#░▒▓ a kind admiral (( verse;; main ))
trapastrology · 3 months
Picking Signature Scents W/ 2H
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For my lovelies who either want to find a signature scent, test out a new one or already has one in place and wants to see how true astro is... this is the post for you!
2H/Taurus rules over scents/smells.
2H stelliums tend to already have a signature scent or love scents, smells and are very particular. They aren't new to this at all, it's all 2nd nature!
Fixed 2H- Parfums. Noticeably strong. Deep. On the high end/limited edition side. Sticks to the same rotation. They keep a nice scent on them 24/7.
Mutable 2H-Ever changing. Their rotation changes often and they like to mix and match.
Cardinal 2H-Usually not the type to be too hell bent on fragrance. Changes based on mood or new direction in life. The midpoint between fixed and mutable.
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2H ruler in the 1H-usually like scents that correspond with their personality/mood of that day. Usually, the type to have their signature scents picked out from young.
2H Virgo-very simple. They shouldn't do too much and have too complex of a scent profile. They keep the same few in rotation and rebuy when the stock is running low. Less is more here. A nice clean/fresh scent is recommended
2H Cancer-going for a scent you smelled a close female figure in your family is beneficial. Using scents/products from your childhood that gives you nostalgia. Baby fresh scents. Usually opts to go the more natural body scent route tho.
2H Taurus-scents that bring you a sense of warmth and comfort.
2H Gemini-mixing and matching. Layering. The type to go more with body sprays over parfums. Doesn't really have/need a signature.
2H Leo-something that is very bright and bold and catches over people's attention instantly. Usually pretty heavy handed with the spraying.
2H Libra-may adapt scents from their partner's overtime. Something airy and floral not necessarily sweet tho. Usually juggling between 2 main scents or wearing 2 at a time.
2H Scorpio-deeeppp, dark, passionate scents. Usually dark and sweet. Night out on the town. The kind of perfume that you smell and want to follow to see whom it leads to. A scent that invokes your curiosity. Opt for parfums and scents that last over body sprays. Keep ur signature scent on the low.
2H Sag- deep, rich scents. dark yet fruitful. When you venture outside of your signature scent palette, you find really good scents. Purchasing scents out of your "usual" area or type will bring success. For ex, getting perfume oils instead of a spray and you realized you hit the jackpot. Buying Arabic perfume or perfume out of ur country for the first time. Stepping outside of their norm.
2H Cap-usually more rigid. The first scent gifted to them by a guardian is usually the signature. Business casual scents. Similar to Virgo, simple, nothing too complicated. However, very rich.
2H Aqua-Scents that'll stick with you. Long lasting. Parfums. Scents that aren't popular. Limited edition. As long as you don't see everyone else in the same scents, go for it! You could also find urself wearing unpopular scents that become very popular in the future. As well as easily influencing others and getting them hooked on ur scent. Better luck at finding scents online opposed to in person.
2H Aries- usually very simple, even more simple than Virgo. On the one-dimensional scent plane. The ppl who don't put too much thought or effort into their scents becuz they simply don't have to.
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2H suns/Venus-great scent profiles. Even when no one tells them, they are admiring their scent. They love smells and it's a huge part of what brings them comfort. Usually great at helping other pick out great scent profiles and such.
2H Mercury-usually has a changing scent profile or is well versed in high- and low-end scents
2H NN- scents is something that they should definitely get into!
2H Saturn-very hell bent on wearing a very specific scent all the time. It's been their signature for forever. Their scents last very long.
2H Pluto-expensive taste. Goes the dark, deep, fruitful route. Secretive about their scent (they should be). Perfumes tend to always smell different or smell sweeter/richer on them than others. Thier scent gives them a certain confidence to a degree. The type to get a perfume made specifically for them,
2H Moon-picks a scent based on mood so the profile can change often. simple and fresh is their style. light and airy. They are usually emotionally attached to their fragrances.
Bella asteroid in earth signs (mostly taurus and virgo) should lean towards warm, dark, vanilla and musk/sandalwood scents.
One of my most favorite posts I've done in a while! This excited my 2H stellium! Dm to book a reading with me! I'd love to do my first (well first paid) perfume/scent consultation! The first 5 to get one will be 15% OFF!
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yellowbluemoonshine · 7 months
I see you finished Monster and are quite versed in Johan. Can you help me understand the depth of his character better? I feel like many people miss the point of it. Also I'd like to know why you like him so much.
Oh, there is so much to say about him but i will try to make it short as possible.
Lets Talk About Johan;
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First of all, i heard his character as some 'evil' mastermind so i wasnt really interested in his character until i experience the story by myself. I wondered why this series is popular so i decided to give a chance. I tought Johan was like Afo (from Bnha) but he turn out to be a lot like Shigaraki lol.
What makes a character depth is if they are not one-dimensional, that there is a more than how they seem from surface. And Johan fits well since he is mysterious character who is seen as angel, monster, devil, basically anything but human but they end up failing to understand him because if he was so simple, police would've catch him a long time ago.
At the start of series, he seems like your usual dangerous serial killer which fits the psychological thriller theme of story. And one of the best thing in series is his connection with Tenma. A doctor saves his life and this dangerous killer starts to view him as parent figure. A killer who see no worth in life and the doctor who thinks every life is equal, especially saving Johan is the reason he starts to to be able to live his life as a real doctor. Only to learn the child whom he saved turn out to be serial killer.
Tenma feels responsible for this and goes to journey to kill Johan. During this journey, we aldo discover some hints of what made Johan the way he is. The irony is we get the hints and a lot of characters perspective of him, everyone except Johan.
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Is his messages about 'the monster inside of him' serious or not? Tenma assumes Johan is enjoying this at first, then he assumes Johan has multiple personality disorder. And later when he talked with other doctor, he assumes Johan is just playing with him because thats what most serial killers do with police. This is interesting because all of those end up being wrong. Johan doesnt enjoy from killing people. Johan doesnt have DID. Johan didnt write those messages to play with them. We know this because we later learn that he is unconciously imitate the fairytale stories he read as child.
Meanwhile, he has fanclub. A lot of murderers admire Johan because they view him as destruction Buddha. Just like others, he is seen as monster but why though? Its not like he is the only killer in the world. And personally, a lot of characters are more 'evil' than him so the thing about Johan is; he treats human life as nothing. Not just other people but also himself. Thats what makes him so scary to everyone. He doesnt even do it out of joy, money, statue. He looks like the devil in human form. He spreads misery to world. (Thats why he burns library when they said "its humanity's treasure" LoL.)
To people, that is scary. When they look at Johan, his eyes, the see someone who has no identity (nameless world). They see someone who treats life like as a game. Which explains why many people are afraid of him.
Some also want to use him, such as they want him to make second Hitler and he is like 'Nope'.
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I think the main reason i love Johan is that he is like a magician. He can create a beautifull illusion. He is someone who can touch people's hearths because how well he understands them. Which is why he is seen as angel when people dont know he kills people.
This is also why he can use other killers for himself. He can see their vulnerabilities. Because even a killer is still human and they might need acceptance, to be understood by someone. Johan can give it to them. And they wish they were like Johan because they think everything would be a lot easier for them to kill others, like some kind of edgy teens. They fail to understand the person they want to be is extremely miserable.
On other hand, Johan can use his skills with curing people. Such as him waking Suk's mother, he made her remember her son again. Though he does things with ulterior motives, same skills can be used for good things. He can make people happy or miserable by little things. With a little magic or just skill.
And even though he is villain, he has very relaxing voice. He is very elegant. He listens other people. This fits perfectly well with his manipulative character.
We also never know when he is sincere or not because when you think he doesnt he actually seem to care, such as when he cried for Karl. Apperantly, tears were real. He is always in his world, its so funny when you think about he is some kind of mastermind.
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Also his interaction with kids is so interesting. I think he geniuely enjoys being around them. Otherwise, why would he bother to spend time with them, why would he know so much about child's rights, why would he look for picture book for a friend? This is the same guy who encourage kids to rooftop game (and the scene where he was projecting on Milos) which is messed up. It gives me chills. His nihisilism, him viewing life as game end up resulting him expressing love as twisted.
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Later, everything changes when Johan finds certain book in library. Basically, Johan's character doesnt necessarely stay same during the series. He changes his motives from unconciously imitating nameless monster stories to find actual monster who ruined his life. Even though he does messed up things, everything about his character makes sense with that scene. Johan geniuely believed that he is nameless monster. Johan geniuely believed that he doesnt exist.
Everything about him makes sense because it explains why he doesnt think death as much of it. Because if someone doesnt exist, they cant be killed. If someone doesnt exist, they cant be responsible for killings. He is detached from reality. Its not that he didnt feel. Its that he doesnt view it as real the way other people does. Because Johan isnt there. This is the tragedy of Johan's story. He doesnt have name. He doesnt have identity. He feels as he doesnt exist.
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The famous 'monster' tape everyone after is about a child unable to see the difference between fairytale story and reality. 'My name is Johan. My name is Thomas. My name is Hans. My name is Otto.' He is them but he is neither of them. Johan views Anna as his half, as Anna is the real one and he is fake copy. He killed people as child, not because he is evil but because he geniuely thought that monster is coming after them. He cant even separate his own memories from Anna's. He takes all bad memories both to protect Anna and other reason is to become someone. He wanted to have identity, he wanted to live so bad but he didnt have on his own so he took it from others, just like the nameless monster.
This is also why Johan is also affected by Tenma's saving him. He probably wondered Tenma wouldnt save him, if he knew he was monster. He was kinda right because Tenma regretted his decision but he was wrong because Tenma couldnt shoot him and he saved him the second time. He showed him that he has right to live, he has right to exist, and that he has a name so he is not monster. This is why Johan can open up his worst insecurities. And they really give father-son energy and i think thats cute. I am glad that even after years Tenma visists him at hospital.
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And we can guess what happened at the end thanks to Grimmer (one of the characters who deserves better), 'The monster become human at the end'. and Lunge said that if he were not a human being, he would not leave a trace, only humans leave a trace. For the first time we see Johan leave his mark. So Johan is no longer a monster, just a human. Also, his real name doesnt matter, he is Johan to us/all.
