#‘i didn’t walk all the way to mount doom and back with this hobbit just to see him KILLED IN HIS OWN HOUSE’
frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
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The mithril coat.
Not SamFro!
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frodo-my-boy · 3 years
Hello! I stumbled across your blog and saw you write for frodo so I figured I’d make a request, I hope that’s alright!
Could I get a fic where the reader and frodo are in love love, and the reader follows frodo on his journey to mount doom, helping him as much as she possibly can, and when they get back, frodo doesn’t go to the undying lands because the reader helps him heal and they live out their happy little hobbit lives with happy little hobbit babies and frodo just can’t believe he got lucky enough to experience it all after what he’d been through. Basically just something fluffy with frodo being at peace and happy after the ring.
Thank you so much in advance!! 💛
Frodo Baggins x Reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and nausea
Frodo my beloved
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Frodo sat on the bench outside of his home, a pipe in his 4-fingered hand. His wife was inside resting as he watched over the children. He couldn’t believe he had gotten here.
The fires of Mount Doom were once all he could think of. He thought he’d never see the Shire again, never see your face again. He thought he didn’t deserve to either. Dragging you along on a bloody adventure you hadn’t signed up for...it was shameful.
But you had forgiven him. You had been forgiving him all along, giving him a second chance.
He was brought out of his thoughts by your youngest, Marigold, climbing onto his lap. She was just 3 years old, but she was very inquisitive and always asked questions about his hand. Not wanting to explain the whole thing to a toddler, he always just joked that it fell off one day when he didn’t eat his vegetables.
It worked, though. Marigold ate vegetables almost religiously, unlike her brother who was a bit too old to believe his father. At 6, Sam was very skeptical of everything people told him, he had to see for himself in order to believe something.
That’s just how life was with your 2 (soon to be 3) children. Frodo was a doting husband and a caring father. He never took life in the shire for granted.
“Papa, when will Ma feel better? She’s been feelin’ real sick, hasn’t she?” Sam said from his place across the garden.
“She’ll be okay, Sam. Remember when she had Marigold? She was much worse then.” It was true. You could hardly hold down water when you were pregnant with her.
Sam lost interest in the conversation pretty quickly and went back to making mud pies. Marigold was now resting her head on Frodo’s lap, her father toying with her hair with his free hand. He wished Bilbo could see him now, happy with his family.
He heard the door open behind him, and Marigold shot up to see who it was.
“Mama!” She squealed with excitement.
You looked tired, with little bags under your eyes but still had that kind smile on your face. Frodo stood up and quickly walked to your side to help you down the front steps. Your midsection was getting larger, and it was hard to do such things by yourself.
You took his seat on the bench, Marigold chattering away beside you.
“Are you alright, ma? You look real tired.” Sam asked, concern in his little voice. He had mud all over his arms, but had miraculously kept it off his clothes. Thank god. You were in no condition to do laundry at the moment.
You gave him a smile. “I’m alright, Sammy. I just needed a little rest. I’m okay now.” Frodo stood beside the arm of the bench and knelt down to lay a kiss on your head. Such a small point of contact meant so much.
You were just so happy with this. Happy that you had been there for Frodo when nobody else could be. You had come so far in your adventure. From Mordor and all the way back to Hobbiton. You had your 2 and a half kids and a little white picket fence. Though you’d probably stop after the third child is born. Samwise already had 8 of them, and they showed no signs of stopping. It gave you a headache just thinking about it.
“C’mon kids, let’s go clean up for supper. We’ve been working on that stew you like all day.” Frodo said. Marigold obeyed and ran up to the front door, waiting for you and Frodo. Sam put up a little resistance, not quite done making mud pies but still getting hungry. He eventually folded and went to join Marigold.
Frodo stepped towards you and held out a hand.
“Let’s go, my love.”
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maaaddiexo · 3 years
The Within Series | Legolas Greenleaf
Book 1: The Devil Within - Part 1.9
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Nyx of Tyndall does not know love or kindness. Cursed at a young age by a jealous witch, Nyx has lived a life of solitude and death.
Until Gandalf the Grey requests her presence and uncontrollable skill in assisting a young Hobbit across Middle-Earth with nine others to destroy a ring so powerful all fall victim to its evil.
Not only must Nyx face Orcs, demons, and creatures she’s never seen before, but also the devil inside. Controlling the devil is the key to finding freedom in a spell that can’t be broken. But it will not be so easy for Nyx when every obstacle she faces pushes her to an edge she cannot return from.
Chapter Nine
Nyx slept soundlessly that night, which surprised her. She’d been dwelling on her decision to join the Fellowship the moment she’d agreed. She was tired. She didn’t want to go any further. And yet, looking into Frodo’s eyes and feeling no judgement from Aragorn, how could she possibly say no?
An elf woke Nyx up in the early hours of dawn, helping her into a warm tub and rubbing the stress away with a sponge. Nyx did her best to fight the anger at not being allowed to sleep in but she was aware of the water heating up a few degrees when it should have been cooling. Her anger was stronger than before. Harder to control.
Afterwards, the elf helped Nyx into dark pants – she couldn’t tell if they were brown or black – and a dark blue turtleneck tunic. Overtop, she was given a thick woollen cloak, black as night. Her hair was braided into two inverted braids which were then secured in a bun at the nape of her neck.
“Low maintenance,” the elf explained, standing up. “Will you be joining the others for breakfast?”
Nyx inhaled. Since her arrival she’d avoided eating in the dining hall. Being around so many people made her uncomfortable, which made it easier for the evil within to take control win. But she would be traveling with these people now for who knew how long. She would have to get used to it. But, perhaps, not yet. “Oh, um, no. I need to finish packing.”
The elf nodded and left. Nyx moved to the end of her bed, where Elrond’s gifts from the day before lay.
“You will need weapons, my dear. And not just this old…thing,” he looked at the scythe with disdain. The blade was chipped and dull, and the wooden handle was thinning where she often gripped it. The wood was also stained with blood, but it often was and Nyx had grown tired of washing the wood when she didn’t even see anyone.
“I don’t have any other weapons, Lord Elrond. I’m sure I will be fine.”
“Nonsense. Since your arrival, I have had my people working on some new weapons for you. Including a new scythe. Gandalf tells me you are quite attached.”
“It’s the only way I’m connected to them.” Gandalf had told Nyx that her parents had lived on farm before they had her. And though she didn’t have any memories of them, this made her feel close to them.
Elrond nodded and placed Nyx’s old scythe against the wall. “Then it will be waiting right here for you when you return. But you cannot take that into war. It will splinter on the first strike. Here,” Elrond lifted his arm and two Elves came in. One carried a thick bundle wrapped in cloth while the other carried a scythe made fully of metal, with strips of black wood running with the long handle from top to bottom.
Nyx ran her hand along it in awe. “It’s beautiful.”
“It is strong. It will serve you well. And here.” The second Elf unraveled the bundle of cloth, revealing two daggers with birch hilts and a knife with a red wood hilt. “For extra protection.”
Nyx smiled at Elrond. “Thank you. You owe me nothing and yet you always offer so much.”
Elrond smiled. “You are worth so much more than you think, Nyx of Tyndall. Soon you will see.”
Nyx smiled. “I really am sorry about your gazebo. And your Council Room floor.”
Elrond laughed. “Already forgiven. But don’t expect me to forget anytime soon.”
Nyx sheathed her weapons in the leather holster the Elf had dressed her in underneath her cloak. There were slots for her two daggers and the knife, plus an additional holster that she wore over her cloak. One strap went around her chest while the across her chest like a sash. The holster was on the back. She’d had a similar one before, but it seemed Elrond had replaced that as well.
Nyx knew breakfast would be over by nine, so she was in the courtyard at nine-oh-five, patiently waiting for the rest to arrive. Ever the punctual Elf, Legolas was the first to arrive.
“Good morning, Lady Nyx.”
Nyx grimaced. “Please, just Nyx.”
Legolas inclined his head, hands behind his back. He carried a bow and arrow, the bow made from a material unlike anything Nyx had ever seen. The holster for his quiver was similar to Nyx’s. His hair was braided the same as the day before: a small one going around each ear and a larger one for the hair on the crown of his head. He was dressed differently than when he had first arrived. He wore tall brown boots and grey pants. Arm guards over a grey shirt and a green elven tunic. He touched Nyx’s scythe, which she had in her hand at the moment. His fingers ran over a small inscription in elvish near the hilt of the blade.
“Dilthen lúg. Little Dragon,” Legolas read. “What does that mean?”
Nyx furrowed her brow. “It is what Gandalf used to call me…when I was a little girl. I almost forgot he used to call me that.”
“Why did he call you that?”
Nyx closed her eyes, but the memory was a good one. Those were rare for her. “I had the short temper of a dragon. Plus, my bad habit of catching fire made the nickname an easy choice for Gandalf. I used to find it endearing. Now, people say my name with malice and fear in their voices.”
“Why? You do not look so dangerous. Except, of course, for the large weapon in your hands.”
Nyx looked at the scythe as someone else joined the two of them and spoke. Aragorn. “Do not doubt her, Legolas. She has more fire in her than you think.”
Nyx looked away and took a few steps back, under an old stone arch. The two conversed and she ran her thumb over the inscription Legolas had pointed out. She hadn’t even noticed it until he’d mentioned it. She looked over at the Elf. He was laughing with Aragorn freely and she wondered how two people who’d seen battle and taken so many lives could still be so happy.
She looked at Aragorn. Though she knew he meant nothing ill, his words bothered her still, and she felt the anger inside her swell.
Take control of it.
Nyx leaned her head against the stone wall, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. They didn’t work. It seemed she had less control over the evil inside her since she carried the Ring.
Gandalf was standing in front her, waving his hand back and forth in front of her face. The rest of the Fellowship had arrived but, thankfully, no one was paying attention to the two.
“Sorry, Gandalf.”
“What is troubling you, my dear?”
“It’s the Ring. It did something to me. I feel…angrier. The littlest things are making me angry. This morning, I nearly cut off the Elf’s head when she woke me up. And just now, Aragorn.” Nyx shook her head. “Maybe it is best if I do not journey with you.”
“Nonsense, my dear. You are one of us. There is more good in you than you think. Come.”
“The Ring Bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom,” Elrond announced. “On you who travel with him, no oath or bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all free folk go with you.”
“The Fellowship awaits the Ring Bearer.”
Frodo turned nervously, taking the time to look at all the people who had chosen to accompany him on quest they may not return from. He walked through the group, leading the way.
The moment they crossed over Rivendell’s border, the air of magic dissipated, and Nyx suddenly felt it hard to breathe. She was at the back of the group with Aragorn who noticed instantly.
“Sacred Elven places suppress other forms of magic that is not their own for the sake of protection,” he explained. “Now outside of Rivendell, you once again feel the full force of the curse.”
“It wasn’t this bad before,” Nyx whispered, mainly to herself. “The Ring did something to me. To the curse.”
“Perhaps when we destroy it, you will go back to normal.”
Nyx didn’t know what normal was. “Do you really think we will destroy it?”
Aragorn was silent.
That afternoon they stopped for lunch and a longer break than usual. While Boromir helped Pippin and Merry work on their swordsmanship and Sam handed out plates of food to everyone, Nyx sat silently beside Gandalf as he smoked his trusty pipe.
Gimli, who was slightly behind Nyx and Gandalf, spoke surely, “If anyone was to ask of my opinion, which I note they are not, I’d say we are taking the long way ‘round. Gandalf, we could pass through the mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome.”
A sour taste filled Nyx’s mouth at the name of Moria, but she wasn’t quite sure why.
“No, Gimli,” Gandalf replied softly. “I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice.”
“Why?” Nyx asked. “What’s wrong?”
“Evil lurks close there in the shadows,” Gandalf replied. “And since we are already walking straight into the fire, it would be best to avoid it when possible.”
Legolas, who had been watching the north, suddenly moved to the other side of the rocky outcropping to watch the south. He stared intently.
“What is it? What do you see?”
Legolas glanced at Nyx, who was squinting to try and see what he saw.
“Nothing, it’s just a whiff of cloud,” Gimli insisted.
“It’s moving fast,” Boromir stood. “Against the wind.”
“Crebain from Dunland!” Legolas shouted.
“Hide!” Aragorn shouted.
Nyx grabbed for Legolas, who remained where he was, quickly searching for the perfect place to hide. She found it nearly instantly, five paces from where they stood now. She dragged him along, tugging him under the curved boulder. Together, they tried to quiet their breathing and still their movements. Nyx heard everybody else scatter, their feet thumping against the ground as they ran for cover. She could feel Legolas’ chest against her shoulder and tried to match his steady breathing. It was hard but she managed to slow her breathing and calm the fire dwelling in the pit of her stomach.
The sky darkened with the birds’ arrival, caws piercing the air. Nyx saw their shadows on the ground in front of her as they flew by, circling the area before leaving in the same way they came. Slowly everybody emerged and watched the birds leave. Legolas looked back at their hiding place. From where he stood, he could barely see where they’d hidden.
“That is an excellent hiding spot,” Legolas admired.
Nyx shrugged and walked away. She was good at hiding. “What are they?”
“Spies of Saruman! The passage South is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras.”
Nyx looked up at the snowy mountain, its peak hidden above the clouds. She grabbed her pack and tightened the laces on her boots. They set out immediately, climbing the steep incline of the mountain range. Nearly to the top, there was a grunt from behind Nyx and she turned to see Frodo tumbling down the hill.
“Frodo!” Gandalf called, unable to do anything but watch him roll down the slope of the mountain. Thankfully, Aragorn stopped him before he could roll too far and immediately Frodo reached for his chest. The Ring was gone. He spotted it just as Boromir did, lifting it up by the chain and holding it closely to his face.
“Boromir,” Aragorn said softly. The man either did not listen to him or did not hear him.
“It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing… Such a little thing.” He reached up to touch it. Aragorn called his name again, this time firmer. The man heard him this time.
“Give the Ring to Frodo.”
Nyx watched from beside Gandalf as he reluctantly returned the Ring to Frodo and ruffled his hair. She turned to the wizard.  “I do not like the way he looks at the Ring. And I especially don’t like the way he looks at Frodo.”
Gandalf clenched his jaw, shifting his weight. “Neither do I, my dear. Neither do I.”
Part 1.10 ➺
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Destiny Calling: Chapter 5
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Aragorn didn't know why he was following Boromir, but he was. Course, Boromir had no clue because as he mentioned to Frodo, he could be practically invisible if he wished. He for the most part didn't do anything of an interest to Aragorn. He didn't do anything rude and was in fact, very respectful. He met you briefly, bowing respectfully but you stopped him, saying that you were not someone he had to bow to and wished to be seen as an equal. You said that to most of the people that made an attempt to show some sort of sign of acknowledgement that you were royalty. Aragorn though, noticed his asking of the heirlooms of Isildur. You told him where they were, seeing as when men passed through, they treated the library like a museum of sorts, looking at the remnants of history, collected over the years.
He stuck to the shadows as he watched Boromir. He stared at the broken sword in awe. "The shards of Narsil... the blade that cut the Ring from Sauron's hand." Boromir muttered to himself as he looked at it. He brushed his fingers on the side of the broken blade. "Still sharp.." He whispered. He often wondered to himself if there was anyway he was an heir to Isildur. He knew though that the line had died out... At least that's what he was taught. He had no idea that the other man in the room shared the blood of the man who's sword he was holding. He felt eyes on him, turning to see Aragorn watching him. "But no more than a broken heirloom." He said, setting it back. It slid off, clattering to the ground as he walked off.
Aragorn rose a brow, picking up the hilt from the floor. You walked over, looking at his observant eyes. You could see visible fear in them as he looked at the blade. " You're still afraid of his past, why? You are Isildur's heir...not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his mistake." You said softly, putting your hand on his shoulder. He held the hilt with one hand, his other on top of your hand.  "The same blood flows in my veins...the same weakness..." He muttered, looking at the blade. "Your time will come. You will face the same evil...and you will defeat it. You will not be alone through this either." You said softly. He looked at you and then the blade, still uncertain. "Ni sinte -yes's frightening Aragorn. Mal enyal- sina burden does vamme sér- on your shoulders er. Ni am símen. Always indóme n-. (I know it's frightening Aragorn. But remember this burden does not rest on your shoulders alone. I am here. Always will be.)" You said softly. He looked at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before setting the hilt down, walking with you.
