me to stop"
"I won't"
Parker started grinding her hip onto Cas lap, as she raised her own hip to increase the friction. She kissed Cas' neck, nipping, sucking and licking relentlessly as she felt her girlfriend reaching for her waistband. Pulling and letting it snap back."Oh!!"
"Shhh. What is your mom going to think?" Cas teased
"I really don't want to think about my mother right now. Can we go back to where you were tugging my underwear?" She chuckled
Cas smirked lifting Parker, rolling her into her back and lying on top of her.
Cas leg was expertly between the young woman thighs, her hands one each side of her head, as they rolled their hips together increasing the rhythm viciously and watched each others pleasure peaking displayed in their faces.
" Cas.. Touch me" Parker said breathlessly
At that Cas crashed her lips onto hers, her hand reaching the young woman core beneath her and finding her wet.
"You feel so delicious" she moaned against her lips as she circled her clit. Parker bulked her hips against her hands and reached down with her own hand guiding Cas' fingers towards her entrance.
"Calm down, love." Cas said breathing hard steading her hand "Have you ever done this before?"
"Cas, I really want you right now"
"And I really want to fuck you right now. But I need to know. It might hurt"
"Then kiss it better after" She said pulling Cas into a ravage kiss.
So she plunged one finger into her, hard and steady. Parker gasped at the pain and bit Cas lip to muffle her cry - humpfff-
"I am right here, love. The pain is going to die down in a second and then it is going to feel so good"
"Keep... going"
And right after Cas start to move her finger in and out, slowly and deep as her thumb kept circling her clit
"Oh...!" She moaned bitting Cas' shoulder hard.
The pain had already settled to a light trob as Parker's desire was riding in the clouds, going ever up until Cas reach down to claim her with her tongue.
"Oh, Harlow!!" Parker moaned grabbing Cas' hair. Her tongue was hot and wet, licking her clit slowly, up and down, while her finger kept working her in and out. As Parker back arched in pleasure, Cas sucked hard at her clit inserting the second finger into her.
"Hummmmp" Parker muffled into a pillow while bulking at Cas mouth increasing the friction. Cas gave her a smirk and looked up at her
"Come for me, New Girl" as she said, she increased her rhythm, as swerved her tongue in a deaf pressure against her clit.
And all went black
-"I know is cheesy to say it after sex, but I do love you, you know that?" Parker said breathlessly chuckling
-"I know. It is definitely cheesy" Cas smiled while holding her "Are you ok? Still painful?"
-" It stings a little. But definitely worth it" She kissed Cas "Are you going to come tomorrow with my mom?"
-"Do you want me here?"
-"Of course I do"
-"Then I will" she kissed her forehead "I should go, your mom maybe ok with the ideia, but I highly doubted that she would be ok with me climbing into your bedroom"
-"You could stay and leave reeeeally early." Parker said snuggling to Cas side
-"Yes, I could"
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bakedbananners · 2 years
Alex and Magnus spend the first part of book 3 playing gay chicken but Magnus is a pacifist so it’s just Alex making the most blatant and egregious attempts at flirting and absolutely whiffing all of them
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Time-Travel feat. Ino, Sakura, TenTen
The short of it is "Ino, in the Founders Era, sees Izuna and makes it her personal mission to Tap That."
The time-travelers are Ino, Sakura, and TenTen. Why them? I like girls being badasses, these three make a badass trio, and I don't want to deal with Caged Bird Seal politics. (Hyuuga just... complicate time-travel plots.)
Ino is the one that is clearly clan, and they make a group decision that the benefits of Yamanaka backing (and by extension Akimichi and Nara) outweigh the potential drawbacks.
It's pretty easy to convince them that they're Worth It. Ino doesn't bring anything new, really, but she's clever and knows the clan techniques and is very good at them, so the clan head (after performing a mind search to confirm the story) is like Sure, You're In.
Meanwhile, Sakura is a terrifyingly competent medic that knows hundreds, if not thousands, of medical techniques that don't even EXIST yet, and TenTen might not be a medic like the other two, or capable of explodey punches, or clan-trained, but the girl is a taijutsu powerhouse that's probably fast as hell because she was trained by GAI, and she's got at minimum a journeyman-level training in fuuinjutsu.
(Also just, don't argue with the 100% accuracy lady. Just don't. The reason she doesn't have a body-count to rival Minato's eventual count is because she doesn't want to and basically no other reason. There are some opponents that a Kunai to the Neck won't take down for whatever reason? Iron-skin, water body, super healing/shapeshifting, but for the rank and file? That's a one-hit. And she can throw hundreds of kunai at a time, so... if you take the 100% accuracy statements literally, she's a nightmare if she decides to go lethal.)
They run missions for a bit, and Ino is... usually the one sent out on field missions, because Sakura's busy teaching people how to save lives, and TenTen is currently the closest thing the Yamanaka have to a seal master--she's not a master, not on the level of an Uzumaki or even a Senju, but she's way better than most on account of village training schema and it's cheaper to give her a long-term role in the triple clan system than to hire independent contractors--but sometimes they all go out!
And... okay, I'm gonna be real here: Nobody approves of the way Ino dresses other than Ino and her girls.
Sakura extends her pants a bit. TenTen's fine. Ino refuses to stop wearing crop tops and short skirts, and none of you can stop her.
It helps that Ino's response to guys propositioning her is to tell them to back off, and then if they get handsy, she breaks their wrists. If they're ninjas getting handsy, she starts a fight, but most ninjas are smarter than that because they realize she's not just A Kunoichi, based on how she's moving, but a kunoichi with long, free-flowing hair, which is like... basically a big "I'm A-rank or better, come at me if you dare" flag. On the off chance that someone tries to fuck with Ino and they're actually out of her league in taijutsu, she has Mind Scrambling or, if absolutely necessary, an ear-piercing scream that summons a woman that can fistfight gods.
(And absolutely has.)
But anyway, The Girls go for a Girls Night Out one day. No plans to get laid, but they want to go shopping and have fruity drinks and maybe cause a little trouble.
They visit a blacksmith at one point, because weapons shops aren't quite a thing yet due to lack of centralized shinobi systems, and TenTen's talking up a storm with the smith about things like carbon infusion and alloys preferences, and Sakura's just standing off to a side reading something because most of what she wants/needs can be made by Akimichi blacksmiths, so she's not really in need of anything specialty. She wanders off after a bit, tells them all she wants to visit the apothecary to see if they have any herbs she's running low on. Ino is browsing examples of the blacksmith's more esoteric handiwork When In Walks An Uchiha.
TenTen has a VERY basic look, more or less civilian who got some ninja training, so Izuna doesn't pay her much attention, but blonde isn't a very common color in the Land of Fire, unless one happens to be a Yamanaka or Senju, and even among them it's not like EVERY clan member. (Or Namikaze but imo Minato's color is actually from Land of Earth immigrants and is a BLATANTLY different shade from characters like Ino and Tsunade.)
Senju is obviously, uh, bad, but the Yamanaka and Uchiha are basically neutral... mostly. There's some tension. Izuna isn't expecting to be attacked, but he's constantly darting glances out the side of his eye just in case.
Ino is... not unaware of Izuna.
She feels his eyes on her, notes the fact that he keeps making faces like he's not sure what to think, and Ino... Ino is of the opinion that this is funny.
She decides to drop something on purpose just so she can beeeeeeeeeeend over to pick it up and see what happens. Ino, again, does not dress appropriately for the decade she is in. Izuna chokes on his own spit.
Ino: I'm gonna be a bit of a ho. Yamanaka Clan: Please don't, our reputation is-- Ino: I'M GONNA BE A BIT OF A HO.
So Ino's fucking with Izuna's head by just... being Ino, really, she turns around like "OMG are you alright???" and lets him see that her eyes are lacking pupils so he doesn't keep worrying about whether she's a Senju, pats him on the back, coos over him, flatters his hair, and then insults his fashion sense.
She is of the firm belief that his expression is hilarious. Flirt Flirt Flirt "but you're wearing that? Really? Oh honey, you should know better."
(Ino pulls pickup artist shit on Izuna.)
Ino is fucking with him, and she is enjoying herself. She's a flirt, she's gorgeous, she's a bit of a ho, and Izuna is a hot, main family clan boy who keeps blushing. He's maybe two years older than her and he squeaks when she squeezes his shoulder and compliments his muscles.
And after all that, after Ino has wound him up and turned him around and gotten him confused and flustered and a little angry...
That is when they feel the ground shake and hear Madara screaming for The Pink-Haired Bitch to "come back here so I can kick your ass!"
So. Yes. Sakura has picked a fight with Madara. I don't know how or why, I just know that Sakura and Madara are fighting, Ino and Izuna are both going 'dude WHY' about their respective fighty person and fleeing the blacksmith to go stop whatever's going on before they get banned from town--because really, they can force their way in, but it's way easier to get those tasty daifuku mochi from that one shop when people WANT to serve them--and TenTen is... still chatting up the blacksmith. The girl is going to get a discount.
Sakura leads Madara on a bit of a merry chase so the fight happens a mile outside of town--Ino loves her more than ever--and there's a flare of "Sakura punches a Susanoo," and by the time Izuna and Ino get there, Sakura is yelling in Madara's face about how he's fucking up his eyes.
Madara is. Offended. Izuna is also offended. Those are clan secrets, and Sakura is just looking him in the eye without fear and I'm like. Half convinced that they want to just tear her throat out.
Except Ino is there, and Sakura called her by name, and they know that names with 'Ino' among the Yamanaka are only for clan heirs, and they can't just pick a fight with the entire clan.
They. They can't afford that right now. Tajima is ramping up the whole Thing with the Senju again and they do not have the resources to add another front.
"For fuck's sake, will you let me go alive if I fix some of the damage you've done to yourself?" "You can fix the Mangekyo?" "Uh, no, nobody can fix that hellscape of a doujutsu without some incredibly invasive surgery that I refuse to do in a non-sterile environment unless there's literally no other choice, but I can reverse some of the chakra strain on your ocular nerve if you stop trying to pick a fight because I got the last of the [some medicinal plant that only grows up in the badlands around Iwa]."
Izuna shrieks and demands if that's really what they were punching down trees for and Madara yells at him to fuck off and Ino just laughs at all of them.
Sakura is like. Two seconds away from putting Madara in a headlock and calling him a nerd. He's like a solid five years older than her and she's smarter than he is and he's a jock but she's going to dunk his head in a toilet, I swear to god.
Tumblr media
[Image Description: a gif from Will and Grace where a man in a dark shirt approaches a woman in a white shirt for a hug. Both characters have their arms spread wide in greeting, but the woman subverts the expected hug and pulls the man into a headlock with an angry expression.]
(Tenten is just, she's having a good time with a random blacksmith, talking shop. She just comes out to see all this crap has happened and it's like she came back with pizzas to see the apartment wrecked.)
Anyway, Sakura does some Medic Mojo on the Uchiha bros, Ino continues to flirt with Izuna until he can't tell up from down anymore, and when they're headed back to meet up with TenTen and see if there are any ruffled feathers that need smoothing, Ino declares that she's going to get that boy to propose to her.
"Don't people usually say 'I'm gonna marry that boy' or--" "Nah, I don't know him well enough to make that decision. I just want him invested in me. Whether or not I do anything with that... depends on how well he woos me."
And anyway, things spiral from there, Ino keeps hitting on Izuna whenever she gets a chance, Izuna keeps being Very Overwhelmed by this girl that shows off so much of her body and has the confidence of a god--because Ino is the epitome of confidence and always will be--while Sakura fucks off to badger the Senju into peace by making friends with Hashirama and bribing Tobirama with medical developments and flirting with Touka (except Touka's almost a decade older than her and is flattered but not interested, thank you), and TenTen is... honestly I'm not sure what TenTen is doing except that there's a very solid chance she's sneaking off to meet with Uzumaki specialists to help her build a Zetsu Trap.
Our trio of badass ladies decides that Hm, Actually, Having Bijuu Backup Would Be Nice.
Ino's the best sensor of the three, but even she's not feeling out where the nearest bijuu is, so they go for the by-that-point tried and true method of "Sakura goes and hassles Tobirama for information while TenTen and Ino play cards with Hashirama."
Tobirama does point them in the direction of the nearest bijuu--it's the Kyuubi, even!--and Sakura just... invites Hashirama along.
Hashirama: Oh! What do I have to do if I come? Sakura: Stand there and look pretty, mostly. Hashirama: Yes, I can do that. Sakura: And then interfere if we piss off the Kyuubi enough that he attacks. He probably won't, but Mokuton is useful if he does. Hashirama: Oooooh yeah, I can do that.
Tobirama is so tired but these gals are pretty determined to do the whole Peace Thing and Hashirama can mostly take care of himself, and Butsuma isn't quite dead but almost there (idk some disease or infected wound, it doesn't matter), so Hashirama isn't a Clan Head ditching his job but there's nobody around that can stop him from running off, so Tobirama's just like "Cool, don't die."
Butsuma: [dying] Sakura: [sipping a mixed drink wearing sunglasses inside] Shame.
So they go find Kurama, and try to barter with him about the whole Zetsu situation, and... ngl okay I have an entire conversation in mind about "your evil goo uncle" and "none of us know how to seal a bijuu without taking away your autonomy, but sealing is the best way to hide you from Zetsu, so do you have any ideas on a compromise" and "I can SORT of figure out how to--"
And then Kurama just. Summons a smaller fox. Which has a scroll. And pokes it towards TenTen because she's the one that's Impressed Him The Right Way over the course of the conversation.
(Mostly by being vaguely sparky about fuuinjutsu and easily distracted by the Ifs of it instead of the Whys.)
And once she's signed--which Ino and Sakura are just like 👀 about because Oh???--Kurama nods and just. Presses his snout to her hand. And without telling her what he's doing, he just enters her body and settles in as a consenting jinchuuriki situation. He can leave without killing her if he wants, but he can also just chill out. He's hidden from Zetsu, TenTen gets a boost, and nobody's in prison.
(Time to belatedly note that TenTen was earlier suggested as the best jinchuuriki option since, among other things, she had the least to lose as far as chakra control went.)
TenTen: My chakra control is pretty shitty, but I can fight hand to hand for literal hours without feeling like I've done more than a light jog, is that good?
TenTen is such a different brand of ninja from most of the heavy hitters. Because her main attack is just More Knife.
Team InoShikaCho has their whole human yoyo thing, Sakura can punch gods, Naruto and Sasuke are literally insane levels of power, Kiba turns into a giant three-headed dog and Shino can insert exploding bugs into people, Lee can kick hard enough to make a bijuu pause, Neji and Hinata are... okay I don't have much to say about the Hyuuga, but... TenTen. She's just here with some seals and whole lot of sharp and pointy things.
Founders era, you have Madara and Hashirama with their god-level techniques, Tobirama is usually sword but has a bajillion other things like his Suiton, Izuna has a Mangekyo, Mito has her chains and was the first jinchuuriki... and then, here’s TenTen, with Many Sharp.
Her special attacks are Throw, Stab, and Kick the Shit Out Of because she still trained under Maito Gai.
TenTen is the current queen of "catch these hands."
After the village is founded, she challenges one of the og founders to taijutsu only and the literal only reason she doesn't win against Hashirama is that he has a healing factor and is built like a brick house.
TenTen: Hey, Izuna, if you beat me in a taijutsu fight, Ino might be impressed. Izuna: No weapons? TenTen: No weapons, no bijuu, no Sharingan. Izuna: Cool, I can do this. [five minutes later] Izuna: [screaming]
The triple clan alliance: We will gladly join Konoha on the condition that-- Izuna, internally, chanting: That I marry Ino That I marry Ino That I marry Ino-- Madara, internally: Please don't say that Izuna marries Ino Tobirama, internally: [math meme because he can imagine like eighty conditions] Hashirama, internally: [elevator music] The triple clan alliance: That you put Haruno Sakura in charge of the hospital. Izuna: [internal screaming] Madara: [sigh of relief] Tobirama: [internal cheering] Hashirama: That sounds great! I've seen her work, she's a great choice for hospital management, do you think she'd be willing to spearhead a medical training program on the side?
Izuna just wanted the politics to be his wingman here, she's killing him.
Ino has broken this man.
(At this point she's mostly made up her mind... unfortunately, she deeply enjoys messing with him! He's too fun to tease!)
Ino: I want to marry him, yeah, but did you see his face when I teased him about visiting the Daimyou's court and looking for a rich husband to bring to Konoha? He even knows I'd never marry a civilian, and yet.
(He knows, it's just that his brain is dumb when she is involved.)
TenTen asks Hashirama if he's opposed to threesomes, mostly because Mito is amazing and TenTen's a little in love with her. Hashirama is NOT opposed to threesomes, but only with Madara, sorry.
Ino is just... the queen of self-confidence. I want to include some gifs to explain but there are just too many.
As a rule, Ino wears high collars, but... she might try to pioneer Tiddy Shirts out of spite because people keep trying to tell her to dress More Appropriately.
Ino, adjusting her wrap top to show more of the chesticles: Relax, Hashirama, I'm just taking a page out of your granddaughter's book. Hashirama: [verbal keysmash]
This one twitter post.
Sakura: You can't just use your tits to get what you want! Ino: I didn't see you complaining when I got us free dango. Ino, misunderstanding Sakura's point: Uh, yeah I can? Watch. Ino: [gets drinks for the table and a free dessert too] Ino: See? Sakura: Oh my god. TenTen, cutting a slice of cake: Yeah I think she's got us here Sakura. TenTen: I love using Ino's tits to get what I want. Sakura: No!
Sakura: Why am I the only one of us who isn't down for Ino using feminine wiles for material gain? TenTen: Does it have anything to do with your unresolved childhood crush on her? Sakura: ..... shut up.
Sakura: Was Sasuke descended straight from Izuna's line? What if you just negated his existence? Ino: I mean, his soul still exists, right? Or will exist? It's not like we could have lined the genetics up perfectly anyway, don't worry about it.
Once Ino finally lets Izuna woo her, they turn into that couple that's just constantly making out in dark corners. PDA is over 9000. Sakura throws erasers at them to make them stop. TenTen catcalls. TenTen just. Not interested in being a thot in the slightest, but delighted by Ino being a thot.
Izuna: Help I don't know how to BDSM and my hot wife is a dominatrix. Madara: Sucks to be you.
(Ino being a bit of a ho fits and feels fun because she's also just like, very convincingly an actualized character. If Ino is acting like a bit of a ho it's very definitely because she wants to and is absolutely going to make that everybody else's problem.)
Ino, at any given moment: Did you miss the part where I'm the hottest person here?
I'm honestly considering platonic-marriage TenTen/Tobirama on the basis of Seals And Sparking. There aren't enough women in the Founders Era for me to ship Sakura with one so I'm going to say she ends up living in domestic bliss with a Nara kunoichi.
Sakura: Can I just. Can I just be Gay here? Like, can I just Be Gay and get Big Gay Married and have 2 dogs and lead a prestigious medical program? Tenten and Ino: Of course you can, hon! We'll be up to our nonsense the entire time, though.
Sakura: Well... at least Shikamaru isn't here to complain about Ino being the way she is.
OH I forgot to mention TenTen wearing Externalized Small Fox Kurama around like a scarf.
Kurama: [Gets to be out of the seal and See Stuff] TenTen: [Constantly has a companion around who is never tired of hearing her Special Interest Rant about smithing techniques and what will eventually be Aerodynamics after TenTen accidentally builds a plane while tinkering]
TenTen: I wonder if I could make Temari's giant fan thing work for me without wind chakra. [two years of tinkering later] TenTen: I can't remember what I was trying to do at the start but I can definitely fly now.
(Sakura's honestly lucky that Karin isn't there.)
(And tbh Sakura's only The Sensible One until Madara pisses her off and then it's time for people to remind her that she can't just go around Punching Things.)
When Sakura is forced to be the Voice of Reason she is always frustrated. When TenTen is freed from the responsibility of being the Voice of Reason? Shenanigans. TenTen's defense is that she never got to be the crazy one in Team Gai. Like, she’s still a little nutty, but she couldn’t go all out because she was constantly overshadowed by the YOUTH and also Neji’s fate situation.
ANYWAY. TenTen and Tobirama.
TenTen: Your brain makes me horny. Tobirama: Oh, finally, someone sensible.
I remember that while I was brainstorming, I had "TenTen tells Tobirama to marry her within five minutes of meeting him because they vibed so hard on weird fuuinjutsu stuff" followed by "Izuna sputtering and saying that everyone told him that he couldn't just propose to a girl he liked, why does Tobirama get to accept a proposal from a clanless kunoichi when Izuna can't even--"
The proposal is from TenTen to Tobirama, which imo is hilarious in the context of the Warring Clans Era, and also is done on a whim and is basically just.
Tobirama: [says a clever thing about one of TenTen's theories] TenTen, grabbing his hands and looking him in the eye, her own eyes full of stars and the classic Team Gai sunset genjutsu around her: Marry me. Tobirama: ...do we have to have sex? TenTen: No. Tobirama: Do you plan on children? TenTen: Students yes, adoption maybe. Tobirama: I'm sold. Hashirama:
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[Image Description: Stephen Colbert, in a suit, dramatically crying at the camera. He has running mascara, and the caption says “I just feel like my heart is going to burst because it’s full of rainbows.” End Description.]
They're Nerd-married and it's the best.
I love the idea of Hashirama just being an Elevator Music Mind when it comes to Tobirama and TenTen. Like. An orange cat. Like, okay, yes Minato is the Hokage with the orange cat energy. And Hashirama is usually golden retriever energy.
But when it comes to Tobirama and TenTen, Hashirama is completely oblivious to their intention to do such things as Raise The Dead For Science.
They're not even raising a specific person for a specific reason, they're just vibing Super Hard and haven't slept enough and forgot this is a bad idea. Got so obsessed with "Can we" that they forgot "should we."
(And I feel like Kurama just encourages them like a chaos entity.)
Tobirama: It was a theoretical exercise. Hashirama, gesturing at the zombie army trying to eat its way out of a Mokuton Cage: !!!! Tobirama: We realized it didn't need to stay theoretical. TenTen: In our defense, we were left unsupervised. Tobirama: It's true, we were.
Sakura: TenTen! I expected better of you! TenTen, with sincere confusion: Why? Sakura: ... TenTen:  Like you knew my team, and my sensei, and also I agreed to help you go back in time and alter the past.
Ino: [here to fluster her pretty boy husband] TenTen: [got platonic married to a necromancer who shares some special interests and hyperfocuses with her] Sakura: [just wants 2.5 kids and a steady paycheck as she runs a world-changing medical program]
Back to TenTen being Wild.
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[Image Description: TenTen in her Shippudent outfit, which is calf-length red pants and a white qipao top with red trim, turning on the spot while flourishing a pair of scrolls that expel weaponry on her command. End description.]
I like to imagine TenTen has an abundance of common sense, but she just never, ever applies it to herself. She can only common sense when other people present her with their problems. TenTen: What if I combined Ribbon dances with the noble art of YEET, then made it into a fighting style?
"I've got 99 problems and all of them can be solved with sharp and pointy objects."
[This section of the brainstorming is removed on account of being deeply inappropriate for a post that should max out at rated M. Just know that Ino and Izuna are freaks, and TenTen and Tobirama are enablers.]