I love the messages of story. There is a monster inside all of us, but we can contain/heal it and after all, we are all human, our lives are equally valuable and stealing a person's name is the biggest crime, so having a name is very important. Story still has certain writing issues but generally, it is good story. Johan is well written character because his story is such a journey. We cant even really appreaciate the story without fully understand Johan. Every scene he is in meaningfull. And personally, i think his story is very empathic because of how tragic he is. Also sometimes he looks so funny and weird which makes him entertaining. He is such a good character.
Though you are right, anon. Many people still misinterpret the story, especially his character but anyway, there are still people who makes great analysis about him. Such as this analysis made by @cyanogoth.
Its ironic that most/some main villains have the most interesting and sempathic backstories, even though they are supposed to be 'big evil' or something but in reality, they are not really.
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Anyway, he is fun to think about, i love him, lol.
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
The Sun, Moon, and Stars // D. Grayson x gn! reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: mentions of a strip club, sliiiight panic attack
Summary: part of assassin!verse Jason needs help with a mission and enlists you to go undercover at a strip club, but it makes bad memories boil to the surface. Dick pulls you out and makes sure you know just how loved you are.
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It was fine. You were fine.
You repeated the words over and over to yourself in some desperate prayer that it would come true and your breathing would go back to normal instead of the hitched, choking spurts of air that kept escaping you. It had been fine. Truly.
This was a fact finding mission that Jason enlisted your help in because he needed someone to go undercover as a server and the club was in Bludhaven. Dick hadn’t liked the idea of sending you into a strip club because, while you were trained, you weren’t trained for espionage or covert operations. You were trained to hide amongst buildings, not people. Your usual uniform was all black head to toe so you could blend in with the shadows, not the stringy and sparkly number Jason had procured.
Jason and Dick were both in your ears thanks to the comms that hid within your ear canal from view. Jason kept giving instructions, pointing out who you needed to talk to and who to avoid, while Dick kept quiet aside from the occasional remarks that kept you level headed.
But then you started to realize how many eyes were on you and you blanched. You were used to being invisible, damnit. Your skill set wasn’t dependent on how you looked but how you moved and apparently, the less than legal underground of Bludhaven found you both appealing to look at because of how you looked and how you moved.
It was like they were admiring a good steak or some other kind of meat instead of a body and for a moment, you were back in that cage as your handlers displayed you to some investors, discussing your worth in the value of monetary budgets and kill counts. You grit your teeth and shut your eyes, pushing back the memory and locking it into the vault of things to address later. You needed to focus. You couldn’t fuck this up. Not when Jason relied on you. Not when the people he was working to help needed you.
“Buttercup,” Dick’s low, smooth voice came over the comm line and you inhaled deeply at the sound of his voice and the affectionate nickname he had taken to calling you after you expressed your love for that damned movie he showed you. Opening your eyes, you took in the glaring lights and vibrating bass that shook the walls. It was fine.
“I’m okay,” you whispered. “Just had a moment.”
“Okay,” Dick announced. “I’m pulling it. Buttercup, get out of there. I’ll meet you in the alley on the left side of the building.”
“‘Wing-” Jason started to protest.
“No. Ask Artemis or Roy or fucking, I don’t know, Kyle. I knew this was a bad idea from the start.”
Jason huffed but relented, hearing the hard edge to Dick’s voice. The whole family understood that you were and always would be Dick’s main priority. If he put his foot down when it came to you, they knew to immediately back off.
You stumbled out of the club and into the icy night air, grateful for a reprieve from the constant onslaught of sensations. Spinning on your heels, you sped towards the alley Dick said he would be in and immediately deflated when you saw the familiar kevlar-spandex weave come into view.
Dick reached up and plucked your comms out of your ear before pocketing it. He studied your face for a brief moment and then he held his hand out for you to take. You knew what to expect and you shut your eyes as soon as your skin met his glove, because he swept you into a tight hold and then directed his grappling line towards your shared apartment. You didn’t open your eyes until your feet landed on solid ground and you found yourself on your fire escape.
Pushing open the window, you smiled softly at the sight of Haley curled on the couch awaiting your arrival. The little dog cracked one eye open and then yipped in excitement when she saw her favorite people. You slid into the apartment and scooped her up in your arms, both using her as a way to gain cuddles, but also as a defense mechanism.
Waiting until the window was closed, you turned to face Dick and sighed. You pressed your face against Haley’s soft fur and peeked out at him from over her wriggling body.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I just…I messed up. I’m sorry for ruining the mission.”
“No, I’m sorry,” he immediately shot back. “I should have said no to Jason. I shouldn’t have put you in that position.”
You shook your head and finally let Haley down so she could run to her other favorite person in the world. Dick accepted her sweet kisses against his fingers and then he stood, stripping off his gloves and heading for the bedroom. He beckoned for you to follow and you nervously stood in the doorway as he began to remove the Nightwing suit.
“Dick, you can’t just hide me in this apartment forever. I…I want to help, but I just…” You trailed off, unable to verbalize your shame at your fuckup. Dick immediately stopped removing his armor and instead moved to stand in front of you. His hands came up to grasp your shoulders and you melted into his touch. Tilting forward, you pressed your forehead against his shoulder and let out a shuddering breath.
“I was just a thing to them. Just something to admire and pet. I was a tool again. I wasn’t…I wasn’t a person. I didn’t have worth outside of what they determined.”
His lips pressed against your temple and he enfolded you into a hug. “But you’re worth everything. They don’t see that and the bastards who took you never saw that. You’re worth fucking everything, Buttercup, don’t you ever forget that.”
“You won’t ever let me forget it,” you joked and he chuckled, soft breath wafting over your cheek. Standing there, in your room, in his arms, you felt wanted. You felt loved.
“C’mon, let’s get out of these clothes, take a shower, into pajamas and then…” He left the ending of his sentence up to you and you tilted your head up so you could beam up at him.
“And then we watch Love is Blind?”
“I’m going to kill Cass for introducing that show to you, but yeah.”
You fiddled with the collar of his under armor and he nudged his nose against your temple, encouraging you to talk. Dick was always patient when you struggled to express your wants. It wasn’t something that you were trained to do. The Wayne family always pressed you to say what you wanted to do or eat or listen to and they always tried to ensure those wants were carried out.
“We could bake some cookies?” You asked it so shyly that his heart ached. He wanted to give you the whole world along with the sun and the stars, if you so desired it. No one should feel timid about asking for some fucking cookies. In fact, his blood damn near boiled when he thought about how you didn’t even know what a cookie was when Alfred made some the first week you were at the Manor.
“As you wish,” he murmured against your hair. Maybe you didn’t want the sun and the stars, but he could certainly get you cookies if that’s what you wanted.
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @bunny-kawa​ @khaylin27​
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ordinaryschmuck · 7 months
So, I finally watched Hazbin Hotel...
Weird, given how I talked about it a bunch. Heck, one of my top rated posts at the moment is my interpretation regarding the fear in Alastor's eyes during his breakdown. But despite having opinions on Hazbin Hotel, I've never really checked the show out, especially as it was coming out. I was kind of waiting for all episodes to get released so I could binge it all in one sitting, but I kept pushing that off until TODAY, and...I have thoughts.
Love the animation of the show. Every praise I could give animation is present, with each character being incredibly expressive, their movements fluid, and the animators know when to be stiff for comedic scenes and giving their all for the big musical numbers or action.
I also love the way these characters look. I hear people complain about how overdesigned everything is, and that's valid. I would NOT want to animate this show due to every detail that I'd have to keep track of. But...if we can still praise Spider-Verse despite the animators being under torturous conditions as they make every frame a work of art, we can give the animators the same pat on the back here for making this show look as good as it is. Besides, a few years ago we had people complaining how every western cartoon looks the same. Now we have a show that's the most visually distinct than a lot of animated series coming out today and now we're complaining about that? I'm a man who admires effort more than anything, and while I agree that simpler is better with televised animation, I'm still proud that the animators pulled through in this.
The songs are all great, with personal favorites being "Loser, Baby," "Hell's Greatest Dad," "Stayed Gone," "Hell is Forever," and "You Didn't Know." The weakest one is probably "Whatever it Takes," but it's not really BAD, not me. Just not as strong as the others. I dug this soundtrack and it was the main thing that suck me into this show.
Charlie, as a protagonist, is pretty strong. I love the irony of the daughter of Hell is the nicest person in existence and her frustrations in making the Hazbin Hotel a success a delight because you WANT her to succeed as much as everyone else does. Plus, where most adult comedies make their protagonists cynical a-holes, it's a nice change of pace to have a hopeful one that apologizes as she's fighting people. Love it.
Angel Dust is easy to root for. What he goes through with Valentino is...something that someone like me can't fully grasp and understand, let alone judge. But I personally feel like it does the job to show the tragedy that this character goes through and allows you to root for him to get better.
And I like that Husk is right there to support Angel Dust, being a sort of conscience to protect him despite how much Angel gets on Husk's nerves. I also dig that they grow closer together, treating each other with mutual respect and admiration. It's sweet and I hope things turn out well for these two. Plus, he's voiced by Kieth David. The man can't do wrong.
Nifty is the funniest character in the show, and I will hear no disagreements about it.
Sir Pentious is a lovable loser who's the second funniest character. He reminds me of Papyrus from Undertale, trying so hard to prove that he's strong and powerful only to hilariously fail at every turn. You really root for the guy to get better and feel grateful that he finds happiness in a way I'm not sure anyone could have expected.
Rosie only appeared in one episode, and she's already my favorite. The gal's chipper and supportive towards Charlie, to the point where I completely forgot that she was a cannibal overlord who killed her partner to take full control of the business. Again, I love the irony of characters like this.
Lucifer was more fun than expected. I thought he'd be Mr. Serious, but he's just as bombastic and fun-loving as Charlie and Jeremy Jordan sounds like he's having the time of his life being this character to the point where it's addicting.
Vox has the potential to be a great antagonist and it's a crime that he only has ONE episode with relevance. Hoping he gets more in the future.
And Alastor. I love the concept of a character always smiling with the only thing betraying him are his eyes. As someone who takes joy in facial expressions, I always have a great time trying to analyze a character's restrictions and seeing how they emote, especially when animators and artists utilize a character's eyes to do most of the talking. That's done here in spades, making Alastor more interesting of an evil character as he keeps people guessing with his devious smile, not even dropping it when he's having a mental breakdown.
