#“we will die protecting this city and it will give us nothing in return.”
thedarkdisgrace · 6 months
Random thread from twitter I made about Chuuya, who he is, with quotes from Storm Bringer:
“Don’t act like you’re the good guy here, Verlaine. Yeah, this researcher’s a piece of shit, but you’re the one who killed my friends.” Chuuya smacked himself in the chest. “I can feel their lives burning right here inside me and till those flames die down, I can’t just do whatever I want. I’m gonna do what I need to do. That’s who I am.”
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“The light in his eyes was determination. It was the powerful brilliance of humankind, something gained only through encounters and partings with other people.”
“You’ve been completely wrong from the very start,” Chuuya spat in disgust. “‘Being born was a mistake’? Sounds like the kind of garbage Dazai would spew, and no way in hell am I ever gonna think the way he does!”
Chuuya being brutally tortured by N only minutes before the above quotes take place but all he cares about is avenging his friends.
Chuuya doesn’t let Verlaine push his views onto him. Chuuya knows who he is & he’ll suffer anything to protect those he cares about & he believes people are *worth it all*.
Also Chuuya sacrificing his last chance to confirm he’s human (which we know he is human by the epilogue) to save the city without even giving it that much thought when even *Dazai* thought it was important to consider. Dazai was willing to sacrifice the city if Chuuya chose to find out if he’s human. But it took Chuuya less than 30 seconds to sacrifice his own wants to activate corruption for the first time & save the city.
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“Right as he had made his way down three steps, he heard a refreshing clank from behind. It sounded like someone had just leaped off a metal plank. The moment Dazai realized what the sound was, he looked back in surprise. There was nobody on top of the platform anymore.
After staring in mute amazement for a brief moment, his lips eased into a smile.
‘Show-off.’ ”
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Chuuya also saved the city again in Dead Apple without any real guarantees (aside the skk soulmateism bond and mind reading) that Dazai wasn’t dead & would be able to nullify corruption. But he used corruption and fought that dragon without a second thought to save the city & Dazai yet again.
He’s also the one who saved the ADA initially from the Hunting Dogs (on orders of course but still) and is the only reason Dazai survived Meursault.
Chuuya will always suffer for & sacrifice himself for the people he cares about & the city he wants to protect.
That’s who he is & I love him for that intense passion, love & care. He deserves nothing less than the same care in return. I love Chuuya Nakahara
(Oh, friendly reminder Chuuya was 16 in Storm Bringer when he went through all that 🙃)
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
With You part 16 - conclusion
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previous || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist || next
Summary: We are Moon Knight
Pairings: Moon Knight system x you (gn!reader)
Word Count: 2.4k
Content: mostly fluff, mentions of food, not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY, on "With You"...
"You have to settle it. You have to decide if you are Moon Knight."
"I am," he answered resolutely. "I am Moon Knight."
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Marc Spector stood gallantly on the rooftop of your building, peering out over the darkened city. Clenching his fists in determination, he drew a calming breath as the ceremonial armor of Khonshu wrapped itself around each muscle.
Fierce brown eyes chilled to a somber, glowing white as a thick, white hood enveloped his dark curls. A heavy, ashen cape unfurled behind him, swept aside by an ominous gust of wind.
"Marc Spector," the menacing voice of Khonshu boomed, the sound chilling his avatar to the core. "Jake Lockley assured me you would not interfere in our affairs again."
"Jake is me, in a way," Marc returned confidently. "He's a part of me. So your business with him is your business with me. It's my body too."
An ancient metal clang rang out in the night as Khonshu thumped his staff against the rooftop. “Jake Lockley asked for your protection, so long as you stay out of our affairs."
"Cut the shit," Marc bit out, turning to face the ancient one. "You need an avatar. That's me." Folding white, bandaged arms over his chest, he returned his gaze to the city below. "I'm the reason you're free. And you promised to set us free."
"You and Steven Grant," Khonshu corrected, moving around with a dramatic whirl, to block Marc’s view. "I did not promise the freedom of Jake Lockley."
"We come as a package deal, like Steven said," Marc huffed, glancing back up at the annoying deity.
"Jake Lockley is my perfect avatar. Nothing will change that," Khonshu argued, leaning in menacingly. 
"Then why didn't you protect us?" Marc hissed, not caring to debate the logistics of being a system with a literally boneheaded god. "Why did you take your armor away that night?"
An eerie chill swept across the rooftop.
"You wanted to be free, Marc Spector, so I set you free."
"You left me to die in an alley, outnumbered three to one with no armor...while I was trying to save a woman from God knows what!"
A condescending chuckle echoed. "Save? If you were my avatar, you would know how to protect the travelers of the night, and when to be my Fist of Vengeance."
"I was trying to!"
From your vantage point, hidden across the rooftop, you listened intently, proud of the stand Marc was taking. Khonshu probably knew you were there, but it didn’t matter. All four of you had decided to face the old bird.
You couldn't see him, but you tried to follow what was happening from your husband's side of the conversation.
“The woman you tried to save was meant to die that night. I was ready to give Jake my orders, but you interfered." The god’s voice explained.
Marc scoffed, starting to pace across the rooftop agitatedly. “You wanted me to kill a woman who was being attacked? What the hell is wrong with you?”
Okay, you might be proud of Marc, but you were still concerned. You couldn't take him getting hurt again. But that's why Steven and Jake were with him. It was pretty rare for the three them to be co-conscious but this was essential to you all getting on with your lives. 
"That woman was the vilest of humanity," Khonshu explained, disappearing momentarily, only to reappear directly in Marc’s pacing path. 
Marc listened to how the woman he was trying to save that night was actually the person who deserved "real justice". Apparently, she was the actual worst. Trafficking. Ew.
"Uhh, that information would have been a bit more helpful from the start," Steven piped, wagging his gloved finger condescendingly.
You gasped in amazement as Marc's white bandage-looking garb dissolved into a crisp white, three-piece suit. Damn, you loved those tight pants.
"I wasn't talking to you, worm," Khonshu grumbled, gesturing dramatically with his staff.
"Well this worm's not about to let you off the hook so easily, silly old bird," Steven countered, shrugging both shoulders with his hands up. "Can't expect Marc to go around delivering justice if you don't give him the right information, can you?"
"Marc Spector doesn't listen to me, so he can no longer serve me as my avatar."
"No one is serving you, pendejo," Jake interjected, hands landing on his hips. The three-piece suit transformed once again, back to the ceremonial armor of Khonshu, but this version had Jake's delicious thighs, torso, arms and face wrapped in jet black. You had never witnessed this suit in person. It was kind of hard to concentrate on the extremely critical conversation with all this skin tight armor.
"We help you; you help us," Jake went on. "No more games. No more orders."
The black portions of the Moon Knight suit brightened to an ancient white once more.
"That's the deal," Marc finished. "Take us or leave us." Searching for you on the rooftop, he extended his hand, inviting you to stand before Khonshu. You scurried to your husband’s side, gripping his white bandaged hand. You still couldn't see who he was addressing, but you were there to support him no matter what.
"All four of us," he added. "We're Moon Knight."
Khonshu spared you one glance...Marc told you later. He didn't really have eyes - just bony socket holes. Then he turned his beak away and thumped his staff again. "Very well. Be my Fist of Vengeance and you will all have my protection."
Steven and his white suit appeared one final time. "Time to update the Fist of Vengeance though, innit? How about hand of justice?"
Khonshu made an annoyed grunting sound and disappeared.
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"Do you remember the first night you met me?" Jake murmured against the shell of your ear, tangling his thick fingers with yours as you lay side by side.
You shivered as his soft lips tickled the sensitive spot right behind your ear. "Mm-hmm. You let me hold your hand just like this."
He squeezed your fingers affectionately, planting sweet kisses down the side of your neck. Warm puffs of breath made you tingle with love and desire. "Do you know how it felt to lay beside you all those nights and never be able to touch you?"
"I think you've more than made up for it," you giggled as he found the ticklish spot just above your collarbone.
"Uh-uh, not yet," he playfully refuted, between kisses. "Never enough."
Releasing your hand, he climbed on top of you - always moving like a panther, this one - since that first night. You could tell right away that he didn't move like Marc or Steven.
"Never thought I could have this with you, mi corazón," he breathed, tracing the shape of your jawline with his fingertips. His head cocked to the side as he studied you, unable to believe you were his.
"You do have this with me, Jake," you assured him, wrapping your arms around his back to pull him even closer. "I think I loved you from the second we met."
"Then marry me," he blurted, dragging his thumb across your bottom lip tauntingly. "I know we are...technically married, but I-I want to..."
"You want to be there?" You softly asked, running your hands over his muscular back, scratching softly.
He nodded, smiling sweetly down at you. "I want to be able to say the things Marc and Steven said to you. But I want it to be from me."
Staring into your eyes, he whispered your name. Leaning closer, he nuzzled your cheek with his nose before sealing his mouth over yours.
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A while later, you and Jake cooked dinner together, with him humming and singing little phrases in Spanish. Afterward, you cuddled up on the couch to unwind.
Jake shuffled around in the "couch basket" - a collection of various bits of entertainment to enjoy while relaxing. Jake had his crossword puzzle book, you and Steven shared a couple of word search books. There were a few of fidget toys for Marc, who definitely did not find any relaxation in putting pencil to paper. But since he was a man wound rather tight, he liked to have something in his hands.
There was also a sudoku book that no one ever touched.
The four of you shared a nighttime journal and a set of brush pens, where you would jot thoughts from your day, doodle and leave notes for one another. Now this, Marc would participate in, because brush pens seemed like markers and drawing with markers was fun, unlike boring crosswords and word searches.
Marc liked to draw little cartoons - he was pretty bad at it, which made it so, so cute. There was always a deeper meaning to his drawings too. He could be quite passive aggressive with them when he wanted to be.
A stick figure with dark curly hair and a cap, holding a sandwich, under a red "NO" sign meant Jake should stop eating Marc's food out of the fridge. Obviously. Sometimes he drew fish for Steven or hearts for you. It's not that he was terribly creative, it was just adorable.
Jake handed you both the journal and the word search book. You smiled at him, motioning for the brush pens. You quickly flipped to a blank page and pulled out a marker. In all capital letters, you wrote, “YES” and passed the book back to him.
He smirked cutely at the journal but raised a dark eyebrow questioningly. 
“Yes, I’ll marry you, Jake,” you clarified, reaching for his hand. “You asked me before, but I didn’t get a chance to answer.” The two of you had been busy for a while after he kissed you. “But my answer is yes.”
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Fall turned to winter and Steven aced yet another round of finals for his university classes. You passed your nurse’s exam and moved on to the next level of nursing, which came with a raise.
It was the third night of Hanukkah - not the biggest of Jewish holidays, but still one your husband had started to celebrate with a bit more gusto now that the pain of the past was a little more of a dull ache, rather than a raw, sharp thorn.
To that end, you had gathered the correct ingredients for latkes, which Marc was going to attempt to make with you tonight.
You turned the key in the deadbolt to the door of your flat and entered a darkened environment. 
Shit. Every time you got home to a dimly lit flat, there was sure to be alcohol involved. Okay, maybe not every time, but - 
“Hey!” Marc greeted, in a way that contradicted his typically grumpy eagle exterior. He appeared out of nowhere and you jumped a little.
“Sorry…sorrry,” he grasped your arms, leaning in to kiss your cheek. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I have a surprise.”
“Oh?” You chuckled. “Was the surprise like a haunted house surprise? Because you got me.”
“No, no, I was working in the bedroom and it got dark in the flat and then…just come on.” He grabbed your hand and dragged you down the hallway- a move much more typical of Steven. 
You followed without question, melting a little at his enthusiasm. It was a rare treat to see him this way. 
“Okay, I’m just gonna…” He eased behind you, cutely reaching up to cover your eyes with his hands. “It’s not a big surprise,” he warned, “just something I finished.”
Finally, you made it into the bedroom and he removed his hands.
Before you sat the broken table. The one Marc had been promising to fix for…well over a year now. It was one of the many broken things he collected, but this one, he actually completed.
“I thought you could use it for a night table, or…well, wherever,” he quietly gushed, his dark eyes sparkling proudly. “Do you like it?”
“Marc, I love it,” you assured him, running your fingers along the freshly polished surface. “When did you have time to work on it?”
He laughed, “I’m unemployed - I have plenty of time,” he teased. 
