critterofthenight · 5 months
Ethel Cain's songs remind me of Supernatural so much rn
case in point:
"it was a highway to nowhere, and we rode it // cold car with no gas and we chose it"
"our kids will grow up with half as much // trying to build something out of dust // finding out too late what they need"
- God's Country
"Jesus can always reject his father // but he cannot escape his mother's blood // he'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers // but he'll never escape what he's made up of"
- Family Tree (Intro)
"i'm just a child, but i'm not above violence // my mama raised me better than that"
"and daddy said, shoot first, then run and don't look back"
"and baby, Hell don't scare me, i've been times before"
- Family Tree
and Thoroughfare is totally about two hunters chasing monsters through the country and slowly falling in love <3
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Jaebum AU Series 
two / three
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pairing: jaebum x reader genre: angst, smut, cheating  plot: you are the duff, and guys use you to get close to your bestfriend, turns out jaebum was no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your bestfriend’s unoffical boyfriend grows  a/n: hi, i know i have ongoing works, but i just couldn’t not do this. i love it! i would’ve died with i were the y/n. I hope yall enjoy it <3 not edited 
So, once again, this was how you were going to spend your birthday. In the trendiest club in downtown, having shots after shots, and living your best life. 
You had hoped that at twenty-three your life would have settled a bit, had more routine but that was impossible. There was no way you could obtain that lifestyle as long as your crazy red-haired friend kept dragging you out every week to go to a club and ‘live a little.’ 
You didn’t mind though. You welcomed the dim lights, the drinks and the atmosphere of the clubs. You liked dressing up and escaping from your boring student-and-internship juggling life, and just being able to let go. This was your one escape, and the redhead grinding against that cute dimpled boy who had been talking to you five mintues ago was your saving grace. 
Your eyes scanned the club feeling slightly bored now that you were standing alone at your table. Your eyes momentarily stopped at Heather and the dimple-boy as their dance-sesh intensified. 
Your eyes widened as they progressed to only a few moments away from straight-up banging on the dance floor, and casted your attention away instantly. 
The other girls who would sometimes accompany the two of you would always ask you if you felt bad about Heather stealing all the boys from you. It wasn’t Heather getting all the attention that really made you feel bad. Even you agreed that Heather was a straight-up knockout and anyone, even you, would pick her over every other girl in the club. No, it wasn’t that. It was more of them asking that question that made you feel uncomfortable. 
You knew you were the DUFF. The book was painful to read because of how much you could relate to the main character, but you never let it bother you. Heather was her own person and you were yours. You weren’t anyones duff, and Heather never saw you as one. So what others saw was on them, and not your problem. 
Heather caught your eyes, and the smile on her red lips grew wider as she giggled. You did a little jiggle from where you stood to encourage her making her scream happy birthday for the twentyth time before she became grinding against the boy harder. 
You sighed, smiling, as you sipped on your fruity cocktail. You made a mental note to get a stonger drink next round because you wanted to get absolutely hammered tonight. 
“Happy birthday,” a smooth voice said from behind you. You turned in your heels to find the most goregous man you had ever seen standing in front of you.  
Your face must have been showing you awestruckness because the stranger’s smirk widened, as he walked closer towards you. He leant against the table, and you almost lost your mind. 
Even in a club filled with a hundred differrent perfumes and sweaty body, this man’s smell stood out. And he smelt heavenly. 
You wanted to spend forever with him, and have that delicious smell surround you every single moment for the rest of your life. 
His midnight dark hair was styled back revealing a beautiful forehead, and a piercing on his eyebrow. His black eyes glistened in the dim room, as he took you in slowly. 
You felt underprepared. If you knew he was going to be here you would’ve worn your best dress, and done your hair better. 
But it didn’t seem like he minded. He actually liked what he saw.  
His pink tongue darted out from his soft lips, and gently flicked the lip ring on the corner of his mouth. 
You wanted to kiss him. 
You wanted to kiss him and feel the cool metal against your lips. You wanted to bite on his lips, and mess his perfectly set hair. You wanted to kiss his long smooth neck, and go down, go much much further down, and feel him at the back of your throat. 
“It’s your birthday, right?” He asked, cocking his head to the side with another breath-taking smile. 
Oh lord, the things I will do to this man. You internally groaned, as you felt your tummy flip. 
“Yes it is, thank you,” you smiled back, keeping your cool despite your sinful thoughts. 
“What’s the birthday girl doing here all by herself?” 
Everything he said. Every word he spoke pulled your in closer. You wanted to feel him against you, you wanted him to do things to you that had you screaming his name. 
“I’m waiting,” you smiled suggestively. You were sure the hunger that swam in your eyes reflected in his. 
You kept looking into his eyes. 
Even though everything in your body told you to look away, you didn’t. You held his stare; your core tightening. You finally added, breathless in a matter of seconds. “I’m here with a friend.” 
You pointed to the dance floor, but he didn’t follow your gesture. His eyes remained on you, focused only on you. 
“Are you leaving with your friend?” He asked taking a step closer. You lifted your head slightly to keep your eyes on his. Your chest heaved deeply, as your heart skipped a beat. 
“That depends,” you smirked, before biting your lips. His eyes fell to your lips, and you saw his eyes darken. He took in a step closer to you, almost leaning over you know. You leaned back against the railng, but he kept on moving forward pressing you against it. 
“I hope not,” his dark eyes searched yours before falling to your lips once again. You closed your eyes, waiting for him to kiss you. 
This was not like you. 
You hooked up with people, but it took some time to get to that stage. At least you knew their name. You didn’t know anything about the gorgeous man in front of you. You didn’t know his name, his age, what he did, if he liked this club. But here you were, pressed against the railings seperating the dance floor to the sittings and the stranger’s hard musclar hot body. 
“Hey guys!” 
He moved away from you and you instantly felt cold. 
“Hey,” you replied curtly, before clearing your throat and straightening yourself. You saw the stranger flick his lip ring before running a hand through his soft looking hair. 
“What’s the birthday girl doing?” She giggled finishing her drink before turning to the guy next to you. She pouted as she flipped the drink upside down. “Oh, my drinks finished.” 
You picked up the fruity bullshit you were drinking and downed in one go, before grabbing Heather’s glass. 
You needed a new drink; something much stronger preferably. 
“Do you want anything?” You peered up at the stranger who was looking at Heather. He shook his head, and you began walking away. 
But before you were completely out of range, you heard Heather giggle and then ask, “What’s your name?” 
“Jaebum,” his smooth voice spoke. You turned around to look at him to find his eyes already on you. “Im Jaebum.” 
“I’m Heather,” she held out her hand, and you disappeared to the bar. 
After fifteen horrible minutes of trying to get the bartenders attention. You had downed one tequila shot, and were walking back with two new drinks. 
You steps halted when you reached the table. 
Heather was no longer sitting opposite the stranger named Jaebum. She was now beside him and laughing at whatever he was saying. 
You placed the drinks on the table, and sat in front of the two. You smiled, your eyes meeting Jaebum’s before you instantly looked away. 
“Oh my gosh! You’re the sweetest, y/n!” Heather cooed, as she brought the green liquid to her lips. “I promise to pay you back, I know how much you’re struggling.” 
You stared at her pouting face. Your cheeks felt hot as you felt Jaebum’s gaze on you. You refuse to look at him. 
“You know Jaebum,” Heather started talking to him. Her hands on his arm, her chest pressed against his bicep. You tore your eyes away, and took a swig of the whiskey as you scanned the dance floor. 
Your eyes met a familiar face and you instantly felt relieved. You downed the whole glass before slamming it on the table. 
The pair looked at you. They were sitting together so tightly. 
“I found Jackson in the crowd,” you told Heather getting up. You finally looked at Jaebum and felt your heart sink. 
You were meant to be mine. 
“It was nice meeting you, Jaebum.” 
As you walked away you thought that would be the last you saw of Jaebum. Because thats how it always was, Heather would just play around for one night and thats it. 
But you had the worst luck, and you saw him again. 
You saw him all the time, with Heather’s arms around him. 
