#‘watching’ because I’ve been falling asleep in bits lol
idkwhatever580 · 4 months
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader!highschoolau
Prompt: Natasha and y/n like each other but are two dumb idiots that won’t ever confess their love. Or will they? (You know they will) both are about 17-18
Warnings: swearing, Natasha has bad parents
Pronouns: she/her mostly
A/N: Omg I need some fluff. lol all of my stuff is basically fluff. Also I’m graduating todayyy!!!!! I’m so excited!!! I’m gonna cry 😭
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Nobody’s Pov
Natasha and y/n are having yet another sleepover. Ever since Natasha turned 16 she was basically kicked out.
And so naturally her best friend y/n welcomed her immediately into her home.
And of course y/n’s parents were more than happy to take her in.
Natasha goes home sometimes, but mostly stays in the y/l/n’s guest room which at this point is her own room.
And yet, the girls always find themselves asleep together in one of either beds.
Natasha lies awake behind y/n in an almost spooning position, and she just admires y/n from afar. She can’t even see y/n’s face but she doesn’t care. She softly trails her nimble fingers up and down her arms and shoulders.
Her touch is so light. Yet not enough to wake up y/n. Or so she thought.
Y/n’s pov
I softly awake to Nat’s hands rubbing up and down my arm.
I don’t want her to pull away like she always does, so I stay as still and as calm as possible.
I won’t move a muscle so that she stays close to me.
Okay. Sure. Maybe I do have a little crush on her.
Maybe it’s not so little.
We’ve known each other since we started school. And although her parents are assholes, I’ve always been by her side. Through thick and thin.
So of course I was bound to fall in love with her.
It’s hard though. She hates physical touch but I’m her exception. She loves simple things like holding pinkies. Or a slight touch of shoulders or knees. But when we’re alone she’s all over me.
And yeah it’s nice but it’s hard when she doesn’t like me the same way. It’s hard when she’s so flirty too.
But I don’t care. All I can about right now is the fact that she is touching me.
I keep pretending to sleep but I know I move a lot in my sleep so I decide to turn around and snuggle into her. She won’t do anything since I’m “asleep.”
She pauses her movements scared she’s woken me up but then when she thinks I’m still asleep she envelopes me in a hug.
I softly breathe into her neck and smell her.
She smells nice.
She smells my hair. And rubs my back. And I wish she’d do this in a romantic way. But that’s not her thing.
But then. Out of the blue she starts whispering to me. Obviously she thinks I’m still asleep. And I guess I’m doing a good job. But I’ve always been god at fake sleeping. And it’s not like she’s a super spy or anything.
She starts whispering into my head from where she is. Like she’s wanting to tell me this.
“Y/n, I don’t know how or why, but I’ve fallen for you.”
If I wasn’t fake sleeping I would be shitting my pants right now. But I want to hear what she has to say so I keep up my facade.
“I love your hair and how it looks in the wind. I love how your nose crinkles a bit when you smile. I love you have little specks of gold in your eyes when you look at the sun.”
She sighs and continues
“I wish I was brave enough to tell you all of this. I wish I could kiss you and tell you how much I love you.”
She is getting a bit choked up and I hear her sniffle a bit but she keeps going
“I wish you loved me. But you don’t. So I can’t ever tell you these things. Because I don’t want to lose you. If I can’t have you as a lover, then I’ll take you as my friend. And that’s okay.”
She sniffs a bit more and continues, god what I’d do to kiss her right now
“I just don’t know what I’m going to do when you fall in love with someone else. I’m not ready to hear you talk about your crush. I’m not ready for you to break my heart. I’m not ready to watch you at the altar and hear you say I do to a stranger as I stay silent when they ask if anyone objects.”
Another sigh. She starts scratching my head softly.
“But I won’t say anything. I will never tell you how the first time you gave me butterflies, I thought I was actually sick. I thought I was having a heart attack at 16. And I never said anything. I can’t. I won’t. Your happiness matters too much to me. So I’ll stay your best friend. And I’ll let you go.”
She holds me tighter and says
“Because sometimes when you love something, you have to set it free”
My heart clenches at her words.
She really does love me. Oh my god she loves me back. I have to tell her!
I almost jump up but then I realize she’d know I was fake sleeping if I jumped up. So I pretend to shuffle a bit.
She stops her speech knowing I’ll be “waking up” soon and just continues to scratch my head softly.
I “wake up” and peek my eyes open at her.
She smiles and says
I send her a dopey smile full of love back at her and say
Then we pull apart awkwardly and I don’t know how to tell her that I love her too.
So I end up letting us get ready and then we go downstairs for breakfast.
My mom has known about my crush on nat for a while but she doesn’t mind. She thinks it’s cute.
And my dad has an idea about it but he doesn’t really dabble with my relationships yet. They’re both supportive though thankfully.
We eat breakfast and have some small talk.
Natasha knows I don’t like to talk a bunch in the mornings. But when we’re done with breakfast and put our dishes in the sink to clean later we head back up to my room.
“Wanna play Roblox?”
Natasha asks me with a smile knowing I love Roblox on Saturdays.
I nod my head and we jump on the bed and I decide I should tell her.
We sit on my bed and I set my phone down as I think of how to tell her. She suddenly says
“You alright?”
I nod my head and say
“Can I tell you something?”
She sets down her phone and nods her head. Then we face each other sitting with our legs criss crossed and she’s all ears.
“I have this crush on this girl.”
A flash of dread goes over her face. Clearly she is not ready to hear this yet. But she doesn’t know it’s her. Either way she covers it up and pretends to be excited.
“Omg! Really? Who is she! Do I know her? What’s her name? What does she look like?”
I smile cheekily and say
“Well. I won’t tell you her name yet”
She groans at my teasing and I continue regardless
“But. I’ll tell you about her and then I’ll tell you who she is.”
She nods her head and is staring at me.
“Well, her hair is so pretty. It’s curly and red. And her eyes are like forests.”
I kind of look off into space and keep talking as if I’m imagining my dream girl
“Her smile is so pretty and we’re pretty good friends. Her laugh is so contagious and she just lights up the room wherever she goes. She has had a rough life, but she’s never lost her heart. And she’s so kind to me. But I think the thing that gets me is how she loves everyone and everything. She talks to passionately about her feelings and her hopes and dreams to me. And it’s really only a few people she lets in and I am so lucky to be her friend. And I think she likes me back”
Natasha’s shoulders slump a bit more every few seconds and she’s droopy now. I look back at her and say
“Any guesses?”
I send her a sly smile and she looks at me and says
I start laughing my ass of and I say
“Oh man you’re so funny. Heck no! She might fit my type but definitely not her.”
Then Natasha kind of shrugs her shoulders and is gloomy now. She doesn’t care that she’s showing her dissapointed face at my crush.
I lift her chin up and say
I give her a look telling her everything she needs to know. But she doesn’t believe me so she says
“Who is it then?”
I smile and giggle at her obliviousness and I say
“I’m not gonna tell you until you give me some advice. What should I do about it?”
She sighs and says
“I guess you should tell her.”
I smile and say
She looks at me and says
I smile and say
“I just did”
Her face turns pale and she says
“Wha- what do you mean?”
I giggle and say
“Natty, I just told her.”
She blinks a bit and silently points at herself as if she doesn’t believe me.
I laugh and nod and then I say
“I really really like you nat. And I wanna kiss you”
Usually I am not this bold so she is a bit dumbfounded and she nods her head so I lean in until I’m about half an inch away from her and she takes the initiative to go the rest of the way.
The kiss is soft and tender. Wayyy better than i imagined. And her lips are divine. They make me think of when the girl from the Lorax was describing truffula trees. (I don’t know. Don’t ask)
Then I pull away in need of air even though I don’t want to and we just stare at each other.
I look back at her lips and now I have become very shy. So she takes the lead and kisses me hard on the lips this time.
She ends up pushing me back on the bed and I wrap my left hand around her side and my right one threads into her hair.
We kiss and kiss and then after a bit, she trails her tongue along my bottom lip asking for permission and I grant it.
When she puts her tongue in my mouth I almost pass out. God she’s going to be the death of me.
This kiss is amazing. After a bit more kissing I accidentally let out a moan and it brings us back to reality so she pulls away.
I keep my eyes closed for a few seconds and a dopey smile is on my face.
She giggles at my flustered state and I finally open my eyes and awkwardly say
She laughs and says
We sit in silence for a bit until she gets off of me and I sit up. I look at her and say
“I’m sorry”
Her eyebrows furrow and she says
I look at my hands in my lap and I say
“I heard you this morning. When you said all those things to me. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier but I didn’t know how to tell you”
She scoffs and shoves my shoulder slightly saying
“You little fuck!”
I laugh and then say
“Forgive me?”
She thinks about it and says
“I’ll forgive you if you say yes to this…”
I nod my head and dramatically say
“I’d do anything for my queen to forgive me!”
She laughs and says
“Be my girlfriend?”
My breath catches in my throat and all I can muster up is a nod.
She smiles and gives me a soft peck and my face turns red. I am all awkward now so I say
“What now?”
not knowing what to do and Natasha says
“Well. We could play Roblox?”
I nod my head and gasp and say
“Wanna be Roblox girlfriends?!”
She nods her head at my childishness and I pump my fist knowing Roblox girlfriends is like the ultimate title. Then my mom knocks on my door and says
“Come in!”
I smile at my mom and she narrows her eyes at me and says
“You’re being suspicious…”
She takes a look around my room but drops it and says
“Can you please text me those pictures from last night?”
I nod my head and say
“Do you want the ones of me in my cap and gown?”
she nods her head and says
“Yeah and make sure you send me the one of you throwing your cap in the air”
I nod my head and she leaves. Then I turn to Natasha and she says
“I can’t believe we graduated yesterday and now we’re dating!!!”
I nod my head and say
“Roblox baby”
“Yes of course. I forgot”
A/N: sorry about the last part. I didn’t know how to finish it and graduation has been on my mind.
@ihartnat @ilovesnat
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arctickat2400 · 6 months
Love You More ~ Henry Cavill
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Henry Cavill x Reader
Word Count: 2470
Warnings: insecure!reader, fluff, angst, tiny bit of blood, negative self talk
A/N 1: You can picture yourself wearing whatever you want in this, but I've originally pictured myself wearing a cropped tank top and underwear cuz even though I'm insecure about my body, I love chilling around the house without pants, and in my head I know Henry loves it too lol
A/N 2: You will see in this imagine that I mention a blanket. It is a type of sensory blanket, a small square of fabric that my mom made me that contains eight tags made of ribbon around the edges. It helps me when I'm anxious (which is basically 24/7) in which I will rub the tags between my fingers to calm my mind, keep my mind and hands occupied.
Hope you enjoy!!
You hate what you see when you look in the mirror - your soft belly, thick thighs, wide hips, love handles, cellulite-covered skin. You loved when friends and family complimented you, but your mind never believed them. Looking at each and every detail of your body, your mind becomes overwhelmed and your emotions become too intense. A shrill scream escapes your throat as you ram your fist into the glass, shattering it to pieces. You watch in tears as the shattered glass falls from the surface before your legs give out and you collapse to the cold tile floor. 
Henry had just gotten home about an hour ago. You had seemed fine then, happy to see him as usual, jumping into his arms as he pulled you into a sweet ‘hello’ kiss. However, as he sat at the kitchen island on his laptop reading over his script waiting for you to join him again, Henry knew that that had all changed when he heard your heart wrenching scream.
Henry paid no mind to the bar stool toppling over as he stood and ran up the stairs toward the sound that scared him most, Kal right on his heels. Rushing into the bathroom to see your curled up in tears on the floor, Henry doesn’t hesitate to kneel down beside your shaking body. Taking your trembling body in his arms, Henry tries to keep his own tears at bay when he sees the blood and tiny glass shards on your knuckles. Looking up at the now non-existent mirror and the shattered glass across the floor, Henry knows exactly what’s going on in your mind, holding you tighter in his strong embrace as you cry in agony. Henry looked at Kal sitting patiently in the bathroom door, and he knew he was just as worried as his father was about his mother. 
You’ve always been insecure about your body, even though Henry never ceases to tell you how much he loves your body. He thought that after you met him, you were getting better. And you have, but still, on those not so rare days, you’ll break down in tears. He hates that nothing has been able to help you long term. But, Henry is always there to hold you and take care of you, no matter what, and he vows to always be there for you. 
“It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you,” Henry whispers in your ear softly as he rocks you in his lap. You hold on to his arm, squeezing his bicep in your grip despite the pain in your right hand. Henry runs his fingers through your hair, placing a kiss to the top of your head, trying to soothe your angered mind. 
Henry listens as your labored breaths begin to calm, looking down to see your eyes closed. He let out a sigh of relief, even if it was only temporary, when he realized you had fallen asleep. 
You’ve been suffering with chronic fatigue for so long and it’s taken a toll on you physically, mentally, and emotionally. It prevents you from doing certain everyday things. Henry’s been there for you through it all and you can’t imagine how hard it would be without him. You could never thank him enough for how amazing he’s been since you met. But he hates that neither of you have been able to find a way to help. Some may say that what you’re going through needs to be fixed. However, Henry doesn’t want to fix you, because he doesn’t believe there’s anything broken. You just need a bit of extra love and care, and he has vowed to spend the rest of his life giving you that and more.
Henry, still holding your sleeping form in his arms, your head lying against his chest, leans forward into the bathroom cabinet under the sink to grab the rubbing alcohol and a washcloth. He takes a pair of tweezers and begins pulling out the small, yet knowingly painful shards of glass from your skin. He was thankful you were out cold so you didn’t have to experience the pain consciously. Kal, having laid down in the doorway, cried out after having smelled the blood and watching Henry take care of his mum. 
“It’s alright, bear. Mum’s alright,” Henry assures his dog, looking over with a half smile to see Kal’s face lying on his paws, staring at the scene in front of him. 
After all the pieces were out, Henry washes over your knuckles with the alcohol, cleaning the blood from your cuts and down your hands where the blood ran. Once clean, he wraps gauze around your hand before picking you up and carrying you bridal style to your shared bed. Henry places you down carefully, covering you in the comforter before placing a sweet kiss to your forehead. He patted the bed softly for Kal to jump up and keep you company while Henry went back into the bathroom to pick up the broken glass. 
Henry couldn’t bear to leave you after what you just went through, so after cleaning, he sat in the recliner beside your bed, looking over you to make sure you were okay. Smiling sweetly at the sight of Kal’s large, fluffy head laying down on your thigh, Henry picked up his book from his bedside table to read. He always kept an eye on you, looking up every now and then when you would stir, only to turn over to get more comfortable in your sleep. 
After a while, it seems Henry had been reading the same sentences over and over, having trouble comprehending the words on the pages. His mind was plagued with thoughts of you and how all he wanted to do was help you, take care of you, love you so you wouldn’t think such horrible things about yourself anymore. 
The anxiety got the best of him, needing to get up and walk around instead. Henry stood up, placing a kiss on your forehead and, making sure you were still alright, he headed down the stairs quietly, Kal staying behind while cuddling up next to you. Henry paced around the loft - through the living room, down the hall, even going back up the stairs and into the bathroom before coming back out and passing you again on the bed. Kal raises his head each time Henry would pass before laying his head back down beside you. 
Henry finally ends up back downstairs and in the kitchen, leaning on the island, rubbing his face in slight distress. Henry hated seeing you in such pain. He hated that he couldn’t take the pain away, or at least some of it, take some of the weight off your shoulders and help you carry it. He hated that he couldn’t help you and make it all better. But he also knew that he would not stop trying, and he would continue to love you through it all.
Henry is in his own world when you decide to make your appearance, Kal following you down the steps and into the kitchen. He hadn’t noticed either of you until you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, laying your head between his shoulder blades. 
“Hey, darling,” He greets softly, a sweet smile coming to his lips at just the mere presence of you. He brings one hand up to smooth over your bandaged hand that’s placed across his chest, intertwining your fingers. Henry turns in your embrace, taking you into his arms and holding your head to his chest, brushing his hand through your hair, his other hand gently rubbing your side.