All and all, I can see how this show can draw in an audience...BUT...
The comedy misses more than it hits. The funniest stuff comes from Nifty and Sir Pentious, but other than that, I don't really laugh much with this show. The dramatic moments work decently enough, so that's a pro, but when it's trying to make you laugh, it crumbles for the most part.
The constant swearing does get on one's nerves a bit. Dialogue, more than anything, depends on character. And to have EVERYONE swear almost consistently feels like a misstep. Because if everyone shares a similar level of lingo, then how can you differentiate a character's line on paper. Plus, I feel like it cheapens certain character. Saint Peter, the man who greets you at the pearly gates, shouldn't be another character that goes, "Oh, shit" when him going "Oh, shucks" speaks more about who is compared to everyone else and gives a glimpse into how different Heaven is from Hell.
The dialogue also hurts a character like Adam too. I want to buy that he's Earth's first man, but having him talk like a douchebag rockstar kind of takes me out of it a bit. Like, the way he talks doesn't sound like how the first human being should sound. He sounds like a guy who died in the late eighties, which SHOULD be funny but it's too distracting too much of the time when a character who talks like an old man who's ignorant to modern thinking could have had so much to say about what Heaven deems as worthy to be up above. They nailed the ignorance, but had him speak it in a way that doesn't fit humanity's first man. Maybe less "Call me Dickmaster" and more more "Call me Sir."
Vaggie...is FINE, I guess? But her character faces the same problems as Millie in Helluva Boss, where most of her personality and character is dependent on the relationship she has with another.
I'm also not a fan of Chaggie. I'm sorry. I'm in love with the ship dynamic of the stern, responsible one paired with the bubbly optimist. Heck, I'm a Lumity shipper because of it. But Chaggie just...WHELMS me. I don't hate them together but I'm not foaming at the mouth with each cute scene they share either. Honestly, I ship Charlie more with Emily than I do Vaggie, which...sucks for Vaggie, I guess. But Emily deserves love in her life too, dammit.
And the pacing for this season really is bad. I don't think the problem with this show is that it had eight episodes. Less is more is a phrase for a reason and we don't need twenty episode long seasons for EVERY show. I prefer it, don't get me wrong. Allows characters the a chance to breath and allows the story to take its time more. But what kills Hazbin Hotel's first season is that it feels like a three-season long story just got wrapped up into ONE. I'm sure there's more plans with Heaven, the Vees, and especially Lilith, but to have the season end with the next extermination feels like Avatar ending its first season with Souzin's Comet. There's so much the characters need to do and prepare for in so little time, ending a status quo shaking event, that I feel like a smarter idea would have been splitting this season's story line up into three parts. I mean, unless the cast and crew didn't know ahead of time that they'd only get eight episodes a season, why not have a little faith that they could have split the story up better? Because otherwise, it makes the show feel like it went by way too quickly. Eight episodes isn't a problem, but how they use those eight episodes DO.
So, while I can absolutely see why Hazbin Hotel could have its fans, I can also see how it can put people off. The style and characters work well enough, but the dialogue, jokes, and story need much more polish. It's not the worst, but not the best either. I hope things improve in Season Two and that the show itself can redeem ITSELF in the future.
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respondedinkind · 8 months
~ Character Info Sheet (MAIN VERSE)
name: Khan Noonien Singh
name meaning: Khan, which is more popular as a surname, is a Turkish boy's name meaning "prince". Khan is a shorter form of Khagan, and was originally a historic title given to military chiefs and rulers. Noonien is of Chinese origin and means "gifted one", though it's unclear whether this is accurate or not. Singh is derived from the Sanskrit word सिंह (IAST: siṃha) meaning "lion", and is used in the sense "hero" or "eminent person".
alias/es: John Harrison, created and given to him by Admiral Marcus as a smokescreen to hide his true identity.
ethnicity: Confidential information
one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone:
During his time under Marcus' command, Khan was not only forced to create powerful weapons and design an entire warship fitting to Marcus' demands, but he was also forced to go through mental as well as physical abuse. Marcus used his crew to control him, threatened Khan to take their lives if he were to disobey; Two of his people died this way, leaving Khan devastated and broken.
Khan is, in fact, not human - this information is confidental, however, and the few papers existing from the time he was risen are locked up somewhere in the archives. Marcus knows, however, with him being of high rank - which is precisely why he wanted to keep and use Khan for his purposes.
During his time as a ruler in between 1992 and 1996, Khan maintained a close relationship to a selected few of his following (mostly males, with a few rare exceptions) - the mentioned relationship included connections of sexual kind, but didn't really turn into romantic love-interests. They all enjoyed each other's company together, as a group, on more than just one occasion.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Reading. He enjoys a lot of different genres, prefers the feel of real paper between his fingers, but will also use whatever electronic device is offered to him to entertain himself.
Stargazing. It reminds him of his childhood, back when he'd been risen in the twentieth century; The stars have always fascinated him, perhaps it has to do with his origins.
Cooking. He rarely gets the chance to do so, but Khan enjoys the logical but also creative approach of creating dishes - he's a big fan of the asian as well as indian cuisine.
eight people your character likes / loves: His crew, obviously. Seventy-two people, still within their cryotubes; He would do anything for them, as he knows they would do anything for him in return. He considers them his family, his friends, people he holds most dear.
Besides them, he doesn't keep any close connections at the current time. While residing under Marcus' command, he didn't really care about anyone else, only had the occasional chat with others working at Section 31, but nothing of significant nature.
The rest is entirely thread-dependent; Khan is about to connect to @darehearts, he also feels very close to @sxbaist (in every single Verse) and, besides that, is starting to connect tentatively to a few other muses. (Also very verse-dependent; In his MCU verses he's getting relatively close to @bloodstainedstar and is already deeply in love with @mehrere-musen - in one alien verse he is friends with @noblehcart and in another alien verse he is also deeply in love with @ssolessurvivor)
two things your character regrets:
Having put his people into the torpedoes he'd designed. Back when he'd done it, there hadn't been any other way available for him to try and smuggle them into safety - yet, with how the events unfolded in the end, part of him regrets that he's executed his own plan and, sadly, got discovered in the process, forcing him to leave them behind while escaping alone.
Having put himself as well as his crew into cryotubes to begin with. Back when all of them had been forced into exile, he'd planned for them to sleep a few years while their ship drifted through space, far away from earth, so as to allow them all to resume their lives at another point. That his own cryotube malfunctioned, didn't wake him up within the estimated timespan, he obviously didn't account for; Ten of his friends lost their lives because of that, and, in the end, Marcus found them over two hundred years after the Eugenic Wars had happened, resulting in the whole desaster that followed.
Phobias fears your character has:
The fear of losing someone he loves, either plantonic or romantic. Because of what he's gone through while being held hostage by Marcus, made to witness the death of two of his people caused by the Admiral's hands, Khan ever since experiences the overwhelming fear of being unable to keep someone safe and, therefore, lose them forever. Whoever gets close to him, he intents to protect, and he might become a bit overly protective because of his mentioned fear.
A mild 'fear' of doctors / scientists. It manifests less in actual fear but more in varying stages of discomfort; Because of what he went through as a child as well as under Marcus' command, he's not too fond of being handled by either of them.
tagged by: no one tagging: @bloodstainedstar because I don't think you did this yet. :)
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Hook (Albedo/Reader) Pt. 1
“A new assistant?” Albedo looked up from his paperwork to give Sucrose his full attention. “What reason would there be for me to need a new one?”
“Ah—well—you see—” She wrings her hands together, eyes darting all around the room and refusing to look fully at him.
Though he is willing to admit the sudden announcement of her saying she found him a new assistant was a small shock, he fully expected it to happen eventually. Sucrose was a woman of her own research category, while his was a much broader spectrum. Sooner or later it would lead to clash or drift, and it seems it was the latter.
It is curious, however, that she already planned this ahead of time. So they’re not sitting in silence, he does a quick inwardly reminder to himself to use body cues for a social interaction. He tilts his head so she can feel encouraged to keep speaking. She gives a moment or two for her to regain the confidence to speak again, but Albedo is a very patient man, willing to wait however long for her to answer.
“Remember when… when I told you I was—ah—going to Sumeru for a big bio-alchemy project?”
Ah, yes. He does remember such a thing, however… “I do. But wasn’t it supposed to be another two months and one week from now?”
“Yes… it turns out that they need my help with it now since the temperature will be rising within the next week or two—and that is exactly what we were needing to start the project.” Sucrose adjusts her glasses and takes her hair to fiddle with it. A nervous tick, he knows, her hands can never stay still. She starts combing her hair as she says, “And—I—well—I know you’re not the biggest fan of socializing—and I mean no offense to it, of course! I—!”
“It’s alright,” he chuckles softly, “I am willing to admit my faults. Social interactions, as you know, are far too draining for me to keep up with on the daily. But may I ask why it pertains to this particular subject?”
Sucrose had begun to braid her hair now, her eyes trained on his boots. “I… I have a friend staying with me. They’re—ah—a pen pal from Sumeru. They’re very kind, and good at talking to people.” Her eyes flicker up to meet his gaze for only a moment before lowering again, focusing on his hands now. “They just recently moved here, only a couple weeks ago. But—I think they’d be a good assistant to you.”
“Interesting.” Albedo strokes his chin, mind already going to several different plans. He’ll obviously have to arrange a meeting with this individual to see if they really will be a good fit for his workstyle, as well as testing their capability in helping him with experiments, deliveries, discussing things with clients or—
Oh—but he’s getting ahead of himself. He looks at Sucrose, asking, “How versed in the art of alchemy would you say they are?”
“Mm… not at all?” Her shoulders hunch up, ears folding back as if she were expecting him to snap at her. He would never do such a thing. Though he is disappointed, he won’t judge a book by its cover.
So he asks instead, “Could you perhaps tell me their skillset, then?”
It takes her a moment to calm the tension in her shoulders, slowly able to look him in the eye by the time she finishes her braid. She begins to undo it, carefully combing out whatever tangles formed as she says, “They’re a painter, actually. Remember the painting in the main hall of the Knights Headquarters—the one of Jueyun Karst? That was theirs.”
Yes, Albedo recalls it. The use of colors and composition was simply enchanting, giving it the ethereal feel the home of the adepti gave. They must have spent many painstaking days working on the piece, for each time Albedo pauses to admire it, he keeps finding more and more details he had previously missed.