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the-worst-fe-player · 3 years
Give ur best hot take. It can be about anything
Alright lol thinking about if I should do a serious hot take or a fandom one that's why this took so long sorry also rember I'm drunk and do get a little angry in the second one so if the wording is bad so sorry
So the fandom one. The creast system in three houses was so fucking bad because of how unless it is in combat. Like dimitri is the only character who's creast does something semi good but even then it fucks him up half the time like what do the creast actually do that make them so valuable for people in charge because holst is said to be so much stonger then hilda even without a creast. I get they didn't want to make creast do to much so people would be like yeah taking down the creast system wont fuck up the world because an amazing power is gone but like i feel like it does the opposite if I remember correctly Ingrids supports say the creast blood line is dying they probably wouldnt be around in the next couple of decades and like I said with holsts we see that those without creasts can thrive (if somone says milkan I'm going throw hands lol he was an evil jelous sadist bastard that tried to kill his own brother that's why he was chucked out) so if you put all this together it really doesn't make sense for there to be so much Crest hatred from edelgard from the side its hurting the common folk because like its really not what's hurting them is classims something that we have seen done in other games fuck even different fire emblem games much better
Okay next bit is under the cut the real life hot take because I kind of went off on one genral trigger warning for this
So like for a serious hot take trigger warning for pedophilia so both sides to anit and anit anit are fucking full of pedopiles and minors should stay the fuck away from that stuff and anyone on either sides that trys to get minors involved in that kind of stuff are sick because thir exposeing kids not just to real fucked up stuff but also what I said all the pedos that are on both sides taking advantage of kids that want to play my little actvised. and you wanna known why I know because iv been in fandom spaces since I was 12 years old and when I was 13 my stupid bitch ass befriended a map because my idoit ass got manipulated into thinking she was a good person because she said she wouldnt act on those urges (she did I'm fine I blocked her when she kept on asking for pics but fucked me up real bad it did) and was an anti so shes fighting the good fight when actually she was hiding behind the label anti while being a sick cunt on the side and I know I'm not the only one that has had this happen and some wasn't as lucky as me when it came to what got sent. Anyways after that I remember being like so fucking scared of anyone that identifies as an anti even the ones that have maps kill yourself in there bio and I'm honstly still weary of them now at 18 lol because that was my friend I trusted her only to find out I was being maplted for nudes the whole time (which is probably why I'm such a slut now because I'll rather give it out willing then be malpatived again fuck that makes sense did I really have a breakthrough on fucking tumblr) anway I made a post on a reddit vent bored back in the day i I reddit a lot lol and had a couple of nice people commit me saying it's not your fault you didn't know because your so young and also some saying mood but there was this one fucking bitch that was anti anti to start ranting about antis and we stared dm on here anyway long story short they where a freak as well and there is a lot of horror storys online about anit anits so I wont go into as much detail as I did with the anit one but yeah it fucking sucked and I think this is the first time iv ever said this because of how tumblr can be with this stuff also to anyone reading this I dont want no pitty this was my own stupid falut for falling pary to that kind of stuff alright. But yeah just please dont get minors into anit and anit anit stuff leave that to grown adults who not only understand the shit there talking about (mostly) but also aren't in the danger the children are like how many kids have to come out talking about how many people are using this discourse as cover up for them hurting irl minors. Obslevly not also people that are anits are this bad but there enough of them that you probably shouldn't be inviting kids to discord severs full of them
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shangyangjunzhu · 4 years
Molan and Rulan - What really sets them apart?
I am back with another random thought. In the Story of Minglan, we also meet Minglan’s half sisters Rulan and Molan, whose fights often get Minglan in trouble. The show does a really good job of giving us a good amount of information about each sister which helps us understand them better. Though both sisters don’t end up living as well as Minglan, there is good reason to understand these characters better.
Starting off with Sheng Molan, the 4th daughter of Sheng Hong and Concubine Lin. She occupies a special place in her father’s heart and is a representation of all of her mother’s hopes. Molan takes after her mother; she knows how to gain pity by crying, acting helpless and weak. Her talent in literature and her beauty alongside her behaviour helps her to stand out, which her mother has often taught her to do. Unless a person is of any use, she doesn’t spare them a second look and becomes a cunning opportunist. Her biggest concern and regret stems from her birth-the fact that she isn’t a legitimate child tortures her so much motivating her to marry above her status no matter what it takes. That and her greed for riches and power contribute a lot to this burning fire in her.
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She learns earlier on that a good life in the Sheng family depends on a limited number of things; a)backing from Lao Taitai, the legitimate mother of Sheng Hong b) coming from a powerful family like Wang Ruofu or c) pampering of Sheng Hong. Therefore no matter what, she is aware that she cannot lose the favor of her dad causing her sisters to be the scapegoats of her actions. She has extremely high standard for men; her list of prospective husbands range from Qi Heng to Gu Tingye. When she realizes that her father wishes to marry her to a rather normal family and also notices that Minglan might be marrying a guy who is quite a catch, she panics and makes a fatal mistake. With the goading of her mother, she engages in a pre-marital affair with Liang Han, the legitimate heir of the Count of Yongchang, which could possibly result in her being beaten to death and would also result in the loss of the reputation of the Sheng clan. The worst part is that she is caught by Wang Ruofu who would never cover for her. The character’s greed and anxiety lead her to forget an extremely important point; Sheng Hong’s bottom line is the reputation of the House of Sheng. Though Sheng Hong acts ignorant about the actions of Concubine Lin, he isn’t actually unaware. He remains quiet and ignorant about it for two reasons a) he grew up in a house where his mom died due to the machinations of another concubine and his legitimate mom had a hard time protecting him therefore causing him to be overprotective of Concubine Lin and her children b) revealing her ill-deeds would lead to the loss of the reputation of the house and as long as it didn’t cross a line it would be alright. Since revealing Concubine Lin’s role in the death of Concubine Wei would be shameful for the house he turns a blind eye towards it. In this case, Sheng Hong’s patience wears away and he is determined to put a stop to it all which eventually leads to Concubine Lin’s death and a forever rift in the relationship between Molan and Sheng Hong. Another point to note is that Molan’s immense desire to marry above her status leads her to be ignorant of the womanizing ways of her lover which lead to the deterioration of her own relationship with Liang Han.
Next up we have Sheng Rulan, the 5th daughter of Sheng Hong and Wang Ruofu. She has a weak relationship with her father but has a stonger relationship with her mother. Her elder sister grew up with Lao Taitai so she wasn’t fully aware of her mother’s struggle while Changbai was kept away from it for the most part. Rulan however witnesses her mother’s struggle in the household and is determined to fight Molan with all of her might. She is like Ruofu a lot, she is a kind girl but it unable to keep her words to herself. Unlike Molan, she can’t keep up pretenses and unlike Minglan, she refuses to bear any injustice. This results in her relationship with her father to be tense. 
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She is probably one of the few people who encourage Minglan to show her true self. Her recurring lines are “Why are you being so weak-boned” or “Where is the Minglan who bravely won the game of Touhu”. This is probably why Minglan is closer with her. Unlike Molan, Rulan actually wants to marry someone who is on an equal level with their family and if possible a little lower. This comes from a great deal of sensibility in my opinion. After witnessing the injustices Hualan (Rulan’s elder sister) faces at her in-laws, she tells herself that she refuses to be ill-treated in a similar manner. instead, she’d be of a lower status married to a family that treasures her to prevent any more heartbreak for her mother. Eventually, she falls in love with Wen Yangjing, a poor scholar candidate for the imperial examinations that her father sought for Molan. Despite an initial bit of drama, she ends up marrying him. The guy unlike Liang Han is quite faithful and Rulan manages to live a peaceful life. 
Coming to what truly sets them apart; Rulan has a kind heart which is often hidden by harsh words towards Molan. When Molan comes to showoff and be mean at Minglan’s baby’s one month ceremony, Rulan is there to genuinely cheer her on and before Minglan’s wedding, she wishes that Minglan will have a smooth married life. Molan, on the other hand, cannot stand to see anyone living well which is something I truly detest.
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sinnerburrito · 5 years
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Do they fight often? If so, what is their dynamic like?
Define: Fight. They argue a lot but nothing serious, usually Jeremy does his best to keep the situation under control and to lighten the mood, but both likes to piss each other off. What’s a bit of teasing between pals begin bros?