The longer you stand there, the easier it is for your mind to become overwhelmed again with negative thoughts. Henry feels you start to shiver, hearing your soft sniffles as tears cascade down your cheeks.
“Shh, shh, shh. It’s okay, baby. Everything’s alright,” Henry tries calming you before placing his hands under your thighs and picking you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, clinging to him like a koala. He rubs your back as he carries you to the couch. Sitting down, he holds you in his lap for a little while longer, Kal jumping up on the couch and laying beside you, placing his head on your thigh, looking up at you with sad eyes. As your sniffles and cries die down, Henry, with a bit of hesitation of your own, pushes you back, holding you close enough to be able to see your beautiful, but sorrowful red eyes. 
“What’s going on, sweetheart? Tell me what’s on your mind,” Henry requests as he brushes his thumb over your red, tear stained cheeks, looking into your eyes with such worry and sadness, yet the love and adoration never ceases.
You look down at your hands, picking at the skin, before Henry takes both your hands in his while leaning forward to grab your blanket from the coffee table, handing it to you. 
“I’ve just… I’ve been so tired lately. And I’ve been eating so much that I’ve gained weight. I’ve hardly been able to control my hunger and my mind is plagued by food, and all I can think about is how much I hate myself and my body because I can’t control any of this and I’m sick of being so damn tired all the time!” You pause, your breathing becoming heavy and labored, tears rushing from your eyes, as you smooth your fingers over one of the tags on your blanket. 
“And it doesn’t help that the thought keeps coming to me that you didn’t sign up for this and I’m scared you might feel like you’re stuck with me and how could you still love me like this?” You almost scream in tears, Kal letting out a worried whine in response. Henry takes you back into his arms, a look of panic on his face as he holds your head against his chest, his other hand smoothing down over your hair.
“Hey, hey, hey, no, baby. I’m right here. I’m not leaving you. This is the only place I want to be. If I could hold you forever, that’s exactly what I’d do,” Henry holds you tight as you cry for the next several minutes, fisting his shirt in your grip as you couldn’t keep your tears at bay. 
“Can you look at me now, princess?” Henry asks you, placing his hands on either side of your face, pulling you back to look at him. You sniffle as you lock eyes with his mesmerizing cerulean blue eyes. He gives you a reassuring smile, rubbing his thumbs across your temples.
“Listen very closely, my love. I have told you so many times, and it will never cease to be the truth, darling - no matter how you look, how much you weigh, how much you eat, now matter how much of literally anything you do, I will always, always, love you, no matter what. I don’t care if you lose or you gain weight. I love you for you, and I will always love you. There is not a single thing about you that could change that.” He has to repeat some things so he knows that it will be ingrained in your mind.
“Because the truth is, baby,” Henry pauses briefly with a smile, chuckling. “I can only ever love you more. Every day, when I think I can’t possibly love you more, you will do something crazy or silly, or say something absolutely outrageous, and it just makes me love you so much more. I still don’t know how you do it, but you never cease to amaze me, my sweet baby girl. And nothing about your body will ever change that,” He says it all with a huge smile on his face, his eyes never leaving yours, and you find yourself crying not sad tears, but happy ones now as you rush into Henry’s arms.
“I love you so much,” You whisper in his ear, holding onto him tight, your fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“You, my love, are the most magnificent woman I’ve ever met, and there will never be a day where I stop loving you, because it is impossible for me not to love you,” Henry admits, his arms tightening around your torso. He kisses the side of your head before you pull back, placing your hands on either side of his head now, leaning in and pressing your lips to his in a passionate expression of pure love and devotion. 
“Now, if you are ever thinking anything negative about your body again, my beautiful girl, you make sure to come straight to me and I will do everything in my power to make those thoughts go away, promise me?” Henry demands, firmly but in sweet assurance. 
You nod your head with a small smile, “I promise.” Henry smiles as he looks down and begins rubbing across your tummy with his knuckles.
“You do know that even though I’m not with you for your body, I still believe you are absolutely, breathtakingly gorgeous? There is not a single day I don’t look at you and think, ‘Damn, how did I get so lucky to be able to hold this stunning human being in my arms everyday?’ I mean how could someone not love this adorable belly of yours?” Henry chuckles as he leans down and blows a raspberry against your tummy. A deep red blush comes to your cheeks as a laugh erupts from your lips.
“I think it’s the other way around, my love.” You giggle, calming down as Henry, still with a smile on his face, comes back up and looks up into your eyes while rubbing your soft sides, his thumbs brushing over your belly. “How did I get so lucky to meet not only the handsomest man on earth, but the most caring, loving, warmest man with the biggest heart of gold who never ceases to tell me how much he loves me?” You smile shyly, your thumb brushing across his bottom lip. 
“We’re just a match made in heaven, my darling,” Henry says as you both laugh softly together, meeting in a sweet kiss, Henry’s hands on either of your thighs, holding you to him. 
You feel something cold against your arm and you both look down to see a smiling Kal looking up at both of you. “Hi, sweet boy,” You smile at Kal, running your fingers through the thick fur on his head while you lean forward to lay your head on Henry’s shoulder as he wraps his arms around you, thanking God for this extraordinary woman he gets to call his. 
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gicosmo · 5 months
Damn Those Marstons
Jack Marston x Fem!Reader.
Hey, RDR fans! I got into RDR2 a few months back and I literally binge watched play throughs of RDR1. This angsty idea for Jack popped up(because he can never be happy😔) and I just had to write it!
Synopsis: You’ve been with Jack for a few months now. When he asks you to meet his family, you would’ve never thought you would be meeting one of the two outlaws who killed your father.
Warnings: Takes place during RDR1(1914)(Jack is nineteen), alternate universe where the Marston family lives a bit longer lol, John uses his fake name ‘Jim Milton’, a little bit of arguing, just really sad angst.
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“Can I tell you both somethin’?” Jack piped up at the dinner table, placing his spoon down into his bowl. Abigail and John immediately looked up at him, confusion written on both of their faces. It was pretty unusual for Jack to get all serious at random. Abigail nodded, “Of course. You can tell us anything, Jack.” She reached over, giving a gentle reassuring pat on his shoulder.
John remained quiet, observing his son. If anything, he was quite on edge, not wanting any bad news. Jack took a deep breath before a smile appeared on his face, “I’ve been seeing this lady. God— Ma, you’ll love her! She’s the sweetest, most loving lady you’ll meet.” Jack’s eyes sparkled as he went on a rant about his girlfriend. Abigail and John were shocked in the moment, but then proceeded to smile. They would be lying to themselves if they said they weren’t happy that Jack had finally found someone.
John chuckled as he looked at Abigail, “Looks like our boy is head over heels! When can we meet her, son?” Jack paused, thinking for a moment.
“How about tomorrow?” Jack answered, looking over at his mother, “If that’s okay with you, ma.”
Abigail laughed, nodding her head, “Of course it’s okay with me! I’ll cook a nice dinner for the four of us! I can’t wait to meet her.”
Jack was ecstatic! He was in his bed, looking up at the ceiling being unable to fall asleep. He couldn’t wait for you to meet his family. His mind was racing until he eventually tired himself out.
In the morning Jack was already at your front door. You opened it with a bright smile on your face, “Well I wasn’t expecting you today. Why do you have the dumb smile on your face? What are you planning?” You walked up to him, Jack leaning down to plant a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“I ain’t planning nothin’! Just… Will you come have dinner with my parents? Today?” Jack blurted out. It was evident he was pretty excited about this. You were taken aback by this. Dinner? With his parents?
You giggled sheepishly, “Geez, Jack. I wish you told me this sooner. I don’t think I got any nice clothes to give a good first impression…” Jack shook his head, grabbing your hands into his, “No need for fancy clothes no nothing. My parents don’t care about your wealth. They care about who you are.”
His words melted your heart. Jack bent down, pulling you in for a soft tender kiss. You always loved how gentle he was with you. Once he pulled away, you stepped back into your home, “Let me tell my mother i’ll be gone for a while. Mind waiting out here while I get ready?”
“Anything for you, darlin’.”
After getting ready, Jack helped you onto his horse and rode back to his home. The horse ride wasn’t silent what so ever as Jack couldn’t help but tell you how excited he was. All you could do was smile. It was nice seeing your lover get so excited about something.
Once you both arrive at Beechers Hope, he helped you off of the horse. He held your hand as you both walked up the step of his home. Abigail opened the door with a smile, “Why, hello! You must be the little lady Jack has been talking on and on about!” She walked up to you, giving you a friendly hug.
“Cmon now Ma— Don’t embarrass me like that…” Jack muttered, scratching his head and turning away out of embarrassment. Abigail rolled her eyes, “There’s nothing embarrassing about loving a lady! Now come on in! Dinner is almost ready!” She led you both inside the house, the scent of a good meal in the air.
“Where’s Pa?” Jack questioned, pulling a chair out for you to sit in. Abigail sighed and shrugged, “Joh— I mean, Jim went out a while ago. He said he’ll be back. He most definitely doesn’t want to miss out on this.” She reassured Jack.
Abigail sat down at the table with the both of you. She seemed like a lovely young woman. Sweet yet had a fierce aura to her. She questioned you about your home life, how you met Jack, all the basic questions a parent would ask their child’s lover.
You were honest with her. You told her how it was just you and your mother since your father was killed by some bad people when you were a kid. You spoke about how you only had some insight of two of the men who took your father’s life, hoping you wouldn’t run into them again. You spoke about how you met Jack while shopping for books, how the love for literature brought you both together.
Talking with Abigail felt so natural, both of you didn’t seem to notice someone enter the home. Jack smiled, “Took you long enough, sir.” You turned your head and immediately froze. All you could do was stare at the man with scars on his face.
“Took you long enough, Jim!” Abigail got up, gently slapping her husband’s arm. The man looked at you and smiled, “You must be the lovely lady Jack can’t shut up about! Nice to meet ya! I’m Jim. Jim Milton! You’ve already met Abigail…” You couldn’t hear his words anymore. Everything your boyfriend has told you was a lie.
There was no one named Jim Milton in this home. There wasn’t a Milton at all. The man in front of you was none other than John Marston. Jack wasn’t a Milton either. He was a Marston. They all were.
Your vision became blurry, your ears were ringing so loud. You couldn’t think straight. What could you do? What can you do?
You needed to leave.
“Hun? You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost…” You snapped back into reality as Jack held your hands gently, looking at you with concern. You gently pushed him away, shaking your head.
“I need to leave. Excuse me.” You pushed Jack out of the way, but he immediately grabbed your wrist. “Hey hey, what’s wrong? Did we do something? Did I do something?” Jack questioned, obviously really confused and concerned.
That’s when you just snapped. You couldn’t take the pain anymore.
“As a matter of fact you did do something. Marston.” You spat at him, Jack instantly taken aback by your outburst. Abigail gasped, her hands cupping over her mouth. John froze, if anything he was terrified at the fact that you knew who they were.
“Is this what people like you do, Marston!? You kill people who had families to go back to while you’re here living a great life with your family!?” You yelled at John. Jack glanced at his father, confused and utterly shocked.
Tears fell from your face as you shook your head, “You took my father from me. I was just a kid… How come you can live your best life, seeing your child grow up… But my father can’t?” You looked at all three of them before looking at Jack,
“I can’t be with the son of an outlaw. Especially to the outlaw that took my father’s life,” You looked back at John and Abigail, “If you’re worried about me telling others about where you live, don’t. I get nothing out of revenge. Just know that your actions will catch up to you. You can never leave your old life to live a new. It happened to my father, it will happen to you.”
You walked towards the front door, “I hope you all enjoy your lives. Goodbye.” With that, you left the home. You heard the front door swing up, footsteps rushing towards you. Turning around, it was Jack.
“Darlin’! Please, don’t leave. Look, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I know my Pa has done some horrible things— But I swear he’s a changed man!” Jack pulled you into an embrace, “You’re the best thing that has happened to me in so long. I— I love you…”
Jack’s words were sincere. They really were. But you couldn’t shake the disgusting feeling off of you. You gently pushed him off from you,
“Jack. I love you— Well… I loved you too. But I know my father would be rolling in his grave knowing I was dating the son of the man who killed him.”
Jack’s heart sunk. He couldn’t do anything but watch you walk away. What can he even say? It wasn’t long until John came out to check up on his son.
John reached down to place a hand on Jack’s shoulder, immediately getting rejected by him. Jack glared at his father, “Damnit old man, You’ve made my life a living hell. I can forgive you for so many other things you’ve done. But this? I don’t know if I can.”
Jack bumped his father’s shoulder as he walked back into the house. Abigail tried to comfort him, but he immediately shut that down. John and Abigail had a lot to talk about.
It took you a long while to get back home. Your mother greeted you with a loving smile, but all you could do was cry in her arms. She didn’t question nor judge you, she did what a mother does best and held you. Telling you it was going to be okay.
Damn those Marstons.
Damn that sweet loving boy you fell in love with.
And damn your heart for still loving him.
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concreteburialplot · 7 months
Intertwined // 05
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-> 05 - Girl Crush*
pairing; noah sebastian x nicholas ruffilo
masterlist; here | crossposted; ao3 | word count; 10.3k 😅
warnings; sad lol, dumb boys, mutual masturbation, p0rn, alcohol, peer pressure, vomiting, college!omens, jolly intro, gay panic & very mild gender confusion??, denial is a river in egypt, 18+ MDNI
REMINDER: this is an au where everyone is around the same age, follows no actual timelines/events, and uses oc's for family members.
a/n: don't like it don't read it. don’t be mean for no reason & let others enjoy things thnx :)
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It had been about a month since Noah moved out completely and was fully living with us. It wasn’t that difficult of a transition since he stayed with us most of the time anyway. He seemed to be finally settling in and getting comfortable, which I was happy about.
Him living in my house wasn’t the only thing that became comfortable - in fact maybe we’d gotten too comfortable. 
That first night weeks ago, where we took care of our morning wood next to each other, wasn’t the last time. It started as that one time thing, then an occasional thing, then finally, a casual thing. Neither one of us seemed to take it seriously, maybe to play off the implications of it. Because what else are you supposed to do when you jack off next to your best friend regularly?
It became so casual, sometimes as if the other wasn’t there.
My half-asleep ears fill with the faint sounds of moans, accompanied by restrained groans I recognize. The more I wake I feel movement behind me.
I stir a bit before turning around finding Noah pumping himself under the covers while holding his phone in the other. He jumps a little when I catch him but doesn’t stop. His actions only halt temporarily.
“Sorry if I woke you up.” He says bashfully, baby pink tinting his cheeks.
“It’s fine.” I gulp, my eyes drifting to the obscene noises coming from his phone. “Whatcha watching?”
He shrugs, tilting his phone to me, revealing the most generic looking porn I’ve ever seen. But porn is porn and it makes my already semi-hard dick twitch. “You wanna… watch too?”
My cheeks grow warm at the offer, “Oh, um, I mean, I don’t wanna intrude…” Though, I can’t help my eyes from being glued to the screen.
He shifts a bit and reaches over, setting the phone down between us propped up in a divot of comforter. In the clumsy process, the duvet slides off his lap revealing his cock.
My eyes widen at the sight of him but I immediately divert my attention so that he doesn’t catch me and assume something else.
“Oh sorry.” He blushes and goes to cover himself again but pauses, “Actually, do you mind? I just don’t wanna deal with the mess and-“
“I don’t mind.” I reply faster than intended. I shake my head, “I just don’t wanna… do that. But I don’t care if you do.”
“Cool.” He nods and returns to his previous position with his eyes locked on the screen.
There’s a panicky heartbeat lingering in my chest but the throbbing in my cock takes precedence. I relax a bit beside him and life the duvet higher up on my body, trying to cover as much of myself as possible.
I spit into my hand before dipping it beneath the covers and down around my member, working it out from my shorts. A hiss leaves my mouth at the coldness of my palm but it doesn’t take long for that discomfort to fade.
My eyes begin on the phone, to the blonde woman with large unnaturally perky breasts being railed by some strong man with a big dick, something you’d find on the first page of any porn site. Not my usual cup of tea but whatever, it’s doing something for me right now.
