#… I mean at least I’m vibing XD
z-1-wolfe · 2 years
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skyward-floored · 9 months
Dawn part 4 analysis, here we go! At it again with my ramblings.
Starting off with THE GLORIOUS RETURN OF THE MAILMAN! The moment I saw the flag I was like :O HE’S BACK!!!
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(I also got the blue’s clues mail song stuck in my head)
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Hey look, it’s Warriors’ money! And the inkeeper who’s happily admiring the ridiculous amount of rupees Warriors now does not own!
Rip Warriors’ money. It will be dearly missed.
Also no vacancy?? I mean, it’s possible there’s other people staying there, or it’s just a small inn, but... it kinda looks like Warriors literally bought every available room there was. Mad lad.
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I (like everybody else lol) took a crack at figuring out who’s signature was who’s, based on their respective game’s Hylian texts/scripts, order of when they got there, and the OG tags on the comic. So here’s my best guesses—
1. Time is first, which makes sense based on him being the one to take Twilight to the inn
2. Hyrule appears to be next— his games don’t have a written script, but the hylian here is close to Legend’s, so I’m assuming it’s his, based on the fact that he was part of the next group to get to the inn.
3. Four is who I’m least sure about I’ll admit, but seeing as how he came with Hyrule, (and he’s the only Link left I couldn’t identify at all), I’m assuming it’s his.
4. Warriors we know for sure, since the tags say this signature is his. He gets a shout out for being the only Link who can actually write in the lines.
5. Wind seems to be next, as his hylian is very close to what’s here (his signature partially obscures Warriors’ XD)
6. Legend is who I’m going with for this one, but I’ll admit it could be Wild’s since their script is pretty darn close. But once again, based on when they all got to the inn, Legend would make the most sense to be here.
7. Sky is definitely here. His hylian is very unique compared to the others (I think it’s my favorite)
8. Wild is probably next, but same case as Legend, they could be swapped. But once again, probably not, since Wild was the last to get inside.
9. Twilight bringing up the rear! His hylian is unmistakable, and it makes sense that he’d mark his name last. I don’t think he could handle it until he woke up that morning, though I do wonder which arm he wrote it with...
(Rip Mr. Mailman in trying to figure all this out)
Moving on!
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It’s gotta be close to mid-morning by now based on the light, but Sky obviously does not handle waking up at dawn well. It’ll be interesting to see if he stays sleepy during the rest of this arc, or if he'll wake up a bit.
(Side note, Sky looks so soft and fluffy here, I want to hug him)
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Sky is so relatable in this update, he’s got some serious “I have no idea what’s going on” vibes. That first one he's got such a deer in the headlights look XD
The mailman is just like “you! I’ve been looking for you! Great to see you!” and Sky’s just “I have never met this man in my life” (probably forgot he actually did see him once (because he’s sleepy))
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Four letters, all different languages and dialects... I’m guessing at least one Zelda based on the seal on that blue letter (it seems fancier to me), but I don’t know about the rest. I would guess Malon for one, and maybe another Zelda? Warriors or Wild or Four’s Zelda maybe? Maybe Twilight got a letter from someone in Ordon, or the Resistance!
Only thing I do know is that there’s probably not one for Sky, since he wasn’t immediately like “letter for me! :D”
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Four trying to do something nice and fix Wild’s sword and this guy just laughs at him, rude 😤 At least he didn’t make a short joke, which was honestly what I was expecting. I mean I get knowing that your equipment won’t be enough for the job, but sheesh.
(Also the blacksmith’s goggles look a bit like Gondo’s in skyward sword’s, plus the ones the rescue knights wear, thought that was interesting).
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(Cool pose mode: engaged)
I love this panel!! They all decided to follow Four and help him out just like they did last time, fix the sword and get Wild a good, reliable weapon.
I’ve also never noticed how similar these guy’s hair looks before, especially Warriors and Hyrule’s— if Rulie’s hair was a little shorter and blonde, it would be pretty near identical. Very interesting...
(Plus Wind has the funniest expression, he's so cute)
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We interrupt this rambly analysis to bring you a brief moment of me yelling about Warriors' smile ABHDGFSFKHSBBG LOOK AT HIM that stupid cocky grin and the way he's rolling up his sleeve I'm *swoon*
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Four absolutely losing it over Warriors’ jab about teamwork is SO funny, Captain you have no idea how good your joke was. (also Four, bud, you good? Little hysterical there pal)
Also he looks so happy!!! Compare that to any of the faces he was making the night before, he's doing so much better. I’m so glad he’s happy and smiling now, even if it was just at a dumb joke :)
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I don’t even have anything to say about this panel. Just look at it. Glorious.
And one last thing...
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MULTILINGUAL WARRIORS HOLY CROW that's such a cool trait to give him, I am in love with it now that's awesome.
An amazing update as always, it was fantastic all around <3
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aceofpatience · 10 months
🌙Your past life🌙
Well, hello my little oysters 🐚 This reading is an insight into your past life. I was looking into your energy, your previous job, goals, love, family, obstacles and advices form your past self etc. So there might be some things that could possibly trigger you (mentioned death, life difficulties). But, as always, take what you please, comment if anything resonates and just enjoy.
Shall we SEA?🌊
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Pile 1. Uroboros
Who were you: Scorpio energy. I think you were in some position of power. Very secretive, always keeping things to yourself. Also keeping yourself in the shadows as you didn’t like being in the center of attention. You knew you were smart and you used it to your own advantage. Old soul, maybe during medieval times. A part of nobility?
Your main goal/want: I’m getting the vibe that you were born in an upper family but you just wanted more. However your ambitions were not all wishful power lust - it was more rational, strategic. You despised sitting still and doing nothing. You were deep into the game and you were good at it, trust me. To be honest, I’m getting some Game of Thrones energy - not only with fighting houses but also with the setting (castle corridors flooded in semi-darkness lol). You wanted to make things better (whether it was literal things or something more abstract).
What did you do (job/finances): Your wealth (at least in the beginning) came directly from your family or heritage. You didn’t need to work for money, you worked for yourself, maybe some relatives. You liked the struggle, the puzzles, the intrigues. It kept your mind occupied. „Finally, a worthy opponent.” *hides a smile*
Love life: I’m sensing some arranged marriage or marriage of convenience (but it’s not like you were pushed to do it - maybe even you were the one who thought it would be a good idea to get married for some reason). You were for sure not looking for love. BUT. With the marriage ceremony completed, true love was served to you on a damn silver platter. Y’all just skipped the dating phase lol. And, what is important - your spouse had very similar energy to yours. You joined forces (world domination couple xd). It’s like when Loki of Asgard fell in love with the alternative Loki. For some of you, it could be the same sex relationship (but then it would probably be in the shadows). Or it could also mean that there was actually no marriage - because it was your decision whether to have one or not - and if you knew it wouldn’t serve you, you simply wouldn’t get married.
Children (or not): I’m getting some only child energy. It was your decision to have a child - not only you planned it but you actively chose one (adoption maybe??). Or maybe you had a pupil for whom you were not only a guardian, but also a mentor. For sure your child has grown to be just like you. I don’t think you were that kind of a parent who shows their affection openly (I know, shocker), but you were a protector. And your child admired you. For sure.
Obstacles: Passion has always been a dangerous field for you in your past life. Dangerous dance. As well as all the people around you. You didn’t mind competition, but to find out that you actually deeply care for winning? That wasn’t something you signed up for. It was scary to find out that the game actually affected your emotions. You worked better with your mind engaged only.
An issue that progressed into your current life: Sometimes a spilled coconut milk is just a coconut milk. 🧉 It’s not about being grateful for shitty things in life or just being grateful - just look around to see other things. Maybe don’t focus only on this milk. Maybe on some fruit, mango perhaps idk. You don’t need to win every day to be happy. (Sorry for philosophical bullshit but I heart these one loud and clear)
Life purpose in your past life: Power, strength and wisdom (the holy trinity lol). You were surrounded by spirits who really enjoyed watching you mature. And by maturing in that case it meant being able to look in the mirror (and face your emotions).
Lesson from your past life: Sharing is caring lol. Appreciate your family or don’t be afraid to create one. Some battles are worth fighting for, even if you know you are going to lose. And sometimes it’s okay to step back (you made your point, so what? Everyone is dead already, nobody heard your damn point). Sometimes it’s enough to fight for what you need, not for what you want.
Death: I don’t think you died of old age, you were at full strength. You just grabbed a higher position when it happened. You fell off your high horse lol. Or maybe you literally fell off some rocks.
Pile 2. Orange tree/sefirot
Who were you: Sagittarius. Love given. Love received. Strong personality. You had all you needed in you. The real magic in a real person, who cared deeply for their family. Your touch made things grow. It’s like your everyday chores were a spell you cast on things around you. A warm happy gaze.  You did ponder the way the universe works, karma, past and future lives. I think the person you once were, was actually aware of who you are right now. You saw the future! And, I think you lived somewhere sunny and warm. Maybe the south? I see an orange tree.🍊
Your main goal/want: Peace. Harmony. Trust. The connection to the spiritual world. You had and still have really strong roots. You saw my gaze once. I feel there was a time in your life when you wanted revenge (or something similar) and as a result it carried you away from the life that you truly wanted.
