#‘she should agree with him on everything and cook and clean and Make Him Feel Good’
petz5 · 10 months
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one of the funniest things about the whole 'akane is the worst fiancée' argument is how everyone always says she can't cook or sew or is 'violent' (which is even funnier since this is a slapstick romcom) but they never take into account her taking care of ranma or anyone else or that she is kind and funny and goofy and fun and a teenage girl
it's almost like people think the only thing a woman can provide in a marriage is her skills as a cook, seamstress, and her ability to make the 'man' feel good .. like, they are literal teenagers, relax lmaoooo
ranma and akane are teenagers who become friends and slowly fall in love with each other (true love cause it is a romcom manga after all) ... and the most important thing about their story is how everyone expects something of them and they finally meet someone who actually SEES THEM (faults and all) and they WANT to be with each other simply because it's nice to be wanted without having to be someone they are not
(also it is my headcanon that akane does learn how to cook as she gets older but when she marries ranma, he takes over the kitchen duties because he likes cooking for akane like a good housewife/husband)
LITERALLY idk why ppl expect her to be a 50s housewife 🤪 and the idea that maybe ranma likes her not just in spite of, but BECAUSE she’s a tomboy is so baffling to some ppl
Like sure. Ukyo and shampoo are also martial artists, and on a very surface level they’re “nicer” to ranma (as long as he’s doing what they want…) They’re much quicker to be affectionate and show off what Wifely Skills they have or whatever, but its very clear they don’t care about taking the time to get to know ranma and are just attracted to the version of him in their heads
Akane’s the one who has stuck by him this whole time, even protecting him from kuno at the very start of the series despite heavily disliking ranma. She patches him up and fights alongside him and shares her thoughts and problems with him and lets him do the same, and they grow to love each other because of who the other person is, not what they can offer. Idk why ppl think he’d be happier if akane was a doormat instead of an actual person who challenges him to be better
(also…ranma’s taste is very clearly tomboys lmao)
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peaches-creek · 9 months
“That looks disgusting.” John grimaces.
“Your babies likes it.”
You were currently 5 months pregnant and eating cold broccoli with mayonnaise. These odd cravings just keep getting grosser and grosser to John but you know what they say, happy wife happy life.
“Are you sure that even tastes good?” He genuinely asks.
“I’m honestly not sure, it just itches the scratch.” You state.
He chuckles at that and gets back to doing the dishes. In the 5 long months that you have been pregnant, you have done close to nothing, especially when John’s home. You thought you would have the comfort of keeping up with busy work, but John has asked his mother to come over twice a week to “help out.” By helping out he means she comes early in the morning helps do laundry, cooks breakfast, chats with you for an hour, cleans with you, then leaves. Even when he’s gone it feels like he’s home. Usually because before he leaves he makes sure everything is taken care of, including house projects and groceries, he doesn’t want you getting any ideas.
“Alright, it’s time to go.”
“You still haven’t told me where we are going.”
“And I told you it’s a surprise.”
He helps you get your coat and then your shoes, your ankles have been so swollen and sore. No matter how long you sit with them up, they still hurt. You were pregnant with twins, so you were bigger than a person pregnant with one baby. And boy did it feel like it. You were always tired, always feeling like shit. But in the end it will be so worth it.
He helps you get into his truck and begins driving.
“We should really start to think about names.” You say.
“We don’t know the genders though, makes it a bit harder.”
“We could just make a good old fashioned list.”
“Yea, what are you thinking?”
“Maybe Tobias, if it’s a boy.”
“I think Josephine’s a good girl name.”
“I agree.”
He turns into a plaza, one that you frequent, it has the best shops in town, and the best hair salon, and the best nail salon. You wonder what he’s up to. He pull up to a parking space, right in front of the nail salon.
“I know your ankles and feet have been hurting, so I thought that maybe a professional would do better than I could.” He admits.your eyes start to well up with big fat tears.
“I’m gonna cry John, that’s so sweet.” You weep.
“You are already crying.” he laughs.
You reach over to give him a hug, though it’s awkward because of the middle console.
“I just love you so much.” You cry.
“And I love you.” He wipes your tears.
“Now let’s get you inside, we have to pick colors.” He says.
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serxinns · 2 months
idk if u do angst or not but i love me so good angst so if u dont mind can u do some kiribaku x reader angst plz i would love that thx like they cooking for kiri and bakugo and bakugo complains about how little reader dose and kiri agrees cuz they just kinda stay at home and clean do the laundry and so like after he says that she gets mad so the next day she does nothing and like just reads like doesn't cook for them that night doesn't do there laundry and doesn't clean the house that day and at first bakugo's mad about it and kiri doesn't know what to feel and this go's for a few day and kiri and bakugo have to do everything and the see how hard it is and apologizes to reader! i think it cute
thank you plz dont feel like u have to! i love ur writing
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You were humming along to your favorite song as you were carrying 3 baskets of both your husband's clothes "That's About all of them" you huffed in relief you then grabbed and poured all the bleached cleaning chemicals in there and the clothes and turned on the washing machine "ok so I cleaned the room unclothed the sink and the toilet went and got groceries what else..." you were thinking for a while until a delight smell met your nose
"Man whatever Kats is cooking must be good I might sneak a bite or two.." a mischievous grin started forming on your face you crept out of the laundry room in the halls to where the kitchen to hear Kiri and Katsuki talking, you leaned your ear closer and it seems like they were talking about you
"And then when I came back I saw y/n tried and laying on the couch sleeping like a layout sloth with MY favorite chips in hand! " You giggled as you heard Katsuki angrily rambling on to his other lover Kiri about you slacking off thinking he was still holding a grudge about the snack incident"God I wish she could just do SOMETHING around the house rather than clean and BARELY cooking shes so..LAZY" "bakugo don't be so mean but yea I kinda agree I wish she could do more in the house rather than clean.."
Your heart stung at that very moment tears started to swell up in your eyes you had to carry Kiri's 2000-pound dumbbells when it was delivered at his home which bruised your hands and arms pretty bad, another time you saw permanent stainsmon Akatsuki's hero suit due to a battle with a notorious villain and decided to spend all your savings try and get it off, the more rambling they went on about you being "Lazy" the more angry and hurt you were
You then ran up the stairs and stuffed your face into the pillow and cried softly were you not working hard enough? After all the bruises cuts and money worth nothing? Were you actually Lazy? Thoughts swirled around your head and you lost your appetite you didn't feel like sleeping with them so you grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept in the guest room for tonight, you locked the door making sure they wouldn't barge in
Suddenly a knock on the door alerted you "Hey baby you there why are you in the guest room?" Kiri asked concern filling his voice but you ignored him getting the pillow and putting it on your head, Kiri tried a few more times getting more worried for you so he quickly ran down to get Katsuki about the situation "hèy blast y/n locked herself in the guest room... I think they're ignoring me" katsuki rolled his eyes while brushing his teeth getting ready for bed
"She's probably in her "dramatic bitch phase moods" or whatever she calls it she'll prob get over it in the morning," he said waving it off "but it feels like shes mad at us.. I think we should-" he was cut off by katsuki kissing him on the lips "El they'll be fine I'm sure of it plus she'll prob crawl back into bed without us knowing in the middle of the night now good night" katsuki pecked kiri on the cheek and jumped into bed Kiri took one last Glance in corners and slowly climbed in the bed feeling a bit empty even katsuki felt it so he clung onto Kiri but it was still empty and cold without you
The next morning they woke up and there was still no you, katsuki glanced at the space and rolled his eyes maybe you are mad.. or you woke up early to cook breakfast? Katsuki then took a shower and then got ready, you normally already had his warm dry clothes in the drawers but to his surprise, they were all soaking "Y/N!" He yelled out stomping around to hunt you down for this cruel prank but to find out you already left without their breakfast... only but a note and plain grain cereal saying "Here's your breakfast breakfast 😁"
Katsuki was stunned knowing that you would go all out making them a big breakfast with their drinks and everything decorated Kiri followed behind him yawning he glanced at the table and looked a bit worried "Katsuki what if we did make her upset" Katsuki groaned at his boyfriends whining and turn towards him "she's not mad she's probably was too lazy to do it and even if she was she can't go that far we can outlast her rebellion" he said with confidence
It's been 2 days and it's been hell you weren't lifting a finger for them and both of your boys weren't too pleased with that, katsuki wasn't used to washing clothes so he accidentally mixed the colored clothes with the white clothes which stained some of the white clothes to his annoyance, Kiri was freaking out that there was red hair dye left and he had hero meaning to go and his hair was almost turning black he begged you to go to the store but to his defeat you just stared at him and politely said no and got back to your reading
Katsuki was getting enraged by your sudden behavior so he confronted you with a beaming glare "Oi what's with this shitty attitude your pulling?" "Blasty no!" You tilted your head innocently at the 2 Men "What do you mean I'm doing something" You were about to go back to your read when Katsuki snatched the book and slammed it on the counter you glared at him "I had enough of this shitty attitude woman you have been doing less and less work each day and we're paying the consequences"
you scoffed "But is this what I am right a Lazy bum" Katsuki was about to question you about your statement but then it hit him..the memory of him and Kiri talking about you... "you heard our conversation" you looked over to him as your eyes narrow "at every single last word" Kirishima swelled up with guilt avoiding eye contact with white katsuki was still glaring
"Listen, baby, we're sorry it won-" "Oh don't give me that half ass apology you're gonna have to work for it BIG TIME" "Oh please like we deserve your forgiveness just because you're not doing much" You laughed sarcastically and got in his face
"I bet your ass wouldn't last a week without me doing the housework" "Fine winner gets to use the others credit card for the day and make them breakfast in bed for almost a week" "what!? Bakugan I dont think-" "Deal" you cut off Kirishima as you shook hands with the blond "what have I gotten into"
The next few days were hell! Most of Kiri and katsuki's colored clothes were bleached due to Kiri accidentally putting them in the colored clothes rather than putting them in the white clothes all their clothes were full of dye stains that day while you happily shopped you some clothes,
Katsuki, on the other hand, was worse he didn't have any time to make breakfast or lunch so he went on for the day cranky and hungry having to eat cheap instant ramen in his break and was questioned by fans on why was there Clear dye stain on his suit and kiri got laughed by both his friends and in the agency about his hair drooping and all black colored making his fans chased after him with questions or stating they liked his hair red which was to his annoyance
You watched as the two boys struggled with doing their jobs as you sat there secretly giggling to yourself and talking with your friends on the phone like a form to brag it to them
"Katuki im gonna apologize it's getting too much..." Kiri told Katsuki as he was struggling to mow the lawn (you also do that) "Are you kidding you giving up that easily because she was a" "No Bakugo because I know to feel what's it like its hard, look at you, your struggling to turn on the lawn mower your clothes are stained and we haven't eaten no good meals in over a week I'm tried katsuki and you are too"
katsuki stood they're quietly he didn't wanna admit but it was true it had been torture without you hell even if they kept going like this the whole house would be a disaster but not inky that their relationship would be stained and he didn't want that he truly loved you two even if he doesn't show it and he doesn't mean or intentionally wanna hurt you was he really taking it to far? That's what he made his final decision
"Fine.." Kiri turned slowly turned into smirk a bit "what was that couldn't hea-" "I SAID FINE DONT PUSH IT YOU DAMN ROCK" he chucked putting hands up in defeat "alright alright I heard you thr 1st time kats!" He chuckled as both was finding a way to make it up to you when you got home
You arrived at your home signing it's been a long day for you even tho you barely did anything you had a lot on your mind wondering was too far but were still confident that they needed to learn their lesson!, you got to your doorstep seeing a note that said "come in there's a surprised" in both Katsuki and Eljirou handwriting you raised your brow a bit but curious to know what was the surprise about
You slowly open the door revealing a fancy dinner table with all your favorite foods' petals on the floor what's next to the dish is a small gift right beside it "You look over to see both Your husbands' faces guilt written all over, you narrowed put your hands on your hips pretending to not be happy "so what's all this" katsuki sighed knowing that you were still mad at them which was reasonable "an apology i-no we're sorry for what we say I know this isn't much" you glanced I silently "but we also ran a warm bath for you with your favorite show recorded-"
you cut the men off by tackling them with a hug happy tears fllow "I COULDNT DO IT ANYMORE I HATED THIS CHALLENGE" Kiri's face was starting to swell up in tears as well "ME NEITHER" Both you and Kiri cried dramatically while Katsuki stood there genuinely smiling and chuckling a bit
"What are you laughing at blasty" glaring playfully at the blond who was on the edge of wanting to bust out laughing at his partner's dramatic performance
"Nothing" he smirked he was just glad everything was back to normal "So who wanna watch (favorite show)"
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mochinek0 · 10 months
Daminette December 2023: 7-In a League of their Own (SUB)
Damian sat in his apartment trying to empty his mind. His girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, was the most amazing person he ever met. He was still shocked she agreed to date him. Today was one of those days when he thought he was just holding her back from greatness.
'Marinette deserves better than me. She's smart, tactical, and crafty. You would think Mother or Father trained her.'
'Not only is she smart, but she can cook and bake. I'm still learning. I'm sure there's day she wishes she could have a home cooked meal. I can only take her out to resturants or make her breakfast. She makes the most amazing dinners! Everything she makes tastes delicious. Anyone would be lucky to eat her food everyday.'
'She's an amazing business woman. Marinette is practically running her own company and I don't even have full control of Wayne Enterprise! She isn't afraid to tell people off. Mother would have loved her commanding presence. Everyone, including Father, is scared of me.'
'Maybe I should break up with her.'
Damian's thoughts were broken when he doorbell went of continuously.
'Who could that be? Must be Grayson.'
Damian opened the door to see his girlfriend standing there in tears.
'What the fuck?'
Marinette lunged into his arms.
"Who-" he began to demand.
"It's been a really bad day." Marinette cried into his arms, "Can I just stay with you? I always feel better when I'm with you."
Damian took a deep breath and pushed his anger down, for another time.
"Of course." he spoke.