Naturally, my eyes drift and happen to fall on Noah’s cock. His large hand works up and down his member – he’s duo-toned darker at the base and lighter towards the tip, kind of like me just much pinker. I glance between him and the man in the video. He’s smaller than the man, but he’s definitely not small. The video is obviously emphasizing the man’s large size, but he’s still smaller than me, not by much but he is. It makes me wonder if Noah would be impressed by my size.
Why would I think that? What do I care if Noah’s impressed by my dick?
Noah’s probably not even looking at him like that, I’m just weird I guess.
As if on cue, Noah comments.
“I wish my dick was that big.”
Not wanting to stay uncomfortably silent, I nervously chuckle, “Yeah me too.”
“Well, how big are you?” He asks casually.
My eyes nearly pop out of my head. Surely, he doesn’t actually wanna know.
“Oh – oh, I don’t know, but I don’t wanna take the covers off because-“
Noah proposes a solution, “I could feel?”
“I uh – what do you mean?”
“Like, feel it under the covers. So, I can’t see it. That’s what you’re insecure about isn’t it?”
“Um, I, well,” I stutter, trying to think of any sort of appropriate response. I should say no. I shouldn’t want him to do that. But something in me screams that this might be the only time this could happen – not sure why that’s even important. “Um, sure.”
I scooch a little closer to him so it’s easier for him to reach. Unexpectedly, he brings his free hand up to his mouth and spits into it. My eyebrows furrow at the action, not quite understanding why that’s necessary. But when his arm snakes itself under the covers and his hand replaces mine, I’m suddenly not as confused.
My eyes round at the feeling of his hand around me and every muscle in my body tenses when he starts moving.
“Jesus, you’re pretty big.” He says before his hand even reaches my tip.
Suddenly, all the nerves in my body seem to flood to cock and I feel so sensitive under his fingertips. I should be watching the video, but my eyes bounce between his still working on himself and on his other one bobbing under the covers. I can’t tell fully, but it seems like he’s pumping himself faster than before.
His palm reaches the head then slowly slides back down. “You’re so much bigger than me.” His voice seeming casual, but there’s a hint of strain beneath it.
His words and his even faster movements on both of us only worsens the buzzing in my cock.
“Is this okay? I just, I’ve only ever felt my own dick so, I’ve only ever imagined what having a bigger one would feel like.”
“Yeah, yep. It’s fine.” I reply quickly, just trying to maintain my composure.
My chest rises and falls rapidly and my fingers curl into the sheets. A familiar knot forms in the pit of my tummy and the last thing I want to do is cum while he’s touching me. His hand moves on me at the same speed as on his own. His fingertips stride up and down the underside of my length, hitting the sensitive spot beneath my tip every time. My lips press flat together as I try to stave off my orgasm – I don’t want to cum while he’s touching me, but I also don’t want him to stop.
Thankfully he has less stamina than I do.
“Ah, fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He groans, working quickly on himself chasing his climax. “Fuck, fuck!” He whines desperately. His hand doesn’t stop on me while his hips buck up into his hand spurting milky white all over his exposed tummy.
The visual of his cock twitching and spilling cum all over his hand, combined with his high pitched moans and his hand on me catapults me over the edge. “F-Fuck.” I sputter out a strangled groan and scrunch my eyes closed. Before I have time to yank him off of me, my body goes rigid beneath him. The buzzing across my skin seems to all rush into my throbbing cock in Noah’s still moving hand. “O-Oh.” Slips from my mouth just above a whisper while every muscle in my abdomen tightens. I feel myself twitch and spill my own cum into the duvet and all over his hand.
The orgasm nearly blinds my vision and my heart beats so fast I can hear it thumping in my ears. Those couple seconds where it was just me, my racing heart and my throbbing cock, it was pure bliss. Possibly the hardest I’ve ever came before. 
It’s not until I begin to come down that I realize what just happened and that… he worked me fully through my high? 
My eyes shoot open the second I return to earth and feel his hand finally slip off my softening member. For a split second I contemplate if there’s a way for me to get out of this without even looking at him and god I wish there was. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-” I begin to profusely apologize before he cuts me off. 
He laughs, “It’s okay. I’m sure having someone else’s hand probably feels a lot better than your own. Even if it had been you I probably would’ve came even faster than normal… and you know I already don’t last long as it is.” He chuckles with a light peach tinting his cheeks.
One part of me feels bad that I hadn’t returned the favor, until I remember I didn’t really even want to do this to begin with. Then, another part of me wishes I had returned the favor, maybe I wanted to know the same thing he did - maybe I want to know what another cock would feel like in my hand too. 
“Yeah - um,” I swallow the little saliva I have left in my dry mouth. “Yeah it was nice.” 
He pulls his hand from beneath the covers. “So much for not making a mess.” He laughs. 
My eyes round when I see just how much I had spilt all over his hand. “Yeah, yeah sorry again, I just didn’t think that…” My eyes follow his stare on the milky white mess of mine on his hand. 
His coffee brown eyes snap up to mine and utters out the last words I ever thought he’d say. “Have you ever tasted your own cum?”
I blink blankly at him, completely devoid of words. 
What the fuck
“I-I um, no? Why would I?” 
“I don’t know, curiosity?”
“…Have you?”
“Well, yeah, I wanted to know.” He shrugs. “It was gross, bitter. But,” His eyes flutter back down to his hand. “I’ve obviously never tasted anyone else’s. I wonder if yours tastes different?”
My brain seems to glitch, not fully comprehending his statement. 
“I-I um, I mean, probably.”
“Would it be super weird if I tasted it?”
My brows shoot up at the question. 
But I reply before I’m even sure of my answer. “No, I um, don’t think it would be that weird?” 
And it wouldn’t be, right?
He’s just curious.
Just like he was about my cock. 
“Alright.” His tone much less confident than just seconds ago. 
His dark brown eyes drop to the puddle of my cum on his right hand, just above where his thumb meets his hand. He lifts it tentatively up to his mouth; my eyes can’t help but rotate between his face and his approaching hand. Hesitantly, he darts his pink tongue past his lips to dip the tip of it into the puddle. Unexpectedly, his eyes find mine, snapping me out of my gaze that was locked on his tongue. His mahogany eyes surprise me, with how round and soft they are - so puppy dog-like for a situation such as this. I blink at him and for some reason, seeing him flatten his tongue a bit on the remnants of me makes my cock twitch. He takes a scoop of my orgasm on his tongue and into his mouth. 
“Hm.” He hums, almost sounding pleased, like he was taste-testing wine. “You taste better than me. Sweeter. Must be all those bananas you eat.”
My brows join together, perturbed, “It can’t be that different?”
His boney shoulders raise into a shrug. “You can try mine if you want? To make it even or whatever.” He gestures his left hand up a bit to remind me that his mess remains on that hand too. 
“Oh - I - well -“ I watch his hand gesture towards me again. The turbulence in my tummy reminds me of when someone offers you a gift and out of politeness, you’re supposed to refuse it - but I don’t want to refuse. I want to know.
“Oh c’mon it’s only fair, it’s not that bad.” He urges me, only reaffirming my inability to voice a decline. 
I look down at the back of his hand covered in cloudy white rivers. My fingers gently take hold of his wrist and he lets me take control of his arm without a single ounce of resistance. I bring his hand to my lips and copy his actions - dart my tongue out and meet his eyes. His are just as intrigued as mine were, locked in my tongue. 
The second his cum meets my taste buds, my eyes flutter closed. I’m surprised at the taste, it’s bitter and salty, what I imagine battery acid must taste like. The texture is about what I imagined, thick and slimy. And yet, even with the immediate disgust of it, it makes my cock twitch again. There’s a tingle in my fingertips and on my tongue that urges me to lap up the rest of his orgasm but I fear if I did, I’d be completely hard again. I never thought something as rancid as battery acid would make me hard, but for some reason right now it’s threatening to. 
I’ve never been more grateful for anything more than the duvet on my body right now. 
I half-force a twist in my face at the taste as I pull back from his arm. “Augh, that’s disgusting.” 
He lets out a hearty laugh, “See! Told ya.” 
A nervous chuckle escapes me, “That you did…” 
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-Next Day- 
Since landing an apprenticeship at a local tattoo parlor, I don’t see much of either Noah or Folio. While I’m at work after class, they’ve been hanging out at the library in a study group full of people I barely know - people from the frat party a couple weeks ago. 
Today though, I got off my shift early and I’m on a different mission. 
My tires screech and the weight of my entire body jerks forward as Stella makes another abrupt stop at a redlight. My hand lands on my dash as a reflex I had gotten far too familiar with.
My tongue passes between my lips before pressing them together and close my eyes through a deep breath. I consider myself a fairly patient person, but if there’s anyone on earth who could get me to snap, it is definitely my sister.
“I told you to start braking 5 million feet ago.” I exhaled with the hopes of Buddha himself coming down and bestowing me with a well-deserved medal of excellent patience.
“Whatever, we still stopped, didn’t we?” She sasses, as she continues to dance to whatever pop song pours through the speakers.
“Yeah, barely.” I grumble, crossing my arms in the passenger seat. “I have no idea how they let you pass your driver’s test.”
“You are so grouchy today.” She glares at me. “What, did the shop bully you again?”
My eyes roll so hard they could’ve fallen out. “No.” I clench my fingers into my palms and stretch them out as overlayed flashbacks of scrubbing every inch of the tattoo parlor flash across my mind. “No, I just cleaned a lot. Fumes. Headache.”
“Right.” She responds unconvinced.
The car takes a sharp turn into a plaza I’ve only ever driven past before and pulls into a parking spot right in front of the destination of my mission.
“We’re here!” She beams, turning the engine off.
We walk up to the small shop snuggled in the tiny strip. The walls look like they were once white, a long, long time ago. Now they’re stained a yellow-y beige with weeds and vines growing across the plaster.
“’Record Store. Plus repairs.’” I read off the giant red letters above the door. “How creative.”
Stella’s elbow sharply jabs into my ribcage. “Ow!” I hiss and recoil away from her. 
“Be nice. Be cool.” She scolds me in a hushed tone.
Whatever the fuck ‘nice and cool’ means to a teenage girl.
A bell trills sharply when she pushes open the glass door. A rush of cold AC blasts against our skin soon as we step into the foyer. 
At the tall reception desk stands a man with lengthy brown hair and a long face. He looks a couple years older than me, at least 23ish.
“Hi Jolly!” Perks Stella almost jumping the second her fingertips meet the glossy wood.
My teeth dig into my bottom lip in an attempt to stifle a giggle when I see the man noticeably deflate the moment he hears the shrill chirp of my sister’s 16-year old voice.
He sets down his pen on whatever paperwork he was working on and turns to us, “Hello Stella.” He greets flatly, with a hint of a foreign accent I can’t place yet.
It’s quite obvious that she comes in here often, more than she’s let on – enough for them to be on a first-name basis.
“Jolly, this is my brother Nick, Nick this is Jolly.” She beams at his name, completely smitten with the older boy. If it wasn’t so obvious that he’s irritated by her mere presence, I’d be more protective of her - but she’s perfectly fine. She’s made sure of that herself.  
“Hey.” I meekly wave at him.
He acknowledges me with a nod and looks back at her. “What’s up.”
“Well, we need your help!” She rocks up and down on her feet with her hands behind her back.
“Great. What is it you need help with?” His fingertips restlessly patter on the table top, impatiently waiting for her to deliver her pitch faster. 
“Go on Nick, show him.” She urges motioning her hand towards him.
I sigh and pull out my phone from my jean’s back pocket, then scroll to find a picture of Noah’s snapped guitar and hand it to the man.
“Could you fix that? Or know someone who could?” I inquire, already feeling as though the trip was hopeless.
His brows pull together as he inspects the picture then uses two fingers to zoom in on the instrument. “Whoever did this really did a number on it.”
“Yeah.” I mumble, scratching the back of my neck. “So, do you think you could fix it?”
“Hmm.” He hums, pulling down his thick-rimmed glasses down his nose. “I can’t say for sure, you’d have to bring it in.”
Air escapes my throat with another sigh, that’s the last thing I wanted to hear. “Okay. I’ll get it in as soon as I can.” Even though I have no idea how I’ll be able to do that without Noah noticing.
He hands me back my phone, “That’s a really rough break.”
“Trust me, I know. Thanks for looking.” My tone suddenly lacking optimism. “And sorry about…” When I turn to point at Stella, I realize she’s not beside me anymore, now shuffling through the various wooden crates of records. “Her.”
He taps his pen against the counter and glances over at her. “It’s fine. She brings friends in. They buy records. Sales are sales.” He shrugs before going back to whatever he was working on before we interrupted him.
Stella doesn’t seem to want to leave anytime soon so I let myself roam around the shop. The majority of the small store is made up of boxes full of records, a mix of old and new. A small, separated section has various instruments strewn about, most of them looking refurbished. The air is pungent with the smell of sandalwood incense, some kind of chemical-y polish, and stale wood.
“Okay! Ready to go!” Stella calls from behind me and when I turn to her she’s holding a record that I recognize.
“Since when do you listen to Nine Inch Nails?” My brow arches up, seeing as she’s only ever been a Taylor Swift type of girl.
She giggles, “Jolly suggested them.”
I take two fingers and pinch the bridge of my nose with a deep sigh, “Okay, whatever, let’s go.”
Stella and I walk into the house and my ears are immediately unsettled by the sounds that fill the house. They’re giggles, some I recognize to be Noah’s but the other is quite … feminine. 
The edges of Stella’s lip curl into a mischievous grin, “Oooooh Noah snuck a girl innnn.” She snickers in a sing-song tone.
“Go to your room Stella.” I order, mostly because her tone irritated me but also because I don’t want her to see what’s behind the cracked door.
She gives me a glare, “You’re just jealous that he’s getting some and you’re not.”
“Go. To. Your. Room.” I repeat sternly through gritted teeth.
“Fine, whatever. Be the party pooper you always are.” She huffs before turning down the hall and slamming the door behind her when gets to her room.
I blink at the doorknob as her words sear into my chest. I question even interrupting until another giggle pierces my eardrums.
I’m precarious with the way I approach the cracked door and peer in. Noah and the girl from the party, Kassidy, next to each other on the bed with open textbooks and notebooks littered about. They’re laughing at something but all I can focus on is her hand on his thigh. An odd twist forms in my abdomen, somewhere between my ribs and my gut. It makes me feel sick, like I ate some gas station sushi.
My knuckle taps on the door and creaks it open. “Hey.”
“Oh, hey Nick!” Noah seems surprised to see me but not necessarily upset by my presence, which for some reason eases the knot in my chest. “I heard a door slam did-”
It’s not until the blonde waves at me with the hand that’s not glued to Noah’s thigh that I realize the anger staining my fingertips.
“Noah, can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask through a fake smile.
“Sure.” He nods, “Be right back, Kass.”
Once the bedroom door clicks behind him, I feel myself begin to unravel.
“Does my mom know you’re bringing girls home?” I question, my voice coming out much harsher than intended.
“No…?” He answers. “I figured I would just do what we always did with each other? Sneak in.”
“Okay well, I don’t appreciate you bringing girls into my room. Please tell me you guys didn’t do anything in my bed.” The words shoot from me, quick and sharp, like acid bullets.
His face falls and I see the light behind his warm eyes dim.
I regret the words the second I realize my mistake. Though I suppose on some level, deep down, I knew that the word choice would hurt him, but I said it anyway.
I said it anyway.
I was so upset that I said it anyway.
“No?” He replies sounding a bit offended at the accusation, even though it’s not out of the realm of possibility. “I wouldn’t do that in your bed.”
The impulse to lash back is there, bubbling just under my skin, but I have no reason to be angry. No valid, explainable reason. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Right.” Noah says softly but with a slight edge. “Well, I” He thumbs over his shoulder. “Um, she was just about to leave so.”
“Okay.” I reply quietly, suddenly overwhelmed with an odd mixture of anger and guilt.
While Noah escorts the girl out to say goodbye, I begin tidying up the room. Noah is pretty clean thankfully, so the room itself is clean, but I can’t shake the feeling of something oddly foreign within the four walls. The room suddenly feels so dirty and the taste on my tongue is sour like expired milk. My eyes land on the bed sheets and my stomach feels like I had drank expired milk – maybe 3 whole gallons of it. My mind struggles to account for the food I had eaten today but fails. Surely that is the reason for my abrupt nausea.