“I see, perhaps what some people like to call an ‘art buddy’ is what you are giving me, then?” He asks, a small smile playing on his lips. He can't help but tease at times, knowing full well what her reaction will be every time, but it’s simply become second nature by now.
“Ah—no, no!” Sucrose quickly waves her hands for emphasis. “Well—maybe?” She scratches her cheek. “If you wanted, that is. It’s more—they’re kind, and work efficiently. They may not know much of anything about alchemy, but they can still get certain tasks done that—that you’re too busy to fulfill or simply don’t want to do.” She fiddles with her gloves now, picking at lint. “And you could just do a small trial run, maybe? If it doesn’t work, I’m sure they’d be fine with helping you find a different assistant.”
“Understood. Then do you know when they’re next available? I could arrange a meeting with them where we can interview one another.” He’s already grabbing one of his many spare notebooks and writing down a few questions he’ll ask them.
“They’re actually free for the next week, after just finishing a painting for a client. Maybe… tomorrow, or the day after could be good for you two?” Again Sucrose wrings her hands together, her right ear flicking as a knight walks past the lab.
“That’s perfect, actually.” It’ll give him plenty of time to prepare for such an impromptu social interaction. While it is true he finds himself curious about this friend of hers, speaking to someone new—without knowing who they are or what they’re life aside from Sucrose’s words was almost much more exhausting than it was worth. If they really are good at talking to others, it’ll certainly be a blessing. It’ll give him more time to work on experiments by sending them in his stead unless it were absolutely necessary for him to go.
But, ah, he’s getting ahead of himself again. Best not make such plans before he actually meets them and the deal is sealed between the two of them.
Albedo smiles at Sucrose, saying, “Then—if you wouldn’t mind—could you let them know I’ll be happy to arrange a meeting with them to discuss the requirements, pay, and scheduling.”
“Of course, I’ll go let them know right now!” She perks up, returning his smile with her own and claps her hands together. She begins to walk towards the doorway leading out the lab, before pausing to look at him again. “Would you like me to come back with their answer afterwards?”
“If it’s no trouble, then yes, please. Thank you, Sucrose.” He taps his pen against the paper, writing down another question that comes to mind, eyes flickering to her for a brief moment before back to the paper.
She bids him farewell, hurrying out of the room. Was there a light skip in her step or was that a trick of his eye? Curious. Ah well, he might as well finish putting the questions in his mind onto paper before they vanish forever.
With a soft hum, Albedo gets back to writing, only pausing once as several thoughts cross his mind.
Where would this meeting be held? Should it be a public space or somewhere private? It’s not like he has anything to hide, but would they prefer a more private, business setting or somewhere open and lax? If it were a public setting should he take them to Angel’s Share, Cat’s Tail, Good Hunter, or perhaps the Ancient Winds Cafe that opened up about a month ago?
Do they even drink alcohol? Or do they prefer coffee or tea, or just a simple cup of water? Should he offer to buy them food as well?
Ah, so many variables…
Perhaps he should have asked Sucrose before she ran off. Oh well, he’ll figure something out.
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deathinfeathers · 8 months
Main verse timeline!
This is specifically for the newcomers who are unfamiliar with Lute's story. Here you will find a comprehensive list of major events which have transpired in canon! Hopefully this will help bring you up to speed with who this character is and what her place and purpose is in this world.
January 2023
Lute arrives in hell alongside Adam, leading the annual extermination.
Adam decides on a whim to extend the duration of the extermination by a full 24 hours. This causes much confusion and unrest in the denizens of the pride ring.
Adam sends Lute after Valentino, commanding her to humble but not kill him.
Lute destroys the porn studio and cripples Valentino, leaving him in the rubble of his establishment.
Lute kills, maims and harasses many sinners and hellborn over the next hours.
Adam calls Lute to his side once more, this time tasking her with the (unlawful) slaying of Charlotte Morningstar. Lute does not question this decision.
While searching for Charlie, Lute happens upon her father, Lucifer Morningstar, inside the royal palace. They proceed to engage in a short lived battle.
Lute drags herself deep into the Pentagram, severely wounded.
Lute fails to evacuate pride alongside her flock when the extermination ends. She is left behind.
Lucifer eventually finds Lute and has her confined within the Morningstar palace while her wounds are treated.
Lute maintains a hostile disposition in spite of the King's attempts to show her kindness and mercy. She holds firmly onto the hope that Adam will come back for her.
Days pass, Lucifer persists in treating Lute kindly. She eventually mellows out enough that Lucifer entrusts her with her own room in the palace where she is allowed to recuperate on her own.
Weeks pass. Adam does not return for Lute.
Lute begins to periodically sneak out of the palace to explore pride. She meets Eve in her garden and pleads with her to contact Adam so that she can return to his side. Eve obliges.
Despite this, Lute continues to be met with radio silence from heaven.
Lute meets Cain, Adam's son, the king of the circle of treachery. He takes in immediate interest in her latent potential for greatness, claiming that Adam is holding her back from reaching her true potential. Lute does not like this. They engage in battle. Lute gets her ass kicked (again).
February 2023
Lute and Lucifer spend more time together. He lets her try many types of food she had never seen or heard of up to this point.
Lucifer tells her about humanity and how he admires them for their passion and innovation. Lute is intrigued.
The palace archives become a regular haunt of Lute's. She does a lot of reading in her spare time (of which she has an abundance).
Despair begins to settle in once it becomes clear that Adam likely isn't coming back for her.
Lute becomes reclusive, holing herself away inside her room. Fearing that she might fall to hell's corruptive influence, she decides to end her life.
Lucifer worries for Lute and attempts to comfort her but Lute attacks, hoping that he will see that she cannot be swayed to hell's side and finally kill her.
Lucifer refuses to fight back. Lute tears out his throat, drinks his blood and devours his flesh. He still does not retaliate.
Lute breaks down once she understands that he is not going to end her life like she had hoped. It is starting to dawn on her that hell and it's rulers might not be as horrible and nightmarish as the Heavenly host/Adam had led her to believe. She does not know how to process this revelation.
Confused and mortified, Lute flees to the greed ring in order to get her bearings and work through her feelings, leaving Lucifer a note asking him not to look for her.
Adam finally sends a letter to Lucifer, demanding he return that which belongs to him or he will decend down to hell once more and wage all out war on the infernal realm.
Lucifer seeks lute out and delivers the news to her. She is conflicted as she has begun to warm up to the king of hell. She apologizes for attacking him and they embrace one another for the first time.
Lute and Lucifer spend more time together, growing closer as they learn more about each other and the similarities they share, connecting on a deeper, more intimate level.
Lute becomes acquainted with Paimon and Satan.
Paimon begins to keep an eye on her.
Word of Lucifer and Lute's burgeoning friendships spreads through the upper echelons of hell's caste system.
Lute and Lucifer share an intimate night together but she balks at the prospect of sleeping with him, stating that she is not ready for that type of closeness. In spite of being abandoned, she is still deeply in love with Adam. Lucifer respects her decision and does not press the matter further.
Lute spends time with Satan in the circle of wrath. In spite of butting heads, their mutual love for violence and bloodshed continues to draw them together.
The infernal blood Lute had consumed from Lucifer begins to take a toll on her health.
March 2023
Hell is in preparation mode for the impending war. Lucifer communicates that he will not let Adam take Lute unless she goes of her own volition.
Adam arrives in hell with the heavenly host in tow.
Paimon and Cain advice Lute to not let herself be pressured by Adam or Lucifer. She needs to make a decision that feels right for her.
Lute has a hard time deciding which side she should be fighting for but eventually opts to protect the demons of hell.
Adam confronts lucifer and Lute in the skies above Pentagram city. Adam claims to not have had the license to re-enter hell so soon after the purge but that he had been thinking about her every second since they parted ways and that he had pulled every string available to him to make this war happen. "This is all for you."
Lucifer feigns indifference toward Lute (in hopes of goading Adam into saying something damning so that Lute can see that he is only using her to get at the infernal king), saying that Adam is stupid for waging war over one measly angel. Adam retorts by saying that he would die for Lute. Heaven be damned. She is his only true friend.
Lute agrees to return to heaven under the condition that Adam withdraw his troops immediately as she does not want to watch more celestial blood spilt over her. He accepts these terms, takes her into his arms and flies her back to heaven.
They have a discussion back at the fort. Adam assures Lute, who is fearful of what he might do with her, that she will not be punished for her transgressions. She did what she had to do in order to survive. He has sex with her in her quarters despite still being married to Eve.
Adam asks Lute to marry him the following day. Seeing this as an opportunity to gain greater political power and perhaps make things easier on hell, Lute agrees.
Lute returns to work as Adam's servant and second in command. She moves into his manor in order to be closer to him. He is lukewarm with her when he is not treating her as his personal plaything. Lute does not see an issue with this citing her womanhood as making her inferior to him. It is only natural for her to service and pleasure him to his heart's content.
Adam and Lute get married.
April 2023
Cain visits Lute in heaven, chiding her for marrying a man as repulsive as Adam. Lute pleads with him to trust that she knows what she is doing, that she knows Adam better than anybody and that there is good in him.
Eve confronts and attacks Lute for sleeping with her husband, stating she always thought it was odd how much time they spent together, suspecting an affair had been taking place for a long time.
Lute meets Superbia, a throne serving directly under God.
Adam battles Raptor while Lute watches from a distance.
Adam kills Raptor but nearly dies in the process. This sends Lute into a hysterical frenzy.
Cain, who viewed Raptor as a father figure, shows up to finish the job but Lute refuses to let him. They engage in a lengthy battle. Lute eventually kills Cain.
Abel confronts a shell-shocked Lute, telling her that if she does not abandon Adam and run away he will kill both of them, before departing with Cain and Raptor's bodies.
Wounded and traumatized by what had just happened, Lute drags Adam's body back towards the golden city. Superbia finds them and brings them back to their home to be treated for their injuries.
Adam does not regain consciousness for another week. Lute remains by his side.
May 2023
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shmowder · 3 months
I'd be interested in hearing more about your aroallo character thoughts.