Damian picked her up and set her down on the couch. As she wiped her tears away, he began to take off her shoes and her coat. He went into the kitchen and grabbed her a glass of water to rehydrate and ordered some of her favorite take out, along with her favorite ice cream.
"So, what happened?" he questioned, handing her the water.
Marinette had went on to explain how there had been mix up with a few orders. A person she had fired had put in the orders and when they hadn't come in on time, she called the company only to find out that person had cancelled the orders. Once she told them that person had been fired months ago, they quickly put in motion to send the fabric and other items needed. Unfortunately for her, one of the clients pulled out of her services because of that claiming she was incompetent at her job. That had only been the morning. She had worked through her lunch to tackle anything her ex-employee had touched and caleld companies to ensure that the previous person didn't dictate her orders and informed them of any changes or wrong-doings the person had done. After that, she had to get her lawyers involved as the person was order fabrics under her name and Marinette had never received them. With all the invoices from the companies, her lawyer was sure it would be a clean sweep.
A knock at the door drew their attention away from each other.
"I'll get it." Damian offered.
When he checked the peep hole, he saw the delivery driver holding up the bag of food. He unlocked the door and took the bag. When he turned around, he could see she was surprised to see him holding up food. Marinette just looked at him with tears in her eyes and smiled. Damian quickly set the food down and rushed to her side.
"Is everything okay?" he asked.
Marinette kissed him, leaving him stunned.
"You are the most amazing boyfriend ever." Mari declared, "I'm sure anyone else would be jealous to know my boyfriend is in a league all of his own."
Damian kissed her back, "You may think so, but you Angel are in a league above me."
Marinette cuddled into his arms.
'We can eat the food he got in a few moments.'
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events@animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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daceydeath · 6 months
Cigarettes and Cliches (Part 7)
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Pairing: Lee Felix x Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Genre: Collage AU, Slow Burn Romance
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, swearing
He was the most impractical guy for you to be interested in the incredibly handsome cliché bad boy who collected girls like trophies. As hard as you wanted to stay away you couldn't even if it might cost you everything and leave you heartbroken you couldn't ignore him
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There was no way you could ask for Innie's input on what to wear on your date, since you weren't even sure where you were going or what you would be doing and especially since he was not going to approve of you going on said date with Felix. Now would have been a good time to ask Nali's opinion or advice if she hadn't turned out to be the worst friend you could have ever made. So your next logical idea was to go through your socials to see what other girls wore on their dates with their boyfriends to give you an idea of what you should look like or how much effort you needed to put in without overdoing it.
You went to sit in the lounge so that you didn't look like you were hiding yourself away as Jeongin eventually surfaced from his room looking sheepish and he and Seungmin started planning their night out.
"Did you want to come with us again tonight? We will make sure one of us will be with you all the time" Jeongin asked, still looking dusty from the night before.
"No I think one party everyday is a little too much for me" you sighed looking at him "Maybe one next week".
"Ok we can live with a maybe for now" he grinned as Seungmin rolled his eyes as you phone beeped.
Ok how does a movie and a walk down by the river sound baby? You read the message twice before you slowly typed a reply so you didn't look too excited in front of Seungmin and Jeongin so you thought for a moment before sending it.
That sounds great Felix what time and where should I meet you?. Movies and walks were mostly casual so you didn't need to dress up and have too many questions asked about where you were going.
I'm going to pick you up baby, If the others have a problem with it they can just deal with it.
They can just deal with it, you read the words again and again before you realized that you should probably answer him so you quickly agreed and went back to thinking about what you would wear and what you would tell the boys when Felix showed up to take you out on a date out of the blue. Seungmin and Jeongin were still talking about the party when your brain tuned you back into the conversation.
"Next party we will need to dress you in less attractive clothing too to keep you a little more hidden from drunk idiots" Jeongin nodded seriously
"Or I could come and find one of you or the others to help me get a ride home, surely no one is going to bother me with one of you with me" you smiled unsure if that was the right response to keep them happy.
"Actually that would be better" Seungmin grinned "find either me or Innie or any of the others even if it's Felix or Hyunjin they will always try to keep you safe and will wait for you to get in a taxi or something before they go back to partying".
"So are we cooking before you go or ordering in?" you asked cheekily hoping you wouldn't need to cook before you go out.
"We were going to meet Han and Changbin for dinner before we hit the party so you can have whatever you like" Jeongin winked as though you would get up to all sorts of mischief being left alone to make your own dinner. You chuckled thinking that he had no idea what you were going to get up to once they left even though to be honest you were slightly nervous about that yourself if you were being honest.
You had picked out an outfit while you pretended you were cleaning up and Seungmin and Jeongin were getting ready so that they had no clue you were up to something. It made you feel like you were in a TV drama sneaking out of the house to meet the star crossed lover who would whisk you away to his castle as opposed to just meeting Felix but it made your heart race the same way his smile did. You were still lost in your head when you heard Seungmin calling your name loudly, shaking the romantic fantasizing from your mind, you opened your door confused as to why he was yelling.
"Sorry Seung, what's wrong?" you smiled tilting your head.
"You ok? you didn't answer when I called out to you" he furrowed his brow slightly scrutinizing you.
"I was in the bathroom" you lied instantly hoping he would drop it.
"Sorry" he scratched his head as he backed away from your bedroom door "we're going now just wanted to let you know"
"Well I will try to survive without you both" you teased smiling as he walked towards to door "don't bring any psychos home with you".
"Oh, fuck off" Seungmin grinned as Jeongin laughed from the hall before you heard them both putting on their shoes and the door opening and closing. You smiled to yourself suddenly feeling a weight fall away from your shoulders about how exactly you would have explained dating Felix to the pair of them so suddenly.
Getting yourself ready you sat fiddling with your jeans as you tried to distract yourself from your nerves but flicking TV channels and eventually settling on an episode of a drama that you couldn't pay attention to. After what felt like a lifetime the door buzzer rang sending a spike of nervous excitement straight through your heart as Felix appeared on the small screen looking as dangerously handsome as always. Pressing the buzzer to let him in you told yourself to not wait at the door for him to know instead bouncing on the balls of your feet at the opposite end of the hall staring at the door instead. When Felix did knock on the door your heart skipped a beat, his eyes soft as he stepped into the apartment cupping your jaw and kissing you softly.
"You look gorgeous baby" he smiled reaching for your hand to intertwine your fingers "are you ready to go?".
"Yes Lix" you smiled back feeling your cheeks heating up as he looked you up and down.
"Do you need to say goodbye or anything?" he whispered cheekily looking past you up the hallway.
"No the boy left early to meet the others" you grinned letting him lead you from the apartment and towards the elevator. You traveled down to the ground floor with Felix's arm wrapped around your waist holding you to his side gently which continued until you got down the several blocks it took to get to the movie complex only letting you go to buy your tickets and popcorn which he insisted on carrying until you were both seated in the back of the cinema.
"You know you didn't even tell me what we were seeing, Lix" you teased softly taking a few pieces of popcorn and popping one into your mouth.
"Well I remembered that you liked actions and thrillers but there aren't any good thrillers so it is going to be John Wick" he admitted the corners of his lips quirking up hen your mouth formed a silent o.
"You remembered that?" you whispered as the lights dimmed around you for the previews to begin.
"I try to remember everything you say" he admitted sultrily leaning in to whisper in your ear, the feeling of his breath on you skin making your skin erupt on a wave of goosebumps as he moved the armrest that sat between you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
You sat in silence for the film enjoying as much as you could of both what was happening on the screen and the warmth and feeling of Felix breathing beside you for the almost three hours it took for the movie to end. But even then you only managed to focus on half of the plot as you spent the other half having to focus on how to remain acting natural. Once the lights came back on and the credits rolled Felix his you with another one of his dazzling smiles.
"Do you still want to go for that walk by the river or would you like me to take you back home?" He asked genuinely, seeming happy to do either option depending on how comfortable you were.
"I think I would like to go for that walk Lix" you bit your lip slightly hoping that this was the answer he was wanting to hear.
"If my baby wants to go for a walk then we will go for a walk" he teased holding out his hand for you to take as he began leading you from the cinema. You noticed a few girls stare at Felix as you walked past them and back out onto the street their faces turning into a frown when they saw him holding your hand. He seemed oblivious but it dimmed your smile slightly. You knew they were wondering how someone like him could have any interest in someone like you and that hurt you a little but when Felix squeezed your hand gently as you began to walk towards the river you couldn't help the little flutter that erupted in your chest.
Walking hand in hand for the next few blocks that would take you to the riverfront you decided that making conversation would prevent you being too awkward about this being a first date with anyone let alone Felix.
"So what exactly did you plan on telling Seung and Innie when you picked me up tonight?" you asked bashfully looking up at him.
"Well" he paused for a moment still smiling "I was thinking that I was just going to say that I wanted to make sure you were alright after the party, but honestly I hadn't really thought about it" he admitted meeting your eyes briefly before looking ahead once more.
"Well at least you're honest" you sighed thankful that the boys had been out when you left the apartment.
"In truth I figured they would be in too much shock to actually say anything and that we would have escaped before they snapped out of it" he chuckled making you smile in relief.
"I mean they probably would have been shocked for ages that you wanted to take me on a date" you shrugged smirking at the thought of them standing in the hallway with their mouths agape
"And why wouldn't I want to take my smart and beautiful girlfriend on a date?" he teased nudging your shoulder playfully as you entered the park walking between the large gates that separated the gardened area from the street
"I didn't mean it like that Lix I meant they would have been shocked that I had a date" you back peddled quickly looking up at him with wide eyes "I didn't mean they would be shocked at you going on a date"
"I know baby I was teasing" he soothed pulling you closer to wrap his arm around your shoulders and you let the movement lull the conversation for a while
You had made sure you wore a light sweater so that you wouldn't be too cold on the waterfront and you were glad you had as the wind picked up to a chilly breeze as you walked together under the fairy lights that were strung through the trees on the riverwalk. You hadn't really checked the weather but you knew at this time of year the breeze was always cool at night obviously Felix hadn't either as you realized the clouds were gathering overhead much quicker than normal. Looking up at the sky frowning Felix muttered something under his breath before turning to you
"Looks like we're running out of time baby" he sighed wrinkling his nose slightly as you nodded feeling disappointed as the clouds had finally blocked out all of the stars.
"I guess we will save this for the next date?" you smiled softly which made his eyes light up.
"Yes we will absolutely save this for the next date or maybe the third date?" he smirked as you tried to hide your excited smile. Walking back towards the park gate you thought you felt the first spot of rain but you weren't sure, however, this changed when the skies suddenly opened up above you and rain began pouring down on you both.
"Fuck" Felix swore loudly tucking you into his side and wrapping his jacket around you as he guided you under a large tree "We can go back to my place its only a block from here and when it stops I'll get you a cab home". You looked at him blankly for a moment unsure of what to say to not sound like a fool or ungrateful.
"This isn't some kind of ploy I promise" he reassured you quickly noticing how your expression had changed "I just don't want either of us to catch a cold and it's quite a walk to your place from here and if we try to get a cab we will get even more drenched than walking to my place" he reasoned.
"It's ok Lix I know you won't do anything I don't want you to" you smiled gently your brain catching up with what he was saying.
"We can dry off there and wait out the rain and most of the way there is covered so we won't get too wet" he gestured to his already soaking wet hair.
"Lets go Lix, lead the way" you urged, letting him continue to hold you as close to you as he could to try to keep you dry and warm as the pair of you darted your way from cover to cover for the 5 minutes it took to get to his place. Quickly making your way through the lobby and into the elevator you were surprised when a doorman appeared as the door to the lift opened on the 15th floor who Felix waved at before leading you to his front door and letting you in helping you to slip off your shoes before going to find you some towels for your hair and clothes.
You had known that Felix, Hyunjin and Minho shared an apartment, Seungmin had mentioned it to you ages ago, but you didn't realize how nice of an apartment it would be. They lived in the river district that was considered one of the highest valued areas in the city and their apartment overlooked not only the river but parks that you had just been walking in. Standing on the tiles of the kitchen floor to avoid dripping water on the carpet you could see the lights of the city through the massive lounge room windows as you waited for Felix to return carrying towels and something that looked like clothing.
"I'll show you to the bathroom and you can change into these before we get your clothes in the dryer" Felix suggested handing you the pile of fabric and leading you into the bathroom while he cleaned up the drips on the tiled floor.
Closing the door behind you, you took in your surroundings. It was a much nicer bathroom than yours. The tile looked like actual marble and it was large enough to have an actual tub and a double sink. Slowly you put the towel down on the cabinet before you realized that Felix had given you a pile of his clothes, sweatpants, t shirt and the hoodie you had seen him in the morning you spoke to him in the gardens. Shaking the memory from your mind you peeled your wet sweater over your head grateful that you hadn't gotten soaked to the bone so at least your bra was still mostly dry, you wrapped your hair in the towel and squeezed as much water as you could from it before changing into the pants and t shirt before opening the door and finding Felix waiting for you his eyes glazing over slightly when he saw you.
"I'll just need you to put these in the machine hopefully they won't take too long to dry out" you smiled shyly holding up the towel and your sweater and jeans but Felix didn't react " Lix?" you asked, tilting your head to watch him and shaking your clothes in front of him.
"Sorry, just got a bit lost in how good you look in my shirt" he replied, clearing his throat slightly and reaching out to grab the wet items as your cheeks burned. "Did you want to hang in the lounge and watch another movie or get some food?" he continued his signature smile returning.
"Yeah sounds good" you nodded trying to play it cool and walking yourself into the lounge to wait for him to return. You sat on the large plush couch and began fiddling with the bottom of the shirt, the soft dark fabric making you feel incredibly comforted despite your awkwardness.
"Did you want me to order us any particular food?" Felix questioned as he walked back into the room as you realized for the first time that he too was in sweatpants and a white t shirt and looking like he should be in a magazine pictorial.
"Whatever you want Lix" you smiled as he sat down beside you "I'm not fussy". He chuckled softly in response and ordered you something quickly before throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him and causing you to yelp in surprise. The action seemed slightly less practiced to his usual moves, making you pause.
