#“not sure how much I'll talk to you in the future. Good luck with everything if we end up not talking”
wendynoire · 1 year
Probably going to post some vent art soon. The tags are also a bit of a vent.
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yongility · 6 months
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NEO TV # ROCKABYE (taeyong x reader) 1/?.
genre: single dad au, ceo au, fluff, slightly angst, smut.
warnings: adult language, death mentions, idk there’s not a lot of warning for this one.
word count: 7k
a/n: if you want to be in the taglist, just lemme know;) enjoy!
During his childhood, Taeyong always dreamed a thousand times about what adult life would bring him. His mind was always filled with those dreams that led him to his future. Would he become a firefighter? One of his earliest wishes formed when he was barely five years old; or would he perhaps become an idol in the Korean industry? He had wished too much to become one after seeing a performance on some TV channel. What if he became a police officer? Or a secret agent? Movies of that genre had always excited him, and he was sure he could become someone who would care for and protect the city if he set his mind to it.
However, reality hit him when he turned sixteen. As an only child, he would have to take over his father's business responsibilities once he retired. So no matter how much he dreamed or how much he wanted to be as an adult, because he would end up in an office, surrounded by papers to sign, with meetings to attend and deals to close.
And that's where he was now, at twenty-six years old, in the office that once belonged to his father and that was now filled with what he once wanted to escape. Still, he was grateful that his father had taught him enough to become the great businessman he is now. His father, who had been a great man, who had taught him incredible things about life, who had shaped him for any situation, who expected him to always give his best... but he never prepared him for what came to his ears that particular winter morning. Those words that left him frozen in the middle of his office. The words his brain couldn't process and that hit him like a bucket of cold water.
"Mr. Lee, we need you to come urgently to Seoul General Hospital, your daughter needs you."
Daughter... Daughter... Daughter...
What was that person talking about on the other end of the line? Was it some kind of joke? No, he didn't think anyone was twisted enough to joke about something like that.
But had he heard correctly?
"Mr. Lee, are you still on the line?"
A simple murmur came from his throat, still deeply pondering what those words from that person meant.
"We're very sorry about what happened to Miss Shin, however, we require your presence as soon as possible to fill out the necessary forms so that your daughter can leave the hospital with you."
Daughter... HIS daughter...
Taeyong's hands began to sweat profusely, his head began to spin, and his stomach began to feel nauseous. His office wasn't even as large as it used to be a few minutes ago. Now, it was getting smaller and smaller. Why did he suddenly start feeling hot? Wasn't it supposed to be snowing outside?
Was he about to faint? No, not now Taeyong. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
"Mr. Lee?"
Again, that voice called him, like a drill to his ears. Taeyong took a gulp of air and snapped out of his deep trance. He wiped his hands on his suit pants and swallowed hard.
"I... um... I'll be right there."
You'll go? But you don't even have a daughter, Lee Taeyong… Ms. Shin? Who the hell was Shin?
But he had to go, a girl was waiting for him somewhere in that hospital, and before anything else, he had to clarify this situation. He had to go and clarify everything.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be in this situation. What would he do with his life if everything turned out to be true? What would he do being a father?
Oh, Lee Taeyong, you have many things ahead of you. Good luck with that.
"Before entering the operating room, and knowing the possible scenarios that could occur during the process, that was Miss Shin's will. We were not aware that you were unaware of the situation, however..."
Taeyong's body went into autopilot, with the words reaching his ears and the crying coming from the baby lying in his arms, he didn't know what to think and what to do. Next to him, a window was there, and from there, you could notice the snow falling gently and the wind moving the leaves of the trees slightly.
He cautiously looked at the tiny piece of human lying irritated on his arms. Why wouldn't she be quiet? Was she hungry? Was her diaper dirty? What would he know! He had never had a baby in his care and didn't even know the basic care they required. Him, a father? Never, never crossed his mind.
What was he supposed to do?
"... realizing the situation presented, we'll have to extend a few more days, we'll need a blood test to determine if you're really the father of this girl."
Taeyong's attention shifted from the little one and completely turned to the social worker in front of him.
"We understand that the situation may be very confusing and unexpected for you, but you were the only person Miss Shin gave us information about, ensuring that you are the father. Blood test results usually take from a week to ten days to be ready, so until we know the relationship between you and the baby, she'll have to stay in maternal care, still, we need you to show up here at least once a day. The little one needs warmth, in this case, fatherly warmth to feel calm, if the results find compatibility, we'll arrange all the necessary paperwork for you to take her home without any problem. If it turns out that there's no compatibility, the little one will be transferred to an orphanage where we'll make sure to find her a good family," the woman finished with a small smile.
Taeyong's confusion was still there, everything was spinning in his head, but he was at peace that the little one was now simply asleep. He didn't understand what was happening, but now, seeing the baby, something grew inside him. She looked so small, so fragile... so peaceful. Did she mention something about an orphanage? How could something so small be thrown into something as difficult as that? Confused by his thoughts and memories, the face of Shin Jein came to mind, and he remembered the short moment he would have shared with her some time ago and what, possibly, had resulted in what was now in his arms. So yes, there was even a small chance that they shared a part of DNA, but was he ready to take such a big responsibility into his hands? Would he have to rearrange a room just for her? Money wasn't a problem. How would he change her diaper? How many bottles should she take? Maybe he should hire a nanny. God, so many things were running through his head, and he didn't even know if he was her father or not. What he did know was that if the results were positive, he would pull up his pants, take responsibility and give the little girl the best he could. In the end, that's what his father had taught him; to take responsibility for his actions and face them like the man he was, and he would, even when he knew he wasn't even half prepared to do it.
"Are you okay with everything I've told you, Mr. Lee?" the social worker glanced at him and then at the baby. He brought his index finger cautiously to the baby's soft cheeks and then to her tiny hands, who, in a clever reflex, wrapped her hand around his finger. A lump formed in Taeyong's throat, and his eyes welled up. What would he do?
"Yes," his voice trembled so he cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes, I agree."
The worker gave him an empathetic smile and nodded in understanding, jotting down a few things on her tablet and then sighing.
"I have to go prepare some papers for the first phase of the process, which would be the blood test. In a moment, I'll send a nurse to take samples from both of you and to help you with the baby if necessary. You can stay here for as long as you want, and when you leave, the nurses will take care of her," she said before leaving the room and leaving Taeyong alone in the middle of the room with a weight in his arms. Carefully, he moved to a small chair next to a window. He sighed heavily and looked at the baby, and then he couldn't hold back any longer and a sob escaped from him.
He had thousands of emotions running from the tips of his toes to his head. He was confused, he was sensitive, he was frustrated. His face soon filled with tears, and the room with his sobs. Luckily, the little one seemed so immersed in her sleep that she wasn't even affected by the noises of her potential father.
Daughter... Father...
How much weight those words carried. How much it meant. Could he be a good father? He never lacked love at home, sure, sometimes his father could be tough on him, but it was part of growing up and part of understanding what life was. He could say he had a good example when it came to fatherhood, now, could he put it into practice?
To be honest, he was afraid. Afraid of many things. He was an older man, why the hell should he be afraid? He feared not being enough, he feared making mistakes and that the little one in his arms would pay for them. What if he didn't fully learn what being a father entailed? He was on his own, he didn't have a wife, he didn't have a girlfriend to help him with it. His friends... what would his friends know about taking care of babies? And his parents, damn, he had to let his parents know about the situation. In the end, they were the only close people who had some experience in this new world for him.
His routine would change. Would he have to adapt his office to a space dedicated to her? Would he have to leave her in a nursery to attend his work? Or hire a nanny to take care of her in his apartment? He couldn't go out as he used to, and if his sleep schedule was messed up now, it would be even more so. How long would it take for a baby to fall asleep?
But what if... what if the results were negative? Would he just leave, forget what happened, and let luck take care of the little one and find her a suitable family? Would he be able to do that?
He didn't know. Damn it! He had no fucking idea what he would do. Just a few hours ago, he was simply Lee Taeyong, the CEO of Lee Company. Someone single, with no commitments other than his job. And now what? Would Lee Taeyong be a single father?
His head began to ache, and he didn't know if it was from all the thoughts in it or from how much he had cried that he was sure he couldn't shed another tear.
He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing softly and slowly, with no intention of waking up from the peaceful sleep the baby was in. After a few minutes of being in that state, the sound of the door opening made him unconsciously open his eyes, finding a young nurse entering the room.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Lee," a delicate voice called him. "I'm Nurse (Y/N), I'll be the one taking the blood tests, and I'll be the one in charge of the baby," she announced softly and with a small smile.
Taeyong only managed to nod, and with his free hand (the one not holding the baby), he wiped his face, erasing any trace of tears. No words came out of his mouth because he really wasn't thinking straight. His thoughts and thousands of scenarios were haunting his head, and this made it impossible for him to concentrate, even in the slightest.
"Of course," was all he managed to say.
(Y/N) smiled again slightly and approached them with a couple of things in her hands. She sat in the chair next to the boy, and on a small table, she perfectly arranged everything and addressed him.
"All right, I need to take a small blood sample from the baby," she said, taking one of the small needles and turning slightly toward them. "I'll need you to hold her tight, please," she asked kindly.
Taeyong's eyes widened when he saw the needle and then he looked at the baby, and instinctively, he pulled her closer to his chest in an attempt to protect her, so (Y/N) let out a tender laugh, and he saw her with a furrowed brow. What was she laughing about?
"It'll be quick, I promise," she assured confidently.
"Will it hurt her?" he asked, almost obvious.
"It'll only be for a moment. It won't take long, and besides, if you're there for her, it'll be easy to calm her down," she commented, taking the baby's tiny hand and resting it on the large hand of her - potential - father, who, in a reflex, held her firmly. (Y/N) carefully brought the needle to the baby's index finger and without hesitation, pricked it, causing a few drops of blood to fall in the necessary place. The baby, in an instinct, woke up from her peaceful sleep, and a loud cry echoed throughout the room, automatically causing Taeyong to cuddle her more against his chest.
Something that did not go unnoticed by the eyes of the nurse, who just smiled tenderly at the boy's actions towards the little baby. She knew the situation, and it was one that worried her now that she saw the man's behavior. Internally, she wished that the results would be good because it seemed, at first glance, that Lee Taeyong wished the same.
"Now I have to do the same with you," she murmured after having arranged the next necessary equipment and disinfected what would be necessary. "May I?" she asked, stretching her arms toward the baby, and Taeyong looked at her with doubtful eyes, brought the girl closer to his chest, and stopped rocking her after her crying stopped. "I'll just put her in the crib next to you. I need you to stretch out your arm so I can take the blood test, and I don't think it's possible to do it while you're holding your daugh... the baby," she corrected. "As soon as we finish, if you want, you can pick her up again or let her rest in the crib," she said calmly.
Taeyong let out a small breath and nodded slowly, passing the little baby to the nurse's (Y/N) arms, who took her delicately and left her with great care in the crib next to him. Rocking her gently and making the baby close her eyes.
Without much to say, (Y/N) proceeded to take her utensils, and Taeyong rolled up his sleeve, allowing his arm to be exposed for the nurse to do her job, who placed the needle assertively in a vein, causing the boy to give a tiny jump in his place, and then the needle filled with the necessary blood for the test.
"Thank you," she murmured, taking her things and briefly leaving the room. Taeyong held a cotton ball with alcohol on the recent wound and stood in the middle of the room, processing the sudden events of his crazy day, and after a few minutes, the girl came back into the room to find, surprisingly, Taeyong in the same place without the girl in his arms.