Before I can even process my actions, my fingers hungrily latch onto the bed sheets, snapping each fitted corner off the mattress. Heavy textbooks and pens hit the floor with a loud crash.
Despite having just washed them, I’m absolutely positive that they’re filthy.
Maybe they smelled too much like stagnant laundry this morning
Maybe they were making me itchy last night
Maybe I developed an allergy to our detergent
Maybe it’s been too warm and I soaked them in sweat
Or maybe I just want to clean the fucking sheets.
“Oh,” Noah’s gentle voice startles me from the doorway. His eyes trail up from the mess on the floor to the balled-up sheets beneath my palms. “Um, did I accidentally get highlighter on them or something?”
“Nope.” I’m quick to answer. “Just wanna wash ‘em.”
His brows furrow still looking at where my hands keep the shape of the large sphere of material. “Oh. Um, well. I just washed them like 2 or 3 days ago?”
“It’s fine, I just want to wash them again.” I respond shortly.
“Okay… well, let me do it then.” He crosses the space between us going for the sheets but I pull away.
“No. I got them, thanks.” I avoid him by swerving around his thin body and head towards the door.
 “Well, what can I do? I could mop again or… reorganize the fridge? Or…” He trails off, not being able to come up with much else.
“No, Noah. It’s Stella’s turn to mop and who the fuck offers to reorganize a fridge?” I snap at him from the doorway, “You don’t need to be cleaning the house 24/7, okay?”
His eyes falter but he nods “Oh, sorry, I um, I just wanna be doing my part. You know… earn my keep and all that? I just… wanna help.”
My face softens and the tight muscles in my shoulders ease. I feel guilt all over again. 
I sigh. “I’m sorry – I just - I just had a bad week with school and with the shop and,” I pause. “I didn’t mean to snap at you, okay?”
He nods and the edges of his mouth upturn ever so slightly into a tight-lipped smile. “Okay.” He pauses, fidgeting with his fingers. “Sorry about Kassidy. I should’ve asked.” He says quietly while his eyes drop to his anxious hands.
The tips of my fingers curl into the sheets a bit, a stream of… frustration maybe?  shoots through my veins. “It’s okay. I just don’t want my mom to get mad.”
A half lie.
When I turn to leave, he stops me, “Oh – I wanted to ask you something?”
My eyes widen while still turned away from him. A chill rolls up my spine at the realization that we’ve barely spoken since yesterday morning, when his hand was around my cock.
“Um sure, what’s up?” I turn back to him cautiously.
“Well, the fair is in town this weekend, I thought we could go? You know, me, you and Folio?”
I smile at him, relieved it wasn’t about something else. “Sure, sounds fun.”
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-Friday Night-
When Folio comes to pick us up, I immediately regret agreeing to carpool. The passenger side door flings open with yet another blonde in the front seat. This one a bit more of a natural, darker blonde and not nearly as bobblehead-like. She looks vaguely familiar, maybe she was one of the wannabe sorority girls from the frat party.
I sigh when I glance over to my busted blue car that’s been acting up every morning since the cold weather’s been getting closer.
The girl smiles wide at us and gets out so we can fold her chair to get to the backseat.
We squeeze our way to the back and naturally, Noah’s mile-long limbs take up most of the room.
The thick distinctive stench of paper-wrapped nicotine coats the cracking plastic of his car doors and the pungent aroma of $10-per-gram weed oozes from the stained beige seats.
Even though Nick brought his ‘friend’, I feel decent about the fair tonight. I mean these are the things we should be doing, right? Going out is what college kids do.
The girl hands back a plastic bottle wrapped in brown paper and Noah hungrily takes it.
“Vodka.” She says simply with a dazed smile.
“Cool.” Noah grins, though I know he’s never tasted pure vodka in his life.
He puts the bottle to his lips and tips it back, immediately scrunching his face in disgust at the taste. If it was just us, I know he would’ve spit it out.
He wipes his mouth off with the back of his hand, “Not bad.” He lies straight through his teeth.
Noah tips the bottle offering it to me. I shake my head and wave it off, “No, I’m good thanks.”
“Oh, c���mooonn Nick, don’t be a wuss.” Noah whines.
“Yeah Nick, loosen up! Have some fun!” Folio perks up from the driver's seat and watches me in the rearview mirror.
The last time he told me to “loosen up”, he ended up floundering in a lake so it hardly has an enticing ring to it.
“No really.” I reaffirm. “Not for me.”
Noah tsk’s and rolls his eyes, “You’re no fun.”
The words hit me square in the chest and my ribs mold around the letters like playdoh.
You’re no fun.
They’re simple words. Logically, I know they’re mostly a joke. Yet, they burn like a lit match colliding with white paper.
You’re no fun.
We’ve been friends for a long time. Long enough to sit in boring silence scrolling on our phones comfortably for hours. But now I’m no fun because I won’t drink out of a foreign bottle?
The searing in my lungs forces my hand to reach and snatch the bottle from him abruptly. I don’t think, I just do. I take the bottle to my lips and tilt my head back with scrunched-closed eyes. I chug, better he did and better than the girl, until the scorching of my throat gets too much.
I shove the bottle back at him, now an extra quarter empty. His face and every other face in the car seem shocked, eyes wide with slightly dropped jaws.
“What?” I hiss and let out a vodka-singed burp. “You told me to have fun.”
Nick’s wheels roll to a halt in the dirt of the fair’s extended parking. The crowded car disperses faster than I anticipated, leaving me alone in the empty car. I stumble out of my seat and precariously steady myself in the dirt to scan the parking lot for the group. The four of them are already ahead of me, nearly halfway to the entrance. Their laughter carries in the wind all the way back over to me. 
Once I catch up, I trail behind them quietly. My hands stuffed in my pockets and my Vans kicking up dry dirt, just trying to focus on walking in a straight line. 
As we approach the ticketing office, my heart plummets to my stomach when I see two familiar girls standing at the gate waiting for us. 
I should’ve known.
“Nicholas, you remember Brooke, right?” Noah grins and gestures to the carbon copy of every other sorority girl on campus.
“Yeah. Hey.”
That’s when I notice the delay in my words and the lag between my fingertips as I wave to her. And as we buy our tickets and make our way into the fair, I catch the warmth all over my skin and the growing numbness in my lips.
I think I’m drunk. Really drunk. 
We make a solid lap around the entire park – picking up random snacks here and there, some fried oreos, a shared funnel cake, slushees, and more I can’t even remember. All the fried food mixed with the couple spin-y rides and the alcohol sloshing in my stomach, I was more than ready for an actual meal. I convinced everyone on hotdogs since it’s the cheapest food here and I’d already spent a good chunk of my tip money on ride tickets and overpriced junk food.
When we reach the window of the hotdog stand we’re met with a familiar face.
“Bryan!” Exclaims Folio, excited to see his fraternity mentor.
As always, Bryan looks about as thrilled as a mother of toddler triplets after a candy bender.
“Trout.” He replies unenthusiastically with his monotone cadence matching the deep sleep-deprived purple beneath his eyes.
Normally I would’ve giggled at Folio’s ridiculous nickname but my body was too focused on sustenance.  
“Two hotdogs and fries please.” I skip past the rest of the indecisive group.
“We’re out of fries.” He replies flatly.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
He just shrugs, unbothered.
“Fine. Just the hotdogs then.” I huff.
“Coming right up.” He feigns enthusiasm.
The rest of the group place their orders and I can’t help but find amusement in how comical Bryan looks. He’s uniformed in a hotdog themed apron and a silly hotdog visor.
We finally make our way to a painted blue picnic table that sits off to the side away from the busy crowd. I’m grateful for the small respite from the overwhelming, overstimulating chatter.
I fucking hate hotdogs. Usually.
But the minute that meat and bread combo meets my tastebuds, it is as though heaven itself found home in my mouth.
The rest of table fades out as I devour my food and it is only when I’ve finished my 2nd dog that start regaining consciousness. I glance over at the boys who are in the midst of telling some story that’s got all the girls laughing.
My eyes land on Kassidy. She’s giggling at every single thing Noah says and he’s looking at her like she hung the moon. 
No matter how tacky or annoying she is, she’s still objectively beautiful – beautiful in a way I could never be.
The way she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, makes me want long blonde hair too. When she bats her fake lashes at him, it makes me wish mine were longer. Her nails adorned with white tips suddenly make my nailbeds feel bare. The foundation caked on her face reminds me of the breakout I have on my cheek and the stubble growing beneath my nostrils. All at once I’m disappointed with every bit of myself that isn’t like her.
A fleeting moment of curiosity passes pondering if this is what it feels like to question your gender. It had never crossed my mind to be anything other than male, nothing else I ever desired. I’ve never felt like I was in the wrong body or anything of the sort – so, I don’t quite think that’s what I’m feeling now.
Maybe I just envy her existence or how confident she is. Maybe I find her attractive? It’d be kinda shitty if I found her attractive, seeing as she’s Noah’s date and I’m here with Brooke. I don’t think it’s that either, since I can barely tolerate either of them.
Perhaps I’m just drunk and confused.
I must just be drunk and confused.
Once the food settles in my tummy, I feel significantly better, a little nauseous still but better nonetheless. My buzz has fizzled, but the tips of my fingers still tingle and words are still hard.
I quietly use a leftover bun to move around a glob of ketchup as entertainment. Noah’s always been the social one, he’s always been the connections, the glue. So, it’s no surprise that he’s captured the attention of the whole table, filling the air with collective drunken giggles. Normally though, he helps nudge me gently into conversations. He helps me not stay silent like I am now. It’s fine though, I don’t have much to contribute since they have all these inside jokes from their study group.
I snap out of my daze when I hear Folio crunch a coke can in his hand as he gets up from the table. There’s an emptiness beside me I hadn’t felt til now – Brooke is gone.
My gaze follows the group as they get up from the table to bring their trash to the overflowing garbage can.
“Where did Brooke go?” I ask to the general conglomerate, most of which pay no mind to me.
“She left to go meet up with some other friends.” Noah replies, his tone suggests that he’s downplaying the situation. I’m sure she wasn’t having fun with a half-drunk silent boy.
‘You’re no fun’ rings in my head from earlier in the car.
2 things I’ve learned from tonight are:
1 – eat hotdogs when drunk.
2 – pretending to be “fun” is really fucking exhausting.
“Oh.” I say quietly, matching their actions by tossing my flimsy paper plate and Dr. Pepper can into the trash.
“We’re heading towards the bigger rides, if you want to come.” He turns and follows the rest of the group through some carnival game tents.
‘If you want to’ I mimic him in my head.
No I don’t fucking want to but I was driven here and I’m stranded.
“Yeah.” I mumble and quickly jog to meet them ahead of me.
The others made their way to the short ferris wheel line after I insisted it was okay to leave me behind. I sure as fuck didn’t want to sit in a pod alone or 3rd wheel on one of their’s.
I watch Noah and Kassidy’s pod reach and stop at the peak of the small ferris wheel, I don’t know why I’m watching but my body is rooted where I stand. Upon it’s a slow descent down, I see it.
His hand cupping her face. Their lips locked.
It’s not a decision I make until their pod locks at the gate and they’re being let out. My foot swivels in the dirt, kicking up dying grass as I try to dip around various family-owned booths for cover. As feared, I hear him calling from behind. I knew I had messed up by making a run for it so late.
His calling only makes my legs move faster – I’m not sure exactly why I’m running or what good it’ll do, just that I need to get as far away from him as possible.
He catches up to me faster than I was prepared for. Fall leaves crunch beneath his worn-out Converse. “Where are you going?” He asks and before I even turn around to see him, I know the look on his face. The same look that I can’t seem to ever say no to – the one that breaks my back just to make me bend to him.
I sigh and turn to him. “Noah, I’m going home.”
“What! Why?”
And there it was. Big, round, puppy dog eyes full of decadent chocolate so sweet it could rot the teeth right out of your skull - paired with pouted lips that demand pity and restitution.
“I’m not having fun. I don’t want to be here.”
“What? You told me you wanted to go to the fair?” He questions with curved eyebrows.
“No. I didn’t. You invited me. You told me that I wanted to go. You tricked me into being on a triple date I didn’t want to be on.” My arm gesturing towards the fair.
“Well, c’mon we can still make it fun! We can just get some more ride tickets and-” He grabs the sleeve of my flannel and tugs at it towards the fair.
I yank my arm back so hard it nearly pulls him back with it, “No you’re not listening to me Noah. I don’t want to be here. Why do you continue to bring me places that you KNOW I won’t like?”
“We’ve been to the fair a million times, Nick.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
“Yeah! With just us! Not with three random fucking girls!” The churning in my chest begins to spit drunken thoughts out without filters.
His brows knit together in confusion. “They’re not random girls Nicholas, and I really thought you’d hit it off with Brooke-”
“Oh my god, why the fuck would you think I’d get along with her? Just because she’s got tits and ass? Sorry, I’m not you, I need a little more than that.” I scoff.
“Well, I-I don’t know just thought you’d want-”
“Augh!” I groan and pace a tiny lap around the grass. “Can you stop assuming you know what I do or don’t want?”
“So, let me get this straight. You don’t want to go to parties, or the fair, or hang out with girls… normal college stuff, you don’t want?”
My heart pounds hard against my eardrums and my fingers burn with frustration. My fists tighten at my sides and my jaw clenches, digging each row of teeth into the other. Molten lava threatens to spill from my throat.
“No, Noah. I guess I don’t want ‘normal college stuff’, I don’t fucking like alcohol and I don’t even know if I like girls!”
My yelled words tumbled from my mouth so easily I didn’t even realize I said anything that odd until Noah’s eyes widen.
I don’t even know if I like girls.
“What?” Noah asks softly and genuinely with his head tilted slightly.
“I-I,” I stumble back, accidentally hitting an oak tree behind me. “I’m- I just need to go home.”
“Nick.” His hands stretch out to grab my arm as I turn to leave but he’s a millisecond too late. “Nick!” He calls after me.
Every bit of adrenaline available in my body propels me forward, past all the booths, all the rides, and through all the neighboring forest. When my feet finally find asphalt, my head feels like a basketball on a player’s fingertip. My eyes widen at a sharp turn in my stomach. I analyze my surroundings in a split second, running towards a lamp post for support. The moment my palm touches the cold metal, I double over and empty the contents of my stomach onto the concrete. The funnel cake, the cotton candy, the fried Oreos, the slushees, and the goddamn fucking hotdogs all found home the sidewalk.
I don’t even know if I like girls.
I don’t even know if I like girls.
Why would I say that?
Is that true?
Do I not like girls?
Of course, I like girls.
I wobble over to a bench and sit on the cool wood. The weather’s a lot colder now that the sun has set, and I regret not bringing a proper jacket.
I like girls. I know I like girls. Right?
I mean, I’ve been jerking off to girls… this whole time? So, if I didn’t like girls, why would I do that?
I like girls.
I like girls.
I shake my head of the thoughts spinning faster than I can even grasp.
The dim light of the street lamp flickers and it occurs to me that it’s almost 10 pm and I have no idea where I am or how to get home.
Pulling my location up in my Maps app tells me that I’m still fairly close to the fair, which unfortunately means I’m pretty far from home. Tears begin prickling in my eyes and a tight knot forms in my throat.
The weight of the night crashes down onto me all at once.
The “you’re no fun”
The fucking hot dogs
The “she went to meet other friends”
The “if you want to”
The ferris wheel
The “I don’t even know if I like girls”
“Fuck.” My voice cracks as tears take hostage of my cheeks.
My body doubles over, folding in on itself to bury my face in my hands.
I’m drunk, I had a shit night, I left my best friends at the fair and now I’m stranded on some random street.
Even through my own heaving, a brief pang of guilt shoots in my stomach for leaving Noah behind.
He wanted to have a good night, perhaps I ruined it. 
In the past, I would’ve stayed feeling guilty because I knew for a fact that if the roles were reversed, he’d come back to find me. But now, I’m not so sure. I don’t think he’d leave Kassidy for anyone or anything.