"Sorry baby" he laughed musically "just wanted you close to me" he grinned turning the TV on and selecting one of the streaming services they had to find something to watch. He settled on a drama that you hadn't seen but you didn't care you knew you were not going to be paying much attention to it anyway just like the movie from earlier in the evening.
"Lix?" you asked tentatively tilting your head back to lean against his chest and look at him studying his facial expression.
"Hmm" he hummed in response, his eyes on the screen in front of you.
"You know I don't think this is a ploy to get me to sleep with you right?" you almost mumbled feeling a little embarrassed that he still might think that after your hesitation earlier "So you don't need to be extra careful with me".
"You sure baby?" he smiled sweetly finally looking at you his eyes searching your own to be sure you meant what you said "I don't want to make you uncomfortable and also I've um... how do I actually put this?..." he trailed off his brown creasing slightly and making your anxiety spike "I've never brought anyone here before".
"I'm sorry what?" you almost spluttered your anxious feeling turning to confusion as to how one of the members of the man whore trio hadn't brought any women to his apartment before.
"Well this is where we live I always said I would only bring girls I was really serious about here" he admitted a pretty pink dusting of blush appearing on his freckled cheeks. Your heart was pounding so hard you were sure he would be able to hear it, trying to process that he insinuated that you were special to him and that you were the only one to be special to him in all his time sleeping around. All you could manage was to open your mouth to say something but nothing came out which Felix took as his moment to gently place his lips on yours kissing you sweetly his plush lips feeling perfect against your own. The moment however, was short lived as the door buzzer chimed to let you know that the food order had arrived. Untangling himself from you he went to collect the food from the lobby of the building leaving you to contemplate what he had just told you.
Felix had ordered from your favorite bakery and you were very happy to tuck into one of their chocolate filled croissants as he watched you smiling enjoying the look of bliss on your face. After eating and drinking everything he had ordered you found yourself still held captive by the sound of the rain still pattering against the large windows and it was well past midnight by this point which made you a little uneasy again.
"What's wrong baby?" Felix asked you tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, while you sat with your legs across his lap
"It's still raining" you sighed before looking at him and giving him a shy smile "do you think my clothes will be dry by now? I should probably get home"
"I'll check for you" he nodded, moving your legs carefully before making his way to the laundry room while you packed up the food containers and took them into the kitchen to sort.
"Fuck" you heard him curse loudly before you walked back around to the lounge to find him walking back in his hand running though his hair.
"What's happened?" you blinked unsure of what the problem was.
"I'm sorry baby, really I put your clothes in the dryer with mine and I didn't start the machine, I'm so sorry" Felix apologized quickly looking annoyed with himself "But I can get you home in my clothes or you could stay for a little while longer they should only take like an hour to dry"
"Lix I can't go home in your clothes if Seung or Innie see me I'll never be able to explain it" you sighed, worrying your lower lip nervously.
"Then stay here, we can watch another movie in my room so that if either of the guys come back they won't drunkenly annoy us or become a pair of menaces" he smiled tentatively a ghost of his smile gracing his lips.
"One more movie can't hurt Seung and Innie are probably both too smashed to even know I'm not home yet" you nodded making a smile bloom on Felix's face.
"Come on then, I'll put another action movie on as long as you let me cuddle you" he waggled his eyebrows suggestively at you making you giggle. Felix was being incredibly patient with you and you knew it but you appreciated that he wasn't going to push you into anything you weren't ready for so it was an easy decision to follow him to his room you trusted him.
You stood in his bedroom looking from the desk that you could tell was used purely for gaming judging from the custom keyboard and multiple monitors, to the stupidly large TV attached to the far wall, the shelves that contained random figures and gaming consoles and finally his bed which he was now sitting on looking at you curiously.
"Is this the first time you have had someone like me in your room?" you asked, feeling suddenly shy at the idea of being the first girl in this room.
"You mean are you the first girlfriend I've had in my bedroom?" he chuckled teasingly, you couldn't help but preen at the term girlfriend even though he had called you that before. "Yeah you are, first one in this room and first one in my bed" he smiled softly making you swallow loudly.
"So what did you want to watch?" you asked changing the subject as smoothly as you could not failing to notice the slight smirk gracing his lips as you made your way to sit next to him on the bed.
"I don't know I figured we could get comfy then decide" he shrugged pulling you further onto the bed and making you laugh. After a few awkward moments of figuring out where each of you would fit you settled on his left side sitting against the headboard leaning against him as he scrolled through some movies and randomly pressed play. The opening scene was a bank robbery with the villains in ski masks brandishing shot guns and police cars racing to the bank but you were already distracted by Felix drawing patterns on the inside of the wrist he was holding in his lap. The trace of his fingers sending small electric shocks through your skin and straight to your heart after a few minutes he lifted your hand to his lips kissing your wrist lightly and making you gasp.
"I know I said watch a movie but I would prefer to kiss you" he whispered "if that's ok". Instead of answering him you turned your head to face him almost brushing his lips with yours silently giving him permission.
"You're so beautiful" he murmured, closing the gap between you and gently pressing his lips to yours, the softness against your own making you melt into him slightly. Felix quickly but gently maneuvered you so you were now straddling his lap, his hands cupped your jaw as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips seeking entrance to your mouth which you gave him enthusiastically. Felix's kisses were less intense and more sensual than the last time he kissed you, making you moan softly into his mouth.
"God I love the noises you make, so pretty" he breathed against your lips as you parted for air.
"Lix" you panted, feeling like your head was spinning.
"I've got you baby" he mumbled, connecting his lips back to yours, your hands moving on their own, one threaded its way into his hair and the other grasping his shirt to anchor yourself to him, your hips pressing against his crotch as you desperately tried to get closer to him. You had no idea how much time passed from when he first kissed you to when he finally pulled back from you pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"We need to stop now baby" he panted quietly, his chest rising and falling rapidly against your own "I won't be able to behave myself if we keep going". You flushed with embarrassment quickly moving to get out of his lap and sit back on the bed beside him.
"I'm sorry" you groaned, covering your hands with your face making him laugh.
"So cute" he chuckled, pulling your hands slowly away from your face and leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose. "You did nothing wrong baby, I just need to make sure I don"t cross any lines".
"Thank you Lix" you smiled shyly, looking up at him through your lashes.
"The things you do to me baby" he shook his head taking a deep breath wrapping you back up in his arms but in a much less compromising position before he started the movie again.
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You didn't remember falling asleep but you must have because when you opened your eyes you were still in Felix's bed but you were alone and the morning light was filtering into the room between the gaps in the curtains. Sitting up you realized that you were still dressed in his clothes but that your clothes sat on his computer desk folded neatly and waiting for you shifting yourself out of the bed you stretched and padded your way across the carpeted floor to his bathroom knocking but finding it empty you went inside to change and clean yourself up a little before you would have to make your way home and hopefully be able to play off your being absent as going for an early morning walk. Making your way towards the lounge you were made aware it was no longer just you and Felix in the apartment as several voices were talking all at once. Pausing you waited to see if you should show yourself or hide yourself back in the bedroom.
"You were the one that suggested the rule mate" Minho complained, his voice rough from the night before but still obviously annoyed.
"We agreed there were no random girls in the apartment so what makes this one different?" Hyunjin added blandly.
"This isn't like that" Felix defended his voice exasperated as he tried protecting you in your absence.
"Then what is it like? There is no way it's her in your room right now" Minho continued his voice getting louder as he teased.
"Thanks for the boost in confidence" Felix groaned, sounding particularly done with what must have been an ongoing joke.
"I swear if you don't get your shit together and get together I'm going to steal her" Hyunjin declared cackling as he sounded like he moved quickly from the room.
"You're both arsehole you know that" Felix called after them as he walked towards where you were standing. Moving yourself further down towards his bedroom door you decided to make it look like you had just stepped out of his room
"Morning baby" Felix beamed as he saw you in his doorway pulling you into a cuddle.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep Lix" you mumbled nuzzling into him softly.
"It's alright baby but let's get you home while the idiots here are showering" He raised his eyebrows to indicate behind him.
"Lets but can I borrow a hoodie weather app says it's going to be cold this morning?" you ask watching his eyes light up.
A/N: I'm Sorry this has taken so long but I lost my steam for a while but I'm back now :) Once again thank you for reading my work and your likes, reblogs and comments are amazing xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @armystay89, @damnyouficc, @roamingpolar, @bakedlilgoonie, @shiy, @is2cb97, @beautifulixr, @skyhold-tara, @army-stay-noel, @skizzel-reblogs, @facelesswrittes, @animehideout, @mrsseals16, @honey-pop, @fawnpeaks, @leeknowinggg, @uno7, @seungminluv3, @obeythemasters, @tanzen-ist-gold, @choisoorin
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rorywritesjunk · 8 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. I also gave him some anxiety and stuff because while he's in love he doesn't believe someone could love him back. He just has a lot of uncertainty with romance. A/N: I think this is going to end around chapter 20. I'm working on 18 right now. There will be one shots, however. Sunny and Buggy aren't over, just the main story.
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 14
“You have everything?”
“Yes, Miss Pins.”
“You know, you can come back if you ever need to.”
“I know, thank you.”
Miss Pins shot a glare in Buggy's direction. He was waiting by the door and straightened up when he caught her glaring at him. He crossed his arms and glared back.
“If I catch wind of you mistreating her, I will bring hell down upon you, Buggy.” Miss Pins warned. Buggy rolled his eyes but couldn't help but feel a bit unsettled by the intensity of the old woman's glare. “Do you understand? If you even so much as make her cry I will find out.”
“I would never!” Buggy shot back. 
“I'll be fine, Miss Pins.” You insisted. “Really.” You looked over at Buggy with a smile, and when he saw that he relaxed just a bit as he started blushing. “You know he's not like any other pirate you've met.”
“That's definitely true.” She agreed. Buggy frowned at that, wondering if that was meant to be insulting.
“Listen here you old-”
“Buggy! We should get going, yea?” You said as you gave your boss a hug. “We're heading to my parents for the reunion. I haven't written to tell them the news.”
“Oh, so you're going to surprise them with… him.” Miss Pins said as she pulled back from the hug, gesturing to Buggy. “Well, it will definitely be a surprise.”
“Yea! A wonderful surprise.” You said as you looked back at Buggy. “They're going to love him.”
Miss Pins didn't say anything else, just crossed her arms as she glared at Buggy. She was happy for you, of course, but why Buggy over every other man? What on earth did you see in him that made you start to fall in love and agree to marry him? She couldn't understand.
Benji was up in his room moping, having already said his goodbyes. If he came downstairs and saw Buggy there’d be no telling what he would end up saying to him. He didn't want you to leave, he wanted you to stay forever, but that wasn't possible.
You went to grab your things but Buggy grabbed them first, shooting a glare at your boss while you opened the door for him. You gave her one last wave before you stepped out of the shop one last time. 
It was going to be an adjustment for the two of you. Buggy wanted to treat you like a Queen, feeling you should do nothing and just relax all day. You, on the other hand, already cleaned his room, organized his wardrobe to make room for your things, and already knew where everything was in the kitchen to the point you knew what was on hand before the cook did. All within a week of living on the ship.
He couldn't understand why you didn't want to just rest and relax for a while. 
You started a mending basket for the crew as well, telling them to put things in there that needed any fixing. That shocked Buggy. You were not a member of the crew, you were going to be his wife and you shouldn't be working at all for him.
You also unearthed those photos that he showed you while drunk on his birthday.
“You said his name was Shanks, right?” You said after the first week while you made him dinner. The cook was fine to let you cook Buggy's meals now, it was one less person to worry about. Buggy had just taken a large swallow of his drink before choking at your question. He managed to spit it out, coughing and sputtering before looking at you, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. You pulled a picture from your pocket and set it on the table.
“Where did you find that?!” He demanded as he grabbed it and stuffed it in his own pocket. “You don't need to see that!”
“But you were so cute as a kid, Buggy!” You insisted as you checked on the potatoes that were boiling on the stove. “And you mentioned that you and him were on a ship together once, and I'm curious what ship it was.”
He narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he took a cautious drink. Buggy wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about it, but he was in love with you, it was kind of fair that he tells you somethings about himself (when he's sober), so he sighed and finished off his drink, slamming the empty bottle on the table. You replaced it with a fresh one within seconds and his eyes widened slightly as he looked up at you lovingly.
“Okay, what do you want to know?”
“Just the ship name, honey.” You chuckled as you kissed him on the forehead. 
“Fine.” He mumbled. He opened the bottle and took a sip before responding. “I was an apprentice on the Oro Jackson.”
“Really?!” You looked impressed by that and Buggy straightened up in his chair a bit, grinning up at you as he tipped the bottle back, swallowing some drink before setting the bottle down on the table.
“I was an apprentice under Captain Roger.” He continued. For as flashy as he could be, talking about his past wasn't something he was keen on doing, but the way you were looking at him spurned him on. “For a while, until the crew was disbanded and he was caught.”
“That's amazing, Buggy!” You said, smiling brightly. “No wonder you're an amazing pirate, you worked under the King of the Pirates himself!”
His cheeks burned at your compliment and he looked up at you with a frown. There was never any ill intent with your questions and curiosity when it came to him, but he couldn't help but feel a bit guarded. You lowered the heat on the potatoes before checking on the meat that was roasting. Buggy kept his eyes on you as he took another drink of rum.
“Why didja wanna know the ship’s name?” He asked. You looked over at him, confused by his question. “Why didja wanna know about Shanks?”
“Because you showed me those pictures on your birthday.” You reminded him as you checked on the potatoes next. “And you said the two of you were best friends as kids, so I got curious about you when you were younger.”
Buggy looked away from you, gripping the beer bottle tightly. “Don't ask about him.”
“Don't.” He hissed, tone catching you off guard. You paused for a moment, considering your next actions carefully, before you walked over to him and touched his shoulder gently. He turned his head and looked up at you before straightening up in his chair to wrap his arms around your middle. You put your hands on his shoulders and sighed softly.
“I won't ask again, Buggy.” You assured him. “I'm sorry I upset you.”