“Well, I love it.”
He explained that he’d been plugging away at it on Steven’s days off, while you were at work. He stained the wood up on the rooftop, so the smell wouldn’t overpower the flat. 
“You should do this with other found pieces,” you encouraged. “This is really beautiful work, and people love this repurposed stuff.”
Marc swallowed, his eyes dancing from your gaze to the table and back. “You think so?”
“I do,” you nodded eagerly. “It could be a hobby for you or…maybe even something more. And besides,” you went on, reaching for his hand, “I just got a raise, so maybe we could get a bigger place - give you some space to work.”
A space just for him? He loved the sound of that. And there might be another reason he wanted a bigger place…
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Later that night, after some yummy latkes and a huge kitchen mess, you were flipping through the shared nighttime journal while Marc tinkered with another chair he’d found on the street.
You saw where Steven had jotted some notes for his finals - just a bit of a brain dump, really. Jake had left you a note in Spanish, which made your heart do flip-flops. (He wrote you a lot of notes after finally reading all the ones you had written him months ago).
And Marc had drawn another terribly adorable picture.
In it, he drew all of you, in stick figure form.
Jake had his hat. 
Steven had his glasses.
Marc was just Marc.
You were just you.
And there was a teeny, tiny stick figure in your arms.
Above you was a big question mark. 
Before you could react to what you were seeing, you felt Marc’s eyes fixed on you from where he was working on the old chair. 
“I was thinking…maybe we could talk about adopting,” he softly supplied, pushing his hair out of his eyes as he slowly made his way over to you. “You-you don’t have to give me some sort of answer right now, but…I thought maybe…um - well, I’m sure a lot of kids need homes, and I would hate for a child of mine to have…”
“Yes,” you instantly answered. “Yes, I want kids with you. Any way you want them, we can talk about it.” You reached out to caress his cheek as he scooted over close to you on the couch. “We can figure out how, but yes. Definitely yes.”
“Really?” He breathed, sighing in relief. “Oh god. I was really hoping you wouldn’t mistake that baby for a dog.”
You burst out laughing, throwing your arms around your husband - the love of your life - your superhero.
Read the standalone sequel Still With You
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Thank you all for making my first Moon Knight story and my first tumblr-posted story such a sweet and wonderful experience! Hugs and high fives all around! Stay tuned for my next MK fic, dropping Sept. 1st!
*bear in mind, this was a gn!reader, so Marc presents adoption as one of several family-starting options
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@i-still-dont-like-your-face @wordacadabra @lilacspider @imonmykneessir @saints-and-sinners
@steven-grants-world @thewinterv @aquaarietes @suddenlysteven @ohantonia
@deputy-videogamer @toecurlingstories @zephyrixx @juleshadalittlelamb @tsukkie-daisuke
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@animechick555 @tiffanypooh @thexsanctuaryx @majestic-jazmin @rosecentaur1916
@deezisnotreal @serren-diamandis @alexxavicry
@stormydaysxx @laaundromat @kindlover @flyestvenustrap @spxctorsslxt
@stevenknightmarc @marvelouslovely-barnes @evilbubu @usualsworld @ssp3ctor
@rivalriotrenegade @this--is--music @avengersinitiative2012 @lockleywife @poppyflower-22
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ptn-imagines · 7 months
Can you do Suspect R x pre amnesia! chief? ik there's not a lot of content for her but they give such domestic married wives energy like
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LOOK AT THIS. its fine if u dont accept, ther are PLENTY other ptn womens i thirst after so....
Oh, I will absolutely write for Suspect R despite her lack of content. In fact, I was hoping someone would ask!
Due to the lack of content on both her and Chief pre-amnesia, I ended up focusing more on the feelings they may have shared more than anything else, using the glimpses of Shepherd-12 we see in Shalom's interrogation as a guide. If this isn't to your satisfaction, feel free to send in another request! Praying that chapter 14 marks the return of the OG wife...
Suspect R x Pre-Amnesia!Chief
Once upon a time, her name was the one they loved the most. In a world where everyone wanted to use or betray them, she was the only one they trusted whole-heartedly. Shepherd-12 adored her.
As truths were unveiled and lies became unmasked and Shepherd-12 became more and more jaded to the world, she was the only one spared of hissing and biting. Only she could melt the icy protective layer upon the Shepherd’s heart, for only she could be trusted with it. Only she had pure intentions.
Secret trysts and rendezvous, the Shepherd was always so tense until the face of the nameless official melted away to reveal their lover, who perched on the edge of their desk like she belonged there. She did belong there. And the Shepherd abhorred the idea of belonging to anyone, anyone except for her. They would give themself over to her in a heartbeat, and they would drown in her, and it would be a sweet way to die.
They are a creature of Mania, but this Sinner is their salvation. She makes them feel human in a way that nobody and nothing else does, and they know that fate will never be kind to them so they relish these precious moments, and they love her eternally and devotedly and without regret nor restraint.
She loves them in kind for she knows this is what they need. They will never speak their thank yous aloud but she knows; how could she not? Even if the world should revile them, see them as monsters (and it did), the two of them would have each other. They need nothing else.
She holds them so close as though she attempts to meld their flesh as one. They greedily kiss her deeper, hotter, as though trying to exchange pieces of their souls with each entwined breath. She is both the untamed tempest that will inevitably drown them and the singular piece of driftwood that keeps them afloat in the storm.
Nothing else matters. Nobody else matters. Let the world burn to ash. The Shepherd would welcome it. The world is rotten to the core. So are they. Only she remains pure in an endless sea of filth. Only she is the truth among the lies.
“My dearest, your heart is becoming so black,” she whispered one night, and they didn’t know it then but this would be the final time they saw her like this. Her fingers caressed their face and they purred, leaning into the touch.
“They don’t deserve any more,” they breathed, nails digging into her back as though they were afraid they might slip through their fingers. “They can go to Hell for all I care. You’re the only thing that matters.”
She smiled at this and pulled them into another deep kiss. This one felt different, like a goodbye, but it was still filled with every ounce of passion and fire and desire and need and belonging they had come to expect. “You know it won’t end like this.”
“I know.” They detest the fact. She makes it bearable. She’s the only reason they haven’t torn the world asunder yet, because she is part of that world. “But you’ll be there, won’t you?”
She smiled. “Always. Don’t sleep for too long, or I might have to come and get you myself…”
Shepherd-13 always wakes from the dreams of these memories too soon, these ghosts banished with the rise of the sun over this corrupt city.
What was her name?
If they could choose anything to remember, it would be this.
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Insurgency: Long Live The Queen
Summary: A totalitarian regime reigns over a South American country in which the virus is being distributed to its citizens at the pretense of a “cure.” Leon was sent to retrieve a sample of the virus mutation when he stumbled upon a group of anti-government activists whose main goal is to overthrow their government. Will Leon help the cause or will he fall down with the government as well?
Warning: Mentions of mature themes. Read at your own discretion. Slow burn. Age gap (Leon is 38 and reader is 21+). Reader is female.
Word count: 5,105
A/N: how we feeling about this so far? :3
[part one][part two][part three][part four][part five][part six][part seven][part eight][bonus]
“The whole question here is: Am I a monster, or a victim myself?” - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment.
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Leon was put into a room after you guys reached La Sénte. He was given food and water as well as a bed for him.
What a nice welcome, he thought.
You were currently in a meeting room with Yarina and other Insurgents.
“The president is on to us. She knows we’ve been the ones targeting her military. From now on, we’ll be facing death head on. This is no time for hesitations. We must act or die,” Yarina stated as she looked down at the papers scattered on the table.
“Yarina, we can’t risk losing people. We will be outnumbered if we want to go to the city states-“
“Enough,” Yarina slams her fists on the table, “We cannot sit back and watch as President Mendez treats our lives as rag dolls. Yes, there’s a chance we will die but I’d rather die fighting than die a coward.”
Silence overtook the room, the atmosphere was tense and heavy. Ever since the President had broadcasted the message of public executions, everyone’s been at edge. Including you.
“Why don’t we use the American?” One of the insurgents spoke up, he seemed to be the secretary of Yarina. “How do we use him exactly?” She asked.
“A life for a life. We send a message to President Mendez demanding that she freed all the captured civilians. In return, we’ll give him to her-“
“A swap,” you interjected. “It won’t work-“ you turned to look at Yarina, “Listen, those soldiers- they’re nothing like the ones we’ve seen. San Bandero is protected by tanks and endless troops. We’ll die the second we step foot there.”
Yarina hums and brought a hand to her chin as she thought hard.
“We’ll split up,” she pointed to the map, “Half of the available Insurgents will storm right into the city with our bomb artillery. I’m talking tanks and rocket launchers. The other half will go underground and perform an evacuation for the remaining citizens who are unharmed. I want this to be quick and efficient. We have no room for mistakes. Prioritize the children.”
Everyone nodded and began to scurry out of the meeting room to prepare for battle. “Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?”
You stopped walking and walked back towards her.
“I heard about what you did for Josue, that was really heroic of your part,” she said quietly.
“It was nothing, really,” you muttered back with a short nod.
Yarina chuckled and patted your back, “Humble too. You never fail to surprise me.”
She cleared her throat before continuing, “Listen, I didn’t just held you back to talk about your accomplishments.”
You could only nod slowly in silence, “I actually wanted to let you know that if I were to die tonight… I want you as our leader.”
Your eyes widened at her statement and you felt your throat run dry, “Yarina… don’t say that. How are you sure you’re-“
“Y/n. There is no guarantee that I’ll make it alive after the mission. The President is on to us and once she finds out that I’m the leader, she’ll kill me.”
You could only stare at her in silence. What she said was true. If President Mendez were to find out that Yarina was the leader of the rebelling group then she’ll most definitely die.
“Okay,” you nodded and agreed quietly, “I’ll do my best to be a good leader.”
Yarina smiled softly and squeezed your arm, “Good, now let’s get this mission over with.”
Leon heard the sounds of footsteps through the halls.
They must be making their next move, he thought.
He wondered how exactly everything started. Getting captured by a group of people who want to overthrow the government wasn’t really on his to-do list. But alas here he was.
The food was way better than other times he’s been to other missions. He had to give you guys credit for having edible bread and good chicken.
You were put into the group of Insurgents who will storm right into the city. Currently, you seating in a car with other members. Weapons in hands and boxes full of explosives ready to be used.
As you were driven there, the sun began to set. You’ve gotten used to fighting in the dark. It was better since the soldiers’ helmets didn’t really allow them to see at night. This was your advantage.
As you neared the city entry, everyone jumped out of the car and proceeded to blend in with the trees and bushes that surrounded the area.
Hiding behind a bush, you kept watch as the person next to you took out their rocket launcher and shot the city.
Multiple bombs were set off, each hitting a different thing. Buildings, tanks, soldiers- anything they can shoot. The ground shook and insurgents ran out of their hiding spot and began to attack the confused soldiers.
Your weapon ready in your hand, you shot the soldiers in front of you. You managed a few headshots. It was good that you had improved your skills ever since this whole thing started, it was good you were becoming alive.
As the insurgents in the sewer system began to drive the citizens of San Bandero out, they felt the ground shook. They needed to get out of there quickly before the roads collapsed on top of them.
“Madam President, there’s an attack in San Bandero. A group of rebels are shooting out soldiers and bombing out buildings. Do you want-“
“No,” the President cut the assistant off. She was angry, more angry than anyone has ever seen her. She stood up and walked towards the window to see. And sure enough, fire and smoke came out of San Bandero.
“Find their leader and bring them to me. I will end this once and for all,” the President said as she walked away from the window and back to her desk.
You and Yarina were fighting back to back as the soldiers tried to pounce at you both.
“Fuck! I’m out,” Yarina exclaimed as she tried to shoot with her gun but no bullets came out.
You took Yarina by the arm and dragged her into a collapsed building, giving both of you enough time to reload your weapons.
Yarina was busy reloading her gun as you kept watch, “Yarina…” your eyes widened as you stared at the TV on the tower. Yarina grew confused and then looked out towards the TV as well.
It was a video footage of the sewers- the citizens walking while the insurgents helped them out.
“Citizens of Pruye, let this be a reminder that traitorous acts do not go unpunished. Everyone in relation to rebellion will face consequences,” the President spoke.
Suddenly, a bomb fell down from a plane and into the roads. You and Yarina took cover behind a fallen piece of debris. The ground shook tremendously as heat and light took over.