Not even me.
My palms try to stave off the tears by digging into my eye sockets.
“Fuck, okay. I need to get it together.” I say out loud to myself, letting out a deep exhale. “What the fuck am I gonna do.”
Both of my only friends are still at the fair.
Mom is at work.
So that leaves me with…
I unwillingly pull myself from the bench and begin to pace back and forth taking fast but deep breaths. I ring out my hands out, trying to expel any sort of panic from them. The last thing I need is for her to see me like this.
Finally, once I’ve composed myself, I dig my phone out of my pocket and click her contact name “Snot”.
It rings for a little bit too long and I almost hang up just before she answers.
“Hello?” She asks a little louder than necessary, shortly after I hear a flood of giggles in the background. Her sleepover.
“Hey.” I barely get out without my voice cracking.
“Hey, what’s up?” She asks with concern lacing her voice. There’s the sound of a door closing behind her, shutting out the chatter.
“Oh um-“ My tone pitched up and I feel tears welling up in my eyes again. If the rest of tonight’s events weren’t enough, here I am making a fool out of myself to my little sister. “I forgot about your sleepover. It's fine – I’ll just walk home or something.”
“Walk home? Where are you?”
I swallow the knot in my throat trying to keep my voice level, normal and calm but my pause is long and loud.
“I-I,” My eyes squeeze shut pushing as much of my tears out. “I don’t know.”
“Did you drink?”
The back of my hand roughly wipes my nose. “Yes.”
“Are you with Noah?” Her voice is gentle and kind and reminds me of how our mother would talk to us when we scraped our knees.
I sniffle and my voice threatens to break once more. “No.”
“Okay.” She states as if she just got handed a checklist of effortless tasks. “The girls were just about to go home.” I know that’s a lie. “Drop me a pin and I’ll come get you.”
“Thanks Stell.” I reply quietly.
“Of course.”
It took about 20 minutes for Stella to pick me up in my own car.
My arms wrap around my shivering body and my head rests on the window as I watch the streetlights zoom past us. Her speed is inconsistent, fast in short bursts then slow in long drags. Her stops are jerky and her turns wide. If this was an early Tuesday school morning, she wouldn’t be able to stop my mouth from rambling off critiques. But tonight, opening my mouth seems more dangerous than her driving.
“So. Do you wanna talk about what happened?” She cuts through the silence unapologetically, like opening a crisp can of Coke in a dead, silent room.
I shake my head.
“C’mon. You can’t really expect me to pick you up in the middle of nowhere at midnight without any context?” She patters her fingertips on the steering wheel and glances over at me. “Did something happen with Noah? Did you get into a fight?”
“Something like that.” I mutter.
She squints her eyes and kind of tilts her head to the side. “You guys never fight?”
“Well.” I reply bluntly. “Things change, I guess.” The fabric of the seat cover stretches as I shift. “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.”
The gears spin in her head, I can almost see them. “Weird.” She mumbles under her breath. “Was it about a girl?”
“I said I’m done answering questions.”
“Sheesh, okay.” She says defensively.
Silence fills every empty space in the car. I’m not sure I’ve ever been uncomfortable around my sister before, but I certainly am now. It’s a new feeling, something I want to run and hide from. My knee bounces nervously as my mind cycles through everything that happened tonight. Regardless of anxiety and confusion twisting my organs into pretzels, I fear that if I don’t say what’s chanting in my head right now, I could explode.
“I told Noah that I don’t even know if I like girls.” I blurt out with extreme urgency, as if I didn’t get it out now, I never would.
Her eyes widen a bit but they stay focused on the road. My heart thumps hard against my chest threatening to jump right out.
“Okay.” She says calmly but cautiously. “And why did you say that?”
“I-I don’t know.” I let the weight of my body finally relax and sink into the seat. “You’ve known me my whole life. Do you think that I… might not only like girls?”
She turns to me at a red light and the face she gives me reminds me of when she was 4 and I was 7, when I speculated that Santa might not be real. Without a second thought she replied, “Of course he’s not real, silly.”
Even at 4 years old she was smarter than me.
“I think that might be a question you have to figure out yourself, Nick. I can’t tell you what you do or don’t like.”
I huff, suddenly frustrated that I couldn’t hand off such a complex task onto someone else – that I couldn’t have someone else give me a quick, solid, factual answer.
“I guess you’re right.” I mumble. 
She returns her focus to the road and lets out a little sigh. “Do you remember when we were little? And we liked Power Rangers?”
“…Yeah?” I reply confused as to what exactly Power Rangers has to do with my sexuality.
“Well, I remember the first time we watched it - and you thought it was so stupid.”
“No I didn’t? I loved Power Rangers?” 
“No.” She corrects me. “At first, when it was just us, you thought it was dumb. But then all your friends started liking it and suddenly you did too. You even wanted to be the red one for the group costume that Halloween, remember?”
“Okay… and? What are you getting at?”
“I can’t tell you what you are or aren’t, Nick. But you’re right - I have known you my whole life. And I know that sometimes you change things about yourself to, I don’t know… not make waves? Not stand out? To fit in? I don’t know your reasoning and I don’t know if that’s what you did with this. But… just something to think about I guess?”
My fingers tap at my knee in thought. I don’t really remember that specific component, only that I had Power Ranger shirts and bedsheets. I remember playing with the figures on the playground with friends and running around the neighborhood with them on Halloween as the Red Ranger. If I was having fun, does it really matter if I didn’t actually like Power Rangers? 
“Yeah… I guess it’s something to think about.” I let out a deep sigh. “How’d you get so smart anyway?”
She shoots me a smile, “I learned from the best.”
“Nope, definitely not me. That was all Mom.”
“Who did you think I meant?” She smirks.
“Ha-ha so funny.” I roll my eyes with a toothy grin, finally feeling the tiniest sliver of ease enter my body.
The relaxation slipped from me as quickly as it arrived. “Please don’t um, tell her…or anyone that we talked about this – especially Noah.”
“You got it. I would never.”
I somehow feel relieved yet terrified of what I’ve just divulged to her.
“Do you wanna get donuts from that 24-hour place? And maybe some water for your inevitable hangover?”
“God yes please.” My thumbs rub circles into my throbbing temples. “And a burger please, jesus I need a burger. And fries, I need fries more than air right now.”
“Fiiine, McDonalds too, I guess.”
“Thanks, Stell.” I say soft and genuine.
“Of course, Nick.”
I smile kindly at her. Tomorrow I’ll probably regret everything I said and did tonight but right now, I’m getting junk food with my sister at midnight and the world is quiet. Everything feels okay, even if it only lasts until the end of my Mcdonald’s.
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I wave Stella goodnight as she walks into her room. With a twist of my doorknob, I open my door and my feet halt in their tracks. My swollen eyes widen at the last thing I expected to be in my room.
“What are you doing here?” I question before I can even really gauge my own reaction.
Noah sits on the edge of the bed still in the same outfit from the fair.
“I went looking for you.” His brown eyes find mine and it makes my chest ache the same way it did earlier on the bench.
“You did?” My square shoulders soften briefly before straightening back up again. “And why would you do that?” I snap at him.
The space between his brows burrows slightly, seemingly confused by my harsh response. “Well, I-I,” He presses his lips together while his fingers pick at his nails. “I was worried about you.”
My eyes dart down to the carpet and try to ignore the way my heart swells at his words. I swallow hard and curl my fists at my sides. “Well, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m fine.”
“Oh okay…” He trails off and lets his gaze drop to his fiddling hands and bouncy leg. “I just wanted to make sure, I guess.”
“Okay well, you’ve made sure. Now I really just wanna go to bed, if that’s okay with you.” I cross all of the two feet from the doorway to my dresser and forcefully yank the top drawer open.
He carefully lifts from the bed and meets me where I dig for clothes. “Nicholas.” His voice is gentle and full of concern, but no matter how much it should comfort me it just fans the flames of my resentment.
“What now, Noah.” I sigh harshly and turn to him.
“What did you mean at the fair?”
After the food adventures I had with Stella, it had almost erased what I had said from my memory. Too bad it couldn’t have done that to him too. I was really banking on him being too drunk to even remember. But I should know better than that – Noah and his very selective memory.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I feign confidence and turn back away from him to focus on finding PJs. My chest and limbs fill with a feeling similar to sitting in the waiting room of a principal’s office. Suddenly, I’m small and the room triples in size while the oxygen rapidly depletes.
“You know what I’m talking about Nick.” His fingers gently grab my arm to turn my attention to him again. “Do you… not like girls? Do you think you’re-”
“Gah! No!” I all but spit out. The thought of what he was about to say makes me want to vomit all over again. “No, I’m not…that.”
“O-oh, okay…but if you were, you know you could tell me, right? You know you can tell me anything, like we’ve always done.” His voice is quiet and tender, even through the vodka I can still smell on his breath.
“Oh my god Noah.” I grasp at the air in frustration. “No. I just said it to, to throw you off. So you’d let me go, so you’d leave me the fuck alone.”
“Oh.” His hand slips from my arm and he takes a step away from me.
If this was any other night, after any other event, I would apologize, minimize it, and say that I’m just having a bad night. But it’s not any other night and I don’t have enough energy in my entire body to make more excuses.
My fingers dig into the bundle of PJs I hold, and my stare stays straight on his chest. “I just, want to take a shower and go to bed. Okay?”
“Right.” He sucks his teeth and nods. “Okay, enjoy your shower then.”
“I will, thanks.” I reply blandly, shoving the overflowing drawer closed.
The world seems much lighter now that the thick layer of carnival muck, the remnants of alcohol and vomit were washed down the drain. I scrunch my hair with a terry cloth towel while I walk to my room from the shower.
I’m confused to find my door cracked open with the big light still shining through the door. I spent almost an hour trying to get all the grime off and let the water ease the pulsing in my head. Surely, Noah wouldn’t still be up, it’s almost 3 am.
I quietly creak the door open to find the bed empty.
“Huh?” I whisper to myself and make my way over to the disheveled bed. Noah’s nowhere to be found, but instead there’s a plushy on his pillow. I hook my finger through the plastic carabiner attached to it and lift it to my eyeline. It’s a stuffed tuxedo cat with sunglasses that look similar to the knockoff RayBans I usually wear.
I look back at the pillow and notice there was a note beneath it. I pick it up and unfold it with the cat dangling on my pinky. 
‘Saw this at the fair and thought of you. 
Went to stay over at Kassidy’s so, you can have your room back for the night.
The breath that escapes from deep in my torso seems to deflate me completely. I knew the slip of up of my words the other day hurt him, more than I thought. A vine of thorns wraps around my throat, each guilt-drenched spike digs into my windpipe. He left because of me.
I take a precarious seat on the edge of the bed, holding each item in each hand. My palm aches to crush the note in my fingers but my eyes burn with salty tears too. All while the cat swells my chest in the saddest way possible. How could someone feel so many things at once? 
I have no screams, no yells, no sobs left in me and my body begs for rest. I can’t let myself wallow in whatever this is, how could I make sense of it now? When my brain is so hazy and my eyes are so sleepy. 
I use the back of my hand to wipe away the tiny bit of tears left in my eyes and set the note and the stuffed kitty on my bedside table. The bed creaks when I bury my knee into the mattress and let myself fall to the middle. 
The bed feels colder and emptier without him in it, but right now I’m not sure this is where I want him to be. 
I reach up to tug the lamp light off and pull the duvet around my shivering body. 
After about 20 mins of stirring with no hope of falling asleep, I give in and just stare into the stillness of the room. My eyes finally adjust to the darkness and start making a sort of mental inventory list counting all of the items scattered around my room that aren’t mine. I try to remember what the room looked like before he moved in, but I can’t.
While there are growing pains, I can’t imagine my room without him in it anymore. He’s tangled himself into the very essence of the space. 
Drawing my gaze across the room, I land on the kitty he’d gotten for me at the fair. I reach across the space and bring it to the bed, placing it in his spot. 
It fills a tiny void in the vast emptiness of the bed and for about 15 minutes I cling to the minor comfort it brings, believing it might help me fall asleep. 
I let out a frustrated sigh. The heaviness of the night drops onto my shoulder blades and finds refuge beneath my eyes. Once again a venomous coil tightens itself around my ribs.
It is mostly confusion that I feel, the only factor I can distinctly pick out. 
The only other one I can somewhat recognize is, loneliness. 
I glance back over to the cat and it dawns on me the possible reason I can't fall asleep. My fingertips tap rhythmically against the mattress cycling through my options until I find one. 
I wrap my thick duvet around my body and grab my pillow before shuffling down the hall. I gently tap my knuckle against her door then crack it open just a bit.
“Stella.” I whisper-yell into her room. “Stella.”
She shifts in her bed and cracks one eye open at me. “Hm?” She groans sleepily.
I let myself in and scuffle across the carpet to her bedside. “Can I sleep on your floor?” I request in a hush. 
“What? Why?” Her brows knit together with her eyes barely open. “What’s wrong with your bed?”
I chew on my bottom lip searching my brain for an answer that makes any sense but there’s only one. 
“It’s empty.” 
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Next Chapter -> 06 - Like Us*
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tag list; @ladyveronikawrites @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @concretenoah @kingdomof-omens @the-hell-i-overcame @blackveilomens @xxrainstorm [comment if you'd like to be tagged?]
Thank you for the support on this series and on my other series, Virality. I appreciate it more than you know. I love reading your comments and asks. I am incredibly grateful for them, thank you.
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76 notes · View notes
1800miserablethot · 3 months
I’ve seen others make these head cannons and I was looking at your page and it made me think about what your head cannons would be for the jackass crew/ Viva La Bam. Like what would they do if they saw someone flirting with you, or what they would be into, etc XD
Stop because I think of this shit ALL the time
First, we have to obviously start with Bam.
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Bam just like all the other fanfics he is the sub. How this man acted on Viva La Bam gives clear sub vibes. I don't even know where to begin tbh, but I do know one this is for sure he wants ALL of your attention. Have it be you're watching him do a stunt or a prank or whatever, he would drag you along everywhere just like he did Ryan.
Starting off sweet he would secretly be a cuddler, when it’s finally quiet at night (though it never is on that show) he would be curled up against you like a damn cat just sleeping away. I feel like he would constantly kiss you until he falls asleep, lazy sweet ones. He’s a nuzzler for sure, his face is always in your neck or hair.
During the daytime again he's an attention whore, where ever he is you're most likely next to him. If he gets hurt during a stunt you're the first one to him, or you’re the first one he wants by his side. Now if you get hurt then the stunts are over, he's cussing out everyone and anything that's in his way of you. You would have to calm him down afterward because he can't bear the thought of losing you or even seeing you hurt.
Jealousy, he would get very possessive. But not in a dom way, he would probably cuddle against you, start kissing your neck, or try to drag you off, etc to gain your attention back to him. He would jump into the convo and talk about himself a lot but not in a cocky way, but in a take, a hint [Y/N] is mine type of way and try to bore said person of the convo in hopes they leave.
He's a brat so he's going to do anything and everything to push your buttons. Have it be from talking back at you, doing stunts you said no to, flirting with others a bit/ letting others get touchy at like fan meets, etc (but god forbid someone gets touchy with you) especially by always flashing his navel tattoo on his lower hips. But when it comes to the bedroom/ punishment oh that bratty attitude turns into a good boy one REAL quickly. He's practically begging for forgiveness before you two even start, but you don't fall for it. By the end of the night, he's most likely going to be hoarse in the voice from screaming out your name and pleading/ begging. When he's a brat for punishment you edge him multiple times/hours until even your fingertip against his leaking cock has him sobbing and almost blowing his load. If you two are in public though you take him to a hidden area and have him get on his knees and finish you off but you don't allow him to finish so he's walking around all day with a raging one. Or perhaps if he's been REALLY bad you have him grind against your foot or leg like a dog because 99% of the time that's what he acts like lol. By the time you finally let him finish against your leg/foot his pants/boxers are already soaked with precum etc from holding back for so long. And when he does finish he has the prettiest face, I mean mouth is open, tongue out, eyes rolling and closing (unless you make him look at you while he cums) again he's a dog.