You held his hand, whispering sweet little things in his ear to make sure he knew he was safe. He felt calmer around you, like he was always walking on air. He loved making you laugh, it was his favorite thing. He loved your smile, your laugh, the way you breathed... By the gods he loved everything about you. He went to bed that night, you in his arms. Elrond by no means approved of you two sleeping in the same room, much less the same bed as you but he knew for a fact that there was no separating you two. Aragorn typically went to sleep, speaking of past adventures to you. Other times he'd fall asleep just saying how his days went. On the nights he couldn't sleep, you'd tell him of your adventures of Mirkwood, how you'd sometimes try to leave, only to end up at the end Thranduil's icy gaze.
The morning sun shone through the window, you leaning up. You looked over to see a dress already laid out. You rolled your eyes, putting it on in silence. You fiddled with the back strings but felt a pair of hands tying it for you. "I see your sister has been in here." Aragorn said. You chuckled. "She does love to dress me like I'm still a child." You muttered, brushing out the red fabric. "At least she is aware that red is a beautiful color on you." He said making you smile. "And you know what colors I look best in?" you asked. "Usually blue makes you look very pale. Red however brings out your eyes. Green though... Green makes you look very regal." He said making you laugh. "And you know this all, how?" you asked, turning to him. "You wore green at your coronation." he said making you smile before you both left.
You took your seat next to your father, sitting up straight. Elrond leaned over. "Are you prepared for what's to come?" He asked. "Have hope father. We will do this." you said. "With you with them? Of course." He said making you smile as everyone sat down. Frodo looked at you, a small amount of anxiety leaving him as he looked at your little wave. "Bring forth the ring, Frodo." Elrond instructed. He nodded, getting up and setting the ring on a stone plinth before sitting back down next to Gandalf. "So it is true!" Boromir gaped. "Sauron's ring of power." Legolas gaped. "The doom of man." A dwarf said. "It is a gift...a gift to the foes of Mordor! Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, held the forces of Mordor at bay...by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy...let us use it against him!" Boromir exclaimed.
You and Aragorn exchanged a look.  You already had a feeling you knew how Boromir meets his fate. "This something a lot more powerful than any man can handle." you said. "What would you know of this?" He asked making Legolas grit his teeth and Aragorn resist snapping.  you said nothing, looking at him with annoyance. If you opened your mouth, you knew your wit would be too quick for your father to stop and you'd say something distasteful. "She is right. You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone...it has no other master." Aragorn said calmly, though still clearly annoyed. "And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Boromir asked.
"This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance." Legolas snapped. You facepalmed and Frodo looked at Aragorn confused. "Aragorn... This is Isildur's heir?" Boromir asked. "And heir to Gondor." Legolas added. "Havo dad, Legolas...Sit down, Legolas.." Aragorn said. Legolas sighed, sitting back down. Boromir locked onto Aragorn. "Gondor needs no king." He muttered. "Aragorn and Y/n are right...we cannot use it." Gandalf said. "You have only one choice." Elrond said. "The Ring must be destroyed." You said, staring at the golden ring. You could feel the negative energy practically radiate off of it. "What are we waiting for?" The dwarf asked, approaching the pedestal with his axe drawn. You saw him gear up to attack.
"Wait-" But it was too late in trying to warn him. His axe broke on impact, knocking him to the ground. You noticed Frodo wince, raising  brow but getting up to assist the dwarf in standing. He waved you off and you noticed him grimace. "The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came." Elrond said. "One of you must do this." You said. "One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!" Boromir said as you sat back down. "If it was done once, it can be done again." you said. "Have you heard nothing I have said!?" Boromir asked. "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!" Legolas asked. "And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" Gimli asked. You sighed. "We've made no such claim, neither has Legolas." You halted. "And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!" Boromir asked.  "I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf!" Gimli shouted.
You sighed. "Gimli your hatred for my people is understandable, but do not think of what is best for you but for the rest of the world." you said. "Understandable? Y/n do you hear yourself—" "Father, do not begin with me. You know my opinion." you halted. Gimli rose a brow, never hearing talk of an elf actually agreeing with him. "This is ridiculous, who is taking the ring!?" Boromir asked, the group dissolving into arguing. "Do you not understand that while we bicker amongst ourselves, Sauron's power grows?! None can escape it" Gandalf yelled. You sat in your seat, head in your hand as you looked at it. The group only argued more and more before you heard something.
"I will take it." Frodo said. You looked up, astonished at the young hobbit's choice. "I will take it!" He repeated so the rest could hear. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. "I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though-- I do not know the way." He said. Gandalf seemed disappointed with this. Not by Frodo's choice but by the fact that this is what it had come to. A poor hobbit who's most likely had to uproot his whole life for this quest to Rivendell and now he had agreed to take it even further. "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, so long as it is yours to bear." Gandalf said, putting his hand on Frodo's shoulder. "You have chosen a very dangerous task Mister Baggins. But I will assist you with this." you said, standing up. Boromir was shocked that a woman would even want part in this at all, much less volunteering for battle. You kneeled to Frodo. "You have my blades." you said. "If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will" Aragorn said, clearly speaking to Frodo but looking at you before he too, kneeled. "You have my sword." He said, now looking at Frodo. "And you have my bow." Legolas said, standing near you. "And my axe!" Gimli chimed in. "You carry the fates of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done." Boromir said.
You heard a rustle before Sam darted out from the bushed, making you smile. "Mr. Frodo is not goin’ anywhere without me!" He said. "No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not." Elrond said, clearly amused by the actions of Sam. You heard more footsteps. "Wait! We are coming too!" Merry and Pippin shouted. You exchanged a smile with Aragorn. "You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!" Merry said. "Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest... thing." Pippin said. "That rules you out Pip." Merry muttered making you bite back a snort. "Ten companions... So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!" Elrond announced. "Great! Where are we going?" Pippin asked making Aragorn finally crack a laugh. You chuckled, looking across at your lover with a smile. Boromir rose a brow, noticing the exchange.
You packed that night, feeling relief when you wore your armor rather than your dress. Dinner was spent with talks of roads until your brothers arrived. "Who might you be?" Pippin asked. "Pippin, those are my brothers" You said with a smile. "Elladan." you introduced as he sat next to you. "Elrohir." you introduced as he sat down on your other side. "How many siblings do you have?" Merry asked. "Just three." you answered. Arwen sipped on her drink. "I must say... It is rather peculiar for you to wish to join us on the journey." Boromir said. "Not if you know Y/n." Elladan said. "What are you like?" Boromir asked. "Curious." you said. "...Insane." "reckless" "hyperactive." Your siblings chimed in. "I'd say more... Spirited." Legolas said. " You know her personally?" Frodo asked. "My father helped raise her." He said. "I'd say she's a valuable asset." Aragorn said. "Thank you!" You huffed. "Well we all know why you think that." Elrohir teased. Aragorn hid his smile by taking a drink as you flushed pink with embarrassment. "How is she a valuable asset?" Sam asked. "She has an ability to speak with nature." Aragorn answered. "I thought all elves had that ability." Boromir said confused. "Yes, we do. But it is usually very hard to hear without focus. It sounds like whispers. Y/n can hear them without trying and she can actually make it respond." Arwen answered. "I see." Boromir muttered. "It comes from her lack of immortality." Legolas said. Everyone else looked up. "You're not immortal?" Merry asked. "No." you shook your head. "I thought all elves were." Pippin said. "We can choose not to be." You said. "Why did you choose not to be?" Frodo asked. "Which reason would you like to hear?" you asked. "Any of them?" Frodo said confused. "...I felt it to be an unfair advantage for those who were not blessed with long lives." You said. "What was the other reason Miss Y/n?" Sam asked. You looked over at Aragorn and smiled. "I wish to spend one lifetime with the one that makes me content than to spend thousands walking this plain alone." You answered.
All the hobbits noticed the look that Aragorn and you exchanged. It was confirmed to everyone at the table that you and Aragorn were definitely in some sort of relationship. Gimli however was pretty much the only person at the table who had no idea to the relationship. Aragorn smiled, looking at his glass. Arwen fidgeted with her necklace in thought. "Uh... Miss..." "Arwen." She reminded Sam. "Right. Miss Arwen, what is that necklace?" He asked. "The Evenstar necklace is like a symbol to our family name." She said. "My sister wears one as well." She added, you showing it. "We have crests on our armor." Elladan said. The group seemed interested in mostly you. Not much was known about you due to your awkward start of the journey. You revealed some interesting facts to them, telling them of your abilities of foresight but keeping Boromir's death secret. The fact though they fixated on was your ringwraith visions. "You knew they were coming?" Frodo asked. "Normally I can feel them." you admitted. "What does it feel like?" Pippin asked. You pondered, a grave look coming over you. "Dread...Darkness. I... can usually smell blood too." you muttered. Aragorn frowned. He knew your visions were a burden to you. Sometimes if you spoke on a subject long enough you'd basically force yourself into having another vision. He sat there, observing your eyes as they closed.
You leaned forward, Arwen stopping your body from hitting the table. Sam rose and Aragorn got up, walking over and kneeling next to you. You opened your eyes. "Are tye alright mime mel (are you alright my love)?" He asked. You nodded slowly. Arwen handed you a glass of water. "Frodo, I'm sorry that is what you have to bare." You muttered. Frodo rose a brow. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I've seen the visions you've had." You muttered. He blinked. "You have?" He asked. "The voices... The eye... Fires..." You shook your head and put your hand to your head. "Perhaps you should lie down." He said. You shook your head. "I'm alright. I swear." You said. Elladan stood up. "I'll switch seats so you can ensure she'll be fine. " He said. You said nothing, feeling a slight headache as you heard a low hum from the ring. You looked at it, Elrohir noticing your tired eyes before Aragorn held your hand, instantly breaking the focus. Relief hit you and you cleared your throat. "My apologies. My visions can... Bombard me. Sometimes." You said softly. "it's alright your high—" "Please don't use formalities with me. I'm not above any of you. You are all my equals." You halted Sam. Pippin smiled and he nodded. "You seem like you'd make a good ruler." Pippin said. Boromir rose a brow to this comment. "I agree." Arwen said. "You do?" You asked. "We all believe this." Elladan said. "Why?" Boromir asked. "Our sister has always put our people over herself. She's also a brilliant strategist." Elrohir said. You smirked. "You say that because you're the one who trained me." You laughed. He smiled but shook his head. "You're also a good fighter." Elladan said. "Again. You two trained me." You said. "You lack a lot of the etiquette." Arwen muttered making you sigh. "Maybe if your courses weren't so annoying I might've made it a point to listen!" You said gritting your teeth. "I would say she handled herself well at the meeting." Boromir said. "See! Royalty thinks that I did fine!" You said. "I don't care what anyone else thinks, you still haven't even officially passed the dinner etiquette course!" Arwen sighed.
"Who on this earthly plain needs six different forks!?" You asked. Aragorn snorted and Arwen groaned. "It is the proper thing to know!" She said.  "It is a pointless thing to know." You huffed. She sighed. "She is, outside of etiquette, a woman who is very skilled and intelligent." Arwen finally said. You looked over at her, raising a brow. "Thank you." you said. "Course, she also has made a habit of falling out of trees." Arwen added. "HEY!"
Everyone soon retired to their rooms. Boromir stood on his balcony looking at the valley. He couldn't help but feel out of place next to you and Aragorn. Yes, you technically were his equal. But with the way Isildur's heir looked at you, the way everyone spoke of visions of the future, seeing you on a throne... Boromir knew in his heart that you were destined to be queen of Gondor. He knew that Aragorn would be king one day. One question lingered in his mind, echoing its anxious call.
The question was: were you two going to prove that you were ready for this?
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moony-artnstuff · 4 years
In my arms
Request: A Frodo x hobbit reader song fic in which she and Sam both accompany him all the way to Mount Doom and she does everything she can to comfort and help him? The song I had in mind was In My Arms by Plumb since I feel like it fits him so well 😢
Note: @fandomsarefamily1966​ I had so much fun writing this! It is a really beautiful song and I think it really fits Frodo’s character and the journey he had to make. This is the first time I wrote a songfic like this, so I would really appreciate your feedback. I hope you like it!
The song that is used is called ‘In my arms’ by Plumb. I do not own the lyrics, only the story (excluding the characters of course)
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Your baby blues
so full of wonder
your curly cues
your contagious smile
And as I watch
you start to grow up
all I can do is hold you tight
“Boromir, give Frodo the ring.” You looked down to see Boromir holding Sauron’s ring, and dread filled your stomach. Frodo stood a few steps away, Aragorn protectively behind him as the Gondorian handed him back the ring. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, before looking back at Frodo. His once bright eyes seemed tired, his damp curls poking out everywhere from being ruffled, and you felt worried thinking about the toll carrying the One Ring to Mordor would take on him. Walking up beside him, you took his hand into your own and brushed your thumb over his knuckles.
“Ya know, when I said I wanted to know what snow was like this wasn’t what I had in mind.” You had always wanted to see snow, it being a foreign thing to you, seeing as winter wasn’t really a thing in the Shire. Frodo chuckled.
“What do you mean, y/n? I thought being buried knee-deep in the snow on top of a mountain would be an excellent experience.” And you both let out a cheerful laugh.
Knowing clouds will raise up
storms will race in
but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
waves will crash all around
but you will be save in my arms
It was dark. And it was quiet. The elves long since having stopped singing their lament for Gandalf, leaving your grief over his death hanging over you like a deafening silence, until somewhere in the darkness, your heard someone cry. Rolling on your left side, you could faintly make out Frodo’s figure, his shoulders shaking as he softly weeped, trying to smother the sobs with his pillow. You reached out to him.
“Frodo?” instantly the crying ceased, and Frodo’s body stilled.
“Sweetie, I heard you crying. It’s okay, I’m here for you.” You watched as he turned around, his big blue eyes filled with tears, and you immediately gathered him in your arms, stroking his hair as he softly cried into your neck.
“Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay my love,” you whispered, as to not wake the others, “You’re safe here in my arms.”
Story books full of fairy tales
kings and queens and the bluest skies
My heart is torn just in knowing
you’ll someday see the truth from lies
Knowing clouds will raise up
storms will race in
but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
waves will crash all around
but you will be safe in my arms
“Hurry slowpokes! We must hurry before they come back!” Your heard Smeagol calling from a small distance. Looking up you could see Frodo and Sam, still shaken from almost being found by the ringwraith. First you helped up Sam, who gratefully accepted your hand, before making your way over to Frodo. Reaching out a hand to him, he held onto it tightly while trying to steady his breathing, the ring’s voice echoing loudly in his mind. You just held him close, providing what little comfort you had by rubbing his back and pressing kissed into his hairline.
“It’s okay, Frodo, I’ve got you.”
Castles they might grumble
Dreams may not come true
but you are never all alone
because I will always 
always love you
You guys had done it. You had actually done it. Who would’ve thought three little hobbits would actually be able to destroy the one ring, but you had done it. And even now, amidst all the chaos, watching the land of Mordor fall apart, your felt relieved. You, Sam and Frodo held on to each other tightly, talking about the Shire, about home, despite knowing you would never get to see it again. And as the three of you one by one succumbed to exhaustion, you heard Frodo say,
“Sam, my dear y/n, I’m glad you guys are with me. Here at the end of it all.” And right before darkness overtook you, you answered,
“There’s no place I’d rather be.”
Clouds will raise up
storms will race in
but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
waves will crash all around
but you will be safe in my arms
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luna-redamancy · 4 years
You Always Find Your Way {Final Chapter - 13}
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Series Masterlist
A/N: Thank you all who kept reading the series, it was wonderful to write. I hope you all enjoy the ending. I was planning on destroying some hearts today by making the ending sad but I decided against it!
Previous Chapter
“Destroy it!” Sam shouted, eyes filled with anguish as he looked between the golden ring and his beloved friend. “Throw it in the fire!” He commanded. Mount Doom was bubbing, lava bursting through the surface, a lake of destruction below him. 
Frodo looked down, his eyes glazed over as if he was in a trance, a distant whispering filling his ear as he clutched the ring closer. “What’re you waiting for? Just let it go, Frodo!” Sam pleaded, watching as Frodo’s face twisted into a sickened desire. 
“No.” He called out to Sam, ripping the chain off his neck. “The Ring is mine,” Frodo smirked, slipping the ring onto his finger. 
“No…” Sam dropped to his knees, tears filling his vision as his heart clenched. All hope was lost. Gollum crept up behind Sam, a rock firmly in hand as he looked for the Ring. Smacking Sam upside the head with it, Gollum paid his unconscious body no mind as he looked for the other Hobbit. 