"If you want, you can go out for a moment to get some fresh air," (Y/N) spoke kindly. "I know you need it, she's sleeping right now, and I can stay here to take care of her. After all, I'm the nurse in charge. You can go out for a moment, get a coffee, or maybe something to eat. I assure you she'll be here waiting for you to come back, but I think you need to clear your mind a little."
And she was right.
Taeyong's eyes went to the crib and the little figure inside it, he sighed and nodded slightly. "Th-thank you," he murmured, clearing his throat a bit. "I suppose a bit of fresh air would do me good."
She smiled, and he walked slowly to the door of the room, giving one last look to the nurse and to his daugh-... the baby in the crib. He straightened his posture, and as he walked, he undid the knot of his tie, going directly to the entrance of the hospital where, once there, he took his phone out of his pants pocket and dialed a few numbers, bringing the device to his ear and again, taking a breath.
One ring... two rings... three rings...
Please pick up...
"Sweetheart?" a female voice was heard on the other end of the line, and this simply caused another knot to form in the boy's throat.
"Mom, there's something I need to tell you."
On the fourth day after receiving the news that seemed to turn Lee Taeyong's world upside down, he found himself again in that small hospital room, sitting by the same window where he had been on the first day after meeting the little one. This time, the baby was not resting in his arms; now, she was in the small crib beside him, emitting little snores that showed how much she enjoyed her sleep. Taeyong smiled to himself.
It had only been four long days since then, and every time he saw the little one, he could feel something, something telling him that he should take her and take her home, be a father to her and fill her with as much love as he could.
But the fear lingered; he didn't want to get ahead of himself, and he didn't want to get attached to her, even though it was impossible not to. He feared he wouldn't be a good father, and in the worst-case scenario, he feared negative results. He couldn't and didn't want to imagine what would become of the little girl if she were sent to an orphanage.
Would he to want to adopt her to ensure she lacked nothing? Or should he give a chance to a couple who could take care of her?
Four days and he still didn't know what to do.
So, he shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the wild thoughts, and focused his gaze on his phone, which was playing a video on YouTube. Taeyong watched the screen intently, his brow slightly furrowed and a smirk on his face. So, with all his attention on the screen, he didn't notice the entrance of a certain nurse who had been his company - and in a way, his support - during the past few days. She carried some instruments and a coffee in her hands, which she left on the small table next to Taeyong, who seemed unaware of her presence. This surprised her.
Cautiously, she peered at the boy's screen and couldn't help but let out a slight laugh when she noticed what had kept Lee Taeyong so concentrated, which now, with the noise caused by (Y/N), distracted him and made him look at her confused.
"What are you watching?" she asked curiously.
Taeyong shrunk in his chair and quickly pocketed his phone, then scratched his neck sheepishly.
"It-it’s nothing," he murmured.
"Were you watching a tutorial on how to change a baby's diaper?" she teased with a playful smile.
"Maybe," he mumbled, feeling his cheeks turn crimson.
"How cute," she whispered, but despite that, he could hear her perfectly. "I can help if you want," she offered, extending the coffee she had previously brought in her hands. Taeyong gladly accepted it and looked at her with bright eyes.
"Really?" he asked quickly.
"Of course, if it's important to you, I can help," (Y/N) expressed, peeking into the crib and seeing a peaceful baby smiling in her dreams, melting her heart completely.
(Y/N) had seen hundreds of babies come and go in this hospital; after all, it was part of her job as a pediatric nurse. She had heard hundreds of stories about each family's background and had cared for and treated several little ones. But there was something about that little one that moved her heart. Of course, there were other babies who melted her heart with the slightest thing they did, but the baby in front of her particularly did so even more. She didn't know if her story had touched her more, she didn't know if her potential father had anything to do with that feeling. She really didn't know, but she wholeheartedly wished that both Taeyong and the baby would have what they deserved.
"Thank you very much," Taeyong's hoarse voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "It means a lot to me, everything you've done these past few days... I... I'm very grateful for it," he said sincerely, and she smiled at him.
"It's nothing, really," she replied. "When it's time to change her diaper, I'll give you a class on how to do it, after that, you won't have to resort to a YouTube channel, I assure you," she spoke teasingly, to which Taeyong chuckled softly.
"God, this is embarrassing," he covered his face with his hands so that (Y/N) wouldn't notice how red he was getting. Did he look silly doing that? What a shame.
Suddenly, a few babblings made both of their gazes fall on the crib, and with delicacy, (Y/N) and Taeyong approached the crib, watching the little one slowly opening her eyes until they were fully open, and she continued babbling, perhaps hoping to be picked up by the arms she had become so accustomed to and which provided her with the right warmth for her body.
What a pain it would be if he didn't turn out to be the father. A voice filled the nurse's head after seeing Taeyong, carrying the little one in his arms and gently rocking her while murmuring a few words to her in a low voice.
"Wow, little one, you woke up very pretty today," (Y/N) spoke, and that voice caught the baby's attention. As best as she could, the baby smiled slightly, causing Taeyong to smile even more. "If I'm honest... she and you have the same eyes," she murmured, approaching their bodies.
She made mistake. How could she say that?
"Do... do you think so?" he asked hopefully.
Sometimes you should keep your mouth shut.
She swallowed slowly and looked at the little one, then at Taeyong, and then nodded.
"Indeed... your eyes are very unique, Mr. Lee," (Y/N) replied. "I mean, your eyes are big, they look like the cartoons my nephews watch in the afternoons. Hers are very similar, her eyes are big, and the color is very alike. Both of you have very beautiful eyes," she whispered the latter, but despite wanting to say it just for herself, it ended up in Taeyong's ears, who looked at (Y/N) with a sparkle in his eyes and then at the little one in his arms.
"Well, I suppose you're right, she has very beautiful eyes," he smiled tenderly and gently rested his forehead on the baby's head. "I hope you're right," he murmured.
"Then you have to fold these two ends, and... there you go, the diaper will be as it should. Did you understand?" (Y/N) finished explaining while carefully placing the baby's diaper.
"Wow, you make it look so easy," Taeyong commented, surprised. "Easier than that YouTube video."
(Y/N) chuckled lightly and then looked at the guy.
"Would you like to dress her up?" she questioned, pointing to the set of clothes next to the baby. Taeyong, without hesitation, nodded and went to the little one. Taking each piece carefully and putting it on the girl even more cautiously, who was awake and moving her eyes around, possibly trying to find a silhouette.
(Y/N) watched the scene in front of her eyes with tenderness and couldn't help but smile. What was it that caught her attention because of them? What was it that made them particles to be absorbed every time she set her eyes on them? The little baby began to whimper softly, causing Taeyong to quicken his pace but still being careful to finish putting on her clothes.
Clothes he had bought himself with the help of his mother.
He took the little one in his arms and rocked her between them murmuring soft words to calm her down. It felt like such a familiar, personal moment... that (Y/N) almost felt like she shouldn't be there, as if she shouldn't allow herself to see that scene. The baby seemed to have gotten used to the warmth of the boy, and as soon as his voice was present in the room, it was enough to calm her whimpers.
How could they have connected so quickly in just four days?
But one thing Taeyong had been sure of was that since the moment the baby's little hand wrapped around his index finger on day one... the little one had won his heart. He hadn't admired a being so much until she did that tiny action; an action that made him question his entire life.
"Should I give her a name already?" Taeyong asked out of the blue, causing (Y/N) to slowly shake her head and look at him with a puzzled expression on her face. "I mean, it's been almost five days since she was born, and I keep calling her baby, or little one... I guess she should have a name," he commented, lightly booping the baby's nose. "But giving her a name also means I'm tying myself to her. I... the results aren't ready yet and if..."
"It would be nice for her to finally have a name," the nurse responded, nodding. "But if you think you should wait..." she approached him. "I heard the results will be ready soon, maybe you'll have them tomorrow, just don't tell Mrs. Kwan that I told you because she'll get me in trouble," she joked. "I'm sure this little one can wait one more day, right, cutie?" (Y/N) addressed the baby in her arms, and she reacted with a babble that melted them in that same place.
For the first time in the four days of sharing moments with the kind nurse, Taeyong took the attention off the baby in his arms and put it completely on the girl beside him. Who smiled while giving some affection to the baby with a huge smile on her face. But what a beautiful smile she had, how had he not noticed it after spending so much time with her? Was he so immersed with the little one that he hadn't even noticed her company? Things sure do change so drastically, if it weren't for the fact that he was now responsible for a little girl, he would have asked for her phone number after the second day. Surely the Taeyong of a week ago would have done that... would things be like this from now on?
He swallowed slowly and looked back at the little girl, who yawned slightly and brought one of her hands to her face. Taeyong smiled and nodded a few times.
"Yes, I'll wait until then."
“So are you telling me that you've been missing all week because you've been taking care of a baby who could be your daughter?" his friend looked at him expectantly, what kind of madness has he gotten into now? "Taeyong, it's been years since you've had a relationship with someone, what makes you think you're a father to that baby?"
"Formally, Doyoung," Taeyong corrected as he massaged his temple. "I haven't been in a formal relationship for a while, still, I went on dates occasionally," he explained, taking off his glasses and leaning back in his desk chair.
"Have you ever heard of protection, Lee Taeyong?" his friend asked curiously. Taeyong's nostrils flared, and he let out a big sigh. "So, if the results are positive, what will you do? Will you take the little girl to your house?"
Taeyong nodded; "after all, I would be the father."
"And her family? Do you know anything about them?" the long-eyed guy asked cautiously.
"No. When they explained the situation with Jein to me, they told me she hadn't left any information about family and only left mine. I don't know her family. Our thing wasn't formal, we went out a couple of times, but we decided to stop seeing each other because we weren't in the place we wanted at the time. After that, I heard nothing from her... until five days ago."
"And what a surprise she left you!" his friend exclaimed, getting up from his seat and pacing back and forth with his hands on his waist.
"Doyoung," Taeyong lightly scolded. Sometimes he wasn't the most tactful person.
"Why didn't you call me five days ago, Taeyong? I could have accompanied you, did you go through all this alone?"
"Not completely alone, Mom was there sometimes and..." he paused momentarily when (Y/N)'s face appeared in his thoughts, smiling mischievously he continued: "the nurses have also been a great support, besides, what do you know about kids?" he reprimanded.
"What do you know about kids?" Kim curiously replied, raising one of his eyebrows.
"At least, for your information, I already know how to change a diaper," he proudly replied, then fell silent for a few seconds and changed his demeanor. "But seriously Doyoung, I appreciate your concern for me, but things have been like this, all that's left is to wait for the results to come in and everything will be determined. All I need is support, not for you to come and question me a thousand times when I don't even have the answer to half of them," he spoke as he got up from his seat and walked towards his friend, standing in front of him.
Doyoung looked at him with slight pity and lowered his gaze before giving him a few light taps on his shoulder and nodding slightly.
"I'm sorry, man. It's just that you worry me. In the last five days, I knew nothing about you because you weren't answering your calls and your secretary said you wouldn't receive visitors and that you had canceled all your meetings. I can't say I understand what you're going through, but it's a very drastic change and after hearing it, I don't want you to... I don't want you to be affected by the results. From what you're telling me and how you're saying it, Taeyong, you're very invested, and if those results are negative, I know you'll be devastated."
The brunette looked him straight in the eyes and avoided letting a few tears escape when he felt a lump in his throat. He clenched his fist on his friend's forearm, who was still leaning on his shoulder, and pressed his lips together. Why was he suddenly so vulnerable? How could he have changed in just less than a week?
"I know, Dodo... I don't want it either," he said in a low voice. "But that little one deserves something beautiful, and I'll make sure to give it to her, regardless of whether I'm her father or not."