He shook his head, mumbling against your stomach as he hid his face against it. This had become his favorite way to hug you, sitting down so you stood over him, rubbing his shoulders or his back, sometimes running your fingers through his hair. His favorite place was being in your arms in some way, and since moving onto the ship and into his bed he made sure he falls asleep and wakes up in your arms each morning and you've yet to turn him down. 
It took a few weeks to get to your parents. As the ship drew nearer, you became more excited about seeing your family again and introducing Buggy to them. The size of your family was quite intimidating but you assured him he just needed to meet your parents and that no one else mattered. 
And while you were excited, he was nervous, though he tried not to show it. What if your parents refused to let you marry him? What if they didn't think he was good enough, or thought he was a joke? You had mentioned your mother had served under Red Leg Zeff while she was a pirate, so was she going to be judging him and his own successes? Would your dad like him or would he think Buggy should pack his bags and move on?
And as the island came into view and you squealed in excitement upon seeing it, Buggy tried not to fall apart right then. He waited until you were getting ready for bed the night before you were going to arrive and when he told you how he was feeling, he thought you would tell him to suck it up, deal with it, he was meeting your parents and that he needed to be on his best behavior or else you wouldn't marry him.
Why did he always think the worst with you? Because no sooner that he finished freaking out, your arms were around him and holding him tightly to you, letting him slump against you as he tried to take a deep breath.
“Just be yourself, Buggy.” You told him as you kissed his cheek. “My parents will love you.”
“But what if-”
“I'm sorry you're stressing over this, honey, but my mom isn't going to judge you, if anything if you tell her you knew Gold Roger she'll be impressed.” You assured him as you tightened your arms around him. “And you do not have to get their blessing to marry me.”
“You sure?” He mumbled, tilting his head up to look at you. You nodded, smiling softly as you gave him a kiss.
“Promise.” You said. “You say I'm nice and that's why you fell in love with me, well, my parents are just as nice, Buggy, so please don't worry.” You put your hand on his cheek caressing softly before leaning down to bump your forehead against this gently. “If it becomes too much at any time, we can leave.”
Buggy frowned. You would leave your family reunion for him? Why? You talked about it almost non-stop since getting on his ship and he knew how much it meant to you, he couldn't ruin it. He needed to get it together. Why was he so nervous anyways? He could meet your family, impress them with tales of adventures on the sea; he was a pirate after all while your mom was retired from the life. Surely she'd be impressed.
He cocked his head to the side and grinned. “Nah, babe, don't worry about me. I can handle it.”
You looked at him with a smile, reaching up to twirl a lock of his hair around your finger. He was so cute sometimes. You wanted him to have an out if he needed too, because even you got a little overwhelmed by the size of the family, especially with you being the eldest cousin. Buggy had no idea what was in store for him once the ship arrived.
“I know you can, honey, but I just want you to know I'm okay if either of us need a break.” It was hard to stop playing with his hair sometimes. Since you had first asked him to keep it down the day after his birthday, he often would whenever he was around you, though he kept it under a bandana while he was out on deck to keep it from blowing in his face during the day. Right now, as you were about to get into bed, he had it down which meant you wouldn't stop touching it. “You're very sweet, you know that? Thank you for coming with me for this. I'm so lucky to have you, Buggy.”
He turned as red as his nose, avoiding eye contact as you showered him with praise. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be used to it. You gave him a kiss after each compliment, calling him sweet, lovely, handsome and he thought he was going to die from the over abundance of love you were showing him right then. 
To him, he was the lucky one to have found someone like you who cared so much for him.
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renecdote · 1 year
ren please my love will u write me "wiping their tears when they cry" for buddie mwah
Also for @abcdefuk-off who requested the same prompt. This got so much longer than planned lol but enjoy the Buck angst <3
[Read on AO3]
Those first few days after waking up, and after leaving the hospital, everything hurts. Buck gets used to a baseline of pain: headaches, muscle aches, healing burns on his hands, fractured ribs, bruised lungs, something vague and unrelenting that coils tight in his stomach. It all ebbs and flows, a tide teetering between low and high, easy enough to ignore sometimes, but never fully gone.
It gets better, as days blur into weeks. One and then two and then three, and after four he’s sitting in Dr Salazar’s office and she’s saying, “You can go back to work as early as next week.”
Buck doesn’t know how to explain the flash of panic that seizes him. The way he wishes she could just tell him that something is wrong, that there is some physical explanation for the way he feels. But all his other doctors say the same thing: there’s nothing wrong with him. His lungs have healed enough for him to go back to work. His hands aren’t even going to scar. There are no blood clots in his leg, no reason it should be hurting at all, except for how it will probably always hurt sometimes.
“But it’s worse,” Buck tries. “It hurts more, and more often, doesn’t that—shouldn’t it mean something is wrong?”
“You’ve been through a trauma,” is all the doctor will say, shrugging behind ultrasound and CT results that all say the same thing: he’s fine.
So why doesn’t Buck feel fine?
Why can’t he just feel fine?
He gets through the first shift fine. He’s exhausted at the end of it, a headache knocking behind his temples, but it’s fine. He’s fine. He lets Eddie talk him into going home with him, manages to smile through breakfast with Christopher before crashing hard on the couch, and when he wakes up a few hours later, he’s fine.
The second shift, he doesn’t go home with Eddie. Doesn’t leave the station with a headache, either, which is nice, but he’s left with something restless and itching beneath his skin that makes him want to run until he has forgotten how to breathe.
He goes home instead. Deep cleans his apartment. Heats up frozen lasagne for lunch and eats sitting on the balcony, squinting at the grey edge of the sky and wondering if it’s going to rain.
Come over for dinner? 🥺 Chimney texts around four p.m., and Buck spends several minutes frowning at the message before he sends back a question mark. Chimney sends back a block of the same emoji in response and refuses to elaborate.
Fine, Buck replies. But just for the record I’m sick of eating pot roast.
He’s half expecting it anyway; Maddie isn’t a bad cook, but her repertoire is a bit limited, and Chimney’s even more so. When he arrives at six-thirty on the dot, he’s pleasantly surprised, and then a little suspicious, to find them setting out containers of Thai from one of Buck’s favourite takeout places.
“This isn’t another intervention, is it?” he asks, and he tries to make it sound like a joke, but he’s pretty sure he doesn’t succeed.
“Should it be?” Maddie asks, eyebrows raised.
“No,” Buck answers, matching her raised eyebrows with his own narrowed eyes. “I thought we agreed you couldn’t fix me.”
Chimney fumbles a grease-stained paper bag and two spring rolls make a bid for freedom, rolling across the counter. He snatches them quickly, muttering hot hot hot under his breath as he drops them onto a plate. He doesn’t say, “ah, so there is something that needs fixing,” but he may as well have. Buck steals a spring roll and bites down on it hard, chewing and swallowing even as his eyes water at the burn of too-hot pastry and filling.
Maddie rolls her eyes. “Sometimes dinner is just dinner, Evan. Why don’t you help Chimney set the table? I’m going to get Jee washed up to eat.”
Just dinner would be sitting in his apartment alone with whatever leftovers he dug out of the freezer, but Buck doesn’t argue. He takes the handful of cutlery Chimney offers him and sets it out on the table, Maddie and Chimney side-by-side, Buck opposite them both, plastic cutlery arranged carefully on Jee’s high chair at the head of the table. It’s hard to feel anything but warm inside when handling toddler cutlery, which was probably Maddie’s goal all along.  
It spreads through him while they eat: warmth soaking into aching muscles, loosening the tension in his spine, helping him breathe a little bit easier. They don’t ask him if he’s okay and at some point he stops expecting them to. It’s like the moment after a jump scare in a movie, when all the tension that has been building snaps, the door pushed open to reveal a cat or a squawking bird where you expected to find a killer, adrenaline draining away to leave you loose and giggly. Buck stretches out his legs under the table and he can almost trick himself into believing that the twinge of pain is just in his head.  
After dinner is over—plates and cutlery packed into the dishwasher, leftover Thai in the fridge—he helps Maddie give Jee a bath and put her to bed. It’s good. Normal. From the moment the tap turns on until Jee’s bedroom light is turned off, he feels like he can breathe. Like he might be okay.
Which. That was probably Maddie’s goal all along.  
“You can stay,” Chimney offers when they’re back out in the kitchen. “The guest room has a proper bed and everything now.”
Buck smiles, appreciating the offer. “Nah, I should get home. Thanks though. For dinner and…”
A gesture, vague and all-encompassing. Chimney shrugs it away.
“Anytime,” he says, and Buck knows he means it. He could show up here at three in the morning and he wouldn’t be turned away. “See you at work tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Buck agrees. “See you at work.”
Maddie follows him to the door and hugs him tightly before he steps outside.  
“Drive safe,” she says against his shoulder, words cast like a spell. “Text me when you get home.”
It’s the kind of thing she has said to Buck all his life. He used to roll his eyes good naturedly, grumble through a yeah, okay , and he’d still speed through yellow lights but he’d always feel a little more guilty about it with Maddie’s words in the back of his mind.  
Tonight he just squeezes her again and promises, “I will.”
He slows down for every yellow light on the way home.
It’s not so bad at first: a dull ache, deep enough in his leg that he can almost ignore it. He’s getting pretty good at that, with the way it feels like the pain is always there these days, lurking, waiting to pounce. Buck avoids looking at it head-on for as long as he can, like it’s a monster in the dark that he can keep away by pulling a blanket over his head.
So it doesn’t sneak up on him, really, but it still takes his breath away when the pain corkscrews through his leg, suddenly sharp and biting. Buck stumbles, catching himself on the engine, choking back a curse that becomes a strangled wheeze. His first thought— fuck, ow ow ow —is followed quickly by a second: thank god everyone else is already in the engine .
“Buck?” Bobby calls, head sticking out through the front window. “You coming?”
Buck gives him a thumbs up, words trapped behind tightly clenched teeth. Climbing into the engine is hell, his leg pulsing with every step up, and he curls his hands into fists to hide the way they’re shaking after this seatbelt has been clipped into place. It was a long call, the kind that leaves everyone tired and not in the mood to talk, and Buck is absurdly grateful for it because it means nobody is paying too much attention to him. Nobody sees the wince he can’t hide when the truck jolts over a pothole, or the way he has to brace himself before jumping out when they’re back at the station.
There’s a bottle of Tylenol that lives in his work bag and he goes straight for it after he gets his turnout gear off. Everyone else has already drifted towards the bunks, but Buck tries not to limp as he walks up the stairs anyway. It feels too much like giving in. Like letting his leg and that bomber kid and the whole fucking universe win.
He tries to pace, tries to shake the cramp out by moving, but every step is like a knife through his ankle, his knee, shooting up through his hip to grip his chest in a vice as well. Buck makes it three limping circuits around the loft before he gives up and collapses on the couch. He folds over, head against his right knee, left leg stretched out while he digs his fingers into the long-healed muscles and wishes the pain would go away.
A stress headache is setting in now too, the kind that feels like his head is in a vice, the pain squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. Buck takes a shaky breath, then another, then another, trying to figure out whether he feels sick, or if it’s just the same coiling tension in his stomach that he’s been dealing with for weeks.
He flinches, startled, and Eddie moves closer with a frown.
“Buck? You okay?” he asks, sounding like he’s already halfway convinced that he answer is no . Which it is, but.
Buck swallows. “Yeah, just—my leg. ‘M okay.”
Eddie hums, an I’ll be the judge of that kind of sound, and he perches on the edge of the coffee table, so close that their legs have no choice but to touch. “Can I…?”
There’s a half-hysterical thought in the back of Buck’s head that his leg will fall apart if he lets it go. The pain will tear through flesh and bones and leave nothing but broken, jagged pieces behind. Blood and sinew and useless muscle hanging off splintered pieces of bone. The thought of it makes him sick and he has to swallow hard against the nausea before he can make his fingers loosen their hold. It gets him a smile, quick and gentle, like Eddie knows the mental battle it took.  
“Okay,” he says, easy and soft. “Do you want to lie down?”
Buck shakes his head. Even if he’s lying on his back, even if it’s the couch in the station instead of the rough asphalt of the street, his edges are too frayed right now for it to feel like anything other than being back there under the truck. He stretches his leg out in front of him instead, hands curled into tight fists while Eddie does his exam, quick but thorough.
“I don’t see anything concerning,” he judges, and Buck shouldn’t mourn the touch of his hands but he does. “No redness or swelling… is it just the pain?”
“Yeah,” Buck manages, too shaky. He doesn’t need to explain because Eddie knows more than most what it’s like when an injury heals but doesn’t ever fully let you go.  
“Alright.” Hand on his knee for a second, two seconds, warmth lingering even after it’s gone. “Heat or ice?”
Buck shakes his head because—he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know if anything will help.
“Okay,” Eddie takes his non-answer in stride, “we’ll try heat first, then switch if it isn’t working.”
It doesn’t take long to grab a couple of heating pads from the first aid cupboard, nor to pull the coffee table a bit closer so Buck can put his feet up on it without having to stretch. Hen would smack him if she saw him doing it, but he’s pretty sure Eddie would defend him. His only other option is stretching out on the couch and—no. Not tonight.  
“Here, drink this,” holding out a glass until Buck takes it.  “It’ll help.”
It’s only half full, which is good because Buck’s hands shake when he holds it. He still feels vaguely sick, but he chokes down a few sips anyway, clinging to the way Eddie smiles at him when he does.
“Better?” he checks, adjusting one of the heating pads that had started to slip off Buck’s knee.  
Buck wants to say yes. He wants to say yeah, all good now, thanks for your help but you don’t need to stay . He wants to rewind time and never get in the front seat of the truck. He wants to rewind time and wait just a few minutes before climbing up that ladder so the lightning doesn’t hit him. He wants and wants and wants. He’s spent his whole life wanting—his parents to love him, somewhere to belong, to be useful and good and happy —and even now that he has so much, he still fucking wants.  
Buck bites his lip through the sting of frustrated tears, determined not to cry.
“It’s been, um, worse. Lately. Since the lightning strike.”