Tobirama: Ugh, I can't match Hashirama's energy levels for another entire day. TenTen, a member of Team Gai: I can do it. Tobirama: Hashirama is literally inhumanly happy and-- TenTen: No, no, I got this.
(You have no idea how much practice she has at this Tobirama, no idea.)
Tobirama: I am currently the fastest man alive. TenTen: Only because you cheat with Hiraishin. I could totally beat you in a five-hundred lap race around Konoha. Hashirama: ...five hundred? Tobirama: Wait, what. TenTen, already stretching: Yeah, let's do this! It's been a while since I had a solid challenge, you know? Hashirama: ???? Tobirama, is she serious? Tobirama: She runs two hundred laps around the village every morning, so... probably. Hashirama, wheezing: That's a lot. TenTen: That's a warmup.
Someone, probably Madara: Okay but that's cheating because you have inhuman stamina from the fox! Kurama, chilling on a tree stump napping: No the fuck she does not. Hashirama: What do you mean she doesn't? Kurama: I don't just leave the faucet running 24/7 Senju, besides, she doesn't need my help to be a ridiculous persistence hunting nightmare monster in this regard. TenTen: Awww, Kurama, you flatterer.
TenTen: I was running 150 laps of the village every morning by the time I was fourteen. Hashirama: Why? TenTen: My teacher was fun.
At least one shitty joke from a stranger about stamina In Bed and TenTen and Tobirama just stare at the person.
Maito Dai would be... maybe a little older than the Sannin, younger than Hiruzen. Solid age for TenTen to take as a student, probably. Very feels-worthy, with the whole Passing the Torch thing that that whole family had going on, and that Gai passed it to his students since he didn't have children of his own, the idea of TenTen taking that shot to make sure she's still part of that... family, for lack of a better term? Even in this strange new world they're making by altering history like that.
And that’s about it.
As per usual, most of this was brainstormed with @firebirdeternal​.
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anonbeadraws · 4 years
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So I caved and with @spacespectres help made an avatarsona! With a big chunky statement to go with it!    (Trigger warnings for homophobia/transphobia, conversion therapy, death and parental abuse. Everyone gets just desserts though.)
‘I’m, actually not sure why I’m here. You can’t help me, my son is gone and the police arn't saying it but - I’m sorry, my ears are- It’s like- You know those alarms, the ones that are made to disperse kids at shopping centres, keep them from causing trouble- not that i think they work. you see more of them these days, scruffy and dirty, what their parents doing, i don’t-  Anyway, it’s like that noise, that high buzz. it’s meant to be that, as you get older, your brain tunes it out, adults aren’t meant to hear it anymore, just keep on shopping without hoodlums hanging about outside smoking and throwing shit at the elderly.   I don’t miss that, Ben’s smoking, i’ll say that. That’s awful to say, i bet you’re thinking, god how terrible, her child’s missing and she’s moaning about a few nicotine stains on the ceiling.
I know theres plenty that would call me a terrible mother anyway, i know the neighbours didn’t agree with my decision, the decision of a single mother, who struggled enough just to keep her child fed and watered and out of trouble, to then struggle to keep him from wearing my lipstick when i was out of the house-!   I have no problem with the gays. I want to say that, have that clear. I just know, what he was doing, that wasn’t my Ben, that wasn’t my son and, the Helping House was what he needed.   I’m his mum, i know what he needed, don’t care what his dad says. he wasn’t here, he wasn’t here to raise Ben, so he doesn’t-
The pamphlet was so nice, so professional and i checked it out online, all 5 stars, apart from the odd protester sticking his oar in, and it was- reassuring to know he’d be looked after, helped! Get what he needed. And he was fine when i left him there, with his old school backpack with all his bits in, the Helping staff there to welcome him. Reminded me a little of when he started primary school, he looked so small, all big eyes…  They promised it’d be a couple of weeks, maybe a month, and then he could come home, all better.
  I got to visit every weekend, which was nice! Sometimes brought him biscuits, can't beat home made, chatted a little. He still had that, that look from when i left, like he was little again, when i could tell he didn’t really want to leave me at the gates, he didn’t want to go in all alone, couldn’t we just go home instead mum?  But i was strong. For him. I resisted.
I think, it was when that look started to go, that little boy look, replaced with something, i don’t really want to think about even now, that i really noticed the other patients. One in particular. He looked different from the others. Props to the Helping House, they keep, kept the kids tidy. it was actually lovely, real treat to see Ben all combed and neat, not smelling like his trash dump of a room. And not a whiff of smoke! i’d honestly not have been surprised if he’d snuck in some ciggies in but if he had, they must have confiscated em quick.    No fags in the Helping House! I mean-! oh you know, what i mean!
But this one,.. they all dressed in clothes from home, apparently they worked out its better for the process, this one was a mess. Half shaved hair, no knees in the jeans and honestly, sunglasses indoors? who did He think he was!? Mick Jagger?  He just slouched in the corner of the visiting room, looking out into the gardens, like he belonged there in that clean good place.  They were nice gardens, well looked after, like the kids. I remember it was coming up summer, lots of lovely flowers. lots of happy bees.
Anyway, i did Not like how Ben looked over at, him, while we had our cups of tea. it was this, gooey soft look i’d never seen on him. later i remembered it. it was how his dad looked when we started courting. That cloying honey sweet love that turned sickly and choking far too quick. God, that look, on my boys face? You bet I had words with the staff before i went. I did not bring my boy here to get help and it be ruined by some hooligan with warped intentions. I made sure they understood. They didn't seem to know what i meant by the Sunglasses kid but it’s a big facility, probably get a lot of patients. Their success rate was incredible really, always seemed to be spaces open. Whatever they did, didn’t do a lot though. Cause i kept seeing him, every time i visited. And he drew a crowd.       At first it was the ones who didn’t have family to come, poor dears. They’d be sat, close as they could to him. They had rules about touching in the Helping House, and rightly so, helps with, the temptation, but they’d sit there, close as they could to him, just listening, sun on their faces from the big glass window.  Now that i’m thinking about it, I don’t think i remember ‘em blinking?    Anyway, Could never hear what was said, what venom that creeper was pouring into their ears, whenever i tried to hear him over the other visitors, it just came over as a low buzz. Well, whatever it was, those kids were hooked.  I didn't like it. And the next weekend, there more of ‘em! You’d have kids that’d be crying one week that their family hadn't come, who didn't give two shits the next, pardon my french. They’d be sat in the corner, happy sappy faces, listening to whatever nonsense that kid was murmuring to his little flock. They didn’t touch, not then, but it was a close thing, i remember being so shocked that nothing was being done about it. It was obviously a problem. that weirdo was the problem.
But my boy didn’t stray. He might’ve looked over at that hive of idiots who worked against what these good people were trying to do for them, with that… look. But he stayed and drank his tea with me like he should. He looked tired, but i knew that’s cause he was working hard, getting better.  i got the reports.
But the last couple of visits, i come in and it’s just my boy in the visitors room.   The rest were outside in the garden, in the flowers. All those kids, twenty or so of em, tangled in each other, touching and so close. I don’t think they were, Doing things but, it was against regulation for sure,  and I stood up, to go do something, anything, even just yell at them to stop it, ask what they thought they were doing!? That’s when the Buzzing started. For a second i thought it was just a bee come in from the garden, poor little bumble trapped indoors but it was in my ears, in my head. It was nothing i’d ever felt before and I’ve had Tinitus and that’s a nasty bugger but it was more than that.
Been to the doctors since. Apparently they can’t work it out, whats causing it. All they can say was it wasn’t Tinitus.
I think it was, Sunglasses looking at me. I remember when i got up, to tell ‘em off, i remember light in the corner of my eye, like a reflection off glass. I think he turned, he knew i was going to stop em and he-
Last sunday was the last time, the last visit. Had a big tin of biscuits, gingerbread, Ben’s favourite, had some nice news about his cousin getting into uni, first in the family! Always had hopes Ben would be the second, but-  Ben wasn’t waiting for me. He was outside. With Them.
There he was, holding the hand of that freak and the staff were just stood round like numpty’s doing nothing! Dumb faces and vacant as their patients were outside rolling about in the sun like it was the 60’s! And smoking! I thought, they must’ve found a stash cause i could see the smoke, swirling dark against the sky, dark against their smiling, stupid faces.
I was furious. i was, so angry.
I think thats why i did it. I was so angry that i couldn’t think of anything else to do but grab that sunglasses wearing freak who was corrupting my boy, who was holding his hand and steering him wrong and undoing all my work and love, and shake my anger out of him. I was yelling all that, yelling at him. I remember he was light, not as heavy as he should be, not for a kid his age and that he didn’t flinch. And he spoke to me, in that low drone that I thought had been just distance and space distorting his voice, but was just him, god it was just him.
I cant remember exactly what he said, something about love, real love, some hippy nonsense. No, i remember one thing. The little shit asked if i thought i was ‘my child’s real Family.” ‘Of course, i said, ‘i’m his mother’ Then he smiled, like i was wrong and i hated him. And I could see myself, in that dark reflection, in those stupid shades and i couldn’t stand it.   I wish i hadn’t, done what i did. i just didn’t want to see myself in that black mirror anymore, all twisted and hateful.   Turns out it was far nicer than what was behind them.
I let go, dropped it, that thing in ripped jeans and stripes and it fell into the flowers. There were so many happy bees. Thats when i heard the other kids. They had it’s voice, shared it’s voice, that drone. That buzz. i didn’t dare look at them. My ears, started up again, like before but, that sound, their sound, it made it louder and i honestly thought my head might explode and I turn to Ben, my boy, who had dropped to his knees in front of that thing, holding it’s hand and for a second, I thought he was smoking again, dark wisps coming from his downturned face and, I just, my fear turned to anger, for just a second, that he would do that here and now.
But I begged him to come away, to leave it alone, to get better, to just be my little boy again, to come home with mummy. Then he looked up, my Ben, and his face-   it wasn’t smoke, it had never been smoke. it was the same as whatever had been bumbling around in the creature that still lay in the flowers but Ben smiled all the same. I, feel crazy, crazy saying it but- as the bees poured out of my little boy’s smiling mouth in that choking swarm, their buzzing droning out his words, my boys last-
My name is Sarah
i’d never seen him happier.
Apparently I fainted. Never fainted in my life, i’ll tell you, too tough for that sort of thing, but i must’ve. Police think it’s what saved me. I like to think otherwise.   Officially, what happened was that the patients turned on the staff, killed em and left. Simple, explainable. Some sicko’s like to use what happened as an argument against conversion therapy, old hippy dykes that don’t have enough to picket over, idiots.  They didn’t see the bodies, they didn’t see what those ‘helpless victims’ did- They dragged them outside after they killed em, into the sun, into the flowers. I remember waking up once, amongst all the dead. Happy bees, dipping their beaks into the blood of the doctors. Plenty of sugar in blood, I read.
Ben was all i had left, my only family. I don’t have no one left. You don’t get many visitor when the papers insist you made your kid a killer. Don’t even get phone calls from Dave anymore, but i call that blessing. He was barely Ben’s dad anyway. I’ve gotten used to the quiet. i go to work, i come home, watch a bit of telly. the buzz from the old tv only scares me a little. I know i did my best for him. i believe that, after everything. I wouldn’t be here though, if, there wasn’t, something else.
 I had a visitor the yesterday. Wasn’t expecting it, thought it was a missionary, Jehovah’s or something. Was ready to tell them to piss off, i tell you. It was a girl. Said she was my daughter. she looked like my Ben, same smile, same funny little knees he used to scrape up, ones i used to kiss better. It wasn’t Ben. My Ben had eyes. My daughters words buzzed, like there was something in her throat. Perhaps the same things that crawled where her eyes would be, round and yellow and bumbling, i thought, and my head starting hurting again. She only stayed at the door, didn’t come in. She said she just wanted to say hello.
She said she’ll visit again.
That she’ll bring her family.
i don’t think she means me anymore.’ The magnus archives belongs to Rusty Quill, the above belongs to me!
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hologramband · 4 years
Hollywood Ghost Club p3
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(my gif) 
Luke x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k 
A/N: eek! This marks halfway! After this I have 2… maybe 3 depending on the length of the last few parts… until the conclusion! Lmk what you think!!
Caleb marking the boys was a game changer, it would be at least 24 hours before the shock started, she just needed to work quickly on making a plan to be able to help them. 
On top of that, you also woke up with a killer headache, the pain was manageable, but you had no idea what could be causing a ghost to have this type of pain. 
Since it was a weekday, there were no new incoming members to the club, so you basically had the day off.
Not knowing what else to do, you poofed into the hallway right outside of Lucy’s door, deciding to take her out for the day, show her what she could do as a ghost, maybe even take her to see the boys, if they weren't busy. 
You knocked on the door, but after not hearing a response, you walked in and noticed the room was empty. 
Deciding she had probably gone looking for Kendra you poofed around the building, looking for anywhere they might be. 
It was when you were in the hallway that connected yours and Caleb dressing rooms that you felt the unease wash over you, there was a whimpering coming from down the hall, towards Caleb's office. 
“Just show me what you showed her,” You heard muttering from inside of the room you were standing outside. 
Not thinking twice you gave the door a sharp knock before busting in without waiting for a response, repulsed by what you saw. 
Lucy was sitting in the middle of the room, on a stool, with tears budding in her eyes. 
Caleb wouldn’t dare lay a hand on her, he had that much decency about him, but causing the young girl to feel unsafe and scared was enough to send you into overdrive. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You gasped, walking towards Lucy, her eyes locking instantly with the girls. 
“(Y/n), I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” Caleb walked in your path, putting a hand out to hold you in place, but you poofed to behind him, holding Lucy’s hand before he got the chance to stop you. 
“No, Caleb, I'm gonna have to ask you where you found the nerve. She is a CHILD.” You’re not sure where the sudden attitude came from, ever since last night you didn’t have the same fear of Caleb from before. 
“Fine, if she wont answer me, then you will, (y/n), what exactly did little Lucy show you last night?” He spoke with a snarl, fists balling at his sides. 
“Lucy, honey,” You whispered in her ear, “go find Kendra and Willey, okay?” You smiled at the girl, but her face hardened. 
She shook her head no in response, glancing between Caleb and you, not wanting to leave you alone with him. 
“It’s okay, i’ll join you in a little bit!” You smiled at the girl again, trying to put a convincing smile on your face. 
Lucy looked back at Caleb, then to you, before squeezing your hand and leaving the room.
Once she was gone, you hardened your expression and made eye contact with Caleb again.
“She just showed me a memory I had, she was trying to make me feel better.” You kept your response short, twisting your words so it wasn’t a lie, but also wasn’t the full truth. 
“The way you care for the girl is cute, but I can’t have you standing in my way, I brought her to my club for a reason.” Caleb took a step closer, you doing the same, meeting him halfway. 
“Caleb, I say this with absolutely no respect at all, if you ever think of getting to her again, you’ll have to go through me first.” You felt a fire behind your eyes, not a sliver of anxiousness in your body. 
“Bold statement, little bird. What makes you think I can’t ‘go through you’? Hm?” His frown turned to a smile as your wrist started to burn, and a fire started in your abdomen, a few shocks running through your system, somehow not as bad as they usually are. 
You gritted your teeth and closed your eyes, trying not to show your pain. 
When you opened them again, Caleb was staring back at you with confusion, then momentarily at his hands before returning his gaze to your face. 
“You know what, I’ve had enough of your deviance for today,” He looked you up and down before turning around and walking behind his desk. 
Taking that as a cue to leave, you focussed on Lucy's energy and poofed into the cafeteria, seeing her at a table with both Willey and Kendra.  
As soon as she saw you appear she shot from her seat and ran to you, grabbing your hand again, this time you felt what she was doing.
“Are-are you restoring my power?” The energy was rushing through your body, making you feel back to full capacity, not feeling the aftershocks of Caleb's attacks in the slightest. 
“(Y/n)!” Kendra and Willey were at your side now as well.
“What happened? Lucy came in and looked all anxious, but we couldn’t figure out what was going on.” Kendra spoke, looking down at the girl. 
“I found her in Caleb’s office this morning, he was trying to get her to tell him what she showed me last night.” You went to continue when you saw the confused looks on both Willey and Kendra’s face. 
“Is that what happened when you got all glowy last night?” Willey looked down at the child then back up to you. 
“Yeah, she unlocked some sort of memory I think, but, I don't know, it was weird. It seemed to take place in a different time, like before I died maybe?” You spoke, but Lucy was pulling on your arm shaking her head no, pulling you to her level like she did last night, placing her hands in the same spots. 
You knew what was going to happen this time. 
You were back in your dressing room again, but a boy was with the other you this time. 
“(Y/n), I know you think he’s a good guy, but I really think there’s something off about him.” The boy spoke, grabbing your shoulder and turning you to him. 
“Dan, I’m sorry. I-I just… why would Caleb threaten anyone?” the other you shook her head, clearly there was something going on. 
“C’mon (y/n), you’re my sister, you should believe me when I say I feel something’s off. I told you the same thing before we died, that driver wasn’t good to drive.” The boy, Dan, spoke. 
Two things spun you for a loop, 1, you had never known how you died, and 2, Dan called himself your brother. 
Your vision appeared back to normal, and you noticed the headache from this morning was gone. 
Lucy was looking at you expectantly, her hands coming off from your face, returning to its spot in your hand. 
“It happened again, you got all bright and glowy,” Willey poked at your shoulder, “are you like, radioactive, or… something?” 
You shook your head and looked up at him. 
The memory Lucy just showed you, along with the one you saw last night, you came to the realization, not wanting to voice it out loud. 
Caleb erased your memories. Both from before you died, and some after.
You looked between the three people in front of you, not wanting to scare Willey and Kendra, so you offered half the truth.
“She’s showing me memories I didn’t know I had, Willey, I always felt like I was missing a part of myself, and then I met you. Things started to feel right, like-” Willey cut you off with a cough. 
“Um, (y/n), before you confess your love for me, you know I’m, like, gay right?” Willey raised his eyebrows and Kendra choked back a laugh. 
“Willey, you idiot,” you rubbed your temples, “yes, I know you’re gay.” You laughed and continued with what you were previously saying. 
“In one of the memories Lucy showed me, I had a brother. I think we died together, or at least at the same time.” 
“Ohhhh, so you’re just saying you love me as a brother, I think i’m the one guy you can say that too and not get hurt or offended.” Willey laughed, trying to downplay the news, easing the nerves that had arisen in you, and you would always be grateful for him being able to do that. 
Lucy smiled up at you, and you realized why Caleb wanted her so bad, she had powers that could ruin his whole operation, in the last 24 hours alone she’s given you back memories and power that Caleb has stolen from you, who knew what else she was capable of. 
“Hey, do you guys wanna go on a little trip with Lucy and I? We’re gonna go see the friends we made yesterday.” When you mentioned the boys her eyes lit up.
“Nice,” she smiled again. 
Willey nodded and Kendra smiled at Lucy.
“You think Reggie will be there?” Kendra looked at you and you smiled.
“Probably, does someone have a crush?” You smiled at the blush that was rising to her friend's cheeks. 
“Oh, noooo,” she wrung her hands together, “okay, I’m a sucker for a guy that’s good with children.” 
You laughed at her and shook your head. 
“Alrighty, well then let's get going!” You held Lucy’s hand and Willey poofed you all in front of the garage that the boys practice and live in. 
As you walked in the door the boys all assembled and started to sing the words to ‘i'm sorry’, but stopped when they realized you weren’t the suspected guest. 
“Oh! (Y/n)! Hi,” Luke smiled at you. 
“Hey! Sorry to drop by unannounced, but Lucy wanted to see her new friends.” You smiled, and as if on cue, Lucy ran out from behind you and jumped into Reggies arms. 
“Aha! There's my favorite dance partner.” Reggie smiled at her before picking her up in his arms and spinning her around. 
“You know,” Kendra started, “they say kids are really good judges of character.” She made eye contact with Reggie and he froze for a second, trying to figure out if this was real or not, if the cute girl from the performance last night was in front of him or not. Lucy wiggling from his grasp while he was distracted.  
In an effort to save everyone from an uncomfortable silence, you spoke up.
“You guys are the only one she’ll talk about,” You smile and Lucy looks back at you then to the boys. 
“Nice,” she nodded her head at them and giggled as Alex started to chase her around, Reggie joining soon after. 
“So Luke, what was the ‘I’m sorry’ song for?” You turned to him, on the arm of the couch that sat in the room. 
“You know the girl that can see us? We ended up missing the gig with her last night, she wants to quit the band.” he sits on the couch and looks down at his feet, twiddling his thumbs together. 
Not knowing how else to help, you move to sit beside him, placing a hand on his. 
“I’m sure she’ll come around Luke, from what I’ve heard you guys are supposed to be really good, no one would want to be the cause of a good thing ending.” You smile at him as he meets your gaze. 
“Yeah I guess, she just seemed so serious, we really hurt her.”
Before you could respond Lucy ran back into the room and grabbed your hand, smiling and brought you to the piano in the center. 
“Lucy, I don’t know how to play.” You look at the girl and she smiles up at you, this time just laying a hand on your shoulder and she put your hand on the keys, making a sound come from one. 
The sound felt familiar, and you hit another key, then followed with a song, it was like muscle memory. This time, you saw the glow. 
Your hands were hitting the keys and making a melody you have never heard before, but it carried the tune of an upbeat happy song, the glow of your hands growing with each note you hit. 
You didn’t remember knowing how to play the piano, but the glow made you think this was another hidden memory that Lucy helped you uncover. 
You reached a point in the melody where it seemed to die out, making you think you reached the end of the song, the lack of glow confirming the thought. 
“Wow, (Y/n), that was amazing, I didn’t know you could play.” Alex spoke first. 
“I SOOO want to learn how to do the glowy thing.” Reggie followed. 
You chuckled and smiled at Lucy, whispering a ‘Thank you’ as she hopped off the bench and went to sit in Luke's arms this time.
The afternoon continued on a lot like this, everyone hanging out, Lucy running around playing with everyone, when you started to feel a pull, looking up you could see that Willey and Kendra felt it too, meaning you needed to get back to the club. 
“Alright, I think it’s time we head back to the club, we all have some things to do before tonight’s act.” You stood up and held your hand out for Lucy to take, but she shook her head.
“It’s okay Lucy, (y/n) will bring you back,” Luke looked up at you, “won’t you?” He pulled some puppy dog eyes, the rest of the boys following suit. 
“Yes,” you laughed at their faces, “we’ll definitely be back, you can’t get rid of us.” 
“I wouldn’t want to.” Luke kept eye contact and smiled at the blush he caused on your cheeks. 
Lucy hugged each boy goodbye, then took your hand, satisfied with the promise of returning. 
“I hope all goes well with Julie! You can’t let things end before I’ve seen a show.” You smiled at the boys and waved, Luke sending a wink your way before you all poofed and arrived back at the club. 
“And you wanna talk about my crush,” Kenda nudged you and giggled. 
You rolled your eyes, because maybe, maybe, you did have a small crush. But where's the harm in that? 
Part 4 coming soon…
Tag List!