But it’s not always Sunny in Mojave, but you can count on one hand the times where they got near to rip each other’s head off.
Who is the most skeptical of the two?
The guy in glasses and labcoat who tends to cuss in Latin. Yep, that one. Arcade is a scholar and tends to find logic and reason behind ever situation. Jeremy is a dreamer who, by experience, saw and did things beyond comprehension, he tends to be more “open minded”
Who would be most likely to suggest a night of dancing?
Definitely Jeremy. He hates to stay put and do nothing,or do the same thing over and over again, he needs something to spicy up his day , a night out dancing is definitely his favorite way to wind out. Of course, the first person he invites to tag along is Arcade, and when he can’t join him? It’s ok,he goes by himself or invite someone else. He just want to have fun.
What would they do if the other was injured in battle?
Both of them are kind of cautious. Despite their best efforts to avoid damage, shit happens, small or not, Aracade makes his priority to take his injured companion far as possible from the fight to either patch him up or flee. Jeremy have a emergency stash of chems with him, and if something happens to anyone under his watch, he does not hesitate to use military grade Psycho to go apeshit, even knowing the side effects it has in him.
How do their fighting styles complement each other?
They do their best to avoid direct confrontation, Jeremy’s speciality is sneaking but he lacks the ability to plan ahead, there’s where Arcade come in. He does the strategy and Jeremy does the magic. And when this fail, Jeremy improvise while Arcade does the shooting cause he’s the one with a damn plasma pistol and some proper training.
Do they want children? Does it frighten them? How many do they want?
Ask this to them and your answer will be both of them chocking on their own saliva. Even knowing the impossibility of that happening under normal circumstances, you will be met with avoiding eyes, awkward silence and head scratches. But this doesn’t mean this thought hasn’t crossed their minds once or twice in the middle of the night. Jeremy definitely would me more open to the idea, but no matter his partner gender, he would go for adoption. He fears whatever is in his family blood would pass to his child, and also fear that because of it, he would be unable to care for them. It’s a bittersweet feeling for both of them.
What happened when they took them home to their families? If their families aren’t in the picture anymore, how do they feel about it?
Arcade is split between who he supposed to be and who we wants to be. Should he honor his family honor or follow his own path? He doesn’t know, and thinking about it just make it worse, he’s too caught up to even think about what his family would think of Jeremy.
Jeremy hasn’t seen his tribe in years, he doesn’t even know if is there someone left. It’s a lonely thought to imagine he might be the last one. He dread just to think of Arcade finding out or worse, to see with his own eyes where he came from. He is scared if Arcade meet his mother, he would notice the similarities between them, and realized what he is doomed to be and left to never return.
How does each person show affection towards the other?
Arcade is definitely the one to show he cares throught his worries. “have you eaten?”, “be careful out there”, “do you need something?” that’s his way to show he cares, at least in public. Also, he tends to roast his partner a little bit less. Just a bit, but enough to everyone around him notice. I don’t see him begin into PDA so it’s totally a different story behind closed doors, poor baby is touch starved, change my mind.
Jeremy is a hands on kinda of guy. Literally, with the people he cares he always have a hand on their shoulders, a pat on the back, a hug, a hair ruffle (just when the person is seated or otherwise he won’t reach it) you name it. But he respect boundaries, or tries to, sometimes he forgets and hug his companion after a victory. With Arcade he uses all his braincells to respect the man’s boundaries, but he can’t help. When he’s tired, his head fall on Arcade’s shoulders even for a brief moment, if he’s excited he grabs the doctor’s arm. It just happens.
Who cries the most? Who is better at comforting?
Guess who has +67.54% to cry listening a sad/happy story or just because Rex and Ede-E where begin cute? That’s Jeremy for you. He’s not a cry baby, but his emotions are stonger than him. This doesn’t mean he knows how to be comforting. Usually he encourages you feel whatever you’re feeling (rage, sadness, loneliness) and them let it go. He’ll be there while, and when, you’re done.
I can see Arcade crying on extreme situations, usually a bad situation. So if he cries, you better run, cause or he’s furious or he’ll be when he’s done crying and realize he left a witness. He says he’s not a people person and how he lacks bedside manners, so he would be the guy to pat your back while you cry.
Who is the bigger flirt?
Guess who make a Doctor left his job without further notice just with a smile and sweetened words?
Arcade left Fort Mormont so fast and for so long everyone thought he was dead already. I’m not saying Arcade is sexy as potato, But when Arcade flirts get your heart ready baby.
Betweens 100 words Jeremy says in a conversation, 75 is flirting. Most of them are meanless, but it’s the best way to get out of trouble or to get better prices.
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noroger · 5 years
Your gonna lose that girl.
George Harrison x Reader
Summary: George falls for Roger Taylor’s girl.
Its a follow on from my fic ‘take good care of my baby, roger taylor x reader’ but they still make sense if you read them on their own.
i hope you like it @givemequeen :), im glad you liked the original fic enough to request more.
Im very sorry its taken so long,, i haven’t really been in the mood to write recently.
I have 8 different scenes in here so she thicc.
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You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You had found yourself comfortable on a bar stool for the past 20 minutes sipping on drinks that got more stonger the more you bought.
Usually you would be at home waited for your boyfriends phone call but since he hadn’t called you for the past 2 nights you decide to stop mopping around home and mope around in a bar instead.
You were so absorbed in thought that you didn’t hear the comotion of the guy sitting beside you on another bar stool until he spoke.
“Whatever your drinking smells strong” he lighting said which made you jump a little.
You turned your head around and were met with brown eyes.
George Harrison.
Of course you knew who he was, you used to see him at parties wandering around or the media.
You let out a little tut as you picked up the glass and swiftly downed the rest “not strong enough” you spoke.
“Why’s that?, something going on?” he softly asked and he picked up his drink too.
You scoffed to yourself, “something like that” you answered as you called the bartender over to order yourself another drink.
“Wanna tell me?”
You let out a soft laugh “im not about to be one of those bar stereotypes, the ones who come to drink and then spill all their sorrows out on a stranger”.
You heard him chuckle softly from beside you.
“Where’s Roger Taylor anyway, your usually never off his arm?”
You gave him an offended look and his eyes started to widen as he realised how bad it sounded and you raised an eyebrow at him as he started to stutter.
“I-i well, i just meant that your always with him cause your his girl and-... shit im sorry” he stopped his rambling with a worried chuckle as he ran his hand through his brown locks.
“It dont matter” you shrugged as you sipped your drink, “not really sure im his girl anymore”.
George looked at you with a confused look as you chugged the rest of your drink.
“Talk to me” he spoke as he put a hand on your thigh which weirdly felt comforting rather than it being seen as him trying to cop a feel.
You could see the worried look in his deep eyes and yiu knew he meant no harm, he did relly care about the situation and he wanted to help comfort you rather than help you drink all your sorrows away.
So you told him about the distance you and Roger had created, Roger lying about his whereabouts and coming home at early hours in the morning, him forgetting important things.
George was so helpful that night and you hated to admit it but you felt butterflies form in your stomach when he would smile at you from time to time or when his hand would brush against yours.
He helped you home that night after he let you cry on his shoulder, his warm embrace comforting you and you felt like you had known this man for years.
He helped you up the stairs and into your bed ad you passes out in sleep straight away from being so drunk and exhausted from crying. He made sure to leave a glass of water and aspirin at your bedside table and he locked the door for you and posted the keys through the letter box.
You didnt know any of this happened untill you woke up confused, the one thing you didnt know even when you woke up was that he set a small loving kiss to the top of your forehead before he left.
If you don't take her out tonight
She's gonna change her mind
(She's gonna change her mind)
And I will take her out tonight
And I will treat her kind
(I'm gonna treat her kind)
The next time you and George met it was at this small coffee shop that you loved, the one you and Roger would always go to so he could focus on his song writing.
It wasn’t coincidental that you had met George at the coffee shop obviously, he had left his number on the beside table the night he helped you home.
At first you both agreed as meeting on terms as friends but as weeks past, the more time you spent with George the more you seemed to forget about Roger.
It felt wrong, you thought Roger would be the one for you but George seemed to overtake him. You would never replace Roger but being with George felt better and you hated to admit it.
George took you out ever chance he would, you wouldn’t care if it was just to his house or to a fancy restaurant as long as you guys were together.