ALSO, I'll die on the hill of Bam loves when you mark him on his stomach and navel where his tattoo is so he can flaunt the marks off.
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Ryan Dunn (my second hubby)
Start off sweet: Ryan is touchy af (I mean just go watch vids of him and or pictures) He’s always got an arm around you, holding your hand, kissing you, etc. He's not shy and if someone tries to hate or tease depending on who they are he either tells them to fuck off or he’s about to beat their face in. When you too are alone I feel like he would be a cuddler too but he would be the big spoon, but he loves to have your hands in his hair. (if his friends found out he's fighting for his life in the GC) again he loves kisses and affection, he's a big softy.
Jealousy wise if he sees someone flirting with you he does the opposite of Bam, he goes straight up to them and tells them to fuck off. Sometimes he has fun with them and plays along like “Yeah he really is hot huh?” and then the person would be like “Yeah wouldn't mind tapping that” and Ryan would reply “Same, that’s why I do every night” or something like that. He's very protective of you in every shape way and form. He's the one who’s stopping you from doing stunts he thinks are too dangerous.
Bedroom wise he's on top, (I feel like his favorite position is doggy because Mall of Bam just explains it) I can't picture him being bottom unless he tops from bottom but then again he's not full-on bottoming. (he thinks it’ll hurt so he's a pussy and doesn't want to try but if you put your mind to it you probably could convince him) When your “on top” it's you two grinding against each other and you talking good to him while in a heavy make-out session which has him breathy and moaning quietly while he nods and agrees to what you're saying until he has enough and flips y'alls position. During certain activities, he praises you while degrading you but not too harshly other wise he’ll end up feeling bad lol. Let's say you do convince him to “bottom” it's probably you giving him a bj and he's begging you softly to let him finish. Because you don't get him like that often so you take full advantage, (though a dirty fantasy is having him fully submit to you one day)
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Chris Raab Himself
Chris would be so chill like he has 100% trust in you, if someone tries to flirt with you he’ll make a joke and be like “Yo dude I had [Y/N] first!” and you too would laugh, he loves hugging you and just randomly grabbing your face to plant one on you. He's not very affectionate but that's because he doesn't know how to lol but he tries (he was the type of kid to bring you a frog because he thought you’d like it) if you wipe out on a stunt or get hurt he’ll help you up and laugh while asking if you're okay but if he sees that you're truly hurting he’ll start to panic a bit.
He doesn't really get jealous he’ll just laugh and probably encourage the person who's trying to flirt with you because he finds it funny.
In the bedroom he is not the top I mean he's small af and how he acts does not give top vibes like he has sm bbg energy it makes me sick. He may not be as loud as bam would be but he does whimper and beg I can tell you that, I feel like he's the type of person to finish early but I also feel like he's the type to cum multiple times. So you’ll tease him seeing how many times you could make him. I feel like he wouldn't be a cuddler (or if he was he wouldn't admit it) but when y'all do he tries to big spoon but obviously that doesn't happen lol, he's very sweet though and gives lots of hugs and kisses to your cheek.
I also think he's vanilla af, but only because he hasn't tried kinkier things so that could be fun to see what he likes
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He's just like a regular guy like idk how to explain lol. He's not kinky at all, he’ll like a heavy make-out session though.
He won't get jealous he's kinda like Raab hell both of them probably would be laughing. He's always joking, but when you two are alone and nothing chaotic is happening you two just lay in bed and talk, little bit of cuddling yk but not too much. I really don't have much more because I see him more as a friend.
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knickynoo · 3 months
Back to the Future Part II, The Novel by Craig Shaw Gardner: Thoughts, commentary, and general ramblings
Part 5: Doc gets his beauty rest
Previous posts here
• We open with the scene of Marty going to confront Biff about the almanac. The book tells us, “It had been surprisingly easy for Marty to get into Biff’s penthouse—especially with Biff distracted the way he was.” And that’s all we get of that. I want to know HOW Marty got into the penthouse, especially since we know Biff himself is baffled as to how he managed to get past security. I suppose we’ll never know what sneaky shenanigans Marty engaged in. Maybe Doc dropped him off on the roof?
• Unlike in the movie, Book Biff hands the almanac right over to Marty to hold.
• Also! I have to point out the line mentioning his and Doc’s plan, because the movie doesn’t make it clear at all that there even was a plan.
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I’ve seen people speculate and make up theories about the roof scene and Doc’s sudden appearance with the DeLorean. One semi-popular theory claims that the scene we see is actually Doc’s second or third attempt to pick up Marty from the roof, as he initially had no idea Marty would end up there. Basically, Biff ended up originally shooting Marty, or Marty had no choice but to jump, and the scene we get in the movie is Doc fixing things by getting there to save Marty just in time.
I mean, I can kind of see where the thought process is behind that headcanon. There’s no indication Marty’s roof escape was planned. In fact, I’ve always thought he didn’t mean to end up there but just had no choice once he was being chased. But on the other hand, the first thing he does when he gets up there is run to the edge and look over, then act visibly frustrated after. So, it’s clear he was looking for Doc and had expected him to be waiting there.
But on the other other hand: if this was planned, why wasn’t Doc there already?? Why would he cut it that close? A few more seconds, and Marty would have been dead.
Although, the headcanon’s reasoning doesn’t make total sense either. If Marty originally DIED, there’s no way Doc would have waited until the last second to swoop in and catch him as he stepped off the roof. He would have been there from the moment Marty arrived and looked down for him.
Hmm. No solution to this one! Back to 1955 we go!
• Biff’s grandmother comes across as noticeably less gruff and demanding in the book. As she’s calling to Biff as he leaves the house, her voice is described as “whining” rather than the shouting of the movie. Her exact words are, “But when are you coming back, precious?” which is interesting. Was Biff’s grandma supposed to be softer than the version we got? (She’s AWFUL in the comics btw)
• While waiting for Marty to report back on how his spying is going, Doc falls asleep in the DeLorean and has a hilarious dream.
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Yeah, it’s Marty on the walkie-talkie, lol. And after getting an update, Doc immediately goes back to sleep. Good job, Doc. Your little buddy is running all around town, singlehandedly responsible for somehow getting the almanac back, and you’re taking naps. Marty only gets to sleep when he’s knocked unconscious! This doesn’t seem fair…
• The scene where Biff confronts Lorraine in town about going to the dance contains some really interesting moments from inside Marty’s head. Marty is enraged that Biff has his hands on Lorraine, and he wants so badly to jump out of the car and go help. We get these lines, which I really love:
“Both of Marty’s hands balled into fists without him even thinking about it. He couldn’t just sit here and watch this. Marty bit his knuckle. His mother was always telling him not to fight—not to let the others goad him into something by calling him “chicken.” She always wanted him to count to ten. Well, he would, this time, for his mother. But if Biff was still manhandling Lorraine by the time he was done, Marty would have to go out and stop it—no matter what else happened!”
I love Marty so much. Sweet, sweet boy. He’s willing to potentially throw their whole delicate plan out the window to rush to his mama’s assistance. Also, I love that Lorraine (and this would be Twin Pines Lorraine!) is frequently trying to coach Marty on how to deal with his anger. She makes him stop and count to ten! I so enjoy getting glimpses of characterization for Twin Pines Lorraine and her and Marty’s relationship.
Also, that’s just like…genuinely good advice for someone with anger/impulse control issues. Good on Twin Pines Lorraine for looking out for her boy and trying to help him work through his very big emotions! That’s a loving mom. (I will always defend TP Lorraine)
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toomuchracket · 7 months
oh you don’t have to ask me twice about sharing thoughts about flatmate matty (even if i’ve been asking for birthday party matty the last couple of days…)
has either flatmate girlie or matty ever heard each other, um, getting themselves off? maybe one of them is alone at the flat thinking “oh, they won’t be back for a while so i’m gonna have some solo fun 😏” could be that girlie just had a stressful day and just really needs some relief because work has been horrible. as far as she knows matty is getting pissed with his mates at a pub so she enjoys some time with her vibrator. but turns out all the boys (but matty) got drunk way too quickly and he was like “wondering if girlie wants to cuddle and watch a movie instead of dealing with george rambling on about nonsense?” anyway, he comes back and doesn’t hear much at the beginning but then some muffled noises come from your room. he freezes on the spot all like “no no no no. it can’t be. fuck me. no.” he cannot help but get a bit closer to confirm that you seem to be having a good time and that’s almost too much for his brain and heart to handle. he just leans against the wall and slides down to sit on the floor with his hands covering his face in shame for not being able to move away.
anyway, that’s what came to mind. this is what happens when i have nothing to do on a saturday lol 🫠🤍
there are a couple of blurbs on this vibe (pardon the pun) already! but yes, he's sick at himself for sitting and listening to you, but he's just totally unable to leave - the way you sound is just... better than he ever could've dreamed (and trust, he's done a lot of that). he's CONVINCED he heard you whimper out his name, but surely he's just drunkenly imagining things, right? right? (wrong) anyway, he manages to slip back outside in the time after you cum (which he'll be mentally replaying every time he gets off, alone or not, for the rest of time) and before you leave your bedroom, having a quick smoke to calm down before making a big performance of coming back in just so you aren't caught off guard. as it turns out, you DO want to watch a movie with him, so he's fighting for his life snuggled up with you in your bed trying not to think about what you got up to in it a minute ago for the rest of the night lol. but then you fall asleep cuddled into him, and the horny thoughts leave his head in lieu of the usual ones about how in love with you he is. lovesick! <3
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lipglossanon · 6 months
First of all, the latest real dad!Leon fic was so good!!! I loved it so much 😍 (especially since most of my asks have been about real dad or brother Leon lol)
Anyways, I’ve been thinking a LOT about subby stepbro (or maybe even subby real little brother 👀) Leon and… hoo boy.
Cuddling with him in bed, he’s just so soft and sleepy, and he groggily asks if he can slip his head under your shirt and lay against your bare breasts. And you agree, watching him give you a sleepy smile and disappear under your shirt only to feel his face press contentedly against your chest. Maybe you stay like that for awhile, just stroking his back soothingly back and forth. And then he can’t help himself from pressing soft, sleepy kisses to your skin, asking so sweetly if he can suck on your tits. And you just can’t resist your pretty boy asking in his sleepy voice so politely, calling you mommy and everything. So you let him, taking off your shirt so you can see him as he suckles.
Initially, it’s a comfort thing, no sexual intent whatsoever. Leon just wants to suck on your nipples until he falls asleep, enjoying the feeling of you playing with his hair and gently scratching his scalp. But even though he’s half-asleep and so cozy, he can’t help but get hard. So of course, being the best mommy (and big sister), you ask him if he wants mommy’s help because of course, your pretty baby can’t sleep soundly if he’s all needy, dick throbbing in his sleep pants.
You coo soft praises at him as you slowly and gently stroke his cock, Leon still contentedly sucking one of your nipples, letting out little muffled whimpers and moans against your breast. And then he releases your nipple with a soft, wet pop, one of his hands hovering by his own nipple as he sleepily asks if he can touch himself, too. And of course you allow it, and Leon goes back to suckling on your tits as he plays with his own nipples, hips bucking slightly as you continue to lovingly jerk him off.
His noises are so so pretty, especially when you continue to praise him, telling him how good he is, how perfect he is for mommy, and he can’t help but cum soon after. You guide him through his orgasm, making his blissful peak last as long as possible, peppering his hair and face with soft kisses. And after a bit of cleanup, you both settle back under the covers, Leon mumbling his thank you’s and nuzzling against your still exposed tits as you both fall asleep cuddled up and content, even though you didn’t even cum because this was about taking care of your sweet little brother.
Of course, being the good boy (and good little brother) he is, he makes sure to make you cum multiple times the next morning on his tongue to truly show you how much last night meant to him, how much he appreciated you taking care of him.
Just soft, subby Leon man. Something about it just rots my silly brain. Sorry this is so long, I just had to get this out of my system because it’s been rattling around in my head for awhile 😭
- 🔇
🔇 anon, hi (again 🤭)!!! 👋
Thank you so much!! 💜 💜 I really need to get around to writing a real bro Leon for ya 😉
AHSKGL I love mommy kink with subby (step/real/whichever) bro Leon so much 😩 and he would be so obsessed with your tits 🤤 🤭
😩 I loved every bit of this!! 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 he’s just so soft and sleepy, maybe even sneaks into your room cause it helps him sleep better and then he’s pawing at your chest and asking you so sweetly if he can suck your nipples (“can’t sleep, need’em in m’mouth, mommy” 🥴) giving him the slowest handjob and he’s just nuzzling further into your breasts, sighing and moaning as you jerk him off 🥴
🔇 anon, I love your big beautiful brain. Please keep sending me asks 🤭 💜
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 months
Alas, I have sent in a very long anon so I apologize ahead of time. But I hope these help with the pairing lol *** What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? Sabrina Carpenter- Espresso. Such a good summer song.
What is your Enneagram type? I think type 6? I don't really understand them that much
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? Not really? I used to be really into them but I haven't been watching much youtube lately. Attention span go brrr. Someone would have to sit with me for me to be able to concentrate.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. Didn't have one as far as I remember. But I attempted cause I thought it was the normal thing to do.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? Shutting my eyes and maladaptive daydreaming to sleep.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) I quite like my real name. I feel it suits me surprisingly well so I wouldn't change my name. Maybe add a middle name though.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? Oh boy, hm. I think my favorite would have to be Hush at the moment, but I also really enjoy Elliott's videos.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) I think they all have their merits honestly. If he were still present, I would say Marcus cause he always weirded me out a bit, but if I had to pick a current one? I'd say caller dude. I don't understand but I respect game lol
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. The Untamed. I watched it so many times it's ridiculous. I also read Manhwas/Manga a lot so there are many of those I know like the back of my hand.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Hmmmm. I think I would love to be friends with David and Asher. They seem like a riot together. I only don't add Milo here because he makes me blush so I'd fold for him too easily.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
PFFFT. I do. Music and stories I want to write but can't find the right medium to get it done. Real-life people know I never speak about my creative stuff but don't know about my online life as far as I know, so it's comical to them to hear how many stories are up in my brain at once.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Pass, I don't drive and rarely go to gas stations. But I'd say if I had to, the places I go often have great slushies/slurpees
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
Random on my phone or spotify because I can't be bothered to find actual playlists 😅
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Romance novels/manhwa/mangas. God I love seeing people love each other, especially if it starts off bumpy. But if it ever happened in real life I'd be so confused and not know what to do lol. Also, I would probably turn as red as an apple if someone found out about it without me telling them.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I indulge in a lot of creative stuff, but I am also slightly sickly so my patience with myself is less than I would give other people in the same position as me. I'm attempting to remedy that but it's difficult to give grace to yourself sometimes (ˉ▽ˉ;)...
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The way you describe yourself as easily flustered and blush-y makes me want to pair you with someone who’ll push those buttons, I’ve got to admit- Vincent, specifically.
I like his flirty, Edward Cullen-esque facade and the dorkier, tenderer interior for you, you know what I mean? Like, he’d flirt and poke fun and smolder as he does, but I think he’d have a good sense of when to stop, when you’ve had too much. I also like him for you as Type Six, the enneagram that desires security, reliability, someone steadfast. Vincent, that blessed simp of a man, is an emotionally dependable, loyal lover on top of being a sap and romantic which works well since you also strike me as a romantic.
Your life together is very fun- as fun as constant, light teasing from Vincent can be. He loves a lot of the same things you do, like manga and danmei. (My Vincent is Chinese, as is William, so he’s especially attached to danmei and historical dramas.) He loves peeking over your shoulders, reading the dialogue in a smooth, smoldering voice and then kissing your cheeks when he makes them glow. He’s a little stinker that way, but Vincent definitely knows to be more genuine and sincere when you share your creative work with him. He’s incredibly supportive, buying you whatever tools and/or instruments you might need until you find the medium you like best.