This is going to sound dumb, but as someone who is generally romantic to the point of tears I find it so difficult to wrap my head around. The one time I talked to someone about it, they made it sound like being aro was incompatible with a monogamous relationship? Maybe they were just talking about their own experience? And sometimes I'm just like - what even is romantic attraction. What does any of this mean 😭 /lh Obviously it's not your job to educate me, and I suppose the whole thing is rather subjective, so only answer this if you want to :)
🐿️ anon
I'd love to talk about them! thanks for asking.
And don't worry about it, honestly it's hilarious how opposite on the romantic attraction spectrum both of us are and yet we like the same characters and share the same taste in x reader stories.
Exactly! What even is romantic attraction? I think about it, and I just blank out. How can others tell what they're feeling is romantic and not just genuine care and unconditional love for another?
When you're younger, people tell you oh you'll grow up and know what being in love feels like. But silly, I already know what being in love feels like? I love my parents, and I love my siblings, I also love my stuffed toys, and I love my friends. But then they tut at you and pat your head saying "Oh that's not real love sweetie, you'll learn it soon don't worry"
So when Then eventually came and I have been in 4 relationships, the love I felt for the people I dated was the exact same love I felt for my friends and family. I didn't get what made them so special supposedly? Sure they're one of my favourite people and I care about them, I just don't feel differently towarda them than when we were friends.
Not to diminish the love I felt. It was massive I tell you, I would die for them. But I would also die for my friends so... they just happened to be my best friend?
I thought of romance as a preformance so I studied it! The petnames, the flirting and the romantic gestures. The language of flowers and the poetry verses. I wanted to get better at the preformace to make them happier and because it interested me as a form of art. Like some people study criminology when they want to write murder mysterious.
Romance for me is like moulding a clay pot, I enjoy learning about it to write it in my stories like any other genre. It also comes in handy to perform to others like a game of pretend. It's not something I can say I have ever felt, for a long time I thought everyone was also pretending and studying it like me, I didn't realise the clay pots we were making had a purpose besides the fun play of making it?
The process of making it is the fun part for me and not the clay pot itself. Which is why I never watch romance movies or read romance stories, it jusr doesn't interest me, and I don't get why the main characters aren't this passionate about loving their friends and family, too? So 90% of the x reader stories I read are just straight up smut.
I liked flowers for the botany and aesthetic like someone would admire a preserved butterfly in a glass case. I liked their language like any other language and how clever humans are to associate different objects with different occasions and make up meanings for relatively nonexistent things.
Tbh I still don't understand flirting, I see it as a complimenting competition. At least unless it's sexual in nature then I do get it and like it.
Aro is a huge spectrum like any other sexuality really. I'm Bi too. Some Aro people absolutely can't stand romance and avoid it like the plague because it makes them comfortable and that's fair. Some Aro people like me are absolutely fascinated by it as a phenomenal. Some others are neutral, it's like a dish served on a big buffet of different kinds of love, some would never glance it's way and avoid it, others would order it out of curiosity even if it tastes like nothing, while others don't really care either way.
But love has so many different aspects! I do feel love! Aro people love others in so many different ways. Romance is just one red rose in the colourful garden of the many emotions humans are able to experience. And ironically, red roses are my favourite flowers, even if i can't smell them.
So after that you'd see why some aro people are incompatible with the socially accepted definition of a relationship, and honestly they're fine with that. You don't need a relationship to be loved and having friends is more than enough for them.
Other aro people do want a relationship but not necessarily with monogamy. They are the most comfortable with it and it makes everyone in the relationship happy.
And some, like me, prefer monogony and a relationship. Humans come in many shapes and forms and their ways to deal with something they can't feel vary a lot.
Sure, I don't experience romance, but I am so full of love as a person that my partners always knew how much I cared for them and everything I did to make them happy. I didn't mind the relationship label, I just wanted my favourite person to stay with me only.
Now for pathologic characters, I'm just fully indulging myself by headcanon them as aro. It's really hard to tell irl because again, people express themselves differently. I never ever had a crush on anyone or felt any attraction besides sexual to another human.
Take Andrey and Peter for example, they clearly immensely love each other above all. Familial unconditional love at its finest. Platonic and full of devotion.
And despite Andrey's implied relationships with Eva and Maria in canon, he doesn't show any romantic intentions towards them? Like he feels extremely poly romance aversed aro to me, he doesn't care if Eva and Maria get with the bachelor and he doesn't express any affection besides platonic ones.
Eva however falls on the non-aro side for me. Ever since I played the bachelor route it's so blatantly clear she is head over heels crushing on Daniil. I may not feel romance but I sure can spot it from a mile away after studying it for so long.
Now Daniil is probably not aro but IN MY SOUL I WANT HIM TO BE. He loves love and humanity in general? Does it make it clear? He doesn't love Eva romanticly but he loves her symbolism in humanity's nature? He loves her essence and soul?
X reader Daniil would prefer a friends with benfits situation. He's a gentleman and never sleezy about it, but he's also not interested in romance gestures. He does love you and care about you like a dear friend tho.
Like how passionate he is above the truth and making progress. Why did we develop medicine if not to save our loved ones and ease their pain? Humanity as a whole is fully powered by love and spite, except that Daniil is more run by spite than most. He hates death, he hates the idea of Eva's innocence being lost and he hates other people suffering.
That's why Aglaya exploited that aspect of him. It's clear he is run by his own principles above all, and those principles include the betterment of humanity. The opposite of love isn't hate, its apathy and Daniil is the furthest thing from apathetic. He so desperately cares about everything all the time that it's sucking the life out of him.
Btw any time I'm talking about love, I mean love in general. Not romantic love. I'm talking about unconditional love, friendly love, familial love and even self love.
Capella is a prime example of aro too! She is looking out for the future of the town and thinking about politics when she is marrying Khan yes, but also she has more lines about him, when she is infected, all that she asks about is if he's well. When pushed, she admits that she doesn't love him, she never will but he will eventually grow to love her with time.
She cares, she deeply cares about him. Even if she'll never love him romanticly, she still loves him in all the other ways. Meanwhile Khan's answers when pushed about his feelings for Capella convay his romantic crush, he is flustered and embarrassed while Capella is confident and sure.
I've never felt flustered or embarrassed about loving someone either, because you love your friends all your life, you announce to the whole world how much you love your pets without a single hint of embarrassent so why would it be any different about someone you're dating?
Younger Vlad I think can't experience any type of love at all. He confides in you at the end that he never loved his mother, Victoria, despite the whole town loving her. He never hated her, he still cared but he just doesn't get the whole love thing at all.
And it does paint his character in a new light, he doesn't understand or feel love, in any form. It showed why he acts reckless and is confused when his father is angry at him. Why would his father care if he ends up hurt or not by his own actions? Love is sure weird.
So he looks at is subjectively. Much like he ignorantly wants to "uplift" the kin with better working conditions and enforce technology on them. He doesn't understand their ways which were built on love, all forms of love. He doesn't get their attachment to the earth, their love for their own mother.
Artemy is the vessel for absolute unconditional love in the game. His story is filled with it to the brim, much like the heart pumps more than blood onto your veins.
That's why I like seeing Aglaya as not aro. People always assume the mechincal and cold characters must be aro out of stereotypes, the "robotic" ruthless ones. Its so boring man. She clearly develops an attraction to Artemy through the story, and unlike Andrey doesn't paint it in a sexual light.
I spoke before about how her and Eva feel like the different embodiment of humanity's essence and i still stand by that. Also when Aglaya flirts with Artemy, he's neutral and doesn't reciprocate much yet she keeps going. But then at the end he hits you with the "she's my wife" line.
Like oh my god he loved her too all that time! Deeply! and she's smart enough to recognise that. She knew he didn't express himself romanticly and was fine with that, she also knew he didn't mind her flirting.
There is also Yulia, Victor, Nina and Maria who feel incredibly aro to me. Anna and Rubin too.
But of course when i write them in my x reader, I don't make them aro. Like I said it's just personal indulgence and I enjoy writing romance, it's really fun even when I don't feel it. Like a colourblind person painting! It's a science to me.
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weird-dere-writes · 10 months
in the main ichidere verse what are your favourite date spots? has he ever taken you to soul society?
In the main ichidere verse, Ichi and I go to a lot of cafes with animals :3. Cat cafes, dog cafes, hedgehog cafes, cafes with aquariums inside and such uwu. I just find getting to interact with the cute and pretty animals so nice and soothing and of course getting to have some sweet snacks and drinks along the way doesn’t hurt! Also just different kinds of cafes in general. Gaming cafes, maid cafes, brand themed cafes like Nintendo or Sanrio. In general just cozy spaces that you can explore and be surrounded by different fun or silly stuff owo. Those dates are ones usually planned by me.
Ichigo tends to like planning dates where we do more walking around and enjoying scenery (inside and outside). Dates planned by him are usually like walking the night market and getting street food, visiting public gardens, walking around the mall or other stores I’ve expressed interest in going to (sometimes includes a little traveling), big museums, going to the park or a zoo, etc. Normally we also go out to eat somewhere along the way too. As often as possible we try to go to new places on our little journey and try more yummy foods out there :)))).
I’ve met plenty of his friends from Soul Society but have never been there myself. The most I’ve seen is the shoji that appears indicating the passage there. Ichigo’s offered to take me, but I always chicken out because I’ve heard stories about the dangai precipice world in between the World of the Living and the Soul Society. The thought of having to run through that always scares the shit outta me lol. He tells me he can carry me through it if I want, but I haven’t let it happen yet. One day I will be brave and go there! Until then though, I will simply admire the hell butterflies that sometimes come out when Ichigo leaves to go there (after hugging and kissing him goodbye ofc <3). Sometimes they like to dance around me and follow me around. I like playing with them until they disappear. It makes me feel warm inside. Like a good omen. At least that’s the way I like to perceive it. Like whatever Ichigo is going to do will go well :3.
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monkeydluffy19920 · 1 year
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This song got stuck to my head and the main reason the inspiration hit was that the chorus, especially the "spoiling" part made me think of Sanji and Nami, immediately *laughs*.  