"How would you do that?" his friend questioned.
"I don't know... I really don't know," he finished saying so that both fell into a deep silence right there, in the middle of the large office.
Taeyong was restless, (Y/N) had mentioned that the possible results would be in today, it was almost five in the afternoon, and he hadn't received a single call from the maternity care ward. Would he have to wait a few more days? He hoped not and trusted the nurse with charming eyes, if she had said that maybe he would receive the news today, then today he would receive it.
On the other hand, he felt good about sharing his situation with his best friend. Who has accompanied him during the most remote moments of his childhood until today, and knew that despite how tough or serious Doyoung could sometimes be... his friend only sought the best for Taeyong and no matter what happened, even if a baby suddenly appeared in their lives, he would always support him.
Even if he didn't show it as explicitly as other people.
But Taeyong knew him and he knew him like the back of his hand, and knew that behind those sarcastic sentences, there was a concerned and caring guy. He couldn't wait for him and the little one in the hospital to meet.
And then the sound of a phone inside the office broke the deep silence, Taeyong and Doyoung looked at each other as if they were thinking the same thing, and the latter nodded his head towards the older man's desk, who hurriedly ran towards it. Awkwardly, Taeyong picked up the phone and answered the call with a trembling voice.
"Mr. Lee? What a pleasure to find you! This is Mrs. Kwan, the social worker from the maternity ward," he could hear the voice on the other end of the line. Taeyong's eyes widened, and he nodded repeatedly, as if the other person could see him. Doyoung caught his friend's reaction and ran towards him, standing by his side and pressing his ear against the free side of the phone to listen. Taeyong looked at him strangely and lightly pushed him with his shoulder. His friend didn't take long to react and also pushed him lightly before nodding his head encouraging him to answer the call and putting his ear back on the phone's receiver with a curious expression on his face.
"Oh, Mrs. Kwan, what a pleasure to hear from you, what has happened?" he asked pretending not to understand the situation.
"Just don't tell Mrs. Kwan that I've told you this, she'll get me in trouble if you do," (Y/N)'s voice echoed in his head.
"I hope I'm not calling at an inconvenient time, but I wanted to let you know that the results have arrived at the clinic, and we require your presence to be able to read them," Taeyong's face lit up, and between him and Doyoung, they smiled, the latter once again gave him a little push on his shoulder for him to continue the conversation being held online.
"Oh yes... yes yes yes. Of course, I...," the words couldn't come out correctly from his mouth. "I'll come as soon as possible," he said after clearing his throat slightly. "Thank you for calling, Mrs. Kwan, see you in a few moments," he finished saying to end the call, where he stood still with the phone in his hands while Doyoung hopped around in his place.
"Hyung, the results are done," he said, patting him on the back, however, his friend didn't react. "Taeyong? Aren't we going?" he called him again without an immediate response.
Thousands of things and scenarios ran through Taeyong's mind. He was about to know the truth, one that could be completely satisfying or... completely catastrophic. Five days ago, the news of possibly being a father had hit him like a bucket of ice water, he questioned his entire existence, and fear had paralyzed him, yet, as the days went by and he saw that small face so peaceful and so tender when he arrived at the hospital, he had wished that it was all true, regardless of the weight it would have.
What if the results weren't compatible? He would then have to give up and say goodbye to the little person who had been lifting him with spirits every morning for the last five days. He would have to turn around as he watched the little one being taken somewhere waiting for someone to take care of her. How long did children wait before even a couple could adopt them? Months? Years? He couldn't let her go through that, he simply couldn't. He had to be the one to take responsibility, he was sure of that.
"Taeyong!" his friend's voice and a shake from him made him look into his eyes as he took a deep breath. Taeyong bit his lip and left the phone on the desk, straightened his suit, and slowly walked towards the exit.
"Let's go, Doyoung."
Both boys walked quickly through the hospital corridors, avoiding bumping into anyone along the way. Doyoung was like a confused puppy as he simply followed Taeyong from behind.
"Yong, where is the maternity ward?"
"To the right," the older replied, turning to one side and entering a room where they could see nurses walking back and forth. Taeyong abruptly stopped to search for the social worker with his eyes. He moved his head at different angles until he could finally spot her at the end of the room. He gave Doyoung a couple of pats on the chest and quickly walked towards her, with his friend once again following him. "Mrs. Kwan," he called out, causing her to turn around and give him a warm smile while holding a few papers in her hand.
"Mr. Lee! Thank you for responding to the call so quickly," she exclaimed enthusiastically. "The results arrived this morning, but we had to sort out some things here, so it was difficult to call you earlier," she commented.
Taeyong nodded and moved anxiously in his place. He tried to dry his hands on his pants, which were starting to sweat, and moved his leg impatiently, watching as Mrs. Kwan carefully read the documents in her hand.
"And... well?" Taeyong blurted out with curiosity.
"Oh yes, of course. After reading the results and evaluating other criteria, it remains to say that there is nothing..." she paused briefly to read, and this only caused Taeyong to stop breathing and clench his jaw, while Doyoung opened his eyes expectantly. "... nothing preventing you from taking the little one home," she continued. "The results showed the compatibility percentages we were looking for, and we are aware that you are in an economic position that allows you to provide for her primary needs. In addition, after the observations that both I and the hospital psychologist have been making regarding your individual behavior and with the baby, we believe that you have the ability to take care of the little one."
"So... so I... can... I mean, I'll be able to..."
"Yes, Mr. Lee, you can take her with you."
Taeyong felt the air return to his body and the tension dissipate in a snap. Had he heard correctly? He looked at the social worker, then at his friend, who was looking at him with a grin from ear to ear, and then he felt his eyes welling up and his heart fluttering. He threw himself at his friend, who hugged him in place, and Taeyong let out a small sob while feeling his friend's pats on his back.
"Doyoung..." he murmured.
"I know, Taeyong, I know," he replied without letting him finish. "You can go home with her."
The social worker cleared her throat slightly, causing Taeyong to separate from his friend and wipe away his few tears, then look at her.
"I am very pleased to give you this news, Mr. Lee. We were aware of the connection you had formed with the little one, and we are sure that she will receive nothing but love and a good life. We personally took care of expediting the document process, and all you have to do now is sign some papers so that you can finally take her home. The only thing we request after this is that you are in the conditions to do so, so... does your car have a baby seat?" she asked curiously.
Doyoung and Taeyong looked at each other and then left the place as if on cloud nine, leaving the social worker alone, perplexed and not understanding what had just happened.
"Oh, newbies," Mrs. Kwan sighed as she turned around to continue her duties.
In the baby products aisle, Taeyong and Doyoung were lost. Well, actually, it was Doyoung who was lost, after all, Taeyong had come before accompanied by his mother, so he could feel at least – a little – familiar with what was in front of him. So he cautiously looked at each of the baby seats on the shelves, with one hand on his hip and the other on his chin as he tried to figure out which one was the best.
"Doyoung, what are you doing?" asked the dark-haired one without turning to look at him, but feeling him move back and forth, while Doyoung was examining the baby diaper packages, holding three packages in his hands as best he could.
Which one would be better for his niece? Super absorbent or super comfortable?
He looked at each package again and murmured... the boy on the super absorbent diaper package looks very happy.
"Doyoung?" he requested his attention again, and when he came out of his deep concentration on diapers, the aforementioned one jumped in surprise and the packages fell from his hands, causing Taeyong to finally turn to look at him. "What the hell were you doing?"
"I was seeing which diapers I should buy for my niece," murmured Doyoung as he picked up the mess from the floor.
"You don't even know which ones she uses... wait... what?" asked Taeyong surprised as he turned to face him.
"My niece, Tae," replied Doyoung obviously. "Now... am I going to be the godfather? Because let me tell you that among Jaehyun, Johnny, or me, I think I'm the most suitable to be her godfather. Look, I'm the one accompanying you to buy diapers," Doyoung concluded, finally choosing the super absorbent ones.
"But we haven't even come for that," the older one said with a furrowed brow, then the younger one looked at him curiously and held his gaze firmly. "But, okay Dodo, you'll be the godfather, now, if it's not too much trouble, help me with this."
His friend did a slight dance of celebration in his place and as best as he could, he placed the package of diapers between his arm and his rib to hold it, and then helped Taeyong carry the baby seat box and began to walk towards the cashier.
"What are you carrying?"
Doyoung looked at him obviously and huffed.
"The first gift for my niece from me, so... can we go now?"
Back at the hospital, with the car in the parking lot and a baby seat perfectly placed in the back of it; Taeyong was finishing filling out a form with trembling hands, his friend impatiently tapping his leg, and once he filled out what was necessary, he thanked the social worker profusely, left the waiting room, and headed to the room that now felt so familiar to him, with his heart in his hand and a smile on his face.
And of course, with Doyoung behind him carrying his pack of diapers.
They stopped in front of the room door, and Taeyong closed his eyes for a few seconds, taking a deep breath and gathering the necessary strength because once that door opened... his life would change forever, and it would be for the better. He shook his hands in an attempt to dispel his nervousness and carefully took the handle, which he opened, finding (Y/N) on the other side holding a small diaper bag and with a smile that touched him even more.
"I heard about the results," the nurse said as she approached him and handed him the bag, still smiling. "Congratulations, Mr. Lee” she said sincerely, and Taeyong nodded, feeling his chest squeezed by the different emotions he felt at that precise moment. He believed he had never felt that way in his life. He watched as (Y/N) moved a bit and searched for something inside the pocket of her uniform, from which, delicately, she took out a piece of paper and discreetly handed it to him. "I shouldn't be doing this for many reasons, mainly because it's unprofessional on my part," she confessed, while Taeyong, confused, took the paper between his fingers and noticed a couple of numbers written on it next to a: nurse (Y/N). "But if you don't tell Mrs. Kwan, I won't get in trouble," she laughed lightly. "I hope you don't need it, but if you ever need help, I want you to know that you can contact me, I know all of this is new for you and her. She's an angel, I'd like to help you if you ever need it," (Y/N)'s cheeks blushed slightly, and Taeyong looked at her with tenderness, feeling fortunate to have surrounded himself with supportive people.
"I really appreciate it, it means a lot to me, for real," he smiled kindly. "And, (Y/N)? "he spoke to get her attention. "Don't call me 'Mr.Lee' yes, I'm a dad now, but I'm not much older than you, besides, you won't be the nurse anymore, formality isn't necessary," he explained.
(Y/N) chuckled softly and nodded enthusiastically, approached the crib of the little one to hold her in her arms and appreciate her once again. She caressed her delicate hair and looked at her fondly. She leaned in a little closer to her and whispered, "Good luck in your new life, beautiful. See you soon," she said goodbye lightly, she sighed and turned around to hand the little one over to her now – official – father, who took her in his arms, exchanging a couple of playful glances with the nurse and ended up looking at his daughter.
His daughter. It felt good to be able to say it.
He admired her as the little one let out small snores in her deep sleep. Doyoung watched everything from a considerable distance, with a lump in his throat as he proudly observed his best friend and hugged the pack of diapers to his chest seeking some warmth. Taeyong stroked his daughter's cheek with his index finger and bit his lower lip to prevent himself from crying right there. He carefully pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes, letting her scent reach his nostrils. From now on, would that be the aroma that filled his apartment?
"It's time to go home, Sun Hee," he whispered, and that's when he knew there would be nothing else he would rather be doing at that precise moment and place.
taglist is open, lemme know if you want to be tagged in the next part;) hope u like it.