What did you do (job/finances): Your previous job required an enormous responsibility on your part, you had a high position. So maybe you were a doctor, a judge, a scientist, or a soldier.
Love life: A lot of passion and desire, but also heartache. One of you had a position lower than the other. I’m also sensing some age gap, and there was some imbalance in that relationship. I think you often split up and got back together a while later. Maybe people around you were against your relationship and you had to hide it. I’m sensing you both went through a lot of changes during your lives - you grew up together. And you never gave up on each other.
Children (or not): Surprise child. Unplanned pregnancy. Maybe you live in times when your relationship was forbidden and you couldn’t get married. And with the baby you both found yourself in a difficult situation (but you made a choice to keep it). Very much your choice. That’s random, but I feel that despite all odds your child was very happy and optimistic. A little ray of sunshine. You cherished your child, spoiled them with love.
Obstacles: An illusion you wanted to live in. I don’t think you were naive, but some people might have judged you as such. It’s more like you just couldn’t stand the ugliness of the world sometimes, so instead you decided to create a small perfect bubble for you and your family. A cheerful oblivion. But it wasn’t oblivion after all - you weren’t oblivion, you just couldn’t stand all the bad things.
An issue that progressed into your current life: Number 8. Like it was in your past life, you still have the urgency to help others. You have hope in you, which is beautiful, but some people might use it against you. You crave your ideal life, but be careful or you’ll end up stuck in your fantasy. I'm hearing the words: „Don’t drown”.
Life purpose in your past life: Motherhood (not necessarily literal). You had such amazing nurturing energy, capable of creating life. I’m almost seeing this as if you could make a tree blossom just by touching it. You were a perfect listener, you made people feel seen. Also you could have been a truly amazing protective parent (I’m getting the vibe of a mama-bear).
Lesson from your past life: Protect your home and yourself first. If you genuinely want to help others, make sure to care for yourself first. Giving yourself to others doesn’t mean slowly destroying yourself. Breathe.
Death: I think you lived to an old age in your past life. And as you were getting older, you were separating more from the world outside. I think it might have something to do with your death. “For two grandma swore.” (don't ask lol).
Pile 3. Atlas holding the sky
Who were you: Responsibilities. Religion. You were a human lucky charm, attracting good things. Fate either with or against you in your life, no in-between. Your existence made others believe in miracles, even though you yourself were quite a down-to-earth person. You gave off the vibe of a noble knight who helps their neighbors and everyone loves them. I'm seeing a sentence: „It’s not who you are, but what you hold within yourself.” Idk bro. And I think you lived rather close to nature, so no big cities.
Your main goal/want: Your goals mostly revolved around material things (you weren’t greedy, just responsible lol). That’s random but I think you wanted to own a part of the land (take care of it, cultivate it, use it, and live there).
What did you do (job/finances): You were so hardworking. Couldn’t sit your ass down. Something school-related? Or maybe church? Professor or a priest? For sure your workplace gathered a lot of people for whom you were a mentor.
Love life: A love that is a gift from the Universe. Steady relationship. Instant attraction, a lot of courtship. Something that was supposed to be just a physical thing turned out to be a deep connection. You both understood each other so well - you could have had a conversation without talking, just with your eyes. You quickly got married but not without making a little sacrifice (moving out to a new place, a downgrade to your life before or something like that). But, like I said, this love was a gift. You didn’t waste it.
Children (or not): You planned your family. You had all the time in the world, so you could go the traditional way. I think you had a couple of children after you got married. Your home was idyllic, seriously. I’m even seeing some flowers in your house and a beautiful garden. Safe bubble of comfortable ease.
Obstacles: There was some unconscious desire in you for some drama. A big action, a great gesture. Don’t get me wrong you were SO fulfilled at the family level, but something about your spiritual life, your faith, got you kinda restless. It’s like you heard the fate calling out to you, but you loved your family too much to follow it. But the call stayed. A small rip inside you.
An issue that progressed into your current life: You still can’t stand to do nothing. I bet even if you tell yourself you can rest, your thoughts just keep running and running. It’s maddening. And I think you rarely ask others for help. You might seem open and friendly but all the most important stuff you only keep to yourself. 
Life purpose in your past life: Guiding others. You held some authority you knew how to use. And the call - I’m sensing that some goddess above or idk, some spirit, might have been a bit bitchy about you choosing the family instead of your divine mission. But you go, bro! Show’em!
Lesson from your past life: „Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.” Listen to uncle Iroh! Don’t take yourself so seriously. And trust your instincts. Remember that the distance from the real world might be painful - history shows that gods rather often ask for sacrifices than handle gifts.
Death: Your death was quick. Maybe poetic? Or just tragic. Happened at the moment when you ended some important part of your life. No specifics here, sorry dudes.
Pile 4. Prometheus
Who were you: You were a warrior. A street-smart person. You experienced so much at a very young age (I’m getting the number 16). Because of that you had to grow up too fast. Mature eyes, but a young face. You were rather reserved, distrustful, often skeptical. But also strong, resourceful, independent. People might have felt intimidated or even scared of you.
Your main goal/want: „What am I working on now?” You wanted to master your skill. Even though you’ve already gone through the training phase, you still wanted to prove yourself. You were being deceived by your own personality.
What did you do (job/finances): You commanded others. You had to face forces much bigger than you, all alone. You were giving orders, but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t work as much as your subordinates. You were responsible for others but demanded the most from yourself all the time. Your job was rapid, you definitely weren’t sitting behind a desk.
Love life: Twin flame. Your spouse was destined for you. You met at a crucial moment, when you both needed somebody like the other in your lives. You both were on a tough path: I’m seeing two soldiers supporting each other while marching. (I don’t mean your job was for sure connected with the military - it's more about your resilient energies together). Intimacy. Passion balanced by a soul connection. Whispering secrets to each other’s ears in the dark. Sharing quick kisses in the daylight. You will meet again. Coz that's what you do - you keep on going and your paths are always crossing.
Children (or not): I think the moment when you and your spouse were safe enough to start a family, was actually the biggest victory for you. For your children you were the biggest authority. They looked up to you all the time. As for you, I’m feeling a lot of pride and fear for them. You wanted to be a perfect parent, again putting too much pressure on yourself.
Obstacles: Some circumstances in your environment made you move around the world. For some time in your life you couldn’t stay in one place for long. The politics of the times in which you lived put crutches under your feet.
An issue that progressed into your current life: You have this tendency to make sacrifices, putting yourself in danger. It eventually may lead to a whirlwind of less fortunate events that cannot be stopped.
Life purpose in your past life: Embracing solitude. Finding out you are as much human as the rest of us. You can make mistakes and still be reaching greatness. You can be alone, but what for?
Lesson from your past life: Focus on love, connections. Learn to combine opposites within yourself. You don’t need to choose one path. You can be with others and not lose yourself at the same time.
Death: In your sleep. You had some kind of divine protection - as you died, you were taken care of and guided home.
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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This is another project that I'm currently working on with @kazinsblog! We adore makoyuma and they're our number one faves.
So we decided to make a little 4koma style side special of Kazin's mini series "The Kanai Ward Case Files"
This intro is the only normal comic in this story.
Prologue: Flu season hits worldwide, and Makoto calls Yuma one day and gives him the warning. Yuma notices his congested voice so he wants to head to to Kanai Ward to check on him. But meanwhile, Yuma is trying his best to hold his cough as he talks on the line. Only to suffer the fit after Makoto hangs up. He isn't well either.
When Yuma arrives in Kanai Tower finding Makoto completely disheveled and passed out at his work desk, he ushers the stuffy CEO to bed. The two were shown pushing themselves while being sick alone. But now that they're together, these stubborn workaholics will finally rest and break from their duties in order to take care of each other. (for the most part anyway)
further information below
Of course since I'm involved in this project, they're obviously not going to be doing well... XD But this story is going to be a lot more fun and lighthearted than others I have written. (It's essentially written in a silly sick filler episode of a cartoon kind of vibe) meaning less whump, and more sick comfort and hilarity. There may be a few somewhat whumpy ones here and there (I can't resist) but it won't be as common.
Full Story Summary:
This RainCode fan side story revolves around slice of life comedy 4koma style strips with scenes of Yuma and Makoto being sick together and spending time with each other in Kanai Tower for about a week or two. They both have different halves of cold symptoms, Yuma with throat based, and Makoto with nasal based. (hence the title) Various cute and wacky stuff happen between the two and their bond grows stronger spending this time off together away from their duties as detective and CEO. They may be sick and miserable, but at least they're in it together! What could possibly go wrong?
The comic strips will be drawn by Kazin, but there will be some bonus art that the two of us will work on together (similar to the title which was a collab by us both)
Also, both of us agreed that these strips should be posted on my blog rather than Kazin's. Reason being is that this story is based on illness and my blog is half an illness blog so it makes more sense to share it to mine. You all likely expect this sort of thing from me at this point anyway… XD (I’m also the director so I write the descriptions of them.)
And this series will continue to be ongoing so long as Kazin and I have ideas. (we currently have almost 100 strips planned)
I will update this in separate posts whenever more strips get fully digitally drawn by Kazin whenever she can work on them. With the tag #kanaiwardcasefiles h&h. Some strips will be random, some will be two parters, and some will have a timeline or are connected to others.