Frodo’s footsteps lined the dirt, giving away his location despite the invisibility the ring granted him. Gollum snarled, throwing the rock and leaping onto Frodo’s shoulders. 
Frodo gasped, trying to fight him off, struggling to maintain his balance with the weight on his shoulders. Gollum grabbed Frodo’s finger, his jaws latching around the finger that claimed his precious. 
Frodo cried out, falling to the floor, clutching his finger to his chest as Gollum screeched with insane glee. Holding it up to the light, Gollum tattered toward the edge of the ledge, a grin on his face. 
Frodo lunged for Gollum, eyes still swirling with madness as the two fell off the ledge. 
“No!” Sam shouted, finally awake and aware of what was going on. Gollum sunk into the lava, holding the ring protectively to his chest as he met his fate. 
Diving toward the ledge, Sam searched wildly for Frodo, relief filling him as he saw Frodo grasping onto the rockface. “Give me your hand!” He shouted, reaching for Frodo to pull him up. 
Frodo looked up at Sam, eyes filled with regret and despair. “Take my hand!” Sam commanded again, his eyes filling with tears at the thought of losing his closest companion. 
Frodo swung his bleeding hand towards Sam, trying to swing his entire body to help him grasp onto Sam’s hand. Missing it, Frodo swung back down, smacking into the rockface. “No!” Sam shouted, watching as Frodo looked up at him with desperation on his face. 
“Don’t you let go, Mr.Frodo! Reach!” Sam gasped out, determination on his features as Frodo swung himself upward once again. 
Grasping Frodo’s hand, Sam pulled him to the top of the ledge. 
Below them, the ring flickered and glowed, the magic disappearing from it as it sunk beneath the surface of the lava. 
The mountain began to erupt, lava pouring out of it as Sam and Frodo leaped onto a high rock to avoid suffering the same fate as Gollum. 
Frodo looked to Sam, his eyes clear of all madness.  “It’s done…” Sam turned to look at Frodo, “It’s done.” Frodo repeated again. 
 “Yes, Mr. Frodo… It’s all over now,” 
Down a lonely hallway sat the room, guarded by a deep green door carven intricately and decorated with golden accents. The room had tall windows that once decorated everything in golden light but covered by thick curtains, leaving everything in darkness. 
Thranduil sat on the floor, his back pressed against the stone wall as he analyzed everything in the room. Your old combs, your crown, a chest of your clothes, your favorite books, your favorite blankets. 
Thranduil’s eyes were red, face blotchy from hours of mourning as he secluded himself in a safe space. A space that took away his hurt, you took away his hurt. 
The silence surrounding him is familiar, a deep pang in his chest as he couldn’t stop himself from clutching onto your old portrait, pressing his forehead against yours. 
Memories flashed through his mind causing him to shut his eyes and a whimper to pour out of him again. You were lost. Dead? Never returning? He couldn’t tell. 
“Come on now,” Your lips brushed the shell of his ear as you looped your arms around his neck. “I think you’ve worked enough for tonight,” You cooed as you tried to coax him out of his office. He chuckled, moving to give your lips a kiss. 
“Oh no no no, you aren’t getting any love from me until you come to bed,” You finally gave an ultimatum, knowing he wouldn’t leave until the early hours of the morning if you didn’t get him out of there now. 
“Alright alright,” He pushed himself out of his chair, his back cracking as he stood straight. Wincing at the sound, you shook your head. “What would you ever do without me,” You teased. 
Brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, Thranduil pecked your forehead. “I would suffer tremendously.”
And suffering tremendously he was. 
Alvina groaned, her body sore as she woke up next to a roaring river. “No…. No way…” She felt tears of relief as she stared up at the familiar trees of the greenwood. “I’m home…” She whispered as she laughed, “Vala… Please let (Y/n) be home as well…” She mentally prayed as she thought of the only reason she was able to come home. 
Standing up, Alvina wiped her dirty hands on her leggings, walking the path that she knew like the back of her hand. Up near the river bend lay a small cabin. 
Flicking her tongue out to wet her lips nervously, she clenched her fists as she walked up to the cabin door, smiling when she saw their plants were still in good shape. “After all this time,” She nearly whimpered as she saw them flourishing. 
“Oh my stars… You’re alive!?” Daenys called out, coming back around from their garden at the back of the cabin. 
“I’m alive…” Alvina gave a watery smile, tears rolling down her cheeks once more as Daenys pulled her into an embrace. “I missed you so much,” Daenys hiccuped, gripping onto Alvina for dear life. “I’m never leaving ever again,” Aliva vowed as the two clung to each other. 
“Someone get King Thranduil,” The Captain of the Guard commanded, worryingly watching the Queen be carried to the medical wing.  
“He’s been in that storage room for days, I doubt he’ll come out.” One of the guards reminded the Captain. 
“I’m sure he will come out now if you tell him his wife has returned, and news of Sauron’s defeation has arrived. Legolas is coming home.” The guard dutifully nodded their head, slipping down the abandoned hallway passages to knock on the polished door. 
“What is it?”
“My King, Queen (Y/n) has returned and is in the medical wing,” 
“Don’t you lie to me.” Thranduil hissed, throwing one of your old boots at the door. “I am no fool, she hasn’t returned. I will not fall for tricks.” 
The sheets were crisp, the light making them hurt your eyes when you opened them. Grunting you turned your head to shield yourself from the unpleasantry of waking up, your head throbbing from when you got literally dropped into the middle of the throne room. 
“You’re awake!” The elf-maid exclaimed, excitement filling her voice. 
“That I am,” You responded rubbing the bump on your head. “Where’s Thranduil?” You questioned, worry filling you when you noticed there was no trace of him even visiting you. Usually he would be by your side until you awoke, something had to have happened. 
“.... King Thranduil hasn’t left the old storage room since you disappeared, My Queen” The elf-maid bowed her head, while your mouth dropped in shock. 
“Did someone tell him where I was?”
“Yes, My Queen.”
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You were here. And he simply didn’t care. 
Nodding, you sat up. “Thank you,” You mumbled as you began to pull the blankets off of you. 
“M-My Queen, leaving the medical wing isn’t wise, you could faint--”
“I have a few words for my husband.” Your voice was cold as you pulled on a robe hanging on the back of the door, covering your medical dress. Ignoring her small protests, you slipped out of the room.
Marching down the familiar hallway, you ignored the throbbing in the back of your head as you shoved open the door, not bothering to knock.
Sitting in a corner, sat your husband. 
“I’ve been through hell and back, trying to get back to you, and you can’t even bother to see if I’m okay?” Your words were laced with venom as you fought the tears wanting to build in your eyes. He was a mess. Hair greased to his scalp, his clothes obviously hadn’t been changed in days, his face sunken from lack of sunlight and meals. 
“You aren’t real…” His voice was hoarse. “A trick, that’s all you are,” He glared at you but you could see the tears building in his eyes. 
“I am real, and I am here.” You stepped closer to him, not liking the way he flinched at your approach. As if you were death itself coming to take him away. 
“I woke up and you were gone, vanished in the wind like a ghost from my dreams. Tell me, my love, how can I truly know that you aren’t a figment of my imagination?”
“If I had a choice I would have never been taken away in the first place, my love, you know this,” The venom in your voice disappeared, only now laced with hurt. He thinks you left him on purpose. 
Thranduil wiped his eyes with his sleeve. 
“I can’t…” Thranduil whimpered, continuing to wipe his face as tears cascaded down his cheeks and onto the floor. “I can’t keep ruining myself by attaching to you.”
Tears were now slipping down your face. “Then maybe I should go…” You mumbled, now realizing how much hurt your absence put on him. When you vanished the first time, you were blissfully unaware of the damage your absence caused, heck you didn’t even remember him until a week after you arrived back in Middle-Earth. 
Thranduil’s eyes snapped up, “No, you can’t go.” 
You shook your head, a bittersweet smile on your face. You could taste the salt that your tears left on your lips as you took a step back. 
“You said it yourself… You can’t keep ruining yourself... “
“Without you, I am in ruins.” Thranduil declared as you moved to exit the room. The walls feel like they were closing in, a suffocating sensation in your chest. 
“Please stay,” His voice was above a whisper, and at that moment you decided. You couldn’t deny him.
Turning around you watched as he shakily rose to his feet, obviously weak from malnourishment. 
Pulling you into his arms, a piece of him felt whole again as he held you in his arms. 
“You always find your way back to me,” Thranduil whispered against your hairline as you hugged him tighter. 
Series Tag- 
@kyle9no​ @uknowmeaskitty  @kazuha159   @scarecrowsragdoll @bringmetoawonderland​ @theincaprincess @disneymarina​ @bvckys-doll​  @adelinepop   @bonza-bear @lunariasilver   @extremebuttface @tei-hayden @aestheticofeverything @thetrappedpoet @libbymouse​ @rustypotatospork​ @pale-butterfly @uknowmeaskitty @underthemoon-imagines​ @storiesbycaroline @jjongi @demetriolis​ @arien-midnight-lightning​ @nikolett3​ @demonstakemyhand @raindancer2004​ @burningmusicmachine @lunariasilver @indelwen-of-mirkwood@carolinesbookworld @sweetphantomofyournoodler @pastanest @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl@rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @ziablackkat @redeemablezen231​ @tigereyesf​ @bluerorjhan​  @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @the-force-of-imagines​  @ywps​ @electric-cabaret​ @y--oungblood​ @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza​ @fantastical-67impala-fangirl​ @fandom-hoe101 @moony-artnstuff​ @londongirl2011​ @blankfatesworld​ @fandomtrashs-blog​ @damnitjim​ @whovianyesha @llama2264​ @zenoitha
Thranduil Tag- 
@indelwen-of-mirkwood @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl @katiegoddessofmischief  @queenofmankind​
Forever Tag-
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @underthemoon-imagines​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @ticklemewigglysk​ @bad268​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​ @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf​
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
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Legolas x OC
Requested: Nope
Summary:  Mira. A short and unusual name for a short and unusual Elf. After an audience with Galadriel goes sideways, she leaves her birthplace Lóthlorien and the Elves for good.  That is until a certain Gandalf asks for a favor. Come along on her journey, as she reluctantly agrees to accompany Gandalf on the quest to destroy the One Ring.  She befriends every Fellowship member, except one. Legolas and Mira are water and fire from the very first moment they laid eyes on each other. Will this be an obstacle during the quest or is it going to make everything just a little more interesting?
Warnings: None, just men being men. 
Masterlist Perfect Secrets
While Gandalf and Mira climbed the stairs, she asked him why he had summoned her. Gandalf wouldn’t say, only telling her to be patient and that everything would be cleared up at the ‘Council of Elrond’. 
When the pair reached the top of the stairs, they were welcomed by Lord Elrond.
The Council hadn’t begun yet, and Mira was a bit surprised to see more people than she expected to be at a secret meeting. A delegation of Elves, Dwarves, Men and one small Hobbit were seated in a circle, around a rock with a flattened surface. 
They were looking towards her and Gandalf. She could hear them mutter amongst themselves asking who the hooded lady was. She smirked confidently. Let them guess, she thought. They’ll never know. 
Elrond gestured to take a seat in the two remaining empty chairs, one next to the Hobbit and one between Legolas and the other Elves. Did Elrond suspect something?
Mira looked back at him, but he had already turned around to take a stand at the head of the circle. Gandalf took the seat next to the Halfling, whispering a few words into his ear. She hesitated for a few seconds, before walking around the outside of the circle to the wall of the building, feeling the eyes of everyone piercing her back. She turned around and leaned with her back against the wall, arms crossed, one foot over the other. 
It was her way to say she didn’t belong to the Elves nor Men, keeping the mystery alive. Plus she preferred to be in the background anyways. Gandalf nodded at Elrond, signaling that the Council could begin.
“Strangers from distant lands, friends and old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it, you will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to its fate; this one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo,” Elrond asked the small Hobbit. Frodo stood up and carefully placed a small golden ring on the centered rock. 
“So it’s true,” one of the Men gasped, his eyes fixed on the ring. “In a dream, I saw the Eastern sky grow dark. But in the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: your doom is near at hand. Isildur’s Bane is found.” He was on his feet now, and got dangerously close to the ring. 
“Boromir!” Elrond warned him. He sat down at once. 
“Frodo, will you tell us how this ring came to you and the troubles you have faced already?” Gandalf asked the Hobbit. Everyone listened to his story, how he inherited the ring from Bilbo, that he had encountered Black Riders, fought against them and got stabbed by a Morgul Blade in the process. 
Mira had listened to him intently. It was remarkable how such a small being had endured so much in so little time, there was no doubt this was the One Ring. Hobbits never cease to amaze her.
The sky turned dark and ominous. Gandalf’s voice became deeper, there was a strange echo when he spoke. The moment he spoke the first words, Mira got a splitting headache. 
“Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul” (One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them)
Mira shook her head, trying to get rid of the headache. She didn’t want anyone to notice something was wrong, but she recognized the pained expressions from the other Elves. She was not the only one who felt it. 
As soon as Gandalf finished, the sky cleared and so did the headache.
Lord Elrond gasped, definitely not happy with Gandalf’s actions.
“Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris!”
“I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil!”
Well, he does have a point there, Mira thought to herself. Gandalf had been right, they were on the verge of war. If they had the One Ring, Sauron would do anything to get it back. 
“It is a gift. A gift from the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of my people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!” Boromir demanded. 
“You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master,” the ranger answered him. 
“And what would a ranger know of this matter?” Boromir sneered back. 
At this point, Legolas stood up from his chair. 
“This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.”
“This is Isildur’s heir?” Boromir asked, just as Mira thought the exact same thing.
“And heir to the throne of Gondor,” Legolas countered confidently. 
Mira would say it was more arrogant than confident but maybe she was a bit biased. 
“Havo dad, Legolas,” Aragorn said to him, trying to calm him down. (Sit down) Legolas obeyed, but kept a stern look on Boromir. Mira could tell the tension was building. It wouldn’t take much before they’d start killing each other. She hadn’t missed the angry glances between the Elves and Dwarves. 
“Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king,” Boromir muttered angrily before taking a seat again. His attitude was starting to get on Mira’s nerves. What was it with men and their pride, always wanting to have the last word?
“Aragorn is right. We cannot use it,” Elrond intervened, trying to clear the tension. “You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” One of the Dwarves jumped out of his seat and tried to destroy the Ring, shattering his axe in the process. 
Mira chuckled, noticing the stunned expression of the Dwarf upon seeing his ruined axe. She liked this one, he was straightforward and didn’t hesitate. 
“The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloín, by any craft that we here possess,” Elrond said to him. “The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm of whence it came. One of you must do this.”
He looked around the circle, but there was no reaction. 
Boromir sighed heavily. “One does not simply walk into Mordor.” 
He continued warning everyone about the dangers Mordor held for anyone who dared to cross the Black Gates. Legolas interrupted him, clearly fed up with the man of Gondor. 
“Have you heard nothing of what Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!”
“Well yes, Elf Boy, we all heard that,” Mira muttered silently, rolling her eyes. She knew he would be the only one to hear it. Legolas’ head snapped in her direction, his eyes shooting daggers at her. Before he could say something, Gimli interrupted.
“And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it?” he shouted angrily at Legolas. “I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an Elf!”
Mira had to admit that was taking it a bit too far. She might be hiding the fact that she was an Elf, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t proud of being one. The others took this as their cue to start arguing. Even Gandalf and Elrond took part in the fight, which surprised her. She had taken a few steps away from the wall, so she was ready to intervene if necessary. 
The only one who wasn’t participating was Frodo, he was still in his chair seemingly deep in thought. Mira also stayed out of the argument, and kept an eye on everyone in the room. 
All of a sudden Frodo’s eyes focused again and he said, “I will take it!”
Nobody except Gandalf and Mira had heard him. Gandalf closed his eyes in defeat, clearly not happy with the Hobbit’s suggestion.
“I will take the Ring to Mordor,” Frodo repeated, finally getting everyone’s attention. His expression changed once he noticed everyone staring at him, almost looking shy. “Though I do not know the way.”
Gandalf kneeled in front of him, placing his hand on his shoulder. 
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear.”
Frodo looked very grateful. He should be, Mira thought, it was a very dangerous task and he should accept all the help he could get. She did think it was very brave of him to volunteer. Stupid too. But brave nonetheless. 
In the next few minutes, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir had offered their help as well. Mira couldn’t help but notice Legolas’ smirk when he looked at her. Was he challenging her? 
“Oi! Mister Frodo is not going anywhere without me!” Another Hobbit was coming out of the bushes, rushing towards the group. 