Eddie frowns. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Buck shrugs, as if he doesn’t know the answer. As if the words aren’t right there on the tip of his tongue: I didn’t want anyone to worry .
“No,” Eddie says, gentle and a little bit—sad, almost, but trying not to be. It’s like he can read the words spinning through Buck’s mind. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
Because Eddie isn’t anyone . He hasn’t been for a long time. Buck rubs a hand over his face, then picks at a loose thread on his knee, avoiding Eddie’s eyes.
“Are you going to tell Bobby?” he asks.
“You don’t want me to,” Eddie says, not a question. Buck shakes his head anyway. “Because you don’t want him to worry? Or because you don’t want to be benched for the rest of shift?”
The simple answer is both . That’s the answer Buck is supposed to give. It’s what Eddie is expecting to hear. But the truth is that Buck died, and nobody will let him forget it, and he still doesn’t know how he really feels about it.
That coil in his stomach tightens, dread clogging his veins. A traitorous, frustrated tear slips out and Buck squeezes his eyes shut. He makes a belated movement to wipe it away, but Eddie’s hand is already there, the curl of his fingers warm under Buck’s chin and his thumb warmer still as it swipes gently across his cheek. It’s that, Buck thinks, more than the pain and the frustration, that makes the next two tears slip out.
“I won’t tell Bobby,” Eddie promises him, the absence of his touch burning like frostbite when he pulls his hands away. “But I’m going on record saying that I think you should.”
“I can still do my job,” Buck mutters, sinking into his corner of the couch. It’s the easiest excuse to hide behind. It’s even mostly true: he can do his job, even if adrenaline and determination are the only things that get him through.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
Buck wilts. He does know. And he doesn’t want to argue with Eddie. It’s always so much easier to be angry, to burn hot and fast and deal with the fallout later, but whenever he reaches for the flames these days, whenever he thinks it’s not fucking fair , all he feels is tired. Bone deep, achingly tired.
You’ve been through a trauma , people keep telling him, but Buck has been through traumas before and they’ve never left him feeling quite like this.
“Fine,” he sighs. “I’ll tell Bobby if it becomes a problem.”  
If it comes down to other people’s lives, he would have done it anyway. He’s not stupid; he’s not going to risk anyone else.
Eddie nods, satisfied. He takes the glass of water from Buck’s hands and sets it on the coffee table, out of the way, then settles into the couch at his side. There’s enough space that they don’t need to be touching, but they end up pressed together from thigh to shoulder anyway.  
“Do you think you can sleep?” Eddie asks.
Buck shrugs, but he’s pretty sure the answer is no. He’s pretty sure that Eddie knows it too.
“Alright,” he says, reaching for the remote. “But it’s my turn to pick what we watch.”
It’s not, but Buck doesn’t fight him on it. He doesn’t care what they watch, doesn’t think he could focus on it right now anyway. He closes his eyes, letting the sound of some late-night soap rerun fade into background noise, and waits for the pain to fade with it.
Buck doesn’t sleep, but he drifts, sinking down to something close enough to sleep that it can almost be called rest. His leg doesn’t hurt as much anymore, the weight of the heating pads over his knee and ankle as much of a relief as the heat itself. He’s not sure what time it is when footsteps on the stairs make him tense, threatening to undo all the hard work that Eddie and the heating pad have done to relax his muscles. The only thing that keeps him still is the hand Eddie puts on his thigh, warm and grounding. He squeezes gently— relax, you’re okay, I’ve got you —then stands up, meeting Bobby in the kitchen with an easy, “Hey, Cap, you want some coffee?”
Buck relaxes, listening to the familiar sound of people moving around the station kitchen: mugs clinking, the coffee machine gurgling, the slightest squeak of boots on the floor as Bobby and Eddie move around each other. It’s so familiar and soothing that he’s almost back in that state of not-quite-resting, drifting through the currents at the edge of the room, when he hears Bobby ask, “He okay?”
It’s right there in his voice: worry worry worry . Buck bites the inside of his cheek hard enough that he tastes blood, sudden and metallic. It stops his heart in his chest for a beat, two beats, and he has to breathe carefully through the swell of memory and nausea until the taste of blood and bile have both been swallowed down.
“Yeah,” Eddie is answering behind him, and that helps too, “just a leg cramp, he’s okay.”  
Buck doesn’t get to find out what Bobby’s response to that is—the alarm rings and he’s on his feet before it’s a conscious thought. Before he stops, one hand on the bannister going down the stairs, and wonders whether he should actually stay behind. Whether Bobby will make him stay behind.
He hesitates too long. Long enough that everyone else is already climbing into the truck and Bobby is looking back at him from the app bay, eyebrows raised.
“You coming, kid?”
Buck shakes himself and follows. He can still do his job.
The fire burns hot and fast, two townhouses already alight when they join the 122 on scene, a third just starting to go up as well.
“Shit,” Chimney mutters, and Buck feels it in his bones: people are going to die tonight. People are probably already dead, just waiting for someone to pull their bodies out.
“Buck—” Eddie starts, low and close, fingers twisted in his sleeve, and Buck doesn’t know what he’s going to say but—
“Not now,” he says, shaking Eddie off.
Eddie lets him go.
Buck tells himself that he’s grateful for it, even as his leg throbs in protest. He’s fine, he reminds himself. He’s fine, he can still do his job.
And he does. He lets the smoke and the flames numb him, sinking into the routine: check room after room after room, pull out body after body after body. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think.
He’s limping by the time they clear the buildings. The pain isn’t as bad as it was before, but it’s deep and persistent, the kind of always there pain he got used to feeling in the weeks after the ladder truck crushed him. Buck sees a life stretching out before him where it never goes away: he’ll wake up hurting every morning, go to sleep hurting every night, probably have to quit his job because he’s always, always hurting.
He feels sick. Thinks he might actually be sick, stuck on a roller coaster he doesn’t know how to get off, and he leans shakily against the engine, pressing his forehead against the cool metal while he tries to breathe the feeling away.
Bobby finds him there.
Of course Bobby finds him there.
“Here,” he says, and his hand is a steady pressure between Buck’s shoulder blades until he turns his head, blinking past the red of the engine to find a water bottle being held out. Bobby shakes it a little when Buck doesn’t immediately reach to take it. “Come on, Buck, you know the drill.”
Buck wonders which drill that is. The stay hydrated when fighting fires one, or the don’t disobey orders one, or maybe the let people take care of you one. It doesn’t really matter, he supposes, the answer is all the same. He grabs the water bottle from Bobby’s hand. Fumbles it open and takes a few sips.  
“Sit,” Bobby suggests, hand still on Buck’s back, gently guiding him the few limping steps until he can sit on the front of the engine. The scene is still bustling around them, firefighters moving like moths around the flames, but Bobby seems content just to stand beside Buck, watching silently.
Buck lasts five minutes before he breaks.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?” he asks, exhausted down his marrow.
“About your leg?” Bobby doesn’t pretend not to know what he’s talking about and Buck is grateful for it. “I figured you’d come to me if something needed saying.”
Buck swallows.  
Swallows again.
He’s pretty sure they’ve reached the point where something needs saying, but he has no idea where to start. I’m sorry , maybe. I swear the doctor cleared me , probably. The words all feel frothy on his tongue, taking up more room than they should, and he opens his mouth without really knowing which ones he’s going to say and—  
“I’m scared.”  
It’s a whisper. A confession meant for the dark safety of night, spilled out here in the burning daylight of a new day like oil on the road. The sun glints off it like a beacon: here! look, beware, there is danger here! Buck wants to scoop the words back up, shove them deep inside his chest, lock them up where he’s the only one who might choke on them. He wants to find a smile, or a joke, anything that he can tape over the moment to wipe the look of quiet concern off Bobby’s face. He wants to pretend that he’s fine because maybe if he pretends hard enough it will become true.
“I don’t even know why I’m scared,” he finds himself confessing anyway. “I don’t know why my leg hurts, or how to make it stop, or—”
or if I’ll ever feel normal again
There’s a flash of memory—Eddie crying at the dining table, Eddie’s room destroyed, Eddie’s door locked, Eddie dying in the street—so sudden and visceral that Buck flinches away from it. His breath stutters, and his leg throbs sharply, and it’s all so much that he almost flinches when Bobby puts a hand on his shoulder as well.
“I’m not going to pretend that I have all the answers,” Bobby says, as warm and steady as his hand. His lips twist into something wry for a second as he adds, “Or any of them.” Buck doesn’t smile, even though he thinks he’s supposed to. “But I’m always here if you want to talk, or even if you don’t.”
Bobby breakfasts . It’s not a secret at the firehouse, but it’s always talked about in low tones, the same way you’d whisper about something sacred. They’ve all had one at some point: a quiet invitation at the end of a hard shift, “we don’t have to talk if you don’t want to,” then the comforting bustle of a café with good coffee and eggs cooked any way you want them. Buck remembers sitting in that café three days after Eddie got shot, the taste of blood still in his mouth and his stomach too messed up to even think about eating, sipping camomile tea while Bobby ate a bagel and did the crossword in an honest to god newspaper beside him.
He remembers wondering where the newspaper even came from. Remembers the flash of fear at the realisation that he’d lost time somewhere between the firehouse and the café. Remembers his hands shaking around his teacup, china rattling as he set it back in the saucer, and Bobby’s knees bumping against his even though the table was big enough that they shouldn’t have.
He remembers that it helped, even if he didn’t really know it at the time.
“Captain Nash!” someone calls, and it’s like a bucket of ice water over Buck’s head.  
Bobby glances behind him, towards the IC who called his name, then back at Buck, his reluctance clear on his face.
“Go,” Buck tells him, hugging himself. “I’m okay.”
Bobby still hesitates, long enough that the IC calls his name again, and Buck tries for a smile that is probably more like a grimace by the time it reaches his lips. It gets Bobby moving though. Gets him to nod, once, and squeeze Buck’s shoulder again before he turns with a parting, “I’ll send Eddie over.”
Buck opens his mouth, halfway to a protest, but Bobby is already striding away. He should be annoyed, he thinks; he doesn’t need a babysitter. But instead he’s just kind of grateful as he sinks back against the engine, knowing he won’t be alone for long.
The shift is over by the time they get back to the station, but Buck still finds Bobby in his office. The door is open, but he knocks anyway, leaning heavily against the doorframe because he thinks his leg might collapse under him if he has to take one more step.
“I can’t,” he says, when Bobby looks up at him. “Talk about it. Not yet.”
Not with Bobby, at least. Not until he can find a way to say I’m not okay without also saying you died, you know? in my coma dream, you died because I wasn’t there to help save you, and I don’t know what to do with that because sometimes I feel like I can save everyone except myself .
“Okay,” Bobby says easily. “Would you like to have breakfast anyway? We don’t have to talk.”  
Buck smiles, tired but real. “I appreciate the offer, Cap, but—maybe a rain check?”  
Bobby’s face is a silent ah . “You’re going home with Eddie.”  
It’s not a question. Buck nods anyway. If he turned his head just slightly, he’d be able to see Eddie hovering by the engine, both their bags slung over his shoulder, waiting for Buck to be ready to go. Waiting to jump in if he’s needed too, knowing Eddie.
“Good,” Bobby smiles, and Buck knows it means he’ll take care of you . “If you need anything, let me know.”
“I will.”
Bobby nods, satisfied, then looks back down at his paperwork. “I’ll see you next shift, Buck.”
Buck bites the inside of his cheek so he doesn’t do something embarrassing like burst into tears. He has to breathe through the sudden lump in his throat a couple of times before he can say, “Thanks, Cap. See you next shift.”
He turns carefully, weight balanced on his good leg, and limps out towards the parking lot. It only takes a few seconds for Eddie to fall into step beside him, their shoulders bumping gently.  
“Okay?” he checks, brown eyes warm and serious on Buck’s face.  
Buck smiles; still tired, still pained, but still real.
“Yeah,” he answers. “All good.”
And it’s not really. Not fully. But—
“It will be,” Eddie agrees, smiling back.
It will be .  
Yeah, Buck thinks, he’s gonna be okay. His family will make sure of it.
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cordeliawhohung · 3 months
Good night core!!!
Here are more personal head canons from the same anon hehe:
If Simon and chip ever take a little beach trip, Simon is the one poking and prodding at chip to put on more sunscreen. She definitely hasn’t taken many trips to the beach and doesn’t think about sunscreen until she’s burnt to a crisp. Simon, on the other hand, (although many headcanon he hates the beach, I beg to differ) finds the beach relaxing, goes multiple times over the warmer months, so he knows a lot about sun protection.
Based off of chips fear of men, aside of the unspeakable act that happened in the laundry mat, I think chip has possibly been assaulted by men before, probably at a young age, which instilled the discomfort around men.
Chip cuts her own hair (don’t even get her started on the price of a haircut nowadays) and when she fucks it up she gives row a ring and she comes over and gives her a little fixin up
Price obviously treats chip like a daughter/rows daughter, and I think the first time chip got comfortable enough around him to cry it broke his heart into a million pieces, because all he could do was try comfort her as row hugged her tight
Simon teaches chip how to defend herself—stands behind her and holds her fists and maneuvers her into a fake fight scenario. Gives her some old boxing gloves too, tries to convince her to punch him and try to rough him up. She probably won’t budge.
Chip isn’t…the best cook. Burns everything.
Row on the other hand should own a damn restaurant with her good ass cooking
Chip will NEVER fall asleep on the job, as long as she’s clocked in, she’s LOCKED in. And that doesn’t mean she’s not exhausted—she is just an extremely hard worker.
ALSO, I didn’t mean chip was some little rat leaving shit around her apartment, I just think that she has a tendency to run late sometimes, and will throw her clothes on the floor in a rush to get ready. Same thing with her bed, never ever made, but at the same time there’s only one pillow and a blanket row got for her, so there really isn’t much to be making.
I feel like chip gets bloody noses often, maybe it’s stress induced.
Row is obviously very motherly, but she makes chip listen to her silly sex stories, even if chip cringes and plugs her ears.
Price loves when row comes back of the club a little tipsy, she’s definitely a drunk cuddle bug.