You couldn’t hear anything for a good minute, only the constant ringing. You peeked at the scene and saw that the bomb had fallen right on top of the people evacuating. Your eyes trailed towards the TV and couldn’t help but let out a soft sob.
Children, women, men and insurgents lying dead on the floor. No trace of life after the explosion. Smoke and ashes filled the air and your hearing got back.
You heard Yarina scream and turned your head over your shoulder to find Yarina being taken away by two soldiers, “¡¡Come mierdas- todos ustedes!!”
You were about to start running towards her but another soldier lunged at you, pinning you the ground. You gripped their wrist and tried to not let them stab with the knife they had in their hands. With as much energy you could muster, you harshly threw the soldier off of you and shot them in the head with your gun.
You looked back at where Yarina was last seen but she was gone. Panic and anxiety coursed through you. You didn’t want to think about it. But you knew Yarina was going to die.
It’s been three hours since Yarina got captured. The remnants of San Bandero were the only thing that remained of what was once a lively city. Now it was just debris and dead bodies all around.
Some insurgents were being treated for their wounds and others were patrolling the streets. You were sitting down the sidewalk as you contemplated what to do.
It wasn’t until the TV on the tower turned on and President Mendez spoke,
“Citizens of Pruye, with every heartbreak comes good news. Although a city of ours has been destroyed, we too, have something that is worth destroying for those who oppose me.”
The camera pans to Yarina kneeling down before a soldier who has a gun pointed at her forehead. Her hands were tied behind her back as she had a piece of cloth around her mouth, gagging her.
“Yarina…” you whispered as you stood up and stared at the screen.
“Let this be a lesson for all. You cannot win a helpless fight,” the President continued.
The soldier hooked his finger around the trigger all while Yarina maintained eye contact with him. She didn’t fear death, she wasn’t scared in that moment. Yarina is a smart person, she’s known all along that by starting this rebellion she’d face her ultimate death. Not once did she flinch nor did she beg for mercy.
She took a deep breath and let her body fall to the ground after the soldier pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrating her skull, sucking the life out of her. A poodle of blood surrounded her head as she died with her eyes opened.
Gasps and screams were heard from the other insurgents around you. You, yourself, felt anger. Anger at yourself, anger at the government, anger at the whole world. But beneath all that anger, was a girl who feared and cried. She was hurt- you were hurt. And nothing is this world could do anything to settle the turmoil inside you.
Leon was brought to the meeting room right after everyone reached base. News of Yarina’s death reached everyone, including him.
You stood at the center of the table, the proclaimed new leader. Your whole demeanor changed, you were serious and angry. Your eyes held a pain that only Leon could guess and relate to, because he also knew what it felt like to lose people right in front of your eyes.
He didn’t say anything and allowed the insurgents to pull him in front of the table.
“Change of plans,” you started as you began to motion for everyone around the table, including Leon. He raised a brow but obliged.
“Everyone knows San Jolonia has medical supplies and weapons we can use. If we are going to fight Mendez, we must be ready,” your brows were pinched together and your tone was serious and a little terrifying to some.
“But San Jolonia has been abandoned. The President ordered for people to leave the city,” one of the insurgents said. You nodded, “I know, hence why I need to take this opening and take as much as we can- guns, medicine, food, clothes. I won’t let anything go to waste.”
“Wait… you’ll go by yourself? Y/n I don’t think that’s safe, you saw what happened to-“
“I know,” you mumbled and stared down at the map in the center of the table, “San Jolonia is abandoned. Plus, the American is coming with me.”
The insurgent’s eyes widened and Leon only stared at you with mild shock.
“Y/n- you can’t trust him. What if he-“
“If I wanted to kill her, I would’ve done so already,” Leon interjected. He stared at you and you stared back, the tension high.
“I saw what happened to one of your people,” Leon continued just a little bit softer. The atmosphere turned solemn and some insurgents looked away as he began to talk about Yarina.
Leon sighed, “I want to help.”
You furrowed your brows and narrowed your eyes in skepticism, “Why?”
“Because no one should deal with this type of control. You are fighting against a dictator and you’ll need all the help you can get…” he exhaled and looked away briefly, “I’ve seen people die in front of me as well. Feeling helpless and unable to do anything to save everyone… it’s a shitty feeling.”
Your face fell and you nodded slowly, he looked back at you from across the table, “Let me join you. If there’s anyway I can help, I’ll take it. No more innocent lives need to die.”
He was right, in a way. If you want to bring down the government, you’ll need help. And Leon was an American soldier. They’re known to be ruthless and strong. It would a great asset to have him.
“Okay,” you nodded, “untie him.”
An insurgent went behind Leon and untied his hands. He massaged his wrists and then looked at you.
“You and I are leaving tonight, do not be late,” it was the last thing you told him before you left the room.
You waited for Leon at the gate, it was dark outside. The night breeze flowing gently through the trees and grass. Leon approached you as he was checking his gun.
"You ready?" you asked him before opening the gate. He nodded at you, "Yeah, let's get this over with."
Since it was nighttime, you decided not to use a vehicle. It was dangerous already if the soldiers were to notice a vehicle roaming around, then they'd most likely shoot you. So, you settled on foot.
As you and Leon walked through the forest, he couldn't help but make small talk with you.
"So..." he started quietly as he pushed some branches out of his face.
"So?" you mumbled as you led the way, "Whatever you want to say, just say it."
He hummed and chuckled faintly behind you, "Aren't you the nice one..." He shook his head and walked beside you.
"Listen, I don't doubt your skills or anything..."
"But?" You raised a brow as you glanced at him before looking back at the forest.
"But don't you think you should... take a break? I mean- a lot has happened to you and not taking the time to process what just happened can cause you to-"
You stopped and turned to face him, "I didn't ask for a therapist. I'm fine- we need to push forward."
He sighed and watched as you walked ahead of him. He sighed and followed behind you.
You both reached the outskirts of San Jolonia, abandoned and ruined. Must've been President Mendez's doing.
"Don't stray off too far," you said as you walked towards the entrance of the city state, "I don't you to get lost so just keep close."
Leon nodded and silently walked behind you. It was completely silent, except for the sound of your footsteps. The night was cold and the air was soft. You walked towards an abandoned pharmacy and began to stuff your bag with as many things as possible. Leon stood behind you, keeping watch in case something were to come out.
There was a strange peace between the two of you. Like as if both of you already knew what the other thought. When you're involved in a battle, it can help bring people together.
And Leon couldn't help but feel sympathy for you. You were young, too young to be in something like this. Sure, wanting to fight for your freedom is a noble cause. But he also understands the pain that comes with it. He's conflicted. He wants to help in two ways- wants to fight alongside you but he also wants to avoid a war. But you seem set on the idea of war and there's nothing in his power that can change that.
You weren't dumb, you knew Leon thought this. It was written in his face. The man had a great sense of justice and only cared for the lives of the unfortunate. If you had to guess, you'd say he probably feels a lot of guilt. A guilt that kept on piling up as the years went by.
"We should camp out, it's getting late," You broke the silence and walked towards another abandoned building.
One of its walls was collapsed while parts of the ceiling were missing. You stepped inside the ruined building and began to set up a fire. Leon was too far behind, he walked slowly as his eyes looked around. It wasn’t everyday that he would get pulled into events like this.
After you started a fire, you sat in front of it and began to pull out some food you brought, “Hungry?”
Leon looked at you and shook his head no, “I’m good, thanks.” He went over to sit next to you as you shrugged, “Suit yourself,” you muttered under your breath before you took a bite out of a piece of bread.
Leon stared at the fire in silence. He was aware of the occasional glances you’d throw him but he hasn’t said anything, yet.
You sighed and looked back at the fire, remaining in silence once again.
“Why are you here?” You mumbled and looked at him.
“You told me to come-“
“That wasn’t what I meant,” you cut him off. “What made you come to this place?”
He looked back down at you before shrugging faintly and looking back at the fire, “Got sent here. Wasn’t really my choice.”
His voice was quiet and the light from the fire highlighted his features. You never actually sat down to get a good look at him but now that were, you couldn’t help but think hoe handsome he was. His foggy blue eyes piercing down at the flames as his dark fringe fell down the sides of his face. His stubble had been growing for a while- maybe even before he got sent here.
You exhaled softly and looked back at the fire, “So you were forced…”
He nodded, “Yep. I mean, it’s also partly my fault in a way. I work for the government and I get these… missions. Shits crazy when life hits you with the consequences of your actions, don’t you think?”
“I guess…” you mumbled and looked down at the bread in your hands, “So, you’re like a personal soldier or something?”
Leon chuckled and looked at you for a brief moment, “You’ve been watching way too many American movies.”
This time, you smiled softly and looked back at him, “What can I say? You Americans are the leaders of entertainment.”
That caused him to smile back, “Good point…” he exhaled softly before looking back at the fire, “But no. I’m not a personal soldier or whatever. I’m just an agent. I work in the defense department, lots of fighting.”
You hummed quietly and looked back at the fire in silence for a moment before speaking up in a cautious tone, “Was it your dream to become an agent?”
Leon felt his body freeze at that question. He blinked slowly as his expression fell slightly and then looked at you with a pained expression, “No, it’s not.”
Your own expression mimicked his as he continued, “I wanted to be a cop. Like the ones in Brooklyn 99 or Chicago P.D. But after…” he quickly trailed off, deciding whether or not he could tell you about Raccoon City.
“After?” You asked,
“After Raccoon City,” he replied quietly.
You were aware of what happened in Raccoon City. It made global news how the U.S. nuked it’s own people. But no one knew as much as Leon and you could tell that it left him with a big weight on his shoulders.
“When I escaped Raccoon City, my whole life changed… I was no longer the 21 year old rookie cop,” his gaze trailed on, no long focusing on the fire. Right now, he was somewhere else.
“I met this girl, when the whole Raccoon City thing started, she was like 10 or 11- and I couldn’t help but feel… anger. Not at her, obviously, but at everyone else. Children died that day, sisters… brothers… everyone died and I couldn’t save them,” he inhaled sharply,
“It felt like everyone moved on and I’m still stuck in that same fucking time-loop…” he looked down at you, “Not a day goes by where I don’t dream about it. About everything.”
You stared back at him and watched as his eyes told the story. His raw emotions emanated from within, “To this day, I still see them. Every figure and shadow of what remained of that goddamn city. The guilt to not have been able to help… it hurts more than anything in the world.”
He turned to look back at the fire in silence. You’ve never seen someone so hurt. Although it took you by the surprise, you couldn’t help but feel bad for him. All those years that went by and he’s still in the same place.
“Is that why you’re helping us? Because you don’t want to feel guilt?” You asked quietly.
He nodded, “If I can help… I wouldn’t let the opportunity pass by. I’ll take hold of whatever chance I get to save people.”
You stared at him for a moment in silence. It was very noble of him basically risking his life for people- dangerous but very noble.
"You know," you started quietly, "I didn't even know how to fight before.. all of this even started." Leon raised his brow at you and then chuckled. He shook his head and stared back at you, "I can tell. When we first fought, you had so many openings."
You rolled your eyes at him and then looked back at orange flames, "Give me a break. I was just some random girl working in a canteen... before chaos took place," memories of when the soldiers first came with their tanks filled your mind. You sat there in silence before finally saying something. If he basically trauma dumped on you then why shouldn't you as well?
"My brother died from a soldier," you mumbled softly as you fiddled with the bread, "He was out with his friends one night and some soldiers came up to him. They tried to arrest him but he resisted and eventually... he got shot."
The words barely came out of your mouth. It was painful to rethink about all of the deaths that happened, but Leon knew that. He understands the pain.
"I'm sorry about your brother," he mumbled. You swatted your hand in the air before looking back at him, "He wasn't the only one I lost. I lost my two friends from my job... we got bombed and one of them got squashed by a building and the other... bled to death..."
Leon remained silent as he listened to you. He may not have been there when all of that happened, but he knew the pain.
A dry chuckle escaped your lips, "And now Yarina is dead, and I became the leader of her group... I feel like life is mocking me. It's like, 'Hey! You lost your friends but don't worry! You'll lose more people'... These types of battles don't go well- i know that. But a part of me wishes that i should've just left. Left for America for a better future... Instead, I'm stuck here leading a rebellion." You took a bite out the bread and got quiet. Leon was just watching you, reading you. He could tell you were in a lot of pain, more pain than you believe.