Elrond looked sternly at him, but Mira could see a hint of a smile. 
“No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.”
Mira crossed her arms again, and leaned back against the wall behind her. The group standing before Elrond was a sight to behold. Wizards, Men, Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits, every race was represented. Who would have thought this to be possible?
“Seven companions-”, Elrond started but was interrupted by yet another pair of Hobbits who came running from behind the pillars in the back. 
“Wait! We are coming too!” They rushed to Frodo’s side. Mira smiled, she was certain these Hobbits would give Gandalf a hard, but interesting time during their quest. 
“You’d have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!” one of them said proudly, crossing his arms.
The blond Hobbit wanted to say something smart too, and added, “Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest… thing.”
“Well, that rules you out, Pip,” his friend was quick to answer. Mira snorted. 
Elrond opened his arms. “Nine companions-”
“Lord Elrond, if you please,” Gandalf interrupted him. Mira half expected Elrond to drop his arms at his side and just give up speaking altogether, but his expression didn’t even falter. Impressive.
“I do believe there is someone else who would be wise to join us,” Gandalf spoke, looking directly at Mira. 
Mira’s eyes widened. No, he wouldn’t, would he? She even looked behind her, forgetting she was leaning against a wall, to check if there was a chance he didn’t mean her. 
“Mira, my dear. Don’t keep us waiting,” he said warmly. 
She froze, frantically trying to think of an excuse, any excuse not to join them. 
“A woman?” Boromir laughed. “You can’t be serious! Does she even know how to fight?”
That comment made something stir within her. Wasn’t it enough that Legolas had been acting like he did towards her, and now another man had to doubt her skills?
In less than a split second she had drawn her two knives from her boots and threw them towards Boromir, effectively pinning his cape to the railing of the balcony behind him, without even scratching Legolas and the Hobbits, who were all standing in very close proximity. It did not only show her skills with a knife, but her strength as well since the railing was made out of stone. 
“I can assure you, Boromir, that Mira knows exactly how to defend herself. Best not to get on her bad side,” Gandalf chuckled. Mira stepped towards Boromir and pulled her knives out of the railing, keeping her eyes fixed on Legolas’ the whole time, as if to say “Did you see that?”.
Elrond cleared his throat, opening his arms for the third time. Before he started, he looked at Gandalf, who nodded at him. 
“Ten companions… so be it! You shall be known as the Fellowship of the Ring!”
A/N: I have a taglist now! Send me an ask if you want to be added!
Taglist Perfect Secrets: @ayo-cowbelly​
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ladyideal · 4 years
This is Us Part 1
Pairing: Legolas x OC!Reader
Word Count: 2057
Warnings: Um arguing 
Summary: When the One Ring was found, it becomes a journey across Middle Earth to destroy it. Watch as the Fellowship is formed, and crossed the continent, where loyalty will be tested, and love blossomed. 
A/n: I decided to actually go forth with a series, and see how well I can write one. I will apologize ahead of time if any of the Elvish are wrong. I know it’s not exactly canon for the Valars to have kids, but where’s the fun if we follow canon? None, exactly. So here we are. I’ll eventually rewrite this one day lol.
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3
You grumbled as you lowered your bow, letting it fall slightly. The arrows had found their marks, but were nowhere close to the bullseye. With a sigh, you retrieved another arrow from your back, ready to resume practicing. 
"Mellon nin, what brings you here?" A familiar voice spoke from behind. 
You huffed, lowering your bow once more and pouting at him. "You're the one that said practice makes perfect. Plus, you know that I just started learning how to use one. Don't start telling me that I have to be good at it immediately."
It wasn't like you were forbidden to use your powers, but it was done out of necessity, for secrecy. As a child of both the Valar, Manwë and Varda, you were undoubtedly powerful. You'd watch the creation of Arda for some time, from watching the fight against Melkor to the peace where the elves were invited to live amongst the Valinor. Now under Sauron's reign of terror after so long, you had enough of the pain and suffering of Middle Earth dwellers, and came in favor of guiding them.
Legolas took a few steps forward, until his hands were wrapped around yours. You blushed as he righted your position. "Stand like this, and your bow up higher."
He had been the second elf to befriend you. You had made a home at Rivendell, and soon became the source of many rumors. You were fair, beautiful, even more breathtaking than other elves, but as clumsy as mankind. The elves there assumed you were a halfling, yet for the most part, you ignored the whispers and talks behind your back. Eventually, the rumors had reached Lord Elrond's ears. Knowing better than to dismiss them, he had made a visit. 
It was then that you admitted your true identity to the half elf, the first of Middle Earth's people. It didn't take long for the Lord of Rivendell to understand the meaning of why you were here, and swore that he would never let your name be known. Soon, he'd mentioned in his parting words before he left your home, Sauron would feel the shift of power.
Two weeks went by uneventfully until you met the prince of elves, son of Thranduil. It was a coincidental meeting down by the waterfall. There, you became friends with him. And as time passed, he became the second elf to have learned of who you were. It was him that suggested that you learned how to use weapons to better protect yourself. 
"This way?" You asked once he let go, turning away from him in an effort to hide the growing blush.
"Just like that," Legolas nodded, watching you train for a moment. "Y/N."
"Yes?" Your eyes still trained on the tree trunk that acted as your bullseye.
"Hir Elrond maquen-o cin." (Lord Elrond asks of you.)
"Mana ceri- cin foeg?" You frowned, turning to glance at him. (What do you mean?)
"Ho anír- cin na n- in i govanneth," Legolas stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. "híril nín" (He wants you in the meeting, m'lady.)
"Am man." (For what? Why?)
He leveled a pointed gaze at you. 
You heaved a sigh, and nodded, understanding the underlying meaning in his words. "Where to?"
As Legolas entered the place where the council was going to be held, you lingered behind, tentatively taking slow steps in. You could see the dwarves, the Captain of Gondor, Boromir, Isildur's heir and Ranger of the North, Aragorn, a Ranger lady standing close to him, a hobbit, Lord Elrond, Glorfindel, and finally Gandalf all sitting in a circle. 
Instantly, both elves and the wizard snapped their heads to you, two in surprise. For a moment, the sun brightened warmly from behind you. You smiled at Elrond, nodded at Glorfindel, but grinned shyly at your parents' Maiar. You slid closer to Legolas anyways, turning your head back to Elrond when the half elf cleared his throat.
"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom."
He paused, turning to one of the Hobbits. "Bring forth the ring, Frodo."
The Hobbit that sat beside Gandalf stood up, and took even steps to the pedestal. With a shaking hand, the ring was set upon the pedestal for all to see.
"So it's true," Boromir spoke, while everyone within the Council gazed upon it. Your features screwed into one of upset, and even scowled upon the small piece of jewelry. Sauron, was a follower of your uncle, Morgoth. The power in the ring was overshadowed by your own, yet the evil within it, repulsed you.
"In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark. But in the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying, 'Your doom is near at hand.'" The Captain of the White tower paced. "Isildur's Bane is found."
Without a second thought, he reached for the cursed ring. Gandalf, Elrond, and you exchanged concerned glances. 
"Boromir!" The half elf leapt out of his seat. 
Even the wizard himself was affected by the ring's power. Standing up and beginning to chant in the Black Speech, the ring echoed the harsh words. Thunder crackled loudly as the sky darkened. The Council stared around themselves in fear and confusion.
"Fárea!" You roared into the commotion, having had enough. (Enough!)
Cowed by your authority, the voice of the Ring eventually died away. People resumed their seats, horrified, Boromir amongst them. A few curious glances were thrown your way, but you ignored them.
"The Ring is altogether evil!" Gandalf spoke after a pointed silence. Giving the Captain of the White Tower a scathing look, he too took his seat again. 
"It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor," Boromir resumed, looking unperturbed. "Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!"
"You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master," The Ranger spoke for the first time, the other one holding him back.
"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Boromir almost snorted.
You watched in surprise as Legolas stepped forward this time, briefly brushing his shoulder over yours. "This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."
"Aragorn? This… is Isildur's heir?"
"And heir to the throne of Gondor."
Members of the Council widened their eyes at the realization, and turned to observe the Rangers. 
"Havo dad, Legolas," The mentioned Ranger replied in Elvish. (Sit down, Legolas.)
"Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king." Boromir responded, almost childishly, but resumed his seat. 
Aragorn briefly frowned, but only relaxed when his companion placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"Aragorn is right. We cannot use it," The wizard spoke in the awkward silence.
"You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed," The half elven agreed with a nod.
"Then what are we waiting for?" A dwarf spoke out. Grabbing his axe, he approached the pedestal. In one fell swoop, the axe clang against the metal and splintered apart, much to the surprise of many. In response, whispers in the black tongue issued forth from the Ring.
After watching Frodo wincing in pain, Elrond shook his head. "The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came."
"One of you must do this."
"One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!" Boromir exclaimed from his seat. 
Standing indignantly, Legolas shouted, "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!"
"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" Gimli returned in kind. 
"And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!" Boromir continued, adding to the fuel.
"I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!" Gimli roared. "Never trust an Elf!"
With a shake of your head, you, Gandalf, and Elrond watched as the Council erupted into madness, each fighting the other to be the ring bearer. Through it all, you turned your gaze on the young hobbit as he gazed forlornly at it.
As the commotion continued, Gandalf thumped his staff on the ground, demanding silence. "Do you not understand that while we bicker amongst ourselves, Sauron's power grows?! None can escape it! You'll all be destroyed!"
Suddenly, flames encircled the ring, engulfing the surface. 
"I will take it!" Frodo yelled, hoping to gain attention from the other Council members. "I will take it!"
You raised an eyebrow at the hobbit, then caught Gandalf's gaze on you. You nodded in turn, and turned away as the wizard's eyes briefly closed shut before opening again. 
Making up his mind, he got to his feet and approached Frodo. "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear," He placed a reassuring hand on the hobbit's shoulder. 
"If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will," Aragorn knelt in front of the hobbit. "You have my sword."
Before you could stop Legolas, the prince of elves joined the center. "And you have my bow."
"And my axe!" Gimli glanced grimly at the elf in the front. 
Striding forward, Boromir joined the growing group. "You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done."
You smiled to yourself, proud that everyone was coming together to fight the dark lord. 
"Heh!" Another hobbit jumped out from the bushes. "Mister Frodo is not goin' anywhere without me!"
"No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not," Elrond smiled, sounding more amused than annoyed."
"Wait! We are coming too!" A pair of hobbits emerged from the pillars they were hiding from. 
"Lord Elrond. I want to join," The second Ranger stepped forward, sounding more like a lady. "Someone will have to watch the company as much as possible, and watch Aragorn's back."
As the half elf agreed to each of the demands, you pushed to your feet and stood up nervously. As all eyes turned to you, you cleared your throat unnecessarily.
"I too would like to join," You spoke in determination. Your parents' Maiar locked eyes with yours, and soon became a stare off. However, he soon acquiesced with a nod. You turned to Elrond next, who only watched you for a moment. 
"Eleven companions. So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!" The Lord of Rivendell announced. 
"Great! Where are we going?" One of the newer hobbits asked.
For a brief moment, you wondered if you joining the Fellowship would even be a good idea. It was a secret mission to Mordor, any wrongly placed action could end into disaster. However, it was too late. Turning to the West, you were assured as a warm wind blew through each strand of your hair, and for a brief moment, gently caressed your cheek.
Your father, Manwë would never admit that he was soft at heart. Your mother would though. For a moment, you were excited to be a part of the journey, knowing that both your parents would be watching over this endeavor.
Looks like you were now officially part of the Fellowship of the Ring. 
Permanent Tags: @asraime @mournthewicked Taglist is open!
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Jenny of Oldstones {Frodo Baggins x Reader}
Requested by: @depressed-comics Wordcount: 2241 Summary: Encouraged by Pippin, you show off your singing skills to the company. Your best friend Frodo is taken aback by the fact you never told him you could sing. Notes: Song is Jenny of Oldstones by Florence + The Machine
Having a Baggins as a best friend meant that you were always in for a world of adventure. It started with being babysat by Bilbo, and listening to the tales of his adventures. And then as you grew up, it turned into going through his vast library and pulling the tomes off of the shelves and going through them. You loved the tales of the dwarves best. Elves were cool and all, but it seemed like all that they wanted to do was look pretty in the trees. Humans were too easily corrupted but the dwarves - they just wanted to make things. You related to them in that way, though you didn’t want to work in the mines and make pretty golden things. You wanted to make music, but you kept that to yourself. Only your friend Pippin knew, and that’s because you stumbled upon him when he was singing. You showed him that you could sing too, and the both of you would sometimes meet up at night and practice duets together. The only thing was, you made him promise that he wouldn’t ever reveal it to Frodo. You were a bit frightened of what he might think if he found out. It was the only thing that you had that was separate from him.
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The world of adventure grew bigger when Gandalf came from Uncle Bilbo’s birthday. It had started off with fireworks, and ended up as the beginning of a quest. You refused to leave Frodo’s side on most occasions, so of course Gandalf wasn’t even going to attempt to hide this from you. Sam then listened in from outside, the fumbling gardener that you also considered to be a close friend, and soon enough, you knew what you had to do.
You were swept into a journey straight out of Bilbo’s stories! Gandalf seemed to be the writer, and the instigator of them both. Running into Merry and Pippin, going to Bree, being far from the Shire, that was adventure enough. But then Aragorn, the night riders, Rivendell, meeting the elves, forming the Fellowship! And on top of that, being the only female on the ten-person group! The people back in The Shire were never going to believe this.
It was your second night away from Rivendell. Mordor, especially Mount Doom, still seemed so far away. The land was still in peace where the ten of you were camping out for the night, creating a fire before the skies got too dark. You were peeling up some potatoes for a makeshift stew, using the knife that you had gotten in the Elven city. Everyone got new weapons there, and you thought yours was pretty nifty, though you were a little disappointed you didn’t get a fancy sword like Aragorn. Still, you had your eyes set on using it the next time that Boromir offered to teach you and the other hobbits how to fight.
Sam was on one side of you, peeling some carrots and throwing them into the pot. Frodo had his head on your lap, stretched out as he seemed to be in constant contemplation. It was hard not to look at him with pity these days. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders. And not just that, but an evil overlord on top of that world, making it heavier and heavier by the day. Pippin and Merry weren’t helping all that much, not that you had expected them too, and they were pestering Boromir about some argument that they had earlier that morning about him eating the apple that Merry specifically wanted. Legolas and Gimli were on opposite sides of the camp, not having gotten used to one another and Aragorn was across from you, stripping rabbits for the stew.
“You alright?” You asked Frodo, taking a break to run your fingers through his curly hair. He looked up at you with his wide blue eyes and nodded.
“Just tired,” He said, quietly. You knew he didn’t like to complain much, even though he had the biggest burden to bear out of all of you. You gave him a wary smile, knowing that it was more than that, but you would let it go. If he really wanted to talk about it, you had full faith that he would come to you. That’s what best friends did.
“Know what would go great with dinner?” Pippin asked, coming and sitting by you and Sam.
“Your help,” Sam muttered, throwing his carrots into the pot. You chuckled at his answer, somewhat agreeing, but then again - you weren’t sure that Pippin could cook at all. His help might actually hinder the meal.
“A song!” He grinned widely at you in the earnest way that he always did when he would try to get you to sing. You shook your head quickly, and looked towards the boiling pot as a distraction.
“Go ahead and sing then, Pip.” You said, picking up another potato and started to peel it.
“I’m sick of his voice, let someone else sing for once,” Merry joined the group, warming his feet by the fire. That he hadn’t helped to create, by the way. He looked over at you with a joyful, but mischevious expression on his face. “Come on, y/n, I’ve never heard you sing, you’ve got to know some songs.”
“He’s right, you never sing,” Sam said thoughtfully, his mood slowly turning from annoyed to curious. “Even at the parties.”
“Everyone knows y/n doesn’t sing,” Frodo jumped in, thinking that he was defending you. He sat up and put his arm around your shoulder. “So leave her alone.”
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“She does too sing!” Pippin said,  making you shoot a glare at him. “Oh come on, we’re on an adventure, a quest! There’s no better time for you to show them than now!”
“Do you ever think with your working brain, Took?” You asked, leaning into your best friends embrace.
“There’s no harm in a song,” Boromir smiled his most charming smile and took a seat around the fire. Eventually, the elf and the dwarf did too. The only one who took no interest in the conversation was Aragorn, who continued to work at the rabbit. “Especially from a lass. Treat us to a song!”