@perfectlywrongformend3s @bathtimejish @lovesanimals @oswin05 @ashleyleblancx @losers-club6 @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @simplysanha @perfectlywrongformend3s @bathtimejish @lia-faerie-queen @morgandamrose @crybabyddl @caitsymichelle13 @simp4reggie @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @lolychu  @simplysanha @-episkey- @kristencoontz @ifilwtmfc @sarcasticsagittarius1998​
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stellanova002 · 4 years
Sanders Sides Highschool AU - “Stay True to Yourself”
This story is going to focus on all the sides and the different dilemmas they face. (The dilemmas can reach from school, family, friends to personal identity.)
Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil and Remus and Janus.
Summary: Virgil has moved around all his life and never been able to quite settle down. He and his dad have just moved to Florida, and Virgil is super nervous about starting high school. Adding to the already existing fear of going to high school, is also the fact that Virgil always has been picked on in school. He doesn’t know if it is because of his style in clothing, his hobbies or the fact that he is.....well, gay. And he has finally had enough! Virgil decides to put on a tougher persona, so, when school starts he is never letting anyone mess with him ever again.
Chapter 1
Growing up and figuring out who you are is one of the hardest challenges you can face; Especially as a teenager. You are expected to know what you want your future to look like while you also struggle with grades, family, friends, and all the other things going on in your body. You are no longer a child but also nowhere near grown-up. And the adults in your life will constantly remind you of this. They seem to get to decide when you are old enough to take responsibility and when you are too young to make your own decisions. 
And nowhere is this more apparent than in high school. 
It is Monday morning and the summer break is over. A small car is driving on the highway with two individuals inside. A father and a son. In the car's backseat, the son, Virgil, shifts his focus from the road to the window, trying to keep himself occupied. The world outside keeps on passing by and the speed is making all buildings, trees, and people look like blurred objects. 
Meanwhile, in the driver's seat, the father adjusts the rearview mirror to take a look at his son. Virgil has his head leaned on his palm and is staring out the window, he is wearing his usual striped hoodie, a dark purple t-shirt, and ripped black jeans. 
Virgil’s father sights. It’s been two years since the death of his wife and Virgil has been going through a lot. He has lost count of how many times Virgil has had to switch schools because of bullying, and how many times they’d been forced to move because of his old job. 
Virgil and his father are new to the city, they recently moved here during the summer break. One of the many reasons for moving was that Virgil's father got a new job and he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to start over. 
The light from the sun then bounces off the mirror and reflects onto Virgil. Virgil who is blinded by it turns to see where it came from, only to discover that his dad is looking at him.
Noticing that he’s been caught his dad quickly looks back on the road, embarrassed.
Virgil then sits up and starts to fiddle with his fingers, unable to distract from his thoughts any longer.
'What if I screw up? What if I say something wrong that will make everyone hate me?! Dad would eventually find out and come to the confusion that we'd have to move again. Fuck. Can we even afford to move?! Dad just got a new job. We just got here and now I'm going to end up ruining everything! Why do I always have to be such a pain?!'
Virgil's father tries to call his son's name but Virgil is not responding - being too caught up in his spiraling thoughts. 
The car then slows down to a gentle crawl. Virgil's father leans back and gently pats Virgil on his knee. "Hey buddy, how are you holding up?" His touch is enough to snap Virgil out of it. 
After a moment's silence, Virgil turns to his dad and shrugs. “I dunno. Fine, I guess…”
“That did not look fine." 
“I- I’m just nervous”, Virgil admits, “I don’t want to screw this up.”
"You won't screw anything up." His father's gaze is stern. "You never have and you never will." 
Virgil wrinkles his nose and scoffs. 'We all know that's not true' 
"Besides everyone is nervous on their first day, you won't be the only one."
"Yeah, but not everyone has anxiety", Virgil mutters to himself. 
His father turns his head away, clenching his jaw, not knowing how to respond to that. Instead, they continue to drive in silence. 
Virgil is sitting hunched, his body turned away from his dad. 
"What I meant to say was… ", his father says, unable to take the silence any longer, "Everyone is starting their freshman year. This is a new school and people have surely matured during the summer. I don't think you have anything to be afraid of." 
"I'm not so sure… I mean look at me!" Virgil gestures to himself. 
"I am", his father says, "and all I see is a perfectly normal boy." 
Virgil snorts. "Yeah right, because a normal boy would totally wear this, put on eyeshadow, and get a crush on other boys!" 
"Normal boys didn't get bullied like me, dad!" 
His dad grips the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turn white. Of course, he knows that Virgil has never been like most kids; He was always a little too sensitive and enjoyed things that most boys didn't. However, all that still doesn't justify how other people treated him. 
Yes, his son may not be like the majority but so what!? There is nothing wrong with that. 
"We're here…" The car, now in the school's parking lot, comes to a stop. Virgil climbs out of the car and grabs his backpack, he adjusts the large headphones around his neck and shuts the door. 
His father scrolls down the car window.
"Love you, stormcloud."
Virgil gives his father a small smile. "Yeah, I know dad.." 
He tilts his head, a serious expression on his face. "And promise me that you will begin to stand up for yourself."
"...Yeah...I’ll try...." 
The window slowly begins to creep back up. "I'm serious!”, he points to his son, “I need to get to work now, call me if you need anything and please, at least try to make some friends. Okay, kiddo?" 
Virgil just nods, not willing to make any promises. 
The car then begins to drive away and fade from Virgil's eye view. After it disappears Virgil takes a deep breath as he turns to look at his new school, a dreaded feeling in his stomach. 
Ugh! He is so tired of being scared of places like this. 
Behind this door, anything could happen. His life could finally change for the better; he could meet new friends and make high school the best years of his life...or….It could be another school filled with bullies making him wish he was never born.
Although... thinking back to his earlier school years, Virgil might think of a way to make people leave him alone. In his previous schools, there were always those kids that nobody dared to mess with. They were confident, took no one’s bullshit, and had, let’s just say...a bad reputation. Not even the worst bullies dared to do anything to them. 
With determination in his eyes, Virgil flattens his hair and makes his bangs cover his eyes. He straightens his posture, puts his hands in his pockets, and marches towards the school. 
“Friends”, Virgil sneers, “Never had them before so why should I need them now?" 
'Besides, who would even want to be friends with someone like me…' 
"Yeah, mom?!"
"Could you please come down and help me, sweetie?!" 
"Of course! I'll be right there!"
Twenty minutes away from the school, in a nice little cul-de-sac, a boy dressed in a cyan-blue polo shirt and grey cardigan bounces down the stairs and walks into his kitchen. 
In the kitchen, his mom is standing and preparing lunch while his siblings, Liam and Fiona, are eating cereal by the kitchen table.
Patton gives his mom a huge smile. "Morning, mom!" 
She returns the gesture, "Good morning", she says and puts in three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the lunch bags. 
Patton looks around, "What did you want help with?" 
"Can you take these bags and put them in Fiona and Liam's backpacks." 
"Sure thing!" 
Patton walks up to his mom, gives her a peck on the cheek, and takes the sandwiches to the backpacks down the hall. 
After putting the bags in the backpacks Patton checks to see if his siblings have packed everything; extra clothes; some fruit; a stuffed animal. He just knows they can't bear to be without them. 
When he gets back to the kitchen, Fiona and Liam have already put their bowls in the sink and run upstairs to brush their teeth. 
Patton is just about to go up and see if they need help when his mom calls for him:
“Patton, honey can I talk to you for a second?” The smile on her face is gone and she is standing with her arms tangled in front of her. 
Patton hesitates. Has he done something wrong?
He puts his hands behind his back and twists his body before he makes his way to his mom, eyes looking down at the floor. 
She kneels, takes a hold of his hands, and pulls them forward. 
"Am I in trouble…?", Patton asks, a lump forming in his throat. 
"No, sweetie…", she kisses his forehead, "You're not in trouble. I'm sorry if I made it seem that way." 
Patton’s whole body relaxes and he lets out a sigh of relief.
“Your Dad and I have just been talking about something", her smile drops and it turns into a frown. "We are going to be very short on staff at work, both at the hospital and at the residential home. It is going to be very likely that we both need to work overtime. This will affect a lot of things back home, things like picking up Fiona and Liam from school, dropping them off at training, and helping them with their homework." His mom grabs his hand tightly. "I know this isn’t fair - but Dad and I need you to step up and take some more responsibility. Can you do that?“
Patton’s parents both work in service jobs. His dad works as a nurse at the hospital and his mom works at a residential home. It's not the best-paying jobs but they manage to get by and Patton couldn’t be more proud of them and the work that they do. 
But there is part of him that is worried about how this will affect school. What if this is going to negatively affect his grades and make him fall behind. 
Patton looks at his mom, standing there in her uniform, looking tired and just waiting for an answer. He can’t possibly say something to make her feel bad. He is starting high school right now, he shouldn’t even have any hesitations about this… 
A selfless person wouldn't…. 
Patton puts on his most genuine smile. “Of course. It is about time to practice some...uhh….adultery!”
She snickers. 
“I am so proud of you! Continuing to be our happy little boy.”
“That’s me!”, Patton points to himself. 
Mom gives him a hug, stands up, and lightly pushes him towards the stairs. “I think it’s time for you to go up and tell your brother and sister that they need to hurry up. The school bus is almost here.” 
“Beep! Beep! Beep!” Roman groans at the sound of the alarm.
The alarm keeps beeping for a while before he sits up in his bed and turns to the side to shut it off. Roman then quickly yawns and looks at the clock: 
It’s 6:50. 
School starts at 8:00 so he might as well wake up and get ready. It takes time to look as fabulous as he does every day. 
And it's about half an hour's drive from his dad's mansion to the school. 
Roman gets out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom. He passes by his brother Remus' room and it's pitch black, he is still fast asleep and snoring loudly.
Roman rolls his eyes and walks up to his brother's bed. He claps his hands and the lights turn on, but Remus just groans. Roman then grabs the covers and pulls them off. 
But as the covers come off Roman sees something he wishes he could unsee. "OH MY GOD!", Roman shrieks.
There laying in his bed is Remus; Naked. 
Remus stretches out his whole body, sheepishly smiling at Roman. "Morning, Ro. Slept well?" 
"Shut up! Where are your clothes?!" 
Remus swings his feet off the bed, laughing. "You should know that by now, Roman. I sleep in the buff." 
"That is disgusting!" Roman throws a pair of underwear at his brother. "Get dressed."
While Remus puts on the underpants Roman goes to the bathroom to get ready. He locks the door, takes off his pajamas, and gets in the shower. 
After washing himself and putting on deodorant, Roman looks at his reflection in the mirror. 'Looking good~'.
He dries his hair, combs it, and finishes it up with some hairspray. And as a final touch, he puts on a light patch of makeup - some baby cream, foundation, and just a small winged eyeliner. 
'Wouldn't want dad to make a big deal of it.'
Roman flinches at the sudden noise. "What the hell Remus?!"
Remus continues to knock on the door."Get out of the bathroom, Ro! It's my turn. You know that there's not enough makeup in the world to improve that mug!"
Roman takes his bathrobe and throws the door open. He gives his brother an annoyed glance as they switch places. 
He looks at the clock in the hall: 7:15 
Roman ruches back to his room and puts on the clothes he laid out yesterday. After putting on tight-fitted jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red sports-jacket, he runs down the house's marble staircase and into the kitchen. 
As Roman enters the kitchen, he sees that his father is in the dining room reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee. Roman hesitates before he fills his bowl with some yogurt and berries, and joins him at the table. His father is wearing his pristine dark blue suit and his suitcase rest beside his chair. 
He glances at Roman, eyeing him up and down. “Son.”
Remus arrives just a few minutes later, his hair is wet from the shower and he's putting on socks in a hurry. He's wearing a booger green shirt, black military-printed pants, and a spiked leather jacket. Remus glances at the clock and notices that he has limited time, so he decides to take a banana from the fruit bowl. The atmosphere is uneasy as they all continue to eat their breakfast. 
The father then takes a long sip of his coffee before folding his newspaper and leaning down on the table. 
“Boys, you are about to move onto the next stage of your lives and I think it’s important that you begin to act your age.” He glares at Roman. “Which starts by quitting your childish hobbies and focusing on something more worthwhile”. 
Roman slams his hand on the counter. "But dad!" 
"No objections! You are a talented sportsman son, it's about time you quit that girly activity and apply to the school's football team." 
He then looks at Remus, who has put the whole banana in his mouth. “And Remus, I don't ask for much, just don't get into a habit of getting into trouble. And please, try not to ruin this family’s reputation…”
“Yes, dad…”, Roman sights.
“Whatever you say, pops” Remus scoffs, why should he care about his family's stupid reputation. It's only a reputation for being boring rich snobs anyway. 
Their father straightens his tie, stands up, and grabs his suitcase. "Mr. Sato will drive you to school. I have to get to the airport for my business trip. You’ll be staying with your mom this week, and I’ll see you at the end of the weekend." He puts away his coffee mug and leaves the kitchen without saying anything else to them; no “good luck”, no “have a great day”, or even “I love you”. 
Roman can only hope to hear at least a goodbye from his father but knows he is gone the moment the front door slams shut.
The twins then finish their breakfast and step outside, waiting for Mr.Sato to drive the car out of the garage. He opens the door for both of them, respectfully nodding his head to say good morning. Roman returns the gesture. 
Mr. Sato is the boy’s personal chauffeur, the one who has taken them to school for most of their lives. Roman really likes Sato, he always listens to him and makes him feel like he can be himself around him. He’s who Roman will turn to when he needs to vent to anyone besides his friends. 
Roman’s face lights up as he thinks about them. That’s right, he’ll see his friends today! God, how he’s missed them. Patton’s warm hugs, Logan’s wordplays, their playful banter. 
If one thing is certain is that these school years will be just like the rest. Just him, Logan, and Patton. Like it always has been. 
Like it always will be.
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lupin-for-president · 4 years
“Behind the Shelves” Pt. 1
(A Wolfstar College AU)
Long couldn’t even begin to describe the day Remus Lupin was having.
From waking up late and missing his morning lecture, finding out his chocolate bars had melted from being in his car, spilling coffee all over his floorboards, and then his boss telling him he had to work the late shift at his college’s library, “long” didn’t seem to do this day justice.
It was around six in the evening when he had noticed them walk in from his spot behind the front counter.
A graceful girl with long red hair, at least four books in her arms, and a baggy cardigan hanging loosely off of her shoulders. A darker boy with nerdy looking glasses following close behind her, holding just one textbook in his hand, and his hair a curly mess.
The boy clearly fancied the girl, it was obvious in the way his mouth curled at the edges while he tried his best to match her steps, and —by the way she was trying to fight off a smile of her own— Remus was nearly positive that the girl fancied the boy a tad bit too.
Then, Remus’ eyes landed on the last member of the arriving party.
A boy with warm carmel skin and wavy black hair that hung gently down to his shoulders. His mouth held a smirk —that Remus would deem absolutely sinful— and his eyes glinted with a playful sense of glee. He wore faded ripped jeans and a black Queen shirt with the sleeves pushed up, exposing his delicately intricate tattoos. He had piercings littering both of his ears, as well as a black stud in the side of his nose.
Just my type, Remus thought.
When he finally lifted his gaze back up to the stranger’s face —hazel eyes meeting a set of piercing grey ones— he felt his breath catch in his throat. He quickly averted his gaze back to the books he was sorting, doing his best to fight off an embarrassed blush. The next time he dared to look up, the enterauge had already vanished away —deeper into the library— and a relieved breath blew past his lips.
“Way to go Remus,” he muttered to himself, “Just start having repressed gay thoughts the second a mildly attractive boy walks through the door.”
He’s more than just mildly attractive, he scolded himself.
With a heaved sigh, he picked up the stack of books and walked out from behind the counter. He made his way to the proper shelves quickly, knowing he had at least twelve more stacks to sort back out before the night was over.
He was finally on his last book of the stack and, due to its placement, he had to use the library ladder to put it back on its shelf. Climbing the rolling ladder —rather carelessly if he were being honest— he lazily reached up to place the book back in its proper position.
“Ah, History of French Language, I wonder what poor soul had to indulge in that.”
The sudden voice caught Remus off guard, making him jump so hard that he nearly fell backwards off the ladder. After he regained his balance, he was ready to look down and make a snappy remark to the person who had almost made him fall, but immediately bit his tongue as his gaze locked on the source. Remus’ eyes widened for a moment before he cleared his throat, a heat rising to his cheeks.
It was the same boy from before, his long black hair tucked lazily behind one of his ears, arms crossed over his chest, and a cheeky smile painted on his lips. He was leaning against the shelf, eyeing Remus with a teasing look that was enough to make his skin become peppered with goosebumps.
“It actually isn’t too bad,” Remus finally answered, making his descent down the ladder.
“Oh? Have you read it?”
“Yes, I have,” Remus nodded curtly, grabbing the ladder and dragging it along behind him to put it back in its proper place.
Remus had expected the conversation to end there, but he heard footsteps following after him. When he positioned the ladder in its rightful spot, he turned to quirk an eyebrow at the boy, readjusting the sleeves of his sweater.
“Can I help you?” Remus asked, probably a little too sternly, “Are you looking for something?”
“Oh, no,” Sirius grinned, leaning forward slightly, “I’ve found everything I need.”
Remus was taken aback at the boy’s forwardness, it wasn’t something he was used to seeing. Then again, this boy was undeniably attractive —enough to make any girl or boy weak in the knees just by looking at him— so he really had no reason to be shy with his flirting.
But Remus was currently working and on the clock and —even though he was oh so tempted— couldn’t be caught flirting with some mysterious bad boy behind the bookshelf.
“Right,” Remus cleared his throat, “Then I must get back to work. If you decide you need help, I’ll either be behind the desk or putting books back on their shelves.”
And so he strolled off and did just that, but the strange boy simply followed. Remus tried to pretend that he wasn’t looming over his shoulder, but the boy kept getting closer and closer and it kept getting harder and harder to avoid him. Finally, Remus slammed the book he had just scanned into the computer shut and turned around to face him.
“What’s your name?” Sirius asked.
“Remus,” he said bluntly.
“Remus,” Sirius repeated, as if he were testing it out.
The pale boy nearly felt his heart combust at the sound of his name dripping off of the other’s tongue like warm honey, drizzling into every crevice in his mind. He did his best to push past the thought and not focus on those beautiful pink lips that just looked so temptingly soft.
“And your name is?” Remus questioned, leaning back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
“Sirius, but you can call me yours,” he winked.
Remus couldn’t even attempt to hide his blush this time, his entire face turning a bright shade of pink. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before turning back around to gather up the scanned books.
“Sirius, that’s uh— that’s a nice name,” Remus nodded, cursing himself for not knowing how to handle the blatant flirting of this beautiful stranger.
Sirius laughed —a melodious, charming laugh— and shook his head.
“It’s after the star,” he murmured, “Speaking of which, the stars are supposed to look absolutely beautiful tonight. Would you like to go watch them with me?”
Remus paused for a moment as he turned with the stack of books in his arms, his eyebrows creasing togegher slightly. Slowly, he looked up at Sirius, head titled slightly to the side.
“Do you always invite random strangers on dates or is this a new thing for you?” Remus asked.
“Nah, only the cute ones,” Sirius smirked, sending him a flirty wink that made butterflies erupt inside of his stomach.
Remus simply scoffed and brushed past him, books in hand. “Well, sorry to disappoint, but I must decline. I don’t go on dates with strangers,” he said sternly, though his voice had a hint of teasing in it.
“Oh, come on. We’re hardly strangers now, Remus. Wouldn’t you agree?” Sirius quipped, following after him, “I mean we’ve known each other for a whole half hour already, I’d say we’ve become pretty swell friends.”
Remus just started sorting the books back onto their shelves, careful not to make eye contact with Sirius in the fear that doing so might cause him to give in. After all, this boy was obviously handed everything in life. It wouldn’t do much harm for Remus to play a little hard to get.
“Speaking of friends,” Remus started, “Aren’t yours going to be wondering where you are?”
“You mean James and Lily? Please,” the tan boy waved off the claim, “I doubt they even notice I’m gone. James has been swooning over that girl since our freshman year here, two years later and he’s still just as infatuated as ever. I think Lils is finally starting to give in, though.”
“So you’re a junior here as well? Funny, I haven’t seen you around much,” Remus noted.
“That’s because I never have the need to come into your little library,” Sirius shrugged, “I’m an art major —a free spirit if you will— I’d rather not waste my time surrounded by books. Though, now that I know you’re here, I might have to come around a little more often.”
There it was again, that bold flirtatious side of him. It made Remus want nothing more than to grab him by the shirt collar and slam him up against the bookshelf, ravaging him with intense kisses just to make him shut up. Remus was sure those pretty pink lips were just as soft as they looked.
He cleared his throat and turned to the boy, hands now empty of books to sort. “Art major, huh? I should’ve guessed, you seem like the type,” Remus said, his eyes giving the boy a once over.
“Do I now?” Sirius smirked, taking a step closer to Remus. “How about you, what’s your major?”
“Should’ve known, you seem like the type,” he said, his words spilling out like dangerously sinful honey. “When does your shift end?”
“A few hours,” Remus replied, his heart pattering inside of his chest, “Not that it’ll matter to you, I already told you I don’t go out with strangers.”
“What’ll it take to convince you?” Sirius asked, his tone turning oddly tense.
“Figure it out yourself, Mr. Free Spirit.”
With that, Remus turned on his heel and walked down the aisle and back to his counter to finish his job. Sirius, of course, acted as his shadow the entire time, dropping flirting remarks and teasing hints every few minutes.
It didn’t stop until the glasses boy from earlier came up to the front desk to whisk him away, just about ten minutes before closing. Not that the stubborn boy would admit it, but he almost hated to see him go already.
As Remus watched him walk out of the door, blushing lightly as the boy turned and gave him a cheeky wink, he found himself wondering if he would see him again.
And prayed to god that it would be soon.
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ds-ts-smut-fics · 4 years
Lovely Boys [Chapter Four]
Summary: Janus and Logan are both in love with Remus, it’s just a matter of who can convince Remus of their feelings first. 
Trigger warnings: NSFW, real hardcore insecurity, not the healthiest habits, rough sex, being caught (kind of, they’re not walked in on), mention of abusive and negligent past exes who neglected proper BDSM rules, some very rude degrading self talk, sl*t as an endearing term, pretty heavy pet play
Genre: Hurt/Comfort smut (Sub Remus, dom Logan, switch Janus), intruloceit 
Written by: Virgil & Claire
Edited by: Virgil 
A/N: Last chapter! Lovely Boys is complete! Get ready for some Janus whump lol 
Part One
Janus rolled his eyes as Logan pulled the car into the long driveway. Janus adjusted his bowtie with a scowl. “Why did Remus and I have to come to this again?” 
Logan sighed softly. "Because I need the support and I want my partners to meet my parents?"
“Yeah, it’s been, like, six months!” Remus cried with a pout. “I want to meet them!”
“I don’t see why you needed me to tag along,” Janus grumbled, but followed them out of the car anyway. 
Remus pressed an excited kiss to Janus’ mouth, grinning up at him. Janus couldn’t help but smile back. Remus was dressed in a sparkly, gothic dress, and stockings with a tentacle pattern down the legs. Janus had dressed down compared to his boyfriends, dressed in a suit similar to Logan’s but with a yellow bowtie and undershirt. 