He sighed and looked back at the fire, "Life's been shitty to the both of us, huh?"
The ends of your lips curled up slightly as you nodded, "Pretty much."
"You look young... life can get better for you, trust me," he mumbled softly.
"I don't feel young. Does it ever actually get better?" you asked as you turned your head to look at him.
He looked back at you and shook his head, "No, it doesn't... but you learn to live with it."
"I don't want to live with it... I want to forget everything ever even happened. I want to live a normal life..."
Leon looked at you with sad eyes, "But that's not the case, is it? You can dream all you want but the hard truth will always drag you back to reality... and it's a reality you must live in."
You stared into his eyes for a moment in silence as he stared back at you. The atmosphere was complicated. One minute you were cautious of him and then the next you express your inner emotions to him. And now the tension was high. For what? You don't know but you could swear you saw his eyes drift down to your lips.
It's not like you were a virgin, you had your own experiences. But yet, you felt something starting to build inside you and you could almost see it in him as well. Feelings were growing when they shouldn't be.
Your eyes drifted down to his and you leaned a little closer. But your subconscious mind pulled you back. You turned your head away, "We shouldn't..." you whispered.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes lingering on your lips, "Says who?"
"This is wrong. It feels wrong... I mean, we're in the middle of an incoming war. Is it even okay?"
Leon brought his hand to your cheek and gently forced you to look back at him, "You're not killing anybody. It's okay," he whispered as his thumb caressed your cheek.
You swallowed and allowed him to gently pull you towards him. You closed your eyes and felt his breath on your face as he brought you two together.
His lips landed on yours in a soft kiss. Lips so soft and tender despite the environment. He kissed you gently and brought you closer as you rested your hands on his shoulders. His free hand traveling to your waist, giving it a gentle squeeze. You gasped softly against his lips and he took the opportunity to bring his tongue inside your mouth. His tongue entangled itself with your tongue. It felt so intimate yet so calm. He was kissing you as if he didn't want to hurt you. You've been hurt far too much already but this kiss felt like a band-aid on top of your scars.
He pulled apart to catch his breath, eyes opening to look at your face. Your cheeks were flushed and your eyes were already staring at his. He brushed some hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. There was a moment of silence as the two of you just sat there staring at each other.
"Rest," he whispered, "We still have a lot of things to do tomorrow."
You nodded slowly and laid down on your side, giving your back to Leon. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Leon watched as you fell asleep, he took off his jacket and laid it on top of you. So many thoughts lingered in Leon's mind but he also had questions about your previous conversation.
He knew death was inevitable but seeing everyone- including you- fight with so much resolve made him believe that you had the opportunity to do something he couldn't.
To save people.
He wasn't jealous or mad, rather, he felt a sense of guilt. He didn't want to see you die. Leon wanted to see you and the rest of your people overthrow the government. He beg the heavens above to let you live just a little bit longer if it meant seeing you free this country.
He'd plead to whoever.
An announcement alarm went off and the TV from the tower turned on. Flashing images of people lined up, kneeling down with bags over their heads, with soldiers behind them pointing their guns at their heads.
You woke up as stared at the screen, which Leon did was well. The two of you watched as the soldiers began to shoot the people one by one. Their bodies falling limp against the floor and letting the blood pool around them.
Your heart felt heavy and you tried to move but couldn't. You were frozen in place.
"We've captured more traitors who must pay the price for their treason," President Mendez said.
You felt anger. Some were children.
In a fit of anger, you took your gun and dashed out of the ruined building you were in. Leon followed behind you, "Wait- where are you going?"
You ignored him and kept walking. He ran behind you and pulled your arm to stop you, "Y/n..."
Eyes welling up with tears of anger, you looked at him with so much anger, "Those were kids. And she's killing them like pieces in a game. I need to do something-" you harshly pulled your arm away from him and ran towards the tower. Leon quickly caught up to you and hooked his arm around your waist. He hoisted you up in the air and you thrashed in his hold.
You cried. Sobbed and screamed in anger. The once silent abandoned city was now filled with your angry screams.
"Let me go!" You struggled against him, but he didn't move. He knew you were going through a meltdown, and it wasn't safe for you to act in a fit of anger.
"I said let me go!!... let me go," your head fell forward as he slowly put you down on the floor. You clung to him as you cried loudly. You were so angry and hurt. This was the last straw for you.
It was heartbreaking, really. There was nothing you could do except watch as these innocent people died. President Mendez won this battle but you vowed to yourself that you'll win this war.
You declared war.
Both you and Leon walked back to base. Something changed in you as you walked through the halls and towards the meeting room.
You slammed your fists on the table, "Send a message to the president," you started with anger on your tone and face.
"Tell her that tomorrow morning, we will start a war. And we will win this war."
The other insurgents looked at you and then at Leon who stood behind you. They all stood still and you only got more angry.
"I said- send her a fucking message that says we declare war on her. Now."
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soleilceirinen · 7 months
When the darkness comes | Tommy Shelby x Shadowhunter!Reader - Part 4
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Summary: you are a shadowhunter investigating the sudden rise of yin fen in the Downworld, the trail leads you to Small Heath and a blue eyed gangster.
A/N: I'm not sure about how this part turned out. Anyway, thanks for reading it. English isn't my first language, sorry if there are mistakes!
Warning: nothing.
Part 3 - Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Usually, patrolling the streets was boring. Not tonight. You had been following the trail of a ravener demon for about half an hour without it noticing. It was the first demon you had encountered in Small Heath since your arrival. 
Luckily, it was a minor one and not very smart. Its disgusting appearance, a mix between a centipede and crocodile with some scorpion parts, made your stomach turn. Sometimes these kinds of demons were used to follow someone or to keep an eye on something. 
That’s why you weren’t surprised when the ravener moved around all the places that were clearly Shelby territory. More specifically, the parts of Small Heath dedicated to their non legitimate businesses. So, without any doubts, the demon had something to do with the yin fen.
However, you didn't think it was directly related to the Shelbys. 
That is, someone external, maybe the one responsible for sending them the drug so that they could distribute it throughout England and export it to America, was the one controlling the ravener. It could be a warlock’s work. Also, there were probably more than one demon, although you hadn’t seen others, which could be a problem if they decided to attack you in group. 
Tired of walking around the city among piles of garbage and puddles from the same place to the next, you took out of your coat one of your seraph blades and got ready to finish off the ravener.
“Uriel,” you said out loud, giving a name to the blade. Instantly, it lit up, filled with angelic power as it brought light into the darkness.
At that moment, the demon noticed your presence. You already knew that the poor thing wasn’t very clever. It lunged at you with quick movements, trying to reach you with its disgusting insect-like legs. You moved faster thanks to a heightened speed rune. The seraph blade traced luminous arcs through the fog as well as the ravener’s body.
With a screech and a gush of dark ichor, the demon disappeared. They didn’t die, instead, they returned to their own dimension. You observed the light from the blade fading away, it was covered in ichor and it was starting to corrode so you dropped it, no longer useful. At least the ravener’s blood hadn’t splash all over yourself or your clothes. 
You scrunch your nose for a moment, looking around. There were no signs of more demons but the night was still long until dawn. With a sight, you closed your coat to protect yourself from the cold wind and continued patrolling. 
A couple hours later, you headed to The Garrison. A drink or two wouldn’t hurt. 
The warmth of the pub welcomed you like a hug. You appreciated the cosy atmosphere, despite the noise of the drunk customers laughing and talking. So you headed to the bar, where you sat in one of the seats and rested your head on your hand. 
After a while, you felt the presence of someone next to you, so close that their arm was brushing against yours. Slowly, you turned your head and watched him through your eyelashes, blinking lazily. “Good night, Tommy.”
He nodded, watching you closely. “Long night?”
You nodded back. "You have no idea. By the way, I'm not following you, in case you were wondering. I just wanted to get something to drink," you said quietly.
Tommy chuckled and turned to the bartender. He ordered a couple of bottles and glasses before turning to you, placing his hand on your lower back. "Come with me, we can talk in a quieter place." 
Without removing his hand from your back, he guided you to the private room at the side of the pub. After closing the doors behind him, the noise was muffled and distant. You took off your coat and sat down on one of the seats, resting your head against the wall. Tommy sat by your side, watching you like someone does with an exotic animal. He lit a cigarette and started smoking in silence.
The small window opened, revealing the bartender with Tommy’s order. He got up to pick it up and left it on the table. Your eyes followed him, too tired to move.
"I'd like you to try something," he said, pouring a clear liquid into one of the glasses and setting it down in front of you. 
You grabbed the glass and brought it to your face, smelling the contents. "What is it?"
“Try it,” he replied, leaning back in the chair, never taking his eyes off your face. At your expression of rejection, Tommy rolled his eyes and took the glass from your grasp, brushing his fingers against yours and drinking it in one gulp. “It isn’t poisoned, see? I just want you to try it and give me your honest opinion.”
You had learned the hard way not to drink or eat things offered by strangers, more specifically if those strangers were fairies. One could never trust them. However, you had already ruled out the possibility of Tommy being a fairy, right?
"Okay, I'll try it."
Tommy poured another glass and slid it in front of you. You took a small sip and hummed softly.
"Well?" he asked, putting out the cigarette in the ashtray.
You shrugged. "It's sweet, I suppose," you said unconvinced. "I don't drink regularly, so I don't know. It's not bad." 
"Not bad..." he murmured.
You grabbed the bottle and turned it in your hands, looking at the label. "Gin," you read aloud, "distilled for the eradication of the seemingly incurable sadness... Shelby Company Limited, it’s your own gin?" 
"It's part of the business," he explained as he sipped his whiskey.
As you finished the contents of your drink, a sudden wave of warmth spread through your chest, so you rolled up your shirt sleeves. That night you had discarded your shadowhunter gear and had decided to wear a simple white shirt and trousers. You loved wearing pants, it made fighting much easier than a dress or a skirt. 
Actually, from a distance you could pass for a boy or a young man. If you had worn one of those peaked cups, you could infiltrate among the Peaky Blinders and they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Up close you couldn’t fool anybody. Tommy was delighted in the way the pants hugged your waist as well as the dark runes spread throughout your body, barely visible through the thin fabric of your shirt. 
"Do you like horses?" he asked suddenly.
You watched him with a raised eyebrow and nodded slowly, finding the question quite odd. "When I was little and lived in Idris, we had a horse. I used to ride all the time, it made me feel like Boudica. Why do you ask?"
Tommy shrugged. "Have you ever been to the races?"
After seeing you shake your head, he slapped the table cheerfully. He seemed to be in a good mood. "Tomorrow I'll take you to the races. Wear something nice."
“Alright,” you agreed, laughing softly at his enthusiasm.
He sat closer to you, throwing an arm over the back of your seat. You suppressed a smile, men were so easy to read sometimes.
"So, you don’t ride anymore?" he asked after a while. The tips of his fingers began to brush against the side of your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
You heaved a long sigh. "No. Unfortunately, I had to move to London a few years ago and it's not the same. In Idris I used to live in the countryside,  where I could ride freely, here I feel like I'm in a cage. Everything is grey, smokey and smells bad."
Tommy laughed. "I don't really understand what you mean about Idris but it sounds like a  good place. What made you come to London?"
You looked into his eyes, he seemed genuinely interested. Still, you looked away, focusing your attention on your hands.
"I'm a Nephilim, remember? A Shadowhunter," you saw Tommy nod out of the corner of your eye, "although we're all over the world, because there are demons everywhere, our home country is called Idris."
“I’ve never heard of it,” he commented, sitting a little closer to you.
"Of course, because it is non-existent for mundanes. It is located between Germany, France and Switzerland. Mundanes cannot access it, it is our sanctuary," you explained. "Years ago my parents were sent on a mission, it seemed like something routine and simple but they were ambushed and it didn't end well. They..."
Finishing the sentence wasn’t necessary because Tommy had understood. He squeezed your shoulder gently. "I'm sorry," he whispered.  
You looked at him with a frown. "Don't be sorry, that’s how life works. We are warriors, we must fulfil what has been entrusted to us since our creation, keep the Earth free of demons. Most Shadowhunters die young, that's how it is. We have been trained for it since we were children."
Tommy seemed surprised at the sudden vehemence of your words. Out of the blue, your face had become a hard facade, lacking the typical sparkle of amusement in your eyes. Instead, it seemed to have been replaced by a layer of grief and resignation. 