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romanestuffsposts · 8 months
Thank you for your answer! Your fics are so sweet i love all of them!💗🫶🏼 i dont know why you getting hate, you're amazing
Soo can I get a request where little one is like 6 months pregnant maybe with twin boys?! And daddies just take care of her? Maybe the go for shopping for the babies? After the shopping little one is just so tired just want her daddy and papa cuddle with her?💗
Thank you so much! You're so sweet, it really means so much to me!! 💜
I'll be really happy to write that for you angel!
I hope you like what i wrote for you <3
Enjoy <33
Warnings : pregnancy, little reader pregnant, shopping day, tiredness, pet names, kisses, cuddles, reassurance for being tired
Pairings : Daddy!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : it looks like two men are more excited for the babies that you could imagine
"how do you find this one ?" Your Papa asks, holding up a body in front of you.
It's been a week now that you started to go shopping to find clothes for your futur baby boys and since then you see a new facet of your Daddies you never saw before.
They’re so excited now that you can start preparing everything the babies. You wanted to wait as long as you could because you were scared it would give you bad luck.
No they can’t stand still. They’re always running in the house to make sure they have everything while you have to stay on the couch and do nothing but rest.
You had to beg them to let them take you with for shopping today. You said it wasn’t fair that you couldn’t do anything for your babies and you made sure that you were convincing enough to make them feel bad about the situation.
You tilt your head and put your hand on your belly. Your Papa watches you waiting without having a clue about what is happening.
You grimace and shake your head ‘’they don’t like it’’
Your Papa’s mouth fall open and before he can says anything your Daddy starts laughing behind you
‘’Of course they don’t like it. Look what you picked’’ he laughs
‘’Like you could do better’’ your Papa scoffs. ‘’In facts..’’ Bucky steps beside you and hold up a tiny body ‘’i did’’ he proudly says
Steve rolls his eyes and scoffs while you turn to look at the clothe he’s holding. You frown and shake your head again ‘’it’s worst’’
Steve breaks into a pool of laughters while Bucky has a blank face ‘’how could you know, you didn’t even asked them’’ he complains while pointing at your belly.
‘’I don’t have to, I just know it’’ you say with a disgusted face. Bucky laughs at that and put the boys back where he found it.
‘’Lead the search if you know what they like then’’ Bucky says with sarcasm. You put your prettier smile and walk toward the little bodies you noticed in the store's window. You pick them and turn around to show it to your daddies.
Steve stares at you with a balnk face- again, while Bucky scoff and shake his head 'you're dreaming if you think we'll let you put that on them" he points in a disgust way toward the clothes.
Your happy face fell and you frown "what are you talking about ? Those are the cutest!"
Steve shakes his head "sorry to break your heart princess but they're worst than bucky's"
Bucky's nodding head stop immediately the movement after that and he looks at Steve with narrows eyes "you can talk"
You roll your eyes and put back the bodies where you saw them.
You actually stayed the whole afternoon wondering in stores at the mall. You were really surprised by that because the pregnancy is exhausting you since your belly started to show so you really thought you'll be there for one hour.
Your Daddies of course bought the bodies you saw at the first mall because all they want to do is to make you happy so even if they don't really like the design, they took it.
You found multiples things for the babies, you looked at different baby prams that looked good and that were usefull so you know where to go get one when it's time.
you took differents plushes you fell in love with and your daddies chose the pacifers themselves.
Let's say it was a big day for you.
Once you came home, your desire to get everything you bought out and putting them in the closet or in the baby's room fly away. You went straight for your bedroom and fall on the bed.
You hadn't realised that you had passed out until you feel hands carressing your hair. You open an eye and notice your daddy playing with your hair while looking at you with the most beautiful smile.
"you okay ?"
you frown and nod
"you passed away as soon as we came back home. We thought you were preparing the room without us but we found ypu here, snoring so loudly" he teases
you groan and turn around, your eyes widen in surprise when you see your Papa there, a loving smile glued to his lips as well "don't listen to him, you were as quiet than angels"
"i'm sorry i didn't meant to fall asleep" you mumble, still sleepy.
"don't apologise for that baby. Don't ever apologise for being tired, and less again while carrying our little boys" your Papa says kissing your forehead "your well being is far more important right now"
"but i'm sure you planned the end of the day at the room and the closet and because of me we didn't do that"
"we have so much time for that stuff. it can wait until your totally ready, we want you to enjoy the moment too so if it means waiting for you to be in a good shape to do so and so be it" your Daddy shrugs
you exhale and look up at them, a now blushy look on your face that make your Papa laughs "look like we have someone shy now"
You tap his arm gently and he looks at you with a smile and love in his eyes "why don't we just rest tonight ? we can make you a warm bath like you loke and then we can stay in bed, watching movies and eating pizza or whatever you wanna eat tonight"
"how does that sounds ?" your Daddy asks
You smile and nod your head "tha soun pefect"
"alright then" your daddy laughs "looks like we have something to prepare" he winks. He leans down to kiss you temple and then your belly before getting up. Your Papa does the same and then leave the room too to make your bath
You happily exhale and lie back down
Your baby boys are gonna be so lucky and so spoil, just like you are
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tokoyamisstuff · 9 months
Dad! Mark Hoffman HC's
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A/N: Thanks for all of your Requests! I'll try and get them done over the holidays.
In the meantime a lil' treat for you.
Before the death of his sister and involuntarily association with a serialkiller, it had been Mark's absolute dream to have a family of his own someday - sadly, life happened and he deemed himself undeserving after everything he had done.
The two of you are an open secret to anyone, yet were never official - even though you were basically living like a married couple for a long time already.
You knew he was terribly afraid of commitment, so as long as he never had to label your relationship as such, he could continue lying to himself.
So obviously, when you realize that you had become pregnant despite precautions, you panic.
How would he even react to the news? Furious? Afraid? Indifferent?! Either way, you were certain his fight or flight instinct would kick in.
You had already made up your mind, yet don't dare confronting him directly - but hey, he can't really blame you.
He'll find the positive test on his bathroom sink, together with a letter from you explaining that you intend to keep the child but him not having any responsibilities shall he not want to.
You don't hear from him for days and it breaks your heart - until he suddenly appears at your doorstep with a bonquet and a bigass stuffed animal.
Tells you he needed to settle some things which definetly involved murdering Jigsaw and any other possible danger before he could face you again, but from now on he'll always be here for you and the baby.
This will be the first time he'll actually open up about how much you meant to him all this time - yet the fear to lose you as well made him keep his distance.
You'll end up having a long talk throughout the night, just lying in each other's arms and speaking about both your worries and wishes for the future.
Afterwards Hoffman will make a whole 180, turning his life around from this day onwards. Immediately becomes sober and gets his shit together. Time to become a functional human being!
Man is unrecognizeable in his efforts. No more half-assed bonds, asks you to move in with him in a better part of the town as soon as possible. You won't get rid of him anymore.
He's not really a fan of marriage, but reconsiders because it'd be easier to care for each other, at least officially. Good luck convincing him to host an actual wedding ceremony, though. Most likely only celebrates with your close family and some mutual friends.
Is really traditional with other values, however. Shall you not want to keep working, he'll be so happy to provide. And damn, you'll be taken good care of!
Backrubs, feet massages, holding your belly or bringing your cravings - Mark's love language is acts of service!
Sadly misses most of the appointments du to working his ass off, but hell make it up in other ways. At least tries to come to some birth prep classes.
It's hilarious seeing this gloomy old man so invested in baby-stuff. He is so clueless, but gives it his utmost to learn.
Mark is an overthinker, after all. Makes plans and preparations years in advance. The house will be baby-proof before you even hit the second trimester.
More overthinking. What if there's still students of Jigsaw alive, after all? And even if there isn't, as a cop his family would always be in danger! This man has seen so many traumatizing things in this cruel world, he will go to any lenght to protect you.
Underneath this behavior he's actually afraid to be a bad father due to his past. Sure, he cared for his sister a while but a baby is on a whole different level. He never got to experience what a real family is like, so he is both incredibly excited and scared.
Contemplates leaving the state to somewhere safer, but only if you want to. You have family there, after all.
Will shamelessly beg you to name this child after his sister, shall it become a girl. At least only the second name, pretty please?
Discovers that your pregnant state is a huge turn-on for him. Cant take his hands off of you, gosh you make him weak. Would've never thought you could become any more attractive but there you are, proving him wrong!
Definetly gains some weight together with you during the pregnancy. Jokes about his belly almost being bigger than yours.
Advocates for you in the hospital. Your body, you decide how it's done. Good for you this man is used to seeing worse. He won't leave your side even for a second, like a guard dog until you're discharged.
Definetly cries when holding his child for the first time. Utters neverending words of gratitude and adoration at both of you.
Is a little hesistant to handle the child at the beginning. I can imagine him being way more comfortable as soon as it can hold it's own head and he's safe to play with them.
Tries to take some time off of work until you're feeling well enough to be on your own. He'll take good care of the household and your healing body.
My man is old, let him rest. The nights really are killing him, no coffee in the world will help.
Enjoys bonding with the baby so much! He could look at it all day, and gosh as soon as you show him how to babywear you probably never get it back except for feedings lol
He's one of those dad's who has his whole wallet full of photos of you and the baby. Will proudly show them everyone at every possibility - may they want to or not, they'll have to listen about how amazing you are.
In the end Mark will always say that you and the family you gave him has saved him in more than one way - and you were blissfully unaware about the extent of that statement.
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Hetch, as a note before I send this message, I've never once played a role to you or Ranboo or anyone else. My name's Jordan. They/them. I'm much younger than you but I've got eye bags and grey hair that match yours. I've spent most of my life trying, in one way or another, to help people in situations like yours and Ranboo's. If I were in your world, I would have tried to get you as many legal, financial, and medical resources as you could.
I don't know what to say. There's so much TO say and all of it is goodbyes. I want to ask about everyone - Cameron and Ashley, whether Mike made it back or not. Jerma and the entire cast and crew and what's happened to Showfall itself.
You've had a month to get ready to say goodbye but we haven't. I want to thank you for everything, to express how much we love you and love having been part of your lives. To wish you the best of luck as life goes on. To celebrate the time we've spent together.
But I guess I don't know how much you'll hear this from the others so I'll try to focus on one thing. And I think I speak for most of us, but I might not. In that case, it's from me personally.
I'm sorry. Deeply, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize. To everyone we've affected and to you specifically.
We entered your world without your permission, under a power that only Janine understood. We teased you, we played around, we didn't respect you because you were only fictional to us. We're the reason you almost died (not through our own fault, but still). I've been so morbidly curious about your life story that I've encouraged people to ask for a glimpse at your future if we'd voted differently, because I (thinking of you as only fictional) wanted to know more about you even if that required seeing you in pain.
We've joked to you about things that you were clearly horrified or disgusted by. We kept calling you "babygirl" to your face against your will - and I can't speak for anyone else about this, but I personally thought that this would be sexual harassment if you were "real." I hope it's the loving nickname we meant it as rather than a despised term, but my hope doesn't change the way it actually affected you.
Ranboo, we've known things about your life that should have been private. That also wasn't under our control, but we could have stopped reading at any time and we didn't. Our constant eyes on you as a vulnerable teen probably hurt you sometimes in ways I don't even remember or haven't considered.
Sneeg, I'm sorry I didn't ask if you wanted to be reached out to as much as the others. Charlie, I'm sorry I didn't ask if you wanted a break from us at any point. And I'm sorry that there are probably a million other sorries I don't have time to give.
I don't expect an answer to all of this. But I wanted to tell you this as part of my goodbye. Love you all.
And for the sake of making sure this message can get to you... please react in a way that only shows one person in the frame for us? Without much talking?