You started staying up later on the phone to each other, laughing about random things. You started missing each othet the days you couldn’t be together.
He started sending flowers or a box of chocolates to your house with cute little notes on the days he was busy at the studio or if your day was occupied.
Your heart felt full when you were with him.
Roger took half your heart away with him when he went on tour but George filled back up the missing piece.
“I dont know why this feels so wrong and so right at the same time” you breathed out as your head rested on Georges chest.
He hummed in response as his eyes were closed, taking in the moment.
You were both lying on his couch in the living room, having just watched a movie together.
“I know i know, just don’t think of it like your doing something wrong to Roger, just think of us as two friends hanging out” he softly spoke.
You cuddled deeper into him as you nodded and focused on the tv infront of you that was now playing your favourite movie.
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
If you don't treat her right, my friend
You're gonna find her gone,
(You're gonna find her gone)
'Cause I will treat her right, and then
You'll be the lonely one
(You're not the only one)
“I’ve fallen for you George and i hate but love it all at the same time because i’m with another man, but i really do love you and i just wanted to know if you feel the same way?”
The shocked expression on his features made your heart pound faster in your chest.
“D-do you not feel the same way?” you quietly asked.
“No, of course i do love” he chuckled softly. “Just a bit surprised that you’ve fallen for me, i mean why would you want a ex beatles member when you have a queen drummer”.
“George, none of that matters” you shook your head as you moved forward to byour closer to him. “I’ve fallen for you because your the most amazing man in the world, you treat me so good”.
George felt his breath hitch at how close your faces were.
Your heart rate started to pick up and you felt both of you start to lean in as your eyes were both locked on each other’s lips.
As soon as your lips were about to touch you turned you head so he would kiss your cheek instead.
You closed your eyes as you felt him pull back and sigh, you didn’t want to see the hurt look on his face.
“I’m sorry” you whimpered. “I can’t, not just now, not when i’m still with Roger” you spoke as you felt you lip quiver.
“No, it’s okay love” he spoke as he placed his hand in your face. “Love look at me”.
“I understand” he placed a soft kiss to your forehead and wrapped you in his arms.
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna loooooooo...
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
I'll make a point
Of taking her away from you
(Watch what you do)
The way you treat her
What else can I do?
(You're gonna lose that girl)
Your breath hitched in your throat as the sound of the telephone rang our through your house knowing fine well that it was Roger calling.
You tried to rush to the phone but also tip toe so you didn’t wake up the sleeping man that slept where Roger usually would.
“Hello?” you spoke trying to be quiet.
“Hello love” you could practically see his smile through his words as you sighed into the receiver. “I know your probably mad at me for not calling in several days love” he spoke “we’ve just been so busy with rehearsals and then we have the shows and then i just feel so exhausted after” you knew he was lying, you could tell as soon as he even started the sentence that it would be another blatent lie.
“I understand” you spoke softly into the receiver, your disappointment in the relationship deepening even more.
“Your always so patience with me, i love you for that” his voice spoke into the phone from miles away and your heart raced as you knew you still loved this man even thought there was another man you had secretly been seeing sleeping in this place on your shared bed in your shared home.
“Of course Roger” you said in a monotone voice as you looked at the door of your bedroom that was just opened wide enough to see George’s sleeping figure.
“How are you?”
“I’m okay, but uh,” you hesitated, “we need to talk when you get back” you said sternly.
There was a pause before he spoke up “everything okay?”
“We’ll speak when you come home Roger” the word ‘home’ felt unnatural to say now, because this place wasnt your home anymore, you didn’t want it to be.
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna loooooooo...
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
“God Y/N!, stop being so selfless!” Your friend hissed at you.
“It doesn’t matter how Roger feels okay, it’s about how you feel” She spoke has she took your hand into hers.
You were explaining the whole situation to her from meeting George in the bar, to your terrible excuse of a relationship with Roger and how you had fallen for George without having any sexual intimacy involved, all of the feelings come from complete love from your heart.
“If you love George and he feels the same then you need to be with George even if that means hurting Roger, with or without George being involved you shouldn’t still be in this relationship” She spoke as you listened so deeply to her words.
You sighed deeply as you nodded. “I know” you concluded as she wrapped you up in a deep hug.
I'll make a point
Of taking her away from you
(Watch what you do)
The way you treat her
What else can I do?
The silence was defining and Roger looked at you waiting for you to spit the words, your heart thumping in your chest didn’t help at all.
“I’m sorry Roger, but i’ve fallen for another man” you sobbed out.
You couldn’t look at his face, you didn’t want to, but when he didn’t respond you had worried he’d walked out somehow without you knowing.
Making eye contact with him, his mouth at gape as his eyes tearing up, ‘okay’ he choked out as he nodded and then stood up to walk outside into the back garden.
You felt hurt for how short his answer was and for how he walked away, did he really not care?.
You felt the tears flow freely as you looked around your once loved home, all the memories you shared together. First visiting the house to decorating to all the loving nights together, to the arguments.
The picture that sat in the frames mocked you, you hated to look at them because you guys looked so happy together and you hated that it had to be like this.
“I can help you pack?” you jumped at the sudden voice that came from behind yo.
“Roger”- you breathed our as you saw his hurt face “im so sorry” you whimpered out as he shook his head, he understood and you knew that.
“Stop it, you deserve to be with someone who can love and treat you right” he spoke as he wrapped you into a hug.
You let out a sob as you took in his scent in once last time, the smoke still strong from his last cigarette but the sweet smell of the shampoo he used caught your attention the most because it was the most beautiful smell ever.
“I will always love you y/n, i know ive been a shitty boyfriend and i wish things would have been different” he hummed into your hair as wet drops fell into it.
You hoped that was never the last time you’d see Roger, maybe you guys could somehow be friends?.
If you don't take her out tonight
She's gonna change her mind
(She's gonna change her mind)
And I will take her out tonight
And I will treat her kind.
(I'm gonna treat her kind)
You slammed harshly on the familiar door, the rain outside poured harshly, soaking into your clothes and your tears soaking your face.
The brown door swung open and you were met with a worried expression.
“I did it-“ you breathed out “we are over” you continued as the man you loved stood infront of you.
George sighed out in relief as he pulled you into the house and immediately went to get you a change of clothes.
When he came back down you got changed and he immediately took you into his arms, pulling you down onto the couch and wrapping a blanket around the two of you.
“G-george-“ you croaked out as you looked up into his eyes.
He nodded softly, waiting for you to carry on.
“I love you” you whispered for the first time as you brought your hand up to be placed on his face and he leaned into your touch.
“I love you too” he moved to kiss your hand as his eyes lit up as you spoke the words.
He didnt speak after that, he knew you were heartbroken and he understood that you needed time. No words were needed to be spoken as the silence was comforting.
You started to drift asleep, wanting to forget the days evets for just a couple hours.
The small loving kiss George had placed on your forehead the first time you met was placed back onto your head as you slep peacefully.
“Im so glad your mine” he spoke softly.
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl)
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Do you think they made all of that plot just so they could make that episode™ or that scene™ or the head and the heart™ central theme throughout the season? It certainly feels like it
They didn’t do it for THE scene. The scene was a culmination (not the final culmination that’s still coming,) of a story they’ve been growing for a LONG while. 
They did it because this has been a BIG theme for a long time. Clarke and Bellamy are SYMBOLIC of the concept of unity as a way to change things around. You take two opposite elements, or enemies, bring them together, learn each other, trust each other, need each other, become devoted to each other, learn to work as a unit, become partners, challenge each other, have them grow together, support each other, and create ONE singular partnership that belongs together and is stonger, better, and more human than they are apart.
They are the micro version of the macro concept of a political coalition. They are the interpersonal version of the social concept of the delinquents working together for a common cause. NOTHING in this show is accomplished without the characters embracing the other, getting over their differences and working together.
Clarke and Bellamy are the main characters who represent this concept. The light and the dark, yin yang, and the head and the heart… without which one cannot function. They belong together. They need each other.
For all that people say the bellarke fandom is delusional, we are not delusional. This has been the story from the beginning, although not explicit. You can see it in the way Clarke and Bellamy were posed as opposites, light and dark, princess and rebel, and yet, one supported the other, and together they could save the day. 