I feel like chip cannot hold her alcohol well. She pukes every time too.
Chip loves foxes, and her love for them freaks Simon out sometimes when she goes on little tangents about them.
oh boy i get to gush more.
1: Chip has def never been to a proper beach before. like sandy, sunny, get in the water type beach. and i bet Simon loves slathering sunscreen all over her as an excuse to touch her lmfao.
2: ..... well, i'll just say there's a reason girl with one eye by f+tm and 5AM by ex:re is on the in limbo playlist......
3: yes the self given haircuts! her hair hardly changes because of it too, style wise. like how is she supposed to give herself cool bangs and neat layers? nah, she'd fuck that up in a heartbeat and then Row would poke fun at her for it.
4: there's def this brotherly/older figure love between John and Chip for sure. Row and Chip are more akin to sisters than anything and we'll see more of that later for sure!
5: LMFAO Chip has poor noodle arms and probably hurts herself more punching something than she does the thing she's trying to punch i love that.
6: i mentioned this more in the mafia!au stuff but chip is actually a phenomenal cook! cannot bake for shit though.
7: Chip is the hardest worker known to man and would be sleep-working before fully falling asleep while at work lmfao
8: lmao chip def also hardly ever folds her clothes i feel like so she just has like 3 different hampers to separate between clean and dirty
9: as someone who gets stress induced nosebleeds i totally feel like she would too LMFAO
10: Chip def isn't super squeamish about sex talk or anything but i def agree she's like "row please stop" because she does not want to think about her and John like that lmfao
11: price and row have drunk sex all the time 10/10
12: chip is a lightweight and has to drink fruity drinks for sure
13: and FOXES omg??? that's so fitting for her? i feel like she loves the arctic foxes especially. the ones that jump and nosedive into the snow?? with their little butts and tails wiggling? oh my god that's so cute
i love her your honor
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phenomenalgirl9 · 1 year
Comfort: Kwon Soonyoung x Reader
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I'm ready to love, 내게 말해 줘
Can we stay together? Can we stay together?
Soonyoung has been very busy for the past few months and it’s nothing out of normal but you do feel lonely at times. So you have also been taking up more work load to kind of fill the void. You and him still text every moment of the day though. You were kind of shocked when you returned home to Soonyoung making Ramen for the two of you. “You’re home?” he said with the cutest smile and you wanted to squish his cheeks. “Hey, baby” you cooed at your boyfriend. “You go get freshen up and we can eat” he said and you nodded. The two of you finally sat down to have dinner together after a long time and like always conversation flowed like a river. “How was your day?” “Did your boss give you a hard time” “The weather is really getting cold” “Did you see that video I sent you”. Suddenly you remembered something and you told Soonyoung, “Soonie I won’t be there this weekend, we have a conference in Busan so I’ll be leaving on Friday and I’ll be back by Sunday evening” you said and Soonyoung’s face fell. “I-I thought we’d spend the weekend together” he said with a pout, “It’s okay work is important” he immediately said and stood up to clean the table and you helped him. You didn't think much of it. You had to do packing as you were leaving the next day. 
It was Saturday evening when Mingyu opened the door to a pouty Hoshi. “Hoshi hyung, are you okay?” Mingyu asked as Hoshi simply walked in and took a seat on his and Wonwoo’s couch. “Wait I’ll get Wonu hyung” Mingyu said and pulled the Game boi out of his den. “What happened Hoshiya?” He asked. “I brought drinks and snacks” he said and the three sat down with their glasses discussing their daily life and anything and everything in general. They were 3 pegs down when Mingyu realized that Hoshi is in fact very upset and he seemed to be lost in thoughts as Wonwoo told them about the new update in animal crossing. Wonwoo noticed it too, “Soonyoung-ah, are you okay?” he asked and the tiger boy started sniffing and tears started rolling down. “Y/n and I are drifting apart” he said, “Where is she? Weren’t you going to spend the weekend with her” Wonwoo asked, completely invested. “Yes, but-but she’s in Busan. What if she doesn’t love me anymore?” He cried into Mingyu’s shoulder. “Did she say something?” Wonwoo asked and Hoshi shook his head no. “Did she know your plan?” Mingyu asked and Hoshi again answered a no. “Then how could you come to this conclusion, dummy” Mingyu said and Hoshi sat there pouting. “When will she return?” Wonwoo asked, “Tomorrow evening” he said, “Then you talk to her when she returns” and the three decided to call it a night. Mingyu went on to cook something, as Wonwoo told him to call when he’s done, while Hoshi was lying down on the couch. 
It was around 8 and Seungcheol was about to call it a day and sleep early when he received a call. “What?” he said, “What do you mean you lost Hoshi!” he said and left his shared apartment, closing the door, leaving a very confused KKuma, waiting for him. “Should we call Y/n?” Seungkwan said and Wonwoo shook his head a No. “She’s out of town, let's call her when we’re sure we can’t find him anywhere” he suggested and the others agreed. “Why isn’t he picking up the calls!” Seungcheol said in frustration. 
You just returned to your room after the dinner and sat on your bed, ‘Mingyu calling…’ you looked at the time, it was past 10:30pm “Hello?” you answered the call and you heard his voice. “Umm.. Y/n, did Hoshi hyung contact you?” he asked and you said “No. Why?” you asked. “Um.. we were drinking and he was drunk, and we kinda might have lost him” Mingyu said and you stood up. “YOU LOST MY BOYFRIEND! Mingyu IT’S A HUMAN BEING, that TOO DRUNK!” you exclaimed, when your phone indicated another incoming call. “Wait a second Mingyu”. You received the call “Soonie?” you said and you heard his voice “Baby…. I-I’m so sorry….” You heard his voice which appeared to be a crying one. “Babe, where are you?” you asked. “…in the Busan station” he said. “You don’t move an inch, I’ll go find you” you said, and hung up. You immediately called back Mingyu “He’s here in Busan” you informed them as all of them sighed in relief. You took a cab and rushed into the station as soon as the car came to a halt. You found him sitting with his head down on a bench and you rushed and hugged him, he immediately hugged your waist. “Babe! I would have returned tomorrow, why did you rush in this situation and that too without telling anybody” You told him and he was mumbling something. You shot Mingyu a quick “found him” text. “Babe? Are you okay?” you asked as you watched him sitting silently with his head down. Suddenly he almost jumps you and hugs your bed and starts sniffing loudly. “Babe, why are you crying?” you asked and he started sobbing loudly. You know Hoshi gets emotional when he is drunk but this seems a bit different. “Please don’t leave me” he suddenly said and then you realized what Wonwoo meant by that text “He thinks you two are drifting apart”
“Babe, are you crazy? I’d never leave you” you said, bending down to his level and cupping his face. “I am so sorry that I didn’t realize that I was hurting you” you said and he shook his head vigorously “No. It’s not your fault! I’m so sorry” he said and hugged you again. 
That was when you realized, Hoshi always needed your comfort. It doesn’t matter who or what hurt him. Even if it’s you, he still needs to be comforted by YOU. 
You laughed as Hoshi opened his eyes, groaned and shut them again. “Wake up tiger, we’re gonna spend the day together” you told him as you stood beside the bed where he was lying down. He immediately wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into him. “I missed you. I’m sorry” he murmured. “I love you too, my Horangi” you said and pecked his lips. “HORANGHAE!” he screamed and the two of you started laughing. 
All I wanna do is run away 'cause you are my escape,
Love has no limit 대답을 원해, hey
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ishaslife · 2 years
Harada Sanosuke: Analysis | Hakuoki
Please keep in mind that everything in the following post is my opinion and will contain spoilers for the Hakuoki games: Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms as well as the anime. Also disputing talk of assault.
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I don't get the hate towards Harada. I have seen so many posts or comments talking about how Harada is this borderline sexist, possessive dude who doesn't allow Chizuru to come out of her shell and makes her this damsel in distress. Also, how he doesn't have any character besides "I want to meet a beautiful woman and have a family and a nice house by the ocean". So, first of all, there is nothing wrong with being a damsel in distress, I wholeheartedly believe that Chizuru would've died the night she came to Kyoto or been eaten by the furies had the Shinsengumi not saved her, she isn't helpless I know that but she isn't a warrior either and she is no match for furies or trained soldiers, Harada knows this. As for his stereotypical view on genders, he never uses them in a way to harm anyone and always has Chizuru's best interest in mind.
At the last leg of Kyoto Winds, if you're romancing him, he tells Chizuru that "the battlefield is no place for a woman" believe me, I was put off to hear that but he follows it by saying "and you're not a warrior" and he isn't wrong again. Chizuru is not a fighter and she would very likely die or not be able to fight in a battle for various reasons. He doesn't necessarily mean "you're woman and you don't belong in battle" he basically means that she isn't a woman who's a warrior.
Chizuru isn't weak. She's strong but not in a masculine sense, her strengths lie elsewhere, in, I suppose what most would consider "feminine" aspects of life. She is a woman of the 1800s and is good at things that women are expected to be good at in those times and has done very brave things like risking her life coming to Kyoto. The reality is that she is a good cook, she knows a good bit of healing, she can clean and she works very hard to keep everyone's spirits up, she has some skill with a sword but not enough to fight trained samurai or rabid furies. She does owe the Shinsengumi and she knows this, that is commendable. All this doesn't make her weak or small or a damsel in distress, she does all she can and what she's good at; just like Harada does what he's good at and that's fighting to protect people, he often talks about how being a Samurai isn't about fighting, it's about protecting women and children (please remember that this is during a time when MOST women were still homemakers). Despite wanting to embody the epitome of masculinity, people tend to forget that Harada is very kind and gentle towards Chizuru, asks her about her thoughts and feelings and does the same in return, tells her to let herself feel what she feels and not hide it which are also qualities that aren't toxic or toxically masculine, in fact, in those days they would've been considered feminine and weak. People don't tend to like the fact that Harada's route more human and doesn't allow Chizuru to find out more about her demon blood and I agree. I do wish that the devs would've added more story to Chizuru and her bloodline in Harada's route aside from the romance. Harada doesn't seem to mind that she is a demon, as he has said plenty of times and it would only make sense if she wants to know more about her family and where she comes from, which would make her choice to live as a human feel more earned and satisfactory. Edo Blossoms in general was a very rushed game and feels more so like an epilogue than a proper story like Kyoto Winds which is a shame but oh well.
Harada has never struck out to me as someone who is possessive or even misogynistic. As a lover, he wants to look out for Chizuru and protect her, as every partner should. Even as a friend, he wants to look out for her because he swore to protect her, like the other Shinsengumi men and Harada likes to keep his promises. His flirty remarks here and there are just part of his personality and how he is, he likes to joke around, be carefree and make girls blush and he knows his limits, something that he calls Nagakura out on, saying "you don't understand when a girl starts to get uncomfortable", something along those lines I believe. Although Chizuru is a predefined character who has her own thoughts and feelings, most tend to forget that she is still being played by the player and many tend to self-insert themselves in the game like I did. A lot of her personality changes with who she romances. With Harada, her whole self-inflicted angst is that she is a monster and he's a human, hence he'll never like her the way she likes him (remember that Chizuru has had a crush on him for a while now and Harada knows this as he fancies her too but he doesn't push it because he doesn't want to cause complications) Harada only properly says he loves Chizuru when SHE confesses to him, saying that he has always had putting his feelings into words which is something I can relate to.
Most people have qualms with a scene that comes a while after this, where Chizuru decides to leave for Edo alone because she doesn't want the man she loves to have to choose between his best friend and her, the woman he loves. So, let me break it down: When she goes to say goodbye, Harada gets sad and says "you're not even gonna bother consulting me, are you?" to which Chizuru replies "that's right, I'm telling you. Right now." Harada gets a bit upset after this and that is valid, he brings up a fair point that this is war and if they separate now, there's a very likely chance they won't see each other again. And Chizuru knows this. They are a couple and couples make decisions together, her telling him that she is going to go to Edo by herself is hurtful if you put yourself in Harada's shoes. Being told such a thing would get anyone angry, he isn't mad at her because she wants to go alone, he's mad because she didn't even bother talking to him about it. She calls herself pathetic and says that she feels like she is a burden to him. This is self-deprecation on Chizuru's part, not Harada's, from the beginning, he has wanted to care for her and protect her. He has never seen it as a burden or something that bothers him, it truly makes him happy to do so. Harada contemplates and says that he has never wanted much from life, only to be with a beautiful woman, have a beautiful home and some peace and quiet and he has had plenty of opportunities to do so but he never did because he couldn't commit but now that he has found Chizuru, he finally feels like he can be happy with someone and commit to the good, idyllic life that he wants. He points out that she chose him and told him that she wanted to spend her life with him so; according to me, her choosing to go to Edo alone is a bit counter-intuitive, it's almost as if she came to say "goodbye" to Harada hoping he'd change her mind. It is also a bit selfish on Chizuru's part because they are in this together, even if he went on to fight with Nagakura, he'd keep worrying about how Chizuru is and what happened to her. Honestly, this whole scene would've gone a lot better if she just talked to him about it rather than tell him.
Another scene which seems to put people off is their kiss in the beginning of Edo Blossoms, Chizuru is sad and distressed because of how Sanan has been speaking to her and basically threatening her, telling her that she doesn't care about the the Shinsengumi and has concocted a lie about Heisuke, saying he's getting worse (we don't know this to be false at this point in the game) and has told her to not tell Harada about it because he may get angry and that might cause him to want to leave altogether. After days of not talking to one another, Harada has had enough and asks Chizuru why she is so sad and crying, she ends up getting very hysterical and doesn't give him a clear answer for obvious reasons, not knowing what to do, Harada kisses her out of the blue. Now, I have heard that this is assault or harassment by harada because "he kisses her against her will" but I disagree. The definition(s) of assault according to the Cambridge dictionary is:
to attack someone violently.
to make a sudden, violent attack on someone.
And harrasment:
behaviour that annoys or upsets someone
behaviour that annoys or troubles someone
illegal behaviour towards a person that causes mental or emotional suffering which includes repeated unwanted contacts without a reasonable purpose, insults, threats, touching or offensive language.
behaviour towards someone that is threatening or that annoys or upsets them.