Chuckling, Logan smoothed his tuxedo and offered his hands. "Baby… I need you both by my side. Besides, it's also a business dinner party, I thought you'd be thrilled to meet some of them?"
He shrugged a little, sheepish. “I could use that to pass the time.”
He took Logan’s hand and laced their fingers with a sigh, following him inside. 
Setting Remus' hand on his arm, Logan twined his other fingers with Janus' and led them inside. "Kiss, babies?"
Remus giggled and kissed Logan sloppily on the lips. Janus glanced around for prying eyes, and gave Logan a soft kiss on the cheek. 
Smiling, Logan relaxed a little more. He sighed, before taking them inside with a nod to the person at the door who greeted him. "Thank you, my dears…." 
Remus squealed pretty much the second they got inside. He tugged on both of their hands. “Guys- Guys- Dancing! There’s dancing!” 
Chuckling, Logan tugged him close for a nuzzle. "Calm, my pup… Why don't you and Janus dance, I'll let my parents know we're here?"
“I- I don’t know,” Janus said with a nervous laugh. “I don’t dance in front of other people.”
Remus pouted, and turned his puppy eyes on Logan. “Pleeeeaaaaaseeeee, Master?” 
Giving in, Logan nodded. "We shall, then… There's likely to be food on that side of the room and mother usually opens her rose garden, through those doors?" 
Janus grinned. “Then I’m sure I’ll find something to entertain myself.” He kissed both of their cheeks. “Find me in the garden when you’re done.”
"Will do, darling!" Logan led Remus to the floor, sweeping him into his arms with a smile.
Janus wormed his way through the crowd of strangers to the garden, only stopping at the food tables to get himself a glass of wine. He breathed in deeply when he stepped inside, breathed in all the green and the flowers and his drink. He wandered through the garden for a while, admiring all of Logan’s mom’s clear talent, finding a bench by a fish pond to rest at. 
Someone hummed softly behind him. "You're new here tonight… how are you liking the garden?"
Janus glanced back and internally groaned at the woman standing behind him. Fucking small talk. He decided to be subtle. “It’s beautiful. A good place to get away from the crowds.”
"That it is… I find the best people out here at these gatherings. Did you come with someone?" She smiled, her light silver dress swirling around her ankles as she stepped closer.
“Yep. My two boyfriends.” If that didn’t scare her off, he didn’t know what would. It usually worked. He finished his glass of wine with a little hum of disappointment. 
She chuckled and sighed. "Well, there goes my hope to pair you with my boy…" 
Janus quirked an eyebrow. He feigned offence and made a show of looking down at himself. “Do I look that gay?” 
She shrugged. "Is there a gay look these days? I'm just saying that to let you know that I wasn't coming onto you…. That's the correct phrase, yes? I'm married and my son is around your age I believe."
Janus laughed. He didn’t know who this bitch was, but he liked her. “How old is he?” 
"Just recently turned 29… He has two partners, I'm hoping he brought them tonight! More wine, sweetie?" She winked. "I have a bench cooler with a nicer selection out here, Max knows me too well…"
He grinned. “More wine sounds great. And, uh, your son’s a few years older than me, but he’s the same age as one of my boyfriends, so it doesn’t really matter.”
Leading the way gracefully, she hummed. "How old are you then? Over 21, I hope?"
“Yeah, I’m about to start my second year. I’m 22.” 
"Lovely! What are you studying?" Opening a bench carefully, she took out a bottle of wine and showed the label, offering to pour.
Janus held out his glass happily. “Uh, I’m double majoring. Law and philosophy. Barely had the time to come tonight, honestly. But Logan wouldn’t let me stay home.” He chuckled a little into his glass, taking a big gulp. 
Her eyes widened as she took back the bottle. "Logan, hmm? Tell me about him? He sounds like a good man if he makes you relax so you don't burn out!" Is it my Logan? Oh, I hope so! You're so precious!
“You don’t have to act like you don’t know him,” Janus chuckled. “Logan Taylor? Everyone here knows him, I’m not dumb. And anyway, I think I force him to relax more than he does me.” 
She dissolves into giggles. "Oh, honey… I know my Loganberry very well, indeed…. My son has excellent taste!" 
Janus froze. Now would be a great time for a spontaneous, painless death. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t think of what to say. He couldn’t feel his heartbeat. 
"Are you Janus or Remus? I'm guessing Janus… You seem more calm and reserved than he's described Remus to me." Offering her hand, she smiled widely. "Sit with me, tell me all about yourself dear?"
Oh, God, how did he get himself into this? He sat down with her and prayed they would be finished dancing soon. “I- I’m Janus,” he managed. “Uh… What do you want to know?” This entire time he was talking to his boyfriend’s mom like she was… Some random lady. How was she not enraged at the disrespect? 
"Well, I know how Lo feels about you… But I'm curious how you feel about him? I know he can be a bit grumpy before coffee and if you run out of exactly the right type of jam…."
Janus took her offered hand, mostly because he’d feel too awkward not to. He tried not to smile at the thought of Logan before coffee. “Um. How- How does he feel about me?”
She squeezed lightly. "Honey, you don't know that he gushes about you two? He's always so quick to dash out after board meetings because he's got to get home to you… He's head over heels!"
Janus blushed deep red. “Logan is… My constant. He’s the only stable and, uh, secure thing in my life. I don’t… I don’t think he understands how much that means, to- to Remus and I both.” 
Her heart squeezed. "Oh, Janus… I'm sure he's aware. He never works overtime if he can help it anymore, his schedule is so much more stable now. I really think you two are it for him…"
Janus barely held back a smile. “You think he’d want to stay with us?” 
She grinned. "Sweetheart, I have a feeling you'll be calling me ‘mom’ soon enough. Now, where are those two hiding, hmm? Food or the dance floor?"
“They’re dancing. Remus saw and didn’t want to do anything else.” Janus chuckled nervously, taking a few more big gulps of wine. 
"How sweet… Janus, are you alright? That's a bit quick on the wine…" Frowning softly, she reached for the glass. "Perhaps we should get some food into you?"
He blushed. His head was starting to feel a little fuzzy… He didn’t want to give up the wine, but he didn’t dare refuse her. “I’m okay.” He held out the glass. 
She hummed, taking it carefully and leading Janus to the buffet. "I don't want Logan to be mad at me for getting his boyfriend drunk. Do I scare you that much, Janus?" 
He nearly spluttered, stuttering out, “I’m not scared,” but he wasn’t nearly as good of a liar with the alcohol in his system. Jesus, this was not going well. She was certainly going to tell Logan to leave him the second they’re alone. 
"Sweetie… Logan loves you!" She patted his hand gently as they walked. She smiled at Logan and Remus on the dance floor. "I may be his mother, but I have no control over who he loves…"
Remus giggled as Logan dipped him, gripping onto his shoulders and squealing. 
Janus forced his gaze away, and choked out, “But I’ve been such an asshole to you.”
She giggled softly. "You were honest, and I didn't introduce myself. I try to have a conversation with people first, as a random person— it shows me their character. You are kind but honest, Janus. It's a good set of qualities!"
As they reached the food tables, Remus looked over and gasped as he saw them. He gripped Logan’s hand and tugged him over. 
“Hi, Janny!” Remus’ face was bright and excited, as happy as could be. 
Logan sighed but smiled. He hugged Janus, and blushed at his mother's soft laugh. "My dear… Oh, you found Mother!"
Remus was immediately distracted. “Oh, there’s chocolate!”
Janus lurched forward and grabbed Remus’ hand, wrapping an arm around his waist and tugging him away from the table. “What are you doing, there’s probably milk in there!”
Remus pouted up at Janus’ worried, exasperated face. “But it’s chocolate-“
“We can stop by that cupcake place you like on the way home, you can’t just eat random chocolate-“
Janus blinked as Remus leaned up and pressed a kiss to his mouth. Janus tried to speak as his mind rebooted, and Remus said, “Okay.” 
"Awww…" Bouncing a little, Carla grinned, holding the bowl out to Janus. "Let the boy have some chocolate! He's just the cutest!" 
Logan sputtered softly, taking the bowl and feeding Remus a piece. "You approve, Mom? They're very dear to me…."
Remus ate the chocolate happily as Janus scrambled to look at the card on the bowl, displaying the ingredients. He glared at Logan. “You could have just said it doesn’t have milk in it,” he snapped, momentarily forgetting about Carla’s presence. 
Logan hummed softly. "I gave Mother the allergy information and she told me exactly which dishes to keep Remus away from. They're in the bowls with green edges. The blue rim means you can't have their contents." He winked. "Got to keep my boys happy and safe!" 
Carla grinned, nodding. "Such a fierce protector…"
“Besides, Jan-Jan, you know I’m not that dumb! I wouldn’t eat something-”
“Exactly how many allergic reactions did you have before you told me I can’t cook with milk?” Janus crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow. 
Remus blushed. “I dunno.”
“Eight,” Janus said. “Sixteen days into living with me, and you just ate whatever I handed you. Excuse me for being worried.” 
Carla frowned softly. "I'm glad he has you two caring for him, then…"
Janus sighed and cradled Remus against him, resting his chin on top of his head. “Me, too. I, um…” He forced himself to meet Carla’s eyes, “I- I’m really sorry about that, um, display. It wasn’t… It wasn’t very polite. I apologize.”
She waved him off and gestured to Remus. "Worry leads to strong reactions, dear. He's a handful, I can tell…" 
Logan hugged his boyfriends gently. "A lovely handful, yes indeed, Mother. I wouldn't have him any other way!"
Remus giggled and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Janny, you’re not still worried about impressing her, are you?” He pouted and Janus’ face flushed bright red. “She’s fancy, but she’s nothing like your parents! You can just be yourself!”
“Remus, please,” Janus choked out, fighting the urge to hide his face in Logan’s shirt. 
Carla sighed softly, opening her arms. "Come here, darlings? Let me hug my son's boyfriends? You're so perfect for him…"
Remus giggled and jumped into her arms, hugging her tightly. Janus hesitated. 
Giving Remus a cuddle, she smiled, petting his hair. "We have to have a spa day some time, you're so cute!" 
Logan stroked Janus' back lightly. "It's okay, baby… You're already family, my love."
As Remus babbled on with Carla about all the things they could do together, Janus leaned into Logan’s touch. “I know. I’m trying.” 
"You are and I love you all the more for it, baby." Stealing a soft kiss, Logan wrapped around him gently. "Let me dance with you, J? Mother and Remus should bond well over fashion and spa day outings…"
He blushed. “If you can find an empty room, I’ll dance with you.” 
"Done!" Gently tugging, he led Janus to an empty room after a few tries. He locked it behind them. "Anything for you, baby.."
Janus chuckled freely, draping his arms over Logan’s shoulders, crossed at the wrist. 
Taking his hips, Logan swayed them gently, kissing Janus' cheeks. "Mmm, there's my cutie pie…"
“Shut up,” he mumbled. He laid his head on Logan’s shoulder. “Your mom tricked me, by the way.” 
"Oh? Did she do her 'you're new here, and I'm a random woman' bit on you?" Nuzzling Janus as they swayed, he chuckled.
“She did. She also didn’t let me get drunk. She’s a bitch, I love her.” He chuckled. “She also tried to set me up with you, Loganberry.” 
"The horror… A protective mother who's still trying to get me dates. At least she has good taste? And Loganberry? Oh, goodness… I haven't heard that nickname since I was 12!" He grinned, kissing Janus' ear. "Feel free to use it~?"
Janus bit Logan’s ear. “Stop being weird.” 
"Weird? How am I being weird, love?" Petting Janus, he cuddled him closer.
“‘Loganberry.’” He snickered and stopped the swaying in favour of pulling Logan’s body against his, nuzzling into his neck. With nobody else around, he felt more secure, able to run his hands under Logan’s coat and make Logan wrap his arms around him. 
Wrapping tighter, Logan sighed. "My baby… All mine."
Janus sighed happily. “Say that again.” 
"Mmm, you're mine, baby… All mine to love and cherish and protect~!" He kissed at Janus’ neck, coaxing to relax and melt into Logan’s arms.
Janus’ knees went a little weak, and he did exactly that. He hummed and nuzzled into Logan’s neck, eyes closed. The wine probably helped. 
Logan supported him easily. "We're all alone, baby~ Why don't you relax? Daddy's got you."
Like always, Janus’ words slipped out before he really thought about it. “Yes, daddy.” 
"Need daddy to give you some love or just cuddles, baby? You're so tense…" Stroking in long pets, he directed them to a chair, sitting and pulling Janus into his lap.
“Just cuddles, please,” he whispered, pressing his forehead to Logan’s shoulder. “Some more wine would be nice, but your mom’s probably hiding it all at this point.” 
"Wine when we're at home, baby? Daddy wants to make sure you're okay…" Massaging gently, he slid Janus' jacket off to rub over his back and neck easier. 
“I’m okay, daddy,” he promised. “It just… You know, makes me feel less like I’m fucking everything up. I don’t know how Remus can be so… Casual, with parents. I mean, his and mine are so alike, and Remus is just… Unphased.” 
Humming, Logan nodded. "He's one of a kind… He has so much hope and love. That's why we protect our ball of sunshine, yes? I wouldn't leave him with her if I didn't know she's going to cuddle and love on him properly, baby."
Janus nodded. “I know… It’s not- It’s not about her. I’m sure she’s great. It’s just… You know. I was always told my partners’ parents aren’t my friends, they’re my…” Janus cleared his throat, “you know, like, superiors.” 
Janus didn’t actually remember how much he'd told Logan about his parents. He certainly hadn’t introduced them. Knowing him, he probably only told Logan small things, when he was drunk or in subspace. 
"Ah… I see. My parents are more formal, usually. However, events like this are only for friends, family. They let loose and relax, showing their true selves. That's why I thought this would be the place for you to meet them? They're not superior, just older and a little wiser?" 
“I know,” he said quietly. “Or… I’m trying to.” 
"Your sharp little mind knows, your heart is still catching up to the fact that you're safe and wanted?" Petting his hair, he raised Janus' face for a soft but possessive kiss.
Janus moaned happily, kissing him back with a smile. “Should we check on Remus?” He asked after a while. 
Nodding, Logan hummed, sliding Janus back to his feet and settling their clothes back in place. "We should and will… My darling baby." 
Janus blushed deeply and took his hand, following him out to search for Remus. He tried not to let his anxiety get the better of him as he interacted with Logan’s parents and associates, tried not to be too stiff and standoffish. It helped having Remus next to him, who could have an excitable conversation with anyone in the world— and Logan, too, of course. 
Proudly showing off his boyfriends, Logan smiled from his place between them, a hand on both their hips. My lovely boys… 
Reminder that I’m (Virgil) doing smut commissions on Kofi, each coffee equals 300 words for any prompt of your choosing (I can reblog some prompt lists if you guys would prefer, as well, just let me know). 
Commission me here please: https://ko-fi.com/stormcloud_baby
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Tantrum throwers
Characters: Virgil, Remus, Deceit, Anton, Andy, a guy named Ryan
Ship: Anxceitmus (Virgil/Deceit/Remus) Warnings: Virgil says f*ck, mention of violence, mention of blood, bullying, mention of harassment Type: Hurt/Comfort I think? Word count: 816
Wow I didn’t realize it would get that long…
“Hey, creep, don’t you know nobody listen at what you’re saying? Shut the fuck up for a second, maybe someone would actually likes you!”
Hearing the insult and knowing very well it was directed against Remus, Virgil immediately looked towards the person who said it. Ryan. Of course. He should have seen this coming. This jerk had taken the habit to bully anyone who wasn’t in his group of friends and who couldn’t fight back. Dee, who was talking to him before he got interrupted, perked up to see what had drawn his boyfriend’s attention. Seeing who Ryan was talking to, he let out a slight hiss.
“This prick! He really needs to get punched in the face,” he growled.
“That’s all that he deserves, saying that to Remus.”
“He’s almost asking for it.”
“So if we give him what he deserves…”
“Yeah, it’d only be fair.”
They both slipped behind their other boyfriend, looking daggers at Ryan.
“Remus? How are you doing, Darling?” Dee asked, his voice so honeyed it was almost painful to listen.
“Dee! Virge! I searched you everywhere, where did you go?”
“We were just over here,” Virgil responded, pointing at the place where he was standing just a minute ago. “But you didn’t answer, babe.”
“Oh, I’m alright!” He giggled when Dee put his arm around his waist, not noticing the dark look he shot at Ryan while doing so. He had started going back when Virgil called him out. “Ryan! What a pleasure to see you! How are you doing since the last time? You had to go to the hospital, if I remember right? I hope your nose wasn’t broken, there was a lot of blood…” Said Ryan grimaced at the painful memory, remembering the way Virgil’s fist had hit his face just a month ago, as he was terrorizing a kid. The three of them had noticed him. He had tried to fight back, but starting with the burned side of Dee’s wasn’t a good idea if you didn’t want the other two to hurt you.
Now, he was trying to run away, knowing very well that he wouldn’t beat them and they wouldn’t leave him alone. However, Dee and Virgil had other plans for him. “Ryan, why do you leave us so soon? Stay for a bit! I saw you talking with my dear Remus, would you mind telling us what you were saying?” Dee asked.
Hearing the passive-aggressive tone Dee was using, he was gonna turn around and run anyway when he saw two of his sidekicks approaching. Flight wasn’t an option anymore, he didn’t want to be the laughing stock of his group of friends. The only thing he could do was fight.
“You two! Come here!” He barked, pointing at them.
They sped up, still walking, they wouldn’t want to destroy their cool attitude. “What’s up? Needs help to beat up the weirdos?” Andy questioned.
The ‘weirdos’ gave him a dark look, not appreciating how he was talking about their boyfriends.
Virgil moved in front of Remus and Dee. He didn’t want to risk for one of them to be hurt if they had to fight. “Touch one of them and I promise you’ll get worse than a broken nose.”
“I’m so scared!” Anton laughed, feigning terror.
“You should be. Even if you beat us, which is very unlikely, I still got tapes of the New Year party. It would pretty embarrassing if I was to show them to everybody…” Dee said smugly.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Why not, Ryan? You have something to hide? I know I don’t.”
“Now, fuck off. My promise is still on.” The three bullies walked away, swearing under their breath to get these tapes back.
“Remus, babe, you’re really okay? I heard Ryan calling you a creep,” Virgil asked while they were walking home.
“'Course I am! I’m used to that, Angel. You know, being gay, polyamorous and loud like me, it gives people more reasons than necessary to bully you,” Remus said lightly.
As for Dee, he was taking this matter very seriously. “Darling, I don’t want you to be harassed because of us. Is there something we can do to help?”
“Not really. If I just ignore them, eventually they’ll stop. It’s the basics.”
“Sorry if we threw a tantrum… I just can’t stand seeing them talking to you like that.”
Remus dismissed the remark with a gesture of the hand, quickly changing the subject.
They finally got to his house. “Why don’t you come in? Roman isn’t here yet, we could have some fun time!” Remus said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“No, thanks, babe. My parents are waiting for me.”
“And I’ve got a ton of homework waiting for me too.”
When Remus pouted, they both laughed. Giving him a last kiss, they left together, letting their boyfriend skitter to his room with a big smile.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 29 (Adorney) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters. xoxo!
Chapter Summary: The summer continues as Courtney tries to face her feelings, and Adore finds a place where she is fully accepted.
TW: gay slurs (used by gay people)
Chapter 29: The Game of Love
Music blasted through the Delano’s household, vibrating the walls; Adrian was enjoying his summer break on the couch, stuffing his face with junk food and playing video games, while Adore and Courtney lazed around upstairs.
Courtney lay across Adore’s bed, a pillow snuggled to her chest and a smile stretched across her face as she watched her best friend dance wildly around the room in a ripped t-shirt and boy-shorts, headbanging and letting loose to the music.
“C’mon Court,” Adore yelled, launching on the bed, jumping up and down as she sang along to American Idiot at the top of her lungs.
Courtney laughed as she tried to stand, legs wobbling against the unsteady bed. She grabbed Adore’s hands and the two of them bounced around the bed, fingers intertwined, singing at the top of their lungs. And when Adore jumped backward off the bed, missing the landing and falling back on her butt, Courtney followed after.
The two girls lay on the floor, chests heaving, giggling and reveling in the moment. Courtney rolled over, nearly on top of Adore; the sun shining through Adore’s window highlighting big hazel eyes and a bright smile staring up at her. Caught in the moment, Courtney reached out to brush her dark hair out of her face, running her fingers through the untamed mane; causing Adore’s heart to go into overtime.
“You’re so beautiful,” Courtney smiled. “How do you do it?”
Adore just barely heard her over the too-loud music, but she did. She scoffed playfully, then sat up, willing herself not to ruin the moment.
“Thank you. I call it, jelly stains from breakfast on an old DeBarge shirt that used to belong to Angie and I haven’t washed my hair in three days.” Adore stood, extending a hand out to Courtney who gladly accepted it, rising to her feet.
Adore turned to walk away, but was tugged back by Courtney. She laughed when big green eyes blinked at her expectantly.
“You look beautiful, too, Court. A true princess,” she said, then proceeded to spin Courtney around.
“Thank you,” Courtney curtsied, giggling, slightly dizzy. She knew that she was acting like an idiot. It had been like this all summer. Adore had made it perfectly clear, over and over, that she didn’t want to cross any kind of boundary with her, but suddenly, Courtney didn’t care anymore, and words were tumbling out of her mouth recklessly. “And you could be the rebellious princess from the neighboring kingdom. Who refuses to marry the prince that her parents wants her to because she fell in love with me- even though I’m not exactly your type.” Courtney smiled, stepping closer, playing with the frayed ends of Adore’s shirt.
“Courtney…” Adore started. But when the song changed to The Game of Love, the entire mood changed in the room.
Courtney pulled Adore into something between a waltz and a salsa, singing along to the music.
Courtney let her hands settle on Adore’s hips as she led the dance. Adore quickly relaxed underneath her touch, giggling as she tried her hardest- and failed- to not step on Courtney's feet.
“You’d have to get a few dance lessons before our wedding though,” Courtney said lightly, trying not to push too much, and Adore tripped, flustered.
Courtney pulled Adore closer, closing the small gap between them. She watched as Adore’s eyes looked everywhere else but her. Suddenly it felt like she had swallowed a handful of dry sand as thoughts of closing that space and pressing her lips to Adore’s replayed over and over in her mind, while they moved around the room. She decided to test the waters, heart pounding.
“And... at the end, we’d kiss and the crowd ‘d go wild…”
Courtney spun, before “falling” into Adore’s arms. She leaned toward her, eyes fluttering closed, Adore’s warm breath on her face, but before their lips could touch, Adore snatched away from her, sending the blonde with arms flailing to the ground.
“I-I, I’m gonna grab a snack. Do you want anything?” Adore asked. She headed to her door quickly, heart beating rapidly in her chest as her mind swam with a million thoughts and questions. First and foremost: why did Courtney always fuck around like that? Didn’t she know that this wasn’t a joke?
“Um, some water,” Courtney sat up on her knees, nails digging into her thighs as she tried to keep a straight face, not wanting the hurt of rejection all over her face.