I think I FELT that connection and symbolism before I consciously realized it. But I consciously realized it, and wrote about it, and TOLD YOU ALL THIS STORY after Hakeldama aired. 3.05. When Clarke had abandoned Bellamy to return to Lxa and people, CLs and Bellarkers alike, were saying Bellarke was dead. I said.
Bellarke are The Head and The Heart.
They belong Together.
The Head and The Heart cannot function without both working together.
Therefore Bellarke are endgame. They MUST be together, or everything falls apart. 
I cannot say that everything was done for this scene. I CAN say that this scene is a physical and romantic representation of the story they’ve been tellilng all this time that, even while fandom SAID “the head and the heart” and “together” did not believe.
I just decided to believe the story and take it at its word. They made the rules. The head and the heart. Together. Bellarke endgame. 
Luckily, the story lasted long enough for us to get there and not get stopped on less than soulmate right-for-now relationships. Every season has been about Clarke and Bellamy being and working together. The together has gotten more intimate every season. I’ve been telling y’all this for three years.
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mindblowndoeships · 5 years
Hii, I finally came to give you more work (╭☞◕ ³◕) ╭☞
 I would like to ask for a ship with Stray Kids and iKON.
I’m 18, almost 19, and I aspire to become a laboratory diagnostician. I’m also a runner, so I have quite an athletic build. I’m around 168 cm tall and I have short, blond hair with bangs and pastel pink ends. My eyes are bright blue and I’m really pale. People tend to call me a squirrel or a hamster because of my big cheeks. I’m a little shy when I meet new people in real life, but I quickly open up. It’s hard for me to talk about my problems with my close friends, because I feel like I’m burdening them too much. That’s why it’s often easier for me to rant to people on the internet. When I’m with my friends I’m very bright and cheerful, I often joke and play around with them. People say my sense of humor is pretty bad, but my laugh is so funny that it makes them laugh as well lmao. They also pointed out on multiple occasions that I’m really talkative and careless around them. Sometimes I come off as a little childish because I’m quite playful. I always do things that other people are too afraid or well-behaved to do, but often I end up regretting it later on. I’m always late, I still don’t know how to move around my city in the buses or trams (I always have to check it beforehand). My apartment is also pretty messy because I’m very sentimental and it’s hard for me to throw out stuff I got used to. I often buy useless things, like cute plants or stuffed animals and pillows. The only thing that is clean in my environment is my body. I shower up to six times a day, which isn’t very good for my bills and skin, but I just can’t stop doing it. I’m also obsessed with skincare, so I invest a lot of money and time into it. Honestly, I spend most of my money on beauty products and my cat. He is so spoiled that his food costs more than mine. I’m pretty much in love with him, and I can say that I would choose my kitty over almost all of my friends. I don’t really need people unless I become really attached to them. I like spending my time alone, as it is easier to organize it. I absolutely hate when something doesn’t go the way I planned. I’m a control freak and a perfectionist, so every mistake I make gives me a lot of anxiety. I’m very caring. I always try to be nice to people because I know how my words can affect them. I get really invested in other people’s problems and I do my best to help them. It’s often easier for me to cheer up others than myself. When something bad happens because of me, I beat myself up over it constantly. I also tend to worry about what people think of me as I’m quite self-conscious. It’s easy to make me feel bad. I pretend to not care about what others say, but in reality I’m really sensitive and I have a tendency to overthink. Other than that I’m always honest and I really hate liars. I’m also addicted to caffeine, as I pretty much fuel myself with coffee and energy drinks. I often pull all-nighters working. I’m really serious about my studies and I invest most of my time into them. Once I set myself a goal, I do everything in my power to achieve it. I either overwork myself or sleep on the couch all day. In free time I love to go out hiking or running, I also have a weak spot for swimming. I easily fall in love, and it’s also quite easy for me to get over someone. Aand I love listening to music. My taste is really various, but I just can’t imagine living without it.
Hey love 🌸 @venkawrites I'm so sorry for making you wait for so long, hope you like it!
From Stray Kids I ship you with Jisung!
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I thought of him immediately when I read your description. I think you'll be able to easily attract his attention. Your cute appearance would definitely make him turn around for a double take to look at you 👀 In fact he'd probably stare at you a lot when you first meet, not in a creepy way of course. But more so with an admiration of your beauty, he would have a smile on his face whenever he's around. You'd often catch him randomly staring at you throughout your relationship, if you point it out he might get a little shy. Jisung just loves your blue eyes so much, he can't help but look at them for a little longer. He would be very affectionate towards you. I don't see him as being clingy, so when you need your space and alone time he won't have a problem with it. But when you guys are together he would shower you with kisses and make you feel loved. I don't see you guys staying indoors too much, unless you're both tired or haven't seen each other in a long time. Jisung would love going out with you and traveling together on your vacations. He'd want to take you to places that he's never been to before, just so you guys could share these special moments with each other and make memories. On a day to day basis he'd love to go for a run or a swim with you as long as he's free. He'd be able to keep up with your interests more than well, as long as he gets to spend more time with you he'd be down for anything. And in my opinion Jisung is very passionate about the things and the people that he loves, which makes him quite loyal. When you need help or reassurance he'd always be there for you. He might be able to help you loosen up and express your feelings better. That'll happen naturally as he would never push you to say or do something that you don't want to. He'd make sure to let you know that he's by your side no matter what and that you can trust him. Jisung would also have a special way of making you feel confident and good about yourself, he'd always remind you how beautiful and appreciated you are. It will be an easy going relationship, you guys would be the squirrel couple 😁🐿 Also, what I think he'd love the most about you is your cheerful personality and how talkative you are, it'll make him feel secure and accepted in your company, he won't be afraid to be himself with you.
And from iKON I ship you with Hanbin!
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Oh boy...how much he would relate to you omg. Be prepared for having long ass deep convos with him every night. Especially when you guys first meet. I can see him approaching you, because he's just nice and I guess you look cute and approachable. So he'd go for it and you guys would warm up pretty quickly. Then you'd probably get lost in a conversation, rapidly switching the subjects, just getting to know each other. He'd realize how much you guys have and common and he'd definitely want to see you again and spend more time with you. Hanbin will develop a soft spot for you. He'd love how nice and bubbly you are not just with him, but with other people too. You guys will take things slow and most likely become friends first, before going any further. He'd want to make sure that you really are comfortable with him and there is some sort of a mutual feeling so that he can make a move. Hanbin will be able to keep up with your life style very well. Just like you he is hardworking, very driven and a perfectionist. He's the one who would understand you best and also give advice and so much support when something that you've been working on doesn't go as planned. He'd be the best at reassuring you that your effort never goes to waste. He'd really admire your passion, but he would also take good care of you and insist on you to catch a break when you need it. Hanbin is one of the most chill and down to earth kpop idols that I can think of, and he's so so sweet and caring. He's always got your back. Whenever you're feeling down he'd shower you with affection and do his best to cheer you up. No doubt he'd give you a lot of compliments and just words of love to make you feel like you're the most important person to him. Hanbin would very much appreciate your honesty and how caring you are to him and in general. He also needs a shoulder to lean on when things are not going well, so he'll be very thankful that you're there for him, trying to help with all you've got. You guys will be able to understand each other quite well and your love and support would be stonger than anything that could possibly stand between you two.
Thank you for requesting! ❤
My main account ➡ @mind666blown
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c-e-c-e-r-o · 6 years
On Love's Tail 19
A mighty fwoosh rings throughout the courtyard, and Priscilla and Sær are formed from the smoke of the nearby bonfire, propelled forward by Priscilla's power. She clings to him as they roll along the ground, skidding to a stop at the foot of roughly hewn stone stairs.
 The two look up, only to witness the startled faces of Vengarl and the tattered woman holding him.
"Hullo," Sær chirps.
"Are you well, mister Vin-gral?" Priscilla asks. Vengarl never had the heart to correct her.
"I am faring well enough, lady Priscilla, though I lack favorable company."
"Hey!" The ragged woman says.
"This poorly dressed girl is known as Rosabeth of Melfia. I unwittingly freed her from a curse of stone, and she is now indebted to me. I would have her pay with her body, but seeing as neither of us have one...