You flushed slightly under Boromir’s smile. You might be a Hobbit, but you could appreciate the beauty that humans have. He was so unlike all of the Hobbits that you had seen. But you still preferred the curls of Hobbits over the lankiness of Human hair. “If you don’t mind your ears bleeding, I guess I know a song.”
You avoided looking at Frodo as you started to sing the song. Your voice was like a fog across the ground, spreading as you grew louder, the lyrics from your childhood spilling out. It was a song that your mother used to sing to you when you two went to pick flowers for her to sell at the market. It was a bit of a sad song, but it was good for nights like this.
“High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts, the ones she had lost and the ones she had found, and the ones who had loved her the most...”
Pippin was smiling widely like an idiot. Merry and Sam had their jaws dropped. They’ve never heard you sing, and now they were both wondering why that was. They were entranced by your voice - but not as much as Frodo was. His mouth was closed, but he was biting the inside of his cheek.
“The ones who’d been gone for so very long, she couldn’t remember their names. They spun her around on the damp old stones, spun away all her sorrow and pain.”
Aragorn threw the chunks of meat into the boiling pot. Boromir crossed his legs as he sat on the ground and leaned in to listen. Frodo leaned away from you, his arm leaving your shoulders.
“And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave...”
Legolas leaned against a tree, his arms crossed in front of him. His eyes shone against the darkness, almost as bright as the fire beneath the pot.
“They danced through the day and into the night through the snow that swept through the hall, from winter to summer to winter again, till the walls did crumble and fall.”
Frodo got to his feet and took a couple of steps away from the fire. Sam had to quickly throw himself forward to stir the stew before it started to bubble over. Gimli came over, mumbling to himself, but stopped when he heard your singing.
“And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave...”
You finished the song and rested your hands on your lap, unsure of how to react to the scattering of applause that came from your companions. Well, from all except one of them. The important one. Frodo had walked away completely by the time your last note hit the air, and you looked at the way that he had gone. Sam picked up one of the potatoes left in your pile and started to peel, allowing you to get up and to follow your best friend. You found him by the river that you had camped near, running his fingers through the shallow water, his exposed toes just sunk under into the sand. The moonlight was enough light for you to see him fairly clearly. “Are you mad at me?”
“You kept a secret from me,” Frodo said, his voice as soft as ever. It was almost hard to tell that he was angry, or at least it was until he turned to face you. There was a snarl on his face, which took you offguard and you took a step backward. You had seen that face, but never was it geared towards you.
“It wasn’t exactly a secret, Frodo, I-” You knew that you had no real defense against this. It was something that you kept from him, for no good reason either.
“How long have you been singing with Pippin then?” He asked, his volume getting louder. He kicked at the water, making ripples in it which spread away from the shore.
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“We’d just grab a tankard and then go by the lake,” You explained. “He loves to sing, you know that, and one night I just kinda ... I guess I joined him.”
“You just kind of joined him?” He shot back.
“It’s just singing, Frodo, it’s a hobby. Lots of people do it! It’s not like it’s against the law or anything! You’re acting as if we’ve slept together or something.” It started to seem like Frodo was just looking for a reason to get upset, and so you were getting mad in retaliation. How dare he be mad because you have a good singing voice! “I know that you’re stressed from this quest and all, but turning against your best friend because of a song is not the way to deal with that. I expect an apology.”
Frodo was clearly not expecting your attitude. He blinked his wide blue eyes a couple of times before looking down at his feet. “I just thought that we did everything together. I always told you everything.”
“And I tell you-”  You suddenly understood exactly why he was mad. You closed your mouth back up and hung your head. You took a deep breath before you would talk again. “It’s just singing. It’s not like I do it often. Only when I’m cleaning up around the house, really.”
“And when you’re out with Pippin somewhere, practicing!” Frodo said right back.
“A very short list.” You pointed out. “I wouldn’t even call it a hobby. But fine, when we destroy the ring and get back to the Shire and things to back to normal, I’ll sing more for you, how about that?”
“I’d like that,” Frodo said after some consideration. You smiled weakly, hoping that this was the end of the argument.
“I hate fighting with you, Frodo. I promise, I’ll never hide anything like this ever again. In that case, I should tell you something else.”
“What?” He asked, big eyes glowing crystal in the moonlight.
“I stole Merry’s mother’s recipe for strawberry tarts, and have been practicing them,” You said with a coy grin. “I planned on bringing you one once I get it perfect, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve gotten pretty close, though.”
“Strawberries...” Frodo said, his mouth beginning to water at the thought. It had been some time since he had a strawberry tart, and with the journey ahead of them, it looked like it would be even longer before he would have the pleasure.
“I suppose I’ll have to start up again the instant we get home,” You lit up, glad that your best friend seemed to be back to normal again. You shyly took his hand, which he squeezed in return, and headed back to the camp site in time to try the rabbit stew.
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 6 years
Journey (Legolas) part one
Warnings:Spoilers?, (if you haven’t watched LOTR), death but I think thats is
[One]  [Two]  [Three]
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It was dark in the marshes, the only light was from the moon, but you had to find them, you had to find Frodo.  You knew Gandalf hadn’t met them, and you knew that they had left Bree, guessing they would be heading to Rivendell, but for the life of you, you couldn’t locate them now.  Deciding to take a break you sat down in the dryest area you could find, under a dead tree.  You were no more than a day behind, and they were hobbits, surely they couldn’t walk too fast right?.  So why in the world could you not find them?, maybe you were lost instead?, it wouldn’t be the first time.  You inhaled deeply, gathering your thoughts, this place, it was so quiet, creepy even.  There seemed to be nothing around for miles, nothing living except for slippery moss.  Leaning on the bark, you closed your eyes, letting sleep take over, a few hours wouldn’t do any harm and the light of day would help, after all, everything looked the same in the dark.
Sure enough, the light of the early morning helped you greatly.  You had managed to find evidence that the hobbits had been there.  They couldn’t be too far now.  With that in mind, you quickened your pace.  If you weren’t mistaken, there was an old keep in this direction, it would be a good place to set up camp for the night.  
Night had begun falling again, the area darkened, it was getting harder to see where you were going, but at least you were no longer in the marshes.  Thanks to the light fading, in the distance you were able to see a light from a fire.  Hopefully, it was them.  Unfortunately, you weren’t the only to see it.  A loud unnatural screeching noise filled the air.  The Nazguls saw it too.  You ran as quickly as your legs could carry you.  The fire had gone out, but the moonlit your path, so you didn’t stop even when you spotted the black riders racing towards the ruins.  As you ran, you spotted another shadow racing towards the ruins also.  ‘Who?; didn’t matter, you would end them all if you had to, you had to save your friends.
At the bottom of the steps you could hear the hobbits crying out, you wanted to take a minute to catch your breath but you couldn’t, you didn’t have time.  You took the steps two at a time, reaching the top in time to see a blade strike something, a cry called out, then he appeared.  Frodo laid on the floor, the Morgul blade had pierced him.  You pulled out your own sword, removed your bag and charged, fending off the Nazguls.  A man you only no recognised to be Aragorn used his torch to fight back, scaring off the Nazguls long enough to run, the trees would help you stay hidden.
Aragorn lifted Frodo, while you concentrated on the other four.  You were still so far from Rivendell, but you didn’t have the luxury of stopping for a break, Frodo won’t last much longer.  Eventually, Aragorn laid the hobbit down, he looked awful, Sam was shouting something in the background, but you were too busy focused on Frodo.  You placed your hand on his forehead, he was sweating and cold at the same time.  Aragorn suddenly placed his hand on your shoulder, informing you that he and Sam were going to look for something to slow the poison.  You were to stay with the others.  The next time you looked up, Arwen was walking toward you, she had been looked for you all and after some discussion, She took Frodo, being able to travel faster than the rest of you, hopefully, Lord Elrond’s skill would be able to help him.  
With a quick break, the rest of you were off, it would be a few days to get to Rivendell.
“Y/N, why are you here?” Merry suddenly asked as you were walking across a green field
“Gandalf, he asked me to check up on you” you replied.  Gandalf happened across you as he was off to get counsel.
Finally you were just around the corner from Rivendell, it had been a long time since you had stepped foot in the elven city, but when it came into view, it all felt so familiar, there was always something about it that made you happy, even the elven residences didn’t seem to mind your presence, considering you were human.  Elrond greeted you like he was greeting an old friend, he always made you feel welcome for some reason, your only concern was Frodo.  Thankfully he would be fine, however, the scar would always remain, at least he was alive.  
You spent the next few days catching up with everyone, while Frodo remained unconscious.  You regularly checked up on him, and Gandalf rarely left the little hobbits side, mostly out of worry, but you knew he felt responsible for his injury.   It was a relief when he finally woke up.  Everyone was thrilled.  Now all you had to do was escort them back home, well after the secret counsel, that for some reason you were invited to attend.  Sitting in the circle beside Gandalf, you listened the best you could, while your eyes scanned the faces.  Humans from Gondor, Dwarves from the mountains, and Elves from Mirkwood, there were other lords present but these were the only ones you knew off, having heard Gandalf speak of them.  Your eyes lingered on one particular Elf, with long blond hair, he was beautiful even for an elf, if you weren’t mistaken, he was Legolas son of the lord of Mirkwood. Your attention was drawn away when a loud voice called out, it was the Lord from Gondor, Boromir, he insisted on using the ring for good naturally, but everyone knows how that will end,  he stood up, talking about a dream he had.  You watched as his hands slowly drifted towards the golden metal, hoving slightly above it.  You were ready to stop him from touching it, just in case, but Lord Elrond stood up first, calling out Boromir’s name.  Suddenly Gandalf stood up beside you, a loud crack of thunder filled the air, then he started chanting something.  It was black speech, you weren’t exactly well versed in it, but you knew what he spoke and the effect it had on you and everyone else was obvious.
“Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris!” Lord Elrond pointed out, he sounded annoyed, naturally.  
Gandalf continued speaking, not apologising for his words.  You would have expected his warning to work, but Boromir continued to speak of the ring as a gift that should be used by man.  This time Aragorn interrupted him, silence came though, when Legolas had to point out that Aragorn was Isildur's heir. You had already known this, thanks to Gandalf letting it slip, but most others looked surprised.  For some reason your thoughts were on the fact Aragorn knew the Legolas, you had even considered asking if he would introduce you, it was a stupid thought that you quickly shook from your head.
The conversation was brought back to the ring, Lord Elrond explain that the ring must be destroyed.  
“Then what are we waiting for?” the Dwarven lord asked, standing up.  He approached the pedestal and swung his axe down hard, hitting the golden metal.  You jumped when Gimli was thrown back and the axe broke into shards scattering the ground.
“The ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess.  The ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom, only there can it be unmade.  It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came” Lord Elrond explained.  For a moment there you thought you had heard the ring ‘whispering’ something.  That scared you a little.
Lord Elrond had made the quest sound pretty easy, but as Boromir pointed out, it wasn’t.
“One does not simply walk into Morder.  Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs.  there is evil there that does not sleep, and the great eye is ever watchful.  It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust.  The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume.  Not with ten thousand men could you do this.  It is folly!”
Yeah that doesn’t sound so easy now.
Legolas suddenly stood up, he sounded determined when he spoke, you were a little hypnotised.  Suddenly Gimli stood up, aiming his words at Legolas and before you knew it almost everyone was on their feet arguing about who should take the ring and the method that should be used.  You remained in your seat watching the events unfold, trying to figure out who would be best suited for the job, no one had said that they would be the one to do it, you were kind of curious and even considered going yourself, but that would be crazy, suicide even not that you knew how to get there in the first place.  Eventually, though a voice called out,
“I will take it” you felt a wave of nausea fill you.  It couldn’t be, he wouldn’t.  Sure enough it was Frodo.  
You stared at him watching as he stood up.
“I will take it!” he repeated, a little louder.  The noise of the arguing died down, until there was silence.
“I will take the ring to Mordor, though, I do not know the way”
“What, no, you can’t” you stood up, the eyes that were glued to Frodo where now on you.
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear,” Gandalf said.  You glared at the old wizard.
How could he agree to this?, why would he?  
“Curse you” you mumbled under your breath “I promised I would keep an eye on you, so guess who’s going with you”
Aragorn was next to volunteer, then Legolas, you felt your face heat up.  Gimli was next, though part of you expected it to be because he didn’t want an elf to have all the glory.   You didn’t expect Boromir to volunteer, but he did.  
Suddenly Sam came running out, followed by Merry and Pippin, they were coming too.  You couldn’t help but let out a light giggle.  Legolas looked over to you, he quite liked the sound of your laugh.  
Elrond gave his blessing for the quest. Smiling.  You felt pretty stupid actually.   “Great!, where are we going?” Pippin suddenly asked, you couldn’t help laugh, and again Legolas looked round to you. You didn’t notice.  
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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I wasn’t quite asleep yet, and the swirling night wind smelled like smoke.
It was too warm on our back porch for my sleeping bag, so I was laying on a foamie with Muppet nuzzled into my bare chest while the shadows deepened around us. Paisley had been working on her desserts for hours now, stressed and playing Workaholics in the background, and through the open windows I could hear those fictional stoners up to their typical shenanigans. I was sunburnt and half-drunk, feeling satisfied with our summer life and ready for slumber. We’d been in Nelson for over a year now, and I was really starting to feel like this was becoming my real, true home. A refuge from the rest of the world. 
The back door banged open, and Muppet jumped to attention in alarm. Paisley was cradling her open laptop, and she thrust it in my direction.
“There’s like a huge forest fire on the other side of the big orange bridge, everyone’s posting about it on Facebook,” she said.
“Look, see? You can actually see it from here.”
I quickly clambered to my feet in my boxer shorts, a little unsteady, and squinted off into the distance. There was a diagonal stripe flickering beyond the right flank of Elephant Mountain, a mix of deep oranges and blood reds, and it seemed to be growing downhill towards the lake. The flames gave off an ominous Mordor-style glow. Pink smoke billowed above the black landscape. Right away I realized it must’ve started during the windstorm we’d reported on days earlier, which featured multiple lightning strikes. Things were getting apocalyptic around here lately. 
I took the laptop and examined the pictures that had been posted on social media, trying to will myself toward sobriety. People were in panic mode, talking about evacuation, sending out updates about road closures and successfully retrieved family members. I took a deep breath through my nostrils.
“We gotta head out there, like right now. I’ve gotta call Greg,” I said, handing back the laptop and searching for my pants.
“Are you coming?”
Paisley loved to come on assignments. Sometimes she took pictures, other times she actually suggested who I should interview or what I should pay attention to during a community event. Comp tickets were always flying at me, so I took her to free movies and free plays and free fundraisers. She worked her way into my columns as a character, and though she pretended to be embarrassed by the attention that earned her at work, I liked to think she enjoyed having this public persona. She was that Paisley, the girl from the newspaper, the Kootenay Goon’s girlfriend. She’d made a name for herself with her dessert company and her burlesque performances, and I figured one day she would end up being a YouTube chef or something like that. At the very least she would release a cook book, or start a blog. Supporting her ambitions was my favourite thing, and I liked puttering off to pick up ingredients for her on lazy Saturdays, knowing I was helping her achieve a dream. 
We stopped at the 7-11 in town before driving out to the fire, where we picked up Red Bull and Doritos. I needed something to wake me up. I wasn’t sure if the highway would be blocked off, if we’d even be able to make it all the way to the blaze, but I was determined to get as close as possible. We drove with the windows down, talking about Tolkien. We’d seen each of the three Hobbit movies together in succession, as an annual tradition, and we’d been increasingly disappointed. That being said, we still considered ourselves aspiring hobbits and spoke longingly of a future world that was a little more like the Shire. The Kootenays didn’t seem too far off that, actually, as it seemed to be full of fairy hideaways and pastoral communes. If we could make things work long term here, we figured, we could become increasingly hermit-like as the years progressed. 
“You’re my Samwise Gamgee and I’m the little Frodo, and we’re on our way to Mount Doom,’” Paisley said.
“You sure I’m not Gollum? Or maybe I want to be Boromir, since he’s my favourite character. I could even be a dwarf, maybe.”
“No, you’re Sam. You even kind of look like him, but with a beard.”
“You think I look like Sean Astin?”
“Yeah, you’re burly like him. And kind like him. And innocent.”
“I’m not fucking innocent.”