"They sent me to the London Institute to finish my training there and I stayed. I had nothing to return to in Idris," you said with a sad smile on your lips.
He closed the little space that separated him from you and pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes, tasting tobacco and whiskey. Then, you reached up and placed your hand on the back of his neck, where his hair was so short that it was barely there. Tommy grabbed your waist, pushing his tongue deeper in your mouth.
As you began to feel your crotch getting wet, you pulled away from him with a soft whimper and held his sharp jaw in your hand. “At what time will we meet tomorrow?" you asked in a whisper.
“Meet you here at five,” he muttered, staring at your lips hungrily. You released him, connecting your mouths again. 
An overwhelming feeling started to grow inside of your chest, so you got rid of his hands on your waist and stood up with fluid movements. You grabbed your coat and leaned to give him one last kiss. “See you tomorrow, Tommy.”
"Stay a little longer," he pleaded softly, trying to catch his breath.
You shook your head. A small smile threatened to peek at the corner of your mouth. It didn’t reach your eyes though. “I better get going, my night is not over yet,” you said, walking out of the room into the crowded pub. 
Tommy remained there as he watched you disappear without looking back.
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raphinaloveschaos · 8 months
The City Is Poisoned
(Victor Zsasz x Fem!Cobblepot!Reader)
Click the title to go to the masterlist.
Chapter One
It's no news to anyone that Gotham isn't the safest place in the world, far from it. Anyway, I've felt that things have become heavier than normal in the city, more tense.
Maybe it's the recent deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Maybe it's the way my brother Oswald comes home exasperated every night after spending the day working for Fish Mooney, who is a true lady, but has already made it clear that she is an important part of the city's underworld.
Oswald was always a good brother, always close. Despite his physical condition, he always tried to protect me from anything bad that could happen to me and we both take care of our mother. He was always here to have fun and support me.
It was his sudden change and the way he distanced himself that made me realize that something weird was happening at his workplace and consequently, in our city.
At first I thought Oswald was just a helper, until he disappeared and a man and a woman appeared in our apartment. Detectives.
Clearly impatient with any praise my mother had to pay for Oswald, as she stood up to pick up a portrait of him, the detectives whispered to each other something that I couldn't hear from the window where I was leaning, but my mother seemed to hear a buzz.
“What are you…” she tried to ask what it was
“Um…nothing, Mrs. Cobblepot…-” The man interrupts, taking the portrait of my brother that she offered him.
“Kapelput.” My mother corrected the last name and I couldn't hold back the smile.
“Mrs. Kapelput… Do you know anyone who might want to do to your son a harm?”
Upon hearing the detective's question, I move away from the window and walk behind the sofa, facing his partner. My brother is in danger.
“No, I would feel it. A mother feels these things… It's a woman. Some painted slut has him in her clutch.” My mother says and although she is right, that woman and my brother were not involved in the way she thinks. Oswald didn't tell her that he works for Fish Mooney.
“A woman…You think?” The female detective asked.
“I'm sure… So handsome he is, so naive.” The detectives seemed to know that he's not so naive, like I know.
My mother looks at them. “Who are you again?”
When my brother returned, covered in bruises and limping more than usual, my worry and curiosity had already taken over me.
“Oswald, if you don’t tell me what the hell happened to you, I’ll tell mom and she’ll beat your ass!”
Not even my failed attempt at humor seemed to shake my brother out of the wave of stress he was in and I watched as he paced back and forth across the room, but I knew that the condition he had would soon cause him to have to lean on something or sit.
“C’mon, Ozzy! You used to tell me everything. What's going on?”
As I walked toward him he stopped moving and looked at the ground, at me and then at the window behind me, but his mind was somewhere other than the aging, gray buildings.
“I’ll get revenge and I won’t involve you in it. Neither you nor mom.”
His gaze seemed darker than usual, as if he had seen or done something he shouldn't have. It scared me, but I tried not to let it show. He was doing what he could to protect us.
My mind raced. Who is he talking about? Is it Mooney? If it is, how would he get her in any way, she's too powerful, too dangerous
“Ozzy, just… promise you'll be safe.”
I wouldn't try to change his mind, it never worked and with the way things are right now it wouldn't end well. I'd rather have him around with family and doing what he had to do than away. Our mother would die without him close. We both know that.
I walked closer to him and took his hand in mine, looking into his eyes. Even though we're seven years apart, we're almost the same height. He squeezes my hand affectionately.
“You're my big bro. I'll always be there for you.”
He gives me a reassuring smile. “I know.”
“Now, get something to eat. There's half of a pizza in the oven. I’ll go get mom from Mrs. Cameron’s.” I open the door and leave him behind to go to the neighbor, who was an old friend of our mother.
Ever since it happened, I haven't been able to get out of my head whatever my brother meant by “I'll get revenge.” Thousands of possibilities circulated my mind and I knew that nothing good would come of this whole situation.
To Mom, Oswald may be an innocent angel, but I've heard enough of his angry and sometimes even psychotic rants to know that he's capable of a lot. I love him, but I know he is not innocent.
I just hope I go to sleep and when I wake up I'm not curious enough to try to find out what really happened. Or what will happen.
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A/N.: it's short but it's only the begining, so stay tuned! Love y'all!
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luwupercal · 2 years
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"within or above the order of magnitude of 10,000 years"
Trauth, K.M.; Hora, S.C.; Guzowski, R.V. (1 November 1993). "Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant" / warhammer40k.fandom.com
full transcript and sources under cut.
[ image id: a series of pieced-together screenshots from wikipedia and warhammer 40k's fandom wiki. in totality, they read thus:
We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
The Imperium of Man, also called simply the Imperium, is a galaxy-spanning, interstellar Human empire, the ultimate authority for the majority of the Human species in the Milky Way Galaxy in the 41st Millennium A.D. It is ruled by the living god who is known as the Emperor of Mankind.
This place is not a place of honor...
It spreads across the whole of what used to be the Himalayan Mountains (now called the Himalazians) of Old Earth and is primarily defended by the Adeptus Custodes, although Space Marine, Collegia Titanica, and Adepta Sororitas forces are also known to protect the massive, city-like complex.
no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here...
Poor, brave Malcador the Hero. He reserved a fragment of his strength for me. It gives me little time to pass final orders to you. If you do as I ask then I shall not wholly die, my spirit at least will survive.
nothing valued is here.
The Astronomican requires the sacrifice of large numbers of psykers daily for it to continue to function, and also for the Emperor to be kept alive on the Golden Throne.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us.
He has sat immobile, His body slowly crumbling, within the Golden Throne of Terra for over 10,000 standard years. Although once a living man, His shattered, decaying body can no longer support life, and it is kept intact only by the cybernetic mechanisms of the Golden Throne and a potent mind itself sustained by the daily sacrifice of thousands of lives.
This message is a warning about danger.
Imperium of Man / Imperial Truth / Unification Wars / Great Crusade / Imperial Compliance / Space Marines / Primarch
The danger is in a particular location...
Terra is effectively a globe-straddling temple dedicated to the worship of the Emperor of Mankind.
it increases towards a center...
The heart of the Inner Palace contains the Sanctum Imperialis,
the center of danger is here...
The Imperial Palace is as heavily populated and just as active as any hive city of the Imperium. In fact, it probably has a higher density of population per square kilometre than most hive cities. Billions of adepts from all branches of the Adeptus Terra work in the Imperial Palace complex overseeing the affairs of Mankind.
of a particular size and shape, and
The levels and byways of the Palace can take a lifetime to learn, and only the Adeptus Custodes know them all. From the rails of high balconies are artificial ravines 500 storeys deep, filled with lights and teeming with people. Some of the great domes in the Precinct, especially the Hegemon, are so vast, they contain their own miniature weather systems. Microclimate clouds drift under painted vaults. Rain in the Hegemon is said to be a portent of good fortune.
The Inner Palace is also the seat of the Senatorum Imperialis, the twelve High Lords of Terra, who are charged with divining the Emperor's will and ruling the Imperium in His name.
below us.
The danger is still present, in your time,
1.6. Great Scouring 1.7. Imperial Stagnation 1.8. Era Indomitus
In response to the emerging forces of Chaos throughout the galaxy, the recently resurrected Roboute Guilliman, primarch of the Ultramarines, and now once more the lord commander of the Imperium
as it was in ours.
Unification Wars / Great Crusade / Horus Heresy.
The danger is to the body,
the people forget their duty they are no longer Human
Cults dedicated to flagellation and penance seek to prepare Mankind for the return of the Emperor.
5.2. Gene-Seed 5.3. Implantation of Astartes Organs 5.4. Primaris Gene-Seed and Organs 5.5. Conditioning
and it can kill.
can suffer wounds that would kill a lesser being several times over, and live to fight again. Clad in ancient power armour and wielding the most potent weapons known to man, the Space Marines are terrifying foes and their devotion to the Emperor and the Imperium of Man is unyielding.
it is honourable -- a reward and can be no failure
a Perpetual like the Emperor, one of a strange group of Human mutants who possess the ability to be resurrected
the bleeding wounds he sustained still visible upon his neck and chest.
The form of danger is an emanation of energy.
the awe-inspiring sight of one of the Emperor's own sons,
"the Anathema" for He is the greatest embodiment of universal order in the galaxy today and the most potent foe of Chaos
psychic beacon that is the Astronomican within the Warp.
The danger is unleashed
mortally wounded,
1.2. Rise of the Emperor
Casualties (defenders): High, many xenos species were driven to extinction
Horus was slain,
only if you substantially disturb this place
Things have only been made worse with the birth of the Great Rift or Cicatrix Maledictum in ca. 999.M41.
Age of Strife / Eye of Terror
Aeldari Empire / War in Heaven
This place
Milky Way / or just "the galaxy,"
is best shunned
See Also: Atmospheric Incinerator Torpedo / Virus Bomb / Cyclonic Torpedo
( you have no right to let them live )
and left uninhabited.
end id. ]
pages from en.wikipedia.org used: Long-term nuclear waste warning messages
pages from warhammer40k.fandom.com used: Imperium of Man / Imperial Palace / Golden Throne / Emperor of Mankind / Imperial Truth / Unification Wars / Great Crusade / Imperial Compliance / Space Marines / Primarch / Terra / Horus Heresy / Imperial Cult / Age of Strife / Eye of Terror / Aeldari Empire / War in Heaven (Necron) / Milky Way Galaxy / Exterminatus
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stormbreaker101 · 2 months
@valerian-thundercloud i am straight up jumping for joy this sunday morning seeing ur tags
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because that means talking about Sky City, which I had SO MUCH FUN trying to pad out and make more robust than canon gives us.
So, some lore. it got long so it's under the cut lol.
Lemuria was made roughly 1500-1600 years ago, some 50 generations. 25 generations ago, the Old One was able to return to it shortly to check on it. This led to the revolt of Mandoria, and the creation of both Heap and Sky City.
Specifically, the Old One helped the people of what would become Sky City find the Monitoring Station. They were able to study his magic and tech, and learn his ultimate telos: creating a Scion. Thus, after creating the Ascension Beam and lifting their section of Lemuria to the sky, the people of this newly dubbed Sky City formed the Scion Genesis Society: a dedicated sect of people who were to keep studying the Old One's works to formulate the perfect Scion for him.
It's a slow going process to make a Scion. The SGS only bothers with making one Scion at a time because you just can't have multiple Scions running around! The Old One is only interested in honing the best of the best, not wasting time and resources on multiple simultaneous candidates! Once a Scion Candidate is of age (32), they're allowed to synthesize the Attunement Stone of Sky City and attempt their Scionic Quest.
Most die trying. Some abandon the quest and take on a new life among "lowland" Lemuria. A few have recognized that they were going to fail, returned to Sky City in order to reorganize themself, and were decommissioned.
As hyper-intelligent and enlightened and elevated and impartial as Sky City believes itself to be, it (including the SGS) is INCREDIBLY wasteful. Sky City has a culture of "tomorrow at the expense of the past." Old, defunct things are not worth maintaining. There's nothing to be learnt from failure besides how to avoid it. It's a very wasteful, unpreserving culture, which they have the privilege to uphold because they essentially have infinite resources via miniature Synthesizers they've invented (think the Replicators in Star Trek, or that one food-making machine from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs).