We both hope you look forward to this project! There will be a lot of funny and cute moments between these two, so we hope you makoyuma enjoyers are excited!
Also bit of a fun fact: This was inspired by when my mother and I had covid late April 2024. Something similar happened to us, and we each had one cold-like symptom more than the other. (her with coughing and me with congestion) So I thought of this idea for these two!
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weepinglilvessel · 11 months
The way you've redesigned the slugcats for your latest AU is really fascinating me, They all really got vibes. Would you be willing to tell us a bit about your logic behind these creature/character designs? Or maybe a bit about your creature design process in general?
OOOHOHO of course! This gonna be a long and I mean LONG post so I hope you are ok with that XD
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Redesigning these four was a treat. I even gave some of them a lil lore/headcanon of mine.
I’ll talk about the scug anatomy first so their designs make a little more sense. It’ll explain why they look like this. After that I’ll talk about them separately below this.
(Warning there is a picture of an actual slug for anatomy. If you hate that don’t look)
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Here is a little thing I did
I wanted them to at least look slug like but not to the point they are fully just SLUG. The thing I added on to the scugs back is the mantle of an actual slug. (It explains what that is on them) other then that there are other features of the slug referenced onto the slug cats. Some of the functions of a slug don’t work the same as a scug, kinda like the antenna ( I know I spelled antenna wrong in the art, I’m too lazy to fix it shhh)
Now on to the other four:
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The Rivulet:
Rivulet was given even more features of an axolotl. Like have scales instead of fur like the other three. Since their creator is unknown (unless I’m missing something) I wanted to at least make the known with the scratched out marking on their back. Some extra fins as well, under the arms, in the toes, fingers, tail, etc.
Other then that, most of the stuff is the same. Still very speedy, still on crack lol. A lot of there energy is boosted by Hunter (who we will be talking about in a sec)
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There is so much on them. Little Red or Red’s name for that matter was given to them by Sig as they were the only red purposed organism out of Sig’s other scugs they made in the past. They are also the only one having the triangle on their forehand as a sign as the “original” one.
Hunter is basically a mini Sig. Building their personality off of him and making it their own. Red is just as hyper and silly, and often mocks others movements if bored.
They also communicate either through signing or dancing (mainly dancing cuz cause somebody influenced that COUGH Sig) in anger or frustration their markings and eyes glow green.
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Not much as changed for Arty as their design was based of many others design of her. Almost always close to Pebbs and or is with the other three hunting. Sometimes Hunter rubs off on them and she ends up being just as silly ( you can tell Hunter is influencing people too XD) Lot less angry as well.
Other then that not much was changed or added.
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Spearmaster has Suns personality a bit. Kinda cold, mostly serious, and focused. Their marking is almost or is the same as Suns markings on their back. They don’t usually hang out with the other three a bunch as to them they are kinda “unprofessional”. They look up to Suns and with that try not to do anything absolutely embarrassing.
In the heat of the moment or dancing with the others out of complete boredom their marking glows, just like Suns. You can tell these two are quite connected to one another, physically and mentally. They mainly communicate through signing but dancing is another option too.
I’m sure I’ve missed a few things of course, if you actually read this and have questions let me know in the ask box please XD ( also THESE ARE JUST HEADCANONS, not stating them as fact of course.)
That’s all about them for now.
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mazzystar24 · 4 days
I've been thinkin bout that bt scene. Obviously I might be totally wrong but idk, I feel like T kinda muttered "god I hope so" into his wine glass & not directly at Buck & he was being maybe kinda insecure, like in his head maybe since we assume he's older & more experienced he might think that's why Buck is sticking around?
Like idk, it's a call back somehow to the first date and the closet comment? Like T wants this to work out because he thinks Buck is adorable but you know they aren't really clicking so ya know whatever works? (But eventually it will fully break down)
And the way Buck said "but you think I do?" about the daddy issues is like Buck goin "....wait what?" in his head because his head does tilt a bit to the side like 🤔🤔🤔 And it's showing that they don't fit.
That it was intentionally weird & off putting.
Tho I do think the bit where T says "but your father is alive" wasn't meant to be snarky. Buck then says "Exactly" which I took as Buck being all "exactly, my dad's just THAT shitty and he's not going to change."
Off course then the speech Buck gave Chris is a bit eh, but like two things can be true at the same time. XD
Also I'm def not a bt shipper, Buddie all the way but yeah that's just how it came off to me. Lol.
I hope this makes sense.
I have been swamped with exams and neglected my inbox so 💐💐💐💐💐
Eh I feel like it was definitely more flirty than insecure like I’m tempted to add the gifsets for reference but I don’t want it to show up in the gif makers’ notifications but yeah like as he’s saying it it’s 100% like suggestive vibes rather than self deprecating making a joke about an actual insecurity vibe
Like I think for me this is definitely a horses not zebras moment
I do keep think that maybe the like off putting moments are intentional because so many weird choices have been made with BT
For the your dad is alive I think I wasn’t super clear on my opinion on it but like I don’t mean he said it to be snarky per say more so that the implications behind that line are things like “you’d feel differently if he wasn’t” or “you can fix things before he does” or as if that’s something to be thankful for or recognise when talking about his pseudo father nearly dying
Like the reason I hate this line isn’t that it necessarily has to be cruel intentions on Tommys part but rather that this sorta narrative gets forced down traumatised peoples throats CONSTANTLY (sometimes with good intentions) and it’s such a bullshit rhetoric and it’s even more bullshit to use that line while talking about this found family/pseudo father he has nearly dying
Also yeah that’s definitely what that “exactly” was meant to be like yup a dead dad would at least be less traumatising, a lot easier to explain, and probably easier on my therapist than this clusterfuck but alas
BUCKS SPEECH TO CHRIS- okay lots of thoughts on this because my mom got confused and picked thought daughter:
Do I love that the writers low-key made it sound like he’s comparing Eddie to the Buckley parents? no I hate it but KR was writing for this ep so what did we expect
Do I think a marginally better way to interpret it is that it was more so continuing that theme of paralleling buck and Chris’ issues? Yes
Are the basic and I mean like the very abstract very simple and nothing further parallels there? Yeah like parent not over their grief causes conflict between parent and child
Other than that no not at all Eddie never involved Chris in this, Kim came over with her Shannon cosplay without telling him, Eddie also never intentionally emotionally harmed Chris while the Buckley parents spent bucks entire life intentionally being the absolute worst™️ and emotionally neglectful and were shit parents to Maddie too by forcing her to pretend her brother didn’t exist while she was a child and mourning said brother
But I also think it’s actually very in character for buck to continue to sympathise with them and cut them an impossible amount of slack by trying to draw parallels to this situation like it’s less trying to paint Eddie more like them and more so using Eddie (someone he cares about and loves and sympathises with deeply) as a frame of reference to mentally try to humanise and sympathise with his own parents - idk if I’m making sense but in my head it makes sense
Like it’s actually a pretty common thing you see with traumatised people they’ll sorta draw parallels that aren’t there between themselves or the people they care about and the people who traumatised them because a lot of traumatised people will just constantly seek to understand that perspective more and sympathise with it like hell I’ve seen it with the people in my life doing it and it’s like woah those situations are very different I need you to recognise that
Loved hearing your view of it and it totally made sense!!!
Gonna see if there are any quick asks I can answer before I get back to my revision cos I definitely yapped more than I expected for this
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moodymisty · 9 months
Long time listener, first time caller (so to speak XD) and I’m absolutely ADORING the Primarch content so why not officially throw my hat into the prompt-making ring??? My brain worm of the day is something in the same vein (haha blood puns) of Sanguinius’ where there gets to be a private more relaxed moment. Prying our dear Primarch away from his work for just a few precious minutes, maybe longer if it can be managed, to calm tf down for a bit. These guys are overworked to hell, they could all use some TLC let’s be so fr rn. I couldn’t nail down exactly who to pick but I did narrow it down to a top three, Dorn, Rob, and Magnus. Those three I think are the ones most likely to literally pass out at their desks (impressive given their demigod status but I’m sure they’d fuckin manage to somehow XD). Idk if there’s much to really be done with this idea I’m just in my “let these guys be human for 4 seconds plz” feelings again 😭
As always love your writing, Misty! Have fun, no rush, no pressure ❤️❤️❤️
(P.S. Plz tell your cutie chaos birb all us readers say “hi!!!!” XD)
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's note: So you sent this in and then I just kinda blacked out and when I came to I had this in my drafts. Enjoy.
This post has been approved and sponsored by the Imperial Fists.
Summary: Dorn takes a moment of respite during a particularly frigid night on Inwit.
Relationships: Rogal Dorn/Fem!Reader (no pronouns are used tho it's just the vibe if you know what I mean)
Warnings: General 40kness so mentions of war death etc, Dorn being pretty emotionally stoic, Me worldbuilding too much
Word Count: 1567
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Inwit is cold.
Dorn had told you this as the Eternal Crusader moved to finishing mooring on the frozen planet, and you'd nodded in understanding. You lack the convenience of sealed Astartes armor, the cushion of air heated thanks to their unusually hot body temperature.
You knew already that Dorn's homeworld was an ice planet, so you didn't quite understand why he was telling you again.