“I read that this is supposed to be sooo good for our skin,” Fame hummed as she brushed the cinnamon and honey mixture over Violet's face.
“If this breaks my face out more, I'm gonna murder you,” Violet said, twitching her nose at the slight tingling. “Is it supposed to… feel like this?”
“Yep, we're burning off all the dead skin and bumps and stuff that's clogging our pores.” Fame said as she watched Violet’s nose twitch again. “It's gonna sting at first but it's supposed to go away. Then we're gonna put aloe vera on our faces after, to soothe the skin.”
Violet huffed, but continued to let Fame spread the mixture on her face.
“So… how’re things going…you know, with Patrick,” Violet tried to sound casual.
“Uhm…” Fame bit her bottom lip. “Actually, we uh…we broke up.”
“What? When?”
“Last night,” Fame said, a hint of sadness in her voice.
“Oh. Do you want to talk about it?” Violet asked, reaching over, placing her hand over Fame’s, thumb rubbing her soothingly.
“No, I'm fine. A night with you is all I need,” Fame gave her a soft smile and Violet felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach start to flutter. Just when Violet thought she was immune to Fame’s antics, the blonde did something to remind her why she fell in the first place.
It was weird because the two were so different. Violet was eyerolls and scoffs, difficult to get to know and smart comments. Fame was kisses on the cheek and stroking hair away from someone’s face. She always talked about positive thinking and the future and everything the world had to offer.
They were nearly polar opposites.
When Violet first fell for Fame, she convinced herself that she had just found someone with similar interests in vintage fashion and old movies. Then she told herself it was just admiration, but Fame was beautiful inside and out and soon it was impossible to deny the truth. Loving Fame was the easiest thing Violet had ever done; it was getting over her that caused Violet trouble.
Violet scrunched her nose, trying to ignore the growing burn all over her face as she searched to find the perfect words to comfort Fame.
“Well, everything happens for a reason. It's probably for the best, yeah?” Violet finally got out.
Fame shrugged as she mixed more of the ingredients in the bowl for herself.
“We can go to the store and get a bunch of snacks,” Violet offered. “And then maybe watch Rear Window or All About Eve? Plus, I'll let you try that hairdo you've been wanting to, on me… if you want.”
Violet smiled, hoping she’d be able to brighten Fame’s mood. Blue eyes raised to meet hers, a smile spreading slowly across her face.
“Yeah, a movie, snacks and cuddling sounds just about perfect.”
Violet nodded, reaching forward to grasp Fame’s wrist, giving her a reassuring squeeze, before tears blurred her vision and she realized that her eyes were watering.
“Shit, this shit really burns, Fame. Like, fuck.” Violet squeezed her eyes shut.
“That means it's working. It should fade soon.” Fame assured the brunette.
Seconds later, Violet was scrambling off the bed and running to Fame’s bathroom, unable to take the burning licking across her skin.
Fame chased after her into the bathroom, scouring the shelves for a gentle cleanser to hand over.
Violet bent over the sink, first splashing cold water on her face and then using the cream cleanser to wash it off, whimpering and whining the entire time. Fame found a clean towel and stood by nervously, hoping she’d be okay—and not too angry.
Fame grimaced as she finally raised her head, turning the water off.  
“Here,” Fame said, shoving the towel into her hands. “Pat. Don't rub.”
Violet did as instructed. When she pulled the towel from her face, her usually pale skin was red as a tomato.
“Fame… what the fuck,” Violet said through her teeth, leaning forward on the counter to examine her face.
“It doesn't... look that bad,” Fame said hesitantly.
Violet’s head snapped towards Fame, her dark eyes narrowed into slits.
“Kristen Mikkelson-Gutierrez, look at my face!”
Fame jumped at the sound of her birth name, shifting back nervously. “I'll go get the aloe… to help soothe your skin.”
Wind whipped through Fame’s old beat-up station wagon as it sailed down the 5 freeway towards San Diego and the gang’s very first Pride celebration. Excitement was palpable in the car as the music blasted through the speakers.
Violet sat in the passenger seat, feet propped on the dashboard, smacking away any hands that dared touch the radio. Pearl and Adore sat in the middle, snacks scattered across their laps, hair flipping and playfully serenading each other, while Willam and Trinity were in the back gossiping and adding more glitter to their eyelids.
“Someone pass me the peanuts,” Violet reached back without turning around. Pearl and Adore, lost in their performance of ‘Hollaback Girl,’ failed to respond. Violet lowered her sunglasses and glared at them both. “Hey! I’m talking to you, assholes! Pass the fucking peanuts!”
Adore stopped singing. “Jeez, Vi. Way to get into the spirit.”
“I don’t like being ignored.”
“Bitch gets cranky when she’s hungry,” Willam piped up from the back.
“Shut up. I’m borderline anemic.”
“Once, when we were 12, we were at a Nutcracker rehearsal that ran long and she nearly knocked some girl’s tooth out to steal her Cheez-Its,” he reminisced with a sigh. “Good times.”
“I needed them more than her!” Violet screeched.
“Alright, can you please calm down?” Fame asked. “I’m trying to drive.”
“They’re picking on me,” Violet whined, fluttering her lashes at Fame.
“Everyone be nice to Violet. Remember today is about love!” Fame lectured.
“Just turn up the radio,” Pearl requested, shaking her head and making a goofy face at Adore.
“Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!” Adore sang.
“Who wants a rainbow tattoo?!” Trinity asked, leaning over the seat.
“Ooh cute!” Adore craned her neck to look at the selection of temporary tattoos that Trinity held out for her.
“Aren’t you dykes glad I have a straight cousin who thinks of shit like rainbow tattoos?” Willam slung an arm around Trinity’s shoulder. “She’s so smart.”
Trinity laughed. “Glad I can prove my value here.” She carefully cut out the tattoo that Adore chose and wet some paper towels with a water bottle, pressing it to her cheek.
“You know we love you, Trin,” said Pearl.
“Okay, then try to slip Violet this CD I made,” Trinity murmured. “That radio station is very hit or miss. Use your charm. And cleavage.”
“I got you, girl,” Pearl whispered back.
“Where should we sit?”
“There’s a good spot!”
“Yeah! Lead the way!”
The group made their way through the crowd to a sunny spot on the curb where they could see the parade, holding hands, anticipation building for the fun to begin.
“Omigod, it’s so hot and it’s only 10 am,” Violet whined.
“Can you please quit bitching, bitch? We literally just got here,” Willam said, thumping her on the arm.
“Yeah, seriously,” said Pearl. “Fame, give her a juice box or a granola bar or something.”
“Good idea.” Fame dug in her bag and handed Violet a Nutrigrain bar. “Here, babe.”
“I’m not a child.”
“Well, your blood sugar is low and you’re being a brat again, so…”
Adore laughed, as Trinity hugged her around the waist.
“Are you excited? Our first pride!” Trinity sighed.
“I’m actually super excited,” Adore admitted.
“Look! I see a float!” Fame exclaimed, clapping her hands. “Omigod it’s so pretty!”
“Omigod!” Violet mimicked her in a mocking tone, earning a shove from Pearl.
Trinity nudged Willam with her elbow. “Bill, look up from your phone, the parade is starting.”
“Yeah, I know, but I’m trying to message this trick I got lined up later…”
The group held onto each other as they dipped and squeezed through throngs of people, on their way to the festival.
“Fuck!” Adore cried out, stopping suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Fame was the first one to turn around, Violet bumping into her shoulder.
Adore shrunk in embarrassment as people surged past them on all sides. “My...strap broke,” she admitted, showing them where her top was hanging down.
“Aw, shit!” Trinity sympathized.
“Is that all? Who cares?! Throw on a rainbow lei and let’s keep moving!” Willam said, rolling his eyes.
“I like the way you think, Belli!” Peal laughed, high fiving him.
Violet had already stepped forward and was busying herself tying Adore’s top back together, fashioning into a sort of asymmetrical halter.
“Thanks, Vies.”
“Finally, all my years of ballet costume malfunctions can be put to good use,” she said.
“Violet, what are you doing? This is homophobic!” Pearl complained.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“It’s Pride!” Pearl exclaimed. “Her tits obviously wanted to come out! Why can’t we just let them be out?!”
Violet rolled her eyes. “Pearl…”
“Shut up.”
“Oooh, that looks cute!” Fame said, draping her arm over Violet’s shoulder and nodding approvingly.
“Super cute!” agreed a nearby muscle queen. “Can you make one in silver?”
Violet scoffed, but Trinity and Fame turned and flashed bright, friendly smiles.
“Hi!” Trinity said, holding out her hand. “Are you guys heading to the festival?”
“We are, gorgeous!” he said, kissing her hand and then offering her an arm. “Come on!”
Adore’s heart burst with joy as she danced, hair flying, surrounded by her friends, in a sea of exuberant strangers. She twirled and laughed, watching Trinity get lifted into the air by her new muscle queen BFF.
Even Violet was having fun, finally, arms around Fame’s shoulders, shimmying to the music.
“Omigod, look!” Fame squealed, grabbing Pearl’s arm. A group of sequin-covered, stunningly gorgeous drag queens were making their way through the crowd to the stage.
“Daaamn,” Pearl replied. “Hey Will, you should really try doing that with your...where’s Willam?” She looked around, puzzled, realizing that the blonde had vanished from sight.
“He said he’d be back in like an hour,” Trinity said, giggling as her dance partner dipped her low.
“Are we sure that’s the smartest-“
“Ugh, no one cares!” Violet groused, taking Pearl’s hand and spinning her around. “Just dance, you idiot!”
Adore laughed, wrapping her arms around Fame’s waist and tilting her head to the sky as a shower of rainbow confetti rained down.
“Thanks!” Adore took some change from the tattooed woman with turquoise hair in the food truck, turning to Pearl with a grin. “How rad is her hair?”
“Pretty rad.”
“Do you think I could pull off hair that color?”
“Totally! You’d look badass. Do it.”
Adore giggled, twirling a lock of hair around her finger and leaning against the truck while they waited for the food to be ready.
“So...I haven’t heard you talk about your ‘secret girlfriend’ in awhile. What’s up with that? Everything okay?”
Pearl grimaced. “Yeah, I uh, think that’s sort of over.”
“Sorry,” Adore said. “I didn’t mean to be a buzzkill.”
“No, it’s okay. I mean we’re cool and all. But...like, she’s not out. Which was fine, I wasn’t trying to push her. But, so we could never do anything in public, because, obviously. And at her house, we had to keep a safe friendly distance. And she was really worried about her family catching on, so it was very…”
“Unsatisfying?” Adore asked with a smirk.
“I mean I get it. I'm not trying to judge her. But for me, I just feel weird using the word ‘girlfriend’ when she won't even walk down the block with me to 7-11 for nachos.”
“The horror.”
Pearl laughed. “Hopefully we’ll stay friends. She’s really cool.”
“So...got your eye on anyone else?” Adore raised an eyebrow.
“I dunno...maybe…”
Pearl scoffed. “Yeah, no. I mean, as much as I love Fame, I really don't want to live inside of her asshole. So I think I'll pass on that one.”
Adore burst out laughing. “Copy that.”
Pearl brushed a strand of hair from Adore’s eyes. “How come you and I have never hooked up?”
Adore rolled her eyes.
“Seriously! You're so cute…” Pearl grinned charmingly, wrapping her arms around Adore’s waist. “I love this blue lipstick.”
“Get offa me, you horny bitch,” Adore shoved her away, giggling.
“You could have gotten killed,” Fame lectured Willam, as the car pulled out of the parking lot. “You should never have run off like that!”
“Eh, it was fine,” Willam laughed. “Chill out, half breed.”
“Yeah, whatever. Eventually he’ll just end up dead in an alley or have his organs stolen and then he’ll learn his lesson,” Violet said nonchalantly.
“Jesus, Vi. You’re so morbid.” Trinity thumped her on the shoulder.
“I can take it,” Willam assured her. “I got some great dick. Well worth the drive down here.”
“You mean Pride with your best friends wouldn’t have been worth it?” Adore pretended to be offended.
Willam snorted. “Shut the fuck up, you goddamn lesbian.”
Adore kissed Willam on the cheek. “I love you, too.”
Courtney peered into her fridge, looking for something to eat more out of boredom than hunger, when she noticed the lights from Adore’s tree house. She grinned and shut the fridge, skipping happily out the door towards Adore’s backyard.
She paused briefly to knock on the trap door, just to make sure she wasn’t interrupting any kind of illegal or debaucherous behavior.
“Hey, it’s me.”
“Come in!” Adore’s voice sang out.
She pushed open the trap door and hoisted herself inside, deflating a little when she saw Violet, but perking up at the warm welcome from Adore and Pearl, who helped her inside.
“Heyyyyy!” Adore cooed, coughing a little, passing a joint to Violet. She was wearing a flower crown and rainbow stickers, overall looking sunburned and happy. Pearl and Violet were decked out in similarly festive attire, all of them covered in glitter and confetti.
“Hi. Wow, you guys look...awesome. Where were you today?” Courtney knelt down beside Adore, reaching into the bag of chips in her lap.
“San Diego Pride,” Adore answered, smiling sleepily.
“Shit, I think there’s glitter in my bra,” Pearl said. “Oh god, it’s everywhere...”
Violet and Adore dissolved into a fit of giggles. Courtney blinked for a moment, an emptiness tugging at her.
When Adore turned back to her, Courtney frowned, asking, “Why didn’t you ask me to come?” She regretted the words the second they left her lips, recognizing the way they must have sounded.
Of course, Violet was the one to reply first, throwing out a snarky, “Maybe she didn’t want a clingy parasite glued to her the entire day!”
Courtney tried to mask the grimace that flashed across her face, deliberately avoiding Violet’s eyes. It was bad enough that she could feel that smirk, those beautiful dark eyes flashing with laughter. Adore reached for her hand, shaking her head.
“It wasn’t like that! I just...didn’t think it would be your thing.”
“You didn’t think rainbows and glitter would be my thing?” Courtney asked, trying to make her voice light.
“...fair point,” said Adore. “I’m sorry, I just-”
“Rainbows and glitter? Wow. Way to miss the entire fucking point of Pride, dude,” Violet sneered.
“Hey Court, catch!” Pearl tossed over a few strands of colorful beads, rolling her eyes at Violet in the process.
“No problem.” Pearl smiled.  
Courtney touched a sparkly rainbow tattoo on Adore’s cheek.
“Well...did you have fun?”
“Best day ever!” Violet interjected, earning a groan and a shove from Pearl.
“Oh please. You complained the entire time.”
“It was really cool,” Adore told Courtney with a sleepy grin. “You’ll come next year. I heard LA is way more fun, anyway.”
Courtney nodded, heart fluttering slightly. Adore was still holding her hand, thumb running over her knuckles lightly.
“Ugh, just what we need. A straight bitch to babysit.”
“Omigod, shut up, Violet!” Pearl was now sitting on top of her.
As the two of them struggled, Adore looked up at Courtney with laughter in her eyes, shaking her head slightly. “Animals,” she mouthed, and Courtney giggled. “Come here,” Adore then whispered, pulling Courtney down to snuggle against her.
Courtney knew that it was probably the alcohol, or the weed, or having spent all day in the sun - or maybe some combination, that was making Adore so uncharacteristically affectionate in front of her friends. But in that moment, she didn’t care. She leaned against her shoulder and let warmth wash over her, safe and happy. Pretending, if only for now, that this meant something more.
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thesurielships · 5 years
We are golden stars upon silver seas
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Feyre hates Rhys. She ruins his chances with the new girl.
Feyre Archeron wasn’t drunk. She was in her favorite bar, in her favorite seat, served by her favorite barista, in her best drinking gear, and she was not drunk. Nor drinking. 
Why, then, wasn’t she drunk?
Raucous laughter reverberated through the bar. Feyre glared at the bane of her existence, whose sheer presence made everything - including the wine in her mouth - turn sour.
Rhysand was guffawing with his Inner Circle. He seemed to be telling a story so funny that they dissolved into laughter every two sentences. Of course, he would be the life of the party. Of course, he would choose this bar to have his party at. Of fucking course.
‘You’re staring,’ Alis chided.
‘He’s an eyesore,’ Feyre sighed.
‘Sure he is,’ her friend chuckled. ‘Oh, there is Viviane.’
Feyre looked up, and sure enough, the new girl had just entered the bar. She had porcelain skin and white blond hair, her eyes a striking icy blue. In short, she was beautiful. And, Feyre noted regretfully as she watched her eyes zero in on Rhysand, interested in that asshole.
Feyre let out an all suffering sigh. ‘Here is to another girl who’s about to get her heart broken,’ she toasted Alis, then took a ravenous sip of her drink.
Alis merely shook her head, an indulgent smile on her face. She was used to Feyre ranting about everything related to Rhysand, be it fact or speculation or merely something she conjured from her imagination.
‘This happens every time,’ Feyre went on. ‘New girl falls for Rhysand. He takes her on a couple dates, has his fun, then dumps her ass. How many more times do I have to watch this scenario unfold? How many more times am I going to sit on my ass while a girl gets her heart broken by the devil?’
Something suddenly occurred to her. To get to Rhysand, Viviane would have to get past her table.
‘But maybe I can do something this time.’
‘Oh, no.’
‘Maybe I can be this nice, sweet girl’s salvation.’
‘Feyre, stop.’
‘Viviane,’ Feyre called, standing on her seat, waving her arms enthusiastically. 
Alis covered her face with her hands. ‘You’re embarrassing.’
Feyre paid her no heed. ‘Viviane!’
Viviane looked at her, confused. To be fair, it was their first time talking.
Oh whatever, Feyre thought, heroes never bother introducing themselves.
‘Hi, honey. You’re the transfer girl, right? I’m Feyre. I’m an art major, too. We’ll probably have many classes together. And this is Alis.’
‘Hello,’ Viviane said, nodding shyly to both of them.
‘What do you think of our town so far? I can show you around, if you’d like.’
‘Thank you so much, but I wouldn’t want to be a bother.’
‘Bother? Oh, not at all. Did you know that when I first came here, my family had just gone broke, my sister had run away to someplace, and my other sister had gone sick with shock?’ Feyre was a very chatty drunk-even when she was only slightly buzzed. ‘It was awful. Thank God I met Alis to show me around the town, or else I would’ve wallowed in misery in my dorm room forever.’
Viviane’s eyes had drifted away about halfway through Feyre’s monologue.
She let out a dreamy sigh.
‘Oh yes. Feyre, was it? I’m sorry, it’s just… he’s so hot.’
‘Who?’ Feyre turned around, then back. ‘Oh, you mean Rhysand?’
Viviane nodded, still staring at him with moony eyes.
‘Yeah. It’s amazing how all the hot ones turn out to be gay, right? You should see his boyfriend. He has these gorgeous lashes and - ’
Viviane’s eyes snapped to her. Well, that got her attention. ‘Wait. What did you say?’
Feyre barely managed to hold back her smirk. ‘His boyfriend has - ’
‘You mean he’s gay?’
‘Oh. You didn’t know. Sorry. But I guess better hear it from me than from him, right?’
Viviane had gone very red. Feyre was getting worried. ‘Viviane?’
Suddenly she grabbed Feyre’s glass and chugged it down. Then she grabbed Alis’s glass and chugged it down. Then she started crying.
Feyre looked at Alis.
Alis looked at Feyre. Told you so, her look seemed to say.
What do we do now, said Feyre’s.
Alis shrugged.
They both let out a sigh, then grabbed a shoulder each and welcomed Viviane into their little group.
Viviane, it turned out, was an even chattier drunk than Feyre. She was also much more morose. Once the dam had broken, she told them all about being unhappy in her former uni and major, and having trouble to transfer as she was a few years older than them. She had struggled to take the leap and switch to art as, though it had always been her dream, 25 seemed like a bit too old for a beginner artist. This, Alis and Feyre were quick to reassure her, was not at all true. Many people started college at 25 or more, and they knew a middle aged couple in their class who were having the time of their lives exploring their artistic abilities.
‘And Kallias,’ she sobbed, her tears starting anew. ‘I love him and now I will never get to tell him.’
‘My best friend. I’ve been in love with him since I was sixteen, overweight and desperate to grow some self confidence. He went on a diet with me so I wouldn’t feel alone. He picked me up on his way to school for basically all four years of high school because I was too scared to get a license. He always left secret gifts in my locker when he knew I was on my period, or took me to my favorite bakery. And when he found out I wanted to do arts instead of political science, he became my number one supporter. He even mailed my application for me. How was I supposed not to fall for him?’
‘Wow. That’s really sweet.’
‘I know! He’s such a sweet guy. I’m sure his girlfriend agrees,’ she sighed dejectedly. 
Alis and Feyre exchanged a panicked look. They simply could not sit through another bout of tears.
‘He has a girlfriend?’
‘Well, not exactly. There is this girl in his class, Adrienne, and they meet up a lot to study.’
At Alis and Feyre’s raised brows, she groaned, rubbing her face with both hands.
‘But you should see them! They might as well be dating. She texts him a lot and he always remembers her birthday, when it usually takes him like five weeks to remember people’s names.’
Feyre was dubious. If anything, Kallias seemed to have feelings for Viviane, not whoever this Adrienne girl was. ‘Okay…’
‘Oh, and she has this nickname for him that’s just ridiculous. Kally Bear. Who the fuck comes up with such a stupid nickname? Actually, no.’ Viviane straightened, composing herself. ‘I shouldn’t act like this. I really like Adrienne. She’s nice and she always asks me to come with them when they hang out.’
Alis shrugged. ‘I don’t see why you mind them being together, since you’re always there too.’
‘Oh, I never actually go with them.’
‘What? » Feyre asked incredulously. ‘Why not?’
‘It’s not like she means it. I’m sure she just invites me to be polite. So I tell them to have a good time and send them on their way.’
‘Viviane,’ Alis started carefully. ‘Are you sure Kallias is even interested in Adrienne?’
Viviane pursed her lips. ‘Pretty sure. One time, we were playing truth or dare and I asked him if there was anyone he liked. He said yes, but he didn’t know how to ask her out. He was afraid she would say no and ruin their friendship.’
‘But that could be any friend of his,’ Alis pointed out, her voice blank and ever so careful, the tone she would use on a deranged animal she didn’t want to spook. Or, in this case, a lovesick drunkard she didn’t want to encourage with false hope.
‘She’s his only female friend. Aside from me, that is.’
Feyre had no such qualms. ‘Could be you, then.’
Viviane’s shoulders slumped. ‘No.’
From the way she finished the rest of her drink in one shot and called for seconds, studiously avoiding eye contact, Feyre guessed the conversation to be over.
‘Gotta go powder my nose,’ she said as she stumbled away to the loo.
Oh, how she loved British expressions.
She chuckled on her way, trying her best not to bump into people, and failing miserably as she collided into a deliciously muscled chest.
She looked up at her nemesis. Oh, she had gotten him well.
She couldn’t stop the smirk that bloomed on her face as she replied, ‘Rhysand, darling.’
His eyes narrowed. ‘Darling? What did you do?’
‘What, so you’re the only one allowed to call me that?’
‘You hate it when I call you that.’
She tapped a finger against her chin. ‘True. But I like it when I call you that. You are such a darling,’ she giggled - actually giggled. ‘Especially when you don’t know what’s coming to you.’