Clark is a cog within this unfeeling machine, a pawn and victim and perpetrator. He is the SGS's 29th attempt at making a Scion. When he attempted the Scionic Quest, he attempted the same "what if I explode a holy temple" bullshit that Duck wanted to do in canon and CS, and naturally the Mandorians were pissed, including one relatively young (and i mean like 30) Mandar "the Boarbarian" ben'Krull. Mandar cut Clark's right arm off, knowing that such a wound is both agonizing and deadly (unless given immediate care that nobody in Mandoria would ever offer to him), a deserved fate for someone who'd dare profane a temple of protection.
Except Sky City has far more resources than Mandoria, and could heal the wound even if it's been multiple days. Clark was able to flee and fly back home to heal. He knew that Scion attempts that had tried to return home after the Quest would be disposed of, but by appealing to the SGS's ego and convincing them that he truly was the best of their works, he was simply unlucky, he asked them to let him try again. Time can't be rewound, his arm can't be regrown, and prosthetics would be a hassle to maintain while out in the "savage wilds below that don't have our resources", so the best the SGS could do to run a re-do is to make a perfect clone of their now-retired Scion Attempt: Clark Savage, Jr.
Clark Jr later became Claire, the Duck of Bronze, because we love transgenderism and transfemininity in this house. 👍
Both Clark and Claire are mallard ducks because they're the most iconic kind of duck, and I decided to change how Duck became literal bronze (to better fit my AU), so her nickname first came from HRT changing her feathers to be bronzy-brown instead of the stark greens and browns and whites her father had.
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league-of-starlight · 10 months
Voice Update Concept: Janna.
First Move:
“The winds of change are coming.”
“On swift winds, I shall arrive.”
Long move:
“Once, sailors prayed to me, now it is the downtrodden. I must help them however I can.”
“I cannot heal the divide between two cities, but I can at least help Zaun breathe easier.”
“Spirits such as me do not exist freely. Without prayer and belief, we slowly fade away.”
“I am the gentle breeze and the raging storm. I am the prayers of those who need aid. I am the wind itself.”
First encounter:
“We need not fight, why not take a deep breathe to calm down?”
“I’m not much of a fighter, but duty calls.”
*Janna strikes a power pose with her staff, but her blue bird flies in her face, distracting her until it perches on her staff*
“In every storm, there is- Ah, what’re you… really? *Gentle sigh*
Joke response:
*gentle laugh* “Very clever…”
Taunt response:
“The wind doesn’t hear bravado.”
“Pardon me? I couldn’t hear you over the gusts of hot air.”
“Let the storm carry your soul away.”
“Swept away.”
“Your forecast is looking grim.” *Snort of laughter.*
“Rest now. It’s okay…”
“I must depart, for now.”
“I shall soon return.”
“My wind… is gone…”
“Farewell, my loves.”
“Stay… safe, won’t you?”
“The wind will never die.”
“My work isn’t done!”
“Oh, that wasn’t very nice of them.”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Azir: “Shurima is not my priority anymore.”
Child champions: “Oh, hello, little one.”
Piltover champions: “Fresh air shouldn’t be coveted. Do you know what Zaun has to breathe?”
Miss Fortune: “Your mother sometimes prayed for good winds when sailing. She was a lovely woman, wasn’t she?”
Seraphine: “I hear your songs on the wind, empathy is a rare thing these days.”
Soraka: “We have a few things in common.”
Volibear: “Ah, the bear of storms. What do I owe the pleasure?”
*Unimpressed* “Volibear. How… wonderful.”
Urgot: “Survival is worth nothing without enjoying life.”
Ally Zaunites: “Stay close to me, breathe in the fresh air.”
Kayle: “Well, one of us has to change.”
Volibear: Your outbursts will leave you nothing to protect!”
Yasuo: “Fighting a wind spirit with… wind techniques? A bold strategy.”
Taunt Response:
Volibear: “All bluster without action, how fitting.”
Lux: “In another life, I think we could have been friends.”
Zac: “Oh, dear. I’ll blow your parts back together. Give me a moment.”
Zaun champions: “It’s okay, breathe in…”
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fallintosanity · 4 months
Curious to hear about this promare fic you are definitely not writing :3
Oh god this is one of those fics where I wish we had brain-to-page technology, because it appeared almost fully-formed in my head after like the second or third time I watched Promare. XD
I haven't actually written anything for it (true to the doc title I suppose XD ) but I can give you the synopsis / book-cover blurb! (Under a readmore for length, whoops)
WIP ask meme!
The fic starts the day after the movie ends, with Lio, Meis, and Guiera working through the immediate aftermath of the Parnassus incident. While some of the (now ex-)Burnish survivors were able to return to their old homes and families, thousands more have nowhere to go - and are collectively turning to Lio to lead them. At least for now, they're being allowed to stay in the Parnassus's passenger rooms, but Lio and his lieutenants know that can't last.
Galo, meanwhile, is dealing with the aftermath on the government side, where he's being hailed as a hero - and therefore expected to be In Charge Of Things along with the Burning Rescue team and their few allies in what remains of the government. He tries to use his new influence to help the Burnish, but it's clear that no matter how many times they remind people that the Burnish were Kray's victims, public sentiment still blames and shuns the Burnish for the destruction wrought by the Parnassus.
Tensions are escalating fast, and within days the Burnish survivors-turned-refugees are all but locked up on the Parnassus under heavy armed guard. Galo promises Lio that the guards are only there to protect the Burnish from angry mobs - but to the Burnish, the ship is just another prison.
Then, little more than a week after the Parnassus incident, Galo wakes up to shocking news: every single one of the Burnish refugees on the ship has vanished. And it's clear they intend neither to return nor to be found; they took all the supplies and equipment Kray's crew had stocked for settling a new planet. But to Galo, the worst part is that almost everyone in the city is happy about it - happy to let "those freaks" go to die in the empty wilderness and leave the "real humans" in peace.
Galo can't just let Lio disappear like that, and spends the next few months tracking the Burnish refugees to their new home. But to his frustration, Meis and Guiera refuse to let him see Lio, claiming he's away from the Burnish city and won't be back any time soon. Finally Galo manages to sneak past them into Lio's bedroom - where he finds Lio unconscious and horribly ill. Galo leaves without waking him and goes to demand answers from Meis and Guiera.
Guiera reluctantly admits that Lio is dying, and all three Mad Burnish knew it since the day after the Parnassus crashed. Meis explains that Lio is "Burnish-born": both his parents were Burnish when he was conceived, and he's been Burnish since birth. It's why he's so much more powerful than the other Burnish, but it also means his body is adapted to the Promare so thoroughly that he can't survive without them. Since his Promare returned to the alternate dimension with all the others, Lio probably only has a few months to live, if that.
Galo is horrified - but as Meis and Guiera point out, the Promare are gone. There's nothing Galo can do for Lio, except to let him spend his last days in peace and safety, surrounded by the Burnish he sacrificed everything for. But Galo has never cared whether something is impossible. No matter what he has to do, no matter how far he has to go...
He won't let Lio die.
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CLJ Recaps
We start off the ep strong with Changheng getting captured, stripped of his title, and sentenced to imprisonment in Haotian Tower. I really liked seeing this side of Changheng where he didn't try to hide his feelings! He very clearly stated that he refused to turn back and that he was acting out of love for Orchid.
"I just want to save the person I love. What's wrong with that?!" He demands.
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I don't support prisons in general but, like, throwing your own brother into Haotian Tower simply for wanting to save the woman he loves seems like overkill. His betrothed has been missing for 30,000 years at this point. I know it's Plot Important that CH has to stay engaged to her, but like maybe after the first 5,000 years Yunzhong could've been like "nm, just marry whomever you want."
At Silent Moon Palace, Shangque finds Jieli wandering around in the middle of the night. He discovers that, like him, she was also an orphan. She tells him how she drugged the people taking care of her in order to escape.
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Shangque relates to this and says that the people pretending to be kind to him only wanted his dragon skin & bones to use as medicine. Fortunately, DFQC saved him!
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After being deceived by humans, Shangque decided he didn't want to become that kind of person. Jieli literally laughs in his face after hearing that. She calls him stupid and says that everyone will trample on his sincerity. Shanque calls her cold-blooded. Jieli agrees.
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Unlike SQ, no one came to save Jieli. "I've been saving myself since I was a kid." She doesn't trust others and prefers to cheat them first before being cheated herself. In Jieli's mind the only important things in the world are her life and money.
Shangque jumps to his feet in anger. He says she's wrong and ridiculous for thinking like that. Jieli leaps to her feet and throws the accusation back at him. SQ has had enough and orders Jieli to return to her quarters.
In Haishi City, Ronghao is so lost in thought that he doesn't even hear Die Yi approach.
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He's stunning, he's cunning, he's my devious darling! At the very end of this episode I was like, "Oh he's evil, evil. Good for him!" On this blog we stan characters who love fiercely and to the point of world destruction!!
He asks Die Yi about Jieli, and she reports that the shopkeeper has escaped to Silent Moon Palace. Die Yi has stationed someone to be on the lookout for her, and the moment Jieli leaves, she'll be apprehended.
We switch back to Orchid and Jieli, planning to escape Silent Moon Palace.
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For some reason, Jieli has the Heart Hidden Hairpin. It allows the wearer to store their emotions in the pin and be undetected. Other than the You Jade Ring, it's the only item in the three realms with this power.
According to legend, the Moon Tribe was betrayed by the fairies and expelled. Yannv, the ancestor of the Moon Tribe was in love with Chonghua, the first fairy. She created this pin so that he wouldn't have to feel her feelings.
INTERESTING! So that's why Moon Tribe people and fairies are forbidden from marrying. I'm sure that theme will not come back to bite us later :)))
Jieli agrees to lend it to Orchid in exchange for help escaping the palace. Since no one is allowed to stop Orchid, she's easily able to get to the Jade Forest. Unfortunately for them, Die Yi is waiting for them.
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I am so obsessed with her. She is the moment and also my fave female character.
Die Yi also has the most unsettling theme. It reminds me both of an angry swarm of hornets and a cobra ready to strike at the same time. Orchid recognizes her from Haishi City and gives Jieli the bone orchid bracelet. With nothing left to protect herself with, Orchid stands between Die Yi and declares that she should be the one Die Yi wants.
The Heart Hidden Pin glows, storing Orchid's fear and blocking Moon Supreme from feeling it. Good thing the One Heart Curse isn't just linked emotions: it's physical, too! DFQC stops in his tracks as a bloody welt appears where Orchid was hit by Die Yi's whip.
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JL has apparently run straight back to the palace and begs DFQC to save Orchid. She seems to realize the danger she's in and tries to remove the hairpin, but isn't fast enough. Die Yi knocks Orchid to the ground, making her drop the Destiny Book.
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Die Yi notices it immediately and goes in for the kill, but her whip is literally disintegrated. Both Orchid and I were excited to see DFQC, only it's not him! It's Changheng! Orchid only has enough strength to say his name before passing out.
She wakes up and immediately begins apologizing, but CH only smiles and reminds Orchid of his promise to bring her back to Shuiyuntian. Orchid is too shocked to believe it and looks around.
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Tbh so much happened since the beginning of the ep that I forgot that the last time we saw CH, he was captured and sentenced to incarceration. Like Orchid, I was fooled! She doesn't have time to be happy though, because she remembers dropping the Destiny Book. Good thing Changheng picked it up!
Orchid asks CH to check the Destiny Book to determine why it's so important. Who does it belong to and why do both DFQC and Haishi City want it?
He says that it's been damaged and that he can't get a read on it. In order to find out, they'll have to fix it. This time, Orchid readily agrees to do it, but CH says that she got hurt and should rest first. Orchid is determined to prove herself though.
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Orchid gets started on fixing the Destiny Book and Changheng leaves. The camera zooms in on him making a sinister expression and that's when I was like "OHHH. Damn." It's all fake! Always has been! After emerging from the fabricated fairy realm, Die Yi asks her master why he bothered disguising himself as Changheng.
Rong Hao says that it was necessary to coax Orchid to willingly fix the book. And he was right! The way he pushed back against Orchid wanting to get started immediately after waking up is exactly what CH would've done. He knows his friend and Orchid well! I'm so obsessed with how Rong Hao observes his surroundings and plays the long game to get what he wants.
And I can already see how he's a narrative foil for DFQC :)
Speak of the devil! Look who's in Haishi City!