What Dorn seemed to not specify however, was just how cold.
Your bed is covered in four different pelts, and you're still freezing. You have a blanket just for your feet, and they still feel like they're going to fall right off. At least during the day, you had an outer layer of clothing made of thick fabrics, in a design and shape more than likely traditional to Inwit. You assume Dorn had it requisitioned for you, but he mentioned nothing of it other than sparing a glance in your direction when he first saw you in it.
But now that outer layer lays on the trunk at the foot of the bed, and you're seriously considering attempting to sleep in it.
You know it's snowing outside, it always is, the fresh white layer of snow reflecting the light of the moon and illuminating more than what could be seen on a warmer planet at night. You can see more snowflakes fluttering downward, hitting the icy window. Your teeth feel like they are going to clatter right out of your mouth.
Inwit is cold.
And because of it you haven't been able to sleep, merely lay in bed trying to distract yourself enough to maybe drift off.
It would be better if Dorn was here; His body runs so hot you probably would've been able to leech the heat right from him and perhaps get a few moments of rest.
But Dorn is still tirelessly planning, as rarely does the man ever indulge in rest. He'll often times take on the the extra work to let you, one of the few silent ways to tell you he cares about you. Now is one of those times you so desperately wished he wouldn't do that and just join you before you actually froze to death.
Giving in you lean upward and kick your feet outward, sliding off the massive bed and hauling one of the smaller pelts with you. Your hands pull it tight over your shoulders, while slipping on your shoes. Without them just putting your feet on the floor felt like they were stepping on a solid block of ice.
You know Dorn is still at work in the messy workshop he uses as his personal room. If he won't come to you, then you'll come to him.
It's less cold now that you're on your feet and your blood is pumping, leaving the private quarters and walking into the hall. It's late, so it's largely empty apart from the occasional serf at work. You quickly pass by and keep walking until you find the door down at the far end of the hall. One of many in this maze of a building. You'd call it less so a palace, and more so a fortress.
You open the door and gently close it behind you, looking through the dim lighting across the room. You can see Dorn's outline as he sits planted at that massive desk. He's leaning against his hand, elbow seated firmly against the top of the desk. His hand doesn't even seem to be writing, and for a moment, you almost think he's asleep until he turns to you.
"What are you doing here?" You tug the pelt tighter around your shoulders and try to stifle a shiver.
"I couldn't sleep. Shivering too much." Dorn's face is just as stoic as always, though it softens just the tiniest at you admittance of discomfort.
"You will get used to it soon enough." You sincerely hope you do, because you're not sure how long you'd be able to stand this if you weren't.
Rubbing your hands together you swear you can see your breath, even in a room being warmed by a large but waning fire. Keeping fires blazing nonstop is considered wasteful by many natives of Inwit, given the scarcity of materials. It may be easier now given the ability to import, but Inwit being a Ice World will always remain. Life will never be truly easy. Not even close.
Trying to hold back a shiver you walk closer to him, watching his eyes glance to you for a moment. He's paying attention to what you're doing, even as you slip underneath his arm. You twist and turn until you sit across his thighs, leaning back against his arm as you look over his desk.
There's blueprints on them; Rough ones, scattered with various small notes and adjustments for a future draft.
"What are these for?" You don't really expect an answer, but Dorn does actually surprise you with one.
"Another wing for the Imperial Palace." You hum, looking over the mess of lines as your legs drape over his own. They only make basic sense to you, learning by sight in situations much like this.
His free hand lowers off the desk to cup the side of your thigh instead of leaning his jaw on it, keeping you from sliding off of his lap. It also holds your pelt blanket closer to you, keeping you trapped in a small pocket of warm air. Thankfully he isn't wearing his armor, so you can actually feel the heat of his body against you.
"You should go back to bed." You press harder against his chest as if worried he'll remove you as he continues to plot out rough measurements and structural supports.
"You aren't there." Dorn draws a singular line from one drafted spire to another, writing something along it.
"I don't need to be." You purse your lips.
Dorn has always been like this. He speaks with such indifference one would think that he doesn't feel anything; You wouldn't blame them for thinking it. You know he does, and quite deeply, but he's been harshly trained over so many years to barricade it so deep within himself that it will never seep out.
Dorn wants you to rely on him, not depend on him. He's formed and molded his legion under the same idea; That you should rely closely on your allies as they're pivotal to your survival, but you should be able to stand just as strong on your own. You shouldn't need him to sleep till morn.
At least, that's what Dorn wants to want. Sometimes he finds himself doubting. You aren't an Astartes; He brought you into a world of demi-gods and giants expecting you to hold your own, but he'll always desire to protect you from it all. You provide him with a tiny shard of glass that reflects back the humanity they're fighting for. That him and his sons had resigned to never being able to see. Sometimes he wants nothing more than to indulge in more moments like this.
Your head lays against his chest, and you divulge in the warmth after spending so long near freezing.
These blueprints span the entire desk and even curl off the edge at one end, with various notes drawn over them. There's so many redraws and revisions that it's hard to tell whats what, you don't even know how he reads them. But you still watch him anyways with hooded eyes.
"Dorn..." He knows what you're going to ask, as his hand stays firm and unyielding on the side of your leg so you don't slide.
"When I am done."
You had come here with the hope to bring him back with you, but now you find yourself trapped here with him; His personal vox making noise from the corner of the desk.
He silently hands you the device, and you begin reading them out while he continues to work.
"Requisition orders got approval, news that the Faithful Servant has been waylaid by a severe technical malfunction," You yawn. "Alexis Polux wishes to speak with you."
You remember that name. He's an extremely competent and surprisingly humble Astartes, from Inwit the same as Dorn. He's apparently recently been made Captain, judging by the honorific attached to his name. You remember speaking to him once. He deserves the title.
"And... Something about the Night Lords. They," You yawn again. "One of their ships drifted towards a battle barge a bit too close for comfort." Dorn doesn't find that surprising. The sons of Konrad enjoy those sorts of intimidation tactics, trying to goad fights and spread unease through even their supposed allies.
Dorn holds on your words waiting for you to continue as his pen slides over the parchment, until he finally looks away from his blueprints for the first time since you entered the room.
You're asleep. Your head is leaning against his chest, and mouth just lightly parted as you breathe. You had completely failed in your attempt to get him away from his work, not that it had a high chance of working to begin with. Dorn watches for a moment before he finally sits down his pen and takes the vox from your loose hands, setting the device back down when he'd taken it from. That same hand returns to you and fixes the pelt you'd brought here, keeping it from falling to the floor.
Picking up his pen again Dorn sighs- and continues to work.
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commenter2 · 4 months
The Show Must Go On episode review (Hazbin Hotel S1 finale)
The finale of season 1 of Hazbin Hotel. MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW! Also long post warning
Did the title of the episode strangely remind anyone else of the failed videogame “Showdown Bandit”? Anyone?
Charlie wishing her mom was there. Likely foreshadowing her appearing near the end.
Charlie really likes a man in uniform. Maybe take some notes on that Vaggie XD.
Looks like we got a glimpse at how Niffy sees the world, which is apparently similar to Randy Cunningham when as the Ninja.
I’m not liking how Pentious said that quote about living and dying.
During Al’s speech, you can see Charlie realizing that Pen likes Cherri and being happy for him. Charlie is Pen X Cherri shipper confirmed XD
Could Al be really starting to care about the others?
Angel X Husk and Pen X Cherri fanservice, Charlie liking the last one XD
Oh now Cherri is interested in Pen.
Gross, Adam’s personality is rubbing off on Lute. Even Adam is getting uncomfortable with it and considering its Adam that’s saying something.
The Heaven Bucks things sounds really fake, mostly cause I feel like money doesn’t exist/is necessary for Heaven.
WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE OUTFITS CHARLIE AND VAGGIE ARE WEARING!?! And why am I getting She-Ra/RWBY vibes from them? Also Charlie is wearing her crown, cute.
I’m intrigued by Charlie’s shield cause I was kind of expecting to see Charlie use her pitchfork along with it, but the shield is still a nice bit of symbolism for how she wants to protect people and not harm anyone…that much. It also shows that she and Vaggie are a great team/couple as Charlie is the defense while Vaggie is the offense.
My fellow DEATH BATTLE fans (which is hopefully a lot of you) get ready to analyze Charlie’s powers, skills, and feats in this fight!
Al’s shield being another feat of how powerful Alastor is, though I wonder if his recent deal with Charlie helped with it?
Aww come one Niffty finally has a chance to go all psycho and all we see is her just stabbing corpses!
While Charlie’s crown is black on the outside, its gold on the inside/other side. Not only do I think this is a Dante’s Inferno reference (it reminds me of the hypocrites’ part but reversed) it also symbolizes how even though she is the daughter of the Devil, Charlie is still a good person.
Alastor’s using shadow jutsu!
OK I DID NOT SEE AL’S VOICE CHANGING after his cane got destroyed. At least this explains how those times I noticed his voiced changed in previous episodes.
Valentino was really saddened when Vox said seeing Alastor about to die was better then sex XD. It’s also funny cause there is a similar line in Netflix’s Castlevania series, which I could definitely see fans making parodies of soon.
Wait WTF is going on now with his voice? Ugh.