She shrugged, then leaned out her window to get a better look at where we were heading. As we rounded corners the fire came into and then back out of view. It was nearly midnight and there was no traffic, no noise, no spectacle. Just a looming threat. I couldn’t believe we hadn’t seen emergency vehicles yet, or heard choppers. Was the whole firefighter apparatus working like it was supposed to? Were people going to be losing their houses here? I clenched the steering wheel and wondered how much mayhem I could expect to encounter. That’s when I started seeing cars lined up along the side of the road, with people crowding the dark shoulder in packs. There were houses to both my left and right, and I found a place to park that had a sight-line of the burning slope. I left Paisley the keys so she could wait with the car, and she stood taking videos with her phone for social media as I hiked across the street. My main goal was to get some quotes from a resident, someone who was being menaced directly. I decided to walk up the driveway of the first property I saw, where I found a woman uncoiling a hose by a row of vehicles. 
“Excuse me, sorry to bother you. I’m a reporter with the Nelson Star, do you live here? Can we talk?”
She was an older woman, and seemed shy. She waved her arm in the direction of the backyard and told me to head back there to find her husband Bob. I took out my phone and used it as a flashlight to work my way around the side of the house, wondering for a moment about the safety of what I was doing. When I rounded the corner to the backyard I saw multiple sprinklers methodically spraying all along the perimeter of the lawn. In the middle of the grass was Bob, calmly gazing up at the conflagration. It was like he was watching a drive-in movie, one the universe had arranged just for him. There was an empty chair next to him, and once I introduced myself he invited me to sit down.
“I don’t know how they contact you in situations like this. I think they resort to going door to door,” he said. “But I haven’t heard anything yet.”
He said there was a plan for if things went truly awry, but he was hopeful the fire wouldn’t be able to make it all the way down the hill. There was a lot of wind, he said, and the firefighters were on their way. They must be. He went through all of this in a monotone, never glancing over, just staring up the hill with a muted look of dread in his eyes. The sprinklers continue to hiss and spray, creating a contrasting soundtrack to the flames’ crackling, which somehow sounded a bit like boiling water.
“Aren’t you scared right now? Like this thing could wipe out your house, your possessions? The wrong wind and it’s game over, right?”
He snorted, smiled. “That’s one of the most important things you have to learn in life, Will. There’s some things you can control, and there’s some things you just can’t no matter how hard you try.”
“That’s pretty Zen.”
He smiled, turned to me. “What, you think it’ll make a good quote?” The Kootenay Goon
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ssimagines · 7 years
An Unusual Member || Legolas Greenleaf
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Pairing: Legolas Greenleaf x female!Reader
Word Count: 2528
Summary: You are in attendance for the council of Elrond.
Warnings: Fluff, mystic undefined relationship.
Note: Maybe this will have a part 2
There was something completely foreign about a woman sitting with the men at the Council of Elrond. Hell, it was usual to see women sitting with men at all. Very few races actually saw men and women as equals. The whole situation made many of the members of council uncomfortable, but that didn’t stop you from sitting there doing your best to stay focused. You were appointed by your small kingdom to attend the council for the ring, because you were the best warrior and leader in your kingdom.
As Elrond spoke you could feel the eyes of men on you. The appointed attendant from Gondor’s stare was especially uncomfortable.
Legolas, one of your closest friends sat beside you. You could see that he and Aragorn, who stood beside you in many battles, were communicating in a way you learned that only they could truly understand.
You continued to look at the faces of all the males around you. You rested on the small hobbit and gave him a kind smile when he spared a glance at you. You heard that the hobbit along with his friends were brought here by Aragorn. Arwen had said that he was very ill at the time because he had been stabbed by a Nazgûl. You had to admit, for such a small race, hobbits were sure resilient.
The Gondor man’s attention still ran over your frame causing you to shift slightly in your seat. Luckily, his attention was snapped away from you when Elrond asked the hobbit, Frodo, to bring the Ring to the pedestal.
The hobbit walked slowly, but with great burden as he set it down in the center for all the eyes of the council to gaze upon. As you looked upon the ring, frustration welled in you. There was no reason for such a simple piece of metal to hook all these people under its spell. It was an ordinary ring infused with power, and that was the fault of men. Their desire for power was always their downfall.
Murmurs escaped the mouths of many in the council.  You watched the hobbit return to his seat. His shoulders relaxed, and his face calmed as he settled in. His job was done. He would no longer have to carry such a heavy burden. Around you the members of the council all gazed upon the ring. Some as if it was sent from the heavens, others with distain, and many just curious.
The Gondor appointed member stood and approached the ring mumbling about a dream. The sky grew dark as he almost touched it when both Gandalf and Elrond yelled at him to stop. They spoke his name, Boromir. You repeated it in your head to remember who this troubled man was.
Gandalf stood reciting something that you didn’t understand as Sauron spoke through his ring. Sauron’s voice rung out. You winced at the pain that filled your chest as Sauron’s words continued. Looking around, you could see that you were not the only one feeling this way.
Boromir takes his seat as the sky returns to its bright color. Looking to Elrond, he speaks again.
“Never before has any voice uttered the words of the tongue here in Imladris.”
“I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil,” Gandalf says gruffly. You look to the gray wizard who nods towards you.
A few months back a similar situation took place in your kingdom during a celebration. Gandalf had explained to you want was going on and you had left home to come to Rivendell to offer your help. That’s why you were here today.
“It is a gift!” Boromir protested standing up. “A gift to the foes of Mordor! Why not use this Ring?” ­- He started pacing the floor- “Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!”
You had to stifle your laugh at Boromir’s self-righteous preaching. The time was not fit for this reaction, but your laugh was one of pity for Boromir’s ignorance. He spoke of this curse as if it was some majestic answer. Aragorn could no longer hold his tongue.
“You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master,” Aragorn said. A faint smile rested on your lips as you looked at the man with a sense of pride for the ranger.
“And what would a ranger know of this matter?” Boromir said. Your jaw clenched at his uniformed statement. The pure stupidity of Gondor’s people about their king was astonishing. Beside you, Legolas stood up from his seat in anger.
“This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance,” Legolas spat at the ma. You reached out to Legolas and gently laid your hand on his forearm. You had spent a significant amount of time with Legolas over your years. You found that a simple touch from you would help calm his nerves at times.
“Aragorn?” Boromir said. His eyes roamed over Aragorn in astonishment. “This… is Isildur’s heir”
Aragorn straightened himself and held his head high. He was the rightful king and he showed it through his every action.
“And heir to the throne of Gondor,” Legolas added. You squeezed his arm just a little bit. And he took a step back closer to you.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Frodo, who sat beside next to Gandalf, look to Aragorn with wide-eyes.
“Havo dad, Legolas,” Aragorn waved his hand dismissively (translation: sit down Legolas). Boromir looked to Legolas before speaking
“Gondor has no king,” He spoke trying to gather his pride. With a heavy breath, Legolas returned to his seat beside you. You ran your hand down his arm into his hand. He laced his finger into yours as he struggled to contain his anger.
“Gondor needs no King,” Boromir looked to Aragorn this time This man’s arrogance brought anger to you, but you punched it aside. Now was not the time. Taking a deep breath, you stood.
“Aragorn speak truth,” you said silencing all the men. “The Ring answers to only one master. No other can yield it. Your need for power blinds you, Boromir, son of Denethor II. We cannot use it.”
“What would you know of this?” Boromir said standing again. “You are but a woman who knowns not of the wars of men.”
“You know not of what you speak,” Legolas said attempting to rise. Again, you lay a hand on his arm. He looks to you searching your eyes, but remaining seated.
“I am a woman, but that doesn’t not make me naïve to the ways of war,” you speak louder with more confidence. “I am Y/N, daughter of Heranah, chief warrior and next in line for the crown to the kingdom of Nuverah, a small kingdom of elves bordering Lindon. I fought amongst men in many battles and plan to fight for many more. My fate is just as much tied to this land as yours and I here whether you like that or not. Now be seated while the discussion of the rings destruction takes place.”
With your words the rest of the council was quieted. Boromir sat wordlessly down. You also took your seat. Legolas’s hand found yours intertwining your finger silently. Neither you nor him looked to the other as Elrond continued.
“You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed,” Elrond said. All eyes feel upon the ring where it sat untouched.
“What are we waiting for?” said a dwarf. He took his large axe and approached the pedestal yelling. He brought the blade to the ring only for the blade to shatter with a loud clang.
You move to shield your face as a shard of the axe comes flying towards you. You feel Legolas’s free hand come to your cheek in before moving away as quickly as it came. You opened your eyes to see that many shards of the axe lay around the ring. The dwarf had fallen to the ground breathing heavily and Legolas’s hand was now bleeding just a little, but you could do nothing for it.
“Diola lle,” you speak softly into the elf’s ear (translation: thank you).
“Lle creoso, Melamin,” he said just as quietly (translation: you’re welcome, my love). You both returned your attention to the Ring.
You saw that Frodo was in some sort of pain as his face contorted and he grabbed his head. Gandalf turned to Frodo, but could do nothing as more words came from the Ring.
Dwarves came to the aid of the one who was now lying on the ground.
“The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess,” Elrond said. “The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do it.”
You scanned the faces on all the people surrounding you. Everyone was quiet.
“One does not simply walk into Mordor,” Boromir said. Everyone listened worriedly. “Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful.” -Frodo looked terrified as he spoke- “It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!”
Legolas startles you as he jumps to his feet.
“Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!” the anger he held for Boromir leaked into his words.
“And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it?!” Gimli said. Aragorn rolled his eyes and you clenched your fist.
“And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!” Boromir said. He was very pointed with his words.
“I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf!” Gimli roared getting to his feet.
This time many elves got to their feet yelling. You stood and tried to help Legolas hold them back. It wasn’t long before everyone was on their feet yelling at others from a different race. You stayed silent as you stood in the way of an elf and a dwarf.  Gandalf got up as well and his voice was added to the mix.
You looked over to Frodo to see how the hobbit was doing. He was staring at the ring in trance. Frodo’s breath was labored and he tensed up. You slowly tried to push through the crowd to reach him, but everyone was pushing back. You saw the Hobbit get to his feet.
“I will take it,” the hobbit said. “I will take it.”
No one else heard that you could tell because the chaos persisted, but you stopped in your path to him. Gandalf closed his eyes. He looked disappointed. You could tell that Gandalf cared for the Hobbit as he turned to look at Frodo.
“I will take the ring to Mordor,” Frodo said. Everyone fell silent and looked at the Hobbit in shock. Aragorn had a sense of respect cross his face. “Though… I do not know the way.”
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, so long as it is yours to bear,” Gandalf stood beside Frodo and laid a hand on his shoulder.
“If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will,” Aragorn said standing and walking towards the hobbit.
“I too will carry as long as you will have me,” you said stepping forward. You offered a smile to the hobbit which he returned with a nod. You came to stand beside Frodo offering a smile to Gandalf.
“You have my sword,” said Aragorn getting on his knee to be at eye level with Frodo.
Gandalf looked to Elrond and nodded. Elrond looked impressed as the scene unfolded in front of him. Legolas looked to you before speaking up as well.
“And you have my bow,” Legolas says coming to stand beside you. You captured his hand in yours and gave it a small squeeze.
“And my axe,” Gimli said proudly.
Legolas’s shoulder’s fell at Gimli’s words. Gimli returned the look, but stayed in his spot beside Legolas.
“You carry the fates of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done,” Boromir approached the group slowly which you were disappointed about. You looked at the men around you, but saw a small movement in the bushes. A small sound rose up as another hobbit made his way over.
“Mr. Frodo is not goin’ anywhere without me!” the second hobbit said. He came to stand next Frodo holding his head up high.
“No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not,” Elrond said laughing.
Suddenly two more Hobbits come running over. You look to Legolas and offer an assumed look gesturing to the hobbits. Legolas let out a small laugh and nodded.
“Wait! We are coming too!” The two hobbits said.
“You’d have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!” one said.
A smile stretched across your face as they came to stand in front of you. Elrond seemed shocked that more Hobbits were still coming. He also seemed a tad worried as his eyebrows creased deeply. Legolas squeezed you hand bring your attention to him. You smiled at him and he returned the smile again. The two new hobbits had their arms crossed over their chests and were glaring at Elrond as if they were challenging him to tell them they couldn’t go.
“Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest… thing,” the other said. You laughed a little.  Gandalf looked like he was embarrassed about bring these hobbits there. You wanted to laugh at the face that he was making.
“Well that rules you out Pip,” The first said. He looked really annoyed with his comrade as if his statement had lessened their cause. You placed your hand on “pip’s” shoulder and squeezed it. He looked up at you with a smile.
“Ten companions… So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!” Elrond spoke loudly booming over the crowd. He seemed so proud of the name he had come up with. The latter two hobbits looked at each other joyously.
“Great! Where are we going?” said “pip.” Everyone turned to him and their faces fell. Frodo looked like he was going to laugh at his companion. You just shook your head.
You were going to enjoy with trip.
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Into Her Dreams
tentoo x rose
“Are there any planets like Middle Earth?”
Rose is perched on a conveniently located ledge, feet kicking aimlessly, and Doctor is half under the TARDIS console while they spin through the Time Vortex.
“Middle Earth? You mean Hobbits and Elves and Ents and the like?” He isn’t quite making fun of her, but she can tell he is amused.
“You got a problem with Tolkien?” she says, maybe a bit too defensively.
“No, no, Tolkien’s brilliant! Had tea with him a few times, as a matter of fact.”
She waits. When he doesn’t go on, she finally--trying not to sound too eager--says, “So? Are there?”
He laughs, sliding out from under the console and sitting up to look at her. “Well, there’s Godnor.”
“Wait, Godnor? Like Gondor? Really?” She is incredulous.
He rubs his hand on the back of his neck. “It’s possible I may have inadvertently suggested a few things,” he says sheepishly. “I rambled about Godnor one day over a cuppa. Godnor, giant eagles, walking trees... Next thing I know I’m reading about Middle Earth. Go figure.”
She can hardly contain her delight. “You have to take me there. Please? The TARDIS has to have some suitable clothes for meeting elves...or whatever they’re actually called.” She bites her lower lip, eyes pleading.
He can’t say no when she looks at him like that. Not that he’d planned to say no anyway.
Rose has stepped onto many new worlds. She’s stepped into the ancient past and the distant future; she’s even stepped into her own past. She spent what felt like an eternity hopping between actual universes, searching for the doctor. But until today she’s never felt so much like she was stepping into a dream.
Godnor is her dream.
It’s her childhood dream: a forest of impossibly tall trees with fluttering yellow leaves at the foot of a mountainside dotted with buildings that are so perfectly in tune with their surroundings they look like they grew right out of the rock. She gasps, her hand fluttering in the direction of the mountain city. “It’s Rivendell! Doctor, it’s actually Rivendell! It’s just how I always pictured it!” She grabs the Doctor by the hands and spins them both in a circle, laughing with pure delight. The wide skirt of her medieval style dress flares around them, the deep russet red a perfect contrast with the yellow leaves under their feet.
She stops their spin and smiles up at him, her face flushed. “This is...Doctor, this is fantastic. It feels like magic.” He grins and links his arm through her hers.
“Doctor Magician, at your service,” he says with a wink.
The Doctor leans against the doorway of the wardrobe room, watching Rose lace up a pair of sturdy boots. “You sure these are okay?” she asks.
“Your dress covers your feet. Trust me, you don’t want to be hiking in flimsy sandals. It’s a world of forests and mountains. We’re not going to be carrying the One Ring to Mount Doom--no, there is no Mount Doom on Godnor--but we travel by foot or by horseback. Either way you’ll want boots.”
He pauses, watching her again. It’s times like this, these tiny moments, that he can’t believe how lucky he is to have this life with his Rose. He loves every bit of it--the new worlds, the “run for your life,” and the quiet moments. He may have lost the ability to regenerate, but he’d gained a lifetime with Rose.
Snapping back to the present, he quirks his head sideways; Rose sees and answers his unasked question. “Remember our walk through the park last weekend?” He nods. “There were two girls, nine or ten years old, sitting against a tree and reading a book together. They were completely absorbed in the story, they didn’t even notice when a group of boys ran past and nearly stepped on them. It took me back…” She sits back, pulling her knees to her chest, the long skirt of her dress fanning out around her. “The summer I was ten years old a girl and her dad moved into the flat below Mum and me. Her name was Julia. Jools. She was a quiet thing, exactly the opposite of me. But we somehow fit. Some days I dragged her outside and made her get into trouble, some days she made me stay inside and we’d watch movies or draw or bake cookies, quiet things. One day when I got to her flat I found her curled up on her bed with a battered paperback.”
“The Fellowship of the Ring?” guesses the Doctor.