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Also can we take a moment to admire Rong Hao's fit? The splashes of rainbow, the intricate woven pattern, the gold claws? A QUEER FASHION ICON
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Die Yi rushes in to inform him that DFQC has arrived. Rong Hao wasn't expecting him so soon! She says he should leave, but RH is unwilling when everything else is going according to plan. Die Yi goes to stall DFQC, who demands that "she" be released. "I don't know who you mean. There's no one here," Die Yi claims.
Moon Supreme has 0 bullshit tolerance and burns the entire room with his hellfire before Die Yi transforms into a butterfly and escapes. DFQC storms the throne room and quickly finds the "koi pond" that hides Thousand Dreamland. When he enters, DFQC is presented with thousands of facets that all show Orchid fixing the Destiny Book.
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RH appears and says that it's an illusion. Simply attacking the facets will only trap Moon Supreme. "You will never find that fairy," he taunts. Darling, moments ago you were panicking that he showed up earlier than expected. I know, I know - presentation is the most important part of being a supervillain.
Meanwhile, Orchid has finished repairing the Book.
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While she's wondering why a mortal would be so important, Orchid notices something: her desk in intact. While he was staying at Siming Hall in the past, Orchid told DFQC about the customs in Shuiyuntian.
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One festival in particular, The Moon Tribe Slaying Festival, celebrated the victory of the fairies over the Moon Tribe. Every day of the festival, all of Shuiyuntian celebrated Moon Supreme being sealed away. Hearing this enraged DFQC and he slammed his bowl down, breaking the stand on the table.
Orchid now realizes that this Siming Hall isn't real either, and that the man in front of her isn't Changheng. Before handing over the Destiny Book, she decides to test this imposter. She says that he sent fireflies to look for her after he left Cangyan Sea last time. "I was locked up by DFQC and unable to reply. Are you mad at me?" The real CH was badly poisoned by the concentrated evil spirit and wouldn't have had enough power to do that.
But in his impatience, Rong Hao makes a miscalculation. Rather than remember that he was literally by CH's side the entire time he recovered, RH answers that he's not mad, just worried. That is all the answer Orchid needs.
She tries to run but then confronts Rong Hao.
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He's impressed that she was able to see through his disguise. He holds her by the throat with magic, demanding the Destiny Book. When she refuses, Rong Hao throws her to the ground.
Congrats! You have activated DFQC's sword!! After scanning all the illusions, DFQC spots the real Orchid and destroys the others in the most badass sequence.
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His coming is heralded by thunder, and Orchid exclaims, "It's Dongfang Qincang! He's come to save me!" RH scoffs and says that he's only after the Book. Before RH can leave with it though, he's stopped and cue the electric guitar! Moon Supreme says (again!), "How dare you capture one of my people?"
The miscalculation makes RH panic. How did DFQC find them in such a short amount of time? Rong Hao is detained so Moon Supreme can ask who he is and why he wants the Destiny Book. Rong Hao doesn't answer but the fear in his eyes is palpable.
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Before he can be unmasked however, Die Yi appears as a distraction! She makes an attack on Orchid, disrupting DFQC's focus enough for RH to escape. Our heroes then leave themselves, but not before Orchid is reprimanded for running away.
He grabs her and demands why she would do such a thing when she's so weak. If he had been one minute later, she would have died. "You must tell me where you're going, understand?" Orchid says she understands but also seems a bit happy about DFQC's outburst.
He destroys the Cauldron and the snow and fog in Haishi City disappears. With the Soul Transformation Cauldron refining evil spirits every day there was nowhere for the grief and despair of the victims to go. Though I love the jewel tones of the previous Haishi City, this red-toned galaxy is pretty neat!
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In order to cheer him up, Orchid presents the repaired Destiny Book. DFQC is curious why she was so quick to do it this time. Of course it was because she thought it was Changheng asking her, which annoys Moon Supreme. Orchid tells him that the reason she was able to see through Rong Hao's illusion is because DFQC broke her wooden stand in the past. "It's something only the two of us know!" D'awww.
Orchid then asks how DFQC was able to find her so quickly amongst the thousands of illusions. He said he'd even be able to find her if she was hidden among thousands of identical orchid flowers.
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This makes her cry in happiness because her master said the same thing. We cut abruptly to a cave in Xishan called the Spirit-Shattering Abyss. Sounds cozy! Die Yi has brought the injured Rong Hao here to be healed, but she looks terrified. She kneels and asks for help from "Evil God", Taisui.
This god appears as a bunch of swirling black with red lightning. He says that Rong Hao is protected by evil spirits and demands to know who would dare hurt Rong Hao. Die Yi answers, "Dongfang Qingcang." Apparently this Taisui is interested and says that it (he?) hasn't had an opponent in the 3 realms since Taiyi. I don't remember that name so I'm interested in this lore!
What I'm assuming is more of Taisui's power floods RH and he thanks the god for saving him. And then he drops a juicy plot bomb:
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He tells Taisui that he's found the reincarnation of the goddess Xiyun (Orchid). Several eps ago, he tested Orchid's powers and confirmed that she can purify and even resurrect things. My hunch is that this "evil god" is trapped in this cave - perhaps even banished to another realm. My question is: who is (was?) Taisui, and how did Rong Hao meet him? Also how much you wanna bet that by the end of the show, Rong Hao is fully possessed by it? That would make me sad because I want Rong Hao to choose evil on his own! :(
We then switch to Orchid waking up in a hunting camp in the woods. She comments that all the hunters are women but WE DON'T GET TO SEE ANY :( DFQC shoves roasted fish at her and mutters how useless she is for getting frightened and fainting immediately after fixing the Destiny Book. He asks where Orchid go the hairpin and she tries to brush it off as a gift from Jieli.
DFQC reaches for it, but Orchid pulls back and demands to know why someone as powerful as him needs something that belongs to her.
Unfortunately for her, Moon Supreme recognizes the hairpin!
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"How can it be yours?" He demands. Orchid still refuses to give it up, so Moon Supreme asks that she at least not wear it. Because of the hairpin, he almost couldn't find her. Orchid refuses again and says that she doesn't want him to know what she's thinking and she doesn't want him trespassing in her heart.
INTERESTING! What is it that you want to hide from him, Orchid? Could it be that you're actually starting to find it fun to be with Moon Supreme? :3 I guess we'll have to find out!
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justinvis · 1 year
Theseus-Newly Recruited Villain (DSMP fanfic)
(Supervillain/hero au)
Prompt:  The villain gives their customary "join me and we can be great" speech. The hero accepts.
“Do you like what you see, Theseus?” Icarus smiled menacingly, looking down upon the so-called ‘beloved’ hero, watching them writhing on the ground, while the chaos around them grew, to what looked like no end.
Theseus watched in helpless horror, as the city, the city in which he had dedicated his entire life to protect, in which he grew up and cared for, was engulfed in hungry flames. His city, his home, was gone. Only rubble and ashes remained: the now only proof that this city had ever existed in the first place. The former citizens watched from a distance, knowing they could do nothing, had nothing, and were nothing against the infamous Syndicates: Icarus, the mind manipulator. Zephryrus, the crow father. and Protesilaus, the blood god.
“Are you happy? Do you see what you’ve done?” Theseus cried in anger, sorrow and grief, for the place that he once called home, and the place that was now no more, “Are you PROUD of what you have done?”
“I mean, yeah mate. I mean, that’s been the whole point of this, we ARE anarchists after all,” Zephryrus responded, while flying towards his direction with his signature majestic crow wings on his back. It was a forever mystery to all of the people whether those wings were real and biological, or if they were simply just another part of his villain attire.
“And isn’t it truly a work of art? I mean, you can’t see THAT and say it isn’t beautiful!” Icarus exclaimed. 
And call Theseus insane, but no matter how much he could deny in, it truly was. There was something, SOMETHING about the chaotic mess that made it look so tragically mesmerising is a way. In a messed up and wicked way. Maybe it way the way the flames danced so gracefully, as it were alive and free of reign, so childish and playful. Or maybe it was the comforting glow from the fire seemed console, as if it filled the warmth missing from Theseus’s childhood: being hugged or embraced, the passion and smothering he never got.
Finally, Protesilaus joined the scene, snapping Theseus from his spiralling, guilty thoughts.
“You know, Theseus, it didn’t have to be this way.” Protesilaus stated in his monotone voice. And he was right.
Theseus glanced at the citizens that were once a part of this city, and can’t help but feel a sinking sensation in his stomach, that HE had let them down, and it was all his fault. The shame returned to him.
Protesilaus continued: “You truly want to be a hero? Then learn how to die like one.”
Silence, as Theseus let those words sink in.
“Dude, you can’t just say that!’ Icarus whispered, not so discreetly, “That totally contradicts my cool villain speech!”
“Not sorry. You have to admit, that line sounded awesome.” Protesilaus smirked
“I hate you,” Icarus replied
“You love me,” Protesilaus contradicted
“You’re lucky you’re my brother,” Icarus gritted his teeth in frustration. Then, switching to normal voice volume, he then looked directly at Theseus.
“Or, you could join us! It’s your choice!”
“…what?” Theseus looked at Icarus as if he were insane, because let’s be honest, he probably is.
“Think about it! Join us, and you’ll possess all this power! Think about all the great havoc you could wreck, and the shenanigans you could create! Why spend your life attending to the poor? Overrated! You could accomplish so more by joining the dark side.” Icarus exclaimed “You’ve failed! Failed to help all these citizens? What’s the point in anything anymore? YOU care so much about them, but do they care about you?”
Icarus had touched a nerve. Because he was right, wasn’t he? All his life Theseus had spent his time protecting the peoples. He had sacrificed so, so much. And no one cared. No one appreciated him.
Icarus continued. “Join us, Theseus! Together, we could rule the world! With your intelligence, Protesilaus’s strength, Zephrurus’s knowledge and my-“
“Okay.” Theseus agreed.
The world seemed to have stopped. The citizens watching gasped in terrified shock. The Syndicates stared at him in jaw-dropping suprisement.
“…I’m…sorry?” Icarus finally asked, having finally found the ability to speak once again.
Theseus look a bated breath. “You heard what I said.”
Icarus took a couple seconds to process those words. “Wait, wait, wait! What? That’s not what happens! You’re supposed to say no, and go on this huge heroic speech about how no matter what happens, you’re never giving up, and pull out that last sly move, like, I’ve watched movies! I’m not stupid!”
“…do you WANT me to reject you?” Theseus questioned, with genuine curiosity.
“I mean, no! BUT-“ Icarus began
“Then okay then, I accept your offer.” Theseus stated, as if he were merely saying 1+1 equaled 2.
Everyone stared at Theseus with a dumbfounded look.
Theseus sighed. “Look man, like, I’m never appreciated. No one really cares and just takes me for granted. And have you seen those memes? I’m so done! Plus, your costumes look way cooler, and having a GROUP of supers is so much more fun that just being a super of one! It also doesn’t help that all those photos of me on media suck so much, like hello? Get some better photographers.”
“Well…um…okay then mate. Do you want to, like, come with us then?” Zephrurus asked, seeming to be the only human who had at least semi-recovered from the shock.
“You kidding?” Theseus asked, “heck yeah! Let’s do this!”
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sidekickjoey · 2 years
Been thinking about writing a little something surrounding About You by The 1975, because if this isn’t a Steddie song idk what is. Someday I’ll flesh this out into a full fic, but I don’t have the time yet, so here ya’ go in the meantime ✨
'About You’ surrounds this idea of not forgetting another, of these two souls that, despite not being together anymore, feel this nostalgia toward the idea of the other. It follows the idea that once we are bonded to someone, even if we are pulled apart, the emotions the other made us feel still remain to some extent. We are still touched by the ones we meet. 
Imagine Steve post-Vecna battle. Eddie’s gone. He’s been gone for a bit at this point, and Steve is trying to put on a brave face for the kids. Their city is still in shambles and their friend is now dead, and he has to help them find the will to keep keeping on, so to speak. He’s their unofficial leader, aside from El. He would rather die, too, than shirk off that responsibility.
And yet, he has his moments. They’re usually late at night, when he’s falling asleep either in a big room saved for the party to camp out in or back at his home, still big and empty as ever. He finds his mind drifting - drifting to Eddie. 