Rosabeth smacks his helm against the stairs, setting his ears to ringing. "Of course I would get stuck with this lout," she complains. "I had expected someone like you to rescue me," she says to Sær, blushing. Priscilla growls, her tail curling protectively around Sær and yanking him to her chest. Rosabeth's eyes widen, frightened by this massive woman intent on protecting her mate.
Priscilla turns around, clutching Sær and sulking. "Damn you for being so handsome," she mutters. The both of the turn beet red, not meeting each other's gaze. Sær hugs her tail reassuringly, stroking it. Despite how close they are, anything related to sexual desire sets their faces aflame.
Now, Sær is no maiden, or the whatever the male equivalent of a maiden is, but there's something about his bride-to-be that sets his heart racing like no other. The thought of laying with her had an allure far beyond mere physical pleasure. In the theater of his mind, when he is inside of her, the whole world is warm and pleasant, and the past and future cease to exist. He wants for nothing, and all of existance disappears with the first thrust. Priscilla's sighs of pleasure fill him with ecstasy, and her tail writhes and squeezes him as they reach their peak.
He snaps out of his fantasy, turning to look up at Priscilla. He loves her with all his heart, and when she holds him against her chest the both of them grow warmer than bed of chaos. The cool breeze coming off of the Majula coast disappears as she hugs him tighter, enveloping him between her breasts. Sær sighs happily. He truly has the most beautiful, comfortable wife- er, wife-to-be, in all of Lordran, and she would be all the more so once her fur grows back.
"A-hem," Vengarl interrupts. "There will be time enough for that and more once you are married. Do we not have a quest to complete?"
"Mister Vin-gral is right, Sær," Priscilla agrees. It has been at least a decade since we set out, judging by how long your hair was when you saved me from darkroot garden. Poor aunt- um, uncle Gwyndolin, must be suffering greatly."
"We should hurry, then," Sær says, gently untangling himself from Priscilla's tail and falling to the ground from between her breasts. "But while we're here, we should get Priscilla more... Suitable attire."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Majula, despite looking like a ruin, teems with shops to provide various undead with whatever they may need. Swords, armor, female company, and skin cream (for the humanity-starved walking pieces of bacon.)
Priscilla walks out from behind a large building, the only place large enough for her to change. The sight of her drew a loud wolf whistle from Sær, while the rest of the town's occupants looked on in amazement.
Her top is a black gown of shining silk, swooping along her form, accentuating it.
The skirt portion parts to either side, forming an A shape, allowing freedom of movement, even more than her fur. The rims are trimmed with gold. Her sleeves are long, as well as wide at the cuff, with a slit along the forearm for her fluffy "wings." Draped around her shoulders is a short cape of dark, thick cloth whitch comes around to her front in another A shape, leaving her scales and the area between her neck and chest bare, save fore the diamond ribbon Sær gave her. Gold trim rings the cloak as well. She wears a pair of flat, black, flexible shoes that leave the top of her feet bare.
Sær melts. Paying for the custom-made garb may have left his soul vessel empty, but the sight of his fiance in her magnificent garb makes his
heart- among other things- feel full.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rarely does Sær ever dislike Priscilla's size. That is one of his favorite things about her appearance, after all. It allowed them to overcome many obstacles thus far. It also means that she is much stonger than him, and a much better warrior, a boon at almost all times.
This is not one of those times.
Sær splutters and coughs as Priscilla dunks him in a vat of soapy water, scrubbing him raw with a large brush. It couldn't be helped; he had tried to run the moment Priscilla suggested he clean up to be fitted for new clothes.
He hisses as she scrubs his neck and upper back. "You vile vixen," he huffs.
"Whatever do you mean?" Priscilla coos sweetly, knowing full well that his neck and back are the second most sensitive places on his body. He only grits his teeth in response, grunting as she caresses the area with her large fingers. Sær fights back a groan, and he loses when Priscilla rubs his shoulders and back with her thumbs, pressing deep into the weary muscle. Her hands are warm from the hot water they are in, a small pool fed by a nearby hot spring.
She adds her tail to the fray, wrapping it around his torso. Sær jumps and gasps loudly as Priscilla leans forward, nuzzling the back of his neck. She hums a random tune, and Sær joins in after listening for a minute. The two soak in the steaming water, humming as they press together.
Priscilla nudges him with her nose. "Sær?"
Sær's ears perk up. She rarely calls him by his name, instead usually opting for 'Darling.' This is pleasant in it's own way, though...
"What shall we... Well, do? Once we're wed, I mean." The idea of officially being Sær's wife sets her heart aflutter, and she blushes.
"I'm not sure. The world is a big place, even for you."
"How big is it, really?"
"Who knows? I'm sure we will, eventually. Time doesn't exist for us, being immortal."
"Do you really want to see the whole world?"
"Do you?"
"Then yes. We've only been at this quest for a short while, and we've already made so many friends, and we still have yet to find a single person who curses your existence. Either Gwyn was lying, or you are truly something special, Priscilla Filia Gwynevere."
The two are silent for a time, before Priscilla speaks up again.
"You know, one must be wed to claim the throne... Mother has no plans to marry, and uncle Gwyndolin prefers the company of his many male consor- Ahem, Darkmoon Knights. So, if you should wish it..."
"We could be Queen Priscilla and King Sær?
As temping as that is, Anor Londo would need quite a bit of work to be a true city again, and neither of us have any experience in politics."
"I suppose so. We are already King and Queen of Darkroot Garden in our own right, thanks to your efforts, darling."
The two silently soak, only leaving once Priscilla sneezes and accidentally freezes the hot springs.
"Darling, you're taking an awfully long time to change. Perhaps you need assistance?"
Behind the curtain, Sær grins. "I would be delighted," he says, his heartbeat quickening. Suddenly, a large red wolf's head is flung over the curtain, rolling to a stop at Sær's bare feet.
"AAAGH!" Vengarl cries in mental anguish. "COVER THINE SCRAWNY FORM, THOU NAKED BUFFOON!"
"I'm not scrawny! I'm wiry!" Sær protests, tripping as he hastily tries to cover himself.
The changing room becomes a hotbed of clanging, cursing, and thumping until finally Sær pulls down the cutain, ripping it from it's place and falling face first onto the ground. Vengarl hits the ground with a thud, slowly rolling and coming to a stop at Rosabeth's feet. Sær stands, cursing and brushing himself off.
Priscilla gasps.
He wears black trousers made of breathable fabric, the knees reinforced with boiled black leather pads, fastened with gold thread. He wears a short black sleeveless surcoat, his upper back, shoulders, and upper chest covered by a short black leather cloak trimmed with gold, much like Priscilla's. The cloak's collar is high, coming halfway up his neck and framing it loosely.
Priscilla begins to feel an odd heat in the pit of her stomach.
Sær tugs at the cloth, unused to being so covered. "Mnnnrgh," he whines. "Priscilla, do I have to wear thi-"
"YES!" Priscilla interrupts. "Don't you dare take it off." She stares at Sær predatorily, drooling. He steps back, worried.
"Well, if we are all finished with our errands, I believe we have a wolf to slay," Vengarl reminds them.
The group encircles the bonfire. The undead holding the dragon crossbreed princess, who holds the hand of a centuries old stoned woman, who holds the severed head of a man who was once one of the most dangerous mercenaries in existence. Sær pities the sorry sods whose party merely consists of a warrior, mage, theif and cleric.
With a deep breath, they all touch the hilt of the coiled sword, Priscilla's power dragging the two non-undead along with them through the void.
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i-may-have-a-point · 7 years
Review of 14x13 “You Really Got a Hold on Me”
“The longest surgery on record lasted for 4 days straight. A team of surgeons rotated in and out, holding scalpels for sometimes 18 hours at a stretch. Try holding anything in your hand for 18 hours. Now, imagine you’re also holding a human life”
As the song title, and title of the episode, says, each of the characters have something that has a hold on them.  Something that moves them forward and effects all their decisions.  Something that is a part of who they are at their core. These holds, or connections, that have such a tight hold on the doctors are the driving force for many of their stories in this episode.  