That’s our Charlie, even when in a war she is still apologizing. Also her glitter is WAY more effective than Dale Gribble’s pocket sand XD
Also if you slow down the scene enough, you can see that Charlie’s shield damaged and dented the angelic spear, meaning its likely made of something stronger then the angelic steel mentioned by Carmilla in “Hello Rosie”
Charlie shooting fireworks from her fingertips, a nice example of her powers AND a callback to the pilot.
NO NOT THE EGGBOIS! Luckily Angel finally used his secret set of arms to save one of them, we even get to hear his theme song.
And Pen X Cherri fans REJOICED! Also again showing how shallow Cherri can be.
Aww this can’t be goWHAT THE FUCK! I couldn’t even finish writing this sentence because of how fast Pen’s death was! I mean it was implied he was going to die but I thought it be more dramatic than that! Can the Helluva Boss writers at least do this for when they finally kill Striker, or have it happen in my episode idea where Moxxie and his father in law do it?
OOO ITS TIME FOR CHALIE’S DEMON FORM. And in a Sailor Moon kind of way too.
WAIT THAT’S IT? It’s just her regular horns and a tail. The writers really need to amp up these “full demon” forms of the characters as this, Ozzie’s, and Mammon’s forms have been really disappointing to me especially when compared to Stolas and even Helsa’s odd form from the pilot. I hope that this is some kind of semi form or one of many transformations of Charlie’s, and her REAL demon form is something more monstrous but it results in her losing control.
I do like Razzle and Dazzle being dragons, as I did recall them having such a power but this is better than what I was thinking they’d transform into.
DAZZLE NO! At least he died protecting Charlie.
VAGGIE VS. LUTE ROUND 2 (ding ding sound effect from episode)
(Adam slaps Charlie) Again we need fanart of Lucifer and Lilith kicking Adam’s ass.
So a part of me likes that Vaggie spared Lute cause it shows she is better than the so called “angel”, but a part of me knows this is going to bite back later on.
Lute riping her own arm off just proves the previous statement. Still I wonder what a cyborg angel will be like.
You can control fire and shoot fireworks from your fingers, you these things to make Adam let go of you Charlie!
SO Adam is wearing a mask, like I brought up before. I wonder what he looks like under it.
I’m not mad at Lucifer coming in late, cause he likely couldn’t as he probably realized it would just lead to more problems involving Heaven, but again he shows that he is the best dad so far in the series by coming in to save Charlie. Take notes Stolas!
Huh, Adam looks pretty normal looking, even looks a bit like Lute. I was expecting something really ugly under the mask like a pale complexion, sweat, and an unshaven face especially since he has worm that the entire time we have seen him.
OH HO now were getting that Adam ass kicking. Too bad that line from Lucifer kind of ruined it. I mean I can kind of see it being on brand with his goofy personality but still.
Again no one is saying Lilith’s name here. Also I know Lucifer is likely joking about him and Eve being together and just referencing the apple, but I really want to hear Lucifer say he’s only been with Lilith for all his life, then took a break after the divorce.
“NOT THE HOTEL”, is what I would be saying if the trading cards weren’t released early. Still devastating to see.
Like when Adam was choking her, Charlie had the means to save herself there as she is confirmed to have wings. Maybe their waiting for a special occasion to use them.
(Charlie transforms) What was that? At least this confirms that Charlie can transform and confirm that hoove/foot idea I brought up in the last review. I wonder if this is some kind of power from her mother?
Okay Lucifer’s demon form is pretty good. This does make me wonder what that shadow thing of his form the pilot is, if that is still canon. Hopefully it is and it confirms that Charlie can have multiple demon forms.
Holy crap they killed Adam off and Death by Niffy no less! I mean I wanted Adam and Lute to get out of the picture so someone better could take the role of angelic antagonist, but I never thought they would just kill Adam off. At least Vaggie is really happy about this, and I don’t blame her XD. It’s nice to see her smile like this.
Again we see that Lucifer has restraint, which is still interesting.
Lute took his halo. I sense some trouble coming from this. Fingers crossed that it involves how Heaven is okay with Adam being gone, and Lute becoming the thing she hates to destroy Hell AND the “traitors” of Heaven.
I’m still mix on Katie Killjoy being voiced by Brandon. It is making me wonder if Katie was always going to be like this or if they’re altering her to be more like Brandon’s female characters like Bryce. I mean I always though Katie would have a role where she just keeps spreading bad things about Charlie’s hotel, even making things up/ hire others to cause trouble for Charlie so the news can keep reporting on her. Heck she is even thanking them which I never saw pilot Katie never doing through she could be doing it to save face on livestream television. It’s still a funny idea and it has even remined me that there was a time in animation where shows had reoccurring characters whose main thing about them was being obvious references to other fictional or even real characters like Total Drama had characters such as Harold being a Napoleon Dynamite parody and Anne Maria referencing Snooki, Dr. Orpheus from the Venture Bros. was a cheap Dr. Strange knockoff (but still really funny), and there is one character in Atop the 4th Wall that I won’t spoil here cause it’s that crazy, so check it out for yourselves when you can.
Another cameo of Baxter and ARACKNISS!
I also wonder if the Exterminations will be put to a halt here as pointed out in the sliding text on the news channel. It would be interesting to see if Hell really does have an overpopulation problem, and what that would look like.
I’m surprised the V’s aren’t reacting to this more, more so with Vox but it’s likely that he saw the fight with Adam and Alastor and now has a plan on destroying Alastor. That would be cool to see in the next season.
THANK GOD FAT NUGGETS SURIVED! I think VIvzie would have had a riot on her hands if she allowed him to die.
Lucifer said the episode title!
So it looks like Alastor DID care for the others, but now he is dedicated to getting his freedom back from what I still think could be the Lilith imposter who will also be an upcoming deadly force/threat
KeeKee has a Keyblade form!
Yeah Vox and Val are definitely going to use this news for personal gain. The real question is if Velvette will aid them, as her recording them say all this feels like she will try and go out on her own, dragging her allies down in the process. Fitting given her song from “Scrambled Eggs”.
Nice song, great that both Sir Pentious AND Dazzle got memorials, and the new hotel looks amazing as it has a little bit of symbolism from all the others like Husk’s casino vibe and Angel’s career.
PEN IS IN HEAVEN! Emily is loving it while Sera looks confused and scared, BOTH cause she has never saw this happen before or knows that this will kick off some serious consequences like a version of the Armageddon prediction. This is great as now even if the recent fan theory of Emily becoming a fallen angel happens, Charlie now has another ally in Heaven to help spread her redemption plan on that side of things, great for what I can see happening in the next season.
Oh hey everyone its “Lilith”. Yeah I still believe in the “Imposter Lilith” theory that I’ve been talking about lately, and the sunglasses bit adds to it since it is hiding her eyes, like how her face was covered in “Dad Beat Dad”. Plus there have been many times in stories where sunglasses were used to hide something in fiction. Also in the past, we’ve gotten info on her saying how she would like to fight against Heaven, so its odd that she would want sanctuary in it unless she has plans that involve her being there. The biggest clue would have to be that the real Lilith would likely have cheered when she heard Adam was dead. I did talk about how the Imposter could likely want to destroy everything, so for all we know she is pretending to be Lilith who wanted sanctuary in Heaven (if they even know she is there) which is all just a ruse to get info on how to destroy Heaven to fulfill her life’s work and if anything ever happens, the Imposter can rely on her servant Lute and the Exorcist to aid her.
I will admit that it COULD be the real Lilith. I did make a recent post on my Tumblr going over how I think Lilith actually recruited the Imposter to help her take down Heaven a peg a long item ago, but she eventually realized the Imposter had bigger plans that involved destroying everything in existence and Lilith has since been trying to stop the Imposter. At one point things could have gotten so bad to a point that she had to hide in Heaven (again if they even know she is there) until she thought of a plan to stop it like having Lute work for her (again maybe Al works for the Imposter) and similar to what I have in my “Season 1 is a test for Charlie” Lilith knew Adam wasn’t up for the task of defending everyone from the Imposter, so she had to install Lute as leader of the Exorcist so there would be at least a small capable army to fight against the Imposter/upcoming threat if things got bad. However now that Charlie’s redemption plan is getting more support and is proven to be true, Lilith could be scared that the Imposter could go after her and Lucifer next, so I think next season she will try and convince Charlie to stop her goals until they have a plan of stopping the Imposter. Maybe since she made a deal with Lute, she has no choice but to stop Charlie or risk losing the one chance they have at saving everything from the Imposter…until she learns that her daughter was able to make an army to stop the Exorcist which could lead to Lilith changing her mind and maybe think that Heaven and Hell should work together to stop the Imposter/big threat. Even then there could be consequences as we don’t know what exactly happens if a deal with a demon is ever broken. Would said demon die or would the natural of the forces of the universe go crazy until something happens? For any non Percy Jackson fans and those that don’t care about spoilers for it, look up “Trials of Apollo” and “River Styx” to get an understanding of what I mean by broken deals.
That was a GREAT episode AND a great finale for the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
We got tons of action, drama, suspense, fanservice, and mystery just like how I like my shows. The finale was really good cause its on track for what I’ve been saying I would like to see Charlie go through when it comes to the next step of trying to convince the people of Heaven and Hell her redemption plan is a good thing in general for the afterlife.