The song is called "Ihana kipu" (quickly translated "wonderful pain" or "sweet pain") and it's sung by Viivi and Robin who are quite popular singers in Finland at the moment. The song is basically about being in love :D
So it's in my native language and the chorus says first "Sä oot niin nätti et sä pilaat kaikki muut" and later "Heti kun nähtiin tiesin pilaat honey mut"  and the funny thing is that the word "pilata" actually literally means "to ruin something" but it is also very close to the words pilaantua/hemmotella which in english are translated "to spoil" which can be interpreted in various things but in this song/project it made me think of Baratie arc and how Sanji already from the beginning pampered Nami like a princess.
Anyway,  first sung verse is more viewed from Nami's perspective, her being left with a dreamy feeling after they've met and her missing Sanji already and her pondering whether she should call or text him.
Just like pondered in previous posts (for example x and x), I still doubt Nami would be that kind of person who shows her crush/love very openly (at least yet) in canon version especially if the other crew mates are around. The most logical reason is still that One Piece is a shounen and it's main target isn't romance in general.
But if we look this love-topic from Nami's perspective again, we should consider the fact that she is most likely very traumatized by her past (being forced to first witness a murder and then survive all by her own in order to save her loved ones). So, it's obvious that seeking for love might not be her tor priority at this point. However, if she would share a deeper interest in Sanji, there is a high possibility that what keeps her holding her emotions the most is that she is protecting herself from getting hurt.
Of course, Sanji would never hurt her (especially after Wci arc) but when the mind is traumatized, those inner demons keep on pushing (In Nami's case the fear of losing someone close one is haunting, this was seen for example in Water 7, Zou and Wci) so no wonder she would want to keep those feelings hidden. Besides, we don't know about her past relationships (since storywise they are pretty unnecessary at this point) but there can also be bad/toxic relationships in her history which could've affected her too. Then the chorus could be seen from both of their's perspective, first Sanji admiring Nami being so beautiful that other (ladies) "fade away" from his sight and then him missing her in general. Then next there is Nami admiring how Sanji from the first glance treated her well and her dreaming about meeting him again.
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It was tempting to edit amv longer but since Adobe Premiere Elements 7 old and laggy and keeps crashing more than the stocks the amv ended up being shorter than expected). Anyway, I wanted to use also clips from filler episodes after a long break since mosty I've been focusing on the WCI-clips in the latest SaNami or Sanji videos)(I have like million ideas in the to do-pile *laughs*) and perhaps in the future projects there will be again more filler-clips who knows?
 Anyway, hope you fellow fans enjoy :)
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
Beyblade Trope Pantheon - Burst
This links back to the Metal Saga version I done. Coming up is a list of the people in the Beyblade Burst verse and which tropes they would represent. Also included are how the links to the unabridged version of the tropes are written, except without the links, and unless it is the generic link. I then decided to include my main OC in this, because that's basically what I do all the time in these kinds of posts. They're in the Surge section because that's when their most important section of time is.
Mild edit on Lui's part to make use of one of his nicknames, also done on the parts of Nika, Ryota, Free, Shasa, Honey, Tobisuke, Arthur, Gwyn & Bel. Does not include all of them. Divided by season introduced, in order from the first to the last.
Valt Aoi - Genius Ditz -> An otherwise stupid person is incredibly amazing at one or more activities. | Visit the foolish yet talented and skilled unabridged version here.
Shu Kurenai - Stern Teacher -> A strict/no-nonsense teacher who still cares for the students. | You will visit the main page here or I will report you to the principal's office.
Rantaro Kiyama - Oral Fixation -> People who frequently chew on something.
Daigo Kurogami - Perky Goth -> A goth with a cheerful personality. | Let's have fun in the graveyard at night with the unabridged version here!
Wakiya Murasaki - It's All About Me -> Extreme or ultimate self-centeredness. | Read all about me here!
Alexander Shakadera - Does Not Know His Own Strength -> Someone has trouble toning their strength down to normal strength. | Visit the unabridged version here. Just don't click too hard; that's the third mouse this week.
Yugo Nansui - Samurai -> Members of the feudal military class that hailed from Japan, wielded swords, were peacekeepers, and had a strong code of honour. | Bow and pay respects to the unabridged version here, Troper-san.
Ukio Kibuki - Gratuitous Ninja -> Random ninja inserted in any situation just for the Rule of Cool. | HIYAAAA!
Zachary Kaneguro - Pretty Boy -> A boy or young man who is attractive in a feminine way, rather than the traditional manly way.
Orochi Ginba - Headphones Equal Isolation -> Wearing headphones shuts out the rest of the world. | Go here if you still hear us.
Ben Azuki - Determinator -> Someone that never gives up and never surrenders on their goal, no matter the circumstance. | Visit the unabridged version here, no matter what tries to stop you.
Ken Midori - Badass Adorable -> A cheerful, cute person who IS a badass fighter. | Don't get fooled by its cute looks. The unabridged version here can kick your ass!
Quon Limon - Cool Board -> Cool boards.
Gabe Brunai - Morality Pet -> Someone whom a villain or jerk is consistently nice to and has a soft spot for. | Visit the unabridged version that helps my good side here.
Lui Shirosagi - Names To Run Away From Really Fast -> A menacing or evil person with a menacing or evil-sounding name. | The White Tyrant welcomes you to the unabridged version here.
Nika Aoi - Precocious Crush -> A child has a cutesy crush on an older person. | Send a love letter to Shu Kurenai here.
Toko Aoi - Cheerful Child -> An optimistic, cheery kid. | Give the unabridged version a nice, big hug here!
Chiharu Aoi - Supreme Chef -> Man, that's one good cooker! | I cooked up a link to the unabridged version here.
Ryota Kurogami - Big Brother Worship -> A younger sibling who really admires their older brother. | My big brother Daigo is the greatest! You can see just how cool he is here.
Hoji Konda - Sixth Ranger -> A later addition to an already-established team. | Now we have an unabridged version in the team!
Hidetaro Shinoda - Putting The "Pal" In Principal -> The archetypal personable school principal. | Please come to my office to visit the unabridged version here; after all, it is a privilege having you at my school.
Sasaki/Shindo - Those Two Guys -> A pair of minor people serving as a mundane Greek Chorus.
Akira Yamatoga - The Rival -> Someone who often competes with the protagonist and they motivate each other to improve themselves. | Visit the unabridged version here. (Cue music out of nowhere.)
Jin Aizawa - Sleepyhead -> A chronically drowsy person. | Visit the unabridged vers... zzzzzz...
Naoki Minamo - For Science! -> Pursuing the advancement of knowledge for its own sake, often in completely amoral ways. | Click to go back to the unabridged article, for science!
The Referee - Cool Shades -> Badass sunglasses. | Put on your badass shades and visit the unabridged version here.
Kit Lopez - Combat Pragmatist -> Does whatever possible to win a fight - rules and honour be damned. | Bite the unabridged version on the ear here. Or pull its hair. Or poke it in the eye.
Raul Comas - The Mentor -> A person whose role is to ensure someone's development in case they can't do the pupil's task themselves.
Silas Karlisle - The Gadfly -> Someone who likes teasing or annoying others for laughs. | Goad the unabridged version here.
Free de la Hoya - World's Strongest Man -> One who's stronger than any other person. | Burst the unabridged version here.
Cuza Ackermann - Genki Guy -> Determined, confident, and hyperactive boy. | Oh my gosh! Visit the totally super-duper awesome unabridged version here ~♥!!!
Kristina Kuroda - Cute Sports Club Manager -> A cute girl who manages a high school sports team.
Shasa Guten - Only Sane Woman -> The one rational, well-adjusted person in a group of people who are, in a certain situation or just generally, weird. | Am I the only one who knows that you should keep Silas off the unabridged version here?
Rickson Clay - "Well Done, Son" Guy -> Someone who yearns for their parent or role model's approval, regardless of whether they're likely to give it. | Visit the unabridged manual for earning his respect here.
Trad Vasquez - Karma Houdini -> Someone in a completed work gets away with their foul deeds while avoiding justice. | Even though the unabridged version here got horribly vandalized at one point, the wiki vandal responsible never had their edit privileges suspended.
Joshua Burns - The Ace -> Someone who's great at something and is highly respected. | Pay tribute to the unabridged version here.
Boa Alcazaba - Ascended Extra -> A minor/background person becomes a major person.
Theodore Glass - The Corrupter -> A villain who tempts people into doing evil things. | Well, well, well... looks like you've finally discovered what makes the unabridged version so SATISFYING.
Norman Tarver - Creepy Shadowed Undereyes -> The area around someone's eyes is darkened to make them look scary.
Carl - Loyal Animal Companion -> A faithful animal friend.
Ataru Okinaka - The Shut-In -> Someone is unable to leave their house at will, usually due to a physical limitation or condition. | You can always find the unabridged trope description and examples here. It never leaves that page.
Ange Lopez - Good Parents -> Parents who are good to their children. | Visit the unabridged version and give your mummy and daddy a hug here.
Honey Guten - Fangirl -> A female who defines her fanhood by her affection for a particular subject. | Squeal about Joshua Burns here.
Ivan - Obsolete Mentor -> The mentor has become useless because everyone surpassed them. | Everybody's already better than the unabridged version, so you don't have to see it.
Django del Toro - The Casanova -> The often heartless "love 'em and leave 'em" seducer. | Hi, ladies. Wanna come over here to spend the night?
Stan Hamburg - Took A Level In Jerkass -> When someone becomes more of a jerkass. | Visit the unabridged version here, you moron!
Ghasem Madal - Deceased Parents Are The Best -> Dead good parents that are fondly remembered.
Ren Wu Sun - Awesomeness By Analysis -> Using observation and calculation to succeed.
Clio Delon - Vegetarian Vampire -> Vampires who don't (or try their best not to) feed off human blood.
Kurt Baratier - Cold Ham -> A large ham who manages to overact while still being The Stoic. | Behold the inestimable glory of the unabridged version here.
Aiger Akabane - Jack Of All Stats -> Good at everything, but the best at nothing. | Visit the balanced version here.
Naru Akabane - Farm Girl -> The hero is a humble farmhand. Except she usually isn't.
Ranjiro Kiyama - Improbable Hairstyle -> Either an exaggerated hairstyle or a perfect hairstyle without maintenance.
Fubuki Sumiye - Lightning Bruiser -> Strong, quick, AND tough. | Barrel through the unabridged version like a freight train here.
Suoh Genji - Brilliant, But Lazy -> A genius/talented slacker. | Visit the unabridged version here... maybe later...