The hungry heart, the roving eye/ Have come to rest, do not apply/ The frantic chase, the crazy ride/ The thrill has gone, I step aside/ And I'd believe in anything were it not for you/ Showing me by just existing only this is true/ I love you, I love you without question, I love you
As an 80’s kid, Elton John (and the Road to El Dorado soundtrack as well) feel like a good pick for him, you know? Very classic, timely, nostalgic. I like it for y’all specifically because of the vibes, because it reminds me of this lover that lived this crazy existence, lived hard and fast without knowing what it was all for, until they met the person who it was all for, until Vincent met you.
In that same vein of thought, Gavin is a strong, cute contender though I don’t think he would have quite as much of a grasp on your comfort levels and moods like Vincent would. In the opposite vein, the other arm if you will, I like Morgan for you. He’d be a good match for a Type Six, and his vibes just suit you; it’s hard to explain why.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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strawbrygashez · 9 months
P1 Doe x P3 Dude HCs cuz they’ve been on my mind :3
•While P3 is a DOG when it comes to more revealing clothing on his partners, he thinks P1s Doe style is super cute. I imagine her clothes are very modest like lots of long skirts, baggy sweaters, cardigans, etc. The only odd thing she might hear about it from him is that he says the “librarian look really does it for him” 🤦‍♀️
Since she dresses modestly a lot of the time, it makes the times where she shows a bit more even better for p3 👍!!!! She’s usually embarrassed when she’s dressed in ‘less’ but he makes sure to tell her & show her she’s absolutely gorgeous.
•I’ve seen a couple things where ppl make P1 Doe more obsessed with god/religion more than I’ve seen with p1.. so it makes me think she’d probably ask P3 to come to church with her pretty often. P3 of course groans about it and whatnot but if he’s not busy, he’ll come with anyways. He doesn’t really listen to the preacher or whoever tho and just kinda man spreads next to her on the bench & just fiddles around with whatever he can or he just falls asleep 💀
P1 Doe would shove him awake if he did fall asleep & started snoring.. or if she could tell P3 fell asleep at all. (P3 is thankful for his sunglasses bc it makes it harder for her to tell if he’s dozing off or not)
I think eventually she’d go less and less because her paranoia about everything would get less extreme the longer she’s with P3 :0
•Usually P3 ended up with or chased after more confident, flirtatious women in the past so when he gets feelings for P1 Doe, he really has to actually work on getting close to her and changing his approach to flirting 💀 He might struggle a bit with not trying to come onto her too strong but he gets it eventually LOL he wants something really meaningful with her anyways :3
•I think like P1 Dude, P1 Doe wouldn’t have had many relationships in the past. Maybe a crush here and there and a attempt at dating once or twice but nothing ever really worked. She has no idea how to go about dating and flirting bc like P1 Dude, she’s awkward and just doesn’t understand people a lot of the time. So again, P3 is gonna have to take it slow with her & reassure her a bunch.
Part of me thinks she’d kinda feel worried and bad about ‘not being a good girlfriend’ and she’s confused why P3 even bothers with her when she’s ‘the way she is’.
•Kinda going along with prev point, since she doesn’t have a lot of dating experience, when p3 does start to get handsy, she’s SWEATING so bad. Her hearts going crazy, she’s not sure what to do. Not even if it’s like a 👀😳 moment but like just him wrapping a arm around her while they watch tv together has her dying (at least earlier on). She’d eventually get used to him touching her and her touching him but yea.. she just isn’t used to psychical touch at all LOL
•Going back to the clothes thing again somewhat, she tries to remember what P3 points out that he likes on her, so she can wear it around him more.
Like with all pdudes, I think when they get a s/o they really love, it helps them remember to take care of themselves more often. So like.. I think sometimes she’d start to remember to actually brush out her hair & maybe even do it up/try a new hair style in hopes he’d like it :,) NOT SAYING SHE’D DO IT ALL THE TIME.. she’s still p1 so she’s gonna have wild hair more often than not but I dunno I think she, like p1 dude would as well, would wanna try to put effort into ‘looking nice’ for their s/o.
•They are definitely a opposites attract kinda couple. I can see the other pdudes being kinda taken back when they find out they are together but also.. pdudes dont give much of a fuck about which Pdude is with who 💀
P3 won’t shut up about her around the others tho. Every other sentence out of his mouth is about his “beautiful, smart girlfriend”
The other Postal Doe’s all gave P1 Doe a look when they found out P1 Doe is with p3 of all pdudes like “really? Him?” But I think she might stand up for him a little bit even 🥲 and tell them he’s actually not that bad and a sweet guy when u get to know him. Now I dunno if they’d actually believe her or not tho 💀
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junekissed · 2 years
vampire boyfriend!jun headcanons
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member — vampire bf!jun x shy reader (gn) genre — headcanons (bullet points), fluff, humor word count — 950 warnings — mentions of blood (not belonging to anyone specific) notes — requested by anon — i always have brainrot for limbo jun anon i feel you 😔 i meant for this to be like. 400 words but i got carried away lol i am #1 vampire jun agenda supporter. i hope this is something like you wanted!
one reblog = one 'witchcraft' microwave dinner
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it’s a good thing for you that jun is also shy. partially due to the fact he can’t go outside during the day without being wrapped in a hundred layers and a dozen coats of sunscreen, and partially due to the fact that he just doesn’t like people in general, most days and nights are spent quietly in his living room in his house at the edge of town. reading books and watching tv wrapped up on the couch together is a favorite pastime of you both.
it’s truly a match made in heaven (or wherever vampires come from).
he’s not so reclusive that he doesn’t know what modern things are, but you have may have to teach him about things every once in a while. he’s got modern appliances like a refrigerator and a stove, but a microwave? never heard of it. he has a fairly up-to-date computer, but what’s that little box you always carry around? a phone? he’s got one of those hanging on the wall in the kitchen, why don’t you have a landline?
he convinces you to go grocery shopping with him one day, and you have to explain what instant meals are. yes, you can put the whole thing in the microwave, and it’ll be ready to eat in a couple minutes. no, it’s not witchcraft. (he’s had a few unfortunate run-ins with witches in the past, he avoids them at all costs now.)
he likes to think he’s big and scary and protective, but he’s not so much in practice: “if that cashier at the supermarket looks at you like that again, i’m gonna bite him!” whispered to you, followed by a polite “thanks so much have a nice day!” to him. he’s got the spirit, but when it comes to interacting with humans he’s just as shy, if not more shy, than you are.
he also loves reading the newspaper with you every morning. a physical newspaper that he’s had delivered to this address for over a century, and you can only wonder how no one ever suspected him. you find it so endearing when he gets excited over the smallest things reading the morning news, “do you know how many presidents i’ve lived through? this one’s my favorite, though!”
he gets up before you and makes coffee or tea or whatever you like and brings it to you in bed every single morning. you always blush and you tell him not to, but he does it anyway. he says he likes to spoil you; he’s got hundreds of years of affection built up and nothing to do with it, and now that you’re in his life, you better expect to be doted on 24/7. plus, he likes being all snuggled in bed with you, so why have breakfast out in the kitchen when he can have it while cuddling with you?
he knows it’s hard for you to fall asleep with him in the room since he doesn’t sleep, so he waits in the living room for a bit until he’s sure you’re asleep, then carefully climbs into bed with you.
you quickly discover that he loves making you get shy around him. he’ll tease you, but not in a mean way; just enough to make you blush and hide your face. he’s a big fan of complimenting you, because he thinks it’s so cute how embarrassed you get, but also because he’s just so enamored with you and he needs to make sure he tells you as often as possible.
it took a while for you to be comfortable with asking him questions about his life, but as soon as you start to open up he’ll tell you anything and everything you want to know. he loves telling you stories and recalling all the different places he’s lived– especially those few years in moscow with the traveling circus, but that’s a long story.
he’s been alive for hundreds of years, but somehow he’s still the most impatient person you’ve ever met. you would think he would’ve learned by now that he has plenty of time to wait, but he’s just so excited to be around you he can’t help but be anxious for more.
on the rare occasion you decide to go out somewhere for a date, he’s ready hours in advance, pacing by the front door, waiting for it to be time to leave. “you really look like dracula when you pace like that,” you giggle, coming out from the bathroom to see him walking around the living room with his hands clasped behind his back. he’d pout and go into a rant about how the book makes vampires look like mean manipulative creatures when really he’s just an introverted guy who likes cats and also happens to be immortal and drink blood.
speaking of cats, the both of you probably have more feline friends than human friends. they’re easier to be around, and unlike people, they don’t ask questions when they see jun walking around the house in his pajamas, a half-empty bag of type o in his hand.
at the end of the day most of your time is spent together, maybe a little secluded, but definitely enjoying each other's company <3
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thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed! if you liked this, reblog or leave an ask or a comment, it shows me you enjoyed this so i know to write more like this in the future!
taglist | @foxdaisy @tinkerbell460 @spookyeomie @huiranghaes @just-here-to-read-01 @blizzardfluffykpop @ny0sang @noraehey @squiishymeow @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @tenn87 @blowfishish @noniestars @matilde111
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star-going-supernova · 11 months
Prompt: After vanessa is freed from ol' peepaw willy's control. One day, Gregory just sorta offhandedly comments "by the way, you had a real crappy knife as Vanny". Vanessa, understandably, questions how he knows this. Gregory proceeds to drag her to the store to buy a 4 buck knife, victoria brand (because i recently got one and omg that's sharp). Vanessa is now glad that Vanny was kind of a dummy. (I thought this could be funny!)
Basic implant background for Vanessa here! This is silly, lol.
It started with a movie trailer in which a character was shown attacking a friend because of mind control. It was all rising drama as the second character desperately tried to break their friend free without hurting them while still trying to defend themself. It struck a sour note in Vanessa. 
Had any of her victims, Gregory or otherwise, tried to snap her out of it? Begged for her to wake up, for her not to hurt them? Would they have known to? She didn’t remember enough from those months, her memory scattered and patchy. 
“You must have been so scared,” she murmured, almost without noticing. She immediately tensed when Gregory turned to look at her; That Night had been one of the Things We Don’t Talk About since it happened, and the last thing she’d meant to do was break that unspoken agreement.
But Gregory just made a dismissive noise. “Not really.” 
“Not—not really?” 
He sent her a half pitying, half apologetic look. “You were a really incompetent murderer, is all.” 
And despite how unbelievably stupid it was, Vanessa found herself mildly offended. “Excuse me?” 
Gregory sighed, put-upon. “Forget I said anything.” 
Vanessa did not, instead leaning forward to mute the TV. “No, no, we’re having this conversation. And I’m sorry for bringing it up—for making you uncomfortable, but—”
“Uncomfortable? What are you talking about?”
She gestured at him. “I don’t exactly want to make you relive a traumatic experience.” 
He stared at her blankly for a second, but before she could start to worry that he was having a flashback or something, he snorted, amused. “Ness, I hate to break it to you, but I didn’t find that night in the pizzaplex particularly traumatizing.” 
“You—what? But we, we have that silent agreement not to talk about it!” 
“Yeah. Because you get all self-loathing and thousand-yard-stare-y when you’re reminded of it.” 
“I—” Vanessa cut herself off, narrowing her eyes. Did she get like that? “But—your nightmares?”
He bit his lip, and she got the impression he was trying not to laugh at her. “I’ve never had a nightmare about you or the pizzaplex, actually.” 
“But I—your insomnia, the way you’re so tired in the morning sometimes, and sometimes you fall asleep with the light on!” 
“I have friends in other time zones,” he explained. “And what kid doesn’t stay up to all hours on YouTube? You wouldn’t believe how many theory videos are out there about Fazbear Entertainment and all the murders and stuff.” 
The murders. Her murders? Were there more murders committed by other murderers? 
They stared at each other for a long minute, Vanessa’s worldview shifting in multiple different directions and Gregory placidly watching it happen. 
“Okay, we’ll—come back to that, maybe, but—sorry, just. Let’s circle back to incompetent murderer. The hell does that mean?” 
“Let me put it simply: you dedicated six-plus hours to trying to kill me… and now I live in your house.” 
Vanessa slumped into the couch cushions, unable to argue. 
To add insult to injury, Gregory started counting off a list of incompetencies on his fingers. “Your costume was frankly comical with its bug-eyes and buckteeth and weird smile. I have to assume the mask severely limited your vision with the amount of times you just completely missed me despite me being right in front of you. You had no sense of urgency with the way you were skipping around, and you made it extremely easy to avoid you because you had no concept of stealth or subtlety. Using the animatronics to help you might have been a half decent idea if doing so hadn’t dumbed them down so much. An actual dog would’ve been better at tracking me.” 
She opened her mouth to interject, but he kept going. 
“The one time you did get close to me, you were so dead-set on maintaining the stupidest cover ever that you practically let me get away. I mean, seriously, who were you trying to fool? So what if I, the kid you were going to kill, knew Vanessa and Vanny were one and the same? And despite having an entire building’s worth of security cameras at your fingertips, you never used them to find me, and the door locks were useless with all the keycards laying around. Admittedly, that’s not entirely your fault, but as a murderer, I think you should’ve been more meticulous about that. And the worst part—”
This roast against her mind-controlled self got worse? 
“—your knife was a piece of crap.” 
A few seconds ticked by as Vanessa’s brain tried to take in his criticisms without thinking of them as points that she needed to improve upon. “What was so bad about my knife?” she asked, perhaps a bit too petulant.
Gregory shrugged. “It was a standard kitchen knife, which wasn’t the worst thing you could’ve chosen. But it clearly hadn’t seen a sharpener in way too long.” 
“How would you know?” Because, admittedly, it wasn’t like she’d ever gotten close enough for him to learn firsthand anything about her knife. 
He sucked in through his teeth, faux apologetic. “Another point against you,” he teased. “I stole your knife around 4:30 and you apparently didn’t even notice.” 
“You didn’t. You didn’t!” 
“I did!” His smile turned smug. “And I never gave it back.” 
“You still have it?” Vanessa asked. Was that something to be concerned about? Especially since he had such a clear idea of what made a person a good or bad murderer. 
“Duh. And you’re not getting it back now. It’s part of my collection.” 
Terrifying little menace. Vanessa looked back at the TV and unmuted it. Her thoughts swirled. 
A few minutes later, she huffily turned to Gregory again, smacking the couch cushion as she did, and loudly said, affronted, “Incompetent. Incompetent? Me? Really?” 
Gregory immediately bursting into laughter didn’t help her outrage. 
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twocrabcake · 1 year
alright here’s the deal
i’m gonna make a percentage of how many trap victims/related persons survive
wish me luck this is gonna be tedious 🫡
it’s been an hour or two since i wrote that lol i got busy
idk i’m starting when its like 12am????
survived: iiiiiiiiii
not: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special (survived): iiiiiii
special (not): iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special is either 1 the game was rigged or 2 they beat the game but died some other related way (ex: adam) 3 or if it was up to somebody else to save you as part of their game (ex: eric matthews, like a lot of them actually)
special good is when it was rigged/something was against them or different but they still beat it. hold on hold up i’m looking for an example rn. ok the secretary lady deborah or something she was in a trap out of her control but she survived.
(timing these for some reason) 1:12 am
dude idk where to put matthews bc his first game was a fluke and he survived but he was also like saved? idk man i’ll think about it (i put him in special died OH GOD NO LOOK AT NOTES)
i can’t put my headcanons/theory’s in here okay cowabummer dude (i have to put adam in dead i’m sorry ok)
1:20 (^im realizing now a shit ton of these fall into the special category whoopsies maybe i got too specific)
1:28 aw dude the fatal 5 are gonna suckkkk bc they’re all working together and linked and connected and shit fhhhghh
1:33 okay dude the steam lady is difficult bc the first half was a special but the last wasn’t. fuck it im just gonna say she could have survived the burns herself
1:40 can’t decide if the first and rebooted games from jigsaw should be put in together or if they should be separate. i just finished i smoked an entire bowl and i am trying my best here ok
1:50 the train guys is rigged they don’t explicitly say it but there’s no way
1:58 alright. fucking finally. that experience was just a downward spiral haha get it bc i hate that movie. also hate jigsaw the movie jigsaw. this was very unpleasant once i’m done with this shit i’m gonna fall asleep to saw 5 or smthn.