The only minor problems I have with it is that they didn’t utilize Niffty as much as I thought they would in the battle.
When it comes to the season as a whole it was great, with episode 4 being the worst as we all knew those events were coming but thanks to Helluva Boss it was made less serious to me.
I also agree with other fans that biggest problem the season had was that there should have been more episodes. I mean people know how popular Hazbin Hotel AND Helluva Boss is so it’s a bit odd that they didn’t get more then 8 episodes, especially since they aren’t the usual hour long episodes that are everywhere. Not to mention how half the season came out all at once here on Amazon Prime.
Apparently this is a big problem with Amazon Prime shows in general, BUT luckily given how well received the whole season has been (wordplay pun not intended), I’m hopeful that this will convince the people at A24 and Prime to give Vivzie and the HH cast more funding to make MORE episodes for next season, like maybe 14 this time. Sure this could delay the release of season 2, which is apparently already being made, but I bet I’m not alone when I say I’d be okay with such a delay if it means more Hazbin Hotel.
Hopefully next season though there are less trailers and clips released, another reason why there should be more episodes to help dimmish such things, AND if there is another early release on A24 it should just be like 2 days before the season comes on Amazon Prime and NOT a whole week.
I’m also calling it now that the season 2 episode premiere of Hazbin Hotel will start with a news segment with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench recapping some of the events of last season and telling us what has happened to both the characters and Hell/Heaven since the finale. I also predict that Lilith, whether the real one or the Imposter posing as her, will appear at the end of said episode starting off that season’s main story.
I definitely want to hear your thoughts on not only this episode, but also on the entire season so don’t be shy. What do you think/hope will happen in season 2? What kind of episodes or stories would you like to see in the next season? What theories do you have?
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andreaphobia · 2 years
P5R Pilgrimage: I ❤️ Akechi Goro
Finding out the jazz club really exists was the highlight of this trip :)
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As usual, more pics and screenshot comparisons under the cut!
First, a quick detour to talk about Penguin Sniper...
There’s actually a number of darts bars in Kichijoji, but I didn’t manage to find any that gave me Penguin Sniper vibes (do message me if you know of one, though!). In the first place, I’d always wondered why a bunch of high schoolers were allowed into a darts bar at all -- you’d expect it to have an older clientele and probably serve alcohol, fr’instance.
Then, after scrolling around the map for a bit, I noticed there’s actually a ROUND1 on the Kichijoji SUNROAD main strip. ROUND1 is an amusement store chain, kind of like an arcade that offers activities like bowling, karaoke, billiards, and darts. Since it’s an amusement center, even elementary schoolers are allowed, though I think there’s some kind of curfew for kids.
So in this particular ROUND1, the darts machines and pool tables are on the same floor...
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The layout of the room is pretty close, I’d say, although the RL “bar” is actually a cashier, not a place to eat. The machines in front of the bar let you sign up for play sessions.
I thought about playing a game of darts but decided against it. x) Next time I’ll bring a friend!
Fun note: some of the dart machines make the exact same sound effects that are used in the minigame in P5R. I had a mild out of body experience hearing them go beep boop IRL xd
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Anyway back to the jazz bar. XD Even the stairs down to the bar are reproduced faithfully.
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The lunch menu, for interest! (I had a lunch set of an anchovy and olive tomato sauce spaghetti with a latte au lait, a slice of cheesecake, and a lime soda. Yeah ok I pigged out. I blame Akechi)
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I got lucky, arriving about half an hour before the first show was scheduled, so the place was pretty empty and I got a seat at the bar. The cover charge was 1500 yen; I stayed and watched for an hour. :D
Satou Tatsuya on sax and Michishita Kazuhiko on guitar -- hopefully I didn’t butcher the romanization of their names!
The seats depicted in the game give the best view of the live performances, and are reservation only...although for reasons of needing to face the in-game camera, you will notice that they are looking at a wall instead of the actual performance. XD
(Also, in my head this means that Akechi reserved seats for them on their date there, ahead of time. It’s how it works in real life, so it must be true!)
I took a couple of photos after customers cleared out between shows. You can see the grand piano as well as the raised seated area behind the stage, and the additional restaurant seating on the right -- there’s stairs leading both up and down to more tables.
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Just a close-up of the “stage”.
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A funny aside that has little to do with Akechi -- while I was sitting there enjoying my food and the music, I noticed that several other customers had with them what looked an AWFUL lot like a single American dollar. Obviously the bar is in Japan so I was wondering wtf was going on; genuinely thought I was losing my mind. Or maybe it was like some kind of secret code that I wasn’t aware of...???? IDK, I was spiraling lmao
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It turns out it’s actually your check. (A dollar “bill,” I suppose.............)
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Even with the cover charge, the bill came to like $30. Pretty worth for the semi-religious experience of watching a jazz performance at Akechi’s favorite place.
Ending things off with an evening shot of the place lit up :)
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That’s it!
 I’ve actually got more photos and videos from a couple of other places like Akihabara and the cafe that possibly inspired Leblanc, but...I’m getting tired of doing these xd So this may or may not be the last one, at least for now!
Hope y’all enjoyed the posts :D
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punks-never-die205 · 22 days
So crazy 😁😎 when I'm ovulating can't stop thinking about Kid and his body 🤠 when I'm menstruating it's the same with Killer 😏
Lol I’m going to break away from fun unhinged and say something about there was/is some science about how the shift in need and desire during a cycle plays into why there’s an anthropological belief that early man did not marry and just kind of had at whenever.
People would go for the perceived “strong” ones during ovulation the same way other animals wanted the “best” genes, and then more softer perceptibly “weaker” mates when they were in pain from cramps and such.
Now, how solid that science is I can’t say, it was at least ten years ago that I saw the study, and I didn’t really dig into it. Anecdotal evidence from folks would suggest some truth to it, but I mean, I’m pan, so who and what I perceive as desirable is all over the place at any given point.
All that blah blah blah to say: dear anon you perceive Kid as the better mate, and Killer as the better caretaker, and I can’t say I disagree, but the margins are certainly slim between them xD 😂
Ah, Killer’s arm on your tummy while you’re cramping. I bet he’s a little better at foot massages too, and Kid does his best, but he’s not exactly oozing domestic vibes 😅
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mythgirlimagines · 3 months
Which Project Sekai group do you think would sing each PokéMiku song?
VERY good question that made me actually sit down and listen to all of the Project Voltage songs lmao
This got long so everything past the first two are under the cut!
TL;DR: 4 L/N, 4 MMJ, 4 VBS, 4 WxS, 3 n25
Volt Tackle- I think for just Volt Tackle itself, L/N could rock it since parts of it remind me of songs like Teo or Hibana -Reloaded-. However, for the Jewel Remix, VBS would be the ones to cover it and you cannot change my mind on that. It’d be really cool if in-story this was one of L/N’s songs and VBS decided to remix and cover it
Electricity Forecast- The Viridian Forest theme (one of my favorite themes in all the games and not only because of Yellow) seals to me that this would be an n25 song. I really have no defense for it other than that but honestly tell me it doesn’t fit. Like I could see an argument for VBS but I think n25 would slay this
What Kind of Future- I could see MMJ doing some kind of collaboration with Pokemon and covering this song, like them kind of incorporating the “attacks” in their choreography or something like that. The beat also reminds me of some of their songs, like Newly Edgy Idols. I can definitely see this on an idol stage. I also think at least Minori would be amused by all of the puns XD
The Pokemon Inside My Heart- This one for sure gives WxS, especially on the gaming side of things. You know if this were a song in-universe Nene would cover it even on her own. It honestly reminds me of some of their more chill songs as a group, and honestly feels kind of reminiscent of Starry Sky Melody for some reason?? That might just be me
Battle! (Hatsune Miku)- VBS hands-down, are you kidding? I don’t even think I have to justify my choice here
Fly With You- It’s telling the story of Mudkip and Pelipper, so I think WxS would cover this just on the storytelling ground, y’know? I could see it being a show on Wonder Stage
I GOT YOU!- VBS, and again I don’t really think I have to justify this choice lol, I also think this is one of my favorites so far
JUVENILE- L/N both based on the overall sound and the themes in the lyrics! Very fitting imo. Tell me I’m wrong I dare you
I’m a Ghost Type- I was originally going to say VBS, but I honestly think that n25 could handle this song slightly better? I’m still kind of torn between them but I’m going to say final answer n25 because they do deserve some hard-hitting beats like this, plus n25 has done several syudou songs before that went well
GO! Team BIDOOF- I’m kind of caught between MMJ and WxS for this one, but I think I’m leaning towards WxS just because it’s giving Niccori and I love Niccori lol (edit a second after I wrote this: they’re produced by the same producer so that’s probably why I kept drawing parallels between the two lmaooooo)
Awoo- n25 is probably gonna end up getting all the spooky-themed songs tbh but I really do think they’d do well with this one lol
Encounter- I’m split between MMJ and L/N but this also reminds me of Torinoko City so I think I’m going to give it to MMJ. Both groups fit the lyrics “‘You’re stronger than you were back then”/Even though I’ve grown up/Nothing seems to have changed, does it?” but MMJ gets the edge in terms of the sound of the song imo since it also lowkey gives Watashi wa, Watashitachi wa
Eon Ticket- I gotta go with L/N for this one, I mean just listen to it (I am maybe a little biased that marasy also produced Aoku Kakero! which is one of my favorite L/N covers)
PARTY ROCK ETERNITY- Another where I’m between VBS and n25!! Ahhhhh I think for this one I’m going to go with VBS on this one. This is another one of my favorite Project Voltage songs now lol
Journey’s Prequels, Journey’s Traces- WxS for this one, it just Gives Them
Psychic Psychic- I want to say MMJ for this one and I have no idea why. I think it kind of reminds me of Melty Land Nightmare vibes?