Rose smiles. “Actually it was The Return of the King. But after she talked about it for a few minutes, her face so bright...Her dad started reading them with her before she even knew what books were, and he kept reading through them again and again, once a year, every year. She loved those books, I could tell that from the sparkle in her eyes. It wasn’t long before The Fellowship of the Ring was out and we were reading it together. It took weeks, but we read all three books. Sometimes we’d take turns reading aloud to each other, sometimes we sat next to each other, heads together, saying ‘done’ when we reached the end of a the page. We read in our bedrooms, at our kitchen tables, outside on the steps, at the park. When we needed a break from sitting--usually me more than her--we played at being hobbits or elves or sometimes even orcs. We made up tunes and sang the elven songs. Every day was an adventure.”
The Doctor can hardly believe what he’s hearing. It’s no wonder she fell so perfectly into step with him all those years ago. She’d been looking for someone to take her hand and say “Run!” for years.
“Rose--” he starts to say, but she cuts him off, again answering his question before he asks.
“She moved away before Christmas, that same year,” she says, a single tear tracing down her cheek. “I never saw her again.”
“I’m so sorry, Rose,” he says quietly, sliding down the wall so he’s sitting next to her.
She rests her head on his shoulder. “Me too. But even though I stopped having sword fights in the kitchen, I still read the books every year. And seeing those two girls in the park…” She sighs, although not unhappily. “I often wonder what happened to her, what her life is like now. I wish I could tell her about you, and about the TARDIS, she’d love all this. But mostly I’m just glad I met her, you know?”
He knows.
They are nearly to the edge of the mountain city when locals come to greet them. “Welcome! You’re here for autumn festival?” asks a tall blond woman with pointy ears and an ethereal smile.
Rose can barely contain her glee.
“Oh yes!” says the Doctor. They chat as they walk out of the trees and into the Rose’s imagination. She has to blink several times before she’s convinced it’s real.
They’ve been calling it a city, but it’s not like any kind of modern city Rose has ever seen. The buildings are all arches and parapets and towers, built right into the side of the mountain, and many of them are connected by narrow bridges high above their heads. The stone practically glows in the light of the setting sun. And even though it is autumn--even if their escort hadn’t told them about the autumn festival, the golden leaves on the trees and the slight nip in the air would have given it away--there are still flowers growing everywhere. Gold and red and orange and brown and every shade in between spilling from window boxes, sprouting from vines climbing the sides of buildings, at the base of every tree and along every path. Even some of the trees are spilling flower petals as well as leaves.
And then there are the elves.
They aren’t really elves, of course, that’s just what Tolkien called them. But she can’t help but think of them that way. They are impossibly beautiful, and so full of joy; Rose feels lighter inside just being in their presence.
And when they see the visitors they smile brightly and introduce themselves; they offer food and drink and it isn’t long before Rose is whisked away from the Doctor into a colorful riot of twirling skirts and stamping feet, harmonizing voices echoing back at them off the mountainside.
Rose isn’t sure how long the music lasts, but it feels like days later when she finds herself sitting on a bench beside the Doctor, breathless, her sweat-dampened hair sticking to her neck.
“Doctor,” she says, squeezing his hand, “I was dancing. With elves.” Her eyes, wide with excitement--and the wonder of her ten year old self--reflect the starlight.
“Well, technically you’ve been dancing with the Sky Singers of Godnor, but, well, close enough.” He grins at her. “Good trip?”
In answer she captures his lips with hers.
for @doctorroseprompts 31 Days of Ficmas || Day 15: Santa and/or Elves
additional prompt: magical for @legendslikestardust
my ficmas masterpost
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exquisitelyeco · 7 years
Slave or master.........my precious?
Today I want to talk about Gollom, or Smeagol, as his real name was, from Lord of the Rings. I have touched on him before. And I want to go deeper. J. R. R. Tolkien hit on something really profound in the character of Smeagol. Basically, Smeagol found the one ring. The MAIN ring. Made by the evil Lord Sauron, to control all the other rings, he had helped make. He deceived the elves and tricked them. But, when all looked lost, the ring was cut from his finger. By Isildor. But it’s power of evil and mans greed for control, tricked Isildor, who took it for himself. Instead of destroying it. He was killed within the hour. But he did so much worse. He BOUND his entire bloodline to the ring. (Bloodline is SERIOUS. And can cause untold damage. I will post of that another time) and because of that, his bloodline was cursed. Until such a time, thousands of years later, one stood up and did what was right. But it took THOUSANDS of years for that to happen. So the ring fell into the Anduin river, and all thought it was lost. What carelessness and stupidity, not to check! Carelessness, no wonder God said we will be judged for it! How many die, each day, purely down to their own carelessness or somebody else’s? Another blog entry for another time…. And Gollums friend Deagol found it. Almost immediately it’s evil came alive and Smeagol murdered Deagol to get it. He became outcast. And fled into the darkness……what a parallel! He was eaten away by the ring, until he was a mockery, a hideous shadow of who he really was. Eventually, the ring consumed him, literally, in the fires of Mount Doom, they perished together.
Why did he have two names? Why both Smeagol and Gollum? Smeagol was the person he really was. A water hobbit. Small, hardworking and jolly, if it was anything like the kind of hobbit Bilbo, who found the ring, from Gollum…..was. But the evil of the ring, and Smeagol own choices to keep it, wrought a terrible change in him. He could not forgive himself for the murder of Deagol, because he would not let go of the ring. The ring needed to be let go of, so he could have and been free from it’s evil. But it’s evil and his choice to keep it hounded him. Day after day. Year after year. And he began to make sounds in his throat, a Gollum sound, gulping. And he earned the name of Gollum, which was the name that ultimately killed him. Hiding in the darkness changed his appearance. He lost much of his hair, and the rest became like string. He lost many of his teeth. The remaining ones became sharp, due to his change in diet. Rather than eating normal food, he now ate raw food, but worse, even orcs, the same kind of meat as a human. His eyes grew used to the dark so much, that he hated both the sun and moon. Who he was, totally had changed. Inside and out. Because of his choice to do and live with evil. And I see the parallel with us. Sin, (Or our damage, for a different way of saying it) causes us to change. It makes a mockery of who we originally were. And like Gollum, the more we choose evil, the more we refuse to change our habits and belief systems, the more of a mockery we become.
In our culture today, and since the word ‘teenager’ was coined in the 50’s, every generation has blamed youth for being rebellious and selfish. But you know what? I have learned that is a lie. Sure, teenagers are selfish and rebellious! But it does not REMAIN in them! It’s part of their growing up and learning who they are! But the baby boomers, those who were born into the luxury of the new National health service. The new support from the government, if you were unemployed, benefits if you became ill or disabled. Where food was now abundant. New appliances changed the whole way of life and made it easier. Some of this generation are disgraceful. Rude, grasping, and not wanting others, like the Pharisees, to have what they have had. I have had more judgement, more rude treatment, more contempt and lack of thanks and help from this generation than any other. And they should know so much better. Don’t get me wrong. As I said, they are not all like that! But from my own, personal experience of that, there are more I personally have come across, that ARE like that, than not. Take the mats for the door step. One states ‘Living it up on our children’s inheritance’ that’s is disgusting. The bible states that good parents leave an inheritance for their children. Be it money or character. But the point I am trying to make, is they have not learned. They are still totally selfish in their attitude. It’s all about ME. Yes. This culture is too. But so many more in this generation, could teach us SO much! They have so much knowledge and understanding. But they refuse to use it. They hide their light under a basket. And the most horrid and worrying thing is, they will not CHANGE. They have become set in their ways. And I see more Gollums everyday. More attitude, more blaming others, more lack of responsibility from them. Wanting everyone else to pick up responsibilities for them. Thinking it their right. Thinking we owe it to them. Moaning how much they have put in, and yet how MUCH have they taken out? And it’s still not enough. But worse, they do not want anybody else to have it!
Sadly I do not know many wise, kind older people. I see many older people trying to act like younger people but with an attitude that reminds me of the smell of dog shit. What an example! It’s disgusting. Recently I have had so many problems with these people. And been hurt by them. Even bitten by one of their dogs, which went for my guide dog, but got me, and they walked off! Every young person will either ask, or I hear their parents explain, a guide dog is a working dog. Not to be petted. Now if people ask me, and I am not busy, I LOVE to stop and talk! To explain how my sight works, how my guide dog got her very special name. How guide dogs have changed my life. And let them pet her. But this generation hardly EVER ask! So this one lady, her dog was not controlled. She was talking, taking up the whole pavement, which was narrow. There were three or four of them. All chatting, standing blocking the way. So getting past, without being hit by a car was not good. And her dog went for my guide dog. I asked her to keep her dog under control. Her response was unbelievable. She said ‘Go away!’ Like I was a piece of dog crap. She kept on saying it. Her husband, who should have known better, backed her up. I was disgusted and walked away. And as I did she was still being provocative being rude. I tell you, I wanted to smash her face in. Rude, uneducated, spoilt bitch. Just like her dog was. Her dog was unhappy and discontented. And because this lady was not open, one day her dog will go for somebody, and she will be forced to put it down. Her own fault. What a lack of love and care for her poor dog. She is a Gollum, loud and clear.
Another lady. My dog and I are in a shop, Onska is being perfectly well behaved and patient. Waiting for me to finish, so she can guide me to the counter to pay. A lady next to me, bends down and stokes her. I say, ‘Please don’t stroke her, she is working.’ I could not BELIEVE what she said next! It literally still blows me away! She said ‘No, she’s not!’ I couldn’t believe what I had just heard! I said ‘Yes, she is!’ The cheek of this lady was totally shocking. She then looks down at my guide dog and she states, ‘Now, WE’RE in trouble’ NO, Madam! YOU are in trouble! Rude, disgusting, pathetic behaviour from somebody of an age to know so much better. Gollum. All of us can act like this, no matter what age we are. But having help and guidance from our elders is vital to teach us respect, manners and how to behave. We follow our parents example. But these people did not act in a way I respected. They didn’t even act like any child I have ever met. That acted out of selfishness and rudeness. And it is THAT, and that only, that I took away with me, from the encounters I had with them. How sad and upsetting. How do we act like this and when? Well, when we do not listen to love and kindness, but act out of selfish motives…….IM MORE IMPORTANT!……It’s about ME……I want……ME first!…..How many times have I had a filthy look from an older person if I am in front! I even had one try to run my guide dog and I over in a motor scooter, down a narrow alley, so they could get by. How rude! How selfish. That could have killed my dog, and damaged me. And that person is elderly! Are they going to change? I doubt it. A Gollum they will stay. Putting themselves first.
I digress. But can you see what I am saying? Every experience I have had, of hurt or rudeness has come from this generation. I am so shocked. And very, very concerned. For them! They are the ones that will be in care homes, expecting to be looked after. Who will want to do it kindly? Let us pray they will not reap what they have sown. And be at the mercy of somebody else who chooses to put themselves first. So the more we make decisions based on selfishness, the more we become entrenched in that behaviour. Till we see nothing else. And we actually JUSTIFY our behaviour! Like the audacity of the mat! Of course it is their money, to do with as they will. But I tell you now. I would be ashamed if I act like that. I hope to God, He is merciful and helps me not to be so selfish. I want my boys to have an inheritance. It may not be much. I don’t have much. But I want them to know how much I love them, and in what high regard I have them. To help them go forward and not to hinder them. So they will pass on the batten to their children too. In my attitude I have many Gollums that need changing. As in the words of Robert Anthony, which I love; ‘We neither get better or worse as we get older, only more like ourselves’ What am I like? Who am I choosing to model myself on? This world, and its values, or God and His? What was His? Jesus said of the way to live, and it is profound. ‘❤️The first commandment is this, You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. And the second is LIKE it, you shall love your neighbor as YOURSELF. On this hangs ALL the law!❤️’
What does it mean? On the surface it looks like that generation, of ME is right. How wrong! It means treat others how YOU want to be treated! Do you want respect? Give it. ❤️ Do you want to be cared for? Care for others. ❤️ Do you want material things and a home? Give that to others. ❤️ Do you want somebody to put you first? DO IT TO THEM! ❤️❤️❤️🌺❤️❤️❤️ How right the book of James was! ‘If you see your brother hunger, and you say to him, ‘May God bless you’, but do not feed him…..you are not in faith but error’ Why? Because you are not putting your brothers needs first. It’s lip service only. How would you like that done to you? How utterly selfish. So generous is our God, He said ‘If you just give a glass of WATER to one of mine, I will count it as a blessing to Me.’ Wow! But we begrudge even that glass of water. Especially as Christians, we have no excuse. If the widow who gave the mite, was great in Gods sight. And we know she will be blessed 100 fold, how much more a bacon sandwich…….I digress…And if we know God, we have less of an excuse, because we KNOW he can feed five thousand with five loaves and fishes, so he He can provide more when we give what we have. Even in the first days, humans have put themselves first. Cain, when asked where Abel was, stated, ‘Am I my brothers Keeper?’ YES! We are our brothers keeper, because we would want him to be ours! How can we be so rude? If I fell over and had a fit in the street, would I want somebody to help me? To ring for an ambulance and protect my dog and handbag? To phone my ICE? YES! So would you! I love the song, He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother. It’s beautiful, because it talks about helping the weaker. And in doing so, the singer finds joy. He finds pleasure. He finds RELATIONSHIP!
Reciprocity is beautiful. And if we want our planet to last we must make that a way of life. Gollum was not reciprocal. He was turned inwards only. It was all about his possession of the ring. He chose to be selfish. And became a mockery of who he was. And the price of that? My Lord! Loneliness, such loneliness. Hate of himself, despising of himself. Treating all life with contempt. He was a slave. But not just to the ring! To his darkness. To his selfishness. And did he stop? No. He kept feeding it. Yes, for a time he tried. But at the first hurdle he showed how deep that trying was. He reverted back to the selfish, murdering, contemptuous person he had chosen to be. And he tricked Frodo and took him to a place that was meant to cause his death. But you know what? It rebounded. And cost Gollum both his life and the life of the ring. But there is more. How we deceive ourselves! We tell ourselves it’s ok. We deserve better. We can put ourselves first. We can desert our neighbors. After all, who will look after number one, except ourselves? We justify and we deceive. And the motive? It’s all about ME. Why can’t we be truthful? Why can’t we admit, ‘I’m just being a selfish git!’ Because we want to look good. We don’t want people to know how self centred we are. So we justify our behaviour and blame the circumstances or other people. She got in my way………I only have a little left….there is not enough……..why should he expect that……on and on….becoming more and more like Gollum and less like Smeagol by the second. What are we going to do when we stand in front of God? Let us not deceive ourselves here. God KNOWS us. And like a tree when it is cut down, and you see the rings of its life, some where there were storms, some where there was extra rain. We will be naked before the great Judge. Worse. We will stand EXACTLY like we are. Who we have MADE or CHOSEN to be. Our motives exposed. God knows everything. Will we dare to justify our behaviour? Sadly, yes I think we will. Because that is what we have done since Adam. Shown contempt for God and personal responsibility. ‘It was the woman YOU gave me….’ ‘The snake tempted me…..’ Why not be truthful? ‘Lord, I’m sorry, I just did a major fuckup. Ate the apple you told me not too. Even worse. Let Eve do it first. Didn’t look after her and treat her as I would have wanted to be treated – warned and stopped, cos the consequences were devastating.’ WHAT could have happened if Adam had taken responsibility and thrown himself onto the mercy of God? A God who loves and whose mercy is new EVERY morning. Do we even get that? EVERY morning. Every. Single. Morning. What happened the day before is gone. It’s about today.