Hae-Jin Oh - Gentle Giant -> An imposing and scary but kind-hearted big guy. | Cuddle up with the huge unabridged version here.
Taiga Akabane - Papa Wolf -> Mess with his offspring, and he will end you. | See the unabridged version here. Just- whatever you do, don't threaten the children.
Kana Akabane - Motherly Side Plait -> A motherly person wears her hair in a loose side plait or ponytail.
Koji Konda - Strong Family Resemblance -> Two family members (usually parent and child) look nearly identical. | Visit the unabridged version here. Yes, it looks like every other unabridged version, but that's just how identical twins are.
Tobisuke - Number Two -> The leader's right-hand-man or second-in-command. | C'mon, the Cap'n is waiting for you here, let's not make him wait!
Harumi Hijikawa - Gadgeteer Genius -> Person is good at inventing gadgets and other devices. | *Clink, clink, clink*. There, page's done!
Benimaru - The Big Guy -> A team member who specialises in physical jobs/fighting. | The trope's unabridged version is pretty large... for you.
Gumita - The Slacker -> Someone who does as little as possible. | Hey, there's an unabridged version, but I think I'll visit it later.
Phi - Psychopathic Manchild -> An immature and creepy and/or dangerous adult villain. | You're calling me a manchild?! Well, say it to my face at the unabridged version here, and I'll kill you!!
Laban Vanot - Fortune Teller -> Mystical person with powers of telling your fortune. | We see your future and predicts you returning to the unabridged version here.
Xavier Bogard - Warrior Prince -> A member of royalty that goes into battle.
Kyle Hakim - The Mole -> Someone is secretly working for the other side.
Hyde - Combat Sadomasochist -> Pain is pleasure. Their own, and others. | Yes! Hurt me mo- I mean, click here to see the unabridged version.
Evel Oxford - Brutal Honesty -> Honest truth hurts. | I'm being completely honest when I say the unabridged version is so painfully detailed and lengthy, even a Harvard Professor would fall asleep from reading it. And this whole wiki is a gigantic waste of time, anyhow.
Count Nightfell - Phantom Thief -> A thief archetype known for being elusive.
Dante Koryu - Everything's Better With Rainbows -> Rainbows are associated with power and the supernatural. | There's a rainbow at the unabridged version.
Delta Zakuro - Defrosting Ice King -> In personality, a cold person who warms up over time due to their relationship with someone (usually their love interest). | Defrost the unabridged version here.
Arman Kusaba - Took A Level In Badass -> A previously non-threatening person grows over time into a capable combatant. | The unabridged version here used to be a total wimp, but now it's one of the most respected unabridged versions out there.
Taka Kusaba - Pointless Band-Aid -> An adhesive bandage strip worn solely for aesthetic reasons.
Ichika Kindo - Hair Of Gold, Heart Of Gold -> An innocent, youthful, pretty, and caring blondie.
Tango Koryu - Cool Uncle -> An uncle that all their nephews/nieces adore.
Fumiya Kindo - Laser-Guided Karma -> When bad things happen to bad people at opportune times, and vice-versa for good people. | You totally deserved to endure the unabridged version here. Now take it and deal with it!
Joe Lazure - Death Or Glory Attack -> This move can win a fight... or lose it. | Roll the dice and take your chances at the unabridged version here.
Lodin Haijima - Training From Hell -> Extremely tough training. | Give me 30,000 push-ups and run 50 laps around the city before you can see the unabridged version here. Nonstop.
Pheng Hope - The Prankster -> Someone who loves practical jokes. | Set up a whoopie cushion for the unabridged version to sit on here.
Blindt DeVoy - Informed Ability -> Someone reputedly has a certain ability or attribute, but no one ever sees it. | Visit the life-changing unabridged version here.
Arthur Peregrine - A God Am I -> Delusions of godhood. | You dare defy my unabridged POWAH?! Thou shalt visit the ANNIHILATION that is the REGAL version HERE and be BEHELD upon the gargantuan edifice and ABSOLUTE power of the almighty SHADOW of Prime Apocalypse while Ominous Latin Chanting plays in the background!
Gwyn Reynolds - Agent Scully -> Someone who doesn't believe in the paranormal and finds contrived scientific explanations for it instead. | Unabridged version? Yeah, right. Everyone knows there's no such thing.
Gwyn Reynolds* - Yandere -> Someone who is highly affectionate and/or dangerously obsessive concerning their love/friend interest. | Wait, you're leaving Dante? No, don't leave. I made the unabridged version short and easy to read, just for you. Why do you look so happy when Delta wins a battle... where's that happiness when I win a battle? You have to stay and help me find my answer...! Or I'll MAKE you STAY! Now, Genesis!
*Subconscious only. Either disappeared or made conscious after Genesis helped Gwyn come to terms with their subconscious desires prior to the final battle with Dante of Victories vs. Inferno. Harmless/Obsession type. Did not understand bonds due to always willingly isolating themselves as they saw friends as a waste of time.
Hikaru Hizashi - Cool Big Bro -> An older male is seen as cool to a younger person.
Hyuga Hizashi - Leeroy Jenkins -> An idiot derails the team's plans by recklessly charging into the fray. | Rush headlong into the unabridged version here.
Guy - The Generic Guy -> An ensemble cast's unremarkable and non-distinctive member with a secondary role in the story. | Visit the generic unabridged version here.
Chuck - Non-Standard Design -> One person (or more) looks different from the rest. | One of these words looks different from the rest of the sentence, and thus links to the unabridged version. It's "unabridged".
Reina - Camera Fiend -> This person has a camera at all times, and isn't afraid to use it! | Get a good shot of the unabridged version here.
Harry - Killer Rabbit -> A small but deadly creature which looks cute and harmless. | Feel free to pet the cute, cuddly hedgehog here. Just be sure not to make him mad.
Lain Valhalla - When He Smiles -> An unhappy or inexpressive person's smile is especially lovely.
Clarkov Sahaidachny/Furutani - Tragic Ice Person -> An emotional, sympathetic &/or tragic person associated with cold, ice, & snow. | Warm up a sad ice woobie by watching the dandelions with them here.
Bel Daizora - Chuunibyou -> A teenager or childish adult with delusions of embodying what they see as "cool". | By the evil forces of the Dark Arcane Demon Belfyre, sealed in my upgraded forbidden right-spin bey, the Dark Prince demands you see the unabridged version here!
Bashara Suiro - Bad Powers, Good People -> I have evil powers, but I will be good instead. | The unabridged version uses its life-ruining powers to educate readers on the details of this trope.
Hanna Suiro - Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl -> A duo where he's pragmatic and she's genki.
Ranzo Kiyama - Gratuitous Foreign Language -> Different language interspersed with another.
Rashad Goodman - Innocently Insensitive -> A good person who casually offends people without intending or meaning to. | Just visit the unabridged version here! Huh?—Is it too hard for you to read or something like that? ...Hey, why are you upset? What's wrong?
Ilya Mao - Rollerblade Good -> Badass rollerskating.
Phelix Payne - Freudian Excuse -> A traumatic incident in someone's childhood or adolescence that makes them the way they are. | The unabridged version always bullied me, so I am gonna mutilate and murder all entries!
Pri Forsythe - Dance Battler -> Are they fighting or dancing? (Both.) | Let's dance, unabridged version!
Pax Forsythe - Dream-Crushing Handicap -> A physical handicap/disability prevents one from doing what they want. | Visit the unabridged version here, if your arm isn't crippled and you can launch a bey.
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imprvdente · 7 months
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𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐓 Fish has... a lot of verse ✨ so this is a little cheat sheet, organized by themes, to better see all the verses and possibilities! → You can find all the details of her verses here.
Law enforcement / Crime
FBI - Fish Monet, FBI Agent & Profiler
Murder Family - Fish Lecter, FBI Agent by day, serial killer by night
Main verse - Fish Monet, steals a lot of stuff
Mafia - Fish Lecter, spoiled daughter of a mobster
MI6 - Oceanne Holmes, MI6 agent
Kingsman - Oceanne Holmes, Agent Sacremor, spy
Killing Eve - Fish Monet, works for the Twelve
Main verse - Fish Monet, she can time travel so any historical era works
18th century - Lady Oceanne Lecter, looking to marry, secretly a cannibal
18th century - Lady Fish Nelson, daughter of an admiral, naval officer
Pirate - Fish Monet, orphan, pirate
Victorian - Fish Monet, daughter of an exorcist, exorcist
Medieval - Fish Monet, daughter of a wizard, thief
Main verse - Fish Monet, literally an immortal
Exorcist - Fish Monet, daughter of an exorcist, exorcist
Murder Family, vampire edition - Fish Lecter, only she's a vampire
Goddess - Ràn, the Nordic goddess of storms and oceans
The God's Daughter - Fish Lecter, was adopted by an ancient forest God
Wizarding World - Fish Monet, Gryffindor, accidental Horcrux
Hunger Games
District 4 - Fish Monet, victor of the 69th Hunger Games
District 1 - Fish Lecter, victor and gamemaker
Capitol - Amphitrite Flickerman Holmes, adopted daughter
ABOSAS - Fish Monet, victor of the 4th Hunger Games, peacekeeper
ABOSAS - Fish Lecter, lives in the Capitol
Percy Jackson
Daughter of Poseidon - Fish Monet, was kind of a gift from Poseidon, it's complicated
Daughter of Athena - Oceanne Holmes, was definitely a gift from Athena
Jurassic World - Fish Monet, marine dinosaur keeper and specialist
Zombie Apocalypse - Fish Lecter, survivor, still a cannibal
Connections Guide
Fish Monet -> Standard verse, no pre-established connections
Fish Lecter -> Verse developed with @omniishambles‘s Hannibal Lecter
Fish Holmes -> Verse developed with @governmentofficial’s Mycroft Holmes
Fish Nelson -> Verse developed with @admiraltyspride’s Nelson
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
GAHHH OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY first of all holy smokes I love the theme on your blog so much it's so cool and the red is just,,, chefs kiss oh man💗💗🥹!!