Everyone, please don't listen to this part but Hetch. And Hetch, please cover your ears if you don't want to know something about yourself that you haven't realized yet. Or maybe I'll need to send in a separate censored version of this before it reaches you?
Alright, if you're listening, this is about your own sexuality maybe not being what you think it is. Please cover your ears at any time. But I have good reason to believe that you're bisexual. It's a good thing, a beautiful thing. But no one can determine who you are but you.
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
do you have any stiles who is pregnant with derek’s pup or pups? no surrogacy pls. :)
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Oh my goodness! I promised you fics! And then life happened! So glad you didn't give up on me. ❤️
let’s see where this thing goes by EvanesDust | 5.4K | Explicit
When Derek moved to Beacon Hills on a whim, he never expected to see Stiles again. He certainly never expected to find out that he was a father, and after a rocky start, he never thought that they’d be a family. But six months later, Stiles and Derek have moved in together and are raising their son, Jake.
They’ve planned for the future, but after Stiles reminisces about his pregnancy, Derek realizes he doesn’t know if Stiles wants more kids.
The answer is yes.
…or the one where Stiles and Derek are parents and discuss having more kids. Featuring fluff and smut, with a side of breeding kink.
Desperate Measures by SylvieW | 25.1K | Mature
Alone and away from his pack on an international business trip, Derek finds company in a local omega. He didn't realize that Stiles' desperation--and the outdated laws of his country--would turn their one night stand into so much more.
You'll Be Mine and I'll Be Yours by tearsandholdme | 87.3K | Mature
“Oh my god!” Stiles hissed, his back colliding with the door. “Oh my god! I slept with my boss, oh my god. I'm a walking cliché!”
It was supposed to be a one night stand. No complications, no feelings, no baggage. But then a missed doctor's appointment in his childhood comes back to haunt him and Stiles is left with a lot more than one very good night.
if it's meant to be, it'll be by DeancebraArt, EvanesDust | 27.5K | Explicit
Following a chance encounter with an irresistible and alluring omega, Derek wakes up in bed alone, with no way to contact the man he met the night before. Over the course of the next year, Derek finds himself wondering: how can he miss someone he doesn’t even know? And, more importantly, how can he find him again?
After a one-night stand with a mysterious alpha werewolf leaves Stiles pregnant, he resigns himself to raising his child as a single parent. It’s not until the man he’s been pining over for the last year shows up at his doorstep, does he realize there might actually be something more complicated than raising a child on his own: love.
You Plus One by Unloyal_Olio | 8.8K | Explicit
Stiles didn’t beat around the bush. “Can werewolves get man-pregnant?”
Deaton dropped the cat he was holding.
You'll Grow Into Your Skin by crossroadswrite | 11.8K
“So funny story,” Stiles winces, “Remember when I joked you couldn’t get me pregnant?”
Derek nods his head. He remembers pretty much everything from that day.
“Right,” Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, “Surprise?”
(Once in a) Blue Moon by clarkoholic, skywardsmiles | 60K | Explicit
Stiles and Derek are getting along, but they’re not a family, and they’re sure as hell not mates. Christ, they’re basically just two stupid guys who happened to get pregnant because of a full moon and sheer dumb luck.
The Lighthouse Keeper by tugela54 | 75K | Explicit
On a rural island just off Alaska’s northern Inside Passage, stands a centuries old lighthouse - the perfect sanctuary for its keeper to hide when the moon is full, to burn and rage through its cycle with the townsfolk being none the wiser.
But then a new resident comes to Beacon Harbour – a bright-eyed young student chasing an elusive whale species – and all of a sudden those thick stone walls seem paper thin…
Like the Sun Holds the Moon by IAmAVeronica | 118.1K | Explicit
Stiles is an omega, and he's supposed to be obedient. He's supposed to mate with the stranger chosen for him and quietly disappear. He's not supposed to talk to alphas, or have sex, or fall in love. Then he meets Derek Hale. Obedience was always overrated, anyway.
My Life is not a Horror Movie, Derek by DiscontentedWinter | 38.9K | Explicit
Stiles keeps dreaming of people in robes with knives. With chanting. In Latin. And he mentioned the knives, right? That can't be good.
monday i can fall apart but by friday i'm in love by tryslora | 5.6K | Mature
It's just past five in the morning and Stiles is barely awake, wearing only sleep pants that hang low below his pregnant belly, and he can't get the damned brand new jar of decaf coffee open. But he has a neighbor, and he's too tired to think that waking someone else up at this hour might not be the best (or politest) of ideas.
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
Now I’m curious to hear about your VtM character! Impulse Embraces are always really fun (and I’m noticing very Malk-like)
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[tiny pixel leo was made by @ slimejunior btw]
(It's so cool you wanna hear about him- this is my first time in a vtm chronicle, and while i'm not the best at roleplaying, i've been having a blast with the story. I'm sorry btw, this turned into a very long post- I jumped at the chance to ramble about almost everything I can about him- however, since my fellow players follow me here, I'm keeping quiet about certain parts of his character and past.)
Anyway! Leo West is an amnesiac(?) conspiracy theorist and Anarch Malkavian, and is for an on-going chronicle taking place in San Jose- us players have decided to name it Blood and Silicon (there's actually a blog dedicated to it that's run by one of the players).
Leo's a quiet and inquisitive man who's earnest and stubborn, and refuses to talk to the coterie about his issues (but really, none of the other members do that either). He knows very little about vampire society, as his sire refused to tell him anything before sending him away, and has been repeatedly described as a blank slate and full of potential- mostly due to his "newness" to Kindred unlife. He's probably being manipulated by at least 2 people at this point.
He's got Auspex and Obfuscate, and is (unintentionally) built as a stealth character. He also has the Sandman predator type- it's how his sire hunts, and he would prefer victims who wouldn't struggle, anyway.
With his occasional visions, it seems he's got connections to the Cobweb- additionally, since no one's explained to him what the Beast is (and his takes on the guise of his sire's voice), Leo is currently convinced his Beast is actually his sire just talking to him.
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While I described him as an amnesiac earlier, he hasn't completely forgotten everything.
However, my main form of communication is infodumping (/hj), so allow me to ramble below, even though I can't fit everything about him in here:
Leo was a hopeless romantic born on May 26, 1994, raised in Chicago and brought up as a Christian. He stopped believing in that faith sometime in high school; something Definitely happened during that time in his life, since it was also when he broke his nose and started smoking (but hey, if I don't know what happened, then he doesn't either /lh). He did eventually quit cigarettes in college, where he graduated and was a librarian for a while; he helped run the DnD sessions the library would hold every month :-)
In 2019, he met a man named Jeremiah: his future sire. J is a man I could make an entire post about- but tbh this isn't about him, so I'll give only the bare amount of information needed.
Jeremiah is a bartender who moved to Chicago from San Jose, and at some point in the first year of knowing Leo, he ended up blood-bonding him for reasons unknown. Leo, who was completely unaware that he was now Jeremiah's ghoul, experienced the symptoms of the bond and assumed he was in love- which surely was a whole thing for him, because at this point in Leo's life he had just come to the conclusion he would never fall in love, since he's never had the best luck in that part of his life. The two of them entered a relationship (or at least it seemed that way to Leo), and of course given the dynamic/power imbalance here- as well as Jeremiah in general- it wasn't a very good one.
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(Amy, Leo's sister, kinda picked up some bad vibes from her brother's partner, and very much dislikes him.)
During their almost-three years together while Leo served as his ghoul, Jeremiah used Dominate a lot on him, erasing his memories of anything that could be seen as Masquerade-breaching- meaning that Leo has no idea what he did for him.
Mr. West noticed his gaps in memory, of course, and with the help(?) of one of his more common library patrons, Chris, he fell down into a bit of a conspiracy rabbit hole to try and figure out what was happening to him. Sometime around this point he picked up his smoking habit again.
[As a result of J's actions, Leo no longer trusts his memory and carries around a notebook; It's also one of the reasons he avoids eye contact a lot, since that's necessary for Dominate.]
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Eventually he must've figured things out, or perhaps his curiosity got the better of him- but somehow, on September 16, 2021, Leo stumbled upon something that resulted in his untimely death at 27 years old.
Jeremiah Embraced him that night, although it's unknown whether he did it because he still needed Leo's servitude, or if he genuinely cared about his ghoul (and I am unsure which one is worse).
The rest of the events of his Embrace are a bit tricky to talk about- I can't go into much detail without giving much away- but with all the stress and trauma of what happened, his clan bane manifested as Dissociation; in tandem/addition to this, Leo's brain blocked off parts of itself, resulting in even more memory loss.
In fact, after Sept 16, there's about an entire month and a half of missing time for Leo, and he doesn't remember any of it (this was originally due to a misunderstanding of the game's timeline, but is now a part of the Lore).
Anyway, even though I can't go into specifics of what happened to Leo during this moment of his unlife, I can offer you this sort-of-meme about it:
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[At some point during this time J informed him of blood bonds, which was kind of a jerk move, considering his childe was having a bad mental moment already.]
It's been stated by Leo that Jeremiah sent him away to San Jose, and the fledgling currently has his coat- which implies J gave it to him as a gift, or at least let him take it with. His relationship with his sire right now is... complicated.
Anyway, Leo spent about a week in San Jose before meeting [aka getting kidnapped by] a Kindred named Harrison, who introduced him to the rest of the coterie. Currently, they're all a bit secretive, and Leo occasionally leads them into trouble (like lowkey breaching the Masquerade, and almost getting caught by a gang).
Throughout Blood and Silicon, Leo's been learning about Kindred unlife, and has additionally requested an informant to look into Jeremiah. (He's got a bit of a fixation on his sire- in his eyes, his investigation to figure out what's going has not ended, and it seems Jeremiah has many secrets..)
In the most recent session, the coterie has been gifted territory as a reward for doing a quest for Harrison. Meanwhile, something's going on with Leo, because vampires can't get headaches, can they?
I'm very excited to see where this leads...
[thank you for asking, this was fun to ramble about him <3]
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sugoi-writes · 1 month
aaaaaye I edited #25 because I refuse to hear you say any part of your adorable anatomy is not adorable
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Hazel I'm gonna kick kiss??? your ass GDHDHDHDS HOW DID YOU KNOW
What are your 5 favorite songs rn?
**heavy breathing in Sleep Token** JK, Jk, here is my real answer, my love (one that does not include Ascensionism. Keep in mind my favorites shift around a lot):
The Loneliest - Måneskin
(THE GUITAR SOLO. ITS SO TRAGIC AND HAUNTING, THE WHOLE SONG. I Honestly think of Autumn and Alastor to it sometimes ((Yes yes, Autumn from A Doe in Fall, yes~ I just KNOW we are about to get hit where it HURTS))
Long Nights - Eddie Vedder
(I LOVE LOVE Into The Wild ((the book and movie)), and... GOSH this song soothes me in a way that is almost INSTANT. I'm talking livid tears and self destruction to catatonic. On my bad days, this song gets me to sleep. It's an Earthy song that reminds me that I'm just a person and to go Touch Grass). Could also be a good Alastor song, too, imo. Him just... Being comfortable with Long Nights, and just getting the chance to be himself when he's alone. Gdshhsjs EVERYTHING IS ALASTOR CODED IF YOU TRY HARD ENOUGH???
Never Meant to Know - Tally Hally
(for similar reasons as the song before; but also reminds me of one of my D&D characters!)