MELLOMELLOID- This one, oddly enough, had me split between MMJ and n25, but I think this reminds me too much of Darling Dance to not give it to MMJ
Glorious Day- I would love hearing L/N do this one, so I'm gonna have to give it to them!
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 8 months
Get to know you questions!! Tag whoever you like :D
Writing my answers in orange!
1) top 5 or top 10 favorite animals (depending on how many animals you like)
Hermit Crabs, Pigeons, Otters, Anglerfish, Shrimp, Cats, Manned Wolves, Salamander, Sheep, Axolotls :D
2) top 3 Minecraft mobs
Mooshroom, chicken, and parrot!!!
3) favorite vocaloid song or My Singing Monsters island theme and why! (If you don’t like/know Vocaloid/MSM, just name a song or genre you like and why :D)
Fav Vocaloid song is Brain Explosion girl recently, and fav MSM theme HAS to be cold island. Or maybe earth???? Hm
4) favorite and least favorite textures, no why needed :333
Fav is squishy soft things, least favorite is ice in a freezer
5) not your favorite color, but your favorite color palette (bonus points if you have a pic of the specific palette or a photo/artwork of the pallet you like!!)
Purple, Green, Orange, Pink, and Black! Total Halloween vibes!!
6) fav book you had to read for school (fiction or non fiction work lol, and if you don’t like/have any then just name a book or fanfic you like!)
Of Mice and Men was surprisingly amazing! Thought I’d hate it tbh
7) how do you think of the months of the year in your head? Left to right, top to bottom, in specific numbered rows and columns? Tell me :D
I think of it like this:
January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
8) assigned harry potter/ilvermorny house or Percy Jackson cabin or Warrior cats clan something like that lol (if you don’t have anything like that, star sign works too!)
I’ll do em all lol: Slytherin/Hufflepuff, Pukwudgie, Dionysus’s, RiverClan, I’m an Aries sun/gemini rising/pisces moon :D
9) MBTI???? Love those things :33 (If you haven’t taken the test yet or u just don’t wanna cuz it’s too long, are you a solider poet or king?)
I’m an ENFP-T! I thought I’d get king but I got poet lol
10) something “cringe” you actually rly like, no shame here :D
Gacha Life/Club, the styles just so cutesy! Ohhh also K-Pop, I’m a TOTAL stay :33 and DSMP, it’s just rly cool to me
11) characters from shows/movies/games you kin/stan/just adore!! NOT ACCEPTING IRL PPL PLZ AND THANK U :D (unless it’s urself, we like self love in these parts)
For me I currently kin Dazai, Edward Elric, c!TommyInnit, and I completely STAN any Project Sekai character. I mean any of them.
12) 5 people you’d wanna be at a party with and why! (Can be alive or dead, real or fake, celebrities or randos, humans or otherwise :D)
My grandpa to see him again, Roy mustang to see if he’s a bastard irl, Hachi/Kenshi Yonezu just to see how he’s doing, Kanye West to just ask him why, and BeastChild (the YouTuber) just cause I really like his stuff and would wanna meet him!
13) favorite hobby/fandom specific term and its meaning :333
I’m a writer (well, aspiring anyway, I’m not rly that good) and I love the idea of the sexy lamp. Basically if you’re writing a female character that could be replaced with a sexy lampshade and nothing about the story changes then you’re writing a BAD FEMALE CHARACTER XD
Cause it’s spooky season il leave it at 13 ;)
Happy answering!!!
No pressure tags :3 @touratoura @theancientwonder @kneecoal-mooma @citrushomie @skytheamazing @mitski-slope @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms @dicklesswonder-blog @vicaridoo
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
hii ive been following ur pride stuff on ao3 and i was wondering if we could get some genderfluid four where the colors fight on what gender four is? for some specifics, i think blue winning the fight for a day + being v proud of herself would be cute but im not picky, ik not everyone is a fan of transfem blue.
have a good day!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAVE SOME TRANS FOUR!!!! I dug through your account to see which pronouns you usually use for the colors XD.
Four is the Link I’m least confident in writing, and I’m also not genderfluid, but I did my best! I hope you enjoy!
Here's the AO3 link. 595 words, fluff and introspection
Four: genderfluid, pronouns change daily (no pronouns until the daily pronouns are decided)
Blue: she/her
Green: he/him
Vio: they/them
Red: zae/zem/zaer/zaers/zemself
Legend: genderfluid, any/mirror (mirror pronouns means whichever pronouns the person who is referring to Legend uses, the person also uses those pronouns for Legend)
Four looked at the headbands laid out on top of the bag: blue, green, red, and violet. Four liked to use the headbands to signal to the others which pronouns they should use that day. Four got the idea after seeing Wild use their earrings for the same purpose. 
Previously, Four let people use whichever pronouns they were most comfortable with; Four was genderfluid and didn’t care too much about pronouns. After spending so much time with an accepting group of other very queer heroes, though, Four decided to get used to choosing pronouns to fit the gender feelings of the day. 
It took some effort, yes, and a lot of introspection every day. The others had to memorize which headband meant what. Four never minded if they had to ask for clarification, but they caught on pretty easily. The hardest part of the whole situation was the others learning how to use Red’s favorite set of pronouns, since no one had ever heard those before. 
Everyone was excited to learn the new set of pronouns. It made Four feel very supported and accepted, and it made a warm feeling fill Four’s body whenever the thought crossed Four’s mind. 
A perfect reason to use my pronouns today! Red supplied. 
You’ve won the pronoun battle three times this week already, Blue argued. Four’s head inclined. She was right, Four had been using Red’s choice of pronouns for most of the week. Four pushed the red headband farther away. Those pronouns didn’t feel quite right, today.
It’s because I have the best pronouns. 
No, Green argued, it’s because you bribe Vio to vote for you. 
I do not!
I mean, you do sometimes, Vio replied. I really don’t mind, though. 
Four’s mouth fell into a frown and eyes narrowed at the three remaining headbands. Today was not going to be an easy choice, Four could already tell. 
What if instead of a vote, we solve a riddle to see who gets to use their pronouns for the day, Vio suggested. 
Four felt a distinct, blue-hued groan somewhere deep inside Four’s head.  
We can’t solve a riddle from inside our own head, Green said. 
Not with that attitude, we can’t, Red said. 
Maybe, Blue’s voice rang out over the others, we choose an outfit first. Then we can decide pronouns based on the vibes.
Four nodded. That was an excellent plan. Often, it was easier to decide on affirming clothes than it was to figure out affirming pronouns. 
Four laid out all the clean outfits in their pack. Four traveled light, so there weren’t too many choices, but there was at least one thing for each of Four’s usual gender feelings.
Four’s fingers brushed over the soft fabric of the best flowy skirt in existence, and it was decided. 
Yes! Blue exclaimed. 
Four smiled to herself as she picked up the skirt, a fitted undershirt, and a tunic to tuck in. They were traveling to a town today, and Wild assured the group they wouldn’t run into any more monsters on the way. Four was skeptical, but she had a lot of practice fighting in the skirt, so she figured it would still be a safe choice. 
Four slipped the blue headband over her hair, then pulled it up and settled it in place.
“Hell yeah, a she day,” Legend said. Four jumped slightly; she had been too deep in her own mind that she hadn’t heard Legend approach. 
“I’ll glom onto your pronouns for the day, I think. Feels right,” Legend said. 
Four smiled. “Happy to share.”
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officialgleamstar · 9 months
Yeah yeah yeah I'd love to hear your thoughts on the dynamics!!!