2:02 i have to use a counter online bc i’m too tired to count all those little i bitches
2:06 the fruits of my labor. my creation. behold
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Pie chart
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oh thank god
ok so there it is. the ratio of victims that survived and victims who’ve perished in jigsaws traps. you don’t know how much footage i’ve skimmed through. 1 like=1 ass kicking for to me because what was i thinking
me laying down in bed after this ↓
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2:18 ok here it is. the real true official one.
sorry for all that. thank you for accompanying me on this task. i did not have fun. except when i was watching 1-3d but then after that it sucked. 1-3d even took up almost all of the view time but the last bits were so unpleasant it threw that all out the window. gonna go watch one of the original saw movies. you can tell saw x will be good bc it has saw in the name. the title. oh my god oh god i’m realizing i forgot people. i think i forgot bobby. what the hell man screw this i’m going to sleep. i’ll deal with it when i wake up and wonder what the fuck i was on last night. thank you for joining me on this journey of a mental breakdown everybody. a mental spiral, even, if you will. i’m imagining cheesy ending scene music like the character/actor is thanking the audience. signing, logging off at 2:34 am. goodnight everyone.
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mischiefmaker615 · 2 years
A prompt request for Loki:
"I missed your snoring."
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Losing Sheep
Rating: PG 14
Note: so sorry that it's a bit short love, its what my current brain cells could figure out Lol
You hurried as best you could as you turned every corner there seemed to exist within Stark’s tower in search of your boyfriend you haven’t seen in nearly a week. Working for SHIELD was nice and all but the every once and awhile missions across a couple lightyears made it a bit difficult to be home every night. This one in particular was hard because it was currently the longest you’ve been separated from Loki and frankly, you didn’t know if you could do it again.
You knew you should have asked Jarvis to locate him directly but you hoped to surprise him upon your return. As if the universe heard your thought on ‘surprise’, you rounded the corner quickly just to practically ram into something solid and your steps pulled you back to regain your footing as you look to see what you ran into to; more like who. Loki!
‘’you mortals can never watch where-‘’
Without another thought, your heart jumped forward as fast as you did as you wrapped your arms quickly around him excitedly. Within a split second, his words were swallowed and his arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you close as he bent to nuzzle into your neck as a hand ran through his hair.
‘’by the gods Y/N I’ve missed you..’’ he breathed and you felt his entire body practically loosen and relax against you.
‘’I’ve missed you to my love, I’m going to tell Fury to keep me on the local files.. I don’t think I could be away from you that long again..’’ you whine and he pulled away slightly to cup your cheeks and pull you into a kiss you very much needed. You both share a moment as you move your body up against his where an arm travels to snake around your waist to keep you there before you lean back a little to look into his beautiful eyes. ‘’I’ve honestly missed- Loki! Are you alright??’’ you gasped as you gaze up at him.
He had the darkest circles you’ve ever seen and his body looked heavy to keep up right properly. His hair seemed to show some tossing and turning and his expression held exhaustion and previous grumpiness. Then again, being stuck at the Avenger’s tower and feeling in a particular way towards them was pretty normal for Loki.
He merely shook his head as he pulled you back close and kissed your neck ‘’I’m fine darling, I pro-‘’
‘’explain yourself, what’s been going on?’’ you try again, your voice firm but gentle as you try to stay focused on the matter at hand and not how his wonderous lips moved from your neck to your jawline but you heard him sigh.
‘’it’s just.. I’ve missed you darling so its been a bit hard to sleep at night. I worry about you, especially when you are out of my sight and for that long…’’
Your heart nearly broke and fluttered at the same time. He looked like he’s suffered the entire week you’ve been gone without sleep! But the fact that he couldn’t sleep without worrying about you also made you feel giddy in a sort of way. Taking hold of his hand gently, you smile up at him and he allowed you to move to gently pull him along towards your room.
‘’come on, you’re getting some sleep.’’
His grin on yours almost tightening as he allowed you to lead the way ‘’not without y-‘’
‘’I’m not going anywhere. I promise..’’
~ it was a bit hard getting him to bed, he was just as stubborn as you were and with a bit of a light protest, allowed him to have his way with you.. multiple times before he finally decided to listen and fall asleep with you curled up in his arms. The trip took a bit of a toll on you as well so you both slept for a bit longer than you both could recognize. Needless to say, he got some much needed sleep and so did you.
You ended up waking up well rested and to the feeling of his lips gently moving along your shoulder. ‘’good morning.. or whatever time it is..’’
Loki chuckled and rested on his elbows as you rolled over to look at him ‘’the afternoon actually, in the next day.’’
You gave the look of amazement but wasn’t surprised considering you both didn’t exactly go to bed immediately and the soreness between your legs was a small reminder of that. Still, you smiled at him with a relaxed sigh ‘’you definitely look better and well rested.’’ You complimented.
Loki gave a shrug with a sheepish grin ‘’I missed your snoring.’’
The comment made you gasp in shock, not knowing if he was joking or serious by his expression but that didn’t spot a pillow from being thrown at his face. He caught it of course and couldn’t help but laugh.
‘’it’s true my darling, it’s the best time in the world to be next to you in bed.. for numerous activities, but I use your breathing in particular as.. shall we say, white noise.’’
You blinked at him and placed a hand over your heart in dramatic injury ‘’you don’t exactly make it sound sexy when I’m asleep next to you..’’
That earned another laugh as Loki gathered you up in his arms, kissing your temple as you pouted but rested against his chest ‘’you are always sexy my darling, no matter what you do, say, wear, and everything in between. In my eyes you are nothing more than a goddess.’’
‘’a goddess with night issues.’’ You sigh but his words did help you feel a bit better and he began stroking your hair.
‘’if you see it as so then you are not alone with night issues darling, I find myself with morning issues.’’ He admitted and you raised a brow to try to figure out what he meant only to follow his gaze and find he was referring to his ‘morning wood’.
‘’..o-oh..’’ you swore, you’ll never get used to his massive size no matter how many times you see it, even through the sheets as you could practically hear him smirk.
‘’round.. my goodness darling, I do believe I’ve lost count by now.’’ He smirked before you were once again, flipped over.
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badcaseofcasey · 7 months
were there clues I didn't see? (an invisible string 'verse timestamp)
Surprise! Lol. I know I promised Eddie's POV but I sat down to write it and ended up writing this instead. Eddie's POV is still very much in the works and should also be posted soon! As always, let me know if you'd like to be added/removed from the taglist!
Read on AO3
It was a slower process than Steve had thought it would be, everyone else finding out.
Of course, Robin pretty much found out right away. Steve went into work at Family Video the day after he and Eddie had talked feeling more rested than he had in a while. He had slept in the downstairs bedroom with Eddie again that night, which did wonders for Steve being able to fall asleep at a reasonable time and stay asleep without being woken up by worries or nightmares.
“You’re looking chipper this morning,” Robin said, elbows resting on the counter as she watched Steve head to the back room to clock in.
“Do I?” he asked, trying to play it cool. “Had a good night’s sleep, I guess.”
Robin eyed him skeptically. “Something’s different about you. I can tell. And it’s not just a good night’s sleep.”
“Rob, do we have to do this?”
“We do, because it seems like there’s been a major change in my best friend and platonic soulmate’s life, and he doesn’t want to tell me about it.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you,” Steve argued. “It’s that I’ve only been here for two minutes.”
“Come on, Steve,” Robin whined. “Tell me - you know I would tell you.”
“That’s because you’re physically incapable of keeping things to yourself,” Steve said. “But fine, just… promise not to freak out.”
“What did you do, Steven?”
“Nothing, just - remember, we’re in public, okay?” Steve said, taking a deep breath. “Eddie and I talked about being soulmates and what that, you know, means .”
“And?” Robin asked, practically vibrating where she sat on the stool behind the counter.
“And we kissed,” Steve said, blushing. “He told me he loved me, so I kissed him.”
Robin popped up off of the stool to wrap her arms around Steve before he had even finished his sentence. “I’m so happy for you!”
“Thanks, Buckley,” Steve said, giving her a quick squeeze in return.
“Does he know that if he hurts you, I’ll kick his ass?” she asked. “Wait… do you know that if you hurt him, I’ll kick your ass?”
Steve laughed and went to sit on his own stool, spinning back and forth on top of it and feeling lighter than he had in a long time. “Hopefully there will be no ass-kicking necessary.”
“So?” Robin asked, settling back on her stool. Luckily, Tuesday mornings weren’t a high-traffic time for video rentals, so they could sit back and talk without anyone overhearing. “What did you say?”
“What do you mean, what did I say?” 
“He told you he loves you, you kissed him, and then…” Robin said, gesturing for Steve to finish the sentence.
“Then, I dunno, we went about our day?” Steve said. “I made him breakfast, and we sat in the kitchen. Wayne came home after a while and we all hung out for a bit.”
“You didn’t tell him you loved him?!” Robin said, eyes wide. “Steve! I thought you were supposed to be good at this kind of stuff!”
Steve's eyes widened to match hers. “Oh my god.”
“Dingus, I swear,” Robin said, shaking her head.
Steve eyed the phone on the counter. “Is it weird to say it over the phone?”
“I don’t think I’m the best authority on what’s weird and what isn’t when it comes to relationships,” Robin said. “But I do know that if you don’t call him, you’re just going to be thinking about it all day.”
Steve grabbed the phone off the counter and pulled it towards him, quickly dialing the house phone. Eddie should still be awake; he had been sitting in the kitchen eating cereal when Steve left that morning.
“Hello, Harrington-Munson residence.”
“Do you really answer the phone like that?” Steve asked, laughing at how alien the phrase sounded in Eddie’s voice.
“Excuse me for trying to keep up your good reputation,” Eddie said. “Although, I should’ve known it was you calling. Can’t even go an hour without missing me too much?”
“Kind of,” Steve said. “I told Robin about us-”
“Hi, Eddie!” Robin called from where she sat, watching the door and flipping through a magazine.
“Tell her hi from me,” Eddie said.
Steve rolled his eyes and repeated the greeting. “Anyway, I was talking to Robin and she pointed out, very correctly, that I hadn’t actually told you how I feel at any point.”
Eddie was quiet for a few moments. “You know, just because I busted out the ‘L-word’ doesn’t mean-”
“No,” Steve interrupted. “No, I do. Love you, that is. That’s why I called.”
Steve could practically hear the blush and smile that was on Eddie’s face through the phone. He would have called him out on it, if it weren’t for the same blush that was currently on Steve’s cheeks.
“Well,” Eddie said. “Isn’t that a nice thing to hear? Steve Harrington, in love with little ol’ me?”
“Tease all you want, but I mean it,” Steve said. “So like, get ready to hear that more often.”
“Consider me sufficiently prepared,” Eddie said, sounding a little breathless.
“Sure,” Steve said. “So when I come home from work and say it to your face, I won’t get to see you blush?”
The other end of the line was silent.
“Okay,” Robin said, taking the receiver out of Steve’s hand. “That’s a little too close to the line of phone sex for me. Say goodbye, Eddie.”
“Goodbye, Eddie,” came the response from the receiver.
“Goodbye,” Steve called. “I love you!”
It was probably a good thing Robin was in charge of hanging up the phone, because knowing Steve, he probably wouldn’t have been able to end it there.
Continued on AO3...
taglist: @awkwardgravity1 @infinitetrashbag @vampireinthesun @swimmingbirdrunningrock @maya-custodios-dionach @thev01dd @obsessivlyme @a-little-unsteddie @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @spectrum-spectre @red-panderz69 @magpiemuseum @minjintea @finalmoondragonn @thatonebadideapanda @estrellami-1 @freyaforestafay @biatcgh @sadcanadianwinter @im-sam-fucking-winchester @bidisastersworld @justanothergirlwithobsessions @anaibis @thing-a-ling @rosered93 @newtstabber @void-o-chaos @thegingerrapunzel @baron-zemo-trash @katireads @child-of-cthulhu @the-s-is-silent @i-must-potato @hellomynameismoo @lovelylilbadone @theotalksalot @lydi-cyan @background-noise-headache @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @slitherynchiken @grapefruitgalaxy @bookbinderbitch @luthienstormblessed @blues-tunes @murdblurdock @grtwdsmwhr @xpaperheartso@anaibis @thedyingwriter
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sillylittlelemon · 6 months
HELLO!! ok sorry I’m not sure if ur still doing match ups so u can just ignore this if u want but could I get a saiki k and a hazbin hotel matchup <33
- I’m a certified yapper and I will ramble on about my interests for hours
- Im a big people pleaser and I try my best to make everyone around me feel comfortable and appreciated
- I tend to tolerate toxic behaviour just to avoid abandonment
- Im a romcom enthusiast and a bit of a film buff
- I like loads of music and singers but lately I’ve been loving my bloody valentine , salvia palth , alex g and Tyler the creator.
- My love languages are probably acts of service and physical touch.
- My humour is kinda all over the place and Im a sucker for dad jokes and well thought out dirty jokes
- I’m a hopeless romantic and I would probably fall head over heels for anyone who shows the slightest amount of interest in me
Okay- i wasnt sure about your sexuality (or gender) so ill do short headcannons for two characters i think youd fit with (seperatly not poly)
Sorry to my other requests im working as i go- right now tumblr is a passion project so ive gotta feel like- i dunno 'the spark' to actually get it done, but i promiseim trying
ALSO just a warning to anyone who reads/requests saiki k stuff, its been a bit sincei watched the show and also i donthave anywhere ican watch it currently so characters areprobably atleast a little ooc
This chick-
(I make a vauge reference to a little spice in her part but nothing explicit or bad)
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And this guy-
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YES. I know they have totally different vibes but hear me out.
He gives such 'im a big tough guy, but please love me in secret and call me your favorite boy'
she gives such 'im a brat but im your brat and actually i just want love and attention because i look like i would have major mommy issues'
And i dunno it just works
He would def be a cuddle bug once the walls are down and yall have bonded more and your in private(read: MUST be in private bc bb boy is defensive and dont f with pda), i feel like hes the type to hold you on his chest and rub your back (yall are laying on his/your couch or bed) and when he thinks your asleep he starts murmuring under his breath about how he's so glad you got past his walls- about how it means so much to him that you put up with his bs. This def lead to you pretending to be asleep more often so you can hear in words how he really feels, because lets be honest, words dont always equal feelings, and sometimes (i.e most times) he doesnt say it how he means it.
Now HER on the other hand-
All. Over. You.
Lowkey her?
Shes just so happy to HAVE you, right? Like- soulmates or not, youre hers. She adores you. Worships the ground you walk on, praises you breathless in more ways than one. Shes so confident- like... even if she isnt ACTUALLY, she portrays it so well, and she Hypes. You. Up. 24/7, 365. No matter if youre short, tall, heavy, skinny, freckled, dark, pale, or anywhere in between. She is making sure everyone knows youre her girl (or boy or whatever but based on your sentence structure im guessing female?) [NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSE I SWEAR I JUST IMAGINED YOU BEING FEMALE?] -oh god im gunna get cancelled-
Same here but itll be just generally better bc im more caught up with this fandom lol
He is this
But he wants to be this so bad
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Sir precious for my darling precious
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His love lmao
Sir Precious is 100% angel material (take that sera you bitch 🤟😝) He's just.... precious. Lmao. We've seen how flustered he gets with Cherry and imagine that but like- in an ACTUAL relationship with pda and shit. Like- stuttering, panicking, but also completely soothed by the hand currently resting in his? So many conflicting emotions, y'knowwww... he might need a kiss to get his head straight? Or maybe two? Hmmm, no that didnt work- lets try three, third times a charm right? *cue pentious sly+nervous smile* Would 100% bury his face in your tits/chest (under much encouragement and reassurance even more now that his minions spill the tea that hes been talking in his sleep about this very moment)
-can we talk about the smooth bass in the finale?-
-poor husk, man was singing and smiling like his soul was free-
Why do i feel like this is right up her alley?
Onto Miss Bomb,
She's a lot more brash in her affections. Not afraid to tug you down to her level and suck your soul out through your lips. Def had an emo phase when she was alive (if shes not still in it) She just.. loves you. Like her and angel you guys bicker, but i feel like while youre bickering she has her chin resting on your chest/tits, staring up at you with the slyest smirk and biggest heart eyes known to demon AND man kind.
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