Danny Don't You Know - Ninja Sex Party
(HIGE dweeb/fan of NSP. This song is also just... Personal for me and wifey. It's a moral booster. Ever since I've been going by my preferred name, it just gets me more in the feels ❤️)
Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I believe in... Hmm. How do I explain this... There's kind of a balance with the world? Equal weights of good and bad. I believe that putting good energy into the world always comes back to you somehow, but also, on that same hand, no matter how hard someone tries, the bad luck has to come back eventually. Life embs and flows, and we can't always have it good... The world just balances things back out sometimes? Ex: For every 3 good things, 3 bad things will happen. It never has to be major or anything, but like... It could be as mundane as 'I found 5 bucks in my pocket!' to 'I spilled coffee on myself'. This isn't related at all to your question FYCK MEgdhdhdhdb
Luck... Yes, luck certainly exists. Some people come by it more honestly. Some people just stumble face first into it. I also believe there are just some people who are so devastatingly unlucky. I always try to work for what I got, but you'll still find me picking up pennies when Heads is facing up. I'm always looking for a lil bit of luck (and avoiding bad luck).
Miracles, well, the fact that Earth and life on Earth exists is a miracle in itself. It's also a miracle we haven't all killed each other yet. So life is fragile, but by golly, we are lucky and fortunate to be here. Space is weird. ❤️
Do you think there is life on other planets?
I would believe it! Small organisms, plants, and similar things for sure... But, in the infinite expanse of our galaxy, there's GOTTA be a handful of idiots like us who don't know what they're doing. Or even better, an alternate reality of here (which would be neat). Hi Alternate Me!
Favorite part of my daily routine
TMI, but taking my fucking bra off. I can't wait for a possible future where I may not have to worry about that. But, aside from that, Robin, who usually makes us dinner. Shes a really good cook, imo ❤️ And, well, it's nice to see her smile when I tell her she's doing a really good job.
What part of my body am I most comfortable with
I think 'eyes' is a cop-out, so I'll go ahead and say my hair. I really do enjoy the way it is rn. It's softer, much curlier and healthier than a few years ago... BUT I definitely want to redye it to a funky color soon, haha. But if I had to say most LIKED, it would definitely be my eyes. Lmao
Probably fair you don't ask the inverse of that question, because you would be SOOOO cross with me, hehe ❤️
Expect similar questions asked to you, Pookie Bear 🫡❤️
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ambrossart · 7 months
Last year I saw the IT movie (after a long time and with quite a bit of terror) and I was really very fascinated, so much so became that is my hyperfixation. So, after an exhaustive search (and reading too many fanfics), I came across PAPER MEN.
What can I say, it's TOO GOOD, I mean, I LOVE everything about it, especially Belch because he's my favorite along with Henry (I love Henry). AND EVELYN, I'M FAN OF EVELYN, SHE IS SO PRETTY AND SO COOL AND I AM SUFFEEERING. I want to draw her because she is, she is, is EVELYN AAAHH.
As a Spanish-speaking person who has entered a dead fandom (?? it is quite rare (in my case) to find works this beautiful in broadcast/continuation (some are abandoned or deleted) on both the English and Spanish sides, or maybe i can´t find them fine, Lmao. Anyway, i'm happy :D.
I already said that I love PAPER MEN, but I say it again, I have become fond of PAPER MEN and I can't wait to finish reading it and wait for its future updates.
Sorry for the long text and my appalling english, I wrote this with the little English I remember, my notes in hand and the translator to tell you everything I mentioned above.
I NEED TO MENTION that I love that it has a playlist an Spotify and that PAPER MEN is not only on ao3 and tumblr BUT THAT IT IS ALSO ON WATTPAD.
I've also been working on a little fanfic since I saw the movie (and failing to read the book because it's TOO LONG, fuck), but that's still a long way off (a lot of time, maybe???)
I think this got too long, shit. BUT I just wanted to tell you that, that I adore you because you write super beautifully and for having created and being writing PAPER MEN. :D
First of all, welcome to the fandom!
I don't know if I'd call it dead, necessarily, but it is significantly less active than it was when the movies first came out. I started Paper Men in 2019 (I can't believe it's almost been five years) so I kind of missed the boat as well. Better late than never, though, right?
I do recommend reading the book. I know it's long, but if you can read Paper Men, you can probably read IT (and Stephen King is a much better writer than I am). If you like the Bowers gang, if you like Henry, it's definitely worth reading to get a deeper understanding of his character. But it's totally up to you!
I'm glad you like Evelyn. I know she seems like the Mary Sue, Little Miss Perfect type, but there's a lot more to her than that. Nothing comes naturally to Evelyn. Nothing comes easily to her. She works very hard for everything she has, including her relationships. I'm really proud of Evelyn as a character, and I'll defend her with my very last breath lol.
I'll stop talking now because I'm not sure how far into the story you are, but my inbox is always open if you have any comments or questions.
Thanks for reading, and good luck on your fanfic!
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stageoutoffive · 1 year
according to kubler ross, there are five stages of grief. i am at number one. shock (or denial)
when i first met you, i thought you talked a lot- it didn't bother me too much i suppose. i had never really met someone who could also talk about nonsense as much as me. even if we had different topics to yap about.
when i first met you, i had dreamt of you. my brain was asleep, but my conscious had made a shape of you. every night after that, i had prayed that i could see it again
when i first met you, i knew that i wanted you. i had told the moon that you were mine ! she winked at me and breezed me a
"good luck"
the moon is dissapointed in me tonight, for her back is turned and she cries with me,
"it's your fault !" she showers.
and it is my fault.
i'm so dumb
so dumb
so. dumb.
i had lost an angel like you, because i figured i was a chore to you.
and i'm sure if i told you all of this instead of mixing emotions and cheap liquor, we would have been fine ! yes, with some problems, but we would have been together ! and thats all i need.
before i had made that stupid impulsive decision of leaving you, i had gone days without eating. i was so used to getting full with your words, that i forgot what being hungry felt like. my colored hair was getting brittle because i had stopped imagining you stroking it. i was no longer myself and i figured you wouldn't want me that way.
i wasn't going to leave you forever, i just wanted you to focus on school and your new hobbies and new friends ! but i didn't tell you that. i just kicked everything to the side and vanished.
and i know in the beginning, we'd say we'd never do that to each other, but i figured that it was best for you to hate me then for you to wait for me (if you even wanted to) it wouldn't be fair.
and please my love,
please please please
feel me when i say,
i am so terribly sorry for putting you through this.
i know it can be hard to believe and its not my place for you to forgive me and if you did this to me-
oh lets get serious, you'd never do this to me.
you have went through so much pain and suffering, and you trusted me enough to tell me those things, and in the end i threw it all away because i was scared to talk to you.
i'd walk to your school and show up with flowers and a boombox and embarrass myself, if it meant i could be around you just once.
i'd learn how to play the guitar and rent a venue with you as the only guest and try to preform for you.
i would take off my makeup and let my hair run wild and cry to you. i would let you see the ugly side of me because i believe you'd love me either way.
"loved" i'm sorry.
i will continue to love you in present and future. even if you don't feel the same way.
it's selfish of me but
no "but" i'm just selfish.
tomorrow i will find a new way to feed off you. maybe in music or a nature documentary. i'll check my phone every 5 minutes in case you'll text me, it likely won't happen though, you're goodbye was so strong.
but my denial is much more stronger.
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arisingnight · 2 days
gofushi. time travel au. hatred and then love.
"Looking at you pisses me off," Gojo said bluntly.
Megumi tilted his head. "I don't know what to say to that. I'm sorry?" He shrugged. Ever since he time traveled back into the past, teen Gojo had been a fucking menace towards him. He didn't do anything wrong.
"You're hiding something, and I'm going to find out what!" Gojo glared at him before putting back his shades.
"Good luck?" Honestly, he didn't know why he bothered with Gojo. He's an asshole right now. Megumi hadn't remember him being like that when he was a kid, sure, Gojo had been immature and insensitive, but never cold and cynical.
Gojo scoffed and walked away.
Megumi wondered if Gojo hadn't raised him... would he have liked Megumi or hated him? Because it's proving right now that Gojo would've hated him.
"Don't take it personally, Megumi," Suguru said, standing right next to him. "Gojo hasn't been himself lately."
"Oh." He turned his head to the side. "Do you know why he has a lot of hatred towards me?"
Suguru paused, then carefully said, "You remind him of someone. Someone that nearly killed him."
Megumi's eyes widened. "I do?" He never knew Gojo had almost died, then again, he didn't really know much of Gojo's past. Not for the lack of trying, Gojo was just good at changing the subject.
"Yes. I'll admit... when I see you, I see that man as well."
Megumi's lips curled down. "I see." What was he supposed to say to that? Nothing. It's not his fault he looked similar to a stranger. He never thought Gojo would despise someone innocent for that. "How come you don't hate me?"
"Because it's childish to be angry when you had nothing to do with it," Suguru said softly.
"Thank you. I know Gojo must be telling you to stop talking to me. So you don't have to anymore. He's your best friend." Megumi bowed to him. "Besides, I'll be going home soon. The person I cared about the most is waiting for me."
Suguru peered at him. "I bet Gojo misses you a lot."
"He does—" Megumi blurted out, then stopped. He raised his head, heart beating nonstop as he said the truth. "I mean—"
"Now it makes sense." Suguru smiled. "I was wondering why Gojo was the first person you greeted and without fear. You're from the future."
"Please, don't tell anyone! Only Yaga knows the truth!" Megumi pleaded, hands trembling.
"I won't. Now I feel bad for how Gojo is treating you.” He frowned, hand on his chin in deep thought. “Why do you put up with him?”
“He’s not like this in the future, you know,” Megumi defended him. “He’s a good guy.”
Suguru hummed, like he didn’t believe Megumi. “You should tell him. He has the right to know. He’ll change.”
Megumi huffed. “I’ll pass. This Gojo is not the one I know and cherish. He’s simply an annoying student who has too much time on his hands.”
Suguru grinned. “Go on.”
“He's arrogant and constantly says 'I'm the strongest'. Of course he is. There hasn't been one of him in over four centuries." Then Megumi took a deep breath. "But he also appreciates youth, knows the importance of having fun and being a kid, he didn't have much of that growing up, which is why he wants it for everyone. He wanted that for me, and for that I'm grateful." Megumi wasn't aware he was blushing until he felt his cheeks warm. "I can't believe I miss that idiot so much."
"Aww, that's nice of you!"
Megumi tensed upon hearing Gojo's voice behind him. He glanced over his shoulder. "I wasn't referring to you," he grumbled.
"Too late to take it back. You love me!" Gojo clapped his hands.
Megumi turned redder.
Suguru chuckled. "You heard everything, I'm assuming?" He had seen Gojo approaching them from afar but said nothing to Megumi.
Gojo nodded. "Yep. Megumi here," he said as he put his arm around Megumi, "is someone precious to me in the future. I feel so honored."
"You literally said my face pisses you off earlier," he reminded, still not forgetting that.
"That was before the truth came out," Gojo exclaimed. "We have so much catching up to do!" He was already dragging him down the sidewalk, ignoring Megumi's protests.
"Told you he would change," Suguru whispered, watching them go.
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purple-babygirl · 5 months
Hello! (I've decided to write this before going to read your recent story. I always wanted to write to you so many time but didn't have the confidence to do so).
I just wanted to take a moment to share how much I've been enjoying your writing on Tumblr. Your posts have a way of drawing me in and transporting me to different worlds with each word you write.