Meredith/Jo/Helm – Meredith spends the day waiting for Dr. Cerone’s call because she need the patent for her medical trial because success and determination have a hold on her.  No matter what challenges are placed in her path, Mer does whatever she can to overcome them.  Securing this patent is not different.  Jo and Helm are given strict instructions to find her anywhere, anytime if Cerone calls and, no matter what, don’t let April know.  If April finds out, she could pull their funding. Personally, I would be fine with them losing their funding so Alex and Amelia’s project could be funded, but this is Meredith Grey so that won’t be happening.  The call comes, and Andy Herrera saves the day (similarly to how Meredith always does) by convincing Cerone to meet with Meredith.  Looks like we may have a patent.  
Ben/Andy – Ben struggled to stay out of the OR because Grey-Sloan has a hold on him.  His wife and friends are there.  He spent years of his life building a career there.  I was expecting this episode to mainly focus on the firefighters.  While I appreciate that it didn’t, because I want to see the characters I already love on my screen, this felt like an underwhelming introduction to the spinoff. Andy Herrera is likable, but I didn’t come away from this episode wanting to know more about her story.  She seemed like any other paramedic/first responder/fire fighter who is on the show for a minute and is never heard from again.  I am interested to see if that is all we will see of her until the spinoff officially begins because honestly when she and Ben rode away in the ambulance I wasn’t wishing for them to come back.
Amelia/Koracick/Alex/Deluca/Sam – Brain tumors have always had a hold on Amelia, but that hold is probably even stonger now that Amelia has had one herself. She is struggling with how to get rid of Kimmie’s tumor so she called Tom in for help.  Was he this douchey last time he was on the show?  Within two minutes of being on screen, he calls Ameila bae, states how good of a surgeon he is, and calls Alex a mascot.  Wow.  I mean, he made me laugh, but wow.  The focus in this scene seems to be Koracick, but I think the look on Alex’s face before the cut to the next scene is significant.  He looks sad.  One of the things many of us have asked repeatedly this season is why is Alex a background character?  He has been the supporting actor to Mer, Jo, and Amelia, but other than that, he hasn’t had much of a story.  In this episode, it seems as if the writers almost poked fun at Alex’s insignificance this season by having Koracick call him a mascot and repeatedly screw up his name. Because really, that’s what he has been - the guy in the background encouraging everyone else.  And this continues throughout the episode. The team is trying to perfect the laser heat, but really the heat is between the people in the room. Deluca flirts with Sam, Sam flirts with Deluca, Tom flirts with Sam, Tom flirts with Amelia, and Alex is done with all of it.  Speaking up gets him nowhere, as Koracick tells him, “You’re a terrible wingman, Alvin,” Alex is reminded of his “place.”  However, it looks like there may be something in the works for him with his involvement in Kimmie’s brain tumor surgery.  One of the greatest things about Alex Karev is that he is an amazing peds surgeon. He makes real connections with his patients and views them as people, not just cases. As he tells Jo, “It’s just…some kids get under your skin.” These kids have always had a hold on Alex.  He wants to save them because no one saved him. Kimmie is no different, which is why he wants Koracick nowhere near her.  Unfortunately, Deluca didn’t get the memo.  He sends Koracick to meet her and Alex and Amelia walk in on an intense musical theater disagreement.  Koracick and Kimmie may not agree on Sondheim’s greatest work, but they do hit it off, making Koracick’s admission that Kimmie has only months to live all the more heartbreaking.  But I think this story, along with most of the stories on Grey’s, is in the middle where things can be tough to watch, but as Kimmie said, sometimes the audience doesn’t get it.  They leave, “Because they want an easy, happy ending.  But hello, that’s why it’s brilliant.”  We don’t get easy, happy stories on this show, but sometimes we do get brilliant ones. I think this one could be brilliant. Brilliant like Amelia’s idea.  No, Koracick you don’t get to take credit for this. They decide to approach the tumor from a different angle or multiple angles. The plan isn’t flawless yet, but they are on the right track.
Owen/Qadri – Team. Trauma. Qadri would fit right in.  Her quick thinking in an unexpected situation was impressive, and I think she would fit right in with Owen and April.  We will have to wait and see if trauma really takes a hold on her.
Bailey/Webber – Bailey returns from her “vacation” ready to get started on her device for the medical innovation contest.  However, Webber thinks she should have taken more time to recover.  Since Bailey and Maggie both disagree, he takes it upon himself to spend the day making sure Bailey is okay.  As Bailey always does, she rises to the challenge and proves that being back at work is exactly where she needs to be.  Saving lives has a hold on her.    
April/Jackson/Arizona/Maggie – The camera angle/focus at the opening of Japril’s first scene outside the daycare is different from the rest of the episode.  It is one of the few times a character has looked directly into and spoken to the camera.  This angle causes us to see April from Harriet’s point of view.  The I.V. pole is mostly hidden behind April and as the audience, we can feel how excited April is to see her daughter and how much she loves her.  “She is the light of my life.”  She waited outside the daycare just to see her for a moment before she started her day. Harriet is her only true source of happiness right now.  Jackson passes Harriet to her mother’s arms and it is then that both he and the audience focus in on the fact that April has an I.V. attached to her.  Jackson is immediately concerned, “What is, uh, all this? Are you sick?”  To which April openly admits that she is hungover.  The fact that April is openly admitting to partying so hard she needs an I.V. bag to recover and then strolling through the hospital with the I.V. attached shows just how deep into her crisis she is. She does not give a damn about what anyone thinks, but also this is a clear cry for help.  She is showing and telling the people in her life that something is wrong, but no one is listening.  Until now.  Jackson finally sees it.  He kisses Harriet good-bye as April sweetly speaks for her, “Bye, Daddy,” but he can’t help but turn back to look at April once more as he walks away.  There is something wrong.  So, he goes to Arizona to get her take on it.  He voices his concerns and Arizona essentially brushes it off as April deserving to “be happy.”  Jackson insists that this isn’t April because he knows her better than anyone, but Arizona doesn’t see the problem.  She compares the situation to her split with Callie and explains that she had a hard time watching Callie fall in love again. Jackson cannot hide his jealousy, “Hold on, falling in love – who’s – April’s falling in love?” “No, I – me – it was no fun for me…”  “Oh, yeah, totally –.”  Jackson tries to play off his jealousy, but it is not working.  Concerned Jackson has turned into Jealous Jackson.  Arizona insists that he should let April find her happy without him, but Jackson isn’t buying it.  This isn’t April trying to find her happy.  And even if it is, he is not so sure he wants her to find her happy without him.  Now obviously Arizona completely missed all of April’s signs of crisis, but I think she is also projecting her own situation on to April and Jackson’s.  Callie will always have a hold on her.  Calzona fans may come for me, but these couples had two very different breakups.  Callie was trying to find her happy because Arizona cheated on her and broke her heart, and Arizona cheated on Callie because she said she found someone who liked her even with a missing leg.  With Callie it was always the elephant in the room that they couldn’t get past.  So, in a way, Arizona had checked out of the relationship before she cheated.  That is very different from losing a child and not coping with it well.  So, no, April isn’t trying to find her happy without Jackson.  She is trying to find any bit of happy she has left at all.  This scene transitions into Alex/Amelia/Maggie talking about booty calls which is only in the episode to let the audience know that Maggie and Clive are having great sex often and that Maggie “genuinely likes him.”  There is no hidden meaning behind this line. Listen to her.  She likes Clive.  She is “unashamed” to be having loud sex with him often.  There are no throw away lines on this show.  She is still talking about him in the lunch line with Arizona.  Clive, Carina, and sex are the topics when Jackson walks in.  He makes up a date (he has Harriet, he’s not going on a date tonight) because at this point it seems like he is the only one who isn’t dating. Arizona has Carina, Maggie has Clive, and now he is wondering if April has someone.  I do not think he was trying to make Maggie jealous, but there is an awkwardness (shocking) between them because they still aren’t quite sure what the other is thinking.  Maggie doesn’t want to talk about any of this with Jackson, so she opts for lunch from the vending machine while Jackson stays.  This scene was put in the episode for a reason and, no, that reason isn’t because the show plans to make Maggie and Jackson a thing.  Putting this scene in an episode with so many scenes where Jackson shows hat he clearly still cares deeply for April allows the audience to see the vast difference between Maggie/Jackson and April/Jackson.  The interaction with Jackson and Maggie is insignificant and forgettable when placed next to Japril scenes.  The writers/showrunners wanted the audience to see that.  Maggie walks away from Jackson and he turns to Arizona and talks about April. April/Jackson walk away from each other and he stares after her with sadness in his eyes.  Jackson and Arizona are not the only ones talking about April in line, though.  Glasses and Vik are discussing how much they like her as the party girl, which visibly annoys Jackson.  He holds in his irritation well, until Vik crosses the line, “I never would have pegged myself as a guy who’s into moms, but moms make you do things until you get them right.” And to quote Jackson, “Nope.” He is done.  It is unclear if he gets that Vik and April are having sex, but he probably does.  So, in his jealousy he sends Vik to drain a large, infected abscess in a man’s groin. That is petty, and I love it.  Also, good for April for making sure she is having good sex, even if she has to teach him, but we all know she didn’t have to teach Jackson anything.  Just saying.  So, the interns scamper, and Arizona reminds him to try harder, but Jackson just can’t.  “She’s the mother of my KIDS, and this-.” Hearing Jackson call April the mother to both of his kids had me on the floor, but I also really wish they would have let him finish that sentence.  I wanted to hear what he had to say about Vik.  The day comes to an end and April is still on Jackson’s mind.  They cross paths on their way to leave and Jackson steps the hell up and asks April how she is doing.  He isn’t accusatory or angry.  He is concerned.  “Maybe you can tell me about that over coffee or something.  We can actually speak to each other, catch up.”  But April shuts him out.  None of us should be surprised by this.  She tried to talk to him before, “The way we are doing things is causing me pain,” and he said nothing.  She told him she was in pain and he wasn’t there for her, so why would she reach out to him now?  Why would she reach out to anyone?  No one has been listening.  So she’s done talking.   She leaves and Jackson watches her go, knowing she isn’t okay.  If Jackson is going to truly reach her he is going to have to try harder, and he will. Every single scene Jackson was in this episode showed him completely focused on April.  He didn’t operate, he didn’t work on his research for the medical trial, and he didn’t talk about anything except April.  He is not going to just accept that this is who she is now. He knows better than that because April is the thing that has a hold on him.  She always has, and nothing will change that.  