If it was assault and/or harrasment, Chizuru wouldn't have liked it (and we know she did) and she had every opportunity to push him away but she doesn't. Chizuru is a decently strong woman and she would never tolerate any form of mistreatment. Even if her efforts were futile, she wouldn't stand being kissed by someone she doesn't like. Besides, if one has played Kyoto Winds, they know that Harada knows Chizuru and respects her, he wouldn't do something to her that he knew she wouldn't like. He is also not the kind to assault someone, a big part of his personality is protecting the helpless. Harada knows she likes him and she does, we as the player know this and Harada likes her, even if it is unspoken or she chooses to be oblivious of it (but it isn't since at the end of Kyoto Winds, Harada tells her "when you fall for someone, you want to protect them always"). Besides, this is a romance in a video game. Inserting myself in this scenario, as I'm sure many of us do when playing these games, I would not categorise this as assault, I'd want to be kissed by my crush. Eventually, it does help her calm down and she is able to talk to Harada about what she's been going through and he looks out for her. Those saying it's "unrealistic" to do such a thing, this is an anime game taking place in the mid 1800s where a woman is surrounded by a harem of men who look after her, oh and also, demons. Of course its unrealistic, it's a video game. In reality, she'd have died the night she came to Kyoto or worse.
Harada's Personality:
Harada is a bit of a complex, he's simple but he's not. He is hyper masculine but he's very gentle and kind. He likes the ideal of protecting the helpless, even in a relationship, he sees it as a man's job to protect the woman he loves. Some may call this sexist but I don't think so, as a partner, you want to protect your significant other, whether it is physically or emotionally. Either both can do it or just one, in some relationships that works, that is, if the other doesn't expect the same in return and that's absolutely fine. As a straight female, I adore the idea that the man I love would want to protect me, it is heartwarming to hear such a thing from your significant other and for them to put it into action. Harada is one of those people, he wants to protect Chizuru and doesn't expect her to do the same, mostly because she can't. She isn't too skilled physically so it only makes sense that Harada would be the physical protector. This doesn't make him sexist, it is just his preference. And there is nothing wrong with a man being physically dominant or being the protector in a relationship, some people like myself are into that. It doesn't make a woman weak to be physically protected by her partner, her strengths may lie elsewhere like Chizuru's do. She is very grounded and allows Harada to be more open, which in a sense is emotional protection. He opens up to her about his feelings and thoughts and things he's always wanted from life. Things, he's never even told his closest friends. She looks after him in a more traditionally feminine ways and is happy doing so. Harada is very level-headed and always tries to put himself in other people's shoes before making a decision, he's thoughtful and dutiful. He sees being a samurai not being about fighting or gaining glory but about protecting the weak which is a quality that's difficult to find. He cares deeply for his friends and comrades, has learnt from his foolish mistakes as a boy which has made him a sensitive, sensible and mature person. His flirtiness and tendency to joke around with people is just a character trait that makes him approachable and playful, it isn't immaturity. As for him calling Chizuru an "idiot" or "stupid", well, one can argue that she was being stupid and idiotic in those instances, she is a very passive character and tends to become very self-deprecating at times which can be frustrating, Harada has the patience of a monk, most people would just get annoyed. And besides, I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to be called out on my idiocy by my partner. Also, the way harada says it, sounds more playful than malicious.
I adore his level-headedness and ability to make decent decisions despite the initial impression of him as a character. I genuinely thought he was gonna be the comic relief of the game and not have a good romance path but I was wrong. He sneaks you out the first night or so you have been at the Shinsengumi headquarters to help you get some air and not be clouded with bad thoughts which is a super sweet gesture given the tight spot you're in. He talks with Sen in the hopes that she might be able to help you feel better. He even looks out for you with Sanan and basically tells him not to bother you further. In his special anime episode, he puts his life on the line for a stranger who just wants to meet his sick mother and, albeit a minor thing: while they're outside he fixes Chizuru's slipper for her, also allowing her to lean on him while he does so. I know this seems a silly thing to mention but it's a little sign of care and compassion which touches my heart more than anything. If these are not signs of love, duty or care towards a person/people then perhaps I have it wrong.
Harada has gotten very high up in my fictional crush list lol and he might stay there forever I think. Truly a wonderful man <3
"if you live each day in spite of yourself, refusing to accept what you truly want, then it's only natural for you to lose touch with who you really are." - Harada Sanosuke
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ficreadergirl · 9 months
Dangerous Inquiries (2.ch.6)
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After a long girls night with Kory and a couple of drinks both of you fell asleep on your couch. You woke up early in the morning with a terrible hangover and a vague memory of what happened last night. As you tried to piece together your memories from yesterday, you realized that Kory had managed to drag some information out of you about Jason and yourself.
You groaned in pain as you sat up on the couch, your head throbbing from the alcohol. You rubbed your eyes and looked around for your phone to check the time but couldn't find it anywhere. While you were searching for it Kory's phone started to ring. She groaned and reached for her phone which was lying on the coffee table.
"Hello?" she answered sleepily. There was a brief pause before she continued, "Oh hi Dick. Yeah, I'm with Y/n. We were just... chatting." she paused again listening to whatever Dick was saying on the other end. "Yeah, I'll tell you about it later. Okay?" she said before ending the call.
"What did he want?" you asked curiously as Kory put her phone back on the table.
"He was asking if you're good. And some stuff about work." she replied with a yawn. "Oh and he also wanted to know if you're interested in going out for lunch today since it's your day off."
"Oh my! I forgot about the work!" you said realizing that it was already late morning. You stood up from the couch and stretched your tired muscles trying to shake off some of the remaining dizziness caused by alcohol.
"I thought it was your day off when you drunk that much honey. He blew your mind that much huh?" Kory teased with a smirk. Your cheeks flushed red at her comment but you ignored it. She laughed at your reaction before standing up herself.
"You should take a day off girl. We need a good breakfast to literally wake up." she said walking to the kitchen. You followed her into the kitchen where she began preparing breakfast.
"Actually I need to work for a case. I remembered now. Jason said this guy attacked the courthouse was killed." you explained as you helped Kory prepare breakfast.
"So you two were not just making out last night." she commented without looking up from the stove. You blushed even deeper but decided not to respond. Instead you focused on helping her cook breakfast hoping that the heat in your cheeks would fade soon enough. Once breakfast was ready you and Kory sat down at the dining table to eat. The food tasted amazing despite your still aching headache and you found yourself enjoying every bite.
"How can you be so good at that? This is delicious." you complimented her as you took another bite of your omelette.
"Practice, love." she shrugged nonchalantly. "And I love cooking. It's one of my favourite things to do when I need to unwind or relax."
You smiled at her. "Well you're really good at it then."
"Thank you. When will you call them by the way?" she asked between bites.
"I don't think they care honestly. Even when cops bring a murder suspect, they don't care. They just want to get rid of him no matter if he's really guilty or not. They don't like me in there because of how I deal with all that I guess." you sighed remembering how you always fought for your clients and made sure they got a fair trial.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I know you always try your best." Kory said softly reaching across the table to hold your hand. You smiled gratefully at her feeling comforted by her touch. "But if it makes any difference, Dick and me are proud of what you do."
"Thanks Kory. That means a lot." you replied sincerely. After breakfast you helped Kory clean up the kitchen and called work. You explained that you wouldn't be coming in today due to a headache and would work from home instead since you didn't have a trial to attend.
"So... what do we do now?" she asked once everything was cleaned up.
"I have some research to do on this case." you answered. "Maybe we can watch a movie or something after that."
"Sounds good to me." Kory agreed. You grabbed your laptop and started working on the case in your study while Kory went to the living room with a book she chose and started to read it. You were deep in thought about the case when you heard a knock at your door. You heard Kory got up to open it but you didn't pay much attention until she called out your name.
"Y/n! There's someone here to see you." she called out. You stood up and walked towards the door still lost in thought about the case. When you came to the door you saw Jason standing there looking nervous.
"What happened?" you asked him immediately concerned. He looked at you for a moment before speaking.
"Can I come in?" he asked softly. You stepped aside and let him in, closing the door behind him.
"What happened boy?" Kory asked following behind you. Jason glanced at her before looking back at you.
"I might be in trouble." he said simply. "I need your help."
You and Kory exchanged worried glances before turning back to him. "What happened?" you asked gently.
"I..." he hesitated. "They think I murdered that man." he finally admitted.
"What?" you exclaimed in shock.
"Did you do it?" Kory asked bluntly. You could see the concern in her eyes but she wasn't about to let him get away with it if he had done it.
"No Kory." he replied shaking his head. "I didn't do it."
Kory studied his expression for a moment before seeming to relax slightly. "Alright, then what happened?"
"I might be... at the scene of the crime that night." Jason confessed. "But I didn't kill him."
"You were talking about beating him... was it that night?" you asked him your eyes wide with shock. He then looked away embarrassed by his actions. Kory sighed and shook her head.
"Seriously Jay?" she asked him. "You couldn't have just left it at that? You had to go and beat him!"
"I was angry!" he snapped. "He deserved it! But I didn't kill him."
Kory and you exchanged glances again before turning back to him. "Alright." you said slowly. "We believe you. What do you need us to do?"
"Just know that there's a murderer out there. It wasn't me." he said softly.
Kory looked at him for a moment before nodding. "So... you may want to take a week of maybe Y/n. Until we get him. Since you were about to be his lawyer... he might come after you."
"Shit..." you muttered under your breath. "I'll have to cancel my appointments for the week then." you said. Kory nodded in agreement as she glanced at Jason. He looked worried and you could tell he was regretting his actions.
"I'm sorry I got you involved in this." he muttered.
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Feel better soon!!!! 💕💕💕
Maybe Alma realizing that she put way too much on Julieta's shoulders cause she has NO IDEA WHAT TO DO IN A KITCHEN OMG JULIETA COME QUICK THE CURTAINS ARE ON FIRE!!!!
Julieta runs her kitchen like a well oiled machine and it's sheer chaos when anyone else tries to take over.
Can Alma cook? Yes. Can she cook well? Oh yes! But does she have any idea where Julieta puts half the ingredients or even the pots and pans? God no!
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Alma was an experienced cook. Of course she was! Casita hardly did all the cooking as the triplets grew up.
But, it must be admitted, Julieta ended up doing the bulk of the work. At first it was practice for her Gift. Then Alma had a long day and asked Julieta to handle dinner. Then Julieta offered. Then Alma told herself it was still all practice, really, there was no harm...
And thus Julieta became the head chef of the household.
Pepa was strictly forbidden from even touching the stove or oven. Her attempts at cooking always ended in disaster. Bruno was typically a decent cook, but was so anxious about burning something that he tended to undercook things instead. Either way, the results ranged from "good" to "stone cold."
As for Alma herself, she got used to simply not cooking. Julieta will handle it, became the motto in regards to Casita's kitchen. Sometimes, Alma would still help with dinner, but she usually helped with clean-up, not with actually cooking.
But they were trying to do better. They were splitting chores evenly now. Julieta deserved a night off.
It's just...Well. Alma was left with the embarrassing realisation that she didn't understand Julieta's sorting system at all. The spice rack made perfect sense; Julieta had everything listed in alphabetical order. But where on earth did her daughter put the pots and pans? Where was the chopping board? Why were the bowls in such a random cupboard? The pantry left her baffled; she overlooked the jar of coconut she needed three times.
She should have known better than to accept Camilo's offer of help, but he was so earnest and excited to try cooking, and Alma did need the help...
Why did she smell smoke?
"Abuela!" came Camilo's startled yelp.
Alma turned around and her jaw dropped. She didn't know how it happened, but the curtains were on fire. She'd turned her back on the stove for a minute! Wasn't Camilo watching it? Oh no, she'd asked him to chop the fruit for dessert. No one had been watching the stove.
No one had been watching the stove.
Camilo threw a bowl of water on the curtains. Alma turned off the stove and hastily moved aside the pot of burned food. It was a big charred mess and smelled terrible.
Casita rattled the floor tiles and the tiles on the counter. The windows swung open, letting in the fresh evening air.
Camilo looked at the charred wreck of their dinner and winced.
Alma sighed, shaking her head. Perhaps she was a little out of practice.
"...Would it be terrible of us to order dinner?" Alma asked, amused despite her embarrassment. Camilo smirked at her.
"We'd better be quick about it," he said. Alma waved him away and he made a mad dash for her room, no doubt to grab her purse for her.
"Casita," Alma said. Her home rattled again in acknowledgment. "Please make sure no one ever discovers this...disaster."
It felt like Casita was laughing at her, but Casita agreed to dispose of the evidence.
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sensei-venus · 2 years
How does alpha Miguel react when his omega is finally pregnant??
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•Our little golden retriever is in shock for a good minute, his brain is pure static for a good minute before he’s bouncing around like it’s christmas day. I think everyone agrees that Miguel has a breeding kink, like a real “I'm going to put a whole litter in you” type beat. He is actively trying everytime they go though a sheared rut and heat. Even outside ruts and heats he asks his partner if they want to try for pups.
•Alpha! Miguel dreams of having his own pups one day. Even as a kid he loved the idea of having his own little baby's to take care of. His mom probably took him to the nicu area of the maternity ward when she worked at the hospital. He was just in aw as he pointed at different baby’s in their little glass/plastic containers, all bundled up. He watched as couples and parents sat down next to their baby’s, watching little fingers and hands grab at their parents. From then on he knew he wants a whole house full of pups.
•He thinks about taking some down time after the two of them find out the pregnancy. His omega is against it though, saying they would be fine alone at home during the pregnancy. Alpha! Miguel is unsure because he wants to be there for every moment, he truly is a alpha that will wait on his omega hand and foot, especially now that their pregnant with his pup. It’s like watching a kicked puppy. After some talking they both agree that he should keep working at the dojo but just cut on classes so he can be home more.