OKAY. SO. To restate myself: I THINK (almost) EVERY OAK AND CLOSE/FOSTER SHIP IS SO INTERESTING. They always have something fun going on … and also they’re always bi4bi which is deeply important to me. Sorry if any of this is hard to understand I am so so tired XD
Meryl and Hildy are the only two where I’ve not really dedicated thought to them. However, I could absolutely see them as like… you know that trope of a Casanova desperately chasing after the only woman who isn’t interested in him? THAT. THEY ARE THAT TO ME. Hildy is too focused on her career for men and it drives Meryl crazy
My thoughts on Barry and Bill should not be said in a public setting but I will provide this
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Barry is gray and bill is blue. He should fuck that old man (purposefully ambiguous on who I mean). Anyways
My feelings on Glennry are. Well explored LMAO They’re my favorite ship! I know they can be super toxic as a ship, but I do really love them, most of all, as a ship where both parties fight tooth and nail to get better for the other. Because they understand each other and care for one another and the other person is just so so so fucking worth it to them. It makes me happy :]
Henry/Jodie is like, a sleeper agent in my mind. I think they have the capacity to be so fuckin compelling but I’m usually dedicating too much time to Glennry and Rodie to think about it. I LOVE these two though. I’m not usually a huge fan of Jodie struggling with his sexuality (it’s just funnier to me if he dated Scam with no hesitation.) but I’m in love with it specifically for Henry/Jodie contexts. Something about Henry being so loose and free with his sexuality contrasted with Jodie being so buttoned up about everything makes me so fhdksgajdhskdh!!! And of course, it is canon in that one AU-of-an-AU for MnMoms LMAO
Nark <3 one of my original ships and one I’ve been thinking about a lot this weekend. The PEAK of adhd boyfriend/autism boyfriend in my mind. As I said the other day - I love them as established but ambiguous. No one knows what their relationship is, least of all them, but it has been going on for years. I find them really interesting but I don’t tend to agree with some of the like, I dunno, trademark features of popular Nark dynamics? I think Nicky is the type to do anything to get approval from those who cares about, way more so than I’ve seen some people give him credit for (more, maybe they give him too much credit? Wording LOL), and I think Lark feels intense guilt for the mere act of existing, and I think these two characteristics are SO fun to throw up against each other. Also I know Nicky is a cool alt demon boy when they’re teens, but he’s still a cop’s son and I LOOOVE that in contrast to Lark’s hot-to-those-in-his-age-group brooding and general delinquency vibes (ie (our only real example) swapping places with his twin so he can risk his life LMAO). GOD SORRY IM RAMBLING ABOUT NARK NOW I like them. A lot
In contrast to Nark, I think the general consensus on Lovesong is awesome. Sparrow and Nicky liked each other so much as teenagers, they were an adorable T4T couple, they’re adhd boyfriend/autism girlfriend, and now they’re the worlds messiest exes ever and it’s everyone’s problem <3 ohhh sword to throat scene, you will ALWAYS be famous. I also love them with a dynamic of like… Sparrow being much more confident around Nicky, but struggling a lot in general social interactions. Something about her blossoming and opening up when around Nicky in particular, and maybe neither of them even notice at first… but then one day it clicks. They’re just SO comfortable around each other and I love thinking about like. The details of how that relationship dissolves, and how much worse it must have made the betrayal. Their current antagonism is made so so so interesting, especially when Sparrow is such a pushover to everyone BUT Nicky… OUGH. LOVE THEM!!!! (do you guys like how I automatically trans fem Sparrow in Lovesong settings specifically LMAO)
Oakworthy is another one I’ve talked about at length. They are two bugs I am raising in captivity together and they keep trying to each other, so I have to separate them, but I put them back together anyways. Because thIS IS HOW OAKWORTHY CAN STILL WIN-!! I love these two, fully immersed in the fantasy that they’re going to fix things and get together in the end. I think the fact that they both have such strong identity issues but in different ways - Hermie has no idea who he truly is and tries on a million masks to compensate, while Normal tries so desperately to be someone else but his true identity always shows in the end - makes for a REEEALLY interesting dynamic. They both try so hard to be who the other person wants, and fail to realize that what the other wants is for them to be themselves. Makes me crazy
AND FINALLY. NORMAL/TAYLOR. Tayloak <3 only something I’ve started thinking about, like… in the past few weeks XD but I think they’re REALLY FUN. Obviously there’s this massive aspect of Normals jealousy of (and over) Taylor, which can be fun to play with in a “do I want him or do I want to be him” way! I think those types of crushes are SO funny in fiction. And also. Once again. They fit the autism x adhd dynamic except this time, they’re both high energy. Tackling as a love language. To me.
Obviously, all of this is just my personal opinion!!! I do not pretend to know these characters better than anybody else (except Jodie.) and this is just my interpretation of these ships :] if people have wildly different opinions I’d love to hear em as well, just be nice LOL
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Continuing some of the previous conversations + talking about random stuff…
Anonymous asked:
I meant by the new prison warden info since you mentioned you been thinking over.
Ohh, I see! Sorry for misunderstanding, Anon.
No, unfortunately we don’t really have anything new to share for now :( That being said, whenever we get asked about the AU, we kind of come up with a lot of new stuff on the spot  lol so if you’re interested in any particular character, feel free to ask.
artfulhero-m asked:
Ryu that office worker Lilia art got me feeling like I'm at work cause as someone who works in an office herself with coworkers who are decades older than her (I'm in my 20s) I cannot express how extremely common the scaring prank is between my coworkers, at least once a week I'm hearing someone yell "BOO!" and hearing in response either a scream or complete silence followed by laughter.
Based off of real events, you got me thinking about Lilia leaving some kind of noise machine underneath other's desks playing fart sounds when the office reaches rare moments of quiet in the day. That fart machine will circulate around the office for a few days.
I am so happy to hear that you have no idea!! I’m very glad we came up with something that has this very specific office vibe lol As someone who has 0 experience with the office environment, I had no idea this type of behaviour was common in any way. I hope these interactions are mostly positive though and not annoying lol
Lilia ABSOLUTELY leaves all kinds of noise machines and whoopee cushions around, you can also never shake hands with him because he has that ring that shocks you, all kinds of classic pranks he’ll absolutely do. And as time goes, they’ll get more and more elaborate.
And if Lilia gets closer to Idia in any way shape of form, it’s over for everyone, because if they join forces… With Idia’s genius mind and skills, he could enhance that noise machine in a way that’ll make the whole office shudder…
Anonymous asked:
Oh, I sent the cursed asks about what Lilia bullied Idia into telling and Lilia’s past crimes. Those were what I was apologizing for XD
So those were yours!! Good to know. I liked these asks though lol
Anonymous asked:
After reading about General Lilia’s sordid past, the song Weedkiller by Ashnikko reminds me of him. Just….major psychotic, unhinged, creature vibes.
Psychotic unhinged creature is such a good way to describe this particular version of Lilia, and I feel like this song could fit perfectly into his personal mixtape! Along with a bunch of death metal songs, so the sound is going to be quite contrasting lol
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any designs for Ace's brother? I've always thought of his brother as Jack Hearts from Disney recruiters if you don't, but I've slapped so much angst onto those boys it's hard to imagine they wouldn't want to "support" each other whenever Ace comes home for the holidays.
Well… it’s kind of awkward, because our view of Ace’s brother is closer to Eddy’s brother from Ed Edd n Eddy lol Ace used to think that his older brother is cool and maybe even idolised him a little when he was a kid, but then got disillusioned and annoyed as he grew older. They bicker a lot because they’re siblings + both of them are kind of mean and quick to throw each other under the bus. His brother isn’t necessarily malicious (although scenarios in which he is a complete jerk could be super fun too), but they often have heated arguments + there is this sense of “I’m older, therefore I win” between them.
Sooo… while this design isn’t something that we’re 100% sure about (if I ever draw him again, he might look COMPLETELY different, so keep that in mind lol), but the overall vibe is kind of like this. A jerk that kind of looks like a slightly older Ace.
That being said, Ace’s brother being supportive of Ace and overcoming complicated stuff is a sweet idea, Anon! I really wonder what their actual relationships are like…
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Anonymous asked:
Ohhh, you would LOVE Criminal Minds. Serial murderers, mind games, sympathetic backstories, cursed people doing cursed things, it’s a beautiful, terrible show. ☺️
I can’t believe this is my first time hearing about this show considering the fact that it’s rather old?? But thank you for recommendation, Anon! <3
We very rarely watch live action series, but anything that is described as both beautiful and terrible (and cursed!) is always intriguing.
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quinloki · 4 months
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Me when I saw you posted the last chapter
Now I’m like, no thoughts head empty except for the uh… ya know 👀👀
Between the tongue and the fire following scratches thing, idk which is gonna take up more real estate in my brain
Once again thank you Quin for solidifying Marco as my blorbo and writing such a good story for him 🫡🥰
I reread magic trick a lot, but I suspect that now that this is done it’ll get a good reread here and there (or at least… certain parts >>)
XD thank you!
I think it really came out with a good balance of cute, sexy, a little angsty and a *lot* of adorable.
I want (and need) to show love to other titles and blorbos, but there’s definitely going to be more.
Sabo’s fic will debut on his birthday cause why not, and in the mean time I want to get as many Kid and Law titles updated that i can. With Birds done I’m going to try an actual schedule - not for updates, sadly, but just which title on which day, so I have something definitive in mind when I start writing, vs losing time trying to decide XD
There’s Between the Three of Us as well, which includes Marco, but might be put on a back burner for a bit, or I might work it away from being a poly-title to just a Marco reader (my apologies to any Shanks fans, but the more people hate on Kid the more I’m not vibing Shanks, even when they aren’t comparing them. It’s a flaw, but I can’t seem to shake it.)
I’m trying really hard not to dive into the Host Club AU or anything else until I can wrap a few more open titles. If I can hover around 12 I can at least make a 2-week rotating schedule, and have half a chance of focusing.
I mean, it sounds big and it is a lot, but I’m enjoying it, so that keeps it from being daunting. Everyone always worries about my stress levels 🥰 but I’m not stressing 😘
I’m just going to be writing these stories until I’m Marco’s post time skip age xD (and beyond, let’s be fair.)
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