I followed you since the "don't call me daddy part I" (love it so much especially the part when doll talk about family that supposed to love you unconditionally, I FEEL her) and read almost all of your story. I like mafia! daddy!bucky and his angel. I love the name that angel call alpine "PinePine" *so cute😭*. There are so many things that I love in your masterlist (too many to write it down, maybe I should write it in a comment section if you're ok with it)
I also wanted to practice muaythai/thai boxing to fight those haters. (I saw someone said that before and I agreed with them) You don't deserve hate, you deserve kindness. As a reader, I didn't expect writers to write a long story. I just want them to be happy while writing. I'm ok if they post once a while or everyday. It didn't raise my standards and I hope every writers is enjoying themselves while writing. I LOVE every writers I've followed and read their story. I really appreciate them (and you).
Thank you for sharing your talent and creativity with the world—it's a gift that brings joy to so many, myself included. I look forward to continuing to follow your journey as a writer.
Sorry if this is too long lol. I need to tell you this bc it's been on my mind for weeks. Please be safe, healthy and happy.🥺❤️
Hello, lovely, sweet person💜💜💜 Please always feel free to stop by I'll always be here to talk to you. I apologize for not replying to your ask as soon as you sent it, yesterday wasn't the best day.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying that. Knowing that my writing could do that has to be the best thing anyone's ever told me and I can't thank you enough for the smile on my face right now💜💜💜💜💜
Don't call me daddy is very very personal to me and you saying that it resonated with you too makes me feel both that I'm not alone and that my writing is more than just words so again thank you so so much for that💜💜
Oh I'm so happy you read mafia!Bucky and angel they were my favorite before I wrote Orc!Bucky and I'm supposed to post more of them in the future but I'm still not finished with the new parts for their story (my comment section is your comment section feel free to tell me more please:"💜💜💜)
I wish I could learn kick boxing tbh but I'm still jobless for now (please wish me better luck with jobs if that's okay with you I can't sleep in the streets I'm too weak). Learn so you could teach me:" Jk jk. Thank you, it means a lot to me how kind and sweet you are. Humans will be humans, we can't stop them from being hateful or unkind. It's cool, I cry a little and then it's gone. I'm really grateful for you being so kind and understanding and I'm sure each and every writer you read for also feels the same way.
Thank YOU for being here for it all. It makes everything worth it and makes me feel less alone. You're an amazing person and I hope you know that.
It's okay, I loved and appreciated every word. Thank you so so much for taking the time and energy to send me this beautiful ask, it makes all the difference and it will leave me happy for days💜💜💜💜💜 Please take good care of yourself as well and don't be a stranger💜
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 11 months
hello aspecs i have a question. how do i tell my long distance boyfriend that im on ace spectrum/have trauma/both? we got together just the other day when we got to see each other irl and before that we spent a year doing 5-hour discord calls talking about anything really. i have pretty much no filter so he’s informed about some of my mental health struggles and successes. i consider myself sex-neutral and i don’t mind suggestive jokes, however now there is some expectation behind them.
so, on one hand since we’re long distance and wont be able to meet up irl for a while it’s not a pressing issue, i can always deflect/laugh it off/etc. on the other hand, i want to communicate that i am very slow in the intimacy department due to reasons stated above as soon as i can. (btw we’re both queer but in a straight-passing relationship) please send help
Yeah, these things can be hard to talk about. One thing that helps people sometimes is don't be afraid for it to sound awkward, focus instead on what do you want him to know or understand. So this can include things like if you need any boundaries, possible triggers, what he should expect (such as needing to move slowly with intimacy for example), what about your trauma do you want him to know, if you need anything from them, etc. And just start, just say something like 'there's something I want to talk about' and just go.
If can help sometimes to write out what you want to say beforehand too, or even practice saying it out loud. (You can even send an email if that's what you're more comfortable doing.) One of the big advantages to writing it out first, even if you don't share the written version is that you can come back to it and make sure everything you want is there, and referto it for future conversations.
You don't have to tell him everything all at once either, this can be a series of conversations where you can open up slowly if that would be easier for you (though of course if getting it all out at once is what you feel would work better for you, that's good too).
It can also help to take time to figure out what you don't want to share, just because you're dating someone doesn't mean you have to tell them everything. It can help to figure out ahead of time where you're going to say 'I'm not ready to talk about this yet' or 'i'm not comfortable talking about this part' if you get asked about it.
It can also help to encourage him to ask questions and try and encourage communication and discussion in general. (But of course remember to enforce any boundaries you need.)
I'll also invite followers to throw in their own advice/thoughts/experiences if they have any.
All the best and good luck!
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seelestia · 4 months
Since I'll be taking it(spm) this year with so little amount of time for preparation, I don't know anymore, especially a lot of things in life have been.. hueh.. I don't know if I'm ready for it, my first exam results for this year, yes good, but I am still not sure of everything, myself mainly.
Sorry for rambling, huwa, I'm so nervous it makes me want to escape school but in order to do that I need to go through that big thing first..! And I'm really sorry, but do you have any study tips? Preparation tips or any other tips for spm? I'd really appreciate them!
(and it's so nice I can have someone to talk about this, thank youuuu!!)
(oh and sorry if I talk too much about it, maybe I'm bringing some bad memories, I'm sorry)
THANK U !!! graduating from highschool has been the biggest relief i've ever felt... i still have more in store for me in the future but at least, that's one gone :') can't wait for u to get thru it too! just hold on a little longer T_T
also, it's ok to worry abt the future! i do that too and it's inevitable - but make sure it doesn't prevent u from staying stagnant in the present. ur future is a result of ur present and luckily, we are all in control of our present so u still have time. make the most of it, i believe in u! 🤍
this feels a little funny to write, but i do have tips! here are some of em:
identify, maintain & improve. in order to get a good grip over all ur subjects, u need to identify which subjects u do well / excel at and which ones u struggle with. evidently, u'll have to direct more efforts towards the latter - but make sure to keep maintaining subjects u do good/average at! as an example, i struggled with math so i focused more on doing more math exercises (which thank god, paid off 😵‍💫).
write ur own notes and by that, i mean: write notes in ur own way! there is no 'correct' way to make notes imo. don't pressure urself to make ur notes look 'pretty' or 'aesthetic' (but ofc if u want to or it makes writing notes fun for u, go ahead!). after all, we make notes to help us understand and simplify complicated stuff (it's giving catabolism /j) !! extra tip: i always add commentary to my notes so i laugh & rmbr them better. e.g. i was making notes abt the types of white blood cells once and i scribbled “we owe it all to u queens" LOL.
use ur free time well. if ur someone who already has a set schedule, all the better! but if ur like me and prefer a more 'free' style, i suggest allocate a tiny bit of ur free time like 15-30 minutes a day to do exercises for one subject. just a little smth to keep ur brain gears turning amidst it all!
ur efforts have to be more than ur teachers. if u really want to excel, u have to do beyond what ur teachers give bcs they only provide u the tools to success. if u want to get there, then u gotta pave the way urself! to put it practically, u can finish the hw ur teacher gave u and do more exercises after that to help sharpen ur understanding more. so, it's kinda like voluntarily giving urself more hw! i'd tie this to the point above bcs that one technically counts as giving urself hw but in a chill way ^^^
lastly, this is less general and more applicable to just spm (i think? i've yet to do my research on education systems in other countries) so i'll use some native language here - tgk soalan exam tahun yg lepas² !!! so u'll familiarize urself with how those yg menggubal soalan make the real deal. doing trial papers & more is the way to go ><
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Iron Man 2: Part Eight
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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After the fight, Tony's house looks completely broken. As the fight was happening, you didn't register just how much damage both men actually did. Now that it's been at least twelve hours, his house looks sad and broken. Fury, Natasha, Phil, and other SHIELD agents are scattered throughout the house while you and Tony sit with Fury in the main part of the room. The glass walls are gone due to the blast so it's just an empty and open room.
"That thing in your chest is based on unfinished technology," Fury says to Tony.
"No, it was finished. It has never been particularly effective until I miniaturized it and put it in my--"
"No. Howard said the arc reactor was the stepping stone to something greater. He was about to kick off an energy race that was gonna dwarf the arms race. He was on to something big, something so big that it was gonna make the nuclear reactor look like a triple-A battery."
"Just him or was Anton Vanko in on it too?" you wonder.
"Anton Vanko is the other side of that coin. Anton saw it as a way to get rich," he says before looking at Tony. "When your father found out, he had him deported. When the Russians found out he couldn't deliver, they shipped his ass off to Siberia and he spent the next twenty years in a vodka-fuelled rage. Not quite the environment you want to raise a kid in; the son you had the misfortune of crossing paths with in Italy."
"What didn't he try, Nick? We've tried everything."
"He said that Tony is the only person with the means and knowledge to finish what he started."
"He said that?" Tony scoffs.
"Are you that guy? Are you? If you are, then you can solve the riddle of your heart."
"I don't know where you get your information but he wasn't my biggest fan."
"What do you remember about your dad?" you ask him.
"He was cold and calculating. He never told me he loved me. He never even told me he liked me. So, it's a little tough for me to digest when you're telling me he said the whole future was riding on me and he's passing it down. I don't get that. You're talking about a guy whose happiest day was when he shipped me off to boarding school."
"That's not true, Tony. He had a bright mind and was excited about things. He talked about you before you were even an idea. I had the pleasure of knowing him when he was your age."
"Well, then, clearly you two knew my dad better than I did."
"As a matter of fact, I did. He was one of the founding members of SHIELD," Fury reveals.
Two men bring a metal box over to you three and set it in front of Tony. He's clearly shocked to hear about this but you knew it would eventually come true. Howard was an inventor and you knew he would go on to do big things. SHIELD wasn't a thing back in the 40s, so it had to have been after you and Steve disappeared from Earth. Howard went to go find Steve in the water and ended up finding something else. You know he did. Maybe he found the Tesseract, you're not sure, but he found something that would influence him to start this organization.
"Excuse me?" Tony asks.
"I got a two o'clock," Fury says after he checks his watch. 
"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's this?" Tony gets up from his seat and you follow.
"Okay, you're good, right?"
"No, I'm not good."
"You got this? Right?"
"Got what? I don't even know what I'm supposed to get!" Tony shouts.
"Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover intact. You remember Agent Coulson, right?" Fury reintroduces Phil to the group.
"Tony, remember, I got my eye on you," he says seriously and leaves the premises.
"We've disabled all communications. No contact with the outside world," Natasha says from behind you. You and Tony turn to face her and she just smiles. "Good luck."
"Okay, please. First thing, I need a little bodywork. I'll put in a little time at the lab. If we could send one of your goon squad down to The Coffee Bean for a Starbucks run, or something like that, that'd be nice," Tony says to Phil.
"I'm not here for that. I've been authorized by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you on the premises. If you attempt to leave or play any games, I will taze you and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet. Okay?"
"Phil," you sigh.
"I think I got it, yeah," Tony nods.
"Enjoy your evening's entertainment."
Phil leaves you and Tony alone with the big metal box that's been left for him by his father. With nothing left to do, Tony gets to work going through the box of memories. He takes the box down to his lab where all of his electronics are. Weirdly enough, the fight never touched the lab. You reach into the box and pull out what looks like blueprints. Upon further examination, you see they're for the arc reactor.
"Who knew all of this stuff was in here."
"You didn't know?"
"Tony, he started on this after I left Earth," you sigh.
You open the blueprints up to their maximum length but what's on the page doesn't make any sense to you. You disregard it and move on to whatever else is in there. Besides the blueprints, the box contains articles about Anton being deported and going crazy, film reels, some of his notebooks, and other little trinkets that have no importance right now.
Tony sifts through the different film reels before deciding he's going to watch the second one he picked up. He has three of them. You take the film reel and place it inside the machine that can showcase these kinds of reels. It's not very often you see these kinds of machines nowadays. The film starts, and it's the behind-the-scenes of Howard Stark when he was making the video that was shown at the Expo earlier.