Rhysand’s voice was stern. ‘Feyre.’
‘Feyre? Oh my, what a special day it is when Rhysand Fahrenheit calls me by my given name. Did you run out of sarcastic endearments?’
‘I saw you with the new girl.’
Her smirk grew infinitely wider. ‘Did you, now?’
‘What did you tell her?’
‘Nothing you haven’t heard before, I’m sure.’
‘You can keep gritting your teeth till you choke on their dust, and I won’t tell you.’
He breathed deeply, loudly. Once, twice.
‘I can’t deal with you while I’m still sober.’
‘Then go get yourself a drink. And while you’re at it, maybe get one for your boyfriend, too.’
He froze in the middle of turning around, his violet eyes flashing in the dim light of the bar. Oh, how she longed to paint this moment. The Devil Defeated, she would call it.
‘Wait. What did you say?’
‘Funny. Those are the exact words Viviane said when I told her you were gay. A match made in heaven, the two of you. Too bad it’s never going to happen.’
‘You… what?’
‘Are your ears going bad, Rhysand? Are you already that old?’
He rolled his eyes. ‘I am two years older than you, Feyre. And what. the. fuck?’
‘I wasn’t going to let you break another girl’s heart, was I?’
He tensed, anger swirling in his eyes. A second later, he changed. His tense shoulders slowly loosened. He tucked his hands in his pockets, and tilted his head roguishly. His eyes sparkled with devilish amusement, and his favorite smirk perched on his lips. It was not a noticeable change, not if you didn’t know what to look for. But Feyre was a pro in Rhys metamorphosis, as she liked to call it. She watched it all unfold in less than a heartbeat, trying in vain to catch all the details. Somehow, she could never capture it on canvas. Her paintings never had the same vibe-or enough flair.
‘What business is it of yours, Feyre darling, which hearts I choose to break?’
His sensual voice reminded her of silken sheets and sinful touches, and ironically startled her awake. ‘Unlike you, Rhysand, I do happen to care for the common good.’
His smirk was insufferable. ‘You don’t strike me as a selfless person.’
‘Maybe I should strike you, period.’
He leaned forward. ‘How about we strike a bargain instead, darling. You stay away from my business, and I try not to break your heart next.’
She crept forward as well, unwilling to lose the unspoken game, even as her heart beat a tattoo in her chest. He was so close she could touch him. If she dared.
‘Break my heart, Rhysand. I dare you.’
His breath caressed her own when he spoke next. ‘Is that a challenge?’
She snaked a hand between them and laid it flat on the center of his chest. His heartbeat ricocheted against her palm. She smirked. ‘Is it?’
His pupils flared. She gazed into his eyes for what felt like an eternity, transfixed.
Cauldron, she hated his eyes.
She flipped her hair defiantly as she sauntered off, hips swinging, reveling in the way his eyes trailed her the entire way to the bathroom.
Tag list: @joyceortiz13 @bailey-4244
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mageicalwishes · 4 years
A Smashing Summer - Chapter 3
Read on AO3: here
Read the previous chapter (On Tumblr): here
Summary: “I’m egging your house for a dare, but you’re parent is a cop and now they’re yelling at me, so I told them you were my ex and you wronged me, and now you’re coming outside, so please just go along with this, I really don’t want to go to jail” AU When Simon Snow agreed to egg some posho’s house, he never thought he’d find himself here - The only thing standing between himself and a criminal charge, the word of a handsome stranger.
Chapter: 3/?
Words: 1,694
I slide down against the sofa, pulling my phone out of my pocket, with a smile.
ME (19:57): Hey, hey, hey, Bazaroo!
ME (19:57): I’m super glad you liked the scones! They’re my absolute faveee
ME (19:57): I’ll bring enough to share next time :)
ME (19:58): How are you today?
To my delight, my phone buzzes with a response, almost immediately.
BP (19:58): If you ever call me that again, I will block your number. I’m not even joking.
BP (19:58): And, I’m pretty good, thanks. Yourself?
ME (19:59): Aw :( Imma just have to keep trying different names till I find one you like, then :p
ME (19:59): I’m great! Had a pretty good day today :)
ME (20:00): Sorry I didn’t message earlier btw - It’s been a busy day! Me and the lads went into town and played some footie, and then I had to do some dumb history essay (Idk who told my history teacher she could set homework in the holidays, but I wanna fight them!)
ME (20:00): I fucking despise the Tudors. I mean, why the fuck would I care about socio-economic policies from like a million years ago! Grrrr!
BP (20:01): No worries, Snow. I understand.
BP (20:01): That is unfortunate - But, you got lucky with the Tudors, to be honest. I’d rather that, than the bloody Industrial Revolution. That is mind-numbingly dull!
BP (20:02): But, I hate to break it to you - If you think the Tudor dynasty was a million years ago, then maybe you should reconsider your subject choice. You’ll definitely fail the A-level, if that’s your level of understanding.
ME (20:03): Aha trueee. Sucks to be you :p
ME (20:03): And stfu!! I know it wasn’t actually a million years ago, you tosser! I was BEING dramatic - You should've realised, you know ALL about that, Mr. Roll-your-eyes-every-two-fucking-seconds.
BP (20:04): I’m unconvinced.
Stupidly, I scoff aloud - Drawing Nathan’s attention away from the television and over to me. He stands, trudging over, and plopping down onto the sofa besides me.
I groan, frustrated.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing. Nothing … Just wondering who you’re texting,” he drawls, the mocking amusement clear in his tone. “Got yourself a new girlfriend, or something?”
“No! I’m just talking to Penny,” I defend, my voice rising suspiciously. Fuck. I’m such a crap liar.
“You know, I know you’re lying, right?”
“Obviously,” I drone. “Just … Butt out of it, though, yeah? Please.”
“Alright, alright” he laughs, throwing his hands up in a mock surrender. “I’ll leave you be. But, if you wanna keep your little buddy a secret - I’d advise against laughing at their messages in the bloody common room, you divvy.”
“Noted,” I sigh, turning towards the door. “Don’t tell Josh though, yeah?”
“Sure, Simon. If that’s what you want, your secret is safe with me.”
“Cheers, mate.” I smile. “You’re the best.”
“I know, I know. I’m amazing. Just go and text them, you mug!”
I do (Obviously). Quickly jogging upstairs, and locking myself in the bathroom - Where I’m safely hidden from prying eyes. Laying myself down in the bathtub, I hammer out a reply, sending it off Baz immediately.
ME (20:13): Whatever, dickhead!!
ME (20:13): Also soz I didn’t answer. Nathan was being nosy lol.
ME (20:13): Anyway … You been up to much today?
Just as I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I won’t be receiving a response, my phone buzzes loudly against my bedside table - My chest swelling pathetically, as I reach out and grab it.
Typing out a response, I find myself smiling - Unbridled joy melting away my impassive neutrality.
ME (20:14): No worries, Snow. It’s not as though I’m just sitting here, desperately awaiting your every response. I do have a life outside of you, you know.
That's not exactly true ... But, he doesn’t need to know that.
ME (20:14): And, no, not really. I’ve mostly just been reading. I did try to teach Mordelia how to play chess, though - Which was fairly disastrous.
SS (20:15): Lol! Sounds good :)
SS (20:15): Who is Mordelia, though?
SS (20:15): Is that your girlfriend?
I stare at my phone, blankly - Trying to formulate a response.
ME (20:17): Seriously?
Barely a second after I've send it, my phone starts buzzing furiously - Message after message, pouring in.
SS (20:17): What?
SS (20:17): That’s a perfectly valid question!
SS (20:17): You haven’t mentioned anyone called Mordelia, I swear to God!
SS (20:18): I’d remember, for sure.
SS (20:18): It’s not exactly a common name
ME (20:19): I know that, Snow. I was referring to the girlfriend question!
ME (20:19): I thought that we had already established that, a girlfriend isn’t exactly on the cards for me - Given the whole fake ex-boyfriend situation.
SS (20:20): Bi people exist, you moron!
SS (20:20): I’m Bi. Lol.
SS (20:20): I didn’t wanna assume you were only into guys … Or that you were even really into them at all.
SS (20:21): You totally could’ve been Bi!
SS (20:21): Or straight! The whole ex-boyfriend thing was a lie, remember? - You could’ve just been a straight bro, pretending to be into dudes, to help me out.
SS (20:22): It aint a dumb question, really. So … Don’t be annoying!!
Oh. Okay.
Newly nervous, I begin typing out my response - Ensuring that I sound perfectly unphased.  
ME (20:22): Christ, Snow! You seriously have to stop sending so many texts in a row. My phone is going to have a meltdown, if you keep it up.
Hesitating slightly, I continue.
ME (20:23): But, you’re right. Sorry. I didn’t mean to make it to sound as though Gay and Straight were the only options. I could’ve been Bi … Or Straight, I suppose. But, to clarify - I’m definitely not. I’m gay.
ME (20:24): I guess that - Where I’ve known since I was eleven, and I stopped trying to hide it a while ago now, I sort of forget that it isn’t immediately apparent to everybody else. Everyone in my Family knows. Everyone at College, too. So, I just, sort of, forget that I can still be perceived as anything other than what I actually am.
SS (20:26): Hush you! I like multiple texts!! It’s easier to keep my track of my thoughts, like that. If I try to put it all in one text, I forget what I wanna say.
SS (20:26): And dw about it, it’s chill! I know you didn’t mean it like that, I was just teasing :)
SS (20:27): I get what you mean tho. Coming out was so scary … But now I sort of forget that not everybody knows. I just like to assume they do lol. It’s stopped being such a big thing, now that I can just, like, relax about it.
Unsure of how to respond, I type out a simple …
ME (20:28): Yeah.
SS (20:28): Yeah :)
SS (20:28): Seriously, tho. Who is Mordelia? You never actually answered me lol.
ME (20:29): She’s my little sister.
SS (20:30): Oh lol! That’s crazy! I didn’t think you had a sibling.
SS (20:30): You don’t give off doting big brother vibes.
SS (20:31): More like … Spoiled only child, ones. LOL! :D
SS (20:31): Is she your only sibling?
Unable to help myself, I chuckle, quietly.  
ME (20:32): Very funny, Snow. But I never said I was doting! I may be their brother, but I still have standards.
ME (20:33): And, no (Unfortunately). I have three more - Two sisters, and a brother. They’re my step-siblings technically, though. And they’re quite a bit younger than me. So, I was an only child for quite a long time.
SS (20:33): Cool!
SS (20:34): Do they all have stupidly posh names, too?
SS (20:34): And, do you like having siblings?
SS (20:35): I always wanted a brother, when I was little!
ME (20:36): Yes. Unfortunately, my family are incapable of picking normal names.
ME (20:37): And, yes. Most of the time, anyway. It’s nice to always have somebody to talk to - Or to play with (Although, I think I would’ve appreciated that more, if the age-gap wasn’t quite so wide). But, they do drive me up the wall, sometimes! Mordelia has taken to drawing all over my revision notes, recently - I’m sure you can imagine how I felt about that!
SS (20:40): Aw, yeah. That sounds nice!
SS (20:40): LMAO! THAT’S HILARIOUS! I feel bad for her tho … I’d hate to have your wrath turned on me! You'd probs make me cry lol.
ME (20:41): Yes, well. Despite what you think - My wrath was, evidently, not strong enough! She’s still bloody doing it!
SS (20:43): Aha lol! I like her! She sounds as stubborn as you.
A soft rap on the door, disturbs me from my conversation with Snow.
“Baz, Honey? Are you in there?” Daphne calls, her voice sweet and cautious.
“Yeah? You can open the door. It’s fine - I’m decent.”
“Okay,” she hums, pushing the door open slightly, and peeping her head in. “I just wanted to let you know that I'm about to start plating up dinner.”
“Alright,” I smile. “Thank you. I’ll be down in a minute.”
“Perfect. See you then,” she sings, turning and leaving the room.
Hastily, I rattle out a text to Snow.
ME (21:14): As much as I am enjoying this, I have to go now, Snow. Sorry.
SS (21:14): Aw :( How come?
ME (21:15): I’ve got to go and eat dinner.
SS (21:15): At nine ?!?
ME (21:16): Yes, Snow - At nine. I must compliment you on your time-telling abilities!  
ME (21:16): My Father insists that we eat dinner together as a family, but he was working late tonight … So, nine P.M steak it is.
SS (21:17): Aw fuck! You have steak! I’m well jel :(((
SS (21:17): But, okay, no worries! Hope you enjoy your dinner.
SS (21:18): TTYL :D
ME (21:18):  Will do! Talk to you later. Goodbye for now :)
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the-twinventors · 4 years
Stella was stunned. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You’re being dramatic.” The female coyote smirked at her, leaning casually against the wall. “So, you’re throwing up a little - boo hoo, cry me a river. Girls like you give the rest of us a bad name, constantly whining for attention and using every little excuse to get out of doing anything. Get over yourself.”
Stella pinched the bridge of her nose, taking a deep breath. The audacity of this woman... “I’m sorry, what’s your name?”
“Alright, Sylvie--” Stella fixed her with a glare. “I’m not just ‘throwing up a little’ - I’m throwing up all day every day, so hard that sometimes my nose bleeds. It’s an actual thing that goes beyond standard morning sickness, and--”
“Blah blah blah. Again with those dumb excuses.” Sylvie flipped her hair passively, sneering at her. “If you didn’t wanna be feeling sick all the time, you should’ve kept your legs closed, honey. You are such a child--”
“I shouldn’t be having to justify my sickness to you!” Needless to say, the younger twin, now at twenty-eight weeks, was furious with this attack at her character. “Everyone handles pregnancy differently! You try being pregnant!”
“Ugh. No. Wouldn’t dream of it.” Sylvie waved her hand dismissively. “It fucks up your body so much. You’ll be lucky if any guy ever wants to sleep with you again after you pop that brat out - you’re gonna be fat and gross for the rest of your life.”
“Not if I keep my health up postpartum! You seriously don’t know shit, do you?!” Stella was sitting on her hands now - she was gonna end up punching this bitch otherwise. “Do you have anything else to do with your time?! Wait, don’t answer that - you stopping just to insult me tells me enough. Just move the fuck on and let me feel like trash in peace, please.”
For a moment, it seemed like she was going to move on, starting to walk past the table. In that split second, Stella dared allow herself to relax, releasing her hands to go for her phone - and suddenly screeched as something cold splattered on top of her head. She leapt from the chair, spinning around to face the smirking coyote again - yep, her takeout cup was empty. “What the hell?!”
“Aww, are you gonna cry and whine about getting a little wet, too?” Sylvie laughed, tossing the empty cup over her shoulder. “Grow the fuck up. No wonder no one on campus likes you.”
Something inside Stella snapped, and she stormed forward, rolling her sleeves up. “Alright, that’s it, you little--!!”
“Stella, hey! Easy!” Ah, there was Jayce, back with his coffee and Stella’s milkshake. He stepped between the two women, shoving the milkshake towards his sister to get her to back up. “Deep breaths, alright? Don’t let her get to you.”
“But she fucking--!”
“I know, I saw it. But you gotta stay calm for Galaxy, OK? Let me handle this.” While Jayce was inwardly simmering with rage at what he’d just witnessed, he knew getting into a fistfight wouldn’t do either of them any favours. Once he was certain Stella wouldn’t go for the kill again, he turned towards Sylvie, glaring at the coyote. “You know we could have you arrested for assault for doing that to her, right?”
“Oh, come on. Why would you even bother?” Sylvie laughed. “It was just a dumb drink. It’s not gonna kill her.”
“That doesn’t matter! What you did counts as assault against a pregnant woman! No one’s gonna defend that!” Jayce planted his free hand on his hip, not letting up. “And you know that security’s got our backs! I’ve got half a mind to grab the nearest guard right now!”
“Really? Are you sure? Well...” Sylvie tapped her chin idly, before giving him another look - oh, for the love of Chaos, that better not be a flirty look. “... maybe I can persuade you not to?”
Jayce blinked, hoping she was joking. “W-what?”
“You could really use a break from your sister, you know.” Sylvie sashayed up to him, one hand reaching out to cup his face. He twitched away irritably. “Why don’t you hit up my place later? I could show you a good time...”
“OK, no.” Jayce promptly backed up, one hand right out to keep her at arms’ length. Stella backed up to give him more room, giving the coyote a look that said, ‘are you fucking kidding me right now?’ Her brother continued angrily - “First of all, I just watched you harass and attack my sister. I’m not gonna bother with anyone who can’t show her any kind of basic respect. And second, it doesn’t matter either way, because I’m not into girls.”
“What?” Sylvie frowned. “Don’t be stupid. You just think that because you’ve never gotten any in your life. Take up my offer and you’ll soon change your mind.”
“Uhh, no, I think I know my own preferences and such better than you, a practical stranger.” It was Jayce’s turn to hold back the urge to punch her. “And, again, you attacked my sister. So even if I was into girls, it wouldn’t matter.”
“Whatever.” Sylvie pulled a tiny scrap of paper and a marker from her back pocket, scribbled on it, and stuck it in Jayce’s hoodie pocket before he could dodge back again. “Call me when this gay thing is over, cutie. I can rock your world if you want it...”
And she promptly sauntered off, swaying her hips. Noses wrinkling in shock and disgust, the twins exchanged looks, before Jayce dove into his pocket to retrieve the scrap of paper. Unfolding it, they saw a phone number scribbled down - hers, most likely. For a while, the silence spread out between them, both of them wondering what the hell kind of mental gymnastics were going on in the coyote’s mind.
Stella spoke first. “... avoid like the plague?”
“Avoid like the plague.” Jayce promptly dropped the paper down the nearest drain, and swung his arm over Stella’s shoulders. “Rivers’?”
“Oh, yes please. I need it after that shitshow...”
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countryshitposts · 5 years
you got two black eyes from loving too hard
China is in love with his friend, but the clutches of homophobia are strong.
Warnings; homophobia and some smut scenes (cliffhanger too)
Zhongguo Renmin would lie if he says Éguó did not give him the same feelings as his father had once did.
(No matter how many times he scolds and berate himself for this, he can't stop these sinful thoughts spinning around his mind and manipulating his heart to do countless of atrocious acts that will leave him reeling for the next eternity.)
Unlike Sulian, however, Éguó's feelings towards Renmin was soft and genuine friendship, preserved for the best and most important people in his life. There is nothing sinful behind his honey-laced voice, soft touches puncturing and opening Renmin's skin alive, and that blinding and beautiful smile that rivals- no, not the sun, but Sulian himself.
Oh heavens above, no matter how many countless times he has told himself that homosexuals are disgusting and horrible, he falls with a man.
A man who does not reciprocate the same feelings towards him, a final blow to his stone cold heart and solidifying completely.
He had to fall in love with two men in the same family branch.
When Renmin realizes he is developing alien feelings towards Éguó (he tries to remember when he had fallen in love with he) the man had tried - yet failed - to accomplish completely abolishing his feelings for him. He cannot make another mistake again, he cannot have his heart broken to tiny pieces once again.
(Whether the mistake be he and Sulian's failure of a relationship or being gay, it is truly a mystery to him.)
Renmin tries to act casual after his outbreak of feelings started, a manifestation of butterflies trying to rip his stomach open and to fly out of there after tearing him piece by piece until he's nothing but a something, a someone that had once been alive and so in love. But Éguó was absolutely not helping; his twinkling gray eyes and delighted smile painting across his features whenever Renmin enters a room as close as he, the ultimately drunk nights they keep having to satisfy themselves, his cold voice melting whenever Renmin is around makes him all the more warmer and the feelings worse to handle and tolerate than before.
(He remembered trembling in front of a mirror, staring at his reflection like it is the most sinful thing in earth and rips out many a strand of his dark hair to emphasize just how dim-witted he is.)
He tries hard to hide these feelings that will ruin his and Éguó's friendship, which horrifyingly challenging and difficult to manage whenever Éguó would rant about the homos running around his land (Renmin would flinch at the slightest mention he hates gays before laughing pleasantly and saying they're all repulsive); stranger - or friendly - women who'd talk or flirt with his friend to the point that something inside of Renmin wanted to make them disappear like those damned protesters (he insists that he just felt left out whenever Éguó talks to someone else- he had simply laughed and patted Renmin on the back and comforted him by saying he will always be there for him and his heart had leapt); and the ever tortorous game that is intimacy, with Éguó's gentle and soft touches absolutely making him melt.
(One time he and Russia went camping - it had reminded him too much of Soviet too - and he had forgotten one of his sleeping bags and insisted he can sleep outside with no cover at all but Russia had argued he might grow cold and he did not want that to happen.
So Renmin had to handle being caressed by his good friend for the rest of the night, sleepless as he feels Russia's arm around his waist, holding him close and soft breaths on the nape of his neck, making Renmin absolutely warm.
And cold at the same time.)
Of course, he is quite discreet with his emotions and feelings, preferring to keep them in a box locked by heart and brain to all. Éguó will never know of his sinful feelings towards he and risk their vulnerable friendship.
Then the New Year's Eve party drops by like a bomb that will predict the unforeseen future.
Renmin looks at the reflection at the mirror, taking in all the features he had grown to absolutely loathe over the years- but he cannot help but shake off the insults he had created for himself. He hums a small song in his head as he buttons his shirt up and takes a comb to brush strands of his hair. He hears someone open his bedroom door and turns to smile at Éguó, who returns it brighter and even more with a burning passion.
"Let me help with that, Kitay", Éguó's hands roam around China's clothing and buttoning up his sleeves with gentle hands made his heart skip a beat, face a little red as he calms himself down.
"Thank you", Renmin lets out a steely breath as he looks towards Russia- so breath taking in his casual outfit, highlighting his body, making Renmin's mind spam him with sinful and atrocious thoughts.
"Let's go now, shall we?"
The New Year's Eve party was even messier than the Christmas Party Fēilǜbīn had arranged less than a week ago.
(Honestly, Liánhéguó, the decorations were quite tasteless and bland, and most of the fairy lights are not even working properly. The food was quite horrible to the point he had to consult sink water for remedy.)
Renmin groans as he feels a presence near him and looks to find Měiguó with her own cigarette in her mouth, she smiles at Renmin, full of hidden spite and resentment (the feeling is mutual, so he does not mind).
"Awesome New Year's, huh?", she asks as she blows out a puff of cigarette to the grossly light polluted air- the stars are, to their disadvantage, being taken out by this reckoning force that is luminscent bright light. Sometimes Renmin wonders if the twinkling stars are even alive to consider the fact that they are too dim by now.
Renmin rolls his eyes, taking out his pipe, "Why are you asking me?"
America rolls her eyes, "'Cause you kissed Japan in the Christmas Party."
Renmin lightly smirks; a simple tug on the corner of his lips, really.
Ah, America must be quite jealous of the make-out scene in Spin the Bottle; he can still recall the fervor deep inside of him, wanting to claw Japan apart like they were some play thing that had opened up to him- before immediately backing off when Japan said they were asexual.
Of course, he and Éguó adressed the matter of the video where Renmin and Ríběn had kissed; Russia had just smiled pearly white and told him he understood it was a dare, with perfect honey voice and no passive-aggressive words, hands clasped around his lap like an obedient queen in front of her king, eyes glinting of genuine joy.