We get that choice EVERY day! Everyday we can choose to live better. Learn to overcome our faults and be more of the true ‘Smeagol’ and less of the ‘Gollum’ less of the person who is offensive to others and more of the person who is a pleasure to know. Because we all know, those who love us are good to us. And those who hate us aren’t. Yet, as Christians we are called to be good to those that hate us. Why? Because it gives the other person an opportunity to put down their Gollum behaviour and choose differently. Because this world shows us, if you are upset, you have the RIGHT to do upset to the person who upsets you. But as I have said before, an eye for and eye would leave the human race, blind, toothless and still tearing each other apart. That is what Gollum did to HIMSELF. By his choice to put himself first. So by loving those who hate us, we show them there is more. We offer them a choice. Just like Frodo did to Gollum. Will you choose to be Smeagol? Will you choose to be the person you were created to be, or will you be the person YOU have created…or chosen…to become? Me? Got more Gollums than I’m comfy with. Do I love my neighbor? Sometimes. Do I love my enemy? Nope. Not usually. I want to batter them. Make them hurt how they have hurt me. That lady who was so rude and said ‘Go away’ what if I had offered Jesus to her? I could have offered her a chance to change and that could have affected her whole life. But I was selfish. I put ME first…..God, I’m only just seeing this as I write it! What a loss. How devastating. That could have been a pivotal moment for her. But because of my justification of my own attitude, I did not offer it. God, I am so, so sorry. Lady, I am so, so, so sorry. I did not treat you as I would be treated. I treated you with the level of contempt you treated me. And I acted JUST like a Gollum. What a selfish thing to do. I am shocked. All this writing. To realize it’s ME who is in the wrong. For not being merciful and treating humans who make mistakes with the same love I would want for myself. Need to work on this. Don’t want to stay a slave. You see we are a slave to what ever we GIVE IN too, or to put it anther way, what ever has mastered us. A drug addict is a slave to drugs. An Alcoholic to alcohol. But you can also be a slave in your choices, beliefs and behaviours. I am a slave to anger. To hate. To fear. To condemnation and judgment. And that’s just a few. My goodness me. I need to spend sometime with God and sort myself out. I am so sorry guys. Just realised I’m more Gollum than Smeagol a lot of the time. Talk about mirror and planks. Just fallen smack over mine…..☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Fellowship Of The Ring Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
A wizard, a warrior elf, two brave humans, a likable dwarf, and four adventurous hobbits walk into Mordor... Jokes aside, since the original fantasy trilogy written by J. R. R. Tolkien was adapted into three epic movies, Lord of the Rings immediately became a cult icon. It's nothing to be surprised about. There are plenty of reasons why we've grown to adore these Middle-earth stories, especially the adventures of the Fellowship of the Ring, a group of nine set out to destroy the One Ring in the fiery pits of Mordor.
RELATED: Best Reaction Memes To Stranger Things Season Three
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first movie of the trilogy, and for that reason, it holds a special place in ever LOTR fan's heart. However, upon re-watching the movie (as is the case with the sequels) there are moments when you really have to wonder how much logic there is in some of the protagonists' decisions. That being said, the movie provided more than a fair dose of meme material since it first aired 18 years ago. Today, we're checking out 10 hilarious memes questioning this logic by re-visiting some of the best scenes of The Fellowship Of the Ring.
10 You were asking for it, Sauron
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Everyone knows the first five minutes of the film showcases the famous Battle of Dagorlad. One moment, the mighty Sauron kills everything in front of him, and in the other he approaches Isildur and a chopping motion leaves him fingerless, and bodyless, because he lost his precious One Ring.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Frodo & Sam Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
Ridiculed by many fans for the lack of logic, this scene portrays Sauron as a half-cooked villain who, instead of protecting the one thing that makes him unkillable, slowly extends his finger bearing the One Ring towards his enemy, practically handing it on a silver platter.
9 Elron's Biggest Failure
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After chopping the One Ring off of Sauron's finger in that faithful battle (which proved easier than it should have been), Isildur was joined by Elrond on a quest to Mount Doom to get rid of the ring. It's perfectly understandable that the ring would affect Isildur so as to make him unable to toss it, but the thing that bugs many fans is that Elrond (a superhumanly quick and agile elf) did nothing at all to help get rid of the ring but yell after Islidur.
Of course, if he did that which could have easily been done, then we wouldn't have our beloved story in the first place, would we?
8 Gandalf the Oblivious
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This is a clever one that plays on the fact that we never got any evidence that Gandalf actually attended any of Bilbo's Birthdays, as in the movies, so in the books. In all likelyhood, Gandalf - a wizard thousands of years in age and one of only five great wizards of Middle-Earth - probably had a lot better things to do than attend every single one of Bilbo's birthdays.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Frodo & Sam Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
The old Bilbo was also extremely surprised to see Gandalf on his 111th birthday, proving that he was by no means expecting the wizard's company that day. Gandalf may be a great wizard, but perhaps his memory doesn't serve him as well as it used to.
7 You (don't) have my axe
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Bilbo obviously meant this figuratively. Or maybe it was supposed to be a joke, given that he knows he shattered his axe moments earlier. To someone who didn't read the books, there would be multiple potential explanations for this mishap, but given that the axe-shattering never happened in the books, we pin this one on Jackson.
It's actually sad, given that the axe that now lay shattered in pieces around the One Ring was the same axe that Jackson made Gloin carry in the Hobbit trilogy, with the intention of being passed on to his Son, Gimli. Nevertheless, this is still a clever meme and we have to give it out to the person who first thought of it.
6 Barefoot to Mordor? Challenge accepted!
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Everyone knows Hobbits have abnormally large and hairy feet that allow them to walk around barefoot, especially in the soft and grassy Shire. But how would that protect him from getting stung, cut, or hurt on his long journey?
Choosing to go on this adventure with absolutely no footwear does seem a little unusual, even for a hobbit, so it's amazing that Frodo went the entire three Lord of the Rings movies without any shoes. More so considering the treacherous terrains and perilous situations he'd encountered on his way to Mordor.
5 Gandalf the Oathbreaker
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Gandalf embodies the classic Scumbag Steve in this meme. Many of us know the story: Before Bilbo's famous birthday party, Bilbo asks Gandalf if he'd keep an eye on Frodo, to which Gandalf answers: "Two eyes, as often as I can spare them."
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Yeah, and then he puts the most dangerous object in existence in Frodo's palm and urges him on a six-month one-way trip to Mordor to get rid of it. Nice way to keep an eye on someone, eh?
4 Boromir was a huge spoiler
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Sean Bean's a terrific actor and the perfect casting choice for the role of Boromir in Lord of the Rings. That being said, the man is a walking spoiler, as none of the characters he plays make it out of his movies alive. And, surprise, surprise: Boromir meets an early end in the Fellowship of the Ring as well.
Whether this is just a coincidence or he was purposely cast as Boromir knowing the character dies in the first movie remains up to debate, but is nevertheless an interesting observation, cleverly mocked by this meme.
3 Gandalf the Scumbag
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If things were that simple, The Lord of the Rings would be a boring few-page story with no purpose or excitement. Nevertheless, the question of why Gandalf, after entrusting Frodo and the Fellowship with such a dangerous task of defeating Sauron, didn't at least use his eagles to spare them the perilous six-month journey remains one of LOTR's most popular plot holes that still makes no sense to this day.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy: 10 Questions We Still Want Answered
The explanation offered is that the eagles only helped Gandalf because they are indebted to him for saving their king. Despite this, the entire Middle-Eearth was at stake, so this reasoning still makes little sense.
2 Never skip upper body day
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Where the books describe Gandalf as barely grasping the end of the cliff, the situation is obviously a bit different in the movies. We are talking about one of the most powerful wizards of Middle-Earth, someone immortal who's able to fight the Balrog for days, yet getting himself over the edge is a task too great.
While it seems that Gandalf had more than a decent grip on that cliff and him falling down makes little sense, we can possibly conclude that defeating the Balrog and emerging as Gandalf the White was a part of his plan from the beginning.
1 Legolas' unlimited arrow cheat code
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The most mysterious member of the Fellowship of the Ring, Legolas never seems to run out of arrows, in the first movie as well as all the other sequels. This begs the question of whether his arrows were somehow enchanted. But, more likely, it's just a huge plot hole that made this elf more badass and competent in large-scale battles.
It makes even less sense when we consider that he uses elven-made arrows, which would surely have to require him to make a trip back home in order to restock. We'll never know, and as Frodo would say: "all right then, keep your secrets."
NEXT: The Lord of the Rings: 10 Facts About Frodo They Leave Out In The Movies
source https://screenrant.com/lord-of-the-rings-movie-hilarious-fellowship-of-rings-logic-memes/
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garden-ghoul · 7 years
two blogs part 2
“the upstairs neighbors are being really loud and my tarot deck told me to relax can you believe this bullshit”
Ah, Uruk-hai. What could possibly be worse? I am here to tell you that what could be worse than being kidnapped by uruk-hai is if someone is fucking mowing a lawn outside and people will not stop walking around and moving furniture upstairs. Dump my body in a ditch and write ‘CAUSE OF DEATH: AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDER’ on a scrap of paper tucked under my tongue. Anyway Pippin is not having a much better time than me. He wakes up from a nightmare lying tied up on the ground, looking at his scared (and also tied up) best friend. And FINALLY some Pippin interiority! He is dismayed that he has been worse than useless on this journey and also, obviously, that he is now at the mercy of a bunch of orcs. I like that his primary characteristic in Fellowship was that he kept trying to look tough when he thought he wasn’t... but as we’ll see he really is tough and resourceful!
The orcs notice Pippin is awake and start being mean to him immediately. One of them says “Curse the Isengarders!” out loud, which seems like a pretty bad idea unless you assume this orc is looking for a fight. I guess the fact that orcs have no common language between tribes is just a plot point that allows Pippin to understand what they’re saying? Basically they are just arguing about whose orders supersede who else’s orders. Some of them are even Moria orcs, and just want to do a revenge murder; why the hell did the professional warriors let them join?? Like it’s clear that the Mordor party and the Isengard party have sort of good reasons to cooperate, but I’m honestly surprised they didn’t just chase off the Moria orcs as soon as they showed up. Like who even are these guys? They don’t work for either of our masters. Deadweight. At any rate, Ugluk of Isengard doesn’t seem to want to let them leave now?? Just to show how In Command he is.
The orcs fight and a bunch of them get killed. Pippin takes the opportunity to cut his bonds on a dead man’s knife and retie them looser. Just in case. Then the party sets off again, and somehow Pippin actually manages to fall asleep while being carried by an orc. These hobbits, I swear. Anyway he wakes up later and is given some kind of... alcohol? Opiate? Some kind of painkiller. Merry gets ointment for the cut on his head, but because of Tolkien’s weird Thing this is portrayed as creepy and awful. Ugluk also tells Merry ‘You'll get bed and breakfast all right: more than you can stomach.' What. Ugluk you’re really bad at threats, that doesn’t even make sense. Well, they let Merry and Pippin run on their own legs, anyway. Everyone was tired of carrying them. The Moria orcs say they can’t run in the sunlight; Ugluk threatens them into silence. Aww.
Later they decide to run home through Fangorn--over a hundred of them. Oh holy shit how many orcs are there here?? I was picturing more like 40... but it sounds like after the northerners leave there’s around a hundred left. Apparently the Mordor orcs come back too, and there’s some delightful boasting:
‘What else did you come back for?’ said Uglúk. ‘You went in a hurry. Did you leave anything behind?'
'I left a fool,' snarled Grishnákh. 'But there were some stout fellows with him that are too good to lose. I knew you'd lead them into a mess. I've come to help them.'
'Splendid!' laughed Uglúk. 'But unless you've got some guts for fighting, you've taken the wrong way. Lugbúrz was your road. The Whiteskins are coming. What's happened to your precious Nazgûl? Has he had another mount shot under him?’
Sorry I kind of like Ugluk. He’s... fun.
The riders start to catch up, and the orc party camps out in the dark, waiting for them to attack. This seems pretty dumb--even if Rohirrim have better night vision than most humans and their horses “can see the night breeze” (ah yes... horses.... famously nocturnal animals...) it still makes more sense to attack at night. Well, while that standoff is going on, Grishnakh of Lugburz shows up and starts trying to get into Pippin and Merry’s pockets. Pippin decides to trick Grishnakh into thinking he has the Ring... for some reason?
'My dear tender little fools,' hissed Grishnákh, 'everything you have, and everything you know, will be got out of you in due time. You'll wish there was more that you could tell to satisfy the Questioner, indeed you will: quite soon. We shan't hurry the enquiry. Oh dear no! What do you think you've been kept alive for? My dear little fellows, please believe me when I say that it was not out of kindness: that's not even one of Uglúk's faults.'
Oh I looooove the way he talks. Merry succeeds in making him angry and frantic--he’s running out of time! And he runs toward the forest with both of them. But unfortunately, riders. He gets very murdered. The battle moves away, Merry and Pippin are left alone in the dark, and so obviously the very first thing they do is have some lembas. Hobbits!! After having their tea (at midnight. whatever.) they crawl off toward the Entwash. Merry, who unlike Pippin has actually looked at a map in his life, says they ought to go through Fangorn despite the warnings. So they go to the eaves of the wood and look back out at the battle taking place at sunrise.
Out of the shadows the hobbits peeped, gazing back down the slope: little furtive figures that in the dim light looked like elf-children in the deeps of time peering out of the Wild Wood in wonder at their first Dawn.
GOOD IMAGERY, very sweet. Our hobbits almost stay, but it looks like Ugluk and a few others are about to get away into the forest, so they end up running. You were soooo close guys. Now instead of meeting their companions straight off, they’re going to end up with
They follow the Entwash for a while until they find a stony outcropping they can climb up. They go on quite a bit about how old and treeish the forest is (no duh) but when the sun comes out Pippin “almost feels he likes the place.”
'Almost felt you liked the Forest! That's good! That's uncommonly kind of you,' said a strange voice. 'Turn round and let me have a look at your faces. I almost feel that I dislike you both, but do not let us be hasty.’
Here he is! The reason I say HOOM every time I am thinking for the last ten years. Tolkien actually describes him as fairly humanoid, although he is fourteen feet tall and also has fourteen toes. He says he’s an ent, but doesn’t know what Merry and Pippin are. He sings the whole “all the creatures there are” song, which is very endearing, and doesn’t find them in the list. I love Treebeard’s preoccupation with true names; he doesn’t want to tell his (and at any rate, it would take a very long time to say!) and he’s absolutely honored by Pippin and Merry’s confidence when they tell him who they are. He also does some cute monologuing, and mentions Gandalf, “the only wizard who really cares about trees.” Surely Radagast must care a little, if only for birds to nest in!
Treebeard knows a lot of tongue-twisters. He knows one about Laurelindorenan (which is almost a tongue-twister itself); he would have advised people to stay away from queer Lothlorien just as Celeborn advised our heroes to stay away from Fangorn! So insular... He talks a lot about the old days, and sings some too. I love him very much. I find it hard to summarize anything to do with Treebeard if I read too far ahead; at any rate we come to a place that may be called Wellinghall, and the hobbits tell him of their adventures. Treebeard is troubled by Saruman and wonders what to do about him. He gets himself worked into a right frenzy over Saruman’s awful doings--and then says, now, I mustn’t be hasty. He’ll call a council tomorrow, but for now he explains the curiously sexist reasons all the entwives are gone.
Entwives like order, and they like to direct things to grow just so, whereas ents are more nomadic and live as herdsmen and wanderers. What the fuck Tolkien. Can you just... not... I’m not sure he has properly talked with a woman in his life. Anyway, the gardens of the entwives have been destroyed by Sauron, and nobody saw where the entwives themselves went. IMO the safest bet would be east of Sauron’s domain; he probably doesn’t have a huge amount of interest in spreading out there, far from the organized resistance in the west.
So. Entmoot. Takes place in the Derndingle. A dingle, by the way, is a landform also known as a dell, sort of like a very small valley. Not to be confused with a dale, which is both derived from the same Old English word and apparently has an almost identical definition. Thanks, Wikipedia. I’ll be sure not to get those confused. Anyway after a few hours Treebeard comes and finds the hobbits to tell them it will take a couple of days to explain everything to the other ents; he’s brought as a companion for them an ent named Quickbeam, who is so hasty that he has already decided what he wants to do about Saruman. Yowza. He’s a fun guy, laughs a lot, likes to sing. They stay at his ‘house,’ and he talks about the beautiful rowan grove he used to live in, and how the orcs destroyed it. “That seemed to the hobbits quite enough to explain his 'hastiness', at least in the matter of Orcs.” At last, after three days, the ents have come to a decision. Their war song is so delightful--its unstoppable rhythm!--that I have to put the whole thing here for you. 
To Isengard! Though Isengard be ringed and barred with doors of stone; Though Isengard be strong and hard, as cold as stone and bare as bone, We go, we go, we go to war, to hew the stone and break the door; For bole and bough are burning now, the furnace roars - we go to war! To land of gloom with tramp of doom, with roll of drum, we come, we come; To Isengard with doom we come!
Burarum! “We are made of the bones of the earth. We can split stone like the roots of trees, only quicker, far quicker, if our minds are roused!” Treebeard says this might be the last march of the ents--Saruman is powerful, after all. But better to face doom this way and destroy Saruman than to wait as he grows ever stronger for doom to find them! The ents are going to war!
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