"Everything is achievable through technology. Better living, robust heath, and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace. I'm Howard Stark, and everything you'll need for the future can be found right here," Howard says and points to the table behind him. 
You're fully invested in this since you considered Howard Stark to be a good friend of yours while Tony looks through one of his notebooks.
"City of the Future? City of Tomorrow? City of," he trails off and looks at the camera before starting again. "I'm Howard Stark and everything you'll need in the future can be found right here. So, from all of us at Stark Industries, I would like to personally..." He focuses on something or someone behind the camera. "Tony, what are you doing back there? What is that?"
Kid Tony is seen lingering in the background, and he picks up one of the buildings of the model that's on the table. Howard finally notices him and immediately gets stern with him. 
"Put that back. Put it back where you got it from. Where's your mother? Maria? Go on. Go, go," he sighs.
A cameraman picks Tony up and brings him to wherever his mother is. This isn't the Howard you knew.
"This isn't him," you mutter.
"It is. You just weren't around to see it happen," Tony rolls his eyes and flips through the empty pages in the back of the notebook.
The video stops and you put in another film reel. This one is a bit thicker so it has a lot more video footage. It's of the same setup, just at a different time. Howard is leaning against the table and staring straight into the camera.
"So, from all of us at Stark Industries, I'd like to personally show you my ass," Howard jokes. It seems like he doesn't know what to say. "I'd like to... I can't... This is... I can't... We have this, don't we? This is a ridiculous way... Everything is achievable through technology."
The film cuts to a different point, and Howard looks serious this time. 
"Tony. You're too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you." Tony looks up from his notebook emotionally. "I built this for you, and someday you'll realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. When you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be my greatest creation is you."
Tony looks like he's about to cry at the end of it since all of this is new information. His father loved him, he just wasn't great at showing it.
"He loved you so much, Tony," you whisper and pat his leg as you stand up.
That's all for the film reels so there is only one place left to go. His office has the exact table that his father was working on. It's not a great start but a start nonetheless. You two pile into his luxurious car and he speeds down the highway to get to his office. Phil must not care about a security breach since he didn't stop you from leaving.
It's a beautiful day to be traveling only if Tony would slow down to enjoy the scenery. There is a person on the side of the highway selling strawberries to try and make ends meet. Tony pulls over for the man who looks excited he has a customer.
"How much?" Tony asks.
"Six dollars. Six," the Spanish man nods.
"I don't have any dough. Do you?" he asks you, but he doesn't wait for a response. He decides to trade in his very expensive watch for the box of strawberries. They are your favorite but you know he didn't buy them for you. He bought them for Pepper. "Here."
"No, sir, that's too much."
"No, it's fine. Take that. It's fine"
"No, señor."
"Take it. Take it," he insists. The man takes the watch and hands Tony the strawberries but you grab the box instead. "I don't like people handing me things."
"I got them," you sigh.
"Are you Iron Man?"
"Sometimes," he says and peels onto the road.
"I don't think a box of strawberries will be a big enough apology," you state and eat two.
Tony continues down the highway until he gets to his office. His employees used to practically bow down to Tony but since Pepper became the CEO, they've been distant towards him. He walks into his office despite what her assistant says while you pause by the door. A certain redhead down the hall captures your attention.
"Hey," you greet Natasha when you see her.
"Hi. What are you doing here?"
"Tony needs something from his office. Something his dad left him." Natasha nods and gathers some papers that Pepper needs to sign. "Look, we haven't had a chance to talk since that night because of everything that's happened since, but I want you to know I really like you. Would you let me take you on a proper date once this has blown over?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," Natasha smiles.
Despite what her file says about her, she is very sweet and kind. She's a woman underneath that Black Widow persona, and she still gets butterflies when someone she likes flirts with her.
"Good. I'll let you get to it, then."
You leave her alone and join Tony and Pepper in her office. She is on the phone with someone, and she doesn't look happy about it. A news reporter is on the TV talking about you and Tony, and what happened in Italy.
"Listen, it's our position that Stark has and continues to maintain proprietary ownership of the Mark II platform," Pepper says.
"When Mr. Stark announced he was indeed Iron Man, he was making a promise to America. We trusted that he would look out for us. He obviously did not. Not to mention the secrets Y/N is keeping from us. What serum runs through her body? Is it a threat to us? Are there others like her we need to worry about? No statement has been given from either Y/N or Stark, but that just leaves us with more questions than answers."
You walk over to her desk and take a seat while Tony browses his office. In the corner are big platforms with sheets covering them that Tony rips off to reveal the same table that Howard was standing in front of. Whatever is on that table is the key to Tony's survival.
"No... Burt... Burt... Burt, listen to me. Don't tell me that we have the best patent lawyers in the country and then not let me pursue this. ... Well, then, tell the President to sign an order. We'll talk about it at the Expo. ... Hammer's giving a presentation tomorrow evening. Will Tony Stark be there?"
"Will I?" Tony asks as he pulls up a chair beside you.
"No, he will not. Bye," she hangs up.
"Got a minute?" he asks and sets the strawberries on the desk.
"Come on, you just got off the phone. You're fine. Thirty seconds."
"Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight," she sighs and counts as she looks at her watch.
"I was just driving over here and I thought I was coming to basically apologize, but I'm not."
"You didn't come here to apologize?"
"Look, that goes without saying and I'm working on that. I haven't been entirely upfront with you, and I just want to try to make good. Do you know how short life is? If I never got to express... By the way, this is somewhat revelatory to me. I don't care... I mean, I care. It would be nice. I'm not expecting you to... Look, here's what I'm trying to say. I'm just gonna say it."
"Let me stop you right here, okay?" she interrupts him. "If you say 'I' one more time, I'm gonna actually hurl something at your head, I think. I am trying to run a company. Do you have any idea what that entails?"
"People are relying on you to be Iron Man and you've disappeared, and all I'm doing is putting out your fires and taking the heat of it. I am trying to do the job that you were meant to do." She looks at the box of strawberries and sighs. "Did you bring me strawberries? Did you know that there's only one thing on Earth that I'm allergic to?"
"This is progress, Pepper. I knew there was a correlation between you and this," Tony says and motions to the fruit.
"I need you to leave... now."
Someone knocks on the door, and Natasha walks in with Happy behind her.
"Ms. Potts? Wheels up in twenty-five minutes."
"Thank you."
Natasha walks over to the desk and hands Pepper some papers to sign. Tony can't stop staring at her since he found out who she really is.
"Anything else, boss?" Happy asks.
"I'm good, Hap."
"No, I'll be just another minute," Pepper says at the same time as Tony.
It appears that Tony thought Happy was still reporting to him when really, he reports to Pepper now.
"I lost both the kids in the divorce," he laughs, but Happy just shakes his head. "Are you blending in well here, Natalie? Here at Stark Industries? Your name is Natalie, isn't it? I thought you two didn't get along?"
She doesn't answer him but the fire in her eyes is an answer enough. 
"Actually, while you're here, maybe you and Natalie could discuss the matter of the personal belongings," Pepper clears her throat.
"Absolutely," Natasha nods.
Pepper and Happy exit the room, and it's only when they are both gone that Natasha and Tony start mouthing off to each other.
"I'm surprised you can keep your mouth shut," she says.
"Boy, you're good. You are mind-blowingly duplicitous. How do you do it? You're a triple imposter. I've never seen anything like you. Is there anything real about you? Do you even speak Latin?"
Natasha says something in Latin but you never got around to learning the language. You're fluent in a lot of languages that you've gotten the chance to learn over a thousand years. Latin was used in the 7th century, BC. That's way before your time here.
"Which means? Wait. What? What did you just say?" he asks as she walks towards the doors.
"It means you can either drive yourself home or I can have you collected," she leaves.
"Damn," you whistle. "Everyone hates you right now."
"Shut up," he mumbles and gets up.
He takes the box of strawberries and throws them away. The pile of his things in the corner just sits there and Tony stares at them wondering what to do with them. He yanks down the rest of the sheet so that everything is visually available to him. There is something on the table that he can't stop staring at, and he covers one eye to have a different perspective. His right hand forms a circle and he places that hand over his eye.
"Tony, what are you doing?"
"Help me with these to the car. I think I have something."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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noakun · 1 year
Hi :) Your art is very cool, specially the colors
I was wondering if you could write some headcanons about Team Rocket Elite Trio, they're pretty underrated
Thanks ^^
Hello!! Thank you so much for the ask, I'll be more than glad to write something for them :> In terms of general headcanons:
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Ken could best be described as a responsible and caring older brother figure to everyone in Team Rocket, even though he can be aggressive and strict from time to time in order to maintain discipline and keep missions in motion.
Despite his size and looks, he's respectful, considerate and really pleasant to talk to.
Can be kind when handling others' mistakes, unless he's faced with an uncooperative individual or is under a lot of pressure (which is more often than not exerted by Lt. Surge).
Speaking of Lt. Surge, as merciless and evil as the man is, one of Ken's biggest wishes is to receive his validation for being a good member of the team (and trying his best!). That, unfortunately, rarely happens.
Alongside Al and Harry, he deems Team Rocket his family, a community he belongs in, one he should protect and support in any way possible, no matter what he has to do in order to achieve that goal.
Desperately searching for a father figure after the early loss of his own.
Jokingly started calling Giovanni "dad" when talking to Al and Harry. (It's barely a joke anymore. Also, the nickname is now used by the other two as well.)
Really likes Pokémon!
His everyday outfit consists of a flannel, cargo pants and comfortable footwear. He has a LOT of flannels.
Coffee addict.
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Al is short. Short-tempered as well, actually. Nobody makes a big deal out of his height other than himself.
He's quick to speak his mind, and will make sure you know how irritated and disgruntled he is at the smallest of things that bother him, making him talk a lot.
On the flip side, he's honest about things he enjoys and admires about others too. If he likes what you're wearing or how you look on a particular day for example, he'll be the first to tell you and shower you with compliments and ideas on how to improve an aspect even further.
He rarely takes off his hat, and even when he does, he's simply fixing his hair before putting it back on. Very insecure about his appearance.
Rational and logical about other things and is a great problem solver, so people flock to him with questions and personal issues. He gets annoyed with it more often than not, but he'll help out regardless.
Has a bad habit of biting his nails, especially when he's been bottling up stress.
Surprisingly, he doesn't have a lot of close friends despite being social, so he sticks to Ken and Harry.
Has a thing for fashion and owns many pieces of clothing. A lot of them are hats and colorful shirts.
Likes playing cards and other luck based games.
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Harry is the Popular™ one, and you'll most likely find him on some kind of party when he's off duty.
Made a group chat with Ken and Al so he could spam them with memes and hourly life updates. Al replies to everything individually and has a lot to say, while Ken keeps the messages short and brief ("lmao", "so true", etc.)
A big flirt, has had a lot of romantic partners in the past, but got heartbroken every single time (that doesn't stop him from pursuing The One™ in the future).
Agile and fast, has been training a lot, enhancing his stamina, and is able to outrun most of Team Rocket.
He's hyperfixated on Hatsune Miku and likes other anime-styled media. If you ask him about it, he won't shut up for hours. Owns a lot of (stolen) merch. His favorite Miku song is "World is Mine".
Self-confident. Doesn't think before he speaks and doesn't check messages for errors before sending them, leading to some hilarious typos that Ken and Al have been quoting for years. Unironically uses ":3" and variations.
He's the least likely of the three to physically hurt you. Can throw a verbal tantrum though and cause unnecessary drama.
Seemingly irresponsible, but when he puts his mind to something, he'll see it through.
Good at keeping promises.
But gossips a lot.
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