(Renmin could not help but smile a little when he sees Russia grit his teeth when Renmin was jokingly retelling his story of how he made out with Ríběn like it was the end of the world. He had let out a tiny chuckle when Russia tilts his head and, with furrowed brows, tells China that Japan must've been a horrible kisser.
There was a hint of possessiveness and jealousy in Éguó's voice but China had paid no mind for it.)
At least he had fared well than Mongolia; the boy received an earful from Éguó after he watches the video of he carrying Hánguó to a private room to do the do. Mongolia was promising never to do that whole drama again, and vowing that he will take Belarus to dates every weekend or every free time.
"Don't worry, I don't like the bastard", Renmin tells America half-heartedly, "they're not my type."
The woman's brow lift up a bit, "Oh? Then who is?"
Renmin scowls, taking his pipe out of his mouth and wiping it, "That is absolutely none of your business."
He did not wait for America to catch up to him- and why should he? She is the one provoking him and asking the intrusive questions (albeit only one but still) and making him at the very least uncomfortable. He catches Éguó's eyes - who is arguing with Wūkèlán - and the former immediately pushes his brother out of the way and approaches Renmin with a tired smile.
"Your friend - Filippiny, was it? - asked everyone to join truth or dare."
Renmin sighs as he puts an arm around Éguó, "As long as you're joining, I'll come." Russia's eyes glint.
"Seriously? Hell yeah."
Russia is absolutely wasted and shit-faced after many a shots of vodka and wine from the secret stash Canada had brought to the party. Renmin holds a shot glass of vodka while trying to hide his red face from Éguó, who is currently laughing and head on his lap, the source of his embarrassment.
From the corner of Renmin's eye, he sees America look at them with a troublesome smirk, and Renmin knows she's planning something.
He hears Ríběn and Hánguó arguing near the buffet- the latter was screaming and shouting, voice going an octave higher to anyone's liking - it is too irritating, next time Hánguó will break glass - while Ríběn, acting as the more 'level-headed' of the two crosses their arms while softly bickering with the flailing man in front of him, frowning and lips pursed to a thin line (although this would be expected from they; Japan is never one for coaxing someone to a fight or openly gloating).
(Japan had used up all their diabolical, rancid smirks in their second life, the shrugs limited to gestures they do not know of, cruel words replaced with annoyed tones and passive-agressive wording as if the many bombs America had planted on their land and Sulian completely making Teikoku surrender made them use up their malice to the point it had all went dry.)
He pays them no mind- they can handle a fight or two until they realize they are both embarrassing themselves.
"So", a voice calls out, and Renmin perks up from a stupidly laughing and drunk Russia - he is in love with his beautiful laugh too - and finds Canada, with a smirk on his face, red eyes looking straight at Renmin and Éguó. "are you guys, like, fucking?"
Renmin completely sputters; he should not be surprised at the inappropriate question he had just uttered out, but he sprays the vodka he is drinking all over his clothes and on Éguó's face, who seems to be too much in a bliss to care what his friend had just done. Renmin picks up his shattered dignity and glares at Canada who remains confident.
"Did you realize what you just said?", he asks as he unconsciously pets Éguó's short light hair, soft underneath his fingers and absolutely making him warm inside. "We're not fucking- we're friends."
"Comrades", Éguó slurs with a small smile. "We're fucking comrades."
(Renmin's face turns a light shade of red- he did not know if Éguó is backing his claim that they are only comrades or if he is just very drunk to the point he had no idea whether he's humiliating the hell out of himself.)
"You aren't fucking yet, but you will fuck", Philip says not far from them, eyes only on his phone. His statement releases a few snickers from the room, directed towards an embarrassed Renmin and a drunk Éguó.
Renmin pinches the bridge of his nose, ignoring the hushed conversation and a few laughs surrounding him; he coaxes Éguó to stand up so he can leave himself, his lungs heaving and breathing, making him wish for another smoke. He takes his pipe out of his pocket once again and starts to light it up.
(From Renmin's personal experience, smoking is much better than snorting cocaine or any types of drugs- the inhalants may put him towards the path of ecstasy and relief, but he'd resume such depressing state soon after the damned drugs supposedly enlightening his life goes down the drain.)
He opens the door outside, receiving the chilly cold air with a small sigh, lips parting as he brings his pipe towards his mouth, the smoke forming like a wisp and trailing to the moon, despite the fact it is far away, in space, in the atmospheres beyond where he resides. Renmin holds his pipe, wanting to savor the relief, when he hears the door open. He sighs loudly (he has no time for his composure to remain in him), turning to find-
A drunk, stumbling Russia?
"Kitay." His name in Russian sounds so... so exotic, like Éguó is trying to spell out his name in the most unique of ways, tying the string of love Renmin tries to loosen closer, even closer to his friend. Renmin had tried hard to pull these strings of love away from him, from Éguó- yet Earth treats them like porcelain, shaping and weaving their love story to appease their audience from beyond this realm, beyond the naked eye, because they are only tools to this sickening love scheme that heavens above had made. He looks at his friend with a slight smile playing on his lips, puffing smoke out from his mouth as he watches Éguó stumble to his direction before chuckling and helping the poor drunk man up.
Renmin can smell his vodka-laced breath, but he did not lurch at the stench; he has been far too used to his friends addiction to drinking, it has become second nature for the both of them. China would be the sober one, helping Russia get to his knees with the shivering hope he can actually walk, and not the other way around; China will always drink intoxicating and alcoholic drinks in private, hating the way these drinks burn his throat and make him feel the onslaught of an oncoming headache the morrow.
"Shall we head to your place?", Renmin asks his friend softly (a tone that he will only use towards dearest friends and no one else), but the man whom Renmin is supporting shakes his head.
"No... yours." Renmin nods, as he - while holding his taller and much larger friend - towards his car, grunting and stumbling.
(It wasn't because Éguó was heavy, no, but it is due to how his friend just leans on him. Renmin is quite strong and can carry Russia with no problem, thank you very much.)
He puts Éguó on the passenger's seat, safely putting his seatbelt on and hears a storm of Russian swear words - many of which are now familiar to his ears - but still think of these strange mutterings as music to his ears. Yes, love can deafen a man's ears.
Renmin starts his car, closing the doors and locking it (because Éguó has the fatal fascination of opening cars when it's in motion while drunk) and stepping on the breaks to drive silently throughout the night. He'd rather wonder about the many theories of existence and the different planes he exists upon rather than how Russia is still oblivious of Renmin's feelings, but, he is grateful this way.
They got to Renmin's place in absolutely no time, like time has slowed down and that the night is still young, still fragile, despite the fact it is midnight and the moon is shining a bright light. He parks the car near his home, looking at Éguó who - surprisingly - is trying to put himself to sleep.
Renmin loves the warmth surrounding him as he props Éguó up, who was pretty sleepy from the way he breathes evenly. Renmin smiles faintly, opening the door all by himself as he makes his way towards the guest room, and plopping Éguó down on the soft bed, causing the man to whine.
"Kitay." Renmin stops, looking at Russia with a questioning look. The man on the bed motions for him to come near them, and Renmin obliges; perhaps they need a drink, after all, they will have a horrible hangover tomorrow, or maybe they want to greet him a good night before they drift off to a heavy sleep, or he wants both of them to be in the same bed, sleeping under the covers-
He absolutely did not expect lips on his mouth, and the hard grasp of his shoulders and pushing him down towards Éguó's bigger and much muscular body. Renmin hides a gasp as his friend's (will he still call him friend after this?) tongue asks to enter his closed mouth, still feeling the hot breath on his lips and mouth, the hands holding onto his legs, the... arousal growing in him. He denies Russia the permission to guide him across the caves of his mouth, trying - half-heartedly - to escape his firm grip but Russia bites his lower lip and Renmin yelps; forcing Russia's tongue to enter.
He shudders; he remembers feeling this way when he and Soviet Union lost their virginity to each other, the hot and warmest touches resonating in them as they tear one another apart, biting and kicking and absolutely loving the way their sinful touches go lower, lower, lower.
He promises himself never to do it again, after his secret marriage with Sulian was annulled- null.
Then for the first time in decades, he opens his body up for his friend.
And his friend just so happens to be the once love of his life.
(Technically, Éguó has replaced Sulian with that title, now Sulian is just a void deep in Renmin's mind, calling out to him, wishing for him to return to his arms but he refuses, turning his back on him.)
As Éguó's tongue snakes up towards his cave, tasting, exploring the wet taverns of his mouth, China didn't notice one of Russia's hands going towards his lower body, clutching his growing arousal through his pants. Renmin moans as he feels him carress and make it even harder, letting himself become weak, surrendering himself to Russia. He feels him smile as he breaks the kiss, with Renmin whining from the loss of the heat in his tongue, before embarrassingly covering his mouth (either from the needy whine or realizing he has a trail of saliva coming down from his throat, he will never know), but Éguó gently traces his cheeks with his fingers, while his other hand pleasures Renmin's arousal.
"For all these years", Éguó breathes, hot on his face, "after teasing me, toying with me, playing with me for an unneeded amount of time, I finally have you in my hands." With a grunt, Russia reverses their position, now Russia is straddling Renmin and grinding on his legs and Renmin whining and moaning, arching his back so his arousal can hit Russia's leg for more friction. Russia tuts, unzipping his pants and boxers to let his member out, and Renmin gasps as the cold air hits him, enveloping and wrapping him around as the other man above him takes off his own shirt to let Renmin see the glory of he being shirtless.
(Well, it's not very surprising at the least- he and Russia had been taking their shirts off one another, making the former too heated to even function at the sight of Russia's shirtless and looking at himself and asking why he does not look like a wax statue unlike his friend, flawless and scarless and undaunting, looking at Renmin with a pointed look as if he's waiting for him to take his shirt off so they can bathe in a river spring during their camping trip-)
Renmin gasps as he feels a warm feeling surrounding his length, the tongue like a heatwave of many a desserts trying to puncture and make Renmin collapse to no effort at all. The hands snaking up his thighs, indicating factor that they are both going to do this scandalous and disgusting doing, and Renmin will experience another taking of his virginity and this time by Sulian's son.
He grips onto the covers, making a mental note that after all this is over, this... nightmare dream is over, he must take Éguó to another room to fabricate evidence they had done anything horrible at all. Russia must not know; if he does, he will trash around and throw a tantrum when he realized what he had done to Renmin and stop talking to him for the rest of his life.
A part of Renmin wanted to push Éguó off, away from him, and escape through the doors he knows he should have gone through before Russia wishes to talk to him (who is he to deny his friend a request?) but the part of desire wanted this, this momentous occassion to happen, where he is pinned down by Éguó and kissing him with a burning passion, marking him as his and always will be his, subduing him, loving him and treating him roughly to a varying degree and caring for him afterwards.
He listens to the latter part of his as he feels a pool in his stomach, wanting to be released into Russia's mouth, who is still working him up, ruining him, making him whine like the needy baby he was. China grits his teeth, as Russia licks up the length of his member and he cries;
"Éguó, I'm going to-" he screams as he unleashes a torrent of liquid into the man's mouth, white liquid staining Russia's face slightly and Renmin's chest; he breathes, shaking, embarrassed at the mess he made and wondering how his friend would react to this.
(Would he inexplicably tease him? Play and toy with him until he breaks? Would he encourage him release after release or would he just hammer down into him?)
"Aw, look at you, making a mess before we actually get the fun started", Russia coos, making Renmin flustered to even function, feeling himself practically die of embarrassment- he reminds himself to have a much firmer resolve, not giving into the pooling desire nor the pleasure Éguó has given him.
(He remembers the subtle touches Sulian does underneath the table, every time they'd had dinner together; the way his hands roam around Renmin's thigh as he eats or talks, trying to get a whine out of him to drop his spoon force his mouth to form a whine of all sorts. He remembers Sulian's cheeky smirk, lust-filled eyes and golden eyes staring back at his, waiting.
Renmin could not even last a playing and teasing with Russia's father, already pleading with the man on top of him to finish him off.)
"Do you have any lube?", Russia asks as he searches the room - the guest room, Renmin's mind supplies - for any possible places he could potentially have hidden any form of lubricant, and China absolutely knows where they are.
"I have them in my room...", he says suggestively, propping himself up with his hands, still under Russia's body, feeling his erect length on his thighs.
(Needless to say, he is just as turned on as Éguó was.)
Russia raises a brow, "Oh? Then go get it, Kitay." The way he says his name in Russian makes Renmin want to grind into him, pleading with him to finally pleasure him in the most abstract of ways, touching him in certain parts friends absolutely do not touch, ramming into him las he arches his back to get hit with more and more pleasure, screaming and biting his lips as Russia can go on and on.
China nods, and Russia gets up for the man beneath him to go fetch the lube in his room-
(This is the chance; to run straight to his room and lock the door, breathless and sweating and currently in a state of shock and heartbreak, quietly and slowly leaning down to cry, hoping Éguó would forget what has happened in the morning- to greet Russia with a smile and a cup of coffee in his wake, talking casually with no mention of their heated night that almost delved into the passion and-)
Renmin takes the bottle of lube from the drawers; full of toys, plugs, and every mention of sex ever. He remembers how he pulls them out whenever he was heated, tugging at them, panting as they enter him, loving the way they pleasure him yet hating the way they are not real skin. (And maybe the fact he wants to play with his entrance more than a healthy dose, yes.) He comes back to Russia, who has now stripped from his clothes; China's eye trail down from Russia's sweat-filled chest down towards his-
"We aren't supposed to do this", Renmin chokes - either from the size of it or from the sinful deed - looking at his friend dead in the eye. They were only supposed to be friends, comrades, brothers without a blood, not whatever sick and mangled game they are playing right now. There was something hot on his eye, turning the world blurry until he blinks, unleashing a warm trail down his cheeks. "W-we're supposed to be j-just brothers-"
He covers his mouth as he chokes back a sob- no matter how much his sick and disgusting mind wanted the man in front of him, nude and vulnerable, they could not do this. He feels two hands on his shoulders, but he does not dare look up from his hands.
Many thoughts ring in his mind at once.
He did not want this.
This is sinful and against what the two of them have stated.
He did not want to be subdued, to be a part of another's desire playing by.
But the sinful mind of his only pays attention to melting the icy desire frozen by a block of ice.
He wanted this.
He oh so wanted this.
It makes his sob even harder, as Russia's hands play with his hair before letting him lean into his chest - Renmin can smell the pure vodka and obnoxious amount of perfume on the other's - Éguó's arms snaking around China's back, tracing his finger tips on his scars, soothingly rubbing his back as Renmin continues to sob and choke and cough.
After a few more soft whispers in his ear, the quick kisses on the nape of his neck, and the feeling of Éguó's strong and sturdy arms snaking up and down his back did Renmin finally calm down, looking up at the taller's grey eyes, a mix of lust, desire, and concern.
"Are you sure you wish to do this?", Éguó asks, "before you are my lover, you are my friend."
Without a beat, Renmin kisses Éguó, to the latter's surprise, a choked sound coming from the other man as he holds the both of them closer, together, a perfect cadence of their love residing in the room, echoing as their hearts beat as one, creating a symphony only their skin can hear and feel. And Russia's soft grip becomes firm, calloused fingers digging into his back, deepening the kiss as he feels Renmin whine for even more.
No more was Renmin's intellect.
It has been overcome by the overwhelming amount of desire, his soul wanting this, wanting him to submit, to play the role of the girl.
Renmin then feels the other weigh into him, and he feels himself being pushed towards the general comforts of the bed, legs spread out, arms above him which are being held at the wrists by Éguó, looking at him with the utmost prosperity of lust. Renmin breathes in shallowly; they were about to do this, and nothing is stopping them.
He knows he should not be savoring this. Renmin bites his lip, trying to keep the tears inside of himself despite the fact his tear ducts has severely betrayed him during the night, with Éguó testing his patience and desire, moving up and down, smirking at the sight of China so submissive, whining and mewling as he thrusts into his tight caves with first his slender fingers and then with his entire length. Renmin remembered being a mess, begging, wanting more, wanting him to thrust into a spot as his back arches and he holds onto Russia for dear comfort.
But now the session is done, he cannot just construct the walls that had been broken by just one flicker of an eye from Russia, turning his insides to soft jelly. He feels the short breathes on his neck - although he is used to it by many camping trips and soft platonic cuddles at the back of the car - and the long hands wrapping around him, ensuring that he is there, safely tucked, and safe. Other times, he would snuggle deeper into Russia, but this was not those other times; they slept with each other, fucked, and they both enjoyed every moment of it.
Renmin tries not to get the horrible tendrils of sleep take him to dreamland until morning when Éguó realizes what they both had done and leave his home, scarred. How was he going to tell Éguó? Was he going to make himself forget all about this, give Russia a doll smile as he wakes up with a terrible hangover? Or will he tell the truth and risk their damned friendship he has built himself upon?
Renmin closes his eyes, trying to still his excited and enamouring heart, plunging up scenarios for him to discuss before his brain denies it all.
Then his visions supply him with a dream; a dream where he and Russia are actual lovers, in a world where they weren't so blatantly homophobic, reaching out into the other universes to make them get a hold of their relationship.
(Russia would touch his cheek passionately, caressing him and Renmin sighing as he leans into his touch with a sigh and a smile, knowing that he'd only be his for the rest of his life.
"I am your lover", Renmin would say with such love in his eyes, kissing the top of Russia's forehead, brushing away his blonde hair and Éguó will hold him closer, kissing him to the moon and back with a burning passion, as if they accepted the fact they are in love in the first place. Renmin will feel a hand on his hip, leaning in and deepening the kiss.
After they break, Russia will smile warmly, his hands ruffling China's dark hair and saying, "I am your lover as well."
And they will love, love with all their hearts- draw little heart strings over their shoulders, kiss in the sunset unhindered, touch each other in parts they thought will be sinful and disgusting, but they will not care anymore.
They are lovers.)
Renmin wants to scream.
Why is he like this.
That is not a question.
China didn't even notice he had given in to the lullabies of sleep rocking him back and forth until he is shoved off the bed. He yelps as he feels the hard floors and the absolute pain in his back. He opens his eye, then looks up at Éguó, looking panicked and covering himself with the stain blankets. His mind is blank first, asking himself why Russia had just shoved him off the bed, then a fast forward of all his memories from last night gives his stomach a lurch.
"Gǒu shǐ... Èluósī... Wǒ...", he chokes, trying to find his voice, "kěyǐ jiěshì."
Éguó shakes his head, taking a step back, his blue eyes full of horror as he realizes what he'd done. "Net, there is nothing to explain, Kitay."
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eddie-boii · 5 years
Never Let You Go (Part 3/14)
Fic info: Both Eddie and Stan live because I do what I want. Multichapter.
Rating: Teen and up (may change). Strong language.
Pairings: Reddie, Benverly.
Ao3 link: here
Summary: The Losers prepare for a wedding. Here’s a dinner gathering including Stan that we were robbed of.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8��Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
“Time to place bets,” said Richie as the Losers - including Ben who they’d met with on the way back from shopping - stepped foot over the threshold of the restaurant. “How long ‘til we get kicked out of this place?”
“Ten minutes,” said Stanley.
“Five if you sit next to Eddie.”
Richie placed a hand over his heart in feigned offence. “You wound me.”
“He’s guh-got a point,” said Bill and Richie thumped his arm.
The waitress who met them at the door led the group to their reserved table in a private corner where they’d be least likely to disrupt other guests. It was so familiar, the Losers Club all taking their seats around a large round table to eat and laugh and catch up on each other’s lives after so long apart. But it was so different, too. They still had their memories, there was no weight of a malevolent entity resting in the air above them, and there were no seats left empty.
Stanley sat between Bill and Beverly, glasses perched on his nose as he scanned the menu. “So everything's on you, right Ben?” he said, looking up at his friend with a playful and slightly mischievous smile.
“You wish,” said Ben, flicking a crumb of complimentary bread at him. “I know for a fact every one of you is well off.”
“I vote Bill pays,” said Richie. “He’s just got that new hit book out. Bestseller. With an actually decent ending.”
“Fuck off,” said Bill, the corner of his mouth tilted up. “Didn’t you just get a contract for a rrr-r-radio show? If anyone’s paying, it's you, jackass.”
“That was supposed to be a big surprise!” Richie protested. “Now the big reveal I planned is ruined!”
“You’ll just have to think of something else,” said Mike. “Congrats anyway, man.”
“Let’s save the toasts ‘til we have drinks,” said Beverly, flagging down a waitress. 
“Do you have a gluten-free menu?” Eddie asked once the waitress had arrived.
“No fucking way are you hypoglycaemic too,” Richie snorted.
“No, but there have been studies to suggest gluten increases your risk of intestinal cancer-”
“That’s such bullshit.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you a doctor?”
“Three minutes,” said Stanley which shut them both up for the time being.
“Alright, I’ll need you to give the chef a list of my allergies,” Eddie said, returning to speaking with the waitress, the poor girl looking a little terrified under his intense expression. “It’s very important. I could realistically die.”
Richie listened to him ramble off a list of food items about a mile long and marvelled at how he had anything left to eat. He spoke so fast, so passionate about everything, his hands flying all over the place as he spoke, and Richie felt kind of bad for the waitress who was frantically trying to scribble everything down in her notebook, but Ben would no doubt give the girl an enormous tip to make up for everything, so he didn’t dwell on it much, just watched Eddie’s face as it cycled through about a million expressions.
Richie blinked and looked up to see that another waitress had arrived to ease off some of the workload from the first, and the rest of the Losers were looking at him expectantly.
“Drinks?” Beverly prompted when Richie just stared at them all blankly.
“Shots!” said Richie instantly, clapping his hands together. If he was already getting distracted by Eddie, he sure as hell needed alcohol to get through the rest of dinner. 
“No way. You are at least staying semi-sober tonight,” said Beverly. “He’ll have a beer.”
Richie pouted at her but didn’t protest, and the waitresses finally went away. Drinks arrived, then food - a huge sharing platter of sushi - and the Losers slipped easily into comfortable conversation, laughing and joking and reminding each other of embarrassing moments from childhood, then catching up on their lives.
“So, Stan, you and the missus went on a trip with Mike, right?”
“Yeah, it was great until he tried to push me into the grand canyon.”
“That was an accident!”
“It so was not!”
Another round of beers came and went, empty bottles piling up in the centre of the table.
“So the divorce finally went through, Eds?”
“Did your mom make it difficult?”
“Her name is Myra, and no, it was fine.”
“That easy?”
“We had a prenup. I’m a fucking risk analyst, you think I wouldn’t be prepared?”
The sushi plates emptied and the second-course was served. Richie finally persuaded Beverly to let him order shots and downed three in one go.
“So you two, like, got a dog? What’s its name?”
“She’s called Ember-”
“Is that after that fucking poem?!”
“That’s adorable.”
“I just threw up in my mouth you two are disgusting.”
“Shut up, Trashmouth.”
Once Richie was drunk enough that he lost any trace of verbal filter he may have possessed, the Losers inevitably turned the conversation on him.
“So about this radio show,” said Ben.
Richie was leaning his chair back on two legs precariously, eyes closed and smiling vaguely at the warm, full feeling in his chest, though whether it was being around his friends or just the surplus amounts of alcohol he wasn’t sure. “What about it?” he said, slurring the words a little.