OKAY AJAJA would it be alright if I asked for a matchup for Spiderverse (either of the other fandoms work if they're easier/more fun to work with!! I love all of the fandoms there as well ajajja) :O??<3 please take as long as you need with it!!💗🙏
my persona:
name: ellie :D
personality: ENFP/ENTP (but E and I are bound to change depending on how I'm feeling while taking the test BWAHSHSHD so here's another description!!): I'm a generally optimistic person with the sense of humor of an eight year old boy. I will laugh at your mom jokes and then apologize and then make another one😭 I enjoy helping people and creating things, but I do tend to question my morals a lot and wonder why I am helping those people !! I really like the idea of self-improvement and knowing there's always room for more :D reminders are always great too because I forget a lot of things SJDBSJSJHS
zodiac sign: aries!
ideal type: i'm okay with being paired with any gender, no preference! i'm also a minor/highschool student if that helps at all :D (i'm totally on board with platonic matchups as well, i'm unlabeled so for me i can roll along w just about anything!! whatever is easiest GAARAHH). i really admire people who are kind at heart, it doesn't matter how they show it :D i admire people who are humble but not meek, and are willing to speak their minds when it feels right to them OH MAN and I also love people who i can go on and have deep talks with them and fall asleep next to them giggling like im 7 years old at a sleepover every night. OH AJDJSJ and I also love watching shows meant For Literal Children/cartoons because I find them genuinely hilarious and the lessons are always so good 😭🙏 creativity is important to me as well + education for passions :D my giving love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, and my main receiving is acts of service and physical touch! :D
my favorite trope: SHDHDJDJ FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY or any forms of domestic fluff!! 💗💗(sharing a bed and hurt/comfort and being held after a nightmare is my JAM BWAHHS)
favorite season: autumn :)))
hobbies: I absolutely love biology/biomed/environmental science :D! I love going to aquariums and (art) museums and learning about my passions. i definitely want to work at an aquarium as one of those people who give tours to the 3rd graders one day 🥰🙏 I also love listening to instrumental scores from movies!! (I CRIED OVER THE ONES FROM ATSV I AM UNWELL) how to train your dragon and big hero 6 are definitely up there as a few of my favorites :D oh man I also love performing and doing musical theatre for the sake of the community WAHHHSJ,, I love art and writing even though I can get pretty bad writer's block AND OH MAN I love tutoring a lot and going on bike rides when I'm alone !! I love hanging out w people but I also value my alone time as well, and soMETIMES (I AM WORKING ON IT SJXJSJ) I tend to become a doormat where i can't say no and worry about how I am in public places (bUT I HAVE NO PROBLEM DOING PRESENTATIONS WHICH I FIND HILARIOUS SJXNSKJD), but again I SWEAR I am working on it !! =D💗
and the fandom for spider verse would be great :D!! but again anything else is totally okay!!!
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— honeymoon :
– hobie thinks it's a little funny, honestly, how things turned out with you — the two of you are almost polar opposites, but you know what they say ; opposites attract, and you were his missing puzzle piece — hobie didn't like labels, but there was no denying that he certainly had a thing for you, and you couldn't deny that you liked him either, so you settled in middle ground.
– hobie would come to your place every night — that's how it started, you'd watch a movie or two and once the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself laying in bed with him, huddled up in his arms with your head resting on his chest and his face buried in your hair, the two of you talk about alot of stuff, jumping from one topic to another about completely unrelated things — he likes listening to you talk, likes the sound of your voice and how it immediately soothes him into a good mood — but once the clock nears five am, and you start mumbling and tripping on your words and your eyelids become heavy, he places a soft kiss on your lips, telling you it's time for bed before holding you close and the two of you eventually fall asleep.
– hobie has a knack to convincing you to do things you wouldn't usually do, like going out with him at three am on a supposed 'date' where he takes you to one of the city's highest rooftops with a couple of snacks and the radio playing your favourite songs, he likes to draw and often brings his sketchbook to those dates, so the two of you doodle on the pages, slapping stickers on them and creating a perpetual memory, and he thinks — actually, believes, that no matter what, he'd never forget you, and he has reached a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, he may be in love with you.
— what's on the radio : moonlight, kali uchis
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a/n : hello??? kirishimas-manly-eyeliner ?? 😭😭 i used to follow you, i loved your blog sm and you were legit one of my inspirations to write 😭😭 i didn't know you were aware of my blog holy shit, i love you so much 😭 thank you for the request and your ask was so much fun to read like shejwkwk, you're such a nice person help 😭 thank you sm for the request again, ily — also atsv was so good, i cried alot during the moving so you aren't alone, and i loved hobie's animation ! i loved the way they colored him and how he looked like he was out of a panel and the way he changed colors (??) it was so good, he's one of my faves pls 😭 i hope this did you justice and that you like it ! once again thank you sm for the request <33
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gumpistol · 4 months
💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write?
✨ Are you easily intimidated by muns or muses that you admire?
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💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write?
   I honestly think it's a combination of both, especially when it comes to writing Luffy! For example, if i see that someone has a straw hat verse, i immediately start getting ideas and want to be part of that if i can. and i'm sure ideas pop up when i read metas too, i just can't think of any specific instances right now. i do think the majority of ideas ( especially with Luffy ) come from the most random shit in my brain though, and then somehow eventually manifest into something different? at least for new interactions, otherwise ideas come as i discuss headcanons ooc with other muns, which in a way is like reading them, just not reading them on the dash. i guess in some chaotic way, my ideas come from everywhere, from every direction, and i genuinely don't know how to to sort through them all??
    like just the other day, i was riding home from work, and i have no idea how i got to this thought, but i got to thinking about Luffy and entomophagy ( eating insects ) and i had to scribble that down as soon as i walked in the door. now that i think about it though, i think it's because i had been discussing food/eating habits with wilder the day before, which originally stemmed from their meta on Doffy's food habits. so yeah, all the ideas, all the time, inspired from so many different sources!
✨ Are you easily intimidated by muns or muses that you admire?
   i think at this point i am very rarely intimidated. once upon a time i was, but coming into this fandom originally by myself AND writing one of the most friendly and outgoing characters, i didn't really see room to let intimidation keep me from interacting? i was definitely nervous at first with writing a new character, and a main, beloved, and complex character at that. but people were very chill as i gradually figured out my voice for Luffy, and now those nerves are pretty much gone, because after 7 months of having this blog, i have confidence in the way i write him! :D
   i think of maybe two or three instances where "intimidation" was a factor, but i look back on it now, and i think it was more of an uncertainty on how to communicate with certain people, like being unable to get a read if that makes sense? so i guess i'm more so intimidated when i don't know how to start the conversation. that's why originally i had an interest tracker on this blog to kind of get an idea of what people would be interested in talking about or plotting, because i am autistic and that direct "this is what i want" really helps me when reaching out. i'm thinking about revamping that and maybe linking it again since i've definitely gotten several new folks here since removing it. 
      🇲​​🇺​​🇳​ ​🇨​​🇴​​🇲​​🇲​​🇺​​🇳​​🇮​​🇨​​🇦​​🇹​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇵​​🇷​​🇪​​🇫​​🇪​​🇷​​🇪​​🇳​​🇨​​🇪​ / @enruiinas
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shougancid · 9 months
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse! // @icybreaths
My muse(s): Mariko 'Mari' Hagihara
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
This is the part where I'm shameless and admit I love reading your headcanons and finding out more about Jewel because I am weak and think she is the bee's knees. I do love it when people come into my IMs and scream about muses with me though so if you ever wanna!
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Bleach verse works best for them both I think as that's Jewel's main verse and one of Mari's like 87 AUs.
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I just remember your post saying Jewel's been a Shinigami for a good few hundred years and Mari's relatively new to the role, having done it for about sixty or so years, so I can see her looking up to Jewel in her own way. They both have a zanpakuto that people probably don't initially respect (albeit for different reasons, but I can see Mari having an admiration for Jewel that she doesn't say out loud but is kind of obvious to anyone who knows her. She's just a cool lady.
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
I am very much a go with the flow but also scream about things in IMs kind of girly because I am a loser. I really enjoy the little thread we have going at the moment!
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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13eyond13 · 10 months
What do you think that made Death Note different from any other shounen? Also, why do you think that most people said it's overated? I don't mean anything negative, just want to know your opinions on this. Thanks to you I started Death Note manga and anime, and I love it (sorry as a new fan, at first I hesitate because of the negative stigmas that I found on fandom about this series).....
Oh, that's interesting that you didn't want to start it because there was a stigma surrounding it or its fandom! I feel like I'm fairly oblivious to what kind of negative stereotyping is out there about this fandom or the series, so I can only speculate about what kind of bad things you were hearing. But very glad you decided to give it a shot anyway, and flattered that it was because of me!
I think in terms of people saying it's "overrated" or "not ACTUALLY good" my POV is that's just kind of how people start talking about immensely popular and iconic things that became so mainstream they're basically start being taken for granted or seen as uncool to get stoked about anymore. Death Note is definitely considered one of those series that basically anybody can get into even if they've never read a manga or watched an anime before, and I think the fact that it's so easily accessible for most can sometimes make certain people look down on it as "basic" or whatever instead of just appreciating it for how broadly it can appeal to people - especially if they're the type who sort of pride themselves on being into stuff that's not that mainstream or easily accessible to all.
As for what I think makes it different than any other Shonen animanga, I feel like I maybe am not incredibly well-versed on Shonen series as a whole, and so might not be the best authority for answering this? But I DO remember reading somewhere at some point that DN is almost more satirical and ironic in tone than many other ones are at times, in how it kind of subverts certain common tropes and aspects of those series. I think stuff like the ambitious heroism of the protagonist and the "power of friendship" being a driving force in the story are often the hearts of many Shonen Jump series, but in Death Note that is sort of turned on its head by having the main character using his heroic ambitions to become the worst serial killer who ever lived. And the "friendships" in this series are more often than not sarcastic facades where people are nearly constantly scheming about how to undermine each other and defeat each other. Whereas I think often you are just meant to straight-up admire and sympathize with the heroes in Shonen series, you definitely aren't necessarily supposed to look at the characters in this series and see it as the kind of behaviour that you should try to emulate yourself!
I'd say something else about it that is probably a bit unusual for a Shonen series is how much of the battling is done through stuff like conversations and emotional manipulation and phone calls and emails rather than by punching one another or using over-the-top superpowers and whatnot? It's almost more like a mundane slice of life office or school drama half the time than it is an action manga, even though the characters are still using supernatural weapons to do their dirty deeds.
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