I know a place It's somewhere I go when I need to remember your face We get married in our heads Something to do while we try to recall how we met
At first, it’s a grief thing. He lets his dreams show him Eddie because he really cannot process the fact that he’s gone, that he sacrificed himself to protect everyone, to give him more time to kill Vecna (something he only somewhat did, according to the smoke-filled skies around them). He sees him happy in his mind and wishes he was back stealing Dustin’s time or being a pesky little thing over his own shoulder. He wishes he was there to fight this final battle with them all. He knows he would be brilliant - tells him in his dreams, when he gets the chance. Dream Eddie always smiles at him for that. 
Soon, grief morphs into this sort of desperation to hold onto what Eddie was like. Time is trying to heal Steve’s wounds, but all Steve has of him is from that darker time. His mind is telling him to move on, but if he does, he fears he’ll forget the little ways Eddie tried to get a rise out of him. He fears he’ll forget his voice, his crazy hair, his eyes. If he doesn’t remember him, who will? Is it not the job of a leader to make sure no one member of the party gets left behind? Given how they had to leave Eddie’s body in the Upside Down, Steve takes remembering details on like a sergeant assigned a highly important duty.
You and I (Don't let go) We're alive (Don't let go) With nothing to do I could lay and just look in your eyes Wait (Don't let go) And pretend (Don't let go) Hold on and hope that we'll find our way back in the end
Time does pass, however. The party figures out how to take down Vecna once and for all, and the Upside Down becomes one big horrible memory. Everyone makes the return back to their normal lives - even Steve. He gets a small job at a music store so he can steal a few tapes for Max to listen to now that she’s awake. It’s mindless and simple. It also has a back room with a record player. On bad days, this becomes Steve’s haven.
Because as lovely as going back to normal is, the memories still linger, and Steve’s been spending weeks now trying to hold onto a specific figure from the past. He can’t just forget Eddie anymore, he couldn’t if he tried. Eddie lives on in his mind, existing in their own little pretend reality where everything’s okay. He dances along to whatever record Steve puts on, tries to act like a goofy fool for Steve to cheer him up. Steve always ends up watching him with a smile. Given enough time and enough attention to those soulful eyes of his, it’s inevitable. The few coworkers who walk in on him in these states think Steve just loves drowning out the world for music. Steve knows, though, that it’s all for Eddie. He’d listen to records forever if it meant keeping that jester of a boy alive and not alone, just for a little bit.
There was something about you that now I can't remember It's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender And I'll miss you on a train I'll miss you in the morning I never know what to think about I think about you
One day, Robin comes to surprise Steve at the music store. She had gone off to college shortly after Steve got the job, and Steve had been happy for her. He also, selfishly, had been glad he would have one less person to call him out on his daydreaming. 
And yet, when she sneaks into the back room and finds Steve smiling as one of Metallica’s slower songs spins on the record player, she doesn’t call him out on it one bit. Instead, she gently takes a seat on the table beside him, runs her fingers through Steve’s hair, and whispers, “I miss him, too.” 
Something in Steve warms at that. He takes her other hand, squeezes it. Acknowledges her, quietly apologizes in his mind that he ever once doubted her ability to understand such a strange form of love as this. 
They go to visit Eddie’s makeshift grave together before she leaves. It’s the first time Steve’s been able to visit, unable to bring himself there as if seeing the big stone would make things more final or drive away his dreams. He shakes as Robin lays flowers down. He watches like a statue as she tells him about college, about Vickie, about the fun she’s having in her collegiate marching band. And then, she turns to Steve. 
Steve feels a rush of emotions. Nostalgia, anxiety, grief, joy. He stumbles forward, practically falls to his knees next to Robin. 
Voice shaky, heart pounding out his chest, Steve places a hand on the stone and lets his eyes flutter shut. An apology for not visiting before rests heavy on his lips. 
It stumbles out as, “Did you think I’d forgotten about you, Eddie?”
The Eddie that stares back at him in his mind grins, shakes his head.  
“Never, Steve.”
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Timeless Wells (Flash) - Speedster Chapter 3
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“You heard her, Joe. She’s a killer. We have to send her back. "
Joe knew this was more to it than Barry’s concern about your confession. He understood the hate Barry held for the speedster.
“But she said that the people back on her earth want her dead. It sounds like she made a choice to protect all those people and they still rejected her.” Iris defends.
Allegra and Chester stood at the side. Neither sure what to say. This was so far out of all of their elements. They’d encountered so many Thawnes over the years. This was uncharted territory.
“You don’t see it. She’s a Thawne, they are all killers!!”
It’s understandable that he’s worked up.
Cisco guides Barry to the side.
“You alright buddy. I’ve never seen you work up like this.”
“I’m not letting another Thawne back into my life. We barely survived the first five times he came. Do you really want to go through that again?"
Cisco wasn’t exactly thrilled either. But banishing someone to guarantee death was not what they did.
“We can’t just send her to die.” Cisco reasons. Chester nods.
“I’m with Cisco. Regardless of who she is, we save people's boss.” Chester’s point was rational. But at that moment Barry wasn’t exactly thinking rationally.
“Whether you trust her or not Barry, we have to protect her, it’s what we do.” Joe’s tone is firm. They all know that if anyone can get Barry to see reason, it was Joe.
“I’m going to tell her that we’ll help. She’ll stay in the lab and you can monitor her. But we’re not sending her to the grave. You’re not like him Barry.” The room is silent. Barry’s jaw is clenched tight at Joe’s statement.
“I’ll go and tell her.” Barry says.
He knows why they look worried. Iris moves to his side, rubbing his shoulder. He gives her one pained smile, right before he takes down the hall.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Caitlin asks.
None of them are truly sure, all they can do is hope.
“She’s a monster. She killed her own brother. She’s just like him. What’s to stop her from killing us too!”
“W-What..N-No I didn’t have a choice. He was going to destroy the city.”
“You’re just like him!!”
The words that ring in your head cause your heart rate to speed up. Heaving, you press your hand to the wall to calm yourself down. The yellow suit with the bolt reflected against the glass was a cruel reminder.
“We were supposed to be heroes..”
Nothing had turned the way you wanted it to.
You jump at Barry’s call, scrambling to your feet.
“We’re going to let you stay here, but I’ll be keeping an eye on you.” You nod vigorously.
“Y-Yes! Thank you! Thank you!!”
You dropped to your knees repeating your gratitude. As soon as he opens the door and you step out, you’re forced against the wall. You gape in fear.
“If you hurt my family, I’ll stop you. This time for good.” You gulp. 
Because you can tell it isn’t an empty threat. 
That increased strumming returns, and you do your best to keep your cool. Having a panic attack right now would be terrible. Barry takes a step back, turning as he walks away. You stand firm until he’s around the corner. When he’s out of view, you use the wall for support.
“Calm down..”
It’s a rough whisper. Because the speed force was starting to react to it. The yellow sparks of your lightning are showing on your wrist as it vibrates and you take a few steady breaths. You finally regain control, your hand returning to normal. 
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i don’t know dragon age so give me. either your favorite or most niche dragon age ship
🥺🥹💜 ask dragon age for me.... 💜💜💜💜
well my favorite of all time is a pc/canon ship but not a canon romance but i did think of a niche npc/npc ship that has recently made me feel like eating glass lmao so i did two
i attempted to give some context but not completely infodump >< idk if that was achieved lol
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My Grey Warden who has to go save the world after being recruited from a no-caste nothing on the underbelly of dwarven society fell for a guy you can't romance bc his culture is the Qun, which dictates basically your role and existence since you're born. They don't do like romance or marriage or whatever bc genetics are dictated by people who manage that. (Although some people do escape and live outside of that) His name is his job title. But he's a good man, a good soldier and a good friend and Torani Brosca respects the shit out of him so she keeps her feelings to herself. But yes she'll fight by his side and find his missing sword and stay as close as she can 🥺 and she never ever thinks of herself and her wants bc everything went towards her sister's chances of getting the family married up out of poverty so she really doesn't examine the feelings either it's just. I want to be close to you. Always. 😭
Uuuuunfortunately in my canon playthrough she takes the final hit in the last boss fight to kill the big bad and dies :( Beforehand she asked Sten to return her sword to her sister in Orzammar so Rica could have something to remember her by. She technically could have lived but that involves a mage party member fucking someone so she could have a baby and uh. suck the undying soul of the Arch demon into the unborn vessel instead of requiring a Warden to essentially cancel it out by killing it and... i don't actually remember the specific mechanics but a Warden specifically has to die in order for the big bad to STAY dead bc they have a like. half vaccinated version of the blight that kills them extremely slowly. But dorfs have such a low reproduction rate and the only way for them to get out of castelessness was for Rica to have a nobles baby and marry up... so Tor was like no i am not forcing anyone into that I'll just take the hit. 😔 so there's glass snack #1.
glass snack #2 is from the Dragon Age Inquisition DLC The Descent so this'll be spoilery lol but omg Renn and Valta
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Ok. Dwarves live underground, are immune to magic and the magic ore only they can dig up bc it kills anyone else. There's a group called Legion of the Dead who are socially dead, they literally have a funeral for them when they leave, and they go into the old deep roads and protect the city from the Dark spawn until they die out there with their boots on. This is what Renn does. Valta is an archivist who's been essentially put on bitch work bc she pissed off a higher-up by not erasing something really trivial from their records. And we're down there helping them figure out why the earthquakes are suddenly nuts. It seems like they've been working side by side for years and Renn either has a specific task or personal obligation to defend her while she's in the dangerous tunnels and old roads, I'm not sure which. But while they bicker a LOT there's soooooo much fondness underneath all that and they care about each other so fiercely and honestly we don't get a whole lot of conversation and banter even but what we do get is just fucking LOADED with meaning and I'm just *eats drywall* about it
ough and when he dies defending us from some threat we've never faced before she's even more determined to figure this out so he hasn't died in vain auuuurghh god so many things ending in tragedy but in the meanwhile.... the meanwhile is so good 😩 and that dichotomy of already being 'dead' but still having reason to live, to fight for and protect someone. ough...
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percontaion-points · 11 months
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 26
A Conduit is a vessel used to protect and route a substance into another vessel.
Thank you dictionary.com
“Some of you work in the gardens and manna fields. Some of you make our clothes and clean our cities.”
I’m sorry, but can you imagine that you die and go to what’s basically heaven. And they ask you to toil in the gardens, to be a seamstress, or to be a janitor for all time? 
There’s literally nothing wrong with any of these professions. Especially if you enjoy doing the work.
But like, imagine being promised eternal paradise, and your heavenly job is “farmer”. 
Then I loved and trusted Kayla, and she does this. 
“How?” I croak. 
She bows her head, radiating shame. “I’m sorry, Ten. I am. But I love him.”
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but a person who convinces you to betray everything that you love and stand for doesn’t actually love you in return. They’re literally using you, and will discard you the NANOSECOND you stop being useful to them. 
“You want peace, Ten,” Kayla continues, desperate to make me understand. “This is how we get it.”
“Ten is right. At some point, we are going to kill her. But don’t worry, baby. You won’t be around to see it.” He aims and fires, a bullet nailing her between the eyes. 
“No!” I jump up. In that moment, I don’t care what she’s done or how terribly she’s hurt me. I only want her to be okay. I hurry to her side—or try to. 
Victor fires at my feet, stopping me in my tracks. “Stay where you are.”
 “How could you hurt her?” I grate. 
“Easily. She served her purpose. Now toss the swords in my direction.”
It didn’t even last an entire fucking page. JFC. 
Now! Heart hammering, I dive for the Light.
Chapter 26 summary: As Ten runs into Troika, she finds destruction, fire, and panic. A few people who are fleeing the area manage to say that a bomb went off. Ten thinks of Jeremy, and runs to where Levi lives to get him. As she goes, she helps a few people here and there, and tells people not to give into the darkness. She also fights off and kills two random traitors, neither of whom are named. 
She finds Levi’s place in ruin, but Kayla tells her that she knows where Jeremy is. When they get to the other building, it has a sense of Wrongness about it, and Ten tries to tell Kayla to stop. Surprise! The girl who was in tears earlier about wanting to sleep with Victor or not has been turned to evil. She tells Ten that this is the way to stop the war, even if it means that a few innocent people here and there have to die. 
Exactly as I had predicted, Victor kills Kayla because she wasn’t useful to him anymore. He orders Ten to throw her weapons down, and asks why he hasn’t killed her yet. Because he can use her as a bargaining chip to convince Firstking and Secondking to step down. 
She uses her pendant to summon Killian, who shows up at the end of the chapter. 
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