“Come on, man, I know you’re dying to brag about it,” said Mike. “Why the big change?”
Richie tipped his chair back to all four legs and shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you guys. My manager booted me after I bombed my show and fucked off to my childhood home to do shit I couldn’t tell him about, so I ended up with a new guy who thinks I’d be a great radio personality.”
“Are you actually gonna do your own jokes?” said Eddie.
“You know what, Eddie-spaghetti? I am.” He waved his hands in the air vaguely. “Whole fresh start, ya know?”
“That’s great, Rich!” said Bill, leaning across the table to give Richie a friendly bump on the shoulder.
“Wait, wait,” said Stanley, “how come you weren’t writing your own jokes before?”
“Hey, it wasn’t like I didn’t try!” said Richie suddenly feeling a little sick and wishing he had listened to Beverly telling him not to drink so much. “My old manager just didn’t go for it.”
“How come?” said Ben.
Richie waved his hand and grunted. “I dunno, jj-just uh -” Shit he was really drunk. “It was a lot of, like, personal shit, ya know? Dude said no one would relate and it would flop I guess.”
“What kind of personal shit?” said Eddie who suddenly seemed a lot more attentive.
Richie swallowed. “Just- just shit.” He waved a hand again and suddenly became very aware that all the Losers were looking at him. “I- fuck.” He rubbed a hand down his face, dislodging his glasses, then grabbed a glass of water and splashed a little on his face. He was way too drunk to start talking about personal stuff, but here he was. “Guys, I gotta tell you something.”
“What’s up, man?” said Bill, concern clear on his brow. Damn that bastard for being such thoughtful friend.
“I, uh, shit.” Richie pressed his palms to his eyes to avoid looking at his friends, his glasses pushed up over his knuckles. “I’m, uh, I’m… How do I put this eloquently? Super fucking gay.”
The room was silent with just the lull of other customers in the background, and Richie lowered his hands just enough to peek through his fingers at his friends, a part of him expecting awkward silence, disgust, loathing… But they were all grinning.
“That’s great, man,” said Bill.
“Proud of you, Rich,” said Stan.
“Thanks for telling us, honey,” said Bev, squeezing his knee under the table.
Richie blinked at them. “You, uh, don’t seem surprised…” His friends glanced sheepishly at each other. “Don’t you fucking dare tell me you already knew!”
“Of course we didn’t know!” said Stanley. “You never told us, how could we know?”
“We suspected,” said Mike slowly. “A little…”
“You overcompensate a lot, man,” said Ben apologetically. 
“Way too many ‘your mom’ jokes,” agreed Eddie.
“Well, that’s just fucking great!” said Richie, throwing up his hands. “This shit’s been eating away at me for fucking years, I had that dumb fucking clown mocking me for it, and you’re telling me I was a fucking coward for nothing!”
“You're not a cuh-c-coward, Rich, you’re the b-bravest of us all,” said Bill, his expression one of utmost honestly. 
“No one can blame you after growing up in that crap-town,” said Stanley. “Be proud, Rich. You’re the first of us to openly say anything.”
“The first-” Richie repeated, then stopped, looking around at his friends with wide eyes as they all nervously fiddled with drinks and avoided eye contact. “Are you fucking telling me I don’t even get to be the token gay in the Losers Club?!”
“Oh, honey, this has always been more of a ‘token straight’ club,” said Beverly, nudging her thumb not-so-subtly at Ben.
“I was born this way, I can’t help it,” Ben shrugged.
“Seriously?” said Richie, looking at each of his friends in turn before his eyes finally landed on Eddie. “Et tu, Eduardo?” he said, part of him dreading the answer, whichever it may be.
Eddie glanced up at him, pulling that awkward white boy, no-lipped smile. “Why do you think I got a divorce?”
“Coz you married your fucking mom!” said Richie because this seemed obvious. 
“Other reasons, too,” said Eddie, acting way too interested in his glass of water. “We never, uh-” He coughed. “Never managed to… consummate anything.”
Richie gaped open-mouthed at him, then burst out laughing. “Holy fucking shit, Eds!” he exclaimed, tears in his eyes as the other Losers tried to hide their own snickers behind their hands. “Are you still a fucking virgin?”
“No, I’m not a fucking virgin you fucking asshole,” said Eddie, instantly back to his usual defensive self.
“Are you sure about that?”
“If anyone’s a fucking virgin here, it’s you, dickwad!”
“Just coz I managed to fuck your mom and you didn’t.”
“We just established you’re fucking gay and you’re still at it with the ‘your mom’ jokes?!”
“Guys, GUYS!” Beverly interrupted, having to shout just to be heard over their bickering. She held her glass aloft. “I propose another toast before we get kicked out again.”
“To you and Ben,” said Bill, raising his glass too.
“To leaving that shit-hole town behind us,” said Mike.
“To Rich,” said Eddie, glancing at Richie and smiling slightly in a rare moment of softness.
“To not being straight,” said Stan.
“Do I join this one?” Ben whispered to Beverly.
“Sweetheart, you’re marrying me, you have to join whether you like it or not,” Beverly replied.
“To the Losers Club!” yelled Richie, and they all brought their glasses to the centre of the table, the chimes ringing out across the restaurant as they clashed lightly together. 
They all downed their drinks and fell back into their seats as one, and Richie leaned back and looked around the table at each of his friends in turn. To Beverly, Ben, Stan, Bill, Mike, and to Eddie. His family, who loved him unconditionally, who accepted him as he was and always would. He smiled softly to himself.
To the Losers.
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Also, called Fireworks | four times Virgil almost kissed Roman and one time they actually did or When Virgil Realised he was Fucked (althought, the only thing that could make this Rating T is all the swearwords). Anyway, this was an nexchange gift for @1-800-im-not-ok, i started writing it during Christmas which means this is Christmas themed, I hope you like it V
A big thanks to the amazing and fantastic @daring-elm for having beta-d this, ily <3
Words: 3441
Relationship/s: romantic Prinxiety, background romantic Logicality
Warnings: swearwords, kissing, fireworks, caplocks, if you see anything please tell me!
Virgil had only planned one thing for the looming Christmas vacation. And it was sleeping and catching up with everything that College had stopped him from enjoying.
In his humble opinion it was a great idea, not even the greatest strategists could devise such a masterplan. Although, in every masterplan there was a faulty factor that would be mistakenly forgotten.
For Virgil it had been Roman and Patton’s willingness to follow his plan. They had in fact rented a small chalet in the middle of nowhere and had decided to pass the 24th of December to the 5th of January without doing much else than spending time together.
At the beginning, it had even sounded an ideal situation, but Virgil realised he was fucked when he woke up the day of Christmas, earlier than intended to obviously.
In the living room, where he and Roman had been propped up to sleep, a sweet scent of cookies had invested him when the sun had just begun peaking through the mountains, showering the world in a soft pink light. Groggily, Virgil turned around, a loud groan escaping from his lips, followed by a chuckle.
“Good morning to you too, Sleep and Sound.”
At the voice, Virgil opened an eye, finding the bed next to him empty. Maybe it was the sleep still clouding his judgement or his anxiety kicking in, however, this didn’t change the fact that Virgil squealed concerned finding his side empty, jumping on his feet.
Roman chuckled once again, drawing Virgil’s gaze on him.
“I got up early to prepare, uh, breakfast for- all of you. Yeah, all of you.” He said, turning redder the more he talked.
“For being an incredibly talented actor you suck at lying, Princey.” Grinned Virgil, moving towards the kitchen.
“I am not!” Sputtered Roman, flaring as Virgil passed through the kitchen door smirking.
“Not what? Not a good acto- Oh.”
Roman turned to look at the kitchen and at Virgil, who had wide eyes and was staring at the numerous trays of cookies displayed around the room. He bit his lip nervously, hoping he hadn’t tragically messed up.
“They’re- they’re my favourite cookies…” Virgil turned to look at Roman, wonder and surprise so clear in those grey eyes that he had fallen so hard for. “How did you know the recipe and all?”
Roman guilty stared at a tray of biscuits. “I might have asked Logan to give me his recipe.”
“And he gave it to you so easily? Do you know how much I asked and I /still don’t have it?”
“Well, I pleaded, a lot. And, I promised I wouldn’t start singing Disney songs once here.”
Virgil chuckled, his low voice making Roman’s heart miss a beat.
“I- I just hope it was worth it.”
The smile that Virgil offered him was small, quiet and sincere. So Virgil, that it made Roman want to hug him and place a kiss on the top of his head, as told him how much he was gay for him.
However, he knew that Virgil would probably hate him if he ever tried doing hugging him or kissing him without consent. And that would be if he was interested in Roman, and there was a high chance he wasn’t, which was disheartening, to say the least.
Virgil took one of those cookies, a tiny one, and ate it quickly before offering another smile.
“Yeah, it was worth it.” He murmured, low enough that, even if there was someone in the room, only Roman could hear him.
Roman’s breath hitched when Virgil took an inside step towards him, sneaking his arms around him in a hug. They remained in that position for couple seconds, both hearing the other’s fast heartbeat.
“Can I kiss you?”
The words were just a whisper, barely audible to Roman’s ears, but they made his heart soar.
Roman nodded, before leaning down, eyes fluttering closed and-
“Hey guys- Oh my gosh!”
When Roman opened his eyes, staring into Virgil’s grey ones, both of them felt as their dream had been shattered. The two remained a couple of moments hugging each other, basking in the contact and not wanting to leave the other.
Virgil was the first to walk off, coughing awkwardly, taking a few cookies and walking out of the kitchen red faced.
“‘Morning Patt, I’m gonna go wake the nerd.”
Quickly Virgil disappeared, leaving Roman staring at a grinning Patton.
“I’m glad you two are finally dating!”
Between all the things he could’ve said, he said that?
“We’re not dating, Padre.” Answered Roman, turning to make space in the kitchen, finding that without Virgil’s warmth around him he felt empty.
“But, you were kissing!”
“No, we weren’t.”
“You totally would be if it wasn’t for me busting in before you could eat each other’s face!”
Roman turned towards his friends, uttering his famous trademark offended noises, only making Patton giggle.
“Okay, then. You aren’t dating. I have a plan that might help.”
“Logan! I love your boyfriend, but, he shouldn’t be left entering rooms alone.” Exclaimed Virgil, sitting on the bed.
The previously mentioned man, turned to look at his friend, glaring.
“Why the fuck are you waking me up at the ass crack of fucking dawn?”
“Don’t let yourself be heard by Patton, or I won’t have a friend to ramble about my gay crush to.”
“What the fuck did that dipshit do this time?” Grumbled Logan, his voice muffled by the pillow he had hid his face in.
“He baked me cookies! With your secret recipe and they’re so good. Anyway, I hugged him and asked to kiss him and he nodded, which thinking about it, would that be a sign that he likes me. Probably not. But! We were about to kiss and I was dying, when your boyfriend came down and entered the kitchen and- fuck. I left the dad down with the handsome boy I was about to kiss.”
“That’s- that’s a lot of words uttered extremely fast, which I didn’t hear, or understand, half of.”
Virgil groaned, falling next to Logan.
“I am so gay, my heart can’t survive this.”
“I’m glad that you’re aware that you’re gay, Virgil.”
The second time Virgil knew he was fucked was after realising that it was snowing outside, when Roman and Patton had enthusiastically decided that they had to have a snowball fight.
It’s fair to say that Logan and Virgil are weak for the other two. It took puppy dog eyes and a couple of kisses to get Logan outside, and only a smile from Roman to get Virgil too.
Leaving the two men, raccooned in their heavy clothes, throwing snowballs at the others and trying not to swear.
During the fight, as it got more intense, Patton disappeared behind the enemies walls, bringing Roman with him. After moments of eerie silence, where Virgil and Logan could do nothing but look helplessly at where they had disappeared, fearing of what was going to happen, the two returned at full force.
Patton ran to his boyfriend, tackling him in a hug and peppering his face in kisses before giggling gleefully under Logan’s fond gaze. Instead, Roman, simply tackled the other in the snow in an impromptu snow fight. Rolling in the snow, until Virgil managed to pin Roman to the ground, sporting a smirk.
He looked down at the man, brown eyes wide and a red blush covering his handsome features.
“Hello there.”
“Get off me, prick.”
“Oh? So I’m the prick now?” Whispered back Virgil closing the gap between them, enjoying as Roman became more flustered by the second.
“No. Well, yes? I think- I don’t know, it’s hard to think when you’re close.”
“Is it now?” Asked teasing Virgil, a hand falling in the others hair and beginning to play with a few strands of hair, at Roman’s dismay, who blushed profusely. Humming Roman said:
“Oh yeah, those eyes are what I dream about and those lips…”
This was Virgil’s time to flush bright red, as Roman’s eyes fell on his lips.
“Would you mind telling me, or showing me, how these dreams about me are?” Virgil managed to stammer, slowly closing the gap between the two.
“Of course.”
Said Roman in a whisper, before his eyes fluttered closed.
However, it was too good to be true and Logan had still a surprisingly good aim, which he brought to use to throw a snowball at Virgil.
“Lo! They were having a moment!” Exclaimed Patton and both men on the ground turned to observe the scene.
Logan shrugged. “No PDA aloud.”
“Unfair, you make out with Patton at every opportunity!” Argued Virgil, flopping on the snow next to Roman who barked out in laugher.
The shout startled all three of them, making them jump back and turn towards Logan, who quickly recomposed himself. His cold demeanour returning before their very eyes.
“I’m sorry for my outburst.”
The statement was followed by a curt cough filled with awkwardness, before he continued.
“I would recommend we return inside before the snow storm starts. And, since we have to refill the pantry and /someone decided to bake cookies…”
“... to demonstrate my guilt for having shouted earlier, I offer myself to go down to the town and buy enough food to, at least, survive another few days. We might get snowed in, it’s better to be cautious than reckless.”
Throwing a glare towards Roman, who grinned amused, Logan began walking towards the house, Patton close to his heels. Once he reached him, he took Logan’s hand, turning him to look at him, a fond expression on his face.
“It’s okay, Lolo. You don’t have to go. But, if you really want to go I can come with you to keep you company, honey.”
Logan’s face softened, leaving a tiny kiss on his forehead.
“Of course you come, starshine.” He murmured barely audibly, taking Patton inside.
In the meantime, Roman had gotten up on his feet, offering a hand to Virgil, who was following with his eyes the couple, still sat on the snow.
Smirking Virgil took the hand, getting up and intertwining their fingers together.
Sharing a smile the two returned to the warmth of the chalet.
The third time he knew he was utterly and irremediably fucked was hours later, Logan and Patton nowhere in sight, lost in the storm that surrounded the mountains. Leaving Virgil and Roman alone in the house.
They had been huddled next to each, softly chatting, as they ate some of the cookies and the fire of the fireplace warming them.
Virgil didn’t remember what they were talking about, something about tea and coffee and hot chocolate, but, when he turned towards Roman he froze. For once, his mind was silent, taking in the man before him.
His dark eyes were shining in amusement, a lopsided grin - the same that made Virgil weak to his knees - was bright and his hair had curled up in irresistible locks that made Virgil want to sink his hand in and kiss him senselessly.
“Uhm, Virgil? You’ve been staring at me for nearly two whole minutes. I know I’m stunning, but if you want, you can take a picture of me.” Said Roman, his grin widening.
Oh god, he’s amazing.
Virgil shrugged, leaning on Roman, his face flushing bright red.
“It’s nothing- just- what- can you repeat what you were saying?”
Roman chuckled, placing a kiss on Virgil’s hair. “I was simply stating that hot chocolate should only be drank with small marshmallows in it. Nothing more.”
At that, Virgil scrunched his nose.
“I’d rather prefer the treasure that is hot chocolate without disgusting marshmallows to ruin it.”
Roman gasped at his words, utterly betrayed by the man he thought he loved.
“How dare you? How dare you say that you hate marshmallows? Especially in hot chocolate? Do you hate love, you demon without a heart?”
Although, Virgil snorted at his antics, he couldn’t stop a fond smirk from appearing.
“But… I could forgive you.”
Quirking his eyebrow, Virgil, tilted his head to look at Roman’s equally red face.
“You could?”
Roman smiled softly, cupping Virgil’s cheeks and failing to not lose himself in man before him and those grey storming eyes, that reminded him of how Virgil had swept in his life like a storm. Absolutely changing his life upside down. God, had he fallen hard for this emo.
“Yeah, I could.” He whispered.
Virgil’s eyes fluttered closed as he felt the ghost of Roman’s lips on his.
The next thing he knew was someone, or rather Patton, shouting from the other side of the door:
“KIDDOS! Please, open the doo- IT’S SNOWING!”
When Virgil opened his eyes once again, he saw  his disappointment reflecting in Roman’s eyes.
“We gotta go save those two idiots, don’t we?” Asked Virgil, with a defeated sigh.
Roman chuckled, placing a kiss on his forehead before getting up to open the door to their two friends.
“Couldn’t you just come two minutes later? I was about to kiss my boyfriend!” Grumbled Virgil, following Roman and reaching to help to the two.
Patton squealed, letting the bags he was holding fall to the ground.
“You got together?”
Roman’s eyes fell on Virgil, who had flushed bright red and had started stammering incoherently.
“Well, no, I mean- sure, yes, if-“ then he turned towards Roman, offering a hopeful smile.
“Would you be my boyfriend?”
Roman grinned at the words.
“That was the most unromantic way of asking me and you don’t like marshmallows in your hot chocolate, but- holy shit. I’d love to be your boyfriend.”
Taking Virgil, his /boyfriend, in his arms, the two were only left to bask in the others presence. Observing the quiet glee that resounded in Virgil and the boisterous joy that Roman didn’t dare hide.
That was until Logan cleared his throat, divert their attention to him.
“I’m glad you finally sorted through your romantic shenanigans, however, the door is still open, the snow storm is still raging and we need to bring everything inside before the snow makes it impossible to get back outside.”
Virgil separated from Roman smiling brightly, turning to help Logan bring everything inside.
He might not have gotten a kiss, but, he had a boyfriend now and that was enough for him.
Virgil knew he was fucked the next day, when he woke up from his boyfriend’s warmth, the snow storm still raging outside. Cold and seemingly without wanting to stop.
He shuffled closer to Roman, his boyfriend- it was still unbelievable that such a handsome and amazing person like Roman had chosen him. The steady breathing, the warm secure arms around him and the falling and rising of his chest grounding Virgil.
As Roman slept, lost in the land of dreams, he was left gazing at the other man. Trying to remember his every trait and detail. How his curly hair adorned his handsome face, the expression of pure relaxation painted on his face, his perfect jaw calling for Virgil’s lips in an impulse hard to resist.
“You’re staring again, stormy angel.” Slurred Roman, eyes pressed together and tightening his grip around his smaller boyfriend. Virgil giggled softly, letting a kiss on the others nose.
“Can you blame me? I’m trying to immortalise this moment, how gorgeous my boyfriend looked when he woke up for the first time in my arms.”
At his words, Roman snorted opening his eyes. The pale blush that had started spreading on his cheeks was obvious, soft like the petals of a rose. A rose, such a perfect metaphor for Roman.
“That’s- you’re so perfect. But, you don’t have to immortalise me, I’m here. I’m not going away, I’m not going to abandon you because you- you deserve so much, my lovely and stormy angel.”
Hiding his flushed face in Roman’s chest, he hugged him tighter, willing his eyes close.
“Thank you, my handsome prince. I- what did I do to deserve you?”
A ghost of a smile appeared on Roman’s face, as he caressed with a thumb his boyfriend’s cheek.
“Except being a fabulous boyfriend?” He chuckled, “Nothing. You don’t have to do anything to deserve love. You deserve it no matter what.”
Virgil opened his eyes slowly, staring quietly in Roman’s dark brown eyes, the colour of fresh earth, and of the sweetest of chocolates.
“Uhm, you- have very pretty eyes.”
Roman’s chest thundered with laughter at his words, making Virgil swell with pride. Between stolen glances whenever he could, Virgil had come to the conclusion that when Roman laughed he was beautiful.
“Gosh, I could kiss you.” Breathed out Virgil, still caught in the awe of the view.
“Then please do.”
The gap between them closed once more, this time though he managed to press his lips against Roman’s before a clang interrupted them.
“FUCK!” Came the following remark by none other than Logan.
“Oh come on!” Grumbled Virgil, hiding his face in Roman’s shoulder, followed by another laugh.
This was honestly getting ridiculous, why could the fates or destiny or whatever just align so he could fucking kiss the hell out of his boyfriend?
“Do you think he needs help some there in the kitchen?” Roman wondered, moving Virgil’s fringe from his eyes.
He snorted, clinging to Roman. “He’s a fucking baker, I hope he can survive enough to not burn the housel. Plus, there’s no way in hell anyone is getting me out of this comfortable bed where I’m cuddling my wonderful and comfortable boyfriend.”
Roman chuckled, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“Alright, I think I understand.”
“You better because I’m not moving.”
A few hours later, Roman had successfully managed to get Virgil out of bed, despite the others threats and whines. They were now in the kitchen, staring at the scene before them, Virgil perched on the counter legs dangling and Roman casually resting next to him.
“It’s disgusting. It’s like watching your parents.” Groaned Virgil, taking another bite of the heavenly cookies Logan had prepared.
It seemed that after Roman’s baking spree the morning before, Logan had decided to bake some cookies too. Except he had overdone it, probably because he was worried he would let down his cookie loving boyfriend, and now the whole kitchen and living-room was filled with batches of cookies of all kind.
When Patton has seen it, his eyes widened, his bright smile appearing and flinging himself in Logan’s arms, proceeding to kiss him senselessly. In front of their two friends.
“Are we like that too?” Asked Roman, turning to look at Virgil.
“I don’t think so. I, mean, we have never went at one am in the morning to a cinema only to have a steamy make out session that resulted in being banned from the cinema and having your best friend come and fetch you.”
“What the fuck? Have they actually done that?”
Virgil turned to look at Roman’s wide, incredulous eyes. “Yes. It was a week after they got together, after that they just chose to do- who knows what when I wasn’t in the apartment.”
“Holy shit, the nerd isn’t as stuck-up as I thought.”
They had been lucky, soon after breakfast the snow storm had cleared up.
It was still impossible to get back to town, however, they could get out of the house. In the time for that night's show.
The sky had gone dark, stars shining brighter than they have ever seen, a guidance maybe, it surely was for those who first mapped them and that Logan was now excitedly telling Patton about. Roman and Virgil had decided to stand a few meters of distance, their fingers intertwined together as they awaited for the beginning to fireworks.
“It’s- breathtaking.” Whispered Roman, gaze lost in the white mountains that surrounded them like giants. Virgil hummed in agreement.
That was when the fireworks started.
Bright colours obscuring the dark sky, making the white giants shine with a bit of more colour. Roman turned towards Virgil, eyes shining from the overwhelming emotions that those incredible colours brought. However, his voice ideas in his throat at the sight of his boyfriend.
He too was captivated by them, lips slightly parted and eyes reflecting the colours that shone so beautifully. With a soft smile, Roman tugged on his scarf, making Virgil turn towards him.
The nickname, though, was never concluded as Roman kissed him.
That was all that Virgil could describe the kiss as: fireworks at every touch. Colours and passion flashing above their heads and in their hearts, until they were left breathless.
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