Sometimes holding on to things is hard.  It affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally.  We know that it may hurt, but we are willing to take the pain and work through it because that is a part of holding on to something that is so important to us.  We take the bad with the good because we know, in the end, it will all be worth it.  
“When you hold onto anything for too long, your muscles can form to the position you’re holding. That applies to the heart and the mind, as well as the hand. The pain you know is coming is what makes it easier to just keep holding on.”
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therealwonkothesane · 7 years
How did Toffee get into the wand? How was he able to spoil the magic? Was Star really dead?
It's me with my dopey view on the show again. Today I try to explain what I think really happened in Star vs the Forces of Evil Season 1 and 2.
Again my warning: If you want to continue your happy shipper-lifes, you should stop right here. Do not continue to read.
This is a contiuation of my first thoughts in
It is very helpful if you read it first. I'm not going to explain everything again.
Again I'm assuming the show does the same as the movie "Inside Out", but on a far more complex level. The show never tells you things straight in your face. It works with symbols and metaphors, which can be confusing when you watch the show in the "little girl has funny adventures with her best friend" way. I won't go too deep into details, most of them are child-friendly storytelling.
First we have to get your analogies for the first 2 seasons together:
Star: This is Star herself, her awareness. Moon: the bond to her real mother in the real outside world River: the bond to her real father the Magic: this is Star's essence, her happy thoughts and her happy feelings Marco: he is the representation of her happy childhood the Monsters: these are her bad feelings and thoughts. She blasts them away easily with her strong happy feelings the Septarians: these are special monsters, they grow back. These are the bad awful feelings you cannot get rid of. You can blast them away, but they always slowly keep growing back. They are nearly undestructible. the Wand: Glossaryck told us in "Inside the Wand" - it contains her memories. the "Soup": this is Star's subconsciousness. You can only skim the surface with your memories. If you want go get really into it, you have to "dip down" yourself. Glossaryck: he is the "explain guy". He gives advices. He is also a connection to the outside world, where advices come from. the Secrets Closet: in there she locks all her embarrassments away and things she does not want to deal with
The rest of the Magic High Commission are very one-dimensional characters, because they are basic functions of her brain: Hekapoo: she makes scissors to open portals. She gives the possibility to make journeys in your brain and to experience new things. Rhombulus: he locks away "evil" things, which may be dangerous to you. Or he keeps things from you, you are not ready for yet. Omnitraxus Prime: he shows you all your "dimensions", all possibilities you have, and what you can or could have become. Lekmet: he is the healer. He usually is in the background and heals things in your mind without you noticing.
Okay. Let's use this now and look into season 1.
Show’s view: Star lives this happy life, she blasts monsters away with her happy magic and everything seems ok. As long they are led by Ludo everything is easy. But then this undestructible lawyer monster Toffee takes over. He steals Star's best friend Marco and threatens to crush him. She can not defeat that monster with her normal magic, he is too powerful and keeps growing limbs back and makes Marco's prison stonger. The only way to defeat this monster is to destroy the wand and split it in half.
Outside view: Something very traumatizing has happened to the real "outside" Star. With Toffee looking like a lawyer and River being thrown out of the castle, my best guess would be her real parents' divorce. She can not deal with it. She can do nothing against it. It threatens to crush her happy childhood! Even worse: she blames herself for it! The mental pressure on Star is so amazing strong, the only way she can solve it for now, is to split her memory (the wand) in half. She puts the awful feelings (Toffee) into the half she leaves unnoticed behind. But her remaining half is badly damaged now. On the second crystal Toffee still has his grip on!
Season 2 and Battle for Mewni
Show’s view: In the first episode Marco gets locked into Star's secrets closet by Glossaryck. He tells Marco "You know I do this because I love you". Finally she frees him by dipping down.
Outside view: Somebody told Star, she has to pull herself together and act like an adult. It would be for her better good. She is made being ashamed of her childish behaviour. But her love for her childhood is too strong and she gets it back.
Show’s view (quick summary) The magic is corrupted and starts disappearing. The Fritz starts unnoticed by Star, but the MHC members and the Queen notice it, but can't explain why it happens. Star's spells get worse, she gets into the wand and pulls Toffee's finger out. But she doesn't get rid of it, just throws it into her closet. She seems better now. But then it starts again. She messes things up, loses Marco to Jackie, everything is awful. The MHC members get killed by Toffee, but Lekmet revives Queen Moon. In Battle for Mewni Star starts this self-destucting behaviour to defeat Toffee. She blasts the other crystal and gets sucked into a black void. She meets Glossaryck there, who tells her she is not dead. She dips down, gets reborn and blasts Toffee to goo.
Outside view: Star's happiness starts disappearing, and she does not know why. It starts very slowly and unnoticed at first. She begins to feel bad all the time. Her mind can not really decide what's right and what's wrong (the Rhombulus episode). It gets better and it gets worse again.
So what is happening here? Star is developing a major depression! This is how depressions start - slowly, unnoticed creeping onto you until it's too late. You feel miserable and you don't know why. You can not think straight anymore.
I think the episodes "Baby", "Into the Wand" and "Face the Music" were in fact psychological sessions Star had.  But they didn't really help, she gets a first breakdown: the death of the MHC. The only member left is Moon, the strong bond to her mother. Her mind is now defenceless.
In Toffee she has her major breakdown: the falls into this deep dark pit of hopelessness. She can not free herself without external help. Even the bond to her mother breaks.
She feels like drowning and then like dead. This is how you feel with a really bad depression! But she is not dead, Glossaryck tells her. Remember Glossaryck is the advice from outside? He is the embodiment of the doctors, who help her now with medication.
Then she gets reborn. The medication works and Star wakes up. She blasts Toffee with all her might of her new positive feelings to goo. Her mind begins to regenerate (the magic well). But she is not completely healed yet, because Lekmet is still dead. She will still be unstable for a long time.
I know, this is just a very quick view onto this.
There are many many more details on this topic in season 2 to be interpreted. I think you can figure them out by yourself now! I trust you!
I thank you very much for your attention.
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