•Lots of belly time, from the moment he finds out about the pregnancy. He likes to touch and talk to his omega’s belly all the time. He loves putting his head right on their belly. Even after he's told he won't hear or feel any kind of movement he still does it. He just wants to be right there all the time. He's so clingy its funny. Loves it when his omega runs their fingers though his hair while he just listens to their belly for a while. He just wants to be close to the both of them.
(This is my Headcanon or preference, but I would like to think that Alpha! Miguel’s omega is more cautious about pregnancy.)
•He wants to tell everyone as soon as they find out that their last matting took. He wants to go out and tell his mom and grandma, along with Johnny and Daniel. Talks about throwing a big get-together with all their friends to announce the news. Already talking about having a big dinner to tell everyone because we all know he wouldn't be able to keep the secret for long.
•He gets a little sad when his omega tells him they should wait just a little longer before telling anyone. Their scent hasn't fully changed and they aren't showing yet. His omega wants to make sure the pregnancy actually takes. At the end of the day he understands. They wait until their about three months in to tell everyone.
•Is basically a lap dog during the pregnancy. He's doing everything he can for his omega. Cooking, cleaning, rearranging the house. Once they start showing it's game over for them trying to do anything on their own. He goes into alpha protect mode and that also means he doesn't trust anyone with his omega. Somedays he has to be basically beat with a stick just so his omega can go hang out with his mom.
•Crys more then his omega or at least tears up more. Has a soft spot for just watching his mate woddle around as they get bigger. He love how soft they get. Alpha! Miguel will fully admit that he gets hard over the “Coming home to a round pregnant wife who is barefoot around the kitchen” it’s not in some kind of misogynistic way but in a “When I come home to that I’m on my hands and knee’s kissing my pregnant wife’s feet” kinda way, and he gets a hard on within seconds.
•He knows that pregnancy is hard, but he won’t ever say no to pregnant sex. He knows the hormones are getting to them and he’s happy about it. He will do anything, oral, rubbing and grinding, penetration, he would even suck on their full breasts and get them off that way if they want him to. He’s willing to try anything during the pregnancy as long as they are up to it. As long as they are comfortable with it.
•Praise kink 100x more, he’s telling them constantly how amazing they are, and he’s showing it to. He loves holding them from behind and rubbing at their now full and wide hips, hands and fingers ghosting over their round belly. He loves to whisper in their ear how amazing they are and how sexy they look all round with their pup. He tells them how he can’t wait to put another one in them. He even goes as far as telling them that the next time he’s aiming for a full litter.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Hello my lovely Bestie💙, could I please request an HC of Loki where he attempts to cook dinner for the reader, and it just does not come out well.
Loki Laufesyon xreader - Cooking Dinner HeadCanon Fan Fic Request
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Summary: Loki tries to cook dinner for Y/N but it doesn’t come out right
Warnings: angst and fluff, mentions of feeling overwhelmed and stressed
. Loki attempts to cook Y/N’s favorite meal wanting to do something nice for his girl without using magic
. Loki tries to follow the recipe just right but he would taste test it every once in a while but something would be missing each time
. Y/N offers to help Loki make the dinner but Loki reassures her that he can do it though he’s feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed out but wants to make a real effort
. Y/N loves that Loki is really trying to cook & not using magic to cook
. The meal comes out burned and not quite how it should and the kitchen would be all smoky and Loki is really sad but Y/N comforts him and lets him know that he really tried and that was ok & they threw it away and cleaned up the kitchen together and ordered takeout from their favorite restaurant
. Loki felt really bad about the dinner and apologized again but Y/N made sure to tell him that she wasn’t upset that next time that maybe he’ll let her help and he agrees
. Loki wanted to do something nice for Y/N because he wanted to make sure she knew he loved her and wanted to impress her because he wanted to show that he doesn’t use magic for everything
. Y/N helps Loki later on how to make her favorite dinner making it fun for the both of them and Loki loved seeing Y/N smile and adores her and always smiled at how adorable his girl is
Hey Lovey!! I hope you like it, I hope it’s close to what you wanted 😊🤍🤍xx I love writing for Loki 😊💚💚
If I forget to take anyone please let me know xx
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xatsperesso · 2 years
That’s all the indication Kazuki needed to know what’s happening. What’s going to happen. He tentatively raised his arms, looking at the wall as if he could see what, or who was behind the wall.
He was there in the times of sorrow. As cold as he was back then, he didn’t leave. He stayed. He didn’t leave. That’s way more than what everyone did, and for that, Kazuki’s grateful.
Grateful that he stayed with him despite everything. Despite all the rules that he forced on him, all the critiquing of the other’s lifestyle, all the stupid decisions fuelled by his gambling addiction.
Sure, Kazuki only thought the other stuck around because of his cooking. Because he cleans the house and takes care of the laundry, but he likes to think that they’re closer now. That he cares now, not just about Kazuki, but about Miri too. That hopefully, with Kazuki out of the picture, he’s going to continue taking care of their little girl.
But Rei has always been hard to read, just like cats. maybe Rei will be fine. After all, they knew this was going to happen one way or another.
Miri isn’t going to like this. She may think that her papa left her like her mom, but she’s still too young. She forgot about her mom pretty quickly, so maybe she’ll forget about him too. Maybe, hopefully, he’ll only be a distant memory for her, so she wouldn’t have to bear the pain of losing someone
He regrets coming here today. He regrets not being prepared enough, that he didn’t put a better plan, didn’t prepare better for the mission, that he agreed on the mission in the first place.
But most of all, he regrets what going to happen next. How he’s going to leave his best friend, his partner, and his baby girl like that.
“Take care of Miri for me, will ya?” His smile was bittersweet, but he smiled nonetheless.
At least he got the time to say his last words.
A loud bang resonated around the warehouse, and everything went black.
“Take care of Miri for me, will ya?” That’s all the indication Rei needed to know what’s going to happen.
He knew this was a bad idea. He knew that this was going to happen someday, but no matter how many times he told Kazuki he just never listens
‘This is the best way to do it’ he says. ‘You can’t act, so I have to do this’ he argued. ‘Careful, now. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you care’ he teases as if it isn’t so painfully obvious that Rei cares.
Because of course he cares! How can he not when Kazuki’s the only one who didn’t mind living with Rei’s everything. That no matter how many times Rei attacked him when he was startled, he still approached him. That no matter how cold Rei was, he still talked to him. That no matter how much of a blunt, uncooperative, untrusting asshole he was, Kazuki still spent time with him.
He allowed Rei to stay with him. He didn’t care how messy Rei was, how he never helped around the house and always slept in the tub forcing Kazuki to stop showering in the mornings. How Rei never even thanked Kazuki for cooking him food, and yet he continued to do so. He continued to care for the house while all Rei did was play his video games. He continued to do these chores after Miri came into their lives, making them a lot harder.
Rei cared about Kazuki more than he cared about anything else.
Rei starts to move because how dare he try leave Rei after he infected him with these feelings. How dare he try to leave Miri like that after both her parents abandoned her. How dare he leave Rei to be the one to tell her how she’d never see her papa again.
He should be here to get exasperated at the amount games and plushies Rei bought, and the colors Miri painted on the walls. He should be here feeling joy at Miri’s happiness whenever she eats his food and done with Rei’s pickiness. He should stand beside Rei crying as Miri entered her first day of school and as she grew up to graduate and live the life he always wanted and be happy with them as they grew old enough to retire this life-
But before Rei could even take one step towards the warehouse, a loud bang resonated from there, echoing through their earpiece. All Rei saw at that moment was red.
He’s going to make sure who pulled that trigger regrets it deeply.
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awlimagines · 1 year
How they act when sick
Cecilia mostly knows her limits from being sickly before moving to the valley. She will not try to work in the fields but wants to visit the Goddess Pond. Cecilia is surprisingly good at slipping away from Marlin and Vesta’s watchful eye each time. They eventually speak with you to request you keep an eye out and go with her if you can. Ceci notices this after you conveniently follow her along the path with the excuse to pick herbs and flowers. She seems paler as she insists you don’t change plans because of her and worrying about being an inconvenience. You convince her it’s no bother and you’re worried for her health. Over time, you convince Cecilia to use your home as a halfway point. She eventually confesses your milk soup has become her favorite comfort food for the days she feels weak.
Gordy is close to being a perfect patient. He takes medicine and limits his exertion according to what is appropriate without much oversight. Gordy doesn’t cause you any stress worrying over his well-being even while sick, most of the time. He is prone to forgetting to care for himself when inspiration strikes. Gordy cannot let it pass by remaining in bed or sitting idle and must act before the idea flees. He becomes intently focused and often does not hear your protests. Your first fight with Gordy occurred over this tendency. Unable to distract him, you stepped between him and his art. In retrospect, you knew it was a bad idea, but at the moment, you didn’t realize it until his fist hit the metal next to your head. The action scared both of you. Gordy recovered first to lecture you on how dangerous it was to get in the middle. You defended by saying how he wouldn’t listen and take a break. You compromise by him keeping a notepad to note his inspirations, and you make sure to have his attention before moving in front of him while he is working.
You find him complaining about the lab being colder lately though it feels like a sauna. It takes a while, but you convince Daryl to hold still long enough to check his temperature. You confirm he’s running a fever and should probably rest and recover. Daryl is appalled by your suggestion. He cannot take a sick day! There is too much Daryl needs to do for the day. Daryl shoos you from his lab so he can continue work without distractions as you attempt to reason with the man. You stop by Van’s to purchase medicine before sneaking back into the lab. You find Daryl writing a formula on his chalkboard though it's just the same small sequence repeating. Daryl is worse than a child in refusing the medicine and taking a nap. You learn Daryl is apprehensive of medication and its effects in forcing him to sleep. He worries thieves will take his work. You promise to keep watch over the lab before he finally relents. Daryl eventually falls asleep with your wrist held in his grasp to be sure you won’t leave.
You exit your farm to see Carter heading for the inn. Carter explains that he isn’t sure what Flora is cooking, but he cannot be a part of it this time. Feeling concerned, you head for their tent near the waterfall. Everything appears normal when you arrive. It isn’t until you call out a greeting and pull back the flap you see the problem. Noxious fumes make you gag as Flora turns to you from a tar-like gunk bubbling in a pot. While you try to clean the mess, Flora explains she felt under the weather and planned to take medicine. Then she thought it would be more effective to take all of them and add additional healthy herbs and plants from the mountainside resulting in the black sludge. You beg Flora to let you know in the future instead of taking matters into her own hands. You know several recipes and safe mixtures from your mom’s nursing career that would be better than blind experimentation. Flora looks thoughtful for a moment before agreeing to your request.
Gustafa always claimed he was one with nature. You believed him; he was the only person you’d ever seen smile and seem unbothered by a downpour. You weren’t concerned when you found the man leaning with his head pressed to a tree around the Goddess Pond. Gustafa turned his head only slightly to look your way when you teased him about communing with nature in such a way. He offered a weak smile in return, which told you something was wrong. Gustafa tries to wave you off, explaining that he just needs a moment. He felt a little dizzy and wasn’t used to getting sick, so it caught him off guard. You ignore Gustafa’s protests as you drag him back to his yurt. Once there, you have to argue with him about fetching medicine. Gustafa insists it’s nothing that serious, just a cold. You both agree for him to rest and check on how he feels from there. Gustafa comments it’s hard to sleep during the day as it feels too quiet in the yurt. Instead of leaving him to rest, you stay and sing an old lullaby you know until you both fall asleep. 
It’s near impossible to assist Lumina when she’s sick, not because of her, but because Romana and Sebstatian hover. The butler banned you from the mansion until Lumina begged to see you. He only allowed you in with strict rules and a search to ensure you weren’t bringing anything unapproved by Dr. Baddoch’s treatment plan. Lumina herself seems to handle her temporary cold well and is more upset that everyone is in a frenzy instead. She dutifully eats, rests, and medicates as she should. Lumina’s only complaint is how dreadfully bored she gets sitting in her room all day. She is thrilled when you bring new books for her. You receive a short heartfelt thanks before being rushed from the manor as Romana summons Dr. Baddoch for a spike in Lumina’s fever when her cheeks turn red.
Marlin’s old job in the city was not generous with sick time, so he learned to work through it. He keeps the same mindset at Vesta’s Farm. Marlin has trouble accepting that Cecilia and Vesta will handle his share without feeling guilty and pushes forward to do it himself anyway. It takes both of them and threats from Vesta of tying him to the bed to confine Marlin indoors. When you visit to buy seeds, you catch him peering from a window, craning for a look into the fields. You have to lure Marlin from the window with questions about hybrid crops and what would be better combinations. He finally seems to relax as he explains why your first attempts were terrible and how to improve them.
Molly doesn’t get sick often. She claims it's because of how close you get to everyone else in the City. Her immune system had to be strong from a young age. Molly does suffer immensely from seasonal allergies in the Spring and Fall. The amount of pollen in Forget-Me-Not Valley is higher and something she’s only somewhat getting used to. Molly’s dainty sneezes, headaches, and watery eyes tear at your heart. She handles it relatively well, though she clings to your arm more outside when she’s off work. Molly is over the moon when you gift her some local honey, hoping it helps her symptoms. It seems to work, as she’s happy to show off the liquid gold from her hunny.
Nami is the type who doesn’t need your help. She is self-sufficient from traveling on her own. Nami would whether treat herself and stay curled in bed than bother anyone else. That isn’t to say she won’t appreciate you doing little things for her here and there. The homemade meals you bring are always enjoyed with one of her favorite worn books while she recovers. Nami does not want you in the room too long for worry that you’ll end up sick. She shoves you from the room when you mention her flushed face and checking her temperature.
Rock already enjoys taking it easy and now has the perfect reason to. He handles sickness and pain well overall. You would think Rock was faking his illness or injury if it wasn’t for Dr. Baddoch’s expert diagnosis. You quickly learn giving Rock a bell to ring for assistance was a terrible thing to do. He summons you for everything under the sun. He doesn’t like the TV channel and wants it changed; the pillows are flat, he’s hungry, he needs a sip of water, etc. When he notices you beginning to get frustrated, his reasons change. Rock claims he was lonely and wanted to see you. He thinks cuddles from you might make him heal faster. A kiss would probably be even better.
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